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Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-61430-6 - Messages 2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Frontmatter More information Meredith Levy Sarah Ackroyd Messages Teacher’s Resource Pack | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge University Press 978 .521-61430-6 ~ Messages 2 Teacher's Resouree Pack ‘Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Frontmatter ‘More information [CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sa0 Paulo Cambridge University Press ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK Information on this ttle: (© Cambridge University Press 2005 {cis normally necessary for written permission for copying to be obtained {in advance from a publisher. The grammar practice, communication activities and tests in this book are designed to be copied and distributed in class. ‘The normal requirements are waived here and itis nat necessary to write to Cambridge University Press for permission for an individual teacher to make copies for use within his or her own classroom. Only those pages which cary the wording “© Cambridge University Press’ may be copied: First published 2005 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge, A catalogue record for this publication és available trom the British Library 1SBN-13 978-0.521-61430.6 Teacher's Resource Pack ISBN-10 0-521-61430-9 Teacher's Resource Pack 1SBN-13 978-0521-54709-3 Student’s Book {ISBN-10 0-521-54709-1 Student's Book 1SBN-13 978-0-521-54710.9 Workbook with Audio CD |SBN-10 0-521.54710-5 Workbook with Audio CD ISBN-13 978-0.521-61429.0 Teacher's Book |ISBN-10 0-521-61429-5 Teacher's Book ISBN-13 978-0521-61431-3 Class Cassettes ISBN-10 0-521.61431-7 Class Cassettes, ISBN-13 978-0.521-61432-0 Class Audio CDs ISBN-10 0-521-61432-5 Class Audio CDs © Cambridge University Press ‘ Cambridge University Press '978-0-521-61490-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack ‘Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Frontmatter Moreinformation Introduction 4 Entry test Entry test 6 Entry test key 10 Pattern drills uu Communication and grammar resources Teaching notes 7 Module 1 2 Module 2 26 Module 3 30 Module 4 34 Module 5 38 Module 6 42 Module tests Module 1 a7 Module 1 key 53 Module 2 54 Module 2 key 60 Module 3 61 Module 3 key 67 Module 4 68 Module 4 key ma Module 5 75 Module 5 key 81 Module 6 82 Module 6 key 88 Final test Final test 89 Final test key 95 Acknowledgements 96 Contents © {© Cambridge University Press ‘wonceambrigeong Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-6140-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack ‘Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Frontmatter ‘More information Introduction ‘The Teacher's Resource Pack for Messages Level 2 contains a range of photocoplable materials for you 0 use “with your classes. It will help provide a complete set of ‘materials for the classroom, with further resources available on the Messages website, wwas.cambridge.rg/elt/messages ‘The Teacher's Resource Pack contains the following elements Introduction with tests marking scheme Enty test and answer key Pattem dnils Teaching notes and answer keys for the photocopiable activities + Photacopiable communication acti exercises © Module tests © Final test Test answer keys es and grammar ‘The contents are organised by these main areas, with each ofthe sections marked by a grey side label for easy reference. Entry test ‘The entry testis for use atthe beginning ofthe course and has been designed with two purposes. t can be used purely as a diagnostic entry test ~ there are straightforward language exercises to check how much students have retained from their previous leaning — or it can be used to provide extra remedial practice Pattern drills The pattem drills are desianed to give students clearly staged practice of formulating newly learnt structures corlly, thereby helping them to gain confidence before attempting to use the stuctures in a freer context. Tere is a drill for every key aea of language taught in the course and some steps contain two drills. You may therefore wish to use them before the Use whae you know activities in the coresponding steps. The Teacher's Book rotes indicate where we would suggest using them in each case, Alternatively, you may wish to use them at a later stage as revision. Recordings of the pattern dlls are on the Workbook CD. (tracks 14-42), The example sentence is recorded twice so that students can hear it with the response and then formulate it themselves. n ll the pattern dls, dhe is a brief pause between the prompt and the response for You to pause the CD and allow students to say the sentence before they hear it. As students will have 2 copy ofthe CD in their Workbook, you can encourage them to repeat the pattern drills at home to reinforce the language they have learnt in class eS Contents Teaching notes for the photocopiable activities These contain clear step-by-step instructions fr all the activities. In addition, there ae answers for the ‘communication activities where relevant and answers for all ofthe grammar practice exercises, Photocopiable communication activities and grammar exercises The communication activities reflect the key grammar and/or vocabulary in each unit. Mey are desianed to activate new language in a communicative context. They Covera range of fun and motivating activity types. for ‘example, board games, quizzes, information gap activities, ‘escriptons, etc, The grammar exercises cover specific areas ofthe key ‘grammar from each unit. They are intended for fast. finishers or students who need extra practice. [Mixed-ability classes: if you have a mined ability class and your students need further remedial practice, lease log onto our website wwwcambridge.ore/elt/messages wiere you can download easier grammar exercises. There are four ofthese exercises for every unit inthe book Module tests Please see page 5 for 2 full marking scheme. This section contains six module tests. Each ofthe tests covers one module (two units) in the Student's Book. Each tost consists of six parts Grammar (20 marks): ths is divided into two sections (a and b), with ton marks each. Activity types vary, but include: ‘© Completing aiscrete, gapped sentences by selecting ‘one word from three choices provided or by choosing ftom words in a box. Both of these activities are designed to test understanding of key language at sentence level ‘© Writing the corrct verb forms from a Uist of infinitives, cor complete sentences using the corect tense, for example. This partis designed to test students! knowledge and use of key verb forms they have studle. ‘© Changing the form ofthe verb from affirmative to negative, in order to test thelr ability to apply the grammar of a language point across its various forms. Vocabulary (20 marks): i also divided into two sections (a and bi with ten marks each. Activity types vay, but include: ‘© Completing ciscrete. gapped sentences by selecting ‘one wotdffom three choices provided or by choosing from words in a box. These test students’ ability to use ‘new vocabulary in the correct context. © Cambridge University Press ‘ Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-6140-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack ‘Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Frontmatter ‘More information Spotting a word by placing the Lettrs in the cortect Cotder, oF completing the missing letters of a word after reading a clue. Both of these activities test students” ability to spell and to recognise words on an individual level © Labelling ilustrations. This tests students’ ability to ‘dontfy Lexis, as well as spelling the word correctly. ‘Choosing which word does not belong in a closed ‘raup of four. This tests students’ ability to focus on the connections between words and encourages them {0 think of vocabulary in terms of related areas Reading (10 marks): in each of these sections there is tone text with one set of comprehension questions. These may be true/false statements, writing questions {or given answers. or open questions, for example. They are designed to test students on the type of sub-skils practised in the Student's Baok, for example, reading for specific information or gist, ‘Welting (10 marks in this section students write 2 reply to prompt such as an email or Letter fom an imaginary Penfiend and must include specific topics in their answers. Listening (10 marks): the listening section is dvided into two sections. Students listen to one extract. a dialogue, ‘a monologue or several speakers. which is played at least twice. There ae two sets of questlons. In questions 1-5, students are tested on their general understanding, for ‘example, the topics discussed or the speakers’ attitudes. In this section, students may have to tick the topics Aliscussed from a given lst, or write down the names of key vocabulary mentioned: for example. Questions 6-10, require more detailed comprehension and test students" ability to listen for specific information. They may be required to answer specific questions oF choose trom true/false statements 'NB The recordings for the listening toss are onthe Class CCassettes/COs. at the end of each module. ‘Speaking (10 marks): this section is divided into two sections (a and by. In part a, students are required to answer specific questions asked by you. These always start with greetings, and ae fllowed by questions based 1 topics and language covered in the modules. They are designed to help students activate the language they have leamt and demonstrate their knowledge ofthe key vocabulary and grammar. In pat b students work with another student to complete a designated task based on prompt cards. The speaking section ofthe test includes both the instructions for the teachers and the prompt cards fr the students. In most cases you wil anly need to copy one page for every two students Final test “Tho final test has the same format and marks available as the modular tests. but tests language from all parts of the course AS its name suggests itis designed to be done ‘upon