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A comparative study of service quality in Public sector

hospitals and Private sector hospitals with special reference
to Jaipur city

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

Award of degree of
Master of Business Administration


Submitted By




Hereby I declare that the project report entitled “A comparative study of service quality in
Public sector hospitals and Private sector hospitals with special reference to Jaipur city”
submitted for the degree of master of business administration is my original work and the project
report has not formed the basis for the award of any diploma, degree associate ship, fellowship
or similar other titles.

It has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree or


This is certified that Mr Nitin kumar student of Master of Business Administration, semester of
semester II and Jaipur has completed his Project report on the topic of “A comparative study
of service quality in Public sector hospitals and Private sector hospitals with special
reference to Jaipur city” under supervision of Dr.Harsh Dwivedi Director of R.A podar institute
of Management.

To best of my knowledge the report is original and has not been copied or submitted anywhere
else. It is an independent work done by him.


Theoretical study combined with practical knowledge makes the learning meaningful and
enables the individuals to develop self-confidence. Often repeated but correctly said that one
cannot learn to swim without diving in the water and so the MBA curriculum has been designed
to provide to the future managers ample practical exposure of the business world.

The Project report is a compulsory part for the fulfillment of the MBA degree course and helps
the student to gain knowledge about various aspect of the industry, emphasizing on the
development of skills analyzing and interpreting practical problems through application of theory
concepts and techniques of management.

This project focuses on the service quality provided by the public sector hospitals and private
sector hospitals with special reference to Jaipur City. It pertains to compare the quality of
service for different aspects in both the public and private sector hospitals. I took my project
study of public and private sector hospitals at Jaipur city in Rajasthan. Myjob during the project
was to study of the behavior and perception of customers towards the services ofpublic sector
hospitals and private sector hospitals with special reference to Jaipur City and find out which
sector hospital is more popular and effective among the peoples in Jaipur.

During project period, I had very touching experiences. When business is involved, experiences
counts a lot, as we know, experience are an instrument, which leads towards success. As we all
know that working in market on the grass route level has always been a pleasure.

Now I take this opportunity to present the project report and sincerely hope that it will be as
much knowledge enhancing to the readers as it was to use during the fieldwork and the
completion of the report.


An individual cannot do project of this scale. I take this opportunity to express my

acknowledgement and deep sense of gratitude to the individuals for rendering valuable
assistance and gratitude to me. Their inputs have played a vital role in success of this project.

I express my sincere thanks to my project guide Dr.Harsh Dwivedi Director of R.A.Podar

Institute of Management, Jaipur for his generous support, constant direction and mentoring at all
stages of project.

I am also thankful to Dr Rohit Singh, MBBS, Sawai Man Singh Medical for his valuable
suggestions, support and co-operation throughout the project.

It gives me immense pleasure to thank all those who had helped me directly or indirectly to
complete this Dissertation Report.

Consumers of different commodities and age-groups coming from different social backgrounds
behave differently when go to take hospital services. Consumer behavior and perception
towards the service quality of public and private sector hospitals can better describe the
comparison of the services between these two sectors. In response to environmental change,
public sectors have begun to focus on their customers and customer services. Most of the
public sector organizations, however, have made little progress in making themselves more
customer-friendly, when compared with the private sector. Thus to improve the quality of service
for public sector clients, this study devised a framework of Service Quality Improvement in the
Public Sector (SQIPS), which combines information from marketing surveys and panels. The
framework calculates several kinds of indices to identify key processes and builds customer
retention and maturity strategies by using them. An Internet-based system equipped with the
SQIPS framework has been developed. The benefits of the framework are summarized as
follows: Obtaining high-quality reliable panel data from the public sector; saving money and time
to collect questionnaires; improving internal and external customer processes based on various
surveys; and enhancing service quality through the analysis of organizational processes.

