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User Manual 





17.06.2003 16:47


 Normal operation
7   8 9

4   5   6

1   2   3



Fire Alarm Panel

12 100 xx
12 911 004
2003-06 Last revision: 26. Jun 2003

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 About this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1 ServoMaster Operator Panel . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .4
2.1.1 Access code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4
2.1.2 Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . .. .... .. . . ... . .. ...5
2.1.3 Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . .. .... .. .. ... . .. ...5
2.1.4 Indicator lights . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .5

3 Alarm Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1 Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Fire Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2.1 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2.2 In case of FIRE ALARM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Pre-alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3.1 Indication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3.2 In case of PRE-ALARM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4 Technical alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4.1 Indication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4.2 In case of TECHNICAL ALARM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5 Fault Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.5.1 Indication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.5.2 In case of FAULT WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.5.3 Fault finding table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.5.4 Replacing sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.6 Disablements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.6.1 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.6.2 Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.7 Test Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.7.1 Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.7.2 Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 MENU FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.1 Function Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Main Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.1 Disablements - Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.2 Disablements - Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.3 View Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2.4 Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2.5 System settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.6 Service Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2.7 System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5 Control module connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

ServoMaster User Manual 12 911 004

Page 2 2003-06

1.1 About this manual
This user manual is intended as a guide for the user of the ServoMaster fire alarm panel.
The manual should also be used as a sup plement to other manuals describing installation,
testing, service and maintenance.
This manual only describes panel functions relating to ACCESS LEVEL 2 as specified by
EN54-2 (i.e. regular operation by trained personnel).

1.2 Definitions
Some words and phrases used in this manual are ex plained in the ta ble below.

Phrase Definition Read

Access Code  A four digit code to be entered on the operator panel 2.1.1
to prevent unauthorized use.
Control  A microproces sor based unit for handling incoming 5
Module alarm signals and outgoing actions.
Several control modules and operator panels can be
interconnected on a ServoLan bus.
Detector   Any type of element capable of detecting fire, smoke, 5
gas etc. or any change of status that can be used as
input for a ServoMaster control module.
Disablement  A user initiated function that will put sensors or outlets 3.6
temporary out of service.
Key  A push-button on an operator panel executing a pre- 2.1.3
determined function.
Loop  A signal cable with a number of detectors starting and 5
ending in a control module (addressable loop) or ter-
minated in an end-of-line resistor (collective loop).
Menu  A choice of actions listed on a operator panel display.
Outlet  A number of connection points in a control module 4.2.1
used for managing actions during an alarm situation
like fault indication, sounding alarm bells, closing fire
doors and initiating other fire preventing actions.
Operator   A unit with warning lights, functional keys and informa- 2.1
Panel tion display.
 A operator panel gives information about alarms and
status of the ServoMaster system.
Cer tain tests and system parameters can be set from
an operator panel.
Priority  Alarm type importance. 3.1
 An alarm with higher priority will overrule an alarm or 
message with lower priority.
There are 6 priority levels.
Sensor   All detectors and elements that can give a fire alarm 5
signal such as smoke and fire detectors and manual
fire alarm call-points.
 All sensors are given an unique five digit identification
number, the two first digits represents the sensor’s
zone and the tree last the sensor number in the zone.
System The entire ServoMaster installation including control 5
modules, operator panels, detectors and sub-systems.
 Viewport Part of display reserved for certain types of mes- 2.1.2
Zone  A user defined area with up to 99 sensors.
Each zone is given an unique three digit num ber in
the range 001 - 654.

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2003-06 Page 3

2.1 ServoMaster Operator Panel
The primary function of the operator panel is to provide both visual and audi ble fire
alarms. To ensure that the system is always in perfect working condition, the panel contin-
uously monitors all internal circuits and functions as well as all ca bles and equipment
mounted externally. The operator panel will give visual and audi ble alarm of all opera-
tional distur bances.
The front panel of ServoMaster is equipped with an LCD dis play with back-light, a nu-
meric key board, six keys for operating the panel and 11 LEDs for sta tus information.


Fire alarm indication




17.06.2003 16:47


Status information lights

LCD information and menu  Normal operation

display  7   8 9

Panel function key text  4   5   6


Panel function keys

1   2   3
 Alpha-numeric keyboard 

Multiple alarms indication

Permanent function keys ALARMS

In normal operation the dis play shows date and time and the text “Normal operation”.

2.1.1 Access code

The operator panel keys can be protected against unauthorized use by an access code.
When used in marine environment, the use of access code is normally skipped. The access
code protection is permanently turned on or off by the installer in the System
Configuration menu.
When first pressing a protected key, you will be prompted by the dis play to enter the code:
Enter the access code and press OK
Default access code is  0110. The code should be changed by entering the System Settings
menu. See section 4.2.5.
When the 4-digit access code has been correctly entered, the action of the original key will
 be carried out. (Does not apply for the Acknowledge Alarm button, se section 3.2).
A green indicator marked OPERATOR ACCESS will be lit when the access code has
 been correctly entered. As long as this light stays on, all panel keys are un protected. The
light will go off automatically one minute after the entering of the access code. By pressing
any key during this interval, the time will automatically be extended (to one minute fol-
lowing the last key pressure).
 Note that some key functions are not protected by the access code:
 –  The audi ble warning following the occurrence of a fault message may be silenced.
 –  During alarm conditions, it is possible to scroll between multiple alarms in the display.
WARNING: To protect the panel against unauthorized use, do not leave the panel as long as the
OPERATOR ACCESS indicator is lit.