completion of the course, nd may therefore be used as an ond-of. year test. Examinations The mociular tests and final test of Messages have been signed to provide useful preparation for students taking public examinations such as UCLES KET and Trinity Integrated Skil, Test keys These are positioned at the end of each test and include ‘apescrips for te listening tests Test marking scheme The answer Key to the entry test is on page 10. The marking scheme is straightforward and the number of ‘marks awarded is writtn at the end of each exorcise, Each ofthe modular tests and the final test have six ‘components and there are 80 marks available. Each test follows the same format: Section Grammar 20 marks Section 2 Vocabulary 20 marks Section3 Reading 10 marks. Section 4 Writing 10 marks Section Ustening 10 marks Section Speaking 10 marks How to mark Section 4 Writing ach item has @ maximum of five marks, giving a total of ten masks. Marks should be awarded according to ‘wo main criteria Relevant content. Has the student answered the ‘question fully and included all the given topics? marks) © Appropriate use of giammar and vocabulary, including spelting, (5 marks) How to mark Section 6 Speaking In each of the two sections, give each student a mark based on overall performance. Marks should be awarded accoming to two main criteria: ‘© Task completion: have they included the main points {in thatr prompts? Have thelr responses bean relevant? ave they managed to communicate their ideas successfully. without too many misunderstandings? (marks) © Appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary. (5 marks) In section b, where the two students talk to each other Js important to judge each separately: for example, if Student B is woak, this should not affect tho mark of a stronger Student A Tre marks should be recorded on the Listening page of each student's test nthe box labelled ‘Speaking’. Contents w& © Cambridge University Press ‘ Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61430-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt More infrmation 1 Grammar 1 Complete the sentences ice the right 1 Complete the sentences with the conect, i. ” form of the verbs in the box. 0 A: Have you got an English dictionary? wear de eat listen natknow study b cs buy have got be go not speak MS a Yes,1do, b Yes, I've got. @)Yes, | have. - a 0 What___are _you_deing 3 1 &: What . ow Your new teacher like? ‘after school today? i Bs Shveis wer ried. 4 I'm sony, 1 __ the answer. a does bis ¢ would 2 Jack tO musie Upstalrs at 2. Hey, John, We're going swimming. Do you he rani, want to come with i 3 Natalie _. Mexican food for a her b them cus the fist time last weekend 3 Thereisn't milk on the table 4 Tom's parents him a some bany 2 ‘2 computer next week. 4h _eat any chocolate this week! 5 Where you yesterday? a mustn't b can ¢ must 6 Paul _ English very well but 5 Can | have. _.... apple please? he understands a lot, aany ba can 7 to Spain for two weeks 6 A: Does Matt play football? a Yes,he is. b Yes, he does. c Yes, he at university next year? can. 9 Chris and Sophie. cscs Natio styourgory (ast beautiful house. saturday? 10 nn YOU your a Was bis c¢ Were new dress to John’s party yesterday? 10] 8 You _see the new Hany Potter film, 1s fantastic, can b can't © must 9 Do you like. bag? It was a birthday present from my rum. a these b this ¢ those wccinss so rude! Please listen to me, a Don'tbe b Be Don't 10] Co Messages? © Cambridge Univesity ress 2005. Enty test ©Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-6140-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt ‘More information © Write the past form of these verbs. 0 wakeup 10 leave 00 work 11 ike 1 anve 12 meet 2b 13 pla p uy play z 3 come 14 read Ee 4 do a 15 see P| gq 5 eat 16 smile al 6 get 17 speak 7 9 18 study co 8 have 19 visit 9. know 20 walk 9] d_ Put the words in the right order and make sentences, 0 weekend / don’t / games / We / at / play / computer / the We don't play computer games at the weekend. . 1 to/ time / do / usually / what /? / go / bed / you 2 new / like /?/ are / classmates / your / what 3. parents / usually / you / ? / do / your / help 4 Saturday / is / a / Sarah / party / on / having 5 those / Paul / ?/ buy / trainers / did / why 6 school / you / late / always / for / are 7 cinema / you /1/to / tomorrow / with / come / the / can’t 8 see / Phil / summer / going / his / the / cousins / is / in / holidays / to 9. does / Natalie / school / her / ater / never / homework 10 the / eat / you / library / in / mustn't Fa) Grammar {40} © Cambridge University Press wonecambridge. ong a mle Name class Date Vocabulary Complete the sentences. Circle the right answer: a, b orc. b What are the opposites of these adjectives? 0: How are you? © kind ervel 8: 1 noisy a Never mind. @Fine. ¢ its OK 2 old 1 Pas 5 the aan OF France 3 tal a town b city ¢ capital 4 big 2. My hands ae cole. where ate my 5 interesting ? 6 euy 2 gloves b socks ¢ boots 7 dificult aA 5 8 happy 8: Pasta and salad 9 cold 2 Wat’ at dinner? b What's for dinner 10. good ¢ What's to dinner? 10) 4 My uncle's wite is my a aunt» cousin © grandmother 5. I'm not very In surfing a good b bad ¢ interested 6 John is very - He never speaks in class. a friendly b quiet ¢ noisy 7 | need my sunglasses because It’s very a foggy b cloudy ¢ sunny ‘8 What's the matter? Why are you so asad b kind © boring 9 Cant a photo of you and your sister? ado b take © make 40 | want to buy a pair of for the summer because it’s always very hot here. a trainers b boots ¢ sandals i oe Messages 2 EEIUIUMUREINE © Cambridge University Press 2005 Entry test Name | class Date © Label these foods. SST Ey What are these occupations? © My uncle studes animals. He'saz0ologist 1 When you've got a stomach ache you can go to the d 2 Julia Roberts is a famous Hollywood a __ 3. Jack plays in a band and he wants to beap__ 4 My mother’s an____ at the local hospital 5 | like travelling. | want to be an e Like Christopher Columbus! 6 Picasso was a famous p and his pictures are very expensive. 7 Joh flies planes. He's a p 10] 8 There are fiftyt_______at our school. Vocabulary | [40] 91K Rowling is a famous w of children’s books. 10 | think Avril Lavigne is a great s | love her music. Test total | [80] Messages 2 ERIOMRUYEENY © cambridge University Press 2005 Enty test @ ENTRY TEST TEST KEY Grammar aib 2c 3b 4a 5c 6b 7a Bc 9b Wa bb 1 don'tknow 2 ististening 3 ate 4 are going to buy 5 were 6 doesn't speak 7 go 8 are you going to study 9 have got 10 Did you wear © 1 arrived 2 bought 3 came 4 did 5 ate 6 got 7 went shad 9 knew 10 left 11 liked 12 met 13 played 14 read 15 saw 16 smiled 17 spoke 18 studied 19 visited 20 walked What time do you usually go to bed? ‘What are your new classmates like? Do you usually help your parents? Sarai is having a party on Saturday. Why did Paul buy those trainers? You are always late for school. | can’t come to the cinema with you tomorrow. Phil is going to see his cousins in the summer holidays, Natalie never does her homework after school. 10 You mustn't eat in the library. Vocabulary alc 2a 3b 4a 5c 6b 7c Ba 9b VE b 1 quiet 2 mew/young 3 shor 4 small § boring 6 straight 7 easy 8 sad 9 hot 10 bad © 1 cheese 2 chicken 3 pasta/spaghetti 4 fruit 5 bread 6 chips 7 eggs 8 fish 9 burger 10 salad d 1 doctor 2 actress 3 popstar 4 nurse 5 explorer 6 painter 7 pilot 8 teachers 9 writer 10 singer eo Ena test key Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61490-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt More information Unit 1 Step 2 Joe and Sadie / seven thirty He/She thinks + adj ‘Joe and Sadie get up at seven thirty My grandparents / six o'clock Listen to Joe and Sadie. What [sen one Side Wa doer Ee ack . Mel / eight fifteen oe) It's awl. Bo TS ‘Mel gets up at eight fifteen . 1/ quarter past seven (Sadie) W's oreat. aaa coi {petuat crores, Nick / six thirty oe) It isn't very good. Joe doesn’ think i's very good. atch ipeecleiahape (Sadie) It isnt very intresting Sadie doesn't think t's very interesting. Unit 2 Step 2 Joe) I's stupid Frequency adverbs = Joe thinks i's stupid. {BD Listen to the sentences, then say = (Sadie) ttisn’t funny, ‘the opposite using never. For example: oS Sadie doesn’t think it’s funny. | always go to bed early, = oe) It's beautiful ibpavaraa fo ed enn Es Joe thinks it's beaut | always have a shower in the morning = J never have a shower in the morning. a Unit 1 Step 3 | always walk to school like + noun/verb + ing nae eoReRCE OO GB Listen to the names of different | eta interests and activities, then make questions. pene For example: | usually cook the dinner. pecan I never cook the dinner. Do you like swimming? | often play cards iinordiins | never play cards Do you lke horor films? | often go jogging. going out { mever go jogging. Do you like going out? attetes Unit 3 Step 1 Do you lke athletics? Past simple: was, were going shopping {G85 Listen to the example, then make Do you tke going shopping? sentences about yesterday. singing Matt — at school Do you like singing? Matt was at school yesterday. learning English you ~ very angry Do you tke teaming English? You were very angry yesterday. Wwe ~ at the swimming pot Unit 2 Step 1 We were at the swimming pool yesterday. Present simple: affirmative the weather ~ great What time does everyone get up? Tews Was ppt eee Listen to the example, then make sentences. my fiends ~ at the beach Matt / quarter to eight My Sands were at the beach yesterday. Matt gets up at quarter to eight Lisa ~ in the library sen / sight o'clock Lisa was in the library yesterday. Ben gets up at eight o'clock. Patter dill oe (© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Pre '978-0-521-61490-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack ‘Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt Moreinformation Unit 3 Step 2 Usa gto a tee ocak (when an did Sadie get home? Past simple: regular and irregular verbs get Usa started her homework at four o'clock. when) Listen to the example, then talk about When did Sadia stather homeod? things that happened this morning Lisa did her homework inthe dining room. (Where) Var ets Ws i it, Where did Sadie do her homework? [listened to the radio this momina They always get up early. Unit 4 Step 2 They got up early this mornin vy * Past simple: questions and short She often goes running answers ‘She went running this morning a ee Listen and answer the questions. ‘We usually have toast for breakfast. For example: We had toast for breakfast this morning oA Did Clare go to university? (yes) = He always travels by train. Yes dealt = He cavelled by tran this moming. 