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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Build and sustain an innovative work environment

Workplace Assessment Task

Student Name: ___________

Student Number: __________________

Course code: ________________

Trainer Name __________________________

Table of Contents
BSBINN502 BUILD AND SUSTAIN AN INNOVATIVE WORK ENVIROMENT.........................................4
How to work through this assessment.............................................................................................................. 4
Early Childhood Education and Care.
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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Further information........................................................................................................................................... 5
Assessment information and scope.................................................................................................................. 5
Are you ready for assessment?........................................................................................................................ 5
Assessment overview....................................................................................................................................... 8
Authenticity Requirements................................................................................................................................ 8
Required Readings........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Part A............................................................................................................................................................. 11

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create an environment that enables and
supports the application of innovative practice focusing on a holistic approach to the integration of
innovation across all areas of work practice.

]It applies to individuals working in leadership or management roles in any industry or community
context. The individual could be employed by the organisation, but may also be an external contractor,
the leader of a cross organisation team or of a self-formed team of individuals. The work group could
be permanent or temporary in nature.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation,
Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

Skills must be assessed in the workplace. In addition, simulations and scenarios must be used where
the full range of contexts and situations cannot be provided in the workplace or may occur only rarely.
These are situations relating to emergency or unplanned procedures where assessment in these
circumstances would be unsafe or is impractical.

How to work through this assessment

This assessment is designed to assess your performance of competency for the unit BSBINN502 Work
in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Your assessor or
workplace supervisor will help you fully understand assessment requirements for this unit.

The features of this assessment are detailed in the following table.

Feature of the assessment Explanation


Assessment information This section provides details of the unit of competency

and scope covered, setting out information about the aims of the
unit, what areas are covered, how the assessment tasks
must be completed and how the assessment is conducted.

Are you ready for This section provides you with the opportunity to self-
assessment? assess your performance, to ensure that you are ready to
commence the assessment process.

Assessment overview This section provides an outline of the assessment tasks to

be covered.

Assessment tasks This section outlines the assessment tasks in detail,

including the relevant documentation you need to
complete and submit along with your assessment tasks.

Record of outcome As you progress through the assessment tasks, your

assessor will use the record of outcome to confirm your
performance and provide relevant advice and feedback.

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Further information
Before you commence your assessment tasks, you should review the information provided by your
training organisation about assessment. You should not commence your assessment tasks until you
have read and understood this information. Your training organisation must also provide information
about assessment while on practical placement, including specific time lines.
Assessment information and scope
Who is the The assessment is designed for candidates to demonstrate their
assessment competency having completed formal learning experiences in
designed for? this unit. Assessment may occur in real and/or simulated work
environments. Candidates may be undertaking the unit in a
range of learning situations, including classroom, on line, private
study, via a traineeship arrangement or via other workplace-
supported means.

What are the aims This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify
of the assessment and work within the legal and ethical frameworks that apply to an
tasks? individual job role.

The key outcomes are:

provide opportunities to be involved

provide information about the child, the service and the


Prerequisites and There are no prerequisites or co-requisites for the unit.


Legislative and The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with
licensing Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New
requirements Zealand standards and industry codes of practice

Are you ready for assessment?

You must ensure that you are ready to begin the assessment. Complete the following self-assessment
checklist to confirm that you hold the skills and knowledge required and feel ready to undertake a
successful assessment.

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Topic Key outcomes

I am able to perform 1 Lead innovation by 1.1 Make innovation an integral part of leadership and
skills and demonstrate example management activities
1.2 Demonstrate positive reception of ideas from
satisfactorily in the
others and provide constructive advice
following tasks.

1.3 Establish and maintain relationships based on

mutual respect and trust

1.4 Take considered risks to open up opportunities for


1.5 Regularly evaluate own approaches for consistency

with the wider organisational or project context

2 Establish work 2.1 Consult on and establish working conditions that

practices that reflect and encourage innovative practice
2.2 Introduce and maintain workplace procedures that
foster innovation and allow for rigorous evaluation
of innovative ideas

2.3 Facilitate and participate in collaborative work

arrangements to foster innovation

2.4 Build and lead teams to work in ways that

maximise opportunities for innovation

33 Promote innovation 3.1 Acknowledge suggestions, improvements and

innovations from all colleagues

3.2 Find appropriate ways of celebrating and

promoting innovation

3.3 Promote and reinforce the value of innovation

according to the vision and objectives of the
organisation or project

3.4 Promote and support the evaluation of innovative

ideas within the wider organisational or project

 4 Create a 4.1 Evaluate the impact of the physical environment in

physical relation to innovation
which supports 4.2 Collaborate with colleagues about ideas for
innovation enhancing the physical work environment before
taking action

