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Chatra LVUP
PKG 2 (From Km 312+560 to 313+810)
As Per SOR 2015-16 DBL BOQ rate As Per SOR 2018-19
BOQ rate of (Banglore Circle) (Banglore Circle)
Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Agencies
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=4x7 9 10=4x9

Traffic arrangements during construction in accordance with MORTH
1.01 Specifications clause 112, IRC:SP-55. IRC-67 and IRC-35 and supplementary - - - -
technical Specifications

Providing services for safety, control and management of traffic as per traffic
management and safety plan approved by the engineer Including the provision
a Month 4 110,088.23 110,088.23 440,352.90 110,088.23 440,352.90 110,088.23 440,352.90
and availability of Safety, Health and Environment Manager with support staff and
the required Traffic marshals/flagmen during construction period.

Supply of retro-reflectorized cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign made

of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting fixed over aluminium sheeting 1.5
1.02 - - - -
MM thick supported on GI pipe 50 MM dia as per IRC: 55 with retro-reflective name
plate lettering in black.
a Men at work (Fig. No WZ.NW24) Nos 4 4,007.21 4,007.21 16,028.86 4,007.21 16,028.86 4,007.21 16,028.86

b Work Zone END Signs (Fig. No. WZ.WW14 & WZ.NW24) Nos 4 4,843.88 4,843.88 19,375.52 4,843.88 19,375.52 4,843.88 19,375.52

c Speed Limit 30 Kmph with No Overtaking (Fig. No. WZ.NR07 & WZ.NR16) Nos 4 4,843.88 4,843.88 19,375.52 4,843.88 19,375.52 4,843.88 19,375.52
d Temporary Diversion Ahead (Fig. No. WS.WW02) Nos 4 4,931.96 4,931.96 19,727.82 4,931.96 19,727.82 4,931.96 19,727.82
e Road closed Ahead (Fig. No. WZ.WR01) Nos 4 4,931.96 4,931.96 19,727.82 4,931.96 19,727.82 4,931.96 19,727.82
f OHM Hazard Markers (Fig. No. 5.12 & 5.13) Nos 4 2,201.76 2,201.76 8,807.04 2,201.76 8,807.04 2,201.76 8,807.04
g OHM Hazard Marker and Keep Left (Fig. No. 5.12 & Fig. No. WZ.NR24) Nos 4 3,082.47 3,082.47 12,329.89 3,082.47 12,329.89 3,082.47 12,329.89
h TYPE III Barricade (Fig. No. 5.15) Nos 4 5,108.09 5,108.09 20,432.38 5,108.09 20,432.38 5,108.09 20,432.38
Reflectorized Cones- (750 MM height, as per 5.2.1 of IRC SP-55-2014, Fig. No.
i Nos 10 484.39 484.39 4,843.89 484.39 4,843.89 484.39 4,843.89
Supply of Chevron Board 500x600 MM with all complete set (angles frame,
1.03 aluminium sheet 1.5 MM thick with high retro reflective sheet etc.) including Nos 4 2,818.26 2,818.26 11,273.04 2,818.26 11,273.04 2,818.26 11,273.04
enamel paint as per IRC: 55 (Fig. No. WZ.NW32)

Supply of Chevron Board 1600x430 MM with all complete set (angles frame,
1.04 aluminium sheet 1.5 MM thick with high retro reflective sheet etc.) including Nos 4 6,164.94 6,164.94 24,659.75 6,164.94 24,659.75 6,164.94 24,659.75
enamel paint as per IRC: 55 (Fig. No. WZ.WR05)
Clearing and grubbing road land complete as per drawings and Technical
2.01 Hectare 2.11 32,957.78 37,300.00 78,553.80 32,957.78 69,409.08 32,600.00 68,655.60
Specifications Clause 201
Dismantling structures and pavement Including disposal of resulting materials
2.02 and / or salvaging useful materials complete as per Technical Specifications - -
Clause 202

a Bituminous Pavement by excavation equipment any thickness Cum 400.00 234.27 242.00 96,800.00 234.27 93,708.00 280.00 112,000.00

b Bituminous Pavement by milling using suitable equipment upto 50 mm thick Sqm 35.23 -

c Granular layers (existing GSB, WMM etc.) Cum 900.00 162.93 242.00 217,800.00 162.93 146,634.30 280.00 252,000.00

d PCC/RCC Cum - 1,012.82 1,000.00 - 1,012.82 - 800.00 -

e Guide Rails / Fencing / Kerb / Gutters Lm 2,340.00 75.74 14.11 33,017.40 75.74 177,240.96 14.11 33,017.40