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Page 4 2003-06

Header viewport
2.1.2 Display
Alarms, faults and menus are shown on a 40 char acters by 16 lines graphical LCD dis play
Upper information viewport with ad justable back-light.
The dis play is divided in four viewports:
Lower information viewport
• The Header viewport shows the type of alarm or message given in the Information
viewports or the category of the chosen menu. The font is larger to be better vis i ble.
Button viewport
Date and time is shown in the up per right corner except in Menu mode and Alarm situ-
• The two Information viewports will dis play messages like alarm details, fault warn-
ings, disablements, etc.
The up per viewport will show the first message. If there are more alarms or messages,
the lower viewport will show the last one. Scrolling through several messages will be
shown in the up per viewport.
In Menu mode both viewports are used to dis play the menu choices.
• The Button viewport  is reserved for panel function key text. The text will ap pear 
above one or more of the three panel function keys to indicate their function. The func-
tion de pends upon the panel’s operational mode.

2.1.3 Keys
The ServoMaster is operated by six function keys and an al pha-numeric key board. The
key board has several functions. The necessary instructions are shown in the dis play for the
various menus.

Panel function keys

Info These three keys located below the dis play will change their function according to the op-
erator panel’s functional mode.
The key functions are shown on the lower part of the dis play just above the buttons.

Menu <> Alarms

• Press the key in Normal Operation to enter the  Menu mode.
• When the panel is in Alarm State, this key can be used to toggle between the present
alarm message and Menu dis play.

Next alarm
The two LEDs di rectly above the key will be lit if there are more than one ac tive alarm in
NEXT the system.
• Press the key to scroll through the different alarms.
The alarm messages will be shown in the up per information viewport of the dis play.

 Alarm si lence
SILENCE • Press the key to stop an audi ble alarm.
This will silence both the panel buzzer and all alarm sounders in the sys tem.
• Press the key once more to restart the audi ble alarm.

2.1.4 Indicator lights

• The green POWER   LED is lit when the system is powered from mains or battery.
If the mains, battery or fuses should fail, there will be a fault indication on the dis play.
 –  There is no accessi ble mains ON/OFF switch.

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FIRE • The two red LEDs close to the FIRE sign will flash at a 2 Hz rate in the event of a fire
 –  The buzzer will sound at the same rate during a fire alarm.
 –  The buzzer can be silenced by the Alarm Silence button.
 Read more about fire alarm in section 3.2.

• The yellow FAULT LED is lit if there is a fault in the sys tem such as detector faults,
SYSTEM FAULT  battery faults, broken fuses, communication faults, etc.
• If there is a system fault, the SYSTEM FAULT LED will be on as well.
TEST  –  The buzzer will sound intermittently at 1Hz.
 –  The buzzer can be silenced by the  Alarm Silence button.
 Read more about faults in section 3.5.
• The yellow TEST LED will be ON when the system is in test mode.
 Read more about tests in section 3.7 .

• The yellow DISABLEMENT LED will be ON if one or more outlets or sensors have been
disabled by the operator.
 Read more about disablements in section 3.6 .

 Alarm sounders delayed 

• The ALARM SOUNDERS DELAYED LED will be ON if there is a delay between a
ALARM SOUNDERS DELAYED sensor has detected a fire and the sounders give and audi ble alert.
 –  The delay time is set from the configuration program.
OPERATOR ACCESS  –  The delay can be turned on/off from the operator panel. (See section 4.2.5.)
Operator access
• The OPERATOR ACCESS LED will be ON when the op erator has access to perform
actions on the op erator panel when the access code has been correctly entered.
 –  As long as this light stays on, all panel keys are un protected.
 –  The light will go off automatically one minute after the entering of the access code.
 –  By pressing any key during this interval, the time will automatically be extended to
one minute following the last key pressure.
 –  To change the access code, see section 4.2.5.
 Alarm transmission delayed 
ALARM TRANSMISSION DELAYED This function is not available if there are no indicators on the operator panel.
• The yellow ALARM TRANSMISSION DELAYED   LED indicates that the
transmission to the fire brigade will be delayed.
 –  The delay time is set from the configuration program.
 –  The delay can be turned on/off from the operator panel. (See section 4.2.5.)

This function can be used if there are often false alarms and it is desired to check and
rectify the cause before the fire brigade is automatically called.
 Delayed alarm transmission is an optional function as per EN 54-2, and may not be
available on certain models of the ServoMaster.

