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007 Hii 2L9 -Bb9-L9-439 -4S 229-319-209 -29-19-09-0$ ST7z00Ls POSITION Rf lst Re Fe Be end RPL Bye Det. let and. 2nd Aud. 2nd And. Tine voltage 115 Fuse in 120 volt clips Yolume control in maximum position Alignment Through holes in the rear of the condenser shield four hexagonal nuts can be seen. By turning these nuts io the right or left, increases or decreases the capacity of the vernier condensers. ‘The adjusting my be done with a socket wrench of the Spintite type, size No.5. Balancing at the factory is done with an oscillator tuned to 203 meters. Since an oscillator is not at all times available, rebalancing may be accomplished with the carrier wave of a statim, preferably a distant one between 200 and The set should be tuned to the station and without further turn~ , the balancing mats, starting with the one to the left, tumed until the peak of the signal is reached. A tolerance of 5 meters is allowed Detween the dial setting and the given wave-length of thé station. ‘That is, it may de necessary to rebalance a set so that it is off scale 5 meters each way from the wave-length of the station, in order to bring the set to the operating point, The difference in the dial reading miy afterwards be corrected by adjusting the dial strip. Adjusting Dial Strip The dial strip is held in place ty the knurled dial segment, which in turn is +o the drum with two flat hoad machine screws. ‘There are ‘also three small screws ruming through the dial strip into the dial segment on the inside of the drum. The five screws ( 2 large and 3 small) should be loosened just ensugh to allow the dial strip to be slipped around the drum under the dial segment. After the dial strip is adjusted to the proper position the screws should ve tightencd. FEAR q x90 WY 77 CHAM? LS WOH) OZIE NULEAOSSIOP OW HLINTE "FADING" OR “OUTTING-oUr” "50" AND "60" SERIES The most common cause of complaint in the "50" or "60" series is of Fading or Cutting-out, Outside of the usual possibility of a poorly soldered connection, it may be at- tributed to two major conditions, as follows: The original audio tuning condenser, (Part #22-64, on aiegram) had a tondenoy to open internally as a result of poor connection between the leads and the tinfoil, at the time this occurs, the volume will drop about aixty (60%) percent and the reproduction becomes distorted. In this case the con- denser should be replaced with one of similar capacity, namely .03 mfa. In many cases of "fading" or “outting-out" of the "50" and "60" series, we have found the fault traceable to a certain condition of the volume control unit. The graphite lubricating material seems to dry between the roller and roller arm, causing a high resistance or semi- contact surface which causes the cirouit to open or close at this point. A sigple remody is to disassemble the volume control and clean oll movable parts thoroughly in alcohol. The resistence strip should also be wiped with o cleon ary oloth, in order to remove grease and loose carbon particles, Be caroful not to use alcohol on the resistance strip, sinco it may dissolve and removo tho carbon. Whon reassembling, tho pressuro washer must bo sot tightly botwoen tho innor foco and tho roller arm, Complaint of noisy volumo control operation may bo attributed to loose carbon particles botwoen tho rollers and resistence strip. This may also be corrected in tho abovo mannor, Where tho caso is very obstinete end oan not bo oorrcct- oa with tho deta givon, the Sorvico man should direct his attention to the by-pass condonsors. An intermittently opon or shorted unit will also causo "fading" or "outting-out"; how- ever, the possibility of trouble at this point is vory smoll in comparison to the audio coupling condensor or volume control. A. C. HUM IN 50 end 60 SERIES Abnormal hum in eny 50 or 60 model my be traced to either one of two definite sources. First, the screen grid detector tube. Due to the use of three audio stages a slight hum, originsting in the deteotor, is greatly emplified by the time it reaches the spesker. 