Network's 50-Year History

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The Progressive Spirit of Vatican II

On October 11, 1962, the first session of
the Second Vatican Council convened, after
three years of preparation. Over the next
five years, the Council continued to meet
under the leadership of both Pope John
XXIII and Pope Paul VI.
Mary Luke Tobin, SL, who later served as
president of the NETWORK Board of Direc-
tors, was invited to attend the third and the
final sessions of the Second Vatican Coun-
cil in Rome in 1964 and 1965 along with a
small group of women.
The documents and subsequent letters
that came out of the Council were historic
and transformational, including Gaudium
et Spes, which called people to bring jus-
tice and faith into the world.

1971 The documents Call to Action
March 1972 The Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA) passes the Senate and
is sent to the states for ratification. NET-
WORK will lobby for the ERA’s passage
for the next ten years.
and Justice in the World are published.
They state: politics “are a demanding August-September 1972
manner” of Christian service and “a NETWORK publishes its first newsletter,
constitutive dimension of preaching the holds an issue referendum, and trains 150 Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Oscar Romero

Gospel,” laying the foundation for NET- participants in political ministry at the
WORK’s political ministry. first Legislative Seminar. August-October 1978 Pope Paul
VI dies; his successor, John Paul I, dies
December 1971 Forty-seven women August 1974 Nixon resigns; Gerald 33 days after his election. Cardinal Karol
religious gather at Trinity College in Ford becomes President. Józef Wojtyla of Krakow, Poland is elected
Washington, D.C. to discuss the call to pope and takes the name John Paul II.
work for justice through the political January 1974 NETWORK publishes
system and decide to form NETWORK, its first Congressional voting record of 1979 Three non-Sisters, Marie
the first Catholic social justice lobby in the First Session of the 93rd Congress. The (Grosso) Dennis, Barbara Ann Stolz, and
the United States. scorecard included 14 House votes and 14 Josephine Zamora, are elected to NET-
Senate votes. WORK’s Board for the first time.
January 1972 The NETWORK steer-
ing committee holds its first meeting; they 1975 Ann (Sampson) Dunn is hired, October 1979 During Pope John
agree that Carol Coston, OP would serve NETWORK’s first non-Sister on staff, and Paul II’s visit to the U.S., LCWR president
as NETWORK’s first director. the NETWORK Educational Program is Theresa Kane, RSM asks the Pope to open
incorporated. all church ministries to women in her
April 1972 Carol Coston, OP begins welcome speech; fifty-three sisters stand
leading NETWORK, providing “political April 1975 The U.S.-Vietnam war ends. in protest during his remarks.
ministry” in Washington. Four sisters
later join Carol on NETWORK staff. November 1976 Jimmy Carter elect-
ed President

8  Connection  Second Quarter 2022

NETWORK’s Summer Legislative Seminars
During the summers, NETWORK organized legislative
seminars in Washington to train advocates for justice,
attracting hundreds of participants from across the coun-
Rev. Henri Nouwen
participating in the
Legislative Seminar,
Washington, D.C
1992 Kathy Thornton, RSM succeeds
try. These trainings not only taught participants about Nancy Sylvester, IHM as the third director
the legislative process and NETWORK’s policy areas, but of NETWORK.
were also critical for building relationships between jus- Senator Ted
tice-seekers in the field and NETWORK staff. Over the Kennedy speaking January 1993 The Family and Medi-
years, the Legislative Seminars drew speakers and partic- to a NETWORK
cal Leave Act, which NETWORK strongly
ipants such as Sen. Ted Kennedy, Rep. Shirley Chisholm, Legislative Seminar,
Washington, D.C. supported, passes in Congress and is signed
Rep. Barbara Mikulski, Rev. Henri Nouwen, Rosemary Rad- (undated) into law by President Clinton.
ford Ruether, Margaret Farley, RSM, and Fr. Robert Drinan.
“A political ministry… asks us to bring our single-minded commitment to justice 1993 NETWORK lobbyist Sr. Catherine
and peace into the center of a complex political process.” Pinkerton, CSJ and staff work with First Lady
Hillary Clinton and Sen. Ted Kennedy to craft
comprehensive healthcare legislation. The bid

1980s November 1983 The Vatican’s to reform health care was unsuccessful.
1983 Code of Canon Law takes effect,
prohibiting religious men and women
from serving in public office, affecting
1980 Archbishop Óscar Romero is members of NETWORK, including
assassinated and four American church- foundress Elizabeth Morancy.
women are murdered in El Salvador. In
response, NETWORK invites leaders of A Difficult Choice
congregations with missionaries in Cen-
When the Vatican prohibited religious men
tral America to testify about the condi-
and women from serving in public office,
tions there on Capitol Hill.
two NETWORK Board Members were forced
November 1980 Ronald Reagan to make a painful choice: Elizabeth Moran-
elected President. cy, a Rhode Island state Representative, and
Arlene Violet, a candidate for Rhode Island
State Attorney General. Both resigned from
the Sisters of Mercy to serve in those po-
to the Reagan sitions. Previously, NETWORK with LCWR
Administration and other groups, had issued an Epistle in
During the eight-year Rea- support of former Mercy Sister Agnes Mary
gan presidency, NETWORK Mansour, who had been forced to choose
lobbyists, organizers, and between her ministry as director of the
members worked to minimize the deep Michigan Department of Social Services
cuts to human needs programs, increases in and her community by the Vatican.
military spending, and tax cuts championed
by President Reagan. A 1984 poem by NET- November 1988 George H.W.
1994 The North American Free Trade
WORK member Alma Nieland illustrates the Agreement goes into effect, having long-
Bush elected President.
NETWORK community’s motivation: “Let me term effects on the economies of the signa-
stop the wheels of oppression from grinding October 1989 NETWORK coordi- tories.
so hard as they otherwise would.” nates the lobby days for Housing NOW!,
a program sponsored by 175 organiza-
1994 The Republican party introduc-
es the “Contract with America’’ ahead of
1982 Nancy Sylvester, IHM succeeds tions. More than 250,000 people par-
the midterm elections. Provisions include
Carol Coston, OP as NETWORK’s sec- ticipate in the week of briefings, press
shrinking the federal government, lowering
ond leader. conferences, panel discussions, prayer
taxes, and welfare reform.
services, benefit concerts, marches, and
June 1982 The ERA fails to receive rallies.
the necessary states for ratification.
Second Quarter 2022   Connection  9
August 1996 President Clinton signs
the Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act into law,
dramatically cutting the number of people
eligible for federal aid.
September 2001 The U.S. is attacked
by Al-Qaeda; the next month, the U.S.
invades Afghanistan. NETWORK vocally
opposes military action and seeks a peace-
ful resolution. Federal military spending
March 2010 The Affordable Care
Act passes the Senate after extensive
increases, further threatening funding for
debate. While the U.S. Conference of
beleaguered domestic programs.
Catholic Bishops opposed the ACA’s final
2003 Maureen Fenlon, OP begins passage, NETWORK urged Congress to
serving as interim NETWORK director. vote yes to extend to healthcare coverage
to millions of people.
2003 The U.S. invades Iraq and top-
ples the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2004 Simone Campbell, SSS becomes

