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Republic of the Philippines


University Town, Northern Samar



Lobrico, Mary Jane Resulta


Student Teacher

Of The Experience and Activities

IN training University of Eastern Philippines


In partial Fulfillment of the

Course Requirements for the Subject


Presented to:

Prof Fe C. Andarino


Practicum Adviser

Presented by:

Lobrico, Mary Jane Resulta



February 2022

This Practice Teaching Portfolio has been prepared and submitted by Lobrico, Mary Jane
Resulta is hereby accepted in partial Fulfillment of the course requirements in EDUC 14
( Teaching Internship ) .

Rhea R. Poche

Supervising / Cooperating Teacher


Accepted as partial fulfilment of the course requirements in EDUC 14.( Teaching Internship).

Fe Andarino , PH.D

Head, Principal of ULHS main campus


Practice Teaching is the highlight and most exciting parts of a teaching course. It is a part of the
experiential learning course of the new teacher educator curriculum which guide us prospective
teachers the chance to experience the life of actual teaching environment. The opportunities
and experiences embedded in this course enable us to meet the challenges of the read learning
situation the valid requiments made we prepared to cope with the demands of the profession.

A Teacher's portfolio is a completion of work created by students Teachers. It is designed to

show teacher's talents and constructed to emphasizes their knowledge and skills in teaching.

Portfolio is a document created by student teacher which reveals , relates and describes the
Teacher's duties, knowledge, proficiency and growth in teaching. It also offers opportunity for
judging one's work and evaluating the effectiveness of Lessons. Each contents was documented
as reference and plays a vital rule in the over- all assessment of a teacher.

In fact , some schools uses portfolio's it to improve the traditional assessment measures , such
as standardized tests and observation checklist. However, the use of his teachers portfolio is
not universally endorsed due tests subjectivity in evaluating works and outputs of the students.

Life is a journey that must be traveled no matters how bad the roads and accommodation.Life is
like a boomerang. Give good energy out and it comes back to you.

Having this humble piece of work come into reality means saying a word or for the people who
broughtout the best of author' s life.

To God Almighty , the maker owes his life and destiny . May the Lord continue to bless the
person whom the maker acknowledge with profound gradtitude and sincere appreciation for
having gone out his way in making his course fulfilled.

To his parents , for being the primary inspiration in working hard and striving to be nothing but
the best . supposedly the advices who knows reminded to become successful.

To my mother and Auntie, for being the closet family and for always extending their immediate
financial, emotional and physical help.

To his classmates , especially to the BSED A, for giving their time and for providing laughter and
inspiration to him in hard times.

All his teachers and mentors, for pouring their previous knowledge and honoring his skills and

To his special someone that keep on inspiring him ,he gave his big thank you and love.

And to all, who never left him in good and bad times.


Lobrico, Mary Jane Resulta

Brgy, Daganas Catarman N. Samar



Citizenship. : Filipino

Civil status. : Single

Birthdate. :. November 27, 1999

Birthplace. :. Catarman N. Samar

Religion. :. Roman Catholic

Height. :. 1'55

Weight. :. 40kls

Language spoken. English, Filipino, Waray

Parent's. Nestor Espinar Lobrico

Leonora Resulta Lobrico

Guardian. Mr.& Mrs. Leonora R. Lobrico


Elementary Education

School. :. Daganas Elementary School

Address. :. Brgy, Daganas Catarman N Samar.

Secondary Education

School. :. Catarman National High School

Address. :. Brgy , Dalakit Catarman N. Samar

Tertiary Education
School. :. University of Eastern Philippines

Course : Bachelor of Secondary Education

Beliefs Teaching and learning ( Pre and Post )

I believe that as a teacher , we must;

•I believe all children can learn

• Display enthusiasm and passion for what we teach

• Work together as a professional learning community intent on improving students


•Set achieverable but challenging tasks

•Provide differentiated learning activities•

Provide a quality classroom environment in which all students feel valued and respected by the
teacher and develop positive relationship with all students.knows our subject matter all.

• Maintain high expectations of our students.