4.3 Consider potential for supporting innovation when

selecting physical resources and equipment

4.4 Design, fit-out and decorate workspaces to

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

encourage creative mindsets, collaborative working

and the development of positive workplace

5.1 Pro-actively share relevant information, knowledge

and skills with colleagues

 5 Provide 5.2 Provide or encourage formal and informal learning

learning opportunities to help develop the skills needed for
opportunities innovation

5.3 Create opportunities in which individuals can learn

from the experience of others

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

If you have covered and feel confident in these areas, you are ready to proceed to the assessment.
Before you commence the assessment process, discuss with your assessor or workplace supervisor any
areas you do not feel confident in or have not covered.
Assessment overview
You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency. This unit is assessed through the
Assessment Requirements Method of Assessment
Short answer questions Written activities
Simulated Case Study Written answers
Workplace observation Workplace observation/demonstration
Supervisor report Mentor / supervisor / workplace coach verify skills
If you are marked not yet satisfactory for a task, you will be given the chance to resubmit. You will have
up to three opportunities to resubmit each assessment task. If, after the third attempt, the assessment
is still not satisfactory your trainer/assessor will make alternative arrangements for assessment. To
make an appeal about an assessment decision, refer to the assessment appeals process in the Student
Authenticity Requirements
Copying or passing off someone’s work as your own is a form plagiarism and may result in a
participant’s exclusion from a unit or the entire course.
The following activities will be considered plagiarism:
 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own intentionally or unintentionally
 Handing in work copied from another student.
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.
 Handing in work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including work taken
totally or in part from the internet.
Unit Purpose
The assessment tasks within this unit provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of the
knowledge and skills required to create an environment that enables and supports the application of
innovative practice.

The following elements define the essential outcomes of this unit:

 Element 1 Lead innovation by example

 Element 2 Establish work practices that support innovation

 Element 3 Promote innovation

 Element 4 Create a physical environment which supports innovation

 Element 5 Provide learning opportunities

Early Childhood Education and Care.
© ICCC Resources v6
BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Assessment Requirements

 001: Innovation - Collaboration and Evaluation

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© ICCC Resources v6
BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Authenticity Requirements
Copying or passing off someone’s work as your own is a form plagiarism and may result in a participant’s
exclusion from a unit or the entire course.

The following activities will be considered plagiarism:

 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own intentionally or unintentionally

 Handing in work copied from another student.

 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.

 Handing in work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including work
taken totally or in part from the internet.

Student Declaration

Supervisor Declaration
 Campus  Online  External  Workplace Location – Suburb _____________
First Name Family name
Student Name

Student Number

Code Title

Unit Code

Trainer Name

Due Date Date Submitted

Assessment  I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s
work, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted.
 I declare that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another
person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action by my training organisation.

Student Date

Date received Initials:

Assessor I Declare that I have conducted a fair, Signature: __________________--

Early Childhood Education and Care.
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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Declaration: valid, reliable and flexible assessment Date: _______________________-

with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback.

Version 7-2 Date 9.5.19

Your workplace supervisor must view your completed workplace tasks and acknowledge the authenticity of
your work prior to submission to the College.

I can confirm this task was completed by the above-named student, in a regulated children’s service.
These tasks were completed in accordance to organisation policy and procedures.

Supervisor:  Signature: Date: 

Assessment Instructions
Students are required to complete a range of assessment tasks throughout the training period to
demonstrate competency in each relevant unit. To facilitate the appropriate learning and practice of
developing skills ALL workplace assessment tasks MUST be completed within a regulated children's service.
Workplace supervisors must authenticate these tasks have been completed, under supervision and to an
acceptable workplace standard for organisation policies and procedures.

Attempting assessment tasks

Students are required to provide appropriate responses to the indicated questions for each task.

Assessment Outcomes
The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are competency
based. For each assessment undertaken you will be assessed as Satisfactory, Not Yet Satisfactory or
Incomplete. Where students are assessed as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ or ‘Incomplete’ the trainer/assessor will
provide the student with feedback and guidance regarding what needs to be completed for resubmission.

Student Appeals

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Students have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. All student appeals
must be made in writing using the Appeals Form and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in
dispute. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the decision or finding.

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Required Readings
In order to complete this unit of competency you are required to access the following key resources.


 Kearns, K. (2017). The Business of Child Care: Working in Early Childhood Education and Care
Series (4th ed.). Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.

Additional Readings for this Unit

 APS College of Organisational Psychologists. (2012). Innovation in Organisations. Illusions,

November 2012. APS Australian Psychological Society. Retrieved from

Early Childhood Education and Care.
© ICCC Resources v6
BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

001 Innovation – Collaboration and Evaluation

BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment

Element 1 Lead innovation by example

Element 2 Establish work practices that support innovation

Element 3 Promote innovation

Element 4 Create a physical environment which supports innovation

Element 5 Provide learning opportunities

Performance Evidence

Knowledge Evidence

Activity 1
To complete this task refer to Chapter 4 of your textbook ‘The Business of Child Care’.