 Alarm transmission active

This function is not available if there is no indicator on the operator panel.
• The red ALARM TRANSMISSION ACTIVE  LED indicates that the alarm has been
forwarded to a remote station, e.g. the fire brigade.
 Remote alarm transmission is an optional function as per EN 54-2, and may not be
available on certain models of the ServoMaster.

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3.1 Priorities
There are six alarm types in the ServoMaster sys tem. These alarms are indicated and
treated in different ways by sound, light and dis play text. Some alarms may initiate auto-
matic external actions.
The alarm types have priorities which means that an alarm with higher pri ority will over-
rule any alarm with a lower priority on the ServoMaster panel.

Alarm ServoMaster panel External

Type Priority Display Warning Buzzer  Alarm Auto
lights cycle bells action
Fire alarm 1 Fire alarm FIRE50/50 Yes* Yes*
2 Hz
Pre-alarm 2 Pre-alarm - 20/80 No* No*
1 Hz
Technical 3 Techn. - Program- No* No*
alarm alarm able
Test 4 Test alarm TEST** - No No
Fault 5 Fault FAULT 50/50 No* No*
warning 1 Hz
Disable 6 Disabled Disable- - No No
* Default setting. Action is programable.
** Only when the central is set in test mode.

3.2 Fire Alarm

Fire alarm is a situation where a sen sor detects smoke or flame, or when a manual fire
alarm call-point is activated.

3.2.1 Indications
• Fire alarm is indicated on the operator panel by two flashing red LEDs in the field

marked FIRE.
The internal buzzer as well as alarm bells and/or horns will sound.
• The up per part of the dis play will show the type and number of fire alarms and the
num ber of zones where alarms are initiated.
• The first and last fire alarm with describing text is shown in the mid area of the dis play
(up per and lower information viewport).
 –  Line 1 shows type of alarm, alarm num ber and time stamp.
Fire alarm 1 27.11.2002 12:56:43
Bridge deck, port side

 –  Line 2 shows customer defined zone text.

Cabin 13
Zone 105 Sensor 7 (SSD530) A/2/1/5

Fire alarm 3 27.11.2002 13:15:48  –  Line 3 shows customer defined sensor text.
 –  Line 4 shows zone num ber, sensor num ber, type of alarming sensor and physical po-
Bridge deck, corridor
 Area B
Zone 106 Sensor 1 (MCP545) A/2/1/16
sition of the sensor. The physical information is presented as:
 Acknow- Scroll
 Alarm  ledge zone  panel num ber /module num ber /loop num ber /sensor num ber.
• Panel function key text Acknowledge is shown on the lower part of the dis play.
If there are more than one alarm, the two other keys are marked: Previous alarm and
Scroll sensors.
If there are alarms from more than one zone, the key text will tog gle between Scroll
sensors and Scroll zones.

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3.2.2 In case of FIRE ALARM

Read the dis play text.

 Scroll through all alarms if more than two are present.
The scrolled alarm text is always shown in the up per information viewport.
The lower information viewport shows the most recent fire alarm, not influenced by
• Press NEXT ALARM to view the following alarm.
The two LEDs are lit as long as there are more than one alarm.

Previous • Press Previous alarm to scroll backwards through the alarms.


Scroll Scroll • By pressing Scroll Sensors, the alarms are shown chronologically, starting with first
sensors zones alarm and ending with last alarm.
If the alarms originates from more than one zone, the right func tion button will have the
text: Scroll Zones.
• Press the button Scroll Zones to show the first alarm in all actual zones when the but-
tons Next Alarm and Previous Alarm are used.

The reason for the fire alarm must be determined by examining the area.
 • Perform actions according to local instructions.

ServoMaster may automatically perform predetermined actions like alerting the safety
 personnel, closing fire doors, closing valves, managing fans and ventilators, etc.

Turn off sounders by pressing the key ALARM SILENCE only when this
 alert is no longer needed.

ALARM • You will be prompted to en ter the access code.

The dis play remains unchanged.
• The alarm sounders may be turned on again by pressing the key once more.

Press the MENU <> ALARMS key if there is need to enter the MENU during
 a fire alarm condition.

• There may be a need to view information like e.g. pre-alarms or technical alarms that
ALARMS are overruled by the fire alarm.
• Toggle back to view the fire alarms by pressing the key once more.
The dis play will automatically change back to the fire alarm dis play after a preset time.

The fire alarms are reset one by one by pressing the key marked

 Acknow-  Acknowledge.
ledge Acknowledge will work on the alarm shown in the up per information viewport only.
An asterisk (*) is shown in front of the firs t line to indicate that the alarm has been

• When a fire alarm is acknowledged, it will remain in the dis play until the detector has
returned to Normal operation
• When all fire alarms are acknowledged  and there are no more sensors detecting any
* Fire alarm 1
fire condition, the Fire alarm text will disappear from the dis play and the text: Normal
operation is dis played.