6 Did she study geography? (no) = | often see Jack. No she dint. Fa | saw Jack this moming. z Did she lke working in New Zealand? (yes) Yes, she di. a Unit 3 Step 3 « , Did Jack go to France? (yes) Past simple: negative Yes tee Listen to the example, then make Did they go by plane? (no) negative sentences. No, they didn't, ‘We played basketball yesterday. (volleyball) id they citen:go swiiwningt vest We didn't play volleyball. Yes they di We stayed in a hotel last summer. (ata campsite) Did they have a good time? (yes) We didn’t stay at a campsite. Yas tape. We saw Joe yesterday. (Ben) We didn’t see Ben Unit 5 Step 2 ‘We went to a party on Friday (the cinema) Wieseiit continiens We didn't goto the cinema a (GB) What are they doing? Listen to the Wea pasts fo idl. eandtdches example and answer the questions. We didn’t have sandwiches. What's Matt doing? (eat a sandwich) ‘We took our steeping bags with us. (a tent) e's eating a sandwich We didn’t rake a tent \What are Joe and Sadie doing? (go to the - nnewsagent’s) Unit 4 Step 1 Theyte going to the newsagent’. Past simple: questions What's Mel doing? uy some sunglasses) {5 Listen to the sentences about what ‘She's buying some sunglasses. Lisa did last Sunday. Ask questions about What ae your fiends doing atthe moment? (do Sadie with When and Where. anak ween Usa left home at half past nine. (When) They'e doing theic homework Whe it sae leet Foire What's Lisa doing? (visit her cousin) Lisa went to the museum. (Where) She's visting her cousin, Where did Sadie go? What are you doing here? (wait for you) Lisa arrived at ten o'clock. (When) 1m walting for yout When did Sadie arive? Lisa had lunch at the museum café. (Where) Where aid Sadie have lunch? © Cambridge University Press _wwweambridgeong Unit 5 Step 3 Present continuous / present simple 2D Listen to the example, then complete ‘the sentences. Lisa doesn’t always wear her jacket ‘but she’s wearing it today. ‘They don’t always do their homework but they're doing it today. | don’t always get the bus >but I'm getting it today. Jack doesn’t usually watch this programme ‘but he’s watching it today. ‘We don’t often have steak for lunch .. ‘but we're having it today. My brother doesn’t often use his computer ‘but he’s using it today. Unit 6 Step 1 There was / It was (3D _ Listen to the words and describe the house. For example: ‘There were ten bedrooms. (nice) They were really nice. There was a kitchen. (modern) |e was really modern There were two living rooms. (comfortable) They were really confortable, There was a swimming pool. (big) It was really big. ‘There was a gym. fantastic) Je was realy fantastic. There was a garden. (beautiful) It was really beautiful Unit 6 Step 2 Past continuous: affirmat e BD At eight o'clock this moming, Anna was having a bad time! Listen to the example, then say what was happening. she / look for her keys She was looking for her keys. her toast / burn Her toast was burning, ther mobite phone / ring Her mobile phone was ringing her fiends / wait for her Her fiends were waiting for her. her parents / shout Her parents were shouting. her brothers / argue Her brothers were arguing, her baby sister / cry Her baby sister was crying. Past continuous: questions and short answers (It was eleven o'clock on May 19th, 1536. Ann Boleyn was in prison at the Tower of London. Listen and answer the questions. For example: ‘Was Ann Boleyn laughing? (no) No, she wasn't Was she crying? (yes) Yes, she was Was her husband sitting with hee? (no) No, he wasn't PMU eR Eran] Was he talking to someone else? (yes) Yes, he was. Were they thinking about Ann? (no) No, they weren't Was the sun shining? (yes) Yes, it was. Were the birds singing? (yes) Yes, they were. Was Ann singing too? (no) No, she wasn't Unit 6 Step 3 could/couldn't Listen to the example, then make sentences with could or couldn't. The bag was really heavy. (carry) couldn't carry t. The bus was outside our house. (see) could see it. The food was horrible! (eat) couldn't eat it The shirt was too small (wear) Feoutdn’t wear it Their TV was very loud. (hear) could hear it | didn’t know his number, remember) couldn't remember it The letter was in simple English. (understand) Lys mee Unit 7 Step 1 Comparatives Listen to the example, then make comparisons. Kate and Sadie / old kate’s older than Sadie. Lions and cheetahs / big Lions are bigger than cheetahs. a keyboard and a mouse / expensive A keyboard's more expensive than a mouse. fruit and chocolate / healthy Fruit’s healthier than chocolate. rollerblading and bowling / exciting Rollerblading’s more exciting than bowling. dolphins and sharks / intelligent Dolphins are more intelligent than sharks. Unit 7 Step 2 as. as (5 Charlie's never happy! Listen to the ‘example, then imagine you're Charlie. Those trainers are nice, Chartie. They aren't as nice as yours! You've got a really good bike, Charlie, It isn't as good as yourst Your parents are very friendly, Charlie, They aren't as friendly as yours! You've got a really big bedroom, Charlie. It isn't as big as yours! That's an interesting book, Charlie It isn't as interesting as yours! That's a nice T-shirt, Charlie. It isn't as nice as yours! Unit 7 Step 3 Possessive pronouns Listen to the example and answer the questions using ‘yes’ and a possessive pronoun. Is this Lisa's printer? Yes, it's hers ‘Are those your glasses? Yes, they're mine. Is that Matt’s toothbrush? Yes, it's his. oe Pattem dls Are these my sandwiches? Yes, they/re yours. Joe and Sadie! Is this your camera? Yes, i's ours. Is that your mum and dad's computer? Yes, it’s theirs. Unit 8 Step 1 Superlatives (} Listen to the example, then make sentences. The River Nile is very long. It's the longest river in the wostd. ‘Mount Everest is very high, It’s the highest mountain in the world Antarctica is a very cold continent. It’s the coldest continent in the world, The Eiffel Tower is really famous. It’s the most famous tower in the world. Blue whales are very large animals. They're the largest animals in the world. The Beatles were a very popular band. They were the most popular band in the world. Unit 8 Step 2 going to: affirmative ‘What games are they going to play? Listen to the example, then make sentences. I've got a basketball in my bag. 1'm going to play basketball Ben and Lisa are carrying tennis rackets. They'te going to play tennis. Matt's wearing football boots. He's going to play football, We've got some cards on the table. We're going to play cards. You're wearing baseball gloves. You'te going to play baseball Kate's wearing her volleyball shirt ‘She’s going to play volleyball. Barney and Lee are on the hockey field. They're going to play hockey. Unit 9 Step 1 will/won't Listen to the example, then make sentences with will You haven't got a map. (get lost) You'll get lost. ‘You must try this new computer game. (love it) You'll love it Lisa can't go to Jack's party, (be very disappointed) ‘Shel be very disappointed. Ben's CO player is broken. (be really angry) He'll be really angry. Now make sentences with won't. For example: {can’t un very fast. (win the race) J won't win the race. She's a very careful driver. (have an accident) ‘She won't have an accident. The dog's very friendly. (ite you) Ie won't bite you They hate travelling by plane. (fly to Spain) They won't fly to Spain. Sadie never eats meat. (have sausages) ‘She won't have sausages. Unit 9 Step 2 will/won’t: questions and short answers. G3) Listen to the questions and say the answers, For example Will Ben be angry? yes) Yes, of course ine will Will Met be late? (no) ‘No, of course she won't Will Joe and Sadie help me? (yes) Yes, of course they will Will everyone Laugh at me? (no) No, of course they won't. Will we be OK? (yes) Yes, of course we will Will it be sunny tomorrow? (yes) Yes, of course i¢ will. Unit 9 Step 3 Present continuous used for the future (What arrangements have these people ‘g0t for tomorrow night? Listen to the example and make sentences. Lisa / babysit Lisa’s babysitting Matt / go to a party ‘Matt's going to a party. Barney and Lee / practise with the band Barney and Lee are practising with the band, Jack and his mum / go to the cinema Jack and his mum are going to the cinema. You / visit your grandparents You're visiting your grandparents. No one / visit me ‘No one’s visiting me. 1/ not do anything 'm not doing anything, Unit 10 Step 1 Could | have + a/an/some 2D Listen to the example, then make polite requests. biscuit Could | have a biscuit, please? tice Could | have some rice, please? ketchup Could | have some ketchup, please? drink Could | have a drink, please? cup of coffee Could | have a cup of coffee, please? orange juice Could | have some orange juice, please? potatoes Could 1 have some potatoes. please? apple Could 1 have an apple, please? ‘rapes Could | have some grapes. please? Pattem drills oe BU eR ESE A) Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-61490-6 ~ Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt More information | want to save some money. get a job) nit step D How much/many? You should gee a job ''m not very healthy (get some exercise) : It's very cold and i's raining. nat go out) gions You shouldn't go out, How many onions have we got? ''m worried about the test tomorow. (not worry oe ke - about it) low many eggs have we got You shouldn't worry about it. bread , Horror films give me bad dreams, not watch ow much bread have we got ‘tenn fruit You shouldn't watch them. my How mucifult have we got? =I bananas Unit 12 Step 2 F How many bananas have we got? First conditional Fa milk (EX Listen to the questions and say the & How much milk Rave we got? anew ray eich i bottles of water , ‘What wil you do ifthe bus