•Plan explicit teaching activities that stimulate students interest.

I believed that students learn best

•When they believe they can learn

•In different ways at different can learn

• When the classroom and school environment support their emotional, social, cultural, and
educational needs.

• When the learning is authentic

• When there is a positive relationship between Teachers provide explicit feedback designed to
reduce the gap between a Students current and a higher of understanding.

Student Teaching - Weekly Journals

University of Eastern Philippines Laboratory High School

Week 1 February 2 - 4, 2022

On February 2, As a start I came at 7:40 in the morning on my first day at the University
of Eastern Philippines Laboratory High School, I met my friends and we were discussing
students who were interning at the school because of the global pandemic and we still need to
be careful on the covid - 19 all students that I found out that came to school even the teachers
and staffs are following and practicing the social distancing and wearing the facemask. At 9 am
we met Mrs.Rhea R. Poche , our cooperating teacher for Grade 10 Section Dahlia in the subject
of Edukasyon sa pagkakatao .Ma'am Poche discusses some important matters like how to deal
with the students in the UEP Lab High School and how the teaching and learning will be
implemented as we are now in a new normal. He also divided us into three groups and two
groups. 1 group for sir basiloy- and the purpose of Ma'am Poche is to divide the topics and
sections that we will be going to teach and in the Grade 7 - one groups and we are in the Grade
7 section Oxygen and the other is Grade 8 section chrystantium while the grade 9 were
assigned in other group, assigned for Sampaquita and Copper. The most satisfying part of this
day is that we meet each other again face to face because we will not see each other because
of the pandemic and we are also glad to meet our very good and beautiful Ma'am Poche. The
most challenging part now is we need to be prepared on our assigned topic .on each one of us
and for my own part the most challenging part is i have a one topic that i need to teach on two
days and I need to make my lesson plan as soon as possible to be able to be check and enhance
with the help of Ma'am Poche. My plans for upcoming days is to hit the target on this 1 week
preparation on my lesson plan and powerpoint presentation to be able to be ready for my
demo teaching that is accompanied and observed with our cooperating teacher.

At the second day, since there is no face to face interaction and I need to prepare to my topic to
be easily learn to my students, since my topic is entitle” Pandaigdigang sa Pagkakaisa at
tolerensya. on this day I prepared the activity to the students and while i demonstrating its uses
I also explaining what is this the things and what is the importance of it. And this day is the
preparation of the videos that will be inserted on my powerpoint presentation since Ma'am
Poche did me a favor and requested on my topic that I need to demo the uses of farm tools
actually on the video that is available on our house to be easily determined by the students.

Wednesday, I as a practice student teacher did everything to prepare my lesson plan and
prepare some sort of activity by matching words with pictures as a motivational activity. And on
Thursday since I am the first demonstrator I was a little busy this whole week.Wednesday, I as a
practice student teacher did everything to prepare my lesson plan and prepare some sort of
activity by matching words with pictures as a motivational.

Finally on Thursday I am done with my two lesson plans for my two topics. I already submitted
it to our cooperating teacher to be able to check if there is something that needs to be fixed or
enhanced regarding how we make the lesson plan, the structure itself, and the content itself.

Week 2 February 7 - 11, 2022

This week was so busy since I faced so many things. At the start of the week, Ma'am
Poche gave us another two days of preparation for my demo-teaching instead. On this day of
February 7, 2022 I need to start my teaching demonstration, because he wants to ensure that
all of us are already on the assigned topics that we are needed to teach. So on this day I also
received my lesson plans that I needed to enhance based on the corrections that Ma'am Poche
wants to enhance. According to the correction of Ma'am Poche I needed to use red ballpen to
the main titles on the parts of the lesson plan and I needed to use blackballpen to the other
parts, I also needed to improve my objectives, same as I needed to enhance and improve the
activities that I am going to use. And Ma'am. Poche released us at exactly 10am to be able to
work our lesson plan, especially me that needs to start on February 9, 2022 as a 1st
demonstrator. At exactly 6pm in the evening I send in the group message of our students,
which is the grade 10 section Dahlia, the files of my powerpoint to be able for them to review
so that in the morning they have a background information regarding the topic that i will be
going to teach.

