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Risk Analysis and Management of I

Petroleum Exploration Ventures

by Peter R. Rose
Managing Partner .
Rose & Associates, LLP
Austin, Texas, U.S.A.

AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, No. 12

Published by

The American Association of Petroleum Ceologists

Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.

Printed in the U.S.A.

Copyright © 2001 by

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists

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Published May 2001

ISBN: 0-89181-662-3 hardbound; 0-89181-663-1 softbound

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wishes to thank

Japan National Oil Corporation

for graciously allowing the publication in this book

of material that Dr. Peter R. Rose

originally presented in t~o reports





In the summer of 1996, I was indted by Japan ll1e following volume is an overview of this important
National Oil Company (JNOC) to prepare a report aspect of petroleum exploration and development. Many
summarizing the-current status of exploration risk of the concepts and techniques were originated by profes­
analysis as practiced by modern international oil and sional colleagues in other companies and shared through
gas companies-the main concepts, procedures, and many conferences and publications (most sponsored by (
problems as I had observed them during my deep the AAPG) as well as consulting assignments. The fol­
involvement in that area during the late 1980s and lowing people deserve special mention as significant con­
1990s. Following the presentation and acceptance of tributors to risk analysis as practiced in the late 1990s:
that report in March 1997, JNOC asked me to prepare
a companion report covering risk analysis of explo­ Jeff Brown, David Cook, Eric Dion, Mike Effler (Mobil)
ration plays, which was presented in Tokyo in r-.'Iarch Laurens Garenstroom, Rien Nederlof, the late Dieter

1998. Later that year, encouraged by the American Schluijk, Hany Thomsen, Daniel Zweidler (Shell)

Association of Petroleum Geologists' L-\A.PG) Publi­ Bob Baker, the late Harry Gehman, Bill James, Bob Megill,

cations Department, I asked JNOC whether they David White (Exxon)

would be willing to release the two reports, which Richard Campbell, Ed Capen, Bob Clapp, MarIan Downev
would be merged into a single AAPG publication. (ARCO) .
JNOC gave their official blessing in August 1999, and Tom Bumett, Jim MacKay (Texaco)
this book is the result. I wish to thank J::\OC for their Bill Haskett, Ace Alexander, Jerry Lohr, Bob Merrill, Jack
far-sighted and generous spirit in sharing this mater­ Schanck (Unoeal)
ial with the international E&P community, JNOC's Andrew Conway, Julia Ericsson, Greg Leveille, Jim
Mr. Yasuhisa Kanehara, Director of Exploration, for McColgin (Conoeo) _­
his interest and support, and Mr. Masami Ishizaka, Gerard Demaison, Bob Otis, Nahum Schneidermann
JNOC Executive Vice President, for formal release of (Chevron)
English-language rights to the AAPG. . Peter Carragher, Gary Citron, Glenn McMaster, Richard
I have consulted and taught in the field of explo­ Steinmetz (Amoeo)
ration risk analysis for more than 15 years. After being Francis Harper, David Roberts (British Petroleum)
indoctrinated in the 1970s through courses taught by Roger Holeywell (Marathon)
Paul Newendorp and John Cozzolino, as well as Richard McCrossan, Ken Roy (Geological Survey of
through their articles, I began to apply rudimentary Canada)
risk analysis principles to exploration projects and to Gordon Kaufmarm (M.IT.)
measure the predictive accuracy of prospectors with Brett Edwards, Phil Jefferies, Steve McIntyre (Ampolex
whom I was working during 1976-1980. In 1984, I Ltd.)
began team-teach;:1g an annual AAPG school on the Andrew Freeman, Barry Goldstein, Rhodri Jolms, Llovd
topic with Bob Megill (ex-Exxon) and Ed Capen Taylor (SANTOS) ,
(ARCO). Starting in 1990, I began to de\"ote the bulk of Mark Mclane, David Sanders (Pioneer)
my professional practice to the now rapidly expanding Mike Andersen, Henry Pettingill, Ricardo Vines (YPF­
risk analysis specialty, including extensi\"e team-teach­ Repsol)
ing with Ed Capen and Bob Clapp from 1992 to 1998. John CampbelJ, Chap Cronquist, John Ho~ell \C.-;;. ..,ult,.:r;-::;)

How~ver, most of the present publication draws on own. My profound thanks go to Ms. Elizabeth Ethridge
concepts and procedures that emerged and evolved for her usual excellence and cheerfulness in preparing
during the AAPG school, "Managing and Assessing the original reports for JNOC, as well as the merged
Exploration Risk," team-taught from 1984 until 1998 final manuscript for publication. Ms. Anne Th~mas
by Ed Capen, Bob Clapp, Bob Megill, and myself. I and Ms. Rowena Mills provided expert editing assis­
acknowledge their substantial contributions to this tance through the AAPG's Publications Department.
volume with admiration, gratitude, and many pleas­ Finally, I thank my wife, Alice, and our family for their
ant recollections. encouragement and patience during the production of
Roger Holeywell, Daniel Zweidler, and Chap Cron­ this book.
quist reviewed the manuscript, to its great benefit. My
colleagues at R&A, Jeff Brown, Gary Citron, and Mark Peter R. Rose /
McLane, improved the book through their encourage­ Rose & Associates, LLP
ment, critical review, and suggestions. Any errors of Austin, Texas
commission or omission, however, are entirely my December 5, 2000

-C" . •

List of Abbreviations

BCFG = billion cubideet gas MCFS = minimum commercial field_size

BOE = barrels oil equivalent MEFS = minim urn economic field size
COF =cost of finding MMBO = million barrels oil
DCF = discounted cash flow MNCF = maximum negative cash flow
DCFROR = discounted cash-flow rate of returf' NRI = net revenue interest I

DHC = dry-hole cost NFW = new-field wildcat

DHI = direct He indicator NPV = net present value
DST = drill-stem test OWl =optimum working interest
EMV = expected monetary value PV = present value
ENPV = estimated net present value Pc = probability of commercial success
EOR = enhanced oil recovery Pe = probability of economic success
EUR = estimated ultimate recovery Pf = probability of failure
EV =expected value Pg = probabilify of geologic success
F/0 = farm-out r = risk quotient (unique to each company)
FSD = field-size distribution RAV = risk-adjusted value
FVF = formation volume factor ROR = rate of return
G&G = geology and geophysics RT = risk tolerance
GRR =growth rate of return SPI =source potential index
GRV =gross rock volume SR =source rocks
HC = hydrocarbon TAl = thermal alteration index
IE =investment efficiency TOC = total organic carbon
IP = initial production TTl = time-temperature index
mef = thousand cubic feet VR = vitrinite reflectance
MCFG = thousand cubic feet gas

Dedication -------------...,.....---_
.... ,"

• .,;>­

This book is dedicated to the more than 8,000 professional geoscientisLs

and engineers who participated in my short courses during 1984-2000.
Motivated by a sincere desire to improve the efficiency and economic
performance of the E&P business, they received and utilized risk analysis
concepts eagerly and responded with thousands of thoughtful and gener­
ous observations and suggestions, which led to an open sharing of ideas
and continuous, rapid progress in this emerging specialty.


wishes to thank the following

for their generous contributions


Risk Analysis and Management of

Petroleum Exploration Ventures

AEC International

Forest Oil Corporation

Gulf Canada Resources Ltd.

Ocean Energy, Inc.

Phillips Petroleum Company

Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.

Pluspetrol E&P SA


Texaco Inc.

Contributions are applied toward the production

cost of publication, thus directly reducing the book's

purchase price and making the volume

available to a larger readership.

. _.

Table of Contents -_...;.,.-----:-.:;..:;..-.,------­

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

Casino Analog for Exploration Portfolio _ 1

Exploration Tasks and Risk Analysis 2

Background of Risk Analysis 2

Risk Analysis and Petroleum Exploration 3

Purposes and Organization of this Volume 4

Differing Definitions of Reserves 4

Chapter 2: Geotechnical Estimates under Uncertainty 5

Risk, Uncertainty, and Estimating 5

Magnitude of Geotechnical Uncertainty 6

Lognormality 9

Calculating the Mean of Lognormal Distributions , 12

Teclmiques for Improving Geotechnical Estimates , , 13

Chapter 3: Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects. '_ 17

Estimating Prospect Reserves 17

Constituent Parameters ...•....................................." : , 17

Generation of the Prospect-reserves Distribution 24

Economic Translation of the Prospect-reserves Distribution 24

Monitoring and Improving Predictive Performance , 26

Industry Experience , 28

Chance of Prospect Success " .....•.. :' 31

The Expected Value Concept ~ 31

Requirements for a CorpOfi1te System tc Estimate Geologic Chance 31

Recorded Success Rates versus Geologic Success Estimates 32

Geologic Components of Prospect Chance of Success 34

Subjective Probability Estimates in Exploration 36

Practical Aspects of Implementation 36

Geologic, Commercial, and Economic Chances of Success 38

Independent versus Dependent Chance Factors _ 41

Nongeologic Aspects of Success and Failure 42

Monitoring and Improving Predictive Performance 43

Ind ustry Experience in Estima ting Prospect Chance of Success 43

Chapter 4: Economic Analysis of Exploration Ventures 49

Introduction 49

Time Value of Money and Discount Rates 49

Exploration Cash-flO\\' Models and Discounted Cash-flow Analysis 49

Problems with D(?"C"-/:.h:~·;on~~-ExploratoryVentures _ 50

Option-pricing Theory and Valuation of Exploration Ventures _ 52

Recommended Economic Measures _.. _ 53

Chapter 5: Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment 57
Introduction 57

The Problem with Most Exploration Contracts , 57

History and Development of the Play Concept , " " 57

Plays and Petroleum Systems 58

Play Selection as the Critical Exploration Decision ., 60

Risk Analysis of Prospects and Plays Compared 61

Integration of GeotechnologYJ Economics, and Management in Play Analysis " 62

Important Geologic Concepts for Play Analysis " '" , 62

Stratigraphic Sequences in Play Analysis 63

Worldwide versus Provincial Petroleum Source Rocks " " J •• 64

The Kitchen-Geochemical Modeling , '" : .. 64

Total Geology and Geologic Play Maps M .

Use of Analogs in Play Analysis 65

Key Concepts and Techniques for Risk Analysis of Exploration Plays 67

Field-size Distributions 67

Estimating Field Numbers - , 69

Use of Field-size Distributions in Play Analysis 70

Minimum Economic Field Size " 77

.Economic Truncation of Field-size Distributions 78

Chance of Play Success 80

Geologic Chance Factors 80

Integration: Calculating the Chance of Economic Play Success 82

Summary of Geotechnical Data Required for Play Risk Analysis 84

Primary Parameters 84

Secondary (Derived) Parameters 86

Process for Systematic Risk Analysis of Exploration Plays 87

Recommended Procedure ,. " " 87

Chapter 6: Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures 91

Introduction 91

Dealing with Risk and Risk Aversion 91

Practical Expressions and Applications 91

Common Business Conventions for Mitigating Risk ­ , 93

Common Methods for Acquiring Petroleum Rights '. 93

Staged Exploration '" 93

Conditions of Acquisition : 94

Sealed Bonus Bidding 94

Serial, Time-constrained Auctions ­ 98

Oral Auctions 98

Performance Contracts 98

Private Treaties 98

Corporate Acquisitions - ­ 99

Sanctity of Contracts versus Subs~LlueJ;lt Renegotiations " 99

Conclusion 99

Prospect and Play Portfolios 99

Requirements - " , 99

Benefits ­ 99

Lognormality and Performance of Prospect Portfolios 100

Predictability versus Portfolio Size 102

Principles of Exploration Portfolio Management ­ 104

Problems with Exploration Portfolios 105

Managing Exploration Plays 107

Matching Play Attributes to Business Strategies _ 107

Comparing Plays and Planning Explora~ion Campaigns 111

Assessment of Exploration Performance 113

Play Analysis: Organizational Patterns and Principles 115

Chapter 7: Petroleum Industry Practices of Exploration Risk Analysis 11:;:

The "Prospector Myth" wrsus Systematic Exploration: Dealing with the Dilemma 117

Characteristic Corporate Process for Exploration Risk Analysis 120

Play Analysis 120

Implementation of Risk Analysis in Exploration Organizations 121

Appendix A: Methods for Calculating the Mean of a Lognormal Distribution ~25

Appendix B: Graphical Method for Combining . -. '$_

Probabilistic Distributions by Multiplication 127

Appendix C: A Recurring Problem in Estimating Prospect Reserves-
Detennining Reasonable "Low-side" Values (P99% and P90%) 131
Appendix D: Evaluating and Combining Multiple-objective Ventures 137
Part 1: Multiple-zone Prospect Example: Geologic and Economic Assumptions ' 138 /
Part 2: Combining Multiple Types of Ventures -: : .' 140 ~
Appendix E: Steps in Geotechnical Procedure for Prioritizing

Petroleum Prospectivity in New Exploration Areas 147

Appendix F: Reconstructing Parent Field-size

Distributions from Offshore FSDs 149

Appendix G: Matrix for Comparing, Ranking, and

Planning New Exploration Plays : 153

References Cited 155

Index 159
1. Global large field discoveries 2
2. (a, b, c, d) Geotechnical estimates of prospect reserves 7
3. (a, b, c, d, e) Forms of statistical distributions 9
4. a) Cumulative probability graph; b) Cumulative log probability graph 10
5. . a) Field-size distributions change as play matures 11
b) Economic truncation causes convex curve at lower end of FSDs 12
6. Reserves parameters for exploration prospect (deterministic) 18
7. Area, average net pay, and HC-recovery factor are lognormal 19
8. (a, b, c, d) Distributions of estimated parameters for prospect reserves 21
9. Productive field areas, East Texas 22
10. Graphs to derive geometry factor adjustment 22
11. Area versus depth plot 23
12. Graphical method for analytical solution for combining three
lognormal distributions by multiplication 25
13. (a, b, c, d) Comparison of predictions versus outcomes 27
14. (a, b, c, d) Continuous tracking of organizational predictive performance 28
15. Pre- and postdrill discovery sizes 29
16. Volume accuracy 29
17. Exploration failure and exploration success (economic, commercial, and geologic) 32
18. Subjective expressions of confidence 37
19. Chance adequacy rna trix 38
20. Calculating chance of commercial success and economic success 39
21. Relative frequency of four geologic chance factors causing dry holes 44
22. Global discovery percentages through time 45
23. Annual and cumulative success rates compared with annual drilling 46
24. Option concept applied to E&P projects ," " " .. 53
25. Cumulative net present value and maximum negative net cash flow 55
26. Hypothetical geologic cross section of a basin showing the essential
elements of a petrpleum system 59
27. Map of the hypothetical basin showing areal extent of the petroleum system 59
28. Relationship between essential elements and processes as well as
preservation time and critical moment 60
29. Four levels of petroleum investigation 61
30. a) Traditional facies interpretation; b) Depositional topography interpretation 63
31. Hydrocarbon charge model 65

32. Integrated methods produce more efficient exploration results \ 66
33. Creaming curves 68
34. Global field-size distribution 72
35. (a, b, c) Use of analog FSDs in forecasting actual FSDs 73
36. (a, b) Use of analog FSDs in forecasting actual FSDs: second stage 75
37. (a, b, c, d) Downward shifts in FSDs in area Y between first cycle of exploration and second cycle " 76-77
38. (a, b) Offshore FSDs are truncated by platform cost 79
39. Effects of operative geologic chance factors must coincide in the prospective area 81
40. Staged exploration 9-!
41. Sealed bidding for uncertain reserves leads to the winner's curse 95
42. Net purchases by company: Gulf of Mexico sales 96
- 43. Gulf of Mexico bidding efficiency :96
44. High bids and second bids: area-wide GOM lease overbids averaged 50% 97
45. High bids and second bids: area-wide GOM lease overbids averaged 75% 97
46. Spinner for simulating chance of success and reserves discovered 103
47. Predictive accuracy of portfolio performance improves with the number of wells in the portfolio 104
48. The efficient frontier 105
49. a) Post-1900 BBOE J;scovered by yc~:; b) Discovery data, 1990-1999 108
50. Six generalized planning steps 112
51. Lognormality-two modes of portrayal 118
52. Exploration reality 119

1. Estimated geotechnical parameters 5
2. Biases affecting judgments under uncertainty 8
3. Ways to improve accuracy and build confidence in estimating , ' 13
4. Reality checks (1): Characteristics of the endpoints of the reserves distribution 20
5. Getting a sense of scale about HC-recovery factor 24
6. Reality checks (2): Characteristic ranges associated with oil and gas ventures ,
haYing different magnitudes of uncertainity 26
7. Expected value examples (coin toss) 31
8. Example calculation of simplistic probability of geologic
success and failure using three geologic chance factors 34
9. Generalized success rates of various well classes drilled in the 1980s ., 45
10. Present value factors '1. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 51
11. Factor comparison in the four levels of petroleum investigation 60
12. Exploration risk analysis-prospects versus plays 61
13. System of graduated size classes used currently by the U.s. Geological Survey 70
14. Comparison of analog, predicted, and actual FSDs 74
15. Geologic chance factors required for play and prospect success ~ 81
16. Geotechnical parameters required for play analysis 84
17. Form: flow sheet for play risk analysis ',' _' 85
18. Biases affecting risk decisions 92
19. EV implies "risk-neutral" . 92
20. A model prospect portfolio : 101
21. Simulation of results for a prospect portfolio 102
22. Uncertainty leads to common underperformance of exploration portfolios 106

1. Generic expected value 1
2. Expected net present value of an exploratory prospect 5
3. Expected net present value of mean commercial reserves case 54
4. Investment efficiency 54
5. Risked investment effiCiency 54
6. Risk-adjusted value 55
7. Optimum working interest 55
8. Discovery process model 67
9. Calculating minimum economic field size -.::.. " 78
..... r::.
> ~$ • ..>­
10. Calculating estimated chance of c~'vnorr";rylaysuccess 83
11. Prospect grading procedure 88
12. Application of OWl to a prospect : 92

About -th~ A!.Jthor

Peter R. Rose is the managing partner

in a newly established consulting firm,
Rose & Associates, LLP (R&A).
He earned a B.S., M.A., and Ph.D. in
geology at the University of Texas at
Austin and is a certified petroleum geolo­
gist Rose was staff geologist with Shell
Oil Company; chief of the Oil and Gas
Branch of the United States Geological
Survey; and chief geologist and director of
frontier exploration for Energy Reserves
Group, Inc. (now BHP Petroleum [Amer­
icas], Inc). In 1980, he established his
own independent oil and gas consulting
firm, Telegraph Exploration, Inc. His
clients include most major US. compa­
nies and many' prominent independents
as well as many international firms and
state oil companies.
Rose has explored for oil and gas in most North American geologic
provinces and has published and lectured widely on U$.• resource assess­
ment, basin analysis, play development, prospect evaluation, and risk and
uncertainty in exploration. He has taught extensively at the professional
level and was a distinguished lecturer for the American Association of
Petwlf'llm Geologists (AAPG) in 1985-1986. Since 1989, he has been deeply
involved in design and implementation of comprehensive exploration
risk-analysis systems for executive management of many major and inde­
pendent oil companies, operating in domestic and international theaters.
His courses emphasize the link betv:een geoscience and moneymaking in
the petroleum-exploration business.
Rose was president of AAPG's Division of Professional Affairs in
1996-1997. He received the coveted Parker Memorial Medal from the
American Institute of Professional Geologists in 1998.


.Duringth,~ 1~9.9~'II:\any intemationaIpetroleum colJ,l­ game are w~ll known to the owner, and they are set to
pani ·:bf;(. . ' _.~ . -'signiltr be slightly in his favor. He is playing a repeated-trials
-()~tioli~ game in which the expected value (EV) of each trial, for
':" ,. _~M-~l~ ;~ him, is positive. Please note here the definition of
gieS~ While exploration risk cannot be eliminated, it can expected value: The chance of success times the value of
certainly be reduced substantially, on a portfolio scale. success, minus the chance of failure times the cost of fail­
And the widespread adoption of standardized risk ure (Equation 1). When EV is positive, you're investing;
analysis methods during the 1990s brought badly when it's negative, you're gambling. If the casino opera­
needed discipline to petroleum exploration. tor knows the number of tables, the number of players in
By the mid-1980s, most well:'informed major inter­ an evening, and the house rules, he can predict with con­
national petroleum firms that were engaged in explo­ 'siderable precision what his profit will be. He is not a
ration recognized that, globally, the average size of gambler, any more than a life insurance company is. He
new discoveries was diminishing (Figure 1). Not coin­ is an investor. And he knows what the odds are,
cidentally, the class of exploratory prospects catego­
rized as "high-risk/high-potential" was showing EXPECTED VALUE: (1)
marked signs of underperformance. For major compa­ ,(Chance of Success x Value of Success)­

nies such as Shell, Mobil, i},nd Amoco, when all such (Chance of Failure x COl't of Failure)

ventures-which averaged arqun~ a 10% perceived (+) EV = Investing

probability of success-were considered, less than 1% '. (-) EV =Gambling

actually discovered profitable oil and gas reserves,
and the sizes of these discoveries were generally far The casino analogy may be distasteful to petroleum
smaller than predicted. All in all, such exploration for geoscientists and corporate managers, but it is actu­
new giant fields destroyed value, rather than creating il, ally a pretty fair··analog to the centralized drilling
in the 1980s and early 1990s. portfolio:
Consequently, explor'ltion, as :'I corporate function,
lost credibility. It badly needed to begin delivering on • The diversity of investment opportunities, such as
its corpora te promises. It needed to become more effi­ new-field wildcats, step-outs, development wells,
cient, and thereby more profitable. At the same time, enhanced-recovery projects, and property acqui­
as superior new technologies were introduced, and sitions, could be likened to the various type's of
exploration came to be a global effort under more cen­ games in the casino, such as roulette, blackjack,
tralized coordination, corporations realized that they craps, and keno.
needed to adopt systematic procedures to better man­ • Repeated trials at the roulette wheel (which is set the exploration function. To optimize the alloca­ to favor the house) are analogous to the prospects
hon of exploration capital, concepts of portfolio in the annual exploration portfolio: all represent
management began to be considered. positive expected value and are selected to maxi­
mize value and be consistent with acceptable risk.
• The casino operator cannot predict which spin of
Casino Analog for the wheel will produce a "win" for the house (any
!?,ploration Portfolio more than the Exploration vice president can scan
the annual portfolio and predict which prospect
Consider the operator of a casino cont,aining a certain' will be a discovery), but he knows that at the end
number of gaming devices and tabl?s: the odds on each of the evening the house will be ahead.
2 Introduction

0 1200
(I) • > 1BBOE
c 1000
Q) 800 [j 200-500 MMBOE




Q 100-200 MMBOE
III 50-100 MMBOE

E 400
o 25-50 MMBOE
Z 200
1960s 1970s 1980s 1990-99
Figure 1 Cloballarge field discoveries, 7960-7999. While the rate of global scale (>7 BBOE, or billion barrels of oil
equivalent) discoveries has decreased since 7980, opportunities for smaller, but significant, fields have remained high.
MMBOE = million barrels of oil equivalent. Source: Petroconsultants; reprinted with permission.

Hm'\'ever, there are some significant differences Exploration Tasks

between operating a casino and an annual exploration
and Risk Analysis
Beginning in the late 1980s and early 1990s, most
• The actual odds on every drilling venture can't exploration organizations began to (1) adopt various
be certainly known; they can only be estimated. methods of risk analysis, (2) bring objectivity and con­
However, the ability of the firm's geoscientists to sistency to t~e valuation of the ventures in their
estimate chance correctly can be measured and prospect inventories, and (3) adopt more discriminat­
calibrated by reviewing the performance of past ing economic yardsticks and risk/reward definitions
portfolios, and can be thus improved. The basic in selecting their annual exploration portfolios. By
problem is that different geoscientists, in differ­ 1999, most prospectors had begun to accept three main
ent geologic areas, are estimating prospect professional responsibilities:
reserves, profitability, and chance of success; this
calls for the adoption of consistent methods 1. To identify geologic anomalies that have an
throughout the company. Also, all prospectors enhanced likelihood of containing commercial
are competing for advance!~~ent, which ~romote" hydrocarbons;
optimistic bias. 2. To measure them, by estimating chance of suc­
• Greater uncertainty attends prospect reserves, cess and resen'es (translated into profitability), if
and thus profitability, than attends the payoff for successful;
each spin of the roulette wheel. The magnitude 3. To be professionally objective-to recognize that
of exploration uncertainty, and geoscience's lim­ if the estimates are biased, portfolio value is not
ited ability to reduce it, are widely unappreci­ optimized, and the firm (as well as the stock­
ated by managers and directors. holder), is damaged.
• Usually, there are fewer wells in the drilling
portfolio than there are spins of the roulette Background of Risk Analysis
wheel in any ~vening. Most exploration portfo­
lios contain only about 10 to 100 exploration Modern risk analysis, as it is now applied in inter­
wells. national petroleum exploration, utilizes principles of
• The payoff at the gaming table is immediate; the statistics, probability t!!.~~r!/, and utility theory, which
payoff at the well;.. eo:,;.~ is l0...:.::..g-term and subject began to be recognized as si~ficaflt:;ubdisciplines of
to fluctuations in price and politics. mathematics and philosophy during the 16th, 17th,
Chapter 1 3

and 18th centuries (Bernstein, 1996) through published Today, the concepts and methodologies of explo­
and unpublished works by Cardono (1545), Pascal and ration risk analysis used by most large oil companies
Fermat (1654, ~"':pub~lt~d !D'. Bemstein, 1996), Graunt and state petroleum agencies ha\'e converged to the
and Petty (1662), Halley (1693), Jacob Bernoulli (1713, status of"a generally accepted technology" (MacKay,
posthumously), De Moivre (1733), Daniel Bemoulli 1996), and many smaller firms are now adopting this
(1738), and Bayes (1764, posthumously). The impetus technology.
and applications for the early studies concerned games
and gambling; subsequent applications had to do with
actuarial and insurance matters. Risk Analysis and /
Petroleum exploration-like many serial businESs Petroleum Exploration
ventures~is clearly a process of repeated tr:ials under
conditions of uncertainty, each trial requiring a sub­ The most critical decision in petroleum exploration is
stantial commitment of investment capital. As such, not which prospect to drill-it is which basin or trend
the casino analog is apt, but because we do not know ("play") to explore (Rose, 1996a, 1996b; Br~wn and
certainly what the odds are, or the size of the prize, we Rose, 2000). A play is a family of geologically similar
have learned to employ modem science and technol­ fields, discO\'eries, prospects, and leads (McCrossan,
ogy to refine our "bets." For example: 1973; Roy, '1975; Baker et aI., 1986; Miller, 1986; White,
1992). Because of the similarity of reservoir type and
• Stratigraphy may help us predict the presence and trap geometry, commonality of hydrocarbon charge,
quality of reservoir rocks; and consistent exploration and development methods,
• Geochemistry may give us a better idea whether or it is possible to carry out economic evaluations·of plays
not oil or natural gas has migrated into the area of as full-cycle economic ventures. Such evaluations uti­
our prospect, thus allowing better estimates of the lize regional geologic, geochemical, and geophysical
chance of hydrocarbon presence; studies (see Appendix E and Appendix G), and they are
• Geophysics may help refine our estimates as to conducted by applying basic principles of prospect risk
how large an accumulation may be contained in anah'sis, as outlined in the first part of this volume.
the trap, thus the "size of the prize," as well as the
Ho\\:ever, in order to understand the principles of play
likelihood that the trap indeed contains reser­
voired oil or gas; analYsis, we must first understand the risk analysis of
prospects, simply because plays are aggregates of geo­
• DrilliJlg techJlology may let us reduce our invest­
logically similar prospects.
ment by testing the prospect at lower cost; and
Accordingly, we begin with the assumption that
• Reservoir techllology may allow us to de\'elop and
produce the successful prospect (= discovery) the company has already committed to explore in
mOre efficiently, thus incre~sing our profit. several different basins and trends (i.e., the process
of play selection has already occurred), and drill­
T~e success of exploration science and technology ing prospects are now being searched for, identi­
d unng the 1945-1995 period helped advance the fied, and evaluated. Later, in Chapter 5, we return to
myth that petroleum exploration was "driven by sci­ play analysis.
ence" and obscure its analogy to the casino example, Step one in petroleum exploration, once the explo­
which was distasteful to many businessmen and sci­ ration trend has been selected, is idelltification of tlte
entists. Pioneering publications by Grayson (1960) on drillillg prospect by geoscientists. This is the basic
decision analysis in petroleum exploration, and by value-creating act. It requires geotechnical skill and
Kaufman (1962) on lognormality, provided the basis creative imagination. .
for practical applications in valuing exploration ven­ After the exploration prospect has been identified,
tures. However, the systematic employment of statis­ there are key tasks involved throughout the life cycle
tics and probability theory in exploration did not of petroleum exploration and development. The first
begin until the mid-1960s, led by Exxon, Shell, Arco, three tasks deal with measuring the prospect's value.
and Cities Service (Newendorp, 1975). By the late Step two in petroleum explora tion is lIlenSll ring
1970s, companies like Chevron, BP, and ELF, as well vallie:
as some governmental agencies (G.S.c., I.F.P., and
U.s.G.5.) were also begim1ing to employ risk analysis 1. Estimatillg llOw large tlle producible reserves are
routinely in their exploration evaluations and ven­ likely to be (assuming that a hydrocarbon accu­
tur~s. Bu t in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a techno­ mulation is indeed present);
loglcal explosion in risk analysis took place because 2. Estimating tile chance that a producible hydrocar­
most modern oil and gas companies saw the need for bon accumulation is present; and
s'ystematic management of their exploration portEo­ 3. Estimating t!le profitability of tife en(:~ _ prl:="~t,
lJOs on a worldwide basis. given that producible hydrocarbons are present.
4 Introduction

Step three consists of illlplcl/lcntl1tiolll1l1d I11l1tll1ge­ acknowledges that companies usually explore on the
mellt of exploration projects I1S business ventures, and basis of regional trends and seismic programs, hoping
includes three additional tasks: to make multiple discoveries-given successful explo­
riltion-even though individual prospects constitute
4. Acquisition strategies-determining the terms the economic "building blocks" in the overall evalua­
under which the company would commit to tions of the trend.
explore and develop the prospect, whether Chapter 6 concerns effective practices by which suc­
acquisition is by sealed bonus-bidding, oml auc­ cessful compilnies make and implement sound busi­
tion, performance contract, serial contract negoti­ ness decisions based on proper risk anillY6is of
ations, private treaty, contract renegotiations, or prospects .ilS weHas plays. It deals with topics stich as
the like. Note: acquisition strategies often apply risk-reduction techniques, acquisition strategies,
to properties much larger than individual inventory and portfolio management, and manage­
prospects, such ilS plays and contruct areas. ment of exploration plays. Chapter 7 reviews current
5. Jnvclltory alid portfolio ml1nl1gelllellt-choosing organizational practices commonly llsed by industry
which prospects :;!'.auld be included in the in carrying out exploration risk analysis.
annual drilling program to maximize economic Seven appendices cover vari(;us aspects of risk
return, consistent with the compilny's risk toler­ analysis concepts and procedures, which are too
ance. This topiC milY also include consideril tions detailed to be included in the text.
of risk aversion or utility theory.
6. Operntio/ls-carrying out the \'arious business
operations that result in leasing, data acquisition, Differing Definitions of Reserves
drilling, completion, and delineation of new dis­
coveries. The cost-effectiveness of data acquisition Much confusion attends the use of the term
for emerging prospects may be ilddressed operil­ "reserves." The term is commonly used in both formal
tionally, using principles of Va/I/ntioll of lllfil/'llll1thl/l. and casual ways. It is important to understand that
there are two primary definitions of reserves in
Tasks (1) through (5) are ordinarily included in petroleum exploration and production.
the overall subject of exploration risk analysis, which The term "reserves" has measured, fiduciary impli­
may also include considerations such as the \'alue of cations to the engineer, chief financiill officer, banker, or
information. financial analyst. Terms such as "proved," "probable,"
"possible," "developed," and "undeveloped" connote
varying levels bf'confidence in the existence of the dif­
Purposes and Organization
ferent categories. A fundamental problem with such
of this Volume
terms is that no consistent definition for such categories
can exist, beyond nebulous guidelines like "reasonable
The purposes of this book are to rt'\'iew the main certainty." The engineering profession appears to be
principles and procedures of exploration risk analysis, evolving toward the more preferable probabilistic
and to discuss industry patterns of implementation, expression of such confidence (Cronquist, 1997).
experience, and general results. The book follows the The term "reserves" us~d'by the explorationist usu­
general sequence outlined abon.>. Followii1g this intro­ ally means the projected ultimate recovery of hydrocar­
duction, Chapter 2 addresses theory, procedures, and bons from a given field or drilling prospect; genernl
problems in making geotechnical estimates under synonyms are "geologic reserves," "volumetric
uncertainty, and techniques fM impw\'ing staff per­ reserves," "potential reserves," or "estimilted ultimate
formance in estimating. recovery "(EUR). Thus, "field size," as used in a field­
Chapter 3 reviews the key aspects of risk analysis of size distribution, represents the projected final cumula­
the prospect as the economic unit of exploration. The tive production from a given field-cumulative
key aspects include (1) estimation of the range of production, plus proved reserves, plus projected future
potential recoverable reserves, (2) chances of geologic reserves additions (i.e., anticipated reserves apprecia­
and commercial success, and (3) combination of tion). This same concept is used when explorationists
reserves and chance leading to ex~"'\ectl'd monetary talk about "prospect reserves" or "potential reserves."
value (EMV). Chapter 4 cO\'ers the topic of project This usage naturally lends itself to the probabilistic
profitability, given success, and re\'iews considera­ expression of confidence in the existence (and e\'entual
tions of both resen'es as well as chance of success. recovery) of such hydrocarbons under the economic
With the principles of prospect risk analysis set and technologic conditions currently prevailing.
out, we proceed to Chapter 5, which covers the key In ni~t plc~s in ·,....;s book, the intended meaning
--C". •
aspects of analysis of the exploration play, which is the should be clear. Where any doubt may exist, I have
operational unit of exploriltion. This distinction attempted to specify the meaning intended.
~h~pter ..
. .,.- Geotechnical Estimates
under Uncertainty

Risk, Uncertainty, and Estimating • to perceive uncertainty accurately and reduce it

"'here possible.
Risk and uncertainty are n0t~SYflonymous (Megill,
1984; Rose, 1987). Risk connotes the threat of loss. Risk Although extensive scientific and geotechnical
decisions weigh the level of investment against four work is indeed essential to successful mod-em­
considerations: net financial assets, chance of suc­ petroleum exploration, we must also recognize that
cess/failure, potential gain, and potential loss. The last nearI~" all of the parameters required to assign
three considerations must rely on estimates, hlade expected monetary value to the exploratory prospect
under uncertainty, of the range of probabilities that can only be estimates made under substantial uncer­
some condition may exist or occur. taint\', Table 1 lists the most significant ones.
Every exploration decision involves considerations Gi\"en the importance of responsible estimating, it is
of both risk and uncertainty. Risk comes into play in guite remarkable that until recently so little effort has
deciding how much we are willing to pay for addi­ been made by most modern oil companies to monitor
tional data or mineral interests, considering the high and improve their geotechnical staff's estimating per­
impact of front-end costs on project profitability. formance. Many organizations, even today, persist in
Uncertainty is intrinsically involved in all geotechnical utilizing deterministic estimates-"single-value fore­
predictions about the range of magnitude of the casts,:' These are hopelessly inadequate given the wide
inferred mineral deposit, the chance of discovery, and uncertainties that usually exist and the multiplicity of
the cost of finding and de'/eloping it. Therefore, once interactive parameters involved in calculating the
prospects have been identified, the problem in serial chance-weighted after-tax net present worth
exploration decision making is twofold: [Expected Net Present Value (After Tax) = ENPV(AT)]
of a typical exploration prospect (Equation 2):
• to be consistent in the way we deal with risk and
uncertainty, and (2)
Chance of Success [(Net Revenue Interest x Reserves x Wellhead Prices) minus
ENPV CA1) = (Investments + Operating Costs + Wellhead Taxes + Income Taxes )] minus
Chance of Failure [After-tax dry-hole costs + geotechnical and lease costs]
Table 1 Estimated geotechnical parameters.
Dimensional thickness, area, volume, depth
net/gross, 4l (porosity), K(permeability), HC-rec %, GOR, Sw' etc.
Well Performance IP, % decline, etc.
Geochemical Values SR-type, TOC, maturity, composition
Migration impedance, dispersal, routes
Trap Integrity seal effectiveness, leakage, flushing, etc.
Timing migration vs. trap creation
Front-end Costs land, drilling, completion, geotechnical data acquisition, overhead
Discovery Probability geologic chance factors, commercial and economic reserve thresholds
Wellhead Price
local vs. international influences, envelope of historical real oil prices
6 Geotechnical Estimates under Uncertainty

There are several important observations to be and old exploration theaters. Accordingly, explo­
made about this equation. First, in an American-style rationists will always have to deal with uncomfortably
tax and royalty license, the owners of the producing large uncertainties. Figure 2 shows, by cross-plot, four
property usually pay 100% of the costs but receive a actual experiences of modern oil companies in
reduced proportion-ordinarily from about 70% to attempting to estimate reserves contained in prospects
87.5%-of the revenues from production. This that turned out to be discoveries (Capen, 1992). Figure
reduced proportion is the net revenue interest (NRI); 15 shows similarly wide uncertainties by a large num­
the remainder goes to the royalty owner(s)-generally ber of companies exploring in the Norwegian North
the landowner. In production-sharing contracts the Sea over an extended period of time. _
formula is different, although the general principle The cross-plots in Figure 2 express two important
still prevails that the operator provides most or all of attributes of prospect reserves forecasting:
the capital, especially the exploration investment, but
receives only a part of the production revenues. Sec­ 1. Prevalent optil/listic bias of estimates vs. actual
ond, the equation expresses the profit or (loss) as if it outcomes-in cross-plots B, C, and 0, most of
were a "lump-sum" payment, whereas it is actually the outCOP1PS are overestimates (cross-plot A
received over a long period of time: a complex net is an unbiased data set). We will address bias
cash-flow stream combining investments, production later.
decline, price fluctuations, expenses (including laxes-)~ 2. Sl/bsfalltia1-zmcerfnillty,expressed as a characteris­
and inflation. Third, in order to consider the time tic, wide "scatter" of estimates. Given a continu­
value of money, the net cash flows are expressed as a ing and substantial number of exploration
discol/llted cash-flow stream so the entire venture can ventures (repeated trials), statistics offers a prac­
be compared with current alternative investments. tical way to deal with the prevailing large uncer­
Wherever a dollar value is expressed as Present Value tair,lies that characterize petroleum exploration.
(PV), it means that the value has been discounted to
reflect the time value of money. This characteristic, wide "scatter" conveys a pro­
Uncertainty attends every item in this ENPV equa­ found (if disagreeable) message that petroleum
tion except the net revenue interest. These uncertain­ prospectors would do well to absorb: Exploratiollists
ties are diverse, relating to geology, engineering, law, cnImot predict very well how ml/ell oil or gns their sllccess­
politics, economics, and acts of God. It is the special fill prospects (= discoveries) will COlltnill. We calt generally
professional responsibility of geotechnical staff to esti­ idcl/tify t!lOse -closures tllnt nre too smnll to cOlltnill large
mate the magnitude of reserves, production rates, and i'oillmes, but we call1lot forecast lIow much oil or gas the
costs; to reduce the level of uncertainty as much as large closllres lila}) cOlltailt, often because of lI/wnticipated
possible through sound scientific and technological l'ariatiolls ill trap fill-up, reljervoir qualify, alld dip rate.
judgment (and additional investigation, \vhere war­ Stated more pragmatically, we can usually distin­
ranted); and to accurately and consistently convey guish between a 5-million-barrel (MM bbl) closure and
estimates-as well as uncertainty levels-to manage­ a 50-million-barrel closure, but we cannot distingUish
ment. Otherwise management's investment decisions between 3-million and 5-million-barrel closures, or 30­
may be misguided and imprudent. Thus the financial million and 50-million-barrel closures. Moreover, we
consequences of their geotechnical predictions and often cannot tell how much ~il may be present in a clo­
estimates con!':~iiute L1 weighty professional responsi­ sure having 50-miIlion-barrel capacity-l million,S
bility of the geotechnical staff. .. million, 20 million, or even 50 million. This basic "fact
of life" has profotmd (and often ignored) implications
for explorationists.
Magnitude of Geotechnical
Uncertainty Ranges and Probabilities
The earth is a coarse filter. Even though petroleum The problem is how to express our tedmical uncer­
explorationists employ increasingly sophisticated and tainties realistically, and in a form by which they can be
discriminating tedmology, our precision in measuring utilized in economic equations and formulae and
most of the important geotechnical factors and para­ subjected to subsequent evaluation. The most conunon
meter~ bearing on prospect value is much more lim­ convention in use today by modern petroleum cvrpora­
ited than many of us care to admit. Technology can lions involves the formulation of a range of anticipated
reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty. Moreover, values for a given parameter, with probabilities­
exploration always operates at the cutting edge-the ordin~ly.90%, 50%, and 10%-assigned to the values

thlt.~,old of resolution-so that the potential effective­ tha t consti tu~ the ·.iallge. For example, the geologist
ness of new tools and concepts is constantly and may believe there is a 90% chance that the anticipated
aggressively being evaluated by applications in new pay-zone will be more than 10 feet thick, and she may
Chapter 2


· '="-
GULF OF MEXICO International Data OOIP
Company V CompanyW
1000 _---t"--oooy---""'t'--.", 1000 c----r--..,----r-~--:x
w w
g 100 Jr---f----1--~'----_i g:e 100 1o!--~f_--t--::!.-;JlfDI~=-t
:=: :e
I 10 I!--,;'--..-r--...~r---~----I I 10 b---b~__7(_:.-~Ftr-_;
~ IS
1 oS 1 1:---:A~~-+---+----1
:J ';
'0 0.1 .a 0.1 E:----t-­
0.01 O.01 .1...-I...."r"u,w...-...a,;&,UIIof-,j~w.u.....L.&.oU.LL.ILl
0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Reserves Estimate - MMBOE 011 in place Estimate - MMBOE



Onshore Lower 48 Onshore Lower 48

Company Z CompanyY

100 .....--,---.,.--...,...---,...,.
g 10
I 1 ar---+--.....~~--.I...--~
~ 0.1 Ir-~~--f----+-~f--f
§ 0.01 ~----i---l---=-t-----i ~.
..... 0.01 ~-+--+---::j---t
~ Y u
< 0
0.001 ~.........wu..--'-a...&.UILL-..l-L..u.LJIl"--l..,LL.lJ.U.I 0.001 L-L.J..LIJlJLiL..L..LJ.LIIJ,lL.-..l...L.LLJllUl-.........".~
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.Q1 0.1 1 10 100
Reserves Estimate - MMBOE Reserves Estimate - MMBOE

c D
Figure 2 Geotechnical estimates of prospect reserves,' modified after Capen, 1992.

be 50% confident that it will be more than 20 feet thick, productioIl~~te, decline-rate, wellhead price, drilling
but she is only 10% sure that it could be more than 40 costs, and the likE-;:" -­
feet thick. The same procedure may be applied to any However, such estimates cannot be pulled out of
parameter-productive area, reservoir-yield, initial the air! They must rely on objective consider·ations of
8 Geotechnical Estimates under Uncertainty

Table 2 Bioses affecting judgments under uncertainty (modified after Rose, 1987).

Type of Bias Common Example

Overconfidence Predictive ranges are too narrow, indicating that estimators are much less accurate than
they think they are. Symptom: frequent surprises about exploration results.
Representativeness Analog based on small sample size may not be statistically significant; chosen analog may
'not be analogous.
Availability Recent or spectacular.. f'_xamples are more prone to be cited, regardless of their real fre­
quency in natL!rt:;
limited imagination limits number of possible interpretations.
Anchoring In estimating, the desired iterative-reiterative process is attenuated, so a low starting point
leads to a lower final estimate, and a high starting point leads to a higher final estimate. Con­
servative estimators find difficulty in accepting the possibility of a large outcome.
Unrecognized !bits Geologists forecasting future discoveries may disregard nongeologic factors that affect such
discoveries. ".
Overoptimism Prospectors exaggerate magnitude of reserves or chance of success in order to sell the deal.
Conservatism Technical staff may think that overestimating a project is worse than underestimating it, and
therefore err on the safe side.

all relevant data, especially maps, cross sections, geo­ . . significantly less tJ.1an the ranges they think they are
physical data, borehole log interpretations, analogous· setting. A common result is that, for prospect reserves
production records, and the like. Moreo\'er, geotechni­ forecasts, the anticipated "low-side" reserves predic­
cal professionals must arrive at a final distribution for tion is too large and the projected "high-side" predic­
each parameter by repeated iterations-making trial tion is too small. The common operational symptom of
estimates, e"xamining the implications of various val­ the problem is that prospectors experience freguent
ues in the distribution, determining through credibil­ surprises on reserve sizes of discoveries (Capen, 1976),
_ ity checks and reality checks that the distribution as well as many other geotechnical parameters, Figure 2
makes sense, comparing it with analog data, consider­ indicates that t~e real ranges of new-field wildcat
ing the independently derived opinions of other pro­ prospect reserves uncertainties are commonly about
fessionals, and adjusting it repeatedly ~ntil finally two orders of magnitude (powers of 10) at about the
becoming comfortable with all the estimates in the dis­ 90% confidence level.
tribution, as constituting a "best fit" to the facts.
This bias commonly leads to underestima tes
Biases in Estimating under Uncertainty because professionals, fearing criticism if results are
Bias is a more serious problem in geotechnical fore­ disappointing, may think it is worse to overestimate a
casting than is the characteristic wide unc~rtainty, If project than to unclerestimaie it. The psyrhology of ,u1
the exploration company's decisionmakers consis­ unexpected upward revision in project profitability is
tently receive biased estimates concerning prospect much more pleasant than a disappointing downward
value, their investment decisions will be correspond­ revision. In fact, however, either error may result in a
ingly flawed, leading to suboptimal economic perfor­ loss to the investor (Rose, 1987). Overestimates result
mance of the company's exploration portfolio. The in overinvesting in projects, whereas underestimating
stockholder will suffer. Table 2 lists the most signifi­ may cause the firm to invest too little, or even decline
cant biases observed in modern exploration compa­ to invest. Either result is a loss.
nies (Rose, 1987).
For the exploration company, three of these biases
are especially dangerous. This form of motivational bias leads to overesti­
mates because of perceived career or economic self­
Overconfidence interest on the part of the professional. The most
This bias typically leads to excessi vely narrow common example in exploration is prospeCtors inflat­
ranges: Technical specialists think they know more~,;. . in~ estimates of prospect ~,;e~ves or probability of
success'ill order to "sell the deal ell":u. get~we prospect
than they reafly do, so they tend naturally to set '

predictive ranges that correspond to a confidence drilled (Rose, 1987).


Statistics is routinely taught to students by employ­
ing the "normal" distribution-the \vell-known sym­
metrical "bell-shaped" curve. Even though students of
mathematical statistics have long knmvn the signifi­
cance of the Central Limit Theorem, the lognormal dis­
a -variable (arilhmclic scale)
tribution in petroleum science has only gained wide
acceptance-and more imp6l:tantly, 'routine analytical
application-during the past decade.
The Central Limit Theorem states that distributions
resulting from the natural addiJiol/ of independent ran­
dom variables will be "normal"-that is, afreqlleucy dis­
tribUliOIl will tend to take the form of the familiar
"bell-shaped" curve, in which the vertical axis is ordi­ 1lXJ'; -i::~-+-~-1-+-1I-1--t--t-
narily expressed as a percent of the total, and the hori­ b -vari:lble (urilhmetic scale)
zontal axis is an arithmetic scale expressing some
variable such as dimension or value (Figure 3a).
Another convention for the same data is the
ell III Illative pro/;nbilitN distributioll, in which the vertical
axis is 0-100% and the horizontal Clxis displays a dimen­
sional variable, using an arithmetic scale (Figure 3b).
111e power of the cumulative probability distribution is
that, conceptually at least, it represents the full universe
of all possible outcomes-100%-and probability is
expressed as a cumulative percent of some outcome c -variable (log sl:ale)
"equal to or less than" or "equal to or more than" a par­
ticular value.] Thus the cumulative probability distribu­
tion is especially useful as a predictive tool.
A special type of cumulative probability graph paper
has been developed on which the vertical probability

'St"tisticians seem to prefer the "equal to or less than" convention.

arguing that it honors statistical notation, and it seems to be easier d -variable (arilhmclic scale)
for people to associate large probabilities with large values, and
small probabilities with small values. However, it is not incorrect to , .'

express cumulative probabilities as "equal to or greater than." The

writer, after initially being influenced by the statisticians, has come
to strOngly prefer the "greater than" convention, which is used in
this book. Most oil comp,1nies have increasingly come to use the
"greater thiln" convention, {ollr compdling re,1sons:
• The exploration expression of reserves is thereby made compat­
ible with the traditional expression of "proved reserves," as an
expression of high confidence in the presence of some specified
conservative reserves valuc, 'or more;
III ,:'ft 51.1 Illl'l ~OIJ 5o!IU 111111
• Exp)orationists, being keenly ilware that oil companies are par­
ticularly interested in large discoveries, naturally prefer to (OCIIS on
the potential for large reserves-thus the "or more" expression is
e -variable (log scale)
more natural and "ppropriille;
• It eliminiltes the disturbing possibility th"t statistically n"Yve
Figure 3 (a) A symmetrical (normal, bel/-shaped) fre­
decisionmakers m"y be seduced into beJievinH there is il 90% prob­ quency distribution on a regular coordinate graph. (b? A
ability of finding the high-side (P90%) outcome or more, rather cumulative probability distribution on a regular coordi­
than only a 10% chance; ilnd nate graph. (c) A lognormal frequency distribution on a
• Commercial trunc"tion is directly cxpressed as the proportion semi-log graph. (d) A lognormal frequency distribution
of the reserves distribution that is of commerci,,1 size or larger,
riltht!r th,m as the (l-Pc [probability nf commercial success» expres­ on a regular coordinate graph. (e) A lognormal cumula­
sion required by the;'; convcntion. tive probability distribution on a log probabfJity graph.
Geotechnical Estimates under Uncertainty

axis is symmetrical around the 50% probability, with graph is that a cumulative probability distribution that is
complementary probability intervals (40-50% and perfectly normal will plot as a straight, sloping line, .~ .
50-60%; 30-40% and 60-70°,{" etc.) that are equal but of .,Ib~~l:!I'\tmlLJn:lHJh~<:>r~!TI also provides that dis­
increasing spans upward and downward (Figure 4a). . 'f.:' e.·Ai}.JYl!;l~.!!!!,I.n!p/iclltiOIl o£
Maximum and minimum probabilities are 1% and 99%, I U!~"I .. I"
rather than 0% and 100%. The horizontal axis is arith­ . tha t is;"tnepeqiiencyd;stribl~t~~"~ill'~~\lt~t:m"41
metic. TIle special property of the cumulative probability symrrtetrlcal'~'beU~haped"1:,(ffvew nere the horizontal

I I .1 I P1


i I 'j' P2

j. I.. .1
.. i. .~ .


>­ I i I P10

i I· I
; .\ I P20
I i· .
i I ... ,. i
I I'"
i ··1
... !.
i I . [
I i I
I. ,.
i !I .,! .

I· .,"j
-> '1
.. -- ..i
··1-- .1.l .... i ...
i_. .,
-- P70
·r··- I
I' .
U I·
+, .. ! .i
! ",1-, :
I P98
0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 4a Cumulative probability graph; note vertical axis is nonlinear probability scale, whereas horizontal axis is

arithmetic scale.

i i
... I ,, P1
! P2
I - .-1! ..-!._. .-1 L_
i ; --' • L

i i .. I

! ._ __ I
.~. _"
I- _:
_. ~

_.• )

I L.
P20 I ~ .....j
I' .~ . .
-j L_

.0 I
-i.. .. 1- .
I I.
> ··.. 1 -
~ .i. .. / I. ---.I i_.
:J .
I P90
o I
; I
-. .- t· -~ ... i .­ P95
.. "'j .... - - .., . .- _. 1-' : P98
o 1 10 100


Figure 4b Cumulative log probability graph; note vertical axisis nail/mear probability scale, whereas horizontal axis
is logarithmic scale.
C OJ.-A.O ~~
e2 Q~ \,~ d \s+"·ib,,c(ou. d-e ,\ os 'Oc:'>'~C:'",,;,(r~-ros ~,'e~.ectQv<.,i,
5..., ,_ OS ".)~~ ',,,, <1:- _---~ Co";,,,
\J - ter ",--11
t'00--1 --+c-
I ,; , " \ \ '/" [ ,", I _
0 Q.A/\:-!---o '--:'e. '":"",
Cr-.J-: C v"I 0 _l'1'-. \ (,
' i...A~ 1C>9_" \ C \ Q',A 0 -, <:'
0 Q C .\.,'
..,;, v
\ ( <
.J C'..
"0 '.
- ,(
'-/0' \AA ! ,\,A

axis is logarithmic (Figure 3~. When a lognormal dis­ should be constrained by the expected form of the
tribution is plotted as a frequency curve on a regular distribution.
coordinate graph (Le., arithmetic scale), it takes the
form of a severely right-skewed frequency curve (Fig­
ure 3d). Another special type of graph paper has also Field-size Distributions
been developed for plotting "cumlllative log probabil­ Distributions of reserve sizes (projected ultimate
ity," in which the vertical axis is the cumulative prob­ reco\"eries) in fields in a given trend, play, or basin

ability scale, as described in the preceding paragraph, show a pronounced tendency to follow a conventional
whereas the horizontal axis is a logarithmic scale:A* lo,gnormal pattern: . /
cUJf\1:!Jptive Pt()p~£ility (U~ti!u!!i9n that isp!i!_~fect~
lognormal will appear aa straight'-Sloping line (Fig­ • just a few very small fields,
ure 3e). Figure 4b shows a cumulative log probability • a great many small fields, ,J ,,-.,
graph; note that maximum and minimum values on • a handful of medium-size fields, and I I "­
the vertical probability scale are 1% and 99%, and the • a very few very large fields
horizontal axis is a log scale. ,
~" - tip1t!;,~tipn of independent, randorrf The reason, of course, why field-size distributions
ognormal distributions. Milst impor­ (FSDs) are lognormal is that the parameters control­
tant geotechnical parameters involved with oil and ling field size are multiplicative: Field Area x Average
gas occurrence are lognormal (Megill, 1984; Capen, Net Pay Thickness x Hydrocarbon Recovery Factor =
1984, 1992). Geoscientists who are aware of the Field Reserves. Several attributes of FSDs are'notewor­
prevalence of lognormality (and who constrain their thy. First, they typiCally shift toward smaller sizes as
estimates in the expectation of lognormality) will exploration progresses (Figure Sa). Second, where
tend to make better predictions of most parameters manv small fields (1,000 to 100,000 DOE [barrels of oil
having to do with oil and gas reserves (Rose, 1996c). equi~"alent]) are included, the FSD may depart from a
A few petroleum parameters are exponential; fewer straight line on a cumulative log probability graph,
still are normal. Predictions of all such parameters taking a conca\"e form at the lower end (Figure Sa),

Minnelusa Field-size Distributions

\ Late Mid
t Early
t- -

- - - -
l-tl~ - ~1 H - -
- -
- -
- -

- ~
~~ -

• -
Early 5.1 • ~
I P10

Middle 2.9 • M
~ ra·

r-- - - - - ,~- - - -
Late ~l 0.9 -,'
,..;/'~"jj f-
r- - - - 1- ,-I - - -
r- - - - - - r- - - - t- r-I- - - - _ ." l'fI~
f- - - r-
r'" P50
- - - l ~-
t-- fill II"
t- - - - r- H- -,fT··'·...
._ ',/1
0 , - - - f- - - r- -
r- - - - - - -

- - -
~D1i~ ~
- - -
1--- r- l-
i: f- r-
- - - p't'
r- - -
t- - - - r- f- ,. -rJ- - - - - - t- -
lq , ," r~
~ ~iI ~

';l;! ~" I
r- - - - - - - "I~ - - I-f- - - - t- - - - - I- - - r-

-T- li~
I~ - - - - - - -
- f- t- - - r- - - - t- - - r--
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100

Figure Sa Field-size distributions change as play matures.
12 Geotechnical Estimates under Uncertainty , ~.

P99 = 0.1 - - f- - - - - - _ I -
P90 =0.2 I
P50 =1.3
- - f- - - :..... - -.1- -
Mean =2.8 P10
PI0 =7.3 ~~
.. I- - - f- - f- - - - -
PI = 30.5
f-f - - - - -
'- - - - l- I- - I-
-.J-I ! - - - - - - - -
f- - - - l- f- -
,f - -
I-- - - - - - - -
- - - - ,~ - - - - - - - - -

f- f- - -

- - - 111 1f- - - - r- - - - - - - - - -

I P90
-I - f- f- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

,-- - f- f- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20
Figure Sb Economic truncation causes convex curve at lower end of field-size distributions.

because of incomplete sampling of smaller fields. Such severely truncated at the lower end by such minimum
smaller accumulations may be incompletely repre­ economic requirements. Parent distributions in such
sented in the population of discovered fields because areas contain very many un<;:ompleted accumulalions,
of economic and technological censoring: ordinarily reported as "shows," many of which were
not even testpd. If such a trend were located onshore,
1. anomalies recognized to be small may therefore howe\'er, many such "shows" would have been com­
not be drilled; pleted as small fields. This point is elaborated further
2. discoveries recognized to be very small by testing on page 80 and in Appendix F.
may not be completed for production; and Construction of FSDs sheds great light on explo­
3. small anomalies may not be visible geotechni­ ration of most trends and basins: They are recognized
cally, and therefore never drilled. as an indispensable tool by most modern companies,
serving as "reality checks" and giving essential per­
When FSDs are truncated at the low end to elimi­ spective on proposed exploration ventures.
nate fields that are noncommercial, the resulting dis­
tribution typically fits a straight, sloping !ine, but in
the lower part (the P99o/o-P80% sector), the FSD has a Calculating the Mean of
characteristic convex shape at the lower end as a con­ Lognormal Distributions
sequence of the arbitrary elimination of the small part
of the sample (Figure 5b). FSDs of trends in ecol"!~m!- Statistically, the best single representation of a log­
cally demanding regions, such as the North Sea or ---~iH;lL... ' disl;,,4;ution is the mean, or average. Because
deep Gulf of Mexico, where only larger discO\·eries events in the low-probability end of the distribution
qualify for platform installation, have already been have disproportionately much gJ:eater "weight" than
Chapter 2 13

in the high-probability part, the arithmetic mean of a routinely set up models of reservoir behavior. Economic
lognormal distribution typically increases as sample models predict economic trends, given certain techno­
size (n) increases. The statistical mean assumes a logic and market developments. Such models effectively
continuous distribution; that is, that It ::: and charac­
00 widen our conceptual and predictive ranges by provid­
teristically represents the largest possible mean value, ing flexible templates and characteristic associations that
On the other hand, if we simply calculate the arith­ would never ha\'e been available to someone using only
metic average of a lognormal distribution composed of traditional geologic or economic principles. However,
a small number of values (say 11 ::: 6, or n ::: 10), that experienced geoscientists and engineers have learned
mean will be smaller than the statistical mean. that utilizing models too literally can to predictive /
A practical problem with use of the statistical mean errors; the lesSon is to maintain flexibility in interpreling~
in exploration forecasting is that extremely low­ new geology based on analog rAodels.
probability events (less than P1%), which have
extremely large values, contribute to the mean. But
such events are sufficiently unlikely that we are justi­ Multiple Working
fied in treating them as "geologically impossible." By Hypotheses and Maps
truncating such distributions above Pl%, the resulting T.e. ChC\mberlin's (1931) classic paper emphasizes
mean values are more realistic. the importance in scientific investigations of the con­
A widely used alternative is Swanson's Mean scious identification and evaluation of independent,
(Megill, 1984), which works well for (1) 11 values con­ multiple working hypotheses. To the exploration
sistent with exploration experience (i.e., most trends mind, it offers a disciplined method to widen pre­
do not contain an infinite number of fields), (2) distri­ dictive ranges because it forces the investigator to
butions truncated at the upper end, beyond P1%, and systematically construct and evaluate alternative
(3) distributions of low to moderate variance, includ­ interpretations of incomplete data sets. In its simplest
ing distributions truncated toward the low end by eco­ practical form, it requires the prospector to make sev­
nomic threshold requirements. Appendix A illustrates eral possible maps of various prospect parameters,
and reviews various techniques· for calculating the showing optimistic, intermediate, and pessimistic
mean of a lognormal distribution. possible cases, or various possible structural or depo­
sitional interpretations of the geotechnical data.
Techniques for Improving

Geotechnical Estimates
Table 3 Ways to improve accuracy and build
confi&nce in estimating.
EX~lora tion staffs can learn ~o i!1'prove their geo­ 1. USE OF <;;EOTECHNICAL MODELS AS ANALOGS
technIcal estimating performance by using at least 2. USE OF M~LTIPLE WORKING HYPOTHESES
seven techniques (Table 3). AND MAPS
Geotechnical Analog Models
"Delphi Ro~n,ds"
Since about 1950, geoscientists have increasingly
Team Exploration
developed and used "al1alog models"-exceptionally
well-documented and'well-wlderstood examples of var­ Peer and Committee Reviews
i?us "type" geologic situations-to anticipate dimen­ Technical Subcommittees in Joint Ventures
SIOns, patterns, and associations of newly encountered 4. "NATURE'S ENVELOPES"
(an? therefore poorly documented) counterpart geo­
logiC phenomena. The first such models were strati­
graphie. One example is the very well-known carbonate Known Ranges of Parameters
faCies-con:plex of the middle Permian Guadalupean Plausibility Checks
shelf-margm of west Texas and New Mexico (Newell et 5. "REALIlY CHECKS"
aI., 1953; Pray, 1988). Another is the modern delta of the
Field-size Distributions
Mississippi River feeding into the Gulf of Mexico (Fisk,
19.54; Coleman and Prior, 1982). Stratigraphers familiar Historical Record
~I~h such models can often make far-reaching and Comparisons with Worldwide Databases
I~Slg~tful forecasts about newly encountered geologic Iteration and Tests for Reasonableness
sl~atlOns, even though very little prospect-specific data
eXISt. Now we also have structural models, such as the
ba.lan:ed.structural models used to resolve and interpret 7. PRACTICE AND COMPARISON OF PRIOR
seIsmIC lInes in complex thrusted terranes. Engineers PREDICTIONS WITH OUTCOMES
14 Geotechnical Estimates under Uncertainty ,

Independent Multiple Estimates to ensure reasonability and obtain a best-fit. FSDs pro­

When we are estimating under uncertainty, the con­ vide such a "reality check" against which prospect ..

sideration and reconciliation of independent multiple reserves estimates can be compared. The historical

estimates of the parameter yields forecasts that are drilling record can provide a basis for evaluating esti­

generally less biased and closer to reality than the mates of discovery probability. Comparison of pre­

more orthodox procedure of devoting more lime, dicted prospect parameters against parameters

money, and technology to additional study by a single measured in fields of similar type in the trend or basin,

investigator. Modern exploration firms accomplish or against worldwide databases, can help eyaluate
those predictions. Comparison of the prospect's

this by orgaf!izational means, such as multidisciplin­

ary exploration teams, peer reviews of emerging pro­ reserves variance against observed varianct}' 6f analo­

jects, formal prospect review by a centralized gous prospect types also provides useful reality checks

exploration risk committee, or structured iterative esti­ (see p. 26).

mating procedures called "Delphi Rounds." Explo­

ration joint ventures provide a practical way to Proper Statistical Procedures
achieve similar balance among participating partners
Predictions of prospect parameters should be made
who interact through technical subcommittees.
using 80% confidence ranges, which calls for estimat­
ing high-side (PI0%) and low-side (P90%) cases. Spe­
Nature's Envelopes cial attention should be given to the mean and median
Most geologic and engineering variables involved values in all parameter distributions. Because the mean
in petroleum occurrence and production are distrib­ reserves case is the expected ou tcome of every
uted lognon:nally; similarly, our estimates of such prospect, the economic viability of the mean must be
parameters are also distributed lognormally. A few are assessed, so the key cash-flow model required is ordi­
distributed exponentially; fewer still are distributed narily based on the mean reserves case. Nevertheless, it
normally. By understanding the probable distribution may also be important to carry out discounted cash­
of a given parameter, we can make estimates that flow (DCF) analyses on the P90"lo, P50%, and PI0%
honor and are constrained by the expected distribu­ reserves cases, especially for large-potential, costly
tion. Such :'natural envelopes" lead to reduced bias exploration prospects. This is especially true where the
and more realistic predictive ranges. Another natural relationship between project reserves and project net
envelope is provided by the known natural ranges of present value (NPV) is not constant, such as with pro­
parameters. For example, we know that the largest duction-sharing contracts where the host country takes
known hydrocarbon recovery factor is about 1200 bar­ an increasing petcent as field reserve-size increases, or
rels per acre-foot (bbl/af); «1so, any oil reservoir yield­ in offshore projects where "step-functions" may be
ing less than about 50 bbl/ af is likely to be physically introduced because of varying costs for offshore pro­
unresponsive. All geotechnical predictions should be duction facilities. For such situations, what is needed is
made in observance of such natural envelopes. By pro­ the mean of NPVs of all reserves outcomes, rather than
jecting distributions out to the extremes, prOVisional the NPV of only the mean reserves case_ Mode, or
PI % and P99% values may be checked to see if such "most likely," is a widely pisunderstood statistical
large or small values are plausible; that is, do they con­ term that commonly leads to overoptimistic reserves
stitute values that, when honoring available data, rep­ forecasts, and its use by geotechnical and economic
resent credible extreme high-side and-low-side staff should be discouraged. Many explorationists say
values?2 If such extreme values are not plausible, the "most likely" when they are really thinking about an
distribution must be shifted until they are. average, median, or "best'guess" value. Accordingly, I
recommend that "most likely" be expunged from use
Reality Checks in forecasting or estimating.
Once a preliminary estimate has been made, it
should be tested repeatedly against known examples Practice and Comparison of Prior

Predictions with Outcomes

2Allhough a few international companies han adapted Discussion, justification, and refinement of geotech­
P5%-PSO%-P95% as consistently used parameters, most utilize nical estimates among professional staff prOVides an
PlO% and P90%, primarily because oi early published work by excellent way to clarify, standardize, and improve their
Megill involving applications of Swanson's Rule (see Appendix A), ability to make sound and consistent estimates of
and because estimators seem to be more comfortable with a gener­ prospect parameters. In addition, disciplined compari­
ally used convention such as a 10% confidence than wit·~~,;, srna!~!:.
confidence such as 5%. Experience suggests tha t subjectil'e pwba­ .;,un of predictions with actual outcomes provides objec­
bility estimates become increasingly tenuous at extreme probahlity tive feedback as to individual, team, and organizational
levels (Boccia, 1996). performance in predicting prospect parameters. This
Chapter 2 15

requires systematic recording of predictions and peri­

odic review of actual outcomes over a year or more in
order to acquire an adequate sample and to observe the
resul t of learning as expressed by continual improve­
ment in predictive performance. Commonly, this
requires persistence, strong management encourage­
ment, and monitoring, if it is to produce a permanent
change in organizational values and professional
behavior (Rose, 1987). Companies such as Chevron
(Otis and Schneidermann, 1997), Amoco (McMaster
and Carragher, 1996), Unocal (Alexander and Lohr,
1998), and Santos (Johns et aI., 1998), have published
compelling accounts about the improvement of explo­
ration perfom1ance through such methods.

