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International School Manila

Volume 18 3 June 2011

JUNE Before the start of the 2011 - 2012 school year, you
3 Last Day of After School Activities will receive a letter from the ES Office with informa-
7 ES 2nd Semester Report Card Distribution tion for the start of the year. Before you leave on
June 9, once all of your items are in place with the
8 Student Late Start @ 8.30am
Accounting Office, you will receive your section card
Distribution of Section Cards, Accounting for next year with the name of your child’s teacher. If
Office you do not pick this up on June 9, the school office
Grade 4 Moving-On Ceremony @ 9-10am, will be open throughout the summer. Please note the
Fine Arts Theatre ES Office will be undergoing some remodeling over
Early Student Release @ 12pm the summer. The Office will be located elsewhere in

End of 2nd Semester the school over the break and a sign posted outside
indicating where to go. You can also call 840 8400 if
AUG you have any questions.
4 Start of School We wish you all the best for a safe and relaxing
The updated calendar for school Yours in Education,
year 2011‐2012 is now available at
our website Simon Gillespie Michael Rourke
under News and Calendar >
Calendar of Events. ES Principal ES Assistant Principal

From the ES Administration (from 21 June to 15 July)
Dear Elementary School Parents,
In an effort to conserve energy and reduce
It is hard to believe that we are now in the last week expenses during that part of the summer
of the school year. Thank you again to everyone for when there are fewer inquiries and per-
all of your support this year, and for having your stu- sonal visits, ISM will be operating a four-

dents join our learning journey at International day week from 21 June to 15 July.

School Manila. We wish everyone a relaxing break, The Campus will be closed on the following four Fri-
and look forward to seeing you back in August. For days: 24 June, 1 July, 8 July and 15 July. However, Of-
fices will remain open for extended hours, 7:00am to
those of you who are moving on, we wish you all the
5:45pm, Monday through Thursday during those four
best on your new adventures.
weeks to facilitate inquiries and provide assistance.
Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

From the ESL Department From the PE Department

HOME LANGUAGE MAGAZINES! School holidays are almost here…
Please collect magazines in your own languages over Some children will be bringing home a swimming
the summer and bring them in to your child’s ESL certificate in their school reports based on the
class in August. Travel magazines, like the ones form Australian Swim and Survive
program. It should be noted
the airlines, are a great source of photos of your that children need to
country and articles in your languages. We need consistently complete skills
more of these for our future collaborative art projects.
required in the certificates,
rather a onetime only
Have a great summer – and enjoy your travels performance. Also some children may make the
wherever they take you! required distances but do not yet meet the
requirements for stroke proficiency. In addition the
Warmest Regards, children also need to be able to answer a series of
ESL Department questions about water safety to gain a certificate.
Congratulations to those students that have gained
awards this school year. You can visit the PE blogs to
find out more about the swimming levels.

Thank-you for all your support this year for the PE

program. It is a delight to track the progress that
students make in physical education classes in terms of
physical skills, movement vocabulary, understanding of
movement concepts and especially sportsmanship. We
often see many ‘firsts’ in elementary physical
From the CMC education. This refers when to a child successfully
Important Notice from the CMC completes a new physical challenge for the very first
time. Some of the ‘firsts’ we have witnessed this year
Could we please ask that, if you or members of your include diving into a swimming pool, swimming in deep
family still have CMC items checked out, you return water, completing one full lap of the 25m pool,
them to us as soon as possible so that you are not jumping double Dutch, punting a ball, juggling, riding
charged for the missing items. Whilst the CMC is now a unicycle, bouncing a ball and a backward roll. There
closed for general use, the doors are still open for you to are countless others…. the sense of achievement and
be able to drop your items in anytime between 7:00am smile on a child’s face when they finally master a new
– 4:00pm. motor skill is what makes our jobs as physical
Unfortunately, we don’t allow books to be borrowed
educators so rewarding. Building a repertoire of
over the June/July period. The reasons for this are so physical skills greatly increases the chances of children
that we can clean all items, repair those that need leading a health enhancing active lifestyle. I hope
repairing, and ensure that books are in their right place your children have shared some of their achievements
on the shelves ready for the new school year. With in PE this year with you. We wish you an safe and
30,000+ items in the collection, this is a active holiday.
huge and time-consuming job.

If you have any questions or any items Amanda Pekin

that may be causing concern,
please come and talk with one
of our friendly CMC staff as
early as possible so that we can
resolve the issue.

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

From the School Clinic

As the year draws to a close, there are a few health issues you may wish to consider. This is a good time to ‘get the house in order’
and do all of those jobs you just haven’t managed to get around to during the busy school year.