On Wednesday morning, 9th of February, I started my day preparing my lesson plan and
the powerpoint presentation as well as the link of the google meet that we will use as an
alternative room since it was an online class. I share the link of the google meet at 2:50pm to be
able for the students to have a 15minutes preparation for themselves as well as to join on the
link that i was sent. The most satisfying on this day is gratefully there is a students that try and
try to participate even though the others are not participating even a simple reading on what
on the powerpoint presentation are there, the challenging part in my first demo teaching is at
the middle part of my discussion the internet connection are interrupted so that around 5
minutes are pending on my time and it really affects my time management although as a
students I needed to be prepared for that situation after I surpassed that scenarios I adjust my
time management to be able to secure that I can meet the 1 hour demo-teaching to my
students especially our cooperating teacher are in the google meet and observe my
demonstration. But overall I met the time limit. I finished my demo-teaching at 9:57am and I
received good feedback from ma'am poche. My plan for tomorrow is to enhance my demo-
teaching and be prepared for my Cellphone because if there is an internet interruption I can
switch to my another laptop be able to ensure that my demo-teaching presentation is fully
ready and there are no barriers to finishing it at the time.

On Thursday morning, 10th of February, I started again to prepare my topic and to send
the link to my students and to our cooperating teacher Ma'am. Poche. First I make a meeting
on google meet and after that I send the link on our meetings at the time of 2:50pm to be able
form them to have a 30 minutes preparation. At exactly 3am I start to discuss my lesson
entitled the Pandaigdigang sa Pagkakaisa at tolerensya. I noticed that this time I have a smooth
conversation with my students and at least there is a fast response for my further questions
serves as their recitations.
Week 3 February 14 - 18, 2022

This week was moving fast since it’s the last in our teaching practice. On Sunday, I did my
routine by sitting with a guiding reading group everyday starting by the second day of TP. In this
guiding reading, students started to do the reciprocal strategy which put the 5 students in one
group and each one take a part of a skill. The skills are (big boss or leader, summarizer,
predictor, questioner and clarifier). Big boss give instructions of who start reading the first text
and help the others with their missions then the summarize talk shortly about the text and
make it more understanding for his colleagues. Then the questioner ask questions of meanings
or something not clear in the text so the clarifier search for the answer, the other members
could help if the clarifier don’t know the answer. After that the predictor will say what he’s
thinking will happen next on the text or the story. I liked this strategy so much since it’s develop
many skills in the students like; reading, predicting, scaffolding and critical thinking.

In Tuesday, I teach a lesson about time connectives which was something I wasn't good with
but after practice and read about it at home before this day I understood how to put in a well
structure sentences. Students were perfect in this lesson and all of them were able to achieve
the learning objects specially after teaching them with different strategies and instructions.

Reflection on the field study areas observed

Student teaching gives me unforgettable experiences that I can't really forget. I considered this
is diamond that no one can steal due to its magnificent and value. It gives me also a lifelong
experience that even how may decades or whatever phenomenon occur, all the movements
and experienced I ' ve encountered in the filled of my students teaching will stay fresh in my
thoughts and perception.

Some challenges that I've encountered with were making of lesson plan, socializing and coping
up different attitudes of students and the many task requiments given to us by our principal
and subject Teachers. I remember all the feelings during the time of difficulties and hardships
came to meat that time that I most gave up and quit because , tiredness , weariness and
hopelessness. It really tested myself weather this was really fashion or career to be fulfilled
with or not.

Providentially , I was able to surpass all those challenges due to my fortitude and with the help,
guidance , and assistance given to me by my very supportive parents and kind cooperating

Evidence of learning

( My personal teaching Philosophy )

Teaching is a form of distinctiveness as students of College Of Education. It is the process of

imparting knowledge and sharing teacher's expertise to their students. Thus, I believe that
effective teaching involves synergistic relationship between the students and teacher.