0 actually determine whether this is the cause, remove this tube from the set. If the hum level decreases, a new tube will remedy it inmediately. The second cause may be due to lack of proper filtering result- ing from 2 defective electrolytic condenser. This unit ie housed in the round metal conteiner near the diel drum. The condenser is removed by simply loosening, with two or three full turns, the screws at the base end sides of the container. Three leads will be found ct the top of the condenser which should be carefully unsoldered. The terminal which beers a paint or orayon merk is the 18 mfd. section. (Be careful to note color of the wire which ettaches to it in order thet it can be soldered to the corresponding lug of the replecement unit.) The condenser can then be easily removed by prying from the bottom end sides end lifting from the top. Be sure to plece the new condenser in the seme relative position in order thet the leads (out to e specific length) oan be solder- ed back in place properly. A new, improved condenser of the ary type, Zenith pert number 22-61), is eveilable at $4.00 list. Its use will afford a permanent hum cure. If e slight residuel hum is present efter following instruc- tions given above, connect a 250,000 ohm, 1 watt carbon resist- or from grid to grid of the ‘27 first push-pull eudio stage. This will make the set preoticelly humless. PARTS AND PRICES MDIELS 52, 53, 54, 57 60, 61, 62, 64,67 Gonden: +26 Mfd. (/R, F. Plate By-Pass), 9 x 9-18 Mf. ( Filter) 203 " ( Audio Tuning Condenser). 1. x1." (let Audio vathode By-Pa and 2nd Audio Cathode). 16 Md. ( Audio Coupling).e.sees +1 x 1 Mfd. By-Pass Condens +001 Mga. ( Detector Plate) Resistors x (Vo1tage Divider). xu (_ Detector Cathode)... x (1st audio cria). (CR. F, Cathode: u { 2nd sndio Cathode)... rg ( 1st andio Cathode), ie { Det. Plate, 2nd tudio Grid). 10 Ohm (0.7.) (Filament Circuit) 100 M Ohm (1st Audio Plate). Dual Volume Control and Switch Assembly (D.V. Chassis). Single " " on " “ R. F, Coupling ( 6-turn). R. F. Coupling ( 9-turn) D.Y. Chase: Antenna Coil Es 1st and gd R. F. Plate coil 2nd R. F, Grid and Detector Grid Coil Uiscollaneous Calibrated Diel strip . Control Knobs ...... & 25 Cycle 110 V. Power Transformer . 60 cycle 1107. * ” : 2b V. Pilot Lamp ...... 2 2 Ampere Fuse « Vernier Gear Am. Bakelite Dial Segment . Filter Choke ......+- Second Stage Audio Transformer (6-Lead]. First oo" * (5-leaa). Vernier Shaft and Gear Assembly... Iynamic Speaker Complete Replacement Cones - Slate Color for Usgnevox .. Silver " — " Oxford Purple " "Symington Transformer coils only for Symington « PARTS AND PRICES WIBLS 52, 55, 54, 57 PAGE NO, 2 60, Gl, 62, 64, 67 Miscellaneous Cont'd Complete output transformer for Oxford . + $2.00 . * " * Magnavox 00 Field Coils for Magnavox, Symington and Oxford....... $5.00 Hote: Farrand Speakers (Tan Color) also used in these models. Parts no longer available. Parts not listed are no longer available. THRSE PRICES SUPERSEDE ALL PREVIOUS QUOTATIONS AMD ARE SUBJECT TO REGULAR DISOOUNT AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ZENITH