You may wish to take the opportunity to visit your doctor to review your children’s vaccination records and get
them up to date. Please visit the following website as a guide to vaccination schedules
vaccines/recs/schedules/child-schedule.htm. I suggest that it would also be a convenient time for your children
to have an annual checkup (for those who did not require one for re-enrollment). The children are very busy
during the school year and it is a good idea to make sure they are in the best possible health to prepare them for their busy

I would also like to refer you to the ISM public website to check out advice on dengue and tuberculosis. These are two diseases
that are a particular problem in the Philippines and we should all be aware of how to prevent and recognize them. You will find
some basic information at (click on the
link ‘diseases’).

One final request, we have recently introduced Asthma Plans into our program of care for children in the school. They provide
information on a child’s asthma, what is normal for that child and what measures can be taken in case of exacerbation of asthma.
They should be completed in collaboration with a pulmonologist or the doctor who is responsible for treating your child’s asthma.
If your child has asthma, please pick up one of these forms from the clinic and pay a visit to your doctor. It’s a good opportunity to
review your child’s asthma care and to enable us to follow the same program of care as your doctor. Keep a copy of the completed
form for yourself and your
doctor and give one to the From the Community Relations Office
school clinic.

Now it just remains to wish

everyone a wonderful summer
holiday and safe journeys and
the clinic staff look forward to
seeing you all in the next school
year. This will be my last
message to you all as I leave
ISM on June 10th but I will be
replaced by a very capable and
lovely lady named Monique
Reed. I know I will pass the
clinic into good hands. Thank
you for all of your support over
the last 3 years at ISM and 5
years in the Philippines, it’s
been a wonderful experience!

Debbie Duckworth
Clinic Administrator
International School Manila

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

From the ATAC Office The ATAC All Year Round Sports teams (Chess, Table Tennis,
Aikido, Judo, Tae Kwon Do and Wall Climbing) will have their
The HS Honors and Awards Ceremony was held this week. end of year sports awards ceremony on Friday June 3 at the
Congratulations to all students who received an award: ES Gym 3:15-4:15pm. See notices posted on bulletin boards
IASAS Scholars: and in school bulletins.
Presented to students who participate in at least 2 IASAS
events (sports/MUN or CC) in the same year and have a GPA of Please note the ISM Gymnastics teams will have their own
3.5 or better averaged over the first 3 quarters. celebration on Monday June 6th for their end of year
celebration/awarding at the ES cafeteria after school.
Grade 9 Grade 10
The May or 4th Season practice schedule will finish on
Andres Limcaoco Annika Weilbach
Daniel Um Eun Jee (Nikki) Kang Wednesday June 8th . Team practices for 1st season sports will
Jae Woo Jang Ines Diaz resume in August as per tryouts dates listed below. Good luck
Kimberly Go Jorge Paulo Campos to all athletes over the coming summer break…. stay fit, keep
Regina Rovira Kara Maeda active and be ready for Bearcat action in school year 11-12.

Grade 11 Kat Gavino Next year’s dates and IASAS Schedule can be found on the
Seong Chan An ATAC Blog. ISM will host MUN in November 2011 and Rugby/
Denise Fransisco
Son Ho (Sierra) Lee Touch in February 2012. We look forward to these events in
Lynn Yu
Laura Lehmann Grade 12 the 11-12 school year. Don’t forget the IASAS 30th Anniversary
Julia Saubier Andrea Sy will take place this coming October with a huge celebration at
Gabby Ayala Michelle Ferreol SAS with all first season sports taking place in Singapore.
Angela Sy Prerna Bhargava GAME SCHEDULE PDF
Abhishek Nagpal Vince Ching
Smriti Sridhar Information about all mid week/weekend fixtures for ISM
teams can be found via the ATAC blog. You can also access
this information via the ES/MS/HS divisional web pages. Please
ATAC/Head Coaches Awards 2010-11: note the game schedule does change often due to
Outstanding Freshman Athletes: Daniel Um and Valerie Toze involvement with many local schools so please check the page
Outstanding Sophomore Athletes: JP Campos & Katrina Gavino regularly to find out the latest information of where and when
Outstanding Junior Athletes: Gabby Ayala and Angela Sy the Bearcats teams are playing. Click on schedules tab or the
Outstanding Senior Athletes: Vincent Ching & Chelsea Ferguson Bearcat logo to be directed to the http:// You will need your power
Sportsmanship Awards: Daniel Um and Sarita Morris school user name and password to access the game schedule
pdf now located in power school
Athletic Directors Award: Joint recipients this year: Boys
Softball Team/Girls Touch Team/Prerna Bhargava. ATAC HIGHLIGHTS/UPDATES
(for ALL match/schedule details check game schedule page as
June 3rd End of Year all season sports awards ES Gym 3:15-
4:15pm (Aikido, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Table Tennis, Chess,
Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den: Wall Climbing)
Mon, Wed and Fridays June 3rd and 4th Aikido Seminar ISM Covered Court
11:30am – 1:00pm and 2:30pm – 4:00pm.
June 6th Gymnastics Team end of year celebration. ES
Tues and Thurs afternoons from 2:30-4pm.
Cafeteria 3pm
Thanks to all our great volunteers who have worked in the den
Aug 4th 2011: ATAC HS 1st Season Tryouts start
this year. If you are interested in joining our group of
volunteers in the Bearcat Den next school year please contact Aug 8th 2011: ATAC MS 1st Season Tryouts start and for All
our BCD volunteers coordinator Chantel Year round Sports teams
( or pop in to the Den near the HS
Cafeteria and talk with one of our volunteers they will be very August 10th 2011: ATAC tryouts start for ES soccer teams
happy to make you welcome. Chantal will be assuming her new
role as PTA president next year so I would like to welcome
Radhika Mohit to the new volunteer coordinator position out of Mark Pekin
the ranks of our regular volunteers.
Director of Athletics/Activities
PLEASE NOTE: Last day of den operations for this International School Manila
school year is TUESDAY JUNE 7th. The Den E-mail:
volunteers will be in hibernation from June 8th ISM Website:
until reopening day on Monday August 8th, 2011 ATAC Blog:

