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Gabriel Vesselinov Tchotchkov

Write an essay which will help the AUBG Admissions Committee

become acquainted with you, understand your motivation to attend
AUBG, and determine how well you can express yourself.

The essay should be on one of the two topics on the AUBG webpage, it
should consist of around 650 words and will be evaluated on the basis
of clarity, creativity, completeness of the response, sentence structure,
paragraphing, spelling, grammar, and style.

Nowadays every single person wears a mask of some sort. One of the main
reasons for that is because the way we are perceived by the rest has significantly
changed. Moreover the aspects of our daily lives have started to be judged by
everyone else and we often fail to look at ourselves and instead focus on the lives of
others. There is a wide variety of masks we can hide behind or use to blend into
society and each has its own purpose. There is also the risk of wearing such a mask
which will always exist. This metaphorical way of masking ourselves can be
considered as a way of changing ourselves for the better.
Almost all of us wear or have worn a mask in our past. The truth about those who
have succeeded in getting rid of this particular habit is that there will always be some
remnants left behind to remind us of the struggle of having to put on a mask every
day for various different reasons. That is because the struggle of having to
impersonate an individual we have nothing in common with on a daily basis is one of
the heaviest burdens we can carry. Many people wear masks in order to conceal their
true identities and emotions as do I. Although this act of concealment entirely
depends on the situation due to the fact that it is impossible to not show our true self
for a single moment. With the time this act of hiding our true feelings and identities
behind masks becomes quite torturous. A lot of people have numerous masks which
they change throughout their everyday lives. There exists an enormous amount of
the masks we can wear and we use them according to the situation we find ourselves
in. One of the masks I wear is to protect the people around me and another which I
use quite often is the one which helps me with fitting in and meeting the expectations
of others. Besides this mask another one which I put on is when I have to pretend to
like something or someone in order to not be considered rude after telling them the
Apart from those of us who wear masks in public there are also others who wear
them in their private lives as well. One of the facts all of us should consider is that
after a while the rest start noticing when we are wearing a certain mask. Furthermore
I can safely say that the mask I and probably others wear the most is the one that
hides my true emotions. As a result of our experience most of us learn that there are
a lot of situations in life where our emotions end up costing us more than we can
handle. Because of our human nature the mask which most of us can't resist to use is
the one meant for interaction with different people. However a lot of people can't
accept it even though it should be considered normal to feel differently towards
different people. Most of the masks I wear along with countless other people have
the sole purpose to cover up the true us. In some instances we want to share what is
going on in our lives but we fear rejection.
In summary people wear masks because the society we live in conditions us to
spend our lives in a manner that is socially acceptable. The hard truth which a lot of
us can't admit is that everyone who seems different is considered strange or
undesirable even though we are all different in one way or another. Despite the fact
that wearing such masks in different moments of our lives may prove beneficial little
by little we start to lose pieces of our true selves.

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