RADIO CORPORATION Mey 15, 1935 SOCKET VOLTAGES Line Voltage 110 V. Aerial and Ground disconnected. P - Filament Cathode Gl - Control Gria G2 - Screen Grid P - Plate All voltages taken from points indicated to ground, using 1000 ohms per volt D.C. meter (except filaments), volume control full on. To realign chassis turn dial to maximum reading, ‘The pointer on escutcheon should read exactly 500, Wow tune in a weak station, about 1400, on dial, Adjust the four trimmers on rear of gangithese may be reached through holes in rear of condenser shield) to mximam volume. The a may be shifted to correct reading by the adjustment of all four of trimers in the PLA '80 TPE TUBE W POWER PO SUPA PARTS AND PRICES MOIELS 71, 72, 75 & 77 ‘Tz, 722, 752, 772 Condensers 925 Med, «© (R.¥, Plate By~pass) « 05" {amdio ‘Tuning Condenser ) Dual 1, Med, (1st Audio Cathode B-Pas: wees Quad.l " (R.F.Cathode, BR. FSoreen Grid,Detector Cathode, 2nd Audio Cathode)... 15 ura. —(Andio Coupling). 001 * (Detector Plate). hoof (output Filament By-Pa je (Blectrolytic Filter). ie. 8 ( "ode Variable Gang ....No Longer Available . Antenna Compensator seesseetee Resistors 6000 Ohm Porcelain Voltage Divider 50 M Ohm 1 Watt (Detector Cathode). 100M "1 * (Ist andio Grid)... 400 Ohmi * (R.¥. Cathodes) 2000 " 1" (2nd andio 4000 " 1" (Let Audio Cathode) 20M" 1" (Detector Plate, 2nd Audio Grid) ty oy (Genter Tap - Filament Circuit). 100K" 12" (1st audio Plate) Volume Control and Switth( Replaces S-617) Coils Antanna or 1st R.F.Grid Coil.... 2nd R.F, and Detector Grid Coil. lst and 2nd B.F, Plate Coil Antenna or 1 RF. Choke « R.F, Coupling Coil ( Specify whether 6 or 9 turns)..... Miscellaneous Calibrated Dial Strip... Control Knob s.+e, 26 Oyole 110 Yolt Powor Transforner « 60 cycle 110" * 2} Volt Dial Lamp . 2 Ampere Fuse.. Vernier Gear Arn Bakelite Dial Segment Vernier Shaft and Gear Assembly Filter Choke «. Second Stage Audio Firet " " Replacement speaker Complete ..+..++ in WDELS 71, 72, 73, 77 72, Tez, 752, 772 Miscellaneous Cont*d Replacement Cones ~ Slate Color for Magnavox " ” Silver " “ Oxford . " 7 Purple " “ Symington ... Transformer Coils only (Il-18) " Symington Speaker . Complete Output Transformer for Oxford Speake: " Od " ” Magnavox Speaker... Field Coils for Magnavox, Oxford and Symington Speakers, NOTE: Parts not listed are no longer available. THESE PRICES SUPERSEDE ALL PREVIOUS QUOTATIONS AND ARE SUBJECT TO REGULAR DISCOUNT AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE, ZENITH RADIO CORPORATION May 13, 1935 euxalnowa 0 -V Ber ETT BOI NY ST TT ‘Or STEGON HLINAZ Wadns VOLTAGE READINGS AT SOCKETS USING WESTON 047 ANALYZER Line Voltage 115, Fuso in 120 Volt Clips. Ist R.E. 3.25 90 4 2ndR.F.. 34 90 4 3rd RLF. 33 90 4 Det. 3 30 Ist ALF. 12 P.P. 50 PP. 50 Balance condenser gang at 1500 K.C. smell screw driver, Use #6 Spintite wrench and PIKUP HERE PARTS AND PRI ‘YOR SUPER ZENITH RECEIVER MODRIS 10, 11, 12 AND 102, 112, 122 Detector Chok: R.F, Choke Single « jondenser, Dal J" * Variable Condenser Celluloid Dial strip, Control Knobs Multicord, Beouteheon Plate for Bsoutcheon Plate for Beoutoheon Plate for On & Off Switch Bsouteheon Plate for Volume Control, Escutcheon Plate for Distance Control. 50M Ohm Resistor (Green), “ 400" 8 (Yellow). mos * (Black) Boon * (ihite 00H * ‘one Tontrol...... 1 megohm Resistor (Browa). SOM Ohm Volume Control...... 800" Resistor (Black, Yellow Spot). jet Sorew for Control Knobs... Five Prong Socket. Your Prong Socket. Socket Guide Plate for 76-31 & 76-32)... Thrve Point Antenna Switch, A.C, On & Off Switch Tube Shield Gan.. Antenna Series Condenser. let RF, or Antenna Coil (Secondary), vom oe * (Primry) Wulticord Plate & Terminal Assembly, 2nd and SrdR.F, and Detector Coils Malticord Terminal Plate Only.... Dial Drum Assemblys.....