The paper examines the comparison of service quality of hospitals. How can the hospital’s
physical environment best respond to patients’ and families’ needs while facilitating clinical best
practices and reflecting rapid changes in health care? Experts from clinical care and health
administration, architecture, construction, and health equipment manufacturing will present new,
interdisciplinary models for the hospital of tomorrow. While always fast-paced, health care is
now changing dramatically as a consequence of health care reform and its impact on the entire
economy. Business executives, representatives of venture-backed firms, and insurance
professionals will participate in an exciting exchange of ideas about what the rapidly changing
health care marketplace means for health care entrepreneurs. Overweight, obesity and other
communicated diseases represent not only a serious medical problem, but an urgent economic
issue. The U.S. spends almost$150 billion every year treating obesity-related diseases, most of
which are preventable. This panel will explore what can be done through partnerships in the
public and private sector to prevent obesity and promote wellness. So that it becomes important
that what actually customers need in the service quality of the hospitals for this purpose it is also
necessary to know about the existing service quality of the hospitals from both the private and
public sector hospitals.


Contents Page No.

S. No.

1. Introduction to Industry 8

2. Introduction to Organization 11

3. Research Methodology 21

Title of the Study

Duration of Project

Objective of Study

Type of Research

Sample size & Method of selecting sample

Scope of the Study


4. Facts and Findings 24

5. Analysis and Interpretations 26

6. Conclusion 30

7. Recommendations and Suggestions 31

8. Questionnaire 33

9. Bibliography 34


Introduction to healthcare services industry – India

The last decade has been witness to the giant strides taken by the Indian healthcare scenario,
towards modernization and development- gone are the days when those who could afford it had
to travel abroad to get highly specialized services such as cardiac surgery.

Today, patients from the developed Western nations are coming to India to receive specialized
medical treatment. Not only is India meeting international standards, but at prices that compare
very favorably with developed countries.

In India, healthcare is delivered through both the public healthcare system and the private
sector. The public healthcare system consists of healthcare facilities run by the central and state
governments, which provide services free of cost or at subsidized rates to low-income families
in rural and urban areas. In the private sector, healthcare facilities are owned and run by for-
profit companies and non-profit or charitable organizations.

In the earlier era, the high custom duties imposed by the government on imported medical
equipment was a big deterrent to set up private hospitals offering specialized medical care using
state of the art equipment, usually imported from abroad. As a result, there were very few
privately run large hospitals but there were many small private practitioners who provided
primary and secondary care.

The low level of medical insurance was another major problem faced by the private hospitals -
not having insurance meant that the patients had to pay for the treatment from their own
pockets and not everyone could afford the high costs of private healthcare.

Service quality in India:

Of all services marketing topics, service quality has gained much research prominence in recent
years. Existing research indicates that consumers satisfied with service quality are most likely to
remain loyal. Service quality is perceived as a tool to increase value for the consumer; as a
means of positioning in a competitive environment and to ensure consumer satisfaction,
retention and patronage. With greater choice and increasing awareness, Indian consumers are
more demanding of quality service and players can no longer afford to neglect customer service

The basic difference between the services provided by private sector and public sector would be
beneficial for the people who want to choose the services among these healthcare centre and

the study will also provide specific idea to the governing bodies of this sector how to compete
and increase the service quality comparing to the other organizations.


The private sector plays an important role in India's health care delivery system. Through a wide
network of health care facilities, this sector caters to the needs of both urban and rural
populations and has expanded widely to meet increasing demands. Utilization patterns indicate
that health care seekers depend highly on the private sector. Despite the widespread public
infrastructure, a higher proportion of health services are provided by the private sector than by
government facilities. The private health care sector has grown significantly over time.

The growth of this sector has been further triggered by a number of factors, including a
liberalized economic policy, rapid influx of medical technology, growing deficits of public sector
hospitals, and a rising middle income class. Its growth has profound implications for the existing
character of the Indian health care system and its future course. Recent studies indicate that
private health care significantly affects both the cost and quality of available health care
services in India. Although cases of superfluous and high cost of services rendered by private
physicians and hospitals have been reported, there is no evidence that these result in any
greater use of public facilities. Significantly, despite the problems resulting from the growth of
the private sector, there has been little effort to draw up appropriate market or regulatory
mechanisms to ensure its desirable growth. This is unfortunate since it is well known that
leaving the health care to the market forces does not necessarily lead to an effective and
efficient health care system.


The data and studies suggest that differences in income or location (rural/urban) do not have
much influence on the propensity to use different types of facilities. The private health care
services are utilized by all social classes.

In a survey of the utilization of health facilities by two slum communities in Bombay, found that
both communities used private sector facilities more frequently for short-term and minor
ailments. However, in acute cases of illnesses requiring hospitalization, they used public
facilities, primarily for cost rather than quality considerations.