-c . .
Ri~k Ana-'ysis
Exploration Prospects


II Estimating Prospect Reserves

maps showing a low-side area, assuming pessimistic
geologic cOllditions, and an intermediate area using
" I Constituent Parameters
best-guess conditions. Values derived from such geo­
'. I
The prospect reserves distribution is really an esti­
mate of the range of ultimate volumes ofoiland-nat~
logic cases are plotted on a cumulative log probability
graph (Figure 7), equating to a reasonable, optimistic
I ural gas that may be recovered if the prospect case (PI0%) and a reasonable, pessimistic case (P90%),
, !

discovers a producible hydrocarbon accumulation, and a straight, sloping line is "best-fitted" to the data,
\vhich may become an oil or gas field. As discussed forcing the distribution to be lognorrilaI. The PSO%

earlier, this value does not equate to "proved," "prob­ case is consequential, derived from the intersection of
I able," or "possible" reserves, as formally defined engi­ the P50% horizontal line and the sloping line. Next, the
" I I
neering parameters (Capen, 1996; Cronquist, 1997). provisional distribution is projected out to the low
Those engineering definitions arose out of fiduciarY (P99%) and high (PI %) extremes, which are assessed
needs and are subject to continual revision throughol;t for their plausibility as being highly unlikely but pos­
the life of the field, They involve considerations of sible outcomes. The PI % value should be so large that
reservoir volume as well as detailed reservoir parame­ -it is barely possible, honoring thE' data; similarly, the
ters, flow rates and decline curves, and multiple eco­ P99% "alue should be just large enough to be consis­
nomic assumptions, Obviously, such details are tent with a very small detectable reservoired accumu­
usually not available for exploration ventures. lation. A "final" distribution should be developed,
--- !
,I Accordingly, many companies'eniploy a simpler set following several iterations and adjustments, utilizing
of parameters (Figure 6) that are mOre consistent with given plausibility checks and reality checks such as
, r the high degree of uncertainty that attends exploratory those shown on Table 4. There is no "formula" for
•I prospects: Prospect Reserves = Productive Area (in deriving the [>90% area. It must be prospect-specific
! acres, hectares, or kilometers 2 ) x Average Net Pay and consistent with anticipated structural configura­
\ I
Thickness (in feet or meters) x Hydrocarbon-Recovery tion of the closure and stratigraphy of the reservoir
I Factor (in bbl or md [thousand cubic feet] per net acre­
I section.3 In general, however, the P90'Yo area should be
!, foot, bbl per net m 3 jhectare-meter, or m 3 per net
small, corresponding very roughly to an onshore, mar­
km -m). The parnmeters shown in figure 6 are deter­ ginally economic area of drainage (assuming pay

ministic; that is, single-value estimates for each para­
meter, all of which, because of substantial geotechnical
thickness and hydrocarbon [HC] recovery are suffi­
cient to warrant completion)-a one- or t\\'o-wellfie\d.
uncertainty, are much better forecast as a probabilistic Based on theoretical grounds, empirical observations
range of possible outcomes. Deterministic predictions (figure 8), plots of actual fields in real basins (Figure
I are generally unreliable; fortunately, theiruse in the 9), and detailed analyses (Squire, 1996), the distribu­
modern exploration industry is diminishing. tion of area forecasts is lognormal in form.
Productive Area In practice, geoscientists seem to be able to arrive
I at high-side estimates for prospect area (Pl"!o and
I Utilizing geologic and geophysical data in the PlO°!.,) fairly readily. However, settling on appropriate
prospect area, professional staff are asked to make
maps shOWing a reasonable high-side productive area,
3ElongatE'd trap areas nnd resl:'Tvoirs having low nE't-ta-gTl15S ralias
given optimistic geologic conditions such as seismic
will tend to be associ~ted, of n~'Cessil}', with larger 1"90% areas than
velocities, ;liip nltes, contour configurations, fault equidimensianilJ closures and high net-to-gross ralias, as described
extents, trap fill-up, and the like. They also construct in Appendix C.

.:> Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

Estimating Prospect Reserves

(1200 ac)

Average Net Pay

(75 ft)

He-Recovery Factor 200 bbl/acre-foot

(200 bbl/af)

= Prospect Reserves

(18,000,000 bbl)
Figure 6 Reserves parameters for exploration prospects (deterministic).

low-side values seems to be more problematic. The derived values are implausible, the line is
most common error is that estimates of P90 0 0 and adjusted until a credible best fit is achieved. This
P99% areas are too large, leading to frequent o\'eresti­ approach is preferred, especially for less experi­
mates of mean area and thus mean reserves. But the enced prospectors.
determination of the area distribution cannot be "for­ 2. Assuming all plausible conditions maximizing
mulaic"-it must be consistent with the data bearing productive area are operative (velocities as they
on prospect geometry, and it must be prospect­ affect dip rates, contouring, trap fill-up), the
specific. This is discussed in detail in Appendix C. resulting maximum outline of that area is
Two general e~ti.mating approaches seem to dominate: mapped and measured; this "max area" is provi­
sionally assigned to Pl%. Next, the smallest pos­
1. Estimates are made of optimistic (PIO%) and pes­ sible area is assumed (consistent with the
simistic (P90%) cases, which are then plotted on a geologic attributes of the prospect) that would be
log probability graph, and a straight, sloping line consistent with a reservoired small He-accumu­
-C'. • :lra\,~~l)et\\'eenthe h\'o points. ;;;ds lin~-1.; then
:... lation just large enough to sustain flow. This area
extended out to the Pl% and P99% extremes, is assigned a provisional P99% value. Both \'alues
which are evaluated for plaL!sibility. If any of the are plotted on a log probability graph, From the
Chapter 3 19

======= Prospect Reserves (mmbbl)====••

0.1 4_ 10 100 1,000
r ---.J;;;==========·::::::""::::::'-======j"--I-;-I-;-;-o::~-=P~1t·3_=_21_6-:-;:111'1
. " P1
Area. P.yO HCoRec.D Raa&l'V8I X
,,' I ... . ; '/1 I,

PIO % 2000ac X 18011x 600B/.1= (Pl.3'4) 216mmbbl (darlvad) 43.Drnnilbl = PIO% /

280ac X 60llx 300B/.1· (P5O'l')
.wacx 2DIlx 150Blal=(Pll8.1'Y.) O.12mmbbl(derlvad)
5.04mmbb/ = P5D14
O.6Ommbb/= PllO% 20'V' ,;
MaanProspedRoslN8I= ~ ~ OO-·-/---'Il·~------;'--i:-: iii P10 d
.1', !:;
.•~ I:i :1';'
I i
! I 1 ~
,I, !... P20 [


~1: !. !: .~ -- ...: ,:. !-I" .i~ ..-AI::], .;"i P30 ~
'i I" .-' :'- - -': - --: "15.1"
1---........:.._-..;...-4-+.. .:. .:- :-.----:-~\O~ 0 .
ir.. '- "'2BO" . rr-'- - - , '-il-!-·:-,-r.;-:_---;.._ _~-'--'_;_:___j :;~
30: I '.

,.1 ;: .. !·;_ . . _:~'?)~·:-f-"

.. ,jl.
e~/:-' :.~ii· I~'~ P60 g­0­
:. ';
, .'
I·! ....:~., ~
1 . l\..r ....
~ "i - -- _~vy.. • - .,
. .,

; !.' 'I ~ , 1 'j P70 .;.:;:

:' ~«;,« I ;. ~W. .!.• '<;

""1 ... ~~~«) .. "';~'1~/. i'-' '~i I'" ~/"- ...... !:: pao
I! i; if?

1----...--~'*-----_o20 -Iff-.
:0.6 . of 40/ I: ~-. i i:'i i , P90
i 811150-+--'-::'-.'-.-'------~....,."""j.'""i
I .. i : / l;~.
. ~ I . ,!~I I! . .. .,{!.•.
• I

. f ,'" , : '-"'",!
.! i. '·
I i . P95
'://1 i, '~;
I I :

; I !, ;1';:
L£~P9~8~·}7",:~:,,:~~1i2=---.lI..-L.I·J.·i . .:.·i. A:·~:
...J1..l.·I_-_·._. ·_-_.....L_ _ . .i. !. .:.i. .:.~·-"- \.:. i '_._---'-.:..;'.'-l! : : :

1 10 100 1,000 10,000

Area (acres) }. .
Average Net Pay (feet) = Variable In:reasm g
He-Recovery (Bbl/acre-foot) '.
Figure 7 Area, average net pay, and He-recovery factor are lognormal.


distribution line, the consequent P90%, P50%, estimates should be derived in an analogolls manner to
and PIO% values are derived and checked for the area estimates previously described and employing
credibility. Again, the line is adjusted as neces­ similar reality checks (Table 4). This parameter also typi­
sary to produce a plausible best-fit distribution. cally follows a lognormal distribution (Figure 8), but one
ordinarily having less variance than the area distribution.
It shouid be recognized that, following these meth­ In order to consider porous and tight intervals, reservoir
ods, any ou tcome larger than the PI % forecast is net-ta-gross ratio must be considered. Also, a geometric
treated as impossible, which is not strictly true but adjustment will need to be made to take into account the
pragmatically can be dismissed as such. Thus no value geometry of the oil/water contact in relation to the reser­
larger than the PI% value can contribute to the mean voir geometry (Figure 10). For most new-field wildcat
of the distribution. (NFW) prospects, a distribution of estimated average net
Average Net Pay Thickness pay thickness (determined as described earlier), through­
out the productive area will suffice. It is essential to
Using lithofacies, isopach, porosity and net-to-gross understand that the "average net pay thickness" estimate
maps, geologic studies of pertinent depositional models, integrates internal reservoir distribution, porosity cut­
and analog field studies, and considering the interactive offs, trap fill-up, net-io-gross ratio, and the geometry of
effects of the oil/water contact, geologic structure, and the "top-reservoirloil-water contact" couplet.
reservoir distribution,' the exploration team generates a
probabilistic distribution of estimated average net pay Gross Rock Volume
_...~J,r,01.!,g-hout!hf- area of the accumulation based on Plo;;" A useful alternative to the Area x Average Net Pay
PIO%, P50'Yo, P90%, and P99% confidence levels approach outlined previously is to estimate the proba­
plotted on log probability gr~phs (Figure 7). Such bilistic range in Cross Rock Volume (CRV). There are

1 ~

Table 4 Reality checks (7): characteristics of the endpoints of the reserves distribution.'"
"Low End" "High End" ;:I:l
Absolute Reasonable Onshore Absolute Known Max Values :>
for N American :::::l
Minimum (P99%) Minimum (P90%) Development Maximum (Pl %) DI
Well Fields -<
AREA Area too small to be Approximately the area of Onshore Honoring the data, the 500,000 acres (oil) ....

i m
t': economic anywhere; an onshore field that is production maximum area possible )(
roughly the area of a economically marginal; spacing units: if all relevant geological 5,000,000 acres (gas) .,DI0­
t very small one-well field.
Must be consistent with
typically about 1-3 onshore
production spacing units. May
10-60 acres (oil) and geophysical factors
are most favorable; area
expee:ted trap geometry. vilry according to structural 160-640 so large as to be barely "'til
,configuration. Could'be larger acres (gas) possible. a
in a frontier play area. "C

AVERAGE Pay zone just thick Roughly the minimum More than 3 feet· Maximum average net pay'" 1,000' oil

NET PAY enough to sustain flow thickness you would (= 1 meter) thickness possible based
of mobile HCs consider completing in on regional isopach and
sufficient to sense in an onshore field. Could be net/gross maps, and
mudstream or logs, thicker in a frontier play area. considering geometric
and sustain on a D5T. factor. Thickness so large
as to be barely possible.
HC-RECOVERY Ordinarily less than Minimum porosity and More than Compare critiGlly with 1,200 bbl/af (oil)
FACTOR 100 bbllaf; too tight for permeability to sustain flow, 100 bbl/af (oil) highest projected;
an economic reservoir, or to be commercial onshore, HC-recovery factor 2,000 md/af (gas)
even onshore; sufficient consistent with pertinent .~ More than known (or analogous) for
permeability to barely data in trend. Pay attention 125 mcf/af (gas) trend. Also justify against
flow. Must be consistent to values in analog fields. high-side estimates of
with known reservoir 0, So, % Rec., and FVF.
properties in trend.

ULTIMATE A small, noneconomic A modest onshore field More than Compare critically with the 16,000 BOE
RECOVtERY BOE accumulation with only of about 1-3 wells; could - 40,000 bbl oil largest existing field in the (Prudhoe)
:' ~nough reserves to be larger in a frontier trend, or reasonable analog; 6,000 MMBOE (E. Texas)
barely flow; comparable play area. More than check against trend F5D;
( with a mediocre onshore 250,000 MCFG must be prospect-specific. 70,000 BCFG
one-well field. (Hugoton)
*origir,ally developed by the writer, and vetted by geot ~chnical staff from Conoco, Marathon, and Mobil.


Chapter 3 21


30 U 30 30 U.

E 20

E 20

R 20 E 20 E

E 0 E
C f C
0 0
V v /
. -. I 10

10 E - 1 10 10 E
. R
",1 L loll
L 0 o L
0 100 200 300 400 500 >500

(a) Area, in acres (b) Average net pay, in feet

30 30 U 30 30 U
20 20 E E 20 20 E
o E o E
o F o
F .
..... /10 10 E I 10 -10 ~
L loll L loll
o o B
i S
~ L L
f o '00 200 ~OO 400 ~ 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 S a 2~ 75 100 IZ!:I 150 17~ 200 225 250 275 >-275 S

I (c) He-recovery factor, in Bbl/acre-foot (d) Recovery, in thousands of barrels per acre

Figure 8 Distributions of estimated parameters for prospect reserves.

both advantages and disadvantages to this alternative. support s;,s,tained flow, provides a reality check
The advantages are: consistent with P99% for CRY; and
5. Plotting these upper and lower values as PI %
1. It eliminates minor problems caused by the com­ and P99% on log probability graph paper allows
mon partial dependency of average net pay derivation of PIO'}';" PSO%, and P90% values for
thickness on productive area; CRY.
2. Calculation of the geometry factor required for
correct expressions of average net pay can be dis­ The disadvantages, however, are more compelling:
pensed with; CRY is a complex number combining area, thickness,
3. Integration of maximum (PI %) area with associ­ and reservoir Iwater-level geometry considerations.
ated vertical column height and gross reservoir Accordingly, geoscientists find it quite difficult to relate
thickness ("area vs. depth plots") will generate a CRY intuitively to maps or cross sections and, there­
maximum gross rock volume that represents a real­ fore, often don't recognize whether their probabilistic
ity check on the upper limit for CRY (Figure 11); estimates of CRY may be implausible. Moreover, when
4. Consideration of minimum pay zone thickness CRY estimates are checked in post-audit drilling
(taking into account expected netl gross reservoir reviews, it is not immediately apparent whether errors
ratios and required HC column heights), together were related to area, thickness, or geometric misjudg­
with the resulting associated area of accumula­ O10nts. The fundilmental problem here is t;~.~ eX}:7!'0'­
--(:". 1

tion that would be required to provide a reser­ rationists conceptualize prospects in relation to maps
voired accumulation of sufficient volume to (area) and logs and cross sections (thickness), and

22 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects



I - - - . f - - - - - - - - . - - ._ _._.._ .. - _ .._-.- .. __..-- .. _ - - 1 - - - - - . _ - - .

--l---I~·_·· ._--1--- - - - . - '-'_.-' . - _....•_- ----1- -- .'-'-' .----- - - _
100,000 •

10,000 I


- '--- I~'


.. +•• P I

-' ~~ _., ._._.•..... ~

-~-~~--=~ =~i~·~:~~~ ·~~W~~~~~~~:i-:~~~:¥~~~~~:~~:T=~ :::~~=:=~~~ ~~!


_ _....•..\_......

. .. ....- _.. _............ _....• -_._... . - __ .

1 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99
Probability, % Less Than
Figure 9 Productive field areas, East Texas, Capen.

Geometric Correction Factor CLOSURE GEOMETRIES

In ut Parameters
Units or Length ft
Select a Geometric Shape
Type most like your prospect 4
Length I Width >10
Reservoir Thickness 34
Height 01 Closure 120
TYPE 3 3 3 4 4 5

~ (

0 TYPE 3
II" .

1..JW 1 2 I >10 1 2 I >10 N/A
Modified aller Gehman et al. (1970)
0.1 1--;------;

0.0 ......--;---+-..;--l--+--I---r----+--'"
I Geometric Correction Factor 0.94
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Nole: LengthIWidth ratios of faulted, compartmentalized
.r'.• _._-==-""' Geomelric
...........~.....:...:; Correction Faclor
. ~-.:.::.:..=.:...::..:.:::.:...... ---J
structures are taken as if the missing segments were

Figur~ 10 Graphs to derive geometry factor adjustment.

Chapter 3 23


.... . ~-

o 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000

~ -7, 600 1
-8,000 T-~-.'~----+----------,"""---""



.. . , _

Cl -8,800 --­ - -- i
_.. -

rJJ -9,200' .. __._._.----._-_._----_. j.­ .

§ i
rJJ -9,600 --_ .. , ..••.• - ­ . - - - - _ .• ­ ._~. __ •• __ . . . . . . _1.

Figure 11 Area versus depth plot.

therefore they have a much better subjective apprecia­ gas per acre-foot 9f reservoir. It is readily adaptable
tion of the credibility of such estimates than of their to t~e metric system, or to expressing oil in metric
combination as GRY, which is a parameter having three tons. 'Some companies choose to break this parameter
variables (area, thickness, and geometry), and thus'hav­ dovm into its four constituent components: porosity,
ing a wide range of possible combinations capable of HC-saturation, percent recovery, and formation vol­
giving the same product. ume factor.'This is not wrong, but for most
In fact, utilization of both approaches often prf)­ exploratory ventures, it represents false precision
vides valuable cross-checks for consistency, and usu­ and inefficient use of geotechnical effort: He-recov­
ally leads to better estimates of prospect reserves. ery factor is eqtirely adequate given the high level of
That's why use of both procedures is recommended. uncertainty that attends most exploratory prospects.
In any case, however, GRY, combined probabilisti­ However, many companies choose to estimate the
cally with estimates of reservoir net/gross and He­ four constituent components as reasonable PIO%
recovery factor, yields a lognormal probabilistic -P50%-P90% ranges, and combine them, via Monte
reserves distribution that should be compatible with Carlo simulation, as a reality check to ensure that
the reserves distribution derived via the "Area x Aver­ HC-recovery factor estimates are indeed credibl¢ val­
age Net Pay x He-recovery Factor" method. ues consistent with known or postulated reservoir
Estimation of both the PI % and P99% cases will parameters. Also, expressing yield as bbls orind per
require construction of an "Area vs. Depth" plot, as acre-foot is compatible with the widespread use of
shown in Figure 11. Such plots are readily constructed analog field models in modern ~xploration. Again, a
by measuring the areas enclosed by successive con­ range of rational probabilistic estimates is generated
tours. "Depth" is understood to indicate the vertical by the exploration team, analogous to the process
d~fference from the crest of the feature to the projected described previously (Figure 7), and plotted on a
oil/water contact (or gas/water or gas/oil contact cumulative log probability graph, then iterated and
where appropriate). adjusted until a best-fit is reached. This parameter
Hydrocarbon-recovery Factor also takes a lognormal form (Figure 8). The compo­
nents of HC-recovery factor and metric equivalencies
This parameter expresses "reservoir yield" as bar­ are shown on Table 5. All estimates should be real­
rels (bbl~ of oil or mef (thousand cubic feet) of natural ity-checked (Table 4).
24 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

Table 5 Getting a sense of scale about He-recovery factor. ~


100 BAF 15% 39% 1.4 20%

300 BAF 20% 32% 1.2 35%
460 BAF 25% 25% 1.4 45%
METRIC EQUIVALENTS: 1Q..O bbl/af :::: 13,000 m 3/krT!2-m =130 m 3/hectare-m /
1 acre =.004 km 2
1 km 2 = 247 acres
1 hectare:::: 2.47 acres

·Sw=water saturation; FVF=formation volume factor; % REC=percent recoverable; BAF=barrels per acre-foot

answer is yes, then the P99% value must reflect such

Generation of the
an unfortunate outcome, and the consequential P90%
Prospect-reserves Distribution value must also be compatible. Appendix B is an essay
When probabilistic estimates of prospect area, that covers this issue in detail, and all prospectors
average net pay, and HC-recovery ha\'e been posted should read it carefully. Table 6 is also useful in
on a log probability graph (Figure 7), reconciled with addressing such issues.
available reality checks (Table 4), and accepted by a Note that muJ'tiplication of the three 90% values
~o~sensus of concerned geotechnical staff, the three yields a value corresponding to the P98.7% reserves
distributions should then be combined by multiplica­ product, and the three P10% values multiply to give a
tion into the prospect-reserves distribution. Ordinar­ P1.3% product. This pattern, explained in more detail
ily this combination is accomplished through in Appendix C, is important in considering what low­
reiterative computer procedures. The two most side geologic values are being risked when estimating
widely used procedures are Monte Carlo simulation the chance of geologic success (see pp. 35-36).
and Latin Hypercube simulation. Through their
AAPG school on risk analysis, Capen, Megill, and
Rose developed an analytic method that graphically
Economic Translation of the
performs the combination on cumulatl\'e log proba­ Prospect-reserves Distribution
bility paper, assuming the three component distribu­ Because the mean is the best single expression of
tions are lognormal and have variances that are not the total prospect-reserves distribution, many com­
drastically different (Appendix C). This method was panies perform an economic analysis on only the
described by Capen (1992), Megill (1992), and Rose mean reserves case of prpspects. This is adequate in
and Thompson (1991). Figure 12 illustrates this many cases. For important projects, however, dis­
graphical procedure. counted cash-flow (DCF) analyses should be per­
The resultant prospect-reserves distribution (Figures formed on all four key reserve parameters (PIO%,
7 and 12), because it involves the multiplication of three PSO%, Mean, P90%), in order to understand the rela­
constituent independent variables, is expected to take a tive profitabilities of a full range of prospect out­
lognormal form. The mean represents the single best comes. This can then lead to a profitability distribution
expression of the distribution's \·alue. Tabie l) prondes {Of the key f'fOspei..l, bivell success. Ir. oiht:r wmd:>,
very useful reality checks of the prospect-reserves dis­ what we are really after is not the net present value
tribution, relating its variance to the category of (NPV) of the mean reserves case, but rather, the mean
exploratory venture, as well as modifying data, such as of the NPVs of all four reserves cases. This is espe­
three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data, and positive indi­ cially important in production-sharing contracts and
cations of direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHIs). in expensive offshore projects where step-functions
Finally, it should be emphasized that most pr03pect­ create a nonlinear reserves/PV ratio having multiple
reserves overestimates do not arise because the high­ inflections in the curve.
side estimates are too high, but rather because the low­ If project managers can estimate the approximate
sidE:'.,cst.imates are too high. Accordingly, when reserves required for completion of the exploratory well
reviewing-a-ily prospects, all prospectors (as well as as a comm:~rcla(·- _ntu,.~an a cost-forward basis, or
their managers) should unfailingly ask the following resen'es required for econol/lic profitability on a full-cycle
question: Is there any chance this prospect could turn economic basis, the prospect-reserves distribl1tion can
out to be a mediocre little one-well field? If the honest then be used to estimate the c1lance of cOlI/mercial SlIccess,
Chapter 3 25

· -s­ (pI", 1500)

.------r-----,r7"~_,O I '7c

!--+---rlI----j 10%


=600 ac PSO% =200 ac
\0 1000 10.000
(P99'" 25) Area (acres)


20'~'l'&<:~ :~ "':~" ~fr


I O' Ill'!,
.t. ;.A..r'
P90% = 10' SO'k
PSO% = 20' 90'7c

P10% =40' .1 (1'99 = 6')~ 10

lI:el I'a)' eft)



400 RAF = P100/0 5ll'7c

200 RAF =P50%
100 RAF = P90O/o 911'k

BAF =ban'els per acre-foot (also haj) (P99 = 60) L::==:±::~~L-_--.I 9'Yk
10.· 100 IllOO
HC·Ree (bal)

600X40X400 =9.6 Mb1Jl PJOXPlOXPlO = Pl.}

RESERVES 200X20X200 =.8 Mbbl 1'90XP90XP90 = P98.7
60XIOXIOO =J)6 MblJ/

'---~~--'-"""'"':. 01 'Ie

10'k /
/ I-----j----jr'"llr--, 10'lr

5ll'h /
/ 50'k /-----j--~r__-"---jSOCk

90% 90'i! 90'k

I 99'h
/---Hr--r---"---j 90'k
100 IO()OIO.O()O.1 I III 100 \0 100 1000 '47 99<;f.
M IJbl III ilf iOlI b a r r e l s .LO-'M ---'-.-If\-1--'I-.l-)~-1~ IOM
Al = millioll ill this figure
.3 (0.2) + .4 (0.8) + .3 (3.3) =1.37 iVI M = Mz
Figure 12 Graphical method for analytim/solution for combining three lognornlal distributions by multiplication.

and the chance of eco/lolllic success, given that flowing and ecoTi0illil. s:'" :ess,~....,.?ectively, represents the chance
hydrocarbons are discovered. The proportioll, as a per­ of finding those volumes of reserves (or more), giveJl that
ce~t: of the reserves distribution that is larger than the reservoired mobile Ilydrocnrbo/ls are foulld at n,1l. This con­
mInimum reserve amount \leeded to justify cOll1111ercial cept is discussed in further detail on pages 39-41.
26 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects
Table 6 Reality checks (2): characteristic ranges associated with oil and gas ventures having different magnitudes of
uncertainty. * 1
Wildcat Rank Rank
in Known Wildcat Wildcat in
Statistical Development Step-Out! Productive in Proven New Play or
Parameters Well Extension Trend Trend New Basin

P10%/P90% 2.2 --) 7.0 5 --) 25 10 --) 120 55 --) 220 120 --) 650
. )

Probability range P44%-P33% P38%-P26% P33o/o-P17% P22o/o-P14% P17o/o-P10% ,.

in which Mean
typically occurs

Variance (0 2) .09-.58 .40-1.58 .81-3.50 2.45-4.02 3.50-6.40

. __ ."--- --
...... ~- .. -_. --. __ . .. _--------_ . ---------_ ... _-----­
"This table was first developed by Julia B. Ericsson (Conoco) and subsequently vetted by geotechnical staff from Marathon, Mobil, and oiher

Field-size distributions (FSDs) Eor the basin or play continuous efforts to improve such forecasts because
(see p. 11) provide effective reality checks against of their profound impact on project profitability.
which the prospect-reserves distribution should be Two methods are currently in use. The first (Rose,
compared. Also, the variance of the prospect-reserves 1987) employs simple log-log cross-plots (Figure 13) of
distribution should be compatible with the explo­ prospect parameters such as:
ration well class, as shown in Table 6. But the variance
of the prospect-reserves distribution is also a function • prospect area
of the quantity and quality of pertinent information, as • average net pay thickness
well as of the geoteclmical skill of the professional staff • HC-recovery factor (or its constituents-porosity,
evaluating it, and all such factors must be considered. oil saturation, percent recovery, and formation
For all these reasons, the prospect-reserves distribu­ volume factor)
tion need not have the same variance as the parent • initial produttion rate
. FSD. In fact, prospect-reserves distribu tions com­ • percentage decline
monly (but not always) show variances sliInller than • prospect reserves (::: EUR)
their parent FSD. Because FSDs tend to get smaller as
exploration progresses (Figure Sa), prospect-reserves By plotting the median of predicted parameter distri­
distributions should be compared with fields that butions against the actual outcomes, we can, with a rel­
ha ve been recen tl y discovered, using com pa tible atively small number of tria,ls, gain insight into the
exploration concepts and technologies. variance (scatter) as well as any existing bias. If staff are
unbiased, we should have about the same number of
overestimates as underestimates. About 10% of out­
Monitoring and Improving

comes should be larger than their PlO% estimate, and

Predictive Performance
about 10% should fall below their 1'90% estimates.
Until recently, the systematic preservation of About 80% of outcomes should fall within their
reserve predictions and their comparison with P10%-P90% ranges. Causes of undesirable performance
prospect outcomes has not been part of the corporate patterns can be investigated by going back to individual
culture of most oil companies. Management often did prospect cases. This method is especially useful to indi­
not know how inaccurate reserve predictions were, viduals and smaller organizations who may drill only a
whether there were any repetitive patterns of estima­ few wells per year. The method can also be applied to
tion errors, or what the s?ecific causes for persistent geotechnical predictions made on competitor wells.
errors might be. Additional information can be gleaned by plotting the
From an organiza tional perspective, it is easy to predicted P10'Yo-P90% range on the horizontal axis and
understand the reluctance of geotechnical staffs to pre­ the actual outcome on the vertical axis.
$~l'e_their forecasts and compare against outcomes. The second method (Clapp and Stibolt, 1991) for
But it is~[,Mficl:ut to understand why higher manage­ monitoring and improving reserves forecasting (Fig­
ment has not insisted on systematic monitoring of ure 14) employs continuous "trucking" of an ongoing
predictive performance by geotechnical. staff and exploration program, comparing actual geologic
Chapter 3 27


°ii 10' 10'
::> ~


'"S ..
"z "~
;;; 101
0 ~ 10'

I()' to' 10'

10 10' 10'
(a) (b)

f IDS F=t=====-:-=:=t=======1r===-.:=-..=-==::::.. ====:::;i2I 1"=.

l5 /
/ /1:/ !


~ 10' --- - - .. --.------t-----..r-----.7.. . -------­ ~ IO'I--...l-----+-----.l~---"7!''---.----7'9

i /

I / Z
z ? . "'a:«
IO)~--+-­ glO'
gcr a:
o en

:z: ~
<Ii :>
z If)
i= ~ 10'
u z
Ci :::;
w ...l
cr ii:

Z V>
..J ~
a: +-----~._-._­ .
c.. • 10 1 }Ol IO( 10" ~ ~ ~ 10' ~

(c) (d)

Figure 13 Comparison of predictions venus outcomes (from Rose, 7987).

reserves-added against chance-weighted mean suspect that there are serious problems with reserves
reserves of all prospects in the program. A cumulative or chance predictions by geotechnical staff;~ and cor­
"actual reserves-added" curve is plotted in relation to rective measures must be instituted. This second
an "envelope" bounded by the cumulative PlO% and method requires Monte Carlo (or Latin Hypercube)
P90% predictions as well as the "expected" (== mean) simulation to add (rather than 11I11ltiply) prospect
curves. A predictive envelope for numbers of new dis­ reserves parameters of serial exploration ventures. The
coveries can similarly be constructed, which can reveal
bias in "chance of success" forecasts. Any time the
~A s'e~jes of outcomes that collectively filII below the P90% bound·
actual performance goes outside the forecast ary would have less than a 10% chance of being the result of ran­
PlO%-P900/0 envelope, management legitimately can dom chance alone.


28 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

100 •.•••.•.••.•••••••••••••.•••••••••••.••...•....•..•... 120 ..

/, ..D
Do '0 P.rcent

§ " »" . "'"

. Do '0 P.rcent

§ to •••••..•••••.•••••••••••••;:.:.::,:."' .
". 10 Percenl ' . 10 P*,cenl
~ 10 .a •.•..•..•..........•.....

~ 40 ••••..•••.•.•• "_:.::./~"" ••.•.••.•••...•...•..... ::l ...­ ... Actual

40 •...•...•.•.... ."..rt:~ -.. ,_
.. / ...?'~
20 •••.• :,;.;.0••.............. 20 .••.•:;.1.·<11: .. _...
O~ I ,,_....~:;;;;;=~===:=:-_-_--i
• )

(a) (b)

25 .

to I'D- to p.rc.n~



-0- E~pechtd
. 20

-0- EJlpDcted

k .. - . 10 P.rcenl kG ... 10 P.rcen'

G> G >
.0 0

E u
:J ..
... Acluel E u
z- Q
.. "
... Actu.r

to 20 30 40 SO SO 70
Hum"' 0' Welle

(c) (d)
Figure 14 (a, b, c, d) Continuous tracking of organizational predictive performance (Copyright SPE #22038. From
Clapp & Stibolt, 7997, reprinted with permission.)

only limitation to this method is that additional analy­ of the new reserves predicted. Moreover, this bias is not
sis, such as cross-plots as described earlier, are neces­ improved by modern technology: as an example, BP­
sary to isolate and identify the specific causes of Amoco (Harper, 1999) reports persistent overoptimistic
estimation bias because the method reveals only bias, bias in their deep-water exploration program, which
not its root causes. employs state-of-the-art seismic technology, since the
Such routine monitoring of actual perfbrmance can early 1990s (Figure 16)'. BP-Amoco's successful deep­
be instituted in exploration organizations if (1) man­ water ventures found only 45% of the reserves pre­
agement insists on such activity being carried out, (2) dicted. Before addressing the real causes of reserves
results are circulated openly within the organization, overestimation, it is important to emphasize that the
(3) geotechnical staff accept unbiased predictive per­ problem is /lot caused by comparison of "before-discov­
formance as part of their professional obligations, and ery EURs" with "after-discovery booked (or fiduciary)
(4) results are used COllstructively, to improve staff per­ reserves." Exploration estimates of reserves before
formance, rather than pUllitively. drilling and after discovery relate to the same parameter:
EUR. At least six real causes are responsible for this bias.
Industry Experience Motivational Bias
Persistent Overestimation Imli·,' iJ. ........: prvspectol s, as 'iidi II::; their ma/lagers,

of Prospect Reserves appear to allow their enthusiasm for drilling the

Since 1993, most oil companies have acknowledged exploratory well to overcome their objective estimates
that their geotechnical staffs persistently overestimate of prospect-reserve parameters. This can be overcome
prospect reserves, commonly by about 30% to 80%. by emphasizing the correct criterion for company suc­
Three of the four cross-plots on Figure 2 (b, c, and d) cess: addi/lg value, not drilli/lg wells. Sometimes the
document such oVEroptimistic bias as expressed by indi­ operative motivation seems to be: "1 cannot get pro­
vidual companies. But overoptimism is not limited to moted unless 1 find oil, and 1 cannot find oil unless 1
certain companies-it appears to be a chronic industry get my wells drilled," so prospect parameters are
shortcoming that has proved to be difficult to correct. enhanced in order to encourage management to drill
r"i;ure 15 records the predictive performal;ce·oL.~~ con~~ inferior prospects. Also, upper management's desire to
panies that made discoveries in the Norwegian North find large new fields may tend to encourage the entire
Sea during the 8th to 14th rounds, resulting in only 38% staff to expect s.uch large discoveries (Boccia, 1996).
Chapter 3 29

s... ] ,000
.- ~ 100

.- ~


Figure 15 Pre- and postdriJI discovery sizes.

VO}Ulue Accuracy - Deep-water Targets = 45 % /

..--, - Predicted Volumes in All Discoveries





- - Actual Volumes in All Discoveries


0 I _......
.,j en
<' "\

E I ; -'

(:~ ~ ~ ~-' mid'97·'98

\ oi" .....
--"' ­
- - --

_.,{ Z ,
--.} ~;

------------" ,
'r­ .{,
j 0 25 50 75 100 125

Sequence of Targets Drilled

Harpcr, 1999, rCllrintcd with pcrmission

Figure 16 Volume accuracy.
30 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects
• I
Low-side Estimates Too Large
Large-company employees who have not worked
extensively in mature, onshore provinces are simply
unaware of how very many small fields can be present
exploration campaigns, using technology consistent
with your prospect. It is incorrect and misleading to •
include in a "current" (2000) FSD, discoveries that
were made 40 years ago, during the "flush" period of
in a given basin or trend. Accordingly, they do not set exploration.
their P90% estimates for prospect area, pay, and recov­
ery factor small enough, so their resulting P99% Failure to Monitor Long-term Field Growth
reserves estimates are too large. Clear evidence of this Another factor may actually work the other way:
problem is that the PI0%/P90% ratios of prospect work by Wood et aI. (1990) and AJtanasi and Root /
reserves for such prospects are too small (i.e. character­ (1994) has emphasized that. bng after their discovery,
istic of development or extension wells rather than oil and gas fields conlinLte to grow. Such reserve
exploratory wells). Here are two useful paradigms that appreciation goes on for 50 years or more in large
help convey reality: (1) The most common field size in fields, and it is surprisingly substantial: reserve appre­
the Permian Basin of west Texas is 10,000-20,000 bar­ ciation of booked reserves is nearly 10 times the initial
rels; (2) The P99% field size in most maturl' provinces is reserve estimate Gf U.S. oil and gas fields and more
1,000 to 10,000 barrels. Accordingly, this question than 8 times the Initial estimate for U.S. gas fields.
should be addressed to every considered prospect: When such subsequent field growth is not monitored
"Could this prospect turn out to be a mediocre little and periodically compared against initial prospect
one-well field?" In most cases, the honest answer must reserve predictions, some prospect-reserve predictions
be yes. ll1e P99% reserve value shoul.d reflect this. may erroneously appear to have been more overopti­
mistic than they really were. However, unpublished
Overconfidence in Geotechnical Discrimination data by Mobil Oil Corporation demonstrate that no
Another key insight derived from examination of bias exists in forec~sts of field EURs made immedi­
Figure 2 is that geoscientists are not capable of effec­ ately after discovery, compared with field-reserve
tively discriminating between prospects that contain projections made after extensive drilling and prod uc­
large volumes of oil and prospects that contain small tion data were available: there is great uncertainty in
volumes of oil (see p. 6). Petroleum prospectors can such estimates, but little or no apparent bias (Dave
identify anomalies (called "prospects") that have an Cook, personal communication, 1997). Unpublished
enhanced likelihood of containing oil and gas accumu­ data from BP-Amoco show a similar lack of bias.
lations. And they can also distinguish, to some degree,
those prospects that are large enough to contain large Remedies

reserves from those prospects that are not. But they The few oil companies that can report unbiased
usually cannot identify large prospects are signifi­ reserves estimations (McMaster, 1998) are organiza­
cantly underfilled, thus containing small-volume tions whose staff professionals know that manage­
reserves. Furthermore, other parameters such as aver­ ment desires their objective geotechnical estimates,
age net pay and HC-recovery have such a large impact that management is monitoring staff predictive perfor­
on reserves and are so variable that our ability to pre­ mance, and that unbiased predictive performance will
dict them with precision is limited. be recognized and rewarded. Such staffs have
received and utilized training in estimating proposed
Deterministic Estimate! R!1ther parameters, and they know the patterns leading to
than Probab1l1stic Ranges bias. They typically accept professional accountability
Single-value estimates of uncertain parameters pre­ for objective estimating. Nevertheless, it must be
dict an outcome that is possible, usually optimistic, acknowledged that overestimation of prospect
and nearly always wrong. reserves is a widespread industry bias that has proved
difficult to eliminate Qohns et al., 1998; Alexander and
Using Triangular Distributions Lohr, 1998; Harpe.. , loQ9) The single most effective
Rather than Lognormal Distributions remedy is to ensure that the P99% values reason"cly
Triangular distributions are a very poor proxy for represent a very small reservoired accumulation that
the prevailing lognormal distribution and usually lead would be tlowable.
to sub>tantial overestimation.
Reducing Uncertainty-What Is Possible?
Nonrepresentative Analog Field-size Distributions With regard to reducing uncertainty, companies
FSDs are very useful as reality checks, indicating that rigorously employ methods like those described
the ch;l;acteristic sizes of fields that exist in a basin or earlier report that they can consistently reduce predic­
trend. However, it is important that the FSD employed tive ranges of reserves from 2 to 3 orders of magni­
as analog is in fact i1 valid eX<lmple: it must comprise tude at 90% confidence, to 1.0 to 1.5 orders of
fields that have been discovered in cun:ent or recent magnitude at80% confidence. Obviously, data quality
Chapter 3 31

Table 7 Expected value examples (coin toss).

Trial Outcome Consequence - Cost Profit/Loss x Probability = Risked Result

Free trial Correct call

Incorrect call
+$20,000 - =
° +$20,000 x 0.5
Ox 0.5

+$10,000= EV
$10,000 Correct call +$20,000 - $10,000 = +$10,000 x 0.5 = +$5,000 /
trial Incorrect call 0- $10,000 = -$10,000 x 0.5 =.. - -$5,000

i O=EV
$4,000 Correct call +$20,000 - $4,000 = +$16,000 x 0.5 = +$8,000
trial Incorrect call 0- $4,000 = -$4,000 x 0.5 = -$2,000
+$6,000= EV

and quantity have substantial influence here. For the emphasize that for most companies involved in oil and
components of prospect reserves (area, average net gas exploration there are many ventures, each with an
pay, and HC-recovery), capable geotechnical profes­ uncertain outcome. Furthermore, the employment of
sionals should expect consistent predictions within . EV as a decision criterion encourages repeated trials,
about 1 order of magnitude at 80% confidence, and so that EV is the average profit per decisioll, assuming
they should strive for accuracy of 0.5X to 2X at 80 0 0 repeated trials are made. The power of the EV concept
confidence. However, consistently achieving such is tha tit allows (1) a high-risk prospect with large
levels of predictive performance is, realistically, resen'es potential to be compared with a low-risk
unlikely, using conventional exploration methods, prospect ha\'ing small reserves potential; and (2) an
However, where geologic conditions render applica­ excessively risky prospect (one with a negative EV) to
tion of 3-D seismic data feasible and economic, be identified and avoided.
. reserve forecasting at such levels may be achieved, Faced with choosing al1"\Ong several options, the
especially if amplitUde anomalies and other DHIs decision rule is to select the option having the highest
reduce the likelihood of very large and very small EV. Obviously, when operators choose to participate
reserves outcomes. in \''entures hadng negative expected values, they are
gambling-"in effect, betting against the house."
In exploratory ventures, the cost of failure usually
Chance of Prospect Success includes dry-hole cost, cost for lease bonuses of the
condenmed leases, and some geological and geophysi­
The Expected Value Concept cal (G&G) costs. For development ventures, there may
."" Imagine that you have the opportunity to participate also be sUbstant.ial additional capital investments plus
in a simple game in which you are asked to correctly expense items that will have to be written off­
call the fair toss of a coin. If your call is correct, you will expenditures that were needed in order to determine
win $20,000; if it is incorrect, you will win nothing. the Yiability of the project, such as several confirma­
If you were able to play such a game free of charge, tion or delineation wells, equipment, materials, and
the Expected Value (EV) of each trial would be supplies. Ne\-',;endorp (1975) presents the subject of
(+)$10,000 (Table 7). If you had to pay $10,000 each expected value very thoroughly for the reader who
time you played, the EV would be zero, so that, statis­ wishes additional background.
tically, you then would be "trading dollars." If you
were willing to invest $4,000 in one trial of this game,
the EV would be (+)$6,000. In this example, there are Requirements for a Corporate System
only two possible outcomes, and you are restricted to to Estimate Geologic Chance
one trial. The chances of either outcome, as provided In order to calculate a prospect's expected value, we
by our knowledge about coin-tossing, are essential to must have a basis for estimating the chance that nature
calculating the EV of the venture. has provided a detectable HC-accumulation in the
In order to calculate the EV for an exploratory well, objective section under the drilling location. Geology
we will use Our knowledge about petroleum geology anq geophysics provide that basis. Moreover, for most
to estimate the chance (= our confiderlCe) that a reser­ companies, many such prospects will be proposed
v~ired petroleum accumulation is in fact present and annually, from many different basins, each competing
wIll be encountered by the drill bit. It is important to for precious corporate capital. In order to construct a

. ..... , .


Figure 17 Exploration failure and exploration success (economic, commercial, and geologic).

consistent system for evalua ting all prospects equi­ reserves and flow rates-that is,· the system
tably, 10 requirements must be met: must work just as well in a mature onshore
province, such as the Permian Basin of west
1. The system must be geologically sound, so that Texas, as it does in an economically demanding
all geologic aspects of oil genera tion, migra tion, province such as the North Sea; and
reservoir emplacement, containment, preserva­ 10. All prospectors utilizing the system must
tion, and geotechnical detection are considered; be trained so they understand its basis and
2. The system must be readily usable by many dif­ application.
ferent geotechnical professionals;
3. The system must apply equally well in all geo­
logic provinces;
Recorded Success Rates versus
4. The system must apply equally well to all types Geologic Success Estimates
of petroleum traps-structural, stratigraphic, Geologic success (Pg) is not necessarily the same as
combination, basin-centered (generational), commercial success (Pc) or even economic success
hydrodynamic, etc.; (pe). The well-known phrase "geologic success but
5. The system must <lpply just as well to explo­ economic failure" refers to this issue-there me differ­
ration plays as it does to the individual ent definitions of success. According to official explo­
prospects that constitute the play; ra tio~!Jlli~~~~ics, s~chjls thos.~.J~p_Q.r-ttd
6. Chance, expressed probabilistically as geologic a®uallY-.EY.~ta~~c!-~~!!2.12~petroleumagencies, the
confidence, must be expressed numerically, not conventional definition of "success" means simply
subjectively; that the subject well~~_~omp'!eted an:!- did produce
7. The system must relate to reality (i.e., calibra­ some hydrocarbons. This does not mean that the ven­
tion) by periodic comparisons of portfolio out­ turemadea-proll1TIn fact, such standard definitions of
comes (actual success-ratio) against forecasts "success" contain five possible "successful" outcomes
(predicted success ratio); (Figure 17):
8. The geologic components of chance must be
independent of one another, or, if dependency • The \vell was completed as the discovery well for a
is suspected, its influence must be understood field in which average wells will generate sufficient
anti 6t;·.;,; . . ted: __ production revenues to recover the cost to drill,
9. The system must be independent of economic complete, and operate them (as well as the sunk
requirements such as minimull0- required costs to find the field), plus a reasonable profi t.
Chapter 3 33

This is an ~~ss,on a full-cycle basis, rep­ e'conomic requirements, such as deep overpres­
resented as PV > 0 at the finn's discount rate. sured tests, offshore prospects, remote bontier
There are three possible outcomes comprising ventures, or international contract areas with
commercial s/lccess or comp/etio1l success, wherein severe financial obligations; and
the exploratory well was completed but was not 3. It ensures approximate compatibility between
profitable on a full-cycle economic basis: onshore completion success and minimum
• The well was completed because anticipated detectable reserves volumes, assuming that
future production revenues will return a profit on minimum but finite dimensions are required for
the cost of completing and operating it, but not on area of accumulation, average I1et pay, and HC-/
the costsof exploratory drilling, leasing, and seis­ recovery factor. The concept here is that som~
mic, which are thus viewed as sunk and not small but finite volume and minimum reservoir
recoverable (Capen, 1991). Such a well is an incre­ quality must exist for an accumulation even to
mental S/lccess. Ordinarily, no more wells would be detected by an operator. In other words, the
be drilled on such a prospect by the investor, lower limit of an accumulation, thus defined,
assuming that subsequent events do not provide is substantially larger than one barrel of oil!
new encouragement to drill again. Two independent lines of evidence suggest that
• The well was completed as either an incremental appropriate minimum reserves values are
success or an apparent economic success, but sub­ 'genera-By quite small (consistent with trap
sequent performance was inadequate even to geometry): Drilling experience indicates that
recover completion and operating costs, resulting reserves volumes in the range of perhaps 1,000
in early abandonment; completion of-such a well to 20,000 BOE are generally capable of being
was dearly a mistake. detected and sustaining flow into the borehole,
• The well was completed only for business reasons; at least for a few hours. Also, P99% values in
that is, to hold a lease position or to satisfy a con­ FSDs in mature onshore trends and basins are
tractual or regulatory obligation. Some production commonly around 1,000 to 10,000 BOE (see p. 30
revenues will be recovered, but perhaps not even and AppendiX C).
enough to cover completion and operating costs.
• The fifth outcome \'I.'e call ge%gicsllcces5. meaning Chance of Success Equals "Flowability"
! a reservoired accumulation was found that As previously stated, it is important to recognize
was at least large ~nough to support a flowing that the conventional reporting standard for
test. F2!..l!lQ~L9~.~_~!.~ncesany w.elTThat exploratory success in most petroleum-producing
f1.?y.~~nLsJH5g1y.,.~0.,b:'_~?E~!et~9-L bu_~n ysucn natiorts is not whether the exploratory well discovered
small reservoirs encountered offshore are often a commercial new field-rather, it is simply whether
rep~rI~~,o.ijiY'assl1ow~~-, - _..-_ - ..
-. The geologic chance factors (Rose, 1992a, 1995) are
the exploratory well was completed for production.
The beauty of such· a reporting standard is that it is
unequivocal, and results of all wells ordinarily become
defined (pp. 34-36,38) so as to exclude an onshore well matters of public record. In the case of expendable
hat discovers a petroleum accumulation too small to exploratory weJIs, most governmental agencies
;;warrant the expense of completing and operating it require the operator, within a reasonable time, to
(Figure 17). Such very small accumulations are com­ declare whether or not the well encountered commer­
monly recognized or,ly as shows. Practically speaking, cial hydrocarbons.
we h~ve eliminated this class by introducing concepts Moreover, different companies have different crite­
of minimum dimensionality or volumetrics into the ria for commercial success, thus rendering profitability
definitions of the geologic chance factors, using the to be an inconsistent criterion among exploratory
U.s. onshore as an effective minimum standard. This wells drilled by many different operators. So, in oider
accomplishes three important purposes: to compare geologic chance of success estimates with
actual outcomes by all companies, we have set up the
1. It allows the geologic chance factors to yield a geologic chance system to be consistent with the
product that corresponds effectively with the chance of discovering enough oil or gas to complete
world's most liberal definition of chance of com­ the well for production in the case of an onshore,
pletion Success, thus permitting the comparison mature petroleum province (Rose, 1992a). A practical
of conventional reporting standards of success proxy for this case is "encountering enough reser­
with independently derived geologic estimates voired oil or gas to sustain flow." This criterion is
of probability of success; widely used by most exploration firms as the basis for
2. It p':"c"irle~}l genf'~1 and basic standard against exploration success because it is independent of vari­
which subseque;t adjustments can be made for able economic requirements of different trends or
exploration projects having more demanding basins.
34 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

Geologic Components of petroleum explorationists, involving as many as 14 dif­

Prospect Chance of Success ferent geologic chance factors. Most companies today
employ four or five critical chance factors, sometimes
Requirements for a Hydrocarbon Accumulation with subfactors assigned to each main chance factor. In
Petroleum geologists generally agree that for a sub­ most systems, however, the principle is the snme: based
surface accumulation of HCs to exist, there must be on the geologic evidence, geoscientists are asked to esti­
porous and permeable reservoir rock, HCs that have mate their confidence, expressed ns decimal fractions or
moved from a petroleum source rock to the resen'oir percentages, in the existence of specific geologic cond i­
rock, and a sealed closure or tr<lp capable of contain­ lions in the subsurface under the prospect area. Serial )

ing the HCs (Landes, 1951; Dolt and Reynolds, 1969). . multipTIcation of the chance fnctors then yields th~ geo­
All three of these general requirements must be met logic chance of success for the prospect.
for a HC accumulation to form; if anyone of these A few companies have used geotechnical chnnce fac­
requirements fail, no accumulntion will be present. tors to focus on the chance of failurl', belieVing that bet­
This pnrndigm becomes the fundamental basis for ter results may be obtained by focu~ing on the specific
employing geologic chance filctnrs in estimating prob­ geologic conditions that could cause project failure.
ability of geologic success (Table 8). In its simplest Expressions of geologic confidence are subjective
form, each of the three geologic chance factors is probability estimates, and they depend on three factors:
treated as an independent variable having a probabil­
ity ranging from 0 to 1.0. 1. reliability of evidence (direct, intermediate, indirect);
Serial multiplication of all three factors produces a 2. judgment about adequacy relative to the P99'Yo

decimal fraction equivalent to the probability that a reserves case, and to the P90% cases for area,

Hc-accumulation is present, which is the probability of average net pay thickness, and HC-recovery fac­

geologic success, or Pg, 0.28 in this example. By sub­ tor (more than adequate, adequate, less than ade­

tracting Pg from 1.0, we get its derived counterpart, quate, inadequate); and

the probability of geologic failure, or pf. These expres­ 3. professional experience in estimating chance factors.
sions, along with estimates of prospect \"alue and fail­
ure cost, are needed to calculate the expected value of Geologic Chance Factors­
the venture. Recommended System
Explorationists commonly ask whether one geo­ For all exploratory prospects, including extensions

logic chance factor is more important than another, (= step-outs), deeper-pool or shallower-pool tests, and

thereby deserving more weight. The answer is defi­ NFWs, explorationists should independently express

nitely 110. The chance factors should be thought of as their confidence, a's probability, in five critical geologic

links in a chain: if any link breaks, the chain fails attributes of the prospect. Each of the five geologic

(p. 62). By analogy, if anyone of the geologic factors is chance factors has several subcomponents that must

zero, the prospect will be dry! In other words, all of the be considered in arriVing at a confidence estimate for

essential geologic chance factors must coincide the chance factor. Because most of the subcomponents

in space and time if one or more reservoired HC­ are partially dependent, we recommend use of the

accumulations can occur. Coincidence is discussed "weak link" approach, in whiSh the lowest probability

further on pages 48 and 80. assigned to the several subcomponents within one

Many different schemes and combinations of geo­ chance factor is us",d as the probability for the parent

logic chance factors have been proposed and utilized by chance factor (Rose, 1996a).

Table 8 Example calculation of simplistic probability of geologic success and failure using three geologic chance

Geologic Chance Factor Probability

Reservoir Rock 0.7

Hydrocarbon Charge 0.8
Sealed Closure __________________~__0_._5 ~__-_~. ,
Product = Probability of Geologic Success-Pg 0.28
Probability of Geologic Failure-Pf =(1 -,0.28) 0.72
Chapter 3 JS

Hydrocarbon Source Rocks prospect area in sufficient volume, porosity, and deliv"

First, we assess the probability (= confidence) that erability to support one or more flowing wells.•Reser­

thermally mature HC source rocks are present in ade­ voir thickness and quality in the exploratory well b.:,-:.2

quate thickness, extent, organic richness, and type to must be consistent with the P90% forecast for prospect

provide at least a modicum of HC-charge to the average net pay and HC-recovery factor. Essential

prospect area. Components that must be considered considerations are:

• \'olume (thickness, extent),
• quantity (thickness, extent, organic richness), • porosity, and . /
• HC type (oil, natural gas, mixed), and .... reservoir performance (permeability, drive mecll J

• thermal maturity. anism).

Discussion In many frontier basins, confidence in Discussion Note that the resen'oir chance compo­
HC generation may be relatively low, and therefore it nents are set up such that some minimum threshold
is often one of the most important requirements that standards of volume, porosity, and deliverability
must be met if exploration is to proceed. In productive must be met or exceeded-specifically these reservoir
basins and established trends, however, confidence in componeJ,.lts must be adequate, on an independent
this chance factor tends to be considerably higher. HC basis, to allow detectable, sustained flow of reser­
volumes generated must be at least large enough to voired HCs into the borehole. Under this approach,
satisfy the P99% reserves value of the prospect. For encountering a water-bearing, reservoir-quality sand­
confirmation wells, step-outs, and development wells, stone would not be a failure in the reservoir category,
this requirement has ordinarily been met. but rather, a failure in one of the other four categories,
such as an unexpected structural low, an absence of
HC-charge, or a leaky trap. However, the presence of
Second, we evaluate the probability (= confidence) a 1-ft tight siltstone where a lO-ft porous sandstone
that HCs have migrated, utilizing conduits, carrier beds, objective was forecast would constitute a failure in
~ractures and/or faults, folloWing migration pathways resen'oir prediction. Reservoir thickness must be
mto the location of the existing c!osure(s), in volumes of compatible with at least the P90% average net pay
oil and / or natural gas sufficient to charge such clo­ forecast for the prospect, and porosity and reservoir
sure(s). Components to consider are: performance with the P90% HC-recovery factor fore­
cast (pp. 24-25).
• conduits (carrier beds or zones, fractures or \
faults), Closure
• migration routes from "kitchen" to prospect area, Fourth, we assess the probability (= confidence)
• efficiency (cdncentration during transmission vs. that a structural and/or stratigraphic closure involv­
dispersal), and ing the reservoir objective, and of minimally adequate
• timing (sealed closures existed when migration area (consistent with the P90% area forecast) and verti­
occurred). cal relief, is present in the prospect area, and can be
detected using' current geotechnical means. Compo­
. Discussion Again, this chance factor may be an nents to be considered are:
Important uncertainty in frontier exploration, but it is of
much less concern in known productive basins and • Closure exists and is of adequate area and vertical

trends, and it may be entirely satisfied in cases of confir­ relief to contain a volume of reservoired HCs suf­

mation wells, step-outs, and development wells. For ficient to support flow (given that reservoir rock is

NFWs, explorationists should consider whether migra­ present), and

tion was dispersed, or concentrated by "structural • We have confidence in our ability to detect and

focus," whether it was primarily vE:l'tical or lateral, and delineate them using available geotechnological

the degree to which migration has been impeded by sub­ methods.

sU~f~ce geologic barriers (DemClison and Huizinga, 1994).

