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WWII Writing Prompt

Things to Consider:

Axis Powers Allied Powers

The Nuremberg Trials were used to legally The Allied powers were responsible for
take action against the Nazi Regime and it’s appointing Judges to determine the guilt of
leaders. They were tried for crimes such as, these crimes.
planning a war of annihilation, systematic
mass murder, displacing civilian
populations, and the destruction of entire

Destruction of thousands of cities and towns Destruction of Cities, such as Dresden or

located in the Soviet Union Tokyo, through the use of Fire Bombing,
displacing many civilians and destroying

Discrmination of groups like the Gypsies, The dropping of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima
Jewish Population, and many others. and Nagasaki, displacing many civilians and
destroying cities.
The Holocaust
Use of Japanese Internment Camps in the US.

Destruction of Britain during the War for The use of Gulags by the Soviet Union, these
Britain were labor camps where many opponents to
the Communists and discriminated groups
were forced into labor and millions would die
leading up to and during the war.

Concept of Total War Concept of Total War

Directions: You are to write a 3 Paragraph essay answering the writing prompt. The
introduction Paragraph should relay the stance of your argument and the direction the
writing will go (~4 to 5 sentences). The Body paragraph should use evidence from the
WWII slideshow on Google Classroom or your notes taken in class. This evidence should
directly relate to your argument and the stance you took (~6 to 8 sentences). The
Conclusion Paragraph should wrap up your argument and the stance you took. It should
help to bring your Argument to a closure and restate a thesis statement (~4 to 5 sentences)
Prompt: Can only the “losers” of war commit Human Rights Violations, or should the
Allies be held responsible for some of their actions during WWII?

Writing Here:

Rubric on Next Page!


Intro Paragraph works as a “roadmap” for the essay and makes an argument _____/5
- Thesis
- Argument Made
- Serves as Roadmap
- Sentence Limit

Body Paragraph uses evidence from the unit to support your argument _____/10
- Use of proper evidence
- Connects to the argument
- Shows how you feel about the prompt
- Sentence limit

Conclusion Paragraph wraps up the argument made _____/5

- Wraps up the argument
- Restates thesis
- Sentence limit
Style _____/5
- Grammer
- Writing
- Tone
- Overall writing style

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