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

From the Admission Office

Re-Enrollment for SY 2011-12

REMINDER: Re-Enrollment information for RETURNING STUDENTS for SY2011-12

Re-Enrollment requirements for all returning students will include, minimally,
submission of an updated Health Form or Physical Form (depending on grade level) to the
Clinic for a Clearance Signature and a Clearance Signature from the Cashier’s Office on
the Re-Enrollment Form.

The Re-Enrollment Form and other requested forms for each re-enrolling student will be
available by the beginning of April online from our website under Admission and Re-
Enrollment & Withdrawal or at the Admission Office during office hours (Monday to
Friday; 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). Parents may pick up a set of Re-Enrollment Forms
personally or your child can come to the Admission Office and get the forms. If you would like to have your
driver or househelp pick up the forms, please give them a letter of authorization to collect the Re-Enrollment
Forms for your child/children.


(Does not apply to graduating seniors)
If your child(ren) will not be returning to ISM for the 2011-12 school year, please inform the Admission Office
as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Parents are obliged to officially inform the School in
writing on a WITHDRAWAL NOTIFICATION FORM, before the second Friday of May, if their children will be
withdrawn. Failure to do so will lead to a deduction of US$1,000 from the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD), in
compensation for having held a space for the child and thus preventing the School from offering that space to
another child prior to the summer holiday break. The Withdrawal Notification Form can be obtained from the
Admission Office or from the ISM website under the Admission tab and then click on Re-Enrollment &

We currently have very few families indicating that they will not be returning and consequently there are an
ever growing number of applicants in a WAITPOOL for possible openings. This is causing great distress and
anxiety in those families (and in the Admission Office). If you are sure that your child will be leaving ISM,
please submit a Withdrawal Notification Form. This will be a great help for our planning and to the many
families waiting to be admitted to the school. Thank you.

Regards, From the Treasury Office

Gary W. Jerome Dear Parents:
Director of Admission This is to remind everyone to please
International School Manila view the web online billing and kindly
P.O. Box 1256 MCPO, 1255 Makati City, Philippines settle the remaining outstanding bal-
E-mail: ance preferably thru wire transfer to
Web: avoid lining up for last minute payment
Phone: (63-2) 840-8488 or 840-8601 to the cashier’s office for the final clear-
Fax: (63-2) 840-8489 ance. Please bring or fax to 840-84-05 (kindly attention
it to Elmer Esguerra or Marissa Dulay) the validated
bank deposit slip as proof of payment if settlement was
made via transfer. Please also note that elementary
sections cards will be released only to those students
who are cleared starting June 09, 2011.

