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Merry Go Rum

The DM Lair


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Email: Lucus Hart, The DM Lair, LLC © 2022 Page 1 of 8

that the youth might continue to be
CREATURES entertained.
• Clurichaun (CR 1/4 , TOB 67)
• Rum Gremlin (CR ½, TOB 239) Unbeknownst to the mayor, however, the
carnival owner, a mean-spirited troll name
• Satyr (CR ½, MM 267)
Grumbles, use magical guile to trick him into
• Alehouse Drake (CR ½, TOB 148)
buying the carrousel. For the carrousel is
• Keg Golem (CR 3, CC 199)
actually a magical conduit to the fey plane,
• Domovoi (CR 4, TOB 122)
allowing creatures there to travel into the
Encounters material plane.
Creatures Difficulty Adjusted Everything was great at first. However, a few
Difficulty weeks after the carnival left, odd things started
to happen about the village. People noticed
(Budget =
small creatures out of the corner of their eyes
that disappeared when they turned their heads,
5 clurichaun easy 500
4 rum medium 800 and small pranks started to occur all about the
gremlins village, with the perpetrators not to be found.
4 clurichaun medium 800 Furthermore, the carrousel is responsible for a
2 alehouse geas spell that has slowly begun to take hold of
the village and all within, warping their minds
1 keg golem Hard 1800
so that they might serve Grumbles and his
2 rum
gremlins Brewmaster, a domovoi named Grunkleflurge.
1 domovoi Deadly 2600 Grunkleflurge and his servant fey have already
2 satyr taken up residence in the town, though
remaining somewhat hidden from the villagers,
until the geas spell is fully in place. Once it is,
GM NOTES they plan to put all the villages to work brewing
• This adventure is designed for four to ale, rum, wine, and all other sorts of spirits.
six level-three characters.
• The group may need to take a couple LOCATIONS
short rests, but no long rests should be Higgin’s Spoke. A small village.
• Contains treasure from 1 roll on the NPCS
level 0-4 treasure hoard table in The
Mayor Higgins Picklepod. The mayor of Higgin’s
Game Master’s Core Rulebook.

STORYLINE Grumbles. The troll carnival owner.

A carnival recently came through Higgin’s Grunkleflurge the Brewmaster. A domovoi in
Spoke, providing amusement and charge of brewing spirits for Grumbles.
entertainment for all the villages. When the
carnival was leaving town, Mayor Picklepod,
made arrangements to purchase the carrousel,
and it was left in the center of the village so Lucus Hart, The DM Lair, LLC © 2022 Page 2 of 8
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS to construct a keg golem from barrels and
stolen parts from the smithy. They have it set
These random encounters can be used if the
up in a corner of the kitchen where it awaits
heroes try to use more long rests than are
their commands. They don’t know exactly what
expected, are in the middle of raiding a
they’re going to do with it, but it’s pretty cool.
compound and take a long rest, or even on
In the meantime, the rum gremlins occupy their
short rests.
time stealing food and drinking booze.
• 1d4+2 rum gremlins
• 1d6+2 clurichaun T2. SLOPPY’S FARM - FARM AND PIG
• 1d4+2 saytr PEN
The small garden was dedicated to growing
ADVENTURE HOOK hops, and the plants have all been recently
Mayor Higgins Picklepod asks the adventuring harvested by the rum gremlins in the Sloppy
party to find out what’s going on in the village Bowl.
as folks are acting out of sorts, there are
sightings of small odd creatures, and the many Several of the pigs in the pig pen have
pranks. The mayor promises the characters a makeshift saddles on their backs. The rum
reward of a fine, gilded shot glass set worth 50 gremlins have taken to riding them about at
gp if they can resolve the village’s problems. night while playing a sort of jousting game only
with pitchers of rum. They are too lazy to
TOWN INFORMATION remove the saddles when they finish. Footprints
in the mud from the rum gremlins lead to area
There are a half a dozen or so buildings in
T1 and T4.
Higgin’s Spoke with villages that inhabit them.
This adventure does not flesh out all of said
inhabitants of the village. That is left to the
game master to create. Homework. Yay! TAILOR SHOP
The fey inhabiting the town are note necessarily Madam Pinquill can tell characters about cruel
hostile. In fact, their goal is to turn the pranks being played on her. The worst was
inhabitants into servants that will create when one of her mannequins was saturated
alcoholic beverages for them. So, they don’t with alcohol and set on fire. She believes she
really want to harm anyone—at least not too saw the culprits fleeing north; she suspects the
much. They are given to conversation more Drakeworth sons are responsible as they’ve
than to violence; however, if bullied too much always been brutish hooligans.
or if they feel their supply of rum, ale, wine, or
other adult beverages is threatened, they will T4. THE CLANGING HAMMER –
easily and happily resort to violence. BLACKSMITH
Four rum gremlins are running amuck here.
T1. THE SLOPPY BOWL - COMMUNITY Drunken beyond belief, they have smashed the
MESS HALL blacksmith, Gil, over the head and he lies
Two rum gremlins have taken up residence in unconscious in his room. Now that they have
the rafters here. They are both accomplished the run of the place, they’re drinking up all his
artificers (when not drunk) and have managed ale—which Gil had quite a bit of. Previously, Lucus Hart, The DM Lair, LLC © 2022 Page 3 of 8

