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×Chiranthomontodendron: The Correct Nothogeneric Name for the Artificial Hybrid

Chiranthodendron ×Fremontodendron (Malvaceae: Malvoideae)

Author(s): Laurence J. Dorr
Source: Taxon, Vol. 58, No. 4 (Nov., 2009), pp. 1357-1358
Published by: International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)
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Accessed: 10/06/2014 02:06

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TAXON 58 (4) November 2009: 1357-1358 Dorr Correct name for Chiranthodendron x Fremontodendron

xChiranthomontodendron: the correct nothogeneric name for the artificial

x Fremontodendron
hybrid Chiranthodendron {Malvaceae: Malvoideae)

Laurence J. Dorr

Department of Botany, MRC-166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box
37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, U.S.A.

The nothogeneric name xChiranthomontodendron is proposed to accommodate an artificial hybrid between

species of Chiranthodendron and Fremontodendron, and the nothospecies xChiranthomontodendron lenzii

is described from cultivated material.

KEYWORDS: Chiranthodendron, xChiranthofremontia, xChiranthomontodendron, Fremontodendron,

Malvaceae, nothogenus

(1991: 239) is unsatisfactory for validation of "*Chiran

I INTRODUCTION thofremontia lenziiHenrickson" proposed by him for the
A close relationship between Chiranthodendron nothospecies involved.His description is, on close inspec
Larreat. andFremontodendron Coville (Malvaceae: Mal tion, a description of the nothogenus only, which is not
voideae) has long been recognized. The former is unispe necessary under Art. H.9 (McNeill & al., 2006). Further
cific and found in southernMexico and Guatemala, the more, regardless ofwhether or not thenothogeneric name
latter comprises three species (Kelman, 1991) and is re was formed correctly, it appears that the nothospecies
stricted to northernMexico (Baja California) and adjacent name was not validly published because Art. 42 (McNeill
California andArizona. In addition, cultivars ofFremonto & al., 2006) cannot apply to a nothogeneric and nothospe
dendron, most notably 'CaliforniaGlory' (F. californicum cific name as the former does not have a type.
x F. mexicanum
(Torr.) Coville Davidson), are found in
gardens far outside the native range of both genera.
Although often placed in theSterculiaceae (see dis
cussion inKelman, 1991),morphological and molecular I TAXONOMIC CONCLUSIONS
data now suggest thatChiranthodendron and Fremonto In order to provide this bigeneric hybrid with a val
dendron may be basal in a clade includingMalvoideae idlypublished name I propose the following nothogeneric
mdBombacoideae (Baum & al, 2004, as "Malvatheca"). name and describe the following nothospecies:
Not surprisingly,given the close relationship between the
two genera, an artificial cross between Chiranthodendron xChiranthomontodendron Dorr, nothogen. nov. [Chi
(male parent) and Fremontodendron (female parent) was ranthodendron Larreat. xFremontodendron Coville].
completed in 1981 and the hybrid is now fairlywell es
tablished in gardens in California, at least. Henrickson xChiranthomontodendron lenzii Dorr, nothosp. nov.
(1991),who described in detail and illustrated thishybrid, Type: U.S.A., California, Riverside Co., "Hybrid:
proposed to call it"xChiranthofremontiaHenrickson." He Fremontodendron 'Pacific Sunset' (female) with
failed, however, to followArt. H.6.2 of theICBN (McNeill Cheiranthodendron [sic], crossed with extreme dif
& al, 2006), which states that the condensed formula for ficulty in June of 1981" [plant grown inChino, Cali
a bigeneric hybrid consists of a single word "using the fornia, at the home ofAustin Griffiths], 15 Jun 1985
firstpart or thewhole [name] of one [parent], the lastpart (fl),A. Griffiths,Jr. 17109 (holotype, RSA-583216!;
or thewhole of the other (but not thewhole of both) and, isotype, CAS).
optionally, a connecting vowel." For whatever reasons, Hybrida hortensis e Fremontodendron 'Pacific Sun
Henrickson (1991) used only "Fremontia" for the sec set' et Chiranthodendron pentadactylon Larreat. genita,
ond part of his condensed formula and this is neither the foliis 5-7-lobatis, (4.5-)6.5-12 x
(4-)6-10 cm, basibus
whole name nor the last part of the name of this parent. cordatis profunde, supra parce stellato-tomentosis, subtus
The nomenclatural consequence of his oversight is that dense stellato-tomentosis, petiolis (2-)4-6.5(-8) cm lon
"xChiranthofremontia" is not a validly published name. gis et aliis characteribus interparentes media.
Complicating matters is the fact that the combined The precise type locality is inferredfrom information
generic and specific description supplied by Henrickson inHenrickson (1991) as the label on theholotype ispeculiar


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Dorr Correct name for Chiranthodendron x Fremontodendron TAXON 58 (4) November 2009: 1357-1358

and only indirectly suggests through itsheader ("Golden

State Plants") that the specimen was collected inCalifor LITERATURE
nia. The label does propose a name (never published) for Baum, D.A., Smith, S., Yen, A., Alverson, W.S.,
Nyffeler, R., Whitlock, B.A. & Oldham, R.L. 2004.
the artificial hybrid, states theparentage of thehybrid and
Phylogenetic relationships ofMalvatheca (Bombacoideae
thedate the crosswas made, describes the etymology of the sensu lato) as inferred from
and Malvoideae; Malvaceae
unpublished name, states the collector, collector's number plastid DNA sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 91: 1863-1871.
and date when theholotype was collected, and provides a Henrickson, J. 1991. xChiranthofremontia, an intergeneric

general description of the hybrid plant. hybrid of Chiranthodendron pentadactylon and Fremon

To avoid additional confusion, I have not only re todendron 'Pacific Sunset'. Aliso 13: 239-248.

Kelman, W.J. 1991. A revision of Fremontodendron (Stercu

tained for the nothospecies the epithet proposed by Hen
liaceae). Syst. Bot. 16: 3-20.
rickson (1991),which commemorates Lee W. Lenz, Direc
McNeill, J., Barrie, RR., B?rdet, H.M., Demoulin, V.,
torEmeritus of theRancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden,
Hawksworth, D.L., Marhold,
K., Nicolson, D.H., Prado,
Claremont, California, but also utilized as holotype the J., Silva, P.C., Skog, J.E., Wiersema, J.H. & Turland,
same specimen as Henrickson proposed for this purpose. N.J. (eds.). 2006. International Code of Botanical Nomen
The collector's number for the latterwas miscited inHen clature (Vienna Code) Adopted by the Seventeenth Inter

rickson (1991, as "171097"). national Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2005.
Regnum Vegetabile 146. Gantner, Ruggell.

Fred Barrie and John McNeill set me on the correct path
to giving thisnothogenus and nothospecies validly published
names. The curator of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden

kindly lent the specimen that serves as the holotype.


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