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Learning Module


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Knowledge Area Code : SCIENCE Peninsula
Course Code : TELE 0413 State
Learning Module Code : LM02-TELE 0413-3 University
Learning Module 02
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Bataan Peninsula State University

President: Gregorio J. Rodis, PhD

Learning Module Development Team


Writer 01 (Romualdo B. De Guzman, Jr.)


Evaluator 01 (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position

Evaluator 02 (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position
Evaluator 03 (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position

Quality Management Team:

Arlene I. Pascual
Focal Person, University Gender and Development

Cristina G. Rivera
Chair, Oversight Committee on Curriculum Development

Arlene D. Ibañez
Chair, Oversight Committee on Textbook and Instructional Materials

Jesselyn C. Mortejo, EdD

Director, Quality Assurance Office

Emmanuel C. Macaraeg, PhD, CESE

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Learning Module: Purposive Communication 3

Table of Contents
Chapter 3 Farm Tools, Equipment, Inputs and Labor

Hand Tools

Farm Implements

Common Farm Equipment

Pre-operative Check Up of Farm Tools and Equipment

How to Clean Your Tools and Equipment

Farm Inputs

Farm Labor

Labor Requirement for Land Preparation

Labor Requirement for Planting Seedlings

Learning Module: Purposive Communication 4


01 0413

Learning Module

Course Packet 01

Farm Tools,
Equipment, Inputs and

This is a
Knowledge Area Code : TLE property of
Course Code : TELE 0413 Bataan
Learning Module Code : LM-TELE 0413 Peninsula
Course Packet Code : LM-TELE 0413-01 University
Learning Module: Purposive Communication FOR


01 0413

Course Packet 01

Farm Tools, Equipment, Inputs and Labor

Introduction Key Points:
This chapter discusses farm tools and equipment used in
agricultural crop production. The leaner may enable to identify and explain
their description and function. At the same time, proper maintenance and  Farm
operation that will prolong the serviceability of the tools and equipment. In  Equipment
addition, this discusses the inputs and labor requirement that is essential in  Implements
 Labor
the production operation.
 Input

At the end of this chapter the students are expected to: Definition of Terms:
• Recognize and Select Farm tools
• Identify and Select Farm Equipment
Farm Equipment. These
• Perform Maintenance
are machineries used in
• Remember and Understand the Farm Inputs and Labor crop production. They are
used in land preparation
and in transporting farm
inputs and products.
Learning Management System These equipment need a
highly skilled operator to
The learning management system of this module does not require face to face or actual
use it.
teacher-learner interaction. This will be considered as online course where in the Farm Implements.
learning module and class will be access by the learner through google classroom. The Accessories pulled by
learner will be given code for the classroom enable them to access learning materials, animals or mounted to
and the module. Likewise, the module, learning materials and other related documents machineries to make the
is stored to the google drive. In addition, lecture and or discussions will be done work easier
Farm Tools. Objects that
through google meet based the scheduled time and day of the leaners. In advance the are usually light and are
instructor or professor will provide them a link code to the class meeting by posting it used without the help of
to the stream of the google classroom for information. animals and machines
Preventive Maintenance.
Duration An activity or operation
done to prevent
malfunction of tools and
 Topic 03: Farm Tools, Equipment, Inputs and Labor = 8 hours equipment and it is done
(6 hours self-directed learning with practical to prolong the useful life of
exercises and 2 hours assessment) tools and equipment
Repair. To restore to
Delivery Mode good condition something
broken or damaged.
The delivery mode of this course pocket will be an online synchronous meeting (google
meet). Since the module and other learning materials will be sent to google classroom and
drive. The google meetings will additional inputs in explaining the topics and the
activities of the module together with the target dates to accomplish the assigned tasks.
Assessment with Rubrics

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01 0413

Direction: Make a group that composed of 5 students. In each group, search and download in
each at least three (3) videos on how the different common farm equipment works. After that,
show/present it to class. Make sure that all students will watch all videos carefully.


CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
All videos Most videos Some videos Few videos
Accuracy are shown are shown are shown are shown
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.
All group Most group Some group Few group
members members members members
Teamwork were were were were
participated participated participated participated
the activity. the activity. the activity. the activity

Requirement with Rubrics


Direction: Follow the instructions below.
1. Visit a vegetable farm near to your school or home
2. Get the following data of the following:
a. Area
b. Crop
c. Age of crop
d. Quantity of planting materials (in kgs)
e. Number of workers prepared the land
f. Number of days consumed in preparing the area
g. Amount of salary given to each worker during land preparation
h. Number of worker planted the area
i. Number of days consumed in planting the area
j. Amount of salary paid in planting the area
k. Number of worker fertilized the area from planting up to the date of this survey.
l. Quantity of fertilizer used from planting up to the date where survey was made
m. Amount of salary paid in applying fertilizer from planting to the date of this survey
n. Quantity of fertilizer to be used after the survey until harvesting
o. Number of workers required to perform fertilization after the survey until final
p. Amount of salary needed for fertilizer application after this survey until harvesting
q. Estimated irrigation expenses from planting up to harvesting
r. Estimated worker hired to perform irrigation from planting to harvesting.
s. Estimated days for spraying pesticides
t. Estimated workers needed for spraying insecticides
u. Estimated cost of insecticide used in spraying
v. Workers salary during spraying of insecticides
w. Estimated number of weeding operation
x. Estimated worker needed in weeding
y. Workers salary during weeding

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z. Estimated worker employ during harvesting

3. Present your data in tabular form
The following reading materials were:
De Guzman, RB. 2020. Farm Tools, Equipment, Inputs and Labor. Powerpoint Presentation
De Guzman, RB. 2020. Agrifishery. Module 1 TELE 0413 Agrifishery.
Test I. Multiple choice
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
____1) A proper tool for digging.
a. Bolo
b. Crowbar
c. Grub hoe
d. Pruning shear
____2) A proper tool for cutting grasses.
a. Shovel
b. Bolo
c. Crowbar
d. Mattock
____3) Which tool does not belong to the group according to its use as?
a. Crowbar
b. Pruning shear
c. Mattock
d. Shovel
____4) Farm tools are very important in agricultural crop production because they
a. Make work faster
b. Male work easier
c. Save time and effort
d. All of the above
____5) A farm tool used for cleaning the ground and levelling the topsoil.
a. Shovel
b. Pick-Mattock
c. Rake
d. Spade
____6) A farm tool that looks like a spoon primarily used for transferring the soil.
a. Spade
b. Shovel
c. Rake
d. Wheel barrow
7) An open container with a single pair of wheel at the front and two handle at the rear used
for transport materials to another place.
a. Trailer
b. Hand tractor
c. Wheel barrow
d. Improvised Basket
8) It is an implement which is pulled by working animal to till the soil.
a. Disc harrow
b. Disc plow

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c. Native plow
d. Native harrow
9) It is an implement mounted to a tractor that is used to pulverize the newly plowed soil.
a. Disc harrow
b. Disc plow
c. Native plow
d. Native harrow
10) A farm tool primarily used to operate horticultural works.
a. Pruning shear
b. Knife
c. Cutter
d. Harvester
11) Which of the following farming is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for
digging up stones and tree stumps?
a. Shovel
b. Spade
c. Hoe
d. Pick-mattock
12) It is a tool used without the help of animals or machines. Being used in performing farm
activities which involve small areas like school garden and home garden.
a. Shovel
b. Hand tools
c. Grass cutter
d. Grab hoe
13) It is a tool used for cleaning the ground and leveling the topsoil.
a. Sickle
b. Spade
c. Pruning shears
d. Rake
14) Which of the following is the accessories which is being pulled by working animals or
mounted to machineries usually used in the preparation of land. Usually made of a special
kind of metal.
a. Farm tools
b. Farm equipment
c. Farm implements
d. None of the Above
15) Which of the following is equipment used in land preparation and in transporting farm
inputs and products? This equipment needs a highly skilled operator to use.
a. Farm tools
b. Farm implements
c. Farm equipment
d. All of the above
II. True or False.
Direction: Read and analyze each statement below. Write T if the statement is correct; F if the
statement is incorrect on the space provided.
______1) Hand tractor is used to draw irrigation water from a source.
______2) Tools that are worn out should be separated and be fixed immediately to avoid

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______3) When sharpening with a file, do not use oil; metal filings will accumulate and clog
the file's serrations.
______4) Water will help tools to work as intended and will prevent the formation of rust.
______5) For pruners, use a whetstone because it produces a very sharp cutting edge.
Lesson Proper
Do include the following:

 Review. As a review of the past lesson that connects to the present

the topics, the learners were asked questions on the following.
1. What is agricultural engineering?
2. What is agricultural economics?
 Activity.
1. Enumerate and explain the common farm tools that are
common used by famers near your home?
2. State at least 2 reasons why some farm equipment
easily depreciate and no longer serviceable?