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

From the Business Office


School Year 2011‐2012
Please KEEP THIS COPY AS A REMINDER regarding DUE DATES for the settlement of your account


First Semester Second Semester
Period Covered 1st Quarter – 4 Aug. to 7 Oct. 3rd Quarter – 9 Jan. to 16 Mar.
2nd Quarter – 10 Oct. to 15 Dec. 4th Quarter – 19 Mar. to 31 May

Tuition Due Date 7 July 2011 8 December 2011

Basic Fees
1. Tuition Fee


US Dollar and Phil. Peso US Dollar and Phil. Peso

Pre‐School 3 $4,380 and PhP 142,200 $2,190 and PhP 71,100

Pre‐School 4 $5,860 and PhP 189,600 $2,930 and PhP 94,800

Elementary School (Kindergarten ‐ Grade 4) $9,280 and PhP 297,000 $4,640 and PhP 148,500

Middle School (Grades 5 ‐ 8) $10,140 and PhP 325,500 $5,070 and PhP 162,750

High School (Grades 9 ‐ 10) $10,780 and PhP 347,000 $5,390 and PhP 173,500

High School (Grades 11 ‐ 12) $12,060 and PhP 387,400 $6,030 and PhP 193,700

2. Matriculation Fee US$ $3,000

3. Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD) US$ $5,000

4. Application Fee US$ $200

(Continued on page 7)

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

Additional Tuition Fees If applicable US Dollar

1. English as a Second Language (ESL) Fee
Year 1 $2,500 per year
Year 2 $1,500 per year
2. Learning Support Services (LSS) Fee
Level 1 Support $1,250 per year
Level 2 Support $3,000 per year
Level 3 Support $5,000 per year

Miscellaneous Fees

1. Extra Car Sticker (first Car Sticker free) PhP 100 per sticker

2. ID (initial student, 2‐parent, 1‐driver, 1‐househelp ID free) PhP 100 per piece

3. Musical Instrument Rental US$ 120 per instrument


1. Tuition Fees: Payable in advance for the whole year or per semester. Quarterly payments can also be arranged
but have an additional charge of US$100 per quarter. For quarterly payments, post‐dated checks are required
to be submitted at the time of enrollment. The USD portion should be paid in US dollars and the PhP portion
should be paid in Philippine pesos to eliminate conversion costs. Payments that are not in the prescribed cur‐
rency will be converted as appropriate based on the school exchange rate, which includes a mark‐up to cover
the currency conversion costs.

2. Only the Tuition Fees may be paid by the semester or quarter. All other fees must be paid in full on the due
date. An additional one per cent (1%) surcharge per month is added on all school fees that remain unpaid after
the due dates.

3. Matriculation Fee: For all NEW students entering Grades Kindergarten and above; is required to hold a place,
and should be paid in full upon acceptance. Refund of the matriculation fee will only be made in case of can‐
cellation of the application or acceptance, or the child does not physically enroll. Students who have paid this
fee, withdraw and subsequently return to the School are covered by the following guidelines (based on with‐
drawal date) :
3.1 If a student is withdrawn for 0 – 12 months, no matriculation fee shall be paid upon re‐enrollment.
3.2 If a student is withdrawn for more than 12 months up to 24 months, 50% of the matriculation fee shall
be paid upon re‐enrollment
3.3 If a student is withdrawn for more than 24 months, full matriculation fee shall be paid upon re‐

4. Facilities Upgrade Deposit: For all NEW students entering Grades Kindergarten and above; should be paid in
full upon acceptance. A certificate of deposit will be issued to confirm payment of the FUD. The FUD is FULLY
refundable upon receipt of a written request and return of the duly endorsed Certificate of Deposit, when the
student withdraws from the School with proper clearance.

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

(Continued from page 7)

5. Application Fee: For all NEW students; should be paid in full upon submission of application. This is non‐
refundable and non‐transferable.

6. For NEW PRE‐SCHOOL students, a $1,000 non‐refundable, non‐transferable reservation fee, deductible from
the annual tuition fee due, must be paid upon acceptance to guarantee the place in the pre‐school program for
the SY 2011‐12. The tuition and all other fees must be paid prior to the student starting class. If the expected
enrollment date is deferred to beyond the beginning of the new school year, then all school fees must be fully
paid prior to the beginning of the new school year to guarantee and hold the seat.

7. Refund of school fees in case of student withdrawal will not be pro‐rated for part of a quarter, regardless of the
number of days attended.

8. A re‐enrollment deposit payment is not required to reserve a space at the School for SY2011‐12. However,
parents are obligated to inform the School in writing, before the second Friday of May 2011 if their children
will withdraw at the end of the academic year 2010‐11. There is a WITHDRAWAL NOTIFICATION FORM for
such purpose and this must be submitted to the Admissions Office before the second Friday of May of each
school year. Failure to do so will lead to a deduction of US$1,000 from the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD),
in compensation for having held a space for the child and thus preventing the School from offering that space
to another child prior to the summer holiday break.

