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Interview Session

– Resume

– Tell Something about Yourself

– Rating

– DW Concepts

– Informatica

– BO

– Cognos


• Copy Shamelessly – But type yourself

• Name, Page x/y – At the bottom of each page

• Before Sending – send it to yourself and take a Print out

• Spell Checking


• On Phone or Personnel - Have glass of water beside.

• Do not take the Interview on a Cell Phone, as much as possible

take it on Land Line – If it is Telephonic Interview.

• Have Paper and Pencil/Pen with you.

• Do not be under pressure – At the same time do not miss an


• Relax and Cool mind.

• Interview is an Discussion – WIN – WIN Situation

Tell Something About Yourself

• Write up of about 2 Pages

• Should contain brief about the current Project –

Roles and Responsibility,
Your contribution

• Make sure you Practice – It should be completed in 3 to 4 Minutes.

• This will build confidence in you.

Check List – To get a Job

• Purpose of the Project

• Project Description

• Project Architecture

• Table’s Structures

• No. of Dimensions and Fact Tables

• Client Information

• Client Location

Check List – To get a Job

• Roles and Responsibility

• DW Concepts


• Pl/Sql

• Tool

Interview Flow

• Rate yourself in a Scale of 1 – 10 – being the Best.


• DW Concepts

• Informatica

• Cognos/BO

Interview Flow

• Flow of the Complete DW Concepts

• Informatica Flow – Everything should be co-related to Project as

much as possible – First Define, Co-relate to project, Optimization.

• Difference between – Simple, Medium, Complex Mappings.

• Development Means – Break Logic + Unit Test + Documentation

Mappings - Types

• Simple Mapping – Loading from Source to Staging

• Medium Complex Mapping – SCD Type 1

• Complex Mapping – SCD Type 2, Fact Loading

• What is Complex Mapping –

• Time Taken to Load the Data

• Complex Logic to Develop

• Loading of Data Using Aggregator Transformation – Taking More


• Complex Mapping – SCD Type 2

Unit Test

• First Check the Data Types in the Source and Target.

• First Check the Data in the Source – by writing SQL Queries

• Do the Sample Count of the Records, then Take one set of data

• After Loading the Data check the Target data from the same set of


Performance Tuning

• The first step in performance tuning is to identify the performance


• Look for performance bottlenecks in the following order:

— Target
— Source
— Mapping
— System


Performance Tuning - Target

• Target

• Drop indexes and key constraints.

• Increase checkpoint intervals.
• Use bulk loading.
• Increase database network packet size.
• Optimize Oracle target databases.


Performance Tuning - Source

• Source
• Optimizing the Query
• Check the Indexes
• Order by , Group by
• Optimizer Hints


Performance Tuning - Mapping

• Mapping

• Optimize datatype conversions – Too much conversion of data types

• Optimize transformations
- Use Filter as near to the Source Qualifier
- Use the Order by in Aggregator.
- Lookup – Tuning the SQL Query
- Remove the Cols. Not Required

• Optimize expressions
- Use Decode Function – Multiple IIF’s
- Use Operators instead of Functions


Performance Tuning - System

Optimizing the System

• Improve network speed

• Use multiple PowerCenter Servers
• Improve CPU performance
• Check hard disks on related machines


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