BILL NO.3: Earthwork -

Page 1 of 18
As Per SOR 2015-16 DBL BOQ rate As Per SOR 2018-19
BOQ rate of (Banglore Circle) (Banglore Circle)
Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Agencies
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=4x7 9 10=4x9

Excavation in all type of soil necessary for construction of road and drains
3.01 Cum 528.00 54.60 38.50 20,328.00 54.60 28,830.38 34.00 17,952.00
complete as per Technical Specifications Clause 301.
Excavation in all type of Soil / Ordinary Soil for foundation of Structures
3.02 (Culverts, Bridges / Retaining Walls etc.) as per Technical Specifications Clause Cum 248.00 87.19 35.50 8,804.00 87.19 21,623.62 50.45 12,511.60
Construction of embankment with approved material from borrow areas
3.03 Cum 76,642.00 232.51 160.00 12,262,720.00 232.51 17,819,724.85 295.00 22,609,390.00
complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 305
Construction of embankment with suitable materials deposited at site from
3.04 roadway and drainage excavation complete as per drawing Technical Specification Cum 264.00 74.86 74.86 19,763.04 74.86 19,763.04 74.86 19,763.04
Clause 305
Construction of subgrade with approved materials from borrow area satisfying
3.05 the requirements of minimum soaked CBR value (10%) as per drawings and Cum 19,298.13 265.10 190.00 3,666,643.75 265.10 5,115,836.45 320.00 6,175,400.00
Technical Specifications Clause 305.
Construction of subgrade with suitable material deposited at site from roadway
3.06 excavation satisfying the requirement of minimum soaked CBR value of 10% as per Cum 98.64 -
drawing and technical specification clause 305
Construction of Earthen shoulder with approved material from borrow area
3.07 Cum 56.00 265.10 190.00 10,640.00 265.10 14,845.32 320.00 17,920.00
complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 305
Construction of Median with suitable materials deposited at site from roadway
3.08 and drainage excavation including all leads and lifts etc. complete as per Cum 6,318.00 74.86 117.00 739,206.00 74.86 472,978.12 159.00 1,004,562.00
drawing and Technical it Ion Clause 408

Backfilling behind abutments, retaining wills, earth retaining walls , return walls
3.09 Cum 200.00 690.47 593.00 118,600.00 690.47 138,094.20 735.00 147,000.00
with soil conforming to the general guidelines given in Appendix-6 Of IRC-78

Construction of surface unlined ditch drain in grade to drain out water complete
3.10 Lm - 92.48 52.50 - 92.48 - 51.00 -
as per drawing Technical Specifications Clause 309 or as directed by the Engineer

Turfing side slope of main road and service road with grass sods complete as per
3.11 Sqm 25.90 -
techinical specification clause 307
Filling of wells, ponds and ditches with approved material with all leads and lifts
3.12 Cum 179.67 -
complete as per technical specification clause 305
Constructing Granular sub-base (GSB) to Grading.-III complete as per drawing and
4.01 Cum 7,692.25 1,236.51 1,665.00 12,807,596.25 1,236.51 9,511,544.05 1,780.00 13,692,205.00
Technical specifications clause 401

Constructing Granular sub-base (GSB) to Grading- III complete as per drawing and
4.02 Technical specifications clause 401 using the material obtained from Item No. Cum 540.00 211.37 - 211.37 114,137.10 110.00 59,400.00
2.02 (b)

