A Greek and English Dictionary

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W. H. Ivie












A* rd ,av


District Clerk's Office.
BE IT RSMSMBSHID, That on the twentieth day of Jane, A. D. 1828. in the fifty-second year of the Indopon
dence of the United States of America, Hilliard, Gray, Tattle, and Wilkins, of the said district, have deposited
in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, tovstt.
" A Greek and English
Dictionary, comprising all the Words in the Writings of the most popular Greek
Authors with the Difficult Inflections in them and in the Septuagint and New Testament designed (or the

Use of Schools and the Undergraduate Course of a Collegiate Education. By the Rev. John Groves. With
Corrections and Additional Matter, by the American Editor.

Ae rb na ipuijvfiav
In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " An 'Act for the encouragement of
learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies
" An Act
during the times therein mentioned ;" and also to an act, entitled, supplementary to an act, entitledj
An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to tho authors ana
proprietors of such copies during tho times therein mentioned ; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts
of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints."
Clerk of the District f Massachusetti.

v. V

THE object of the compiler of this work was to offer to the public
a DICTIONARY, which young Greek scholars could use with ease and
advantage to themselves; but sufficiently full to be equally serviceable as

they advanced a Book that would answer

; for School,' for College, and more
particularly, for reading the New Testament and the Septuagint. It was
not without a conviction of its necessity, founded on experience, that this
work was undertaken. How far it will answer the proposed end will be best
known to those who make a trial of its merits. To explain how that has
>een attempted is the purpose of these pages.
To give English significations for Greek words is the original principle
Dn which this Dictionary was compiled. The surprising ease with which
^ery young boys understood the Gospels, with the assistance of Parkhurst's
Dictionary, suggested the commencement of this work. They translated
;he Gospels with much more facility, than the Latin elementary books they
ffere reading at the same time although this Dictionary, then the only one

vhich gaye English explanations for the Greek words, afforded by no means
.ufficient assistance for beginners. The superior ease with which (/
;ould be thus learned, even under this disadvantage, suggested the thought
f removing this difficulty by the publication of a Dictionary, which to
English significations, would add the several assistances that this now

In the arrangement of the words, the alphabetical method has been adopt-
d as best suited to the capacity and diligence of the young learner. In this
espect, and in some others, this Dictionary resembles the Greek and Latin
,exicon of Schrevelius, for a long time used in schools. The outline of the
Ian of each is very similar but this differs* from Schrevelius in many parti-

ulars, some of which hoped will appear to be improvements.

it is

Immediately after each word is placed its form of declension or conjuga-

on, together with any peculiarity attending it such as the Attic genitive ;

f contracted nouns, the future or perfect of any dialect peculiar to certain

3rbs, &c.
Next is
placed the derivation or composition of the word. Particular
.tention has been paid to this part of the work. In most Lexicons the
ire theme is
usually set at the end of the word, without any attempt to
ipw how it forms a part of the word to which it is thus attached and ;
often without any signification in Latin or English. The incapacity or in'
dolence of the great majority of school-boys, is thus left without any thing to
excite the one or assist the other while industry and attention are damped

and discouraged. Here, the composition or derivation, generally followed

by the original theme, is set before the English signification, so as to catch
the eye. The English of these words is always
given, so that the connexion
between them and the present word may be perceived, and a judgment formed
how the one. is deduced from the other. Where a word is compounded
with an adverb, preposition, or other particle, an attempt has always been
made to give the meaning of that part, or to show the effect it has in alter-

ing the signification of the word to which it is prefixed. This has often
been difficult, and sometimes has remained unsatisfactory because the ;

word often takes several significations, from the different slhades of expression
given by the various powers of the particle. In a few obvious instances this
effect has been noticed but generally all farther explanations have been

avoided, experience having convinced the compiler that young learners do

not attend to them and scholars will require much more than can be given

in a work that beginners can use with ease and

The English significations of the Greek word follow next. These have
been selected from a careful comparison of the Latin of Stephens' Thesau-
rus, Scapula, Damm, Schleusner, and in many instances, other Lexicons
have been consulted with advantage. Some few very unusual significations,
occurring only in authors likely to be read by very advanced scholars, have
been omitted. In this part two or three synonyms have been given for each
signification ;
and the most usual or vernacular expressions have been intro-
duced, that thus the Greek sentence may fall into familiar English. Several
ajso of the Indexes or Vocabularies annexed to new editions of school books,
have been looked into; so that, it is hoped, that the significations thus
selected, will be found correct and that the latter, having been chosen for

these particular authors, will catch the attention of the

young scholar, while
engaged in translating their writings, as being well adapted to his imme-
diate reading.
After the significations are subjoined, any irregularities or varieties
from dialect, &,c. and some of the more difficult inflections of each word are

Such is a sketch of the mode of arrangement pursued. It may be proper
to mention, by what additions this DICTIONARY hopes to claim the student's
A considerable number of new words have been introduced. . These
consist of words occurring in the authors
usually read, and in the Septua-
gint, which are not to be found in Schrevelius. They are also taken from
the Greek tragedies now generally read at schools, from elementary books
latterly introduced, and from Mr. Walker's new selection of Lucian's Dia-
logues, So that this DICTIONARY will, be found to answer for the study

of those introductory works alluded to; for the New

Testament, and the
Gieek translation of the Old for Homer for most of Lucian's

and his i for the works of Xenophon for some of the orators ;

and Greek tragedians comprising a copious school course, and a large


portion of the Greek authors read in our Universities. A book of this

kind, applicable to so many authors, must be generally useful, though it
cannot aspire to the name of a universal Greek Dictionary. An attempt
to do so would extend it far beyond the limits of a companion for the school

boy, or the College student :

especially when the following addition is taken
into consideration.

All the inflected parts of words which are in Schrevelius are to be found
in this Dictionary, with
many others. These
consist of oblique cases of -

nouns, pronouns, and participles of persons, tenses, moods, &-c. of verbs,


andf comprise all the difficult variations occurring in Homer, and those
other Greek books just mentioned. When it is considered that there are
instances of oblique cases, which retain but small resemblance to their nomi-
natives, and that in verbs, even those perfectly regular, there are parts unlike
their themes, both at the beginning, and in the middle, as well as in their
Terminations, this must be acknowledged to be not only a useful, but even a
necessary part of a Greek Dictionary. And when the numerous varieties
and irregularities of words in most common use are taken into account, this
of the work will appear almost indispensable. There is no English
attached to these parts and inflections, but a reference is given to the theme,
9 all the
significations will be found. This part of the work has been
where it respects the New Testament for every
:ularly attended to, ;

variation of case, gender, and number, and of mood, tense, person, &c.

occurring in that book, is inserted in this Dictionary; except the. forms of

i:nple parisyllabic declensions. These were considered too obvious to
any one that had read the Greek Grammar, to require a place here but there ;

is a notification of this omission

placed at the head of the list of abbreviations,
with a rule of direction when any of these inflections occur. So consider-
able an addition of words without any signification, was made from a con-
sideration, that, as the Gospels are very frequently used as an elementary
book in Greek, beginners would require more of that kind of assistance than
others. There was also another motive. There are many persons, who.
and have embarked in the
long after they have ceased to study languages,
active pursuits of life, feel, at their leisure hours, an inclination to renew the
studies of their youth ;
and a more intimate acquaintance with the Bible
is a favourite object with persons of this turn. A mind of this cast, that

retains any recollection of the Greek Grammar, will, with the assistance of
this Dictionary, be able to recall has learned, with considerable addi-
all it

tions. By the use of it, every difficulty that occurs

in the New Testament,

and in those books already mentioned, will be smoothed the student being ;

made acquainted with the nature of any inflected word, which long disuse
while sufficient exercise remai:
may have rendered him unable to analyse ;

for the understanding, in being left to select an appropriate significati(

from among the English, given for the theme referred to. Thus, this Bo(
will be particularly useful to those who may wish to revive their knowledj
of Greek; ana especially of the New Testament. Should leisure enable

inclination dispose them to extend their reading to the Greek of the Se

tuasint translation of the Old Testament, they will further find in tl

Dictionary all the words occurring in that book. None of the inflections <

these words are directly inserted, except a few peculiar terminations, whic
seem to be provincialisms, used by the Alexandrian Greeks, who are su
posed to have made parts of that translation but many of these inflectioi

may be found the same as in other books. These were omitted, because
insert all that may be met with were an endless task it was unnecessai ;

to do so, because the books of the Septuagint are not used as an elemental
study ;
and because the previous reading of the New Testament will giv
sufficient practice of grammatical analysis to enable the student to trace tr

inflections in the
Septuagint. Thus this Dictionary will answer for th

study of the entire Bible, of the New Testament in its original language, an
of the Old in a language into which it was translated by persons who cannc
be suspected of having been biassed by any of the schisms that have divide
the Church of Christ.
These additions have extended this work a little beyond the size of Schre

velius,while nothing useful or material has been omitted. There are indee
no references given or authorities cited, experience having shown the coir
piler that young students pay no attention to many of those assistance
which more advanced scholars look for in Dictionaries; while these receiv

very little benefit from that scanty portion of references or quotations whic]
can be given in a book adapted to the use of schools. Accordingly, afte
very mature consideration, every thing has been retrenched that, did not cc
incide with the young scholar's capacity and the room thus made has bee

filledup with what more usually catches his attention. He has here give;
to him what he will notice at present, instead of what he may look for a
a more advanced period of his studies. He has laid before him what wil
be immediately useful, for what might be serviceable hereafter. Very fev
phrases are given, and that only when an indeclinable part of speech, joine<
with another word, may be construed briefly by an adverbial expression
All this plan could not be put in practice at first, for the propriety of somt

parts of it occurred only during the progress of the work but it has beer, ;

very strictly adhered to in the course of two rigid revisals that the work
received before it went to the press.
Satisfaction respecting the execution of this work will be best had by in-

specting a few pages, opened indifferently in several parts of the book. There
il will be observed that the accents have been retained. The use of them
whether as a means of acquiring the ancient pronunciation, or of establishing;

a fixed one, is
very <jnestionable because the tone, emphasis, or other in-

flection of voi implied by any

: _ mark, can hardly be conveyed by words.
Such modulatioa^of the voice must be lost with the persons who used them.
The best method perhaps of fixing the pronunciation of the ancient Greek
would be to adopt that of their modern descendants. These still understand
the oldest books in that language more readily than Englishmen can read
Chaucer's works, or Wickliffe's translation of the Bible. Whatever marks
they m?e might be adopted, becaus? the intonations of the voice implied by
them can be learned by oral instruction from this people. To say that the
ancient accents may serve a secondary purpose, and be useful as distinctive
marks of words otherwise similar, is but to make a stupid apology for the

indolence not endeavour to discover the signification of a word from

tttat will

the tenor of the sentence, and the spirit of the context. However, that the
absence of such assistance may not be alleged as a defect in this work, they
are inserted according to the rules for their use generally followed.
The spiritus lenis, which only serves to mark the absence of the asper, has
been omitted, because it
expresses nothing ;
and creates confusion to be-
The Apostrophe, Dialysis, and / subscribed have been particularly attend
ed to; and the quantity of the doubtful vowels has been marked.
The type is and distinct, having been cast for the work and the
clear :

paper is better than what is generally used for such books.

Under all these circumstances, the utility of this Greek and English Dic-

tionary is anxiously anticipated, as likely to be serviceable to the young

j^Jholar and college student, in the acquisition of a language remarkable for

the extent of its use in ancient times, and for the extraordinary length of time,
that beyond all other languages it has existed, with some alterations, as a
vernacular tongue to the retired gentleman, who can find pleasure in recur-

ring to those early studies which are now considered as an indispensable

part of liberal education, and an ornament to the higher ranks of society ;

and to the thoughtful Christian, who may wish to imbibe the precepts of the

Gospel from their purest source.

EVERY inflection of case, gender, or number of nouns, pronouns, or participles
in the New Testament, has been inserted in this Dictionary ; except the forms of the

simple parisyllabic declensions. Therefore, if any such word is not to be found, its nomi-
native case ends in -a, -77, -aj, -/??, -o?, or -ov, and must be looked for accordingly.
Also every variation of mood, tense, person, &c. of verbs in the New Testament, may
be found here.
Along with these may be found many other inflections from classical authors.
These inflections are not always put directly in column ; but several cases are sometimes
inserted under one, as may be observed in iVra, Qvotaa, Mvptddc;.
In like manner, tenses, &c. of verbs that resemble each other, are frequently put to-
gether. Such words are always separated by a and each begins with a capital letter

as may be seen in reypa^/uvoj, E<ncdrtKa, Miayeai.

act. active mid. middle

ind. indicative opt. opative

inf. infinitive

impr. imperative sub. subjunctive par. participle

pres. present
2 f. second future per. or p. perfect
impf. imperfect 1 a. first aorist pper. pluperfect
1 f. or f. first future 2 a. second aorist ppfut. paulo post future

1 pi. first
1 sin. first
person singular 1 du. first person dual person plural


mas. masculine fern, feminine neut. neuter

sin. singular du. dual pi. plural

n. nominative d. dative
g. genitive
a. accusative v. vocative
sup. superlative
comp. comparative

JEol. Molic col. collective

Anadipl. Anadiplosis
Att. Attic cont. contracted
Apoc. Apocope
Boeot. Bceotic Apos. Apostrophe cop. copulative
Dor. Doric Aphaer. Aphaeresis dim. diminutive
Heb. indecl. Hebrew indeclinable Cras. Crasis enclit. enclitic

Ion. Ionic Dial. Dialysis impers. impersonal

Lat. Latin Ectas. Ectasis irreg. irregular
LXX. the Septuagint Epen. Epenthesis intens. intensive
Poet. Poetic Metapl. Metaplasmus neg. negative
obs. obsolete
Syrac. Syracusan Parag. Paragoge
Pleon. Pleonasmus priv. privative
Prosth. Prosthesis redund. redundant
Syn. Synseresis
Sync. Syncope
Sys. Systole

asp. aspirate compos, composition Adj. adjective

fr. from Adv. adverb
redupl. reduplication
th.theme Prep, preposition
wh. which Subs, substantive


A, the first of the Greek letters, |
draw the breath ; to exhale, steam, Antichrist, Abaddon, destruo
called alpha. As a numeral rise in vapours.
\ tion, perdition.
mark it with a Addrjv, for TjQrjv, 1 a. pass, of adw. A/3dw, f. -au, (fr. a intens. and
signifies one, or I

dot underneath, a, one thou- AdQiK-os, same as ddiKros


/3dw, to talk) to earfoZ, praise;


sand. In composition it is 1st, Ad/n't?, -co$, >% an instrument used


to become famous.
or negative, as, boa- in bird-catching A/?a6^f, -/of, -oSf, 5, fi, (of a neg.
privative, j

TOS, visible, a6paros, invisible ; 'AoTTTOf, -ov, 6, f), (fr. a neg. and and pd$os, depth) without depth,
2d, intensive, as, orw/^w, to d-Td), to touch, or id-rtd, to shallow.
stare, from -rttvw, to strain ; 3d, hurt) that may not be touched, "Afiai, (Dor. for ^/3at, nom. pi. of
collective, as, raj, all, arras, all consecrated, dedicated ; strong, riffj])
used adjectively it .

together ; 4th, redundant, or invincible, invulnerable ; that can tender, delicate.

superfluous, as, dcra^vs, or crd- attack, or subdue others, victori- 'A|3atoj, fr. a intens. and &atos,
which see.
n _, an ear of corn;"aj3Ai7;p<j?, ous.
or J3X;^pdj, weak. In composi- Aaowv, Heb. indecl. The brother A/3aw? , (fr. next) quietly, calmly,
tion it takes v after it before a of Moses, the first high priest of stilly.

vowel, as, avapdpnrros, sinless, the Jews. A0aK?is, -tos -oS?, i, 7% (fr. a neg.

from a neg. and apaordvw, to 'Aaaa, -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act. Poet, and $da>, to speak) mi/te, dumb;
for jjo-o ; and still, quiet, calm.
Dor. for airs for dre. 1 a. ind. mid. Poet, for Ion. for ripdnncav, 3
A, t, as, acdprfv, pL
'A, Dor. for {,, the article. Also nodpriv ; and a. ind. act. of

$ Dor. for ??, adv. whither. daQrjv, Poet, for DaQrjv, 1 a. ind. -w, f. -?;o-w, p. ?)3dw7:a,and
A, Dor. for u, in g. pi. of pass, of ,
-/o-w, (fr.d/3a/c^,silent)
w, or Adu, to hurt, th. ardw, to 6e silent, dumb ; to he
simple nouns, sometimes with- ignorant.
out an accent, and some- which of, not to know.
times circumflexed. Also in Aac-t, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. fr. dr^ii. AfiaKtov, -ov, TO, (dim. of d6a%, a
other cases as, Uoaeicav for Uo- Aaofios, -ov, b, (fr. aaw, to breathe) table) a small table, properly one
crticuJv. In verbs, as, fioaat for the -warmth of the breath, breath- divided into lines or squares for
ing ; exhalation, vapour, steam. the purpose of calculation; a
A, neut. pi. of os, 5, o, or of, 85, A.dc%tros,
and Avac^rrof, -OD, 6, f}, draft, or chequer-board.
", to. (fr. a neg.
and t^w for Karf^u, A.3aKiaKos, -ov, b, (fr. last) a small
'A, uiv. of admiring, complain- to restrain) 7?oi to 6 endured, square, or other shaped piece, of
ing, wishing pitying ; oh ! ah ! intolerable; grievous, vexatious. which the pavements called tes~
alas ! "A, 5, of
laughing ; ha, 'Aarat, 3 sin. of da//cu, pres. mid. sclated, or mosaic, were composed';
ha. or pass, of dftijt. But, a die.
Adaro?, for rfaroc, being repeated Aarai, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of adw. ~A0aA, adv. of wishing : Oh that f
by poetic pleonasm. 'Aaroj, ~av, 6, ^, (fr. aw or ara w, to would it were !

, -lot -ovt, b, f,, (fr. a neg. hurt, with a intens.) destrvciiif, na, A^afid, and Apava, Heb.
and dyw, to break) not to be bro- injurious, ruinous, per:, the high place ; where the hea-
ken, firm, strong. gr eedy'^insatiable ; (with a neg.) thens and idolatrous Jews used
ij^t, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. innocent, harmless ; that neither to sacrifice.

or ac/cj. receives, nor inflicts hurt. favra, a. an. of 'A/3a>-, the name
n?, Dor. for ar;c^j. Ada), f. aa'ffoj, to delude, deceive, of a man.
a>, f.
-ffu, p. -Ka (a word mislead^ infatuate, bewilder. 1 a. 0a -KOS, bfObench, table, board,
rmed from the sound of ind. pass, addrrv, and adcQrjV' or side-board; a table, or board
breathing) to breathe, pant, A.0ao6uv, Heb. indecl. an epithet of used for calculation, chess, &c.
-ou, 6, fl, (fr-
a "eg. lived : or (fr. a neg. and fttbs, a APpdicrjaav, Ion. for n(3pdKT)ffav, 3
and |8aimw, to dip) not to be bow) unarmed. pi. 1 a. ind. act. of last.
sunk, drowned,
or overwhelm- Afcovd, Heb. indecl. Abiud, a
A/3pa^, Ion.forj7/3paj,Ssin.imp.
ed; floating, buoyant; unbaptiz- man's name. act. of
ed. A/?iWo?, -ou, 6, )/, (fr. a neg. and AfiptKTos, -ov, b, f], same as dfipo
'A/Wo?, -ou, o, % &. a neg. and /Jcdw, to live, tli. /ftof, life)

(lair, to dip, or dye) not dyed, without life, lifeless, inanimate; ;, delicate) t

colourless, untainted; untemper- short-lived; grievous, sorrowful. indulge in delicacies, to pamper

ed, blunt. SXa/Jf'uj, Aj3Xrf/?wf, and AjSAow- one's self, to live delicately.
a kind of cake. rwj, (fr. next) harmlessly, inno- 3pifa,
-t'fu, (fr. a intens. and
'Afiap, -pos,
a. sin. mas. cont. of. cently; safely, securely. /jp('o>,
to nap) to sleep from ex-
, -tos, -ovf, 6, ,% (fr. c neg. 3Xa/?fc, -'05, -o5 f , 6, , (fr. fl cess of food, to nap, or slumber
and fidpos, weight) light, not neg. and /3Xa/? 7, hurt, th. /JAcnr- after meals; or (fr. o neg. and
to ru, to hurt) harmless, inoffensive,
hea*iy{' tnj'hn^, bolritile; easy same) to wake, be watchful, vigi-
be ensured -h'*t frur'-lensome, not innocent; safe, unhurt, unin- lant, or active.
cJiargeable.' jured. 3pWf)s, -tos, -ou?, 6, >/, (fr.
a neg.
-^r?rj, ./teas- a roan's name. A/3Xajrro, -ou, 6, ?/, (fr. a neg. and andjSpt'Ow, to weigh heavy flight
T>Of-> for }?J/;y, g. "sin. of pX&itTta, to hurt) unhurt, not to not heavy.
be hurt, secure; harmless, inno- 1 a. inf. act. of
Apptt-at, a/3pt'w.
1 a. inf. act. o cent. ten-
i, 'AI3popaTr,s,-ov, b, f,, (fr.<i/?po?
acviaTos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. a neg. A/3Ar/?, -j-frof, 6,
f), (fr. a neg. and der, and (3ai vw to walk) one wh,>
and (idoavos, a touchstone) un- /SaXXw, to throw) no ?/ei thrown, walks softly, stepping ligMy,
tied, noi proved, or explored; or Ao<; TZCU;, fresh, unused; moving stately.
not examined by torture. pointed, sharp. deli-
'A(3p6(3ios, -ov, b, f,, (fr. u/?pd?
ApWavjff-ws, (fr. last) without tried, /3Xj7Toj, -ou, 6, //, (fr. same) not cate, and pibs, life) and
or examination, unadvisedly. hit, or struck; unhurt, safe. -ov, b, rj, (fr.same and
Aj3ao-tXuroj, -ou, 6, #, (fr. a neg. p^, -&f -o5s, 5, /;,and A/3X>;- oiaira, diet) delicate in manners,
and a king) without a
/3a<nXEuj, , -u, -bv, (fr. a redun. and luxurious, voluptuous; affluent,
or in- rich.
king, ruler, c/u'ef; indepen- jSX77^p3s, weak) weak, feeble,
dent, free; unlike a king. firm. It is used by Pindar to
'Afiponos, -ov, b, (fr. a intens. 'i,

A/?ao-tXuru>j, (fr. last) without a signify strong, where the a must and /Jpd/ioj, noise, th. /3pf'^w, to
king ; unlike a king. be considered as neg. roar) making a loud noise, loud,
'Afiaros, -ov, b, ;/, (fr. a neg. and A/3Xo?, pres. impr. act. cont. of noisy, roaring, clamorous.
Paivb), to go) pathless,untrodden, AXofw -w, io sacrifice, offer. 'A(3pbs, -a, -bv, soft, dclicate,tender;
unfrequented; impassible, inac- Afioari, Poet, and Dor. for a/?o7Tt, dainty, choice; mild, gentle, ti-
cessible, lofty, steep; not to be (which fr. a neg. and j8oJ/, din) morous, effeminate; affluent, rich;
trodden, or entered, holy; lone- without war; quietly, tranquil- fair, splendid, beautiful.
ly, solitary; deserted, desolate; ly. A^pora^o),f. -trw, (fr. appdrrj, night)
accursed. A.(3o7]9rja{a, -as, a neg. and to go astray in the dark; to wan-
y, (fr.
AffaTdu, -wo-u, (fr. last) to
f. make (loijQew, to assist) want of aid, der, rove, to ramble; to
err, mis-
desolate, lay waste. helplessness. take, sin.
same)rfcs- AftpoTfb) -5, f. to
'A/?/3a, Syriac, indecl./af/ier. ofiOnros, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. -jjffd), (fr. same)
'A/?/3auo, see a/?aua. titute, helpless; deadly, incurable. meet by night. 1 a. ind. act.
'A/?|3aA, for arrtpaXe or avtpa\e, A.ft6T]dos, -ov, 6, f}, (fr. same) past
3 sin.2 a. ind. help, irremediable, incurable. A(3p6rr], -rjs, r], fr. neg. and /?po-
or a A/3oXfw, -w, <o mce^, encounter. rd?, mortal) an epithet of night,
A/3f/3atos, -ou 5, 17, (fr. a neg. and A&6\n(rav, Ion. for ^jSdA^crav, 3 pi.
1 in which mortals do not appear,
(3f(3aios, firm) unstable, weak; a. ind. act. of last. night.
inconstant, fickle, wavering, ca- 'Ap"oXo?, -ou, 6,(fr. a neg. and/3aX- 'A(3p6rr]s, -rjros, fj, andDor/A^pd-
pricious. Xw, to cast) that has not cast his ra?, -aro?, a, (fr. uQpbs delicate)
A.0Ej3<<Jnrc, -i/ros, ^, (fr. last) first teeth, not lost the mark of softness, tenderness, delicacy ;
weakness ;fickleness,inconstancy, mouth; young. luxury, indulgence.
caprice. A/3ouXurw?, (fr. a neg. and /?ouX;, A(3p6Tovov, -ov, rb, the herb south-
'AfcX, Heb. 6, indecl. Abel, a counsel) unadvisedly, ernwood.
man's name. hastily, imprudently, inconsi 'Aj3poro$, -ov, o, ?/, (fr. a neg.
A/3f'Xrpof, -a, -ov, (fr. a neg. and rately. fiporbs, mortal) immortal, that
AjSouAi'a, -as, %, (fr. same) rash- never dies, perpetual, never end-
foolish ; a blockhead. ness, folly, imprudence. ing; divine, ambrosial, balmy.

A0\Tpia, -as, % (fr. last) stupi- 'A/3ouXof, -ou, o, fj,(fr. sa.mc)unad- Appoxairas, -a, b, Dor. and Jol.
dity, dulness, want of sense, or vised, thoughtless, inconsiderate, tor
afipoxairris, -ov, b, (fr. a/?po?
talent; fotty, infatuation. imprudent, hasty, rash; unfore- delicate, and %ai'r??, the hair)
Apia, Heb. indecl. Abia, a man's seen, unexpected. who is exact about his hair; or
name. A/3ouXdrara, sup. of who has fine hair; delicate, ef-
Heb. indecl. Abiathar, a A/3ouXa>s, see aj feminate.
man's name. A/?ourf'w, Ion. for a/?ourou, g. of A/3pov('a, -a?, >/, (fr. next) drought,
'A/Jj/JXoj, -ou, 5, (fr. a neg.
and ApovTns, -ov, 6, (fr. a neg. and (3ovs,
|3f/3Xoj, a book) without books, an ox) having no cattle, poor. -ov, b, f] (fr. a neg. and
unlearned. "A/tya, or 'A|3pa, -as, fi, (fern, of f^w, to moisten) dry,
not wet,
A.@i\T}vri, -its, Abilene, the name
>*/, aftobs, tender) Habra, or Abra, hout rain; thirsty.
of a country. a woman's name ; a maid of
'A(3pvva,oraPpvva,-vv, ra, delayt
'A/3ios, -ou, o, jl, (fr. a neg. and honour, handmaid, servant.. procrastination ; atop, hindrance.
(5toj, a livelihood; or flfo.
Heb. indecl. Abraham, a 'Appvvw, f. -vu, (fr. afipbs, delicate)
strength) poor, indigent, ne.ce.x- man's name. in adorn, dress, deck out, decorate.

sitous, needy; simple, innocent, Appaodrris, -ov, by Abradates, a Mid. ai3pvvo[tai, to indulge one'*
harmless; weak, feeble: or (fr. man's name. self, display, boast, vaunt,
a intens. and same) rich, weal- A/3pau -w, and A/?p<fyo), fr. a 'A/Jpuro?, -<w, and A/3pwj, -wroj, &,
thy ; strong, hardy, violent; long- redund. and j3paxw which see. tl, (fr. oneg.
and /tywer/cu,
to eat)
AI A 1
not devoured, or cor-
Ayavwfl, Heb. indecl. cups. much or violently ; loud roar ov, b, (fr. last, and
Ayavwp, Dor. for ay>/i'w[>- ing. to
carry) the deliverer of

Aydojiai, see aydia- Ayacrdf, -?i, -bv, (fr. ayaw, to ad an oracular answer; a
3 and 2 sin. cont that may, or ought to be or envoy.
Ayaxq Ayarag, niire)
ind. act. AyaxaTe, 2 pi. cont admired, wonderful; desirable ->), -bv, (fr. dyyt\o$ a
ind. or impr. act enviable.
Ay7rarw, messenger) of a message or mes-
sin. cont. impr. act. Aya-rrai AydcTiap, -opos, b, (fr. a coll. anc senger; angelical.
pres. inf. act. cont. of Ayas-aw yaorjjp, the womb) an uterin AyyfXtwrjyj, -ov, b, and AyyeAt&mj,

Ayairdfa pres. impr. act. Ayaird- brother, a brother by the sam -iSos, >], (fr. same) a messenger.
Dor. for ayandfyvffi, 3 pi mother.
Ayy\\6vT<i>v, g. pi. par. pres.
pres. ind. act. of act. Att. for
ayytXXfrwo-av, pres.
AyaTTd^ia, Poet,
nyaird(o. which yields the gum ammonia. impr. act. of
AyairaTil, Dor. for ayairrjTd, and Dor. Ayaua, AyyAXw, f. -tXw, p.
n. pi yavti, -ifc, ,"},
j'/yyeX/ca, to
of aya~rj~6S' (fern, of p*?xt) Agave, a woman's deliver a message, or
\yaTrdtii, -to, f. ->;C"U>, p. rjyn^rjKa,
name. warning ; to denounce, tell, de-
to be strictly'unilcd in affection, clare ; to publish, reveal ; to
yavbs,-(>, -bv, (fr.ayao>,toadmire] bring
to love, cherish, prefer, delight in, news. 1 a. act.
admirable, Jine, splendid; fa- jyyytiXo. p. pass.
covet to entertain^ welcome, treat mous, celebrated, 1 a.
; renowned, '/yytXj/cu. pass, rjyy {\6rjv.
kindly; to be content, to agree, ac- proud, haughty. part. ayyeAfc/f. p. mid. j/yyeXa.
quiesce, pres. impr. act. nyu-dc Ayavpbs, -d, -bv, (fr. a intens. anc AyytX/m, -aroj, TO, (fr. last) a
-a' inf. aya"Kii.v par.l a. act. ay a-
yavpos, haughty )haughty, proud, message, news ; a command.
TTi'/ffas. par. per. pass, r/yaxr/pf arrogant; daring, presumptuous^ AyytXo?, -ov, b, (fr. same) o mes-
Ayarrij, -??, ;, (fr. last) love,frien.d- vehement, outrageous, furious, senger; envoy, legate, ambassa-
ship, affection, charity. plu. fierce; luxuriant, blooming. dor ; agent ; a messenger from
love-feasts, feasts of charily. ya(jiQiyKTO$, -ov, b, fj, (Poet. fr. heaven, an angel.
AyaTTtidrjaopai, -?;, -erai, 1 f. ind.
dyav, very much, and $0 Ayytci, d. pi. of oyyos.
pass, of same. to
resound) loud, noisy. Ayyniov, -ov, TO, Ion. for ayytiov.
Ayd-r/jjia, -aros, TO, (fr. same) a Ayd<j}, -<3, f.
-fjffd), p. rjyijKa, to ad- 'Ayyos, -cos -ovs, TO, a vessel, tub,
thing loved, a delight, favourite, mire, wonder ; to be lost cask, pitcher, a basket, &c.
darling. amazement; to gape with eisto-
Ayamjvwp, -opos, 6, >/, (fr. ayairdu nishment ; to envy, resent; to pro- to irritate,
Ayypi^w, (fr. next)
to love, and a man) fond of stand aghast. voke ; to grieve, or pain.
men : also, manly, high spirited, Ayydpa, -uv, ayyapoj, a 'Ayypts, f), grief, pain, irritation.
ra, (fr.
brave. Also, Agapenor, a man's Persian post boy) stations, re- AyypiaTris, -ov, b, (fr.
one that
name. lays, or stages of the post in an- provokes, or irritates.
Ayairrjaas, n. ayairfiaavTOS, g. -crav- cient Persia.
'Aye, 2 sin. and 'Ay0', by Apos.
TI, d. sin. par. 1 a. act. Aya- lyyapiov, and Ion. Ayyapw'iov, -ov before an aspirate, for dye, 2
TTi'/ffaTc, 2 pi.
1 a. impr. act. TO, (fr. same) the Persian post ,

pi. impr. act. of ayw. lead, con-

Aya-f/viire, 2 pi. 1
a. sub. act. any post, despatch, or mail. duct, bring, take. Or, used ad-
AyaTTijcw,- -(j, -a, 1 f. ind. act.
3 pi. pres. ind. act. verbially, come, come on; come
of ayaTrdia. Ayyapvcrta, -<j, -n, If. ind. act. of now, let us see.
Ayd-nr/ais, -105, Att. -EWJ, >/,
same yyapv(j), f. -v<rw, (fr. next) to 'Aye, Dor. for >/y, 3 sin. 2 a. act.
as aydirrj. press for public service ; to com- of ayw.
Ayairr/rbs, -//, -bv, (fr. ayairdw, to pel emother to go somewhere, or Ay(, 3 sin. 'Ayoiio-i,
3 pi. pres.
love) beloved, ivell beloved, dear. to carry some burden ; to engage ind. act.
'Ayztv, pres. inf. act.
last) willingly, with as a courier, act as a carrier.
Aya-r/Twt;, (fr. 'AytcQai, pres. inf. pass.
goodwill, readily. Ayyapos, -ov, b, the bearer of the 'AywQt, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr.
Ay?rw, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. or royal elespatches among the an- mid. of same.
sab. act. AyaTrwv, nom. Aya- cient Persians ; a
post boy, mes- Ayap<5vrou', g. pi. par. pres. Att.
TTWVTIIS, a. pi. aya~<i>vTU)v, g. pi. senger, courier. for
3 pi. pres. impr.
cont. par. pres. act. f. act. of
Aya-iauai, yyapocjioptu -w, -?/<rw, (fr. last,
pres. ind. or sub. cont. pass. and to carry) to carry des-
<bopiu>, Ayipw, -tpw, p. t/ytpKa, Att. ay?/-

Ayarrw/zn>, 1 pi. -woi, 3 pi. cont. patches, or messages. ypx-a,

to collect, gather up,
pres. or sub. act. of same. v.
pl.of'yyo?. borrow ; to summon, raise, levy ;
Att. for to assemble, come together, meet.
AyaTto^j', -r/s, -t], yyi5iov, -ot>,rd,(c!im.ofnext)m/

pres. opt. act. cont. of ayairdu. lesser kind of vessel, a. cup, gill. 1 a. 3 pi. Ion. dytioav for
fern. par. pres. pass.
{yyuov,-ov, TO, (fr. dyyog, a ves- ^yfipav inf.
y?paf par.ay/pa$
of ayaTtdbi, yuvfi understood, a sel) any small vessel, a ewer, ba- per. pass, r/yepnai. 1 a.
miitres.1, a swrethcart. ayzaQficonai. per. mid. tjyopa.
sin ; a tub, cask, cistern. 1 f.

'Ayap, Heb. indecl. Agar, a wo- yyetti)5t)$, -EOS -or?, 6,

>/, (fr. same, dTTjs, -ov, .6, a wrong-doer;
man's name. and dSos, likeness) formed, or wrongful, injurious.
AyapiKov, -ov, TO, agaric ;
a fungus ; sloped, like an
used as a vessel yuTo, Dor. for
3 sin. imp.
growing on trees, and used in urn, or pitcher. of fiyiofjiai.
medicine and dying. iyyXf'ot'c-(, for ayyi\ovai, 3 pi.
A.yfXaa), -daw, f.
p. r/yl\aKa, (fr.
Aydppoos -ouj, -ov, 6, )/, (fr. dyav f. of ayyAXw. ay\/, a herd) to flock together,

very, and ^'w

to flow) ,w|7i!- yyt\tia, and AyycXi'a, -as >i, Ion. ,
associate ; to assemble.

flowing, rapid; boisterous, tumul- Ayy\ir/, -TJS, >/, (fr. ayyAXo), to y\aHos, -ov, b, //, (fr. same) herd-
tuous, agitated. tell)
the power or right of deliver- ing, or associating together, gre-
AydaavTo, Ion. for 3 pi. ing oracular responses, the de- garious; one of the flock, or
1 a. ind. m. Ayd- claration of an oracle; a denun- herd; common, ordinary, vulgar;
aaaOai, 1 a. inf. m. of ayd^ojuat. ciation, publication, or decla- a herdsman, shepherd.
pres. inf. of ayapai.
i, ration ; a message, embassy, yeXaiuv, -wroj, b, (fr. same) the

ug, 1 a. par. pass. Ayac- mandate, commandment; news; fold, the stalls or retreat for the
adpcvog, Poet, for aya<ra/*voj, 1 and herd.
a. par. of Poet, and Ion. AyyfXiV,
ayd^ofiai. yytXia?, Ay&apvtu) -5, f. ->;o-u), (fr. ayfrri
Ayao-rovof,-ou, o, r/,(fr.ayavmuch, -ov, b, (fr. same) a messenger, a herd, and ap%n rule) to lead the
f\nd ffrtvw to gt'oan) groaning legate, ambassador. .flock or herd; to rule, govern.
-ov, b, (fr. last)
*Aytw, same as ayidfa. iiyKo/jnad/jt^v,
3 sin. opt. ay/co
to come to an anchor; to fix,

AyivecKov, Dor. and

Ion. for nyi
fiiaaid' for -cratTo.
confirm, establish.
vfov -ovv, imp. act. of yicorfit) -ai, (fr.
/covf'w to avd and
Ay/cwi/, -wvoj, 6, the elbow, any
Ayivlo) -tD, and also AyiVw, Poet hasten) to ivork diligently, to la- bending of the body or limbs ; tfu>
dyu). bour, to toil, to exert; to drive, fore-ann, the arm, a cubit; the
a holy urge, hasten. horns, or handle of the lyre ; an
Aytoy, -ov, TO, (fr. next)
place, or thing, a sanctuary 'Ayjco?, -eos, -ov$, Tb, a valley, angle, corner.
liyia, -d>v, Tttj
and ayiai, -wv, a t glen, dale ; a precipice, crag Ayjcwvifanai (fr. last) to elbow,
the holy of holies ; tlie uppt r re-
AyKo%cri, Macedonic, for thmst v.ith the lbowf to hint, or <

gion of the heavens. Xaci, 3 pi. per. mid. of fyi\


// by torching itith the el-

sanc- bow; to hold in the arm$, em-
"Ayios, -Hi -ov, holy, sacred,
tified; hallowed, set apart from brace, clasp; to encircle, bcml
sin, consecnitf.d to God; chaste, AyKT)]p, -ijpos, b, (fr. dyy& to round ; to crook, make an angle.
pure ; pious, devout. choke) a strap, tie, buckle, AyKuvicKus, -ov, b, (dim. of same)
'Ayidrrjs, -i/ros, TI, (fr. last)
Jioli- button.; rope, halter. a small I'low, a knuckle, joint.
ness. yi:v\n, -17?, thong, loop, or AyAafflapOf, -ow, c, i], (lr. ayAaoj

'AytffTfvw, and aytcTfw, (fr. ayo; strap, used for throwing the dart; bright, and tOcipa the hah") hav-
to a Lint!, (f dart; a. ing beautiful hair.
atonement) venerate, revere, hook, handle;
respect to
purify, sanctify
; bend of the elbow, or knee; AyAauz, -as, /, (fr. same) brighi-
; to the

celebrate, solemnize. sort of cup; a defect in the a splendor ; beauty ; orna- .

'AytaTia, or ayiarcia, -as, f], tongue; the yard-arms, or ends

(fr ment; joy, delight; excellence;
same) a rite, ceremony. of the sail-yard. one of the Graces. ,

'AyiOHTVvr], -77?, }j, (fr. i'ytoj holy) yicv\iopai, (fr. last) to dart, AyAumwi', .ZBol. for ayAa'jwv, g.
sanctification, sanctity, holiness. throw a dart. pi.
of last.

ofiai, (fr. ayni),

an arm) to LytcvXiffrfiSf ov, b, (fr. same) a A.y\aii<rdatf Att. for ay\aiavVai,
in the arms, to embrace ; to darter, one who fights with a 1 f. inf. mid. of

cherish, fosirr, nurse. dart.

AyAat^w, or ayAat^ouai, (fr. same)
AyKa\fu -w, Poet, for avaKa\tw, 3 YKv\6y\u>vaov, -ov, Tb, (fr. aytcv- to shine, glitter, glisten ; to beau-
sin. pres. ind. act.
ayKa\iu. Ao? crooked, and yXwo-o-a the tify, adorn.
2 a. act. ind. avtKa\ov impr. tongue) a defect in the tongue, and Ion.
Ay\a'ir), Ion., ay\atji<J>i,
ayica\s. an impediment in speech. and' Poet, for
ay\aia, d. sin.,

AyKaXrj, -TJS, f/, (fr. ayKrj

an arm) yKvXo/jt^rew, g. Ion. of and
an arm. generally used AyxvXo/HJrijff, -ov, b, and Ay/oAo- Ay\a'irj<jiv, Ion. for ayAa'i'aij, d.
It is

plural : the arms ;

the clasping, juyrtj, -Wo?, /7, (fr. same, and ])l.
of cyAa'/'a.
[iiJTis skill) of deep design, in- AyXa'i'c7/Z) -O.TOS, TO, and AyXatcr-
or folding of the arms, in order
to hold, or carry any thing. scrutable ; sagacious, wise, intel- (fr. same) splendor,
l*os, -ov, b,

Ay/caAio/mt, (fr. last) same as ligent, skilful, knowing ; artful, ornament, decoration.
ay/cdgoucu . crafty, politic, insidious. AyAa<5yvof, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same,
AyKaXii, -idos, f], (fr. same) an AyKv\os, -ov, b, 77, crooked, not. and yvlov a limb) well made,
armful, a bundle, parcel, packet. straight, awry ; hooked; curved, shaped; who forms fine
AyKa\icaywybs, -ov, b, (fr. last, bent, round; perverse, wily, limbs.
and yw to take) and artful, crafty. Ay\a6ovoco$, -ov, b, TJ, (fr. same,
AyKahiootyopos, -ov, b, (fr. same, yKv\(irou.ov, -ov, TO, (fr. ayKv\t] and Sfvopov a tree) bearing fine
and <j>tpu> to carry) a porter. the tongue-tie, and rf//vw to trees, shady.

AyKus, (fr. ay/cfj an arm) in tJie divide) a surgical instrument to AyAa<J0povo?, -ov, b, 77, (fr. same,
arms. remove thai defect. ;:nd SQOVOS a throne) and
'Ayicea, pi.
of dyKO$. AyXadOwKOf, same, -ov, b, f], (fr.

'AyKctpai, Poet, for avaxcipai.

and TOJ-OV, a bow) SI!>KOJ a seat) having splendid

Ayxepdreffai, Poet,
for ara
irith a bow, an archer. nr abodes; spoken of the
TCffui, d. pi. of Kfoag. yKv\6ii) -oi, f.
watii, and Ayi:v\w, Muses.
&.yKt), -~i$, {],
the arm; pi. Ay/cat, (fr. ayxiiAof crooked) to crook,
AyA;.-y'jp-o;, -ov, S, 17, (fr. same,
the arms; an embrace, clasp, bend; to twist, distort; tofiing, ;ui-J K-jp-oj the wrist, or
hug. hurl a dart. with fine wrists, beautiful; or
AyKtov -ov, rb, (dim. of ay/co,- a ^KvAct)?, (fr. same) crookedly; fine fruit.
valley) a val?, glen. ,
pm:-,-S:-ly. A.y\a6Kpvpo$} -ou, b, f], (fr. same,
a hook, a fish- yKv\(i)<ris, -to?, Att. -w?, ft , (fr. an..! Ion. for Kopof
'AyKiarpov, -ov, TO, /coupsj, young)
ing hook ; a bait ; enticement. same) a bending, twisting, crook- harin? 'fin;. 'ilrcn.
\ f r f 1C
AyKiffTtia, -as,}), (fr. last) fishing, edness, distortion, A Ay/ViOKwxof, -ov, b, i], \tr. same,
with the hook, angling. the shot of an arrow, or dart. arid
KGjjjLog festivity)
who lays
yKv\oyd\>i$, -ov, and AyaiAoy 1 '- out or adorns a banquet
to fish irith
AyKiffT^ivto, (fr. same) ; festive,
a hook, to angle. A;*?, -ov, b, (fr. same and %ci\o$ jovial ; splendid.
AyKicrpoo), (i'r. same)
to ctfrkwi'h the lip) having broad Up:-;, or a AyAttfif, -ov, b, 77, bright, shining,
a hook, to fish. wide mouth, or a crook. ('.:, radiant, glittering;
Ay/ao"rpw5?7J, -to? -ov$, b, 77, (fr. y*ci>Ao^)/Ar7f, -ov,
and -EOJ -eu?, 5, [fid, admirable ; joyqus, <!<:-

same) shaped like a hook, hooked, >/, (fr. same and ^17 A//
a daw) ornamental; splendid,

barbed. with broad or bunding hoofs; mis, noble, majestic, grand.

'AyjcXaroj, for avaK\ciTog (th. with or talons. .
A.y\aoTplatvas, -yu, b, (fi last,
K\tiw to celebrate) boasting, os- 'AyKvpa -af, >% an anchor, grapnel, and Totaiva a trident) he with
tentatious. hook ; a stay, support, protection ; ike bright trident; an epithet ot
AyK\iva$, for avaxXh'aj, 1 a. par. steadfast hope. a. sin. dyKvpav Neptune.
act. of avaK\(vw. a.
pi. ayxvpas. l/Aaw^', -oTrojj S, 7% (ft. same,
AyKoivrj, -jj, fj, Poet, the arm; h.yKvpiov, -ov, Tb, (dim. of last) a and w^' the eye) having spark-
the arms, the bosom. small anchor, &c. ling eyes; animated, lively,
AyKom'^w, (fr. last) to carry in the CKupi^o), (fr. same) to knock blazing, shining.
arms ; to embrace. down ; to trip up ; to supplant, -fa -oBj, (fr. a
Ay'XcvKrts, b, f],

AyKoufo>, forai/aKo/^w. Inf.

ayico- remove by intrigue. neg. and yAfiu/cos
new wine, or
pf^etv, par ayAco^i'^wv, 1 a. mid. same) to
sweet) not sweet, bitter,
Ay/cup<5u> -5, (fr. anchor,, yAu/cuff
tour; tasteless, insipid; rink- vos, -V, -ov, par. pres. pas?, cont. ,
or forum ; where, ac
ing, foul ; harsh, di agreeable, AyvouJv, par. pres. act. cont, cording to the Greek and Ro-
morose ; sad, grievous. of same. man customs, the markets,
sore on the 'AyvvOcs, -uv, a\, pebbles used as courts of justice, and public
AyAu;, -7?, /, a kind of
eye. weights to part of the machinery assemblies, were held, and all
/*<&, or cloves in weaving. kinds of public business trans-
*AyA<0<r, -u;-, a!,
"Aywpi, Ayvvu, or 'Ayw, f. dfa. acted ; on assembly held there ;
of garlic.
o, a neg. and
(fr. p. rj%a, to break, bruise; dash
a speech or oration delivered
'AyAuo-o-o?, -of, f/,

the tongue) without a forcibly; to wreck, shatter; vio- there.

slow of speech, late, infringe.
1 f. Att. td!-u, and Poet, for
tongue, speiddess, Ayopaco-flflU, ayopawflai,
a. cont. ayopaadai, pres. inf. mid.
dull. per. Att. cd-^a. act. ;/fa, 1

Att. a'a. 2'a. ind. act. dyvvv, of ayopa'w.

'Aypa, -am* rd, (fr. ayrupi to

break) ajragment, shard, splin- -vs, -w, pass. ijx0r/v, Att. td-^Qrfv. Ayopa^w, f.
-irw, p. nyopdica, (fr.
tcr ; piece, part'. 2 a. pass. Att. layjjv. per.
?;y??i', same) to buy and sell, traffic,

Ay/id?, -ouj 6, (fr. steep same) a mid. >)yai par. 7/yw?,

Att. iaya, trcvle; procure; to
to purcJiase,

place, a precipice ; shore. and aywj. redeem, perf. pass. T)yopdcp.at, 1


'Ayvaprro;, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. 'AyvuvT , Ion. and Apos. fc: a. ind. pass, rjyopdff&tjv.
and yvdfji-TU) to bend) not pliant, TO,imp. pass, of last. t AyopaToj, -ov, b, </, (fr. same)
stiff"; not to be bent, rigid, in. Ayvia, and Ayh/co, contracted
from lttling to the market, vulgar,
mean, common; disorder-
flexible ; inexorable ; stubborn, ayiviu. loose,
tn to the
obstinate. Ayvutuovitit, (fr. ayrw/to/v foolish) ly ; judicial, belonging
act foolishly, do silly things. courts ; viz. those days^i
'Ayvu0o?, and 'AKva<f>osf -ov, 6, >';,
(fr. a neg. and yvdQw, yvd-ru Ayvupdvus, (fr- same) foolishly,
when the courts sit, court days,
or to unreasonably, ungrate- also epith. of Jupiter and ot
Kvairrw, full) unfulled, stupidly ;

undressed, uncombed ; new, fully ; rashly, unadvisedly. Mercury whose statues were
fresh. Ayvufiocvvr,, ->;?, fa (fr. next) fol- placed in the market place.
'Ayvata, -a?, ^, (fr. uyii? chaste) ly, silliness; awkwardness, igno- 'uoj, -ou, 6, (fr. same, and
rance rude- one who regulates the
chastity, continence ; purity. ; rashness, temerity ; v6p.os law)
'Ayra'cu, f.
-woj, (fr. same) to ness, roughness, pcrvcrseness,
ob- market, the clerk of the mar-
wee chastely, be continent; to pu- stinacy ; ingratitude ; uncautfi ket.

rify, cleanse. behaviour. -w, (fr. last) to regu-


J&oL for riyvo fa a neg late the market, act as clerk.

Ayvr/KafiES, Ayv&uwv, -arosj b, (fr.

pi. per. act. of

and yvw/tT? judgment, th. yv<5w to :>.ia, -aj, ;;, (fr. same) tlie

, -tos -oCj, see know) foolish, silly; imprudent, fthe clerk of the market.
6, >/,
<, f.
-:'fft>, (fr. rtyi-o? pure) ; ignorant
Ayopdattiv, Dor. for ayopdfyiv,
to cleanse, able, unjust; unmerciful; n- pres. inf. of nyopa^w.
purif::, sanctify ; to
consecrate, set apriri. 3 sin. pres. ful, wicked ; ungrateful, unfeel- Ayopaata -as, >/, and Ayopacrtf, -toj,
ind. act.
ayvifyi. ing, inhuman. Att. -wj, , (fr. ayoo<i the mar-

'Ayvlaarc, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. 'Ayj'wj, (fr. ('tyvbs chaste) chastely, ket) buying and selling, traffic^
'AyrtffQeis, -tica, -h; par. Jly, purely. trade, dealing.
1 a.
'\yriffOrjTt, (fr. a ne.
impr. pass. and yvdia toAyi'S?, 3TO?, TO, and -^oj, -ou,
3 pi.
1 a. sub. act. of know) isnorantly, unskilfully. o, (fr. same) merchandise,
last. Ayvus, -CTO;, b, fi, (fr. same) igno- yopacrjis, -ov, b, (fr. same) a

'Ayvifffta. -OTOJ, T9,and Ayvtcyio?, rant, awkward, uninformed ; also dealer.

-ou, b, (fr. ay vos pure) cleansing, unknown, uncertain, obscure. ,

in 2 pi. -<raT, 1 a. impr.
yvuxraGKE, Ion. for ijyvoijire, 3 sin. act. Ayopac-w, 1 pi.
-coptv, 1 f.
purification, expiation.
1 a. ind. act. of nyvota). ind. act. of ayoodt^u).
Ayvotb) -o5, f. -?J<rw, p. nyronica (fr.
a neg. and j'ofcj to think, th. Ayrac-ia, -a;, 17, (fr. a neg. and Ayopdu -w, (fr. ayopu the market)
v6os the mind ; or fr. a neg. -jccd to know)
ignorance, un- same as ayopivm.
and yvou> to know) not to know, skilfidness. Ayopev', Apos. for ayo'pt', pres.
to be ignorant of, not to under- Ayv&ffKit, f. -wercj, Ayvwffffw, and impr. or Ion. and Apos. for
stand ; to err, or sin through Ion. Ayvuaa-dffKU), (fr. same) to imp. ind.
rjyopcv Ayopevt-
6e ignorant, not to know, not to Ion. for
ignorance. Imp. nyvocov -ovv, 1 ftv, ayopUv, pres.
a. par. ayvoqffas* acknowledge, or recognise, inf. of
lyvdT^a, -aro;, TO, (fr. last) mis- .yvuaro;, -ov, b, fa (fr. same) Ayoptfdi, f. -uo-u (fr. ayopa the
take, error ; a sin or fault through tmfcnmm. market) to address a public as-
ignorance, g. pi. ayvorifidrwv. Ayo/JrevTOff, -.iv, 0, ;;, (fr.
a neg. sembly, harangue; to relate, de-
Ayvoia, -as, !], (fr. same) igno- and a
yo^ wizard) unaffected by clare, tell, show, explain; an-
rance, want of knowledge ; un~ charms, over whom encJiantments nounce, publish, proclaim.
skilfulness ; imprudence, error, have no effect. Ayooi) -(&, i. -7/ffu). the same,
sin. yoij'fcvTtds, (". last) in security generally used in comp.
Poet, for ayvolw. from charms. of
Ayoptwv, Ion. for ayopwv, g. pi.
Ion. for ayvoti], 3 sin. Ayo'uiro, Ion. for ayou'Tj, 3 pi.
".v, ayopd.
pros. sub. of oyrotjoj. pres. opt. pass, of ayu. Ayop/j, -?j?, fj, Ion. for ayopd.
'. a
willow, also a fish. yoiitvog, -^, -ov, par. pres. pass, Ayoo/;-jt, (fr. ayopa the 'market)
Ayvoj, -i), -ov, chaste, pure; un- of same. to, or towards the market.
mixed, unpolluted, undffiled ; WTO?, -ov, b, ';, (fr. a. neg. (fr. same) at,
or in the
clear from sin, or guilt ; sepa- ,- a nail) loose, incom- market.
rated from sinners; 'innocent. pact, ill
united, frail. ,
I a. par. pass. Ayo-
'Ayvdrrjs, -IJTOS, (fr.last) Ion. or Dor. for rjyov. 2 a. lon. for
purity ; holiness, aversion from ind. act. of ayw. sin. ] a. ind. mid. of ayopaw.
sin. d. sin.
ayvdrnTi. o, a neg. and Ayopi/TTj?, -ov, b, (fr. ayopa the
Ayovd?, -ou, fi, (fr.

iLyvoovv, cont
neut. sin.
Ay- yoVo? offspring,
yivtipai, to market) a speaker.
VOOUVTCJ, nom. pi. cont. par. be) past bearing, in , -ov, b,
pres. act. of ayvoia. procreation ; barren, Ayop7Tuf, -vos, fa (fr. same)./fa<?/i-
Ayvoov/iEi', 1 pi. cont Ayvoovai, unborn, never born. ey of language, eloquence.
3 pi. pres. ind. aot.
Ayvoov/ie- Ayopa, -as, fa a place, square, mar- "Ayos, -tos -off, rJ, veneration, re-
spcct; anexpiation, atonement, A.yp69cv AypdOt, (fr. aypoj a field) AyvvaiKos, ov, AyvV??, -05 -oSj
satisfaction; crime, guilt, sin from the field; in the field. and Ayui'o?, -ov, 6, f/, a neg.
pollution. A.ypoticfa -oi, (fr. dypoiKos rustic) and yvvf) a woman) single, un-
Ayoj, -oi5, o, lead) a
(fr. dyw to
to rusticate, live in the
country. married, a bachelor, or maid.
a captain, AypoiKla, -as, f], (fr. same) rusti-
leader, head, chief; 'Ayvptj, -ios, Att. -stoj, i/, a compa/
general. city, vulgarity, roughness ; a ny, assembly, assemblage, crowd
Ayoc-bs, -ov, I, tlie
palm of the country house, a farm house, a gathering of people ; the vulgar ;
hand; the buck of the hand ; the villa, a country seat, a rendezvous ; a
heap, collec-
fist, a grasp; the forearm; t/ie ypoi^os, -ov, b, f/, (fr. aypoj a tion.
arm. field, and olKos a habitation) rus- Ayvptw -fa, and Ayvplfa (fr.
Aypa, -as, /, a draught ofjishes; tic, wild ; clownish,
uncouth, to
assemble, collect, meet.
game, prey, a capture ; a trap ; awkward ; rude, surly.
the chase,
AyvpTTjs, -ov, b, (fr.
same) a
hunting, fowling, &c. kypoi&Trjs, -ov, b, (fr. same) see quack-doctor, a mountebank, jug-
-ov, b, f>, (fr. a ncg. gler, fortune-teller ; impostor.
ypdnfia a letter) illiterate, AypoKvcoiftos, ~cv, b, ?;, (fr. same, AyuprdCu, (fr. last) to collect a
unlearned. and Kvdoiubs tumult) rioting, or crowd, or money, like a moun
AypavXf'w -w, f. ->/c-w, p. rjypav^tjKa causing confusion through the tebank.
(fr. dypos the country, and av\tj country. Ay^d^w, Poet, for ava^d^w.
a residence) to live in tht cnun- with v added 'Ay;^' for dyvi.
ypo/uvflc-iv, d. pi.
try ; to abide in the fields, pro-
Aypo/Afvoio, g. sin. Ayp Ay%aXdw,Poet. for
ava^aXdw, (fr.
perly by night* fiiviav, g. pi. Ion. for ava, and yaXdu, which see.)
'AypavXoj, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same) vaif, -ov, -cor, of aytipii). 'Ayxacoc, Dor. for dy^a^t pres.
abiding in the fields. AypoWt, (fr. uypbs a field) to the impr. of ayydw.
AypaQds, ?>, (fr. a neg. and
-ov, b, field, to the country, 'Ay^avpor, -ov, TO, (fr. dyyt near,
ypdr/>w write) unwritten.
ypovon'ia, -as, >/, (fr. same, and and avpa air) twilight, dawn.
and pav, same us a law)
'Aypei, dypa vfyos regulation, or divi- 'Ayxt, near, nigh, close, at hand.
dye, and dye <5r), and aypiW for sion of land.
Ayx'ia^os, -ov, b, (fr. last, and SXj
aypurz, pres. impr. of aypiu) to Aypovdftoi, -wv, O (fr. same) offi- the sea) maritime, bordering on
hunt (th.
dypa a capture) come, cers to
regulate, or divide land ; the sea, on the shore. Also, An-
come on; up, hasten, rouse. surveyors. the name of a man, and chialus,
Aypev/jia, -tiros, TO, (fr. ayptvo) to Aypbs, -ov, b, land, a field, farm, a city.
hunt, th. dypa a prCy) game, country seat ; the
country. AyxiPa6r,s, -Ios -085, 6, f,, (fr.
prey, booty, spoil. Aypo-tpos, -a, -ov, (fr. last) wild ; same, and fidOos depth) deep,
Aypevs, -/of, Alt. -iias, Aypvr>/p, rural, rustic ; a tenant of the nether, near the earth, here below ;
-Tipos, and AypsvrJ??, -ov, b, (fr. wilderness, inhabitant of the steep, precipitous.
same) a hunter, a huntsman, a country ; a hunter, or huntress. YXtpaivij), f.
-jS/Jo-o/Kcrj, (fr. same,
sportsman. AypoTijs, -ov, and and fiaivo) to to come near,
Aypo-r/jp -f;poj, 6, go)
Aypevw, wait), (th. dypa a prey)
(fr. same) o rustic, clown ; wild, to approach.
to hunt, chase; to take, catch; fierce, savage. YX^arfis, -ov, b, (fr. last) a com-
to ensnare, inveigle. AypvTrmrf, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr panion, an attendant, a fellow
'Ayprjv, Ion. for dypav, a. sin. of act. of traveller.
dypa. A.ypvirvfio -G), (fr. -w, (fr. last) same as
aypvnTos sleep-
'Ayota, and Aypuo? (fr. dyp:os less) awake; to lie
watch, to

wild) wildly, fiercely, savagely. wake ; to be watchful, or guard- t,

Dor. for -firjKa, per.
Aypiaivw (fr.dypios wild, th. aypbg, ed against sin.
a field) to irritate, provoke, tcaze, Aypvxvia,-as, f), and lon.aypvTri AyxtQavris, -to$ -ovs, b, >/, (fr. dy^t
exasperate ; to fret, agitate ; to -ns, %, (fr. same) waking, watch- near, and SnjaKw, or ^di-w obs.
heighten, aggravate, embitter. ing ; watchfulness, vigilance, cir- die) just dead, almost dead.
Aypids, -doos, r,, (fr. ) rustic,] cumspection, d. pi. aypvirviais. AyxtQcos, -ov, 6, %, (fr. same, and
rural. a
'Aypv~vos, -ov, b, f], (fr. neg. ypv Qtbs God) near to, or like a god,
AypiE\a7os, -ov, f>, (fr. same, and an atom, and VTTVOJ sleep) sleep- godlike.
t\aia the olive-tree) the idld less ; watchful, vigilant ; diligent,
Ayx'tfvpos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and
olive-tree ; a barren tree.
assiduous, incessant. Svpa the door) neighbour, neigh-
Ayp(w, (fr. same) to
exasperate. AypvtrvovvTcs, n. pi. cont. par. bouring, adjoining, near.
see aypiaivu). act. 3 pi. and
pres. ITTIS,
AypvTn/oCo-t, Ayx^aKos, Ay-
Aypio[3d\avos, -ov, b, (fr. same, cont. pres. ind. act. of aypvirvlu). , -on, 6, (fr. same, and
and ffdXavos an acorn) the holme- to hunt,
f/d%o//at to fight) fighting near,
AypwffO'W, (fr. aypoj land)
oak. pursue, prey. at close quarters.

Aypionvp'iKri, -TJS, >j, (fr. same, and , -as, ft,

Poet, a huntress. next) near, nigh,
y^utoXov, (fr.
//vpuj; the iamarisk) the wild S, -ov, b,
and aypworwp, at hand.
tamarisk. a hunter; a oXof, -ov, 5,^, (fr. dyyt near,
b, (fr. same)
'Ayptos, -a, -ov, (th. aypbs a field) rustic, peasant, clown, ana //oXfco
to come) from the
rustic; wild, fierce, turbulent, .ypwans, -ios, >/, (fr. same) her- same country, neighbourhood. &c.
boisterous ; rude, also coming near, approaching.
untaught, unci- bage, grass, pasture ; dogsgrass.
vilized, savage; untr actable, hurt* ,
Poet, for aypdrr/s. Ay% ivoia, -as, f], (fr. next) wit,
ful, noxious; mad, raving, fran- Ayvtd, -as, !>, a road, highway, acuteness ; ingenuity ; subtilty,
tic ;
also, Agrios, a man's name. street; village. craft.
Aypi6rr;s, -r/ros, ft, (fr. last) rus- A.yviaTis, -iSos, b, rj, (fr. last) A.yXivoos-ovs,-oov-ov,b,f/, (fr. dy^
ticity ; wildness, fierceness, &c. ing in the same street, or village, near, and vdos the mind) witty,
Aypidco same) to grow wild,
-co, (fr. a neighbour. acute ; ingenious, sagacious, cle-
to letgrow wild ; to exasperate. Kyvpvaaia, -as, (fr. a neg.
and '/,
ver ; artful, crafty, cunning.
Aypt-mras, -ov, and -a, b, Agrippa, yv//vdw to exercise) disorder, YXtpoos -ouj, -oov -ov, b, >/, (fr.
a man's name.
negligence, indolence; want of same, and fifa to flow) flowing
streams are near.
AypuMw,-eof-o5Js,&,$, (fr. dyptoj discipline, or cultivation. together, whose
wild) vnld,fierce, savage. ^Bol. for Ayy/fftw, g. of
Ayv>va<m>j, -ov, b, {,, (fr. same) l/X/<rao,
Ayp/wj, (fr. same) uncouthly, sa- not taking exercise ; unpractised, & dnchises, a ma-*-
/X'tirriSt -w>
vagely t fiercely. undisciplined, inexperienced. name.
dyxtara sup. of life ; education, training, rear- untaught, ignorant ; toothing,
very near, next ; extremely, very ing, discipline; comfort, conso- lulling, rendering insensible.
lation ; amusement, inducement ; Saieros, -ov, b, a neg. and
much, most, mostly. ft, (fr.
a lawsuit, appeal; conduct, be-
and Ay%<rr/ov, oditit to
divide) whole, entire, un-
Ayxiffrda. -a?, ft,
haviour. divided; indivisible.
-ov, rb, (fr. dy%i near) nearness;
relationship; propinquity, Con- Aywyj//o?, -ov, o, ft, (fr. same) easy
sanguinity. to be led, docile, tractable ;
port- b,f,. (fr. a neg. and odicpv a tear)

Ayx.iffTv$, -tos,
AtU -wj, 5, (fr. able, to be carried. without a tear, tearless;
same) a near relation, a kins- Aywyiov, -ov, rb, (fr. same) a bur- unlamented; unrelenting,pitiless.
man ; a protector, avenger. den, a cart-load. ApaKpvrl, (fr. last) without tears.
AyxtoTrfw, f. -vo-w, (fr. same) to
Aywydj, -ov, o, (fr. same) a guide. Aodfi, indecl. Adam, the first man.
be nearly related, next of kin ; to Aywv, -wvoff, i, a contest, spectacle, ^apavrtvos, -rj, -ov, (fr. next) ad-
succeed to the rig Jits of inherit* games; the scene, course, circus,
amantine; hard, solid; firm,
ance ; to act as a kinsman. Ay- amphitheatre, where such
are strong; hardy, resolute, invindbk.
Xtarejopai, to have a claim of performed; assemblage of A^apas, -avros, b, (fr. a neg. and

propinquity set aside. spectators there; a temple; the Safidd) to tame) adamant, dia-
concourse attending any cele- mond.
AyYiffrtm, or ay^orf/voj, ->/, -ov,
(fr. dy%i close,
and tcr^^i to bration there ; a concourse, or 'idfiaffros, -ov, 6, f), (fr. same)
set) standing close, pressed to- assemblage of any sort, as o: unsubdued, unconquered ; refrac-
gether, crowded, thick. ships ;
a circle, circuit ; strife, tory, untameable ; implacable, in-
contention, contest, competition, exorable.
'Ayxtffrof, -ov, 6, f,, (fr. a'y^i near)
the nearest, next. rivalry; a lawsuit; peril, danger. Aoa%iu> -G), same as aSa^iM, 1 a*
AyxiarpoQa, (fr. next) quickly, Aywv/a, -as , ft, (fr. ayah> a contest)
inf. act. aSat-rjaat.

smartly. strife, struggle, contest, conten- Aodiravos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. a neg. and
-ov, a'y^i tion; anxiety, agony, anguish. Sairavdw to expend) vnthout
Ay^tffrpo^o?, b, f,, (fr.
near, and orp0w to turn) /io6/e Ayomdw -w, (fr. same) see ayw- charge, or expense, gratuitous;
to sudden alterations,
changeable, viw. not chargeable ; thrifty, frugal.
fickle; quick, active; sudden. A'/iovioarai, and Aywv^aro, Ion Sairdv(t>s, (fr. last) without ex-

Tiywvio-fttvoi ttai, and rjaav, i

same) hither, hither- for pense, gratis, thriftily.
Ay^dflfv, (fr.
ward, near, hard by. pi. per. and pper. Adapters, -ov, b, sea water collected
Ay%(50i, same as ay^t, and ay^oy. Ayiiivicvuai, Dor. for ayiaviSuat to evaporate in order to get the salt;

Ay%<5v7, -??, >/, (fr. a'y^w to stran- Att. for ayu)victou.ai, 1 f. mia. o a matter gathering upon plants
gle) strangulation, choking; a in salt marshes ; pickle, brine.
noose, halter.
AyuvlcaQe., 2 pi. pres. ind. or im- 'Acavav, for d<5w, which the Laco-
to choke) suf- pr. mid. 2 sin. pres nians use for dSrjv, much, very,
Ay^o?, (fr. ay^w Ayam^ou,
focation, choking, strangulation. impr. mid. Ayaw^Evo?, par and doav 1 a. ind. act. of dow.
Ay^draro?, (sup. of
-TJ, -ov, ay^i pres. pass, of AoaaTbs, -ov, b, ft, (fr. a neg. and
near) nearest, next, close. Ayo>v/w, but more usually, ayuvi- <5oui> to
divide) undivided, indi-
Ay^orarw, (fr. last) most nearly, fyuai, f.
-to-opai p. riyutviffpai visible; whole, entire.
very closely. (fr. oywi; a contest) to contend Aoa^iw, to excite itching; to scratch,
Ay%6TCpos, -a, -ov, (comp. of dy%t struggle, fight; to strive, endea* scrape ; to tickle.
near) nearer, closer. vour ; to risk, or to be in danger Atidavos, -a
-ov, (fr. do, or dtw,
Ay^ou, Poet, for dy^i- to agonize ; to act, perform. Laconic for dSrjv very, and avos
of. Aywvtoj, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same) relat-
Ay%ov, pres. impr. pass. dry) very dry, arid, parched.
AXX W ' 'fa P- >'iYX a i to stranSle,
> ing to public games; toilsome Poet, for a<?>7? .
choke, suffocate; bind tightly, dangerous, hazardous. ?,
Poet, for a^/toVej.
compress; restrain, manage, or Ayutviapa, -aroj, TO", (fr. same) <
'A<5<V, Poet, for dotjv.
curb ; to silence. contest,fight ; competition, trial A<5<$70ay/a, -as, f/, (fr. next) vora-
a race, match
a dispute, suit ,
Ayxu/mAof, -ov, b, '/, (fr. ay^t ; ciousness, greediness, gluttony.
near, and 6//aXd? even) equal,
an exploit; risk, peril, danger.
AoSqipdyos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. d$$T)v
even; nearly of the same age, AywviffTns, -ov, b, (fr. same) a much, and 0ayw to eat) greedyt
stature, or rank. wrestler, boxer, champion, prize- gluttonous, ravenous, corrosive. \

Ayw, f. a'fu, p. /J^a, to bring, lead, fighter ; a competitor, rival, actor. AdSl, indecl. Addi, a man's name.
conduct, escort; carry, bear; to AywviaTiKbs, -fi, -ov, (fr. same) 'Aooi%, a measure of four of the
introduce, bring in; to move, concerning public games ; fitted, About a gallon.
drive, impel ; to draw, drag, rob, prepared, or trained, for them ; ''A^ Kat avTa, Dor. for iSov ce Kat
ravage, plunder ; to weigh, con- controversial. avrrj, there she is herself.
sider, explain, interpret; to AywvoOfTTis, -ov, b, (fr.
ayu>v a pub- "A^, Dor. for %$E imp. of a<5w
esteem, value; to utter,
pro- lic
game, and TiOrifjn to arrange) [A<5, Dor. for r/Se, here.
nounce; to marry; pass, to an umpire, arbitrator, judge, or Dor. for ft<k'a from ft^v'j.
spend, celebrate ; to induce, pre- steward at the games in Greece.
b.or)s, -t os -ovs, b, ft, (fr. a neg. and
vail on, move, affect; to
govern, Aywvo0rfto -ai, f. -J7<rw, (fr. same) Slos fear, th. foila to fear) fear-
nie, train, educate ; to convey
. to preside at the
games, adjudge less, intrepid, bold; stubborn,
oneself away, go, depart, p. Att. prizes ; to urge, instigate, excite. headstrong; haughty, insolent;
dyir%a, and ayjjo^a. 2 a. ind. Aywp, Heb. indecl. a crane. shameless, impudent; safe, secure.
Tiyov, /Jyayov, impr. ayayc' *'Aoa, -ag, ft, a woman's name -4da. Afiet, 3 sin. of add).
sub. ayayw. inf.
ayay?v. per. Aoa, Dor. for fyor), d. sin. offStjf. Afof, cont. aoti, Dor. for ftjrf, ftd?,
yfiat, 1 a. JT/V 1 f. 'ASarjfiovia, -a?, and Ion. d. sin. of fjSvs*
vil, -ys, ft, (fr' next) unskilful- ASeia, -as, ft, (fr. next) freedom
'Ayu, to break, see ness, inexpertness, inexperience, from fear, security, safety; in-
Aywyriij, -toy, Att.
-tuj, b, (fr. want of art or ingenuity.
trepidity, courage, bravery.
ayu to lead) a leader, guide, a neg. and i<5ark, Poet, for aoefc. Also A.Stt-
-ovos, 6, ft, (fr.
conductor ; a halter, bridle. catu to th.
, rjs Ion. for dScias, g. of. dSeia.
Ayuyj), -ijf, fi, (fr. same) o driv- learn) unskilful^ ignorant, rude, i.6eifiavTos, and Aoetuaros, -ov, J
ing, or leading away, carrying simple, unlearned, unexperienced. ft, (fr.
a neg. and tupa fear, th.
off", carriage, conveyance ; a road, Atiarls, -eos -ovs, b, ft, (fr. a neg. Sstiti to fear) fearless, undaunt*
highway ; a course, or manner and Salw to learn) unlearned,* bold. ed, intrepid,
inf. cont. of and 6oKos the sweet juice of a neg. and etfw to sec) a dark,
''A.ofiv, pres.
But same from dew. And
dfx.iv the grape) bitter; disagreeable, obscure place} a place
or adou Poet. unpleasant; unwelcome, or not to be seen by mortals
qfaiv from $<*>, ;

'ASumms, "ov, o, f (fr. a neg. and t, s, -ov, b, fi, (fr.

a neg. and hades, the receptacle, or region
GEittvov to cook) raw; not well of the dead, containing all the
supper) supperless.
a neg. fotfw to cooked, sodden, rare; untanned, fabulous mansions of the hea-
AcEiaicai^6v(as, (fr.
not dressed. then
catfiwv a god) regard-
fear, and According to the
less of the gods, irreligiously) im- Aoiw -w, f.
-//ffw, p. ?i$r/Ka,
to Christian doctrine, the invisible
please, delight, give pleasure ; to world of spirits, the unseen place
piously, irreverently.
AofKaaTog, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and flatter, sooth ; to prefer, choose ; of souls ,'
the place of the dead
Scicdfa to bribe) unbribed,
incor- 2 aSw, per. mid. 'iaca, and
generally,but vulgarly a place
rupt; honest. cvaSa, Poet, for ?'/<5a, par. J-a^wj, of torment; the abode of the
AcKdor(ds (fr. last) incomiptly, 2 a. caSov, for frW. damned, hell; death.
justly, honestly, f^fti), (fr. dSw to satiate) to 6e tired, Sri^ayla, see adotjQayia.
Ao\<j>ai, -0aj,
cases of wearied, fatigued. 1 a.
opt. JEol. 3idyv(j)ffTo$, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg.
and alSfjffEta -aS) -, and cidyviom to distinguish)
ASf\<pdos, and ,
Poet, and indistinguishable, indiscernible,
Ion. for ao\ df, (fr. afcfo fearless) fearless- doubtful.
#, (fr.
a bro- ly, undauntedly. $taipTos, -ov, b, f], (fr. a neg. and
Ao\<j)f), -jj?, tybs
to the 2 a. sub. act. ofaolw.
ther) a jt'ster, according Aorj, Siatpfio
to separate) inseparable,
several senses of aStXtybs, which Atiti,
"A&;, V. "A<5ov, g. of closely attached.
see. A.^idnp'tTos, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. a net;

At\<t>i5fa -Srj, 'fas

-?, fo (fr. Ar)ic6Ts, and A^'^TEJ, Ion. for and diaKpivw to distinguish) not

same) the daughter of a brother, f, n. pi. par. per. act. of to be distinguished, indistinct,
or sister,
a niece. confused ; peaceable, not litigi-
AfkX05w -oiis, -ov, b, (fr. same) s, -ov, b, ';, (fr. a neg. and ous ; undislinguishing, impar-
the son of a brother, or sister, a fidifvii) to
bite) not apt to be cor- tial.

nephew. roded, or wasted, nor feeling de- SjaXnVro?, -ov, b, /;, (fr. a neg.
A$\<t>i&iov, -ov, TV, (dim. of same) cay, lasting, durable ; not bitten, and cia\dnw to intermit) ur
a little brother, a dear little bro- or gnawed ; uncnvied, unmolest- ceasing, continual, without inter-
ther. ed; SUp. CKJT/KT^TaTOf mission.
Ad\<f>l$u), f. -/o-w, (fr. same) to Ac/faros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and SraXaVrw?, (fr. last) continually,
take, or adopt for a brother, to GTI\(I) to hurt) unhurt; sound, incessantly.
address, or entreat as a brother. whole, entire, safe. A(WXXa*ro?, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg.
AdcA^fcds, -TI, -ov, (fr. same) bro- 'Adr]\os, -ov, b, 'f], (fr. a.
neg. and and <5jaXXttc-(rw to reconcile) ir-
therly, fraternal. <5?)Xo$- clear) unseen, hidden, la- reconcileable, adverse, discordant.
Ad\<f>iicG>s, (fr. last) like brothers, tent, concealed; obscure, mean, Afitd\vTos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and
ignoble; doubtful, dubious, un- diaXvtj to not to be melted,
Ao\<poKT6vos, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same,! certain. indissoluble ; binding, firm.
and KTdvu to kill) a murderer of] A^Xdr^j, -;ro?, and ASrj\ia, -as, >/, iStavTov, -ov, TO, (fr. next) an
a brother, a fratricide. (fr. last) uncertainty, obscurity herb, maiden-hair.
Mo\. for inconstancy, fickleness. AoiavTos, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg. and
A^tX^ds, -oC, 6, (fr. a together, and (SjjXwj, (fr. same) uncertainly, ob- fiiaivu to sprinkle) not sprinkled,
$e\<l>v$ the womb) a brother pro- scurely, dubiously ; impercepti- or moistened, dry; rigid, un-
perly 6t/ the same mother ; a bro* bly. bending, strict.

ther generally ; a kinsman, cou- tirjuiovpyrjTOS, -ov, b, /, (fr. a neg. ^OTrroirof, -ov, b, ;, (fr. a neg.
sin one of the same tribe, cast,
; and cr/niovpytu to constitute) in and Siant* to decay) firm,
profession, or country; one of effectual, inefficacious ; weak, lasting, durable; infallible, cer-
the same faith, a Christian; adj. feeble, tain.

twin, related ; similar, congenial, or/noviiv, pres. inf. act. cont .


-ov, &, '/> (fr- a neg.


brotherly. AorjuovSv, par. pres. act. cont. and diaaTpttyw to distort) unper-

Ao\<t>6rr,s, -TITOS, ,',, (fr. last) the of verted, invariable.

relation of brothers, or sisters; Stlfnovtia -5, f.
-^o-to, p. tjor/nfor/Ka, AcidTpfTTTos, -ov, b,
ft, (fr.
a neg.
a brotherhood, fraternity ; a so- to languish, faint, sink with la- and JtarpfjT-w pervert) un-
ciety of brethren in Christ. bour or fatigue ; to grieve, de- moved; immoveable, firm, unal-
A5f/*aroj, -ov, b, %, (fr. a neg.
and spair; to be overwhelmed with terable.
the body) without a body, sorrow, or anxiety, 1 a. act. (fr. last) immoveably,
bodiless; incorporeal, spiritual; firmly.
dead. Or, for aodnavros, wh. 'Acnv, and dfiorjv, enough, abun- Adta&Qopia, -?, fj, (fr. next) mcor-
see. dantly, sufficiently. ruptness, integrity, honesty ; pu-
AoenV, Ion. for qfciv. Aotiv, -tvos, b, a kernel, gland; rity of manners ; sincerity.
'Aowfipos, -ov, b, J7, (fr. a neg. and the tonsils, or almonds
Ac-tdfyQopos, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg.
of the and
a tree) without trees; tongue. dia<pOopa corruption, th. $0dpu>
bare, barren ; open, clear. t/vew?, (fr. next) artlessly, awk- to corrupt) incorruptible, uncor,
Acis, Dor. for tfa^tXf?, neut. of wardly. rupt, pure, honest, sincere.
fo$ -ovs, b, f/, Poet. (fr. a AdidQopos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. a neg. and
neut. of a<5)?, for a^ow, wh. neg. and Sf/vos design) unde- Sia(ptpu to differ) indifferent,
signing, artless, simple; unskil- middling, neither good nor bad ;

Os, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg. and ful, stupid, dull. trifiing, insignificant.
t]s a lord) without a mas- Ao-npis, -iros,
and A^pZroj, -ov Aoid\pvo~ros, -ov, a neg. b, fj, (fr.
ter, free; without authority, or f], (fr. a neg. and a fight' and fita^wdonai to
deceive) that
recommendation ; unauthorized, without dispute, amicable, peace- cannot be deceived, or imposed on.
unwarranted ; without a lord, or able ; irresistible, not to be op- os, -ou, 6, f], (fr. a neg. and
ruler. osed. diddo-Ku to teach) untaught, ig-
A3rm5r&>5, (fr. preced.) /reefy, at AcrjpiTus, (fr. last) indisputably norant, illiterate, inexperienced;
liberty, at large. without dispute, unquestionably natural, spontaneous.
-foe , (fr. a neg. A&?$, and Poet. aiSnsi -ov b, (fr -ov, b, , (fr. a neg.
lia through, and
to exa- A<5fe*7T77, -TI s, 17, Admete, a woman's thet of Nemesis ; envy, malice,
mine) unsearchable; inexpressi- name. revenge ; fate, destiny.
ble, ineffable. JfioA/a,
or A/ta>A('a, -as, /, (fr. a Afyacroj, -ov, 6, TJ, (fr. a neg. and
L&i.fiynTos, -ov, b, rj, (fr. a neg. neg. and ifywv intelligent) {,710- cpdu) to flee) that will not flee,
and to relate) not to rance. or fly } faith-
oinyiofiat firm, resolute,
be told, beyond expression, inex- .o(//(, 2 a. opt. act. of aclw. ful. Also Adrastus, a man's
h.otKtiT, act. AciKciaQs, pass. (fr. next) unexpectedly, sudden- AfyanflffoW. -ov, TO, (fr. atpbs
2 pi. cont. rfaciKtw. ly, unawares. abundant, and mJ^oAos for m-
L&iKiccai, Ion.
and JEnl. for ati- IOKTJTOS, -ov, b, i), (fr. a neg. and /?oAo? sharing) success, prosperi-

1 a. inf. act. of coKtu to consider) unexpected, ty ; the full attainment of an ob-
-5, f. -//(raj, p. ij&iKtiKa, (fr. unthought sudden; of no
of, ject, good fortune; boldness,
a neg. and &IKTJ justice) to injure, consideration, mean, wortldess. sublimity.
-ov, b, r\, (fr. a neg. and Acpf<a -5, f. -j/o-w, p. riopqKa (fr.
wrong; to annoy, hurt, damage,
harm. Par. pres. a^iKfwv, -wv, tioKtftos approved, th. SoKfu to same) to abound, be plentiful^ be
a. sin. aoiKOuvra. 1 a. ind. tjfii- consider) disapproved, rejected, large ; to grow, increase. Par.
Ki/ffa' inipr. aSiKt'iaov. pres. pass. cast off"; undiscerning, silly, per. act. ficpriK&s.
the daughter of
-ov/tai. per. ind. pass. senseless, stupid ; unqualified, A.cpr,<rT-tvri, -JK, f),

1 a. unfit, barren, worthless. Adrastus.

-tiaa, -tv, g. -tiro?, par. iu)
f. -f/ffia (fr. a^oj, 'Aoprjffros, Ion. 'A^paoroj.
1 a. pass. AtiKTjOSi, -TJ$, -Jj, abundance, and Ato^/; conver- 'A.$pia, d.
sub. pass, of last. or Gulf of
sation) to converse freely,
1 a. to
chat, 'Afyta?, -ov, b, Adria,
LbiKrjfia^ -arof, TO, (ft. same) an to gossip together. 1 a. inf. act. Venice.
act of injustice; injury, -a, -jv, ripe,mature, full
hurt, 'A.?pb$,
wrong, damage; crime, offence; , -05, 6, (fr. same) a grown; rich, abundant, plenti-
disgrace, scandal. talker] a gossip. ful; great, powerful, mighty;
LSiKrjffas, par. 1 a. act. A.SiKrj<rai, Aoo\cff^ia, -as, >j, (fr. same) talka- strong, fat, large.
1 a. inf. act.
A.ciKnffdrta, 3 sin. tiveness ; conversation, chat.

Aopoativn, ->?j, ^, (fr. last) same

1 a.
impr. act. ActKnans, 2 -ov, b, i'i, (fr. same) as next.
sin. and -anrs, 2 and abun-
pi. -o-uo-j, talkative, loquacious, chatty. 'A^porj/f, -nros, fj, (fr. same)
3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. A^imjo-w, A(5oAos, -ov, b, f], (fr. a neg.
and dance, plenty ; wealth ; power,
-a?, -, 1 f. ind. act. of at- &>Aos deceit) candid, ingenuous, strength, vigour, maturity ; great-
sincere; pure, innocent; unmix ness.
b.otKTJTos, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be cd, unadulte. 'AcpoTtj-i, d. of last.
injured, &c. hurt cannot be
; A<5<5Au)s, (fr. last) sincerely. "AfywfflJ, -(Of, Alt. -0)J, f], (fr.
avoided, wrong must be done. ~A.Sov, Dor. for jjfiov, imp. ind. act. (jcpih'w to increase) youth, pu-
A.OIKIU, -a?, >/, (fr. same) injustice, of pew ; or neut. of oW, par. berty, manhood, maturity.
partiality, wrong, injury ; false- pres. of same verb ; but 'Aoovvta, f. -uvw, p. ^f5pvya (fr.
hood, unrighteousness, "Ac'ov, Dor. for i',iov, 2 a. ind. act.
deceit / ttcpdj abundant) to increase, en-
iniquity, villany. of a<$oo, or avodvd), opt. acoip. large, extend, aggrandize ; rear,
AcWo<5o#u> -Wj (fr- doixos unjust, A flora, Dor. for fjcovfi. fatten. A?pvvo/xai, to grow, to
and co%a fame) to seek fame by itovn-ros, -ov, b, >/, fr. a neg. and become great, to act proudly ; to
bad means ; to thirst after glory ; (Wf'w to disturb) immoveable, arrive at manhood.
to decree
iniquitously, determine unshaken, firm ; unmoved, mo- 'Act', Dor. for ^v.
unjustly. tionless, still, calm, quiet. 'A^vyAwcr/of, Dor. for fjdv')

'A-cYxos,' -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and A<W(s,

-iSof, >/,
same as a?; Dor. for jy<5i
AIKTI justice) unjust, iniquitous, .OOVTES. n. pi. par.pres. act. Af5;Aoyof, Dor.
partial, corrupt ; deceitful, falla- 'A-ooveri,
3 pi. pres. ind. act. 'Afv//,\^s, Dor.
cious; injurious, hurtful; un- of don). A.6vvafiia, -as, fj,
and Ion. Acvvafitij.
righteous, sinful, wicked ; inade- *ofd -o5, (fr. a neg. and c< "*/>> >?. (fr- neg. and ^vfa^at to
quate, unfit, improper. fame) to live inglorious, to be be able) impossibility, impotence.
1 sin. cont. pres. ind. act.
b.oiK.G>, no account ; to vilify, defame. Aovvaaia, -as, 17, (fr. same) impo-
A<5tK<3v, n. mas. cont. par. Aoofi'a, -a$, )/, (fr. same) infamy, tence, weakness, inability, imbe-
pres. act. of aHucta. ignominy, disgrace, dishonour. cility ; simplicity, silliness.
i(5iK(3j, ddiKos, unjust) unjust- A<5o|os, -ov, b, ih (fr. same) inglo- Aovvartto -w, f. )/o-w, (fr. same) to

ly, wickedly, &c. rious, mean, infamous, conic.Tr.pti- be unable, to be impotent; to be

kfiivduv, JEol. for aoivutv, g. pi. of ble, obscure. impossible. 1 f. ind, act. aovva-

^.<5a'd?, -), -bv, dense, thick, copious; Af5os, -ov, (fr. acfu to please) 7//cra), -(?, -(.

crowded, numerous ; simig, har- joy, delight, pleasure. AooraYos, -ov, b, (fr. same)
un- >'/,

dy j fierce, violent ; ceaseless, in- AcSos, -co; -ovs, 70, (fr. a<5w to sa- able, incapable ; impotent, weak ;
cessant; fat; noisy, clamorous. tiate) satiety, disgust, loathing ; imp jssiblc, impracticable. Comp.
{fiov, Dor. for }j<5jov, neut. comp. 7e, weariness, fatigue ;
plenty, abundance.

s-, (fr. last) wcakly,'feebly ,

\.cioo9u>ruf, (fr. a netr. andciopflo'w A.Sov, g. of a&rjs. foolishly.
to the city

AfJi'ri oos,
Dor. for f]6v-roo$.
correct) incorrigibly. 'Acoafivrrrjvbs, -ij, -ov, of r

'A&(//o?, -ov, 6, i;, (fr. a neg. and of Adramyltium. Af5Ds, Dor. for Jia'i.
cfya thirst) not
thirsty, moist, 5p.ivW, and Afoavia, -a?, ;/, (fr. a 'A furor -ov, TO, (fr. n neg. and
cool; quenching, cooling, allay- neg. and Spaivta for cpao) to act) ovvu or Juu to enter) a sacred,
ing thirst.
weakness, feebleness ; sloth, indo- or consecrated plaw, a part oj
A^fiaroj, Dor. for AfyTjro j,
-oi', 6, lence, languor. the Temple into which none but
Admetus, a man's name. Spavf'u -5, (fr. same) to be weak, the priest was allowed to enter,
A.fy'JJ, -nTo$, same as 'Afyjy-roj, or indolent ; to neglect, fail. a shrine.
-ov, b, I}, (fr. a neg. and oaudu A.6pavw, -MS -ovj, 6, ;, (fr. same) A.5vros, -ov, b, i], (fr. same) inac-
to subdue) untamed,
wild, un- weak, feeble, infirm ; barren, im- cessible,
be approached; to

broken; untractable, fierce, sa- potent ; slothful, lazy, indolent; consecrated, holy, hallowed.
vage. destitute. Ada, f.
satiate, fill, glut,
jj, -j<5o$, ^, same as last. A.8pdcfTia, Ion. aSprjaTtiTi, an epi- gratify ; to injure, hurt, harm.
&>, Poet. aetco), f. P- V Ka 4t adoovaa, n. fem. par. pres. act. A.tKt]Tt, (fr. a neg. and EIOJTI will

sing, warble;
to prophesy, t<
Aci&fyuvoj, par. pres. mid. or ingly) unwillingly,
utter oracles; to praise, celebrate pass. Adoov, Ion. for rjdoov A.IKWV,
-ovcra, -ov, Poet, for O.KWV
1 a.
jjca, per. pass. J/er/jat,
1 a imp. act. AdSovn, dat. sin Af'Xoj, Poet, for r,\ios.

faBtiv. ]>ar. pres. Dor. for adoovai, i AtXXd, -i/j, )/,

a storm, whirlwind.
"A(5, to please, see a&fw. pi. pres. ind
Aetfluv, -ovaa AtXXas, -Mas, b, b (fr. last) swift,
'A.OUV, -ova-a, -ov, (2 a. par. oflast] -ov, par. pres. act. of as a storm.
pleasing, agreeable; willing, rea- .ddu>, f.
adffta, p. f/tiica, and ;
fo, -to? -oCj, 6, ft, (fr. same)
dy. Poet, same as dou in prose, U stormy, tempestuous, boisterous,
Ad&v, -6vos, f],
Dor. for ar/Suv. sing, warble; to prophesy, ut- roaring ; violent, turbulent, fu-
'AcW, -icos, o, Adonis, a man's ter oracles ; to
praise, celebrate rious, rapid.
name. a. 'A.OUVIV. 1 a. act. ind. f]tica- opt. ^Eol AfXXoTroff, -ov, 6, >;,
and aEXX^Trotis,
Aduarjros, -ot), b, fj, (fr. a neg. anc aeicreia, -aj, -c.' sub. aeivta. 2 f -o^oy, 6, /, (fr. same, and irovs a
dupov a gift) ungifted, not re- ind. act. aicw. per. ind. pass foot) swift-footed, fieet, rapid.
warded. i, and^o-juat.per. ind. mid. AtXXw, (fr. same) Aello,
a woman's
A.oupoc6Kr]Tos, -ov, i, ij, (fr. a neg. name.
c&pov a gift,
and o%ouai to take) Adfaov, -ov, rb, (fr. next) the herb AfXX(6<5r/?, -tos -ovs, 6, ^, (fr. same)
that will not take a bribe, incor- kmiseleek. stormy, &c. see atXX^j.
rupt, upright, honest. et^&ogy -ov, b, {], (fr. atl always, AcXjr^, -f'oj -oCs, 6, >;, (fr. o neg.
'A-cwpof, -ov, a neg. and
!>, fi, (fr. and w>) life) immortal, everlast- and hope) unexpected, un-

a gift) without presents; ing, eternal.. looked for ; sudden, unprovided
ungifted, without reward ; incor- Aefceuz, -a?, >/, and Ion. for ; despaired of, hopeless.
rupt, upright, honest. Also who "K, fh (fr. indecent) in- AfXirovTES, n. pi. of ai\irti)v (fr. a
does not give, niggardly. dignity, contumely, affront, out- neg, and ATTW to expect) de-
A.OWTW, -ov, b, (fr. a neg. and ci- rage, insult. spairing, desponding.
oti) to give) who does not
give, AeiKe\ios, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) un- 'AtXirr', for rfeX^ra, neut. pi. of
ungenerous, covetous. becoming ; worthless, despicable,
At6\cv(t>, f. -a'o-w, p. tvKct, (fr. aiG- contemptible; loathsome, foul, Ac\Ttrla, -as, and Ion. atXim';;, -;?,
Xoj contest) to contend at public unlucky. j;, (fr. same)
want of hope, de-
to to a neg,
games ; fight ; contest, UKfis, -tog -oZs, b, f,, (fr. spair, hopelessness. Ef atXnr/j??,
strive, dispute, vie, emulate; to and dKta to become) unbecom- suddenly, unexpectedly.
strive, labour, toil. 1 a.
opt. JEol. ing, indecent, unseemly ; harsh (fr. same)
Poet, for avtX-
ac.Q\cv<rua, -as, -E. severe, cruel.
A0Xf'u>, Ion. for a0Xfw, same as EIK^U, Att. aiKi&, f.
-ru, (fr , -ov, 6, $, (fr. same) un-
last. to trea
hoped, unexpected, improbable.
last) insult, affront,
At0X>jT/7p, -rjpos, b, (fr. same) one Afuevat, and d^fvai, Dor. and
cruelly ; to act indecently ; ti

who fights at public games ; a befoul, soil, pollute ; to disgrace, Ion. for a?v, pres. inf. of au.
champion, prize-fighter, pugilist, dishonour. Aivyaos, and atvvauv, Poet, for

wrestler. IKWJ, (fr. same) shamefully, in- ativaos and ativduv.

AlO\iov, 'A0Xov, and~A0Xov, -ov, decently, unbecomingly. AEvvdacOat^ Poet, for atvvcicBai^
rb, (fr. same) a prize, premium, \.duc.vai, Poet, for atpevat, Dor. pres. inf. pass. cont. of
reward of victory. for detv, pres. inf. of w. A.tvvdofnai -u/iai, (fr. atl always,
AfflXto?, -ov, b, (fr. same) a cham- dfjLvrjffTos, -ov, b, >?, (fr. a
al- and vdti) to flow) to stream, is-
pion, prize-fighter, pugilist. ways, and nvdopai to remem- sue, flow constantly; to be
A.cd\oviKia, -aj, >/, (fr. same, and ber) ever to be remembered, sprinkled, or moistened, be wet.
vlKrj victory) victory, success, to be forgotten, memorable. 'AE^E, Ion. for >/^, 3 sin. -imp.
or triumph, in public
games. \.dvao$, "ov, b, Ij,
and Ativautv, Af|aro, Ion. for T/^ETO, imp.
'A0Xos, -ov, b, a contest, trial of , ays, and
-ov, (fr. atl always, pass, of ae'w, for av&vw.
skill; a fight, skirmish, battle; vdb> to flow) ever flowing, con- Af^'yvtoj, -ov, 6, (fr. ai%u> to in-
risk, danger, hazard; a con- tinually running ; un- crease, and
perennial, a invi-
yvlov limb)
troversy, dispute ; public games, ceasing ; ever living, everlasting. gorating, strengthening; train-
or martial combat.
tournaments, exer- Atipa, Ion. for t'ttipa,
1 a. ind. act. ing for
cises ; pains, labour, toil,fatigue, of Ae^uroff, -o, 6, fj, (fr. same, and
azpui, p. ffeoKa, to
lift, <t>vrbv a plant) rearing plants,

A0Xo06"ps, -ov, b, (fr. a0Xov a raise, elevate; to

carry, convey, fertile, fruitful.
prize, and <f>opf<i>
or 0fpw to car- bring ; to hang, susptnrl, tie or A.^o//fvoto, Ion. for ac^ofiivov^ g.
ry) who carries the prize, a con- fasten to ; to take upon, to under- par. pres. pass, of
qucror at public games ; victorious. take. 1 a. act. ind. jjtipa- knpr. Ati-u), f. ae^cro), Poet, for avfw, or
A, always, ever, aye ; frequently, dfipov.
mid. r/Eipd^nv. par. aeipd-
continually, perpetually. IJLVOS.
2 a. par. 'AETTTO?, -ov, 6, >;, (fr. a neg. and
t'/cpov. pres.
Afiytvcrdtav, JEo\. for aeiytvcruv, pass. 1 a.
actp6fjitvos. pass. ind. fTTw speak) not to be spoken

g. pi. of. rjfpdr/v'

sub. acpdS). haughty. Or
to ; fierce, violent,

Atiytvirrjg, -ov, b, (fr. ati always, \.ei$, -iaca, -tv, par. pres.
act. (fr. same, and TTT^J to fly) no*
and to be) everlasting,
yivofiai Adffi, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. ofdrjpu. able to fly, young, unfledged.

eternal, immortal. :iffar\ Ion. and Apos. for qdffa-

A.ti$c\osi (fr. a neg. and clow to TO,3 sin. 1 a. mid. or Apos. for 6, ri, and Afpyo?, -oC, 6, >/, (fr. a

see) Poet, same as audrjs. adaars, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of neg. and tpyov, work) same as
Atictv, Dor. for adceiv, pres. inf. apy6 s .
act. Adcto, Ion. for adoov, AtKrp.a, Poet, for qafna. Aepyta, -aj, fj,
and Ion. atpyirj, ->/f,
pres. impr. pass, of adou. tKatyjjiEvos, -TI, -ov, (par. pres. , (fr. same) idleness, laziness,
A5f/<f, -tos -oiij, 6, f>, (fr. a neg. pass, of next) compelled, forced, nactivity, sloth, dulness.
and Poet. (fr.
ct$<a to
see) not to be seen, constrained ; adj. unwilling, Apf6op.at, and ;f>/0o/iaj,
invisible loath, not inclined, averse. to raise) to raise, lift; to
; dark, obscure, gloomy. ajj3w,
Also (fr. eiaos
shape) shapeless, tKd^w, (fr. aiicuv unwilling) to hang, be suspended ; to vibrate,
deformed, uncouth. force, oblige, compel, constrain. flutter; to fluctuate, be
Aticflffi, Ion. for a%, 3. sin. pres. AKao//ou, to be forced, be un- lute, or uncertain. Imp. jyep0>
sub. act. Aeicdiva, Dor. for witting. l*r,v,
3 pi. TjtptOovro.
for 3
AfyBsv, Bo30t. nipdnaav, pi.
God) impiety, irreligion, athe- va) Athens, the name of a city 'A0pavo-To$, -ov, 5, f), (fr. a neg.
ism. of ancient Greece. and pat5o to break) not to be
Adett, (fr. last) impiously, irreve- -u>v, cl, the Athenians. broken; strong, solid, firm;
rently ; unaided by the assist- to, or towards Athens. whole, entire, perfect, sound.
ance) or grace of providence. from Athens. A0>';vriffi, at, or in A0p/u> -&, f. -j/c-w, p. (fr. a -TiKa,
AOtrjra, Poet, for a&iara, neut. pi. Atfiens. intens. and Spiv, Sync, for ^o>-
of adtaros. AOfjvt], -ns, )}, AQi'jva, -as, as if
ptu to behold) to look steadfast-
AOupfis, AtffpJk, and AOrjpfis, -"? from ABijvda, AQirvaln, -17?, >/, ly, gaze, stare; to look into,
-oy?, 6, ft, delicate, choice, ex- ABr/vcia, -as, //, Athene, the .

scrutinize; to discern,
quisite; also trivial, worthless, name of a heathen ftma!< descry.
vile, contemptible. called also Pallas, arid by tht AOpoigu, f. -co), p.
I'OpotKu, (fr.
, f.
-w, p. r'lQcX'xa.
to milk. Latins Minerva. aOat'ig crowded) to collect, clus-
AOtip, -fpos, an car of corn, the
v, ter, crowd- ; to gather, accumu-
'A0f/f, -IOTO?, -5o?, or -fro?, also beard which grows en it ; chaff; late. 1 a. inf. act.
or and any thing worthless, or trifling. and AOpoiff-
A-di/iitr-tos, 'AOpcKjfjLa, -arcs, TO,
17, (fr. a neg S, -io$ -ovs, b, >/, / of, -ov, b, (fr. same) a gattier-
and Siftts law) unlawful, illegal; A0noo\otybs, -ov, b,!nge ; a meet-
iniquitous, wicked, unjust, wrong- (fr. and Atyw to ga-
0))p chafi', congregation, collection. .

ful ; abominable, impure, unna- ther) a fan, a winnowing ma- A0po'o<r, -a, -ov, crowded, collected,
tural. chine. assembled; close, dense, thick;
'A0rof, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. a neg. ;;nd , -fo$-ovs,
and 'AOu-ros, -OT, continued, constant ; frequent,
Qtbs, God) ungodly, denying 6, //, (fr. a neg. and <"yco
to repeated. Also (fr. o intens.
God, an atlieint ; impious, irre-
touch) untouched, unsullied find
Sptw to clamour) confused,
verent, without God; haled, or pure ; unaffected, not to be touch- indistinct.
forsaken by God. ed, or moved. A0po6r>is, ->?TOJ, fi, (fr. last) uni- '

A0pn7rVTOj, -ov, b, %, (fr. a neg. 'A0A', Apos. for a'CAa, pi. of dOXov. /'/,
the whole ; cntireness,
and Sepairevd), to serve) incur- A0At^w, and A0A/w -w, f. -?;ITW, completeness, fuhiess.
able ; unattended, neglected. Also f}0\r)Ka (fr. 0Aoj contest) to AOpo'uf, (fr. same) in crowds, thick-
negligent, careless, disrespectful. contend, as in the public ly, ail at once ; continually, re-
AQcpris, see a0cipt';s. ;
ftrugglc, games of Greece
A0f'p<f, -IKOS,
same as
aOt'/p. fight ; to work, labour, toil. A0pv77To<r, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and
A0p/w, f. -iff (a, p. rjdtpiKa, (fr. 0Ap, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. act. pv77Tw to enervate) unimpaired
the beard of grain) to rfc- A0A>;<n;, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of by excess, or luxury, sound,
spise, contemn, disregard, slight ; hale, healthy.
to set no value on.
L0A??^a, -aTOf, ~i, (fr. acSAo? a -w, f. -/70-w, p. r)Qv\iT)Ka (fr.
AQtcia, -aj, ft, (fr. a neg. and Secrts contest) a combat, fight. a neg. and &vfibs spirit) to de-
a settlement) inconstancy, fickle- 'AdXrjvis, -(Of, Att/ -"twf, //, (fr. spond, despair, be discouraged, or
ness, perfidy, breach offaith. same) contest, dispirited. combat, strife,
'AOcGjjios, -ov, 6, )'/, (fr. a neg. and struggle, fight. Ov/aTcos, -a, -ov, (fr. last) to be
$07/0" j a law) lawless; wicked, A6\r/rfis, -ov, b, (fr. same) a cham- icd of, it is all over, it is
bare, vile; illegal, unlawful, g. pion in the Grecian games, a 'overy.
pi. of aOifffjtuv. wrestler, a combatant, a prize- AOvpia, -as, f],
and Ion. aOvfihj,
AQ(a<paro;, -ov, a intens. fighter. dc-
b, >/, (fr. -ris, f),
next) dejection,
and-S os ora.cular) ineffable, AOtddrr/?, -TITOS, f), (fr. next) spondcnce l despair ; reluctance.
unutterable, unspeakable ; 'extra- v.retchedness, misery, unhappi- , -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and
ordinary, excessive, vehement, ncss, misfortune. ;/joj spirit) dejected, downcast,
violent ; ?Ao?, -a, -ov, (fr. n'0Aoj or oc0Aof

oracular, prophetic. .d, desponding.

Very seldom accursed, impi- distress) struggling, striving ; A6v;iws, (fr. last) dejectedly, Sic.
ous: unhappy, wrc/chct', miserable, A0v/<c-<, 3 pi. cont. pres. sub. act.
A0TU) W, f. -?'<7W, p. riOtrrjKa, (fr. urfortunafr, distressed, corup.
of aOvitiw.
tt'Sercy unsettled) tn set aside, re- aO\twTcpos, sup. -wroroj. 'A0vp/i, -nros, TO, (fr. aOi'pw to
ject, despise; to abolish, annul; tit ia,
-as, >/, (fr. 0Aoj a con- play) child/ splay, sport ; a, flay -
to disappoint, fail, frustrate. ; to
test, and r!0rip.t to order) the tldng, a toy ; a delight, pleasure.
violate an engagement ; to speak- care, management, or regulation A.0t'po.c, and 0vpw-o?, -ov, 6, ft, (fr.
er act deceitfully . of public games. <:
'lu-g. and $i'pa a door) will/cut
wick- A0AoOiT/w -5, (fr. same) to cxhili!, a door, cpcn, unclosed, free, pasx-
AdfTr/na, -tiros, TO, (fr. last)

edness, treachery, deceit. regulate, OT conduct public ablc, pervious.

A6\vOtTr,$, -ov, and A0Ao0cTr;p, AOvpb), (fr. same) to play
A-Btrnais, -10?, Att. -ewj, as chil-
same) a. f
pit ting away, abolish- -fpos, b, (fr. same)
a pr, dren abroad, to gambol, sport,
ing, abrogation. judge, or umpire, at public frisk; to sing, -warble, n'0-jpj, fcr
'AOcros, -ov, o, f], (fr. a neg. and games ; manager, cr conductor //Ovpc,
3 sin. imp. ind.
$tros settled, th. 5/w cr r/0>; u< (
of such games. AOvros, -ov, o, //, (fr. a neg. and
to place) unsettled, um A0Aov, -ov, TO, (fr. next) the prize $v to sacrifice) unfit for sa-

mutable, changeable, fickle ; vain, at public combats ; a premium, crifice, profane, polluted, abo-
void, invalid; disapproved, re- reward, recompense. minable.
jected. , -ov, b,
same as ac0A<?s. 4.0wo?, -ov, 6, //, (fr. a neg. arid
A0Tw, prcs. ind. act. cont. b, (fr. last, and wj) a fine) not fixed, unpunished t

A0ri5v, par. pres. act. cont. of

3co to carry) w/io carries thu free; innocent, guiltless.
a0TfW. prize, a,
victor, conqueror. AOwo'w -u>, f. -wo-o), (fr. last) to
A0wp7To?, -ov, o, fi, (fr. a neg. and A0dAw f, -ov,, b,, i,
(fr. a neg. nnd exempt, clear, absolve, acquit ;
be innocent.
&wpo to behold) unseen, neg- sediment) limpid, clear, ABwoofiai -omtai, to

lected, disregarded; not to be pure, transparent, bright. 'A0ws, -w, o, Mount Athos.
; unforeseeen, sud-
seen, invisible 0fyu/3of, -ov, 6, f,, (fr. same, and
den, unexpected. $<5pv/3o? tumult) undisturbed, aOwos not fined) exemption; ab-
A0fu)f, (fr. <0o?, impious) impi- quiet, calm, peaceable. solution,pardon, acquittal.
ously, irreverently. AOpayfvn, -rjs, %, a tree good for Al,
of 6, At, nom. pi.
A0Jjvai, -wv, al, (fr. AQqvti Miner- making matches.
ah me AfytXo?, -ov, 8, (fr. at( a goat)
an venerable, re
At, ah ! alas ! ! revtre) awful,
A?, Ion.
for herb of which goats are fond.
At, Dor. for ti, if verend, respectable, compassion'
oh that would that Aigilos, an island in the Tuscan ate, pitiful.

ATa, for ya?a, as, sea called by the Latins Capra-

Poet, for y>}. c?Xos, -n, -ov, (fr. atc^j unseen)
ria, now Caprara,
or -ata, or Cabrera.
at alas) concealed; ob-
Atau, -&, f. (fr. secret, private,
to bewail, lament, mourn, grieve. Atyt'Xw, Dor. for Aty/Xov, g. ofAt- scure, dark ; unexpected, unfore-
of seen. Or (fr. a intens. and $>'/-
AiaKtoao, Ion. for AIKKICOV, g. ytXo?.
Ataicilns, -ov, b, jEacidcs,
the yt'Xo)^, wrro?, 8, (fr. at a goat, Xof clear) manifest, apparent,
son or descendant of and it/, the eye) a Jistula in bright. Or (fr. a d ever, and
AiaKbs, -ov, &, JEacus, a man's the corner of the eye, called crj\lu to hurt) hurtful, consum-
name. jEgilops, from occurring fre- ing, destructive, devouring.
A7av, acc. sin. of a?a. Or voc. of quently in goats wild oats ; a
; Ai6>'ifitav, -ovos, b, r/, (fr. aiofOftai to

Alas, -OVTOS, b, Ajax,

a man's mast-bearing tree. revere) reverent, respectful, dif-
name. Atavrc, n. du. AtyiVJjrat, -wv, ot, j&ginetans,
na- Jidcnt, bashful, timorous, modest.
Aiavds-fi, -bv, and Atari;?, -tog -ovs, tives of .^Egina. cV, -"S -ovs, b, ij, (fr. a neg.
and ttow to see) invisible, w?t-
b, }j, (fr.
al alas) mournful, la-
yt6%os, -ov, Ion. -010, 8, (fr. atyt?
mentable; heavy, 'weighty ; grave, a goat's hide, and i%u) to hold) ^cen, antiquated, past, gone.
serious, severe, rpprehcnsive ; crgis-bearing ; an epithet of Ju- s, -ov, b, (fr.
a neg. and dc<a
direful, portentous, ominous ; piter, who
is represented with a to see) Poet, in prose'tit^s which

perpetual, continual, lasting. shield, covered with the agis, see. Pluto, death, hell,' the grave.
At/?ot,fy ! shame wo alas .' .' ! It or skin of the goat Amalthea Aici, d. of at'f, aicos, for af^f.

expresses anger, and sorrow. on which was mounted the Gor- Sios, -ov, b, ft , (fr. ad ever) per-
Atya, a. sin. Atyur, Dor. for gon's head. petual, continual, everlasting,
atywv, gen. pi. of af. yt'irov?, -otoc, b, fi, (fr. at a goat, eternal.

Atya0fv, Dor. for AtyrjQcv, from and Tovg a foot) goat-footid, tidrns, -VTOS, $, (fr. last) perpe-
Atyi), Jjs, i],
or At/at, 5v, at, Atyt?, -t'cV, f,, (fr. ai a goat) a tuity, eternity.
J&ga;, the name of a town. goafs hide ; the JEgis or skin iStws, (fr. act ever) continually,
Aiyalov, -ov, TO, Aayo? under- of the goat Amalthea which eternally.
stood, (fr. last) the jEgean sea. suckled Jupiter a breas/platc, Atcvos, -r), -bv, (fr. a neg. and dcu

Aiyaiwv, -wj/o?, b, JEgeon, the a shield. Also (fr. afc-trw, to to see) </ar/:, dusky, shady,
name of a sea monster. rush) a storm, tempest. gloomy. aicrj,s Ion. for aiSvals
Aiyavtu, -a?, >/, and Aydvsov, -ov, AtyXarra, tyXa', Dor. foratyXr/- d. pi. fem.

TO, a dart, javelin. sin. cont. of aiccij.

cvra, and aiyX^EV and atyX?jv A?oT, d.
AiyStjv, (fr. ato-c-w to rush) sudden- from atyXiyt?, cTdTos, Poet, for ai^otdraTof,
ly, quickly, hastily, unexpectedly; AtyX?;, -j;c, ?/, lustre, brightness,
of atcoToj. .

violently, with impetuosity, furi- splendour, brilliancy. A?o?ov, -ov, TO, (neut. of next) the
ously. AtyX//(?, -o-o-ff, -v, (fr. last) groin, the reins, the privities.
Atyin, -tjs, Ion.
/, (fr. at a goat) bright, sinning, glittering, splen- Aico'tos, -a, -ov, (fr. atJws respect)
a goafs skin. did, brilliant. reverend, venerable, awful, so-
(patronym. fr. At-
Aiytiorjs, -ov, b, yoffocKos, -ov, b, and Aiyifidras, lemn, retired, secret, private ;
ynj? .5Sgeus) JEgides, a man's -a, b, Dor. for aiyoQorijs, -ov, b, cJtastc, modest.
name. (fr. ct^ a goat, and fioaKu to Soiiat, for at<5fo//at, par. pres.
Atyto?, and Alytos, -ov, o, /, (fr. feed) a goatherd, ai6fjitvos.
at a goat) of or belonging to a same, and Aicovs, g. sin. cont. of ai<5w?.
ydtctpws, -MTOS, b, (fr.
goat, a goafs, goatish. Also Kipas
a horn) having goafs A'ifptia, -as, and Ion. Aicptj'tri and
JEgeus, a man's name. horns; Capricorn, an imaginary AfSptii, -rjs, i], (fr. aidpis rude)
Aiyetpos, -ov, f],
the black poplar, or animal, with the head of a goat rudeness, ignorance, inexperi-
unskilfulness, awkward-
alder tree. and tail of a fish. ence,
AtytaXfta, -a?, v, ^Egialea, a wo- yvTrto?, -or, 8, same as yv^, a ness, simplicity
man's name. vulture ; an eagle. AtSos, g. of a is , for aicrts .
AtytaXn)?, -fas, b, (fr. atytaXo'? the yvTTios, -a, -ov, (fr. next) Spdyffi, Ion. for a'iSptims, d. pi.
shore) a fisherman who lives on Egyptian. of aitpcla.
the shore. a
.yvxTos, -ov, b, Egypt. AiSpls, -los, Att. -f'ajj, 8, , (fr.
Aiyia\'iTris, -ov, b, (fr. next) one AtywXto?, -oP, 8, an owl. neg. and tcpis prudent) rude,
living on the shore, or by the sea.Aiywv, -uh'o?, 8, (fr. ai% a goat) a simple ; ignorant, uneducated ;
AiyiaXoj, -ov, 8, (fr. atyt? a storm, fold, pen, or stable for goats. inexperienced, awkward.
and ,"X? the sea) a seabeaten
rock, Atywv, g. pi. of at' s, -ov, b, f], (fr. aifpls ig-
cliff", promontory; the seashore,
Atywv, -oro?, 8, ^Egon, a man's norant, andoc;7 justice) inequit-
strand, beach, a. sin.
uiytaXdi name. able, unjust; partial, unreason-
aiyica, a. sin. of atyt'?. wrongful, injurious, mali-
Aiyio\ for A'tfao, JEol. for alcov, g. ofaicijs. able,
Aiytitov, -ov, TO, (dim. fr. at a Alec, n. pi. fern, of C? with the cious.
goat) a kid, a young gorit. enclitic te. Atcfl, a. sin. At<5w, n. a. v. du.
-ITU), p. -Ka, (fr. same) AiSto, Ion. for at^ov, g. of at'^jji
herd, feed, or keep goats. Also Aiolonai, -ovpai, f. -laouai and Lt^wm ?, 1

-/o?, or -^o?, A'J.. -/w?, 8,

(fr. rtto-o-w, to rush) to blow vio- p. at(5w?
-^ffOfjiai, 1'icttrp.at, (fr. (fr. a'icns hell) Alduneus, the
Imthi, tear, rend. respect) to
revere, reverence, re- king of the he'atho-n realms jf
AmOtzXd;, -ov, 8, a bird living spect, regard; to be.
ashamed; thedead; Pluto, death, hell.
beas anil insects ; a titmouse. to fear, obey ; to
pardon, forgive, modesty, bash-
Lt(!w?, -do? -ov?, %,
AtyiGu;, -9?, b, the name of an un- remit, pres. inf. pass. cont. a fulness ; shame, decency ; respect,
known bird. ctiffGat. prec. impr. mid. 2 pi. reverence, veneration, d. at<5o7

A.yi'/n^o?, -ov, o f, (fr. ot^a goat, cont. aiciGu. -o7, a. aitioa -w.
and Kvfijjtrj a leg) hatmg legs A WE?, neut. of 01^77?. and Atfv, Poet, and Atf?
like a goat ; a satyr. Cret. for
act, alwcgs.
Aiyf>ti|/, -TTO?, 8. f;, (fr. at a goat, pass. AiolffdriTi, impr. Autyevirrjs, -ov. 6, ft, Poet, foraw-
I a.
and to desert)
\Eiiru> &o\. for.
inaccessible, pass. AlSeaaai, Poet, for af- ytvtTTis, aieiycverduv,
H-t>n to
goats ; high, lofly, tower- dtffat, 1 a. imp. mid. ofaioiopat. aitiytvtrur, attiytvtryai, Ion.
ing. Aigilips, the naroe of a town. -ov, 8, $, (fr. atoioftai to
for aieivevtraif.

AtcTo;, Poet, for <uroj.
a man's name. g. -dSol. A.ivclao, td, heinous, comp. em'oYfpo?, (iriv>% fern, of
Ion. Aivj'w,a. An- lav, V. AJVM. sup. -raro?. tTravd?, -77, -dv, (fr. attrvs high)
inf. act. cont Aiva- AivoroKtia, -a?, Poet, and AJVO- high, lofly, elevated; towering,
Atvv, pres. >;,

ind. or impr. atvo? severe, arduous ; heavy, overwhelming ;

r, 2 pi. cont. pres. rd/co?, -ov, 6, (fr.

act. of aivfw. and rjVrw to travail) who has grievous, oppressive ; terrible.
AJI/'U>?, Att. of severe labour. TTTP, n. pi. fern, ofgcrop. Also
(fr. ajvfw
to A.t'vv>aj, to take, carry off", seize, Dor. for #-ep, where.
Aiveots, -<of, Att. -ew?,
(fr. ajf a goat, and
for Jjvvro,
praise) prai$e,
commendation. deprive, a/vvro, Ion. jTToX/w -w,
3 sin. imp. ind. TToXfw to be engaged
AivtTbs, -ov, M,
(fr. last) praise- about) to
worthy, commendable,
laudable. AJVWV, par. pres. act. cont, of ai- keep, herd, or tend, goats.
Ajvfw -5, f. -jjffw, and-fo-w, p. fjvc- .iTToXjKo'?, *r), -dv, (fr. same) about,
Ka, (fr. rvo? praise) to praise, Aji'wv, Heb. indecl. JEnon, the concerning, or Me a goatherd.
commend, glorify in worship; to name of a place. AirdXjov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a
celebrate, applaud; to approve, AJVWV, fi, ^Enon,the
name of a city. ./Zocfc of goats.
wretch- At7rdXo?,-ov,8,(fr. same)agoaf7iera'.
consent, agree, per. pass, fjveftai. AJVW?, (fr. aivo? dreadful)
1 a. act. ind. fivecra., Ion. aivnoa. edly, grievously ; dreadfully,
hor- -0? -ov?, TO, (fr. aiTrvj high) A??,
impr. atvtoov opt. ajvr/aajjui, ribly ; greatly, mightily. height, altitude, elevation; an
jEol. and Poet, atvjjao-eia, -a?, aiybs, b,
and /, a goat. eminence, a mountain.
-6v, same as
- inf. ajv^aai' par. ajv?o-d?. Atfc, -ai'Ko?, fj, (fr. atao'tt) to rush) ,770?, -;/,

com- swiftness, speed, celerity ; impe- Ami)?, -la, -v, high, lofty ;
AJVTJ, -^?,
f), (fr. last) praise,

tuosity, violence, force; an

mendation; honour, celebrity; a ous, hard, severe, difficult; rough,

story, fable, proverb. sault, attack ; a wave, surge. rugged; great, large, mighty,
same as d. pi. of aj'.
Apos. for atvrjfii, All-iv,
Aioiaa, Dor. for ajovaa, par. pres. j, same as aiTrv? 1 or relating
Aivtjai, Ion. for ajvaj?, d. pi. fem.
of aive)?' or of am/. AjoXj'<??7?, -ov, b, ^Eolides, a man's AtirSrof, -ov, 6, JEpytut, a man's
name. name.
Atviypa, -UTO$, TO, and Aj'vjy^o?,
an AjeXi?, and Poet. the herb darnel or
-ov, o, (fr. aivfcffOfjiai to hint) AjoXj?t?, -j'<5o?,j ATpa, -a?, ^,

enigma, a riddle, an obscure ^Eolia, the name of a country, iares ; a mallet, hammer, axe.

question ; an allegory, metaphor, AjoXXf'w, Poet, for AjdXXoi, f. -oXw, A /pas, Sync, for apaj, 1 a. par.
act. of adoo).
parable. p. -K.a (fr. aio"Xo? varied) to vary,
and diversify, variegate; to change A.ip, pres. impr. act. Ai'psij,
Aivty//arj'a?, -ov, Ajvty/*ari<7-
sin. and 3 sin. and
r;)?, -ov, b, (fr. last) enigmatical, alter ; to vibrate, quiver; waver A/pei,
obscure, speaking in riddles or fluctuate. A/pT, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. Aipfi-
parables. AioXo/3pdvr7?, -ov,
and Dor. AjoXo- rai, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. ofaipw.
/Spdvra?, -a, 6, (fr. aioXo? swift, At'ptt, Ion. for S/ptf, 3 sin. imp.
AivjyjuaruxSdi?, (fr. same) obscure-
ly, darkly, enigmatically.
and tlmnder) the quick UipfW.
Atvj'^ot/aj,sameasajvttii, to praise, thundcrer, an epithet of Jupiter. A.ipc9f<j)<ri, Ion. for aSp0o5(rt, sub. of
wonder, admire. AjoXoflwpi?^, -7)KO$, b, fi, (fr. ajdXoj j/pfe^v, 1 a. pass, of aJpfu.
AIVIKTOS, -rj, -bv, (fr. next) enigma- varied, and -^oipaf a breastplate] Afpf'0>7,
Ion. for rjofdrj, 3 sin. 1 a.
tical, obscure ; hinted, alluded armed with a coloured breast- pass. Alotdcif part. Alptftij-
to. plate. ffOfjiai,
1 f. of alp f <it.
Att. -iTropai, f. -l%op.at, AjoXd/ojn?, -teas, and AJoXo//^r/?
Ion. for
a/pov, pres. impr.
p. fiviypai, (fr. ajvo? a fable) to -ov, and Dor. AjoXo^ra?, -a, 6 mid. of afpw.
hint, intimate, allude, refer in- (fr. same, and //>}n? counsel) of pf<Tjj, n.
a. v.
couch a meaning, extensive of deep de-
directly ; to thought, <rus, g. Att. Atpcriv, a. sin. of
to convey more than is express- signs ; sapient, wise, sagacious,
ed. provident. Afpfo-y//of,-ou,o, f], (fr.atpiw to take)
Aiv69tv, (fr. at^d? severe) grievous- , -ov, o, (fr. same, anc easy to 6e tofcen, or captured.
severely; very, exceedingly. a girdle) wearing a co- A!p<r<?, -jo?, Att. -w?, ^,(fr.
ly, same)
AivoOfv ajvw?, grievously severe, Jirpa
rured girdle or belt* election, choice, preference; adop-
from bad to worse. joXdTrwXo?, -ov, 6, >;, (fr. same, tion, opinion, tenet; heresy; a
Atvo\i<av, -ovro?, 6, (fr. euro's terri-
asd TrwXo? a young horse) driv- sect, schisma.
ble, and Xtwv a lion) a terrible ing pied, or different coloured, or A<pTf'o?, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to hi

furious savage lion. swift horses ; also active, exper* chosen, preferred, &c.

Atvd//opo?, -ov, 6, 77, (fr. same, and Aj prj'^(i),(fr.same) to

select, choose,
/zdpo? lot) hard-fated, unfortu- , -TI, -ov, varied, diversified, prefer ; to inhabit.
nate, wretched, miserable. variegated, party coloured ; agile, prj*6?, -ov, o, (fr. same) onewhe
Ajvo7ra0/)?, -to? -ov?, 6, ;/, (fr. same, nimble, active, swift; waving, chooses or adopts some
and Trda%<j)
to suffer) suffer- floating, quivering; chargeable, lar course or opinion ; a sectary;
ing misery, enduring hardship, flckle, flexible ; subtle, artful, sly ;
a heretic.

vretched, afflicted. complicated, involved; wreathed, Aipm?, -if os, fi, (fr. same) she who
AivoiT\ri^, -jjyo?, 6, (fr. ajvo?
f), tortuous, twisted. chooses, prefers, loves ; a mistress,
vere, and 7rX>;o-o-w to strike) lash- AtdXo?, -ov, b, jEolus, the king of a sweetheart.
ing, cutting ; austere, morose, in- the winds. -rj, same) to be
tptrbs, -ov, (fr.
oXo^aj'rT??, -ov, b, (fr. atdXo? va- chosen, preferred ; desirable, pre*
AlvoTroiao -w, (fr. OJVG? praise, and ried, and %air77 the mane) with a ferable, eligible, select.
to waving mane, or adorned with a
render) to give praise, A?p/o> -w,f. ->'/aui, p. fiprjica, to take,
to sing praises, to celebrate, to coloured crest of hair.
bear, carry ; receive; seize, grasp,
laud. Ion. for of
'Aiov, /fiov, imp. aju. catch, take as a prey in hunting,
ATvo?, -ov, 5, a fable, an apologue, Aiovaeo -w,f. -rjvu), to sprinkle, wet, or war; overtake; overpower,
a moral, allegory, proverb ; an moisten, bedew, dash. exhaust, wear out, subdue, drive,
argument, discourse ; praise, ce- Ai6vt]aig -jo?, Att.-u?, ^, a sprink- ruin ; to gain a lawsuit ; to
ling, moistening. convince, convict, condemn; to
harsh, austere; AiopirdTa, a Scythian word signi-
?,-i), -dv, severe, take of, or kill; to choose, select,
grievous, painful; cruel, unre- fying manslayers. prefer ; to adopt, assume ; to
lenting; dreadful, terrible; teiek- Aitrtiav, a. sin. fern, ofatirti?. elect ; 2 a. from the ob. ft,
C (17)
tod. ifXoV impr. '{\e,
&c. mid. Aiffi/jo'a) -w, f. -uVo), p. -u/ca, to A.iff\pbf, -a, -ov, (fr. ai<r\o$ vde.
ind. opt. impr. fAou'
/Xofyi/>/'sub. fiAw/taf
par. l\6pevos,
2. f. ind. act. Aw'
mid. Aofyiai.
Alp>jK, -, Ion. for r/p^t, 3 sin.
pper. act. of last.
-r), -CTUI, 1 f. ind. mid.
of same.
and Aiptvoj, -ov, 6, r/, (fr.
or darnel.
aipa tares) of tares,
JLipos, -ou, (fr.
a intens. and
6, #,

a beggar's name) beggarly,
wretched, miserable.
f. raise, lift, to
Afyu, apw, p. ijipKa,
elevate ; to excite, impel ; to sus-

pend, hang up ; to hold in sus-

pense, keep in doubt ; to height-
en, exaggerate, aggravate ;
take, bear, carry; to conceive,
perceive ; to take off,
cut off,

stroy ; to weigh anchor, strike

tents, start, set off.
undertake, commence ; to bear,
suffer, endure; to bear off, car-
ry away. 1 a. act. ind. fjpcr
impr. aoov opt. apofyu* sub. dpw
dpat- par. dpaf per. pass.
1 a. ind. impr. dp-
jipfiai- f/pOriv'
Qnri' 1 f. pass. ap(<>'iffop.ai.

Afpuv, -ovaa, -ov, par. pres. act.

A/pw<n, 3 pi. pres. sub. act.
of last.
A(j, aiSos, >i, same as aicr)$.
At j, d. pi. fern, of oj.
Atera, -;?, %,fate, destiny, supreme
decree ; fortune, allotment, lot,
portion, share ; place, room,
stead ; duty, office, engagement ;
reason, equity.
JiiffdKwv, -ovos, b, a kind of hawk.
AiVdpos, -ov, b, the name of a river,
Dor. for affovp.ai, which
1 f. mid. of 9<5o>.
A/O^TTOJ, -ov, b, JEsepus, a river.

or aiaQiofiai, f. aiffdrj-
to be afflicted,
<ro/iat, p. fjffQrifjiai,
feel, perceive; to remark, dis-
comprehend, ; think to
learn, understand; 2 a. mid.
ind. r)a86p.r/v opt. enffflofyojvsub.

inf. aiaQicQai' par.

Att. -toj,
>/, and-0?j-

fta, -aroj, TO, (fr. last)

a sense ;
perception, sensation ; thought,
knowledge, judgment.
Atff0;oT>jp(ov, -ov, TO, (fr. same)ctn
organ, instrument, or means of
sensation, as the eye of seeing,
&c. ; or of perception, as the
mind ; sense, faculty, talent.
JiioOririicbs, -r/,-6v, (ft. same)/ee/
ing, sensible, sensitive ; intelli

gent, shrewd, sagacious.

Ai<r0r?TiK(3s, (fr. last) shrewdly,
sensibly, &c.
At(r0?T<>j, -dv,(fr. aiaQdvojiai to

feel) palpable, sensible, that may

be seen, heard, &c. perceptible.
AJO-&W, for aiu, to feel, hear, per-
ceive ; also, to expire, die.
/.fotfwvrai, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. of
Affflfioj, -ov, 6, fj, (fir. aitra. fate) fa-
tal, fated, decreed ; just, vpnght,
be atked, entreated, &c.', desira- tfie
spear, captured in war, a cap- , -ou, 8, fi, (fr. a neg. and
ble. a prisoner, a slave. tive, to restrain) not to be re-

A.ma, -aj> and Ion. b, Dor. for at^ryr//?.

A.irlr, -r/s, >'i, i^Hards, -a, strained ; licentious, unruly, tur-
a c ftuse, reason, motive, 1"XPI, -rjs, a spear; the point;
incite- t'i,
ment ; an accusation a v
.Kaiva, and Ion. A*a/ j -7Ji hi
; blame, weapon ; spirit, courage.
a condiion, state, -ou, b, (fr. last)
a spear- (fr. a*n
a point) a goad ; a staff,
fault, crime; XUVTris,
situation, case. man, a soldier, a warrior. Adj. pole.
A.iTidaaQaL, for Poet,
iiTiaaQai, warlike, hostile, aixfi-nrdw, g. ^Knipa, and Aicatpws, (fr. a neg.
cont. of uTidopat. Dor. Bceot. Jol. and aiyMT and Kaipbs opportunity) unsea-
pres.iuf. pass.
Acriujwa, -&TOS, TO, (fr. next)
an ruun', g. pi.
vEol. for c sonably, untimely, unfitly, awk-
accusation; blame; ciime. and aiYHTjTiuv. voc. ai\ wardly.
:Xi*o<j>6pos, -ou, o, (fr. Kaiplofiai -ouj/aij -7;<ro/iai, p.
same) to ascribe, or spear, and ^opao to carry) a nKaipriftai, (fr. same) to want
pat, (fr.

impute blame ; to accuse, crimi- spearman, a soldier, a means, or opportunity ; to miss,

nate, impeach ; to chide, reprove.
tya, and by Apos. a?^/', immedi- fail.
pres. pass. aiTideadai -aadai'
inf. ately, directly, forthwith, quickly, Jcojpifl, -aj, fi, (fr. same) unsea-
imp. pass, jjrtdo/xjjv, -uJ^v'Spl. speedily. soiiableness, inconvenience, awk-
-uivro. -ov, wardness embarrassment.
nndovro, ifynpos. -a, (fr. last) quick, ;

AtrtariKoj, -ou, 8, >), (fr. same) ex- swift. .Kaipios, -ov, 8, 17, (fr same) mo-
cusing, criminatory. nj/ripoK&v8os, -ou, 8, f), (fr. last mentary, transitory, sliglit,

AmaXoyta, -as, rj, (fr. same, and and KfXcuQos a road) quick on tin vial, transient.

\6yos talk) excuse, plea, extenua- road, speedy, fleet. .Kaipoj, -ou, 8, ^,(fr. same) unsco-
tion, apology, defence. Atw, Poet, to hear, listen, attend ,

sonable, untimely, inconvenient,

Am'dpa, -arosi TO, (fr. same) an to learn, know, perceive; ti awkward ; unfit, unqualified.
accusation. breathe forth, expire, die. par iKa/caXjj, -t'^oj, fi,
an Egyptian
Amov, -ou, TO, (fr. same) reason, pres. aiuv.
cause ; fault, blame. a neg. and
iiav, Dor.
for nltltv. \.KaKi'/Tris, -ov, b, (fr.
AWof, -ou, (fr.same) causing, A<uu', -wvos, b, (fr. atl ever, and u;
8, fi, KaKos bad) innoceni, guiltless,
effective, operative, efficient ; in being) eternity ; an age, life Jiarmless ; benign, benevolent.
fault, guilty, culpable, accused duration,or continuance of time AKOKW, -as, f,, (fr. same)
sub. a cause, source, origin, au- a period ; a revolution of ages cence, simplicity, integrity.
a dispensation ofprovidence ; thi inno-
thor, mover, comp. amu>r| K&KOS, -ov, b, f], (fr. same)
world, or life ; the world, or lif cent, harmless, simple, undesign-
Amdwirai, Poet, for amwj/rat, to come. ing, artless, g. pi. aKawv,
pi. cont. pres. ind. pass,
of At- uva, -wvaj, -lavi, -uvoj, -wvajv Ku^upjjdrrjf, -ov, b, rj, (fr. aKaXo';

-iDc-(, cases of last, quiet, and piut to now) calmly

;, -tos-ovs, e,>% (fr. omaa iion'^uj, (fr. last)
eternize, per jio&ing, gently swelling, smoothly
cause) relaiing to causes, motives petuate, imm<. gliding, g. JEol. a*:aXopp/rao.
or origins. Atwnof,-ou,8, >/, (fr. same) eternal K.a\f}<bri, ->??, (/,
a nettle ; a sort of
A.ITVIJ, -TJS, >;, jEtna, a volcano in
immortal, perpetual ; former Jish, or shell.
Sicily. past, ancient. KaXX/jj, -tos -ovs, b, TI, (fr.
a neg.
Aror?7i>, -rj$, -TI, &c. Alt. for aiToi-
wpa, -as, (fr. next) a raising
>}, and KaXos fair) without beauty,
opt. of atrad.
[ii, lifting, suspending, or hangin t plain, ordinary.
Atroj, Dor. for rf ; up ; a vessel, bucket, or thin
A.KaXLept]Tos, -ou, 8, fj, (fr. last,

AtrdXioj, -ou, 8, ty, suspended ; an image hung u ana hcos sacred) unpropitious,
AtrouvTj, d.sin. cont. and AJTOU- among their vines, according t unfavourable.
aa, n. fem. sin. cont. of atrfw. heathen superstition. AA:a>o ;-, -i), -bi; (fr. nca quietly)
Atrw/*E0a, mid. or pass. andAtn (jiplu) -u}, f. -/;<rci), p. -rjKa, to lif quitt, calm, still.
act. 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. raise, exalt ; suspend, hang up AKdXviTTos, -ov, 8, a neg. and fj, (fr.

AJTOJV, par. pres. act. cont. of A.ioplo[iai -ovfuai,

to fed exalted
cover) uncovered, ex-
(caXt'irrw to
same. to boast, vaunt; to scorn, dis posed, bare ; open, unconcealed. .

same as dtyvia.
dain ; to bs suspended, hang Kap'j.iTO\6yV7js, ov, b. (fr. axduas
Aj!>i'fc?oj, -ou, 8, '/, (fr. last) sud dangle. unwearied, and X<5y^J7 a spear)
den, unexpected, unawares, un copou/*', pres. ind. pass. cont. o unwearied at the spear, brave,
foreseen. last. courageous. aica//avroXoy;av,
A.i<f>vioiov, suddenly. g.
Ai^vtciwj, (fr. last) suddenly, all A.Kd, Poet, for a/c>J or n pi. Dor.
at once ; unexpectedly.
KafiavToniixw, -ov, i, (fr. same,
Ararat, 1 a. inf. pass. next) the Academia, a school o andjm^o^ai to figbt) unwearied
At^/ia'^w, and Poet. ai% L philosophy at Athens. Henc in the Jight, valorous, iniinci-
ai%pri spear)a brandish, to or the English, Academy. blc.
use the spear ; to Jight. th
A.Kacr)[ios, -ov, b, Academus, Kapavroxovs, -otios, o, (fr. same,
supposed founder of the precec and TTOLIS a foot) unwearied of
TOS a captive) bondage, capiivity in -
foot, active, swift, nimble.
a captive multitude.
and-w, (fr. OK;; a a neg.
AKO'^W, -o-u, Kdfias, -avTos, 8, 17. (fr.
,. -Vffu>,p. j/ edge) to whet,
sharpen, to pro and xra/u'w to
unwearied, tire)
reuxa, (fr. same) to fcao, or car. vokc, irritate ; to fret, distress indefatigable, not fatigued, not
ry away captive, to enslave. per. pass. fiKatj\ia.i. tired; incessant, constant; vio-
Axa0ap<n'a, -as, r,, (fr. a neg. and lent. Also Acamas, a man's
into cap-
Ka,(fr. same)fo take,lead KaOaipu to cleanse) pollution,
tivity, en.?!ave,subdue; to restrain foulness, impurity ; uncleanness, -Kdparos, -ou, o, j;, (fr. same)
repress, subdue, passions or pro Jilth; lewdness, incontinence. same. g.
sin. Ion. a/cajwarojo, d.

pensities. per. pass. ij^ AKaBdp-rris, -TITOS, >/, (fr. same,

as pi.
fem. Ion. oKa/<aTJ)fft.
/iat. 1 f. ind. pass. at^ if by Sync, for
un- -off, and"
3 pi. -crovrai. a neg. and Kauirru)
drjaofiai, cleanness, impurity, lewdness. -ou, 8, ^, (fr.

&.Kd9apros, -ov, b, rj, (fr. same)

im- to bend) unbending, unyielding ;

-ioos, h* -
atvur^ a spear pure, unclean, dejfiled, unfit for stiff, rigid, inflexible; having no
and aXi'cxw to take) to/^n receiving the rites of religion. return.

Arav, -avoj, 6, and 'AxavQa, ->;?, f/
A*7A7roj,-oi>, 6, fi, (i'f. a neg. an
ostentatious) unassum Anovd^w, (fr. OKOVO) to hear) to and (f>atvu to appear) bright,
ing,' modest, unqualified. hear, to listen, to attend on an clear, distinct; pure, unmixed;
A/cova'w -u>, (fr. attovr, a whetstone invitation, to be invited. lively, active, swift.
to whet, sharpen, grind ; tt
AKOVC, -mo, sin. and -trt, 2 pi. AxpavToy, -ou, 6, $, (fr. a neg. and
quicken, excite. pres. impr. act. Aratkiy, -ti
Kpuivu to complete) imperfect,
AK6vSv\os, -on, a neg. am
6, f,, (fr.
2 3 sin. and -o/m-, -ere, -ovat unfinished, defective, frail ; vain,
ic6vov\o$ a thump) without blows pi. pres. ind. act. A/eovf/icv fruitless, ineffectual.
unpunished. Ion. for AKOVUV, pres. inf. act. see
AKdvrj, ->)s, f], a grinding-stone, Of (IKOV-j). (fr. a neg.
\Kpnrrla, -ay, ')'/, and
whetstone. 'AKOVIJ, -ijy, /, same as <:*>/. *-pToy strength) inability to re-
AKOVITI, (fr. a nejr. anda^viy dust] 'A/covpoy, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. a nog. an strain the appetites ; intempe-
without toil, easily, readily. to shave) unsliorn, untrim- un-
Ktipia rance, excess ; incontinence,
A/coVFrov, -ov, rd, the herb aconite med, rough , unseemly ; beard- chastity.
or monkshadc ; poison. less. Or Ion. foi
(fr. xrcwpoy, Axparfvonai, f.-vo-o//t (fr.a/fpaT>;y
'AKovra, aKovre, a'/covrey, fr. UKUV K<5poy
a youth) c/7 ir.temperate) to act intemperatc-
-ovira, -ov. A*rouy, see a^oir. ly,
to live dissolutely ; to
AxdvTiay, -ov, 6, (fr. UKMV a dart) a A/cot'o-frjcrOstf, -ao-a, -c^ ,
1 a. indulge, pamper.
serpent, called in Latin Jaculus. pass, of AKparcvTtKos,-ov, b, >jj(ft. last) dis-
AKovrifa, f.
-law, p. -tKa, (fr. jcoveidti), (fr. next.) to farce, com- solute, intemperate.
same) to throw lite
javelin; to pel. lobe forced; AKpariis, -f'oy-oPy, o, /, (fr. a neg.
hurl, dart, discharge. 1 a. rjK6v- to act unwillingly, be reluctant
and Kftdros unable to
TKTU, Ion. aKovriffa. to shun,
avoid, loatlic, decline. curb the appetites, intemperate,
AKOVTIOV, -ov, TO, (dim. of same) AKOvVtoy, -ov, 6, r/, and -ia,-(ov, (fr '/(te,debaucJicd, unchaste.
a smaller kind of'javelin, &c. a neg. and txcuv willing) u/m ill- Axpiirfiros, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, and
A/covn'fny, -toy, Att. -tuy, (fr. ing, involuntary, loathe, discon-
,'/, Kpuriui to restrain) not to be
d*u v a dart) a throwing of th tenled, reluctant. checked, restrained, or kept with-
javelin, ilarting, hurling, shoot- AKOV<TM$ (fr. last) unwillingly, re in bounds; ungovernable, licen-
ing ; a volley. luctantly. tious.
AKovrjOTfjy, -ov, b, Dor. AKoi'rjoruy, Kovapa, -aroy, TO, (fr. a/ccvu to AKparifa, (fr. a*porov unmixed
-a, 6, and AKOvnorjJp, -fjpoy, b, hear) o hearing, the ti:ing heard, wine) to carouse, indulge; to
(fr. same) a javelin-man, a lan- a sound ; fame, report. breakfast.
cer, who is armed with missile -a, -ov, (fr. same) that AKjtuTicua, -aroy, TO, (fr. same)
weapons. must be heard, attended to, obey- breakfast : an early meal taken
A/covrio-TiAro'y, -i), -ov, (fr. same) ed. by those who cannot restrain
clever at the dart ; sup. aKovna- AKovarrjf, -ov, 6, (fr.
same) an au- their hunger.
rciraroy. ditor, hearer, scholar. A(c0uT(o-roy, -ov, 6, #, (fr. last)
Aicovrto-rvy, -voy,^, (fr. same) dex- AKOVCTIKOS, -rj, -ov, (fr. same) re- breakfasts, having breuk-
terity in using the dart, or jave- lating to hearing, or sound ; list-
lin ; a trial
of skill, or a fight ening, attentive, obedient. AKparov, -ov, rb, (neut. of next)
with missile weapons. AKovordy, -ov, to be pure or unmixed wine.
b, fj, (fr. same)
A-KoTTj'aoToy, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. heard, audible, distinct. iKpuros, -ov, b, Y], (fr. neg. and
a *d KoVoy to
fatigue) unwearied, tovT/w, f. -iaui, p. rjKovriKa (fr. Kc-pavvv/u mix) unmixed, pure,
fres\ vigorous, able, active, har- same) to cause to hear, to make simple ; unsullied, untouched ;
attend. 1 f. Att. aKovrtu, -ny, perfect, complete, just.
AKOTrttfo-Twy, (fr. last) vigorously, &c. KpayoAoyj Dor. for a/cpdvoXoy, -ov,
actively. <ovw, f. -o-o), p. ftKovKa, to hear ; o, ,}, (fr. aKpoy extreme, and
'A/co7roy, -ov, 6, see a/coirwc-Toy.
to hearken or listen to, attend; %oXij anger) irascible, passionate.
AK6pc<TTos, -ov, b, ^ and Poet. AK<$- to
comprehend, learn, under- A K pi pur, -ovoy, 6, (perhaps fr.
pToy, or 'A/copoj, (fr. a ne g. and stand ; to regard, obey ; to be a/cpoy high,
and *:p^aa) to hang)
Kope'w to satisfy) insatiable, gree- called, or said to be. imp. act. a large branch, or arm of a tree;
dy, ravenous, voruioy S , i/Kovoi'. la. r-Kovaa, Ion. UKOVW a bough ; a shoot, sucker.
opt. aKovffa7ut, JEol. aKovccia, vptcTtcpov, (fr. dVpoy extreme, and
(fr. same, and Koptu to -' late in the even-
sweep) -ay, par. a/covaay, .i^ol. OKOV- ccnrepos evening)
unswept, unbrushed, vrtpclished, <raty. per. pass. ^Kova/iat, 1 a. ing, dusk.
dirty, neglected. tjKovcOrjv. 1 f.
aKouffOijcopa:. 2 a. .rpr/, -rjs, fj,
Ion. for uKpa.
'AKopov, -ov, TO, the herb swc<'t?orn
act. ind.
2 f. ind. act. .Kprjfios, -ov, b, 11, (fr. dxpo$ ex-
or galingale. ind. mid. aKovcopai. treme, and
a/cow. 1 f. 'r/fir] youth) young,
A/cdy, -toy -o?y, TO, (fr. aKfo/mi to 2 sin. aKovcrr]. Ion. aKovacai. boyish, childish.

cure) a cure, medicine, remedy; per. mid. I'JKOO.. Att. ai:rJKoa. 2 >uiri, -TIS,
Ion. for
expiation, atonement. ^ mid. aKOijffopat. aia, -ay, >/, (fr. aKpriros unmixed,
AKo'o-fc??roy, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a ncg. and >'ol<av, -ot'cra, -ov, par. pres. act. and strong drink;
TroViy drink)'
Koapfd) to adorn) unadorned, AKOI'UHI, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. drinking plain wine ; a drinking
plain, not ornamented. bout.
same, and same) a
,..,-. h (fr. >oy highest)
A/coo-|u<,-t, -ay, ^, (fr. r
a 'Trj$, -ov, 6, (fr.
Koo-fidyorder) it-ani o/" ornament, heigm summit, eminence; a fort, toper, drunkard,
plainness, simplicity ; irregula- 'il;'-
del, fo.' tress ; a cape, pro- a neg. raid
Affpjjroy, -ov, b, v, (fr.
rity, confusion, disorder, tumult. montory , beech, shore; extre- to mix) unmixed, pure,
'Awo-fioy, -ov, o, 11, (fr. same) plain, mity, verge plain; sincere, lionest, innocent,
unadorned; irregular, disorder- Alpaca-Toy, Poa,. for chaste.
ly, undisciplined, tumultuous. AKpans, -foy -OIN
6, ^ (fr. V.^pt/3rt'^w,
f. -aerw, p. -a/ca, (fr.
AK<5<r//u)y, (fr. last) disorderly, dis- high) high, elevated, on an emi- a/cpi/^y exact) examine, try,
gracefully, indecently. nence; on the
sv/ace, superfi- prove, inquire, search, scrutinize.
AKOOT!W -to, fr. -jaw, (fr. next) to cial. same) exa-
AK-pi/3a<ruoy, -ov, b, (fr.
feed on barley ; to pamper, fat- AicpaToy, -ou, 6, >;, ssame) high-
(fr. mination, trial, scrutiny, search;
ten. Or a limit, boundary, restriction,
est, loftiest; extreme, last.
AKOOTTJ), -ijy,j,, barley, food in ge- (fr. dxpa. a fort) of the castle. cpifida, -ay, fi, (fr. same) exact-
neral, victual*. Aicpai0v>?y, -f'oy -oCy,5, ^, (fr. same, ness, accuracy, nicety.
jUpi0WTefw?,comp. -roTof, sup.
A*plj%, -tos -ovs, b, i'i, accurate,
sa me as o AaXi'w to speak) inexpressible, -dvos, 6,
a weapon. unutterable, unspeakable,ana 'AXy^ais, -ioj, Att. -ew?,
inef- TO,
A.Kw\toTOs, -77, -ov, deprived of any fable. ^, (fr. same) >,
sorrow ; pain,
or member. And AAaArjTOf, and Dor. aAaAdTo?, -ou, ache ; grief,
mourning, trouble.
'AftrwAo?, -ou, &,
>/, (fr.
a neg. and o, (fr aXaX?) same as aAaAay- AXy?pd?, -a, -bv, (fr. same) griev-
KU\OV a member) </wtf wants some ous, mournful ; painful.
part, member, or limb, especially A.\aXKonvr)is, -iSof, h, (fr aAdX/ca) AXylwv, comp. dXytoroj, sup. (fr.
the feet; maimed, mutilated, de- to assist, and fitvos strength) same) more and most grievous,
fective. able to relieve, the mighty helper, mournful, painful, &c.
A*wAuroy, -ou, 6, //, (fr. same, and an epithet of Minerva. 'AXyoj, -oj -ouj, Td,wo ) grief, sor-
/cwAuw to unhindered, 'AXaA*:ov, Ion. for ^AaA/cov, imp. or
hinder) row, sadness ; trouble, hardship,
free, at liberty, unrestrained 2 a. of distress ; pain, ache, soreness.

A/ewAuTwy, (fr. last) without stop, A.\d\Kta, same as aXieta, or dX/cu. AA<5f'u> -5. or
'AA<?w, f. -jfau), p.
'AXaXoj, -ou, 6, fi, (fr. a neg. and also AXio/vw,
or f. to
hindrance, prohibition. -nica, -avw,
AKWV, and A/COUJ, -dvroj, 6, a dart AaAao to speak) dumb, mute, si- feed, nourish, maintain ; to invi-
javelin, weapon. lent. gorate, strengthen; to increase,
'A.KUV,and A/KUIV, -ovaa, -ov, (fr. c A\aXvKrrinai, by Att. redupl. for enlarge, augment.
neg. and <ii>
willing) unwilling a\vKTr)p.ai, which is either
a A.\O>I<?K<I>, (fr. last) to grow, be-
averse, reluctant; involuntary, Poetic present tense, or per. come larger, increase.
unintentional. pass. Ion. of aXvicriopai, Poet. A.Xta, -as, and Ion. AXci}, -rjs, fl>
a. sin. of 5Xf. "AAa<5' for
"AAa, A.Xa!-6vS, -wv, o't, Alaxones, a peo- (fr. aXfco to shun) escape, flight,
aXaSt, to sea, seaward. ple adjoining Scythia. refuge.
'AAa/3a, -rjs, >;, ink. AAdo^at, f.
to wander, AXta, -as, and Ion. AX/, -??, ^,
A.\a(idpxrjs, -ou, 6, (fr. dAa/3a ink, stray, roam, rove ; to err, mis- Aea< ? warmth.
and dp^oj chief) a penman, take ; to doubt, hesitate. AXtaivu, (fr. last) to grow warm.
writer, scrivener ; a governor. AAadf, -ou, 6, 17, (fr. a neg. and A.Xiaadai, and AAtiaff0at, for aAf-
AAd/?aorpov, -on, TO, and aXdfiacr- Adw to see) blind; purblind, vaffOai and aAuaa(70aj, 1 a. inf.

rpos, -ou, 6, alabaster ; a box made short-sighted ; with but one eye. mid. of aAeoi and aAfuw.
of for ointment, or perfume ;
-u>, f. -wo-o., (fr. last)
AAfynvdf, -ou, 6, f,, (fr. aXf'ya)
such a box made of other ware.
blind, deprive of sight; to de- regard) mournful, soi r awful, sad,
A.\dSpofios, -ov, (fr. uAj the
6, '/, ceive, delude. melancholy, grievous ; anxious,
sea, and a course) roving
CQOJJLOS la, -as, T),
Ion. AAaodKo- solicitous, attentive, watchful.
at sea, cruising; a corsair, pi and CKO-
7r7, (fr. aAadf purblind, See also aAyv<5$.
rate. ~bs a view) dimness of sight, an AAeyfw, f. -ttrw, p. -/c, same as
A.Xaovia, -as, f/, (fr. aAd^wv a indistinct view ; a bad lookout, AAtyw, f. -fu>, to toJce core q/", see
braggart) a boast, ostentation, neglect of guard. to, look to,
order, provide; to
pretension ; pride, pomp, arro- A.Xa7radvbs, ->i, -bv, (fr. next) easily attend, regard, respect ; to value,
gance. destroyed, injured, impaired, or
A\aovvofjiai, f. -uVo^a, pained; soft, tender, delicate; -rj, -bv, (fr. aAfa heat)
to boast,
brag, glory, vaunt. weak, frail. warm, temperate, tepid.
AAa^ovfj, -ovas, cases of AAaTrd^o), f. -fw, (fr. Aa7rdu>
to ex- favw, (fr. a \i<a to shun) to
AAao>v, -6vos o, fj, a boaster, pre-
haust) to waste, destroy ; to rob, escape; to
shun, avoid. Imp.
tender. Adj. self-assuming, inso- spoil, pillage, plunder ; to empty, aXltivov, Ion. for ri\iuvov.
lent, vain-glorious, arrogant. exhaust, drain. 1 a. j;Ad7raa, ff), -ijs, f/, (fr. same) see a\td.
AAaflefa, AAafleriw, AXa6%, Dor. for Ion. aXdirafa- inf. aAa7raai. Xtia, -as, q, see dXtc/a.
aX/0a'a, &c. "AAoj, -OTOS, TO, (fr. uXs the sea) fiovToj, -ou, 6, i^, (fr. a neg. and
AAa0j, par. ofriXdOvv, 1 a. pass. salt brine ; the sea ; hospitality, Xtiaivii) to pohsh) unpolished,
of d\t}ui, a\u), or aXdofiai. entertainment. coarse, unfinished.
A.\ddtjTos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and AAao-Tfoi -w, (fr. dXacros indelible) Aaap, -OTOS, rb, (fr. aAw to
Aav0dvu> to hide) not to be con- to feel
heavily, resent, be angry, grind) meal, flour.
cealed, notorious, public, conspi- not forget ; to fret, grieve. AAAfya, Att. for jjXci^a, per. of
cuous. Dor. for dA?o-rof.'AAao-Toj,
AAatoj, -a, -or, for ira\ai6s. a neg. and 'AX/i/ia, -aTos, rd, (fr.same) unc-
\do-TUf), -opog, b, (fr.
forget) a punisher, an
-as, a, for to anointing; ointment, be-
\tjdofjiai iion,
avenger, who inflicts woes not to smearing, daubing.
AAaAay/id?, -ou, 6, and AXdXaypa, be forgotten ; an evil genius, a AXefoj, Dor. for HAtro?, -ou, 6, *.
-aroj, TO (fr. next) a din, shout; demon ; execrable. Also Alastor,
a cheering used by soldiers in a man's name. b oXe/dw to
A.\eiiTTrjs, -ov, } (fr,
battle ; exultation'; sound, me- AAdTaj, -a, 6, Dor. for AA^T?f. anoint) an. anointer, one who oil-
lody, warbling; lowing, bleat Also Alatas, or Aletes, a man's ed and attended the wrestlers; a
ing. name. perfumer.
A.\aXdov, neut. sin. AAaXdov- AAaTO, Ion. for 7/Aaro, 3 sin. imp. aTn-pov, -ou, TO, (fr. same) a
raj, a. pi. par. pres. act. of vessel for ointment ; a room for
AXaAdco, f.
-daw, p. -a/ca, (fr. "AAaTo, Dor. for 5;AaTo, 3 sin. 1 a. anointing.
to cry alala, shout, cheer
next) ; mid. of aAAo^at. fjj, par. pres. of d\ij/*i,
or par.
to to 2
wail, yell, howl; clatter, AAawTuj, -vos, r,, (fr. aAao? pur- a. pass, of aA/w.
tinkle, clang, clank. blind) blindness, dimness ofsight. AXe/o-ov, -ou, TO,
an embossed cup,
AAaA7, and Dor. aAaAa, -as, 5
for of dAyoj, d. a drinking
-T)s, ft,
AAy , dXyea, pi. vessel, tankard, gob-
a, alala, an unmeaning word, let.

forming the shout of soldiers -r), -ov, AAy?pof, -a, -bv, AAY???, -ou, 6, (fr. next) a sinner.
joining battle. and See aXiTp6s-
AAy?v<5$-, -eo-o-a, -cv, (fr.
AAdAj^/at, ind. a\d \rjadai, inf. oAa- next) grievous, mournful, sad;
X?/uvof, par. per. pass, by re- painful, aching. Comp. a\yti- (fr. a neg
dupl. from aXdo/xat. Or by a like pubhc, and
vdrepos, sup. -raroj. fpyw work)
redupl. prea. from oX^ai, act. an immunity from public duties ;
AXyt'w -5, f. -jfaw, p. fayijKa, (fr.
dXyoj pain) *o ocA, /c/ poin ; a privilege, exemption.
AXoXi7roj,-o, {, f,, (fr. a neg. and mtntrn, fret, pine, grime.
$ap, -arcs, TO, (fr. next) oint-
AA>;Tvw, (fr. next) to wander
saw, preserve ; assist, relieve;
race, tribe, or nation, d. sin, n, -tig, fi, (fr. aXj the sea sink under weakness or sorrow}
and shake) an epithet ol
aevu) to to grieve,
f, -ov b, 17, (fr.
same, a sea ; marine, sealwrn, A\vaO[jialv(a, (fr. same, and ao&-
and <j>o)vt) voice) of a differen daughter of the main. //a/vtu
to pant) to
ache, be oppress-
language ; strange, foreign. 'AXoupyoj, -ov, and 'AAoupyjjf, -,'oj
ed, to pant.
AXXiJfo, Poet, for aAAa^ou. -oDj, 6, fi, (fr. same, and tpyov A\v(ns, -log, Att. -ewy, f), (fr. a
AXXu<r/c, Poet, and Ion. for avi- work) made from the sea, purple,
neg. and Ai5u> to break) o chain,
\vs, imp. act. of ava\vu>. violet- coloured.
bond, fetter.

AAAvro?, Poet, for a'Auroj. AXoi)?, -ovaa, -bv, par. 2 a. act. o A\vfftT\fig, -log -oCj, b, fj, (fr. a
AAAuw, Poet, for avaAtiw. neg. Xt5w to pay, and rfXoj tax)
'AXXu>0v, by Ectas. for XXo0/-v. 'A\o(j)og, -ov, b, //, (fr. a neg. anc unserviceable, unprofitable, use-
'AAAwj, (fr. aAAoj another) .other- Xd0of a crest) without the crest less; pernicious, hurtful.
wise ; beside, moreover ; idly the crest,
wanting unplumed. AXucrKa|o>, (same as next) par.
fruitlessly, in vain ; rashly, un- ; -ov, >';, (fr. a together, anc pres. d. sin. a\vcKd$ovTi.
intentionally ; falsely, incor- a bed) a wife, consort AXuo-Kw, f.
-^w, (fr. aAo to avoid)
rectly. concubine. to
avo\d, evade ;
skulk, shun,
"AAjua, -aroj, aAAo/mt to AXdw, Poet, for aXoi, 2 sin. cont.
TO, (fr. flee, escape. 1 a. ft\va" par.
leap) leaping, dancing ; a leap, impr. mid. of aXdo^ai -w^ar aAufa?. 1 f. mid. aAtio^at -i),
bound, spring; an eminence, impr. pres. aXaov -w.
mound, tomb. AXowi/, par. pres. act. cont. o to
of, -ov, b, (fr. aArfw rave)
"AX/j>oj, 'and Mol. 'AX^voj,by aXoaw a. sin. mas. cont. AXo- anxiety, perturbation, distrac-
Sync, for aXX<fytvoj, par. pres. utvra. tion.
of aXXo/iat.
A\6d)VTat, Poet, for aX&vrat, 3 pi AAvo-o-w, (fr. same) to suffer agi-
AAu?7 -m, h and AXywwpz?, -tSos, >/. cont. pres. ind. of aXao/*at. tation, or distress of mind; to
(fr. aXj the sea) a %uor </ia 'AXraf, -lov, al, the Alps, moun- rave, be mad.
remains in saltpits beneath tht tains so called. AAvoratVw, (fr. same) to be weak,
salt; brine, pickle. 'AXTmoroj, or 'AXTrioroj, for -Sa'X- to faint, be
"AXpyaos, -a, -oi/, (fr. last) salt, TTIOTOS', sup. of A\vrr/g, -ov, b, (fr. a neg. andXvw&
briny. $d\irto-Tos, or rather the sup. o to release) a con-
lictor, beadle,
AX -KOS, f/, same as aX*c;/. 'AXTTVOJ, -77, -ov, (fr. meal stable. d\<f>i
AAoaw -ai, f. -;y<rw and -daw, p. feeding, nourishing, cheering 'AXuToj, -ov, b, 1% same) not
-77*a, (fr. aAwj a threshing floor] agreeable, pleasant f comp. a\it loosed; not to be loosed, released,
to tread, or rub corn out of the
remitted, requited ; fast, firm ',

ear, to thresh ; to strike, fell, kill.

"AXj, aXd?, fj, the sea, the ocean. binding.
par. 1 a. pass. aAoafctj. "AXj, aXoj, o, salt; wit, fancy AXt^J), -tig, if, (fr. next) a sinking,
AAoatto, Poet, for last. genius. or depression of the spirits, anxi-
AAoytw -w, f. -jjo-u), p. -rjKa, (fr. a 'AXaof, -EOJ -ouf, ro, a wood, gro ety, perplexity, or distraction, of
neg. and Adyoj account) to make thicket ; a lawn or open space in mind.
no account of; to neglect, slight to afflict one's
; aforest. AXvw, f.
-vow, self,
contemn, despise. AX<rwi5;/?, -EG? -ouf, o, //, (fr. last fret, grieve ; to despond, despair ;
AAoyfy, -TJS, ft, (fr. last) contempt, woody, shady, leafy ; branching to wander in mind, be distract-

sligM, inconsistency, absurdity ; ed, rave; to wander ; to exult,

rashness, temerity. skip) nimble, active, lively. triumph, boast; to be idle, do
A\6yios, -a, -ov, (fr. same) insen- A.XTO, Ion. and Sync, for SjXarc nothing, live at ease.
sible, stupid, unreasonable ; con- 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of oXXo//at. Oi 'A\$a, indecl. alpha, the first let.
temptuous, scornful; negligent for >;XTO pper. of same. ter of the Greek alphabet. Me-
of accounts. .Xi57, -r)g, fj, the head, or stock oj taphorically, o beginning, source,
A\oyiffTia, -a?, >/, (fr. same) indis- the plough, into which the tail or origin.
cretion, imprudence, rashness. handle is fixed. A\<pdiog, -ov, 6, Alphceus, a man's
AA<5yJToy, and 'AAoyo?, -ov, b, fj, \vKog, -fi, -ov, (fr. a\g salt) name.
(fr. same)irrational, brute ; un- ish, briny. A\(j>dv<j), or AA0i>, f. ->/crw, and
reasonable, absurd, inconsistent. XuArra^w, (fr. aXuw to rave) to d\d>a) to find, discover,
-fa<i>, (fr.

AAoyjo-TttK, (fr. last) unreasonably, fear, dread, apprehend. invent ; to earn, get, produce, re-
absurdly. Xu/crfo/iai, A\vKTTjiiai, and AXc- ceive as wages. 2 a. act. ind.

AAo'yw?, (fr. aAoyoj irrational) ab- XuKT7ty<ai, Poetic verbs, (fr. aXt'cr- 7/X00V" opt. dXdtOLut.
surdly, unreasonably. o-w to rave) to wander in mind, 'AA0aoj, -ov, 6, Alpheios, a river.
Ji\6r), -ns, fi, the aloe. doat, rave ; to faint, sink ; to be A\<pcai(3oiai, -uv, al, (fr. a\<j>l<a to
A\or}rds, and 'AAo^ro?, -ov, b, (fr. alarmed, shocked, angry, i, find, and /3ou$-anox) those young
aXoaco to thresh) threshing time ; nant. women, who from their attrac-
harvest. \VKTOTri5t}, -rjg, >;, (lr. dXi tions, get presents from their
'A\60w, (fr. aXf the sea) from the Poet, for Auro? not to be loosed, lovers, when riches chiefly con-
sea, from sea. and irfSr] fellers) fetters that bind sisted of cattle; beautiful, en-
AAoia, Ion. for ?;Xo/a, 3 sin. cont. for ever ; an indissoluble chain ; chanting, charming, bewitching ;
imp. act. of d. pi. Ion. a'XvKTO-ttyi fertilizing, rich, luxuriant.
AAoiaw -co, same as a\odtt, LAufaf, par. 1 a. act. AA0>?oTr;j, -o?, b, (fr. A0f'w tofind)
'AXotVi 2 a. opt. act. of
aXwju. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. a finder, inventor, discoverer ; a
"AXoi/^av, Dor. for aXoj/j^v, 2 a. , -ov, b, ;/, (fr. a neg. and leader, diief, prince, noble, ricn
opt. mid. of a\\ofiai. Ai>->/ grief) free man, d. pi. Ion. a\(f>sffTf/<fi.
from grief;
AXoj0>), -rjs, ij, (fr.aXftyw t anoint) cheerful, gay, merry ; not griev- AA</><, by Apoc. for
fat, grease; ointment, oil; an ous, agreeable, grateful. 'AAn- AA^troi', -of, TO, flour, meal;
daubing oblitera- wov, TO, ease, cheerfulness, mirth.
anointing, ; parched corn, victuals.
Auj, -vos, b, ft, (fr. aXvu) to rave) A\(pbg, -rj, -ov, (fr.*i neg. and A/-
AAo/'a>, or AvXoK^w, f. -?<ra, (ft. anxiety, disgust, perturbation, irog scale) peeled, or white from
aCXa a furrow) to makefurrows, distraction of mind, perplexity, cutaneous eruption, white.
plough. distress.
LA^if, -ov, b, (fr. last) a kind of
'K\o%, -OKOS, f,, same as at>Aaf. \.\vrr6ah>w, or AXvaOfrw (fr. same, leprosy.
AAo f Dor.
, for^Aoj. and ffdlvoc strength) to faint: to AAw, 2 a. sub.. of5Aw//i.
A>ua, Dor. for Aw rude, coarse, vulgar; comp. apa- 'Apaprdvu, 3 sin. impr. act.
Aa>f a a plantation o,
floor) QiffTtpos, sup. -raroj. n. pi. apa-
pres. ind. act. of
vines and
trees, a vineyard 6sls.
'Apaprdv(j), f.
-^(a, p. ?;/iopp;Ko,
grove , thicket ; curnfleld; crop ApaQus, (fr. last) ignorantly, stu- (fr. apaprlut obs.) to miss a
grain ; harvest ; a threshing pidly, foolishly. mark; to lose, be disappointed;
floor, barn, granary ; afleld, sur- Apa66ti<;, Ion. HpaQdtis, for \^apa- to go astray,
deviate, swerve ; to
face, area ; a festival of 66cis, -taaa, -EV, (fr. next) dusty mistake, err ; to pass by, neglect,
and Bacchus. sandy, gravelly. omit; to sin, transgress, offend.
AAwaf, -a'cof, b (fr. last) thrash- ApaOos, -ov, for
\^dpa6os, (fr. 1 a.
i'i, par. apap-n'jaag. 2 a. ind.
ing ; an epithet of Ceres. to pulverize) dust, sand Ion. apaprov' sub.
t/r-atw fipaprov, (

'"AAwa'f, -ios, Att. -fVj , 6, (fr. same] gravel ; the strand, shore. m' par. apapT&v.
a thresher. Apa8vv(i>, (fr. last) to pulverize 'Apaprus, -dcos, f), (fr,
'AAo>77i<, -ns, -n,
Dor. or Att. for grind to powder; to ruin, de- crime.
dA'oiVj -i7f,-7,
2 a. opt. *AAo- stroy, reduce to ashes. Apaprjj, same as apa.
61 2 a. impr. "AAcu/ta, Ion. for uaipdKtTos, -ov, b, /, (fr. neg. 'ApdpTji, 3 sin. and
J/AWKO, per.
of 5Aw/zt. and pd%opai to fighT) invincible, pi.
2 a. sub. act. l

AAo)//fvr/, n.
sin. fern. par. pres. not to be subdued; unconquered, -fv, par.
-tiffa,1 a. pass.
cout. ofa\dofiai. untamed. Or (fr. a intens. and ApapTtjcas, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a.
*AAu/ij, see aAtWw uaipdu to desire) violent, furi- act, of
"AAwv^wvoj, fj, (fr. aAus the same) us, savage, flerce. Or (fr. a 'Apdprtjpa, -a~os, TO, (fr. same)
a threshing floor. intens. ana Dor. pa- any deviation from right ; error,
*A\utva, a. sin. of last. KOS length) huge, large, great, transgression, sin, fault ; failing,
'AAwvai, 2 a. inf. act. long. failure ; defect, blemish ; a sin-
AAeoTTf^, -^f, ,^, (fr. aAaHn^ a fox) ApahaKiffTia, -as, r;, (fr. a neg. and offering.
</ie sitn
of a fox. pa\aKos delicate) hardness,flrm- 'Apapria, -as, f], (fr. same) sin,
A\u)irKia, -as, ft, (fr. same) a fall- ness, solidity ; fortitude, resolu- guilt, transgression; falsehood,
ing of the hair. tion, magnanimity. dtcdt; an offering for sin; pu-
AAw:reKito, (fr. same) to
play the uaAcvvw, (fr. apaAdj tender) to nishment.
fox, to deceive, beguile. soften, soak, macerate; to de- 'ApapTivooz, -6ov, b, fj, (fr. same,
s, -ov, b, (fr. same) cun- stroy, waste, consume. Or (as and voos the mind) guilty, cri-
ning as a fox, artful, designing, from bpaXbs plain) to level, over- minal, depraved, corrupt ; in-
fraudulent. throu; ruin. sane, mad.

AAwTTtKt'ov, -oi', TO, (fr. same) a ApaXOda, -as, Amatiheia, the

/, ft, (from ApapTotirriSi -tos -ovs, b,
young fox. same, and eroj a word) with a
goat that suckled Jupiter.
AAfa)7Tj, -/cos, ft, (fr. same) a bad delivery, confused, wander-
A/iaAAa, -rjs, >/, a handful, gripe ;
she-fox; a cap of a fox's skin. a sheaf. ing. Also deceitful, false, vain.
AAwTnjf, -tKos, fj, a fox; a crafty, ipaAArfu), (fr. last) to gather into Apdprvpos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. a neg. and
cunning, malicious person. handfids, or sheaves; to grasp. pdprvp a witness) without wit-
"AAwf, -w, )/, a threshing floor, a A/taAAo<5rr?)p, -jjpos, and A//oAA< ness, unsupported by proof, un-
place for cleaning grain; a con- TIJS, -ov, o, (fr. same, and ciu to att&ted.
stellation; an area, field, sur- bind) who ties the a

ApapTd)\bs, -ov, b,
sheaves, rj, (fr. apaprdvu
face. binde~. to sin) a sinner, sinful.
AXuxr'tftos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. 5Aw/u to A/zaAof, -/), -bv, .<Eol. for an-aAoj, Apapvyri, -Jjs, fi,
and Apdpvypa,
take) that may be caught, taken, soft, tender ; unfledged. -dros, TO, (fr. next) brightness,
or conquered ; relating to a
cap- Apapv%, -VKOS-, r/, a kind of grape, lustre ; a flash of lightning,
ture ; intelligible, easy of com- inf. act. cont. of taovacit), f. to shine
pifv, pres. -<*>, p. -%a, f

prehension. glitter, sparkle, flash,

pas, Dor.
"AAoxrif, -iof, Att. -ewj, or for fipas. a. of
?, (fr. paviTrjs, -ovj b, mushroom, pi.
same) a capture, conquest ; a fungus of some sort.

taking, catching a. sin. aAuxriv. \.pa%a, -rjs, /, (fr. apa together, Apdtras, Dor. for apfcas, 1 a. par.
'AAurdf, -), -ov, (fr. same) taken, and dydi to drive) a chariot, act. of apdu.
caught, captured, subdued ; easy carriage, cart, vehicle. 'jidcr/Tosj and 'Apaaros, -ov, 6, fi,
to be taken, &c. accessible. Apai-cvu, (fr. last) to travel (fr. a neg.
and pacrdopai to chew)
'AAuw, for aAw, 2 a. sub. of or drive carriages ; to cart, draw, unchewed.
same. drag. ApaeOai, pres. inf.
pass. cent, of
AH, a/i^t. *A^' for 5/ia. pal-is, -icos, f;, (fr. same) a small apdui.
*A/ia, (is properly the neut. pi. of cart, carriage, Sic. paTpo^d<>> -u, (fr. apa together,
ands, Dor. one) with, together, pa^frbs, -ov, b, f], (fr. same) and Tpi%ti> to run) to drive to-
along with ; moreover, also, with-
about carriages. 'Apa^iTbs, ft, gether ; to clash, jostle; to ac-

al; at
once, at the same viz. oodj, a carriage company, attend,
time, road, high-
immediately. way. parpo^la, -as, %, (fr. run-
Anayyaoi, A/iarrapt, or A/za-rrapa, Apafrrniytw, (fr. same, and rnjyvu- ning or driving together, the rat-
indecl. Heb. a mark. to make carts, car- tling of wheels ; clashing of cha-
pi to frame)
&c. riots ; a track, rut.
'ApaCipvaces, -(av, al, (fr. apa with, riages,
and eovs an oak) wood-nymphs. Dor. for Apavpbs, -ov, b, r/, or-pos, -pd, -pbv,
Apap, -aYoc, rd, rjpap.
tf,-uv, at, (fr. a neg. and Apdpa -as, fj, a trench, ditch, drain, dark, obscure, dim, indistinct ;
breast) Amazons. sewer, canal, conduit. low, mean, ignoble.
w, (fr. a neg. an&' pavddvw udpaieos, -ov, b, svxet marjoram. Apavpdw -w, (fr. last) to obscure,
to learn) to unlearn, h> forget ; Apapdvrivos,
Apdpavros, -ov, tarnish, sully, soil ; to veil, cover.
to be extinct,
b, 17, (ft. a neg. and papaivio to
to be ignorant, 1 a.
uninformed, apavp6opai -ovpai,
fade) unfading, ever-fair, and
ind. act. wdQyva. to die. 1 a. opt. pass. ^ai'po-
and A^aQia, -as, fj, (fr. Qdriv, -ns, "n.
same) ignorance. a pa pa a canal) to Apa%avia, Apd%avos, Dor. for 0/117-
paptu -w, (fr.

padu, (fr. next) ignorantly, awk- run through a pipe, flow along a %avia, aprj^avos.
wardly. conduit; to obey, follow. ua^i, Apaxrrrl, and A/iavwj,
|i*%, -/of -o8f, 6, f,, (fr. 0/ <a0t'a L/ioprtiv, pres. impr. act. (from next) without flghtang,
ignorance) ignorant, untaught; nl. i:res. ind. or peaceably.

-ov, 6, TI, (fr. a neg.
pdvopat to fight) without battlt
or fighting, not quarrelsome
unwarlike, peaceable. Also u'n
conquerable, invincible
testable ; impracticable.

Apdu) -w, f. -77<TW, p. jjurjKu, i /ciy

TWOW;, cw down; to collect, ga-
ther ; to heap up, pile.

Apfiaivciv, Apfiair;,
Poet, for
paii'tiv, pres. inf. and ava
2 a. opt. of avafia'n'w.
A/x/?aXrj, Dor.
and ,/EoL for ava-
/JaAov, 2 a. impr. mid. of ava-

AjUjSaXAopai, Poet,
for av/?a'XX

see ava/^aXXw.
Poet, and Dor. for nv/-
/??7<r, 1 a.
ind. act. ofavaftatw,
sometimes used for avc
Apffdari, Poet, and Dor. for ava-
(3r/<rn, 2 sin.
1 f. mid of

'Af/ftfoif, Dor.
avdjtJao-i?, and <

'ApPn, -r/s, ft, the brow of a rock ;

a beach, shore, bank, precipice ;
an edge, brim, brink, ; the brow,
or forehead.
'ApBtl-, -IKOS, b, a pot, jar, pitcher ;
a cup, bov)l.

'ApP\aKiu -w, same as

Ap8\^onv, for va/?A^V. (fr. ava-
/3aAAw to defer) by delays,
diously, lazily.
Aju/SAfffKfc), (fr. apPXvs blunt'
cause abortion.
ApP\6w -5, (fr. same) to gr
6/wn2, dttZZ, or Jim; to fail, mis-
A/j/?Xvywvtoy, -ot>, 6, ?/, (fr. same,
and yom'a an angle) obtuse-
Apfi\vvtt), (fr. next)
turn the edge; to tarnish, mak
dullj or
dim ; to
impair, wealxn,

Ap0\vs, -ua, -v, blunt, obtuse; dull,
dim; heavy , stupid ; inanimate,
last <^'-
A/ijSXwuypte/ -o5, ", ("' )
or shortness of
wess, weakness,
io scebadly
A/*j3Xvd>rnj>, (fr.
' same)
have weak, or sftorJ 3i|7i ; <o ?ras~

Zake, blunder.
A/*/?Aa>0w,l a. sub. pass.
of ajij3X<5w
A//j3Xa)0pi(Ttoj;, -ov, TO, (fr. aju/3Xdw
to miscarry) cm abortion.

'Au/Aoxriy, -toj, Att. -wf,

same) a miscarrying,
Apfio\dtiav, Dor. Ion. and Poet.
for a'a/?oAd(3r/v, (fr.

lay) with delays, tediously, lazily

to throw up) earth thrown up

heap, a bank.
Poet. Sync, for avajSoX?/

A///3oXtpyfc, -ov, b, (fr. ara/JrfAXa

to defer, and ^j/ov work) a cfe-

te/er, tri/ler ; adj. indolent, pro-

A/*i3()o<na,-aj, 77, (fr. next) ambro-
sia, Me /*od it'i<A which the poets
fed the gods ; fragrance, apffpo-

Aji8o6ffios, -a, -ov, (fr.

neg. an
secure, quiet; unhct-'ed, disre-
marriage-contract, without wed- 'A//op0oy, -ov, o, fa (fr. same, and

Ajuv>/oTVToy, -ov, 6, fa a neg.

and /jirrjcrrcvd) to court) not en-

gaged, or promised in marriage ;

Apvrjvrta, -as, fa (fr. same,
pvdofini to remember) an am-

nesty ; forgetfulness, oblivion ;

'Apvnaros, -ov, b, fa (fr. same)ybr-

gotten, unknown, obscure, low,

Apviov, -ov, rb, the membrane co-
vering the embryo in the womb ; a
vessel for the blood of the sacrifice.

A/my, -iSos, fa (dim. of apt] a ewe-

lamb) a little lamb.
Apvbs, -ov, b, a lamb.
Apvo<p6pos, -ov, fa (fr. last, and $(-
pw to carry) a breeding ewe, or
with young. Dor. for
a/*vo0<5povy, a. pi.
Apoyrjrl, (fr. next) without toil, or
cure, easily.
A^<5yr/Toy, -ov, 6, fa (fr. a neg. and
p6yo$ toil) unwearied, indefati-
gable; incessant.
ApdQw, (fr. apbs some one) else-
where ; from another
place, per-
son, or thing.

and Apot[iaiG>s, in
(fr. next)
turns, alternately, mutually.
Apoifia'ios, -a, -cv, and 6, fa (fr.
next) alternate, reciprocal, mu-

Anoiflrj, -rjs, fa (fr. apupw to ex-

a change,
retribution, recompense.
Apoifibs, -ov, b, fa (fr. same) mu-
tual, reciprocal ; aiding, assist-
ant. Subs. pi. auxiliaries, allies.
f. to
Apoiptu -5, -f)ff(>), (fr. next)
be destitute, to want, need.

'Apoipos, -ov, b, fa (fr. a neg. anc

potpa a share) portionless, desti-

tute, needy.

Apo\ya7os, -a, -ov, (fr. a/jfXyw to

milk) giving milk ; milky ; white,
fern. Ion.

;, -fos, b, and ouoXyt'i

-ov, TO, (fr. same) a milking ves-
sel, milk-pail.
Apo\ybs, -ov, b, (fr. same) milking
time; evening, night.
AfidXvvToy, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. a neg. am
//oXvvw to taint) unpolluted.
Apdpa, -as, fa a pudding, or cake
offlour and honey.
Apopj3atos, -a, -ov, and Ap6pfiios
-ov, b, fa (fr. apopfibs dark]
dark, dusky, obscure.
to follow, at-
Afiop/Jevu, (fr. same)
tend, wait upon.
App|3oy, ->), -bv, obscure, dark
shady ; subs, a companion, fol
lower, attendant.
pyn, -7,s, $, (fr. a/( fpyw
to clari-
fy) ine fees of oiZ ; an herb uset
in dying purple. The name o
an island.
f , -ov, 6,'fl, same as a//<5pa
'A/topoj, -ov, a neg. am
6, fa (fr.
/ifyoj a share,utipw to di th.
vide) portionless, without a share
destitute; unfortunate, helpless.
to low) without the low- ->7, -ov, (fr. same) clear, mani- i<f>lacpa, -arog, TO,
and A/i^f
or noise of cattle ; without fest, open, plain, explicit; re- -ios, Att. -<ij, ^, (fr. aft$id^
herds; poor. vealed, disclosed. clothe) dress, vesture, a garment,
AfivtckaQtv, from AfKbaivu), imp. dp<paivov, -tg, -t' 2 lav, a. sin. fern,
a city a. d[ji(j>avov, -j, -e' for avatyaivw par. per. mid. of
ApvK\ai, -wv, at, Amyclfe, a/,

of Laconia ; also a kind ofshoes &c. 'A/i^avo, also Poet, and

so called from it. Dor. for avtyrjva, 1 a. ind. act. ), f. mid. -0>5o-0fai, p.
Dor. for An<paKtis, Dor. for a/j^jj/cijf. , (fr. an<pi about, and/3ai-
to weak in the Doric, A/i0aovi), (fr. a^i about and vw to go) to ^o round afeoid ; to
(fr. last)
or Laconian dialect. dfav the axle-tree) to deviate encompass, surround, environ ; to
A^t-X/ov, -ou, TO, (fr. next) bread from the track, swerve ; to sway, survey; to guard, protect, de-
made of boiled wheat. swing, or hang unsteadily ; said fend ; to invade.
-w, b, fa (fr. a neg. and of a chariot which hangs, or /^|3dAXw (fr. same, and j3dXAo>
a null) unground, whole moves ill. to cast) to put, or cast round
but soaked. or AfJKpa^api^it), (fr. about ; to enclose, surround, en-

'ApvXov, -ov, TO, (neut. of last) boil- I

about, and dpafiog a crash) viron ; to comprise, contain ; to
ed wheat, starch. to crash, rattle, stun, revolve, consider ; to doubt, hesi-
Ion. for tate ; to litigate, dispute ; to clasp,
Apvpuv, -ovos, 6, fa irreprehensible, ttyacir), -J7j, fa
blameless ; -as, fa (fr. a neg. and Qrjpl to embrace. 2 a. sub.
innocent, upright,
worthy ; opulent,fine, grand. speak) muteness^ silence; stop- act, afifyipaXov, 2 a. impr. mid.
Apiiva, and Afjtvvn, -t]$ifa(fr- a^v- page of utterance,
hesitation, per- A/i<ii/?os, par. 2 a. act. of a//0-
vw to aid) protection, defence, plexity.
help, vindication, revenge. L/t4ov$, -EWJ, 17,
a lopped trunk , -175, fa Ion.

A(i.vvTas,-ov, b, Amyntas, a man's of afir-tree.

name. pQipavis, -to?, Att. -ewj, fa (fr.

AftvvTtjpiov, -ov, TO, (fr. next) a pres. inf. mid. cont. of a/i$i/3a/vwto surround) an enclos-
defence, fortress ; armour. upatpdu -w, (fr. a(t<pl about, and ing, protection, surrounding; a
ApvvTTJptos, -ov, b, fa (fr. apvvw to a<j>dw to touch) to handle, feel. surprise, ambush; a controversy,
aid) assistant, helping, relieving ; i$u-TO, imp. mid. 'Ap4>i pue.
defensive. Ion. for imp. act. of flfros, -ov, i>, f,, (fr. a^l both
and Apvvrrlp, -rjoos, ways, and /3i'o? life) amphibi-
ApvvTwp, -opos,
b, fa (fr. same) a defender, helper, A(t<t>Kdpn, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass, of
protector, avenger. Also Amyn- i, (fr. next)
to fish
3 sin. 1 a. pass, of a//- with a net, catch fish.
AfJLi-vtii, f. -i/vw, p. fifivyKa, to help,
Ap.<piP\T]ffTQOV, -ov, TO, (fr. ap.<f>l

assist, succour, relieve ; to fight A(i6-oraTo, 3 sin. cont. imp. ind around, and /JdXXu to throw)
for, defend, guard ; to avert, re- act. of a fishing net, seine, or drag
pel; to avenge, punish, requite. *0fVw, same as au<f>iix<a. net.