+.+ Push Pull Input Transformer....... Power Pack ZB -70 Jr. Bo" 8 (Electrolytic) 10° Ohm 0.”, Resistor... 10,450 Ohm Voltage Divider Four Prong Socket.... * “Location Plat 117 ¥. €0 cyole Power ‘Transformer uyy2 7 PARTS AND PRICES WOIELS 10, 11, 12 PAGE 2 AND 102, 112, 122 Power Pack ZE-70 Jr. Cont'd. Filter Choke ... Top Terminal Strips Bottom Terninal Strips THESE PRICES SUPERSEDE ALL OTHER PREVIOUS QUOTATIONS AND ARE SUBJECT TO REGULAR DISCOUNT AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE, ZENITH RADIO CORPORATION December 18, 1933. QO. 7a AO SOUMECT PHONO 45 TUBES our Epp teaee ‘TUBE LAYOUT FOR MODELS 62, #9, #22, 892 ZENITH HYPER METRON RECEIVERS a PARTS AND PRICES HYPERMETRON Variable Condenser Assembly Five Gang Variable Condenser. Dial Drum Assembly. Calivrated Dial Strip. Dial Lamp Bracket. 2h Volt Dial Lamp. Dial Control Cable...... Dial Control Cable Tension Spring. Fixed Condensers Single ,0l1 Mfd. Condenser (Tone Control Condeneer).. Single .001 " * (Detector Plate). 0 Single 103” * (Andie Coupling): Single 15" " (et. cathode Bypa Dal .l * " (2nd RF & Det. Bypase).... Antenna Series Condenser... eectes Rest stors 250M Ohm Resistor...(Red, Green End, Yellow Dot) LO0N clea ++. (Pink) 5 400 ++-(Yellow, Black Bnd, Brown Dot). ‘50% (creen, Black End, Orange Dot). aM ++(Yellow, Black End, Red Dot)... 800 (Gray, Black Ind, Brown Dot). 2000 (Red, Black End, Red Cot). R.F.Cotls RLF, Coupling Cotleeseseseseeee eed Preselector Coil, eee (eoai oniy}. Ast R. F. Coil, ees 2nd, 3rd R. F. & Det. Colis.. Detector Choke.sesseeee R.F.CHOKCs see eeee eee eee BB8888 Shields & Ba Tube Shield Can Base Coil” ered R. F, Coil Shield ube Shield Can........e.00- Variable Condenser Shield. i scellaneous Phono Connector Base.. eee Five Prong Floeting Socknt.....s.+ Five Prong Stationary Socket Four Prong Stationary Socket. UY Socket Guide Plate. Four & Five Prong Socke . " PARTS AND PRICES Miscellaneous Cont'd 63-128 © Volume Control. eres ed 63-147 Tone Control. ee CoH we 85-26 © Three Point Switch Base Less Shaft. 143-9 ‘Three Point Switch Bushing with Contact Arm, 117-31 Tree Point Switch Lever Arm, §-695 Multicord & Terminal Plate Assembly... 8-715 Multicord Terminal Plate Only..... 62-23 Multicord only. a MS-147 lst Stage Pash Pull "ransformr...(5 Lead] MS-148 2nd Stage Push Pull Transformer,..(6 Lead). Power Supply ~ 2E 80 22-71 1, ME. Condensers. ..sseeeseees «(Power Bias).. e728, 7 ope iss (Electrolytic) 22-75 16. 7 oa -(Rlectrolytic). Woter 16 Mf.tondenser can be identified by Blue marking on anode, 63-114 10 Ohm Center Tap Resistor 63-124 10,450 Ohm Yoltage Divider. 57-226 Bias Plate...... 57-242 Bias Socket & Guide Plate... 78-32 Four Prong Socket for Rectifier 95-79 Power Transformer (60 cycle). 95-93 Power Tr: (25 cycle).. 136-2 2 Amp Fuso. es $-696 Terminal Strip As TtRive) $-698 Terminal Strip Assembly ++ (Pour) 8-700 Fuse Receptacle & A.”. Outlet Plate.... MS-149 Power Choke...ssseeeee steeeeee Cabinet Parts Volume & Tone Control Knobs, ‘Tuning Rnod. Bese) A, C. Switch Escutcheon Plat! Dial Escutcheon Plate....... On & Off Switch......++ Felt Washer for Rnobs. THRSE PRICES SUPERSEDE ALL OTHER PREVIOUS QUOTATIONS AND ARE SUBJECT PEGULAR PARTS DISCOUNT AND CHANCE @I'THOUT NOTICE. ZENITH RADIO CORPORATION April 9, 1934 MAE 0-0 (UMPROVED) uenen, ZENITH RADIO CORP PARTS & PRICES MODEIS A BC &D CHASSIS - CONDENSERS Four Gang Variable... 