Constructing Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) base complete as per drawing and
4.03 Cum 8,349.91 1,477.83 1,680.00 14,027,848.80 1,477.83 12,339,722.45 1,830.00 15,280,335.30
Technical Specifications Clause 406
Providing cement concrete M-20 For Kerb ('I' Type) as per drawing and MORT&H
4.04 Lm 4,680.00 454.45 328.00 1,535,040.00 454.45 2,126,807.28 273.00 1,277,640.00
Specifications Clause 409 and Technical Specifications.
Paving of footpath in separator/passenger shelter platform / part of median
4.05 and island with 38 mm pre-cast cement concrete blocks/ tiles complete as per Sqm 1,374.52 506.84 864.00 1,187,581.82 506.84 696,652.82 800.00 1,099,612.80
drawing and Technical Specifications clause 410
Providing and laying bituminous 7.0 Kg to 10.0 Kg/10 Sqm (Slow Setting) primer
5.01 coat over granular surface as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause Sqm 33,733.00 19.38 58.50 1,973,380.50 19.38 653,644.34 60.00 2,023,980.00
Providing and applying 2.0 Kg to 3.0 Kg/10 Sqm over hot Bituminous surface
5.02 (Rapid Setting) tack coat over prepared surface all complete as per Technical Sqm 54,628.00 7.14 10.00 546,280.00 7.14 389,880.04 8.65 472,532.20
specifications clause 503 (Rapid setting)
Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) course with Grading - 1
aggregates and 4.0% bitumen content using VG 40 grade bitumen complete as Cum 1,521.00 5,782.72 6,980.00 10,616,580.00 5,782.72 8,795,511.04 6,390.00 9,719,190.00
per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 505.

Page 2 of 18
As Per SOR 2015-16 DBL BOQ rate As Per SOR 2018-19
BOQ rate of (Banglore Circle) (Banglore Circle)
Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Agencies
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=4x7 9 10=4x9

Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) course with Grading - 2
5.03 aggregates and 4.5% bitumen content using VG 40 grade bitumen complete as Cum 1,864.01 5,880.47 7,530.00 14,035,957.65 5,880.47 10,961,232.59 6,900.00 12,861,634.50
per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 505.
Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete (BC) with Grading - 2 aggregates and
5.04 5.4% bitumen content using VG 40 grade as per drawing and Technical Cum 2,185.12 6,893.28 8,230.00 17,983,537.60 6,893.28 15,062,645.38 7,810.00 17,065,787.20
Specification clause 507
Providing, Laying and Jointing 1000 MM Dia NP4 Hume Pipes for culverts,
6.01 Lm 4,811.44 10,350.00 - 4,811.44 - 7,570.00 -
complete as per technical specifications clause 2900
a 1200 MM Dia 6,289.51 - - 10,240.00 -
b 1000 MM Dia 4,811.44 10,350.00 - - 7,570.00 -

Providing and laying Plain Cement concrete for levelling course, foundation,
6.02 Cum 52.30 4,384.15 5,240.00 274,052.00 4,384.15 229,291.15 5,055.00 264,376.50
Head / Toe wall etc. as per Technical Specification clause 1500,1700 & 2100

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete for foundations, Substructure

6.03 and Super Structure as per drawings and Technical Specification clauses 1500, -
1700, 2100, 2200 & 2300

a M-20 Grade Cum 211.20 4,563.82 6,910.00 1,459,392.00 4,563.82 963,878.57 5,750.00 1,214,400.00

b M-25 Grade Cum 4,660.70 7,510.00 - 4,660.70 - 5,960.00 -

c M-30 for Foundation Cum 37.64 4,732.91 7,550.00 284,200.88 4,732.91 178,158.60 5,630.00 211,927.28

d M-30 (Raft, Wall and Slab of VUPs & PUPs) Cum 61.50 5,648.11 7,550.00 464,325.00 5,648.11 347,358.89 5,980.00 367,770.00

Providing and laying Reinforcement - TMT Bars as per drawings and Technical
6.04 MT 22.08 41,044.41 59,500.00 1,313,522.00 41,044.41 906,096.40 69,500.00 1,534,282.00
Specification clause 1600
Providing and fixing of Drainage Spouts as per drawings and Technical
6.05 No. - 622.59 495.00 - 622.59 - 422.00 -
Specification clause 2705
Providing and laying RCC Approach slab (M30) as per drawings and Technical
6.06 Cum 56.70 4,791.92 10,030.00 568,701.00 4,791.92 271,702.09 9,020.00 511,434.00
Specifications clause 2704
Pavement markings in Lane/Centre line/Edge marking/ Traverse marking ,and
7.01 any other marking with hot applied Thermoplastic material complete as per Sqm 1,187.03 281.83 762.00 904,519.40 281.83 334,536.86 528.00 626,753.60
drawing and Technical Specifications clause 803