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3.3 Pre-alarm
Pre-alarm is a situation where a sensor with high sensitivity level detects an abnormal con-
dition. This is NOT a fire alarm! Non of the special fire alarm out puts will be activated.

3.3.1 Indication
• The internal buzzer will sound with short beeps at 1 Hz.
The alarm bells and/or horns will not be activated.
Pre-alarm 1 27.11.2002 12:56:43
Bridge deck, port side
Cabin 13 • There is no special LED on the operator panel to indicate Pre-alarm.
Zone 5 Sensor 7 (SSD530) A/2/1/5

• The up per part of the dis play will show the type and num ber of alarms and the num ber 
of zones where alarms are initiated.

• The dis play will show the same information as for Fire alarm. See section 3.2.1
Line 1 will indicate the alarm type as Pre-alarm.
• ServoMaster may automatically perform predetermined actions like closing valves,
managing fans and ventilators etc.

Observe that fire alarms have priority over pre-alarms.

 If a fire alarm occurs when the operator panel indicates a pre-alarm, the fire alarm will
overrule all pre-alarms and the operator panel will show fire alarms only.
To view any pre-alarms during a fire alarm condition, push the Menu< >Alarms key.
MENU Select: View information\View alarms by level\View pre-alarms.

3.3.2 In case of PRE-ALARM

Read the dis play text.

 Scroll through all pre-alarms if more than two are indicated.
The scrolled alarm text is always shown in the up per information viewport.
The lower information viewport shows recent pre-alarm. Not influenced by scrolling.
• Press NEXT ALARM to view any further alarms.
The two LEDs are lit as long as there are two or more alarms present.

Previous • Press Previous alarm to scroll backwards.


The reason for the pre-alarm must be determined by examining the area.
 • Perform actions according to local instructions.

Turn off the buzzer by press ing the key ALARM SILENCE only when this
 alert is no longer needed.
• You will be prompted to enter the access code.
ALARM The dis play remains unchanged.
• The buzzer can be turned on again by press ing the key once more.

The pre-alarms are reset one by one by pressing the key marked

 Acknow-  Acknowledge.
ledge Acknowledge will work on the alarm shown in the up per information viewport only.
An asterisk (*) is shown in front of the first line to indicate that the alarm is deactivated.

• When alarm condition on the acknowledged sensor is removed, the alarm text will disap-
• When all pre-alarms are acknowledged and all sensors with pre-alarm are back in Nor-
* Pre-alarm 1
mal operation, the pre-alarm text will disap pear from the dis play and the text: Normal
operation is dis played.

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2003-06 Page 9

3.4 Technical alarm

Technical alarms are activated from contact changes in a device. The sig nals are customer 
defined and action out puts can be programed.

3.4.1 Indication
• The internal buzzer will sound with short beeps at a 1 Hz (programable).
The alarm bells and/or horns will not be activated.
Techn. alarm 1 27.11.2002 12:56:43

Engine room 
Fan blocked  There is no special LED on the operator panel to indicate Technical alarm.
Zone 5 Sensor 7

Techn. alarm 2 27.11.2002 13:15:48 • The up per part of the dis play will show the type and num ber of alarms and the num ber 
Engine room 
Door open of zones where alarms are initiated.
Zone 5 Sensor 1
• The dis play will show the same information as for Fire alarm. See section 3.2.1
Previous  Acknow-
 Alarm  ledge Line 1 will indicate the alarm type as  Techn. alarm.
• ServoMaster may automatically perform predetermined actions like closing valves,
disconnecting power etc.

Observe that fire alarms and pre-alarms have priority over technical alarms.
 If an alarm with higher priority occurs when the operator panel indicates a techn. alarm,
the priority alarm will overrule all technical alarms and the operator panel will show prior-
ity alarms only.
To view possible technical alarms during a priority alarm condition, push the Menu<
MENU >Alarms key. Select: View information \ View alarms by level \ View technical alarms

3.4.2 In case of TECHNICAL ALARM

Read the dis play text.

 Scroll through all technical alarms if more than one is indicated.
The scrolled alarm text is always shown in the up per information viewport.
The lower information viewport shows the most recent alarm, not influenced by scrolling.
NEXT • Press NEXT ALARM to view any further alarms.
ALARM The two LEDs are lit as long as there are more than one alarm to view.

Previous • Press Previous alarm to scroll backwards.


The reason for the technical alarm is indicated on the dis play.

 Verify by examining the alarming device.
• Perform corrective actions according to local instructions.

Turn off the buzzer by pressing the key ALARM SILENCE only when this
 alert is no longer present.

• You will be prompted to en ter the access code (if valid).

ALARM The dis play remains unchanged.
• The buzzer can be turned on again by press ing the key once more.

The alarms are reset one by one by pressing the key marked
  Acknowledge.
ledge Acknowledge will work on the alarm shown in the up per information viewport only.
An asterisk (*) is shown in front of the first line to indicate that the alarm is de activated.