E~fJClency of migration must be at least adequate to pro­ Discussion Closures can be of any type-struc­
v~de the P99% reserves volume required for the prospect. tural, stratigraphic, diagenetic, hydrodynamic, or
Fmally, was timing correct; that is, did sealed closures (= basin-centered. Additionally, the geoscientist is asked
trilps) exist at the time migration occurred ("critical to estimate his or her confidence that such target clo­
moment" of Magoon and Dow, 1994)? sures can be detected and delineated using ,-vhatever
Reservoir Rock
technology is being applied. Seismic resoluti~::, ··e 12';­
ity cond Hions, and sta tics, as well as data quali ty, den­
n~e third geologic c!l'lllce factor is the probability (= sity, and reliability, all must be considered, for
confIdence) that reservoir rock is present in the prospects relying on seismic mapping. Closure
36 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

confidence must be compatible with at least the P90% quantified one. A second reason is that many profes­
area estimate (pp. 24-25). sionals have never been trained in techniques of subjec­
The closure chance factor is formulated to apply tive probability estimating, nor have they been
equally well to stratigraphic as well as to structural traps. encouraged to examine the accuracy of their prior pre­
In combination with the reservoir chance factor, it dictions. Third, a significant chance always exists that
focuses on the geometry of the envisioned oil or gas such predictions mny turn out to be wrong, and our
accumulation and on the volumes of fluids necessary to cultural and corpornte values often associn te scientific
sustain a production test or prudent drillstem test. Stated error with mediocrity or even moral turpitude, thus
in this way, the scheme can apply to all types of traps. generating criticism, guilt, and loss of status. Yet a ;
fourth reason is that geoscientists may not wish to
Containment acknowledge the high degree of uncertainty involved
The fifth geologic chance factor is the probability (== in petroleum exploration. still preferring to believe that
confidence) that containment has occurred-that the secret to explorntion success lies nlmost entirely in
effective sealing rocks are present adjacent to the geotechnical skill nnd effort. Finally, we hear the very
reservoir, rind that emplaced hydrocarbons have been common excuse: "We don't hnve enough datn to make
preserved. Essential considerations are: an estimate." Unfortunately, explorationists lIever have
"enough" information-this is inherent in the business!
• seal effectiveness (differential permeahility, seal Moreover, the more uncertainty that attends a given
thickness, absence of open fractures), prospect, the more a systematic expression of subjective
• preservation from subsequent spillage (fault leak­ probability is needed-not less! All that can be reason­
age, later fraeluring, breaching, tilt-and-spill, etc.), ably requested is the best objective estimates possible,
and given the time, skill, and budget available. This is
• preservation from hydrocarbon degradation (bio­ indeed the professional explorationist's responsibility.
logic degradation, oxidation, thermal destruction).
Discussion Three issues are addressed here-first Practical Aspects of Implementation
the question of sealing capability between reservoir No substitute exists for actual experience in assessing
and top seals, seat seals, and lateral seals, whether and estimating confidence (= probability) in the various
formed by stratigraphic contrasts, diagenesis, or fault­ geologic chance factors, and comparing forecasts with
gouge, and compatible with at least the P99°;, reserves outcomes. Figure 18 relates various subjective phrases
forecast (pp. 24-25). The second issue concerns later used by the writer in relation to a complete probability
geologic events that may have resulted in leakage scale, which may help the novice get started. One point
and/ or flushing of HCs from the trap. The third issue should be emphasi'zed here: the use of probabilities of
deals with degrada tion of reservoired HCs by biologic, 1.0 for any geologic chance factor involving a NFW
chemical, or thermal agents. For most (but not all) con­ prospect in new trends or basins should be reserved for
firmation wells and step-outs, most of the "contain­ those cases where the positive evidence is overwhelm­
ment" requirements have been met; for de\'elopment ing. Often the focused question-"What could hurt me
wells, all have been met-otherwise there would not regarding this chance factor?"-can illuminate prob­
be a field to develop! lems that otherwise might be oyerlooked.
Figure 19 is a matrix widely used among many
companies, whose origin is not known to the writer.
Assuming that a geological model, or concept, is recog­
Estimates in Exploration
nized, it compares (1) quantity and quality of informa­
Expert judgments about the probability of disco\'­ tion against (2) what the information is signifying with
ery of any drilling prospect are classic examples of respect to at least minimal adequacy about the partiCll­
subjective probability estimates, \Nhich some geoscien­ lar geologic chance fador. A partial consequence of Fig­
tists resist or even reject (Rose, 1992a); they claim it is ure 19 is that in order for us to render judgments of
just guessing. The record argues otherwise. Given a high confidence, either encouraging or discouraging,
logical procedure, knowledgeable explorationists can we require considerable data of good quality. Con­
generate such estimates with surprising consistency, versely, sparse or poor-quality data frequently allow
agreeing not only on discovery probability but also on only intermediate confidence statements. Many explo­
the relative certainty or uncertainty of the se\"eral geo­ ration teams find this matrix to be quite helpful in con­
logic chance factors in a given prospect. sistently assigning confidence values to various
Geoscientists have many reasons for their reluctance geologic components of chance pertaining to their
to estima te the chance of success. One has to do prospects. Above all, geoscientists should recognize
• with the traditions of geology as an observational that the absence of information does not, by itself,
and descriptive natural science, not a predictive and imply a negntive outcome-only that there are T~O data.
Chapter 3 37

....··WiII Occur
.. . ..
.::::::::::::~~~~~~~'::}"SIG N.IFICANT UNCERTAINTY"
o --.
-'"" - Won't Occur

Figure 18 Subjective expressions of confidence.


For development wells and most extension and in­ the high-risk factors ("critical risks") did indeed cor­
field explora tory ventures, the HC source rock, respond to'the geologic reasons why the hole was dry
petroleum migration, ar.d trap/seal factors have ordi­ (Rose, 1987). Although dry holes are an inevitable
narily been met. Only rese'rvoir adequacy and the aspect of petroleum exploration, the' capable profes­
structural aspect remain as serious unknowns. sional will usually-but not always-find that he or
. Rigorous analysis and discussion of real prospects she has correctly anticipated the real geologic reasons
~vlth a pe~r group are an effective method for acquir­ for failure. It not, this indicates that the geology of
Ing confIdence in estimating geologic chance prospects is not adequately understood or identified.
faLtors and probability of discovery. This also helps ,Again, the writer emphasizes that assessment of geo­
explorationists standardize their definitions and technical performance regarding chance requires a
procedures. completed program of wells, not a single well.
. Naturally, accuracy of predictions on probability of Explorationists can also gain experience by making
dIscovery cannot be judged on a single prospect or estimates on wells drilled by competitors operating in
even on two or three. Only the outcome of a program of the same trend or basin. Commonly, the geoscientist
exploratory ventures can provide a fair indication as to has considerable knowledge about the subsurface con­
whether the assignment of discovery probability has ditions attending such wells, which thus provides
been optimistic, objective, or pessimistic. Of course, if expanded opportunities for developing a useful expe­
the program has involved many high-risk wells, a rience base for predictive confidence.
larger sample may be required. Finally, it is difficult to overemphasize the power of
However, results of even a relatively small pro­ independent, multiple judgments in assessing the geo­
gram can be instructive with regard to correct identifi­ logic chance factors and the probability of discovery.
cation of several geologic chance factprs. You should Firms are well advised to obtain several different opin­
review predrilJing projections of d'ry holes to see ions and to combine them into a final estimate of the
whether those geologic chance factors identified as probability of project success.

38 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

less likely ... 50/50 ... more likely

~ ~



Direct Evidence
.1 - .3 .8 - 1.0

MODERATE .2 - .4 .4 - .7 .7 - .9

LOW .3 - .5 .5 - .6 .6 - .7


Figure 19 Chance adequacy matrix.

Virtues of Geologic Chance Factors differing definitions of success was shown on Figure
Separation of the various components of geologic 17. Remember that the geologic chance factors (espe­
chance allows them to be analyzed more thoroughly cially reservoir and containment) are purposefully
and objectively, and leads us to better geologic under­ defined to be consistent with the presence of a HC
standing of the prospect. Also, the identification of the accumula tion of a t least minim um reserve size (or
geologic chance factor having the lowest probability (= greater)~"at least enough reservoired mobile oil to
"critical risk") helps exploration management and staff sustain flow." Such a definition is equally operative in
focus on those items of greatest uncertainty. For exam­ a mature, inexpensive onshore province such as west
ple/ if closure is the critical risk element of a prospect, Texas, and in an expensive' offshore province such as
additional seismic or reprocessing may be warranted. the North Sea.
Conversely, when geoscientists see that additional data In a mature, inexpensiv p onsholt~ 'p~'ovince, .:ll1Y
acquisition can be curtailed because it is not likely to exploratory well that flows will probably be com­
materially increase the chance associated with a given pleted for production, either as an eco/lomic slIccess,
geologic factor, exploration becomes more cost effec­ recovering at least all investments on a full-cycle
tive and usually more timely. But most important, basis, at interest (or more), or as a cOlllmercial slIccess,
explorationists cannot really analyze, and thus which may only return a profitable investment in tub­
improve, their performance in predicting the probabil­ ing/ tank battery, and completion. In such theaters,
ity of discovery unless they systematically identify, geologic success (Pg) and commercial slIccess (Pc) may
forecast, and inspect the predictive results that attend well coincide. But the same onshore commercial
the several geologic chance factors for a portfolio of subsurface accumulation encountered offshore
exploratory ventures (Rose, 1987).
North Sea would be d~scribed only as a show. A very
much larger volume of reservoired HCs would be
Geologic, Commercial, and required there to interest the opera tor in installing
Economic Chances of Success an expensive platform and developing the field dis­
The relationship between the prospect-reserves covered by the-;rd!, -e.::oug1;.~servoired, producible
distribution, the geologic chance of success, and oil to cover all exploratory costs, plus platform
Chapter 3 39

construction and full development and operation of distribution is represented by the solid blac~ sloping
the new field, as well as a satisfactory return on the line, which .b~s bE'~ truncated above PI %. Reserve
total investment. That amount of discovered oil parameters are: . ""­
would qualify as an economic Sl/ccess (Pe). If a lesser
volume of recoverable oil is discovered, enough to P99% = O.05MM bbl
warrant platform installation and development P90% = OAOMM bbl
Mean Reserves" =
drilling but not enough to recover all exploration P50% = 4.7MM bbl 20MMbbl

costs, then that smaller discovery would qualify as a PlO% = 5-1MM bbl } Swanson's Mean =
commercial success (Pc). Any exploratory well that is PI % = 400MM bbl I8MMbbl
completed for production therefore qualifies as a 'di,trilmtion truncated above Ploo; refer to Figure 20 and page 13
commercial success, "~ommerce" being the produc­
tion and sale of oil and/or natural gas. Only some of As the manager, you have asked the staff to esti­
these are economic successes, on a full-scale basis. mate the chance that Prospect Alpha will discover
enough oil (or more) to justify completing it for pro­
Estimating Chance of Commercial
duction-the chance of a commercial sllccess.
and/or Economic Success
Your angineering and economic departments esti­
figure 20 represents the concept and process by mate that, in this location, at least 0.95 million barrels
\"'hich geoscientists may progress from chance of geo­ (M~l bbl) must be present to warrant a completion;
logic Success (Pg), to chance of commercial success this is the minimum commercial field size (MCFS).
(Pc), to chance of economic success (Pe). On the reserves distribution, 0.95 MM bbl occurs at
Let's assume that your geotechnical staff estimate P80 o o, so 20% of the distribution is smaller than the
that Prospect Alpha has a 3Q!'ochance of geologic SllC­ minimum reserves required, and 80% is larger.
cess (i.e., that the well will encounter reservoired flo\\"­ Therefore the chance of commercial success (Pc) is:
ing HCs). The Prospect Alpha cumulative resen"e Pc =0.8 x 0.3 = 0.24.

.- !...­ .- ;·1·'I -­ -. _. - -- ­ -
- --.:. -T t: .! r.­ .
' I .I
-l-' -.' .. ­

II P30

.... P60
.i _
. . ..

OJ 0.5 1.0 5.0 10 50 100 500

Prospect Reserves in MMBCfC: '- ... --~~

Figure 20 Calculating chance of commercial success and economic success.

40 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects
~.' ~.

What is the mean commercial reserve size?

Remember that by truncating the original reserves
distribution at P80%, your staff deleted the lowest
economic mean reserves values il/ereasc because the
noncommercial or uneconomic segments have been
deleted through truncation.
reserves values from the original distribution. That is,

a discovered accumulation smaller than 0.9SMM bbl Understanding Truncation t

will be a dry hole. Furthermore, the surviving distrib­ Geoscientists and engineers seem to struggle with
ution is no longer lognormal because the lower part, the "Truncation Problem." The procedure described
containing the mode and smaller outcomes, has been previously is useful because it models the actual deci­
removed. What survives has a form that resembles an sion-behavior involved, after an exploratory well has )

exponential distribution if plotted in the frequency made a discovery, and management selects the logical ,
domain. The mean of the commcrcial reserves distribu­ next steps.
tion must now be recalculated. The new distribution, Implicit in this process is the "sunk-cost" concept­
from P80% to PI %, now has a new set of reserves that completion decisions must be made on a "point­
parameters; note that in moving from geologic chance forward" basis because funds already invested in
to commercial chance, chance of success has decreased seismic, leasing, and exploratory drilling are by then
(30% ~ 24%), whereas the mean of the commercial gone-sunk. "Can we make a reasonable profit on our
part oHhe r:ese-r-ves distribution has iI/creased (20MM investments in pipe, stimulation, tank-battery, and
~24MM): lateral lines in order to bring the well into produc­
tion?" For offshore projects, such investments may
Commercial P99%= 0.9SMM b~l } Mean Commercial also include platform cost as well, which is usually so
Commercial P90%= l.SMM bbl Reserves" = large tha t the" commercial" threshold may well
Commercial P50%= 7.4MM bb! 24MM bbl approach the "economic" threshold. However, in
Commercial PIO%= 62.0MM bbl Swanson's Mean = mature producing provinces, like the Permian Basin
Commercial PI % = 400MM bbl 22MM bbl of west Texas, or the Canadian plains, most wells that
'origin~1 distribution trunc~tL'd ~b,,\'e 1'1.... and belo\\' 1'80"0; refer 10 Figure 20 flow are likely .to be completed, so the" commercial"
threshold is likely to be at or just above the "geologic
Next, the Exploration vice president asks you what chance of success," and may lie substantially below
the chance is that Prospect Alpha will be an ecol/omic the "economic" threshold. Obviously no rational
discovery-that is, that the project will find enough oil investor will continue to drill a series of development
to earn at least the corporate minimum return on wells that are consistently commercial (rather than
investment on a full-cycle basis and pay for all explo­ economic) successes.
ration, development, and operating costs. Again your Some people are tempted to truncate all projects at
engineers and economists study the problem and the economic threshold, rather than the commercial
advise that an economic discovery will require at least threshold. This conservative position tends to prevent
7.SMM bbl (= MEFS). On the original prospect, participation in many projects that could well be prof­
reserves distribution, 7.SMM bbl occurs at P40%, so itable. The criterion should be that the average (= mean)
60% of the distribution is uneconomic, and 40% is eco­ of the entire reserves distribution above the commer­
nomic. Therefore, the chance of an ecol/olllic success is: cial cutoff is at least economic. For such a prospect,
Pe =0.4 x 0.3 = 0.12. then, we accept that the outcome may turn out to be a
Again, you nlliSt7ecalculate the mean size of the small discovery that is commercial but not economic,
economic-reserves distribution because you have but the average of all outcomes is clearly economic; that
deleted the smaller, uneconomic accumulations from is, profitable on a full-cycle economic basis. The pro­
the parent-reserves distribution. The surviving distrib­ ject's NPV is greater than 0 at the firm's mandated dis­
ution, from P40% to PI %, now has a new set of count rate.
reserves parameters: Each firm should determine its own consistent
guidelines to be used in predicting the "commercial"
P99% = 7.5MM bbl Mean Economic
cutoff for an exploratory venture. The "commercial"
P90% = 9.IMM bbl Reserves" =
cutoff is not a precise value, and there is no doubt that
PSO% = 22.4MM bbl 4SMMbbi
} producing rate must be considered as well as mini­
PIO% = IIO.OMM bbl Swanson's Mean =
PI % = 400.0MM bbl 4SMMbbi mum reserves. Many experienced operators correctly
believe that the risk associated with the decision to
'original distribution lruncated above PI".. and belo\\' I'.j{)"o; rdt'r to Figure 20
complete marginal commercial wells is the single most
So, as the chance of success goes doWI/ to reflect underestimilted, potentially dangerous risk involved
decreasing chances of finding larger accumulations of after exploration has made a discovery. Much care is
a commercial or eeol/olllic scale, the commercial and/or warranted here.
Chapter 3 41

One-step versus Two-step Method for there is no false precision. Setting reserves thre~holds
Estimating a Prospect's Chance of Success _very low maximizes the likelihood of correctly captur­
Two methods have commonly been used by modem ing l~d1ity. It allows a company-eonsistent process to be
oil companies to estimate a prospect's chance of success. applied to widely varying economic thresholds in differ­
ent operating theaters, thus promoting valid ranking
The One-step Method is favored by White (1993) and capital allocations. Finally, this method allows real­
and assumes that: ity checks by comparing a consistent geologic chance
· --- estimate-usable in all geologic theateJ,'s-to a compati-/
1. Modern explorationists can reliably distinguish ble universal public reporting standard. (Most modem
large reserves prospects from small reserves companies have now endorsed the two-step method.) ~
prospects, so the geotechnical exploration effort
can indeed identify and drill only those prospects
capable of containing some designated "signifi­ Independent versus

cant" reserve size or larger; Dependent Chance Factors

-", 2. By setting "significant" limits of closure areas, Many exploratory prospects seek to evaluate a single
average net pay, and He-recovery factor, explor­ main reseryoirobjective on a projected closure. For most
ers can screen out unp:ospective parts of such ventures, all the geologic chance factors may be
'mappedtrends; and treated as if they are mutually independent. Although
3. Prospectors can reliably link "adequacy" of there are a few cases where some dependency (either
-" source rocks, migration, closure volumes, and posith'e or negative) does appear to exist, especially
seals to the chance of success. Thus, for chance between resen'oir presence and structural closure or
, factors such as source rocks or migration to qual­
ify, the geologist must judge whether theywere
between seal effectiveness and structural closure, most
knowledgeable risk analysts agree that the geologic
adequate to provide enough oil to a prospect for chance factors, as defined, do not present any serious
it to meet or exceed that reserves quantity problems with regard to dependency. However, depen­
deemed to be significant. dency does become a potential problem in dealing with
multiple-objective exploratory prospects or with several
Advantages of this method are that explorers don't prospects contained within one exploration play.
have to worry about the low-reserves ends of FSDs. Dependency in play analysis is discussed in Chapter 5.
Estimating chance of success is a one-step process,
keyed to finding at least a field of significant (= eco­ Multirle-objective Prospects
-', nomic? commercial?) reserves size or larger. Prospects having multiple objectives tend to be
more attractive than one-objective prospects because
The Two-step Method is favored by Rose (1995) and the combined chance for at least one of the objectives
....., i~ necessitated because all three of White's key ~ssump­ to be productive is higher (see Appendix D). However,
hons require geologic resolution beyond modern tech­ a prospect having two objectives will not be twice as
nical capability (i.e., false precision). Instead, in the likely to be successful as a one-objective prospect-nor
two-step method Pg is keyed to a very small ("flow­ does its probability of discovery equal the sun1 of the
, able") reserves discovery (= P99%) consistent with doc­
umented industry performance. Then, in a second step,
probabilities of discovery of the two multiple-objective
targets. If all the geologic chance factors for the two
the part of the prospect-reserves distribution that is con­ obj~ctives are independent of one another, then P(dis­
sidered to be commercial (the percent of the distribution covery) and P(failure) can be derived by binomial
that is greater than the commercial reserves threshold) expansion as shown in Appendix D.
is determined and then multiplied by the Pg. As a result, In most such cases, however, some geologic chance
~l estimation of Pc (or Pe) is a two-step process: factors are independent and some are dependent (i.e.,
-, t they are common to both objectives of the prospect). In
-~ I
1. Use geologic chance factors to find the chance of
a small ("flowable") reservoired accumulation
such cases, Pg and Pf are derived via another two-step
process, as shown in Appendix D. Discovery probabil­
(or larger); then ity (and often EV) for a multiple-objective prospect
2. Estimate what percent of the prospect-reserves having independent geologic chance factors is higher
, distribution is of commercial or economic size than for a multiple-objective prospect having one or
and multiply the geologic chance by this com­ more dependent geologic chance factors. Thus, the
mercial or economic chance. effect of dependent geologic chance factors is to reduce
prospect discovery probability. Dependent geologic
Advantages of this method are that the two-step method chance factors (i.e., common to both objectives of the
reflects real industry performance capabiJities­ multiple-objective prospect) most often include the
, i
--- t
42 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

structural aspect and the He-charge and migration Also, mechanical chance factors should be consid­
aspects. The reservoir and containment aspects tend to ered, such as the chance of not gelling the well down
be independent. However, exceptions to this pattern to the objective, the chance of incorrectly locating the
are not uncommon. well, and the chance of geotechnical errors in map­
An additional complication sometimes occurs when ping, logging, or testing. However, if you anticipate
a given geologic chance factor contains several subfac­ that the well will be redrilled if such difficulties occur,
tors, some independent and others dependent. The task you should make probabilistic provision for such trou­
here is to assign relative fractional weights to the subfac­ ble costs in the cash-flow sched ule for the project
tors so thanheir product equals the probability of the rather than as a chance-of-success factor. Gen~rally,
p~irent chance factor. Appendix D shows such a case. In such considerations do not make a substantial differ­
general, dependency among the subfactors is common; ence except in economically marginal prospects.
that is the primary justification for the "we"k-link" Some authorities suggest including a chance factor
approach in establishing confidence levels (see p. 34). that deals with the probability that the ex~""loratory
Although having legitimate multiple objectives well has been located and evaluated properly (Baker,
usually makes a prospect somewhat more attractive 1988). It is certainly true that significant fields <lIt:: u.:ca­
economically, aggressive explorationists often are sionally discovered (or recognized) only after several
tempted to include secondary objectives that are only apparently unsuccessful penetrations. However, the
of marginal value. The improvement to the prospect's writer's experience is that, for most prospects, this
value is illusory, however, for several reasons: aspect can be covered within the closure or reservoir
rock ca tegories; tha t is, if the well turns ou t to be
1. For most multiple-objective prospects, several of improperly located, it is commonly perceived as a faii­
the geologic chance factors are in fact dependent, ure to adequately assess structural or reservoir risk.
.thus reducing the apparent chance of success sig­ However, when <;lealing with frontier basins and
nificantly from the independent case. plays, it may be advisable to include a separate chance
2. The secondary objective(s) commonly represents factor assessing the confidence that the well will be
only a marginal or incremental completion that located properly and any productive reservoir zones
may pay for pipe, maintenance, and some part of will be identified and evaluated adequately. Careful
the drilling cost while not adding substantial new review of the stratigraphic column and consideration
resen·es. Such ventures do not add much "alue of active petroleum systems will reduce the chance of
and therefore should not be actively sought; overlooking a productive zone while drilling. In other
3. Dual-objective discoveries are often completed words, "serend~pity" may be a euphemism for less­
and produced first in the deeper zone until than-thorough consideration of all stratigraphic possi­
depletion, then completed in the upper zone. bilities and thus for incomplete risk analysis.
Because of the time value of money, this delayed
production often reduces the PV of the upper Expressing Business and Political Risks
productive zone significantly; and In assessing major projects that require large front­
4. Dual-objective completions are relatively more end investments or long elapsed time between expen­
expensive and require higher maintenance than diture and payout, the firm may wish to appraise the
conventional completions. likelihood of a severe and extended drop in wellhead
prices (or ri5~ in open~ting costs or taxes). Basically,
For all of these reasons, a multiple-objecth'e prospect the procedure here is to identify what sustained low
having a high chance of success should be \'iewed price levc1s--or elevated costs-would cause termina­
with caution. The most attractive multizone prospects tion of the project, then try to obtain estimates from
are those in which both or most zones clearly stand knowledgeable petroleum economists about the prob­
alone economically, and production from both zones ability and timing of such occurrences. The chance of
may be commingled. commercial success (Pc) is then multiplied by (1- the
chance of such economic failure). Less severe price
Nongeologic Aspects and cost fluctuations should simply be considered as
of Success and Failure variant cases within the project cash-flow model.
Political uncertainty can be expressed similarly.
Technical and Mechanical Effects Again, knowledgeable, objective political experts
Many "ariables other than geologic chance factors should express their opinions about the likelihood of a
affect exploration success. For example, firms that use change of regulation, law, or regime severe enough to
state-of-the-art technology seem to ha\'c!C­ cause a project's termination or change its economic sta­
cess much greater than firms that drill without benefit.... ttT;:"'Commonly, this probability should be directed to
of such advanced geotechnical guidance; this should the anticipated time of greatest vulnerability-after
be taken into account. large capital investment.s for development of discovered
Chapter 3 43

fields but before recovery of those investments via pro­ management is justified in suspecting professional bias
duction revenues-which can then be related to the cash­ affecting the estimates of chance, and in caning for
flow model. The chance of commercial success (P0cail ""­ immediate corrective measures. Although performance
then be mUltiplied by (1- the chance of political failure). tracking is ail. excellent tool for monitoring geotechnical
performance, it does not indicate wily predictions may
Monitoring and Improving
be biased. For that, we must hun to dry-hole analysis.
Predictive Performance
Dry-hole Analysis
If the exploration organiza Hon is serious about
Professional staff charged witl). monitoring and
impi"uving staff performance in estimating the chance
improving geotechnical productive performances
of success, management themselves must undertake
should collect and analyze all unsuccessful exploratory
equally serious procedural changes.
efforts. "\Thy were the dry holes dry? Was critical risk
(Le., the geologic chance factor having lowest proba­
Universal Prospect Risking Scheme
bility) correctly identified for most dry holes? That is,
Management must insist on adoption and utiliza­
\yere most dry holes caused by failure for that chance
tion of a consistent geologic risking system that meets
factor to be satisfied? One U.S. company found that
the requirements outlined .earlier. Geoteclmical staff
they were correctly identifying reservoir risk but were
must be trained in its use; periodic management audits
not recognizing structural risk (Rose, 1987), even
and (where necessary) retraining will ensure its con­
though structural errors caused 43% of the company's
sistent, universal application.
dry holes-more than.a!lY other geologic chance factor
(Figure 21). Incorrect predictions of reservoir rock
Keeping Records
presence were responsible for 40% of the company's
Management should set up procedures whereby
exploratory dry holes, but resen'oir rock was correctly
forecasts of geologic chance of success (and individual
anticipated as the critical risk in 80% of those dry
chance factors) are preserved and routinely compared
holes. The same company also found that they were
against actual outcomes of exploratory wells. Indi\"id­
consistenth- consen'ative in their chance-of-success
ual geoscien tists should be encouraged to make geo­ estimates (iOO~ predicted vs. 31 % actual, over two con­
.logic predictions on competitor wells and to compare secutive years) mostly because their chance estimates
them with announced results, as a way to expand the of He-charge were pessimistic (60% predicted vs. 95%
sample size of their predictive experience and reduce actual). In retrospect such consen'atism was especially
the time necessary to begin monitoring, measuring, diff\cult to justify considering that almost all of the
and improving predictions of chance. company's exploration efforts took place in estab­
lished petroleum-producing U.s. basins! If this com­
Predicted versus Actual Success Rates
pany had properly assessed the chance of HC-charge,
Compare the average predicted chance of success for its predicted success rates would have matched actual
last year's portfolio with the actual success rate (Rose, results very closely,
1987). Is there bias? Are some exploration teams biased Previously (p. 38) it was emphasized that better
more than others? Why? Separate all prospects into three estimates of apt.:ospect's chance of success result when
groups-high, medium, and low risk. Then see what the the geologic components of chance are analyzed sepa­
average success rate was of each group-are staff distin­ rately. A sf'rnnd advCl'1tage of this method is that tech­
guishing high-risk prospectS from low-risk ones? nology can then be focused on the critical risk-for
example, if closure is the greatest risk, additional seis­
Performance Tracking
mic data mav be a cost-effective way to reduce risk.
" The methodology ofCJapp and StiboIt (1991) (p. 26 Based on Ro;e's (1987) experience, a third advantage is
and Figure 14) for continuously monitoring reserves apparent: this approach then allows geotechnical staff
additions throughout the annual exploration program to improve their predictive performance by identify­
may also be applied to chance-of-success forecasts. A ing and correcting prevalent patterns of error. Amoco
PlO%-P90°!., "envelope" of expectations is created, (McMaster, 1998), Santos Uohns et aL, 1998), and Uno­
employing Monte Carlo simulation, for the range of cal (Alexander and Lohr, 1998) report analogous learn­
numbers of discoveries (Figure 14c and d). Both the ing from their results.
mean and PSO% trends m::y be projected within the
P10%-P90% envelope. Then as the exploratory wells of Industry Experience in Estimating
the annual portfolio are drilled, the numbers of actual
discoveries are plotted as a line rising from the start of
Prospect Chance of Success
the program toward the completion of the portfoIT~; anc"¥ A;';"la' Industry Performance
are compared with expectations. Any time the actual In international theaters, NFW success rates since
performance moves out of the P10%-P90% envelope, about 1960 have been remarkably consistent at about
44 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects


'-­ _ _---' CASES




f------,---------' HOLES





Figure 21 Relative frequency of four geologic chance factors causing dry holes during a company's 7977-7978
exploration programs, plus performance by company geologists in correctly anticipating which geologic chance factor
indeed represented greatest technical risk (from Rose, 7987).

25% overall (Figure 22). U.s. exploration success rates thus improve their exploration success rates. ll1is
during the 1980s (before 3-D seismic) for all is accomplished through clearer resolution of geo­
exploratory wells were commensurate (20-30%), but logic structure (which leads to improved location
showed considerable variation among different of exploratory test wells) and better discrimination
classes (Table 9). In particular, annual success rates for of reservoir rock and sealing rock distributions.
U.S. NFWs (onshore and offshore) ranged from 13% to Abo, positive DHI indicators allow enhanced con­
18% during the 1980s. fidence regarding the presence of reservoired HCs
in the traps. During the 1990s, provinces such as
Impact of 3-D Seismic Data the North Sea and deep-water Gulf of Mexico
In those geologic provinces in which 3-D seismic report prevailing NFW exploration success fa tes of
da ta collection is feasible, discrimina ting, and cost­ 30% or more.
effective, it improves exploration performance in three 2. Second, estimates of prospect reserves can be
different ways, especially where DHI technology is improved through improved resolution of geo­
also incorporated. logic structure and reservoir thickness and
extent. Also, DHI signals can reduce uncertainty
1. First, by improving their prospect chance-of-suc­ (variance) on trap volume by indicating approxi­
cess estimates, explorers can be more selective and mate position of oil/water or gas/water contacts.
l;;" '-"- ~--

2- 5,.5
IOJ'- ,

<1:;1;;1 '0>, '\
!...l..i':':'" Cf ..~'\/( __.~'-~'
' I J
...~~ 1500C ./
Chapter 3 45

25,000 ~

- . .,­
27% 24%

---. 5000

"". 0
1960s 1970s' 1980s 1990-1999
13,864 19,297 15,842
3734 5117 3794
Source: Pelroconsultunls

Figure 22' Global discovery percentages through time (excludes the US. and Canada).

3. Third, prospect profitability may be improved actuai experience and should call for the presence of
through optimum location of exploration and multiple attributes if they are to represent a discrimi­
development wells, whicn results in higher nating basis for elevated Pg estimates, rather than just
initial production rates, larger iI1dividual routine amplitude anomalies.
well ultimate recoveries, and fewer required
development wells. Nevertheless, 3-D seismic Characteristic Patterns of Predictive
may not be feasible or cost-effective in manv Bias in Estimat,ing Chance of Success
. , onshore provinces, especially ill tlIe early stag;s Several international exploration organizations
of exploration. that have adopted companywide geotechnical risk
analysis of all prospects report that, during the first
However, characterizing seismic anomalies as year or two, a prevalent performance pattern
"DHls" should be rigorous and calibrated against emerged: for high-risk NFW prospects, geotechnical
staff were overly optimistic and overestimated' true
chances of success (Otis and Schneidermann, 1997;
Table 9 Generalized success rates of various well
Alexander awl Lohr, 1998). This will be addressed
classes drilled in the U.S. onshore and offshore during
further on page 47. For intermediate-risk NFWs, those
the 7980s as reported by the CSD (Rose, 79920).
in the 20-35% range, actual success rates were gener­
Well Class Percentage Successful ally about right and matched predicted success rates
. --, fairly closely. For low-risk exploratory ventures, those
.----. Development wells 75-80 in the 35-60% range, actual success rates were conser­
All exploratory wells vative-more of these ventures were successful thtin
20-30 predictec:;l.. But for high-confidence ventures-those
Extensions (outposts) 40--45 in the 60-90% range-actual results v,:ere notably
In-field Wildcats 25-35 lower. Apparently, prospectors tend to be overopti­
New-field wildcats 13-18 misticwhen identifying an exploration venture as a
sure thing!
46 Risk Analysis of Exploration Pro!pects

However, by maintaining (and circulating) records 2. Was the quality of their datil commensurate with

of predictions vs. outcomes, by making geotechnical yours? (This particularly applies to vintage and

professionals aware of the causes and consequences of acquisition parameters of seismic data.)

predictive bias, and by constructively addressing the 3. Remember that all wells drilled through the sub­
reasons for error and bias in specific prospects, we can ject zone are counted as valid exploration tests of
improve forecasts of a prospect's chance of success, that horizon, even if they simply passed through
and reduce predictive bias if not eliminate it. the subjeCt zone on the way down to a deeper
exploration objective. Therefore, such wells may
Using Trend or Basin Success Rates not have been legitimate exploratory tests of the J
In some cases, where geotechnical staff or manage­ subject zone.
ment mistrust geologically derived prospect success 4. Why were the completed wells completed? Were

estimates (or lack the geologic skill to reliably derive the economic parameters of those operators simi­

them), observed success rates (number of discoveries lar to yours? Remember that not all completions

-;- total number of exploratory wells) have been used as are legitimate economic attempts, and a small

a proxy. In some geologic settings, this procedure is company may complete a weil that a jarge opera­

acceptable, especially in "statistical plays" where tor would abandon.

reservoirs are lenticular and beyond predictive geot­ 5. Trend success rates tend to decrease with time

echnical resolution. But in most trends, such obsen'ed (Figure 23); ignoring this pattern may lend to

success rates are a poor substitute for prospect-specific overly optimistic expectations from trend success

chance-of-success determination and tend to give mis­ rates, especially if your venture is in a fairly

leading results that are either overly pessimistic or mature exploration theater.

There are at least five important unknown aspects Accordingly, cau.tion is recommended in substitut­
of dry-hole ratio trends: ing observed trend success rates for geologically
derived prospect estimates of the chance of success.
1. Were the concepts and geotechnical skills of Certainly they should not be ignored, but their best use
those prior operators commensurate with yours? is as a reality check after the responsible geoscientist

100% r - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - . , - - - - ,

t 80% I - - - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - r - + - - - - - - - l
I \

~ II "
~ 60% 1--------+----i-~r_+_------_t-----':_-_Pr_--_1
V') ,. \

~ I \
u I \
U I \
~ 40% 1--------+-----,f---i-....L---\:+--L..L.-.l,........r;;:.....:-f---r--,:t---+-r--_1

...... \

== 20% I - - - - - - - - + - - f -..........+---:+--------+\---~~--+--~~

1965 1970 1975 1980 1985

ANN""0A~~.cWs __

Figure 23 Success rates change with maturity--annual and cumulative success rates compared with annual drilling,
Niagaran Reef Trend, Benzie and Manistee Counties, Northern·Michigan (Rose, 79920).
Chapter 3 47

has carefully reviewed and edited such data so that cash flows, are-without realizing it-actually
those ventures from which the edited trend success exhibiting risk-prone behavior with respect to
rate ~';\S cr:"ku!att~ are truly comparable to the such exploration ventures. Their managers des­
·...... prospects in the trend you are exploring. perately want to find such large, new fields, so
they are prone to approve such ventures when­
Historical Changes in Trend Success Rates
e\'er they appear. Ambitious geotechnical staff
In most exploration theaters (basins, trends, and are therefore prone to overestimate the value of
plays), wildcat success rates change through time. Suc­ such ventures in their efforts to respond to per­
cess rates are characteristically high during the early ceh'ed management needs. This ~s especially truel
phases of exploration while larger and more evident when exploration organizations have the wron~
fields are being found, then decline as the industry priorities-when they confuse the need to drill
searches for fields that are smaller and/ or harder t~ {pells with the need to add vallie.
find. Figure 23 shows actual data from a segment of 2. Risk-analysis tools and methods for evaluating
the Niagaran (Silurian) Pinnacle Reef Trend of north­ such high-risk, high-potential ventures are oper­
ern Michigan, Although the discovery probability a ting a t the extremes of the risk spectrum­
--. should certainly be estimated based on the geotechni­ reserves anticipated are very large, whereas
cal characteristics of the prospect itself, the prudent chances of success are very small. Both theory
explorationist will also consider the trend's state of and e"1"-erience suggest that our ability to respon­
exploration maturity in arrivingat a final estimate of siblv assess uncertain events begins to deteriorate
Pg, Pc, and Pe. at the extremes of either cllallce or 11lagllitlide. For
example, most geotechnical professionals are
The Trouble with High-risk Exploration
better able to judge whether the chance of occur­
During the 1980s, large, international corporate rence is 50% or 25% than they are at distin­
'- explorers, such as Shell, Amoco, and Mobil, experi­
enced a disturbing result from their high-risk explo­
guishing between a 5% chance and a 10% chance.
Because people are conservative processors of
ration ventures: within the category ofall NHVs having a fallible information (Edwards, 1982), we tend to
predicted chance of success of 10% or less, less tllan 1% of set the ranges of our predictive limits too narrow
those velltmes resulted in discoveries. Amoco (McMaste'r
and Carragher, 1996) indicates that, since 1982, such
(Capen, 1976). Also, technologic risk-reduction in
certain areas may actually encourage managers
high-risk exploration ventures have destroyed corpo­ to take still higher risks elsewhere. Finally, Boccia
..... rate value, not created it. suggests that the economics of higher-risk \'en­
The same pattern was reported by all three compa­ tbres are more sensitive to underrisking than are
nies independently, and the total number of wells in lower-risk projects. The relative negative impact
each company's sample was more than 200. These of overoptimism becomes progressively more
results cannot be ascribed to vagaries of random sam­ se\'ere as the probability of success decreases­
pling-Amoco reports that the probability of such a "It hurts more, on a per-dollar investment basis,
result occurring by chance alone is only about 1%. to be wrong by the same degree when the risks
Clearly, major company geoscientists and managers are high. OUF ability to dearly discern risk is the
dealing with high-risk exploration ventures tend to be weakest for exactly those kinds of prospects
seriously overoptimistic in predicting chance of suc­ where it needs to be sharpest."
cess, so such ventures are often uvervalued as invest­ 3. In order to have an acceptable chance of making
ment ventures to the detriment of corporate economic such large discoveries, many trials must be
performance and the stockholder. undertaken. Such high-risk, high-potential ven­
"'. tures are not easy to identify and are expensive to
...... Causes
carry out. "In effect, high-risk exploration may be
Some probable reasons for these difficulties have failing because companies are underestimating
been summarized by Boccia (1996): the time and money they need to commi t to the
high-risk game" (Boccia, 1996). Accordingly,
1. Most large companies (the kind that carry out such companies may have difficulty adequately
most high-risk, high-potential exploratory ven­ diversifying high-risk ventures within their over­
tures) systematically favor such projects because all exploration portfolios.
they offer the potential for large, new reserve 4. A fourth possible cause, not identified by Boccia,
additions-big new fields that represent oppor­ is more fundamental-explorationists and their
tunities for long-lived, large-profit projects . managers have not come to grips with the reality
because of app!.:.~.,ti!)n..~ of ac!:..:D nced technology that the remaining world endowment of undis­
and, efficiencies of scale. Such big companies, covered fields is getting smaller, simply because
havmg large reserves bases and corresponding petroleum exploration has tended to find the
48 Risk Analysis of Exploration Prospects

giant fields preferentially (see Figure 1). Accord­ success less than 20% would be undertaken, it might
ingly, exploration costs must be constrained, con­ only encourage geotechnical staff to find creative ways
sistent with the potential profits of smaller fields. to elevate what might legitimately be a 15% pros;>ect
H is not that exploration for large fields must to one rated 20% or 25%. Also, geotechnical staff must
cease-rather, it cannot proceed in the same be accountable, and any official prospect review com­
ways it did in the 1950s through the early 1980s. mittee should not have power to approve or condemn
We must figure out how to be profitable while prospects presented to them. Otherwise, no one is
exploring for (and finding) smaller fields. accountable! The expected value concept is a useful
5. Yet another probable cause has to do with inade­ screen here. If the prospect-reserves distribution and' )
quate geotechnical verification of coincidence geologic-chance esl)mates are well documented and
(p. 34). All geologic chance elements must coin­ venture EV ,is'strongly positive (even though a scruti­
cide in time and space if reservoired petroleum nized credible chance of success is only 10%), then the
accumulations are to occur in a basin or trend. prospect should probably be drilled.
Especially in frontier areas, it is essential to map
the areas where the various geC'logic chance ele­
ments are present (or probably present) and to
restrict exploration to those areas of probable

What are some remedies to counter these problems?

1. Geotechnical staff must be vigilant with respect

to coincidence-all geologic chance factors must
coincide in time and space in the area of t.he
prospect (p. 81). In the case of petroleum genera­
tion and migration, their effects must coincide
with the presence of reservoirs, closures, and
seals in the prospect area.
2. Actively employ renlity checks-analogous expe­
rience from other basins, FSDs, and credibility of
high-side projections (PI 'Yo-PI 0% range of val­
ues). Also, actively consider that all prospects
may (unfortunately) result in only a small sub­
economic field, and the prospect P99% and P90'Yo
forecasts should reflect this!
3. Solicit independent, multiple estimates, by peer
and expert review and/ or exploration committee
review. Look a t such high-risk prospects very
carefully, employing Petroleum System Analysis.
4. Take on geotechnically proficient partners both
as a risk-spreading measure and as a way to get
independent confirmation of geotechnical and
economic merit.
5. Verify positive expected value and economic fea­
sibility of such projects, assuming a lower chance
of success and significantly lower prospect
reserves-i.e., what is the economic sensitivity
relative to reduced chance and resen'es \"alues?

Are some remedies to be avoided? Although geo­

technical staff should be admonished to gh'e special
technical scrutiny to high-risk prospects, it is probably a
mistake for management to select a "chance hurdle"­
an arbitrary lower limit for a prospect's chance of suc­
cess. For example, if a company announced that
henceforth, no exploration venture with a chance of
Economic Analysis of

Exploration Ventures



Introduction select against long-term projects (which are typically

associate~i with large-reserve opportunities) by assign­
It is essential for geoscientists to understand how ing little or no value to cash flows beyond about 15
the results of their technical work are used in estimat­ vears. Instead, short-term projects are preferentially
ing the economic value of the ventures in which they introduced into the portfolio, projects with high earn­
i,ave been involved. Otherwise, they may invite incor­ ing rates, but short li\'es, which are difficult to replace.
rect use or manipulation of their professional geotech­ On the other hand, choosing a low discoun t ra te
..... nical product. This understanding requires that they results in portfolios containing long-term, large­

have a good working knowledge of economics and
finance integrated into their geotechnical expertise.
reserve projects. E"en though they may crea te large
"alues, such projects may depress the overall present
--. value of the portfolio somewhat, although not as much
-, Time Value of Money
as the short-term projects will (Capen, 1984). The
selection of a discoun t rate that is too low is not as
and Discount Rates
detrimental to portfolio value as the selection of a dis­
count rate that is too high.
Corporations invest in petroleum exploration ven­

tures, anticipating receipt of a series of future annual

cash flows from production revenues (Megill, 1988).

To assess the value of such future cash flows requires

Exploration Cash-flow
understanding of the time value of money, especially
Models and Discounted
the concepts of future value, compounding, present

value, and discounting.

Cash-flow Analysis
Discounting is "compounding in reverse." The dis­
The cash-flo"Y model of a proposed exploration
--, c?unt rate has one use and one use only: to exprcss the

tlllle vallie of /lJOlley. Arbitrarily elevated discount rates

venture is a quantified scenario for the exploration,

discovery, development, and producing life 9f an oil
-, are not useful screening measures nor are they a proxy
or natural gas field. 5 It models the complex cash flows
for risk. involved in a successful venture. Tile cash-flow Illodel
The discoun t rate selected by the firm should be aSSl/IllCS Sllccess. This scenario must be geologically rea­
consistent among all classes of ventures ("it's all the sonable using the mean-reserves case and compatible
sa~e money"), and it should reflect the firm's average values for per-well ultimate production: initial pro­
weIghted cost of capital. Part of that cost of capital duction "rates; percentage decline rates; numbers of
consists of interest on bank loans, part is the return wells; costs for exploration, development, and well
realized by corporate investors as dividends and stock operations; taxes and tax provisions; wellhead prices;
appreciation. As an alternative to the cost-of-capital field life; salvage costs; and expected contract terms.
approach, some authorities believe that the chosen dis­ To have meaning, the cash-flow model must be based
Count rate should approxima'te the firm's actual long­ on actual geotechnical estimates of ultimately recover­
te~m average annual rate of return-the "corporate able res~rVes, field area, numbers and depths of wells,
remvestment rate" (Capen, 1995).
When companies deliberntely choose a high dis­
'The reader is referred to books by Megill (1988), StermoJe and -C".
r ·.....
cou~t rate-one substantially higher than their cost of Stermole (1990), and Wright and Thompson (1905) for dctailcd dis­
capItal (or average reinvestment rate), they in effect cussions about cash-flow models and economic an~lysis of projects.
·t; 49
50 Economic Analysis of Exploration Ventures

and existing surface conditions. This model should not

be unduly optimistic (in order to sell it to manage­
the period of the cash-flow model, \Vl' derive the key
value of the cash-flow analysis: the cumulative net
ment) or unduly pessimistic (in order not to be wrong). present value (= NPV), which is tlw sum of the dis­
The responsible geoscientist/prospector should strive
for objective realism, recognizing that unbiased geo­
counted annual net cash flows for the project, using the
appropriate annual present-value fa,ctor for years

technical predictions are a professional goal. hence and the sL'lected discount rate. This is, in essence, i
As previously stated (p. 24), discounted cash-flow an after-tax profit number, incorporating investments,
(OCF) models for most prospects should also be run costs, taxes, \\'L'llhead revenues, production decline
on the P10%, P50%, and P90% reserves cases, with the rates, operating costs, and the time value of mOf\ey.
goal of generating a probabilistic distribution of net The cumulative NPV for any proposed prbspect
present values (NPV) for the venture. In other words thus represents the venture compared against
(because NPV IBOE may vary with reserve sizes), we the perspective of the firm's present performance,
want to determine the mean of all NPV outcomes i,e" How much better is this projrct than our present
rather than the NPV of only the mean-reserves out­ performance (or average weighted cost of capital)?
cc;ne. Naturally, geologic and engineering parameters
such as area, well numbers, net pay thickness, HC­
recovery, reserves, well initial production (IPs), and Problems with DCF Valuation
field life must be compatible with the corresponding of Exploratory Ventures
PIO%, P50%, and P90% resen'es cases." The key result
from the cash-flow model is the discounted cumula­ For more than 50 years, the petroleum industry has
tive net cash flow (= "present value" or "present routinely used OCF analysis to value prodUcing prop­
worth") over the projected life of the field, erties and exploratory ventures. One difficulty with
Exploration costs and development costs constitute the procedur.e has been that deterministic values were-" "­
the lief il/vestmelll cash-flow strl'llll! (Megill, 1988); ana­ used, e\'en for parameters that were known to be ".
lysts are encouraged to calculate these costs on an highly uncertain. Multiple runs using different values
after-tax basis, taking depreciation and ill\'estment tax for some parameters gave a spread or range of possi­
credits into account. The /let incollle CllS/I-f10W stream ble outcomes; this process has been called "sensitivity
(also on an after-tax basis) is intluenced by production analysis." But no probabilistic values could be ':
revenues (declining), net re\'enue interest, wellhead assigned to the ranges. Software add-ins, especially
taxes, operating costs, and income tax pro\·isions. For Lotus'Eo with @Risk®, or Excel® with Crystal Ball®, uti­ ,'" -

production-sharing contracts, further lllodifica tion lizing Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube simulation, ,
may be required to correctly provide for the state's now allow probabilistic expression of such parameters ~"'
share of production revenues, cost reco\'ery, and spe­ so that the cumulative NPV can be expressed as a
cial tax provisions. For each year, the difference probability distribution. Even so, most firms at year­
between afler-Iax il/vestmellt CIlslz flOil' and after-lax end 1999 still utilized multiple runs of deterministic
income cas!! flow is alllllwi after-tax lIel cas/! flow. Ordi­ cash-flow models.
narily, annual net cash flows are negati\'e in the first Another problem is that each cash-flow model rep­
years of a project and positi\'e in middle and later resents only one sequence of events from project
years when the field is fully developed and \vells are inception to abandonment/often spanning 30 years or
in their producing (but declining) lives. Sometimes a more. It is not possible to build into one cash-flow
project may anticipate a second stage of im'estment in model the possibility of several alternative scenarios
a field's midlife to install an enhanced oil recovery that might develop during the life of the field. This dif­
(EOR) program or additional infill drilling. By adding ficulty can now be partially addressed through a com­
all the annual after-tax net cash flows for the life of the bination of "segmented" cash-flow models and
field, we derive the field's cumulative after-tax net decision-tree analysis.
cash flow (CNCF). Bu t the most fundamen tal difficul ty with OCF
Annual net cash flows are discounted llsing the analysis of exploration ventures is that the observed
appropriate annual present-value factor for the business behavior of most major companies indicates
selected discount rate (Table 10), By adding them for that they place much more intrinsic value on large­
reserve, long-term prospects than is consistent with
their OCF valuation of such projects (Boccia, 1996). The
6To match the appropriate area, a\'eragc net pay, and HC-reco\'ery reason, of course, has to do mostly with discounting:
factor to the 1'90"10, PSoou, and P10"u resen'es cases, remember that using prevalent discount rates of 10% to 12%, PVs of ,

multiplication of the product of the three P23~., case" for area, pay, annual production cash flows beyond the first 15 or 20
('. , and He-recovery results in the PlO"" reserves case, jllst as the prod­
Li'L( of th"U1ree P77% cases for area. pay, and HC-recc",ery ~'ields
years of a project's life are reduced to practically-zero. --­
the P90% reserves case. The product "i the three P50"" \'alm's yields But most companies specifically seek large new fields
the PSO'r" reserves (Appendix B). having long-term, stable production potential-just the
Chapter 4 51

Table 10 Present value factors.

Present Value of 1
{1 + i)n

Years Discount Rate

Hence 1% 3% 4% 5% 6% 8% 10% 12% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50%
1 0.990 0.971 0.962 0.952 0.943 0.926 0.909 0.893 0.870 0.833 0.769 0.714 0.667 ,/
2 0.980 0.943 0.925 0.907 0.890 0.857 0.826 0.797 0.756 0.694 0.592 0.510 0.444 •
3 0.971 0.915 0.B:j9 0.864 0.840 0.794 0.751 0.712 0.658 0.579 0.455 0.364 0.296
4 0.961 0.888 0.855 0.823 0.792 0.735 0.683 0.636 0.572 0.482 0.350 0.260 0.f98
5 0.951 0.863 0.822 0.784 0.747 0.681 0.621 0.567 0.497 0.402 0.269 0.186 0.132
6 0.942 0.837 0.790 0.746 0.705 0.630 0.564 0.507 0.432 0.335 0.207 0.133 0.088
7 0.933 0.813 0.760 0.711 0.665 0.583 0.513 0.452 0.376 0.279 0.159 0.095 0.059
8 0.923 0.789 0.731 0.677 0.627 0.540 0.467 0.404 0.327 0.233 0.123 0.068 0.039
9 0.914 0.766 0.703 0.645 0.592 0.500 0.424 0.361 0.284 0.194 0.094 0.048 0.026
10 0.905 0.744 0.676 0.614 0.558 0.463 0.386 0.322 0.247 0.162 0.073 0.035 0.017
11 0.896 0.722 0.650 0.585 0.527 0.429 0.350 0.287 0.215 0.135 0.056 0.D25 0.012
12 0.887 0.701 0.625 0.557 0.497 0.397 0.319 0.257 0.187 0.112 0.043 0.018 0.008
13 0.879 0.681 0.601 0.530 0.469 0.368 0.290 0.229 0.163 0.093 0.033 0.013 0.005
14 0.870 0.661 0.577 0.505 0.442 0.340 0.263 0.205 0.141 0.078 0.025 0.009 0.003
15 0.861 0.642 0.555 0.481 0.417 0.315 0.239 0.183 0.123 0.065 0.020 0.006 0.002
16 0.853 0.623 0.534 0.458 0.394 0.292 0.218 0.163 0.107 0.054 0.015 0.005 0.002
17 0.844 0.605 0.513 0.436 0.371 0.270 0.198 0.146 0.093 0.045 0.012 0.003 0.001
18 0.836 0.587 0.494 0.416 0.350 0.250 0.180 0.130 0.081 0.038 0.009 0.002 0.001
19 0.828 0.570 0.475 0.396 0.331 0.232 0.164 0.116 0.070 0.031 0.007 0.002
20 0.820 0.554 0.456 0.377 0.312 0.215 0.149 0.104 0.061 0.026 0.005 0.001
21 0.811 0.538 0.439 0.,359 0.294 0.199 0.135 0.093 0.053 0.022 0.004 0.001
22 0.803 0.522 0.422 0.342 0.278 0.184 0.123 0.083 0.046 0.018 0.003 0.001
23 0.795 0.507 0.406 0.326 0.262 0.170 0.112 0.074 0.040 0.015 0.002
24 0.788 0.492 0.390 0.310 0.247 0.158 0.102 0.066 0.035 0.013 0.002
25 0.780 0.478 0.375 0.295 0.233 0.146 0.092 0.059 0.030 0.010 0.001
26 0.772 0.464 0.361 0.281 0.220 0.135 0.084 0.053 0.026 0.009 0.001
27 0.764 0.450 0.347 0.268 0.207 0.125 0.076 0.047 0.023 0.007 0.001
28 0.757 0.437 0.333 0.255 0.196 0.116 0.069 0.006 0.001
0.042 0.020
29 0.749 0.424 0.321 0.243 0.185 0.107 0.063 0.037 0.017 0.005
30 0.742 0.412 0.308 0.231 0.174 0.004
0.099 0.057 0.033 0.015
31 0.735 0.400 0.296 0.220 0.164 0.092 0.052 0.030 0.013 0.004
32 0.727 0.388 0.285 0.210 0.155 0.085 0.047 0.027 0.011 0.003
33 0.720 0.377 0.274 0.200 0.146 0.079 0.043 0.024 0.010 0.002
34 0.713 0.366 0.264 0.190. 0.138 0.039"
0.073 0.021 0.009 0.002
35 0.706 0.355 0.253 0.181 0.130 0.068 0.036 0.019 0.008 0.002
36 0.699 0.345 0.244 0.173 0.123 0.063 0.032 0.017 0.007 0.001
37 0.692 0.335 0.234 0.164 0.116 0.058 0.029 0.015 0.006 0.001
38 0.685 0.325 0.225 0.157 0.109 0.054 0.027 0.013 0.005 0.001
39 0.678 0.316 0.217 0.149 0.103 0.050 0.024 0.012 0.004 0.001
40 0.672 0.307 0.208 0.142 0.097 0.046 0.022 0.011 0.004 0.001
41 0.665 0.298 0.200 0.135 0.092 0.043 0.020 0.010 0.003 0.001
42 0.658 0.289 0.193 0.129 0.087 0.039 0.Q18 0.009 0.003
43 0.652 0.281 0.185 0.123 0.082 0.037 0.017 0.008 0.002
44 0.645 0.272 0.178 0.117 0.077 0.034 0.015 0.007 0.002
45 0.639 0.264 0.171 0.111 0.073 0.031 0.014 0.006 0.002
46 0.633 0.257 0.165 0.106 0.069 0.029 0.012 0.005 0.002
47 0.626 0.249 0.158 0.101 0.065 0.027 0.011 0.005 0.001
48 0.620 0.242 0.152 0.096 0.061 0.025 0.010 0.004 0.001

' .. _.--­ .• _ _~-_ .. _--_ .. _-----------~. __ .. __ ._-----.._­
52 Economic Analysis of Exploration Ventures

kinds of fields that build companies and provide four parameters: time, price differential between cur­
steadyt reliable t low-cost production revenue streams rent price and strike pricet interest rates, and variance
for many years. Yet these are the kinds of long-term t of price. But there are four important difference;
steady cash flows whose value beyond about 20 years is between options in the stock market or commodities
shown to be nearly zero by conventional DCF analysis! market and options in the oil business.
One solution to this difficulty has been to employ
artificially reduced discount rates when evaluating 1. When a stock option is exercised the benefit is
such opportunities. Of courset the choice of the proper realized immediatelyt but when an oil company
low discount rate is arbitrary. A better approach would exercises its option by developing a property or
be to run all DCF analyses for all candidate projects in installing new EOR procedures in an exi'sting
the inventory at a low discount rate that represenb the field t additional revenues may not be realized for
fundamental interest for the uhire of the money"-per­ one to four years. This can be handled by dis­
haps 4'X, to 5%-one that does not include any provi­ counting those future cash flows back to the time
sion for infla tion of costs or prices. By using the cu rren t of the decision, but price fluctuations m,ly intro­
mean of "real" historical oil pricest t]-tp rompany could duce substantial uncertainty.
compare all projects for its portfoli0 and rank them on 2. In the case of stock optionst economic benefits are
that basis. This would be internally consistent, reduc­ realized because the current price exceeds the
ing the negative effect that discounting has on long­ strike price. Howevert most large oil fields have
term cash flows and eliminating the possibility that lives of 20 to 100 years, and the price of oil or gas
some projects could be made to appear more attractive behaves as a typical fluctua ting commod ity,
through biased selection of elevated price-escalation oscillating widely through a max-min price enve­
schedules. Use of the historical "mean of real oil prices lope. Therefore, any price differential at the time
(corrected to present day for inflation) recognizes the of option-exercise will change many times, posi­
long life of most large oil and gas fields and tends to tively and neg'atively, during the field's life. Thus
correct for short-term price influences. Such a simpli­ the benefit in oil and gas field options usually
fied procedure would likely optimize the ranking of relates not to elevated oil prices but to improved
projects and would select for growth. operatil/g profits t which result from reduced costs
But the most promising solution to "the DCF prob­ to find, develop, and/or operate fields. In general
lem" lies in adoption of an alternate method of "aluing then, oil exploration option behavior depends on
exploration ventures: Option-pricing Theory. waiting for new data or technology that mav
lower costs and/ or reduce riskt not on sustaine~i
higher oil or natural gas prices.
Option-pricing Theory and 3. Calculating the variance (or standard deviation)
Valuation of Exploration Ventures in price of a given stock is easy. Moreover, it
would be easy to calculate the historical standard
The sequence of characteristic business decisions deviation in the real price of crude oil (approxi­
that attend discovery, development, and operation of mate 2000 estimate = ±$7.00 bbl). What is not
large oil and gas fields represents classic option behav­ known is the variance ~n prices of oil properties,
ior (Figure 24). Companies acquire leases or contract such as exploration prospects or disco\'eries that
areas, then invest in addition,i1 geotechnical dil ta to have not yet been developed.
refine their risk/reward perception-which; if elKour­ 4. There is a large and continuous market for trad­
aging, leads them to exploratory drilling. If drilling is ing common stocks-any time an owner wishes
successful t the company confirms ilnd delineates the to sell his or her common stock, a trade may be
discovered field, which, if it is judged to be economic, eHected almost instantly. But sales of oil proper­
the company then develops and produces. Enhilnced ties commonly require months of preparation,
recovery projects milY be Clrlded during the field's analysis, and negotiation, during which ongoing
producing life t followed by ilbandonment \\'hen pro­ developments may cause major changes in the
duction revenues decline below operating costs. perceived value of the property (Lohrenz, 1988).
Depending on the previliling economics, technologic
developments, political trends, and contrilct terms, the Most major international oil companies are now devel­
company may choose at \',nious decision points to oping some form of option-pricing procedure to
invest further, to defer ilction, to sell part or ,111 of their replace conventional DCF analysis for establishing the
interest, or to abandon the "enture. Each stage in the monetary value of oil and gas ventures, especially
venture thus represents an option. long-term, large-reserve project~J£=h.orn, 1999; Dixit
The Black-Scholes model (Brealey and \ [yers, 1988; and Pindyck, 1994; Lehman, 1989; Marl~"' -(::( ,~... 'i 99~_-;­
Bernstein, 1996) for valuing il stock option depends on Paddock et al., 1983; Pickles and Smith, 1993).
Chapter 4 53


Coneepl Lead Prospect Drill Discovery Producing EOR

J Field Pro'eel

Figure 24 Option concept applied to E&P projects. FlO = farm-out; EOR = enhanced oil recovery.

