Dual Space

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Chapter 13
In chapte 9, have considered linear
we BmeR
F is a linear transformations between spaces over a field F. As
space over itself, we concentrate discussion on linear
ticular, from a linear space V over F to F. transformations, in par-
tions T: V>U hold in this Naturally, all the results for linear transforma-
particular setting. In addition, linear
F lead to new
extremely important concepts and yield results transformations T: V
which are not valid in the
general setting.
Definition 13.1.1
Let V be a linear space field F. A linear
over a
(19) mib
transformation f: V> F is called a linear
functional or simply functional or linear form of V into F.
Thus the values of a functional lie in the base field mi wo
F.s[u Vmi
The set of all linear functionals Hom» (V, F) on V forms a linear
space over Funder com-
(af) v) = afv), V ve V,f.s e Hom,(V, F)
Text Book of Linear Algebra-An lntroduction to Modern Algebra

(see Proposition 9. 3.2)

Definition 13.1.2
If Vis a linear space over F, then Hom- (V, F) is defined to be the dual space of
We use the notation for the dual space of V. Thus v = Hom-(V, F) is the dual
Vand an element of is called a linear functional on V into F. space of
Example 1
(i) The map : Fu] > F defined by vf() =f(0), is a linear functional, known
evaluation at 0.
i) Let V=C[0. 1] denote the vector space ofall real valued continuous functions on fo
1]cR. Let

:C[0, 1 Rbe defined by

vfu))=f r ) dx

Then y is a linear functional and hence yE V

Remark 1
If V is not finite
dimensional, V is too large to create interest. Study of such
additional structure such as spaces needs
topology. So, in out present discussion, we only consider
finite dimensional linear
spaces. Hence V denotes the finite dimensional linear
unless otherwise stated. space

Remark 2
According to Theorem 9.2.1, for any y e V"
dim (ker w) =
dim V- dim
Now Im
yCF>either Im y {0}, in which case y is the
n, or
Imy=h,in which case y is surjective. Hence a non-zero zero linear transroma
jective linear functional yE V 1S Su
Consequently, dim (ker y) dim V-1, since

dimension n, then ker y is ofdimp

Hence if V is of (F) =1.
dimension n-1.
Linear Functionals and Dual 363

Again according to Theorem 9.3.1, if dim V= n, then dim (V)= dim (Hom- (V,
n. Hence V and V are F)=n.l
both linear spaces of the same dimension n over the same field F.
We show that each basis of V
determines a basis of V".
Theorem 13.1.1
Let B= {Vi, V., V,} be a basis for Vover F. Then the linear functionals V1, V2» a
defined by

. i f i =j
v.)=o,lo if i*j
form basis for the dual space V over F.

The basis B {vi. V2. V,} is called the dual basis for B

Note that y, are F, introduced in the proof of Theorem 9.3.1. Now a, Vi +a2 V2
V =0 (zero linear functional)
+. .


2a, v,(v,) 0(v,)= =


2a, ö, = 0 a , =0, Vi =1,2,..,n

i =l

B " is a linearly independent set.

Hence dim V =dim (V") =n >B" forms a basis for V"

Lemma 13.1.1
Let V be a finite dimensional linear space and v (# 0,) E V. Then there exists a linear
functional ye V for which y (v) #0.

v#0,v is linearly independent in V. Hence wecan find a basis B = {v, =v, V, ...V,}
for V. Then for the elements 1, 0,..., 0 in F, there exists a unique linear transformation:
y:V>Fsuch that y (v) = 1,
y(v) =0, Vi=2,3,.. .n by Proposition 9.2.1. This shows that 3 ye of which y (v)
# 0.
364 Text Book of Linear Algebra+An Introduction to Modern Algebra

Remark 3
Lemma 13.1.l is also true if Vis infinite dimensional.
Let V be a linear space over F and be its dual space. Then V has again a dual space
( . denoted by , called the second dual of V. Thus consists of all functionalsdr

: F.

In otherwords, an element " of V is a linear transformation which assigns a scalar in F to

each linear functional on V.
For vE V, consider the map
:VF defined by v (v) =v (v), V ye
Then sends the functional y to the scalar y (v) E Fand is called evaluation map at v.