• When the condition on the acknowledged device is removed, the alarm text will disap pear.
• When all alarms are acknowledged and there are no more devices de tecting any condi-
* Techn. alarm 1
tion, the alarm text will disap pear from the display and the text: Normal operation is
dis played.

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Page 10 2003-06

3.5 Fault Warning

Fault warnings are activated if there is a hardware or software fault in the system like de-
tector faults, power faults, communication faults etc.

3.5.1 Indication
• Fault warning is indicated on the operator panel by the FAULT LED.
If there is a fault in the software controlled systems, the SYSTEM FAULT LED will
 be on as well.
• The internal buzzer will sound with short beeps at a 1 Hz (programable).
The alarm bells and/or horns will not be activated.
• The up per part of the dis play will show the num ber of faults.
Fault 1 27.05.2003 12:56:43 • The dis play will show the same information as for Fire alarm. See section 3.2.1
Deck A 
Cabin 231 Line 1 will indicate the alarm type as  Fault.
Zone 101 Sensor 1 (STD531) A/1/1/2

Fault 3 27.05.2003 13:15:48

Car deck
Zone 101 Sensor 4 (SSD531) A/1/1/3

Previous  Acknow-
 Alarm  ledge

Observe that fire- , pre- and technical alarms have priority over fault warn- 
 ings.
If an alarm with higher priority occurs when the operator panel indicates a fault warning,
the priority alarm will overrule all fault warnings and the operator panel will show priority
alarms only.
To view possible fault warnings during a priority alarm condition, push the Menu<
MENU >Alarms key. Select: View information \ View alarms by level \ View faults.

3.5.2 In case of FAULT WARNING

 A SYSTEM FAULT is serious since the control circuitry of the fire detec- 
 tion system may have reduced functionality.
• Contact the manu facturer or the local repre sentative immediately for service and 
re pair.

Read the dis play text.

 • The text will indicate the fault type and location.

• Scroll through all fault warnings if more than one is indicated.

 –  The scrolled alarm text is always shown in the up per information viewport.
 –  The lower information viewport shows the most recent alarm and is not influenced
 by scrolling.
• Press NEXT ALARM to view any further alarm.
The two LEDs are lit as long as there are more alarms to view.

• Press Previous alarm to scroll backwards.


The rea son for the fault warning must be determined by consulting the
 fault-finding table in section 3.5.3 and by examining the device.
• Perform correcting actions according to local instructions.

Turn off the buzzer by press ing the key ALARM SILENCE only when this
 alert is no longer needed.
ALARM The dis play remains unchanged.
• The buzzer can be turned on again by press ing the key once more.

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2003-06 Page 11

The alarms are reset one by one by pressing the key marked
  Acknowledge.
ledge • You will be prompted to en ter the access code (if valid).
Acknowledge will work on the alarm shown in the up per information viewport only.
An asterisk (*) is shown in front of the first line to in dicate that the alarm has been
• As soon as the fault on the ac knowledged device is solved, the alarm text will disap-
• When all alarms are acknowledged and there are no more fault conditions, the alarm
* Fault 1
text will disappear from the dis play and the text: Normal operation is dis played.

3.5.3 Fault finding table


Sensor fault  – A sensor's internal surveillance system reports a fault
  like dust or dirt.
 – A sensor may have been removed from the base.
 – The central module receives no answer from a sensor.
Loop fault  – The loop wires are interrupted or broken.

Alarm outlets  – The alarm outlet wires may be broken or short circuited.
fault  – An alarm outlet fuse may be blown.
 Alarm outlets 1 and 2 are separately monitored.
Fire door outlet  – The door magnet outlet fuse may be broken.
General inlet  – The loop wire for the General inlet push button may be
circuit fault   interrupted or broken.

Data comm.  – The data communication outlet wires may be broken or 
outlets fault   short circuited.
 – The fuse may be blown.
Ground fault  – One or more of the following cables may have a
resistance less than 1 k Ω to ground:
  -Battery pole (BATT) + or –
  -Loop cables (L1-4) A or B
  -Alarm bell outlet (AB1-2) + or –
  -Door hold outlet (DH1-2) + or –
  -Alarm input (IP1-2)
Battery fault  – There may be a fault in the backup battery or its
connecting cables.
 – Battery fuses may be blown.
 – The battery voltage may be too low.
 – Battery capacity may be insufficient.
Power supply  – The power supply may be lost.
fault  – The supply voltage may be too low.
 – Fuses may have blown in the panel or the power supply.
Please refer to the installation manual 12 911 003 for detailed test and fault description.

3.5.4 Replacing sensors

A faulty sensor on an addressable loop can be changed while the loop is ac tive.
• Remove the faulty sensor from its base by turning the sensor counterclockwise.
• Insert a new detector within 40 sec. to avoid fault warn ing, "Missing detector".
• Wait 3-5 sec. for the red detector indicator light. The light will be on for 2-3 sec. while
the sensor is automatically configured.
The sensor is now configured and recognized by the system and put into service.
For mass replacement of sensors, contact the service responsible.
See also "Verify replaced sensors" in section 4.2.4.