Recommended Discounted Cash-flow Rate of Return

Economic Measures Discounted cash-flow rate of return (DCFROR)
may be expressed in two different ways: (1) the exact
Once the cash-flow model or models of the pro­ earning rate of the project during its full life,
posed venture have been run, there are many different expressed as an annual average rate of return; or (2)
ways to measure the venture's attractiveness (Megill, that discount rate that sets the value of the cumula­
1988, 1992). Use and diversity of these measures have tive net cash flow stream to be discounted, over the
~volve? as companies and analysts have become life of the project, at zero. DCFROR is not useful for
increasingly sophisticated about oil and gas invest­ comparing different projects. It has only one legiti­
ments. Different companies have developed minor mate use: to serve as a minimum qualifying standard,
variations on the main measures to suit their individ­ or "hurdlerate," which any project must clear if it is
ual needs. to be considered further for corporate funding. Once
However, all current and widely used industry DCFROR has been used in this way, other economic

, me~sures depend on the fundamental expression of

prOject value--cumulative NPV (see p. SOl-which of
Course assumes project success.
measures should be employed to compare and rank
exploratory ventures, Employment of arbitrarily ele­
vated DCF hurdle rates does not compensate for risk;


54 Economic Analysis of Exploration Ventures

moreover, it selects agaillst long-term, large-reserve In its simple form, ENPV makes no provision for risk
ventures. (as distinguished from dlnllee). However, ENPV does
form the basis of an expanded economic measure that
Maximum Negative Cash Flow considers project utility and corporate loss-aversion,
Maximum negative cash flow (MNCF) is the "turn­ called risk-adjusted value (RA V) (Cozzolino, 1977,
around" point on the project's cumulative discounted 1978), which is discussed further below and on page 92,
net cash flow profile--that point at which the cumula­
tive net cash flows have reached their maximum neg­ Investment Efficiency
ative level and will turn back upward toward the
break-even line and increasing profitability (Figure
25). MNCF is a discounted value, and for exploratory
Investment efficiency (IE) is the most discrimiJ~ating
form of profit/investment ratio, in which profit is the
project's NPV and the investment is maximum negative
,, . ,

ventures, where a new field may be developed if there net cash flow (MCNF) (Equation 4).
is a discovery, MNCF represents the net of invest­
ments and partially offsetting production revenues. It IE = PRESENT VALUE (4)
is useful in capital budgeting and planning because it INV~STMENT (MNCF)
represents the amount of money that actually will be
needed frol11 the corpora te treasu ry. In firms tha t Figure 25 shows the relationship of the key terms
have short-term capital constraints, it may be useful involved in investment efficiency. Investment effi­
for comparing and choosing projects. It also sen'es as ciency prod uces the same project ranking as does
a "time focus" for concerns about political risk another preferred measure: growth rate of return
because it represents the time of greatest economic (GRR) (Capen et al., 1976), in which net cash flows
vulnerability for project life. But the most significant are considered to be reinvested as received, at the
use of this parameter is as a proxy for investment in comptlny's real ra~e of return, and projected out to
investment efficiency, one of the most useful common some preselected target year (often 10 or 12 years). For
economic measures (see this page). longer-term projects, annual net cash flows extending
beyond the target year are discounted back and then
Expected Net Present Value combined with accumulated earnings. Even though
As introduced in Equations 1 and 2, ENPV is the generally acknowledged to be a superior economic
chance-weighted NPV of a venture, in which the prod­ measure, GRR has not received the wide usage of its
uct of the chance of failure and the cost of exploratory derivath'e, investment efficiency (Clapp, 1995).
failure is subtracted from the product of the chance of Another advantage of investment efficiency is that
success and the NPV of the mean-resen'es case (Equa­ it can easily be risked-that is, it can be modified to
tion 3). For prospects (rather than plays), it integrates chance-weight all outcomes (Equation 5):
prospect resen'es, DCF \'alues, and commercial
chance of success, thus allowing comparison of high­ Pc (NPV) - Pf (DHC) (5)
risk, high-potential prospects with low-risk prospects
Pc (I) + Pf (DHC)
having only a moderate resen'es potential. It is useful
in portfolio analysis primarily because the sum of all where
project expected values is the expected \'alue of the
entire ?ortfoliu. The c!r?whack of expected \'alue is
that it implies that the firm is risk-neutral: t\\'O projects I = maximum negative cumulative discounted

might have identical ENPVs even though one project net cash flow, and

requires a much larger initial capital il1\"eshnent (= DHC = net cost of exploratory failure

dry-hole cost) than the other (see p. 92). In fact, how­ (literally, dry-hole cost).

ever, most firms recognize that exploration decisions

commonly invoh'e provisions against loss (= risk) as Explora tion portfolios ranked using risked invest­
well as ENPV (Equations 6 and 7). ment efficiency are optimized for the creation of \'alue.
Unfortunately, such portfolios sometimes present unac­
(3) ceptable degrees of risk, and this may require the com­
pany to surrender some attractive high-risk prospects
in exchange for some less risky but smaller ventures.
Chance of Commercial Success
(NPV of I\Iean Commercial Risk-adjusted Value
ENPV= Reserves Distribution) minus
{ Cozzolino's (1977, 1978\.eguation for RAV combines
Chance of Commercial Failure
the expected value conc~pt ,vill:"pririLii)les of utility
(Net Cost of Exploratory Failure)
theory, which is generally acknowledged to follow an
exponential form (Equation 6).
Chapter 4 55

11 $11~~
10 f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . = = t : ; ; ; I : : : : t - i 10
8 8
7 7

6 6 )
5 5
4 Cumulative Net 4
3 Present Value 3
2 2
o1 -<>- DISCOUNTEDAT 4% 1

-1 -1

-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
-51---------,M-----------------j -5
-6 L-----l'-----l---l.~____L___L~~~____.L_____L_____'____'__'__'___'_ $-6MM
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Figure 2S Cumulative net present value and maximum negative-net cash flow.

interest (OWI)-i.e., that proportional share at which

RAY == ~? III [ Pc x c-r(PV) + (Pf) X Cr(DI-IC)] (6) the RAY is greatest (MacKay, 1995). However, further
work by MacKay and his.colleague Ian Lerche has
Where generated a direct method for determining OWl
(Equation 7) using the concept of risk tolerance, gener­
Pc == chance of commercial success ally represented as l/r.
Pf == chance of commercial failure
PY 7' prospect present value RT -PcxPY
OWl == X 1/1 . (7)
DHC == dry-hole cost Cost + PY Pf x Cost

r == company risk quotient


Optimum Working Interest

RT == risk tolerance
If the company's risk-quotient (r) is known,? every PY == prospect present value
venture can be sho\\'n to have an optimum working Cost == cost of failure
Pc == chance of commercial success
Pf == chance of failure
7Co7.zolino suggested thnt n rough npproximntion of (r) \\"as

1/annual exploration bUdget (:;;MM); thus (r) for n firm with a

$50MM nnnuni budget would be 1/50 or 0.02. bter observntions If a company wishes to include considerations of util­

ilnd calculntions by Willis (1993. personnl communiention) suggest­

ity theory or risk aversion in ranking its variolls projects
ed thnt 5/nnnunl budget was a more representilti"e ,·alue for ilver­
ilge oil compnnies, so Wnlls's (r) for il $50Ml\1 firm wouL2-':. ~ n 10.
f~r inclusion in the annual portfolio, it can calculate
Each compnny should bL> uble to delL'rllline n~)proximately whilt it~"' ~~:I for each venture, then calculate ENPY and risked
(r) vnlue reillly is, bilsed on reel'nl previous joint ventures nnd IE (see this page) at the predetermined share (or actual
L'xpressed shML' preferellcL>s for ils current joint ventures. share, where the exactDWI is not available).
56 Economic Analysis of Exploration Ventures

Considerations of OWl have two main applications

in exploration. Small firms are often quite sensitive to
risk because of their limited capital and the corre­
spondingly small number of drilling ventures that are
possible for them. Such firms may employ OWl calcu­
lations to ensure that participation levels in the several
ventures comprising their annual portfolios are consis­
tent and appropriate to their modest financial
resources. .. )
The second OW1 i:application arises from the nature
of annual drilling portfolios. Ideally a company would
assemble an inventory of candidate prospects for
ranking and selection to make up the next year's
drilling portfolio, and appropriate shares of joint ven­
tures would be determined as part of the calculations
that lead to portfolio optimization. But many compa­
nies do not have the luxury of assembling a full year's
supply of prospects 12 months in advance. Instead
they make decisions serially on prospects that appear
throughout the program year, hence they cannot pre­
determine the appropriate share based on portfolio
considerations. Here OWl offers an alternative
approach that, however, may actually function in a
somewhat more risk-averse way and thus reduce port­
folio value more than necessary. This topic will be
revisited in Chapter 6, in the section on prospect and
play portfolios.
Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis
and Economic Assessment

Introduction can relate disastrous experiences with international

contract ~reas, in which dramatic economic losses were
The Problem with Most
experienced over multiyear contract periods, com­
Exploration Contracts
monly stemming from undisciplined, even haphazard
entry decisions into new trends or basins.
No rational investor wants to make a large payment F~rtunately, the p~oblem is tractable. Explorationists
for a purchase whose quantity, quality, and longevity recognize that oil and gas fields occur in "families"­
are largely unknown. However, that is essentially groups of fields of common geologic origin, usually in
what is required of most modern petroleum firms that geologically definable areas or trends. 111ese groups of
seek to explore and develop new prospective areas. fields have similar producing attributes and similar
To obtain contractual rights to explore for anci"' economic patterns. We call such related groups of
develop petroleum resources in most countries, a cor­ fields and prospects "plays" (p. 3). And plays can be
poration usually must commit to spending millions of e\'aluated as full-cycle economic ventures.
dollars, either through work commitments (line-miles
of seismic surveys, number of drilled wells, and the
like) or front-end payments (bonus bids, fees, and the History and Development
like), or both. Frequently, such financial commitments of the Play Concept
are undertaken with only minimal knowledge about The era of modern petroleum exploration began in
the prospectivity of the contract area-how many new 1859 in Pennsylvania (Owen, 1975; Pees, 1989; Yergin,
fields may be discovered; how much oil and/ or gas 1991). As drilling for oil spread in the United States
they may contain; how much it may cost to find, and in eastern Europe during the late 19th century,
develop, and produce them; how profitable they may
and then more widely around the world during the
be; how long it may take to establish production; and
first half of the 20th century, petroleum exploration
how long the productive life of the fields may be.
focused on the prospect: "A doclllI/ellted set ojGllOmalolrs
Ideally, such exploration would be staged: progres­
geological criteria tllat, ill cOl1/bilwtioll with related eco­
sive investments would be closely related to the ongo~
/lolllic circlIlI/sta/lces, justifies t/Ie capital i/ll1estl1lellt oj
ing acquisition of geotechnical, economic, and political
drilling all exploratory well to discover a /rypotllecafed COIII­
information bearing on evolving perceptions of risk
"'ercial acclIllllllntioll oj oil alld/or Ilnfl/ral gas" (modified
versus reward, thus minimizing unnecessary expendi­
after Levorson, 1967).
tures. However, the form of most existina interna­ By 1935 geologists recognized several different
. 1 b
bona contracts prevents such prudent investing. types of petroleum accumulations-anticlinal traps,
Thus the most critical decision in modern petroleum fa ult traps, stra tigraphic traps, comb ina tion traps,
exploration is not which prospect to drill. Rather, it is hydrodynamic traps, and so on. Moreover, experi­
which new trelld or area to go into, because that deci­ enced geologists kne...v that certain types of petroleum
sion commits the organization to millions of invested accumulations were characteristic in some basins or
doUnrs, years of involvement, and hundreds of man­ trends but rare or even unknown in others.
years of professional and technical effort. If the selected Beginning in the 1950s, petroleum exploration
new area proves to contain economic petroleum rese<lrchers began to focus on stratigraphy and deposi­
rese~ves, then substantial value has been acquired by tional systems, trying to understand and predict the
the fIrm. Yet such commitments commonly have been origin and distribution of sedimentary facies as they
made without disciplined, integrated geotechnical and relate to the occurrence of reservoirs, seals, and hydro­
eConomic evaluation. Almost every large oil company carbon source beds. That research campaign, directed

58 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

in substantial part at modern depositional processes, field development became more efficient because the
constituted a revolution in sedimentary geology, espe­ fields in a play usually had similar reservoir condi­
cially with regard to industry knowledge about differ­ tions, thus similar development and production tech­
ent types of reservoir bodies. niques could be applied to the related fields in the
In the late 1960s another new subdiscipline-sedi­ play. Learning facilitated profitability.
mentary basin analysis (MiaH, 198-!)-arose in But exploration economics tended to focus on the
petroleum exploration, abetted in part by the emerging single prospect as the ecol/omic /II/it ofexploratioll, even
revelations of plate tectonics (Dickinson, 1974; Klemme, though companies didn't ordinarily explore on th~
1975,1980; Bally and Snelson, 1980) and in part by com­ basis of isolated, unrelated prospects. Instead:they ;
puter-processed COP seismic data, ,'vhich could now directed their attention to the playas the operatiollal
sense and depict the subsurface configuration and Ill/it of exploratioll. And the unifying attribute of the
internal geometry of specific sedimentary sequences play was the overall similarity of traps-reservoir
(Vail et aI., 1977a, 1977b). Now geologists could relate rocks, structural and stratigraphic configurations, and
the distribution of reservoir and sealing rock bodies to sealing facies. The U.s. Geological Survey and U.s.
geologic structure, in terms of (1) origin, provenance, ~:ii-,erals Management Services employed the play
and regional setting, as well as (2) subsequent struc­ concept in carrying out several assessmelits of
tural evolution and present configuration. remaining onshore and offshore U.s. oil and gas
These geotechnical concepts and tools all contributed resources during the 1990s. Their databases are now
to the development of the explomliol/ plll~( cOl/cepl, first available to the public, at no charge, on CD-ROM
used by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1972 (1995, 1997, 2000).
(McCrossan, 1973; Roy, 1975; Miller, 1986) and later
well described by Baker et al. (1986): a grol/P ofprospects
as well as oil Illld/or gas fields, all Ilt7vil/g sill/ilar geologic ori­ Plays and Petroleum Systems
gil/s-n fllll/ily ofgeologimlly similar Imps. Fields compris­ In the early 1970s ongoing research in petroleum
ing a play contain similar reservoir rocks that arose geochemistry began to bear fruit, leading to the wide­
from similar depOSitional processes, and the constituent spread recognition that oil and natural gas could be
field reservoirs exhibit similar production patterns. classified into distinct geochemical types, and that
Prospects and fields in a play have similar structural they were generated from kerogen-rich, generally fine­
configurations and structural histories. They hm'e simi­ grained sediments in petroleum-generative depres­
lar top seals and seat seals. Also, fields in a play form a sions (Demaison, 1984) through processes tha t were
coherent lognormal distribution of ultimately reco,'er­ time- and temp~rature-dependent(Waples, 1980).
able reserves. Other names for the same thing include Later geochemical work recognized that kinetics
genetic trend, geologic fairway, petroleum zone, com­ played a dominant role in the generation process
plex of fields, and producing trend. (Hunt et aI., 1991; Waples, 1994). Nevertheless, inte­
Exxon geologists published important papers on var­ grated geologic methods of analysis and mapping
ious aspects of play anal ysis during the 1975-1995 could identify such thermally mature basins, or
period, especially David White (1980, 1988, 1992,1993) "kitchens," as well as the probable timing and direc­
and R.A. Baker (1986, 1988). Sluijk and :\"ederlof (1984) tions of subsequent migration of generated petroleum.
described Shell's complex system for prospect and play With these geochemical capabilities, explorationists
analysis. Serial publications by the Texas Bu~eau of Eco­ could now demonstrate w'hat had long been sus­
nomic Geology staff during 1985-1993 described and pected-that fields in a play also had similar histories
summarized many plays in Texas. Otis and Schneider­ of hydrocarbon type, origin, emplacement, and preser­
mann (1997) published an excellent and detailed sum­ ,·ation. Armed with these powerful geochemical con­
mary of Chevron's exploration risking procedure. cepts and analytic tools, explorationists began to
Perceptive prospectors recognized that when com­ exploit the play concept worldwide.
panies carried out exploration campaigns along struc­ By abou t 1975, regional explorationists began to
tural or stra tigraphic fairways, they were usually develop yet another unifying concept, employing the
engaged in play exploration. Geophysicists could lay concepts and techniques described previously: the
out regional seismic grids and stratigraphers could concept of the petroleum system (Magoon and Dow,
deal with depositional trends. This was a much more 1994). Here the focus was on the e!ltire petroleum-gen­
efficient way to conduct exploration. Once the key erative basin complex of petroleum source rocks, car­
geologic and geotechnical patterns and relationships rier beds and conduits for migrating petroleum, and
became understood-once a company had "cracked traps containing the reservoired hydrocarbons. A
the exploration code" and discovered the first field­
discovery of other fields in the play ,,',15 greatly facili­
pet~·<.;leJlm .system often contains multiple plavs with
..,. .
several different types of traps, all charged from a
tated. Thus, play exploration was a form of geo­ common petroleum source rock in a petroleum-gener­
technical leveraging, ilnd it often led to multiple dis­ ative depression, or kitchen (Figures 26 and 27)
cO\'eries ilnd highly profitilble "core are,l~." Moreo\'er, (Demaison, 1984). Magoon's emphasis on the "critical
Chapter 5 59






... • SYSTEM
. I
\," ...
.. ' _ ' "

c::=J Overburden rock /

" ; " " Essential
, \';::.'., elements III Seal rock
\ " ' I""; of Sedimentary
o ~ ': ,~:' - petroleum 1;,,::;,::':',:',1 Reservoir rock
basin fill
, -,, • '.' , ' system
I ;-, ~ _ ,"'_ ~ . ' .."'. ".
lif.wl Source rock

- Petroleum accumulation (A) [:=:J Underburden rock

I'~ ~. ·1
I Fold·and·thrust belt: arrows
indicate direction of relative motion
Basement rock
Top oil window
* location used for burial history chart t) t) t) Top gas window
Critical moment: 250 Ma

Figure 26 Hypothetical geologic cross section of a basin showing the essential elements of a petroleum system,
From Magoon and Dow (1994).

~ Line of cross section ... Top oil window

Critical moment: 250 Ma

~ Thrust belt sawteeth on upper plate 000 Top gas window

-L....I.- Fault hachures on downthrown block Direction of petroleum migration

-T Plunging anticline 4IlP

Petroleum accumulation
~ Plunging syncline [J§2J Source rock

* -c"''1 uses!..!!:lr burial history chart CJZ] Reservoir rock

Figure 27 Map of the hypothetical basin showing. areal extent of the petroleum system. From Magoon and Dow
(1994). Il
60 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

moment" (Figure 28) facilitates critical thinking and 400 300 200 100
investigations bearing on time of peak hydrocarbon
generation and probable migration routes to traps
available at that time. Accordingly, the petroleum sys­
tem approach provides a very powerful framework fOf
understanding the basin's "plumbing system," and it /--_==""'...--_~ +-:R~eservoir Rock
stimulates and encourages the development of new Seal Rock
exploration ideas and targets (Table 11). However, it Overburden Rock
does not lend itself to economic analysis because of the /
Trap Fonnatioi'l
complexities attendant upon the multiple and dissimi­
lar constituent plays (Figure 29).
Possibly because of their geoscience research focus,
Generation-Migration- i
Preservation nme
leading petroleum system authorities define the geo­
logic play differently than do most practical petroleum
Figure 28 Events chart showing relationship
cxplorationists. Magoon and Dow (1994), for example,
between essential elements and processes as weli as
conceive of the petroleum system as including only
preservation time and critical moment. From Magoon
those elements that are known-proven source rocks, and Dow (1994).
identified carrier beds and conduits, and discovered
fields whose analyzed oils and natural gases are clearly
related to the source rocks. Following that definition, a
play is only that part of the petroleum system that is any way hinder the employment of the petroleum sys­
undiscovered (Magoon, personal communication, 1997). tem as an extremely useful exploration concept. The
To the practical explorationist, such a definition writer strongly urges active explorers to follow the
causes substantial problems: First, it allows se\'eral dif· above-recommended definition of the exploration
ferent families of traps, if charged from a common play.
mature source rock, to be included within a single play.
This presents extremely complex consequences for
companies that wish to analyze an entire playas a full­ Play Selection as the Critical
cycle business venture because of very wide variances Exploration Decision
caused by the diversity of trap types, geologic depen­ With the previous considerations in mind, and rec­
dencies, and profitabilities. Second, it makes use of ognizing the prevalence in international exploration
field-size distributions (FSDs)-a very powerful pre­ of large contract areas obtained through various com­
dictive tool in economic play analysis-much less dis­ binations of costly work commitments and/ or front­
criminating because different genetic trap types must end bonuses, it is clear that the most important
be included in the same distribution. This is a serious decision in international exploration is not which
statistical drawback. Third, it artificially separates prospect to drill. Instead, the key decision concerns
prospects and leads from discovered producing fields which new play to enter because it involves much
in the play and thus hinders our use of field analogs larger commitments of money, time, and personnel.
and models in exploration. Finally, the preferred defin­ The economic consequences of choosing a bad play
ition of the play, nf(jllliIy ojgl'ologically rt!ll1tcdfidd~ . can be ''''rious tn a medium-sized international
prospects aJld lends, all of similar geological' origiJl Illld explorer; to a smaller firm such an outco~1e can be
charged frolll COI/l/l101I petrolel/lIl SOl/rce beds, does not in financially disastrous.

Table 11 Factor comparison in the four levels of petroleum investigation (Magoon & Dow, 1994).

Factor Sedimentary Basin Petroleum System Play Prospect

Investigation Sedimentary rocks Petroleum Traps Trap

Economics None None Essential Essential
Geologic time Time of deposition Critical moment Present-day Present-day
Existence Absolute Absolute Conditional Conditional
Cost Very low ..
·_·:.OIN High Very high
Analysis &. modeling Basin ·~stem Play Prospect
Chapter 5 61

an exploration play are identical to, derived from, or

lSEDIMENTARY BASIN I } analogous with those employed in prospect risk analy­
~ Economics sis (Table 12). ~.. , ..,......;>­
~ NOT For example; just as a series of successful develop­
l"""""'P-ET-RO---'lEUM SYSTEM I Important ment wells prove up the discovered field, so do succes­
sive discoveries prove up the successful play (Baker et
~ al., 1986). The prospect-reserves distribution allows
Economics IPLAY I probabilistic prediction of reserves expected, given that
VERY the prospect p!oves to be a discovery; siI}1ilarly, the FSD /
Important ~ allows probabilistic reserves prediction for the new play, ~
PROSPECT givren at least one discovery. Either distribution can be
used to help estimate the chance of commercial success
(see p. 39) and/or the chance of economic success, given
Figure 29 Four levels of petroleum investigation.
the presence of flowable hydrocarbons. For distribu­
From Magoon and Dow (7 994).
tions of both prospect reserves and field sizes, it is
important to determine minimum commercial field size
(MCFS) or·minimum economic field size (MEFS) and
The good news is that, because of (1) similar reser­ the probabilities associated with them (Pmcfs and
voir types and trap geometries, (2) commonality of Pmefs). No prospect should be drilled unless the opera­
hydrocarbon charge, (3) consistent exploration and tor has a legitimate reason to expect the venture to be
development methods, and (4) uniform contract profitable on a full-cycle economic basis (Le., the mean­
terms, it is possible to carry out economic e"a]uations reserves case is at least minimally economic). However,
of exploration plays as full-cycle economic ,'entures. the operati,-e decision to complete the discovery well,
Such evaluations utilize regional geologic, geochemi­ made after the well has been drilled, is based on the
cal, and geophysical studies (see Appendix E), and MCFS simply because the decision to complete the dis­
they are carried out using basic principles of prospect covery well considers all prior costs as "sunk" and thus
risk analysis, as described in Chapter 3. depends only on whether costs of completion and oper­
ation allow an acceptable profit-making investment on a
Risk Analysis of Prospects point-forward basis. For plays, however, MEFS is pre­
ferred because no rational company is purposefully
and Plays Compared
going to continlle to explore for and develop new fields
For the most part, the logic and procedures used in in a pla.y where the discovered fields are not economic
conducting risk analysis and economic assessment of on a full-cycle basis. For both prospects and plays, we

Table 12 Exploration risk analysis-prospects versus plays.


...... • Development wells prove up the discovered field • Successive dis~overjes prove up the successful play

• Prospect-reserves distribution • Field-size distribution

• Pmcfs ~ Pcommercial and Pmefs ~ Peconorilic • Pmefs ~ Peconomic

• Cash-flow model for full-cycle economics of

• Cash-flow model for full-cycle economics of
field life
"core producing area"

• Geologic chance factors:

• Geologic chance factors:
-Independent for l-objective wells
-Shared (= "Play Chance")
-Shared + Indep. for 2-objective wells
-Indep. (= "Local Chance")
-I • "Staged" development potential is limited • "Staged" development potential is substantial
-I • HC generation & migration usually more assured • HC generation & migration highest priority to siltisrj".
--------------- ---l-l- ._ ...._
_I He = hydrocarbon
> ~\.,.'­
~~~ .
•.J ...

62 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment ',:

must construct detailed cash-flow models based on time value of money. But most successful plays involve
parameters estimated through objective and reliable several sequentially discovered and developed fields.
geotechnology and contract analysis to assess project Moreover, early production revenues may themselves
profitability on a full-cycle economic basis, first for the generate funds required for subsequent development
anticipated new fields (prospects) and then for the antic­ of fields within the play or core area. Construction of
ipated new core producing area (the play). pipelines and/or development of markets for produc­
However, there are also some important differences tion may take several years. Accordingly, in some
between prospect and play risk analysis. For single­ plays there may be legitimate reasons for staging the
objective wildcats, the geologic chance factors used to exploration and development, consiste!1t with rflaxi­ /
estimate the chance of encountering flowable hydro­ mum long-term profitability. Often Stich delays may
carbons (= geologic success, Pg) are treated as if they constitute pragmatic, nonquarltitative applications of ti ·
were independent of each other. This assumption option-pricing theory (see p. 52).
allows serial multiplication of the individual compo­
nents of geologic chance to yield Pg. However, for Integration of Geotechnology,
exploratory wells having ~uItipJe objec~ives, risk
analysis recognizes that some chance factors are COI/I­
Economics, and Management
ilion to all the objective zones, whereas other chance
in Play Analysis
elements t'ary among the different objective zones (p. There are many ways to convert a viable play into
41 and Appendix D). The chance factors that are shared either an economic loss or an unappreciated, rejected
(that is, common to all the objective zones) frequently investment opportunity. Whether the error has to do
include petroleum generation and migration, includ­ with bad geotechnology, bad engineering, bad eco­
ing the elements of timing and presen'ation. The inde­ nomic evaluation, or bad acquisition strategies, the
pelldwt chance factors typically include reservoir, consequences are the same. That's why successful risk
closure, and containment. To correctly estimate the analysis of exploration plays requires thorough syn­
chance of various combinations of discoveries for such thesis of multidisciplinary topics: geostatistics, geol­
multiple-objective prospects, it is necessary to calcu­ ogy, geophysics, reservoir engineering, drilling and
late the chance of success of the shared factors sepa­ completion technology, economics, decision analysis,
rately from the indepelldCllt chance factors. contract analysis, political analysis, industrial opera­
This same principle is also consistently employed in tions, and business strategies. These specialties take on
risk analysis of plays, simply because there are, char­ greater or lesser importance a t different stages in the
acteristically, elements of geologic chance that apply life of the successful play, but their successful integra­
equally to every prospect in the play (:::: "shared tion is required if the play is to succeed as a full-cycle
chance"); similarly there are also elements of geologic economic risk venture.
chance that vary among the different prospects (:::: Accordingly, the most common organizational pat­
"average prospect chance" or "local chance"). To tern adopted by the modern petroleum industry for
make things even more complicated, we may also deal analyZing and exploring new plays is the multidisci­
with partial dependencies, where a gi\'en geologic plinary exploration team. The composition of such
chance factor is partly shared and partly independent. teams may change in both numbers and specialties as
In carrying out risk analysis of plays, especially new the play evolves.
plays, the elements of geologic chance associated with
hydrocarbon generation, migration, and timing are
usually of paramount importance to address and sat­ Important Geologic Concepts
isfy. However, for plays hadng greater exploration for Play Analysis
maturity or plays in known petroliferous basins, con­
cerns about hydrocarbon charge comrnonly are dimin­ AppendiX E outlines topics, procedures, and key
ished, whereas concerns about reservoir, closure, and steps in carrying out a geologic synthesis of an explo­
containment are greater. Ne\'ertheless, all chance fac­ ration play. Such a synthesis-Htotal geology"­
tors are theoretically of equal importance in the sense integrates all geologic elements bearing on the likeli­
that all must have been satisfied in order for a reser­ hood of petroleum accumulations, their possible vol­
voired accumulation to exist. As pointed out previ­ umes, spatial distribution, and geologic character.
ollsly (p. 34), the chance factors should be thought of Such integratea studies form the basis for any subse­
as if they \'\'ere equal links in a circular chain: if one quent legitimate attempt at risk analysis and economic
link is broken, the chain is broken. assessment of a new exploration play, or entry into an
Another significant difference between plays and ongoing one.
prospects concerns the strategies inYoh'ed nfFr.;;= disL;'~~­ o. It is far beyond the scope of this book to delve deeply
ery: generally, it is important to develop the newly suc­ into the subject of geologic basin analysis or even to
cessful prospect promptly and begin generating summarize such a complex topic. AppendiX E is, how­
production revenues as soon as possible becCluse of the ever, a useful flow sheet to guide explorationists
Chapter 5 63

Established Correlation
---:--r:~""-~---------Y:~=r-- - ­ 4

Marine Shale .- -

Shelf Marine
Limestone Shale

~-:;-:----J::c:a Marine Limestone

Figure 30a Traditional facies interpretation indicates that the shelf limestone and marine shale are coeval.

Established Correlation .
Marine Shale

Limestone -~~~~~iit~1;=} ---- -

-----"...... - - -
" " ,,':.-.--
,"' ~-----_ . .::=-<
' .... ~'..::: ...:~-- - -:
~-~-::::-~-""'- ~
Establishe -~:;~~:.~
- -
Marine Limestone
d Correlation - -

Figure 30b Depositional topography interpretation indicates that all of the shelf limestone is older than any of the
marine shale. The only facies relationship is between the shelf limestone and marine limestone, with basin starvation

through the process/so that they will end up with the concerned with efficient evaluation of basins and plays,
ke~ maps, cross sections, and data necessary for the sequence stratigraphy is important for three reasOns.
estimates and calculations required in the sequential
ste\?s of formal play analysis. In addition, several geo­ Regional Mapping
IOglC concepts are especially important to consider in One of the fir~t tasks facing the geoscientist who is
cond ucting a sound play analysis. entering a ne\~' basin or play is to identify natural
cycles-unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units­
Stratigraphic Sequences
and to make maps and cross sections using such natural
in Play Analysis
sedimentary packages and especially the unconformable
surfaces bounding them. The true spatial and geologic
The topic of sequence stratigraphy has been a relationships beh~'een source rocks, reservoir rocks, and
rapidly expanding field of geologic study since the sealing rocks are best understood in context with these
mid-1970s. Utilizing the principles of sequence stratig­ natural chapters of earth history. In particular, sedimen­
r~phy is .extremely important in carrying out geotech­ tation related to contemporaneous structural events and
mcal reVlews and syntheses of new basins and plays. sedimentary provenance is most readily deciphered at
L.L. Sloss (1963) published the first comprehensive a regional scale when geoscientists think in terms of
treatment of continental-scale stratigraphic sequences, stratigraphic sequences and subsequences.
identifying six unconformity-bounded "packages" of
sedimentary rocks on the North American continent. Depositional Topography
Sloss/s original sequences each represented about 50 to Traditional stratigraphy has not dealt comfortably
120 million years of geologic history. Later work by with depositional topography in sedimentary
SI~s/s student, Peter Vail, and his Exxon associates led sequences. Figure 30a shO\·vs how the characteristic
to the recognition of a hierarchy of ordered sequences­ changes in rock type and thickness are conventionally spanning dimir~ishing intervals of geologic time interpreted as facies changes of coeval sedimentary
(Vall et al., 1977a, 1977b). Iior petroleum geoscientists deposits, whereas Figure 30b deals more realistically
64 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

with the same rock patterns, as a combination of dif­ depressions" and recorded four important characteris­

ferent facies and depositional topography. Deposi­ tics of such generative basins:

tional topography is significant and important to

recognize in play scale geologic analysis because it 1. Such trends and areas typically have high

allows the geoscientist to understand the true spatial exploratory success ratios;

relationships of various constituents of the petroleum 2. They are mappable by integrated geologic/

system-source rocks, carrier beds, reservoir rock, geophysical!geochemical methods;

and seals. These are most readily detected where the 3. Large petroleum accumulations tend to occur
cross section or mapping datum is a regional uncon­ near the center of such petroleum-generfitive /
formity, either at the base or the top of the subject basins, or on adjacent structural high trends; and
sequence or subsequence. 4. Migration distances commonly range in tens

Predictions Based on Sea-level Stands rather than hundreds of miles and are limited by

the drainage areas of individual structures.

Modern sequence stratigraphers understand that

sea level has risen and fallen, often dramatically, in Sluijk and Nedp.rlof (1984) provide an excellent illus­

the geologic past, and-in context with depositional tration of these basic ideas (Figure 31). Murris (1984)

topography-has produced characteristic depositional and Sluijk and Parker (1986) demonstrated that synthe­

models and lithologic patterns. Stratigraphers may sis of these integrated geochemical/geologic methods

look for and predict certain combinations of petroleum (in combination with trap-size considerations) results

facies associated with highstand, transgressive, and in greatly improved exploration results (Figure 32).

lowstand deposits. In particular, just the awareness of Later refinements of Lopatin's and Waples's ideas on

the possibility of lowstand events can be an insightful time-temperature index as an indicator of petroleum

guide in the search for new plays, and modern seismic generation, through realizatiOlI of the strong kinetic

surveys are a powerful tool for detecting and delineat­ influence on the process (Hunt et aI., 1991; Waples,

ing key reservoir and sealing units. 1994) and sophisticated probabilistic computer model­

ing of the oil-generative process (example: "Basin­

Mod" software and others), have now enabled

Worldwide versus Provincial

geoscientists to make more reliable predictions about

Petroleum Source Rocks the time and relative quantity of petroleum generation,

Arthur and Schlanger (1979) recognized the exis­ as well as the probable direction of migration out of the

tence of "global anoxic events," of Cretaceous age kitchen toward the basin margins.

(Albian and Turonian), and speculated that they rep­ Explorationis'ts engaged in play analysis must

resented Widespread organic-rich marine deposition. understand thoroughly the genetic relationships

Klemme and Ulmishek (1991) identified six such between the family of related traps we call a play and

events (which occurred in the middle Silurian, Late the kitchen from which the traps were charged with oil

Devonian, Late Pennsylvanian-Early Permian, Late and gas. Fortunately, the petroleum system concept

Jurassic, middle Cretaceous, and the Oligocene­ facilitates that analysis and understanding.

Miocene), and showed that more than 90~~ of the

world's oil and gas production and resen'es originate
from these six preferred stratigraphic inten'als. The Total Geology and Geologic Play Maps
implications for exploration strategy are bb\'ious­ In order to understand, analyze, and make geotech­

high priority should be given to those basins and plays nical predictions for purposes of exploration in oil and

containing marine sedimentary rocks of <lny of those gas plays, geoscientists must integrate all aspects of

six ages. sfratigmplzy (reservoir rocks, source rocks, sealing

At the sam'e time, the geoscientist must not ignore rocks), structural geology (burial history, tectonic

petroliferous source-facies that are more prO\'incial or events, structural styles), geochemistry (source rock

even local in origin and extent, such as foundered richness and volume, generation amount and time [the

structural basins, euxinic back-reef depressions, and "critical moment"], migration routes and impedance),

lacustrine deposits. However, such secondary source­ geophysics (trap detection and measurement), and

rock units may often b~ understood only in context petroleulII occurrence (fields, production data, shows).

\vith sequence stratigraphy, basin tectonics, and geo­ We call such synthesis "total geology." The petroleum

logic history. system concept encourages such integration.

Many diverse tasks are involved in conducting

thorough, integrated risk analyses of exploration
The Kitch'-'"'i-' -':"'ocJ:!~rnical Mo~t!I;rr.:­ ,~ plays. Many geologic, geophysical, and geochemical
Demaison (1984) demonstra ted that most of the facts must be gathered, interpreted, assimila ted, and
world's petroleum occurs in "petroleum~gene~ative displayed, to be evaluated along with geostatistical,
Chapter 5 65

Deplh conlour> 01
souret rock Itvtl
(m. subseo)/

Droinsheds ot
this levtl

- 1$0- molurity lines 01

source rock 'evel within

tlfeclive droinoqe area

oreo (VR/E)

I ,

A PROSPfCf A' ~-j-o +
-=:.,::.=:.:.:....-...l..---=---_ _- l - CENOZOIC
I depth

----- -------~ KU
---- Kl

..,.,.,. / ' Source rock. Il!vet
4000 ..


.0.80 150- moh,;:rity

lines (VR IE)

(b) I·, (c)

Figure 31 Hydrocarbon charge model. From Sluijk and Nederlof (1984).

financiill, and operational considerations. Moreover, and uncertainties t,hat bear on a play's definition,
the procedure should be carried out in consistent prospectivity, uncertainties, and risks. Each company
ways throughout the organization, for purposes of should adopt a consistent geologic style by which
com~leteness and comparison with other plays being essential information may be synthesized objectively
conSIdered. Accordingly, many firms have devel­ for n1anagement's consideration.
oped play-analysis checklists to guide geoscientists
in the investigation, analysis, and representation of
such plays and trends. Appendix E is an example of Use of Analogs in Play Analysis
such a checklist. When such a checklist is properly Exploration play analysis requires geoscientists to
used, the result is that all available significant geot­ make informed geologic and geostatistical predictions
echnical information has been gathered for use in under conditions of great uncertainty. Frequently,
the risk analysis of the playas a full-cycle business direct evidence bearing on key geologic criteria is sim­
venture. Such a play risk analysis, however, usually ply not available. However, knowledgeable geoscien­
is carried out as a sepetrate flow sheet or software tists may make surprisingly accurate indirect forecasts
program . by using appropriate analogs.
. It is also desirable for geoscientists to develop con­ An example of the effective use of analog FSDs,
sI.stent, expressive symbologies and mapping tech­ adjusted appropriately for geologic differences and
I1Iques that contribute to such synthesis, represented exploratory maturity, is presei1L~' lat<.:.-:-in a west
as play maps (White, 1988), which convey to explo­ Texas case where the two subject areas were indeed
ratIOn decisionmakers the key geologic relationships geologically analogous.
66 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment


7200­ ,



FOREC"'STING EFFICIENCY £1% c.J F-t.::::=----.::..f
, ~--r'-~=!
~ ._-~
i - - - - -.... =~~
(j ."- _....• -------(:.: ...•. _---(
u.. --+: -- . --I


i= -.

;:=:._. -

4800 ­ 1U
0: )------
0 --{
...J u..
r--._._. =---'--=::===I


'"2 0
<5 'WOO

~. . . . . .- {

" F- -------7

> ,--......=-_-_---- .._-====1
i3 3200
::;) ~-'':::_..----f:----::=:::::I FOREC.t.STlNG EFFICIENCY 28 %

2400 ~-.-.- i==':~~


-.----.~ j------(

t===~-~"l-' DIAGONAL LINE:

----- '1
800- ~ f20 DRY 1I0LES FIRST



o 40 80 120 160 200

... ~,... --c. ,

Figure 32 Integrated methods produce more efficient exploration results. From Sluijk and Parker (7986).
Chapter 5 67

In a broader context, explorationists should always 3. The relath'e efficiency with which industry can
be alert for documented analog examples of the basins, sense and discover larger, richer fields eafly and
plays, and fields they are studying in the course of lea\~e sm'aUet, 1:?'~.5 profitable fields to be fOlmd in
evaluating new plays. The international geologic liter­ the later stages of the exploration cycle.
ature is rich in classifications and documented studies
of basin types, classes of plays and trends, types of dif­ Discovery Process Modeling
ferent fields, FSDs, and other geostatistical data. Item 3 above touches directly on the concept of dis­
To maximize the effective use of analogs, three con­ covery process modeling, first expressed in 1958 by
ditions must be met: Arps and Roberts: Ifre likeliJlOod of discoverillg afield of "I
givell size class is proportiollal to tile gcollletric probabilit~
1. Geoscientists must have ready access to the inter­ of its discot'ery alld to tile efficicllcy of exploratioll (Equa­
national geologic literature. A qualified geotech­ tion 8).
nicallibrarian, with keen organizational and
computer-search skills, greatly facilitates such F;\ (11') == FA (oo)(I_e-CAidB) (8)
2. Statistical databases, organized to be geologically where
discriminating, allow geologic class and type to
be related to pertinent geostatistics; and FA(w) == cumulati\'e number of discoveries estimated
3. Geoscientists must adopt a working philosophy to be made in size class A by the drilling of w wells
that recognizes the likelihood of substantial FA(oo) == ultimate number of fields in
uncertainty and embraces the use of analogs to size class A that occur in the basin
help make estimates where direct evidence is B == area of basin
absent. A == average areal extent of the fields
in the given size class
w == cumulative nlimber of wildcat wells, and
Key Concepts and Techniques for C == efficiency of exploration
Risk Analysis of Exploration Plays It is important to understand that C is a dimension­
less number estimated for each size class, and that C
Field-size Distributions may vary, being higher for the larger size classes and
The topic of FSDs was introduced in Chapter 2, rel­ declif\ing gradually as size class diminishes unless new
ative to prospect risk analysis, where the FSD was concepts or technology cause temporary increases in
used as a reality check (p. 12). In play analysis, knowl­ exploration efficiency.
edgeable manipulation and titili'zation of FSDs, in When.C = I, discovery is random. For 1.5 to 3.0
combination with estimates of total fields to be found MMBOE fields in the Dem'er Basin and Texas Gulf
in the play, is an extremely powerful technique that coast, C '" 2.0 (Drew, 1990). The commonly observed
allows surprisingly accurate forecasts of total play pattern is for C to increase (as size class of fields
reserves, and prediction of approximate field sizes increases) ultimately to values approaching 6 or even
pre;;ent in new plays. greater for very large fields. Four very important con­
ditions ~ust be emphasized:
Concepts and Principles .
The FSD is the statistical expression of all fields 1. Sampling without replacement is assumed;
found within a basin or play to date. It represents the 2. The area of the play remains constant;
effective natural synthesis of three factors: 3. Exploration technology is either constant or its
improvement is regular; and
1. The natural petroleum endowment of a play, 4, There is a consistent proportion bet\\'een fieid
including ultimate recovery and field productive area­
• the abundance and efficiency of hydrocarbon that is, fields ,"'ith large reserves have large sur­
generation and migration, and face areas. Generally this is a valid assumption.
• the number and capacity of traps
2. The relative maturity of exploration in the trend, A good way to estimate Cs for each of the significant
including field-size classes of a fl/ture play would be to calculate
• numbers of exploratory wells and discoveries, C for analog field-size classes for several well-explored
and analogous plays or basins, and to apply it to the antici­
• optimization of current geotechnology in pated exploration campaign. Obviously, you must
exploration, drilling, and development. have some idea of the natural endowment of oil and
68 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

gas accumulations that are undiscovered in the play 5000

(FSDs and estimated field numbers provide that) and
apply analog C values to that data set. For perspective, ~

here are some documented values for C: '0

• C = 1 where discovery is random; 'E 3000

• In mature petroleum plays such as Miocene­ ~

Pliocene of the onshore U.S. Gulf Coast, typical C 1u
values range from less than 2 for small fields (0.1 .
MMBOE ~ 10 MMBOE) to as much as 5 for very ~
large fields (= 300 MMBOE).
• For west Texas fields of 1.5 -t 3.0 MMBOE, C was
2.0; similar values for C were calculated for Den­ 0

(a) 0
10 Oiscovo,y numb.,

ver Basin fields.

• If there have already been some discoveries in the
play, you can usually use those data to project
roughly what future discoveries will be, for field 'E 600
number and size-that is the basic premise of dis­ ~

covery process modeling. Keep the basic assump­



tions and conditions in mind, however! 0


;; 400

Discovery process modeling can be useful in play ~

> 300
risk analysis because it provides a method by which ~

estimates of numbers of future disco\'eries can be ~

independently confirmed or supported. In a partially
explored play, Ft1 (w) is the total number of fields dis­ 100

covered of size class A, and that value is easily derh'ed

just by counting the nurr:ber of such field discoveries 0 10 m m ~ ~ W
(b) N.w-li.ld wildcol numb..
to date. F1\(00) is the projected ultimate number of'
fields of size class A that exist in the play-this \'alue is Figure 33 Creaming curves. From Forman and Hinde

the "unknown" in the equation. The difference (1986),

between F,,(w) and FA (00) is the number of fields of size

class A remaining to be found, theoretically. The criti­
cal parameter, C/ cannot be determined":""only esti­
mated-which may ,constitute a serious drawback to 111is pattern has been recognized by authorities who
the method. Moreover, results are extremely sensitiw present and analyze "creaming curves" (Forman and
to the estimated area of the play. Hinde, 1986). By plotting cumulative reserves discovered
Further discussion of discovery process modeling is by successive discoveries (Qr successive exploratory
beyond the scope of this book. Readers interested in wells), relative exploration maturity of a play is indi­
morn detail are referred to papers by Kaufman (1980/ cated. When the discovery curve is rising steeply, explo­
1983)/ Andreatta and Kaufman (1986)/ and Drew (1990). ration is efficient and profitable because large reserves
are being fOlmd by relatively few wells. However, when
Creaming Curves the discovery curve flattens out/ relatively small reserve
During the course of exploration in a play, there is a additions are being added during later-stage drilling
clear tendency for the larger fields to be fOlmd in the ear­ (Figure 33).
lier stages, whereas during subsequent stages steadily Creaming curves express the relationship between
smaller fields are discovered. Geotechnically guided average exploration efficiency among all size classes
exploration is more efficient than random drilling, espe­ and the natural endowment of oil and gas accumula­
cially during the early stages of play exploration. Explo­ tions in the play or basin. The flattening slope of the
ration inefficiencies result mostly from the fact that, creaming curve through time reflects decreasing aver­
while geoscientists generally can identify prospects too age exploration efficiency among all size classes, act­
small to contain a large petroleum accumulation, they ing on the natural endowment of oil accumulations of
cannot reliably predict whether a prospect of large area differing sizes, which as we know takes a natural log­
·or volume actually contains_:,~lnU resen'es (because of normal form. Because more small accumulations are
leaky traps, poor reservoir quality, fa Isely-optimistic de\'eloped onshore than offshore, we expect creaming
seismic data or interpretations). curves to be more pronounced in onshore trends.
Chapter 5 69

An interesting example of efficiency variations in surface geology relates to numbers of prospects, land­
international exploration was presented by Shell sat images may indicate the density oJ.,!nomglies. •
(Murris, 1984) and previously introduced as Figure 32. • -:M-

Here, random exploration (C =1) is represented by the Probabilistic Range of Field Number Estimates
straight, sloping line from lower left to upper right. Of course, we cannot know just how many petroleum
Use of only the selective factor of estimated trap size accumulations are present, awaiting discovery, in a play
generated forecasting efficiency that was 28% better fairway. But we can develop plau&ible predictions by
than random. However, use of geochemical parame­ using analog basins and trends, employing different inde­
ters plus trap siz~ produced forecasting efficiency that pendent reality checks, and expressing our estimates as J
was 63% l">etter'than random. Note that this expression probabilistic ranges. For example, we might be quite con- •
of effici~ncy can be calculated at any stage of maturity, fident (P90%) that at least one field is present (given that
and it applies to discovery of all size classes, not indi­ an acti\'e petroleum system exists in the play area), with a
vidual size classes. Efficiency is expressed graphically best guess (P50%) of four fields, and be 10% confident in
as the percentage of all space between the diagonal as many as 16 fields. Note that this distribution is proba­
random line and the optimum efficient case on the left. bly lognormal.
By analogy, exploration efficiency in the Gippsland Such a probabilistic expression can be combined with
Basin was clearly greater relative to trap volumes than the projected. FSD br the play to give a probabilistic dis­
to trap areas (Figure 33). tribution of play reserves, a key goal for play analysis.
Shift of Field-size Distributions Field Density in Analog Plays
As previously pointed out (p. 11 and Figure 5), when Careful counts of the numbers of fields in one or
we separate a given play into earlier and later groups of more analog plays usually yields characteristic ranges
field discoveries and plot them on a single log-probabil­ of field numbers per unit area (i.e., 1.5 to 5.0 fields per
ity graph, we can see the "daughter" FSDs shift steadily 100 square miles [260 km~l or the reciprocal expres­
toward smaller field sizes during thelife of the "parent" sion,l field per 20 to 67 square miles [52-174 km 2]).
play. Figures Sa and Sb illustrate this tendency, where Obvioush', the desired value represents the ultimate
more than 100 fields in the Minnelusa Trend (northeast­ number o'f fields, so the stage of exploration of the ana­
ern Wyoming, U.S.A.) were separated into (1) the earli­ log play must be taken into account. Note I.hat such
est one-third of all discovered fields; (2) the middle ranges lend themselves to probabilistic expression.
one-third; and (3) the latest one-third of all fields found.
Although there is considerable overlap in field sizes Field Area versus Field Reserves
among the three daughter distributions, the overall in Discbvery Process Model
reduction in field size is significant: mean field sizes For analog plays and trends, graphs can be made
drop from 4.58 MM (first third) 'to·2.17 MM (second shOWing the relationship between documented field
third), to 0.76 (last third), for complete, untruncated dis­ areas and the associated projections of ultimate recov­
tributions. For distributions truncated at the commercial eries from those fields. Use those graphs to assign
limit (0.1 MMBOE), the respective differences in mean appropriate areas to the different field-size classes
reserves are larger: 5.51 MM, 2.98 MM, and 1.06 MM. (Table 13). For different field-size classes, use the pos­
sible exploration efficiencies as outlined on page 68.
Estimating Field Numbers The final stf'P is to uti!i;:~ the apFopriate area for each
field-size class in the discovery process model (Equa­
One of the essential g~0t~chnical tash required to tion 8), which will yield the expected number of
carry out meaningful play analysis is to esti~ate how remaining fields in each size class. The resulting value
many petroleum accumulations remain to be found in should be viewed as an independent reality check of
the play area. Although the development of such esti­ your other probabilistic estimates of field number that
mates may be rE:'viewed with skepticism by novice explo­ you derived by analog experience. '
~ationists or non-geoscientists, useful projections can
Indeed be generated using several tested approaches out­ Pragmatic Approach for
lined as follows. Field Number Estimates
Counting Visible Anomalies A useful rule-of-thumb approach to estimating
field numbers has been suggested by Dr. Jeff Brown

I If a seismic grid is available over part or all of the

play area, estimates of the number of fields can be
(personal communication) based on the observation
that in thoroughly explored play fairways, approxi­

I der!ved simply by counting all anomalies and reducing

theIr number via estimates of the chance of geologic
success (Pg) and of economic success (Pmefs). Where
_~':T1~tely 10% of the trend/area will be under closure.
Givei;- ,nat l1l'i? average wildcat success rate is approx­
imately 25%, we can thus expect about 2.5% of the

70 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

Table 13 System of graduated size classes used FSD for the subject play, whether it represents an
currently by the U.S. Geological Survey (after Drew, 1990). undrilled play in a frontier area or a later-stage entry • ~
into a proven play that is thought to still have eco­ 'l
Size Size Range nomic potential.
Class (Million ROE'" recoverable oil and gas) The basic principles outlined earlier provide the
basis by which explorationists can analyze and shift
1 0.0 to 0.006 projected FSDs for those plays that are being consid­
2 0.006 to 0.012 ered for possible entry and participation by their com­
3 0.012 .' to 0.024 panies. Manipulation of FSDs can be classified and
discussed usefully in relation to play maturity.
4 0.02{i to 0.047
5 0.047 to 0.095 Where Production Is Well Established
6 0.095 to 0.19 Companies may consider entering an existing play
7 0.19 to 0.38 where they identify remaining profitable exploration
8 0.38 to 0.76 potential, often anticipating changes in
9 0.76 to 1.52
• regulation, taxation, or oil prices;
10 1.52 to 3.04 • new technology enabling higher success rates, or
11 3.04 to 6.07 increased discrimination regarding field reserve
12 6.07 to 12.14 sizes;
• increased profitability via reduced drilling costs/
13 12.14 to 24.3
more effective stimulation/completion tech­
14 24.3 to 48.6 niques/ or mQre efficient production operations;
15 48.6 to 97.2 or
16 97.2 to 194.3 • new geologic concepts or perspectives about the
17 194.3 to 388.6
18 388.6 to 777.2 In such areas, the existillg play FSD should form the
19 777.2 to 1554.5 basis for the projected FSD for purposes of play analy­
20 1554.5 to 3109.0 sis. Where new areas of the play appear prospecti\'e,
the parent FSD itself can be employed. But where
'BOE = barrels of oil equivalent anticipated additional exploration will take place in
the existillg play area, the projected FSD should be
compatible with the most recent 10 to 20 discoveries, '.
trend/ area to consist of productive closures. Given depending on the timeframe involved. It is important
common incomplete trap fill-up, averaging perhaps that analog FSDs reflect the use of similar geotechnical
40% of the closure areas, this suggests that about 1% of techniques and concepts. That is, if new technologies
any productive play should be occupied within pro­ demonstrate or promise a dear improvement in aver­ \
ductive field outlines. Utilizing the graphs showing age discovery size, it is permissible for explorationists
the relationship between field reserves and field area to shift the FSD toward 3~ightly larger average field
(p. 68)/ and the expectation of lognormality for the sizes. However, in most cases, projected FSDs in estab­
FSD, we can "back out" reasonable estimates for the lished basins should reflect recent discoveries, or shift
field numbers and their associated sizes. TI1is can often toward slightly smaller average fields. In such cases, a
be done by trial-and-error methods as well. reliable and complete catalog of producing fields pro­
vides the basis for constructing the projected FSD.
Ouserved Estimating Patterns
Where Limited Production Exists
As pointed out previously, most geoscientists tend
to underestimate the numbers of fields that will ulti­ In petroliferous trends where previous production
mately be found in a prospective play (gi\'en success) consists of small fields because of poor reservoir perfor­
and overestimate the sizes of the those fields. mance/ new tools (that allow areas of higher porosity
and permeability to be detected) may generate disco\"­
Use of Field-size Distributions
ery of larger fields for a limited time. Similarly,
improved stimulation techniques and / or more optimal
in Play Analysis
welllocation.s...':'1'\Y allow greater per-well recoveries,
""",,,.:.>J. ... ."k

It is not possible to carry out a geologic and eco­ resulting in larger fieius. Sum expectations, if prudent
nomic play analysis without generating a projected and documented, should be reflected through manually
Chapter 5 71

shifted FSDs. New tools such as 3-D seismic and/or resulting from a deficient HC-eharge, absence of effec­
direct hydrocarbon indicators (OHIs) may allow explor­ tive seal, fracture leakage, or extremely thin or poor­
ers to sense traps that were previously invisible. quality resen'oir rock. Recommended values forsuch ,"'-­
Although the population of the remaining trend FSO situations must be credible; they should generally lie
will not change, it is likely that, for a limited period, dis­ in the range of 0.01 MMBOE to perhaps 2 MMBOE,
coveries will preferentially include the larger remaining depending on geometry and structural/stratigraphic
fields, rather than the smaller ones, as previously dis­ style. At the upper end, the projected Pl% value
cussed under Creaming Curves. should represent the largest field that could credibly
Another common class in this category applies to be expected in the trend, based on exis;ting geologic /
those trends in which only a fe'''' fields have been dis­ knowledge. Generally this value will range from a!:,out ,.
covered but have not been developed to the point that 100 MMBOE to perhaps as much as 1 to 4 BBOE, if
reasonable predictions can be made for their approxi­ such a large discovery is indeed remotely possible.
mate reserves sizes, or the key data bearing on reserves Both the P1°" and P99~" "alues must be credible. A
sizes are proprietary and not available. In such cases, straight line drawn on a cumulath'e log-probability
geoscientists must use whatever data can be obtained graph then represents the projected FSO for the subject
to make range-type estim<ltes of key parameters such trend. This method should be used Oll!!f for new, non­
as areas ofclosures (land-sat images, air photos, geologic productive frontier trends where there'is very limited
maps, seismic data, etc.); a7)ernge /let pay thickl1ess (out­ information, and the projected values must be compat­
crop studies, stratigraphic projections, well logs, ible with a"ailable geologic knowledge. Again, this
reported perforation intervals, seismic data); and He method represents a last resort.
recoveries (sources reported above, plus analog fields, As a broad reality check the reader is referred to Fig­
test reports, and extrapolations made therefrom). It ure 3-1, which shows the FSO of all oil and equivalent
may be poss:ble to estimate a range of possible field gas fields in the world. It is instructive to note the prob­
numbers based on anomalies present on air photos, abilistic distribution of world field sizes: P99% = 0.018
geologic maps, or subsurface seismic maps. It is often MMBOE, P90"o = 0.25 MM, P50'X, = 5.4 MM, P10% =
helpful to identify other producing areas that appear to 143 MM,P1",,=1,917MM, with the mean = -100 MM.
be geologically analogous, utilizing FSOs, field num­ The writer is indebted to Richard Nehring and Petro­
bers, and field densities from such counterpart areas, as Consullnnts, Inc. for these data.
well as more specific analogs bearing on prospect Manipulation of an analog FSO-by shifting it to
areas, reservoir thickness and character, and producing reflect the expert's opinion that the subject play will be
characteristics. The final product of such studies should either more or less petroliferous-may reflect the fol­
be a catalog of projected field sizes that follow a lognor­ lowing expectations:
mal distribution and a probabilistic distribution of pos­
sible field numbers. 1. More aud largerfields, because traps are thought to
be larger, reservoirs thicker and/or more perme­
Where Production Has Not Been Established
able, and top-seals more numerous and effective;
Three approaches can provide guidance here. The or (ewe'r alld smallerfields, for the opposite reasons;
first uses ranges of geologic parameters from available 2. M~Jre alld largq fields, heca use petroleum source
outcrop or well data, air photos, seismic lines, and the rocks are thought to be thicker, richer, or more
like, as discussed previously. The second method favorablv situated with respect to migration
relies on analog trends and plays in adjacent basins or ·pathway·s and/or timing, or fewer alld smaller
geologically similar basins elsewhere, even on differ­ !'jdds for the opposite reasons;
ent continents. The key requirement here is that the 3. 'More alld larg('/' fields, because the subject play is
subject basin and the analog basin must be geologi­ thought to be at an immature stage of exploration
Gilly similar with respect to traps (structural style, compared with the analog play; or fewer MId
reservoir lithology, and origin), scaling rocks, and slllallC'r fields, because the subject play is thought
petroleum endowment. The third approach miJY be to be more mature than the analog play.
iJppJied in desperation-only when time or data limi­
tations prevent the construction of a projected FSO for Prediction Using Analog Trends and
iln unexplored, nonproductive new trend as described Interpretive Shifts-An Example FSD
eMlier. In this approach, the geoscientist constructs a The Permian Basin of west Texas and eastern New
generic FSO, represented at the low end (P99%) as a Mexico is a world·c1ass Oil-producing province. In 1945,
small, noneconomic or noncommercial field. Concep­ its northern extent (Area X) was poorly known, very
tually, this value might represent a small trap that was lightly drilled, and essentially unproductive. Adjoining
not correctly sensed by explorationists or a Jilrge trap Area X on the south, however, was an area of similar
containing only a thin attic-type oil accumulation stratigraphy and structural history and comparable size,
72 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment


P1 P1
·P2 -~ - -- - 1-- ­ r-­ ~- - I­ P2.
P5 -I­ -I­
-- - - I­ - - pY 1-- ­ P5
-P1 o ­ f- '-­ - I­ - - f­ - ~ ~o- -- I­
- - ilIl
P20--­ UI_I ­
..... ~ ...
-l- I­ '-- I­ I- ­ P20
·P30-­ - - - - - -- - -- '­ - P30
P4 0--­ - - -- I- I­ - - I­ ~ - - I- ­ - P40
P50 P50 P50
f!!- --II'
P60--­ - - I- I­ - e-­ - P60
P70- -­ - - -- - - --
I­ -I­ I­ P70
PB0--­ - l- I­ I- ­ - 1--'­ l- I-- 1 - ­ -- - PBO
-P9o ­ . I- ­
~90 - - I- - -­ -I­ '­ - - --- P90
P9 5- r­ ~ r- I­ ­ - I­ - 1--1­ r- I-- , - ­ 1-- ­ P95
I e.
P9 B-r;;;~ - I- I­ -- - -- - - - - I­ - -!- ­ P9B
-P99/ P99
0.01 0.1
1.0 10.0 100.0 1,000.0 10,000.0
GLOBAL FIELD POPULATION (n = about 30.000)*


*E\'ery 100lh lield plollcd
P99;= 0.018 MMBOE
Source: Nehring. i'clrocollsullanls P90;= 0.250 MMBOE
P50 = 5.40 MMBOE
PIO = 143' MMBOE
PI = 1917 MMBOE

Figure 34 Global field-size distribution.

Area Y, which contained 32 producing fields, nearly all similar for the Area X FSD, the geotechnical team then
with structural-stratigraphic traps in Permian-Pennsyl­ constructed a predicted FSD for Area X, using P99% =
vanian shelf-sandstone and carbonate reservoir rocks. 1,500 BOE and P1% = 400 MMBOE (Figure 35b).
In order to construct a predicted FSD for Area X, the In 1945 the original Area Y FSD had an arithmetic
FSD for analog Area Y was first adopted as a proxy mean field size of 45 MMBOE, with a median of about
(Figure 35a). Then the proxy was assessed for plausi­ 1.5 MMBOE (see Table 14, column 1). Swanson's
bility. In this case the geoscientists concluded that mean field size was 22 MMBOE. After downward
Area X was probably not as petroliferous as Area Y adjustment for the aforementioned geologic reasons,
because (1) one of two regional source-rock horizons the predicted FSD for Area X had a median field size
was absent; (2) Area X was less deeply buried and of 0.8 MMBOE and Swanson's mean field size of 8.0
cooler, and therefore less petroleum might have been MMBOE (Table 14, column 2).
generated, and then migrated and emplaced; (3) many Compared with those 1945 predictions, what was
of the Middle Permian porous carbonate formations of the actual outcome in Area X (Table 14, column 3)?
Area Y seemed to have been replaced in Area X by Fifteen fields were actually discovered in Area X dur­
evaporites and tight dolomites through facies change; ing the next 12 years (1945-1957). The largest field was
and (4) finally, the geoscientists did not believe Area X Anton-Irish (212 MMBOE); the smallest was West
would prove to contain a fielrl. as large as the largest Petersburg (30,000 80E). The actual FSD for these 15
field in Area Y (Slaughter, 1,000 MMBOE). fields is shown on Figure 35c, for comparison wi th the
Based on these geologic considerations, and work­ original Area Y proxy as well as the Area X prediction.
_ ing from the Area Y FSD, the geoscientists chose a pro­ All 15 fields are formed by structural and structural­
.•,- ject~ PI%·f:eld size of 400 MMBOE as plausibly the stratigraphic traps in Permian-Pennsylvanian shelf
largest field that Area X was likely to contain. Recog­ sands and carbonates located along an irregular east­
nizing tha t the low-side field size observed for the west regional transcurrent fault trend, the Mata­
Area Y FSD (P99% = 1,500 BOE) probably would be dor Arch.
i , :1/1 ! I '1: !
!i 1:. i:i11 I
i I
.. ;

t r! i!. I I ; '!

, I,·,1
: II I , I I I :/

Fi~ure 35a

, :;.j
";~I i:11111 'I ' I ,
,i ./"II!I :! Iii, I :; I


Ul .... I'\) 11l U\ ...... f\) Ul

0.001 MM 0.01 MM 0.1MM 1.0MM 10MM 100MM 1,000MMBOE

, : ;;!t
! i!:l
: I
1;1 , II I;1 :!11
; ,,',/ ,1 "il.1
, i ,!
:11 I
.1:1 I I i 11;1

;i/ I I I iii! ,

I I I iii
:11 'I

:1: : ; : ~ !: '"

Figure 35b

~ . ::jii:l 'I
1--"':·=-4~·:7· ',lJl::-;-;~':-;:;-;! ~:::l'-; !!,j.!- - , - ' C - - - ---------+----'71-----­

g: ,,.,-?;i P1 %=1500BOEt: .. J
..." N 01 N U1 Ul -
'" Ul - '"

0.001 MM' 0.01 MM 0.1MM 1.0MM 10MM 100MM 1,OOOMMBOE

Figure 35c

0.001 MM 0.01 MM 0.1MM 1.0MM 10MM

CD= 1st-slag_~~.. l':.Jr,,': 'ea Y S;:::'/J (see also Table 14. column 1)

(2)= 1st precktion, Area X FSD (;3)= lsi-stage actual. Area X FSD

Figure 35 aI bI c Use of q,nalog F5Ds in forecasting actual F5Ds. .

74 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment
Table 14 Comparison of analog (area Y1 predicted (area X), and actual (area X) F5Os.

CD ® ® @ ®
Reserves 1945 Area Y 1945 Area X 1945-57 Area X 1945-57 Area Y 1957-95 Area X
(BOE) (1st Analog) (1st Prediction) (1st Actual) (2nd Analog) (2nd Actual)

P99% 1,500 BOE 1,500 BOE 4,000 BOE 650 BOE 800 BOE

P90% 30,000 BOE 25,000 BOE 50,000 BOE 8,900 BOE 10,OQO BOE /

Swanson's 22MM 8MM 9.5MM 2.4MM 1.58MM
Arithmetic 45MM N/A 15.4MM 6.76MM 0.76MM
P10% 72MM 23MM 30MM 7.1MM 2MM
P1% l,100MM 400MM 400MM 225MM 55MM

Largest field Slaughter N/A Anton-Irish Levelland 4.7MM

l,OOOMM 212MM 485MM

Pmefs 64% 56% 33% 43% 37%

Smallest field l,641BOE N/A 5,000BOE 179BOE 30,OOOBOE

@P97% @P93% @P99.7% @P98%

.- _... _-._- .. _--._--- ----- -

- --_._----~-------_._---

How well did this described predictive method sizes: the Area Y FSD shifts to the left, toward smaller
actually perform? How do the predictions compare field sizes, by roughly one order of magnitude, in the
with the actual outcomes? Table 14 facilitates compar­ second stage of exploration.
ison by showing statistical parameters of the Area Y With such supportive data, the geotechnical profes­
analog FSD (Column 1), the Area X Predicted FSD sional staff ofthe exploration team began to have con­
(Column 2), and the Actual Area X FSD (Column 3), as fidence that Area Y could indeed be used as an analog
recorded 14 years later. In fact, the median field size for Area X, given the appropriate adjustments for the
was actually 1.3 MMBOE (\'5. 0.8 Mi-.lBOE predicted), geologic differences. To provide an independent test
and Swanson's mean field size for Area X was actually of this approach, we might reasonably expect that the
9.5 MMBOE (vs. 8.0 MMBOE predicted). The arith­ shift in Area X FSDs from the 1945-1957 discoveries to
metic mean field size for Area X pro\-ed to be 15.4 the next cycle (1957-1995) would be comparable to the
MMBOE. So the method generated reasonably accu­ observed shift in analog Area Y FSDs between 1945
rate predictions, as documented by Table 14 and illus­ and 1957. In fact, Figure 36b confirms this expectation:
trated by Figure 35c. the correlation is striking-the downward shift is of
very similar magnitude, and slope changes are also
Second-stage Example quite comparable, providing compelling evidence for
Additional confirmation of the \"aliditv of this the applicability of this method.
method for predicting FSDs in new areas is provided During the period 1957-1995,52 new fields were
by the next stage of exploration in the region. In ana­ discovered in Area X. The arithmetic mean field size
log Area Y, 292 additional fields \-..,ere discovered dur­ was 0.76 MMBOE and the median was 0.24 MMBOE.
ing 1945-1957. Arithmetic mean field size was 6.76 Swanson's mean field size was 1.58 MMBOE, based on
MMBOE, and the median field size was 0.3-4 MYmOE. the projected trend line of the FSD data points; based
Swanson's mean field size was 2.4 tvL\IBOE (Table 14, on actual field sizes, Swanson's mean field size was
Column 4). So, as Figure 36a demonstrates, fields dis­ 0.82 MMBOE (Table 14, Column 5).
covered in Area Y (FSD -l \·s. FSD 1) were notably
smaller in the 12 years after 1945 than previously. Four Additional Examples
Comparison of Figure 36a with columns 1 and 4 of Further evidence of the overall validity of such FSD
Table'14 qL":t:"ltifie..,-i.his substantial redtT(llo;, ;...;,. c;eld __ manipulation is provided by the consistently downward
Chapter 5 75

I ;I! r1j =t-! fTfW -,! aughter
I I ! I I!I i I i 1III i r : II A. ;I' IIIU'
(I II 11/1 IJ4il V~ y!~~,'
I j III I I f rtH I I iI ! I IIII Vf U-L A
~". O(1)JII
I I II I I r II rII ! 1 II I I I I iJ{ I V ..rrI I ~nton:lrisli'
I I i I I I I I III : I
" ,• II Iw II i ...... v I I

I III I I III I I II A"l H ~l I [il I I IIII

III jJ ~ 1'i I I i III
I l.b I 1I1.~
I:! .
I I Lltl

I i I II I II I~ • ...Y I I I II! I I ! II if
I ! IIII I I~ I..t, r.', I I I 111111 I il , I I 11111
I I III I P I lit' I ! I' I " 1III I I , I I I I III!
I I I I J! I ~ ( I I III Ii I I Ii IIII I I : III I ! I : ! !i
I I I i .,'A
I II I' II I~ III J~ !I• I Ii! ~ I I I I iii!'
, 4
1.1 I

.~ ~~! I IIII "I I! ,I ! Ililil
I!: i;/
I I 1111. I, ,.I I Ii'!I! 'Ii
Ij.,,;.., : I I! I; " I I I!!! i i i I ! ; : II , rI . 4

...... f\)
" In...... f\) <.n ...... f\) (]I...... f\) In f\) c........... f\) U1 ......

0.001 MM 0.01 MM 0.1 MM 1.0MM 10MM 100MM 1,000MMBOE

Figure 36a

! i I; ·111;lil;~~~~~·~~~ughter
,­ 1
; ; 1)1 II' 1111,'
1 i . Ij! r I "I I I! III : I I ~fff1 Vi I ~ IT ~ PC f Jill
I I I III I I I , IIII I I I , I iI I » .Hl1l Vi ,..rrl _c; I • • .: . , I

, "111 I I I I I I i 'II AI,k:: IIII ""'-eY"9 1111 Anton-Insh

I I III II J/ I I! 1III ~i IIKl-t' I I I Iii i IIIII
I IIII I J I I 11JXj: I ~Ptl1l I I1II I /1111
! I I i! I IIIII itmtlll.~1 III1 I I IIII "111111
IIII I 1111 ~IH~ 11/1111 111:11 Ilill
III Illt~el~~II· 11111111 11111 I'ilil