Public expenditure on health care in India is composed of spending by central government,

state governments, and local bodies. Private health care spending includes the out-of-pocket
costs incurred by households and expenditure by the private non-household institutional sector.
The share of private household and non-household expenditure has frequently been reported to
be more than two-thirds of the total health expenditure. Total health expenditure as a
percentage of the national domestic product was about 5 percent in 1997 (as suggested by
studies). One can expect that, given the rate of inflation and the increase in the demand for
health care services over the years, the expenditure in absolute terms must have gone up

The way health care expenditures are financed has important implications for the health care
system. A study revealed that people borrowed about Rs. 28.52 per capita (about 16 percent of
total health care expenditure) a year to finance their health costs. In some
individual cases, borrowing was as high as their annual incomes. Insurance coverage for health
care expenditure is very limited in India although the government initiated comprehensive health
insurance schemes for the employees in the government and formal private sectors. In a recent
survey it was recorded that only 4% of the workers availed this cover.



Sawai Man Singh Medical College & Attached Group of Hospitals

Sawai Man Singh Medical College (SMS Medical College) is a medical college in Jaipur,
Rajasthan state, India. It was established in 1947.

It was the 15th centre for medical education in India. Its first principal was Dr. G.N.Sen. Medical
Council of India recognized the college in 1952, in the same year PG courses for M.S. and M.D.
started here.

There are 32 departments and six hospitals attached to this medical college. The college has
three boys' and one girls' hostel. The medical college runs Bachelors, Post Graduate, Diploma,
M.Ch., D.M, M.Sc(Med),PhD, and Nursing courses. The college has a large library.

Attached hospitals :

Sawai Man Singh Hospital

Zanana Hospital


CharakBhawan (ENT, Ophthalmology &Skin )

Hospital for Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis

Sir Padampat Mother and Child Health center

Psychiatric Center

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center

An Infectious disease hospital

Gangauri hospital


One hospital and one dispensary were started in 1845. Subsequently, such facilities were
recommended for other parts of the state as well. However, due to lack of trained doctors the
initiative with limited success, In 1855, a maternity hospital and one dispensary and a medical
school were opened in Jaipur, inaugurated on 7 September 1861 and in the first batch 24
students were admitted. Dr. Kingford Burr was appointed as director of this college and he used
to teach material medical, practical therapeutics, surgery and practice of medicine. Later,
Dr.Najeeb Khan and Dr. HussainBaksh were appointed as demonstrator in anatomy and
assistant surgeon ParvatiCharan Gosh was appointed as lecturer to teach principles and
practice of medicine, Physiology and materiamedica.

Three year later (1861–64) over differences certain unfortunate developments led to closure of
the medical school which was still in its infancy. In 1945, late Sir Mirza Ismail, prime minister of
Jaipur state, during his visit to Sikar, was invited for tea by Late Rao Raja Kalian Singh of Sikar
at his guest house. Incidentally, the chief medical officer, Dr. S. C. Mehta was also one of the
invitees. During discussions, Dr. Mehta pointed out that doctors coming from other states leave
the services as soon as they get suitable jobs in their parent states and hence there was always
a shortage of doctors. The solution which he recommended was establishing a medical college
in our own state. Sir Mirza then started working on this project. On March 13, 1946 Lord Wavell
laid the foundation-stone of SMS college in a very impressive function presided over by
H.H.Sawai Man Singh, the Maharaja of Jaipur.

The year 1947 marked the beginning of a new era in medical education in Rajasthan with the
inception of the 15th centre for medical education in India , the prestigious Sawai Man Singh
Medical College , Initially, the college started work in the south wing of SMS Hospital and in the
building of the Jaipur Medical Association. Dr. G.N.Sen was its first principal. He had a short
tenure and was succeeded by Dr. S.C.Mehta, famous for his great zeal, drive and sense of
discipline. His acumen in choosing his staff reflected in selection of Dr. H.C.Choudhary, first
professor of Physiology, and Dr.B.M.Lal, first professor of anatomy, both of whom were loved
and admired by their students. Professor Ram BihariArora and professor R.K.Goel were the
fortunate ones to head the department of pharmacology and pathology respectively. In 1951,
Dr. S.K.Menon took over as principal of the college .In 1952, the college was recognized by the
Medical Council of India and the foundation of a new OPD block was laid in the succeeding
year. 1952 also marked the beginning of P.G Courses and the first batch of M.D. and M.S.
students qualified in 1955.