Providing and painting black/white, black/yellow with road marking quality

7.02 paint (Two coats) on kerbs and crash barrier, all complete as directed by the Lm 7,073.60 110.97 114.27 808,300.27 110.97 784,963.28 117.20 829,025.92
Engineer and as per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 803

Providing and Fixing RCC boundary post complete as per drawing and Technical
7.03 No 46.80 370.16 485.00 22,698.00 370.16 17,323.53 600.00 28,080.00
Specifications Clause 806 (including cost of reinforcement)
Providing and fixing RCC/PCC hectometre, kilometre and 5th kilometre stones
7.04 complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications clause 805 (including cost of - -
reinforcement, painting and marking)

a Hectometre Stone No 10.00 421.69 585.00 5,850.00 421.69 4,216.86 620.00 6,200.00

b Kilometre Stone No 2.00 1,521.06 2,245.00 4,490.00 1,521.06 3,042.13 2,230.00 4,460.00

c 5th Kilometre Stone No 2.00 2,535.64 3,640.00 7,280.00 2,535.64 5,071.28 3,680.00 7,360.00

Providing Speed Breakers at cross roads as per drawings and technical

7.05 Lm 42.00 1,721.78 2,139.80 89,871.60 1,721.78 72,314.80 2,030.60 85,285.20
Providing RCC Crash Barrier (Including Reinforcement) as per drawings and
7.06 Lm 53.60 4,636.92 3,670.00 196,712.00 4,636.92 248,538.75 3,000.00 160,800.00
technical Specifications Clause 811

Page 3 of 18
As Per SOR 2015-16 DBL BOQ rate As Per SOR 2018-19
BOQ rate of (Banglore Circle) (Banglore Circle)
Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Agencies
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=4x7 9 10=4x9

Plantation of tree saplings and shrubs complete as per Technical Specifications
7.07 Km 1.17 55,899.28 66,500.00 77,805.00 55,899.28 65,402.16 66,000.00 77,220.00
and as directed by engineer for median/verges.
Providing and laying stone pitching in slopes complete as per drawing and
8.01 Cum 1,443.00 -
technical specifications and as directed by Engineer In-charge
Providing and laying filter media of Stone conforming to Technical Specifications
8.02 - behind abutment, wing wall, return wall, Retaining wall etc. clause Cum 4,352.96 1,007.68 900.00 3,917,663.73 1,007.68 4,386,373.02 1,050.00 4,570,607.68

Supplying and fixing of Chute drains connecting catch pits in super elevation
8.03 Lm 1,149.32 1,149.32 - 1,149.32 - 1,149.32 -
sections, complete as per drawings or Technical Specification Clauses

Supply and install single guide rails (W beam Crash barriers) as per drawings and
8.04 Lm 120.00 2,014.49 2,920.00 350,400.00 2,014.49 241,738.56 2,420.00 290,400.00
technical specifications clause 811
Providing double sided W beam metallic crash barriers as per special technical
8.05 Lm 2,567.70 3,650.00 - 2,567.70 - 3,050.00 -
specifications clause 811 and IRC-5-1998
Removal and Refixing of existing crash barrier (single sided W beam) with new
8.06 Lm 1,321.06 -
post with all leads and lifts.
Removal and Refixing of existing crash barrier (double sided W beam) along with
8.07 Lm 1,453.17 -
new post with all leads and lifts.
Providing and fixing chain link fencing as per drawings and technical
8.08 Lm 100.00 904.37 1,830.00 183,000.00 904.37 90,437.40 1,630.00 163,000.00
specifications clause 808
Chain Link Fencing - Shifting of existing chain link fencing (Removal and
8.09 Lm 262.01 -
Refixing) as per drawings and instruction of engineer.
Rain Water harvesting unit complete as per directions of engineer-in-charge and
8.1 No. 2.00 48,614.96 48,615.00 97,230.00 48,614.96 97,229.92 48,615.00 97,230.00
as per additional specifications A-7
Supply, providing and fixing 150 dia/165 Dia PVC runners and down take pipes
from soffit of deck slab at flyover locations and inside the Crash Barrier with
8.11 Lm 63.00 479.46 479.46 30,205.98 479.46 30,205.98 479.46 30,205.98
Friction slab with all contractor’s material, complete and as directed by the
Reinforced Earth Wall -

