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Helping Staples use Lean Six Sigma

to drive process improvements that

enable high performance

Accenture’s ongoing High Performance Business pany, with 95,000 associates, operations in 27
research initiative has revealed that market focus countries, and global sales of nearly $27 billion.
and position, along with distinctive capabilities and
performance anatomy, make up the building blocks Business challenge
of high performance. Market focus and position is In a business environment marked by rapidly
the “where and how to compete” aspects of busi- changing customer expectations, escalating
ness strategy. High-performance businesses have costs, and emerging new markets, process
remarkable clarity when it comes to setting stra- improvement has never been more important.
tegic direction. They are always found where the Staples understands this better than most.
market action is, and when one market matures, Years ago, Staples established a sophisticated
they are ready with the next innovative idea. Process Excellence Program responsible for driv-
ing sustainable process improvements across
Retail giant Staples, Inc. is clearly a company that the company. The program’s formal and dis-
has mastered market focus and position. When ciplined approach to process improvement
Staples invented the office superstore concept in drew from, among other things, principles of
1986, it reshaped an entire industry sector. Today, Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen. These process
Staples is the world's largest office products com- improvement efforts contributed significantly to
Staples’ year-over-year ability to meet belts,” based on their expertise—who porting infrastructure, change manage-
or exceed sales and earnings goals. are specially trained by “master black ment practices, communications and
belts” in all aspects of process improve- HR policies that would optimally sup-
Building on its historical success at ment, from facilitation and project port these individuals in their tenure as
eliminating process inefficiencies, management, to quality management, process improvers.
Staples set out in early 2006 to do to problem solving and data analysis.
even more to drive process excellence. Black belts are full time and come With all these elements in place,
Its competitive market, combined with from middle levels of the company and Accenture launched the first wave of
the company’s ambitious sales goals, are usually assigned a stint of process black belt training with 17 participants
demanded even stronger performance. improvement that lasts two to three from Staples’ US operations. Within just
Staples knew it needed to grow its top years. Green belts are not as thoroughly a few months, this group had exceeded
line while keeping its costs in check. trained in the day-to-day mechan- expectations for process improvements.
This, in turn, called for eliminating ics and technical aspects of process Since that time, Accenture’s master
non-value-adding steps in its processes, improvement. They can come from any black belts have completed four more
focusing on the right process improve- level of the company and are charged, black belt training sessions for more
ment projects from the start, and real- primarily, with replication or smaller than 50participants, including rep-
izing value from them more quickly. scoped improvement initiatives. resentatives from Staples’ Canadian
Staples believed that Lean Six Sigma, and European operations. In addition,
which combines principles of both Lean Resources from Accenture’s Accenture has provided green belt
Manufacturing and Six Sigma, would Management Consulting Process training to 50 Staples’ associates and is
offer the methodology needed to further and Innovation Performance practice currently offering its first training pro-
improve the quality of its processes and teamed with Staples’ Process Excellence gram for master black belt candidates
accelerate value. department to design and integrate within the Staples organization. These
Lean Six Sigma into the Staples ongoing training programs are meeting
For help in introducing the Lean Six environment and guide the cultural Staples’ need for a pool of advanced-
Sigma approach to its operations, transformation needed to ensure Lean level process professionals who are well
Staples turned to Accenture. With Six Sigma’s success. As a first step, positioned to drive and manage a large
deep skills and delivery capabilities in Accenture helped Staples understand number of improvement efforts across
operational strategy, operational excel- that identifying and training black the enterprise.
lence, and fast innovation and growth, and green belts was a necessary, but
Accenture is uniquely able to help not sufficient, prerequisite for process High performance delivered
Staples achieve high performance by improvement. Equally important was With Accenture’s support, Staples is
developing breakthrough insights that identifying and training project spon- successfully integrating Lean Six Sigma
unify strategy and execution and by sors and champions—those leaders into its operations and culture. As a
creating lasting shareholder value. charged with shaping and support- result, the company is reducing costs
ing process improvement opportuni- by streamlining processes, accelerating
How Accenture helped ties across the company. Accenture value creation, and enabling employees
The goal of Lean Six Sigma is straight- delivered a suite of training sessions to focus on activities that matter most
forward: to reduce the variation in pro- for these process owners, modified to to customers. Lean Six Sigma is also
cess quality and accelerate the value of accommodate their busy schedules. This driving revenue by improving the qual-
process improvements. Lean Six Sigma training prepared them for their roles as ity of targeted processes and is helping
accomplishes this through a methodol- drivers of process change. the company achieve its aggressive
ogy, commonly known by the acronym growth targets, largely by control-
DMAIC, which guides organizations Next, the project team helped Staples ling the growth rate of its general and
to Define the process quality issues, identify and select potential projects administrative expenses.
Measure current process performance, that were aligned to the company’s