Pre-clinical departments




Para-clinical departments



Forensic Medicine


Preventive & Social Medicine

Clinical departments

1. Medical specialties

 General Medicine
 Pediatrics (JayKayLon Hospital)
 T. B. & Chest (Hospital)
 Skin & V. D. (CharakBhawan)
 Psychiatry (Psychiatric Hospital)
 Radiodiagnosis
 Radiotherapy
 Anesthesiology

2. Surgical specialities

 General Surgery
 Orthopedics
 Ophthalmology (CharakBhawan)
 Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) (CharakBhawan)
 Obstetrics & Gynecology (Zanana Hospital &MahilaChikitsalya)

3. Medical super specialties

 Cardiology
 Neurology
 Gastrology
 Nephrology
 Endocrinology,
4. Surgical super specialties

 Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

 Neuro-Surgery
 Pediatric Surgery (JayKayLon Hospital)
 Plastic Surgery
 Urology

5. Other departments

 Shortly their will be separate Dept. of surgical oncology , Gastrointestinal Surgery

, Medical Oncology as per state govt.


The SMS Medical College, Jaipur which is celebrating 63 years of existence since its inception
from 15 August 1947, has taken a big leap in recent times in Medical Education and Research
under a new model of growth using newer modalities of resource mobilization, Public Private
Partnerships and International academic partnerships and with the help of certain
philanthropists, SMS has been able to acquire state-of-art Day Care Centre at the SMS
Hospital, Jaykaylon Pediatric Hospital and Women’s Hospital. The SMS provides highly
subsidized radiological investigatory facilities in the form of CT Scan, MRI and has already
started a proposal of advanced Linear Accelerator under public-private-partnership programme
by the end of the year.

In view of the rising number of cancers, a comprehensive holistic cancer care service area,
tumor board and a Medical-surgical Oncology wing and a new Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
have been created. The SMS has taken a great initiative in creating Real Time PCR
Biotechnology lab, the budgetary proposals have been created for Stem Cell Research, with
Cord blood banking, hematic-immunology Lab. and a Basic Genetic Lab.


Fortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur (FEHJ) is the first amongst the proposed multi super specialty
hospitals to be set up in Rajasthan, with the mission to bring quality medical care at doorstep.
FEHJ is a “Multi Super-Specialty” Hospital with major focus on super specialties of Cardiac
Sciences, Neurosciences, Renal Sciences and GI Diseases backed up by a wide range of
specialties. Our services are the most comprehensive available in Jaipur, all under one roof,
with treatment supported by state-of-the-art facilities and systems.

FEHJ will establish itself as an institution that provides world - class healthcare with a high focus
on medical excellence, compassionate patient care and health education on preventive

The best medical expertise at Jaipur. At FEHJ one would experience the most comprehensive
medical treatment across a wide range of specialties. A team of highly experienced physicians
and surgeons, nurses, technicians & healthcare professions would provide treatment in all the
specialties. Comprehensive advanced facilities- under one roof.

Ensuring quality medical treatment at FEHJ are the most comprehensive facilities available
which include high end diagnostic equipments like 64 slice CT Scan machine, Touch Screen
Monitors, world-class Dialysis facilities and a Flat Panel Cath Lab, to name a few.


Vision "To create a world-class integrated healthcare delivery system in India, entailing the
finest medical skills combined with compassionate patient care"
-Late Dr. Parvinder Singh, Founder Chairman,

Fortis Healthcare (India) Limited.



Fortis Healthcare (India) is engaged in providing the latest in internationally recognised medical
care to patients with a variety of ailments and medical conditions.

Our Network consists of Super Speciality Hospital Hubs that concentrate on one or more
specialities. These hospitals are interconnected to a larger network of multi-speciality hospitals
that ensures patient access to expert care for any speciality.

This unique network architecture provides expert care to our patients and a level of confidence
in receiving the latest medicine has to offer.


Fortis Healthcare (India) has built a tele-medicine network, which connects each of its facilities,
so expert care is never out of reach. In addition, Fortis Healthcare (India) facilities are also
working with both private and public partners in the Indian Healthcare industry to provide Super
Speciality and quality healthcare services.

