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Course Code: Educ 5271

Advanced Practices for Teaching Elementary and Middle School Literacy Instructor:

Dr. Coreen Anderson

Institution: University of The People



The phenomenon of literacy- technology integration in classrooms coupled with students'

diverse population makes it pertinent for teachers to strategically develop effective and inclusive

teaching techniques to achieve learning goals by all students. Watts-Taffe et al. (2014)

elaborately discussed various strategies that enhance students' literacy level. This assignment

will discuss two of the proposed strategies and also evaluate the author’s attempt at integrating

technology and literacy.


The inquiries captured in chapter 2 and 6 stand out as the most relevant to me. Chapter 2 is

titled “The Learning Environment for Effective Literacy– Technology Integration”( Watts Taffe

et al., 2014,p.11). While Chapter 6 focuses on “Using Assessment to Inform Decision Making

in The Technology-Enriched Learning Environment”( Watts-Taffe et al., 2014, p. 76).

In Chapter 2 the importance of an enabling environment to students’ academic achievement was

the focus. These benefits of this factor cannot be overemphasized, more so when incorporating

technology and the new literacies. The inquiry for chapter 2 guides educators to evaluate their

classroom practices to align with the desired goals of effective literacy technology integration. I

reflected on my current practices and set goals on how to improve with a view to achieving the

integration of literacy and technology(Watts-Taffe et al.,2014).

Similarly, assessment plays a significant role in education. “What and how students learn

depends to a major extent on how they think they will be assessed.” (Biggs, 1999, p. 141 as cited

by Queens University, n.d). In chapter 6, Watts-Taffe et al. (2014) elaborate on assessment

methods and how they enhance students' understanding and appreciation of the use of

technology. The inquiry activity for this chapter is valuable because it entails a holistic approach

to assessment. The exercise is a departure from the traditional assessment method where students

are made to reproduce memorized facts, but teachers are encouraged to observe students

performing tasks; likewise, students can also assess their achievement. Again, this inquiry

advocates that learners play an active role in the assessment process.

Plan to Move Forward in The Literacy – Technology Journey And Shared Inquiry


My instruction and assessment methods have been profoundly impacted because of the

inquiries in chapters 2 and 6. Firstly, my instruction will be purposeful and driven towards

utilizing technology and improving my students' literacy level. I am inclined to adopt the

backwards design as a strategy for my instruction technique. Backward design is a method of

lesson planning that starts with an analysis of the lesson objectives, identifies the expected skill

or knowledge students should acquire and then highlights ways to achieve these goals ( Great

Schools Partnership, 2014). Using this approach, I can identify the literacies learners should

achieve and design my lesson to achieve them. Having a good understanding of the learners'

ability will also aid in differentiating instructions. For example, more tech-savvy learners can

utilize more complex software while those with less competence work with basic computer


Further, my assessment method will be more inclusive with learners actively involved in the

process. I will hold discussions with students to gain better insights into their challenges and

design a more suitable instruction. Diagnostic assessments will also feature more regularly in my

lessons. These diagnostics will be more flexible as against the structured evaluation, which

typically occurs in my classroom. Likewise, formative assessments will include self assessments(

through learning logs or learning journals), peer review and observations.

Journey So Far

✓ Where have you been on your journey to integrate literacy and technology?

Before the COVID 19 pandemic, technology was minimally utilized in my classroom.

However, the pandemic brought about unprecedented classroom changes, especially in using

technology for teaching and learning. Consequently, technological literacy for me and my

learners was enhanced. My school has adopted a blended learning methodology, utilizing a

combination of the conventional classroom setting and eLearning platforms (ELM Learning,

2020). The blooms taxonomy guides my lesson planning. Thus, the focus is more on cognitive

development. Until now, I did not know the various types of literacies that now exist, such as

media literacies, visual arts literacies, digital literacies etc. These components were not

integrated into my lesson, and even when utilized, the focus was not on developing students'

literacy in these aspects.

✓ Where are you now on your journey to integrate literacy and technology?

Some forms of literacy are more integrated into lessons delivered in my classroom.

Technological integration is at the adoption level, where "the teacher directs students in the

conventional and procedural use of technology tools"(Heick, n.d., para.2). I am currently

building my competence on how to integrate these components into my lessons. “The process of

technology integration is complex. Teachers need access to proper resources as well as an


understanding of the educational practices that support technology integration”(Zoch et al., 2016,


✓ Where are you going on your journey to integrate literacy and technology?