doesn’t come? (walk) Fa How many bottles of water have we got? Pies What will you say if Ben’s anary? (sorry) Unit 11 Step 1 oe must mustar ¢ ‘What will you do ifthe campsite is ful (sleep {GB Listen to the example, then make ‘on the beach) sentences with must and mustn’t. steep on the beach. Don’t ride your bike here! ‘What will you buy if you win some money? You musta’ ride your bike here (a bike) deEupnowi (Ut buy 2 bike. You must get up now. ‘What will you have if we go to the café? (an ice Tidy your room! mea You must tidy your room. W have an ice cream. Don’t took! First conditional rormueer een (It’s Sunday morning. It’s raining and Finish your homework! Ben’s in bed. He doesn’t know what to do. You must finish your homework. Listen to the example, then continue, Don't forget your key. stay in bed — his mother wil be anary You mustn‘t forget your key. IF he stays In bed, his mother willbe angry. Don't dive too fast! 0 for a walk — he'll get wet You mustn’t drive too fast If he goes fora walk, he'll get wet. play cards with his sister ~ they'l argue Unit 11 Step 2 If he plays cards with his sister, they'll argue. should/shouldn’t do his homework ~ his mother wil be pleased ‘ if he does his homework. his mother will be i i (REE stn throes and sive ine close his eyes ~ he'll go back to steep can't I. (see a doctor) wim IF he closes his eyes, he'l go back to sleep. ty oth hs 9 dents sayin bd fel hoy You should go to the demise. stay et he be dap © Pattem drills © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-61430-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack ‘Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Eecegt NaiBacrton Unit 1 3 Questions as shown. Students’ own answers Grammar Practice 2 Do you live in a big city? 41 25H sere 4 erty Coser oa tor a S cantun 6 can'tread 7 can speak vhangranccalbnertae bags pau | 5 Where doos your best fend ve? & How fen da you iy your oon? 2 Thereare 3 Theres 4 there rt 5 Are there 6 there aren't 7 Is there 2 never has 8 There's 3. don't usually watch a 7 4 oer oten rad 3 2 wevesmeanewseuvson oo 2 yen fares as ot og lack ae 6 oes James often go sadbiesT otra sen 7 aiays stn 5 Splders nave got elght legs. & vanlivwesr 6 avert got any money. P Wave yp ait 8 cane? Communication Activity 8 Hs Sally got any pets? @ For further practice of the present simple and 4} 2 oyu tke hora ims expressions of equncy, we the inornaion gp 3 Can you ly the guitar? Scivity on page 25 Make phtocopies ofthe 4 Where do you ver page ad cit ther ito Aand sheets or each 5 Whats your ass? fine cs Sues eh ae § Con ous aright tuestiors to complet the abe Both tients conoussee stright then work together using the leo complete x the matching task a : fa Communication Activity nee 2 © For further practice of Can you ..2. Do you like ..? te 2d 3a 4i 59 6b 7j Bf 9¢ 5 and Have you got...?, use the information gap 10h 2 Betty on page 23. Make photocopies ot he FA page and ct tem ino A and B sheet fr esch nit 3 g patrin the dass. Student ask eachother ey questions to fill in their table. They use the Grammar Practice bicture on their sheet to answer ther parine’s 4g 2 was 3 werent 4 was S wasn't 6 wee = B tuestons Both students then work together 3 werent “s waar & to complete the Tue/Falseexerise 3 2 stayed 3 Ustened 4 tovaled Samved = S Answers 6 finshed “7 cared 8 bolonged a Tae, 2 The. 3 Tue, 4 Foe. 5 F a a eee J Zwent 3 got 4 put 5 took 6 ran eame @ sav unit 2 2 doesnt ad Grammar Practice + ee — aoe 2 4 nt enayed~ dint eloy 4] 2 mashes 3 tings 4 eroy 5 goes 6 ploy § ent ent 7 has 8 does ome 2 2 Paul's get ~ Paul gets 7 sleept — slept 2 paying ~ lay 2 om act 4 doesrt— dont 5 not wears doer weer 6 catch catches 7 ve dort never veins ©Cambridge University Press “, RESOURCES TEACHING NOTES Communication Activity ‘© For further practice ofthe past simple use the picture story on page 27. Make photocopies of the page and cut them into A and B sheets foreach parin the class Students take it in tums to tell what happened in their pictures to form a continuous story. The student who is listening makes notes about the event thats missing in thei part ofthe story When they have finshed, both students work together to think of an ending forthe ston. Unit 4 Grammar Practice 4 2 did. 1aid Were, they weren't Did, they did was, she wasn't Were, | was Did, we didn’t Was, he was 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Did Sam Raimi direct 3 Were your friends 4 did the match take place 5 Did your mother meet 6 Did Elvis appear 7 was Sadie 8 did you sell 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 139 4c 5h 6a ‘They made their frst record in 2003. Where did you find those sunglasses? | didn't write any emails last night. Ben bought some new trainers last week. ‘What time did they leave yesterday? Her parents weren't at home last night. ‘Who was at the door? Te ab pes Communication Activity © For further practice of past simple questions, hold 2 class quiz using the questions on page 29. Photocopy the page and cut it into six question cards. © Divide the class into six quiz teams and ask them 10 appoint one person to write the team answers fon a piece of paper. Hand out a question card to each team. Give them a few minutes to work out hhow to say each question on their card © Start the quiz. In turn, each team asks the {questions on their card. All teams confer quietly in Enalish, if possible) to agree on the answers. You are the timekeeper ~ allow only a minute oF {wo for discussion on each question and then call Time's up! Next question? oS Teaching nates ‘© When all the teams have asked their questions. they hand their answer sheets to another group to mark. Read out the answers. Students award 1 point for each correct answer and add up the score before handing the answer sheet back to the group who wrote it Unit 5 Grammar Practice 1 2 “rehaving 3 ’s talking 4 “re waiting 5 ‘ssleeping 6 ‘m studying 7 ‘re travelling 8 “s getting 2. 2 'ssinging 3 isn'tusing 4 ‘re tying 5 ‘mnot enjoying 6 's looking 7 's cooking 8 aren't eating 2 'shereading 3 are they staying 4 ‘s she wearing 5 are you feeling 6 Are you waiting 7 Are they having 8 are you listening 2 We paint ~ We're painting 3 you carry ~ are you carrying / do you cary 4. is always opening ~ always opens 5 wining ~ winning 6 makes ~ °s making 7 fm not liking ~ 1 don't like 8 W's raining ~ It rains Communication Activity ‘© For further practice of the present continuous, se the ‘spot the difference’ activity on page 31. Make photocopies of the page and cut them into ‘and B sheets for each pair in the class. Students take it in turns to describe people in their picture and find one difference for each person. Unit 6 Grammar Practice 1 2 There was 2 hotel opposite the park. 3 There weren't any boats on the lake. 4 There were some old factories near the river. 5 There weren't any guards in the castle. 6 There was an accident outside the town hall 7 There wasn’t any food on the table. 8 There was some fruit in the kitchen. 2 there was 3 There were 4 It was 5 there were 6 They were 7 Itwas 8 There was 2 were having 3 was wearing 4 was making 5 wasn't raining 6 weren’t doing 7 Were .. Using 8 was... doing 426 3f 4b 5a 6h 7e 8g ‘Communication Activity ‘© For further practice of the past continuous, use the information gap activity on page 33. Make photocopies of the page and cut them into A and B sheets for each pair in the class. Students take itn turns to tell each other what people were doing when the accident happened. The student who is listening makes notes in the table. When, they have finished, both students work together to answer the questions. Answers 1 Paul 2 Tim 3 Sandra 4 Helen 5 Bill / ‘Sandra 6 Jenny /Tim 7 Helen / Bill & Jenny Unit 7 Grammar Practice 41 2 biger ~ bigger intelligenter ~ more intelligent noysier ~ noisier ‘more tong ~ longer Interesting ~ more interesting then ~ than hoter ~ hotter 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Paul is shorter than Nathan. 3 My sister is younger than my brother 4A snake is bigger than a spider. 5. The clock is more expensive than the watch. 6 Buses are slower than trains 7. English is easier than Chinese. 8 The beach is more polluted than the river. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Paul isn’t as tall as Nathan, IMy sister isn't as old as my brother. A snake isn’t as small as a spider. ‘The clock isn’t as cheap as the watch, Buses aren't as fast as trans. English isn’t as difficult as Chinese. ‘The beach isn’t as clean as the river. b3a 4c Sa Gb 7c 8b 4 Communication Activity ‘© For further revision of words for modem inventions, use the crossword on page 35. Make photocopies of tite page and cut them into A and B sheets for each pair in the class. Students should look at their crosswords and decide how they are going to describe the words in their ‘crossword to their partner. They must describe the invention without saying its name or any part of its name (for example, when describing washing machine, they can’t use the word wash (or machine). fe Students take it in turns to ask about a missing Word in their crossword. Students should help each other with spelling if necessary. Unit 8 Grammar Practice 1 2 the highest 3 the most dangerous 4 the ‘most expensive 5 the sunniest 6 the longest 7 the noisiest 8 the most popular 2 worse 3 better 4 the best 5 the worst 6 the best 7 the worst 8 better 2 They're going to travel across Asia 3. Diana's going to stay with her grandparents. 4 We aren't going to bring any food. 5. I'm not going to read this book. 6 Max and Sophie aren't going to go to university. We're going to talk to the police. He isn’t going to take any photos. 