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What I Know Questions: What I Learned

A post-closing trial balance What is post-closing trial I learned that a post-

is a report that is run to balance? closing trial balance is the
verify that all temporary final trial balance prepared
accounts have been before the new accounting
closed and their beginning period begins. Used to
balance reset to zero. make sure that beginning
balances are correct, the
post-closing trial balance is
also used to ensure that
debits and credits remain
in balance after closing
entries have been
completed. And the
purpose of closing entries
is to close all temporary
accounts and adjust the
balances of real accounts
such as owner’s capital.
Like all of your trial
balances, the post-closing
balance of debits and
credits must match.
A reversing entry is a What is reversing entry? First, I lerned that a
journal entry made in an reversing entry is an
accounting period, which optional journal entry that
reverses selected entries is recorded at the
made in the immediately beginning of an accounting
preceding period. The period to undo the prior
reversing entry typically period’s adjusting entries.
occurs at the beginning of In other words, these
an accounting period. entries cancel out or
reverse the adjusting
journal entries recorded at
the end of the prior
accounting period.
Second, The purpose of
recording reversing entries
is clear out the prepaid and
accrual entries from the
prior period, so that
transactions in the current
period can be recorded
normally. Since
GAAP(General Accepted
Accounting Principles) and
the accrual basis of
accounting requires that
revenues and expenses be
matched in the periods in
which they occur, accrual
journal entries are
recorded at the end of
each period.
The difference between What is the difference I learned to distinguished
closing entries and between closing and closing entries from
reversing entry is that, reversing entry? reversing entries. In
Closing Entries are used addition to this, I also
to close the books. These learned that not all
entries "close" the adjusting entries are
"temporary accounts" reversed in subsequent
against "permanent periods though. “Accruals”
accounts." For example, are an example of a type
income statement account of adjusting entry that are
balances would be pretty much always
transferred to retained reversed in the following
earnings. This effectively period. For example, if a
zeroes out the income company shipped a
statement account product before year-end
balances so that you are but didn’t have time to
starting from scratch to send out an invoice before
begin the new year. On the year-end, it would “accrue”
other hand, Reversing the revenue at year-end to
Entries are made in the get the revenue in the
next period (usually on the proper period. However,
first day of the next period, then it would need to
such as January 1). They reverse the accrual in the
reverse adjusting entries next period when the
made at the end of the last invoice will be entered into
period. period. the accounting system and
sent out. This is because
the invoice will be coded to
credit revenue (and debit
A/R), and if you didn’t
reverse the accrual from
the prior period, then the
revenue would have been
recorded twice – once in
the prior period and again
in the current .

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