Letter of Rec

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October 11th, 2021

To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing in support of Angel Alvarez for scholarship opportunities or employment at your

company. I have known Angel as a student in my Economics/Government course. Angel will
excel in any endeavor he chooses because of his questioning mind and his sense of responsibility.
He is extremely dependable and a pleasure to teach.

The reason I believe that Angel will be successful is because he is bright and driven. Angel is
very conscientious about showing up on time and turning in his assignments. Angel has a very
sharp mind and he critically thinks about a wide variety of topics. He will be the first to attend
college in his family and he wants to travel the world when he finishes college. He wants to
study business so he can own his own business. He has shown his commitment to the community
by volunteering at the homeless shelter, church, elementary school, and as a tutor. He
understands the importance of helping others and giving back. Angel is a pleasure to have in
class and there is no doubt in my mind that he will achieve his goals.

Please contact me with any questions, kdunham@muhsd.org


Kristie Dunham

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