Rad Monroe

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Name: Rad Monroe

Race: Cat (Half Cerinian)

Age: 19

Born: 14 ALW

Family: Kool Monroe (Father), Katt Monroe (Mother)

Homeworld: Corneria

Affiliation: Hot Rodders

Occupation/Rank: Gang Leader

Craft: Cat’s Paw 2 (Katt Monroe’s personal craft)

Description: Blue and white fur color with a red spiking curl of hair. Blue eyes. Wears a gray jumpsuit
with a red flight jacket, red fingered gray gloves, and dark grey boots. Has name in white with black
outline on back of jacket, Red belt like accessory on each upper leg. (Mii Brawler male biker outfit
from SSBU). Emblem on arms of jacket is of a blue cat head (Cat logo found on Katt Monroe’s Zero

Bio: Rad Monroe, the son of Katt and Kool, is a Cornerian Academy dropout that went on to bring
back the Hot Rodders gang but larger than ever before. During his time at the academy, he became
good friends with Marcus McCloud who was also half Cerinian. However the passing of the blue cat’s
father caused him to push himself away, becoming angry and jealous of his friend since their peers
always prefered Marcus over him. He then reformed a new Hot Rodders in honor of Kool since he was
one of the original members. He looks forward to crossing paths with Marcus one day to prove that
he’s the best pilot in all of Lylat.

Likes: Being in charge, action, starfighter theft, winning

Traits: Competitive, telepathic (not as strong as Marcus McCloud’s), somewhat arrogant


“The name’s Rad Monroe in-case if ya haven’t heard jack.”

“Look. You scratch my back and I scratch yours. Ya dig?”

“You jacks better step off of our turf!”

“Ready that I might beat your high score?”

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