Proposition 13.1.1
For ve V, the map v: > F ,defined by v (y) = v (»), is in ,

i s linear: Letf. g ¬ V, and a, be F.'

af+bg) =(af+ bg) (v) =a f(v) + bg(v) =a v")+b v"(8)

i s linear.
Hence is a linear functional on V=ve V".
We now show that the linear spaces Vand " are
Theorem 13.1.2
If Vis a finite-dimensional linear space, then the
mapping ß : V- V", defined by B(v)=
i s a linear isomorphism.

B is linear: Let a, b E F, and u, vE V. Then

B (au + bv)= (au + bv)'.

But (au +
bv" () =flau +bv) af(u) + bf(v)
(a u'+bv) (), Vfe (au + bv=
Linear Functionals and Dual 365
Hence B (au + bv)
a linear homomorphism.
(au + bvf =a t+b=a B(u) + b B(V). V a, b e F, u, vE V=ßis
vE v :
0,, then by Lemma 13.1.1,
0, linear
B(v) =functionalfe
Jo)*0. Hence v" () =f(v) * 0 »v:0. Thus v#0> ker f=such
Bis a linear
dim Vn, then dim (V)= dim (V)= dim () =n. Hence Bis also surjective. Hence
B:V>" is alinear isomorphism.
IT Vis
ments of
then the linear spaces Vand are identified by Band the ele-
thought of simply vectors of V.
isomorphism ß: V> V is called a natural correspondence between Vand V".
Theorem 13.1.3 (The Riesz
Representation Theorem)
Let V be finite dimensional inner
product space, and let fe V be a linear functional on
V. Then there exists a
unique vector x E V such
that f(v) = (v,x) for all ve V.
Iffis the zero functional, we may take x =0, for our purpose. Next letf+ 0. Then V vE
kerf,f(v) =(v,x) = 0>x¬ (kerf
Ifdim V=n, then dim (ker f) = dim V-I =n-l.
Hence we can choose a unit vector u E (ker f)* such that V is the
orthogonal direct sum: V
(u) O kerf (i.e. V= (u) ® kerfand (u) L kerf). 3o
We find an element re F such that

fo)= (v,ru)for all v e V.

In particular, for v u, f(u) ({u, ru)

= = = r
(u, u) =
r, since (u, u) =l5r=f(u)
Hence x = ru x =f(u) u.
Any vector vE V has the form v = au + by, where y e kerf

Hence (v,x) = (v,flu)u) =f(u) (v,u)

fu) (au + by, u) =fua flau) =

= f(au +by) =fv) =*f(v)= (v,x), Vve V.

To prove the uniqueness of x, let y be also a vector e V such that f(v) = (v, y), V v e V.
Then (y,x) = (v,y) * (v,x - y) =0, V ve V a x - y = 0 , > x = y .
366 Text Book of Linear Algebra-An Introduction to Modern Algebra

Let T: U Vbe a lineartransformation. Define a map T: VU"by T () =fo Tforall

fe W
Thus (T ) (u) = fo T) (u) =f(T (u), V u eU .(1)
Proposition 13.1.2
T:UVis linear » 7': V»U'defined by (1)islinear.
For a, b E Fandf, gE V,

T(af+bg) = (af+bg)oT = a(foT) + b (g oT) = a T)+b T(g8)

T is linear.
Definition 13.1.3
For a linear transformation T: U -V, there exists a linear transformation T: V U
defined by T ( =fo 7. T is called the transpose of T

If V is a vector space and fe W, then fis defined on all vectors of V. Hence we can define
fas well on a non-empty subset S of V by the rulef (S) ={f(v): v¬ S}.

Definition 13.2.1
Let S be a non-empty subset of V. Then the annihilator A (S) of S is defined by
A (S) = {fe V:f(x) = 0, VxE S}
{fe V:f(S) =
Proposition 13.2.1
Let S be a non-empty subset of V. Then A ( ) is a subspace of " such that for SCTin V

A (T) CA (S) in V
OE A (S)A(S) is non-empty.
Letf. g E A be F. Then
(S) and a,
(af+bg)) = (af)«)+ (bs) r) = afx) + bg(r) = a0 + b0 =0, V x ¬ S
= af+ bg e A (S) >A (S) is a subspace of V".
For the second part, fE A (T) =f6y) = 0, V y e T»f(y) =0, Vy e S f ¬ A (S)
A (T)CA (5).
Linear Functionals and Dual Spaces 367

A (S) is
subspace of V, even when Sis not a subspace of V.

Proposition 13.2.2
For any subset S of V, SCA(A (S).
Let vE S. Then for any functional fe A (S)Cv, v()=f(V) 0. Hence ve A (A
4 (A (S) under identification B: V->
(S)) =>
,v->by Theorem 13.1.2 SCA (A (O).