Analyze root causes of defects, Improve business objectives. The goal of this Before the implementation of Lean Six
the target processes and Control the effort was to choose process improve- Sigma, Staples improved approximately
improvements to keep processes on the ment projects that would be meaning- 60 processes per year. In 2008, the
right course. ful to sponsors and champions and company is on track to improve more
drive fast and meaningful value. The than 300 processes. Among the suc-
Within this roadmap, discreet improve- team then turned its attention to help- cesses to date, the company has applied
ment projects are directed and car- ing establish the criteria for black belt Lean Six Sigma to:
ried out by individuals—commonly or green belt recruitment from across • Rebalance lease negotiations and
referred to as “green belts” or “black the organization, as well as the sup- improve architectural and construc-
tion processes—efforts that shaved competitors. As Staples proves, Lean Six
four weeks off the time needed [culturally] “LSS brought discipline and Sigma can make each of these building
to open a new store, leading to focus to executing projects. Before we blocks stronger. A Lean Six Sigma pro-
increase in sales equivalent to eight would put an idea into place and some- gram generates significant savings that
new stores annual sales. times it wouldn’t stick, or take a solu- allow companies to focus on building
• Streamline the item-order cycle and tion that worked in one building and and retaining their competitive edge.
have promotional items arrive at assume it would work as it in another Lean Six Sigma enables companies to
stores closer to sale dates—efforts building.” streamline processes and create capa-
that freed space (especially in small- bilities that are hard to replicate. It
er stores) and generated inventory What did Accenture do differently / infuses an organization’s culture with
savings of $3.3 million. what sets them apart from others? the tools and capability to achieve con-
• Reconfigure the loading dock layout, “Accenture gave us a roadmap to fol- tinual process improvement and high
eliminate extra handling of mer- low that is proven successful in other performance.
chandise, and establish a “receiv- engagements so we didn’t have to cre-
ing and put away team” within ate our own, and then they allowed us About Accenture
one fulfillment center—efforts that to “Staplize” it. They were flexible and Accenture is a global management
improved On-Time to Due Date per- worked with our culture and constraints consulting, technology services and
formance by 21 percent.. to make LSS a success. Accenture outsourcing company. Combining unpar-
• Consolidate freight moving from showed us the way and then let us alleled experience, comprehensive capa-
suppliers to Staples’ distribution and drive. They provided a good blend bilities across all industries and business
fulfillment centers, which achieved of course correcting us when needed functions, and extensive research on
50% of the budget reduction stretch and letting us get there our own way. the world’s most successful companies,
goal for the year. Accenture worked with us to develop a Accenture collaborates with clients to
customized program.” help them become high-performance
The Lean Six Sigma program has been businesses and governments. With more
the impetus for dozens of improve- Quote from Joe Mazzulo, VP, Business than 186,000 people serving clients in
ments that, together, have generated Process over 120 countries, the company gener-
tens of millions of dollars in benefit for “As Process Excellence continues its ated net revenues of US$23.39 billion
Staples and produced a 10-fold return evolution at Staples, our leaders are for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2008.
on the company’s investment in the finding how these approaches and Its home page is
process improvement program. capabilities help us achieve our objec-
tives more cost effectively. We are About Process & Innovation
Quote from Christine Komola, SVP, learning that the solutions developed Performance
Corporate Comptroller by the Black Belts are often very dif- The Accenture Process & Innovation
“Our process excellence program has ferent than expected. For example, in Performance service line takes an end-
become an important tool for our busi- several projects we have postponed or to-end, process-based approach to
ness units in creating sustainable pro- eliminated a needed systems solution address key business challenges such as
cess improvements rather than just belt because we now better understand and complexity reduction, lean manufactur-
tightening. It’s also been an important have addressed the true root cause of ing and operations, process innovation,
part of developing people to tackle the problem. We have also found that strategic cost reduction, and growth
business problems with a fact based the benefits from the projects not only through innovation, in order to create
approach across our business. The sustain better than before, but also competitive advantage for clients glob-
process combined with people devel- improve further over time. Additionally, ally. We help our clients become high-
opment in applying the processes will as Black Belts move back into the busi- performance businesses by enhancing
create a sustainable approach for the ness after certification, they approach the internal capabilities needed to
long term.” business problems with more rigor and continuously improve operational and
fact based approaches.” innovation performance. Accenture
Quote from Dan Marous, VP NAD enhanced its long-standing operations
Supply Chain and Schoolkids Accenture’s ongoing research reveals and strategy expertise with the 2007
that the building blocks of high per- acquisition of George Group, a recog-
How did LSS help NAD Supply Chain? formance are market focus and posi- nized market leader in process, opera-
[financially] “Overall the NAD supply tion, distinctive capabilities, and a tional and business transformation, and
chain budget was ahead by $ 30M. I performance anatomy that represents innovation strategy, whose capabilities
attribute $ 13M of that to LSS; with the common culture and mindsets that and offerings form the foundation of
$5M - $ 7M being realized in FY2007.” enable companies to out-execute their this new practice.
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