9.01 Fascia Panel/blocks including capping beam and levelling pad (Clause 3105) Sqm - 3,514.01 1,218.00 3,514.01 1,218.00

a RCC M35 RE Wall Panel (Casting) Sqm 2,497.64 1,077.00 913.50 2,281,594.14 1,077.00 2,689,958.28 913.50 2,281,594.14
b RE Wall Panel Erection Sqm 8,564.64 2,437.01 304.50 2,607,932.88 2,437.01 20,872,113.33 304.50 2,607,932.88

9.02 Geofabric strip (considered only for SOR rate qty) Lm 113,652.77 234.00 26,594,748.84 - - 234.00 26,594,748.84

9.03 crash barrier with friction slab incl. reinforcement (Clause 3106) Lm - 8,608.90 11,723.57 8,608.90 11,723.57

a crash barrier with friction slab Casting Lm 1,473.00 5,165.34 7,034.14 10,361,291.17 5,165.34 7,608,542.28 7,034.14 10,361,291.17
b crash barrier with friction slab Erection Lm 2,023.00 3,443.56 4,689.43 9,486,712.84 3,443.56 6,966,318.64 4,689.43 9,486,712.84

9.04 Granular fill behind RE Wall (Clause 3104) Cum 45,726.47 832.27 450.00 20,576,913.26 832.27 38,056,589.53 450.00 20,576,913.26

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As Per SOR 2015-16 DBL BOQ rate As Per SOR 2018-19
BOQ rate of (Banglore Circle) (Banglore Circle)
Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Agencies
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=4x7 9 10=4x9

Providing weep holes in abutment, wing walls, and return wall complete as per
9.05 No. 120.00 133.31 267.00 32,040.00 133.31 15,996.96 247.00 29,640.00
drawings and technical specification clause 2706

Sign Boards
Retro Reflectorized traffic signs
Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorized cautionary, mandatory and
Informatory sign as per IRC:67-2012 & Section 800 of MORTH
B. Supported on a class B GI pipe 80mm outer dia, 3.5 mts height
(min. effective height 1.90 mts) made of micro prismatic retro
reflecting type XI sheeting as per table 6.9 of IRC-67-2012

A) 60 cm equilateral triangle (Cautionary) each 4 2,781.00 2,781.00 11,124.00 2,781.00 11,124.00 2,781.00 11,124.00

B) 120 cm equilateral triangle (Cautionary) each 4 5,039.17 5,039.17 20,156.68 5,039.17 20,156.68 5,039.17 20,156.68

C) 60 cm circular (Mandatory) each 4 3,429.00 3,429.00 13,716.00 3,429.00 13,716.00 3,429.00 13,716.00

D) 90 cm high octagon (Mandatory) each 4 5,404.50 5,404.50 21,618.00 5,404.50 21,618.00 5,404.50 21,618.00

E) 80 cm x 60 cm rectangular (Informatory) each 4 4,428.00 4,428.00 17,712.00 4,428.00 17,712.00 4,428.00 17,712.00

F) 60 cm x 45 cm rectangular (Informatory) each 4 3,357.00 3,357.00 13,428.00 3,357.00 13,428.00 3,357.00 13,428.00

G) Hazard Marker (900 x 300 ) each 6 - - - -

h Single Chevron ( 80cm x 60cm) each 4,920.00 -

Direction and place Identification signs with size more than 0.9
sqm size board.
Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro-
reflectorized sign as per IRC :67¬2001
Note 1. Including lettering and arrow marks on sign board to be m2 38.4 7,650.00 7,650.00 293,760.00 7,650.00 293,760.00 7,650.00 293,760.00
provided as per actual requirement.