Theorem 13.2.1
Let S be a
subspace of a finite dimensional linear space V. Then dim (A
(S)) = dim V -

dim S.

Let dim V= n and dim S =
k, k <n. Let {u, U,.., u,} be a basis for S. Extend this basis
to the basis

B={,2,., 4, V1, V2 ,V for V.

Let B' {Vi, Va, V,ff} be the dual basis to B. We claim that C f»..

a basis for A
.f.-} is =

The set Cis linearly

independent. We show that Span (C) A (S).fe A V =

(S)=»fE such
that f(u) =0, V uE S.
Letf=a, V, +a,V,+.. +a,V +b +bs,+...+ b, -S-
Thenf(u) =
0, V uE S>0=f(4,) =a, since f (4,) =0, V i and y, (u,) ô, =

=f=bfj +bji+ .. +b,- J

Span (C) =A (S).
Thus C is basis for A (S).

Hence dim (A (S)) n-k = dim V-dim S.


Let V be finite-dimensional and U be
IA(U) are isomorphic.
subspace of V. Then the linear
spaces U and

A (U) is a
subspace ofV". Hence the dimension of the quotient
dim (IA (U) dim V-dim A (U) = space VIA (U) is given by
dim V-dim A (U) (since dim
V= dim V) = dim U
Text Book of Linear Algebra An Introdaction to Modern Algebra

Thus Uand /A (U) are two linear spaces over F such that they are of same dimensin.
andhence they are isomorphic.

Proposition 13.2.3
Let Vbe finite dimensional and U be a subspace of V. Then A (A (U) = U.

Let dim Vn and dim U = r. Then dim =n and dim A (U) =n-r by Theorem 13.2.
Hence dim A (A (U)) = dim V-dim (A (U)) = n-(n-r) = r= dimU
Again by Proposition 13.2.2. UCA A (U).
Hence U= A (A (U), since U and A (A (U) are subspaces of Vof the same dimension .

We now apply the result of dual spaces to study the system of linear homogeneous equa-
a 1 +a +... +an, = 0 (A)

where a, E F.
Let S= {a = ( a , , a , , 4,). i = 1, 2,. m}cF and S generate the subspace U of F"

Let dim U=r. Then we say that the system ofequations (A) is of rank.
Let V= F and (e,} be the standard basis of V.
ic. , = (0, , . 1,0,. ), where I is at the ith position and 0's are at all other positions
L e t f . f J beins dual basis in V. Thenanyfe V can beexpressed asf= x f t +
f x E F. Now fe A (U)f(u) =0, V ue U
0 =f(a,, a2 . a,), since (aj1, .., 4,) E U
=f(a,e, + 4je2 t. . . tdi ea)
= (4f t.. .+XJ) (a,e +... +4aea)
=X,41 t . .+XAa Sincef, (e,) = ô,
Linear Functienals and Dual Spaces

Similar results hold for the other

equations of the system (A
Conversely, for every solution ( , I . . , ) of the system of homogeneous equations
A there eaistsan element xf,+1/,+... +f,in A (U). Then thenumber of indepen-
dent solutions of the system of equations (A) is the dim A (A (U)) = n-r.
This leads to the following Theorem.

Theorem 13.3.1 uloe

the system of linear homogeneous equations (A), where a, e F is of rank r, then there
are m-r
linearly independent solutions in F".
the number of unknowns exceeds the number of equations in A i.e., ifn >m, then there
a non-trivial solution, i.e., there is a solution (x, x,. ,)* (0, 0,.... 0)
U1s generated by m vectors m<n; r=dim U S m<n = there are n-m linearly inde-
pendent solutions in F" »Corollary.
Problem 1
Let U and W be the subspaces of V. Then

A (U+ W) =A (U)nA (W)

Solution: fe A (U+ W) f(U + W) = 0=f(U) =0 and f(W) = 0

f e A (U) and fe A (W)=f¬ A (U) nA (W) ®
A(U+ W) SA (U)nA (W) (1)
Onthe other hand. g E A (U)A (W) 8 (U) =0 and g (W) =0. If ve U+ W, thenv=u
+w for some u E U and w E W. Hence g (v)
w) = g (u)+8 (w) =
g (u + =
0+0=0 8
(U+ W)=0gE Ae (U+ W)A (U)nA (W)CA (U+ W) (2)
Hence (1) and (2) yield the result.