Apvvfucv, Ion. and anvventvai, , Poet. Sync, for avathf- An&tp6T]Tos,-ov, b, fa (fr. same, and
Dor. for apvvfiv, pres. inf. apv- , pres. inf. of avaQipu. podw to shout) resounding, re-
vtvffi, Dor. for apwouai, 3 pi. v, 2 a. ind. act. of apipia- echoing ; celebrated.
pres. ind. 1 a. act. ind. ij^vva- Afji<f>i(3o\vs, -tog, Att. -fug, b, (fr.
sub. apvi'ti), -j)s, -j). inf. a/u'mt. iv, BcEot. for a//^(/?dXXb> to cast) a fisli.erm.an.

mid. imvvdfjLijV apvvacQai. 1

inf. 1 a. ind. pass.
AfjL<pi@o)Ja,-ag, fa (fr. next) doubt,
pass. ap)v9fiaou.ai. 1 f. mid. doubtfulness, uncertainty, per-
apvvovfjiai, -rj, -eirai. An<bf<t>vyov, -jj, -j, 2 a. ind. act. o plexity.
'A//uftf, -105, Att. -0)j,q, same as
Afi(j)ij3o\og, -ov,b, >/,(fr. a^l about,
dfivypa. QtYVTo, for pper, and/3dXXo> to cast) doubtful, du~
A/ivfw, -tf, -n, 1 f. of ind. pass,of bums ; distracted, perplexed ;
AfitfoOTi), or -TTW, f.
-fu, p. ij/*t> ^a, ^KTJS, -to? -or?, 6, >;, (fr. double ; assaulted on all sides.
to scratch^
scrape ; to tear,
rend, about, and a<c) the edge) Afi(j)i^poTog, -ov, b, fa (fr. same,
lacerate ; to pull, pluck^ twitch ; and flpoTog a mortal ) that
to taunt, fret, exasperate. 1 a. fc, 6, $, (fr. same or protects, covering,
saving, pre-
mid. afivt-aijOai. and pe0w to cover) covered al serving.
AfivcTi, a neg. and pta to close over, roofed; enclosed; unseen, A/i<fnyfyriOa, -ag,
(fr. -, per. ind. mid.
the mouth) at a hidden. of
draught, hastily,
once, all at a breath, without
ov, same;
6, fj, (fr. p$iyjQ<*, (fr. a(t<f>i about, and yn-
drawing breath. ana tots a dispute) doubtful, du- 6f<i> to
rejoice) to rejoice
publicly ;
'ApvffTis, -jJoj, i^, (fr. same) bious ; disputed, questioned. to exult.
drinking vessel ; a drinking bout ; A[i(j>t,
a prep, governing the g. d. HfryvoH), f.
-J7<ru,p. -fra, (fr. ap-
emptying large glasses at a and cases in all its varieties
$1, doubt, and yv6w to know) to
draught. of signification. About, rouno understand partly, know imper-
about, on both sides, on all sides ; fectly ; to doubt, hesitate.
about, beside, near, at, icith; Afi<f>iyovos, -ov, b, fa (fr. aptil
about, for, concerning ; for the about, and yivopai to be born) by
w -5, (fr. afi^i about, and sake of, on account of. Ol appl afarmer marriage, a step-son, or
ayvoim not to know) to be slight- Iwdvvrjv, John and his disciples ; daughter.
ly informed to know partly, imp.
, sometimes John only. Ol ap<f>l Aji.$iyvfiis, -cvrog, b, fa (fr. afi<f>l
nfjiQayvocov -ovv. npiapbv, Priam ; his suite, court, on both sides, and
yyios lame)
or train ; where he might be lame of both legs, limping.
ava^av^a, &c. supposed to be.
ji<piyvog, -ov, b, fa (fr. same) that
AnQaoir,, -*<;, fa (fr. ava intens. A/z0iaw, f. -dffu), lames, or wound* with each edge,
(fr. antyiivwpi
and 0ofva) to appear) clearness, to clothe) to put
on, dress, clothe. two-edged ; pointed at both ends;
perspicuity ; openness, plainness. p. pass. rjfi<pia(jpai. tottering, quivering.
An<f>aoiriv (a. sin. of last, with KUTO. -ov, and
A/i0taXo?, b, fa (fr. a/*0< An<f>i$ai<i>, (fr. ap<j>l around,
understood) clearly, plainly. around, and SXj the sea) sea- laiu to bum) to be all infiamei,
ov, b, fa and 'Ap<f>a$o$, girt, sea-beaten. kindle about, blaze around; to
be agitated, in commotion, or dis iq>ifvvvciv, 3 sin. prcs. ind. act. A//0ui)Ao-(ratj, ^Eol. and Poet, for
turbance. with v added of last. aml>iKv\taas, 1 a. par. act. of
A/;</>i<5a>as, -avros, b, Amphida A//0f7rw, (fr. ajjKpl /TO. AfjL((>iKv\i(a, about, and
-f<rw, (fr. an^l about, f.

mas, a man's name.

manage) to conduct, order and Kt)Atu> to roll) to roll abouty
on throw down, make tumble, ot
ApQiSaavs, -a, -D, (fr. a//0< manage, govern ; to treat, enter-
both sides, and cans shag tain; to be engaged, or concern- fall.
on ed in ; to take care of; to prose- A/^tKtJ7TAAov, -or, rd t (fr.
rough^ nappy

hairy, (ifjtipl
sides ; very thick, or rough. cute; to follow, pursue. both ways, and jctiTreXXov a cup)
Audififfifia, per. mid. Au<bLoco A//r/ityo//ar, see u/jfrf^w. a two-handled cup ; or a drink-
Ion. for a//0t<5f<5?7, 3 sin. pper. A[itpi*dv<b, (fr.
a^tyl about,
and ing vessel made of two cups, with i

mid. of u/jujxSaid}. vw to settle) to adhere, cling, or the bottoms joined, so that while
A//0t<5s, -f'wj/, a?, (fr. ap<pl about, stick to; to sit down about, or either serves for drinking, the
and (5fw to tie) chains, fetters before; to besiege. other answers for a foot. See
ornaments for the ankles. iff>i6d\aa<Tos, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same,
A/jKpiSi^iof, -OD, b, ?/, (fr. ajHJii
on and S'aAac'G'tt the sea) surround- or AjU0<Aa0>k, -fo?i
both sides, and c^tbg nght- ed by the sea, sea-girt; near the -oCs, 6, fi, (fr. a//0t around, and
handed) ambidextrous, using sea. to take) ample, large,
each hand equally ; double deal- An<l>iQa\fis, -fog -ODS, 6, f;, (fr. same, extensive, wide spreading; um-
ing, ambiguous. and a'AAw to bloom) flourish- brageous, shady ; seizing all

-ojuat, (fr. an<i>l ing, abundant, prosperous ; hav- around.
about, and cfpicw to look) to look ing both father and mother alive ; ii/nAa^ati/w, (fr. o/^t about,
round ; be cautious, attentive ;
blooming, full-grown. Aa^ah'w to dif) to dig about.
An<pifpxOr)v, A//0t0'aT{30j>,-oD, TO, (fr. same, and -(w, and Afi^iAoyt'w
watch, observe. f.

(fr. a^(j)l on both sides,

Ion. for
a. pass.
Stdonat to see) a double theatre, -ia,f.'-r/ff(i)

\.H<j>i5evTaros, -ov, 6, $, (fr. ap.<f>i an amphitheatre; a circus, and \lyo> to speak) to speak am-
intens. and CWTUTOS last) the last, course. biguously ; to hesitate ; to dis-
very last, smallest; the second, A//0(0Toj, -OD, 6,17, (fr. ajjKJil both, pute, quarrel*
of +he second course ; and thence and riB^fti to set) that may be A/*(/>i\txTos, -ov, o,>/, (fr. same) in
delicate, sumptuous. placed either way. Spoken of a doubt, doubtful.
\.p4>iGiveto, (fr. ap^l about, and cup, either end of which may An<j>t\oyla, -as, '/, (fr. same) doubt;
SWIM to whirl) to roll, turn, be used for drinking, and the a quarrel, dispute, altercation.
wind, whirl about, or flutter other as a foot. Ap/u'Aoyoj, -OD, 6, ;, (fr. same)
about; to surround, environ. fj.(ptOfu>,
f. mid. -Ozvffojjiai, (fr. ap- doubtful, questionable ; disputa-
A/jKpiSeSivrjijLai^ -oai, -rat, per. about, and $/&> to run) to run
(j>l tious, litigious, quarrelsome.
ind. pass. round about, or up and dovm ; to i<pi\o%o$, -OD, 6, Amphilochus, &
^(f>iSoKcv(a, (fr. same, and (5ora5w frisk, gambol. man's name.
to spy) to spy, lie in wait; to
pipidvpos, -ov, 6, ?/, (fr. ujjKJ)l on Afi(h(\\jKosj -ov, b, f}j (fr. ap<fil
snare, entrap. both sides, and
Svpa a door) about, and ADKT? dawn) dawn-
having both a front and back ing, glimmering, about day-
doubt, and <5oa an opinion) to door ; or a double door. break.
doubt, waver, fluctuate. pfiiKaXvirTO), (fr. a/upl about, and utyi/jido-aoOe, 2 pi. 1 a. imp. mid.
g, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same) dis- /caADTrrw to cover) to cover over, of
puted, uncertain, dubious, am- enclose, envelope; to overshadow, ,
or -TTCO, f.
-o>, and
biguous, doubtful, double-mean- veil.
A//$tKAD^<?;, 2 sin. 1 a. w, ap^l about, and udcrau
sub. ajjL<f>iKa\v\^oi,
3 sin. 1 f.
opt. to wipe) to rub down, wipe all
s, -OD, 6, act. over, wash off,
clean away. 1 a.
and An<t>icpv<bris} -ios -ovg, o, f/, fi(f>iKapfiS) -cog -CDS, b, f), (fr. a/t0i
ind. mid. a^t^aadijirjv.
on both and Spvir- on both sides, and Kapa a head) //^i^arpjos, Dor.
(fr. a/x0i sides, for
7d) to strip the bark) torn on both having two heads, tops, or han- -OD, b, r], (fr. same, and ptjTtip a
cheeks, much abused
; lacerated, dles ) double-headed, two-han- mother) still in the womb, yet
disfigured, as in mourning. dled. unborn.
A/X^WK/H, or-Dw, f.
-Do-o), (fr. same, H(ptKdacag, Ion. for
anfyiKtdaag, [t^ifjia^ouai, (fr. same,
and fta^o-
and cvb) or <5ifyu
to enter) to put 1 a.
par. act. of AfupiKed^w, (fr. pai to right) to flght all round ;
on, wrap round, dress, clothe. aptyl through, and ked^w to to assault, besiege.

A//0t<5t)//os, -OD, 6, ^, (fr. same, and split)

to split through, cleave, A/L/><//Aaf, -atva, -av, (fr. same,
ovpi to enter) open at both sides, cut asunder; to peel off, strip and juAas black) black, dark,
pervious, passable ; accessible. round. gloomy, n. pi. fern, a^ifji^aivai.
An<l>icv$, par. 2 a. act. of ap$i- ui(f>ilJLVKdu> -S>, f.
-j/CTw, (fr. ap.<f>l

dvftt. same, and KEipta

to clip) to clip about, and ^vKdw to bellow) to
A//0i</jvos, par. per. pass, of a^- about, round ; to
cut, or lop all low, bellow, roar about, or exceed-
chop, or cut clean off. 2 a. ind. ingly, per. mid. a'pQinipvKa.
v, (fr. a/^^t both pass. au(hKdp7]V. 'jKJHviponai, (fr. same, and vf/jid)
ways, and tXto-o-w to turn) im- IKplxXvaTog, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, to pasture) to
herd, graze, pas-
pelled, moved, or rowed on both and /cADia> to overflow) washed ture, live, or dwell round about.
sides ; that may be turned either around -fffu, (fr. same, and
; surrounding, circum- !*0(fo> -5,

way. fluent. |fu to scrape) to scrape, or rub

f. all over ; to polish thoroughly. 1
H<f>ifvvvui, ap.<f>ifffw, p. t7ju$(t- (jHpiKonos, -ov, 8, ^, (fr. a/K0t ih-
Ka, ana fi^tiKa, (fr. a/^t about, tens. and Kdprj foliage) covered
and or
o> to put on) to with hair ; leafy, branching, hav- H<piog, -OD, 6, Amphius, a man's
dress, clothe ; to decorate, adorn, ing a great foliage. name.
embellish. 1 a. act. ind. rjntyieaa'
.HfyiKpipanai, f.
-daopat, (fr. ap<f>i i0(7raAros, -OD, o, ij, (fr. a//^< all
sub. apQitaw,-;?s, -77*
mid. ?//0i- about, and /cp^a'w to hang) to round, and TraArdv a dart) thick
aduTjV par. mid. a/z0i<ra/^voj. hang round about; hang to, or with darts, bristling with spears.
Ion. a/*-
per. pass. rin<j>teffpai, upon, suspend. Ap<f>(ircoos, -ov, b, fa (fr. same, and
^fjL^iKptudd) *w, (fr. same) to hang TTfSova plain) plain, or level alt
par. j7/i0tr/ufvo about; to beset, surround, be- round, surrounded withplains.
and r)/jif>iniro$. sifirp, invest. same, and trivofiai
to toil) to work hard, labour, be about, andcTfAAu to contract) to
spill ; to scatter, spread, or sprz'n-
very busy, employed, engaged, or compress, bind up together; to kle about.
concerned. cover, dress. apQiartiXdpevos, -iv, 1 a.
rftXvfaisi -uffa, par.
same, par. 1 a. mid. pass, of last.
A/*0iiffKTz'u',-ovoj, 6, fl,(fr.
and irtptKTiuv a neighbour, wh. A/jt(j>tGrt<pns, -fog -ovg, b, f/, (fr.
fr. to same, and to crown) to pour
about) spread, scattered;
JTEJM about, and/tr^w build) c-i<jxa
Iniildin;.', living, or dwelling near, crowned, bedecked with garlands ; thrown, or cast up
; encompassed
or round about ; a neighbour. flllcd up, quite full. with an earthen ramjpart,fortifled,

A/J^trfpicrpw^aw -5, (fr. a/<$t irtpl Afi^icrrjut, f. same, and Au0(vvco, same as auiitvfw.
->;c-w, (fr.
round about, ^nd crpi&w to turn) 'iariiiii
to place) to stand around, A^^^wAoj, -ov, 6, j, (fr. a^l on
to turn about quickly, 'wheel. surround. both sides, and ^wAdj lame)
3 sin. cont. in;p. fi<pi(jronos,-ov,b, >/, (fr. same,
and lame in both legs, crippled,
Ion. for aft(^L~pitcrrpu>(f>a. cro/;a the mouih)drjuble-tongued,
v, -olca', -or,
~ a. par. of nl, insidious ; false ; with AfKpocov, Ap(f>6ctov, -ov, TO, and
two facet. 'AfKpocog, -ov, ii, (fr. same, and
^w, (fr. a^t^t about, and A//<(GTparao//ai, (fr. same,
and ccoj a road) a meeting, or cross-
xiid> to press) compress, to
an army) to besiege. ing of roads ; a street, thorough-
~e, conslringe, clasp, grasp. AptyiTaBtis, -uffa, -tv, par.
1 fare ; a round about, circuit.
AfjupiTti-rw, (fr. same, and -/-roj to pass, of an<pi~c,ii(i). it^drov, Poet, for ava <j>6vov,
embrace, clasp. slaughter, murderous.
A.p(f>i-\TjKTos, and Au$'nr\r,%,
-ov, ,
and7'), rg, -log, and -tug, b, Sync.
~yo$, b, //, (fr. same, and irAi/c^w (fr. same,
and rd-qg tapestry)
to strike) beaten ell round; tnpettni napped
on both sides, , -a, -ov,
same as a[i-
dashing about ; striking, or ham- hangings the same on each side,
embroidered tapestry. of at^w
mering upon. rich, Ap<j>6Tcpo$, -a, -ov, (comp.
same, and both) both together, d. pi.
A^0i7roAt)u>,f. -ri<rw,(fr. same, and HtyiTuro), (fr.
rtivu) to
iroAtto to be with) to walk about, stretch) to extend, stretch out
fem. afMpoTipiiSi
walk with, accompany, attend. thearms, embrace, clasp, a^i- and apQoTipTjai, Ion. for a//d>o-
A\n<*>it;o\i<;, -tug, fj, Amphipolis, a raOdg, 1 a. par. pass. Tfpoj?, and o//0orpaif. a^ori-
city. (, pres. inipr.
act. of a^^ii-
Dor. for a[i(poTfpovs, a. pi
A//ij!ii7:oXo?, -ov, b, ii, (fr. afjiipl
same as
both quarters, on
about, and roAi> to be) an <- -Btjcb), p. -TfQeiKa (fr
r/gxixn, from
tendant, companion, follower ; a about, and ridr/fu to puf both sides, on each side.
minister ; a servant, page. to put round abcut, put on, gird, fLUdodcaatTO, Poet, for ava<f>pdaai-
AH </>i7rorfto -ai, (fr. same, and rorfw bind. -o, 1 a. opt. mid. ofavaQpa^ofiai.
to toil, til.
irofiai to work) to
u<Tp7;f, -rjrog, 6, y, (fr. same,
An<pvra, for ava <f>vra, through
labourat, toil about ; to faint, be to pierce ) pierced through. trees, plants,
weary, exhausted. 1 a. pass. ind. open at both ends. "A^u, g. and d. aufyolv, both.

a/*0!-or?/0r/r. u<pLTpirri, -rig, fj, (fr. same, am Au<!>G>Tig,ndog, f], (fr. a[i(pl on both
Aft^nroTdu, and -ao/iat (fr. same, to wear away) the sea^ sides, and ovg, <arbg ear) a an
and rordouai to flv) to fly round coast, beach; the sec, ocean part of the helmet which protected

about, flutter over, a/j0-or'ro, AmpJiitrite, a the ears, an ear-piece; an ear,

marine deity
3 sin. imp. mid. Neptune's wife. or handle ; a cup, or vessel with
Ajifyi-vpog, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same,
and w0rpo^(f w -oi, (fr. af*<f>l about, anc two ears, or handles.
to to tremble al and A[t$u>r;g,
7T?p fire) onflrc, burning, flam- Tpo///w tremble) Anijtwrog, -of, 6, fj,
ing all round. over, to quake, be in dread. -eog -ovg, b, /, (fr. same) with

AfiflppvTos, -ov, 6,1% (fr. same,

and uQirpvuv, -utvog, b, Amphitryon tiro ears, or handles.

piu to flow) circumfluent, flow- a man's name. Au&ufjrog. and Au<Lfj.og, -ov, o, TJ,
ing around ; encompassed with u&irpvwviacng, by Epen. for A// (fr. a neg. and fiw^og disgrace)
water. <j>iTpvwrict]Si -ov, b,
the son of thi faultless, without blemish; blame-
AA"*</>pwyo?, -n, -ov,
and A last. less, guiltless, innocent, g. Ion.

-wyoj, 6, ;, (fr. same, an Ap.(bi(f>a\og, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. afi<j>i

an aperture) iorn, broken, abrupt, about, and <pd\og a crest) with a , (fr. last) blamelessly,
rugged ; rough, set with spikes ; double crest, set with studs, stud- innocently.
open, perforated, railed, latticed, ded all over. Or, (fr. <j>aXog 'A//W//OV, -ou, rb,amomum, an odo-
barred. bright) very bright, and gum ; ginger. shining, riferous shrub

Afi^ipw, -6"o?, f), Amphiro, a wo- A/iwv, 6, Aman, a man's name.

splendid, glittering.
man's name. Anfyi.fav'yta, (fr. same, and 0t5ya> to 'A^wr, Dor. forfip&v, g. pi. of'eyu.
A/*0ts, Adv. (fr. a/i0i about) on flee) to escape, to get clear off". A/jwrrct, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass.
eac/i side, in the middle, between ;
z^t^o,3f'o//at -ovnai,(fr. same, and AuwiT0"(7t, Poet, for a/jucrt,
without, separate, apart; discord- (pofifw to frighten) to fly on all d. pi. cont. par. pres. act.

antly ; around. sides, be totally routed. 1 a. ind. A/JWJ, 2 sin. cont. of Afidotpt
Aftditrftaiva, -r/$, >/, (fr. last, and pass. a/(it0o/3)70>7v, 3 pi. Bosot. -w/n, -dots -wf, -aoi -tp, pres.
paiVu to go) Amphisbfprta a opt. act. of a/ia'w.
kind of serpent, feigned to have sonze way,
A.n<tti(poptvs, -fwj, Ion. -rjog, b, (fr. Apius, (fr. a//d? some)
a head at each extremity and same, and <pipw to carry) apitch-
; by some means.
capable of moving with either er with two ears or handles, A//UJ, indecl. _4mos, a man's name.
end foremost. tyixaivb), (fr. same, and jfalvia to A//woyffoy, (fr. a/ifif
some way,
A/t^iff/^Tf'u -Q,
doubt, hesitate, yawn) to gape wide ; to swallow yt an enclitic, and TTW j how) how-
pause ; to dispute,
question, con- up, devour. soever, however, in any manner,
trovert ; to
debate, plead. t^/vatrof, -ou, 6, (fr. same, and any how.
A/i0o-/?//rr7<n?, -loj, Att. -u>f, and %atri7 hair) ti-i//i /on? Aair, w;it7z
'AfiuTa, -wr, r<i, chestnuts, chest-
AuJHoprifftri, -m, fj, (&. last) /iazr loosely flowing ; wz'iVi a flow- nut trees.

doubt, hesitation ; suspicion ; dis- ing mane. "AN, A particle whose general
pute, controversy, litigation ; t(0<x/a<, 1 a. inf. act. of use is to render indefinite the
pleading, debate. u -w,f. -tt'cro), (fr. same,and word or phrase to which it is

Ai*<pivrf\\<j), f. -Aw, (fr. a[i<bl to pour) /< pou;~ ovf, s.'iecf , united. It gives the force of
the Potential, and sometime mount) one who mounts, a rider throat) to
gargle down, rexorb,
of the Optative mood, to the horseman. swallow, or soak up. 1 a. ind.
Indicative. Frequently, it can Ava'/Jaroy, -ou, o, ^ T (fr. same) tha avifipol-a'
JEol. opt. ava(3p6%cia,
not be translated distinctly ai'iy be mounted, or ascended -af, -t,par. 1
but generally signifies, if; a* accessible.
Avaj8pu^a'o^a(, -wuat, f. -I'/aopai,
if ; truly, indeed ; even, per- A.vaj3f0/)Kai -Kas , -Kc,or -KZV before E
(fr. same, and ppv^u to gnash)
haps ; whether ? It answers tc
vowel, per. ind. act. ofavafiaivta to bewail, moan, or lament with
the English termination -ever. AvaflcpuaK&s, -t'?a, -oj, par. per outcry, to howl mournfully.
or -soever, added to either words act. of avatftou. ;
Ava/3wXaK('a, viz. yrj, (fr. same, and
as, 6'f av, whosoever. 'Ews dv : Ava/3f/}pi/Kv, per.
act. fr. avd in- jSwAof clay) the turning of the
until. "Onus dv, to tens, and which see. sod, plouglung ; the earth thrown
till, that, ftpvb),
the end "I2y av, even as, so
that. ra/ji/ja'^co,
-dew, p. avaf3(3lj3a- up by the plough, particularly
as. dv r, whether
dv T or. t:a, (fr. avd up, and /3</3dw to that which sticks to the sod.

Kav, for Kai av, even, even if, bring) to take, bring, or carry up , Avyay?v, inf.
Avayaywv, -ovaaj
though, dv, or j/v for tav, if. tocause to mount, or ascend, force -ov, par. 2 a. act. Att. redupl.

Av, Dor. for >}v the a. fern, of the up; to set, or place upon, put Avdytodat, pres. inf. pass.
possessive o$, i/, ov, his, hers, its,
on horseback, or on board; to Ava-ydfjLEvo;, -r/, -ov, par. pres.
theirs ; and of the relative, 'ds , 5), withdraw, remove privily. 1 a. pass, of avdya>.
who, which, what.
8, AvayaXXff, -ios, >/,
the herb pim-
Av, Poet, for ava the Adv. and Ava/3toj'r/v, Att. for
ava/8io?/u, pres pernel, sea-purslain, brook-lime,
for ava, or ava, the verb. See opt. act. cont. of or calves-snout.
them. Avaj3i6b) -w, or Ava/3<'w/u, (fr. av< ayyfiXov, -ara, 1 a. impr. act. of
ANA", prep,
with an a. or a g. again, and /?t(5w or ftiwfjti to live] ayyfXXw, f. -sXw, p. av^yyXxa,
sometimes ;
back along, v.p
revive, come to life, live over (fr. ava again, and ayyfXXw
against, up along, up; over, be- again. tell
to tell in
return, bring back
yond; up and down, to and Ava/JtWi?, -10$, Att. -Wf, f;, (fr. answer; to
tell, teach, explain, de-
fro, backwards and forwards ; last) a return to life, revival from clare openly ; to publish, or pro-

throughout, among ; during, at, the dead, resurrection. claim with authority. 1 a. ind.
whilst, above, upon ; apiece, to or Ava/?i(icrKw, (fr. same) to animate av?/yy(Xa' impr. avayyctXov* inf.
for each, severally ; with ; about; enliven, bring to life ; Ava@iu>c- avayyaXaf 2 a. act. av^yyAov*
in, into ; according to ; with a K0[iat,
to revive, rcturnto
life. pass. avr/-yyf\r]v. per. pass.
d. Poet, up, upon,
in, with. \.vap\aardv(i), and -CT/W, f. -7/crw,
Ava, and Poet. *Av, adv. up ! p. -r/Ka, (fr. avd again, and /3Xaer- Avayyvv//xfvof, -n, -ov, par. per.
rise, stir. Some consider it a rdvd) to bud) to bud, sprout, pass. Ai>ayvv>7(7a?, -aera, -ov,
verb, put for avdora, and that spring, or shoot forth afresh. par. 1 a. act. of avayvvao>.
for avdarriOi, 2 a. impr. act. of Ka/jAf'-w, (fr. same, and jSXfTrw to AvayH70a(, Dor. for avr/yetvBai,
aviarnp-i' as also look) to look up; to look again, pres. inf. of avnyiouai.
'Ava, for avdora, and that for avl^rj, or attentively ; to receive sight, AvaytXa'w, f. -a'crw, (fr. ava intens.
3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of see again, recover the sight, and yXaw to laugh) to laugh
Ava, v. sin. of dva!-- or by Apoc. 'dpheipts, -10$. Att. -wf, ;;, (fr. heartily.
for dvaffaa. same) recovery of sight. Avaytvvdw -itS, f. -rjaw, p. -rjKa, (fr.
'dphr/cis, -(of. Att. -(05-, ,^, (fr. ca
Ava'/?a, for avdfiaQi, or avdfirjOi, 2 again,andyvvaa) to breed) to
a. impr. of avajSat'vu. ava/?dXXw to defer) a dcla;.;, put- beget again, regenerate, renovate,
AvajSafya?, -?<?of, /, and AvaffaO- ting off, deferring. renew, per. pass, avayeyivr/uai.
fr. avd afresh, and /?Au-
//6f, -ov, 6, (fr. ava up, and j3ad- A.va/?Xr'|w, A.rayivu>ffK(i),or rather arayiyviLcKu,
//ds a step) a step, flight of steps, fw to gush, which see. f.
arayvuffo/jiai, p. av/yvw/ca, (fr.
staircase, ladder ; a degree ; a AvajSodw -w,
-?;o-w, p. -r/Ka, (fr. same, and ytvwaKw to know) to
coming, or going up. same, and /joau to shout) to cry recognise, acknovdedge ; to know,
AvdfiaOpov, -ov, rb, and Avaftddpa, aloud, shout, bawl, exclaim. 1 a. understand; to learn by study,
to read ; to
-af, !), (fr. next) a ladder, stair- av^6rj(ja' par. neat, arafforjcrav. advise, persuade. 2 a.
I'ajSdXatov, -ov, TO, (fr. ara/3aXXoj act.
case, stepping-board. avfyywi', per. pass, awyvws-
Avapafvto. f. -j3?/(Toucn, p. -plSnicu. to put on) a short cloak; an out- [tai. 1 a. pass, aveyv&adnv, sub. 3
ava up, and /3au'w to go) to er garment ; a robe.
go up, ascend, mount, climb, va^o\fj, -?Jf, fj, (fr. same) an emp- AvayKaj f.
-acrw, p. r/vdyKaKa (fr.
scale ; embark, go, or put on tying, a throwing out ; the thing
avdyKr/ necessity)
to force, con-
board ship; to put to sea; to thrown up, a mound, rampart; compel, per. pass.

rise, grow, spring up ; come into

an ascent, going up ; procrasti- rivdyKacj'.aiA a.pass./7i'ay*caff(?^v.
the mind, occur. 2 a. ind. avffivv nation, delay; n intro- Avayicair/, -rjs, >/, (fern, of
pri. lu.Jc, next) see
duction garb, AvayKafy, d. adver-
impr. avdfindi' inf. avafirjvat' ; dress, clothing ; ardyKr/.
par. ava/3d?, -atra, -dv.
a garment. bially necessarily, of necessity.
f. -s<^> (fr ava in- tof, -a, -ov, (fr. avdyKrj ne-

(fr.ava back, and /SaXXw to cessity) necessary, compulsory,

throw) to throw back, reject; to growl, murmur ; to bawl, cry out. liable ; needful, useful,
throw up, heap ; to put, or set on, Ava/3o?, -w, 5, a, Dor. for dvr,&os. tJtriffy, prq/itable ; intimate ;
mount; to throw back, fling, va/3paa>, and -ff<rw, (fr. ava in- near, related, connected. Avay-
tens. and
throw off; to throw round, put /?pa^w to boil) to make Katov r/pap, AvayKatq Tv%r/,
leap, or spring
dress; Ai/ajSdAAopat, boil ; to boil up ; to slaveri/, bondage
on, clothe, Avayx.aia,
put defer; to be out ; to shake, or drive out. -S>v, TU, necessaries.
off, excited,
roused, made angry. 2 a. act. va/3pa^w, (fr. same, and /Spa'^w AvayKaarbs, -ov, o, fj, (i"r. same)
Avf(3aXov' mid. avt/JaAo/iijv' per. to resound) to crack, crash, dash, forced, obliged, constrained.
mid. ava(3f/3oXa. roar, bellow, resound. 2 a. ind. vayraorwi,-, (fr. last) by con-
Ava/3aerts, -to? , Att. -to?, '/, (fr. ava act.
avf^pfl^ov. straint, of necessity.
up, and /3afvw to go) a going up, j'a/3pf%w, fr. same, and vdyKr;, and Dor. avdy/ca,
-?;j, f],
ascent; an invasion, expedition. which see. 2 a. ind. act. necessity, compulsion , force, obli-
Ava^dcfOfnai, Dor. for avaj3ij(70/ja, x ov - gation, whether actual, moral,
1 f. mid. of a)'aj3u'i'w.
va!3p6%u>, (fr. same,
and /?prf%w or religious, distress, affliction,
Ava/?ar>j?, -ov, o, (fr. ava.flatvu to obs. to suck up, th. Bp6yvo$ the poverty.
-ou, 6", %, (fr. ava
intens. Avaywyri, -rjs, %, (fr. last) educa- win, gain oner ; to subdue, sub-
and ayvXos bent) wry, crooked, tion, rearing, bringing up ; rais- jugate. 1 a. inf. act. avatrjaai.
bent. ing, lifting up ; weighing anchor, va^^fieij, 1 a. par. pass, of ava-
f. -uVu, (fr. same, embarkation, setting sail; a car-
and yXuKuiVto to sweeten) to rying away, captivity (fr. ava again, and
matte very sweet. AvayXvKaivo- Avaywyia, -as, ft, (fr. a neg. and cicacxu to teach) to teach tho-
be grati- aywy?) education) a want <f, or roughlyj to
pai, to receive pleasure, impress, inculcate.
fied. avayXvicavGiaffi,
3 pi. 1 a. defect in education; extrava- Also, tounteach, unlearn^forgei.
sub. pass. gance, excess ; insolence. .vaStc-apt, f. -a^wffw, (fr. ava back
ioj,-otr, 6,11, (fr. same, and Avdywyos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) ill again, and ciSiaui to give) to pre-
deliver ; to give
j toca.rve)carved,(.ngrated. educated, ill-bred ; saucy, petu- sent, back, re-
fr. same, and yva/irr-
lant ; undisciplined, refractory. turn, restore ; to yield,
put forth,
rw for Ka>irrei>, which see. Ava<5a'|u>.
fr. ava a piece, and <Ja- emit; to distribute, divide; to

;TTW, fr.
same, and yva'-ru;, io to divide, which see. propose, deliberate; to give up,
which see. AvaJa/a), (!r. same, and caiw to di- fail, yield ; to give, hand, trans-
/a, -a?, ft, (fr. a neg. and vide) to divide among, share, dis- mit. For its tenses see
j pure) impurity ; sin, guilt, tribute ; or (fr. Satw to burn) to
criminality. kindle up, light, burn. tos, Att. -EUJ, >/, (fr.

?, -ovaa, -or, n. pi. -v<5iT?, /a5a/cvoj, f.

(fr. avc avd again, and Si-\6(a to double)
mid. -<5>/b/ia,
pur. 2 of
a. act. again, and <5*:vw to bite) to a doubling, repetition, jinadi-
)fii, obs.
see avaytvw<r/cu). gnaw; to irritate, fret, grieve, plosis, a figure in rhetoric.
Avayvuvaj, 1 a. inf, act. Avay- to cause remorse. 2 a. ind. act. AvadoOeis, 1 a. par. pass Ava-
3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. tiodrivai, inf. 1 a. pass. Ava<5ov,
Avayvuffft/vat, 1 a. inf. pass. AvaSdaaaOat, 1 a. inf. mid. of ava- -oo-o, 2 a. impr. mid. .

ArayvwrE, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of vat, 2 a. inf. act. cfavati

last, but see avayivuiaKu, Ava(W//oj, -ov, b, (fr. same) a di- AvaAo^o?, -or, 6, fi, and .

Avayvwpw, f.
-iVw, p. -t/ca, (fr. viding ; a division share. -tos, Att. -fu?, 6, (fr. ,

ova again, and y^copi^u) to know) Avac/tT po//a,per. mid. of ava to receive) an undertaker ;'"a re-
to know a surety, sponsor
again ; to acknowledge, 'pauiv, by Sync, for ava-

recognise ; to
introduce, make a/*v, 1
pi. Avacvut, Avacvu), or Ava<5v>w, (fr.
known. Avuc-dKvvpi, f.
-Ifu), p. -"X^, (fr. ava avd up, and t'w to enter) to
Ai''}'vw<7j, -to?, Att. -w?, fa (fr. intens. and cuKvvpi to show) to emerge, rise, spring, or grow up,
show to come forth.
ai'ayv&m to read) o reading. clearly ; to mark, poin appear, Avativo-
Avayvoxm??, -ou, 6, (fr. same) a out to
designate, appoint.
; 1 a /<a<, to reject, refuse, shun, avoid,
reader. avfOfa inf. avacil^ai.
p. pass. to retire, withdraw. 2 a. ind. act.

Avayov, and Avdyovro, for av/jyov, avftw.

avafildEiyuai. 1 a. pass, avtotljp
imp. act. and av/?yovro, imp OTJV' mid. avzStt^dfitjv. AvdSvOtSf -0f, Att. -Wf, ^, (fr.
pass, or 2 a. mid. of ava'yw. AvdSuJ-ts, -05, Att. -w?, >/, (fr. last) a rising, growth, appear-
Avayopav, Dor. for ava TIJV ayopdv, last) a display; a shov:'mg, ap- ance ; a declining, avoiding.
a/, or before the assembly. pointment. Avdsovos, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. a neg. and
Avuydpi)<rjj, -ioj, Att. -u>?, /, (fr. Avdcu^ov, -dru), 1 a. impr. act. of icva, or ^va bridal presents)
next) a proclamation, public de- same portionless, unendowed.
claration ; report, evidence. AvaffKCffOat, Ion. for ava$f%c.Gdai, Avazip , for avados, pres. impr. act.
f. pros. inf. of avact^ojiai.
ava of
AvayopEuw, -(jcru), (fr.

through, and ayopa the public Avdcs\(j>og,-ov, o,/;, (fr. a neg. anc Avadpit), (fr. avd up, and a/po to
place; to proclaim, publish, de- a'*fX^oj a brother) brotherle, raise) to raise, lift up ; to carry
clare f to authorize, enact ; to no- without brothers ; a half brother, off, bear away.

minate, depute, appoint ; to have by the same father only. AvafXirrof, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and
a surname, or second name. AvaSevSpds, -a^oj, >/, (fr. avii up, /\TT(? hope) unhoped,
AvaypapfiariQw, (fr. ara up and and Sfvfyov a tree) a vine climb- unforeseen.
down, and ypa/i/ia a letter) to ing up, or clinging to a iree, an ira^aw -w, f. -tjcd), p. -r>Ka, (fr.
espalier ; a plantation of vines. avii again, and
transpose the letters so as to form ao> to
new words, to make anagrams. Avadlfat. and Avacffaofat, Ion. for live again,
revive, come to life.
act. a:
Avaypanparivubs, -ov, b, (fr. last) avaSet^ai, 1 a. inf.

transposition, the making ana- cdt-aadai, 1 a. inf. mid. of ava- \.v:i(.vyvvut, or

Ava^fuyvi'w, f.
grams. -|w, (fr. same, and fyvya to
Avdypa-K-os, -ov, b, t, (fr. next) in- vo?, -r,, -or, par. 1 a. mid. yoke) to yoke, or harness again,
scribed ; written, or copied out of ifo/(a. pack up; to
decamp, shift quar-
clearly; recorded, enrolled. (fr. avd intens. and Sip-
i, ters; to set out, depart, ava^v-
Avaypdtyij), f.
-ipw, (fr. ava intens. KU) to see) to see clearly, behold, %ai, 1 a. inf. mid.
and yfxtyu to write) to write out look up. 2 a. ind. act. .ra^iu -5, f.
-?70-w, or-fro),p. -ly/ca,
in full, or at length ; to inscribe ; and by Metath (fr. same, and $>'u to boil) to be
to enrol.
1'aSccf.uvii), f. -i_'cra), (fr. same, and hot, to boil
up; to break out,
Avdyvpts, -to;, f], and Avdyvpos, <507*i'u> to bind) to bind, fitter, burst forth.
ava&aGw, par. 1

-ov, o, '/, name of a shrub. chain, confine. pass.

Avayu, f.
a'fw, p. -rf%a, (fr. ava i
avacfw to bind
~nSi hi (fr- .va^rfw -5, f. -//o-w, p. -r,x.a, (fr.
up, and dyj> to
lead) to take
up, around) a head-dress ; a Jilht, same, and &/r'w to seek) to look
off, or away ; to bring, lead, or turban. for, to seek diligently, inquire
r *
r z t
carry up ; to raise, exalt, erect ; after; to trace, investigate,
to rear, educate; to offer up } again, and olxopai to receive) to act. avt>'jTTjffa.
I a. inf. act. of last.
sacri/ice. Avdyo/iat, to withdraw, receive, take; to take up, carry;
betake., take
one's self, or be taken to entertain ; to undertake, take AvaQtyri, -Jjs, fi, (fr. to ava^yw
away ; to go off, set out ; put to upon, promise, engage, bail. pack up) a packing up; a de-
sea, sail au)ay. 2 a. ar/jyov, Att. Avattu -w, f. -jyffoj, (fr.
ara intens. campment, a change of quarters,
av^yayov, Ion. avayov per. pass. and Stij) to tie)
to bind, biml up, rout, march.
avqypai. 1 a. pass luf.n, or fatten together ; to en- Ava^uypat (fr. avii

par. av .'/(, adfirn ; to attack, intens. ve, and ypdtpw to

describe) to represent
in colours as $pjy<ua, also a pupil, a fos- ave\e?v. par. avt\u>v. nnd. amXw

draw, paint. ter-chila; a pet, cub. ^rjv, -ov, -f.ro' inf. avi\taOai. 1 a.
Ava&Dvvvw, or Ava^iavvv/Jti,
w, (fr. same, pass, avflptdriv inf.
try, av/CwKa, (fr. same, ant
to bound) to /cop i/ito, or upon 1 f.
to gird) to
gird up, tight to bound, or spring upwards ; tt vaipu, (fr. same, and a/pw to
en ; to prepare for a journey, 01 mount ; to awake. raise) to take upon, undertake;
work ; as the ancients did, by Avadv^iaat;, -105, Att. -c's ; //, (fr. to pursue, prosecute.
fastening their loose clothes tig! same, and Svjudu) to perfume' vaicOdvopai, (ir. ava intens. and
about them. scenz", perfume^ odour, exhala- aia-Gdvonai to feel) tafccl strong
Arafa-vpiw -w, f. -ijffa), p.
ave^w tion, incense ; breath, life, soul ly ; to perceive quickly. Or (fr.
irvprjKa, (fr. same, and w7rupa spirit. a UPS. and same) to be without
to kindle) to rekindle, revive, ex- vaioda, -a?, Ion. AvatScirj, - fnllng, or .sense ; to be stupid.

cite, stir up. (fr. avaiorjs shameless) srtame- , -j, f,, (fr. a neg. and
Avafaffd[Jitvos, par.
1 a. mid. of lessncss, impudence ; indecency , feeling) insensibility.
importunity, d. sin. Ion. AvaiaOijTos, -ov, b, i}, (fr. same)
Avawu>, same as vaaw. defndti.
insensible, sense-less, stupid.
\f ~ r f\ I r
AvaOa\tw -w, f. -r/ffw, same as /
.vaicOi'/rws, (fr. last) senselessly,'
AvaflaXXw, f. -aXw, p. avaTtOa\Ka, same) to be without shame, be- stupidly.
and Poet. Ava0aXfu> -ai, (fr. ava have indecently ; to importune .vfi7/5w -w, (fr. ava intens. and
again, and ^aXXw, or $aXai>, be troublesome.
n/^ow to expend)
to spend, ex-
Poet, to bloom) to thrive, flou- AvaiSrjv, and A.vai5>ju.6vw, (fr. pend ; to waste, consume, lavish.
or bloom anew to cause to ex-
rish, ; next) impudently, shamefully. .vaiai^iia, -aroj, TO, (fr. last)
flourish. 2 a. act. aviOa\ov. Avatorjs, -jo? -ovs, b, r], (fr. a neg. -tist ; labour, pains.

AvaQd\irti), f. -U'o>, (fr. same, and and af<5wy modesty) impudent .va'iG&ia, (fr. ova up, and atffffw to
SdXrru) to warm) to warm,
chafe, saucy, shameless ; regardless, ir- rush) to rise, or spring up; to
refresh, comfort, cherish, relieve ; reverent ; urgent, importunate burst,or gush out ; to leap, or
to caress, make much of. unfeeling, remorseless ; huge, dart forth. 1 a. ind. act. avijt^a.
Ava6appt(j), and Ava0ap<7fw -w, f. rough, rugged.
->?<ru), (fr. same,
and Sdppos, or Qs, (fr. last) shamelessly, ir-
immodest) to behave indecently,
Sapaoj boldness) to take courage ; reverently ; intensely, eagerly, act shamefully, feel no shame.
encourage, animate ; embolden. steadily. Avaiaxvvrfa, -?,'//, (fr. next) in-
AvaBdrjv, ->??, -rj, 2 a. opt. act. w, (fr. ava intens. and ai\ di'i-'
:'i''/, shamelessness^ impu-
Ava0?wt, inf.
AvaOc??, par. to burn) to burn violently ; to dence.
inflame, kindle, light up. T^VVTOJ, -ov, 6, f], (fr. a neg.
AvdOe^ia, -aTog, TO, (fr. ai'aTi6rjiJ.i vat^offapKQs, -ov, b, >;, (fr. next, and aia%i>vii> to shame) in-
to lay apart) aperson or i/tmg de- and o-apl" flesh) it-houc flesh si-cjns immodest, shameless, impudent.
dicated to holy uses, or separat- to !i:a-e lost its blood,
pale, inani- Avalrios, -ov, b, >;, (fr. a neg. and
ed on account of some impurity ;
mate. airia blame) blameless^ guiltless,
or devoted to destruction, a vic- Avui and 'Av(//oj, -ov, innocent.
/.id} v, -ovos,
tim ; an anathema ; the form of a neg. and atpa blood) vnr'Kog,
o, ;;, (fr. (fr. last) innocently;
such dedication ; a curse, or exc- bloodless, v.nthout blood ; immor- wilJiout cause, or reason.
cration. d. sin. avaOcpciTi. tal av intens. and
vaKaOaipu, (fr.
va</.<wm, and A.raifj.taTi, (fr. KnOalfxa to cleanse) to cZean,
TiKa, (fr. last) to bind by a curse, same) williout bloodshed. purge, purify. 1 f. mid. avaKa-
or execration ; to curse, devote. a nog. and rz?vos as- 3 pi.
ivaivofiai, (fr. Oaipounai, avaKaOatpouvrai.
1 a. act. to
av0i/ar0-<r, per. pass. sent) to refu?r, dim;: reject, ''), f.
-Vffw, p. avaxcKdBiKa,
slight, repudiate, disown. 2 sin. (fr. aw up, and KaQify to sit)
Ava0//rtu>, Att. for.
ava0//arc-u>, pres. araivftti, Ion. for ava'mf ;-'.
Or (fr. : intens. and
1 f. of last. 3 sin. avairtrat. imp. 3 sin. avai- to sink
same) subside, st-tilc,

AvaQfpcv, and AvaOinevat, Dor. VETO, Ion. for avfji'CTo. par. pres. dou;n ; to ding, adhere to.
JEol. and Ion. for awfoTraj, 2 a. va again, and
''uKmri^w, (fr.
inf. act. of avariOmu. fS.a. par. act. of avat'ercrw.
Kuivifa to renew, th. Kaivbs
Avafkwpfw -5, f. -flew, p. m'r0w- vaiptdfrvai, 1 a. inf. pass. Avai- and
av intens. and cu- 3 sin. cont.
p?7/ca, (fr. pel, pres.
ind. act. \ vaiMi I'dw -w, (fr. same, and KUIVQ^
to consider) to view, behold, inf. act. cont. to renew;,
ptd) Avatpstv, pres. new) restore, refresh.
observe, examine attentively ; to AwjpT(T0at,pres. pass. cont. inf. Att. -cwc, ;';, (fr.
vnKiiti'taens, -(Of,
contemplate, study, meditate. Avflipovfj.vos, -r], -ov, par.pres. last) a renewing, renewal, reno-
AJ'a0wp77<Tj?,-<o?, Att. -wj, ;'/, (fr. pass. cont. vation.
Avnipouvriav, g. pi.
last) contemplation, meditation ; j>ar. pres. act. cont. of avaiptu. vaKcilw, f. -Kavffw, (fr. aw intens.
study, examination. vaioLffig, -10?, Att. -wj, 17, (fr. and K('W to burn) to kindle,
Avafowpwi', n. sin. cent. -wpauvrfj, next) a lifting up, taking away; light ; to burn up, flame forth :

n. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of burial; a taking, or cutting ojf ; tu

inflame, par. pres. pass. av-
same. slaughter, murder. Kai6(tvo$.
AvafljjXtw -5, Ion. for vaipck) -w,f. -.'/<TCJ, p. avfipnKa, (fr. AvaKa\fb) -w, (fr. ai'd again, and
see ava^aXXw. ava up, and a'ioiu> to take) to /caXt'w to
call) to recall, call ba^k,
AvddrifjLa, -UTO$, TO, a (fr. take up, or away ; to bury ; to call
again; tocallupon,invoke;t<>
to set apart) a consecrated gift
undo, abolish, annul ; to over- rail, accuse ; to name, designate.
hung, or laid up in a temple, turn, overthrow, -subvert ; to kill, AvaKa\vTTT/ piov,-ov, T&, (fr. next) ;

an offering ; an ornament. cut off; to make war ; to

answer, the day on which the bride
Ava0/o-ou(n,3 pi. 1
f. ind. of avari- reply ; to refute, disprove ; to pears to In
company. pi. pre-
6*11*1. rear, educate. Avaipfopai -ofyat, sents made to her on that occa-
Avaflopfo) -w, (fr. av<i back, and S-o- to
betake, or take one's self away, sion ;
bridal gifts.
pfu tospring) to leap, spring, start to withdraw,
pres. impr. act. AvaKaXi'7rru>, f.
-'/'Wj p. aj
back ; to rebound, recoil ; to leap, 3 sin. ava back, and KaXtiVrw
avaipurw. par. pres. fern, <f>a, (fr.
or dartout. 2 a. ind. act.
aveflopov. pi. avaipovaat. 2 a. act. (fr. Aw to
cover) to unveil,
reveal, dis-
Ava0p/n/*a, -aroj, TO", (fr. awin-
obs.) avaXov impr. avi'Xr sub. close, discover ; to open. per.
tens. and Spf'/^a cattle) same avfXa), -rys, -77, 3 pi. avtXwcrr inf.
-^u, p.
- Ava jtpvuw -w, -vt] t u, or -vu^ai, (ft. 1

beat, or drive back ; to blunt ; to

same, and bend) to avd intens. and

to jostle, impede hinder, stop, stay, Kinvdo) to mix)

turn, bend, or bow bftr.k ; to bend to blend, mingle, confuse. prevent; to cut short, interrupt.
mtj course to return, go AvaK\>ify), f.
-yw, (fr. same, and 1 a. act.
back, avfKoipa.
back ; to go back andforwards, ArXa^w to ckng) to c/awg, re- AvaAcou0tw, (fr. same, and KovQos
Ava- sow?^ ; to shout, call, cry aloud ; to
lighten, ease ; to relieve,
AvaKdft^ai, 1 a. inf. act. light)
ind. act. of to bark. succour, help, assist.
Kdml/w, -?, -t, 1 f.
last. AvafcXatw, (fr. same, and xXatw to Ava/toi5$tert?, -to?, Att. -suj, //, (fr.
AvdicavOos, -ou, 6,^, (fr. a neg. and weep) to weep for, lament again, last) lightness ; a making light,
dKar'1,1 a thorn) without thorns, deplore anew.
exoneration ; relief, ease, allevia-
AvaVXao-t?, -to?, Att. -a>?, tion.
bristtix, otjmi, smooth. >;, (fr
Ava*ra-rw, ava intens. and
a contortion, strain, bend- Ava/cpa^w, f. -u>, (fr. avd intens.
n<i"(i) ing ; a breaking, fracture; re-
to swallow) to swallow and Kpa'w to cry) to cry out,
:>ly, to eat voraciously ; to flection, change of direction. shout, bawl, exclaim, per. ind.
;>ph. Ava/cXaw -u>, f. -ao~w, (fr. avd in- mid. avaKEKpaya, par. avaKtKoa-
A.raKtariit, Ion. for avdnuvrai, 3 tens. and AcXa'w to break) to bow ywj.
pi. pres. of or bend violently, strain; to break; A.vaKpaOcis, for avaKspaaOus, 1 a.
\vaKsipcu, (fr. ava intens. and /cei- to beat, or strike back, reflect. par. pass, of avaKcpavvvfii, which
to lie down ; to re- AvaxXtyTiop,
-opo?, b, (fr.
ava/caX/w see.
'line, like the ancients, to sit, to recall) one who calls back ; A.vaKpd%a$, -acra, -ay, par. 1 a.
like the moderns at meals ; to complainant, accuser. act. of
lay up, or by ; to dedicate ; to AvaicXivb), f. Ion. for
-iVw, p. avciKixX'tKa, (fr. A.vakpfj.d<j(iv, av>cp/|/a-
charge, impute. avd intens. and v/Vvw to lay ffav, 3 pi. 1 a. act. Ava*cpe-
A'o/f///vo?, -T), -ov, (par. pres. down) to toy, or sei down, make naadtis, 1 a par. pass, of
pass, of last) seated at table, subs. to recline ; to put back the door AvaK{5/mo> -w, fr. avd inteng. and
a guest. AvdKEirai, 3 sin. or cover, open Kptfidw, which
pres. ind. pass, of same. to be in a recumbent posture, to
Avo/rpeuv, -ovros, 6, Anacrew, a
Ai'aracyxzyii?, -u?a, -Di, be reclined, or to recline one's poet.
par. per.
mid. as the ancients did at A.vaKpiO&, -rjs,-ij, 1 a. sub. pass, of
ofavaKpdfa. self,

A.vaKcpdvvvut,AvaKepavvv(a,orA.va- meals ; answering to sit, or be Ava/cpiVcu, f.

-via, p. ava/ctKOiKa, (fr.
Ktnrlu, (fr. sam, and Kepavvv^i, seated, as the moderns ; to bring avd intens. and KQIVU to judge)
&c. to
mix) to
mingle, mix, back ; to return. 1 a. act. avf/eXt- to discern, judge; to question,
; to temper, dilute ; to in- va' ava/cXtvaf 1 a.
inf. interrogate, ask ; to examine, in-
termingle, conjuse. avK\iOrjv inf. avaK\iQuvxi' 1 f. quire, search out ; to decide, de-
AvdKtia, -wv, ra, (fr. ava? tlio pass. avaKXi0/7<70//at termine. 1 a. act. avfKplva. per.
kin^s) the festival of Castor and AvaOcXtc-t?, -to?, Att. -w?, ^, (fr. pass. avaKfKOiunai. 1 a. avEKpV*
Pollux. drjv, 1 f. avaKOidi'iaopai.
last) arecUnins:, leaning, lying,
AVUKCIOV, -ov, TO, (fr. next) their or sitting at meals ; an opening. Att. -Wf, ;, (fr.
Avaxpiffis, -to?,'
temple. AvA-Xirov, -ou, TO, (fr. same) a last)
a trial, hearing ; examina-
'AvaKcs, -air, ot, the kings; and couch. tion, inquiry ; question.
Ava*:u?, -wv, ol, an epithet of AvaKot, see d A-vaKpovofiai, (fr.
avd back, and
Castor and Pollux. .vaKoiveo, Ion. for avaKotvou, pres. vpouw to strike) to backwater,
AvaK(f>a\ai6<i) -w, f. -c5<70),
p. avaKt- impr. pass, of row backwards, shove off from
Kt<j>a\aiuKa, (fr. avti apiece, and -<3,
f. va/cotvow
-wcru, p. -uca, (fr. withdraw, the shore; to recede,

a head)enumerate; to avd apiece, and KOI yd? common)
to yield ; to delay, defer ; to hinder,
class, arrange, under respective to
communicate, impart, share; check, repulse ; to strike, beat, or
heads; to sum up, to reduce to to
propose, consult, confer. 1 a. play upon an instrument; to
one total. AvaKcd>a\ai6o[i.ai-ovfjiai, inf. mid. prelude, flourish, prepare to be-

to come
together, to unite under Ava/cotpavaa -<3, (fr. avd intens. gin, preface.
one head; to be summed and Koipavos a lord) to ru/e, go- 'AvaKra, a. sin. Ava*r<n, Poet, for
comprised. vern; to manage, conduct; to aval- 1, d. pi. of aval;.

AvaK^aXa(o>(Ttf, -to?, Att. -EOJ?, >j, execute, discliarge, perform. kvaKTaopai, (fr. ava again, and
(fr. same) a recapitulation; a AvaKO\ov9ia, -a?, ^, (Fr. next) irre- KTdofj.ai to possess) to get again,
sum, total. gularity, discord, disagreement. regain, recover ; to be reconciled^
per. inf. act. of AvaKo\'jv6o$, -ou, o, ^, (fr a 'neg. attached, conciliated, pres. inf.
and aK<5Xou0o? suitable) mco?i- pass. cont. avaKraaBai. 1 a. inf.
, (fr. ava up, and KIJKIIJ) clusive, incongruous, inconsist- mid. avaKTrjaatrOat.
for KM to go) to spring, leap, or ent ; improbable ; unfit, A.vdKTTj<n$, -jo?, Att. -u?, f], (fr.
bound upwards ; to burst forth, improper ; silly, foolish. last) a, recovery, or regaining
gush out.
AvaKOfjLiSfi, -55?, ij, (fr. next) a re-
what was lost ; refreshment, re-
AvzKTipvffcru, (fr. avd intens. and ceiving, recovery, getting again ; lief; reconciliation.
a crier) to publish, declare carriage, transportation, convey- AvaxTop/a, -a?, /, (fr. a'i>aa king)
by authority, proclaim by a ance ; return; interment, burial rule, sway, government.
crier. rites. re-
Ava/trdpio?, -ou, 5, fj, (fr. same)
AvaKivSwtvw, (fr. same, and KIV- AvaKOjjiiw, (fr. avd back, and KO- gal; a master's, relating to a
$vvs danger) to venture, endan- pi^u to carry) to bring, or carry master, or lord.
back to out to burial ; a
ger, expose. ; A.vdKTOpov, -ou, rd, (fr. same)
AvaKivlw, (fr. same, and Kiviu to get
AvaKon'i^ofiat, court, palace ;
toa temple, particu
larly that of Ceres
move) to move, remove; to af- again, regain; to betake one's at Eleusis.
fect, persuade, impel ; to excite, self; to return, go back. A.vaKVK\tfffjibs, -ov, 6, (fr. avaicv^iot
rouse, provoke ; to sift, examine. AvaKovrlfa, (fr. avd intens. and to revolve) a circumvolution, a
AvaKivrjais, -to?, Att. -w?, fj, (fr. aKovrt'^u to dart) to hurl, dart, revolution, turning ;
motion in a
a moving, motion ; com- shoot, cast afar off; to discharge, circle.

motion, disturbance ; excitement, spout out ; to

rebound, fly back. aKV>cXw<Tl? -0?, Att. -0)J, ^, (fr,
provocation. Ava'/coo?, Dor. for av^xroo?.
same) a circulation, a free pas
AvaKiovafitvof, for avaK KOITTlj),
-4"<>, P. -KtKO$a, (fr. sage, a series of regular motions,
pa ,.(
1 a. mid. of n lar!c, nnd /c.J-rw to boat) to a r c rnhtf.ion.
A.vaKv\tu>, f. p. -Ka, (fr. ava
-ffw 'a'XYroj, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg. anc AvaXwO^T, 2 pi. 1 a. sub.
back, and K\>\i<a to roll) to roll i/Xiip shoe) unshod, barefoot. pass AvdXwaa, Ion. for av;?-
back and forwards, to roll up ; 'uXioKOKT-'i. Dor. for ctvaXtcKovffa Xwtra, -as, -e, 1 a. ind. act.
to whirl, turn round; to
creep fern. par. pres. act. of AvaAwc-ai, 1 a. inf. act. of ava-
out. >a\i<rK(t), f.
avaXwiru), p. avfj\WKa \lffKti).

(fr. avaintcns.and and Att. avtdXuKa, (fr. <m Ava'Xwra Ava'Xuxra Ava'Xwrat,
KvpjlaXidQu) to play on the cym- away, and Ajffjcw to take) to tat Ion. for
avfi\diKa, per. act. av7-
bal) to fall with a crash, to be away, waste, consume, expend Xwo-a, 1 a. act.
ovijXwraf, 3 sin.
overthrown ruined, destroyed. to corrode,
impair, destroy. 1 a per. pass, of avaXdw obs. see

AvaACUTrrw, (fr. ava up, and KVTTTU act. av//Aw<ra. 2 a. ind. act. avfy
bend) to bend, or turn, up- Awv. AvaXw/ua, -aroj, TO, (fr.
v>ards; to lift up the head, to AvaAra'a, AvaXicia, -as, and Ion to expend) expcnsiveness, costli-
look upwards; to recover health Ava\Kirj, -??j, ^, (fr. next) weak- ness, extravagance ; pi. expense,
or spirits ; to resume hope, tak ness, timidity, delicacy. cost, charges.
courage. 'Ava\Kis, -tSos, b, fj, (fr. a
am AvdXwais, -ios, Att. -wj, fj, (fr.
1 a. inf. act. Ava- a\Kr) strength) v:cak, feeble avaXt'o-KO) to
expend) expense,
act. delicate ; slothful, indo-
1 a.
Ku\pas, -acra, -av, par. timid, expenditure, consumption, waste;
of last. lent.
ruin, destruction.
Ava/cuKuw, f.
-yaw, (ava intens. and , Poet, for ava\i&s, 1 a,
AvaXwTOf, -ov, b,fi, (fr. same) im-
KWACUW to bewail) to shriek, scream, '. act. of pregnabk.
raise an outcry, or lamentation. f. ava up, ava intens. and
AvaAXoftaz, -ovp.ut, (fr. vanaifjidu -w, (fr.
AvoVwXo?, -ov, 6, >i, (fr. a neg. and and to leap) to leap, /uai/uow to
covet) to desire pas-
/cuXov a limb) small, short, mi- jump, spring up ; to jump upon, , sionately, to long eagerly ; to
nute ; defective, deficient, im- to spring
back, recoil. rage.
perfect. AvaXoy/a, -as, >/, (fr. ava accord- vafjiavOdvia, (fr. ava again, and
A.VUK&S, (fr. avaf a king) royally, ing to, and Xoyoj account) analo- fiavOdvo) to learn) to learn over
grandly, exquisitely, finely, care- gy, proportion. again.
fully, diligently, watchfully. vaXoyi^o^ai, f. -iaofiai, (fr. ava taudfcvTOs, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg.
AvaKw^vw, (fr. next) to anchor, apiece, and Xoy/^o/zat to think) I and afjia^a a cart) impassable by
come to
anchor, to moor; to consider severally ; to deliberate, carriages.
heave, or lie to, wait. reason, argue; to recount, enu- 'a/jidorTjTOs, -ov, 6, % (fr. a neg.
AvaKw%ri, -Tis, >;, for
merate ; to value, estimate, con- and apapTdvn) to sin) without
AvaXafJEtv, 2 a. inf. act. AvaXa'- jecture. innocent, faultless.
/?;-, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. act. Ava- vaXoyiaaaQt, 2 pi. I a. impr. mid. A.V a paver 10, or -rrw,
(fr. ava intens.
Xa/?wv, -ovaa, -ov, 2 a. par. act. of oflast. and ud<T<r<i> to to cleanse
Ava\a/jij3dv(a, f.
-\jj\popai, ). avd- vaXoyta/jL^s, -ov, b, (fr. same) thoroughly, to wash out, wipe
\n<pa, (fr. va up, and \a^dv(o thought, consideration, argument, away, expiate.
to to raise ; to take reasoning ; an account, enume- Ava/ua';o//a<, (fr. ai<a again, and
take) lift, up-
on, assume, undertake ; to take ration, list, roll ; design, propor- Hd%o/jiai again, to fight) to fight
up, carry, convey, take on board to renew the battle,
tion, harmony. pres. inf.
ship, or on a beast ; to take up AvaAoyoj, -ov, 6, f], (fr. ava ac-
arms ; to take in sail, furl ; to cording to, and Xdyos reason) AvafiE^i^arai, Ion. for ava/jLtp.iyfif-
take a wife, marry; to take up the analogous, proportional; agree- voi etffi, 3 pi. per. pass, of ava-
bridle, curb ; to take up a book, able to, consistent with, reason-
read; to receive breath, recover, able ; suitable, fit, proper. Ava/jfvu,f. -/m'<3, p. -fjLtulvtjKa, (fr.
revive ; to take to one's self,
ap- ava intens. and /un/w to
ya\6y<i)$, (fr. last) proportionally, wait)
propriate, procure ; to gain, con- to expect, wait
consistently, suitably. for ; to persevere
ciliate ; to refresh, reanimate. 2 in hope ; to await the charge,
va\bs, -ov, b, ft, (fr. a neg. and
a. act. ind. oveXa/Jov*
par. ava- a\s salt) without salt, insipid, stand the brunt, pres. inf. act.
Xa/?wv, 1 a. ind. pass. avz\fi6&nv. tasteless.

AvaXa/jTrw, (fr. ova intens. and vaXdw, same as avaXiaicu. *.>l*fA<.^ir>,

UOr. lOi ct F//7XtWt/i.
to shine) to shine
Xa^Trw brightly, AvotXroj, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. a neg. and Avdpeaos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. ava intens.
to burn
clearly ; to en- dXSw to grow) not thriving, or and fjifcos middle) in the
ghten. middlemost, intermediate.
prospering, stunted, dwarfish.
AvaXyfo , -MS -ovs, and AvaXy^ro?, Or, (fr. same, and &Xis enough) va/tfffTos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and
-ov, 6, f/, (fr. a neg. and aXyoj insatiable, greedy, ravenous. Or, ufffTOs full) quite full.
pain) without pain, unaffected by (fr. same, and u\s salt) unsea- Ava/v.rpfo/uat -ofytat, (fr. same, and
pain; insensible, unfeeling ; not soned, not salted, insipid. Utrptw to measure) to inspect,
painful. AvaA-uf//v, Ion. for avaAvm pres. view, survey ; to set, or arrange

Ava\yrja(a, -as, 17, (fr. last) absence inf. act. of ava\vu>. an ambuscade ; to recount, enu-
of, freedom from pain ; ease ; AvaAbVij, -ios, Att. -wf, f/, (fr. merate, repeat ; to measure back,
apathy, insensibility. a
next) separation, division, ana- return ; to experience, discover;

lysis ; a deliverance, ransom, re-

Ava\y6fnsvos, par. pres. pass, of to estimate, value ; to measure

AvaXeyw,fr. ava intens. and Xtyw, lease ; a loosening of the cables, out, set, task ; to pour, discharge,
which see. putting to sea, departure ; return, shed. 1 a. inf. mid.
AvdXr/nna, -aro?, rb, (fr. avaXa//j3a- coming back. oaaOai.
vw to take up) height, eminence ; va\vw, f. -VGU, p. -Ka, (fr. ova .va/u/yvv/n, and -yvvw, (fr. same,
a fortress, castle. and mix
again, and Avco to loose) to se- /ut'yvu/n to mix) to to-

Avahrjirrtos, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same) to parate, divide, loosen, unravel, gether ; intermingle ; to con-
be taken, carried ; that must be
untie, to loose the cables, unmoor, found, confuse.
taken, "
&c. according to the put to sea ; to set out, depart ; to .va/K/uvf/cncw,
avapvf/au, p. ava-
verb. return ; to die ; to dissolve, dis- ava again, and
p.tfjivr)Ka, (fr.
Avd\r,$is, -ios, Att. -u> ? , (fr. miss, break up ; to rest, put up, remind) to call to
$, /n/uvvo-Kw
same) a recovery, restoration, a stop, halt; to free, deliver, re- mind, recollect ; to remind, ad-
taking, carrying back, or away ; trieve from ; to
discharge, re- monish, per. pass.
elevation, or lifting up, a "re- compense.
moval, retiring, withdrawing. AvaXuQcis, -acra, -rv, 1 a. par. pass. i,
Poet, for c

to -ou, a ava again, am?
AvofiJ(, (& ava/uyvt)/*( AvaiTaywviorof, o, /, (fr. ,, -ou, 5, (fr.
futedly, promiscuously. neg. and avTayuviaros a rival) ffdAAu to shake) a new allotment,
i/ioi has no equal,
3 sin. pres. pass. fr.
matchless, in-
change of lot, alteration,
ova and ^iVyw, which see. lincible. vaitdacw, (fr. same, and irdatru
Ion. for avnpnivos, par. A.vdvrns, -U?S -ovs, o,//, (fr. ava up, to
sprinkle) to bedew, bespread ;
per. pass,
of avaarw. and avraw to meet) up hill, to adorn, celebrate.

Avauvau -w, (fr. avd intens. and steep ; inaccessible ; rugged. AvoVaua, and AvdirauXa, -t]$, Avd-
to remind) to hint, inti-
//vaw vavrippnTos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. a neg. -avc-i?, -toy, AtU Ava- -wj, fa
mate, suggest ; Avafivdoftat avn against, and ptu to
speak) iravpa, -aros , r3, (fr. avaTratfw to

-Sfiai, to be reminded, warned ; indisputable, unquestionable, in- give rest) cessation, interval, in-
to remember, recollect. contestable. termission; rest, repose; recrea-
Ion. same as avay.- A.vavTipf'iTws, (fr. last) without tion ; an
AvafivieoOat, abode, residence.
vdt&at, pres. inf.
mid. or as ava- contradiction, indisputably. varaur/7piov,
and afairautrr?piovf
inf. act. arrXfu -w, avu. intens. and -ou,
fiifiv^ffKuv, pres. (fr. TO", (fr. same) rest, refresh-
1 pi. 1 a. sub. avrXf'w to pump) to pump dry, ment; a resting, or stopping
pass. Avapv/(70j, -tioa, -fv, exhaust, drain ; to endure, suffer. place, an inn.
par. 1 a. pass. Ava/m/o-w, Avawra, Dor. for avjyvrra, (fr. a
AvaTi-auw, f. -<rw, p. -Ka, (fr. ava
-ciS, -(, 1 f ind. act ofava/xva'w, neg. and avvw to complete) in intens. and iravw to make to
rain, fruitlessly, to no purpose. cease) to stop, make cease; to
j, -joj,
Att. -EWJ, ^, (fr. Avaf, -aKTOs, b, a king, sovereign, give rest ; to quiet, still, calm ;
avaj/vdw to remind) remem- monarch, lord, master. to refresh, recreate.
brance, a commemoration, a me- Avaa, Ion. for j^afa , 1 a. ind. to cease, make an end ; to
morial. act. Avacu, 1 a. inf. act. take rest, be quiet, per. pass.
Ion. for avefidppvpc, Avdt-aaQai, mid.
1 a. inf. Ava- :. 1 a. mid. av?rau-
3 imp. of
sin. fav, 1 f. inf. act. of avdcau.

Avafioppvpu, (fr. ara intens. and Anaxarchus, a Avair/0, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of
va^ap^of, -on, 6,

/*op/iupa> murmur) to bubble, or

to man's name. Ava:r/0w, f. -erw, p. -Ka, (fr. avd
./bom wart /oud murmuring, roar, o, (fr.
avd intens. and back, and ^tWa to persuade) to
bellow. to dry) to dry up, parch ; dissuade, persuade from, or
Ava^o^Xei'w, f.
-<ra), (fr. ava up, to empty, quoff. against; to induce, prompt.
and /to^Xo? a bar) to lift, raise, vaf(dXoyof, -ov, 6, fa (fr. a neg. Avairjpdu -w, f. -dau, p. -OACO, (fr.
remove with bars, or levers ; to a'(o? deserving, and Xdyoj ac- avd intens. and 7ripa'u to try) to
unbar, unlock. count) not worth remembrance, prove ; to attempt, endeavour ; to
A.vafi<bi\cKTos, -ou, b, fa (fr. a neg. worthless, insignificant. plan, contrive.
ana a/i0<Xf'ya)
to doubt) and va%ioira6fu -w, (fr. ovdioj un- Ava7r/pu, (fr. same, and irf/pw
-ou, o, and A/z$i-
, merited, and Trdir^w to endure) pierce) to pierce, or run through.
Xdyw?, adv. (fr. same) and to suffer wrongfully, endure un- var^7ra'opat, (fr. avd up, and
A.van<f>icfiriTriTOS, -ou, 6, 17, (fr. a deservedly ; to resent, feel indig' irafnrd?ofiai to count) to recount,
neg. and aitfyiafiririd) to contro-
nant. revolve, consider ; to enumerate ;
vert) doubtless, unquestionable, va'fiof, -ou, 6, fa (fr. a neg. and to retrace, go over again.
certain, satisfactory. d^tos deserving) undeserving, un- varrfu^w, f. -tj/a), p. -<f>a, (fr. avd
A.vafttpiff^f]Trjr(i)s, (fr. last) without worthy, worthless, mean, insigni- back, and irf/JLirn)
to send) to send
controversy, certainly. ficant ; unmerited, undeserved. forth, up, or back ; to remit, re

JivavSpia, -as, fa (fr. next) sloth, vafj^dp/uy^, -cyyoj, 6, fa (fr. turn.

laziness; cowardice. ava'o-c-w to command, and <p6p- vaTTfVauraj, 3 sin. per. ind. pass,
-ou. 6, ft, (fr. a neg. and juy the adapted to the ofavoTrauw.
'Avav<5poj, harp)
a man) unlike a man, un- harp, demanding its strains,
Avas-rX^pwvrat, 3 pi. per. pass, of
manly, cowardly, timorous. va^lus, (fr. ava'fio? unworthy)
A.vdvcpas, (fr- lasi)fearfully, timor- unworthily, unbecomingly,
Avazrr-ra//fvof, Sync, for

ously. verently. raptvos, or avatrcircTaopivos, per.

Avav<5oj -5, f.
-cvew, p. -veviwKa, Avaupts, -iSos, fa (fr. par. pass, of avoTrrra'w, -a"w, avd up, and
(fr. ova again, and vtos new) to
to draw) breeches, trousers, -avvuw, or -dvwpi. Or, par. of
reneto, restore, re-establish; to leggings, stockings. for
iriirrafjtai, firrajiai, per. pass.
call to mind. Ion. and Poet, foravf-
A-vaoiyecKov, ofltTTr/fii, the same as 5rfVo/ac (
AvdvEUffi?, -to?, Att. (!)?, 17, (fr.wyov, or i/vojyov, imp. ofavo/yw. or
nirafiai, TITO.O\LO.I.
a raising or drawing back Ava^ayyAXw, (fr. avd again. a~b AvaTrfTTTMKw?, per.
next} par. act.
of the head, expressive of a from, and ayyAXw to tell) to AvairtTTTw/ifvos, per. par. pass.
refusal, a denial, rejection ; a bring back word again ; to bring Avdircffai, mid. and Avrfrtrov,
respite, escape ; rest, renovation, an answer. a. impr. act. 1
Avawo-av, inf.
revival. jairaiavifa, fr. and Ava7r<rwv, -ot5<ra,
avd intens. and
-bv, par.
Avavrfw, f.
-<ru, p. -vtvt.vKa, (fr. Traiavi^oi,
which see.
a. act. of avamVru. 2
ava back, and VEU'W to nod) to /a^at^Eurdrpoirof, -ou, 6, fa (fr. AvaTrrraw, -dfo, -awuw, or -dvvu
raise up, and draiw fcacfc /: head; avd intens. aira/iJEuroj untaught, -o-o), (fr. ava intens. and
to refuse,
deny ; decline, reject ; and rpd-tros manner) totally uned- 7TTda>, &c. to spread) to open
respire, breathe, revive. ucated, quite uninformed. wide, unfold, expand, unfurl ; to
Avaveaxnj, -toj, Att. - U y, fa (fr. ]o>,
f. -&>,
p. -Ka, (fr. same, stretch out, spread abroad.
avavEdu to renew) a renewal, rc- and irai^u to play)
to play upon, A.va-!r((f>T)va, p. mid. of avaQaivw.
novation, restoration, to mock, delude, deceive.
arj^yvy/u (fr. ava up, and jriyy-
Avavj70a>, -^u>, p. -vivn^a, (fr. AvairdXiv, (fr. same, and td\tv
f. vv p i to fasten) to suspend,
ava again, and vjifra to be sober) again) on the contrary; back or fix up.
to become sober; to come again. a7n7<*a'u -5, f.
-rjffU, p. -Jj/ca, (fr.
right mind. AvaffdXXw, (fr. avd intens. and avd up, and r;^a'w to leap) to
A.vavr)$ttoi, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of TrdXXo) to vibrate) to brandish, start, or spnng up ; to vault
shake, flourish ; to excite, insti- upon ; to
bound, bounce ; to
Avavuz?, -ou, 6, Ananias, a man's gate. 1 a. act. ava^Xaj' 2
par. leap back. 1 a. par. act. avam?-
name. a. par. avaTraXwr, Ion. and Sync. ofiffas.
iraiTa, ibravdVn/,n.pl. o!' , -ov, b, fa (fr. ava intetK,
ftnd mtpbs maimed) mutilated, -ov, 6, (fr. a neg. Avairw, Dor. for of 'Aw
s, fi, Avdnov, g.
maimed. atro intens. and cttKWjui to show) Trof, 6, Anapus, a river in
act. not
OTTWO-JS, or Avairooriy,
inf. fr. improbable, unlikely ; and Avan-u-
AvampTr\dvai, pres. proved,
same, and iripirXtim, which see. unsupported. rty, by Sync, d^wns, -toj, Att.
\vantirru, f.
-Tretrovp.qi, p. -jriVrw- Avairodigw, (fr. avd back, and irooi* -wj, ft (fr. avd intens. and TT/VW

KU, (fr.
same, and n-tTrrw to fall) <a to
step) to go back, retreat ; to
drink) a sinking or absorption
tofatt down ; to lie
down, recline,
to walk backwards ; to retrace, re- of waters ; the reflux of the sea,
instead of sitting, as now, at tract; to examine^ inquire into, ebbing of the tide.
meals ; to bend, or lean back ; to rectify. Avapa<pv*wj, Att. and Avapbaipr)-
delay, defer. 'aKodiapbs, -ov, b, (fr. last) a re-
K&S, Ion. for avjiprjK&s, per. par.
and Dor. for ava- turn inquiry, examination.
Avanirvdncv, Ion. ; of avaipiu).
A.va- Av7roju) u5, f. ->/<roj, p. -/Kaj (fr.
Avap6po$, -ov, b, !j (fr. a neg. and
TriTvdvai, pres. inf. act.

iriTvdpvos, pres. par. pass,

of avd intens. and Troif'w to make)
a joint) disjointed, loose,
to make
AvaxtTvrini, (fr. avd intens. and up, form, prepare. frail, weak ; disabled, lame.
ifirvrfm, Tfirvdu),
or irtrvtw which Avdnotvos, -ov, b, /, (fr. a neg. and Avapi6p.(w -w, (fr. avd again, and
see) used for ava:rnrrw to fall, diroivov ransom) unransomed, aptOfjitw
to count) to reckon over
lie, or lay down.
without ransom, fiee,
again, count up, recount, enume-
Avan\dKrjrof, -ov, b, j, (fr. am up LvaTToXt^w, Poet, for avan-oX/w -w, rate.
and down, and 7rXa'w to wan- (fr. ai-d about, and TroXf'w to
vapiOfjirjTos, -ov, b, /, (fr. same)
der) wandering, roving ; pursu- turn) to consider, deliberate ; to innumerable, numberless, count-
ing, tracing, hunting ; devious, turn up, or break fresh ground ; less ; insignificant, trivial.
irregular. to roll, tumble. a neg. ami
, -ov, b, 17, (fr.
Avarr\dffavTs, 1 a.
par. act. of Avairo\6yriros, -ov, b, {], (fr. a neg. icTov dinner) before dinner,
AvairXao-ffw, or -rrw, (fr. avd in- and a7roXoyfo//ai to vindicate) ithout dinner, fasting.
tens. and TrXao-o-w to shape) to not to be defended, without
apolo- a shell-fish.
Avapm?j, -ov, b,
make, form ; to fashion, shape, gy, inexcusable. , -ov, b, ti, (fr. a neg. and
mould ; to imagine, compose. {vairpfiOu, f.
-<TO), (fr. avd intens. w to adapt) unfit, unsuita-
'AvaTtXtKovrt, Dor. for avairXiKovo-i,
and irprj6(i>
to burn) on fire,
to set
improper ; untuned, unhar-
3 pi. pres. fr. avd intens. and kindle, burn; to scorch, blast; monized.
irXtica), which see. to shed
burning tears, weep f.
-daw, (fr. avd up, and

AvairXeoj, -ov, b, f/, (fr. ava intens. violently. Also for avcnr\fi6b>, to seize) to snatch up, or
andtfXf'oj full) quite fu to 1 a. to seize,
fill, fill up, swell, expand. away ; carry off", rob,
stuffed, crowded. par. act. avairpf/aa$ plunder. 1 a. par. act. avapjra-
AvairXevcrcaOai, 1 f. mid. of Ava- or Avaitoio), (fr. same, o-aj.
jrXf'o) -w, f.
-evffu, (fr. avd back,
and Trpiw to saw) to cut asunder, Ava'pTraoro?, -ov, b, ft, (fr. last) car
and irXfw to sail) to set sail away, to. cut off; to
gnash, or grina ried off, hurried off, snatched
or back, sail home. the teeth. away ; cut off, intercepted ;
AvairXe'u)?, -w, 6, ft, Ion. and Alt. Avdnra/iat, and Avanraffflai, see seized, plundered.
for avdir\cof. in avtiTTTi[ii.
appdTTTb), f.
-i^w, (fr. avd again,
Avair\rjQ>jffovTai, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. vaimpdw -w (fr. avd up, and
and pd-KTw to
sew) to sew, or
pass, of irrepbv
a wing) to give wings, stitch up ; to
mend, repair, refit.
AvaTT\jd(i>, fr. ava up, and rX^Ow, make fly ; to give spirits, ani-
par. per. pass. avcppaufvo$.
which see. 1 a. inf. avarXjJo-at. mate, exhilarate, encourage ; Avdppijfia, -arc?, TO, (fr. avd up,
AvarX^powrai, 3 sin. cont. pres. AvairTCp6op.at -ovpat, to have and ptu to speak) a proclama-
ind. pass, of wings, or be winged ; to take wing tion by a crier, publication, pro-

Avait\tip6b) -w,
-cio-u, p. -w/ca (fr. fly, flutter ;
fluctuate, doubt. mulgation,
same, and ir\r)p6ta
to fill)
to Jill va7TT/)vy/cw, (fr. same, and KTE* ,
or -prjyvvm, f. -w, (fr.
up, supply, complete ; fulfil, ac- puf a wing) to wing, rise on avd up out, and pt/yvvfti to break)
complish. wings, soar. to tear, rip up, open violently,
Att. -<o?, 2 a. inf. act. of avti burst asunder ; to break
AvairX^pwrtf, -to?, f/, (fr. va-nTrjvai, out, up
same) completion, fulfilment, ac- vairTOfopai -otytat, (fr. avd intens. or forth ; to break off. 1 f. inf.

complishment. and Trrottd to amaze) to be amaz- avap'pfi&iv. 1 a. act. ind.

AvawXooj cont. avdVXouf, -oov -ou, ed, astonished, confounded; to
pt'l^a' opt. JEol. avapbt/^eia, -ay,
6, (fr. ava back, and irXdo? a voy- covet, desire earnestly. inf.
2 f. inf. pass.
age) o voyage, sailing back, or vanroieonai, Poet, for last. pper. avappayrjaeadati

home. pass. av7rrot>7/*J7V, ->7<ro, -TITO Avappnrl^ta, (fr.

avd intens. and
AvaTrXiivw, f. -uvu, (fr. ava again, va7rTt5(T(rw, f. -|w,p. avfVrv^a, (fr. pnrlfa to ventilate) to kindle, to
and fl-Xvvw to wash) to wash out, avd back, and 7rrvcr<rw to fold) to blow into aflame; to inflame,
wash clean, or thoroughly. unfold, unrol, open, spread out. excite desire.
AvajrXwe/v, pres. inf. fr. ava back, vaKrv%Ti, -rj$, $, (fr. last) anopen- AvappiTTTtw, or avappiirrb), f. -yo),
and TrXtiu, which see. ing, unfolding, disclosing ; avair- p. avfppiipa, (fr. avd up, and pl~-
Avdirvevfia, -aYo j, TO, and Avdxvtv- the rays of the sun. T<J) to
throw) to throw, cast, fling
ffi$. -joj, Att. -wj, % (fr. avd ,
-i^/w, p. dvT)<j>a, (fr. avd upwards ; to dart,
again, and irviu to breathe) intens. and OTTTW to touch) to
appoififfbi -Si, f. ->7(rw, (fr. avd
breathing, respiration, drawing kindle, light, set on fire ; to fix, intens. and potfa a crash) to

breath, rest, refreshment. fasten, hang, or set up ; to con- absorb, ingulph, engorge; to

Avd-rrvcvffros, -ov, b,fi, (fr. aneg. and secrate, dedicate. Avdirropai, to swallow with noise,
same) not breathing, breathless. catch, cling to ; to be tied about, appuyias, for
av/)aywy, par. p.
Avaitvtd) -u>, f.
and AVOTT- girt, dressed ; to dress, put on mid. of
ftt'w, (fr. ava again, and same) clothes ; to cover, lay on. 1
Avappu>vw}jn, (fr. avd again, and
respire ; to take breath,
to breathe, dvr/i^a. pres. par. pass. pwvvvfii to strengthen) to recover\
rest, recover, revive. avatrr^Evoj, g. Ion grow strong; to become reso-
AvaTrvor), -r/s, '/, (fr. last) respira- vojo. 1 a. pass. lute, determine; to corroborate,
tion, breathing, taking breath. Avairvoro?, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and strengthen.
Avairvtfo), or -ifyti,
same as avairviw. nvvddvonai or irevdonai to hear) Cf, n. pi. par. 1 a.
1 a' pass,
Poet, anc published, proclaimed ; heard, pass, of last.
Ion. apirvvvdrjv. known. , -ov, b, ^, (fr. a neg. and
to agree) implacable, intxo- Avdaaci, 3 sin. pres. ind. of avdaooi. 9ai, pres. ind. pass.
rable; contrary, unsuitable, un- Avaectiaaoa, Poet, for avaatiaaaa, Avaarpc(p6uevos, -n, -ov, par,
pleating, unfit.
1 a.
par. fern, of avact'ua. pres. pass, of
Avaprdu), fr.
up, and oprdw, Avaaziuev, Ion. for avdavtiv, pres.
which see. inf. A.vdaat, pres. impr. back, andc-rpi^u) to turn) to turn

A.vdprt'To>, -or, 6,)}. (fr. a neg.

and 'Aiaccov, Ion. for jjvacrcov, imp. back, return; to overturn, sub-
ind. of turn
aprvu to pickle) not seasoned, vert, destroy ; to invert,
Avdffo-eo, f. -fu, (fr. 'vo a king) upside down to rack.
unsavoury, tasteless. ; torture,
-as, Ion. -%iri, -is, ;/, (fr.
to reign, rule, govern. Mid. to be v;ith, live with, as-
same, and apx'i government) Avdo-ra, (2 sin. cont. impr. act. of sociate ; to be conversant

wan,t of government, or magis- avaordu, obs. and used for ovac-- spend or pass time ; to in ; to
turn over, revolve, run over, or
trates ; anarchy, confusion ; tu- impr. act. of avfanjyu) rridi, a.

mult, riot, disturbance. up ! rise, get up. through. 2 a act. aviorpafyov'

'Avapxps,-ov, b, fi, (fr. same)
with- AvaaTadbv, (fr. aviffrrjpi to stand pass, avwrodtynv, per. ind. mid.
rule / tumultuous, riotous; up) on thefeet, upright, standing. avtarpo<pa' pass, avtorpafifiai.
without a beginning, from all Avacra\utvo$, Ion. for avcardX^l- Avatrrpo^dw -d, (fr. last) to turn,
eternity. vos, par. per. pass, of avacrfAAu). rolljwind, move round, pres. inf.
act. avao
Ava<r(pdw, (fr. avd back, and e-n- AvaoraAi'^o), same as avaoTvdw. crpotydtiv
pd a chain ) to drag with a chain. Avaards, -aaa, -dv, par. 2 a. act. Avacrrpod.^ , -3ft *, (&. same)
A.vao-('w, f. -o-w, p. -Ka, (fr. ava up, ofavlantfu. turning back, return; an over-
and caw to shake) to excite, stir Avdardats, -tos, Alt. -etas, >;, (fr. throw, reverse, alteration, change ;
to to stand a standing a course, revolution ; state of be-
up, rouse, promote; move, up)
affect; to shake, or wave the up, rising, resurrection; an in- ing ; conduct, behaviour, man-
hand to or throw ner of
; shake, off; to surrection, commotion, tumult, life.
shake out, try, examine. uprising; an expulsion, a driv- va/TTutN, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of

Avafftffvpptvos, (par. per. pass, of ing out ; overthrow, devastation.

avd up, and <ripu> to
avao-upw) drawn, or tucked up ; Avdcraros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) Ava<n5pw, (fr.
indecent, obscene. uprooted, expelled, turned out; draw) to raise, draw back, un-
Avaovca'-Tw, fr. avd up, and oKd-rw, cover ; to expose indecently.
overturned, ruined, wasted, de-
which see. stroyed. Ava<n5u>, or -crvco, (fr. same, and
f. Avaararoa) -w, f.
-WCTU, p. avtard- o-vw or o-uw to rush) to rush
-do-w, p. -OKO, (fr.
avd back, and aiccvdfo to pre- TMtca, (fr. last) to subvtrt, over- forth dart, spring upon.

pare) to repair, renew, restore ; throw, destroy ; to unsettle, dis- -\w, f. -dAw, (fr. ava up,
collect, gather, pillage ; turb, excite, promote to sedition, and er^dAAw to trip) to recover,

overthrow, subvert, destroy, de- Avaaravpi?w, and Avacroiipdu) -w, j

as from a slip, or from illness,
molish, ruin ; to break through, f.
-waw, p. -w*ca, (fr. avd upon,

me, become better ; to flourish

violate, infringe ; to abolish, an- and aravobs a stake) to crucify ; \
again t be restored to former pros-
nul; to take, or put away, re- to
crucify ovtr again. perity.
move; to weaken, dis-^Avaaravpovvras, a. pi. cont. par Avaff^ijAaj, inf. of avtV^Aa, 1 a.
prove; AvaaKtvd^ofiai, topackup, pres. act. of avaaravpuui. ind. act. of last.

bind on, harness, yoke ; to change 'Avaare, by Sync, for avdararc, 2 a, (fr. same, andc^dw

quarters, remove, depart. pi. of dvaora, -a'rw, for GrdcrnUi, to cut) to beat, drive, or
AvaffKcvaffrtos, -ov, b, ij, (fr. last) to 2 a. impr. act. of avicrnut. thrust back ; to repel, turn away s
be overthrown, &c. See the verb. AraaretXas, -aea - a. par ai'affx.dopui, to retire, withdraw.
S, ->), -or, (fr. same) act. of Avacr%t8t>, Poet, av/vw, o;*
ruinous, destructive, pernicious. AvaoTf'AAw, f. -A<3, p. aviaraXKa,
AvaaKtvri, -f;s, //, (fr. same) repair, (fr. avrzup, and ort'AAw to send) Ion. for
avdc^ou, 2 a.
renewal ; destruction, to send off", dismiss, discharge; impr. mid.
restoration, Avac-^ofyu/v, 2 a.
ruin, overthrow; contrarliction, to repulse ; to dress, put, or draw opt. mid Avao%<5//vof, par.
disproof, conviction. on; to restrain, hinder, check; 2 a. mid. Arao-^wv, par. 2 a.
-^crw, p. avccKio- to contract, draw in; AvacrfAAo- act. of avf'yw.
AvaffKiprdd) -d, f.

T^JCO, (fr. aid up, and to

cKiprdw /iai, to withdraw, retire ; to dis-

'X."">1 '/5 -bv,
-rj, ""i (fr. \
same) tole-

skip) to frisk, gambol; to

play'- scjnble, disguise, feign, me, to be borne.

wantonly ; to kick,
;.-.-' -a<dw, f. and
-a>, p. -A.VZ, o-^i'^a), (fr.
ava intens. and o-^t-
lvaoA-oAo-t'(u), (fr. avu up, and CK-J--I Avao-Tfvw, (fr. ava intens. and o) to split) to cleave,
rend, np
stake) to
empale. crevdfa to groan) to groan liea-
p, split.

-a, f.
-0, (fr. vily, sigh dcrply, sob, gasp, pant. w, (fr. ava intens. and au>j>
tens, and cKo-niut to
consider) Avaoreva^/^u, or Avaorovn^t^w, to save) to preserve, deliver, re-
think (I and Avdcrtvuvd), Poet, same as store ; to or enable io
maturely, cause,
''fate, rnusr, rrfl^-t upon. last. escape ; to realize, establish ;
Avac-o;3ao '-w, (fr. aid bar' Avdffrnua, -aros, TO, (fr. aviarnut Mid. to recover again, escape,
(ro/3fuj to drive away) to Uirowl to stand up) erection, elevation ; save one's self.
buck; to scare, frighten height, eminence ; substance ; a AvaraJ-fcdai, 1 f. inf. mid. of ava
Ara'TT'io-ro;, -ov, o, ;'/, (fr. next) fort, castle. rdccti).

up, brought back, with- A vdffrni; Ion. for aviarnv, 2 a. ind. Avarapdo-c-to, or -TTO>, f. -fu>, (fr

drawn ; t;r act. impr. avaarfidi, -TU. 2 pi. same, and rapdcfca> to disturb)
-w, f. -dew, p. ai/- aracrTiTC.' sub. avacroi, -ijs, -rj' to trouble, disorder, distract, em-

(fr. a: a up, and a-^dw to draw), inf. ai aoT)jj'<zt' of ai'iffrnui. broil ; to confound, confuse ; to

to draw up, back, or out, raise commotion,

-as, -, JEol. for ava- excite or
, par.
to root up, throw*
overthrow, , -tus, -at, 1 a. opt. act. per. pass, avarsrapa-yfifvos.
down ; to tear, or rip up to be of same. A.va~dffff<j), or -rrw, f. -w, p.
; -%a,
(fr. same,
and rdcau> to
tedious, prolong, protract. range) to
(fr. dva^ a king) a (tr. avu again, and grfariirsiov a com-
'Avavffa, -77?, ?';,
arrange, set order; to

queen, mistress, larly. camp) to remove a camp,change pose, dispose, adjust, settle. 1 a.
Dor. for mid. arraa'/w/v.
Avdffffaroj, av/iaffnros -ov quarters, return.
b. >/, (fr. a
ng. and tiaadopaj. to Ai'crpd6>/7, impr. and -d>rjrc, sub. %,
-'), -dv, (fr. next) ex-
be inferior) invincible. 2 a.' pass, and tended, stretched out; extensive,
wide ; towering, shooting, or
to pourj
AVUY^O);, -T}S, /, (fr. ava^/w
out) a pouring out, overflowing,
inundation; a passage, course;
Av/3j8aaav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. of ava-
enviable; cause of
giving no viyicaro-.
3 mid. avtvfy- Aviirwa, -as -c, 1 a. and Av/rfff,.*,
sin. I a. }

anger, faultless, worthy, good. K0>vof. par. 1 a. mid. and avs-l -ts, -,2 a. ind. act. of avairirru.
f, par. 1 a. pass, of ava-< Av7r??^o-a,-as, -, 1 a. act. ofava-
Avffiiu -o>, (fr. avd again, and E^i/ai
to vomit) to vomit up again, media. j

disgorge. r, 1 a. act. mid. ofavai'Evw. Avi-npeaaTov (neut. of next) safe- j

AituiaTof, AvffjLicio;, Av//*cof, -ov, '>j7vo;jwf, -via, -df , Alt. for av??- i
ly, securely, without railing, or
6, f,, (fr. uvE/io? vo^wf, par. per. mid. of ava0/pu>.
wind) windy, I abuse.

airy ; light, trifling, vain, silly. Avv6-x\nros, -ov, b, (fr. a neg , -ov, 6, f,, (fr. a neg.
Aviit^6ftvos, -n, -ov, par. pres. and i'o^A/o> to disturb) undis- arid to
injure) irre-

pass, of turbed ; peaceful, quiet, calm. proachable, harmless ; safe, se-

nvfpiKa (fr. dvc- Avlvrts, n. pi. of aviif, par. 2 a
i. cure from affront.
AvEfjii^u), -[via, p.
//of wind) to toss, shake, agitate, Av~i/3ouAvro'f, -ov, b, r/, (fr. same,
by the wind; to expose to the AvE^dAfi-rof, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. a neg. and frn^ovAfi'w to plot) not to be
weather ; to float in the air. and E^aAE^w to wipe out) not to surprised, secure, safe; candid,
Avfpipvt, 3 sin. imp. of be effaced, or annulled, indelible. ingenuous.
Avpvf}a(hi, 3 sin. 1 a. pass. of\Avt-f\yKros, -ov, b, r,, (fr.
a neg, Ai- '}'paciof,
-ov, 6, f,, (fr. same,
avapvdu. and E^A/y^-w to convince) not to and ypd<pu to
a title, th.

Avfj.6eis, -toco, -tv, (fr. di'pos

the be convinced, or disproved, indis- write) untitled, witlwut 'inscrip-
wind) windy, stormy, tempestu- putable; untried, not examin- tion, nameless, obscure.
ous; airy, exposed to the air, or ed, unascertained; unconiicttd, Avi-iKa\v-r<j>s, (fr. same, and Ert-
winds. blameless. KaAvTTTw to cover) without con-
'Avqios, -ov, b,wind; breath; life; Av^cpvvriros, -ov, b, /, (fr. a neg. cealment, openly, avowedly, pub-
mind. g. Ion. avtpoio' d. pi. avi- and %pvvdu to search) un- licly.
irt in-
searchable, inscrutable, past find- Ai'~tKa)Avra)f, (fr. same,
-EOf -OVf, 0, ^, (fr.
AvE/lOffK/TTJ;?, ing out. tens. and uAvw to hinder) with-
dvffios wind, and o-*fVoj to cover) AvE^/racrof, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. a neg. out hindrance, freely.
protecting from the storm, shel- and ^rd^w to examine) untried, AvrtA>7<r.'Of, -on, 6, ;/, (fr. same,
tering, warm. unheard, not examined. and iriAa^/?a'vw to check) un-
Avtyioo-^dpayof, -ov, 6, //, (fr. same, AvflETa'crwf, (fr. last) without trial. blameablc, blameless, irreprehen-
and a rumbling noise) A.v%tKaKia, -f, rj, (fr. av/^w to en-
c-<f>doayos sible, irreproachable.
roaring,' rattling, whistling with dure, and KUKOS evil) mildness, AvfKtfjiiKTos, -ov, b, f], (fr. same,
the wind. ETTJ in, and
gentleness ; endurance, forbear- [iiywut to mix) se-
Av/iorpa0;)f, and Av^orpEd/jf, -/of ance ; patience, fortitude. cluded, retired, lonely, solitary;
-oBf, o, i/, (fr. same, and rp/dwto AvE^/KaKOf, -ov, 6, f), (fr. same) pa- unsocial, implacable.
rear) reared, strengthened, or tient, forbearing, Ar-v6rjros,-ov, 6,/, (fr. same, and
nursed by the wind, hardy. o neg. nvofu) to consider) inconsider-
Av^i^v(c'rof, -ov, 6, f/, (fr.
At>ft6rpoirof, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and E^i^iirt^u) to trace, th. t^vo? ate, thoughtless, rash, hasty.
and rp/;ru> to turn) exposed to the a track) no< fo be traced, or rfis- AvE^i^ECTOf, -ou, 6, jj, (fr. same,
wind, weatherbeaten ; changing covered, intricate, inscrutable. TTI on, and /w to polish) unpo-
with tiie wind, fickle. -ou, 6,
,-, (fr. a neg. and
,',, lished, rough, unfinished.
Avcftotpdopia -af, >/. (fr. same, and / ^o^of a passage) impervious, im- Av-/opK-of, -ou, o, f/, (fr. same,

00f'pw to spoil) grain. &c. blight- passable; irremeable, having no c-l on, and p/w to do
ed by the wind ; blight, blast. return ; confined, not let loose, unfinished, imperfect; not offer-
Av|/<500opof, -ov, o, ;, (fr. or at liberty. ed, or sacrificed ; not duly so-
blighted, blasted, tainted. Avt^OfMt, -/, -ra<,3pl. -ovrai, 1 f. lemnized ; not purified, or cleans-
AVEUOU -u (fr. saaae) expose to ind. mid. of i*tf
the wind; to air ventilate; to Avtovrai, Ion. for avcivrai, 3 Av-iffTriu(i>v, -ovof, 6, f>, (fr. same,
fan, winnow ; to blow ; to shake, per. mid. ofaiir/ui.
and ETrtcTf/^tov knowing) igno-
or fill with the wind. Av~ala8riTog, -ov, b, i], (fr. a neg. rant, unskilful; illiterate; awk-
Avffjnr6Si(rrof, -ov, 6, f), (fr. a neg. and irar0avo//ai to feel) unfeel- ward.
and to hinder) unhin-
inrooi?(i) ing, insensible, stupid; unper- Avr(OT|3/$w, f.
-^'U, p. -0a, (fr.
dered, unrestrained, at liberty, ceived, unobserved ; not to be ob- same, and Ertorp/^u to turn to)
to turn away, or
free. served, imperceptible. from, avert.
Ai'tpt-ooicTug (fr. last) without hin- Ai'~atc"T(vvTos, -ov, b, ij, (fr. a neg. Av-icTp6(p<as (fr. last) aversely,
drance, freely. and Es-ato-^vvo/iaj to blush) un- heedlessly, without regard, or
Avp<!>5T)S, -0f -ovf, 6, >/, (fr. oVtyiof blushing, shameless ; that has no respect, without return.
wind) windy, airy ; swelling cause to blush, innocent, blame- Av:riT);(!Of, Ion. for OVE
with, or waving in the wind. less. -ov,b,{,, (fr. a neg. and,
Av//(j(cj;f,-of -ovf, 6, >;, (fr. same, AvErruA/zj of Poet, j

av0aAA<fy/- for
fit) unfit, improper, unsuitable.
and am<f swift) swift as the wind, vof, par. pres. pass. Av/raA- Av~('60ovof, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. same,
wind-fleet, storm-winged. TO, by Sync, and Dor. for
and ETrtoflovof envious) devoid of

AvE^oiAjof, -ou, 6, r,, (fr. same) AOTO,' S'sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of envy, candid, generous; unen-
airy, light, trifling, silly, wortli- viable.
less; false, ineffectual, vain. Ai'rai'(5c0(i)TOf, -ov, a AvETT/dpacrof, -ov, b, )/, (fr. same,
6, fj, (fr.
AvE/Jwi'T?, -TIS, TJ, (fr. same) Ane- neg. and Ejravopfldw to correct) and ttifypdfyfiai to consider) un-
mone, a flower. past mending, incorrigible, de- expected, unthought of, unfore-
AvEvfojjf, -/of -o5f, b, >5, (fr. o neg. praved ; to which nothing can be seen.
and v<5/jf deficient) deserving, added, perfect, complete. AvETrAiJpuo-at/,
3 pi.
I a. ind. act. of
worthy ; capable, sufficient. Aviiraveav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of
Avfvoficros, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and ovaruvw. Dor. for avirra'//>?v, 2
vd(%rai it is possible) impossi- Avra^9dif, (fr. a neg. and Erra^;- a. mid. of AvjVra/iai.
ble, not to be allowed, or permitted. 0>/f grievous) easily, agreeably, icirr&riiiai, per. pass,
of avairroio-
freely, without grudge, or envy.
AvnfyKuv see Av/TTEto-a, -af, -, 1 a. act. of ava- AvcnTotr,To 3 sin. pper. pass, of
AvcvtKac AVCVCIKO.TO' AVVtKap- fiai,
Poet, for avavrolo-
AvVEr0/f '
Ion. and Poet, Av/TTEjr^a, -af, -, 1 a. act. of ava- fiai
avcvfyKnc, par. 1 a. act. avt- , (fr. av<', intens. and IKW to
say) proclaim, publish, com- AvfffTios, -ou, b, i/, (fr. a neg. and
to of, ).
-Or, for aveve%6e,ls, fr.

mand, either as an injunction, faria a hearth) without a home, a

or prohibition ; to prohibit, for- 'Wanderer ; one who shuns home, uv, Dor. for
bid. I a. av?7ra. 2 a. avoVov. 3 opt. mid.
solitary. Avt^o'tr', for
sin. ardiT. Poet, avtinatre. Avcffrpdfr/v, -rjg, -f],
2 a. ind. pass. ^otro, 3 sin. pres. opt. mid.
avtpn, by Sync. av<W, IVf^W.
a. sin. of m-tjp. vlcrvtTo, 3 sin.
o?Avcr%6piv, 2 a. j), f.
avt^di, p. ayecx/iKa, (fr.
ava up, and t^w hold) to &oW
Avlpaaros, a neg.
-<-'i', 6, rj, (fr. to
and epdd) to love) unamiable, dis- vraw, (of ava intens. andErrf^w wp, /(/i:, jva'se, ea?a^ ; to esteem ;
agreeable, unpleasing, offensive, to examine) to inquire, search to hold on,
persist; to
hateful, odious ; unkind, un- out; to question, examine, extort check, stop ; to cease, rest, rt-

friendly ; not inclined to love,. by torture. lax ; to rise

up, emerge ; to up-
AvEp0(w, (fr. ava intens. and p- AvTi\a, -as, -o, 1 a. ind. act. of hold, support, maintain ; to prop,
0/w or pf'0u> to provoke) to
pro- avarfXX bear up; to bear, suffer; to at-
voke, stir,
AvsnOlfitijv, -co, -iro, imp. pass, of tract, draw to, induce, par. pres.
and AvEpstVru), (fr. same, avariOrjfj.1. act.
avf^wv. 2 a. act. avfa%ov'
and p/Tu>
to ruin) to lay waste, VETOS, -ou, b, fj, (fr. avitj/nL
to par. avao-^wv. pres. pass. ind.
to steal, gather; re-
ruin, despoil; loose) loosened; loose, lax, avf^OjiaC opt. avi%oifni, -oio,
to tear, rend, pull in pieces ; to
avft^d/i^v, and
miss, negligent. -OITO. imp. pass,

destroy. -;?,
2 a. pass. Averpd-r/v, -?s,
f. mid.
civil-opai' 2

Avfpu^dfjisvos, -rj, -ov, par.

-TJS, -n,
1 a.
1 a. ind. mid. avffy6/JLr;v. Att. nvEffj^d^riv.
mid. of last. pass, of avarpmo. Av^wpr/<ra, -as, -, or -EV before a

Avfps, Ion. for av<5ps, n. pi. of AVEU, without. 'Avvdw,far off", far vowel, 1 a. act. of ava^wpew.
from. (fern, of next)
avrip. Avtt^ta, -as, ,

AvEp/jaTtoTos, -ov, b, /;, (ir. a neg. AvEua^w, (fr. v intens. and vdfa niece, cousin.
nnd i'puari^w to steady, th. pua to shout) to s/iouZ ii/ce bacchanals, AviLibs, -ov, b, properly a nepliew.
Hast) unsteady, unfirin, loose, rave, celebrate orgies. Also a cousin in any way.
tiiiiber, pliant. AvEu0ros, -ov, 6, )/, (fr. a neg. and Avfi^v^Oev, for ava\^v^9naav, 3 pi.
!u, (fr. ava up, and fprvu> or Eufcros well arranged) ill adapt- 1 a. pass, of avad/vvb).

to creep) to creep up, ed, unfit, inconvenient, unsuit- 'AVEW, (n. pi. of dveus) silently,
back. able. mutely, without speech or noise.
Avppdyr)v, 2 a. pass, of avapp/- Aft50wvos, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. same, and Avfdpya, -as, -, per. ind. mid.
cvGiis straight) uneven, rough, Avu>yws,-uTa, -os, a. sin. -y6ra,
Avpa/*jVos, par. per. pass, ofavap- or par. per. mid
not level ; not
Av(f>y//fvos, par.
pdlfTW. per. pass. Avi^a, -as, -E, or
not 1 a. ind. act. of
Avlppwya -as, -, Att. for a^fpprjya,
Avv0uvws, (fr. last) subject to fivoi^a, avo/yw.
per. mid. of avapp/yvu//t. rule, or control, unaccountable, Avluvrai, for av?vra<, 3 pi. per.
AvEpuw, f. -vvdi, (fr. ant up,
and with impunity. ind. pass, or for
av&vrai, 3 pi.
to draw) to haul up, draw Avevpuv, inf. of 2 a. sub. mid. of aviniii.
epvia avaipov, 2 a. oi
ashore ; to tuck, or tie up ; to 'AVEWS -co, 6, fi, (Att. for dvavos or
steal; to withdraw, remove. 1 a.
AvcvpTos, -ov, 6, #, (fr. a neg. and avav^os, fr. a
neg. and auw to
ind. act.
avdpvoa. t>po> obs. or EvptcrKd)
to find) not cry) silent, mute, dumb.
av\vffOjjLai, p. ->'/\v- found, undiscoverable. a, per. act. Att. .

da, (fr. ava up, and fp^o^ai to AvvplffK(i), f. -up*7rw, p. -t5pn/ca, pai, per. pass. Av^^Qnv,
go) to go up ; to return, come (fr. a or ava intens. and {/pnca> -rj,
3 pi. -nvav, 1 a. ind. pass.
back ; to enter, go in ; to succeed, to find) to discover by diligen Avu>%drivai, 1 a. inf.
follow ; to go over, repeat. 2 a. invent ; to seek, find out ; to find, Avtq'xQc.v, Sync, for <

ind. act. avijXQov. meet with. 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of i

Ion. avepwrfu) -&, fr. ava Ava/pov, -ES, -E, ind. AvEupav, or avuw to 'Avrj, -rj$, avu>
AvEpuraw, f], (fr.
intens. and spwraw, which see. inf.
Avvpo"vrs, n. pi. par. 2 a. finish) perfection, perfectness,
'AVES, 2 a. impr. act.
of ov%u. act. of last. completeness ; the perfecting,
Avtcraiui, 1 a. opt. of Avf'u. Avu$??/xfw, (fr. ava intens. and ev- completion, finishing, conclusion.
3 pi. of avrjv, 2 a. act. of (prj^iu)
to praise) to celebrate, ex- Avn(3db) -w, f. -)7(rw, (fr. ava again,

avtrjfii. tol, praise highly; to lament or and r'i(3r) youth) to grow young
Avfo-EJffav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of bewail avoiding unlucky words. again ; to grow up, arrive at
avaera'w .
Av0atvov, -ES, -, imp. act. Av* puberty, pres. inf. act. avyfiqiv.
'AvEffis, -10?, Att. -EWSi rj, (fr. avtij- (I>atv6p.rjv, -ov, -ETO, imp. pass 'Av?7/?os, -ov, b, fi, (fr. ava intens.
to remit) remission, loosening, Avt<f>r)va,-
1 a. act.
Av<f>yvd- and r]{3ri youth) very young ; a
1 a. mid. of
looseness, relaxation ; indulgence, /.t>?v, boy, stripling, lad.
recreation, refreshment, ease, rest ; Avc^aXXo^ai, f. -aXoi5/xat, (fr. ava Avfjyayov, 2 a. ind. impr. ovayayE*
remissness, negligence ; release, a
upwards, xl upon, and aXXo/t inf.
avayayEiv. Att. for avfjyov
dismissal. to leap) to spring back, to leap up, avay* &c. of avayu.
Av<rirdcdr)v, -rjs, -n, 1 a. ind. act. rear.par. pres. mid. av^aXX<5^- Av//yytXa, -as, -, 1 a. act. 3 pi.
vos. Poet. avEiraX/iEi'OS' 1 a. ind. avr'iyyu\av. Av^yyEXo^, 2 a.
Aviaavro, for avaaia'tfro, pper. pass. mid. av0^Xa/xi?v, by Sync, and act Av>;yyAjjv, -r;s, -7> pass.
of avaffEVw, or -ffvco. Dor. avTtd\iJ.rjV, -aXw, -a.X of avayyfXXw.
Avfora, Dor. for aviarr), 3 sin. 2 Av(j)p6fnrjv, -ov, -TO, imp. ind. Avriytofiat, (fr. ava intens. and
a. act Avf'orav, JEo\. Sync. to lead) to tell, relate, re-
for avtcrnaav, 3 pi.
2 a. ind. act. -a?, -E, 1 a. act. of ava- count, recite, pres. inf. mid. avw-
AvffTatri, Ion. for avtarfiKa- yro-0au
01, 3 pi. per. ind. act. AVE<T- -ov, -CTO, imp. mid. of (fr- a neg. and rfivs sweet)
v, Av^^wsi
rtwsj Ion. for avsarnKus, par. disagreeably, harshly.
per. act. of avf<m;/H. 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr Avfcaav, Att. for avj/Eterav, 3 pi.
AviaTijv, -ris, -rj, 3 pi. -naav, 2 a. mid. Av%(5/i0a, 1 pper. mid. of avijt.
pi. pres.
ind. mid. Av^6jjivos, n, -ov, Av/?>7, Poet, foravp, 2 a. sub.
iftd. act.
Avearrjffa, -as, -E, or act.

Or, Att. for av/?j, 3

-tv before a of aw'?7/u.
vowel, 1 a. ind. act. par. pres. mid. of avr^w.
of same. veyfcfr, -7<ra, -fv, par. 1 a. pass. sin. pper. of avsijut, to return.

or -tv before a a
,-ov,r&, (fr. a'v0oy flower)
, -ov, rd, the herb aniae, or , -a?, -E,
dill. vowel, and Ion. avtvtiKa, 1 a. the herb gith, or nigella ; an or-
1 a. ind. act of avdicau. act. Av77v^0/?ffav, Ion.
for nament.
Avjyio*-, Ion. for dviov, 2 a. ofdvctfii. avT)vf-y%6r]<rai',
3 pi. of A.VTivfy%- >0j?, -tSo$, f;, (fr. same) a flow*
of avacifpw. er the herb chamomile.
AnjKOfiriv, 1 a. ind.mid. Aviyia, 077V, 1 a. ind. pass, ;

3 sin. 1 a. act. of ar/rj/u. vfjvTjpai, -eat, -rat, per. pass. of| Av0E/idi?, -ff<ra, -EV,
and 'Av0f*o$,
fr. av/J/cu to be-, avaivonai. -ov, 6, /, (fr. same) flowery,
AV/JKEI, (impers.
i* it is fit, it be- Av?'o0a, -a?, -E, by Epenth. and blooming, bright, luxuriant.
fit) appertains,
comes, it is convenient, right, just. Att. redupl. for ?7v0a, per. mid. of Av0//ov, -ov, rd, (fr. same) a
AvtjKn, 3 sin. before a vowel, imp.
of last. ,
or AvT/vvrof, -ov, b, ft, 'Oft-opai, -T), -trai, I f. mid.
A.vdfi-<i>nat, 1 a. sub. mid. of av-
Av^Krrof, -w, 6, ^, (fr. a neg. (fr. a neg. and avvco to finish)
and tucfoitai
to cure) incurable, unfinished, imperfect; not be

past remedy,
irremediable ; incon- finished; unceasing, intermina- Av0Epwv, -wvo?, 6, (fr. av0fw to
solable. ble ; insurmountable, impracti- blossom) the chin ; the part be-
cable. neath the lower jaws in beasts ;
AvjywffTW?, (fr. last) incurably.
the throat.
Avjfcox, neut. sin. AVJ/KOVTO, Av/7vwp, -ooo?, 6, ^, (fr. a neg. and
neut. pi. of avfiKuv. avr)p
a man) unmanly ; slothful, Av0/pft:o?, -ov, 6, the star-flower, or
JivrjKdvTi^e, imp.
ind. act. of ava- lazy, inactive; dull, heavy, stupid. asphodel.
Avr/n-rat, 3 sinrf per. pass, ofavd A.v8epil-, -IKO?, 6,
same as a0)Jp.
AV///COOJ, -ov, 6, a neg. and
f,, rofiai.
Av0o-av, Poet, for avtBccrav, 3 pi.
for a 2 a. act. of nvaridri^t.
atcovw to hear) maitentive, negli- 'j?p, avcpbs, Sync, dvEpo?, b,
gent ; disobedient ; silent, speech- man, husband. 'Avdeoi, d. pi. of di>Qo$.
unlearn- ind. of Av0foT7ca, -a?, -E, per. ind. act.

less ; ignorant, simple, 1 a. pass,

LvrjpiQrjv, -77?, -77,
ed, inexperienced; unheard of, avatptd). Av0o-rT7K<5rs-, n. pi. of A.v8e<m)-

unknown, of no celebrity. , 3 pi. 1 a. mid. of av- KW?, -v?a, -d?, par. per. act. of
Avj/rouoTfu -S>, f. -i}ffu, (fr. next)
not to attend; to neglect, slight, Avr/p77/cw?, -vta, -b$, Att. avapaiprj- 'Ai-0ro, for avfQcTo, 3 sin. 2 a.
mid. of avaTidnfJii.
disregard, disobey. KW$, Ion. avappatpriKias, par. per.
Dor. for
av0oif<rav, a.
AviyxouffTos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. act. of avatofw. A.v9ev<rav,
and aKovo> to hear) not heard, iv, 1 a. mid. of avo- sin. fern. cont. par. pres. act.

attended to, or regarded ; slight- Av0p<n, Dor. for av0o?<n, cont.

unheard Av//poro?, fr. av0f'ovo-, d. pi. par. pres. or
ed, neglected, disobeyed -ov, b, f), (fr. a neg. anc

strange ; not to be heard, in-

ap6u>\.o plough) unfilled, uncul-
3 pi. pres. ind. act. of
tivated, neglected ; unmarried. Av0f"u> -5, f. -^<rw, (fr. dvBos a
audible, indistinct.
AV>/KU>, f. -w, p. -vx a i (fr' av " U P' AirioroVa, -a?, -, 1 a. act. of avap- flower) to blossom, bloom, bear
and 7ca) to come) to come to, flowers ; to flourish, prosper ; to
mount, arrive at ; to advance,
Ai/r/pwrcvv, Ion. and Dor. for OVE- shine, dazzle, glitter; to ooze,
at- pwrovv, 3 cont. imp. of trickle, per. ind. mid. rjvda' for
proceed, improve ; to reach, pi. avepw-
tain, extend
to ; to meet ; to Jit, TIU). which also >/vo0a, and Att. avfr
agree, suit; to become, befit;
to A-vfjs, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. Avi?- voBa.
appertain, belong,
relate to, con- -E?, -EJ, 1 f. ind. act. o 'Av07, or 'Avr7, -?j, ^, the name
crrn ; to avail, signify. of a city.
AVJJKWV, -ot'o-a, -ov, (par. pres. act. Aw/0077v, -77?-, -77, 1 a. pass, o Avdrjowv, -6vos,
(fr. a
fi, dvQo$
of- last) ascending, mounting ; flower,and few to eat) a bee ; or
raised, elevated, lofty ; reaching, Av//^077V, -77?, -77, 1 pi. i rather an epithet of the bee,
pertaining, or belonging
to ; fit, pi. -dijaav, 1 a. ind. pass, o froni living on flowers.
becoming, right. Av0^p3j, -a, -ov, (fr. same) floiu-
Av>}Xaro, 3 sin. mid. of ava'X- AV//W, Att. for aveld), Poet, for
1 a. ery, fresh, blooming ; gay, lively.
avfw, Ion. for avw, 2 a. sub. act w, f.
-i'<ra, (fr. same) bud, to

s, -ov, b, f,, (fr. a neg. and of avbjpi. blossom, put forth flowers ; to
to drive) unmoved, calm, Av0', before an aspirate for avr( garnish, adorn it-ith flaw-*
still ; stiff', inflexible, unyielding; which see. ers ; to colour, tinge, dye.
stubborn unbroken, -w, (fr. avrj for, and a<p/t
Av0ap/w Av0t'w, or avrt
obstinate, ; AW^o/ia, (fr.
not trained, wild. to take) to take in
preference, pre against, and ?^w to seat) to sit
Aw?X0ov, -j, -, 2 a. ind. act. of fer, choose, elect ; to gain, get. down against, encamp opposite,
A.vdd-!TTOfiat, (fr. avrt against, anc besiege.
,-ov, 6, fi, (fr. a neg. and orrw to
touch) to touch, attack A.vdtibs, -77, -bv, (fr. same) flow-
17X10? the sun) or lay hands upon in turn, 01
sunless, dark, ery, adorned wiihflowers.
gloomy. after another ; to
cling, em- A.v6i(TTunTfv, -atro, or -w, -aro, imp.
AvijXwflTTV, -17?, -77, 1 a. pass. brace, or supplicate in turn; to mid. AvdiffTdpcvos, par. pres.
move, affect, afflict; to touch, mid. Av0iVravTai, 3 pi. pres.
per. act. of avaX/ff/cw. reach, come to ; to take in hand ind. mid. of
Av*7fiX*ero?, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. a neg. undertake. ,
avrtor^o-a), p. av0f-
and a/iAyo> to milk) not milked, 'Av0a, pi. of a'v0o?. , (fr. avrt against, and
which yields no milk. Av0?, 3 sin. cont. pres. of av0fa>, 7oT77/a to stand) to stand against,
Avij/uv, for avtfitv, 1
2 a. act.
'Av0ia, -ac, 'i, Antheia, the name resist, oppose. 1 a. avrftrrrjca' 2
or Sync, for avjKapw, 1 pi. 1 a. of several cities ; an epithet a. avTf<m]V imp. pass. av0toTf-
of avlrjpi. Venus and Juno. //r/v, -ao"0,
A.ifi)pv, 1 pi. imp. of <vi/, fr.
Av0/Xorro, 3 pi. of av0tXo>T/v, 2 v0o^<5/cof, -ov, 6, (fr. dv0o? a flow-
dpi, to be. a. mid. of avdatotw. contain) a er, and ofxonat to

Av^Epo?, a neg.
-ov, 6, Av0vJ?, and AvftTvo?, -f,, -bv, (fr. flower-pot, flower-basket.
fi, (fr. ;

5/iE| o?gentle) wildjierce,savage;

dv0oj a flower) in blow, bloom- vfloXoytti) -5,
-)?o-&>, (fr. same,

cruel, pitiless. ing, flourishing, vigorous ; flow- and Xtyw to gather) to a*ter
Ayr}*, -^?, -rj, 2 a. act. ofavtrip ery, adorned with flowers. flowers; to select beauties; to
AvftvacQat, inf. of Avrrvdpriv. 1 A.v9iftcvos, Poet, for avaQipivog, cull, choose.
mid. of avalvopat. par. 2 a. mid. of avariQijui. Ai'0o;ioXoyfa> -w, f. -^ffw, (fr. avrt to
return, and bpoXoyiu) to confess and <j>dyu)
to eat) a man-eattr, sin. cont.
imp.ind. act.
assent or agret cannibal. as if fr. avff'w.
confess in turn,
mutually, covenant, or stipulah AvOpwiTo<}ivriSi -tos -ovs, b, >;, (fr. Av/tv, for avfyv, imp. act.
on both sides ; to sing praises, 01 same, and <j>vu) to be) of human -ttffa, -fv, par. pres. act. Avtl-
thanksgivings responsively. nature, born like men. Hevos , par. pres. mid. Avutrjv,
Poet, for 3 sin. 2 AvdviravTata -w, f. -?/cra), (fr. avri -m, -?, P r es.
opt. act. Avii-
AvOope, aviOopc,
a. ofavaOoofU). against, and {cravraw to meet) vai, pres. inf. act. of avlrjfH.
'Avdos, -cos -ouj, TO, a flower, blos- to go to meet ; to encounter, run Avltpos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. next) unholy,
som ; fresh growth ; the budding together. profane.
or shooting of trees ; luxuriance AfdviraTeia, -as, avOv~aros f), (fr. -u>, f.
-wo-w, p. (fr.

bloom, flower, pride, excellence ,

a proconsul) the office of procon- va intens. and upos holy) <o do
a garland; a spark; a flt, pa- sul, a proconsulate, or procon- /io/y ceremonies, sacrifice; to con-
roxysm. sulship. secrate, devote.
Av0' grow, for which ? for what '(
AvOvirarevovTos, g. sin. par. pres.| AvltcKov, -c$, -c, imp. of a
why ? act. of Poet, for a
wherefore ?
AvdpaKcvs, -tos, Att. -tios, b, (fr. vOvTraTtvia, f.
-cued), p ntvvTai, Dor. and Ion. for aviovv-
dvQpa% a coal) a collier, coal- TevKa, (fr. next) to be a procon- Tai, 3 pi. pres. pass, of aviiu,
man^ sul; to enjoy, or discharge the for
AvBpaKia, -as, %, (fr. same) fyeap of proconsul. office vi^ov, -ov, TO, the herb anise.
of burning coals, afire. AvOviraros, -ov, b, (fr. avrl for, ant '/>?0if, 1 a. par. pass, of aviaw.
'Avdpal;, -UKOS, b, a burning, or live viraTos a consul) a proconsul ; a f.
-ijffia, p. -tiKa, (fr. ava
coal ; a carbuncle. Roman magistrate next to the up, and "nfjii
to send) to send
'Av0pa|tj, -iog, Att. -wj, #, (fr. consult ; a lieutenant, governor. back ; to cast, fling, throw up-
last) a coa/; a^re, conflagration; AvOvirovp-ytw -w, (fr. same, vxb un- wards ; to emit, discharge; to
a burn. der, and ipyov work) to work loosen, unloose, open, strip; to

Av6p>',vr}, -r)s, ft, a wasp, hornet. under, or along with, assist, co- liberate, release, let go ; to slack-

'Av0pa>7r', for dvQpuire, v. of dv- operate ; to give work in return. en, rela-r, intermit, moderate,
0pa>7TOJ. 'Qv^aipiia -&, (fr. ai-'rt in turn, and lessen ; to remit, for give, forbear ;

AvOpwirdpcffKos, -ov, 6, ;;, (fr. dvdpw- withdraw) to to subtract, to dismiss, leave, let alone; to
a man, and take away, lessen,, proportionally.
aptcKw to please) desert,forsake ; to let slip, omit,
one who courts 3 sin. cont. imp.
popularity, a man- A.v0o)fioAoytro, neglect; to urge, incite, impel.
pleaser ; ambitious, intriguing; mid. of av6ofjio\oyl(a. 1 a. act. avt)Ka. 2 a. act. ind.
a flatterer, parasite. Av0' wv,for which, wherefore. avrjv sub. avu>' par. pres. act.
A.v0fla)7T7, cont. avBpuirri, -r,s, >;, Avia, -as, and Ion. Ava/, -?/?, /; avids' 2 a. aveis' par. pres.
(fr. same) the human skin. '

grief, sorrow, wo, mourning; pass, aviijitvos' 1 a. ind. pass.

and Ion. sadness, heaviness, pcnsiv eness ; aveOriv, and avdOrjv par. av0/?.
-ov, b, vexation, trouble. of avlr), Ion. foravta.
Avirjv, a. sin.
f], Avdputittvos,
KOS, -rj, -dv, (fr. same) human, Avi(T, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Also imp. of aviJijjii.
belonging to man. avido).
AvirjpiaTEpos, -i oraroj, and Avirjpo-
Av6p<jiiri(as, Avdpw-rrivias, and Av- M<a>, -data, (fr. avia grief) I rcpos, -dTaTos, comp. and sup. of

OpuiriK&s, (fr. same) like a man,

cause sorrow, grieve, trouble, sad- avir/pbs,
according to human nature ; man- den; to fret, repine, repent. Avir/aeai, JE,0\. for avitjffrj, 2 sin.
fully ; courteously, kindly. Aviapbs, or Avir/pbs, -, -ov, (fr. 1 f. mid. AvifjCtia, -as, -c,
Avdpunia, -a?, fj, (fr. same) hu- same) mournful, sad, sorrowful, JEo\. for avi-tjaaim, 1 a. opt.
manity, human nature; benevo- melancholy, painful, distressing, Avirja<a,-riS)-?l, 1 a. sub. ofavtdu.
lence, kindness. afflictive ; troublesome, vexatious. 'Avirjcn, 3 sin. ofavirjp.i.

Av0pwjr/u, (fr. same) to behave or comp. aviapoTcpog, sup. -draTos' AviKa, Dor. for fjviKa.
act like a man, be like a human and avii/ptcTtpos, -foraroj. AVIKTJTOS, and Dor. AvjVaro?, -dv,
creature; AvOpiaTrl^ofjiai,
to be- 'idffQqv, I a. sub. pass, of avidw. b, >i, (fr. a neg. and VIKUU to con-
come man, be made human, par. Aviaai, Att. for aviciffi, 3 pi. pres. quer) invincible ; unconquered.
1 a. pass.
ind. ofavirijju. Aviaai, for ara- ivfAfWf, -w,
6, >;, (fr. a neg. and
3 pres. ofdvcim, to
go up.
Av8po)~iov, -ov, TO, (dim. fr. same) 01, pi. ('AEWJ merciful) pitiless, merciless,
a little
man, dwarf, pigmy; a Avians, -ov, b,a neg. andf),inhuman, cruel.

fellow, varlet, knave. idofjiai

to heal) incurable; re- A.v(judw -w, (fr. ava up, and fy/'w
to draw, th. "pas a
Av0(ja>7r<5yAwrrof, -ov, b, fj, (fr. mediless, desperate. thong) to haul
same, and yAo5o-<ra the to'ngue) Avidrpcvros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. up, weigh; to draw up, or out
speaking with, or imitating the and laTpcvu to cure) uncured, of; to exhaust, empty.
human voice. An epithet of a not healed; incurable,
Aviov, Dor. for fjvtov.
parrot. .vidrus, (fr. aviaTos incurable) in- Aviuvra, -ovaav, -bv, a. sin. 2 a.
Av0{)W7roEi<5f?s, -los -ovs, b, fj, (fr. curably. par. of avi/xj, to go up.
same, and a5os shape) of hu- .via%os, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a intens. Avio%os, Dor. for foioyps.
man form, in the shape of man. and id%w to resound) noisy ; vo- Avi-Kiros, -ov, b, f], (fr. a neg. and
AvOpwirodvffia, -as, />, (fr. same, ciferous, loud, clamorous; rat- "TTTTOS a horse) without a horse;
and 6vu to sacrifice) a human tling, crashing, pealing. an infantry soldier.
sacrifice. Avidia -w, f. -data, p. r/vlaKa, (fr. Lvj'nrajuai, f.
-fjffOfiai, (fr. ava Up,
Av6p<t)iroKT6vos, -ov, b, (fr. same, avia grief) see avid<a. pres. and nrra/ja to fly) to fly up, off,
and /cravu) to kill) a manslayer, opt. pass, aviaolpriv -fynrjv, aoio or away ; to soar. 2 a. ind. mid.
murderer. -wo, aoiro -wro. av7rra^7?v, Dor. avtirrdpav. 2 a.
Av0pu>7roA<5yoj, -ov, 6, same, siopuri, (fr. a neg. and icp<as
ff, (fr.
ind. act. aviTTTnv' inf. avavTrj-

andXdyoj a discourse) treating of sweat) without labour, toil, or vai, fr. avtitTri/u*'
human nature, speaking of man. trouble, easily. AviirTd-rrovs, -oSos, b, //, (fr. next,
Avflpufl-oj, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. avw up, roi- AviopuiTos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) and novs the foot) with unwash-
TTO) to
turn, and u^ the counte- without trouble, easy ; without
ed, dirty, or unclean feet.
nance) man, mankind, the hu- sweat, or exercise. VIITTOS, -ov, b,ft, (fr. a neg. and
man species; human nature; a Avici, pres. impr. act. cont. or 3 WTTTW to wash) unwashed, foul ;
man, person, husband, master. sin. cont. imp. ind. act. Aviclv, unclean, not purified, d. pi. Ion.
Av0pa)7-^v';'n ? , -ov, t>, ^, (fr. last, pres. inf. act. cont. AvUis, 2 aviirroist.
kvicrdpevos, mid.par. pres.
to open) to open, throw open; to
A.vi<TTaa9ai, pres. inf. mid.
A.vi<rrarat, 3 sin. pres. inf. mid,
::V'!7~;<7W, p. C
(fr. avii u;>, and "arripi
to place)
to stand, rise, rise up again ; to

arise, appear ; to rise up against,

oppose, resist ; to set out, depart ;
to raise, erect, exalt ; to take up,
rem" f-it in motion,
cause to depart, banish ; to sub-
rert, overthrow.'} a. act. avlari]-
a. act. ind. avlyrrjv' impr

ardrra, and avdarrjQf sub. ava-

ortD* inf. avacrfvai' par. ava-
ora'j. 1 f. mid.

-5, (fr. ava asain, and

to examine) to inquire,

Att. for avicraaoi pres.

impr. pass, of aviG-rrjpt
'Avr,Yvy, -uoy, 8, 9, (fr. a neg. and
to-^uf strength) tmz/e, feeble,

AttV^w, (fr. ava intens. and tcr^w

for to hold) to uphold, sup-
port, raise, lift ; to up, hold
arise; to contain, restrain, re-
frain, behave, par. pres. avlax
pres. impr. mid. avlff%ov,

Avtxvcvb), (fr. ava along, and fyvoy

a track) to trace, search after,
pursue ; to investigate, examine.
Avitd^jQa, 1 pi. cont. pres-. ind.
mid. AvtaofynfV -u>p.rjv, -doio
-wo, -doiro -WTO, pres. opt. pass
of avidd).
-outrz, -dv, par 2 a. of dvci-
tO gO Up.

Av/wv, g. pi.
of avid.
'Airs, Anna, Eng. ^Inne, a wo-
man's name.
'Away, Annas, a man's name.
'Avviv, Poet, for dvciv, pres. inf.

of a'vcd, for avuw.

Avd>aXoy, Poet, for am^Xoy, -ov,
8, ';/, (fr. a neg. and vf^f'X;; a
cloud) cloudless, brigM, clear,
,-, -ny. o, Annubis, an
Egyptian idol

'Avoooy, -ou, o, ^, (fr. ava up, and

8<5dy a road) having a road, or
pa'/i upwards, steep. Or (fr. a
neg. and same) pathless, with-
out a road, impassable.

ava intens. and o<5v-
. which see.
Avoi^uv, -ovoy, o, f], (fr. a neg.
and voijuwv sensible) of weak in-
tellects, simple, silly , foolish.
A.vonck, -as, fj, (fr. a neg. and
voted to understand) fool
h.v6rjros, -ov, 8, f>, (fr. same) unin-

telligible ; unintelligent, dull, un-

apprehensive; senseless; incon-
siderate, thougMtesg,foc
'A.voia, -as, >/, (fr. same) ma-iness ;

foli.y, want of understanding.

'Avoiy^a, -aro?, rd, (fr. next) an
opening, unclosing, unlocking;
disclosure; a passage, entrance,

Avotyw, Avoiyvvw, and Avojyvu/a,

avof'^w, p. avfw^a, Att. for
avo%a, (fr. ava intens. and oi'yu)
den back, or retraced ; that may hearken, attend ; to hear in turn, ,-(OJ,Att. -0S,^,(fr.
not return ; an exile. or reply.
same) a reply, answer.
A.VOVOTOS, -ov, b, fa (fr. avri) with- AvrdAAayua, -arcs, TO, same, AvraTo'AAufu, (fr. avri for, and
out, and ovas, Poet, for ovs an and aAAoVorw to exchange)' a a7T(5AAv//t to destroy) to
ear) without or wanting ears, change, exchange, commutation ; waste, destroy, in return, or in re-
deaf. the Mng given in an venge.
AvovOfTtjros, -ov, b, fa (fr. a neg. equivalent; price, ransom, re- AvraTToarfAAw, (fr. same, and airo-
and vovdT<t> to advise) inatten- demption ; compensation retri- OT&AW to send away) to send
tive, heedless ; perverse, obsti- bution ; a type, similitude ; rela- back again ; send in place of.
nate that will not be advised.
; tion, reference, correspondence. Avra7ror/a>, fr. avri in return, and
'Avovs, see av6os. UTTOTM, which see.
Avo':aos, for dvoo-oj. imp. of
AVOVTUTOS, -ov, b, fa (fr. a neg. and A:'ra////?o), or fr. avri in pres. inf. of uvQdTrro^ai.
oitrdw to wound) and a////?w, which see.
not wounded, turn, AvTdptns,-ios, Att. -wj, //, (fr. avrt
against, and ai'pw to raise) a
- - W
Avra><i|j, I0 y, Att. f, fa (fr.
ArovTijTi, (fr. last) without a wound. same) recompense, return, com- lifting the hand against, an as-
Avo%fi, -rjsi fa (fr. avr^w to with- pensation, exchange. sault ; rebellion, insurrection.
hold) an intermission, interval, Avravaipiu -w, (fr. avri for, av Avrdprrjs,-ov,b, (fr. same) a rebel,
pause ; a truce, cessation ofarms ; up, and alpid) to take) to take, insurgent.
forbearance, patience, indulgence. or carry away in return. avrt in return,
lift, AvTaand^ofiai, (fr.
Avoxvpos, -ov, b, fa (fr. a neg. and Avravatpw, (fr. same, and ai'p'w
to and aa-nd^o^ai to embrace) to

%vpb$ or oftvpbs firm) not forti- cut off) to destroy,

waste, ruin, embrace heartily, to return love,

fied, unfenced'; insecure. in return, or by way of retaliation. to show mutual affection, salute
'Avcrra, and'Avora0<, Dor. foravd- Avrava/cAaw-w, (fr. same, and xAdw those that salute me.
pTijdt, 2 a. impr. act. Avordf, to
break) to rebound ; to reflect, Avravyda, -as, fa (fr. avri against,
for ava<rraj, par. ofavforr/v, 2 a. or refract. and avyt] brightness) radiance,
ind. act. Avarrjutvai, Att. and AvravaTT\p6d) -w, f.
-diffw, avrava- beaming, or reflecting of light.
Dor. for avaarrjvat, 2 a. inf. act.
7T7rA>7pwKa, (fr. same, and 7rA7- Avri)o>,
-vffd), p. avrfjvKa, (fr.
AvffT)]ffc9ai, for avacr^aic- po'w
to fill) to fill up, or
complett avrt against, and avu to cry) to
6ai, 1 f. inf. mid. 'Avarrjaov, in turn ; to finish, or perfect the cry out against; to shout in re-
for avdaTTiffov, 1 a. impr. act. to coun- turn, or reply. -
correspondence, fulfil ;
Avorr/rjjv, for avaffrf/rnv, 3 du. 2 terbalance. Avra'w -w, f.
-/;<ra), p. y/VTrjKa, (fr.
a. ind. act. of avicr^t. AvTavaGTrjaat, 1 a. inf. act. of av- avri against) to meet; to face,
ava<TTp<f>Tai, 3 sin. encounter ; to meet with, find,
pres. ind. mid. of avaaTptdxa. AvTavcpos, -ov, b, fa (fr. avri in- get, obtain.
Av<r0w, Poet, for av^u>. inf. stead, andavr;p a man) a substi- AvTJ36\r]<ra, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act.

tute, a deputy. of ttvrj/?oAfw.

'Avff%o, Poet, for avdar^to, Ion. for Lvravi'<rr7^t, f.
-ar^aa), (fr. avrt AvTyK\Ti/jia, -arc?, ro, (fr. avrt
2 a. impr. mid. Av- against, and to to against, and /caAao to call) an
ava'o-%ot>, !'o-r;/u set)
ava<r%>',<rcdai, 1 f. raise, or set up against; Avra- accusation in reply, recrimina-
inf.mid. Ava^noirjv, -oio, -OITO, viffranai, to rise up against, re- tion, retort.
for avaa%oifjiriv, opt. of av<rvo- sist, rebel, revolt. AvT0%iovvTo, 3
pi. cont. imp. mid.
pnv, 2 a. mid. of avf'^w. AvravopiSai, Dor. for Avrvvoploai,
Avor%r6f, for avao-%rdj, -ov, b, fa -uv, ol, the sons or descendants of AvraAaj, Poet, for avfraAaf, 2

(fr. avf^w to bear) tolerable, sup- Antenor. sin. or for avar/Aaj,

par. 1 a.
that may be endured. Avravuiraj, -dcra, -dv, for avaravu- act. ofavarAAo).
Avr' for avrl, before a smooth cds, par. 1 a. act. of avaravtfw, Vvm'vw, Poet, for avartivu. So
vowel. the same as avara'vw. 'Avravov, for avdruvov, 1 a.
'Avra, (fr. avrl against) opposite, vrdfros, -Hi -ov, (fr. avri for, and impr. and Avrftvai, for avartivai,
1 a. inf.
contrary to; directly; very. d^iog deserving) equivalent, equal
and in worth, value, or estimation ; Avra 2 of avrfTrw.
Avrayopdw, f -daw, (avri for, ?y, a. inf.
to buy) to buy in return as good as ; on a level, or equali- pres. inf. of
for,- to
barter. ty with ; preferable. AvTtpop.ai, or -epo//at, (fr. avrt in
-foo//ai, p. avrr\- turn, and /pu> or tpop.ai to ask)
to ask in return.
ywvto-fiat, (fr.
avri against, and avTairoclSwKa, (fr. avri for, and
fr. same, and
to contend) to strive a-ooi^iii to return) to hand over, irtiadyti), ticdyw,
against, resist, oppose, contend transfer; to
recompense, repay, re- which see.
with. 1 a. ind. mid. avTtjywvi- turn, imp. ind. avra7T<5Wa)v. 2 a. AvTKOpa//wv, -ovaa, -ov, par. 2 a.
ind. avra7T($a>v. inf. avra7ro<5o3- act. of
adp/v. avrA:rp%w.
AvrayomcTJjs, and Avraywvtorof, varpar.avra7ro<5oii?. 1 a. pass, av- Avr/cK<57rra), f. -i^w, (fr. avrt in
-ov,b, (fr. same) an antagonist, turn, and SKKOTTTO) to cut off) to
foe, rival, adversary; a com- vraxoSuiHa, -arcs, TO, (fr. same) cut (ff, or destroy in turn.

batant, champion. recompense, retribution, retalia-

AvrafiiKtw -&i * -'/0"w, (fr. avrt tor, tion, requital ; a turn, winding ; .TfKTtaiS, -0f, Att. -0)f, fa (fr.
and aoiKiu to wrong) to injure change, revolution, next) repayment, reward, recom-
in return, to retaliate. vrairoowa-is, -ios, Att.
-wj, fa (fr. pense, retribution; a fine.
(fr. avri against,
and same) recompense, remuneration,
to raise) to raise, to set, or reward; wares bartered, or ex- in turn, CK. intens. and Ww to pay)
to rise up against ; to oppose, re- changed. to repay, recompense, compen-
sist, inf. avrtt<piv. vTaxocwriKos, -fa -6v, (fr. same) sate; to suffer punishment; to
AvraEiy, Dor. for avrrjfts, -oxra, -v, retributory ; equivalent. expiate, atone.
(fr. dvrr/v opposite) contrary, op- VTairoKptvofjLat, (fr. avri in return, .VTEKTpf %(!>, f. -Optfa, (fr. avrt
posite, adverse ; inimical,
hostile. and atTOKpivofjiaL to answer) to against, CK from, and rp^w to
Avraios, -a, -ov, same as last. make answer in return, contra- run) to run out against, go to
AvruKaioi, -wv, ol, sea monsters. dict, reply. 1 a. pass. meet; to outrun, anticipate ; 2 a.

AVTO.KOVUI, f. avri for, QrjV inf. avrairo f. av- act. ind. ;r.
-ovtrw, (fr. avrt^tcpa^ov' par.
and axovti) to hear) to listen,
AvTXa/3<Jui?v, -ow^ -CTO, 2 a. ind 'Avr<r0at, pres.
inf. of
aVro//ai. (fr. avri against, and
mid. of avT<Xa///jdvw. Avr<77ra, 3 sin. cont. imp. act. of r/xita
to sound) 10 re-cci

ArrAfyov, -, -, imp. act. of av- sound, reverberate.

Avrtarr/v, -r/s, -17, 3 pi. avrlarijtrav, Avrr)%ovor]s, g. sin. fern. cont. ol
An-f'XX<H<ra, Syn. and Dor. forava- 2 a. ind. act. of av6icTTjfii.
avrri%iuv -wv, par. pres. of last.
rAXovaa, fern. par. pres. act Avri, opposite to, over against,
AvrCTpa/i/avo$S (par. per. pass. fr.

AvrAX<nr<, for avarAXovcrt, 2 avri against, and crrpt'^w to turn) equivalent, equal to ; Jor, on ac-
ind. ofavarAXw. turned, or set against, perverted, count of; for, in stead, or place
pi. pres.
AvrXo(cc5p(, 3 sin. cont. imp. act. changed. of, in exchange, in return for,

Avr(rrpa///uvws, (fr. last) in a con-

in requital of ; in preference
avrl for, and trary way, in a different manner, above, before, beyond.
Ai-'ry,MJ7, -ns,ri, (fr-
to put in) a chnn vice versa ; perversely. Arrta, (neut. pi. of avrics opposite,
removal; putting one thing in Avrtrarai, Poet, for avarirarai, 3 th. last) opposite,
contrary, on
the place of another, a substi sin. per. pass, of avnrdvw. the other side.
tution. v, -?, -,imp.
ofavrtraVw. Avrta'^w, same as avrtau.

Avr^i]6uf f. -now, (fr. avri in Avrcrtrv^o, 2 sin. pper. pass, of Aj/rtavapa,-a?, fj, (fr.a avri equal to,
return, v in, and Tt\tjQ(i) to fill) to and v>)p a man) heroine. Adj.

or satisfy in return, remu- Avrcruprjaa, -as, -c, 1 a. act. ofav- furious, fierce.
nerate. riToofw. Avrtdsti), -cts, -t, Dor. for avr<a-

1 a. inf. act. of last. Avrfroiif, Lacon. for rov auroi; ffa>, 1 f. of avrtaa).

Avri^t^ii, (fr. avrl against, and trovs,of the same yeccr,that year's. Avridofiai, see avria'w.
to to go out to, or avri 1 a. Avrtaafiv, 1
ifcifju go out) Avrcvtpytrtu -w, f.
-^aw, (fr. Avr<dc-as, par.
towards ; to go to meet an enemy. f. inf. of avridk).
return, and njpyrn? a bene-

Avrtfrrdfa, f. -oVc, (fr. avri in factor) to return a kindness, re- Avna%ivai, Dor. and -iol. for av-

turn, and tfyrat^

to examine) quite, repay. ria%ovffi,
3 pi. pres. ind. of
to cross-examine, scrutinize; to
Avri>pyT<Vd?, -cD, (fr. avri against, and
-/;, -ov, (fr. last) Avrta^f'w
compare, collate; to
match, op- grateful. ta%w to shout) to exclaim, cry
pose. wv;/, (fr. out against, contradict, deny, re-
viz. avrt op-
Avre^EraartKbs, -ov, b, ;% (fr. last) posite, and MKparos temperate) fuse.
inquisitive. the contrary temperate zone ; the Avr<aw -w, or -dw, f. -daw, p. rjv-

Avr7rayo>, f. -u>, (fr. avri against, sou them as opposite to thenorthern. riaKa, (fr. avri against) to mtet,
and frrayo) to lead on) to conduct AvreQtpovro, 3 pi. imp. pass, of go to meet, come towards ; to
lead towards ; to set, or meet in combat, Jiglit, resist,
march against. Avr0TXa<7, Dor. for avrtQ&rict, 3 oppose; to share, partake of;
Avr-f^(/i(, (fr. avri against, sin. 1 a. of to attain, reach, hit; to entreat,
to, E| from, and EIJ.U to go) to go Avrf^o-0, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid. supplicate.
to meet, to set out towards.
Avr^(5fjvoj, -77, -ov, par. pres. Avri{3aivu, (fr. avri against, and
AvrtxtZfieffav, 3 pi. pper. mid. Alt. pass, of avrf v /3au'u to go) to go against, witli~
- a. of
of last. Avrixprjffa, -aj," stand, resist, oppose; to cross,
avri against, thv;art.
Avr7r7^Ci) -w, (fr.
and c-r)%f(0 to resound) to make Avr/xu., f. p. avrla^rjKa Avrc/3aXAw, f. -aXw, p. avrt/3f'/?Xjj-
a noise in opposition, to drawn a (fr. avrl against, and f^w to Ka, (fr. same, and jSa'AAu to cast)
sound by noise. hold) to resist, sustain, bear up to throw, shoot, or dart against ;

Avrc-i^t\fouai, fr. avri in turn, against ; to detain,

keep, restrain; to throw back weapons; to ban-
and irint\fOfiat, which see. to hold against, resist ; to sustain, dy, throw to and fro ; to con-
Avr7rvv, 3 sin. imp. of avri~ vfw. endure, support; to claim, seek verse, dispute, argue.
AvrfVw, 1 a. -tl-a, 2 a. -UTTOV, (fr. after, cultivate, pursue : Avrlvo- Avripi:(i6\r)Ka, per. ind. act. of av-
avri against, and nrw to speak) pai, to withhold, abstain from ; to rijSoAfw.
to contradict; to refuse, deny ; cling, cleave, adhere to ; to main- Avri/J/jvaj, 2 a. inf. act. of avri-
reply, or speak alternately. 2 tain, support, help, relieve, suc- fiaivw.
a. inf. avrmrav. cour ; imp. mid.
avrti%6nTjv' 1 Avripia, AvTiplnv, Avrifiiov, (fr.
Avrfpaorfis, -ov, b, (fr. next) a rival. f. mid. avdi^Ofiai. next) opposite, against, before,
Avrepdu) -w, (fr. avri towards, and Avrfw, Ion. for avrw, imp. i/vrtov. in front.
love mutually
paw to love) to ; AvTTftiriv, (fr.dvrouai to supplicate) Avrifios, -a, -ov'anu-ov, 6, rj, (fr.
to love the same object, rival. avrl against, and $ia violence)
suppliantly, humbly.
AvrcpdSd), f. -t'ffu>, p.
avr/ipeina, Avrrjfidj3tro, 3 sin. imp. mid. of opposite, contrary, against ; hos-
(fr. avri against, and tpeicu to tile, adverse ; an. enemy, an op-
to fasten to ; to cling, adhere ;
fix) Avr77v, (fr. avri against) opposite, ponent.
prop, support; to tread; to before, in front, in presence of. vri$\ir>&, f. -y w i ("" same, and
resist, oppose. Avrwvopioai, -wv, of, (fr. next) the j3Xf'rw to look) to look in the face,
Avrtpiw -w, (fr. same, and pjw to sons or descendants of Antenor. \
behold steadfastly ; to dare, brave.
speak) to contradict. Avrnvwp, -opog, Antenor, a man's Avrt^oXln -w, f. -7700), p. avriftiftd-
b, j

AvTp'<ra(f, JEol. for avrtadaus, name. \r,Ka, (fr. same, and #oXf'u for
par. 1 a. act. of avrpc w! -ov. and /?XXw to throw) to meet; to meet
Avrrjpcrri^, Avrjjptjs, -EOJ
Avrp('w, (fr. avri against, and -ovs, b, (fr. avri against, and with, hit upon,Jind, get ; to face,
w to dispute) to contend, or strive
to row) an opponent, ene- encounter ; to be present at ; to
against ; to quarrel, wrangle. my, antagonist. Adj. opposile,ad- share, partake ; to supplicate,
Avripopai, (fr. avri in turn, and verse, hostile ; struggling against entreat, pres. inf. avn/^oXfZV. 1

{papai to ask) to ask in return. each other. a. inf. avripo\T](rai.

AvrspvffaoOai, 1 a. inf. mid. of .vr>7p<j, -ico$,

f], (fr. avrtpritw to Avrtj3ov\tvouai, -v<70//ai, (fr. f.

Avrpiiw, (fr. avri in turn, and ptw support) a buttress, prop, sup- same, and /SovXfiu to consult) to
to draw) to draw ; ribs, or timbers of a ship ;
back, take in port plot against.
return ; to recompense, the bit of a bridle. (fr. same, ana
repay. nppovrau -w, \ir.
Avrtpvopai, to gain, get; to be Avrr-piffa, -as, -, 1 a. ofavrfp^w. (Jpovrdu to thunder) to thunder
repaid, or rewarded. 'rnffis, -jo?, Alt. -aj ? , },, (fr. a'v- 1
against, imitate thunder.
Avrpcouvos, par. pres. pass. cont. ofjLat to supplicate) supplication, j -o, (fr. same, and
ofavrwa'w. tr.treaty, prayer. /u to speak) to cry out, or
exclaim against; to deny abso- , -ou, o, f;, (fr. same) set
AvriKpivopai, (fr. avrl against, and
contradict positively. up against, opposite, contrary. to to
lutely, Kpivtii judge) contest, liti-
Antigenidas, a

Avriycvioas, -ou, 5, dnevos, par. 1 f. mid. of gate, go law ;

to to answer, reply.
man's name. riQfM, -nVw, (fr. avrJ against, AvrcKpovw, f. -oto-w, (fr. same, and

avrl in and -3-f'co to run) to run against, to

strike) to strike against ;
Avrtyt]porpo(f>f(jj -oi, (fr.
turn, ag old age, and encounter. rw Kpovti)
to blunt ; to
surprise, happen un-
to nurse) to repay the cares of AvrlQr]^i, Poet, for expectedly, occur ; to disappoint,
age ; io cherish old age in return AvriBpoos, -on, 6, (fr. avrl in turn, frustrate, i'/, interrupt.
for the nurture of youth. and $060$ clamour) shouting, vriMiv, Avrixpvs, (fr. same, and
Avriyvu>nov(w -w, avri against,
(fr. sounding in reply, or against; Kiipu
the head) opposite, over
and yivuaKu to think) to think
re-echoing, resounding. against ; to the other side, through
contrary, or otherwise, differ in
A.vri9vp (fr.
and through ; clearly, openly, de-
opinion, disagree, deny, contra- against, and $vpa a door.) oppo- cidedly, expressly, against all op
site, before,
or against the door. position.
Avriyovos, -ov, b, Antigoniift, a >TtKdQriuat, (fr. avrl against, and avrl in turn, and
mjcrep/<i>| (fr.
man's name. KaQi)pai to sit down) to sit down Kfcpt^u to bury) to
to give
-"/?? fi, (fr. avrl against against ; to
besiege, attack. the heathen rites of sepulture.
and to write) a reply, an-
yad(j)u AvriKaQr/fievos, par. pres. mid. of vriKvpn, -y, >/, Anticyra.
swer, defence, plea. last. HIT? against, and
vriKvpfia -w, (fr.
Avriypacfibv, -ov, rb, (fr. same)
a h.vriKadlQb), or -i^ojjia.t, (fr. same, Kvpfw to meet with) to hit upon,
copy, transcript, counterpart. Kara down, and (w
to scat) fall in with ; to get, procure ; to
-i^-w, (fr. same)
to same as last. attain, arrive at ; to fall against,
write back again, answer, reply ; and KO- niter, ovcrvliclm.
(LvriKa6l(mjftt, (fr. same,

to retort ; to rejoin ; to copy. to

BiffTtjiJti setup) place against; Arrii;vmi:ov, -ov, ro ? Hellebore, sc

Avriotnrvo$,-ov, b, (fr. avrl instead, to set in opposition ; to withstand. called from the island of An-
and oeiirvov'a dinner) a guest in stand against, resist, oppose; to ticyra.
place of one. who disappoints; an substitute, appoint instead. Tca'ora?, Sync, for avriKvpfaas,
unbidden, or unexpected guest. AvriKaicovpytd) -u>,
-r'/aw, (fr. avrl par. 1 a. act. of avriKvpiia.
Avrios^iocpn, -ovfjLai,f. -laffo/jiai (fr. in return Kardj ill, 'and ipyov
avrl in return, and dtt-idouai to work) to hurt in return, revenge, to lay hold of ) a handle ; aseiz-
shake hands) to return hospita- retaliate. ing, laying, or catching hold of;
lity, or entertainment ; t-i AvrtKa\((TWffi, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of participation^ assistance, mutual
welcome, embrace in return. A.vr(KviXfw -oJ, f. -taw, and-?;<rw, p. cooperation.
pres. pass, of a\>rLKfK\rjKa, (fr. same, and KH- K//[, -oi?, -ct, 2 a. opt. of
(fr. avri against, Xfw to call) to call again, invite same.
and (Wr/077/.u to dispose) to in- in return, return an invitation. AvTiAfo/<tae, and Avn\d^vfiai, (fr.
cline differently ; to be ot A.vTiKara\\dc-o-j), or-rro), (fr. same, ci'T( in
turn, and \dopai to
disposed, or affected. and KaraXArto-crw to exchange) to catch) lay hold on together ;

AvriciSorat, 3 sin. pres. pas?, of get, procure, acquire ; to to take,

seize, hold;
to bear a

(fr. avrl
in turn, and change, barter; to succeed, come

/jii share, partake.

to give) to give in return, ; in place of; to renew by succes- inf.
AvTt\appdvetr9at, Avrt\a/.i-
to repay, recompense ; to requite, sion ; to conciliate, reconcile.
-ov, par.
ftavi>!.ia'og, -rj, pres.
retaliate ; to substitute, triKaraoKWatja, (fr. avrl against, mid. of
AvriliKtfj) -w, f.
-,vo-c<),p. -jjKa, (fr. and KaraaKtvdfyi) to prepare) to
A.7'T(Aa/!/?ai'k), f. ~Af/ilo/;.<n, p. -Xf-
avrl against, and cV*?; justice) to provide against; tofurms':; X^f/i, (fr. same, and Xa/w/Savu to
go to law ; to bring an action ; ply. take) to take hold of together, by
to comc'to a trial ; to contest, try^ AVTlKKTliff^CtTtSj '-.'Of, Att. -fc)?, II,
turn ft, or on each side : assist in
litigate. (fr. same, and xartvca to re- lifting, or carrying ; to take in-
AvriVtKog, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. last) an strain) ctwithhotding; retention, stead of;
AvnXa///?rfvijaai,to take,
adversary, opponent; the adver- confinement, restraint. claim, usurp ; to undertake, take

sary, the devil. Ion. for afriKtiO upon to

perceive, observe ; to

Avrifioffts, -io?, Alt. -?,' j/, (fr. Out, pres. inf. of avriKdOrj/tat hold, curb, restrain; to support,
to repay) remn,:i ra- Ion. for avriKaQi- hflp, relieve; to share,
tion, reuiard; requital, retribu- pres. inf. mid. Avr of, participate, receive, enjoy.
tion j exchange, barter.
Ion. and Dor. for Ai'7(>,rt'/i~w, (fr. nvrl against, and
Avriooros, -ov, b, /, (fr. same) re- avTiKadt^dftsvos, P
11 *".
pros, rr.id. X/:rrw to shine) to show a light,
warded, re-paid, requited; pre- of avriKaOifo. light a fire as a signal in answer
ventive, preservative ; an anti- vriKEifiai,f. -mro/tai, (fr. avrl to another ; to rffect ; to
against, and Kiipm
dote. to lie) to lie, sparkle.
Avnfipdu -<3, f.
-<fov>, (fr. nvrl in or be placed against; to sit down, Avrt\fy(i),t. -w, p. -%a, (fr. same,
turn, and coda to do) ID a>:tfor, or encamp against; to oppose, and Xfyw to speak) to speak
or in return ; to
repay, requite, be opposite, or adverse to. against ; gainsay, speak in reply,
avenge. I'riKtlnLvos, -?) -vi', par. pres contradict, deny, imp. and 2 a.

same, and mid. AvriKsirat, 3 pres avriXtyov, per. mid. avriKfroya.

Avrtowpov, -ov, rb, (fr. pi.

a gift) a present, gift ; a ir.tl. mid. of last. 'ov, (fr. avriXattftdvu to
return, recompense. avrl against, and lay hold on) to be held, seized,
vriKrjpvffcna, (fr.
Ion. for
Kvpvccu to proclaim) to publish attempted, undertaken.
pres. ;r.f. of
avOi^oft contrary orders ; to denounce, Avn\r/Trrii)p, -opoj, 6, (fr. same) n
Avrtrj, Jen. for avriu. proclaim. supporter, upholder, defender,
AVT&EOS, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. avrl alike, avrl in turn, protector.
vriKi-xfdw -3, (fr.
and $ds a god) godlike, divine and Kixpdw to lend) to accommo- Avn\>'i\L'f.i$, n. a. pi. cont. All.
date ; to assist by a loan, relieve, of
noble, illustrious.
AvnQiatis, n. a. pi. cont. Alt. of VTt/cXfvw, (fr. avrl towards, and o-jf, -toe, Att. -ai?, i^, (fr.

oj, Att. -tw?, j/, (fr. K\it>u> to lean) to nod, or beckon same) a hold, handle, thing hcl/l
avriridrjfj.1 to set against) anti- to ; to assent by signs, permit. by ; blame, rfr>roof, censure ; an
thesis; opposition, contrariety, vriKvt'iniov, -ov, rb, (fr. avrl
be- objection, charge, reply ; a hin-
contrast; dispute, cavil. j
fore, and Kvfjpri
the leg) the shin drance, impediment ; perception.
assistance, Avrtuj, -a, -or, (li. av against)
apprehension ; htlp,
; v opposite, contrary, injurious ,cr ailrerse to his father. adverse; a-
(fr. <:vr(Af>w
to gainst, before, towards. Antipater, a man's name.
AvrtAoyia, -as, /;,

Avrioopat -ovfiai, (fr. last) to op- Avri~i^:ra>, f. -i w , (fr. avri in

contradict) contradiction, oppo-
sition ; an excuse, apology, plf a, pose, thwart, cross, traverse. turn, and T/^TTW to send) tosena
Avriovctiat, pres. inf. cont. of last. back, return, remit.
defence, debate, trial.
AvriAot^opf'u -w, f. -/Jffw, p. -nKa vno^cia, -as, /, A.vriKtpato$, -a, -ov, (fr. next) op-
and a native of last, psiie,facing on the far side.
(fr. avf! aainst, Aotcopfu) vrto^ijf, -fos, 6, ;

to revile) to recriminate, a. sin. Avrio^fa. Avriirfpav, and Avrirr/paf, (fr. avri


reproach, revile again, imp. act. vrio%os, -ou, b, Antiochus, a against, and irtpav beyond) on </ie
man's name. further side, over against, on the
AvrtAo^of, -ou, o, Antilockut, a vTi6<av, avndwaa, Poet, for avri- opposite shore.
man's name. ui'j avriuJtra,
mas. and fern. sin.
-SAw, (fr. same,
AvnAuir/w -w, (fr. avrt in turn, and par. pres. cont. Avrid(j>o, and 7Tpi/3dAAo>
to surround) to

At'Tf'w to grieve to ^riere in turn ; -uqro, Poet, for avnuio, avritpro 2 surround in a hostile manner,

annoy in return, take re- and 3 sin. cont. pres. opt. mid. besiege.
of avridta. Avrixcpuarrifii, (fr. airt against,
avri in- rfpt around,
and 'larrjfti to place)
AvrtAuTHjo-tj, -ios, Att. -ws,i;, (tr. vriKais, -atoos, b, rj, (fr.
or vexation stead, and
a child) a young
-Kais to j>/af'f, or sf round about ; Av-
last) grief caused,
returned, revenge, vengeance, man, or woman, a grown boy, a ri-cpiiara[iai,
surround, invest,
retaliation. a
youth ; like boy, or girl, boyish. besiege ; to straiten, confine ; to
avri in turn vn'raXof, -ou, 6, i), (!:. be besieged, &c.
AvrAtrpov, -ou,ro, (fr.
and Aurpov a ransom) the price asainst, and roXiJ wrestling) a A.vrnt[piffacFiia, -aroj. ro, (fr.
match in the theatrical combats ; next) the elrawing, etecoying, or
of redemption, ransom.
Avrijiaprvpiu -G,
f. ->/o-u, (fr. avrt an antagonist, opponent, i.
surrounding of troops in an am-
adverse bush ; a stratagem, diversion,
against, and pacrvpiu
to testify, ry opposite, ; rival,
emulous. ftint to draw away the attention.
^dprvp a witikss)
th. to give
evidence, or fcear witness against. vrcrapa/3dAAw,
-a'AtD, (ir. avri Avnrrp!crdw -C>, i. -daw, (fr. avri
next) an against, -xapa by, and /3dAAu against, and -tpicTrdu to distract)
AtTt^a^Errjf, -oS, 6, (fr. toj
place) to put by the side of, com- ! to
or draw av;ay to a
antagonist, cppoi
and pare, contrast; to contribute, loss ; to decoy, ensnare, surround.
'vo/iai, (fr. Girt against,
lid^Oftat to fight)
to fight, strive, subscribe, provide ; to expose, en- Avrt7T<ia'e-Oai, per. inf. pass, of av-
or struggle (tsair^i ; to resist, . . 2 f. ind. act. avrt-cpa-

pi. -/JaAoE/Jc.
Ai-rtirirrw, f. airtnr&cii). p. avrt-
Avrificdicrarai, 3 sin. pres. pass, of .vr(7rapaf3oA)j, -iis, -fTTTUKa, (fr. avri against, and
fi, (fr. avri
avrt instead, against, and to com-
-j'rrru to fall) to /aW wpon, rush
Avn/i0trr7;fa, (fr. -iipu^dAAw
and to substitute) to pare) a comparing, comparison, .t, assault; to resist, strug-

put in place of, change places, proportion; contrast, opposition. gle with.
f. -<i>,
(fr. same,
and A: rcrA^po'w -5, f. -waxo. (fr. avrt in
avrt in turn, and Trapa'yo)
to produce) to render turn, arid irA^pow to fill) to ,/w/-
AvrtiicAt'^w, (fr.
to modulate) to play in-
^sAt'^u) back, recompense, repay ; to draw .///, accomplish ; to perfect, com-
music against.
:lay up, marshal, array, march a- [ plete, finish; to fill up, supply,
AvTipcrao\fl, -rjs, >;, (fr. same,
and gainst, attack. equip, man.
pra/3dAAu to change)
an ex- vrt-apaKa\tu, (fr. same, and r.a- vnzvtw -aj, f.
-tc"W, p. -t>ca,
to exhort) to persuade
change ; an alteration; change, poJcoXlu (fr. cvri against, and rrfw to
reverse. differently, advise otherwise, or breathe) to blow against; to stop,

Avrt/urp/u -w, f. -^cu, p. -r,Ka, (fr. against, dissuade. stay, detain.

same, and jurp/w to measure) ,.vri~apacK.vu^o[jtai, (fr. same, and rn-roia, -a$, r/, (fr. last) an ad-
.to measure Lack, mete out in re- to prepare) to g-f verse, or contrary wind.
turn, repay ; to proportion, coun- eddy, prepare, provide (^ Urt'-voo? -OUST, -<5ou -ou, 6, 17, (fr.
terbalance. \.vri-apac%uv, 2 a. inf. act. of same) blowing against ; adverse,
Avrt>tfios, -au, 6, r), (fr. same, and boisterous, of warring winds.
a mimic, th. [iiufOfiai
to r,Att.-Wf,i), (fr. Avn-Olld) -U}, f. -IJ<7to, (fr. HVTt
imitate) imitative of, like,
resem- next) 6oft/e array, line of battle. against, and xoiitt) to do) to act
bling, formed after;
Subs, a i.vrtTrapardco'a), or
-rrw, (fr. avri against, set up against, resist;
rival. against, and r:apardcaw to array) to act in turn ; to
make, or be-
-aj, /, (fr. same, and to oYau> t/p, or marshal troops, come like ; to resem-
Avrt/jio-0/a, assimilate,
price) hire, rcirard, recom- prepare for action. ble; Avniroifouai -ovpat, to

pense, compensation', retnoutwn, ^o/^at,

avrirapc\i.vco- claim, challenge, demand ; to as-
'1^ "

punishment. jmt, (fr. over against, and sert, vindicate.

a vrt against, anc to pass by) topass by
Am-otV'?, Att. -ao?, f,, (fr.
b.rripvriorc.v(j}, (fr. zapipxouai -tos,
jn 7/oTv<i> to court) to woo, o on the other side, turn cut of the last) zeal, earnestness; a claim,
court in rivalry. way ; to conic upon, surj.,, demand; assertion, vindication.
Avrt'^oX-oj, -ou, 6, #, (fr. same, anc vrL~'icf%w, (fr. same,
-ao/^w Avrtrotor/mo?, pres. par. mid.
a song) doleful, sad. to display) to allow, afford, or cont. ofavrtTTou'w.
mournful ; lulling, soothing. give in turn, repay, requite. Avrt-oAt/u'w -w, f. -fjcdi, (fr. avr?
Avri^oi'w, (fr. same, and 'w t< Ai7i-rapF;A0ov, -?, -, 2 a. act. pf against, and rdAf/^o? war) to
rasp) 6e contrary, or against
wage war against ; to fight, or
oppose, differ, disagree, pres. inf (fr. avrt instead, and' struggle against, resist.
act. avrt|otv -fTv. to entreat) to beg an ex- AvrnroAfutoj, and A't:ro'A/io$' > -ou,
Avri^ooj, -ou, 6, //, (fr. same) cross change, offer, or promise one 6, fj, (fr. same) a foe, enemy, ad-
grained, discontent, adverse; op- thing for another. versary.
posite, contrary. Avri a?, -a, 6, Antipas, a man'? AvrtTToAty, -toj, Att. -tw$, ij, (fr.
Avrt'ov, -o;, rb, (fr. avri against) name. avrt against, and rtJAtj a city) o
weaver's beam ; a mast, spar. Avrcrarptf, -if- 7% Antipatris, a n'v al city.
Avrt'ov, (neut. of next) opposite city. a. Avrt-arptCi '
Ai'rt'ropof, -or, 8, avrt ovef
ft, (fr.
fTfr mf-tiiis! (>;' /'if 'n>'jr'~ini AiT/Tjroos, -of, 6, %, (fr. a,r against, and irtfpu
to pass) op
posite, on the other side ; g. Ion. Avriffrofjiog, -ou, 6, ij, (fr. avri fleeting, and thence exhibiting a
avr7ro'po<o. against, and <rro>a the mouth) 'similarity of form, responsive,
Avriirovg, -oooj, 6, >;, (fr. same, opposite, facing. corresponding, like; figurative,
and oug the foot) with opposite, Avriffrparevofiai, f. -uo"o^at, p. AV- typical. In neut. an antitype,
or contrary steps ; feel towards
rcffrpdrtvuat, (fr. same, and or fulfilment of a type.
feet ; pi. the antipodes. <rrparvw to war) to make war AVTITV^OI^I, -ois, -oi, 2 a. opt. act.
AvrtTrpdrrw, f.
-w, p. -%a, (fr. against. of avrjruy^avu.
avri against, and :rpaVo-u> to act) AvriffTpaTEvd/jtevog, -rj, -ov, par. avrt instead, and^aw
' Avri(j)d<i), (fr.
do, or act against, resist, op- pres. mid. of last. to kill) to slay in place of ano-
pose. Avr(CTparo7r<5uw, (fr. same, and ther.

Ion. for last, inf, avn- crpardTTE^ov a camp) to encamp AvTitytpi^u, f. -(eta, (fr. avri a-
against, sit down before, besiege. gamst, and Qeplfa for <f>{pta to
, (fr. avri against, Avr<tr^?v, 2 a. inf. act. AvnV- bear) to go towards, meet, oppose ;
towards, and upi to go) to go out Y/a0, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. mid. of to match, compare with ; to set

towards, march out against, pres. uvrf'^w. out, proceed.

avrtirpouvai. pper. mid. av- Avrirayfta, -arog, rb, (fr. avri Dor. and Poet, for
rnrpofjeiv. against, and rao-ffto to array) the avTityeptaai,
1 a. inf. of last.

Avrt7rpor;<rav, Att.
line of battle, a body of troops in Av-Kptpopat, (fr. avri against, and
ffav. 3 pi. pper. mid. of last. array, an army. (ptpw
to carry) to set out against,
Avrnrp6a<j>trog, -ou, 6, 17, (fr. same, AvriTaKriKog, -/;, -bv, (fr. same) in proceed to meet ; to resist, op-
and irp6ff(j)Trov
the face) looking array, marshalled ; adverse, re- pose; to attack, fight, pres. inf.'
towards, or a< eac/i oi/jer, /ace to pugnant; a general officer, com-
face. mander. ,
-|o//a, (fr. avri
Avriirpwpoj, -ov, 6, f/, (fr. same, g, -log,Att. -EM?, ^ (fr. in turn, and 00fyyo/iat to utter)
and rpwpa the prow) opposite the same) an array, order of battle ;
to speak in turn, answer, reply ;

prow ; the prow towards ; prow repugnance, reluctance; contra- to echo.

toprow. riety, opposition. an
Avrtyeeyna, -arc?, rd, (fr. last)
Avrnrru^a, -arog,rb, (fr. avrmTr- Avrirdaasrai, 3 sin. pres. ind. echo.
TU to fall against) ruin. pass. A7'rtra<ro"(5uvof, -77, -ov, Avn<f>i\fu -w, f. -i'jffw, (fr. avri in
Ivrtpfarifi -iog, Att. -wj, f], (fr. par. pres. pass, of turn, and 0Afw to love) to love
ovrt against, and to speak) VTtrdffffOfjiai,
-%op.ai, p. avrtrf- in return, or mutually.
contradiction ; or AvTt<f>i\oviKu) -w, f. -jjffo), (fr. avri
to set
condemnation, raynai, (fr. same) up,
sentence. take arms against ; to
disobey, against, and <pi\ovciKfu> to quar-
AvrifftjKioffig, -tog, Att. -u>?, >/, (fr. mutiny, rebel ; to resist, rel) to scold, wrangle, dispute.
same, and o-?7*c(Jw to balance) vnrdvia (fr. avrl against, and Avr/0tXoj, -ou, 6, Antiphilus, a
counterbalance, compensation, re- rnvw to stretch) to stretch, strive, man's name.
ward, requital. or strain against, resist ; to repay, Avrt^dvof, -ou, o, 7, (fr. avri in
Avriodfvrjg, -tog, b, Antisthencs, return. turn, and 66vog slaughter, th.
a man's name. vrircvvw, f; -w, p. -Ya, (fr. avrt 0fvw to kill) shedding blood for
AVTI jraw -w, (fr. avri against, and equally, and TEU^W to make) to blood, atoning murder for mur-
ffirdia to
draw) to .drag against, make equal, even, or like ; to liken, der ; avenging, retributive.
assimilate ;to resemble, be like ;
resit; to tear away; to divert, ,
-uau>, (fr. avri in
turn away. to become, be changed into. turn, and $uruw to plant) to
Avricrrag, par. 2 a. of avQiffrr/ni. vrtrtOijiii, avri against, and
(fr. plant in place of, propagate anew,
AvTiffTacrig, -to?, Att. -(05-, ;/, (fr. riOnfii to set)
place against ; sow over again.
to set up instead of, replace ; to AvTi<pwv(u> -u>, f. -fjcu>, (fr. same,
same) resistance, opposition;
faction, party ; hardship, asperi- set before, serve up ; to repay, and (puvfw to speak) to speak in
ty ; adversity, misfortune. recompense, retribute ; to resist, turns, reply, answer; to sing
Avriaratniarrjg, -ou, 6, (fr. last) one oppose ; to set against, compare, with ; to echo.

of an opposite party, a dema- estimate; to consecrate, Avrufxavri, -rig, ft, (fr. same) a reply,
gogue; factious. vrirtfjidw -5, (fr. avrt in turn, and answer, response, echo.
AvTiararfb) -, (fr. same) to be of rijjtdd)
to honour) to regard, re-
AvTi%pdu> -w, (fr. avri instead, and
another parly ; to resist, oppose ; vere; to pay due respect; to %paw to lend) to suffice, supply,
to hinder,embarrass. treat according to rank, or worth. furnish ; to be adequate, or an-
inf. AvriarrjTe, 2 pi. Avrtr/u, (fr. avrt in turn, and rl<a swerable for.
2 a. impr. act. ofavflfor^jut. to pay) to repay, suffer retribu- -log, Att. -Uf, f], (fr.
Avricm'ipiyna, -urog, rd, (fr. next) tion, pay for it. same) a loan.
a stay, staff, support, prop. iriro^iog, -ou, b, f], (from same, Avri^pitTTog, -ov, b, (fr.
avri a-
avrl against, and and to cut) alleviating, gainst, and xpioroj'anointed)
Avriarr/pigij), (fr. Tf^vw
to fasten) to prop, sup- assuaging. opposer of the anointed, adversary
port ; Avri<TTt]pio[iai, to lean Avrirop/w -<5, f. -i/crw, (fr. arri of Christ ; Antichrist.
upon. through, and roprw to bore) to Avriwdtjvai, 1 a. inf. pass, of av-
-w, (fr. same, and bore through, pierce, penetrate.
AvrX?v, pres. inf. act. cont of
a rank) to be opposite, Avrirog, -ov, b, ft, Sync, for avrt-
front, face. rtroj, (fr. avrm'w to repay) re- AvrXfw -w, f. -jjo-w, p. fivr\r,Ka, (fr.
Avriaroi%ia, -ag, r\, (fr. same) an quited, repaid, punished; expia- avrXoj a sink) to draw, pump; to
arranging, or being arranged tory, cioning. empty, exhaust ; to spend, waste, ~

opposite, contrary array; mo- Avrirvy%dvw, (fr. same, and ruy- shed, spill; to linger, drag,
tion in the same direction, paral- %avu> to be) to happen, come, or or draw out. 1 a. ind. tfvrXi)-
lel movement. be in place of, change, alter ; to aa.

Avrtffroi^og, -ov, b, f), (fr. same)

meet with, encounter. 1 f. ind. 'AvrXr/, -ng, f,, Poet, for a'vrXof.
opposite, contrary ; on the far mid. avrtrsu^ai. per. ind. pass. AvT\r/fjia, -arog, TO, (fr. avrXo?
side; fronting, facing. Or, (fr. avrirtrvypai. pper. pass. avrr- a well) a bucket, pitcher, pail ;
avri equally) equal, even, level, rvy/jDjv, -o, -/cro. a pump.
similar, parallel. AvrtruTro?, -ou, 6, //, (fr. same, and AvrXjjorai, 1 a. inf. 'AvrXj/ffov,

last) on contrary -arw, 2 pi. -are, a. impr. act.

ruirrw to strike) striking back, 1
AvricTofywj, (fr.
sides, face to face. repelling ; adverse, hostile ; re- of avrX*.
ArrAiov, -ov, rt, (fr. next) a bucket. and V7rt50vvoj accountable) not Avw, (fr. ava up) upwards, above;

AvrAoy, -on, 6, a u-e#, sin*, pump ; amenable, answerable, or respon- before, antecedently. With the
i/ie TwW q/" a
/;>,. ii^e
water ; a sible ; absolute, independent ; article, what is above; he, she,
that has not accounted.
things above. it, the
tafe, stream, whirlpool,
with- i.vw, 2 a. sub. act. of aviripi.
\i7oiicodo(ji{ii) -w, (fr. avri instead, Aw7rni0ui<ws, (fr. last) freely,
and oiKoco^iu to build) to frm'W, out restraint, independently. Avwya, Ion. for jjvwya, per. mid.
of avwyw.
rebuild, A.wir6caros, Dor.
or fortify again* ; to for

repair. A.wirdoT}Tos,-ov, b, fa (fr. a neg. and tuyator, for awyov.

AvroA>), Poet, for avaro\fj. trocfw to shoe) unshod, without Avwyov, -ov, TO, and Att. A.vw-ytuv
-ffr, ,

'Avroftai, (fr. ovraw to meet) to shoes, barefoot. -u>, ro, (fr. dvta above, and yrj
Tnee/, /ace, encounter; to sup- AvujrotoToj, -ov, 6, fa (fr. a neg.
the ground) an upper room, or
plicate, entreat ; to assist, help,
and ds-d under, and o/w for 0fpco chamber.
succour; to make meet, fold, to carry) intolerable, unsuffer- vwyf'w -w, see ovdiyw.
double. avrduevat, fern. pi. par. able. .vuyndi, and by Sync. Avco^Ot.
pres. pass. wirdKpiros, -ov, b, fa (fr. a neg. pres. impr. of
A.vTop%louai, (fr. avH in turn, and and vnoKpivonai to pretend) tmro- .vwyrifii,
same as avwyu.
to dance) to dance to, out dissimulation, unfeigned, Lvwy//a, -u -xrai, per. pass. ,

or in turn; to
set, figure,
in. candid, ingenuous. Av(f>y//voj par. per. pass, of
par. pres. mid. avrop%t6fitvo$ w7To//dv7TOf, -ov, 6, ;/, (fr. same, avotyw.
and v-ofifvu to endure) intolera- Avtuyov, -?, -, Ion. for ^vwyov,
5, f. -)7<rU, p. aVTU0- ble, unsufferable. imp. or 2 a. act. AvtSyw, -j?j,
8d\fjiTiKa, (fr. avrt against, and vvirovdijros, -ov, 6, fa (fr. same, -;;, 2 a. sub. of aviiyw.

the eye ) to eye, andv-ovow to >yo5v, Ion. for ;vwyovv, imp.

o<f>6a\/jid j face, suspect) unsuspi-
look in the face to unguarded unawares,
; watch, keep cious, ;
in mind ; to bear up to the Avwyw, f. -(w, p. yjvuva, Avwyrw,
luff, unexpected.
wind ; to strive, struggle against, nv-orros, &IK! Ai v~o-rruTOf, -or,
and Avwyij//i, to bid, order, com-
endeavour. 6, fa (fr. same, and v7r6Vro//a<, or mand^ charge, enjoin ; to per-
Avrpidj, -doos, b, fa (fr. dvrpov a vTTonrfvw to suspect) unsuspect- suade, prevail on ; to exhort, en-
cave) living in caverns ; a tro- ing; unexpected, unforeseen. courage ; to permit, allow. 1 a.
glodyte ;ofa cave. ft'TToVTwj, (fr. last) without suspi-
'Avrpo0v (fr. next) out of, or from cion, frankly. Avo><5vvfa, -a?, fa (fr. next) ease,
a cave, den. wjroVrdros, -ov, 6, fa (fr. a.
neg. freedom from pain ; relief, alle-

'Avrpov, -ov, -b, acave, den, cavern. and vQicTTipi to withstand) irrc-

A-vrpuicns, -EOS -ovs, b, fa (fr. last) sistible, intolerable; unsubstan A.VUCVVOS, -ov, b, fa (fr. a neg.
full of caves, dens, or holes, hol- tial, unreal. o(5vv7 pain) free from pain ; al-
low, caverned. VV-OTUKTOS, -ov, b, fa (fr. same, leviating, assuaging, sedative ;
'Avrpw, Dor. for dvrpov, g. sin. of and virordaaw to subdue) not not painful, mild.
rev. subject; not submissive, disobe- Avu<5t'vwy, (fr. last) at ease, with-
of the an- out pain.
'Avrvf, -vyoj, fa the front dient, refractory, disorderly.
cient chariots; the
upper edge, vvo-d/iav, Dor. for r/vvadurfv, 1 a. Avu0v, (fr. dvw above) from
or rail of the front ; in pi. the ind. mid. Avv<ras, 1 a. par. above ; from the beginning, ori-

extremities of the rail which form- act. of a gin, or first rise; again, anew,
ed two hooks for holding the vvalepyos, -ov, b, fa (fr. awu to as before. With a prep, the top,
reins; hook: fixed to the driver'? finish, and fpyov work) studious, upper part. With the pi. arti-
teat for the same
purpose ; a diligent, laborious, active. cle, ancestors, forefathers; time,
border, edge, circuit, circumfe- vvcftp.os, -ov, b, fa AvvoTi/cfis, anc or things past.
rence ; a Awrt(coj, -}, -ov, an'oi to Avw0f w -w, f. and avw<rw,
revotttfon, period. (fr. avoj0^o-(o,
A.vrvirovpyuv, Ion. ir av0ujrovpy- finish) effective, effectual, effica- (fr. ava up, and wBiia to push) to

TV, pres. inf. act. oiav0v7rovpyfw. cious ; useful, beneficial, advan- force or drive up; to push cr
AvTu>0u> ~<3, (fr. avrj against, and tageous. 'thrust forward ; to
repulse, re-
<iidfti> to drive) to
drt;e, rush, or WO-I'/JOK, (fr. last) effectually ; ad- pel. 1 a. act. iM. wvao-a- inf.
struggle against ; to brust back, vantageously. avu<rat, and avu0^<rac 1 a. ind.
repel ; to resist, oppote. Avvo-fj, -toj, Att. -Wf, fa (fr. avvw mid. avuadpriv inf. av&oaoQaf
AvTuxnj, -to?, Att. -fa?, fa (fr. to finish) perfection, finishing par. avwffd/uvo?.
last) a repulse, resistant, strug- completion ; progress, improve- -0f, Att.
V(j}0^(7t?, -<?, fa (fr.
gle. ment ; advantage, benefit, utility, last) a forcing upwards, rise, de-
Avv/3pj<rroj, -ov, 6, fa (fr. aaeg. and service. votion ; a driving away, repul.
vftpis insolence) civil, obliging, vvo-aas, Poet, for avvaras, par. 1
sion, resistance.
affable ; safe, or free frm a. act. of avvu. AvwtffT?, (fr. next) unawares, uncx-
suU. avvw to
words, -ov, b, fa (fr.
A-vvopost -ov, b, fa a neg. and (fr. finish) possible, practicable, prac- Avwtoro?, -ov, b, fa (fr. a neg. and
t'Cup water) without water, dry ; tical ; easy, ready ; that must be oiofiai
to think) unthought of,
unwashed, unpurified. done'. unexpected, unforeseen.
AVV^ES, Dor. for 7/vvf(v, 1
pi. imp AVVTO, Dor. for ^vvro, imp. pass vwt^Tjv,
1 a. pass,

ofdvu/ifor pper. pass, of a ww

act. of of avoiyo).
AW/JI, same as avt'w. i
fyOb) -w, (fr. ava up, and v^<5a> AvwA^po?, -ov, 6, fa (fr.
a neg. and
Awirapffa, -a?, fa (fr. o neg. am to raise, th. vi|/os height) to lift dXe0poj destruction) undecaying,
to be) ntn-existence
vxdpx<i) hold, or raise up ; to elevate, ex- unfading, imperishable, everlast-
dissolution, destruction, alt ; to rear, set up. ing.
'Awov, -, Ion. or Dor. fo Avvw,'A.Ki>, or 'Awut, f.
-EJ, avvcti), p Avw^aAj'o, -as, fa (fr. next) umven-
finov, imp. act. Avvuv, -ovaa frvvKfL, to accomplish, effect ; t ness, roughness, inequality ; irre-
-ov, par. pres. act
of avvu. to avai anomaly.
perfectjimsh, complete ; gularity ;

serve, assist, profit ; to execute, Av(if/aAo5,-ov, 6, fa (fr. a neg. and

virip beyond, and /3dAAu> t fulfil, discharge; to expend, 6//aA6ssmooth) uneven, rough,
throw) insuperable, impassable consume; to attain,
obtain, get, unequal, irregular, anomalous.
invincible. arrive at ; to accelerate,
hasten, Avwfori, (fr. next) without an oath,
VwrnJSihoc, -ov, b, j% (fr. a ne without KWf
H (57)
-ov, b, f>, (fr. a neg an< tpacu
to love) lovely, amiable ,
3 sin. 1 a. sub. act.
to swear) without swear beloved. ,
8 sin. 1 f. ind,
ing; unsworn, unadjured, no {itvuai, Dor. for a^tovjiai, pres pass, of same.
obliged to swear. ind. mid. cont. of aftdw. tWi?, -io?, Att. -wj, $, (fir.

A.VWV, -ovaa, -ov, (pres. par.

of A%ivr/, ->t}$, fi, an axe, hatchet. a(ow to esteem) dignity, rank,
aVw or avvu) finishing, conclu- ^odavjiaoTos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. d%io< influence, authority f greatness; a
sive ; Jilting, expedient, proper. worth, and dav^d^a) to admire] claim, request, demand.
Avwvifyioj, -ov, 6, f], (fr. neg. anc wonderful, admirable. Comp 'Ao//at, 1 f. mid. of a'yw.
JEol for ovopa a name) 'A%ova, a. 'A^ovt, d. sin. of d!-u>v.

anonymous, nameless ; undistin- ,

Ion. for aio0fdroj, -ov 'A;Xo?, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and v-
guished, insignificant, obscure, 6, /;, (fr. same, and Sedopai to Xov wood) without wood, bare.
ignoble. see) worth beholding, admirable Or, (fr. a intens.) with plenty of
AviDpdiadrjv, -rjs, -rj,
1 a. ind. pass. splendid; worth considering, im- wood, abounding in timber.
of avop66u. . portant. Comp. io0aTwr;pof 'Afw, -a?, -a, ind. 'AW, -ovaa,
Avwpia, -as, and Ion. avu>p(, -?f, sup -ov, par. 1. f. act. 'A.%ov, -aru,
by Sync. a(o0wrfpo?,
f], (fr. a neg. and &pa season)
un- -wraroj. 1 a. impr. act. of <!yw, or of
seasonableness, unjitness, irregu- fidXoyoj, -ov, 6, //, (fr. same, an<
larity. Xo'yos speech) praiseworthy, me -ovoj, 6, an axle-tree ; u

Avtiaat, Ion. for avo7aai, the same rilGriou!>., splendid,

worth men- wheel; a rut, track, path; a
as avtvtyKai, 1 a. inf. act. ofava- tioning ; estimable, worthy. board on which the punishment
anc of criminals was written, and
0f'pw. ^(d/ja^of, -ov, 6, /;, (fr. same,
Av&crat, 1 a. inf. act. AvuHracrdai, to fight) warlike, brave laws published.
1 a. inf. mid. Avtaad/jievos, intrepid ; a match,
an equal , AoiSav, Dor. for ot<5wi>, g. pi. of
par. 1 a. mid. of avtidw, or -diu. worth fighting with. aot<5os, or aottir/.

Avu>TepiKo$, -ti, -bv, (fr. next) up- t-tovlKos, -ov, b, same, anc Ao5i),
f), (fr. -rjs,
and Dor. Ao*<5tt, -as, %,

per, higher, farther. viKrj victory) deserving of victory (fr. acted) to sing) a song, tune,
fr. meritorious. ode. d. pi. Ion.
Av(i>repo$, -a, -ov, (comp. dvw) aotfifjci',

higher, loftier ; above, before. ftOTTio-rta,-as, rj, (fr. next) good Aoidtdu -wj (fr. last) to sing; to

Avw^tX^a, -aj, )/, (fr. next) inuli- authority, credibility; assurance, celebrate.

lity, uselessness, worthlessness. certainty, faithfulness. -ov, o, ft, (fr. same) sung ,

Avw^fX^f, -/ os -ouf, 6, i;, (fr. a neg. ffdTTtoros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. next, anc of, celebrated ; famed.
and 6$i\os use) useless, unpro- TriffTis faith) trustworthy, deserv- Aoifibs, -ov, b, (fr. same) a singer,

fitable, worthless. In neut. TO ing credit; credible; faithful, songster; a bard, poet. Adj.
av(ii<p\f$, unprofitableness. probable, specious, likely. tuneful, harmonious, musical.
Avw(p\(os, (fr. last) unprofitably, AJ-ios, -a, -ov, worth, either much riKriTos, -ov, b, %, (fr. a neg. and
to no purpose. or little ; valuable, estimable, oiKf<i> to inhabit) uninhabited,
Avw^a, per. act.
1 a. precious ; worthy, meritorious, deserted, wild.
pass, of avoiyw. deserving ; fair, fit, suitable AOIKOS, -ov, b, i'], (fr. same, and oT-
'AvuxQi, -%0w, by Poet. Sync, for equitable, equivalent, comparable, KO$ a house) houseless, forlorn,
avuyrjOi, ->/rw, 1 and 2 sin. pres. a matchfor. destitute, poor.
impr. of avwyr/m, same as avu>- ^i6rns, -TITOS, last) worthi-
f), (fr. Aoivos, -ov, b, ri, (fr. same, and ol-
ness, worth, value, merit, desert. vos wine) without wine.
'A.^aifi.1, -ais, -at, 1 a. opt. act of \.%iovji.t.v,
cont. pres. ind. act. AOKVOS, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and
active ;
or dyia. At-tovv, pres. inf. act. cont. 6Kvos sloth) diligent,
'A^aj, -aaa, -av, I a. par. act. of A(ovo-0wo-av, 3 pi. cont. pres. quick, ready ; courageous,
dyw. impr. pass, of atdo>. LoXXf'oj -w, (fr. afXX)f crowded"/
'Afr, pres. impr. of dfa, Poet, for fioVp , -to, 6, ft, Ion. and Att. to gather, assemble, crowd, fiock

dyu) or for dl-ov, 1 a. impr. act.