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3.6 Disablements
Disablement condition will occur if any device, outlets or part of the system is disabled.
Disablement is a user initiated function to put device(s) or outlet(s) tem porary out of ser-
vice as described in  sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.

3.6.1 Indications
• The DISABLEMENTS LED is constant ON.

17.06.2003 16:47
• The display text Normal operation is changed to System functions are disabled.
The preceding lines will describe the disabled sensors and outlets.
System functions are disabled  • There will be no sound indications.
Detectors are disabled 

3.6.2 Actions
• To re-enable disabled outlets and sensors, press the MENU< > ALARMS key.
• Select Disablements - Outlets from the main menu.

• Select the disabled outlet and press the key marked Enable.
Enable Repeat for all disabled outlets. See more details in section 4.2.1.
• Select Disablements - Sensors from the main menu.
• Select Enable all Sensors or follow the details given in section 4.2.2.
• Confirm by pressing the MENU< > ALARMS key.
• Exit all menus and the dis play will show Normal operation  if there are no more

3.7 Test Condition

The system is in test condition when ServoMaster is set to test mode for system commis-
sioning or service.

3.7.1 Indications
• The TEST LED is permanently ON.
• The display text Normal operation is changed to System is in test mode.

17-11-2002 16:47
• There will be no sound indications.

System is in test mode 3.7.2 Actions

The test is proba bly performed from another location. You should normally not interfere
with the ongoing test procedure.

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2003-06 Page 13

It is possi ble to perform certain functions, view system information and set some system
options from the ServoMaster operator panel. The menu for these services are ac cessed by
using the panel keys and the menu is shown on the dis play.
The function is selected from a main menu with sub menus as shown in the ta ble below.
• You may be prompted to enter the access code to enter the menus.

4.1 Function Menu

 Alarm sounders
Door holders
- OUTLETS Fault outlet
Control outlet

Disablements - Zones
Disablements - Sensors
DISABLEMENTS * List disabled sensors
- SENSORS Enable all sensors
* Disable all with fault warn.
* Disable all with techn. Alarm
* Disable all with fire alarm

View zone
View sensor  View fire alarms
View alarms by level View pre-alarms
Overview disablements View technical alarms
View all sensors disablements View faults
View disabled outlets View test alarms
* View event log
* View system configuration

Test LEDs and LCD display

Reset loop **)
Verify replaced sensors **) **) Contact service before use

Set display backlight

Set display contrast
Set LED intensity
SYSTEM Set date and time
SETTINGS * Change date and time format
Change access code
* Delay alarm sounders
* Printer settings * May not be implemented
  in this version.

For service personnel only

Set contrast center position
Dis. sounder act. by fault
SERVICE Panel reset
 FUNCTIONS Operator panel information
Loop commissioning Simulate fire alarm
* Alarm simulations Simulate technical alarm
Simulate fault warning

Change panel node number 

SYSTEM View firmware versions
CONFIGURATION Cancel operator access
Operator access setup

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4.2 Main Menu

• Press the MENU< >ALARMS key to enter the function menu.
• The menu may be password protected.
The Operator Access LED is lit when operation is possible.

•  Navigate using the Up and Down keys.

Select Function
  EXIT • Press Enter to select function.
Disablements - Outlets
Disablements - Sensors
 View information • Select EXIT and press Enter to return to the main window
System settings or press the MENU< >ALARMS key twice.
Service functions
System configuration

Up 4.2.1 Disablements - Outlets
Select this menu with the Enter key if you want to disable outlets. The out put will not be
triggered by any alarm when disabled.
All choices on the sub menu are marked ENABLED  as default.
Down Disable
• Press the Down key to select the desired option.
• Press the Disable key to disable selected option.
This key text will change to Enable when the option is disabled.

 Alarm sounders
Disablements - Outlets
 Alarm sounders ENABLED  –  All fire alarm sounders connected to the Alarm Bell outputs AB1 and AB2 will be
Door release ENABLED
Control outlets ENABLED disabled. The panel buzzer will not be disabled.
Fire brigade ENABLED
Fault outlets ENABLED
Door holders
 –  Door magnets connected to the Door Hold outlet DH will not release and close fire

Control outlets
 –  All automatic actions like closing valves and starting ventilation fans connected to
the Control Outlets  CO1 and CO2 will be disabled.

Fire brigade
 –  Fire brigade call or other fire alert actions connected to the FIRE outlet will not take

Fault outlet 
 –  Fault alert connected to the FAULT outlet will not be initiated.
• Press the Enter key when finished.
• Exit the main menu.

The yellow lamp DISABLEMENTS is ON and the display text during disablements is:
 System functions are disabled
Outlets are disabled
To re-enable disabled functions, go through the procedure described above but select the
disabled options and press the Enable key.

