Elizabeth Clavijo Letter of Rec

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“Learn, Love, Lead, & Leave a Legacy”

100 Farmland Avenue, Merced, CA 95348

PO Box 2247, Merced, CA 95344
Phone: (209) 384-5500 Fax: (209) 384-5517

April 11, 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my great pleasure to recommend Elizabeth Clavijo in her desire to pursue higher education.
I have the privilege of being her teacher this 2021-2022 school year as she is in my Anatomy and
Physiology class. Elizabeth arrives on time, is engaged during each lesson, and is diligent in
completing all of her assignments.

Elizabeth is a kind, hardworking, ambitious, and creative student. She is determined to obtain a
Bachelor of Science in Psychology and then become a Real Estate Agent. I have no doubt
Elizabeth will accomplish anything she sets her mind to. Although she is quiet and timid, each
day she is focused and ready to tackle any task that comes her way. I have seen her persevere
when she experiences difficulty or does not quite understand an assignment. She believes in
herself and her abilities to conquer anything.

I am confident that with your generous contribution to her education she will not let you down.
She will represent her family, school, and community with the utmost honor. I highly
recommend Elizabeth for any endeavor she chooses to pursue in her life.

If you have any questions please do contact me at mclopez@muhsd.org and I would be happy to
discuss her character or past academic work. Thank you.


Michelle Lopez
El Capitan High School
Science Teacher

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