(fr. dl-ios worth,
and ^ptwj debt) together.
of dyu. able to pay, solvent; creditable AoAX?;<V, (fr. ^ame) together, in
'Afci, 3 sin. 1 ind. act. of dyw. useful, Jit, competent. crowds. I
in close or-
'A%cia, -a?, -, ^Eol. for d^aifm, 1 a. itdu> -u, f. -wffo), p. jj|tai*ca (fr AoXX)j, -joy <ovs, 6, >/,

reckon in d/nse
opt. act. of uyvvpi, crowded,
or dyw. same) to rate, esteem, der, array ;

'A!-evo$,nd Poet. 'Afai'oj, -ov, b, worthy ; to think right, fit, or collected, afsemblcd,
f), (fr/
a neg. and fvoj a stran- proper ; to
account, accept as loXA('w,
same as aoXXfo).
a neg. and
ger)/^ inhospitable, savage, wild. deserving. At-idopai -ov/Jtai, to AoTrXoj, -on, b, fi, (fr.
'A%c<jro$, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, and claim, require, demand ; to on\ov arms) without arms, un-
|r> to scrape) unpolished, rough. dare, presume ; to deign, vouch- armed, defenceless ; not equip-
A#, -as, and Ion. A^irj, -r/s, ft, safe, condescend. Imp. ind. ped, not
dio$ worthy) rank, dignity, -ovv' 1 a. sub. a sword.
(fr. 7}%iov r)%(<i)Ga' Aop, -posi o,

worth, estimation
a neg. and
; value, esteem ; afiwffor inf. a^i&eai' pres. impr. Aopama, -as, >h (fr.

merit, desert. pass. 3 pi. a%iovv8<jjaav per. bpdw to see) blindness, darkness.

Afiayacroj, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same, pass. rii-iwuai'

1 a. rj^t&dnv. 1 f. 5roj, -ov, 6, ft, (fr. same) invi-
and not to be seen ; blind, not
admire) admi- sible,

rable, wonderful. -aros, ro, (fr. last) worth, seeing.

A^iaKovffTos, -ov, b, %, (fr. same, value, merit ; dignity, authority, tpdriiis, (fr same) invisibly.
and OKOVW to hear) worth hear- weight, consequence ; a claim, Aopia, -as, ft, (fr.same) darkness,
a sentence, sentiment ; blindness.
ing, memorable, remarkable, fa- request ;
mous. a proposition, axiom. undeter-
AopiaT'jtivtd, (ft. adfHoroc
to be undecided ; to hesi-
A%iaKo6aTos, -ov, 5, >;, (fr. same, ^KjifiaTtKos, -ov, 6, ff, (fr. last) mined)
ana aicpodopat to hear)
worth at- placed in authority, authorized, tate.
to be
tention; attractive, alluring, en- empowered, qualified ; dignified, AopurTiopai -ovjuai, (fr. same)
ticing. grand, venerable, awful ; asking, boundless, extend, stretch out.
A^ianrjyrjros, Ion. for al-iaQf/yriTos, AopiffTta, -as, fi, (fr. same) infini-
vastness ; gene-
-ov, b, ft, (fr. same, and a<j>nylo- wf, (fr. afioj worthy) worthily, ty, endlessness,

pai to relate) worth relation, me- suitably, proportionally. rality, vagueness.

morable, famous. Atw<raa, -as, -t, JE>o\. Aopjort'/coj,
and Adpioros, -ou, 6, 17,
of a neg. and opos bounds)
?, -on, 6, f;, (fr. same, and u(, 1 a. opt. rt
a. ind.
boundless, infinite, indefinite, un- URT. par. per. pass,
ar^ypiumf- self away, depart. I ?;-

defined, voj. pa' impr. aTapov, -arw inf. QTT^-

inde- Airay/>/a)<rif, -toy, Att. ->?, 17, (fr. pai. per. pass, axjipuai.
1 a.
AoptVruj, (fr. last) infinitely,
finitely, generally. last) rusticity, mildness ; savage- pass. 7T?jp0?7V sub. airo^w, -^f,
'Aopvoj, -or, 6, >/. (fr. neg.
and do- ness, rase f exasperation. ?
vis a bird) unfrequented by birds ; kitdyxta, f. array^u), p. dr^y^a, fr. 'Airais, -atAoj, &, f,, (fr. a neg. and
am> intens. and y^w, which see. ira?f a child) childless, barren.
impassable, or inaccessible.
tfie to-^-c artery, the pres. pass, airdy^o^at. 1 f. mid. A.-traic'tos, -ov, b, f), (fr. same,
AopTv), -jjf,
aorta ; a chi- arayc'ofc".
1 a. mid. ai'crjoj lucky) unfortunate, un-
(perhaps fr. a .
-rjpoy, 6, a'op
and Trjoiw to'
kn Ardyw, (fr. aro from,
p. rtr?}v, (fr. oro An-at<T<7(i), f. su,
suspender, by which a sword, from, and dyw rush) to sally forth,
to lead )
and o'lVo-w to

shield, pouch, or scrip is hung ; carry, bring cff\ or m:-ay ; to dart out, rush, or hasten away.

a string, strap, belt, girdle, brace, >

back; to call A-fiirtl, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind.

divert, turn m ArraiTJi, 2 sin. pres. impr. cont.

ibbard. j off",
d. pi. Poet, noprrjpeffct. ?.
; to leafl, tend, incline to ;
aro intens. and
'Aopr, 3 sin. of
aopfir/v, for rj[p-\ to
conduct, carry to prison, pu- Arcurt'w -w, (fr.
ur/v,pper. atlpu. pass, of nishment, &c. ;
to pay, render. airi',) to ask) to beg of, entreat,

Aoffcrf'w-u, (fr. a neg. and 6caa\ 2 a. firTyyov' Att. a-i'r/nyov request ; to claim,
demand back,
voice) to help readily, assist with- \

impr. a~dyay* par. a~aydy<av' require.

out being called, succour. Aratrjjff/f, -ics, Att. -Wf, ^, (fr.

per. pass, a-r]yi(ni, -1-at.

Aotro-TjrJjp, -ifpaf> <>, (fr. last) ajready\ a. pass, a-rrf'^dnv' inf. a~a%6rj- last) a request, entreaty, prayer:
vat. nand, requisition, exac-
assistant, willing helper, protect- \

or, favourer. tion.

AraycoyJ), -rjs, f], (fr. last)
to cr-
'Aovroj, -OD, 6, ft, (fr. a neg. and carrying, or drimn (fr. same)
>, -<7w,
ovrdu) to wound) unhurt. Or, frr, demand.
tivity ; payment, contribution,
arrd intens. a:ad
(fr. of? an ear) without ears. tribute. ;.a -w, fr.

-n?, fi, (fr. next) ease, Affa^fw -5, (fr. n neg. and aotw to ichsee.
Poet, for aKarairdA^-
pallity, retirement. please) to
<--iiisfy, -raj,
f,-OD, 6, fi, (fr. a neg. and disgust.
- a neg.
disturb) undisturbed, -w, (fr. aro from, and
'*> r.<, b, r,, (fr.

unmolested, tranquil. acitfd) to injure) to ur,

MX)1 for arms)
in public exercises.
'Aoi//, -OTTO?, 6, >$, (fr. same, and 6ty fraud, rob, detain ur. unpractised
the drrouat to see) -loc, >/, (fr. ard from afar,
eye, th. .

ifoifi. and t^w to see) fliought ; think- :,fiifv,I)^r. for araAaA/CE?]',

Ar', for a ^o, before a smooth :nf. of
vowel. .
:j, (fr. as-o from, and
J, - -tt.
for It Ar'J-^u, (fr. same, and aow or ar/cw
is aA'A*w for /\>.-/w to help) to
chieiiy used in this form in the to sing) to sing false, ??. off, or from /
beat, drive back ;
2 ". ind. Ard- cord to disagree, differ. to repuhe, repel, turn aiuay ; to
ar'.j'ayjv impr. ;

, -fru, 2 pi. -J'r r .

:n, and asipw guard, save, protect, pres. opt.
-a?, ;,
(fr. next) r?eu-s,
to take) to carry qff\ i\KOtjJ.l, -0f, -Ot.
tidings. .to take Ara'Ac/iroc, for
An-oyyAAw, f.
arayy^Aw. depart, go away.
Awa'A//of, -ov, o, fa (fr. a neg. and
y^Ava, (fr. aro from, and fr. intens. and KiXdini the hand) hundless, awk-
ayy/A- '

Aa< to tell) to bring back s'o, which see. u-art', artless;

word, destitute, poor,
or ansu?er, cam/ new?, brin? Ar3^, -foj -owe, o, ^, (fr. neg.
retched / inevitaJjle,

tidings, report ; to tell, to suffer) unhurt, unavoi

announce, publish,
free from h :<z<,fr. ar3 intens. andaAa-
ind. aff/JyyetAa- impr. ar ', ? ;
unmoved, ouai, which see.
. undisturbed. -w, f.
-)/<7w, p. aTffi\yrjx.a.,

(fr. same, and aAyfw to pine) to

aryyAAd;vo?. - mourn, pine ; to despond,
Arm^t.r.'a, !f , 7% (fr. next) i-rno- .

impr. of a-rdyco, au-ai/ ?.-

yo, begone. 7
n."ss. !cd, or abandoned.
-/o? -of-?, o, (fr. a in- f.
,-, fi, i, -^a>, p. ar^Ati^n, (fr.
tens. and fix) irnpe- a neg. and a~o from, and to
5, /, (fr. a\ei<pt>i wipe)
le; hard, compact, firm. ,

(educate) u e <#T, 6/o/ ou/, efface, oblite-

Or, (fr. a ne?. and same) ;<??- un !
firm, loose, fluid. .
/i', impr. of a-x.'!\nl>a, 1

A.iraytvtuv, pres. inf. of a- -

. a ne^. a. ind. act. of last.
r.., ,',, (fr.
Ion. and -
fora-aycd. educate) un- a o

j :-;KO, -ov, 6, ^, (fr.
1 a. opt. mid. of'
educated, ill-brtd ; ?<>.
priv. aA/fw to avert, and AM/CO?

evil) incurable, irremediable;

^, -ov, pass. A-a- ArntVi'/trtt, or Aronivupai, (fr. aro to be saved,
past recovery ; doom-
-ca-aa, -or, act. par. pres. of from, and civvuni to take) to ta!;e ed, fated.
m'-ny, carry r>ff; to plun- deprive,
-tvtrw, p. -mica, fr.
Arayoon'w. f. -(5<ra>, (fr. nro from, der, rob. fir-) intens. and aA^0fuw, which
and ay-jpa'o) to declare
A77vttp50f'u>, !on. for
a$aipcOu, 1 a. see.
wwn or ex/r sub. :ipuh'os, Att. Gx
ape?if, out, pass. Aratp(ff9ai, Ion.
to prohibit, forbid, hinder, stop, for (HpatpelffOai, pres. inf.
pass. r.-7j, par! per. pass,
stay, debar ; to
refuse, renounce, Ion. and Att.
deny; to plead in defence, or for
cii>;p>7,'!fi'o?, par. per. pa?s. -y, -ra<, 1 f. mid. fr
venial, excuse. om, and d^npi, oA/w, or
A~aypio<j> -oi,
-wucj, (fr. OTTO in- A.Traip'j), f.
-up<S, p. ~r;:iKa, (fr. arj
:, which see.
tens. and aypoj the country) to.
from, and atpw to lift) ii -oT'uat, fr. a-^ intens.
rusticate, grov) wild; to

or carry of; to tak '?f'w,
or dA0a>, which see.
'AvaXiag, -ov, b, (fr. airaXbg ten-
completion ; 1 act Affarwvres, n. pi. mas.

mudedly, inciu'i'itisiy, negti- j,

tit whole, i'.

gently. entire. cont. par. pres. act. of airardta.

-as, $, an /lerb. fc
Airdrwp, -opos, 6, r,, (fr. a neg. eud
-tau>, p. (frfiprtKa, (fr.
Anapyta, TrapTi'^d),

'A-rrapyita, -aroj, rb, (fr.

otrd from, last; to join, untie put together,
rrar?pafather)/a*terkss, orphan.
and ap%r} the beginning) first mjdel, form f finish, perfect, ATravyaapa, -aro$, TO, (fr. aird from,

fruits, offerings.
e ; to set, fit, replace; and avydfa to shine) splendour,
a sha-e, apportion; to
Airopty^tipJTTo?, -ov, 6, # (fr. neg. <ide, brightness, irradiation, effulgence.
intens. andey^/pfw to han- prepare, matte ready. Also, to A-avyrj, -rjs, f], (fr. same, and avyr}
dle) beyond the reach of art ; make unequal, un- brightness) splendour, radiance,
which baffles all attempts ; in- unrrrn. per. pass, arfjp- effulgence.
violable, inaccessible, unattaina- TiCfLai' 1 I.
a~apricd>iffop Airavcdu -w, f. -Jjffw, p. airt)v$r>Ka,
ble; unparalleled, matchless in- -upTi^o;.:. -as, ^, (fr. same, (fr. same,
and avcSdw to speak)
imitable ; complete, perfect. and >,oyo$ account) a round sum to renounce, disclaim ; to forbid,

Airapcyxetptrw, (fr. last) beyond mint. interdict, prohibit ; to faint, fail.

the power of imitation ; complete-\Airaor^c\'':;, pres. inf. axavcfv 1 a. act.
-op, 6, (fr. arraprfa
ly, perfectly. firiisfi) u completion, finishing, airnvCTjaa' par. airavsf/ffas, -aca,

A-apiffKia, (fr.
aro priv. and apcc- pf\
perfecting. -av.
KM to please) to displease, dissa- Araoiaovuj, (fr. a-o from, andapt'w to AiravQaitd^Ofiai, fr. airb intens.
/, disgust;
to disapprove, re- r.raw) to exhaust, drain, empty and av0a<$ia'to, which see.
to appease. r take
from, lessen, diminish. AiravOaoiuffOat, Att. for aTravflaot-
soothe,moUify ; to obhge,deserv^. -^r,^, -ijs, >?, more usually Arrap- oefdai, 1 f. inf. mid. of

intens. and A~avQaciCo)iat, fr. aro intens. and

AirdpOcvo$,-ov, b,fj, (fr. a neg. and %al, -wv, at, (fr. a-o
ap%n the beginning) firs', fruits
maiden) not maiden, avQaci^ojiai, which see.
without virginity ; (fr. same)
to offer first ATrav\i(cftai }
tainted, de- Avdpxopai, (fr. airo from, and
fiovxred. fruHs; begin with an offering. av\ic[iai to herd) to Amf, /oW,
-fr, -r), 1 a. sub. pass, of ATra'p^u, (fr. same,
and ap^r, the or lodge apart ; to separate, re-

same as a'p^w, and tire, withdraw.

-w, airb and but also in mid. to 6*- Airav\6ovvos, -ov, b, !], (fr. same,
AiraptOpib) (fr. from, dp%o[tat'
apiOpiu to count) to reckon up, 771 sacrificing, make libations, and nvX^ a sheepfold) herding,
count over, offer the first fruits.
or lodging apart solitary, lone-
tell off".
pay, or ;

A-apivrj, -r/?, fj, the herb burdock. "Arras, -affa, -av, fr. a intens. and ly, retired.
Att. - ws,
ArapKTtns, or Arap/aa?, -or, 6, (fr. was, which see. Airavfais, -10$, i/, (fr.
from, and dpjcro? the north) "Atraaav, -at, cases of last. same, and avfycis increase) di-
the north wind. Airaatuv, g. pi. Ion. of same. minution, lessening, weakening,
Atrapveonai, (fr. same, and apv/o//<u ;, -ov, b, ft, (fr. a neg. and impairing.
to deny) to refuse ; to renounce, raw to feed) tfia* has not tasted, Avavpa, Ion. for
3 sin.
abandon ; to resign, abdicate. fasting. imp. of
3 sin. 1 a. impr. A aoTpairrw, (fr. from, and A^avpdia -u, (fr. aird from, and
mid. i, -ri,-rai, to lighten) to dart like avpa a breeze) to take away,
to emz<, k< fiy ; to carry off ; to rob, despoil, imp.
pass. Airapvr/ffOfiai -ij, -rrat, lightning ;

mid. 1 f. ind. of last. sparkle. airrjvpaov -tav.

a de- rraorpaVrur, -ovca,-ov, par. pres. irai-c-ros, -ov, b, i/, (fr. a neg. and
Arapvos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. last)
nier, one who refuses, declines, or act. of last. JTOVU) to
cease) unceasing, incet-
renounces. -w, fr. OTTO intens. and sant ; endless, continual, per-
euros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a nej. j
which see. petual ; not to be alleviated, or re-
to pass through) -as, ^, fr. same, and
'le, impervious ; inacces- aer^oXfa,
which see. rravaruf, and Araror?, (fr. last)

fortified, impregnable, Aiidra, Dor. for airdrrj. Also Ara- incessantly, continually.
fappdocu, f. -u, (fr. arb intens. ra, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act o>, fr. aro from, and
mnd apdcGW to beat) to disturb, A-ardrw, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. ,
which see.

disorder, confound ; to overturn,

act. Arar^fltts, -ftca, -tv, par. Tovvavftp, f. -i'ffw, (fr. same, and
.>en ; to
remove, turn 1 a.
pass. Arrarwv, par. pres. av^^v the neck) to cut the throat,
act. cont. of or neck, beliead.

and Afrapprjfflaff-
A ardw -w, f. -)/<7<o, p. rj^drrtKa, to
-ov, 6, ?j, (fr. a neg. and deceive, beguile, cheat ; to disap- A-ri<pu, (fr. OTO by, and a^r, the
to speak freely) point ; to seduce, lead into error. touch) ta
soothe, caress, fondle;
fearing to speak, not using free- pres. inf. act. cont. a-arav 1 a. flatter, deceive. An ^Eolic word
dom ; servile, mean, cringing. act. Trxdrrioa, and Ion. a-drncra' used Poet, for
aTrara'w, which
:os, pass. r/TrarrjQtjV par
Att._-,-a>s, fi, (fr.
to carry off) a packing , (fr. OTTO from,
and art A^dr cod
(fr. OTTO intens. and a<p- ,

up setting out, departure. or to foam) to

drtpQe without) apart, sepa- pi^ta foam, froth ;
rrapTaw -w, f. -/^ira), (fr. a~b from, rately, asunder, at a distance. to work,fsment.
and aprdu to hang) to hang up, A~firtS)v, -wvos, 6, (fr. arardu to A-!ra%6eis, -tlua, -Iv, par.
or upon, to make depend on ; deceive) a deceiver, impostor. Brjvai, inf. 1 a. pass, of ajrdyw.
to suspend, doubt ; to defer, de- Airdrr/,
-vs, ft, (fr. same) deceit, ATra%6ris, -10$ -ous, 6, 17, (fr. a~b in-
lay, put off; to
interrupt, break deception, fraud, imposition ; tens. [and dx,8os a load) heavy,
off; to set\ cheat, trick, artifice; seduction; weighty; burdensome, oppressive;
withdraw, remove,
apart. an er or, illusion. troublesome, uneasy, offensive.
Afdprf, (fr. aro from, and Arar^vat, 1 a. inf.
pass, of ara- A-axQlfa, (fr. same) to
now) from this time, from hence- \
raw. burden, overload ; to
annoy, in-
forth. Or (fr. dprtos whole) -n, -or, and commode, trouble, distress.
wholly, entirely, totally, altoge- -ov, b, //, (fr. oTrardu to deceive) Ard^flo^ai, see A-/rt^6dvofiai.
ther, clearly. deceitful, fallacious, fraudulent, Ion. for 1 a.
Aird^/af, a(f>d\^af,
Airapria, -as,#, (perhaps fr. airalpu beguiling, seducing ;
cheating ; par. of a^dsTo).
to carry off ) furniture, baggage,
illusive, delusive, erroneous. Dor. for a-rtfa, 2 sin. 2 a.
provisions ; equipage, si, A-d-rnct, Ion. for rjiraTrjffc., 3 sin. j
act. of airofiaiva.
( fr. aro intens. and a'pno? whole) 1 a. ind. act. Airdrrjfftt, 3 sin. i
Airr^aXov, 2 a. act. of as-o/?rfAX.
(k.ir(j3r)v, -tis, ->?,
2 a. act. Air eft >i-
Uage, extravagant; innumera-
Air\ri\vB, 3 sin. per. ind
-oj, Att. -oj, (fr. 2 a. ind. airijX0ov sub. airt\6u>' act 2 a. ind. mid.
^, Airecx6pnv,
to fasten) a /xtn^, or inf. avt\6eiv par. affX0uiv, n.

fastening; an inclination, lean- pi. fern. airX0oCo-ai. 7TfYa>ov, 2 a. ind. act. of 0^0-
ing, resting against, or depending Affpwvs, -f'oj, Att. -/wj, 6, (fr. TfpVW.
upon; pressure, force, violence. same, and ^pw/u to pass) one Airra^dpr v, -u, -aro, t 1 a. ind.
who hinders, stops, or prevents; mid. of aTrordffffu).
An-pf w -ui, f. -/jffo), p. aituar)Ka, (fr.
airi priv. and ep/w to say) to de- a hindrance, obstacle, AirTf'yy ro i 3 sin.
imp. mid. ot
to decline,
ny, /or/jiff, refuse ; Airpu>w -/, (fr. same) to pass,
shun ; to fail, be
worn out, weary, steal, glide,
or sfrw/A:away; to -,
1 a. ind.
pass, of airort-

desist, cease, stop ; to hinder,

decayed, impoverished.
JLiTtpiyevijros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. prevent. imp. of aTroriwuu, or
and itfpiytvonai
to surpass) not A-?, Ion. for d<pt$, 2 a. impr. of -u/it.
to be surpassed, or excelled ; in- AT/rpayov, 2 a. ind. act. of a?ro-
vincible. ,
1 a. ind. of aT
same, Aittcas -avros, Apesas, a man's 3 cont.
AJTpJprro?, -ou, 6, >/, (fr. , b, pi. imp.
and jrp<opj'u> to
limit) unlimited, name. pass, of a7rorpw7rdo//a(, same as
unconfined; boundless, indefinite, Air<r/3as, Dor. for an-ftr/??;?, 2 sin. tat.
infinite. jf Airiaprjv, -r)$, -rj, in 3 pi. C?, and
AjTpo-Vru>j, (fr. same, and irfpi- Airr/37<rat>, 2 a. ind. act. -ou, 6, a neg. and
j/, (fr. mvdd-
Airffffaffa, 1 a. ind. act. Ar<r- to hear) unheard not
GKiTTToncu to survey) heedlessly, j'o/iat of,
incautiously, unguardedly, in- j8j?Kwf, par. per. act. of cmoo&iv- known by fame, obscure ; rude,
considerately. vvw, or -vfti, as if from airdffffrjijii. ignorant, untaught.
Aircpi'o-TracToj, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, A.-KaKip<J>dui, per. inf. pass, oi A.nvOvv<j), f. -vv&, p. -wyica, (fr.
and 7Tp77raa> to perplex) at ease, KtuKTOfiai.
aro intens. and fu^vw to direct)
to straighten ; to correct,
undisturbed, calm, leisurely, with- fYo?, per. par. pass, oi reform,
out hurry. v:rra). amend ; to direct, guide ; to or-
f. of
Air/>JTra0T(df, (fr. last) without , a:r//t, to be absent. der, regulate, array.
distraction, or confusion ; collect- A~fCTTaaa,
1 a. ind. act. AitG- A.-f(f>T)va, 1 a. ind.
act. Air6y-
edly, orderly, leisurely. Trdadrjv, -rj$, -tj, 1 a. ind. pass, o: vdfirjv, mid. of airo<j>aiv(a.
Airfolffraros, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. axoairdw. ivos, per. par. pass, of
and TTpuor7fu to beset) isolated, A7IWOT0EV, ^Eol. or Bosot. anc
detached, not surrounded, or en- Poet, for airc0v6j)<rav, 3 pi. 1 a. , v, -o>, -aro, 1 a. ind.
closed; deserted, forsaken, des- pass. A-fV<rv//a(, Poet. Me- mid. of a7ro00fyyo/jiai.
not perplexed, or sur- tath. for
titute; avoatavpai, per. ind. b.TT<L>dipr)v, -ICQ, -ITO, pper. pass,
rounded with cares, prosperous. pass. Poet, for of airotidivw.
A7Tp/r//j7Toj, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. same, aircfffcvro, 3 sin. pper. pass, o 'Atre<f)6os, -ov, b, fa(fr. a neg. and
and TTpiTifjtv(j)
to cut off) uncir- i<j>6b$ boiled) raw, undressed, not
cumcised. Ait(rrd\T)v,-T]s, -rj, ind. cooked. Or, (fr. a intens.) re-
Airtpirros, -ov, b, fa (fr. same, and par. 2 a. pass. fined, purified.
irptrrbs, Att. for Ttpiaa6$ super- -rjs, -T),
1 a. ind. pass -- Airia- A~f(pvyov, 2 a. Airtytvyov, imp.
fluous) having no superfluity or raX/ta, per. ind. act __ ATTforaX act. of a:ro0tiya).
luxury, moderate, mean, of a 1*0.1,
ind. -aX^rvoj, -r/, -ov, par rr/(, impersonal, (fr. as-f^w to
middle r ank. per. pass. ATTforaXov, 2 a. ind withhold) it is enough, sufficient,
act. of aTTOGT/XXw. 3
A-rrf^re, 2 pi.
AirtpiTTuy, (fr. last) indifferently, rrf-ya, sin.

negligently, carelessly. Arrfaracrav, Ion. for airtcrrjaav see <, 3 pi. pres. ind. act.
Aircpj'rrwroj, -ou, 6, o neg. 17, (fr.
2 sin. pres. sub. act. of
and rrfptVru^a excrement) with- ,
3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of
out excrements. t, pres. inf. mid. Arf-
Arpi^pfo, -to? -oCj, b, fa (fr. A7rOTjXa, -as, -, or -EV, before a <70, 2 pi. impr. mid. of
same, and irfoKptpti}
to move cir- vowel, 2 and 3 pi. -Xar, -Xav r^0atpw, f. -5p5, (fr. airb intens. )
cularly) not circular, irregular;
1 a. ind. act. of aTroorAXoj. and f^Qaiow to
hate) to drfe/,
devious, erring. I a. ind. act ATTW- hale, abhor, 1 a. act.
Trwrtpriaa, air^fypa. '

AiripZas, -atra, -av, 1 a. par. act. rpTj[ivos, par. per. pass, o .TTxddvofiai, f.
-6riffOftai, [fr.
of rtffoppf^w. same, and 0avo/*a( to hate) to
'Airpp, (pres. impr. ofnext) away, -75, -n, and 3 pi. airtff- fca/e, grudge, envy, feel
anger, or
begone, plague take you. v, 2 a. ind. act. Airta- wia/ice a^ain. 2 a. a^X 06M v,
JEo\. for airtipw. -a?, -, 1 a. ind. act. of as if fr.
Airtpjxi), ,
an^6io/jLai, obs.
ATTEp^yw?, -t>?a, -b$, par. per. mid. 3f6e/a, -aj, ^, (fr. ar^0^ en-
of arropp^yvvfti. ariyov, 2 a. ind. act. of airo- \nous) Aafrerf, abhorrence, detest-
Arrfpffw, -tf, -, for
1 f. rt%<i). ation; grudge, malice, ill-will.
ind. act. of
airotppw. ATTiaro\a, per. mid. of aroor/XXw 7TX0///va(, Att. and Dor. an.l
AffEpuKw, f. -^w, p. -%a, (fr. a-rrb , per. par. pass. A.*tx9fftvi Ion. for oir^fieiv,
from, and tovitu to hinder) to ,
2 a. ind. act. pres. inf. of airi^9ta,
repe/, drive back or away; to ',
3 pi. -tyrjaav, 2 a -xtxOijai, Ion. for 2 sin.
defend, repulse ; to hinder, avert. nd. pass. -
pres. sub. of airido/jiai, same as
An-forpc^/ar, -a?,
3 pres. impr. airtpvue. par. pres. I o. ind. act. of airoffrpttyb).
pass, atrtpvicdfitvos. 2 a. act. d, fa (fr. OTTO in-
A.TTtffTpa<j>ov, A-<rrpa- , -ios-ovs,
Axepxri, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. ^T/r, 2 a. pass. A.vlurftipa,
1 tens. and fyflof hatred)
Airpx<5^vor, -T], -ov, par. pres a. ind. act. of
a-xooTptyto. grudging, envious, ma
act. of ATTEOTW, -<5oj -o5f, ft, (fr. a^lffnjf hostile, inimical, adverse.
to be at a f. mid.
&.irio\opai, f. air&mffopai,
p. aff/ distance) absence
Xv0a, Att. a)n:X}Xii0(i, (fr. ar flight, desertion. i',
2 a. ind. mid. .

from, and fp%opai

to go) to ^-o AJTJOTU, 3 sin.
impr. ofart//j, A 3 sin. 2 a. opt.

go off, from, away, or out of ; 6e absent.

7r^0w, and AirtYdo/iai, same as
to go forth, depart; to return, A7ro-0aX7v, -t;?, -77, 2 a. ind. pass.
go after, follow ; to leave, aban- s-^;0wf, (fr. aw/^u to refrain) ab-
to airai/. die.
don, srive up ; paxs Ktf ,
per. stpmimiily, temperately, soberly.
Ann Aim Ann
'no'lrMly. Or, (fr. aircxQ'lt .">- i drive away) driven, or carried
3 pi. imp.
ind. mid. perhaps fr. airo from) fur, dis- voraciousness; greatness, crint-
1 a. ind. act. tant, remote. sion, vastness.
of TTJordvat, Airtorfarat, AiartaTO, A-AJJCTOJ, -ou, o, ft, (fr.
a neg. ami
j, per. par. pass,
fr. a-o intens. and Ion. for aQioTarai, pres. inf. TrXjjflu not to be gratified,
to fill)
3 pres. ind. insatiable, ravenous, voracious ;
auapio, which see.
act. afyioravTai, pi.

pass. a<jji(TT<tvTo, 3 pi. imp.

same asa:r/?opoj. ind. craving, importunate ; extensive,
Arijwpoy.-oi', 6, >/,
boundless, immense, vast.
Airmen, Ion. tor daw, 3 pi. pres. pass, of a<piaTT]p.i.
of arrant, TTJOT/CJ -W, f. -fjffd), p. Tl~tCTTIKa, LrrXjfcrws, (fr. last) insatiably,
to go away.
2 a. sub. act. of (fr. a neg.
and starts faith) to greedily, voraciously, vastly, in-
Airiou, -175, -17,
a-ticia. disbelieve, discredit, doubt,
mis- finitely.
A-mv- trust ; to he faithless, disobey ; A-\I]TOS, Dor.'A-Xaros, andPoet.
A-IE/U!', ATTifvaj, Affiec-uo-t,
rat, A-tcr0a<, A7T<|Uvo?,
Ion. for pres. par. pass. U-IGTOU/UVOJ. 'AT;\CTOS, -ou, 6, >/, (fr. a neg. and
ind. act. a0if- for a^rr>7/u. TrXdw, TTi\d(i), or TrXij^t to ap-
a&ilptv, 1 pi- pres. .rit77-7^(,Ion.
vat, pres. inf. act. a0tui<n, 3 pi. lrior/;o-af,-ao-a, -av, par.
1 a. act. proach, th. irrAas near) inac-
. sub. act. ac6ii'ru(,
3 pi. AjnoroCjm', 1 pi. cont. pres. cessible, unattainable, beyond
md. act. AnoTOuvTujj', g. pi. reach, or power ; inextricable,
pres. ind. pass. a<pttffQai, pres.
inf. pass. a<f>ifpevof, par. pres. cont. par. pres. act. of a-iartu. irremediable. Or, (fr. same,
want of and 77X>}0w to fill) vast, extensive,
pass, of a<l>inpt. -tcTia, -as, >/, (fr. next)

A-aifvat, pres. inf. of d-nui, to #o faith, unbelief; mistrust, doubt; immense, boundless.
infidelity, treachery. ATrXd??, -TJS, i/i (fr- -Xdos single)
a neg. and same as a-XoV^j.
3 pi. imp. ind. of airli}^, A-xiaros, -ov, b, ?/, (fr.
to 5-0 away. -icns faith) not to be >
ATrXdOpt^, -^xps, b, 17, (fr. same,
rfy a distant see incredible; not to be trusted, and -$p( hair) straight-haired,
yaiij, /a?w/,
dirios- Or, rte
Apian land, Pe- faithless, perfidious; disbelieving, lank-locks; bald.
loponnesus, from 'Arts the son 'incredulous, dubious; an unbe- 'A-rXota, -as, /, (fr. a'rXoos unnavi-

liever, infidel, comp. a-io-rdrpoj gable) that part of the year when
2 sin. 2 a. sub. of to sailing is dangerous, the season
, direiui, sup. -oYaroj.
rrfa-ru?, (fr. last) perfidiously, unfit for sea ; rough weather.
S, -ou, 6, /;, (fr. a neg. and
fraudulently, treacherously; ab-
TrdQd) to persuade) improbable,
surdly, incredibly. simple) to behave with simplicity,
a neg. and art irith candour, be ingenuous,
unlikely, incredible; undeserving A-\dKr)To;, -ov, b, f], (fr.
credit. to stray) unerring, cer- or cent
A-(0!w -5, f. ->/<Ki), p. -rjKa, (fr. tain, sure,
not straying. 'A-\O'LKOS, -ov, o, %, (fr. same) sim-

same) to disobey, transgress com- L~Xar>)j, -ios -ovs, and ATrXai'T/ro?, ple, single ; plain ; goodnatured.
mands ; to disclaim, or disown -ou, b, '}, (fr. a neg. and rXdv?, 'A/rXoff, -ties, 17, (fr. same) alight
authority. error) not wandering, settled, cloak ; thin, single.
Ar/077<ra, -as, -, Ion. for rj residait ; unerring, undeviating 'ArXoxos, -ou, 6, ^, (fr. a neg. and
1 a. ind. act. of last. fold) unfolded, not \iKia to
undeceived, faithful.
ATrXaoro?, -ou, 6, r/, (fr. a neg. anc or crumpled, smooth.
A-niKarat, A-tKaro, Ion. for a$(Va- r
rat, and ocitraro, these for -\acrbs feigned) unfeigned, sin- A-XoKi5wi', -oros, 6, (fr. next, and
fifvoi iei, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, cere, artless, simple ; rude, un- Kvtav a dog.) An epithet of
and 3 pi. pper formed, shapeless, uncouth. Antisthenes one of the Cynic
(Mpiyfiivot r/ffav,
pass, of a<f>iKVop.at. A-XrtG-rof, Sync, for aTreXao-ro?, sect,because these men were
ATTIKJ], A~tK.aQat,AiriK6iJi.ti'Os, A IK which see. nicknamed dogs, and wore only
vctaOai, AiriKTai, Ion. for a'pitcy, \.7rXa-)f, -Ios -ovs, b, rj, (fr.
a neg a single garment.
2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. aQi and -\arrs broad) narrow, con- ArXdoj -oiJ s, -077 -?/, -dov-oBr, (per-
inf. a^)(Ko^i'Of, par. A<J>IKI (r acted, confined.
haps fr. one, and TfXw to be.
pres. inf. pass. atpiKrai, sin. 3 ATrXdro?, Dor. for d-^rjros, which Or fr. a neg. and roXi'j many)
per. ind. pass,
of nc/ iKviopai. see. simple, single, plain, uncom-
(fr. 5, a neg. anc
LtXdrvvc, (Gen. xxiv. 22.) per pounded ; clear, distinct ; sound,
'AiriKpos,~ov, I),

KiKpos bitter) not bller, withou haps 7rXdYuv, 3 sin. imp. or healthy ; artless, unvarnished ;
harshness: gentle. a. ind. act. of -X<;rrj'U). candid, honest, sincere, upright.
AirXXfw -w, (fr. a-o from, and (X- 'A^Xfrof, Poet, for d-A>;70. 'A~Xooj -ouf, -6011 -ov, b, ff, (fr. a
Xo? the eye) an antiquated 'A-Xaipo?, -ov, 6, >;, (fr. a neg. and neg. and -Xdoj navigation, th.
word, synonymous with a-o- rrXa'Crt the side) uncovered o? irX/w to sail) unnarigablc ; unfit,
K\du, to shut out, exclude, ba^ the side, unguarded, exposed. or improper for sailing ; boister-
nish. 1 a. ind. pass. a-xi\\i]6tiv
A;rX?/y(Of, -ou, 6, //, (fr. next) sin ous ; dfi-ngerous.
AiripeXos, -ov, and AT(/jXi)?, -lo\ gle, plain, simple ; artless, harm- ArXorrjs, -TJTOS, >% (fr. aXdoj sin-
-ovs, b, r), (fr. a neg. and -c ficent.
gle) singleness ; simplicity, inno-

//X^ fat) thin, lean, meager A7rX7y<, -iSos, ft, (by Epen. fr cence, purity ; sincerity, candour,
poor. r:A?;?j, which is fr. cnr\6r] ft^Xr/., ingenuousness, frankness ; boun-
Aiflviis, -fos -oT>s, b, >i,
(fr. fern, of
arrXdo? single) a thin ty, liberality.
and tiivvs dirt) free from dirt light cloak. 'AirXdw -w, f. -wffti), p. -u/ca, (fr.
dean, neat, elegant. 'AK^KTOS, -ov, and AirXti^, -yoj, 6,
same) to simplify, explain ; to
Avivvcffu, (fr. same, and -Kivvyaii fj, (fr. a. neg. and irX^o-o-w to
unfold, open, discover, display
or -vvn i to breathe) to dote; tt strike) not struck, unbeaten, un- to expand, blow ; to extend,
faint; to breathe forth, expire. hurt harmless, undamaged.
; stretch out. imp. ind. ?/wXoov
'^cra:, Ion. for a<f>i&Tai, 3 sin A-\rjv, a. sin. fem. cont. of dirX I a. ind. jjrXwo-a' inf. urXdi-
f. mid. of a^iKvio^iai. A7rX7pwTO?, -ou, a neg. anc
6, 17, (fr. .
per. pass. 7/TrXwoyzai, par.
Ion. for d<pil-is. TrXijpdw to fulfil) deficient, want-
'Airiov, -f, -, 2 a. ind. 'Ame, ing, imperfect ; not fulfilled, or TrAi'c-ta, -a s-, >;, (fr. next) foulness,
impr. A-iotfjit, opt. ArtcS, consummated ; insatiable, greedy. dirt, nastiness, want of washing.
sub. A-u7i', inf.
Aitiwv, A~X>7ffTuo^(n, (fr. dirXticros
insa- Air\vcriat, -wv, al, sponges.
par. of diretpi,
to go away.
tiable) to be greedy, or insatiable ; \.rr\vros,-ov, o,>% (fr. a neg. and
'AirYor, -ou, rd,
a pear, and to cruvr, importune. T:\vrii} to wash) unwashed, foul,
S, -ou, #,a pear tree. Ai&Tjarla, -as, next) in*i- 17, (fr. dirty, miled.
S, ~a, -ov, and Ion. ->;, -or, , greediness, (-ravin g, \.-\t7>c, (fr. dr>wj single) singly;
zincerely, frankly ; bountifully , -aAw, p. <
-ziaa, -Iv, 1 a par.
liberally, kindly. (fr. airb from, and /?dAAw to pass, of aTo/JAa'TTTw.
AwAurof, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. a neg. and throw) to cast, fling, throw off,
rAw/^ for TrAoo to sail) see drt\oo s away ; to
let go, relin-
(fr. aito intens. and jSAfTrw to
Awvefis, -eos -ovs, 6, ^, (fr. a intens. quish ; to lose,
waste, forfeit. 2 a. look) to turn the sight, or atten
and TtWw to breathe) breathing act. in;!. aTtipaXov' sub. airofid- tionfrom about one's self towards
deeply, panting, sighing. Or Aw, 2 pi. amfldXrjTt' par. atrofia- another object ; to look up to, ad-
(fr. a neg. and same) ow< oj \wv. per. pass. airofiifiXquai. 1 mire ; to regard, respect ; to con-
breath, breathless, wanting air ; a. pass. tt7r/3A//0?;v' par. airofi'Xn- sider ; to have an eye
to, mind,
without air,
or ttmd, lighting. Ods. per. mid. airofiifto'Xa. head ; to belong, appertain to ;
kindling. ,
-xpo),p. -(!,n, (fr. same, to look
from, off",
or away ; 1 a.

ATrvrfjuarof, -OD, 6, t], (fr. same, and /?7T7W to dip) /o dzp, du>e ; ind. act. impr. air6-
and TrvcviJia. air) free from wind, /o draw,
pour out, as liquor ;
sheltered. /i'n#e. 2 f. and act. airo(la(t>&. 1 a. sub.
1 a. ind.
Airvsvarl, dirvevaros breathless) A-Kofius, -aca, -ilv, n. pi. -ftdvrts
(fr. mid. aT>ifi\t\^dnnv.
s/i'%, without a breath ; all in a 2 a. par. act. of airoftaivu.
Airoj3\7i6d$, -ctaa, -iv, 1 a. par.
without drawing breath, - W
breath, rfftams, -iof, Att. f, /J, (fr pass, of awo/SftAAo).
or interruption ; closely, in a avofiatvti to descend) u descent A7ro/3Av//a, -aroj, TO, (fr. airo/?aAAu
crowd, confusedly. landing ; a landing-place, lad- to throw away) refuse, leavings,
Airvsvffna, -as, //, (fr. same) a re- der, steps, stairs ; exit, end, event remnant, relics, offal.
straining, or suppression of ATro(3ariipios, (fr. same) who de Airop\r/rti<bs, -ov, b, f), (fr. airofidX-
breath; difficulty of breathing, spends. An epithet of Jupiter. Aw to throw away) negligent,
shortness of breath. a kint
irofidTr/s, -ov, b, (fr. same) wasteful, scattering, lavish, pro-
-dao.', (fr. same) of soldiers, who either had a digal ; a spendthrift ; an out-
to breatlie
short, or low ; to pant, second horse, or fought botl cast.
gasp. on foot and horseback. Also, c A-o^r/Tor, -ov, rb, (neut. of next)
'AirvevcTos, -ov, 6,^, (fr. a neg. and kind of champion in the public same as airo^rifjta.
irviw to breathe) breathless, spent, to be
games. A:r(5j8AnTos,-ou, 6, /, (fr. same)
exhausted; lifeless, dead; with- iroflariKos, -f), -ov, (fr. last) be- refused, rejected, cast off, thrown
out scent, or nose sheltered. longing to that kind of soldiers
; aside, or away ; worthless, vile.
'Airvoia, -as, (fr. same) calmness, cliampions, or games. AirojSAtrru, fr. airb from, and /3Arr-
serenity ; a calm, stillness of air ; -offfprjKa, -as, -f, per. ind. act rw, which see.
vjant of air, sultriness.
ATro/SA^w, f.
-vc<a, (fr. same, and
'Airvoos -ovs, -6ov -ov, 6, >/, (fr. Koflffi^riKa, -ac, -t, per. ind. act j3At;a) to gush) to spring, stream,
same) calm, breathless, still; A7ro|8/3A7Kwc, par. per. act gush ; to vomit, spit,
or spew
lifeless, of a7ro/?</AAw. out pres. inf. cnrofavQciv.
Aifl, with the genitive, from ; off", irofilivai, 2 a. inf. act. Airofif/- Atrofi^wGKU), f. -WCTW, (fr. same,
far ; since, after ; away from, ao/jtat, -TI, -irai, 1 f. ind. mid. oi /?Awc-/cw to come to) to depart, go
wide of; by, for, by reason ; of, airo(3aiv<a. away, leave, quit ; to return.
out belonging to ; without ;
of, rro.Sjjcraw, or -TTQ, f. -w, (fr. airb Airo(3o\ri, -fjs, /;, (fr. a7ro|3aAAw to
through time or space ; at the from, and /?jy<r<ra> to cough) t< throw away) a casting off, rejec-
distance of, on ; with, by. In cough up, expectorate, spit, tion ; a loss.

compos, it generally implies ne- iropid&jjiai, f. -dffo^iKi, (fr.

same AirofivvKd), fr. airb intens. and fl6v-
gation, or privation. and fltdfa to force, th. fiia force' KW, which see.
ATTO, at a distance, away, far, far to force
away, drive off, repulse, AirofiovKoXib) -w, f. -rjaw, p. -Ka, (fr.
off; for divert, he is off, away ; to enforce, constrain, overpower : airb from, and jSov/coAf'w to pas-
it is past, and gone. For diridt, to labour, strain ; to travail, ture) to separate, seduce, or de-
away ! off"! begone !
rropiffd^b), f. -ffw, p. -Ka, (fr. roy from the herd, or flock ; to
Airb avrov, from thence, from that OTTO intens. and ftipdfy to admit) mislead, deceive, delude, beguile ;
time. to make descend, bring, or take AitofiovKcXfonai -ovuai, to stray,
ATroatVttytat, same as airaivvjiai, down ; to dismount, unhorse, wander, depart, err. 1 a. ind. act.

which see. Imp. ind. airoaivv- disembark ; topass, cross, send

Ion. for a7ror/vi5///i'.
over. pres. inf. act.
airoQifidc^tiv. AiropovKdXrma, -aros, rb, (fr. last)
AiroaipciaQai, Airoaipeo, Airoaipfo- pass. airoftifidZtaOai. 1 a. ind. robbing the fiock, thejt ; imposi-
Ion. and Poet, for atpaiouff- mid. a7r/3t/?affa'^;?'. tion, imposture, cheat ; deception,
delusion ; seduction.
Qai, pres. inf. pass.a</>a/pov, pres. rrojSidw -w, f.
-wcrw, p. -wra, (fr.
airb priv. and pi6u) to live) to de- AirofiovKo\ifo,
same as airofiovKo-
impr. pass. atyatptouai, pres.
ind. pass, or mid. of a<paipfw. part, die, pres. inf. act. airofiiSi-
Airo|3a<5<a), f. -lo-w (fr. airb from, vai. 2 a. airefi'uov, -w<:, -w. LTro/jpd^w,
f. -a<rw, (fr. airb intens.
and |3u<5(w to go) to walk away, rro/?(coa"/xos, -ou, 6, ^, (fr. last)
de- and /3pa'^w to boil) to froth, foam,

go off, depart. parting, dying death-bed, final, boil over. Or (fr. a TO priv.) to

Airo^ddpa, -as, next) a lad-

>'/, (fr. last. cool, calm, abate.
der, step-ladder, stepping -board, iroj&Wij, -toj, Att. -tws, o, fj, (fr. l7
r<5j3pao7*a, -aro?, rb, (fr. last)

gangway, same) departure, death. froth, foam, spray ; chaff, bran.

same) to
Airoftaivw, f.
-j3f/ero//ai, p. -fif(3r)Ka, A.7ro/3Ad7rro), f.
-\p<a, p. -0a, (fr. OTTO .Tro/fydcro-o/mf, (fr.' froth,
(fr. airbfrom, and j3afvw to go) priv. and j8A7rrw to hurt) to foam, fly, or be thrown off like

to come, or go from, or out of ; injure, hurt, impair, damage ; foam.

to disembark, land ; to depart, to deprive, bereave, par. 1 a. ^6ppyna, -aros, TO, (fr. next) an
come infusion, or extract; a mixing
yield, retire; to descend, pass. airo(3\a<f>dds.
down, dismount ; to succeed, Airo/3Aa<Tra'j>a> (fr. airb intens. and with water, weakening, dilution ;
follov) after, or from ;
to happen, jSAaoravw which see.) a sprinkling, washing ; the wa-
come to pass, turn out. per. par. -arof, r5, (fr. last)
ter so used ; moisture, juice.
/cuj. 2 a. (fr. (ftpi) ind. a ftud, sftooi, ^-erm, sprig ; off-
3 pi. aTTf/Sr/dav*
sub. ano- spring, descendants. intens. and /tyfyw to sprinkle)
to sprinkle, bedew, wet, moisten ;
A- to be
pi. sub. and (fr. same) a springing, budding, to steep ;
dip, Arro/tyfyo//ai,
wV; -ovvat, bv } par. 2 a. act. of sprouting, shooting. wet ; to drop, drip.
Afopp<'o, -urea, f. and -tw, (fr bringforth, produce, create, make,
same, and |3pu> to nap) to sleep

soundly ; to sleep off a surfeit ;

to indulge in 1 a. act.
n. pi.
a-fj3pi!-a. par. mro^pi^af,
mas. a7ro/3p('ai 7f.
JLiropplOu, f. -((/u>, (fr. same,
to be heavy) to oppress,
overpower; to weigh down, over-
sprinkle) a sprinkling,
i-b intens. and
same as i3p6y%os the
to swallow, devour, eat
same, an

Y>, (fr.
a halter) ensnare ;
to to inveigle,

implicate, embarrass.
^j), (fr. same, and /Spu^u
to enash) to bite, gnaw, consume.
-tr, 1 a.
Affo/?pu>0<f, -iiaa, par.
pass, of
f. -
ATrojSpcSo-KU, -wo-0), p.
(fr.' ard intens. and /?pt3fficw

feed) to feed upon, eat up, devour,

consume, per. pass.
1 a. pass. ai;tfa

A-o/Ji'w, f. -VITU, (fr. same,

8vu to Stuff) to stop up, fill up,
dam ; to block up, barricade,
shut up.
Affi5.Su/JOf, -ou, 6, >j, (fr. airo from,
and 0o)^of the profane, altar)
ungodly, irreligious, wicked, ex-
corn municated.
-i, 3 pi.
2 a. sub. act. of

and A-<5yaof, -ov, 6, '/,

(fr. same,
and ya7a the earth)
beyond the earth ; removed from
the earth ; far from land,
intens. and
Affoyatdw -ai, (fr. a-o
the land) to make for land,
to turn to land.
ArayaXa)cr(^u), -<rw, (fr. f. a-o
from, and ya'Xa milk) to wean, to
take from the milk.
AiroyaXacrto-^df, -ou, b, (fr. Last)
Aroyypa^fvof, -rj, -ov, par. per.
pass, of axoypatiu.
anb from, and
jLTToytia, -af, //, (fr.

yuta the land) a laml-breeze.

A-dyaa, -tav, ra, (fr. same) a ca-
ble, halser, a rope holding the ship
to the shore.

A-dyov, -ou, TO, (fr. same) the

apogee of a heavenly body, its

greatest elongation from the


A*dy{0f, -ou, '-, '/, (fr. same) same

as a-6yaiof.
A~oyrdw -ucu, (fr. arro by,
-<3, f.

and ytlaov the eaves) to roof,

cover with a slope, to give a drip
to, form like a penthouse ; to

shelter, screen.

Affoye^/^oj, fr. arro intens. and y-

which see.

A:roy//*w, f. -uw, (fr. a-zb priv. and

to fill) to unload, entply,

airb in-
Airoyti/fao) -5, f. -7/cru), (fr.
tens. and yevvdui to breed) to

engender, beget, concfive, breed,

Ano Ano Ano
into teprs; lament, bewail.
to proved, or shown; proveable ; -n, -ov, par. and
imp. Ion. airoodK- likely, probable. inf. 1 a. mid.
1 a. ind. act.
aircSdKpvcra. 7ro<$<X/a<nf, -to?, Att. -wj, j% (fr. 1 p5. pres. ind.
ATrood^ctv, Dor. for aifo$t]p.Etv, next) laziness; timidity, fear, mid. of
pres. inf. of airodnpiii). cowardice. -to?, Att. -w.,, Ion. fo'
A7r<5(5d>oj, -ov, o, !],
Dor. for OTTO- -S>, f.
-dad), p.
d-b intens. and<5a-
(fr. A-i:oolojj.ai -ovpat, pres. ind. mid.
AirooapOetv, 2 a. inf. act. of airo- Xtaw to fear) to dread fear great- or pass, of <

ly ; to fiy, escape, shun, avoid, to

ro5epu.a, -aros, TO, (fr. airocfpii)
-ov, 6, >/, (fr. next) *n- shrink, fail. skin) a skin, hide; booty, plun-
butary ; subject, subordinate; AirpSeii-at, 1 a. inf. act. Axofid- der, spoil.
sharing, partaking ; divided, al- 1 f. inf. act.
ofa-oSsiKrvni. ~o5cpHaT6(i) -w,
-we'd), (fr. last)
lotted. AiroSct&t, d. sin. cont. Att. of to
strip, peel. ATrorkpf/aTdo/iat
A.xofiafffjtbs, -ov, 6, (fr. aTrofid^opat ATrc^iftf,
and Ion. A~6St,l;i$, -to?, -ovfjiai,
to have the hide, or cover-
to divide) tribute, tax ; a division, Att. -wj, >;, (fr. airofidKvvu.i to ing stripped off.

allotment, distribution ; partici- display) proof, demonstration ; -otitpw,

and Ion. A-rrooEtpw, (fr.

pation share, portion, lot.

; evidence, testimony ; a test, trial, airb from, and d/po) to skin) to
AxoSdaaaaOai, and Aitoodatrepdai, experiment ; a specimen, sample ; flay, skin, uncase ;
to peel, strip,
Poet, see a-Koodfynai. pattern, example. rofieois, -to?, Att. -w?, //, (fr.
A.iroSav\l<i), -urw,f.
(fr. a~b from, v6$nrvos, -ov, o, >/, (fr. cnrb from, a7TO(}f(,> to bind up) a tying, bind-
and 5av~\bs .52 ol. for oaXoj a and ouirvov dinner) after dinner, ing, fastening.
torch) to beat, or belabour with having dined, or supped. Or, (fr.
a piece of Jirwood, or a slick off" a-o priv. and same) without din- ATTo^rriicvta, (fr. next) to tie up,
the hearth ; to strike, bang. ner, supperless, hungry, empty, confine, bind, swathe, oandage.
-fat, -Krai, per. pass. Ion. for jrof-ff/ws, -ov, 6, (fr. airb
i, xoodpciv, airo<5f'pav, pres.
inf. act. o? airoSfpu). and f.fffjibg
a band) a packet,
i, per. pass. Tro^cipOTOfjLfij} -w, f. -i'mo, p. -VKU, bunilrl, parcel ; a wrapper, cloth,
-77, -ov, par. per. pass. (fr. KTTO intens. and to napkin; a swathe, band, ban-
Of behead) to decollate, cut off the dage; a fillet, headband, hair-
next) fear- (fr. head, behead; to slay, slaughter ; lace; a stomacher, or such like
fully, timidly, cowardly. to strip, or take off, or from about dress fur the breast, or bosom.
A.7ro5^tXiaKwf, -via, -oj, par. per. the neck. 1 a. act. axtfitiooTo 1 a. par.
Trooc^Quf, -icra, -iv,
act. of a7To<5(Xmw. <7u. 1 f. inf. act. airooipoTO[j.ri- pass, of
fiL.iro6cSoKiiJiafffJi.fvo5, -r], -or, par. ctiv.
per. pass, of aKo&OKiu.d > w. iroSEt^Qdf, -tiaa, -tv, 1 a. par. tay/trtt, (fr. OTTO intens. and (3f%o-
ATToc-fdofiai, per. pass, of ajroSi- pass. A~o$t'Y9{i&ffBciL, 1 f. /J.UI
to receive) to receive, take,
inf. pass, of airootlKWfLi. get, bear ; to entertain, treat ; to
A~o5ifiyaKa, in 3 pi. ATrotizSpd- TtoSeKaTovv, pres. inf. act. cont. take, accept ; to admit, allow,

Kaai, Jer. act. of ajrootSpdaKU}. A-occKarovTE, 2 pi. cont. pres. submit to, approve, of, assent to ;
A7ro(5f(5(OKa, per. ind. act. of ai:o- ind. act. AS-O^K-UTW, pres. ind. to comprehend ; to follow ; to ap-
act. eont. of praise, estimate, rate, value, es-
TToficKart'itj) -w, f. -c5ffa),
p. air< teem, pres. impr. mid.
' n-o^t^ov.
10 want) in/er/or subordinate; ScKti-u>Ka, fr. a-b intens. and <$- 1 a. ind.
pass. ai:i?>i')(l}rl v, 3 pi.
deficient, defective; void, want- Knrob), which see.
1 a. ind. mid. TO>
AnaSt?, f.
a7TOf5?/o-(, impers. (fr. (fr. last) decimation ;
a division s, -n, -ov, (par. pres.
same) there is
wanting, it is de- into tens; a punishment of every mid. of last) received, acknow-
ficient, it is
requisite, or neces- tenth; tithe; payment, or receiv- lt'f!'.-rd ;
acceptable, agreeable.
sary. ing of tithe. -M, f. -7/trw, p. -riKa, (fr.
AiroGiai-T(i), or -Iffcdi, and Aro5- .-xocfKccQai, Ion. for aTrot)i%caOai i>-(> intens. and Jfw to tie) to
-iacopai, (fr. :rd
pres. pass, of a~oof^ofiai.
inf. bind, up, or together, gird ;

from, and Suofoffouai to affright) ^itof'ZKTfos, -ti, -ov, or -ov, o, ?/

to f
ariose, pack, wrap up ; to fix,
io terrify, scare, frighten away ; (fr. a-xocit'xou.ai
to receive) to be fasten.
to deter, discourage, dissuvlc. received, admitted, or allowed; A~o<5f'w -w, (fr. same, and <5/w to
imp. (Z7ri>if5tc-ffoju>7V. that must be taken. want) to be absent, or away
A~oodKvvfti, f. a~oi}d%w, p. a oat Lffo^tKT)??, -ov, and AvoSsicrfifi. from. ; to be w.anting,
OSLKU, (fr. enro intens. and <*cm'u -rjfo*;, 6, (fr.same) a receiver. inferior ; to
fail, fall short.
iii to show) io show, exhibit, ma collector ; a tax gatherer, farmer A~of>rj\6o> -w, f. -oxroi, p. -una, fr.

nifest, discover, point out ; to

of the revenue, publican. same, and $ri\6<o,
which see.
play, expose ; to demon
publish, ^.Jro^tKro^ -ov, o, >i, (fr. same' -w, f. ->/<ra>, p. aTroocSi'/-
make good,
strate, prove,
evince acceptable, pleasing, agreeable, (fr. OTTO from, and ^J/JKO?
make appear ; render, make grateful, welcome ; approved, people) to go from. Iiome, tra-
cause to be. pres. inf. act. atro tried. vel, journey ; to sojourn, reside
OMKvvvai. par. aira^etici'ffc. 1 abroad. 1 a. ind. act. axcSjipriva'
ind. act. a-iau^a' inf. a^ooul- tens, and ctvtipov
a tree) to grou par. a7TO(5j7^t>;<raj.
Ion. airoot^ai. pres. inf. pass thick, or close; to be covered iroori/jtrirrig, -ov, o, (fr. Bame) a
airoodicvvaQai. per. aKooiSziyna overgrown, or overrun with trees .
traveller ; a sojourner, lodger ; a
par. airoo6iynfvog. to shoot,
sprout, become, or be stranger ; engaged, or busy
AKOOEIKVVS, -vaa, -vv, a. sin. -vui changed into a tree. pres. inf abroad.
ra, par. pres. act. of last. pass. a-ohvfyovaQai. pass 1 a. TrocriiJiriTYKbs, ->j, -bv, or -ov, 6, ^,
ind. travel-
a-xQOtvcpwQriv par. airooev (fr. same) journeying,
{fr. same)
demonstrative, shou ling ; foreign ; living, or trading
ing; proving, convincing. Airoo^d^evoi;, Ion. for abroad.
AKootiKrYicus, (fr. last) evidently i,
1 a. inf. act. and 37:0- same) a jour-
iroGnn'ia, -o?, ^, (fr.
clearly, explicitly. o^, 1 a. par. mid. of UTTO- ney, travelling ; residence abroad,
-ov, I), fy, (fr. airooti . And other parts in like foreign service ; absence from
display) that can i manner. home.
ou, 6, f,, same)
(fr. funv' sub. mtoouiftai' inf. airoloG-
going, or ftwing- abroad, an aly- Oai, par. anooouwos.
sentee; a traveller, sojourner, A.iro6rt<TTTi[jii,
and Airo&jo-raa) -w,
lodger. (fr. aro intens. and liiarrini to
to break
Airocnuuv, par. pres. act. cont.
of part) to separate, divide ;
airocnuffi). to decide, deter-
off, interrupt ;

Airooia, -j, r?, (fr. airovj without mine, make an end of.

feet) v:ant offset. A.lto$tKdfo, f.

-dad), (fr. afb priv.
A-octatra'w -u, f. -f,ff(.<i, (fr. a~o in- and SiKdfa to judge) to acquit,
tens. arid <5airaw to diet) to ar- free, clear.
bitratc, mediate; decide, deter- A-TroSiKid) -tD, f. -/<!(), (fr. same,
mine. 1 a. ind. act. a-xtciijTrioa. and eiKtj sentence) to plead.
Asro&atnvAAw, f.
-tAaJ, p. airtcii- A.Tro5iviu) -w, f. ->7ffa>, (fr. same,

cra\Ka, (fr. same, and (Jtao-rAXw and livid) to roll) to whirl; to

to separate) to divide from, ex- tumble, roll over.
t- i . r
clude ; to keep off", hinder ; to
enclose, fence, hedge; appro-
set aside.
Affo^arcipw, f.
-v//a>, (fr. same, and
to delay) to abide,
Stai-plflu rest,
wait, stay ; to trifle, loiter, linger.
A.iroi$dffKb), f. -^w, (fr. OTTO from,
and oiSdffKw to teach) to un-
teach ; to unlearn, forget.
JiiroSicoeiv -ovv, for axoSidovai,
pres. inf. of airoSiSwuin
&i:octfouat, pres. pass', of same.
Ajroctorfvai, pres. inf. act. ATTO-
^^o'rw, 3 sin. pres. impr. act.
A.Tro&i$ovr, neut. sin. and ATTO-
rj, n. pi. par. pres. act.
A TO*:'.


ri'ftrKW, f. aToupac'Cj, (fr. airo

from, and ^trpacrKw to fly) to
flee, fly away, run off, escape;
to hide, skulk, shrink from, see
Ano Ano Ano
2 a. inf. or Ion. for zone, or girdle ; to unbind, untie ; AiroBr/pitotris, -to?, Att. -EWJ, ft,
Airefyifyat, (fr.
inf. of to put out of office, airb intens. and
airocpavat, pres. airo&pripi, discharge, dis- $r/piov
a wild
same as airoopd ss, disband; to separate, dis- beast) wildness, fierceness, sa-
A.T,&&Q'nat<;, -LOS, Ion. for airdopacis unite, force away. I a. inf. pass. vageness, cruelty.
Air65pouo;, -ov, o, f/, (fr. anorpe^ AiroBqeavplfa, f. -hrw, p. airoTeBtj-
to run back) coming back, return- AiroBi
cavpiKa, (fr. arrb intens. and $r)-
-Aoi, p,
ing, arriving, reaching the goal; (ft. OTTO priv. and SdAAw to bloom) oavplfa to treasure) to lay up,
also inferior, beaten in the race. to
cast, shed, or drop the fiower ; hoard, amass ; to store, collect.
f. airb intens. to wither, decay, fade. 1 a. ind.
AtroSpvirriD, -1/-W, (fr. AiroBnoavpionbg, -ov, 6, i), (fr. last)
and optima to tear) to lacerate, act. airtdnXa. per. pass, airorf- hoarding, amassing.
rend, mangle; to strip, skin, peel, 1 f. mid.
excoriate. Airo6avciai,lon. and A7ro0aj>?,Att. Atro6\lpj>vai. 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of
Airotiptdtu, (fr. airb intens. and cpv- 2 pin. of anoBavov-
for airodavrj,
AiroB\i(3u>, f.
p. airoT[B\i(j>a,

0w, fr. 2 a. of cpv-Ta) to tear) ,

2 f. mid. of aTcoBvt'ioKu. (fr. aird intens. and ^Af/3o to
same as airoopvTTTw. pres. opt. A-oQuvtiv, 2 a. inf. act. Airofla press) to press upon, squeeze,
i a. sub.
airoopv\p(a. vtladat, 2 f. inf. mid. A7ro0a- crowd, confine ; to express, wring,
I a. ind. pass.
airtcpv<j>6i)v. vurai, 3 sin. and AiroBavciaBt, 2
strain, squeeze out ; to dart out,
Airoopti, cont.
airocpdw. pi. 2 f. ind. mid. of same. emit ; to strike, dash ; to oppress.
a7ro<5pdojju, pres. \Airo6avo7ffa, Dor.
Att. for for airoQavovca, AiroQvfiffKtt, 3 sin. and -Kouev,
opt. act. of airoSpdu). n. sin. fern.
par. pres. act. of
j -novel, 1 and 3 pi. pres. ind.
or Airoovu, f. -vau>, p. same. act. AiroQvfiaKtiv, pres. inf.

zTTootoWa, (fr. airb from, and o5- Airo6dvta, -T?J, -?/, 2 a. sub. act. act. A7To0vi7<mx, 3 sin. pres.
*< or ovw to
enter) to strip, di- AiroQavwv, -ovaa, -bv, g. sin. opt. act. AiroQvrjffKuv, -ovva,
vest, unrobe, undress ; to despoil, -ovroj, d. sin. -nvn, a. sin. -ovra, -ov, par. pres. act. of
plunder; to loosen, untie. Airo- par. 2 a act. of same. AiroBvrjffKui, f.
arro0v>/^o), p. airoriQ-
ovofiai, to put off, cast off,lay AiroBappfu -to, f.
-jfaw, (fr. aird in- vr/Ka, (fr. airb intens. and $v;/-
aside; to prepare, make ready, tens. and
Sapbfta trust) to to con- CKW to die) to decease, die ; to be
undertake, par. act. airoods. fide, trust ; be bold, confident ; dead to, renounce, forsake ; to be
pres. pass, anodvofjiat. imp. airt- to venture, dare. as dead ; to be omitted, not count-
3 pi. airtovovTO, A7ro0v^du>, f. -dc-u>, (fr. same, ed. 2 a. act. ind. airiBavov sub.

AiroSvpopai, f. -pov^at, (fr. airb in- and av/mto to wonder) to ad- airoQdvdi' inf. airoBavelv par.
tens. and oSvpopat to to mire, wonder at to venerate, airodavSiv. 2 f. mid. airoBai/ovfiat.
grieve) ;
lament, bewail, deplore. look up to, respect, regard. OTTO from, and -So-
A7ro0opfw -w, (fr.
Airoovs , -vaa, -vv, par. pres. Aro- AiroBcivw, (fr. a~o intens. and-S-a'vu ptd)
or to leap) to leap down.
6v 1 a. inf. act. AiroSvad- to strike) to be cut off; to die. Air66ov, -tffBu), 2 a. impr. mid. of
/JLCTOS, par. 1 a. mid. of airdovpt. Arro0fjuvof , -77, -ov, par. Airo-
Air6ov<ri$, -toj, Att. -w?, ;/, (fr. BfffBai, inf. 2 a. mid. AiroOea- AiroBoiJvrai, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of
airo^vfit to strip) a stripping, un- 0, 2 pi. impr. 2 a. mid. Airo- airodfM, to run.
dressing ; a loosening, untying. 0(fy0a, pi. 2 a. sub. mid. of Ajro0pa)<rx:wo-u',3pl. pres. sub. act. of
AiroovGireTfio -w, f.
-fjcu>, (fr. airb
-au>, (fr. airb from,
from, Sits ill, and 'Airo0v, (fr. a?ro from) /row afar ; and SpwffKw to leap) to kap
down, or off;

to fall) to fret, fume, chafe; to far, distant, to alight, dis-

be impatient, take ill; to resist, AiroQtdu) -fi, f. -wo-w, (fr. airb in-
mount ; to spring back, rebound,
tens. and $oj a deity) to deify,
start, rush out.
oppose, struggle against. recoil ; to

Airo&vffirtTTjffis, -joj, Att. -0)j, t), rank among the gods. AiroBvpios, -ov, 5, rj, (fr. airb from,

same) anger, rage; fretful- f. -to-w, (fr. same, and and the mind)
(fr. iroBtpi^b), unpleasant,
to reap) to mow,
ness, impatience, sullenness. $pa> ow, reap, unacceptable, disagreeable ; hate-
AiroSvrfipiov, -ov, ro, (fr. andc-v^i gather, collect harvest ; to fell, ful, odious.
to strip) a room for undressing. cut down ; to cut off, extirpate, for
airoBav/jiaffas, I

AiroSvd), or AiroSvvui, f. -vo-w, p.

a. par. act. of
strip, spoil. airoBav^d^.
-vxa, see air6f>vyti. AiroBtcrts, -io?, Att. -U?, r/, (fr. AiroiriTos, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. a neg. and
AirocGj, -wj, -w, Airo5u>r/v, -yr/s, airoriBTjfjLi
to set
down) a putting rrotfw to make) rude,
rough, un*
off, or away a discharge, dis-
; finished, imperfect.
mission ; a deprivation, degrada- .iroiKfw -u>, f. -fail), (ft. airb from,
Air6$(i)v, g. pi.
of dirovs. tion, removal.
and oiKidi to dwell, th. OIKOS a

A7ro(5ajjovrj, n. pi. par. and ATTO- Air60taro$,-ov, o,/;, (fr. a neg. and house) to come to live, come from
<5wo t,
3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of iroBld) to desire) unregarded, abroad ; be far from home, be
neglected, slighted. absent ; to
migrate, emigrate,
A.Tr6airov, -eg, -s, 2 a. ind. Air6a AirdBtros, -ov, 6, r,, (fr. airortBnui change residence.
impr. by Apos. for airouirc to lay by) set aside, laid by ; AiroiKf.ffia, and AiroiKta, -as, >/, (fr.

Airoeiirw, -ps, -77, sub. Poet, for hidden, abstruse. Sub. o musi- same) absence from home, resi-

airiirov,airt'iir', tirctirw,ff.(nrtir<a. cal measure. dence abroad a colony, planta-

and in- settlement ; a carrying into
Airotipd), (fr. OTTO intens. i'pw AiroBlui -w, f. -cvo-o), (fr. airo tion,
same as 00tpw to destroy) to tens. and $0) to run) to run with captivity.
drive away,
hinder, repel; to
speed, hasten ; to run away, set AiroiKi^w, f.
-tew, p. air&KiKa, (fr.

separate, divide. off" running. I f. mid. aro0vo-o- same, and OIK'I^U

to found) to

Affofpyw, Poet, for airtpyw, same colonize, plant, settle ; to remove,

as Att. -a>j, %, (fr. carry into captivity. 1 a. ind. act.
airdpyw. AiroBt&pTjaiSi -toj,
and Airoipow, f.
airoipau, aito intens. and ^ftuptw to view) air&Kiaa' inf. airotKiaat. per. pass.

(ft. airbfrom, and tppw to pine) a sight, view, prospect ; exami- air&Kianai par. airuKic pivog. 1 a.
to swallow up, ingulph, sweep nation, inquiry. ind. pass. airyiclffBriv par. avw-

away, overwhelm, devour, destroy. AiroBfu>ai$, -ios, Att. -wj, -ft, (fr. KtaBds.
I a. ind. act. ^Eol. airoBtdu to deify) placing among and AITOIKOS, -ov.
AiroiKts, -icos, fa
airdeptra, -aj,
-, without an augment. the gods; consecration,haUowing, o, same) c colonist, settler,

Airowvvvjui, or Airo^vvdw, f. airo- A.iro6>']KT), (fr. planter. Adj. of a settlement,

^(6ffu, (ft. airb from, and Qtivvv- lay up) a storehouse, repository, colonial.

to gird) to ungird, loose the warehouse ; a barn, granary. AtroiKioftbs, -ov, 5, (fr. same) colo-
, emigration ,
1 a. sub. pass. Ajro/caAu00fr
into captivity.

Axoiicoiopfu -w, f.
-;}(7to, (fr.
prir. and otcocjo/ifw to build, th.
ot*coy a house) to build up, stop
up, barricade ; to dismantle, pull
down, destroy, overthrow.
f. -w, (fr. airb intens.
and o</itoto to lament) to bewail,
bemoan, weep for, deplore.
'A-Koiva, -wy, Tl, ,

(fr. OTTO" from, anc

wotv^ punishment. Or, as if
d<poiva same, and </idvoj mur-

der) ransom, redemption ; a

fine, penalty, forfeiture.
Arroivaw -w, f. -rjad>, and Airoivdco
-w, f. -wffto, (fr. last) to ransom,
redeem, quit for a fine ; to fine.
avenge, pres. inf. aTroivifV.
Airoiffsrov, 2 du. of Airoiaia, 1 f. of
ajroty^/ffo/zat, p. ario-
%qpai, (fr. OTTO from, andotvo^iat
to go) to 5-0 au>a#, ab-
depart, be
sent, par. pres. a-rrot^cJ/uvoff, g.

AxoKaQaipu, and AroKa0apfto, (fr.

aird intens. and KaQaipu, and *a-
0aptto purify) to cleanse away
any defilement ; expiate, purl
fy ',
to dean thoroughly.
Aroicddapais, -to?, Att. -a>?, f], (fr
last) purification, cleansing
ATroKadrifiat, (fr. aitb from, anc
KdQrjpai to sit) to si/ down; to
apart, separate, retire ; to

loiter, be indolent, listless ; to be

faint, ill.

AiroKaOr}fiivr), -rjs, f), (fr. last) hav-

ing the catamenia.
AiroKa6icrr<p, 3 sin. cont. prea. ind.
act. of a-noKaQiffrdu.
A.TTOKa9i<Trdvi$, 2 sin. pres. hid.
act. of airoKa6io~rdv(j).

AiroKaOnrrdtt}, and
>, f. -t}O(t), p. OTTOKa-

a, (fr. UTTO intens. and KH-

i to to
., appoint) reform,
restore, retrieve, recover. ATTO*
Kaditrranai, to subside, sink down,
settle. 1 a. ind. act.
<ra 1 a.,
pass. dTTOKciTEOTddrjv'

AiroKadiorwv, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont.

imp. ind. act. of airoKadiffrdw.
f. -atfirw, (fr. aTrd
Airo(catto, intens.
and /caj'to to burn) to burn
consume ; to
parch, scorch.
AiroKaKfu) -5, f. -^o-to, (fr. same,
and Kahili) to faint, fail, yield,
sink under misfortune.
-/J<rw, and -tcu,
-oKci\i<j> -to,
same, and KaXfto to call) to call
back, recall, send for, invite ; to
call, name.
AirocaXv7rrw, -^w, p. airoKicd\v-
$a, (fr. airb from, and jcaXvrrw
to cover) to
untei/, sfonc, display
to uncover, expose; to
reveal, dis-
close. 1 a. act. ind.
airo/caAu^ai. per. pass, airo-
1 a.
pass. ind. axt-


par. a-oKa\v(f>-
j. 1 f. pass. aTOKaXr00;/cr>/zai.
3 sin. and -Q&m. 3 rl
Ano Ano Ano
and KXtfw to wash) to wash out, speak, or say / to take up a sub- ceive) to engender, beget, breed,
or away, f^ace ; to sweep away, ject, or discourse ; to observe up- bring forth ; to produce, ccaae,
cleanse ; to on, remark. 1 occasion. 1 a. act. a-rrfKvriaa.
overwhelm ; to rinse, pass

purify, expiate. ffoftat.

I a.
pass, ind,
AiroKvalw, f. -aurw, (fr. same, and impr. airoKplQqri, 2 pi. a (fr. aitb from, and KvXlu to roll)
TC' par. to ro# dotwi or
Kvaio) to gnaw) to weary, fatigue, airoicpidds.
1 a. ind. 'mid.
oiooy ; to remove.
a. act. aTTc/ctfXiffa.
fret, smart ;
to to I
overpower ; per. pass.
afflict, trouble, grieve.

AiroKvify, f.
-icrw, (fr. same, and cases of fr. aitb intens. and *cu-

Kvifa to cut)
to pluck, twitch, -tos, Att. -toj, fi, (fr. Atfw, which see.
to tear, rend; to cut to reply) an answer, A7ro/cto0do//ai -ovfuai, (fr. same, and
pinch; lop,
'eply ; a separation,
/cw^df deaf) discharge of Ku>0(3u to deafen, th.
A7ro/cOjUt'u>, -<Vw, (fr- airb from,
excrement. to grow
deaf, or dumb.
and /co//i'u> to carry) to bring, AiroKpirtov, (fr. same) to be answer- ATroXctjfo?)/, 2 a. inf. act ArroXa- --
take, carry away ;
transport. ed, it must be answered. /3d/ii/oj, -^, -oj/, par. 2 a. mid.
Att. for a7ro(co- -bv, (fr. same) ju- A.iro\d(3ti, 3 sin.
ATTO/CO/KW, -aj, -?, -fi, A7roXa'j8a)//v,
u/erw,* 1 f. act. of last. dicial ; condemnatory, 1
pi. AiroXa#5<7<, 3 pi. 2 a. sub.
,. // .

mid. of act. of airo\aupdv(a,

AnoKonna, -arcs, TO, {IT. airoKonrw AiroKpova6ai, pres. inf.
fr. a;rd intens. and
to cut off) a fragment, piece, ~oKpov<j), -ovau), (fr. and from,
part, shred,morsel.
and Kpoiib) to strike) to put away, Xay^dvw, which see.
AiroKoirds, -etca, -fv, par.
2 a. pass. thrust back, drive off; to repel, ATroXaKTi^a), fr. same, and Xa/cr^w,
of same, g. sin. fern. AiroKoird- repulse, beat off. which see.
A7roXa///3aviv, pres. inf. act.

AnoKoirri, -rjs next) a cu<-

: >% (fr.
3 sin. imp. of airoicpvirTdoKu, Ion. ATroXa^/?ai/o//v, 1
pi. pres. ind.
a for act. n.
/ing^ o^"; deficiency, want, A7roXa///3a'vovry, pi.

failing; a fragment, piece ; abo- par. pres. act. of

litionof debts; a figure when (fr. airb intens. and Kpvirru to A7roXa^/?avw, aTroX^-opaJ, p. ano-

something is omitted at the end of hide) to conceal, hide, obscure ; XAty^a. (fr. an-d from, and Xa///3a-
a word. to lose sight of, leave behind ; to ra> to
take) to taAe ftacfc again, re-
Airo/cdirrw,f. -^a>,p. anoKfKotya, (fr. eclipse, excel ; to disguise. 1 a. gain, recover ; to take back, or in
airb from, and Acdirro) to cut) to act. ind.
2 a. ind. airt- return, be recompensed; to se-
cut off; to amputate ; to cut off, Kpvftov. per. pass. airoKfKpv/ji^ai. lect, choose, take out of, except;
a hiding, take aside; to cut off, inter-
dislodge ; to put an end
defeat, AiroKpv<f>fi, -rjs, >'], (fr. last)
to ; to exclude, debar. 1 a. act. concealment; a covert, shelter, cept ; to take, get, obtain ; to re-
2 a. pass. ind. airic6- recess, retreat. ceive, entertain, par. per. act.
per. act. Att. ird-
injv' inf. airwoirfjvai par. airoico- irdKpvtpos, -on, 6, ^, (fr. same) -
hidden, concealed ; disguised ; par. aira^^wf. 2 a. ind.

A.TTOKopv(j)ovv, pres.
inf. act. cont.
doubtful, apocryphal ; secret ; a. sub. a7roXo/3w. 2
of treasured, laid up, stored, mid. a-niXafldnriv.
f. -werw, (fr. airb
Att. -Wf, ?/, (fr. A7roXa//7rpvvw, fr. same, and Xa/<-
AiroKop$<5w -5, irdtcpvipts, -LOS,
from, and Kopv<pfo to erect, th. same) a concealing, hiding. irpvvw, which see.
the to swm />, com- AiroKrdpcv, Ion. and AiroKra^tvai, AjroXo^Trw, f. -i//o), p. -6a, (fr.
Kopvtyri top)
prise, collect, bring
to a point. Dor. for airoKTtlvai, 1 a. inf. same, and \dinrai to shine) to
'ATTOKOJ, -ov, b, f/, (fr.
a neg. and act. A7roKra//VO?, g. Ion. glitter, beam, shine forth, enlight-
irdKos a fleece) without wool. a~oKraiifvoio, par. of airtKra^nv, en ; to shoot, dart, gush, or issue
1 f- inf. act. Arrd- 2 a. ind. mid. of airoKTrjfjii for forth. 1 a. act airi\a^a.
KO^/OV, 1 a. impr. act; Airo- airoKrdvia, -7<ra, -fj>, Dor. or
3 pi.
1 f. hid. mid. of tiaa, -tv, par. Ion. for airoX700j, par. 1 a.
AiroKTavOr>vai, inf. AiroKTav- pass, of airoXaju/Savw.
or -vvvw, (fr. airb QS>, -rjs, -ij,
3 pi. -Q&ai, sub. A.ir6\avcris, -10$, Att. -tof, >/, (fr.
intens. and Kpf^dia to hang) to 1 a.pass, of awoXatiw to enjoy) profit, advan-
to overhang. roKrdvw, f. -wG), p. airlKraica, tage, benefit; enjoyment, fruition;
famg- p, suspend ; (fr.

same, and arrb intens. and xrdvw to to gratification, luxury, a. sin. amJ-
Air<5*f;/<vos, -ov, 6, >% (fr. kill)
a precipice) precipitous, kiU, slay, slaughter ; to destroy, \avaiv.
steep, abrupt, craggy, overhang- abolish, ruin. 1 a. act. ind. a-ni- ATroXavarof, and A7roXau(rryK6j,-oi/,
ing. KTsiva' sub. airoKTUvW inf. airo- 6, //, (fr. same) luxurious, volup-

-V, n. pi. -Qiv-

Krsivaf par. airoKrdvas' 2 a. act. tuous, gratifying.
A.itoKpidiis, -?ffa,
TEJ, -Qiiaai, -Ofvra, par. 1 a. airfKTavov. per. mid. airtKrova. A.iro\av(i), f.
-avcrta, p. airo\{\a\)Ka }

pass, of airoKfivofiai. per. pass. a~r(KTa.fiai,-aoai, -arai, (fr. as-o from, and Xarw, obs. fr.
1 a. inf. pass, of and airfKraftfiat, -avoai, -avrai. Xa'a) to
enjoy) to enjoy ; to wia&e
same. 1 a.
pass. ind. airtKrdvQr,v inf. MSC o/, deZi^ft/ in; to
reap the
A7r<5cpty<a, -arof, TO, (fr. same) an a-!roKrav6i)vai' par. airoicrav6d$. fruit or profit of, take the benefit
answer, reply ; a decree, act ; a 7rOKTVtlS, 2 Sin. A7rOKTV?T', 2 of, feel the effect of. pres. impr.

sentence, decision. pi. ATroKTEvouo-t, 3 pi. 1 f. act. air6\av, 1 a. act. ind. airtXavaa,
1 a. inf. act. or impr. of last. Ion. airdXavva' sub. airo^avau' 1
mid. AitoKplvaaQai,
1 a. inf. AirOKTtVVli), ATTOKTeVVVU),AirOKTfVVV- pi. airo\avffb)nv.
mid. A.iroicpivaQai, pres. inf. [u, ATTOKrfJ/n, ATTOKTIVVVHI, same A.iro\a(j>dts, -ciaa, -tv, Dor. for a* o-
pass. AiroKpiv?7,2, AiroKpl-
and as airoKTdvw, pres. inf. act. aTro- (f,
1 a.
par. pass, of OTTO-
vtrai, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, and KTivvvvai, par. pres. act. arro- vo).
1 a. inf. mid -- ATTO- KTIVVVS, in a. sin. atroKTivvvvra (i/,
2 a. inf. act. of aao-
Poet, for airoKpidtvr ofairoKrlvvvfii.
n. du. par. 1 a. pass, of airb intens. and
To/ct)/?5w,(fr. , ),(. -fa,p.-\i\ X a,(&.airb
Airo/cpi'vofiai, -ofy(ai, p. airoKiKpif KV&MU) to game, th. Kt5/3os a die) from, and Xtyw to speak) to

pai, (fr. a-irb intens. and KQ'IVU> to play at dice; to gamble; to choose, pick,cull; to pluck, gather,
to discern) to be separated, set risk, venture. collect; to reject, slight; to de-
apart, selected, chosen; to an- troKviu) -5, f.
p. airoKKvriKa,
-rjff(a, clare, signify, pronounce; to for-

twer, reply ; to take occasion to (fr. same, and KUJ'W or KVW to con- bid, prohibit. Airo\iyofiai, to
cease, speaking, sink, yield, faint;
A no A1IO
take one's self away ; to go
apportitm, divide among, pei
off, de- 7T(i intens. and opopyvvfii to
part, imp. air\vov.
1 a. act. ind.
pass, a-oufpajuii. See wipo) to wipe away, clean tho-
afffAucra' impr. a*6\ti<r<iv' sub. Arro/^A.-uVw, f. -%via, fr. airb intens roughly ; to brush off, put away,
K~o\vcrat' pur. a~o-
which see. remove. 1 a. mid.
imp. pass. ,
ATTOjUf/za^a, -a$, -, per. ind. act Lirondcai,
1 a. inf. act. of airouvvut.
pi. a per. pa tt-oAf- of !

(fr. airo
itonvQi(j) -G>, -7/o-ti), from,
Auuat 1 a. pass. ind. tw&tiOTjv, Airoftftidopai, f. -^'up.ai, (fr. OTT
and to
speak) to dis-
3 pi. nrcXvdrjffav' sub. airo\v6u> intens. and
^00/iai to blame suade, advise against, divert, turn
2 pi. iiroAvOriT' par. ai{f \v8els. t-, charge ; to chide from ; to prohibit, forbid, hinder.
-us, -a, 2 f. ind. act. of ,-rprovK; to deter, dis imp. pass. a;rpi;0(5//;v -otif.ir)v.
or -rrw, f.
TTOjutfaffw, -^w,' (fr. airb
AroAwjSrt'w -w, Ai ar,d ", f.
-vui, (fr. same, am intens. and /^c-o-w to wipe) to

same, and wait.) to sto?/, tarry. tjpc clean ; to blow the nose ; to
which see. ;'^u>,
-itjta, (fr. same, an overreach, trick.
ATTfJAwAa, -M?) -, A-jr0AwXtt(i', ATTC- HKpifa to share) to divide among A~ovaio[j.at., same as atrovaiiai.
AwAtKfVai, ATToAcoAfiw, ATr portion; to appoint, com- Airdvavro, 3 pi. infp. of
Awy, -t>7,-<5?. 7ro>Au/. see mission, intrust.
ATroAwAwf, -uTa, -6?, neut. pi. -Aw- .'.>!.b)
-&, f.
-jjffa, (fr. same (fr. same, and tvrjjjn
to help) to
A<5-a, par. per. mid. Att. of and pcTplii) to measure) to wiea- receive benefit from, take pro-
same. s we o^", take measure of; t'
fit of, enjoy; to trust to, rely
A~oAw:n'a), f. -law, (fr. rro from, measure out, allot. upon.
and AWTTI^W to strip) to sirip o^T, -ounai, to measure for myself, xriv, Jroet. tor airovacbiai,
undress, put off" clothes. : .'.-/tare. 3 pi. 1 a. sub. of
A.irt!\<i>Tt<a, f.
-ru, Att. -j'oi, to f. fr Airovdui -w, f. -daw, (fr. airb from,
fi.ironiiK.fi vu>, -uvw, p. -uyjca,
pluck, tear, pull. same, and MKUVU, which see. and vdia to dwell) to remove,
A7ToAu><iaa>, or -0?w -w, w, (fr. f.
A-oui7iwo$, -<ra, -av, 1 a. par change residence ; to return,
from, and Ato^aw to rest) to act. of come back ; to send away, send
allay, mitigate, assuage ; to calm, A-iTo>.tr)viw, f.
-tffu, p. -j/ca, (fr.
to another abode ; to eject, drive
quiet, still.
snnie, and nrjvia to be angry) tc away, separate.
AiiojidQnai?, -105, Att. -Wf, ^, (fr. cherish a.
lasting hatred, bear ma- A7roi/cr0at -iiaQai, pres. inf. pass,
avofiavBdvu to unlearn) forget- lirc, grudge. of airovfouai.
fulness, oblivion, failure of recol- i
-oT'iwi, (fr. same, auc rrovf/JKa,
p. airovtviiirjKa,
lection ; decay of memory. Hiiitopat to mimic) to imitate, (fr. airb
intens. and vipa to di-
-nvpai, (fr. awo in- copy, try to rcsembk, counterfeit. vide) to allot, share, distribute.
tens. and naivowi to rage) to be
pres. inf. aitomfteiff^ai'paf rrovevQtjfttvos, -rj, -ov, par. per.
mad, beside one's self, distracted. pass, of airovofb).
Or, (fr. airb priv.) to cease from iroiupriiJia, -aroj. ro, (fr. last) an rrovcvor/ptvws, (fr. last) foolishly,
madness, or raging, recover imitation, rcsenblance, counter- wildly, distractedly,
reason. feit. rrovfonai, (fr. a~b from, and via
Axouavctva, n. fcm. par. 2 a. pass, irOfiiTpota -i5, (fr.
airb from, and
to go) to go, depart; to return,
of last.
jurpa a mitre) to s/rip c^" </*c come back.
Airo/j.av9dvd}, f.
airo^iaQ^aoi-iai, p. mitre, take off the turban, unco- AirovEGTtpos, -a, -ov, Poet, for airo-
a-opefiddrjKa, (fr. aro priv. .and ver the head. vutrepos, comp.
of dirovos-
to learn) to
unlearn, A7TOf{vo//ff(, f. -wftcopai, p. ai TTOvevw, f.
fjiavBdvui -sued), p. airovivivKa,
forget; to
disuse, be ovt of prac- IJLtiivrinai,
and ,<
from, and i/ct'u to nod)
(fr. airb
tice. 2 a. act. aiTfuaOov. per. (fr. same, and p.
to beckon, express by signs of the
ind. pass. airontfidQiffuut to
remind) to remind one's self, head; to dissent, disagree, de-
AiropapaivM, (fr. OTTO intens. and call to mind, recollect, remember ; cline.

wither) iveaken, to to think of. 1 a. mid. ind. arr^<- -ovrjfjti, act. of airdvapai, which
debilitate, enfeeble. Airopapaivo- inf. 1 a. see.
vT)<jd/jLr)V aironvfjcraaOai*
to pine, waste, dwindle, di-
pass. airjj.v)']ffdr!V. Tovjjri, sup. a7rov)?rdrara, (fr. a
minish, grow weak,
away. die
irourr/ndvsv/jia, -arog, ro, (fr. next) neg. and irdvos labour) easily,
AironapTvpfn) -w, (fr. same, and C7i adage, maxim, memorable v-ithout difficulty, or trouble.

papTvpfu to testify, th. /tdprvp a saying ; a memoir, history, re- rovi^b), (fr. OTTO intens.
witness) to witness, prove, give cord. These verbs are used by the
evidence. irouvijuQvs&t&m i. -cU(7{zJ 5 (fr. ct?ro in- dialect of the Tarentines, for

and A~oj.idffcrij), or tens. and pvr]povEv<i) to remind)
and airovhrw, which see.

-rrw, f. -w, (fr. to impress on the memory, re- LTrovtKaw -u, fr. same, and VIKI'M,
same, and ndacaa to press) to mind: to remember. \vhich see. 1 a. inf. act. airoviicTi-

wyjc ojf/ to rwft down ; to ex- -6p>ti<rai, 1 a. impr. mid. cf aro- 00.14

press, fashion, shape; to mould, 7r,j'.'(7T7u, f. -^w, (fr. same, and

portray. viirTu to wash) to wash, proper-
A7ro/,(arat'ci), (fr. airb from, and same. and \ivn,^ ly the hands ; to wash off, or out ;
to fool, th. ftdrrjv in vain) vu(? to clean, cleanse; to shake off,
/Ltara?o> ; recollection, ;;

to belch.
evil) to remember a wrong, or free from.
A-irofid^ofiat, (fr. same,
and f/a^o- affront, keep a grudge^ live in irovoeo) -<3, f. -r'trw, (fr. airb from,

/K<H to fight)
to fight for, defend;
enmity. and vow to think) to distract,
to persist, in, or support a fight ; or Airopvvw, f. perplex, bewilder, set mad. ATTO-
-;;.-iT/ri, mrofioaw,
to put to .flight, repel, drive off. p. ''-.iri'ipoKa, (fr. airo intens. and voeo/.i.ai -ov'tai, to dote, rave, go
Airopei\iffff<j), -fw, and
or -rro>, f.
onvv^.i to
swear) to siocar to, mad ; to despair,
(fr. same, and on do-
airufni\tffffOfiai, r/.^r/'/t oo/7i.
Or, with //.?} irovoia, -as, 'i, (fr. last) folly,
to sweeten) to *oo/z, following, to rfeny on oath, swear tage; madness, distraction, in-
coZm, soften, mollify to isres. inf. act. airo- fatuation profligacy, vicious
; gratify, ;

indulge. conduct.
3 sin. pres. ind. of >'i.
-a?, j/, (fr. arr A-ovos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and
i, (fr. OTTO through, and to ailo') a .'./.arc, portion, part. nSvos labour) at ease, without
to divS.-U:) (fr. labour ; easy, without difficulty.
Ano Ano AHO
Anovoardffas, Dor. for a-ovoart'iaas, last) a dismiss'd, discfur, j, -on, I, i^n.

-aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act. of jection, refusal. (fr. airoir\fw to set sail) a weigh-
ATovooTfw -6i, f. -ijcro),
(fr. a*b from, per. pass, of < ing anchor, setting sail, depart-
and voffTtta to return) to come ure.

hack, return Airo7rf-Au/,-rt, per. act. ofan-OTrXfw iroTrXfya, -Sro s , T fi, (fr. next)/ouZ
(fr. ura from,
and v6a<f> A.xoTrtTr'Xv'yKa, per.act. ofairoir).vvw , m ^hich things had been
apart) asunder, apart, severally act. Airo- washed,
-K^a, per.
separately. ~iriynai. -$;ai,-Krat, per. pass , -vvia, airo7rf7rXvy/ta,
Airovoo-i^u), (fr. last) to disjoin fr. an-o intens. and i:\vw, which
separate, sever, set apart :t. ol itTTOTKTrrw,
1 a. act, aJTV<5ff^>icfa. or Airoitnyvvu, (fr,

, Ion. for avoir\t'iv, pres.

Aro'j'TE?, 11.
pi. par. prcs. ofd-xtip.!, JJTO intens. and to fix) i< inf. of airoTrXfto.
(fr. aVovos easy) easily put together, frame ; to l ATTOTrm'of c-a, Poet, for
or trouble. make firm, or consistent. A xo- fern. par. pres. of airoirttw.

A.jrJ^vof, -0v, 6, ^, (fr. airb from, -iiyvvnai, to grow strong, orfirm Air6irviv<ns, -10$, Att. -tws, >;, (fr.
and l-tvos a stranger) inhospita- *e, become larger t next) panting, palpitation ; rest,
ble, unfrequented, wild, barba- freeze, stiffen, clot. drawing breath ; loss of breath,
rous, uncivilized, rude, savage. L7TOTr7<5ato -w, f. -^(rw, (fr. airb death.
A7ro|v<5w -w, f.
-ciffw, (fr. last) to from, and 707000) to spring) -to Airoirvfti) -to, and Poet. ATTOTTJ'^W, f.
banish, exile. recoil, rebound, start back ; to -t5ffto, p. airinvtv KU, (fr. anb forth,
Aroff'w, f. -f<70>, and ATroifuw, f. fail, revolt. and nviu) to breathe) to breathe

-tio-w, (fr. OTTO intens. and fu> or .iroirtd<j}, and Airo-tufa, f. - deep, or strong ; to pant ; to
fvo> to scrape) to scrape off, (fr. OTTO intens. and irti<a to breathe forth, expire ; to stop,
shave, polish, s/?> ',/.'/ : to
sharpen, press) to press together, squeeze ; rest, draw breath, respire; to
whet ; to wear ;i-my by rubbing, to strain, wring out ; to opprc exhale, smell of. 1 a. act. ari-
waste, reduce, lessen. 1 a. par. extort, constrain.
act. aTTO^ffttJ. Airoiriirrb), f.
a7707rro;ffo>, p. airori per. pass. airoiti-nvEvnai.
-avo>, p. -pay/fa, (fr. rwicrt, (fr. airb from, and TTJ-TW to ATroTvtyj7<r6'/iJ'os, -rj, -or, 2 f.pass.of
same, and fapaivu to dry) to dry fall) to fall down, or from ; to Arorri'iyoj, f. -t^w, p. aitoirfirviva,
up, parch, scorch. fall off", separate, apostatize ; to (fr. GTTO intens. and rvi'yw to
2 to strangle, choke ; to
AT:orray^(ronat,Zf. pass, of airo-xfiy- tscarry. ?.. ind. act. airi- choke) suf-
VU/U. focate, drown; to ciioke with
ATOflrajTTatVtt), -avo>, (fr. ard from,
TTOTrXa^cj, or -dyyio, f.
-y^w, p vexation, or anger. 1 a. act. airf-

and Trarrrajvo) to survey) to fern -\ayxa, (fr. aird intens. irvil-a' par. airoirvi^as~ 2 a. act.
round anrf look of, took 6adc and TrXa^w to confound) airlirrYyov. per. pass, airoirlirviy-
upon; to
avoid, flee from. !
set astray ; to
deceive, be- pai. 2 a. pass, aireirviyrjr. 2 f.
A.itOirairrav(ovGi, Ion. for aTro-aTT- tray. to err, mis- pass, airom'iytjaoftai.
Tavovai, 3 pi.
1 f. act. of last. take, wander, go astray ; to miss -OTTIOJ), -tj$, {;, (fr. airowfw to
A~oirapdcv6ii} -w, f. -o>cro>, (fr. a:rd .fly, or glance off". 1 a. ind. act. pant) breath ; fume, steam, va-
priv. and irapBtvos a virgin) to pour ; shortness of breath.
dffiour, ravish. ~*]Si ~n* mid. a~ ETrXay- Axoirvoia, -as, <;, (fr. same) a
A.iroTraTf(i) ~S>, c-3 from,
f. -fiaia, (fr. -w, -aro. breath, blast, breeze.
and Trarfo) to tread) to go out of jh/, pres. inf. act. cont. of
iroTTOif'o^at -ovfjLai,
-//ero^at, (fr.
the road, step aside ; to withdraw, Airoir\avd<.i} -to, f. -.'/<7to, p airb priv. and irou'w to make) to
retire ; to go to stool. TfXdvriKa., (fr. same, and rr undo; to withdraw, withhold,
-aros, TO,
A.TToiraTi)(ia, (fr. last) ex- to deceive) io had astray, mis- keep from ; to put away, cast
crement, ordure. lead, deceive, seduce. AwoTrXavuo- off", reject,
Air6iraTos,-ov, b,(fr. same) excre- pai, to deceive one's self, err, mis- 707rofira?os, -of, 6, (fr. aitb away,
ment ; a privy ; retirement for lake ; to go astray, fall off, apos- and to send) an averter
the purpose of stool. tatize, per. pass. of evils ; a guardian, protector.
ATTOTrafco, Ion. for aroravou, pres. 1 a. ind. pass, a
roiropirr<,-)is,ii, (fr. same)
a send-
impr. mid. Airo-avataQat, 1 f. Airoir\dv'iai$, -to?, Att. -EWJ, //, (fr. ing away, dismissal, discharge;
inf. mid. of last) deception, mistake, error. a divorce ; an escort, convoy.
Airoiravw, f.
-ai!<ro>, (fr. i:-oir\ieir, A-o~c'iT!?opai, (fr. irpar;)j a seller)
atb from, Airo-\tiiv, Poet, for
and iraviD to stop) to check, hold, V, pres. inf. act. and to sell.

stop, stay, hinder, prevent. AITO- AiroirXtvvavrct, n. pi. par.

1 a. act. -i.7roV.oo,
AiroitpoOev, or -Oi, Air6-
iravopai, to cease, desist, refrain, of rpoaBev, (fr. airb from, and rrpo or
abstain. ToirXfd) -5, f. airorXruVoi. p. airo~i-
7rpoV0i' before) away, far off, at
AiroVetpa, -as, fi, (fr. ai:b intens. -\tvKa, (fr. airb from, and irXaj a distance ; from afar.
and 7Tipa an attempt) experience, to sail) to weigh anchor, fail away, iroTTrah'u>, same as aQiirrrjui.
a trial ; risk, venture. set saU ; to sail back, return. {iroirTd[icvo$, -rj, -ov, par. of airtir-
A~oirtipdti) -C, f.
-a<ru>, or ->/<TUJ, (fr. Airoir\T)%ia, -as, >i, (fr- airb intens. rdftrjv,
2 a. mid. of atbiirrafiai.
same, and 7Tjpao> to try) to prove, and ^\>jffff<i> to strike) apoplexy, ^iroirTavioi-ffi, Ion. for airoirravovat,
make trying by a test,
of, stupor, languor, famines?,
asto- 3 pi. 1 f. of airoirraivw, same as
find by experience; to tempt, de- nishment, amazement. aQ'nrrrim. Or of
!to~\np6(* -w,
f. -totrw, (fr. same, L7ro7rTavo, (fr. airb back, and orrra-
ATTOTTE/.crTd'a) -5, f.
-wow, (fr. a~o and :rXr;pdw to fill) to fill up, ito to look) to look back upon,

from, and Trip-xros fifth) to ffc- mate up : to accomplish, fulfil ; turn round to look at ',
mand, exact a fifth; to to perform, execute ; to grow up. fieefrom. pres. ind. 3 pi. airoirrd-
share, divide a fifth, pres. inf. rrjTrX^puxris, -tog,
Att. -o>?, >), (fr. VOVffl.
act. cont. airoirefjiiTTovv. last) a filling up, satiety; com- \.iroirr7ivai, inf. of a-iirrrjv, 2 a.
Airo7rf//ru, f. -t^w, (fr. same, and fulfilment, accomplish- act. of a$nrT77/n.
B-^rw to send) to send away, ment, execution ; growth, in- i.7rowroX<j, -iSos, o, /, (fr. airo from,
dismiss ; to send back, return. crease, enlargement. and ir-6\is Poet, for ir6\ts a city)
A^vonf^-ofiai, to reject, disclaim, -ov, b, (fr. same)
he without a home ; an exile, v:an-
deprecate, disou-n ; to divorce. who fulfils, executes, accomplish- dcrer; banished.
?, -iof, Alt. -cu?, f,, (fr. es ; a finisher. Airotrros, -ov, o, fj, (fr. aird from.
Ano Ano Ano
and to see) to to forbid, prohibit ;1 pass. 1 a. pass,
(Jirro/iat beyond view, pfit) speak) avu)p<{>dvLffp.ai.
out of sight ; not to be seen, in- to
refuse, decline, renounce. Or ind. airop0avio-07V par.
visible. (fr. anj intens.) to
warn, an-
ATTOVTUOTOJ, -ov, 6, ij, (fr. next) nounce, declare. A7T<5p0upof, -ou, 6, f], (fr.
a neg. and
hateful, detestable, abominable. f. ->/fw, p. without scarlet.
irop^/jyvv/Jti, ~J7^, (fr. Trop^ypa scarlet)
ATTOTTTUW, -v<rco, (fr. aitb from,
f. and airb from, and prjyvvp.i to break) unadorned, plain, untrimmed.
irTVd) to spit) to spit out ; to re- to break off, wrench, teat , burst ; Airopvfonat, f. -//(ro/tat, (fr. airb
ject, loathe ; to hate, abhor, abo- to dislocate. from, and op^'o/iai to dance) to
minate ; to froth, foam. -ctffa, -tv, par. 1 a. dance off, away, or from to re- ,"

AirdirTwua, -TOf, TO, (fr. airoiriirrw pass, of airop'piii),

or withdraw dancing.
tofoibid. tire,
to fall) a fall; an overthrow. Air6pprip.a, -OTOJ, TO, (fr. airopptb)
to ATropwv, par. pres. cont. of airopw.
1 f. act. of an-oirnrrco. a
enjoin) judicial rule, an order ; ATrdpws, (fr. ajropo? difficult) per-

f. -iconai, (fr. a~b in- an injunction, or prohibition. plexedly, intricately ; poorly,
tens. and opyiopai to be angry, -tos, Att. -ECO?, ^, wretchedly.
-, (fr.
opyti anger) to be enraged, same) an order, injunction, pro- AiropwTipos, AiropciraTOj, comp.
indignant. clamation. Or (fr. airoppfu to and sup. of an-opof.
3 sin. pres. ind. of .flow away) a falling deficien- 'ATTO?, -oj -ovs, TO, (perhaps fr.
Airopet, off,
Airoalij} -w, f. -fjcii),
p. rjitdpijKa, (fr. cy, failure; defection, revolt; re- airb from) height, elevation;
arropof impassable) to be at a loss jection, abdication. weariness, fatigue.
how to proceed, speak, or act ; .ir6pprjTov, -ov, Tb, (fr. airopptw to ATToca'-Tw,
-^u, (fr. airb from,
to hesitate, doubt; to be in dis- forbid) a secret. and craTTW to load) to unload,
tress, want, or poverty ; to be .ir6ppiiTOs, -ov, b, ?;, (fr. same) se- unharness, loose,

wanting. cret, unseen, dark, ob- Airo(T^Evvvw,or-vp.i, f.-fo-w,p. -Ka,

Airdonfia, -aros, rb, (fr. last) per- scure ; forbidden, prohibited, in- or -rjKa, (fr. arrS intens. and
plexity, distress ; want, poverty ; terdicted ; inexpressible, unutter- cfttvvvw, or -v// to extinguish)
doubt, hesitation. able ; not to be divulged or to extinguish, put out ; to stop,

A.ir6p6r]Tos, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg. and spoken ; unfit to be expressed. put an end to ; to suppress ; to
to destroy) safe, firm, un- ob- abolish, destroy ; to go out, perish,
xipdu) KoppfiTws, (fr. last) secretly,
hurt, uninjured ; impregnable. scurely. decay, sink. par. per. act. airta-
Airopia, -as,
and Ion. Airooin, "n$, fj, Airoppiirno, f.
-i//w,p. a-ipiutpa, and PVKUS. 2 a. ind. act. aitiafinaa.

(fr. oropof impassable) perplex- Airappiirrlw -w, (fr. airb from, and 2 a. ind. act. airffffinv, -??, -rj.
doubt ; difficulty, distress ; to throw, cast to per. ind. pass, a-xiafitaiiai, 1 f.
ity, p'nrTd) throw)
want, penury. away ; to fling out of, or from ; ind. pass. airoa^,ffd^crop.ai.
1 a. sub. act. of
Airopvi5/jvof, -q, -ov, pres. par. to fall upon, attack ; to
drive, ATroo-.Sfcrc-wo-t, 3 pi.
pass, of or turn out, expel; to reject, last.
or Air6ovvp.ai,
fr. airb in- spurn. 1 a. ind. (nrlppiiLa* A7ro(r(i5/ivof, and Axoaeiovcrdai,
and dpvu/n, which see. are found in Herodotus, and
tens. par. aropptyas, 2 a. ind. act.
'A:ropof, -ou, 6, fi, (fr. o neg. and airfpptibov.
seem to come from airotrcrfu, per-
a passage,
pi. par.ir/pu> act. to a. 1 a. haps the same as airocdu. But it
pierce) impassable, intricate, per- of last. is conjectured that they are cor-

plexing, difficult ; doubtful, du- ir6ppt\pi;, -(of, Att. -a>?, fj, (fr. rupted from airofficvp.vos, and
bious, uncertain, undetermined ; same) a casting away ; turning a-ociov<rdai, Ion. for a<f>ooiovp.c-

languid, weak, feeble; poor, des- out, expulsion ; rejection, refu- voj, and aQocioucdai, the par.
titute. sal and inf.
pres. pass, of a<f>oai6u>.
Airuppoia, -as, and Airoffciffdnmos, 1 a. par. mid. of
, -otftru, p. air&povKa, (fr. Troppo/), -?i$,
airb intens. and opouu to rush) to
AirdppvaiS) -to?, Att. -wj, ?;, (fr. A~ocsttt), f. -ffEicria, p. airofffOEiKa,
burst, break, dart forth ; to sally
airoppfu to flow away) a dis- (fr. ro from, and add) to shake)
out, attack, set upon ; to rebound, charge, issue, vent; a spring, to shake ojf ; to throw off", fling ;
recoil ; to jump, or leap off ; to stream, current ; an emanation ; to reject, refuse ; to drive away,
flee, retreat. a blight, blast, decay. repel, beat off ; to spoil, plunder.
-n, 2 a. opt. pass. or f.
A^-oo-//vi5i'w,f. -vv&, (fr. aitb intens.
Airoppaydriv, -rjs, iroppofidb), Airoppo^tw -u>,

Anoppay<?,-?ffa, -h, g. -IVTOS, -);<ru>, (fr. and potitw

airb intens. and ccjuvvvw to adorn, th. ircuvbs
2 a. par. pass, of airoppi'/yvvfu. to suck) to swallow up, engorge; honourable) to celebrate, solem-
AnoppaiVw, (fr. airb intens. andpat- to sip,
sup, taste. nhf ; to grace, honour. ATTOC-^-
vw to sprinkle) to besprinkle, be- iroppvfu) -u), (fr. samo, and pvfw vvvopat, to behave haughtily ; to

dew, wet ; to shower down ; to to

flow) to run nff, flow away. boast.

spawn. ov,' b, ?/, (fr. same) A7T3(T(T^/.!tw^fvof, (par. per. pass.

-ai'ffw, p. -ai/ca, (fr. running down, flowing away ; of -o<n7//(o'u>) marked, noted.
same, andhalia to rout) to knock, streaming, issuing, gushing out. AiroffCffr)p.i(j)niva, -wv, TU, notes,
or break off; to hammer pound, , fjuu>, (fr. airb from, andpw to comments, annotations.
grind; to waste, squander; to flow) sameavoppew. as Airoatvjj, -evffit), (fr. airb from,

overthrow, overturn, destroy. roppo)ys, -ados, ^, (fr. same, and and aeu<*> to rouse) to rouse up,
x ------
intens. or'piayas a fissure) steep- Airofftvopai, to
rr ..... -,- -4/w,
T-, (fr. ,
----- ,
i>uyri,, excite, instigate.
ana pa-Tw to sew) to seio up, I
a hurry iff, haste away to break,
abruptness, ruggedness ;
nc.s.s, ;

mend, patch, piece. 1 a. par. act. { crag, precipice. or rush out, or forth, per. ind.
'xoppul-i -uyoj, b, fj, (fr. airb m pass, airoo-f'oruai, by Metath.
Airoppid), (fr. same, and ptw to tens, and j)&% a
breach),<steep, pre- atrfavvp.au.
do) to do out, finish, complete. cipitous, rugged, craggy. Subs. f. -avw, (fr. airb in-
par. 1 a. act. airf'pa?. a fragment, branch ; a race, tens, and c-^aivw to to
Airopfrtw -w, f. -uo-u>, (fr. aitb from, stock, lineage ; a stream, torrent ; show clearly, prove, demonstrate;
and pfw to flow) to flow, glide, the opening or mouth
of a river. to
seal, seal up,
set a seal, or
ebb away ; to
leak, ooze, drop mark ; to confiscate, proscribe.
out ; to issue, proceed from ; to (fr. and op^avl^a to
airo intens. Atroariuctdb) -w, (fr- same, and a>;-

decay, perish, fall off; to shrink,

bereave) to make orphans ; to /(((Jw to mark)
to set a sign or
waste away. mark
deprive of any thing dear, but'
vpon,seal, />//',/ ; /

-w, f. -j$<rw, p. airipprjKa, properly of parents ; to bereave, , nr.'tp, I'i't'i.trd to notice,

Att. airtlorjKa, (fr. airb priv. and strip. \ a. act. airutpdxinaa. per. i

Ano Ano Ano
-<w, (fr- same, and -w, f. -dffw, p.
fft'iKu to putrefy) to pine, lan- 7-w, which see. per. inf.
pass. (fr. aird from, a-dw to
guish; to waste a it-ay, dissolve ; draw) to root out, tear
putrefy, rot.
to (fr.'same, and
\.voaK\rjfti, extirpate ; to draw, draw forth,

-w, Ion. for a<&or<ou. nres.

rroo-idw or CK\IW to harden with drought) or out of, unsheath ; to draw
inf. pass. n-xoai6oadai -ovaOat,
to dry, parch ; to wither, decay, away, reduce; to cleanse, bur-
par. airoffioojiEvos -otipsvos, Ion. fade, die; to harden, stiffen. 2 a. nish. Arroo-Trdo/ioj, to
ind. act. aKiGKXrjv. draw, retire. 1 a. act. ind.
-j/ffw, (fr. a;rd priv. LTTOffArAFjvut, 2 a. inf. act. of last. a~l(f^dffa' par. airoairdc'a?. ?er.
and virtu to feed) to abstain i7toaK\rjpiJvu,
-vviOt, (fr.
airb in- pass. arrfffTraffftdi. 1 a. pass.

from food, feat, stone

to death. tens. and oxAvpvvu to harden) ind. a-tffitdadrjv par. itxoa-ao-
A-6fflTo>, -ov, 6, i/, (fr. same, and to stiffen, grow hard ; to be hard-

ff/Toj food) fasting, loathing. hearted, severe ; to treat harshly. f.

-po, p. -aoKa, (fr.
A.KOffttar:dii) -w, f. -ijffu), (fr. a~d in- .7roffAcoAor/u, (fr. aro from, and a-xb intens. and (nra'pw to sow) to
tens. and c-iuirdw to be silent, th. o-ArdAo^'
a stake) to break down a sou-; to disseminate, spread
ffuavri silence) to be silent, mute, fence, open a way, make way. abroad, publish.
struck dumb
; to be unnoticed,
A-off*coAi>7rTa>, (fr. same, and GKO- A.Troaxfvc<j>, f. aTroaTrc.iffo), p. -t*ra,
passed by in silence. AUTTTU to rend) to peel, strip, un- (fr. same, and inrivoia to pour)
A.iroaiu>irtjeis, -10$,
Att. -stas, fj, (fr. cover ; to lacerate, scratch, ex- to sprinkle ; to pour out in sacri-

last) silence, secrecy, reticence; coriate; to maim, mutilate, par. fice, make a libation, or offering
concealment by not speaking ; a per. pass. a7re/coAt>^/irvo. of liquids; to sacrifice.
blank left for conjecture; the TTOGKoiffd) -<2, and A.-OGKO- A.oG7revu), f. -v<70>, (fr. a~b from,
f. -rjcii),

figure aposiopesis. ~vo>, f.

-Eu<7w, (fr. a b from, and and ff-zti'cii) to hasten) to dis-
f.a-o from,
-/Vw, (fr.
aKoriii) or CKO-CVU to mark) to suade, discourage, advise from,
and GKapifa bound) to Jung to view from a distance, survey ; to or against.
the limbs through pain ; to pal- aim at; to aim, keep in vicu; Airoc-opog, -ov, b, fj, (fr.
attend to, pursue as an object. to disseminate) derived, or de-

pitate, throb,
beat ; to
breathe hard. r6cKO-o$, -ov, o, f), (fr. last) bc-\ scended from; sown, planted;
holding from a distance, viev:- subs, an offspring,

A.vocKt^dvw[ii,.f. -dffa), p. -aKa, (fr.

OTTO intens. and cxcf.dd) or cKt- ing; aiming, pursuing; obser-\ Aroc7rou(5dw,-do-ci),(fr. arc from,
cdvvvui to scatter) to dispel, dis- vant, attentive. Or, (fr. aroj and <7-orcdu> to hasten) to slack-
perse, dissipate, fling about. iium, auu a^'JTTUj a. uutii tiij&uiu,,

AToo7Crdu>, f. -d<rw, (fr. asx) priv. siUy ; inconsistent, preposte-

and cice-rdfa to cover) to uncover,
open, expose.
Airoo-irrw, f. -i//w, (fr. OTTO inten?.
and (FKfirru) to survey) to visit,
go to see ; to watch from a tower,
or height, observe, spy.
A.iroffKevd<i>, f.
-dciii, p. -aKa, (fr.
same, and GKtvdfa to prepare)
to lay by, lay up, reserve ; to
prepare, provide. AiroffKsvd^o^at,
to carry off goods or furniture.

remove, change residence ; to

pack up baggage, prepare for a
journey ; or to unload, forsake
baggage, in order to travel, or
march lighter ; to dismantle,
break up ; to empty, evacuate. 1
f. mid. 1 a. tnid.
axtoKEvaadyLriv. per. pass, cnrtc-
A-oo-KOJ/?, -rjs, ft, (fr. OTTO intens.
and cKEvfj furniture) goods, sub-
stance ; a pack, parcel ; furni-
ture, baggage ; train, women and

-&, f. -(i<TW, (fr. OTTO

from, and cKrjvou to pitch a tent)
to remove the
tent, or habitation ;
change residence, retire to a dis-
LiroffKJ/Trrcij, f.
-4u, p. -0a, (fr.
same, and aiu/irru) to lean) to
avoid, shun, get away, escape ;
to slip from under ; to fail ; to
dash, rush upon, hail, shower
down. 1 a. act.
par. aroo-jo;i//a?.
iTOffKidfa, -dffu, p. a7T(mara,
(fr. are intens. and aicidQu to
shadow) overshadow, shade,
liroffKiafffia, -OTOJ, rb, a (fr. last)
shadowing, overshadowing ; a
shoiiow, adumbration, darken-
ing ; a shade, slight appearance.
Ano Ano Ano
cover) to unroof, strip off the a commissioner of the iimy. n. turned from, averse, strange ,
roof; to uncover. 1 a. act. atrt- pi. cont. aTroo-ToAaj. malign, unfavourable ; an apos-
crrfyac-a. TocrToAJ), ->/j, fj, (fr. a/rooTfAAw to trophe, the mark of a letter bein^
A7rooT/yo-^a, -aroj, TO, (fr. last) a send forth) a mission, commis- cut oft' in Greek.
cover ; a covering; a roof. sion ; a message, office, duty ; a ATToo-njyf'w -w, f. -170-0), (fr. and in
A7ro<TT?Aa, 1 a. inf. act. Airo- gift, prcsmt ; an apostleship ; tens, and
o-ruytw to hate) to afj-
o-T/Aa?, par. 1 a. act. Amxmt- the means of sending a messen- hor, f1:t(st, loathe, abominate ; to
A//,3sin. 1 a. sub. act. Airo- ger ; a judgment, visitation,; a shun, avoid.
crAov, 1 a.
impr. act. of cnro- pestilence, plague. ATTOO-TW, -j)j, -p, 2 a. sub. act. of
OTfAAw. roffTo^Kos, ; -bv, (fr. uro'cToAof
ATToo-Ta^w, f.
-fw, (fr. OTTO from, an apostle) apostolic, relating to roo-uArto-at, Dor. for
and crd^u) march) goto to an apostle, or the apostles. ATToo-vAaTat, 3 sin; cont. pres.
away, depart; to retire, with- A~<5oToAoi', -ov, TO, (fr. a/roorfAAw ind. pass, of
draw; to go back again. 2 a. to send away) a light skip, pack- oo-uAa'w -w, f.
-?/<rw, (fr. atrb from,
ind. act.
airiffri%ov. et, advice boat. and ffuAaw to rob) to steal, rob;
ATrooTfAAw, -eAw, p. aTrforaA/ca, A-o"oroAof, -ov, 6, (fr. same) a mes-
f. to pillage,
plunder, spoil.
(fr. same, and crAAw to send) to senger, ambassador, commission- roffuvayai, -w, (fr. same, oiiv

send away, dismiss ; to send out er ; an ; afieet, armada. and

apostle together, yw to bring) to
of the way send, send forth,
; to
Adj. sent, despatched. collectfrom, gather from about ;
despatch, send off; to equip, pro- iroffTO/jiari^ui, t.
-;'cru),p. <nrtffTOfid-
to recover from ; to drive away,

vide, prepare. 1 a. act. ind. riKa, (fr. airb from, and cropa turn out, put from among.
airtcrTti\a' par. arrooTtt'Aaj. 2 a. the mouth) to repeat from me- ATTooDvdywyos, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same,
act. a-KtcraXov.
per. pass, airl- mory, say ; to per-
by heart and awaywy/j a synagogue) put
oraA/a. 2 a. pass. ind. airtcrd- suade, prevail on, or force to out of the synagogue, excommu-
\nv. sub. aTrooraAw'par. aTroora- speak; to or incite to nicated.
Aefc. per. mid. airiaro\a. speak ; to draw, or force words ; ATroc-vpi'^to,
-i'<rw, (fr. and intens.
ATrooTfvdw -o5, f.
-wc-w, (fr. airb in- to
question, interrogate, examine. and o-vpi'^w hiss)to to hiss at,
tens. and OTEVO'W to confine, th. 1 a. act.
a,i:iffTO[idTiffa. hoot ; to whistle.
OTJVOJ narrow) to constrain, ne- Tto<rrou6<i> -(a, (fr. a-b priv. and Airocrv<r/cvaw, f. -ao-w, (fr. atib
cessitate, bring to loss, or difficul- <rro/idu>
to sharpen, th.
ffr6p.a from, and avaKtval^u to pack up)
ty, distress. the
to blunt, break the to pillage, plunder, spoil.

ATrooTfpyw, f.
-o, (fr. OTTO" from, edge, or poini ; to check, weaken, AroaAd^w, f. -fw, (fr. -o intens.
and c-Tfpyw to cherish) to dislike, repress, stop the mouth, par. per. ana crrfia'^w to slay) to cut the
disregard, not to love; to hate, throat, slaughter ; to sacrifice.
abhor. 6, //, (fr. same, and 2 a. par. pass. a-Koafyayds.
TTocropyoj, -ov,
AirovTtpeioOe, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. eropyi)
natural affection) with- A7roo-d>aKA/o>,f. -(Va>, (fr. air^ from,
ArrooTpaT, 2 pi. cont. out natural affection, unfeeling, ana crQdKtXos a gangrene) to
pres. ind. or impr. act. ATTO- unnatural ; unkind ; disliking, waste, decay ; to dissolve, pu-
2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. hating. trefy.^
of f.
TTOCTpayyaAf^w, f. -tad), (fr. airb A.iroa(f>dX\(i), -aAw, p. aTriff<pa\ica,

AffooTEpew -5, f.
-flew, p. aireartpr]- by, and aTOayyaXis a halter) to (fr. airb intens. and o-^dAAw to
Ka, (fr. affo
intens. and cTtoiw to strangle, choke. trip) to trip up, overthrow, sup-
deprive) to bereave, deprive of:
f. -iau>, (fr. airb in plant; to frustrate, defeat, dis-
to wrong, injure, defraud. ATTO- tens', and oorpa/a^u) to vote with appoint ; to deceive, delude ; to
to be destitute, not to shells, th. 6<rrpaKov a shard) to mislead, seduce, deprave. ATTO-
have, be without, devoid of. 1 a. condemn by ostracism, to ba- ff^aAAojuat,
err, stray, mistake.
qt. ind. atttaTtpriaa.' sub. a-Tro- nish. 2 a. par. pass. airoa<j>a\ds.
creprjffw. per. pass. airtffrfprjfiai' Arro<r0arTto, f. -w, p. -^a, (fr.

par. a7r<TTp??/m'o?. impr ATToorpa^S, -j/? , -jj, sub. same, and cr^aTTw to slay) see
AnocrtpricFts, -<of,
Att. -fwj, ^, (fr. Aroo-rpa^Jjvai,
inf. ATTOO--
last) a taking away, privation ; Tpa0if, par. 2 a
-t(t> -w, f.
Eco, -)7c-a>,p.

fraud, swindling ; want, defi- ffo^ai,

2 f. ind. pass. -rjKa,
and AiroffQtvSovi^tt), f. -law,

see or tr^v5ov/^o).
ciency ; need, poverty. ff(f>ev6avd(j),

-ov, o, (fr. same) a AnoarpEipw, f. AirofftyrjXda, -af, -, 1 a. opt. JEol.

Airoarcprirris, -t^'W, p.
cheat, impostor, deceiver. (fr. aro from, and orpf^wto turn)
A-xoaTiiOt, ->?TW, 2 pi. -<m?r, impr. to turn from, or away, divert : to A-noff<ppdyi(Tfjia, -OTOJ, TO, (fr. a-b
sub. 2 a. act. change to pervert, cor- dimin. and cr^payif a seal) a sig-
-???, -?J,

-?/, -T(U, 1 f.
rupt, incite to rebel; to return,
net ; the impression of a seal.
mid. of a^iaTTjfii. put back ; to return, bring back ; L7ro<r%ow, f.
-data, (fr. airb intens.
Airdarrjua, -aroj, TO, (fr. a<f>icTrifii to reject, refuse ; to hide, con- and o-^d^w to lance) to open
to separate) a separation, part- ceal ; to leave, desert, forsake.
a vein, bleed ; to break in
ing ; an imposthume, abscess, toturn awayfrom ; pieces.
ATTOO-TP f^ojuat,
gathering. to disregard, slight; to dislike, \.-oo%uv,
2 a. inf. act. Arro-
A.iroar>ivai, 2 a. inf. act -- ATTO- hate. 1 a. act. ind. airiarptipa- o-^wv, par.
of airi%w.
arf,oai. 1 a. inf. act -- ATTOOTTT impr. airoarptifyov
sub. aitoa- L7T0'<TV0'l?, "(0,
Att. -Wf, 7), (".

<70>0a, 1 pi. 1 f. mid. of

Tp^.'W par. airoffTpfi^'as.
2 a. aTTf^w to withhold) forbearance,
pass. ind. 3 pi.
moderation ; abstinence, temper'
iroffTriptQu, -fw, (fr. OTTO intens.
a-carpdtyvaav. 2 a. act. ind. once, soberness.
and oTJ7p/w to fix) to strengthen, 3 1 f. act. of
iiroff%t(rov(n, pi.
confirm, establish; to fix upon, .-ooTpa^ac-K, Poet, and Ion. for
fasten in.
3 sin. 1 a. act of last. L
jro<rx^w, -bo, (fr- airb from,

7ro<7T<'A/?w, f.
-\l/u, p. airiffri\<f>a .Troorpo^?), -rj?, fi, (fr. airb from,
and c-^i'^a) to split) to cleave, di-
(fr. same, and
<m'Aj8a> to shine) and ffTptfyb)
to turn) a turning vide, cut, separate ;
rend, tear
*o glitter,
sparkle, reflect. from, or away; a return, con- away.
2 Att, -tws,
-o<TTfy, a. impr. ofaTroc-ra'^w. version; a refuge, shelter, asy- .-otrjcttn?, -tos,
?/, (fr.

K-oaroAais, -roj, Att. -euu, 6, (fr. lum an apostrophe. a

rupture, fracture; a
; last)
airoffri AAw to an admiral ;
equip) s, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same) rending, breach ; a slip, branch.
Ano Ano Ano
, (fr.
ari intens. and exert. A.irordvopai, to contend, farther, farthest ; more, or most
leisure) to
to have em- debate; to inveigh, censure; to di&tunt ; remoter, remotest.

ploy, or apply ane's leisure;

to be suspended, hang, depend. Airorfou, and -rdrw, (fr. last)/or-
occupy it in some or
pursuit rort^j^(d,f. -tffw, p. aitoriTti'xi- ther, more distant, remotely.
Ka, (fr. airb by, and T?^OJ a wall) Airo-ra/ivo5, par. per. pass.

-^ffo/zo, to wall about, surround with a .pat, -aai, -rat, in 3 pL.
TOo-yoAt'oyai -ovpat,
(fr. aird from, and ff^oA^ leisure) wall, or rampart, fortify ; to in- per. ind. pass, of OTO-
to be busy ; to employ, apply, or tercept with a wall; to cut off.
airo- 1 a. act. AjrorTAff/itvof, -ij,-ov, (par. per.
engage onjstelf. pres. par. a-Tti%ica.
Airora^tffij, -ioy, Att. -wy fi,
and pass, of aTroTfAf w ) perfect, com*
2 a. sub. mid- A^o- AiroTt^i<r/iO'y, -ov, b, (ft. last) a plete, finished.
Poet, for ai
par. 2
a. mid. of OTT- walling about; a fortification, ,

3 sin. pper. pass, of c
-word), p. -u/ca, (fr. owd irordxiffpa, -aroy, rb, (fr. same) ironv, Ion. for a<f ov, or airb rov.
inteus. and (rw^u to save) to pre- a wall, bulwark, rampart. Arrdruy^a, -OTOS, rb, (fr. airorvy-
serve ; to recover, restore to health ; AfforEicvdw -w, (fr. airb priv. and j^dv(a
to miss) disappointment;
to protect, guard. Aroo-wo//ai, TtKvoiii to bear children) to lose, loss, harm,damage, disadvantage*
to save one's self, fiy for re- or be deprived of children, be A-drt'ty, -toy, Att. -fwy, i), (fr.
fuge. pres. inf. mid. childless. 1 a. pass. ind. aim same) disappointment, misfor-
dai. 1 a. inf. pass. ViadriV SUb. a7TOTACVU0W. tune, ill success, loss, defeat.
vai. '($, -<o-a, -f*v, par. 1 a. AiroT??yav(^(i>, f. -iffia, (fr. axb in-
tens. and r7yai'j'u to fry, th.
Afforay^, -ijs, and Ardra^j, -toj, pass, of airort\i<i).
Att. -wj, j^, (fr. airordffffu to re- ArortAttr/ia, -aroy, TO, (fr. arorf- rriydvov a frying pan) to fry ; to
a renunciation, giving A/w to a making, doing ; eat fried meat ; to eat out of the
nounce) finish)
up ; farewell, adieu. a finishing, execution ; an effect, pan.
A.iroTdcrjv, (fr. axordvu to stretch) event, production, end, termina- A-or^/cw,
-u, (fr. same, and
at full length, at large, largely, tion ; a charm, incantation ; the TijKii) to melt) to melt, dissolve ;

infiuence of the stars ; an image

to steep, soften; to consume,
LxoTadus, 1 a. par. pass, of airo- suspended to arrest, or draw down waste, decay.
riva>. their power. A.iroTi6njjti,
airo6>'ia<i), p. airoriBti-
Airora(cfi 2 a. par. pass, of a-zo- A.T:orc\t(rfiaTiKrj, -rjy, f),
rt^ KU, (fr. airb from, and TtOrjpi to
TijKia. (fr. same) the art of making and lay) to lay down, or aside, put
AffdraKroj, -ov, b, rj, (fr. arordffffw using the figures for charms ; as- ojf, relinquish, quit, renounce;
to arrange) reserved, laid by, set trology ; incantation.
to lay by, store, or treasure up ;
apart, destined, intended. rorA07/arfroy, -TI, -ov, (fr. same) put off, defer, delay, procrasti-
Afforo^d^Evoj, -T], -ov, par. AJTO- ac- nate ; to expose, put out to perish.
elective, effectual, operative,
Tdfrffdai, inf. 1 a. mid. A-o- tive, efficient.
1 a. act. airiQr,Ka. 1 a. mid. ar-
rdffo-erat, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass.
a. pass, airerldrjv. 1
TortXtafjibs, -ov, b, (fr. same) a OrjKudrjv. 1

oi' making, finishing, conclusion; f.

pass. airoTrfrjaouai. 1 f. mid.
Airoro<T<TCi>,or-rT<i>, f.
-dfu>,p. -a%a, an effect, end. . 2 a. mid. ind. airt-
(fr. a-rd from, and rdso-w
to or- ATTorfAfffrYicds, -ov, b, inf. airo9tadai' par. airoOf-
fi, (fr. same)
der) to arrange, regulate, set in effective, effectual, efficacious. ^voy. For other tenses see
order; to
separate, distinguish, ror\evrdw -5, f. -ijcrw, (fr. airb
set apart from others. A.itordc- intens. and rticvrdu to end) to A?ror/(crw, fr. airb intens.
vouai, to give commands, send finish, conclude, cease, stop,
which see.
with orders; to take leave, bid come to an end ; to die. AronAAu, f.
-?Aw, (fr. same, and
adieu, bid farewell; t renounce, ATTorfAfUTTjo-iy, -toy, Att. -a>y, fj, Tt'AAw to pluck) to pluck up, or
give up, forego. 1 f. mid. OTTO- (fr. last) decease, death. out; to pull off, strip; to take

Too/iat. 1 a. mid. ind. a-ntra^d- AfforfAfw -w, f. -f/aw, and -tow, p. off the hair.
pnv' inf. airoTdl-affOai.
por. pass. airorrAKa, (fr. rtAoy an end) ArdrtAua, -aToy, TO", (fr. last) a
to form, shape ; to bring to pass, shred, piece, fragment ; hair, or
Airorarti), sup. (fr. affd from) very effect, fulfil, accomplish ; to wool plucked off.
distant, very far, farthest of all. perform; to perfect,
finish, com- A-iroTtfjidti) -w, f.
->}o-a>, p. -J/KO, (fr.
-w, f. -wo-u, (fr. airo of, plete, make an endof; to pay a airb intens. and ripdu to honour)
ravoos a bull) to make a bull. tax, yield, contribute. A irort\io- to value,
appraise, estimate; to,,
ATcoraupdo/uu, to imitate a bull, liai,
to improve, amend, make esteem, regard ; to fine, amerce ;
rage like a bull.
progress; to recover health, per. to
dishonour, slight ; to pledge,
A.v6ra<f>os, -ov, b, Jj, (fr. airb priv. pass. airoTtTi\ec[iai. par. a;ror- give bail. Affort//do/iat -Spat, to
and TO^OJ a tomb) unburied ; T\tffjj.ivo$.
1 a. pass. ind. airT- take a pledge, accept security.
not laid with ancestors ; interred \ia6rjv' par. airor\effdd$. a
A.iroTiftri(ta, -aroy, rb, (fr. last)
far away. A.iroTf(ivti),
an-or/ju, (fr. airb pledge, pawn, penalty;deposit,
from, and Tfpvw to cut) to cut off, security given by a guardian ; a
-i5<rw, (fr. airb from,
and T<typoj a ditch) to ditch lop, sever, dismember ; to inter- compensation for dowry.
about, fortify; to cut off by a cept ; to take apart, appropriate. same) apriee,
A.iroTifjibv,-ov, rb, (fr.
par. 1 f. act. airort^div. per. pass. value, rate ; a pledge, security.
AiroTf'yywj fr- art intens. and -ov, b, TU (& same)
rty- trdTiftos,
yw, which see. -TJ<TO,
-nro. 1 a. pass. ind. a^r- pawned, engaged, bound. Or,
Ajror0tv, Sync. for<nror007<rav, HfiQnv opt. ajrorpu7007v,and airo- (fr. airb priv. and TI/ITJ honour)
3 pi. 1 a. opt. pass, of an-oTffl inglorious; private, mean, ob-
ATOT'V, impers. (fr. next) it
A.iroTif-tcQai, 1 in mid. of airo- scure.
tends, pertains, or belongs to ; it rurrw. A.irorivaypa, -aroy, rd, (fr. next)
concerns, relates to. An-dre^?, -to?, Att. -EUJ, {/, (fr. sweepings, dust, qffscouring, the
Ajror/vw, f. -x3, p. airorfraica, (fr. airoriicria to bear children) cfaW- dirt coming off any thing when
airb from, and ra'voi to cleaned.
stretch) to 6trtA, ioiour, delivery, accouche-
extend, spread ; to stretch, reach ment. A-irorivdcow, f. -dfa, p. arormVa-
out ; 'to enlarge, lengthen to in- and -rarof, from, and nvdeau to
; Ardrf>oj, -a, ov, -17? ^a, (fr. aird
tend, purpose, desi -ov, comp. and sup. (fr. airb from) quiver^ fn shake off, shake out,.
AHO Ano Ano
1 a. act. ind. airsrtvafa. impr wipe; AiroTotftonai, to file off
a pare down; to extenuate, clea (fr. last) a blinding; blindnett,
airoriva^ov par. airoTivd%a$. 1
inf. mid. aironvdl-acrOai. want, or loss of sight.
up, explain; to remove, with-
AiroTivvvpcvos, par. pres. rnid. of draw; to shake off, reject, pu AiroTv%la,-a$, and -^07, -^y, ^, (fr.
or -vo, (fr. airb back
A-Tforivw/jti, away ; to impede, frustrate. airoTvyxdvw to miss) failure;
and Tlvvvfit, or -vw to pay) also disappointment ; refusal.
.iroTpiupa, -aroy, TO, (fr. last)
Airortd), or Airortvo), f. -tVw, p. -i*a chip, shaving, dust, &c. made by
(fr. same, and rtVw or r/w t( cleaning, or polishing. Airovpdnwos, Affotipaf, by Sync,
honour) to honour, compensate AirorpoTrdaaBai, Poet, for airorpo- for
airovpicrdfjievos, par.
1 a. mid.
reward ; to repay, pay, or suffei avOai, pres. inf. cont. of avro- and aTrovpiVay, par. 1 a. act. of
for, atone for, make compensa- airovpiu),
Ion. for a0op<'w. Or
tion; AiroTivvvuai, Airoriouai, A;:orpd7ra(oy, -ov, b, //, (fr. airorpf- by Metapl. and Sync, for airav-
&c. to exact punishment, punish TO) to avert) preserving, protect- par. 1 a. mid. and
revenge, avenge. 1 f. act. 3 sin. ing; averting, or turning away par. 1 a. act. of airav-
evils; to be averted, shunned pdd).
act. ind. airirica- 3 sin. sub. avoided, deprecated. airb from,
'Arovpoy, -ov, b, /, (fr.
airoriarj- par. ammo-ay. 1 a. mid. and 6'j3oy
a border) beyond the
par. airoTiadusvos. (fr.
anb from, and rpoirdui
to borders, foreign; banished, out-
turn) to turn away from, de- lawed; an exile.

(fr. airb from,

and T/^O-O-U or r/ia'w cline, shun, avoid; to slight, .TTOVS, -ocos, 6, ft, (fr. a neg. and
to cut) to CM* slaughter ; to
i#f, neglect. irovs the without feet;
intercept, separate, divide from. Trorpoirid^d},
-dau>, (fr. same) lame.
1 a. par. act.
2 a. to pacify, appease, reconcile ; to vffa, fern, ofairuv, par. pres. ol

pass. airTLiuynv. atone, expiate. ,

to be absent.
17, (fr. a neg.
'AiroTjjiog, -ov, b, and 7rorpoTrtaoy*6y, -ov, b, (fr. last) Arovaia, -ay, 17, (fr. last) absence ,

tr6rfioslot) iUfated, hardfated, dislike, aversion; an amulet, 'njury, damage, harm.

unfortunate, miserable, wretched, charm. A7ro0atVo), f. -avai, p. -ay/ca, (fr.
unhappy, sup. airoTp.6raros. TroYpoffoy, -ov, b, f], (fr. airo-pfiro)
airb intens. and 0atVu> to show)
AjroroXua, 3 sin. cont. pres. act. to turn away) unpleasant, disa- to show, point out; to exhibit, dis-
of greeable ; hateful, odious, abo- play ; to utter, pronounce, de-
An-oroX^au) -w, f. ->/o-a), p. a7ror- minable ; unlucky. clare ; to render, cause, or make
rdX/i^/ca, (fr. OTTO" intens. and roX- L7roYpo$oy, -ov, b,)/, (fr. airb from,
to be. Ajro0aiVo//at, to appear,
//a'w to dare) to presume, be very and rpetpu to rear) educated seem ; to express one's self, de-
bold, dare very much. abroad, reared among strangers ; clare his opinion ; to interpret,
h.Tcoro(iri, -ijs, %, (fr. atroTffivd) to foreign, strange. explain, pres. inf. pass. airo<pai-
cut off) a cutting off, cutting vtaQai' par. airo^>aiv6^tvog.
Airorpvydw -w, f. -170-0), (fr. airb in-
short, making an end of. tens. and rpvydta to gather A.7ro0avofy*EV,
pi. 1 f. ind. act. of
A7roro/n'a, -ay, ?;, (fr. same) a cut- grapes) to gather the vintage ; last.
ting or paring closely ; lopping, to make up harvest ; to
enjoy, A7ro"0av<ny, -joy, Att. -cwy, /, (fr.
pruning. indulge in. aTTo^atvw to declare) a declara-
A:roYo/*oy, -ov, 6, )^, (fr. same) ab- irorov^ii),
-fw, and Airorpvia, f. tion, assertion, assurance, asse-
rupt, steep, precipitous; ar- -vffta, (fr. same, and rpv^a) or veration; an oracle, response;
duous ; concise, short, brief; ri- to wear away) to waste, or a maxim, axiom ; a proposition
rpvw ;
gid, severe, cutting. rub away, wear
out; to con- a list, valuation.
ATTorfyuy, (fr. last) cuttingly, se- sume; to break, tame, subdue; AirofiavrtKbs, -;), -bv, (fr. same) de-
verely ; concisely, briefly. to
weary, exhaust. claratory, expressive of; express,
'Afforoy, -ov, b, '/, (fr. a neg. and f.
-%opai, p. airoTfrpu- positive, decided.
TroVoy drink, th. irivw to drink) and 2 pi. 2 a. impr. mid. of
%a, (fr. same, rpwyu) to AirdQacrBt,
abstaining from drink, living gnaw) to waste, consume, eat up,
without liquids not drinkable. 2
; devour. a. act. ind.
airiTpayov A7r<50a<ny, -icy, Att.
-swy, jj, (fr.
A.irorpdyiv, 2 a. inf. act. of airo- inf. ajro0a/va) to declare) a
rpwyw. iroTvy^av6fnva,-(i)v,Ta, (fr. next) expression a sentence, decision,

KiroTpaxyvu, f. -vvw, (fr. airb in- disappointments, misfortunes. determination, resolution ; a pro-
tens. and rpa^vvu to make f.
airoTvyf/irt>), p. -rt- clamation, declaration; the an-
rough) to roughen; to ruffle, fret, (fr. airb priv. and rvv- swer of an oracle.
exasperate. ^avu)
to get) to miss, mistake ; (fr. auo priv. and fyda-

A.Trorplirov, pres. impr. mid. of to miss of, fail, not succeed, be dis- d> to
say) same
appointed. 2 a. act. ind. airtrv- 7ro0ao7*fvwy, (fr. airofyaivu to
A.iroTpirTiKbs, ->), -bv, (fr. next) dis- %ov' par. afforDYwv. 1 f. mid. show) openly, clearly, evidently.
suasive. Ion. for
.irofpspolaTo, airod>ipoivTO.
rrorvitdu -u, f.
-wo-w, p. -wfca, (fr.
3 pi. pres. opt. mid. of
(fr. airb from, and rptiria
to turn) airb intens. and rvirdw to copy) .iro&fpw,
airoiab), 1 a. airfjvtyica,
to turn
away from, dissuade (fr. airb from, and 0f'pui to carry)
to to re-
; form, fashion, portrary,
avert, turn aside, put away ; to
present, express ; to imitate, re- to take, bear,
carry off, or away ;
frustrate, disappoint. AiroTptiro- semble, be like. to carry out. to make bury;
fiai,to turn one's self from, dis- AtroTvirronai, (fr. airb from, and aviay with, kill, destroy; to
like ; to
loathe, reject. 1 a. act. Tvirrw to strike) to cease beating, exhibit, show; to pay, contri-

airtTp^/a' 2 a. act. 2 desist from striking; to beat bute ; to ,gam ; to re-

airiTpairov. earn, get
a. mid.
airTpair6fjir)v. per. ind. one's self ; to mourn, bewail. port, relate, give an account of;
pass. airoTfTpafi/jiai. .iroTVTfd)fj.a, -aroy, rb, and AITOTU- to
accuse, indict ; to convey, con-
Airorpt^w, (fr. airb back, and rpfyo) TTwo-iy, -toy, Att. -o>y, i'/, (fr. airo- voy, escort ; to bring in to ; to
to run) to run
back, run away, rurrdu) to
express) a resemblance, save, preserve ; to bear, endure,
fly, escape; to revolt, rebel. likeness, portrait ; an image, sta- suffer. 2 a. act. ind. amywy-
Airorpt/Ju, f.
-^o> (fr. a irb from, tue. KOV inf.
1 a.
and to to wear away, ind.
rpfj3o) rub) 7TOTV0Xdu> -5, f, -CO(TCU, p. -to)K&, fr.
waste, bruise, consume,
break, airb intens. and rv0X<5a), which
impair; to rub down, clean, f.
A.iro<f>evyw, -fw, p. -^a, (fr. same,
Ano Ano Anr
and <f>puyw to flee) to flee, or fly
away, to escape, get clear off";
shun, avoid. 2 a. act. ind. aiti-
int. OTTO*
0iJyov" opt. aTTfxhvyotui*
; endless, interminaf le ;
Afl-poopoYwy, (fr. last) unexpectedly. -ov 6, a neg. and
perfect ,
fi, (fr.

ineffectual, fruitless ; incur aite ; Airpoffotns, -tos -ovs, b, ft, (fr, a awing) and,
doing nothing, idle, indolent, neg. and Trpoaofopai to want) -ov, o, }/, (fr. same, and
inactive. abundant, abounding, affluent; f'pv
a wing) and,
not wanting,
AirpdKTus, (fr- same) imperfectly; requiring, or de- -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same, and
idly, indolently. serving
unworthy, undeserving.; inged) unfeattiered,
Arrpaf/a, -ay, f), (fr. same) leisure; Airpocotdvvffosi ~ OIJ ^ ^> (^r a ne ' without feathers, or twines ; that
quietness, ease; indolence. Trpbs to,
and &i6vvo-os Bacchus) will not, or cannot fly away,

Airpfireta, -a?,
and Airpemr;, -rjs, f],
not to the purpose, absurd, un- permanent, fixed, settled. Or,
(fr. next) indelicacy, impropriety, meaning, inconsistent. (fr. a intens. and same) with
indecorum ; ugliness, deformity, TrpoacdKTjTos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, great wings, winged, rapid.
-ios -ovs, 6, fj, (fr. a neg. and xpoGCOKdb) to expect) un- \7rrtrat, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass.
and Trp/TTw
to become) unbecom- foreseen, unexpected. "Arrrta6ov, 2 du. and "AitTtoQt,
ing, unfit, improper, unsuitable ; 7rpoo~ooKriT(ios, and AitaocodKriTov, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid. *An-
indelicate, indecent, indecorous. (fr. last) unexpectedly. reeQat, pres. inf. pass, of atmo.
AirpcTrws, (fr. last) unfitly, impro- Trp6o~iKTos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. a neg. irpbs Arrrrjv, -rjvos, b, f), (fr. a neg. and
perly ; unseemingly, indecently. to, and iKvlopai to arrive) and TTT^vof winged) callow, unfledg-

Ion. for
dirpaxTos. Airp6airos, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same, and ed, unable to fly. dat. pi. airrrjai.
(fr. a neg. and itola^ai to come at) not to be to
Aitpidrnv, Trp6o-i[ii (fr. TTTIKTI, -fjs, fi, aiiTopai
to buy) without value, price, or approached, inaccessible; unat- touch) the touch, feeling.
ransom; freely, gratis, without tainable; unrivalled. 'AxTiKbv, -ov, rb, (fr. same) feel-
recompense. Airp6aKoiros, and Avp6<ricoirros, -ov, ing, sensibility.
and fr. b, //, (fr. same, and same) touch-
Airpl!-, Airpiyba, (perhaps Trpoo-KoVrw xriKbs, -fi, -ov, (fr.
aTrJfrom, and pi^a the root. Or, to strike against) not stumbling, ing, affecting ; reaching, having
fr. a neg. and Trp/oj to saw) or falling ;firm, steady, upright; an influence, or power over.
by the root, inseparably ; firmly, not striking, tripping, or throw- A-rrromfis, -ios -ovs, b, fi, (fr. a neg.
stiffly, tenaciously, tooth and ing ; harmless, innocent ; plain, TtToid) to falter, and inos a word)
nail. fearless, bold, or confident in
free, open, clear ; unforeseen,
A-rrpoaiptTos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. o neg. unthought of. speech.
and rpoaipto) to prefer) against (fr. last) without trip,
AKTOtxiiS, -tOf -OVS, b, f), (fr. 07TTW
the will, unwilling.
fall, or error ; safely ; innocent- to touch, and tiros a word) keen,
ATrpoatpmo?, (fr. last) unwillingly. ly, uprightly. severe, sarcastic.
Airpopov\tvros, and A7rpoo /3ovAev- a neg. AirT6nros, and AirroiTjTOS, -ov, b, >;,

TrpoV/aAcro?, -ov, 6, f\, (fr.

TOS, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and irpo- and rtpoo-niyvvpi to intermingle) (fr. a neg. and jrrof'w to terrify)
/?ovAv*a) to consider) unadvised, that will not mix ; unsociable, fearless, intrepid, undaunted.
foolish, indiscreet ; rash, head- solitary. Airr6\enos, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and
strong ; insignificant ; not enact-
Airpoadpuros, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, tTTdXeuos for TrdAs/^os war) un
ed, or decreed. Trpbs at,
and bpdta
to look) not to warlike, peaceable ; weak, feeble ;
A7rpo/3ovAvrwj, and A-!rpoa^ov\tv- be looked at, horrid, horrible, timid, cowardly.
TW?, (fr. last) unadvisedly, fool- shocking, hideous ; immense, "ATTTW, f.
ai//w, p. rj(f>a,
to touch;
ishly, indiscreetly, rrshly. huge, vast. connect, join, bind; to make,
a neg. same, finish ; to light, kindle. "Am-opai,
ATrpojSovAf'a, -as, fj, (fr. npb tpoffdpp.io'Tos, -ov, b, fi, (fr.
before, and /?ovAfj consideration) Trpoj at,
and &p/xcj a harbour) to approach, come
arrive at ;
want of thought, inattention, in- unsafe for ships ; without port, to catch, reach, clasp, embrace;
advertence ; rashness, temerity. or haven. to lay hold on, take, use ; to be-
Atrp6dvnos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and AirpdaQopos, -ov, b, 17, (fr. same, gin, take in hand, enter upon;

irpo^v^oj ready) dull, slow, heavy,

and $f'pu to bring) unfit, disad- to seize, lay hold of, invade,
lazy, unwilling, inactive, reluc- vantageous, dangerous, attack ; to bear hard upon, be
tant. (fr. same, irpd- .<T,",'v?. 1 a. act. ind.
A7rpoo-toiroA>77r-a>j, i^/a' par.
A7rpo0v>u?, (fr. last) slowly, lazily, ffwrrov the face, and Aa/i/Savu to ctyas. 2 a. act. ^ov. imp. ind.
unwillingly, inactively. tiike) without regarding persons, pass. ?/7r-(5//^v. per. pass, vftfuit'
Airpoicris, -fos -ovs, b, i/, (fr. a neg. or respecting ranks, impartially, fipucvos. 1 a. pass. J/^fl^r.
and irpodow to foresee) unpreme- equitably, equally. f. mid.
1 a. mid. ind.

ditated; unforeseen, unlocked for, rpoffwirwf, (fr. neg. a and irp6- jyil/atiJ^v" sub. tzxLuiuat.

unthought of. o-uirov a mask) without a mask ; AVTWS, -WTOS, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and
and to face.
ATpoiKo?, -ov, b, rj, (fr. same, undisguisedly,face irrojais afall) secure, firm, steady ;

a fortune) portionless; un- TpoYj^aoro?, -ov, 6, ft, (fr. same, stable, durable.
endowed. and irpoTifido-aw,
Dor. for
Trpocr- ATTTWTOS, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same) in-

A.ir(,ovovffla, -aj, /j, (fr. same, and p.dffau)

to touch) untouched, un- declinable.

77po void) to
consider) thoughtless- defiled,pure, chaste. \.^vprof, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. a neg. and
ness, inadvertence, heedlessness ; A7rpo$ao-JCToj, -ov, 6, f/, (fr. same, mipcrbs a fever) freefrdm fever,
imprudence, rashness. and irpdQaais a pretence) with- cool.

A-pov6riTos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) out pretence, inexcusable; with- Airvpos, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and
unadvised, hasty ; thoughtless, out hesitation, ready, prompt, TTvp fire)
without fire, or heat;
inconsiderate, rash; unforeseen, willing ; unfeigned, sincere. untouched by fire ; unfit for, not
(fr. readily, intended for the fire ; undressed,
unexpected. A7rpo</>aortcT(o?, last)
(fr. last) hastily, in- promptly, willingly, sincerely. not cooked, raw ; that stands the
considerately, rashly. Airpdfyaros, -ov, b, jj, (fr. a neg. and fire.

Axp6t>i!Tos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. neg. irpb 7rpo0>//j

foretell) unwarned; ATrvpwroj, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same, and
before, and Airrofjiai to see)
un- sudden, unexpected, unawares. Trupdu to burn) never brought to
the fire ; new, fresh, unused.
foreseen, unthought of, unexpect- AirTaicTos, -ov, b, i', (fr. same,
ed ; rash, hasty.
and irraiu) to stumble) safe from 'Airuo-roj, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. same, and
stumbling, or falling, sure, firm, to hear) unheard of,
A-rrpo6irTus, (fr. last) suddenly, nvvQd.voii.ai
expectedly. steady, upright; blameless, harm- unknown, obscure; ignorant, un-
a neg less, innocent. acquainted with.
Airpooparos, -ov, b, ft, (fr.
and wpoopao) to foresee) unfore- "Airrei, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of[ A r wo, and ^TTUW, f. -vo-w, p. favKa,
**. curb intens. and via
seen^ unexpected. ( perhaps

to drop. Or, fr. tiros a word)
to sound, emit a noise, ring ; to
Apyf 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. (fr. a neg. and tpyor work) idle, texture, or manufacture ; glossy,
of apytw. inactive', lazy, indolent ; unpro- sparkling, bright, glittering.
and Apytvvbg, -r/, -o"v, and fitable, unwrought, untilled, un- pyw, -doj -ovg, 17, (fr. 'Apyos, Ar-
Apyf-Tds, -ov, o, r/, (fr. apy6*s cultivated. gos, a town of Thessaly) the ship
white) u)/iite, bright, shining ;
Apyvpa>ot/?os,-ov,8, r,, (fr. apyvpos Argo, a constellation oftlie same.
swift) violent, impetuous, d. pi. and oyt'|3u> to exchange) Apyws, (fr. apyds idle) idly, lazily,
apyfiwajf. a banker, money-lender, usurer. indolently ; fruitlessly, to no pur-
ApytTos, -a,
and Ion. ->;, -ov, (fr. Apyvptov, -ov, TO, (fr. ne*t) a pose ; reishly, hastily, inconsider-
one of
'Apyos Argos) o/ Argos, bank, money-lender's office.
Argos, Argive, an Argive. d. Apyvpuog, -a, -ov, Apyvpeog -ous, \.p5a, (fr. aipu to take away) filth,

pi. Ion. ordure ; defilement, pollution.

Apyei(f>6vTris, -ov, 6, (fr. 'Apyos Ar- -r/, (fr. a'pyvpos silver) of
-ov, p(5aAos, -ov, 8, /, (fr. last) foul t
gus, and for
(fjdvTwg, <f>oi'>]rrig,
a silver, silver;
silvery, bright, filthy, obscene. ,

to kill) to
slayer, th. 0/w Z/ie /ci/ter
resplendent, apyvrxf/g, d. Apcah6o> -w, f. -oJo-co, (fr. same)
of Argus, Lat. Argicida. An Ion.
filing, for
apyvpfats- befoul, dirty ; to defile, blemish,
epithet of Mercury. Apyvptciov, -ov, TO, (dim. fr. apyv- <;e ; to
pollute, contaminate.
Apyfs, -f'ros, 6, /;, pov silver) small silver, small mo- Apocla, -ag, >;, same as apou6g.
cont. by Syst.
for Ion. and
apyfjf, -TJTOS. ney, change. lp^voj, f. -vcro>, p. -ivna,
and Apyvpiov, -OV,TO, (fr. same) apiece Poet, for a'pr5w.
Apyo-T)p, -Jjpos, Apyfo-TJjs,
Poet. Apyr/ffTfig, -ov, and ,33 ol. of silver, coined silver, money. k.pi5??0jwoj. -ov, b,
same as a^c\i6g.
-ao, 6, jj, (fr. apyds white) white, Apyvpts, -idog, f/, (fr. same) a silver Apo/r, (fr. at'pw to take away)
bright, shining; active, swift, cup, or similar vessel, aloft, on high, above ; totally, ut-

impetuous. Apyvpdfavng, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same, terly, entirely, completely.

Apyfd) -w, f. -j?o-o, p. -?Ka, (fr. and oivr/ an eddy) silver-wind- Apcig, -tog, r,, (perhaps
fr. same)

apyos idle) to have leisure, be ing, silver-eddied, ..silver-stream- the point, or head of a weapon ;
unemployed, or disengaged ; to ed ; bright, limpid, clear. spike, barb.
linger, loiter ; to cease, stop, 1 a. Apyvpd?/Aos, -ov, b, f), (fr. apyvpos to water)
ipfyos, -ov, 8, (fr. apu>
ind. act. silver, and ??Aos a nail) set with wa-
tjpyncra. irrigation^ watering, giiing
Apyfcts, see apyt/g. silver studs, studded with silver. ter, or drink ; drink ; a watering
'Apvrjs, -ov, b,
the name of a Cy- ApyvpoKoirog, -ov, 6, (fr. same,
and pleice, well, fountain, pool.
3 pi.
clops, a. sin. 'Apy^v. Apcovri, Dor.
KOTTOS work, th. KOTTTW to labour) for
Apy/js, -rjrog, Apyjjs, -f'os -oPj, 6, /;,
a silversmith, worker in silver, pres. of
Apy>/ts, and A.pyiv6u$, -ccaa, coiner of silver.
Apcu, f. -aw, to water, wet,
EV, (fr. apA os white )white,bright, -w, (fr. same, and en ; to give water, or drink, par.
shining, sparkling, flashing ; ac- fyw to'
collect) to collect money, pres. mid. ap<5<5/uvos.
tive, swift, violent, impetuous. elcmand a tribute. ApiOoiaa,
Dor. for Apsdovtra, -as,
see aoyccrriip.
same as apyvpa/jot- !,, Arcthusa,
a. fountain in
Apyia, and Apyeia, -ag, f], (fr. apyoj pos. Apttd, -as, (fr. ap a curse) a t'l,

idle) a festival, holiday; leisure, jyvpoTTf^os, -ov, 8, and -a, -rig, fj, threat, menace ; a curse.
idleness, laziness, sloth, in- (fr. dpyvpog silver, and xt^a the Api/*aV( os, -ov, and Apci^avfig, -fog
rest ;

activity. ankle ; a fringe) silver-footed, ovg, b, j], (fr. 'Aprjg Mars, and
'ApytAos, or 'ApyiAAos, -ov, b, having fair, hunelsome. feet, or fiaivo^ai to rage) terrible infight,
(perhaps fr.
apyos white) clay, ankles. Or, wearing fringe, or furious battle, warlike. m
potter's clay. lace about the ankles, or on the Apeio-aytTTjg, or AptoTrayiTrjg, -ov, '

Apytvdas, -EVTOS, b, f/,

see apytjg. lower edge of the clothes. Or, with b, (fr. next)
an Areopagile, a
Apyt<5<5ovs, -OVTOS, 6, fi, (fr. same, silver rings round the ankles. judge of the Areopagus.
and oi5ovs a tooth) having vjhitc -or5o?, o, next, o((57Tyos, or Aptiog irdyog, -ov,
Apyvpo'-ovs, )/, (fr. '

teeth. and TroCs

afoot) stiver-footed. I, tin Areopagus, a court of su-

'Apyiog, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) white, Apyvpos, -ov, b, (fr. apyos white) preme criminal jurisdiction at
bright; swift. silver. Athens.
'Apypa, -aroj, TO, more
usually, pi. Apos. for Lpto
r and
Ap>;tos, comp. AptdT-
i.pyvpoTol-', apyvpoVoff, ,

'Apy//ara, -an', ra, (fr. ap^J) the v. sin. of r>o? and Apa'wv, (fr. 'Ap>ig Mars)

beginning) first fruits, first of- IpyvpoTo^os, -ov, 8, apyrpps

(fr. of Mars, or Mars' ; relating to
ferings. silver, and T<5(ov a bow) carrying Mars, or war, warlike, brave,
Apyptvog, Ion. r/pyptvog, par. a silver bow; an epithet of valiant.
per. pass, of ap^w. Apollo, silver-archer. mid. Apurai, 3 sin. ofapov//at, 2f.

'Apyot, -wv, 'Apvos, Argos Apyvpou, Apyvpovv, Apyvpous, &c.

ot, (fr. of atpw.
in Peloponnesus) Argians, or see apyvpfos. 'Apoc,'g. of'Ap?7S.
Ar gives, natives of Argos. jyvpo^dos, -ov, b, (fr. a'pyvpes ApfVat,
1 a. inf. act.
ApyoAoyao -w, (fr. apyos idle, and silver, and ^j'u to pour) a silver- -aca, -av, g. sin. fern. -<ra -NT,
<o ws
Afyu> to say) superfluous smith, caster of silver. ar.
par 1 a. act.
Apicainav, Dor.
expressions, talk too much ; to -w, f. -Gu'G"w, p. -WK, (fr.
Apyvpdwfor peaaiitTjv, 1 a. opt. mid.
speak, or write from the purpose.
work, cast, or Jnrm in
same) to Ion. for r/picavro, 3 pi.
ApyoAoy<', -ag, cover with silver; to
last) idle 1 a. ind. mid.
-;J, (fr. silver; Apiotut, -as,
talk, superfluity of language. present with money. -, /}''ol. for. apiffaim, -uig, -at,
'Apyo?, -uv, 6, Argus, who was Apyi'po), d. sin. of dpyvpog Apyv- 1 a. opt. act.
Apfffw, -eig, -ci,
said to have a hundred eyes. same cont. of apyvpfos 1 f. ind. act.
p<T.i, Ap/o-w, ??s, -;;, 1
Also a dog's name, Swift. a. sub. act. of ap/cr^w.
pyvpW|UuT, -eav, ~a, (fr. a'pyvpos
Apyo?, -oj -ouj, ro, Argos, a city 'silver) vessels, ornaments, or ApiffOiti, 2 a. inf. mid.
of at'pw.
of Thessaly. furniture of silver ; plate. 'HGKIKI, -ag, fj, (fr. aoivKU, to
-OD, !/, Argos,
a city of Pe- -ov. b, same please) asentence, determination,
'Apyoj, ,}, (fr. ',

loponnesus, sometimes used for i'.nd

uvtofiai to buy) pa
'!< i.T<
resolution ; greicefulness,
Peloponnesus, sometimes for al with silver ; a slave. elegance, politeness, wit, raillery,
Apyv<ptcg, 'Apyvif>og, -ov, and Ao- repartaf.
Apyos, -n, -bv, white, bright, resplen- yv(j>ijg, -log -ffug, o, 17, (ir. ncKovTws, (fr. same) gratefully,
dent ; active, nimble, swift. white, and r^og tf'\;urc,tli. r; ;.
Apytls, -o, 6, f,, same as
to wc'iivi;) of ft i/7,
tn' l>i'i"Jit ntiTKog,
h-or, (fr. same) plca*~
m% courteous charming Ion. forapai', a. sin. of<i ApGpwaai, 1 a. inf. act.
, fcin<i, ; Apftv, 'Apflpw
able. 1 a. inf.' act.
Apr/frn c-ut, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. or 1 a.
f. f. inf. act. of impr. mid. of last.
ApiaKd), apiati), 7/pina, p. (fr api/yw.
apw to suit) to please, gain tht 'Aprjpa, Apijpeiv, Aprjp&s, by Ap0w, -77?, -jj, 1 a. sub. pass, of
approbation, or affection ; to ap- redupl. for' jjpa, pe.ri mid. Tipciv aiou, in 3 pi. Apflwcrt.
pease, calm, concili- pper. mid. and rjpios, par. per 'Ap<,
a particle
prefixed, in com-
mid. of apd). Eui'Apjipa, with position, to words chiefly by the
ate ; to reconcile, compose differ -

settle amicably ;
to ac- t
subscribed, by same for
rjpa poets, to increase or heighten
quiesce, agree in, be pleased with. per. mid. of aipia. the signification ; much, very,
to please one's self, AprtpoT&s, (fr. ap?pws for 7/pw? , per. greatly.
indulge in. 1 a. act. ind. par. mid. of a'pw
to fit) fitly, apt- ApiadvTi, -?/?, Ariadne, the
fiptaa f>,

apicai" par. apfoaj.
1 f. mid ly, conveniently; firmly, com- daughter of Minos.
1 a. mid. r/otadpiv pactly. Apiyvws, -wroj, and Apfyvuroj,
Ion. aptvdittjv' par. apeffdutvos 'ApTJS, -COS -OVS, -Wf, -'10$, -IfTOSi -ov, b, fi, (fr. dpi intens. and yi-
Poet, aptcrodusvos. Mars, war, battle ; thjjfry i-wffKw to know) well known, cele-
-ov, b,
AotcadueBa, Poet, for apf.c6p.f.Qa,
1 or rage of battle ; a wound, scar ; brated, famous ; very clear, evi-
'pi. 1 f. mid.
of last. the desire or love of war ; steel. tinct.

-WV, ra, next) a sen- -ov, Ion. -EW, most Apicdtcpvos, and ApiodKpvs,
Ap<mi, (fr. 'Aprjs, o, -ov,
tence, decree, verdict, judgment. usually signifies steel, iron. -vos, b, //, (fr. same, and cdicpv
apd. Ion. for sin. of a tear) very melancholy, mourn-
Aptarbs, -/;, -ov, (fr. apioKu Aprjs, apaj, g.
please) pleasing, agreeable ; suit- ays, 2 sin. and 'Ap#, 3 sin. 1 a. ful, tearful; weeping much,
able, fit, proper; right, just, sub. act. of aip<a. much inclined to tears.
equitable. Aoria6fit6a, for apaadfi^da,
pi. 1 f. Ap(ff'*.-r' for apicdKCTt, v. sin. of

Aptffr&s, (fr. last) pleasingly, mid. of apdouai. Apiodiceros, -ov, b,fi, (fr. dpi
agreeably ; fitly, properly. 'Ap'/rai,3 sin,
~ a. sub. mid.
and SEIKCTOS for StiKTbs, fr. cdK-
'ApCT\ for Ion. for /jptr a priest- vvui to show) splendid, brilliant;
dptro, ' Lp'ijrcipa, -C.,-, >h (fr- next)
imp. or 2 a', mid. of
u/pw. ess. renowned, famous, celebrated.
'ApcTai, 3 sin. pres. mid. of a'pw. {orjTrjp, -ijpos, b, (fr. apa prayer) Apicrj\os,-ov, b,h, (fr. same, and
Apcrav, Dor. for aptrui>, g. pi. of priest. cftAoj clear) very clear, distinct,

open/. Aprjrtdctjs, -ov, b, a patronymic >,t, quite plain, manifest.

Apraj, -oP, b.Aretas, aman'sname. name ; the son of Aretas. Apitj\os, and Ap^/?Awrof, -or, 6,
WTOS, -^i -oi', for dppTjTos, (fr. a and ?jAo? emula-
AptTfi, -Tis, )/, (fr.apfcKw to please fl, (fr. same,

or rather fr.
'Afq; Mars) valour, neg. and pad to speak, or fr. tion) worthy of imitation, much
to to be emulated or copied; excel-
prowess, courage, fortitude, reso- apdOfiat curse) inexpressible,
lution ; worth, merit, virtue ; ex- unutterable; miserable, lent, superior, illustrious ; bright,
'i<\u, perfection ; force, ener- wretched ; cursed, execrable, im- clear, distinct.
gy, power, faculty. pious. )ity\(j)S, (fr.last) emulously, stu-
AptTifa, f. -fVw, (fr. same) to Aprjcjaivtav, -ovros, b, (fr. 'Ap??j diously, anxiously; clearly, dis-
please, appease, conciliate ; to re- Mars, and tyaivu to display) tinrtly, tcidentiy, manifestly.
ceive into f. bringing battle before Mm, deal- ^pios, and 'Appi^os, -ov, b, ff, (fr.
Dor. for '\pov$, g. cont. of
ing slaughter round him ; fierce, a neg. and pi$a a root) without
warlike. root.
Ion. for apwv, g. pi. of apd. {pQtis,-uaa, -tv, par. of fip6r/v, 1 tidfaShrrat, Dor. for
'Api?', 'Apna, a. of 'Aprjs.
for 'a.pass, of aipw. 3 pi. cont. pres. pass. Apt0-
Ion. for a'p??, 2 sin. ofapaj- ApOir, by Sync, and Ion. for f/p- utvi'-ri, Dor. for
apiOuovot, 3 pi.
2 a. sub. mid. of alow. 6Tjcrav,3 pi. 1 a. pass, of apw. cont. pres. act. of
-r/s, -r/, Ion.
for 1 a.
Aoriytptv, Ion.
for f.
apfjyeiv, pres. ApGrjr, fipOrjv, AptOfiiti) -Sj, -I/GO), p. tip'iQfiriKa,
'inf. act. 'Apnycv, Ion. for $011- pass. ind.
'Ap^rt, -rj, (fr. aptdubs number) to number,
3 sin. imp. ind. Ap?;yot- impr. ApQijvai,
Ap0(?, reckon, count, tell over ; to class

ffa,Dor. for aofiyovtra, fern. par. par. ApQt'iCtTai,

3 sin. 1 f.
among, consider, deem, suppose.
of ai'pu.
pres. act. of
ind. pass, 1 a. act.
ind.T/p/fyjyo-a- inf. apid-
(fr. 'Apr?? Mars)
Apijyw, f. -u>, IjJifd) -to, -;/<7W, p. -rjKa, (fr. urjirai. per. pass, rjpidurjuai' par.

friendship) to love, be fond 1 a. pass.

nztf,help, succour, assist, relieve, pdftbs tlptOnTifjiivos- ypiBfifj-
defend, protect. of, attached to, feel affection for ; 6riv. 1 f. pass.
a de- to make up, be reconciled. nQ^Qrmtvai, Poet, for
ApT/ywv, -6vos, b, , (fr. last)
fender, protector, preserver;
an ApQuia, -as, /, (fr. same) love, drjvat, 1 a. inf. pass, of last
assistant, helper, supporter. tender attachment, friendship. Apidurjua, -OTOS, TO, (fr. apidutw to
Apf/7a,neut. pi.
of Ap^toj, same as ApButos, -ov, b, (fr. same) a lover, count) a number, sum total,
'Apaoj. friend, companion. whole, amount.
to join, and ApiOurjcai, 1 a. inf. act. of same.
Af.??0oo?, -ov,b,fi, 'Apr?? Mars, Apdubs, -ov, b, (fr. a'pu
(fr. '

and Sous in war,

swift)Svubs the mind) union, agree- Apl6ur)ffis, -(Of, Att. -Uf, fi, (fr.

warlike, brave, courageous ; Ar- ment, love, friendship, attach- apiOnfu) to count) an enumera-
etthoos, a man's name. ment, concord. tion, reckoning, counting over ;

and Ap(0aroj, -ov, b, ft, ,
and ApOpiT^Kos, -?, -bv, a muster, survey.
(fr. same, and tfidta to kill) sfairc (fr. next) arthritic, relating to the nQuriTiKfj, -rjs, /, viz.
Tt^vij, (fern,
in 6a/e. joints, having pains in the joints ; of next) arithmetic.
?, -ov, 5, //, (fr. same, and gouty. nd^TtKos, -fi, -bv, (fr.
ear) dear to Mars, orfond Ap0pirt?, -ttfoj, f), (fr. next) pains to count) arithmetical, relating to
of war ; warlike, brave, coura- in the joints, gout. numbers, numeral, skilled in ac-
geous. ApOpov, -ov, TO, (perhaps fr. dpta counts or numbers.
for to fit) a joint ; a smatt member same) lobe
Aprjuivos, (Ion. yprjptvos, par. nOpLTjTbs, -fi, -bv, (fr.
'per. pa^.
of aipfw to take) cut or part ; the privities ; the socket reckoned, that may be numbered;
off, destroyed, blighted, blasted. of the eye ; a muscle, sinew ; an few in number.
for a. of 'Apr/?, as if article in grammar.
'Apnv, 'Ap^a, AptBubs, -ov, b, (fr. ap&ubg union)
-ou, 6. Ap0p<5-w, f.
-were*, p. -taxa, (fr. last)
number ; a number, multitude ;
Apr?', apvbs, b, ft, (fr. dps a lamb) a to join, joint ; to adapt, fit, regu- a sum, amouru,; a muster,
lamb. late ; to */.
articulcite,speak distinctly.
Api/*a0aitt, -a?, ij, Arithmathaca, a Apt<irpa, -&v, ra, the
nificant. and irdvof labour) laborious, dili-
city of the Holy land. left side, left parts; the west;
gent, assiduous, active.
Apipaffnol, -(ov, ol, Arimaspians, misfortunes, ill luck. 'Aotaros, -n, -ov, (fr. 'Ap7?s Mars ;
Lut., Arimaspi, a people of AptGTvtaK, imp. ind. Ion. of but attributed as a superlative to
Scythia, who v/ere said to have ,
for apt
p(OTVU>. good) best, bravest, wor- ayas
but one eye. AptcTvo(ffa,
Dor. for aprrvova exc
thiest ; excellent ; chief,
Apifwi, -wv, ol, name of a place, fem. par. pres. act. Apiartv- pal, noble.
d. pi. o-ao-a,
fem. part. 1 a. act. of
, -EOS -ovj, 5, Aristotle,
Ap;jjLOiffiv. apto--
'Aptf, see E/^doj. TVW. a man's name.
- Alt.
Apto^ap^dvjoj, -ov, 6, f>, relating Aptarcvs , fos, -HDJ, 6, (fr. ApiarordKua, -aj, ^, used as the
to or named after Ariobarzanes.
a chief, head, lead- .fern, of
dpivros best)
AptTrpf'n-aar, -as, *i, (fr. apnrpCKri er, general, prince. Apiaries, AptororoVo?, -ov, 6, #, (fr. dpjffryj
fit) propriety, correctness, good the {treat, the nobility. best, and T/KTW to breed) the pa-
conduct; gracefulness, elegance. Aptora'w, f.
-v<70), p. qpiarevKa, rent of a fine, family, of a noble

Apiifpsxfws, and AptrrpfTrw?, (fr. (fr. last) to fight bravely, be- race; best bred, best of children ;

next) properly, hare gallantly, be among thefore-

becomingly ; nobly born.
gracefully. most ; to excel, surpass. Aptoro0u'vu?, Dor. for
ApiirpCTTfis, -fos -ovs, b, /, (fr.
apt Apiarrjcs, ApiffTi/Effc't,
Ion. for aptu- vovj, g.
intens. and to become) Ttes, n. and aptartvat, d. pi. of -ouy, and -ov, 6,
very proper, fit, right, becoming ; Aristophanes, a Greek comic
splendid conspicuous.
; Aptarijaarc, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. poet.
:?, or 'Aptv, and 'Appts, or 'Ap- rtjarj, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of Apt (poj, 6, $, (fr. dpjr-
'iv, -tvos, d, f), (fr. a neg. and oj best, and ^/p the hand) very
Is or plv the nose) wanting the Apio-r/o>, f. -tVu, (fr.
dpiarov din- brave, gallant ; strenuous, active,
nose ; simple, unintelligent, dull, ner) to give, or provide dinner ; ready, handy,
stupid. to invite, or entertain at dinner. din-
Aptorwrof, -ov, b, (fr. dptarov
Apij, -1^05, f/,
a file, rasp, scraper. ApiffrlvcTjv, (fr. dprro$ best) each ner) dinner-time.
Also the name of an unknown best, every bravest ; the best, or Apr0aXr)j, -f'oj -oiif, 6, ^, (fr. apt
herb called also stoutest, as picked out ; for merit, intens. and o0dAXo> to trip)
Apiaauos, Dor. for as a reward. smooth, slippery, steep, precipi-
Apiarjuos, -ov, 6, #, (fr. dpi intens. narojSov^os, -ov, b, Anstobulus, tous ; deceitful, false, erroneous;
and (Ttjfia a mark) famous, il- a man's name. doubtful, hesitating, dubious ;
lustrious ; celebrated in war, Apiffroydrwv, -ovos, b, Aristogiton, simple, credulous.
courageous, brave. a man's name. Apt0pa6/o)j, (fr. next) very clear-
Apt<r0dp//aroj, -ov, dpio-ro? Apiffroyovos, -ov, b, fa (fr. dptaros
o, (fr. ly, evidently, plainly.
best, and ap^a a chariot) that best, and yovos offspring) the ApiQpacris, - oj -ovj, 6, ? (fr. a'p: t'/

has the finest chariot; the best chief, father, or parent of a good intens. and Qpacris cautious) dis-
driver. race, or noble progeny ; produc- tinguished, remarkable ; distinct,
"Apio-ra, (fr. dptoroj best) very ing the best ; noble, high bred. de'a r , evident ; shining, bright.

well, excellently. Jiff-rd^mcoj, -ov, 6, Aristodemus, 'Apfyos, see dp^i^os.

AptaTayopfis, -ov, b, Aristagoras,
a man s name. Apltov, -ovos, b, Arion, a man's
a man's name. 'Apiaroi, -ojv, ol, (pi. of dpioroj name.
Apio-raTos, -ov, 6, Aristaeus, a best) the chiefs, leaders, nobles, Apicacia, -as, and ApKaSitj, -ns, fa
man's name. those distinguished by conduct, Arcadia, the name of a country.
Apiorap^fu -w,
->/<rw, (fr. a'pto-- bravery, or spirit.
Apca<5(of, last) -ov, 6, (fr. an Ar-
TOS best, and ap;^/) rule) to com- ApiaroKpareia, and ApjoroKpdria, cadian.
mand, rule, or govern best; to -as,h, (fr- dpiaroi the nobles, and Apm,impers. (fr. apxtw to suffice)
take the lead, in the state ; to dis- Kparfw to govern)
an aristocra- it
it is
enough, it will
charge any office with credit. cy, a government by the rich do.

-ov, 6, Aristarchus, a and great; the great, the no- ApKciaBt, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr.
man's name. bility. mid. Apictvn, 3 sin. 1 a. sub.
f. -T/O-W, p. npiffrnica, ApiffTotcparfw -&,
f. ->/ff&>, (fr. last) act. of
Aptordw -w, apK(<j).
eat to rule supreme ; to best ;
ApK<5vru)?, Ion. for Ap/covvrwj,
dine, to govern
dpiarov dinner)
(fr. (fr.
a meal at noon. 1 a. act. to form, or compose an aristocra- same) sufficiently, enough.
aa' mpr. apiarr/cov, -drw. cy. ApiaroKparto^ai -ovpai,
ApKicei, 3 sin. 1 f. act
-ov, b, Aristides, a live under, acquiesce in an aris- (7o>0a, 1 pi. of AputaQricopai, 1
man's name. tocracy. pass, of same.
Apn-?ov, -ov, TO, (fr. dpiGTos ucroKpaTTis, -(os, b, Aristocrates, ApKffj'Xdof, -ov, 6, Arcesilaus, a
best) a reward properly of valour, a man's name. man's name.
meed, recompense; a monu- ApioroKparftco?, -TI, -bv, (fr. apiffro- ApK<r/Xaf, -a, 6, Dor. for last.
ment. Kpdraa an aristocracy) aristo- 'Apxeois, -LOS, Att. -wj, ft, (fr. ap-
Apicrepa, -as, ^, viz. v?p, (fr. apt<r- cratical, inclined to the aristo- K((I) to
suffice) sufficiency, com-
Tpdf left)
the left hand. cracy. petency ; capability ; benefit, use-
ApioTpvw, f.
-vo-w, (fr. same) to s, (fr. last) aristocra- fulness, advantage; help, aid,
be left handed, to use the left tically. assistance, relief.
hand. viz. (neut. of next)
Aptord//a;0f, -ov, b, >/, (fr. dpiaros , <TTJ,

ApLtrrpbs,-a, -bv, (fr. dptcros

best. best, and ^d^ri a fight) foremost enough, it is enough, same as
The Greeks thought to amend, in fight, bravest in battle, excel-
or at least reconcile awkward ling in courage, valorous. Ap*:rof, -)}, -ov, (fr. apAc/o) to suf-

things, by giving them

favoura- un- enough.
'Apiarov, -ov, rb, (fr. adptcroj fice) sufficient,
ble names, and thence they determined. Or fr. rjfii early.
pKtT&s, (fr. last) sufficiently.
thus named the Or fr. dpiaros principal) dinner. pxtvOivos, -rj, -ov, (fr. next) juni-
weaker hand
foot, side, &c.) Aptordvooj, -ov, 6, }/, (fr. dptaros
left, left per, of the juniper.
hand, foot, eye, side, &c. ac- best, and v6os mind) well-mind- 'Apm)0oy, -ov, //, the juniper tree.
cording to the substantive un- ed, well-intentioned, benevolent, Kfu) -u, f. -ru, p. -jjpKtxa, to
derstood ; sinister, unlucky, kind, humane ; brave, valiant. suffice, be sufficient, satisfy,
ominous ; inferior, small, insig- , -ov, 6, fa (fr. same, tent ; to avert, repel, turn away,
r?nv-f off; to rehei'f, aid, suc- y, -ov, 6, {,, (fr. same, disown, renounce ; to r>
cour, give assifl'tjtrc, help suffi-
and rf-rw to strike) chariot rat- unthJiotd. 1 a. mid. ind. rjovncd-
to be tling. unv' sub. apitjffdtfiai' inf. aprij-
ciently. ApKfouai -ovuai,
or contented ; to same, am aaaOac par. aov^cd^itvo^.
acqui- 'ApuaToriryos, -ov, b, (fr.

esce, agree. 1 a. act. maker of Ap> a>rr/p, -F/poy, 6, (fr. off a lamb,
Kfiyvvui to frame)
Ion. dpKtca. per. pass. tjpKtffuat, because they leap head fore-
chariots, coachmaker.
1 a.
pass. (T0JJV. 1 f. pass, Aputvia, -ay, fa Armenia ;
an Ar- most as lambs butt) adiver,fish-
menian u-oman. arls. i

fc roet.
Apuivios, -ov, b, fa (fr. last) Arme- j, ^,
name of a city, also -

foy, -ov, o, torapKf-

capable, nian. of Neptune's nurse, Ami.
; (fr. last) sufficient,

aU> , assistant, helping, useful, 'Aputvov, -ov, TO, (fr. next) a tool. oi'qffdutvos, ~TI, -oi>, par ApvJ-
beneficial; averting, repelling ; instrument ; furniture, tackle vaffOai, inf. 1 a. mid. Apvijoi?-
lucky, see also rigging, &c. rai, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. Ap-
AM -a, -ov, (fr. a'prroj
a 'Apucros, -17, -ov, (Sync. forap<5/j:- v;7<7opa<, -#, -rrac,
1 f. ind. mid.

r like a bear.
voy, par. pres. pass, ofdptotofit} of apvfopai,
Att. -uy, ^ (fr. ap-
AOKTIOS, -a, -ov, (fr. rfpYo, to be-
t adapted, fit, proper, vomement, Apvi7c-'(y, -*oy,

gin) it must, or is to be begun. w

AputiSios, -a, -ov, (fr. ap^d^u to viouai to deny) a demo/, dtsawn/>-

*.,ti/>, -fi, -dv, and 'Apicioy, -ov, adapt) fit, proper, suitable, al ; refusal.

6, (fr. dpicroy the greater bear, agreeable ; familiar, intimate. Apvr/Tot,

3 sin. cont. pres. sub. of

or the plough) arctic, northern ; 'Apuocios, -ov, b, a man's name

Harmodius. that
respecting the constellation of the AprrirtKos, -%, -ov, (fr. same)
bear. 'Apudgotaa, Dor. for apudfyvoa denies, or refuses, negative.
fem. par. pres. act. of negatively.
Apxrouvs, -voy, 6, (fr. dpicros abear, ' Apv?Ti:wy, (fr. last)
and uvf a mouse) some species Ap^6*u), or -rrto, f. -cu, p. ifrpuoKa (dim. of apy a lamb)
Api'j'ov, -ov, TO,
of mouse. (fr. apfibs
a joint) to adjust ayoung lamb, lambkin, kid.
and fa a bear ; the sin. of
'Apin-oy, -ov, 6, adapt, apply, accommodate; t Api'dy, g. apy, also,
constellation of the bear ; the tune, harmonize; to fit, suit 'Apvoy, -on, 6, same as dpy.
north. agree; to espouse, betroth, con- ApvovutOa, 1 and Apvovvrai, 3 pi.
the tract. Apvotf- cont. pres. ind. pass.
ApK-roPpoy, -ov, o, (fr. a'pKToy
bear, and ovpd the tail) Arctu- 'Apuol, (fr. same) fitly, convenient- ucvos, -n, -cv, par. pres. pass.
rus ; a star in the constellation ly, agreeably, aptly.
cont. of
of the Great Bear. Apuol, (fr. same) lately, just
now 'Apwuai, (perhaps fr. apy a lamb,
and Ion. -In, -?y, ^ an original means of barter)
ApKTO<tfXa|,-a:oy, b, (fr. same, and ''Apuovia, -ay, -
have ; to
0vXd(nrto to guard) the guardian\ (fr. same) a joining, fittin to take,
get, receive,
the the constellation con to
of north, of closeness, compactness ; procure, acouire, purchase ;
Bootes, or the ploughman. cord, concert, agreement ; a com change, barter; to reach, attain
pact, covenant, bargain ; har- to, arrive at ; to seek,
claim ; to
Mcrwoy, -a, -ov, (fr. arctic, same)
northern. mony. assert, vindicate, par. pres. pass.

a net, toils ; a net, 'Apuovifrjs, -ov,
and Ion. -w, 6, a apvvuevos, n. du. imp. apw/ifVo).
cap, or covering for the hair ; a man's name, Harmonides. ind. rjpvvunv, -(ro, -TO.

fillet, headband, garland. 'ApfioviKos, -fj, -bv, (fr. appaiia Apvwv, g. pi. '< of dpy.
Ap/twy, same as apKfrwy. joining) filling, answering, agree Apfa'/uvoy, la. m. par. 'Apa<r-
'Apua, -aYoy, TO, (fr. a'pw
join) ing to; suitable, adapted; har- 0ai, 1 a. inf. mid. of dp^w.
o chariot, cart, carriage, vehicle. monical, musical. Apfrvuai, Dor. for
Apuayettuv, Heb. indecl. Anna- 'Apudvlos, -ov, b, fa (fr. same) con
-iEol. for 1
'Apfo//ai, -p, -rrat, f.

geddon, the mountain of Me- gruous, fitting ; harmonious. j

ind. mid. of same.
-prai, 2 and
to fit) a 3 pL
giddo. 'Apubs, -ov, b. (fr. dpw i, -j],
and Ion. a joining, closure, seam -^uvTat, 1 a. sub. mid. of

'Apua\ia, -ay, -\ifi, -f/y, joint; ,

(fr. dpw to firm, and piXy the a limb, member ; a hinge, bol same.
limbs) food, maintenance, allow-\ * latch. , -o?y v 2 sin. pres. sub. of
ance ; a pittance, small Quantity Aouoarai, Ion. for Jjpuoffrai, 3 sin.
a. sin. Ion. ap/mAo/v. '
per. pass, of of Apoiuav, Dor. for
a car- AOUOGTT), -^y, fa (fem. of next) a Apoifirjv, -oio, -OJTO, in 1 pi.
'Appduai-a, -ay, fa (fr. apua apolue-
nage, and a/iafa a wagon) a bride. 0a, 2 a. opt. mid. of at'pu.
carriage, vehicle, properly for the 'Apuovrds, -fi, -6>, (fr. apudfy to fit) Apduutvai, Poet, for
use of women ; a covered car- convenient, suitable, agreeable. which Dor. for Aprfav, pres. in

riage. Apudrroiut, in 3 pi. apu6rroitv act. of

'Apfidmoy, and Apudrtos, -a, -ov, pres. opt. act. of Apov, -ov, rd, the herb ramp, or

(fr. Oppa
a carriage) belonging
same as apudfy. wakerobin.
to a
chariot, relating to carriages, ApvaToy, -ov, 6, a man's name, Apov, I a. impr. act. of a/pw.
ttfce, or in the style of a chariot ; Anuzus. Apovro,
Ion. for ^povro, 3' pi. 2 a.
Apvaris, -/<5oy, fa (fr- apf
a lamb) a ind. mid. of same.