Fortis Healthcare (India) provides services covering ICU Management, ER Management, OPD
Management, Radiology Reporting, Pathology Reporting as well as Training and Education

Utilizing our strong HIS backbone, and PACS technology, we are able to seamlessly transmit
patient information in a secure and confidential environment. The use of tele-medicine has
provided a much-needed boost to the Indian Healthcare sector. It has also allowed our network
to expand its presence by extending quality healthcare treatment to the remote areas of
Northern India as well as overseas

Our network structure ensures quality healthcare and utilizes

 VPN - Virtual Private Network

 Firewall protection
 Data transfer speeds of 128Kbs or higher
 Security : Encryption and Confidentiality
 Alternate pathways
 Web access for clients
 Use of IHE and HL7 framework
 Integrating Healthcare Enterprise
 Health Level 7

Our Tele-medicine Software is

 Browser based
 Built on HL7 and DICOM standards
 Open Source Technology Linux
 Offers Real time and delayed Access
 Streaming without transfer, real-time ECHO, US
 Statistical Reporting
 Interface with Legacy Machines
 Flexible clinical reporting formats


 User authentication by individual usernames and passwords

 Restricted study access for users and groups
 Extensive logging for system audit
 Automatic log-off
 Self-defining and self-expiring passwords for maximum privacy
 Data encryption

Detailed Services

 ICU Service
o Thrombolysis

o Decisions for Cardioversion and emergency ECG administration and
o Medical Rounds
o Acute management of Myocardial Infarction and other medical emergencies 
 Emergency Activities :
o Immediate Intervention Advice
o Emergency Consultations
 Outpatient Activities :
o Video Consultations
o Psychology Consults
o Outreach programmes
o Health Camps
 Radiology Activities :
o CT Scans
o Ultra Sounds
o X-Ray


At Fortis Healthcare (India), we believe in continuous learning, innovation and improvement. We

encourage medical practitioners and healthcare experts for medical research and studies. For
years, Fortis Healthcare has been involved in several healthcare and medicinal study projects
and offers societal rewards and benefits to researchers.

Corporate Services:

Healthy employees contribute to a healthy business! The healthcare delivery services in our top
hospitals are specially designed to suit employee needs. All patient records are accessible at all
our hospitals across India so that employees can access healthcare services at the centre most
convenient to them, choosing from a wide network of our group hospitals.

We offer a wide range of products and services to suit your company's needs. 
1. OPD Services - Our network of top hospitals in North India offer special packages to
corporate employees and their dependants on the OPD facilities listed below:

 Doctor consultations
 Pathological investigations
 Radiological diagnostics such as X-Rays, CT Scan, MRI, Ultrasound, Mammography
 Non-invasive cardiology like ECG, Echo, TMT, Holter etc.
 Neurology investigations such as EEG, EMG etc.
 Physiotherapy

2. In-patient Admissions (IPD-related services) - Employees of empanelled corporate are

given special offers on all multi- specialty procedures/surgeries and on room rent.

3. Ambulance Facility - This facility can be availed of in times of emergency. Dependants of

members may also be eligible for these facilities.

4. Health Awareness Lectures/ Workshops – Awareness workshops and sessions are

organized by eminent faculty members on diverse topics at various hospital units as well as the
Corporate premises with the intention of promoting a sense of well-being and fitness among
corporate personnel.


Title of the Study:

A comparative study of service quality in Public sector hospitals and Private sector hospitals
with special reference to Jaipur city

Duration of the project:

It was a 15 days long project.

Objective of the Study

For every problem there is a research. As all the researches are based on some and
my study is also based upon some objective and these are as follows.

1. To understand the customer perception about the public and private sector hospitals..
2. To find out the comparison of the service quality of both sectors.
3. To find out whether people were really aware of healthcare services provided through
both the sectors.
4. To find out how people think about private sector and public sector’s facility of the
5. To find out which is better service provider public sector or private sector.
6. To understand the public preference about healthcare in India .
7. To come out with conclusion and suggestions based on the analysis and the
Interpretation of data.
Type of research:

Research type: Exploratory Research

Data type : Primary and secondary data

Research tools : Questionnaire survey and interview

Sampling units : Patients

Sample size and method of selecting sample:

Sample size : 50 respondents

Sampling method : Convenience sampling

Sometimes it is also called as grab or opportunity sampling. It is a type of non probability
sampling which involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population which is close
to hand. That is, a sample population selected because it is readily available and convenient.