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2003-06 Page 15

4.2.2 Disablements - Sensors

Disablements - Sensors
Select this menu with the Enter key if you want to disable sensors or zones during activi-
Disablements - Zones
Disablements - Sensors
ties that develop heat or smoke, test or ser vice that may cause undesired actions.
Enable all sensors
• Press the Down or Up keys and select the desired option with the Enter key.

Disablements - Zones

 No smoke or heat detectors within the se lected zone will detect fire when dis abled. Man-
Enter Up ual call points cannot be disabled and will remain in service.
• Enter the zone number, 3 digits (zone 1 = 001).
The dis play will show the status for the selected zone as ENABLED .
• Press the Disable key to disable the selected zone.
If the zone is already disabled the key is marked Enable.
• Enter further zone num bers as desired.
• Press the Back   key to return to the Disablements menu.

Disablements - Sensors
Disablements - Sensors
Selected sensor will not report alarms.
Enter sensor number: ---/-- • Enter the sensor num ber (zone/sensor, 3+2 digits).
Status sensor 101/01: DISABLED The dis play will show the status for the selected sensor as ENABLED or  DISABLED.
Panel A, LC 1, Loop 1, Dev. 1

• Press the key marked Disable or  Enable to change the selected sensor’s status.
• Enter further sensor num bers as desired.
Back Clear ENABLE
• Press the Back   key to return to the Disablements menu.

List disabled sensors *)

 –  Show a list of all disabled sensors.
• Select option List all sensors disabled by operator or  List all sensors disabled by
timer. Confirm by Enter
•  Press the Back   key to return to the Disablements menu.

Enable all sensors

• Press the Enable key to put all disabled sensors back in service. Confirm by Enter.
The dis play shows the text All sensors enabled.
• Press the Back   key to return to the Disablements menu .

Dis able all with fault warn. *)

 –  Disable all sensors which are in a fault warning mode. See section 3.5.
• Press the Disable key to disable all sensors generating a fault warning. Confirm by Enter.
The dis play shows the text All sensors with fault warn. disabled.
• Press the Back   key to return to the Disablements menu.

Dis able all with techn. alarm *)

 –  Disable all sensors which are in a technical alarm mode. See section 3.4
• Press the Disable key to dis able all sensors generating a technical alarm. Con firm by Enter.
The dis play shows the text All sensors with techn. alarm disabled.
• Press the Back   key to return to the Disablements menu.

Dis able all with fire alarm *)

 –  Disable all sensors which are in a fire alarm mode. See section 3.1
• Press the Disable key to disable all sensors generating a fire alarm. Confirm by Enter.
The dis play shows the text All sensors with fire alarm disabled.
• Press the Back   key to return to the Disablements menu.

*) The function may not be implemented in this version.

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4.2.3 View Information

Select View information  with the Enter  key if you want to check the sta tus of the
 View information ServoMaster. This feature is useful when you want to obtain information about a status
  Back other than the current dis play, e.g. check out alarms with lower priority.
 View zone
 View sensor
 View alarms by level
Overview disablements View zones
 View all sensor disablements
 View disabled outlets
• Select View zones and confirm by Enter.
• Enter the zone num ber 3 digits (zone 1 = 001).
Enter Up
• The display will show the ENABLED/DISABLED status for the selected zone.
The status cannot be changed from this window See section 4.2.2 to change.
• Press the Back   key to return to the View Information menu.

View sensors
• Select View sensors  and confirm by Enter
 View Sensors
• Enter the sensor num ber (zone/sensor, 3+2 digits).
Select sensor: ---/-- • The dis play will show sensor status:
Status zone 1 /1: ENABLED
Panel A, LC 1, Loop 1, Dev. 1
 –  Enabled/disabled Cannot be changed from this window. See section 4.2.2 .
 Alarm level: NONE
Dig. status: 00H, Info status 0
 –  Panel Connected to panel A-F
 –  LC Loop Control 1-8
 –  Loop Loop number 
 –  Dev.
Back Clear
Sensor number 
 –  Alarm level NONE, Fire alarm, Pre-alarm, Techn. alarm, Test, Fault
 –  Dig. status for service only
 –  Info status for service only
• Press the Back   key to return to the View information menu.

View alarms by level 

• Select View alarms by level  and confirm by Enter.
• The dis play shows a new menu with a list of alarm types:
 –  View fire alarms
 –  View pre-alarms
 –  View technical alarms
 –  View faults
 –  View test alarms
• Select the actual alarm type with the Up/Down keys and confirm by Enter.
• The display will show the same window as for Alarms. See sections 3.1 to 3.5.
It is possible to acknowledge the alarm(s) from this window.
• If the alarm type is not pres ent, the display will show: “ There are no ... alarms ”.
• Press the Back   key to return to the View information menu.

Overview disablements
• Select Overview disablements and confirm by Enter.
The dis play will show a list with all dis ablement.
• Press the Back   key to return to the View information menu.

View all sensor disablements

• Select View all sensor disablements and confirm by Enter.
The display will show the first disablement.
• Press the Next key to view the next disablement, if any.
• Press the Back   key to return to the View information menu.