Teaching is the most rewarding aspect as a profession and forms of the identity as a student of
College of Education. Teaching energized me and I strive to love teaching and discipline my
students. I believe that effective teaching involves collaborative and synergistic relationship
between the students and teacher.

I believe also that students best learn in a friendly environment . that's why I must see to it that
I will provide them conducive environment that they can relax and fell they are welcome and
belongs to the group. Most of all , I believe that teaching profession is not an easy task because
we should impart knowledge to them but also a person that would understand , treasure and
love them the way their parents love them too.

Career plan

Now that our graduation in fast approaching. I am really glad and light . hearted because after
all the hardships , difficulties and challenges I've encountered with, I would be able to make
conceitedly and joyfully because finally, I made it.

Now , I came to the point asking " what will be the next? " What will happen to me after
graduation ? I am really inquisitive to what will be the next step or what should I do next?
Perchance , I do believe whenever I foresee something I dream, I hold on it.
After graduation I take NCll in TESDA, we enrolled in Masters Degree. By the month of August
or September, I will be facing the great opportunity of my field by taking the LET and the next
school year, I will be a licensed Teacher already and working in the public school as government

To my friends, classmates or simply the readers who will read this bear with me, this is just
how I predict or foresee myself as would be teacher in the near future, believe it or not. Thank

Professional Readings

21 at century Teaching and learning

The 20th century was a knowledge based era in which remembering and reproducing
information was the main focus. It is so much about how or why, our concerned with what
content. Our teaching encouraged tell brain linear thinking with little emphasizes on pattering
or discovering connections to create new understanding.

The 21st century is a conceptual age, all about creativity and making connections and seeing
patterns the net is the new paradigm for learning, to quote Mark Treadwell , we ignore it, but it
won't go away",Our Teaching needs encourage right brain thinking to Foster innovative ideas.
Linking thinking and learning to build deeply from new Mexico , have pioncered new
pedagogies which engage students called " Relational Learning". It's about Teaching that
encourages students to use both the left and the right sides of their brains.time spent in
investingating their works will enchance both student engagement and outcomes.At whole
school level, they are an effective way of de- privatisinge the classroom and reducing the
variation in learning and Teaching between classrooms. Investigating DOL' s well benefits
teaching and learning in all schools who adapt them.

Reference: http:/ learning Currentplanner. 1resources / teacher / proffession- reading

21 century - teaching and - learning 8-html.

Father Perspective on our Brains

The more angles something is viewed from, the better our understanding of it following
are additional aspects relating to our brains that will raise our awarenesses and thus enchance
learning and teaching in our classroom.

Some facts about brains ;

Over 20% of the body's oxygen intake is used by the main.

The brain weights about 1.5 kilograms we use about 5% of it's capacity in our everyday lives.

Reference: http:/ learning Currentplanner. 1resources / teacher / proffession- reading

21 century - teaching and - learning 33 html

Smart Moves: Movements

The chapter in this book took mention of how Children's develop their sensory receptors
through various movements of the eyes and the body. Natural movements that we make as
children correspond to our future learning abilities and successes. It is vital to allow children to
make these natural movements especially while in the development phase to ensure that they
develop to their full potential.

Reference: Handford, C ( 1995 ) Smart moves: why learning . Is not All your Head: Chapter 6
pages 97-108.
Teacher's Creed

I believed in God the spring of all wisdom acumen that has fashioned every human in this
portfolio and reflection.

I believe in the aptitude of every Filipino to discern with firm resolve his deep sense of
patriotism or conviction in himself and his ability to face up to the test of the future composure.

I believe in the potentially of every entity to develop to his fullest given the right opportunity
and guidance and encouragement in an atmosphere of freedom , peace and love.

I believe in the genuineness and righteousness which I should always elevate and affection for
others which I should always infuse in every student given in my concern .
I believe that as educator, I can fulfill all my allegiance and accountability in my oocupation ,
and all my actuations are marked by uprightness, a deep affiliations , spirituality and a deep
sense of commitment to teaching as my profession.

