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Name : Bayu Rafiq Zakly

Class : 2B
NPM : 119060048

Learning Activity 2 : Vocabulary

We are going to work on a motion related to bullying. Below are some words / phrases on this

1. Bullying is a form of abuse or an (Unequal) attack on another student who is usually weaker
and smaller.

2. Tom was (Expelled) from school because he cheated in the exam.

3. One student calls another names, trying to create (Emotional Damage).

4. Some students decide that they will (Isolate) another student by not talking to him anymore.

5. An (Aggressive) student uses threats to get money from others.

6. Harsh (Reprimanded) is not effective for stopping bullying.

7. The teacher (Punishment) the bully for calling his classmates rude names.

8. The school awards conduct prizes to students with good (Behaviour) and discipline.

Learning Activity 3 : Reading

A. Pre-Reading discussion
In groups, think of some examples of bullying. Share your answers with the class.
Bullying is a crime that is considered trivial by the bullies, for example taunting, hitting,
or even destroying the person's property (the bully's targert). most of the bullies do bully just
for fun by joking using a certain target (bully victim) who looks weaker than the bully. Bully
can cause a victim to experience depression so badly that it can eventually make the victim
intend to commit suicide because of the depression. Meanwhile, the perpetrator will not feel
guilty for his treatment, because for the perpetrator what he is doing is normal.
B. Reading-What is bullying?
Answer the questions below based on article!
1. What are the differents kind of bullying? Give an example for each.

Type of bullying Example

Mock the victim. Calling victims of bullying as animals.
Hit the victim. Deliberately hitting for the sake of pleasure.
Damage the victim's property. Destroy the bully victim's favorite items out
of jealousy.

2. Give at least three causes of bullying.

Mock the bully victim with a strange name because he doesn't like the name of the bully
Hitting a bully victim because the factor of affection the bully gets is different from the bully
Damage the bully victim's property because the bully does not like it if the bully victim's
items are in front of him.

3. What are the effects of bullying

Bullied victims become more comfortable being alone.

Bullied victims will experience deep depression.
bullied victims will feel that suicide is better than being tortured by bullies.

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