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Seasoned Quantitative Analyst/ Software Developer with extensive development exp

erience across a broad spectrum of buy market financial products, domestic and i
nternational markets and asset classes. Highly proficient in Database architectu
re (Oracle, Sybase, Informix etc.) as well as C, C++, J++ development tools. Pro
ven track record of providing systemic solutions to complex problems including p
rogramming/modeling of multiple derivative instruments. Demonstrated ability to
combine in-depth financial product knowledge with innovative technical skills in
producing simple answers to multifaceted quantitative financial problems.
MBA Finance - Fairleigh Dickinson University - Teaneck, N.J.
C, C++ Programming, CE courses - Columbia University, New York, NY.
M. Sc. in Metallurgical Engineering - National Technical University - Athens, Gr
Sudan (Khartoum and Juba) September 2006 - Present
Senior Financial Consultant
* Principal consultant (seller side) for the acquisition of the Atlas Group of C
ompanies (Khartoum, Sudan) to the El Muhaidib group of Saudi Arabia. Negotiated
with suitor companies, evaluated competing bids, and selected the final purchas
er. Acted as in house liaison during the due diligence period initiated by the e
ventual buyer.
* Prepared the company for the eventual sale to the Saudi conglomerate by divest
ing unprofitable divisions, streamlining finances and translating local accounti
ng practices and financial statements to GAAP.
Ellsworth Project Advisory (New York, NY) January 2002 - May 2006
Senior Partner
Principal of the consulting firm that provides project management services to bo
utique Investment Banks and Financial Services Companies.
* Designed, and implemented the risk management strategy of the multicurrency Kr
onos Fund of Funds, LP utilizing direct feeds from underlying funds resulting in
complete transparency allowing monitoring of all asset classes across all funds
and implementation of risk policies within the assets of individual funds in th
e portfolio.
* Designed and supervised implementation of a market risk strategy exploring use
s of credit derivatives as default swaps and OTC change of rating options for S.
G. Capital I.L.C a US fixed income hedge fund. Installed appropriate market risk
measurement systems.
* Conceptualized, designed and installed a Loan Projects Tracking Data Base for
the Corporate Finance division of Kredietbank (KBC).
NWI Management, LP May 1999 - December 2001
Vice President, Technology, Risk Management
Technology Head. Responsible for all analytical financial in-house development.
Senior strategist for the risk control policy of the over $2.0 B funds under man
Provided Risk Management solutions.
* Designed, coded and implemented risk management/ Earning at risk software for
the Explorer, Commander, EMCF and Quantum Emerging Growth Funds, consisting of c
omplex portfolios of Emerging Market Bonds, Currency Positions, International an
d Domestic Bonds, exchange traded, OTC exotic and credit derivatives.
* Replaced externally procured risk management analytics services (Riskmetrics)
, by designing and implementing new in-house developed systems that reproduced t
he results of the former systems, while vastly improving the flexibility and eas
e of use. System was developed in C++ front end using the existing Oracle Databa
se server.
Designed, produced and implemented front and back office systems.
Built the Fund Accounting and Performance Management System. The System was desi
gned as an Oracle Database, client-server running on UNIX application, using PL-
SQL, C/ PRO*C and Visual C++ front end development tools.
* Reorganized the trade delivery systemic procedures, customizing and automating
the interaction with multiple prime brokerage houses, resulting in expanded tra
ding capabilities with reduced headcount.
* Conceptualized, programmed and launched all the traders' option and exotic der
ivatives pricing models.
* Reorganized the fund accounting, fund analytics and performance reporting func
tions eventually replacing the efforts of two additional accounting professional
Santander Investment July 1994 - May 1999
VP, Global Asset Management analytics development
Responsible for all in house developed analytical software for Santander Investm
ent Asset Management Operations World-wide.
Spearheaded the analytical front office development of the Investment Bank
* Directed development of EMBARC the live data feed Brady Bond sovereign yield C
alculator. The product was designed utilizing Oracle web server architecture for
live internet deployment and is currently used by all Investment bank clients.
* Designed, Implemented and deployed the integrated front-back office multi-curr
ency, multi-base, fund management system (FMS) currently in use all Santander as
set management outfits worldwide. It is completely flexible in its ability to ch
ange base currencies, and handle equities, all complex emerging market bonds and
loans. It allows leveraging and repos, forex and futures, derivatives including
interest rate derivatives (swaps, caps, etc), exotic and credit derivatives. FM
S is a Sybase C, C++ client server application.
* Directed a multinational, multilingual development team to translate, upgrade
and deploy the official Data Center accounting system for all of Santander Inves
tment Asset Management operations in Spain, Portugal, Chile, Brazil, and Argenti
Citibank-Citicorp: North East Division Treasury November 1988-July 1993
Head of Software Development
Supervised the development of all analytical systems for the treasury trading op
Instrumental in Redesigning and Restructuring the Risk management and Trade anal
ytics area
* Identified and corrected weaknesses in the departmental risk management comput
ations resulting in a major overhaul of the risk management procedures applying
Earnings at Risk analysis. System was running using Fame time series analysis an
d a Sybase Relational Database.
* Designed the analytics library for the treasury, personally programming all th
e interest rate derivatives pricing models (swaps, caps and floors etc.)
* Redesigned and improved the scope of the existing treasury trading system movi
ng from a dial into a VAX server run pure Oracle - SQL application to a client s
erver Oracle UNIX Database with SQL and PRO*C front end system.
Travel, Literature, Politics, Cooking, Skiing
Languages: Studied Greek, French, German, Spanish and Arabic.

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