Life Works Writings: Timeline of Dr. Jose Rizal 11-20 Yrs Old

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Timeline of dr.

jose riZAl 11-20

Yrs old


1882 1886
In May Rizal gets money from Rizal receives a degree in
his brother and travels secretly medicine from the Central
from Manila to Spain aboard a University of Madrid at the age
French ship and railroad of 23. He then becomes an
entering Spain at the Port Bou. assistant to Dr. L. de Wecker
and visits many universities in
Berlin, Leipzig, and Heidelberg
in the country of Germany.

1882 1887
In June St. Tomas University Rizal finishes his first novel
realizes Rizal is nowhere to be titled Noli Me Tangere while
found and threatens to take land staying in Berlin. The novel
away from his father who is a offends Catholic officials and
tenant even though his father Rizal is deemed to be a
has no idea of his whereabouts. troublemaker

1883 1882
June 15 Rizal makes his arrival September 28, Rizal goes back August 20, Diariong Tagalog
in Barcelona and begins to study to Madrid and enrolls in publishes Rizal’s first essay
again in Madrid in October of Universidad Central for a “Amor Patria,” using Laong
that same year. second course in medicine Laan as pen name while in
1883 1884 1885
June 17 ,Rizal arrives in Paris
June 18, Rizal visits Leannec June 25 – Rizal delivers a April 22 – Rizal writes the poem
Hospital speech honoring Filipino “A Las Flores de Heildelberg”
June 20, Rizal visits Lariboisiere painters Juan Luna and Félix (To The Flowers of Heidelberg)
Hospital where Félix Pardo de Resurrección Hidalgo
Tavera is an extern

November 4, Rizal’s sister

Soledad marries
1885 1887
April – Rizal submits his thesis
January 1 – In a letter, Paciano
“Arte Métrica del Tagalog” to
tells Rizal that it would be too
the Ethnographic Society of
dangerous for him to return
immediately to the Philippines
June 16 - Rizal is informed by
Manuel Hidalgo about cholera
in Manila
1887 1884
On July 3 Rizal leaves from July 1 – Through the newspaper
Mersailles in Italy and arrives in El Progreso, Rizal asks for
Manila on August 5th. He freedom of the press and the
travels to nearby areas escorted Filipino right of representation
by a Spanish Lieutenant. in the Spanish Cortes

January – Rizal becomes a
member of the Ethnographic
Society of Berlin
February – Rizal becomes a
member of the Anthropological
Society and the Geographic
Society of Berlin
1887 1885 1889
August 5 – Rizal arrives in
Manila December 15 – Rizal starts March 31 – Rizal’s “Me piden
August 30 – An order prohibiting teaching Viola the German versos” (They Ask Me For
the possession and reading of language Verses) is published in La
Noli Me Tangere is issued
Solidaridad under the pen name
September - Olimpia, Rizal’s
sister, dies of hemorrhage while Laong Laan
giving birth

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