NETWORK’s fourth executive director.

Protesting President Clinton’s April 2005 Pope John Paul II’s death
ends his nearly 27-year papacy, Pope
“Welfare Reform”
Benedict XVI is elected.
As President Clinton signed this bill into law,
NETWORK staff marched in protest outside January 2007 Nancy Pelosi becomes
the White House gates. NETWORK joined Pax Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Christi and several religious congregations becoming the first woman to serve in this
to found the Welfare Reform Watch Project position. April 2012 The Vatican’s Congre-
to collect multi-year statistics and anecdot- gation for the Doctrine of the Faith
al information about the law’s impact on 2008 Years of deregulation of the (CDF) issues a Doctrinal Assessment of
low-income families. NETWORK also pro- financial sector causes an economic crisis the Leadership Conference of Women
vided testimony and the Great Recession. Religious. In response, Catholic Sisters
to Congress and receive an outpouring of support.
published several August 2008 NETWORK lobbyist
reports that drew Catherine Pinkerton, CSJ, gives the bene- June 2012 NETWORK’s first “Nuns
media attention. diction during the Democratic Convention. on the Bus” tour kicks off in Iowa.

Driving for Justice

with Nuns on the Bus

January 2001 George W. Bush be-
In 2012, NETWORK organized the first
“Nuns on the Bus” tour. Since then, NET-
WORK has launched six more tours in
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2020.
Through Nuns on the Bus, NETWORK
comes President. has mobilized hundreds of thousands of
people across the country to address im-
January 2001 Carol Coston, OP portant justice issues including voting,
receives the Presidential Citizens Medal, healthcare, immigration, and tax policy.
the country’s second highest civilian honor,
from President Clinton for her work shap-
ing federal public policy.

2001 Michael Culliton becomes the

NETWORK Education Coordinator, NET-
WORK’s first man on staff.
November 2008 Barack Obama
is elected President, becoming the first
African-American president.
10  Connection  Second Quarter 2022
March 2013 Pope Benedict XVI 2019 Throughout the year, NET-
resigns; Pope Francis is elected. WORK organized 17 rural roundtables
in 16 states, meeting and listening to
a diverse group of 250 people living in
rural parts of the country. Their hopes
and hardships were published in a report
titled “Raising Rural Voices” to help
guide federal policy decisions.

June 2013 The Senate passes the 2021 Mary J. Novak becomes the
Border Security, Economic Opportunity, first non-Sister to serve as NETWORK’s
and Immigration Modernization Act, a executive director in April 2021. In July,
comprehensive immigration reform that

Joan F. Neal joins the Executive Team
NETWORK strongly supported, in a as NETWORK’s first deputy executive
bipartisan vote. The bill is never brought director and chief equity officer.
to a vote in the House.
July-August 2021 In the face of
November 2016 Donald Trump is restrictive voter laws sweeping the coun-
elected President. 2020 COVID-19 is named a global try, Sisters and justice-seekers organize
pandemic and goes on to exacerbate “Team Democracy” events in six states,
Responding to the Trump inequality, health disparities, racial injus- calling on their Senators to pass legisla-
tice, food insecurity, the lack of afford- tion that protects the right to vote.
able housing, and other economic and
Following Donald Trump’s 2017 inaugu- social issues in the U.S. and globally. In
ration, NETWORK activated members for the United States, the murder of George
advocacy at an unprecedented scale to pro- Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Der-
tect people and programs threatened by ek Chauvin leads to widespread protests
the President’s agenda. This included a 21- and conversation about the endurance of
hour vigil on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol to anti-Black racism in U.S. politics, econo-
defend access to health care and the arrest my, and society.
of 70+ Catholic Sisters and lay people inside
the Longworth Senate Office Building to August 2020 Ahead of the 2020
protest immoral immigration policies. presidential election, NETWORK public-
ly calls on voters not to re-elect Donald
Trump. Countering the idea that Cath-
olics must vote solely on one political
issue, NETWORK publishes the “equally
sacred” scorecard, using Pope Francis’
words naming concern about economic
inequality, racism, and the situation of
migrants as “equally sacred” to defense of
the unborn.

November 2020 Joe Biden is elected

President, becoming the country’s second
Catholic president. Kamala Harris makes
history as the first Black, South Asian
Woman to be Vice President.

Second Quarter 2022   Connection  11

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