Scope of the Study:

The healthcare centers across the Jaipur city were taken into consideration to observe, evaluate
and compare the service quality provided by both the private and public hospitals.

The basic difference between the services provided by these two players would be beneficial for
the people who want to choose the services among these hospitals and the study will also
provide specific idea to the governing bodies of this sector how to compete and increase the
service quality comparing to the other sectors.

Sawai Man Singh hospital has been selected because of the following reasons:

 It the largest public sector hospital in the Jaipur city as well as it the state.

 This large format hospital comprise of almost everything required by people for different
healthcare services.

 There are some subsidiary hospitals under the SMS hospital which deals with some
specific purpose only such as JANANA hospital only for Women’s.

 Well regulated and vast premises with a large number of visitors daily.

Fortis escort has been selected because of the following reasons:

 It is the venture of two big players of their fields.

 The leading healthcare chain in the India with elite class facility of services.

 Modern and technically sound services are promised..

Sample profile:

Demographics Percentage
Gender Female 12 24

  Male 38 76

  Total 50 100

Income Level 0-2 Lakh 11 22

  2-5 lakh 39 78

  Self Employed 0 0

  Retired 0 0

  Total 50 100

Occupation Government Employee 12 24

  Private Employee 17 34

  Self Employed 10 20

  Student 11 22

  Total 50 100

Age 18-25 25 50

  25-32 19 38

  32-45 6 12

  Total 50 100

Education High School 4 8

  Graduate 24 48

  Post Graduate 22 44

  Diploma/Certificate 0 0

  Total 50 100

Limitations of Study

Due to the financial & time constraints the study was limited to our place thus the conclusion
arrived in the end rely in short term experience.

 Being an opinion survey the personal bases of the respondents might have entered into
their responses.
 Time constraints resource constraints were some of the limitations.
 The selected sample might have affected the results of the study therefore the findings &
conclusions of the study are only suggestive & not conclusive.
 Sample was chosen according to convenience & judgment sampling & not according to
random sampling.
 The sampling error that appeared due to the kind of sampling technique adopted.
 Indifference and lack of interest disposed by a few respondents leading to unauthentic
 Time proved to be a major constraint as far as collection and analysis of data was


 In India people still prefer the public sector in the convenience of service availability at
cheaper prices.

 People are still not more aware of the services of different kind provided through the

 According to the comparison of both sector there are not that much customer
satisfaction feeling lying in the mind of the service providers.

 In the rural areas people wholly depend on the public sector hospitals.

 Private sector hospitals mainly fulfilling their money earn target rather providing better
service to their customers..

 The pool of people surveyed in this research was agreed with the point that the both
sectors are running with many loopholes in the matter of service .

 As the number of private sector hospitals are increasing day by day in the industry this is
making the people in to a dilemma situation to choose the correct option for health

 Private hospitals are coming in the market with various new advanced technology and
solutions to many diseases so it becoming more popular than public sector.


Gender: According to survey from 50 sample size 12 were female respondent and rest of 38
male were as respondent so that male were conveniently and interestingly took part in our
survey i.e. female were 24 % and male were 76 %.

Income level: From 0-2lakh there were 11 respondent i.e. 22%, 2-5 lakh there were maximum
respondent who belong to this income level 39 respondent i.e. 78%, self employed were 0%,
retired were also 0%.

Occupation: Percentage of govt. employee were 24 i.e. 12 respondents out of 50. Private
employee were 34% which is maximum in this segment, self employed were 20% and 22%
student were there.

Age: 18-25 there were 25 % respondents, 25-32 there were 38% respondents and from 32-45
there were 12% respondents.

Education: from high school standard it was 8% respondents, and from graduate there were
maximum 48% respondents. second largest from this category were from post graduate i.e.
44%. Diploma/certificate were 0%.