~~~~:v~! I!!:.!!!!I!
0> .......­ N '"t,JUl ....... f\) In -..L f\) Ul......
! il!!!!:
1\) Ul
! !!!!!;
1\) (Jl......
Ul -..L

0.001 MM 0.01 MM 0.1 MM 1.0MM 10MM 100MM ~,OOOMMBOE

CD= 1st-stage analog, Area Y FSD (see also Tab!e 14, column 1)
@= 1st-stage actual, Area X FSD
@= 2nd-stage anillog, Area Y FSD
@= 2nd-stage actual, Area X FSD

Figure 36b

-~.II Figure 36 a, b " Use of analog HOs in forecasting actual FSDs: second stage.


76 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

: , i :~i
: . I;"'
: . "

~ : i . :i

:~r I ~ .

; I .
! i .'
I .

O.001MM -

O.1MM 1.0MM
• .....


Figure 37a

Figure 37b

Figure 37 a, b, c, d Downward shifts in F5Ds in area Y between first cycle of exploration (pre-1945: ar,b"c" and
d r) and second cycle (1945-1957: O2, bJ, c2' and d), for four plays.

shifts in FSOs of four plays in Area Y between 1945 this type, there was also an unexpected sharp il/crel1se
and 1957 (Figure 37a, b, c, and d). Changes in the in the size of 51111111 fields in this play. The result is that
median values are substantial, averaging about 85% the mean field size actually increased slightly (0.18
reduction between the two exploration stages. One MMBOE ~ 0.35 MMBOE) in the second exploratory
partial departure should be '11otl:'d:~T....~ona!·). Oolomite cycle. This anomaly may be caused by the small sam­
FSOs show a marked steepening from the first to the ple size (n = 5) of the first cycle FSO; in any case, the
second cycle, as expected. However, although there ccollOmic significance was borne out that fewer large
was a sharp decrease in the size of largdields found of fields were found, as predicted.
Chapter 5 77

I I ::
! iI Ii~ ~
~ ;;,! "i ; ; : I
3: ..
! ;:! : ; ;
..----'----'--'-"'--'±..: -----'----Ai----:.­..
i - - - -...
0.001 MM 0.01 MM 0.1MM 1.0MM 10MM 100MM 1,000MMBOE
Figure 37c

'.! i;i , -~
!: ~ I
.. !: ~

! i ~

'; iii
~ ...
Figure 37d

Figure 37 a, b, c, d (continued)

. I
Minimum Economic Field Size
exploratory capital investments required to establish
The reader was introduced to the concept of n"1ini­ the playas a profitable venture-or an economic fail­
mum economic field size (MEFS) cnrlier, and its impor­ ure. Ordinarily, the investments recovered include
~ance in pIny annlysis has been discllssed briefly. Early geologic and g~ophysical project costs (including seis­
In the iCc. ),nss.of COl~d1lcting a modern riskanaly'si:-; of a mic), lease or contract-area acquisition costs (such as
pro'po~ed n~w play, it is necessary to estimate 1\1 CFS, bonuses, fees, etc.), costs of exploratory drilling and
\~hlch IS defmed as the threshold amount of producible completion, and overhead, plus required interest. If
. I
oil and gas sufficient to re);over~witl1interest-all one or more delineation or confirmation wells are
78 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

Equation 9 Calculating minimum economic field size.

Concept: How large a field (or fields) must we find to recover all exploration investments, including interest?
1. Money has a time value. .
2. Some discovered small, noneconomic fields may be developed as commercial discoveries.
3. Several small but economic fields are a more likely outcome than one large field.
4. $4.50 PV /BOE determined from PlO%, P50%, and P90% cash-flow models, considers contract terms~ /

includes development costs.

MEFS ::: After-tax Costs (G&G, Exploratory Drilling + Land + Transportation + Overhe<ld)
Minimum Number of Discoveries (P90°/.,) x $PV /BOE (After-tax-)­
MEFS == $2MM Seis + $1.8MM Expl.Drlg. + $.7MM Lease Bonus + $1.5MM PL + $1.2MM OH
2 discoveries x $4.50 PV10%/BOE

required to warrant field development, those costs requirement that one large fielc be discovered. In fact,
must also be included along with the anticipated costs however, if a company is successful at all in a new play
to develop the discovered field. In other words, the dis­ or large contract area, the usual outcome is the discov­
covered new field(s) must be at least large enough to ery of several new fields. Accordingly, it may be a more
generate, through production revenues, an after-tax likely scenario to require three lO-million-barrel dis­
NPV sufficient to pay for all investments required to coveries or two IS-million-barrel discoveries rather
establish the fact that profitable production does exist than one 30-million-barrel new field. This leads to the
(PV > $0).·' concept of minimum economic reserves required
The use of $PV /BOE is a practical convention that (MERR), to provide minimum profi ts sufficient to
includes development costs of successful discoveries cover exploration investments. The practical result of
because it is directly derived from DCF analysis of the such an enlightened criterion is to prevent more large­
discovered and developed field. Accordingly, where area projects from being rejected because of unrealis­
$PV /BOE is being used to establish MEFS, no addi­ tic, conservative biases.
tiollal provision should be made for de\'elopment costs
unless they are required to prove that an economic
discovery has been made. In some cases, necessary
Economic Truncation of

pipeline costs may be included for product transporta­ Field-size Distributions

tion. Reasonable-and expectable initial production In mature onshore U.S. petroleum provinces, FSDs
rates and percentage deL;ine should be employed in of plays or basins contain constituent "fields" ranging
the cash-flow analysis, which should also utilize the down to as small as a thousand barrels each, or even
legal provisions, terms, and price structures of the less. In fact, such fields really represent shows of oil or
anticipated contract. It is important for all estimates gas that were completed only for business reasons, or
used in the cash-flow analysis to be rigorously and from geotechnical or financial imprudence, but never­
objectively evaluated, thereby elimina ting bias of any theless must be included among all production, which
kind-whether optimistic or conservative. Estimating is regulated by the state.
ranges may be used where there is uncertainty about The useful terms commercial and economic were
certain parameters, and probabilistic project NPVs defined and discussed on page 38, as they applied to
may be calculated through Monte Carlo or Latin prospect-reserves distributions. Procedures for trun­
Hypercube simulation. Equation 9 pro\'ides an exam­ cating such distributions were also reviewed. The
ple calculation of MEFS for an onshore play in a same procedures apply to FSDs. Appendix F provides
mature trend, assuming two fields. additional detail.
One of the most harmful conservative biases con­
cerns the prCi~',k~ ~::. requ'!.j,'1g a single dTsco\'e:-jto .... Pmcfs and Pmefs
cover all exploration investments-that is, for MEFS to By estimating MCFS and/or MEFS and finding the
apply only to a single field. This usually results .in the location of those reserves values on the FSD, we can
Chapter 5 79

1% W 1%
f-4-+- 0
, -

cu lO
--' •
uo --


Xci Q)U V"

i3 50% ~~
L 50%
~ - 0 .§ g V .'



cu-, ~~
0 E ::J
.' ."
a: 'x U i
.• .
90% 0 90%
a. •

.. ' .
99% 99%
10,OOOBOE 50k 100k 0.2MM 0.5MM 1.0MM 2.0MM 5MM 10MM 20MM 50MM 100lvlM200MM 500MM 1.0BBOE

MM =million; k = thousands; B =billion

Figure 38a






10.000BOE 50k 100k 0.2MM 0.5MM 1.0MM 2.0MM 5MM 10MM 20MM 50MM 100MM 200MM 500MM 1.0BBOE

MM =million; k =thousands; B =billion

Figure 38b

Figure 38 a, b Offshore F50s are truncated by platform cost.

estimate the probability of a commercial field (or Figure 38a shows an FSD of all fields in part of the
l~rger) or an economic field (or liHger) in the play,
gIven at least one discovery of sufficient reservoired
~ydrocarbons to at least sustain flow. Those probabili­
prolific northern Midland Basin, \A,'est Tex.£l;: fields in
the distribution rilnge from 10,000 BOE (P9n;,) tot"JuO
MMI30E (Pl %). Generally, a well that encounters an
ties are Pmcf and Pine£, respeclively. accumulation of at least 10,000 to 20,000 BOE will flow.
80 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

In that area, any well that flows will probably be com­ seem to overlook it. Reconstruction of the parent FSD
pleted for production, if a reasonable profit can be is possible, however, by reviewing all pertinent well'
expected on the investment in stimulation, tubing, and data and logs in the play area, and by distinguishing
production equipment. Of course, such a commercial dry holes that were uncompleted show holes from
well would not recover the investments in seismic, dry holes that did not encounter flOWing hydrocar­
leasing, or drilling-they would be classed as sunk bons in the reservoir objective. Appendix F provides
costs. Accordingly, the commercial threshold in such a more detail on the particular procedures involved in
province might be approximately 10,000-20,000 BOE; such reconstructions.
naturally, that threshold might vary depending on the / I
details attending any particular well, especially flow , I
rate. So, for the Northern Midland Basin, Pmds equals i . Chance of Play Success
about 99% to about 96'Y" (Figure 38a).
However, for an exploration venture to be ecolloJllic Geologic Chance Factors ,

it must recover all investments involved to bring it A system of five discrete geologic chance factors ,

into production, plus a reasonable profit, taking into was presented in Chapter 3, pertaining to prospect
account also the time value of money. To estim.:.te the chance of geologic success (Pg), including definitions
proportion of fields in the northern Midland Basin that and descriptions of subcomponents involved in each
are economic, we must first estiinate the approximate of the five main categories (p. 34-36). The importance
reserve size required to generate such a profit (about of the chance factors applying to plays as well as
500,000 BOE),S and then determine the proportion of prospects was emphasized. Table 15 summarizes this
the FSD having that reserves value, or larger (Pmefs = recommended system.
75%). By excluding the noneconomic segment of the
parent FSD, the remaining segment has been trun­ Coincidence of Geologic Chance Factors
cated economically, just as previously described for In order for the geologic chance factors to work,
prospect-reserves distributions (pp. 39-41). The their influence must be operative in a common area­
smaller, noneconomic fields have been excluded, that is, their effects must coincide in time and space
therefore the mean of the remaining distribution of (pp. 34 and 48). Figure 39 depicts a hypothetical basin
economic fields will be larger than the mean of the to illustrate the problem. Petroleum source rocks are
parent FSD, just as previously described. present only in the eastern end of the basin bottom.
Because buoyant migrating hydrocarbons move updip,
Offshore FSDs Are Already Truncated at right structural contours, it would be diffi­
Now, suppose the Midland Basin actually was cult (even impossible) to charge the faulted closures on
located offshore, in waters up to 600 ft (-200 m) deep. the southwestern flank of the basin. Moreover, primary
The parent endowment of accumulations would be no reservoir sands do not extend far enough southwest
different, but the actual FSD would be greatly attenu­ (updip) to be present in the area of the faulted closures.
ated. Because of the expense of offshore production Also, the regional evaporate seal is not present in the
facilities, FSDs of offshore plays reflect dl?fnclo trunca­ western half of the basin. The result is a greatly
tion (Figure 38b). Ordinarily such truncation is com­ reduced chance of success because the key geologic ele­
mercial rather than ecollomic. However, because the ments controlling the occurrence of reservoired
cost of offshore production facilities is generally very petroleum accumulCltions do not coincide anywhere in
large in relation to exploration costs, the' commercial this hypothetical basin.
threshold usually approaches the economic threshold Coincidence is one of the most significant elements
for offshore plays. The same principle holds true for that explorationists must assess, especially for new
all plays in which very substantial financial commit­ plays in frontier basins. It is probably one of the most
ments are required to bring a new field into effective commonly overlooked problems, which leads to very
production-for example, remote, l:!lra-deep, haz­ low industry success rates for high-risk new plays.
ardous, or hostile provinces. It is important to Play maps, as described previously, provide an excel­
emphasize this point because many explorationists lent way to address the coincidence problem.
Shared versus Independent Chance Factors
Earlier work by Baker et ai. (1986), Baker (1988), and
RNaturally, we must recognize. that 500,000 BOE should not be con­ White (1993) discussed independent and shared
sidered as a precise value. The economic threshold will vary chance factors, and the concept was reviewed on
according to the iniluence of depth, completion costs, flow rates,
transportalion, wellhead price, and operating costs, including taxes.
pages 4J",;mr.! ~~ ._ -c. .

Nevertheless, it is pOSSible to generate an approximate minimum Consider the five elements of geologic chance~
economic fit'Jd size for fields in a play bec<ltlse pl<l\'s are generally some will apply to all prospects in the play area,
constrained by similarities in the abo\'!' f<lclors. whereas others will vary among all prospects in the
Chapter 5 81

Table 15 Geologic chance factors required for play and prospect success.
Confidence (%) that thermally mature HC-source rocks are present in adequate volume, richness, and type to
provide an HC-charge to the play area. Components:
• quantity [thickness, extent, richness]
• HC-type [oil, mixed, gas]
• thermal maturity

Confidence (%) that hydrocarbons have migrated, utilizing conduits and carrier beds, along IT)igration path- J
ways into the location of existing closures in volumes adequate to charge them. Components:
• conduits [carrier beds or zones]
• migration routes
• efficiency [concentration and transmission versus dispersion]
• timing

Confidence (%) that reservoir rock is present in adequate volume, poroSity, and deliverability to support one
or more floWing wells in the play area. Components:
• storage capacity [thickness, extent]
• porosity
• reservoir performance [permeability, drive mechanism]
Confidence (%) that structural and/or stratigraphic closures of adequate area and vertical relief are present
in the play area and can be detected. Components:
• adequate closures exist
.'" • confidence in mapping

Confidence (%) that effective sealing rocks are present and that emplaced hydrocarbons have been
preserved (= containment). Components:
• effectiveness [thickness, differential permeability, absence of open fractures]
• preservation from subsequent spillage [fault leakage, fracturing, breaching, tilt-and-spill]
• preservation from degradation [biologic, oxidation, thermal]
- - . .. .. ------ _._-_. __.----"_ _- --_.--_._ ...• _-- - _ _--- - _._._-.-_._--_. __ .. _ - --_._----.-_.-­

..... ~



Figure 39 . Effects of operative ger;Jlogic chance factors must coincide in the prospective area.
82 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

play area. Examples of frequently shared chance factors
include the presence of mature hydrocarbon source
Integration: Calculating the

rocks, hydrocarbon migration into the play area, and Chance of Economic Play Success

timing. Independent chance factors commonly include The purpose of this section is to explain and illus­
reservoir rock, closure, and containment. In some trate one of the mathematical procedures involved­
cases, subsidiary elements of each main chance factor utilizing various geologic and economic estimates
may vary-for example, seal effectiveness (such as -to calculate the estimated chance of economic play
fault leakage) may be independent, causing some success (Equation 10).
prospects in the play to be dry, but not all, whereas the Part 1 of Equation 10 shows the basic form o(.the equa­
regional preservation history (absence of biologic or tion, with the shared chance factors separated from the
thermal degradation) may be common among all independent chance factors. Given that the play exists
prospects and therefore shared. (shared chance = 1.0), the steps shown for the indepen­
This leads, then, to the separation of geologic chance dent chance factors allow successive determination of:
factors for purposes of play analysis. Those elements
are shared that affect all prospects in the play area. If a 1. average local chance of a prosper:t's geologic suc­
valid test establishes clearly that a shared chance factor cess (one test),
does not exist in the play area, it condenms all prospects 2. average local chance of a prospect's economic
in the play area-or it forces significant re\'ision of the success (one test),
play area outline (area of possible coincidence). " 3. average local chance of a prospect's economic
Finally, it is common to recognize partial depen­ failure (one test),
dencies-elements of geologic chance that are par­ 4. chance of all economic failures in 11 local trials,
tially shared (= dependen t) and partially local and
(independent). 5. chance of at least one economic discovery in /I
local trials. .
Chance of Play Success Is
Economic, Not Commercial This equation expresses the generally recognized
As previously discussed, the criterion for success of truth that, if the play really does exist (i.e., the product
the exploration play is that the play must be economic, of the shared factors = 1.0), then the chance of at least
rather than commercial. The reason, of course, is that one discovery increases as the number of wells testing
no responsible organization is going to continue to the independent chance factors also increases.
drill for fields that are mereh' commercial-after sev­ Part 2 of Eq1!ation 10 lists the estimates and assump­
eral such marginal discoveries in a play, management tions required" to carry out the calculation. For most
will perceive the folly of continuing to explore in a established plays-even "undercharged" trends­
play that cannot be economic on a full-cycle basis. That there is usually more than enough hydrocarbon source
is, they will not continue to drill for fields that do not rock and generated/migrated oil to supply the traps in
generate production revenues sufficient to exceed the the play, i.e., the adequacy of source rock and gener­
invested capital plus interest. Accordingly, such a play ated/migrated oil is usually not a critical problem. \
will be abandoned even though some marginal fields However, ill frail tier basill~ and plays, especially those
have been found. reqllirillg very large discoveries in order to be economic, the
A further complication is presented by the play play analyst may be justified in assignillg a probability to the
which contains at least one economic field, but addi­ likelihood that SOl/rce rock and migratioll pi'ocesscs have bec/l
tional dry holes or seismic cos ts incurred in subse­ adequate to Sl/pply at least aile ecollo11lic field.
quent exploration for other counterpart fields add Part 3 of Equation 10 tracks the actual calculation
sufficient expense to transform the play from eco­ using the equation from Part 1 and the values provided
nomic to commercial on a full-cYcle basis. The solution in Part 2. Play (= shared) chance is estimated to be 0.54:
to this problem is to identify, for various reserves the analyst is quite confident of source rock presence
cases, the maximum costs for additional drilling and (0.9), and moderately confident about generation/ \
seismic that can be incurred before the entire project, migration adequacy (0.6). Given that the play does
on a full-cycle basis, deteriora tes from economic to exist, the average chance of prospect success (flovving
commercial. After disco\"en' of the first economic hydrocarbons) is 0.28, and the average chance of eco­
field, each subsequent discO\'ery shouJd bear the costs nomic prospect success is 0.112. Therefore the average
of the number of dry holes that lNould be consistent chance of economic prospect failure is the comple­
with the independent chance of economic success; i.e., ment, 0.888. The chance of drilling four consecutive
if Pe (independent) is .25, each anticipated discovery economic fai!~re? from such prospects is 0.622. There­
--- should carry the cost of three dry holes, in addition to fore the chance ofTitakingat least one economic dis­
the cost of the discO\'ery well. covery among four such prospects is again the
Chapter 5 83

Equation 10 Calculating estimated chance of economic play success.


, V'"
d": I

I Al'g Local CII,lJIct' (~f SIlC(t'~~
I ~ I I
(= shared chage-es) I I.

..... I
Ai'S Local ClwlCt' of £cOllOllli( SIICCt'S~ I

L ¢I'
Al'S Lt'cal CIII1IIe',' of £conolllic Failllrt'

. 1IIlIIiIl_"IlIIIIIIIIIIlI_"_~"'_Ii!lI
"'-lllI_· Y' ImI_"#"':,
Cllanct' of All £Ct,,/(llllic Faillln'~ in n Local Trials :

, • ¥
., I

Chance of at least 1 Econolll;c Discol'eryj ;/1/1 Local Trials


a. MEFS = 3 MMBOE, Pmefs = 40'Yo

1) HC Source rocks = 90%

2) HC generation/migration = 60'X,


1) Reservoir = 70%

2) Closures = 80%

3) Containment = 50'Yo

....1 (Assumes shared chance factors are verified by tests 1 or 2) .



Pe(play) = [Phc x Pgen] x [1 - (1- [Pres x Pclos x Pcont x Pmefs]j".'ELL NO.]

= [.9 x .6] x [1 - (1- [.7 x .8 x .5 x .4])~]

= [.54] x [1 - (I - [.11LD~]

= [.54] x [1 - (.888)~]

=- [.54] x [1 - .622]

= [.54] x [.378]

Pe(play) = .204 = Chance of Play Economic Success


1t complement, 0.378. Finally, the product of the shared

and independent economic chance factors is 0.204,
which represents the chClnce of making at least one
Note that these estimates of geologic and economic
chance shou Id be expected to change with successive
wells, depenc'::; 'b' o':'u·\'hat~i.~learned from each test, as
economic discovery before quitting the play. Ba ker (1988) explains. This is a very important point.
84 Exploration Plays-RIsk AnalysIs and Economic Assessment

Table 16 Geotechnical parameters required for play analysis.

Primary Parameters

1. Shared Chance (= Play Chance)

2. Independent Chance (= Average Prospect Pg)
3. Cost of Exploration (= "Failure Costs")
4. Projected Field-size Distribution (= Play FSD)
/ l
5. Projected Numbers of Fields (= Distribution of Field Number)
6. Number of Exploratory Tests (= How Many Successive Dry Holes before Quitting?)
7. $PV per BOE of Discovered Reserves (May Vary with Field Sizes)
8. Minimum Economic Field Size (= MEFS)
Secondary Parameters (Derived from Primary P~;-ameters)

1. Pmefs (= % of FSD > MEFS)

2. Projected Numbers of Economic Fields (= Field Numbers x Pmefs) I,
3. Chance of Economic Play Success:
(Pshared x (1 - [1 - Pindependent x Pmefs]No. Tests)
4. Projected Economic Field-size Distribution (= Truncated FSD)
5. Projected Distribution of Economic Play Reserves
(= Truncated FSD x Economic Field Numbers) I·

6. Distribution of $PV OF Economic Play Reserves I,

7. Play Expected $Present Value: I ,

([Pplay success x $PVmean reserves] - Pplay failure x Play Failure Cost)) I ,

I '

Summary of Geotechnical Data Primary Parameters

Required for Play Risk Analysis Play (= Shared) Chance
After completing the studies required to carry out Play chance is a confidence statement-the proba­
the geotechnical assessment of the new plilY (see bility that in the area of the play, those geologic chance
AppendiX E) and the resulting ilssimiJated maps and factors that apply to all prospects in the play are actu­
compilations of pertinent data, our ne:\t step is to con­ ally satisfied. Play cllnllce is the product 0/ Ill(' .J1l'obnbilith
duct the actual play ilnalysis, the principal product of of the shared geologic chalicefactors Ilwt 1I111St be satisfied if
which is the evaluation of the pl<lY as a full-c"cle eco­ t/Jere is to be at least ailefield large ellollgh to slIstnillf!ow. It
nomic venture. As pre\'ious]y described (p. 62), such is not tied to economics or commerciality. A useful
analyses are usually carried out in <1 systematic way, alternative definition might be the explora tionist's con­
using either a flow sheet or interilctin.' computer soft­ fidence that an active petroleum system exists some­
ware that is hased on such a flow sheet. where in the area and within the stratigraphic interval
In any case, 15 key geotechnical \"aluE's <Ire required of the play. Theoretically, if a valid test establishes that
to carry out the analysis (Table 16l. Eight of these one of the shared chance filctors is not operative, it kills \
parameters are pril//ary estimates made on the basis of the entire play-or it requires significilnt revision of the
geotechnical studies, or anillog data. The seven prospective play area (p. 82). Characteristic elements of
remaining parameters are second/Jr.1I Y<llues derived play chance often include (but are not limited to) gen­ ,
from arithmetic manipulation of the primary esti­ eration, migration, timing, and preservation (Table 17).
mates. Risk analysis of the exploration pl<l}' cannot
proceed without these pilrametcrs, II"hich in all cases Average Prospect (= local) Chance
should be compared with various reality checks for Another confideifc~\t::"~;:'ter.-i:;Yi'ospectc hance is
credibility. the likelihood (expressed as a probability) that those
Chapter 5 85

Table 17 Form: flow sheet for play risk analysis (modified from Baker et 0/., 1986; White, 1992, 1993).


Play Name: Play Location: ~


Shared Chance Average Indeoendent Chance

(= Confidence - %) !=Confidence - %)

_ _ _ .. " (A) HYDROCARBON SOURCE ROCKS (1), _

_ _ _ l. Quantity (Thickness, E>.tent, Riclmess)

_ _ _ 2. HC-Type (Oil, Mixed, Gas)

_ _ _ 3. Thermal Maturity

_ _ _ _ .... (B) HYDROCARBON MIGRATION (K), _

_ _ _ I. Conduits Exist

_ _ _ 2. Routes Toward Closures

_ _ _ 3. Efficiency

_ _ _ 4. liming Correct

_ _ _ _ .... (C) RESERVOIR ROCKS (L), _

_ _ _ I. Volume (Thickness. Extent)

_ _ _ 2. Porosity

_ _ _ 3. Deliverability (penneability, Drive-type)

_ _ _ _ .. " (D) CLOSURES (Structural, Stratigraphic, Etc.) (M), _

_ _ _ I. Adequate Area and Vertical Relief

_ _ _ 2. Confidence in Mapping

_ _ _ _ .... (E) CONTAINMENT and PRESERVATION (N) _

_ _ _ I. Seals Effective (Thickness, Differential Penn.)

_ _ _ 2. Subsequent Spillage Insignificant

(Fault leakage, Fracturing, Breaching, Tilting)

_ _ _ 3. Degradation (Biologic. Oxidation, Thermal)


(Note: This value is 1.0 ifPlay is proved. ongoing, and existence of at least PlAYCI"'-'::F.t-S'lNU-Dl

one more field is assured.)


(Compare with analogs. from history, geologic "Iook-alikes" or "prospect-grading."
Note: This assumes Play chance = 1.0). AVUlAOF.MtOSPF.CTC'lJINCE-'l'OC.....)

geologic chance factors that are indepelldent (that is, Cost of Exploration
that may vary locally, among all the prospects in the The cost of exploration is the sum of estimated pru­
play) are, 011 average, satisfied in the area of the play. If dent expenditures for seismic sun'cys (including pro­
the play really does exist (play chalice = 1), thell prospect cessing), other geophysical data, other necessary maps,
~'hallce is the average geologic success ratio of all prospects surface data acquisition, geologic and geochemital
III the play area. It is the average product of the inde­ analyses, leasing costs (including bonuses and fees),
pendent geologic chance factors. Common indepen­ exploratory drilling and testing, and o\'erhead. It is the
dent chance factors include reservoir, closure, and total amotlnt that must be recovered (a l interest) from
some elements of containment (Table 17). Remember future production revenues if the veniurc is to be at
that prospect chance equates only with discovery of a least minimally profitable (= PY > $0). This is the
reservoired accumulation c<lpable of sustained flow. It amount of money you are going to have to spend to
has no economic or even commercial implications­ know whether the project is a success or failure. In
those constraints are derived values considered later some conservative project evaluations, this amount is
in the analysis. '
projected to be recovered through production revenues

86 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

from only one discovery; in more reilsonilble evahlil­ what is learned from each dry hole and the antici­
tions, it may be recovered from several discovered pated capacity for geotechnical learning, adjustment:
fields (see p. 78). Conceptually, it also Ciln be considered and improvement.
as the cost of a failed exploration plity-and itS such it
should be tied to your minimum exploration progrum. $PVper BOE of Discovered Reserves
The play analyst needs to be able to translate pro­
Projected Field-size Distribution
jected prospect reserves into present value in order to
The construction of an estimilted FSD for the subject be able to estimate the present value of the entire play
play has already been described at length, whereby as a full-cycle economic venture. In some plays, a use­
informed manipulations (= shifts) consider geologic ful approximation of this parameter can be made from
attributes and exploratory maturity and efficiency. the median or mean field-reserves case and applied to
Regardless of the methods employed, the projected fields of all sizes in the play. In most plays, however, the
FSD represents a responsible estimate of the fields that analyst is advised to prepare economic analyses (cash­
will be found, givell tlrl! discovery of OJ/I! or J//Orl? fidds, flow models) of key field sizes (PlO°!." PSO%, P90'Yo,
and it is a key parameter for risk analysis of any explo­ Pmean), using the contract terms and tax schemes
ration play. It is expressed as a lognormal cumulative expected in the area. This is because in most plays, espe­
probability distribution. cially those with production-sharing contracts or off­
shore are(ls requiring expensive production platforms,
Projected Numbers of Fields $PV (in dollars) per BOE is not a constant. Variables
Another required primary estimate is the number of such as initial production, decline rate, and wellhead
fields that will ultimately be discovered in the play price can be considered via such reserves cases. The
area (p. 69). Note that such fields need not be eco­ ultimate product required is a simple graph showing
nomic. Ordinarily this is expressed (IS (I lognorm(ll field $PV as a fu~ction of field reserves and/or $PV per
cumulative probability distribution. The projected 130E for different field sizes.
field number is usually determined by comparison
with analogous areas, taking into account relative Minimum Economic Field Size (MEFS)
maturity of exploration, but it milY also be estimated MEFS has already been discussed in detail, and
using the principles of discovery process modeling or Equation 9 shows the method of calculation, which
other methods. Obviously this estimate assumes at utilizes 0) cost of exploration; (2) $PV per 80E; and
least some future success in the plity. (3) minimum number of required discovpries.
Number of Exploratory Tests
Secondary (Derived) Parameters
Given that the shared chance factors turn out to be
satisfied in the play area (play chance = 1), then the Probability of Minimum
probability of success is a function of the independent Economic Field Size (Pmefs)
or local chance and the number of consecutive unsuc­ Pmefs refers to the probability, givell n discoVl!ry ill
cessful trials (dry holes) the firm is willing to drill the piny, that the discovered field will be equal to or
before giving up. Usually, this number is partly polit­ larger than the MEFS. If ~everal equal-size fields are
ical, based on management's preferences, but it is also anticipated to reach break-even economics, Pmefs
a function of what specifically is learned from each is the probability of either of them (but not both).
trial. This involves considerations of Bavesian mathe-· This parameter is derived using MEFS in conjunction
matics9 (see Baker, 1988). In general, cO~1panies expe­ with the projected FSD for the play, as described on
riencing two consecutive tests that indicate deficiency page 79.
in the shared chance factors are probably justified in
abandoning the play. Consecutive dry holes that con­ Projected Numbers of Economic Fields
firm the play chance factors, but appear deficient This parameter is expressed as a cumulative pruba­
regarding the independent chance factors, might be bility distribution, ordinarily lognormal, derived from
allowed to number two to four or fiYe, depending on the projected number of fields distribution (p. 69),
reduced by multiplying by Pmefs.

qFollowing the concepts ~nd formlll~e of Thomas [l~yes, an 18th­

Chance of Economic Play Success
century English mathematician, "the primary applic~tion of This parameter has already been discussed in detail
[Bayesian mathematics] is to use new information-')earning'-to (p. 82 and Equation 10). It is derived using (1) play
revise probabilities based on old information, that is, to compare
posterior probability with the priors" (after Bernstein, 1996). In
chance; (2) average prospect chance oE,;u("cess; (3)
other words, we revise inferences about old information as new Pmefs; and (4) number of exploratory tests. Note thar~
information arrives. De~ling with conditional prob,1bilities requires this rClluires Pmefs to be combined with the other
employment of Bayesian principles. independent geologic chance factors.
Chapter 5 87

Projected Economic Field-size Distribution geotechnical staff must be trained to understand the
_This FSD is derived froll'l the original projected FSD principles of play analysis if they are to use software
for the play, economically truncated at Pmefs and (or tlow sheets) responsibly.
redistributed through 98%. It is necessary to deter­
mine the new PI0%, PSO'X" P90%, and Pmean of the Recommended Procedure
truncated di~tribution as described previously and in The follo\'\'ing discussion, which also draws on
Appendix F. prior \\"ork by Baker et al. (1986) and White (1992,
1993), is intended to guide the exploratjonist/analyst /
Projected Distribution of
through the proper steps of economic play analysis.
Eco-nomic Play Reserves
This distribution is the product of two distributions: Model and Map the Playas if It Already Exists
(1) projected numbers of economic fields, and (2) pro­ Depict all the requisite geologic elements in the con­
jected economic field sizes. These two distributions templated area, 11:: if t!ley already exist-the following
are combined by tvlonte Carlo or Latin Hypercube analysis is then designed to estimate the likelihood that
simulation or by employing the analytical!grilphical your picture is essentially correct. In particular, you
method described in Appendix B. The result is a must show the areal and spatial distribution of geo­
cumulative probability distribution of economic play logic features, on maps and sections, in reiatiun to the
reserves. The mean of that distribution (mean eco­ play fairway and to locations of specific prospects-if
nomic play reserves) is statistically the best represen­ you ha\'e that much data. Remember what you are
tation of economic play reserves. risking geographica-lly: the chance that at least one
flowable petroleum accumulation (hadng the geologic
Present Value of Economic Play Reserves
attributes described) really does exist in the play area,
This distribution is the product of two distributions: in the stratigraphic succession identified.
(1) $PV /BOE, and (2) distribution of economic play
reserves. The mean of the distribution is statisticallv Estimate the Play (=Shared) Chance
the best expression of economic play present \·alue. ­ Based on Table 17, circle those geC'logic chance fac­
tors that are s!lared, i.e., common to all prospects in the
Play Expected Present Value
play, and enter your confidence (probability = decimal
The expected value concept was discussed previ­ fraction) that each factor will indeed pro\'e to operate
ously. It is the chance-weighted present value of a pro­ or exist in the play area. If you are essentially certain
ject-it represents the play "s an entire, full-cycle that a shared factor exists throughout the trend area,
economic venture. It is one of the important economic assign it a probability of 1.0. Then multiply the circled
measures by \",hich competing play? can be usefully chance factors-the product is play cIlal/ce or s!lared

It may be derived usin<>0 (1) ch"nce of eco­ c!lal/ce. :\:01£: Individual chance factors may be partly
nomIC success; (2) mean $PV of economic play shared, and partly independent, i'ndicating partial
reserves; and (3) cost of exploration (= cost of a failed
, play). As explained earlier, its weakness is that it
geologic dependency.
Estimate the Average Prospect Chance
assumes the firm is risk-neutral.
Under Item 1 of the flow sheet (Table 17), circle
those geo!;:;gic cha;-,ce factors that are il/depel/del/t,
Process for Systematic Risk that is, thilt vary among the prospects in the play
Analysis of Exploration Play:; Mea. Assign to each your confidence (= probability)
that the chance fact~rs will be satisfied for average
Now we wiJJ set out the various steps and calcula­ prospects, and multiply them. Some chance factors
tion.s r.eguired to carry out a geologically responsible, may be partially dependent, so you may enter deci­
statIstIcally sound assessment of the economic value mal fractions in both the shared and the local
of a. given play, as previously discussed (p. 84). Note columns. If you have sufficient data, determine from
agalI1 that the values used in the flm\' sheet must be several prospects in the play area your average confi­
based on a sound and thorough geotechnietli re\'jew of dence (= probability) in the existence of each of the
the subject plays, as outlined in Appendix E. independent chance factors and multiply them. 1O
Many exploration firms utilize comprehensive Their product is nl>ernge prospect dlal/ce (prospect Pg).
computer software, or a stancbrdized flow sheet, to If the play proves to exist (i.e., play chance is 1.0),
carry out systematic play risk analysis. Either then the average prospect chilnce will be the overall
npproach c<ln bring companywide consisten<;Y,Jo the
process, which then leads to pl<lY inventories that, ij~
turn, yield ]egitil11il[e optimized values to those plilYs
selected for execu tion-the play portfolio. However, '''liO\\'l'\'l'r, scc pal;l' -16 for..1ddilionaI pcrspcctivc on this sccnario.
88 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment •

Equation 11 Prospect grading procedure (White, 1993).

(a) Step 1 ::: Grading Prospects

A ::: grade for highest-chance prospects } l·
C ::: grade for intermediate-chance prospects
F ::: grade for lowest-chance prospects { Consider all
Geologic Controls •

l I,
, I,

(b) Step 2: ,

Future :::
1 + (No. of A Prospects) + (No. of A + C Prospects)
Total no. of A + C + F Prospects

Success Ratio

success rate of prospects in the play. Some reality the project. Reality check: Following Baker (1988), this
checks are: number ordinarily should be more than one and usu­
ally no more than four or five. Key questio/l: What do
• If the play is a future projection of an ongoing you expect to learn from each dry hole? IllIportmltllote:
play, is the historical exploration success ratio This assumes only one play concept to test.
compatible with your estimate?
• If the play is undrilled but you have a comparable Estimate the Cost of Geotechnical Exploration
productive analog, what is the average prospect 'What is the area of the play? How much will
success rate of the analog play? Be sure you take regional gravity and magnetics cost? Interpreted land­
modern technological capabilities into account. sat imagery pr air photos? Surface geologic mapping
• Use White's "prospect grading scheme" if you and lor sampling? How much seismic data (regional 2­
have enough data to identify the location of many 0, local 2-D, and 3-D data) will be required? At what
of the prospects in the play, as shown in Equation cost? How many successive exploratory dry holes
11. The problem with this approach is that com­ would your company drill in the play before declaring
monly, if you have sufficient data to be able to the nnture a failure? What will they cost? Remember
identify and grade so many prospects, you're to include nonrecoverable bonus and lease costs here \.
already ill the play! That is, you han already as well as overhead, and make all estimates on a~
invested capital for geotechnical information­ after-tax basis. Reality check: Another term for this
the decision to enter the play has already been valuE' is the cost of ,':;ploratioi; fail/lre.
• If you have absolutely no idea about the average Estimate the Number of Fields in the Play '"
prospect success rate, remember that the world Based on the size of the play area, structural and
average for the petroleum exploration industry stratigraphic grain or complexity, and field density in
has been consistently about 25% for the past -1:0 analog trends, forecast the total number of fields that
years (Pcommercial, not Pgeologic!). will be discovered in the play area, given that tl,ere is at
• Reality check: If you ha\'e an inventory of leasl ol/e discol'ery. This forecast should take the form of
prospects in the play, be sure the average Pg of a probabilistic range with a lognormal distribution
such identified prospects is consistent with aver­ (see p. 69). An alternative method is to employ discov­
age Pg for the play. ery process modeling principles to derive these esti­
mates (see p. 69). Remember the common biases: Most
How Many Consecutive Exploratory
explorationists l/Ilderestimate the /lul1lber of future
Dry Holes before your Firm Quits?
fields in plays and overestimate the reserves sizes of
BClsed on your firm's risk propensity and past histo~\. those fields, especially in onshore areas.
and assuming your wells establish that the play chance
factors appear to be satisfied (play chance = 1.0), esti­ Analyze the Terms of the E&P Contract
mate the number of consecutive dry holes your man­ Be sure to incorpora te all.relevan t terms, including
agement would be likely to drill before abandoning taxes, into cash-flow models that you develop for
Chapter 5 89

possible project scenarios. Identify particularly criti­ estimates represent statistical values, it is permiss\ble for
cal, sensitive, and useful provisions that should influ­ these values to be decimal fractions.
ence your negotiations and/or business decisions.
Find the Chance of Economic Play Success
Construct a Field-size Distribution for the !,Iay
This calculation has already been discussed and
Details have been discussed (pp. 67-76 and Appen­ illustrated (p. 82 and Equation 10). It is derived using
dix F). Subject the projected FSD to reality checks. the following:
Find Net Present Value for Different Field Sizes
• play chance = product of shared fac'hJl's
. /

Run cash-flow models on PI0%, PSO%, P90%, and • a\'erage prospect chance 7" product of local or
Pmean reserves cases under the operative contract independent factors
terms and using the current company discount rate. • number of consecutive dry holes before failure
Construct a graph showing the relationship of NPV to • probability of MEFS (Pmefs)
recoverable reserves (p. 86). Also run cash-flow models
-', for the total failure case and at least one partial failure
Construct the Economic Field-size Distribution
.... case to determine the negative NPV for those outcomes. This distribution of economic field sizes is derived
All values should be estimated on an after-tax basis. by truncating the original FSD constructed for the play
(p. 87). It is essential to determine the new PI0%,
Estimate Minimum Economic Field Size (MEFS)
PSO%, P90%, and the Pmean reserves values for the
Use the graphs and data from the previous item to ecollomic part of the FSD, as described on page 79, and
estimate the minimum economic reserves required in AppendiX F.
, (MERR) to recover the cost of exploration at interest.
Then, given at least one economic discovery, what is a Find the Mean Economic Play Reserves
reasonable low-side outcome-one field discoverv? ll1e next step is to construct a cumulative probability
Two? Three? Whichever is the most reasonable o~t­ distribution of economic play reserves. This is accom­
come will determine MEFS. Reality check: Large play plished by combining the distribution of economic field
areas and geologic complexity both encourage field sizes and the estimate of the number of economic fields
numbers larger than one, but prudence suggests that in the play, ordinarily through conventional Monte
-\ this field number should not exceed three. Short explo­ Carlo simulation or the Latin Hypercube method (p. 94).
ration time periods (contractual), limited exploration An analvtical method to combine either two or three
budgets, and risk-averse management all drive the such distributions, using graphical procedures, has been
estimated field number downwilrd toward one. developed and described by Capen (1992), Megill (1992),
and Rose and 1110mpson (1991), as discussed in Appen­
Find the Probability of a Field .

dix B. ll1e mean of the economic play reserves distribu­

--, of Minimum Economic Size (Pmefs)

tion is the best statistical expression of play reserves

. On the FSD, find the probability associated with a potential, but the whole range of possible outcomes can
field of minimum economic size. Pmefs is the propor­ . be calculated.
tion (%) of the FSD that is of MEFS or larger (see pp. 79 ..
and 86). Find the Mean NPV of Play
This range of values, which assumes economic play
Find NPV/80E for Different Field Sizes
sllCcess, is derived on the basis of the following:
-\ Using the data and graphs from net present value,
construct a graph and/or table that shows the NPV • mean play economic reserves
per oil-equivalent barrel to your firm, as operator (p, • NPV/80E for different field sizes
86). This will alJmv your prospectors to read ily assign
an apprOXimate value to l'very prospect, based on This may lie gener<lted as a probability distribu­
mean reserves, givl'lI discovery (and also to calculate tion, with P90%, PSO'};" and PI0'};, values determined.
expected value, by incorpor<lting aver<lge prospect HO\AleVer, the mean value is the best statistical expres­
chance <lnd assuming pl<lY ch<lnce = 1.0). All values sion of play NPV and should be calculated on an
reflect an after-tax basis. <lfter-tax basis. lI

Estimate the Number of

Economic Fields in the Play
This estimate is derived from the distribution of
number of fields in the pl<lY by multiplyin<> each of the llr:or 111l' ~nlicip~ted pso or 1'10 numbers of fields, wc must ~Iso
p 10'"/0, PSO"IIIJ, P 90'(", and Pme<ln field numbers
bv Pmefs accounl ior the costs of exploratory drillin~ (especially lhl' un<l\loid­
able dr!' holes) und additional leasin h costs aSSOci<llcd with such a
to generate a new prob<lbiJity distribution for n'umbers successful play. Therefore, the mean play NPY Olllst include such
of eConomic f'Ield s, gwm
. ' .
at lca~t O/le dIscovery. Smce these costs III be correctly represented.
90 Exploration Plays-Risk Analysis and Economic Assessment

Calculate the Play Expected Value (ENPV) • In estimating cost of geotechnical exploration (=

This value is the chance-weighted statistical value of cost of geotechnical failure), it may be necessary 4

the play. Play ENPV utilizes the following parameters: to perform several iterations to develop an appro­

priate value representing the land portion of costs

• chance of economic play success and chance of (= winning bid). Such iterations may impact val­

failure ues of MEFS, Pmefs, etc.

• the mean NPV of the play (including additional

exploration costs associated with P50 and PI0 Calculate the Key Economic

field numbers) Measures for the Play /

• play cost of failure To provide a basis for evaluating the £.]ay as a busi­
ness venture, or to compare it with other opportuni­
It should be calculated on an after-tax basis. ties, it is useful to calculate the anticipated values for
key economic measures, such as:
Determine the LeaselAcquisition Price
This determination will vary widely, depending on ~
discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR)

the method by which contract rights are to be acquired­ (calculate at PI0'Yo, P50%, P90%, and Pmean eco­

sealed bid, oral auction, performance bid (= work com­ nomic reserves level). DCFROR is only useful as a

mitment), serial negotiations, or priYate treaty. This minimum qualifier, or hurdle-it is not useful to

topic is discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, in the sec­ compare projects;

tion on Acquisition Strategies (pp. 93-99). There are • investment efficiency (calculate on a risk-adjusted

seve~al cautionary notes: basis; see p. 54);

• cost of finding (calculate on a risk-adjusted basis,

• If there is a reasonable likelihood that the host i.e., include t.he costs of dry holes).

government or landovmer will allo\,' subsequent

renegotiations of contract terms, the fundamental Allocate Play Reserves, ENPV, Exploration
strategy of CClmpetitive sealed bidding, based on Costs, and Bids among Prospective Blocks
bidding a fraction of project expected value, is By subjectively ranking the various acreage blocks
negated (see p. 99). In such situations, a winning within the play area, it is then possible to allocate play
strategy may very well involve tactics of deliber­ reserves, ENPV, exploration costs, and bids among the
ate overbidding to obtain the license, followed by prospective blocks. This will be useful in carrying out
later negotiations. This is a dangerous game, how­ variot,ls negotiations and business operations as the
ever, and disavows the sanctity of contracts. play is carried out.
• The widely described (Capen, Clapp, and Camp­
bell, 1971; Thaler, 1992) systema tic reduction of
ENPV (.35 x ENPV) utilized by ARCO and others
in the Gulf of Mexico (to guard against the Win­
ner's Curse) is compatible with chances, reserves
variances, and values of that petroleum region.
But in many new play areas, chances are lower,
and reserves variances even highee justifying a
more severe reduction, even lower than 35%, to
perhaps 25% or even 20% of ENPY. On the other
hand, in acquisitions having higher anticipated
chances of success and smaller resen'es variance,
the 35% reduction should be relaxed to 50% or per­
haps even 60% or 70% for producing properties.
• It is also extremely important to consider the
overall distribution of bid amounts by competitor
companies in previous offerings and sales, in the
area of interest, in analog areas. and in other
recent sales. Often, especially in marginal or high­
risk plays, the actual prevailing bid levels
expressed as dollars per acre (or any other area
measure) may be much less than your 35% or 25%
reduced bid determination!
I- Chapter

Management of Exploration
i Projects as Business Ventures

Introduction One of these biases is especially important to under­

stand: the fear of anticipated criticism that may impede
VVe have now reviewed all the necessary considera­ individual-enterprise decisiveness. TI1is is just an orga­
tions by which exploration prospects and plays may be nizational expression of risk aversion, in which the per­
objectively measured with respect to potential reserves, ceived threat jeopardizes status, position, even one's
chance of commercial or economic success, and range of continued employment. In especially authoritarian
profitability given success. The remaining tasks concern companies, such bias may effectively paralyze the
-. how the inventories and portfolios of such opportuni­ organization, thus shifting even the most trivial deci­
ties may be managed as business ventures, taking into sions upward to upper management.
account the financial and human resources of the firm. It is important for geotechnical staff, as well as
exploration management, to be aware of such biases
Dealing with Risk
and to know how to detect and correct for them, as
shown in the following section.
\ and Risk Aversion

Risk-adjusted Value, Risk Tolerance,
Practical Expressions and Applications and Optimum Working Interest
The term "risk" implies the threat of loss. A pro­
The economic parameter risk-adjusted value (RAV)
posed project becomes a risk venture only when we
was defined in Chapter 4 (p. 55) and shown to be a
assign economic conseq-uences-gains and losses-to
modification of the expected value (EV) equation, in
the various possible outcomes. The fundamental
which the function that expresses the risk preferences of
attribute of all risk ventures is that the threat of loss
the decisionmaker is exponential. The relative degree of
" outweighs the prospect of gain-people will take a
risk a\"ersion expresses itself as variations in "r"-larger
greater chance to avoid a loss than to make a gain of the
r's indicate an increasing degree of risk aversion.
same size. This is the essence of utility theory. Except
Calculated ,'alues for RAV have been intuitively
for compulsive gamblers anci those who vurposefi..lly
hard for planners and decisionmakers to deal with
remain ignorant, the normal human condition is to be
because they combine objective economic values with
risk-averse whenever a proposition involves things
subjective behaYioral responses. Subsequent develop­
that are precious-life, health, money, reputation,
ments made applied utility theory more useful to
human rel~tionships,social status, and so on. exploration management:
Accordingly, we try to "hedge" our position in such

ventures by finding ways to increase our safety, either

1. Walls (1993, personal communication) found that
by giving up Some interest in the deal or by delaying
characteristic r's of oil and gas firms approxi­
our commitment until the probable outcome of the
mated 5/(annual exploration budget), rather
venture is more apparent. than 1/(annual exploration budget). In other
Biases Affecting Risk Decisions words, exploration firms actually behaved in a
more risk-aversive way than Cozzolino had
Pioneering work by Tversky and Kahnemann (1974) anticipated (p. 55).
provided good examples of common biases affecting 2. Following Cozzolino (1977 and 1978), Lerche and
our everyday judi:'.~\cl1ts Clbout risk ventures. Table 18 MacKay (1999) showed a more comprehensible
outlines Seven such bias~s, alr~lt which tend to cause and useful form of r, called risk tolerance (RT)
Our evaluations of such ventures to be inconsistent. (Equation 7, p. 55).

92 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures It.

Table 18 Biases affecting risk decisions (modified after Tversky and Kahnemann, 1974).

Type of Bias Common Example

Framing effects Decision makers will take a greater gamble to avoid a loss than to

make an equal gain.

Existence of a prior account Decision makers are more inclined to take a risk at the beginning

of a project than later in the project's life.

Maintaining a consistent reference frame Decision makers are most likely to invest during a "run" of good

fortune, and less likely to invest during a "run" of bad fortune.

Probability of success A venture having a perceived high chance of success is preferred

over a second venture having a low chance of success, even

though the expected value of the second venture is clearly superior.

Wrong action versus inaction Managers prefer to take a risk by not making a decision, rather

than taking action that could result in the same loss.

Number of people making decision Groups are more prone to take risks than individuals.

Workload and venture size Large-volume ventures are preferred over smaller ones, especially

when decision makers are busy.

Personal familiarity The "comfort bias"-decision makers are more risk-prone in deals

or environments with which they have good experience.