they stole parts from the smith and gave them Treasure. Old Nan has a set of four golden
to the other rum gremlins in the Sloppy Bowl to candlesticks (worth 25 gp each) that she’ll give
help them create their keg golem. to the characters if they can figure out what the
mayor’s secret is and tell her about it.
Treasure. The smithy has hidden about 6 tiger
eye gems (10 gp each).
Much of the smithy’s tools and supplies have Drakeworth Senior and his four sons have been
been dumped in the pond here by the rum out hunting for over a week now, and in their
gremlins in the Clanging Hammer. They are absence, four clurichaun and two alehouse
making room to turn the blacksmith shop into a drakes have taken over their hunting lodge.
rum production center. They’ve been helping themselves to the
hunters’ food and ale stores. Furthermore,
A small girl, Lucy Drakeworth, is hiding in the they’ve been playing cruel pranks on Mandam
bushes here. She’s seen the rum gremlins from Pinquill. In particular, they enjoy dousing the
the Clanging Hammer dumping the tools and garments on mannequins with booze and
supplies into the pond. setting them on fire.

T6. OLD LADY NAN’S HOME – Treasure. Two bottles of fine wine (10 gp each)
that the clurichaun and alehouse drakes have
RESIDENCE not yet managed to find are hidden in the
Old Lady Nan dwells here, her home smelling of mouths of the hunting trophies on the walls.
vinegar and cat pee. (She has twelve cats; it
happens.) She is the village snoop, gossiper, and T8. HIGGIN’S HOLE – FROG POND
busybody. Old Nan knows about much that is
Due to magical emanations from the fey plane,
happening in Higgin’s Spoke and might be a font
several of the frogs that live in this pond have
of information for the characters. She can tell
become awakened and can speak Common.
them the following:
Seemingly infested with the same mischievous
• Loud noises of revelry are coming from nature of the other fey creatures in the village,
the Clanging Hammer at most times of the frogs tell anyone who approaches that they
the day or night, and the blacksmith is are all princesses transformed by witches into
way behind on his work orders. frogs. They can be transformed back by the kiss
• She knows that the mayor is hiding a of a handsome warriors.
secret of some sort. She’s seen him go Treasure. About 500 cp is scattered at the
into his house and disappear from sight bottom of the pond as villagers use it as a
(she was looking through all the wishing well of sorts. (It never works, though.)
windows), and she can’t figure out
where he went.
• The owner of the Sloppy Bowl has been
complaining about food going missing. Mayor Picklepod can be found here at most
Old Nan just thinks he’s getting fat and times. He is aware of something strange
is forgetting how much he actually eats happening in his secret cellar but doesn’t want
himself. to tell anyone about it, lest they discover his
pickled wife. Lucus Hart, The DM Lair, LLC © 2022 Page 4 of 8
This secret underground cellar beneath Mayor If the carousel is destroyed, the fey creatures all
Picklepod’s Residence is where they mayor has leave the village and things return to normal.
pickled his sick wife until a cure can be found. Also, if Grunkleflurge the Brewmaster and half
of the fey are either slain or driven off, the geas
Grunkleflurge the Brewmaster (domovoi) and
spell fails and things return to normal.
his two satyr helpers hide out in this chamber.
They’ve identified it as a prime location to set
up a magical fey brewery. They’ve also found
the mayor’s pickled wife and plan to use her for
blackmail if needed.

Treasure. The Brewmaster carries a pouch of

160 sp.


Five inebriated clurichaun are gathered in the
living room here, forcing Lady Orellia to tell
their fortunes over and over and over again.
They never seem to be satisfied with a fortune
told to them, and they demand better fortunes
as they drink more and more. Lady Orellia is at
her wit’s end as the clurichaun get more violent
and aggressive with their demands.

Treasure. A spell scroll (charm person) is on the

desk in Lady Orellia’s room.


The magical carousel which is responsible for
the entire horrible situation in Higgin’s Spoke
stands here, casting off its fey magic. It is the
source of the geas spell settling over the village,
and if it is destroyed, the spell will fail and the
fey creatures will retreat back whence they

If any damage is done to the carousel,

Grunkleflurge the Brewmaster knows it
immediately, and will rush forth with his satyr
helpers to defend the carousel. He constantly
calls for help, too, and every 1d4 rounds,
another group of fey from a building in the
village arrive to assist. Lucus Hart, The DM Lair, LLC © 2022 Page 5 of 8 Lucus Hart, The DM Lair, LLC © 2022 Page 6 of 8
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2, Copyright 2020, Open Design, LLC; Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Celeste Conowitch, Darrin Drader, James Introcatso,
Philip Larwood, Jeff Lee, Kelly Pawlik, Brian Suskind, and Mike Welham. Merry Go Rum, Copyright 2022, Luke Hart,
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