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Essay topic: At the age of robots, what is efficiency?

(maximum of 1,000 words excluding the appendices).

You are required to submit the essay by 13 Feb 2022 on LMS. A deduction
of 10% of the assignment mark will be applied for each day of late

Your essay will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Originality – Does the work show evidence of your original thinking of the
issue instead of merely reporting the opinions of others?

Depth of analysis – Does the work show evidence that you understand the
topic and have critically examine various viewpoints?

Use of readings and supplementary materials – Does the work show your
knowledge and information drawn from various sources such as textbooks,
lectures, journal articles…?

Persuasiveness of argument – Is the work logical and persuasive?

Clarity of expression – Do you illustrate your arguments in a clear way with

good English?

Students are required to use Harvard Referencing Style. Plagiarism will be

severely penalized.

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