Table 19 EV impUes "risk-neutral." that motivated the investor to find a co-investor

with whom to share the risk of loss-even at the
PROJECT A prospect of giving up some of the gain.
The EV concept (p. 54) ignores the pervasive,
Pc == 20%; powerful force we call risk aversion. Table 19
Mean reserves == 50MM bbl compares two dissimilar projects that happen to
DHC == BOMM; PV/BOE == 13.00 have the same EV ($6.0 million) but vastly differ­
ent front-end costs ($30 million vs. $3 million).
EV == .2(50MM x $3/BOE) - .8(BOMM)
== .2($150MM) - .8($30MM) 3. Again, following Cozzolino (1977), Lerche and
== $30MM - $24MM MacKay (1999) showed that, for every venture,
EV == +$6MM RAV would be maximized at some specific work­
ing interest, through a trial-and-error process.
PROJECT B They then transformed the RA V equation to
allow direct calculation of the optimum working
Pc == 50%; interest (OWl) for any venture, given that the
Mean reserves == 5MM bbl firm's RT is known.
DHC == $3MM; PV/BOE = $3.00
EV == .5(5MM x $3/BOE) - .5($3MM) RT xl" pcxPV) (12)
OWl =
.5($15MM) - .5(BMM) Cost + PV ( Pf x Cost·
== $7.5MM - $1.5MM
EV == +$6MM
---- 1) Firm's RT == $10MM
Pc = commercial chance of success 2) PV of mean-reserves case == $42MM
DHC = dry-hole cost 3) PV of cost == $6MM
EV = expected value 4) Pc == 0.3; Pf == 0.7

OWl = $10 x 11/ (0.3 x $42)

Risk tolerance was intuitively easy to grasp as that $42 + $6 0.7 x $6
threshold value whose--;:~'ltiLjr";;j h'_~ unaccept­
able to the cOIporation. PragmaticaUy, RT could be OWl = 0.2287 =23% == Company should
thought of as the investor's choke-point-the value take about one-quarter of this venture.
Chapter 6 93

The power of the OWl calculation is that it allows negotiations, or by leverage, because of an inherent

- the most common response to unacceptable risk-

. r~r::Luction of one's share-to be optimized for each
venture, consistently throughout the company. That
is, the firm can behave consistently in its response to
advantage stemming from (1) available funding, (2)
favorable leasehold relative to the prospect, or (3) pro­
prietary knm-vledge, tools, or skills without which the
prospect is unattracth'e.
risk propositions, by taking appropriate shares of the The second method by which cost can be reduced
diverse ventures in its portfolio. This is particularly invoh'es the voluntary surrender of some share of the
important where companies seek to spread risk by venture in exchange for a proportional reduction in
participating widely in many joint ventures and front-end ~xposure. Common exampl~s of the second J
thereby broaden their exposure, but they do not have method are provided by conventions such as farm-outs"
the luxury of assembling a full inventory of opportuni­ ~'here the leaseholder exchanges a substantial share of
ties, more than a year in advance, from which to select the interest in the leasehold for the commitment of
the optimum combination and share of ventures for another company to test the acreage by drilling an
the upcoming year's drilling program. Using OWl exploratory well. Companies also carry out joint ven­
"""'" offers a legitimate alternative for converting the com­ tures with other firms, often cross-assigning interests in
mon process that many companies use to detern.ine several deals.
their share-management's intuition-to a valid and All such cOllventions are perfectly legitimate meth­
consistent procedure that optimizes value to the firm. ods of mitigating risk, with one important caveat: it is
essential that dealmakers understand dearly just how
Common Business Conventions
much value they are giving up in exchange for the
desired financial safety. Many times the tradeoff is, in
for Mitigating Risk

fact, inappropriate, and the value surrendered is much

The petroleum exploration business has developed greater than the incremental safety warrants. This is
many different procedures and devices for alleviating especially true where a diversified portfolio provides
", excessively risky ventures. Basically, all such conven­ additional risk protection.
tions, as they apply to individual ventures, involve
one of three key elements influencing risk ventures: Alleviating Risk through Diversification
Diversification is a well-known concept in the securi­
1. improve the oddS; ties im'estment business, leading to the wide employ­
2. reduce the capital at risk; or ment of portfolios of common stocks, bonds, precious
3. alleviate risk through diversification. metal?, and other securities. The same principle applies
Improving the Odds to por"tfolios of exploration ventures, which are covered
later in this chapter.
The most common method of improving the odds is
to acquire additional geotechnical information such as
\ seis~ic or geochemical data, either by purchasing or
Common Methods for
tradmg data. But other more imaginative methods also Acquiring Petroleum Rights
are used, such as bottom-hole or dry-hole contributions,
which involve the acquisition of additional geo­ Staged Exploration
\. technical information illuminating your own prospect, Theoretically, the most efficient economic process
by encouraging another operrttor to drill a well near for petroleum exploration and development is staged,
your leasehold (lnd then share key well data (logs, cores, where capital is invested over time in a series of sys­
tests, etc.) that bear on your own prospect, in exchange tematic risk decisions, each decision weighing invest­
for some agreed-upon mOlletary benefit. This benefit is ment level against the risk and reward that are
ordinarily paid on reaching the necessary depth and / or perceived to attend the project at that stage of its evo­
~f the well proves to be a dry hole. Another way to lution (Figure 40).
Improve the odds is to contract for terms that allow you But pure, staged exploration is rare. In trends where
to enlarge your interest in the venture in the event it many companies are competing simultaneously for
appears to be Successful. Receiving a Jarger share after acreage, high front-end payments--eaused by compet­
the venture pays out, or purchasing additional interest itive leasing or sealed bonus bidding-force firms to
at preestablished favorable terms after additional infor­ make early investments that <lre commonly larger than
mation is available, are common examples. . pure, staged exploration could justify. Also, cornpa­
Reducing the Capital at Risk nics properly use geotechnology, such as seismic,
reservoir studies, and geochemistry, to acquire knowl­
There are two main approaches to reducing the edge bearing directly on the risk-reward questiw"/ ~(;r"""
front-end costs of any venture. The first method is to reasons of competitive advantage, such geotechnical
obtain especially beneficic:d terms through effective knowledge is held confidential. Unfortunately, such
94 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures



J I.
, J


Figure 40 Staged exploration.

competitive advantage is fleeting, so companies have

learned to act quickly on theirsonfidential findings of Sealed Bonus Bidding
geoteclmical inforI!lation. "TI1e secret is, there are almost Sealed bonus bidding is common in the U.S. and
no secrets-and they don't stay secret \'ery long." Canada, as well as' in some interna tional thea ters such
In large international contract areas within which as Venezuela. It is the method that is most detrimental
the operating company has no competitors, staged to operators and most advantageous to mineral own­
exploration is compromised because large signature ers. Sealed bonus bidding has two main drawbacks­
bonuses and/or work commitments are ordinarily the "Winner's Curse," and the "Ubiquitous Overbid."
required before the operator can even begin to acquire
critical geotechnical data that address the risk-reward The Winner's Curse
questions. Once a large block is acquired, the freedom The phenomenon of the Winner's Curse, first recog­
from competition within the acreage block may induce nized and discitssed by Capen, Clapp, and Campbell
a certain amount of complacency, thus encouraging in 1971, has been incorrectly characterized as, "If you
delays that reduce exploration efficiency from the 'Non the bid, you paid too much." A more accurate
optimum. In some cases, however, there may be real articulation is, "If you won the bid and the tract turns
benefits in such delays, as suggested by option pricing out to be productive, you probably overestimated the
theory (p. 52). Finally, unique contrad terms may dis­ value, expressed as net present value (NPV), and
tort and impede efficient decision making. therefore you probably wo,n't make your anticipated
return. If the tract turns out to be dry, you probably
Conditions of Acquisition overestima~edexpected value and paid too much for it
Except for most of the U.S. and parts of Canada; min­ on a risk-reward basis." .
erals are ordinarily owned by the state rather than by The uncertainty surrounding prospect reserves is
private individuals or companies. Rights to explore for the primary cause of the Winner's Curse: given the
and produce such minerals are acquired in at least six high variance of the lognormal reserves dlfStribution,
different ways, as discussed previously. However, and the likelihood of several unintentional overesti­
except Jor some uncommon situations where mineral mates among any group of competitive bidders, it fol­
prospectivity is seen to be quite unpromising or state lows that the firm that overestimates by the most is
representatives are in collusion with favored firms, pri­ likely to be the highest bidder (Figure 41). Because of
vate companies usually compete for mineral rights. Such the award procedure and competitive secrecy, group
competition takes many forms, but it ordinarily involves wisdom about the tract value doesn't prevail. In fact,
proprietary data and/or interpretations as to (1) the bidder who most exceeds group wisdOlJl usually
resource size, chance of project success, and profitability; wins the bid. Moreover, firms can't average-out their
(2) terms designed to appeal to the grantor of the license; estimates with overestimates and underestimates on
and (3) some specified timeframe for offers and deci­ other tracts because underestimates usually generate
sions. In olle form or allother, companies bid for milleral bids too low to win tracts!
rights, but the particular method ofacqllisition itselfhas sub­ What are the effective remedies to counteract the
stantial impact on the overall profitability of the ['mture. Winner's Curse? Most important is to revise the criterion
Chapter 6 95

Millions of Dollars Bid

·J{es(,~v~s",,~re Lognonnal, so
Bids are Lognonnal - - _.- ---1--­

It's Easy to OverestiI113te

"Group WisdOln" doesn't

Bidder who 1110St exceeds

Group WisdOlll wins bid

Sealed-bid lnethod prevents

"averaging out" ­
(M = million in Ihis liglll"(~)
0.1 1.0 10.0

Figure 41 Sealed bidding far uncertain reserves leads ta the winner's curse.

for success: The goal is I/ot to wil/ tlte tmct; the goal is to After area-wide sales began, overall bid prices
add vallie-to //lake II/Ol/el/. Second lv, limit the bid to dropped to 12.s'~;, of their former level.l~ Some compa­
Some deep discount of ti1e tract expected net present nies, such as Shell, Chevron, and Amoco, continued to
value (ENPV): the more uncertainty, the deeper the bid efficienth' and kept acquiring offshore acreage for
discount. Naturally, this presupposes that anticipated proportionat~ly fev.'er dollars (Figure 43). Others, such
competitive bid levels for the particular sale are as Exxon, Texaco, and Mobil, had apparently learned
expected to rise above threshold trend per-acre prices from their prior bidding experience and switched to
of, say 5-10% of ENPV or anticipated minimum bid efficient bidding. On the other hand, a few firms,
levels, as they did in the 1996-98 Gulf of Mexico sales. notably Arco/Vastar and Unoca!, apparently lost their
Third, bid widely: recognizing the large uncertainties corporate memories and nmo\' became inefficient bid­
inherent in exploration, firms should bid on all blocks ders. Some latecomers, such as Kerr-McGee and
perceived to have positive expected value. Fourth, Amerada, bid \'ery aggressively but inefficiently.
encourage a detached, disciplined bidding attitude, to
wit, "!fwe call't get tltis tmct for ol/r price, we dOIl't want The Ubiquitous Overbid
if." Fifth, as our ind lIstry was able to do in 1983, The second operative drawback of sealed bonus
encourage the state to reduce the intensity of competi­ bidding is the Ubiquitous Overbid of Megill and
tion by offering very many tracts, as the U.s. Minerals Wightman (1984), defined simply as "the money left
Management Service (U.S.M.MS.) does through area­ on the table"-the difference between the winning
wide sales. Finally, seek other ways to acquire min­ bids and the second bids, as a percentage of the win­
eral rights, such as with private treaties and through ning bids. From the company's point of view, the
farm-ins, trades, or acquisitions. overbid represents a totally ",..asted investment.
Adoption of the are<\-\·vide leasing procedure by the Although counterintuitive, the fact is that \·vith less
l!.S.M.M.5. in 1983 reduced the intensity of competi­ competition the average percentage overbid tended to
tion for Gulf of Mexico leases. Before 1983, competing iI/crease, from about 50'1.. pre-1983 (Figure 44) to about
companies like Shell, Arco, c\J1d Chevron v,'ere using 7S'}';, post-1983 (Figure 45). When we deal only with
deep bid discounts 'lI1d bidding \o\'idely (Figure 42).
They were bidding efficiently--acquiring their
--- acreage for fewer doHars than others like Exxon,
Mobil, Gulf, Tenneco, ilnd Texaco, who were cono:'n­
12This compMCS ~\'l~r~ge bid prices on ~ nominal doll~r basis; on a
"rc~I" b,lSis, i.e., t.. king infl~lilln into ~ccount, the ~\'l'roge per-~cre
reduction of bids is much gre~tcr, probably to about -t% to 5% pre­
trating their biljs and p{\~'ing top dollar. aren-\\,jde snles avcrilgc .

96 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures



8 I-:--

6 f- .- .. '

; i.

4 -- - f--


2 , .'

~I - f---
.'. f---
t-- -
'!".)f, f
'" ~~ .{1
o : t~
~i ','


~ Z < < ~ z w
::: 0

::z:: < > ><: X ~ ~
,.... :E 0 E-o u
en ~ :E
~ ~ W
N < Z
;:> <
P:: ~
:.J < < c:::
:E ~
Figure 42 Net purchases by company: Gulf of Mexico sales, 1972-82 (figure courtesy of Robert Clapp). Compare

with figure 43. '





'.'f--- ,-' "
,.- i',f---
't, .....



. "~.'
.~; .....: ~ ",
' ~~i· .~ ~
,\)' .

U --::::z
-=:: ,
< 0
< > -­...., X
:::: ::t:
r ...

__ C". •
...:.J ~ w w
N < z


Figure 43 Gulf of Mexico biddim) efficiency (1988-95). Compare with figure 42.
Chapter 6 97

- 60 4=~
7000 50 ~
~ ~
-f:F)­ 6000 40
0 0
CD 5000
30 ~~
Z 4000
UJ 3000
w 2000


1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
Figure 44 High bids and second bids; GOM lease overbids averaged about 50% pre-1983 (from Megill, 1984).

~ 1250 +--=-+-:-::J-:--:~hI-:r.~:"':+:X=----+--:~~~~-=---:::+~-=-L~~~

::> 750 -r-t----+---+---f--t-1f--+---I--+-+-,--I--+--+-----'+-"''--Ir--H
W 500
UJ 250
1 21 sales
..­ N LO If) ..­ C") a If) ..­CD eo ..­
N ~ ~ CD t--.
C") LO
..­ ..­ ..­ ..­ ..­
..­ ..­ ..­ ..­ .....
Figure 45 High bids and second hids; area-wide GOM lease overbids averaged 75% post-1983.
98 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures

multiple-bid tracts, the percentage overbid becomes confidentiality discourages the outside input thnt
smaller-45% pre-1983 and 57% post-1983. Now, might indicate overestimation. Near-term deadline~
overbids are characteristically large, simply because promote similarity to sealed bonus bidding. How­
bids-based mostly on reserves potential-are log­ ever, if the deal seller sells a fractional share, a: limit is
normally distributed, hence the difference between thus set on the upside potential, and the inherent
the first and second bid is generally large, compared advantages of competitive confidential bidding have
with, say, the fifth and sixth bids, because of the been eliminated.
log scale. As Megill and Wightman pointed out,
prospectors and their managers must understand_ J
Oral Auctions
that the overbid is intrinsic to the sealed bid p'"ocess.
Overbidding is part of the mathematics and' can't be The third common method is the oral auction, which
eliminated. is still used by some U.s. states and onshore federal lease
It is instructive to compare levels of overbidding sales, and in privately managed sales of producing
before and after the adoption of area-wide sales: properties. Theoretically this method should be more
Figure 44 was made by Bob Megill in 1983 and shows attractive to deal buyers because there is no need for
that the average overbid before arc-a-wide sales was more than a fractional difference between the high bid
about 50%, whereas Figure 45 (Rose, 1999) shows that and the second bid, thus eliminating the overbid and the
the average overbid rose afterward to around 75%. inherent waste associated with it. However, competitive
However, since the entire bidding level had been so egos often seem to produce the same effect as the Win­
greatly reduced, as it was starting in 1983, the pain of the ner's Curse, generating bids that indicate greatly over­
increased overbid could be accommodated more easily. valued tracts. So success in oral auctions requires
disciplined bidding, as well as the recognition that the
Summary behavior of other bidders may provide useful on-site
Thus sealed bonus bidding has these two main information about your own valuation of the tract­
drawbacks: the Winner's Curse and the Ubiquitous whether it may be too high or too low.
Overbid. However, their negative effects can be ame­
liorated by substantially discounting the tract's Performance Contracts
expected value to determine appropriate bid levels, Performance bidding (or so-called work-contracts)
and by reducing the intensity of competition on indi­ should eliminate both the Winner's Curse and the
vidual tracts so the net impact is economically tolera­ Ubiquitous Overbid because, theoretically, opera tors
ble. Nevertheless, even after area-wide sales began, the should limit their bids to whatever a prudent explorer
key to success in bonus bidding remains to persuade would spend to explore any given block, based on
executives that their intuition cannot beat the effects of tract size, geology, and geophysics, not on perceived
the Winner's Curse and the UbiquitousO\·erbid. reserves potential. This sounds good in principle; in
The actual effect of the Winner's Curse and overbid­ practice, however, the competitive desire to obtain the
ding on the overall profitability of U.s. oil companies block often translates into extra wells or better terms.
operating in the Gulf of Mexico is chilling-Lohrenz Such measures are not necessarily bad, as long as deci­
(1988) reported that the total industryinHstment in sionmakers recognize that the Winner's Curse is oper­
the Gulf had not yet paid out and likely would not ating on all such overages and extras. Obviously, the
ever achieve actual profitability. Furthermore, if area­ worst of both worlds is represented by acquisition
wide bidding had not beep adopted, it is quite possible procedures combining performance bidding as well as
that the economic development of deep-water discov­ competitive sealed bonus bidding.
eries in the Gulf of Mexico during the late 1980s and
1990s would never have been possible. Private Treaties
The best method for the deal buyer to acquire
Serial, Time-constrained Auctions petroleum rights is through private treaties or simple
The second common method for acquiring
bilateral negotiations, where a given deal is shown to
petroleum rights is the serial, time-constrained confi­
only one buyer at a time and multiple buyers are never
dential auction, in which a deal is shO\\'n individually
looking at the same deal simultaneously. This is the
and privately to several potential buyers over a short
method traditionally employed in conventional
period, with an announced deadline in the near
onshore U.s. exploration. It is best for the deal buyer
future. Such deals function like sealed-bid sales, with
because it avoids the Winner's Curse as well as the
the same drawbacks to purchasers and advantages to
Ubiquitous Overbid, and it's worst for the seller for
the deal seller. Whichever potential buyer valu~s the
the same reasons. Such deals may_:;.:'!-;roach staged
deal the most is likely to submit the best offer, and
exploration if the deal involves a new concept ortool
Chapter 6 99

and competition is as yet minimal. Such situations, Prospect and Play Portfolios .
however, don't last long.

Corporate Acquisitions
-- . ~-
A prospect portfolio (Rose, 1992a) is selected from
Our final method for acquiring petroleum rights is an ilwentory of exploratory prospects. The portfolio
through corporate acquisitions-buying another com­ listing displays their respp.ctive costs, chances of com­
pany's reserves by buying the company. Friendly mercial success, estimated mean reserves and mean
takeovers function like private treaties, generally being NPVs, risked mean reserves and risk~d NPVs (the laP
most favorable to the buyers. Unfriendly takeovers that ter are derived by multiplying estimated mea~
lead to bidding wars function more like sealed-bid reserves and NPVs each by chance of commercial suc­
sales-the more bidders, the more favorable to the com­ cess), and preferred economic ranking measures such
pany being bought. However, the impact of the Winner's as ENPV and risked investment efficiency.
Curse may be relatively less because there is generall~' Each of the prospects in the inventory may be effec­
less variance surrounding a company's true worth than tively compared and ranked ,;\,ith the other prospects
there is around an offshore exploration block. because the same processes for estimating resei-ves,
chance of success, and profitability have been used for
Sanctity of Contracts versus
all. Consistent corporate hurdles and discount rates
have been app.Iied to each prospect, and meaningful
Subsequent Renegotiations
economic measures have been consistently used to
All of the observations and comments have assumed rank the various ventures in the inventory. So the
the sanctity of contracts-"a deal's a deal." If it's possi­ inventory represents those prospects that the firm is
ble to renegotiate a de;)1 later, after disappointing cOllsidering; the portfolio represents the exploratory
results have been confirmed, then all bets are off and wells that wiII actually be drilled.
advantages and disadvantages of the previous six 111\'entories become another selective screen in
methods are obviated. This by itself may suggest a sev­ choosing prospects for the company's annual or semi­
enth method of acquiring rights through subsequent annual exploration portfolio, but only if the various
renegotiations. Such methods are anathema to most candidate ventures considered for entry can be evalu­
Western corporations, perhaps because when such sub­ ated quickly and efficiently, both geotechnically as
sequent renegotiations took place in the past they repre­ well as economicallv.
sented violations of existing contracts. However, Similarly, a portfolio of explora tion plays may be
perhaps this is a limiting Western cultural value-sup­ selected from an inventory of candidate exploration
pose we approach international exploration, from the plays. Ordinarily, however, play inventories and port­
start, as an uncertain business that should 10(~icaIIy be folios are considerably smaller than prospect invento­
carried out through agreements that expresslyOallow for ries and portfolios; moreover, prospects and plays are
changes in terms, depenu ing on wha t the results of segregated into separate inventories and portfolios.
exploration turn out to be? Because of their inherent differences in scope and time­
This may represent the last, best way to improve frame, plays and prospects should not be included and
exploration profitability-to develop new, flexible compared in the same inventory. It is far better to
t~pes of contracts that allow us to approach the effi­ maintain two separate inventories, one for plays and
cIency of staged exploration. Of course, such contracts another for prospects.
presuppose that an informed landowner or state must
b~ able to ve~lty the legitimilc)' of the crilicai geotech­ Benefits
~lCal.expendltures and findings that impact the chang­
If these conditions nre met, the assembly of a
Ing nsk-versus-reward picture, and thus, the changing
prospect or play portfolio from an inventory of qualify­
terms. Some aspects of production-shnrin\~contracts
contam . suc I1 fIexibilities. tJ ing prospects or plays cnn significantly improve corpo­
rate exploration performance, for at least six reasons:
Conclusion Optimizing Capital Allocation
. Small companies or independent operators espe­ If the selected portfolio contains those projects that
cl;" shou~d realize that the method of sale itself plays rank highest, llsing risked investment efficiency (see p.
n bIg part In the profitability of the purchase or sale. 54), it will produce the high9St possible cnpacity to cre­
Stnted simply, when you're selling, try to utilize the ate value for the firm. A r<1l1king bused on ENPV will
scaled bid or auction model. When you're buying, buy produce n portfolio hnving the highest ENPV, but
through private treaty or performance bidding. because investment costs may vary i1l11ong ventures,
100 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures

that ranking may ignore venture risk; at the same time predictions. So the inventory / portfolio process helps
it may not maximize value. Any economic measure promote systematic performance review. This
that includes a provision for risk aversion, such as cal­ approach is not as readily applied to play analysis,
culation of OWl, will necessarily reflect value reduced however, simply because of the long time elapsed
from optimum, in consideration of the reduced vul­ between forecasts and discernible results common to
nerability to loss. play development.
Forecasting Performance Eliminating Predictive Bias
Prospect portfolios (Table 20) are one of the most Motivational bias expressing overly optimistic or / .

effective tools to improve exploration performance. overly conservative estimates of reserves, chance, and
Objective professional estimates of an individual profitability, can, with a reasonable number of trials
prospect's chance of commercial success, in combina­ (wells), be detected, analyzed, and corrected through
tion with reliable forecasts of mean reserves (and thus feedback and subsequently modified procedures by
prospect mean ENPV), provide the basis for predict­ geotechnical staff. By reducing such bias we can
ing the following: impmve portfolio performance and create added
value for the company.
1. approximate number of discoveries from a given
multi-well program; Scheduling Future Work
2. approximate total new commercial reserves The selected portfolio forms the basis for planning
added (p. 33) and their present value; and and scheduling the work necessary to carry out the con­
3. approximate program cost-of-finding, using pro~ stituent ventures over the period of the portfolio.
ject cost forecasts.
Naturally, the accuracy of such program forecasts is
Lognormality and Performance
keenly sensitive to (1) average prospect discovery of Prospect Portfolios
probability; (2) variance in indiYidual prospect­ Most knowledgeable explorationists and many of
reserves distributions; (3) the predictive skill and lack their managers now accept the principle that prospect­
of bias of the geoscientists; and (-1) the number of reserves distributions are lognormal, reflecting natural
prospects in the inventory. Accordingly, the predictive processes of multiplication [area (acres) x average net
ability of the play portfolio is much inferior to pay (feet) x He-recovery (bbllacre-foot)J. Accordingly
prospect portfolios. However, play inventories are the distribution of most corporate balc1l1ced portfolios
quite useful because they facil~tate the comparison of is also approximately lognormal.
different exploration plays. ," What is remarkable is that many corporate officers
and high-level exploration managers have not grasped
Guiding Geotechnology the implications of this principle as it impacts the mag­
Provisional risk analysis may be carried out on nitudes and timeframes of corporate exploration
emerging prospects and plays before they are ready results. In particular they do not seem to understand
for drilling to identify those ventures that seem to the expected natural pa.ttern of annual portfolio out­
have the greatest economic promise. To maximize comes: predominantly mediocre annual results punc­
cost-effective use of geo~cientists nnd their tools, spe­ tuated occasionally by exceptionally good years and
cific exploration technologies s]1ould tnen be focused bad years. It can be demonstrated that such fluctua­
on the highest-ranked, leads, and trends, tions may have nothing whatsoever to do with geo­
and especially on the critical geologic chance factors technical or managerial skill; rather, they may be the
(see p. 38). natural consequence of repeated sampling from nat­
ural lognormal prospect-reserves distributions.
Assessing Predictive Performance A common manifestation of management's misun­
In order to construct an inveritory (from which are derstanding of the lognormal principle is their continual
selected the best ventures for the company's drilling and excessive reorganization of ongoing exploration
portfolio), estima tes of reserves l chance of success, programs, in the well-intentioned but mistaken belief
critical risk, initial production rates, percentage that such adjustment and interference (= "tweaking")
declines, and drilling and completion costs must will improve year-to-year explora tion results. Bll t
already have been estimated for each venture. Thus exploration is inherently a sustained, long-term process
half the task of geotechnical performance evaluation plagued in most corporations by short-term interfer­
h~iS ~lready been carried out-a,nd preserved! After ences. There are indeed effective criteria by which
the resWl:s oreach venture are known-successful or exploration performance can be judged, to distinguish
unsuccessful-the actual results (!an be assembled by luck from skill; however, prediction of ,mnual discov­
th.e exploration team from drilli-~g and completion ery volumes is not an effective criterion unless the
reports and postdrill reviews and compared with the exploration portfolio contains 60 to 100 or more triClls.
.- _._._--~----------------------------~--

Table 20 A model prospect portfolio (prospects are ranked in this list by ENPV).

Reserves (MMBOE) If Successful

.. Expected
Economic Measures For Ranking

Dry-Hole Chance Of Mean NPV Risked Mean Investment ENPV

Prospect Costs (SMM) Success P10%/P90% Mean P90%/P10% (SMM) Reserves (MMBOE) (SMM) OWl (SMM) Investment Efficiency ;'itAV

A 6.2 0.05 5.0 50.0 112.5 275.0 2.5 15.0 0.03 7.86 7.86 1 15.0 = 0.52 0.103
B 5.4 0.10 2.4 24.0 54.0 120.0 2.4 8.8 0.07 7.14 7.141 8.8 = 0.81 1.224
C 3.2 0.20 2.2 8.0 16.0 32.0 1.6 6.0 0.26 3.84 3.841 6.0 = 0.64 '0.445
D 4.0 0.15 1.0 10.0 22.5 45.0 1.5 7.2 0.14 3.35 3.351 7.2 = 0.47
E 1.8 0.15 0.6 6.0 13.5 ;1'1.0 0.'1 1..1 O.B 2.07 2.07/ 3.3­ 0.63 0.305
F 2.0 0.20 1.1 4.0 9.0 14.0 0.8 2.0 0.35 1.20 1.20/ 2.0 = 0.60 0.197
G 0.8 0.25 0.3 ;.0 4.4 6.0 0.5 1.8 1.00 0.90 0.901 1.8 = 0.50 0.516
H •j 1.5 0.20 0.5 3.0 6.6 9.0 0.6 6.1 0.39 0.60 0.601 6.1 = 0.10 0.111
0.5 0.30 0.2 1.0 2.2 2.5 0.3 0.8 1:00 0.40 0.40/ 0.8 = 0.50 0.309
0.4 0.40 0.1 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.2 1.0 1. 00 0.16 0.16/ 1.0 = 0.16 0.137
N = 10 25.80 2.00 108.5 52/l.5 11.3 52.0 ~.57 27.52 IE pro9rilm = 0.53 2.56
Avg =.2 Avg = .46
------_._.-----_._ .. -~ ... -­ • • _" _ . ~ ••••• _ _ ~ _ ••• 4~ •• _ _• • •
-". _.- ..... -._ .. _---_ ..• _--._.---------­
NOTES: 1) Dry-hole cost includes exploratory drilling 8t cOl1"pletion, I~nd, G8tG, and overhe~d.
2) Firm's r=5150MM=.I.
3) Firm's RT=1/r",1/.1=10.
4) Order of prospects changes if ranked on investment efficiency (IE) or RAV.
ANTICIPATED RESULTS: This portfolio of 10 exploratory wells is a bC1lanced program including three lower-risk extension wells (G, I, 8t J), five medium-risk trend wildcats (C, D, E, F, 8t H), and
two high-risk new-field wildcats (A 8t B). The most probable outcome of this program is: two discoveries, totaling 11.3 MMBOE reserves, having a total mean program expected value of
$27.52MM. Cost of finding should be about 25.8/11.3 = $2.30/BOE. Progr~m EPV/lnvestment = 27.52152 '" 0.53. 1"'1


102 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures
Table 21 Simulation of results for a prospect portfolio.
We have an inventory of 20 exploratory prospects. The prospects have varying chances of success, and each has a
lognormal distribution of reserves (if successful) with P10% divided by P90% = 13. In this exercise we will use the
given probabilities and simulate the results of drilling the inventory. To sample randomly from the lognormal l
reserves distribution of each successful prospect, multiply (Mean Reserves if Successful) by (Multiplier).

Accordingly, assessing exploration performance based forecasts of portfolio outcomes. However, in providjn~
on annual portfolios may require 1-5+ years, depending a proper answer, management must be asked, \Vhnl
on the size and aggressiveness of the firm and the num­ level of confidence do YOll reqllire?-50%? 68%? SO'Y.,?
ber and character of ventures in the annual portfolio. 90%? 95% ? or 99%?
A useful answer can be provided in at least two dif­
ferent forms:
Predictability versus Portfolio Size
Assuming that the staff's estimates of prospect 1. A range of new reserves or NPV added, such <lS
reserves and chance of success are geotechnically "80% confidence in new reserves of 3.5 to IS,::;
responsible and unbiased (utilizing the estimating con­ million BOE (barrels oil equivalent)"; or
cepts and procedures described predouslYJ, the num­ 2. 50% confidence (or some other probabilistic con­
ber of prospects in the portfolio influences the precision fidence level) that "at least 8 million BOE Dr
and reliability of forecasts about portfolio results. The $25MM NPV will result."
average chai'i>£.? I:\f !?.,!;.ospe.rtsuccess and the prospect­ -C" . .

reserves variance also influence portfolio predictability. Table 2fl\::presents a model 20-well exploratory
But understandably, management commonly wants portfolio for a domestic U.s. firm. Prospect discovery
, to know how many wells are required to make useful probabilities are 10%, 20%, 30%, 40°/<" ,(,ld 50"';· (iour
Chapter 6 103

/ OJ>.

Figure 46 Spinner for simulating chance of success and reserves discovered.

prospects in each chance class), with a portfolio aver­ alternative to a computer-driven Monte Carlo simula­
age chance of Success of 30%; all chance categories are tion, which may not be understood.
represented by a mechanical spinner (Figure 46). All Figure 47 shows that as such a portfolio increases
prospect-reserves distributions are lognormal, with from 20 wells to 100 wells, the confidence in forecast
estima ted prospect mean reserves of 11.5 MM bbl and results improves, the P10%-P90% range becoming reJ­
an 80'}'0 range (P90%-PlO% estimates) of 3.0 MM bbl to ativelynarrO\\'er with respect to the mean.
22.6 MM bbl. Median (P50%) is 8.8 MMllOE.
All prospects have P10%/P90% ratios of 13, as
Practically speaking, as many as 80 trials (four suc­
cessive Table 21 portfolios) may be required to provide
I established by the outer multiplier ring on the spinner 80'};, predictive confidence in new discovered reserves
r (Figure 46). This represents a minor inconsistency volumes egual to ±50% of the predicted mean of 4 x 11.5
I because variance typically increases among high-risk, = 46 MMBOE, if that is the level of confidence manage­
large-potential prospects. To operate this simulation, ment desires. If a more conservative portfolio were
each prospect is first tried for success or failure, using selected, one in which the wells had lower-variance
the graduated inner ring. If a prospect is a discovery, reserves and higher chances of success, perhaps as few
the next spin determines the amount of new reserves as 40 wells would be enough to deliver an equivalent
found (outer ring). If the prospect is a dry hole, the next level of predictive confidence. At the other end of the
spin determines success or failure on the next well. scale, for a company involved in high-risk (Pc = 10%),
ObViously, employing a spirmer is a visually satisfying large-reserve (lOO to 500 MMllOE), high-v<Hiance
104 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures

Z 80
~ 40
20 )

0 1------+------....-, -G:l; P10
Z -20
U.'l -40 ,,_.,~__," I!I.'_''''M'''-'''''''''-''''._~'' Ii iI'-'·-"~- ~",.,.",.~~, I II

... ......
.. ~. -' ' .• .J~~." ...,~ ..--­

.. ~.
0 ,20 40 60 80 100
Figure 47 Predictive accuracy of portfolio performance improves with the number of wells in the portfolio.

prospects, an inventory of 250 wells or more might be The key point for management to realize is that any
required to provide adequate confidence in the forecast portfolio can be routinely analyzed by Monte Carlo
outcomes (Schuyler, 1989). simulation to provide various confidence levels associ­
If the portfolio's size is inadequate to deliver the ated with corresponding reserves outcomes. Then
confidence in forecast outcomes that management management can decide how the portfolio should be
expects, at least six possible solutions exist: adjus~ed to provide the predictive confidence they
require. Obviously, if prospect parameters are biased,
1. Add more wells to the portfolio (which of course the portfolio will lose much of its effectiveness.
will increase exploration expenditures propor­ Fo~_companies operating in a variety of exploration
tionately); ­ theCf~fs, especially those desiring a diversified, bal­
2. Expand the portfolio by drilling morejomt-venture anced'r.6rtfolio, it is important to recognize that divi­
wells (this increases sample size without signifi­ sions oF-erating in mature provinces may be expected
cant increase in total exploration expenditures); to provide prospects for the smaller-reserve, low-risk
3. Consider the portfolio over a mUlti-year period, end of the overall portfolio, whereas divisions exp!or­
i.e., the forecast might cover a 3-year or 5-year ing iD frontier basins may provide ventures for the
prediction with running averages; high-potential, higher-risk part.
4. Modify the character of the portfolio by includ­
ing more low-risk wells at the expense of some Principles of Exploration
high-risk wells (cf course this usually also entails
substantial reductions in reserves potential); Portfolio Management
5. Focus geotechnical exploration tools on high-risk It is far beyond the scope of this book to review the
prospects, to either: principles of modern portfolio management (Bern­
• improve confidence in critical risk geologic stein, 1996; Markowitz, 1952). The key point here for
factors and raise Pc; or both explorationists and their managers to realize,
• condemn such prospects in favor of other, however, is that the same principles of risk-reward
more attractive ventures; or optimization apply to an exploration portfolio that
6. Management may revise its expe~!,~ti?ns for the apply to portfolios of various common stocks and to
level of confidence required in portfolio flii~casI5,~ other financial ventures.
i.e., they may accept a more realistic, increased level Exploration management can be provided with a
of risk consistent with real exploration variance. risk-reward diagram showing many pOSSible portfolios
Chapter 6 105

management. and this requires ranking, selecting.

and rejecting individual ventures. Hov,'ever,.many

explu-r~ition"t"ton.!:rr..;:ts require that certain wells be
drilled regardless of how those wells compare with
other prospects in the portfolio.
x x X
l\lost firms include such wells in the portfolio for pur­
poses of forecasting portfolio performance and for
assessing staff performance in making geotechnical pre­
x dictions. If they include such obligatory wells in the)
ranking process, it is only for purposes of general com1

~ parison and to allow them to driU the better obligatory

wells earlier rather than later. Skillful employment of
play-analysis principles and proper sequencing of explo­
Portfolio Variance (= Risk) ~ ration tasks will greatly reduce the number of obligatory
'.veils that rank low in the inventory rank order.
Figure 48 The efficient frontier.
Maintainjng Geotechnical Consistency
In orderforthe-portfolio to function properly, the
in. which the mix of constituent prospects is varied geotechnical staff must be confident that the ranking
(FIgure 48). The horizontal axis expresses risk, usually of prospects from all di\'isions and thea ters is equi­
as the variance or standard deviation of each possible table and consistent, because they correctly recognize
portfolio combination, or more pragmatically, as the that such a portfolio system causes competition for
chance of some unacceptably low program outcome. corporate capital. Such el1uity can LIe ensured by vari­
The vertical axis expresses reward, usually as the ous means:
expected mean reserves added (or equivalent NPV).
Management can then select the portfolio that best bal­ 1. use of a consistent, geoteclmically valid evaluation
ances their need for value addition with their need to process and software, by all groups in the finn;
minimize risk. 2. annual comparison of predictions versus results,
For example, combination A would represent a to reveal any groups that consistently demon­
portfolio that maximizes ENPV but also represen.ts an strate bias in their prospect forecasts, and whose
unacceptably high level of risk. Combination B would geotechnical performance therefore needs
minimize risk but would also reduce ENPV to onlv Improvement;
about one-third the ENPV of combination A, which 3. deployment of a risk-normalization team of
also might be unacceptable. Combination C might be a respected senior professionals (geologist, geo­
choice that maximizes value consistent with acceptable physicist, engineer, economist) that reviews all
risk. However, portfolio combinations such as 0 or E new major prospects and randomly reviews
should never be chosen; instead, selected portfolios smaller ones;
should always lie along the "efficient frontier" whose 4. annual expl~ration conference where each group
value is maximized consistently with acceptable risk. presents one or two prospects to peer groups
. However, it is essential for both exploration man­ from all other units, thus demonstrating a broad
agement as well as the profe~~ional geotechnical staff application of consistent standards and proce­
to. realize that a portfolio selected excJ.usively to lIIaxi­ dures; and
JIIIZ[' valliI' added (one using prospect risked investment 5. management that demonstrates its commitment
efficiency) may be associated with risks unacceptable to the process by rewarding professional accu­
to management. Such a portfolio may need to be mod­ racy and integrity of predictions.
ified in favor of another mix of prospects that provides
the desired safety and accepts the accompanying Static versus Dynamic Portfolios
reduced value. All companies would like to have the luxury of
Problems with Exploration Portfolios selecting their annual exploration portfolio from an
inventory of identified, drillable prospects. Such a
Most modern oil companies try to construct and portfolio \"'ould allow them to maximiz<? risk, in part
maintain prospect portfolios. Nevertheless, character­ through the discriminating determination of venture
istic difficulties must be addressed. shares. As previously discussed, however, portfolios
Obligatory Well".- . tend to be dynamic rather than stalic, and prospects are
t Prospect selection f~~- portf~Jio optimization is
commonly drilled as they are identified. In order to
achieve the benefits of portfolio management, compa­

II the gUiding principle in inventory and portfoJ\o

nies may identify several classes of exploratory

106 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures

Table 22 Uncertainty leads to common underperformance of exploration portfolios (after Horner, 1990).

Estimated Rate of Return (% p.a.)

70 60 50 40 30 20 :t: 10 0 -10 -20

..... -30
Actual Rate of Return u

10 ventures at 50% 2 4 2 1 ~ Excluded, but really turn ~

Vl ~
out to be attractive ....
20 ventures at 40% 2 4 8 4 2 <.
50 ventures at 30% 5 10 20 10 5
100 ventures at 20% 10 20 40 20 10 15% cutoff
- - _ .._.._-----.*-_._._.- -_...... ,,- ... --- - -------_._... -_.

200 ventures at 10% Included, but really turn 20 40 80 40 20 c


500 ventures at 0% out to be unattractive 50 100 200 100 50 ~

1000 ventures at -1 0% 100 200 400 200 100 ....
These prospects included These prospects excluded
-.---_. __._-----_.._.. _. __ . _ - _--_._------------------­

prospects they wish to include, and then try to secure of return (DCFROR), and he realized that actual per­
such a model portfolio as the year unfolds. ll1e result is formances of the individual constituent ventures
to diminish some of the theoretical advantage would vary, both up and down, from predicted n'ean
of portfolio selection. Another aspect of dynamic port­ performance because of the substantial uncertainty
folios is to preselect preferred participation levels in cer­ that attends exploration ventures (Horner, 1990). That
tain classes of prospects, or to employ 0\ VI to indicate is, some estimates would turn out to be too high and
the appropriate share for the company (pp. 55 and 92). some would be too low. To model what may actually
happen in nature if estimators are unbiased, he con­
Timing Considerations structed a table comparing estimated rates-of-return
A second possible goal of portfolio management (ROR) with actual rates-of-return for a portfolio in
has to do with optimizing tilllillS of cash .flows. Ideally, which the economic cutoff was 15% ROR (Table 22).
projects should be timed so that excess cash from pro­ As Horner pointed out, the portfolio cutoff (vertical
duction revenues will be available when large de\'el­ line) must be made under conditions of uncertainty,
opment projects are expected to begin, and large-scale where prospects estimated as less than 15% ROR are
exploration projects are available when the company excluded. Because predictions vary from actual
has cash flows to use in increasing ,1sset value. Such results, however, some included ventures will
timing may require precision beyond our present lev­ inevitably underperform expectations, and some
els of geotechnical and predictive skill, however, and excluded ventures would have ou·tperformed expecta­
some companies endorse a simpler procedure: rank tions. Thus the vertical cutoff is wrong, but inevitable,
the portfolio to maximize value, then if money is whereas the horizontal cutoff is correct but unattain­
needed for development, it can be bOfluwed or able. So those ventures shown in bold type in the
derived by selling existing, less profitable properties. northeast and southwest quadrants of the diagram
An alternative approach to the dual corporate will be incorrectly dealt with. The consequence is that
needs of (1) cash flow and (2) growth could be to set the actual performance of the original portfolio will
up two noncompeting portfolios, one composed of inevitably be lower than the estimated performance­
low-risk ventures that could generate needed cash filCII if cstillwtes are unbiased. The prevalent tendency of
flows near-term; and the second, composed of higher­ explorationists to overestimate prospect reserves
risk, large-potential projects that could provide (optimistic bias) has the effect of aggravating this
growth. Then the question is, What is the appropriate problem.
relative level of funding for the two portfolios? Although Horner indicated this to be a problem
without a practical solution, there may be at least a par­
"Theory of Inevitable Disappointment" tial solution that can be described as the "pilot-fish"
Identification of this fascinating phenomenon is concept (pilot-fish are small fish that accompany
ascribed to Dr. Dennis Horner of Roval Dutch Shell. sharks, deriving their living off the crumbs and morsels
He re·cogriiL.'t"!:': that c.:>mpanies aSj':l:lb!~ ~)ortf~ios of not swallowed by the shark during feeding). If large
drilling prospects on the basis of some form of pre­ companies can identify small exploitation firms that
dicted economic ranking, such as il1\·estment effi­ may be willing to develop small or marginal fields, and
ciency (IE), ENPV, or even discounted cash-flow rtlte can prenegotiate basic deal structures with them, then a
Chapter 6 , 107

(:<;;)"ery that is recognized to be below standard rna\, unnecessarily long and expensive efforts and with
)'mmptly conveyed to the smaller, more efficie~t
tantalizing but ultimately fruitless results.
'LtT1 Such business practices allow the large compa"!;}'
. "'­
Negative Impact Is Inversely
;('hOld the development cost of a marginally prof­
',i ilbJe field, and may allow it to recover some incremen­ Proportional to Firm Size
':-(J cost as a transfer payment from the small firm. Generally, the negatiw impacts of a bad play choice
are inversely proportional to company size. To very
large firms like Exxon-Mobil, Shell, or BP/ Amoco,
iVlanaging Exploration Plays which evaluat~ dozens of new plaY$ each year and)
Matching Play Attributes
enter perhaps' five or ten, a bad play can be shrugged.
off ana balanced against other successful plays, which
to Business Strategies
are expected to carry the cost of unsuccessful ventures
Successful exploration is the lifeblood of the inter­ so that the owrall annual new-play portfolio creates
"Ihoned oil and gas business. New fields must be substantial new value.
,md on a regular basis in order to replace the firm's To intermediate-sized firms, which may evaluate
';I<:'iidily depleting producing fields. But petroleum five to ten new plays each year and enter perhaps one
:!ccumulations usually occur in geologically related or two, a had play choice usually causes a long-lasting
'" milies, which we call plays, and modern petroleum reduction in the company's annual production stream
c\l'!oration is characteristically carried out at play and puts more pressure on the organization to find and
'lcalc rather than prospect-scale. Accordingly, the criti­ enter successful plays or even to purchase existing pro­
,:i,'xploration business decision concerns which new ducing properties. Thus the consequences are inconve­
"r'ly to enter, not which prospect to drill. It follows, nient or even serious, but ordinarilv can be tolerated.
+<':':::fcrc, that any dedicated modern oil and gas For small firms, which may eval~ate only a few new
',);lTany should have a strategy and process under plays each year and actually ~nter a new play every tv"o
i"eh it systematically and continuousl" identifies to fi"e years, the consequences of a bad play choice can be
lei Ci'i::>!uates candidat~ new plays. J
disastrous. As a result, smaller companies tend to choose
ne\\' plays in more established petroleum-producing
,;:;iness Consequences of Play Choices
areas, participating as minority partners, or choose sim­
(mnpetent exploration play analysis and play selec­ ply to drill a series of independently submitted individ­
, ,11' involve not only the synthesis of petroleum geo­ ual prospects in areas where they already have expertise,
:-:::"'1U" statistics, and economics but also require thus foregoing the efficiencies of regional exploration, as
:i'j;I.;idcration of (1) present and future business condi­ well a~ the likelihood of making large new discoveries
::e,';:; (local and international), and (2) business pat­ (see the discussion on creaming curves, p. 68).
: ,',Tto' (md requirements that are unique to the firm. Of course, the consequence of a successful new play
.; is clear that successful development of new is to add a new core producing area, which can then be
; ploration plays generates a steady supply of new expected to provide a significant and long-lasting
""] attractive prospects, which in turn lead to the suc­ incremental increase to the company's production rev­
e"sive discoveries of profitable oil and gas fields to 'enues, BecauseI~.rge new fields are typically found
'1,1,',1 i, and even increase the company's reserve base, early in the exploration cycle, large firms have usually
I thel'C are consequences of participating in a bad placed a high premium on exploration in new trends
.-.. ;('{
and basins. Unfortunately, during the 1980s overall
industry participation in such high-risk, high-potential
l. poor return on invested time, staff, and capital new plays did not add to corporate net worih-it actu­
an actual loss of capital);
(,-,[len ally destroyed value,
. 'J!i2 company may miss out on good profits from
(lj-, :llernative play in which it did /lot participate;
Learning to Make Money
l i ;(j Finding Smaller Fields
, '>rnpetilors benefit from a successful play in Incorporation of exploration statistics and the prin­
'·our company's absence. ciples of exploration risk analysis into decision making
"­ has had a substantial, positive impact on the selection
f--c:,unsLlccessful plays, there are two polar end­ of new plays by modern petroleum companies. Espe­
"(;'1/)C'(2O: every company should fervently wish that cially compelling are data indicating that, despite con­
..e'., fCli!ure will occur quickly and unambiguously, tinuing development of superb new geotechnical tools
,'.:';i;I):; ,i"t'oscicntists and management content that a and concepts that have kept average exploration SllC­
:,'.::(i':lg idea has been evaluated and disproved
--~. .
cess ratios constant at about 25% (Figure 22), annual
it'c!e",!y 2nd relatively cheaply. The alternative neg­ volumes discovered world\'vide have been decreasing
, ' [ c o n t C is correctly dreaded-the play that was since about 1965 (Figure 49a). Moreo,'er, the new
'; iy cho:;cn and improp,.erly negotiated, requiring fields being found by the international industry are
108 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures





c= 100 J
u::Q IlUR(;AN
5 i

":L~:lA "" 1.11J.lilii~,



I;E()!.()I;\, I(;R,WITY IM,\(;NETICS

I A:,\,\!.()(; SEIS~IIC _.11> SEISMIC -_-11,-_

lem'SEISMIC -------~I
()"'FSIIOR~: I
1I'R()I)l:CTIO~ 200' \\'1> 1•.11110" WI> ---~

Figure 49a Post-1900 BBOE discovered by year. Source: Pelroconsullanls

< 100 MMBOE (3491)

,/' >1000 (17)
500-1000 (45)
200-500 (102)
100-200 (139)


WILDCATS (15,942)
FIELD >100 >200 >500 >1000 MMBOE
;." . .\ C • • ' .

',Pn (INCL DRY HOLE): .24 .019: .010 .004' .001

P.n (IF DISCOVERY) .079. .043· .016 .004 .'.:.'

Source: Petroconsultants
Figure 49b Discovery data, 1990-1999 (excluding U.S. and Canada).
steadily decreasing in size (Figure 1), so that the decreasing since the 1960s, successful oil cOJJ\panies I
chances of making a very large discovery ,ue getting must organize themselves and conduct their E&P
very small indeed (Figure 49b). The message is clear: business to make money by discovering and develop­ I
._,;,Given that 0) most of the world's possible petroleum
basi~ are increasingly well-known, and (2) the rate of
ing oil and gas fields in the 10-100 MMBOE categories.
They /Ill/st become more efficient ill ordl!r fo find n!uf pro­ I­
discovery of super-giant fields ("elephants") has been duCt: s/llallerfields profifnbl!J.
Chapter 6 109

Fortunately, the new principles of exploration risk 4. For smaller companies that typically generate new
analysis (and especially play analysis) provide meth­ plays, promote them, and thereafter opera\e as
ods by which a firm's entire eAtilorai~Thl eff~J:t can be minority partners, certain types of plays may be
made more efficient, greatly reducing the likelihood of currently in or out of favor in the marketplace. For
selecting a bad play and providing a greatly improved example, it is currently very difficult to sell a play
basis for predicting reserves, chance, costs, and prof­ or prospect in the U.s. Gulf Coast unless it
itabilities of new ventures being considered for entry. involves wide 3-D seismic co\'erage.
5. Given that taxation of oil and gas production has
Special Business Requirements substantial impact on project profitability, Clnd )
May Dictate New Play Attributes that tax ramifications may apply to a firm's other '
Different companies have differing financial circum­ ventures, certain plays that offer special tax cir­
stances and business constraints, These special condi­ cumstances may be preferable to other equally
tions may place special limitations on their require­ \'alid plays that do not. In the U.s., there has been
ments of play choices. However, it is important to dis­ an unfortunate tendency for firms to pay more
tinguish between short-term (one to three years) and attention to such "if-success" tax benefits than to
long-term (four to eight years) constraints, remember­ the geotechnical and economic merit of the p\ClY
ing that the time required to identif", evaluate, secure, itself. Workillg /"Ill'.?: First priority sllOlIld go to gl'O­
prove, execute, and develop a new 'play is usually not teclllliclllly SOlllld, ecollollliclllly superior pillys; t!Jell
less than three years and often as much as six to eight cOllsidcrllllcillllry tnx bCllcfits.
years. Obviously, the astute exploration firm will not
allow. short-term constraints to pre\'ent it from takinab Concurrent Geotechnical, Economic, and
part 111 a play that is likely to be entirely compatible Business Evaluations of New Plays
with the business circumstances expected to exist In order to achieve efficient, thorough, and objecti\'(~
when the play actually comes to fruition. assessments of new exploration plays, many geoscien­
Nevertheless, here are some special business condi­ tists have recognized the need to adopt a consistent pro­
tions that may influence new play choices: cedure that uses either a manual flow-sheet or
computer software to perform all the geotechnical tasks
l. A company with legal contracts that require it to and attendant calculations needed to carry out a risk
deliver speCified volumes of natural gas to cus­ analysis of a new exploration play.
tomers may attach higher priorities to gas plays HOI-\'e\'er, a common and unfortunate industry pat­
capable of increasing deliverable gas in the short­ tern ha~. been to conduct the geotechnical evaluation
term, especially if the company fears a possible first, and perform an economic assessment only at the
shortfall. end of the investigation. This often leads to poor
2. A comp'any with a limited "exp"loration budget and/ or delaved business decisions. A much better
may give preference to plays located near pro­ approach is {or the geotechnical, economic, and busi­
ducing infrastructure, or to those whose primary ness assessment to proceed simultaneously, with fre­
objectives are rela tively shallow. Alternatively, quent and detailed integration of such information
such a company may choose to invest in special­ among team members. This approach results in more
ized professional staff and state-of-the-art geo­ reliable estimates and more innovative business plans.
technical tools and methodologies, which can be It is also more efficient because proposed plays that
eApected to develop new' play concepts that can have severe economic or business limitations may be
then be leveraged into substantial shares of mul­ detected early, and expensive but unpromising geo­
tiple new-play ventures. The problem with the technical work may be curtailed, allowing scarce man­
latter approach, however, is the substantial time power and a limited budget to be used in more promislllg
required to build such staff and generate the nec­ projects elsewhere. An excellent general summary of
essary new concepts. long-range exploration planning is provided by Megill
3. Some companies may be constrained from operat­ (1985).
~ng in certain countries or geographies, either by Specific business circumstances that should be
mternal organizational restrictions or limitations explored and assessed include:
?r by external circumstances. Similarly, any lim­
Ited geotechnical skills of the professional staff Product Transportation
~ay prevent consideration of some plays. Some­ Are there pipelines in the areas? Do they have avail­
tImes a previous negative experience by senior able capacity? Will their owners allow your product
management in a given location or in a play of a to be shipped in the areas? Are there transportation
_r: . .
-.'!~T1 type may prejudice them against objec­ tariffs? Are there calendar restrictions? If a pipeline
tIvely considering an otherwise valid play venture. must be constructed, what is the lead time? cost of
110 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures

construction? minimum new reserves to justify experienced international petroleum experts, assess the
pipeline construction? Can you make additional prof­ degree to which the real infrastructure of the host COun- •
its by shipping gas for other producers as well as your try (not just politicians) really wants the firm to partici­
own? What is the cost and capacity for temporary pate in the long-term economic development of their
transportation (truck or ship)? hazards? country, as opposed to just wanting the firm's money.

Markets Expected Terms and Reputations

Especially for natural gas, you must consider mar­ of Potential Partners
ket volumes, lead times, stability, and growth poten­ For later-stage entry into existing contract areas, the
tial. Always explore the possibilities of ancillary firm should consider carefully any previous 'experi­
profitable businesses connected with other aspects of ences with the company holding the license, and dis­
oil and gas production. creetly explore its reputation as a competent operator
and reliable business partner. Terms of any participa­
Contract Terms tion agreement should be evaluated as outlined earlier
Understand in detail the terms of the typical E&P under C0!1tract Terms.
contract in the area and their ramifications regarding
different types and patterns of production. Look for Likelihood for Renegotiated Contract Terms
negotiating topics that offer positive tradeoffs acceptable One of the most significant potential impacts on
to the host governmen t and fa vorable to the geo­ play profitability concerns the likelihood that the orig­
technical character of the play and the specific economic inal contract terms agreed upon with the host govern­
and business attributes of your company. Consider ment may be renegotiated, either because the play has
when unleased prospective areas may become a\'ailable proved to be much less profitable than first thought or
for acquisition of E&P rights. Moran (1992) and Johnston because the host government wishes to modify the
(1997a, 1997b) offer excellent treatments of this topic. contract terms bec'ause of changed circumstances.
Let us first consider such contract changes initiated
Government Tax, l.egislation, by the company. These arise most cOinmonly from
Regulations, and Incentives new geotechnical information indicating that the area
You should have extensive knowledge of the exist­ has a smaller petroleum resource endowment than
ing and impending tax laws, legislation, regulations, originally thought-fields are smaller, fewer, or less
and government incentives, all of which may exert profitable than expected. Sometimes the host country
substantial intluence on the value as well as conduct of is willing to renegotiate terms to encourage the com­
a proposed new play. Such knowledge should be pany to develop and produce these smaller, less prof­
available before making final play valuations or enter­ itable fields and to continue exploration. Sometimes,
ing into contract negotiations. Johnston (1997b) pro­ such changes may be inandated because of new regu­
vides guidance on this topic. lations, economic conditions, or political situations. In
all cases the tradeoff for the host countrv involves its
Personnel Needs and Availability genuine desire for the operating compa'ny to remain
What professional expertise will be needed (and and continue to produce (under the changed terms),
when) to carry out the play? Where should they be versus the consequences to the country's international
located? What about sU!Jport staff? lead times? What business reputation if the operating company decides
about geotechnical services, such as seiSmic crews, to exit.
logging and completion capabilities, and production In some cases, the proposed contract changes may
services? costs? lead times? government permits? be initiated by the host country. Common motivations
for such renegotiations include:
Political and Economic Stability
The traditional approach to political and economic • a change ofgovem ments, where the incoming gov­
stability addresses the likelihood of a political or eco­ ernment has different priorities for petroleum
nomic crisis in the host country sufficient to result in development. This can include different tax struc­
substantial loss of monetary value or property during ture, different regulation schemes, different Q\ovn­
the life of the project. However, a more realistic ership proportions, and the like. Confiscatory
approach focuses the question of political/economic government actions risk rejectil'n by the world
risk on the two- to four-year period when substantial petroleum community and deterioration of inter­
capital investments have already been made, but before national relations;
'_r.-_r;:'.r<;>ject pay-out, i.e., recovery of invested capital. Mar­ • substantive changes ill the (('arid prict? of oil, either
Ian 0u~"ri.e)'-C!:i93, personal communication) has out­ through external market forces, political develop­
lined another approach to assessing political risk: Using ments, or new technologies;
Chapter 6 111

• a perceptioll of excessive profits by the company, in the selection process. The most important criterion,

which production potential of the contract area however, is to estimate the likely profitability ~f the

turned out to l:ir1nuc1'r~w~a.t.~than originally play venture, given discovery. Other criteria then

anticipated; and should be considered:

• a desire by government to keep tile company ill tfte lIost

cOl/ntry, in hopes of developing more extensive Ranking by Risked Investment Efficiency
petroleum resources. Ideally, new exploration plays should be ranked on

one criterion only-risked investment efficiency (RIE)

Comparing Plays and Planning

(p. 5-l)-if the ~i;.m is constrained by available capital /
Exploration Campaigns
for im'es:ments and the only criterion is to maximize'
econoti1ic vall1e (Capen et al., 1976; Clapp, 1995). In
practice, howeYer, many other factors commonly turn
Most substantial, long-lived international oil compa­ out to be great influences in play selection. Often it
nies recognize that they must add new core producing pays to conduct a quick review of all attributes of the.
areas as their existing large-producing properties candidate play just to ensure that some requisite
deplete. Regardless of whether such new core areas are attribute is not absent, thus making even a profitable
generated internally through original prospecting skills play unwis~ to pursue further. Such secondary factors
or by joining into a partnership venture generated by may include:
another company, all firms should have a systematic
basis by which they can identify, analyze, select, and 1. expected net present value;
execute profitable new exploration plays on a continu­ 2. front-end costs and / or development costs;
ing basis. This book has previously enumerated five 3. chance of economic success;
pri~ciples of modern exploration play analysis: 4. corporate risk aversion and optimum working
1. The most critical decision in petroleum explo­ 5. finding cost;
ration is the choice of which new play to enter 6. political risks;
(pp. 3, 57, and 60); 7. critical geoteclmical risks;
2. Exploration plays may be analyzed systemati­ 8. special business needs;
. cally with respect to geotechnical risk and eco­ 9. present nlue and actual value of net cash-flow
nomic profitability, as full-cycle business stream (the mean-reserves case);
ventures (pp. 3, 57, and 61); 10. preferred partners; and
3. Successful play analysis requires thorough integra­ 11. portfolio requirements unique to the company.
tion and iteration of diverse geotechnical, economic,
and business skills, through multi-disciplinary pro­
fessional teams (pp. 62, 113, and 114); Play-ranking Matrix
\ 4. Play recognition, analysis, and ranking should be Accordingly, most firms employ a matrix for com­
an ongoing, centrally coordinated corporate paring and ranking plays, in which plays are listed in
activity that generates an evolving, dynamic play horizontal order.and the various selective criteria are
inventory, from which desirable plays should be arrayed vertically. AppendiX G is an example of such a
selected to form an annual play portfolio (pp. 99 matrix, which in effect serves as an efficient and prac­
and 113); and tical inventory. All candidate plays in the inventory
5. Economic evaluations and business considera­ can be ranked by different criteria, as selected by man­
tions should be linked with geotechnical play agement; however, companies are well advisec;:l to
analysis from its inception, with special empha­ rank candidate plays first on the basis of value as indi­
sis on contractual negotiation strategies, whether ca ted by risked IE.
such negotiations are with host governments or
companies offering partnership participations Optimum Working Interest
(pp. 109 and 111). For companies whose standard mode of operation
is to participate in many international ventures as
The following discussion assumes that all of these minority working-interest partners, it is desirable to
five principles are being utilized by the firm. rank projects based on their actual working interest in
Constructing a Framework for the various plays under consideration. Unfortunately,
Comparing Prospective New Plays because the choice of the working-interest share is
usually made subjectively, this constitutes one of the -C'.