As the solution of Problem I needs no dimension
argument, the result is true for both
finite and infinite dimensional linear spaces.
370 Text Book of Linear Algebra-An Introduction to Modern Algebra
Let U and V be finite-dimensional linear
spaces and T: U>V be a linear transformationn
and M be the matrix
representation T
of to bases
{u,of U and {v,} of V. Then th
transpose matrix M is the matrix representation of T: V">U' relative to the
to v,} and bases dual
Suppose dim U= m and dim V=n. Let {u,.. u,,}
., be a basis for Uand {v,, vzs..
a basis for V. ..
v,} be

Let T(u,) = a , ' tajV2t. +a,V,

T(u,) a21V +a22V2 t..+a2V

T(um) am

ta,m2V2t..+ ann
Let } and {8,} be bases dual to {v,} and {u,} respectively.
Let u E U and u =b,u, + b,u, + . + b,,4m then . .

T(u) =
b,T (u,) + b,T(u,) +... + b,T(4,)
= b,(a,,V,t.. +an V,) +b,(a21Vt.+az,"n)t +b,{m, t.. +anVn)
(b,a +ba2 t
tb,,a,mv, +(b,a21 + b422 t . +
t+(ban +ba, t... +b,a,mn) V
= (b,a,t.. +b,amv

Now for j =1, 2, . .

.,n and Vue U,

(TO)u)) =f,oT)(u) (by Definition 13.1.3)

=S(T(u)) =E (ba, +
= b,4t.. +b,m ..(2)
Linear Functionals and Dual Spaces 371

On the other hand. forj 1.2,..n


(a1,8+a2,8+ .+a&(u)

(a,8+a,8,+. +ag-)b,u,+bu,+ .+b_u)

b,a,, +b,a, +... +b,a,, Vu e U .3)
Hence (2) and (3) yield that
TG,)= a,8, +
az,82 +. +am8m j =

T)= a,8 +a2182 ++a 18m .(4)

TC) =a,28 t a,82t.. +a,,8m

TU)=ain8 t a,8:+. t a n Bm

Hence (1) and (4) solve the problem

Problem 3
Let T: U V be a linear transfornaetion and r: -U be its transpose. Then ker T =
A (Im T).
Solution: fe ker T T )=fo T= 0. If ve Im T, then v =T (u)for some u e U. Hence
S)=fT(4)) = To ) u ) = 0 (u) = 0,. Thus.f(v) = 0, V ve Im T. Hence f e A (Im ) .
Consequently, ker T' cA (Im T) (1)
On the other hand.fe A (Im T) =f(Im ) = {0}
Then, for every u e U, (T ()) (u) = (fo 7) (u) =f(T (u)) = 0 = 0 (u)
T)=0=fe ker T A (Im )Cker T 2)
Hence (1) and (2) yield that ker T =A (Im (T).

Problem 4
Let U and V be finite-dimensional linear spaces and T: U V be a linear transformation.
Then rank T= rank (7')
Solution: Let dim U = n and dim V = m and rank T = t. Then by Theorem 13.2.1,
372 Text Book of Linear Algebra-An Introduction to Modern Algebra

dim (4 (Im T)) =dim V-dim (Im )= m-rank T= m - t. Again by

Problem 3, ker 7 .
(Im T). Hence nullity (T) m-t. Thus it follows that rank (7) dim
m-(m-t) =i= rank T.
-nullity ( =

EXERCISES (Short Answer Type)

Let V= R and S =
{(1, -2. 3). (1. -1, ). (2, -4, 7)). Find the dual
basis of the
basis set S for V.
Hint Let v, =
(1. -2. 3): (1, -1, I; v = (2.-4, 7). Then S=
{y. v, v,) is a
basis set for V. Let S =
.f}be the dual basis of S. Then f, (v) =
Suppose fla,y,z)= a,x +a,y +a,z
Au.y.2)=b,x +by+byz
Sx. y,z) = cX + Cy + C2

Nowf, () =1 =f(1. -2. 3) = 1 a, -

2a, +3 a, =1
Similarly, fv)=0 a -a,+ a, =0
and S(v,)=0 2a,-4 a+7a, =0
Hence a, = -3, a, = -5 and a, =-2

Thus. f (x, y, z) -3 x 5y 2z
= -

Similarly, flx, y,z) 2r+y and Sr,y,z) =x +2y

+z V (x, y, z) E R']
2 Let V be the vector space of real-valued
functions integrable in
functional defined by [a, b] and y be the

v= t)d, vfe V

Then y is linear functional.