7 8 2 Are you going to talk 3's Wayne going to do 4 are we going to leave 5 are you going to have 6 Is Lauren going to come 7 are they going to get 8's your grandfather going to sell Communication Activity ‘© For further practice of superlatives, use the information gap activity on page 37. Make ‘photocopies of the page and cut them into A and 8 sheets for each pair in the class. Students ‘complete the table by asking each other questions about the missing information, using the superlative form of the adjectives. Both students then work together to answer the questions. SIOUNOSIN BEML eEre Answers a Vision X23. b Megamax ¢ Pantech 380 Unit 9 Grammar Practice 4 2 will 3° U4 wont 5 won't 6 won't 7 8 won't 22 Will Dylan pass all his exams? he won't 3. Will | have a good time at the party? you will 4 Will you win the race? with 5 Will Natalie go to the party? she won't Teaching notes eo RESOURCES ma Py iS s z 2 = rs fs] 4 Po] = 6 Will Luke and Katie get married? they will 7 will Amy be happy at university? she will ‘Will people betieve this strange story? they won't will be not — won't be next ~ tomorrow ‘once ~ one the letter will — will the letter brings ~ bring to take ~ take finishes ~ finish j Suggested answers He's playing football. They're going to the Science Museum. The exams are starting. Because his aunt is arriving They're having dinner at a Chinese restaurant. They're going to the gym. No, he isn't Communication Activity ‘© For further practice of will/won't, use the information gap activity on page 39. Make Photocopies of the page and cut them into A and B sheets for each pair in the class. Students take it jn turns to ask questions with will and fill in their table. Both students then work together to ‘complete the sentences with the correct names. Answers: 1 Anna..Julla 2 Julia 3 Julia..Anna 4 Julia 5 Julia..Anna_ 6 Anna Unit 10 Grammar Practice 41 2 some 3an 4 some 5 some 6a 7a 8 some 9. 2 Could .. have some 3. Would ... like some 4 Would ... like an 5 ‘dlikea 6 Could .. have some 7 ‘dlike some 8 Would ... like a g 2 many. e 3 many, hy 4 much, g 5 many, a 6 much, d oe Teaching notes 7 much, f & many, D 2 Thete are a lot of eggs in the fridge. 3 There isn’t much ketchup in the bottle. 4 Do you make many /a lot of phone calls? 5 Sarah doesn’t get much exercise. 6 | don't eat many / a lot of chips. 7 He's got a lot af money in the bank. 8 Do many / a lot of people go to the market? Communication Acti ity ‘© For further practice of like, a/an/some and food vocabulary. use the information gap activity ‘on page 41. Make photocopies of the page and ‘cut them into A and B sheets for each pair in the class. Students take It in turns to give their food order with I'd like and to tick the food they hear on thelr menu, Both students then work together to answer the questions. Answers 1 bread 2 ish, veggleburgers. baked potato, ice cream 3. Students’ own answers, but Likely to be meal A. Unit 11 Grammar Practice 4] 2 mustn't take 3 musttinish 4 must study 5 mustn't get 6 mustn't forget 7 must leave 8 mustn't drive 2. 2 mustn't 3 must 4 can't 5 must 6 can 7 can't & mustn't 4 2 should 3 shouldn't 4 should 5 shouldn't 6 should 7 shouldn’t 8 should 4) Suggested answers No, you shouldn't, No, they shouldn't, Yes, he shoul. Yes, you should. No, he shouldn't. No, you/we shouldn't, Yes, she should, ‘Communication Activity ‘© For further practice of modals (will/won't can/ cant, must/ mustn't, should/shouldn’t, use the game on page 43. The game can be played by two, three or four players. Photocopy the page for each group. Cut up the situation cards (1-5) ‘and either fasten them together with a paper clip ‘or put them in an envelope. Do the same with the answer cards. Write up the eight modals on the board so that everyone can see them. '* In each group, one person deals out the answer Cards (in a group of three, one player will have six cards while the others have seven). The card for situation 1 is then turned up for all the players to read. Players put forward any of their ‘answer cards that they think fits with the situation, completing the sentence with an ‘2ppropriate modal and reading it aloud. Each time, the group should discuss the answer and the player may have to justify the answer with reasons. Ifthe group agrees that the sentence is 2 good answer, the player gets two points. f the player can’t persuade the group that an answer is. appropriate, he/she loses a point. When there are no more answers to be found for situation 1, the ‘group moves on to situation 2, and so the game continues. The winner is the player with the most points at the end of the five situations, ‘© If some students have unused answer cards left over at the end of the game, the whole group should discuss together how to complete each sentence and match it with one of the five situations. Unit 12 Grammar Practice 1 2 2 3 can't 4 can/ 5 should 6 won't 7 mustn't/shouldn’t 8 shouldn't/won't 2d 39 4a 5h 6c 7d Be 2 don't won't 3 won't ~ don’t 4 he's — he'll be 5 don't be ~ aren't 6 not writes ~ doesn't write 7 we — we'll 8 will play ~ plays | Student’s own answers. Communication Activity ‘© For revision of Units 1-12, use the board game fon pages 45-6. The game can be played by two or three players, with one other student acting as uizmaster. The players need a copy of the board ‘on page 46, a dice, and counters or coins to move around the board. The quizmaster needs a copy of the questions on page 45, ‘© Players each place thelr counter on a different square numbered 1. They have to move down their track to square 16 and then back up again. The aim is to be the frst person to reach the Home square. Student A throws the dice and moves to the corresponding square, The quizmaster asks the {question for that square. If A gives a good ‘answer, he/she stays on the square. If the answer {s incorrect, A has to move back one square. It is then B's turn to throw the dice, and so the game ‘continues, if someone lands on the same square for a second time. he/she moves one square ‘ahead. Anyone can challenge an answer if they think it is incorrect, with the quizmaster making the final decision if there is any disagreement. Be on hand to answer any outstanding questions /resolve any issues. After the activity, you may wish to have some whole class feedback to check together and hear the students’ own answers Answers ‘Student A 1 Student’s own answer, 2 5,000. 3 Student's ‘own answer. 4 Mr Roberts, 5 Student's own answer. 6 Student's own answer. 7 Student's ‘own answer. 8 No, itisn't. 9 Student's own answer, 10 Three of these: screen, keyboard, mouse. speakers, printer. 11 One of these: sausages, steak, beefburgers, veggieburgers, fish. 42 Ascorpion. 13 In Jamaica. 14 No, you shouldn't. 15 Student’s own answer. 16 Sadie’s. Student 8 1 The Nile 2 Student's own answer. 3 Student's own answer. 4 Between 4 and 5 lites. § Student's own answer. 6 Very cold in the winter and hot in ‘the summer, 7 Student's own answer. & We should recycle them. 9 Three of these: computer, fridge, ‘washing machine, television, CD/DVD player. cooker, hairdryer ete. 10 Maggie. 11 Because they were reading her emails. 12 Student's own answer. 43 Student's own answer. 14 Cookies. 415 Febniary. 16 Student's own answer. Student C 1 Antarctica. 2 365. 3 Student's own answer. 4 Manchester. 5 Yes, itis. 6 To a newsagent’ 7 Student's own answer. 8 Three of these: potatoes, tomatoes, peas. onions. beans etc. ‘9 Tina Dawson, 10 Because he had a broken lea. 11 Some eggs, some butter and some cheese. 42 England, Scotland and Wales. 13 One of these: Tower of London, Buckingham Palace. Big Ben. 14 Student's own answer. 15 Miss Kay's. 16 Student's own answer Teaching notes eo BF a Py a St F a z io} = m iy s30unosay Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61490-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt More information 1 can/can’t Look at the information in the table and complete Rosa's sentences. Use can or can't run ast | play | read [speak | speak My name's Rosa. 1_can read. music tennis | music | German | Spanish and | like playing the piano. | rosa} x | v v x v 2 tennis but Fm nat very sam [| ¥ | * x x ¥ good at it because 13. fast My friend Sam 4. tennis but he 5, __fast and he loves athletics, He .. Sam and17________ Spanish but we 8 German. 2 there is / there are 7 you / @ camera? Complete the sentences. Use the right form of — there Is / there ae. 8 Say /any pets? 1 some lemonade in the kitchen. _ 2 sume @lephants in Asia and Attica 3 ooonuenee AN Email Message from Lisa. Questions and answers 4 You can have some bread, but _ Write the questions 8 any butter, 4. (our favourite colour?) 8 5. ‘any good CDs in this shop? What's your favourite colour? = 6 | want to make an omelette, but co 8: Blue. & ‘any eaes 2 ike / horror films?) 2 Fenn @ Computer in the Uibrany? he z 8. _. an intemet café in West Roa stowayriorfe have got 3 (play / the guitar = ‘Write the sentences. Use the right form of a EB have got. : Yes, can, a 1 Nicole / brother and a sister 4 (Where / live?) Fs) Nicole's got.a brother and a & nen 2 2 We / anew television 8: {live in London, ry see = = 5 (your address?) 4 A B: 15 Greenway Street. 6 (owls / see / at night?) A ~ 8: Yes, they can, 7 (What / think / ofthis musicn Messages 2 a B: I don't tke it very much, © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 1 resources Unit 1 © Cambridge University Press ‘ Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-6140-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt ‘More information en. Student A 1 Imagine you are Carlos. ‘Answer your partner's questions. 2 Your partner's name is Steve. ‘Ask questions and complete the table, 3. Work with your partner. Are the sentences true or false? Catlos isn’t from Europe. ‘The boys both enjoy reading. Steve is very good at sport. Carlos can't play @ musical instrument. Steve is interested in art, They both like going to the ‘swimming pool ae Student B 3 Your partner's name is Carlos. Ask questions and complete the table. 2 Imagine you are Steve. Answer your partner's questions. 3. Work with your partner. Are CARLOS 1 the sentences true or false? i c=] id oy o = DB fay m a e = = fas How old? 15 | eitishr | Liver. 4 Carlos isn't from Europe. 2 The boys bath enjoy reading. 3. Steve is very good at sport. can? 4 Carlos can’t play a musical instrument. Steve is interested in art 6 They both like going to the ‘swimming pool like? got? ALIALLOW NOLLVOINNWWOD Messages 2 © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 1 resources Unit 1 © © Cambridge University Press ‘ Cambridge University Press 978-0% j21-61430-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resouree Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt ‘More information ife)t]; v9) yaya) GRAMMAR PRACTICE 3 Present Present simple: affirmative Complete the sentences. Use the right present simple form of the verbs in the box hhave go enjoy do get play wash ring home from school at about 4.30. 