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Effects of Time Management on the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students in Cavite National

High School

This study aims to determine the effect of time management on the academic performance of Grade 10 students

in Cavite National High School. This study seeks to answer the following:

1. What are the effects of time management to the academic performance of students?

2. How do long-range planning, time attitude, and short-range planning affect the academic performance of


3. Is there a significant relationship between the time management and academic performance of students?


We are currently working on a study titled "Effects of Time Management on the Academic Performance of

Grade 10 Students in Cavite National High School". This research survey aims to gather data to determine the

relationship between the time management and academic performance of Grade 10 Students in Cavite National

High School.

The time and dedication you put in to accomplish this questionnaire will be acknowledged by the

researchers. Your sincerity will be appreciated as well. We would also like you to respond purely on the basis of

your own life experience, facts, and the truth. It is optional for you to write your name or not in order to secure

your identity. Personalities and identities will be exclusively secured and used only for this questionnaire. You

are praised and an essential part of our research team.

This survey questionnaire is for Grade 10 students under Cavite National Highschool Sy. 2021 – 2022 only.

This study is very confidential since only the authors can access the outcome or results of this study. The result

will also determine the time management skills of Grade 10 students at Cavite National High School. Please

answer the questions on the next sheet by putting check mark (/) on the box that correspond your answer.

The following chart provides a 5-point Likert Scale scoring guide in which 5 is the highest and 1 is the

lowest. When giving feedback, provide a check in the “rating” column adjacent to the statement. The scale is

described as 5-strongly agree; 4-agree; 3-neutral; 2-disagree; 1- strongly disagree.

PART 1: Respondent’s Profile

Name (Optional): ______________________________________

Age: ______________________________________

Gender: ______________________________________

Section: ______________________________________

PART 2: Time Management Skills of Grade 10 Students

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Short Range Planning

1. Do you plan before you start the day?

2. Do you make a set of goals that you

accomplish each day?

3. Do you make a schedule of the

activities that you have to do each day?

4. Do you spend time making a schedule

each day?

5. Do you have a clear idea of what you

want to accomplish during the day?

Time Attitude

6. Do you use your time well?

7. Do you do things that interfere and are

unprofitable to your academic


8. Do you feel like you oversee your own


9. Do you review your notes on your free


10. Do you do your activities way before

the given deadline?

11. Do you feel like you need to improve

yourself in time planning?

Long Range Planning

12. Do you commit to your long-term


13. Do you make plans for the entire


14. Do you have a clear idea of what you

want to accomplish during the month?

15. Do you mark important days on your


16. Do you determine and follow your


A chart below is provided to determine your academic performance. This information will not be shared and

will only be accessed by the research team of this study. Please answer the questions on the next sheet by

putting check mark (/) on the box that correspond your answer.

PART 3: Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students

70% - 75% - 80% -

85% - 90% 90% - 95% 95%-100%
75% 80% 85%

Academic performance

What is your general


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