Hint: : V>R is a linear map which

number y fD. called the integral of fon [a,assigns to each integrable function fa real
3 Let P [x] = V be the linear
space (infinite
variable x and let for a E R, D, : V>R bedimensional) of all real polynomials in
defined by D. () =f' (a), then D, is a
linear functional.
4. Let Vbe the linear
space of all convergent sequences of
R by y (U,)) the real number
to which the
real numbers. Define :V
V. Then y is a linear functional. sequence Ul converges, V lE
Linear Functionals and Dual Spaces 373
5. () Let V= P x] be the linear space of all polynomials over R of degree Sl i.e.,
V= {a +bx : a, be R.
Define v,
Vz:V>R by
v Sd and
vU)= fo)d
Then y. V, E V.Find the basis V, dual
v, for V which is to {Wi, Va
Hint: Let v =a +bx, v, =p + qx be the basis set for V such that (v. v,} be its dual
basis. Then y, (v,) =1,
V (v) = 0; V, (v,) = 0, v, (v,) = 1.

Vi)=(a+bx)dr =a +=l;
V.v,)= | a +bx) dr =2a +2b =0
Consequently, a = 2, b=-2. Thus v = 2-2x. Similarly, v = -1/2 +x.
Hence (2-2x, -1/2 +x} is the basis for V which is dual to {v,, Va}l
Show that a vector v of a linear space Vis zero if and only if y (v) = 0V ye
[Hint: use Lemma i3.1.1.]

6. Ifdim V<«, show that A(A (S)) Span (S) for any subset S of V.

In particular, if S is a subspace of V, further show that A (A (S)) = S

Hint: Identify V with V under the natural map B.]

7. Ifdim V<« and X, Yare subspaces of V, show that A(XnY=A (X) +A (Y).
8. Let V=X© Y. Prove that

(a) (i) Xand A (Y) are isomorphic;

ii) and A (X) are isomorphic.

(b) (X+ Yy =A (X) O A (Y).

the map y:f>Xtakes functional fe a
Hint: (a) ()f¬ A ()=f()=0. Then
is linear. Moreover, iffX 0, then f(X)= 0, =

t o its restriction fX, which is in X",

0,f=0ker y =0 y is injective. To show that y is surjective,
and sincef (Y) =

Vx X.
elementf¬ A () for which (AX) (x) =g (x),
let g E X'. Then we find an
of g to V is in
extend g to V, in such a way that the extension
In other words, we

A ().
374 Text Book of Linear Algebra-An Introduction to Modern Algebra

Letfe be defined by f(x + y) = 8 ()

Then fis well defined and linear.
Moreover,fE A (), (0). Vy e
sincef) =f(0 + y) = 8 Y.
Finally.AX = 8.
Hence y is surjective.
Consequently. y is an isomorphism, which proves that the linear spaces A (Y) and
X are isomorphic.
(ii) By symmetry. it follows that A (X) and Y are isomorphic.
(b) A (X) and A (Y) are subspaces of V
Again, fe A (X)nA ()=f(X) = 0 and f ( ) =0^f=0 >A (CX)nA (Y) = {0}
Hence A (X) ®A (HSX N .1)
On the other hand, for f e (X + Y", define g and h E (XO Y°by g (x + y) =f(y) and
h x+y) =fx). Then g and h are well defined and linear.
Moreover, g (X) = 0 and h () =0 g ¬ AX) and h e A (Y).
Finally, fx+y)=fx) +fy) =ht +y)+g(x +y)
g ( r +y)+h(* +y) = (g +h)(r +y)

f = 8 +h >fe A(X) +A(Y)

Hence fe A (X) A (Y)>(X Y'CA (X) A (Y) (2)

Hence (1) and (2) yield the result.]
V and let vE X.
9 Let X be a proper subspace of a finite-dimensional linear space
i andf (x) 0, Vxe
Show that there is a linear functional fe V for which f(v)
= =

n-dimensional linear space V. Show
10. Let X be an (n-1)-dimensional subspace of an
such that ker f X. If f and g are two such
that there is a linear functional fe

functionals, find a relation between them.

over the same field F. Show that
11. Let a: M> N be a linear homomorphism
induces a linear homomorphism
: N > M", defined by a*)=fo a, Vfe
satisfying the following properties:
(a) (1* = l

(b) a, B: M > N E Hom- (M, N)=(a +B)* =a* +B*.