Apuarn\affia, -ay, (fr. apua a sheep's, or lamb's skin. IpoVaj,

1 a. inf. act.
ApoVu, -^y,
carriage, and fXavvw to drive) 'Apvay, a. pi. of ap^v, or dpy. -rt,
1 a. sub. act. of
charioteering, driving a carriage; Apv?ov , (fr. next)
a place Ap<5ofyoy, -ov, 5, fa (fr. ap6u to

o chariot race. 'where lamb, or mutton is sold, plough) arable, fit for tillage f
'ApjiaT?Xa'Tay, -a, b, Dor. for
'Ap- market, shambles. ploughed, tultivated, tilled.

paTjyXaTTjy, -ov, o, (fr. same) a Apv<oy, -ov, 6, (fr. apy a lamb) a Apoffiy, Ap<5uo-y,
and ApOTp/ao-ty.
charioteer, driver of a chariot. grown lamb, ram, hoggerel. -joy, Att. -uy, fa (fr. same)

'ApuariKi,, and Dor. -/ca, -^y, fa 'Apvoy, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of a ploughing, tillage, cultivation,
(fr. same, and vltaj victory) the lamb, like a lamb. farming; agriculture, land in
victory in a chariot race. AovtioBai, pres. inf. mid. cont. tillage ; a corn field.
'A.ppdriov, -ov, rd, (dim. of same) LpoVo-u, same
of as npdu. pres. inf.
a small chariot or carriage. act. ap6fftrtiv.
' Apvtouai -ovuai, f. -ijaopai, p. tfpv>7-
Apuarolpouta, -ay, fa (fr. same, uat, (fr. a neg. and dpy a lamb LpoVoi, n. pi. of
and optuos a race) a chariot slain when a treaty is made) to ApdYijy, -ov, and A^orf)p,
-^poy, 6,
(fr. ap<5w to plough) a ploughman
race. quarrel irreconcileably ; to deny,
M (89)
husbandman ; a cultivator, j
2 a. act. ind.
5/p7rayoV sub Ap'pcvuirds, and Apprjvunds, -oJJ. 6,
an epithet! !,, (fr. same, and
practitioner, student; <ip7rayw. per. pass. ripiraap.a <ty the face) o/
of oxen. and j;p7ray^rt(.
1 a. pass. a manly countenance, of a noble
Ion. for atorou, g. sin. of and fipnd^Onv. 2 a. pass
v mien, or air.

'Aporos, -ov, b, (fr. apdw to plough) -tiynv, and ^pirdcr/v. per. ind Appciriis, -tos -ovs, and 'Appeirns,
ploughing; the seasonfur plough- inid/jjprraya, and 5Jpjra<5o
-ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and f>tir<a to
*w and Poet. 'Ap incline) not leaning, inclining, or

/ procreation. Apira.KTr/p, ->/poj,

Aporoj, ->), -o*/, (fr. same) plough- iraKrfis, -ou, b, (fr. last) a robber
bending ; upright, erect; straight,
ed ; arable, fit for tillage. plum Lnr, spoiler, ravisher. direct ;
impartial, unbiassed ;

'Aporpa, pi. of dporpov. AraKrftco", -?), -ov, (fr. same) pi/. insignificant, of no consequence,
Aporpoiy, -/of,, Att. -f'wy, 6, Poet. lading, plundering; rapacious weak, feeble.
for covetous. -a?,
ap6rr/s. Ap'pci^ia, /;, (fr. last). impar-
Aporpiacrts, -tos,
Att. -Wj, ;, see (fr. last) violently tiality, indifference ; equitable
dpoffis. rapaciously, eagerly. ness.

Aporpidu -u>,
and Aporpjao>, f
'ApTraKTOS, -rj, -ov, (fr. up^a^u) t Ap'p/iKroiffi, d. pi. of
-oVa), p. TjpoTptaKa, (fr. dporpov seize ) plundered, robbed ; seized 'App/KTo?, -ou, 6, fi,
net to be broken.
a plough) Jo plough, till, or pre- wrested, extorted.
pare land; to labour, cultivate 'Apir!i\fo$, -a,
-ov (fr. same) rapid, 'Appriv, or 'Apcrr/v, -tvos, b, a male
the earth.
violent, ravenous ; swift, eager
of any kind. Adj. masculine,
Aporpi&v, n. and Aporptwira, a furious, manlike, manly ; strong, stout,
sin. cont. par. pres. act. of last.
ApnaXius, (fr. last) rapidly, vora- brave, valiant.
Aporptwffis, -toj, Att. -EU>J, ;, same ciously, violently ; by snatches. Appr/vtd) -w, t. -)7<rw, p. -TJKO, (fr.
as last) to play the man; to bully,
dpoais- Ap7ruAi'w, (fr. same) to seize,
Aporpotiofis, -tos ~ovs, b, f), (fr. grasp, lay hold upon ; to catrJ rail, scold.
next, and eioos figure) like, or re- an opportunity. Ap/^vJh-, -log -ovs, b, fi, (fr. same)
sembling a plough. "Ap-at;, -ayos, b, ft, (fr. ap-a^w to male, masculine, strong; harsh,
'Aporpov, -ov, TO, (fr. to rob) rapacious, ravening, de- stern ; rigid, fierce,
ap<5w severe,
plough) a plough. vouring ; subs, a ravisher, plun- rough.
Aporp6irovs, -o<5of, 6, (fr. last, and derer. AppTjvou -tD,
-wcrw, (fr. same) to
nous a foot) the foot, or sock of Aprra|ttJj,
JEol. for take a liusband, marry.
plough, the ploughshare. to act the man, be-
ApTrdfas, -daa, -av, 1 a. par. //at -ovpai,
Apovv, cont. for ap6ttv, pres. inf. same. have masculine ; to desire the
act. of a. pi. of male, par. per. pass. Tjppnvwue-
apdw. 'ApTraj, a'pjT/?.

Apotpa, -as, and Ion. Apovpij, -r/s, Apirdaas, 1 a. par. act. of ap^a vos.
b (fr. ao6o) to plough) arable, Apra'w -w, f. -ao-w, (fr. aprr;/ a ApptjToiroua, -as,f/, (fr. dpprjros in-
or ploughed land, a field, arm ; sickle) f
to plunder,
rob, steal. expressible, and Troiao to do) im-
a square measure of 1 00 cubits, Ap-rreoris, -to$ -ovs, b, r], (fr. xtdov piety ; wickedness, villany ; in-
about the third of an Irish acre ; the ground) on a level with the famy, obscenity.
ground, land ; the earth. ground, on the groundfioor. AppriToxoibf, -ou, b, fj, (fr. same)
Apovpaios, -a, -ov, (fr. last) ara6/e, Apvsodvq, -TIS, f}, and 'Apireo&v, abominable, detestable ; obscene,
fit for, or relating to tillage ; ru- -6vos, b, (fr. apTra^w to seize) a infamous ; a villain, profligate.
ral, rustic, wild. rope, cord ; a halter, noose, snare, Appnros, -ov, b, ^ (fr. a neg. and
ApovpYov, -ov, TO, (dim. of same) a trap. ptu to speak) unutterable, inex-
small field, paddock, a little farm. pTrta, -as, f>, (fr. iri{,a the sole pressible ; not before spoken,
3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of atpu. of the foot) the bottom, root, or mentioned, or talked of, unuttered;
Apo*w -w, f.
apoVw, p. 7/poxa, to foot of a mountain ; a fence, or not to be named, or repeated,
plough, till, cultivate ; per. pass. wall of loose stones. abominable, impious ; obscene,
rjpouai, -ffai, -rai. Vpwi/, -r/s, fj, (fr. ap-du) to seize) enigmatical, mysterious.
A.p6wais, -ios,
Att. -tws, fj,
same as a reaping hook ; a crooked
sickle, Ap'prjruis, (fr. last) secretly, obscure-
sword, hanger, scimitar ; a vul- ly, mysteriously.
Apirdylnv, (fr. apird^w to seize) in ture, bird ofprey. see
\.ppify>s, apt^oj.
haste, hastily, eagerly, swiftly, Apxvia, -as, iy, (fr. same) a harpy, ppiXJiiaQai,
to crawl, or scramble

by snatches; rapaciously, rave- a fabulous winged fiend ; a up on the hands and feet; to
nously, forcibly. storm, whirlwind. mount, climb.
'Apirayeis, -tiaa, -fv, a. sin. -yivra, .ppafiu>v,-&vo$, b, earnest, handsel; \.p'piXO$, 'Apfyof, 'Apia/cos, 'ov, b,
par. 2 a. pass, of same. a pledge, pawn, token, security. and Appi%t), -qs, //,
a basket, pan-
'Apn-ayj;, -r/s, f], (fr. apTra^w to rob) a. sin.
appafiuva. nier, or other wicker vessel.
rapine, robbery, pillage, taking Appayiis, -105 -ovsi b, ft, (fr. a neg. AppvQuos, -ov, b, (fr. a neg. and
by force ; a hook, drag, grapple, and /3/7<7<ru> to break) unbroken, pvduos rhythm) inharmonious,
used for fishing up things fallen entire, sounr*, whole ; firm, unmusical; irregular, not me
into a well.
strong, durable, lasting. thodical, loose, wild ; immode
pi. 2 f. ind. m. of Ion. for which rate.
Apj>ai-v, fippafyv,
same. Poet, for 1 a. act. of AppvQiiws, (fr. last) inharmoniout-
and "Apirair/ia. -aro?, To 1

, ly, irregularly.
(fr. same) spoils, plunder, booty ; Appafyos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. a neg. and 'Appviros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and
pillage ; rapidity. pa(f>f)
a seam) without seam, pvnos filth) clean, neat ; pure,
Ap7rayf*6s, -ov, o, (fr. same)
rob- woven throughout, of one piece. chaste; upright.
bery, plunder, pillage.
Appeva,a.. sin. 'Ap'peves, n. pi. Appvaovrai, for avapvaovrat) 3 pi. 1
3 sin.
Apirdfyvmv, 3 pi. Apptvwv, f. mid. of avapvw, fr. avd up,
*Apirdfyi, g. pi. ofdppr/v.
ind. act. and ApvevtKds, ->?, -bv,
'Apirdfyiv, and apvu), which see.
pres. inf. act. Apra'^oirtj, male) mascu- Apbaotu, App(>)cia, Ion. for oppta-
(fr. dfprjv or ap<r/v
act. of
pi. par. pres. line, manlike ; robust, strong. otto, and -oia.
Apffu^w, f. -aw, and Dor. -<u, AppEvoydvos, -ou, 8, >/, (fr. same, and Apptaarid) -w, f. -tjaw, p- -TjKa, (fr,
p. ripnaKa, and Jjprca^a,
to rob, a neg. and piavvvpn to be strong)
yivouai to be) bearing males,
plunder, pillage, spoil ; to snatch, producing a manly offspring. to be sick, infirm, labour under

seize, take forcibly , carry off ; to ApfavtttS&s, (fr. same) in a manly ill health.

worry, tear, devour. 1 a. act.

ijp- manner, stoutly, bra'vety. -aro$,Td, (fr. last) sicfc-
weakness, infirmity, ill a trencher-friend ; one of Ho- ApnVoAAoj, -ou, b, {/, (fr. dpn late-
mer's mice. ly, or dpnos perfect, and /coAAdw

same) sick- A.p-1 w -w, and Aprfopat -ovftai, see to

glue) slicking firmly, strong;
rr .,..a, -as, *, (fr.

weU joined, compact ; lately
ness, disease, infirmity.
'App<o<rros,-ov, b, f,, (fr. same) in-
'Aprrtpa, -dros, aprdw
rb, (fr. to made, new.
firm, weak, languid, sick; an hang up) any thing suspentled, Apn'os, -ov, b, },, (fr. dpw to suit)
invalid. hung up, or attached to, an ap- even, equal ; whole, entire ; per-
4.p>-, apib>, 'u, f,, (perhaps
apt* pendage ; a belt ; a pendant, ear- fect, complete, sound ; apt, fit,
a prayer, a lamb being a fre- ring. agreeable, proper.
quent sacrifice) a lamb. d. pi. Aprtip, -fipos, b, (fr. same) a sus- Aprijrof, -ou, 6, %, Poet, for
pender, or support of a burden, Ap-t-ouff, -oSus, 6, fi, (fr. dpnos -

Aocdacvos, ^Eol. for apd/j.tvos, 1 a.
any contrivance to bear a load ; sound, and irous a foot) surefoot-
for the a strap, sound in the
per. mid. 'Apaas, JE,o\. shoulders, back; ed, feet, firm, steady,
1 a. par. act. of
a'pas, dpw. thong, rope, belt ; a case, sheath, strong, healthy.
neut. sin
'Apo-va, a. sin. scabbard ; a kind of shoe. priffis, -tos,
Att. -o>s, fi, (fr.
or a. du. of to form) finishing, perfec-
'Apo"V, n.
dparjv, Aprnpia, -a>,{), (perhaps a>ip air, rlfyt
same as dppnv. and Tr/ptu to keep) an artery ; tion, culture, care; ornament,

Apaav'iKbi, -i), -bv, (fr. dco-^r male)

the pulse; the windpipe. embellishment, decoration.
masculine. arte- ApriroKos, -ov, b, fi, (fr.
AprripiaKos, -r,, -bv, (fr. last) apn lately,
ApaevoKoirijs, -ov, b, i/, (fr. sai\ie, rial. and TIKTW to produce) new born,
and Koirrt a bed) a sodomite. -as, f), (fr. same,
and very young ; that has lately borne,
'Aparjv, -vos, o, fa
see dppnv. TffjLVd)
to cut) a cutting, wound- just delivered,
'Apo-Jf, -os,
Att. -Wf, i/, (fr. atpw ing, or separation of an artery ; prirpoiros, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and
to raise) exaltation, elevation, or of the throat. to turn, 01 to rear)
rpfTTw rpf<p<i>

up ; a carrying, or
raising, lifting Aprt]pitji>OT]s, -cos -ovs, o, fi, (fr. just reared, or arrived at maturi-
taking away, deprivation ; a bur- 'same, and tioos a likeness) arte- ty, young.
den, load; tax, tribute. rial ; resembling, or relating to
Apn<paros, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same,
'Apo~t/cos, -ou, 6,
see dppi%os* an artery. ddu> to kill) lately dead, just kill-
act. 1 ed.
'A-pcov, 1 a. impr. 'Apo-w, 'Apn, now, at present, already,
f. ind. act. JEol. of
dpu. lately, just now; a-'
dpn, or ApTt<f>p<iiv, -ovo$, o, f], (fr. dpnos
Aprd.Sa^os, -ou, o, Artabazus, a airdpn, henceforth, henceforward, perfect, and ^povldt to think, th.
man's name. from this time; E'W? dpn until the mind) sane, sound in
Aprd|3avos, -ou, 6, Artabanus, a now, titt this time. In compos, it mind.
man's name. implies newness ; or, for donos, m'wff, (fr. same) perfectly, whol-
Aprdfa, -T,S, h a Persian measure whole, perfection. ly, entirely ; soundly, sensibly,
for grain.
ApnaKis, (fr. dpnos equal) equal- truly.
Dor. for 'Apr- ly, evenly, of equal number. dpn lately) just now,
'Apro><j, -i$os, ft, jr'tws, (fr.

Aorid^u), f. -dffj), p. -ana, (fr. recently, lately ; evenly, fitly.

'Apra//of, -ou, 6, (fr. dpros bread, same) to play at odd and even; iTOKOiuaKo;, -ov, b, fj, (fr. dproff
and rf'/ii/w to cut) a butcher, cook, to fit, make even, or equal ; to
bread, and ico-iaw to toil) well
butler. prepare, provide, furnish. baked ; bread well wrought ; a
Aprdvij, -r,s, fi, (fr. aprdw hang AonaTfjibs, -ov, b, (fr. same) odd crust, or piece of bread.
up) a halter, noose, collar; a 'and even; plaj/ing at it. roKo-xos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and
rope, strap, belt, support. Apn/3Ac;;v)f, -ios -ov;, and Aprl- O-TW to knead) a baker.
a late- same as Apra^fp^s.
ApraZip&s, -ou, 6, Artaxerxes, /3Aao-rof, -ou, 6, dpn
(IV. s,
man's name. ly, and /SAac-rdvw to bud) lately ,
-ot),6, fj, (fr. dpros bread,
Aprdoj -u>,
and Ion. Aprla) -w, f. budding; but now siwotin': ; andrroa'co to make) a baker.
-//crw, p. -vKa, to hang up, sus- sprouting, fresh. Aprosi-ov, b, (perhaps fr.
to attach, or fasten to;
pend; Ap7(,.;t/(xiJ)?, -fog -ovs, o, /, (fr. dpn raise) bread, a loaf; food.
to support by. Apra'o/zot, and lately, and fiot&os an infant) {p-o^dyos, -ov,b, (fr. dpros bread,
Ion. Apriopai, to hang, be sus- lately born, infant, young. and <f>dyij) to eat) loaf-nibblery
pcndefl from, or supported by :
Apriyduos, -ov, b, 17, (fr. same, and one of Homer's mice.
to depend upon, rely, trust lo; ydpof marriage) new married. AorvOi'/atrai, 3 sin. 1 f. pass. Ap-
malx ready
rwrtre, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. act. ofap-
to prepare, provide, ;
A.pnytvtO'hos, -ov, b, /, (fr. same,
to conciliate, ingratiate. and yvf0A7 a birth-day) same as TUW.
Aeneas, -a, b, Artemas, a man's Aprjytripff, -fo$ -ovs, b,
Poet, for
'AorJ//(i, -arof, rb, (fr. apruw to

ApnylvvriTos, -ov, same, b,

pickle) sauce, seasoning pickle,
rt, (fr. ';

Apr^tea, a. sin. and neut. pi. of and yivofiai born) new

to be
Apr//flf, -Ios, -ovs o, >/, (perhaps fr. born, lately, or just born ; very 'Aorvcis, -ios, Att. -tws, fi, (fr.
dprtos whole, or fr. a neg. and young. same) seasoning, relish, sauce.
rf'p<a> divide) whole, entire ; ApndaKpuf, -uos, 6, ^, (fr. same, Apruo), or Apruj/w, f. apruffu, p. rjp-
sound even, not odd ; and cdKpv a tear) lately weep- 'rvKa, (fr.'
dpw to fit) to fit, suit,
; fit,
proper, suitable. ing, mourning just now ; in- accommodate ; to contrive, feign ;
'ApTLuis, -roj, and
17, Diana. clined to weep.
-Joof, to provide, furnish, to
Ap~t[i.icna, -as,
the herb mug- same as I a. act.
Apr<7Tio?, -a, -ov,
season, salt, pickle. ijp-
worth or motherworih ; Artemi-
Apri-fis, -(os -cuff, 6, fi, dpnos
(fr. n'ffa. par. pres. pass, ap-nio^vo^.
sia, a woman's name. and i-u to
perfect, speak) talka- per. pass, ^prvfuti' par. rjpmftf-
ApTtfiifftov, -ov, rb, (fr. 'Apr^if tive ; articulate, distinct, dear ; vos. 1 a. ind. pass.
nprvQiiv. 1 f.
Diana) a festival, temple, statue, specious, insinuating, artful ; pass. cii}TvOrfffOfiat
or other thing dedicated to Diana. true, speaking truth, genuine. 1 a. mid. of
ApvcrdfiEvos, par. apuu.
Apnyiwv, -ovos, b, (fr. oprdw to Apn'^w, f. -t'o-w, (fr. same) to fd, Apvor//p, -fipos, b, (fr. apua) to
hang up) the mainsail, foresail, frame ; to
compose, settle ; lo draw) a measure ; a glass-full,
topsail ; a sailyard, yard, or yard- finish, complete ; to execute, per- gill ; a bucket and wheel, or such
arm, a. sin.
aprtudva. form. like machine for o well.
a man's name.
Ajrr/^wv, -6t/os, b, ApnOa\iis,-los -ovs, b, /, (fr. same, Apvrfip, -r/oos,fi, (fr. same) abuck-
Aprnn>3ouAof, -ou, 6, (fr. dproj and Sa'AAw to bloom) fresh 'ef, 'pump, or Ot'^cr instrument to
bread, and titi&o^os a waylayer) bloomins, just flourishing. rime !'

and Apu>u, f.
apvaw, p. $pv-i ginning, and KUKOS evil) the Apxitparevu, f. -tutrw, (fr.
author of evil, or a high (Mat
K a, to draw, raise from below; to cause, origin, pi>y priest) to be, or
lift. misfortune. high priest.

indecl. Arphaxad, a
Apx&aos, same, and Ap^(paT<Acdy,-^.ov, (fr. same)re-
-ov, b, (fr.

man's name. Aooy the people) a ruler of the lating to the high, or chief print,
head, ptnple, prince, chief.
-ou, o, (fr. apx/; Also, Ar- or to his office,

ayyfAoy an angel)
an arch- chelaus,a man's name. Apy^cpfa, -p?, -pe?s,-pevffi, -pf'wv, '

Att. -wy, 6, >/, (fr. , cases of

angel, chief angel, prince of Apy^'roAiy, -log,
govern, and ir6\i$ city) 1?
to a -f'oy, and Att. -fas, b,
angels. dpx<>> ;iiy,

A.Q'yciyiras, -a, b, Dor. for flpvf/yt" ruling in the city, pre-eminent in r.

ap^of chief, an-!
r>;y, -ou, b,
and the state, having influence, or priest) a high priest, chief priest;
pwiver in public affairs. Subs. a chief, head, or father of the sa-
Apy^dydy, Dor. for apy^ydy, -ov, b,
and fiyfopat to lead) soveni^n, ruler, prince. cerdotalfamilies among the Jews ;
(fr. same,
bishop ; a sacred ma-
a head, for inf. a
leader, captain, chief, 'ApY^o-0' (ipx^rOui, pres. pontiff',
ruler. pass. Ion. gistrate, officer regulating holy
'AflY^ro, for>/pY_ro,
3 ceremonies.
Apx&OEv, Dor. imp. ind. pass.
for (fr.'Apy^u, sin.
same ) from old ; Dor.
ap^ou, pres. impr. pass Apxupuavvr/, -r/s, fi, (fr. last)
of old, former- for the

ly, anciently, long ago. of ttpyco. high priesthood.

of the
Apy/n, -WV, af, (pi. same) first- Ap^f'ruiro?, -ou, b, fi, (fr. p%>) Apx^ralpos, -ov, b, (fr. ap^dy chief,
fruits, first offerings. beginning, and TUTTO? a stamp) and trutpos a friend) a dear
Ap^a?u>, f. -l<T(j>, p. -iKa, (fr. ap- original, elemental, primitive. friend, intimate companion, chief
an- Subs, an original, pattern, arche-
Xaios ancient) to imitate the favourite.
cients ; to adopt old customs ; to type. Apximvoi'xos,-ov, b, (fr. same, and
restore to its dncient state.
ApyEuw, same as dpx^. uvouyoy a eunuch) a principal
Apydi'Koy, and Apy^m/cdy, -f), -b ApY,>?, "fai <v> beginning, com
a eunuch, the chief of the eu-
(fr. same) antiquated, old, old mencement, origin ; an extremity, nuchs.
fashioned. or outermost point, end a Apy,<*dy, -fi, -bv, (fr. the be-
; first, apy^
ApxaiKSJs, (fr. last) oldfashioned- or original state; a principle, ginning) primary, original ;
ly ; anciently. element, cause, head ; authority, chief, principal, head; ruling,
Apva?ot,-wv, ol, (pi.
of apvaToj an- rule, dominion, power, com- royal, imperial ; fit for command,
cient) the ancients; ancestors, mand, empire, supremacy ; of- able to direct.
forefathers. fice, magistracy ;
a magistrate. ipyoKvf}tpv>jrT)s, -ov, b, (fr. ap^oy
Apv?ov, of same)
-ou, rb, (neut.
PI. first-fruits, first offerings. chi
chief, and Kvfiepvi'irrjs
a pilot)
a loan, debt, principal sum ; air'
apX'is or atrapx^f^from
the be- chief pilot, master, commander.
usance, usurious profit ; inter- ginning, from eternity. <ipy^/j>, or -ov, b, Archilochus, a
est, return, income. r/p apxnv, for Kara rrjv apy^v. nian's'name.
Apxatos, -a, -ov, and Ion. -rj, -ov, inthe beginning, at first, former-
3y/^ayipoy, -on, 6, (fr. apy^f
comp. -<5rpoy, sup. -draroy, (fr. ly ; absolutely, verily. chief, and pdyupos a cook) a
apxn the beginning) ancient, old, chief cook, or butcher ; a butler ;

of former times ; old fashioned, (fr. next) hold the supreme au-
to a captain of the guard.
antique, out of date. thority, rule, govern, command, Ap^totvdyooy, -ov, b, (fr. same,
anti- direct. o?voy wine, and y^w to pour) a
A.pxai6rris, -rjro$, fi, (fr. last)
quity, the or limes of old ;
mm, and Dor. Apr/zyfYas, chief cupbearer ; a head butler.

ancientness, oldness. ou,' b, (fr. ap^<? rule, >;yf'o- A.py/7rapar>)y, -ou, 6, (fr. same, and
-as, fj, (fr. apx*l rule, to lead) a leader ; a prince, a pirate) a chief, or cap-
A.pXaipt<ria, jj.ai mipartis
and to elect) an election, ruler; an author, beginner, first tain of pirates.
creation of magistrates. cause.
Apy/7ro//7v, -voy, &, (fr. same, and

-arrw, f.
last) fr. to )Y_?/yfrjf, -tops, fi, (fr. same) a shepherd) a chief, or
assemble for, or hold an election ; same as last in the fern, gender ; head shepherd.
to elect, vote, choo,se ; to canvass, c woman ruler ; a patroness.
ApyiTrTroy, -ov, b, (fr. same, and
solicit votes, or interest. -ov, b, (fr. same) a lead- (Woy a horse) a master of horse,
(fr. ap^a?o?
an- er, chief, prince, ruler. chief groom, equerry. Also a
Ap%ai'o-|udy, -ou, 6,
cient) imitation of the ancients ; Apv^Csi^ Ion. for t% apy^y, from man's name.
the beginning, anciently ; former-
affectation of antiquated style; Apxt-pwflvrtis, -ov, b, (fr. same,
an archaism, or ancient phrase, ly, long ago. and irpefffivrris an ambassador)
jy^v, and rf,v apx^v,
or mode of expression. for Kara a chief ambassador, the head of
in the beginning, origi- an embassy.
Ap^aiwy, (fr. same) anciently, for- o^)v,
at chief-
merly, of old. nally, first ; principally, >y/<nro7rotoy, -ou, b, (fr. same,
'Apva/Mj, -ou, 5, (fr. aoy^ govern- ly ; totally, entirely ; verily, ab- o-froy bread, and TTOUW to make)

ment) a prince, chief, ruler. solutely. a chief, or master baker.

-ov, b, a man's name. >X6fvra, a. sin. par. 1 a. pass, ApyiorpaTj/yoy, -ou, 6, (fr. same,
-ov, b, (fr. p^nile, of npy.w. and (rrpar>/ydy a general)a heuil
and justice) a just ruler, ivfarpas, -ov, b, (fr. ap^oj chief, general, commander in chief.
and a a
magistrate, impartial mrpdf physician) chief jyifiuvaywyof, -ou, b, (fr. same, '

judge. surgeon ; an eminent physician. and cvvayuyr] a synagogue)

Apy/(ny, -Ewy, ij, the white vine. 5^yp'i|///aruy, -foy, 6, (fr. same, ruler, governor, or warden
sin. pres. ind. 'Ap%av, and a a chief
'Ap^f(,3 ypa//^rus scribe) synagogue.
pros. inf. act. 'Apy Eo-0ai,p'"es. sr-ribc,
or principal c!rrk, 1hc,
b.oyiTKrovvu), f. -tvffta, and Apj^t-
pass. 'Apyrr<u, 3 sin. pres. hind, or ruler of the scribe*, chief 'riKrovlia -w, f. -//ffw, (fr. apy/rfK-
ind. pass, of fto^w. secretary. TWV an architect) to model,
Apv/Toj' -ov, TO, (neut.
of next) ApyYcffyoy, -ou, 6, Archidamus, a scheme, design, draw a plan ; to
the palace, court, or residence of >man's name. invent, devise ; to
the prince, or magistrates; a lyif^o-^o^uAaf, -avoy,o, (fr. apyo? ApxirsKrovla, -ay> '/, (fr. same)
council chamber, courts ofjustice, chief, faffiiii fetters, and dwAot a
public hall. -7^, 17, (fem. of
Apy<o?> -n, -fir, same as np^fiioy. t>, (fr. same)
A'.'Yf* i
i \- :T:K: .

architectural, relating to building,
skilfulm architecture.
a ?X>
Apx<rruv, V S> ^> (fr-
significant humble, lowly,
; mo- out a iword or weapon, unarm- ment ; study, pursuit, diligence ;
dest ; obscure, inconsiderable ; ed. custom, habit; regimen, diet,
indistinct, confused. Ac-/*;, -js lon. for aoia, fern, of training.
, (fr. last) obscurely, mean- cKnTios, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be
-ov, b, silver. practised, tried, &c.
'AanitToj;, -ov, b, {], (fr. a neg. and Acivrj, -rjs, {}, the name of an herb, AffKnTt'/ptov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a
CT^TTW to rot) sound, whole, heal- and of a city. school, hall, or public place for
thy ; lasting, durable, incorrupti- Acrft'/}s, -fos -oust b, fi, (fr. a neg. study or exercise ; a monastery,
ble. and <nru> to hurt) unhurt, free convent.
Heb. indecl. Aser, a man's from harm, safe, sound ; harm- Aa/urrris, -ov, b, (fr. same) a teach-
name. less, innocent. er, master ; an ascetic, hermit.
Aaf/ffti), -ji$, -j),
1 a. sub. act. of 4.(n'os,'-a, -ov, (fr. do-is dirt) muddy, Affords, -';, -bv, (fr. same) cxtr-
miry ; boggy, marshy. cised, practiced ; usual, custom-
Affdfvcia, and AcQtvta, -as, fi, (fr. a 7/pa/cos, -ov, b, akind of Iccust. ary ;elaborate, complete, perfect ;

neg. and vdfvos strength) weak- A<7<s, -<os, -ws, ^nd 'Afftj,
Att. ascetic, austere.
ness, infirmity, bad health ; want, -IS) '/, (perhaps Jr. d^w to dry) 'AnKio$, -a, -ov, (fr. a intens. and
poverty; cowardice, pusillani- mud, slirnc, mire ; Jilth, dirt,
ffKia a shade) shady, dusky,
mity. sweepings. dark, gloomy. Or, (fr. a neg.)
A(70vfs> neut. sin. AaOevrj,-vu$, aiTtw -w, f. ->;CTW, (fr. a neg. and without shade, exposed, open,
-vovs, -v&vt cases of acOtvns. oiros food) to fast. glaring, desolate.
A.a6ivl(i) -w, f.
-rjff<a, p. rjaQtvriKa, ciTi, (fr. same) fasting. Ao-xrA-ios, Dor. for
(fr.a neg. and cr0vos aiTta, and Aanda, -as, b,^Esculapiua, the
Ao-/<rA>;7no$, -ov,
strength) 17, (fr.
to be
sick, weak, or infirm; to lan- same) fasting, abstinence from, god of medicine.
guish, pine, decay ; to be im- or neglect of food; hunger, want -ov, b, the son of
poverished, reduced, or destitute ; offood. uEsculapius.
to be in same
doubt, waver, par. pres. Ao-mw, f. -iVw, (fr. same) to fast. 'AOVCOTTOS, -OD, 5, };,
as dcKn:-
act. acdsviwv -&v, -eovaa -ovaa, Loiros, -ot b, f), (fr.
same) unfed,

fov -ovv. imp. ind. act. rjaOlveov

fasting, hungry, starving. $, same as ,

1 a. act. rjaQiv^ca

par. ff/cdAd/ios, and A<7k-fiAa/3wr7S, -OD, LG-KOS, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. a re-
-aaa, -av. 6, an iff, newt, lizard. dund. and o^f'w to contain) a
-aros, TO, b, a kind of bird; leathern bottle, skin sewed up to
, .
(fr. same) aKaXatyof, -ov,
weakness, infirmity of body or also, a man's name. hold liquor ; the liuman body liv-
mind ; prejudice; sickness, dis- LcnttfAos, -ov, b, f), (fr. a neg. and ing, or a corpse.
ease, pi. of
aff0vjfy*ara. ff/cdAAw to dig) undug, unfilled, L07coi'//v, 1 pi. pres. cont. ind.
Aadcvris, -cos -oCs, b, fj, comp. a<r0- uncultivated ; neglected, waste,
viaTCpos, sup. -raros, (fr. same) barren. 'AffKpr), -ij$, AffKpa, -as, and Ion.
infirm, weak, feeble, impotent ; .c'K'ttAw7rs, -ov, b, a woodcock. f), name of a town.
sick, ill; poor, destitute, indi- AaKavTr]$, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. \.CKU>, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. act.
gent ; simple, ignorant, silly. neg. and (m;w; a curtain) a of ac-Ktw.
Ao-0i>fcco-s,-r/,-o-v, (fr. ao-0v^s sick) couch or pallet ; a small, or poor ~Aoy<a, -aros, ro, (fr. w to sing)
weak, sickly, delicate ; poor, in- bed; a. footstool. a song, poem, verse.
digent. , (fr. same, andc-Kap- AcfjidTiov, -ov, TO, (dim. of last) a
A-ffOevovptv, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. o) to wink) without MMwt- ballad, ditty.
Aa%an, indecl. a man's
act. or
AadtvovvTa, -ras, -rwv, ing, steadily, steadfastly. Ao-jud^,
-vovaavt -vovai, cont. cases par. o'/capis, -toos, f],
a kind of worm. name, or an eastern title of an
pres. act. of same. GKzOfis, Aa%cOris, and immediately attending
AaKri6rjs }
Acrforws, (fr. acQtvfis sick) weakly, -fos -oDs, 6, a neg. and
r), (fr. the king.
feebly ; poorly. tr^0w to unhurt, safe, 'AajjiLvos, -TI, -ov, (fr. IJGIJ.EVO$ par.
'AaBr,, Ion. for ,']O 6r), 1 a. ind. pass, sound ; unimpeded, unhindered, per. pass. ofj}ow lo delight) glad,
of dw, lo hurt.
free. willing, pleased, delighted, comp.
~A<r0ua, -aros, TO, (fr. dia to o-KfAf'ws, (fr. next) harshly, hard- -fcrrpcs, sup. -fCTTttTOS-
breathe) shortness of breath, dif- ly, severely, heavily ; incessantly, Aapivws, (fr. last) gladly, joy idly.f
ficulty of breathing; panting, continually. Aopbs, -ov, b, same as qic/na.
palpitation; asthma. GKtXris, -fos -of'S, o, t], (fr. a in- Aaotyia, -as, f), (fr. a neg. and cro-
AfjOjjtaivovTa, a. sin. or neut. pi. tens. and o-wAAw to parch, or a </ wisdom) folly, indiscretion,
par. pres. of priv. and cxAos a leg) soft,
ten- silliness; ignorance, inexperience.
der, not yet Jirm, immature ; 'Aco<j>o$, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and
AirO^a'(a), (fr. aadpa panting) wanting legs, imperfect, defect- a6<pos wise) foolish, silly, indis-
to breathe with difficulty ; to ive; immovcable, Jired; con- creet ; un-
gasp, ignorant, simple,
pant, palpitate. stant, continual, incessant ; hard- taught.
AcOuuriKOi, -rj, -bv, (fr. same) ened, dried up, very hard, callous. Aa6<pw$, (fr. last) foolishly, indis-
breathing witii difficulty, asthma- \.CKCKTOS, -ov, b, >'], (fr. a neg. and creetly ; ignorantly.
tic ; to survey) unseen; AffTrd^o/jtat, (. -do"o//aj,p. TjaTTafffiat,
panting, gaspi7ig. cKf-ir-opai.
Aata. -as? ^> Asia, the name of a hasty, rash, inconsiderate. (fr. a intens. and cr-ndta to
country. c-KfTTTWs, (fr. same) hastily, in- draw) to embrace ; to treat kind-
Ao-idvos, -ft, -bv, (fr. last) relating considerately, raMy. ly, entertain, welcome ; to greet,
to Asia, Asiatic. and'A(TKuos, -ov, salute ; to send wishes, compli-
Adapts, -ov, b, (fr. same, anc b, fj, (fr. same, and cKtvos furni- ments, or respects, imp. ind. ?cr-
ap^tj rule) a prince, ruler, or ture) unprovided, unprepared. ira^dfjLrjv.
1 a. mid. ind. waaad

governor of Asia ; an Asiarch AjCKfd) -w, f, -fidd), p. r/aicqKa, (fr.

religious officer, presiding over avicbs the body) te practise, ex-i fiat' inf. affirdaaoBai' par. atrrra-
the public games in the Asiatic ercise ; to toil, work, labour; Iv <rd//vos-
provinces. teach, instruct ; to provide, fur-
Ac tat;,
-aco$, fj, Asia. nish, adorn. ] a. ind. act. J<TKTI- (fr. a intens.
and <rraipw to gasp)
Acita, h.decl. the stork. aa' par. to sob, sigh ; to
aaici'jaas. tremble, throb,
-ov, 6, /, (fr. a neg. and .c/7(T(s, -tos> Att. -ws, fit (fr. beat, palpitate ; to
gasp, be in
iron) without iron, with last) practice, czcrrise, rmvloy- agnwy of death.
All! AJT A2T
AoTra'Aaflof, -ov, o, the white thorn,
or rose of Jerusalem.
bred, facetious, witty ; sensible,AcrpoOm/jUO, -ro?, rd, (fr. dornov ble, excellent, matchless; unlike,
shrewd, prudent, clever ; a towns- a star, and T/(%/( to dispose) a <1i[t''rf>il ; immcial, solitary, rt-
man, citizen. mnsldlation, tircd, secludrd. Also a innii'-
Aar'tKuJs, (fr. last) politely, shrewd- AorpXoyia, -$, '/, (fr. aVrpov a name.
ingeniously, star, and a discourse) ,<;- AvvXti, (fr. same, and <n'A7
ly, cleverly, A<5yo? plun-
Aarolai, d. pi. of aarog. . (lii;iiniliti l/y the st.fi.ri!. der) mftty, in security.
'Ao-rovoj, -of, o, %, (fr. a intens.
and AorpoAoy/V;y,->), -ov, (fr. same) as- Atn5A/ro?, -ov, o, same, and
f/, (fr.

(trivia to groan) groaning, sigh- trological. o-vAa'w to rob) inviolate, unin-

ing. Or, (fr. a neg. and same) AorpoAoyoj, same) an-

-ov, ', (fr. jured, safe, secure ; firm, sound,
without groans. ciently one who studied the mo- strong ; inviolable, not to be pro-
a neg. and tions of the celestial bodies, an faned.
'Aoropyo?, -ov, b, fi, (fr.
void of natural astronomer ; but one same, and tn'A7
aropyn affection) latterly Ao-vAi'n, (fr.
affection, unfeeling,
unnatural. ivho attempted to conjecture fu- spoil) the right of sanctii
Atrros. -ov, b, and fern. Aorij, ->)j, turity from their supposed in- altars, or in temples ;
fl, (fr. floru
the city) a citizen, fiuences ; an astrologer, protection; immunity, privilege ;

native of a city, particularly of .vrpopavrcia, -as, and .Affrncuavri- sanctity, inviolability.

Athens ; a helpmate, comrade, *>}; >)?) >']>
Tf-)(vn, (fr.
same Ao-vAAoy<oTo?, -ov, 6, jy, (fr. same,
friend. and pdvTis a prophet) divination and <TvAAoy/^o//ai
to reason) irre-

-w, f.
p. ricT6%riKa, by the stars skilled in such di- gular in argument, TV,.
AOTO^/W -;'/o-w, ;

(fr. a neg. and <m>^uojui vination ; astrology.to falsely ; inconclusive, irrelevant ;

aim) fly wide, not to hit ;\'AffTaov, -ov. TO, (fr. aarno a star]
to miss, unreasonable, stupid, silly, igno-
to err, deviate ; to fail, mistake, a constellation, celestial sign ; rant.
miscarry. 1 a. ind. act, J/CTO- star, heavenly body, the sun or A(7vAAoyj<rrwf, (fr. last) inconclu-
W**> moon. sively ; ignorantly.
AcTOY>/o"avrf, n. pi.
mas. par. 1 a. ia, -as,
fi, (fr. same, and 'AervAov, -ov, TO", (neut. of next) a
act. of last. law) astronomy. holy, or privileged place, sanc-
'Aoro^of, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. a neg. and orpovo^ui , -ov, b, fj,
and -), -bv tuary, asylum, refuge.
to aim) that fails, sa
(fr. same) astronomical, relat- 'Ao-vAo?, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. a neg. and
errs, or mistakes. ing to the celestial bodies ; skilled o"vAr/ spoil) inviolable, sacred,
'Aarpa, n. a. v. pi. of
darpsv. in the knowledge of them ; an safe ; unspoiled, not plundered.
A<rrpd(3ri, -TJS, j}
a saddle, pair of astronomer. 6, fj, (fr. same, and
panniers, pillion; cm ass, beast , (fr. same) an ,

share) free, txcmpt,

of burden. astronomer. who subscribes nothing ;
scotfree ;
a neg. 'Ao-rv, -sos, Att. -0)j, also -vos, TO, not subscribed to, private; iise-
A<rrpa($fis, -fos -oof, 6, //, (fr.
and crpf^Go to turn) straight, (perhaps fr. a intens. and ardi less, worthless, insignificant.
even, regular, not crooked, or for 'icrrjui to stand) a city, par- Aavn0ov\os, -ov, 6, f/, (fr. same,
distorted. ticularly Athens ;
a town ',
the and av[j./3ov\fi counsel) unad-
AcrpaydXtios, and AcrpayaAeoj, polite part of a city ; the refine- vised, rash, foolish, indiscreet ;
-ov, 6, fi, (fr. aoTpayaAof
a joint) ment, and shrewdness of a city not concurring, disagreeing.
like, or relating to dice, diced, or politeness, urbanity. Aav/jintrpia, -as, fj, (fr. same, and
chequered; concerning tJie an- Aarvaval-, -aicros, b, Astyanax, the a-vnncrpia proportion) dispropor-
kles, down to the ankles. son of Hector tion, want of symmetry ; un-
Acrrv|3owT7?, -ov, b, (fr. dorv the suitableness ; a chord in
A0rpyrtAiw, f.
-jVo>, p. -IKU, (fr. geome-
next) to
play at dice. city, and /3oaw
to cry) an epithet try.
AorpayuAoj, -ov, 6, a joint of the of a crier, who proclaims through Ao-fy/UTpo?, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same,
back, any joint; the ankle; a the town, town crier. and avpnerpos proportionable)
knuckle, finger, claw ; a cube, -fi, -bv, and ACTV- disproportioned, irregular ; un-
die. Also, neat, fair, well made. i', -ovos,b,f], (fr. same, and suitable, improper, exces-
AorpayaAwroy, -?}, -ov, (fr. last) yarcuv a neighbour) adjoining, sive, intemperate ; incommensu-
knotted, plaited with knobs, or or about the city, in the suburbs ; rate.

lumps. neighbouring, bordering, close, AavnTTaOfis,-los-ovs, b,f), (fr. same,

AffTpatos, -ov, o, Astrceus, a man's near. and <7v/*Tra0f'u> to sympathize)
AcrrvSpopEd) -w, (fr. same, and rpt- pitiless, unfeeling, cruel ; harsh,
Aorpairrj, -rjs, next) light-
}f, (fr. vu to run) to run through the severe, rigid.
ning ; a flash, glare ; bright- city ; to
plunder, pillage. ffvuirad&s, (fr. last) unfeelingly ;
ness, lustre. Aorv/cdj.
dj, -fi, -bv, (fr. same) living cruelly, harshly.
Aarpdirru), f.
-if'ia, p. jjarpCKfta,
in a city ; a citizen, townsman ; AffvuQopos, -ov, b,f/, (fr. a neg. and
(perhaps fr.
darpov a star, and refined, polite, courteous ; shrewd, ffvfji<pfpia
to conduce)
ttt/TTw to to lighten ; to inconvenient
fling) knowing, cunning. ; useless, unpro-
flash, shine, gleam. 2 a. act. 770--
, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and ductive, unprofitable ; hurtful,
rpairov, per. mid. tjarpaita. w' to
regulate) refined, polite, injurious.
AarpaTtia, -as, /, (fr. a neg. and courteous ; relating to a city, or Tv//$u>vfa, -as, f), (fr. same, and
arparda war) exemption from to its affairs ; inferior magis- (njfi0ama harmony) discord, op-
service, leave of absence ; deser- trates for the police of a city. position, contrariety ; variance,
tion, forsaking, or quitting the Aorvvoof, -ov, 6, Astynous, a man's difference.
duties of war. name. ; -ov, i, fi, (fr. same, and
Aorparsvrof, -ov, o, f], (fr. a neg. AcTv0Ao?, -r/, -ov, and -ov, 6, f), (fr. to harmonize) discord-
and to serve in a neg. and arvtytids harsh) soft,
ffrparevu) war) ant, jarring; disagreeing in
exempt, or free from war-service ; tender, delicate ; smooth, even, sound, or speech; different, con-
unused to war. level.
'Aorpwroj', -ov, b, ?/, (fr. a intens. AoT$yypa0o?, -rj, -ov, (fr. same, and (rvvotrov, -ov, rd, (neut. of next)
and ffTptyta
to turn) turning, a without a a grammatical
o-vyypa^n deed) deed, syndeton,
changing, altering either mind or security ; an epithet of mo- figure.
or position. Or, (fr. o neg.) ney, which require no farther Affvvoeros, -ov,b,fi, (fr. a neg. and
immoveable, fixed; determined, voucher. avvotu to connect) unbound, un-
inflexible; indelible; not looking AavvKptros -ov, b, >% (fr. same, and tied, loose ; parted, separate, un-
back. to*
compare ) incompara- connected, without order.
Acvvtoia, nnd pi. I
fligateiy, inte mperatety ; irreco-
Att. -
Ltt.-oos, 77, (It. %, utterly.
i to understand) folly, foolish- Ac 'Araio-i, Ion. ll-rarotf, d. pi. ofrfn?.
-/of, and -[&>$, 6, j, (fr. next) }
Ara/mw -io, f.
-rjcw, p. rjrdKrrjKa,
producing bitumen, bituminous. I
(fr. next) to misbehave, act ir-

Affuvrrfw -, f.
-770-0), (fr. sanic) ''Ao-^aXroc, -6 .
regularly, or disorderly, disobey,
to dote, be silly, want sense. AaaaXTow -w, f. wicu, (fr. last) act. araicTftiv -uv' par

.. -or, -,; car with bitumen.

6, ij, (fr. same)/o":'-

ish filly ; simple, ignorant ; stu- A<r^>aXwf, (fr. aa^aXr/s safe) safely,
certainly, assuredly, 'AraKTos, -ou, 6, 77, (fr. a neg.
pid, dull. securely ;
'-,/, a firmly.

rdaaw to order) irregular, disor-
neg. '

and cnjv7707? familiar)

unaccus- A<70epay/a> -5, (fr. next) to rattle, derly, riotous, unruly; vicious^
unacquainted; unusual,

'm?, clang;
guggle, make a
77 to mutter murmur;
sound *L'
the , (fr. last) irregularly, dis-
-as, f), (fr. last) disuse, throat. orderly, riotously.
strong' a redund. roAaiVwpof, -ou, 6, (fr. a neg.
A<r0apayos -ov, 5 o, (fr. 77,

.CT'0o-ia, -as, (fr. atrt'v0TOS and the throat) and raXai'rupos wretched) easy,
treacherous) breach of ; .

guggling, or .
quiet, undisturbed ; in-
treachery, perfidy. !
rattling noise in the thr iuzy. Or, (fr. a intens.)
<rvv0Tfu> -5, f. -77>fc>, p. navvQirn- parngus. troublesome, i;<

:;ext) to disagree, reject,


AacWcfXoy, -ov, 6, fte |>Zani aspJic- Atalanta, a. wo-

1 ^
"'" name.
,-, 77,

i to irf a/V -0f -ovs, b, f,, (frJAroAavrof, -or, 6, f,, (fr. a r
1~~*\ J,'f._ - ^1.17 _^*i,- ,,~./,,,,J-7
faitli, vi')l(dea promise. last) /j'A-e,
or full of the asphodel,\

rdXarrov a scale) o/ //
AoT5v0Toj, -ov, 6, q, (fr. a neg. and or daffodil. weight, equal, even ;
a match ;

avvTiQnjjLi to arrange) uncom- T^cXtfa, Poet. ^ like, similar.

poundcd, simple, unmixed ; false, pres. ind. of AraXa^pwv, -ovos, b,

A.ra\d(pp(i}v, o, f,, (fr. craXtj
acherous, perfidious. ryaXaw -fi f. -77cru,p. -i)Ka samei tender, and <^OT\V the mind)
vroj , -ou, 6, 77, (fr. same, and as young, childish, puerile ; delicate,
-u* to array) irregi^cr, Ao-^nXXw, (perhaps fr. o^os grief, tender. '

and have) io;Ara'XXw, or Arra>Xu,

not to f. -tfXoi,
confused, disorderly ; eh- a'Xtj plenty, f^w (fr.

lied, or taxed, exempt, free. to be angry. next) to grow, advance in age

or stature, thrive, improve ; to
_, -or, 5, 77, (fr. same, pres. impr. cc^aXXf.
and <rt'jTcX5w to finish) ur^-.
ffXi-oj, -ov, o, ,',, (fr.
a neg. and rear, nurse, fatten, teife care of,
to restrain) i/j/rj/t- cherish ; to sport, play, gambol ;
inplete, imperfect; ff^fw for f^w
to exult, rejoice.
of reach. ruhle, severe, violent; inconinl-
Tvvrthris, -foj-o?j, o, 77, (fr. a neg. lable, not to be restrained. raXdf, -ij, -dv, (perhaps from o
CTI with, and -rt'Xosthe
end) im- fw -ui, f.
-r>u), p. 77(1^77^0- 1 neg. and raAa'w to endure) tf.n-

perfect, defe i^r'a, (fr. aa^wv indecent) to der, delicate ; soft; ymng.
ri'p7)5, -f'of -ouj, 6, 7^, (fr. c intens. misbehave, act indecently, be- Araui, -as, 7, (fr. 1 same, and TaV-
and <njpw to trail) wi ;
/^re unbecomingly. 1 a. act. o-w to order) disorder, confusion, i

intemperate. ind. ''nf.

acxr/novTj- irregularity; tumult, riot ; in-
ttiffraros, and Att. Af <TTaroj,-ov, treu. temperance, dissipation.
6, 7^, (fr. a neg. and evil ; (fr. same) indecently, Arap,
sometimes Avrap, Poet. 6w/,
consist) incoherent, unconw- .rningly-.
in^/3/. yet, however ; for ; truly, indeed ;
inconsistent, absurd, impossible, Ac^ftoo-vvT?, -77?, %, (fr. next) in- beside.
that cannot be; incomparable, decency, obscenity; nakedness, Ara'pa^o? , -or, 6, f) (fr. a neg. and

matchless. shame; the privities. to disturb } fined,

arw and f d, settled, subsided ; quiet, calm,
to hurt, -ovos, 6, i'i, (fr. a neg.

os, -ov, 6, 7% (fr. ,

and 77X0? Or, a cheat. fr. a 1

figure) indecent, obscene;

undisturbed ; fearless, secure,
neg. and 0-0^05 wise) vile,worth- uiib'ecoming, uncomely. Arapa^wj, (fr. last) calmly, quiet-
less ; mean, stu- Ac-voXfw -S>, f. -7/o-u, p. tyj securely.
foolish, silly, ncyj&nKa, \

same, and Ara'p/?droc, Dor.

to. for
(fr. 0-^0X77 leisure)
Dor. for same as -or , and
jjuv^a, exercise, se, practise, employ. 'Ardp^nros, Arap/S?)?, -/oy
employ one's self, -ovg, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and

i, Acrrv^os,'AOT5y:os,Dor. or oe employed, be or
engaged, to fear) fearless, intrepid, un-
for &c. busy. daunted, stout, bold.
Ao-^dXaf, -acos, same as acr.a- busi- A.rdpui<Kro$, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same,
6, Aff^oXta, -as, ^, (fr. same)
ness occupation, engagement, and rap/urc-co) to daunt. Or, fr.
-as, 77, (fr. aa<pa\ri? safe) employment. arfp without, and uv u to wink)
*cwriiy, so/e<i/ ; firmness, steadi- -ou, 5, 77, (fr.
who does not wink, fearless,
ness ; truth. dauntless, bolt^^^
certainty, employed, occupied.

A<j$aXfs, neut. sin. A.c<f> aXet?,

n. 'Affw, Dor. for daw, 1 f. of qcw. 'ATapov, -or, TO, (mfcaine, and rd-
mas. cont. pw to rub) the iron box in the
a. pi. cor.tr. for
A(r0aX/j, 'A(7w, aadov, pres. impr.
neut. pi. cont. of same. mid. of acdii). nave of a wheel.
Ao-^aXfu?, (fr. next) ]Ac(fyaros, -on, 8, ^, (fr. a neg.
and Arapr/roj, and Araprof,see arpa-
, b, %, comp /(7-j <7uJ/^a hody) incorporeal, imma-\
and -a, -ov,
repot, sup. -eoraros, (fr. a neg. terial, unbodied. Arapr7poj, -otf, 6, fi,
and o-^a'XXci) to slip) JrzrTn, steady, Acwria, -as> 77, (fr. next) luxury, for Pleonasm.
permanent; safe, secure; sure, dis- -or, 6, ;;, (fr. a neg.
intemperance; debauchery, Ardp^uTOf,
certain, unerring. funeral honours) unhurt-
sipation. rapxfff
Aff0aX/^w, f^-jffw, p. Tjff^dXtKa, (fr. I'Acwroy, -ov, 5, //, (fr. a neg. and ed, unhonoured.
last) to fortify, fence, secur to preserve) lost, abandon- Arac9a\ia, -as, %, (fr. ardaQa\og
to strengthen,
confirm, establish. reprobate; ruinous, deadly,
tv/,' wicked) perseverance in wicked-
per. pass. T/tnidXic-uai. 1 a. pass. destructive; profiigate, riolous,\ ness, infatuation ; lewdness, li-
iXiaQri-} debauched. centiousness ; folly, madness ;m-
wai. 1 a. mid. , petulante.
, -aAw, and Aru<rflu- ArtAam/ros, -oi; u, >j, (fr. same, am
'Inly of mischief and misfortuit,
Af'u) -w, f- -^(rw, (fr. same) to per- TeAfivraw to finish) unproductive Art]fji\da, and
Ar^fAto, -as, r/,
sist in folly or wickedness, be abortive, ineffective, vain, fruit- (ir. arijn\ris negligent) negli-
stubborn in crime ; to act impi- less ;
failing, disappointed, de- gence, carelessness, inattention.
ously behave with insolence o
; luded. Ar>?//Afw -5, f. -fftna, p. -?Ka, (fr.
wantonness. A-\rjitj, Ion. for art\ia.' same) to pass by,
neglect, omit,
AroVflaAef, -ov, Ar\fis, -fos -ovs, b, fi, (fr. a neg.
o, f), (perhaps fr. leave undone.
nr>i mischief, and and rc\os the end, or a tax) Arr}fji\ius, Ar77//t:Awff, and
-^a'AAw to bud]
mischievous, pernicious, destruc- imperfect, unproductive, ineffect- A?/ro>j, (fr. same) negligently,
tive ; wicked, impious ; lewd. ual ; fnipty, vain, frivolous , carelessly, indifferently.
wanton ; the author of evil 01 silly, unintelligent; free, privi- Arr)u\fis, -ios -ovs, b, (fr. a neg. t'i,

mischiff. leged, exempt. and T)]U\>IS careful, th.

Arafyos, -ov, 6, a neg. anc Arfy/Jw, f. -^ w , p. -<>> a , (perhaps
f], (ft", there is heedless, negli-
rdtyos a tomb) unburied; tomb- fr. drij
misfortune, and tuftaivu xoit, inattentive, careless; ne-
less, without a monument. to fall
into) to sadden, grieve, glected, undressed, slovenly.
Dor. for
ra^oy, wry afftict ; to
deprive, strip, bereave , Arnfjii\i]ros, -ov, b, 17, (fr. arry^fAfW
quickly. to In 'Jililr, /I. to
neglect) neglected, not hetd-
Araw-w, and Arf'w -w, f.
-ijffu, p. ATvr)s. -los -ovs, b, //, (fr. a intens ed or attended to ; undressed,
to hurt, harm; injure, and rdvw to stretch) atteiuic(_ 'not set
wrong; insult, violate; annoy, j'.Jircd ; determined, obsti- Ar>jn\>iTws, (fr. last) heedlessly,
incommode, qffend,trouble, grieve, nate, inflexible. ill ; slovenly.
afflict. Artvi^d), f.
-nru, p. ijTtviKa, (fr. Arrjpbs, -a, -ov, and
Are, (neut. pi. of 6'ore) as, as last) to stare, gaze, look earnest-
-ovs, b, >i, (ir. drr/ hurt) injurious,
being, inasmuch as ; for, because; ly,regard with attention, fix the tnaclurous, hurtful, destructive ;
as if, as it were. eyes upon. I a. act. inf. arcriaat inso-
r contemptuous, haughty ;
*Ar, Dor. for on, but Ar, Dor. par. artvtaas. Init, contumelious, abusive;
tor ^re. 'Area, 'ArpOf, and 'ArtpOw, with- "ruly, unmanageable, ungovern-
'Areas, -ov, Ateas, a man's name.
b, out, not with ; independently of; able.

'Ary/croj, -ov, b, f], (fr. a neg. and away from, separately,apart ArOts, -if os, >;, Atthaa,
a woman's
to wet) wfuch cannot be anwider. name.
wet or moistened, dry, hard ; rfpajitvos, -ov, and Artpa^wi Aria, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of <m'w.
rigid, unrelenting. -ovos, o, f), (fr.
a neg. and rfpa/i- Ari'w, same as arid).
Artiv, pres. inf. act. of ariw, same vos or a neg.
rfpdfiwv tender) lough, AnQdoamros, -ov, b, fj, (fr.
as araw. not easily boiled; stiff", hard; dif- and ridaaat-vu to tame) untame-
Ar<pi)f, -f'oj -oyj, 6, ^, (fr. a neg. ficult, laborious, stubborn, able, untraclable ; untamed,
and Tf'po>
wear) irresistible, repafivorrjs, -I)TOS, '/, (fr- last) fierce, savage, wild.
invincible, violent, forcible, pene- toughness; hardness; difficulty. AriQaaaos, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and
trating ; durable, lasting. Arpdfjtvta, Dor. for artpdfivov, g. riOaaaos tame) untamed, fierce,
ATi%iaros, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and sin. of
aripafivos. wild, savage; rough, uncouth.
Tttvifw to fortify) unwalled, un- ArspOa, JEo[. for drfpdw, see drfp, Arf^ayf'Aaf, -w, Dor. for arlfjtayi-
fortified ; open, exposed. Artpuwv, -ovos, b, >/, (fr. a neg. am \tjs,-ov, b, (fr. an/jidu) to slight,
ArtKfiapros, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, rippa bound) infinite, endless, and ay&t) a herd) who separates
and reKnaipw to conjecture) fail- interminable, boundless-; round, from the herd, a straggler.
ing in its purpose, abortive, fruit- circular.
rtfiay\f<i) -w, (fr. last)
to sepa-
less ; beyond conjecture, undis- rate from the herd, stray, straggle.
Arpos, g. Sarfpov, n. pi. arpo
Att. for 6 act. n.
coverable, obscure, secret, hidden, rpos, rov er0ov, ot par. pres. art^aytAt'tov
impenetrable. ertpoi,
Zrcpos. pi. mas. anuay\ovvrs, Dor.
ArfKudprws, (fr. last) indistinctly, Arp-rrtj, a. sin. and neut. pi. cont. ariuay\vvres.
obscurely, doubtfully. of rti*d$ffK, Ion. and Poet, for rjri-

ArtKvia, -as, %, (fr. next) being Arpir?iSi -tos -ovs, and 'Arpiros, ftafa 3 sin. imp. ind. of
without children, barrenness. -ov, b, f), (fr. a neg. and to rifjLd^o),
-a<ru), p. nrifiaKa, same
'AreKvos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. a neg. and delight) cheerless, dreary; un-
a* ariudit). per. pas's, rjri^av-
TtKvov a child} childless ; bar- pleasant, disagreeable, trouble- \iai. 1 a. pass. ind. Tjri[idadtjv.
ren ; bereaved. some, grievous, vexatious, ArijjidaavTts, n. pi. par.
1 a. act.
Arj/da) -S, f.
-w-o-u, (fr. last) to rfptyia, -as, and -\pin t -rjs, ij, (fr. Ari^acOrjvai, 1 a. inf. pass of
bereave, deprive of children; same) trouble, uneasiness, dis-
Aricv6opai -ov\tai, to be childless quiet; unpleasantness, offensive- ripaffubs, -ov, b, (fr. last) same
in any manner. ness; vexation. as arifila.
AriKvucfis, -toj, Att. -EWJ, fj, same Ar%vris, -foj -ovs, o, 17, (fr. a neg. Arifj.aarfos,-a, -ov, (fr. last) to be
as artKvia. and rf%vr) innocent, slighted, ought to be disregarded,
art) artless,
Ari\tia, -as, and Ion. Ar\lrj, -rjs, guileless; plain, simple, must be despised,
a neg. and riXos the end, f.
-rjaia, p. ~r)Ka, a
f), (fr. rf'xyia, -as, #, (fr. same) simpli- rlfiddt -to, (fr.
or a tax) incompleteness, imper- city, plainness ; ignorance, un- neg. and r^a'w to honour) to
fection ; dejiciency ; immunity, skilfulness; weakness, silliness. dishonour, disgrace, disparage;
privilege, exemption. Lr^vof, -ov, b,%, (fr. same) inarti-
affront, offend; to despise,
Ar/Atffra, (fr. next) in vain, to no ficial, unworkmanlike ; awkward, disregard, slight, contemn; to
purpose. simple, silly ; artless, guileless. blame, rebuke, censure.
ATfAtffTo-, -ov, 6, ft, (fr. a neg. and Arf^vwf, (fr. last) sincerely, tru- Arifirjros, -ov, b, %, (fr. last)
rt\iu to finish) incomplete, im- ly ; absolutely, really, artlessly, regarded, neglected, slighted ;
perfect, unfinished ; fruitless, roughly, rudely. passed over, omitted, overlook-
vain; not initiated, entered, or Arid) -w, same as arao>. ed; worthless, insignificant. Or,
introduced. Lr?, -t/s, fi, (fr. araw to hurt) (with a intens.) inestimable,
A.r\ff(f>6pTiros, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. o neg. malice, envy, hatred ; folly, in- valuable, precious.
TtAoj the end, and Qtpu to bring) fatuation, error, sin, guilt ; hurt, ri/afa, -aj, #, (fr. a neg. and ntf
not arrived at full growth or harm ; death, misfortune, mis- honour) dishonour, disgrace,
perfection; immature, unripe; chief, injury ; damage, loss, detri- shame, ignominy ; contempt,
imperfect. ment ; night, darkness, ylorim; thr slight.
same b, /, (fr. a neg. and
as or or ill; to faint, fail, decay to
, -ioos, //, ar/iij ; 'Arpsoro?, -ov,
to sink, be depressed.
rprw tremble) fearless, inlre-
a neg. and A.rov'ia, -as, nt (fr- same) want of pid,unmoved, undaunted.
'Ar<//off, -ou, 6, (fr. >'/,

rtfjir] honour) dishonourable, dis- tone; weakness,debility, infirmity. Arpeif, -toy, and -foij, &,-4<reiw, a
not man's name.
graceful ; infamous ; not valued, Arovos, -ov, b, %, (fr. same)
worthless, ignoble, comp. -drspoj, stretched, relaxed; infirm, weak. ArpZ/:%, -toj -ooj, 5,,',, (fr. fl neg.
'Ai-oof, and Ard^vros, -ou, o, f],- and ip<',3w to wear) no< rubbed,
sup. -draroj.
a neg. and r<5ov a bo\v) or worn; unused,
Ar^<fw -u5, f. -wffw, p. VTtuwKa, (fr. unfrequented ; (


same as ar<//dw, per- pass, rjri- without a bow, unarmed ; vnskill- unpractisr.d, unexercised, unskill-
ed in the bow. ed ; awkward, rude. i

Ar//u5pr;rof,-(w, 6, neg. and A.Torria, -as, f], (fr. next) strung- 'Arpi-rros, -ov, o, {,, (fr. same)
>), (fr-
same as last, also, unbroken, un-
Tjuwpf o) to avenge) not avenged,
ness, improbability ; absurdity,
atontd, or expinted; unpunished, incoherence, silliness ; obscurity,
tamed ; not v;orked, or inured to
confusion; insolence. labour.
quit, Jree. \

and ATJ/IWPJ?TI, (fr. 'A.TO-OS, -ov, \b, >/, (fr.

a neg. and 'Arpfyo?, -ou, 6, ff, (fr. a neg. and
An/tcupijruy, , j ~s~.i *,*, Q.^r *k u n ;.\ ,,.,'< A ~.* !..- i._u .
i !

without punishment, fear,

last) ro~as place j out uj piwx, ur uiu? ,
or danger; quit, clear, free. inconvenient, unsuitable, impro-
An>ws, (fr. dTifios vile) disgrace-
Ani*', for ariva, a. sin. and neut.
pi. of o<ms.

Arts, Dor. for Jjrij, n. fern, of

Ar/raAA', Ion. for j/TmiAAf, impf.
ind. AriTa\\fuvat, Dor. for

arjrdAAav, pres. inf. act. of

Arira'AAu, sameasara'AAw.
'ArZro?, -ou, b, >;, (fr. next)

unexpiated ; unpunish-

ed ; disgraced, dishonoured.
Art'w, and ATI^W, f. -tVw, p. t/rtKa,
(fr. a neg. and n'w to honour)
to slight, overlook, disesteem, dis-

regard ; to contemn, despise ; to

-tee, punish.
ATAaym'wv, g. pi.
nsi -ios -ou?, o, {], (fr. 'Ar-
\as Atlas, and ylvopai to be)
of, or descended from Atlas.
-is, -itos, rj,
a daughter oj

'ArAa?, -VTOS, b, Atlas, the name

of a man, and of a mountain in
A rAaro j, -w, 6, ^, Dor. for arA/ro?.
'ArArjra, neut. pi. of dr\nros.
ArA^r/w -w, f. ->/o-w, (fr. next) to
dislike ; to refuse to bear.
'ArAf/ro?, and Dor. 'ArAaro?, -ou,
6, ff, (fr. a neg. and raAu to en-

dure) intolerable, insuperable,

',;, -ou, b,
and Arfirjv, -tvos,
a servant, domestic.
-Tjst >i, vapour, fume, steam.
f. -taw, p.
Ar//iu>, -t/ca, (fr. last)
to smoke, fume, steam ; to exhale,

Arfiioa, a. sin. of
AT//IS, -ftoj, >/,
and ATpbg, -ov, o,
(perhaps fr. a'w to breathe)
smoke, vapour ; a cloud, mist ;
odour, perfume.
A.r6\fj.dros, Dor. for ArdA/irjro?, -ov,
b, t
t, (fr. a neg. and roA//aw to
dare) not to be attempted, or ven-
turi ", perilous.
'Aro/jov, -ou, rb, (neut. of next) an
atom, mote, the smallest imagina-
ble quantity ; an indivisible point

of time, moment, instant.

'Aro/ioj, -ou, b, i/, (fr. a neg. and

r/fU'td to cut) indivisible; indi-
vidual, single; uncut, untouch-
ed, uninjured, untainted.
Afovtu) -w, f. -rjffd), p. -:
same, and r6vo<; tone) to b
Arraraj, hah ! how now! strange! -ov, b, fr.
same) a beam, ray ; Av0evT&ctoj, (fr.last) with authority .
alas ! splendour, brightness. jBijpepov, (fr. next) to-day, on the
ArrfXa/Jo?, or ArrfXfjSos, -ov, b, Avyth) -a>, (fr. next) to shine, glit-
same day.
kind of locust. ter, beam. Or, for av%iw -w, ijdtjutpos, -a, -ov, (fr. SVTOS same,
ATTIKT/, -rjs, //,
yrj, land, (fern, boast, brag, vaunt. and fjfjtipa day) of the same day.
of Arrt/cds Attica, the avu> to AvOi, by Sync. for'avroOt,
fr. in
Attic) Avyfi, -jjs, >/, (perhaps thf-re,

country belonging to Athens. \Hjro)bnghtness, light, splendour;

that place ; here, hither ; imme-
Arrmw, f. -taw, (fr. ATTIKOS gloss, brilliancy ; a ray, beam, diately, directly ; then, thence.
/o tafce part with, or blaze the dawn, daybreak, day- (fr. avQi
Athenian) ; uQ~iytvr}$, -ens -ovs, b,

imitate the Athenians, atticize. spring a mirror. Avya], the eyes. ; here, and yivopai to be born) a
an Avyova-nes, -ov, b, (fr. Lat.) Au-
ATTiKiaybs, -ov, b, (fr. same) native, original inhabitant; pe-
Atticism ; the Athenian gustus, the surname of Caesar culiar.
of speaking, the Attic dialect. Octavianus. ,
Ion. avTis, AvQi, A5r, see
ATTIKOS, -r/, -bv, Attic, Athenian ; Ai><5w, same as avodw. av.

Avod\aaQai, Ion. for avcf/vaaOai, 1 av a parti-

refined, elegant. <fia%os, -ov, b, iy, (fr.
'ATTOV, Att. for aaaov. a. inf. mid. Avcdaofjiai, Dor. cle of sound, and td%w to shout)

'Arrw, (perhaps fr. a'iaau to rush) for

avct/aofiai, 1 f. mid. Av- clamorous, loud, shrill ; shout-

cdaas, Dor. for avc^aas,

to 1 ". ing ; barking.
hound, leap, spring, skip.
Aruto,f. -ufw, p. -%a, (perhaps fr. par. act. of AuAu/a, -c.s, (fr. av\r, a hall) >'/,

ar^ hurt) to suffocate, choke; to Avodu) -to, f. -rjcru), p. rjvoijKa, (fr. hangings, tapestry; a curtain;
astonish, stupify ; to scare, af- avc-r) voice) to speak, talk, con- the tabernacle; a porch, vesti-
fright; to confound confuse, verse ; to speak to, address ; to bule, front-hall.
perplex. ATv^opai, to/ear^ dread. call, cry out. uXatos, -a,-ov, (fr. same) courtly;
par. pres. pass, arv^n^tvog. Avori, -rjs, fj, (perhaps fr. avw to belonging to a court or hall ; of
'ATVKTOS, -ov, I, f/, (fr. a neg. and shout) voice, sound ; talk, dis- the hall.
to work) unfinished, im- course, speech, language ; a ru- f.
-ftrw, (fr.
aCX a fur-
TCI'XIJ) ^Xrt/c/^to,
perfect, incomplete ; rude, rough. mour, report; a message, nevjs, row ) to cut furrows, plough.
b, I], (fr. same,
'ATVu'los, -ov, and tidings. Ai)Xai/, Dor. for auXwi', g. ofai)Xdj,

Tupfios a
tomb) tombkss. )5fiffaa") ,
for avoficaaKt, which or rtuX/y.

Atymniades, a
ATVf.il/idcris, -ov, b, Poet, for rivcr/tre, 3 sin. 1 a. act. >Xaf, -aKog, fi,
a furrow; amark,
man's name. of avfidu). scar, wound ; the womb. ariXa/c',

ATv%fw -u>, ( fr.

aTv%ri$ unfortunate) uriv, a. sin. fern, of avos- a. for fiuX*ctt.
miss, fail, be disappointed. Av6\ Att. AVT\ Ion. for avdi, or )\dpvrjs, -ov, b, (fr.avXij a hall,
and ap^ri rule) a ruler of a
-aroj, TO, (fr. last) cala-
avBis, see av.

mity, misfortune disappoint- AvQdoEia, and Avdafta, -as, //, (fr.
; palace, chambcrloin, steward.
ment, loss, failure. arrogance, haughtiness, Av\da, -as, (fr. auXr/
a court)
next) r'i,

-f<rr- the gate of a palace.

AriJ^jjj, -cos -ous, b, 17, comp. pride ; presumption, self-conceit,
self-sufficiency ; obstinacy ; mo- Av\iov, -ov, TO, (fr. same)
a neg. and a hall,
pos, sup. -fVrarof, (fr.
ru^^ fortune) unfortunate, un- roseness, peevishness. antichamber, vestibule.
successful, disappointed. AvOdons, -to$ -<ovsi b, ?/, (fr. avrbs Av\eios,-ov, b, f), (fr. same) of
hall or chamber ; of the porch or
self, and d(5fw
to please) selfish;
Aru%a, -as, /}, (fr. last) adversity,
affliction, calamity, misfortune. selfwilled, positive ; haughty, courtyard.
ATV%OVI?;I, par. pres.
act. fern. cont. proud, supercilious^ obstinate, A.uX/w -w, f. ->/(rw, p. i]v\i]Ka, (fr.
of stubborn, surly, cruel, neut. i)X6? a pipe) to play on the pipe,
'Arw, f. rt<7w, same as araw. pi. cont. avdatiT]. n. or, a. pi. flute, &c.
AD, AvOts, and AVTI, a^tun, a se- cont. avOttct'iS' AvXfi, b, an open space sur-
cond time ; back again ; in turn; to rounded by buildings, courtyard,
iQanidfy, f. -rto-w, (fr. same)
make stubborn area ; a hall, court, pcdace, tem-
but, on the contrary ; then, more- or obstinate,
over ; especially ; afterwards, harden. Av6adid?nuai, to resist, ple ; a sheepfold, pen ; a stable,
to behave stall ; a circus or race course.
hereafter, henceforth. oppose obstinately ;

Av, is used by the Cretans for the

haughtily, be proud, conceited, v\>]Cvi'Tai, Dor. for av^rjoovai, 3
1 ind. 1 a.
syllable aX. Av\t]ffov,
arrogant. pi.

Awau-w, (fr. avw to dry) to dry, uOaoi^o/jiai,

same as av9aSidopat. impr. act.
.xhale, lose moisture, beparched, Avdaiptros, -ov, b, i), (fr. avrbs self, v\r)TT)s, -ov, and
wither. Avaivojjiai, to pine away, and aioid) to choose) voluntary, b, an d AuXfyn?, -Y
tiish. spontaneous ; willing, complying, f], avXbs a pipe) a player on
same as avo$. consenting. the pipe, performer on the flute ;
AurtX/of, -a, -nv,
a musician.
AvdvOriv, Ion. for r/vavdr/v, 1 a. ind. AvdaiptTws, (fr. last) spontaneous-
pass. AvavQus, par. ofauawo. ly, of itself. vhnTiKti, -JJs, ;;, viz. Tf%vr;, (fem.

Av'.tvffis, -log, Att. -Wf, rj, (fr. auat- avrbs of next) the art of playing on
AvQiKaaTos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. self,
vw to dry) dryness, drouglU, want and cicaffTos each) always the wind instruments ; music.
of sap, decay, or old age in same, even, equable ; just, up- Av\r/T*tKbs,-ri, -bv, (fr. auXfoapipe)

plants. right, honest ; exact, strict. belonging to the pipe or flute ; or

Dor. and ^Eol. for A.u0irw -W, f. -;o-w, p. rjvdlvrrjKa,
toa performer on them ; musical ;
Avdra, -as, /,
a musician.
drrj. (fr. next) to usurp power, exer-
Arya'^w, f.
p. rjvyaKa, (fr.
-a<rw, cise authority; to domineer, ty- uX('w, f. -iff'j), p. r/v\iKa, (fr. av-
rannize. Xi) a sheepfold) to fold, pen, shut
auyv splendour) <o i.radiate,
beam, shine forth ; to enlighten, Avdivrrjs, -tog -ovs, b, f], (fr. avTbs up cattle. AvX('o/*ai, to set up for
illuminate ; to see, behold, look self, and as, g. 'ivro$ par. of "npi
the night, pass the night, lodge, so-

upon. 1 a. act. nvyaca. per. to send) self-commissioned, self- journ ; to encamp, mount guard,
pass, nvyaajiai. authorized, acting of, or for him-
imp. pass. nvXitypnv- per. pass,
1 a. inf. act. of last. self; a suicide; an author, cause, ?vXto-/<a.
1 a. pass. ijvXiodnv.
which or or -oj, -fi, -b
JLvydaoEO, Dor. for avydfyo, beginner; a master, lord, AvXiKbs, -ov, b, ;%
Ion. for avydfyv, pres. impr. ruler. (fr. auXJ?
a court) belonging
mid. au- attached to the court. Subs.
Avydacai, Ion. for avyd- AvOtvrtKos, -n, -bv, (fr. last)
2 sin. 1 mid. of same. au- any officer of xtalt
f. thentic, genuine, original ; courtier,
, -uroj, TV, and A thoritative. Or, (fr. auXfo a flut?) of,

afcouf tcinf/ instruments, fit for parched ; withered, dusty, comp. self-declared ; spontaneous, vo-
luntary ; freely, unasked; un-
the flute ; musical. Subs, a mu- -repog. i

LUTTVOS, -ou, b, TJ, (fr.

a neg. and provoked, not call'
a VTTVOS sleep) sleepless, waking, '-A.vTC.vV)
Dor. for tflrovvfi pi. impf.
AvXtov, -ou, TO, (dim. of same) ind. of
little fold, hut, cot. watching. j

a camp ; Avpa, -ag, t), (fr. ava> to blow) a ACrtw -w, t. -}o-w,
p. i}vrr]Ka,(v.
ADXif, -teas, r], (fr. same) *
a lent, pavilion; a haunt, rc*i- gale, breath, air, breeze ; pain,. aSri) the shout of battle) to
small cry
cnrf, exclaim ; to halloo,
Also, a spasm ; inspiration. s/iottf,
fr. avw to shine) c/ieer.
in Thrace, Aulis. vptov, (perhaps
Ion. for ^rruiV', 'g. pi. of
AvXiV/coj, -cv, b, (dim.
of avXoj a to-morrow, the morrow ; soon, Avrluy, ,

a small pipe. d. pi. Ion. next in time. vrof. -

-TT/J, cases of same.

Avpbg,-d, -ov, rich, wealthy^ o/xf.: A-yr}, -f^,-r^v,
Av\ouavlw -<3, (fr. next, and uavia
ss) /o
6e music-mad.
-n>, b, (perhaps fr. auo>, or
diit to blow) a pipe, flute; any
and ypd^w to write) original, A.vTOp(6ti)v, -OVTOS, b, Automedon, ,u, f. -aVw, (fr. same)
wrillen with one's own hand, a man's name. to
hurry, hasten, act with preci-
signed. AvTOfiifTdio, -opo?, b, f), (fr. avTos pitation, or rashly ; to disorder,
-ov, TO, (fr. same,
and same, and f/r;;p mother) like, embroil, confuse, confound, dis-
yva or yvia. a field) the head,
or resembling the mother ; of the turb.
stockof the plough, which lies in same mother ; the very mother. iTOvxtSiaffpa, -tfroff, TO, (fr. last)
the furrow, and upon which the AvTopo\lu -ti, f. -jjffu, p. -visa, (fr. a thing done in a hurry ; haste,
sock or ploughshare is fixed, next) to come from, or go to the rashness, precipitation.
AvToSdiKTOf, -ov, 6, /;, (fr. avrbs self, other side, or party, desert, fall }Toa%oiacrTiKbs, -fj, -bv, (fr. au-
and 5<w|<4) to, wound) self-slain. off" from. Toa^ioios sudden) hurried, tu-
AvrdorjXor" -'-ru,, a, ,',, (fr. cj:i' , -ov, b,f), (fr. avrbs self, multuous, rash, hasty; unpre-
w to go) a deserter, trai- meditated.
-aj, >/, (fr. next) fe>-, recreant, apostate. ,
hi -7ffi h, ( fr - same ) hur-
AvTovfrf )f -T)s, fj, Autonob, a wo- ry, precipitation, haste; rash-
-t>.jan's .::unc. ness ; tumult, confusion.
and <5<a/coi/o? an atttendaiil) .sv/'-
I'ofJiu -ov/tat,
-fiaopai, (fr. jTOG%ldtosi -a, -ov,
and -ov, b, f],
attended, who does all his own avrdvopos self-directed) to direct (fr. auroj same, and y-^iotos
work. one's self, follow one's own ivill. near) sudden, extemporaneous,
AvTo8i8aKTos, -ov, b, i], (fr. same. AvTov6prj, -r,s, >/, (fern, of next) done at the moment ; hasty, pre-
and SiSdvKw to teach) self- Autonoml, a woman's name. cipitate, rash ; unpremeditated,
taught. AvTdvopos, -ov, b, ij, (fr. avrbs self, not prepared ; rough, clownish^
AvrdevTtjs, -ov, b, (fr. same, and and vduos law) self-directed ; in- uncouth ; tumultuous, confused,
ew or IT) pi to inflict) a suicide, dependent ; headstrong. wilful, disorderly ; fighting at close

murderer, assassin. AvTovvyei,

-%i, (fr. same, and quarters.
Aurori, (fr. same, and irog a vDf night) to-night, this night ; AvToo-%oius, (fr. last) spontane-
year) this, or i/iaZ #ear, the same the same night, that night. ously ; suddenly, hastily, precipi-
year. AvToirayrjs, -tos -ovs 6, ;/, (fr. same,
, tately ; tumultuously ; close, hand
Avrodf, Avr6Qtv, (fr. same) from and irf/yvvpi to compact) self- to hand.
that place or time ;
hence, hence- made ;
cohering together, bind- AvToa^obv,-oaor-oir]i>, (fr. same)
nigh, close, hand to
forth; there, in that place ; then, ing, cohesive, compact, firm. hand.
at that time;
thenceforth, forth- AvrdntaTos, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and AVTOTUTOS, sup. of aurof.
with, directly. TTICFTOS credible) self-evident; AvroT\iis, -to$ -ovS) b,fj, (fr. avrbf
Avrddi, (fr. same) there, then, convincing, persuasive ; appa- self, and TI\OS the end, or a
therein; at that time; in that rent, evident. tax) perfecting, effective, perfect,
place. Avro7t6vr)Tos, -ov, b, >j, (fr. same, finished, complete ; sufficient, ca-
Avrolo, Ion. for avrov, g. of avrds- and 7rovfa> to work) self-wrought, pable, answerable; independent,
AvroKaaiyvrjrr), -ys, >;, (fr. next) a self-made, self-effected . living, or acting at his own ex-
full b, >/, (fr. same, and
AVT^TTOVS, -ooos, pense.
AvroKaaiyvrjTos, -ov, 6, (fr. avTa$ ~ovs 3- on one's own feet.
foot) AVTOU, viz. ywpov, (g. sin. ofavrdj)
and yivopai to be
self, KdtTis kin, v, r same, for avr6Qi.
AvTo~p-iij<i)Tros, r '/, (f i

a brother ; of the whole and rpdo-w/roi' the face) of the AVTOV, A IF r<3, Avrbv, for tavTOv,
born) full
blood. \
natural countenance, in one's own
AvTOKardKptrog, -ov, b, fj, (fr. person.
Avrovpyfii) -w, -;/cra), (fr. next)
same, and KaraKoivm to con- Avroirrris, -ov, b, (fr. same, and t-> n'ft
of, from,
or by one's self;
demn) self-condemned, self-con- 6-TouxL to behold) an eye-vjit- to labour, work with the hands.
victed. a spectator, beholder, looker
AvTovpybs, -ov, b, ^, (fr. avTbg self,

AvroKe\VffTos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, on. n. pi. avTOTTTai. and fpyov work) self-acting ;
and K\tvii) to exhort) unhidden,
AvTOfptros, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and ''ncous, native, natural; a
ready, willing, voluntary. pfia
to flow) flowing of itself, '.nan, labourer, mechanic.
AvroK\)is, -los -ouj, 6, ,',, (fr. same, K:ii-;nging naturally, gushing, AvT6cp\oiog, -ov, b, '), (fr. same,
and Kf'Aw to exhort) same as bubbling. and (l)\owv the bark) with the
last. covered with the bark ;
Avrbs, -), -b, (perhaps fr. ay again, bark,
AvroKpa-opixos, -), -bv, (fr. next) and -bs obs. for 6 he) he, she, it ; rough, unshapen.
of free will, mere motion ; sove- himself, herself, itself; mere,
reign, absolute. very; spontaneous, of himself, f], (fr. same,
-ov, b, and (bvu to
AvroKodTup, -opo$, 6, (fr. euros &c. ; same, the same. sup. a grow) self-born, self-produced;
self, and KOUTOS power) one's own native, natural, spontaneous.
master, independent ; self-de- AVTOS, ->/, -o, used for OVTOS, or AuT<5rfupoi', -ov, Tb, (fr. same, and
pendent ; self-emanating or pro- lavTov, which see. rf>iDp
a thief) the very fact, the act
ceeding ; supreme, sovereign, ab- AvTOffTaota, -as, >% (fr. last, and itself; afoul deed, crime, offence.
solute; plenipotentiary. cTdoios firm, th. lorjj/uto stand)
AvrdKTovcs, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and
a standing, or remaining fixed in the very fact.
KTsivta to kill) mur-
in one place ; a standing fight. and
self-killing, Avr6%ip, -pos, b, rj, (fr. same,
derous ; a suicide.
ADToaroAof, -ov, by f), (fr. same, ^?p the hand) with one's own
AvroAt&f, (fr. same, and Affi? a and orrAAw to equip) who is ship, hand, the very person, the imme-
word) to a word, verbatim, by convoy, or guide to himself in diate perpetrator ; a suicide, n.
rott. own vessel ; escorting per-
Avr6\vKos, -ov, b, sonally; a swimmer.
Autolycus, Auro^apf, and -pla, (fr. last)

man's name. tlic hand,

AvTdffTovcs, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, personally.
AvrdpaTos, ~rj, -ov, or -on, b, fj, (fr. and CTSVU to groan) groaning Avr6%0u>v, -ovog, b, $, (". avrbs
same, and pdu to desire) spon- under his pnxi sorrows, suffering same, and ^flwvland) native, in-
tan?-}us, of its own accord, volun- wees of his own making. /
digenous, original.
tary ; natural, unassisted by art. Jon. v~o VG'UH'OS and AVTO^WVO?, -ov, 5
Avroa^eSutj -a?, -Sir), -;/f, /,
In neut. an
automaton, self- (fr. avTOffyfSios sudden) a fight fl, (fr. same,
and %wvos a smelt-
moving machine. hand tc un-
hand, close combat, close ing furnace) shapeless, rough,
A vropdrws, it crime from the
finished, as
(fr. last) spontaneous- quarters ;
hurry, precipitation,
ly, nafur fitly, of
itself. haste, confusion, tumult. furnace ; solitl, massy ; huge,
A* A A*A
; bursting or pouring forth
. ind. pass. A <<: ;,;?', pros. inf. spoil, deform, disfigure; to dis-
om a furnace ; babbling, cont. A(/>rtf>arat,
3 sin. cont. charge, dismiss. A.<}iaviopai, to
pres. ind. pass.
3 sin. disappear, vanish ; to perish.
blabbing, that cannot keep secret. A.<paipjj,

(fr. same, and Xf cont. pres. sub. pass. A.<pa.ip>j- per. pass. ^Adj/io^at. 1 a. pass.
a matter) the thing itself, the crift, -ft;, -it, 1 f. ind. act. 'of nfyavicQnv. I f. a$aiuff0i7<ro//cu.
A0aviTfuk, -ov, b, and AQdncis,
very matter; in reality, truly,
or -rjua, -oro?, rd, (fr. -105, A't. -uj, ^, (fr. last) a dis-
really; clearly, plainly, evidently. A.<paiptua,
Avro^vros, -ov, M, (fr. same, and atpatpfa
to take away) a taking appearance, vanishing ; depart-
a withdraw- ure ; death, decease ; extinction,
to [)our) bursting, shed or away, carrying off';
ing, separation, distinction ; that ruin, .destruction ; an abolition,
poured out c>'

at the rrry sight; which is withdrawn or separated, doing away, annulling.

Avro^(, (fr. next)
the part of the victim offered, an 'A^avros, -ov, b, %, (fr. same) dis-
by sight.
and-<|n/, -77?, f,, (fr. offering, oblation. appearmg, vanishing, evanes-
and <5^(j sijjht) the -10?, Att. -coj, 17, (fr. cent ; unseen, invisible, hidden ;
a'jTbs self, A.<j>aiptcrt;,

sight, view, omlar demonstration, same) a taking away, depriva- obscure, humble, lowly.
tion, separation; an offering, A^dvTwj,
and 'A^avrov, (fr. last)
-ru, -r<3v, cases of avrdj. sacrifice ; aphfercsis, a gramma- obscurely, darkly ; secretly, pn-
Avri, Dor. for avrov, orau--50i. tical figure. vily, privately, unheeded, unob-
of aurof. served.
Aunji, -rwv, cases 0at(Jfw -w,
f. -;;<70), p. a6fipnKa,
Ai'rwf, or Aiirwj, (fr. SK-OC same) (fr. a-dfrom, and aiofu to take) A^avw?, (ft. a<f>avris obscure) same
in like manner take as last.
so, <Aus ; likewise,
to away, carry off, spoil,
or state; merely, only ; without plunder, bereave, strip, deprive ;
cause or reason, rashly, giddily ; to rescue, free, or deliver from ;
7ro from, and a~rw to hang) to

hang to or upon, append, affix,

in vain, idly ; freely, gratis. to separate; to re-
JEoi. for auY^'r,and move, reject, expel ; to suppress, fasten to, tie, bind to ; to touch,

Av^fV, forair^H'a,
a. sin. of air^/Jv. stop, prohibit, discontinue; to approach, come near to.
the amputate, prune, pare to era- pass. ind. d^tnufiai' par. a&np.-
Au^mof, -ou, 6, fj, (fr. at>x/;i/ ;

of the neck about the destroy ; to de- Ion. d~ rip pat, and a~a\i-
neck) ; dicate, deface, filvoc,
shoulders. prive, divest ; conceal, hide, topfvos,
Av^fw -w, f. -<rw, p. 7)v%TjKa, (per- ^aiofofiai -otipat, to be stripped, 'Aoap, and Ion. aQapei, (perhaps
haps fr. same) to /.w/< .
deprived, lose. 1 a. ind. act. fr.
the touch) immediately,
vaurc*, glory
aioncc.. 2 a. ind. act. a<l>ti\ov. quickly, suddenly, comp. a$dp-
A.v%n, -*)$, and At^r/ctf, -o?, Att. per. pass __ ^
-Uf , v, (fr. last) bragging, boast- I a. pass,
f. I
pass. fog, -T\OS, and -/&>?, 6,
minting ; triumph, exulta- mi. 1 mid. ind.
Aphareus, a man's name.
tion. f inf.
a<paip>ictadat. 2 A.>;, :ipnricai,
Poet, for
Auy^v, -fvof, 6, the neck, back of a. mid. ind. a^tiXd^nv' sub. -u>v, o't, the sons of Aphareus.
the neck, nape, shoulder ; a pass, \S)uai' inf. a<f>\icdat. A$u'/3*c/;> -W, hi an evergreen tree.
isthmus. "A^fiucrro?, -a or -0(0, o, Dor.

defile, strait, , for A.<pdpfiaKrof, -ov, b, f), (fr. a neg.

Avvfidd), and A.vjyii(a -w, (fr. air^- arid a
(pdpfjiaicov drug) unadul-
to be parched with A0d/c>7, -n$, fj, a kind of unmixed.
pos drought) pulse, a terated,
drought; to be dusty, dirty, town in Libya. ^u), f. -dff(j), and -dfu>, (fr.
to be shabby, or and apTrdu to rob)
squalid, foul ; ?, -ov, b, tj, (fr. a neg. and 'nro from,

raised ; to mourn, wear mourn-

; a crest) wanting the
to plunder, carry away,
\vhich the ancients express- unplumc'l. rob ; to steal, snatch, pick up.
ed by foul and worn clothes. \>(pd\AOfjiai, (fr. OTTO from, and <iX- A.diprtpos, -a, -ov, (comp. ofa$ap
- ( fr same ) dryi
-^ Xo//at to leap) to leap down or
quickly) quicker, speedier, soon-
withered, arid, desert; foul, Jilthy, off ; to bound or spring away ; er ; more sudden.

A0ao-t'a, -a?, Ion. and Poet, aufa

to flee, escap*.
squalid ; dull, dark, dusky.
Ai'X/ttfo/jat, (fr. same) seeau^du. A.<pau(iordv(j[),
f. -/y(rtz),
p. atirjudprn- air], -ns, f}, (fr. a neg. and 0V/U

A.i'Xpbs, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. at'w to Ka, (fr. same, and auaprdi-u to or (f>d(a to speak) silence, dumb-
dry) drought arising from heat, err) to miss,fail, mistake, mis- ness, inability to speak ; astonish-
dryness, aridity; foulness, slo- carry ; to be disappointed, be be- ment, fear.
venliness. reft, deprived or destitute of. 2 a. 'A<parof,-ov, b, >j, (fr. same) inex-
&vxn<tins, -cos -ovs, b, i), (fr. last) pressible, surprising, unuttera-
hot, parching; dry, arid ; foul, -o> -ouj, 6, >/, (fr.
ble ; not to be repeated, spoken,
dirty, squalid ; slovenly. last, and iVo? a word) rambling or mentioned, obscure, of no re-
At'd and sometimes aSw, and by in language, verbose, tedious;
port, mean, low.
Dyal. ai5<i), f.avow, p. t/vKa, (fr. diffuse in style, diffusive, inco-
A^drw?, (fr. last) inexpressibly,
da to blow) to dry, parch, herent.
; without number, surprisingly
scorch ; to light up, kindle, in- A.(pdfj.aprov, -?,
enough, sufficiently, plentifully, -f, Ion. for a^jy^ap-
flame, set on fire ; to shout, cry rov, 2 a. ind. of atiafJLaprdvb). abundantly.
out, exclaim ; to roar ; to resound, Ltydvua, -as, r}, (fr. next) dark- A.(pavp&s, -a, -bv, (fr. a intens. and
ring, echo ; to sparkle, shine, ness, obscurity, indistinctness ;
d>avpos, Dor. for <f>av\o$ worth-
glitter ; to blow, breathe ; to touch ; uncertainty, doubt. less ;
or ffaDpoj few) weak, faint,
1 a. ind. act.
to sleep. niit-a, as A.<f>avr)s, -iof -ouf, b, ft, (fr. a neg. feeble ; lazy, slothful; cowardly;
if fr. avu> Dor. for avcra. and 0an/e- to appear) dark, ob- vile, worthless ; dull, dim. coznp.
A<', for anb, before an aspirate. scure, indistinct ; unseen, not
atyavpdTtpos, sub. -draroj.
u, (fr. a-b intens. and dy- clear, hidden; evanescent, vanish- Aciai'w, f -avffia, (fr.
aro intens.
to purify) to consecrate. ed ; ignoble, mean, low. 'and avu to dry) to dry up, with-
devote, set apart, sanc- I
3 sin. and A^av^oucj, 3 er, decay, fade ; to
starve, fa-
tify ; to purify, cleanse, expiate, pi. p"res. ind. act A0av/o-07/r, mish.
atone. 2 pi. 1 a. impr. pass a
A^>avt|<5- 'A^du -5, f.
-do-cu, (fr. a$ri
&.<pa$avu, and A.(j>atavuv, Heb. in. //evo?, ->;, -ov, par. per. pass, of touch) to touch, handle ; to stroke,
decl. a royal tent, pavilion. f. -leu), p. sooth, caress. a<j>6uvra, Poet, for
pavl^fj, ntydviKa, (fr.
a. pass. 1
A0a<p0(?,-ic-a, -iv, par. last) to hide, conceal, darken ; actwi'ra, a. sin. mas. cont. par.
A<f>aiaid>ifT9n,ii, -77, -trai, 1 f. to
destroy, abolish ; to torrupt, pres. act.

, -fos -ov?, b, /, (fr. a ne,?, \A(f>\6p;v,
Ion. for a i
-ovuai, f. -rjaopai, p.
6ftyycs brightness) without ind. mid. of u-b intens. and -
im- A$\6TTjs, -IJTOS, >i, same as a<pf-
-Jl[iai, (fr.
to to
light, obscure, dark; blind; lidL lead) conduct, guide,
Aac. (!. sin. lead ; to command, rule, govern
perceptible, gentle. aipf^o ;

next) A';e cata- A(pc\ov/jiai, -77, -irai, 2 f. mid. to tell,

relate, report, recount.
'A0<5pos, -ov, 6, (fr.
nscs. A(b\wLi.nt, 2 .a. sub. mid. A0- AQfynna, -aroj,Td, (fr. last) a re-

A0f(5/)w, (fr. afaopuv a privy)

to Awv, 2 a. par. act of atyatptw. lation, narration^ history, story,
c/zoA, .'/fe.
2 A0Aws, (fr. a^fA^s simple) simply, account.
sin. prcs. sub. pass. rely, without art ; singly, A<t'iyriais, -joy, Att. -ewj, f], (fr.
A0<5pwi', -wvo?, 6, (fr. apart, ap
barely, merely ; clearly, dis- same) a narrative, the recollec-
and <5pa a seat) a privy ; a tinctly. tion, memory, or rehearsal of any
sewer, drain ; perhaps, the rec- 'AQffjta, -aros, TO, (fr. aQinui to thing ; the tale or story itself.
tum, or lowermost gut. a. sin. send away) a discharge, dismis- A^tjyovfjievog, -ov, b, (par. pres. m.
sion, sending away ; deliverance, of same) a leader, captain, chief,
s, Ion. for a0?/r,
2 pi. 2 a. liberty ; remission, forgiveness ; general, commander.
sub. act. of a&ir] pi. the person or thing discharged. A<p7]Ka, -KUS, -*, or -Ktv,
before a
A00s, or AQlpcvos, 2 a. par. mid. of vowel, 1 a. ind. act. 'A0r?v,
-J50'/", -efflj/v, a(piT)[ii.

AtyzOdtjv, A(f>OT)vai, AfytQfiaonai, Afytvas, by Sync. 'A0vo?, -ov, 6, or -175, -77, ind. A(p&, -fr, -rj, sub.
see same. -EOJ -ovs, TO, (perhaps fr. cup' 2
a. act. Arf}(TW) -t?, -a, 1 f.
A0u tu)-w,f. -//aw, /we, viz. fvov of one year) in-
(fr. a0<$)j un- ind. act. ofa^itytt.

sparing) to ^z'ue without stint ; to come, revenue, profit ; wealth, A<f>t)\dpr)r, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid.
lavi^: . to
despise, ex-
riches; plenty, abundance. Of O0rtAAoWtt.
pose; to
spare A<pivrt, d. sin. of a<aj, 2 a. par.
OTIC'S self', frof, 6, , (fr.a neg. or
shun. (Kpeifii'/cavra, a. sin. mas. act. ofa<pii)pt> -o from, and 'fail- a companion)
of afyeidriffas, 1 a. par. act. Ad>fo), 1 f. act. offlTrfVw. destitute, forlorn, forsaken.
-, 2 a. ind. act. of
A0a<?ft<jj, Ion. for A$((5w?, (fr. AQi'pirw, f. a^fpt^'w, (fr. OTTO intens. i/, -es,
same) liberally, unsparingly ; and t'pTrw to creep) to creep,
without mercy, severely. crawl, move like a serpent or , par. of A0?/fjf<ai, per.
A05r}?, -to$ -o5j, o, i/, (fr. a neg. worm ; sneak away.
to creep or pass, of a^drrw.
and faiSopai to spare) liberal, 'A<ptg, -fro), 2 pl.'A0-, 2 a. impr. A<prjvidt), f.
-daw, (fr. airb from,
bountiful, unsparing; profuse, act. of a<])iTini. and fjvia a bridle) to refuse the \

prodigal,frequent, 'A0cru', a. sin. A<pt<rit, d. sin. rein, not to bear the bridle j to be 1
cont. Att. of stubborn or obstinate ; to dis- 1
A0(&'rt,-tt?,j7,(fr. \a.st) profuseness,
prodigality, no spari.ig ; severity, L0<T(f, -0f, Att. -W?, )/, (fr. obey, resist.
cruelty ; austerity, mortification. atytrjfjii
to send away) a dismis- </>7/><fytJ7v -ovjiijv, -iov -ov, -ttrc

A0f Qtia-ar, 3 pi. ind. A<pcOu>, -fr, sal, discharge ; release, deliver- -?ro, impf. ind. mid. Afpripi-
sub. 1 a. pass.
ance ; remission, forgiveness, par- QTJV, -rjs, -TI,
1 a, ind. pass, of
pai, -77, -crat,
1 f. ind. act. don ; a starting post ; speed,
-uoa, -tr, n. pi. Atyivres, impetuosity. A<p>]T(i)p, -opos, b, (fr. arf)/J7//t
to send
par. 2 a. act. of a<f>ir)fjii. fyearainv, -ris, -rj, pres. opt. fojth) an epithet ot Apollo, the

A(j)ttrrar, A^iaraai, 2 and 3 pi. utterer, pronouncer of

and oracles
v, AtytOrjv, A0?/nat, ;

the. darter of
>of, sco a<pir]p.t. pres. ind. of a^lc-rriut for atitcr- light ; the archer.
-?, -, 2 a. act. ind. ; rnfu. Or the two latter are by "A<j)6ai, -wv, ai, the thrush, a dis-

opt. A^e^olfjn' sub. Sync, for and ease in the mouth.

impr. A0/A' a<pear^Kare, a^ar-
A0Xw,-^j, -^-inf. A0A?V par. TfiKaci, 2 and 3 pi. per. act. of A00ap<n'a, -as, >% (fr. a neg. and
00jpw to destroy) incorruptibili-
A(peXu>v. A^fAu/jai, -77, -jjrai,
2 a. sub. mid. of a^cnpao. same as ty, incorniption ; immortality.
-ov, -f.ro, 2 a. mid. ind. ; Astral, -wv, at, the name of a
A00apro?, -ov, 6, f/, (fr. same)
place, some say a city of Mag- corruptible, immortal, eternal.
Aip\w[icu, -j), -rjruf inf. A<f>e\ea- nesia. A00(f, par. of "A00/7V, -rj$, -rj,
6ai' par. Ad^Afyo'oj, of same. A(pTc, 2 pi. 2 a. ind. or impr. of Dor. or Ion. for^^v, 1 a. pass.
AQeinKv, for t;0fjUi', 1 pi. of acf>?;i<,
2 a. ind. act. Or, by Sync.' for -a, -ov, (fr. a<j>itjfii to dis- A00?roj, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. o neg. and
afainpw, 1 pi. 2 a. opt. act. Or miss) to be dismissed, &c. posi- to corrupt) see d<b6apro$.
Ion. and Poet, for afeivai. 2 a. d. pi. Ion. of
tively with any of the significa- A<f>d6yyoio-i, "

inf. act. of tions of a0<>7juc. .(bOoyycs, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same,

A<j>tivai, A0j, see same. 0r>7?, -ov, b, (fr.same) a shooter, <}id6yyos voice, th. d0yyo/*at
AiptKTfos, -a, -or, (fr. an-f^w to with- slinger, worker of warlike ma- speak) speechless, dumb; mute,
hold) to ie withheld or abstain- chines, engineer ; a freed slave, silent.
ed ; to be avoided or shunned. freed man. AipOovaros, Dor.
for A<pd6vr)Tos, -ov,

A<t>t\yvvu, (perhaps, fr.

a^f'Aai/to 'A0To?, -ov, 6, >% (fr. same) dis- 'b,fi, (fr. same, <j>06vos envy) and
take away, the knee) to
ydw missed, discharged, loosed, set exempt from envy, unenvied. ,

hurt, injure, abuse. free ; set apart, separated ; con- pQovto-Ttpof, Poet, for a<j>6ov(i>re-

A0eAa, -a?, 77, (fr. a^Ar?? simple) secrated, holy ; rejected, refused ; pos, comp. of d(bBovos.
simplicity, sincerity, purity of A<t>eov(a, -as, fi, (fr.
a neg. and
opposite, contrary.
thought, goodness of intention. <p66vos stint) abundance, plenty,
A0f'Aff0, 2 pi. impr. Or, Ion. for (fr. airb intens. and ityw
to no stint ; exemption from envy,

a0(A<T0, 2 pi. 2 a. ind. m. boil) to boil away, evaporate. malice, or grudge.

2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of A</>fWa, Att. for a<f>nxa, per. act. 'Atifiovos, -ov, b. >i, (fr. same) ex-
Att. for empt from envy, unassorted by
A0fwvrai, a^avrai,
^cA^f, -foj -oCs, 6, >'/, simple, sin- 3 pi. per. pass, of atylmtt. malice ; plentiful, abundant,
cere, honest, single-hearted ; sin- A0tDpa, Att. for a<j>wpa, 3 sin. pious, unstinted, given without
gle, unmixed ; small, slender, impf. ind. of a^opaw. grudge, liberal.
to touch) co-
slight. A</), -rjs, f>, (fr. air A006VUC, (fr. last) plentifully,
without enry or stint,
0f Aca), -w, (fr. a?rd from, and ?A-
f. a joint ; touching, close meeting ; piously ;
/cw to draw) to draw or toJce away; the touch, feeling ; a touch, liberally.
a neg. and
separate, divide, tear asunder. stroke, blow. 'A<t>eopos, -ov, b, ft, (fr.

A*I A*A A*0
to corrupt) uncorrupted,
to take away, carry off",
excommunicate. 1 f. Att. a^optw.
rass) without brass ; un-
I a. inf. pass. LvQi'ioto- use) unprofitable, useless?
2 ind. pass. 01 worthless
armed, unprotected ; without, mo- 0f, pi. 1 f.
dyu. ; lazy, cowardly ; titty,

Ay0o//ai, t.
and -iao^iai, awkward.
ney, pennyless, poor.
measure and 77S,-7;Tos, 7), (fr. last) useless-
-is, h-> a Persian p. J7y0/7^a{, 7/y_0cy/a(, (fr.
of grain ;
a baker's trough, next) to 6e oppressed, overburden- ness, unprofitableness, insignifi-

-ofs, 6, h, ( fr - intens. ed ; to grudge, be loath, or wn- cancy ; simplicity, awkwardness.

-xav^-fo? dislike:
and xalvu to gape) wide, gaping, iriUingj'to refuse, take ill,

yawning fixed or wrapped in : to moan, bemoan, grieve, fret. same) to render useless, make
3 pi. good for nothing ; to debase, vili-
amazt merit ; huge, vast; ijn- pres. 1 pl a%0o/u0a' d^;-
to become worth-
boundless; deep, bottom-
0ovTa!. 1 a. ind. pass. rrxf)faQw. fy. Axofioo^ai,
less or vile ; to disgrace, demean
less. AX^OS, -oj -ovs, TO, a weight, load,
one's self.
s, -Ins, b, '/, (fr. a neg. and burden; truss, pack, baggage; per. pass. jjypE/u^at.

thanks) unpleasant, dis- a charge, imposL imposition ; 1 a. pass. Tixptiu&'iv, 3 pi. 7/ypn-
griff, sor- (5077(7av.
agreeable, troublesome, offensive ; pressure, afflictjjJK
insipid ; worthless ; thankless, row, wo, calamvjff , (fr. same) insignificantly;
f. and "awkwardly ; foolishly ; disgrace-
ungrateful, ungracious. ^0o0op/u) -w, -770-0), (fr. last,
A^apicTfw-w, f.
-T/O-W, (ir. a;a'p<(7- ^/pw to carry) to bear burdens, fully ; uselessly, to- no purpose.
TOJ disagreeable) to offend, dis- carry a toad, be a porter.
a dislike be that Poet.
gust, shock, cause ; to same) 1

^0o<<5po?, -ov, b, 77, (fr. ,

to in- carries loads or bears burdtns ; a neg. and

ungrateful; experience (if!

gratitude. a porter, beast of burden. ^p77//aproperty) penny less, poor,

A%api(T-la, -a?, ij, (fr. same)
un- nt
Xi, ea*fyif tyi readily. indigent, destitute ; plain, not ex-

thankfulness, ingratitude. 'AXI, Dor. for ^y_j. pensive.

and and AXpijuuv, -6vo$, b, fi, (fr. same)
A-xdpiffTos, -ov, b,fi, (fr. a neg. A^iAfUf,Poet. for Ay/AXf'ujf, g.
a. of poor, indigent, destitute.
y do if thanks) thankless, ungrate- a, Poet, for Ay^XAaz,
ful ; disagreeable, offen* ^j ,vs, -f'o?, Att. '-770?, and -t.u> 'Ay^pT/orof, -ou, o, T^, (fr. aiieg.
6, Achilles,
a man's name. XpnaTos useful) useless, unpro-
A^rpfoTwj, (fr. last) ungratefully ;

unkindly. AyiAArjjo?, relating to Achilles, like Jitable, worthless ; unused ; bad,

A%V?;c, -ov, 6, Achates, the friend Achilles. vicious, base, vile. Or, (fr. same,
of .^Ericas ; an agate. a neg. and and X9 rH* a 3Jl oracle) who re-
A.Y/TWV -ovoj, 6, ?;, (fr.
a in a ceives no answer from the oracle,
'A;<, Dor. for -n^n, 3 sin. pres. Xiruv a coat) without coat,
or impf. ind. of waistcoat or jacket; ill-dressed, unanswered ; who disregards
'A^j,and'A^(,indecl. a. greenflag. poor.
and 'AXOC, and 'A^pij, till, until ; still,
A^(//, indecl. a man's name. X^aivos, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. same,
A^wpfc, -foj -3f?, 6, }, (fr. a neg. X^aiva a cloak) without a cloak, continually ; w/> to, wnto, to far,
in his waistcoaf. as far as; i?i, within.
^np the hand) without
hands, wanting a hand or /winds : -Effcra, -v, (fr. next} A^t'p^ifa, -a>, ft, (fr. next)
a place
i'ltrj which the chaff" is blown
lied. dark, obscure; misty, fuggy from
6, same, gloomii, dreary. the grain, the receptacle for the
Axcipoiroinros, -ou, j}, (fr.
-m'ct) to make) not made by , -uoj, T), darkness, obscurity , chaff", the chaff" gathered there, a
,' not made by man ; na- cloud, mist, fog ; weakness o heap rir

tural, not artificial. di7nness of sight;

A^ucoi-, -ov, TO, ( perhaps fr. a neg.

A^rAuFo?, and A^fAwo?, -ov, 6, the row, grief, wo. and ^vpoj lirm) chaff"; straw,
Achetous. yj\uw, -t'ffu, (fr. last)
stubble, fitter, haum.
A^fot(ra,Dor. for a^ovca, for obscure, sully ; to shade, shadoic Ayup<5a> -a), f. -w(70), p.'-u^a, (fr.
which also A^fouo-', fem. par. overshadow ; to hide, screen, con- last) to spre;.:-?, scatter, or strew
pres. of a^f'w. ceal ; to grow dark ; to becomt with chnff, straw, litter, &c. to

'M -ou, J, ffte itacfc tfzora, or blind. mix with ettqff".

free. or 'A;^V77, a neg
ly/rt, -77?, 7% (fr. A^upiv, -wroi, O, (fr. same) aheap
.,-, -<W, 11, (fr. next) tfjf andtx< to cohere ) chaff',
hnsks. of straw, the straw thrown from
which Hercules down, motes, straws, &c. froth the flail; chaff.
was said to have brought from foam : smoke, soot. Ay_i, ,\;i5f, a, Dor. for 7^w.
'A^w, same as acavfu.
Acheron. L^vvftat,
-vaofiai, p.
AX/POH', -ov-jj, 5, (fr. a^o5 grief, (fr. a'^of grief)
to grieve, repine,
A^wp, -iSpo;-, b, a running sore on
and piu to flow) there were fret, taks Hi. par. pres. axvvuc- riff.
several rivers of this name. '--, behind; af-
One of the rivers of the Hell Xol,
Dor. for
d. sin. o ter, subsequently ; in succession ;
of the Poets, Hell, Acheron. again ; on the contrary ; imme-

A.%voi, JEo\. and Dor. for ^ouui, :,

a ne;j. and
-ov, 6, 77, (fr. ''', directly.
d. pi.
par. pres. or 3 pi. pres. bile) without the gaU, free , 2 sin. 1 a. opt. mid.
in-1. act. of
^Ico. from bile ; mild, gentle ; good , Ion. for
and this

A^a w, same
as asainst bile ; allaying anger. Dor. for J/^w, 2 sin. 1 a. ind.

A%EO) -w, f. -jfaw, (fr. dxos grief) LYOOEUTO?, -ov, o, 77 (fr. same, and rnid.
' '
-77, -ov, par.
without a chorus ;
^opo? a chorus)
pain, ache ; to grieve, fret, re- , inf. 1 a. mid. of
pine ; to be angry, par. pres. without dances, devoid of mirth,
a^fwi'. cheerless. --j;, -ou, c, ft,
a neg. and
AX*'W, Dor. for ^ru. Avoj, -oj -ouf, TO, pain, ache ; \lfavw to touch) untouched, un-
Axnv, -tvcs, b, (fr. a neg. and
fj, grief, sorrow,wo ; emotion, dis- tasted, untainted, undented, pure.
IX& to have. Or, fr. a intens. quiet, perturbation ; confusion, and A;//>%, -f<s

and ^at'i'j)
to gape) poor, indi- disorder, calamity, misfortune. ', ^, (fr. same, andt//fy to
gent ; beggarly^ mean ; gaping Aypavroy, -ou, 6, rj, (fr. a neg. and blame) unreproved ; unblame-
for food. yoaiVw to colour) untouched, un- ahle, blameless.
A-xwia, -as, T), (fr. last) poverty, /, incontaminaterl, pure. "}, (fr.
want, indigence. , -d&os, T),
the wild pear-tree. '5 .^f^i <ru(v, te# ^ru< ;
A^9aj , 1 a.
par. pass, of ayo. ', (neut. of next) see ax~ to X/JMK drceit.

A^flfVtt, Att. fora^flftr^'J sin.

1 f.

mid. To? . -a, -ov, (fr. a r,

-ov, b, /, (f:

false) incapable of falsehood, ,
3 sin. pper. pass, ofotw- Bo^iiTfto, -aroy, rd, and
true, faithful ; real, genuine. ptw. Or yoro, 3 sin.
Poet, for -ov, b, (fr. game) a s*ep, pace ;
right, just. pper. pass, of alpu. gait, walk, march.
A^'U($WJ, Ion. Af D<$ws-, (fr. last) Awj, a6o$ aov$, <i, Dor. for ?u>j, a. Ba<Wrfoj, -a, -ov, (fr. same) mutt
sin. cont. aw.
truly, verily, really. go, to be walked, &c. according
Ai^/fiDCToj, -OD, 6, b, (fr. a neg. and Awrfw -w, f.
and Awrfiiw, f. to the verb,
to lie) true, faithful, ho- -svau, next) to cull, gather, BaSioTTis, -ou, aii-alk-
\pevSdi (fr. o, (fr. same)
nest, just. pluck flowers ; to enjoy, delight er, runner ; a post, messenger.
Alices, n. pi.
ofaipis. in, take the bcnejit of, indulge. EadiffrtKbs, -ft, ~bv, or -o5,6, },, (h>

AI//J/COOO?, -ov, b, )
/, (fr. d^ again, Awroj, -ov, b, and 'Awrov, -ov, TO, same) that walks or runs ,
and satiety) fastidious,
a flower produce, or profit ;
K.6pog ; bling, pacing, walking ; expedi-
squeamish, delicate, nice. wool; the flower,
bloom, pride, tious, active.
a. sin. of excellence.
*A.\j,-tv, ai//tj. Ba<5oj, -OD, 6, same) a walk,
A.-^ivQ'iov, -OD, TO, and 'Ai//n>0o?, Awroj, -ov, 6, 7/, (fr. a neg. and journey ; way, road ; a coming,
-OD, 6, (perhaps fr. a neg. and oCj the ear) without ears, want- concourse, collection.
TTU-W to drink) wormwood. having no lugs.
ing ears, Ba'w, f.
-o-w, and -w, p. /#/3a%a,
and Ai//fc, -<<5oj, >/, (fr. a?r- Poet, (as if/3oa'w fr. /?oa'w to cry
rw a joining, fltting,
to join)
out) to speak, say, tell; to utter,
knotting; a joint, knot; abond,\ pronounce, prophecy ; to blab,
band, tie ; a Jishing net, mesh ; prate.
a vault, arch, groin ; a military ~Ba6fr)v, Ion. for fia&tlav, a. sin.
testudo, or covered approach; Ba0t, Ba0Ta, and Ion.
the felloes, or wooden circumfer-
B fern.

EaOeu], d. sin. BaflD, neut. sin.

ence of a wheel ; a circle, ring. of /3a0rfj.
"AT//JJ, -toj, Att. -wj, i], (fr. same) B, 0, 6, the second of the Greek Ba0(oj, -ou, 6, fi, and -a, -ov, same
the touch, feeling ; a touching,
letters, called beta. As a nu- as /3a0D?.
handling; intercourse, connex- meral mark, it signifies two ; BaSf'wj, (fr. fiadvs deep) deeply,
or with a dot underneath, 6, two profoundly ; heavily.
s, -ov, b, ^, thousand. Ba'077, pi. cont. of/3a0oj.
(fr. di// backward, and p6os a Ba, a particle implying ridicule or Bd0toros, Ba0('wv see /3a0Df.
stream) Rowing back, ebbing, re- derision. ov, (fr. Padftbt a step) step
turning, retrograde ; reciprocal, B, by Apoc. for fiddi, Dor. for by step ; gradually, orderly.
mutual. (]rj6i, impr. of ifav, 2 a. of /% 4
, Bafyi??, -t<5o?i 11, (fr. same) an en-
Al//0f, -OJ -OD?, TO, (fr. aTTTO) tO or /3atvw. trance, threshold ; a step ; a b&se,
join) a joint, articulation ; a BaaX, indecl. pi. jSa'aX^, Baal, foot, foundation.
limb, member ; bonds, fetters. Bui, or Bel ; a ruler, lord. Bad/ids, -ov, b, (fr. /fci'vco
to a
A.ipo$r)Ti, (fr.a neg. and xf<tyos a Baopaj, a root, which some
to step, or stair ; rise, gradation,
crash) without noise, stilly, qui- wonderful properties were at- order ; degree, rank, preferment,
etly. tributed. dignity.
A^u^oj, -ov, b, t], (fr. a neg. and Bdfia, an unmeaning worc2 used Ba0oj, -EC? -ovs, ro, depth, deep-
\l/v%ri life) lifeless, dead, inani- by infants. ness ; a deep ; the deep, ocean ;
mate ; spiritless, pusillanimous. Baj3aw, f. -a<rw, and o'fw, (fr. last) extremity, lowest degree, distress ;

A^w/iat, -rj,
3 pi. -^/wi/rai,
-rjrai, to speak inarticulately, lisp; to greatness, immensity, extent ;
1 a. sub. mid. of arrw. cry like an infant. profoundness, inscrutability, a6-
Aw, Adw, Afw, 'A>;//(,
ajyo-w, to
Ea!3ai, O strang-e ! wonderful! struseness.
ft/o w ; to breathe, draw breath ; astonishing ! bless me !
BdOpov, -ov, ro, (fr. /3otvw
to go) a
to breathe gently ; to
sleep, par. T>a(3dKTr)s, -ov, b, (fr. j3a/?a'w to step, stair ; a base, pedestal; a
pres. ads. 1 a. inf. act. ai'iaai,
prate) a vain-talker, haranguer, footstool; a bench; a row of
and aicat. speech-maker. See also /?d/?af. benches, or seats in the theatre ;
Aw, or Aaw, same as araw, which Ea0d\tov, -ov, TO, (fr. /3a^a) a seat, site, foundation.
see, par. 1 a. mid. ao-a/wo?, 1 a. cradle. Ba6v, neut. of /3a0D?.
ind. pass. fiaQrjv, Ion.
dadrjv, $a(3a\iffTfjpia, -w, ra, (fr. same) a0Dj/Xwffao?, -OD, 6, fj, (fr. j8a0t>?
a cradle. deep, and yXwo-ca the tongue)
'Aw, f. a'trw, for a<5w, which see. Ba/?aAov, -OD, ro, an opening, pas- deep-mouthed, sonorous ; elo-
Awfov, Dor. for;w0i>. sage, aperture ; the female parts. quent, fluent.
Awy, advoj, a, Dor. for >;wv, which Ba/?af, -aKOS, 6, >/, (fr. /?a'<?w to aQvoivvs, -OD, b, fj, (fr. same, and
for ijtwr. speak) prating, babbling, talka- SivT) an eddy) deep-flowing, mak-
Awpao -w, f.
-;?<7W, p. rjwpriKa, (fr. tive ; idle, foolish, silly ; trouble- ing eddies or whirlpools.
to some, impudent. >;, (fr. same,
awpj unseasonable) neglect, a6v$o!~os, -ov, b,
overlook, pass by, omit. i/3|0aw, to cry loudly, or shrilly ; ool-a fame) glorious, celebrated,
Aoipi, (fr. same) untimely, unsea- to chirp. renowned, far-famed.
sonably, out of time. /fyi, -IKOS, f],
the gum, or gums. Ba0D"wvo?, -OD, 6, #, (fr. same, and

same) unseason- /SuAwv, -wvos, Babylon, a fa- wvr} a girdle) uncaring the girdle
Awpta, -as, >/, (fr. fi,

ableness, unfltness, immaturity ; mous city. d. -wvt. low, longwaisted; noble, of high
bad weather, inclemency. Ba<5<5iv, linen clothes. rank ; fair, beautiful.
AwpdXao?, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and Ba&rjv, (fr. /3a(j/w to walk) step by iQvKTjTijs, -EG? -ODJ, 6, ft, (fr. pa-
Xnoj smooth) beardless in age, step, by degrees, by little and 6v$ deep, and KTJTOS a whale) of
long without having a beard. little, gradually ; slowly, softly. immense depth, very deep, fa-
'Awpo?, -ov, b, ft, (fr. o neg. and Ba<5<w, f. -ifaw, p. ftcfidoiKa, (fr. thomless.

Spa time, care. Or, fr. same, same) to

walk, go, move, pro- Ba0)'i/cX7po?, -OD, (fr. same,
and M,
and ovpos a guard) unseasonable ; ceed ; to go to, frequent. 1 f. act. /cXJjpoj an inheritance) of
Att. /3oi5tw* mid. ^aciovfiai. sive property, rich, wealthy, opu-
unfit, improper, unbecoming ;
immature, untimely ; negligent, Eaoifr, Dor. for fiadiau, 1 f. act. lent.

careless, indifferent ; requiring of last. Ba0DKoX7ros,-ot>, b,h, (fr- same, and

much care, hard to be guarded, c5(7tj, -iog, Att. -w?, f,, (fr. &a- KO\TTOS a gulf) with deep bays,
or preserved. oify to walk) a walking, walk ; seated on a deep bay, or gulf;

'Awpro, by Sync, and Ion. for an entrance, entering going in. with deep valleys, rich, fertile;
long-waisted, with a low breast Bavvrns, -/o, (fr.. same) depth,avv,
or bosom. deepness ; profundity, EoxYftov, -ov, rb, (fr. Ba/c^o? Bac-
Ba0t5cp//o?, -ou, 6, f,, (fr. same, Badvtipuv, -ovoy, 6, >?, (fr. same, chus) the temple of Bacchus.
and Kprjuvbs a precipice) with ana (por)v the mind) deep-think- BaAcyaoy, -a, -ov, (fr. same) o/of
or high ing, thoughtful ; circumspect, like Bacchus, bacchanalian, fran-
deep precipices cliff's;
tic. Also subs,
prudent ; inscrutable -ou, 6, a bacchic,
Ba9vKpnms, -Tcoy, 1$, (fr. same, and Ba0u0wi/oy, -ou, 6, >/, (fr. same,
am foot m prosody.
a foundation) deep seated ; <f><avii voice) deep-toned, grave Ba^Uara, -wv, Ta, (fr. next)
with strong foundations; flrm, sonorous; using an unknowr fAe /eart of Bacchus; orgies,
fixed. language or an obscure style. drunken revels.

s,, -ov,, 6,, 17,

, (fr.. same BK^ua, f.
-Euo-o), and Booc^fw,.-<5,
-, same, and \tifi(bv a
, ;,(&. and xat'r??
with thick hair.
the hair) long haired f.
-//c-w, (fr.
celebrate the feast
BCJK^OS Bacchus) to

ineadow) with extensive meadows, of Bacchus;

or pastures ; fertile, luxuriant. Badv%i\og, -ou, 6, fi, (fr. same to revel, riot.
BaK^voftai, to
Ba0u>aAAos, -ou, 6, f,, (fr. same, and XCI^DS the lip) .'/< rage, rave, be transported.
and /loAAo; a eece) iwiA long and profound, or strange am BoK^ia, -as, fi, (fr. same) revelling,
wool, thick fleeces, fleecy, woolly. obscure language. noting, debauchery, intoxication ;
BadvuriTO, JEo\. for fiaOvfjifiTijs, -ou, Ba0<r\;0wv, -ovoy, 6, //, (fr. same rapture, transport, extravagance.
6, (fr. same,
pjyrjj thought)
and %6&v the ground) having Ba'/c^oj,-ou, 6, Bacchus, the hea-
of deep counsel, wise, sage, saga- deep soil, fertile. then god of wine.
cious, intelligent, sensible. for fSairjauv, 3 2 a* and fern. BdK%v,
Ba?v, Sync, pi. BdK%os, -ov, b, fi,
a priest, priestess
BdQvvos, -ou, 6, (fr. |3a0iif deep) a opt. of |3ify -ijs, r/, (fr. last)

hole, pit, pitfall ; a den, cave. Bat0, a iaA, a Hebrew measure o or votary of Bacchus, bacchanal ;
Bd9vvffi$, -*oj,
Att. -aj, (fr. bacchanalian, frantic, riotous;
fj liquids.
next) an excavation, hollow, ca- Ba?vc, Ion. for /3atv, 3 sin. impf enraptured, transported; a kind
vity. ind. of /?atvw. of wreath or garland.
BaOvvw, f. -uvw, p. -uy/ca, (fr. Brf fr7, -i/s, 17, (fem. of next) viz Babdau, indecL Balaam, a man's
0a9v$ deep) to deepen, excavate, vAaiva. a rofte embroidered wit!
hollow, sink. per. pass. @($dQvu- palm leaves; a scarlet robe. BaAaK, indecl. Balak, a man's
uai, and Att. 0e0d6vffuat. BaFvoy, ou, 6, {,, (fr name.
mode q BaAaviypa, -ay, and
and an olive Ion.
"Badvititiios, -a, -ov, (fr. same, /?aty branch) -ypr/, -tjs,
Trcoiov a
plain) ii't//j extensive palm branches ; of or about tht /I, (fr. jSaAavoy
a bolt, and dypa
plains, level; low, encompasstd palm tree. a hold) a key ; also a bar, bolt.
with hills.
atvo), or fiqpi,
f. mid.
/Jj/o-o/jat, p BaAav?ov, -ou, rd, a bath, bagnio.
and BaOuirAouroj, to move BaAarruy, -toy, Att. -uy, BaAavsw-
Ba0urAou<rtof, 8f0r]Ka, to go, walk, ;
-ou, 6, j^, (fr. same, and rAo march ; to step, stride, stalk ; ti TTJS, and BaAovwr^y, -ou, 6, (fr.
rich) very wealthy, opulent. enter upon, begin; to
proceed last) a keeper or
master of, or a
EoJuiro'Ae/iof, same,
-ou, b, f], (fr. nee,
hold on, continue; t> servant attending in a bath; a
and TrdA^o? war) deeply engages go about, live, move, have being busy-body; curious, inquisitive.
per. mid. fifffaa, 3 pi. /?/?aa<rt
war, causing great war, tur ByAav?70ayoy, -ou, 6, rj, (fr. fldXavos
bulent, tumultuous. par. /? 3awy.
Or (]f : 3aa, Sac. is an acorn, and 0ayu, to eat) that
Ba0u7rpwpo?, -ou, 6, i^,(fr. same,
and by Sync, and Ion. for (3f^r/Ka eats or lives on acorns or mast.
irflwort the prow) with deep or per. ind. act. 2 a. act. ind. ifav Ba\av>/<f>6pos, -ou, 6, //, (fr. same,
lofty prows ; large, stately, lofty. impr. /?r/0r for which also {IdQi and <ptpn) to bear) bearing mast
Bafluirwywy, -wvoj, o, (fr. same, and fia' opt. J3atnv par. fids or acorns, glandiferous.
and ffu-yajv
a beard) long-beard- per. pass. (3ft3nuai, ft$auai, and BaAai/fo>, f.
-TW, p. -tica, (fr.
/?e/?a<r/iai. same) to shake or gather
-^Eol. -ao, and
BaOvppUTTis, -ou, and Ba'tov,
see /Jotf?. BaAavJy, -i5o$, and BaAai'/crav.; -/7y,
Badvp'poo$, -ou, 6, ft, (fr. same, Eaiov, (neut. of next) a little v:hile } //, (fr. @a\avetov
a bath) a to-
and pfij)
to flow) Jeep flowing, for a while. ; little, but little,. 77za7i
ffitlteeps or attends
deep rolling, deep heaving. Baibs, -a, -dr, small, little ; brief, BaAai'oy,^*^, 6, acom or mast; a
BaQvp'pifya, -a?, fi, (fr. same, and oncisc ; few ; one, but one. bolt, bar, latch ; a peg, ; a pin
piga a root) rfep//i of root.
and ftatov, -ov, rb, a branch, kind of tree and of flsh; tJie

Badvp'pifa, -ou, 6, fi, (fr. same) properly of the palm tree. male glans ; a form of ,/:
deep-rooted. Ba7r, or Bairn, ->?c, /, a Doric BaAavriov, and BaXXavno
-, -i', (fr. /3a0oj depth) word, a jaclxt of leather or sfa'/w, rb, (perhaps fr. /3AA<i to
Ajg-A, to/i!y ; early ; broad, worn by shepherds ; a throw, and evrbs within) a
tive; thick, close, dense; smp ; skin or parchment. bag, haversack; a sack.
violent, overwhelming
; hidden, -ou, 6, (fr. /?a?y a palm 3a\avTioToutu, -w, f. -^ffw, (. lost,
mysterious, profound,
'tied, branch, and 0pw to carry) the and Ttuvw to cut) to cut a rm:-se ,

penetrating, sagacious ; comp. ceremony or procession of olive pick the pocket; to flick, i
raw?, /3a0iwv, and Pdvctav, or palm branches. BaAai/nord/ioy, -ou, 6, (fr. sams)
sup. /?a0uraros and (idQiaros. atwi/, -oVoy, b, (perhaps fr. a cutpurse, pickpocket ; a trea-
BaOvaKiof, -ou, 6, fi, (fr. last, and small) a fish. like a gudgeon; a surer, bursar.
ffKia a shade) measure used at Alexandria.
deep-shaded, shel- JaAavwr??, -7/y, jj, (fr. jS^Acvoy an
tered ; shady.
Bdicavov, -ov, rb, radish or cabbage acorn) an oafc wood, forest.
BaOvartpvos, -ov, o, %, (fr. same, seed. Ba\avff-iov, -ov, TO, the flower of
and arlpvov the breast)
Bdicr)\o;, -ou, 6, a lubber, drone, the wild pomegranate.
broad-brsasted a a
chested, ; stupid fellow; wencher; BaA/fty, -Mo?, fi, a rail, bar, start-
wide, extensive. eunuch. ing post; a goal or post at
Ba0u<rrpu)ro?, -OL 6, ';, (fr. same, BdKKapis, or Ba/c^apiy, -to?, Att. the beginning, com-
and ffrp&vvvfjii to strew) deep-
-wy, fi, a fragrant herb, lady's mencement, outset.
strewn, covered or spread deeply ; glove, wild spikenard. B a A? and Bd\cv, Ion. for f/?,\, 3
-ay, ft, BaKrfytov, and sin. 2 a. act. aiso BaAf, -ru, 2
-ov,, 6.. .',
., ..
(F.-. same , BUKTOOV, -ou, TO", a staff", stick, pU -rr, pres. impr. act. :

bulrush) with tall

cniteh, walking staff", cane; a Ai'eiv,
Ion. and Poet.
rushes; tbrted with rushes. sceptre, rod.
2 a. inf. act.
Ion. for to f.
inf. mid. BdAer', Ba///?at5w, (fr. /3a>/* pickle) Bappapifa, -bit, p. -iica, (fr.
Ba- adulterate ; to set
0a'ATO, 3 sin. 2 a.
mid. sophisticate, pdppapog foreign) to live, act or

for EpaXfrnv, 2 du. 2 (iff",
-make look will, particularly ttfpeak as a foreigner or stranger ;
to be any other than Greek or Ro-
a. ind. act. BaAS, Dor. for meat, or food.
/3aAoP, 2 Bd\n- Baupa^ifa, f. -I'CTW, p. -*a, to trem-
a. impr. mid. man; to speak corruptly.
rai, 3
sin. 2 a. sub. mid. ble, shake, quake; quiver with BappaptKbs,
tapiKOS, -TI, -dv, (fr. same) 6or-
the with the teeth.
Aw, -j,s, r,, 2 and 3 pi. -*,TC, lips, chatter nan, fo reign.
-wo-j, 2 a. sub. act. BaAwv, Baftev, Ba//f, Dor. for p&ptv, 1 pi.
BappapiK&s, (fr. last) like a fo-
d. pi. 2 a. sub. act. of /3>J/u for Palvu. reigner, strangely.
-ovaa, -bv, g. pi. -OVTUV,
par. 2 a. act.
of /?dAAw. Ba'^a, -OTOS, TO, (tr. pd-T<a to dip) Bappaptffuds, -ov, b, (fr. /3dp/3apoj
jSaAAw to a dye, stain, colour, hue; vine-
foreign) a state of barbarity ;
Ba\ibs, -d, bv, (fr.

throw) swift, fleet, nimble; gar, brine, pickle; salted, or rudeness, want of manners; a
speckled, dappled, pyeballed ; pickled meat. foreign air; impropriety of speech,
also blind, wanting sight. Bav, by Sync, and Ion. for iP^aav, barbarism.
and Ion. for fj3aX\c, 3 pi. 2 a. act. of jtff,/u for pVvu. (fr. next) barbarously,
Ba'AA', Ba'AA, BapPapto-Ti,
3 sin. impf. ind. act. EaAAeat, Bavavcia, -as, >/, (fr. Pdvavaog a savagely ; rudely, wildly ; like a
for Pd\*T), 2 sin. sub. pass. a mechanic art, craft, foreigner.
pres. mechanic)
Ba'AAa, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. labour, handywork ; ivant of Bdppapos, -ov, b, ft, barbarous, sa-
BdAAso, Ion. for Pd\\ov, pres. manners, ignorance, an'! vage ; wild; rude, unpolished;
impr. pass. BaAAf'c-Krro, Ion. ness, rudeness, vulgarity. foreign, outlandish, strange ;
and Poet, and BdXAfTo, Ion. for BavavaiKbs, ->},
-bv, (fr. next) me- not Greek or Roman.

epd\\c.To, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. chanical; mean, low, servile. Bappap6<bwvos, -ov, b, f), (fr. last,
B'AAeTai, 3 sin. pres. ind. Bdvavaos, -ov, b, (fr. PUVVOS a fur- and <puv>i voice) using a foreign
pass. BdAAfl, 3 sin. pres. sub. nace, and avtD to kindle) one language or dialect, speaking I

act. BdAAwv, -outra, -ov, par. who works in a forge, a mechanic, bad language. I

pres. act. of j3u'AAo;. nriislj workman; Adj. mean, Bappapow -Cj, f. -tacu, p. -w/ca, (fr.
BdXA7?o-a, Ion. for E/Sa'AA^ira, 1 a. Ian; strvite, nilgai; am same) to make savage or
ind. act. of jSaAAi'w, Poet, for BdvTes, n. mid. of pas, -daa,
deprave, corrupt ; to bring un-
der a foreign yoke.
jSa'AAu. -ilr, par. 2 a. of pupi for Paivw. Bappapdouai
to grow
BaAA/gw, f. -jVw, (fr. /3AAa> to Bufj?, -joj, Att. -o>j, '/, (fr. pdfa -oiifjiai, savage, degene-
to talk) fame, report, rumour; rate ; to become wild, outrageous.
throw) tolling the legs, dance,
caper, frisk. talk, discourse, conversation ; a Bapdpws, (fr. same) barb'
BaAAjff/^j,-, -oC, b, (fr. last) a response, oracle. inhumanely, brutally, savagely ;
dance, dancing; leaping; mov- f. -('era),
p. pcpdTTTiKit, (fr.
without civilization, ignorantly
ing to time. PaTTTd) to dip) to dip,
immerse, rudely.
pi. pres. ind. act. immerge, to
wash, Bp/?m', f. -leu, p. -uca,(fr. next)
->;, -ov, par. pres. cleanse, purify baptize ; to
to play on or sing to the harp.
pass. BdXXovTa?,-XoiTEf, -Xo"v- depress, humble, ovtrwhelm. Ba-n- Bdpptros, -ov, b, and Bdppirov,
TWV, BdAAouffttv, cases of par. TJ'^OJUKI,
to wasti one's
self, to -ov, TO, a harp, lyre.
pres. act. Bd\\ovai, 3 pi, bathe ;faint, be dejected. BdpoiGTos, Poet, for
to sink,

pres. ind. act. of

1 a. cfiuTmca. impf. pass.

BdAXw, f.
jSaXw, p. pfp\rjKa, to cast, $a7m<5p/i'. per. pass. /?e/3dir- Bapla, (neut. pi. cf Papvg heavy )
Tjcruaf. 1 a. pass. ipa~TicQrjv.
heavily, weightily, sorely, grin:- 1
throw, pelt, fling, hurl, aim,
shoot, dart ; to pass beyond, ex- a. mid. ind. cpa-riffduijv.
ously. or Ion. for papsta.
cel, surpass, exceed; to
butt, BdiTTiirj.iti, -TOf,
n Bdpct, d. sin. cont.
TO, (fr. last)
Bdp??, pi.
ablution ;
purification : cont. of pdpos.
push, thrust, dash, strike, hit, ^^^fang,
wound; to cast, drop, shed; to yjffrtism; the cJiristian doctrine , Bcpr?a, n fem.
ipiTa, n. Bapaai, n. pi.

reach, arrive at, attain to; to ^epth of affliction or distress, g.

fem. Baptjav, a. fem. or Dor.
throw, or draw over, cover: tv ;;:n.
d. -/<OTJ.
papzi&v, g. pi. fem. Baptts,
induce, suggest, perw^Fk to lay Bd-Tio-jttos, -oP, 6, (fr. same) im- n. pi. mas. cont. of
by, hoard, treasure up. BdAAo//at ,
mersion in water, washing ; cere- BapdaBw, pres. impr. pass. cont.
to be cast down, to throw one's monial purification.. of
self down, to lie, lean, recline; to Ba-Tio-T/jpiov, -ov, TO, (fr. a BapfW -w, f. ->7<ra>, p. pcpdprjKa, (fr.
cast in mind, ponder, meditate. vessel for bathing or fm ablu-
Pdpos weight) to burden, load,
impf. i/?aXAov. 2 a. act. ind. tions ; a baptistery, font. weigh down; to oppress, over-
ipaXoV impr. Pd\' sub. /?dAo>. BaTTTiarfis, -ov, b, (fr. same) a bap- whelm, overcome; to lay on,
tizer ; a baptist.
per. pass. Ptpinnai. pper. pass. impose, charge. Bapta/tat -oP//aj,
tpt&flprjv, 1 a. pass. ind. /?A^- Bairrbs, -r), bv, (fr. next) dipped; to sink
under, be oppressed, over-
Qnv impr. 0\^6rrri.' inf. P\ijdij- tinged, stained i deep. come. 1 a. act.
epdprjo-a. per.
vai. per. mid. plpo\a.
BdrTW, f. -\l/<o, p. Ptpaipa, to dip, pass. Pepdprifjiai par. /8/3apmu-
BttAAwTr?, -ii$,f], the herb horchound. plunge, immerse ; to wash ; to vos. 1 a. pass./3ap^i;v.
BaXoi/iij, -01 s, -01, act. Ba\oij.iijv, wet, moisten, sprinkle ; to steep, Bapf'wc, (fr. Papvs heavy) heavily,
-oio, -OLTO, mid. 2 a. opt. of imbue ; to dye, stain, colour. weightily, severely, grievously.
Bap, indecl. a son, the son of. Baptws, Att. forpaptos, g. of Papvs.
BaAoTovzj, Dor. for Pa\ovaai, n. pi. Bapappas, -a, b, BaraLbas, a Bap9o\op.aios, ^ov, b, Bartholomew,
fem. par. 2 a. a. of same. man's name. a man's name.
BdAo-a^oj/, -ou, TO, balsam, balm. Bdpaopov, -ov, TO. Att. litptQpov, a
BaAw, 1 f. act. BdAu^ai, 2 a. deep hole at Athens into which
sub. mid. BrfAw/uv, 1 pi. 2 a. criminals were thrown, a deep
sub. act. BdAwv, 2 a. par. pit, ditch, trench; a chasm,
act. of jSa'AAw. gulf, cleft; a shore, drain;
E<fya, Dor. for /?j)/ia. extravagance, waste, ruin.
Bd^jSa, Dor. for j3d/^^a. BapaOpufas, -cos -ovs, Att. -EUJ,
Baupaivw, to stammer, hesitate ; to 6, rj, (fr. last) deep, yawning,
lisp; to babble, prate; to chat- tike a gulf.
ter with the teeth i a
through fear,' Bapa%las, -ov, Baraehias,
quake, tremble. man's name.
Bop, -EOS -ov$, ro, weight, heavi-
king, with royal state, augustly Bars, Dor. for /^re, 2 pi.
2 a and
grandly. impr. act. of j3ij/a for pleasant, agreeable ; humorous
BaeriA?y, -'$oy, and Baffi\iffffa, -rjs BaTtvu, f. -ti(7w to copulate, engen jocose; neat, fine, delicate.
>J, (fr. /Sao-tAojy a king) a queen der. Spoken of the male, /?a Bavvos, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. fiia.
a royal consort, princess. Tcvoftai of the female. 3 pi violence, and avw to burn) a
Batrt\iffKos, -ov, b, (dim. of same pres. ind. mid. flaTtvvrai, Sync furnace, forge, a stove, hearth,
a petty king, chief, lord ; < for fiaTevovTai.
Also, chimney.
serpent, Barf'w, -w, f. ->/<rw, same as last
basilisk, cockatrice; (
"Bataoeiv, Dor. for
fiavfyiv, pres.
wren. pres. inf. act. cont.
Bdaifios, -ov, b, ft, (fr. next) open, pass. fitzTc'iffOai. Ba</>aiy, -toy, Att. -ruy, 6, (fr. (idn-
exposed, clear; pervious, passa- Bdrr/v, Dor. and Ion. for /?;/n;v TU) to dip) a dyer.

ble; accessible; approached, ar- 3 du. 2 a. act. of /3?//u for fialvii) Ba<f>r), -fjs, ft, (fr. same) dipping,
rived at, attained BaTrip, -rjpos, b, (fr. /3aiVw to go
to; stable, immersion ; tempering ; dying ;
steady, fixed, firm.
a goer, walker ; a post or goal at a colour, tinge, hue.
Bdo-ts, -to?, Att. -wy, ft, (fr. (laivw
races ; the threshold, entrance.
Bdtyas, par. Bdi^w, -^y, -/, 1 a.
to go) a gait, movement, walk ; m/ptoy, -a, -ov, (fr. same) scale- sub. act. of same.
a step, footstep, track, trace ; able, accessible. Bdw, obs. from whence /Jffyit
the sole, the foot ; a foundation, Bar/a, -ay, /,
same as jSdroy.
basis ; the base, foot, or lower iTidKrj, -TJS, it,
a kind of drinking
JdAAw, and B^AAw, f. -Aw, p. f/3-
member of a pillar ; a pedestal ; vessel, cup, goblet. ca\Ka, to milk ; to suck, imbibe.
a prop, shore, buttress, sup- Bdroy, -ov, fj, (perhaps fr. ftia vio- B<5AAa, -ay, f], (fr. last) a leech,
port. lence, and drw to hurt) a bush horseleech ; a bloodsucker.
BdaV, for ftdffKt, pres. impr. ol thorn, bramble. k'AAfwv, Ion. for jS^'AAwv, g. pi
, -ov, 6, a bath; a Hebre,. of last.
-avu>, p. -ayKa, and measure of liquids, the tenth BoVAAiov, -ov, rb, and B^fAAa, -ay,
n.\A,Vly>) ,
I. -Iffb)* Att. -iQ, of a homer, equal to an ephah >l, Bdellium, a tree of Arabia,
(perhaps fr. <j>dcric<a to say, and about seven gallons and a half. also the gum from it ; according
alvos dreadful. Or, fr.
0d(ny a Boroy, -/), -ov, (fr. /3atVw to to others a pearl.
look or an
expression, and Kaivia pervious, passable, accessible. &i\vyna, -aros, rb, and B^Avy-
to to to
kill) bewitch, fascinate, >aTpaxo[jivo[ia%ia, -as, ft, (fr. (3d- fibs, -ov, b, (fr. poe^vcffo/jLai
charm, enchant; envy, grudge; to
Tpa%os a frog, pi's a mouse, anc abominate) an abomination un-
accuse, charge, blame. 1 a.
a battle) the war of the clean thing ; impurity, defile-
ind. @daKT)va. 2 a. act. tfida- frogs and the mice ; a mock he- ment ; foulness, filth ; stink,
Kavov. roic poem by Homer. stench.
Bao-Kavla, -as, f], (fr. last) fasci- idrpa^oy, -ov, 6, (perhaps fr. /?odw 'O&yKTos, -fi, -bv, (fr. same)
nation, witchcraft, a charm; to cry, and
Tpa%tMs hoarsely) minable, vile, impure, unclean;
envy, grudge; malice, slander, frog ; a disease in the lower part foul, defiling.
calumny. of the tongue. B8e\vpbs, -pd, -pbv, (fr. same)
Bdo-Kavos, -ov, b, 17, (fr. same) be- UTTapifa, f.
-t'o-w, (fr. Bdrroy impure, foul, filthy; wicked,
witcldng, using charms ; envious, Battus) to lisp, stammer, hesi- vicious, bad; impudent, shame-
spiteful; malicious, slanderous. tate ; to talk nonsense, babble,

Bao'/cdvo)?, (fr. last) enviously, prate. ,

and -vrrouat, f. -%o-
spitefully, maliciously. arroAoy'to -5, f. -tfffu, p. 0t(3aro- uai, p. -tl3Sf\vyfiai, (fr. 0ctw to

Bdo-KM, Poet, for /JaiVu>, to hasten, Ady>;Ka, (fr. same, and Adyoy break wind) to
abominate, exe-
speed, -despatch. discourse) to stammer, stutter; crate; to hate, detest, abhor ; to

Bao-ovpai, in 3 pi. Baaovvrai, JEol. to speak

foolishly, prate, babble ; loathe, nauseate; to defile one's
for 1 f. mid. of to blab ; to repeat idly, use vain be impure to stink,
P/io-opai, (3rj^i self, ; befoul.
for (iaivta. 1 a. act. ind. eftar- 1 a. mid. f,^oe.\v^dfinv. par. per.
Bdo-ffa, ~as, Dor. for P^wa.
>/, pass. /3(5Avy/u'voy.
Bao-adpa, -as, and Bao-ffdpr], -ns, >h pl. J3aTTO\oyrjariT. Bot\vac6pvos, -t], -ov, par. pres.
a kind of shoe; a harlot; a vixen, BarroAoy/a, -ay, >^, (fr. same) vain pass, of last.
fox. repetition, tautology; hesitation,
Bold) -w, f. -jaw, and -eau, to break
Bdoray/ia, -aroy, rb, (fr. next) a stammering, wind.
load, burden. idrros, -ov, b, Battus, a prince of 3<5dAoy, -ov, 6, (fr. last)
a discharge
Baorda>, f. -<ru>, and Dor. -o>, p. the Cyrenians who stammered of wind from the body ; a crack, ;

/?/3dffTaKa, (perhaps from fidta also a silly Poet ;

a stammerer, crash, clap ; stink, smell.
to go, and <rrdu to be
firm) to stutterer; an idle talker, chat- Be, a particle denoting privation,
bear a or separation.
weight, to carry a bur- terer, babbler.
den to balance, poise, in 3 pi. B/?da<n, per. mid.
sustain, 5orvA>7, ->7y, fj, a dwarf, a small MBaa,
support; to
weigh, examine, scru- woman. B/?da>y, par. of /8^/, for /3a/vo>.
tinize ; to
suffer, endure ; to take 5drw, 3 sin. of (tddi for j8iJ0i, 2 a. tflaios, -ov, b, %, (perhaps fr.
up, carry ; to take up, lift, raise; impr. act. of /?5y/u for ftaivw. or (3rjui,
for (3alv<i> to go) firm,
to carry clear off, destroy, deface ; av(3du -5, f. -fiddi, p. -r]Ka, (fr. steadfast, steady, fixed; sure,
to inter. 1 a. act. ind. last-
bury, next) to sleep, doze; to put to trusty, faithful; cojistant,
sleep, quiet, hush, lull. ing, durable ; strong, able ; hard,
Bd<7w/m', Dor. for
/3>/<rw/xn, 1
pi. av/?a>, -6os -ovs, f], Baubo, the
solid, comp. peftaidrepos, sup.
1 a. sub. of #dw for f3aivu>. nurse of Ceres. -draroy.
BaraX/opat, (fr. next) to behave Bai5u>, f. -fw , p. -j(a. Onomat. tfaidTtis, -rjTos, f], (fr. last)^?rrr^-
like Batalos ; to act indecorously ; to
bark, bay ; to lament, cry ness, steadiness, stability ; sound-
to be effeminate, delicate. over. ness,stre7igth, solidity; cons fail'
BdraAos, -ov, b, Batalos, a de- -w, (fr. ffavicbs pleasant cy, continuance, durability.
bauched musician of Ephesus; or avdu to
doze) to sing to j/?atot5//voy, cont. par. B-
womanish, delicate, effeminate ; sleep, sooth, lull ; to tickle, please. PatovoQai, cont. pres. inf. pass. of
a catamite. EavKa\ia, -as, f],
a drinking vessel, ~/3aidw -w, f. -(Sera. 1
, p. PtflaMKa,
Bardvjov, -ou, TO, (.<Eol. for irard- to
cup, goblet. (fr. same) strengthen, fortify,
vioy, d;ta. of Ttardvn a plate) a vKahiov, -ov, TO, a narrow- secure; to confirm, establish, keep,
deep d'.J., caucer, plate. mouthed vessel, bottle. maintain ; to verify, ajfirm.


i. c/JE/J/u'cixra. pros, u Bffipcypat, per. pass. Kiftpeyfti-

nocadai-oT'odai. per.j
1 a. pas-.
Lf/Sa/ujj, (fr. same) Jirmly, strong-
ly ; safely, securely ; with due
search,upon examination.
Btpaiwats, -UK, Att. -wj, >?, (fr.

:ios firm) a ttrcnutii-

confirmation, carroboration ;


; certainty,
Bf'frzKa/BE/Ja/twj, Dor. for
<ca, per. and fa^nti

Bifiaptv, Sync,
and Ion. for

pi. per.
at. or for

fafafvai, per. inf. mid. Bl-

Sync, for (icfidetffav, Ion.
for tptfiaKeiaav, 3 pi. pper. act.
B/?ou>f, par. per. mid. or Ion.
for /?/37KW5, par. of
per. act. BE^KSIV, -?,
pper. act. of (iTi/ii for /3a/vw.
Bf/3aXof, Dor. for flf0n\o$.
Bf(3annlvos, -n, -ov, par. per. pass.

Befiapriufvos, par. per.

Bepapnias, Ion. for /
par. per. act. of ^optw.
BfjSa^a, per. act. of (Jd-rrrw.
Bf[3ri\os, -ov, 6, i/, (fr. /? priv. and
/?/Xof the threshold) excluded,
excommunicated ; profane, un-
hallowed, common, vulgar ; im-
pious, irreligious, wicked, bad.

Xuxco, (fr. last) to profane,

lute, contaminate, pervert to bad
use. 1 a. act. E/^/^Auo
Bc/fr?Xa><nf| -105, Att. -w?,
same) profanation, contamina-
tion, pollution, abuse of holy
BejSiafffifvus, (fr. /?/?<oc/*fVof, par.
per. pass, of /?o<j to force) by
force or compulsion, unwillingly.
Bf/3/?Ka, per. act. Be/T
par. per. pass, of pidu.
Btpiufiai, -<rat, -Tat, per. B-
|3u>//fvo5, par. pass, of ftidw.
Bf/3Xo|3o, per. mid. Bf'/'Aa/ip.
per. pass. Bi(i^a<pa, per. act

B/3Xo'o-TJ7ca, per. ind. act. of /JAaer-

Btl3\nai, Ion. for 0e/?Xij<rai, 2 sin.

and B/?XVOTO, Ion. for ^i^\rrv-
rai, 3 pi. per. pass. Be/JXtfa,
Ion. for tfi($\nvTo, 3 pi. pper.
pass. Bf/?X;Ka,-a5,-,per. act.

BljSXijwi, Ion. for

3 sin. pper. act. E
g. sin. par. per. act. ,,... ,

-<roi, -TOJ, per. pass. Bc0Xtyi-

vos, -77, -ov, per. par. pass. BE-
(frfic&ai, per. bf. pass. of /JoXXu
"Btfioriarai, Ion. for fafidnvTai
pi. per. pass, of /3oow.
B/?oX)?aTa(, Ion. for $t$6\nvTai, 3
pi. per. pass. Be/foXr/oro, Ion
for tfit&6\nvTo, 3 pi. pper. pass
Bt^oXq/ilvof, par. per. pas
of /JoAfw, for jSaXXw.

Bf/?oi'Xa, per. mid. of (Sofaopai.

B/3ot5Xa'^a(, ind. B#ot>Ai;ff0<
per. pass, of /?ouXEvu.

B/?pf, and Bf/i/Spaj, Att. for ^u

a, /, Heb. a pool near Jeru- the will of, in s^/itr of, unwill- scroll, bill, billet ; deed, writing ;
salem, Bethesda, i. e. the house ingly. account, schedule.
of mercy. BIO^EO, Ion. Btdfyv, Dor. for /3ta- Bi/?AioffwA>7ff, -ou, 6, (fr. last, and
B)0i, 2 a. impr. of /%<. Dor. (3ddt, ou, pres. impr. mid. rwAf'w to sell) a bookseller.
by Apoc. fid. 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of and
B</3Aio0dpoj, -ov, 6, (fr. same,
B0Af//, indecl. a Hebrew town, Eiaa>, and BIO'GJ, f. -ac-w, \ $fpu to o carry) letter-carrier;
Eng. Bethlehem, i. e. the house KU, (fr. (3ta strength) to compel, a hawker of books, bookseller; a
of bread. force, urge; to endeavour, la- messenger, delegate.
B-lQaaida, and BijOca'ioav, indecl. a bour, strive ; to assault, offer vio- Bij3Aio0uAaKtov, -ou, T^, (fr. same,
Hebrew city, Eng. Bethsaida, lence, ravish ; to take forcibly ; to and ^uAaVtrw to keep) a
i. e. the abode of the flshermen. fall upon, depress, dispirit; to op- bookcase.
Brie<f>ay>i, -rjs, 17,
a Hebrew town, press, crush, overwhelm; to en-

Bethphage, i. e. the place of tlie slave, subdue. 1 a. mid. cpiacdpriv. Egyptian reed papyrus, inner
early Jigs. Elaios, -a, -ov, and -ou, 6, ^, (fr. bark of certain trees ; a
Bj//ca, and BrjKta, -tav, ra, (fr. /?>/ same) violent, urgent, vfkr-mr-nt ; book; a catalogue, account, re-
baa) sheep, the bleating flock. wrongful ; forced,
injurious, , history.
BS?Aoj, -ou, 6, name of a man ;
and strained, compelled, comp. /Jioj- cw, same as /?pwo-/cw.
of a river. dripos, sup. -oVaTCf. ;, Dor. for ftiovvres, n.
B^Xo?, -ov, (perhaps fr. /??;/ to
6, Btaj'wj, (fr. last) violently ; wrong- m. of. /?5a>v -wv, par. pres. act.
pass, and \iav very much) the fully ; by fores. of/? 1(5a).
threshold, and sometimes the lin- Bidov -to, j&a&dw -uo-0w, pres. Blrj, -775, fi, Ion. for j9
tel of a door ; a door, passage, impr. mid. "BidtcQai -acOai, Poet, for jS/p, d. sin.
entrance ; a house, temple, resi- pres. inf. mid. or pass, of /?taw, Birjadfjirji', -w, -aro, Ion 10
dence; a palace, court. same as /3mw. ji7v,
1 a. mid. of
B^a, -aroj, rd, (fr. jgjfyu to go) a Biap^oj, -ou, 6, (fr. /?/oj life, and Btfluv.'a, -aj, >% Bithynia, a coun-
sep, stoiV ; a footstep, track, ves- ap%o$ chief) a butler, steward. try in Asia Minor.
tige ; footing, worn to stand ; a Biacrris, -ov, o, (fr. /?/ force) a BtKtov, -ov, TO, the herb vetch,
tribunal, judgment-seat, bench, violator, abuser, ravisher ; an as- vetches, tares.
throne, d. sin. firman . sailant, invader ; one who forci- Biiciov, and BiKiStov, -ov, TO, (dim.
~Bi'lHf.vai, Dor.
and Poet, for (Irjvai, bly presses or thrusts. of next) a little pitcher, jug.
2 a. inf. of Btaras, Dor. for BIOTAS, -ov, b, Bfaos, -ov b, a water-can, pitcher,
B^i, (fr. /?a'w obs. to go) same as same as last. pot with handles, jar.
paivu, which takes some of its Btaw, f. -dVw, and ->;crw, p. /?- Bivitii
-w, f. -fjau), p. ^/3/v?7/ca, to
parts from it. (tiaica, and -rjKa, same as (3<a'w. come or go in, enter ; to come or
BVV, |%, 09i Ion. for I/V, 2 a. ind. per. pass. ind. /3ej9ttyioC par. go together, meet ; to couple ; to
Btjvat, 2 of last.
a. inf. commit fornication. Bivlouat -ov-
B^f, (3rjxbs, /, a cough, coughing. 'w, f. -dffu>, p. -a*ca, (fr. ftalvw fjtai,
to prostitute.

Bfjp, -JJpy?, TO, Ion. for fap. to go) to set on, make
to mount; Bio?, 3 sin. cont.
pres. ind. or opt.
a mantle; a soldier's cloak;
BSJpos-, to go up, ascend; to cause to of/?i<5w.
a priest's robe. come or go, bring, take, intro- BtoAoyfw -w, f.
-77<7W, p. -tjKa, (fr.
B^puAAo?, -ov, b, and -AAtov, -ou, duce ; to admit, let in. next, and A<5yo? an account) to
ro, a beryl, precious stone. Bi/?aj, -ao-a, -ii>, pres. par. of /?/- write the life of; to record, cele-
B*7<ra/*vo?, par. of e^ri^d^riv, 1 a. brate, par. pres. pass.
mid. Bf/o-a, -a?, -, Ion. for BiftdcrOw, same as,
ffirjaa, 1 a. act. B>/o-cr0aj, inf. /?aw -w, and Bi^pi, f. /?</?aVw, Bt'oj, -ou, 6, (fr. 0la strength) life,
of B>J(7o^aj, 1 f. mid. Biyo-u,
and in compos, by Sync, and existence ; mode of life, con-
-aj, -a, 1 pi. faaofitv, 1 f. act. Cras. /3i/3w, to
go, walk, stride, duct in life; subsistence, liveli-
of |3<fo or pjjpi for j&m-w. stalk ; to mount, ascend, par. hood, food ; property, substance,
BJjo-av, Ion. for efavav, 3 pi. 2 a. pres. act. cont. |3(/?wv, and /&- goods ; mankind, the human
ind. act. of /Jafvu. /3as. 1 a. ind. act. sfitBaea. 1 a. race, the world.
1 f. mid. of 1. f. ind. Bid;, -ov,
b, (fr. same) a bow, bow-
B7<ro//ai, /%t or /3aiVw. ind. pass. e/3i@dff6riv.
It is used Poet, as a present mid. Pipdaopai. 1 a. ind. mid. string.
tense ; impf. ifaad^v^ and Ion. Biorevw, f. -aVw, (fr. 48/0; life) to
B^ffd/yjjv, -ou, -fro, see last. Bi{}\apiciov,
and Ei^Aa'piov, -ov, live, lead life. Btorcvaris, 2 sin.
BJJffoj, -05, -ou?, ro, (fr. next) a TO, (dim. of (StjSAtov
a book) a 1 a. sub. act.

valley, glen. trifling worthless book, ballad. Biorfi, TI$, -17,

and Bi6rrjs, -TITOS, 17",

Brjffffa, -??, ^, (fr. /Safoa; to go) a Bt/JAia, -wv, ra, (neut. of same) same as /?foj.

hollow, glen, valley; a haunt, the books, Holy Scriptures, Bible. iortKbs,, -f/,
-ri, -bv, same as ,

cover for beasts ; a wilderness, Bt/?A((5<ov, -ov, TO, (dim. of same) I'OTO?, -ou, 6, P'oet.
woodland, waste; a plain, lawn, a little book, small volume.Biow, act. Btoi5<70ttj, pass. pres.
sheep walk. d. Ion. Wtvos, -n, -ov, (fr. /W/JAos the inf. cont. of /?<Jw.
pi. j8v<ro->?j,
for ftr/wais. papyrus) made of, like, or con- Eiouf, -ovffa, -bv, par. of tfiiwv, 2
B7<ro7/t5, -satra, -ev, (fr. last) cerning the papyrus; like or a. act. of/?<'w/n for /?idw.

woody, wild, waste ; hollow. about a sheet or book. Also, BJ- Bio<j>86po<;, -ov, b, f,, (fr. 0fof life,
Bivo-ffo) or -TTCO, f.
-w, (fr. /3jf a jSAivoj, viz. otVo?, wine made of and d>0('pw to corrupt) injurious
cough) to cough. the Thracian grape called /?<j8Aia. to life ; baneful, destructive.
to go, B(/?A<oypa0<a, -as, % } Bi<5w -w,
BjjTopjuo'j, -ou, 6,
(fr. /?}/ (fr. /?i/?A/oi> -wo-w, p. /?/?/&/*:a, (fr.
and to
adapt) dancing; a book, and ypa</>w to write) the to live, exist, lead a life.
apu /?i'oj life)
dance in regular steps ; the Pyr- writing of books, composition, 1 a. act. ind. t&i(*>aa- inf. /?ia>-
rhic dance. compilation. irai. per. pass. )?/3^w^a. f. 1

-ovo?, 5, (fr. last) a Bij3A<oypa0o?, -ou, b, (fr. same) a mid. /3(wcro^ai. 1 a. mid. /3t(o-
dancer, writer of books, author; a co- It forms other tenses

Bnrrjv, Ion. for e^Trjv, see (irjv. pier, bookseller, librarian. from (Hupi, which see.
Bfe, -aj, !j, force, strength, power ; Bifl\ioQfJKT), -;?, fi, (fr. same, and Bicr/cdf, -ov, b,
JEo\. for fdj.
vigour, vehemence ; efficacy, ridrj/jii
to lay upS a library, study. BiVojv, or B/O-TCOV, -ovos, 6, <^ic 6i-

energy; bravery, courage; vio- Bi/3Ai'ov, -ou, rb, (fr. /?i/?Aof paper) son, a kind of wild ox.
Irr>f,e. Bfa, d. sin. against a feoofc, roW, volume ; a shrtt^ BiTtva, -??, /?,
same as ftlKots.

Biw'/v, Att. for fttoiqv, 2 a. opt. of
UA(, continually, constantly, in-
, impr. B6cKf.iv, inf. pres. aii-os, 6,
tffe groin ; a tu- 2 sin. pres. sub. act. of Bov-
act. of (l6aKo>. mour in the groin ; such a one in AVO>.
I<7/c7?ua, -a>of, rd, (fr. tfoV/cu to any part. BovAsv/m, -Sros, rb, (fr. 0ovAV
feed) a beast, cow, sheep; pi. Eovyai'oj, -ov, &, % (fr. ftov intens. to consult) deliberation ; counsel,
catt/e : pasture, pasturage andyaia earth, or ya<u> to boast) advice ; a design, purpose, inten-
offKTjffciaQe, Dor. for large, gross, unwieldy, sluggish; tion.
2 pi.
1 f. mid. turgid, swollen; boastful, vain- rvAevo-eu, 1 a. impr. mid. Bov-
-ios, Att. , (fr. \tvadvri, d. sin. and BovAevadv-
same) a feeding, pasturing , BovyAw<ro-ov, -ov, rb, and Bov'yAwa- T, n. du. par. 1. a. act Bov-
ffo?, (ioiJs an ox, and
-ov, 6, (fr. \tvffsv, Ion. for /3ovAvc-, 3 sin.
ind. and BovAricT;, 3 sin. sub.
V/covn, Dor. for p6anovai,-S pi. yAwo-o-a
a tongue) an herb, 60-
pres. ind. act. of rage, bugloss ; the solejish. 1 a. act. of jSovAriiw.
or BoffKtu) and Att. -uj,
-5, f. -j/aw, p. Bcvtopos, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same, jvAn-c-is, -ios, fj, (fr.
>7Ka, (fr. /rdw, obs. to feed) clou to excoriate) galling to /3ovAvw to consult)
to feed, pasture, .graze ; to tend, oa'tn, fermenting, irr deliberation, meditation; a plot.
hard. I f. /3dcra>,
and 0wau. 1 a.
Bovdvffia, -ay, fi, (fr. same, BovAnm/piov, -ov, rb, (fr. same) a
and to sacrifice) an offering of oxen ;
ifiuaa, per. jfo'/Jo/ta, court, hall, senate-house.
, (fr. sacrifice of black cattle.
0<5, obs.) 1 a. BovArvTTjj, -ov, b, fr. same) a COTW-
act. e06oKriffa, per. pass. $e($6a- BovKalos, BOVKOS, and Dor. BWKOJ, sellor, senator, adviser.
1 f.
pass. Poaiaidriaopai. -*ov, 6, (fr. same)
a herdsman, Bov\cvriKbs,-ti, -bv, (fr. same) se-
BoViropov, -OD, rd,
an Indian plant shepherd, reaper, labourer, rus- natorial, relating to a senate or
and fruit. tic. council; consulted, asked or ap-
BovKtvrpov, -ov, rb, (fr. same, and plied to for advice; prudent,
6, '(perhaps fr. /?<5rpu? a cluster) Ktirpov a point) an ox-goad. wise, sage; subs, a counsellor,
a curl, ringlet, lock, of hair ; the
BovKepus -<i>, and -tares, 6, fj, (fr patron.
hair. same, and Ktoas a horn) with the ovAfVToj, -ov, b, //, (fr. same) con-
Heb, indecl. Bosor, the horns of an ox, homed. sulted, df liberated, weighed; de-
name of a man who was alsojBov/coAew -w, f. ->/<7u>, (fr. same, creed, enacted.
called Boty, Beor, Eng. Peor. and KO\OV food) to feed or BovAfvw, f. -riJo-w, p. flf/3ov\tvKa,
Bora, -wv, ra, (pi. of /3orov a herd) cattle; to graze, pasture, rear, (fr. ,3ovAJ) design) to deliberate,

cattle, kine. herd; to milk, make profit of, consult ; to meditate,

ponder, re-
Bordvri, -ijs, fj, (fr. 0orbs food) gain a livelihood by cattle; to volve; to ask advice; to devise,
grass, Iierbage, pasture, feeding soothe,fatlcr, decoy ; to like, pur- plot, plan; to determine,
" pur-
for cattle; the study of herbs, bo- sue, attend to any object. pose, decree. 1 a. act.

tany. pres. act. l3ovKo\iti)v, d. sir

1 a. mid.
Ion. for /SovAwv,
Boraviicbs, -bv, (fr. last) relating
-f), ', g. pi. of
to herbs, botanical ; subs. s bota- BovKoMa, -?, i}, (fr. last) a herd BovA/;, -rjs, -i/, the will, determina-
nist. of cattle ; care of or attendance tion, design, purpose, decree,
Bordvtov, -ov, TO", (dim. of same) on cattle. counsel; a council, senate; a
a small herb. BovKoA(d^u), and Dor. BwaroAid council-chamber, court.
and BOTJJS, -ov, b, (fr. or Ew/coAtoWw, f.
or -
s>*/, Bov\rjai, Ion. for /SovA;; Att. /JovAn,
/3du to feed) a shepherd, herds- (fr. last) compose, play or sing
to 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. BovA)?-
man. pastorals; to lead a shepherd s
Qdrjv, 1 a. opt. pass.
Boris, -iSos, i), (fr. same) a shep- life. dels, par. 1 a. pass. Be
herdess. Bovico\iaar bs, -ov, b, (fr. same) -jjs, -y,
la. sub. pass. ,;_
Borbv, -oD, rb, (fr. same) a./2ocfc, pastoral music or composition ; T<(, 3 sin. pres. sub. pass, of
^era ; cattle, sheep, kine. the singing and Juncing of shep-
Borbs, -ov, b, (fr. same) provender, herds or rustics.
BovA7//M, -arcs, TO, (fr. @ov\ouai to
fodder; food, meat; support, BovKoAiaorn?, will) will, pleasure, choice; de-
-ov, 6, (fr. same) a
nourishment, aliment. composer ofpastorals, rural poet, termination, decree, judgment;
Borpvoiov, -ov, rb, (dim. of jSdrpy rustic musician. putpose, design, d. sin. /?oi/A)7-
a cluster) a little bunch. BovKo^iKosi-fi,-bv, (fr. same) re-
Borpvcbv, (fr. same) by clusters, in lating to the care of cattle ; pasto- Bov\jjaiv, and BovAj)o-(, Ion. for
bunches, heaps. ral, rustic. jSovAu??, d. pi. of p'ov\f;.
Borpvoeis, -taaa, -ev, (fr. same) BovKoAtov, -ov, TO, and -05, -ov, 6, Bov^ijais, -10;, Att. -<uf, i/, same
clustering, in bunches, that bears (fr. same)
a herd of cuttle, flock. as /?oi'A7/ia.
fruit in clusters. BovKo^iffftbs, -ov, b, (fr. same) a BovA^Tt^oj, -rj,-bv, (fr. /3ovAr/ will)
Borpv6irai$, -aW, o, //, (fr. same, shepherd's song, pastoral, bucolic, willing, voluntary; purposely,
and ra?j a child) the parent eclogue. intentional, designed.
stock, father of clusters ; the vine. BovK6\ns, and Dor. BuKoAoj, -ov, BovA^TOf, -ov, b, /, (fr. same) will-
B6rpvs, -t'Of, 6, (perhaps fr. sdros 6, (fr. same) a cowherd, sJiep- ed, determined, decreed ; design-
drink, und piu
to flow) a bunch, herd ; a clown, rustic. ed, purposed, consulted, a

clusttr grapes, ivy berries, in pi.

; , -w, 6, Dor. for /JovAj/-
BovAj/^dpoj, -ov, b,>i, (fr. same, and
pirpves, j36rpvas are contracted 0f'po)
to bring) advising, direct-
$6rpvs- BovAau -w, (fr. )3oD intens. and Aau> <u\>s. a counsellor .

Bov, an intc:isive particle. to desire) obs. see povXopai, BovAi//ia'o> -a;, f. -<rw, p. -axa, (fr.
Bo5, Poet, ibr 0o4 St
g. sin. of which borrows some parts from /3ov intens. and A//;o? hunger)
/3oCf. it.
starve, suffer great hunger, perish
Bov/3aAoj, -cv, and BovQa\is, BovAozi, Ion. from the ancient /3ov-
6, with u-ant.
-icos, fi, (fr. /3ouj an ox) a wild Atow, and BovAa, Att. for /^ovA;;, )v\ip.os, -ov, b,
and BovAt^ia, -as,
bull or wild cow ; a buffalo. 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. BovAw, fh (fr. same) violent hunger,
Bu/3dros, -a, Dor. for /3ovj3oV7j, Ion. for /3ovAov, pres. impr. mid. 'on ; famine, dearth.
-ov, 6, (fr. same) a cowherd. BovAer', Ion. for [lov\tro, 3 BovXoiro, 3 sin. pres. opt. mid.
Bovj3puo-is Bovj3pa><m$, -to?, sin. impf. ind. BovAo>vo?, par. pres. mid. of
Att. - uf , ^, (fr. /Sou intens. and Ion. and Poet, for BovAo/iat, f. -t'lffouai, p./3^ot5A>///ai,
par. pres. mid. of /3ov fiovln counsel) to wish, n-ill,
fip&fflS f(Xxl) (fr.
cOa, l)v Pa.ra. fo please ; to design, determine, dr-

orec; to desire, prefer; to fa- Att. for fiodoip lent. n. cont.
-ys, -TI, pi. comp.
vour, befriend, espouse. 2 sin. -wf/i,pres. opt. act. Botafievog /?pa<5u>pos, jSpa^'wv
jSotfXet, Att. J3o%ai, Poet. cont. of ftoa6i>.vog , par. pres.mid. sup. /3pa&5raToj, ftpadiffTOf.
/JouAfai, Ion. for /SouAp. pres Bo'wv, Ion. for /3<5o)v, 3 pi. pa&vTTjg, -r/ros, fh (fr. last) *Zo>.
opt. mid. ftov\otiJiT)v. impf.
ind. impf. hid. act. BoGJaris, BoSJv- ness, tardiness ; dulness, stupidi-
j3ovAfy;v, and n(iov\6[jLr)v,
Att Tj, -GJvrog, -wvrwv, cont. cases t ; indolence, laziness, a. sin.
1 a. pass. /3ouA?/07v, and r//?ou- of Boawj' -lav, par. pres. act.
A>?0>7V, Att. per.
mid. /Jf/3ouAa. Bowvrt,is also Dor. for/3ow<n, 3 Epa'^w and BpaVcrw, f. -acrw, to
1 f. ind. mid. j3ov\rjaonai. per pi.or d. pi. par. pres, act. of /3oaw. /<oi/, bubble ; to work, froth, fer-

ind. pass. /3/3ouA7/m(. Bow/, g. pi. of jSouj. ment ; to be hot; to rage, fret,
BouAos, -ou, 6, M*s, puddings used EowTts, -t^oj, ?/, (fr. /Sous an ox, fume,
to make sausages. and with a Bpaflu, -vog, TO, the
herb savin.
w^ the eye) eyes like

BouAuTfo, -ou, 6, (fr. /Sous

an ox, cow, ox-eyed; with full, round, BpdKuvov, -ov, TO, wild kale or cole-
and Auto to loose) loosing-time, dark eyes. wort.
evening. Bocorfw -w, f. -?7<rw, p. -jyxa, (fr. Bpa/coy, -tog -ovg, TO, and Bpdica,
Bovv, a. sin. of j3ov$. same, and w0f w to drive) *o dn'ue -ag, {/, a covering for the naked-
and Bouv/?pov, oa:en as in a plough, plough, till, ness, breeches, trowsers.
Bouv/3poj, -ou, 6,
-ou, TO, (fr. j8o5
intens. and v/3pos labour, cultivate, pres. inf. act. Bpaa6elg, par. of zfipaffOriv, 1 a.

a fawn) a large fawn or /tmd. fiourtiv, cont. pass, of flpdfa or /SpdVcrw.

Bouv<w, f. -/o-co, p. fapovviKu, (fr. Bowr7?, -ou, 6, (fr. same) a cowv Bpdffpa, -aTog, TO, and Bpa<rju5j,
fiovvbg a hill)
<o raise, gather, Aera, herdsman, ploughman ; the -ou, b, (fr. j8pau> to boil) a boil-
heap up. constellation called Bootes, Arc- ing, bubbling ; fermentation ;
Bowoeiofig, -fos-ou?, 6, /?, (fr. last, tophylax, and the Ploughman, heat, warmth; rage, vehemence.
and t<5oj likeness) /ii%, moun- oaftda, -as, fj, (fr. an um- a^, Ion. for
f^pa^c, impf. act.
tainous, steep, craggy. pire) the management, conduct, " of j3pd%w.
Bovvofiog, -ou, 6, //, (fr. /Sous
an ox, regulation of public games ; the >a%f'a, ~<i)v, TO, (neut. of/3pa^uj
and to pasture) pastured,
vf[jn>) decision or awarding of the short) shallows, shoals.
fern, of
fed or grazed by cattle ; pastura-
prizes; an arrangement, reconci- Bpa%fri, Ion. for /?pa^?a,
ble, rich, fertile, pasturing^ graz- liation.

ing, browsing. Bpa/3uov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a <<;, -to-a, -tv, par. z a. pass.
Bouvdf, -ou, o, a hill, hillock, rising prize, honorary reward.
a short-
ground, high place ; heap ;
Bpa/?uy, -log and-fwj, and Bpa$u- ,"(fr. iSpa^uj short)
slope, ascent; declivity. rrig, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. pdftSog a ly ^briefly, ina few words.
of next)
Bovvudvg, -cog -ovg, b, //, (fr. last) wand) the president or steiuard tmfiuv, -ovog, b, (comp.
see fiovvoeio/ig. at public, games ; an arbitrator the shorter or upper part of the
Boviraig, -atSog,b, (fr. (3ov intens. or umpire to determine the arm, arm; strength, power,
and a boy) a grown boy,
Tralg prizes; a judge; commander, might, d. sin. Ppa%tovi.
stripling; an overgrown or fat enjoiner, M%vg , tia, -i), short, brief; small,
young man ; an awkward boy. Bpa/Juw, f. -uo-u>, p. /3f/?pa|3u/ca, little; few. g. pi. fipaytw.
Bovira\os, -ou, 6, (fr. same, and (fr. last) to manage, conduct or comp. /3pa%UTpoj, and Bpa^<W,
Ttd\n wrestling) a great wrestler ; preside at public games ; to de- sup. (3pa%vTa.Tog and f3pd%i(TTng.
an ass, an epithet of an ass. cide, award the prizes ; to regu- )flVucr(<5flQo?, Dor. for 3pct yv 0*10/7-

Adj. obstinate, stubborn. late, rule, direct, command, pres. pof, -ou, 6, 17, (fr. last,
BovTT\ti%, -tyog, //, (fr. (3ovs an ox, impr. /?pa/?U, -!TO>. 1 a. ind. poj iron)
short pointed.
and TrA^o-u to strike) a goad or act.
/3pa/3uo-a. paXtTr/g, -ijTog, fj, (fr. same)
whip to drive cattle. -a?, a Damascene shortness ; brevity, conciseness ;
Bpa/3uAa, //,

BouTTiSpoj, -OD, 6, 'i, (fr. same, and plum, damson. fewness, paucity.
to pierce) that would pierce, ay^to^w, f. -daw, (fr. next) to
g, -ov, b, f,, (fr. same,
an ox ; large, strong. grow or ie hoarse. and Tpa-^Ao? the neck) short
or J&dpaacos, -ov, b, the
dy^oj, and -o?, rd,
-ou, 6, necked.
fruit of the palm or date tree, hoarseness, roughness of the voice. Bpa^w, f. -w, p. -^a, to make the
aSfwg, (fr. flpaovg slow) slowly, noise of a wand or rod when
Bovg,flobg, 5, /, a bull, cow, ox, late; >
lazily, comp. shaken smartly, to quaver, whirr ;
beeve ; an ox hide; a shield and ffpdoiov, sup. rustle. Or
of things breaking,
/?pao urpov
made of it. a. sin. povv. in pi.
Ppacvrara and ]3pa(im>v. to crack, crash, clatter ; to sound,

/3fc?, (I6as, are cont. into /Sou?, d. , -^, -ov, ^Eol. resound, ring, peal.
Ion. j3o<r<ri. and
pi. jSoucrj, 3pai5uyAw(70'Of, -ou, 6, /;, (fr. /3paouj 3pfVjua, -drag, TO, Bpyudf,-ou,
-iog, b, Busiris, a. man's 'slow, and yAwcro-a the tongue) to
Bouo-ipts, 6, (fr. /3pf%w wet) the fore-
name. s/oio of speech, not eloquent. head, the front half of the
Bou<mi0/xov, -OV,TO, an ox, head.
(fr. /3ou>
BpaSwovaaig, d. pi. fern. par. pres.
and aTiidfibg 3.
stall) an ox-stall. 'act. of ytKCKf^, a word invented to ex-
BouYaj, -a, 6, Dor. for ftovTrjg, Bpaf>vv<j),f. -uvw, (fr. fipadvg slow) press the noise offrogs.
same as /3<m;y and /3oT>/p. to stop, or mid.
stay, delay, loiter, tarry ; Bpf//cr0ai, pass, Bpf-
BOUTO^O?, -ou, b,and BOUTO//OV, -QU, to
hesitate, demur, scruple. u.tiv, act. pres. inf. of
TO, (fr. /3ou? an ox, and T^VW to
Bpa.cvr:ei6rig, -iog -ovg, b, f], (fr. >f//w,
-n&, to grumble, murmur,
cut) t/ie Jlowering rush or water /?pa5u? slow, and irdOia to per- make any hollow noise ; to ronr,
gladiole. suade) hard to be persuaded ; ob- bellow, resound., peal. per. mid.
Bourupov, -ou, rd, (fr. same, and stinate; dull,
Tupos cheese) BpaiWAofw -w, f. -rjffd), p. (ifftpa- Bph'Sov, a stag,\>y theMessapians.
Bou<6ovfw -w, f. ->/o-u), p. -77:a, (fr. 6vrr\6riKa, (fr. same, and trAft&o, BptvOtg, -icog, and BpivOi^, -IKOS,
same, and 0/vw to kill) to slaugh- Ion. for TrAf'w to sail) to sa?7 ^, lettuce.

Eph'dog, -ov, 6, some

ter cattle, sacrifice. be long at sea, be detain- bird unknown,

Bov(f>6vog, -ou, 6, fi, (fr. same) who ed by bad weather,

par. pres. of a slow gait and muttering
slays cattie, a butcher ; a priest n. pi. j3p5u7rAooyiT?. note ; haughtiness, pride, arro-
sacrificing. a, -{>, (perhaps fr. jSapo? gance, pomposity, conceit; an
Bo"w -w, obs. see B<5ffKw, which a burden, and ova to ointment or perfume made by tJif
go under)
borrows its tenses'from it.
luzy, indo-
slov} ; dull, stupid ; L/ydittmt.
Uptvdvopat, (fr. last)
to stalk, and] weigh down, an 1
typa a cha-
mutter /ite a brenthos; to as-\ riot) too hoii':/ jr the.
mg. whiffling ; breathing, blow- COffTp'w -W,
H \> 'uia, -,-, Poet, and Ion. fait), ->;$,
s;uiK; a:i /Joaw.
see yr).
to stufl") Ion. rind
Bi'XXo-s,-oE, b, f,, (fr. /?vu> J(u-/S, -or, b, Bciras, \d>,0ti>, (fr. last) from t.h<;
////>/.-, r/o.?f, crowded, full. 6, Dor. Bwr(S) -'<5os, ?/,
same as from the ground.'

Bvr/7, -7S, 17?

soaked barley, mall. [jorijs, ;iiul /Jor/s. 'tj/i'oj, r>/iVo j, Tiyios, -ov, and Fat-
BVTTT/W -?/frw, -rc^ol. for pdii- or w^j?j.-oj-oDj,
')-iaj'(pws, -ov, 6, )/, (fr. /?u>-(s 6, jj,(fr. samfi)ter-
T(l). /3wrj)s a shepherd, and <w)p a rastrifil, rarthly ; earthy, clayey.
Bvp<7, ~/7s, )/, S/.T/J, hide. man) reiving nun; populous, 'ati]o%os, Yatdo%o$, and cont. Tai-
Bupfftvs, -&>s, Alt. -fwj, 6, (fr. last) otr^oy, Yaov%os, -ov, 6, >;, (fr.
a tanner, d. sin. cont. Bwrwp, -opos, 6,
same as /Sor^p. same, and f^co to confine) earth-
and encompassing or sur-
'Rvpaoofyris, -ov, b, (fr. same, girding,
d) to
skin) a skinner, currier, rounding the land ; an epithet of
tanner, worker in leather. Neptune, or the sea.
B%n, -aros, rd, (fr. /?vw
to stuff)
Ydfiw, and
'ai[na, Tdftd}, F?fyito,
a stopple or stopper, cork ; a uhs. see yafjLfdi.

dam, bank ; a sluice. , -05, 6, a Gaulish dart or

BvoxrjVos, -77, -ov, (fr. fSvacros flax)
flaxen, linen, made of Jine flax ^aiu), f.
to glory, vaunt; to
or cotton ; fine, elegant, orna- boast, brag ; exult, rejoice, par.
', y, C, the third letter in Greek pres. yai'wi'.
f* -vo*w, (fr. BVGGOS aXa, -a/cros, TO, milk.
Bvo*o*o<5oMvw, called gamma. As a numeral
depth, and Jo/uvw for oopta to mark it
signifies three, and with aXa0^ros, -), -bv, (fr. last, and
build) io /<y deep foundations ; a dot underneath, y, three thou- Sa'w to nurse) unweaned, any
found, flx, establish ; to think sand. creature still sucking, a suckling.
deeply, meditate ; to contrive, ", for
Also, yielding milk, tender, deli-
plot, plan, dctiss. \i, Dor. for yi. Ta, Dor. for yr, cate, balmy ; milky, succulent.
EvctrdOcv, (fr. next)/roOT the bot- ra/?j30L Heb. indecl. Gabbatha. aAaKTJKos or -TIVOS, -r?, -6v, and
tom, from below, from the deep. "a/fti',
Heb. indecl. husbandmen. TaXaTW^Si -os -ovc, 6, ? >; (fr.
Bverffds, -ov, b, Ion. for fiv06s. Heb.
indecl. a large pearl. same) milky ; delicate, soft, ten-
the cotton plant der.
Brio-ffos, -ov, /;, ; f)X,Heb. indecl. Gabriel.
cotton ; cotton-cloth, calico. M- ay art] f, -on, b, (fr. Tayjys a river 'oXaxTordT^s, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. same,
so,flncflax or linen. of Lycia) an agate. and TrtVw to drink) sucking ;

Bvw, f.
fivad), p. ptpvica, to sl'tji yp, f.
-fow, p. -iKa, (per living on milk.
shut up, close; to cram, stuff", haps fr. yaw to cause, and yrXa't TaXdva, -as, a, Dor. for yaX^VJj.
Jill up ; to cover, hide, conceal. to laugh. Or fr. ydVos joy) t iXa^ai3p7, -vs, >/,
a woman's name.
Bw, (jjjs, /3j7, Ion. j3f'u, and Poet. tickle, excite agreeably ; to de- [Xj'aj, -ov, 6, (fr. ydXa milk)
j8w, 2 a. sub. of fiiju.i format light, make glad. milky, white ; the milky way ; a
Ew07v, Ion. for flfnjQur, pres. inf. a draw-net kind of stone.
'ayydnrj, -r/s, /, net,
cont. of j3oj;0&i. seine. iXaYtys, -ov, b, FaXaTt/ios, -?;, -bv,
Bw>coA<a7s, Dor. for flovKo\idGCis.
'ayytns or Fayytr?7s, -ov, 6, a pre- (fr. next) aGalatian, of Galatia.
2 sin. 1 f. act. *&uKo\idaozu, cious stone, an agate. TaXaT/a, -as, -ft, Galatia, called
Dor. 2 sin. pres. impr. mid. of a ganglion, tu- also GallogrcBcia.
'ayy\ibv, -ov, TO,
5w, Dor. for QovKo\iAfa. bercle, hard gathering. FaXfaypa, -as, fa (fr. next, and
-as, or ay pa a trap) an iron cage; a
'dyypaiva, fi, (fr. ypaw
Bw/cos, Dor. for chain, fetters ; a snare, trap.
ftovKoXiaarris, ypatVw to corrode) a gangrene,
/3ovKoXtKo"s,j3ouK6'Xos, and fiovicos, mortification. ;X7, and in
prose, FaXr;, -rjs,-fi, a
same as /?ov/ca7os. Heb. indecl. a man's weasel ; a cat.
BwXa, Dor. for jSovX)/. name. iXfos, -ov, 6, (fr. last) a Jie-wea-
BwAaf, -axes, fa
Poet, for /teXos. a city of Casio-Syria scl, also a kind of fish.
3wXtrj7s, -ov, 6, (fr. next) a mush- Gadara. FaXfpos, and FaX^pSs, -a, -bv, (fr.
room, truffle. Alt. -f'ws, and Ta- ya\>'ivri
a calm) tranquil, quiet,
icaptvs, -lo$,
BwXos, -ov, >% earth, ground, land, a Ga- calm ; cheerful, joyous, lively.
oap>;vos, -ov, b, (fr. last)
soil; a clod, sod, mass, lump, darene, of Gadara. iXfivs, -f'os, 6, (fr. yaXf? a weasel)
piece ; a mouthful, bit ; a dose. Gadatas, a man's a young weasel ; a kitten.
r^dras, -ov, 6,
BwAw<57Si -EOS -ovs, o, i], (fr. last.) name. iXfWT^f, -ov, b, (dim. of yaXf? a
full of clods ; cloddy ; tough } iconai, to rejoice, delight,
be glad. weasel) an eft or newt.
ia, -rjs, fi, (Persian) wealth FaX>7, -r/s, fa see ya\ir/,
BcojuSs, -ov, b, a
base, foundation ; a riches ; treasure, public money .
\/7v' for yaXr7i>a, neut. pi. of ya-

pedestal, prop ; an altar; a tem- a treasury.

ple. ivoi, (Chaldee) soothsayers ra\r,vaia,
Poet, for
Dor. and Ion. for to smile
Ewi', ftovv, a. ol magcans iX>7v^, ->7s, fa (fr. yfXdw )

^o(f>v\dKiov, and -KIOV, -ov, ro serenity ; tranquillity, quietness ;

Bw, a calm. Also a woman's name.,
-OKOS, 6, cont. for /3da or (fr. yaCfl. wealth) a treasury; re-
06r/%. cord office. tX^vidw -w, f. -oVw, p. -tea, (fr.
Bwpos, -ov. 6, Borus, name of
^o^uXaKfw -w, (fr. same, and last) to be calm ; to rest, subside.
man, ana of a city. <pv\daati) to guard) to
treasure Ta\rivios, and FaX?M>s, -ov, b, fa
Bws, Dor. and Ion. for /3ovj Bw- hoard; to keep the public money (fr. same) calm, still, quiet;
d. pi. for jSovfft.
o0vXa, -a/cos, 6, (fr. same) <
tranquil, serene.
Bwo-at, Dor. for (torjcrai,
1 a. inf treasurer. iXriviuaav, a. sin. cont par. pres.
act. Bwtras, for jSo^cras, 1 a Ta0' and YdQt, for ayaQl, v. sin of yaX^vja'w.
par. act Bwo-o/zai, for Poijao- of ayaQ6 j. FaXtXata, -as, fa Galilee, a part of
1 f. ind.
r, Bwo-o-0aj, fo Tadstv, Dor. for y;0(V, pres. inf Palestine.
ii, If. inf. mid. of/3oaa> act. Tddr/aev, Dor. and Ion FaXtXatos. -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Ga-
Dor. and Poet, fo for 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act lilee, Galilean.
,v, 1 of -yrjBiw. Att. -ws, fa tho
pi. pres. FaX/ot^ts, -'os,
Tal, Heb. indecl. o valley..
herb water-betony or df.ad nrt
la. sub. act. of TaT, for next. tie.

v, -wvoj, 6, Gallio, a man's riage feast, nuptials; matrimo- the belly, and coCAo$ a slave) si

ny, vfdlock. slave to appetite, epicure, glutton*

, -ov, 6,
a eunuch. -w, next) FaoTpj^w, -arw, p. -a, (fr.same) f.
-r/trw, (fr.

and to prepare for a wedding. to Jilt the

belly, satisfy, glut,fat- \

-S>, (fr. ydAa milk,

to have) to suckle; to im- Fa/ioo-TdAoj, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. yd^oj a ten; to strike on the belly.
press,inculcate. FaAov yt ofiai
-ov- wedding, and crAXw to furnish) FacTpi^iapyos-, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, |

to im- preparatory to or providing for a ami /rn'pyo? foolish) gluttonous,

pai, to suck, take milk;
bibe. wedding ;' nuptial, bridal.
FdAwj, -to, or -wof, and FoAo'ws -du>, rauovptvos, par. pres. pass. cont. , -tog, rdorpioj, -ov, and
a husband's sister,
brother's Fdo-Tpwv, -wvog, b, (fr. same)
wife, Fo/^Aaj, -wv, al, (fr. next) the glutton, epicure; big-bdlied.
for yoiuat, see ya/iew. 7ao-TpoKvr//uov. -ov, TO, (fr. same,
Tafiai, Dor. heeks, jaws, jaw-bones.
(same as and the leg) the calf of the
Fa/mAtfjA, Heb.
indecl. Gamaliel, , -ft, -ov, Kap\i/og, KvfjfiT]

a man's name. fr.