Chi-Square Value
Critical Value
Private Hospitals
Public Hospitals


Female 10 2 12

Male 11 27 38 3.841 11.206

Total 21 29 50


Since the calculated value is more than the critical value, we can derive that there exist
significant difference in choice of hospitals with regards to gender. From Graph, also we can
conclude that there is much difference in preference of hospitals. Out of total 12 female
respondents 10 females prefer public hospitals. This can be attributed to the fact that public
hospitals have more experienced doctors. On the other hand, 71% males are in favour of
private hospitals. Thus, we can say that there exists much difference among genders.


No. Variables Persons
1 Responsiveness 15
2 Cleanliness 20
3 Ambulance 24
4 Staff helping 22
5 Advance equipment 35
6 Specialty 40
7 Easy Approach 30
8 Isolated ward 40
9 Satisfaction 20
10 10









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


 In the public sector hospitals 30 peoples agree that it is easy to approach .
 In context of advance equipments good number of people favours public hospital.
 Majority of people favours public hospital for speciality and also for isolated ward
for communicable diseases.
 The least number goes to cleanliness of the public sector hospitals as it is notify
that mostly people aware about the improper cleanliness of the public hospitals
so that it harm the service quality of these sector’s hospitals.


No. Variables Mean

1 Responsiveness 35
2 Cleanliness 30
3 Ambulance 26
4 Staff helping 38
5 Advance equipment 25
6 Specialty 10
7 Easy Approach 20
8 Isolated ward 10
9 Satisfaction 30
Counseling 40

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 In private sector hospital maximum people agree for good counseling.
 Second rank goes to the helpful nature of staff.
 Third rating for responsive.
 Fourth rank goes to the cleanliness.

The overview of the healthcare industry, plans and policy reports not only throws light on the
gap between the rhetoric and reality but also the framework within which the policies have been
formulated. There has been an excessive preoccupation with single purpose driven
programmes. Above all, the spirit of primary health care has been reduced to just primary level
care. The health reports and plans mostly concentrated on building the health services
infrastructure and even this lacked a sense of integration. Most of the policy reports miss out on
the importance of a strong referral system. Instead, there has been more emphasis on building
the primary level care and even that has lacked proper implementation.

There are still public sector is in demand among the huge group of public to take its easy and
cheap services. The need is to relocate the responsibility in this sector for maintaining proper
services and also make all the staff and responsible person aware about their responsibility to
provide better healthcare support so that this sector would gain its real helping image to the
peoples of the country.

In the private sector people of elite class or the people who are needy they use to see these
sectors mostly. It does not have that much availability to all over the country. In Jaipur city the
public have approximately equal response to both of the sector for various instruments provide
through these sector.


For public sector:

 Public hospitals need to work on some of the aspects so as to improve the

service quality. Cleanliness is the major issue which needs to be addressed.

 There are still public sector is in demand among the huge group of public to take
its easy and cheap services so that it’s a responsibility of this sector to remain
their customer by providing good quality and satisfied services for the customer

 The need is to relocate the responsibility in this sector for maintaining proper

 Make all the staff and responsible person aware about their responsibility to
provide better healthcare support so that this sector would gain its real helping
image to the peoples of the country.

 To provide proper cleanliness to the wards and surroundings of the hospitals.

For private sector:

 This sector have to be lower its prices in such small cities as most of public
belongs to middle or lower middle class to such cities.
 They should provide world class facility to their centre.
 Also maintain isolated ward for communicated diseases
 They should make easy to approach for the public like public sector hospitals.
 In the private sector people of elite class or the people who are needy they use to
see these sectors mostly.
 It does not have that much availability to all over the country.
 In Jaipur city the public have approximately equal response to both of the sector
for various instruments provide through these sector.


Name_____________________ Date___________



Contact no._______________



Income: Below 2Lakh 2-4 Lakh above 4 Lakh

Education: High school graduate PG diploma / certificate

I. Which hospitals do you prefer mostly?

a) Public b) Private

II. Which hospital you would like to go first?

a) Public b) Private

Please fill following

Public hospital Private hospital

1. Doctors are very responsive

2. The wards are clean

3. Ambulance services are prompt

4. Paramedical staff is helping

5. Equipped with advanced facility

6. Easy availability of specialist and super specialist

7. Easy to approach

8. Isolated ward for communicated diseases

9. Dedicated to customer satisfaction

10. Proper counseling about patient status,

diagnosis and prognosis of disease



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