Linear Functionals and Dual 375
(c) ta : MN and B: N-> Parelineartransformations overthe same field F,
then (B o a) a* o ß*.

(d) If a is a linear isomorphism, then a is also a linear isomorphism.

2 . L e t M be an arbitrary m xn matrix over a field F. Using the result of Problem 2,
prove that row rank of A = column rank of A.
Solution: Let T: F"-> F" be a linear map defined by T(v) = Av, where the elements
of F and F" are
represented as columh vectors.
Let M be the matrix representation of T relative to the usual bases of F and F", and
the image of Tis the column space of M. Hence, rank T= column rank of M.

Then by Problem 2, M is the matrix representation of T relative to the respective

dual bases. Hence
rank (7) column rank of M
row rank of M.
Again by Problem 4, rank T = rank (7).
Hence the row and the column rank of M are equal.
Test 1 (Objective Type)
Answer with justification, which of the following statements are true or false:
1. Ifv,V V, forn a basis of a linear space Vover a field F, then for any given set
of n elements a, az, . . ., a, E F, there exist many linear functionals on V, such that
f(v) = a,i =1,2, . ..
2. Given two distinct vectors x, y e V, there exists no linear functional fon V such that
Slx) +fy).
3. Letx and y be a pair of linearly independent vectors in V. Then there exists a linear
functionalfon V such that
Sx) =fy) #0
4. Let V be a unitary space of rank n. Then for a fixed vector v E V, the functionf: V
»C, defined by
f)= (x,v)
is a linear functional.
. Let V be a linear space over Fand ve V. Then v =0y f(v)=0, Y fe V.
6. Let V be a linear space over F such that dim V = n. If y: V> F is a linear func-
tional, then dim ker =n.
7 Let S be a subspace of a finite dimensional linear space. Vand A (S) be the annihi
lator of S in ". If dim V=n, dim S=k(k<n), then
376 Text Book of Linear Algebra-An Introduction to Modern Algebra

(a) dim (A (S)) =n-A and

(b) dim (A (A (S)) = k
Let V be a linear space and " be its second dual. If dim V=n, then dim Vd n.
Let f. g be two non-zero linear functionals on a vector space V over R.
functionf: V> R. v>f(v) + 8 (v) is Then th
(a) not well defined
(b) a linear functionel
(c) not linear

Test 2 (Objective Type) Determine the correct statements

1. Let V be a linear space over F and " be its dual space.
If dim V=n and dim =m,
(a) m = n

(b) m>n

(C) nm < n

2 IfV=R'. then the basis .A) dual

tothe basis (v, =
(2, 1). v, = (3, 1)) of Vis
(a) y ) -*+ 3y.S x. v) =x-2y =

(b) a , y) = X - 3y.f (x, y) =x-2y

(c) i a , y) =X+ 3y, J (x, y) = x +2y

3 Let V be a linear space, S be a subspace of V, and A (S) be the annihilator of S. If
dim V= n, dim S = m and dimA (S) = r, then

(a) r= n

(b) r= m

(c) r=n-m.

4. Under the same notation of (3),if dim V=n, dim S = m and dim (A (A (S)) =r, then

(a) r= m

(b) r=n

(c) r=n - m
(U) be
5. Let V be linear space, U be a subspace of V, V be the dual space of V and A

the annihilator of U. I f dim V= n, dim U = m and dim (V"/A(U)) = r, then

(a) r=n-m

(b) r= m
Linear Functionals and Dual 377
(c) r=n
Let U and
Vbe finite dimensional linear spaces and T: UV be a linear transtor-
mation. If dim U =
dim V=
n, m, rank T= t and dim (A (Im 7)) =
r, then
(a) r=n-m
(6) r=n-t
(c) r= m-t
1. Under the same notation of
(6), if rank (T) = p, then
(a) p=n-m
(b) P=t
(c) p=m
8. Under the same notation of (6), if nullity of T is q, then
(a) q= m-n
(b) q=m-t
(c) q=n-t
9. All linear maps f: R->R are of the form
(a) fx) = ax + b, V a, be R
(b) f(x) = ax for a fixed a e R

(c) fx) =x+a, V a eR

10. Let V be an n-dimensional linear space over F. If y: V-F be a linear functional,
then the dimension of ker y is
(a) n

(c) 0.

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