1 5 ‘to work four days a week. 2 Mr Johnson... his car every weekend. 6 tennis and basketball at school 3. My parents’ alarm clock ______ at 630. 7 Jack... a shower in the evening. 4 My sister and |_________. going to the gym. 8 Melalways.____ her hamework. 9 Present simple: affirmative and negative Look for a mistake in each sentence. Underline the mistake and correct it. I’m not like this pizza — it’s awful! ido ‘After breakfast, Paul's get ready for school ‘They don’t often playing computer games. ‘We doesn’t go to school at the weekend, ‘Adam not wears trainers, Eva catch the bus in Smith Street. People never don't swim here because the water isn't clean, __. imple: questions and answers ‘Write the questions. Then write true answers. Present simple with frequency 1. you / enjoy / cooking? adverbs x Do you enjoy cookin Complete the sentences. Put the adverbs in the & NoIdon't right place. 1 1 always havea shower before | get dressed. (have / always) 2 you / lve / ina big city? a i 2 Daniel _____________. cereal for breakfast. have / never 3 We TWafter school. (noe watch / usually 4 kate _ magazines. (not read / often) 5 Sally and her friends to school by train. (come / always) 6 James sm bowling? (go / often YOU onennennnenn 0 the radio i the moming. listen / always) A 8 British students meee @ SCHOOL uniform. (wear / usually) © Messages 2 {© Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 1 resources Unit 2 © Cambridge University Press ‘ Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-6140-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt ‘More information Student A Monday [Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Fi ‘Saturday _[Sund 1 Lookat the things > = > = 5. * 5 » 5. = 5. = b. ~ Tanya does in her ee 7 0 ee eo ee se swinning [jegaiag [oninming | tioning | winning |jegaiag [jeoaing free time. Ask your 2 | eeaing | dimming. 2 racine sing (perenerigececiones 400 400 sas sas Jeharah, and complete the gymnastics |____] camera clad | valierbinding table. = 1.00 Wiatdoesstoaoat) | ga, eon | Zo'clock on Thursday?) | 7°. ooo ai ‘She goes swimming. onTe cinenas 2 Answer your partner's 3 Work with your partner. Match 1-10 with a~j and make questions. ttue sentences about Tanya. 1 Tanya gets up early a every Saturday aftemoon. 2 SW poostothapool «} 10 Jf 3 ft 22) oe Messages 2 [IIIRAIEGIGE © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 6 resources Unit 12 Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61490-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt More information Grammar 8 Complete the sentences. Circle the right bb Complete the sentences with the right answer: a, b orc. present simple form of the verbs in the box © There __ any flowers on the table w bo ak Quer sae ‘think live not agree wash help not know enjoy have not eat 4 Paul... got a brother. go watch doesn’t b haven't © hasn't ° . © Zak. thinks. computer games are boring. 2 Where are my trainers? I can’t find _ 4 Salt her hair five times a week a them b him © her Yo 2 |____t bed early on school days 3. good film on TV this evening? 3. When _. John usually a Are there b Is there Aren't there shower? 4 Do you enjoy .._ cards? 4 Jackie _________ meat because she's a a toplay b playing play vegetarian. 5 Can Tom. French? 5 We sometimes _ speak b speaks ¢ to speak peas BPE - dinner. 6 A: Does Emma like athletics? 6 Matt swimming in the sea. _ 7 A: Where your cousins a Yes, do. b Yes. they do. © Yes, she does. > 7 This is my dad's new car. Do you like _. is NOOR no 8 I'm sorry |___ the answer. 8 A: Have you got a computer at home? 9 Mike television everyday. a 10 We with you. ral a No,tdon't. b Yes,thave. © Yes,1 do. 9. 1.90 swimming __.~ on Tuesdays and [Grammar_| 20} Saturdays. a always b once a week c twice a week 10 We ___ sometimes late for school. ate b go c come a a = S =] eS = mn es a g a} playing cards (BD Listen again, and choose the right option for questions 6 - 10. 6 How often does Speaker 1 do his/her hobby? a once a week b twice aweek c every day 7 How often does Speaker 2 do his/her hobby? a every day b once aweek ¢ once a month 8 How often does Speaker 3 do his/her hobby? 2 every day b every weekend c every week 9 How often does Speaker 4 do his/her hobby? 2 every Friday b every Saturday c every Sunday 10 When does Speaker 5 like doing his/her hobby? 4 Saturday morning b Sunday aftemoon_¢ Monday evening Messages 2 © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 1 test Listening [Speaking a} Test total isal T 7INGOW ¢-T SLINN © Cambridge University Press ‘ Cambridge University Press 1978-0-521-6140-6 - Messages 2 Teacher's Resource Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt ‘More information Speaking [A Two students answer your questions. ‘Greet Students A and B and ask ther how they are ‘@ Ask each student questions using language associated with giving information ofa factual, petsonal kind e.c. What do you like doing in your fee time? Wihat do you usually do at the Weekends? What do you think of ..?(Tis is to practise present simple / routines / hobbies / giving opinions.) B Two students talk to each other. ‘© Give Student A a copy of card A and give Student B a copy of card B, Explain that they should take i in turns to ask one another's opinions af the activities topics on their cards (What do you think of..2. They should alve thelr opinion and then say why they lke/disUke ‘each activty/topic. The student who has asked the question should agree/disagree, also aiving reasons. Encourage them to speak as freely as possible. ae A ‘Ask your partner thelr opinion about: ‘computer games television football a B ‘Ask your partner their opinion about: UNITS 1-2 the Internet books, MODULE 1 TEST tennis eo Messages 2 © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 1 test © Cambridge University Press ‘ Cambridge University Press 978 .521-61430-6 ~ Messages 2 Teacher's Resouree Pack Meredith Levy and Sarah Ackroyd Excerpt ‘More information Grammar @ic 2a 3b 4b 5a 6c 7a Bb 9c a bb 1 washes 2 go 3 does..have 4 doesn'teat 5 help 6 enjoys 7 do. live 8 don’t know 9 watches 40 don’t agree Vocabulary a1b 2a 3c $b $a 6c 7b Ba 9¢ OD bb 1 astronomy 2 meeting friends 3 athletics 4 horror films playing cards 6 computer games 7 going jogging 8 swimming 9 reading 10 using the Intemet Reading ‘Suggested answers 4 She teaches English 6 She has breakfast. 2 In London. / Near the school / In asmall house. 7 At eight o'clock 3 Matk, 8 Twenty-one 4 Two. 9 They often go out with fiends. 5 Athalf past six 10 They go to the cinema or the local pizzeria. Writing Free exercise Listening Tapescript 1. [go every Wednesday and Thursday after school. There's a swimming pool near my house so I's very ‘easy for me.I also Jove swimming in the sea, but only in the summer. 2. My favourite films are horror fllms. I don't know why = I guess Isa bit strange, but there's a great film ‘lub at the cinema in the town centre so go once a week. 3. I've got a computer in my room so I spend hours every day playing games. My parents always buy me new games for my birthday and for Christmas. The games now are fantastic. Sometimes I play with my. brother but { usualy play alone. 4 Every Saturday I meet my bestfriend, Natalie, in town and we go round the shops. We never buy anything because we haven't got any money, but it's fun just looking Ike clothes shops and Natalie likes looking at CDs. 5 Like fantasy books and detective stories. The best time to read is when i’ raining. [ike reading on Sunday aftemoons after I finish my homework. I always buy books with my pocket money Answers 1-2 a-G 4-D 5-8 | gq 6b 7b 8a. 9b 10b 2 = a Speaking & Free exercise = So s € i © Cambridge University Press ‘ UNITS 3-4 Grammar @ Complete the sentences. Circle the right answer: a, b or c © Peter late again yesterday. a were was cis 1A: Were you at Tom's party on Saturday? 8 2 Yes. he was. b I wasn’t. © Yes, las. 2 you want for dinner this evening? a When b What © Where 3A: Was the film good? 8 2 Yes, itwas. b Yes, he was. © Yes, she was 4 We... swimming because it was very cold a went b didn'tgo © go 5. The third of April nineteen eighteer 2 02,04.1980 02.03.1908 ¢ 03.04.1918 6 Is your favourite Hollywood actor? @ What b Who © Why 7. Itidied my room 2 two days ago b tomorow ¢ two days 8 did you get to school this morning? a Who b What © How 9. A: Did Ben enjoy his holiday? 8: a Yes, he did. b Yes, he does. ¢ Yes, he was. 10. are you always so tired? a What b Why © Who FG) Name Class Date b Complete the sentences using the right past simple form of the verbs in the box. be come get go have put run say sleep see catch 0 I didn't hear what you ..£aid___— can you ‘repeat it. please? 4. Monica tuntit 11 o'clock because she was very tired. 2 Ben to school because he was late, 3. My grandparents to our house for dinner at the weekend. at 2 big ice cream after dinner 5 Paul and Jane at my birthday party yesterday. 6! ‘my school bag in the kitchen but now | can't find it. 7 Lee and Joe to Canada for Christmas. 8 We the train from London to Paris when we went on holiday last summer. 9. My brother birthday. an electric guitar for his 10 1 ‘our French teacher with her new baby yesterday. They looked very happy. fio] Grammar | [20] © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 2 test Name Vocabulary Class Date @ Read the descriptions of jobs. ‘What is the word for each one? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each letter in the word. (0 This person organises people at work. manager 1 This person plays music on the radio. a 2 This person has got cows, chickens etc ' 3 This woman brings you food in a restaurant. 4 This person makes houses. 5 This person makes films. 6 This person works in a shop. 7 This person works in an office and helps the manager. 