/cd//7!Tw to
crooked, bend)

f. -vo-a, p. -v/ca, (fr. bowed, bended, curved, hooked. FavAdj, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. ydXa
next) to TWarry, ?ed; to #e* a//^c5w, -v^os, and Fa^/^/wi'vAcoj, milk) a milk pail, bucket.
marriage relations. -ov, -6, >, (fr. last,
and <5vv a FavAoj, -ov, b, a kind of boat; a
Fa///jpdf, -ov, -6, (fr. ya//f'w towed) claw) having hooked claws or well, drain.
TavAwf, Dor. for yavAovj, a. pi. of
a relation by marriage; a father, toJtms; rapacious, ravenous.
son, or brother, in law, d. pi. . for which see yaufu. yavAof.
Ion. fdvog, -EOJ, -ov ?, TO, joy, mirth ; ravpiafia, -aTog, TO, (fr. next)
v, '2 a. inf. act. delight, TaftdTucrav,
pleasures ; splendour, glorying, boasting ; exultation ;
3 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. brightness. prancing.
TauiactTai, Poet, for yap.fffTai, Tav6<a -w, f. -wo-w ? p.-w/ca, (fr. last) favfudw -5,
f. -dorw,
p. -a*a, (fr.
to be proud, to
1 f. mid. of yafilij). to delight, rejoice, cause plea- yaupoj haughty)
Dor. and Ion. for enliven to glory to brag, vaunt, boast ; to
Tauw, eytint, sure, exhilarate, ; shine, ;
8 sin. 1 a. ind. act. see in ya- exult, triumph, overbear ; to
sparkle, glitter.
F f'a>. Tdvvpat, Ydvvvjj.ai, and Tavvvoftai, prance.
Poet, for yavpiwvTj,
Fa/imoj, -a, -ov. (fr. same) WHS/ f.
-vac/mi, p. -vfnai, (fr. same) TavpidwvTtg,
n. pi. masc. par. pres. act. ont.
wed, must be married. to rejoice, be glad, exult.

YapeTri, -rjg, and Fa//Tj?, -/<5oj, >/, ravvurjSrjg, -cog, 6, Ganymede, a

of last.
(fr. same) a wife. man's name. Favpoj, -a, -^ov, (perhaps
a hus- and to exult) haughty, proud, arro-
Tautrris, -ov, b, (fr. same) Fdvw/za, -aTog, T&, Fdvuxrtf,
fcond. j,
Att. -ws, fj, (fr.
to gant; scornful, disdainful, in-
Taulu, -u>, f. -170-10 and -ara>, p.' delight) delight, joy; mirth, solent; violent, impetuous, over-
and -*a, (perhaps

yeydfiTiKa, joyment; brightness, lustre. ;

bearing, imperious.
ydw to produce, or ya/w to Tap, /or, since; wherefore, there- FavpoC, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr.
rejoice, to
iCJUiOt, .w toJce a tft/e,
tune L* u,t;cj marry, fore, then ; truly ; pray ; why 1
/f< mid. of
jf. Pass, to ie married. Fapya/pa), and Fapydpw, f. -apw, to Favp<5(i> -5,
-aio'a), p. -WACO,
act. tydpncra, and (fr. yduii) obs.) as yavptdw, par. pres. mid. yov-
snme, sparkle, glitter, dazzle; to

sub. yyjfua'
yrjftat' vibrate, quiver; to palpitate, beat,
1 a. pass.
throb; repeat often, multiply, to
, -fi, -br,curved,crooked^itni;
a. mid.
?ar. increase ; to abound, be full. wreathed, winding, tortuous.
ra^dii, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. FapyaAi^w, f. -tVw, same as yayya* Favo"(5w, -tS, f. -(iffu, p. -aca, (fr.
TaprjOtjvai, 1 a. inf. pass. Fa- last) to curve, bend, twist.
1 a. inf. act. of last. and FdpyaAos, -ov, 6, Fdw, f. TJO-W, obs. p. mid. yt'yaa,
fjLrjffai, FapyaAff//os,
is borrowed by
Tapfi\iov, -ov, TO, (neut. of next) (fr. last) a tickling, slight excite- yivo/m, to be
a nuptial present, wedding gift. ment, gentle irritation. born; to generate, beget; to pro-
Fa^ijXjof, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. ya/ifw to
Tdpyapa, -wr, TO., crowds, a multi- duce, procure, provide, get; to
wed) nuptial, bridal; conjugal, tude, abundance. hold, contain; to rejoice, exult,
connubial. Tapydpa, -rjg, j/, a city of Troas. delight in.

ro//?Atu)v. -wvoj, 6, (fr. same) one Fapyapwv, -wvoj, 5, the throat, Ff, Dor. yd, a particle which con-
of the Athenian months ; accord- swallow, gullet. fines the purport of the sen-
ing to some October, to others Fapyapt^w,ipyapt^ia, t.
(fr. last) to gar-
-i'o-u>, ^rr.
-to-u>, tence to some particular. In-
January. wash the throat; to guggle
gle, deed, truly, surely, at least ; yet,
rapTifftita, (fr. same) to wish or warble in the throat.
to however; as far, inasmuch as,
take a wife, desire to wed, be in Fdpov, -ov, TO, pickle or brine in sofar.
haste to marry. which fish is preserved; sauce Ff'a, and cont. F?j' ytag ytjg, %, see

and Faufo-Ku. , p. made of pickled fish.


, (fr. same) to
giveinrapvw, Dor. for
which see. Ferfo^oj, Fe^o^oj, and
marriage; to promise, engage,\ Hence Tapvfptv,
and Faprn', for
betroth; Fa/i(o//at, to be gi'ven in yr/pvtv,pres.inf.act. Fapvrrov, Ffyaa, per. mid. or for ytyrjica,
marriage ; to be betrothed. for yrjpvtTov, du. pres. ind. act. per. act. of yda> for yivofiai.

;, Tdfiiog, -a
-dv, and Tapvouai, Tapvffouai, for yn- Ttydacci. Poet, for yyda<7i. 3
-, (fr. same) nuptial, bridal. pvouai. pres. and yr/pvo-ouai, 1 f.
pi. ofyryaa Ttyduev, Poet,
innin. 1i m IX. ..' - _:_ -f . J
^ L- ,
Fyaf>v, Dor. for ycyafvat,

Tdftoio, mid. inf.

ydpov, g. sin. ofi Fapv<ravTO, foryjjptlo-atv-
TO, 1 a. opt. mid. of yr/pt'w. '
mid. Fyafc, -vra, -oj, g.
pres. opt. pas,. ront>
, yavrpog, fj, the belly ; the -GJTog, par. per.
mid. of same.
- stomach ; a ventricle ; the womb ; TcyaBwg, Dor.
for ytyrjQug, see
uu fix lower
^t.-^Wjp.-TjKa^fr.] part of the body;
ydpog a wedding, and xAfffTw to gluttony. ,
d. pi. par. per. act. of
to marry privately ; to de- TdffTor,, -rjg, and r^ Toa _ af '

bauch or carry off another's, the body, belly r 'bot- of ya-

(fi\ last) Teyawueros, par. per. pass,
wife. torn of a jug or pitcher ; the hold
Dor. for
of a ship. fr.
, fyftoi, -ov, 6, fi, (perhaps y/
or Tdfioi, -wv, of ya<m/p. the earth, and ya w to be
, -ev, b, oj, (fr. TaffTpl, d. sin. bom) a.?
ifw to wed) a wedding, mar- Fao-r ij'JovAoj, -ov, 6, /;, (fr. yao-r^p oW .<! the hills, an~ient,
Q (121)
Dor. for yeyEvij^f roof; a slanting projection, shed. EXwvrEj, n. pi. cont.
Teytvaplvos, par. pres,
par. per. pass, of yivo^ai. Turvia, -as, and FEtria'acrt?, -to?, act. of yXdw.

Ttyfvrinai, per. ind. pass, in 2 pi. Att. to?, f h (fr. ydrwv a neigh- fXw?, -wros, and I'Aw?, -u, b, (fr.
Teyfi'tiadz, rcycvrjfif vo$, par, bour) neighbourhood, vicinity. yEXdw to laugh) laughter, mirtht
per. pass, of same. d(i> -u>, and Yeir f.-d gayety; a joke, derision ; acalm t
reytvvjjKa, per. ind. Tcyfv- p. -aa, (fr. same) to
neighbour, stillness.

VT)nai, -aat, -rat, in

pi. -/u adjoin, border upon. 3 sin. pres. ind. act.
fftei, ofyfyu.
per. ind. pass. rcyevvijpi siTovfb) &, f.
same as last, r[ii$ff6ai, pres. inf. pass. FE^(-
par. per. pass, of ytwdui. par. pres. act. yeirovtwv -wv. o-ai,
1 a. inf. act. Fe/i/o-a?, par.
Ttyivoi^v, -oio, -otro, Poet, and ir6vt)fjta, -tiros, TO, Tir6vr)(ns, 1 a. act. 2 pi. vmpr.
Ion. for yevoifiTjv, 2 a. opt. mid. -to?, Att. -0)?, and Ttirovia, -as, 1 a. act. 3 sin. 1 a.
of ytvofjiai. >l, (fr. same) same as ytirvia. sub. pass, of
Tfyi)()a, FEyj^wj, see ynQiu. ct'rwv, -ovos, b, fj, (perhaps fr.
\>, f. lew, p. yiytuiKa, (fr.
or -yi/ca, see y^pdw or yta the land) neighbouring, ad- w to be full) to load.
, Jill,
joining, bordering upon, contigu- 1 a. act. ind.
y7pdo-/cw. tyfyuaa' impr. yi-
in 3 pi. Ttyovaai, per. mid. ous. Subs, a neighbour. Hiaov. per. pass. yy///ioy/cu. 1 a.
-t s, -
Ytyovtiv, fiwpa?, and Fjjwpn?, -ou, 6, afc pass. ind.
y6vtv, pper. mid. Fyovo>?, reigner, stranger, sojourner. 0o>, -f/?, -ij.
-via, -o?, par.per.mid. ofy/v^ai, ?Xa, sunshine, brightness, radiance -oufft, 1 and 3 pi. pres.
.ypanfiivos, per. par. pass. FE- of the sun. ind. act. F^ouffa?, -ara, -av,
yod<pOai, per. pass. inf.
Fcypa- iAp, 3 sin. pres. ind. FfXatv, FE- d. pi. -ouo-at?, par. 1 a. act. of

<p<!};, par. per.

act. of yod0u>. Aaij, JEol. for yfXai', pres. inf. <o be have in
^u, full, abound,
act. and
yfXa?, 2 to be loaded orfreighted.
sin. pres. ind.
:yu//j/ao-iap;ui?, -uta, -5?, par. per. plenty ;
ac.t. of yvfjLvaffiapved). FfiXav, Dor. for ysXaiv, par. par. pres. y^wf. per. mid. ytyo-
pevos) par. per. pass, of pres. cont. but FEXav, pres. inf. pa.
cont. of yXdw. , -2?, and Ion. Fm?), -rjs, ^,

Ff'ywva, by Metatli. for yfyvwo, FXdi%, -ios, -ovs, b, f,,

Poet. (fr. (fr.yivouai to be) o generation,
per. mid. of yvuw, obs. From y\du to laugh) merry, cheerful, descent, succession ; birth, pa-
whence ysywvao, which see. gay, lively, pleasant, jovial. rentage ; a race, breed, kind, sort,

rtyuvintv, Dor. for ycyuvuv, pres. 'Xdu>, Dor. for yfXdtrw, 1 f. act. species; an age, meaning the
inf. act.
Tey&vevv, Dor. and FEXdoio-a, Dor. for
yEXdovo-a, time from the birth of a man
Ion. for ind. fein. par. pres. of yfXdw. till he has a son, about thirty
eyeytij/oui/, impf.
act. cont. of 'eXaoidfo, T\aoiacriJ[bs, Te\aoia<r- years.
TeywyfU) -<3, f. -,7crw, p. -rjKa, to call rys, see ye\oidCu>, &c. FVaXoyfU) -a>, f. -rja<a, p. yyVa-
loudly; to declare, proclaim; to XaVT2pl. 1 f. ind. act.
ofy Xdo). \6yr/Ka, (fr. last,
and Xdyo? an
shout, roar, cry out; to cry up, 'EXdtrfyo?, -ou, 6, fi,
and FEXaord?, account) to reckon a genealogy,
extol -fi, "ov, (fr. same) laughable, ri- count a descent; to trace a pedi-
must diculous. gree; to include in a family.
FEycoi^rfo?, -a, -ov, (fr. last)
be extolled, ought to be praised. \acrrtis, -ov, b, (fr.same) alaugh- par. pres. pass. ymaXoyofyvo?.
FEywvo"?, -fi, -bv, (fr. same)
declar- er ; mocker. Fn/EaXoyfa, -a?, >/, (fr. same) a
ed aloud, published, proclaimed ; Xdffto//v, 1
pi. 1 a. sub. act. of genealogy, pedigree.
audible, loud. EXdw -w, -dffw, p. yEyfXaKff, to Fn/EaXdyo?, -ov, b, (fr. same) a ge-

Fyu>?, cont. fr. yya<i?, par. per. laugh, smile; to laugh at, ridi- nealogist.
mid. of ydu>, fory/vo^at. cule, mock. 1 a. act.
tytXaca rcvfytyiv, by Parag. for ytviji, d.
Heb. indecl. testimonies or per. pass, yey&aapai. 1 a. pass Ion. oiytvtd.
proofs of virginity. tyeXdaQrjv. 1. f. mid. y\dffOftai Tvl9\n, -ris, fj, (fr. yV a genera-
TEOOOVO, or FE<5<$oi)<5J
Heb. indecl. a FAy>7, ->;?, ft, wares, merchandise, tion) a family, race? kindred;
troop. goods; colour, shade, hue. lineage, descent, pedigree; off-
-to?, and -Wo?, f/,
Tcocwv, Heb. indecl. Gideon, a a root or spring, breed ; a birth-place, na-
man^s name. tive land.

Tlevva, -rjs, /;, (fr. Heb. the valley FAyw, f. -fw, p. -%a, (fr. vtOXia, -u>v, ra, (fr. last) birth-
of Hinnom) Hell, hell-fire, tor- dye) to dye, shade, colour, tinge. day, nativity; a birth-day feast
ments of hell; Eng. Gehenna. YeXevcra, Dor. for yfXoCo-a, fern, or present.
TtdffTjuavri, or TeOffri^avd, Heb. in- par. pres. of ysXEw, see next. V0XjaK0?, -r), -bv, (fr. same) na-
decl. Gethsemane. Xf'o) -w, (perhaps fr. yAa lustre) tal, of nativities, foretelling from
Tcivdfjiriv, Ion. for -eyuvduTjv, 1 a. to shine. Also Ion. for yEXdw. the birth. Subs, one who calcu-
ind. mid. fcivaadai, inf. FEI- X?/?, Dor. for ysX^?, 2 sin. pres. lates nativities, an astrologer.
vd/uvo?, par. of same. FtV0', ind. or sub. of yEXdw. Tevf9\tos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) re-
and Ftv<5//0', Ion. for tydvsro, Xotdcw, and FEXotdw -w, f. **do*o), lating to the birth or nativity, na-
3 sin. and tyuv6u.tQa, 1 pi.
impf. (fr. yEXoTo? jesting) to
jest, joke; tal; procreative, prolific. Subs.
ind. Fa'i'Eat, Ion. for Fdvri, 2 to mock, deride, ridicule. a parent, cause.
sin. pres. ind. of \oiaajjibs, -ov, b, (fr. last)
a gibe, vEi, d. sin. Ttvt), n. a. v. pi.
Poet, same as ytVo/xaj, 1 taunt; derision, contempt. Ff'vou?, g. sin. cont. of ytvog.
a. ind. eytivdunv, frequent in \oiaarfis, -ov, 6, (fr. same) ajest- Tevtid^w, f.
-do-w, and Tevsidw -5,
said oi the father, mo- a mocker, J to
scorner. yivtiov a bear J
is laugher f.
prose ; er, ; -rjffu), (fr.
ther, or offspring, beget, bear ; r\o1ov,-ov,Tb, (neut.of next) ajest.
begin to have a be-f^t t be
- to grow
to be born. inf. ydvacQai, par. eXoTo?, and Poet. FEXofto?, -a, -ov, bearded, have. eard;
manhood, par. 1
(fr. ye'Xw? laughter) merry, gay, up, qnp>*<xtfi
FEUTOV, or Tdffffov, -oo,
and FElo-o?, pleasant; facetious, humorous, ->^ttCi.
yVid<ra?, and yEra^tra?.
rd, (perhaps fr. yfj, laughable; ridiculous. pres. inf. act. cont. of
-EO? -ou?, .^^ ,

and because it throws the

(TEi'u, EXojwvrE?,and FEXucor-^? Poet,
rain to the ground) the eaves ; a for tnas. cont. of di5o?, f), (fr. ytvvs the
ysXwvTE?, ij.^fc
shed, penthouse ; a coping, ridge ; FsXawv -2v, d. sin. FEXwvrj, par. chin) the chin, beard; the cheek,
FEXdoxn, Poet, for yt\&- down on the cheek, whisker,
chapiter of a pillar ; a battlement, pr*.
turret. 3 pi. pres. ind. of ysXdw. tveidacuv, Dor. for
fft, ywtid^wv,
rd<ru>na, -Sros, rb, (fr. IMC)
build- EXofu?, (fr. yEXoTo? merry) laugh- par. pres. of y
ing irith eaves, or with a dripping ably, ridiculously, absurdly.
ft, btvrded, having a beard ; grown Fvv;0tf, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass.

rcvti'/ras, -oi', o, Dor. for ymttf??,
which for last.
yi MS
Tivtiov, "ov, rb, (fr.
the chin)
the chin; the beard; the jaw;
the edge of
any sharp projection,
a weapon.
Ttvco, river, Ion. for cyivov,
2 and 3 sin. 2 a. mid.
Tcvtffdu, 3 sin. .and Tiitade, 2 pi.

FmVOat, inf. 2 a. mid.

of yivopai.
to be)
Tcv(ffia,-<jiv,ra, (fr. yivopai
nativity, birth-day ; feasts, pre-
sents, or other ceremonies
on that
Teveffidp^rjf, -ov, b, (fr. ylveais
birth, and ap%>) beginning)
of a family ; an author, origin,

Tcveffiovpybs, -ov, b, (fr. same, and

tpyov work) a maker, former,
FfVo-(j, -tos, Att. -Uf, f], (fr. yn'o-
p 11 to be) extraction, production ;

generation, birth, nativity; de-

scent, pedigree ; family, race, kin-
dred ; being, life.
a fa-
Tevirtipa, -a?, ft, (fr. yevrr^p
ther) a mother, dam.
cvri), -jj?, to be
fi, (fr. yivopai
born) nativity,
Fevmop, -o>poj,
tvcrrip, -r/pof,
a', 6, a Poetic word, (fr
same) a father, parent, sire.
frev, Poet, and Dor. for cyivov, 2
sin. 2 a. ind. Ttvov, -ivOu
impr Ttvoiprjv, -oio, -oiro, opt

-wvrai, 2 and 3 pi. sub. Ttvta-

Bai Tv6pcvos,-rj, -ov, par.
2 a.
mid. ofytvopai.
3 sin. ini. TcvqQnvai
inf. Fv??0<?,-a<ra,-j',par. 1 a
pass. FV7/<roua, -rj,-crai, 2 pi,
-?;o-<70, 1 f. ind. mid. of yivopai .

Tsi'ticbs, -TJ, -ov, (fr. ylvoff

a kind]
generative, producing ; general
id, comprehensive.
zruytt, the genitive case.
TcvvdSas, -ov, b, (fr. yevvaw to pro-
duce) bold, daring, brave; cle-

;,-a,-ov, (fr. same) innate

-id, inbred; allied, related

'ilary ; noble, high-born .

rous, high-spirited, liberal

'iuous,free ; strong, able, vi


rvvai6ms,-riros, ft, (fr. last) gene-

rosity, manliness, magnanimity
Fiwaiujj, (fr. same) nobly, bravely
/</y, liberally.
-a, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind
pass, of ytvvdu).
FfVvaro, JRol. for tytlvaro, 1 a
mid. of ydvopai. Or by Sync
for tytvvficaro, same of.

Tevvditt -w, f. ->/<7W,

p. ytytvvTjKa
(fr. y{ voj
sort, or yivopai to be
to get, beget, give birth or rise to

produce, bring forth

to effect, cause. 1 a. act.
va. per. pass, ytyivmpxi. 1 a
pass. cyti'V>'/8rjv.
Ttwr/Qtis, -tlaa, -fv, par. 1 a.
TEfi mi- nr
par. 1 a. mid
t FiOoo- ture, husbandry, tillage; culti- , and by Sync.
i, -77, -ETCU,
1 f. ind. mid. vated land. pi. par. pres. act. yT/patr/covraj
Firiffjjrai, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. reupytKbs,-r),-bv, (fr. same) rustic, per. par. a<%, t ,

of same. rural, agricultural. rrjpiiui,

same as last.
TCVO-LS, -tos, Aft. -wj, f), (fr. yi/w (fr. same) afarm;
ru>pyiov,-ov,rb, -w, f. -r;<rto, Tripofioo-Ktu) (fr. same,
to taste) a tasting ; taste. ploughed or tilled land. and /JoffArw to
feed) to nurse, ta/ce
TevffTiKos, -bv, (fr.
-f/, same) twpybs,-ov, same) afarmer,
b, (fr. care o/" or <ent? in old age.
ing; subs, a taster. husbandman; a vine-dresser; a the
rrjpofioo-Kia, -as, >}, (fr. same)
TevffTbs, -r), -</v, (fr. same) to be swain, labourer. care or maintenance in old age.
tasted, that may be tasted. w, f.
-rjaw, (fr.
same ov, b, (fr. same) the
FfL'ctfjf. t'> -'"'' to dig) to dig the
guardian, protector, assistant of
ytvffu, p. yfyevKa, 'optWw
a taste, season, give a relish ; to ground. the old, or of their
taste, try with the mouth'; to eat ; li -ijSt'h (cont. fr.
yta obs.) in rrjpoK6uos, -ov, b, (fr. y??paj old age,
to taste, experience, prove, try. Poetry yata, Ion. yaln, land, and Kouia) to take care of) a
1 a. act. ind. tytvoa- inf.
ytvaai. ground, earth, clay, soil; a re- guardian, protector of old men.
per. pass, yfyevpai. I a. mid. gion, tract, district, nation ; coun- g. Ion. y//po/cciuoto.
ind. sub. try, native land; the globe of the
eycvo'd/.tTjv' yevcw/jiai, ?porpo0to -w, f. -j/o-o), (fr. same,
3 pi. ycvcrwvTaf inf.
ytvaacdai' earth. and Tpt(hb) to support) to main-
par. yevcrdfitvos. T>iycv>is, -tos -ovs, b, >;,
and Trjytvt- tain, relieve or assist in old age.
Tffyvpa, -as, )/, (perhaps fr. yr\ the Trjs, -ov,b, (fr. yrj the earth, and F^porpd^oj, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same) a
land, and ^fpw to carry to) a yivas a race) earth-born, sprung defender, supporter of the old.
bridge; a bank, mound, dam; from the ground; native, origi- ipVET* for y^pura{, 3 sin. pres.
a passage, opening, space. nal, indigenous. Subs, a giant. mid. of
Tetivpfa -a), f. -wffto, p. -WKU, (fr. ^rjfiiov, -ov, TO, (dim. of yrj land) a Frjpvova and Tapv6va, -as, a, Dor.

last) to join by a bridge, build a mall tract, Jield, little farm. for
yr pv6vr}, -ns, f), (fr. y?)pvs t

bridge, make passable ; to block, 7i/0i', (fr. same) from the ground voice) a talker, babbler; warb-
stop up ; to dam., choke, pres. or foundation ; utterly, totally. ling, purling.
inf. cont. 1 a. ind. ;0aa -w, rndevu, and frjpvdvas, -a, b, Dor.
yefyvpovv. F^w, f.
Trjpvdvtjs ,
pass. y<f>vpudnv. ->/<ru), p.
to rejoice, be -ov, b, Geryones, a man's name.
Ftoypa0fu> -w, f. ->/o-a>, p. -};K<Z, (fr. glad. impf. ind. eyi/Qwv. Ion. y//- ipvovcvs -tos , b, Geryon, a fabled
yta the earth, and ypa0w to de- 6eov. 1 a. act. ind. tvnQwaa, 3 giant, a. Trjpvavija, Poet, for
to describe the earth. sin. Ion.
scribe) yfjQrjcjev. opt. ^Eol. yrj-
T(iiypa6ia, -as, >/, (fr. same) geo- -as, -" par yridi'iaass. 1 a.
tpvs, -vos, n, voice, speech, sound,
graphy, pass. ind. eyt/Orjv, 3 pi. Ion. y//- noise.
as, fj, (fr. yta the land, Oijcav. per. mid. ind. yeyrjOa' Ttjpvv, f. -o<rw, p. ye-ytjpvKa, (fr.
and Salw to divide) division, par. ytyrjQ&s. last) to speak, talk; to divulge,
distribution of the parts of the ^rjQos, -eos -ovs, TO", and Trjdoavvrj, babble; to declare; to make a
earth; measuring of surfaces, -jji, fi, (fr. last) joy, delight; sound, warble, purl, murmur ; to
surveying. gladness, mirth. complain, bewail.
yta the
Teworjs, -EO? -ouy, 6, ^, (fr. ijdoavvos, -rj, -or, (fr. same) joy- 5?pws, g.
cont. of ytjpas, -aros-aos
earth) earthy, earthly, terrestrial. ful, glad, cheerful, merry.
FO>AO$OJ, -ov, 6, #, (fr. same, and tjOvov and F//raov, -ov, TO, a kind Ut]ffaffapi[ji,
or rather Trjyapacriv,
\6ipos a ridge) hilly ; subs, a hil- of onion. Heb. artificers.
lock, hill, ridge; a dolt, block- rjlvos and F'/i'oj, (fr. yj/ the earth) , -ov, b, (fr. yrj
the land)
head. earthly, terrestrial ; earthy ; on a husbandman, farmer, rustic,
Ffiu/^rpf'a) -w,
->/<rw, (fr. same, land, by land. clown.
and ufTpov measure) to measure fjXofyog, same as ywAo0oj. l&pas,
see yftwpaj.
the earth or land, survey. f)uc, Ion. for tyrjuc, 3 sin. ind. FtyavTa7of and Ftyavr?of, -a, -ov,
-T), sub. inf. a giant) gigantic.
Fcw/ifrp^j, -ov, b, (fr. same) ageo- F////W, -r)s, rf;/iat, (fr. yt'ya?
metrician, measurer of land, sur- TiJuas, par. 1 a. act. of y^w, *lyavTcs, n. TiydvTwv, g. pi. of yl-
obs. see ya//ew. yas*
TeiantTpia, -as, //, (fr. same) geo- , -ov, b, (fr. yrj land, and "lyavTidu -w, (fr. yj'yaj
a giant) to
to divide) a husbandman, behave like the giants, be gigantic
metry, the measuring of surfaces,
surveying. farmer ; a native. or monstrous.
the land, and rtyavToArrtop, -opoj, b, (fr. same,
TeuneTpiKbs i ->h -ov, (fr. same) geo- 7?o^w -w, (fr. y>)

metrical, skilled in surveying. to possess) to inhabit, pos- and 6\\vui to destroy) a destroyer
Fu>/xdps, -ov, b (fr. same, and yai- sess; or to encompass, surround of giants, giant-killer.
'to divide) a husbandman, the land ; said of Neptune. See iyavTO[jia^ia, -as, >/, (fr. same,
agriculturist. Adj. tilling. his epithets
y&t 170^0$ and yed- and [id%rj
a fight) the war of the

Yzuxdvris, -ov, same, and -nt-

b, (fr. giants.
via want) poor in land, of no /?pa,
d. sin. by Sync, and Cras. 'yapTov, -ov, TO, the kernel of the
estate; poor, indigent, hungry, ofy>?paj. grape; the refuse of grapes after
starved. r?/pato'f,and Poet. Tr)pa\tos,-a,-ov, pressing.
Ywirovia, -a?, //, (fr. same, and (fr. yrjpas
old age) old, aged; .:, -eos-ovs, Att. -EWJ, 6,

irovos labour) agriculture, hus- decayed, broken down, worn out ; , (fr. last) belonging to the grape,
or rather to the kernel, or refuse
bandry, tillage. ancient, old-fashioned, antique.
Twirovs, -o&os, b, (fr. same, and IpdvTevffi,Poet. Ion. and Sync. after pressing,
irovs the foot) a husbandman, far- fory/pd(ra(ri,d. pi.
1 a. par. act. , -avTosi b, (perhaps fr. yj/
the earth, and yaw to be born)
mer, labourer. ofy>?pdu).
TO, old age. a son of the earth, earth-born ; a
Fwopyarai, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. , -OLTOS -aog
-co y,
pass, of tpdarjs
sin. 1 a. sub. act. FJ;- giant.
neut. par. pres. act. of the wild carrot.
Fewpytw -w, f. -ijaw, p. ytwoyriKa pdo-Kov, fiyyioiov, -ov, rd,
(fr. same,
and fpyov work) to til
and Tripdu) -w, f. -daw, p. F<yyA(ff//df, ov, b, a tickling, gentle
or cultivate the land. to be old; to excitement.
yy^pa:a, (fr. last)
same a hinge, joint.
rttopyfafyo?, -ov, b, f), (fr. grow old, decay, wear out, fail. yy'Xvfibs, -ov, b,
1 a. act. ind. sub. yrj- Tiyypas, -ov, b, a small pipe, fife
arable, Jit for tillage. tyi'ipaaa'
Tsupyia, -as, >/, (fr. same) agricul y7?P<
1't'yvouot, prerf. impr. yiyvov, sec
rise TOM
Alt. rXwrra, ->/s, % I'otpou) -to, f. -wo"w, and conscious oj insufficiency ; to ac-
the tongue ; a tongue, language, -to, f.
last) to cloud,
-;<rw, (fr. quiesce, submit ; to waver, doubt.
in the overcloud, darken, overcast.
speech, converse; the tongue pres. inf.
cont. yviaffifjia^elv.
mouth piece of wind instruments. vo<j>utiris, -tos -ovs, b,fi, (fr. same) wens, -(o?, Att. -cus, d, (fr. yt-
rXuffc-aXyta, -aj, ^, (fr. last,
and cloudy, dark, gloomy. v&cKd) to know) knowledge, learn-
or joatn in 'vow -w, and IVw//t, f. -wao), p.
riAyo? pain) disease ing, information ; judgment,
the tongue; grief caused by the iyvdiKa, obs. see yiv&oKb). discernment.
(fr. ydvv the knee) on
tongue or by ill language. 'j'i>,
the wcTfos, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be
r\(i)affdpiov, -ov, TO, (dim. of'same) knees, kneeling. known, must be acknowledged, &c.
a little tongue ; the tip or point ; >w, Ion. for iyvu>, 3 sin. ind. or ewer???, -of, 6, (fr. same) knmi:-
a tenon; a latch, latchct. 'to, yv&s, YVM, pi. -S>r, -wm,
sub. ing, skilful, clever, expert, com-
rXoVcr?;, -?7J, f), for yXworcra,
d. pi. Tv&Qi, -wrw, impr. Tv&vat, petent. Subs, a judge, witness ;
yXu>cro77<n, for yXtocrcratj.
inf. 2 a. act. rVtoo-o^a<, -y,
a 'seer, soothsayer.
rXwo-o-<ko/ioi>, -on, rd, (fr. yXwcro-a -irai, pi. -owCs, -o"ovrat, 1 f. ind. ctoc-roy, -TI, -bv, (fr. same) known,
a tongue, and *o//ao to keep) a mid. of yivt&ffKu). acquainted; to be known.
case for the tongues of wind in- Dor.
'u>H<i, -as, a, for
yvutj-itj. rwrof, -ov, b, (fr. same) an ac-
struments a box, purse, pouch.
; 'ijofia, -aros, rb, (fr. yivutaKW to quaintance, friend, companion;
TX<i)oo6Tp.riTO$, -ov, o, ^, (fr. same, know) knowledge ; acquai}ita?ice ; akin, related; a cousin, brother.
and Tijuvd)
to cut) having the experience, proof, trial. 'wrw, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. IVwtoc-(,
tongue cut off", having lost the 'coeval, Dor. and Att. for Poet, for yv&m, 3 pi. 2 a. sub.
tongue. vai. see
ymoovcw. of yivwffKta, which see.
rXw(7<roTo/<fu -w, f.
-17170), p. yXwo"- '7j (& yc^wtr/cw to
~'7S? 'ww, (obs. from which yn-wc-Kto
croTtTuriKa, (fr. same) to c* ot<
know) an opinion, sentiment, borrows some tenses) to know;
the tongue. to call so as to be known or
sentence, judgment ; purpose,
rXaxTO-op^aptTowrfs, -tor, will, design, mind; the under-
oi, n. pi. heard ; to shout clearly.
pres. par. of standing ; a proverb, maxim HIOVTI Dor. for
yonotxn -&ai, 3
rXoxro-o^apirdw -a>, saying,
(fr. same, and
d. pi. Ion.
yvw^ai. pi. pres. ind. of

%aptTou to sooth) to flatter, de- PvtDyn, see yv6u>, and VIVWGKW. >ato -to, f.
-a<rw, alsoToa^w, Poet.
ceive, delude with fair words, rvu>fuKbs, -TI, -bv, (fr. same) senten- to
groan, bemoan, lament, mourn,
speak smoothly. tious, pithy, expressive, energetic, bewail ; to shriek, twitter, par. 1
proverbial. a. pass, yorjdds.
rXw(7<rw(57j,-os-ouj,6,^, (fr.same) \ ~ 1C /

having the tongue well hung; talk- LVtOjuoAoyicws', (tr. yi'to/; an opi- Syypo?, -ou, o, a conger, kind of
ative, loquacious ; like a tongue. nion, and X/yw to speak) ear-
rXtorrfrcoj, -/), -oi', (fr. yXw'rra Att. prcssivdy, pithily, proverbially ,
-uffw, p. yy<JyyuKa, to
for same) tongued, having a briefly. murmur, buzz, purl ; to mutter ;

tongue, like or concerning the Tvi^/jnav. -ovof, b, f], (fr. yd/wovco

grumble, repine. 1 a. act.
tongue. to know)discerning, judicious yvffa. per. pass, yeydyyva^ni.
j, (j't,
ears or heads of corn. instructive, subs, an examiner ryyi'X7, -775, and Toyyv\is, -itog,
inquirer; a discoverer, inform- /;, (fr. next)
a turnip ; a cake.
edge, barb a corner, angle.
; er ; a proof,
test ; the style of <
Yoyyv\o$, -tj, -ov, and Toyyt'X(oj,
TvdOos, -ov, >j, and Tvad^bs, -ov, b, dial, the index of any instrument -or, 6, TI, round, globular.
(perhaps fr.
yva/^-w to bend) TvttJvai, see y<vtoCTKw. yoyyt>w to
iyyv(Tnb$, -ov, b, (fr.
the jaw, jaw or cheek bone ; tht Tvti)pl%(a,
f. -?crw, ]>. yt'wpt>ca, (fr murmur) amurmuring. buzzing;
teeth ; the inside of the cheek ; c
same) to make known, explain a grumbling, repin ing ; disr.ontt.nt.
gnaving, bite. show, declare, discover, disclose -ov, b, (fr. same) a

to know, distinguish, recognise

rvafldtd -G, f. -axro), (fr. last) ti
murmurcr, grumbler.
strike on the check or jaw. acknowledge, have acquaintanc >?, -a, -bv, (fr. yoaw to groan)

Tvddwv, -wro;, 6, (fr. same) apara-\ with; to become known, grov grievous, dismal, gloomy; wretch-
spunger, s-m ell-feast; aflai-\ into acquaintance, become plain ed, miserable, distressed.
terer, led-captain.
Also a name appear. 1 a. act. ind. r6t), -T)$, fj,
same as yonrda.
for such characters, Gnatho. inf.
yv<apiaac par. i7//[,
same as yoaw or yoalvu).
TvafiTTTos, -//, -bv, (fr. next)
curv- pres. pass. ind.
} pres. inf. yoijvat, Dor. yofiucvai .

ed, bent, crooked ; flexible, sup- impr. yj'wpj'^otj, 3 sin. yvwpj >ris,-T/TOS, b, an enchanter, magi-

ple, pliant.
per. pass, tyv^picrfjiai cian, sorcerer; a hypocrite, im-
f. -i w
TvdfjiirTd), ) p. -(j>a, to bow, 1 a. pass. ind.
yi/top<V07?v sub postor, cheat ; a juggler, conjurer.
bend, crook; to incline, persuade, Torirda, -as, r;, (fr. last) imposture,
turn, alter, change. , -ov, 6, f,, (fr. last)
known imposition, hypocrisy ; a cliarm,
rVaflTto, Xvdirrw or Tvd<pi>), f.
-i^/co, familiar, intimate, acquainted sorcery.
to full, cleanse, dress
p. tyvafya, comp. yvu)(3ijuo)Tpo, sup. -tora Tor}TviJ.a, -aros, rb, (fr. same) a
or comb cloih ; to tear, lacerate ; TO S. cheat, imposture; a charm, in-
to depress, crush, reduce, subdue. cantation.
wptff^a, -Sroj, ro, (fr. same)
Yvafaiis, -tos, &, (fr. last) a fuller, wo<e, notice; a mark, sign, to Tor/rtvo), f.
-vao), p. -evica, (fr.
wool-comber. ken; a discovery, disclosure, in same) to enchant,
charm, fasci-
yivo^ai to be)
Tvr}ffios, -a, -ov, (fr. formation. nate, bewitch ; to juggle, cheat,
- Att.
legitimate, lawfully born; genu- vupiw, -ties, impose.
ine, true; akin, of full blood. 1 f. act. of same. TonrYicbs, -r], -bv, (fr. same) decep-
comp. yvTjffJWTfpof. Vwcra(, Ion. for Trwo-T/, 2 sin. o tive,fraudulent, imposing ; ma-
TvTjatws, (fr. last) legitimately, ge. -r/, -trai, 1 f. mid. gical, relating to charms.
nuinely, truly, sincerely. FoXyofld, indecl. Golgotha.
IVoiV, 2 a. opt. act. Tvovs, n i;
o)0'0?70'ow<zi, -TI, -tTcti, 1 f. me F<5//oppa, -as,fi, Syriac,
Tvovres, Tvovra, par. 2
a Fvt6(T0^Tt, -0)jrti), 1 a to be
pi. pass. Fo>o?, -oi), 6, (fr. yf/jno full)
act. of yivwo-Kto. impr. pass. rVtoo-fla?, par
a freight, load, burden; mer-
Tvo(j>tob$, -a, -bv, (fr.
nex a. pass, of same.
chandise, wares, goods.
dark; stormy, tempestuous. vuHn/ia^fo) -to, (fr. yrwcri? know Ton<f>id^(a, -affw, (fr. yd/i^os a
Tv66os, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. vi6os a ledge, and ^a'^ojuai to fight) wedge) to have the teeth set mi
cloud) a thick dark cloudj dark- change opinion of one's pmvers edge, make the teeth tingle.
ness, dimnets. acknowledge weakness, ft, o, (fr. rame)
r.'ashing, breaking; a tingling like a Gorgon ; it. ,
ible^frightful, , -,}, -dv, (fr. last) /ineor,
or edging of the teeth. p&os, -ov, 6 Gordias, a man's Z7i /ins.
v, b, (fr. same) a grind-
name. g. Ion. iW/ew. earns, -f^os, 17,
ofd ag-e; the slough
er, double or oc& tooiA. Totiv, (fr. yf yet, and 5v however) of a serpent.
ov, 6, a oi/, ipiie ; a truly, indeed^ certainly, surely; pa-rios, -a, -ov, (fr. ypa^w to
wedge, peg ; a jaw-tooth ; a bolt, then, for, since, therefore, there- write) must write, ought to be
bar. d. pi. Ion. upon ; hence, accordingly ; hou-- written.

-S, f. -oxrw, (f-. last) to ever,

ver, at east,
least, even
e ; for instance, Tpar-bc, -/;, -dv, (fr. same) written,

nail, fasten with nails or pegs. as for 'example. composed ; inscribed, engraven.
Att. -o>s, a cer- and Fovvdo- Fpa'o-os, -ov, 6,
also FpaVo-os,
i/i^uo-is, -tos, rovvdc^0[iai,f.
)/j , '

tain kind of articulation of the ftai -ovjiai, f.

-(jiCO'fiai, (fr. yd and Fpas, the dirt, scourings or
bones; a joint. the knee) to kneel, fall on the refuse of wool ; the smell of the
Jia'j, -/os, Att. -/us, o, (fr. ylvo- knees: to embrace the knees armpits.
pai tobej
a father, sire, parent ; supplication ; to pray, beg, en- FpoVo-os, -ov, fi, (perhaps fr. y/jpvj a
a progenitor, ancestor, n. pi. yo- treat. 1 a. mid.
tyovvacd^v. par. voice) the shout of soldiers charg-
vfS -?Si yovfwv, d. yovtvat, a. pres. mid. cont. yovvov/m-os ing, a war-song, cry of battle.
yov/aj -as, and yov/;as- yovvara, vva0', for or ydvara. n. Fp-iortSi -tos, Att. -wsi '/ (fr- ypdw
'M> ->?Si hi (fr same) i/je priiz- a. v. pi. Fovvao-tt d. pi. ol to feed) grass, herbage, hay.
tes; generati'jn, conception, pro- Tpavs, ypo'os, >/, Ion. Fpi?i3s,
and by
pagation : birtli, origin; seed, TovvoTo-t, Ion. for yovvot$, d. pi. of Dialys. Fp^t-s, an old woman.
offspring ; a child.
yovvds, for ydvos- TpaQtiov, -ov, TO, (fr. ypd^/w to
os, -of, 6, //, (fr. same) breed- 'vvo7ra^i)s ~EO$ -ous, o, fj, (fr. write) an iron pointed instrument
ing, prolific ; fruitful, fertile. same, and rani's thick) thick eit with v;hich the ancients wrote on
Subs, a fertile spot, productive the knees, having large knees. their waxed tablets, a stylus, pen-

Fovvds,-?), -dv, Poet, for'yovds. cil ; an iron pen, engraving tool.

Fovruv or yovt'fcu', g. pL of ywv. Att. -fws,o,(fr. same)
Tovoppota, or Fovoppa, -as, f/, (fr. rpa0i's,-/os,
yovT; the privities, and pit* to pres. fern. cont. a painter, engraver ; a librarian.
><3o-a, par.
flow) a running in the loins, yoa'w. Foa^ft) -w, Att. for ypd<j>w.
gonorrhoea. a pointed stake ; a /> (fr- same) a writing,
F,pd/?(ov, -ov, TO, r),->)S,
iw -5, f. -i/c (fr. same) torch, brand. writings; the scriptures; a pic-
to run at the loins. ture, drawing; an indictment,
Fpa?a, -as, >j, (perhaps fr.
and rovdppoioy, -ov, 6, ;, old) an old woman, wife.
(fr. same) afflicted with a gonor- Tpatotov, -ov, rb, (dim. of last) a TpdtinQt, 2 sin. Fpa^^Tw^av, 2
rhoea. little or decrepit old woman. pi. 1 a. impr. pass. Fpa^ds,
Tdvoj, -ov, 6, same as -rj, -dv, and -01 par. 2 a. pass, of ypd$u.
yoi'>5- paiKbs, Tpi/jiKn^,
Fovoj, and Poet, yovvds, -ou, b, ^, 6, ^, (fr. same) old, elderly. Fpa0Kds, -/), -dv, (fr. same) like
same as ydvfyoj. comp. yov&ri- pau-ds, -^, -dv, Greek, Grecian. writing, graphical, well drawn
poj, sup. -uiraroj.
or described; quick at writing,
Yon, yd vv of, ydvaroj, yovvo?, and Fp////a, -aros, ro, (fr. ypa'^w to
ready at the pen.
yovvaroj, rd, the knee; d. pi. write) a fetfer of the alphabet Fpa^tKws, (fr. last) expressively; :


ydvafff , yovvaci, and yorvairo't. handwriting; a written work naturally, to the life.
rovvr^rfw -w, f. -f,cr<i), p. ytyow- book; an account, journal; c Tpa<piov, -ov, rd, see ypa^ftov, and
iririjKa, (fr. last, and irtru to fall) deed, bill, band; an act, law. Fpn^is, -tfos, ft, (fr. next) an
to kneel,
fall on the knees; to fall iav, ra, (pi. of last) a iron' pen or stylus; the drawing

prostrate; to supplicate. 1 a. act letter, epistle ; writings, a book ; of lines.

literature, learning ; writings, Ypd(po),
i. -iL'U), p. ytyfrf&j ongi-
or scrape
Too?, -ov, 6, (fr. yoa'w to groan) the scriptures. nally to grave, <mgrctve
grief, sorrow, wo; lite- lines c* figures on some flat
mourning, afifnareta, -as, fj, (fr. same)
lamentation for the dead, a sjtftace to write, inscribe; to
rature, learning, knowledgefrom ;

dirge. books. describe, represent, draw, paint ;

Fdpytjof, and Fopydvto?, -a, -ov, a////arvsi ->?, b, .

compose, write a book ; to en-
(fr. Fopywi' Gorgon) like a Gor- secretarv / interpreter an act, decree ; to accuse, indict ;
r*ju:n clerk, recorder. to
gon; horrible, Jrightful, terr\fic. of law; direct, prescribe, instruct,
Fopytvu, f. -evffw, (fr. same) to ,
f. -v<rw, (fr. last) to teach; to graze. 1 a. act. ind.
act as secretary
hasten, speed, move swiftly ; f
fypa^/a' sub. ypdipu, -ns, -TJ. per.
vibrate, quiver, flash ;
f' * care ,
afipariKri, -i/s, >;, (fern, of next) pass, yfypapnat. 1. a. pass. ind.
viz. grammar.
terrify, frighten. rt^vrj, cypd(pQi)V impr. ypd<j>6r/Tf par.
-'" a ' (P 1 - o{ Fopywv) appariKOs, ->?, -ov, (fr. ypaQw to
the Cforgons ; furies. write) grammatical ; literary. Tpau, and Fpaivu, f. -c~w, to eat, eat
ropyoj, -TI, -ov, swift, quick; dart- Subs, a teacher, grammarian. up, corrode, consume, devour.
ing, flashing ; terrifying, fright- af<//ar(n->)?, -ov, b, (fr. same) a jawcvs, -fos -ov$, 6, f], (fr. ypavf
ful, terrible, fierce.* teacher of grammar, schoolmas- an old woman) of or like an old
a. pL of last. Also g.
ter ; a pedant ; a clerk ; a book- woman; aged, doling; silly, fa-
sin. of seller, stationer. bulous.
Fopyi'pa, -as, fi, (fr. yrj the earth, -ov, b, (fr. irjyopid) -5, by Aphaer. for
and opvo-ffd) to dig) an under- same, and Si^dytcta to teach) a
f. -*7(7a>, p. ypi;ydp^ca,
ground passage for water, tun- schoolmaster, preceptor. (fr. ytpa to rouse) to watch, lie
nel, sewer, drain; a pit, dun- -tog, b, (fr. awake, be awake, be vigilant ; to
geon. same, and tiadyu to introduce) live, be alive. For tenses see
Fopyw, -dos -ovs, ^ Gorgo, a wo- a teacher, instructer ; a magis- cypTjyopita*
man's name. trate.
>ny6pr)ffi$, -ios,
Att. -EWS, #, (fr.

Topywv, -dvoj, o, an imaginary apfjifl, -rig, 17, (fr. same) a line, last) lying awake; watchfulness,
monster of Africa ; a hag, fiend, mark, division, separation ; the vigilance.
fury. Also, (fr. yopyds nimble) starting place at races, marked for
fypjjyopois, par. per.
swiftness, activity. by a line drawn on the ground ; ypqyoplw or typnyoptu.
Topy^-, -WTTOS, 6, %, (fr. last, and a line on a chess board ; the last log, Att. -fws, 6, (fr. ypf.
w\i the face) Gorgon-visaged, ros a net) afithermam.
- -"""i (
fr - same jibs, -', -bv, (fr. last) wanting nudity, d. tin. yvftv6
-Xros, TO, (fr. same) limb, maimed, lame, halt, crip- TTJTl.

?, ca/cA, capture; profit, gain pled; deficient in any part. rvfiv6u> -w, f.
w<rw, p. -w/ca, (fr.

ftros, -ov, o,
and rp -w, f. -wo-w, (fr. same) tc same) to
strip, uncover ; to pil-
and also -tos -ou?, rd, a net, seine break a limb; to lame, maim lage, rob, plunder; to expose,
drag; anddle, puzzling question cripple; to render weak, impo- discover, show. 1 a. act. inf.
tent or
ypd<j>w to write)
t< 1
, (i'r. defective. yvfuvSjaai' par. yvpvwcras. a.
write. noKfdri, -qs, >], same, and
(fr. pass. ind. syv/jiv^Qrjv' inf. yaft-
S, -dSos, fa an old sow iriori a fetter) fetters, chains ; a vwOrivai' par. yvnvwOeis, a. sin.
?, -aov, o?, painters. shackle.
-ov, b, a javelin, dart ; same
tht Att.
, n6%a\Kos, -ov, b, fa (fr. Tviivtocis, -tos, -jwf, fa (fr.
in the foot of a spear. and %a\Kbs brass) with limbs oj last) nakedness, bareness, desti-
Tpv, any thing very small,
brass, very strong, most robust, tution.

mote, chip, splinter, the black a, nudeis) par. 1 a. pass, of yvidu. Tvva, Dor. for Tvvat, v. sin. of
the nail. TvXibs, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. yva\b$ ywvtf.
Vpv^w, f. -fr, p. -%, (fr. last) hollow) a soldier's canteen. FwaiKapiov, -ov, Tb, (dim. of yvvfi
mutter, growl, grumble, grunt. >ivda), f. -a<r<i>, p. yeyv/jivaKa, (fr a woman) a weak, sitty, vain
rpv\\lfo, f.
to grunt.
yvfivbs naked) to exercise naked, woman.
practise for the public games ; to TvvalKas -Ka, -K$, -K}, -icbs, -KWV,
b, (fr.
a grunt, grunting.
last) exercise, employ, engage, train cases of yvvrj.
Tpvpata, -as, h, (fr. ypv a mote) o pres. impr, act. yvjivafy. TwatKela, -wv, TO, (neut. pi. of
bag, wallet, pouch; any thing Fvpvaaia, -as, fa and Tvfuvacris next) circumstances incident to
insignificant. -tog, Att. -ias, fa and Tv/tvac/Aa, women.
Tpvxbs, -n, -ov, (fr. ypv\l/ a griffin) -aros, rb, (fr. last) practice, rvvaiKtws, -a, -ov, (fr. yvvfl a wo-
hooked, crooked; bowed, bended; training, exercise. man) feminine, female ; wo-
hook-nosed, aquiline ; with a 'vnvciaiapXfu -5, f. -^o-w, (fr. last, manish, effeminate., delicate. Tv-
hooked beak. and ap%ti the chief) to^ regulate vaiKeiov, viz. c&pa, the women's
; -ov, b, (fr. ypvfa to grunt) gymnastic exercises, preside over apartments.
a grunting, grunt. a school. Tvvana'/'ios, T^on. for yvvaineios
TpvTT], -TJS, fa
and TpvTdpia, -u>v, or -YOf, -ov, b, (fr. vaiicias, -ov, b, (fr. yvvfj
a wo-
-TO., (fr. ypv a mite) poorfurni- same) a teacher of gymnastic man) q womanish or effeminate
ture, lumber; old clothes, frippery. exercises, schoolmaster. person.
TpvTo-rriaXrjs, -ov, b, (fr. last, and -as, fa (fr. same) vaiKtaafibs, -ov, b, (fr. same)/e-
TrwA/to to sell) a seller of old the regulation or direction of a male delights or endearments ;
clothes or lumber ; a broker. gymnasium. courtship, compliments, flattery.
a griffin, an ima- artouai -ovpai, f.
Tpvij/, -virbs, b, 'vpvdaiov, -ov, b, (fr. yv/. -t)aofjLai,
ginary winged monster ; a kind naked) a place of exercise, school p. -vital, (fr. same, and Kpariu
of eagle, the ossifrage. for training for public games; to rule) to submit to or be di-

(perhaps to practice, exercise. rected by women, be governed by

Tpc5v>7, -rjs, fa fi;. ypdw
corrode) a hollow rock, cave, vfivacrfos, -a, -ov, (fr. yvpvi ^
a wife; to gratify, indulge a
cavern. to train) must exercise, to "be wife. par. pres. pass. cont. yv-
Fpwvoj, -n, -ov, (fr. last) hollow, practised or trained.
cavernous; deep. vpvaffrris, -ov, b, (fr. same) a . -a?, h (fr. same)
Tva or rvrj, Ion. and Tv(a, -as, fa master or teacher of public exer- ion to women, female go-
ground, land ; a field, an acre ; cises. vernment.
ploughed or fallow land. vuvaffTiKos, -fi, -bv, (fr. same) be- ivatKOfiavfis, -tos -ovs, b, fa (fr.
TvdXai, (fr. next) a Me-
-(av, al, longing to public exercises, con- same, and nalvo/iai to dote) fool,
garean word, drinking cups. cerning the practice of or train- ishly fond of women; lascivious.
Tva\ov, -ov, Tb, a cavity, holla*,, ; ing for them. ivaiKbs, g. TvvaiKi, d. sin. ofyvvfi.
the palm or hollow of the hand;
V.*at7TtK:w?, (fr. last) with exer- rvvaiKO<p(\as, -a, b, Dor. for
a valley, glen, dale ; a cave, den ; cise, by practice, in training.
ivaiicoipfaris, -ov, b, (fr. yvvfj a
a trench, fosse, (fr. last) g. Ion. *>1%, -TJTOS, fa ~- rvpvfms, -ov, woman, and $Aoj fond) fond oj
(fr. yv/jivbs naked)
a n ffnf armed
yvdXoio. las- women; effeminate, delicate;
rvaXbs, -fa -bv, (fr. last) handy, of soldier.
civious; libidinous.
a size to be handled. TEVw, f.
-evffia, p. yeyv[ivfj-
T -cos -ovj,
**<aiK(!)6r)s, 6, fa (fr.
rvapKfc, -tos -ovs, b, fa (fr. yvlov a a, (fr. last) to be naked or ill samt^ woman-like, becoming a
limb, and apKiu to suffice) in-
vigorating, strengthening ; fresh,
clad ; to wear light armour, serve
as a light armed soldier ; to skir-
cate ;
fe^^n^ tender, deli-
womanish, a woman,
lively, lusty, vigorous; who be- mish. effeminate.
gets lusty limbs. pviicbs, -r), yuuva^u to
-ov, (fr. ivaiK&v, -GJvos, b, TvvaiKurvtnjs,
Tiytj, -TJS, fi, a woman's, and Tv- exercise) gymnastic, about pub- -ov, b, and TvvaiKwvtTis, -trios,
ytjs, -ov, b,
a man's name, Gyge, lic sports or games. fa (fr same) the ivomen's apart-
and Gyges. fivoiraifila, -as, fa (fr. yvpvbs ments; an inner chamber; a
Tvrjs, -vo, b, (fr. yvri ploughed naked, and Tralf a boy) the exer- house for women.
land) the plough-heafl on which ciseor sports of naked boys; a
the sock is fixed. Spartan dance. vvaiov, -ov, rb, (dim. of yvvr) a
b, Dor.
and Poet, woman) a
TvioSdfias, -a, fa -bv, (fr. yvlov a limb, little
woman, silly
(fr. yvfov
a limb, and <5a/mw to and p6vo$ only) naked, bare, un- woman.
subdue) who masters the limbs ; covered; unarmed, light armed; for
yvvat^i, d. pi. of
able, lusty ; epithet of ^
uncased, unsheathed ; bare, mere, -aiKbs, fa (perhaps fr.
Tvioxdpos, -ov, b, fa (fr. same,
and only; open, exposed, manifest; birth) a woman, wife. v. sin.
Koptw to satisfy) working or devoid, destitute. yvvat, madam, mo?am. d. yvvai-
wearying the limbs, fatiguing, and
'vpvo<ro<j)icrTai, -G>v,oi, (fr. last, Kl' a.
and Dor. yvvijv'
toilsome, laborious. a wise man) the Gym-
ao<j>iaTt)s d. pi. yvvai^t.
Futov, -ov, TO, a limb, member, par- nosophists or naked philosophers vvvis, -i6of, b, Poet, forytfvis, (fr.
ticularly a hand or foot; any of India ; a fakir or dervis. last) womanish, effeminate, de-
larger part of the frame. HTOS, fi, (fr. same) no- licate, tender.
a vulture)
JYxtvoj, -17, -ov, (fr. yv^
Aats, -ttoj, $, (fr. same) a /t^/rf,
p. ctSdvttKa, (fr. Sdvos a loan) to
Ukt tourcl
lau sin. per. pass. At- per. pass. A^,^, i.ySync.
-rued otKTo, for tc&EKTo, 3 sin. pper, for

dEOE/jirjuevos, par. per. pass.
laurel. pass, of foxo/tai. Aetinijpnv, in 3 sin. Atopr/To, by
AadioivEOs, -ov, o, ^, and Ad<poirb$ ScK&s, par. per. Jict.
Aio^ai Sync, and Ion. ibr (>t&cpf,ptiv t
-ft, -bv, (fr. od intens. and (poro^ -aai, -rat, and Af^ffOat, inf. in 3 sin.
E^^f^rrro, pper. pass.
gore) bloodstained, gory ; blood- Aedeplvos, -n, -ov, par. of Cfjuw or Jjuaco for

thirsty ; red, ruddy ; red-streak of (5fw. ^at,-xrat, per. pass, of
ed, speckled wiLli ,
and by Sync.
Aa^'tAtta, -as, >/, (fr. Sa^'i\rjs
abun- per. act. of <5f//w. .'tv AcoiKa-
dant) plenty, abundance , AfSero, AlSevro, Ion. for Dor. for same, 1
pL of 61-
wealth ; splendour, grandeur 1 sin. eoldcTo, 3 sin, ciooiK
boiKa, by Apos. ^ per.
pomp ; liberality, munificence and tSttiovTo, 3 pi. pper. pass mid. of cElod).
'!/ of of'w. OO'IKW, aub. mid. of
per. oEtcw,
Aad>t\vio, f. -v<fu>, (fr. same) t StJ-Oftati -rj, -irai, ppfut. Af used Poet, for same.
furnish, provide, supply ; to b Jffo, per. impr. pass, of df%onai. coKv/jLai, per. pass, and AECOKTJ-
liberal, bestow, enrich. Aai//t- Acf%aTai, Afjf'^aro, Ion. for C- ptvos, par. per. pass, of SoK(d>.
Arfo^at, to be fully provided ; to i ual, 3 pi. per. a i or oi&oKTai, 3 sin.
abound, have in plenty ; to em- oi r/aav, 3 pi. pper. pass. pass, of OOKfd).
ploy one's self, be anxious, b.u$u EC-oKi/jtaanai,
in 1
pi. AcSoKifidff-
about. fCpa, -as, -, per. raid A<5/jav, usOa, per. pass. AtooKiuaauf-
Aas//tAi)s, -o? -ovs, o, 11, plentiful, Ion. for fSsofiEiv, pper. mid. of vos, par. per. pass, of coKtudld).
abundant, rich, wealthy; splen- ooKifjiaffntvd)s, (fr. last) as migftt
did, costly, stately; liberal, free, at, -ai, -Krai, per. pass, of be expected, according to
bountiful. tion.
Aai^tAw? and Aa^tAf'wj, (fr. last) >'i\u)Ka, per. act. in 1
pi. A<5r/- EcoKTai, 3 sin. per. pass, of So-
abundantly, plentifully ; splen- Kfd).

didly ; liberally, bountifuliy. -crai, -rat, per ESonh'os, -n, -ov, par. per. pass.
1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of data).
&dd>uv, pass. AEdn/jiiovpywitfvos, par Aicorai, 3 sin. per. ind. pass.
But Aaw^v, 1 pi. of 2 a. sub. per. pass, of crifiiovpyfu). of <5t'dW|Ut.
pass, of &ame, or 1 pi. pres. fSrjffOE, same as fiEonyiivoi dr/r, AEodvaro, Ion. and Dor.
sub. cont. of Safd). 2 pi. per. opt. pass. vnro, 3 sin. pper. pass.
Al, but, for, and,^ truly, indeed; ppfut. Of old). at, -o-at, -rai, ind. A-
yet, however, nevertheless, not- i$n%a, per. act coaof.iEvos, -rj, -ov, par. per.
w'Jistanding ; then, therefore; of}d)fiai,
ind. andof So%dd). pass,
certainly, surely, verily ; more- par. per. pass, of opvd)'. AioopKa, per. mid. A<5opKwj,
over, furthermore, beside; for- Af'Jt' for, ^f'^ta, in 1 pi. c par. per. mid. of StpKd).
sooth ; nay, but, pray, pray now. per. ind. mid. of f>t'<5w. 3 sin. per. mid. of
AtoopKE, ctpKw,
As an enclitic it is intensive, s,

par. per. pass, of used impersonally. It

and sometimes signifies to, to- it
seems, it is clear or evident.
wards. ,onjK6vr;Ka, per. ind. act. of (5ta- AtSorai, 3 sin. per. pass, of SlSia-
Aiarai for oEoearai, Ion. for S^EV- KOVfd). fit.
rai, 3 pi. per. pass, of <5fw. ,oifjT>jKa for oEStatrnKa, per. ind. A8ov\VKa, 1
pi. -\EiiKafiLEV, per.
AfypEvos, -^Eol. for c0yn?vos, par. act. of Siairdu. act. of oov\Vd).
per. pass, of Or for
of^ofiai. .tffiOi, and Poet. Ai'<$t0t, pres. Sov\d)[jiai, -<rat, -rat, ind. A-
c%6uvos, par. pres. pass, of impr. of Slci/ii,
same as cdow. Sov\d>[jivos, -T], -ov, par. per.
same. &iKa(d)[iai, -crat,-rrtt,
ind. A' pass, of oov\6di.
&ioaa, per. mid. and Aoad>s, par. oiKai(.i)nvos, par. per. pass, of -via, -bs, par. per. mid.
and of 6ov7:ia.
ftiuEv, AfftTE, 1 and 2
pi. pres. AtSpaKa, per. act. A$paKu>s, par.
act. AEodnuai, per. pass, and ind. ofceoiui, same as OetSw or per. act. AtSpapai, per. pass,
CEoaTjufvos, par. of oalio or Sdijui, by Sync, for wiantv, fiEo'iars, par. per. pass, of
same as Said). 1 and 2 pi. per. mid. of odcw.
AEoaiarai and Afoataro, Ion. for ,fotfit,
obs. (fr. Sid) to fear) same per. act. Aiopopa,
6inuiv-ai, 3 pi. per. and i5f<ku/- as SdSd). per. mid. of TOC^M.
TO, 3 pper. pass, of Said).
pi. Eo'iTTd) or -ffffb), and Afit^trru or Atdparai, by Metath. for
AeoaiyuLtvos, par. per. pass, of -atria, also &c. f. 3 sin. per. pass, of <5f>w.
-t'a>, p. -%a,to fear) to AfcpoKa, by Metath. for
(fr. cdSw ctcopKa,
-mi, -ffrai, per. pass. affright, frighten, terrify, scare ; per. act. of oeoKd).
of to fff.r, drt I : to par. per. pass, of
Afoaov, Poet, for f<5aov, 2 a. act. of tremble^ quake, shuridcr.
per. act. AE^VKEI, Ion.
A&id)yi>.vos,-ri,-ov, par. per. pass. ,

;, per. act. Afoapnai, per. Of ClWKd). for ^ikt, 3 sin. pper. act. of
pass, of <5fyw. :SiMKimai, -crat, -rat, for cid)Kr/ftai,

Aifaff^ai, -ffai, -crrai, per. pass? of per. pass, of oioiKtu. AEC-UKW, Poet, for Svva to enter,

(5ac<>, same as (Ww. '?HavW, Dor. for ceoprjvTai, 3 pi.

which see.
Aifcyuat, -fat, -Krai, per. pass, of per. pass, of Sl/jLd). ovvrjuai, per. pass, of Stiva/jiai.
ai. '.fip-t'iaTO, Ion.
for EOEo^rivTo, 3 pi. ^vcrTV^nKa, per. act. of SVITTV-
i, per. pass, of^'w or c>H>^at. ppef . pass. AEou^/iEcOa, Ion. %0).
Ion. for oe'nrvap.v, 1 pi. and JEo\. for cECEpjpEOa, 1 pi. AfOd)Ka, -as, -E, or -tv, 3 pi. -Kaai,
pres. ind. of faiirvrjui, or 1
pi. per. pass. Af>/v'iircr6ai for OE- per. ind. act. AE^WKEI, and
per. mid. of ctEnrviw. 6urjffc6ai, ppfut. inf. pass, of A(5wKto-ai>, Att. for EOEOWKEI, 3
okiaai, Ion. for <5?<ra, 1 a. inf.
or Sudd), for ca^idw ; or of sin. and -Ktiaav, 3 pi. pper. ind.
act. of Set&o. act. of
fosi^a, and Ion. Afc%a, per. act. ffyjy/ca, AeS/jiTjfiai, by Sync, for ,
3 sin. per. pass -- A-
of ceiKvvp.1. <$'5f/;7?Aca, per. act. Jop^fvo?, -rj, -ov, par. per. pass.

per. pass,
of of (5wp>/iat.
3 sin. per. ind. 'Snr;uai, by Sync, for , Poet,

3 sin. j,res. sub. Atf]oav,t <5twobs.); inf. cEotiaQu.: .

1 a. par. neut. AE/Jaa, 1 f. f Aphaer. otivQai. (as if fr. oiojiai)

AttvoAoy/a, -as, ?}, (fr. same)
mence; expressiveness; amplifi-
-av, 01, at, (fr. same,
aud rlffeaotf four)/erfcr;
A?oaj, -Toj,Td, properly, atanned pzvbt. itnpf. ind. pass. i5ff]Md-
Ion. for chvovro, pi.

'/,;,,., An, fleece. pTJV-OVfJ.'TJV, -tOV -OU, -fTO -?TO. impf. ind. mid. of last.
o, a native of , <r^^, -r/f, ^, (fr. same) a bundle, ;8p',
Att. foup/, also ovpu, for
-vst '}) Derbe, the name of vpo, here, hither, come here;
icket. till
fffl , -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) 6owrcd, now, heretofore, hitherto.
-aroj, TO, (fr.
to fet
ettered, confined ; a prisoner. :t-o77,
3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of Sevw.
Afpy/ai, <5epca}
look, .

/ook, appear- , -ov, c, and CEtr^ov, -ov, TO, :vaotroib$, -ou, b, (fr. &EVU) to dye t
ance ; a
sight, view, prospect.
and iroitd) to
make) a dyer, stain-
2 sin. pres. ind. act. 4?- er; Adj. well dyed, deeply tinged,

pwv, -oixra, -ov,

n. pi. -OVTEJ, prisoner, and ^uAao-ffw to guard) 'i 'rfe.

par. pres. act. of clpaa.

a jailor, d. sin. offno<pv\aKi. AeVTaTOS, -T), -OV, (sup. fr.
and AEI(>>), -rjs, fa the neck, 'Gu.6u)-&, i. -wcrw, p. -k)Kci, (fr. second) last, latest, hindermosl,
ridge, peak, a or
SEdjzbs a chain) to imprison,
cm- farthermost, utmost.
of a 'mountain. fine; to bind, tie, chain, fasten. SVTE, and before an aspirate Aei/0',

Afpdpov, -ov, TO, (perhaps fr.

5^ per. pass. cciar//w^0(. here, hither, come, come here.
tlay) the beak, or bill of a :cr^cdT;/pov, -on, TO, (!r. EVTEpa, (^aeut. pi. of fcvTEpos
cond) for
prison, jail. fitvTfpws.
}, same as dipicw,
also evTEpaHos, -a, -ov, (fr. same) on
3 pi. pres. cont. -Wo?, fa (fr. same) a prisoner,
the second day, the day after.
(, and Poet. cEOKidwv- captive. Adj. captive, confined. .EVTEpEla, -wv, ra, (fr. same) a
Tai, see otpKM. f. $ftt> to tie, second part, place, rank or prize ;
Eo-Tro^w, -werw, (fr.
and TTOUS the foot) to govern, an
AEpKOpEVaWV, JEol. SepKOptviaV, for inferior stale.
be second,
ApKOja>oio, Ion. for c)- rule ; to
g. pi to domineer, tyrannize, MTEpEvw, (fr. same)
Koufvov, g. sin. par. pres. mid. of Icrd it, usurp, next or inferior; to follow, suc-
-fa, p. -%a, and Atp/coftat, effiroiva, -as, fa (fr. last) a mis- ceed, come next in order.
io see, Zoofe, behold ; to dart, tress, lady, queen &EVTp6yovos, -ov, b, fa (fr. same,
glance. 2 a. act. ind. toapicov, by <riroavvri, -???, fa (fern, of next)
and y6vos produce) second born;
Metath. fdpS/cov inf. Sapx. a young lady ; the master's of a second growth.
<'>na.Klv. 2 f. <5apK&, anc daughter ; dominion, rule, power :vTpooEKaTri, -riSi fa (fr same,
<5paK<5. per. mid.
anc sway. and ofKaTri tithe) the second
tithes re-
otdpoKa. per. pass. WoEpyuac. 1 a EffTTOGVVOS, -?, -OV, (fr. OEffxdfa to tithing or tenth of the
pass. ind. E^fpyJJr/vpar. ooy0(y< rule) of a master or mistress,
ceived by the Lcvites, to be
Ajp/*a, -UTO?, TO^ (fr. 6ipct) to flay} the master's; lordly, imperious, offered for the use of the priests.
a hide, skin. Subs, the young lord, the mas- Numb, xviii. 26.
ter's son. (fr. same,
and Aiyw
Aepl*aTivbsi -/), -6v, (fr. last) of AUTpo Aoyew -u> ,

of leather, hi, E<T-x<iTia, -as, fa (fr. next) despo- to speak) to repeat,say over again;
f. -CAoi, same) to dominion, rule to speak next or secondly.
Afp^uXAd), (fr. tism, tyranny;
skin to strip,
uncover, ex- a
, ; power, empire, government EVTOpo\oyia, -aj, fa (fr. same)
pose. EffTTOTris, -ov, b, (fr. c<rr:6$o)
to repetition, rehearsal; a speaking
Af'paf, -EOS -ovsi TO,
Ion. for otp a master an owner, or pleading secondly or after the
rule) lord, ;
Att. -EW j, ;, (fr. same] a
Aippis, -f of, proprietor ; ruler, sovereign ; c first.
a skin or hair on same) see
EVTEpov, (neut. of
/tide u>ii/i </*e the lord OEV-
despot. KMJJ.OV ttEffirdTris,

fur ; hair cloth. of the feast, to whom or in whose Tff>0>?

AipTpov, -ov, TO, (fr. same)
amem honour it was given. AEUTfpoi'6'juiov, -ov, TO, (fr. same,
brane, thin skin ; the caul of the
A<r7nmY'oj, -ij, -ov, (fr. last) of a and v6pos the law) a repetition
bowels. Also, same as otpQ lord, master, or ruler ; power- or recapitulation of the law, Deu-
a beak, bill. ful, riatpotic; lordly, imperious teronomy.
of 1 a a
AEp^0t?, par. tolp^drjv, haughty, proud. AuTp<5i'o//oj, -ov, b, (fr. same)
pass, of ofpKw. ECTiroTtKws, (fr. last) like a lord or second, next or succeeding law ;

Atpw, f.
fopw, p. o$pKa, Stpa (fr. master :
despotically. a secondary or explanatory law.
a to flay, take off" the skin same
hide) ,<rir6Tis, -100$) fa -ov, b, fa (fr. same,

to peel, strip ; to excoriate ; t

,fYa, -as, a, Dor. for and TTpuiTOff first) the first sab-
whip, scourge, flog. 1 a. act ,fn;, -rjs, fa (fern, of next) a pipe bath after the second day of un-
2 a. act. <5apov.
2 f flageolet, Pan's reed; a bundl leavened bread, called the second
Sap&. per. pass. b of torches ; a torch, light.
6toapp.ai, prime.
Metath. titSpapai,
2 a. pass AETOJ, -rj, -ov, (fr. oew to bound -a, -ov, (anirr. .comp. fr.
tie) &EVTpoS)
2 f.
pass. Saprjcrouai. tied ; wrapped, tied up. o'uo two. Or rather fr. SEVW to
Atffios, -ov, b, the month June, AUE, Ion. for aJrae, 3 sin. imp! fall short) second, next, latter ;
the Macedonians. ind. of cEVd). following, succeeding ; one of
Afo-tj, -toj, Att. -EUJ, fa (fr. <$o> t -.vfadrjv, Ion. for t&tviaQnv, 3 du two, the other.
bind) a binding, tying, faster, impf. of &vonai. AVTp<5u> -ffi,
f. -aj<ro), (fr. last) to
ing ; a knot ; a joint, joining. vioK(a, Poet, for emu, imp repeat, reiterate, duplicate ; to

Afffjwa, -OTO j, T^,

and AEC^?, -ov, I
5VaKov, Ion. SEVECKOV. make or do over again.
(fr. same)
a chain, bond, band i f. mid. of otvoiia AEVTfpwfjia, -OTOS, TO, (fr. last)

imprisonment, confinement ; ration, repetition, rehearsal ; mak-

string, ligament ; a fiUet, tu VKaftav, -ovos or ing, doing or saying, over again.
ban; a halter, cottar, rope; -wvos, Deucalion, a man'sjiame AEVTfpwj, Arfrepov and AEVTEPU,
nail, fastening. AscY/oV, oi, an AEUKOJ, -EOS -ovs, TO, an (fr. ci'Tpos second) secondly,
AEfffta, Ta, fetters. word ;
sweetness ; new or un- in the second place.
A(T/lUO), f. -U<7tO, p. -EVKa, (f fermented wine ; must, wort. AEVTipunris, -10$,
Att. -w?, fa (fr.
last) to chain, fetter, confine &EvoiaTo, Ion. forSEVOIVTO, pres. fiVTp6d) to repeat) a repetition,
to bind, tie ; to collect, wrap, t
opt. mid. AEUO//EVO j, par. pres. rehearsal ; the second place, or-
up. 1 a.
<$oyuu<7a, mid. of der or rank.
f. Poet, and At)0), f. GEVffb), p. SfOEVKa,
pres. ind. act. of last. for <5fo//at. water, moisten, bedew, sprinkle ;
-copal, par. pres. Sev6- to tingBf dye, colour; soak,
(fr. &crpa. a.
chain) same as Sw i see <$w. soften; Also, for ^'w, to want,
be to lack, be
fail, deficient;
A/0u>, f.
-^/w,p. -<t>a,torub, chafe;
to excoriate, skin, flay ; to soften.
ee oe^tw.
Ion. for which
Ararat, Wftarai,
Alysrat, 3 sin. -yovren,
3 pi. pres
ind. mid. $Xr0,of2 pi. pres
ind. or mid. <%o//aj.
f. -rfffu, more properly
i, which see.

<, Ion.
for StS%Qai, per. inf.
1 a. par.
pass. AX0V,
/Jvos by Sync,
par. pres.
mid. of

same as
<5ffo//at, p. SlSc-y^at,
to take, receive, accept; to hold,
contain ; to receive, meet, sustain
an attack ; to take upon, under-

take; approve of, credit, be-


lieve, embrace; to hear, perceive.

apprehend, comprehend; suffer,
admit of, permit, allow, bear with ;
to entertain, treat, harbour, shel-
ter ; to welcome, salute ;
pledge, drink to ; to expect, look
for, await. 1 a. mid. ind. eS

/J.TJV impr. oft-at'

sub. Sffa
in pi. oel-u>n6a, -tjaOe, -wvra
inf. ott-affOac par
1 a. pass. ind.
<$^0/S. per. mid
T], -ov, par. pres. mid.
raj, 3 pi. pres. sub
mid. of last.

, -a?, fa (fr. otyu to flay) a

skin, fur.
fU'f'w -fab), (fr. same)
f. to
dress or curry leather ; to knead,
work, rub ; to soften, make ten.
der. 1 a. act. ind. tot^a" par.

ofau, p. oioEica, to bind, tie,
to tie
fasten, knot; wrap^
to gird, hoop ; to chain, fetter,

confine ; to oblige, compel, force,

make necessary. 1 a. act. ind.
(orjaa'impr. ofjaov, -dru>, in 2 pi.
sub. Srjw par. 0*170-0?
orj a art'
inf. oioevOai
per. pass. Siotpaf
1 f.
par. SfOfjiivos- pass. ind.
eSt6r)V mf. otQrjvai. 1 f. pass

to want, need, require ;
lack, be wanting, fall short, see
biopai and Set.

AT), now, already; truly, indeed

in truth, by all means;
therefore, for ; however, in fine,
in short ; forsooth, very well
why ? 'wherefore ?

A?/, cont. for oii), pres. sub. of eel.

AfldAwros, (fr. oais a fight, anc
&\iffKu> to take) see
Afjy/ia, -arof,
b, to bite) a
(fr. of/leu bite;
gripe, grasp a sting. ;

Aitydw -Si, f. -uxrot, to fill.

A*?er, 2 pi. pres. ind.
A*}0' for A?0a, same as St,v
which see.

A70dyopoj,-ov,o, ft, (fr. <5/0ttlong,

and ayopfvw to speak) verbose,
prolix, tedious, long-winded.
to denounce, proscribe,
anAtoTjffav, 3 pi.
1 a. ind. act. crossing over ; step, gait, move- taytXa'w -5, f. -acrw, (fr.
& in-

a. inf. act. ment. tens, and to laugh) to

AJJo-ot, 1 A^o-orc, yfXa'u
2 pi.
of A?;c-ov, 1 a. impr. act. Ata/3ia'w, (fr. <5ta intens. and /3td- laugh at, deride, mock; to smile
o> to force) to compel, oblige, upon, gratify.
A>7<ravT?, n. pi. ot A??o-a?, -a<ra,
a. constrain. -q, -ov, par. 2 a.
-av, 1
par. act. Aj7<rao-0at, iaytv6]itvos,
1 a. inf. mid. -?, -t, mid. of
1 f. ind. A^o-w, -jis, -j},
in 2 pi. over, and j3(/3du) to make pass) layivopai, f.
<5tayv//<rot4at, p.
to carry, take or conduct over; 5cd through, and
A>/<Ti7r, 1 a. sub. act. A//C-OU- ycyfvjjftai, (fr.
3 1 ind. act. of tew. to go over, perambulate, sur- to be) to be present, at,
<ri, pi. f. yivofiat
then ; with or among; to
abide, last,
AJjra, (fr. of) truly) therefore, vey
? -w, f.
-wffw, and AiajSido- continue, endure. Also to pass
truly, forsooth ; pray Ata/3i6"(i>
over, or away, come to an
-dv, last, final, extreme
f. off"
Ajjrd?, -ft, ; pai -ovpai, -uo-o^ai, (fr.
farthest, utmost. through, and j3i<5w to live) to end, be finished, concluded. 2 a.
1 a. par. of C^KU, lead the whole life, to pass or raid. ind. 5teyV(5//^v par. 6tay-
Aj^0f, pass,
obs. see idKvu. spend the life through ; to live, VO//VOf.
A//u, tofind, meet with, hit upon, reside, abide. uayivwGKb), -yvwaw, p. $ityvu>-
discover. It is generally trans- Ka, (fr. oia intens. and yivtaaKu
lated future, or like the pres. (fr. same, and /SX/n-w
to see) to to know) to know fully ; to dis-

sub. see clearly, discern, distinguish cern, distinguish, observe ; to dis-

AJ/U, -6os -ouf, i/, Poet, for ^r,^- to overlook, dtspiae, slight. 1 cuss, examine ; to determine, de-
act, 2 sin. <5ta;3Af ja ? resolve. 2 a. act.
TTJP, or Ceres. cide, decree,

A??w<Ttv, 1 f. inf. act. ofS>j6u) Aia/3Aj;0if, par. of At/3A^0?', 1 a cityrtav. per. pass. Sifyvwfffiat.
At", for Ata, a. of Zciij, 6, g. Zr?i'd? pass, of ciafid\\o).
1 f. mid. o'iayvw(ro//ai.
or Atd?, d. Znvi or At?, a. Zrjva Ata/3o<fw -5, f. - -<5, f- <5ta
(fr. Atay/et'Xeu -i/ffw, (fr.
or A/a, v. Z?, Jupiter. throughout, and ^oa'w to cry) tr through, and ayvuXj; the strap
for throwing the dart) to take
At', also for cia, prep. divulge, publish, proclaim; t<
hold of the strap, prepare to dart.
A7a, and Ion. A7>?, fern, of <57oj. celebrate, cry up, extol, par. per
a ota intens.
Ata, a preposition governing the 1 f.
pass, ciafitftorjiiivos. par. AtoyXttyw, -i//w, (fr.
and the a. with the pass. SiafiorjOdf.
and yXvcfcu
to carve) to engrave.
g. case,
Poets, through, by means of; Ata/3di7To?, -ou, 6, ?;, (fr. last) cele
across, by, through ; amidst, brated, cried up, extolled; fa- (fr. same, and yvwpt^w to in-
to /no&e known, divulge,
among, through, throughout ; at mous, notable, remarkable. Alsc form)
before; in, into; from; after, infamous, notorious. publish.
at intervals, in the course of, dur- Ata^oX?;, -rfc, and Ata/SoXfa, -a? Att. -u?, 17, (fr.
Atdyvwfftf, -to?,
ing ; for, on account because Ion. Aia/?oXf>7, -r)$,fi, (fr. i?ta/3dX to discern) a trial,
of, rtaytvwc-K-a)
f- Xw to traduce) calumny, stan hearing, discussion, examination ;
Aia/Jatvw, 1 f. mid. tiafififfopai, p,
der ;false accusation. a sentence, decision, decree ; dis-
act. &iafii$ritia, (fr. ta through Ata/3oX't'/cd?, -ti, -bv, (fr. same tinction, judgment.
and j3afvo) to go) to go, pass 1 f. mid. of same.
slanderous, false, malicious ; di Atayruffo/iat,
through, pass over ; to pervade abolical, devilish. AtayoyyuCw, f.
-uc*u), p. ctfyoyyv
to stalk, walk with legs wide Atd/3oXoj, -ou, o, (fr. same) a slan tea, (fr. 6t intens. and yoyyi'^w
asunder. 2 a. act. ind. Sitpr/v. dercr, calumniator, to murmur) to murmur loudly,
Aii/3-fAAtt, f.
-aXw, p. oia0i&\r,Ka, backbiter ; an informer, spy ; the complain much ; to roar at. 1 a.

(fr. same, and /JdXXw to throw) devil, Satan. act.

to transplant, transport, transfer ; ;, -ov, o, (fr. fia through
i'-, AtayopEuw, f. -t5<ru), (fr. same, and
to pass, carry over or through ; to and /3op4 eating) eaten up, con ayopi'w to declaim) to speak in
strike, pierceor dart through ; to sumed ; eaten into, perforated public, harangue ; to vote, enact,
accuse, impeach; to calumniate, hollov:, decayed; also eating decree ; to intercede, forbid ; to
slander, traduce, belie ; to cajole, ''770, consuming, rusting, inveigh against.
deceive. 2 a. act. cti 3a\ov. 1 a. Aia/?oXVo//at, f. - , (fr. f
Aidyoa/ifta, -aroj, TO, (fr. Staypd-
ind. pass. per. mid, intens. and ftov\tvo) to consult (jxd
to WTite out) a title, inscrip-
cia 3liio\a. to deliberate, debate; determine tion; an abridgment, epitome,
Aia$f, par. Ata vat, inf. 2 a. resolve, decree, decide. summary ; an act, decree ; a
of haftaivd). Ats.Sji'Xra, -aj, ';,
and Atrtj3ouXtov drawing, representation; afigure,
-if, -tOf, Att. -U)f, ,';, (fr -ov, rb, (fr.counsel, ad
last) diagram; a proposition, theorem;
same) change of place, removal vice ; deliberation, debate, consi a cancelling or discharge.
a passage, ford, bridge. deration.
Ataypa^j;, -J/f, 17, (fr. same) a
-Ttf^W, f. -dffdi, fr. &ia0wtopai or ^ta06voftcu, a ven draught, plan, representation; a
tens. and;3a<rra'sto, which see. unusual verb ; to pass or cros" picture.
-o,-, -}, -dv, (fr. ctaQalvw t over / to carry across, convey f. -t/'w, p. -$, (fr. $t(i
pass over) passable, that may or over. pres. inf. Sta^vvleaOat -tin- and ypa'0o>
to write)
can be passed or crossed over, Oat, or SiafivvtaOai. to write out, copy over ; to deli-

i'.ovvrai, 3 pi. cont. ind. Ata/3<3, -rjs,-rj, 2 a. sub. act. of&a- neate, describe, represent, draw,
3iiovffOat, inf. pres. pass, paint ; to enlist, levy,
write in a
cont. of
AtayyAXu), f.
-e\S, p. $itjyyt\Ka roll; to choose, select; to cancel,
!5w -5, f. -wtrw, tm in-
(fr. ^ta among, and ayy/XXw t<
(fr. blot out, deface; to annul, abo-
tens. and (Itpcu6u to to deliver a abandon a suit at
strengthen) tell) jneswge, bring lish, repeal; to
to establish, secure,
confirm ; toor tell nev:z ; to '"'-lare, an Irm; decline to prosecute.
noiince, publish, diru'lze. 1 a Aypa^o//Fr, 1 pi. 1 f- act. of last.
to avouch, affirm, assure, as- ind. act.
y6o7jK(i (Jr. <5ta intens. and ypij-
AtdyyEX^o, -ro?, rd, (fr. last)
Aiaj3/3A^^fvof, par. per. pass, of message, order; a publication yoof to to watch)
to be broadawake;
o'ja/Jd'AAa). declaration. In watch mgilantly to be very
Ata/3^, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. of f,ia- -ou, 6, (fr. same) a circumspect. 1 a. act.
/3atVw. messenger between parti f?.
Atd/3^a, -o^o?, rd, (fr. liaftalvto toj Amy, Dor. for <*irjy, 3 sin. o )
n. pi. par. 1 a.
pass over) a passage, transit,} cirjyov. 2 a. act. of <5t/fy. act. oflast.

&, f. -t'law, (fr.
same iinpr. StaSos. impf. ind. pass. Aiaofa(, (fr. and fc'^w to set)
and to wake) to lie to set or
begin work : to warp
awake, like the last.

3 sin. pres. ind. act. yarn, set a web, add to the warp ;
a ( fr - &' AiaSwffovai, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act.
to weave ; to
tayw, f. -w, P. #7JC arrange, et, place,
of last.
through, and dyia
to lead) tc

bring, lead or conduct over;

aSiKa6ptvo$, -rj, -ov, (par. pres.
mid. or pass, of next) the plain-
pass or spe/td time ; to lead life, to
separate) separatian,disunion
2 a. act. Att. tiff" or defendant. Aia^vyiov, -ov, ro, (fr. same) a di-
tive, dwell. SiTiyov,
Sir/yayov. &iaSiicdw, f. -ac-w, (fr. same, anc vorce.

/aywyj), -fa, $, (fr. same)

a lead- Sucdfo to judge) to judge, deter- Aid^uua, -dros, rd, (fr. next)
ing, conducting, conveyance,
es- mine, decide, give a verdict, make girdle, girth, sash; breeches or
cort; a station, post, guard; a
a trowsers ; the midriff"; a supply
decree, pronounce sentence. At-
course, mode or habit of life ; Kdgo/jiai, to go to law, sue, bring or magazine.
pastime, amusement. action.

idyw/iw, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. aSiKaala, -aj, /,

and (fr. Sid about, and ^vvv/ii to

Ataj/oiTj, n. pi. par. pres.

act l*b$, -ov, b, (fr. last) a trial, hear- gird) to encircle, begird, sur-
of Stdyw. nS > argument, pleading, debate. round, fortify ; to tie or tuck up.
iayowaw -w, (fr. Sid intens. and f'w
-<5, f.
Sdfa, fr. Sid intens. 1 a. act. Siiltaaa. per. pass. Sil-
to be in agony, and seem, which see.
SoKib) to 1 a. mid. cif^aod^v,
ayuvla agony)' fafffiai.
suffer great pam or anxiety. aSopari^ouai, f. -icrofiai, (fr. Su Az>7f((, (fr. Sid through, and dn^i
aywvigoiJiai, f.
-tffo/zou, (fr. same, with, and Sdpv a spear) to figh to blow) to breathe over ; to blow
and ayww^w witk spears, join battle, combat.
to contend) to strive over or upon ; to blow violently.
obstinately, contend, struggle. AiaSos, 2 a. impr. act. of SiaSiSwpi. 3 sin. pres. Sidriai.
ai,-dcropai, (fr. same,
f. AtaSovvai, 2 a. inf. act. Aidrjaa, Poet, for Sifffei, 3 sin. 1 f.
and Sd^o/tai to share) to divide, iaSo%ri, -rjs, f], (fr. SiaSlvo^ai to act. of Siirjfii.
allot, apportion. 1 a. inf. mid. succeed) succession, vicissitude, A(adtytfOf, -rj, -ov, par. 2 a. mid.
SiaSdaa(r6ai. change, revolution; a relief of of oiariQrim.
AiaSsiynarifa, (fr. same, and oeiy- guard. A(a0p//a/vo), f. -avS>, p. SiareOcp-
fiarl^d) to
to treat with <.ddo%o$, -ov, b, (fr. same) a suc- uayica, (fr. Sid intens. and $cp-
ignominy, stigmatize, make an cessor ; a lieutenant, deputy; a paivui
to warm) to heat, warm,
example of. change of guard, relief. make hot ; to boil, make to boil.
2 a. opt. act.
Auufc/Kvu/iij f. -<5/fa>, (fr. same, '.aSpdicoi, Aiadcppos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. last) very
and SttKMfjii to show) to exhibit, ACO), see in SCOK(J>. hot, glowing, boiling.
to 2 a. inf. Att. -0)f, q, (fr. Sia-
display ; prove, give proofs, '.aSpaficiv, AiaSpd/Jtov- AidQcais, -(Of,
specimens or examples. aa, fern. AiaSpapovrcs, pi. mas. T('0/;//t
to arrange) disposition,

Aiaie^d/jievos, par. 1 a. mid. of Sia-

of AiaSpap&v, par. 2 a. act. o1 arrangement, order ; affection of
Si%o[tai. the body or mind, passion, ail-
, Dor. 2 a. ment.
A<a<5fto?, -oi), 6, (fr. Sid intens. for
fj, SiaSpfjvai,
and Set-ids right-handed) right, inf. of
SidSprjjjii. Ata0f'r?7f, -ov, b, (fr. same) a dis-
on the right hand or side ; lucky, AiaSpdu, f.
-ao-w, (fr. Sid intens. poser, arranger, creator ; a stew-
favourable, propitious. and cpdd)
to flee) and ard, manager ; an almoner ; a
AiaSfOKw, f. -|w, p. -%a, (fr. same, idSprj/jn,
same as SiaSiSpdffKu
seller ; an interpreter.
and SfpKQ)
to see) to see
a. act. ind. SitSptjv, and Dor. AiadfH) -w, (fr. Sid through, and
$f'w to run) to run about, run
see through, comprehend, under- SifSpav' opt. SiaSpaltjv' inf. Sia-
stand. 2 a. SiiSpaxov. Spr/vai' par. SiaSpds, -aca, -dv.
over or through.
-fo//at, p. SiaStSty-
Ion. for ->7f, (fr. Siarldr/m to
AiaSf^o/jiai, laSpy'/anrai, SipSpdffrjrai, f],

uai, (fr. Sid through, and Sf^o^ai

3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of last. dispose) a league, treaty ; a co-
to receive) to receive by succession laSponrj, -?jf,
f], (fr. Siarpi%w to venant, bargain, agreement; a
or through another; to succeed, run about) a running up ana disposition, disposal, settlement;
follow, come after, come into the down ; hurry, precipitation, con- a will, testament ; an institution,
place of; to change, relieve, take the fusion. appointment, dispensation ; the

place of, come mid. AiaSvvu, AiaSvb) or AtaSvo^ai, f.

in turn. 1 a. covenant of grace.
ind.5(^a^v* par.(5(a^rt//voj. -vffofjiai, (fr. Sid through, and :a0/)f,
2 sin. Aa0w/uv, 1
pi. 2
Ata^fw -w, f. -//(Tto, p. -rjKa, (fr. Sid Suva or Svw to enter) to enter, go a. sub. act. Aia&fjcfo^ai, -;/,

about, and ctw to bind) to crown, under or into ; to go or

pass -rat, in 1 pi. 0*7<ro'/u0a, 1 f.
adorn the head ; to bind round, through; to penetrate. mid. of SiariBrini.
gird, encircle; to co?mect, knit, aSi/m, same as last, 2 a. ind. aBptyofiai, -T], -crai, 1 f. mid. of

tie, fasten together; to interweave, SitSw par. SiaSi>$, -vaa, -vv. SldTflttpd).
entwine. -dtrii), (fr. Sid from, and Ata0pt)XXw -w,
f. f. -//crw, (fr. Sid in-

Ata<5/Aoc, -7j -ov, (fr. Sid intens. fSii)

to sing) to discord, jar. tens. and ^pwXX/u to buzz) to
and S>i\os clear) manifest, plain, A(a(/m-o? for <5t(/m'o?, par. per whisper, mutter, speak softly ; to
evident, apparent; open, conspi- pass, of Suri/u. raise a report, circulate a story ;
cuous ; well known. to divulge, publish.

AidSripa, -ar&s, ro, (fr. SiaStw to of Sid intens. and A(a0pv-ru>, f. -^'w, (fr. same, and
A(aaw, f.

encircle) a diadem or white Jillft aw, which see.

Spvirrw to break) to break
round the head; a crown, gar- fr.
Sidfrpat to through ; to crush, break in
d&Tui, (impers.
land, chaplet. weave) it is regulated, ordered, pieces ; to weaken, waste, wear
-daw, p. -a*ca, (fr. settled ; they
begin, enter upon. out ; to indulge in ease and luxu-
om intens. and eiSpatrma. to flee) Aia<tyviJW or -vpi, f. -w, (fr. Sid ry. AiaQp-uTtronai, to prepare to
to fly or run av)ay ; to shun, avoid, from, and fyvyvtitt) to join) to sing ; to make affected prepara-
decline ; to escape, slip away. disjoin, part, sever, separate ; to tions for singing,
For tenses see StdSprjp.i. abstract, withdraw; to '.aidvaaia, fr. Sid intens. and at- reject,
AiaStSufjn, f. -Suffw, p. SiaSfSwKa, cast off", divorce. dvffcw to warm, which see.
(fr. <5i through, and SiSupt to la^cvKr^iKog, -), -6r, (fr. last) dis- A(an'o), f. -avu, (fr. A/a Jupiter or
give) to distribute,
divide, share, junctive, opposite, dissijnilar. the air) to moisten, water, wet,
apportion ; to hand
deliver, over, idev%is, -tof, Att. -so)?, fi, (fr. sprinkle, bedew.
transmit. 2 a. act. ind. SuSwv same) separation, division. ti.iaipif.ai,
Ion. for naipfj), 2 sin.
pres. ind. mid Aatpu -/, *, /coroff^fw -w, f.
-tr^/Jcrw, (fr.
pres. inf. act. of Siatptu. same, and r^w to hold) to de-

Attfor<nj, -to?, Att. -Wf, /, (fr.

next) separation, division ; selec-

tion, choice ; a distinction, diver-
sity, difference.

Ataipiu -D, f.
-rjffw, p. SlftpriKa
(Jr. Sid from, and aJpfw to take)
to cut.
divide, split ; to distribute,
carve; to destroy, demolish;
open, dig, plough; to decide,
distinguish, mark, note. Mid.
discourse, treat of, explain, ex-

pound, elucidate. Pass, to be

dii-idcd, set apart, selected, cho-
sen, par. pres.
mid. Siaiptta
-far, -fovva -ovffa, -fov -ouv.
Atar'pw, f. -Sow, p. Sifipxa, (fr.
intens. and alpu to lift) to /i/i.
rowe up, erect ; to exalt, elevate ;
convey away, carry off; to
open the mouth, gape, mutter
to set off, adorn,
Aiafarw, f. -w, (fr.
Sid through,
and aiffou to rush) to run, rush,
or dart through; to go over or
pass through hastily
Aiaira, *ri$, J, manner, habit or
moefe of life ; livelihood, subsist-
ence ; diet, regimen ; an abode,
residence; a choice, preference;
a sentence, award.
Aiairaffcv, Poet, and Dor. for Sifj-

njvtv, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of next.

Aiairdu -&, f. -fa-cu, p. StSialnjica
and StSifirnKa, (fr. Slaira diet) to
nurse, tend the sick, put under a
medical regimen ; to direct, regu-
late, order, manage ; to arbitrate,

award, determine, adjudge. Aia

to live, dwell, abide ;
rdoftai -G>[iai,
be on a regimen, per. pass. Sc-
la. act. tStairtjaa, and

Ata/rtyta, -aroj, rb, (fr. Siatrdu


direct) manner or habit of life ;

diet, regimen.
Aiairrrn)?, -ov, b, (fr. same) an ar-
bitrator, judge, umpire.
-%, viz.
f,, ri'xyr,, (fr.

same) dietetic, that part of medi-

cine relating to diet.

Aiamao//at -dfiai, (fr. Sid intens.

and airidopai to blame, th. airla
blame) to accuse, charge, crimi-
&iatrwpfvn, fern. par. pres. pass,
cont. of ciairdd).
An<w(a>, f. -iVw, fr. Sid intens.
and aiu>viw, which see.
AMiimu>, -?j, -?, Att. for Sianavi-
ff w, If. act. of last.
f. StaKCKa-
A<a)ca0ap<u, -?ffw, p.

ddpiKa, (fr. oid intens. and K a6a-

to purify) to clean
p'u> perfectly,
cleanse tlioroughly, scour ; to se-
parate, winnow. 1 a. SttKa6dpiffa.
Ata/coOapiw, -??, -t,
Att forStaKa-
1 f. act. of last.
fr. Sid intens. and
AiaJcaprfpw -w,
which see.

AmKareXf/X /"11 '

-fo//a, p. &<j-
5<d intens. /card
icanjXfypat, (fr.
against, and tXfyxta to prove)
to confute thoroughly, convince
forcibly, convict clearly.
otaxa9f!;<j>, and A<a-
separately, distinctly, orderly,

pate ; to break off, interrupt ;

to break up, dismiss; to refute,
Aio^Yopai, f.
-&pai, (fr. same,
in- Aiirpd<r<rw, Att. -rrw, cid in- the bravest, be foremost; dispute
AcairoX/j{ti> , (fr. <5ta (fr.
tens. and TroAfyieu) to war) <o be tens. and TrpaVo-w
to do) to the prize, fight valiantly.

at war with ; to vanquish, subdue. do completely, perform, finish, apx/o -ai,

f. -fact),
p. -tKa, (fr.
complete ; execute, accom-
to intens. and
to suffice) to
AiairoXirtvofiai, f. -evcroftai, (fr.
plish, effect, obtain ; to despatch,
have enough ; to be sufficient for
same, and TroAirniw to manage
or capable of, be able; to last,
the state) toengage in public kill.

affairs; to manage, guide, in- Aiairpdw -w, by Sync, for ciairepdia, endure, hold out.
and Poet. 6ia~p^aa(i>. 2 sin. pres. sub. cont. of
fluence, direct. f.Siairprjffia, aptrjs,
AwTrouTrcuw, f. -i5<ra>, (fr. same, lanperecta, -oj, next) excel-
fi, (fr.
and TTopitevu
to send) to continue lence; magnificence, grandeur, apKJjs, -ios-ovs, o, f,, (fr. same;
in a procession; to proceed, go ornament, decoration. able, sufficient, competent, capa-
on in state ; to escort, attend. ble ; lasting, enduring
lairpeinis, -fo$ -owj, b, fi, (fr. next) ; constant,
AiaTTovAa -5, f- -jcM or -<rw, and choice, excellent, superior, illus- persevering.
A(a:rovo;>(ai -ovpai,
-^tro//at or trious, distinguished. iaoK&Si (fr- last) sufficiently, ful-

-fffoftat, (fr. same, and rrovfu to la-npfiTd),

-ifw, (fr.
cm intens. ly ; firmly, strongly, sup. <5mp-

th. Trdvoj labour) to labour and irpfirw
to become) to excel, Ktarara, most sufficiently.
or /oi7 through; tofinisJi, accom- surpass, exceed ; to be distin- ,
-<rw, (fr. cid from, and
plish; to till, cultivate; to train, guished, apuoQa to fit)
disjoint, dis-
exercise or excel- linite, dispart, take asunder; to
practice by labour; ,iairp7T<3j, (fr. ciairpetTis
to labour, work hard ; to grieve, lent) gracefully, becomingly; separate, scatter, disperse. Also,
be wearied out. 1 a. tremely, excellently, grandly. (fr. <5id intens. ) to compose, tune ;
Ion. for iiair^di arrange, adjust.
pass. ind. SisTrovrjdrjv. wxpfj^affdai,
Aiartoi/qBeis, par. 1 a. pass. Ato* Qai, I a. inf. mid. of Sia apieayti, ->jf, '/, (fr. did intens*
also Ion. for ciatrpdffcru. and aprayfi robbery) rapine, rob-
Trovovfievos, par. pres. cont. pass. Aiairpfjaau,
of last. same as oiairepdw. bery, pillage, plunder, waste.
AjaTnhrioy, -ov, o, //, (fr. aid be- -ovaa, -ov, par. 1 f. , aprd^w, f. -a<rw, p. SifjpiraKa, (fr.
yond, and irdvros the sea) travel- Aiasw/fftrouin, 3 pi. ofoiaTrpt'iffcr same, and upnd^j) to rob) to
sea, a voyager; trans- Poet, for 1 f. act. o: spoil, despoil,* ransack, pillage,
lingbeyond otairpfiaw,
to ravage, waste; to
marine; marine, maritime. Siairpdu), by Sync, for ciairtpdw. plurider ;

Aiairopeveadai, inf.
-pevdfievos, -rj,
Or it is 3 pi. pres. ind. o' shatter, break
in pieces, tear asun-
der. 1 a. inf. act.
-ov, par. pres. pass, of ciano- last. <5iapTd<rat.

pevonai. Aia-rrprjarevfj),
to make a,
discovery, Atappay7V, -;?, -rj, 2 a. cot. pass,
a give information, inform against of oiappfiymiLi.
&iatr6pev[ia, -arc?, TO, (fr. next)
passage, going or crossing over, accuse. tap^a/vw, (fr. oid intens. and
transit ; a road, way, pass. Aiairptw, f. -taw, p. tiiarrlirpuca, (fr. patvta
to bedew) to sprinkle
-tiiaojiai, p. aid through, and irpfw to saw' tifully, shed. Aiappaivnfjiai, to

i, (fr. ^ta through, anc to saw through, divide with flow out, spread into streams,
to pass) to go or pass by, saw; to cut to the heart. Aia- iappaiw,
f. -aiadt, (fr. same, and
over or through; to travel over to grind or gnash the paiw to spoil) to destroy, over-
or through, perambulate ; to de- teeth, impf. ou-pi6fii}v. I a. pass throw, ravage, waste ; to shatter,
part, set out, go on a journey or break in pieces.
voyage, impf. 1 a. Amrpd, (fr. 6ia through, and tao^'w -w, f. -vrw, (fr. same, and
pass. SunopEvOrjv. forth) through and through pfu) to flow) to leak, run
out ; to
-<5, f.
-;/<7w, p. 61 quite through ; deeply, inwardly overflow, overrun, run off*; to
Ka, (fr. Sid through, and aropfw totally, wholly, entirely, altoge flow or run away, vanish.
to doubt) to find no passage, be\ ther. Aiarjvvu, or Aia-
perplexed; to hesitate, doubt f to
Aiairpvciov, (neut. of next) audibly .
;f,' P." btpfafa (fr.

ask, seek, inquire. clearly, loudly same, andpfyvvui, &c. to break)

Aam5p7<nff, -toj, Att. -a>j, ^, (fr. tarpSffjof, -ou, 6, ^, or -to? to
split, cleave, break or burst
last) hesitation, doubt; puzzle, -ov, (fr. <5ta;rop$j.'<j>
to asunder; to break through; to
loss, conjecture; difficulty, per- through) penetrable, permeable rend, tear. I a. act. ind.
plexity^. pervious to sound; penetrating prj^a. impf. pass, otcppqyvvpriv,
fr. Sia in- cJ^ar, loud. -voo, -vro.
Aiairopdii* -5, -j/tru,
tens. and ropflfw, which see. 5td intens Aiapprjl-as, n. pi. -p^avTEf, par. 1
Aioirrafw, -atra, (fr.

Aia7rop0//uw, f. -cuau, (fr. cid and Trraid) to stumble) to stam- a. act.

Atappfjffo-uv, par. pres,
through, and rop0/ito to ferry) mer, stutter, hesitate. act. of last.
, 2 a. inf. mid. of
to ferry, carry, convey over.
-i^w, (fr. same, and
01 f.
f. -fAfl, (fr. same, or oiairtranai. to throw) to fling or cast
and airocT&Au send away) to
to AtdiiT(i)//a, -aroj, rd, (fr. down, throw away ; to .scatter,
send off by different ways, des- to decay) a slip, fall ; a defeat, dissipate, disperse.
patch in all directions. an error, mistake.
failure ; Atdppoia, -as, fj, (fr. biappiu to
taTro^aivfu) -w, f. -jjffu, (fr. Sid tdTrrwo-jf, -to?, Att. -a>?, a flowing, running, dis-
ft, (fr. leak)
intens. aird from, and
ipwvlw to same) downfall, ruin; defeat o, charge ;flux, looseness, diarrhoea,
speak) to dissent, disagree, differ. expectation, disappointment, mis- lapjjvdfitta -w,
f. -rjffw, (fr. oid
ia7rpay/jaruo/u, f. -cvaopai, (fr. fortune, calamity ; loss of lift with, and pvOpbs harmony) to
5to intens. and irpay/taruo//at death. put together, frame, fix ; to make,
to trade) to traffic, negotiate, (fr. <5<o intens. anc to
iairvv6dvonai, form; arrange, settle, regu-
pursue any ^business, gain by n>v0dvo//<n to inquire) to know late, order, digest.
trade. 1 a. mid. 5ijrpayftareiiffd- well, be well acquainted with; f. -tew, Sid through,
iapj>v<a, (fr.
to comprehend, understand ; to and puci)
to ^ow) same as Siap-
Ion, for
CKnrpaOtiv, 2 examine, search into; to ask strict-
ly, inquire, demand. 2 a. inf. AtapffiSy -tos, Art. -U>j, ff, (fr. Siai-
a. inf. act.
Aiairpd6opv, 1 pi.
2 a. ind. act. of oicmipQw. mid.
to raise up) a raising on
a. mid. of
Aiairpafd//vo?, par. Atd7iwroj,-ou,6,>/, (fr. last) heard, high, elevation, exultation; a re-
understood, known. moval, taking away; a cutting
-toj, Att. -w? i, (fr. A<apJOTuu>, f. -EI'CTW, (fr. <5m among, off, extermination.
iiext) a selling, snlr, and dotffTos the best) In be among \anroM -w. f. -^ITIO, (fr. Std intens
and apraw hang up) to ruist
to AiasKiSvtjui,?. -?/(7W, p. oitdKiovriKa,
or lift up, remove, take away ; to
hang up, suspend; to keep in
; to sever, divid(, sepa-
rate, draw asunder ; to break
intemi.pt, cut short; to de-

ceive, delude ; to reconcile, con-


-Vcrw, (fr. same,

Ataprt^w, f.
to reform, renew,
aprifa to fit)

repair, make better ; to make,

mould, form ; to finish, execute,
Aia<ra\wu,f. -svffu, (fr. same, and
o-aAevw to agitate) to shake vio-
lently ; to roll, toss,
tumble ; to

wave, agitate.
Ataro0fw -ffl, f. -rjffu, p.

<f>r)Ka, (fr. same, and oatytis

plain) to signify, in-
warn; to

timate, express; to declare open-

1 a. act.
ty, publish, divulge.

s, -iOf,
Att. -Wf, fi, (fr.

last) a translation, explanation ;

a declaration, publication ; a dis-
closure, discowry, revelation.
Aiaoeiui, f. -daft), p. SiaafffctKa, (fr.
Sid intens. and <7tw to shake) to
shake, cgitate, make tremble;
to insult, injure, treat violently ;
to extort, wrest, wring from ; to

move, wag.
Aiaffi(a, (fr. same, and o-va) to

drive) see <W<rvw.

Aiacrj/jLaivb), f. -SvCa, (fr. same,
a'tVtd to signify) to point out ;
to show by signs, express by sign

or motion.
Ataovtyiof, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and
a mark) remarkable, noted
celebrated, famous, illustrious.
Aid<na,-u>v, T<I, (fr. AiSfg. of Zdij,

Jupiter) the festival of Jupiter.

Dor. for SiatTtyrjao-

1 f. mid. of oiacnyddi -S>, fr.
aid intens. and criydu to be si-

lent, which see.

AiaffKeSddi -&, or
-a<7w, (fr. same
and ffKso'dvvvni, &c. to scatter)
disperse, rout, break up ; to

dissipate, frustrate ; to efface


AiaaKtf.acrfibs, -ov, b, (fr. last) c

dispersion, breaking up, scatter-
AiaaKfirronai, -youot, (fr. same_
and o-Kf'nrojuai to look about) to
consider, think of, deliberate.
Aiacxvda>, -aerw, (fr. same, anc

vKtvd^u) to prepare) to prepare,

provide, furnish, equip, make
ready. AiaaKtvdfynai, to ge
ready, prepare one's self, pack
up, prepare for a march or jour-
Aiaff/cv>), -rjs, fa (fr. last) prepara
tion, provision ; furniture, har
ness, armour, accoutrements
A.idffKt$is, -to?, Att. -sw?, fa (fr
Sid intens. and ff/ce^j? consider
ation) consultation, deliberation
debate, discussion.
same as 5
i, 3 pi. pres. ind, of
institution ; an appointment, or- Sid intens. and
*mg, contemptuous rejection, his- rffo,-, (fr.
dinance a command, decree. which see.
sing off the stage. ; ,

f. -ifa (fr.
Sid intens. Amrapdo-ffw, or -rrw, f. -fw, p. Sia- \i(t>, (fr. same, and rjrpaf-
and to hiss) to hiss off, Sid intens. and vco,same as rirpdw, which see)
<n>peu> Trdpa%a,

hoot, reject
disgracefully, Tapdccu to disturb) to disorder, pres. inf. <5iarrpaimv. 1 f. 2
plode. confuse, alarm, confound; to :rrpavfij, Ion, for SUITS-
distor- to ir-
Aiairvpuds, -ov, 6, (fr. next) embroil, distract, perplex ; Tfcuftis.
1 a. act.
tion; detraction, disparagement, ritate,vex, provoke.
curdpafa. per. pass. Siarcrd- (fr. same, andr?pfu> to keep) KU,
injurious comparison; slander;
di'isyrmus, a rhetorical figure. payuai. 1 a. pass. Sicrapd^djjv. preserve carefully, keep safely ;
-pw, p. SiactzvoKo, (fr. tdraciS, -iof, Att. -(i)j, ^, (fr. watch, observe, mind, regard.
cid intens. and cri'pw
to draw) ciardvu to stretch) extension; impf. oir;/pov -ovv.
a straining or stretching ; an AtartfprjG-i?, -iof, Att. -uj, {,, (fr.
putt or drou; asunder, tear,
lacerate; to take from, lessen, fff'irt, exertion. last) preservation, protection.
Sid for and ri what?)
abate; to detract, disparage,, ca- Aiard<7(7w or -rrw, f. -^w, p. Siarf- Atari, (fr.
lumniate, per. pass ciaci crp- cio intens. and rdoru /or what ? why ? wherefore ?
ra^a, (fr.
to array) to set in order, dis- lariBijui, f. Siadi'iato, p. ciariQtiKa,
and riQqui
pose, regulate ; to array, draw
A-acruw, (fr. cia through, and trvu (fr. throughout,
for ffrfw to drive) to go, pass or marshal; to to put) to set in order, arrange ;
up, command,
to dispose, affect, incline, induce ;
rush through ; to penetrate ; to charge, enjoin; to ordain, ap-
to institute, appoint, ordain; to
pierce, transfix, per. pass, cia- point; to proclaim, decree, de-
and Metath. Sitecv- termine. 1 a. act. Siira^a. 2 a. make', render; to treat, manage.
ffftnuai, by
to frame, enact; to
pai. act. citrayov. per. pass. ind. Am'0//at,
AiaffQayf), -ifc, f,, (fr. same, and dispose of, sett ; to bequeatfi, de-
<r^d^w to cut the throat) a gesh,
1 a. pass. ind. Sirravdriv. par, vise; to appease, pacify, calm,
reconcile : to feel, be affected ; to
cut, wound ; a gap, breach. pt Su
in neut.
Siara^Otig, ia-a%-
?fvra 1 a. ind.
Aid<r$a!-, -ayo;, f/, (fr. same, and i.
pass. ind. citraynv' ;l, bargain, agree.
to divide) distance, space, par. ciaTnyti$. 1 f. mid. Siard^o-
JJ<M. 2 a. act. Siievv. 1 f.
mid. SiaQijcoitai. 2 a. mid. citOt-
interval ; a turning or division P. 1 a. mid. Sural-dptjv. per
For other parts see n'0;7//i.
of a road; an opening, gap; mid. ciariraya. fjLijv.

a canal, trench. , Amrd^ouf, ^.ia- laruf/yu or Atar/ij/ffffo), f.

-(<>, (fr.

and Aiard^;w?,(fr.same, same, and to cut) to cut
and cfiua^iKa, (fr. same, and and rd^os speed) very speedily, through, cut up, cut open,

% Cu
t to split) to cleave, rive, quickly ; suddenly, hastily.
divide, separate, sever ^
n Aiar0?r. by Sync, cianQdi 2 act. Sitruayov. 2 f. act.
asunder, rend for a.
split pieces ; t
2 a. pass, Sicruayrjv.
separate, break off"; aav, 3 Aiar
to cut up or 1 a. opt. :vtD.
pi'. pass.
1 a. inf.
pass, of ciarlQripi. laroiifi, -/jj, 11, (fr.
Sid through,
open. 8ijvai,
same and Tfui-<a to cut) a cutting
t, -5, f. j?, (fr. Aiar0pt)XXj7/t/voj, par. per. pass,
and atr^oXfw to be busy) to fix of c"i'a0puXX'u>. through or asunder cutting.
or appoint for business, engage, Aiaroviov, -ov, ru, (fr. ciardvdi to
to pursue ; tc vos, par. per. pass, of oiaQptin stretch out) a stretcher, clasp,
occupy ; exercise,
be very busy, fully employed. to break) affectedly, hook, loop, button.
act. of Sif^w. effeminately. Aiaron/<i, f.
-o-u), p. StaffizbJKa, (fr, Aiareivas, par. 1 a. act. of and ro^rw to shoot with a bow,
fid intens.and c-w^u to save) to Aiarii-w, f. -vw, (fr. oia intens, th. r6%ov a bow) to shoot at,

keep, present ; to defend, sm-e. and Tcii-ai to stretch) to extend, pierce with arrows; to excel at
to carry, stretch out ; to lengthen, enlarge ; the bow.
protect ; convey, convoy
sifely ; to
d-'iver, rescue, re- to stretch or reach to. Aiaruvo- Aia-opevuara, -<av, rd, (fr. next)
lieve to heal, cure. to strive, exert; to increase turned v;orks ; engraving; em-
; Aiaj-u^ai fiat,
to deliver one's self, escape. maintain, support. 1 a. ind. act, bossment, relief, raised w<jrk.
Aia<ra)0ic, -?tra, -fy, n. pi. mas Strtira. larootvu, f. -tvcu), (fr. Sid intens.
-0fvr ? nent. -6lv-j, 1 a. par
, Aiar&elrc, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind and Toptvw to engrave) to turn
1 a. inf act. of in a lathe, work as a turner ; to
pass. Aia<ru0^vai,
pass. Alao-wc-ai, 1 a. inf. act AmrfX/u -<3,
-jjc-w, p. f.iaTTf\rj emboss, chase, adorn in relief,
AiaevjTto, -??, -y, pi. -c-axri
3 Ka, (fr. same, and rXfw to finish' laropfu -w, f. -?/caj, (fr. Sid
1 a, sub. act. of last. .'crject,
com through, and rop/w to pierce) to
A(ffdKrn, -at, -, 1 a. opt. JEol to persist, per.- bore, perforate, pierce ; to pass
Of Cir.-

Anrayjif, par. 2 a. pis?. !o arrive at,
r '.(iropos. -ov, o, 17, (fr. last) pierc-
55, par.
1 a. mid.
:?r/>.^f, -EG?, -ovf, o, ij. (fr. same ing, penetrating ; loud, shrill ;
&ftai, 1 f. mid. AiaTiftrcuv and rf'Aojthe end) ending, finish bored, perforated. Subs, a pas-
par. pres. act. Aiara^fl/vra ing, effectual, operative; con- sage, crossin <r over, ferry.
neut. pi. par. 1 a. pass. unrendttins-, pert"
. ,'},} from,
97, par. per. p^sp. AiarrXocj, (fr. last) to the

end ',

rtra-^fvat, per. inf. art. uinually, con tort ; to pervert, subvert, con-
found; to turn from, drive away y
Aiarayv, -^?. j% ^ia- -r//w ?
keep hinder, deter, discou-
(fr. Aiarluvw, f. (fr. ( :
through, <iff,

order) a disposition, dj and ran tj to ci:t) to cut .'

mie from or
w?? : cut asunder, out of, terrify, frighten from ;
nance, appointment, in-- divide. to reject, cast nff~.

rank, state, condition. Aiarerafuvof, par. per. pass, of r/rppn,(fr.

Aidraypa, -aroj, ro, (fr. same) a Siartlvds. is. and TOftiu to rear) to-

order, injunction; a decree, sen 'f'vwj (fr. last) earnestly, ', cherish, rear; to
fence ; a command, command* rdentli:. 1

':cep, protect.

ment. '.
-Boi^ui, (

Aiara^K, Att. -EOJ>, -log, ?/, (fr Tticsia. yu to run) to

sanv*) a disposition rv ,
and down, run different ways; to eat) devour; to Aia00apw, -pj, -rj, 2 a. sub. pass.
to eat up,
to elapse, p'.ts.-- away. gnaw, consume, wear away, cor- Aia00fp, '3 sin. pres. ind.
rode, pres. act. sub. <5ia$ayw, act. -tj,
Aja^0tp<i>cov, -c,
Aiarpiftf,, -f/c. /,, (fr. next) a delay, -jlSj -f)' par. Sia<j>aywv. Ion. for
Sifydeipov, impf.
stop, pause, rest ; a staying, a- laQalvu), f.
av&, same, and a00t'pw, f.
(fr. SiaQOtpu, p. SityQap-
biding, dwelling, living at or <f>aivu>
to appear) make appear,
KU, (fr. Sid intens. and ^0/pw to
with ; familiarity, intimacy, in- expose to sight, show, discover, spoil) to spoil utterly, corrupt, de-
tercourse ; custom, habit, man- betray. Ata^at'vo/mi, to appear, stroy ; to despoil, waste, ravage ;
ner, fashion, course of life ; em- come into view, display itself; to to deprave, debauch ; to bribe ;
shine or appear through ; to be- to kill, slay.
ployment, business, occupation; A<o$0j'popai, to be
disputation; a conference, con- come conspicuous. per. mid. corrupted, decay, perish. 1 a. act.
sultation. ind. inf.
SifyOupa' <5ia00tpai.
-^w, p. <5taTfVpi0a,(fr. ia(j)avda, and Aia^aiua, -as, fj,
2 a. act. SityOapov. 2 f. Sia<f>-
Sid through, and Tpi'/fo to spend (ir. last) brightness, splendour; per. pass. ind.
Oapa). SiiyBap-
time) to remain, stay ; abide, clearness, transparency. f^ai'par. Sitfydappivos. 2 a. pass.
be ac-
dwell, live at ; to converse, ia<j>avri$, -10$ -ouj, 6, /, (fr. same) SieQddprjv, per. mid. SityOopa.
quainted ; to lead, pass or spend clear, transparent, pellucid, dia- Aia(f>dopd, -aj, >;, (fr. last) corrup-
life or time ; to wear out, waste, phanous. tion, dissolution, death; the
to de- and Am^>ai5w, f. -era), a debauching, rape a
.consume, bruise, crush; ia<!)avffK(a, grave ; ;

lay, prolong, defer, procrastinate. p. -KO, (fr. Sid intens. and 0dw seduction, depraving, bribing ;
impf. and 2 a. Sitrpifiov.
1 a. act. to shine) to shine forth, dawn, bane, mischief; destruction, ruin,
Siirpi^/a. pres. par. act. Siarpt- lighten. decay.
Buiv, in a. pi. SiaTpiftovras. par. ta<j>fpe<, (impers. fr.
ta00opdis, -to$, Att. -wj, 6, (fr.
pres. pass differ) there is a difference, it
same) a tempter, seducer, de-
tdTpfya, fr. <5ta intens. and rpi%d, differs,
it is of consequence, it
baucher, misleadcr, perverter ; a
which see. imports, signifies. destroyer, despoiler.
, -acra, -av, par.
1 a. act.
ia<pfpi, sin. 3 Ata^fpm, 2
pi. ia00opw -w, Ion. for SiadOdput.
pres. ind. act. Ata0p<fy(voj, pres. inf. Sia&Qopieiv.
Atarpo^/j, -f/?, >], (fr. o -TJ, -ov, par. pres. pass, of same. Ata0e/3w -ai, f. -//(rw, (fr. Sid in-
nounsh) food, nourishment, al- &ia(j)fpovTa, -biv, rd, (neut. pi. par. tens. and 0o/?'w to terrify) to
ment; support, maintenance. pres. of same) the better part ; frighten very much, affright,
tis, par.
2 a. pass, of Sia- differing, surpassing ; superior, scare, drive away through ter-

excellent, best. ror.

Atarraw -w, to sift thoroughly. a0povTu>, (fr. last) in a superior Aia0o"/3?7//a, -aroj, TO, (fr. last)
Atdrra), (fr. Sid intens. and rfrru>
manner, excellently ; extremely, fear, terror, dread, fright; a
to spring) to shoot, dart or spring choicely, rarely. terror, cause of fear.
forth ; to flash, gleam. Atadifpu), f.
1 a.
SirjveyKa, Ato^otrdu -w, f. -tjtrw, (fr. &a
AianiTrdu) -w, f. -werw, (fr. <5td in- (fr.
Sid beyond, and 0f'po>
to through, and ^OITOW to come
tens. and rvTrdw to stamp) to carry) to
carry messages, tell ; to and go) to wander about, ram-
ble, rove; to travel through.
form, shape, fashion; contrive, cwry through or abroad, publish
design; to describe, represent, throughout ; to spend, pass, live Atai/jopa, -as, rj, (fr. Siatytpw to dif-
delineate ; to conform, make or to draw or pull asunder ; to dis- fer) a difference, variation, dis
become like. tract, perplex;
to differ, vary similitude; a disagreement, quar
AiarUTrwo-tj, -ios, Att. -ewj, >y, (ft. from, degenerate, fail; excel, rd ; excellence, superiority.
las*) a draught, representation, surpass; to dissent, disagree, Aia<popfti) -w, f. -rjati), (fr. Sid in-
description, dedication ;
a sketch, dispute; to weigh, consider, tens. and <popiw to carry) same
outline. ponder, revolve; to promote, as Sia<pfpo>, also to tear asunder ;
Aiavalvia, (fr.
Sid intens. and conduce, contribute to ; to bear, to
shatter, scatter, dissipate; to
avalvw to dry) to or 1 a. inf. act.
dry thoroughly, endure, sustain ; to carry off plunder, ravage.
parch, scorch. I a. inf. pass. away ; to finish, make an end
SiaQoprjcai. par. pres. pass. cont.
ciavavOrjvai. be driven about,
Aiavydw -C, and Atavyd^w, f. tost up and down, carried hither
Aia0o"p77//a, -arc?, TO, (fr. last) a
-d<ro), p. Sirjvyr]Ka } (tr. same, and thither; to be famed, re- spoil, plunder, booty.
and auydw to shine) to shine ported, celebrated, heard of
round ia$6pr]cris, -10$, Att. -uj, ?/,

through or o, beam forth ; to about ; to be involved or impli- (fr. same) difference, variation;
irradiate, enlighten.
1 a. act. cated in altercation. 1 a.
plunder, booty. act.
ind; Sirjvyaera' sub. liavydaw, ind. oir'ivtyKa' inf. Sizvlyxai, and Aia(f>opr]rtKbs, -fj, -ov ? (fr. same)
Poet. SuveiKai. 2 a. act. ind. dissipating, scattering, dispers-
Aiavytia, -a?, >}, (fr. next)
SiijveyKov' sub. SicvfyKw. per ing, that tends to break up dis-
mid. Sirjvoya, Att. 5ir)vrivo%a. cuss or dissolve.
ness, transparency.
f. -u, (fr. Sid through, of next) a
Aiavyfc, -foj, -oCs, &, ?/, (fr. <ia<pevyii), Ata'0opov, -ou, rb, (neut.
to shine through) clear, and to flee) to flee or fly, price, reward, premium ; money.
cSiauyda) (f>cvyw
limpid, pellucid. clear off, escape ; to evade, shun, Aid0opoj, -ou, 6, 17, (fr. SicKptpw to

Aiav\oSp6[tr]g, -oj -ou?,and AmuXo- avoid. 2 a. act. ind. Sityvyov' differ) diverse, different, varying,
a dou- -01. 1 unlike, dissimilar various, sun-
Sp6po$, -ou, 6, (fr. <5uu>Xoj ;
opt. Siatyvyoijjii, -01$,
ble heat, and Sp6jio$ a course) ont mid. Sia<ptv^ofjLai. per. mid. Sia- dry ; differing, dissenting, dis-
who runs or dnves to the end of 7rf0uya, for SiaTrt(f>vya. agreeing; surpassing} excelling,
the course and back again. A-.av iia<bVKTiKus, -rj, -ov, (fr. last) cpi superior, excellent, comp. Sia&o-
Dor. for -juan'. to escape, slippery, hard to hole pu>Tpoj.
XoSpopav, g. pi.
Sid through or keep. di-
AtauXoj, -ou, 6, (fr. A(a0dpwf, (fr. last) differently,
and avX>) an enclosure) a rac ^ia(j)>ifjif(j) -to, f. -jyo"w, p. Siairt(}'i- versely, variously ; excellently,
down the course and back again pixa, same, and ^fir] fame)
(fr. completely.
a double heat; the measure o to propagate a report, n Atn0pay7, -ijs, S], (fr. Sia<f>pdoc<i>
length of it, j. e. two stadia; <
abroad, report. to stop up) a breach, gap; a

fondness for coming and going i(actr/^fw, f. -"era), p. oia^0////i rupture; a cut, gash, wound.
irresolution ; a course, succession (fr. same) to
publish, report, A(dd>pay//a, -OTO?, TO, (fr. same)
A<a0dyo>, (fr. Sid intens. and (pu divulge spread abroad. distance, space, interval ; a sepa-
ration, partition ; the diaphragm pour out; to diffuse, spread and ftdiTTu to dye) twice dyed,
the breast, lungs. abroad; to dissipate, efface. double-dyed.
Aia0pd, C -<7u, p. -;^a, (fr.
Sid /?a<pos, -ov, ^, (fr. same) a scar-
intens. and 0pdu> to speak) to (fr. Sid intens. to robe.
discourse on, treat of, explain and to use) to make use Sis twice, and T)
yJMfottoi yaufia, (fr.
reason, argue. of. take the benefit of, live accord- digtanma, an ^Eolic letter, like
Aiadpdffffw or -rra>, f. -w, p. -^a_ ing to, comply with ; to
despatch, an F.
(fr. Sid between, and ^pdoxrw
to kill, slay; lay violent hands yAj/vo?, -ou, 6, ^, (fr. same, and
fence) to hem. in, enclose, fence upon. pres. inf. cont. cua^pacr- tlie
y\fjvri pupil of the eye) hav-
about; to
block up, barri- Qai. 1 f. mid. Siaxpt'tcouai, in 3 ing two pupils. AtyA*yvous wraj,
cade ;
Siaxpjjacrai, Dor. Sia%pi]-
to dam, Jill up. sin. both eyes.
Aia^vay, -aoos, and &ia<f>vti, -?/?, -ou, 6, );, (fr. same, yAwo-ffo?,
fl, (fr. same, and <f>vu
to grow) a^paw -<D,
or and yAoicro-a the tongue) double-
the space between the limbs or same, and ;^pdu to lend) to tongued, knowing two languages.
joints; a cleft, slit, chink, crack, apply to ; to manage, conduct ; AlSaypa, -aroj, rd, (fr. SiSdaKd) to
Jissure ; a seam, joint. to explain, state clearly,
pres. inf. teach) an example; a proof ; a
.i(i$vyoiui, -ois, -ot, cont. ciaxpijiv, also Sia%pTjvai. lesson, warning.
yov, 2 a. act. of Sia<f>vyu). Aia%pri<iOai, Dor.
Sia^pdcdai, SaKriicbsi -')> ~dvi (fr same)
Aia^vAdfac, 1 a. inf. act. of pres. inf. of Sia^pdouai. teachable, docile, tractable; di-
Aiui^iiAdffaw or -rra>, f. -dw, (fr. a'^pCo-oj, -ov, 6, or useful for teaching
r/, (fr. old dactic, JU
&a intens. and $v\daa(a to
through, and ^ptio-ds gold) gold- or learning ; docile.
guard) to
preserve carefully, en; gilt, covered, adorned witii At<5a*rd?, -/;, -dv, (fr. same) taught,
keep safely ; to protect, defend, or dressed in gold. learned ; that may be taught.
take charge of. en-
-IDS, Att. -sws, fi, (fr. Aidaicrpov, -ov, rb, (fr. sained
Aia^uw, f.
-iJc-w, (fr. Sid intens. avtb) to pour out) a spilling, trance-money paid to a teacher;
and a&vd> to pour) to
empty sheading ; diffusion, spreading a fee, salary for tuition.
quite, drain ; to tear, cut or gash abroad; relaxation, amusement, Sdfri, 1 a. inf. act. AlSafr,
through. sport. Ion. for tSiSab, 3 sin. 1 a. ind.
A<a0vw or Aid0v/u, (fr.
c ta be- f. -vo-w, same as act. At^d^w, 3 pL -wen,
a^uw ctaj^fw. -j}Si -J),

tween, and 0vw or 05/xt to grow) a^wpfW -w, f. -jyfftj, (fr. ^ta 1 a. sub. act. A5dw, -f, -ci,
to He 01 be between; to inter-
through, and ^wpf'w to go) to 5-0 1 f. act. Atfafoy, 1 a. impr.
vene, occur, happen ; to grow or Ofer, through; to pass
frare/ act. of SiSdcKU.
arise among or out of, accrue through or away, escape; to Wa^tf, -ios, Att. -ewj, ^, (fr. Si-
from. discharge, evacuate; to expand, SdffKti) to teach) doctrine; in-
Aca^wvfw -5, f. ->}<7U, (fr. (5m overspread, pervade. stn-ction, teaching ; learning,
through, and <piaviu)
to speak) to
a^wpt^w, f.
-tc-w, p. oiaKX&piKa, erudition; tradition.
differ, disagree, dissent ; to dis- (fr.
'<5ta intens. and x w P'^ w to SaeK for SiSaaKc, pres. impr. of
cord, jar ; to be silent ; to faint, divide) to *ewr, separate, part; same.
fail, perish, die. to disjoin, disunite. &ta%(apio- WKdAtta, -uv, ra, (fr. same)
Aia^wovtw, (fr. same, and ^WOTCM Hat, to depart, go away.
1 a. U>ssons, things taught; instruc-
to shine) to break forth with light, act. Stex.uiffd. pres. inf. pass. tion, tuition ; entrance fee, sa-
dawn, shineforth. . 1 a. impr. pass. lary.
Ata^wr/^u, f. fow, (fr. same, and SaffKa\ioV' -ov, rb, (fr. same) a >

0um'u to enlighten) to shine ; -loc, Att. -0) s, f), (fr. Sid school.

upon, enlighten clearly, illumi- intens. and

^du to heap up) an A5aovtaAfa, -a?, %, (fr. same) teach-
nate ; to show, discover, bring to embanking or confining of water ; g, instruction, education.
light. an embankment, mound, dam. At<5d(7/eaAo?, -ou, i, (fr. same) a
Ata^oXow, same as ^cAaw. -arc?, TO, (fr. same, master, teacher, preceptor, tutor.
1 a. inf. act. of Sia%fw. and x^dAAu to sing) a variation Sdfficeis, -, 2 and 3 sin. pres.
Ata%tpw, f. -ftrw, p. SiaK%ipiKa, of the melody in singing or mu- ind. act. AiSdcieeiv, pres. uif.
aid intens. and ^etpi'^w to sic; a mark of a louder strain act. AiSaffKiucv, Ion. and At-
handle) to take in hand, have or of a chorus ; a new part or SavKtuevai, Dor. for 5<5do-Ktv,

upon hands; to manage, con-

division; a pause, stop, rest. pres. inf. At<5d<rm), Dor. for
duct, direct, rule, regulate. Aio- ^la'^cvSia, f. -EVcro), p. pres. impr. pass.
%ipiaouai, to lay hands upon, do (fr. same,
and \pv<lu to feign) to 3 sin. pres. sub. act.
violence to, kill, slay, despatch. deceive, beguile, cheat. &ia\l/ev-
1 a. act.
Si%ipica. 1 a, mid. Souai, to lie; to be disappointed, &, f. -ficia, 1 a. uif: Si-
ind. 5i^ipiffdut]v. inf.
Sie^ei- miss, fail; to mistake. SacrKrjffai, Att. for

&ia$f)<}>iouai, f. -ivouai,
(fr. same, ,
f. -wj p*. ^f3/5a^a, (per-

-ovuai, (fr. same, and ij/T)(j>i%(i)

to calculate) to bal- haps fr. Si an intens. redupl.
and %ip6u> to subdu e, th.
%tp lot ; to vote or elect with pebbles and Sac or ^oiw to share) to
the hand) same as last ;
also to or beans; to collect the votes, teocA, insfrucf, inform; to im-
conquer, subdue, vanquish. give judgment, make a decree, press, inculcate; to show, tell,
make known. be to
Aa^porofu -u>, (fr. Sid intens. enact. ^iSdffKOjjtai,
and p<porovfu> to stretch forth Aiat|/)/0io-i?, -toj, Att, -w?, fi, (fr. taught, learn, acquire, receive
the hand) to vote or elect by show last) a balloting or voting ; an struction. inipf. ffiidaffKov. 1 a.
to give sentence or illSa&C impr.
of hands; election. act. ind. SiSa!;ov'

judgment; to enact, pass an act &ia\pi6vpita, f. -Vo-o), (fr. Sid sub. ^^a'fw inf. SiSdfri. per.
through, and \l/iOvplfa to whis-
or decree. 1 pass.
pass. StSlSaypai*
last) a per) to ca'uitf ~*f-e by whispers in 2
pi. sSiSd^OnTC.
Aiaxciporovia, -as, ^, (fr. -?5a;0>/i'>
vote, suffrage ;
a voting or elec- or insinuf^aons, sla, der privately, -ovtd, -ov, g. -ovroj, d.
tion by show of hands ; a divi- backbite, malign. -OVTJ, n. pi. -QVTES, par. pres.
sion on a debate ; determination, act. of last.
sentence, judgment; an enact- Sid intens. and w to eo to
a^ -n^fh (& same) doctrine;
ment, decree. ''?/ / to clean ; to rest, re- teaching, instruction.
-<rw and tutrw, (fr. Sid i-ool. 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of
Atcr^tu, f. .
through, and %tu to pour)
, -HV, ?>,//, (fr. Sis twice same.
Poet, for SiStdai or 5t- join, appoint, constitute, wdain ; Atti, 3 sin. impf. of ^ifw, same as
Stiat, 3 pi. pres. ind. of to put, place, lay ; to attribute, Sciripi. Or, pres. impr, of
Aior^ii, same as Seia, to bind. ascribe ; to inflict, lay upon ; to Sui/ii. Or, 3 sin. pres. ind.
AiSri, Ion. and Poet, for tSidrj, pay, pay for, suffer, impf. t&i- of Siw, for ttlSw.
3 sin. impf. ind. &u)v, also eotSoov -oui',(fr. diSdii).) uiSrjs, -los -oBj, Att. -aoj, 6, ?/,

AiSdapcv, AiSdaai, Att. and Ion. 1 a. act. ind. ^wva- but in sub. (fr. Sid through, and dSu to see)
1 pi. and Sioovo-i, 3 <5axru>. pper. cctowKciv, and oM- conspicuous, clear; plain, mani-
pi. pres. ind. ofSiSiafju. KCIV. 2 a. act. ind. f<5wv impr. fest, evident.
AiSol, 3 sin. AiSolo-Oa, -<Eol. for cos, in 2 pi. OOTC' opt. coiijv and AidSu, and. Atat'<5w, (fr. same) to

2 sin. pres. of SiSdu. Att. Surjv sub. <5w, -wf, -w' inf. see through, discover plainly,
At<5ot is also Dor. for olSov, pres. oovvac par. <5ot5j. per. pass. StSo- discern, distinguish ; to under-
impr. act. cont. of same. 1 a. pass. ind. eoddrjv' opt.
stand fully. to eluci-
fnai. AieiSopai,
AuSfyn/of, -r], -ov, par. pres. pass. ooQdvv sub. ^o0w* inf. coBrjvaf date, clear up, explain; tc mnJ:?
AiS6/jiev, lo-n. for <$i5oVat, pres. par. Sodefg- 1 f-
pass. ^o0;;o-o//at. manifest, show.
inf. act. of
SiSui/jit. Ai5tDv, Dor. for <5t<5oi/', Ion. for '.etXov, -j, -E, 2 a. ind. act. of

AiSdrw, 3 sin. and AiSore, 2 pi. oiodvai, pres. inf. act. of last.
pres. impr. of SlSufjii. Afe, Ion. for eSu, 3 sin. impf. of AtaA/7/;/m'0?, Att. for
Aj<S/}u, Ion. for tSiSov, 3 sin. impf. 8id). and
2 a. of <?n'<d, for ^a'c^o. vof, par. per. pass,
of SiS6d>. Or, for SiSoao, pres. Aff/?ati/oi',-j,-, impf. bltBijcrav, AiA)?0a,
Att. for Sta\f\rj(j)a, per.
impr. pass, of SiS^^i. 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. ofStaftatvw. ind. act. of <5taAa/i|3aj>u.
AtJot/r, pres. inf. cont. of o<5<5u> &ici3l(3&ffa t 1 a. ind. act. o; A('(/u, (fr. (5i through, and ?/it
AtiSouvaj, Poet, for SiStivai, pres. 8<la. to go) 20 5-0 through or ore?',
inf. act. At'iorat, 3 sin. pres. , -rjs, -r), 1 a. ind. pass. ^ass through ; to run through,
ind. pass. A/<5or, 2 pi. ind. or penetrate, pierce ; to treat,
impr. act. AiSov$,-ovo-a,-uv, g. w, f. -.'/o-w, (fr. m in- course of, harangue, make a
-6vros, d. -<5vr, a. -dvra, n. pi. tens. and yj/uw. to pledge) ^o speech; to go over, repeat, re-
-ovr, par. pres. act. AI^GHTI, redeem, release, replevy a pledge ; late, tell.
3 sin. and AiSovai, 3 to pledge, Sid among, and sip to
pi. pres. pawn, mortgage. Aiy- At/u 5 (fr.

ind. act. of same. to be

yvdofiat -Gpai, to promise, en- be) to be at, with, or among;
A<5<5w -ffl, f. -oio-co, same as SiSwui. gage, undertake, 2c /re upon ; to always, continue, abide, endure.
Ai^pdo-Ku), f. Spdatt), p. SiSpaica, (fr. bind one's self, give security or A(/po. Ion. for 5(i'pov, pres. impr.
to flee) to ^?ee or fly, run bail. of
away, escape ; to shun, avoid. Aie-ydpu, f.
p. dii'/ycpKa, (fr. Aittponai, (fr. /pw Sid intens. and
2 a. act. ind. tSprjv, -rjs, -rj, and same, and to rouse) <o to say) to inquire, ask, demand ;
tSpav, -a?, -a* opt. Spairjv, and raise, excite ; to encourage, ex- to examine, search, scrutinize.
Spq,t)V, -rjs, -77" (5pavaf par. hort, provoke ; to stir up, rouse, A(K/3aAAw,f. -aAw,p. Stcic()f@\T]Ka,

fyaj. all Dor. fr. Sp^i, obs. start ; to call

from sleep, awaken. (fr. same, and K/3a'AXa> to throw
be to turn out from among,
Aifyay//?;, -17?, /% (fr. <5<? twice, Aityd^ojuai, to raised, rise, out)
and Spa%u?i a drachm) or swell. 1 a. act. impf. expel, drive out ;
to fling,
AiSpaxpov, -ov, TO, (nelit. of next) pass. ciriyetadiJtnv.
1 a.
pass. out; to carry, had, conduct over
vdpiffpa, a didrachmon or ind.
fiiriyipQnv. or away.
double drachm, equal to two Ro- A(yp0(j, -eiva, -tv, par. 1 a. ACK/3oA>), -55?, /% (fr. last)
a pas-
man denarii, or about fifteen pass, of last. sage, defile, narroivpass; a pass-
pence English. Atfyp<n?, -to?, Att. -ewj, //, (fr. ing over or through ; a breaking
same) encourage- invasion; an
At5pa%nosi -ov, b, fi, (fr. <5<? twice, excitement, forth, ij-ruption,
and Spaxurj a drachm) wort/j or ment, exhortatwn, cheering; a- eruption, bursting out ; end, issue,
equal to two drachms. wakening. event.

Aifiviuivwp, -opos, b, 17, (fr. SiSvpos AilyvuKa, per. hid. act. Atf j/vwv, ^liKciro, impf. of oidKU[jLat.
twin, and avfip a man) of two 2 a. ind. of SiaytvwcrKW. AIF.KKV--U, (fr. Sid through, and
men.. ,
3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of KKii7rrw to look out) to look out
through ; to see <,hrough,discover,
Ai$fjardAC<Kj -ov, f;, (fr. 5t'5i>^osj
twin, and rforw to bear) />ear-j ,
3 pi. impf. act. of perceive.
ins twins, having two at a! &ic.K6xt}v } 2 a. ind. pass, of <Vi-
birth. tSdcffaTo, Poet, for rntodcr v<5/rr(t).

AtSvuawv, -ovof, 6, r], (fr. <5Wu/*ojj 3 sin. Aiecdairao, Ion. ai;:i AtcK-Af'w, f. -t5o-w, (fr. Sid through,
twin) twin-brothers; twofold.] Poet, for 6iodaii), 2 sin. 1 ;.. and iKTrXwi) to sail out of)^ to
double. mid. of Siaod^opai. .tail by; to sail through, break
AiSvfjtfovca, -tjs, f), (fr. Sldv/w?^ fdfi-c, and Ion. ; to finish afor the enemy* s line
twin) a twin-sister. fiitctii-e,
3 sin, and oifocifav, 3
pi. voyage, arruv, land.
AiSvpos, -ov, 6, >;, pi. -/tot, of,
and 1 a. ind. act. of oiaJ&ttKvvpi. AitK~ Aooj -ODf, -you -ov, 6, (fr. last)
-/xa, T, twice, and Svo
(fr. Sis , (fr. ourim
to pass
a passage, crowing over ; a kr&tcn
two) double, twofold, by 'twos, to the end, totally, entirely, th'i- through the enemy's line ; a voy-
in pairs ; having or being in
rougMy. age ; the e?id of a voyage, arri-
two parts. Subs, a twin, twins ; -OOTO, impf. pass. val; an escape.
?i()6i>r]v, -Sotro,
a pair, fellows ; the testicles. of <5z<$(<5w/<(. AuK-Aww, f. -ii'jo-w, (fr. Si a through,
AtSvp.6%poos -ouj, -6ov -ov, b, '/, (fr. , -a?, -e, 1 a. ind. act. of and sKnXww) same as ?,iKir\t(>>.
and %p6a colour) twin- 3 pi. a.
AifKpiOcv, for SiFKpiQrinav,
last, 1

coloured, of two colours, parti- ifSpav, -as, -a, Dor. ind. pass, of SiaKpivta.
coloured, pyed. 2 a. act. of oid^> Aunpoos -ovs, -oov -ui>, b, (Tr. Sid
AiSG), -ws, -u5, pres. sub. AiSuOi, tfowna, -as, -t i a. . ">d. act. of through, and e/cpoi) a streani) u
JEoL for SiSoQi pres. impr. of pipe, spout, channel ;
a discftarg r,
AiSwfii, f. OUMTW, p. ofouKa, (fr. ^<5w -af,-,act. Aitwadpii', overflow or stream of water.
obs. to give) to give, grant, be- A(- AitKuXvov, -?, impf. of SiaKa-
-a), -aro, mid. 1 a. ind.
stow to present, offer ; to con-
; i/fi'of, par. per. pass, of oia- Auw.
cede, yield; to permit, intrust, vjii. AifXoOov, -, -, 2 a. ind. act. of
give up, deliver into or over ; to i]Vi -ao, -TO, 2 a. mid. Au-
propose, Differ, promise; to cn- t,
1 a. act. of <5(rtT<'07/j. Att\d\iro, 3 sin. cont. impf.
Ai.\a'X<w, impf. ind. ac Avf)'icw, -I??, -77, i or 2 a. sun .
sin. 1 a. ind.
cont. of (5jaXaXf'w. act. of last, see same. mid. of
AtfAauvw, -Xaaa>, p. cn/Xaui, (fi
f. AiVKa, Poet, for iuveyicai, 1 a AifVpuOw, -f, -, in 1 pi. Auirpa-
r"<. through, and >t rw to drive inf. act. of same.
Qoptv, 2 a. act. ind. of SiairtpOu.
to rim armed, invade ; to drit A;iJ'wiro, Ion. "for Aiixpnocov, -5, -f, impf. of oia-
or ride through, penetrate ; pl. pper. pass, o icptiaffbi,
Ion. for
ciaxpdffcia. Or,
run tlirough. itvfivoj(a, Alt. per same of oiaTrpfjaau for c-iairtpdw
-.<v, -tro, impf. i uiid. of ota^ff 3 pi. impf. pass, of
mia. ot
matmu), f. -fcyu>,(fr. &d tlirough
-w, p. &/Aya, (fr and eviavros a year) to /cs* /fe irw, (fr. and fVw
ctd intens. to
oiu intens. and tAf'y%tt> to prove 7,'ear, continue for a year ; to be. follow) to follow up, pursue ; to
rti'utt totally, convince per work, do, &c. the year round. wwfc, act, do, be employed ; to
; t'>
disprove, show to l>
ui'vt'i(tt]v, -ns, -n, 1 a. ind. pass, rule, govern, command,
cen of viavofopai. to manage,
conduct, guide, take
%e i t>
,jdya>, f.
-fw, p. -%a, (fr. f, care of, look or see to ; to
intens. ^ from, and dyw to regulate, lay out, dispense, deal
to pleat!, per. pass lead) to carry, bring or out ; to administer, attend to
AuX/yxo/iai, /rac.', holy
ind. <5o/Acy/ convey away through ; to pass things, sacrifice,
A.eArfv, inf.- transact, ma -uffofiai, (fr. same
out through ; to cpyu^opai, f.

AtfXu, -?;?, -??,

2 a. sub. act nage, conduct ; to conclude and fpydb/*ai to to work
of ciaipiw. jinish, settle, make up a suit. through, despatch ; to finish,
AjXEV0w,(fr. cid through, andfXrf -W >h (fr- ' as O a cw- an end to ; to kill.
6u obs. to tome) see o rying, taking, conducting ; a f.
same, and
-fow, fr.

AtcXcvaouat, in 1 pi. an to provoke, which

transaction, business, affair ; see, or
1 f. mid. of same. settle- rather coiOu.
ufljuslment, composition,
AuX/x^v, -#7?j, -07,in3pl. ment ; issue, event. z, -aroj, TO, (fr. last) an
(rT/c-av, 1 a. ind. pass, oft cid intens. incitement, provocative ;
U^offf<Tw, f.
-fw, (fr. provo-
AuX?/Xb9a, per. mid. f| from, and aiaou to rush) to cation.
-via, -0$, a. par rush out or pciss through violent- itpticti),
f. -tiff (a, (fr. cid inten*v
per. mid. of cifj>%onai. . ly ; to break out, burst forth. 1 and p/<$u to support) to
AuA0?', 2 a. inf. act. Aif'X0w a. ind. act. citi-qi^a, and Dor. fix in or upon, ^npiicofiai, to
-7j, -?;, -2 a. sub. act. of same. lean or rest upon ; to support,
Aif'Aiirov, -fj, -, 2 a. ind. act. of iiceipi, 6id through, 1% from,
contend for.
and to go) to
?^t pass, gc A'.c-p/a<7fa) or -rrw, f. -w, (fr. fid
A(/X*, f.
-Xfe>, (fr. cid through through or over ; to relate, recite, through, and tpiceu to row) to
and 'A<ta> to draw) to draw, put repeat, harangue ; to rey; through, cross, pass or ferry
or tear asunder ; to rend, sepa- K-cigh, consider, revolve. 3 sin. over,, 1 a. act. ind. and
/iri, divide. pres. ind. ciifa
ki^Attio -w, f.
-dma, Poet. lbr^i- itpcvvdu '>,
-jfaw, p.
3 *:c, (fr. ^id
intens. and
pi. impf. pass. fcAafou. pres. inf. cont. cir^Xfiv. tptvidia to
1 f. mid. in trace) to seek, search' out, in-
^u^t^Evcofjai, pi.
AuAoidopof ITO, 3 pi. impf. ind. of XtvadptQa Att%\rj\v6a, -af,-, quire ; to trace, pursue, investi*
owAoi per. mid A<4rX0m, 2 a. in gate. par. pres. cont. cttptwuv.
At/ XOITO, Ion. for OU&OVTO, 3 pi. 2 act. of
cu%ipxofjiai. ifpftrjvtvriis, -ov, 6, (fr. next) on
a. mid. of
liaiptu. interpreter, translator; an a-
Aic\vQr}cav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of fid intens. ff from, and /XtVff" to plainer, expounder ; a soothsay-
roll to unfold, vnfur-.', tx- er, diviner.
), (fr. cid intens. and ZAu, obs. pand ; to unravel, disent^nglf- '.(OfinVEVd), f. -Vffd),p.Oiripllf!VtVKa,
to take) see
ciaiptw. (fr. <5td intens. and to ipprivtvu
Aitpaprvpafiriv, -w, -aro,
1 pi. -pd- same, and ip^^a: to come) to interpret) to
interpret, translate,
1 a. ind. mid. comb or go out through, arrive; to decipher; to explain, expoundt
ficQa, AupapTu-
pTo, 3
solve, impf.
sin. impf. pass, of oia- pass by or thrcagh ; to go through, -
cinppijvtvov, -j, E .
fiaprvpofiai. undergo, endure; to depart, go pres. impr. eupftt'/vtvt, -frw.
&ic.fjLa%6fiT}v, -ov, -ETC, impf.
ind. away ; to go over, relate, tell, -d, -ov, (fr. ^id through,
mid. of ciaf-idvouat. rerite, repeat; to look over, read and ipa the ground) moist, u-et ;
Ai/i0a'AAu), f. -a'Aw, (fr. cid in- slightly. 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. soft, 'yielding; fertile, quicken-
tens. v in, and /3a'AXw to throw) ai. par. pres. mid. cie- ing, enlivening.
to cast, lay, throw in or upon ; to -voo, -vTo,
^tcpptjyvvfir]}', impf.
instil, inspire, impress, ina vai, Dor. for
pass. &ifppna, -as, -, 1 a.
to set on, suborn. f, pres. inf. ind. act. of
Aiiptvov, -j, -c, impf. act. of cia- \iippi\^a, -as, 1 a. ind. act.
-, of
ffocoj, -ov, //, (fr. cid through,
, -, impf. act. from, and bees a road) a cress ^itpXtrai, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid.
-us, -T], 1 a. ind. way, thoroughfare ; an outlet, Aifpj^ccOai, inr.and A<p^d/i-
pass, of ii issue, course, postage; agoing i
par. pres. mid. of
oj, -TI, "oi>,
7^ out, departure, digression ; the ^ifp'yoimi, f. cifnfCGOuai, p. mid.
-w, f.
-rX^<rw, (fr. course of the. sun, a day. &X/?AiJ0a, (fr. ^:d through, and
tens. EV in, and ffi/iirXdu, &c. , -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act. of to go) to ^o or pass
to fill) to Jill up ; to stuff", cram. through or over, traverse ; to go
eta intens. and -, 2 a. ind. a^t. of
A*/iiroA'w -&, (fr. ?, forth, proceed, advance ; to walk
to trade, th. irwAf'u to ret).
about, survey ; to penetrate, enter
sell) to Kell, dispose of;
to trade,
i-i6pate, Poet, for Eifdtoacc 3 into; to run through, pierce 1
J * x "
traffic. 3 sin. pres. sin. 2 a. act. of
ir/ to
transfix ; go over, repeat, re-
imyfiSj P ar ' la- i, Dor. for oiirrovai, 3 pi. late, tell ; to spread abroad, bt
par. 2 a. act. of ci pres. ind. of vtlrrw. knovm.
through, and &ititoptv~o, 3 sin. impf. pass, of Lffpwraw -w, f.
-tied), p. &j7pwri7ita,
obs. )
see ! ;n'pn. and f na<r,iu to

ask) t<> n$k strictly, inquire, de- too years old, for two years, every /w, (perhaps fr. 61$ twice) to
mand of; question, examine,
to two years. seek, search, inquire.
interrogate ; to sift, scan, scruti- iTia, -as, 77, (fr. last) the space ',,~.Dor. for ciCoov, neut. of
nize. 1 a. act. ind. oiripwrijaa' of two years.
par. (5apum'7ffaj, n. pi. -riyo-airej. itrpaytv, for Sitrpdyriffav, 3 pl. -ov, and A/wj, -w, 5, )J,

, -as, -e, 1 a. ind,

act. of of <5ir/uy77i>, 2 a. pass, of Siar- same as
A?*?, Ion. for <5?a, fern, of 57of .
Alters, -tos, Alt. -ws, ^, (fr. <5uVi ,
Dor. for 5ttr/t^fv, 3 A/j/jpa, -as, -E, in 3 pi. Aif'ynpa*-
to transmit) a division, part ; sin. 1 a. of same. AtTiytipTo, 3 sin. imp?', pass.
time or a note in music. Or, (fr. , g. sin. cont.
of ourt'if. Aa'/ypKa, per. act. Ao/ytp^at,
to wet) a wetting, sprin- , -ts, -, or -v, impf. per. pass. Airiylp6r)v, 1 a. pass.
kling, bathing. AifTpi\pa,-as, -,1 and3pl.-a/iv, citydpw.
-av, 1 a. ind. act. of &arp//3w.
1 a. ind.
Ajff/cf<Wa, -as, -, or-ev, oiJpai, f.
-f,ffo(iat, p. ^07-
act. of SiaffKtSdn).
Ajn/cpti'fw -ai, f. -jycrw, (fr. ^ta in- , (fr. (5ta
through, and
AifffKdpiriaa, -as, ~E,
or -EV, act. tens. and fVKoivfis clear) to clear, to lead) to lead through,

AuffKopiriaOrjv, -TJS, -ri, pass.

1 a.
justify ; to decide, determine. gue, conduct. / to declare fully,
ind. AitaKopirifffjiivos, -j?, -or,
See also diaKpivw. recount, relate.
par. per. pass. <5tao"Kopiriuj. uvKpivr/ais, -toj,
Alt. -fwj, f/, (fr. Au'iyr/pa, *aroj, rb, and An/y7ffij,
AiEffrra'pa^a, -aj, -e,
1 a. ind. act. last a sifting, separation / exa-
) -iof, Att. -wj, //, (fr. last) a his-
of oiafftrapdcaw, fr. &a intens. mination, inquiry, trial ; a deci- tory, narrative, relation, account.
and (TTrapao-ffw,
which see. sion, determination, sentence, a. sin. cirjyrjtriv.
Ai EC-Trap J?i', in 3 pi. Au-ffTrapjjo-av, 2 judgment. Air/yt'/aaro, -aavro,
3 sin. and pi. 1
a. ind. pass. Aitoirapov, 2 a. Aicv\a^tofJi.ai -ovpai, (fr. oid intens. a. ind. mid.
Airiyr/copai, -p,
ind. act. Auo-jrapa, ind. and v\afirjs wary) to fear, ap-
1 a. -r<n, 1 f. mid.
act. of Siaairetpd). prehend, suspect, be cautious. pi. 1 a. sub. mid. Airjyov, pres.
Ai<nrao-0a<, per. inf. and
AIEO- &if(j>avaa, -a?, -e, 1 a. act. fr. 6ta- impr. mid. cont. Air/yofy/Evof,
I a. ind. pass, of <5ta- or
-^al)w. par. pres. mid. cont. of oiriyio-
tnraw. 3 sin. impf. pass. ofSta- pat.
Aifffo-uro, for <5j<j-fcrtro, in 3 pi. AtT/Effav,
pper. pass. Aifjuv, -tf, -t,
of diaavw. i<f>f/IJiicrav,
3 pl. act. -ao-av, pper. Att. of citifju.
AiEcrraXrjv, in 3 pi. &.u<JTd\riaav, 2 3 sin. or
pass. 1 a. ind. of
Aiaepioj, -a,-ov, (fr.
a. ind. pass. AtcorEiAa/jqi', -w, through, and ar/p the air) in or
-aro, in 1 pl.A<<rrAa//0a, 1 a. Ai$0apr?v, 2 a. pass. A(erf)0ap/ca, through the air, aerial, airy,
ind. mid. AucraXov, -5, - } 2 high; flying, swift.
a. ind. act. of iaorcXXb>.
0ap/ifvos, -?/, -ov, par. per. pass. Ao70Va>,
otr,9^aio, or Air/0u>, f. cij-
AiEffraws -u>s, -au?a -wcra, -065 -u>s> A(f'00a/3a, 1 a. act. Aif0- a(i), (fr. same, and r)0u to strain)

by Cras. for (SitorjjKws, -ula, -ds, 0op, per. mid of Siacbddpui. to strain
through, sift, dear, pu-
g. -6ros, &c. par. per. act. of Ai^apira/*?7i/, -w, -aro, in 2 pl. rify, rack.
-<rao-0, 1 a. ind. mid. of oia%ti- T/KdvEOV -OUV, -IS,
-lj 3 -f
V, -ESI -, 2 a. ind. act. of pl. -ov -ovv, impf. act. AI>?KO"-
-as, -,
vrjffa, -a//v, 1 a. ind.
1 pl.

, -/7S, --/7,
2 a. ind. act. to separate) separated, divided, act. of oiaKovfui.
act. un-
AifffTTjKa, per. AiloTT/aa, 1 parted, severed ; alienated ; ,
Ion. for 5ia*co-
a. ind. act. of fcfcrqfu. like, different.

Eorpa/i/jfj/osi par. per. pass. ,- Mt'xpijadiJ.rrv, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind. &ir/K6ffioi,-ai,-a, Ion.
2 a. ind. pass, of of )?*cw, f. -fa>, p. ^i7/ca, (fr. 6id
^ lf % w 1-
()t^e), or diaa-xfiad), p. through, and ^KW to come) to
r r ..._s,(fr. last) perverse
Siia^nKa, (fr. 5ia from, and f^o> come or go through, penetrate ;
ly, erroneously ; crookedly,
in a to have) /o to
depart, go away ; to pervade, pass through. AITJKO
crooked manner. go or pass through, penetrate, pai, to extend, reach to.
AIEOTWS, see oieoTawg. pierce ; to be away, far off' or at , -s, -E or -EV, 2 a. ind.
Aif'o-^ov, -ES, -, 2 a. ind. act. of a distance. 2 a. ind. act.
act. of
ifi^ut7/uat, -OYU, -orai, per, pass. Aa/XXarrov, -j, -E, impf. act. of
Aiffw0/7V, -rjs, ->7
i n 3 pl. At<rc50?7-
1 a. ind. pass. Sid through, and W for in 3 pl.
(7av, AiaawBdriv, ifw, (fr. At77/uapr>7Ka, -as -j -affi,
Aictruxra, 1 a. ind. act. of to send) same as octroi,
opt. "rjfjii per. act. of <$ta//apravo>.
Ion. for Si^ov or Sifyao, pres. ir/pi, f. to moisten,
ifa, -/70-to, wet,
- or -v, act. AIE
2, -asi impr. raid. AijWJai, pres.
inf. sprinkle, bedew; to
sweat, per-
fc/tW, -w, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of mid. Ai^ai, Poet, for spire.
oiardaau). which Ion. for ^'^77, 2 sin. pres. ,177/u, (fr. Sid through, and 1^1 to
1 a. ind. ind. mid. of go) to go over, pass through.
Aierapd%OT]v, -rjs, -TJ,
pass, of oiarapdaffb). At^77//i, ind. mid. Ai'^E/iai, or &t>'/vyKa, -as, -, 1 a. act. Air}-
AiET/c^ir;pa^r;v, -a), -aro, in 3 pl juat, 1 f. mid. SiSrjfynai, (fr, j'y/cov, -ES, a. act. of <5ia- -, 2
1 a. ind. mid. of to seek) <o ask for, seek, inquire ;

fr. Sid intens. and to look for, search ; to trace,
pur- AirjvEKtEaffi, Poet, for SiriViwai, d.
which see. sue, pres. ind. 1 pl.
AterlXeov -ot>i>, -as,
- -s -, par. pres. mid. Sifypfi iijvtKfs, (neut. of next) continu-

impf. act. of SiaT\fw. A/oos -ous, -6ov -ov, o, fj, (fr. Sis ally, for a continuance.
AiETfra^aro, Ion. for oiartray pivot twice, and a'u to live) of twc Al77VK77S, ~fOS -OUS, 0, $| (fr. Old
3 pl. pper. pass,
of Sia- lives, with two means of living, through, and r;vKi;s extensive)
amphibious ; double, two-fold. continual, constant, perpetual ;
tTfjOtOV -OtIV, -*S,
-S At^uyos, -ov, and A/t>, -Syos, o, lasting, durable ; Continued, ex- /.

impf. of Siarrjpiia. (fr. same, and t>yds

a yoke} tended.
iTT)pls, -tSos, fit (fr- ext) same yoked, harnessed or working ii [77VEKWS, and AtTjvwtws, (fr. last)
as Sifria. pairs ; drawn by two horses, twi perpetually, continually, constant-
, -tos -ous, o, ft, (fr. <5is
twice abreast; double, twofold, tvnce ly ; without intermission.
and eras a year) o/ two year* as much. 17/vE/uof, -ov, 5,#, (fr. Std through,
and dvtpos the wind) exposed to arrive at; to go through, pierce, . -tof, Att. -efcs, 6, {,1

wind, airy, lofty; carried penetrate ; to ge over, otVato? just, and roX/w to

the (fr.

away by the wind, light ; fickle, plain ; to extend, reach to, stretch practise, or ir6\is a city) prac-
vain ; swift as the wind, quick, along. 2 a. mid. tutKdftriv. par. tising justice, dealing equitably ; '

nimble. pres. mid. jicfirmfptM; -ovfitvos. the city of

justice, a just state.
1 a. pass* Of Ainrmrc, -ios -ovs, b, fa (fr. Aio? g. iKaios, -a, -ov, (fr. Slier} justice)
of Zcvs Jupiter, and Trrrrw to just, upright, righteous; inno-
3 sin. impf. act. fallen from Jupi
Ai?voty or -ytv, fall) cent, harmless, guileless ; worthy,
-s. or -tv, act. sky ; deluged, flooded, ovcrflow- meritorious, even.
Au>otfa, -as, deserving ;
3 pi. -Sifc-ai 1

equal, fair ; competent, capable.

AtTjvor^flj/v, -vs, -1, ,

Sid through, and 7r-

pass. 1 a. of Itavoiyu. inrt][ii,'(fr. comp. cucaidrepos, sup. -6raros.
Atij^E, Ion.
for iu'ii^t, 3 sin. 1 a. rrjfii
to fly) to fly through, pierce, AtKaioavvr], -ns, %,
(fr. last) justice,
act. of otaiffffw. penetrate. equity ; righteousness, correct-
Ai^TrtJpwv -ovv,
-tts -tis-i -EI, '.tffravai, pres. inf. ness, upright dealing.
impf. ind. Ai^Tro'pfjKa, per.
act. / Aivaidw -w, f. -wffw, p. ftSiKafoicc,
mid. AuVravw, to orrr/Jt to justify, declare in-
ijiropa,per. of<5ia:ropfu). (fr. next) o^ (fr. same)

1 a. ind. act. irreg. of interrupt, put an end to ; to di- nvrtnt, absolve, acquit; to make
', separate. jusl, mis, acknow-
AtJpf7//ai, -<rai, -rat, per. pass. AUOT///II, f.
p. mfartjKa, ledge pure, pronounce holy, ac-
'AiTiprififvos, par. per. pass, of (fr. apart, and iimj/ti to
cept ns innocent ; to judge, con-
stand) to distinguish, mark se- demn, sentence, punish. Aucaio'o-
At)?0r;>, -0 -ovj, 6, ^, (fr. <5tj twice, parately, put apart, part, dis- fiat -oifj.ui,
justify one's self,
and f>o-c-u
to row) a stop tnVA join ; to put between, cause dis- ite his own conduct, as-
too tiers of oars ; a biremis, Lat. sention ; to withdraw, separate, sert his own innocence; to be
At*7j}/x^vvov, -j, -, impf. ind. remove ; to stand off, be at a dis- mulcted, fined or punished ; to
^iyp/jt>'/vivKa, per. act. ofcuptirj- tance; to differ, quarrel, disa- be acquitted or discharged, pres.
VCl'd), c . la. act ind. citarrjca- inf. SiKaidtiv -ovv par. ciicaiouv

1 a. ind. act. of
<5iap- par. otacrijaas. 2 a. ind. Stta- -&v. impf. tc-ticaioov -ovv. pres.
fdfyt. rrjv. pass", inf. ciKai6co-6ai -ovcrdai.

&trjpXQt]v, -ns, -n, 1 a. ind. pass. it(T^vp*^o^ai, (fr. eta intens. and per. pass. ind. ccciKaiwpai' par.
of cuipytD, fr. ia intens. and to corroborate) ti
lajfrspi^ofjiai oe^tKaidiftfvos,
1 a. pass. ind.
which see. affirm confidently, assert firmly, toiKaKaOrjv' impr. oiKai&Qnri'
Atr/pyiJuT/i', -ov, -TO,
3 pi. -yovro, maintain, impf. sub. oiKaiwQu. 1 f. pass. ind.
impf. mid. of <5up^o//at. -OV, -TO.
Aif/ffav, and ottjicav, Poet, for itu- , per. inf. pass, of ciin-fo- AiKai<i)9rjT<i>, impr. 3 sin. Aiicatto-

'<rav, 3 pi. 1 a. ofciupi. pa 0d5, -ys, -TJ,

1 pi.
-w//v, sub.
Alnrai, 3 sin. sub. pres. mid. of Ai'*:a, -as, a, Dor. for Sim- ^iKaitadrjvai, inf. Acfcatudtv-
o/w. ^iKdLfLtti', Ion. and rts, n. pi. par. 1 a. pass, of last.
AinrSro, 3 impf. ind.
sin. cont. .<ol. for ^t*ca^iv, pres. inf. act. AtKauo|<a,-aTOj,rd, (fr. same) jus-
mid toiairnca, 1
Aifirrjffa, for At*.-a'ttr0ai, pres. inf. pass, o] acknowledgment of in-
a. ind. act. of hairdo). AtATrt^u;, f. -uffii), (fr. CIKTJ nocence; a sentence, judgment
Ai?^w -w, (fr. ota through, and to try, judge ; to determine, de- of acquittal or condemn'
nXfw to sound) to resound, re- cree, sentence ; to litigate, go to righteous judgment or appoint-
ec/io, reverberate. law. par. ^pres. act ment ; law, precepts, ordinances ;
At0aX<zcr<7oj, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. Sis twice,
pass justice, equity, impartiality ;
and the sea; between Ai/cai', for cixaia, see ciKaios. righteousness, uprightness ; a
two seas, washed on each side by AiKa/a, -as, n,Poet. for OIK*. claim, pi. n. ciKaiwftara, d. Si"
the sea, where two seas or cur- iKauvfjiai, Dor. for ciKaiovfiai,
rente meef. pres. ind. mid. cont. of e (fr. StKaios just) justly,

At0vpap/3o7rouw -w, f. -ifau, (fr. & equitably, impartially; upright-

Ovfint$os dithyrambic, and u-oifw AiKaiofoala, -as, fi, (fr. oixr) justice ly, correctly ; honestly, fairly ;
to and to give) the distribu- of right, with reason,
make) to compose dithyrambics Sloujjii
or odes in honour of Bacchus. tion of justice; legal authority nk-aiiaeis, -toj, Att. -Wf, j^, (fr.
&idvpafjL@oirotT]T'tKri, -rjs-i % viz. extent of power, jurisdiction. ciKatow to jtistify) justification,
Tf%vr}, (fr. last) the art of or ta- iKaiof6rns, -ov, 6, (fr. same) a righteousness, uprightness ; law,
lent for composing dithyrambics. dispenser of justice, magistrate, judgment, sentence, a. sin. ti
Aidvpanpotroda, -as, fj, (fr. same) judge; a lawyer.
the composition of dithyrambics ; AncaidtaOc -ovffOc, pres. mid. ind. -V, -dv, (fr. Slicri justice)
the dithyrambic style. or impr. of cixai6u. relating to law, justice or their
Af#vpa///3o?, -ov, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. or forms, forensic, judicial ; lawyer-
6, (fr. SlGvpos AtKaioi",
twice opening, and opt. act. of same.
tpj3aiv(a to like, tedious.
enter) an epithet of Bacchus ; a AtKatoKfHffi'a, -as, /, (fr. olicaios up- iKavbs, -ov, b, (fr. same) a plead-
kind of verse used in his praise. right, and icpivia to judge) a just er, advocate.
Ait, d. ofZaj. sentence, righteous judgment. iKdpnvos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. Sis twice,
AiicaioKpirns, -ov, 6, (fr. same) an and Kapnvov a head) double-
Aifft, sin. pres. or impf. ind. of
same as upright judge. topped, having two heads or sum-
Aittyit, f. dtrjoij), p. c'uiKa, (fr. eta Ai/cotoXoyrw ->, f. -/jaw, (fr.
same, mits.
through, and iijpt to send) to and Xfywto speak) to plead a
A/Acas, a. pi. of Slier).
send through or over, transmit, cause, litigate, contend at law; '.Kdffnsj -y, 2 and 3
sin. la. sub.

transfer ; to stretch out, extend ; to reason, argue; to accuse, act. AtKdffvai, Ancdfftrei,
to dismiss, send away ; to lower charge ; to defend, maintain. Poet, for ciKdaai, 1 a. inf. act.
let down. par. 2 a. act. ^u/j
AiKa<oXoyfa, -as, r/, (fr. same) and fsiKdati, 3 gin. 1 f. ind. act.
par. per. pass. Suifiivos. For pleading, litigation, going to law; of oticd^w.
tenses see "r?/n. a ckaage; an allegation, plea, iKatrta,-as, (fr. Siicri
>'/, alaw-strit)
Att*rvo/jat -ovfiai, f.
-il-opai, p defence. a law-suit, litigation, law, con-
-tyfiai, (fr. same, and hviopa A/Jcaiov, -ov, TO, (neut. of CIKCHOS tention.
to rome) to cnme (n. ^rt tlirnuh just) justice, what is just. >.Kdairo\os, -ov, o, (fr. fUri) law,
dild iroXtiD to practise) one con- -w, -//ffw, (fr. same, and
for which, wherefore, therefore,


versant in the law; a judge, Xf'yw to speak) to say the same

for that reason or caute, there-
magistrate, king, prince. thing twice, repeat, reiterate. upon.
AiicaaTripiov, -ov, Tb, (fr. same) a AiXoyjs, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and Aioycvris, -tos -<%, b, Diogenes, a
law-court, justice-seat, bench Adyoj discourse) speaking two man's name.
tribunal, judgment- seal. languages; double-tongued, de- Aioyevris, -f'oj -oSf, 8, f,, and Ajty-
-ov, to ceitful. Vf)TOS, -OV, 6, ^, (fr. Aldf, g. Of
AiKaffrfjs, 6, (fr. SiKatyj)

judge ) a judge, arbitrator, um- At'Ao0oj, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and Zd>s Jupiter, and yfvopai to be)
pire ; an avenger, punisher. \6<f>o$ a crest) having
a double Jove-descended, born of Jupiter ;
AiKaffTtKbs, -r), -bv, (fr. same) ju-
crest or plume ; having two noble, generous ; of high rank, of
dicial, legal, forensic.
crests. ancient family .

AiKdu) -w, (fr. SUrj justice) same , -wv, ol, (fr. same, and AioStvcavTcs, n. pi. par. 1 a. act.
a sword) with ; of
AtKtXXa, -T)$, ft , (perhaps fr. Sis swords apiece, AioSetid), f.
-cvffto, p. oiuiSevKa, (fr.
intens. and KfXXw to move) a /jicpfis, (fr. same,
-tos -ous, b,
Sid through, and boevu to travel,

spade, shovel, mattock.

and a share) in two parts,
th. b6b$ a road ) to take a jour-

AiKt\\iTr)s, -ov, b, (fr. last) a la- composed of two parts ; having ney ; to travel or pass through ;
bourer, digger. some parts double. to go along with, travel in com-
also AiKfpws, in two parts, with.
AiKfpctos, -ov, b, j/, l*.tp&(, (fr. last) pany impf. SiuScvov. 1 a.
-w, Ai- double ; in two ways, act. &i(b&tvGa.
6, Aiicepos, AiKtpaios,
Ai- TO, (fr. Sis twice, Aiocoitropiw -w, f. -^trw, (fr. next,
Kpaios, AiKpaipos, AIKOOOS, perpov, -ov,
Kpovs, -ov, b, f/, (fr. ois twice, and//frpov a measure) the quan- and Trdpd) to pass through) to
and Ktpas a horn) with two horns tity of two measures, double mea- travel, journey ; to pass over or
or prongs ; forked. sure. through.
AiKi(/>a\os, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and w, f. -avw, (fr. Sid by, and AioSos, -ov, fj, (fr. Sid through, and
*0aXj) tne head) double-headed, the cheeks) to signify, bobs a road) a passing, removal ;
having two heads. make signs with the lips, &c. a passage, pass, road, ferry ; a
AiKrj, -qs, f], justice, rectitude, to make grimaces, distort the passport.
equity ; law ; an indictment ; an face. A50v, (f. Aids, g. of Zcv$ Jupiter)

action, suit, ; a judgment,

cause ipiTpov, -ov, TO, (fr. S"is twice, and from Jove.
sentence ; punishment ; retribu- fjiiTpa
a headband) a double tur- w, f. -fw, (fr. Sid intens. and
tion, avengement, vengeance; a ban, fillet ; a double bandage or o/yw to open) to unclose, set
right, privilege; custom, way, open, throw open, open wide.
irianner ; lot, condition. O'IKTJV Si- and juva'a
ipvius, Ion.
(fr. same, Aioioaivw, f. -avtS, and Aioidtn) -5,
S6vai, to suffer punishment. SiKqv a mina) for or worth two mince. (fr. same, and otSaivu or oiSita

iLioipia, -cis, fi, (fr* same, and uoi-

to swell ) to swell out, rise
Xa/?( v, to inflict punishment. up ;
AlKtjv, (a. siho of viz. Kara, a share) a double portion,
to break out.
last) pa
in the usual manner, according twice as much. AtoiKcw -w, f. -r,a(j>, p. oiutKrjKa,
to custom, usually. Aivdo-e, Ion. and Dor. for eSivriae, and Seti&KrjKa, (fr. same, and
AiKriffis, -ios Att. -wj, fj, (fr. same) 3 sin. 1 a. act. Aivifitv, Ion. ot>cfw to dwell) to direct, rule,

punishment, vengeance. and Aivfyevai, JEol. for Si- govern; to arrange, regulate,
AIK\IS, -tSo$, fj, (fr. 3ls twice, and vilv, pres. inf. cont. of Sivfta. order; to manage, administer,
xXeld) to shut) o double or fold- veveaK*, Ion. and Apos. for eSi- conduct, provide for; to live apart,
ing door. vcvcffKe, impf. of SivevfffKU), same reside separately, pres. impr. act.
a law- as cont. diolKti. 1 a. inf. act. &oi-
AiKoypa<j>ia, -as, t'i, (fr. Siicn
suit, and ypd^to to write) an vuto, (^Eol. for next) to wander Kfiffat. 3 sin. pres. pass. cont.
account of lawsuits ; a case, re- about, stray, ramble, SioiKeirai. 1 f. mid. oioiKfjao-
.vlit) -w, f. -jjffto, p. SeSlvrjKa, (fr.
port. fteti.

and AIKOQV^OS, -ov, b, next) to move circularly, turn AioiKtjais, -10$, Alt. -coj, J7, (fr.
fl, (fr. Sis twice, and Kopvpfios or round, wheel, whirl; to roll, last) rule, government; manage-
KopvQri a summit) double-topped, toss, tumble, wallow;
to shake, ment, housekeeping ; a jurisdic-
with two peaks or summits. wag, brandish ; to go round tion, province.

AiKpavos, -ov, b, (fr. Sis twice, and about, survey. AionajTris, -ov, b, (fr. same) a
Konvov a head) double-headed, Atvrj, -ris, fi,
a whirlpool, eddy, vio- ruler, governor; a superintend-
having two heads ; a fork. lent stream, rolling torrent ; rage ant, overseer, steward; a ma-
AinTauvov and Aocra/iov, -ov, Tb, of the sea, a gulf; a whirl or nager, housekeeper.
and AiKTapos, -ov, fj, (fr. next) eddy of wind, whirlwind; a Afo<Ac<w, f. -la
a, p. SiuKiKa, (fr.
the herb dittander, dittany or storm. Sid throughout, and OIKICU to
garden-ginger. vrjus, -taaa, -tv, (fr. last) whirl- build) to break up or dissolve an
AiKTr), -ris, >i, Dictt, a mountain of ing, eddying; surgy, billowy, establishment, separate, divide a
Crete. raging, foaming ; winding, turn- settlement, disperse the mem-
A'IKTVOV, -ov, Tb, (fr. SIKW to cast) ing ; shifting, fickle, changea- bers, settle them at distant inter-
a net, seine. ble. vals ; to disfranchise.

AiKTv6o> -w, f. -wo-to, (fr. last) to Aivtjrbs, -rj, -ov, (fr. same) turn- AIOIKOVVTUS, a. pi. cont. par. pres.
fish with a net ; to entangle, en- ing, whirling; rolling, gliding.
to make net-work, Aivbs, -rj, -ov, and AivuStjs, -eoj
trap, ensnare ; -jam, (fr. Sid in-
toiffTptu -w,
work or lattice. -ovs, o, fi, (fr. same) full of ed- tens. and oiffTOfia to suffer the
Afeto, to cast, fling, throw; to dies, whirling, rolling, foaming. sting of a gadfly, th. the o'tarpos
throw or cast down. f.
-too-w, and Alvw,
gadfly) to distract, set mad, agi-
AiKuiria, -as, fi, (fr. ois twice, and revolve; to
-vcD, tate, harass, as by a gadfly; to
to whirl, roll,

K'oirri an oar) a pair of oars; turn, work at a wheel or lathe. possess, deprive of sense.
rowing with two oars. AivwTbs, -fi, -ov, (fr. last) turned ioiffw, 1 f. act. of SiaQtpw.
in a wheel or lathe, round ; ver- AioK\ci>s, -rjos, b, Diocleus, a man's
jj/ma, -aTos, TO, (fr. Sis twice,
and X?j^/ta a hold) an argument satile, that may be turned or name, a. AioK\rja.
equally conclusive on contrary rolled, rolling. AioK\r]s, -tos -ovs, b, Diodes, a
suppositions. a dilemma ; a diffi- At&s, -i], -ov, Ion. for Siavos. man's name, a. AIOK^CU.
culty, perplexity. Aib, (fr. Std for, and 8 which) Aio\iadriivto, and AIO) itrfl/o) -w, fl
-t'lau, (fr.
Sia through, and o\iff' _ r -,_,
-tew, p. ctwpiKa, (fr. did AiirAdfw, f. -avu, p. -oxo, (fr,

6tu to slip)
to slip through or to
bound) to intens. and bpifa
next) to be double, consist of two
separate, divide; to define, de-
by ; to steal away, go off" private- parts; to double, fold.
avoid. scribe ; to mark out, limit, cir- A<VAa, -a*ros,
ly ; to escape, fly, shun, 6, fh (fr. fo twice,
AidAov, (fr. ha through, and 3Ao?
cumscribe ; to determine, settle, and rAa^ a crust) double, two-
the whole) it-holly, totally, en- decide. fold, consisting of two parts, con-
tirely, Ai6piv[ta, -arost TO, and tained in two &c. Aiopitr^o?, crusts, shells, ;

AidAAu/u, or AioAAuu,
f. <5joAf<7w, -oD, b, (fr. last) a distinction, a c/oa/c, either thicker or
(fr. cia intens. and dAAfyi to difference, diversity ; a mark, than that usually worn.
perish) to destroy,
ruin ; to give note; a definition, description; Aj7rAa<7i'w, f. -ao-w, (fr. last) to
up, abandon, forego. &i6\\vuai, bounds, limit, boundary. double ; to fold ; to do
to utterly, be totally un- Aidpo^ov, see repeat, reiterate.
perish oiwptxftov*
done ; to decay, fall to pieces. AiopSyfj, -rjst f/t (fr. ciopvccu to irAaor'acT/a, arog, ro, and At?rAa-
per. ind. mid. (ScdAwXa. 2 a.
ind. dig through) a ditch, trench, <riao-//oj, -ov, b, (fr. last) a dou~
mid. <5twAfyj?v. breach ; a digging, excavation ; a bling ; a folding ; a repetition.
Ato/i^, -;?, fi, Diomedt, a wo- digging
through ; breaking into. A7rAa<T!oj, -ov, and AurAaoiwv,
man's name. , 2 a, inf. pass, of 10- -ovoj, b, {>, (fr. 6iir\aj- double)
Av//&7?, -tog -ovs, b, Diomedes, a double, twofold, twice over, twiee
man's name. Atdpvypa, -aro?, rb, (fr. same) a greater.
Atdftvvftt, f. <5<o//w<rw, or mid. Ai- ditch, trench, pit ; an excavation ; Ai-A^, (fr. ctxMos double) doubly,
onrvfiai, f.
Siofiovfiai, (fr. <5d in- a perforation, opening, breach ; a twice as much.
tens. and dfjivvfii to swear) to window. Ai7rA;;o-ios, Ion. for cirAao-ioj.
take an oath solemnly, swear po- ,
3 pi. pres. ind. of AirAoff, -icos, fj, (fr. next) a dou-
sitively. or -TT(J), f. -cw, p. oiwpv- ble woollen coat; a dress either

Aiov, A/e, Ion. for ittov, 1 sin. and (fr. eta through, and opt ecu thicker or larger than usually

3 sin. impf. of <5iu. to dig) to dig or break through ; worn ; a priesfs vestment ; a
A?ov, a. sin. mas. of c7o?, -a, -ov. to
excavate, perforate; to make waistcoat, doublet, inside coat; a
AiovvVia, -wv, TU, (fr. Aidii'ffo? a passage, dig a canal through ; cloak, robe.
the festival of Bacchus. to examine, scrutinize. 1 a. act. AiTrAdo? -o?j, -dj; -j), -dov -oSv, (fr.
AIOJ-VO-JOV, -or, ro, (fr. same) the ciupv^a. 2 a. act. fio'ipvyov. per. as twice) double, twofold, twice
temple of Bacchus. pass, fiiwpwyfiai. 2 a. pass. ind. as much.
Atovi'jio?, -ot', 6, Dionysius, a oiutpvynv' inf.
oiopwyfjvat. &i-\6Ttpov, (fr. last) doubly, twice
man's name. os, g. of Ziiist d. Ait, a. At'a. more.
- a -or,
Aidvuffo?, -ov, 6, (fr. Aid? g. of Zcv? A?o?, , (fr. last) descended AiTrAdw -w, f.
-wcra>, p. C^jrAwr a ,
Jupiter, and Nvtrc-^ a mountain, or derived from
Jupiter, of Jove ; (fr. same) to double, repeat, do
city, or nurse of Bacchus) divine, heavenly
excellent, ; su- twice, make twice as large; to
Bacchus. perior ; noble, of high birth. increase, enlarge ; to fold. 1 a.