Road Delineators each 125.00 279.00 279.00 34,875.00 279.00 34,875.00 279.00 34,875.00

Road Studs each 277.78 162.00 162.00 45,000.00 162.00 45,000.00 162.00 45,000.00

Gross Amount 175,459,520.27 170,729,254.32 187,513,529.61

Gross Amount with 4.75 % rebate 162,619,614.74
Gross Amount with 4.75 % rebate and 24% escalation @ Dec 2021 175,459,520.27 201,648,322.27 187,513,529.61
GST @ 12% 21,055,142.43 24,197,798.67 22,501,623.55
Gross Amount (with COS) incl. GST 196,514,662.70 225,846,120.95 210,015,153.16

Page 5 of 18
Earthwork 75670 972 76642 232 17,780,944
SG 18083.125 1215 19298.125 265 5,114,003
GSB 7233.25 459 7692.25 1236 9,507,621
WMM 7857.16 492.75 8349.91 1477 12,332,817
Prime coat 31843 1890 33733 19.38 653,746
DBM2 1769.505 94.5 1864.005 5880 10,960,349
DBM1 1521 1521
Tack coat 34328 20300 54628 7.14 390,044
BC 1373.12 812 2185.12 6893 15,062,032
Shoulder 56 56 6893 386,008

RE Wall

Scope Rate completed balance
by DBL
Fascia panel 3,514
Chatra casting 12,789 1,077 10,291 2,498
erection 12,789 2,437 4,224 8,565

FS with CB 15,408 8,609

Chatra casting 2,293 5,165 820 1,473
erection 2,293 3,444 270 2,023

Chatra 64,620 832 18,894 45,726

Filter media
Chatra Highway 5,791 1,008 1,641 4,151
Structure 1,008 82.35

Chatra & Motebennur Hindrance

l w d Qty
Earthwork 2340 9 3.5 73710
SG 2340 15.25 0.5 17842.5
GSB 2340 15.25 0.2 7137
WMM 2340 13.32 0.25 7792.2
Prime coat 2340 13 30420
DBM 1170 13 0.11 1673.1
DBM1 1170 13 0.1 1521
Tack coat 2340 13 30420
BC 2340 13 0.04 1216.8

l w d Qty
Earthwork 70 7 4 1960
SG 70 6.875 0.5 240.625
GSB 70 6.875 0.2 96.25
WMM 70 3.712 0.25 64.96
Prime coat 70 3.5 245
DBM 70 3.5 0.105 25.725
Tack coat 70 13 910
BC 70 13 0.04 36.4
Shoulder 70 2 0.4 56

l w d Qty
Tack coat 140 13 1820
BC 140 13 0.04 72.8

Total MCW Layers

Entry Exit
Prime coat 200 4 800
DBM 200 4 0.06 48
Tack coat 200 4 800
BC 200 4 0.04 32
Under LVUP
Prime coat 12 31.5 378
DBM 12 31.5 0.06 22.68
Tack coat 12 31.5 378
BC 12 31.5 0.04 15.12

Amount Remarks

2,689,958 7067 Sqmts of

Casted panels were
20,872,113 available at site

7,608,542 650 mts of Casted

Crash Barriers were
6,966,319 available at site



ur Hindrance MCW full width

rate Amount
232 17,100,720 LHS 312580 313750 1170
265 4,728,263 RHS 312580 313750 1170
1236 8,821,332
1477 11,509,079
19.38 589,540
5880 9,837,828

7.14 217,199
6893 8,387,402

61,191,363 2340

rate Amount Widen

232 454,720
265 63,766 LHS 313750 313820 70
1236 118,965
1477 95,946
19.38 4,748
5880 151,263
7.14 6,497
6893 250,905
265 14,840
1,161,650 70

rate Amount Only BC

7.14 12,995
6893 501,810


RHS 312500 312580 80

62,867,818 RHS 313750 313810 60


19.38 15,504
5880 282,240
7.14 5,712
6893 220,576
19.38 7,326
5880 133,358
7.14 2,699
6893 104,222
Sl. No Chainage Emb SG B.A GSB WMM Prime Coat DBM Tack Coat BC marking REMARKS
Side Type Length Remarks
From To 3.05 4.01 4.03 5.01 5.03b 5.02 5.04b 8.01
9 312+575 313+480 LHS 905 Punch list Upto DBM Top 6335.000 253.400 60.333
30 313+480 313+750 LHS 270 De-scope All layers pending 972 1215 459.000 492.750 1890.000 94.500 1890.000 75.600 9.000
12 319+000 319+800 LHS Punch list Upto DBM Top; overlay 0.000 0.000 0.000
312+575 314+300 LHS 1725 Punch list Upto DBM Top 12075.000 483.000 115.000
10 318+780 318+900 RHS Punch list Upto DBM Top 0.000 0.000 0.000
11 318+900 319+780 RHS Punch list Upto DBM Top 0.000 0.000 0.000
13 319+780 319+870 RHS Punch list Upto WMM Top 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
972.000 1215.000 459.000 492.750 1890.000 94.500 20300.000 812.000 184.333


