Estructuras Writings

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ENSAYO (Formal language)

1-Introduction: Short paragraph. Two sentences (Maybe a

sentence + a question)
Ej: It is widely accepted that our impact on environment is
provoking a climate change. So, what could we do to avoid this
harmful consequence of our activities?
2-Idea 1: Two sentences (maybe idea+solution/ contraste pasado
y presente)
Ej: To begin with, it seems quite clear that our consumerism
habits are damaging the oceans and rivers fauna because of the
factories wastes and the overfishing. Nevertheless, we can change
this situation by changing our eating habits and claiming to the rulers
to make laws protecting aquatic biodiversity.
3-Idea 2: Two sentences (maybe idea+solution)
On the other hand, our stressed way of life makes us to depend on
transport to move around and go from home to work, for instance.
This exaggerated use of cars liberates toxic gasses which are
destroying the ozone layer and therefore, the atmosphere. Using
public transport or bikes to move around the city could be the
solution for this serious issue.
4-Your own Idea: Two sentences
In addition to this, there is no doubt that the use and abuse of
plastic packaging is not helpful for the preservation of environment.
For that reason, we should avoid using plastic bags and we should
recycle too.
4-Conclusion: Balance de lo dicho anteriormente+opinión
On balance, we can say that the environmental problem is getting
more and more severe each day, and we have not only the
responsibility, but also the obligation to do our best to solve it. In
my opinion, we should start by being aware of our daily habits
ecological footprint in order to change them.
ARTICLE (informal pero cuidado)
Título: Atractivo para el lector
Ej: Fashion from outer space
1-Presentación del tema: Tiene que atrapar al lector. (2 frases)
Ej: Have you ever imagined what will people wear in 2098? Well, it
does not matter, because some scientists of Nevada University have
done it for us, and they have reached the following conclusion: Future
fashion tendencies will come from outer space.
2-Descripción de los detalles: Utiliza muchos adjetivos y un estilo
Ej: Although it looks fairly incredible, all the findings point out
that our exploration of space will make it possible to use new
materials to manufacture our clothes. And what is more, there will
be a huge range of different origins for these materials, from
jupiterian sun silks to moon rocks zips. Doesn’t it sound great?
Can you imagine yourself dressed with a suit made from stars dust or
with an amazing pair of boots from Mars meteors? If so, you should
read the above-mentioned research where you will find an enormous
source of suggestions to excite your imagination. It’s worth.
As we all know/As you can imagine, technology is never going to
stop developing. For that reason, if we had to guess how fashion
will be in the future, I’m totally sure that it will be really
unpredictable and magic. Don’t you think so?
REPORT (Formal)
The aim of this report is to find out what… and to make some
suggestions on how X can be improved for (x people)
To prepare for this report I have interviewed…
Positive aspects of…
Firstly, Many (x) I interviewed believed that…
They also stated that…
Negative findings
However, the following issues were raised:
Taking all this information into account, I would make the
following recommendations…

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