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Physical Education and

Health 2
Module 3
Physical Education and Health 2
Module 3
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Bleslei Ann C. Rillorta, T-III

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Delia P. Hufalar, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of MAPEH

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

This module is designed for you, Grade 11 learners,to equip you with the
essentials of fitness planning and implementation.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Set FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain

HRF. (PEH11FH-IIi-j-7)

Before going on, check how much you know about this topic by
answering the pretest.


Identification: Identify the word/s best described by the statements given below.
Choose your answer among the terms inside the box and write them on the space
provided before each number.

FITT Principle Time

Frequency Type


_____1. It is a FITT principle that describes how regularly you work out

_____2. It is one of the foundations of exercise. It is also a set of courses of action

that assists in setting up a workout routine to achieve your target and fitness level.

_____3. It refers to how much effort was exerted by someone during physical

_____4. It refers to how long you perform an activity per session.

_____5. It determines the kind of exercise a person should settle to achieve a fitness


Activity 1. FILL ME IN!

Direction: Identify and fill in the boxes given with the corresponding
information needed.



Frequency Intensity Time Type


What is F.I.T.T. Principle?

 FITT Principle is a course of action used in planning for an exercise routine

to achieve the specific target and fitness level. The acronym FITT means
Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type.

How to set F.I.T.T. goals based on Training Principles to achieve and/or

maintain HRF?

 To make training more effective, it needs more time and patience. It also
requires proper principles of training to see the result. There are different
principles of training to be observed to make a proper program or routine of
 Overload Principle
The more you do physical activities, the more it produces fitness and
health benefits. The body becomes stronger and functions better if increased
demands upon them because the body will adapt to this increase.
 Progression Principle
For a program to achieve more gains, it must be progressive. This
means that as the body adapts to the initial overload, the overload must be
adjusted and increased gradually.
 Principle of Specificity
In planning for a workout routine, it is important to know the type of
exercise to perform in order to gain the desired benefits. As such, the
specificity principle suggests that one must performs specific exercises or
workouts to develop and improve the particular physical fitness components
and target those goals for your body.

How to set F.I.T.T. Goals?

 Setting FITT goals is very important in making a workout plan. Identifying

your limits of what you can do per type of activity.
 Reversibility Principle
All gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not continue the
activity. The body will not be able to maintain levels of fitness without
maintaining the routine.

 Recovery Principle
After having an exercise, our body needs to rest to adjust properly.
Our body can adapt to physical activity, but time must be allowed for the
body to generate and build.
 Principle of Individuality

This principle explains that all people are different from one another,
and fitness programs must be designed according to this need.
 Recovery Principle
Reminds us that our bodies take time to adjust to the physical stress
of being active.


Activity: MY FITTness PLAN

Direction: Using the table below, make your own FITTness plan for cardiovascular
endurance and muscular endurance. Write your answer on the boxes provided.

Cardiovascular Endurance





Muscular Endurance





Rubric: MY FITTness PLAN

The workout plan is excellent with _____/5 points

direction and focus.

The workout plan is well thought out, _____/4 points

with direction and purpose.

The workout plan is very good, with _____/3 points

direction and focus.

The workout plan is good, but basic. _____/2 points

The workout plan lacks direction and _____/1 points


TOTAL POINTS _____/5 points


Activity: FITT Me!

Direction: Pick five physical activities that you do on a regular basis.

Determine at which level of exertion you perform the activity and identify the FITT
of the given activity. After which, add a description of your activities, including how
long you perform them and how you feel while doing it.

Activity Level of F I T T Description




Rubric: FITT Me!

The workout plan is excellent with _____/5 points

direction and focus.

The workout plan is well thought out, _____/4 points

with direction and purpose.

The workout plan is very good, with _____/3 points

direction and focus.

The workout plan is good, but basic. _____/2 points

The workout plan lacks direction and _____/1 points


TOTAL POINTS _____/5 points



Direction: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences. Write

your answer in the space provided.

_______________1. What training principle is being observed when the body becomes
stronger and functions better when demands of exercise are increased?.

_______________2. This training principle means you must perform specific exercises
or workouts to develop and improve the particular fitness component.

_______________3. This training principle states that the overload must be applied in
a systematic and logical manner.

_______________4. This training principle tells us that any gains received through
regular physical activity will stop if no longer active in performing the fitness

_______________5. This training principle reminds us that our bodies take the time
to adjust to the physical stress of being active.

_______________6. It refers to how long you perform an activity per session.

_______________7. It determines the kind of exercise a person should settle to

achieve fitness goal.

_______________8. It is a FITT principle that describes how regularly you workout.

_______________9. It is one of the foundations of exercise and a set of courses of

action that assists in setting up a workout routine.

______________10. It refers to how much effort you exerted during a physical activity.

Printed Materials:

Fernandez, A.T. (2016). Physical Education and Health (H.O.P.E. 1). Lipa City:

Scolair Publishing.

Perez, et. al. (2005). Music, Arts, Physical Education III (MAPEH III). St. Bernadette

Publications, Inc.

Alave, J. C. (2016). Physical Education and Health. Manila: JFS Publishing Services

Tolentino, Mercedita (2005). Skills For Life. St. Martin De Porres Publications


Journal Writing Rubric (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2020 from


Physical Fitness Test Manual (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2020 from



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