Aidrrp, (fr. fia for,, and bano ivaniiTos, ~ov, b, i', (ir. same, and impr. act. c:VAaroj', in 2 pi. diir-
winch) for which, wherefore, dio<i>ni to give) given by Jupiter ; Awe-art, per. pass.
therefore / by all means, espe- granted by heaven ; celestial, Ai:rAw//a, -aroj, TO", (fr. same) a
cially. awful. charter, edict, letters patent, tes-
Ai07rrrr)c,^-/o? -ovs, b, fit (fr- Aid?, lofftjiiia, -uiv, T(i, (fr. A<o? of Ju- timonial, public deed ; a large

of Ztis Jupiter, and

. TTI'-TW to piter, and c-f/pia a token) omens pot or vessel ; a kind of still or
fall) fallen from Jupiter, come'* from Jupiter ; signs in the digester.
down from hearer:. To tio-erfs,' heaven*. At-ot-f,
<5o?, 6, ft, (fr. Si S twice,
viz. dya\ita, </(e sta/i/e wfoVA AlOffKOpll'dtOV, g.
Of and ;ro5f a foot) two-footed, bi-
came doirn f^om Jupiter. Aioffrovpoi
or Aido-Kopot, -u>v, ol, ped.
Aiorrfuw, f. -t'<7u), and Atdrrro^at, (fr. A'td?
of Jupiter, and KOVOOS or AirpoVuros, -ov, 6, f,, (fr.
--^-o/iat, (fr. <5ta intens. and
Kopns a child) sons of Jupiter,
and -apdcta-ov the face) having
dirro// to see) to see, discover or Castor and Pollux. two faces or /teocfe, double-faced,
perceive fully ; to vitw, observe, Aitrt, (fr. ota for, and 6'o-n? what) two-fronted.
consider; to look after, attend wherefore, therefore, for, because; Afor, -v^oj, 6, j^, (fr. same, and
to ; to examine, search,
try. for what? why? Trrrffffto to fold) double.

Aidrrpa, -as, ^, (fr. same) an in-

Aiorpc^fto'O'i, Poet, for t'.o-roidxffi, AfVrv^a, (fr. same) doubly, twice;
strument for taking distances d. pi. of for two reasons.
and heights; the eye-glass or A(or00?)f, -tos -oP?, Aid? A/-rvv
6, ?/, (fr. <r, -or, 6, f,, (fr.
same) dou-
sight of an instrument ; a tele- of Jupiter, and to ble, twofold;
rp^w rear) ' twins, matches,
scope. instructed, reared, raiser!. fellows.
Aiopaw -w, f. -ao-o), (fr. Sia through, by Jupiter ; heaven-protected ; A/p*:a, -a?, a. Dor. for
AipKrj, -t)$,
and bpdw to see) to look out, see noble, renowned. a fountain, spring, well.

through. iovpr)T*iK(>s,-ri, -bv, (fr. cia through, oKala or Kp*ai'a, -as, rj, the name
Arop0otyai, pres.cont. mid. or pass, and ot-pf'w
to make water) caus- of an herb.
of ing urine, diuretic. fr. cra/cif, fr. ovo
A??, (by Sync.
A(op9dw -oi, -we-w, p. huoQuKa, Ai:raAaicro?, -ov, 6, ft, (fr. Sis two) iit-?c, iii-o /i77!cs, again.
(fr. ^ta intens. and
to twice, and
a palm) of rnAatc-r/j "Arrat- Kat ^?f, once and again,
erect, th. O two palms, of two hand's breadth.
p9d? straight) to repeatedly.
Straighten,set aright; to direct ; At'"aAro?, -o", b, ;/, (fr. same, and s, n. obs. Aid? TOV, see Ze^.
mend, improve, re- -nA^ov a javelin, th. lurAAa) to Also, the air, space,
form, par. pres. art. SiopBduv brandish) armed with two ja-
1 ffri(iai,
Dor. for ctfrfiat, pres.
-wr. |;f-r. pass, cicipflw^m. vfliis. twice brandished, with mid. Of&i7/w<
Alt. - fws , double force, violent. and
-if, -(o?, ^, (fr .
fftvros, -ov, 6, (fr. <5i? twice,
last) a straightening, setting ^i^tj^vaTos, -a, -ov, and Ar/77;^v?, !>>) a bed) having two wives,
right, direction ; correction. im- -co;, b, rj, (fr. same, and TrJJ^njy a tirii c marrifd.
provement, amendment. cubit) of two cubite, two cubits A*o-/m'f, -fo?, Alt. fw?, b, (fr. oVff-
Aiop0a>r)?, -ov, b, (fr. same) a long, high, &c. co? a quoit) a comet, so called in
director, guide ; a corrector, , -TA^?, cont. crises
a certain state of its appear-
amender, improver. ance.
t, f. -evffti), and Ar/cu lo handle, feel ; to seek, search, varicatingj equivocating, quib-
-)]ffta, (ft. same) to play a look for, inquire. bling.
quoits, pitch a quoit ; to fling At(f>8fpa, -as, f), (perhaps fr. Sf<f>u> ^Xoaraffla, -aj, and Ion. At^o
to slcin) a hide, skin ; a cast
throw. skin, aractn, -ns, ft, (fr. same, and
Ai<m/o-a<j, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. o slough ; a leathern jacket ; parch- ardffis sedition) discord, dissen-
last, also used ^Eol. for owKfiaas ment. sion, variance, strife ; a division,
1 a.
par. of oiaKtd). ttyOcpias, -ov, b, (fr. last) wearing separation, faction; tumult, se-
&taKios, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. Sis '.ntens. a leathern jacket ; a rustic, la- dition, mutiny, rebellion.
and ffKid shade) very shady, bourer. [^otrrarfw -w, f. -tfo-w, (fr. same)
sfieltered, thick, close. At^0fpoD^a, -aros, rb, (fr. same) disagree, quarrel; to revolt,
Ai<rKo@o\ia, -of, f), (ft. ciaKos a a roll, composed of fine skin or rebel; to excite discontent or se-
quoit, and j3d\X<a to throw) parchment. dition ; to doubt.

&i4>doyyos, -ov, b, and },, (fr. 5ts

game at
of quoits, playing -to. f. -TJffdH, p. CfflWo-
quoits. twice, and <j>6oyyos a sound) a (fr. olx<i double, and
Ar/co/3dAo?, -ou, 6, (ft. same) a diphthong. Tfpvu, to cut) to halve, divide
into two
player at quoits. paris ; *n be full moon;
to cut
Ala/cos, -ov, b, a quoit, of stone, (perhaps fr. ols double, and up, carve, dissect ; to split,
brass, iron, &c. ;
the disk or 0p<zo-o-a>
to enclose) a seat, chair ; rend, separate, cleave asunder;
face of a heavenly body ; a dish, a chariot. to
scourge, cut in pieces. 1 a.
act. cSivortiuTjaa.
plate. At(/>pua>, (ft. Si(ppos a chariot) to
f, -a, -ov, (fr. last, and sit ; to ride in a chariot.
i<%ord//?7//a, -arof, rb, (fr. last) a
Ion. for opos a limit) at or <j>prj\affta, -as, /, (fr. Stypos a fragment, shred, cutting, piece;
by a quoit's throw. Es oiaKovpa, chariot, and eXavwo to drive) a
carcass, corpse.
by the throw of a quoit. driving, charioteering, coach ^Xoroftia, -as, fi, (ft. same) divi-
twice, sion into halves ; a cutting, carv-
Aioyiuptoi, -at, -a, (fr. Sis manship.
and pvpioi ten thousand) twenty At0p?;Ara?, -a, 6, Dor. for ing, dissection ; a piece cut off,
thousand, two myriads. (fipnXaTrjs, -ov, b, (fr. same)
a division, portion, part.
Aivffbs, Att. Atrrdj, Ion. Alto's, -?), driver, charioteer. >iX6<ppb)v, -ovos, b, ft, (fr. cixa se-
-bv, (fr.twice) double, in
Sis A/</ipoj, -ou, and Ion. (per -oto, 6, parately, and <pprfi>
the mind)
pairs, twofold; twins, fellows. haps fr. Sis two, and 0?pw to disagreeing, discordant.
Atffrayfibs, -ou, b, (ft. next) doubt, the seat -in a chariot ; a 'i^if, 3 sin. cont. ind. or sub. of
hesitation, mistrust ; difficulty, chariot, war- car ; a two-horse
perplexity, embarrassment. carriage ; a seat. ,/^/tt, -rjs, ft, thirst, drought; ar-
dent desire, wish, longing.
0po$opfw -w, f. ->7<rt<>, (fr. last,
ffraKa, (ft. ols twice, and ordw and cftfpco to carry) ts carry in a ,i\j/aXfos, -a, -ov, (ft. last) thirsty ;
to stand) to doubt, mis- chariot, convey, set down; to dry, parched.
trust ; to waver, hesitate ; to be drive or ride in a carriage, a^as, -aoos, >$> (fr. same) dry,
perplexed, feel embarrassed. -eos -ovs, b, (fr. ols barren land; a kind of
tyoijsi fi, viper,
AiVrj^of, and AiVrotvof, -ou, b, 17, twice, and <j>v?i nature) of two whose bite was said to cause
(ft. Sis twice,
and aroi%os a row) natures ; two, double ; unnatural, excessive thirst.
in two rows, in double
ranks, con- monstrous. Ac//a'w -w, f. -t'jffw, (fr. same) to
sisting of two verses or lines. </>w<ra, n. fern. cont. par. pres. thirst, be dry, want drink or
Subs, a distich, couplet. moisture ; to desire
At'<rro//o?, -ou, 6, (fr. same, and ii%' for Ar^a, (ft. Sis twice) dou- long for ; to
crave, remain un-

a mouth) with two mouths, bly, twofold, in two parts; se- satisfied. 1 a. act. ind.
outlets or passages ; two-edged, verally, apart, separately ; with-
Si\pt/ff(a, -rjs, -T).

cutting both ways. out. u^ys, At^f;, Dor. for oti//pj, ot^S,
2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act.
Ato-^j'Xfot, -at, -a, (ft. Sis twice,
and yt'Xtoi a thousand) two thou- (5<5/vaKa, (fr. last) to divide, se-
&i^r)v, Dor. or Att. for
sand/ parate, set at variance, make to Si\l/$v, pres.' inf. act. cont.
A<raXavror, -ou, ro, (fr. ols twice, disagree, set against, put be- Ati//?/(7w, -as, -t, 3 pi. -oucrt, 1 f.

and rd\avrov a talent) a double tween. 1 a. inf. act. oij(daai. ind. act. Atd/^o-u, -j;s, -;;,
talent. ^X affi*dSi -"> (fr-
sa me) divi- a. sub. act. of
AtraXavro?, -ou, 6, fj, (fr. same) sion, dissension, variance, disa- A'^/toj, -ou, 6, fj, (fr. same) excit-

weighing or worth two talents. greement. ing drou glit, thirsty ; dry, par di-

Airrfis, Att. for Sitror6$. H^^XEUOD and At^Xt'o) -Si, (fr. ols ed, barren.
&lri5\os, -r,, -ov, or -ou, 6, %, (ft. Sis twice, and y_??Xrj a claw) to di- tyof, -EOJ -ous, rb, same as Aa//a.
twice, and rv\os a wen) having vide the hoof, be cloven-footed. fyvx<>s, -ov, b, fj, (fr. Sis twice,
two humps, wens or bosses. J%0a, Poet, for oi%a. and ^vx*! the soul) double-
^t'uypo?, -ou, o, fi, (fr. ols twice, uX&aSios, -a, -ov, and -ou, 6, fi, minded, with a divided heart;
and wet) wetted, soaked,
iiypbs Ai^0af, -aoos, b, >;, (ft. same) hypocritical, deceitful,
drenched, overwhelmed. same as otacrds* 1 pi. cont.
'.ip&fiev, pres. ind. or
f. -jffw, p. -iKa, (ft. ita i!^(5|3ouXoc, -ou, 6, >;, oixa dou-
sub. act. An/.'wvr, -ra, -ri,
and uX^w to strain, and oont. cases par. pres. act. of
through, bly, /?ouA>) design) discord-
th. to filter, strain, differing, at
V\T) dregs) ant, disagreeing,
refine, purify ; to sift. par. pres. variance. At'w, f. -<rw, p. -ica, to chase, hunt;
n. pi. o"tuXf'oiT. uXodtv, (fr. same) on both sides, to expel, drive
away, turn out,
AtCAaivo), f. -avS), p. SeSiv^ayKa, i,n either
side, doubly. banish ; to banish ; to
to weave) fear, dread; to run, fly, escape..
(ft. same, andu^atvo)
to interweave, weave into,
da- -jV-A-, >], Poet. (fr. same, and Awj3oXov and'
Aiw/3dXtov, -ou, rb,
mask; to embroider, work into; jnjv
a month) the full moon ; (fr. cij twice, and o0o\bs a
to weave out the whole ; to half a month. penny) a double obolos, two obo-
finish. MXtilWos, -ov, b, (fr. same) divid- loi, twopence.
&i<j)dffios, -a, -ov, Ion. same as ing the month; the full moon. iiay^bs, -ov, b,
$MK<I) to pur-
Or as some say, tin: half moon. sue) pursuit, rout, din, tumult,
Aii^iro) -5, f.
-affta, (perhaps fr. r/io
'I, -of, b, ii, (ft. same, and uproar; persecution.
'How, and the touch) a word) innhi^uous; prc- -fs, -, impf. act. AK'I -
a/In] i('<)C>tvov,

ttvoa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. o <5i$twice, and cpt&u to cover) ceremony, introduce o custom,
double-roofed; with the roof di- assert an opinion, dogmatize ; to
vided into two parts; with two
-S, f.
-oj0>'c-u, and consult, debate, deliberate, give
-wow, f fr. ad intens. and w0/a> roofs or stories ; with two tops or an opinion, pass a sentence. Aoy-
to drive) to pursue, rout; to surmnits. liari^opai, to submit to ceremo-
dispel, drive away, scatter;
ciopvcffu to
-vyos, b,, (fr.. ci
f,, -yos, nies, be burdened with rites. 1 a.
repel, put to
flight; to disprove^ dig through) a ditch, trench, cut, act. eco-ypdnaa. 2 pi. pres. ind.
refute ; to tJirust or force through. canal, aqueduct. pass. <5oy/iari^o-0.
pres. inf. act. 6io>6fiv -tiv pass. twpt'^a, -as, -, of same. per. act. bs, -/), -bv, (fr. same) au-
1 a. mid. thoritative, magisterial; dogma-
iua-d/jievos, -?i -ov, par.
iuKt, 2 sin. A<WK.T, 2 pi. pres. of ctdi>6to. tical, positive ; wedded to a sys-
impr. act. AIWK; i?,2 sin. pres. , -tjoos, b, (fr. same) a sur- tem, averse to innovation.

ind. act. A<w*j Dor -- Aiw-

, gical instrument for protruding , -as,
>/, (fr. Lat. dodrans,

Kt/jLtv, Ion. A<o Kfptvai, _Eol. /

or pushing out substances from nine twelfths) a medical potion
Atu- of- nine
for <5jwKtv, pres. Jnf. act.
wounds, probe; a bolt, bar; a composed ingredients ;
KOUSVOS, ij, -ov, par. pres. act. pole on which any thing is car- diet-drink.
ried. 1 a. opt. pass.
Ao&itnv, -i;s, -T],

f tos,
AU. -EUS, >/, (fr. :,
3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. Ao0s, -7ffa, -h, par. 1 a. pass.

.same) a pursuit, chase ; perse- "oh Ao0j/, 3sin. 1 a. sub. pass.

cution. Dor. for which Ao0f/va<, 1 a. inf. pass. Ao0>/-
A/xa0v, A/tr70v,
Atw/cr^os, -a, -ov, (ft. same) to be Bceot. for c^Qriaav, 3 pi. 1 a. o-ra, 3 sin. 1 f. pass, of &'<!w//t.
pursued, chased ; must be fol- pass, of Ao0tr>, -f/vos, fi, a bile or boil; a
lowed up ; ought to be persecuted. tdti) -w, f.
p. cfdfirjKa, by felon or whitlov.:

same) a pur- for neut. and Aomt, fern. pi.

AICOKTT/S, -ov, o, (fr. Sync, oaftdw. per. pass. ind. Aota,
suer ; a persi AOJW, du. oftioioi.
par. Stounuivos. 1 a.
Aiaku, ind. -ao-w, (fr. ^otot two) to
-fa>, p. OE^'w^a, (perhaps pass. eoprjOr/v' impr. fy?5- Aom^w, f.

fr. civ to drive, and &Ka -rw doubt, hesitate, waver; to con-
swiftly) Orjn, par
sider, revolve, deliberate, debate.
to Att. -EWS,
drive, impel, hasten, press [tTicis, -iog, f}, (fr. last)
upon ; to pursue, chase, follow, o subduing; subjection, con- Aot ovt-, -VKOS, b, a pestle, pounder ;
trace; to drive away, put to quest.
a spoon, ladle.

flight, banish; to perse- Ap'i~ipa, -as, ft, (fr. same) a mis- AO T), -jfr, f,, (fr. ^oto two) doubt,
cute, oppress; to prosecute, ac- tress, female conqueror, &c. hesitation, uncertainty.
cuse, charge with ; to rail at,
Hfjrfip, -rjpo$, b, (fr. same)
a van- &oir/v, -TJS, -rj, in 3 pi. Ao7i', Boaot.
revile ; to
strike, hit, smite, fell ; quisher, subduer, conqueror, mas-
and ^Eol. for f,oirjaav, opt. of
to run or
follow after, dtsire, ter ; a
taming, breaking. fduv, 2 SL. act. of Slew fit.
aim at, endeavour; to frequent, A/jr/rds, ->?, -br, (fr. same) tamed; Aoto, -al, -d, and in du. Aoiw,
haunt; to write or discourse of, subdued, conquered, vanquished. Poet, for <5t5o>.
discuss, describe, celebrate. 1 a. KtSas, a. pi.
of <5//ws, or of oKa^w, f. -a<7U, p. ctddicaKa, to
act. ind. &'ua* impr. ciw^ov' uwr), -T;S, and A^utfs, -Wos, fj, (fr. observe, attend to ; to watch, look
in 2 pi. SIUI^TJTC.
sub. Jicifw, subdue) a female slave,
fftdu) to after ; to esteem, honour, respect ;
pres. pass. ciuKOftai. per. pass. woman- servant, wuiting-u'cman to look for, wait for, expect, hope

1 a. pass. (5(wv07/r. handmaid. or fear an event ; to think, be of
1 f.
pass, ona^&^aoiiai. Auwds, -ov, and A/iws, -wos, o, (fr. opinion; to sentence, award.
Aiciwin', -ov<ra, -ov, n. pi. -K6vrt$, same) a slave, man-servant. Kac-ETs, 2 sin. 1 f. of last. Or Dor.
par. pres. act. Atoko^fv, A^cDcri, d. pi. of (5^/ws. for ooKrjfftis, same of toKfu.
p. -rjKa, same as
-MCI, 1 and 3 pi. pres. sub. act. vorraXj^ft),
f. -Yaw, and -|o), (per- Kaw -w, f.
of last. haps fr. ooi'f'w to shake, and
. s, -ov, b, fh great, large ; TrdXXw to vibrate. Or fr. Sovfu, Ao*?, impers. (fr. 6oKtw to seem)
vehement, violent, strong ; ex- and Tra\dfttj the hand) to s/iaA-e, it
appears, it seems good, fit or
tensive. brandish, quiver, vibrate; to right; it pleases.
AIW//OT-OS, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. Sid intens. strike, dash against; to hit, AoK?v, pres. inf. act. cont. Ao-
and O//VV/K to swear) under an wound.; to shake out clothes, Kf7s, -*?, -ATErrf, -ACOl'/in', -KOVCl,
oath, sworn. drtss, put on. cont. persons pres. ind. act
A/wv, -ovos, b, Dion, a man's name. ,
Ion. for cvofy coals, d. AOK?;, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub.
Atwva, -as, a, Dor. for P" act. AOKWV, par. pres. act. of
Aiwvi?, -17$, ^, a heathen idol ; the vo<peobs, -d, -bv, and COKfO).
mother of Venus. -tffffa, -ev, (fr. next) dusky, Kfiito, f.
-merit), (fr. coKfu to
Atwvo^acT/fvos, -77, -ov, par. per. dark shady, gloomy, obscure ;
; thirik) to observe, watch, respect;
pass, of tiwofidfa, fr. ltd intens. black, funereal. to expect or wait for an oppor-
and which see.
ovo/ido), vo^os, -ov, 5, (perhaps fr. vtyos a tunity, lay wait, deceive, par.
Atwvtxrffos, -ov, 6, for Atdwc-os- cloud) darkness, obscurity, dim- pres. QOKivtiiv.
At>aru, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. mid. ness ; a fog, mist, thick cloud ; Aow -w, f.
and sometimes
Atwfm:, -overt, 2 and
3 pi. 1 f. distress, misery. coKf)G<a, p. &fSo%a, and SeodictjKa,
ind. act. Aiwfy-e, -wen, 2 and AodVorrat, Aoao-aro, for loidvtrat, both unusual, to seem, appear;
3 pi.
1 a. sub. act. of<5i/cw. 3 sin. 1 f. mid. and tcoidaaro, 3 to be in estimation, be thought,
Ai(5|;iirjros, -ov, 6, (fr. 6tu>K<t) to sin. 1 a. mid. of <5oaw. Or for reputed, be approved, be really ;
drive, and "rros a horse) a horse- <$ofaffrai, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. and to esteem, rate, value, account,
rider a charioteer, driver.
man, f(5ofa'c-aro, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of deem;
; to approve, like, allow,
Adj. equestrian, clever in horse- choose; to think, suppose, ima-

manship. i6yi*a, -aros, rb, (fr. fioKlw to gine, conjecture ; to hope, expect ;
AtciflS, -fOS, Att. -0>S, to judge, be of opinion, think
fl, (fr. Ol&KW think) a decree, ordinance, act,
to pnrsue) pursuit; persecution. law ; a judgment, sentence ; a proper, determine, resolve. impC
Aiwpfe, -as, fi, (fr. cul within, and maxim, dogma ; a rite, ceremony, ctdictov -ow. 1 a. act. ind. /&>'
ooof a limit) a delay, stop ; a institution, custom, tradition. sub. <5d"u>.
per. pass. ocidKr/jiai,
deferring, procrastination ; an f.
"<ra), p. ccfoyfidriKa,
and ofooyfiai, -fen, -term.
interval, space bet* Trfw,
last\ to decree, ordmn, en- OKIJICW, for odxta, cont. for last.
, 6, (fr.
ii ft : ,'
' :';'(>,
rrjr>in n '^:/7TJC, -OC, -WS, //, (*N
same) opinion, judgment, belief; a cha- AdAwv, -ovos, o, Dolon, a man 8
twenty-four furlongs ;

imagination, fancy ; a phan- riot; career. name.

tasm, vision ; hope, expectation ; AoAi^do-Kifos, -ov, o, fa (fr. last, and AoAwv, par. pres. cont. of 5oAdu>.
supposition, guess, conjecture ; ax la a shadow) casting a long Or, g. pi. of i3<JAos.
fame, report, rumour; esteem, shadow, long-shadowed; long, of AdAwo-tj, -toj, Att. -tws, fa (fr. 06-
credit, reputation. great length. Or, (fr. same, and Aos fraud) a deceiving, imposi-
oixa(*>, f. -ao-w, p. cecoKijiaKa, xla to go) far-flying. tion, deception ; a cheat, fraud,
Sd approved) to try, AoAfws, (fr.<5dA ( of deceitful)
treach- artifl.ce, plot.
prove, essay or assay, examine; erously, artfully. Ad//a, -aros, rb, (fr. SiSu^i to give)
to prove, feel, experience ; to
AoAdns, -taaa, -tv, same as^oXfpdj. a gift, present; a reward; a
think, suppose, be of opinion; -to AoXo^avavcs, -ov, 6, Poet, and bribe, pi. cd/jtara.

discern, distinguish ; to
approve, Dor. Tor o\op'i%avos. Aopcm^w, f. -tffw, (fr. same) to

choose, allow, pres. impr. pass. AoAo^J/ra, v. sin. of present, give, bestow, confer.
3 pi. SoKinagiffQwaav. per: pass. AoAo^r?7s,
Ion. Mptvai. Dor. for

deSoicip.aauat. -(oj, o, fj, (fr. o6\os fraud, and ooijvai, 2 a. inf. of olStapi.
1 a. inf.
AoKt^airn, 3 prjrts counsel) crafty, cunning, Aojut'w -&, f. -(70-0), p. -JJKO, and
sin. If. AoKtjuacTjrt, 2 pi. 1 a. artful ; deceitful, treacherous, Ao^iEvw,
-vaw, (fr. next) to.

sub. act. of last. insidious. build, erect,

raise a fabric.
.OKiuavta, -us, fa (fr. last) proof, s, -ov, o, (fr. <5dAos
de- icuij, -rjs, >% (fr. Stpu to build) a
trial, examination, experiment. ceit, 'and a contrivance) building, eiliflce, structure; a
,oKiuaffT>is, -ov, o, (fr.
same) a
a plotter, contriver;
an inven- wall, bulwark, fortification; the
tner, examiner, censor, judge, tor of frauds ; deceitful, artful, form or structure of the body.
critic. treacherous. Aduvos, -ov, o, and Ad/*va, -as, fa
.o/cfyij), -rjs, fa (fr. c6Ktp.os approv- AdAoTTss, oi, a people of Thessaly. (fr. Lat. dominus, domina) a
ed) proof, trial, experiment; ex- AoAoTTEcro-i, Poet, and Ion. for Ad- lord, lady ; master, mistress ;
perience, practice. i,
d. pi. of AdAod'. sovereign, ruler, prince, princess.
>OAcfyi(oi', -ov, TO, (fr. same) apron/", AoAoTriW, -ovos, o, jDolqpfon, a Ao//di><$, (fr. next) homeward^ to

criterion, a probe ; a refi-

test ; man's name, the house.
ner's crucible; a trial, experi-
-a?, (fr. <5dAos de- Aduas, -ov, 5, (fr. (tyw build) a
ment. ceit, and n-AfKw to knot) an ar- house, home; dwelling, man-'
-ov, 6, f), (fr. SoKfu to ap- tifice, stratagem, trick ; fraud si
on, residence, abode ; a fold,
pear) approved, proved, tried, deceit, treachery, falsehood. cote, stable.
accepted. AoAoffAikos, -ov, o, f], (fr. same] AovaOeiara, Dor. for (W^forc-a, fem.
-ui, (fr. last) to try, prove. inventive in artifice, artful, in- par. 1 a. pass, ofoovtia.
-ft^os, fa (dim. of next) a triguing ; deceitful, false, treach- Aoram'f, -fos, Att. -tuts, o, %, (fr.
small beam, joist, Sac. erous.
next)/ull of reeds, rushy, sedgy.
Ao*rdf, -ov, fa (fr. Stvofiai to re- AoAoppa^rjSi -ios -ovs, o, fa (fr a. sin. Aovajoja, Ion. for -fa.
ceive) a beam, rafter.; a shaft, same, and parru) to sew) plot Adval". -anas, o, (perhaps fr. Sovfo
spear, lance. ting, artful, intriguing, cunning to shake) a reed, cane ; a shaft,
MKOS, -ov, 6, Poet, for o6Ktj designing, deceitful. arrow ; a pen ; a pipe; the
-w, f.
(fr. ooitds a AoAoppa0('a, -as, and Ion -<f>{rj, -rjs bridge of a lyre.
lay beams, rafters or Aovarpd^os, -ov, 6, hi ("" last, and
beam) f], (fr. same) craft, snbtilty
to floor.
joists ; cunning, artifice, fraud, dect
to breed) bearing reed-s^
AdKwo-ts -ios, Att. -to)?, ft, overgrown witfi rushes, bordered
(fr. AdAos, -ov, 6, (perhaps fr.
same) laying the rafters, roof. tie, or fo'Aco to ensnare, or <^Afu with sedge.
ing, flooring ; a building. to
deceive) a trick, ar^fice, de- Aovfw -w, f. -);<TU, p. -TjKOi and
AoAfpos, -, -ov, (fr. <5dAo? deceit.) ception, cheat, ; treachery, fraud, Aovn'o), f. -ET'ffu, to shake, move,
cunning, crafti/ ; deceitful, frau- falsehood, deceit. agitate, brandish, quiver; to dis-
dulent, treacherous; artful, AoAoDvrss, n. pi. cont. par. pres. turb, trouble, disorder ; to pro-
sidious. act. AoAot'r, pres. inf. act. voke, irritate ; to drive along.
AoXfpw?, (fr. last) artfully, deceit- cont.
Advrjpa, -aros, TO, (fr. last) disturb-
ful lij, treacherously. AoAo0pS$j)f, -fos -ovs, 6, ft, (fr..
ance, trouble, tumult; a whirl-
AiA(an, d. fem. with added <5dAos deceit, and to think)
pi. i
0pa^w j
ing, quick rotation.
deceitful, artful, intriguing,\&6vn<ns, -ios, Att. -a>s, fa (fr.
AdA(os, -a, -ov, same as cn\cp6s. treacherous. same) agitation, disturbance; \

a. sin. Ion. ^oAu/iv

AoAo^povf'w -w, f. -ijvo), (fr. same,j vibration, quivering ; motion.
AoAidw -5, f. -ojo-u)., p. <5tAo) and
, (ppovfw
to think) to plot, Advres. n. pi. of ^ous, par. 2 a. act. |

(fr. last)/o use deceit, practise

scheme, contrive 7nischief. oTo^/ii.
fraud, deceive, beguile, betray. -OTTOS, o, (fr. same,
and j%a, -as, fa (fr. <?o*:/a> to think)
too\iovaav, Bosot. for eSoMovv, 3 the face) a spy, scout, sen- esteem, credit, value, account,
p!. cont. impf. act. tinel, videttc ; a Her in reputation ; sentiment, expecta- i

AoAfy', for 3oAfy, neut. pi. of sassin. tion, opinion, judgment, belief;
AoA(5u) -w, f. -LOGO), p. Of^oAwKa, a guess, conjecture; fame, re-
v, o, f), (fr. f same) to act or nown., rank, prefer
oAt^d? (fr. deceitfully celebrity ;
long, and cpfr^ios an oar) liaring treacherously ; to ensnare, se- ment ; glory, honour, praise;
or using long oars ; haril;/ sea-
duce; to deceive, beguile, flatter ; splendour, brighttiess, irradiation.
men. to A 7:5
deprave, corrupt, adulterate, courts eivat, to be contrary to
AoAi^d^fjpoj AovXi^d^tpoy, for fainfy ; to circumvent, overreach, opinion, disappoint,
the measure, -ov, o, f,, (fr. same, cheat. f.
ol-d^tj), -affu, p. 5c&6%aKa, (fr.
and ^ip>j the neck) long-necked.
AdAw, d. sin. AdAovs, a. pi. ofi last) to praise, commend. honour,
AoAvo/, (neut. of next) long, far, mag-nify, extol, glorify ; to ad-
aftr for a long time.
-iv, par. 1 a. pass. , vance, promote, exalt, prefer ;
-j, -bv, long ei'her in ex
?, of <*oA(5w. to judge, suppose, deem, think^
tension or time lengthy ; te- AdA ;
s, 6, (fr. 6\n$ frau^) guess, imagine, impf. &5|a-
dious, prolix. Subs, the Ions race ioniard ; the name of or. 1 a. act. ind. t>6%aca'
or course, of twelve the smallest
furlongs,, sail in a ship, top- impr. fa^acov* sub. 5od<ru>' inf.
and when run back
again, of sail. fioizdc'iH.
per. pass. C'tc-fifcaffucti.
1 a. pass. ind. coo^da&iiv sub.
timber) wooden, made of wood ; , par. oftcpapov, 2 a. act. Ion. for
bpt^dfitvai, n.
fern. pi.
like woo!!, hard. at,
2 f. mid. of par. 1 f. mid. of last.
obs. 'see or
&ovpijvCKri$, -tos -ov$, b, rpf'^w.
r], (fr. <5dpv "5/>u cpaivu, both obs. the
a spear, and r>>/<%long) a spends jdftr/na, -aros, ro,
Ion. for
tenses of the former are used by
cast, as far as a spear is thrown.
Apa/xouda, fern. 2 a. par. act. of Spdw, which see.
sin. of
Aovp?, for o6oa~i or &6pvi, A. '*]S, -ov, 8, Ion. for Spairfrns.
ApoVai, Dor. for iSp/jvaj,
2 a. inf. ,
Ion. for
tpdaas, 1 a. par.
tro's', Aovp/*fXyroj,
and Ao- act. of tiprjm, same as Spaivw, act. of <5ndw.
-v f T i" *
PIK\VTOS, -ov, b, fj,(fr.S6pv
a spear, and Sadd), or same as i5Wpaoxu>. j, -on, o, Ion. tor cpaa/jios*
and K\f,ib> to celebrate or K\VIO to
Apaf, -KOJ, 8, (fr. (5pdo-o-w to hold) avvtj, -TIS, /, Ion. for opaaro-

hear) good at the spear, famous same as

in war, brave, warlike., vt Hilary. par. 1 a. mid. of Apt'Xoj, -ov, 8, a worm, particularly
AovplKTT)Tos, -ov, f>, fi }
Poet, for <5o- which breeds in the intestines.

pticmfTos, i,
f. -n>ff(i), (fr. next) to
Ap</ma, j;. -aj, d. -a, a. -av, &c.
$6pvo$, g.
run away, escape from } to
sin. of au, -v, (perhaps fr.
piv the
Sopv. ,

Aoy?ov, -ov, rb, (fr. Sf^o^ai to re- aTrm??, -on, 6, (fr. <5pau to run) nose, and ^vw to wrinkle) acrid,
ceive) a vessel, receptacle, reser- a runan-ai/ slave; a fugitive, biting, corrosive ; sharp, sour,
voir, cistern. vagabond ; a coward. rough ; keen, severe, harsh ; vio-
Ao^r), -Jjj, i^, (fr. same)
an enter-
Apa7TrY<5?7j, Dor. Apaffr/(5af, and lent, angry, irascible ; subtle,
tainment, feast, banquet. Aparm<r/coj, -ov,8, (dim. of last) crafty, artful.
-OD, rb, Ion. for Soyetov*

/e slave.
Ao%>'jiov, runaway &ptpvTr,s, -r/ros, //, (fr. last) acidity,
to con- -ovffa, -ov, par. 2 a. act. 'sourness, harshness; roughness,
Ao^fj, -r/f, >i, (fr. Cf%ojjiai

tain) a palm, span. of of violence, severity, anger; keen-

Ao^/idf, -7),-bv, and A^jUiof, -ot>, Apa<rau>, (fr. cpdw to act) to desire ness, cunning, acuteness, inge-
5, fj, oblique, crooked, bent; to
do, wish to act. nuity.
wreathed, twisted, cross. pdai[jio$, -ov, b, ?;, (fr. same) Aptov, -ov, rb, and Apt'oj, -EOS -ov?,
AOY/^OW -w, f. -wcru, (fr. last) to
prompt, active; efficacious, power- TO, (fr. dpvs a tree) a grove,
lean, incline ; to bend, bov), ful. ivood, thicket.
crook, turn. 1 a. par. pass. Apaffjjibs, -ov, 8, (fr. <5pdw to run Apoirr/, -t]g, ,'}, (fr. same) a bath,
away) a flight. bathing-tub, trough.
r,, -bv, (fr. Sf^opai
to con- >acr<ro//)'oj, par. pres. mid. of Apo//a?b, -a, -ov, and Apo/mj,-<<5o?,
tain) holding, containing. ApaVo-w, or -rrw, f. -fw, io catch, 8, f], (fr. SpffiLij) obs. to run)

Adw, f. (5wtrw, obs. its tenses are grasp, seize, lay hold on ; to ga- running, coursing; swift, quick,
used by oMu/a. ther, collect, pick, pull. per. pass. speedy, nimble, active ; wande>-
the name of an herb. 1 f. mid.
Apdfir/, ->??,
>/, SfSpnyfiai. cpdl-ouai. 1 ing, roving. Also,
Apay/m, -aroj, r5, (fr. (5par<rw to a. mid. ind. t^pa^d^rjv impr. Apo//as, -a3o, fi, (fr. same) a kind
grasp) a handful ; a gripe, Spd^ai, in 2 pi. dpd^affde. offish ; a dromedary ; a prosti-
grasp ; a sheaf; corn in the Apao-ra?, -a, o, Poet, and Dor. for tute.
straw. Aprt'<rr7?, -ou,
and Apaor^p, Ion. Apo/iuj,-f'oj, Att. -Itas b, (fr. same) ,

or -
Ap^oT^p, -jjpoj, o, (fr. Spd(t) to a runner, racer, messenger.
Apay/mrft'u, f.
to make into handfuls act) a performer, doer, agent; a -ov, 8, (fr. same) running,
(fr. last) ,

or sheaves ; to gather, bind up. slave, servant. 40bC, 0^/tCU- , a U. race, course.
Ul^C. IX/W/ OC. /

Apa0Tv, Apa0w, by Metath. for

paffTtos, -a, -ov, (fr. same) must Ap<5//un', -ovoj, 6, (perhaps fr.
2 a. inf. act. and be done, to be effected. sar.ie) a /ct'nd q/" crai or fish.
oapQtlv, oapBti,
2 f. ind. act. of Sapddvu. Apa<rr>)p, -^po?, and Apao-r^pto?, Perhaps the same as <5po/*a'j
-r,$, -r,,
2 a. opt. act. of -ou, 8, (fr. same) strenuous, Apdffos, -ov, b, (perhaps fr.
piu> to
Apairjv, f],

obs. see <5t<5pao7cw. active, prompt ; industrious ; effi- flow) dew. cpdffoi, tears.

Apa/vw, same as cpdw. cacious, powerful, Apoffpdj, -a, -bv, Apdofyos, -ov, b,
a. sin. of oaf. maroffvvrj, -r/$, (fr. same) va- Apocra><5?7?, -foj -ouj, 6, (fr.
ApaAca, fj, >;, //,

Apa*c(va, -a?, >;, (tr. (5pd/cwv a dra- lour, bravery, manhood ; activity, last) dewy, bedewed, sprinkled
with or like dew.
gon) a s/ie dragon. diligence, ardour, zeal.
af, par. of todAcjyv, 2 a. ind. >aTb$, by Metath. oaprds. Apouyyoj, -ov, b, a cohort, com-

pass. AprtKov, -ES, -,

Ion. for ^?? 'h (fr- Spdffffij) to hold) pany, troop, squadron; a loose
2 a. ind. act. of StpKU). a drachm or dram, a Greek coin body of soldiers.
ApaKovW, sin. n. equal to the Roman denarius, Apoi5<n>Xa, -aj, r/, Drusilla, a wo-
du. ApaKovro?, g of fipaKti)!'. rather less than eight-pence ; man's name.
&oaKOVT&&>1S, -EOS -ovj, 6,
(fr. a weight. rj, Apua<$?, -CDV, at, (fr. opus an oak)
next, and ^o? likeness) snake- Apdo), f. -oVw, to act, exercise, wood-nymphs.
like, snaky, serpent-like, Jierce, practise ; to act, do, live, lead ApiJaXoj, -ou, o, Dryalus, a man's
venomous. life; to serve, minister, attend;
bpdicuv, -OVTOS, b, (properly par.
2 to fly or flee, escape, run
away. Apria?, -avrof, 6, Dryas, a man's
a. act. of to see) a dragon, )/xw, obs. to run. Its tenses are
serpent. Also Draco, a man's used by rpf^w, which see. Apiftro?, -v, -ov, (fr. fipvs an oak)
name. Ap7rav?7, -r/s, fj, and ApfTravov, -ov, oaken, wooden.
to act) TO, (fr. <5pnru) to gather) a Map- and Apv//dv, -ou, r3,
Apd/za, -aroj, r3, (fr. cpdw Apvfjibs, -ov, b,

poetical action,
the drama ; a ing-hook, sickle, scythe. (fr. same) an oak wood ; a

play, comedy or tragedy. Ap7rav70(5pof, -ov, b, %, (fr. last, forest.

and 0f'pw to carry) carrying or same)
Apa/tarfrfc, ->?, ~bv, (fr. last) repre-
senting action, dramatic ; relat- using a sickle; a reaper; fur- woody, woodland, silvan.
ing to plays or the stage ; comic nished or armed with hooks or Apu/<ajj, Dor. for Spvfiovs,
a. pL of
or tragic ; poetical, fabulous. scythes. Subs, a chariot armed Spvufa.
Apo/iaroTrot^w -w, f. -/5<rco, (fr.
with scythes. Apuov, -ov, TO, and Ap</oj, -ou, 8,

same, and TTOU'IU to make)

-^W) and Apt-nopai, to ga- same as Spvpds.
write a play, represent on the ther, collect; to
pull, pluck off", Afjvo^of, -ov, 8, f), (fr. (5pi?f
an oak,
stage, dramatize. pick, crop ; to cut, reap,
mow. and r^w to contain) the timbers
v, Dor. for Apa^rTv, inf. Dor. for or ri6* of a ship ; the hull or
Awvw, Avw, or AD/u, f.

turn. s6vvdcOf]v, and nSwdffBrjv sub. tea, to go m, penetrate ; to

and Svvnd&.l a.ind. mid. e6vvn<rdpijv set, sink down, subside, be plung-
fwxrils, ed ; to clothe, drest, put on.
6, ?/, (fr.same, and Trlirrw to
1 a. act. foWa.
ripen, or TTITTW to fall) ripe,
ma- cases of (5i5va^ij. per. pass, oiow-

ture, mellow, soft.AvvaptvTj, fern. par. pres. mid. of

Subs. viz. pau 2 a. act. ind. ilvv impr.
s, fruit, particularly
olives ovvapai, also, ->;?, ^, the name, dD0t' inf. ovvai' par. v?.
over ripe, fruit ready to drop or rather epithet of a woman. Avvwv, -ovffa, -ov, g. -ovro?,
Poet, for <5vvdfi0a, 1 pres. act. Avvovo-' for ovv
iro f , 6, Spv- Auvd/i(T0a,
pi. pres. ind. of o"vvafiai.
3 pi. pres. ind. act. of last.
to tear the ivvaftis, -to?, Att. -a>?, ty, (fr. <3v- At'o, and Att. &vw, two; a pair f
Apvnrw, f. -\Lta, p. -0a,
cheeks in wo, rend, mangle; va//at to be able) power, ability ; couple, g. and d. i5voTv, in fern.
to cut, cut up, butcher, wound. strength, force ; dominion, au- ^vulv.
d. pi. <5v<ri. It is also'
ApDj, -vds, 4, an oak; apartKular thority, sway, influence ; virtue,
kind of oak; a tree ; a tree bear- efficacy, energy, faculty, apt- AvrSwc-t -wfft, 3 pi. pres. ind. of
ing eatable mast, fruit tree ; ness, fitness : means, abutidance, <5v<5w, Poet, for <5vu>, see fovu.

heart of oak, strength, solidity, plenty; armament, forces; im- Au-r^?, -ou, 6, (fr. next) a swim-
firmness; timber, wood. port, signification, meaning ; va- mer, diver.
Apvro>oj, -ov, 6, ?, (fr. last,
and lue, worth, estimation. Avvdpcis, Avrrw, f. -^u, (fr. ovia to enter) to

rlpvia to cut) a pruner, lopper, at, powers, magistrates, rulers; dip, dive, bathe.
wood-cutter; a carpenter, work- angels, spirits ; miracles, mighty Avpopai, f. -ovpai, same as
of timber. works.
to tear) a' Avvapou -5, f. -uo-w, p. -wra, (fr. At-?, -Do-a, -vv, par. 2 a. of ovpi, see
Apv<p?i, -fjs, fj, (fr. Spvnrw
tearing, laceration of the face,&c. last) to strengthen, enable, give ovvia.

ApvutSns, -cos -ou?, 6, fi, (fr. tpus '!

power to, make strong or power- Av?, an inseparable particle im-
an oak)/u# of oaks, woody. \ ful. par. pres. pass. <5uva//od>vo? porting hardship, difficulty, pain,
or privation ; it answers nearly
Apwvrwv, g. pi. par. pres. act. cont. j
ofSpdw, Att. for
Spdrwaav, 3 pi.

^vvdopai or -dgopai, obs. whence to the English dis.

pres. impr. cont. of same. cvvapai borrows its tenses. Avo"d/3o?, -at, 6,
Dor. for Svvrifios.
for Avvacra^ or cvvj], -arai, pi. -d, Av<rd)?, -fo? -ous, o, ^, (fr. oi>s ill*
Apuoipi, opdoipi, -$pi, pres.
opt. act. of Spdia. -ao-0, -avrat, pres. ind. mid. and aw to blow) blowing hard,
Apwro, -aKos, 6, an ointment to Avi>ao-0at,pres.inf. mid. Aavat- roughj boisterous, stormy.
take hair ; a plaster. Adj. /i7v, -ato, -atro, pass. opt. mid. Avffai, inf. of tovva, 1 a. act.
plucked, stripped, peeled ; smooth, Avvd^cvoj, -rj, -ov, par. pres. 5vv<a.

bald, bare. mid. Avvrjcoftai, -/, -trai, pi. Avo-afwv, -mvos, o, fi, (fr. Siis ill,
A5, Ion. for !3, 3 sin. 2 a. act. or -croficda, -ffcr0, -aovrai, 1 f. ind. aiwv life) miserable, wretched,
for 6vdi, 2 a. impr. mid. 2 1 a. sub. unfortunate.
by Apoc. At/v770/re, pi.
act, of Svpi. pass. Ai'vcj//at, -rj, -rjTat, pres. Avo-aAyfo, -to? -oD?,
and AvadAyi;-
Aii, for ouw. sub. mid. of Juva/iai. roj, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. ovs ill, and
Avds, -aoos, $, (fr. Svo two) the Avva<r0jjvai, I a. inf. pass, of ov- d\yos grief) grievous, afflictive,
union of two ; binary, two-fold. vdfa. painful ; hard-hearted, unfeeling,
Avow -w, (fr. Svrj misfortune) to Avvao-tf, -toj, Att. -wj, jj, Poet, insensible.

afflict, sink
in sorrow, plunge in for
ovvapts. ,
and ActtraXta, -a?, ft, (fr.
misery. Av6<rt, for ov&ffi, which toovaartta, -as, %, (fr. ovvapai to be dung) filth, nastiness.
is contracted for ovdovo-t, 3 able) power, rule, sovereignty, KTOS, -ov, b, fi, (fr. 5i>s iUj
cont. pres. ind. act. dominion ; command^ govern- and aAvoxo) to avoid) inevitable,
Atferat, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. ment; strength, army, forces ; a unavoidable,
Afyj, 2 sin. pres. sub. of ovw, dynasty. Avo-d/i//opo?, and Avff^opo?,-ov, o, 17,
same as cvvu or ovpi. AvvaoTEvci), f. -rvffu, (fr. same) to (fr. same, and p6pos lot) ill-
Av7, -r,s, fi, (fr. 6vu to fall) ill
luck, rule, command, govern, reign. fated, unfortunate^ miserable, un-
misfortune, mishap ; trouble, par. pres. Avva<rri5wv -ovaa, -ov. happy.
anxiety, solicitude, affliction, an- Avvdcrrrjs, -ov, and -ro>p, -opos, (fr. Avffavdff^cros, and Auo-dv/tr$, -ov,
guish, grief, sorrow, wo. )
a prince, chief, ruler, b, %, (fr. same, and av^w to
Av0i, pres. impr. act. of Svpi. king, sovereign ; a potentate, no- endure) intolerable, insuffera-
Avfad?, -fj, -ov, (fr. Svotvto) of two, bleman. ble, not to be endured; grievous,
dual, binary. Avvartl, 3 sin. cont. of severe.
Avptvai, Dor. for ovvai, 2 a. inf. Avvartw -u, f. -jjaw, p. -rjKa^ (fr. Av<7avri, d. sin. of
act. of
next) to be in power, have au- Avo-avT;j?, -ios -ovs, and Avadvnj-
Avpi, see ovvu. thority ; to show power, display TOS, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and av-
ACv', for AUVE, Ion. for iovve, 3 might. ra'w to
meet) ill to be met, un-
sin. impf. of o'vvw.
Award?, -?;, -bv, (fr. tivvapai to be lucky, unfortunate ; untoward,
, Avvdw, same as Svvapai, 1 a. ind. able) able, strong ; mighty, po- awkward; distressing, difficult,
pass. ^vvdff0j7v, Att. rj&vvdaQTjv, tent, powerful; capable, tffec- arduous, dangerous ; violent,
Atfvac, by Apoc. for ovvacrat, 2 sin. tive, adequate; possible, comp. fierce, cruel.
pres. ind. mid. or Dor. for Stvij, $vvar<irpo?, sup. -c&raro?. AvffaTrjffrfoj -w,(fr. same, and aitie-
2 sin. pres. sub, mid Avvatr' Aiv, Ion. for &VVE, 3 sin.
impf. of Tfw to
disbelieve) to discredit,
for cvvairo, 3 sin. pres.
opt, mid. ovvta. disbelieve, impf. Svirrrirlffreov -ovv.
for Avvidrai, Ion. for ovvavrat, 3
Avvap' pi. Avffa7ro(T7rdoTws,(fr.same, arb from,
pres. ind. At' 1/17, and Ion. Av- and ffTrdw to draw) stiffly, firmly,
(perhaps fr. ctivbs powerful) v^ot, 2 sin. pres. sub. AvvjjOtl- tenaciously.
may, be able ; to have 1 a. opt. pass.
can, power, ITV, Avvij6S, 1 a. yaapeffrtit) -o>,
f. /<T(>, (fr. ovffdpter-
or to sub. pass. ros, sullen) to dislike, disapprove,
force, influence efficacy; Avv^ffEai, Ion. for^u-
be worth, be valued at or equiva- vr/irj],
2 sin. 1 f. mid loathe ; to be harsh, morose.
lent to ; to do, effect , tend to ; to
vo?, par. 1 f. mid. of Svvafiai. xrdpeffTov, -ov, rb, (neut. of next)
profit, serve, avail, pres. sub. avra, a. sin. or neut. pi. of 6i>s, 2 moroseness, sullenness.
Mvufiai. impf. c&vvdntjv, and Art. a. par. act. of fa
pi, same as ladptcros, -ov, b, f), (fr. <5t'j ill,and
*r JKvduipr. -w, -aro. 1 a. pass. ind. tevw. aphtha to please) hard to please ;
X (161)
tnorose, peevish, sullen, disa- tvrtvfrs a meeting) aforbiddin^ , f. -f,vu>, p. -ntta, (fr.
greeable. manner, incivility, haughtiness. same, and fotpa a to
same Ava%d\cuiTos, day)
AvaapioroKua, -as, ft, (fr. -ov, b, %, (fr. same miss; be unfortunate, be disap-
dptvTos best, and T'IKTU to bear) and %a\i<pb) to obliterate) har< pointed.
unfortunate in a generous off- to be
effaced, indelible. varineola, -as, >% (fr. last) adver-
spring ; bearing brave, but un- Avazfyvvros, -ov, b, f;, (fr. same sity, misfortune, affliction; ill

fortunate children. and %aviib) in porform) difficult luck, mischance.

Avada%tros, -ov, b, fj, same as Sv- indissoluble chain. Avcnrrria-Tovv, impf. cont. of ovaa
AVO^TT]\OS, and -rnros, -ov, b, f,
Avaavx,fis,rios -ovs, b, f,, (fr. Jus ill, (fr. same, E out of, and ?// vcrj'xrts, -fos -ovs, b, %, (fr. oiis ill,
and boasting) fiercely to go) impassable,
impervious and a sound) harsh sound-
av%ri rj%os
boasting, overbearing, imperious. that can hardly escape, unable t hoarse; loud
ing, sounding,
Avo~ad>aipros, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same, get away. roaring.
and a<j)aipfw
to carry away) Htt^iros, 'ov, b, ft, (fr. same, ani vada^irrisi -log -ovs, b, 17, (fr. same,
hard to be carried off', difficult to f^ifti to go out of) impassabli and 3aA7rw to warm) cold, chilly,
be having no
removed, immoveable, fixed, exit. frigid; hard to be warmed.
firm. >ffxav6p6(*)Tos, -ov, b, >;, (fr. same vffBavariu) -w, f.
-;;o~w, (fr. s;ame,
Avffj3daraKros, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and eirav op66o> lo correct) incor and Sdvaros death) to dread
and ftacrdfa to carry) hard it.
rigiblc, past amendment, dcpra flrath, be impatient of dying ; to
be lifted or carried, weighty, pon- cd ; spoiled. linger, die painfully .
derous. Avffirl(3aTOs, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same -w, f. -??o-w, (fr. same,
Avafiaros, -ov, b, rj, (fr. same, anc and eirifiabta to ascend) inacces and Svpbs the mind) to despond,
/?a/vw to go) inaccessible, not to sible. lose hope, despair.
be reached, unapproachable. AvfftiriTVKros, -ov, same
b, r;, (fr. vcOvnia, -as, rj, (fr. last) dejec-
Avffflof/6r;TOS, -ov, b, rj, (fr. same and iwirvy^dvu) to attain) not t( tion, sadness, grief.
and 8oqQt<i> to bring help) past be got, unattainable; irreconcile
vcOvpos, -ov, b, f), (fr. same) sad,
relief, incapable of being assisted.
able,avcrse,contrary ; disappoint melancholy, dejected; despond-
AvffjSovX/a,- -as,
'ft, (fr. same, and ed, frustrated, unfortunate. ing, dispirited; remiss, slothful,
counsel) bad counsel, un- Avccpyos, -ov, b, fy, (fr. same, aiu
/SODA?) indifferent.
fortunate advice. Ipyov work) unfit for working- vat, d. pi. of Svo.
Avaytvua, -as, f/, (fr. same, and incapable of being wrought ; dif- Avmaros, -ov, b, >;, (fr. ovs ill, and
yivos birth) lowness of birth, ficult ; slothful, lazy ; stupid, in- tdopai to heal) difficult to cure,
meanness of extraction, obscurity. active. unwilling to heal, incurable ;
Avayvf)s, -ios-ous, b,f), (fr. same) AvapvvrjTos, -ov, b,tj, (fr. same hard to be appeased, implaca-
low-born, mean, base. and epvvd<j) to search) unsearch- ble.

AvffSdicpvTos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, able,in$crutable, past finding out vaipcpos, -ov, b, >y, (fr. same,
and riaKpvM to weep) sad, melan- Avcfpis, -toos, b, rj, (fr. same, anc 't/jfpos desire) hardly
to be desired

choly, mournful, tearful. ipis strife) quarrelsome, conten-

or wished for ; disagreeable, hate-
AvarSid^aTos, -ov, b, f], (fr. same, tious, choleric, petulant ; peevish ful, odious.
Sid through, and (8o/vw to cross, testy; humour some; ob- -(Of, Att. -W, (fr. CVVO) tO
go) ft,

impassable, impervious, impene- stinate, stubborn. go down) a going down, setting,

Avatpp/vevros, -ov, b, f], (fr. same sunset ; the west.

AvaSiaKpfros, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, and ipp.rjvv(i) to interpret) hare <jGKa.Ta\wTiTos, -ov, b, {], (fr. ^iijill,
and ciaKpivw to distinguish) in- to be explained, abstruse, difficult and /caraAa//j3avw to compre-
distinct, indiscernible, obscure. \vffipus-i -UTOS, b,f), (fr. same,
anc hend) incomprehensible, unin-
AvaSiEt-'tTnTos, -ov, b, f], (fr. same, fpd)S love) unfortunate in love; telligible ; difficult, abstruse.
and ^if^ufii to go through) hard deceived ; desperately in love, AvaKaraiid6t]ros, -ov, b, f), (fr.same,
to be gone over or treated of; lovelorn. and KarapavQdvw to
learn) diffi-

impassable. \VGzrai, 3 sin. pres. ind. Av<rro, cult to learn, abstruse, unintelli-

AvcSii^ofios, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, Ion. and Avacero, Poet, anc gible.
and oii&dos a passage) imper- Ion. for EcSvc-ETo, 3 sin. impf. vaKarainaOtJTUS, (fr. last)
vious, impassable, impenetrable. telligibly.
AvcroiriynTOs, -ov, b, /, (fr. same, \vavv>'iT<p -opos, b, (fr. ovs ill, and
(fr fTc ill and
and oinytopai to relate) not to fvvri a bed) unlucky partner of a Kurafjid^oiJiat.
to fight against)
be told, inexpressible. bed. hard to be opposed; not to bt,

Ion. for cvfffl,
2 shi. 1
{.lAvatvptros, -ov, b,f], (fr. 6i>s ill, and subdued ; impregnable.
mid. of Svvw. to find) hard to be found, vaKaTavdriTos, -ov, b, (fr. same,
evpiaicw fi,

A,vmtOT)s, -{as -ov$, b,}j, (fr. tiiis ill,, scarce; i and Karavotw to perceive) im-
and ttcos shape) deformed, ugly explored, perceptible, unobservable ; ab-
misshapen ; disgusting. .Auo-c/t'crof, -o?;, b,f], (fr. same, and struse, unintelligible.
Aw<rrfaj3oXoy,-ow, 6,^,(fr. same, andj c^iKvio^ai to arrive at) unat- vaKard-navaros, -ov, b, ^,(fr. same,
tff(3o\ri an entrance) not to tainable, not to be reached, inac- and Karatravw to still) not to be
be\ '

entered, impervious ; inaccessible. assuaged, violent, furious, im-

AvccKntpaTos, -ov, b, %, (fr. same, Avff(j>oolaTa.TOs, sup. of placable.
tit from, and
Trtpaw to pass) dif- Avcfipooos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. cvs ill, and AvaKa.Tairo\i/i7iTos, -ov, o, fi, (fr.
ficult to be passed. Or (fr. wtpas tyocos an approach) unapproach- same, Kara against, and ir6\-
an end) of a miserable end, able, inaccessible, uos war) invincible; impregna-
wretched, horrid. vtmfios, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, and ble.

Auo-Airicrof, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same, rifir) youth) of age, full grown ; AvffKaTairpaKTOs,-ov, b,fi, (fr.same,
and \7nj hope) unexpected, un- unhappy, unfortunate. and Karcnrpdffau to effect) hardly
hoped; hopeless. vcrJKoos, -ov, b, f;, (fr. same, and to be done, scarcely possible, dif-

Avcevrtpia, -as, %, (fr. oi>s ill, and aicovo) to

hear) deaf, deafish;in- ficult ; not to be subdued or
ivrepov the intestines) illness of attentive, disobedient. tamed, wild.
the boweh,
dysentery. :
-ovs, b, ft, (fr. same, vcKardafieffTOS, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same,
AwvTeofrii,-i), -bv,(fr. last) af- and nXfyw to
regard) trouble- and Karac;pwvu to extinguish)
flicted with dysentery. some, offensive ; grievous, severe, not to be extinguished,
Avfffvrr.'C/'rt, -a?,//, (fr. f)i>s ill, and harsh ; sad, dismal. vcuftufios, -ov, b, ft, (fr.same, and
Aoos sound) ill sounding,
hoarse, harsh, doleful.
Av<rv, Ion. for ilwKtv, 3 sin.
-ou, 6, %, (fr. same act. Auffru^ouo-j,
3 pi. cont. Ava%ipia,
s, -as, f] (fr. next)
to, and bobs a road) mac pres. ind. act. of oWrv^fw. culty, distress.
cessible; difficult of access, for Au<rum5oTaro?, -ou, 8, //, (fr. io-;pr)?, -to? -ou? ? 8, >;, (fr. ovs ill,
bidding, distant, reserved. hardly, and u0j0ra/*ai to await' and ^ip the hand) difficult,
Aucnrpoo'6'p^ioToj, -ou, 8,^, (fr.same scarcely to be withstood, hardly t< hard, inconvenient; troublesome,
and TTpoo-op/u^w to harbour) in be borne, impetuous, furious. disagreeable, distressing, comp.
accessible, dangerous to approach Auo-0tytov, -ou, rb, (Dor. for ov SUp. -f ffTOTO?.
unsafe for ships. pov, neut. of Svaiprtjios slander- ,
last) with difficulty,
Au<rp7yof, -ot>, 8, fj, (fr. same,
an ous) disgrace, dishonour, shame. !y ; grievously.
/Jiyoj cold)
not able to bear cold Aua0tyua> -<y, f. -tjvtj), p. -rjKa, (fr, IDS, -ou, 8, f,, (fr. 5u? ill, and
very cold, stiff". same) to calumniate, slarider ; Xvpbs juice) noxious, venomous.
Auff<rf/?ia, -a?, r/, (fr. Svaacflris
im- to reproach, revile ; to
blaspheme ;
to foretell
pious) impiety, irreligion. evil, forebode ill.
(fr. <5uo-;pJ70To? useless) to foo/^e,

Aua-<7|8fa> -w, (fr. same) to 6c im- \vfffyrjnia, -as, hi (fr- same) a re- 6e disgusted, dislike, be tired of ;
pious ; to blaspheme, scoff. proach, taunt ; calumny, slan- ,
unwillingly or disagreeably ;
to act
der ; a disgrace, shame, scandal, to be
Auo-o-fjS^tt, -arog, TO, (fr. same) embarrassed, entangled, per-
impiety, ungodliness. infamy, evil report. plexed.
Auo-<r/?r)<r, -to?, -ou?, 8, r), (fr. <5uyill \VG<pf)HOio, Ion. for (5ucr0/^ou, g. o Auo-;w))7<TTJ7;ua, -aro?, T (fr. last)
and ffij3ii)
to revere) impious, Avo<pi)fjios, -ou, 8, 17, (fr. <5u? ill, anc ana Auff^p^orta, -a? (fr. next)
ungodly, irreligious. 0?7>7 a report) reviling, reproach- inconvenience, annoy e, embar-
Avffo-o, Poet, for Auo-fo, Ion. for ful ; slanderous, calumnious ; rassment ; difficul trouble,
<5u<rou, pres. impr. Avaaopeva- ominous, foreboding evil. grievance,vexation ; >

, loss.
uv, Poet, and ^Eol. for Svao ,uo-<j&opfu -5, f.
->/aw, p. -rjKa, (fr. Auo-^p^orro?, -ou, 8, ft, (fr. Si-s iU,
v(ov, g. pi. par. pres. mid. of tiv Svs and to bear) to and xprjarbs useful) inconve-
ill, fee
ftn. hardly able, scarcely to bear; to awkward, useless; unfit,
Auo-troof, -ou, 6, fi, (fr. oi)s ill, and take ill; to fret, grieve, be
angry unseasonable.
<ro"o? safe, or r<5w to put to or indignant.
Auo-%wpta, -a?, fj, (fr. same, and
hardly saved, just escaped ; aban- wafyopfis, -fos -ou?, Avff(f>6pt)TOS, Xwpo? place) roughness or rug-
doned, forsaken ; hardly beat off" and Aucr0opo?, -ou, 8, ^, (fr. gedncss of country ; difficulty of
or driven away ; not to be over-
same) hard to be borne, not to ground.
taken, clear off. be endured; offensive, trouble-
Av<ru>5r]$, -EOS -ou?, 8, f), (fr. same,
Auorai>o?, Dor. for tivarrr some; severe, grievous ; heavy, and o"w to smell) ill-flavoured,
AuoTfKuapro?, -ou, 6, f], (fr. &>j weighty. fetid, stinking, rank.
hardly, and rK/xcu'pu> to conjec- uo-^dpu?, (fr. last) beyond endur- Au<rw<5t'a, -a?, f/ t (fr. same) an ill

ture) not to be guessed, past con- ing, grievously, severely. smell.

jecture. v<T(ppova, -<i>v, r, (fr. next) cares, uawvu/jo?, -ou, 8, f), (fr. ^u? ill, and
&vffTrivos, -ou, b, ^, (fr. same, and anxieties, vexations. 6Vo/m a name) of an unlucky
oTfi-'a> to groan, or tcrr^ft to va^povfti) -w, f.
-r/Gb), (fr. 5u? ill, name ; ominous, inauspicious,
stand ) sighing, groaning, lament- and (fipovfd)
to think, th.
typrjv foreboding evil ; unfortunate ;
ing.; miserable, unhappy, wretch- the mind) to lose spirits, sink, sad, dismal ; hateful, detestable.
ed, unfortunate* faint, despond; to grieve, fret, -w, f. -/jaw, (fr. same, and

Auor>7p7ro?,-ou, 6, ^, (fr. same, and, take ill. par. pres. act. Svatypo- the countenance) to shame ;
to vtwv -wv. to shame out
Trjpfu watch) scarcely obser- of, extort through
vable, imperceptible ; hard to be u<70poo-uvawv, g. pi.
JEol. of shame, get by entreaty; co per-
watched or preserved. uo-^poo-ui'^, -77?, >/, (fr.
ovfffypovfo suade, prevail upon. Auo-WTTf op.ai
&v<rrtpevTOs,-ov, b,j'i, (fr. same,and to despond) anxiety, care, vexa- -ovfiai, to blush, be ashamed,
cri kvd) to tread) not to be traced, tion ; grief, sorrow. yield through shame or importu-
lost, undiscovered. 5o"0pu)v, -ovo?, 8, f], (fr. same) nity ; to be diffident or shy.
AuffroKtw -<3,
and -fffto, (fr. anxious, sad. vawtria, -as, fj, (fr. same) bash-
Svs hardly, and T'IKTU> to bring ;ff<4uAaKro?, -ou, 8, fj, (fr. <5u? ill, fulness, modesty, timidity.
bring forth with diffi-
to and to guard) hard to be and
forth) 0uAd<nra> uffwpd -5, f. -(70-0), (fr. &>? ill,
culty, have dangerous labour; to avoided, unavoidable, inevitable. oupo? a guard) to keep, watch or
have bad offspring. Auo-0wvta, -aj, ^, (fr. next) dis- guard with difficulty ; to dread,
AuflTOK/7<raj, -aoa, -av, par. 1 a. cord, discordance; harshness or be alarmed.
act. of last. roughness of voice or sound. irrjs, -ou, 8, (fr.
<5vj>co to
enter) a
AuVrpoj, -ou, 8, one of the months, UV0WVO?, -ou, 8, 17, (fr. <5u?ill,
and diver.
called also EAa^oAiciv, an- w i>7 voice ) dissonant, discordant, AUTO"?, -r), -bv, (fr. same) entering,

swering nearly to our September. jarring ; rough, harsh, grating. penetrative, piercing; to be en-
AUOTU Yf oraro? , sup. of SvaTv%r'i$. and AuVvEt^o?, -ou, 8,
?, tered, open, passable.

Auirru^fw -w, f. -^crw, p. -r,Ka, (fr. (fr. same, and ^?//a winter) At5w, f. Svffo), see Svvo)*
oi>$ ill,
and TV%TI fortune) to be wintry, cold, chilly ; rough, tem- Auo>, Att. for <5uo.
unfortunate or unsuccessful, pestuous ; inhospitable, barren,
meet with misfortunes; to fail, uninhabited. indecl. (fr. ^uu two, and
err,miss. 1 a. pat. act.
Svarv^- uo"^tp/)?, -fo? -oy?,
and Au(7^/pw- ten) twelve; a dozen.
aas- 1 a. par. pass. Svarvxr)- ro?, -ou, 8, fj t (fr. same, and%tp Aua><5Ka<$po/joj, -ou, 8, (fr. last,
0ij, inneut. pi. Sv<rroj(Ti8fVTa. the hand) hard to be managed or 8p6nos a race) running twelve

Auoru^/ta, -aroj, ro, and Autrru- taken in hand; difficult to be times, of twelve heats.
a misfor- tamed or subdued, comp. 5v<r- a><5fca^7voy, -ou, 8, ^, same,
Xia, -as, ';, (fr. last) (fr.
tune, accident, ill-luck ; a defeat, ;^apwTpo?, sup. -ciraro?. and pfjv a month) o/" <wieZDe
slaughter; adversity, affliction, .uo-^EpaiVu, f. -avw, (fr. dva%tpris months, annual, yearly. '

to take or bear ill ; to Avioc-CKaratoc,

trouble, sorrow. harsh) -a, -ov, (fr. same)
Auoru;r;? -EOJ -ou?, b,fi, (fr. same) dislike to do,
refuse, reject scorn- every twelfth day or year, cy in-
unfortunate, wretched, misera- fully ; to scorn, disdain ; to fret, tervals of twelve, in the tvxlfth

ble, afflicted, cruel, unfeeling. be displeased, vexed or angry. place ; for or during twelve days,
comp. ovan%iarEpog, sup. -ra- 3 pi. pres. ind. montlis, &c.

re?. pres. par. a. pi. .

-rj, -ov, (fr. same)
, a. pi. cont- par- pres. ra?.
v&twf , Att. or Ion. for 6votv,g.of6v<
ind. act. of &v- 'Eawv, -Eol. for f'wv," g.
of fbs pper. paw,
) impf. pi. >fyujv, ->;o- , -?;ro,
for 85,
ov. dAXu.
'Eavds, -rj, Eauv, ^Eol. for MWV, cont.
-bv, (fr. f'w or f'vvvw to cDj>, g. os or 'E(3tvo$, -ov, }, ebony.
dress) fit for wear or dress, fine, pi. of ?)s- Efltp or
'E|3ip, indecl. Jfe6er, a
gay ; 'E/3a, Dor. for $77, 3 sin. 2 a. ind.
light, slight, thin ; fusible,
mans name.
fusile, melting, running.
Subs. act. or 0aivu>. of/% , -77 s, -77,
2 a. ind. act. 'Efo-
sail ; a loose garment, long 'E/?a, Lacon. for fa, pres. impr.
veil, <ra, -as, -, in 3 pi. 'E/^aav, 1 a.
robe, gown. act. cont. of dw. ind. act. Efirjadprv, -w, -arc,
-as, -E, 1 a. ind. act. of 1 a. ind. mid. of /ftfyttor fiaivw.
Edvntp, see a' E/3d<5(c-a,
"Eavrat "Eavro, Att. or Ion. for EpV/aro, 3 sin. impf. of (jfaonat,
rjvrai, 3 pi. pres.
ind. mid. anc , -fSi 5 impf. act. of $a-
Poet, for /Jafvu.
TJVTO, 3 pi. impf. ind.
mid - 0tfvw. Ejlu'iGtiTo and E/^atc-aro, 3 sin. 1 a.

'Ej3ojvov,-s, -, impf- act. of /JoiVw. mid. of /3tdo) or j3ia'^w.


'Ea|a, see iaya. 'E/?aXAor, -?,

- or -v, 2 a. ind. E/3/oii, 3 sin. impf. act. of j3tdu>.

'Eap, -pos, Poet, fjp,

and Ion. firjo act. -ES, -, 2 a. ind. E/?6co, -ov, >/. see
->7pos, TO,
the spring ; blood, vi- act. of jSdXXu. Epfov, 2 a. ind.' act. cont.

gour, bloom; fatness, plenty. 'Efiav, by Sync. Dor. and Poet. or jStdw.

Eap?v7), -rjs, r'i, (fem. of next) the for tfirjaav, 3 pi. of ifiqv, 2 s..\'Efi\afiov. act. ]
spring. ind. act. of jSffyu or fiaivw. 2 a. ind. of /3Xd7rrw
Eaptvbs, and Etopivos, -%, -bv, (fr. Efidxrifyv, 3 sin. impf. act. E- E/3XdKu//at, Att. for
tap spring) of the spring, vernal ; -ica, -as,-, 1 a. ind. act. per. pass, of /3AaKvw.
rich, blooming. TcriaQnv, -T?S, -17,
1 a. ind. 'E|3Xa^at, Att. for (

EapoYpo^os, -ov, and -rpo^f/s, -fos

of |3a7mw. per. pass, of iSXdTJTw.

-ovs, 6, f], (fr. same, and rpt 0w to 6p)i>, -cv, -era, impf.
ind. E$Xao-T77Kws, -vta, -6s, Att. for /St-

rear) reared, bred or growing in i7rru>. P\aaTr)K&s, par. act. per.

EfiXdarriaa, -as, -, or -tv,
1 a.
spring, vernal ; vigorous, luxuri- 1
pi. 1 a. ind. pass.
ant, blooming. /3ap
ind. act. 'E/3Xacrov, 2 a. ind.
Eos, 2 sin.
pres. ind. act. cont. ,
3 pi. 2 a. pass, act. of fi\acrdvu> or j8Xao-rfO).

'Eao-', Ion. for a'ac-, 3 sin. or rather of 3Xao 075^77(ra, -as, -, in 3 pi. -0?;-

t, jSapuw-
1 a. ind. act. 1 a. ind. act.
Edaavrts, n. pi. /x7?CTav, EjSXao^fr?;-
par. 1 a, act.
Edaa-, 2 pi. EjSao-i'Xnxra, -as, - or -v, 1 a. ind. //ovv, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of
1 a. impr. act. act. of jS
Ea'aa, 3 sin.
1 f. ind. act. of du. 3 sin. impf. act. of /?
"Ea<ra, Att. for nca, 1 a. ind. act la. ind. act. of j3Xd7rTu
Of&vo 'E|3affov, Laconic and Syracusan 'E/3A7rov, -?, -, impf.
Ed<rapv, Ion. tidaafitv, 1 pi. 1 1 a. impr. act. 1 a. ind. act. of j3AVu.
a. md. act. Edtrat/uv, 1 pi. 1 See t$a. in 3 1
'E^f/Oriv, -?;?, -77, pi. -Or/cav,
a. opt. act. Eao-ai, 1 a. inf. in 3 -racrav a. ind. pass.
E.fldoriioa } -as,
-, pi.' 'E/?Xj?ro, Sync.
act. Edcro), m*2 pi. 1 Edar, a. ind. act. of fiacrd^w. for Ej8fj3Xj7ro, 3 sin. pper. pass.
f. ind. act. Ed<rw, -77$, -77, 1 a. of/3'AXw.
sub. act. of dw. E/?i5a, 3 sin. ind. cont. of
'Eaat, Ion. and 'Eco-tn, Poet, for
to-i, pres. of a/n, to be.
3 pi. Eevdu?7 in 1 pi. - ?7o-a,-af,-, act. 1

'Eacxov, ->-,
Ion. for eiuov, impf. 1 a. ind. mid. -w, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of
Edrout', 1 pi. 1 f iftd. act. -ov, 6, (fr.
the'se'venth', aitd dyw to' lead)
Dor. for oiiffa, fem. par. the seventh leader.
'Eao-(ra, Epithet o E8nv\furo, and E/3ovXojvro, Ion.
pres. of
to be.
ut, Apollo, born on the seveqth day for cfiovXovTo, 'A sin. impf. ind.
'Earai and Earo, Ion. for of the month. mid. E,flot)X/,CV, 1 a. ind.
arid rjvro, 3 pi. of >^at, and -TO
its]' !|3<$0fia7os, -a, -ov, (fr. next) even/ pass. EjSouAdfw/v, -ov
seventh day, weekly.
impf. tjpijv. impf. mid. of/So<i> '

'Eo,r, Ion. for 7;r,

2 pi. impf. Ificopus, -a<5os, >!, (fr. t~ra seven) Att. for
to be. one wen, the number seven ; a
eipl, per. act. E/JovXroovro, 3 pi.
Eart, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. week, seven days ; the Sabbath, impf. mid. E/3ovAv<ra, act.
of dw. the seventh day ;
e?:rr;y scvr:n Efiov\zi;cdinir, mid. 1 a. ind. of
a'u to allow) days.
5, -a, -ov, (fr.
to be allowed, permitted, &c. and
imitate, live or
Ej3<S;)pT?7 w, f.

'EavToii, -Jjs, -ov, (fr. 2o for ov his (fem. of next) viz. ,

</ie sc- spaJc /t/re </ie Hebrews.
own ind avuos self) of himself, renth day.
'E{3pa'iKbs,~ri,-bv, Hebrew, concern-
In sin. it is 'Ej3<5fyiuros, -w, sr.me as
Herself, ilself. -rj,
ing the Hebreics.
fiometimes applied to the se- /zos. 'E/3paTos, -a, -ov, a Hebrew, native
cond pRrson, yourself; and in
E/35o//>7KovTa, indecl. (fr. <7rr se- Jew,
the pi. to the three, our-\
all ven) seventy. the He-
, -Mos, , Hebrew,

selves, yourselves, themselves ; yE^ofirjKovraf^, indecl. (fr. v

brew language.
last.) m ie Hcbreii-
home, one's home ; one anothe and six) seventy-six. i, (fr.
each other. , (fr. same) seventy tongue.
Att. for 7/A0';v, 1 a. ind.
'Ed</>0/7v, , ->7s, -?, 1 a. ind. pass.
pass, of airrij).
Or Ion. for t<- , -ft, -ov, (fr. same] or
077V, same
of Eiropai. seventieth. and 3 sin.^of
Edw eu to "E/^o^os, r.
same) the
-w, f. oV(o, p. i'aca, (fr. -77
ov, -s,-,unpf. act. of/3pd-
aH-\ seventh.
send) to let, suffer, permit, Or, 2 a. ind. act. and
low ; to let go, let fall ; to leave, Ej3j3dt(rav, 3 pi. of tfitfidav, pper
2 a. ind. pass.
let alone, pass by, omit, neglect;}
fr. fiifiaa, by Ion. Sync, for fi' -as,
- or ,
1 a. ind.
to cease, stop, leave off. impf. /fyra, per. ind. act. of j3atvw.
ind. ffaov -wv, -as -as, -a -a. 1 E/J/3atWa, -as, -, act. Efitfiai E/?p(5vr?7tra, -a$, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
a. act. ind. fmo-a- impr. f'ao-ov w07/, pass. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of /3 .

par. daas. @ai6u. , impf. mid.

*E$pwv, -us, -oj,
2 a. ind. act. of
7V, Ion. for vyioOvv, \ a. ind. ZyKaivifa, -Yaw, p.
f. angry ; taunting, spiteful, bitter,,
pass, hence 'Eyp0v, Dor. and (fr. same) to innovate, change,
Ion. for rjytpQrjaav, 3 pi. of same. alter ; to renew, confirm ; to
Ey*ay, deeply, to a great depth;
Eytp0?7rj, -0;yro), in 2 pi. handsel ; to dedicate, consecrate. within, inside.
-0^r, 1 a. impr. pass. 1 a. act. tvtKalviaa. per. pass. Ey*ar',for 'Eyxara, -wv, ra, (pi.
neut. of lyKaros inside) the in-
tyxcxdv tergal .
inf. -rj, -trai, in 3 Zyicaiviffis, -<of, Att. -tias, ^, and wards, entrails, bowels, intes-
pi. -Oi'/aovrat, 1 f. pass, of eytipw. Ey/caivr//of, -ov, 6, (fr. same)
tines ; thefiesh. dat. pi. tyKdrois,

Eyfpcfyo?, -on, 6, >;, (fr. tytlpw to

an innovation, alteration; a re- and tyicaffi.

rouse) that raises or cheers ; re- newal, revival; a confirmation, 2yKara/3a/va>, (fr. in, tv and icara-
freshing, reviving. celebration; a dedication, conse- fiaivw to descend) to go down
'Eypo-i?, -ios, -as, 17, Att. (fr. cration. into, descend, enter.

same) a raising or rising up; Ey/catpo?, -OD, b, ft, (fr. tv in, and y/cara/3i(5w -w, (fr. same,

exhortation, encouragement, pro- Kalpos opportunity) fit, conve- and Kara/Stow to pass life) to
vocation ; an elevation, erection, nient, commodious; seasonable, spend life in; to pass or employ
building ; an awakening or rous- time in to dwell, abide at.
opportune, timely. ;
a. sub. act. of
ing from sleep; resurrection, re- Lyicaipws, (fr. last) seasonably, op- Ey>cara0M,-7??,-77,2
animation, returning to life. a. portunely.
yKalu, (fr. tv in, and Kaiw to EyK<mki/iai, -tlco^ai, (fr. cv
Eypw, -as, -, 1 ind. act. of burn) to burn in, brand; to light on, and KaraKtlfiai to lie down)
up, kindle ; to enamel. to sit down upon, be seated; tor

EytvffaTO, 3 sin Eywao-0, 2 yKUKtd) -5, f. -t'/au>, (fr. same, He or sit down at meat ; to lean
pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of ytvouai. and KUKOS evil) to disdain, scorn; or depend on, be attached or
"Eyt/ytparo, Ion. and Att. for
7yp- to dislike, loathe, be averse to. devoted to. pres. inf. tynara-
fiivot rjaav, 3 pi. pper. pass. y/caXf'co -a),
f. -i<ru), p. tyKtKXijKa^ KtlcQai.
same, and KaXf'w to -fco, (fr. same,
Ey/;ypjuaj, -aai, -rat. Ey?7- (fr. call)
EyAcaraX/yu, f.

Att. for
fjyto^ai, per. summon, sue ; to charge, im- KaraXtyw to choose) to enrol
ind. pass, and par. plead, indict, accuse, impf. EV- among, register.
per. pass, of y/pw. Kdhtov -ovv. 1 a. ind. act. tvticd- EyKardXtipua, -aro j, rei, (fr. same)
Att. for
?/yopa, per.
ind. X<T. par. pres. pass. cont. y- remains, relics; a monument?
mid. of same. memorial.
Ey/07v, -rjs, -rj, 1 a ind. pass, of
yKa\oaKt\tis,-fos -ov$, b,f), (fr. tv Ey/caraXfiTTo/uvoj, -rj, -ov, par.
in, KU\OV timber, and oxAoj a pres. pass. Ey<caraXtn-ovrj,
v ,
/r a, 1 a. act. ind. and yi^a?, leg) one in the stocks, a vagabond. n. pi. par. pres. act. Ey/cara-
par. of yat//w or yduw, for ya- ind. -as,-, 1 f. ind. act. of
yKaXoD/ucu, E)
fifu. Or, by Sync, for tyd^rjaa, par. pres. pass. cont. of tyica- EyKaraXnVw, -i|/w, p. fyxara-
and ya/Djcrttf same, from ya^ew. XfW. (fr.
and KaraXftVw
tv in, ar \i\ti<pa,
Eyvpa, for
3 sin. impf. ind. z, -arof, rb, (fr. next)
a to forsake) to desert, abandon,
ofynpi/jjit, ytpdd) or yrjpdaicu).
for covering ; a veil, wrapper, man- quit in distress; to leave over,
Or, 3 sin. impf. cont. of ypdw, tle, cloak. have remaining, reserve. 2 a.
EyfvwKov, ?, -, impf. act. a>, f. -i^w, (fr. tv in,
and act. ind. tyKarlXiirov sub. y<ca-
\virru) to cover) to cover up, raXtTrw.
Ton. and Att. wrap up ; to veil, conceal, hide, Ey/caraXi^Trdi/a),
same as last.
pres. inf. act. of tyKaiu. bury. EyxaraXtTrw, -ys, -tj, 2 a. sub. act.
EyKd0ro s -ov, 6, rj, (fr. tv in, and 2yAcdXv|/j? Att. -EWJ, f], (fr.
to?, of same.
KaQivui \t) Set on) insidious, last) a wrapping up, conceal- EyKaraXoyj'w, f. -taw, (fr. tv in,
treacherous and /caraXoyi'w to count)
suborned, hired for ment, hiding. to dis-
a bad purpose. Subs, an assas- to tribute, arrange.
Sy/cava^do^at -w/mt, (fr. next) '
sin, way-layer; ^ spy, burst out laug'hing ; to rustle / f (fr

eaves-dropper ; an termer. among, rattle; to sound a horn, same, and Karajiiyvvm to mix
&c. up) to intermingle, intermix,
tens, and ^dw to be
y^<ng) to
Sy/cavo^tw -5, f.
-rjcra, (fr. tv in, confuse, insert, put in among.
to be in and Havana f. -cru, and -&>,
spend youth ; youth. to sound, th. TJ%OS
EyKarairal<j), (fr.
"EyKadrifiai, (fr. tv in,
and Kd0^ Bt sound) to g*rgle, pour with a tv intens. and Karairai^o) to
to sit) to sit down upon ; tr noise; to rattu, resound. 1 a. to :
mock) deride, ridicule, jibe
crouch, stoop down; to watch impr. act. ty K dv^ov . 1 a . inf. to cajole, deceive.
lie in ambush, lay wail. mid. tyKavaY>iffa(jQa>. f. -TT^W, (fr. tv in,
(fr. same,
and and Karairf/yvvp.1 to fasten down)
EyKa0/u>, Kadi^u "Eyicap, -apog, ro", (fr. same, and
to sit) to sit down upon ; to wail for the the brain ; drive or
Kap Kdpa head) to
stick, fix in,fastenin,
for, beset, lay wait; to station a louse ; a mote, atom, trifle. f. same
~RyKaraaictvd$w, -dad), (fr.
set, place. But the meaning of this word is and KaraaKtvdQw to equip) to
EyKa0/or;/n, (fr. same, and KaQi- very doubtful. fit out, provide, furniish, finish
to dispose) to set, put the
oT/7//t 'Ey/zpo?, -ov, b, (fr. same) completely.
place, settle, arrange, dispose ; h brain.
EyaTa(TK:/;rrra), f. -^w, (fr. tv in-
put in, mix ; to be in, at o 'EyKap-ros,-ot), 6, ft, (fr. same, an< ters, and KaraaKrjTird) to urge)
among, par. per. act. yK<z0o-- Kapirbs fruit) bearing fruit, pro- to
apply earnestly ; to lean, press
rws, by Sync, for ducing seed, fruitful, prolific upon; to assail, set upon; to

Eyca/vta, -lav, rd, (tr. same, am teeming, pregnant. | fling, throtv.

xaivbg new) ancient feasts in EyKapo-ta, -ag, %, (fr. obli- tv in,
next) Ey<cara<77rpa), f.
-tpS, (ff.
memory of the founding oj quity, obliqueness, a slope, slant. and Karao-Trapw to sow) to saw
consecration of temples., EyKdpcrios, -ov, b, %, (fr. tv intens.
cities, abroad, disseminate, implant, in-
&c. Among the Jews thefeas and Kapaios oblique, not culcate.
of the dedication of the temple and icara-
perpendicular, leaning, sloping, Ey*arar0??//i, (fr. same,
aridof its purification from the slanting, crooked. Ti6ripi) put or place in or
heathen idolatries of the Ro-
Eyrapo-t^oXof, -ov, b, fj, (fr. last, or among, lay, set or put together,
mans. An anniversary, conse- fr. h in, Kdpa the head, and conceive, comprehend.
cration, dedication. yoX;) anger) not headed, choleric. TyKctTf@a, Poet, and Dor. for
3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of
f. same) a
-ffW, p. l/Kw/uaorfo, -ov, 'o, (fr. -ov, b, fa (fr. same,

same, and Kpovcj to knock) praiser, encomiast. and Kepawds lightning) armed
to knock or drive in; to thrust, 'KOS, -ri, -ov, and Poet. with lightning. An epithet of
push, force forward; to beat , -a, -ov, (fr. same) Jupiter.
time ; to dance, inarch or move to commendatory, praising, pane- Ey^(pf'o) -tS, f.
-f)vu t f.-r]Ka,(fr. tv
and %dp the
time. gyrical. in, hand) to io/te in
-tfw, p. eyKiK, -ov, TO, praise, com- hand, commence, attempt ; to a
(fr. v in, and KpuTrrw to nide) mendation, panegyric, eulogy sault, attack, assail, par. pres.
to lay up, put by, conceal, cover encomium. act.
y^tpfojv -tDv, n. pi. cont.

up, hide. EyXvKdrdrjv, -TJS, -rj, 1 a. ind. pasfc. eyXeipovvres.

Ey/cpu0<a?, -ov, 6,
apros, (fr. y\vKalvw Ey^ip/;//a, -aros, TO, (fr. last) an
hidden or covered over with by Sync, for
tj^i^tv, Ion. attempt, endeavour, enterprise.
last) y/uv,
embers ; bread baked in the em- for
f'^av, pros. inf. of fyw. EyxtipTjvis, -tos, Att. -(oj, fa (fr.
bers or ashes. yi-w/ca, -as,
- or -cv, per. ind. same) a taking in hand, under-
EyKTriffis, -log,
Att. -EWS, fa (fr. EV act. Eyvu>KiT, 2 pi. pper. act. taking, attempt; a treating of,
intens. and KTaopai to posseis) Eyi'iJjcOrjv, -t]s } ~rj,
1 a. ind. treatise.

rig-fa,property, possession; an pass. 'Eyvwv, -wj, -w, 3 pi. ~Ey%zip(oiov, -ov, TO, (fr. EV in, and
acquisition, acquirement,
advan- -waav, 2 a. ind. act.
Eyi'w/cw? %dp the hand) a handle; a little
tage. -t>7, -bs, n. pi.
-j/cjKoYff, par book, epitome; a dagger; any
'EyKTT/roj, -ov, b, f], (fr. same) per. act. of yvuJ^u or yivwcvfto. thing small for the hand.
3 1 a. ind. act. ir- Ey%etpifo, f. -Yaw, p. -</c, (fr.
acquired, got, procured. yi/wKav, pi.

EyKT/u>, f> -fcrw, (fr.

in, and reg. of same. same) to deliver, hand over, put
to to build on,-rear, into the hands, intrust, commit ; to
/>cr(ci> frame) "ov, -ro, impf. pass,
raise, erect. at, -as, -, 1 a. irid. extend, reach, stretch. Ey^apt'-
*v and act. of to take in hand,
KyKvOriKr,, -rjs, fa (" in, yvwp/^w. Qofjiai, undertake,
KcvOu to hide) rather perhaps 'Eyi'uxrav, and Poet, t'yvwi', 3 pi. 2 take upon, execute a trust.
to lie a. act. and
EyKi6>jK>j, (t'r. iyKtipai ov, b, fa (fr. same,
upon, and fljj/eg a case) a salver, EyvwoywK, -o-at, -orai, per. pass
and Ttdr/fjn to place) intrusted,
tray, sideboard, stand; a sup- of yv&ni, for ymi5crKu>. deposited, committed ; surrender-
3 pi. of ed, delivered up.
porter, prop. Eypd<fiaav, Eypa^v, '
-77 j,
2 a. ind. pass. y^fXoj, -DO?, and 'Ey^tAtj,
EyKtkAjo?, and 'EyKiucAo?, -ov, b, ->/, -tos,
fa (fr. EV in, and KikAo? a circle) -?, -, 2 a. ind. act.
Att. -w ? , fa (perhaps fr. tv in,

circular, round ; vulgar, common, -as, -, a. ind. act. of ypa0w. t\i<s mud, and %tu) to strew, or
to keep) an eel.
ordinary, usual. Eypo, Ion. for iypov, pres. impr ijfia
and mid. o y^ov, Ion. for evfyeov, impf. act.
"E.yKVK\oir<uoda, -as, fa (fr. last,
iraiocla learning) the circle of the Eyp;/yopa, -as, -, ind. and typ-nyo- of ty%fw.

sciences, the course of human EyY(T(//wpof, and -//opoj, -ov, b, fa

p<lif i par. per.
mid. Eyprjyi
knowledge, erudition, learning. <7v, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of yp?;- (fr. f'y^o? a spear, and
fr. ev intens. and KVK- yopfw, by Aphasr. for fate) fatal or deadly with the
"E,yKVK\6u -w,
Adw, which see. spear; warlike, valiant.
yprjyopfui -w, -/;<rw, p.

Ey/o>*:Awcrif, -ios, Att. -ewj, fa (fr. (fr. y/pw to rouse) to watch, Ey;^<nVaAAof, -OD, 6, (fr. same, and
a circle, the wake, lie awake, be vigilant. -'AAu) to brandish) brandishing
fyicvK\os circular)
an Poet, for or adit'e with the
circumference ; encircling, S.yp}'iyop9ai, fypqyopivai, spear ; warlike,
mid. brave.
surrounding. per. inf.
Eyp?/yop0, and
EyKuAiw, f. -'<rw, p- -**> ("" v in, Eypj7y<5p0d(n, for ypj?y<5par, 2 ^Dvr<z, Dor.for yvf'ovra, a. sin.
and KV\IU to roll) to roll, wrap or pi. and ypny6paffi, 3 pi. per. mas. par. pres. of
entwine, en- ind. mid. of -fvfftj}, (fr. ev in, and
vj w
/oW wp; to clasp,
tangle. Eyp^yopos, -ou, 6, fa (fr. yo^yopfw to"
pour) to powr in, j?ZZ. For
EyKiJfiwv, -ovoj, 6, ^, (fr. same, and to watch) wakeful, watchful, vi- tenses see ^w.
KUU> to breed) great with child, gilant. -y%oj, -ECJ -ovs, TO, a spear, dart,
pregnant, big with young ; hea- Syp/yyoprt and -rwy, (fr. same) uz- javelin; a sword.
vy, weighty ; full, sv)ollen, big, gilantly, attentively. yXpaopai -w//ai, f.
-/;(ro//at, p. ey-
large. 'd(o,
Poet, same as Kfxprijiai, (fr. v in, and xpdopat
by Att. Sync, for (.ytipo- to use) to use, TnaTce use
"Eynvos, -ov, fa (fr. same) preg- ,ai, of; to
nant, with young. which see. pres. mid. impr. practise, behave ; to inure, accus-
v in, and orrro) to '{ypov par. ypo>vo?. impf. ind. tom or habituate one's self. par.
"EyKviTTd), (fr.
stoop) to stoop to look at,
look mid. Eypdpriv, -ov, -TO. per. pass. EyKt^r^iivog.
closely into, examine. Zyvjjiva^ov, -s, -, impf. Eyvfi- YXpavii) Ey^paw, fr. same, and
f. v in, and Att. for or
%paw, which see. pres.
<>, -/7{ra), (fr. vafffiai, yyvfivacp.ai, ^pauw
to meet with) same as -ffai, -arai, per. ind. pass, of inf.
yvpvdfa. rw, fr. v intens. and
yAtt)p<raj, -ao-a, -av,par. Ey/cvp- f,yv[jivfji)9nv, -TIS, -tj,
1 a. ind. pass. w, which see. 1 a. act.
aai, inf. EyxiipoT?,
3 sin. sub. ofyvfivow, ind. a- par.
act. 1 a.. of Sy^apao-o-u, 01 -rrw, (fr. EV in, and pres. mf! mid.
yxuu), f.
-vpo-w, (fr. tv in, and Xapdavti) to hollow) to carve on, par. 1 a.
pass, -tiaa,
icvodi to meet with) to fall in engrave, inscribe, write upon. -V.
meet with, Eyx f r f a > P^ ^ *YX S '
with, happen upon, V% ,
1 a. impr.
hit upon; to befall, chance. 1

a. ind. act.
vm>po-a. fvin, and %f^w to ease nature)
(fr. \l/as,
1 a.
par. act. ofe
go to stool ; to dirty, befoul. Sy^p^w, f. -iffu, p..-tica, (ft. EV in,
ica, (fr. sy/cofyuov praise) praise, 5y^/a, to
-as, and Ion.
Ey^/>/, ->7? and to smear) to anoint,
^pt'w >

commend, celebrate, extol, par. 7^, (fr. fy^os a spear) a spear, rub in ; to dye, colour. 1 a. ind.

pass. y>cu>/aa<5/ivof. par. dart, javelin ; skill in these wea- act. impr. svfxoiffo.' ey^pto-ov.
a. pass. pons, g. pi. .iEol. f. -ftrw,
cyKU[iiaffdcls. yvjau>v. xpoviQw, p. -(*ca, (fr.
Kw/ita<rrfof, -a, -ov, (fr. last) 2yX7?po//o?, -ov, 6, ,% (fr. same, same, and ^pov^oi to last) to
0ug-fa to be praised, must be com- and ^ptfid)
roar) skilful or abide, rest, continue; to' delay
mended, &c. furious with the spear, warlike. linger, /
"Ey^povoj, -ou, 6,^, (fr. same, and
EOOVTI, Dor. or ^Eol. Tor fbovtn, i the
loins, exercises the haunches ; Effa//voj, by Proslh.
pi. pres. ind. act. of e$o>. active, supple. for
tiad^v, ind. and ao-a/ievoj,
, -as, -e,
1 a. ind. act. o 'Eow, impf. act. of<3u/u, same as par. 1 a. mid. of '<5w.
dvvw. Or Bceot. for eiveav, 3 pi. ZutTdunv, also for Etcdpiv, 1 a.
v, -es, -, impf. act. E<5 J of same tense. mid. of ?/u, to go.
%affa, -as, -, act. ESo^daOijv Edvvd&r/v, Dor. for cSvvi/driv, 1 a. v, by Prosth. for ucdiiriv*
->]S, -T), pass.
1 a. ind. of oot-d^w ind. pass. Edvvaiaro, Dor. for 1 a.mic
id. of 1

"ESos, -os-ovs, TO, (fr. to seat]

tovvavTo, 3 pi. E<5i>varo,3 sin. :iaao,by Prosth. and Ion. for
a sitting, session; a seat, abode, E<5ui>a<r0, 2 pi. impf. n 2 sin. of tiadfirjn, 1 a. ind.
residence, habitation ; ground, mid. of 116(3).
soil, floor, basis, foundation ;
and Att. Ji^vvdaQrjv, 1 Etiadrrjv, Att. for aaanyv, 3 du. oi
; the image or
uh- same of up.1, to go.
temple, shrine a. ind. pass, of 6nv^w, .is 7ffa, 1 a.

'\6tTai, Poet, for A^erai, 3 sin.

ject of worship ; delay, sloth, ^uvajuai.
lessness, indolence. -ro, Ion. for (5(5j'avro,
3 pi. pres. of
'Eooaav, see toov. impf. of Sivapat.
'Edov, for eooffo, 2 sin. 2 a. mid. of
and Att. r)dvvr/6rjv,-dris, EA^wp, by Poet. Pleon. for A-
-Qil, pi. -Brjptv, 1
-as, -e or -tv, 1 a. ind. of same. kXjua/, and 'E&uevos, Poet, and
Eoov\vcra, a. ind.
act. of oov\vtj). by Sync, for lA77^at, ind. and
'E<5oi'ov, -f, -, impf. act. of ^uj/w.
E&ov\&Qnv, ->7f, -77, 2 pi. -Onr, EfJuJyUj/j/ -ov, -rro, impf. mid. of lX)jj.i.ivos, par. per. pass,
of a-
pass. E<5oiiXw<ra, act. 1 a. incl. Xf'w. Or for t\afi.ai, and fXa/-
Eovffa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. vosj same of c\avvu>*
'E<5ot///at, 2 f. mid. of w. EovocraTO, Poet, for eovcfaro, 3 fXTTEro, by Prosth. 'EX:rTo,
E<5ofyai, 2 f, mid. of <5w. sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of <'dw or Ion. for >;X7Tro, 3 sin. impf. mid.
'E<5oi)7rov, 2 a. ind. act. of OOVKSW. Svvw. so EeXirotjuci'} for AITOJ//EV, 1
'E($ouff', for (5i>T,<n, see ioovri. 3.ovffT6KT)aa, 1 a. ind. act. of Sva- pi. pres. opt. of Airw.
'E<5p;t, by Sync, for
1 a. TOKtU). EfXtrat, by Pleon. and Sync, for
ind. act. of
Or 3 sin. 2<W</>($pa,
3 sin. cont. impf. act. EXocrat,
1 a. inf. act. of Aauvo).
of topav, -as, -a, Dor. for iSprjv, ZfvSvvcv, by Pleon. for ivovvev, or
2 a. ind. act. of <5p^u,for same. E<5(o, f.
0Vw,p.rjSfKa, byMetath. rather, cvtcvvcv, 3 sin. impf. of
Or <5pa, 3 sin. impf. act. of fSrjKa, by Sync. J/K, obs. and
Spdw, for same. Att. for fpy, pres. impr. act.
o>)0Ka, also f. coocrw, p. Epy',
E<5p, -as, ft, (fr. e^w to seat) a seat, t'lOOKa, Ef'pya, 3 sin. pres. ind. act.
Att. tSi'iSoKa, to eat, feed ;
the posteriors ; a base, founds to graze, pasture; to consume, for
or jpyw. of
tion, pedestal ;a dwelling, resi- waste; to canker, corrode, par. Efpya0, by Poet. Pleon. for cipya-
dence a temple, shrine, altar ;
; per. act. cSrjooKMS- par. pass. Oc, 3 sin. impf. act. of epydtiu.
the statue or image worshipped. ind.
c$)iSajj.di' par. and
a'py- and for
0)'jC-o[iiai, '.cpypai, Ezpynivvs,
ind. and
'Eopdfa, f. -a(rw, (fr. last) to seat, eSijofffufvos- 1 a. pus?;, ind. rjoia- [jtai, per. pass. apy//f-
settle, fix ; to establish, confirm. OTJV par. ^(70a'f. pres. mid. &o- voj, par. per. pass, of a'pyu.

'ESpaOov, by
Metath. for loapdov, pu, which often signifies like the fpyi'vaOat, for dpywaQai, pres.
2 a. ind. act. of Sapddvu. Or of 2 f. mid. oofycu. per. mid. ind. inf. pass, of
the same. Et'pyw, for fpyw, or rather dpyw.
'Ecpalos, -a, -ov, (fr. eSpa a seat) !t?w<5, -uj, Dor. for E(5w<j?/, -?jj, >;, '~cpKTo, for eipKTo, 3 sin. pper.
Jzr;n, fixed, settled, established ; (fr. last) meat, food, victuals ; pass, of a'pyw.
seated, sitting; sedentary, inac- eating, a meal. Et-pci], Epo-?/t?, by
Poet. Pleon.
tive. eat-
CiWfyios, -ov, b, t], (fr. same)
'Efyatdw -w, f. -w<rw, p. fjSpaluKa, able, esculent. Ztpxaro, for tip^aro, Ion. for apy-
EowKa, -as, - or -ev, pi. -Acar, (tivoi T]cav, 3 pi. pper. pass,
(fr. same) Zo settle, fix,
establish, of
confirm. -*ai>, 1 a. ind. act. E$66r,v, -775, a'pyw.
E<5paju>jwa, -aroj, ro, (fr. last) a -T],
3 pi. -rjffav, 1 a. ind. pass. EES, Poet, for /j?,
2 sin. impf. of
support, stay, prop ; a founda- 'E<5wv, -wj, -a), in 3 pi. Idosav, Etjtu,
to be.

tion, base. and Dor. of Efc-00), Poet, for ?o-0w, 3 sin. 2 a.

<W, 2 a. ind. act.
see loapKov. impr. pass. 'Etatra-ro, Poet.
for eSpa/ic, 3 sin. of i', T, (fr. E^OJ a seat) for 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid.
'E5pap.\ 'E<$pa- a'o-aro,
2 a. ind. act. of rpvw. seats in the ancient ships ; the "EGTO, Poet, for acrro, 3 sin.

"Eopapw, "Etipav, by Sync, fbr <5- deck. pper. pass, of t'w or evvvfii.
1 pi. and eSpaffav, 3 pi. JZcuvrat, 3 pi. pres. sub. mid. of Efyt, 3 sin. impf. ind. of fa>.
of 'Efyxicra, 1 a. ind. act. of &- (Sa. Eceictaf, -ov, b, one of the Hebrew
Or they are 1 and 3 pi. ,
in 3 pi. Eowprjcav, 1 a. kings.
offSpav, -as, -a, Dor. for icpnv, ind.act. E<5wp?7<ra|U?7J>, -w, -arc, Efr', for ^ro, Poet, for tifyro, 3
2 a. ind. act. of SpjjfjLi or SiSpri/jn,
1 a. ind. mid. of diaplojjiai.
sin. impf. mid. of 0).

for (Si^paerKO). EJwo-av, for ioovav, 3' pi. of eowv, E^?7,

see ?7<r<z.

E^paff/ia, -aros, r3,(fr.'a>

to seat) 2 a. ind. act. of <^i'5w^t. Or SWXwro, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
a seoi, settlement, establishment. perhaps rather of eowo-a, 1 a.
"Edpr), -???> />
Ion. for
Zopa. obs. of same. per. E^rnjnudrjv,
1 a.
Ion for fdpaaa, E<5va or 'Eeova, by Poet. Pleo- ind. pass, of ^tdw.
1 a. ind. of <5paw. nasm, for 'leva. 1 a. ind. act.
^cra, 'E^j-'tti
'Etipmu, 'E5piaw -w, and Poet. Ecfjtoort, Eft/cocrro?, by Prosth. for -7, Dor. for 'E^wv, -af,-aunpf.

E5pt<5), f. -ao-w, (fr. c'^pa a seat) cont. of aw.

to place, set, fix, settle ; to confirm, Ea/crat, by Poet. Pleon. for ?K- i/rsi, 3 sin.
3 cont.
E^rov*', pi.
establish ; to settle, abide, reside. rat, 3 sin. per. pass, of \-w. impf. act. E?Taro, 3 sin. cont.
ind. mid.
'Efytdwcrai, 3 pi. pres. impf. pass. E^TJJKO:, per.
3 pi. impf. mid. Att. or by Poet. Pleon. for ti~a, s, -e,
1 a. ind. act. of
of Poet, for fopidw.
1 a. andfitirov, 2 a. of iiru. .

'EopoffrpdQos, -ov, b, (fr. ZSpa

the 'Eat, by Prosth. for tts, {tin, E(<5//v0?,par. pres. mid. of 'w.

breech, and <rrp0w to turn) an Eac, 1- sin. impf. of

5^y? ~'K> -'7i 2 ii. ind. pass, of


cj'.iMiet rfa wrestler ; n\'

/ -

1 a. md. pass.
E*uaw0tjK, -,/f, -77,

u> to place) to
"E^u, t. law, (fr.
l 'J
seat, get, pi f'-z >
EOvoa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. , -ov, b, h, (fr. tlons ap- presentation, exhibition or retem
pearance) sightly, goodly, fair, blanceof; imitation.
E0U, per. miJ. ?0a, but more handsome, beautiful, charming. Eicoiroibs, -yv, 6, r/, (fr. same) re-
usually the Att. dwda, and some- Etcap, -aros, rb, Poet, for ecap. presenting, showing; resembling,
times J0a, (fr. 0o? usage } to be EIOE, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of eiSw. like; imitating, counterfeit.
wont or accustomed, be habituat- Also, 2 sin. 2 a. impr. act. of T^o?, -o? -or?, rb, (fr. /<$u> to ap-
ed ; to use to do, practise; to fre- i<5fw. Or, by Sync, for dSrjKc, |)ear) seeing, sight ; a sight, ap-
quent, haunt. 3 sin. per. ind. act. of same. pearance, form, figure; sort,
E0wi/, g. pi. cont. of 0o?. See also do\ kind.
'E&uai, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. of or cdr/v Et<5fa or lota, -a?, f/, (fr. dou to EijWav, Bouot. for aoov, 3 pi. 2 a.
eWrjv, 1 a. ind. pass, of "rjpi- see) an appearance, form, shape ; ind. act. of dew.

Et, if; though, although ; whether ; countenance, aspect ; likeness ; Eicocrt, -6ra, -6ras, -6re } -6rcS) -6ri,
since. Ei pfi, if not, unless, ex- a resemblance, similitude ; an cases of a(5w?.
cept, but. Ei of pfi, but if not, idea, notion. Kiovfa, n. sin. fern. Et^vi'a, Ion.
otherwise. Et Sri pr/ye, but if not EiSdr/v, -?/?, -T}, pres. opt. act. Eitviri, d. sin. fern. Eioviijci,
indeed, otherwise truly. Ei doa, Ion. for a^ut'rtt?, d. pi. fern, of
Etcfvai, p es. inf. act. or by
if perhaps, perhaps. Et yap or Sync, fbf uorfKtvai, per. inf. act.
yap, oh
! if; would that. of cioijpi or acVw. .Sv\\iov, -ov, TO,
(fr. ?<$o? a re

Eiye, E'nrsp, Et ofi,ifyet, if

how- Zfoev, 3 sin. of clSov or toov, -?, semblance) a littlepoem, copy of
ever, if only. Etyovv, if at least, -, 2 a. ind. act. EtSccrQai, pres. verses, pastoral.
if soever. Et <5'
ayt, ho ! come, inf. mid. Eiocrai, 3 sin. pres. :oii), f. data, and to-w, to see, look,
come on. Ei *ai, though, even ind. mid. of a'<5w. behold ; to observe, consider ; to
though. Et pev, Ei c>i, if yet, if '.Sevai, see in tiodrjv. esteem, regard ; to know, under-
indeed, but if, Et TI?, any one, Eioij(Qtia, -as, f), (fr. next) deform- stand, perceive ; to feel, experi-
whoever. Et TOU, whosoever, of ity, ugliness, loathsomeness.
ence ; to converse, be acquainted
whomsoever. Et TOJ, to any one, '.Se^Ofis, -MS ~o5?, b, >i, (fr. cloos
or intimate with ; to know how,
for whoever, whomsoever. appearance, and f^0o? dislike) be competent; to acknowledge,
Et, 2 sin. pres. of cipl, to be. ugly, deformed ; offensive, dis- own. Eioofjiai,
to seem, appear;
Et, 2 sin. pres. or 3 sin. impf. or, gusting, loathsome. to resemble, be like ; to assimilate
for t'0t, pres. impr. of up, to or Eiorjpi, f. tio;'/au, p. dSij- one's self, counterfeit, imitate. 1

go. Ka, (fr. dou) to see) to know, be a. ind. act.dca, Poet. 5)<ra. 2 a.
Eta, adv. of encouragement, ho ! act. ind. ttcov, and Poet, ioov
acquainted with ; to understand,
holla ! come, come on. perceive; to acknowledge, con- impr. t^- opt. iootfif sub. tow
Eia, -as, -, per. mid. of ctpi, to inf. loztvpar. touv. 1 f. ind. mid.
Jess, own. per. act. ind. by
Sync. ?<5a, Ion. f/Sca, -as, -, and dc-opai, and Poet, wapac. per.
Eta, 3 sin. Et'wv, 3 pi. cont. cont. f/6r], -rjs, -rj'
inf. uc-rjKfvai, mid. ind. ioa' par. t5w?, -tmi,
impf. act. of caw. by Sync. a<5mir par. cidr/KMs, -65. 1 a. mid. ind. ticdpriv and

Eia, -a?, >% grass, herbage ; the by Sync. a<5w?, -v7a, -6s. pper. tiadp.r;v' opt. ctffaiffrjv'

sward, turf, sod. etoJKttv, by Sync, do civ, Att. claaaOai' par. ciadfjicvos.
2 a.

Eiapevri, -rjs, ft, (fern, of next) a fifoiv, -cis, -a, in

3 pi. fi&tiaav. 1
mid. ind. ti&6nr,v' impr. ,
moor, marsh; a moist field, per. mid. olca.
a. inf. act. a^fjo-at. sub. l$<aiJtat' inf. lotatiai.
meadow ; a wet, swampy thick- Also, pres. act. ind. dSqpi' opt. Eiofa, -fjs, -fj, pi. -iafisv, -T?T, pres.
et. tiodrjv' sub. eiov inf. eictvai. sub. act. EiSdnv, pres. opt.
Eiaptvbs, -r,, -3r, (fr. da herbage) per. ind. pass, a'ay/at, dcrat, act. Ei^fvat, pres. inf. act. of
grassy ; moist, moorish, swampy. .,
same as EI^'OJ. Or, Et'<?w

Eiavbs, -bv, Poet, for f'avo?.

-ft, Et&tj, together, at once, at the same tvat, by Sync, for ucfiKu>,
E'iavro, Poet, for 'iavro, Ion. for time. sub. act. and a ($77 /emit, per.
i?vTO, impf.
of fipai. of inf. act. of t<5f'w.
Zloripai, -crai, Tut, par. pass,
Eiaov -wv, impf. act. of aw. EtfjwXjZov, -ou, TO, (fr. a'<5wXov an
Et'ap, TO, Poet, for tap,
d. sin. same as a<$fw, which see.
, idol) a temple, shrine.
eta pi.
^iofm<j)v, -ovos, b, {j, (fr. dorjfti
or Et5w\69vTos, -ov, b, f), (fr. same,
Etaptvbs, -rj, -bv, Poet, for eapi- (5fw to know) knowing, intelli- and $vw t6 sacrifice) sacrificed
vos. gent, sejisible ; clever, skilful, ex- or offered to an idol.
Eta?, 2 sivj. cont. impf. EtW
pert, dexterous. EtS<ii\o\arpda, -as, /, (fr. /oo)Xoi'
or -atv, &nd Poet, dawe, 3 sin. 2 sin. Eto??T, 2 an image, and Xarpaa worship)
Eidr/s, pi. pres.
Etao-av, 8 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of sub. act. of eioldi. idolatry, heathenism.
Liorjcis, -to?, Att. -$wr, iy, (fr. $u> EidwXoXdrpr/s, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same)
EtW, and an aspirate
before or dUtrijii to know) knowledge, an idolater, heathen.
Eta<7^' daaKt, 3 sin. impf.
science, skill. Et'^wXov, -ov, TO, (fr. ?^o? likeness)
act. of EOCTKW, Ion. for aw. a
E((V;<ru,-a?, -EI, in 3 pi. -<70Do-t,ind. representation, resemblance,
Elarai, E'laro, Poet, for e'aTat and Eio>'/ffuv, inf. 1 f. act. of ticib). likeness ; an apparition, shade,
UTO, which see. E5o0', before an aspirate, for ciS6- phantom, ghost ; an image, sta-
El@<a, Ion. and Poet, for Xa'jSw.
a, a. sin. of eicus, by Sync, for tue ; an idol, false god.
pres. inf. act. dficiv. pres. ind. of eiStta. Et<taXo7nma, -a?, f/, (fr. last, and
icr/K^s, par. per. act.
mid. dpopai^-jj, -Tat. par. pres.
Eiooi, -S>v, at, (fr.
Lat. idus) the Troif'w to
make) the making or ex-'
mid. cii36pcvos. Roman ides. citing an image ; or, a thought,
and the particle
Et'yt, (fr. EI if,
E/<5o/*at,ind. E5o>fo?, and Poet. imagery, fanciful representa-
yl) if indeed, if yet, but if ; since tion.
Eci^6ftevos, par. pres. pass.
truly, seeing that. Eioofics, Dor. for Eioopcv, 1 pi. E5u>?, -v"ia, -bs, by Sync,
for tiSij <

EHypa, -aTo?, rb, (fr. tVa> to re- of Ei^ov, -?, -E or EV,

pi. -O//EV, K&S, par. per. act. of ciotu).
semble) a resemblance, represent- -ETE, 2 a. ind. act. of a'<5o>. Euv, by Sync, for dycrav, 3 pi. pres.
ation ; a picture, image, statue. \ooiroifw -oi,f. ->;<rw, (fr. EJ^O? like- opt. of dpi, to be.
Ei<5' for doe, adv. of exhorting, ness, and TTOU'W to make) to re- Euv, but come, come now ; be it so,
come! holla! quick! present, exhibit, give the granted, suppose.
ance or likeness of; to resemble, E'i>iv, -rjs, ->], 2 a. opt. act. of
next) to be
Imk imitnlc, counterfeit.
like; to appear, seem. '.
''i~>>i'ia. -<j?, ^, (fr. same) a re-
times. presiding over childbirth,

indby Sync.tifitv, cTrc, tiiv, Ei/eoffa/a?, (fr. same, twenty

and Poet, tdnoai, indecl. cina; labour, travail, childbirth.
pres. opt. of to be.
li\U7a.i, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind.
ET0' before an aspirate, for lira, twenty.
or for tin. iKoslK\ivos, -v, -ov, (fr. last, and pass, of EtXfoi.
imme- a couch) ui'i/i twenty couch- EtXo, -ov, o, (fr. aXf'u* to strain)
Kc0ap, a Poet, word, then,

diately, directly.
es ; having seats for or accommo- the small guts; the twisting of

would that ! the bowels; a vine; serpent' s

E<0, (fr. oh that if)
! dating twenty.
nest a den.
were it so. tKoclftcroo$ -ov, b, r/, (fr. same, ;
of and uf-foov a measure) of twenty -ov, rb, a town of Bceo-
EWnv or Wnv, \ a. pass. ind. '.\tffioi;

iW ;
but 'E0ijv, 2 a. ind. act. of measures, containing twenty mea- tia.

Ttdvut. sures. ("X<nj, -10$, Att. -*,/;, (fr. X7

EldtKa, per. ind. act. EtOftcwi, tKoffivfolros, -n, -ov, (fr. same, brightness) heat, summer'' s heat,
Et'0?o-a, 1 a. ind. act. and po) to dispute) sought, the violence of the nm.
pass. courted or fought for by twenty. XETO, se eTAf. ("AET' for
Ei0i<r/iat, per.
-10$ -ovj, 6, for {X^ovTo-oy/To, 3 Dor.
vo$, par. of
0<co. <iKoai~i]\y$, i'i, (fr. I\EVVTU,
of tiXlw.
E(V for eke, 'v, (fr. ei if, with same, and r/j^vs a cubit)o/"ftpen- pi. impf. pass,
the particle KC or KEV) t/ so, for ty cubits, twenty cubits long. EtXfva, Att. for XAc^a, per. act.
as much as, for. ',iKoarb$, (fr. same) the twentieth. of Xf'yw.
Att. lotxa, per. mid. of of tin :Xfw -w, (properly the same with
E?*:a, and liicdTWf, (fr. t:(I>s, par. per.
to resemble) naturally ; proba- the next) to gather, assemble,
bly, likely ; with reason,
no won- collect; to strain, press toge-
Efca, per. ind. act. of ti
EtKa^i, d. sin. of tticds. der, deservedly, justly ; to appear ther, shut up, inclose, confine,
tf w to resem- ance. hem in.
Et/cd|w, f. -a<r&>, (fr.
make Efcowt, 3 ind. act. o -tS, f. -J7<70K p. -riKa, to roll,
ble) to assimilate, like, pi. pres.
to to co\ tumble; to roll together,
counterfeit ; compare ; toss,

by Sync, and Dial,

jecture, guess.
for wrap up, fold in; envelope,
Ej*a0u, (fr.
('KW to yield) to sub- 3 du. impf. act.
, ; or, for clothe, shroud, cover, hide, con-
vnthdraw, 3 du. pper. act. ?* cf.al ; toturn round, whirl, wheel,
mit, yield; to retire, eiKti-njv,
give ground. TO, by same, for dKtro, 3 sin. wind about ; to bend, crook,

EiKal, (fr. if, t and KOI also) even impf. pass. ; or, by Dial, for curve. EiAfo/mi, to turn, stir>

if, although, though. efcro, 3 sin. pper. pass, of etca>. move, v:alk or go about.
to gather)
E(*ea?o?, -a, -ov, (fr. siKri rashly) iKvlav, a. fern. sin. of ZIKWS, par \r], -r,$, /;, (fr. eiXfu

rash, fool-hardy, indiscreet, gid- per. act. of tinat. properly a troop of sixty-four
dy causeless, without reason or
; IKU>, f. Et%ta,p. t'va, to assimilate horsemen ; a throng, crowd, mul-
motive. liken, make like; to yield, sit li- titude ; afiock,fiight, herd.
duoai twenty j mit, give way ; indulge, concedt EtX?;, -ri$, for ZfAij.
Ei/cdf, -aoos, /;, (fr. )'/,

one twenty, a twentieth, the humour. EtVo//oi, pass,

to ft EtX/0?f, -ao-a, -fv, par. 1 a. pass.
number like, resemble, mid. to assimi- Of lXftt).
late or wiafce one's se^f
EiKucrt, 3 pi. per. ind. act. o M-e, _prf EiXriOtprjs, -io$ -ov$, b, ft, (fr. tt\7]
In ft i, but <end, counterfeit, imitate ; to be radiance, and ^tpw to warm)
heated by the sun, warm, hot,
Ekan-i, 3 pi. per. mid. of EIKU. come, beseem, befit, suit, agree
Efcaoyta, aroj, rb, and Et/ca<r^oj per. mid. olna, Att. ioiKa anc scorching.
t*dw to liken) asta- foxcrt. whence pper. mid. (i EiA/Ao0a, Poet, for A>/Av 0a, Att.
'-,' (fr.
a figure, represen- for j5Xt;0a, per. mid. EtA^Aou-
if, image ;

tation, picture, likeness ; a phan- Etxdi, -60$ -ou$, ?], Poet, for EUCOW 0v, -?, -(, pper. in same man-
a con- -ovo-a, -or, par. pres. act. o
tom, ghost; trace, mark; E<A//Aor0fiv, by Sync.
for (A;Aoi50a//v, 1 pi. of same,
jecture, guess.
EtAcdo-oatf, Poet, for uKdtraif,
2 sin. :KWV, -dvoj, >/, (fr. EI/CCI) to resem
1 a. opt. act. ~E.iKd.aai, 1 a. ble)
a likeness, resemblance, pic , Et'Xjj-rat, Att. for \&nu-
inf. act. of Eucda>. ture, statue, image, uai, 1 sin. and XiXnirrai, 3 sin.

Ei/cart, Dor. for ciicoot. '.lews, -via, -b$, (fr. EotKuf, par per. pass. Ei\r/fiufvo$, Att.

E?, 2 sin. EIKETE, 2 pi. pres. per. of Eiicoi to resemble)

\^n(tufvo$, par. per. pass, of
impr. act. of EIKU. probablf. \ajifidvi0*
EI/CEU-, and Att. jj/ceiv, pper. of^i, iXauts, -toos, ^, (fr. EtXf'w to wraj JE?X?///a, -aroj, rb, (fr. ti\iu> to roll
to 0.
up) iAs membrane enclosing th up) a roll of a book, volume; a
EufXos. -ot), 6, >J, (fr. EIKU to re- brain. wrapper, cover.
semble) Ziie, resembling. E(Xara'd^o), f. -affw, (fr. a, -as, -, and EiX^^'ij, Att.
EtKjjj heedlessly, giddily,
rashly, banquet) to /reflrt, entertain; for M\v(p a , per. act. and XfX^-
precipitately, at random ; in vain, feast, revel. 0ws, par. per. act. of Xa///?dvw.
to no purpose, fruitlessly ; acci- i\ait ivaffrfts, -ov, 6, (fr. same) fX^a, Att. forXArj^a, per. act.
dentally, by chance ; without rea- of Xay^drw.
son or motive. EtXo-u/t;, -nsi fi, (fr. an as EtXjyyoj or E:Xty/to?, -or, o, and /Xr/

EtKoVa, -6vt, -dvof, cases of sixiav. semblage, and rru'w to drink) an EtXty/ta, -aroj, TO, (fr. tlXiffcrta
Eixovi'w, f. -Yo-oj, (fr. Eutuv an entertainment, feast, banquet ; to whirl) a
vertex, whirlwind,

image) to assimilate, liken; to drinking bout. whirlpool ; a circuit, compass ; a

represent, picture, portray, ex- EtXap and ETXap, -apoj,To,(fr.Xf(, curling, spiral ; a covering, wrap-
press. to enclose) a fort, castle, for ping up.
EIKO'VJOV, -ou, rb, (dim. of ttKutv a tress; bulwarks, fortification.
statue) a little image, statue or EXdytvoj, Poet, for >a, -af, fa (fr- next) since*
figure. ,
act. ETXE-r' for ?Xro, mid rity, simplicity, purity,
Ei/edf,-6*rof, TO", (neut. of e(Ku>;,per. 3 sin. 2 a. ind. Ei'Xtu, Dor cence clearness, perspicuity.

par. of si to resemble) likeli- 2 sin. oflgXl/t**, 2 a

for f.t\ov,
-/of -9vs, 6, fi, (fr. ciXj]
hood, appearance, probability ; ind. mid. of aloita. sunshine, and to judge)
reasonableness. Att. for sincere, pure, innocent; sound,
XAy/iat, per
Ei/coerafrr) j, -fo j -ov$, 6, >% (fr. EiKOffi faultless; dear, perspicuous.
twenty, and ins a year) twenty E -as, ti, (fr. eXt10w obs. to
years oW. come) an epithet of Juno, as pi. cont.
EiXiKpti/ws, (fr. last) ainctrtly, in-
with, or without the asper, this TtoirjKa, (fr. same, and -ou'w to wards, against ; as to, in raped
verb signifies, to fortify, strength- make) to make peace, reconcile; of, concerning ; through, by ;
en, secure; to force, compel;
to pacify, appease, tranquillize, far, far to, in order to, to the end
to hinder, debar. calm. I a. par. act. that, so that.
But, E'pyw, to (pvvajro7c-as.
include, enclose, hold in, contain ; Itpr/vorrotos, -~ov, b, fa (fr. last) Els,
Poet, for jjs, 2 sin. impf. ot
to shut up, confine, imprison; peaceable, pacific, appeasing, re- ujd, to be.
to restrain, conciling. Subs, a peace-maker, E?j o r u, 2 sin. pres. or impf. ot
curb, stop, keep in,
bind. And E/pyw, to exclude, mediator, intercessor.' ?/i(,
tO gO.

shut or turn out, drive away, Eipivtbs, -at, 6, fa (fr. ?poi wool): Els, uaa, lv, par. fr. fa, 2 a. act "

thrust or push aside, remove, woolly, woollen, fleecy. of

di- Eipiov, and 'Ep<ov, -ov, rb, same as s, nia^tv, one; one only; some
keep off, put away ; to part,
vide, separate. Elpyofiai or Eip- ?pos. one, (i certain one.
to take^ one's self away, EipK-rii, -rjs, fa (fr. n'pyw to confine) tffa, -as, -, Poet. jj<ra, act.
be removed; to set out, go off", a prism, gaol. mid. 1 a. of upi, logo.
out the also from a'cw.
depart, retire^ keep of way ; EipOKdfios, -ov, b, fa (fr. aposwool,
to avoid. and Koutm to dress) carding, era, -aj, -, and EO-OVZ, 1 a. ind.
Eiffa,-as, Ion. Eiperj, ->is, fa (fr. combing or teasing wool. act. offc'.jj OTctwvu.*
to connect) a carder or spinner. EtaayoytZv, inf.
pu) Eiadyafi, hnpr.
TTie- Elpopai, ores. mid. or pass, of Eicra/iiyaj, -?ji, -y, sub. 2 a.
act. Att.
E/p&it, Ion. for fi(p.

mid. of a'pw. impf. mid. of same.
. Or Et<rayyt\da, -aj, f), (fr. next) i/i-
"Eipiarai, Ion. for tipnvrni, impf. mid. of ipofiai, which has formaiion, news; an accusation,
fppr)vrai,3 pi. per. pass, of piu. chargi, impeachment.
Eiphffdai -tiffdai, Ion. and Poet. -ou, o, ?;, (fr. apos wool, tffayyfAAu), f. -fXw, p. -^Xva, (fr.
for ipscdat, pres. inf. pass, of and -<ko$ a fleece) woolly, flee- tit unto, and ayyAXu to tell) to

{papal. cy. report, relatf, tell, acquaint, in-

Etptov, and
-or j, ro, also
impr. Etpos, -os form to
E/po, Ion. for w'pou, pres.
; charge, accuse,
mid. of upa. Or, 2 sin. impf. 'Eptov, -ou, ro, (perhaps fr. a'pw imp'
pass, of ipopai.
to hold together) v:ool, fleece. , pres. or 2 a. impr. act.
to connect) Etp:ro/is, Dor. for ctpro^ci 1

E.iffdytadai, pres. Lf. pass,
E'tpepos, ~ov, 6, (fr. dpu , pi.
captivity, bondage, imprisonment, irapf. of EOTTO). p. o-^a,(fr. ? in,
slavery. Etpvarat, E<pvaro, Ion.for tipvvrat,
and oyw to lead) <o bring or
inf. mid. of 3 pi. per. 'ind. pass, and opvvro /ea/tf in, introduce ; to begin with,
E<pr0ai, pres. /po>.
Ep<mz, -as, fa (fr. pjWu> to row)
or upvfifvoi ?/ffav,3pl. pper. pass. enter, initiate. 2 a. act. ind. acTj-

rowing, the motion 'of oars, clap- of epuu. yov, Att. io-^yayov impr. ticd-
ping or flapping of wings. of same. yaye' sub. ucaydyit)' inf. iraya-
EipvKa, per.
Eipffitavr),-ns, fa (fr. ?po$wool)
an Etpu/ui'at, Dor. for upvctv, pres. /?i. par. pres. pass. tffayd//voj.
olive branch stuck over with wool, inf. act. of
tpuo). Eio-ayuy/j, -^j, $, (fr. last)an in-
which the Greeks hung over Epi'<ra<r0aiPoet. for zpvcaoQaij 1 troduction, initiation, beginning.
a. inf. mid.
their doors as a charm against Etpuo-o-atro, 3 sin. Eiaaywyfrds, -ij, -or, (fr. same)
1 a. opt. mid. of
famine. tipvw. troductory, previous ; initiatory,
3 sin.
Eipcro or vpro, 3 sin. impf. mid. of Elpvro, Blpovro, 3. pi. pper. beginning.
pass, of rpuw. Or, impf. pass. Eraywyfyos, -or, b, fa (fr. same)
Dor. for eipovcrat, fern. pi. of ipvpai, by Sync, for brought or carried in, imported.
lEiptvffai, cpvopai,
mid. of same. and a
par. pres. act. of Ei<ra, (fr. as
ever) for,

Poet, for pf'a>. Etpuw, Poet, for pi'o>. v /br ever, always.
Ion. for E7ra0', before an aspirate for uaa-
EiprjKa, EipnK&s, Eiprifiai, Eipnfii- E"pxa.Tai, Etp^aro, tipypi-
vog, Att. for ippnica, per. act. voi eicri, 3 pi. per. pass, and TO, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of ^w.
par. per. act. fpprjpat, fitvot qaav,
3 pi. pper. pass, of Elvai, 2' sin. per. ind. pass of id,
per. pass, and Eppmm'oj, par. for fvvu/K' or of Inyn.
per. pass, of pro).
E"p^a,-as,-e, offprrw.
1 a. ind. act.
-aio, -airo, 1 a opt. mid.
or -cv, 3 pi. -act, Ei'pu, or Epju, and Poet.
EiprjKa, -as, -t Eip/w, f.
per. ind. act. Etp^Koroy, g. sin. pcD, p. tipTjKa, (as fr.pfu),)fo con- ',
for to-a/eouT, 2 pl.pres.
par. per. act. 'Etp^tt-o?, -n, nect, ^'oin, bind, link, unite ; to impr. Eto-a/couffflfif, par. 1 a
-ov, par. per. pass, of EO/W. speak, say, utter; to
an- Eto-a/coucrfl/Jo-ovraj, 3 pi.
forap^afft, 3
E<'p;jcav, pi.
of last. ; to
command, order ; to fass.
f. ind.
pass. EiffaKovaovrat,
Etp^v, -t'ivos, b, (fr. /po)
to speak) ask, question,inquire, interrogate, 3 pi. 1 f. mid. of
a boy, youth ; a speaker, monitor. eramine.per.pass. eiprjfJLai. ppfut. raKovw, f.
-ovaa, p. siffjJKOVKa,
Eipr/valos,-a,-ov, (fr. uprjvn peace) tiprjffofiai- pres.
mid. dooaai, ti- (fr.s unto, and OKOIJW to hear) to

peaceful, peaceable ; quiet, se- and fpopai. 1 f. mid.


piopai, letwords sink into the ears; to

cure. 1 a. ind. mid. hear at-
tpfiaopai, eipncd- hearken, listen, attend,
E,iprjvdpxTis, -ov, b, (fr. same, and pvv, and rjod^v. 2 a. ind. mid. tentively ; to obey,
respect, re-

dp\u> to rule) a magistrate, peace- to6^rrv, and Poet, tipdpnv.

1 a.
gard. pass. ind. uffrjicovaQnv
officer. Eipuv, -uvos, b, fa (fr. last) a talk- par. <c-aKov<70j. 1 f. pass, uaa-
2 pi. pres. impr. act -- er ;a dissembler; dissembling,
n. or
'EiprjvEvovTss, pi. par. pres. speaking feignedly. itraXXouat EtruXXo/tai, f. -o5-
act. of Eipiavda, -as, fa (fr. last) dissimu- //at, (fr. s or ES into, and oAXo-
p. -EVKO, (fr.
-cvffd), lation; irony; mockery; a jibe, pai to leap) to leap in or upon;
same) to keep the peace,be peacea- taunt. to
assault^ attack,
ble; to be at or in peace. Etpwr^, 3 sin. ind. and Eipurav, '.ffaptlfiu, (fr. tis into,
and a/ie/-
to inf. pres. cont. 6f
Ejp>7vrj, is, fr.
,'po> 0opai to pass) to enter, pass in.
unrte, is v
together) peace, Etpwra'w -w, Poet. for epurdu. impf. E?<ra//vos, Ion par.
act. npuraov -u>v. 1 a. mid. of Zw or
tranquillity, quietness; concord,
harmony. or Ef, a c, -w, -arc, 1 a. ind. mid. of
preposition governing
EiprrvMs, -fa -bv. (fr. last) peace- the a. case, in, into ; to, unto, cc Or of titii, to go.
ful, quiet, tranquil; mild, gentle. until; among, at, before, in Ewav, 3 pi. of tlcra, Poet, loaa, I
-5, f.
->'ff<a, p. tip-nvo- presence of; at. cm. upon ; to- a. ind. act. of?wor f^o.
fttt .
Itiffava/Jafvo), f.
-jaw, p. -ftifitiKa, (fr. as to see)
at, and EI'O'W 1 a. ind. mid.
,-w, -OTO,
(fr.as into, and avafiaivu to to toofc a<, /oofe
wpon, behold. of a fiai.
mount) to go up into or upon a or -/>?/xt, (fr. aj in, and ?//t cs, -, 2 a. ind. act. of
horse, carriage or ship ; to em- to
go) to ^o in, enter; to invade;
bark; to ride ; to climb up, scale ; to encounter, occur. 3 pi. pres. ajvryKa, -as, -e,3pl. -KUV, 1 a.
to land, go ashore. 2 a. act. ind. uoiacri) Ion. for eicritffi. ind. act.
Etatrteyicdpriv, -w,
tiaavtflriv' opt. tiaavapatriv' par. Eio-io-(,3 pi. oflast. Or for aaiaat, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid __ Eto-^vy-
affava/3'zs, -aaa, -di*. Ion. sicitavi, 3 pi. pres. ind.
vov,-r?,*,2a. ind. act.ofic-$fpu.
E<ffavay/ca'w, f.
-aaui, (fr. same, act. ofttff/^/u, same as daunt. 2 j'o-r/s, g. sin. fem. of Efo-oj.
and avayicdQw to force) to com- 2
E?(70a, JEol. for sin. pres. of
Ziac\avvu>, -a<ru>, p. -a/ca, (fr. 15 ??,
pel, force or drive together; to into, and tAaiiva> to drive) to
to ^-o.

urge, necessitate. drive f rush or fcreafc into ; to

c0at, per. inf, pass. of?fu.
Eio-oVa/u, same, and dvctfju to
(fr. rfn't'e
forward; to invade; to
3 sin. pres. of
?^j, to go.
go up) to
go up into, mount, ride, sail or march into. But a<7() 3
pres. of tipi, to be.
scale, climb, par. 2 a. ac-avywv. ffe\Evdw, 1 f. ind. mid. io-Ai;cro- liaiaai, Ion. for tiatiai,
3 pi. pres.
Eio-aVa^, (fr. same, and arraf once) pai, (fr. same, and eXcitOu obs. En'mu, pres. inf. EtffiW,
at once, once for all. to
come) see tiaip'^o^ai. par. 2 a. ofdattpt.

Etcrapi0//6i> -w, f.
->7(ru, (fr. sane, Ztac\ti'ac9at, 1 f. inf. mid. Sio-KaAfO) -w, f. -<rw, p. ttaictK\r}-
and apiBfiiu)
to count) to count, ii<Tr(, -o-ovrat, 3 sin. and KO, (fr. s into, and *caAfw to
or c/ass among others, include; f. ind. mid. oflast. call) to ca// in, mvi<e,
send for,
to enumerate, recount, reckon EcVcAdc, -rw, in 2 pi. -0m:,' impr. summon. 1 a. mid. ind. ic-*aA-
over. inf. Eto-Aflw,
AflEri', par. (

Eiaas , a. pi. fem. ?<r/?j, g. sin. fern. t'7 as to, KOTO

i'r? JT i :
2((7A.-arrt0///j, (fr.
Of d'fTOS. sub. 2 a. act. ^^^,^^^^, along, and riB-qjii
to put) to put
Eftraro, see tiffdfnr)v.
Dor. for aerAflw/uv, 1 pi. 2 a. up together ; to lay by or up ; to

EiadTTu, (fr. as upon, and drrw to sub. act. Eto-fASwv, -o<ra, build, found, establish.
spring) to leap upon, assault, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of ac-fp^o/^at. , par. per. pass, of
rush upon or into. ETo-v, 3 sin. of a<ra, which see.
TS,icav6ts, andEnraiirtSj (fr. as to, ~iatvfyKU), -ris, -r\, in 3 pi. -Ktaai, iffKOjj.'iSri, *r/s, fj, (fr. next] impor-
and avQis or -rtj again) /rom 2 a. sub. act. of ao-^t'pw. tation, carrying or bringing in.
henceforth, hereafter. Ziaenlprjaa,
1 a. ind. act. ofaa:r- !<rKo/nw, f.
-fro), (fr. cis in,
"Etcravpiov, (fr. same, and otipiov KOjui'^w
to carry) to carry, 6rin

to-morrow) the next day. ifffxt/c-r/c'a, -as, -, in 3 ph -1^17- or convey in; to introduce, par.
J5,taa<l>iKdv(i>, (fr. as to, air3 from, ffav, 1 a. ind. act. of uairrjodw. 1 a. pass.
and J/cavw to come) to come, HTCTToptvtTo,
3 sin. impf. of nro- HTKVK^fW -W, f. -JJffW, p. ff*C<cy-
draw near, approach ; to return, pcvo/jiai, K\rjKa, (fr.same, and ruKAfw to
come back. impf. e,iaa<J>iK.avov, latp^ffQe, ind. "Eiaip%i]c>6i:, roll) to
ro# up, include, compre-
-S, -. sub. 2 pi. pres. mid. EtaEp^to-- hend ; to surround.
Ei<ra0t/7a, Ion. for ttaatfiiKT), 2 sin. 3
Owaav, pi. impr. mid. Eio-p- EfffKw, and daw, Poet, for IVKW,
2 a. sub. mid. of mid. of (>cw to resemble) to Kfcen,
^d/ij/os,-r?,-ov, par. pres. (fr.

EtaatyiKvtonai -oii/iai,(fr. as to, and

iafp%op.ai, f. iffe\Vffop.ai, p. compare.
to arrive) to come to, and
dffffat, dffrat, per. ind.
a<rA>7AD0a,(fr. cis into, fpx~
a<piKVfOfiai 'fffjiat,
to come in, enter,
approach, arrive at.
pat to come)pass, of /(5w to know.
E(ff/?a/ph>, f. ->/<rw, p. -/?e/?7Ka, (fr. to go, fall into ; to
Eia6$ia, -as, ^, (fr. ts in, and6<5dj
approach ;

same, and /tau'w to go) to enter, happen, come to pass ; to occur, a road) an income, revenue, rent ;
come or g"o in / to send in ; ^M come into the mind. 2 a. ind. cost, charge, expense.
on board, embark, stow. i<Trj\6ov' impr. tia\Qe. //at, (fr. last)
to return,

ErfAAw, f. -aAffl, p. iGf.vKa.Ga\n\v, -Wi -aro,

1 a. ind. come in ; to be brought in.
*"r(fr.same, and /?dAAw to throw) to mid. of (.ivoirdd). EtVo<5os, -ov, r/, (fr. as in, and <5ds

throw, fling, cast or jowZ in; to ~E.iaf.Tai, and EJ'o-r<n,

see daopat. a road) a coming, arrival, ap-
enter ; to invade ; to flow or ran iffsvTfoptd) -w, (fr. as unto,
and proach; an entrance, entry,
into. to have means) to sup- porch, hall, vestibule ; beginning,
Eiff|3tdo/*at, (fr. same, /3idw and ply, provide with, lend or ad- the rudiments; study, instruc-
to force) to rws/i or break in, vance to. tion, initiation.
enterforcibly, invade ; to force in, tfnyyayov, ~ES,
~c or -tv, Att. for iffoiKt^o), (fr. same, and OIKOS a
intrude. 2 a. ind. act. of atrdyw. house) to take home, bring in,
Srj3<M-?s,$, (fr. affjSdAAutoin- lowEmu, 3 sin. pres. ind. cont. domesticate; to plant, colonize.
vade) an introduction, entrance ; of Eroi'<rw, -as, -t, 1 f. act. of ar-
an inroad"-, incursion, invasion. larj-yionai -ovfiat,
->;<ro//at, p.
s into, and to and Dor. EtctfAca, (fr.
<.a6Ktv, f
Etff5f^o^a<,f. -%0/Jiai, p. -5f^y^tat, -r/^at, (fr. fj-yiofjtai

(fr. as in,
and <5/;o//at to re- lead) to feed to or in, introduce; unto, and OKEV or OKU, Dor. for
ceive) to admit, allow to enter, to
induce, persuade, prevail
on. or when) until , so long as ; how
receive into. 1 a. pass. Et<n;y7ffts, -os, Att. -WS) h, (& long ? till when ?
Etaopapovoa, fem. par. 2 a. act. of
last) an entrance, introduction; Ero//aj, f. mid. ofd<5u>. Or of tipi,
inducement, persuasion, influ- to go.
f- as in, anc ence; sentiment, opinion, judg- f. mid. of Etw for eVsame
Eiao'vvw, -fco-co, (fr. ,

Ivvu to enter) to go in under- ment, award. as ^o>.

hand, steal in ; to penetrate, sink Eto-r/y^rtos, -a, -ov, (fr. same) f. -aff(o, p. -5paa,
Eio-opdw -ffl,
must be prevailed on; to be per- (fr. as into, and fcpdw
to look)
into ; to walk, go or enter into.
EToT, see claa. suaded. to toofe or into; to be- at, upon
EfffEai, Ion. for dart, 2 sin. of efrro- TLianyrirris, -ov, 6, (fr. same) a hold, view, gaze at.

pat, which see. counsellor, adviser, monitor, in-

Poet. foraeropC^infem.
structer ; a leader, guide, act.
Etc-f(5p<i//ov, -s, -e, ind> Eifffya- pi. Ettropd&xrat, par. pres.
ftuiv, -of tro, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of Eiffija, 3 sin. of aaijav, pper. of cont. oflast.

Etcrpfyw. .E/a-a/u, to enter. Euros or Eftro$,-?,-ov.same as Tcros.

-vs, -v, 2 a. ind. act. of 'E,iarjKovffdt]v,-r]s,-rt, 1 a. ind. f.
-^w, (fr. ts in,
}Eifff<5uv, pass ffu,
or ao-fSuvw. of naaKOi'nj). w to send) to send, carry or
convey in, import; to set on
(d. sin. of EKdcroj) for wi', 'EKurovTrAacrtws', see ixarov- way out ; an issue, erul, event ',

vcds. v,
&LC. an escape, flight, a. sin. -

'EAKtra/SdAoj, Poet, and Dor. for 'ExarovTatTr/s,

-ov, and -EOJ -ODJ, b,
fl, (fr. Ixarov an hundred, anc Kf}aT.r,pta, -as, -},, (fr. same) a
'Exaralos, (fr. ixarbv an hundred) tros a year) of an hundred years, descent.
the hundredth ; the or every hu an hundred years old, every hun- Exfiarrjpiov, -ov, rb, (fr. same) an
dredth day. dredth year, &c. offering after a safe voyage.
Exartaro, Ion. for wdQrivro, 3 pi. 'ExaTovraxdprivc-;, also Poet, and Expfl3\r}Ka, -as, -, pw. E/cfc-
mpf. of Dor. -xdpdvos, -ov, b, ?/, (fr.
E*arp0v, Poet, for
txarfpuOfv. same, and xdprjvov the head) pper. act. of /c/3aAAw.
'Exdrpos, -a, -ov, either, the one or with an hundred heads. .of, -T), -ov, par. per.
other, one of two; both. 'ExarovraKis, (fr. same) an hun- pass. ofK/?oa'co.
dred times. Exprjaopat, -jj, -trat, 1 f. mid. of
pwo-E. (fr. last) on both sides, on ^narovrairXdaios, -ov, 'ExaTovra-
each side, on either side. -rAao-twv, -ovos-j 'o, (Tr. same, t(3idonai, (fr. EA: out of, and J3id- i'i,

'E/carfpwj, (fr. same) on either side, and -:rAa<r(o? or -7rAa(na>v, ^w to force) to commit violence;
every u;ay. swering to -folti) an hundrtd- to
compel, constrain, force, drive,
'Exdn/, -rjs, fit (fem. of Zxaros fat Jtild. a. sin. im~ov~ai:\aaiov repidse ; to violate, defile; to
distant) Hecate, an epithet of the 'EKarovrcnr^aaius, (fr. last) an contend, strain, exert, endea-
moon. hundred-fold,in an hundred ways. vour.
'EKaTr;0\Tdo, g. Ion. or JEol. of EK/?Aaoravo> and E/tj3Aaorfu> -w, f.

'ExaTTiP&fTrjs, E*a-n;;3oAfr7j and -ov, (fr. (Karbv

an hundred, ->;CTW, p. /c/3/3Ad<m?Ka, (fr.

E>carr7/juAoj, -ov, b, (fr. txds far, and p%bs an officer) a centurion, forth, and jSAaoravw or -rtw to
and $<zAAw to dart) shooting captain of an hundred ; an offi- bud) to
blow, blossom, flower,
from afar, far-darting, beaming, cer, governor, chief. bloom.
'ExarovTapx'ia, -as., %, (fr. last) a B,xp\r)dfvTos, g. par.
radiant, piercing. 1 a.
EKaniyopTjaa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. centurion's commission, place or ExpXriQfiaoiiai, in 3 pi. -Brjcrovrai,
of KaTrjyopiu. employment. 1 f.
pass, of /c/3aAAw.
"Exari, Dor. for $ K t}Ti. 'Exarof, -ov, b, (fr. dj far) most Extras, -ov, b, f), (fr. s/c/3a'AAw
'Exdrivos, -rj, -ov, of or relating to distant; far-darting, penetrat- to turn out) cast off, thrown away,
Hecate or her rites; magical, ing, piercing. An epithet of rejected ; loathsome, disgusting ;
crpd/3aAos or <rrpd/5(Aof, a Apollo. dropped untimely.
wheel or globe, a magical in- E*caTOOTtja>, f. -cvcw, (fr. tKarbv E*/3Aiito,f.
-vela, (fr. E/C from, and
strument, charm or talisman used an hundred) to repeat or double PXvQb) to trickle) to stream out,
in the rites of Hecate. on hundred times; to yield an gush, overflow, run abroad.
'ExaToyxe<f>a\as, -a, b, Dor. for hundred-fold.
'ExaToyKi<f>a\os,-ov, b, (fr. ttcarbv Exarocrrbs, -rj, -bv, (fr. same) the (fr. same, and /3oaw to low) to
an hundred, and xe(f>a\rr a hundredth. cry out; to proclaim, publish
hundred-headed, having an hun- ExaToirrvs, -vo$, i], (fr. same) a abroad; to cry up, celebrate,
dred heads. century ; an hundred together. extol, per. pass. x/?/3<5??/uai par.
'ExaT6y%ip, -ipos, and Exardy- Zxavdr/v, -r/s, -i], pass. 'Enavca
%ipo$,-ov, b, (fr. Ixarbv an hun- and fxr/a,
act. 1 a. ind. w -w, (fr. same, and/?o>70a)
dred, and,%;p the hand) hundred- xaib). to help) to go to assist, relieve,
handed, with an hundred hands. i:j3alru, f. mid. K/?//(ro//at, (fr.
x succour ; to go as an ally.
'Exdroio, Ion. for txdrov, g. of EKO- out of, and (laivw to go) to coine KjSoA/), -Tis,
fi, (fr. . c/?aAAw to
ros. or go out of, depart ; to cause to throw out) a casting out, re-
'EKaroppaiuv, -wvoj, b, (fr. next) go out, lead forth ; to land, dis- jection ; a discharge, volley ; a
one of the Athenian months, an- embark ; to break out, escape ; to sprouting, growth ; a throwing
swering nearly to our July. infringe, transgress ; to come overboard to lighten a ship in
'ExaToujSri, -TJS, 17, (fr. Ixarbv an forth, proceed, issue ; to come to distress ; the mouth or entrance

hundred, and (3ovs an ox) a sa- pass, fall out, happen. of a river, &c.
crifice of an hundred head of E K^ax^vo^at, (fr. K intens. and x(3o\bs, -ov, b, 77, (fr. same) cast
cattle, a hecatomb ; a solemn sa- to keep the feast of out, rejected, discharged ; an
to outcast.
crifice. Bacchus) revel, riot ; to rave,
'Exartyfioios, -ov, b, (fr. same) fi,
be transported. Kj3paworEK/?pacr<7(o, (fr. * forth,
worth a hundred beasts ; E*/3aA, Ion. for $ifia\t, 3 sin. 2 and /3pd(w to boil) to boil, bubble
or, an
hundred pieces of money stamped a. ind. act. or 'Evj3aA, -ETW 2 up, boil over ; to work, ferment ;
with a cow. pi. -AETE, impr. E/c/?aA7v,inf. to
rage, foam, froth ; 'to cast up,
3 throw
'EKardfjiTroSog, -ov, b, fj, same,
(fr. E/c/3a'Aw, -???, -TI, pi. -Awffj, off.
and TTOVS a foot) of an hundred sub. E(f/?aAwv, -ovca,-bv) par. , -ofi, o, (fr. last) a boil-

feet ; broad, extensive. 2 a. act. of ng.i fermentation ; rage, fury ;


E/card//;roA(j, -10$, Alt. -EM?, 17, (fr. '

sedition, tumult, riot.
same, and rdAtj a city) of an (fr. K out of, and J3d\\ta to H*:vajui'to,
-taw, p. tKytydfiiKa,
hundred cities. An epithet of throw) to cast, turn or drive out, (fr.
K intens. and
ya/if^w to be-
Crete. expel; to send off, dismiss; to troth) to give in marriage, marry.
'EKdi-d/KTnJAos, -ov, b, , (fr. same, bring out, produce, pper. EE/?- impf. E&yantCov. 1 a. ind. act.
and riiA>; a gate) with an hun- fi\>'/xiv and KJ3^\rjxiv. 2 a. act.
dred gates, great, extensive. An ind. //3aAov' impr. sx@a\' sub. tyafiiffKU),
same as last. 3 pi. pres.
epithet of Thebes in Egypt. ind.
pass. EKya^iffKovrtu.
'Exarbv, indecl. (perhaps fr. was per. pass. K/&/3Ai7/mi.
1 a.
pass. Zxyavpoopaf -ov^ai, (fr. yavpos
far) an hundred. _ t-p\ri6riv.
1 f.
pass. x(3\T]d>jc-o- proud) to be proud, haughty or
'EtcaTovoas or 'Exarovras, -aoos, , pat. per. mid. K^t^o\a. insolent ; to boast ; to exaggerate.
(fr. last) a century. E/c/3apj3apdw -w, (fr. EK intens. and Kysyap.v, Poet,
'ExardvQoyog, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, fidpfiapos savage) to make savage Dor. for Kytyaivai, inf. of CK-
and tyybv a transom) having an per. mid. of <yn/o/mi, fr.
hundred oars. 'ExfiuGii;, -oj, Att. -cwj, /% (fr.
or ^uTa, -uj, g^-droj, -vtaj,
which reside abroad, remain from SK intens. and oo^a
par. of /ty/yaa,
home, be absent, live among , which see.
see in last.
f. intens. strangers. .KCoais,-tos, JJ, (fr. EKcicupt to
ityfXdw -3, -a<rw, (fr.
and yfXa'w to laugh) to laugh tcnuriGai,
1 a. inf. act. EACCJ?- give up) a giving up, yielding,
into laughter; to de- 1 cont. pres. ind. submission; publication; a hir-
out, burst fiovutv, pi.

ride. EKCijpovvTEs,' n. pi. cont. par. ing ; exposure to beasts.

~ pres. act. of last. EK$OTOS,-OV, b,fi, (fr. same) given
EiryVT77$j ~OU) Oj l/j V,"" / r

to be born of) born of, sprung EKcr,nia,-a>,f,, (fr. same) journey, up, betrayed, yielded, submit-
travel or residence abroad, living ted.
from, originating, descended;
Subs, offspring. among strangers. EKOVS, -ol-ffa, -bv, par. 2 a. act. ot
'.Ktr/pos, -ov, b, same) same.
Exyrvdufda, Ion. for E^c.yEv6ficdat )/, (fr.

I 2 a. ind. mid. EKyEvic- abroad, foreign, residing from to%rj, -f/fj ^i (fr. EKCi^o^tai to
expect) expectation, hope; re-
Qu, 3 sin. 2 a. impr.
mid. EK- home; distant, remote.
inf. 2 a. mid. E/cyt-
KctdiTdouut -wu(Z(, f.
-^ffofjiat, ytr, ception, entertainment, rtfuge ;
yEvtffOai, an undertaking, engagement.
inf. mid. of EK from, and cWirdu to regulate)
vcOat, pres. 2 a. act.
E>tyivouai or -iyvo^iai,
2 f.
Kyvjj- to live by rule, be on a regimen ; ccWf/wv, -ovca, -bv, par.
mia. EKytyova, (fr. * not to use the ordinary customs of EKTpi%ta.
ffopai, p.
be particular. inf. act. cont. of
out of, and yivopai to be) to grou; Zxlpav, pres.
or spring out of, arise or proceed K$i6dcKu, f. -dfa, (fr. EK intens. EKCpdia. EKCpdvai, Dor. for EK-
and cicdffKia to tea<jh) to give inf. act.of iK^orjfii,
from; to be born of; to origi- cpfjvat, pres.
nate in, be descended from ; to previous instruction, prepare for both same as EK^iopdcKa, fr. EK
be lawful for, allowable or per- learning; to teach thoroughly; from, and SitpdcKu, which see.
Kcii'ai, 2 a. inf. act. of fKOVfii,
mitted; to happen, occur. 1 a. impress, inculcate,
ind. mid. t^tyE(.vdy.r,v. 2 a. ind. EKdidovv, Ion. and Poet, for see next.
mid. lovai, pres. inf. act. of tKci- EKCVVU, EKCVW or 'EKCVfii, f. EKCV-
of next) f<aui. cu>, p. EKCICVKO, (fr. EK from, and
'EKyovov, -ov, TO, (neut.
Ion. for tKCicpdoKtiv li-vw, &c. to enter) to emerge,
offspring, posterity, descendants. sctdprjffKEiv,
EK from, inf. act. of rise issue from to swim,
'EKyovos, -ov, b, f;, (fr. pres. /ccWpa'c-Kw. up, ;

and a progeny) born of, &KOi6<i)pl,

f. EKCUHTO), p. EKCECWKa float upon; to put divest,
descended or derived from. Subs. EK from, and cicujfii to give unclothe, strip. 1 a. ind. act. E *'-
a son, grandchild. to give or put forth, produce ti'ca. 2 a. act. ind. I!;ECVV impr.
f. fr. EK intens. bear; to send out, publish; tt fnovBc inf. zKOvvai' par. EKCV>.
EKcavEify, -Eicia,
and oavdfa, which see. give out, deliver ; to give in mar par. pres. pass. KGv6nEvos.
EKoairavridficopai, 1 f. ind. pass, o riage; to hire out, let, set, farm EKSvaavTEs, n. pi. par. 1 a. act.
EKoairavdb) -Hi, f. -fiaw, (fr. EK from, to unburden, unload, discharge EKOvaacdai, 1 a. inf. mid. of
and oatravdti) to to to give up, yield, surrender. 1 i last.
expend) spend
waste, lavish, squander. mid. tKOuaopai. 2 a. mid. t&co 'EKCVCIS, -(OS, Alt. -ECUS, !;, (fr.

par. per. pass, o H1JV, -(70, -TO. same) an outlet, issue, egress,
-ovpat, (fr. EK intens passage
-cai,-Tai, per. pass, o and ciriyiofiai to relate)
to re
Ex&dpici'u, (fr. EK intens.
and Aco-
count, repeat, rehearse, relatt
a Dorian) to become a Do-
3 pi. per. pass particularly. rian, to adopt Dorian manners,
Dor.' Of EKCWplEVW. (tirfyrjTai, pres. 3 sin. cont. sub &c.
EKdituardo) -G, f. -(5<rw, (fr. EK in- mid. T&Klir/yovncvos, -rj, -ov EKOucopai, -y, -trai,
1 f. ind. mid.
tens. and cuuaTdu) to terrify) par. pres. pass. cont. of last. Of EK&tC(i)[lt'
strike with terror^frighten, amaze EcJnaffi*, f. -ac-w, (fr. IK intern EKtcaccE, Poet, for EKECUCE, 3 sin.

astonish. and $iKdu to judge) and 1 a. act. of KE$dti).

EK&KaTtv<j>, f. -Evcia, fr. same, anc EKOiKtu) -w, f.

-r}au>, p. EKCECIKTIKC EKCI, (fr. EKEfios he) there, thither.
SEKaTEvu), which see. (fr. same, and (&) justice) t E<?0v, (fr. same) from thence,
EKOfKEcBai, Ion. for
tKos^ta try, judge, administer justice thence.

pres. inf. of EKCt^o-fiai. to assert^ support or maintai EKEWi, (fr. same) thither, that way,
EKCtpu, f.
-pS, p. tKotcaoKa, (fr right ; to sentence, condemn there.
/c'from, and <Jfpw to flay) to ex- avenge, punish. 1 a. act. ind EKeipnv, -oo, -TO, impf.
of KEifiai.
coriate, flay totally ; to scourge. E^ECiKrjffa' impr. tKoiKijaov in EKUV, Poet, for UKI!V, pres. inf.
Ei(d(\Tai, 3 sin. pres. ind. E/c EKQlKl}Vai. act. of ElKd).

- pi- p?es. ind. or impr EKliKijcis, -tos, All. -0)f, (fr Dor. for EKEIVTJ, fern. sin.
fj, EKEIVO.,
Ecv<ty/vo?, ->/, -ov, par same) a vindication, assertion, or neut. pi. and
pres. mid. of maintaining ; condemnation, sen EKtivfuv, Ion. for CKUVUV, g. pi. of
EKCE%opai, f.
-fojtai, p. tKcietynai tence, punishment ; vengeance E?vof, -n, -o, she, it; they,
from, and ciYOfiai to re revenge, a. sin. KCiKt]aiv. them; that, those, that there.
ceive) look for, await,
hope and 'EKCIKQS, -or,
EKOiK7]Tri$ 6, (fr Poet. Ktivos. Dor. T/JVO?.
expect; to
receive, entertain; t same) a judge ; an assertor EKVO>?, (fr. last)
in that manner,
succeed, come after or in turn avenger, protector. in that way.
relieve; to undertake, 'EK&KOS, -ov, EK from, anc that
engage b, fj, (fr. EKE~CE, (fr. last) there, thither,
take upn. impf. t^tj(6^irv. wrongfi
StKi} justice) unjust, way.
EKCEM -w, f.
-jjoru), (fr. same, anc injurious. , -trb, -era, pper. pass, of
civ to tie) to tie or
/osten to \-TI,
Dor. and ,3Sol. fo
suspend, hang up ; to untie .vet, 3 pi. pres. ind. of EK EK{K\ETO, 3 sin. impf. pass, of
loosen. ., fr. EK intens. and ttvcw KiKXopai, Poet, for K&opai.
'EKOJ/XOJ, -ov, b, ff, (fr. EK intens which see. EKEK\l<t>Eiv, -EIS, -EI, pper.
act. of
and cfj\o; clear) manifest, evi , (fr. EK from, and
dent, apparent, sensible, obvious drive) to expel, chase -ico, -ITO, pper. pass.
E5i;Xdio -u, (fr. same, and orj, drive, turn out, banish. 1 a. act of /cAaw.
which see. ind. E&iut-a, par. eKoanlaTO, Ion. for fJCf^ffiUT/vro,
EnAnptw -w, f.
-^arw, p. K$t$ti[ir/Ka ctju^avrwr, g. pi. par. 1 a. act 3 pi. pper. pass, of ACOO-///W.
(fr. < out of^ and o??/io; th ^EKCtW^OVCl Or -CIV, 3 pi. 1 t -rrpayciv, -f, -(, in 2 pi. -ftrr,
-oa-?; /


tKTt/fiijv, -T/O-O, -ITO, in 3 pi. K0a/n'dw, (fr. K from, and &au- 'TS.KIOV, -ts, -, impf. act. of K/W.
-nvro, pper. pass, of urdo^ai. vos a shrub) to
extirpate, de- Dor. for
3 sin. cont.
tv, Dor.
for tKt\ov, 2 sin. impf. molish. impf. act. of Ktpvdii).
pass, of KfXto. K0idw, f.
-a<rw, (fr. same, and :i^dvov, -ES, -, impf. 'EKI^OV,
in 1
pi. -iijitv, E?OJ divine) to
dedicate, conse- -j, -E, 2 a. ind. act. of Ki%dvu>.
pass. E/cf'Xtvffa, -as, -, act. crate, devote ; to
hallow, vene- cKa0apu>, -apw, (fr. EK out, and

1 a. ind. E/cAetiov, -?, -, rate, esteem holy. Kadatpu to cleanse) to clean out,
impf. act. of KXi5w. JK0^a, -aroj, TO, (fr. KriQr)Lti to i/itjjty; to purge ; to purify ex-
act. of
EKtVuxra, -aj, -E, 1 a. incl.
expose) a sign, placard, declara- : i'dr ; to
char, vindicate, justify.
tion, publication ; an edict. 1 a. act. ind.
E^tKaOapo. impr.
v, -?, -, 2 a.
K6fffi', Dor. for
K&tv, pres. inf. KKa0apovsub. iKKaddpta, -1/5, -TJ.
of Ktp- act. cont. ef
ffa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. K0lw. Or, for EK- CKaQdpar, 2 pi. impr. EKK;Z-
fiaivo). 0?va(, 2 a. inf. act. of
cKriOrifju. dpi/,
3 sin. sub. 1 a. act. of
for last.
'EKEpo-c, -33ol. -, -cvffio, (fr. EK intens.
fKEJpa, -as, K0Epariiw,
1 a. ind. act. of
Kapw. and Stnartixi) to tend) to deserve

EK0aAaiuxrav, 3 pi.
I a. ind. act. from ; to
oblige, endear, con- (fr. EK intens. and K<K'W to burn)
of K(f>a\ai6d). ciliate ; to
heal, cure, restore. to to consume entirely, burn out,
J&K^eipla, -fj ^ (fr- f%w to re- health. burn away ; to flame, burst out
strain, and %ip a hand) a truce, ,
f. -HTCJ, (fr. same, and into flames ; to inflame, irritate,

armistice, cessation of hostilities Jw to

reap) to cut down, provoke. 1 a. ind. act. |av-
or of business. mow, reap ; to
harvest, gather, (ra and criteria, per. pass. EKKE-
Att. for 1 sin. collect. Kavuai. 1 a. ind. pass. E^EKOU-
), EKt^'ivtiv,
vti, 3 sin. pper. mid. of Kdfppalvu), f.
-av&, (fr. same, and Qriv.

Stpnaivu, which see. KKaKtv, pres. inf. act. cont.

->7ffC0, (fr. EK out, and 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act.
-5, Kdzppdvas, -ao-a, -av, par. 1 a. EKKaKjyo-jjrE,
to boil) to bubble up, boil act. of last.

over, be full, tumid or teem- K0fo-0ai, inf. EK0f//voj, par. 2 [iv, sub. 1 pi. cont. pres. act.
ing. a. mid. of EKTidyui. of
EK&JT/W -fi, -^ffd), p. f.
^^/r7Ka, K0cri, -LOS, Att. -ns, fj, (fr. KKftKfb) -0>, f.
-JJOO), p. KKKdKT)Ka,
same, and &?T<) to seek) to
(fr. riQrjuL to set forth) an exposure, (fr. EK intens. and KOK^J ill) to
seek out, search for diligently, disclosure, discovery ; an expo- si?ik under, be discouraged, want
inquire ; to pray
for, request sure to beasts. spirit, faint, fail, yield. I a.
earnestly ; to require, demand, <K6fff<parov, -ov, TO, (fr. EK from act. ind. tfyKanriaa' sub. CKKO,-
exact. 1 a. act. ind. Otis God, and ^r/^t to speak' in 2 pi.
f&^Tr) -??j, -T),
sub. EK^TJT^O-W. per. pass. E^E providence, the will of heaven ,
1 a. ind. pass. &2r t
an oracle ; a prophecy. ,
1 a. inf. mid. of
BrfV SUb. K^I7T^00), -TJS, -fj. '.KdfT^KOf, -7, -OV, (fr. fKrWrifil tO EKKdXEu -w, f.
-/ffw, p. eKK(K\riKa,
EK^J/TT/T/JJ -ou, 6, (fr. same) an
set forth) explanatory. in- (fr. K out, and KaX/w to call)

quisitor, examiner, searcher, col- EK0ETOJ, -ov, b, f], (fr. same) ex- <o call out, bid come forth, sum-
lector ; a discoverer, informer. posed, cast out, abandoned. mon, cite; to call to mind, re-
EKfia, -as, -,
1 a. ind. act. ot EK0/W, f.
-vau>, (fr. EK out, am collect ; to invite, allure, entice ;
SEW to run) to run out, go ou to provoke, challenge, dare. EK-
'EK7|3oA/a, -as, fi, (fr. fKas far, and hastily, hasten, rush. Also, an KaXfo/mt -ovfiai, to remove a
j3dXXo> to throw) skill with the obsolete verb, for which see EK> suit from one court to ano-
bow or dart, archery, darting. ther.
'EKjj/Moj, -OD, 6, (fr. same) skilled '.KOrjkd&j),
-Saw, (fr. same, am EKKaXjJTTTW, (fr. EK from,
in archery or with the dart. A S-n\d^<j)
milk) to suck out
and KttXuirru) to
cover) to unveil;
epithet of Apollo, far-shooting
empty, drain. uncover, expose ; to disclose,
darting from afar, piercing, pe- !K0?;Xvi'w, fr. same, and $ri\vvu) discover.

netrating. which see. EKicdpaios, -ov, b, f], fr <* intens.

'EKTjSov, -g, -, impf. act. of Kf t lK0X/|3w, f.

-t//w, p. KTiO\id>a, (fr
and Kapciosi which see.

EK-TJKIOV, -s, -E, impf. act. o same, and ^X//?w to press) t EKKara'ow, (fr. EK from, Kara down-
strain, wring, press, squeeze out wards, and dew to see) to look
"EKn\os, -ov, (perhaps fr. tiV
6, %,
to castrate ; to oppress, afflict down from; to observe, regard.
to yield) quiet, calm, .".till ; se- par. per. pass.
2 a. par. EKKarfowv.
cure, fearless, unconcerned ; ef' EK0X(lifS, -lOSi
Att. -Wf, 17, (fr 'EKKav[i.a, -aroj, TO, (fr. EKKru'w to

'/e, easy, kind, gracious; peace- last) a squeezing, pressure ; c burn) fuel, coal, tinder ; a
ful, peaceable, conciliatory. breaking or cutting off; violence brand ; inflammation, burning
EK*Jpua, -a?, -, act. EKT]pv%d' oppression, grievance; affliction
firiv,-S>, -aro,mid. EKfjpv^Brjv distress. figure in gram A 'EKKt[iiai, f.
-dcro/iai, (fr. EK out,
-!?,->?, pass. EK>/pucr
1 a. ind. mur. and Ktipai to lie) to lie
open, be
crov, -c,-, impf. act. of/ojpi'o'crco EK0opf'w -w, (fr. EK from, exposed or liable to ; to be, exist ;
E<cr7Ti, Poet, for tKdvri, (d. sin. o or to leap) to leap out ; t to lie
upon, oblige.
f K<iv,) on account of by reaso- ,
start or spring up. EKKWOUV, pres. inf. act. cont. of

of, for, because ; willingly, vo EK0rio>, f.

-Sffw, (fr. EK intens. am EKKEVC'W-W, f.
-wc-o>, (fr. EK out, and
luntarily. ro) to burn incense) to purify KEJ'oj empty) to empty, dis-
EK&anpaffQai, inf. cont. EK0a/* by sacrifice, expiate, atone. cfiarge, evacuate, exhaust ; to ex-
j3i<70, impr. 2 pi. pres. pass EK0C^w?, (fr. EK from, and -Si^o"? pel, drive out.
cont. of the mind) actively, earnestly, iKKEVTf'w or -do) -C, and EKKETTJ^W,
-w, f. -J7(7W, p. ->/Ka, (fi zealously, eagerly. (fr. EK intens. and KEvrf'u to
t< intens. and 3a//<3fw to amaze EKiSvaro, irnpf. pass, of */&/// prick) to run through, stab,
to astonish, amaze, confoun Eiavovveoov, -sy, -E, impf. act. of pierce.
.KKf^vrat, 3 pass, ot
EK0rt - to ea sin. per.
dread. ] a. ind. pass. EKivjBrjv, -?/j, -/, 1 a. ind. pass.

K0a^,j3of, -ov, o, fh (fr.

sam ofKiviw. .KKfjQVKTOS, -01), 0, !/, (fr. next)
astonished, a.mwr'!, ii rnflal, c.o-
EKimiru, -a<;, -r, 1 a. ind. act. of ejected, put or turned out; ba-
founded, n nished, outlawed.
-rrw, f. -w, (fr. tK out roSffj, ^ol. and E\j.r .
Kvat<7iH-.E/cKpoi'w, f.
-o-w, (fr. KK out of,
K770v<nrw to proclaim) to
i. and /cjwto) to beat) to knock,
E/tKvda> -w, (fr. same, and KVW to!

or drive out,
put, turn out or expel by pro-
expel thrust out ;
to shake off;
i ; to banish, outlaw scrape) to scrape off", scratch*, to
prolong, pro-
publicly. out; to erase, put out. pres. inf.; tract.

-j/ffw, (fr. same,
and EwcvXjw, f. -tVw, p.
(fr. same, and mi-
Ktviw to to disturb, re- f.
-^w, p. .KKC.K6\a<f>a, KKidXiKa,
move) ,

move, transplant ; to excite, (fr. EAC out of, and /eoXdrrw to; XwJw or /aiXiw to to ro# or
to deviate, swerve, start. hammer) to
hammer to tumble down ; to Kind
off; to

' f. "Sffu. p. tKKfuXaKa, (fr.


deface, erase; to cut out, carve, roll or turn over, unfold. 1 a.

same' and jcXdu to break) to engrave. ind. act. E^E/rfXio-a. per. pass.
break out or off; to break in iti) -W, f.
-jfffto, p. tKKtKO- KKKV\HT(iat.
pieces, break down, crush, en- Xfy/V-a, (fr. same, and KoXvfi- EK/CD^CU'VU),
-av<3, (fr. EK out, and
feeble, per. pass &du> to swim) to swim out of, Kvpaivu to foam, th.
n^a a
1 a. escape by swimrr.ing ; to extricate, wave) break out, overflow;
to to
pass. ff/tXd<7
EKK\u<rai,, 1 a.. inf.. act.. of disengage. 1 a. act. ind. C.%EKO- break forth, rush out.
E/r;cXa>, f. -tiffw, p. tKKiK>,iKa, (fr. \lnftT)aa- par. EKKVXTW, f. -^u, (fh same^ and
same, and <cX/w to shut) to
shut\EKKo^tcfi, -Tjs, fj, (fr. next)
a car- KV-TU to bend) to stoop <tou-n to
out, exclude, reject, debar, keep rying out, exportation ; a burial,

sec, fcx& ouZ ; to appear, show ;

out or from. 1 a. act. ind. funeral. to come
out, go forth, proceed,
pass. tKKfK\tianai. 1 a.
ind. pass. EK out, arid KO/HO> to carry)
(fr. T.KKu<f>6u) -5, (fr. EK
intens. and
to to
carryot/i, export ; convoy, /cw05j deaf) to deafen,
rw, f. -^u, (fr. same, andj conduct, extricate, rescue ; to
pal, to be very deaf.
ArXfVrw to steal) to steal privately, !
6wry. 1 a. ind. act. U'Xayfa, -as, -E, 1 a. 'E*cXa-
ptf/er ; to withdraw secretly, steal I

impf. pass. la. yov, -ES, -E,

2 a. ind. act. of
atray. ind. mid. E^E/co^tcrd/iT/v impr.

E/ocX77?<r0ai, Ion. for tKKOfiiffai. r. 2 a. mid. of /c-

pres. inf. pass, of E/CACXEJW -rjs, ij, (fr. next) a cutting

E*cXi7<na, -a?, ^, (fr. KKa ff or cfou-n; destruction, 'E/tXaiov, -sj, -, impf. act. of
summon) an assembly lawfully] ruin.' AcXafu.
convened or ordered by law; -tiw, p. iKKfKixpa, (fr. E/cXaXi'w -w, f. -fjffd), p. .<XXaX?7fa,
i, f.

a congregation, meeting ; the out of, and /COTTTW to cut) to (fr.

K out, and XaXf'u to speak)
church ; the place of assem- cut out, off or down, destroy, to tell, utter; to talk idly; to

bly. sack, extirpate, abolish; to hin-\ prate, babbie, blab. 1 a. act. ind.
to holf'. 1 a. act. ind.
(fr. last) der, prevent, stop. tt,i~\a\riaa' inf.

or summon an assembly, meet- r. inK
t^fKo^a' impr. IKKOI^OV" sub. ur-JEJcAa^dv, f. mid. <X)7tfo^dt, (fr.

ing- or congregation ; to speafc KUI{.-<O.

2 a. ind. act. fj-ticoTtQV. same, and Xa/i/3dvw to take) to

^jre, harangue, make an ora- per. pass. cKKfKomirti. 2 a. ind. toJre ot/<, seize ; to co/c^, to;fte

/ion. pass. et-ticdTrrji'. 2 f. pass. [KKO- up ; to appropriate ; to perceive,

, -oy, 6, (fr. same)

a Kfiaofiai. per. mid. cKKiKoira. understand, apprehend.
member of a public assembly, :Kooi'66(ji-w, f. -W5-W, (fr. same, ,EA.->a//^pof, -o?, 6, ^, (fr. next)
common-council man, orator, de- and KopiHfrt] the head) to give the bright, shining, splendid, reful- ;

magogue ; a preacher. heads of, state briefly, sum up, i

irrtKos, -fi, -ov, (fr. same) [
;E(cXa>7rw, f. -'^w, (fr. *:
relating to a public assembly; "EKKO^OV, 1 o. impr. act. E/C-; Xd/iru to shine) to shi ^nd
of the church; ecclesiastic; ha- Ko^-ia, -jj, -EJ, 1 f. ind. act. of, be respk
' ,'yrth, glitter, flash,
' l J * ' ' '

ranguing, debating, argumenta- EKKOTT-

dent, appear glorious. 1 a. ind.
tive. EcKpat-aXdu -w, fr. EK intens. and' act. E^fXa/ii^a.
EotXjr<k, -oo, b, fi, (fr. K/caXf'w to Kpai-a\du>, which see. ivXau^'tj, -log, Att. -etas, fi, (fr.
caii forth) called forth, called E*:>cpf/d(d -w, -avvvw, and
-avvvfii, last) brightness, splendour, ra-
upon; a person appealed; se- (fr. E*C from, and KpE//dco, &c. to diance, refulgence.
chosen. Subs, a senator; suspend) to ma&e Aan^ upon ,
3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of
a certain officer at Sparta. or suspend from. E **(>// ao/tat
'E**cXfya, -aros, TO, (fr. next) a -Sifiat, f.KKO[idvvv/j.ai or E/CA:O-
turn, inclination ; a turn to uaiicu, to hang upon or ie sws- X70a, (fr. EK intens. and Xav-
flight, flight, rout. pended from, dangle ; to de- 0dvw to escape notice) to cause
Ec/cXvdru), 3 sin. EwcXivaT, 2 pend upon ; to
regard, attend oblivion, make forget ; to slip
pi. 1 a. impr. act. of earnestly, impf. ^tKpijudnrjv, from or escape the
E**cX/vw, f.
-Yj/w, p. KKXj/ta, (fr. -affo, -aro. b&mvOfropuu. to forget totally,
from, and jcX('vu> to lean) to E.KKpiiris, -to; -ovs, b, ), (fr. last) lose the recollection of. 1 f.

<rn or lean from, decline ; to de- suspended, hanging from, dang- mid. per. pass. CK\I*
fied, deviate, go out of the way ; ling, pendulous.
to shun, avoid, fly from; to
EKKpivw, f.
-tVo), (fr. EK out of, and E/tXan5u, f. ~cv(w, (fr. tK from,
cause to deviate, avoid, &c. 1 a. to sift) to sift out, examine ; and Kptvu) \a%vu to polish) to cut,
act. ind.
cl-fK\tva' impr. IKK\I- to select, pick, choose; to
cull, hew, chip ; to smooth, polish.
vov. 1 a. incL pass. t%tK\iQnv and except, takf out, separate ; to re- ~Eic\a-dfa, (fr. IK from, and Xa-
ject, cast off', to displace, dis- to empty, eva-
rd^w to empty)
toy, Att. -EWS, f,, (fr. turb; to exclude judicially, eject. cuate; to plunder. '
last) o turning aside, deviation ; ''EKKp'ifftS, -IDS, Att. -EUf, ff, (fr. 5T7V, -ns, ~rj, pass.
a shunning, avoiding. last) a choice, selection ; a cast- , -f, -t, act. 2 a. ind. of
E/ccXvu), f. -vff(D, (fr. tK from, and * n? ffi rejection ; a bursting, /cXfVro).
to tww/i
/eXu^w to wash) auwy, breaking out. 'E:Xa<7a, -af, , act. E/cXdff-
wash out ; to purify. -ov, b, f/, (fr. same) 0/v, -f?j, -n, pass. 1 a. ind, of
"ExKvaiffidi -&, (fr.
K intens. and select, choice, excellent. K\du>.
Kvaiu to grate) to
scream, shriek. E/CK00UGTOJ, ov, b, fj, (fr. next) rais- E*cXaro/jfaj -u, f. -jyo-w, (fr. out,
3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. two. ed, thrust out, embossed. and Xaro/i6i> to cut stone, which
f. -tcrw, (fr. IK from, -s, -, impf. act.
, EKO*,EKirai<5vu, f. -tvaw, (fr. tit inttns,
and vrpov a nerve) to enervate, Hidp.rjv, -ov, -ro, impf. pass. and irai&zvii) to educate) to edit-
weaken, enfeeble, debilitate. E*d/*i|av, Dor. for tKOfuoav, 3 cote
entirely, bring up, rear, 1

ind. act.
EKvtvaai, 1 a. inf. act. of eicviu. pi. 1 a. EACO//IO-OTV, | from, instruct; to inculcate, in-

'Eicvtvais, -ios, Att. -cos, f], (&

Poet, for K6pi<?, 3
form, impress. sin. 1 a.

vi) or -t'w to swim out) a devi- ind. act.

EKOtiiad^nv, -w, -aro, EKxrafdaVo-w, (fr. same, and irat-
a 3 pi. -avro, 1 a. ind. mid. <j>daobi to roll the eyes) to rave,
ation, variation, turning off;
shift, evasion, escape. 'j -?, ?, 1 a. ind. pass. rage, be furious ; to rush, run
f. -wffu, (fr. c intens. and Ol KOuL{<j). n,t*tAtv/*g , attack
headlong, ui HSUBITJ.
E*vrfci>, furiously.
vrfu to nod) to nod to, Am/, in- 1 a. ind. act. of
, -as, -, 'E*ciraXa, (fr. same, and irdXai for-
timate, desire by signs; to hang merly) of old, long ago, in an-
and KtKova, Poet, for IKTO- dent times, long since,
down, depend, droop; to dis- EKOVO,
sent, disagree; to shun, decline, va, per. ind. mid. of KTH'VW. rxavw, f. -tru), (fr. same, and ircvw
avoid. ,
Poet, for Kdviff, 3 sin. to stop) to hinder ; to
put an end
EKV((t> Or EKVtVd), f. -l5(7W, p. KV- 1 a. ind. act. of
(covt^u. to, Jinish. EKTravopai, to cease,
VCVKO, (fr. out of, and Ww to EKOVTI and 'Efcdv^v, (fr. IKUV give over, leave off, desist ; to be
swim) to swim out of; to escape, wi'Jing) of himself, freely,
quiet, rest, repose.
extricate, disengage ; to slip ingly, voluntarily, naturally ; for t7Tjpdu> and Eo-fipdw -C, f.

away, get off, withdraw, depart; the sake of, on account of. -ao-w, p. same,
(C7T7:jpaK:a, (fr.
to turn aside, deviate. 1 a. act. EKd-ac-a, -as, or -tv, 1 - a. ind. and Trnpd^w or -aw to try) to at-
ind. %tvtvca. act. tempt, essay, endeavour, try ; to
E*cv>70to, -t^w, p. tKvtvT]<f>a, (fr. EKdTrriv, -ns, -T),
f. 2 a. ind. pass. prove, experience. 1 a. ind. act.
CK from, and vi70w to wake) to EKOTTTOV, in 3 sin. by Apos.
become sober, sleep off" drink, impf. act. of Ko'-Tw. <TTfp.-u, f.
-\i.(o, (fr. K from, and
awake sober ; to watch, wake, -as,
- or tv, 1 a. ind. 77^t7ru tosend) to send off or out,
remain awake, 1 a. act. ind. act. of Koirtdw. despatch ; to convoy, conduct. 1
EKOTTTOV,-S, -, act. a. ind. act.
t%ivrj\fya. EKOTTTOVTO, c6np^o. per. pass.
same, and vf}yo[i.at 3 pi. impf. pass, of KO- -irrai. I a.
EKvrjj^ofiai, (fr. fKrrfirc^fiai, -^ai,
to swim) to swim off" or away, 1 a. ind. pass, oi pass. md. tJ-tnfutiQriv.
escape. KirffMpOfts, -tiaa, -iv, n. pi. -0iV-
,'EKV^IS, -ios, Att.
-ws, ft, (fr. -r,s, -n, I a.
ind. pass. TIS, par. 1 a. pass, of last.
to keep sober) watchful- E/copf<waro, Poet, for tKcpi- -as, -, per. in<k act.
ness, waking, absence of sleep ; aaro, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. oi
rest, remission, cessation. Kopiw. EK7T7rX>/x0at, per. inf. pass, of IK-
'Emri^'ov, -drw, 2 pi. CKvfi\^iart, 1 EKOOVCCTOV, -$, or tv, impf. act. rXr/cra (a.
a. impr. act. of KV^<PW. -
EKTrtiropvtvKa, per. ind. act. of
EitvtKdw -w, f. -7/crw, p. -r/K&, (fr. Eicda/jLTidw, Bceot.
E/C intens. and viKau to 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. E/cdo-^ffa,
to vanquish, subdue, master ; to -as, -, 3 pi. -aav, la. ind. act 2 sin. per. ind. pass, of 7ro-

prevail, outreach, surpass, sur EKdvpovv, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont rdofiat.

mount. impf. act. of KOGuttx).
'EKVI^E, Dor. for twice, 3 sin. 1 a. 'EKovffa, fern, of IK&V.
ar. per. pass, of KirtTopai to
ind. act. EKvicdnv, -TJS, -n, 1 EKov<ndo/*a, (fr. tKovcios sponta- y abroad) loosely, disorderly,
a. ind. pass, of KVJ'W. neous) to act, do or obey readily irregularly ; prodigally, profuse-
Em::, f.
-^w, (fr. EK from, and to offer or sacrifice willingly. ly, immoderately.
viVrw to wash) to u-osft ow, 'EKovcriaffpbs, -ov, b, (fr. same) a c-f'rrwKa, -as,
- or -EV, per. ind.
rinse, c/eanse, wipe off;
purify. free-will offering, act. EK7To-?v, 2 a. inf. act.
and 'EKVO^OS, -ov, b, fj, EKOVCTIOS, -ov, 6, f], (fr. IKUV (will- EKirtcrrirf, -aval, 2 and 3 pi. 2
(fr. same,
and vd/ios usage) un-
usual, strange, unaccustomed,
If, willing, 3
) spontaneous, natural, of it-

ready, voluntary
-b iKovffiov, free-will, /car' tKOV-
a. sub. act. of tKiriirrw.

tirtpaiob) -&, (fr. K from, and

TTfpatdw to pass over) to lead,
EKvof/icus, (fr- last) unusually, ffiov, willingly. conduct or carry over, convey :
'EKOVC'IUS, to go, pass or cross over.
last) freely, readily,
strangely. (fr.
E/wocrfw -w, f. -17(70), (fr. /c from, willingly. EKTTfpdu -w, f. -ao-w, (fr. same,
and vooTtu to return) to re/urn 'E/cwayX' for irayXa or irayXov, and rpdw to pass over) to send
oid o/, come back from. par. 1 same as KrdyXw$. or make pass over ; to convey or
a. act. *cvooT/7tras,
n. du. tKvoa-
EKTray\iofiai -ovfiai, (fr. next) an carry out or over; to go out,
n/c-avTE. Ion. and Poet, verb, same as depart.
EtoJXava, 3 pi. E/cot'Xavav, 1 a. ind. KirtpciKi^u, (fr. tK intens. and
act. of Koi\aivtt>. 'EKTToyXos, -ov, b, TI, (by Metath. irip$t% a partridge) to entrap, de-
EKOipfjOrrv, -r/s, -n, 3 pi. -Qnffav, fr. /t7rX7ff<ra> to terrify) horrible, ceive, beguile; to balk, disap-
pass. EKOifirjadiinv, -w, -OTO, 1 terrible, dreadful, frightful ; point, slip from, escape wilily.
a. ind. mid. of KOI (taw. awful, stupendous $ vehement, K-nipBw, f. fKTTipcw, (ff. same,
"EKoijjuffa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of violent, fierce, comp. /tirayXdT- xtpdia to waste) to subvert,

pos, sup. -draros. turn, overthrow, destroy; to lay

EKoivwvTjo-a, -as, -t or v, 1 a. ind. EKTrayXdrar' for K7rayXdraT, v. waste, plunder. 1 f. ind. 3 pi.
act. of Koivuvtu. sin. sup. of last. 1 a. act.
by Apos. fKirtpffovff'.
EdXaov, -ES, -, impf. act. E*d- EKTrdyXus, (fr- same) horribly, ind. sub. fKirtpaw, 3 pi.
Xa<ra, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of terribly, dreadfully, frightfully ; by Apos. /c:r/p<7a)ff'. 9 a. ind.
exceedingly, extremely. act. t\fi;apdov, by Meioth. #-
EJtoXdipio-a, -as, -, 3 pi. -aav, 1 a. EK-xaOriS, -tos -ot>S, b, 17, (fr. upaBov.
? f- ind. act. *.~ap0w,
ind. act. of coXa<p/w. from, and 7ra'0os feeling) unhurt, by Metath. tK-npaBw. per. ind.
EKoXoj3w07v, -r?s, -7, pass. EKO- uninjured, unaffected ; sound, miQ. ^KTTfTTOpfl*

X<5/3w<ra, -as, -, act. 1 a. ind. oi whole, entire. Or (fr. *: intens.

and same) easily or much af- same, vcpl about, and /p^o/iai to
aa, 3 sin. impf. act. cont. fected, moved or touched; in- go) to go round about, environ^
censed, irritated. encompass.
Aa (185)
-tvao^ai, (fr and more, above an acre. Adj. and TTOUW to make) to {/ferf,
same, and Tropsvoj
to go) to pass exceeding, exorbitant, excessive. complete; t suffice, be able or
come from thence; tc
over from,
trrAtflp^u,(fr. last)
to run the capable. Or, (fr. EK from) to

pass or come out through; x\tdpov ; to exceed, surpass, go pu< out, from oraway ; to alie-

surround, go round about, sur- beyond bounds. nate, transfer, make over or give
~EKir\dov, Poet, for E/cn-Xfov, g. of up to another; to
withdraw, re-

EKTTEptffo-dj, ->), -bv, (fr. same, anc ""U'TrAEOf, -a, -ov, (fr. EAC intens. move, convey away,
superfluous) quite su-
and rXfoj full) jwite ///, a&wn- txoirjais, -joj, Att. -suj, >/, (fr.
perfluous, very abundant, exu- dant, complete. last) a discharge, vent, emis-
berant. tTr\v<rai, 1 a. inf. act. of sion; a transfer, alienation, re-
EKKipcrai, 1 a. act. inf. EK: cTrXfw, f. -Every, (fr. E/C from, and moval.
aavr\ for d. sin. or TrXfw to sail) to sai7 out or from ; K-oinros, -ov, b, fa (fr. same)
a. sin. or neut. to sail through, finish a voyage, transferred, alienated, made over ,

pi. of EKXfpaas, par. 1 a. act. o: arrive, impf. act. el-cir\eov -ovv, adopted.
-$ -<?, -ti -?. 1 a. act. ind. HToXc/tltt -u, f. ->/crw, and EKTTO-
'E/c7r<r, Ion. for t^irtat, 3 sin. 2 E^fTrXftiffa* inf. KTr\vaai. XE/^OW -w, f. -WCTW, (fr. EK:
a. act. ind. E*C7rfo-w, 3 pi. w, b, fa Att. for ff> and 7:o'X//of war) to wage, pro-
7Tfffd)ffi, sub. EK7rff(V, inf. voke or excite tuar; to conquer,
EKTTECTWV, par. of EK vanquish, subdue ; to take by
E/tTrrravvv/^, E*cTraw *w or EKTTE- to terrify) striking, affecting, storm, carry by assault.
raw, f.
K7Tra<rw, (fr. EK out, surprising; awful, severe; hor- cTToXiopKfa) -w,
->/<ra>, (fr. same,
and TTEravvu/a to spread) to rible, terrible, dreadful. and TroXtopKf'w
to besiege) to toJce
pand, spread or stretch out, open ZKir\T)KTo$, -ov, b, f], (fr. same) 6y siege; to .storm, carry 6y
wide, dilate, extend. struck, amazed, astonished. assaw/i.
E/CTTfro^at, (fr. same, and irtropa E^crXr/^tj, -10?, Att. -toj, fa (fr. -w, f.
-r/crw, (fr. same,
to fly) to fly out or from, fly same) astonishment, amazement, and irovctj) to toil) to ejfeci by di-
away. dread, consternation ; fear, ter- ligence, bring al)out, work out;
"EKTTtrta, obs. see E ror, fright. to labour, take pains, endeavour ;
EKTTfdpaoymt, -crat, -oral, per. ind. H,KTt\T]p6(i) -w,
f. -wo-w,
p. -o>Ka, (fr. cultivate, practise, exercise,
pass, of K0pa'w. K intens. and rX^po'cj
to fill)
to study ; to train or rear in hard-
EKTTf'^vxa, ind. ExirEdiuKwf, par. fill up ; to fulfil, complete, accom- ship ; to endure, bear, suffer,
per. act E/wrfytm, ind. E*> plish. 1 a. act. ind. t%t-\fipuaa. undergo.
7T0uai?, par. per. mid. in n. pi. per. pass. EKTrETrX^/pw^at. KiroptvfTai, -ovrai, 3 sin. and pi.
fem. l,KTr(f)vv!!at, of cK<pv(a. Ec7rX)/pa>(rtf, -IDS,
Att. -EUJ, ;, (fr. pres. ind. mid. of
EK7r7(5aw -w, (fr. CK from, and n-^- last) a filling up ; completion, Ktropww, f. -naw, p. -tvKa, (fr.
Jaw to spring) to leap, spring or fulfilment, accomplishment, a. CK from, and to pass) to
start up or out" of; to rush, go go forth with, bring, convey or
out hastily. 1 a. act. ind. iKifXjaffcOj Ion. for conduct over. EKTropsrio/zai, to go
6i)ffa"par. tK-xri&fiaag. pres. impr. pass, of from or away, depart, set out ; to
EKirrjvLziTai, Alt. for EKTrrjvlfferai, 3 iKrAiytro-w or -rrw, f. -//|w, p. -
go out of, land, disembark, pres.
sin. 1 f. mid. of triTrXriKa, (fr. EK intens. and impr. mid. E/cTropEvou, -tvOu.
EKTrTjviQd), f.
-tau>, (fr. from, and TtXriavw to strike) to fteat* or drive Exffopflf w -ai, f. -ijao), (fr. EK intens.
rrijvoj a warp) to spm owi; to out, force out by blows, extract as and iropdfti) to waste) to destroy,
it were
extract, elicit, unravel. 1 f. Att. by force ; to affect or lay waste, ravage ; to pillage,
EKTTJ/Vlto, -Elf, -?. wioue strongly, strike with sur- plunder ; to take prisoner, carry
EKTTif^to, f. -<rw, p. KiTiriKa, (fr. prise, astonish; to terrify, af- away captive.
same, and TTJ^W to press) to fright, scare, daunt, frighten. KiTopify,
-tVw, p. -j*a, (fr.

squeeze or press oZ, express, ex- E/t7rXjyo'(r0/*a<,

to wonder ; to fear, same, and Tropj^w to provide) to
tract ; to bear, thrust or weigh dread; to be struck with sur- find out, invent, devise, discover ;
down ; to oppress. &c. par. pres. pass.
prise, to purchase, EK-
procure, gain, get,
d), f. -avw, p. prepare, provide ; to supply, af-
fr. EK intens. and K7rX7rr<70eu, pres. inf. pass, of ford, yield.
which see. last.
E,KTTupvVffaffat, n. pi.
fem. par. 1
Efirtvw, f. SKTrXoos -ov$, -6ov -ov, b, fa (fr. a. act. of
-TTWfra), p. eKTtfTTWKa, (fr.

same, and rrtvy to drink) to Kir\f(j) to sail out) an expedition ; <TTOpVVW, f. -EUffO), p. -D*a, (fr.
drink up, swallow, drain; to setting out, proceeding on a voy- same, and TropvEuw to fornicate)
weighing an- to commit gross lewdness, forni-
drink to excess ; to soak, im- age, setting sail,
bibe. chor ; an encounter, charge in a cate habitually, prostitute. 1 a.