8 This person gives lessons at a school. ‘9 This person works with cars. m 410. This person drives a car for money. t b Complete the sentences. Circle the right answer: a, b oF c. 0 | love eating. cream when it's hot. 2 eyes @ice c sun 1. We took our car on the ... from Dover to 6 When you go camping, you usually take a Calas bag. @ boat tip b fery ¢ beach a steep b slept ¢ steeping 2 When we went to the mountains, we stept in 7 We went by ... ram London to Los Angeles. a a plane b caravan bus a tent b rucksack ¢ beach 8 We stayed at a five-star... Our room was 3. We took a trip on the river. fantastic. a boat b ship ¢ plane a tent b campsite ¢ hotel 4 Love swimming in the 9. We played football on the a see b saw c sea a beach b sea ferry 5 A__ {sa bag you carry on your back. 10 We stayed at ain the mountains, fa tent b rucksack ¢ caravan @ beach b campsite boat a Vocabulary | [29] Messages 2 EXDIIBIINIY © cambridge university Press 2005 Module 2 test Bhs Trae litle) ¥-€ SLINN, Name class pate Reading Read the article about John Lennon. ‘born in Liverpool in 1940. Together they had a baby When he was two years son, Julian ld, his father left the family, “The Beatles recorded a lot and then when John was four, _of albums but they played their his mother also left, so he went last official concert at the end J ‘ohn Winston Lennon was married Cynthia Powell to live with his aunt, Mimi of 1966. John met Yoko Ono, Smith. He had his first band his second wife, in November when he was sixteen and, in of that year. After the band 1957, Paul McCartney joined broke up in 1970, all the him. George Harrison, Paul's band members made solo friend, then became the lead albums. John wrote “Imagine! itarist. The last member of in 1971, a'sang that everyone the group (after Pete Best, the knows today. first drummer left) was Ringo John went to live in America Starr. The name of the band in the 1970s and he had a was the Beatles. second son, Sean, in 1975, But In 1960 they spent four his life ended on 8 December ‘months in Hamburg, Germany, 1980 when Mark Chapman, a where they played music for fan, shot him five times outside eight hours every night, and his apartment in New York that was the beginning of John was only forty years old Beatlemania. They came back to England and, in 1962, John ‘Are these sentences ‘true’ (a) or ‘false’ (b)? If there is not enough information to answer “true (a) or ‘false’ (b), choose ‘we don’t know’ (c). Circle the right answer. (© John Lennon was born in August 1940, a tue b false @we don't know ; o 4. He lived with his grandmother. 6 The Beatles stopped doing concerts in 1970. = 2. Paul McCartney played the guitar. 7 John wrote ‘imagine’ with Yoko. Fy 4 They stayed in Germany for a year. 9 He died in America, 2 a true b false ¢ we don't know @ true false c we don’t know Es 5 John's first son was called Julian. 10. Yoko was with him when he died. Reading | [10] So Messages 2 (GIMIRIEENIE © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 2 test Writing Imagine you had a fantastic holiday last summer. Write a note to a friend about the holiday. say «where you went (© why it was fantastic and, © what you did. Write 25-35 wards. Name Class Date Messages 2 IOWRUTEEIEE © cambridge University Press 2005 Module 2 test [writing Fo} pir Tae uli telel -€ SHINN UNITS 3-4 [fees Name Listening ons oats [BD Listen to five people talk about important dates in their lives. For questions 1 ~ 5 choose the right date. 1 a Ast November b 3rd November ¢ 30th November 2 a 1/4/2003» 3/4/2003 ¢ 4/4/2003 3a 2nd August b 12th August © 22nd August 4 Sth February b 19%h February © 29th February 5 2 21/6/98 30/6/98 30/7/98 Listen again and for questions 6 ~ 10 choose what each speaker talks about. Write a letter (A-H) in each box. 6 Speaker 1 7 Speaker2 | a school 8 Speaker [1] B sport 9 Speaker 4 © a brother 10 Speaker 5 D ameal E asister F the weather 6 holidays H university Listening | [10] Speaking | [10] Test total_| [80] oe Messages 2 ERUMURUNEIY © canbridge University Press 2005 Module 2 test Speaking ‘A Two students answer your questions. ‘© Greet Students A and B and ask them how they are. ‘# Ask each student questions using language associated with giving information of a factual. personal kind e.9. What do you enjoy doing at school? What do your parents do? Wat do you want to do when you leave school? What /s your dream job? (The students will be daing rote plays connected with jobs so any questions connected with the topic would be sultable.) B Two students tatk to each other ‘© Give Student A a copy of card 1A and give Student B a copy of card 18. Explain that Student B is interviewing Student A for the college magazine and has to find out about their jo. They should ask questions using the prompts on the card and Student A should answer accordingly. When they have finished, give Student A a copy of card 28 and Student 8 a copy of card 28 and they should then reverse roles with Student A asking the questions. Encourage expansion! on. aA 18 Film Director Your partner is a film director. Like: work/famous actors Ask: Favourite actors: What/like/about job? Because Favourite actors? Don't like: travel/foreign countries why? work/15 hours a day \What/not like/about job? 2a 28 Your partner is a disc jockey. Disc Jockey Ask Uke: listen music/all day aecocmeinans Mca What/like/about job? Favourite singers: Favourite singers? Because why? Don't tike: get up early What/not like/about job? ‘manager of radio station ee Module 2 test © BRET rae lille) y-€ SLIND MODULE 2 TEST KEY Grammar aic2b 3a 4b 5c 6b 7a Be 9a Wb bb 1 slept 2 ran 3 came 4 had 5 were 6 put 7 went 8 caught 9 got 10 saw Vocabulary a 1 disc jockey 2 farmer 3 waitress 4 builder 5 director 6 shop assistant 7 secretary 8 teacher 9 mechanic 10 taxi driver bib 2a 3a 4c 5b 6c 7a 8c 9a 10d Reading 1b 2c 3a 4b 5a 6b 7c Bb 9a 0C Writing Free exercise Listening Tapescript {1 My bithday’s on the third of November, Last year Tha a fantastic day because my husband bought me a big bunch of lowers and took me out fora romantic dinner. 2 {stare my new jab onthe frst of April 2003. I remember my fist day’ Because the weather was awful rained all day and it was really realy col. 3 Wego to the sea every year on the second of August. We usualy spend the fist week with our cousins and then we spend the second ek with fiend £4 My brother John’s very special because his birthday’s on the twenty-ninth of February. He only hhasa birthday once every four years! 5 lett university on the thirtieth of June 1998, { was twenty-one years od Answers, ib 2a 3a 4c 5) 6D 7F 8G 9C 10H Speaking Free exercise Grammar o | class Date Complete the sentences, Circle the right answer: a, b oF ¢, They learning Spanish @aren't» can't don't 1 was aspder in my shoe 6 often wath — the park on my way home. an bithee c He ub down € though 2 Sally to school 7 What you doing at 7 o'clock this moming? 2 always walks b Is always walking a vas b wee & did € was alvays walking 8A: Where's Josh? 3 Whon | was a ei, speak French B: He his homework upstairs but naw tan 2 doing b does ¢ aid could b cant « coutént 9 Le’s go... the hill ~ there's a great view from 4 We. dinner when the football match the top. stared 2 acioss_b up ¢ through 2 have» were having ¢ ae having 10. A: What were you dong at seven o'clock last 5. A: Was Lauren at school yesterday? igh a be bwas 1 2 No, she wasn't, b No, she dant 4 watch b watched watching «No, she couldn't io 1b choose the right words. 0 Fm always ating/t always ea it or breakast. 1 Joe was watching / watched tletson at eight o'clock yesterday evening, 2 We were watking hme when i was starting / started t ain 3 Chloe is never doing / never does her homework 4 an coun’ / can't come to my party last weekend 5 Jake and Rob are cooking / cook diner once a week 6 What were you doing / dd you do after you got home? 7 My parents were Ustening /Ustened to loud musi at midnight! FS 8 | can / could play tennis well because | have tennis lessons every week FI 9. How are you usually going / do you usually go to school? in 10 ene hy doa en os cm & Grammar [9 g a g Messages 2 EEIUREUMEEIR © cambridge Univesity Press 2005 Module 3 test eo UNITS 5-6 MODULE 3 TEST Vocabulary a Places. Label these pictures. b Complete the sentences with the names of places or shops in a town, © You can buy shampoo and medicine at the chemist’s 1 You can have a cup of cotfee at ae 2. My favourite film is on at the e _ at the moment. 3 You can see a doctor at the h___ 4 You can send letters at the p 5 You can buy bread at the b 6 You can get money fram the b_ 7 You can buy jeans at ae 8 You can buy a newspaper at then ___ ito 9 You can go swimming in the r 10 You can buy a television and clothes at ad____ s [Vocabulary | [20] oe Messages 2 [QIGIUGUEINING © cambridoe University Press 2005 Module 3 test Reading Read this interview. m Barker was born thirty years ago in a small vlloge on the south coast of England, but when he was fen years ‘old the Family moved to London becouse Tom's father got a good job in « bank. Last week Tom went back to the village where he spent the first fen years of his life, This is what he told us when we interviewed him: I could remember the village very well. When | was 0 child, there was a smal village shop where you could buy everything you wanted They sold fantastic sweets and cokes and fresh bread. | went to the vlloge school for five yeors. There were only thity pupils in the school so the classes were very small ~ not lke today! AP weekends, we look our bikes and wert tothe beach. We dda’ stay ct home very offen because we dida't have o television in those days, but when the weather wos cold wa went fo our fiends! houses. Everybody in the village was very friendly. But now, everything is diferent. | eoulda’t find our house. There isn'ta village shop or pos office: now there's « large supermarket ‘ond people go shopping there. There are new houses everyerhore but the village school is closed. All the children go to school in the town o few miles away. | was very sad because the village isn’t the way | remembered it. My old friends ‘weren't there and the new people weren't very friendly. ‘Are these sentences ‘true’ (a) or ‘false’ (b)? If there is not enough