Undoubtedly, I desire to integrate literacy and technology into lessons. The plan is for

students to attain the "goal-driven level of technological literacy when students use technology

tools to set goals, plan activities, monitor progress and evaluate results rather than simply

completing assignments without reflection"( Heick, n.d., para.2). Similarly, I aim to adapt my

lessons to reflect the new literacies so that students can have an authentic understanding of the

literacies by transferring these skills in real-life scenarios.


Appendix A:” Examining my teaching environment for characteristics that support effective

literacy-technology integration”(Watts-Taffe et al.,2014,p.121)

in my teaching situation characteristics in my teaching situation
Characteristics of learning
environments that support effective
literacy-technology integration Students research the history of the groundnut Students will conduct online research on the
pyramid in Sudan and create a photo collage to groundnut pyramid and create a Microsoft
Integration of conventional and new literacies illustrate their findings. PowerPoint presentation to illustrate their
In what ways are these characteristics evident My goal for increasing the presence of these findings.
studies, research-based teaching
Critical thinking The Blooms taxonomy informs my assessment method. Students evaluate online resources to decipher their authenticity and
Thus, the cognitive relevance to their learning.
the abilities of students are critical in my lesson.
Part of this process is to evaluate their
critical thinking skills.
Promoting learning to learn Employ teaching strategies that stimulate Introduce the reflective learning strategy where students analyze their
learner’s curiosity. Such as presenting case performance and strategize on how to improve.
Essay writing is extensively utilized in Utilize books that enhance student’s vocabulary
Integration of literacy instruction with content assessments in my class. This entails the use of in content areas.
area instruction appropriate words to convey students'
I utilize flexible groups and project-based Educate students on the importance of
Attention to social interaction and learning in teaching. collaborations in the 21st century.
Differentiation of instruction Consider students abilities when creating computers
lesson plans so that my teaching technique Give students more access to technological tools and gadgets to
can be varied. Also, Incorporate videos and enhance their understanding output. Such as speech-to-text software,
audios for visual and auditory learners. spell checks and video tutorials.

Equity of access to technology Group Students to take turns in using

Appoint an observer to ensure all students have equal access to use the

sensitive to the diversity of learners. parent-school collaborations.

Adapting teaching techniques to suit diverse Incorporate online resources for diverse learners
learners noting that level of complexity may be varied for
The emphasis of the classroom as a learning learners.

Multi-faceted preparation for instruction coupled

with flexibility and responsiveness Develop a partnership with parents to strengthen
Ensure a positive classroom environment that is

Appendix B: Anecdotal Record

Student Name: Khalifah Ibrahim

Grade: 5
Subject: History
Date: 28/02/2022
The classwork entails that students conduct internet searches and find out certain details about
Sudan's independence movement. Khalifah is one of the vocal students in class, however his
submission was below expectations. He barely answered the questions. On the other hand, when
students were asked to dramatize part of a historical fiction book about the civil war, Khalifah was
one of the top performers. He has indicated interest in history and says it is one of his favorite
subjects. From my discussions with him and my co-teacher, it became apparent that Khalifah is not
competent with the use of technological tools.
Instructional Support:
To build khalifah’s technological literacy, I will use the peer learning and scaffolding method. Khalifah
will be paired with a classmate that understands how to navigate technological tools and gadgets to
work on class projects. Similarly, during individual tasks, I will offer him the required guidance to
build his competence.

Student Name: Nafisa Kabir

Grade: 4
Subject: English Literacy

Date: 28/02/2021
Nafisa is having a hard time spelling words at her grade level. Due to her mother tongue
interference , she mixes up words that should be spelt with F for P and B is replaced with V. Though
Nafisa has shown great enthusiasm in English literacy class, there is a need to address this challenge.
Instructional Support
Nafisa will be offered eBooks to listen to so that she can hear how words are properly pronounced.


Davies, R. S., & West, R. E. (2014). Technology integration in schools. In Handbook of research

on educational communications and technology.

ELM Learning. (2020). What is Blended Learning? A Guide to Everything You Need to Know.

Great Schools Partnership. (2014). BACKWARD DESIGN.

Heick, T. (n.d.). 5 Levels of Technology Integration in Curriculum.


Queens University. (n.d.). Understanding the Role of Assessment in Learning.


Watts-Taffe, S. M., Gwinn, C. B., Watts-Taffe, S., & Watts, T. S. (2014). Integrating literacy

and technology: effective practice for grades k-6. Retrieved from eBook Central

(accessed through LIRN)

Zoch, M.,Myers,J., & Belcher, J. (2016). Teachers’ Engagement With New Literacies: Support

for Implementing Technology in the English/Language Arts Classroom.



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