3 sin. EK7nVrovi-j, n. sea fight.
act. ind. E^ETTcJpvEuo'a.

pi. par. pres. act. of SKTrAtfvw, f. -vv&, (fr. IK from, and (iroTfOfjiai
or E.KTrordo[jiai, (fr. E/C

Eicirnrra), f.
-Trrwira), p. (.KiriiTTWKa, TT\i'>vb> to wash) to wash out, from, and Trf'ro^ai to fly) same
(fr. EK from, and to fall) to mVrw wash thoroughly. as KTT(TO/J.ai.
fall off", or out of; to miss,
from KTrXww, f. -wffw, (fr. same, and virpdKTrjg,-ov, b, (fr. next) an
lose, be thrust out or banished, irXwu to sail) to sail forth, set exacter, tax gatherer, collector.
be hurled, thrown or precipitated sail,go abroad; to wander in or -TTW, f.
-fw, (fr. tK

Jrorn.; to degenerate, fall off", mind, rave. 1 a. par. act. intens. and irpdaaw to do) to

away, to ef-
grow worse,foj.l,fall cease, CTOJ. perfect, finish, complete;
be abolished; to turn aside, be tKTTVVffl$, -OJ, Att. -EWS, ^, (fr. fect, gain, prevail ; to extort, de-
driven out of course ; to forget, next) a breath, breathing forth ; mand; to collect taxes.
drop, let
slip; to escape, break\ decease, death. ',KirpTrris, -io$ -ov$, b, fa (fr. same,
out, burst forth, be uttered. 2 a. ,
-sucrco, p. -SVKO, (fr. tK an.
to become) graceful,
act. ind. ei-fTrevov sub. /c7r<ru>, forth, and irviw to breathe) to elegant; excellent, remarkabk,
77?, -77, in 3 pi. cKtrtauffi. breathe out, respire ; to expire, conspicuous. Also, (fr. EK from)
KirXaytif, -fica, -ft/, par. 2 a. die. indecorous, unseemly, unbecom-
pass EKTTO^UV, (fr. EK from, and nov$ the ing.
-ou, rd, ffr. EK intens. foot) far, afar, far o. '.KTrpiapat, (tr.
EK out, and jrpjaftat
and \fdpov an acre) an acrelEoWw -S, f. -^o-w, (fr. CK intens. to buy) to buy out. purchase.
pass, of Kpinauai, same
as Kot- shake) to sAofa; o/; co^ off, re
ducharge ; to bribe, corrupt, pres.
inf. mid. wxoiaabai. pdw, which see. feet, disdain, drive away.
to buy out, EKpiu, f. -dew, (fr. out, and EKfft<f>oviu>, f. -ifo-w, (fr. same, and
EKTrptou -w, (fr. same) a
redeem ; to buy off, bribe. pf'w
to flow) to run out, leaf:, aifyw syphon) to empty by a
-y<i>, (&
* fr011^ overflow ; to slip or slide away syphon, pipe or cock, to oVrfn,
E*r-poXaVw, exhaust.
and Xenru to leave) to fall
s-pi before,
away, decay.
to feai'e to/a%, quit, forsake, 'EKprjyua, -aroj, rd, (fr. next)
abandon ; to have off entirely. precipice, cliff, crag;
a rut, (fr. same, and ff<cfXX w to dry) to

2 a. act. ind. opt.

an obstacle, difficulty ; a break-o"ry up, parch, scorch.
ffpoAfcroif, -o<J,
ing out or bursting forth of wa- EKffKEvd^u, f. -aflfw, p. ^oricuaica,
ter. (fr. same,
and cKtvd^u to pre-
irooXirJh,' n. r
pi. f/crpoXjirdfTfj.
'{ r
out, and pare) to pack up or prepare to go

Enrpoyfw, -cvaa, (IT. tK trom, E/tpjJyw/ } f. -pijfw, (fr.

to P our forth) to to break) to 6reo& ou/ abroad; to export, carry out, con-
arid KOO^ pijyvvui
make a breach or opening; ti
pour out, empty, spill, shed ;
to vey away.
break loose, escape ; to burst, fal fw -w, (fr. same, and c^au to
disembogue, discharge.
Borrow -w, (fr. same, and irrau to asunder. wipe) to wipe out, wash off,
or -, 1 a. ind. ac'. of c/ean, purify.
flv) to fly off, from away ; :, -a?,
to flit by, pass off quickly ; to es- Kffo^iu -w, f.
-^aw, (fr. same,
Att. for txpava, 1 a. ind and o-oj3fu> to drve) to remove,
cape ,

Ewtrofu -w, f. -/?<ru, fr. * intens. act. of turn or oViue ou<, cjye/.
and TfTofut, which see. I'E/cptyov, -?, -, 2 a. ind. act. oi E/cora'w -ai, f. -arw, (fr. same,
EKnrrdu, and rn-do> obs.) and ffTraw to draw) to oVou-,
(fr. same, j
see Ett>idw -5, f. -WCTW, p, pluck, pull or roof ou* ; to tfe-
crmju),, f.
t. -i'<7W,
-i'<7(i>, K:r:rruKa,, ^ir.
p. (fr- out, and pa a 'root) to rer, rescue.
and TTTUW to spit) to root, root out ;
EK from, pluck up by the to
.KCTrepuarifa, -Y<ru, (fr. same,
to jet, spout out ; to 1 a and axtpuaTi^ti) to sow) to tAroto
spit out ; eradicate, utterly destroy.
reject, refuse, slight ;
to dislike. act. ind. t^eppi^iaaa- impr. tupi forth, bear or produce seed
loathe, abhor. 1 a. act. ind. t^tv- Wov sub.
1 a.
pass ;*:ff7rov<5oj, -OD, 6, ^, (fr.
tK from,

nica* ind. and <r:roK5j a libation) not allied,

unconnected, not united by treaty;

-tOf, Att. -&>?, fj, (fr. BMiC<^r^ ] a im-

. .
j, for tKtfarti) to fail) 6/jconai, -TI, -crai, 1 f. ind. pass faithless, treacherous, not to be
falling off, failure, decay ; ca- EKpiu)0fVTa, neut. pi. par. '. bound by treaties ; a stranger ;
lamity, misfortune, trouble, ad- EKpi^oTjre, 2 pi. 1 a
a. pass. an enemy.
versity, distress; expulsion,
ba- of last.
sub. act. fsix, and
2Kcra'o'jo?,-ov, 6, >% (fr.
nishment. aird, Poet, for vrdoiov a furlong) ofsixfurlongs.
'EKTTWTOJ, -ov, b, i/, (fr. same) 1 a. ind.
pass, of a^oKpii'Ofia ^Kcraats, -ios, Att. -tu>s,fi, (fr. c|-
3 1 a. ind. to astonish) on ecstacy,
fallen, failed, decayed. EKpidrjffav, pi.
fr. SK intens. and 1 a. ind. act. EKOI' rapture, distraction of mind ;
EK~vvOdvofiai, 'E^rpti'a,
juai, which see. var', for cKpivaro, 3 sin. of E/cpj wonder, admiration, astonish-
5, -wffw, (fr. same, and
I a. ind. mid. 'EATO:- ment, amazement, horror; a
to burn) to set on fire, vov, -? , -t, impf. act. of Kpli >a. deep sleep, trance, d. tK<rrdati.
kindle, ligJit up ; to inflame, ir-
EKpiiocM, LXX. for IKOIVOV, 3 pi KtrrartKos, -i/, -ov, (fr. last)
ritate ; to burn out, burn away 2 a. ind. act.
amazed, astonished; entranced, of same.
-yw, from, am EKprrru,
enraptured, inspired ; ecstatic,
tl (fr. /c

\K11VQTU$, OV, 0, t], (IT. CFV., t'fr vu.- to throw) to <fo-<no or fling furious, distracted.

vouai to hear) heard, known; awny ; to abandon, cast off, turn EKCTp<5<i) -w, (fr. CK intens. and
listened or attended to, regarded. out, banish ; to reject. CTp<5u> to strengthen) to make
'EKtrwua, -aroj, TO, (fr. eK-rima to 'EKOL-ltg, -to?, Att. -EWS, fi, (fr very strong; to establish, con-
drink out of) a cup, bowl, glass last) o throwing out ; casting off, firm.
or other drinking vessel. abandonment; rejection. ,
-\pu>, (fr. tK intens. and
-?)?, fi, and 'Eicpoof, put on a
to crown) to
EKpof;, -ov, o,
3 pi. 1 a. pass, of Kpaiaivu. (fr. rx-peii)
to leak) a discharge; crown or garland, to crown.
'EKpdya, per. ind. mid. 'Expa^a, a flovjin* or streaming Or, (fr. tK from) to sfrip or de-
la. ind, act. of /cpou>. leak. prive of a crown ; to empty, ex-
.at, int. E/cpayaj, par. 2 EKpovaOnv, pass. E*cpouffa/i??v, 2 haust, drain.
a. pass, of EKprjy wui or

Expat, 1 a. ind. mid. of \
same, and
'EKOCL^OV, impf. KpOVd). ,
which see.
ind. act. of K pd( pass. f.
EKpvftr]v,-j]s, -TI, 'EKovpov, (fr. same,-tvau>,
EKoarjva, Dor. for tKpfinva, 1 a. -', -, act. 2 a. ind.
'Evpi'-- and c-rpartvu to serve in war) to
ind. act. of
Kpaialvta. rov, -?, -, impf. act.
'E/cpitya, go out to battle or on an expedi-
for I Att. for KfKpvipa, -as, -t, per. ind. tion ; to invade.
EKpddrjv, by Sync, cKtpddnv,
a. ind. pass, of mid. 1 a. f. -tvcw, fr.
Ktpdwui. 'Eicpvy'a, -aj, -f, tcrrparos-fJeiJu),
Expaiaivov, -f, -, impf. act. ind. act. of /COUTTOJ. and <rrpaToir^uw, which see.
Efoadi'^/yv. 1 ind..
'/S'l '/^ 2..
vpufw -w, f. -puwu>, p. , :},
-I//W, p. ffVrp0a, (fr
pass, of Koomtva. (fr.
EK out, and pu/w to flow) to same, and oTpf'^w to turn) to
EKparaiovTo, 3 sin. cont. impf. ^o?, run or stream out, leak; to turn inside out or upside down,
pass, of Kparai6ij). flow away, escape. invert; to overturn, overthrow
fr/c-a, 1 a. ind. act Att. -&)?, subvert i to pervert, 'orruvt ; to
EKf EKpa- Expvais, -to?, >/, (fr.
rovvro, 3 pi.
cont. impf. pass, of same) a discharge, efflux, flow- change, alter, per. pass. cf-
ing or running out. crpauftai, -'/'at,
, -a?, -, 3 pi. -<rav, 1 a. -^a, 1 a. ind. act. of /cpi' Kffupifa,
f. IK cut, and
-fcrw, (fr.
ind. act. of E*T'JOKIU, f. -?ffw, (fr. /c from, to hiss) to hiss out or
cvpi?(a off,
-?,-, 2 a. ind. act. of and capw'^w to strip the flesh) explode.
Kptudu), same as *pt^au>. to cw< or tear f. -c-oj,
i, (fr. tK intens. and

2 sin. EKoifiaco, Ion. cut in pieces, mangle ; w to save) to
preserve, rescue,
EKOfiiao and Att. E>:p//<w,impf. ter. deliver, release.
a. ind.
same, and Dor. S
1 -i. for
pass. EicpendffQiT, \K<rdu>. (fr. atita toj f. sin. of
2 a. ind. act. of
v, -i?s, -n,
neut. pi. E<cT0fVra, par. 1 a.

same as Knivu. Or, by
Apoc. for tKravE, 3 sin. of IKTU-
vov, -, -, 2 a. ind. act.

E/crayxo, Poet, for IKTUKU, per.

act. of same.

E*raV, andEra<5dv, (fr. next) at

length, stretched out.
Exrai5toj, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. writ to

stretch) stretched out, extended,

laid at length ; extensive, large,
Eicrafoij, -E~iaa, -Iv, par. E/cra-
fljjvat, inf.
1 a.
pass, of EKTE'IVU>.

'E*ra0v, and 'E/cravfci', Bosot. for

EKTaOrjcav, and EKrdvOrjcav, 3 pi.
of E/cra07?v or E/crav(}?7V, ->;f, -TI,
1 a. ind. pass. 'EKTUKU, per.
ind. act. 'Exra^ai or -a/^ai,
per. ind. pass. EKrai>0cu, per.
pass. E(cra//f'vos, and Poet.
Kraufvo$, per. par. pass. 'E*c-

ravov, -E$, -, 2 a. ind. act. of

2 a. ind. mid. of /CTTU
same as /cre/j/w.

(, by Ion. Parag. for c/cra-

#, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. ofcKTi^i-

EKTapvyat, by same, for
3 sinl pres. sub. of EK
Dor. for EKTIUVW or Poet, for
see last.
E*rav, Boeot. for iKrauav, Dor.
for tKTr/aav, 3 pi. offKrrjv, -r)$, -77,
2 a. ind. act. of KT/J/U, same as
Krdvia. Or it is by Sync, for

fKravav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of

EKravva), and -vpi, f. -iVco, same
as Krfou>.
'Era(?, -joj, Att. -aoj, >% (fr. EK-
Tao-o-o) to array) array, order of
battle ; regularity, method, order.

EKTdpa%i$, -10$, Att. -W, 17, (fr.

next) disturbance, trouble, dis-
order, confusion.
EKrapaV<ra> or-rrw, f. -u>, p.
AC intens. and ra-
Tdpa%a, (fr.
to disturb) to confuse, dis-
order ; to confound, distract,

perplex. 1 a. ind. act. tt-f.Tdpa.l-a,

'Exraj, by Sync, for tKTtivas, par,
1 a. of KTttva' or par. of

tKTvv, 2 a. act. of KTTJHI, for

'EKrao-ijT, -tog, Att. -wj, $, (fr.
EKTUVU to stretch) earteusion,
length ; a lengthening, stretch-
ing; a staff" or rod.
EKTaacb) or-rru, f. -a>, (fr. etc in-
tens. and rdacu) to dispose) to
in order of set
array, marshal,
battle; to enrol, levy; to regu-
to draw or
late, order, arrange ;
line out.

EKrdprjv, -aero, -aro, pper. pass

of /cravo).
EKrao-u, Dor. for EKT^U), 2 sin. ]

a. ind. mid. of/craojiai.

E*rara, and E*raro, Ion. fo

(KTrivrai, and IKTTJVTO, 3 pi. o:

fKTrmai, and /crv//?v,

Att. for KtKTriiJLai, per. ind
pass, and /cKr^//>?v, pper. pass
of KTdopai.
Er0i, -affa, -Iv, a. sin. anc
wind up\ act.
fffrparov a husband's mother, moth
Jinish, complete, crown,
bring to a conclusion. 1 a. par.
2 f. ind. pass. /crpar^ro^a law.
act. rroAvTTEV<7as. 3 sin. ind. Ei -ov, b, a husband 8 father,
to cut act. of father-in-law.
EKropi), -ns, n, (fr. tKTipvu pi. impr. pres.
de- intens. and 'Eicvpaa, -as, -, 3 pi.
-t|u, (fr. CK
out) o cutting out; ruin,
'.KTptyu, ixvpaav,
to rear) to nourish, main- ind. act. of
struction, waste. rp0w Kvp<a.

E<ro///ay, Ion. Eicro\iiijg

and 'EKTO- tain, support;
to bring up, rear, I mpwVrjv, -TJS, -i?, 1 a. ind. pass.

/io ff -ov, 6, same) cut out

'/, (fr.
cas- 1 a. ind. act. of
or amputated, maimed, from, ,Kv$a, -as,
f. <c
off, '.KTpix<a, jr0pf'fa), (fr. -t,
and to run) to run /CV77TU.
trated. Tp^w out,'

h (& same ) sally forth. 2 a. act. ind. -a via, p. tK-rrfyayica, (fr.

' f.
EXTOLS, -iSos, rush, ,

sharer or K out, and cJaivw to snow) to

piece, par/; a divider,
J-idpaiiov' tKSpafiuv.
carver. Adj. keen, cutting. '.KTpi3(jj,f. -tfw, (fr.
K intens. and ; produce, put forth, spin out,
ind. mid. of to rub) to chafe, fret make manifest ; to publish, de-
-as, -, per. Tptpw orj
iL-enr to
sharpen, whet; clare, divulge. to
away; EK^aivofiai,
jcro^vu. f. -i5ffa), (fr. * from, to wear out, waste, spend mise- show or declare one's self, ap-
and Toi-eva to shoot) toshoot rably ; to erase, obliterate ; to pear clearly.
the quiver ; to ex- strike out, excite. 1 a. inf. act.!' Poet, and Bceot. for &-
away, empty ,

haust, drain ; to bolt or dart 2f. ind. y,3pl.2a.ind.pass.oflast.

out. -'oj -ovs, b, f], (fr. same) i

to, f.
-Yo-w, (fr. eame, and ,KTpl^tS, -IOS,
Att. -U?, //, (fr. very dear, bright, evident, mani-
place) to put out of the last) erasure, obliteration, de-|
place, remove; to change place, struction; wear, waste; misery, [E*r$avA '<) and EK0avp('a>, f. -fcrw,
travel, go abroad. affliction. (fr. intens. and 0arXfu> to

EKTdx'tos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. last) a crpoOT), -rjs, b (fr. Acrprw to turn disesteem, th. ^aPXos vile) to con-
foreigner, stranger, alien, ex- aside) a departure, digression ; ,
lemn, slight, disregard, despise,
tern. a turning off, by-path, lane. reject; to debase, undervalue, un-

'EKTOTTOS, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) out .KTpoTros, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) i

of place, strange, unusual, extra- turned aside, perverted, depraved, EK^toi^tv, Ion. for EKtptptiv, pres.
fern. par.
immoral, ill conducted ; disa-
inf. act.
ordinary. EicQtpovaa,
E/crdirwf, (fr. last) extravagantly, greeing, different, discordant. pres. act. of '.

wildly, strangely. rrpofyri, -rjs, h

fKTpiQw to E^f'pw,
c^oicra, (fr. CK out, and
to carry) to bring, take or
"Errop for "E/cropa, a. of "EKTWO. rear) nourishment, maintenance, <piptt)

'EcropWi7f, -ov, 6, (fr. same) the education. carry ot/< or forth ; to utter, ex-
son of Hector. f. in- press, publish, declare; to blab,
EKTpvydo) -Si, -fjffu), (fr.

Ecropvrfw, f.
-EVffw, (fr. CK intens. tens. and rpvydo) to harvest) to divulge ; to run away with, carry
and TopvEiiu to turn) to turn in a gather fruits, grain, &c. ; to off; to transport, ravish, delight ;
lathe ;
to form,
shape, mould. bring in harvest or vintage. to
exceed, run out of bounds ; to

"EKTOS, (fr. f six) the E*rrpv0aw -w, f. -Jjc-w, (fr. same, bury, inter. 1 a. act. ind.
-TI, -ov, tt-rj-

sixth. and rpv^aw to pamper) to in- vcyica' impr. itkveytiov


EKTOS, (fr. c
from) outwardly, dulge, riot, live luxuriously. viyxas. 2 a. act. ind.
without; beside, except. To *:- EKTpwyd), f. mid. -j-opat, (fr. same, inf.
TOS, the outside. EKTOS, tt pi), ex- and rptiyw to gnaw) to eof away, Ktpevyb), f. -u>, (fr. same, and
cept that, unless. consume, corrode. (pcvyo) to fly) to fly or flee away,
'EKTocdc and 'E*rroo-0v and -di, (fr. 'E>crpa)^a, -aroj, TO, (fr. cKTiTp&a- escape ; to shun, avoid ; to flow
last) outside, outwardly, with- KW to miscarry) an abortion, mis- on, pass by or away ; to fall or
out. carnage, d. LKTOWuaTl. drop from. 2 a. act. ind. fff^jj-
EKTOTC or 'E/cro<r, same) with- 'EK-pa>/u, same as
(fr. KTiTpw<r/cu>. yov sub. tK(f>vy(a. 1 f. mid. ticfav-
out, outside. 'EKTV-OV, -j, -f, 2 a. ind. act. of j-ofjtat,-}!, -rrai, in 1
pi. K<f>eu6-
'EKTOTE, (fr. tK from, and roY fitQa' and cK<pevJ-ovpai, -rj,-tiTat.
then) from that time, from "EKTV-OS, -ov, b, >;, (fr. next) im- per. mid. tKirtyvya.
thence. pressed, stamped; express, ex- K<f>ofil(j} -W, f.
-rJG<i), p. tKTTt<t>6(it)-

EKTpdift^os, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. tK from, actly like, resembling, copied. Ka, (fr. EK intens. and <io$fw to
and a table) put away EKTVS-OW -5, f. -tio-w, (fr. CK from, terrify) to put in great jear, af-
or turned from the table, unfit or and Tvm5o> to stamp) to imprint, fright, frighten, scare, intimi-
forbidden to be eaten. impress, stamp, express ; to copy, date. EicQoflfouat -ovjiai, to fear,
id, d. pi. Ion. of represent, portray ; to make, dread, shun. 1 a. ind. act. ^-
-ov, b, tj, (fr. CK from,
S, form, fashion, mould, shape.
and TOC-W to turn) awkward, EKrv7rw//a, -aroj, T&, and EKTV-W- ov, 6, rj, (fr. last) terri-
uncouth, ugly; hateful, odious, ais, -(of, Att. -u?, //, (fr. last) fled, frightened, affrighted ;
unlucky, ill-omened. a stamp, impression, copy ; a re- alarmed, troubled, astonished.
E/crpa-w, -ijs, -f;,
2 a. sub. pass. semblance, likeness; a carving, KQopa, -5$, (fr. tKipoptw
to carry

EKTpaTft'/aofiai, -TJ, -rrat, 3 pi. sculpture. out) a carrying out, exportation;

i, 2 f. ind. pass, of <CTO- EKTi'6^6<j> -5, f.
-taau, fr. intens. transportation ; a burial ; publi-
and Tv0Xdw, which see cation, declaration; speed, impe-
iw, dt, (fr. K from,
f. -'iff
-ios, Att. -Uf,
, fi, (fr. tuosity.
and "rpa^Xt^o) to fling by the last) a blinding, deprivation of E/c^opfw -5,f. -fata, (fr. cicout,and
neck)' to fling or throw off', un- sight; blindness. o> to carry) to com/ on/, ex-
horse ; to break or dislocate the
KTUJO, -opoj, 6, Hector, the son of port; to f/irott> or cos* otz/; to
neck. Priam. oury.
-^a), (fr. same, and Eicv<5a( a>, Ion. and Poet, for E<c*<5pov, a, (fr. last) product,
turn) to tun 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of producf,fruits, grain.

pervert ; to mislead, seduce. ZxQopos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) ex-

Tfilrro^iai, to turn from, , -as, -, 3 pi. -car, 1 a. ported, carried out, put forth ;
shun; to turn off, aside or out ind. act. of cv<X<{u. published, divulged, proclaimed ;
nflheway; to digress, par. pres. KD^VTO, 3 sin. impf. pass. of/rvXfo>. struck, smitten, moved, carried or
. 2 a. ind. ; idlon. 'Evvo?/,-^?,//, fajrritd nr:ov. frnnfir

ui'id EKyvvwjf. -UFW, p. EK*
aw, f. -trw, p. -Ka, (fr. CK ni- K^VW opt. EX<2- .

tens. and 0pa'or to to

speak) Ki%vKa, (fr. /c out, and y^<j to ffaim, aftduEol. EAao-t, -as, -,
declare plain ly to to pour owi or upon; to inf. EXtfoac' EAara S , of
speak out, j pour) par.
to nar- to gush out, run or cXavvdi.
deliver, speak eloquently ; spill, shed;

rate, relate at length; to repeat,

rush violently. 1 a. ind. act. t'i- E\dffaaKE, Ion. and Poet, for j}Ao-
rehearse, discourse, par. pres. %v<ra. pres.
pass. K%vvop.at. last. o-. See
0pawv. 2 a. ind. act. %i- per. pass. sKKtyfynat. pper. E^E- EXucre/b), (fr. \avvta to drive) to in~
(ppdSov. par. pres. pass. K<ppa^6- K%VHI]V.
1 a. pass. ind.
E^E^V- vadf, enter as an make a enemy,
per. mid. Kxi(ppaoa. Oriv 1 f.
IIEVOS. par. cicxydds. pass. military expedition. 'E\aaiovrt,
Att. d. sin. par. pres. act.
'EK<j>paffis, -ios, -EU>S, )'i, (fr.
o speaking out, declara- 3 pi. cont. pres. EAac-iTTTToj, -ov, b, (fr. \avvia to
last) ,

tion, acknowledgment ; a descrip- impr. act. of drive, and 'IKTTOS a horse) a horse-
tion. K^wptw -w, f. -jyffto, p. KKt%wpr]- man, charioteer, warrior.
EK<j>paffTfos, -a, -ov, (fr. same) Ka, (fr. E/C from, and %b>ptw to go) "E\aais, -10$, Att. -Ewj, and EA-
to be declared, to be ac- to withdraw, depart, go away, charioteer-
ought ffia, -as, ft, (fr. same)
knowledged, &c. quit, leave ; to give place, yield, ing^ racing, driving; plundering,
Ion. tor K<pipta. . retire. 1 a. ind. act.
E^E^iipjyo-a. pillaging ; an expedition, incur-
E<4povTiu, f- -Tffw, (fr. etc miens. K^upfiTw, f. -To-w, (fr. same, and sion, invasion.
and 0povriu> to care) to ponder, to separate) to separate
;y;u>pi'^<> w, Ion. for sAaww, impf.
revolve, consider, think seriously. from, divide, sever ; to depart, go ao>cov.

Or, (fr.K from) to disregard, away from. 'EAa(r//a, -dros, TO, (fr. EAatJvw to
slight, neglect. u y f. -w, p. ^u%a, (fr.
draw out) a plate or s&eeZ of me-
'EKduyE, Ion. for eZfyvye, 3 sin. 2 same, and i^^oi to .breathe) to tal, tin, latten.
a. ind. act. 'Extywye'iv,
inf. breathe forth, expire, die ; to cool.
3 pi.
sub. 2 a. act. of 1 a. ind. act. E Poet, for EXaffa/uvof, par. a.

, -a$, -E or -EV, pi. - mid. ; e'Aorc, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. ;

to befoul, -o-arE, 1 a. ind. act. of /cwXu'w. and {Xdari, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act.
EKdupw, defile, pollute,
debauch. 'EKWV, -o"uaa, -dv, willing, volunta- of \avvtj).
EK<f>vffd(i) -w, f.
-J?(TW, ry, spontaneous.
(fr. EK out, EAacrcro), cont. for cXdctffova -oa -a,
and up, 'EKWV, Dor. for tiwv, par. pres-. a. sin. and neut. pi.
<pv<rdw to
to 6tow> EAao-o-o-
Jill with air; to puff", pant, act. ofdKb). vi, d. sin. of
breathe heavily, snore, pres. inf. EXda, -as, ft, (fr. fXata the olive EAaVo-wi', Att. -TTWV, and EAa-
act. K<f>vadiv -qv. tree) the olive, fruit. %fui , cornp. ; EAa'^taroj, sup. of

EK<VW, -pj, -17, pres. sub. act. of EXaa, Poet, for sAp, 3 sin. cont. EAayri?.
E/C0UU) Or -V/^, f.
-UffW, p. KTTt(f>V- pres. ind. act. EAaai', Poet, EAaerri/f, -oS, 6, same as eAar^p.
Ka, (fr. EK out, and <i'w or dupi for \av, pres. inf. act. cont. of EAao-rpfu -w, (fr. last) to (fri;e a
to grow) to grow up, from or owZ carriage, horse, boat, &c. to
o/j 6e born of or descended from ; EAa'aovcov, -?, -E, Poet, for f,\aa- nWe, rw??, roto ; to/orce, compel,
to shoot, bud; to bear, produce, KOV, impf. of E\dffK(a. persecute, harass.
put or bring forth. 2 a. ind. act. 'EAa/3<n>. -ES, -, 2 pi. -/? t re, 2 a. u, -if, -E(, 1 f. ind. act. of
ind. act. of Aa///3aVw.
-o>, f.
-//crw, (fr. same, and EAajSoonv, Boeot. for fkaflov, 3 pi. EAdrtto, -as, fj, Elatasa, the name
to utter) to exclaim, cry of last. of a town.
out; to call upon, call forth ; to EAafcts, par. of 7]\dtir)v, I a. pass. EAar;;, -rjs, 17, a fir-tree, d. pi. Ion.
pronounce, utter, declare, ex- of cXaupu. tAarfts, and -Tijtrt.
press. 'EAa&ov, -ES, -, act. EAa0dp;v, EAar^p, -^/)os, , (fr. \avvi>) to

'tiicQwvTiffis, -ios, Att. -EMS, fi, (fr. mid. 2 a. ind. of \avGdvta. drive) driver, charioteer; horse-
last) an
exclamation, outcry, E\ata, -as, r/, man, ^e .olive-tree and rider ; a performer on the
calling upon, invocation; pro- lyre ; a thin cake.
nunciation, utterance, delivery ; EAdiVws-, and Poet. E\atvo;, -ov, EAartfj;, ->?i, /;, (perhaps fern, of
a sentence ; an oracular re- b, f), (fr. last.) olive, of
next) the name of an herb.
sponse. E\aio\oyita -w, f. -jfaco, (fr. same, EXa'rtvos, and Poet. EiAorivos,-?/,
EK%aivw, f.
-avw, (fr. CK intens. and Aeyw to gather) to gather -oj', (fr. fA<m; a fir) q/V?r, made
and ^oivw to gape) to gape at or olives. offir.
upon. E\aiov, -ov,rb, (fr. same) olive-nil, v, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of
EK^f'w, f.
-i;(-u>, from, and oil.
(fr. /c

j^i w
to pour) to POMT ou, empty, EXaiiav, -5vos, o, (fr. same) a EXarosi-), -3i, (fr. sAavvw to draw
drain; to
spill, shed. 1 a. act. plantation of olives, an olive- out) ductile, stretching, expan-
ind. %%Vfftt,
^i^va3.nde^f^ca. yard. Elaion, a mountain near sive.

impr. IK%'>V, -ftrw, in 2 pi. EK- Jerusalem where there were ~E.\drovaav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of
%& inf.
*' f. act. EK- olive gardens ; sometimes called AarpEvw.
^o>. impf. pass. ^C^OJJLIJV -ov- Olivet, from the Lat. olivetum, 'EAar-ov, (neut. of eXarrwv, comp.
(ITJV, -toy -OV,
-TO -ITO. an olive-yard. of EAa^-iis small) less, less than;
EK^EVO^U), f. -(rto, fr. EK intens. E\dKr)ffa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. not, not so well, not well, M ; but
and ^Anja^w, which see. 'EAaKw, -ES, -, 2 a. ind. act. of little,
not at all ; except.

E^paw -w, f. -rjffd), (fr. same, and E\aTTovaKis, (fr. same) less,
to lend) to suffice, supply, EAa'Aa, 3 sin. cont. impf. EAa-
^paw rarely.
satisfy, answer, serve, be useful \ricra, -as,
- or EV, 3 pi. -cav, 1 E\arTovt(o -C, f. -taw, (fr. same)
1 f. 3 sin. a. ind. act. of AaAf w. to have less,
for. sK^p-ycsi' pres. fall short of, fail,
inf. act.
K%pd.tv -^v. EAa/nr7s, -ov, b, Heb. anElamite, lack, be inferior; to diminish ,

EK^VVC^EJ/OS, -rj, -ov, par. pres.

one of Elam. lessen, cause to have less, defeat.
pass. EKxvOfjfffTai,
3 sm. 1 f.
'E\a^a, -as, -E OT-EV, 1 a. ind. 1 a. ind. act. TjAarnJvTjo-a. 1 a.
act. of Aa/^TTw. n^arrov^Orjv sub.
pass. 'EK%VVTO, Ion. fot E^EKf- pass. ind.
XVVTO, 3 pi. pper. pass, of tK^tfw. 'EAavj?, ->7f, -f,, (fr. 2Xij brightness) \aTTOvr)6w, 3 pi. \aTTOvr}QS)(n.
EK%U<T(S, -tos, Att. -EU>S, , (fr.
a brand, torch. Aarrdw, or -orffjw -w, f. -waw, p.
next)e^wsz<m, pouring out, waste, 'EAacr', for AairE, Ion. for fjXaat, 3 eAarru/ca, (fr. same) to fessen,
spilling, shedding. sin. 'EAao-ac, Ion. for//Aa<rav, ?na/re less or fewer, diminish.
a desirr for
abate, impair. 1 a. iiul. act. (fr. last) ^:ish, v:ant, , (fr. e'Aw aipiu to
ijAdrrwffa. pres. inf. pass. tAar- craving a request, entreaty, -pe- and a
; of/tviov bed] rousing

prayer; a favour, hoon,

r6ta9ai -ovcQai. tition, l,terrrible, dreadful.

EAdrru>//a, or -ccwjia, -uros, TO, (fr. grace. EXduvri, -rjs, ,],

a species of the
same) a u-a<, failure; "EAt,
and "E AY Ion. for u\c, 3 sin. polypus fish.
fauUiness, deformity, burnish;
-2 a. ind. act. of
aip/w. E>c, 3 sin -- EAlY, 2 pi. cont.
inferiority, defeat. Aca^ap, Heb. indecl. pres. ind. EA^u., pres. inf.
KAarra Atai/jw, f.
-aptD, (fr. i\tog pity)
cont. act. ind. of Au.
take pity on, compassion- 'EAttif, Ion. for fAav,2a. inf. act.
EA(JTT<t>C'(, -IOJ, Att. -fWf, T;, (& /,

last) a diminution, diminishing, ate, commiserate, shov; mercy of aipau.

lessening abatement; slaughter, EAwa'Jj, -/), -ov, (fr. AEOJ pity)
defeat. i/i,
Heb. indecl. Eleakim. pitiable, piteous ; miserable,
aw, Ion. for Aath'ftv, pres. b, or "EAfa, '/, (perhaps fr. wretched, lamentable. Comp.
inf. act. EXavvoifii, -ois, -01, marsh) a bird frequenting
tAo? a
pres. opt. act EAowovr' for marshy places. -w, f. -rjcru), p. T)\irjKa, (fr.

mrt, n. du. or >,ai'i-ovT<z, a , TO, (fr. ftcyos la- same) to have or take pity on,
sin. par. pres. act. of mentation) <m elegy ; a funeral compassionate, con^miserate ; to
EAavrw, and Dor. EAatw, f. Ad- song, dirge. show mercy, be merciful. EAffo-
aw, p. 7/Aa/ca,
<o r?n'fc
on, guide, EAfyKTy/o&f , -j), -dv, (fr. Afy^w to ^ai -ovpai, to obtain pity or mer-
move, impel, row ; to
direct, ride, reprove) blaming, censuring, cy, find favour. 1 a. act. ind.
drive away, banish, turn out, censorious, reproving ; shrewd, n^inffa- impr. tXirjeov sub. EAfij-
eject; turn away; to
to avert, c-w inf. Ajjaai. per. pass. ind.
acute', convincing.
instigate, spur, stimulate; to
E\e-yK-b;, -/>, -ov, (fr. same) re- r/Aty//at* par. TjAETty/rVoj. 1 a.
run through, pierce ; to harass, *ible, blameable, culpable, pass. ind. rj\e^QriV sub. tXtriQu.
persecute, pursue; to draw or faulty. par. e\Ti6tis. 1 f. pass.
beat out, extend, stretdt, draw
EXt-yubs, -ov, b, (fr. same) blame,
over, spread, cover; to reach, censure, reproof; argument, con E\tT>p<i)v, -ovos, b, >'), (fr. last) mer-
hit, attain to. 1 a. ind. act. fiction, confutation, detection. ciful, pitiful, compassionate, n.
tjXacra. per. ind. act. Att. A?;- 'E\e-y%ov, -dTw, in 3 pi. pi. e\Ei!povr.S.
AaNta* par. A^AaArwj. impf. pass. 1 a.
impr. act
OYIV, E\crjiioi7i!vrj, -77?, ?/, (fr. last) pify,
n\avv6[iT]v. per. pass. 7/Aa^at, -cis, -.a, 1 f. ind. EAfyw, compassion ; charity, alms.
-V 1 a. sub. act. of A^'y^w. Ion. for rj\ir](u, 3 sin. of
E\d<f>tios, -ov, b, ', (fr. f\a<j>os
a 'EAy s, -ios, Att. -Uf, ft, (fr. n^irjaa. EA^ffaj, inf. EAf n-
stag) of or like a st-jg. same) argument, proof, demon- aov, impr. E\erjaw, -TJS, -p,
EAa0r?;'3oA((i>i', -aivof, 6, one of the stration ;
confutation, refutation, sub. 1 a. act. of dtiu.
Athenian months, answering
our September.
to conviction, detection, a. Ayv.
E\erjriKos,-fi,-bv, (fr. Awtopity)
'EAfyov, -j, -, 2 pi. -yrr, 2 a. pitiful, compassionate, merciful.
EAdAoto, Ion. for z\d<t>or, g. sin. ind. act. of
A/yw. EAc9r?,-fe$,& Poet. (fr. same)
of EAyoTo(o ? , -ov,' o, (fr. next, and commiseration, pity, compassion,
'E A #0o?, -or, o, a deer, stag or hind, zoifw to make) a composer oj mercy.
buck or doe. elegies, an elegiac poet. E^tiOvia, -as, ft, same as EtAn&na.
EAa^pta, -as, it, (fr. next) light- \eyos, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. AUI to 'EAeTv, inf. offlAov, 2 a. act. of al-
ness, activity ; levity, inconstancy. pity) lamentation, wailing, grief, pco.
E\a<pobs, -ov, b, '], (perhnpsfr. Aa- sorrow, mourning; an elegy. 'EAa3f, -oC, 6, (fr. ?Aoj a swamp)
a stag) and pi. impr. a dormouse ; a scruirrel ; a kind
<ftos light, active, nimble, '"Afy^E, -^T, 2 sin.
swift, comp. Aa^pdrrpos, sup. EA/yYt, 3 sin. ind. EAf'y of hawk. Also 6, //, marshy.
-6raros- ^jv, inff pres. act. EAfy^Taj, EXttyacKov, Ion. for ,
1 a.

last) In lighten, al- 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. ind. act. of AdTTuj.
E\a<f>pvvw, (fr. EAy-
leviate, ease, relieve.
-jjSi ->i,
1 a. sub. pass. 'E^EKro, Poet, for 3 sin.

EAa^pwj, (fr. same) lightly, nim- -77, -ov, par. pres. pper. pass, of Atyw.
bly, swiftly, with activity. pass, ot fAfy^w. EAs^fi?, a war shout.
i, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of ^
yx %a ~7
's ^i (^r - ^YX^ to re " EAA;;0, Ion. 3 sin.

prove) disgrace, shameful or pper. mid. EAA?J0ffav, Att.

E\dxi<rra, (fr. next) least, feu-est ; dishonest act ; contumely, re- for AA^toar, 3 pi. pper. mid.
not at no
all, in case, in no wise, proach, shame. of \av6dv<a.
by no means. OVK tXdxwra, not E\f\i%v, impf. Ion. of
E\c.yxriSi~fo$-ousib, f/, (fr. same)
to turn)
least, chiefly, principally. blameable, reprehensible, culpable, AfAifu, f. -few, (fr. EiAf'w
sup. of iKajfys.
, faulty ; shameful, disgraceful. same as t\&iacw,towrithe,twist;
a^iordTfpoj, (an unusual com- to turn, roll, tumble ; to shake,
parative fr. last) exceedingly , -EOS -ouj. TO, (fr. shatter, beat, drive off". Also
small, less 'than the least. to reprove) a disgrace, shame, AfA/^w,
to cry t\t\cv, shout, howl;
- 2
j, ,
a. ind. act. of scandal; a wicked action, crime; to groan, mourn, bewail.

meanness, baseness, depravity ; AAtKTo, Ion. for j/AAi/tTO, 3 sin.

E\axv-T l0 vZ,-vyo>,o, ,',, (fr. next, rebuke, blame. pper. pass, of last. Or for
and TTTipvi-
a wing)
short-winged, Afy^oj, -ov, 6, (fr. same) argu- %;AiKro, Att. for j;AiKro, 3 sin.
matt winged. ment, demonstration ; refutation, of jAjVo-w.
pper. pass,
EAa^s, -tia, -v, little, small, dimi- conviction; a proof, test. jol. for t\t\%as, par. I
nutive ; not much, jew; young ; f. -f<i>, a. act. of cAcAc^bi.
f'y^u, p. jyAfy^o, toprove,
bad, indifferent, comp. tXdvwv demonstrate, convince; to re- At^v, Ion. for 9A/A((cy or A^-
or-TTiov, sup. Ad^toros, whence fute, disprove, convict; to dis- \i%iv,3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of
another comp. tAa^iffrdrroof. cover, expose, show, make ap- fA^ffw or -TTW, f. -fw, p. -%a,
EAa'u, Poet, for Aarfvw. pear ; reprove, rebuke ;
to to (fr. eA/ffffu to roU) to roll about,

'EAfoat, Ion. for 2 entu-ine to whirl, brandish

iXcjj, sin. pres.
charge, accuse ; to slight, under- coil, ; ,

ind. mid. of value. 1 a. act. ind. toshake, quiver ; to wheel, turn,

'EAdo/jat, to desire, wi.-h, If.ig for impr. Afyfov, -aTa>, per. pass. face about.
covet; to aspire, hope f,r. 1 a. pass. ind. AAfy0f, Boaot. for i\t\ix^oav,
EAJwp, and Poet. EA<5y, -opoj, rd, Birv sub. fA 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last.
PP er< -&, f. -wo-w, p. j;Xv0f*pcD- /XK t<raf, 3 pi. pper. act. and
KU, (fr. Xu0poj free) to loose, Tes, n. pi. par. per. act. of
EXfXoi-rrwav, Att. for eXeXoiiruaav, set free, deliver, release, ransom ;
3 pi. pper. mid, of Xmrw to
givefreedom, enfranchise, free. EX^Xa//ai, -o-at, -rat ,....,
"E\v, Ion. for ctXev, 3 sin. 2 a. hid. 1 a. act. ind.
nXevQlptaara' sub. -o-o, -ro,EAjjXa/u vos , Alt. for ^Xa-
act. of aipfw. tXfuSepioo'w. per. pass. n\vOfp(a- pai, -ffai,-Tat, per. ind. pass.nXd

E.X/v>7, -rjSy Dor. 'EXiVa, -as fj.au 1 a. pass. ind. r}\evdcpwQr]v Hrjv,-ao, -TO, ppw.pass. and;Xa-
Helene, a woman's name, Eng. EXivdpuO>'iao[iat, -r>, -ETUI, 1 f. ind Hfvos, par. per. pass, of fXavvw.
Helen ; a vessel of any kind. pass. EAu0pw0J, -taa, -tv \i'lXyfjtat, -fa, -*crat, Att. for
'EAf'w; or EXdvr). -TJS, fa n. pi. -QwTEs, par. 1 a. pass. >/Xy//at, -t-at, -KTUI, per. pass.
light, torch, brand. EXv0pa>ao), -iS) -i, 1 f. ind

(fr. 'EXtvrj Helen)

E\tvtov, -ov, rb, but -pu><Tw,
.... ,
and Ion. for
-ijj, -TI, 1 a. sub. act tt.

a festival in remembrance of >'/XavTai or r)\aapivoi, tio), 3 pi.

of last.
Helen ; an herb feigned to have EAv0f'pw?, and EXv0ptwj, (fr per. ind. pass, of fXavvu.
sprung from her tears. same) freely, frankly, ingenu- EX?/Xov0o, and EX^Xv0a, -as, -c or
EXf&priv, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. ously, genteelly, liberally. -tv, Att. for
^Xu0a, per. ind.
of Xiyta. mid. EX//Xv0av, - ts, -,3 pi.
EXV0fpWC-(, -10?, Att. -EWS, f), (fr
EXfddptKTOs, -ov, b, fa (fr. sXos
a same) deliverance, release, re- -icrav, Att. for nXvfatv, pper.
marsh, and rpf</>w to rear) rear- demption. mid. EXjXov0w?, --Eol. and
ed, bred or inhabiting marshes. EXv0p<flT7)s, -ou, 6, (fr. same) a EXnXvdus, -via, -bs, a. -0<)ra,
E\ot<n, Ion. for fiXouj, d. pi. of deliverer, redeemer, preserver. -9ylav,
Att. for ^Xv0wj, per. par.
mid. of fpftofnai.
EAv0?jpos or EXv0>)p, -^poj, >/, a
E\bv, (by Sync, for tXuivbv, neut. city of Boeotia. 'E\T)j-a, -a?, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
of \ivbs wretched) sadly, mise- EXv0w, f. -o-w, to come, go. obs
rably, wretchedly. but some of its tenses are usec EXr/<pdtjv, -rj$, -TI, 1 a. ind. pass, of
'EXtos, -ov, 6, and -:oj -ov?, ro, by fp^o/zai, which see.
pity, commiseration, compassion, EXv0w, -6os -ovsi fa Lucina, an 'EX0, impr. 'E\0oi/jtt, -ots, -01,
fellow-feeling; mercy; grief, epithet of Juno and Diana, see opt. 'EX0w, -17 j, -77, sub
sorrow, d. sin. cont. ,'
E(Xa'0via. EX9uv, Ion. EX0f>v, Dor. EX-
EXfdf, -ov, 6, and EXfdv, -ov, TO", a "E\evffLs, -10$, Att. -wj, fa (fr BiHtvai, E\9fv, and EX0^v, inf.
cook's table, kitchen table ; a ta- Au0w, obs. to come) a coming EX0(iv, par. 2 a. act. offXcv-
ble, counter or board, tray. arrival, approach, advent; ; 0w, obs. see fp^o^at.
EXwiivTos, g. cont. par. pres. act. town in Attica. 'EX0/70-', and 'EXQrjat, by Ion. Pa-
of eXffta. fivcro^at, -ji, -rat, ind. EXfv ,

rag. for A0;/, 3 sin. 2 a. sub.

EXfVftra, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of 1 f. mid. of Xt'0w of same.
EX0oi'^>?j', -oto, -TO, mid. 'EX0o :

'E\(KO\is, and 'EXfVroXi?, -ios, fa to catch,

entrap ; to de- ut, act. 2 a. opt. of same.
(fr. fc'Xw obs. to take, and^dXjj a ceive, beguile ; to wrong, injure, E\9bv, neut. sin.
EXflo'ir', for
citv) a machine for assaulting a hurt. impf. mid. 3 sin. t\t<f>ai- X0dfra, a. sin. or X0dvr, n. du.
town, battering ram, &c. ; a sub- pTO. EX0o'n-o-o-j, Jon, for X0ou<rt,
duer of cities. d. pi. EX0(jiio-', for X0oC<ra, n.
\<pavTdp%Tis, -ov, b, (fr. fXt'
an elephant, and ap%u> to com- sin. fem. of X0wv,
'E\iff6at, inf. "EXeaQe, 2 pi. and -oyaa, -bv,
'EX/<r0cj, 3 sin. impr. 2 a. mid. of same. 2
mand) the captain of those who par. a. act.
of alp fit). fought on elephants, commander 'EXSocrav, Boaot. for ^X0ov, 3 pi. 2
'E\tTr)v, Ion. for tiKirvv, 2 du. 2 a. of the elephants. a. ind. act. 'EX00ffav, for X-
ind. act. "EXsro, Ion. for ?X- 0o?v, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. act. of same.
TO, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. (fr. ZXw and EX<pavr'ivb$, -1), bv, (fr. 'EX0w, -jis, -n, sub. EX0<iv, -ov-
obs.) of a'tpiia. same) of, about or like an ele- aa, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of same.
EXtTbs, -fa -bv, (fr. same) that may phant ; of ivory. 'E\iy>jaonai, 2 f. ind. pass, of
be taken.
\<f>avTiaoiS) -tos, Att. -wj, fa (fr
"EXoj, Dor. for f'Xov,
2 a. impr. same) a kind of leprosy. 'EXtyfjibs, -ov, b, (fr. f'AiVcru> to in-
mid. of alpid).
Xf^avrdjwa^oj, -ov, 6,?), (fr. same, volve) a whirl, whirling, rota-
and tion ; a coil, roll ; a maze
EXv9fpia, -as, fa (fr. fiXv0poj to fight) a gladia-
nd%o[iai ; an
free) liberty, freedom, indepen- tor who fights with or hunter who eddy, whirlpool, whirlwind; a
dence; afree state or government ; catches elephants. preamble, circumlocution, shift,
boldness, frankness. Xtyas, -UVTOS, 6, an elephant; the
EAv0piau>, f.
-a<ra>, (fr. last)
to tusk, ivory. EXi(^p, Heb. indecl. Eliezer.
take liberties, be free
with, act \nv, -??, -rj, 1 a. ind. pass, of EXtOdcr9riffav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass.
with freedom.
E\v9ioios, and EX<:v0pa?oj, -ov E\\pa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of ov -ovv, impf. EXt0o-
6, (fr. same) the deliverer, an XfTTW. (}6\r)(ra, 3 pi. 'Xrjffav,
1 a. ind.
epithet of Jupiter. 2Xu, 2 or pres. ind. act. cont.
f. act. of Xi0o/3oX>.

EXv0f'ptoj, -ov, 6, fa (fr. same) libe-

EXfwv, par. pres. act. cont. 'EXfraj, a. pi. 'EX/KEovrt, Ion. for
ral, ingenuous, gentee.1, well-bred. Of XfW. ZAi^d. pl.of2Xtf.
EXwQcpidTris, -TITOS, fa EX7, -T)SJ fa splendour, brightness,
(fr. same) EXY/07, -rjs, fa (fr. {\iffff<a to turn
liberality, ingenuousness, can- sunbeam, sunshine, radiance. round) a coil, roll or turn; tne
dour ; generosity ; gentility, ele- 'EAp, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. or 2 sin. constellation of the greater bear ;
gance, gracefulness, ease, free- 2 a. sub. mid. of a'ioi(a. a willow, withy or osier / Helicd,
dom. EX?ja, by Sync. Poet, for a city of Achaia destroyed by an
E\v9pOS, -OV, 6, fa (fr. \tv9<j), 1 a. ind. act. of Xaw, same as earthquake.
obs. to go) free, independent;
E\iKop\t&apos, -ov, fa fa (fr. &&r
freeborn, not a slave, liberal, in- 'EXrjat, Ion. for EX??,
2 sin. 2 a. o-o) to roll, and
the eye-
genuous. EXtvdepos, -ov, b, a sub. mid. of
lid )having quick, lively, animated

freeman, citizen. E\v6tpa, -as, EX>;0ro, Ion. for Xa0ero, 3 sin. 2 eyelids. An epithet of Venus.
fa a freewoman. a. ind. mid. of Xov0avw. EXtxbs, -r), -bv, (fr. same) curling,
EXev0povvra?, a. i>(, cont. par. eddying, rolling ; piercing ; dark,
pres, act. of Att. for r/Xtt/ca, per. ind. act. black-eyed.
A/ffow to
'E\iKrijp, -rjpoj, 6, (fr.
a. ind. act. of or epfiair in) high shoes, buskins;
a pas- promontory, headland. 'Epfio'
Vd>. senger, sitter. Aa, -<ov, TO, interludes, farces.
Ion. and by Sync, for EpfioXos, -ov, 6, (fr. same) the
v, (fr.E/^atvw to go) on 'E///3aTo,
land. V/3)}aaTo, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of beak, prow or stem of a ship ; a
'foot, by
dose column or wedge-like body
EpfiddGvos, -ov, b,fi, (fr. ne\t) pro- ///3ah<w.
to of troops.
found, deep-studied, sage, wise, 'Ep 3uTO, -ou, 6, $, (fr. ///3oivaj :

grave; musing, meditative. enter) accessible, passable, open, Epfipapai, Laconic, for ilnappai,
v and >ass. ind. of pcipta.
EptfaQvvu, (fr. in, /3a0i5vw plain, champaign.
to sink) to sink or go deep down, EftfidQiov, -ov, rb (fr. tppdrrrw to L.fippapfvri, -ns, fj, (fern,
dis excavate ; to
out, dip in) a cup, pot; small vessel ;
penetrate. pivofj par. of last) Laconic for
'.i. for m',J<ui>ov, impf. the reservoir which supplies cil to

act. of a lamp. K, (fr. ev intens. and

1 f. mid. eppf/ffouai, p. Epfid^as, par. 1 a. act. of ep3dr:- i?u or f3paV(7w to boil) to boil;
EV in, and pat'vw to TUK to chafe, fret; be troubled,
ipp'ip'riKa, (fr.
or enter into; to go Ep3f3dKtv, Dor. for epfiifinKtv, 3 i^pidfis, -to$ -oi<s, 6, (fr. EV on,
go) to >;,

aad Ppidw to press) weighty,

on board,-
proceed, advance
; to
to go on,
rest, lean
sin. per. ind. act.

by Poet. Sync, and Dor. for

w heavy ; oppressive, severe ; con-
/3/3^/c(crav, 3 pi. pper.
to urge, press, insist ; to ind. act. stant, persevering.
upon ;
set up, place. 2 a. act. ind. tvi- E^^aw^-iua, -oj,
par.^per Epfipidus, (fr. last) oppressively,
PTJV' irnpr. ipfinOi' inf. ep^rjvai' |
mid. ;
by Sync, for
severely, harshly, violently, fierce-
par. ^/3dj. (fr. /%< obs.) ACOJS, par. per. act. of tp$a.i; ly, sternly.

EppaXtiv, 2 a. inf. act. 'Ep'3a\- ,

Ion. for tppri, 3 sin. 2 a. EpPptpdopai -iapai, f. -faopai, (fr.
sub. act. of same. 2 a. sub. act. EV intens. and Ppipdopat to roar)
AE, pres. impr. or Ion. for tvi-
3 and to groan deeply ; to mutter or
/JaAAs, sin. impf. act. E/x- u/3<3, -jjj, -Jj, Ion. ep^ldi,
0<xAAo, Ion. for epSdXXov, pres. ///?/(0.
Poet. grumble \N ith anger or indigna-
resent to
impr. pass. EpddXoipt, -015, 'Epfinv, -TJS, -rj, Ion. for etiftqvi 2 \
tion, highly ; roar,
-01, 2 a. opt. act. EpflaXov, a. ind. act. E,u,3>?0[, 2 a. impr.
storm at, upbraid, threaten ;

-ts, -, Ion. for EV|3uAoy, 2 a. act. Ep^rjrjj Poet, for tp^air],

to charge earnestly, command
ind. act. EpSaXiiv, -oto-a, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. act. Epfirivai, strictly, impf. mid. eveffpipaopnv
-ov, par. 2 a. act. of 2 a. inf. act. of same. -wpnv. 1 a. ind. mid. evejipipTi-
E^dAAu, f. -aA<3, p. trfi$\r,Ka,\ Eu/3t/3au), f.
-affa>, (fr. ev in,
(fr. EV in, and /?dAAw to throw) to make enter) topu* or , -STOS, TO, and Epj3pl-
to put, bring in
cast, lay, throw,
ccrase to g-o in ; to ship, put on ;,'-lOJ, Att. -0>s, /, (fr. last)
or upon ; push, drive
to thrust,

board ; to place, set or upon, up a threat, menace, denunciation ;

forward, row; to enter, go in; mount ;


a command, injunction ; anger,

to press, drive, urge. 1
to break or rush in ; to shoot, a. ind. act.
rf3('f3acra. indignation ; a roar ; bellowing,
dart, drive against or among ; to E//;3twcr;f, -105, Att. -&>?, TJ,
fr. lowing.
assault, attack, invade, make an EV intens. and /froxrij, which Epfipipncdptvos, par. 1 a. mid.
inroad; to engraft; to
infuse, see. Epppipwptvos, par. pres. pass,
pour in, mix; im- E/i^wT>/ptov, -of, TO,
to involve, (fr. same, cont. of same.
plicate. 2 a. act. ind. evffiaXov and /3tow or /3wfit to live) a lia- Ep&pdviov, -ov, -d, a certain Ibe-
inf. E^aAm/. bitation, dwelling, abode, resi- rian dress.
'Eu3aupa, -OTOJ, r6, (fr. ///3a7TTW dence, home. EppoovTdu -w. f. -j/o-u, (fr. ev at,
to dip into) sauce ; seasoning. E/i/3AfVovTj, n. pi. par. pres. act. and |3povTa'w to thunder) to strike
E/i/3a~Ti'u>, f.
-luru), fr. EV in, and of with amazement or terror, asto-
,j, which see. EpfiXi-u), f. -|u, (fr. EV on, and nish, terrify, awe.
--4, f.
-^>o>, p. tp8fl3a6a, /3Af'-cj to look) to look at, look
", -a.:, h, (fr- last)
(fr. v in,/3aTro> and upon, view, behold, to dip) to
impf. amazement, astonishment ; stu- see.

dip or plunge into, immerse ; to act. Evf'/3Airov. 1 a. ind. act. a /- por, insensibility.
stain, dye or colour ; to sprinkle E,3odi TTJTOJ, -ou, 5, fi, (fr. same)
on ; to use as sauce, par. pres. KpAfipas, -aaa, -av, par. _r thunderstruck, amazed, astonish-
pass. u;3a Tdpzvog. fK^arc, pL 2 1 a. inffJr. act. of ed, stupified ; distracted, wild,
E^f3dj -5(7(2, !V, g. -Bdl'TOS' d. list. furious.
;. n. pi. -/3dV Ep j\n8rj(Topai, -f), -rrai, in 3 pi. 'Epj3pvov, -ov, TO, (fr. EV in, and

ir. -/3avru)v, par.

"VEU ov, Ion. for

2 a. act.

of Qficovrai, 1
pass, of fi/3dAAoj.
-CITOS, TO, (fr.
to put on) an emblem, device,
animal in

produce, young.
germinate) an embryo,
the womb; offspring,

impf. act. of nament, decoration. 'Ep<3pvo$, -ov, b, , (fr. same)

-tvcia, p. e
EpfiXwrios, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to pregnant, breeding, with young ;
;, (fr. EV in, and /3a be put, thrown, cast, flun capable of breeding productive. ',

reien) to reign orer, govern. 1 a. &c. according to the verb. E/j.3i'Oios-, -ou, 6, fj, (fr. v in, and
ict. n',3a(7(Auo-a. E//,3odu) w, f.
-r/o-tt), (fr. ev in, and (Ivdds the
deep) in the deep, sunk,
- W
-,-, -ios, Ait.
/j, (fr.f,(3oaw to shout) to call out to, call engulphcd, embosomed.
u 3ah-a>
enter) a going or
to upon, invoke, call for help. Epeyd\vva, -aj,-, 1 a. ind. act. of
''? entrance;
in, bath, Ep^o\rj, ?;?, f/, (fr. ^i/3dAAw to put

in) an injection, insertion; a lay- Epiynpi, -a?,

basin ; shoes, boots, &c. -, 1 a. ind. act. of
Efj3a<7<xuTpof f -ou, 6, (fr. cpSahta ing on of hands, seizure ; an ir-
tc and which
creep in, ^vrpov a pot) a
ruption, inroad, invasion; p!. Zprji; L 1 of
name for a mouse. mouth or opening of a river. see.
epfiiSdrcv- E/i/3oAi/iaToj, -a, -ov, and EpSott- Eptdtv, Att. for e/uofler, Ion. for
'Epp'aTtvu, -evffb), p.
Ka, (fr. EV in, and flarevw to en- pos,-ov, b, fi, (fr. same) inserted, E^o50i', Poet, for epoti, g. sin.
ter) to sta/fc, u-n^fc withshde or in- put in, interposed, introduced ; of j/w.
tolence; to
invade, intrude; to intercalary. EptdvffOriv, -TJS, -1,
3 pi. -Qrjaav, 1
enter into or tote possession of; -ov, TO, (fr. to a. ind. pass, of pcBvu.
Epp"o\-ov, /i/?oAA(i>
to examine. - or -EV, pi. -vapev t
search, scrutinize, 1
put in) any thing interposed or 'Epdva, -as,
inserted, a peg, plug,
a. ind. act. of
tvtftdrcvaa. -are, -nv t 1 a. ind. act.
rns, -ov, i>, (fr. E/J&UVW to go stake, pale, post, bar, bolt; a
inf. act. to keep, take care of, preserve ; 'E//mj, by Sync, and Dor. for
pres. E/t j

n. pi. par. pres. act. to watch, observe. tvi-xta^, 2 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of
of see ifiirtoov, Or Ion. for
Efnral^d), f. -fto. p. t[nr{irat%a, (fr. Eft-tipa/ios
or Epiripaposi -ov, b, fj, 2 sin. impf. act. of tpxiTH), fr.
tv intens. and 7rat(w to sport) to 'fr. tv
in, and rsTpa
a trial) skil-\ tv in, and irfYw, obs. for iriirrd).

sport or play with ; to play upon, "ul, skilled, knowing, expert,

ex- >Ep-t -u7a, -dj, par. per. act.
mock, deride, ridicule; to taunt, perienced. uaJf, fern. E/*7T0vvTa,
scorn; to illude, deceive, impf. -a<ra, -av, n. pi. mas. by Syn E//ir^ma,andbyCras.
act. 1 a. act. ind. 1 a. act. of! neut.
tvitrai^ov. vrj, par. , par. per. -dj,
cvliratj-a. per. pass, enttiiiaiynai. mid. Ep-t<pvr], for cvtQtr,, 3
1 a. pass. ind. tvtxa'fyQrjv. 1 f. pirtipia, -a?,fi, (fr. fpirapos skil- sin. 2 a. pass, or it is 3 sin of
pass. t[jL7rai%0/iaouai. ful) knowledge, skill, experience ; E// , -?/, per. sub. mid.
E/jratVr//?, -ou, 6, (fr. last)
a mock- atrial,attempt,practice; a science, of u> or f[KJ>vui.
er, scorner ; a
deceiver, n. pi.
tp- iv, 6, (fr. same) a phy- pi, (fr. EV in, and
iraiKTat. sician from experience only, em- to fix) to^r in, fasten, stick in ;
a pretender. to set, plant, make grow.
Efi-irai^ai, inf. Efimiifa?, par. 1
piric, quack ; E/i-
a. act. E/iiralu, -?, -<, 1
pi. ,i47rapjKtSf, (fr. last) like an em- m/yvv^at, to be fixed in ; to grow
-o//v, 1 f. ind. act.
EfjLTrai%- ^
piric or
quack ; ignorantly, pre- up, increase.
3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of sumingly. -u, f. -r/aa, (fr. same, and
Zpirttpov, -ov, TO, (neut.
of next) w to leap) to /eop or spring

E/*7raAtv, (fr. tv in, and rrd^iv skill,experience, practice. in or wpon ; to rush in or wpon,

again) behind, back, backward; 2/*iT(pof, -ou, b, ft, (fr.

tv in, and assault, attack. 1 a. ind. act.
back again, over again ; against,
~?p<z a trial) skilful, skilled, qua- tvtrfidrjtra.
contrary to, opposite ; on the con- peMe, clever ; experi- 'Efinr/s, Ion. for tpiras.
trary. enced ; knowing, intelligent. E^iriiJi^avTai, 3 pi. pres. ind.

E//7raAAar<rw or EinrnAao-o-w, an Ion. pass. Ejm'fifi-Aao-tfat, pres.

verb, same as t^tKw, (fr. tv tv in, and -dpw to pierce)
to pass, of
intens. and ira\daa<a to shake pierce or run through, transfix; E//7r(/!/7rAau)
-5 or -r/i#, and E//ri-
to to fasten, or fix 7rA({cu -oi or
up lots) implicate, entangle, upon ; to pass -rip, f. -^o-w, p. t^i-
involve; to ensnare, entrap, de- through or over. 1 a. act. ind. trXijKa, (fr. v in, and Ti^TrAaw,
ceive. ind. &c. to to fill up; to satisfy,
tvtircipa' par. r/jTrnpa;. per. fill)

Epnaoayivopai, (fr. tv on, napa by, pass. it7TfT7p/ya. please, content; to satiate, cloy,
ana yivopat to be) to come
upon, UTretpws, (fr. fp-ttpos skilful)
skil- glut.
surprise, lake unawares. fully, ingeniously, cleverly ; wise- ,
-!7<rw, p. fnrfirpriKa,
E/iirapojvrw -w,
-?/<rw, (fr. tv in, ly, sensibly, prudently; fitly,
suit- (fr. tv in, and TriftTrp^jn
or T/Z-
rtapA by, and wine) o?vo? to do ably, properly, pertinently. :rpaw to on fire,
bum) to set

any thing in drink; to abuse, E/t7rcAa, 3 sin.

cont. pres. impr. burn; to inflame,
irritate, tease;
insult in drink or as if in drink ; act. of /j7n:Aaw, see prAau. to provoke, excite.
to drink to excess.
JS/xTTiAa^dv and -aoV, (fr. next) to burn with anger, rage, be vio-

Efnras, Ion. 'Epirr/s, Alt. or Dor. near, nigh, hard by, close to. lent.

'Epira and 'Efiirav, (fr. tv in,

and inrtXdfa and -aw -a>, fr. tv to, and umVA?;, Att. for t^iifXriQi or /t-
Tra? all) totally, entirely, altoge- xt\dw, which see. 1 a. act. par. -irXaOt, pres. impr. act. of /-

ther; at all; yet, however, not- f/*7TAaVaf, n. pi. mas. tutrtXa-

withstanding, in spite of. trdvrts. fr. v intens. and m-
-ttc-w, (fr. tv in, and i-ip-rHii, f.
-J/u, (fr. v in, and ,
which see. par. pres.
rdo-ffw sprinkle) to scatter,
to rf//7ru> to send) to send in. pass. tpTrnrpacrKdptvos. per. pass.
spread over or through ; to weave jLirtT7app.fvo), -rj, -ov, par. per. tprtfTrpapai.
1 a. ind.
pass. EVE-
in, work in, embroider. 1 a. ind. pass, of tpirtipii). Trpd6r/v.
- 3
act. mrac-a, -as, ,<7r7ri<rm>^fvo$, -tj, -ov, par. per. Epir'uTTovat, pi. pres. ind. act. of
'Eifjr<5a, same as tprtSov. pass, of tp-naTtvu. EUVITTTUI, f. //7TTo''0-U>,p. i^r^TTTWACa,
v in. and TTE- and
Efiirtcdu or -lu>, (fr. i~fK\ij(rfji(vog, -rj, -ov, par. per. (fr. v in, TT/WTCO to fall) to
od(a or -f'w to fetter) to h'e </e pass, of ^7rA?/0w. yh// or sink into, strike against ;
feet, fetter, chain, shackle, bind. to touch on or at ; to fall into or
S/zTT/Trpa/iat, -cat, -rat, per. ind.
E//7T<$fw?, Poet, among, meet
for ^-f<5a>s. pass. E//-7t|.a<T//fVo? , par. per. with, light upon, be
E//7T^(5ti0^00J, -OV, 6, r/, (fr. f/*7T- pass, of epirnrpdoKv. thrown among; to fall upon, at-
<5oj firm, and ito^o? toil) con- tack, eessault, assail, invade; to
stant m
labour, laborious, pains- pntpif^i f. -f^w, (fr. v in, and rush or plunge into ; 1 a. ind.
taking ; toilsome, wearisome, fa- to contain) to compre-
act. tvtxtffa. 2 a. act. ind. tvi-
tiguing ; wretched, miserable. hend, comprise, inrhi.de. TTtcov par. tpntcuv. 2 f. mid.
Epxeoov and Epirifb)*;, (fr. ipirtctos pTftpiiraTfO) -w, f.
-?/<7&), (fr. same,
firm) firmly, strongly, steadily ; and -tptiraTtu to Avalk
about) Epms, -Idas, f], (perhaps fr.
surely, safety, securely ; perpetu- to walk about, in or among, pe- to suck) a gnat.
ally, constantly, continually. rambnlate. Eju-rra'w, -tvaia, (fr. tv in, and

EpirtcopKfw -5, (fr. same, and 6'p/coj rto-TEt'w to believe) to believe in,
an oath) to regard an oath, keep -aro?, TO, (fr. tv in, and -rpovr/ a trust, credit; to intrust, charge,
a covenant, preserve a treaty ; to o dress fastened with but- commit to. to be
fulfil, ratify^ tons, buckles, clasps, &c. a man- intrusted to, be safe, secure.
'EpiTtSos, -ov, o, ff, (fr. tv in, and j.-\aKtis, -timi, -', n. pK -*ci'Tj,
the ground) firm, steady, 2 a.
Zli-rtet, Ion. for ivtittat, 3 sin. par. 2 a. pass, of t
fixed, fast ; strong, lasting, du- ind. act. Eitro-?rat, 3 sin. 2 f. E//7rArt'
<rcrw or -rrw, (fr.
rable ; sure, certain. ind. mid. Efnriar/, 3 sin. intens.and irAaffo-w to shape) to
Epittfioffdtvris, -to$ -o5j, 6, j^, (fr. Erenow, 3 pi. 2 a.' sub. act. sAope o<, /orwi ; to reduce into
ast, and oQtvos strength) strong, inf.
Epirta6vTos, g. a mass; to spread over, daub,
able, masculine, muscular, healthy, sin. par. 2 a. act.
iftfi-hrm. besmear, plaster, lay, fasten or
vigorous. . f. -So-oj, (fr. a/ in, and fix upon ; to stop or close up.
EuTTfOoo) -t5, f. -ui(T(i),
same) to to to stretch to adhere, cling to.
(fr. expand) '

fix, fasten, mnkefir nfl.

EuTrrt'fiv, pres. mf. act. f.
evotffu), 1 a., act.
E//TTTU- E//0pw, v//vy-
o-avrej, n. pi. par. 1 a. act.
EuTTrtfemri, 3 pi. 1 f. act. E//TT-
ruc-0j7<rra(,3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, ol

E//TTUOJ, f.
-0<7u),p. tUTTf-TVKa, (fr,
v on, and rruu> to spit) to S/H*
a/ or
MjDo/i ; to despise.
'Efiti'os, -01, 6, #, (fr. v in, and
matter) having
a running
sore; putrid.
E/iTrup/^u), -pdw -ti, -pvw, and f.

-o-w, (fr. tfjnrvpos burning) to se/

on fire, light up, kindle ; to
E/iTupto^oj, -ou, b, (fr. same) a
burning ; afire, conflagration.
'EUTTVOUV, -ou, rd, (neut. of next) a
'EfiTrifpof, -ov, b, ;/, (fr. v on, and
Trypfire) hr-ated, warm, i nfiamed,
fiery ; kindled, lighted ; burning,
blazing, fia/ning.
EuvdoMyr/ca, -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act.

'E/10/coj/, ->, -, 2 a. ind. act. of

fi^dya), (fr. tv intens. a

to de-
eat) to eat voraciously,
vour, cram, stuff.

(fr. tv in, and at'vw to show) to

represent, set Jorth, show, mani-

fest ; to explain, clear up, en-
lighten ; to display, set forth.

Efjiipaivopai, to appear, show or

betray one's self. 1 a. ind. act.

ntyrjva. 2 a. ind. act. tvtyavov.

per. mid. t[iirf(f>ava.
Eft^avtVrara, (sup. neut. pi. of
next) most clearly, distinctly or
plainly ; excellently, very or ex-
tremely well.
E.n<j>avris, -105 -ou$, b, rj, (fr. t^-
ti.uiij) to represent) visible, appa-
rent; manifest, plain, clear;
open, public ', conspicuous, emi-
nent, distinguished, a. sin. cont.

-frrto, (fr. last) to show,

make appear, expose to view, set

before the eyes. Eu(f>aviouc.i,


appear, be in sight, show o/ie's

self, become conspicuous. 1 a. act.

ind. tvEtfidvica' impr. tp(fidvioov,

-aru, in 2 pi. t^aviaaTt. 1 a.

pass. ind. tvt^aviaQrjv inf. t>i-


-ov, b, (fr. last) an

appearance, sign, indication ; a
mark, token ; proof.
i^avwj and Ion. E/jupavtus, (fr.
//$avjs clear) visibly, clearly,
plainly; conspicuously, eminently.
//^a<rij, -iog, Att. -a>j, fi, (fr. tp-
<j>aiv<i> represent) a representa-
tion, appearance, show; a pre-
tence; an image, likeness, figure,
similitude, resemblance ; an imi-
tation, copying; emphasis.
fitfarfad?, and -avrfrd?, -i), -ov,
(ft. same) significant, expressive,
emphatical. com p.
po$ or-avT4caJrpos,sup. -(iraroj.
/i^p;/?, -fog -ov;, 6, ?/, (fr. next)
relative, respecting, relating or
appertaining to ; like,
similar, re-
anp the air) aerial, airy, living
in contradictory. Subs, an adversa Evapyfwf? next) plainly, clear
the air ; Idgh, lofty. ry, opponent, antagonist. ly, distinctly ; openly, publicly.

Evaipu, f.
-upw, (fr. ev intens. an Evavr<iy/voy, Dor. for
-OV/IEVOS Evapyrts, -eoj -ovs, t>, fj, (fr. ev in,
to carry off) to take off", cu par. pres. rnid. cont. of tvav- and apydj white) evident, mani-
off", kill,slay; to destroy, con. fest, plain, clear, distinct ; open,
sume, ruin ; to pillage, plunder Evavrlov, (neut. of evavrtoy con. public.
1 a. ind. act.
m/pa. 1 a trary) same as tvavrt. EvdpETos, -ov, b, fa (fr. same, and
ind. mid. evppdprtv, -w, -nro. (fr. fvavr
Evavrioirtiayitj)virtue) virtuous, -&,
"Evaiaijiov and Evan'/<w?,(fr.next) to act) to bt
against, arid
correct, pure, innocent, up-
fitly, agreeably, suitably, conve- of the other party, favour the op- right.
niently, orderly. positefaction, deal with the enemy Evapfjs, -foj -ovg, b, f), (fr. same,
EvaMfios, -ov, b, fa (fr. EV in, am
EvavTios, -fl, -or, (fr. fvavrt over and a'pw to fit) firm, compact.
(uaa fate) fatal, destined, prede against) fronting, facing, face Evapf)s, -fo$ -ovs, b, >'/, (fr. same,
termined, necessary, inevitable to face, meeting, opposite ; con- and apa a curse) under a curse,
portentous, ominous, fort trary, contradictory ; adverse, stain or pollution, unclean, im-

adapted, fit, proper, becoming, hostile. pure ; bad, wicked, vile, exe-
agreeable, useful ; reasonable vavrtdrris, -??roy, ^, (fr. last) con- crable, abominable, hateful, odi-
just. trariety, opposition, disagree- ous.

'EvaMytfos, -ov, b,fi, (fr. EV intens. ment. for n. pi. mas. of

and a\tyKio$ like) very like, re- vavTidu) -w, f. -uffoj, (fr. EV intens last.

sembling, similar. and avridii) or -6of.tai

to oppose ap/w, f. -ifa, p. -t%a, (fr. tval-
EvaA/oy, -ovj b, fj, (fr. EV in, and uA$ to be against or
contrary to, op- pw to cut off, or EV in, and dprjs
the sea) of the seer, in the sea, pose, resist, cross, thwart, war) to kill, slay, slaughter ; to

marine, maritime. vavrtwpa, -aros, rb, (fr. last) op- spoil, strip, plunder, pillage,
EvaA<rKu> or EvaAw//t, f. -w<rw, p. position, resistance, repugnance , sack.
j/Aa>/ca, (fr. same,
and aAiWw an impediment, obstacle. Evapi0/<fw -5, f.
-)7<7a>, (fr.
cv in,
to take) to seize, take, lay hold Evuvrt'o)?, (fr. zvavrios opposit.e) on and apjfyifo) to count) to reckon
of. See dA(<r>c<<>. the contrary, in opposition to.
among, count up with ; to com-
EvaAAayJ), %, f), (fr. vaAAarrw Zvavrltaats, -toy, Alt, -ewy, /, (fr. putf, calculate.
to alter) a change, alteration ; ex- same) resistance, opposition. apiOfttjTos, (fr. last) counted up,
change, transfer. Eva^a, -as,-E, 1 a. ind. act. of enumerated, reckoned. Or, for
EvdX\ay/ta, -aros, TO, (fr. same)
chaiige, exchange, barter, traffic ; ^.vmrc^eiKvvaro, Ion. for EvairEOEiK- vap/fluio? and Evaptfyioy, -ov, 6,
price, equivalent. VVVTO, 3 pi. impf. pass, of eva- >?, (fr. same) reckoned among,
EvaAAtt(, (fr. same) by way of iroftelitvofiii
counted upon, esteemed.
change, in an altered manner; ^.vaTCEOEioonai,
-etao^iai, p. va EvapipPporos, -ov, b, >;, (fr. eva/po;
/3poroy human
to cut off, and
alternately, by turns. pEiapai, (ft*. EV on, atrb from, anc
EvaAAoYrw, f.
-|w, p. -%a, (fr. EV EpEiSu to prop) to be fastened or savage, murderous. Subs, aman-
intens. and uAAo'cro-w or -rru> to fixed in; to lean, rest or stand slayer, homicide.
change) to
change, alter, shift, upon / to fix upon, brand. ,vdpifa, -as, -E,
1 a. ind. act.

vary ; to exchange, traffic, buy Si'tt^-o^etVvujut,

-fc/fw, (fr. same, Evaptot/u,-oiy, -o, 1 a. opt. act.
or sett ; to act by and to show) to poin of
alternate, CE'IKVVHI vap/o>.
turns. show, exhibit;
out, to demonstrate, i, -as, -E, 1 a. ind. act. of
prove, explain.
to leap) to leap upon; to tread IvaitoQvfiGKw, f.
-o/mt, fr.
upon, trample ; to insult ; to ex- and v)'icicu),
which see. (fr. v in, and ap//dw to fit)

ult, rejoice.
1 f. inf. mid. Eva\eitr- va-zoKvpevu), f.
-EVCTU, (fr. same, apply, put to, join, adapt; to set,

Bai. and KV@EV<)) to play at dice) to compose; to sing.

EvaAAoy, -ov, b, %, (fr. EV in, and be addicted to dice, game, gam- \vapfjL6vios, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same,
aAAoy another) changeable, ble. and ap/^dvtoy agreeing) nicely
changing, mutable ; fickle, in- Sa7ToAa/i/?av&>, f.
-Xr/^/o^ai, (fr. fitting, well adapted, suitable;
constant; changed, contrary. same, and Aa/*|3avu> to take) to musical, harmonious,
"Eva\6vTEs, n. pi. mas. of EvaAouy, cut off", vitercept ; catch, take '.vapud^ai, Dor. for evap^oVai, 1 a.
-ouera, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of EVO- unawares, surprise. inf. act. of
Awui, obs. see EvaXiffxta. \va7ro7rv<j), f.
-Evert*), (fr. same, -T], -ov, par. 1 a. mid.
EvautAAoy, -ov, b, (fr. EV in, and and to breathe) to breathe

a contest) an antagonist, or blow upon ; to breathe his last, Evauov for
ivtjpov jjvapov,
or -Ey,
opponent, rival ; a match, equal. breathe forth ; to linger in death, -,2 a. ind. act. ofevaipw.

'Evan/in, -aroj, rb, (fr. EV to, and expire in torture, be worn out by vp<irfpoy or Evap^^<5poy, -ov, b,
5irrw to fasten to) a chain, fetter, calamities. (fr. tvapa spoils, and ^pw to

band, rope, strap ; the thong used f.

\vdTrori9rini, -Oijtrw, (fr. same, carry ) a spoiler, plunderer, rob-
to throw the javelin. and TtQnfu to place) to put by or ber of the dead.
"EvavQfu -w, fr. EV intens. and av- aside, put away, lay down ; to Cvdp^o/zat, f.
-op.tii, (fr. EV intens.
0f'w, which see. per. ind. mid. resign, give up, give over, leave and dp-%o[iai to begin) to make a
beginning, commence, set out;
'Evavra and 'Evavrt, (fr. EV in, and \vd-rrT(a,
-t/'w, p. tvii<f>a, (fr. . to
attempt, undertake, take upon.
avrj against) over against, oppo- same, and airrw to touch) to tie 1 a. mid. ind.
Evripj-d/ttiv' par.
site, before, in presence of. tn, bind, fix, fasten, annex, join;
viz. to kindle, light 1 a. ind. pass.
"Evavrta, -as, fi, ^wpa, (fern, up. Evd^rTOfiai, EvdaOnv, -vs, -V,
of Evavrtoy opposite) the front, to
dress, clotheone's self, wear, 'Evacrtra, Kvaffffd/tni', Poet.
forepart, that part facing or op- have on. par. per. pass, ev^/u- for ivaaa, act. and tvaedpiv,

posite. voy. mid. 1 a. ind. of vow forvafw.

"Evavriffiov, (neut. of next) oppo- Evopa, -wv, rd, (fr. Evatpw to cut Evaro?, -77, -ov, Poet, for fwaros.
sitely, facing ; adversely. off, or EV in, and battle) Evavcns, -fos -ovs, b, >/, (fr. cv in,
Evavrt/3ioy, -ov, b, fi, (fr. EV in, avrt spoil, plunder, pittage. and aiicSr) voice) having voice,
against, and strength) ad-
/3/a vdpysi, Dor. for Evjjpysi, 3 sin* vocal, articulate; living, breath-
verse, hostile, opposite ; contrary, cont. impf. act. offvEpyfo). ing.
Rvav\lopai, -Itrouat, (fr. tv in,
1. ?, -ov, 6, (fr. last) wrap anin; to tie, bind
in- or fold
and avXi^opai to lodge) to resort former, discoverer, accuser. fasten, confine, straiten.
to, visit; to lodge at, sojourn, EvotiKTo, by Sync, for cvec-iotiitro, Evdiia -w, i. -jj<rw, fr. tv intens.
reside for a while ; to rest, stop, 3 sin. pper. pass, of same. ar.d <5ta>, to want, which see.

stay, wait. par. 1 a. mid. evav- Ivofi^aaOai, mil Ev^/^a<r0, 2 -w, f.

-j?<7to, p. lCOf/ir;Aa,
pi. impr. Ey&JgWfMU, -ji, (fr. tv among, and <5?)/*os people)
EvovAoj, -CD, o, jj, (fr. same, and -r/Tat, sub. 1 a. mid. of WCUKW- to ie a/ /zowie, f/u-eW, live at, inha-
avAdj a pipe) playing or sound- bit, abide, reside.
ing on a pipe or flageolet, musi- Evci%is, -toj, Att. -wj, /;, a. iv- Evdrjpios, -ov, b, >i, (fr. same) en-
cal, singing ; reechoing, reverbe- Ct%iv, see voiyp.a. demic, endemical or endemial,
rating, resounding, murmuring, EvciKa, indecl. (fr. ?v one, and peculiar to certain rank* of
roaring ; nngtng in the ears. tifKa ten) eleven. people.
Also subs, a ditch, drain, trench ; EvctKuKig, (fr. last) eleven times. '.vonjios, -ov, 6, f], (fr. same) at
a bed, channel a stream, tor- .'
EvotKaTos, -n, -ov, (fr. same) the home, in one's own country ;
rent. eleventh. domestic, private.
ErauAoj, -ov, 6, (fr. same, and EvcidaffKor, Ion. for evoiaov, impf.
av\ri afold) a stable, fold, cote; a pres. inf. mid. of tvifypptt. act. of tvcidd).

residence, home ; a haunt, re-

IvfcM^tia, -as, >/, (fr. next) per- Ev<5a/3a'A>w,
-a>5, p.
sort. fection, fulness, conifielemss ; \I)KH, (fr. EV intens. and
to slander) to calumniate ; toac-
Evav^dvti), f. -aviy<TW, p. -rjv^TjKa, constancy, assiduity, continuance.
(fr. rv intens. and av^dia to aug- lve\%iu -w, (fr. next) to use dili-

I. each; to oppose, thwart,

ment) to enlarge much, increase gence, be constant, persevere,
in ; to breed up or educate in. persist ; to employ much, use 05, -ou, o, f), (fr. EV in, and
'Evauo-ua, -aroj, TO, (fr. next) a r?//i
to dispose) internal,
spark, embers; fuel, coed. IwfcAevfc, -ooy, b, >/, Att. for
-oj nwnrd, inside.
Evat'u, f. -avcru), (fr. tv intens. and tvTtKfvris, tv iii, rfAoj the Ev<5ta0pv-rw, (fr. tv intens. and
to pamper) to abuse
ai'o) to
dry) to light up, kindle, end, and f'^w
to have) perfect, otaQpt'-ro)
inflame, excite. complete, finished ; active, dili- wantonly or by vicious indul-
Ei'apo/ui, f.
-iiffti), p. -ci/ta, (fr, tv gent ; constant'. gence ; to use for gratification.
a~d from, and HJ^U to send) to to affront ; to
in, \vot\f)^i^(i),
-To-u, (fr. same) EvSiaQpi'irTOfjiai,
to pu< or iAn/sZ in, insert ; to in- perpetuate, persist, persevere, con- scorn, 'disdain, pres. inf. pass.
termix, intermingle, put among ;
tinue at, with or in. tvcia&pv-TtaQai.
to send away to. fv in, and
\vct\f.^iff^, -ov, b, fi, (fr. last) Evoiairdaftai -w/zat, (fr.
Ev<?at?, Dor. for Erfcjts, -tfos, oiaiTaouai to dwell) tostay, dwell,
f,, diligence, assiduity, constancy,
Enrleis, a woman's name. perseverance, continuance. reside at, live in ; to delay, tarry,

in, and
continue at.
<i>?, -vos, 6, 17, (fr. /
IV^AE^WS, (fr. v^A^;^f diligent)
a tear) in tears, weeping. intens.
diligently, constantly, persever- Evoianptnu, f. -<//<>, (fr. EV
JLvdartopai -OV/JLUI, f.
-fiaoyiai, (fr. ingly. and oiavpinia to excel) to prac-
tv among, and Sartofiai to share) , (neut. pi. of next) dex- tise, exercise, fit, prepare, train.
to divide
among, share, allot; to terously, successfully ; conveni- Evoiarpifiut,
-^ w, (fr. same, and
explain, interpret to cut with re- to remain) to remain
; ently, aptly, fitly; luckily, for- oiarpifiv
proaches, upbraid; to tunately. in ; to dwell upon, spend much
disperse. -a, -ov, (fr. tv on, and
lime about.
right-handed) on the right Evdidu -w, (fr. ivoios noontide)
of EvSt <5v- to
'EvSctvfifi'os, -77, -ov, par. ctJ;ios
retire or sleep at noon, with-
pat, per. pass. EvclcvKa, per. hand, to the right side; lucky, rest,
md. act. oftrt-vvw or tvcvu. fortunate, happy ; successful, fa- draw into the shade, shun the
Evctu -?, f. v<$jv<7.l a. vtofriat, vourable, prosperous. heat ; to delay, wait, stay, pass
(impers. fr. i'c/u> to be wanting) Evffo/iat,f. -fjao^ai, see evoeut. or spend time.
it is
necessary, it is needful, Uiere 'Evtitaua, -aTo$, TO, (fr. evoiv to EvoiodffKU), f. -fw, p. fvofoiSa^a,
wants, it ought. tie
up) a band, bond, fastening, (fr. v intens. and iitidvicu to

EvJefr, -bs-aSs, o, f,, (fr. evclu to teach) to instruct, inform, im-

rope, chain, fetters, &c. confine-
be wanting) indigent, poor, ment, imprisonment. prove ; to inculcate, impress.
needy, distressed; wanting, de- Ei't cc/jtfu) -w, f. -fab), and Ev^(r- Ev6i^dva,pres. inf. act. ofwliowpi.
(fr. same) to bind Ei'OidvaKu, (frequent,
fr. tv&vu>
ficient, fallen short, inferior. fttvui,
f. -fvffw,

Comp. VO(ffTOOS, SUp. -IffTU.- 2.., lie up, wrap together, infold ; enter) to put on, dress, clothe.
-ngle, embarrass, implicate. EiricvffKonaij to be dressed, clothe
?, /, (fr. last) need, wajit.
>, -on, 6, fi, (fr. v intens. one's self; to assume, take upon,
poverty, penury, indigence ; lack, a chain) a tying, ifffios impf. mid. fvtfuovaiconijv.
failure, deficiency. fastening; a band, z, Evdiowfjii, f. -o<t>a<i), (fr. tv in, and
aroj, TO, and fetter, knot; a bundle, , cicutiLL to give) to deliver to,
-joj, Att. -0) S , f,, (fr. next) a parcel, package, purse, scrip; a charge, intrust, put into the
show, display, exhibition; proof, chest ; a prison, chamber. hands; to supply, minister tof

evidence, demonstration ; an im- Evci%Tai, (impers. of next) it is afford; to give in, yield, submit,
peachment. lawful, allowable or possible, it give up, give way to, let Iqpse.
EvottKvvu, (fr. tv in- may be, it admits. Evcitaav, 3 pi. impf. act. of Evoiri-
tens. and odKvvm or-vw to Or 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of tv-
show) Evr5f^o//ai, f.
-o/iat, p. tvoicEyfiai, .

to and cf-^o^ai
show, point out, demonstrate ; (fr. v in, to take)
to display,
exhibit, show out, set to take
in, take upon, undertake ; .. .

ff _i, same as tvfiau). Or per-

off; to denounce, accuse. and which
Er- to admit, allow,
permit. 3 sin. haps fr. v intens. <5tw,
to exhibit or
ottKvvncu, display pres. ind. tvci%tTai. see.
one's self, act, do, perform,
pres. Evc%6nvos, -ri, -ov, (par. pres. of
pass. ind. 3 pi. fvt>d K vvvTai- inf. EV in, cid through, and Infti to
last) allowable, lawful;
evoclKwa8ai. per. pass, send off or away, dis-
tvcidti-y- send)
fiai. 1 f. mid. cvfiti^oftai. 1 a. miss, discharge; to let ojf, let
(fr. last) probably;
mid. ind. tvt&ttt-dpriv, -w, -aro' much as possible. on as dogs,
as out, let go; to set
impr. tvcriS-at, -d<r6w sub. cv- Evo7w -w, f. (fr. v in, and animate, instigate, excite.
Wfwjwu, -17, -nrai. to bind) to bind in, tie up, ;rM-"c. -ov, &, $, used Poet, for
Co (201)
iticaiog, (fr. same, and tary ; causing, moving, instigat- Evf.SaXov, -y, -, 2 a. ind. act. of
Slut] jus-
tice) just, honest, upright, good, ing. ///?aAXw.
sincere. 'EvSoaig, -tog, Att. -tug, r,, (fr. Evf'/V, -rig, -r,, 3 pi. -/Vav, 2 a.
'EvSlva, -ci>v, T, (fr. i'vo'ov within) same) remission, abatement, re- ind. act. of /i)3atvw.
the intestines, bowels, all beneath
laxation, cessation, interval; a Ev/?j/?ao-a, -aj, -E, 1 a. ind. act. of
the skin, the flesh. erftpd&.
transmission, delivery, charge.
"Evoiov, -ov, rb, (neut. of next) a EvSdrtpog, -a, -ov, comp. Ev^oYa- Evf/3Xirov, impf. Evl/3X^a, 1 a.
stop, rest, delay, pause. TO?, -rj, -ov, sup. (fr. fv<5ov with-
ind. act. of ///3>i7rw.
Ev<Jto?, -a, -ov, at noon, noontide, in) inner, interior ; innermost. EvtjSfxp/o-a'/^v, -a), -aro, 1 a. ind.
midday, meridian. EvooTtpug, comp. EV^OTO'TU?, sup. mid. Ev/5pi/^iDvTo, 3 pi. cont.
EvSoytvfjg, -fog -ovg, b, fi, (fr. evSov (fr. last) more inwardly, inter- impf. pass, of t^^pifido^ai.
within, and yivopat to be) in-
nally, deeply, thoroughly. 'Eveyyvdu) -w,
fr. tv intens. and
nate, natural, inbred, inherent ; 'Evfipvov, -ov, TO, (fr. tv in, and! yva'o),
which see.
born in or at, home-born, home- Spvg an oak) the pith. EveyyiJ^ffa, Ion. for tv^yyvrjaa, 1
bred. and 'Evfyuo?, a. ind. act. of last.
'Evcpvov, -ov, TO,
'EvSodtv, and Poet. 'Ev<5o0(, (fr. -ov, b, (fr. same) the beam of a 'Evyyu?, fr. tv intens. and tyyvg,
same)/rom within, from the in- plough; a plough; the pole, yoke, which see.
side ; inwardly, internally. cross trees of a cart, &c. Evf yKa VTO, Ion. for rjvtyKavro, 3 pi.
Ev(5o7, Dor. for tvSov. -tog -ovg, 1 a. ind. mid. 'Evfy^ov, Ion.
EvSpvu>Srjg, b, //, (fr.
EvSoidfo, f. -aau, fr. tv intens.
same) planted with oaks, woody. for
2 a. ind. act. of
and <5o(du;, which see. EvSvKtug, Poet, readily, willingly ; Ei'f/Kw, obs. see 0fpw. 1 a. act.
EvSotaaipbg and EvSotaarbg, -ov, b, carefully, diligently, attentively ;
ind. fjVtyKa,
in 3 pi. fivtyKav'
f], next) doubtful, dubious,
(fr. humanely, kindly. impr. fvtyxov, -O'TW inf. tvtyxai'
uncertain ; wavering, variable, par. tvtyndg. 2 a. act. ind. j?vy-
'EvSvpa, -drog, rb, (fr. tvovut to put
fickle. on) raiment, apparel, dress, KOV inf. VyK?v' par. evtyKwv. 1
EvSoiaapbg, -ov, b, and EvSoiaatg, clothing ; a garment, coat. d. pi.
a. mid. ind. jjvy*ca^>7V, -u, -OTO'

-tog, Att. -w?, f[, (fr. evcoidfa inf.

to doubt) doubt, hesitation ; un-
'Evdvpt, same as v<5uvcu, 2 a. ind. Ej><5i'(aTo,
3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of
certainty, suspense j perplexity ; act. ti'i&vv, -vg, -v. vSdKVVp.l.
mistrust, suspicion, apprehen- vovpiog, corrupted for tvdvmog. Evfc'ioov, 3 sin. impf. act. of tv&l-
as if from cvStS6u>.
EvSopax.ag, Dor. for EV intens. and E-vrfidvcKETo, 3 sin. impf. pass, of
p(t>Ka, (fr. <$vva^o"u>
EvSopaxfig -ov, b, (fr. fv^ov within, to to tvSiSvaKw.
strengthen) corroborate,
and pd^opai to fight) quarrel- establish. Evf<5/)a, -a?, and 'EvE^pov, -ou,
strengthen, confirm, 17,

some or contentious at home. T^, (fr. tv in, andf'iW a seat) an

EvSvvapdopai -ovpat, to grow
wv, ra, (fr. same, and strong, gain strength, be able; to ambush, ambuscade, lying in
to remain, or fr. tv in, and wait
prevail, overcome. 1 a. ind. act. ; treachery.
Sdpog a house) furniture, house- EvtSvvdpwo-a. impf. pass. V<?uva- Evcdptvu, -iJo-a), p. >/y<$j3t>Ka, (fr.

hold stuff*, moveables. po6pr/v -ovprjv, -6ov -ov, -6tro -op- same) to lie in wait, set an am-
EvS6p>jaig, -iog, Att. -w?, f/, (fr. EV TO. 1 a. ind. pass. VODvajuw0;v. bush; to ensnare, deceive, be- .

in, and Soptu to build) a build- vevvovrsg, n. pi. par. pres. act. of tray. pres. ind. act. 3 pi. EVE-
ing, structure, edifice; a pile, tvtvvu. lotvovffi. par. pres. act. tvt&atv-
mound, buttress, prop. EV^UVTE?, n. pi. of "EvSvg, -vaa, -vv, uv, n. pi. -OVTJ, 1 a. act. ind.
"EvSopv%f<a -w, (fr. ivoov within, par. pres. or 2 a. act. of tvdvpt, tvfioptvca' impr. eviSptvaov.
and pv%bg a recess) to lurk, lie same as 'Evtc-pog, -ov, b, r,, (fr. same)
hid, be concealed within. uovvo), EvSvb), and EvSvopai or den, retired.
g, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same) m- Eoffivv, -vg, -v, 2 a. ind. act.
'Evcvpi,f. -vaa, p. tvcicvica, (fr.
; retired, hidden, v intens. and cvvw, &c. to enter) Evf^uo-a, -ag, -t, in 3 pi. cviov-
sheltered, concealed. to go in, enter into, penetrate ; aav, 1 a. ind. act. 'EvtovcaoQe,
*E>v6ov, (fr. EV in) in, inside, within, to
creep or steal in ; to put on,
2 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. offv&Jvw.
inwardly. Ta ivoov, the in- clothe, dress, be clad ; to invest, EveovvafjiovTo,
3 sin. cont. impf.
side. 3 sin. -//w-
endue, confer. 1 a. act. ind. vf- pass. ~Evc5vva/jL(i>9ri,
Ev<5odw, f.
-aero), p. cvtisddi-aKa, ovaa' impr. tvSvaov. 2 a. act. ind. Br/c-av, 3 'pi.
1 a. ind. pass --
(fr. tv intens. and <5o"fa praise) Evtovv, -vg, -v
par. tvSvg, -vaa, 'EveSwd/jKaffUj -ag, -,
1 a. ind.
to glorify, celebrate,
praise, extol. -vv. ' act. of tvovvafjidu).
per. pass. ind. tvSfSvpai
a. for ivtixa, see tvtiKdi.
per. pass. tvSt$6l-aapai. 1
par. tvotSvptvog. 1 a. mid. ind. Evt'a/ca,
pass. ind. tvtSdl-dodr/v. tvESvadprjv' impr. tvSvaai' sub. Evtr/xev, Poet,
and Ion. for tvriKtv,
3 a. ind. act. of evlr/fii.
i, in 2
"EvSo^aaQfjvat, inf. sin. 1
Ev5oao-0cS, tvovancOf inf.
-rjg, -rj, sub. 1 a.
pass, of last. aaadai' par. tvdvadptvog. Evetjv, Ion. for tvrjv, impf. of fvt/tf,
'Evo"oo?, -ov, b, fj, (fr. v in, and , (fr. EV in, and cvo two) in to be in.

o6%a fame) noted, remarkable, two minutes, immediately, quick- Ev0as, -ttca, -w, par.
well-known, famous, illustrious, ly, speedily, hastily. vai, inf. 1 a. pass, of wir/pi*.
renowned 3 act. of 1 a. ind. act. of
; glorious, honourable, , pi. pres. ind. Evtdr/Ka, -ag, -t,
splendid; generous, high spirited, VT<'0?/K.
noble ; principal, chief. Ev0i'o>, f. -Yo-w, (fr. v intens. and
Ev<5ii?, -vaa, -vv,
"EvSdfag, (fr. last) gloriously, fa- ov, see tvSvvu. tOifa to accustom) to inure,
mously, splendidly ; nobly, ge- ~Ev8vffaa6at, inf. bituate, accustom ; to practise,
nerously. 2 train.
-r,, -ov, par. "EiVovffaaQt, pi.
ivoov within) same mid.
EvSoadia, -uv, (fr. impr. 1 a. mid. Ev<5uo-aT, vidptipa, act. ~E.vtQpE$dnriV,
the intestines, entrails, bowels. act. 1 a. ind. of
Evovo-tenai, ->/, ->?Tat, pi. tvrpityv.
'EvSdatpov, -ov, TO, (neut. of next) 1 a. sub. mid. 1 a. pass.
-ffii>p.EOa, -vrjaQe, v0u/^0r?v, -r,g, -r,,
an exordium, preface ; a begin- Of SV&VVM Or V^t5(i>. of tvQvjjiiojjLai'
ning, outset Att. vw, f. (fr. ev on, and
; encouragement, vSvaig, -to?, -w?, f), (fr. -copai,
incentive ; an occasion, cause, tvtivvu to put on) clothing, i5a) to see) to look at, upon or
source. into ; to examine,
dress, habiliment; the wearing into, behold, pry
of consider
Jt,vo6mpog, -ov, b, >/, (fr. tvoiSwpi clothes. Rurvey, observe, view,
to remit) gratuitous, fret, volun- see evfivvu. 2 a. ind. act. tveidov or ivioov.

KvV, -n$, ->?,pres. opt.
of mi/it,
to 6e in. Or, 2 a. opt. act.
,-vla, -bs, -a. sin. Evar>/- 3 sin. impf. act. of y- , -E, 1 a. ind. act. of
Kd*ra, par. per. act. of same. See

EVECTWS- wgMrf&i f. -aow, (fr. vijo-av, 3 pi. impf. of tv a//i, to fc

'EvEo-rt, (impers. ofevtifti to be in) a pledge) to toJce a pledge or in.

zi is it
may be. pawn; to secure, bind; to give E^crav, 3 pi. 1 a. to go in.
possible, ~ ofmi^ (

E*'<rrwf,-iMa, -os, (cont. fr. EVECT??- earnest, engage, bind one's self. ^o-Etv, inf. Ewfrw, ind. 1 C,

KUS, par. per. act. of. tviffrrmi to i/Ytipa<7ua, -arcs, TO,

and Evt%v- act. of

impend) impending, instant, ur- pacfjtbs, -ov, b, (fr. last)

a p/edge, w, (fr. next) to ma/ce re-
gent, present, at hand, near, pami, mortgage, security, surety, ja/a^ upon ; to repeat, in-
Evto-Twra, EvearuJros, 1
bail ; earnest, engagement. culcate, impress, pres. pass, tvr,-
cases of last. , -ov, TO, (fr. tv in, and %eofiai -ovfiat.
Ei'ET(Aa fu7i/, -a>, -aro, 1 a. ind. secure) a pledge, pawn, vrj^os, -ov, b, i'i, (fr. same, and
mid. of EvrAAo/uat. surely, earnest. ^os a sound) sounding, resound-
Ej/f'%0), f. EVffw, same, and r^
(fr. ing, sonorous loud, shrill. ;
a button, buckle, clasp. to hold) to impend, hang over 'Ei/0', for fvOe, Dor. for t'XBf, 2 a.
Hcnttia,no\\ Venice.
Evt-ria, -as,'/, Jiead, urge, press; to resent, impr. act. of tayopai.
'Evtrbs, -ov, b, f], a Venetian, Ve- quarrel, take ill,
have a spite ,vO', also for
n fit an, Venetian blue. against, bear ill v'ill to ; to keep <vQa, (fr. tv in) here, there, tliem,
-, impf. act. of in mind, remember; to engage, where. 'Ev6a xal tvda, here and
Evervy^avov, -ES,

occupy, employ. Evt^o^iat, to be there,on both sides.

Krt5A((a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of held, bound, obliged ; to be con- vddSt and Att. Evdaol, (fr.
EvruA/rrco. fined; to submit, be subject or and <5
towards) here, hither.
Evi'ru^oi/, -ES, -E, 2 a. ind. act. of liable to. EvOaKtv, (fr. same, and Ktv -soev-
du- er) then, then truly.
Svaopos, -^f/tertain, doubtful,
EI/E--W, Dor. for i<v<5<v, ores, bious, unresolved, undetermined, ,vddKT)crts, -ios, 17, (fr. tv in, and
inf. acu v,f;;J w . in suspense. Sa/cf'w to sit) a resting place.
Ev&syv&D, f. -w, (fr. tv in, and , f.
^to, (fr. tv in, and
tens, and tvooKijitw to celebrate) fyvyvvdo to harness)
to yoke, har- 9-aArw to cherish)
to ,o-ei
^reai credit, gain reputa- ness, couple, join, tie together. feed, maintain ; to love, caress ;
or viz. to
tion, becomefamous, be celebrated. Ev>i "Evri, -ys, f), fyupa, espouse, favour.
of 'Evas old) the last day 'EvOa-Ktp, ivOa there, and
(fern, (fr. wp
sleep) to sleep at or in, to lodge. of the month, the new moon, a though) where, when; there,
Evtv\oyfu> -o5, f.
->7<7to, p. Ei'uAdy?7- month ; the end of, 01 late part then indeed.
Ka, (fr. tv intens. and tvXoytw of the day, evening ; or of life, EvOavTa, Ion. for Evraiifla.
bless) to bless in or by, bring old age. Ev6d~rii), f. -i^w (fr. tv in, and
a blessing upon, cause happiness , -wi', r, (fr. same, and ^dnro) to conceal) to iwry, mier.
to, make prosperous. 1 . f. pass. 3 'a
school) halls or aca- 2 a. par. pass. tvTatptis.
pi. vtv\oytj9iiffovrai.
demies for liberal exercises ; rc- EvOc, (fr. tv in,
and SE from)
'Ei'ju<ra, -a's, -s, 3 pi. 'Evevaav, 1
so/ts of pleasure or amusement.'
a. ind. act. of vta to act. of tvt- j/0'o>, (fr. fvOtos divine) to di-
swim, or Zv>j5ptvov, -ES, -E, impf.
vtvw to nod. vine, foretell, prophesy, be in-
Evtv<ppaivo/iai,(fr. tv in, and tv<ppai- Evrjtia, -as, ff, (fr. tvrjfis kind) spired.
vofiai to exhilarate) to rejoice in, ness, benignity, courtesy, good- EvQtpa, -arcs, TO, (fr. tvriOrjfJii to
take delight
in, enjoy. ness, bounty ; gentleness, meek- put on or in) a graft, don ; a col-
Evctidvura, -as, -t, 3 pi. -vtaav, act. ness, mildness, clemency. lar, garland, wreath.

Ev(j>avia9riv, -rjs, -T], 3 pl.'Evs- >r}tv, Poet, for tvr/v, impf. of tvti- EvQiptv, Ion. Ei/ef>vat,Dor. for
^aviaOrjcrav, pass. I a. ind. of E//- jut,
to be in. tvQtlvai, 2 a. inf. act.
Evrjios, g. sin. of vos, par. 2 a. mid.
ovnr)v, -tov -ov, -ttTO , -fos -o5s, 6, >}, (fr. tv intens. v0j/, Ev0/K5, (fr. tV0a here)
-Eiro, impf. pass, of ^0opa>. and Eiis good) kind, benign, Aence ; thence ; whence ; on this

Ev0paa, -as, -E, 3 pi. Evf<t>pa!;av, courteous, bountiful ; calm, meek, side, on that side; after, after that.
1 a. ind. act. of
/j0pa<ro-w. mild, gentle, placid, 'Evdto, Ion. for tvi&tao or tvtOov, 2
Evtyvv, -v$, -v, 2 a. ind. act. of 'rjdtjvai, inf. of Ev/i6nv, -rjs, -rj, 1 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. Or for iv
Or t/JKftVd).
a. ind. pass, of v?/a. 6tao, 2 a. impr. mid. of evTiOrjui.
^, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act. of EvQtos, -ou, 6,^, (fr. tv in, and^foj
same. a divinity) divine, holy, heaven
2v^', by Apos. and a following Ei/^Aara, -uv, ra, tvt\avvu to (fr. ly ; inspired; presaging, fore
aspirate, for 'ivtua. drive in) the sides of a ladder. telling.

vE^aparrov, -ES, -E, impf. act. ai, (fr. tv on, and rj^ai to sit) Evdts, 2 a. impr. act. ofevTidrjui.
to sit or rest upon ; to Jix, settle Ev0(TJS, -tos, Att.'-Ews, f], (fr. tvri
Ev^apdrrw or-ffaw.
>vt%a, -as, -E, 1 a. ind. act. of or fasten upon. par. pres. pass. Brj^L to put on) a putting or lay
tvr'iu.tvos. ing on, imposition ; a bit, mouth-
Evf^tv,pres. inf. act. 'rinufvos, -r], -ov, par. per. pass. ful.
2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. pass, of of El'ttTTTW. EvOtros, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. same) laid

EVf^O). Evrjv, -rjs, -fj or -rjv, impf. oftvtiui, on, put in, engrafted; added,
EV^(DOV -OVV, -J -ij,
-t, to be in. additional.

impf. act. Ev%/p?<ra, 1 a. , -as, -t, per. ind. mid. of Ef0iiri', Ion.
ind. act. of I/, (fr. evTlOnpi
to put /QfiKri, -rjs,
inf. pass, of n]vo\a, -as, -t, Att. for tvo%a a deposite, pledge.
Ev^<r0a, pres. EV^CO. in)
EvE^Eilaro, for tvEYtvcaTb, 3 sin. 1 per. ind. mid. of0f'po>. vOrjs, 'Evdoi, &c. Dor. for i\8r)s t

a. ind. mid. of Evjypa, -as? -, act. Evripd^v 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. i\Qoi, 3 sin.
fern. -0j'o-??j, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. ofefo/pw 2 a. opt. act.
Ev^0tj, -Eto-a, -Iv, g.
a. fern. 3 sin. cont. impf. pass. EvOopiu -5, (fr. tv on, a
-0t(rav,par. JS,vej($Elrjv, Ev?7pyTro,
- or -tv, 1 a. to ^prmg) to leap upon.
opt. Ev^0rjvai,inf. Evf^0?- Ev)5py7<Ta, -as,
ind. act. of EVE/C Ion. for tvtBopov, 2 a.
ri, impr. Ev^0w, sub. of 'Evdopoi>,
1 a. ind. mid. ind. act. of last.
nvtyOriv, ind.l a. pass. ofv/y*;cd, ,,

obs. see fw. of ,

Ion. for tvlBov, 2 sin. 2 a.

witJi a breastplate or coat of mail, or tviirrw. pres. inf. svia-
ind. mid. Or it is 2 a. impr.
in armour, mailed. Ki.1v. 2 a. ind. ivicirov, -j, -.
mid. afcrr{0ift(<
Evt, (for IvtvTt, 3 sin. or ivtiai, 3 iaatfttv, Ion. for tviaotiv, pres.
*Ev0ouf, cont. for IvQeog. of
pi. pres. ind., of ivtim,
to be in. inf. act.
Ev0<H)<Ttdu or -du -w, -affu, p.
to Or for tarl or tial, 3 pL of EI/U, fforu, (fr. mVrw to chide) to ter-
-a*a, (fr. evfleof -OTS, inspired)
to be. there is. rify, frighten ; to chide, rebuke,
6c actuated by a divine impulse, )
to be in- Poet, for tv. blame ; to revile,
or fy tfie belief
it, of EM, abuse,

spired or think so ; to rave, rant. Evl, d. of &. affront.

eviavrbs a year) an- vjordvTflu, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of
Eviavata, (fr.
I3181 a f. evoTjJffw, p.
ms, -to?, Att. -Lf, fi, (& nually. i,
dii-ine impulse or *Ae imagination navffiafos, -a, -iv, (fr. same) of (fr. EV on, and to-nj/u to place) to
one year's age, growth, &c. standby, be present, near at hand;
of it, religiousfrenzy, fanaticism ;
to urge, press, persist, persevere ;
elevation offancy, enthusiasm. Evtavaios, -ov, b,fj, (fr. same) year-
an ly, annual, done every year,
anni- to hang over, impend, threaten,
Ev0ot><na<rr7?$, -o5, 6, (fr. same)
to establish, institute, par. per
enthusiast, fanatic. versary.
act. tvt<rTT)Kus, by Cras. EVECTUJ,
Ev0ov<ria(7Tjcdj, ->;, -bv, (fr. same) EvtavTifa, (fr. same) to spend the
2 a. ind. act. tviarnv.
inspired possessed, fanatic ;
; year, pass a year. -wcra, -<5j.
1 mid.
raving ; enthusiastic, Eviavrbs, -ov, b, ;, (fr. ti'l Poet, for
a warm temper or heated ima- tv in, and avrbs same) a year.
gination. Evia%ri, Evia%ov, (fr. ivios some)
enthu- somewhere, anywhere. Xvpiffnai, (fr. ev on,
and i^^vpbs
Eyudovffiao-Tiicws, (fr. last)
siastically, fanatically, franticly. Ev'iotlv,
inf. Evi<5wv, par. 2 a. strong) to urg-e, press, lean hard
see EV- act. of tvticu. upon; to persist, persevere; to
s, -tos -ov$, b, /;,
trust to.
Evtcpvs, -vo?, h perhaps rather rest, rely, depend upon,
a. inf. mid. of tv- EV and as, -t or -EV, a. ind.
TLv9p(iL>a<rQai IwSpis, (fr. in,
water) an
act. act.
otter. Evto^uwv, par. pres.
-T(rw, (fr. tv on, and Evttv, 3 sin. of 'Eviov, -j, -, 2 a. of
a seat) to enthrone, place of evtipi,
to go in. ff'xvd), f. -uo-w, p. cvtffXVKa, (fr.
tv intens. and la^vs strength) to
on a throne, invest. "EvOpovt^o- Evuvai, pres. inf. act.
ftai, to mount a throne, reign. 1 pi. pres. impr. act. of ivir\p.i. strengthen, corroborate, confirm,
a. ind. pass.
SVIEOV -OUV, -f, - -?
~tl, impf. '
act. of tviripi, as if from tvi EV intens. and /c-^u to
vflpi'irru), -^u, (fr. iv intens. .vt'o-xw, (fr.

ahdc-pi'-ru) to break) diminish, to

Evyu, f. -fo-w, p. -tiKa, (fr. tv in, hold) to check, stop, stay, hin-
and to send) to send, throw der ; withstand. Ev'ia-
to resist,
lessen, abate, impair ; to rub, if/pi
war, grind, grate. 1 a. ind. act. or pu* in; to insert, thrust in, adhere to.
to cling, It is
put among; to pour in, infuse used by the Ionics in the senses
vfiat, f.
-t'/ffOfjiai, p. rv- mix, dilute ; to cause, incite, of KariYut, which see.
i, (fr. v in, and -Stj^d urge. impf. EVO?V, and EVJ'EOV -ow, "EVH//EV, 3 sin. act. EVU^O/JJJV,
the mind) to fceep i/i mzn^, </iirz as if fr. Evtfu). 2 a. ind. act. mjv. w,-aro,mid. 1 a. ind. ofvi-ra.
upon, ponder, meditate, reflect EvZxa, C sin. Erliciav, 3 pi. cont. Ewdtrss, and Poet. EivdtTts, (fr.
1 a.
pass. ind. tvtOvpiiQnv sub impf. act. of viicdo). Evvla nine, and ITOS a year) for
3 pi. tvdvijiijduffi' inf. EviKdr9to, Poet. for. ty> nine years ; every ninth year.
par. evdvprjOcls, g or tyKardQov, 2 a. impr. mid. o -ov, &, $, (fr. same) o/
nine years, continuing nine
-arosi rb, (fr. last) a iiKTjasv, 3 sin. Evuci/rav, 3 pi years.
thought, conception, imagina- of vtvdw. 1 a. ind. act.
Evvatrfis, -ios -ovs, b, ;, (fr. same)
tion; a device, invention, con- Ev!>cXdw (fr. tvi Poet, for tv in, and of or for nine years, nine years
trivance ; a logical argument K\d(a to break) to break in pieces. old, long, &c.
called enthymeme. break down, quell; to cross, Ewaipttv, Poet, for tvaiptiv, pres.
thwart, oppose. inf. act. of
same) thinking, thought, reflec- 'EviKpos, -ov, b, }/, (fr. EV in, an< Ewatut, (fr. EV in, and va'ua to
tion, meditation. ncpas moisture) moist, wet, damp dwell) to live in, inhabit.
EvOvurjTtos, -a, -ov, (fr. same) ti juicy. EvvaKoaiacrbs, -tj, -bv, (fr. next) tiie
be thought of, is to be considered EviKvtopat -ovfiai, f. -iop.ai, (fr. tv nine hundredth.
&c. according to the verb. in, and tKvfo/ioi to come) to en :, -at, -a, (fr.
tyvia nine,
Evdvpia, -as, f/, and Ei'Ovpiov, -ov ter, come in; to pierce, pene- and -Komoi the termination of
rd, (fr. next) thought, remem trate, insinuate. hundreds)
il'ection ; subtilty ; ani -r,, -bv, (fr. one) sole Evvof, -atos, f], (fr. twta. nine) the
mosity, grudge ; anxiety. single, singular. number nine ; a *et or company
Ev9v(nio$, -ov, b, >/, (fr. EV in, an( 'EVIKUS, (fr. same) singly, several- of nine ; the ninth day.
$vnbs the mind) thought upon ly, one by one. EvvaraToj, -a, -ov, (fr. next) every
considered, minded, remember'
'Evtot, -ai, -a, (perhaps fr. tv ninth day, on the ninth day.
for ; dear, desired. 01 who) some. j, -77, -ov, (fr. next)
'EvQvpos, -ov, b, f], (fr. same) at' Ei'torr, (fr. last, and art when] ::idecl. ni?J.
tenlive, r:ady, quick, prompt sometimes, now and then.
Ewtdpotos , -ov, b, tj, (fr. Evi'ta nine,
quick-witied ; spirited, lively, an' i, -as, a, Dor.and fiovs an ox) of nine cows ;
mated. -?K, fi, (fr. to up- worth nine cows or nine pieces of
Ev9vu6<a -u>, (fr. same) to provoke braid) blame, rebuke, chiding. money, each worth or stamped
excite to anger. Evirp-70w, Poet. with a cow.
ErOvctd?d}, f. -a<7w, p. tvrtdvalaKa -^ w, (fr. ev against, and
inrtecl. (fr. game, and
fr. EV intens. and tVw to speak) to say, tell, de-\
SWta^u, whicl clica ten) nineteen,
see. dare; to chide, rebuke, blame, ~E.vvtaKaiciKatT7jpis, -"fos, f), (fr.
'Ev0u;, Evfluv, &c. Dor. for S 'f. per. ind. mid. tjvtna last, and tro; a year) ?
sub. A0d)v, par. 2 a. act. of and Poet, j/vi'rara. tonic cycle of nineteen yews,
E'.'iTV 'TTW, Poet, for Ero-ttyrrru. i'-txaros, -7j, ~ov, (fr. tvvta
EvduftdKios, -ov, b, '?, (fr. EV in, -T.'OJ, (fr. i' intens. nine, *<:" and, and <5f/cai-oj tenth)
and Z'.'ji^ a asl ':;;) armci
:&v) s-imc as
: .

u, 6, /;, (fr. samc^'E^voj or *Evvo$, -?;, -ov, see fvoj. and 0//tAla> to converse with) to
and (cXivw to recline) a chamber Evvoo-f/tfv, Poet, and Ion. for wo- keep company or be inornate
furnished with nine couches ; a. inf. act. oft with, converse, haunt, frequent.
table for nine couches or seats. Evvoffiyaiog, -ov, tvow to 1 a. ind. act. -
b, (fr. tvo^iXrjaa, -a?>
vvtaKpovvog, -ou, 6, (fr. same, and move, and yala the earth) earth- 'Evov, -OVTO?, TO, (neut. of wv par.
Kpovvb$ a spring) the public foun- shaking, earth-quaking, an epi- pres. of tju to be) that which is
tain at Athens, flowing through thet ofN'eptune. in or contained : what th<r<: is
nine pipes ; pijje-water, spring- Evvoat<5u?, -a, 6, Poet, and Dor. power over, own, belonging; what,
water. (fr. same, and ca, Dor. for yv\ is
allowable, permitted, lawful,
and Poet. civavv%es. the earth) same as last. right.
(fr. same, and vu a night) of EVVOO-O-EUW, f. -EUQ-W, p. tvvtv6actv- Ei'coScvn , for tvoovv, 3 pi. cont. 1

(fr. iv in, and vocnrfuw

or ybr nine nights, nine nights to impf. act. of j'of'w.
long. nestle, th. viocaos a young bird) Ei'o-i), -i/?, fi, (fr. tvi-w to say)
to build a breed. noise, clamour, confused sound.
Evvtdartyos, -ou, 6, >/, (fr. same, nest, hatch,
and aTfyrj a floor) q/' or with ,
E7Tuw or "Ew, f. /trw, p Also Enope, a woman's name.
nine floors, lofts or stories. t'lKa, to put
on, clothe, dress, ]Ei'o-At(w, f. -"o-w, fr. v in, and

, -<w,, 6,, >;,, (fr. same, cover, wrap; to sit; to seat, set,\ o-At'w, which see.
h avng nne lay, place, set up, erect. 1 a. lEvo-Ato?, and 'Evo:;Aoj, -ou, o, ?%

pairs of lips, with nine mouths or ind. act, tiati, in 3 p!. tiaav. 1 a. (fr. same, and 6'rAov arms) arm- |

voices. mid. ind. clffa^v, -w, -aro- par. ed, in arms, Subs. armed
Evvd%l\oi, -at, -a, (fr. sam^, and iff/^vo?. per. pass, tlpai. pper. man, soldier.
^t'Atot a thousand) nine thou- pass Evo-XicOti, -j)?, -fj, 1 pi. EvoirXur-
sand. -ucro, -iiT. , impf. pass,
or 1 a. sub.
pass. ofn'OTrAt'^w.

Evrev/iKovra, (fr. tvvia nine, and mid. of vvu/(t. \Evopdijj -u>,

-<7U, p. tvupaKa, (fr.
-Kovra a decimal termina\ on) vvv%ov, and Evvu^tov, (fr. next.) tv on, and bpdw to look) to look
ninety. by night, in the night; in dark or have a look; to look upon,

Evvv?7/covrdT77?, -ou, 6, ^, (fr. li

st, night. ; to observe, at- inspect, examine
and tros a year) ninety ye >rs consider, pres. inf. act. tend to,
old. 6. {}, (fr. tv in, and vr% the tvopdttv -ar.
Evvo?, -a, -ov, (fr. ev in, and ai w nocturnal, nightly, by night. EvopKtov, -ou, TO, (fr. same, and
to cry) confounded, astonishti,
Evvu^wrjpov, (comp. of last) fa HoKiov an oath) an oath; a com-
Astounded, stupified, struck dum b,
advanced in the night, towards pact, solemn engagement.
speechless. morning, early. Ev<5pA.-<oj, Poet, for 'Evopxos, -ou, b,
'E i<!'~, Poet, and Ion. for ivtnrt, 'Evj'uu, see tvvvftt. (fr. v in, and opxos an
3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. Evvf7i-7, Evvuw, -o'o? -ovsi Poet. >'i, sworn, attested, asserted or prov-
Poet, for f.vffrT, 2 pi. pres. ind. Evvwo-a?, Ion. for tvvorjffas, par. 1 ed by an oath ; bound by an
act. of tvtKU). a. act. of vvof(>). oath ; sanctioned, authorize^.
EvvfTTotcra. Dor.
vf7rou<r, fem. Evouios, -ou, 6, /, (fr. v in, and b?b$
for , -a> 6, Dor. for

par. pres. act. of same. a road) by the road's side, dwell- , -oj, 'Eropyof, -ou, anrt
Evvf'o-ia, -?, >;, for VfVt, d. pi. ing near the road ; on the road, 'Evop%ts, -ioc, b, (fr.
tv in, and
Ion. M'C7('?/cr(. i
by the way, coming, meeting. (5p^<? a testicle) having testicles,
act. of not
Evvtvu, f.
-t'o-(o, p. tvvfvcvKa, (fr. \Ev6rjaa, -a?, -, 1 a. ind. castrated, male. g. pi. vop-
v to, and i/n'w to nod) to nod to VOfdj. Xfwv -&v.
or at, beckon, sign to, signify, in- Ivoflw, fr. v intens. and 6610, Ev6p%<j)$, (fr. tvdpKtos sworn) by
timate. which see. or with an oath.

Evviwpos, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. vv/a nine, IvotKciob) -w, (fr. same, and otKttou Evtipw, f.
-wpw, and^Eol. -dpcu, p.
and lapa time) of nine years, to familiarize) to make familiar, -d)j)Kn, (fr. same, and (5pw to
nine years old, long, &c. familiarize, habituate; to instil, rouse) to raise, excite, stir up,
'Evv?? or "Evv>7, see tvn. insinuate, impress, inculcate. animate. Evopoftai, to be excited,
Evvrjfjiap, (fr.
vvf'a nine, and ijftap pres. inf. act. fvo<Kfo(!' -ouv. 1 arise; to rush on, attack. 1 a.
a day) for nine days. a. inf. act. tvoiKuwcrat. ind. act.
tvupaa. pper. pass.
'Evvntytv, (fr. fvvrf late, by Poet. '.votKttTw, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr.
Parag. ) the day after to-morrow. act. of , g. of rTj. .

Evvolb) -w, f.
->;aw, p.
vvtv6nKa, '.voiKfd) -w, p. EVbtKijKa, (fr.
f. -?/<n*), j
and "Evo?, also 'Evroe, and
v in, and
the mind) to voiif tv in, and oiKfu> to dwell) to ix--ov, b, a year. i'i'oj,
think upon, revolve, reflect, con- .

habit, live dwell in, 'Ercj, and "Ei'o?, -/;, -ov, (fr. last)
in or at,
sider ; to
perceive, observe, re- lodge, par. pres. CVOIKIWV annual, yearly, every year; a
mark; to recollect..
-wv, -found -ovca, -(ov -uvr. 1 a. year past, old, out of date ; pass-
Evvorjua, -UTOS,last) a rb, (fr. ind. act. tvwKtjaa. ing, changing, transient. 'Evrj
thought, purpose, design, inten- '.voiictjffis, -to?, Att. -wj, fi, (fr. Kai vf'a, viz.
the last day
tion; a notion, idea, conception. last) aninhabiting, living in, of the lunar month, when the
Evvonna, Poet, for voVa, 1 a. ind. dwelling at, residence. old and new month were blend-
act. of voiw. f. -"ffa-, v in, and ed together.
\VOIKI^W, (fr.
'Evvoia, -a?, /, (fr. twold) to con- ooct'Cw to build) to settle, place, vofftov -ouv, -? -a?, - -t, impf.
sider) thought, thinking, mus- fix in a residence; to domesti- act. of votrfui.

ing, flection, consideration ; a cate; to take

e i
in, receive, enter- 'Evoo-i?, -to;, Att. -EM?, f), (fr. tvow
thought, sentiment. tain. 1 a. act . ind. tv&Kiaa' imr. or v6B(n) to
move) motion, mov-
'Evvopa, (fr. tVOtKlffOV.
next) legally, lawful- ing, movement; a quivering,
ly, legitimately. "EvotKo?, -ou, b, fi, (fr. same, and shaking.
'Ei/vo^oj, -ou, o, ft, (fr. v in, and otKo? a house) a native, inhabit- Evoo-t'0uXAoj, -ou, 6, i;, (fr. i'<5w to
vtpos law) lawful, legal, legiti- ant ; an inmate, domestic ; a move, and 0i>XXot> a leaf) leaf-
mate; obedient, amenable, sub- lodger, sojourner. shaking, leafy, shady.
missive. Evdpifyv, -?, -, act. Evoo-t%0wv, -oVo?, b, (fr. same, and
"Evvoo? -ou?, -dou -ov, b, >/, (fr. [irjv, -ou, -TO,
3 pi. -OVTO, in>pf. ^0wv the land) earth-shaking,
same, and vou? the mind) intel- pass. Evd^tffav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. earth-quaking. An epithet of
ligent, knowing, sagacious ; wise, act. of vot Neptune.
discreet, prudent, sensible. EvoutXf'w -w,f. -i/o-w, (fr. tv <imon0,\Evoo(t)iff()r)aav,
3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass.
- 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of lengthening a straining, exer-
; .-.
(perhaps fr.
Ev<w</>(Varo, tviey-yus, -ov, b, f],

tion; eagerness, vehemency, con- ivTEa furniture, and Eioyu to con-

Evdr>7j, -Xros, ,';, (fr. fvbs g.

of els tention. tain) used to harness, laborious,
-bv,(fr. same) strain-
sin. ivornra.
servile. An epithet of mules.
one) unilj/. a.
in,"-, stretching, exerting, produc-\EvrEoiovoyos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same,
Evo^Afu; -w, f. -.-/(ru>, P' n'w,x;A?A:a,
iv in, and d^Aoj a crowd) to ing. aadipyov work) a manufacturer i

con- Evrards,-fi, -bv, (fr. same) strain-\ of arms or armour, a maker of

disturb, disorder, confuse,
found to embroil, trouble, be
; ed, stretched ; exerted. weapons, an armourer. I

"troublesome. Evrauda, and EvravQoi, (fr. ivQa\Evrira\nai, -crai, -rat, per. ind.
3 pi. pr
act. Evo^Af'ovfft 3 sin. here) here, hither ; there,
-overt. thither ; pass, of evr(\\0fiai.
cont. pres. sub. act. woxX?;. then. EvTTauai,-cai,-7at, ind. Evrrra-
to EIS, -?<ra, -iv, par.
2 a. pass, ftfvos, par. per. pass,
of evrctvw.
'Ei'o^os, -ow, o, #, (fr. ci'f^ofiai
be bound) bound, obliged, en- of vdd-Tu. Evrra[ifv(i)$, (fr. fvrcra/^fvof in
!; obnoxious, liable;
sub- Evra<pid<j>, f. -affw, p. Evrra6laKa, last) attentively, diligently, ear-
or punishment, (fr. EV in,
and ratifi a funeral) nestly, vehemently, violently.
to perform the funeral ceremony Evrru\iynivos, -T), -ov, par. per.
I'll, guilty.

EiJu) -u>, to mote, shake, quiver or rites, embalm, bury, inter. 1

pass, of Evrv\iffadi.
tremble to brandish. a. inf. act. Ev-a^idcai. per. pass. Y.vTt-v-(j)jji(vos, -17, -ov, par. per.
pass, of vrv-6<i).
EnJw -w, f. -iSo-w, p. r]Vit>Ka, (fr. fVdj,
to unite, rno&e or EvraQtaoubs, -ov, 6, (fr. same) em- r. ind. act. of
g. of a? one) cvrvy-
become one, join together. balming, funeral, burial.
EV<T/W, f. -dc'i), p. EVffforiKa, (fr. EV ; -ov, b, (fr. same) an EvrP0v , (fir.
here, and -6sv
and c-a'w to to shake
shake) embalmer. from) iifnce, from hence; when
at or upon ; to strike into, at or Evrd&iov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a repefted, on this side and that,
to worry , harass. dress for the dead, winding-sheet, on each side.
upon ;
-avis, (fr.
shroud ; funeral,obsequies,burial. 'EVTEV^IS, -10$, Att. -<j)S, TJ, (fr. V-
v intens.
and ffrifiaivd)
to mark out) to ex- Evrd<f>tos, -ov, b, //, (fr. same) se- Tuyxdvu to approach) an inter-
signify, intimate, advertise, pulchral, funereal, mourning, ruption, interference ; access,
warn ; to declare, publish, make mournful. approach, address; intercession,

known; to imprint, mark, impress. 'EiT ,

for prayer, pi. cont. EVTEV^EIS.
-w, (fr. same, and <nro? -/;, -luv -uv, ra, arms,
wea- js, ~ov, b, f), (fr. EV in, and
to 'tertun, pons ; armour ; vessels ; imple-
ri%vri art) ingenious, skilful,
treat : 'c with n bait. ments, utensils ; furniture. pert ; well-finished, well-done,
on, and TS,vTi\dp.vos, -ov, par. 1 a. workmanlike.
--u>, f. -i//u, (fr. fi' -rj,

enc^rrw to dart forth) to fall, mid. Evr\~irat, 3 sin. 2 f. EvrtjKw, f. -w, (fr. EV infens. and
dart, rush upon, strike ; to se! ind. mid. of cvr&Ao/uu. rrjKd) to melt) to melt away,
or send upon, visit, inflict. EvTEtVti), f. -VUJ, p. EVTETUKa, (fr. EV dissolve ; to pour in by drops,
and intens. and Ttivu to stretch) to instil, distil ; to impress, im-
~Evffico\vonat, Eio-KoAteuoftaj,
(fr. EV in, andCK&\OV a pitfall) bend, stretch, strain ; to inflict, I

catch, entrap
with a noose. scourge, flog. Evrl, Dor. for EOTI, 3 sin. or EIO\,
and Evri^tos,-ov,b,fi, 3 pi. pres. of tipi, to be.
EVCTW^W, (fr. same, and crdco to ,

(fr. fin, andr('^ojawa

drop) to drop upon, fall by drops, EvriOrifii, -I'jffw, p. (vridfiKa, (fr.
EV in, and ridrjftt to put) to put.
put in by little, instil. ed, inclosed, confined, castellated, I

'Evorac-tj, -10?, Att. -cms, fi, (fr. moated; within walls, shut up. lay or place in, set upon ; to add,
to persist) a beginning. lvTE\f^Eia, -as, >}, (fr. EV in, rAoj annex, join to ; to insert, inter-
commencement, setting out; an an end, and c'^w to have) per- mix ; to hide, lay up, store,
exordium, preface, proem, pre- fection, completion, fulness, com- hoard ; to conceive, imagine,
amble; a statement, exposition; pleteness ; action, execution, exer- suppose. 2 a. ind. mid. EvEdfprjv,
a statute, order, decree, sentence ; tion, diligence, assiduity. -tco or -ov, -Era' impr. ivQtao or
f v6ov, Ion. ( v0o.
earnestness, urgency, importuni- lvr\%fi;, -foj -ous, b, fi, (fr. same)
ty ; an obstacle, impediment. perfect, complete, finished ; ac- Ivripos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and
->>, -OD, 6, (fr. same) an ad- tive, assiduous, diligent. honour) precious, valuable,

versary, opponent, rival. lv-\tisj -fos -ovs, b, f], (fr. EV in, dear, estimable ; honoured, es-
Ev<7TaD?, -Jj, -ov, (fr. same) ur- andrlAojthe end) complete, per- teemed. Comp. EvrtfjiorEOos, sup.
gent, firnest, pressing, importu- consummate.
fect, finished,
nate, eager, cogent. [.VT(\\ouai, f. mid. vrAoD/<a, p. (fr. last)
in honour or es-

ErcTfAAw, f.
-fAoi,p. EvfffraXica, (fr. pass. vrfra\fiai, (fr. EV intens. timation ; honourably, creditably,
EV intens. and orfAAw to equip) and TfAAw to order) to com worthily.
to dress, clothe, furnish, provide. order, charge, enjoin; to Eir/^crcrij, (fr. EV intens. and rprjcr-
E'.Trof'^opat, f. -^opai, (fr. tv in, give in charge, commit to the, to cut) same as
and crptyu to turn) to be invert- care of, intrust. 1 a. ind. mid. "Evro, 3 pi. of 'i^irrv, 2 a. ind. mid.
td, turned inside out ; to change, i'TtAa/i7V, -<j, -aro. per. mid.
be altered. Evriro\a. EvroA^, -jjs, fi, (fr. vr'AAo//a( to
EvffX'Py, fr' > intens - a d Evr\ovfiat, -rj, -Eirai, 1 or 2 f. mid. command) a command, order, in-
which see. oflast. junction ; a commission, charge.
EvTa<tf?, par. 2 a. pass, of r>;/cu>. Evrtfjivu, (fr. EV intens. and "Evrofia, -cov, ra, (neut. pi. offvro-
EvraA0j, -tffa, -fv, 1 a.
par. pass. to cut) to cut through, cut q_ ftos cut)
the first cuts, incisions,
of nr/AAo). EvrEvfiSi -(os -ovs, b, >'i, (fr. EVTE'IVU made on opening a victim sa-
'EvraA/ii, -aroj, T^, (fr. cvrAAa) to stretch) stretched, strained; ex- ; a treaty
crificed when sacrifi-
to command) a commandment, erted; attentive,intent, fixed upon. ces were generally made ; on
precept, rule, ordinance, pi. EV- , (fr. same) to strain the offering, victim ; insects, animal-
rdA/iara. sight, fix the eyes upon, examine, cules.

Evravvw, (fr.
v intens. and ravu'w,
Evropr), consider. v in, and rlpi'ia -rjs, fi, (fr.
same as rtivw to stretch) see EV- "EvTioov,-ov, rd, (neut. oflvrEoos a to cut) a cut, incision ; an open-
TltVb). comp. of EVTOS within) an intes- ing, deft ; a pass, defile, strait.
EvTao-ts, -to?, Att. -ECO?, ^, (fr. v- tine, gut, the inwards, bowels. Evro/jils, -fc. u f, /, (fr. same) an in
TB'VW to stretch) a stretching out, 'EvT<n, d. pi. Of EVTEd. cision, cut, opening.
'KvTo/jios, -ov, v, ii, (fr. same) stray ; to strike, smite, inflict ; to
Evj3^co, f. -^ W , p. ci/tfjSpira, Cfr.
cut open ; cut out, castrated. dash against, break down.

tv intens. and an
d/3pjs affront)
'Evrovos, -iv, b, '), (fr. tvrtivu to 'EvrptTos, -rt, -ov, (fr. zv intens. to behave insolently, treat con-
strain) stretched, strained; in- and rpiTos third) triple, threefold. te,npiuously t offend, affront, in-
tense, attentive; active, eager, 'Evrp?rof,-ou, 6, (fr. same) a third sult, outrage. 1 a. act. ind. tvi,-
hasty, violent. person ; an umpire, mediator ; a Wj3pfffas. jSptcra' par.
v in, and solicitor, agent ; a pimp, procurer. Evvppiafta, -aroj, i%, (fr. last) an
EVTOTTIOS, -ov, v, 11, (fr.
rdrrof a place) an inhabitant, na- , -ov, b, f], (fr. EV intens. insult, affront, outrage ; a taun{
tive. and rpf^uw to tremble) trembling, sarcasm-; mockery, team, deri-
T,VTopvvu, and -psuw, f. -tuo-w, (fr. quaking ; terrified, frightened. sion.
same, and ropvwu or -pt5w aXi^w, (fr. same, and rpoira- Evvypn6T)pVTris, -ov, b, (fir. tv in,

carve, th. rdpvos a lathe)

to XtTw or rpOTraXfw, same as rpiir (fit>p water,
and Sripevrtis a hun-
carve, engrave; to round, turn to turn) to turn about while ter, th. Sty a wild beast) a fisher-
in a lathe or on a wheel. walking, turn and look back, man, an angler.
EVTVS, (fr. tv in) within, inside, in- look behind.
'Ewypos, -ov, b, r/, (fr. v in, and
ward. EvTpoirti, -TJS, f), (fr. vrpf7rwtoturn i5(5wp water) watery, wet ; moist,
'Evroa-de and "Evrotrdi, (fr. last) in
upon) shame, sorrow re upon damp.
within, from ficction ; respect ; compliance, EvvSpiosSind'Ew8pos,-ov,b,fi, (fr.
Evroairdriv, -rjs, -rj, 2 a. opt. pass. submission. same) aquatic ; watery, wet,
of EVTpS 7TCO. 'Evrpo^oj, -ou, 6, fj, (fr. wrpifyd) to marshy, swampy ;' watered.
Evrp,'<TXof, -v, -ov, (fr. tv against, rear) nourished, fed, supported ; EJ/UOIJ, -rjos, b, Enyeus, a man's
and rpaTrfXos changeable) to be reared, bred or brought up along name.
shunned or avoided^ objection- with ; inured, accustomed to. Evvn(f>OK6[ir]aa, -as, -e, 1 a. in;l.

able, despicable ; illiberal, mean, Evrpvddw -w, f. ->'/a<a, p. VTrpv<f>T]- act. ofvvft(j)OKO[if<j).
base, vile, shameful, disgraceful. Ka, (fr. v in, and rpv^/j delicacy) 'Ei'ufi, -as, 1 a.
-, ind. act. cf

2 a. impr. pass. ; Ev- to indulge, live
luaruriously, j'tfcrcro).

in 3 pi. -irr/aovrai, 2 feast, revel ; to behave or treat Evvirvtd^d), f. -a<ro), p. wvirviatca,

pass. Evrpairw, -ys, -jj, 2 a. insolently, mock, affront ; to baf- (fr. a dream) to dream.
sub. pass, of VTp7rw. fie, deceive. Evvzvid^onat, to receive a vision,
act. be in a trance.
'Ei"rp/r, pres. impr. EvrpE- Ei'Tpv<pri/jia, -aro?, T^, (fr. last) a
pi. pres. ind. pass. delicacy ; a delight, pleasure, EwTtviaadi'iaovrai, 3 pi. 1 f. ind.
gratia 'fence, revelry. pass, of last.
act. par. pres. of Evrpv(i>tivrcs, n. pi. coat. par. pros, EvvxviaaTris, -ov, b, (fr. same) a
vrTp(f>a, (fr.
--^/w, p.
act. of dreamer.
EvrpfTrw, j/rpu0aa>.
tvin, and rpiVa) to turn) to turn vTvyjfdvsi,
3 sin. ind. Evrvy- Enj7rvia>, same as evvrrvidty.
or send back, make return; to %dvit>, inf. pres. act. of EVVTTVIOV, -ov, rd, (fr. EV in, and
make one turn in upon himself vrvy%av(i>, f. mid. -sv^o/jiai, p. tv- VTTVOSsleep) a dream, vision.
or reflect ; to shame, fill with TfTv%a, (fr. tv in, and Also adv. in or during sleep.
shame, cause to blush.
EvrpfVo- to
be) to meet with, light 'upon ; Evvcrrat-a, -ag, -t, 3 pi. -%av, 1 a.
uai, return, come back ; to
to to get, obtain, reach, arrive at ; to ind. act. of
change, be altered; to blush, be come in between, interrupt ; to Evva-rpov, -ov, rd, one of the intes-
ashamed or sorry, repent ; to re- confer, converse ; to deal, be con tines, the rectum.
vere,respect, regard, stand in awe. versant with; to apply to, ad- Evvfyaivw, (fr. vin, and vQaivw to
2 a. ind. act. i/frparrov. impf. dress, entreat ; to interfere, inter- weave) to weave in, embroider,
pass. vrpir6fir/v. 2 a. pass. ind. cede, mediate. 2 a. ind. act. work.
sub. EvrpaTrw, -rjs, -j). svirvxov. s, -ov, b, f), (fr. last) woven
2f. pass. vrp7r>;ffo//a<. 1 f. mid. "Evrvt, Ion. for f/vrv, 3 sin. impf. in, embroidered, worked; inter-
-TptiLofjiai. per.
ind. mid. EVTI- act. of VTVb>. woven, intwined.
2 a. mid. Vrpa7r<5//?;i'. Ti/Xtrrw, f. -'|w, p. vrtrv\i%a, EvvQaarna, -aro$, TO, (fr. same)
(fr. same,
and rvX/rru to wrap) embroidery ; a piece of embroid-
(fr. tv
and -ptaw to nou-
intens. to wrap
up, fold in, envelop. 1 a. ered work.
nourish in or with, sup-
rish) to ind. act. tvtT\>\i%a. per. ind. Evv%p{j>, Poet, for o-^fpip or^p<Ji.
port, maintain, strengthen, im- pass. tvTTv\Lyjt.ai. E vvi), -60$ -oi>s, 'i, JEnyo or Bellona.
prove ; to rear, bring up, educate ; Ein'vaaOai, 1 a. inf. mid. 'Ev- vuj, to destroy, ruin, deface ; kill,
to implant, ingraft, par. pres.
rvvov, 1 a. impr. act. or Ion. for slay.
pass. vrp<p<tyt!'o?. 2 a. ind. act. j'lVTvvov, impf. act. of vw, by Aphser. for tyivu, same
1 a. mid. ind. as last.
fvfrpairov. tvtdpt- Evrvvw, f. -i5i'<3, (fr. fvraarms)<o
^djji^v' inf.
tvQptyaG&ai, per. equip, arm, harness, provide, fur wKriaf, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of
mid. -Tfrpotya. nish ; to prepare, begin. tVOlKCij).

Evrpr^fia, -as, >% (fr. next) a run- Evrviras, (fr. next)

in the very w/za, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. o.
ning about, activity ; diligence, shape, expressly, closely, entirely, vu>p.du>.
industry, assiduity, care, atten- quite ; stretched or lying on the Evw//orof, -ov, b, r/, (fr. tv in, and
tion. ground. 6fjLvvfii
to swear) sworn, under
EvrpE^fc, -ios -ovs, b, f), (fr. next) \VT\Siros, -ov, b, f], (fr. tv in, and an oath.
versatile, active, busy, diligent, TiJTroj a stamp) impressed, stamp- EVIOTTTJ, (d. of next) openly, plainly,
attentive, careful. ed, marked, resembling. clearly, before the face.
Evru7rdw-w,f. -u><rw, p. tvTtrvtrtaKa, W-KT), -rjs, >/, (fr. EV in, and w^ the
(fr. v in,
and rpr^w
to run) to (fr. same) to
impress, stamp, eye) the presence, front ; aspect,
run into, incur, meet with ; to mark ; to trace, delineate ; to look, appearance ; sight, view.
agree, suit, fit, answer, be form, shape, mould ; to engrave, wTria, -an/,Ta, (fr. last) theinside
adapted; to adhere, stick to. 2 a. carve, cut out. per. ind. pass. wall opposite the door facing the
ind. act. mid. entrance.
widpanov. per.
IvTvu, same as tvrvvu. impf. t'/v- Ei'o>7rj<5('w?, (fr. evannos facing) in
EvrpY/Sw, f.
-\pu), p. EVTETpiQa, (fr. rvov, Ion. ivroov. the face, in front, openly.
same, and rpj/Su to rub) to rub IvCdXto?, -ou, 6, (fr. Evuw Bellona) , (neut. of next) face /

into or upon ; to colour, dye ; to of or like Bellona, martial, war- face, before, at, in presence of.

wear into, rub away, waste, de- 1

like, terrible, furious ; Mars. EJ/WTTIO? , -ov, 6, (fr. tvunrri the pres-
pass. Eayopdc-77,
3 sin. select) taken out from among
ence)./rt>rtt*fi, Jiicin^, opposite,
in presence of. sub. act. of selected, exempt; select, choice,
1 a. ind. act. peculiar ; good.
excellent, very
KvoSpffa, -aj, -t, see e^aioerov.
4' from,
Ei-ipro, 3 sin. of mip/iifv, pper. and'E^ayopo^o^at, (fr. ,

and ayopd^wto buy) to buy from v, loiu^and DOT. far cl-T]

pass, of i'4pw.
1 sin. cont.
Eruf, Hcb. mdect. nos, a man's or out of, redeem, recover. I a. , impf. pass,
act. ind. sub. t%ayo-
name. ^ydpao-a
-w, f. -^trw, p. ^r,or,Ka, (fr.
Evu>ffd/^v, by Cras.
for tvorjirdji-ni ,
i f"
1 :i. ind. act. of vofw.
out of, and aiptw to take) to
a take or draw out, take away, re-
Evwo-i, 3 pres.
of evcipi, to next) a showing, discovery;
confession, declaration, acknow-
move ; to take out, unload, dis-
cttarge ; to carry out, bury to
"Er-juris, -LO;, Att. -(uj, ft, (fr.
ledgment, avowal; publication, ;

a joining or uniting promulgation . select, prefer, choose, pick out;

: union ; concord, Eayopt'u>, f. -vuau, (fr. ^out, and to deliver, rescue ; to take by

'ifnt; a unit. ayopciw to harangue) I'.-

force, plunder, ravage ; to pluck,
Evwrtov. same as ?e; tore- root or tear -up; to overthrow,
-n$, fj,

.u>r<oftat, f.-tVo/iat,andAtt.
-lov- ', declare, abolish, destroy. 2 a. act. ind.
^TAoi' impr. f%t\t. 2 a. mid.

fr. t-y in, and ot>? the ear)

/ the ear ; idyu), -w, p. ?/^a',
f. (fr. same .ii\6urjv sub. t%ftufiai' inf.
and dyw to lead) '(

-bv,(fr. fv6o> to unite) carry or draw out ; to It-ad fort) par. pres. pass. cont.
or abroad; to f.r
*'.ick, adhere or grow '. out , I-, p. t^oiea, (fr. |
to !o die. 2 a. out of, and cip&> to lift) to lift
a and oP? act. ind. tZfiyov inf. out of, take away, carry off ; to
Evunov, -ov, TO, (fr. in, t^ayeiv par.
ornament .Alt. e&yayov, ^ayaytlv, carry forth or out, bury. 2 a.
ind. act. c^oov. 2 f. ind. act.

-at, -dcOu, 2 pi. Ev(ariaacdc :aywyi'?, -/oj. b, (fr. last) a lead- ffapw, 2 p!. ^ap?T. per. pass.
1 a, pass. ind. E'
irapr. mid. of tvurfyuat.
1 a. captain. t%r,opai.
Enoch, ;
f, ft,
lead' (fr. same) a
sub. t%aoQw.

in^ away, withdrawing expor- Efataios, -ov, b, ft, (fr. from,


E5f ,carriage ; education, train- and alca a lot) unjust, unrea-

W^ ^ Xfw. ing ; publication. improbable, untxpect-
intens of next) ful ; unusual, unpre-
'Evw^poj. -ou, 6, ft, (fr. fyutj -wr, ra, (neut.

for exportation, goods, cedented ; "huge, enormous ; vio-

-Xpo?, pale)
of look^ whitish; dim,'faint. merchandise. lent, sudden, raging.
E?, before a vowel for CK, whicl Eayaiyfyos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. tfdyw to fatrf'w -w, f.
-/;<7w, (fr. ^ intens.
see. carry out) carried out, con- and am'w to ask) to demand, re-
exported ; collected, as- quire, exact ; pray, en-
to desire,

pr. act treat ; to call for to punishment.

or Dor. and I<on. for
e^Jjy Sfaywviosand 'E^aywvos, -ow,6,ft, 1 a. ind. mid. c^Trjcdiirrv.
(fr. ? six, and ywnu a corner) j-airrjais, -toy,
Att. -0)?, ft. (fr.

-fVw. 3 pi. -yfVwo-ar,

2 impr. six-cor.icred, having six angles. last)a demand ; an accusation,
. 2 a. inf. act. jj, -ou, 6, fa (fr. ff from, charge ; a demand for inquiry
g. sm. -ydiTOj, 2 and act\ri>os a brother) born of a or examination, or for punish-
a. par. act. Att. for i&yt, &c. brother or sister ; a nephew oror ment ; an apology, plea, de-
t^dyw. niece. fence.
E^dyac"ro?, -of, c, )'/, (fr. E^ intens. -ou, 6, Exadius, a man's !'E
and ayd.j)
to admire) wonderful, name. Dor.
almirable, astonishing strange. '.-lu, (fr. ^ intens. and Efa0v7f, (fr. intens. and ai<j>vr,s, 4
\JJTE, 2 pi.
1 a. sub. acf. of ,-f'w to be weak, th. ivvapat same as d$vw suddenly) on a
oVXo), f.
ffayyfXcD, p. f;/y- to be able) to languish, droop, sudden, suddenly, unexpectedly.
yA<cd, (fr. e forth, and ayy/XXw pine, faint ; to decay, fail. 105, -ov, b, r,, (fr. last)
to tell) to publish, procla 'Ef'ifr?)j, -toj and -ov, b, f/, (fr. t% sudden, unexpected, unlooked
nounce, declare, report ; to deli-

six, and fro, a year) six for, unaicares.

ucr a Tnessage, bring news.
message, oriw? news, tell. 1
uW, f;f
six years. -w, f. -J70-W and -frai, p.
a. act. ind. ^yytXa' sub. .-, ft,
same as last. :md E^aKfopat, (fr. ff in-
eayytt\u. _{,.) -5, (fr. 1$ intens. and tens. and aKtouai to cure) fo
'E^ayi,see t'ay' Efa'/n. c'espond, th.
heal thoroughly, cure quite ; to

E^dyoufft, 3 pi. pres. ind. a .e) to despair, despond, remedy, amend ;to satisfy, gra-

faint, be discouraged, tify, Appease, par. 1 a. act. efa-

Eaytviv -v, Ion. for ^dytv, 2 ifripos, -ou, 6, ft, (fr. f from, and
a. inf. act. of ^dyw. aifia blood) bloodless, pale, life- Sa/aj, (fr. ? six) six times.
-ou, ro, (fr. six, and less ^ ( li-aKiffp.vpioi, -ai, -a, (fr- last,
to draw) the sixth part ofanEt-aii'vpat, (fr. same, and aiw/iai to thou-
dyw pvpioi ten thousand) sixty
ounce; a measure of land; a sixth.
take) to take out or ouviy, carry | sand, six myriads.
EfdXtcrof, -ou, o, ft, (fr. f intens. I
off ; to take from among. 3 sin. T iac7yf'Xtot, -a'i ~a, (fr. same,
and ayoj guilt) very wicked, impf. pass. Ion. t^aiwro. and ^/XM a thousand) six thou-
guilty, criminal ; abominable,\E!;aiof6nffav,
Ion. for < sand.
vile, impure. 1 a ind. pass. - . 9/w -w, f.
-/Jffo), p. t^rjKo-
-fw, p. f^x. a \ (& P res - in f- P ass - cont. i
i, (fr. ^ out of, and a/co-
same, and dyvv^ii to break) to rat, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass. Xou(9/w to follow) to follow perse-
break off", divide from, vering ly ; pursue by another
separate, ofcl-aipita.
dissolve ; to wear out, abate, di- road ; to obey, yield to.
Et-aiotrov, (neut. of next) excel-
'Wtlnt'oA *ff,\-f,: tf\ V -n fvivt n- l_^ljl_. . ___ _7. ___ J-l/..
.,-.',-. I.' .
to infringe, vio- lently ; peculiarly, especially a/toXou07/o-avrf, n. pi. par. 1 a.
fate, transgress. chiefly, exceedingly, greatly. act. Ea*oX0f Bf,covm, 3 pi. 1
j, -n, -ov, par. pres. V^aiosro?, -ov, b, |
'f,, (fr. goiff* to f. act. of last.
and -!w -5, (fr. e in- to make to sin. 2 a. ind. and av6tu to flower, th. dv6o f a
tens. and aKovdut to whet, th.
flower) to blow, Jlower, bloom ;
a/c<5v? a whetstone) to sharpen or to bud, shoot,
spring, sprout ; to
whet thoroughly. (fr. ^ intens. and a//<j3w to flourish greatly, be copious. Or,
'E&icdcioi, -at, -a, (fr. ? six, with change) to exchange, put one in (fr. E
from) to cast its
the centesiniaF termination) six place of another ; to interc' wither, decay, fade.
hundred. alternate ; to requite, repay ; to E&vdnpa, -aros, ru, (ft. last) a
'Et-aKootoarbs, -ov, 6, jj, (fr. last) shift place, remove, go out of. bursting forth, breoiang out,
six hundredth. E^a/^fXfw -a), fr. same, and afttXiii), eruption, efflorescence, pustule.
Ea>coi'o-ro? ? -of, 6, >/, (fr. next) aw- r
which see. fav0<w, f.
-Yc-w, (fr. same) to
articulate. el- adorn with blooming or bright
eft'6/e, Efa/Krpos, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. six,
Efa/cotfw, f. -crw, (fr. ^ intens. and and ulrpov a measiire) of six colours, emblazon.
aKovui to hear) to overhear, hear feet or measures, hexameter. ZavdpuKtu -w, f. -Tjcu), (fr. t% in-
distinctly, perceive clearly ; to
'E^dpjvos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, and tens. and dv6ow-os a
man) to
regard, listen to. Uriv a month) of six months, humanize, civilize, improve, cul-
(a/cpir, 2 pi. pres. every six months, six months tivate ; to
surpass, excel.
incl. act. of old. &vicTavai, pres. inf. act. Ea-
EfaKpta>, f.
from, and E%aft.tvopai, f. -ovpat, (fr. E from,
-ftrco, (fr. f vicTaco, -dcOd), pres. impr. pass.
QKpog high) to mount heights, and apvvb) to avert) to repel, E^ancras, ])ar. pres. act. of
traverse mountains, surmount ; drive off ; to protect, guard, de- f.
E^uvaaTfjffui, (fr. ^ in-
cut off extremities. fend. tens. and aviaTijfu to rise up)
EfaXadw -co, f. -wo-w, fr. t% intens. E&vafcs, par. 2 a. act. to cause to rise, rouse, -excite,
and a\a6-j), which see. 1 a. ind. /n, same as raise vp ; to expel, drive out ; to
act. c.%n\du)ffa, -as, -. Et-avadvu, f.
-v<rw, (fr. fout of, ava rise up from among,
EaXa:raa), f. -u, (fr. same, and upwards, and ^t'to to enter) to arise, get up ; to overturn, over-
aXrt7r'u), same as Xa-aw to come up out of, rise up, emerge throu; ruin, destroy. 1 a. ind.
waste) to strip, plunder,
spoil ; issue, appear, show itself; to go act. d-avtffrriffa. 2 a. ind. act.
to ravage, waste, destroy. 1 a. out of, walk forth ; to refuse,
inf. act. raXaira<n. shun, decline, disown. I, ij, (perhaps fr. $ from,
EaXaro, Dor. for t^/Xaro, 3 sin. 1 Ei-avaMffKi>), fr. ^ intens. and ava- and dr>] hurt) without loss, i

a. mid. of tfAXo//aj. ,
which see. 1 a. par. pass. less, safe; whole, entire,
EaAfc0at, by Sync, for El-avr\f<i) -w, (fr. ^from, and

aacQai, 1 a. inf. mid. Ifava&Ttts, par. E AF'O) to

pump) to pump or drau
(fr. next) a
-ot), TO, inf. 2 a. act. 3 out, pour out, exhaust, empty,
600: or
^o< /or holding ointment ; sin. 1 a. sub. act. E^avaarrj- drain.
a iowe/, cloth for wiping. cai, 1 a. inf. act. of e^avlarri^t. Eifavuw, fr. ff intens. and avvw to
EfaXa^fl^af, 1 a. inf. pass. Ef- \j-avdffraffis, -ios, Att. -tws, r/, (fr. despatch, which see.
aXt'4af, P ar 1 a - act -
Efa- E^rtWcrTvtyu
to rise up again) a Ea'o>, 1 f. ind. act.

X<4/u>, -as, -a, 1 f. ind. act. of rising again, resurrection E(o-aXXrrojua(, (fr. t% out of, airb
EfaXr/</)to, f.
-|'u), p. t^}/\i<[>a, (fr. insurrection, rebellion. from, and aXXrtff<rw to change)
ff from, and aXa'0o> to anoint) <o |ttvarfAAu>, f. -rfXdi, (fr. t% out of, to remove, be changed, be let
tt'zpe away ointment, clean where ava upwards, and TfXXw to rise) be released, be delivered.
it has been used ;
to wipe off"; to up out of, spring up, grow E%a7rardf.lv -qv, pres.
to rise inf. act. ot
obliterate, erase, blot out. Also aid of the ground ; to cause to t^a-aardo).
(fr. tf intens.) to anoint.1 a. spring up. Efrirdras, a. pi. of t^a-xarr,. But
opt. act. i^aXd^aifii, JEo\. t%a- %avcpairooiou.ai, f -tffouat, (fr. Efrirarfc, cont. for %airardeis, 2
\ttytia, -a?, -. 1 a. ind.
pass. from, avfip a man, and xooifa to sin. pres. ind. act. and
by the foot, th. TTOVS the foot) E^aTrararw, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr.
E^aXa^asi -iog, Att. -cos, j/, (fr, to
enslave, take into captivity ; to
act. EfaTrarj/oT?, 3 sin. 1 a.

last) a wiping off", clearing away ; raze, destroy ; to alienctte, sell as sub. act. E^airar&ai, 3 pi.
obliteration, erasure. a slave. cont. pres. ind. act. of

E^aXnjw, fr. ti- intens. and aXrfw, Efav<5pa7ro<5<ofyvos, Ion. and Att. EfaTraraw -w, f.
->;o-u>, p. ffyrtdrri-
which see. for
t!-avoparrootff6iJivos, par. 1 f. KU, (fr. ^ intens. and airardta to
EaXXa?i>, Dor. for ftXXa&v, 3 mid. of last. deceive) lead out of the right
sin. 1 a. ind. act. of way, seduce, deceive, beguile ; to
EaXXa<7<7w or -rrw, (fr. s intens. (fr. d-avcipaTroci^opai to enslave) disappoint, frustrate, balk.
and aXXao-ffu to change) to alter, slavery, servitude ; a leading inty E^aTarr,, -77?, rj, (fr. same) deceit,
change, become different ; to vary, captivity, deception, artifice, fraud ; en-
differ, be unlike. ^avfcvcrav, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of ticement, allurement, compliment,
E^aAXo^at, f.
E^aXouf/ut, (fr. E Kavdovu.1 or -DUG). flattery.
from, and aXXo/mt to leap) to t-avfpxopat, (fr. ^ out of, ava up- E^airarf/ffai, 1 a. inf. act. EfaTa-
leap up, spring out ; go out has- wards, and tpxonai to come) to rrjffe, Ion. for e&irdrrjac, 3 sin. 1
tily, depart quickly, par. pres. ascend, mount or come up out a. ind. act.
E^airarr/Gtiv, 1 f.

mid. ^aXX(5/jvos, 1 a. ind. mid. tf.

of cS-airardb). inf. act.

E^aviarqv, -r)$, -n, in 3 pi. -arrjffav, E&TraTicKb), Poet, for same, par.
'E|aXXos, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same, and 2 a. ind. act. of t^aviaTr^^i. pres. t^aTtariaicwv.
<f X A 05 other
) different from
others ; E^avmtAa,
-as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of EJ-airar&vri,
Dor. for et-atrarufft, 3
; famous,
excellent, superior re- pi. cont. pres. of <

nowned, brave, gallant. fovf^w, (fr. ^ out of, ava up- la7ra0rfti> -w, Poet, for el-airardw.
EaXXorpi6'u> -w, f.
-u><70), p. V?XXo- wards, and f^to to have) to rise ^aTra^oifiriv, -oio, -oiro, pres. opt.
same, and aXXorpjdw up out of, emerge, pop up; to pass, of same ae
rptWa, (fr. ^aird<f>u,
to rise or
alienate) to estrange, alien- grow up. last.
a. ind. act.
ate ; to transfer, corvbey over ;
iavtnpi, (fr. same, and 'itjpi
to E%airfffrti\a, -as -f,
to sell,
dispose of ; to become an- send) to send up out of, serid of <"jaroerrfAAw.
other's. and Poet, for
forth, discharge, produce, bear; va,
>, (fr. same, and apap- to relax, remit.
5,^, (fr. last) sud-
to err) to sin, transgress, Eav9fu> -w, f. -jyo-u, (fr. r% intens. -
c, r,

den, unexpected, unforeseen; un-
looked for, unhoped.
Efrffu-afuj, (fr. last) suddenly, vn-
(fr. tc,
intens. and t<5o> to -as, -, I a. ind. act. an aspirate, for efe/Aero, 3 sin. 2
gnaw, corrode ; to waste,
eat) to KKv6w. a. ind. mid. E^AfVOai, 2 a.
consume ; to eat up, devour. %KK\riGid<j), f.
-acrtt), (fr. E in- inf. mid. of Batata.
3 pi. 1 a. ind. act.
of tens. and KK\r)aid$w to assem- ^\t^dfjLr]v, -0), -aro, 2 and 3 pi.
T]t, ble, th. K a\iu to call) to call an -tt<r0, -^avro, 1 a. ind. mid. of
^, 3 sin. wiffi v added impf. assembly , summon a meeting;
act. of fro). to assemble, gather, collect.

Et-tOafjifiriOriv, -rjs, -77, ip

3 pi. -firjQn- ^K\da6r]v, -TIS, -r;,
in 3 pi. Ef- tens. and At)0p<5o) to set free)
<rar, 1 a. ind. pass, of Kdapf3t(a. K\dff9rjoav,
1 a. ind. pass, of EK- to give liberty, makefree, enfran-
Ef0a>/3?7ffav, 3 pi.
1 a. ind. act. of chise.
same. &K\tiaQriv, -??, -;, pass. Eff- i,
1 f. ind. mid.

TZ&dfpriv, -00, -ro, in 3 pi. "E^iBcv- K\ica, -as, -, act. 1 a. ind. of

TO, 2 a. ind. midLofe/cr/0/y/". KK^tita. Ion. and Att. for

E&'OAti^!. -?, -, In. ind. act. of ^fK\\^a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of 3 pi. pper. act. of
t'/Jw. CKK\(TTTtj).

-s, -) 2 a. ind. act. of -as, -, in pi.

-vav, 1 a. ind. act. of -daai, per. E^Ar/Ai;0, 3 sin.
\ for
0p^', 3 sin. of -as, -e, 1 a. ind. act.
pper. ind. E^A^Auflfvat, inf.
c, act. Of KKO\dtT~W. E^A7?Ai)0wj, par. per. mid.
E^8p\l>d^r)v, -u,
-aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of e/crpf^w. KouLl&T4 t 3 sin. impf. pass. Att. for ^f\v6a, &c. of^f'p^o^at.
'Efri, pres. inipr. of ^Vw, obs. for ofeKicoptfa. A0?v, 2 a. inf. act E^Afldi', --
tfrOi, pres. impr. of e/u. , -tjs, -r), 2 a. ind. pass, of neut. par. 2 a. act. E(f A0w,
"Efc, 3 sin. ind. "Efrtv, inf. 1 f.
2 a. sub. act. E^Afiwv,
act. of f'^o).
see fa>. ifexpl/iaro,
3 sin. impf. mid. of -owo-a, -dv, par. 2 a. act. of same.
'E^EU', cont. fr. e^tw, 3 sin. with v Ai/uiravov, impf. act. of /c and
added impf. act. of o. ^Aaav, Poet, for ffAgv,pres. inf.
Ai/mmo, same as AEITTO).

Ebbs, Poet, for #ifr. act. cont. of E^EAaui. -?,-, 2 a. ind. act. of
\'w, (fr. E from, and tiKdfo %i\a6ov, and Poet. K ~\tXadov, -?,
to liken) to make, like, lik< -E, 2 a. ind. act. of K\avQdv(a. W, f.
-vaw, and E^'A/co), f.
counterfeit. ^AaA?7<ra, -a?, -, 1 a. ind. act. of .
^from, and &iaLto
~E,etKdai*T]i>, -tro, -crro, pper. pass. draw) to draw out, away orfrom,
of last. ^ihdju^avov, -ts, -> impf. act. of extract ; to extricate, deliver ; to
mislead, seduce, impf. act.
which see. -a)o-(,3 pi. pres. ind. act. KOV. par. pres. pass.
?A, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of /itvos,
jEAacrai, inf.
E^fAao-aj, -aca, ^AKCDO-IJ, -iog, Att. -u>s, ^, (fr.
-w, f.
-fat-), (fr. f from, -i', par. of %i'i\aoa, 1 a. ind.
last) o dragging, tearing, scrap-
and EiAf'ci) to roll
up) to unrol, act, of J-\avvu>. ing, scratching.
unfold, unfurl, spread open, roll ;t\aaia, -a?, 17, (fr. E^Aauj/u) to
out. expel) a setting out, journey, voy- Ao u77v, mid.
i ;
and ^E?Aov, act. 2
~E&i\KV(Ta, -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act. of age; an expedition, invasion. a. ind. EfAw, 2 f. act. E#-
fifcA 'Aacric, -10?, Att. -w?, ?/, (fr. Awjttat, 2 a. sub. mid. of f^atptia.
E&fXtyifVi -ov, -tro, mid. E^?- ame) a, driving .or turning out, E|fAo5<n, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act.
Aoj', -?, -, act.
2 a. ind. of
ffaipao. expulsion, banishment ; a dejtar Att. for tt&dffmci, 3 pi. 1 f. ind.
E&ip, (fr. E^from, and ?^u to go) ture, setting out. act- of %\dut, for e&Xatfw*.
to ffo out, go forth ; to
issue, Poet, and Ion. for tfy
ff/\ao-<7i', E^a^a, -as-, -, 1 a. ind. act.

rge, flow forth, pres. inf. \aacv, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of E^affo-ov, -EJ, -E, impf. act. of
%Uvai. 2 a. ind. i^iov par. sfiuv.
1 a. act. f%i<ra, Alt.
s%f/taa. ,e\aT6fjiriffasi 2 sin. 1 a. ind. act. Elf/iev, Ion. EffjUEvai, Dor. for

E^aYfcra, -ac, -, 1 a. ind. act. or of K\aro/j.f(t). E^fivat, of tfapi.

pret Or f.
fcivifa, for j'tu). IfXavvw, f. -\aaw, p. f^Afl 2 a. inf. act. of E^/II.
-a?, -, ind. E^fifcw, sub. (fr. E out of, and \atvu to drive) Eff'//v, Ion. for e&tv, 1 f. inf. act.

to ride or drive out ; to set Of fVU).

1 a. act. E&ITTOV, -tg, -, 2 a. out,
ind. act. of E^'TTU). go on a military expedition, in- as, -, -o.
, par. per. pass, of vade; to drive away, expel, aim, 1 a.
opt. act. of
thrust out, turn away ; to forge, , -w, f. -<ro>, (fr. ff from,
ai, pres. inf. pass, of me.lt,found, cast, mould; to and E^fw to vomit) <o WOTTZZ^

-o>, p. -%a, (fr.

;,f. fro compound, compose, form, make, orth, throw up, disgorge.
and doyit) to hinder) to restrain, ^\d(>) -5, f. -a<ro). p. ^AKa, and f/i"7v, -ffo, -to and-ov, -fro, 2 a.

check, curb ; to shut out, exclude, Att. Poet, for last.

E^AaKa, ind. mid. of tfynpi.

debar, prevent, hinder from. I^AE, 2 a. impr. act. of E^aip //7ra)Af'o//ai -oji/iai, (fr. ^ from,
see el-tpiopai. Or Ion. for ^?Af, 3 sin. of E^E?- i/ intens. and TrwAf'w to sell)
Ion. and Poet, \ov, 2 a. ind. ;
inf. E^AoV par. .se#, sei io sale, dispose of.
1 a. inf. act. of e E^Awv. EA?rat, 3 sin. 2 a.
/<7rwA77//vo5-, Ion. for ^//ir7ro>-
f. f from, and sub. mid. of same. , par. per. pass, of last.
E&i'po), -pw, (fr.
to join) to thrust out, show ; jEAf'yovro, 3 pi. impf. pass, of EK- ,
1 a. ind. act. of -
todraw or pull out ; to disen-
gage, loosen. 1 pi. pres. ind. act.
;^va/pw, f.
-apw, fr. E intens. and
of f^v,2 a. fo-0o), 3 sin. pres. which see.
E(as, -?<7a, -fv, par. Evaipw, r
ind. act. of 07/11. impr. pass, of \!-vavTias, and Ef tvavrlas, (* r.
"Effi?, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act.
of fyu. E&Afyxoj, f. -yfw, p. E^Afy^a, E^from, and wavrios opposite)
intens. and on the contrary, on the other
'E|a<ri, 3 sin. pres. ind. of fa/it, (fr. E^ fAey^w to
to convince, prove clear-
prove) side, opposite, against.
-tKavrjv, -ns, -?, in 3 pi. Efe/cav- ly ;confute, disprove; to blame,
to Co), f. -/|w, fr. 4 intens. and
Biicrav, 1 a. ind. pass.
ofeKKaiia. reprove, convict.
I a. act. ind.
which see.
in 3 pi. -rrj- E&Aey&r inf. E^Af'y^n. 7, -a?,-, 1 a. ind. act. of
vrriaa, -as, -., '

I a. ind. act. E&AE0', Ion. and by Apos. before last'.


,in2pl E&'pa//<z, -orof, rd, (fr. e^epaw to inf.

Epxo>ros, -TI, -ov, par.
res. of
imp'r. JLfaiyKu, sub. vomit) matter vomited, a vomit ;
KIU, inf. -aoa, -av, evacuation, i, ^Ai5<ro//at,
E&lyKaSi d Att. 4A?/AS0a,
(fr. E
n. -Kavrt;, par. 1 a. act. ,
-uait), p. sfr' (fr.
pi. '

from, and fpaw to' empty) to ;md to come) to

to go
empty ; too pou
pour out, spill. forth ;

.:, and ^vy(ca>, see last. ,f. -u from, retire, withdraw, depart ; to
E&vEuaa, -as, -, 1 a. ind.
act. of , (fr. same, and Epyd^opai t< arise or proceed from, originate,
work om. to go away
u) Or EKVftii. work) to ,
spring forth ;
>id Ion. EVx0<J, finish ; to m : to oV off, vanish, disappear, end,
an mid. t^
-u<Tu, -t v, 1 a. par. pass. E&- bring to c <
-spire, impf.
1 f. ind.

-id. E- finv, -ov, -TO,

2 a. act. ind.
VE%Orjaopai, -ij, -ETUI, siroy,
0ov, -f,
-' impr.
OlK0Cp<d. Eipyacdfinv. 1 a.
pass. ind. E^eip-
sub. ^A0w, -???, -?

which -IV. par. ^A0iLt-, -ovoa, -ov. pper.
last ) exact- ind. mid. Att.
E&pyatru:, -as, h, (fr.

iynivos, Ion. ness, care, diligence: a finish- 5, f. -/Jffu, (fr. same, and
to flow away) to
par. per. pass, and

;w;voa, -as, -E,-f, in 1 pi. %evnv6- m

$v;?i'o- t^f/.y c:cY<j>oj,lon.!or$<py<i07*fvo,

/j/, rw/i; to

par. per. pass, of ei-cpyd^onai.

.s-/ar< fcacfc.
Att. for ind. ,

E^rjvo^a, per.

-a< 1 a. ind. act. of
K<j>tpta. .E^oyuffr^KOs, -ov, 6, //, (fr. samej 'E%taa, -f,

E^ivrj^/a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of finished, elaborate, elegant, com- |/w.

3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of
., Dor. for ^'A0ois, 2 si -w,
;d Ion-
a. opt. act. E ^v8*l)v,
E^v-|E^'pyff0ai,for^t'py<r0at,w:. E^tff^, -??, n
0o?aa, Dor. for act. of send forth) an em- to
-oBaa, E^pf'avov, -e;, -t, impf. ':

par. 2 a. act. of E^f'p^o^at-. -SE/VU, (fr. ^ from. public message.


to goout)
, -as, -E, 1 a! ind. act. E^<rtf, -to, ^, (fr. ^a/t(
C fcr; to
inquire, examine, ask,
in- -'
away; exput-
3 pi. o 2 a. ind. terrogate. sion, banishment ; divorce, sepa-
, (fr.. E in\
act -
-?, -, and by Metath.
n', "
to overthrow) to & .

,,t0ov, 1 pi. sirifcc or i/jro; te as K<7'AAu>, which

iud.'act. of V, dislocate,
EfrV/iwv, 3 pi. cont. pres.
ind. act.
-av, 3 pi.
1 a. ind. act. of /otf o^or doum, 6e overturned. 1

a. ind. act. -utio).

c^eacitpa, -as, -c.
2 -, 1 a. ind. act. of
^'7rCTo, -as, -e, in pi. E|-fVar, ^p^at, E^'p;j/iai,an..llon. TJ, -aj,

E^fff<rov, -?, -, 2 a. ind. and

1 a.
papai, (fr. same, pi>
1 of
act. Ef'-t--ov, -ES, -, impf. speak) to ask, ini> S^fdruj, Sync, for E^iatrai, f.

inquire, exa.
-as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of E^ocopiv, in 3 pi. E^OEOVTO, iinpf. i, for -ctTTiKtvai, per. inf.
mid. of last. act. and
^criVra/tttJ, f.
-fiaojiai, (fr. ff in- f.
-o>, &, from, and
(fr. s, -uta, -dj, par. per. act.
tens. and cTrtarafiat to know to belch) to belch forth, v, -TIS, -77, in 1 and 3 pi.
how) fc/ww well, understand,
to vomit, throw up. -arrmtv, -arnvav, 2 a. ind. act.
be experienced in or acquainted E%fptvvdia-G),f. -770-0), p. of (j<jr/7fu.
E^pEvvijKa, [

with, be expert or skilful. r -iv, (impers. fr. t| from,

(fr. ^from,andpvvd(i)tosearch)
IETTIGTT}. Att. E^7r('oT3(,Ion.for to search thoroughly, seek dili-
dili- and i(ii
to be) it is lawful, al-
tZtiriaraoai, '2 sin. pres. of last. gently, examine carefully, sift, ffjgowable ; it is free, possible, per-

^T(r>?0f, (fr. E^intens. and eiri- scan. 1 a. ind. act. E&pzvvrjca. mitted : I, we, you, &c. may, it
and may fut. and by
Trjtris fit) fitly,
properly, rightly ; -w, (t'r. ( out, poo to be. tt-ictrat,
purposely, designedly ; studious- say) to
speak out, declare, say, Sync pres. inf. .

cstly. (ell.
E&piopai, see above. par. pres. neut. tif.
3ph ^Eprjfi6(a -S>,
fr. E^ intens. and ^fVrpan/iai, -^-at,--rai, per.
c-av, 2 a. ind. pass, of /c7rA>/ff<ruj. folded, which see. paSS. Of KffTDt<p(i)'
- 1 a.
-ODl', fypiirdv, -ouaa, -3v, par. feaToaTOTttoEvffdnT)}', -w, -aro,
impf. act. ;".. ind. act. ind.' mid. of tKcrpa-oxtotiHi).
pl. 1 a. ind. act. of :i'ut/, f. -i5o-(i>, fr. ^ intens. frfu>, -aVw, and -a'^w, p.

and fpuTiVEvw, which see. i^-raKa, ^ intens. and ra'u

ou, -ETO, 3 pi. E^- see t%tptouai. to inquire) to examine, \

impf. pass, of EK- gate, try, search, explor-

and EOTW to creep) to creep consi-
out, compare, discuss, debate,
TE or - ff i',
3 sin. 1 a. ind. or crawl out, get out with diffi- der to rehearse, repeat, recount,

act. of tKirvtd). reckon up. 1 a. act. ind. e&-

culty ; to come out gently, steal
E|V::oia<ra, Dor. to make raaa' impr. t^iraaov. inf. eqera-
forth ; put out, creep out.
ind. act. 2 a. ind. pas?, aai.
Et-eppaynv, -rjs, ->/,
3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of
impf. pass, of of EKoriyvvni or
/rp>/o-aa>. E(tro/ior, -?, -,
1 a. ind. EKratvw.
see act 1 a. inf. act. j, -77,
1 a. ind.
v, -ijf, ->/, 2 a. ind. act. of
E^eoi'cas, par. 1 a. act, of of
7//t. .,
inf. El-trocars, 2 pi.
raT, 2 1 a. ind. act. oi and impr. 1 a. act. to of E^Erd^u.
pi. from, pi'w draw) to|
draw, drag, pluck or p*M out, \E^iraais, -ios, Att. -EUJ, '/, (fr. E^E-
&Vw, (fr. E^ forth, and i TTCD to say) Td|w to inquire) inquiry, exami-
'.-afcon, investigation, discussion ;
publish, declare, utter, say, tell. , 3 sin.
-X ff 0, -YOVTOI, 2
la. act. ind.fu--z->ub. !. nres. ind. ; fria/, proo/.
a. act. imi. (fr. same) a
search, inquiry, examination j rt/i, wp or out of, spring up, ^Xd/^jjv -a), 3 sin.
^Xaro, and
an inspection, review. arise, appear above, outtop ; to Sync. ^a'Xro, 1 a. ind. mid. oi
to be
EftraffTf'of, -a, -ov, (fr. same) exalt, surpass, be eminent.
- or -tv, 1 a. ind.
inquired, is to be examined, Sac. Zfyv%a, -as, -T?, -ov, (fr. t!-\avv<j) to

according to the verb. act. of EKljI/t^U. draw out) drawn out, extended,
act. of y'
Em<va, -af, -t,
\ a. inch ff^'W, f.
efr\l.'>jff(a, p. -r/*ca, (fr. ^ ,--ti-he-d; spread over, covered,
ttcrdvu. forth, and t^w to boil) to boil plated.
E%Tf\tov, Poet, for t&Tthiov, I up ; to boil, bake, cook or dress E^i(pOnv, -rjs, -r/,
in 3 pi. -jjo-av,
sin. or 3 pi. impf. act. Em:- victuals ; to dissipate, ecaporate. 1 a. ind.
pass. E^Xa^a, -as,
Xeopriv -ovfuriv, -fov -ov, -itrn ucav, Alt. for ifaaav, 3 pi.
1 a. -, 1 a. ind. act. of aXfyu>.
mid. and ind. act. of efaQfto. - or -fv,
iro, impf. Er/X0oj>, -is, pi. -6ou.v,
EfrT\ia6rjv, -us, -77, 1 a. hid. pass. %ri, -ris, T), (fr. f%w
to hold) con-. -0tT, Sync, for ^Xu0ov, 2 a.
E^rAto-o-' Poet, and Apos. sequence; order, succession. 'E%- ind. act. of
for ^Tt\sff, 3 sin. 1 a. incl. act. or /caff' order, suc- EfyXBotrav, Alexandrian for ^??X-
ris, It-riSj

cessively, immediately.
s, -0f -ovs, b, ';,
for f%atT>]S- - or -EJ/, Att. for Ef?A(aw, f. -aati), (fr. % out, and
Efryayov, -?,_
,E tin TOV, viz. xpovov, from thence, 2 a. ind. act. of^ayw. i;/\(of the sun) to expose to the air,

from that time. , -aj, -,

1 a. ind. a.ct. of dry by the sun ; to crucify. 1 a.

Efn0ro, 3 sin. impf. pass, of tK- . ind. act. e^iacra.