 Processing of the Activity.

1. Define the following:
a. Farm equipment
b. Farm implements
c. Farm tools
d. Preventive maintenance
e. Repair
2. What is a hand tool?
3. Enumerate the different hand tools commonly used in
the farm?
4. Enumerate the different farm implements?
5. What are different farm equipment?
6. What are the different farm inputs?
7. What are the labor requirements in land preparation?
• Brief Lesson.


Farm tools, implements, and equipment play very important role in

agricultural crop production. Their availability makes the work much easier and
faster. However, even if one may have the most sophisticated tools and
implements, but does not know how to use them, they are useless. In order to do
crop production operations successfully, one must have a good working
knowledge of the tools, implements and equipment before using them.

Hand Tools

Hand tools are usually light and are used without the help of animals or
machines. They are being used in performing farm activities which involve small
areas like school garden and home garden. Examples:

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1. Axe is for cutting bigger size post.

2. Bolo is used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of
3. Crowbar is used for digging big holes and for digging out big stones and
4. Grab-hoe is used for breaking hard topsoil and pulverizing soil.
5. Hand Cultivator is used for cultivating the garden plot by loosening the
soil and removing weeds around the plant.
6. Hand Fork is used for inter row cultivation.
7. Hand Trowel is used for loosening the soil around the growing plants and
putting small amount of manure fertilizer in the soil.
8. Knife is for cutting planting materials and for performing other operations
in horticulture.
9. Light Hoe is used for loosening and leveling soil and digging out furrows
for planting.
10. Pick-mattock is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for
digging up stones and tree stumps.
11. Pruning Shears is for cutting branches of planting materials and
unnecessary branches of plants.
12. Rake is used for cleaning the ground and leveling the topsoil.
13. Shovel is used in removing trash, digging loose soil, moving soil from one
place to another and for mixing soil media.
14. Sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade
typically used for cutting weeds.
15. Spade is used for removing trash or soil, digging canals or ditches and
mixing soil media.
16. Spading Fork is used for loosening the soil, digging out root crops and
turning over the materials in a compost heap.
17. Sprayers are for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and
18. Sprinkler is for watering seedlings and young plants.
19. Wheel barrow is used for hauling trash, manures, fertilizers, planting
materials and other equipment.
20. Water Pail is for hauling water, manure and fertilizers.

Farm Implements

These are accessories which are being pulled by working animals or

mounted to machineries (hand tractor, tractor) which are usually used in the
preparation of land. These are usually made of a special kind of metal.
1. Plows are farm implements either pulled by a working animal or a
tractor. The plow is specifically used for tilling large areas, making
furrows and inter row cultivation. Plows pulled by working animals
are made of either, a combination of metal and wood or pure metal.
They are used to till areas with a shallower depth than that of the disc
plows which are pulled by tractors. Examples; Native plow and Disc

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2. Harrows are used for tilling and pulverizing the soil. The native
wooden harrow is made of wood with metal teeth and pulled by a
carabao while the disc harrow is made of metal mounted to a tractor.
3. Rotavator is an implement mounted to a tractor used for tilling and
pulverizing the soil.

Common Farm Equipment

These are machineries used in crop production. They are used in land
preparation and in transporting farm inputs and products. These
equipment need a highly skilled operator to use.
1. Hand Tractor is used to pull a plow and harrow in preparing a large
area of land.
2. Four Wheel Tractor is used to pull disc plow and disc harrow in
preparing much bigger area of land.
3. Water Pump is used to draw irrigation water from a source.
4. Thresher is a piece of farm equipment that threshers grain, that is, it
removes the seeds from the stalks.
5. Corn Dehusker machine is used to peel the skin of corn and make
maize removed from the cob.
6. Rice Harvester makes the harvesting process easier by combining six
operations such as gathering, transporting, reaping, threshing,
cleaning and bagging into one machine.
7. Grass Cutter a device used to cut the grass, as a lawn mower.
8. Rice Seeder is for sowing germinated paddy seed directly in wetland
9. Miller is to remove the husk and the bran layers, and produce an
edible white rice.


