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● Originality is the key!

● Many customers are in conversation with multiple players. Try to avoid using recognizable
patterns (messages ending with "xxx" or xoxo, and unnecessary words are not allowed, such as:
("haha", 'lol' are some examples). Make each message unique. As soon as a customer of 2
different ladies receives a message that is about the same, he will be more critical of the site,
which will let us lose a good customer. You can always use Google to find synonyms or other
ways of expressing your message.

● You need to respond more to the customer's message. It does not always have to be sex
talk/dirty talk. - some customers just want a friend so it's best to sometimes let them lead a
conversation. Start off by asking them what they are looking for, just ask them some general
questions as some are put off if you jump into dirty talk fast. Do not tell clients that you LOVE

● CALL TO ACTION! This means you need to add a question to every message you write, adding a
question will always give the customer a reason to reply to your messages.
Encourage them to talk more by asking “What do you like?” “What do you suggest?” even when
a customer is about to log out/sleep/ go to work/ call to action is needed.

● You are not allowed to interrupt the conversation by telling your clients that you’re heading to
bed, or you’re about to do something.

● MESSAGE LENGTH: 150 characters, but you need to send a suitable reply, just common sense,
and clients should not get a one-liner, hi or hello reply. Always read the customer message
carefully and reply to what he says, do not type random messages that have nothing to do with
the conversation being talked about. Read back when needed! You are not allowed to use fillers
such as: ????? ….. !!!!!! Always answer the client's questions.

● DATING: You can NEVER say “yes”. You may say things like “that would be nice” or “I'd like
that” as long as you don't make an actual date. Also, telling the customer to go to a location is
not permitted. Do not give clients an exact time, date, or place. We can’t also tell clients that
you will check your calendar/roster, as it will trigger the customer to ask again and again. Try to
change the subject if a customer wants to date.
● MISLEADING: NO LOVE! Do not ever tell the client you love him/her or otherwise give him/her
that impression. Stay away from phrases like “I will never let you go/always want to be with
you/you are (forever) in my heart” and so on.

● CREDITS: You can’t tell clients that you can see how many credits they have left. You can’t tell
your clients how many credits you have.

● FULL NAME: Don’t give your clients your full name. This is to ensure that the client can’t search
you. We can give a city (at least one hour away from the customer’s location), but only when the
customer asks for it, or if it’s not written on the profile. You must stay 100% unidentified.

● NUMBER/EMAIL/WHATSAPP: Ignore. Do not tell the client that you can’t see his
number/email/whatsapp or you can only see xxx. Divert the subject in a way he won’t notice
that you’re trying to ignore his contacts.

● CITY: If WE don’t have a city on our profile, you can check Google Maps and choose a city that is
about 1-2 hours away from the customer’s location. Get on Google map developer using this link and watch the training video about how
to use it. Save this in your bookmarks/favorites.

● LOG: Always log important details about the client and profile. Always choose the right
category when you log details. When a customer sends a message with important information
that’s not written on his/her profile or information that is not logged in the logbook, you need to
log it. The same applies to WE (Persona) you are portraying. If you mention new information, it
should always be logged. There will be times that you don’t have to log anything.


Copy-paste or recognizable patterns of words or sentences is not allowed. It’s vital that every
message is unique and is not allowed to be (even partially) identical. Be creative and avoid using
the same sentences or parts of it.

● Never use duplicated or recognizable patterns of words or sentences, even not with different
customers. The system will detect it and deactivate your account permanently, and you will not
be able to work anymore. *Note: Deactivations by copy-paste will give permanent deactivation
(termination) without a final payout.
Be creative. Starting, closing or including each message with an endearment are not allowed as
well as emoji/emoticons as these can also be considered as Copy/Paste.

● OWN EMAIL: Giving out your own email to the customer is EXTREMELY FORBIDDEN! Doing so
will deactivate your account immediately and permanently! You are only allowed to chat using
the site. (No WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook, Snapchat, etc.). You can say that you are not ready yet
to provide your own contacts at this point.

● When you violate one of the rules below, you will be immediately deactivated without any

- Phishing (serious internet crime)

- Leaking any confidential information

- Do not engage in contact through email or phone, WhatsApp or any other

- communication outside our platform.

- Do not suggest that an actual physical meeting will ever occur.

- Do not participate in chats with minors. (younger than 18 years)

- Do not engage in conversations which include physical violence or suicidal acts.

- Do not engage in acts of rape.

- Do not engage in acts of drug use or abuse.

- Any kind of criminal abuse

- Asking client’s personal information such as bank details, exact address etc.

- COPY-PASTING, sending almost or identical messages.


Once you log in your account, this will take you to the homepage. You can read tips before you start
working on the platform.


Operator and customer both have a log book. We record important, real and fictitious information in the
log. We do this because we don't ask questions that the customer has already answered. The operator's
logbook is also important to see what personal information has been discussed in the conversation

Logs are simple and short. We do not copy whole conversations into log books. They must stay clear.
The operator log follows every conversation and with all customers. That is why it is very important to
keep track of what information has been recorded regardless of who you talk to.

#1. Choose what category. (Please read the Logbook file)

Example: CL username is (ABC123): Hey, you look very lovely. I live in Chicago, I’m single and I don’t have
kids. What do you like to do for fun?

You have to log Chicago under the category of CITY. Single under RELATIONS.

#2. When you have to log important details about WE (persona), for example, you mentioned to ABC123
that you live in New York, you have to log the details exactly as shown below:

New York to ABC123

A player can live in different cities depending on the customer that she’s talking to. Make sure to log this
info in the player's logbook. This goes to any category. Always add CL’s name to WE’s logbook.
NOTE: You´ll be working on a USA platform so the customer should believe that you´re in the USA as


Common mistakes why ACCOUNTS are blocked.
Please read and inject in your coconuts!


- Do not know how to write a correct sentence. A good sentence includes CAPITALIZATION,
even the "I", "I'm", and the start of each sentence. Also, please know the proper placement
of the punctuation marks ( ., he client?,! and,) and right spaces in between. Space is needed
even if you want it to be close, still a NO; even lovers need SPACE. Luh!

- Do not know how to ask a question. Do not be a GONER. We do not hire you to send a reply
without giving the effort to have our clients react to your messages. Please do not give us a
lame message if you think that it is hard for you to ask a question or even answer the client's
questions then, not to waste your time, just SURRENDER your account.

- Typos, yes, you are not blind. So you see what you are typing. A little effort to check on what
you have written won't hurt. It will save your precious accounts from being blocked. Fingers
are allowed to be blind but not your EYES!

- MEETINGS UP AND COMMITTING TO DATE. Yeah, you turned the client down tonight or
today, but you replied with next week, tomorrow, or in your place, I can meet you, etc. If
you find it so hard to make an alibi, you DIVERT. The best way to divert is to talk so fucking

- CLAIMERS, yes, those operators who claimed their accounts, got lost, and did not type at
all!!! Hey, it is not a raffle that you claim your stubs and then just gone. You apply for this
work to earn. Let's not waste each other's time and DO NOT give us Bullshit reasons.

- LASTLY, copy-pasting. Yes, those who are too lazy to think. We do not need those in our
team. So bye-bye, American pie. NO CHANCE. Have your ass elsewhere.

We are not writing this because we are angry or to offend you.

We wrote this because a lot of people are losing their accounts.
We want you to KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT and not to scare you away!

NOW, if any of you will still have his/her account closed, then you are not reading, or you are just
ignoring this.

Thank you.

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