9. Please take note that the School shall take action to suspend the student’s right to attend classes and other
school activities for those students whose school fees remain unpaid by end of August for the first semester,
and end of January for the second semester. It shall likewise suspend the student’s right to receive report
cards or transcript of records while the student’s account remains unpaid. Moreover, this may result in forfei‐
ture of the student’s place or reservation for the next school year.

10. For check payments, over‐the‐counter bank payments and wire transfers, kindly indicate the STUDENT’S NAME
AND TELEPHONE NUMBER. Please provide the School with a copy of the deposit slip or bank advice, where
applicable, for prompt credit to the student’s account. Following are the bank options:


Account Name : International School Manila
Account No. : US$ S/A 069‐004984‐130
PhP S/A 068‐014950‐040
Bank Address : Fort Bonifacio Branch, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Swift Code : HSBCPHMM

Account Name : International School Manila
Account No. : US$ C/A 0756‐342‐029
PhP C/A 0756‐342‐002
Bank Address : Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, Philippines
Swift Code : CITIPHMX

(Continued on page 9)

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

(Continued from page 8)

Account Name : International School Manila
Account No. : US$ S/A 3074‐0241‐48
PhP S/A 3073‐3730‐25
Bank Address : Bel‐Air Polaris Branch, Makati City, Philippines
Swift Code : BOPIPHMM

11. All School fee money transactions at the ISM campus are done at the Cashier’s window, Business Office

12. Checks will no longer be accepted from those who have issued CHECKS DISHONORED by banks for insufficient
funds, closed accounts, and other reasons. Likewise, peso checks will no longer be accepted after the second
Friday of May and US$ checks drawn from US banks will no longer be accepted after the second Friday of April
for each school year.

13. Pro‐Rating Fees: Most students attend ISM for the entire school year. There are, however, new students who
enter ISM after the start of a school year. For NEW students ENTERING ISM after the start of a semester, the
Tuition Fee is pro‐rated as follows:

First Semester:
First Quarter:
Students entering August 5, 2011 up to September 8, 2011, Full semester tuition is charged
Students entering September 9, 2011 up to October 7, 2011, Two‐Thirds semester tuition is charged

Second Quarter:
Students entering October 10, 2011 up to November 18, 2011, One‐Half semester tuition is charged
Students entering November 21, 2011 up to December 15, 2011, One‐Third semester tuition is charged

Second Semester:
Third Quarter:
Students entering January 9, 2012 up to February 10, 2012, Full semester tuition is charged
Students entering February 13, 2012 up to March 16, 2012, Two‐Thirds semester tuition is charged

Fourth Quarter:
Students entering March 19, 2012 up to April 27, 2012, One‐Half semester tuition is charged
Students entering April 30, 2012 up to May 31, 2012, One‐Third semester tuition is charged

These policies may be revised at any time during the school year, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees and the
School Administration.

Concessionaire fees such as bus and canteen fees can be arranged directly with the third‐party providers.

Please contact the Business Office if you have any question on the School Fees and Payment Schedules.

Elementary School Parent Bulletin 03 June 2011

From Operations &Security


I. IDs for the New School Year

Parent IDs
Current parent IDs will continue to be valid for the new school year 2011-2012.
Parents who require replacement school IDs due to loss or damage can acquire these from the Security Of-
fice upon payment of Php100.00 to the Cashier.

Student IDs
All students will be issued with new ID cards at the beginning of the new school year. This year there will be
no need for returning students to visit the Security Office as we will be utilizing the photographs taken for the

School Passes
School passes issued to parent’s employees and representatives need to be replaced for next school year.
As of August 31, 2011 the green bordered passes will be invalid.
The security office is now accepting applications for new school passes, however the cards will not be avail-
able for collection before July 1, 2011.
Each family will be given two free school passes. Additional school passes may be obtained after paying a
processing fee of Php100.00 each to the Cashier’s Office.

2, Car Stickers for the New School Year

The car stickers for school year 2011/2012 will be available from the security office beginning July 1, 2011.
For vehicles already displaying an existing sticker, parents should submit a completed renewal form with a
copy of a current LTO official receipt. For new vehicles, parents are reminded that a copy of the vehicle’s cer-
tificate of registration and a current official receipt need to be submitted with the application. Applications for
vehicles registered with companies or other institutions should be supported by a letter of assignment.
Each ISM family will be issued one vehicle sticker free of charge. Any additional stickers will be issued follow-
ing payment of P100 to the cashier’s office.

I would like to thank all members of the ISM community for their cooperation across this school year
in helping us maintain ISM as a safe and secure environment for our children.

Mike Flynn
Director of Operations and Security


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