Imagine that the long, hot summer vacation has finally come to an end
and it‘s the beginning of the school year and you are ready to start working
your vegetable gardens. But before that let us check first our tools, implements
and equipment you are going to use.
Grab with your working clothes and personal protective equipment (PPE).
Proceed to the shop to retrieve your tools so that you can start clearing
away the last remnants of summer and begin tools to see that they are covered
with rusts and dirt that has hardened and crusty globs of oil that have collected
dust last vacation. It seems that you are going to spend more time cleaning
breaking the soil for a new year. Imagine your frustration as you start pulling
out all of your and repairing tools on this nice day than you will actually use

How to Clean Your Tools and Equipment:

Let‘s start with the basics. Your shovel, spade, hoe, or even the blades on a
hedge trimmer will be a lot easier to use if you take a few minutes to knock some
of the rust off the blade. Not only will this extend the life of the tool, but also it will

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01 0413

cut through the soil better, and thus require less effort to use, if it has a nice sharp
It is a good idea to keep a large whetstone in your shop. A whetstone is an
ideal tool to use to keep all of the cutting edges of your garden tools honed. It will
work well on your pruning shear, as well as many other common garden tools.
The best way to use the stone is to find a way to stabilize the tool that you
want to work on. A bench vise is ideal. You will be able to clamp the tool into place
at an angle, so you can work on it. Clamping the garden tool into place with a vise
frees up both of your hands to use the whetstone and gives you more control over
what you are doing. Apply a little bit of lubricating oil to the end of the tool and
carefully begin to work the stone over the blade. Maintain a 30-degree angle
between the stone and the blade to form the ideal cutting edge for your tool. Not
only will the edge become sharper, but you will also be removing any pitting and
rust that has formed at the edge of your tool‘s blade.
In instances where the moving parts of your garden tools (such as with of
any new pruners, shears, and loppers) have frozen in place, like springs and pivot
joints, you should disassemble them first carefully break free any rust or dirt that
may keep the tool from functioning properly. Clean accumulated rust and dirt off
all metal surfaces with a wire brush. Remove stubborn rust from
small tools with fine steel wool. Using an old toothbrush with some lightweight
lubricating oil is a great way to work fresh oil into the joints of most garden
tools. Not only will this fresh oil helps your tool to work as it was intended, but
it will also prevent the formation of rust. Use medium-grit sandpaper to remove
rust on larger tools such as shovels, spades, and hoes.
Once your tools are cleaned, they're ready to be sharpened. When
sharpening, try to maintain the original factory bevel or angle. For pruners, use
a whetstone because it produces a very sharp cutting edge. Depending on the
type of whetstone, apply a few drops of oil or water to the stone. With the
beveled side of the blade against the stone, rub the sharp edge of the blade
toward the stone in a curved motion, as if you were trying to shave off a thin
slice from the stone.
When working with a file, stabilize the blades in a vise or against a solid
surface such as a work bench to avoid injury and ensure an even stroke. Always
push the file across the blade in a motion away from your body. Move
the file diagonally, so that its cutting teeth are biting into the metal on the tool.
When sharpening with a file, do not use oil; metal filings will accumulate and
clog the file's serrations.
Farm implements like ordinary plow and wooden harrow should be
checked thoroughly before use. Loosened bolts and nuts should be tightened
firmly. Disc plow and harrow should also be lubricated on their moving parts
like bearings. Tractors should be tuned-up very well by skilled operator. Check
on their oil, lubricant, fuel and cooling system.


They are defined as products permitted for use in organic farming.

These include feedstuffs, fertilizers and permitted plant protection products.
The resources that are used in farm production. The following are examples:

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01 0413

Seed is a material which is used for planting or regeneration purpose.

However scientifically, it is a fertilized matured ovule together covered with seed
coat and it is a propagating material. Thus, seed is the most vital and
crucial input for crop production.
Fertilizer is a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to
increase its fertility. There are two types of fertilizer; organic and inorganic.
Pesticide is a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms
harmful to cultivated plants or animals.


Farm labor is the manpower to perform agricultural works such as land

preparation, planting, sowing, plant caring, maintenance, harvesting, and
storing. It is the comprehensive efforts by an individual or group of men to
successfully fulfill the needs of the demand of farm operations.