rate Descope amount

Embankment 972.000 232 225,504

SG 1,215.0 265 321,975

GSB 459.0 1236 567,324

WMM 492.8 1477 727,792

Prime coat 1,890.0 19.38 36,628

DBM 94.5 5880 555,660

Tack coat 20,300.0 7.14 144,942

BC 812.0 6893 5,597,116

marking 184.3 281 51,798

Kerb @ footpath 2340
Kerb Paint 2340
Footpath 3240.9
Footpath filling 777.816
Thermoplastic paint SR 156
Chatra Misc.
C&G 2.106
Bitumen Dismantle 400
GSB WMM Dismantl 900
kerb 2340
kerb painiting 2340
Kerb @ footpath 2340
Kerb Paint footpath 2340
FSCB paint 2340
median filling 5854.68
thermoplastic MCW 858
Thermoplastic paint SR 184
Thermoplastic paint Speed 144.7
plantation 1.17
MBCB 120
PVC Pipe 63
Speed Breake 42
Footpath 3123.9
Footpath filling 1374.516
Median filling 6318
Qty per m QTY Rate
Excavation 528
320 PCC 0.12375 39.6 4384.15
M20 Raft 0.2025 64.8 4563.82
Box drain
M20 Wall 0.27 86.4 4563.82
M20 Slab 0.1875 60 4563.82
Steel 0.027 8.64 41044.41

Excavation 248
50 PCC 0.254 12.7 4384.15
M30 - Foundation 0.75285 37.6425 4732.91
M30 - wall 1.23 61.5 5648.11
D & RT Wall
Steel 0.17 8.5 41044.41
backfill 200 690.47
Filter media 120 1007
earthwork 900 232.5

Excavation darin 528.0

Excavation Rtwall 248.0
PCC 52.3
M20 211.2
M30 F 37.6
M30 wall 61.5
Stell 22.1

No L B D Qty Rate
Approch slab 4 3.5 13.5 0.3 56.7 4791.924
Steel for Appr 4 1.234 4.936 41044.41
RR Crash Barri 4 13.4 53.6 4636.917

173,612 Box drain

295,736 313+460 313+750 LHS 290
394,314 313+720 313+750 RHS 30
178,159 Drain cum RT wall
347,359 313+760 313+810 LHS 000+050



S No Side From To Length
1 LHS 284700 284900 200 2 lane
2 LHS 292000 292100 100 1&2 lane Str
3 RHS 292050 292150 100 1&2 lane Str
4 LHS 276680 276780 100 3 LANE
5 LHS 279960 280050 90 3 LANE
6 LHS 280300 280350 50 3 LANE
7 RHS 276660 STR
8 RHS 277600 STR
9 RHS 278400 STR
10 RHS 279750 279980 ALL LANE
11 RHS 279960 STR
12 RHS 280740 STR
13 RHS 281350 281800 ALL LANE
14 LHS 299400 299600 2 lane
15 LHS 301850 302000 1 &2 LANE
16 LHS 302600 302800 1 &2 LANE
17 LHS 304800 304950 2 lane
18 LHS 307100 307300 2 lane
19 LHS 310300 310600 1 &2 LANE
20 LHS 325600 325800 1 &2 LANE
21 LHS 328100 328300 1 &2 LANE
22 LHS 328800 329150 1 &2 LANE
23 LHS 337150 337300 1 &2 LANE
24 LHS 337600 338000 1 &2 LANE
25 RHS 299350 299600 2 lane
26 RHS 301900 302300 1 &2 LANE
27 RHS 302600 302900 1 &2 LANE
28 RHS 304100 304200 STR
29 RHS 307150 307350 1 &2 LANE
30 RHS 310350 310500 1 &2 LANE
31 RHS 325300 325500 1 &2 LANE
32 RHS 325800 325900 1 &2 LANE
33 RHS 331900 3 LANE
34 RHS 335900 3 LANE
35 RHS 337100 337250 1 &2 LANE
36 RHS 337600 337800 1 &2 LANE
37 RHS 338500 338600 2 lane

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