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2003-06 Page 17

Test zone

Enter zone number: ---

Status zone 101: ENABLED

 Alarm level: NONE
Test mode: ACTIVE

Back Stop



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Verify replaced sensors

This function may be used to configure one or more re placed sensors in a loop. Se also sec-
tion 3.5.4 re garding sen sor re placement.
 Please contact service for com plete procedure.
• Select Verify replaced sensors  and confirm by Enter.
The dis play will show the first unconfigured sensor.
• Press Save to store the zone address in the sensor.
• Press Next to show the next unconfigured sen sor.
• Press the Back   key to return to the Maintenance menu.

4.2.5 System settings

System Settings
A few operator panel dis play settings can be performed from this menu.
Set display backlight
et display backlight
Set display contrast • Select System settings  from the Main menu and confirm by Enter.
Set LED intensity
Set date og time
• Select the option by the Up  or Down  keys and confirm by Enter.

Select Up

Set dis play backlight 

Set display backlight
• Select Set display backlight and confirm by Enter.
  Current display backlight setting: 80%
The dis play shows the actual back-light intensity in % on a graphical bar.
• Select new back-light intensity in steps of 10% by the Up/Down keys.
0% | | | | 50% | | | | 100% The bar changes and the actual light is ap plied to the LCD dis play.
• Press OK   to confirm the setting and return to the System settings menu.
OK  Up

Select dis play contrast 

Set display contrast

  Current display contrast: 2

• Select Set display contrast and confirm by Enter.
The dis play shows the actual contrast value from -5 to +5 on a graph ical bar.
• Select new contrast level in 10 steps using the Up/Down keys.
-5 | | | | 0 | | | | +5 The bar changes and the actual contrast is ap plied to the LCD dis play.
• Press OK   to confirm the setting and return to the System settings menu.
OK  Up

Set LED intensity 

Set LED intensity
• Select Set LED intensity and confirm by Enter.
  Current LED intensity setting: 80%
The dis play shows the actual back-light intensity in % on a graphical bar.
• Select new LED intensity in steps of 10% by the Up/Down keys.
0% | | | | 50% | | | | 100%
The bar changes and the actual light is ap plied to the LEDs.
• Press OK   to confirm the setting and return to the System settings menu.
OK  Up

Set date and time

Set date and time
In normal operation, the dis play always shows date and time.
Set correct date and time
 _9.11.2002 08:29:04
• In order to change time and/or date, se lect Set date and time and confirm by Enter.
The dis play shows the date and time. 
• Enter the correct date and time by using the numeric key board.
• Press Back   to confirm and return to the System settings menu.
Back Clear Cancel

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Change date and time format *)

The de fault date format is: dd-mm-yyyy - The default time for mat is: 24 hrs
• Select the date and time format from the alternatives and press Enter to confirm.

ALARM SOUNDERS DELAYED Delay alarm sounders *)

The default time delay before the alarm sounders are activated is set from the setup
 Alarm sounders delay  program.
• The delay can be disabled or enabled by selecting Delay alarm sounders .
 Alarm sounders delay: ENABLED • Select Disable if the screen show Enabled and visa versa.
• Press Back   to return to the System settings menu.



Delay alarm transmission *)
The indicator lights " 
 Alarm transmis sion delayed " and " 
 Alarm transmis sion active" are
ALARM TRANSMISSION ACTIVE not included on some panels. The function is there fore not available in those ver sions.
The de fault time delay before the Alarm transmission is activated is set from the setup pro-
 Alarm transmission delay
• The de lay can be dis abled or enabled by selecting Alarm transmission delay.
• Select Disable if the screen show Enabled and visa versa.
 Alarm transmission delay: ENABLED

• Press Back   to return to the System settings menu.

Change access code
Whether or not the menu should be access level 2 code protected is set by the setup pro-
Change access code gram. If the menu is protected, the default access code is 0110. This code should be
changed before the system is put into normal service.
Enter new access code: - - - -
• Select Change access code.
• Enter the New access code, 4 digits.
• Re peat the access code when asked to and confirm by OK .
OK  Clear Cancel • Use the Clear key to delete the last digit entry.
• Use the Cancel key to return to System settings without changing the access code.
NOTE: Keep the code at a safe place un available for persons not concerned. Only authorized per-
sonnel should know the code! If the code is for gotten or lost, contact service. Access to
the menus is then only possible through the access level 3 service code.

Printer settings *)

4.2.6 Service Functions

This menu is protected by access level 3 code and should be used by qual i fied service per-
 sonnel only. 
The sub menu contains selections relevant to the particular installation and is used during
installation, commissioning and service.

4.2.7 System Configuration

This menu is protected by access level 3 code and should be used by qual i fied service per-
 sonnel only. 
The sub menu contains selections relevant to the particular installation and is used during
installation, commissioning and service.

*) This function may not be implemented in this version.

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Page 20 2003-06


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2003-06 Page 21


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