This includes:
1. Plowing using animal/plowing using tractor
2. Clearing of the land using hoe.
3. Harrowing using hand tractor


This include:
1. Transplanting of seedlings


This includes:
1. Fertilizer Application
2. Pest Control
3. Irrigation
4. Weeding
5. Harvesting
6. Threshing Rice
7. Drying Rice
8. Threshing Corn
9. Drying Corn
10. Storing

Course Packet Discussion Forum

(In this section examples may be provided or questions may be posed for learners
to discuss. It is recommended to give learners topics on a weekly basis. If the class
is large, you may break the class into smaller discussion groups and assign a
weekly “moderator” to report to the larger class with a group summary. This
discussion is typically 10% or more of the course participation grade.)

Test I. Identification

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01 0413

Direction: Identify each farm tool, equipment and implements. Write your answer
in the space provided.
_________1. It is a farm tool used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping
branches of trees.
_________2. It is a farm tool used for breaking hard topsoil and pulverizing soil.
_________3. It is handy tool used for cutting planting materials and for performing
other operations in horticulture.
_________4. A farm tool used for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides
and herbicides.
_________5. It is a farm tool used for hauling trash, manures, fertilizers, planting
materials and other equipment.
_________6. It is a hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade
typically used for cutting weeds.
_________7. It is an implement mounted to a tractor used for tilling and
pulverizing the soil.
_________8. It is used for cutting bigger size post.
_________9.It is used for cutting branches of planting materials and unnecessary
branches of plants.
_________10. It is a farm tool use for inter row cultivation.
Test II. Enumeration
Direction: Enumerate the following:
1. Give at least ten (10) different hand tools used in farming.
2. Give at least five (5) different farm equipment.
3. Give three (3) different farm implement

 References.
Asuncion, Ramon G,, Agricultural Arts
Phipps, McColly, Scranton, & Cook, Mechanics Textbook
Tony Biggs, Growing Vegetables
Jef Van Haunte-Lyds Quileste, Growing Rich, Tasty Veggies in Harmony with Nature

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01 0413

Activity Sheet

After learning what are the different farm equipment? You will be compiling pictures
of farm equipment and its instructional manual.
1. Collect pictures of various farm equipment and instructional manual. You may
clip pictures from the internet.
2. For the pictures taken from online sites, copy the URL and paste below the
3. Cut the pictures and paste it on word documents provided.
4. Search the uses or functions of this equipment and write it below or beside the
5. If the instructional manuals are available paste it on the same document.
6. Compile the sheets into word document.
7. Submit it to your instructor or professor.

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01 0413

Test I. Matching Type.
a. used for spraying insecticides, foliar
fertilizers, fungicides and
______1. Sprinkler
______2. Knife
b. used for hauling water, manure and
______3. Hand Fork
______4. Bolo fertilizers
______5. Rake c. used for watering seedlings
______6. Shovel d. used for cutting planting materials
______7. Pruning Shear used for leveling the top soil
______8. Sprayer e. used for removing trash, digging
______9. Pail loose soil, moving soil from one
______10. Axe place to another and for mixing soil
f. used for cutting bigger size post
g. used for cutting branches of
planting materials and unnecessary
branches of plants
h. used for inter row cultivation
i. used for cutting tall grasses and
weeds and chopping branches of
Test II. Answer the following:

1. Define equipment. (4 points)

2. Give the specific uses and function of the following equipment:
a) Hand tractor (3 points)
b) Four wheel tractor (3 points)
c) Water pump (3 points)

Test III. TRUE OR FALSE: Read and analyze each statement below .Write True if the
statement is correct; False if the statement is incorrect on the space provided for.

______1. It is not advisable to use the stone in a stabilized way.

______2. Tools that are worn out should be separated and be fixed immediately to avoid
______3. When sharpening, try to maintain the original factory bevel or angle.
______4. Always push the file across the blade in a motion away from your body.
______5. Clean accumulated rust and dirt off all metal surfaces with paint.
______6. Move the file diagonally, so that its cutting teeth are biting into the metal on the tool.
______7. Use medium-grit sandpaper to remove rust on larger tools such as shovels, spades,
and hoes.
______8.When sharpening with a file, use oil.
______9. Oil helps tool to work as intended and will also prevent the formation of rust.
_____10. For pruners, use a whetstone because it produces a very sharp cutting edge.

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Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: __________________________________________________________
Program : __________________________________________________________
Year Level : ______________ Section : __________________
Faculty : __________________________________________________________
Schedule : __________________________________________________________

Course Packet : Code : _________ Title : __________________________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

 I completely get it.  I’m struggling.
 I’ve almost got it.  I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this course packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor?  Yes  No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this course packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


Learning Module: Purposive Communication 26

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