Experiences and reflection on the Philippines professional Standards for Teachers

( PPST ) domains

PPST 7 domains Reflection

1. Domains Content knowledge and pedagogy

My reflection the first domains content knowledge

2. . Domains learning environment

On the first day of class, I give students a course expectations sheet. On it, I outline classroom
procedures, materials/supplies needed, class rules, grading and assessment practices, and a list
of units of study for the year. I also include contact information for parents and students
alike.One thing that I absolutely insist upon in my classroom is that we all respect one another.
I do not allow teasing or bullying of any kind, and I when I hear kids “joking” with one another
in what may be considered a disrespectful way, I make students apologize to one another. As
part of classroom respect, I insist that gentlemen do not wear hats indoors, undergarments are
UNDER clothing, electronics are where I cannot see them, and food is left in the cafeteria.

Kids know that we have set routines for group work, their packets are set up in a similar
fashion, their vocabualry quizzes follow a specific format, as do their reading quizzes. I create
this routine so that they become comfortable in knowing what is coming. When they see their
journals on their desks, they know that we are doing a Visible Thinking exercise. When they
trade papers for peer grading, they know automatically that they have to have a red pen and
put their name in the lower right-hand corner. They also know that they are expected to have
the MLA heading on every piece of work that comes in for a grade, and that the heading is
checked by peers during written/vocab quizzes..

3. Domains diversity of learner's

My reflection In this case, the students demonstrated an understanding of the material as it

was presented, eliminating the need to adjust the lesson in response to student feedback and
formative assessment. While I did not highlight student questioning specifically in the Lesson
Reflection.I do feel that this is an area in which I am often successful. I have been impressed by
the connections that my students are able to make between topics and with former
experiences, both academic and personal. I enjoy utilizing questioning techniques that seek to
encourage these connections and move the students to thinking deeply about the material. I
do need to be careful to frame my questions so that I am not over-scaffolding the material or
posing leading questions, but, again, with practice and experience I am learning where the
students are and how to format questions that en reflecting on this lesson.

4. Domain curriculum and planning

My personal and professional reflections of curriculum planning is that the process is both
creative and practical. For me, it was always important to be involved in designing a course that
was capable of transferring into practice. By this I mean, the course planning should not be a
‘pie in the sky’ idea, that will never work in reality. The vital factors to keep in mind is what will
be the benefits to those who go on to successfully complete the course, and what the impact
will be for the wider community and society.

Curriculum planning is hard work for every individual involved. If it is a collaborative venture,
there are lots of necessary debates and discussions about what should be in the
course/curriculum and why. This takes time, and the ability to negotiate and compromise on
the final draft of the course. Curriculum planning on your own, is less fraught, because all the
ideas and choices about the curriculum are yours! Although, any planned curricula will,
normally, need to go through an approval or validation panel before the course can be
accepted to implement.

5. Domains Assessment and reporting

My reflection I also administer pre-tests and post-tests. I use pre-test before giving the actual
test to the students ,so they know the format and strategies to answer the questions. I will
share and discuss the scoring guidelines with students before they take real test to ensure that
they understand the kind of work expected. After the test, I will conduct a post-test discussion
with students. I correct the misconceptions, discuss issues raised by the assessment and this
help students gain a more complete understanding of the subject. Some students can identify
their strengths and weaknesses. What they did correctly and incorrectly and what they can do
differently next time to improve their performance.

6 . Domains linkages and professional Engagement

In this domains 6 Community Linkages and Professional Engagement, May consists of four
strands: Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts.
Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process. Professional
ethics. School policies and procedures. So that, I encountered some of the students they wider
their own ability to showcase thinking about the community, because some of them they
expand their skills and how to develop their own ability.

7. Personal growth and Professional Development

Documentation of received a module's
Documentation for RHGP
Documentation of Cleaned up in the classroom
Documentation for checking the modules / collecting

Documentation for Evaluation in GRAND DEMONSTRATION TEACHING
Documentation of Grade 10 Dahlia students
Documentation of letters in grade 10 students
Documentation of Accreditation
Documentation of virtual class in grde10 dahlia
Documentation of virtual seminar
Documentation for grade 10 Dahlia students
Documentation for Accreditation

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