For this task you are required to reflect over a one week period about aspects of the service relating to
innovative practices. You will need to engage with other educators, seeking and recording their feedback
through a communication form of your choice. (E.g. Email, questionnaire, poster, survey, form in staff room,
display or verbal interactions.)

You are required to detail the form of communication you used and write a report on your findings from the
feedback sought.

Your feedback engagement must include the educators’ ideas and practices regarding how this currently
occurs in the service and ideas for improvement on the following key points:

 Educator collaboration.
 Building work arrangements.
 Learning formally and informally.
 Celebrating and promoting innovative ideas.
 Consulting with one another.
 Challenges and barriers to innovation.
 Respect, communication, sharing and evaluation of ideas and feedback.

When you have prepared the communication/feedback form you must have this approved by your workplace
supervisor before speaking to the other educators.

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Complete the following:

a) Attach a copy/photo of the information - communication/feedback form you and the

educators have completed.
b) Write a ½ to 1 page report on your findings.
c) Offer suggestions for procedures and practices the service could adapt to foster further
d) Research/offer suggestions for formal and informal learning opportunities to help develop
skills for innovation.
e) Refer to the service philosophy in your suggestions.

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Workplace Task 001 – Activity 1

Innovation – Collaboration and Evaluation Form

Communicate with Colleagues

 Communication evidence is attached

 Supervisor approval

Evaluation of findings (key points must be addressed).


Suggestions for procedures/ practices service could adapt to foster further innovation.

Offer suggestions for formal and informal learning opportunities to help develop skills for

Early Childhood Education and Care.
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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Activity 2
To complete this task refer to your reading:

 Innovation in Organisations.

Discuss with your workplace supervisor and choose one of the following four areas to make changes to the
workspace that will encourage innovation.

 Programming/study room.
 Staff room.
 Office area.
 Foyer.

You are required to take photographs before and after the ‘makeover’.

Evaluate the workspace, noting pros and cons and consider how it could be enhanced to support innovation
and collaboration.

Use a web to jot down all of your ideas and those of other educators, regarding changes to the workspace.
Try to think of new ways to reinvent the space such as using recycled materials, second hand pieces and
making items.

Use the feedback gained from Activity 1 to use as ideas for your space.

Include an area that will specifically promote innovation and collaboration such as a display, memory board,
staff praise area etc.

Once completed evaluate your design space and consider any feedback received.

When planning and evaluating you need to consider:

 Knowledge, celebration and promotion of innovation.

 Consultation with other educators and receptive of ideas.
 Ability to evaluate the space.
 Evaluate the impact of innovation.
 Consider potential for innovation in the selection of resources.
 Design, fit-out and decorate workspace to encourage creative mindsets, collaborative working and
the development of positive workplace relationships.

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Workplace Task 001 – Activity 2

Innovative Workspace

Workspace to be innovated:

Vision and Objective:

Pros: Cons:

Ideas for

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

What changes will you make to the space to promote innovation?

Resources used.

Evaluate the space (also consider the planning points).

Reflect on your ideas of innovation.

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Goal to work towards.

Before photograph: After photograph:

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Assessment----Marking Sheets Workplace assessment
Students Name:
Unit code/Name:

Program Code/Name: CHCECE30113

Certificate III in Early Child hood
Education and Care or (and)
CHCECE50113 Diploma in Early Child
hood Education and Care
Assessor Name: Fei Yu
Marking Date:
Due date:
Assessment in date:

Questions Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Not Yet
1st Satisfactory 2nd Satisfactory 3rd Satisfactory
1st 2nd 3rd
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Task 9
Task 10

Feedback to learner:

Learners overall 1st 2nd 3rd

performance: Satisfactory and date Satisfactory and date Satisfactory and
Not Yet Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory date
and Date and Date Not Yet

Early Childhood Education and Care.
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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Satisfactory and
Reassessment required: Yes, and Date Yes, and Date Yes, and Date
No and Date No and Date No and Date

Assessors Signature and


Reasonable Adjustment applied to assessment:

Yes or No:
Assessor Name: Fei Yu

Name of the center and phone

Centre room lead educator staff

Centre room lead educator staff

comments for this unit:
Unit name: What is the student strength? If no, please mark N/A

What is the weakness? If no, please mark N/A

Any suggestions for student’s improvement in the

future. If no, please mark N/A

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BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment: Workplace Tasks

Centre staff signature:


Early Childhood Education and Care.
© ICCC Resources v6

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