The problem in choosing new plays is that many sig­ largest sources of inconsistent corporate decision mak­
nificant criteria must be assigned in order to optimize ing (pp. 55 and 93).
112 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures

Designing Exploration Campaigns
The most practical publications dealing with the
design of exploration campaigns-how to plan and
carry out successful play exploration-have been writ­
ten by Megill (1985), Downey (1992), and St. John
Well-planned plays save money by identifying
unsuccessful ventures quickly and efficiently. They 6
make money by identifying potentially successful 1
plays with high probability, optimum participation,
and minimal investments, before success can be
claimed with certainty. SI/ccessjitl piny exploration repre­ 5

sents tile ultimate geotecJ/IIicnlleverage. But good play­ Budget

planning starts with:


1. discriminating, reliable geotechnical work, inves­

tigating petroleum systems; 4 Ranking of
2. sound play risk analysis; and opportunities by
3. inlegrated concurrent business assessments. play

The writer has already pointed out the common, 3

counterproductive industry pattern of waiting until Play inventory
the end of the geotechnical play evaluation before car­
rying out the economic assessment of the venture.
Alternatively, the most efficient way to generate a 2 Play and
properly evaluated exploration venture is to periodi­ prospect
cally perform provisional risk analysis, economic economics
evaluation, and business planning as the new play Assessment of
evolves from concept to provisional plilY to commit­ undiscovered
ted venture. In this way, large geotechnical uncertain­
ties can be related to economic and business potential by play
circumstances, to highlight critical business issues (arler ~legill. I\lX)

and negotiating strategies. For any new play that is

Figure 50 Six generalized planning steps.
finally selected by the firm for participation, a series
of provisional economic and business assessments
should have been carried out,vv'hich attached yalues
to the new play during its emergence as a valid busi­
ness venture. Concurrently, the integrated exploration team
This calls for close, ongoing, and effective liaison should identify critical or sensitive factors that milY
and integration among geoscientists, engineers, plan­ affect plav profitability (or demonstrate the need for
ners, economists, negotia tors, and decisionmakers, early exit), for early use by negotiators and business
considering especially the topics raised in the previous agents, and for additional geotechnical studies that
sections of this chapter. provide cost-effective ways to clarify the risk-reward
The planning process is graphically represented by ratio of the project.
Figure 50, originally developed by :\"legill (1985). It Using reasonable assumptions, the emerging play
begins with sound geotechnical work and objecti\'e risk then takes its place in the existing play inventory. If it
analysis of the prospective playas a full-cycle economic appears to compare favorably with the firm's other
venture. A provisional economic e\'aluation of the contemplated or actual plays, the next stage of geo­
emerging play is carried out, often using rough esti­ technical, economic, and business studies should be
mates and based on the play's projected means-reserves initiated following the most cost-effective paths for
case. Simultai1eously, the cl\"c;ilability of contractual project improvement by reducing geotechnical risk,
rights to the play area is assessed and integrated with: resen'es uncertainty, and project costs, or by improv­
ing profitability through more efficient development,
1. the play risk analysis; streamlined business arrangements, and f,1Vorable
2. play economics for differentl'est:i\':~ Jut<..-"; contract terms. Economic evaluations should be car­
and ried out periodically as critical new g'!otechnical and
3. probable methods and tactics for leilse acquisitions. business information is acquired.
Chapter 6 113

If the play appears clearly to be inferior to other are, in fact, estimates made under varying degrees of
ventures being considered, it should be filed for later uncertainty. This places a heavy professional burden
"'-fevi~ (on~.Jo two years). If the play appears to be on the corporate technical staff to consistently gener­
marginal, a brief analysis should be carried out to indi­ ate responsible, unbiased estimates, and on explO­
cate those factors that could be improved and the ration decisionmakers to utilize such estimates wisely
likely degree of improvement. .' and consistentlv. When technical estimates are overly
Superior plays should be selected from the play optimistic, the firm is encouraged to invest in inferior
inventory to form the annual play portfolio. This selec­ projects. Owrly consen'ative estimates discourage
tion should give strong weight to the risked invest­ the firm from realizing the full profit potential of I
ment efficiency of the constituent projects, but it is also underestimated projects. Thus either error has the>
appropriate to consider other criteria as well. Required potential to cause loss; either error reduces staff credi­
investments will be apparent at this stage. bility. ''''hen company decisionmakers do not know
Once the play portfolio is selected, budget alloca­ the relati\'e reliability of technical estimates, they are
tions must be made. These allocations should be encouraged to rely on their intuition (which usually
planned prm'isionally O\'er at least a five-year period, causes great inconsistency) and to improperly use
covering several possible outcomes. Decision points expensh'e geotechnical data bearing directly on pro­
should be clearly denoted in the five-year budget plan. ject risk \'ersus reward.
following contingent developments. . The onl~' way for corporate decisionmakers to
The final step in the planning process involves man­ improve the o\'erall exploration performance of the
power planning, which has three essential aspects: firm is to monitor and preserve, on a systematic and
routine basis, the technical and economic predictions
1. What skills are likely to be needed, for what time made by their professional staff, and to compare them
periods, and where? against clctual outcomes. Without such ongoing
2. Who iHe the existing staff members who repre­ calibrations, technical and economic forecasts are
--. sent the required expertise? What vacancies must analogous to one-way rockets launched into outer
be filled by recruitment, and when? space-there is no feedback! Without comparisons,
3. Construct a provisional plan for staff succession exploration companies continue to make the same
and promotion. mistakes year after year, and performance of neither
". staff nor decisionmakers can be measured properly;
The final step' involves manacrement's
o decision to carn'. accountability is thus greatly diminished. What gets
out the new play, with early priority given to both advan­ lllca~ltrl'd, gets dOl/e.
tageous negotiating tactics and the formation of a play
team based on the previous manpower considerations. Technical Performance versus
Economic Performance
"\ Overview of Successful Play 'M~nagement
It is important to recognize that positive results
Successful, cost-effective play development is a con­ from excellent technical predictions can be nullified by
~nuously evolving, multidisciplinary staff effort that inept economic forecasting, and vice versa. Technical
r:guires dedicated professional skill, unselfish coopera­ staff should not b~ penalized for the poor performance
tIon, thorough communication, objective evaluations, of the economic staff and managers. Accordingly, for
and courageous execution. Properly organized and both plays ill1d prospects, I\ovo different aspects of per­
man"ged profitabIlity, play selection, and development formance should be monitored. Technical perfor­
. provide---on a regular basis-new prospects to populate mance compares all geotechnical, engineering, and
'"-'. the firm's annual drilling portfolio, and therefore new cost/price forecasts with actual outc0mes. Some
discoveries of economic reserves to replace produced examples are reserves; chance of completion; initial
reserves. Orderly new play development is impeded by production rate; decline percentage; drilling, comple­
frequent reorganizations or personnel instability. Prop­ tion, and operation costs; and ,,,,ellhead prices. Eco­
erly executed, the exploration play is the ultimate form nomic performance measures forecasts of project
of leveraged geotechnical risk venture. But an essential profitability in relation to actual profitability; both
aspect of successful play generation and analysis is forecasts and actuals must be related to preselected
another ongoing process-the rigorous assessment of corporate standards. Some useful economic measures
geotechnical as well as economic performance. That is adaptable as success criteria include predicted project
the subject of the final section of this chapter. ROR in relation to actual ROR and to corporate hurdle
rates; projected venture NPV and IE compared with
Assessment of Exploration Performance actual NPV and IE; actual early-term investment costs
compared with predicted investment costs; projected
'. Mo;~f the critical parameters that influence valu­ exploration cost of finding (COF, expressed in $/BOE)
a tion and ranking of explo~a tion plays and prospects compared with actual COF and established corporate
114 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures

COF goals. Making economic comparisons on the Criteria Indicating Competence in Play Analysis
basis of actual monetary value (rather than present
Because indirect and subjective criteria must be
monetary value) may facilitate the process. Also, cost­
used to assess the technical performance of play
of-finding resul ts should be normalized by distin­
teams, the writer has developed 10 criteria that help to
guishing between increased drilling efficiencies,
indicate the relative skill level with which such teams
stimulation and completion efficiencies, and explo­ are functioning in the critically important activity of
ration skills. Finally, try to separate economic influ­ generating and evaluating new exploration plays. He
ences that lie within the purview of professional staff has used these criteria for more than eight years in
and managers from external influences over which
revieWing play development te<!.ms for many dilferent
technical and management staff had no control. inteqlational exploratiOl~ (Ompanies.
For all prospects, scenarios outlining various techni­ J

cal and economic outcomes alld their collseqlll?llccs 1. SOllie tl'alll lIIelllbers have previollsllf beell clOSe/If
should accompany any project recommendations. For associated with discoveries. Successft;1 past experi­
possible economic events exfl'l'Ilal to the project (world ence brings an essential sense of scale and scope
price fluctuations, international political de\'c!8p­ to the geotechnical process, especially to keeF'
ments, new technologies, etc.), project planners should the effort focused on practical (rather than scien­
also outline scenarios, impacts, and possible responses. tific) problems. Play analysis is best carried out
by seasoned, capable professional geoscientists
Measuring Performance: Plays versus Prospects and engineers.
Papers by Rose (1987)/ Clapp and Stibolt (1991)/ 2. ROlltille lise is made Ofthe petrolelllll systelll approacll.
Capen (1992)/ Otis and Schneidermann (1997)/ Alexan­ All geotechnical aspects of hydrocarbon occur­
der and Lohr (1998)/ Johns et al. (1998)/ McMaster and rences are routinely integrated, with special
Carragher (1998)/ and McMaster (1998) presented dif­ emphasis given to understanding the HC kitchen
ferent but complementary methods for evaluating and (see Appendix E). Integration of petroleum sys­
expressing staff performance in geotechnical predic­ tem thinking with regional tectonic expertise and
tions related primarily to prospects rather than plays. broad knowledge of basin classification provides
For many corporations that participate in 20 to 100 additional creative insight and power.
exploratory prospects each year, such methods pro­ 3. ROlltil/e lise is made of geostatistics alld databases.
vide an acceptable basis for assessing and improving Thoughtful, thorough acquisition, organization,
geotechnical predictive performance, either on an and regular analysis of critical and current sta­
annual or multi-year, mo\'ing-average basis. tistical data is necessary, such as:
Assessing predictive performance for plays is much • field production catalogs;
more difficult than for prospects. Variance (uncertainty) • routine construction of FSDs, including FSD
within plays is generally much greater, and the number shift studies (see pp. 71-75);
of predictions at play scale are far fewer than predictions • success-rate studies in analog trends, includ­
at prospect-scale. For plays, elapsed time between tech­ ing show-holes, economic discoveries, and
nical predictions and measurable' results is commonly dry-hole causes; and
four to eight years; economic forecasts commonly • field number and density studies (including
require six to 12 years before useful comparisons can be creaming curve data) for analog trends.
made. Normal personnel changes o\'er such timeframes 4. StaI!has easy access to cOlllprehellsive petroleulll refcr­
reduce staff continuity and presen'ed histories of pro­ mct's. Staff must have ready access to the intel:na­
jects. Fear of criticism (on the parts of both teclu1ical staff tionalliterature on petroleum exploration,
and managers) leads to incomplete presen'ation of key production engineering, economics, finance, and
records and reports. Changes in technical and economic Ic.';'v·~ lvlaIlj Jclla d.l~ j~r~~, in th~:- puhlic dO!i!...ti~~.
definitions produce inconsistent data sets. Proprietary reports and databases provide addi­
Moreover, there is great organizational pressure for tional information. Successful play analysis
early and correct assessments-for example, that an requires efficient sifting through of copious quan­
emerging play is mediocre, or that it has great poten­ tities of data. A competent technical librarian is a
tial. Understandably, companies do not want to wait ,·aluable member of any play-generating group.
four to eight years to decide that a given play is not 5. A cOllsistCllt process is rOlltillely used forforl/lal play
worthwhile. Opposed to this pressure is another truth: III IIllys is. use is made of a simple, consiy
Beware the prematllre exit, tile abal/dOJlmel/t ofa promisil/g tent flow sheet or of software to estimate chance
play after ollly one dry hole! Naturally, the key issue here of economic play success and reserves potential.
is to focus on what was learned from that dry hole­ 6. There is demollstrated colltilWOllS illtegratioll of pro­
does it apply throughout the play area (as a shared pisiollal ecollolllic criteria alld busilless collsidera­
attribute) or does it apply only to the specific prospect tiolls with tlle elllergillg geotechllical pictllre. It is
(as an independent factor)? important that each play group have a modicum
Chapter 6 115

of economic and business expertise, or ha\'e routine 3. the acceptablL' k'\'el of irreducible uncertainty
access to (and interactions with) such expertise, and risk, gi"en pr(lject costs and poteMial
....­ .,._7. All opell, dyllnmic piny illvelltory is /1/ailltnil/cd. A rewards.
continuously changing inventory of new and
..... existing plays should be ranked consistently by Play Analysis: Organizational
investment efficiency and show status of the
Patterns and Principles
projects. Appendix G is an example. The con­
sti tuents of the inventory should include plays Common Patterns and Procedures
having reserves potential that is appropria!..e to .J The writer has obsel'\'ed and noted several common /
the company's needs, in diverse gf'ologk set- .',.' biases, patterns, and useful procedures of corporate ~
tings, and of an adequate numb!!r to ensure a\ risk analysis that are practiced by capable explo­
- satisfactory annual flow of new trends into the'
firm's exploratory effort.
rationists around the I\'orld:

8. Techllical work is ol'"allized IIlId orderl1/. There are 1. lVlost geoscientists with mediulll to large CL))ll­
visible planning calendars and evid~nce of: panies tend to ()\'erestimate the reserVeS sizes of
• efficient and timely wf)rk performance; future disco\'L'ries, especially in onshore plays.
• accurate forecasts of costs; 2. Conn?rseh', thl'\' tend to underestimate the num­
• geotechnical costs that are competitive with ber nf futt;re fieids, especially in onshore plays.
industry standards; and 3. Plllets for nl'\\' plays commonly lies betwel'n
• systematic preservation of regional geologic P30'~;) and P70"". As J>lllefs rises above 50-60'\"
compilations, in a usable format. the chance of economic play failure incre,lses
..... 9. Syste/1/atic criteria are used for measllrillg the aCClIrtlcy rapidly .
of tec/1IJical foreCII:::ts. There is an ongoing, open 4. If the required geotechnical data arc available
process for recording forecasts of emerging data and organized (see pp. 65 and 84 and Appendix
focus in the areas and comparing them with actual E), a discriminating play analysis can be carried
results, as well as periodic revie\-v of predictive out in one or two work days.
performance and sharing of lessons learned. 5. ~.'Iany of the critical supp~)rting dahl on explo­
10. ROlltille group procl'dllres arc used for peer reUiell'::: ration plays are in the public domain and there­
al/d the gelll'mtilJll of llrw idea:::. There is an open, fore are quite inexpensive-usc them!
". interactive working atmosphere where profes­ 6. Reasonable estimates of future field numbers
sionals informalJy review each other's emerging can be derived from analog producing areas
\\Iork and stimulate new ideas through routine ai1d \'erified using discovery process modeling
group interactions. or other pragmatic methods (pp. 69-70).
7. Intelligent manipulation and utilization of FSDs
Attributes of Good Play Managers (combined with estimates of field numbers)
Good managers of the process of exploration play allow useful forecasting of play reserves.
generation and analysis Clre by nature generalists <md 8. Items 4 through 7 demonstrate the importance
integrators. They must be able to motivate individuals of having, in,e\'ery play-analysis organization,
", ~f diverse technical expertise and personality types, to qualified technical staff-especially a librarian
~lsten and communicate effectively, and to keep pro­ and statistical technician-to assist in data
\ Jects on schedule and within budget. They must strike a acquisition, organization, and'analysis.
working balance between accepting large, irreducible 9. Full-cycle economic analysis of exploration
uncertainties and using expensive state-of-the-art tech­ plays aJJows discriminating business decisions
nologies to reduce risk where they are cost-effective. to be made early in the exploration cycle.
Good play managers must be willing to make decisions 10. Play analysis does not provide perfect ,1nswers,
on imperfect information, being cognizant that some of but it will prevent serious mistakes at either
their decisions may turn out to be wrong. They must extreme, both the positive and the negative, and
understand clearly that early rejection of a considered that level of precision is usually sufficient.
play for technical and/or l'conomic reasons docs not 11. The play only works where all the genlogic
constitute failure. Such managers know that mOlley chance factors coincide. Your job as play analyst
can be made in two ways: by finding profitable new is to delineate the Mea of coincidence (and pns­
plays and by staying out of unprofitable ones. Such sibl)' the more apparent prospects in it). Make
milnagcrs mu<;t hil\'(' elll inherent sense of: overlay maps showing degrees of confidence in
the various clements of g~~lo~ic chance.
1. the known fact,.; thai are critical' 12. Pay very close attention to the kl:~ ..en-"-';;7ld rec­
2. til<! unkno\'1I1l fllcts thelt need t~) be determined; ognize that "shows arc the footprints of migrat­
ing oil."

116 Management of Exploration Projects as Business Ventures


13. Using the petroleum system concept, think criti­ 12. The expected value concept is alwilys a useful
cillly ilnd imilginiltively ilbout potentiill reser­ yilrdstick for consistency, When EY is positive, •
voir/seill couplets to help recognize potentiill you're investing-when it's negiltivc, you're
new plilYs, gilmbIing. Invest!
14. Identify ilnd focus on the criticill diltil thilt will 13. There Me two simultill1l'ouS ilnd interilctive
prove or disprove the plilY. eVilluCltions: geotechnical ilnd economic-don't
15. "The eildy bird gcts the worm"-usuillly, the ignore either one.
lilI'ger fields in ,1 new plilY ilre found eilrly in the 14. In competition, the Winner's Curse illwilYS
explomtion cycle. .looms. Know how to ilvoid it-ilbove all, avoid ,,
16. PlilY exploriltion requires routine ilppliciltion of . blind competitiveness. .
geoteehnicill ilnillogs, /Jilt /7(' slIr(' YOllr nllnlog is i? It is not as if you know nothing-you lIsuilJly
llfllid! know more thiln you think you do!
17. Try to nurture creiltive ilnd/or unconventionill
idc<ls in the filee of contmry opinioIls, especiillJy
in older trends.

Tips on Basic Working Principles

for Exploration Play Analysis
Following ilI'e some prilgmiltie ilnd e\'en philo­
sophic tips for explorationists involved in plClY generil­
tion ilnd ilnillysis.

1. Don't be <lfr(lid l)f "CJuick ilnd dirty" methods

(pr,1gmil tie ru ks of th u mb )-sometimes such
ilpproxim<ltions ilre "II you can do ilny\\'ay, ,md
they tire often n'ilsonilbly Clecurate ilnd cost­
cifeLli ve,
2. Accept the necL'ssi ty of m<lking subjectiw deci­
sions, '.lsing UIlevcn Clnd qUillit<lti\'e dlltil.
3. Honor nilture's L'lwelopes-lognormillity,
known limits of pilrameters, Clnd reality checks.
4. Remember the power of independent multiple
estimil tes.
S. Hydrocilrbon generation/migration is impor­
t<lnt-pCly ilttention to the kitchen <lnd \\'hilt's in
it when,
6. The Earth is trying to sl-~eilk to us, and geology
ilnd geostatistics Me her Iilnguage-listen for
the message (see item 7).
7. Don't get ]Od in thc tec!~:1i(i11 fore':l; the detilils
milY be complex, but the bilsic messilge is usu­
ally simple.
8. Geoscientists behm'e as if the\' kno\\' more thlln
they really do, usuillly stating uncertilinty sub­
stilnti<llly-widen your rilnges!
9. There are two kinds of unkno\\'ns-the good
unknown and tlw bad unknown. Allow for
10. Control front-end costs \'igNl)usly-don't
overpay for cpportunities, Clnd e\'illuilte pro­
posed da ta acC]uisi tions for co:;t-effecti \'eness
(see item 11).
11. Remember thilt the objective is to milke il reil­
-C".n:,ble profit. Accomplish this by limiting your
losse5"on failures and milking large profits on
your successes.
Petroleum Industry Practices
of Exploration Risk Analysis

The "Prospector Myth" It is also not surprising that most explorationists are
versus Systematic Exploration: overly optimistic about their basins, trends, and
prospects. After all, such dedicated prospectors could
Dealing with the Dilemma hardly be expected to be rigorously objective about
Introduction their prospects! The Prospector Myth is the primary
reason why explorationists persistently overestimate
The Prospector Myth is the petroleum e'Cplorationist's the reserves potential of their prospects.
version of the Hero Journey. We are informed and But the process by which oil and gas prospects are
inspired by the image of the courageous lone prospec­ translated into economic ventures also contributes to
tor who struggles against Mother Nature, financial overoptimism. In the early days of petroleum explO­
hardships, skeptical associates, and repeated rejection ration-the glory days-many prospectors were
by investors, before finally succeeding through persis­ indeed individuals or small firms, and their investors
tence, faith, and luck, to achieve vindication, wealth, were private third-party investors and corporations,
and fame. Most of us know personally-or know of­ more or less knowledgeable about petroleum explO­
one or more such individuals. We call them "wildcat­ ration. en-ileal emptor was the prevailing ethic because
tel's," "oil finders," "visionaries," and other dramatic the subscribing sponsors were expected to be able to
names reflecting the respect they are accorded in our judge the true merit of each deal. So .the operative cri­
industry. terion for success was to sell the deal, to get the well
drilled. And that pattern still today characterizes
Uncertainty, Intuition,
many smaller firms that generate prospects and turn
and Overoptimism"
them over to larger companies to be drilled. "Have
faith-success will evel1tuate, given persistellce mzd suffi­
Geoscientists select (or are assigned) basins or cient trials: olle real success will carry II dozell failures."
trends in which to explore for petroleum. Such Unfortunately, the same value system still operates in
endeavors are characterized by daunting uncertainty, some offices-even thrQughout entire companies­
which can be reduced (but not eliminated) through even though the professional employees of these pub­
costly geotechnology and seasoned judgment. Explo­ licly owned corporations are ~elling their deals to their
. rationists must peer through Nature's fuzzy lenses, own managements (and thus their own stockholders).
searching for cryptic clues. They must invest intense Because of our sympathy for the Prospector Myth, we
physical and intellectual energy, over extended peri­ tend to dismiss more benign examples of this as moti­
ods, patching together possible portraits of the subsur­ vational bias. More flagrant examples, however, we
face, then selling and defending the proposed risk are bound to label as conflicts of interest.
ventures that arise from their imagination £Ind labor.
Because exploration is dominated by subjectivity and
uncertainty, it invites the exercise of intuition. And, of Times Change
COurse, when geotechnical intuition is rewilrded by The increasing employment of geoscientists and
exploration success, the prospector's ego is affirmed the rise of large, publicly held corporations after
and eVen C'xtolled. But most exploration projects f£lil, World War II gradually began putting a crimp in the
so most seasoned prospectors have learned to live freewheeling presen tation of oil and gas prospects.
with repeated failure. It is no wonder that petroleum Scientific objectivity, professional ethics, the declining
. ~
exploration cherishes the> Prospector Myth. petroleum resource base, and the need to deliver
118 Petroleum Industry Practices of Exploration Risk Analysis


_ J

iRese-ryes (Arithmetic Scale)

&. 10%
- ·V


- VI-­
I 5()%


10K lOOK 1M 10M 100M IB
Reserves (Log Scale)
(in this figure, K = thousand, M = million, B = billion)

Figure 51 Lognormality-two modes of portrayal.

promised exploration performance together collided from which they select their annual dr'illing portfolio,
with the Prospector lvlyth and salesn:anship. E\'en so, which comprises only those prospects that together
influenced by the Prospector Myth, the world maximize economic value consistent \vith company
petroleum industry wasted a lot of money on explo­ goals and risk tolerance. We try to manilge exploration
ration in the late 1970s to early 1990s. Shell, Mobil, by managing the exploration portfolio, With this con­
and Amoco independently reported that exploration cept comes
the realization that, if portfolio mana"'e­
for high-risk, high-reserves targets in this period ment is to succeed, each prospect must be assessed
destroyed value, rather than creating it. While we consistently and objectively. The inherent uncertain­
kept looking for elephants, sizes of discO\-eries were ties can be dealt with via improved geotechnolo o.o"\' and
steadily diminishing (Figure i). We lost credibility with geostatistics. What kills the portfolio is bias,
with directors; we lost money for stockholders. By the which overvalues some prospects so that the \'alue of
1990s the industry was becoming global in scope and the portfolio is not optimized (Figures 15 and 16). The
needed to become much more efficient. To be sure, stockholder is shortchanged by the Prospector Myth.
improvements in seismic technology and drilling and Systematic portfolio management is more eHective
completion methods improved our success ratios sub­ than intuitive prospect selection-or"cherry-picking."
stantially. But consistent, objective, technically sound 111is is a blow to the egos of most prospectors, as well
procedures for assessing prospects also led to the as many managers.
adoption of systematic prospect risk analysis proce­
dures. The recognition of the lognormal distribution
as the prevailing natural pattern of oil and gas field­ Imperfect Remedies
reserves distribution (Figure 51), together with the Since the 1950s, our industry has tried to reconcile
development of refined methods of estimating geo­ the dilemma in various ways. A common approach­
technical uncertainties, began to constrain the opti­ thankfully now diminishing-pitted geoscientists
mistic exuberances that had been indulged by against engineers, tacitly accepting and reinforcing the
intuition and the Prospector Myth. proposition that geologists were expected to be OH?rly
Today, most modern petroleum exploration is car­ optimistic, which required engineers to be corre­
ried out by multidisciplinary geotechnical teams, not spondingly overly conservative. Another remedy was
individual prospectors. Most substantial companies to artificially inflate economic criteria-r"tur,,\.J:·'. -'he
consider an inventory of many candidate prospects, discount rilte-under the mistaken notion that "those
Chapter 7 119




,... ~.
Arithmetic Scale
Figure 52 Exploration reality.

prospects that still have positive expected monetary Response of Systematic Exploration
values (EMVs) under inflated discount rates must be Companies eventually began to employ institution­
better prospects than those that don't." A third tech­ alized systematic procedures for continuous improve­
nique was to employ hidden hurdles (p. 123) in the ment, ,·vhich required objective comparison of
higher levels of the decision chain: managers at head­ geotechnical predictions versus actual outcomes. Geo- .
quarters routinely cut prospect values by half (or scientists began to learn from their mistakes and to cal­
more), based on their observations of past exploration ibrate their predictions. Corporate explorers began to
'. overoptimism. Tn response, explorationists became employ a different criterion for success: adding mIlle
adept at sniffing out such arbitrarv, screeninO'0 measures versus gettillg ti,e prospect drilled. The need for objectiv­
and devising ingenious ways to generate geotechnical ity generated a long-overdue appeal for geotechnical
numbers that were adequate to get their prospects professionalism as a requisite to objectively identify­
drilled. Tn particular, many explorationists in top man­ ing and selecting those projects that together maxi­
agement exercised their own version of the Prospector mize the value of the portfolio, consistent with the
Myth by applying their privileged intuition-and organization's strategies and risk tolerance. Geoscien­
egos-to the prospect selection process. Understand­ tists could take pride in being professional.
\ ably, such managers found it difficult to surrender the Today, some prospectors mourn the diminished
int~itive style that had advanced their successful explo­ influence of the Prospector Myth, even though the log­
r~hon careers to date, in favor of probabilistic expres­ normal distribution still allows them to dream (Figure
slon~ and reliance on systematic prospect selection. 52). But increasingly, astute explorationists are recog­
Smce almost no one kept systematic records docu­ nizing the.necessity for heightened exploration effi­
menting actual pr.ospect results (compared against ciency as the global resource base continues to shrink.
geotechnical predictions), everyone in the chain­ Systematic risk analysis, professional objectivity, and
prospectors, engineers, local m~nagers, and senior performance tracking must go hand-in-hand with
executives-usually did not have to confront the con­ sophisticated geotechnical methods.
sequences of systematic biCls. The urgency of drilling But the Prospector Myth still lingers, and properly so
. the next well far outweighed the valu~ of ubjectively if it can inspire our courage, persistence, and imagina­
. and purposefully assessing our mistakes from the tion in petroleum exploration, without biasing portfolio
~ast well. We were too busy drownillg to take ti1l1e to selection. All too often, however, the entrenched intu­
11I1prOVe 0/11' swill/millg allility. Instead we put our itive preferences of management as well as some geosci­
greater reliance on geotechnology (especially seismic entists-and inappropriate concern about preserving
surveys!, \~hich often did reduce the impact of lilrge budget share-warp exploration performance through
uncertall1hes regarding prospect reserves and pres­ bias or double-risking. The ongoing challenge for geo­
ent value and the discouragingly low chances technical professionals is to harness the energy of the
of prospect economic success. But most of us stead­ Prospector Myth without compromising the scientific
fastly refused to address the glaring problem of bias -C"int'eb:"'Y ar;,.::i-:.JUsiness objectivity now required for
(Figures 15 and 16). successful management of the exploration portfolio.
120 Petroleum Industry Practices of Exploration Risk Analysis
Characteristic Corporate Process Accepted economic measures, such as net present
for Exploration Risk Analysis value (calculated at the corporate discount rate), dis­
counted cash-flow rate of return, investrnent effi­
Most organizations have settled on using a consis­ ciency, and growth rate of return, are calculated for
tent process to assess all exploration prospects and each reserves case.
plays for management evaluation and decision. Proce­ The next step is to estimate the chances of success uti­
dures, underlying concepts and principles, and helpful lizing a consistent set of well-defined geologic ch~nce
suggestions are carefully organized into handbooks or factors. Again, flow sheets or software takes the explo­
manuals, which in turn relate to and explain computer rationigt(s) through the estimation of geologic ch;)l1Ce in
programs or flow sheets by which geotechnical staff in a step-by-step manner, with useful questions, reality
all office locations can readily, systematically, and con­ check!s, and questioned errors appearing throughout th~
sistently carry out risk analysis of all exploration ven­ process, thus encouraging iteration and reiteration of
tures. Some companies have developed their own risk estimated values before settling on final forecasts.
analysis software, using various forms of Lotus® or Once sound estimates of prospect reserves and
Excel® spreadsheets and risking software such as chance have been made, the next step is the generation
"@Risk"® or. "Crystal Ball."® Other companies have of risked prospect parameters, such as expected net
licensed customized software from several different present value, risked investment efficiency, and
vendors or consulting groups. A useful byproduct of prospect optimum working interest, by which prospects
such standardized approaches is that all geotechnical under consideration may be ranked for possible inclu­
predictions and forecasts are preserved, thus facilitating sion in the company's current prospect portfolio. These
subsequent project review for purposes of performance values are used to help determine appropriate bid levels
analysis. Such data are rolled up and compiled by cen­ for acquisition, keyed to the anticipated methods for
tral staff to facilitate portfolio selection and analysis and offering and sale. .
to analyze overall company performance. Ordinarily, portfolio selection is carried out as a sepa­
Prospects are identified by name, location, trend, rate computerized procedure that may employ the effi­
reservoir,objectives, originator, and the like. Then cient frontier concept, using preselected corporate values
interactive risk analysis software guides the explo­ for acceptable portfolio risk (variance of economic
rationist(s) through the process of developing the results) versus portfolio rate of return. Some portfolio
prospect-reserves distribution, honoring the lognor­ management systems consider and balance growth with
mal distribution and expressing projected prospect timing of cash flows. Probabilistic expression of portfolio
ultimate recovery probabilistically, as PlO%, PSO%, results allows senior management to assess and evalua te
P90%, and mean reserves. Many firms have incorpo­ various portfolio tradeoffs before settling on a final selec­
rated interactive graphics capabilities that allow the tion of prospects to constitute the final portfolio. HOil'­
reserves distribu tions to be depicted in either fre­ ever, it Cnll/lOt be ovcrell/phasized that /IIeal/il/gflll portfolio
quency and/ or cumulative probability format and to al/alysis absolutely depl!l1ds 01/ respol/sible al/d III/biased esti­
be shifted at will. Reality checks help common errors mates ofprospect resenJes al/d the chal/ce of sllccess.
to be identified throughout the estimating process. Another distinct computer module or standardized
Many programs contain analog field data, providing a activity is ordinarily devoted to performance analysis.
per~rective <!~;jinst which the prospect can be viewed. Predictions of prospect parameters are routinely ent~red
The software promotes trial fitting and testing of data and p·reserved, keyed to the parent play, location, objec­
and early estimates, resulting in repeated iterations tive formation, and prospect name. Results of
and reiterations of data until best-fit distributions exploratory drilling are then entered into the inventorv
emerge and are finalized. to be used in compiling and analYZing the predicti\'~
In a detached procedure, cash-How models utilizing capabilities of the geotechnical staff and the overall
the differing probabilistic reserves level (and ancillary exploration performance. Frequent feedback and discus­
well numbers, initial production rates and percentage sion of specific learnings and remedies between portfo­
decline curves, costs, and contract terms), are used to lio management and exploration teams allows steadv
calculate the present value of different reserves out­ improvement of professional geoteclmical performanc~.
comes. Uncertainties such as initial production rates,
percentage decline rates, and wellhead prices are vari­ P;ay Analysis
ables within the cash-flow models. Based on these sev­
eral reserves cases, (PIO%, PSO%, P90%, and the Some exploration companies have also formalized
mean), minimum commercial and ecol/omic field sizes procedures for conducting risk analysis and economic
are derived. These figures are used in connection with evaluations of new exploration plays, alo:l.g comparable
the prospect-reserves distribution to estimate the lines to the procedures outlined in Chapter 6's section
chances of rr:lnimum commercial and minimum eco­ on Play Analysis. Many firms have soitware or flow
nomic field sizes (given a discovery). sheets that systematize and standardize the process of
Chapter 7 121

exploration play analysis. A limited but useful literature 2. Exploration staff must thoroughly understand
outlines many of the common concepts, procedures, risk analysis concepts and their prope~ geo­
and pitfalls in risk analysis of exploration plays: Baker logie/economic applications, and accept respon­
(1988); Baker, Gehman, James, and White (1986); Brown sibility for unbiased predictive performance;
and Rose (2000); Jones and Smith (1983); Rose (1995, 3. There must be a consistent system by which risk
1996a, and 1996b); and White (1988, 1992, and 1993). analysis is carried out on all prospects and plays
considered by the company;
Implementation of Risk Analysis 4. There must be a centrally coordina ted prospect
ilwentory leading to objective ~election of t!~~ /
in Exploratcon Organizations annual drilling portfolio, whieh is keyed to meet ~
Introduction corporate goals; and I

5. _-\n effecti\'e process must be operating that mea­

Exploration firms that have been utilizing a consis­ sures predictive performance, learns lessons
tent system for risk analvsis of all ventures in their irom experience, and passes them on to explo­
exploration program alr~ady know that it improves ration stafi efficiently.
economic performance by:

1. identifying and deleting prospects unlikely to be Effective Techniques

profitable; for Implementation

2. promoting consistency in allocation of capital Se\-eral techniques for implementing exploration

among competing ventures, according to merit; risk analysis ha\'e proved to be effective in many dif­
3. improving cost effectiveness and manpower uti­ ferent organizations.
lization by highlighting those emerging explo­
ration leads having the greatest profit potential; Champions
4. forecasting future results of current prospect In e\'ery exploration location, it is important to have
inventories and delivering on those forecasts; and at least one knowledgeable geoscientist who is avail­
5. encouraging systematic improvement of explo­ able to all prospectors and engineers, and who can
ration" predictive performance. help them understand the principles of risk analysis,
apply them correctly, and execute risk analysis soft­
Over the past 10 years, many domestic and interna­ ware programs properly. Such champions also serve
tional companies have made the purposeful decision as facilitators ior project reviews by exploration teams
to set lip consistent, companywide exploration risk and peer groups, and assist in postdrilling project
analysis procedures. When they take this step, it reviews. Thev often function as bridges, communicat­
inevitably changes the corporate c;ulture, operating ing results al~d their implications between the geotech­
values and tactics, and reward system. Adoption of . nical staff and exploration management.
exploration risk analysis goes hand-in-hand with reor­ Most firms do not appoint champions. Instead they
ganization (Rose, 1994).: wait until a geotechnical professional exhibits the vol­
Each company that undertakes this move usually untarv interest and skill and manifests inherent interest
encounters about 9 to 18 months of turmoil, during in CO~lpiling and analyzing data that express the com­
which time it believes itself to be plowing new ground. pany's true exploration performance. As such profes­
In fact, however, there are characteristic-almost sionals emergeal1d are recognized, they are appointed
expectable-organizational behaviors and responses to act as champions. Ordinarily such assignments are of
that tend to recur among all firms. Prior awareness of two to three years' duration and are seen as a natural
such patterns can help make the transition much stepping-stone toward exploration management status.
smoother and more efficient.
Company-consistent Play
Fundamental Requirements and Prospect Portfolios
for Implementation Success Companies assemble annual, semi-annual, or bian­
nual inventories containing plays or prospects from
In the end, five fundamental reguirements must be various exploration divisions. All ventures have been
met for successful adoption of an organizational risk assessed using consistent techniques of risk analysis
analysis system:
and ranked using the same economic measure. These
inventories are then ranked and cut, and surviving
1. Top management must understand the basis of projects are combined to form a portfolio that can be
risk analysis, commit to its consistent application optimized for added value (risked investment effi­
in decision making, and support implementation ciency) or portfolio risk-weighted value (expected net
of the risk analysis system by inspection, follow­ present value). If the firm has concerns about
through, and enforceInfn t; risk aversion, these measures can be calculated at
122 Petroleum Industry Practices of Exploration Risk Analysis

optimum working interest for each included venture. should not be attended by manag(~rs who have direct
Alternatively, the ventures «111 be chosen tll optimize responsibility for salClry administration and promo­
management's declared preference regarding risk ver­ tions, because their presence tends to impede honl'st
sus reward, folillwing the efficient frontier concept. In inqu iry ilnd discussion of perform'lnce. A postd ri II
this approach, risk a\'{~rsion considerations apply not review should take no more than one day. It should be
to each project but to the overall portfolio. In either facilitated by the 10cClI champion, who shOUld prepMe
method the process generall~' results in capital alloca­ a brief written sumlllilrY with lessons learned and COm­
tion based on nwrit, consistent with the firm's risk parisonof all significant predrill prl'dictions and post­
Depending on the numbe.r of vehtures in the portfo­
drill outcomes. Each tCilm member should receive a
copy. Copies should ~o to a very few concerned miln­ r
lio, their rescn'es varianct.i, and the il\'crilge chance of
success, it is possible to pred ict the probilbi Iistic resul ts
agement and high-level staff. NOTE: It is essential that
rccllI"dcd predrill predictions must be those on which
of drilling the portfolio. Naturally, the more wells in the the actu<ll decision to drill was based.
portfolio, the more accurate wi II be its prcd ictive power.
Performance Tracking and Communications
Most companies do not include plays and prospects
in the same portfolio. Results of ex pllll"l tory wells and of postl1rill reviews
are cOlllpiled, analyzed, and reported to top manilge­
Portfolio Scrutiny by Educated Management
ment and to exploration mil nagel's and geotechnicill
The key to sllCcess in corporate risk analysis lies in stilff with the intent of identifying bias, recurring errors,
support and utilization by knowledgeable managers, and recommending remedies, and of recognizing note­
often supported by high-Inel staff. To be effective, worthy and objective prospect performance.
management must understand the basis for risk cmaly­
sis, accept its indications of appropriate wnstraints, and Prc,fessional Pride in Objective Estimating
use appropriate economic measures ((1nsistently to Companies that benefit by effective operationill risk
assign values to the constituent \'l'ntures. By reviewing analysis typiCillly undergo il change in some of their
portfolio rl'sults freLluently, managers (,1:1 reward geo­ orgilniz.,tional ethos, in which geotechnicill stilff recol>­
technical stuff whose predictiL)(1s cne unbiased and nize and accept the need for reasonable ilnd unbiased
objective, as well as correct those explorL1:illnists \\'hose estimates 'lnd develop professional pride in prOViding
forecasts are O\'l'r1y optimistic Lll' ll\'erly (,'l1servilti\·e. them. They begin to focus on adding value-milking
money for tilt' firm-rather thiln on just drilling wells.
Honoring Nature's Envelopes This results in impro\'ed corporate perfl'rmance and
Geoteehnic'll predictions are made b:: professional overall strength, with the stockholder being the chief
geoscientists and engineers \\'ho have I~'arned how to beneficia IT.
improve their estimating techniques. Thc~' employ the
expectation of Jognl.lrlllality, known ral1~es of geologic
parameters, cll1d re<llity c1wcks such as ficki-size distri­
Persistent Problems
butions, edited success ratios. 'lIld eredil'le upper and in Implementation
lower \'alues. Characteristic, counterproductive piltterns of
implementing corporate risk analysis also recur
Independent Multiple Estimates 'lmong I1llxiern oil and gas companies.
Companies employ multidisciplinary exploration
teilms, thus promoting cOl1sider,ltion l't independent Maldng Risk Analysis More Important
multiple estim,1tes and multi~'le wllrkil1~ hypotheses. than Prospect Generation
The teilms generilte several n'r~illns of r1"h1ny geotechni­ The most important tilsk in petroleull1 exploration
cal maps. They. jll\'ite peer re\ie\\'s of eii~erging prnjects is the generation of new prospects and plays. That is
and utilize exploration committees thilt rro\'ide experi­ where the value is added, and it is the most creati\'e
enced counsel and mentoring, but not ,It the expensE.' of 'lspect of the business. Geotechnical stilff must be
project accountClbilit~· by the t'riginatin~ St,ltf. a\\'ilre of this bilsie fact. After the prospect or play hilS
been identified, gellscientists then carry out risk ancll\,­
Positive Postdrill Reviews ~i~ of the rroposed venture. The:' ilttempt to meilsu~'e
We Il:arn best lw constru.:t!\"(, examil1,ltion l'i our it by estil1l,lting reserves, c11i1nce, 'llld profitability;
own errors. The learning pn)cess is 'Ttil11ized by a they de::.ign appwpriate bidle\'l'!:'i, select prospects for
spirit of open, objecti\'e inquiry, which 1.1JY be ditiicult ,111 optimum portfolio, and eXilllline predictions and
to sustain because dedicated professi'):l,lb otten find results to improve performance. Risk 111/17'.1/5;:=- iPill helll
their mistilkes painful and IllJy fcor criticism and loss 115 (Ol/dlll'l (1111' ['''::;lIc.;::._'';':·lJ"I' 11C.:';:,fI1/>1v I7l/d cll/dClltll/, [lilt
of status. It is essential that rllstdrilJ ;"t'\'icws Li,' not it dews 1I[lt. lilld oil t111t! g115. It pre~UPP[l;[':: e ,,;;t(";7dy SIIJ;P'.1f ll(
take on a punitivL' ,1S~)ect. h)r th,lt re,lSl"l ~u(h rL'\'iews .\l)(l"IJ/"l15,l\..-f,,;;, I7l/d fillb o(S(lod pr05/JI'L't[11'.';.
Chapter 7 123

The Desire for a Cookbook maps and sketches. Preparation of formal maps and
- Meaningful exploration risk analysis requires that
professional staff must understand and integrate (1)
diagrams is not cost-effective for such presentations.

probability and statistics, (2) economics, finance, and Hidden Hurdles

bid strategy, and (3) geology, geophysics, and engineer­ Nearly every company acknowledges the obscure
ing. There are no automatic ans,..'ers, there are no short­ presence in its prospect evaluation process of hidden
cuts, and there are no cookbooks (even though somE hurdles. These are unofficial economic requirements
geotechnical staff are continually looking for them). All whose effect is to screen out prospects deemed to be
estimates involved in prospect evaluations express less attracti\'e than others. Hidden hu!dJes are usually "
informed and constrained subjective probability. The inserted into the process by st?K who are not account- )
beauty of the method is that predictive performance is''l able for exploration perform~nce but see themselves
testable over time, so that conscientious professionals as guardians protecting the organization against irre­
\ can gradually improve their performance by comparing sponsible explorationists. Typical examples of hidden
their predictions with adual outcomes. Consistent use hurdles include:
of software can assist in addressing these problems.
1. arbitrary elevaied discount rates;
Black Boxes
2. overly' cautious drilling-cost estima tes;
Because risk analysis is readily adapted to comput­ 3. secret minimum prospect-reserves requirements;
erized, interactive flow sheets and programs, an explo­ and
ration company's risJ~ analysis procedure may become 4. excessively high minimum economic field-size
obscure, poorly understood, and mysterious-and requirements.
thus take on the status of a mistrusted black box. Suc­
cessful firms have learned that productive prospectors lronicallv, most hidden hurdles have the opposite
must understand the risk analysis process if they are economic tmpact from what they were intended to
to trust the au tpu t. Otherwise, they will try to find do-they tend to select against long-term, large­
ways to subvert the system in order to achieve outputs reserve ventures, the kind that build companies.
they think are more appropriate. Several policies can
help avoid this problem: Unconstrained Intuitive Decision Making
Some exploration managers are reluctant to embrace
1. Keep it simple; remember that risk analysis is not risk analysis. They correctly perceive that it will con­
a precise tool-it provides approximat~ answers strain their exercise of intuitive decision making. The
only; problem is tha t for some of these managers, explo­
2. Be sure that geotechnical staff are trained and ration decision making becomes involved with the
that knowledgeable assistan'ce is available to inappropriate exercise of ego. Risk analysis is not a
counsel prospectors, especially during the first substitute for good business judgment, but it will cer­
year or two; and tainly assist in making proper, well-founded explo­
3. Management should be sure that the risk analysis ration decisions.
process is transparent and that it is not being
used for corporate power games. Economic NaIvete among Geoscienti~ts

Prospect Police One of the all-too-common characteristics of geolo­

gists and geophysicists is that many of them perceive
The most successful corporate risk committees act as themselves as being part of a scientific priesthood in
knowledgeable advisors and counselors, not as prospect which they deliberately avoid acquiring a working
police haVing the power to veto any given venhlre. The knowledge about economics, finance, and business.
reason is simple: Exploration teams must be accountable This is largely a self-imposed handicap and may
for their professional work product. In estimating reflect a d~sire to be unaccountable. It may also be one
prospect parameters, what they need is experie1lced COl/1I­ of the leading reasons why geoscientists are generally
s('/, not an imposed COllllllittcc dccisioll. Companies that absent from corporate boardrooms. The fact is, how­
use centralized, empowered risk committees to choose ever, that economics is an essential aspect of prospect
~he prospects for drilling may show a year or two of evaluations and thus of successful prospecting. When
Improved performance. After tha t, however, expJo­ geoscientists maintain such economic naivete, they
ra~l?n performance generally drops off. Dh'idcd aCCOllllt­ invite improper use and even manipulation of their
a[,,!lty callses dimillished accountability. Once prospectors professional work by others. All geoscientists
learn what the declared or unofficial hurdles are moti­ employed by the company should be aware that eco­
vational bias begins to creep back into their predi~tions. nomic understanding will empower them profession­
It is also important that prospect presentations to the ally, and that it is their individual responsibility to
exploration committee are kept informal, using work master such knowledge.
Methods for Calculating the Mean
of a Lognormal Distribution

. AlI.of t~le following methods are based upon a dis­ NOTE: Th~ statistical mean is theoretically the pre­
tnbutlOn 111 which if == 9, and the constituent values ferred expression. However, I recommend ~gainst its
are: general use, for the follO\oving reasons:
P90% == 0.6MM KEY VALUES (III)
1. For field-size distributions, we do not ordinarily
P80% == I.25MM P99% == O.1MM anticipate that a given trend or basin will have an
P70% == 2.IMM P90% == 0.6MM infinite number of fields; instead we generally
-. P60% == 3.3MM
P50% == 5.0MM
P84% == 0.95MM
P50% == 5.or...1M ].6094
find tens to perhaps a few hundreds of fields.
Accordingly, the continuous distribution, when n
P40% == 7.6MM PI6% == 26.5MM == 00, seems inappropriate, and leads to an inflated
P30'}'0 == I2.IMM PlO% == 43.0MM mean field size.
P20% == 20.0MM PI % == 250.0MM 2. For prospect parameters such as Area, Average
PlO% == 43.0MM Net Pay, Gross Rock Volume, HC-recovery in
Total == 95.95MM barrels per acre-foot (bbl / af) or thousand cubic
feet per acre-foot (mcf/ a f), Prospect Reserves,
'"'. Initial Production Rates, etc., the recommended
1. Arithmetic Menll (x)
x == 95.95 .;- 9 == 10.66 MM probabilistic estimating connotations of P99%,
....., 2. Swnnsoll's Menll (Msw): P90'lo, P50%, PIO%, and PI % treat those very
large outcomes greater than PI % as practically
0.3 (P90%) + 0.4 (P50%) .+ 0.3 (PlO%)
and geologically impossible. Because the statisti­
Msw 0.3 (0.6) . + 0.4 (5.0) + 0.3 (43.0) ==
cal mean includes contributing values larger than
I5.08MM PI%, such untruncated means are unrealistically
3. Stntisticnl Menll (Mst): assumes a continuous dis­ large. The P99% and PI% estimates then become
tribution, (i.e., n == 00), with contribution from val­ very useful as lower and upper plausibility or
ues greater than PI 01., credibility checks that encourage iterations lead­
ing to greatly improved estimates.
== e,,,(5.0) + 111(2;;.:;/3.0; 2/2
3. When such distributions are truncated at PI%
== C (5.0) + 111(5.3)2/2

and the truncated mean is calculated by incre­

== 5.0e(1.6677)2/2 mental summing and a\'eraging, such truncated
== 5.0e(2.7812)/2 mean values approach values obtained by using
== 5. Oe(l.3906) Swanson's Mean. Truncation at the small end of
== 5.0 x 4.0173 reserves distributions, reflecting commercial or
== 20.0IMM economic thresholds, reinforces the practical util­
Where J.! == III median (P50%) value ity of Swanson's Mean.
(J == III standard deviation (PI6°/r, .;- P50%)

4. Stntisticnl Menll, tmllcnted nbove PI'}'" (Mst (t >

Mst(t > .2;(0) == 15.77 MM [Compare with item 2,
Swanson's Me'. (== ·-' 8 MM)]
\.:........ .t. \.) •

NOTE: Upper truncation i~ also discussed on pages 14

and 20. .
Appendix Graphical Method for

Combining Probabilistic

Distributions by Multiplication

In conjunction with their long-running AAPG "b. P50-the median-proportional pa t­

School, "Managing and E"aluating Petroleum Risk," terns in lognorm a1 dis tribu tions
Capen, Megill, and Rose developed a graphical proce­ (PIO/P50 = P50jP90)
dure to carry out the analytical method by which sev­ c. Don't start the estimating process
eral probabilistic distributions may be combined by with a P500/0 estimate, to resist
multiplication. This procedure gives the "ideal" "anchoring./I
results that would occur through multi-trial Monte C. Iteration and Reiteration
Carlo or Latin Hypercube simulation, without any 1. Project the sloping line downward to the
minor variations caused by random sampling. The P99% intersection; what is the resi.dting
method assumes that all distributions to be combined P99% value? Is it consistent with a mini­
are lognormal, and that differences in their variances mum value barely sufficient to support
are not exce~sive. However, even normal distributions flow into the borehole? Is it consistent·
may be combined with satisfactory results, as long as with the structural and stratigraphic
their distributions have low variance (i.e., PIOjP90 geometry of the prospect? Is it cOllsistellt
ranges are less than about 5). witlz existillg geoteclmicnl dntn?
2. Project the sloping line upward to the PI %
1. Develop ranges for reserves parameters (Produc­ intersection; what is the resulting Pl°/.,
~ive Area, Average Net Pay, H~-recovery Factor value? Is it consistent with available struc­
In bbl/af or mcf/ af-see Figure B-1); tural, stratigraphic, or reservoir data (i.e.,
A. Remember that all estimates express subjec­ is it a "high-side value so large as to be
tive probability j~dgments. barely possible," !lOnoring the dntn?
B. Getting started 3. Taking steps Cl and C2 into account,
1. Assume lognormality adjust the position and slope of the distri­
2. Make reasonable low-side and high-side bution. Work back and fqrth between
estimates of the parameter·, remembering maps, cross-sections, pi:oduction data,
the prevalent conservative bias to set pre­ etc., and log probability graphs, adjusting,
dictive ranges too narrow. Plot the Iow­ examining implications of different cases,
side estima te at P90% and the'high-side iterating, and reiterating until the distribu­
estimate at PIO% on a cumulative log tion represents a best-fit to PI %, PlO<Yo,
probability graph. Draw a straight sloping P50%, P90%, and P99°/., requirements,
line connecting them on the graph.
3. What is the resulting P500/0 value? Is that a II. Steps in combining distributions with log proba­
plausible "best guess" value? bility paper (t!,rec vnrinvles). See Figure B-2:
4. Estimating a middle value A. Remember that multiplying the three 10th
a. What's wrong with "most likely"? percentile values for Area, Pay, and HC­
• Geologists don't intuitively iden­ recovery will not give a 10'7;, reserves prod­
tify it-confuse wi th med ian, uct-as a matter of fact, it gives a product of
mean, mode, etc.; 1.3'X,! Similarly, multiplying the three 90th
• Not identifiable on cumulative percentile values gives a 98.7% reserves prod- -C".

curves plotted on log probability uet, not 90%. However, mulliplying the three
paper; 50th percentile values docs indeed yield a
• Useless in calculating the mean. 50% reserves product!
128 Graphical Method for Combining Probabilistic Distributions by Multiplication

B. WE CAN USE THIS: Multiply the three P10% A Proof

values for Area, Net Pay, and HC-recovery to
yield a reserves product that should be plotted How do we know that multiplying the 77% points for
at 1.3%, Similarly, multiply the three P90% area, pay, and recovery. will lead to the 90% point for
values for Area, Net Pay, and HC-recovery reserves?
and plot the resulting reserves product at
98.7%. Also multiply the three PSO% values to recovery x net pay x area = reserves

give reserves PSO% and plot that. Draw a best­ Yl xY 2 xY3 =R

fit line through these three points: this line is X.I = In Y.I

the graphical reserves distribution. Pick off
the P90% and P10% reserves values (and the
PSO% reserves value) and employ them using
Wher Xi is normally distributed with mean ~L. and
variance a2• All the variances are equal. I

Swallson's Rille, to find mean reserves. (This assumption causes no trouble. Our tests
C. ALTERNATIVE APPROACH: What are the showed thilt we would have errors of no worse than
appropriate percentile values ~hat, when mul­ 4% using this approximation. In oil ann gas explo­
tiplied, will generate 10% and 90% reserves ration, a 4'Yu error amounts to a direct hit.)
values? It turns out that multiplying the three
23% values gives a 10% reserves product, and Multiplying Ys is equivalent to adding Xs.
multiplying the three 77% values gives a 90%
reserves prodi.\ct (see Ed Capen's A Proof­ InR==ln(Y\xY2 xY 3)
following). We can put this to work: == Xl + X2 + X3
1. Find the 23% values for Area, Pay, and
HC-recovery from the plots you made on What is the variance of the sum of the Xs?
log probability paper. Multiply them to Assuming independence, the variance of a sum is
produce the 10% value for resen'es; plot the sum of the variances.
this value on log probability paper.
2. Similarly, find the 77% values for Area, aL2 == variance of the sum == 3 a2

Pay, and HC-recovery from the same And aL == a'-'3

plots; multiply them to produce the 90% a = aL/'-'3

value for reserves; plot this value also.

3. Plot a "reserves" line on your log proba­ This says that the st. dey. of area, for example, equals
bility paper, using the derived and plotted the st. dev. of reserves divided by the square root of 3.
10% and 90% \'alues plus the 30°0 value We know that the std. dev., a, is just the scale factor
you determined earlier. . for the standard normal, Z. "Standard" means zero
4. Calculate the mean of this resen-es distri­ mean and variance = 1.
bution using Swanson's Rule. So a ZMe~ would equal Zreser"f!S/-../3.
D. For combining two variables: multiplying two
P90%'s gives P96.5%; multiplying t\\·o P10%'s Example: Say we want Zreservcs to be at the 90°!c.
gives P3.5%. point. Z == 1.28 for 90%. Divide 1.28/-../3 to get 0.739.
Therefore ZMed = 0.739. What cumulative probability
III. Question: Why enn't I jllst enlclllate tlle'three mealls goes with 0.739? A look at the normal probability
ofArea, Net Pay, and HC,recovery Factor, alld mllltiply tables shows 77%. Thus if we have three variables to
them to get the reserves met1l1? multiply, by choosing their values at the 77% points,
Answer: You can (approximately), but you the product will be at the 90% point.
won't know anything about the variallce (i.e., It should be clear that the '-'3 comes from using three
slope) of the distribution-you won't know what factors in the product. If your system had just two vari­
P90% and P10% are! And often it's important to ables, you would use fl. instead. Following the same
calculate the NPV of the P90~o and P10% cases logic, you can now handle any number of variables.
using DCF analysis. lvlethod C allows you to esti­
Ed Capen-circa 1990
mate the appropriate \'alues for Area, Average
Net Pay, and HC-recovery Factor to employ the
cash-flow model used to determine the NPV of
each reserves case!
Appendix B 129

...... (i'1""-l500)
,.---,--r7"=-, 0 I %


P90% :::: 60 ac 90%

PIO%:::: 600 ac PSO% :::: 200 ac
'--t.o;:---'-----'------' 99 k
10 1000 10,000
(P99 = 25) Area (acres)

(PI =75') ~


P90% = 10'
PSO% = 20' 90Ck

PIO% =40' ./ (P99=6'f" 10

Net Pa)' (ft)

HC-RECOVERY FACTOR r----.------;r---'l" 0' ';'<


400 BAF =PIO% 50'«

200 BAF = PSO%
100 BAF = P90% 90lfl

BAJi'.= barrels per acre-foot (also bal) (P99 = 60) C===::I::::~.uL.-_...J 99Ck
10 100 1000
He-Rec (bal)

600X40X400 = 9.6 Mbbl PIOXPIOXPlO =PI.3

RESERVES 200X20X200 =.8 Mbbl P90XP90XP90 = P98.7
.60XIOXI00 =
.06 Mbbl
Ol'!l: 01 % .----;~-r-...., 01%
J / 10O/C
/ 50% / 50%
f---j---v-r---, 50%
V Ii
90% 90'k
/ 99% I 99% '--~-~~~ 99%

10 100 JOOOIO,OOO.J I. 10 lOll 10 100 1000
__-'­ _ _ ~ _ _ 99'7,
MBbl = mil/ioll barrels .01M .IM I.OM 10M
M =milliOIl ill this figure
.3 (0.2) + .4 (0.8) +.3 (3.3) = 1.37 M M = Mz
130 Graphical Method for Combining Probabilistic Distributions by Multiplication

Multiplying Three Cumulative Probability Distributions
~===== 1500 9.6 P1

-­ P10

0.8 P50 1
0.2 P90
Log scale
I. P90 x
P50 X
P10 and P90,

II. P77 X P77 P77 = POO

P50 X
P23 X
= P50
= P10

Figure B-2
Appendix A Recurring Problem in Estimating
Prospect Reserves-lJetermi~5ng Reasonable
"Low-side" Values (1'99% and P900/0)

During the period 1935-1969, a field-size distribu­ which approaches an effective reservoir minimum).
tion of discoveries in the Texas Gulf Coast (Figure C~ 1) The resulting reserves distribution had P90% reserves
indica tes tha t the smallest field sizes (= P99%) con­ of about 96,000 bbl and P99% reserves of 27,000 bbl.
tained between 3,000 and 4,000 recoverable bbl. Dur­
ing the next 19 years (1970-1988), the P99% discovery Example 2
... size was only a little smaller-about 2,000 bbl (Figure
C-2). Similarly, in the northern part of the Midland But consider a second situation, where consistent
Basin/Red River Arch province, the P99% field size and reliable regional log and rock data indicate that
was about tOoo bbl as of 1945, and about 650 bbl as of average net reservoir thickness is never less than 16
1957. In the Silurian (Niagaran) pinnacle~reef play of feet (5 m) and ranges systematically and regionally up
northern Mkhigan, P99% for disco';lered fields was to 80 feet (2-1 m). Even taking into account the geomet­
.... about 5,000 bbl if) the period 1968-1974 (inclusive), ric adjustment factor, P99°1.. for A\'erage Net Pay prob­
and about 1,000 bbl for the period 1975-1988. And yet ably shouldn't be less than about 12 feet; P90'X, should
all these very small, money-losing events qualify as be around 16 feet. Consider a prospect in this setting,
"discoveries"-:-mobile hydrocarbons were sensed, the where HC recoveries are consistently poor, ranging
wells were completed, and oil was produced, presum­ from 60 bblJaf to 150 bbl/af. Here, the productive area
ably for sale. The implications are depressing but pro­ necessary to provide around 10,000 bbl-about the
found: there is always a possibility that YOllr discovery is minimum amount of recoverable oil necessary to sus­
going to tum Ollt to be n very small accu11Iulation! tain flow-\\'buld of necessity be around 14 acres (5.7
Most experienced exploration risk analysts know ha) if AveraO'eo Net Pay _ was 12 feet and HC-recovery
that the most common cause of overestimation of was 60 bbl/ af. However, only 6.5 acres would be
prospect reserves is tha t the "low-side" estimates required to contain 10,000 bbl if Average Net Pay was
(P99% and P90%) are too large. But how to arrive at 16 feet and HC-recovery was 100 bbl/af.
appropriate low-side estimates? This section addresses
that problem using six different examples.
Example 3
Example 1 You must also take into account the effects of
'. geometries consistent with the anticipated trap type.
In our short courses, we use a simple prospect exer- For example, suppose your prospect is a fault trap as
cise called the RMAG prospect (for the Rocky Moun­ shown in Figure C-3, minimum reservoir quality is
tain Association of Geologists, where it was first used). projected to be 60 bbl/af (P99%), and average net pay
The RMAG exercise provided good examples thickness in such poor reservoir rock must be at le<lst
Whereby the low-side values for Area, Average Net 40 feet (1201).
Pay, and HC-recovery Factor were all qUite low Given that the dip-rate of the reservoir-zone is
because the existing data demonstrated that such mar- about 300 feet (90 m) per mile, this geometry imposes
ginal values were entirely possible. Thus the P90% minimum value upon possible area of the low-side
value for Area was about 60 acres (24 hal, and the case (Figure C-4).
P99% value was about 20 ilcres (8 l1a). The P90% villue In order to arrive at the requisite 40 feet of average
for Average Net Pay thickness was about 6 feet (2 m) net pay in such trap geometry, the height of the hydro-
and P99'X, was 4 feet. HC-recovery Factor was given carbon col umn must be abo\i t '6~-": -.:et. '~":ijs forces
(P90% = 100 bbl/af [barrels/acre-foot]; PlO'}'o = 300 the downdip position of the oil/water contilct to be
bbl/af, consequentially P99% was ilbout 60 bbl/af, positioned about 1,000 feet south of the trapping fault,
Ii 131
132 A Recurring Problem in Estimating Prospect Reserves



-­ - - - f--I­ - - f-- f­ - - I­
v­ ;I'



'-- ­ - - - f--I­ - - - - f-- f­ - - ' - , tI­ - - I-­ P5
1---_-+--_+-H--+++++--+ ...H-~-e-:an~· "'p~o,-+-t+ttt---+-I--+_-+-+++-I+l :::

:a '- - -
~ .-I--_--+--+
!== i=

=t : J...~
- - -~-
- -. - - - - ,
:~~ i .