7.00 Dial Drum Assembly. Dial lemp Bracket. Dial lamp Socket Dial lamp. aoe Pulley String. tes Dial String Tonsion Spring. 01 mf Bypass. fon "Oe 2 "Filter. +1 "Bypass (Singlo). Blectrolytic. Bypass... (Bone Control) .sereeeeee Bypass (Double).....++(Screen Grid & Cathode}. Bypass (Single). «(1st ReF. Plate) Audio Coupling. Bypass. see. (Dotector & Cathode]. (1st RePedeseee 65-131 Ast RF Bias. «(Yellow Brown Dot}. 132 Power Bias... seee (nite " we 133 Ast 2nd RaFee «(Red Orange " Margo. 134 35M Screen Grids. «(Orange ). 135 2B Detector Blass..scssece(Red Orange Dot }Snall ~ 16 SON Detector Plat (Green), ae 137. 250i Detector Plat +(Red Yellow Dot) 138 360M Detector Screen. (Orange Yellow " Jessseee 139 500m Detector Screen. «(Green Yellow * ) 140 1 Meg Power & Ist ReF. Grid. .(Brown) 141 50x Voluns Control. a42 50m Tone Control & On & Off Switch. RF COILS $766 #1 Pro-Selector Coil. «(Less Mtg-Base & Can). S767 #5 & 4 Coils. (less Choke Mtg.Base & Can).. S-768 #2 Coils. «(Jess MtgeBose & Con). MS-144 Tube Shield Assembly. $771 Coil 126-59 oil 126-66 20-7 Detector Plate Choke. 20-6 R.F. Plate Choke 46-46 Control XZnobs. 49-30 Blectro Dynamic Speaker, 57-269 Escutcheon Plat 18-34 Four Prong Socket 78-35 Five Prong Socket 83-221 Speaker Terminal Strip. 95-87 Power Transformer. 95-88 Filter 95-90 Power Transformer. ALL PRICES SUBJECT 10 REGUIAR DISCOUNT AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE -“ PARTS & PRICES MODEL "L" CHASSIS Variable Condenser Assembly 22-101 ‘Three Gang Condenser, $4.00 8-861 Dial Drum Assembly .... 1,00 8-769 Pilot Lamp Bracket & Socket.. +15 100-18 24 volt Lamp. lz 1-2 Pulley String... 210 80-69 Dial String Tens! 01 22-82 001 mf. Condenser. (Detector Plate)... 225 pecet yer VIII (plectrolytic High Voltage)..e. | 1450 @ecioe) Gre ea . (Blectrolytic Low Yoltage)..... 1425 Note: High Voltage Condenser Identified by Red Dot On Anode 22-91 -.03—smf.. Condenser. (audio Coupling). 22-100 408 (Filter Condenses 22-103 Five Section By-pass Condenser. Es ‘$-392 Antenna Series Condenser..... Resistors 63-135 26M. Ohm Resistor 1 Watt(Red,Green End,Orange Dot). 63-136 Watt(Green,Black " * "). 63-137 " (Red,Green " Yellow" 63-140 " (Brom,Black * Green * ). 63-148 (Metal Mounting-Large). 63-149 Co" nm =Small)eoe 63-150 ¥ett(Brown, Black mnd,Orange Dot ) 63-151 1" (Brown,freen End ™ ") 63-152 +" (Yellow,Orange Bnd " ) 63-155 " Volume Control. Es R. F. Coils $-857 1st 2.F.Coil (Antenna) «(Coil only). $-859 2nd" " (Intermediate)...( " "decor $-865 Sra" " " (Detector). ol lec 20-8 Re P, MhOkCs eevee aoe Shields 126-59. P. Coil Shield Can.....+++. 126-68 Condenser Shield...... ¥S-163 Tube Shield. $-771 Goi Mounting Base......+ Mi scellaneous 26-20 Calibrated Dial Strip. 46-50 Knobs for Switch & Volume Control. 46-51 Knob for Dial 49-31 Electro Dynamic Sveaker. 57-269 Escutcheon Plate....+ 78-54 Four Prong Socket. 18-35 Five " @3-226 Speaker Terminal Strip. 85-29 On & Off Switch.. 95-91 Power Transformer. (60 cycle) 95-92 Power Transformer. (25 cycle) ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REGULAR DISCOUNT AND CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. | ALSO (QHESR PRICES SUPERSEIE ALL PREVIOUS QUOTATIONS FOR LIKE PARTS 2/9/34. SIRE SURE 49°35 ors pores M169 wee ° Pee ene 256 WL PARTS & PRICES MODE, r SS ~ Variable Condenser Assembly 22-101 Three gang condenser $-861 Dial arum assembly S~769 Pilot lamp bracket and socket 100-18 24 volt lamp 11-2 Pulley string Net 80-69 Dial string tension spring Fixed Condensers 22-91 03 mfd. condenser ~ taud

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