information to answer ‘true’ (a) or ‘false’ (b), choose ‘we don't know’ (c). Circle the right answer. © Tom was born in 2 small village in Scotland. a tue @false c we don't know 1. Tom's father worked in a bank. a tue b false ¢ we don't know 2 Tom went back tothe village last year. a true b false we don't know 3. There was a chemists in the village. a tue b false ¢ we don't know 4. The village shop sold bread. a tue b false © we don't know 5. Tom's sister went to the village school a true false ¢ we don't know Messages 2 (IISIWRUREENE © cambridge universiy Press 2008 Module 3 est 10 Tom had a bike when he lived in the village, a true b false © we don't know Tom visited his old house. a tue b false c we don’t know There's a big car park at the supermarket. a true b false ¢ we don't know Children don’t go to school in the village now. a true b false ¢ we don't know Tom was very happy when he went to the village, a twe bb false © we don’t know Reading 10] SRE Te WUT le) 9-S SLINN. UNITS 5-6 MODULE 3 TEST Name : cass 0: Writing ate Read this postcard from your English penfriend Alex. Here is a postcard of my town. It's not very big, but I think it’s @ fantastic place. My favourite place is the cinema — 1 go there on Friday with my friends. Can you send me a postcard of your town? How big is your town? What's your favourite place in the town? Where do you usvally go at the weekends? love Alex Write your answer to Alex. Answer the questions. Write 25~35 words. [writing [20] od Messages 2 ‘© Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 3 test Listening (Listen to these people talk. Where are they? For questions 1 ~ 5, clicle the right answer: a, b oc 1 a inthe kitchen. » ona bridge. ¢ ina forest 2 a ina hospital bb ina shoe shop. « in.a department store. 3 a ata newsagent's b ata chemist’s, ¢ in the market. 4 a ina village. b ina forest. in a car park 5 a inthe town hall b ata newsagent’s, € ata post office (HD Listen again and for questions 6 ~ 10 answer the questions. 6 What can Speaker 1 see? 7 What does Speaker 2 want to buy? 8 What does Speaker 3 say about the weather? 9 When does Speaker 4 like siting there? 10. What does Speaker 5 want to buy? oe istening | [10] [Speaking | [a0 [Test total | [80] Messages 2 [EIMISUMEIIY © cambridge University Press 2005 Module 3 test oe isa € FINGOW 9-G SIINN Speaking 1A Two students answer your questions. Greet Students A and B and ask them how they ae ‘© Ask each student questions using Language associated with giving information of a factual personal kind e.4. Do you like living in this town village? If so. what do you like about it? If ‘not. what don’t you like? What is your favourite place? Where do you usually go at the weekend? Where's that? The students are to practise vocabulary connected with places in town and giving directions.) B Two students talk to each other. (© Give Student A a copy of card A and give Student B a copy of card 8. Explain that they will take it in turns to ask for directions to the places given as prompts on their cards. They should imagine they are tourists. Make sure they use directions such as: an the left/right, turn left/right at the end of .. go past... 90 along ...go across Don AL Tell your partner where you are I j Fw || |S sous {and then ask for directions to: an i | {the police station owee 2 see: {the department store. ema | uber 3 | Meteo a a ee 1 say why you want to go to these places. FERRY STREET | rescue || nove | = | i Laer cme ' Department. | vn ee b 1 og 2 A Tettyour partner where you are : e 4 : Yespat sean : Z | and then ask for directions to: fmm rosotice| i the bank ToNDON = ROAD 5 the post ofce e Sa]: fom) 3 ; pole z op |/2|_Saee | E the chemist’ cena) = | an | ema ca cae = mee | aane be Say why you want to goto these places. 2 & 4 renay = srReer Fy 2 3 fev | ow, | = oe o& Messages 2 [IIWRUMEENA © cambridge unversy Press 2005 Module 3 test Grammar aib2a 3c 4b 5a 6c 7b Ba 9b WC fb 1 was watching 2 started 3 neverdoes 4 couldn't 5 cook 6 did you do 7 were listening 8 can 9 do you usuallly go 10 doesn’t know Vocabulary @ 1 bridge 2 forest wood) 3 carpark 4 castle 5 church 6 market 7 skyscraper 8 hill 9 park 10 station bh 1 café 2 cinema 3 hospital 4 postooffice § baker's 6 bank 7 clothes shop 8 newsagent’s 9 river 10 department store Reading 1 True 2 False 3 Wedon'tknow 4 Tue 5 Wedon'tknow 6 Tue 7 False 8 Wedon'tknow 9 True 10 False Writing Free exercise Listening Tapescript 1 I'm looking at the river, fcan see some fish in the water because its very cleat. There are no cars| hare so it's very quiet 2 Lwant to buy a new pair of jeans but I can’t see any, Where are all the shop assistants?! Maybe ‘they're having coffee somewhere! ook at that woman! She's reading all the magazines! Do you think shes going to buy one? Maybe she’s standing in here because is raining 4 The tees here are so old ~ and so big. I love sitting here in the summer. usually bring some food, something to drink and a good book. It's very nice when It's really hot, 5. I'm waiting to buy some stamps. I've got ten postcards to send to my family and friends at home, but there are five people in front of me. It’s taking a long time. Answers. 1b 2¢ 3a 4b Sc 6 (some) fish 7 new jeans 8 it's raining 9 in the summer 10 some stamps 6 Speaking Free exercise Fey ERs € 71ndow UNITS 7-8 MODULE 4 TEST Name Gianimnas Class Date @ Complete the sentences. Circle the right, answer: a,b or c. 0 A: Ace you going to watch the football match on television this evening? BL a Yes, they are. @Yes, 1am. ¢ Yes. she is. 4 Sally is __. than her sister. 6 English isn’t ___ German, a friendlier most friendly ¢ as friendly a asdificult as b more dificult 2 Paul is... tennis player in our class. He's «the most dificult britiant! 7 Dave and Steve can't find thelr football. Is this a the worst b the best ¢ the better football? 3 .__are these keys? a his b theirs © hers a Who b Who's © Whose 8 Physics is. subject! | hate it 4 My cat is... cat in the world. It sleeps on the a the worst b worse ¢ worst sofa all day. 9. high is Mount Everest? a laziest b the laziest ¢ lazier a How > Howmuch ¢ What 5. This is my camera and that's 10 | think this dictionary is @ you b youre yours amy bomine © me 10) |b Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets. Remember to use ‘the’ or than’ © Joe is the mest intelligent. boy in the class. intelligent) 1 The Nile is the Thames. (long) 2 My brother is ime. He never helps our parents. (lazy) 3. Ihate Monday. I's day of the week. (bad) 4. I think Kirsten Dunst is actress in Hollywood. (beautiful) 5 Sally is Girl in the school She's 1 metre 90. tal) 6 Canada is France. (bia) 7m iy father. m only 1 metre 60 and he's 1 metre 80. (short) 8 I'm going to buy television in the shop. (modern) 9. Fresh fruit and vegetables are fast food, thealthy) 10. Mrs Jones is teacher in the school. We all love her. (good) 9] (Grammar | [20] oe Messages 2 EMMUGUREMIE © cambridge university Pes 2005 Module 4 test. Name Class Date Vocabulary ‘@ Complete the sentences. Choose the right adjectives from the box. big dangerous difficult expensive fast high long sew old powerful tall © Doyoulike my NeW. shoes? | bought them yesterday. 1. My brother is nearly two metres 2 This exercise is very «don't understand it. 3 Scorpions are very animals. 4 Suri's gota really sports ca. It can go at 240 kilometres an hour. 5 How is Mount Kilimanjaro? 6 My new computer is very and its gota lot of memory. 7 Brad's got a house with five bedrooms and three bathrooms 8 The Amazon is a very fiver. 9 €30 for a pizza! Wow ~ that’s very 0] 410 My grandmother is very ‘now. She's ninety-four years old. Look at the pictures and write the name of the modern inventions. 0 electric toothbrush 1 = BOS Te Aa litele) zo] ® e 0 Vocabutary | [20] 8-2 SLND Messages 2 GEIIRUEUNE © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 4 test eo UNITS 7-8 Cele ae Reading Name Class Read this article on mobile phones. Date ‘The mobile phone is one of the most popular inventions of the twentieth century, Ask any teenager! How many of yout friends have got a mobile Phone (or, as the Americans say: cell phone)? Or pethaps a better question is: how many ff your friends haven't got a mobile phone? I's a fact that most British teenagers now have got a mobile phone, Of course, i's not only teenagers who have got mobile phones. Mobile phones are much cheaper today than they ‘were a few years ago, so when. you walk through the town Centre, it seems that everyone is talking, from grandchildren to grandparents! When you siton a train, you can hear Mobiles Everywhere Sia ——)- a hundred different conversations. There are thousands of different ring tones (pieces of music you hear when somebody calls you) now so you can hear your favourite music every time someone calls. You can send text messages to your friends for a few pence. You can take photos and even videos and show your friends where you are, what you're doing and who you're with, You can even use your phone when you go on holiday to other countries But not everyone loves mobile phones. Some people say they are expensive t0 use and there are some people who think that the world was a better place before mobile phones. They don't like having ‘conversations on trains, in the street or in restaurants and they don't want to hear other people talking. If you don’t like mobile phones, the best place to go is an aeroplane = you can't use mobile phones on planes because I's dangerous. Are these statements True (T) or False (Fi? Circle the right answer. © Mobile phones are very popular. @ 1 Americans call mobile phones ‘cell phones’ T 2 Every British teenager has got a mobile phone. T 3. Mobile phones were more expensive in the past. T 4 Everyone talks to you when you're on a train. T 5 You can choose the music for your phone. T 6 It costs a few pence to make a call T 7 You can send videos to people. T 8 You can't use your phone when you go abroad. T 9 Everyone thinks mobile phones are cheap. T 10 It's safe to use mobile phones on aeroplanes. T Reading ito] @& Messages 2 FEIUIUURNINE © Cambridge University Press 2005 Module 4 test

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