I- 11- - 1- - 1 1 ~~ - + r--- I I - -- I- - - f-­ P60

Q) - - -

:= := = ~ ::= =I i !
L.. I
' ! I
=±I : =-~ : ==: ±! ::~
1---1--+-t-+++~;-7-:--+--t~-:L;Y~rP901+--':":-+-+-+,-H-t+t---+-,-t--t-TI7 tttf---i:,-+-+-i-i-'i-Ti+--+--+-H-+++-LJ P90

~: !/~! :- : - + ~ tl : - -
t -+ =~
1 1

--- -l. e- f-_ P95

I~ .X-

r-- - -
" "i,
-' ,'-.
~ _'---'--~--'-'-'.J....._
i . !
- - e- T - L....
,- - - P98
'----'----JL.-..jI"-'--'-...u...._ I I .
_ _J.......C....:....:.-"-'-'-'---____'____'c......;....__"__'_..:....:.L.l....__.lL_JL_J......L_1..J..J...L_'____L...._L....l._..L.l..LLU P99

0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100;0 1,000.0

P99 = 0.004 MMBOE

P90 = 0.050 MMBOE
P50 = 1.00 MMBOE
P10 = 21.3 MIVIBOE
P1 = 258 MMBOE

Figure C-l

measured along the north-south axis of the structure, bbl required to support sustained flow.
as shown by Figure C-4. Because the structural geome­
try requires an elongated east-west closure, the length Example 4
of the minimum closure measured along the fault must
be about 1.85 miles, or 9,800 feet. The area of this mini­ Consider a prospect located on a large, gentle
mum closure (shaded in Figure C-3) is about 112 acres domal anticline (Figure C-S), in which the reservoir
(9,800 ft. x 1,000 ft...;- 2 x 43,560 ft 2 /acre).1l1e product of dip away from the apex of the closure is very gentle,
the three P99% values is 269,000 bbl (112 acres x -10 ft. say 30 feet per mile. Further, let us suppose that
ave. net pay x 60 bbll a£). Ob\'iously, the corresponding regional reservoir data indicate that P90°';, = 120 bbl/ af
P90% values for Ayerage Net Pay, Area, and Reseryes and P99°o = 60 bbl/af are appropriate estimates for
would have to be much larger. this prospect. Also, assume that appropriate estimates
For additional perspective, suppose that the required for net reservoir thickness are 15 feet (P90%) and 10
P99% value for average net pay is 20 feet, rather than 40 feet (P99°';,). The structural geometry leads to the fol­
feet; still using 60 bbl/af, this places the oil/water con­ lowing possible P99% outcome, keyed to a 10,OOO-bbl
tact 500 feet south of the fault, and reduces the minimum minimum reserves case (Figure CoS):
area (P99%) by half, to 56 acres. Additionillly, prospec­ We now adjust net reservoir thickness to obtain
tors must remember that the reserves P99% value is a\"erage net pay: P99% = 8 feet and P90% = 12 feet.
the approximate product of the P90% \'alues for areil, Now, in order to achieve the requisite 8 feet of P99%
average net pay, and HC-recovery factor. For elongated average net pay thickness, the thickness of thC';0i~ cQl;.
structural traps, P99% reserves accordingly may be umn at the apex of the structure must be around 15
substantially greater thun the minimum 10,000 to SO,OOO feet, which then requires a linear distance of about 1.0
Appendix C 133


1--­ l- I-­ f-- - ~ ~ I­ I- ~ - ­

I-- ­ !
""- ~

~I ~
~ -





~ ­ l- I-­ - f- f-­ I ­ I­ ~ - ­ - - -


i.;' ;rri
-- - I­ PS


finI - J~
i I






- -
- -

,vL . ­ -'Mean
_ _ ~_
! +-t ­


.0 '-- l­ I-­ - - - - - - - --~- 1­ '­ P40
- ...

l"I'i j, : I pso
+J u
- -


,; "-
- ­

I ..

+-:~ -
1-:, : i - ­
J I-

E ~

-, :J
() ~
i II I; : I


; , , I
-- - - ~- P90
I-- . - - -
I - - - }1 II j"""1 ­ 1­ P95
~ - I

---1 ~ -- -J--I ; I
I-- -I f-­ - - 1-1­ f- - ­ - - - - '.;.....L ­ 1­ P98
i i ,: .I P99
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0

P99 = 0.0025 MMBOE

P90 = 0.02 MMBOE
P50 = 0.3 MMBOE
P10 = 4.0 MMBOE
P1 = 30 MMBOE
Figure C-2

. I 1.B5 miles-pi

~ "'I iiffPid~t;:o;::;ttT:;;;;:;:
~I~~:: :a I6S: : :\G): i·/
b===i l::=::::;===:;::1
,_:!- ' / o
......... --..... ~oU..J..l~~_ ..~,\~G ,/
'­ .......... - .4
-­ _- 2100
_I - .....- --- - .. ~~sG . / .6
____ - 2200 __ - ­
... 2300

1.0 m
wI o. ..2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 mile
_ IowoI
Figure C-3

mile for the length of the elongated axis of the satu­ P99'X,. Obviously, P90% area would have to be much
rated area. The corresponding area of closure is: 11:r2 = larger, perhaps approaching 1,000 acres.
3.1416 x (2,640 ft,)2 -;- 43,560 ft. 2 /acre = 503 acres =
134 A Recurring Problem in Estimating Prospect Reserves


Oil/water contact 65' b -----­

e/owa pex@-2050' **/

l~ 1000' ----'­ +-~' ,., "." ..

Figure C-4

·1 ~ 1 mile (5280') )' I
Dip-rate ~
=30fVmile : :. . . .
k J.t'i1. Hf HFHH1.lrS' \1 tiHi~L'!H .. t- - - - - ~
8' '-'~~:~~O'
~.,,~... 1 ~~
..... I I ····'····r~
. -'.'.
1-' 1 mile (5280') ~I I
Figure C-5

Example 5 Example 6
Suppose you are exploring an undrilled frontier Consider a prospect in the Gulf of Mexico that fea­
trend containing perhaps 100 structural closures, some tures a fairly well-defined amplitude anomaly that is
large, some intermediate, some small. Given the usual congruent with structural contours, and a "flat spot"
exploration pattern, your prospectors call identify clo­ that may indicate a gas-water contact, also consistent
fiures too small to contain the 25 million barrels (MM with the structural picture. Your geotechnical staff
bbl) they think is the minimum required to de\ dop; . think there is ± 20% possible variation in the median
but what your prospectors CllllllOt consistently do in Area parameter of 400 acres because of imperfect reso­
such a trend is to identify those large closures that con­ lution. So, in this case, P90% = 320 acres and P90% =
tain very sll1all accumulations (because of severe -180 acres.
underfilling, or very poor reservoir quality or thick­ What's the message? There's no "cookbook"-you call­
ness, or because of faulty geophysical data or interpre­ not blindly assigll a low-side value to tlzereserves parame­
tations). In any case, if you drill only prospects you ters. You must understand the range of geologic
think are large enough to contain at least 25 Mlvl bbl, values, the structural patterns, and the exploration
your low-side areas (P99%) could \\"ell be larger than maturity of the trend. Then you must integrate these
20 or 40 acres, and P90% areas could certainly be sev­ considerations and think probabilistically. But, in any
eral hundred ;Jcres or even more. As a result, P99% case, it's not a bad idea tc siart with very small
reserves could well be larger than 10-20,000 bbl-it assumptions for P90% and P99% values for Area,
could properly be 50-100,000 bbl, or maybe more. Cor­ Average Net Pay, and HC-recovery Factor-and thell
respondingly, P90% reserves might be from about adjust thelll upward as the geoteclmical evidellce justifies.
200,000 up to around one million b,,;;2L, 0; rnor~...But Final admol1ition:-RememrJer th.n~he n·•..,...;t corn­
o/lly because yOli are /lot going ta drill llny but the largest man field size discovered in west Texas in the 1930s
closures. and 1940s .(during the "flush" period of discover .v,
Appendix C 135

when many very large fields were being found) was a 4

one-well field-around 10,000 to 20,000 bbl. During all

the subsequent decades, even up to the-present rin'?:;­
the most common field size has remained about the
same-the one-well field. Sure, such reserves sizes
have gradually decreased, but only a little. So, when
constructing the resetves distribution for your
prospect, ask yow'self, "Do I really think that there's /
no c1Wllce of my pmspect turning Ollt to be a mediocre ,;
little one-well field?"
"'-evaluating and Combining
Multiple-objective Ventures

In many prospects and proposed trends or contract areas, there may be multiple-zone, or multiple-play candi­
dates. Some multiple ventures may be simple involving only two objecti\'es and ,·..,ith clear independent and lor
shared attributes. Other multiple ventures may be quite complex im'olving many objectives and with complex and
subtle issues of partial dependencies further complicated by issues of marginal commerciality.
Sometimes a prospective contract area may contain an existing trend ha\'ing some remaining exploration poten­
tial, as well as a second, deeper play, or another play in a different part of the exploration area. Some plays may be
part of a single petroleum system involving partial dependencies among some or all geologic chance factors. In
SOme prospective contract areas there may also be one or more producing fields to consider as well.
Several practical principles of multiple ventures should be emphasized:

1. As the number of objectives in any multiple venture increases arithmetically, the complexity of combination
increases geometrically;
2. Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube simulation is required for all but the simplest multiple-objective ventures;
3. Geologic dependency is common, especially involving the hydrocarbon charge and closure chance factors;
4. Many apparently complex ventures can be simplified and approximated by practicaL common sense methods
of considera tion;
5. Analysts are well advised to focus on objectives that are "stand-alone commercial or economic" and ignore
those that provide only incremental cash flows augmenting primary producing objectives; and
6. For comprehensive treatment of multiple-objective ventures, the reader is referred to James Murtha's excel­
lent 1995 SPE paper.

FollOWing the principle that a picture (or example) is worth a thousand words, two examples are provided
herein, which should provide the careful reader with a good understanding of the concepts and procedures llsed in
eva.luating multiple-objective ventures. Part 1 describes several aspects of a two-objective multizone prospect, in
which Monte Carlo simulation is avoided by basing calculation on only the mean reserves case of each objective.
Part 2 describes a multiple venture involving two plays and a producing property, which employs a decision-tree
analysis as well as Monte Carlo simulation.

........'C" • •

138 Evaluating and Combining Multiple-objective Ventures a.
Part 1: Multiple-zone Prospect Example:
Geologic and Economic Assumptions •
Description Prospect with two objectives, A & B. Dry­ I
CASES 1 & 2: hole cost = $1 MM. Note: In this example, only four geologic
chance factors are employed. Also, geologic chance of suc­
cess (Pg) = commercial chance of success (Pc). ;1

Objective A Low-relief anticlinal closure, carbonate , I

reservoir resting on mature (?) source rock, capped by evap­
orite topseaJ. Mean reserves estimated 2 MMBOE, equiv. PV

Prob. reservoir = 0.7 (reservoir thickness, <D, k)

._ Evap. seal
Prob. structure =0.5 (critical closure, seis resolu­

_--t-_~II tion, low-relief structure)

1\,'/\ Prob. HC-charge = 0.7 (adequacy, timing)

~~~~~~~~.~-~-• - C03
Prob. seal/trap = 0.9 (preservation of evap. cap)

:J reservoir
Pc = .221 (Pf = .779)
EV = 0.221 ($10 MM) - 0.779 ($1.0 MM)
= 52.21 MM - $.779MM
= (+) $1.431 MM
Sandstone.: Objective B Low-relief anticlinal closure, sandstone
reservoir' reservoir o\'erlain by marine shale top seal, also mature (?)
source rock. Mean reserves est. 10MM BOE, equiv.

Prob. reservoir = 0.4 (reservoir thickness, $, k)

CASE 3: Prob. structure = 0.5 (critical closure, seis resolu­
tion, low-relief structure)
Prob. HC-charge = 0.7 (adequacy, timing)
Prob. seal/trap =0.7 (effectiveness of topseal)
Pc =0.098 (Pf = 0.902)
EV = 0.098 ($20MM) - 0.902 ($1.0MM)
= 51.96MM - $0.902MM
~_-=-""'7-t-:---=---:--.:.:."" Evap. seal = (+) $1.0SSMM
"" ,.. '" " "/\,, ,,: /\
~~~~~~~~~~~ 0
S;:nilar to pru"pect abo,e, except that the He source rock
~ • . . ..• reservoir
C 3
is positioned in the upper half of the marine shale unit,
;;....-...-==--- ---::.......­ directly beneath the carbonate reservoir (A), so that it does
-= ...-- e
, __ --

~:-. - ' - . -:..-:--~... _Marlnesnale,

.. Prob. HC-source
rock/marine shale
• • b
not rest directly upon the sandstone reservoir (B). Accord­
ingly there may be some reduced chance of hydrocarbon
~'::'~""'ffi\"t", ...:: ::t~ not HC·source rock emplacement in the sandstone reservoir, because of the dif­
~ ~r --':':':':':::.\ Sandstone reservoir ficulty of "downcharging" against the natural buoyancy of
hydrocarbons in formation water, as well as the difficulty of
Table 0-1 oil migrating through a considerable thickness of tight shale
to access the sandstone reservoir rock.

._~ .
Appendix D 139

Case 1: All Geologic Chance Factors Are Independent; Dry-hole Cost =$1 MM
Productive"- .. .",- Venture
A B Prob. Value Risked Value
Ch ance
Both: 0.022 a)AandBbothproductive .221 x .098= .022 x (+)$30MM =(+)$0.660MM
Only one: 0.275 b) A productive, Bdry .221 x .902 = .199 x (+)$10MM = (+) $1.990MM
At least one: 0.287 c) A dry, Bproductive .779 x .098= .076 x (+)$20MM =(+)$1.520MM
-,d),-A_a_n...:...d_B--:.b_ot_h..:..d~ry .7....:,0_3_x----'(-~)....:..$~lM....:,M
...:....7...,...7..:....9_X_.9..:....0-=2:-.=_ _ =....><---'.).....:$_0_.7_0_3M_M_ I
1.000 EV = (+)B,467MM

Case 2: Dependent (Structure, HC-charge) and Independent (Reservoir, Seal/Trap) Chance Factors;
Dry-hole Cost = $1 MM
Step 1: Prospect A = Pres x Pseal =.7 x .9 = .63 = Pg (and .37 Pf) are independent factors
Prospect A = Pstr x PHC = .5 x.7 = .35 = Pg (and .65 Pf) are dependent factors
Prospect B = Pres x Pseal =.4x.7= .28 = Pg (and .72 Pf) are independent factors
Prospect B Pstr x PHC = .5 x .7:= ,l2. = Pg (and .65 Pf) are dependent factors
Step 2:
Productive Both Venture
Chance A B Prob. A and B Prob. Value Risked Value
Both: 0.062 a) A and Bboth productive .63 x .28= .176 35 .062 x (+)$30MM =(+)$1.86MM
Only one: 0.195 b)Aproductive,Bdry .63 x .72= .454. 35 .159 x (+)$10MM =(+)$1.59MM
At least one: 0.257 c)Adry,Bproductive .37 x .28= .104. 35 .036 x (+)$20MM =(+)$0.728MM
d).A and Bboth dry [1 - (.062 + .159 + .036)] = 1 - .257:= .743 x (-)$1 MM = (-) $0.743MM
EV = (+)$3.435MM

Case 3: Dependent and Independent Chance Factors, as in Case 2, but Now Including One Geologic

Chance Factor with Subfactors That Are Both Dependent and Independent; Dry-hole Cost = $1 MM.

Because of the position of the HC source rock as noted in Table D-1, there might be some reduced chance of hydrocar­
bon emplacement in the sandstone reservoir. .
For Prospect A,we break down the HC-charge chance factor into three subfadors:
Probability or HC-charge = 0.7
Subfactors: HC-I) adequate organic richness = 0.9 }
HC-2) thermal maturity = 0.9 Product := 0.73
HC-3) migration/ emplacement efficiency = 0.9
S.ubfact?rs 1 and 2 are common to Prospect B as well as Prospect A, but 5ubfactor 3 (migration/emplacement effi­
CIency) IS more problematical in Prospect B, and is therefore assigned a probability of 0.5. All other geologic chance
factors remain as shown preViously in Case 2.
Step 1: Prospect A (Independent) = Pres x Pseal x PHC3 = .7 x .9 x .9 = .56 = Pc (and .44 Pf)
Prospect A (Dependent) =Pstr x PHC1, 2 = .5 x .8 = .40 = Pc (and .60 Pf)
Prospect B (Independent) := Pres x Pseal x PHC3 = .4 x .7 x .5 = .14 =Pc (and .86 Pf)
Prospect B (Dependent) = Pstr x PHC1, 2 = .5 x .8 = .40 == Pc (and .60 Pf).
Step 2:
Productive Both Venture
Chance A B Prob. A and B Prob. Value Risked Value
Both: 0.031 a) A and B both productive .56x.14:=.078 .40 .031x (+)BOMM =(+)$.936MM
Only one: 0.218 b).A, productive, B dry .56x .86=.482 .40 .193x (+)$lOMM :=(+)$1.93MM
At least one: 0.249 c) A dry, B productive .44 x .14=.062 .40 .025x (+)$20MM =(+)$.500MM
d) A and B both dry [1 - (.031 + .193 + .025)] == 1 - .249 == .751 x (-)$1 MM == (-) $.751 MM
EV == (+)$2.615MM
140 Evaluating and Combining Multiple-objective Ventures

Combining Reserves Distributions
1. In this example, the reserves distributions of the t'v'{o prospects have not been combined, because the P10%
P50%, and P90% values were not provided, only the means). So, for the "both A & B" productive cases:
reserves were combined simply by adding the two means, which is not strictly accurate.
2. Properly, reserves distributions of the two prospects, represented by PlO%, P50%, and P90% values, can be com­
bined by Monte Carlo simulation. However, this requires combining chance-weighted distributions through
ndditiol/, not IIlJlltiplicntioll, as we did graphically in Appendix B, with the three components of prospect reserves
(Area, A\'erage Net Pay, and HC-recovery Factor). Unfortunately, adding probabilistic distributions is not prac­
tical to perform graphically, so we should rely on Monte Carlo simulation to carry it out. .. - :
Part 2: Combining Multiple Types of Ventures*
This multiple-venture example illustrates the procedural steps involved in combining three objectives-a pro­
ducing property, a mediulll-Iisk ne'v\' play, L:~d a high-risk new play (Section A).** It employs a probability tree
for the partially dependent plays, as well as a Monte Carlo simulation. The probability tree solution (Sections B.1
and B.2) uses only mean reserves outcomes for the different cases, yielding a total expected mean outcome for
reserves of 36.10 MMBOE, hadng a total expected net present value (ENPV) of $261.7 MM. Section C, the Monte
Carlo simulation (50,000 trials), shows the probability range of possible reserves outcomes. The distribution of
reserves outcomes for all possible cases is shown as a frequency distribution (or probability-density graph). The
P90% outcome is 11.19 MMBOE, the P50% outcome is 35.49 MMBOE, the P10% outcome is 153.22 MMBOE, and
the mean outcome is 36.72 ~1~1BOE, which agrees well with the 36.10 MMBOE figure derived using the probabil­
ity tree and mean values (Section B). Thinking about the overall venture in a simplistic way, the P90'Yo outcome
expresses a scenario in which the producing property low-side case turns out to be the only project of the three
that is successful, e\"en marginally. The P50% case (35.49 MMBOE) represents an outcome in which the producing
property turns out to be the P50% to P \1£.-\:" case, and one of the two plays emerges successfully, providing "mid­
range" resel"\"es (=P50% to P\IE.-\N if Play "Beta," or P80% - P60% reserves if Play "Gamma"). The PIO'X. outcome
for the overall venture would either require all three ventures to succeed moderately, or the producing property
and one of the h,,'o plays to succeed at relatively high probability levels.
Similarly, part 0 shows i\lonte Carlo simulation of probabilistic ENPV for the multiple venture outlined in part
A, employing the appropriate ~PV /BOE for the different subventures ("Alpha," "Beta," and "Gamma"). In other
words, part 0 utilizes all the probabilistic outcomes of the entire venture in terms of ENPV, rather than reserves,
and allows the ENPV of all possible resen'es outcomes to be expressed.

"The assistance oj Robert V. Clarr i~ ackno\\"lt'ciged with gratitude; Clapp prepared the probability tree (Section B) and carried out the
Monte Carlo simulations (Sections C and D). ;-':l't.~ that the distributions were not truncated above PI% and that Clapp utilized the "PIO =
small" convention.
""Chance of geologic success bast'.-l upon fin~ .-h.mce factors; also, ch'l1lce of geologic success = chance of commercial success in these

._~ .
Appendix D 141

A. Descriptions and Assumptions

-l.·P;;gdllcillg Field "Alplm" Prob. = 100%:
A producing field discovered and developed several years ago. Projected additional recoveries (some to be
added through additional development and more efficient technology; anticipated capital investments ($lSMM)
included in $7 NPV/bbl figure):
Projected Additional Recovery:
PI % - = 7.4 MMBOE
PIO% = 10.0 MMBOE $NPV of Mean Reserves Case =
PSO% = 14.1 MMBOE 14.6 MMBOE X $7 NPV /BOE - $102.2MM
P90% = 20.0 MMBOE
P99% = 26.5 MMBOE

Mean = 14.6 MMBOE

2. New Play "Beta":

A moderate-risk, moderate-potential, relati\'ely shallow play ha\'ing chance of play success = 0.72, chance of
average economic prospect success = 0.34, four tests committed, so chance of at least one economic prospect suc­
cess is 1 - (l -.34) 4 = 0.81, so chance of economic play success =0.72 x 0.81 = 0.58: Cost of play failure is $20MM.
Economic Play Reserves: Geologic Chance Factors:
PI % = 1.0 MMBOE Shared = 0.72
P10% = 3.4 MMBOE HC source rocks = .80
PSO% = 14.0 MMBOE HC generation/migration = 1.00
P90% = 60.0 MMBOE Independent = 0.34
P99% 200.0 MMBOE Resel'\'oir = .60
Mean = 26.5 MMBOE Closure = .80
Containment = .90
Pmefs= .70

$NPVof Mean Reserves Case =

26.5MMBOE x $5NPV /BOE = $132.5MM

3. Provisio//al New Play "Gam/1/a":

A high-risk, high-potential, deeper play, having chance of play success = 0.4 or 0.8, chance of average economic
prospect success = 0.17, three tests committed, so chance of at least one prospect success is 1 - (l - 0.17)3 = 0.42, so
chance of cumulative economic play success = 0.8 or 0.4 x.42 = 0.336 or 0.168. There is p",·tial depnndency between
Play Gamma and Play Beta, involving the shared chance factor HC source rocks: if Play Beta proves that HC source
rocks are present, then the chance of HC source rocks will increase for Gamma to 0.8; if HC source rocks are absent
in Beta, chance of HC source rocks will decline to 0.4 at Gamma. Cost of play failure is $30MM.
Economic Play Reserves: Geolog.ic Chance Factors:
PI % = 2.0 MMBOE Shared = 0.80
P10o;" = 8.0 MMBOE HC source rocks = .80
P50% = 44.0 MMBOE HC generation/migration = 1.00
P90'Yo = 240.0 MMBOE Independent = 0.17
P99''l'o = 1,000.0 MMBOE Reservoir = .60
Mean = 105.0 MMBOE Closure = .80
Containment = .50
Pmefs= .70

105 MMBO£ x $3.50 NPV /BO£ = $367.5MM

142 Evaluating and Combining Multiple-obJective Ventures ..
B. Combining Ventures (Nonstochastic Methods)
1. Probability Tree (see Figure 0-1).
2. Expected Net Present Values of different play outcome combinations, based on mean reserves case only:

Possible Outcomes Prob $NPV(MM) of Mean Reserves Case Risked $NPV(MM)

~ and r both successes .196 ($132.5 + 367.5 = +$500MM) $98.00MM

~ success and r fails .271 +.117=.388 ($132.5 + 3'OMM = +$1 02.5MM) $39.77MM
Pfails and J

r success .046 + .027 + .034 = .107 ($367.5 +20MM = +$347.5MM) $37.18MM

Pand r
both fail .063+.027+.037+.0169+.046+.012 = .309 (-$20 + -30MM = -$50MM) $-15.45MM

ENPV of both plays (mean reserves cases) = $159.50MM

ENPV of mean reserves of producing field"Alpha" "= $102.20MM

Total ENPV of all ventures (mean reserves cases) = $261.70MM

Appendix D 143

Probability Tree Showing All Possible Combinations for Beta and Gamma Plays
GAMMA : Beta
1_ Gamma Probability
:: At least 1discovery :
:: (3 tries) : Success Success 0.196
Source rock 0.42 ,
Atleasl1 discovery J
. I
0.8 . ,
Nodiscove Success Failure 0.271
0.81 I 0.58
1LU.>L.>ol"-""""-J~ _
Success Failure 0.117
II 0.2

J Failure Success 0.046

I' Source rock

0.9 I
: 0.8 ,

No discovery
I 0.58 : Failure Failure 0.063
0.19 ,

If-.U.IL-"""'lj,&J"""'- _
Failure Failure 0.027
:'II 0.2
0.42 Failure Success 0.027
:: Source rock I
: 0.8 !
No Containment I No discovery Failure Failure 0.037
0.1 0.58

Failure Failure 0.016

0.2 Alleasll discovery
(3 tries)
0.42 Failure Success 0.034

. : II so~r~e roCk~
:. No discovery Failure Failure 0.046
'""-":'~":""'-Ll.ll.<lL-~ --";'[ No Souffie ~k 0.58 :.

': 0.6 : Failure Failure 0.120

--------------------------- ~I -------------- ,
144 Evaluating and Combining Multiple-objective Ventures

C. Stochastic Method of Combining Expected Reserves of All Ventures

Probabilistic distribution of Total Reserves, employing Monte Carlo simulation of all ventures' reserves distrib­
utions, and estimated venture chances of success and failure (producing property Alpha Pg = 100%). (See Figure
D-2; note use of "90'Yo = small" convention.)

Forecast: Total Reserves Cell: E14

Summary: Certainty Level is 100.00% based on Entire Range

Certainty Range is from -00 to .. MMBOE
Display Range is from 0.00 to 150.00 t-IMBOE
Entire Range is from 5.12 to 11,948.83 MMBOE !
After 50,000 Trials, the Std. Error of the Mean .is 0.63

Statistics: Display Range Entire Range

Trials 46,014 50,000
Percent of Other 92.03 108.66
Mean 36.72 61.75
Median 24.75 (un:lVailablc)
Mode 14.25 (unavailable)
Standard Deviation 29.92 141.61
Variance 894.98 20,052.95
Skewness 1.66 (unavailable)
Kurtosis 5.27 (unavailable)
Coeff. of Variability 81.48 229.31
Range Width 150.00 11,943.71
Range Minimum 0.00 5.12
Range Maximum 150.00 11,948.83
Mean Std. Error 0.14 0.63

Forecast: Total Reserves

Cell E14 Frequency Distribution 46,014 Trials
.06 . . . - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . . 2.939

::'I .05
+oJ -,

<0 .03
.0 :3
a.. .02 u:::

.00 ~JlliUunuIl1UJJilullIunlq\llw.tutJupw.u.w1..............~ a
0.00 37.50 75.00 112.50 150.00

Forecast: Total Reserves (Cont'd) Cell: E14

Percentiles lor Entire Range (t-1MBOE):

Percentile Total Reserves

0% 5.12
10% 11.19
20% 17.27
30% 23.34
40% 29.42
50% 35.49
60% 41.57
70% 56.09
80% 81.08
90% 153.22

100% 11,948.83


....... t::' • •

End of Forecast

Figure 0-2
Appendix D 145

D. Stochastic Method of Combining ENPVs of All Ventures

Expected Net Present Value of different play-outcome combinations, employing Monte Carlo simulation Of all
ventures' reserves distributions, anticipated NPV/bbl for different ventures, and estimated venture chances of suc­
cess and failure (producing property"Alpha" Pg =100%). (See Figure 0-3; note use of "P90% == small" convention.)

Forecast: Total NPV Cell: F14

Summary: Certainty Level is 100.00% based on Entire Range

Certainty Range Is from -00 to DO ",IMS J
Display Range is from 0.00 to 1.0eO.00 MMS
Entire Range is from" 4.' 8 to 41.829.42 MM$
After 50,000 Trials, the Std. Error of the Mean is 2.32
Statistics: Display Range Entire Range
Trials 4B,066 50.000
Percent of Other 96.13 104.02
t-1ean 193.64 261.09
Median 129.8 , (unavailable)
Mode 5\.67 (una'lOlilable)
St~ndard Deviation \B4.20 517.66
Variance 33.928.59 267,973.37
Skewness 1.63 (unavailable)
Kurtosis 6.38 ( unavailable)
Coeff. of Variability 95.'2 198.27
Range Width 1.000.00 41,643.60
Range Minimum 0.00 -14.18
Range MalCimum 1,000.00 4 \,629.42
Mean Std. Error 0.84 2.32

Forecast: Total NPV

Cell F14 Frequency Distribution 48,066 Trials

.05 -r----;------------------~2.467

::Jl .04 .."


~h~rn~~,rnw~-----~-:17 j
a.. m .-.

0.00 250.00 500.00 750.00 1,000.00

Forecast: Total NPV (Cont'd) Cell: F14

Percentiles for Entire Range (MM $):

Percentile Total NI'V

0% -14.18
10% '5.66
20% 45.50
30% 75.34
40% 105.18
50% 141.97
60% 193.14
70% 244.32
80% 343.80
90% 546.71
100% 41,829.42

End or Forecast

Figure D-3
Appendix Steps in Geotech~i~alProcedure for

Prioritizing Petroleum'P'rospectivity

in New Exploration Areas

I. PETROLEUM GENERAnON /MIGRAnON a. Before deciding to enter area: Cost?

(THE KITCHEN) Confidence in results? Time?
A. Is the existence of a kitchen already clearly b. Before deciding to drill: Cost? Confi­
demonstrated by the documented presence of dence in results? Time?
producing fields, shows, and seeps? If so,
where is the kitchen? Where has generated II. RESERVOIR ROCKS
petroleum gone? When? Through what did it A. Are some reservoir objectives already demon­
migrate? Make maps showing all this. strated by economic production? Where? Map
B. If no kitchen can be demonstrated, then: their probable extent, thickness, and quality.
1. What are the stratigraphic units that con­ B. If some or all reservoir objectives are sus­
tain possible source rocks (SR)? pected or projected:
a. Are they from one of the seven known 1. What are the stratigraphic units containing
marine worldwide anoxic events (i.e., them? Evidence? Show on colunmar section.
are they Silurian, Upper Devonian, 2. For all inferred reservoir objectives, make
Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian, Upper maps showing control and dimensions/values:
Jurassic, Aptian-Albian, Turonian, or a. Areal extent
Oligocene-Miocene)? What is the b. Thickness
evidence? c. Reservoir quality (sand%, net-to­
b. Otherwise, are t~ere local marine gross, % porous, % permeable, etc.)
anoxic units or lacust"rine fine-grained d. Depositional environment/prove­
units that could contain HC source nance/mineralogy; analog examples
rocks? Evidence? Localized humic­ e. Abruptness of lateral facies changes
rich units? (reservoir rocks to lateral seal)
c. For all suspected SR units, make maps f. Comment: Preference should be given
documenting control and dimen­ to reservoir units overlain by poten­
sions/values of: tial sealing units- essential cuuplet
(i) Areal extent (top seal!reservoir)
(ii) Thickness 3. Critical Uncertaintics-Wha t are they?
(iii) Richness (TOC or SPI) Can they be resolved or reduced?
(iv) HC type (oil, mixed, gas) a. Before deciding to enter area? Cost?
2. Did they generate oil or gas (thermal his­ Confidence in results? Time?
tory)? When (timing)? ITI evidence? Peak b. Before deciding to drill? Cost? Confi­
generation reached? Evidence (VR, coal dence in results? Time?
rank, TAl, etc.)? Make maps.
3. Where did the generated petroleum go? III. TRAPS (CLOSURES)
Evidence? Make maps. A. Are some traps already demonstrated by eco­
a. Routes nomic production? What are the trap types?
b. Concentration Where located? Size of closures? Map the fair­
c. Efficiency (horizontal vs. vertical ways of occurrence.
migration, impedance) B. For those trapf.J-~.1t,:'lr~.nredic~d, what are the
d. CompClfe with production and shows trap types (i.e., anticlinal, fa·ult, combination,
4. Critical uncertainties-What are they? stratigraphic, basin-centered [generational],
Can they be resolved or reduced? etc.)?
148 Steps in Geotechnical Procedure for Prioritizing Petroleum Prospectivity

1. Map trends or fairways of different trap a. Before deciding to enter area? Cost?
types Confidence in results? Time?
2. What reservoirs would they affect? b. Before deciding to drill? Cost? Confi­
3. Analog examples dence in results? Time?
4. Did traps (closures) fonn before generation/
5. Are traps favorably located with respect DELINEATION, GRADING
to migration? A. List possible plays (include proven plays
6. Reliability. of geological!geophysical da ta showing remaining prospective area of play).
(show areas on maps) B. Overlay maps showing kitchen, reservoir,
~. Repeatability-identification and traps, and containment for each play, grade
delineation by independent workers sectors of coincidence.
b. Reliability of geological/geophysical
data (show areas on maps) VI. CRITICAL PLAY UNCERTAINTIES
(i) acquisItion A. What are they? List and map.
(ii) time-depth conversions B. Can they be economically investigated/
(iii) processing resolved in time to influence decision to get I
(iv) variable reliability among differ­ into area? Cost? Confidence in resolution? I
ent trap types Time required?
(v) map your confidence in seismic C. Can they be economically investigated/
.' interpretation resolved in time to influence-decisions to drill? ,I
(vi) 2-D vs. 3-D-resolution vs. cost
7. Critical trap uncertainties-What are
Cost? Confidence in resolution? Time required? I
they? Can they be resolved or reduced? By VII. ANALOG BASINS AND PLAYS I
seismic? Other geophysical methods? A. Location, geologic succession, tectonic situa­ I
Geologic methods? tion, documentation
a. Before deciding to enter area: Cost? B. Elements that are very similar and significant
Confidence in results? Time? C. Elements that are dissimilar and significant
b. Before deciding to drill: Cost? Confi­
A. Source of data and confidence
IV. CONTAINMENT B. For analog basin?
A. Is containment already demonstrated by C. For analog play?

economic production? What aspect of contain­ D. Implications for exploration success

ment (top seals? fault seals? lateral perme­

ability barriers?) INhere? Map them. IX. DETERMINING MINIMUM ECONOMIC FIELD
B. Where containment is not prO\'en and must be SIZE (MEFS)
predicted: A. For the proposed area, estimate the cost of I
1. What are potential top seals, seat seals, and exploration (drilling, seismic, oiher G&G,
lateral seals? Where are they developed? land, overhead).
Map them. B. At your estimated $PVX% per BOE (for example,
2. Preservation-make HC-gra\'ity and HC­ $3.50 PV12% per MMBOE), how much total
type maps oil must you find to cover the above explo­
a. Thermal-map areas of thermal ration costs?
immaturity, oil-prone, gas-prone, C. What is the smallest field (MMBOE) that
overcooked (by stratigraphic or struc­ could be profitable on a stand-alone basis,
turallevel). Evidence? assuming several similar producing fields
b. Flushing-salinity and piezometric exist in this area?
maps showing grOlmd-water movement D. Divide B by C-Is it reasonable to suppose
c. Biodegradation-e\'idence? manifes­ that many fields exist in the area? Reiterate
tations? Map. until you have a reasonab!e number of eco­
d. Post-accumulation structural adjust­ nomic fields that together would provide the
ments-tilt-and-spiIl, breaching; loca­ total oil to cover only exploration costs. The
tions? Evidence? average field size is MEFS.
"'1. CrifIcal containment uncertainties-What

-c. ·iL.- TJivir.!.....\1EFS by play chance to yield opera­

are they? Can they be resolved or reduced? tional MEFS.
Reconstru'CtiR9. Parent Field-size
Distributions from Offshore FSDs

Ordinarily, when one constructs a field-size distrib­ Completed discm'eries in

ution (FSD) for a given offshore producing trend objective resen'oir zone 10
(=play), it has already been effectively truncated at the low Unsuccessful exploratory wells
end by the cost of platform construction and illstallation. Uncompleted exploratory wells
Smaller uncompleted accumulations-the kinds of reporting flowing shows from
accumulations that would routinely be completed as objective 14
small fields if the trend were onshore-are simply Dry holes having no shows from
reported as "good shows" encountered while drilling objective 26
an exploratory dry hole. Ordinarily these will be indi­ Total failures 40
cated by positive drill-stem tests, or probable produc­ Total exploratory wells 50
tive zones evidenced by borehole geophysical logs. Success ratio (Geologic) 24/50 =.48
Moreover, the chance of success (Pc), defined by Success ratio (Economic) 10/50 = .20
geologic chance factors (Pg), and multiplied by the
percent of the natural distribution of accumulations of c. Now, let us suppose an observed offshore FSD
commercial size or larger, reflects this truncation. (10 fields) as shown below:
But the parent FSD can be recreat~d, and the natural
chance of success (defined by geologic chance factors)
can be estimated, as illustrated below. EUR FRACTILE
a. First, consider an FSD in a mature province such
J 5.6 90.9
as west Texas, where you will complete any dis­
covery well finding reserves adequate to cover I 7.4 81.8
completion costs, regardless of how much of the H 9.5 72.7
original exploratory investment (G&G, leasing, 12.8 63.6
driHing, overhe:ld) will be recovered (Fig­
lIre 38a). Practically, this means that any flowing F 17.0 54.5
discovery will be completed. E 23.5 45.5
b. By comparison, suppose that exactly the same nat­ D 35.0 36.4
.ural endowment and distribution of petroleum
C 55.0 27.3
accumulations was present in a developing off­
shore trend in which 10 fields had been discovered B 100.0 18.8
and completed, and 14 of 40 total exploratory dry A 235.0 9.1
holes had reported flOWing shows of oil and gas,
which had been judged inadequate to support a
platform (Figure 38b).

150 Reconstructing Parent Field-size Distributions from Offshore FSDs

d. The natural or parent distribution can be recon­ If, with additional technology and infrastructure,
structed as follows: fields down to 2 MMBOE could be produced, the
1. Assume P99% = ""10,000 BOE-estimated reconstructed FSD suggests that perhaps four of the
minimum reserves required to flow (i.e., to be show-holes may represent such fields. .
detected); Also, if one estimates the likelihood of finding a
2. Total number of accumulations (14 shows + 10 field larger than, say, 100 MMBOE (given that the test
fields) = 24= n; well indeed makes a discovery in the first place!),
3. Incremental fractile % assigned to each accu­ using the observed offshore FSD, such an event has a
mulation = 100% + (n + 1) = 25 = 4%; chan~e of about 18%. However, if one employs the
"correct" FSD, reflecting the natural or parent distrib­
4. Reconstructed parent distriblltion (Figure 38b):
ution, the chance of finding the same 100 MMBGE or
EUR FRACTILE larger accumulation is greatly reduced, to only about
8% (Figure 38b).
The important things for the offshore explorationist
14 small -40,000 to 96% ~ 44%
to grasp are tha t:
accumulations 4.2 MMBOE 1. Any offshore FSD has already been naturally

J 5.6 40% truncated by platform costs;

I 7.4 36% 2. The parent FSD can be reconstructed (Figure


H 9.5 32%
3. Marginally economic opportunities are repre­

G 12.8 28% sented by uncompleted show-holes whose num­

F ·17.0 24% ber can be estimated;

·E 23.5 20% 4. Probabilitie~ associated with larger fields will be

substantially overestimated unless the recon­

D 35.0 16% structed parent FSD is used, especially for eco­

C 55.0 12% nomically demanding offshore ventures; and

B 100.0 8% 5. The operative chances of geologic and economic

A 235.0 4% success for offshore trends can be "backed out"

from the results reported to date.

e. Discussion: This reconstruction (Figure 38b) sug­

gests that the effective (= commercial) threshold
is currently about 5 MMBOE = P42%, so Pmefs =

Appendix F 151

1% 1%

L §l

, •

.~ en::2: .'
10% Q)

Xc) -_.
• 10%


10 OJ en­
en O
S-S [,./
- 0
C.9 50% ~~
/' 50% /
..... 0 V
s ....
'- 0
'-0 V
(I) ....
..... 0

~~ V

E:J , ,. ~'
Q: 90% 'x j

. .
0 , " 90%

0. ,
~ ,
.' . ,
-'­ 99%
10,OOOBOE 50k 100k O.2MM 0.5MM 1.0MM 2.0MM 5MM 10MM 20MM 50MM 100MM 200MM 500MM 1.0BBOE

MM = million; k = thousands; B = billion

Figure 38 a

-- A
£ 0
Qj 0
iii u
(5 2


10,OOOBOE 50k 100k 0.2MM 0.5MM 1.0MM 2.0M M 10MM 20MM 50MM 1OOMM 200MM 500M M 1.0BBOE
MM = million; k = thousands; B = billion
Figure 38 b

Figure 38 a, b Offshore FSDs are truncated by platform cost.

__ C"o ,

App~ndi~ ~-.
Matrix for Comparing, Ranking, and
Planning New Exploration Plays


Play Name
Location, Basin, etc.
Analog Plays
Working Interest Effective WI
Reserves P50%
Geotechnical Pmean
Parameters P1O%
Shared Chance
Independent Chance
Chance of Success Po
Critical Geo-Risks
Unrisked NRI Actual $Value (Net/Gross)
Value Present $Value (Net/Gross)
Explor. Failure Cost (Net/Gross)
Costs Total Success Cost (Net/Gross)
Risked Finding Costs (Net/Gross)
Max. NeG. Cum. Net Cash Flow (Net/Gross)
Economic Ranking Measures EPV ($) (Net/Gross)
Parameters Risked Inv. Eft. At 100% WI
OWl (%) At Corp. Risk Tolerance
Risked Inv. Eff. At OWl
Total Failure
$PV, Net Economic Worst Case
Reserves' Outcomes P900f0
($MM) P50%
Start Date
Timing Max. NeG. Net Cash Flow mate)
Pavout Date
Proiect Life
Political Risks & Primary
Consequences Secondarv
Business Operating Risks & Primary
Criteria Consequences Secondary
Method of
Contractual Needs
Business Needs &
Sensitivities Contractual Concessions
NeaotiatinG Strateqies
Personnel & New Staff
Service Needs Tech Services
Comments & References .
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15, p. 187-199.

Acquisition of petroleum rights, 93-99

Cash-flow analysis, discounted, 6, 24, 49-50, 53-54

Amerada, 95
Cash-flow models

Analog plays, 13, 65, 67, 69, 71-77,148

decision-tree analysis, 50

exploration, 49-50

Area, 127-130, 128

in exploration risk analysis, 120

field; 11,22,69, 70

productive, 17-19
Cash-flow rate of return, discounted (DCFROR), 53-54

Area versus depth plot, 23

Casino analog, 1-2

Area-wide sales, 95-97

Central Limit Theorem, 9, 10-11

Arithmetic mean, 125

Champions in risk analysis implementation, 121

Auctions, 98
Chance, 84-85

Average net pay, 127-130

Chance adequacy matrix, 38

Average net pay thickncss, 11-12, 19, 20, 21, 22

Chance factors

Average prospect (=Iocal) chance, 84-85

business and political risks, 42-43

Average reinvestmcnt ratc, 49

geologic. See Geologic chance factors

independent versus dependent, 41-42

Barrels of oil equivalellt (BOE), 50

location and evaluation, 42

estimates versus actual, 7

mechanical, 42

field-size distributions, 11-12

multiple-objective prospects, 41-42, 137-145

large field discoveries, 2

Checklist for petroleum prospectivity, 3, 65, 147-148

Chevron Oil, 58, 95

conservatism, 8
Closure,3,35, 65, 147-148

CNCF. See cumulative after-tax net cash flow

overconfidence, 8
Combining \'entures, 137-145

overoptimism, 8
Commercial success (Pc), 24-25, 32-33, 38-42

patterns of, 45-46

Commercial truncation, 40

predictive, 45-46, 100

Competence in play analysis, 114-115

prevalent optimistic, 6, 7
Completion success, 24, 33

risk decisions ClTld, 91,92

Confidence level, 37, 38

under uncertainty, 8-10, 28-31

Containment, 36, 148

Bidding. See also Petroleum rights acquisition

Contracts, 6, 57, 88-89, 98-99

area-wide sales, 95-96

analyzing terms, 88-89

overbidding, 95, 97-98

exploration, 57

sealed bonus, 94-98

performance, 98

Bidding efficiency, 95, 96

problems, 57

Black boxes in risk analysis, 123

prod uction sharing, 6

Black-Scholes model, 52
sanctity of, 99

BOE. See Barrels of oil equivalent

terms, 110

Business and political risks, 42-43

Cookbook approach, 123

Business stra tegies, 107-111

Corporate acquisi tions, 4, 99

Corporate reinvestment rate, 49

Capital Corporate system

aHoca tion, 99-100

exploration risk analysis, 120

cost of, 49
industry practices, 120

risk reduction, 93
prospect evaluation, 31-32


160 Index

Estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), 4

Estimates, 9-15

dry-hole, 54,138-139
barrels of oil equivalent (BOE), 7

exploration, 85-86, 88
biases under uncertainty, 8

"sunk-cost concept," 40
commercial success (Pc), 39-40

Creaming curves, 68-69

deterministic, 5

Crystal Ball, 50
economic success (Pe), 39-40

Cumulative after-tax net cash flow (CNCF), 50

estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), 4

Cumulative probability, 9-11

field number, 69-70, 88

geo.technical parameters, 5 .

DCFROR. Sl'l' Discounted cash-flow rate of return
geotechnical uncertainty, 6-8

DCF. Sa Discounted cash-flow analysis

improving, 13-15

Decision-tree analysis, 50,100,142,143

lognormal distributions, 9-13,125

Dependency, geologic, 137

low-side, 30,131-135

Depositional topography, 63-64

probability of producible reserves, 3

DI-IC. 5(';: Dry-hole ((lst

prospect chance of success, 36, 41

DHls. Sce Direct hydrocarbon indicators

prospect and play portfolios, 100-102

Direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHls), 24, 26

prospect reserves, 17-31

Discounted cash-flow (DCF) analysis, 6, 14, 24, 49-50, 53--54

risk and uncertainty and, 5-6

Discounted cash-flow rate of return (DCFROR), 53-54

subjective probability, 36

Discounting, 49-51, 95
uncertainty and, 6-8

Discount rates, 49-51

EUR. See Estimated ultimate recovery

Discovery, economic, 40
EV. Sce Expected value

Discovery process modeling, 67-68


Diversification and risk reduction, 93

Expected net present value (after tax) (ENPV(AT» equation,

Drilling prospects, identification, 3

5-6 .

Drilling technology, 3
Expected net present value (ENPV), 54

Dry-hole analysis, 43, 44, 88

Expected \"alue (EV), 1, 31, 91-92

Dry-hole cost (DHC), 54, 138-139


acquisition strategies, 4

Economic analysis, 49-56. Sl'C also Play risk analysis; Risk

cash-flow models, 49-50, 120

contract problems, 57

Black-Scholes model, 52
drilling prospect identification, 3

of capital, 49
drilling technology, 3

cumulative after-tax net cash flow (CNCF), 50

exploration trend selection, 3

DCF valuation problems, 50, 52

failure and success, 32-33

discounted cash-flow analysis, 6, 24, 49-51,53--54


discounted cash-flow rate of return (DCFRORI. 53-54

measuring value, 3-4

discount rates, 49-51

operations, 4

dry-hole cost (DHC), 54

performance assessment, 113-115

expected net present value (ENPV), 54

planning, 112-113

exploration cash-flow models, 49-50

play management, 107-116

growth rate of return (GRR), 54

portfolios, 1-2,4,105-107

investment efficiency (IE), 54

projects ii:i b:.:siness ventures, 4

maximum negative cash flow (MNCF), 54, 55

resen·oir technology, 3

net investment cash-flow stream, 50


net present value (NPV), 50

snbjecti\"e probability estimates in, 36

optimum working interest (OWl), 55-56

Exploration cost, 85-86, 88

option pricing theory, 52-53

Exploration plays. See Plays

present value factors, 51

Exploration risk analysis, 117-123

recommended economic measures, 53-56

corporate process, 120

reinvestment rate, 49
implementing, 121-123

risk-adjusted value (RAV), 54-55

petroleum industry practices, 117-123

"sensitivity analysis," 50
play analysis, 120-121

software, 50
"prospector myth" versus systematic exploration, 117-11 ')

time value of money, 49


Economic discovery, 40

Economic success (Pe), 24, 25,32-33,38-42

Failure, nongeologic aspects, 42-43

Economic truncation, 12, 4!l..:8-80

Field area, 11, 22, 69, 70

ENPV{:\Tj" Sce Expected net pre~eri"l'; dlue \~<,r tax)

Field density, 69

ENPV. SCl' Expected net present value

Field number estimates, 69--70, 88

Index 161

Field reserves, 69, 70

CUl11uliltive probability, 9-11

Field size, 4
prospect resen'es distribution, 24, 25

minimum commercial field size (MCFS), 61-62

Gross rock volume (GRY), 19,21,23

minimum economic field size (MEFS), 61-62, 77-78,

Gro\\,th rate of return (GRR), 54

GRR. See Growth rate of return

net present value, 89

GR\'. 5,',' Gross rock volume

Field-size distributions (FSDs), 11-12, 67-70, 89, 148

Gulf Oil, 95

analogs in play analysis, 13, 65, 67, 69, 148

concepts and principles, 67-69

HC-nxovery factor, 23, 24, 127-130

creaming curves, 68-69 .. _

Hydrocarbon accumulation, 34
discovery process modeling, 67-68
Hydrocarbon charge model, 65

economic trunc'ation and, 12,40,78-80

Hydrocarbon indicators, direct (DHls), 24, 26

global, 72
Hydrocarbon-recovery factor, 23, 24,127-130

parent, from offshore FSDs, 12, 78, 80, 149-151

Hydnxarbon-reco\'ery field reserves, 11-12

and petroleum system approach, 60

Hydrocarbon source rocks, 35

prediction with analog trends and interpretive shifts,

IE, 5,,<' Investment efficiency

production limited, 70-71

Incremental success, 33

production not established, 71, 72

Industry experience, 7, 28-30, 43-48

production well established, 70

actual industry performance, 43-44

Texas Gulf Coast, 131, 132, 133

estimating prospect chance of success, 43-44, 43-48

historical changes in trend success rates, 46-47

FSDs. See Field-size distributions

impact of 3-D seismic data, 44-45

O\'erestimation of prospect reserves, 7, 28-30

Geochemistry, 3
patterns of predictive bias, 45-46

Geological Survey of Canada, 58

trouble with high-risk exploration, 47-48

Geologic chance factors, 34-36, 38, 80-82

using trend or basin success rates, 46-47

closure (traps), 3, 35, 65,147-148

Industry practices in exploration risk analysis, 117-123

coincidence of, 80
!In'estment efficiency (IE), 54

containment, 36

and dry holes, 44

Kerr-~kGee Corp" 95

hydrocarbon source rocks, 35

Kitchens, 58, 64,65,66,147

independent versus dependent, 41-42,137

migration, 35
Latin Hypercube simulation, 24, 127, 137

multiple-objective prospects, 41-42,137-145

Lognormal distributions

primary, 35-36
area, 19

recommended, 34-36
a\'erage netpay thickness, 19,20,21,22

reservoir rock, 3, 35,147

calculating, 12-13, 125

shared versus independent, 80, 82

combining, 25

virtues of, 38
graphing, 9-11, 118

Geologic play maps, 64--{)5

gross rock volume, 19,21,23

Geologic reserves, 4
importance of, 11

Geologic success (Pg), 32-33, 38

mean (average), 12-13, 125

Geometric correction factor, 22

and portfolio perfGi'mance, 100-11.)2

Geometry factor adjustment graph, 22

Lotus with @Risk, 50

Geophysics, 3
Low-side estimates, 30,131-135

GeotechniCill ilnalog models, 13

Low-side values, RMAG prospect, 131

Geotechnical consistency, 105

Geotechnical estimates under uncertainty, 5-15,51'1' IIlso

Management of exploration projects, 91-116

Estimates; Uncertilinty
acquiring petroleum rights, 93-99

improving, 13-15
biases affecting risk decisions, 91, 92

criteria indicating competence, 114-115

prospect reserves, 6-8

good play managers, 115

Geotechnology, prospect and play portfolios, 100

im'entory and portfolio, 4

Global discoveries, 2, 45
optimum working interest, 92-93

Government regulations, 110

plays, 107-116

prospect and play portfolios, 99-107

combining lognormal distributions, 25

risk-ildjusted \'alue, 91-93

combining probabilistic distributions by multiplication,

risk !!,/ig~tion, 93

risk and risk"'::, crsiuil;"'::11-93

cumulative Jog probability, 10, ]]

risk tolerance, 92-93

162 Index

sealed bonus bidding, 94-98

Petroleum-generative depressions, 64

staged exploration, 93-94

Petroleum investigations, 60, 61

Maps, 63, 64-65

Petroleum prospectivity checklist, 3, 65,147-148

Markets, 110
Petroleum rights acquisition, 93-99

Maximum negative cash flow (MNCF), 54, 55

auctions, 98

MCFS, SeL' I'...linimum commercial field size

conditions of "cquisition, 94

corporate acquisitions, 99

arithmetic, 125
overbidding, 95,97-98
lognormal distribution, 12-13, 125
performance contracts, 98


statistical, 13, 125

private treaties, 98-9~, _
Swanson's, 13, 125
sanctity of con\~acts, 99

MEFS. See Minimum economic field size

sealed bonudbidding, 94-98

MERR. See l\·linimum economic reserves required

staged exploration, 93-94

Midland Basin/Red River Arch province, 131

Winner's Curse, 94-95, 96

Migration, 33
Petroleum systems, 58-60, 61

Minimum commercial field size (MCFS), 61-62

Play (= sh"red) ch:mce, 84

Minimum economic field size (MEFS), 61-62,77-78,

PI<lY, definition, 3, 60

Pl<lY risk analysis, 57-90, 115-116. See nlso Economic

Minimum economic reserves required (MERR), 78

<Inalysis; PJ<lYs; Risk <Ina lysis

MNCF. Sec l\'I"ximum negative cash flo\\'


Mobil Oil, 95
chance of play success, 8D-83

economic play success, 82-83

Black-Scholes model, 52
geologic chance factors, 34-36, 38, 41-42, 80-82

cash-flow, 49-50,120
criteria indicating competence, 114-115

decision-tree analysis, 50, 142, 143

geologic concepts, 62--67

discovery process, 67-68

economic truncation, 12,40,78-80

exploration, 49-50
field-size distributions, 67-80, 86, 89

exploration risk analysis, 120

geologic play maps, 64-65, 87

geotechnical analog, 13
geotechnical data, 84-87

hydrocarbon charge, 65
Spy per BOE of discovered reserves, 86

kitchen-geochemical, 58, 64, 65, 66

a\'erage prospect chance, 84-85, 85, 87-88

play "n"lysis, 64, 65, 66, 87

cost of exploration, 85-86, 88

Monte Carlo simulation, 24,127, 137

field number, 88, 89

combining multiple types of ventures, 140, 144-14:;

play chance, 84, 85, 87

muhipJe-objecti\'e ventures, 137-145

primary parameters, 84-86

Motivational bias, 28
secondary (derived) parameters, 86-87

Multiple-objective prospects, ,11-42

"global anoxic events," 64

Multiple-objective \'entures, 137-145

integration, 82-83

kitchen-geochemical modeling, 58, 64, 65, 66

Nature's em'elopes, 14, 122

patterns and principles, 115-116

Net investment cash-flow stream, 50

play concept, 57-58

Net present value (NPV), 14, 50, 89-90

play selection, 6Q--61

Net revenue interest (NRI), 6

plays ill1d petroleum systems, 58-60,61

NPV. See Net present value

procedure, 87-90

NRI. See Net revenue interest

contracts, 57, 88-89

dry holes, 88

Obligatory wells, 105

economic field-size distribution, 89

Offshore FSDs, 12, 78, 80, 149-151

economic play success, 89

One-well fields, 134-135

expected net present value, 90

Optimum working interest (OWl), 55-56, 91-93

exploratory tests, 86

Option pricing theory, 52-53

key economic measures, 90

OWL Sel' Optimum working interest

lease/acquisition price, 90

mean economic play reserves, 89

Parent field-size distributions, 12,78,80,149-151

net present value, 88-89

play models and maps, 87

<In<llysis, 43, 120­ prospects versus plays, 61-62

assessment, 100, 113-115

stratigraphic sequences, 63-64

exploration, 113-115
techniques, field number estima tes, 69-70, of)

forec<lsting, 100
total geology integration, 6-!

plays versus prospects, 1H

working principles. 116

Perform<lnce contr<lcts, 98
worldwide versus provincial source r(lcks, 6-1

Index 163

Play risk analysis checklist, 3, 65,147-148

multiple-objective, 41-42, 137-145

Plays. See also Play risk analysis; Risk analysis

play versus, 61-62
comparing, ranking, and planning, 3,111,153
Prospect chance of success. See also Success

data integration, 62
commercial, 38-42

exploration contracts, 57
corporate system and, 31-32

exploration performance, 113-115

economic, 38-42

exploration plarming, 3, 111-113, 153

estimating, 41

exploration play concept, 57-58

expected \'alue concept, 31

field number estimates, 69-70,88

exploration risk analysis, 120 ,,

field-size distributions (FSDs), 67-70

geologic chance factors, 34-36, 38, 41-42

history and development, 57-58

geologic components, 34-36 i

"kitchens," 58, 64, 65, 66, 147

implementation, 36-38

managing, 107-116
industry experience, 43-48

minimum commercial field size (MCFS), 61-62

monitoring and improving predictive performance, 43

minimum economic field size (MEFs), 61-62

nongeologic aspects, 42-43

and petroleum systems, 58-60, 61

patterns of predictive bias, 45-46

play attributes and business strategies, 107-111

predictive performance, 26-28, 43, 100

play selection importance, 60-61

subjective probability estimates, 36

plays versus prospects, 61-62

success rates, 32-33

Portfolios, 99-107
Prospectivity checklist, 3, 65, 147-148

benefits, 99-100
Prospectors, 2, 117-119

estimates, 100-102
Prospect and play portfolios. See Portfolios

lognormality and perfonnance, 100-102

Prospect-reserves distribution, 24-26, 38-42

management, 1-2,4,99-107
Prospect-resen'es forecasting, 6

model,101 '
Prospect risk analysis, 4. See also Prospect chance of success;

predictability versus size, 102-104

Prospect-reserves distribution

problems with, 105-107

a\'erage net pay thickness, 19,20,21, 22

prospect, 99-107
distribution, 24-26

requirements, 99
estimating reserves, 6-8, 17-31,131-135

selection, 120
gross rock volume, 19, 21, 23

static versus dynamic, 105-106

hydrocarbon-recovery factor, 23, 24

Postdrill reviews, 122

industry experience, 28-31

Potential reserves, 4
"low-side" values, 131-135

Predictive bias, 100

monitoring and improving predictive

Predictive performance, 26-28, 43, 100. See also Prospect

performance, 26-28

chance of success; Success

multiple-objective ventures, 41-42, 137-145

Present value (PV), 6

overestimation, 7, 28, 29,30

Prevalent optimistic bias, 6,7

parameters, 17-24

Private treaties, 98-99

productive area, 17-19,20,21,22

structural geometry, 131-132, 133, 134

chance adequacy matrix, 38

geometric correction factor, 19,22

cumulative distributions, 9-11,127-130

gross rock volume, 19,21,23

experience in assessing, 36-38

hydrocarbon recovery factor, 23, 24

field number estimates, 69-70, 88

industry experience, 28-31

play risk analysis, 86, 89

monitoring and improving predictive performance, 26-28

producible reserves, 3
productive area, 17-19

and risk analysis, 2-3

PV. See Present value

subjective estimates, 36

uncertainty and, 26
RAV. See Risk-adjusted value

Producible reserves, 3
Reality checks, 120

Production sharing contracts, 6

improving estimates, 14

Productive area, 17-19

probability ranges of ventures with varying

Productive field area 22

uncertainties, 26

Productive field area~ graph, 22

prospect reserves estima tes, 20

Profitability distribution, 24
Record keeping, 43

Profitability of producible reserves, 3

Regional mapping, 63

Reinvestment nite, 49

definition, 57
I~eserves, 4

evaluation, 31-32,137-145
calcula ling, 127-130

generation versus risk anal1"')"" j >',

economic play, 87, 89

identification, 3

164 Index

Reservoir technology, 3
completion, 33

Risk, 5-6, 42-43

economic, 25, 32-33, 38-42

Risk-adjusted value (RAV), 54-55, 91

economic play, 80-83, 86, 89

Risk analysis, 2-4,121-123. See also Economic analysis; Play

geologic, 32-33, 38-42

risk analysis; Prospect risk analysis


background i1nd history, 2-3

nongeologic aspects, 42--43

corporate process for, 120

technical and mechanical effects, 42

estimated geotechnical parameters, 5

Success rates

expected value (EV) concept, 91-92

basin, 46-47

exploration, 117-123
by well class, 45

field number estimation, 69-70,88

predicted versus actual, 43

iield-size distributions (FSDs), 67-70

technology and, 42

geotechnical uncertainty, 6-8

trend, 46-47

implementation, 121-123
wildcat, 45, 46

optimum working interest (OWl), 91-93

"Sunk-cost concept," 40

and petroleum exploration, 3-4

Swanson's Mean, 13, 12.')

plays versus prospects, 61-62

Swanson's Rule, 128

risk-adjusted value (RAV), 54-55,91

risk and risk i1version, 91-93

Technology and success rates, 42

risk tolerilnce (RT), 91-92

Tenneco, 95

risk and .uncertilinty, 5-6


Risk analysis software, 120

Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, 58

Risk reduction, 93
"Theory of Inevitable Disappointment," 106--107

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists (RMAG)

Three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data, 24, 26

prospect, 131
and exploration performance, 44-45

Time value of money, 49

Scheduling, 100
Traps (closure), 35, 147-148

Sealed bonus bidding, 94-98

type, 131-132, 133, 134

Sea-level stands, 64
Truncation, 12, 40, 78-80

Sedimentary basin analysis, 58

"Sensitivity an<llysis," 50
Ubiquitous Overbid, 95, 97-98

Shell Oil, 58, 95

Uncertainty. See also Risk

Shows, 33
biases affecting judgment under, 8-9, 28-31

Silurian (Niagilran), 131

estimating risk and, 5-6

Single-value forecilsts, 5
expressing, 6--8

geotechnical, 6-8

magnitude of, 6

Excel \'\'ith Crystal Ball, 50

reducing, 30-31

Lotus with @Risk, 50

riSk and, 5

risk analysis, 120

Statistical mean, 13, 125

substantial, 6

Universal prospect'risking scheme, 43


bell-shaped curve, 9
U.s. Geological Survey, 58

Central Limit Theorem, 9,10-11

U.s. iviinemls Management Services, 58

cumulative log probilbility distributions, 11

Utility theory, 2-3

cumulative prObability distribution, 9-10

"equal to or less than" versus "equal to or greater than," 9

Value measurement, 3, 3-4

graphical methods, 9-11

Volumetric reserves, 4

improving estimates with, 14

lognormal distributions, 9-13, 25,100-102,12.5


mean of lognormal distributions, 12-13, 125

field-size distributions and, 70

in risk analysis, 2-3

obligatory, 105

Stratigraphy, 3, 63-64
success rates by well class, 45

Subjecth'e probabilitv estimates, 36

"Wildcat chance," 45,-16

Success. See also Pro;pect chance of success

Wildcat Sllccess rates, 45, 46,117-119

business and political risks, 42-B

Winner's Curse, 94-95, 96

commercial, 32-33, 38-42, 82

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