TtQllfJU. -as, -t,

1 a. ind. act. of 'of, -77, -ov, par. per.
E%Tn>idr]v, -?7f, -rj, 1 a. ind. pass. pass, ol ^aXXrt'o-ffw.
Of KTlflV(>i. ,
3 sin. cont. impf. pass. ,-ios, Att. -to*, ,',, (fr. 3
E^fTpairriv, -rjs, -r/, 3 pi. E^rpd-)j- out, and t\vQ<a, obs. same as ip-
ravj 2 a. ind. pass, of tKroird). vof, -r), -ov, par. 1 a. rnid. ET?- %0/jiai
to go) a going forth, de-
Et-irpuv, -o)j, -w, impf. act. of *- yovfjLfvos, -j?,-ov,par. pres. pass. parture, emigration ; an open-
E&yovvTo, 3 pi. cont. ing, mouth of a river,

-a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of pres. ind. pass, of tyutaa, -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act. of
same, or KrtTpu<rKw.
E%TV<p\oov -ovv, -of -ovs, -os -ov, forth, and fiyfOfiai to lead) to ?>, 3 sin. impf. of f'fnrn.
impf. act. ofam>d>X4tt. lead or draw forth in order ; to %r/vyKa; -as,-, 1 a. Efyveynoi,
of inf. 2 set forth, tell at length, show, de- -es, -, 2 a. ind. act. of
EfcvpctV, E^dJpov, -$;, -c, K^>tpw.
a. ind. act. of efrvpioKw.
clare, repeat, recite ; to take the rof, -ov, b, 11, (fr. $
E&vpwis, -LOS, Alt. -u>f, ;/, (fr. ^- lead, be first, guide, rule, govern; and avi'w to accomplish) to be

svpiaKd) to discover) discovery, to think, suppose, judge of.3 pi. done or accomplished, possible.
invention ; gain, profit. pres. ind. %riylovrai -ovvrai. E^i-drr/aa, -as, - or -v, 1 a. ind.
Of E^UpJJKWf, act. of ^a~ardia.
Efrvpr/KOTUV, g. pi. par. pres. ffyyzoumos -ovpwos.
-u?rc, -of, par. per. act. of same. EfrytpOvv, -r, s , -r,, 1 a. ind. pass. E^t]~u(j)tj) and E%7]~ad>icK j), Poet, f

Efcvpr/ua, -aros, TO, (fr. same) an same as E^araraw.

invention, discovery, the
thing Ef)/y^/(a, -rof, TO, (fr. ^nyfopai Ef77~fpo;7ijw, f. -tvrjii), (fr. E in-
invented ; an acquirement, gain, to relate) a relation, narration : tens. and to deceive,
profit, advantage. narrative, tale, story,
the voice) to deceive out

-vp>ja<j), p. -vprjKa, -jyr/ffis, -/of, Att. -cof, /j, (fr. of something; impose on by false
(fr. ^ out, and evpiaKw to find) same) a relation, history, story, pretences, beguile, cheat ; to
to find out, invent, discover, de- tale; an exposition, explanation. sooth, flatter.
vise ; to find, meet with. 2 a.
^r/yrirfis, -ov, b, (fr. same) an ex- ES^AWTO, 3 sin. pper. pass, of <f-
act. ind. sub. plainer, expounder, critic, scho-
e^evptiv' par. ^upw
inf. liast ; a translator, interpreter ; E&pa, -af , -E, 1 a. ind. act. of E-
E&vpo'vrtf, n. pi. mas. par. 2 a. a soothsayer, diviner. f.'/pCd.
act. of last. pi. of >ai or
:a, -wv, TO., (neut. E&pacuat, per. ind.
Et-<padvd?]v, by Epenth. for cfc- next) the priests' books or re- pass. Efjpava, -f,
1 a.
1 a. ind. pass. cords of superstitious obser- ind. act.
Efrpdv6r]i>, -r,s, -r,, 1
(}>dvdtiv, -)?f, -v,
of tK<t>aivw. vances. a. ind.
pass, of S-Tjoaivu.
E%f<bavav, Sync, for ^c(j>dvr/aav, 3 Et-riyrirtKOS, ->), -ov, (fr. f^r/yiouaiio Efrpvvr,aa, -as, -t, in 3 pi. -vr/crav,
of E|0av7?v, -r7f, -v, 2 a. ind. relate) narrative; explanatory.
1 a. ind. act. of
ass, of same. 1 ind. act. ; -w, -aro, I a. ind. act.
E&y6pa<?a, -as, -, a.
act. of -
, -ES, -, impf.
Efr/yopio, -af, 17, (fr. ^ from,
and -ov, -ro, impf. mid. of
E%$pdonv, Ion. for
ayopa the court) a declaration,
of last. statement ; accusation, charge ; -f,-,impf. act.

JL$i(pvyov, -s, -t, 2 a. ind. act. of an excuse, plea. Et-'tonaufvos, -r], -ov, par. per.
K<ttVy(t). ^rjyp6f.r]v, -ov, -no, impf. pass,
of pass, of (apr^6D.
E^f'0'vv, -vs, -v, impf.
or 2 a. ind. same as ^yapo/tat. ^r/orvufvos, -r;, -ov, par.
%eypop.ai, per. p?.ss.
act. of tK&vut, same as EKC&VW. E^/fo-ttv,3 pi. of E^EO-U, 1 a, Att. of E^aprtkt).
E^f^, 3 sin. of E^f%ov -ovv, impf. Of fi-lUt,tO gO OUt. ^/pX
TO > -X OVT i
3 sin. and pi.
act. or of E^f^j -as, -, in 3 ,^ K ovra,(fr.'^ six) sixty. impf. mid. of c^p^oftai.
pi. E^'XEOV, for
:7<covTaT(7f, -ov, b, (fr. last,
and -f ,-, mp. act.
f^fua, 1 a. act. ind. f'rof a year) of sixty, sixty years uwTa, -as, -f,
1 a. ind. act. of

-%?ro, impf. pass, of *:%f'w. 'E?f, and Poet. 'Efrw, (g. ol m .

i, -as, -, 1 a.
ind. act. o same, and icXivr) a couch) of order) then, thence, thenceforth;
sixty couches or seats. in order, in succession, conse-
which for E&- &KU, f. -o, p. -% a , (fr. f from, quently ; immediately, directly.
KI%VTO, 3 sin."
pper. pass. E^u- and S^w to come) to come or go r
O /??f, the next, the following.
0?v, -rjf,-?j, in 3 pi. E%%v6riirav, 1
out, come from ; to come to an f
H f'/?f, viz.
fffttpa, to-morrow,
a. ind. pass.
ofsK^uw, or^i5vw. end, finish ; to
elapse, pass away, the next day.

l(^w, f. (^w, p. 4*Vx?Ka, (fr. ^ come to pass. ^rafa,

Dor. for

from, and /vw to hold) to stone l-7j\aaa,

1 a. ind. act. ind. act.

E^r?;o-aro, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of
allow; to declare, profess; to moor, weigh anchor; to depart, E>u0i>w -5, f.
-,}<rw, p. -;Ka, (fr.
thaiil;. fbrate, glorify.
set out. E intens. and ovfldj same as ov-
1 a. ind. mid. ^co/joAoy?/o-a/i??v. fypfffi?, -to? ?
Att. -EW?, i/, (fr. 6eig none) same as (ou<5'<$u>. 1

Att. -<uj, (fr. last) a bursting forth, breaking a. act. ind. e^ovQevrjaa' sub. E-
E|o^oX<5y(7ffis, -to?, >/,

last) cwi aijknowledgment, con- forth, eruption ; a sally, inroad, ov0j<?7(ra). per. paiss. ind. ct-ovQi-

fession ; a declaration, profes- vT/^ot'par. e%ovQvt)f.ivos.

sion ; praise, tJianksgivK and E^op^tw, f. -ftrw, p.
^op/jLt^ti) lovQfvrjua, -aro?, rd, (fr. last)
E$v, (par. pros. neut.
of ffeort) E^pniKa, same as E^op/jaw. same as ^ovoivu>na.
being allowed or lawful. $opot5to, (fr.
E from, and opouw to ;ovQevl(t),f. -taw, same as Eov0c-
ef from, andow//a- durt) to leap, spring or dart
Efoj/o^au>, (fr.
u> to name) to call by name, ad- forth ; to sally out.
Eov0vw, Dor. for
dress, accost ; to invoke, call 'up- idpo0o?, -ov, b,fj, (fr. E^six, and
on; to speak. 6po<jjos
roof, th. cpf0o> to cover) a?, ;/, (fr.
it is al
Efoi/o/jGii'w, f. -aw, (fr. same,
and of six floors or stories. lowable) license, liberty, leave,
to name) to give a name fdp7ra, -OKIJS, Dor. permission, scope, indulgence ;
call by name, denominate; to
-77*0?, i, (fr. ff out of, power, right, title, jurisdiction,
recount, reckon, call over.
a branch) an offset, shoot,, privilege government, authority,

Ed7r)f0v, Poef. for branch. control, dominion ; dignity,

Efdirto-fcv, (fr. t% from, and oiricdev fopfavrE?, n. pi. par. 1 a. act. of honour, nobility ; a post, com- #
behind) from behind, behind ; mand, office ; an officer, magis-
for the future, for the time to opuf?,-io?, Att. -EW?,/;, (fr.next) trate ; the emblem of honourable
come afar, far from a digging or rooting up, dependance, in N. T. a woman's
; off", extirpa-
afar. Lion; a plucking or cutting out, veil.

Eo7r/<ru>, (fr.same, and onico> be- excision, extermination. ov<naw, f.

-ao-w, p. -a*a, (fr.

hind) back, backward; for the EbptWa> or -rra>, f. -w, p. E^wpv- last) to have a enjoy
future, hereafter. ya, (fr. E^ from, and opveaw to power, exercise authority, op-
E&MrVgpi f. t<ro), (fr. intene. 4
dig) to dig up, root out, eradicate, press, domineer, tyrannize. E|"-
and 67rXfco to arm) to arm com- force up, pluck or pull out ; to ovfftd^ojjtai,
to serve, be subject
pletely, accoutre, equip, capari- dig through, break open or into. be enslaved. 1 f.
pass. E^OVO-IOO--
son ; to furnish, provide, per. 1 a. act. ind.
E^wpv^r par.
pass. efotrXifffjiai. fc, -ov, b, (fr. same) a
EfoTTTrt'a) -to, (fr. same, and OTrraw at, (fr. ff intens. and op- lord, ruler, prince, potentate.
to to boil
roast) thoroughly, stew ; at to
dance) to celebrate with ovfftacT'frd?, -ov, b, %, (fr. same)
to roast, pres. inf. act. iJ-o-rdtiv dancing and songs, commemo- having power, bearing sway, in-
-qv. rate. vested with dominion, powerful.

Efopyt|o), (fr. same, and opyttjit

fr. same, and <5pw
to rouse, ^oucrjacrn/cd)?, (fr. last) haughtily,
anger) to enrage, provoke, irri- which see. arrogantly.
tate. -/>(7()us. Dor. for
2 sin. &x', for
'Efo^o, also E^w?,
Eopta, -as, i), (fr. c from, and pres. ind. act. of EVW. see 'E%o%ov.
8005 a limit) expulsion, banish- i), -rjs, fj, (fr. ^'^w to outtop)
ment, exile.
out,' and oorpa(aw and oorpoKi eminence, rank, reputation, note ;

Efopi^w, f.
p. E^wntva, (fr.
-<?<7w, //o?, which see. excellence, superiority. Kar' t%o-
same, and opi'^w
to define) to ;o'r, (fr. E from, and ore when) >iv,
pre-eminence, excellently.
expel, banish, drive out. and )%ov and 'Efo^a, (fr. same)
Efopjft'^b), f. -"aw, and Att. -jw, p. fo'rov, (fr. same, and 6'rov for rov excellently, superiorly, pre-emi-
ffwp/a/ca, (fr. sf intens. and 6/>- that) from which time, fro nently.
Kto> to adjure) to demand the when, whence. 'Eo%o?, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. same) excel-
assurance of an oath, entreat by E^ouotvf w -w, same as ^ovovdo) -w. lent, superior, eminent, noted.
an oath, invoke solemnly, adjure, \ovoiv>]ffig, -iog, Att. -to?, ^, (fr. Comp. ffo^wrfpo?, sup. -wraro?.
prevail on to swear. 1 a. ind. last) see ej-ovctvuua. intens. and
Et>/?p?ca>, fr. ^ {i/3p/^w,
E&pKioa. per. pass, e^wp/ao-- ^ovoEvr/Tfis, -ov, b, (fr. same) a de- which see.
/jiai. spiser, contemner, scorner, scof- E^Xw/^fvo?, -77, -ov, par. per. pass.
the pro-
EfofMcrarpi^rtfi, 6 ? (fr. last) offvXcfo.
posing an vath, causing to swear ; -oi,
-o5o-w, p. d-ovofvu- E^fivfw -w, f. ->/(ra), (fr. ^ intens.
an invocation, so- intens. and and to sing to ce-
adjurat'w, Ka, (fr. t\ {)//vfw hymns)
lemn entreaty. to Icbrate with songs, chant
nought) despise, contemn, hymns,
EfopKtm/?, -ov, o. (fr. same) an slight, scorn, set at nought, treai praise ; to
solemnize, commemo-
exorcist, one who f retends to the with contempt, scoff" at, per. ind. rate.
power of commandifg spirits ; a pass, e^ovctviofjiai. 1 a. pass. ind. EJ-vvrjKa, by Metath. for %winKa,
magician, conjurer. ei;ovfitvtj)0riv' sub. E^OI which Att. and Ion. for c-vvij/ca,
1 f. Att. of same. 1 a. ind. act.
E^opKtw, par. E^ov5j'co0t?. ofavvlijfu,
'Efoparo?, -ov, o, (fr. 4'hrter.s. -aro?, TO, and K^viravlffrrjv, -TJS, -r/, 2 a. ind. act. o
an oath) an oath, solemn
3p/co? viacris, -to?, Att. -EM?, i], (fr. last) Eft)fftm<rrtyu, f. from,
assertion ; an oath in justifica- into under, avu> up, an
contempt, disdain, scorn, deri-
tion or proof of innocence. sion ; a scoff", taunt ; meanness, place) to rise, be raised
up, stand

Eop/c<5o> -5, f. -wo-w, (fr. last^ lowness, servility ; poorness of out, swell up.
same as i%opKifa.
nrit, despondency. EfurrW^u, f. -tau, p. -iKa, (fr. tf
Efdp/caxTt?, -to?, -u>?, ^, (fr. 9V??, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. from, and CTTVO? sleep) to awake
same) an oath ; swearing, a put- Eoc9 V / rW) 3 sm< -vtirt, pi. 2 out of sleep, rouse, raise, call up.
ting to or proposing an oath, ad.- cont. IJ-RS. imr>r. act. E|ou0- 1 a. act. ind.
juration. vurw.
, par. per. pass. !

Efopjuou -5, f. -170-0), (fr. E from

't, -Etcra, -iv, pass. 'E^frvo?, -ov,
| b, $, (fr. same)
and to to excite a ?>
6pjuao> rush) '"aa, -av, act. par. i

awake, roused from sleep ; sleep-

urge, instigate ; to break forth, 1 a. Efou0vvr aT
2 pi. 1 a. ,

less, watchful, waking.

rush, sally out ; to drive, impel ; ind. act
Efow&vflrj,, 3 sin. 1 a.

Etnm<f$w, f. -a<rw, (fr. same, and

to make an inroad, invade. sub. act. vn-rto? backward) to toss or throw
Or, E^ou0voWras, * pl !

(fr. efp/w?
the mooring) to un- cont. par. pres. act. of i

back the head ; to bridle, draw

one's self up ; to turn up and cut
open a victim ; to augur.
E^vpdftr)v, -a), -a.ro, by Sync,
or 2 a. inf. act. of
EffayEtv, pres.
, ->jf, -r,,
1 a. ind.
pass. driven; hired; driving, viol'tu, Ejra//ivwv($a?, -ou, 6, Epaminon*
of impetuous. das, a man's name.
ETTI intens. and aiu> to ETra/crpaij, -loj, 6, (fr. firdyw to ra'/j<7TTo, Ion. for cmfyiEJirrOj
drive) a hunter, huntsman. pass, of eirafteftfo).
sin. pper.
hear) to hearken, listen, attend ;
to hear clearly, overhear ; to per- ra^rp??, -"(Jo?, /,
and 'ErroKTpov, rt>poy, -ou, 6, ,% Poet. ^Eol.
-OD, TO, (fr. same) a boat, fishing
anri Ion. for
ceive, apprehend, understand. <|/ppoj.
boat, skiff" ; a pirate.

inf. act. tvaietv. a/i^crcuEVOS , ->;, -ov, par. 1 a.

of TO- mid. of 7raf<aw.
on, and attu- ff< -, impf. act.
Erra<o>pfw -w, (fr. TraXaJOf, -EJ,
to lift) to raise or lift up, a/</u t'Oj, -?;, -ov, Dor. for
exalt, elevate. -ov-
Erraiwpf'o/iqf ,
f. -du, p. -5%a, (fr. jUf'voj, par. per. pass, of $aVro-
pai, to be raised up, float above,
TTI intens. and aXaXd^co to shout) //at.
hover over or about; to fluctuate, to sing the war song ; to shoutfor -aumfiaois, and E7ra//oi/3a-5dv, (fr
to in turns,
joy, cheer, huzza.
doubt ; to be elated, art proudly. o

par. pres. pass, e raXdo^ai, fr.
same, and aXdbjnn, alternately, mutually, recipro-
which see. cally.
and same) al-
EiraKjieoa, see tiraKovu. TraXaoTfu), -5, (fr. same, rranoifibs, -ft, -ov, (fr.
"( intens. and UK- aXaoTf'u to afflict) to suffer se- ternate, by turns, mutual, recipro-
Eiraxp4*. fr.
/id, which see. verely, be sorely afflicted ; to feel ; answering, corresponding.
ETTaKoXovdfU) -5, f.
-t'l<TO>, p. 7T;KO- for, compassionate, pity.
1 a. par.
Era//uvw, f. -uva>, (fr. ETTJ intens.
XovdriKa, (fr. ETTJ upon, and ano- act. ;raXa<m7<raj, -aaa, -av. and apvvtj) to aid) to help, assist,
\ovdtu) to follow) to come away ETT/
ira\t<f>u, (fr. and aXa- succour; to guard, prated, de-
or a/o7/- ir&A, accompany, at- <pu to anoint)
to spread all over, fend. 1 a. act. ind. frtfipvva'
tend ; to follow close, pursue smear upon, bedaub with. impr. ETfdfivvov inf. tira^ivvai.
after; to 'follow, ensue, come rraXe^fd), and E~aX/o>,
f. -jyffa), ra^00Tp(^w, f. -("o-w, (fr. eirl to-
after ; to urge, press ; to prose- (fr. Err?
intens. and aXE^fw, or -w wards, and ap<t>6Ttpo$, comp. of
cute, continue, carry on. 1 a. act. to repel) to aid, assist, relieve, par. both) to fluctuate, waver,

ind. irriKo\ovdr)aa. 1 f. act. Efl-aXf^/o-wi', -overa, -ov. be uncertain or irresolute ; to

Enaico\ovdri<TnT, 2 1 a. sub. act.
(fr. next) a temporize, trim, flatter both
pi. -aXXay;r), -r)?, /,

E>TraKO\ov6ovv~<j)v g. -Ooueivd. change', alteration; exchange. sides; to be

ambiguous, use
pi. cont. par. pres. act. of last. ErrrtXXa'rrw, f. -fu, (fr. nn intens. doubtful language.
EnaKoXovdriais, -ioj, Alt. -EWJ, );, and aXXdffo-w or -rru to change) E-av, (fr. jffEt after, and dv -so-
(fr. same) a consequence, result ; to change, alter ; ever) if;to after
that, since,
deduction, conclusion. barter, give
or take for, put in when.
ExdKoos, -on, 6, };,
Dor. for err/- place of; to apportion, divide, Errara{3aivu, (fr. upon,pd up,
KOOJ allot, give equally. and j3ojvw to go) to go up into,
rdKoucroj, -ov, o, fl, (fr. next) to irdXXETO, 3 sin. impf. pass, of mount upon; to ascend, climb,
6e heard, audible, loud, distinct. TrdXXw. Or for E^/yXXsro, 3 sin. get up ; to rise, be promoted.
-ouffw, p. EmjKOUK.a, (fr. impf. of 0dXXo/*at. Eravaj3dXXw, (fr. same, and/jdXXw
txl intens. and a/couco to hear) ErrdXXrjXo?, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. Efrion,
and to throw) to defer, delay, put
to hear plainly to overhear ; to
; aXXr/Xwv each other) one upon off. pres. inf. mid. irava/3dXX(r-
listen, hearken, attend to, com- another, upon each other ; mu-
ply with, obey. pres. impr. act. tual, alternate, reciprocal, in (fr. last) thrown
exaKovf. 1 a. act. ind. fxf]Kovaa'
turns, by course. over, overspread, bestrewed.
\ , ~ C f Id. ^
impr. ETtdKovaov' sub. nraKovw , by Sync, and JEcA. for ~avapoau) -u, t. -?/ffa), \ir. mi
inf. txaKovaai.
per. pass. smj- , par. pres. mid. of upon, ava up, and j3odw to cry
Kovfffiat. per. mid. tir>'iKoa,
and out) to cry out against, call out
Att. CTTaKl'/KOa. ,'u, -to?, Att. -o>f, f,, (fr. upon, shout out, call to.
~aKp~t$6onai -ou[tai,f.-u)ffoij.ai (fr. irl
upon, and aX/cr) strength) a itavayayiiv,
see Etravdyu).
same, and aKpifiou to examine) breastwork, parapet; a bulwark, EiravayivuxrK(i),f. -waw, (fr. E~J in-
to be accurate or exact ; to take rampart, fort, fortress. tens. and avayivwcKo) to read)
care of, attend to, see or look to, iX-i'os, -ov, b, f/, (perhaps for to read over, peruse carefully,

observe, remark. TTtSaX-roj, fr. CTTI intens. and study.

TraKoodo^ai -iapai, (fr. same, and to cherish) cherished, EiravayKaQw, f. -ac-w, (fr. same,
aKocdofiai to hear) to hearken, hoped for, welcome. Or, (for and avayKdfa to force) to com-
; to attend to, regard, f^aXTTvo?, fr. 7Tt upon, Xj the pel, oblige, constrain ; to urge,
mind. impf. -o>-
sea, and n-vfw to blow) favoura- press, induce, persuade.
ble; fair; speaking of the E-dvayKg, (fr. upon, and avdy- m
'jcris, -joj, Att. -0), ^, (fr. wind. K-TJ necessity) necessarily, of ne-
last) a hearkening to, listening, E:raXro, by Sync. ^Eol. .-. cessity, indispensably, ra ma-
XET-O,impf. mid. Or for E. vayKs, necessaries.
E-raKratoj, -a, -ov, (fr. ETTI
upon, pper. pass, of 0dXXo//aj. E-avdyu, f. -dw, (fr. irl on, ova
and aKTtj the shore) upon the intens. and up, and dyti) to lead) to lead
ETra/iat'paw -w, (fr. ETR up
shore, by the sea, maritime. a^at'pof dark) to darken, obscure, back again, brins: or take back ;
,o, -ijpo?, 6, (fr. trdyu) to se' cover with darkness. to return, come back ; to move,
on) a dog-leader, hunter, hunts- Erraadu) -a>, (fr. fri upon, and excite, disturb, trouble, disquiet.
//du> to mow) to heap, amass, 2 a. act. ind. firdinjyov, Att. t-r.a-
E-nKriKos, -rji-bv, (fr. same) allur- collect, pile or throw together; tc
vijyayov' impr. travdyay' sub.
ing, seducing, tempting. Subs. stack corn, &c. to overwhelm, inf.
; ~avaydyW iravayayiv.
an outlaw ; a stranger, foreigner. bury, cover up. pres. inf. act. EiravaciTr^uffis, -tog, Att. -ECOJ, ^ t
EiroKT(f<fo>s, (fr. last) by conse- TTdjJ.OilV -OiV' p3LSS. 1iCL'daG\)Q.\ (fr. E^-i intens.
and avaoixXuois
quence, of course, conclusively ; -Sc8at. a repetition) arepetition, redu-
persuasively, temptingly. Ei7a////3w, f.
-i^u), p. irr>ni<i>a,
anc plication.
Eira*T(d>-, -ov, 6, same as ti i'/, Effava^Euyvu/uj, f. -fw, (fr. ETTJ
raioj. intens. and a^ti,3w to alternate}
aiaback, and ^y"j^j to yoke)
E-aicrSc, -//, -ov, (fr. t~dyu to toexchange, put in place of, give topack up in order to return, to
bring in) supplemental, addition- set out
or take for : to alternate, act in home, return, come back.
al; foreign, extrinsic; forced, turns. '3-tS, -OJ, Att. -0)C, fa (fr.
next) a taking
or cutting off . -T,s, f,, (fr.
a EiravBiu -w, f. -$<;&, p. tirtjv6T)Ka,
death, destruction, ruin; mur coming back, return ; a bending, and Eravfl/^o), (fr. ml upon, and
turn, distortion, reflection. avflf'w to
flower, th. av0oy a flow-
der, slaughter.
and ErravaTdvij), (fr. crri against, avd er) to bloom, flower, flourish ; to
Eiravaipeu -to, (fr. Ttl upon,
alptw to take) to
take upon, under- upwards, and rdvw to stretch) grow upon or out of, spring
to take cut kill to lift or raise a from. per. mid. inrivOa, by
take; away, off, weapon against,
-apw, (fr. STTI intens. menace, threaten ; to stretch
out, Epenth. m/jvoBa, and Att. TT-
and to raise) to raise or extend. v^vo0a.
lift up, elevate. EzavaTt'AAw, (fr. ETTI intens. ava Enaviafft, Att. and Eiravitatrt, Ion.
Erravaicaivifo, fr. up, and rf'AAw to raise) to cause
same, and ava- for naviiffi, 3 pi. pres. ind.
act. of
Katvifo, which see.
to rise, raise, lift
up, elevate; to
irl in, ava up, rise, get upwards, mount; to 7ri
up, ava back,
EiTavdKip.ai, (fr. EiTavlrip.1, (fr.
and Kctftai to lie) to be laid up, spring up, sally forth. and typi to send) to send back
put by, reserved or stored up ; to travaTiBrjpi, (fr. ETTI on, ava up,
or away, dismiss; to return, go
hang over, impend, threaten. and Tidtijj.1 to put) to set, put, or come back again.

ErravdK^ijffis, 'ios,
Att. -0)j, /}, (fr. lay or place over, above or upon ; EiravicrauiTO, Ion. for eirav/oratv-
to, ava back,
and /caAfo) to to allow or
acknowledge a pay- TO, 3 pi. pres. opt. pass. E^a-
call) a calling back;
a restitution, ment, set down as received, make viarfd-ai, Ion. for TravicTavTai,
return to a former one's self debtor, inf. mid. 3 pi. pres. ind. Enavia-
restoration, pres. pass.
state. TtaTo, Ion. for waviaravTO, 3 pi.
EiravaK\lvu, (fr. irl
upon, and ravarpfjru),
same, tind
avarpt- impf. pass, of
avaJcAtVo) to recline) to lean upon, TTw, which see. E~aviaTripi, f.
-or^ffO), p. firavfaTri-
lie down
upon, rest, recline. ETravarpuyao/xat -w^ai, (fr. irl in- Ka, (fr. tiri
against, avd up, and
"Enava\ap.@a via, (fr. irl to, and ava-
tens. ava along, and
rpuyaw to 'i^Tr^ii
to stand) to set or raise

\ap(iavd) to take up) to take up gather) to glean a vineyard. up, erect ; to rouse, set on ; to

again, resume, begin over again. E5rava0/po), f. -o'wut, 1 a. -f)VVKa, rise up, rise up together, break

Eiravd\>}ipis, -ios, Att. -w?, ;/, (fr. (fr. same, and ^f'pw
to bring) up ; to rise
up against, mutiny,
a taking up or going over to repeat, do over revolt. 2 a. ind. act. ?ra-
last) again, reiter- rebel,
again, repetition, rehearsal. ate ; to bring back an answer
; viaTrjv, in 3 pi. maviarriGav.
ErravaAoyfw -w, (fr. irl up, ava toimpute, charge, blame ; to re- ETravjTfoj, -a, -ov, (fr. Ttdvipi te
again, andAfj/w to say) torepeat tort,
throw back an accusation, return) must go back, return, &c.
over again, go back over a sub- charge the accuser ; to go off, according to the verb.
ject, explain or expound more disappear, vanisJt; to rise, mount. E:ravjw>, -oScra, -ov, par. 2 a. act.
fully. ,

2:rava0opa, -as, fi, (fr. last) a re-

of same.
ETravapivw, fr. iri intens. and ava- petition ; a charge. EirdvoSos, -ov, ?;, (fr. irl to, ava
which see. ETravdr/trofjtai, I f. ind. pass, of up, and 6<5os a way) a return,
-fad), p. 7rava- coming back again.
ftffivTjKa, (fr. same, ar again, rrdvEip,i, (fr. iri
upon, av. back, -<3, (fr. ETTI intens. and
and nipvir/crKw, same as th. juvao- and ?/n to go) togo up, go back to correct, th. opBbs
pai to
remember) to remind, again, return, straight) to set up what has
put in mind, advise, admonish, vcis, -Uffa, -v, par. of rav;v, fallen, set right, replace, restore;
warn. 2 of
a. ind. act. to correct, amend, improve, recti-
E-7ravav(5a) -w, f.
-wo-w, fr. same, TravfAetiOw, obs. see Travip^opai. fy, reform, pass. inf. pres. ;ra-
and ai/avdco, which see. >Ttav\Quv, 2 a. inf. act, Eira- vopB6cr6ai -ovffBat' par. titavoo-
ETravaTrauo^at, f.
-avffop.ai, p. ?ra- j/A0wv, -ouffa, -ov, par. 2 a. act. 6oop.vos -ovpfvos.
vairfTTavpai, (fr. ETTI upon, v Ejravfp^o-0a(, pres. inf. pass. a, -aros, TO, and Eira-
again, and 7rat5o> to rest) to rest, , -tos, Att. -ECO?, %, (fr,
stay or remain upon ; to be at Eiravioo/jiai, (fr. intens. ava m last) a correction, amendment, im-
ease, feel satisfied, rely, depend again, and ioo^ai to ask) to ask provement ; reparation, amends.

upon ; to acquiesce, agree, assent. particularly, inquire, examine, a. sin. 7rav<5p0w<nv.

1 a. ind. mid.
TTavTTavffd[jiriv. interrogate; to demand strictly, -rravopdwTtos, -a, -ov, (fr. same)
Erava/rAf'w f. -vaw, (fr. i:l upon, insist upon. to be amended, corrected, improv-
avaback, and 7rAeu> to sail) to rravfo^o/iai,
Trav\i>aoftai, (fr.
sail often, navigate to and 7n intens. ava back, and
from, tp%op.ai Eiravop0o>r>??, -ov,
h (fr.
same) a
sail back again, pres. inf. act. to go) to come up, come back corrector, improver, reformer, re-
iravaTT\fiv -ziv. again, return ; to recur to, take storer.

EiravdcTaais, -ios, Att. -o>?, fj, (fr. up again, resume ; to approach, ErravraToj, -ou,6, >;, (fr. next) meet-
against, and avaorao-tj a ris- draw near, come to. 2 a. ind. act. ing, succouring, assisting, reliev-
ing, th. 'larnni to stand) a rebel- TTavfi\v6ov, by Sync. 7rav^A0ov, ing, amusing, condoling. Erav-
lion, revolt, insurrection, sedition, fr. Ai50to, obs. ralos WOT), a song or tune usea
mutiny. EffavfowTao) -to, f. -jyc-a), (fr. same, by those grinding, drawing water
ETravaorAAo), (fr. TTI intens. and ava again, and Epwraw to ask) or other incessant work.
avaoTf'AAto to contract) to hinder, to inquire,
examine, interrogate. E-avraw -to, f.
-770-0), p. ^VTrjKa,
restrain, check, confine. Erravpo)r^(7t, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. (fr. 7Tt intens. and avraw to
Effavdem^a, -aroj, TO, (fr. next) al of last. meet, th. avrt against) to
protuberance, prominence, swell- ETTavfaT7jv,-ns,
*-CV ffV, -'/>, 3 pi. J run to meet, come to ; to oppose,

ing; a promontory. cav, 2 a. ind. act. of ETravivTTjp.1. resist, stop. 1 a. ind. act. f^v-
iravi%<a, -tfa, (fr. iri upon,
against, avd up, and tor^u to and avf^w to bear) to lean, rest by Sync, for fin-avar/A-
stand) to rise up or make head or bear
upon ; to endure, bear up Aw, par. pres. act. EiravrAAwv,
against, resist, oppose ; to against ; to to -oiiffa, -ov.
rebel, excel, surpass ;
revolt. surmount, outtop. -avTijtris, -to?, Att. -o>5, >;, (fr.

Efl-avaorpf^o), (fr. irl

upon, ava iravriKU), f.
-|w, (fr. tiri up, ava ETravra'w to meet) a meeting, com-
back, and o-rp^o) to turn) to back, and ifco) to come) to come ing together, concourse.
come back again, return, re- back again, return. -avrA&o -5, (fr. eirl upon, and
visit; to face about, return to y,
3 sin. impf. of irravioo- avrA/w to pump) to pump into
the charge. or upon, pour in or upon.
Rravuto, fr. tirl intens. and ovvu, Etrdpji,
3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of
which see.
ETaVu>, (fr. iri
upon, and dvia
above) upon, over, o&oue, more
than, beyond.
inf. 1 a.
Rxdfa, Eirofas, par.
act. E;rdw, ind. Effdffiv,
inf. 1 f. act. of
'Erofr, Dor. for rij|e,
3 sin. 1 a.
ind. act. of iri/yi-v/u.

Erases, -ov, 6, /j, (fr. ~t intens.

and dioj worthy) worth, deserv-
ing ; valuable; equivalent, equal
eirt upon,
E7raf5v>s, -ou, 6, fit (fr.
and an axletree) upon the
axle ; rolling, running smooth.
Erdw, Dor. for rr>ju>, 2 sin. 1 a.
ind. mid. of Trr/yvu/u. Or 1 f.

ind. act. of tTrdyu.

Eraotity, -fjs, ^, Ion. for ;rw<5>/.

Also E-ao<&'a.
E^aotiJo'j, -oy, 6, Ion. for 7ru<5<5?.
ffaoc, -f, -, act. "Eirdnv, -rjs,
~T], pass.
2 a. ind. of ruuw.
(fr. :ri intens. and
Xdj delicate) <o indulge, gra-
nper ; to revel, live luxu-

f. fr.
-oi, -rjau), p. -rjKa,
c-l intens. and oTTEeXfu, which
Etrairo^uu, (fr. m upon, and aro-
Svu to
to provide, instruct,
suborn. Erraffo<5i5o/iat,
to enter
into ; to enter upon, undertake,
take upon.

E-airop/y -<S, fr. errl intens. and

which see.
-aros, rd, (fr. last) a
doubt, hesitation ; debate, ques-
tion, inquiry.
u>/m-, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub.
act. 'of same.

EaYzirooTfXXw, (fr. EOT upon, and

airooTfXXw to send away) to send
away upon, send off" directly
despatch forthwith.
va, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of

-as, ^, (fr. tm against, and

apo a prayer) an imprecation.
curse, malediction.
"Rirqpdopai -upat, f.
-a(7o//a(, and
to wish
-rjffofiai, (fr. same) evil,
pray against, imprecate, curse
E^apdVfyos, -ov, 6, >/, (fr.
nst, and apa prayer) ac-
cursed, devoted ; execrable, abo-
minable ; horrid, dreadful dire-
ful, terrible.
Erapdo-o-u), (fr. same, and apdo-oru
to hew) to rush, dart, fall upon ;
to dash or strike against ; to

clash, dip ; to dose or block

2 pi.
1 a. impr. act.
1 a. inf. act.
vapai, E^a'pas,
-acra, -av, n. pi. -pavrs, par. 1
a. act. of rrat'oa.
Evdparos, -oi', o, TI, (fr. tirapdouai
to curse) accursed, devoted, im-
pious, abomiii.ib'.c, vile, detest-
EirdpyJiOOf, -ov, 5, rj, (fr.
dpyvpos silver) covered with
EiravTO<f>a>pq>, (fr.
Eiri in, auros sel
to hasten) haste, speed; hurry, a revelling) to int, ..de
superinduce, per. pass
1 a. mid
pat' par. c.vdt$vp.lvos.
ind. circvsdvGdnriv' inf.

EirmyKcTv, 2 a. inf. act. Exwiy

/cw, -7/s, -ji, 1 or 2 a. sub. act.

EwEVfyKwv, -ovaa, -ov, par.

2 a.

act. of

EiTEVfyKW, (fr. tm upon, and svty

Kia, sameas ^t'pw) see tm<liepa>,
1 a. act. ind. 7nJvyKa' sub! E-E-

vlyKw. 2 a. act. ind. cirrjt

Opt. TTVtyKOlUl' Sub. E7TE

iTVyKiv' par. 7rVEy/cci)f.
Eirwdnw, fr. same, and CVUKW,
which see. Poet, for last. 1 a.
act. ind. tmivtixa, and Ion. esre-
vtica' par. i7ViKas, n. pi. sirttet-
Eirfvcipa, -as, -E, 1 a. ind. act.
ETTEVE/id///;!', -ov, -TO, impf. knd.
pass, of tmvfpnj).
- or -ev, 1 a. ind.
Eirfvevcra, -as,
act. of wivtvu.
Eirwrjveov -ovv, impf. act. of emvrj-
vfi>), same as tmvtu.

EirtvijvoQa, -as, -, by Epenth. and

Att. for -rrrji>da, per. ind. mid.
Errw'/vo0ov,by same, for ETT^OV,
2 a. ind. act. of irav6lu.
OV, -TO, impf. Of 7T-

Eirfrfet, 3 sin. cont. impf. act.

EffEvOtfo-aro, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid.
of irevOeh).

Errn/flwv, Dor. for

i,irt\6&v, 2 a.

par. of ciripxopai.
Enwrvu, fr. T:I upon, and i/r5a> or
EVTVVID, which see. impf. Ion.
tirtVTVOV) -S, -.
EiTf!-ctp.i, (fr. m upon, E out, and
to go) to 5-0 ow2 against,
"break out upon, sally forth,
invade; to break forth, burst out;
to exclaim, utter, give vent to ; to
charge, accuse, prosecute,convict ;
to treat
of; to declaim, go over,
repeat ; to strive, exert, execute.
EirifcXEvaofiai, -77, -erai, in 1 pi.
E7TAt)<j-<ty/0a, 1 f. ind. mid.
3Gxc{A0cii' l 2 a. ind. act. of ETTE-

?rt E
Eircfyy<ityia(, (fr. upon, out,
and wyd?oftai to work) to work
about; to en-
out, effect, bring
deavour, use pains ; to work at,
labour, toil.

Eir%fpxop.ai, (fr. same, and lp%o-

pai to go) to come forth against,
go oui upon, come up, come up-
on ; tu come
after, succeed ; to
approach, advance, go on, march
foru>ard, charge, attack, set upon;
to go over, traverse, cross, pass
EirtfrvpiffKu, (fr. same, and
KW to find) to find out, discover ;
to invent, contrive, devise. 2 a. ind.

act. firci-wpov, 1 pi.

Eir%rjs, Ion. for <f>et-rjs.

Eirl-iaK%d(>), same as ia%w.

ErrE^itvai, pres. inf. Eirli6i,
pres. impr. of tit^upi.
ETTfoiKa, -as, -, per. ind. mid. of

Eirird00', for EirETrtt'flUro,

3 sin.
impf. pass. E-rrerei
wav, Syst.
-Sr act. of -ov, 6, and 'Eirrts,-?o'os,^, CE, 3 sin. impf. act. of 1*1
Efff*:aoi>, -e, impf. ,

(fr. to follow) a follower, (fidMTKW.

EwfWrov, -S, -j impf. act. of m- attendant, companion ; a servant. 'EirE^impr. >,

inf. pres.
E?rr/70-(os, -a, -or, and -ov, 6, >;, act. Of
2 pi. Erf- (fr. intens. and eros a year) E7T%ipijo-a, -as, -, 3 pi. -av, 1 a.
E77ffKv//d>77v, -W, -aro,
the the ind. act
1 a. ind. mid. of sjrt- yearly, for year, during E^^i'pov -ow, -EEC
whole year. -is,--(, impf. act. of77t^tpfw.
1 a. ind. act. EirErtflo vv, 1 sin. or 3 cont. impf. -iov -ov, frro
EwEo-w'affa, -ay, -, of]
pi. 'EiTTE^fdfjiriv -ovfjinv,
act. of7riri077//t, as if fr. etririOiu. \
-E7ro, impf. pass. Er^sov -ow,
ETTEo-Ktprao-a, -as, -e,
1 a. ind. act. En-rt/iaov -wv, -OES -as, -OE -a, impf. -S-s,--t,impf. act. off -irt%iw ,

act. ErErt/^ 770-0, 1 a. ind. act. E-^0r7v, ->rs, -77,
1 a. ind.
pass, of
ET<T/c6>7o-a, -as, -E,
1 a. ind. act. of 7nrt//do). TTfKw, same as 77t>co).

Errf roc-era, -as. -,Poet. for firtroaa, E-f^paov-wv, impf. act. ofETrt^pdw.
2 a. ind. act. of or 7Trwra, 1 a. ind. act. of TTETO'W. i, -as, -,
1 a. ind. act. of
'Eir<rov, -ES, -e
iriVro). EffErpa^v, -T?S, -77, pasa. 2 a. 77^-

for act.
E:rfo-;r<j0at, Ion. tfyiittaQai, rpi|'a, -as, -, E7rrp^-d//77v,
pres. inf. mid. of E0fVu>. -w,-aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of EirirpfTrw. 77f
0-^77 <ca, (fr. Erf upon, and f^w
- or -EV, 2 a. ind. to to hold
'ETTEOTTOI', ind. ETrtffrai', inf. rrirvj^v, -ES, hold) in, keep back,
2 a. act. of m<nrtu. act. of check, stop, restrain; to hinder,
Eino-7Tu>v,par. Eirirvy^dVw.
Efffffo-Erat, Poet, for cireaera -E,
jEol. for cTTfScov, prevent, forbid to withhold, ;
sin. of
1 f. of crot/n, to which Ion. for 05j<5ov, pause, forbear ; to de-
be with. act. of (f>aSsm>, same as w^w. lap, tarry, stay, vait ; to apply,
ErrEo-o-EtJovro, by Metath. for ETTE- -ro, in 1 pi. ETTEV-
TvQ6[*T)v, -ov, fix, advert, attend, regard, listen
<T<Tvovro, 3 pi. pper. pass, of Ooptda, impf. mid. of TtvQo^ai. to; to aim at, direct against;
EircvQvptw -w, f. -7/<rw, fr. Ert in- supply, provide, furnish ; to
Eff/ff<rvrat, Metath. for ETrto-jVvrat, 'w, which see. occupy, possess, tvjny ; to con-
3 sin. per. pass. EjTro-vro, for E77i!/crds, -ov, b, fj, (fr. strain, press hard upon, urge.

3 sin. pper. pass, of to pray for) to be wished for, de- impf. act. tiiti'x.ov. 2 a. ind. act.
sirable, eligible.
EiroraX//at, -trat, -rat, per. ind. E77va//7'OS, -77, par. Trt
X <v, pi. -j par. pres. act.
mid. of< of last.
pass. ETTfo-rEtXa, -as, -, 1 a.
ind. act. 5, f. -i in- a. ind. act. of
E-TrEOTEtXd/^v, -w, -770-0), (fr.

-aro, 1 a. ind. mid. of Erto-rAXu). tens.and v<pr;pf(i)

to praise) to
for fcrfa, n.
EjrOTvd;tbv, -ES, -, impf. of ti:i- commend, extol, applaud, cele- ETrfwv, g. pi. 'E7T77,
brate ; to approve, assent, agree .
a. v. pi. of E'TTOS.

EirjVrEvov, -s,-, impf. act. of ETTI- to bless. 1 a. ind. act. Em?, 3 sin. pres. sub.

era, 3 pi. rTTEv^^o-av. 7;

ErrEOTE^rffi^v, -a>, -aro,
in 3 pi.
Ion. for
ETTEV^OV, pres. Em^oXos, -ov, 6, ^, Poet, for ETH-
-avro, 1 a. ind. mid. of ETrioTf^w. impr. of
ErEOTEws, Ion. for 0oraws, which -, Att.
Eirr/yayoi , -ES, irr7yov,
and act.
by Cras. for (p<rrr]Kw, par. per. (fr. ETTt
upon, E^yayd/iJTV, -ov, -ro,
act. EviffTT)v,-w, -77, 3 pi. ETTf- pray) pray over or for ; to Att. for E7777yo'/j>7v, mid. 2 a. inc.

a. ind. act. of t^ia-r^ii. boast or exult over ; to thank, re- of ETrdyo).

(rr70-av, 2
3 sin. pper. pass turn thanks ; to pray to, address Eff^yyEiXa, -as, -, act. "Eirtjy-
with prayer ; to vow. ytXd//7V, -a), -aro, mid. 1 a. ind.
a. ind. act. of 7ricT77ptu). f. 77< intens. -aat,
ErfDum^o), -"o-w, (fr. ETr^yyX//ai, -rat, per.
fr. to im- EV well, and w veo//ai to buy) to un- ind. pass, of
'ETTEo-rt, (impers. firci[ii ErrayyAXu.
pend) it is lawful, allowable,itmay. dervalue, underrate, depreciate; Em;yEtpa, -as, -E, 3 pi. -pav, 1 a,
Eirtffrovdxifrv, -ES, -, impf.
act. to
cheapen, buy at a low rate, ind. act. of rztyv.pu.
/v, -77s,-77, 2a. ind. pass. Eff77y*ct'Ws, -(ov, al, (perhaps fr.

-r,, -ov, par. per. Erf^avro, Poet, for TTt^acfjitvoi 77t

upon, EV on, and KWOS empty.
2 3
rrpd<t>r)V, -r?s, -77, fjcnv. pi. pper. pass, oftyaivu. Or, perhaps fr. tittviyKu to
a. ind. impf. act. ofETt- stretch along) the deck of a ship ;
pass. E^f'arp^', -as, , -ES, -E,
-E,l a. ind. act. of 7n<rrpfyw.l the hatches.

lrr<m>0Atfor, -ES, -, impf. act.; 'E-0vov, -ES, -, impf. or 2 a. ind. E7r>/yopuu), f. -EVffO), and E7n7yopfu
Of ir((TTV0Xt'to. act. of 77f<ii'u, which by Sync. -fi, (fr. same, and ayoprfo) or

STTEO-^OV, -ES, -, act.

ETO^O-' fur TTE^fvw, which by redupl. for -pta) to harangue, th. ayopa a
/<77v, -ov, -sro, mid.
2 a. ind. of $tVu. Or, fr. <t>[vd) thus, 2 a. court) to speak, against, accuse,
fticvov, by Syrac. redupl. tirityt- charge, blame.
3 sin. pres. ind. vov, which by Sync, ftrs^vov. Or, EinjEiv, -EJS, -EI, pper. of iirtim, to
E-frafa, -as, or -EV, 1 a. ind. by Sync, for
txtyovov, 2 a ind. go to.

act. of ETTtrdo-o-w. act. of

Eirt^ovfu. Eir>7v, for irrjv, impf. of lirupi, to
'E;rfras, -a, b, Dor. for frriTTjs.
Eirtypucov, -ES, -E, 2 a. ind. act. of be in.
E*-raV077i/, -77s, -r?,
1 a. ind. pass. Or,
E7ri$pdu>. by Syrac. re- rrjeravbg,-fj, -ov, (fr.
^t in, and
of TTEravw/jj
dupl. for typaoov, 2 a. ind. act. tros a year) yearly, annual.
EirjrEtXa, -as, -, a. ind. act. of of <2>pdw. Or, impf. of ir6pd- , -v?a, -os, par. per.
EirtrAXa'. dw, (fr. irtypala, per. micl. of
EirfrEtos, -ov, 6, (fr. irt
upon,j ETr7/ra, -as, -, 3 pi. Elf>?Kav, Ion.

and tros a year) yearly, annual, Eir0pa'c-ar' by Apos. ETT0pa<r- for tQfiKa, 1 a. ind. act. of ttyiripi.
annversary. <raro, Poet, for ETTE^paffaro, 3 ~Eiri]Ko\ovdr]ffa, -as, -j 1 8- ind.
act. ErsrAXEr' for sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of
jrt0paw. act. of Eira/coXouflf'u.
7TrAXro, pass. 3 sin.
impf. E-fO -ES, -, impf. act. of TTE- "Eirr/Koos, -ov, b, 77, (fr. Eira^ouw to
ind. of ErrirAXw. ), same as <f>vw. listen) audible; hearing, listen-
ETTETEpiro^v, -ov, -ETO, impf. pass. fy(77v, -ov, -Ero, impf. pass, of ing, attentive ; a hearer^ witness ;
favourable, propitious, k.md.
a. ind. act. SirE^wvfi, 3 sin. -vow, 3 pi. cont. ind. act. of
irtjKovffa, -as, -e, 1 a.
of Eirir77iWu.
impf. act. of nrt6u>viu.
W '
-uunv, -dov -w, -ctEr , ,
-ov, b, fa (fr. Em upon beside att these. Em nis dfrots,
-aro, 3 pi. Eir^Kpodovro -wvr and EpErjuos an oar) rowing, tha after or m
consequence o/the mi-
impf. pass, of E-iraKpodop-ai. can be rowed, made for rowing racle of the loaves. TIVE Em myyjj,
Zirn\a, -as, -E, 3 pi. -av, 1 a. inc equipped, provided or furnished certain fountain.
act. of Tra'AAw. with oars. em Traici, to die leaving children.
iffi\6ov, -ES, -, by Sync,
for i 3 sin. impf. mid. of cm TrdAAats /3/)3Xtojj, after writ-
\v6ov. 2 a. act. of papal,
but ing many books. Eri TOVTOIS ira-
or -io), (fr. Em upon sin. impf. pass,
>r/7pro,3 ofsiralpw pdyaye, bring up after these. E0'
and ri\vyd$(i) to shade, th. i]\vy irt)p$tlS, -fos -ov's, b, fa (fr. En yrt, upon that condition. Em
darkness) to overshadow, shade upon, and Eofffxa
to roof) rooj TO?$ with their bodies;
cover, darken ; to disguise. ed, covered; hidden, concealed upon their
personal security. Em
"EirrjXvoES, n. pi.
of iirnXvs. shady, overshadowed. Xpdvov, after a while; in some
E7T^Aii0ov, -ES, -, and by Sync E-f/pdr/v, -rjs, -tj, 1 a. ind. pass, o time.
'Ayuv tm ras dp%as, to
EirrjXBov, 2 a. ind. act. of (.irlpx. '

bring before magistrates. Em

(*ai. xt/pta, -as, fa same as EirfjpEia. oe^iav, to the right. r/viuv or Em
'Eirn\v<;, -voos, 'o, fa (fr, tm to, and TTJjpKEOV -OVV, -EES "'Si
impf -, fivias, to the left ; to the reins or
\v6u, obs. to come) a stranger act.
ETTt'ipKEcra, -as, -E,
in 3 pi bridle hand.
1 a. ind. act. of
new-comer; a foreigner. -av, Eirapniu). 'Em, for 7T(TTt, 3 sin. ;
or for
EmjAwff/a, -as, Ion. "EirrjXvtjirj, -ris rrjjojifvos, -TI, -ov, par. per. pass ireiffi,
3 pi. pres. offireipi, to be
of ETratpw. n or among.
fa (fr.same) a coming, approach
arrival, appearance ; a charm E^po-a, -as, -, ^ol. for

Ema'AXw, (fr. m upon, and ta'AAw

a. ind. act. of
philtre ; incantation, witchcraft. Emfpu. to
send) to send forth, utter; to
Eirj/Afir^s, and Em/Auros, -ov, b, %, Triprriufvos, -rt, -ov, par. per dart or cast forth ; to instigate,
(fr. same) a stranger, foreigner, pass, of ETTaprdd). set upon ; to set forward, pro-
i, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. o!
Em/ptora, 3 sin.
Ernypairwv, 3 pi mote ; to
lay hands upon ; to aim
cont. of at, desire.
ETTjypwraov -tov, impf
E7r///ot/?os, ->;, -01-, fr. Em intens. act.
ETrr/puTTjaa, -as,
- or -EV
Ema'A//vos, by Sync, for maAAd-
and apoi^os, which see. 3 pi. -rr/oav, 1 a. ind. act. of ETTE- fievos, par. pres. mid. of last. Or
ETT^, 1 or 3 sin. impf. ofiirsipi, to pwrdw. Poet, for 0aAAo>vos, par. pres.
be in. 3
\trrjoav, pi. impf. of tifEipi, to be mid. of 0a'AAo//at.
ETH/I/, Ion. for etrdv. over. Or 3 pi. 1 a. of ITTEIUI. to Zmavddvut, Poet, or Ion. for
wr/VEOv -ovv, -EES -iS, --,
-i, impl
impf. go to.
cdi'u, fr. tm intens. and avddvw,
act. EirfjvEaffav, Poet, for EITIJ \KT}ffdiv, Ion. for td> which see.
VEirav, 3 pi. of E7rr/vffa, also Emj- which by Sync. Emaaa, -as, -, pi. -<raT, -aav, 1 a.
r^o-a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of 3 pi. 1 a. opt. pass, of ind. act -- Emdadrjv, 1 a. ind.
evaivtv. 'Ttriffdopiv, -ov, -tro, 2 a. ind. mid pass, of maw.
'Eirr/vQa, -as, -E, and by Att. rrtat'a), f. -(rw, p. mavKa, (fr. irl
Epenth. ETrcvrjvoda, per. mid. of -w, -aro,
TrrjffKtjffdfinv, 1 a. ind. in, and iavu to abide) to sleep at
mid. offmiffK or with, lodge in.
~EirijvTr,aa, -as, -E, 1 a. ind. act. of Z-rrriTai, 3 sin. pres. sub. mid. o:
ma'^w, (fr. m
upon, and id%ti) to
tisavrdw. shout) to cry out or call to ; to
TLirrivvdTiv, -r/s, -r), 1 a. ind. pass. jr^rr/s, -ov or -EOS -ovs, b, fa (fr. call upon, exhort, impf. act.
of siravvia. /mo to speak) articulate, speak-
- or -EV, act. ing
'Eirri!-a,-as, E7r>/a- ; eloquent, fluent ; sensible, Eirf/Ja, by Poet. Apha3r. for tm$n-
ftr/v, -co, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of prudent. Oi, 2 a. impr. act. of m'fo/u or
irijTtfuos, -ov, b, fa (fr. m intens.
EmyimA^o-a, -as, 1 a. ind. act. and a warp) thick, close emfialvu to
-E, -f/rpiov Empa6pa, -as, fa (fr.
Of ETTaTTEtAfCO. together, crowded, full. mount) a ladder, stairs, steps;
ETrjjpa, -as, -E,
E7n?pd>>;v, Tr^f'w -to, (fr. same, and r/%i(i) to ascent.
-w, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. sound) to make a noise against,
ofEmiipco. Imfia8pov, -ov, rb, (fr. same)/er-
"EirfjpaTOs, -ov, b, fa (fr. Em intens. drown, overpoiver, stun, confound; ry -money, fare.
and Epa'w to love) lovely, amia-
to rattle, resound ; to
sound, play /3a('^v, -r/s, r/, 2 a. opt. act. of
ble, pleasing, agreeable, gratify- upon. m'/37/H or -jSaivw.
ing, desirable. Trr/^dEfffjifvos,
and -r/pfvog, -r], -ov, Emj3aii////v, Ion. for m(3aiviv,
"Eirr/pEafyvTEs,, n. pi. par. pres. act. of par. per. pass, of pres. inf. act. of
Eirj7paw, f.
-aata, p. nirripiaKa, m, a preposition governing the irij3olt"c*j
f. mid. -)'/ffo/j.ai, p. m-
(perhaps fr. against, and m g. d. a.
cases, on, upon, over, m upon, and @aii>o)
(3tf3rtica, (fr.

"Ap7s Mars or war) to injure, above; in, to, at, unto, into; to go) walk upon; to enter
hurt ; to trouble, vex, harass, in- in, by, near, at, before, in pre- into, go on board, embark; to

sult, treat cruelly or wantonly; sence of, among; during, at, step upon, get on land ; to mount,
to slander : to
arraign, accuse. when, in the time of; of, about, go up, get upon ; to come or go
E7rr?pa<rpds, -ov, b, fa (fr. last) in- concerning ; according or agree- into; to go over, pass through,
jury, wrong ; vexation, trouble, ably to ; for, on account of, for travel over ; to make mount, set
insult, contumely; ill-will, ma- the sake of; over and above, be- or put upon ; to bring upon, in-
lice, malignity. sides ; towards, against; in the flict ; to load ; to raise, lift up ;

Err^pEaffrY/cos, ->7, -bv, (fr. same) power of, under. O


KOIT&VOS, to m
exalt, extol, magnify. 2 a. act.
injurious, wrongful ; insolent, a chamberlain. EAto-cra/ou, Em
ind. Tji(3r/v- impr. trnfaQi' par.

vexatious, troublesome ; mali- in the days of Elisha. ETT' A0ia- m/3as, (as fr. CT-J/?^.)
cious, spiteful. 6ap row apyiEptws, i n the time of Sm/?aAAt>, Dor. for m/?aAAou,
EirrjpE or -pEv,
3 sin. E^pav, 3 pi. Abiathar. Eir' aA;0/asi with or pres. impr. mid. Em/?aAA<, 3
1 a. ind. act.
'E^pdr/v, -rjs,
in truth. Em
<5! roureDv, mean- sin. pres. ind. act. Em/JdAAov,
-rj, 1 a. ind. pass. ETrjypKa,
while. Em
or fiaprvai, neut. par. pres. act. Em/3a-
per. ind. act. of Emu'pw. by witnesses. Err; ri<sv)(iq, quiet- AoC<n, 3 pi.
1 f. md. act. Em-
Eip7pEta,-as, fa (fr- f-nriptd^o)
to in- ly. Eir'
tc%vi, with force.
/3a'Ao), -jis, -n, sub. -/JaAeiv,
jure) injury, harm; mischief, EJ-aywyfj, for being carried away. inf. |3aAwv, par. 2. a. act. of --
wrong, insult; malice, hatred; E0' ofs iaaiv, on which account Em(5aAAw f. -aAw, p. ETTJ/^AJ/KO,
sland*r, calumny. they went. &
Em iraai TOVTOIS, (fr. r.-rrt upon, and SdXXta to
throw) to cast, throw, lay, put
Elll ni ETIl
"Eiriyv6nvo$, -r/, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. upon, and y6w the knee) upon ing, displaying, demonstrative,
of the knees or lap. showy, ostentatious, splendid.
"Rmyia, -wv, ra, same as tmyti Eiriyovvh, -ioos, f), (fr. same) the ETrtfn&f, -to s , Att.
-EOJ, $, (Q-.
ETnytyvoficu, same as tmyivofj thigh, ham, hough ; cap of the same) a showing, snow, display
par. pres. Extyiyvdpevos. knee. exhibition; proof\ demoiistration
ETrty/vo^at, f.
tTtiyEvficonai, p.
to graze) a specimen, example.
yfyova, (fr. em upon, and yivoj.iai lightly, slightly, superficially. EmcfKaTos, -r,, -ov, (fr. 7rt intens.
to be) io come q/ier or upon suc-
Ernypa^ta, -aroc, TO, (fr. tmypd-
and 6tKa ten) tenth.
ceed, follow ; to be born after or ^w to write upon) an epigram ; Eirio^ta or Eiridfj-ta ^poj, (fr
from, be descendedfrom ; to sprout superscription, title, writing. next) on the right.
or spring up, arise, grow on ; to Att. -fias, b, (fr.
Emypa0ii$', -foj, E7ri<5ffioj, -a, -ov, (fr. tm. upon, and
go on, be protracted; to come same) a writer, accountant; a oft- 10$ the right)
upon, surprise. 2 a. ind. mid, treasurer, collector. right, on the right side;
mypatirj, -%$, fj, (fr. same) an true, just ; sincere, honest ; neat,
i, -uv, of, (pi.
mas. inscription, superscription, elegant, curious. title,

par. pres. of last) posterity, de- writing, notice; a registry, Em^fofjLai, (fr. tm intens. and ola
scendants. enrolment, account. to need) to want, need,
mid. to be
ETriyivoJCTKW, f.
tiriyvitxropai, deficient, fail, fall short of,
p. e-eyvioKa, (fr. etrl intens. and (fr. tm and
upon, to be inferior.
ypa0w write)
yivuiTKia to know) to know or to write
upon, inscribe, engrave ; EiricfOKETai, 3
sin. pres. ind. mid.

perceive clearly, understand; to to superscribe; to write

be acquainted with ; to be inform- out, describe ; to write under, 'EmcfpKij), (fr. 7rt upon, and
ed, come to know, know again, subscribe, sign; to enrol, regis- to look) to look upon, behold; to
recollect; to recognise, acknow- ter ; to impute, set down to, look into, examine, view, consi-
ledge. 1 a. ind. act. 7rfyj>wo-a. 2 charge, give credit for ; to
graze, der, survey.
a. act. ind.
(fr. yvw//t) t-Ktyvwv' ruffle, strike lightly. 1 a. ind. act. 'KmoEvtai, Ion. for emoevy, 2 sin.
impr. ETTiyvudi' opt. eirtyvoirjv 7Typai//a. per. pass.
tm.ye- pres. sub. mid. cf tirioEvw.
sub. Eiriyvw' inf. eiriyv&vaf par. pper. pass. 7Tyypaju- ETrictvns, 2 sin. pres. sub. act. of

E/nyvouj. per. pass. ETrfyvwoy/at.

1 a.
pass. ind. EircyvwaOnv. ZirtataioSj -ov, b, ?/, (fr. ETTI intens. Emoevfc, -f'oj -ovs, b, % (fr. tm-
E7rtyAw<r<rij or -WTTIS, -ioo$, i% (fr. and ca(d) to share) common, ge- ovo) to want) see Eirtfajs.
over, and the tongue)
yXwo-o-a neral, public, belonging to many. T&Tridtvb) or ETrifoiio^at, (fr. m in-
a Zitt/e tongue; the epiglottis, a modKvu, (fr. tm upon, and fiaKvu tens. and ovio to want) same as
fleshy substance attached to the to bite) to bite at, snap, snarl; EinofOfjiai. par. pres. pass, tm-
palate ; a tip, point, end, te- to backbite, slander, abuse; to

non, &c. fight about, wrangle, quarrel, ,

3 sin. of
iti&avtifypai, (fr. same, and ca-
f. f-
ETtiyvd^TTTO), -i|/co, p. -0a, (fr. ->//ai, p.

7r? intens. and

to bend) vti^u)
to lend on interest) to pat, (fr. Em intens. anc
to bend, twist ; to pervert, warp ; pledge or pawn again, raise mo- to take) to take in, receive, enter-
to incline, dispose, induce, per- ney again on the same security ; tain, welcome ; to undertake, talie
suade. 1 a. act. ind.
to mortgage. upon. impf. mid. ETTEOE^TIV, -ov,
par. ETTiyvdfjLipas. m6a^i\V(i), and -EVOJJ.O.I, (fr. Em -70.
a. opt. act. ^ intens. and to \mSfot -u, f. -fcrw, and
EmyvoiVi -'ns, -'ii <5en^iAr?j copious) -jyo-w, (fr.

ETnyvou?, -ovtra, -bv, pi. n. -yv<5v- indulge, feast, entertain liberal- 7Tt
upon, and otu to tie) to tie
T?, g. -yi'dvrwv, d. -yvotxrt, par. ly, supply abundantly ; to en- upon, fasten, fix, load, saddle ;
2 a. act.
2 a. impr. rich, fatten ; to strengthen. to bind, wrap up.
act. of ETriyvwpi, see ETrtyivwo-- ETT<$, 2 a. impr. act. of EXE'ICU. \iri(iri\os, -ov, b, >/, (fr. tm intens.
KO). S7n<5<5a>KWf, -ti?a, -d?, a. mas. ETTJ- and orj\of clear) plain, evident,

E7nyro>^o(ruv>7, -??, ^, (fr. 7ny(- o$taK6Ta, par. per. act. of tm- very clear, manifest, conspicuous.
v&ffKii) to recognise) knowledge ; '.motjfjiEvu),
Poet, for

a judgment, determination ; a , -tO$ -OtiS, 0, ?/, (ft. ETTlOtO- t m.C71u(j) -W, I. -rjCt(s), p. tTTlOEO^LiYJ-
hearing, inquiry, trial; cogni- juat
to want) needy, poor, indi- KCL, (fr. popular) to visit,
zance ; acknowledgment. gent ; failing, wanting, deficient, sojourn, lodge, reside, abide; to
-ovos, b, (fr. same) a rtfieiyna, -aro?, to, (fr. tm&tiKvv- return, come home from abroad ;
to stay or be at home; be in
judge, umpire, commissioner ; a jui show) a sign, token, mark,

mediator, instructer. Adj. con- symptom ; a proof, demonstra- town, in the city ; to go out, ap-
siderate, liberal, indulgent.
tion ; an example, specimen, pear in public. 1 a. act. ind. tirt-

Emyvwvat, 2 a. inf. act. Em- model. o^/jLTicra' par. 7n<57////craj.

2 a. sub. act. Em$U\a, (neut. pi. of next) per- \iriorifjLia,
-a j, f), (fr. same) a com-
yvoi, -us, -5,
1 f. ind. pass. haps more properly tm oi\a, ing, arrival, approach, return ; a
ETnyvwffo^ai, -r/, -trai, 2 pi.
in the afternoon, towards even- staying at home, privacy.
E7rjyvwffo-0, 1 f. ind. mid. of ing, late.
7rtyVa>ovca>. E7r5jAoj, -ov, b, ri, (fr. tm at, and (fr. tm among, and Srj^os peo-

ETftyvaxj-is, -to?,
Att. -ws, ^, (fr. SI\TJ evening) in the afternoon, ple) popular, vulgar; civil, in-
towards evening, late. testine ; public, epidemic ; among
same) knowledge, acquaintance;
acknowledgment, owning, con- m.oiKVV[j.i or 'EirioEiKvvu),
f. tm>- one'speople, at home,domestic;fo-
fession, recognition ; cognizance. odfa, p. Emoiotixa, (fr. tm. in- reign, strange, come from abroad.
tens. and to to n. pi. cant. par.
d. ffiyvw<m, a. eniyvwffiv. fttiKWjjLi show) ,-mStjiJLovvTEi,

ETTtyvwornj, -ow, 6, >% (fr. same)

show plainly, exhibit, hold forth pres. act. of EmSr/ntu.
known, ctjknowledged, recognised. to display; to make ap-
-G,, f. -flCU, p. EVlSlfl'

Ern'yov;?, -17?, ^, (fr. iriyivofj.ai

to pear, demonstrate, prove; to point (fr. same, and Siatpfu) to
come breed out. par. pres, act. divide) divide or share among,
after) propagation, ;
a distribute. 2 a.
crop. -vaa, -vy. 1 a. act. ind. allot, apportion,

same) ae- irioi%ov, 2 smoE^art- ind. nud. f!rioitiX6^vv' par. tm-

Emyovot, tov, of, (ft. in.pr. pi.
offspring, infl EirioEil-at. par. pres. pass.
scenda'nts, posterity;
and otardauo) to arrange)
"Etriyovvioios, -ou, 6, >% (fr. en-i 'EmotiKTiKos,-},, -ov, ({i-.last) s/ww- intens.
Em Eni
to command to drivel to drive at or upon, n -;;, -ov, (fr. same) to be
appoint besides,
to su- after pursue.
endured or borne, tolerable ; pa-
moreover, entrust farther ;
1 a. impr. last. tient, that endures ; yielding, te-
pcradd; to alter, change. I a. Eiriciwl-ov, act.^of
ind. mid. crtc* &Trio6vrs, n. pi. mas. nient, mild, gentle.
tr. par. 2 a. act. of t-ilitu or of '.xttiKws, (fr. same) justly, equiia*
RviotaTpifiia, f. -xw, p. -tfa,
same, and ctarpifa, which see. txtcuv, par. 2 a. act. of bly, reasonably ; gently, mildly,

EmStcwfii, f. ;rt<5w<ra>, p. IBliti*- Eir/c5oos, -ov,

8. ft, (fr. upon ; moderately ; sufficient-
to give) and $6i-a o like- ly, fitly, enough.
xa, (fr. same, and titwfii

renown- -ov, Ion. for tfaiui-

to give into, hand over, deliver; ly, expected ; celebrated, E.-!Tuifji(vos, -TI,

to give to ed, famous. vos, par. per. pass, of ^an/(t.

up, give over, resign ;
Eirlitv, inf. of esriov. 2
a. of tirtim,
give or lay out in addition, su- mi6fast (fr. last) splendidly, fa-
peradd ; to improve, grow, in- mously, gloriously,
to go Or, Ion. for E^/EIV,

crease, impf. act. 7r<?ica>v, -cos, ,-riSopirls, upon,

-tlof, h, (fr. Efft pres. inf. cont. of t<pif<a. Or, for
-to, also cirsSlSoov -ovv, -OES -ovj, and' OOOTTOV a second supper) 0*fYat, pres. inf. act. of zQttipt.
iffuA-fo, Ion. fcr EirifAirov, pres.
-ot -ov, (as tmci6o>.) 1 a.
if fr. supper, addition to the supper,
ind. act. eTrltuica. 2 a. ind. act. second course. impr. mid. of

iri intens. and A-

JV. 1 a. ind. pass. c.-Ktc6-
Eirt^prvtoy, -ov, 8, >% (fr. same) lrtfAiro//at, (fr.

077*. about supper, at supper, for sup- rw to hope) to expect, hope for,
2 a. desire.
EirtSiE\6iivos, -77, -ov, par. per,
2 Ema'ai, pres. inf. of eirup.it to go
mid. of ir5ajpfw. Zxicos. -dru), a. impr. act. o!
Or, Ion. for t$itvai, pres.
and gros a Art. -ECOS, inf. act. of 0fy/u.
during, Sis twice, \irtSoffis, -tof, rj, (fr.
an I-<fi'n)//i,E-(rvv(> or Emeu, Ion.
year) for or during two years, of lit-tapi
to increase) addition,
two years, two years old. for &C.
increase, improvement; growth, </>l/V/U,
Exictfa8ai, pr?s. inf. mid. of size. !irifff<rao-0a(, E-ttrffa>vos, Foet.
Ett&gw, (fr. m intens. and Eiricovvat, inf. ETTIOOVS, par. 2 for E-irifffaaOai, inf. and

to search) to inquire, examine, a. act. ofsirtcic /lEvos,par. 1 a. rrJd. oflasL; or,

E:rt< pa//d'vros, sin. for e<f>lffao6ai and 9^^
investigate, search, try. g. EiriSpa-
E-iciKdti), same, and cucd^u n. fern, of EniSpapuv same of t<pi
(fr. \jLOvffa,
to judge) to adjudge, pass sen -ovffa, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of fn- E Truer at for ,
3 sin. par.
tence. EviciKd?o[iai, togo to law, pass, of
dispute, claim ; to be adjudged, rf> ~^> ^> (fr- t**rftvti
to i-rniw, (same as cTrtevw/ii, Ion. for
1 act. i a.
succeed at law, gain a suit, re- ran upon) o
a charge, snock,
shock, as- t(j>iwvfii) f. irru'to;

cover a right. sault, onset; an inroad, incur- ind. act. mao-a. per. pass.
sion a thought, impulse. fiai and pKiiicfiai.
ExioiKcurtpfa -ov, o, fi, (fr. last) ;
ac- ;7ri^ap/w -C,
f. same as EJTI-
,7r/opo^os, -ov, 8, ;/, (fr. same)
judicial, argumentative, lawyer- -/;<TW,
like. cessible, liable to storm, exposet
EirictKos, -ov, b,f], (fr. same, and to assault, open ; Jit for running
Subs OV S> ^5 '; (fr inter? riid
OIKTI law) litigious, quarrelsome, on, smooth, level, plain.
wrangling; doubtful, disputed, a runner, rope or other contriv- ^a^EA^j rcugh) violent, fo
contru ance that passes through or i raging, fierce, forcible ; eager,
E-ittviii) -S>, fr. same, and civlu, upon.
which see. . Eirtcvvd) or ETTI'CV/H, f. I-i^a^fAeSs, (fr. last) severely,
upon, ana ovu to
E-ioivrjaas, -aca, -av, par. a. act.
1 (fr. e-i .

go down upon ;
of last. enter) to set, to :*i$du
Effi^op0<5w-5,f. -'Sum, p. n . burst forth, arise, pres. ana ^dw tc live) to u<Tt"t/s, ouf-

0co/ta, (fr. eiri

intens. and <5iop-
. t-it-cs. -iVu. 2 a. ind.
0(5u) to correct) to in. cor- act. -v. ETTfjEvyw/i' or-?'<5w, f. - w r. rrt
proceed v, -vf, : (

recting, am.-md, improve, reform ; -5;, -w, 1 pi. ETI^W/IEV, 2 upon, and ;'
..ir, to
to continue setting in order, ar- a. sub. act. of mSil-wiit. yofce together .
uniie ; to bind

range, adjust. \ a. act. ind. em- --?. ,

upon, gird,
sub. act. a. par. ETri'^rjftSj
-v ''

Men, 3 sb. 1 a. sub. act. ETi'ca)//ai, in 1 pi. ETK'JJ- last)' o jal :,


of last. 2 a. sub. mid. of ^^w.

rXaoi(f<t> intens. and -, 1 f. ind. act. of UJiian; Epizeuxis, a fi.
-j, -fts,
'u, wLich see. WfU> poetry.
'-'oj -w, f:. same, and ^ITT- ,-,
same as 7rtncwf. -s, -<ni, 8, fi,

Ado>, which see. 'j, -oj, ^, (fr. t-ifiKri$ just) and ^7/;Ja htrt)
rious frnicious, de-

EnidiAatds, -aSos- ft, (fr. in upon, ,'ce, et'enness, impar-

and o;0pos a chcr lot-seat) apart /; moderation, forb
v;, ru?n2U^.
of the ancient vsur chariot ml Dor. for ETifTV, pres, inf.

clearly ascertaiied, tl.-.

gentleness, a/ubiitiy ; clemency,
act. cont. E?r;^o a:, I a. inf.
edge, .im or :ivn, lenity. act.
the sicks and f; j, 8,^, (fr. 7rt intens. j -5, f -?;<rfc>,p. tirtZfirriKa,
?r: ir.i '-: to
q/" io^ic.7, project! ;t'Aos like) /J/K, resembling, (fr.
formed t; /woJc or . seek;
side of the open C -EVO'U, (fr. next) to

upon which there.-

: aTrfo
s'oc/ren, remit; to grow osft, i

to be taken up by the char; become gracious. exa-niTie, rtetate. 1 a. ma. act.

as he mou
Eiri5^p as, -ov. 8- f, (fr. samfc)i
/a, to
corn cr driving] porftt?, lenier.
in a chariot: a charioteer ; deli-\ ^.ur but
ing, mild, gentle, p>
.,,ay also DC 2 a. sub. of
cote, effeminate, indolent.
same, and d^t, which neut. sm. tQiiu,
same as ^.'?^j.
Eiri&t%a, able, proper, firtci-\
-, 1 a. ind. act. of
. sin. ejreiKSJ'pl. n. nrt-|EirXfl, -as,
. KiciKiai. **">

Em Em Em
i, -u>v, TO., (neut. pi. of Em/;- for, covet, desire, lust after ; to EmKaTa\an(}dvw, (fr. same, and
for next) gratifi- esteem highly, set a value upon ; (caraXa^jSavw to catch) to come
by Sync,
to delight or take pleasure in. upon suddenly, surprise, take
cation, pleasure.
em iutens. impf. 7T0t5jUOV -OVV,
-?-?, unawares ; to impend, hang over
Eirijjpavos, -ov, b, ij, (fr.
and to
epdw love) lovely, agree-
-a. 1 a. act. ind. sireBvirjaa. inf. threaten.

able, pleasant, grateful,

desira- 77U-aTa7rX*u>, (fr. same, and Kara-
ble. Tl0t5lU?7Ua, -GLTOS, TO, ETTluVfJifJ TrXeo) to sail over) to sail up to,

EmrjaQtvTcs, Ion. for e<f>rjaOfVTes,

n. -to?, Att. -etas, and E7rt0u; arrive at.

pi. par. 1. a. pass, of etprjoo- -as, fi, (fr. last) earnestness,

fiai. eagerness ; propensity, desire, ap- Karapdopai, which see.
Emda\dftiov, -ov, Tb, (neut. of petite, a longing, craving; h ETrtKarapaTO?, fr. same, and Kard-
next) a marriage song, epithala- covetousness. paroy, which see.
mium. TtOti^r/r/)?, -ov, b, (fr. same) one riKavTos, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. ?rt upon,
E7rt0aXa/*to, -ov, b, fj, (fr. em in,
who longs or desires, an admir- and Kaiti) to burn) burned at
and a bed-chamber) er.
Adj. eager, covetous. the end or point ; seared, scorch-
bridal. Emdvw, f.
-vato, p. -viea, (fr. em ed.

EmOavdTios and EmOdvaTos, -ov, upon, and $va) to rush) to r EmKeifiai, f.

emKeiaopai, (fr. same,
b, >/, (fr. same, and SdvctTos or dart upon, assail, assault, at- and KfT/^at to lie) to lean, rest,
tack to sacrifice, slay. or be placed upon to
death) appointed to death, destin- ; lie ; adjoin,
ed to die ; mortal. Eme&, -fr, -f,,
2 a. sub. act. be at or near; to mind, apply
inf. EmBwjjiai, in 3 pi. E7rt0wvTat, 2 or attend to, be instant or ear-
EmOetvai, E7ri0ty, -Eiera,
a. sub. mid. of
-Iv, g. -QcvTos, par. E7rt0tr, emndr/ni. nest, persist in, persevere; to
Sync. for-0t/7T, 2 pi. opt. Em- riKddr/nai, (fr. ETrt upon, and urge, press, pursue, force, con-
0j, impr. 2 a. act. EmQi'iaw, Orjfjiai
to sit) to sit down upon, be strain ; to be
situated, set or
-US, -ei, 3 pi. -Oi/ffovai, act. seated; to ride. placed on, sit or ride upon. Pass.
-TJ, -ETUI, mid. 1 f. Emxadt^ij), f.
-urw, p. emKeitddiKa, to be leaned, pressed or rested
ind. of 7rm'0>7|u. (fr. same, and KaQi^w to seat) to under or be laid under,
upon, lie

Emdefta, -OLTOS, TO, (fr. emnQri/jti to set or place

upon ; to make ride bear, support, carry, pres. ind.

put on) an addition, accession, or seat in a carriage ; to fix, 3 pi. emxeiVTai' impr. emKtiao,
increase, any thing added. settle; to sit down at, besiege. 1 -odd), impf. eneKeip.r/v, -ao, -TO.

EmOeoia, -as, and EmOeins, -105, a. act. ind. eireicddio-a' par. ?rt- EmxeiTat, 3 sin. ind. EmKetvOai,
Att. -etas, (fr. same) a put-
ft, KaOiffas, g. -aavTog. E7rtK/^j/o, -77, -ov, par.
ting, setting, placing or laying mKaiv'i^u), (fr. em intens. and KO.I- pres. pass, of last.
on, imposition ; an uprising ; vbs new) to renew, repair, ETTt/cfKA^at, -crat, -Tat, ind.

onset, charge. mxaipios and E-n-tVatpos, -ou, 6, EmKeic\riiJifvos, par. per. pass, of
EmBeTov, -ov, Tb, (fr. same) a (fr. em upon, and Kaipbs oppor- ETTIKaXttO.

name, epithet, adjective. tunity) seasonable, timely, op- Emxepdvvv/ju, EmKepdu, f. -data,
Em6eTos, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same) add- portune ; convenient, Jit, proper (fr. em intens. and Ktpdvwui to

ed, additional ; adventitious, ac- for. comp. ETTtKoiptwrEpo?, sup. mix) to mingle, intermingle,
cessory put or laid on ; set over.
mix with ; to meddle, inter-
EmOtu (fr. em upon, and 5/w
-w, EmKa\evftevos, -r/, -ov, (Dor. for fere.
to run) to run at, upon or against, 7rt/caXoti/ivof, par. pres. pass, Emicepdiis, -fos -ous, b,fj, (fr. same,
rush against, attack ; to invade. cont. of next) demanded, claim- and tclpoos gz-ir.) profitable, lucra-

EmBjj, 3 sin. of emdia, 2 a. sub. ed, litigated. tive ; studious of gain, ava-
act. of emr'tOr/pi. rrt/caXfw-a, f. -f]cu> and -ftrw, p. ricious.

EmQr/Kr,,-ris, t]t ("" tmriQrifii to put -K(K\rjKa, (fr. em against, and EiriKepTop-foiffa- Dor. for rccpro-

upon) an accession, addition, in- KaXfw to call) to call; to narfie, jjLtovaa, n. fern. par. pres act
crease. term, entitle, sirname, denomi- of

EmQrma, -aTog, Tb, (fr. same) any nate, nickname. EmKaXfOftat -ov- EmKepTo/iib) -w, f. -?/<7u, p. -r/xa,
thing laid on; a stopper,
lid, uai, to call upon, invoke, implore, (fr. ;rt intens.
the heart,
cover, covering; a chapiter, ca- beg help ; to appeal ; to profess, and Tf/j.vw to ci't) to taunt, re-
declare one's self; to call down vile, scoff, reproach, insult.
EmO^aojiai, -rj, -crat, 1 f. ind. upon, imprecate; to commend, EmKsvdu, f. emicevcrto, fr. em in
mid. of emTidni^i- recommend ; to plead for, advo- tens, and KevGu, which see.

'EmOi, pres. impr. of im-ipi, to cate, per. pass. nriK&Atyiai. TiK/iSiov, -ov, TO, (fr. em upon,
come upon. pper. pass. eireKeKXfi^v. 1 a. and KrjSos burial) a funeral song,
EmOuev, by Sync, '
for emdouev, 1 pass. ind. eirK\r)9r;v' par. ETTI- dirge, elegy.
of K\r/Qeis. 1 a. mid. ind. eTreica'Xe- -ov, b,
pi. riK^Setos, ft, (fr. same)
'EmOov, -es, -, 2 a. ind. act ffd/tTiv'
sub. emKa^faUftai. mourning, fursi-eal.
F.mOo/.iiv, ov, -ro, in 3 pi. TiKd\v[ifta, -aTO$, TO, (fr. next)
a EmKripvKevo/j.ai, (fr. ?rt intens. and
EmQovTo, 2 a. ind. mid. of TTEI- veil, covering, garment, cloak; Kt'ipv!;
a cr^er) to employ a crier
00). a pretence. or herald, send a flag
of truce,
'U, (fr. em intens. and ^-TrtKaXwTTTW, f-
->/"<>, p. -tf>a, (fr.
m negotiate.
to intens. and KaAuTrrco to cover) mKrjpvfftra) or-TTW, f.
-co, p. ETT-
embolden, encourage. to cover up or over, rvrap up, Kfjov%a, (fr. same, and Krjpvffffta
to proclaim) to make
',-iridpc^as, par. 1 a. ind. act. used cloak, hide, conceal ; to shut up, procla-
also Ion. for eirtdpe^as, 2 sin, of confine ; to darken, obscure, veil ; mation, proclaim, publish by au-
fr. to
drawn, as one noise by a thority to
summon, cite ; to
same, ;

iTrifyvjffKu), (fr. em upon, and greater. denounce, advertise, offer a re-

to leap) to leap upon, 7rtKa//7rro), -T/'W, (fr. same,
f. and wardfor, set a price upon.
enter into, board ; to bound, skip, /ca/nrTW to bend) see cmyyi^'.r- EmKiovarat, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass,
jump. par. pres. act Tta. of
fr. same, and
KM, -ovffa, -ov. ~iKi8vt)pi, f. -/Jew, up
micdpaios, -a, -ov, (fr.

Imdvfitta -w, f.
-)/<raj, p. er ,
which see. on, and Kicvr/pi to spread) to
fir/Ka, em upon, and
fr. rt intens. and
overspread, diffuse, dilate, ex
the mind) the mind upon,
to set 'w, which see. 1 a. inf.
have u mind for, long for, wish act. emKaraicXvffat. Emicivevvos, -on, /;, (fr. same
Em Em Em
and KIVOVVOS danger) dangerous, EiriKWpcioi, -wv, o?, Lpicureans, a Ejrtpf'//fycai,
as if, (fr.
sect of heathen philosophers, so to hung up or suspend-'
perilous, hazardous. fitifti)

E*(*clvf(i f. -tjKa, (fr.

called from E^(V-ovpoj, which ed; to impend, hang over; to
-w, -i/<r<d, p.
see. threaten. 1 a. ind. act.
same, and Kiviu to move) to tirtKpi-
remove; to shake at; to dis- ETTIK ovpfw -w, f.
-ifrw, (fr. 7T('covpo< paaa. par. pres. mid. in/tp/m-
aid, help, succour
turb. to a helper) to 1 a.
pass. ind. tirtKpe
disquiet ; excite, af- ptvo<;.

fect. assist, relieve ; to ward off, avert. sub. E7ri/tp/*a(70c5' par.

inf. pass, of 1 a. act. ind. t-KtKov^oa" inf.
'EiriKipvaaOat, pres.
or EiriKipvrjiii, fr. s tKovp^o'oc par. tiriKovpfjaas, a

EtriKpfjrjvov, by Epenth. for

Eirittpi'u'w -w, 7n*cpp-
intens. and *ipvdw or Klpvrj
vov, 1 a. impr. act Em/cpir
in 1 pi.
which see. ETTiKovpio, -as, fi, (fr- same) help, vu), -ryj, -j), -ufuv, 1 a.
sub. act. of
Es-iKAaX f. -<ra>, (fr. same, and assistance ; relief, remedy, cure. irtcpatva).
A-AE/U to shut) to applaud, shout 3Jld Ion. a. for 1
E~IKOVOOS, -OV, 6, f), (fr. 7T to, ETriKprjaat, tTriicepdaai,

applause, extol ; to shut up, close, Kovpoj

a youth) giving aid, com- impr. mid. or inf. act. of iri-
fold up. ing to help, assisting, relieving
E-iK\iirria, f. -i/'w, (fr. same, and auxiliary ; Subs, an auxiliary , f. -tvS, (fr. nri intens.

*Afirro> to steal) to
rob, ally, properly of
those who are and Kpivta to judge) to order, de-
attacked a termine, decree, adjudge to
filch, pilfer, :
reliever, assistant, ; ap-
E7rtKX70Ji -<ra, -Iv, a. sin. -tv- helper. prove, confirm, ratify, sanction.
1 a. pass, of tm/caXf o, thefounder of EirtACpOTfO) -W, f. -^(70), p. ftrtKKf6-
r.z, par. Eiriicovpos, -ov,
EirfeX7poj, -ov, 6, 17, (fr.
em upon, Epicureans. Epicurus. rvKa, (fr. same, and Kporfu to
and K\rjpos an estate) a sole heir, EiriKov<f>i<a, f. -ftru), p. KIKKOV<{>I clap) to crack, rattle, resound ;
Ka, (fr. ?rt intens. and KOV<IC
heir ; rich, wealthy. to
clap hands, applaud, praise.
EriK^rjaai, EirtK^fjaas, for to th. to ETTiKpdrrjffis, -ios,Att. -wj, >/, (fr.
Sync, lighten, KOV^OJ light)
iriKa\rj<rai, inf. and 7raX)y<raj, lighten, ease, alleviate, assuage, last) a noise, crack, explosion ;
par. 1 a. act. of er^-aXfw. mitigate ; to help, relieve. clapping of hands, applause.
- U Poet, for tiriKpdvGrjv.
EiriK^rjais, -tos, Att.
f. -OVffO), p.
j, fi, (fr. EmKpddrjv, ETTtACpOVtt), ZTTlKlpKO'JKaj
tiriKaXib) to call upon) a calling f. -av>, (fr. irl intens. (fr. ^t upon, and Kpovw to
upon, invocation ; a name, sur- and Kpaivw to ratify)
to perfect, strike) to dash, strike or knock
name ; an imputation, charge. finish, complete, execute ; to ra- against ; to clap, applaud.
Effi/cXr/Tos,-ov, b, f], (fr. same) tify, confirm, sanction; to noo EiriKpvjma, f.
fr. ti:l intens.
called upon, summoned, invited, assent, agree to, fulfil. 1 a. ind. and /tpvirrw,
which see.
sent for ; cried up, celebrated ; Poet,
X(Kpriva. E7ri\-pv0o?, -T), -ov, (fr. same)
blame zble, in fault. EitiKpdvai, iriKprjvat,
for 1 a. inf. for
and Kpvirrog.
EriKAivov, 1 a. impr. act. of nri- act. ETtiKpavtis,
2 sin. 1 f. ind. EirtKTdouai, f.
-i/aofiai, p. eiriKfKTT]-
K\ivd), see jtX/vu>. act. of last. (fr. irt upon, and Krdofiai
EVcAo570f, -ov, 6, ;/, (fr. rxl intens. -ns, -n, 3 pi to get) to get moreover, possess
and X OUT) theft ) thievish, roguish ; 1 a. ind.
pass3. of TT beside, gain, acquire. 1 a. ind.
sly, cunning, deceitful. EirtKpaffis, -ios,
Att. -CMS, f], (fr mid. fffCKTriffdfirjv, -u), -aro.
EriKXi'^i), f.
-aw, p. -Ka, (fr. same, intens. and Ktpdvvvpi to mix) EiriKTrjTOs, -ov, 8, fi, (fr. last) gain-
and /cXv^co to wash) to wash, mixture, admixture. ed, procured, acquired, possess-
drench ; to inundate, overflow ; EiriKparaidta -&, f. -wo-u, (fr. same ed.
to drown, overwhelm. 1 a. ind. and Kparaidu) to strengthen, th. ETHKV{(I) -tD, and Ewt/cvfffKu, f. -^(rw,
act. frreicXvffa.
Kpdros strength) to confirm, (fr. em
intens. and mtu to con-
Effi'tfAvoTOf, -or, 6, ^, (fr. last) in- strengthen, fortify; to encou- ceive) to superfetate, conceive
undated, overflowed ; washed, ; to gain strength,
rage grow after conception.
watered ; watery, wet. strong, prevail over, overpower. ETUKv\tvcf<a -w, (fr. Eirt upon, and
, fern. par. 1 a. act. of 1 a. ind.
pass. tfrcKpaTan^dnv. KvXtvSdi to roll) to roll upon ;

EiriicpaTcia, -as, q, (fr. ciriKpa-tu

to heap or pile up ; to roll over.
Eir<cAa>0w, f. -w<rw, p. -d)Ka, (fr. restrain) power, sovereignty, E~iKi\tanbs, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. next) a
intens. and KAu0u> to spin) to rule, authority ; restraint, con rolling over or upon ; a rolling
spin ; to attach or fix the thread straint, strictness ; continence, or returning upon itself, circuit,
offate, weave the web of destiny ; temperance, sobriety abstinence, ; revolution, winding.
to doom, destine, ordain, devote. forbearance, ETTIKV\M, f. -froi, (fr. fxi upon,
E~iKoifjidoiJiai -Sijiai, f.
-fiaofiai, (fr. EiriKpariovra, a.
sin. par. pres. of and KvAj'u to roll) to roll over or
same, and Koi/idw to lull)
EiriKpaTfw -w, f. -rjff(a,
p. tt
lie down,
recline, rest; to fall mica, (fr. TTI intens. and riKv-T'j), (fr. ir"t upon, and KVHTW
asleep. to command) to prevail, get the to stoop) to bend, lean or stoop
EfftVojvov, (neut. of next) general- better, be strong; to be better, over or towards.
ly, commonly. excel, exceed, surpass ; to possess, ttiKvpaai,
Emjcvpo-a?, par.
EriVod'oj, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. tirl
intens. get, seize, gain ; to master, rule, Emicvpc-aiEV, 3 pi. opt. 1 a.
and Konbs common) general, conquer, command ; to
confine, act. ^Eol. Of ETTtKVpO).
universal, common ; in common, restrain, curb, check. TriKvpr6ovT, n. du. par. pres.

promiscuous. Subs, a partaker, EiriKparfus, Poet, for of

partner. (fr. same) strongly, powerfully, TTiKvprob) -w, (fr. trl up,
and *rvp
ErrtKotvwvfu -5, f. -jaw, (fr. same) mightily. r<5u to bend) to curl, bend,
to communicate, impart, share,
EirtKpaTrjfffia, -as, -, -52ol. for ETTI- vreath or twine ; to rollupwards
partake of; to put to vulgar use, KpaTTJ<Taii*i, -ais, -ai,
1 a. opt. or fold up.
pollute ; to be in common. act. of
tiriKpaTfb). TTlKVpd),
f. ^Eol.
1TlKVpffti>, (fr. irl

EirtKOTov, 'ov, TO, (fr. tri upon, and EiriKparilES, -uv, al, upon, (fr. eirt intens. and xvpo)
to hit upon)
Kdirria to cut) a chopping-block. and to fall upon, meet with ; to hap-
Kpas head) a handker-
Eiri<ooy/fu) -5,
-7/ffU), p. -/ca, (fr. chief or napkin for wiping the pen, befall.
tnl upon, and Koojiiu to adorn) head. mK&niov, -ov, TO", (neut. of next)
to add ornaments, adorn, deco- see next. Poet, for yK(I>fjLiov.
rate ; to arrange, set in order. f. , -a, -ov,
Poet, for y/cw
E,TTiKpC(id<i) -G>, -aerw, (fr. 7rtupon,
EwfcoTo?, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. sam, and and *p/jd&>
to suspend) to hang
oYcf anger) enraged, angry. up, hang upon, suspend. Mid. ,
E7riXrt/?o5, impr. ETTJ- -T), -ov, par. 1 a. fr. same* and
Ttu, 3 pi. sub. 2 a. rnici. of mid. of ETriXfyw. see.
m\tvffffio, (fr. cm upon, and XV- ffr>
-w, f.
-tjffia, p. c^ifit-
9at, inf. Em\dOr,Tai, 3 o-aj to
look) to look upon ; to look i, (fir. last) to
sin. sub. 2 a. mid. ~Em\avdd- round about, view, survey. viituess
earnes'.l,;, clearly, prove
vtaOe, 2 ;>'. pres, ind. or impr. TTiAr/foo, T,on. for .m\jj&ov, pres. positively.
mid. -- &iii\av6av6fuvos) par.

impr. mid. ji"

;-ov, 6, >;, same as firt-

pres. mia. of cmXavdctopat. TrtX^Ow, f.

-o-o), (fr. t-l intens. and idfTVf.
ETrtXaXfO) -<3, f.
-?;o-w, p. -77/ca, (fr. \fi6ii) to lie hid) to cause to for- tor
7rt intens. and XaAiu) to get, obliterate or efface from the inf. and 7rj
to tatt o/", spedc aocwi ; to spec/;
memory. li-rriAr/floji/at,
to forget, v^, fern. p.ir. 1 a. mid. of
against ; to talk much ; to voci- hko 7rtXc-,i'6ftvou<zi. R/xrfo-ffo^iat,
-ao/n, and
ferate, cry out, bawl. irtX:;fJ07uv;;, ->;<;, >;, (fr. last) /or- fiat, (fr. 7 n upon, and /
EffiXa/ipdvErai, 3 sin. of getywness, oblivion.
to rub) io touch, feel, try
~Emhan[3dvij), f. mid. -X^o^at,per. TTtXifrfof. -ov, 6, ^, (fr. Em upon, rub, wipe,
-XfX;0a, Att. -<X??$a, (fr. em and XT/VOJ a winepress) o/' <Ae inavrtfios, -ov, 0,17, (fr. oriupon,
upon, and to take) to
Xa/x/tej/w winepresc, about the vintage.
and fia^ds a breast) on the
tafce 6estWe, get moreover, receive breast.
in addition ; to catch, hold, be seized with epilepsy
leptic) to ; , -ov, 6, f), (fr. 7rt
snatch, seize ; to occupy, possess. to rage, be mad or distracted. and fid^nai to
exposed fight)
Ertt^a/ifidvouiai, to take, lay or TriA>77rTf<d and E7r<X?/7rro^ai, (fr.
to assault cr eo*y to be
catch hold oi'i. to take upon, to be afflicted with epilepsy.
; rext) taken, unguarded, defenceless.
assume, unrl triune ; to/:r.
sup. iirtfjia^j-TaTos.
tain; to r<2ach%t, artAauQdvit) to seize -tor . 0, a.
Mrin.ln, gti, 'Jr.
,-, Epimetheus,
attain to io
; succeed, fcl'mo ; epilfxtic ; mad, disir acted.
to rebuke, blame. -(OJ,At
(li. 7T{- -!>).. Effl, ;
-w, f.

2 a. ind. act. ?7rfAa/?ov 2 a. mid. XavJdvo/tat to iorget) forgetful-

ind. fK/\uh6'fir " :
ness, oblivion; negugmce, nat- omile; to smile at or upon. par.
sub. rrtXft ; 3 jvct:' ;nf. iri\afiio~- iend-jn. 1 a. ind. act. cmfitiorjaas.
Oaf par. -,-Xup,5 f -11
y.i, -ri, -trai, i I. mia. ot Ti//t'Xta, -WV, TO, (fr.
EtfiXa/iTiT:, -ov, ';, /, (fr. next) but nore generally to sooth) a present, bribe or 6V ,

bright, resplendent ; dza-r, plain, derived from ETT to conciliate favour or interest ;

manifest. ; acteaed, (fr. a wife's fortune or portion.

EfftXa^TW, f. ~y ;>, (fr f-t intens. seize) ^Ae epilepsy or falling Zm^Tvat, I a. inf. act.
and Ad^Tto to shine) to s/wne sickness ; censure, blame. S, 2 sin. -vaxrc, 3 pi. 1 a. sub.

TtAi'yom', (fr. rxt intens. and

OM< or vr-on : a yiticr, be gay act. oi smuivti).
or iplendid. I ;i. act. ind. ETrt- cijv slightly, th. A(^W to lick) 1 a. impr. pass, of
\ap.\pa' par. mAa/n^/af. fly, grazingly, lightly.
EmXav0tfvot>, -ia&w, pres. impr. iriXAt'(a),
f. -i'ffa), (fr. same, and -as, j, (fr.
pass, of fAAoj the eye) to wink, beckon careful) care, diligence, assidui-
E7nXav0a3<'3/ia, f-
ETnAifao/jat, p. with the eye, signify by a glance. ty, attention; a charge, trust;
:n intens. and study, a pursuit, object;
5>iAoyo?, -ov, o, (fr. em upon, and
t, (fr. solici-

Adyos a discourse) a conclusion,

escape notice) to for- tude, anxiety, concern.
get, not remember ; ,not to at- end, summing up ; an epilogue. trijueXfo^oi -ovpai, f.
-^vofjiai, p.
tend, neglect. 2 a. mid. ind. Adj. commendatory, in praise of. tiripEH&rinai, (fr. same) to ai-

Effi'Xo(Tro<r, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. emXdmo to tend to, superintend, take care

Em'Xao-ij, Dor. for tiriXricis. fail) remaining, left ; Subs, the of, order, provide; to dress, tend,
"Etri\satvu>, (fr. rrt intens. and Xfai- rest, remainder.. look after. 1 a. pass. ind.
vo) for Xaati'u tc th. Aa- -crat, 1 ind. impr- nrtfuXjjfi^n.
smooth, ZTri\v6rjaonai, -r/, f. A/J0J/V'
oj smooth) io
polish, brighten ; to pass, of 7rjXi5o>. irt/ieXr;, -toj -o5s, rd, (neut. of
, plane. rrrXiiTrcof, (fr. cm intens. anA\virrj fmpfX^j) diligence, attention,
ETTiX/yw, f.
-fw, p. -^a, (fr. same, grief) very sadly, sorrowfully, care; a care, delight, object of
and AryM to
speak) to speofc
ttp- mournfully. concern or regard.
on ,'
to o^W, subjoin ; to rehearse, -10$, Att. -toj, fi, (fr. Tn/uXfffrara, (neut. pi. sup. of
repeat; to
conclude, finish, sum- next) an unloosing, explanation, next) most carefully, very otten-
up ; to count, reckon ; to con- solution, interpretation, exposi- tively.
; reason, argue ; to call, tion ; deliverance, redemption. ttl/KEX;)?, -/Of -OUf, 6, $, (fr. 7T

name. to frtAiJW, f. -vrjio, p. ETrtA/XiiKa, (fr.

intens. and /u'Xa it
EiriX/yo/iaf, associate,
keep company with ; to select, em intens. and Xvw to loose) to careful, diligent, attentive, heed-
choose ; to read. par. pres. pass. unbind ; to release, libe- ful, sedulous, studious, indus-
swiAyd//j/o?. 1 f. mid. eirt\i^o- rate ; to solve, explain ; to deter- trious, anxious.
pai. 1 a. ind. mid. 7rX^du77v. mine, decide. 1 a. ind. act. ETT/- -jj, -erai, 1 f. ind.
ETrtXcfVw, f.
-i^w, p. mXfX(0a, (fr. Xuo"a. 2
a. ind. act. ETTfXuov. per.
same, and Xfi'irw to leave) to ind. pass. em\t\v^at. 1 a. ind. s, -a, -ov, (fr.

quit, desert, forsake. ~E.m\d E-rrEXv^v. 1 f. ind. pass. to attend to) to 6e attended,
pass. fiai
to fail
totally, decay en- ought to be regarded, &c. accord-
come to an end. 3
tirely, pi. i,
-ovpai, (fr. same, ing to the verb.
pres. ind. c,m\tiirov<n. 2 a. ind. and fiaivonai to rage) to rave, Tn/uX^f, -ov, b, f,, (fr. same) a
act. 7rlX"rrov. per. ind. mid. be mad or distracted ; to be mad care-taker, supervisor, overseer,
after, love madly or to distraction. bailiff",
steward ; a trustee, guar-
1 a. ind. mid. dian.
TO? , -ov, b, ft, (fr t-rrenavdnriv, Att.
choose) chosen, choice, select. -tjs, lou. for irifi-
Tn/uXn?, fi,
E;nAf' Aafla, Dor. for ein\f\nOa, per. E7Tjwafo//a(,
ind. mid.

TS>:rt\e\rja9ai, inf.
and to desire) to
(fr. same, and patonai
covet, desire, wish
for : to inquire,search out. lookfor ; oi;,
same as
sin. cont. ind. or
Ei. impr.
->7, -ov, par. per. pass, of to stroke,
caress, sooth ; to wt'p,
mid. of /nAfo//at.
\ay6dvojjiat. urge, encourage ; tn drive, force.
to stab, pierce ; to drive, thrust, total- /as<en to; to
^i entirely) altogether, interweave, inter-
push, jog ; to move to. ly, entirely, quite. mix ; to
confuse, confound. I

"EirtvvffTdZia, -w, p. -ya, (fr.

f. ""'
Emxav, (fr. same, and iraj all) for a. ind. act.
intens. and ward^u to nap) to the most part, generally ; entire- Emir\iov, same as imir\eiov.
nod, slumber, sleep ; to lean, in- EmT\iovra, a. sin. par. pres. act.
ly, altogether, quite.
cline, lie down. f.
-aaw, (fr. same, Of fTTtTrXfO).
EmirapacKtvd^ij) f
Emv<j)p.d(>) -S>, (fr. tm to, vf//w and -rrapaaKcvdfa,
and see) 1
E77t7rXoy, -a. -ov, (fr. tm intens. .

to distribute) to divide, distri- a. opt. mid. mftapaaKvaaalp.Tjv. and TrXf'os full) quite full, filled,
bute; to move to, adminis- Emiras, -aaa, -av, fr. same, and full ; abundant, plentiful.
ter. irds, which see. ETTtrX/w -u>, f. -tvffw, (fr. frjrt upon,
Em %fvr)s, viz. -yj)$, or EmEivr/s, Emirdavd), f. -ao-w, (fr. em upon, and irXf'w to sail) to sioim or
(fr. upon, and ff'vo? foreign)
-rrt and miacd) to spread) to spread sai/ in ; to swim, sail or float

abroad, in a foreign land. over, anoint, lay upon, sprinkle upon; to sail against or attack
Em%ev6onai -oii^cti, (fr. tm intens. upon. by sea.
and fado/tat to entertain) to be EmirelBeo, Ion. for emirddov, pres. Emir\r]%ai, 1 a. inf. act. Eiri-
a stranger , sojourn, lodge ; to impr. pass. Eirureidrjrai, 3 sin. n\ri%dcris, g. sin. fern. par. 1 a.
travel, go abroad. pres. sub. pass. E-m-KtiQdfjit- act. ETTiTrX^co, -j)s, -j], 1 a.
voj, par. pres. pass, of sub. act. of eTnTrXjfacrw.
same) hopitality, entertainment, EmTrddu, f. -crw, (fr. tm intens. Emir\r)l-is, -ioj, Att. -U)j, ^, (fr.
intimacy acquired by it. and 7Tt0u to
persuade) to pre- zmirXt'iaau to chide) reproof, re-
Ejnfvvoj, -ou, 6, ft, (fr. em intens. vail upon, persuade, induce. buke, blame, check / a chiding,
and %wbs common) general, uni- ETrnrddopai, f. -dcoyiai, to per- reproving.
versal, promiscuous. suade one's self, be confident ; E:ri7rXj/acro, Ion. for tmirXriaffov,
Emolvios, -ov, b, %, (fr. same, and to
obey, comply, yield ; to think, pres. impr. pass, of
otvos wine) fond of wine, drunk- consider, suppose; to
credit, be- Em::X>7crcru) or -rrw, f.
-fw, p. emirf-
en. lieve, trust. tr\7ixa, (fr. 7rt upon, and 7rX>;ffffu>

'Emov, -?, -, 2 a. ind. ofiireipi, to ErtTTfXo^ai, (fr. same, and Trf'Xojuat to strike) to sfri/ce wpon, Ai<,
come upon. Or, Ion. for [<piov, to be ) to
exist, be ;
to revolve, i7i/?ic< / to
chastise, correct ; to
2 a. ind. act. of 0ifw, same as fiow on, continue, subsist ; to reprove, rebuke, blame, chide. 1

e06;/*j. Or, 2 a. ind. act. of come upon. a. act. ind. ETrfVX^fa' sub. eiri-
EmV^TTToj, (fr. same and TrXr/fw inf. 7Ti7rX^ar par. em-
Emdv, neut. sin. Emovra, a. sin fifth) the fifth. ir\}'/Zas.

-ipu>, (fr. em upon, EmTrXoa,

or neut. pi. of e-twv, par. 2 a. of En-trf//7ro), f. Ion. for fmir\a.
to come upon. See emwv. and 7Tf//7rw to send) to send or Emir\oicri, -rjs, fi, (fr. 7rtrrXt(ca) to
"Eirioaav, for ITTIOV, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. put in more, add, increase ; to tie
to) a tying on or fastening to.
act. of irivw. set on, send upon. ETTtTrXo^fvoto, Ion. for -pivov, g. of
"Eiri6irro^ai, f.
-i^ojuai, p. emwfifjiai, E?rt7rimoKu>j, -via, -oj, par. per. E7rt7rXdji/vof, ->;, -ov, for ff(7rX<5^-
(fr. 7a upon, and dirTopai to
act. E7rj7ro-u>v,-oi;o-a,-dv,n. pi. voj, par. pres. mid. offTrtTrfXoyiat.
look.) See ETroVro/jat. -advres , par. 2 a. act. oftmiriTrrb). 'ETrnrXov, -?, -, 2 a. ind. act. of
?,2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of EmwETda -w, fr. 77-1
upon, and TTE- 7T<7rXaw,for irt//7rXaw.
w,f. -;/cra),
meet with, and
p. e.7!i(j)OKr]Ka, r6d) to ErnVXooj-ov?, -6ov -ov, 6, (fr. TTI-

(fr. 7n against, and ODKOS an Em-aiTia, (fr. same, and TreYw obs. TrXfw to sail against) an invasion

oath) to swear upon, swear of- to fall) same as 7rt7r/7rrw. by sea ; a sea-fight, engage-
ten ; to perjure, forswear, swear ment. Ejuire<j)VKa, per. ind. act.
falsely ; to break an oath. pres. EmirX&ovrt, Dor. for 7T(7rXwot)(n,
or -vfjii.
Poet, for cmn\iov<n, 3 pi. pres.
inf. act.
tmopKtfiv -ttv par. pres. Emm/odd) -w,f. -^<ro), (fr. mupon,
act.emoKfuv, inn. pi. cont. mi- and -Knodui to leap) to Zeop or ind. act. of ttrnr\f<a.

1 a. act. ind.
7riwp/c7- spring upon or into ; to fall EmTrXoif, by Sync, for ETrrrrXwo-a?,
ffa' sub. iooKt'iffd), -?;?, -7j. par. upon ; to surprise, interrupt, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act. of cm-
pres. pass. cont. 7r<opKoi5//i>o?.
disturb. TrXww. Or, by Aphajr. and
E7riop/cj'a,-aj, >/, (fr. same) perjury, Emm\va[iai, (fr. same, and Tri'Xvj?- Sync, for m7rn-Xw$, par. offTri-
a false oath, the breach of an fjii
to approach) to approach, TrfTrXfa, per. mid. of mir\fu.
oath. draw near to fill up, overflow. ErriTrXww or ETrtTrXut Poet, for
same) a per-
rtiopKov, -ov, rb, (fr.
jury. EniopKov, (viz. KOTO or Ka, (fr. same, andir/n-ro) to fall) ,
3 sin. pres. ind. act.
neut. of next) perjuredly, false- to fall upon, in or into to press ,' Emirvcibiv, -ovaa, -ov, par. pres.

or Zean upon, ; embrace
act. of to

mopKos, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) per-

meet with ; to rush into or wpon, Emirvdw, Poet, for
jured, forsworn, false. run violently. 2 a. act. ind. ^- EmKVfw -w, f. -n5<j-w, (fr. ?rtupon,
,m6pKus, (fr. last) perjuredly, Trccrov' par. 7rtir0"c5v. 2 f. mid. and Tri/fw to breathe) to ofow>
falsely. wpon, ouer or against; to breathe
-wv, rd, (Ion. for ETrtTrXfw tosail on or
,iriovpa, ;r/opa,!'EV(7rXa, -uv, ra,(fr. into, inspire, infuse.
fr. 7rt upon, and
gpos a border) upon) moveables, goods, furni- Ennrvl-yti),
-fw, p. emTTinvi^a, f.

spaces, distances, intervals ; rid- ture, implements, stores, tackle. (fr. 7rt intens. and Trviyw to

ges, furrows ;EmTr\aarb$,-ov,b,ri, (fr. rxl intens.

ahead-ridge. choke) to suffocate, stifle; to
Emovpos, -ov, b, (fr. iri intens. and and TrAaero-w to form) feigned, strangle, choke.
a guard) a keeper, overseer ; pretended ; fictitious, false. "Emirvoia, -j, f/, (fr. tmirvtu to in-
a guard, watch. TriirAaov, (fr. same, and i:\dov, spire) a breath, breathing upon ;
Emovffa, n. Eiti6\)ari, d. fern. sin. neut. comp. of 77-0X1)5 much) inspiration, divine impulse.
of 7riv, which see. par. 2 a, of more, still
more, more fully, Emirodiia -w, f. -;;(rw,p. iitiirttrdQr]
fTr(ut, to approach. more amply. KU, (fr. m intens. and irofltw to

Eiriovc'os. -ov, b, //, (fr. last) suffi- mirXtiffrov, (fr. same, and flXaa- desire) to desire earnestly, covet,
cient, competent, convenient, fit, rov, neut. sup. of TroXii? much) long for, wish for much ; to be
suitable. most, mostly, very much, exceed- fond love dearly. 1 a. ind.
Em6\^opai, 1 f. ind. mid. of tm6-!r- ingly ; very often, constantly. act. eireirddrjaa.
roiiai. irt7rXlKo>,f. -|w, p. tmi:tTt\t'%a, (fr. ETwr66riffis, -tos, Att. -tus, $, (fr.
JS,mirdyxy, (fr. wi intens. and same, and 7rXf*ow to tie) to tie or last) vehement desire, longing,
vn*h f eagerness; love, affection. present ; to send forth, turn out ; Eirtppodos, -ov, 6, f), (fr. atl
a. sin. rnr<50?7<nv.
to produce, bring out. 1 a. ind. and pd0os the dashing of water)
"EiwrdOnros, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. same)
act. tiri-poin^a. a helper, assistant, favourer ;
invoo'iT] i^i,i. -tew, p. -ia, (fr. tirl one who makes great exertions to
desired, unshed, longed for.

intens. and to send forth) assist ; advan-

E-;To0ta, -as, ,',, (fr. same) desire, irponifu j
useful, beneficial,
to send out beside to escort, send
irish, longing, want. ; j tagcou*.
Eiriirodw, 1 sin. pres. ind. cont. along with; to hurl, fling, dart.
ETrtppuvvvpi, and Eirippwvvvu, f.

a. ind. act. t-ivo6rjKa, and Att.


EriTToficDv, pi. nom. -0ot!vrj, g. -pwata, p. txip'puKa, (fr. same,

act. cont. of exi-poiriKa.
2 a. act. ind. tin-, and poiwu/it to strengthen) to cor-
-Oovvrwv, par. pres.
ExiroAa^w, f. -affw, p. -ara, (fr.
to j?oo*,
r/ s superficially)
be upon the surface, over-
ETrtirtfAacoj, -ov, o, fj, (fr. same)
on the surface, shal-

low, external. ErrtrdAatoj /tr/jat?,

chattels, moveables.
ErrcroAaiw?, (fr. last) superficially,

externally, outwardly.
E-itoXiw -u>, (fr. tirl intens. and
roAfw turn) to to u;& about,
tlirough or among ; to
traverse, go the circuit or rounds.

ErtroA^j, (perhaps upon, fr. TJ

and itiXopai to be) superficially,
on the surface, externally, out-
wardly. To 7rj:roAj7?,
<fte sur-
Ewi TroAAw, greatly, highly, at a
great rate.
E-t TTO\V or E-iiroAi), very much, in
a great part, greatly, much. f ilj
H,/or </ie most part, mostly,
Errjro/iTTEi'w, -t5<rw, p. -*ca, (fr.
t~l intens. and
-zointtvu to escort,
th. 7Tf//ro)to send) to march in

procession, prc/ceed in order ; to

celebrate, solemnize ; to triumph,
go in

K-, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. same, and

zoi'oslabour) laborious,fatiguing,
wearisome, painful, wretched ;

toilsome, diligent, assiduous.

Ercrdvu)?, (fr. last) laboriously ;

-fdoo^ai, p. n-
;vfj.ai, (fr. -t to, and ro-
pfTw'to set out) to come to, ar-
rive at ; to resort to, frequent ; to

f, go to; to traverse, travel

over ; to run over, read slightly.
par. pres. mid. -trooi'y^fvoj.
EfftrooTTow -ai, (fr. nr\ intens. and
a buckle) to buckle, clasp,

ETi'-o<iaieov,impf. act. of Trnrpda-KU.

aw, fr. -? intens. and
, which see.
-eia, -as, fj, (fr. next) pro-
priety, fltnets ; grace, elegance,
Ercirofr;)?, -loj -o?j, o, /, (fr. 77?

intens. and rpfVw to be-

coming, flt, proper, neat, ele-

gant, handsome.
-w, (fr. same) to become, be-
fiti beseem ; to fit, suit, answer.
E--poj;Kv, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act.
Att. Ion. for t-xi-
2 a. inf. act. of irt-

E-crpojdAAw, f. -a A 5, p. -tea, (fr.

into, rpd forth, and z'AAu> to

} to stretch out, extend, put

. f-rf out, offer,
CTKOTOS to overshadoiu, ^a^a, ETTJ intens. and
darkness) (fr. (rirot-

shade, darken. ^a^w to hasten) to

hurry, press,
to, fr. Tt upon, and aKt iriffKvgouat, (fr.
eiri intens. and hasten, make speed, despatch.
which see. ffKvfa to whine like a
dog) to Eirtffifov&aaTTis, -ov, b, (fr. last) a
-acrw, p. -aica, (fr. growl, snarl, angry, take ill.
luistentr, instigator, quickener, en
same, and cKevdfa to furnish, TTiffKvfavTai, 3 pi. pres. sub. mid. liccr, seducer.
th.GKCVOS furniture) to repair, of last. E7r77rw, cont. for sirunriw, or 2 a.
mend ; to renew, restore ; to pad irioKvBifa, (fr. em intens. and sub. act. of same.
up, load, harness ; to prepare for, Zicvdris a Scythian) to drink like par. pres. pass. cont.
make ready, furnish, provide. a Scythian, be drunk, pres. inf.
a re- act. I a.
ETrtcKevaorfc, -ov, b, (fr. last) cififfKvOi^etv. impr. act. 9u, 6, ^, (fr. next) rush-
newer, restorer ; a purvey or, pro- .~i(TKvdt(rov' inf. eiricnivBiffai. ing upon, sudden, violent.
vider. maKVviov, -ov, TO, (fr. ti;l upon, mo-o-riw or -evu, (fr. eiri intens.
EiriffKevfa -rjs, n, (fr. same) a re- and vKvviov the eyelid) the eye- and o-t^u, same as aevu) to drive)

pairing, mending, repairs; re- brow, the brow. to rouse, rush upon,
excite; to
storation ; solemnization, cele- E7rf07cu7rru>, f.
-U/w, p. -$a, attack, charge ; to pursue.
(fr. eiri
bration ; preparation, furniture, intens. and O-KWTTTW to
deride) TnWwrpoi/, -ov, TO, (fr. 7ft upon,
equipage, harness. to
taunt, scoff", sneer, ridicule. and V&TOOV the felloe of a wheel)
-u>, fr. same, and e/mw, the iron shoeing or strokes of a
2 pi. impr. EiiKTKCy&uzOa, 1 which see. wheel.
pi. 1 a.
sub. mid. of 7ri<r/C7rro//cu. Tia/jirj,
Ion. for BTTiffua, 3 sin. EiriaTa, Poet, and Dor. for ciriffTa-
EirlaKti^i^j -'Of, Att. -ws fa (fr. cont. pres. ind. act. of'last. aai, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. 01
to visit) inspection,
ZTrHrKiirro/jiai :tff[jivyepri, -rjs, ?/, (fr. eiri intens.
examination, superintendance and o-uvj^ta to waste) wretched,
; -iiaa, -fv, par. 1 a.
custody, charge, care, trust ; a miserable. pass. oc$farutti
visit. En-iffo/Sfu) -w, fr. same, and croflfu), iriffTaBuda, -as, fa (fr. eiri in, and
which see. crraBubs a standing) a residence,
/ca, (fr. 7riin, and GKrjvdu to pitch ETTKTOS, -ov, b, fa (fr. same, and lodging dwelling, abode, quarters.

a tent, fr. aKnvh tent) a

live in to i'erof equal) equal, even, alike. f.
iriffTaQfievu), -rfo-w, (fr. same)
tents ; to enter into, possess, abide, LiriffTrdffOii), 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. to
lodge, abide, dwell, reside, set
dwell. 1 a. act. ind. EireffKrjvwcra.' pass, of eiriar.du. up, keep quarters.
sub. eiriGKriv&ad), -ijs, ~f}. ~<77ra<7r>7p, -f/poj, 6, (fr. e-iairdia m'orafyoj, -ov, b, (fr. same) a
E-i(TK>J7rTJ), (fr. CTil
against, and to draw to) a hinge. regulator of lodging ; a host, en-
to dash) to rush, strike tertainer.
ffKt'i-TH} SxidrmrorpW) -ov, TO, (fr. same)
or dash against; to
glance, fly a cord, rope, string to draw or f.
iricTafiai, eiricrTtjtrouai, (fr. iiri
off ; to accuse, charge ; to call pull ; a covering, tent, hangings, intens. and lav pi to know) to
to witness; to conjure, beseech; curtain, veil. know how, he expert or skilful,
to give a charge, order, di- E-ta-irdta -5, f. -aW, p. -ica, (fr. be acquainted with; to under-
rect.' JTTJ upon, and cirda to draw) stand ; to heed, mind, mark, ob-
EiriuKidfa, (fr. em upon, and <m to draw to, attract; to assume, serve, notice, advert to. 1 pi. pres.
a shadow) to overshadow, shade. take upon ; to draw in, soak up ;
'par. pres. act. fern. eiriffKid^ov-
to draw over or upon; to draw vog. impf. mid. eTricrduTjv, and
aa. the foreskin Over the glans, be-
come uncircumcised. pres. impr. Kv&rra/uu, also Ion. for
GKidad), -?;?, -??,
1 a- sub. act. of pass, f.-iricrdov -J>, -aicOo) -daQd). pass, or mid. of fcjiormu, from
per. pass, eirfairaouut. 1 f. mid. whence Hxiffrdftsvos, Emorair-
E :!VKIOS, fa (fr. em upon,
-ov, b, TTic~da-ofiai. 1 a. ind. rnid. mta- Bat, &c. Ion. for
and (TKia a shadow) oversha- 7ra(ra///7!', -w, -aro. par. etpivTaaQai, inf.
pres. mid. of
dowed, shady ; obscure, in the ,ir{ffireifft$, -tos, Att. -EOJS, fa (fr. 0/<7r>7jU.
shade, next) a libation, an offering of ETriard/jicvof, -?/, -ov, (par. pres.
IZ-icKioTdu) -3, (fr. same, and liquids ; a / mid. of eirizrafiat)
knowing, skil-
ffKiOTau to skip) to leap upon, Irrio-Trfj'oaj, f.
eiricireicta, (fr. tirl fid, expert, ; intelligent, sensible.
.', skip ; to insult. upon, and airevSw to pour out) io Eirttrranevus, (fr. last) knowingly,
Enc-KOTra, (fr. s~l upon, and SKO- pour upon ; to pour out, make a skilfully, expertly.
~b; a butt) effectually, effica- libation or offering of liquids ; to EirtcrTas, -aaa, -av, n. -
ciously, successfully. offer, par. 2 a. act.

EffioroTTtt, pres. impr. act. cont. of ;7Tiffirp^77j, -tos -ovsi b, fa (fr. em Triirrdffat, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid.
intens. and ani^w to hasten) of ciriffTajJiai.
Ka, and EirttTnoirevu, (fr. enl in- quick, hasty, speedy. iriffTaadat, EiriffTauevos, see eiria-
tens. and (TKOTTfb) Or CKO~tVd) tO i7rrTfflYto, (fr. same) to hasten,

survey) to visit ; to inspect, over- hurry, urge, press. s, fa and EirtffTaffis,

see, superintend, look to, take -10$, Att. -o>f, fa (fr. t<f>iffnjni to
care of, watch, observe; to weigh, (fr. same, and airtv^u) to hasten) set over) inspection,
consider, examine.
urge, press, hurry,
enforce, ance, management, care ; office,
ETTto-KOTrrj, -T]$,fa (fr. same) charge, hasten, make speed, despatch. charge, government ; attention,
tn:sf, custody ; inspection, su- -w, (fr. EOT upon, and cnrw,
caution, consideration ; a coming
perintendance, a bishoprick ;
a Poet, for irw to follow) to go on or upon, force, attack.
visitation, infliction, punishment, to, meet ; to follow, overtake ; to irtffTarai, 3 sin. EirforaffBt,
accompany, attend, obey ; to fa- -ravrai, 2 and 3 pi. Etriffrdue-
s, -ov, b, (fr. same) an vour, assist, support. 2 f. ind. vos, par. pres. mid. of 7rj(7ra/^a(.
overseer, inspector, supervisor, su- act. nrtffTTW. 2 a. act. ind. rt- Tricrrarfw -w, f.
-rjffo), p. -nKd, (fr.
perintendant ; a bishop ;
a pre- mrov sub. EOTO-TTW, -77?, -rj. next) to preside, rule, oversee,
sident, governor, ruler ;
a scout, '.maiToi^riv, -oio, -OITO, 2 a. opt.
superintend, direct ; to be or act
mid. of last
*py, sentinel.
liuaKoirovvres, n. pi. cont. par. Eiricnopiri, -ns, -fa (fr. eiri upon, and iriaTaTns, -ov, b, fj, (fr.
pres. act. of tiriaKotrtd). lota to sow) a second sowing. to stand over) a master, governor,
liriffKOTtia -w, (fr. eiri upon, and rovddZb), f.
-aata, p. 7Tcrror- ruler ; a president, overseer, su-
to collect, put toge-
perintendant. Or, (fr (fr. same) acquainted, familiar ; attentive,
to be expert) expert, skilful. ther ; to lay upon, heap, pile up, courteous, hospitable ; frequented,
accumulate. resorted to ; crooked, winding,
JLiriararo, 3 sin. impf. of Extern
"Ritiffrarov, -ov,rb, (fr. (piarrjfti
to EirjoroAJ), -Jjj K ft, (fr. same) an tortuous, wreathed.
stand upon ) the stand, foot or message
epistle, letter, ;an or J, rjffrpwi'vJw, f.
-o-rpuiffw, p. irf-

shank of a cup or goblet. command, mandate. oTpwAca, (fr. xi upon, and arauv-
EmoraTovvTW, pi. n. cont.
par. ETTjo-roAtKoj, -), -bv, (fr. last) epis- vuw to spread) to strew or spread
pres. act. of Eirtorcrfu*. tolary, like a letttr. upon ; lay smooth ; to prostrate,

EjrtoTfaraj, Ion. for -ioravT:ii, 3 ErtffTOfifu) -u>, f. -rjaw, p. jr<rrd- fall. 1 a. ind. act. ^iVrpw/ca.
pi. pres. ind. of ETn'ora^at. /ij?oj,
and irOTD0A('a>, f. -a>, (fr. ?rt in-
1 a. inf. act. of f.
-iVw, p. tens. and oru^fXi^w to
Ein<rr(Aaj, ETTICTO/IJ^GJ, irffr6p.iKa, shatter)
EirtorlAAu, f.-o-rfAu), p. iri<?Ta\Ka, (fr.
upon, and ord/*a the to lash, slash, beat, batter, bruise,

(fr. firi to, and orfAAw to send) mouth) to stop zAe mouth, muz- flog, strike, dash against.
to ser^ to, send a message, write zle ; to repress, taunt; 'Eirtffrw, cont. for e-xiurao, which
check; to
a letter ; to adorn ; to equip, fur- to deride, affront, reproach; to Ion. for tiriffraao, 2 sin. impf. of
nish, provide. 1 a. ind. act. tirtc- tlirow on the face.
TEjAa. per. ind. mid. ETrferroAa. 'EtriffTot.i.iov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a Eirrrw0ijf,2
sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of

EirioTSvdgu),f. -a<rw,
(fr. ETTJ intens. cock, tap, spiggot, valve ; a slop
and orcva^w to groan) and in a musical instrument. Eirtorwffavro, 3 pi. of ET
ETJ<rrva^iw, f.
-aw, (fr. itl in-
EiriffTovaYt^w, f. -(7WjSameas iri- pqv, 1 a. ind. mid. of TTIOTOU.
tens. and Eirto-i)vayay?v,2 a. inf. act. Att. of
oTEi/a^u to groan)
to sigh or groan over, mourn for, an
ETriorparEfa, -05, ft, (fr. next)
betuail, lament, deplore. expedition, inroad, invasion. (fr. irl upon, trvv
together, and
EjrtoTUr,2 ayw to lead to
pi. impf. act. Eiriff-
f. -tvcrta, p. -Ka, (fr. ) gather together,
Tv6p.T)v, -ov, -iro, impf. pass. 7rt and arparevta to collect, assemble. 1 a. act. ind.
Ei'oTfVffa,-aff,-or-i/, pi. -CUTE, serve in war) to march against, Eiriffvvrjfa' inf. mo~vvd^ai. 2 a,
-ffav, act. ~E,TTiffTvdr)v, -7J,-T7) invade, make an inroad, under-
act. ind. iri<niv?jyov,
but more
pass. 1 a. ind. of Trtorrfw. take an expedition. usually the Att. firiffw^-yayov'
ETJ<7T0J)f, -fog -OVS, b, f], (fr. ETTt
Kiriffrparri'ir), -rjg, /,
Ion. for ETTKT- inf.
ETTiavvayayuv. per. pass,
upon, and err/^w to crown) rpaTfia.
ind. ftriGvvrjyi>.ai' par. tTTKrvvrjy-
crowned, adorned with garlands, Emcrrpa^tj,-T<ra, -fv,par. Eirt- fiivos.
1 a.
pass. ind. irt<ruv//^-
flowers, ribands, &c, filled to pi. drjv' par. iti<rvva%6ts.
3 sin. -QrjTC, 2
the brim. impr. pi.
Eiriffwaywyri, -rig, r'i, (fr. last) a
2 a. pass. ExiffTptye, pres. meeting, coming together; anas-
same) see artyw. impr. act. EnoTpf^ETai, 3 sin. semblage,collection, congregation.
ETioTa>vrai, Ion. for tviaravrai, 3 pres. ind. pass, of E-morpf^w.
pi. pres.
ind. of Eirt'o-ra/iat. Ion. and Poet, for (fr. same, and arrw to join) to
Eirf<rr7, Att. for tmaraaai, 2 sin. E:nffrp0a>j, (fr. next)
cautious- join together, cement; to unite,
pres. ind. of same. ly, warily ; cunningly, artfully ; connect ; to yoke, couple ; to im-

~t, -f,,
2 a. impr. act. of fraudulently, deceitfully. pute, lay upon.
n. fern, sin, ETTI-
EirjcrpE^rjf, -los ~ou$, b, i), (fr. Emfft'i'a^flflcra,
~E-jriffTJ]diopai, f.
-foopai, (fr. tiri next) diligent, careful, industri- <ruva;0'(ru)v, g. fern. pi. of m-
upon, and <rr?j0o? the breast) to ous ; artful, ingenious ; perverse, avvaxQds, 1 a. par. pass, of ciri-
recline, lean or res< upon another's mischievous, injurious. (rvvdyu).
~^w, p. irorp0a, E,Trt<rvvfx<i), (fr.
em upon, aiiv with,
atf, d. pi. of (fr.- Eirt upon, and <rrpf 0w to turn ) and f^w to have) to holdfast
/, ->;?, ^, (fr. tmerauai to to make turn, convert, bring upon, take to one's self, provide,
know) knowledge, science; skill, back, change, alter ; to turn back procure; to keep togetlier ; to fit,
ingenuity, art. or towards, return; to pervert, join, adapt.
-Em(m7//do//ai, (fr. next) to iecome corrupt ; to twist, writhe, distort ; E,iriffvvrjyiJifvos, -n, -ov, par. per.
urtse or learned; to be improved to torture. Mid. to take care of, pass, of ETrteruvayu.
or instructed. turn to, apply, attend to. 1 a.
Eiricrvffrrjffd), p. tiri-
Eiriara- act. ind.
Eirt(7T///*wv, -ovos, 5, ^, (fr. 7TOTp^/<r impr. ETU- cruvtcrrriKa, (fr. tiri
against, rvv
pai to know) knowing, intelli-
2 a. ind. act. iTTfcrpa- together, and Zorj/^i to set) to set
gent ; scientific ; skilful, inge- <Por. 2 a. pass. ind. zitwrpa^riv. or place logetlicr upon; tc raise
nious, artful. per. ind. mid. tiriar:.' or set up against ; to excite sedi-
Errmjva<,2a. inf. act. inf. tion. E-iiTim'orafiai, to rise
ofc^frrtyu. /ai, E.~iffrpf\l/as, up
-ifa, and Att. -tw, -atra, -av, par. EirtoTpr^arw, against, conspirt, plot, rebel ; to
p. Tcrr)/pXar> (fr. rt upon, and 3 sin. -\par, 3 pi. impr. ETI- coexist, be in or
along with.
to fix) to strengthen, fix,
crpf^/w, -1]$, -?;, 3 pi. --^.'wat, sub. iriGuvrofx<i),
-0pfu, (fr. same,
fasten; to rest, lean, set the hand 1 a. act. ETTIGTO^U), -tj, -t, and rpf^w to run) to run toge-
ind. act. of h'r-t. meet
upon. par. pres. act. t^icrijoi- 1 f. ther upon, assemble at,

fav, n. pi. -{OVT-?. 1 a. ind. act. ffiarpzipig, -tog,

Att. -EWJ, ^, (fr. gether. 2 a. ind. act. Ertonvf 6pd-
to turn) a turning, flOV.
-?, -ru, 1 f. ind. conversion, change, alteration. ETrtffupw, (fr. tiri intens.
and o-rfpw
mid. of ttriffranai. TriaToofyacriv, (fr. same) on a// todraw) to trail or rfrag- q/ier,
iffTLov, Ion. for tyiimov. >/*, erery way ; bravely, stout- draw atong-; to protract, spin
iVno?, Ion. for tfytcrios. ntly. out ; to entangle, embarrass, per-
TicTofihaKov, Ion. for irtffrd/3ov triarpoQi!, -rjs, /, (fr. same) a plex, involve.
-ouv, impf. act. of inversion, change ; an -iffvaraais, -log, Att. -EUJ, 17, (fr.
fw -w, for tTriaToplu. eddy, whirl; an ov tiriffvviff-rr}fii tp
set up against) a

J^w, fr. iri

upon, and tumult, confusion, a crowd ; ap- s/ioc/t, charge, onset; an army,
which see. plication, care, attention; pu- line of battle; an assemblage,
, (fr. tmffTAAu to nishment, chastisement; an event, collection, crowd; a conspiracy,
adorn) in slate, grandly ; grace- turn, circumstance. concourse, tumult, insurrection;
fully, elegantly, neatly. rrlaroo(f>o^, -ov, o, //, (fr. same) an engagement, business, occu-
f. -1 a- -iT/AAo,Ion. for r(
-t/'W, (fr.
aiiv together, and a-pi^u prcs. inf. act. of t-irinina. impr. of
to turn) to turn against together, TriTtit-ii, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of 7rt-AAo/^a<, (fr. intens. andcm
conspire, concert ; to collect, run rf'AAu) obs. to
rise) to arise, rise
together. E-(T<f, -tog, Att. -Wf,>/, (fr. 7Tl- up, spring up. E-iTf'AAofcn, to
Eiro-u<r;r;<n?, -toy,
Att. -wf, ij, (fr. TV<rw to order) a command, or- enforce, command, order.

same, and to hold ) a hold-

f^co der, injunction, appointment, re- 7rtTAAojuva)i', ^Eol. for ;r<TA-
ing together, constancy, perseve- gulation. >o/;/ j'wj', g. pi. par. pres. mid. ot
rance ; restraint, restriction. E-irapdaad) or -TTW, f. '-(w, p. last.

Eiriffvia (fr. against, and avu for

irl (fr. 7fj intens. and rapaaaw to -(Tf'/jvw, f.
-T//W, p. tirtTCTf^nKa,
disturb) to hinder, interrupt, dis- -i intens. and TIUVW to
ad(a to shake) to excite, rouse, (fr. cut)
rush up, to cut rut up,
emavttfjiai to charge, turb. short, shorten ; to
pursue. E-iT<ipl>tQog, -ov, b, >i,
same as cut open, cut in pieces, dissect.

Er<(Tf/iay//(rT(i(, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. of t-ipfo6os. ir<Yc, -CKOS, f/, (fr. rnl at, andTtV-
tM '
f f 1C Att. -of, em- TW to bring forth) near
"irnffig, -105, f], (fr. birth,
upon, and a<jjd$<i> to kill) to\ rdvd) to stretch) extension, in- near 'ahour, in travail.
slay upon, sacrifice over ; to crease, growth ; attention, in-
-tTtp-fcrepov, (neut. com]), of
kill, slaughter, butcher; to slay tenseness, earnestness, vehe- nc.xt) more agreeably, pleasantly
one upon another. mence. or delightfully.
Ejn(70Ai)y, -/oy -ovg, 6, >/, (fr. 774 ~lT('(ffG(i) Or -TTW, f.
-fto, p. 7TdT/- -0f -OVS, b, fa (fr. 7T
and tr^a'AAi/j to trip) slip-
Ta%a, (fr. em intens. and TitVo-w intens.
and-fpTw to delight) de-
pery, smooth ; dangerous, ha- to
arrange) to place behind or lightful, agreeable, pleasant.
zardous. after ; to set in order, arrange, comp. tTTiTep-fanpus, sup. --f-
E7i((T0aAwf, (fr. last) dangerously, dispose, regulate ; to order, com-

slippery. mand, enjoin, appoint. 1 a. ind. f.

E-iripTTU), -^'w, p. -(f>a, (fr.

-"(rw, p. irff0pa- act. ETf'rafa. per. ind. mid. ETH- to delight,
please, entertain, gra-
yiKa, (fr. 7nupon, and er0ouyw Tiraya. tify ; to attract, allure.
to seal, th.
c^paylg a seal) to put riTiitytti, -wv, of ~E,TriTfTpaTat, 3 sin.
r, (neut. E~fTTpd-
a seal on, stamp, mark ; to rati-
next) grave-clothes, funeral gar- tbaTai, Ion. for t~t~,Tpa^nivoi
fy, confirm. ments, a winding-sheet. ctai, 3 pi. of E-trfTpn^ut, per.
E.iiiG<f>vpiov, -ov,TO, (fr. 77< upon, 7ird(jtiog, -ov, o, >/, (fr. ttri upon, }>ass. ind. of c-rriTpi^u.
and ff(/>vpov the ancle) the clasp and rd(f)og a tomb) funereal, E~tT)'^cta, and Ion. E-mrij^a, -wr,
or buckle of the greaves. sepulchral ; mournful, mourn- T'), (neut. pi. of next) accessa-

E-rio-^s, impr. ETHO-^UI', inf. ing. ries.

E/naywi', par. 2 a. act. tirayvvb), fr. tiri intens. and ra- E-ir.-reiof, -ov, !>, %, (fr. -(T^(5}s
or same, pres. of c~ia% ,
which see. fit) convenient, proper, adapted,
and Ion. for E7riT0o>, -T/g, -jj,
1 a. sub. pass, of Jit ; commodious, opportune ;
and friendly, zealous ; necessary.
Tr. E.-irc1\ai, inf.
jE-rmAov, impr. needful, requisite.
Ion. for I-K'KJ^OV, impr.
, E;7tT/Aaf, par. la. act. of E-(Yj;Af, (neut. of same) filly,
, par. 2 o.. mid. of) -iT/AAu>. properly ; ner ssarily : purpose- t:

exfX'j), or same, pres. of E~IT(Vw, f.

ITCV&, p. tTTlTfTaKfi, ly, intentionally.
EOT intens. and rdvd) to E-i-i'idev/m, -Xros, TO, (fr.
(fr. same)
E-dT^^pw, (perhaps fr.
ETTIO-^W to stretch) to stretch
out, spread a practice, stuffy, pursuit^ pro-
withhold) successively, in order, over, extend; to increase, aug- fession,employment ; a hahi f
thence ; then, afterwards.
ment ; to
strain, exert, apply, mode of life ; a design, intent,
Eiri'ff^<"j, -oy,
Att. -wf, >/, (fr. strive, endeavour ; to aim, intend, purpose; a rule, order, custom,
fffiVvw, same as r/^w to re- design ; to stretch or hang over, institution.

strain) a withholding, prohibi- impend. E-r;;f'iiw, f.

-ircu>, (fr. same) to
tion; restraint, restriction. TX'(W, f.
-?<rw, p. -ma, (fr. 7T(
practise, study, prnfesx, cul/ii-atc ;
-u<rw, p. Evt<T)VKa, (fr. against, and T(^/^w to wall, th. to labour at,
pursue earnestly ; to
7Ti intens. and to prevail, T?if a wall) to surround with follow, in/'tati'. 1 a. ind. act.
th. strength) to grow a wall or circumvallation, build .
strong, increase in power, pre- a wall against, attack by raising E7r<T)/'Vw$-, Ion. for f.triTnodws,
vail ; to persist, force, urge, be- a rampart or mound ; to build t-iT!':t iios fit) fitly, properly;
come violent. 1 a ind. act. of up, erect. correctly, strictly, conveniently.
-ird^iafjta, -urog, TO, (fr. last)
-fr;$ -oPf, o, >;, (perhaps a E-(T//rV??,
ETIITVW, same as ETT/^W. rampart, mound
upon, TO Mov what is ne- or circumval- fr. 7T(

Eino-wpi<u<n,3pl. 1 f. ind. act. of lation raised against ;

cessary. Or, rri to, an ffiv s
a fortress, I

Err(CTt<>fll-U), f. -tVffti), p. castle.

TrT<7WpU- agreeable) fit,proper, convenient;
vi, (fr. c~1 intens. and o-wps^w to E-m<ca, a. sin. of tTrlrzi-. agreeable, accommodated, apt,
hea|), th. cwnbg a heap) to heap EtriTehtffaTt, 2 pi. impr. ETITE- commodious, sufficient.
up, coned, amass. A/o-i;, 3 sin. sub. E-iTt\faai, ETITI';KW, f. -^oj, (fr. 7rt upon, and
inf. 1 a. act. TijKti) to melt) to melt upon, pour
E7rTAcr0(?, a.
order) a command, order, in- sin. -dh'Ta, par. 1 a. pass. in lirjuid ; to dissolve.
junction ; a charge, appointment ; E-r-sAofii'Tff, n. pi. com. par. E~i~>;r>f<j) -Si, f. fjr? in- -J'CTW, (fr.
authority, jurisdiction. prcs. act. E-(TT/AiT^a(, -aai, tens. and mpfia to watch) to

Emraypn, -lirog, To,.(fr. same) -TUI, per. ind. pass, of sfti-r, preserve, guard, protect, de-
same as last also an additional ET(TA/w -w, f. -/aw, p. -IKII, (fr.
; fend ; to
watch, icait for. 1 a.
regiment, extra battalion, tirl intens. and T&iu to
finish) to par. act. c-irnpuffaf.
"E^iTnfitg, Ion. for nrfrv<$e$< perform, execute, complete, finish, "EinTiQiaffi, Ion. for tirinQtiai 3 pi.
EiiriTiiKTiip, -Tipog, b, (fr.
accomplish, end. 1 a. ind. act. prcs. ind act. EmrlBtaQai,
to order) a commander, regulator, 7TT/A0-a. EirtTlOnaiv, 3
pres. inf. pass.
taskmaster, overseer. E-tTA))s, -iog -ovc, b,fj, (fr. same) sin. pres. ind. act. of eTnriOnfit.
E7TiTrtKTOf,-o(), <i,f), (fr. same) com- complete, perfect, finished, end- E-KtTidei, Ion. for tiriTtOcri, pres.
manded, ordered, appointed,, re- ed, fulfilled, executed, perform- impr. act. of same, as if fr

gulated, arranged. ed.

. f. -KiU>',cd}, p. tiriTfBciKa, '.TFironri, -TJS, /'/, (fr. E-:TC>VW to ship, managemeJit, superintend*
cut short) a cutting ance.
(fr. ETri upon, and riQijpi
to put) off, lopping,
to put, set, place or lay upon, pruning ; amputation ; a short ETn'rpoiroj, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. tirirplifu
in cut; an epitome, abridgment, to intrust) a protector, governor;
apply ; to shut, dose^ to put
or on hoard, to contraction, summary. a treasurer, purveyor ; a guar-
lade; coier,
over; to put to, apply, '.TTITO^S, -ov, b, fa (fr. same) dian, tutor ; a manager,
compendious, short, summary ; a steward, superinttndant.
add; impose, inflict. Eirtri'fa-

pai, to propose
to one's self, pur- abridged, contracted. Kirpo^aSriv, (fr. rpoj^d^u) to hast-
to set about, un- f.
-acroftai, (fr. rxi en) briefly, compendiously, short-
pose, intend; E^iro^d^ofiai,
to aim at,
dertake; to assault, set or fall at, and -ol-ov a bow) ly ; quickly, hastily.

upon. 1 a. uid. act. Eirt6nKa. 2 a. shoot at. Eir/rpo^oj, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same) ro>
act. ind. mBuv
impr. E^tro-i^w, em0. (fr. Er< in, and rdiros a pid, fluent, voluble.
mid. -rc6/uu, p.
ir0?va. 1 a. pass. ind. place) to meet with, fall upon, E-i-ruy%dvu,

t-tTfQrrV sub. nurtQu. 1 f. mid. light upon ; to get. f~iTtTcvYa, (fr. em at, and Tvy-
2 a. mid. sri intens. TO the, to to meet or come up
i. E;T!-o:roXi-, (fr. %dvu> be)
and ^-oXu? much) for the most with; to encounter, surprise; to
-tcro, -(.TO.
2 and 3 sin. part, generally, usually. attain to, arrive at, succeed. 2 a.
r<%, -p, pres.
sub. act. of last. EiriTovcats, JEo\. with double o-,
ind. act.
TTtTindei -a, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. and by Sync. forfnirETdo-a?, par. irtTvppiciosi -of, 6, fj, (fr. tirl

of Or and a hillock)
fxmfuigs, 2 sin. pres. sub. 1 a. act. tTruriToa). in upon, rfy|3os
act. ETm/i?v, pres. inf. act. same manner for 7riroinVas, par. crested, tufted.
of ETrtrvy-
cont. E7rm//u>v,par. pres. act. 1 a. act. of ErtroTa^u). EirtTv%tv, 2 a. inf. act.

cont. of to
Erirpt-rf'of, -a, -ov, (fr. next) Xdvu.
be allowed, permitted, &c. ac- Ei:iTv-)(ia, -ag, n, (ir. ETrtrvy^avo)
rmfiaw -u, f. -jfaw, p. fviTerinn-
intens. and to to the verb. to arrive at) attainment, acqui-
KU, (fr. Eiri ri^aw cording
sition ; success.
honour) to increase the value, ErfrpfTTW, f. -T|U, p. tiriTtTptta, (fr.
advance the cirl towards, and rpj-w to turn) EITITVX&V, -ovffa, -ov, (par.
2 a.
enhance, ag-
allow to yield, act. of same) accidental, casual,
gravate ; to raise in esteem, ho- to permit, suffer, ;

nour, respect ; to charge, enjoin ; submit, comply ; to commit, in- fortuitous ; any one, whoever.
to upbraid, reproach ; to chide, trust, deliver to. 1 a. ind. act. EiriQaivdvTuv, g. pi. par. pres. act.

blame, reprove, impf. act. mt- ErfTot^'a. per. pass. ind. iniTt- of
-u>v. 1 a. act. ind. t-tri- . 2 a. ind. pass. (.-CTOOL- E-Kiipalvw, f. -avw, p. -i ,(fr-
/ii7<7<r impr. e-KiTtfir/cov opt. ETTI- , per.
mid. ETrirjYpoira. em intens. and 0avo) to appear)
inf. f. to sAow, ma&e appear; to shine
Ttp'iaaipC Tir(//>;ffat. lirtrpE^u, -dpti-d), p. tirtctfpd-
-ov, b, (fr. last) o cen- prjKa, (fr. 7Tt upon, and rpr^u upon, give light to, illumine.
caviller. to to run to, run to ; to E-zKpaivofjiai, to
up show one's self,
surer, reprover, railer, run)
Adj. captious, morose, peevish. run in, upon or against ; to over-
appear, be manifested or dis-
rtTitffaijii, -ai$,-ai, 1 Eirm- run, attack, invade ; to run or played, pres. impr. act. mtyaive,
1 a. opt. act. of tiriTt- fly past. Mid. to overspread, per- -tTw. 1 a. ind. ict. tirf^Tjva. per.

vade, prevail. 2 a. ind. act. en t- ind. pass.
:r<7rc0a^ai,and Att.
of ind. mid. cmci- 2 a. nd. pass. E-E-
EiriTififiGSci, d. pi. Soafiov. per. c~nri(pacnai.
ErtTifinaif, -to?,
Att. -W>, r/, (fr. Spofia. 6(iir/i'.

to blame) blame, cen- Err/rpr^/ov, -arw, 1 a. impr. act. E-Hpavai, I a. inf. act. E-ri^a-
reproach ; in- Dor. for t-trpe^'ov- rtis, -tlaa, -lv, par. 2 a. pass, oi
sure, reproof ; EirtTptiL-ovTt,
crease of price, enhancement. o-,3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of E-trpfVw. last.

'EiriTiiJinT'iKds, -ov, 6,->/, (fr. same)

7r<ro7,jw, f. -'4u, p. -6a, (fr. erl E-i6dvtia, -a?, fj, (fr. same) an
censorious, given
to find fault, intens. and rp(';3o) to rub) to rub appearance, show, display; splen-
severe. against, wear away or out, chafe; dour, grandeur; the Epiphany
Ewtrj/ii'a, -as, fi, (fr. same) same to pound, beat ; to break, bruise, or manifestation of Christ ; the
as trample ; to weaken, re-
outside, surface.
rmV7<ns. afflict,

Eirm'fiiov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a duce, bring down ; to stun, con- ET?i<j>avris,-fos -ov$, b, fj, (fr. same)
the reward or ef- found, plague, worry. light, lightsome, clear, bright,
fine, penalty ;

fect of wickedness, punishment :

resplendent ; apparent, manifest ;
-ov, b, fj, (fr. last)
a sin, fault. worthless, vile ; hardened, impu- illustrious, glorious.

Ewtrifios, -ou, 6, ft, (fr. same) ho-

dent, shameless. Em<bavo-ci, 3 sin. 1 f. act. of
nourable, respectable; honest, sin- E-i-rptros -ov, b, f/, (fr. ETTJ upon, Eirj0atfffKO) or Ei 'w, f.
cere, just.
and rpj'rof third)
as much and a andEiri0auo/jai, (fr. eirl upon, and
EmTtn&v-ai, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. third, more by a third ; every (pavw or <ow to shine) to
act. Eiririnuvras, a. pi. mas. third ; the third. shine upon, shine out ; to dawn.
cont. par. pres. act. of same. Eir<Vpj'(?, -to,-, Att. -EWf, fj, (fr. ETTi(f>tpctv,
act. Eirt(f>ipec6at,
EviriTBios, -ov, b, fj, (fr. irt upon, 7rirpt'/3w
to wear away) friction ; pass. inf.
pres. EtrHbipoiffa,
and n'rflos the teat) taking milk, wear, a breaking or dashing ; Dor. for txicjipovira, fern, of Eirt-
on the breast, sucking. Subs, that which strikes against, a <pio(av, par. pres.
act. of
a suckling, nursling. wave. Eri6cpw, f. t-oicu, 1 a. tirrjvcyKa,

Eviroavrb, (ft* irt TO, and avro Ertrpdwatoj, -a, -ov, (fr. E^trptrw (fr. Erfupon, and $/pw to bring)
upon the same) together, at the to intrust) committed, intrusted, to irin^ f0i carry in, take to ; to
same time or place ; for the same given in charge. bring or put upon, inflict, im-
in union or concord.
purpose ; Eirirpo-evw, f. -cCca, p. -KO, (fr. pose ; to add, super add, put to ;
Em'roKoj, -ov, b, fi, (fr. crrt at, and ETTt'rpoiros
a steward) to do busi- to carry in, import, introduce;
Tt'rrcij to bring forth) near birth, ness for another, take charge or to bring against, charge, accuse ;
near labour, in travail. care of, administer, manage, su- to oppose, object to.
EwiToX;?, -rjs, f], (fr. cm upon, and perintend, transact ; to rear, edu- to fall on, begin violently ; to
Tf'XXw to command) Ion. for tv- cate. inveigh against, reproach; to fall
T0\f,. Emrporr;, -^y, /, (fr. same) pro- upon, attack, rush, dart, run
EiriroX//a(v -^v, pres. inf. act. of curation, provision ; administra- hastily. 2 a. act. ind. tirfivtyKov'
ExjroX^a'w -w, fr. ir intens. and tion, office, charge, commission, inf.
roX^dw, which see. trust, guardianship ; a steward- E~jd>f'a>, (fr.
against, and ^
to publish, th. to shout, cry out ; ex-
to towards,and %pp6c
pl$ i)
0aw speak) sound) p>'iy7)Ka,(fr.
to ascribe, attribute, impute; to claim, cry out against, impf. the chorus, and ayw to lead) to
bole ill, forebode, portend ; to de- act. 7T0MVOV -OUV, -?-f;?, supply, furnish, afford, provide as
nounce, declare, pronounce upon. -. per. ir.d.
the manager of a theatre ; to add

~E.m<pQag, -aaa, -av, 2 a. par. act.

of to, aid, strengthen, nourish.
fr. 7ri intens. and cJ>0/J/u,
Att. -co?,#, (ir. last)
"Eirn(iQriii.i, ,

same as see either. crying out, exclamation, outcry ; ind. pass. E7r(^;op?7y/<TaT,
2 pi.
Eirty0ovoj, -ou, 5, f),upon, (fr. 7rt acclamation, shouting, huzzaing. 1 a. impr. act. Eirt%op?7ywv,
and ({>Q6vos envy) envious, mali- mtfjwff/cw. (fr. em on, and f>roovcu> act.
'ETri'XopTjyovnEvos, -77, -ov,
cious, spiteful ; hateful, odious ; to dawn) to shine upon ; to begin pass. par. pres. cont. of last.
enviable, distinguished. to be
day, dawn. impf. act. e ?Tvop^yifl, -&?, TI, (fr* same) a
Eiri<j>66vws, (fr. last) enviously,
ma- supply, provision ; relief, rein

liciously. forcement.
E7n$0yo>, (fr. em upon, and 00ii<d same, and %alv(a to gape) to gape iriXpdw, f.
-/jVco, p. -T)Ka, (fr. exl
same as irrvw to spit) to spit at or upon ; to desire, long for. intens. and ^pdw to use) to de-
to at ill- f. long for, covet ; to assault
upon ; spit through r^flttpw, -ap6>, p. atiKtjfafKa, sire,
will to bewitch, ill luck. and to rejoice) attack.
; give (fr. same, %atpw violently, Ewr^pdo//a
delight, be glad, rejoice, exult ; -w//a, seize, appropriate,
to abuse, misuse ; to use,
n. fern. par. pres. act. of last to
insult, triumph over. 1 f. mid. usurp ;

E7n$Afyw,(fr. :n intens. an 7rt%ap^(ro/zat.

2 a. ind. pass.
-- be intimate, relate or belong to,
to burn) to set on fire, inflame Xfyli>-
be connected.
kindle ; to enlig}iten, illumine, Ti^aAa^w, f. -o-w, p. -tea, (fr. 'oj,-7/, -ov, (Ion. forn-
illustrate. same, and yaAa^a hail) io hail _, par. pres. pass.

upon ; to shower or pour of last) used, borrowed ; fami-

T,tri$opa, -a?, f), (fr. ETriQipw to at-
intimate con.-
tack) violence, force, impetuosity; hail, pelt. liar, ', confederate ;

impression, operation, influence ',

TTt^aAaw -w, fr. same, and nected, related.
an attach, charge, assault. Aaw, which see. m'^'pioToj, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. next)
Em^oplw -w, Ion. same as E-nifyipui. m'^;AKOf, -ov, b, /, (fr. ETTJ upon, anointed, besmeared, laid on,
"ETuipop/JnaTa, -wv, ra, (fr. tKitpipw and ^aAKos brass) brazen, made varnished, painted.
bring in) delicacies introduced of brass, covered with brass. ,-r:t%plu,
f. -Zcrw, p. EiriKtxpiKa, (fr.
between the courses ; removes, ^t^ ,
-|u>, p. ?rKKapa^a, 1T
upon, and ^p/u to anoint)
a dessert. same, and vupdc<ri>> or -rrco
spread upon, anoint ;
to daub,

Em'^o/JOff, -OD, 6, %, (fr. same) com- to engrave) <o engrave upon, smear. 1 a. ind. act. tiri%piaa.
modious, convenient, Jit, season- carve in, imprint. ir/xpuo-o?, -ov, b, //, (fr. same, and
able, opportune; inclined, prone, 'xap^a, -uro? , ro, (fr. same, and Xpvffds gold) gilt.
apt ; pregnant, with young. Y/)/X joy, th. ^(u'pw to rejoice) :TTi%vvw,
and ETT%VW, f. -VCTW, p.
ETTiKf^vKa, (fr. same, and jfyvta
Eiritppdfa, f. -ttffw, p. zirnrtypaKa, cferi.fiow, mocking, scoffing; a
(fr. 7n and <ppdw to
intens. mockery, jest, scorn, sport. "Xyu)
to pour) to pour into or upon.
say) to denounce, proclaim, pub- 'xapa, -wv, ra, (fr. nri in, and ,irij(yais, -'Of, Att. -WJ, fi, (fr.

lish, declare; to remind, admo- %tp the hand) handsel ; hire, re- last) a pouring upon, infusion ;
nish, warn, ddvise, counsel; to compense, wages. a libation, offering,
suggest, prompt, hint ; to dis- j^tp -EI, pres. impr. act. of .7T^0)pfU) -to, f. ->7ffW, p. TTtC-
course, treat of. Eiri^pd^ofiai, to rt^(pfo) -w, f. -)7tra), p. eiriKe%E ^wp??Ka, (fr. 7rt intens. and
understand, perceive, know ; to
prjica, (fr. same, and v/p the X^otta to give place, th. vwpo? a
consider, think of, regard, pon- hand) to take in hand, set or go place) to yield, retire, withdraw ;
der ; to invent, devise. 2 a. ind. about, attempt, endeavour, try ; to give u/p, resign; to concede,
act. to lay hands
tirtypaoov, on, set upon, attack, grant, permit, allow, suffer.
(fr. snl upon, assail, impf. act. Eir^eipcov -ovv. Att. -Wf, f], (fr.

EirtQpoavvTj, ->/?, fj, Tf^wpj/fns , -fOf,

and (ppt)v
the understanding) 1 a. ind. act.
it%doTiffa. last) a retreat ; a concession,
wisdom, prudence, discretion ; arc?, ro, (fr. last) an permission, leave, allowance.
foresight, intelligence, d. pi. zni- attempt, exertion, effort; an en- rrf^wpfd^w, f. -o"w, p. -Ka, (fr. ?r

Ion. for -cvvais. terprise, undertaking. intens. and to retire)
Eirt0p&)v, -ovos, 6, f), (fr. same) irt%dpri(n$, -105, Att. -wj, fi, (fr.
frequent, visit often, resort or
prudent, wise, discreet ; intelli-
same) an undertaking, attempt, repair to.
gent, sensible. enterprise ; an assault, onset, at- tos, -ov, b, $), (fr.

"EiTKpvas, -aSog, >;, (fr. tmfyvw to tack ; a conspiracy, plot.

%wpo? the place) native, indi-
grow up) a cut down vine. Tfj^ O) -w, f. -f\aa>, p. ~r\K.a, genous, of the place ; familiar,
Eir0vf<r0G;, 3 sin. pres. impr. mid. r.
(fr. 7Tt towards, the hand, ^?p intimate, connected ; private, pe-
of same. and r('vw to stretch) to vote by culiar.

E7Tt0t)A ;'cr<ru>, or-rrw, fr. c-rrt intens. show of hands to decree, pass, ; Im^aAAw, f. -SAw, p. ETrtyalica,
and puAdo-o-w, which see. enact, ordain, determine, judge, (fr. CTTI intens. and i^dAAw to
E7nd>vAA<w, f.
-iVw, and Alt. -tw, sentence. sing) to sing to, play upon.
(fr. in at, and 0vAAov a leaf) to I^W, f. -t&ttto, p. -tvKa, (fr. [iriipavu),
same, and
gather grapes ; to glean. upon, and ^rw to pour) to pour which see.
tj, -t$os, f;, (fr. same) a into or upon ; to infuse, instil ;
small or poor cluster not worth to strew. For upon, and ^/Kau> to sprinkle,
shower, shed,
g<^hering ; the leavings or glean- tenses see to be-
^w. th. i^EKaf Hew) besprinkle,
ings of grapes ; a silly writer, t^6ov/^(T(. ~E.iTi%6ovloi<ri,
d. pi. dew, moisten; to drop upon or
paltrypoet. Ion. of into,

Eirt0v?, -v<ra, -vv, par. 2 a. act. of T(^0di'tof, -OD, 6, ^, (fr. tiii upon, <TTupT)(f>l%(i),
f. -"(TO), p. -IKCL, (fr.

ETJ^V/U, same as and v0wv the earth) earthly, intens. and ^ij<f>i&
to calculate,
to vote for ;
Emptied, f, -vo-ti), p. eirnrtipvKa, (fr. terrestrial ; upon the earth, living. th.
^/70os a pebble)
sm upon, and 0vo) to grow) to '^oAof, -ov, o, >;, (fr. ETTJ intens. to vote, decree, enact, establish.
grow to or upon ; to stick, adhere, and %oAr? gall) bitter; sharp, cruel, jyo?, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and
cling to grow large, increase. severe ; choleric, anirry, irascible.
djo3S blame; blameable, faulty,
Eiri0wvw -oi,
p. tiriirrfw
and iuviM to
poc.s'jp. -wrrtroj. ;
culp able.
2 a. sub. of fireifii, to
<a, (fr. -7/<ro>, p. rticr^o- t,-T]s, -n,
come, upon. Or of i.<f>iita,
same fr. intens. and oov- 7roAiTt>dfii7v, -ov, -rro, in 3 pi.
as Eipiijfjii. r
which see.
, -okTo. impf. ind. raid, of iroAt

Ertwv, -oCaa, -_v, (par. 2 a. of rdw, f. -ijo-w and -r_>, (fr. same, T<5w.
T/u to come upon) coming, and dw to smell) to smell strong, ETO/UU, f. fyopai, impf. or 2 a.
following, succeeding, future. stink ; to puirefy, rot. mid. c'nrdftrjv. par. pres. mid.
E:rAfy7v, -775, -77,2
a. ind. pass, of E 1:0077(73, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of fTT6fj.vos. See iru).

E7ro/jpa, -as, 77, (fr. cm intens.

p. ETTwya, (fr. and o/ijUpos
a shower) violent
/ \- u
oiyw, which
and oiy<_,
1 a. ind. pass, of irAda>. intens. s
see) rain.

-W//77V, -doTJ -U, -dtTO

per. pass, fjrwy^af pper. pass. Eriuvvpi, f. 7ro//<i<rw, p. cjrw/toica,

-aro, impf. ErAa'v?/o-a,-as, -, , -|o,

-KTO. (fr. ETTJ upon, and or o/ivvw
- to swear further, add
1 a. ind. act. ErXav/7077ffav,3 ETTOU -ovv, -EES -s, impf. swear) to -,
pi. 1 a.
ind. pass, of rXavdw. and E-ot77<7a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. an oath, confirm an oath, sv;ear
Dor. for /ffXnff, which by act. of TTOICU. to it; to
adjure, conjure, oblige
Apos. 'EirXair', 3 sin. 1 a. ind. EiroiKiov, -ov, TO, (dim. fr. tirt in- another to swear, pres.
act. EirAd(7077v, -rjs, -77, la. tens. and OIKOS a house) a villa, eirdpwdi. 1 a. act. ind. 7rw//oo-a,
ind. pass, of rXdercxi) or -rrw. cottese, cabin, hut. sub. firo/ioVa)' inf. 1 a. tiropdaai.
'ErX, 3 sin. impf. of rXfw. roiKocoLtu, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. mid. ind. 7r(i/.'.oad/x77V.
'En-Xfv, by Sync, for txtXtv, 3 sin. act. of '.Kopdcci], Poet, for -do-j?, 1 a. sub.
impf. act. ofrrfXa). f. act. of last.
TO(Ko<5o^<i) -w, -f,aw, p. tirqico-
'EirXfo, Ion. and
'EirXft), Dor. and iri upon, and OIKOCO- EiropAaXios, -ov, o,
cofjiTjKa, (fr. ;, (fr. irt
by Sync, for circAou, 2 sin. Htu) to build, th. oT/cos a house) and ofi(paXds the navel) at, near,
'EirAEr', Sync, and Apos. 3 sin. build upon, build in addition,
t'> above or about the navel.
impf. pass, of rAw. enlarge a building, repair, build E?rd//^aAov, -ou, rb, (fr. same) the
pi. impf.
act. of irAeu. up ; to edify, improve. 1 a. pass. boss of a buckler; the
E-Afo'vaVa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. spike or projection in the middU
of xXtovd^w. -claa, -fv, n. pi. of a shield.
En\eovfKTr)<ra, -as, -, 1
pi. -tra//i', ,
par. 1 a.
pass Etrovatrav, Dor. for titovrjaav, 3 pi.
1 a. ind. act. i,
1 a. inf. act 1 a, ind. act. Eir6vtov -ovv, -u<,
- -'i impf. act. of irovtu.
ovfitvoi, pass. Etroi- -ts,
EirXn5<ra/ijv, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. act. act. n. pi. cont. par, E770VjC^u, f.
-Tcro), p. ira>vt'i5(ra,
Ex\tvodpT]v, 1 a. ind. mid. of pres. of last. (fr. ri against, and ovi<5t'w to

TTOIKOS, -ov, b, t'i, (fr. *t towards, reproach, th. OVEC^OS a reproach)

TV, -is, ->7, 2 a. ind. pass, of and o?/cos a house) a stranger, to upbraid, reproach, cast up to,
rA/Jffffw or -TTW. visiter, lodger; the master, land- charge with, taunt, stigmatize,
EirX7;077v, -77s, -77, 1 a. ind. pass, ol lord, host, householder. brand.
Eiroj/iava, -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act. o EirovtiourrtKds, -cv, b,fi, (fr. same)
VVOVTO, 3 sin. and pi. rotfabnt. opprobrious, slanderous, calum-
impf. pass. ErA770t5v077v, -T?S E-rroiovffav for Eicotovv, 3 pi. impf nious ; scandalous, disgraceful,
1 a. ind. pass, of irAqd-vu. act. -n
-?/, Eiroitjffa, -as, -e or infamous.
SrrA^vT*, see fv\ijT\ pi. -rjaare, -rjaav, act. Eirotri- ETTOV^OIJV, -77s, -T), 1 a. ind. pass,
-as, -, 1 a. ind. act. o'
ffdyujv, 3 pi. -O-OVTO, mid. 1 a of irovfw.
Or -7TO). ind. ofrcottd).
Ef>ovripv6fiT;v, -ov, -ETC, 3 pi. -ovro
EirATjouHTEv, act. impf. mid. of -rrovtipevu.
1 a. inf. act. E
ErX77p(5077, pass. EffoTo-at,
3 sin. 1 a. ind. of 1X77(500). - 1
-cis, ind. act. Eirovo//do>, f. -(raj, p. Erwvd/ia/to,
E-X 170-0, -as, -, 3 pi. 'Eir-XT/c-ai', '.

Oiiffofiai, -tj, -tTai, 1 f. ind. pass (fr. upon, and ovo^d^w to


a. ind. act. E?rAj7er077i', -rjs of the obs. see name,th. dvo^a a name) to name,
7Toj'w, tmQipw
3 1 a. ind.
call, style, entitle ; to address by
-77, pi. -077<rav, pass ETTOKTTIOS, -a, -ov, (fr. Eirupfpw to
bring upon) it must or is to be or give a name of honour; to
by Apos. and in- brought upon, carried in,
dedicate, consecrate, deify.
Sync, for sin. and 3
flicted, attacked, &c. according ETTOVOVV, impf. act. cont. of irovtta.
3 of to the significations of
pper. pass, pi. "Enovrai, 3 pi. of evoftai, mid. of
\ijHi. Or, impf. pass, of which see.
i for
rAdw, same as TrfAa'w. Eiroij^to, Ion. for not-vvw, f. rvvt,
pres t, p. irw7jya
irw^7jya, (fr.
i, -as, -,
3 pi. -o-av, 1 a. jnipr. mid. of tm intens. and ofvvw to sharrpen,
ind. act. of TrXovrfo). at, f. th. ou? sharp) to tt/if,
-/70-o/Hu, p. sharp-
E~XovT(ff077Te, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. from the obs. oij^tofiat, (fr. ETT en; to
quicken, rouse, excite,
of ie\ovricti). upon, and to go off) to
oi-^ofiai hasten, accelerate.
'EirAwav, 3 pi.
1 a. ind. act. of :. arch or proceed against iOirrtijcavTts, n. pi. par. 1 a. act.
invade ; to run violently, rush in of
'E-Kvtvaa, -as, -, 3 pi. -aav, 1 a. or upon; to
traverse, cross TTTETJW, f. -cvcrw, p. frrunrnv/to,
ind. act. of irvfu. thwart ; to go to, go up to, ap- (fr. upon, and dirro^ai to
JLTvlynv, -TIS, -77, pass. 'E-ityor, proach; to run over, transact look) to /oo&trzio, examine; tolook
-S, -, act. Eirviyo>77v, 3 pi. quickly, recount cursorily ; to be upon, behold, witness ; tofavour,
mid. 2 a. ind. of
-yovro, TtWyw. employed or engaged at, work at. regard. 1 a. ind. act. tirwirrtvca.
, -77s, -ifc 1 a. ind.
pass, of par. pres. mid. iro< and Eiroirrtip, -rjpos,
Eiro7TT7f, -ov,
or Trvvpi, same as irvtu. -Xw, same) an inspector, over-
Eroxf'XXw, f.
p. 7rui<fA<ca, (fr. b, (fr.
n5o>, fr. irt
upon, and oy- zi against, and o'AXo> same'as seer, superintendent, monitor,
which see. 'XXu to apply) to strike, dash,
president; a beholder, eye-wit-
ios, -ov, fj, (fr. same, and run or beat against; to run ness.
is a furrow, an epithet of aground, strand ; to drive, drift. f.
iroTrroftai, -i^o/iaj, p. eifCjft/jiai,
Ceres) plou ghing, making fur- 1 a. ind. act. TrwtAa to look upon, contem-
par (fr. same)
rows,, ailing, cuun-aimg.
tilling, cultivating eroKtibas. j plate. behold; to look into, exam ine,
, -uv, ra,
Ion. Dor. for
for0<5<5ia, seejErowfaTo, inspect; to select, choose, pick out.
t$6ciov. \
sin. 1 a. ind. mid. i. _____ Eiroaav, Ion. for c<f>op$v, pres. inf.
lon.for^o^d^w, whichiEroX>77<rai', 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of act. cont. of
"at, f.
-ffOfiat, fff?
Hh (241)
against^ and opyt^w -,-, (fr. last, and
to provoke, tb. (o
fyw hold) /ratraint, if- Eirraxiff^iXioi,
1 a. act. a termination implying to wards) , lated stone, sometimes the
, -a<ra, -av, par.
to the earth, on the ground. south. Sam. xx. 19.
to tell, Epaifiav, Dor. for tpafpiiv, pres. Epya^Eo-flat, pres. inf. mid. Epyrf-
STU-, to say, speak, utter ;
opt. act. of (papai.
2 pi. pres. impr. mid.
declare, inform ; to call; to com- %toOe, I

direct. In -n, 1 a. ind. pass.'

Eoya'^raj, 3 sin. and pi.
mand, order, EpaiaQrjv, -77?, -|OVT<U,
ind. mid.
impr. to salute, greet, ma bid gooa, 'ofpa/u. pres. EpyaCo>voj,
morrow, farewell.' 1 f. ind. act. j
'Epo>, -cat, -rat, Poet, for spaa,! -rj, -t/v, par. pres. mid. Epya-
in derivatives.: which see. ^tBa, 1
pi. pres. sub. mid. of
tyu may be traced
1 a. ind. ?jra, Poet. /, 3 pi. Ec$v, cont. fr.
spdetv, pres. inf..
Dor. for
tiirocav impr. ?iro-, -a'rw, 3 pi. ;

act.^ofsame. Epya'<?i',
ara'rwc-av. 2 a. ind. cTnv* impr. Epay/p,
p. -KB, (fr. fpavos
-G-W, impr. pass, of
opt. iiro/ii'
sub. inf. i'w ;

'a collection) to contribute, sub- Epyd^ouat, f.

-copai, p.
WJTE7V par. Etruv, -ovaa,-&v .
sAore, tax or (fr. fpyov work)
to u-orfe, /afcour,

<o act
work, ; to take
curt ui,
tribute. Epavi'Vt,
<*> receive wu, cn
toil, endeavour ; to do, act,
i.., ^t.-
wages or tax; to as-

6e employed about, i>ay, hire, form, operate; to make, frame,

m. .t,ffo/*at,
--,-jftui, w yw levy ; to collect, receive, take

accompany, attend; to ad-

Poet, for pya-
Epyarfr/Tjf, -ov, b, fj,
2 cu.. .
.>/, forsali- .
.<;:', rattling, thunder-
Epevvart, pi.
I a. if-juidi
imprl act.
jj.oopa.1 -UL-[ju.i-
'Epwvnaev , '
t -ovvrai inf.
epripotff- Eptyt vcta, ijptyfVfja.
impr. act. Epeurwr, n. pi. \

2 or 3 du.
-vSvres, par. pres. act. cont. of ouc-0ar pe '0,;- Epi(5atvTov, pres. ind.
I a. act. oi"
Eotrvau) -w, f. -(Jffw, p. rjptvvijKa, pupaC par. r^ijiitupii/os. j

to seek, search. pass. iad. jjptip^Bijv, -ijs, -n. Ept^atVw. -avw, (fr. tpts discord)
(fr. pfw to say) to dispute, debate, contest, quar-
Att. -;u>j,
mfftiire, eromme, im,>fc>ate; tojEp^^s, -W, $, (fr.

trace track, pursue by scent or! same) u-a.sYe, desolation, destruc- re/, sfriue, contend; to prcwofce,
1 a.' act. ind. destitution, dcserlio

^e, irritate, excite to anger.

1 a. ind. act.
noov, -drw. par. pres

same) or Ept<5i> -<D, f. -^w, p.

JV -WV. j^iirijff, -ou, u, (fr. ra-JEpt^ft.)

cont. of or noiorjKa, Poet, for

! Dor. for pruvy ^piecrjKu.

Kvvrfci, 3 sin. pres. ind. act.

same as and Ep5;o-ar0at
Epnh'77, -W '% ffjji EpJ7piff/ifJ'os, Ep?;- pie5&;ffao-0at
ww. a. inf. mid. of last.'
ind. mid. of cpEiJyw. Att. 'for per. ind. Ep%va, Ion. , I a. ind.
i'>/tai, 1 f. fpt/ca,
same as :oi act. of cpicaiva.

Att. pit i, d. sin. of ip
in roof, for
-^w, p. , Effptpiuu
enclose to hide, conceal ; per. ind. ass, and Houaivovri, Dor.
, ;
to to crown or pper. ind. pass, of 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of
protect, defend;
with garlands, d^k, adorn. tVw, Poet, for tpiSaivii).
1 a. ind. act.
Att. for per. ind. pres. impr. act. Or, Ion.
and Ion. -?joj, b, acti of same. ipify,
3 sin. impf. ind. act.
EpE^Sriif, -sos,
Att. for qpjiTjjKa, per. and Eptf^vai, Dor.
Erechtheus, a man's name. >Tjp'Lrr)Ka, "Epi^tfitv
ind. act. of epwrdia. for inf. act.
Ep f'^0o) or Eprvy, to cut, rend, tear, epifyiv, pres. Epi-
1 f. mid. of Dor. for cpi^ovai, 3 pL
'shatter, break; to harass, worry, T&pijaouai, -t}, -trat, fyvri,
persecute ; to trouble or tptw. pres. ind. act. Ept^ot-ffai, pi.
molest, ;
to distract,
afflict, par. pres. pass.
mu Ep/?rva>,
orjrzvia and E,prirvw,
-uw, p.:
-c-w, fern. par. pres. act.
and -ruca, to du. mas. of Ept'o-aj, par.
1 a.
, Ion. for restrain, check, prevent, stop; to\ act. of
:id. act. of hold, seize, possess, occupy. E*pia>, f. -<<ru, p. ?/ptca, (fr. fpty dis-
Boaot. fot tpTjTvQrjaav, 3| cord) to dispute, quarrel, contend;
f, -joj, Att. -w<r, ^, (fr. fpf- Ep^Tu0v,
roof a a cooenn, pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last. to litigate; to exasperate, irritate.
) roq/*; j

; enclosure. Epr;ru<fyi?7i>, -ou, -ETO, impf. pass, of "Epiijp, -ijpos, b, f/,

n. pi,
Epti;pj, a.
f. and pu, but this 'same. Ept'^pa?, Ion. for
Ep/o) -w, pj)<ru>

properly belongs to etpw, EpnrvcraffKe,
Ion. for npi'irvat, 3;Ep;poji -ov, b, , (fr. tpi much, and
to connect, or sin. 1 a. ind. act. of same. to love, or to fit) fave-
:-rjica, (fr. /pcd tpdu apo>
to flow) to say, speak, utter, , -as, -, JEol. for
cpjru-j ly,pleasant, agreeable, desirable;
mnce ; to call; to ask, in- aaipi, -ats, -ai, 1 a. opt. act. o loving, dear, intimate, familiar ;
quire; tell, declare, bring to same. congenial; connected, attached f

promise, impf. act. Ep^Tvo), f. -uffto, p. TjpijrvKa,

; to same prized, valued, cherished; tune-
c'.otov -ow. 1 f. mid. as fprjrtvd). ful, harmonious.
p;/<ro/i<zi. per.
ind. pass, -rai- 'Ept, an intensive particle set
at.Eptfla'*?;, -ns, b,
meat, red
dprj^ai, -aai,
for p^, cont. of p<ft,
"lor. thebeginningofwordstoheighten| matter found in honeycombs.
their signification ; very, much.
pres. ind. act. of paaj.
Eofttaa, -as, fi, (fr. uj strife) dis-
rcr/cov, Ion. for 'Epca, pi. ofifiov. cord, disagreement, variance,
impf. act. of Ep'iav^nv, -evoj, 6, t), (fr. Ipi very, strife, contention, animosity ; love

f. 'and av^nv the neck) carrying a
-affu, (fr. of strife.
to wander in a
high hea'l, hwghty, proud, dis-:
desert, roam nQi-ow or rather Epj0i5o/zai, t.
ken, rove, ramble, stray. dainful ; f.tifi'necked, stubborn. \
-EVffOfiai, (as if tpioetiw fr. tpt$
3j, -a, -ov, (fr. same) Poet. EptSos, -ov, b, /, (fr. same, andi strife) tc dispute, disagree, con-
I3od<j) to shout) loud, noisy, da-
tend. Or (fr. ?poj wool) to work
^, (fem. of /p^oj for- morous, vociferous ; echoing. or manufacture wool ; to
n, viz. <5f7 a lawsuit) a v, Dor. for toil ; to serve, be a slave.
given p, no//c prosequi. l(DV, g. pi. Of
-a?, ^, (fr. same) a desert, ov, b, (fr. ipi much, j
ns, -fas -o8 ft b,'
w-i/d; solitude, lone-
. and to roar)
loud-roaring, much, and SdXXu to
" '
ppffib) bloom)
want, poverty. resounding, deep-murmuring, blooming, verdant; luxuriant;
; and Ep77//5f, -a^o?, ^, (fr.
youthful, vigorous.
as cprjuinis in the Epi'/Jpcpo?. -ou, 6, (fr. same) same. j'EpF0oj, -ov, b, ff, (fr. ttpo; wool ;

Eo(,3pu^;fu), Ion. for ?pt@pv%oii, g. or {pa the ground ;


or'/pt much,
.)?, -i>, -dv, (fr. same) ao/i- sin. of
and' ^175 a labourer) a worker m
Ept/3oC^?j, -ou, b, >/, (fr. ipi much,' wool; a weaver; a servant, do-
-, -or, 0, (fr. same) a soli- .

'^u to roar) loud-bellow- inestic; a labourer, reaper; a

husbandman, fanner.
nerhaps fr.
rp a
-n. of Dor. for
EotK\dyKra?, -a, b,
irth, and p6vo; only) desert, i, -UK-OJ, and Epi/3a)Xoj, Ep(fXi'y*rr;7?,-oi), 5,^, (fr. /pjmuch,

. -ov, o. 'and /cXa'j/yw to clang) if,

, -oi', /?,
^.'tpa, (same as X;:f a '\rlile, noity, mounding, re-echoing,
a dtsert, wilderness, soli- rich, productive, luxuriant. ', (fr. same, and
TOS a clap, th. icrvirfw to rat-

3 sin. cont. pres. ind. and yatrrrip the telly) big-bellied; ,
tie) dripping ; noisy, resounding,
gtuti'onous. ':, f,, (fr. same,
-%, t. -a><ru>, p.
Eptypot'roto,Ion. for . and KuSos glory) very glorious,
,- a desert) to waste, lay sin. of far-famed, celebrated.
;nd Eoirro?, same as
-, #, (fr. much, teamed ; honourable, g. Ion. tpi- \
scent) Hermogenes, a man's
s, b, ipt
and jjiVKdu
to low) lowing ; bel-

lowing, roaring. pt'0iov, -ou, T, (dim. of next) a I

Ep^oyAt>0i/cfj, -j)j, jj, (fern, of next
a wild Jig- or kid. viz. the art of carving,
Ep?vdf or Epjvdf, young little
-ou, 6, ri%vr))
tree. fr. the statuary.
Eptc&oj, -ou, b, (perhaps tap j

Eoivviis, -uos, 4t Erinnys, a being spring, and (jjaivo/jLUi

to appear. ;

who was supposed to torture Or fr. ipi very, and the foot)
Mercury, and yAv^w to carve)
sinners in the fabled hell of the a kid, young goat, goat, also, of statuary, relating to
Greeks and Romans; a fury; early, fresh, m -/>, young, a. pi.

an avenger, punisher ; a reveng- Dor. Eou6y\vd)o$, -ou, and EpuoyAu~

Att. -f'wj, b, (fr. same)
er, persecutor, oppressor. M^viof, , /pi very,
(fr. (jttvfi -fos,
a fstatuary.
%0iav the earth) Erichtho-
to play the fury, arid
EptwJk*. (fr. last)

rage, be angry ; to persecute, op- nius, a man's name ; the son of 'Epvos, -eos -ovs, rd, (perhaps fr.
Vulcan and Minerva ; a king of tpa the ground)
a plant, herb ;
Athens. shoot, sucker, bud; branch, bough.
Ep<vdf see cpu/erff.
'Eptov or Etpjoi/, -ou, TO,
same, as \QKdvT), -j5, 'i, (fr. apyw to en- Epl-av, Ion.
dpfcv, 3 pi. 1 a.
?poj. close) a machine of war used in ind. 'Ep&v, impr. 'Epo>,
and Eptouvtoj, -ov, 6, ^, besieging cities ;
a moving tower. -jjj, -n, sub. 'Epfat, inf.
(fr. ipi much, and <5v?jui to help) Epxiov, -ou, TO", dim. of 'Epfaj, par.
of ipou for ptfa.
CpKoy, -EOS -ous, TO, (fr. f"pyw to Ep^w, -ts, -( 5
aiding, helping, very 1 f- ind. act. of
useful ; an epithet of Mercury. confine) a fence, hedge, mound, same.
and rampart; a bulwark, fortress; Epoya, by Metath. for iopya, per.
Epioupytto -w, (fr. fptov wool,
to work in or manu- fortification, enclosure. ind. mid. of fpyw, f'p<5w or pi^w.
ipyov work)
facture wool, spin, card, weave Ep*T), -?;s, i], Ion. for ?p>cr>/. Epdas, -(rtra, -tv, (fr. paco
to love)
wool. Ipfta, -OTOJ, TO, (fr. apyw to con- lovely, amiable, desirable.
'EpiTr', by Apos. for tfiirc, which fine. Or, by Sync, for eptw^a fr. Att. for po7/K, cont.
Epoiriv,-r]$, -?;,
Ion. for //fins, 3 sin. ind.
Ept- pa'<5w
to prop) a prop, support, of tpioifjii, pres. opt. act. of p/w.
EptTrwi/, -ou<7a, stay, post, buttress; ballast; a (fr. fpfw or dpu to say) pojuat,
par. 2 a. act. of tpdiria. rock, ridge, reef; an ear-ring, to ask, question, demand, pres.
Epiirvn, -ns, {), (fr. ipi much,
and impr. ipnv, Ion. p<ou. impf. or
Hermagoras, a
pudyopas, -ou, 6,
rrv/w to blow) a 2op, summit, man's name. 2 a. mid. tipdni^v or rjpdutjv.
peak, ridge, rock, cliff'.
pudfa, f. -ao-w, (fr. ?p//.a a prop) 'Epoy, -ou, 6, ^Eol. for fpws.
same as ipdw. to support, prop, stay; to bal-
pi. Epouo-t,
3 pi. of
last, make steady.
'Epij, -t<5oj>, #, discord, strife,
pw, 1 f. ind. act. of ipw.
tention ; a quarrel, dispute, con- -wv, ra, of -ov, of next) a
Ep/xa?a, (neut. pi. Ep- 'Ep:rTdi>, TO, (neut.
flict; litigation, a. sin.
iptSa /^a7oj)
the feast of Mercury. creeping thing ; a creeper ; areptile.
and ioLv. Ep/xatov, -ou, rf, (neut. of next) Ep:rTos, -ou, b, f/, (fr. to
n. du. mas. 1 a
EpiaavTc, par. unexpected gain, unhoped profit ; creep) creeping, crawling.
act. of prey, booty. Dor. for inf.
ptctf. 'Ep-rrt]v, epirsiv, pres.
Epicrosiv, EpiaSuv,
EPJJ.OIOS, -ov, b, >i, and -a, -ov, also act. of same.
and tpi^oiv, par. pres. act. o and the
"EP//CIVO?, 'Epudticos, (fr. EpTp;?, -TITO;, b, (fr. same)
same. 'Epprjs Mercury) of, belonging herpes; St. Anthony's fire.
Epiffflevto, -f'oj -ouj, 6, #, (fr. to or like Mercury, mercurial, ir, -v, b, (fr. same) a
very, and cdtvos strength) very lively, witty, sprightly. creeper, crawler, climber.
strong, able, mighty, powerful Epjua?, -a, 6, a man's name. Dor. same)

rfKOs, -ri, -ov, (fr.

a man's name. for
Ep/jj, Hermes. creeping, crawling, climbing.
an Egyptian word signify-
Ep/mj, -a$o$ or -oVof,
'EpJ>ia, -aroj, -o, (fr. pi'w 4, (fr. 'lpp.a "Epiris,
quarrel) a contest, conflict, quar- a prop) a sunk rock.
ing wine.
rel ; contention, debate, dispute Ep/^iTf'co), f. -Vatt), same as j
and 'EpiruwjSame as eptria.
a lawsuit. Ep a'wi', -tovof, 'EpftEtac,
and 'Ep- "EpTruAAof, -ou, 6, or "Epn-uAAoj/,
Ion.* of //af, -ou, 6, Poet,
for -ou, TO, wild thyme.
s, -ou, 6, //, (fr. ?p Epfidrjv, Ion. for 'Ep/.iat'av, a. sin. "Ep^w, f.
creep, climb; to
much, and 07/apayfw to resound of 'Epjj.a7og.
go, move, proceed, impf. act.
deep-thundering, loud-sounding d. sin. of Ep^<?)?. zipirov. 1 a. ind. act.
Epfj.T], ejp^a.
roaring, rattling, pealing. Eoffjvda, -as, >/, (fr. 'Ep/^fyf Mer- *Ep-w//?. Dor. for
'PTW//V, pres.
Ion. of explana- sub. of last.
Epiairapdtoio, g. cury ) interpretation,
-OB, 6, %, (fr. same tion ; translation ; eloquence. j-'K, '^i 1 a. ind. pass.
and dpuSos palpitation) panting EpfjLrjvtvs, -0f, Att. -fwj, 6, (fr.
groaning, deep-sounding, roar ,
same) an '
interpreter translator. Eppayt]v,
i r r f
-ri$, -n, in 3 pi. -^<rav,
ing. Kpja^vcviratj
1 a. int. act. ol pass. fp/^?;- 'Eppayov, -ss, -, act. 2
-ou, 6, //, (fr. fp VEVU). a. ind. of p/yi/u/n or ^O-<TU>.
much, and ora^nA)? a cluster 'Epprivcvrris, -ov, b,
same as f'p/i>?- EppdSarai, Ion. for
eppaff/iivoi curt,
fruitful in grapes ; clustering. !'UJ. 3 pi. per. ind. pass. Eppdoa-
Epiarfo. -ov, 6, (fr. tpts strife) TO, Ion. for ippacrufvoi rjvuv, 3 pi.
wrangler, contentious or litigiou (fr. Ep/^?/s Mercury) to interpret pper. ind. pass, of same bdfa
person. translate; to expound, explain
(fr. same)
Z^ illustrate to comment upon. ind.
EpiariKos, -), ; , per.
gious, quarrelsome, contentious. 'EppK, -ou, b, and Poet. 'Eppia; voj, par. pass, of PHTTTW.

see tpvoifin. and Epjaf, (perhaps from dpu EppavTto-a, -as, - or -v, 1 a. ind.

Ept'on^jjAos, -ou, 6, ^, (fr. ipi

much or
rpfw to say) Hermes, Lat act. EppavTiapivos, par. per.
and yd\os the lip) foulmouthec Mercurius, Eng. Mercury. pass, of pavTigw.
scurrilous, opprobrious; Eppdos, -ov, b, Eppas, and 'Api|, a
rows, vociferous, noisy ; rud prop) </te /oo<, stock or frame of raw.
unmannerly. a bed or co^^c/^ ; bedstead, bed- -as, -, 3 -cav, 1 a,
Eppdmaa, pi.

EptVl/ioj, -ou, o, }, (fr. t'pt

mucl post.. ind. act. of ^TTJ(W.
and Tifiri price) precious,
valu -to? -ous, 5, (fr. 'Ep- EpftdaOriv, -W,-T], \ a. ind. pass, of
able, costly, dear ; honoured, e uf/f Mercury, and yjVoj d- w, same as f>aiv<o.
Epf>u(ptiv, ->;f, -?;, pass. 'Kppaijja,
', lw cfTf,
3 rin. imp!' ,
-'/, 1 ;>. ind. pass
irw. pi. cont. par. prf^. Ol' (TdAitfu).

oy, -or, '), (fr. tittyu :

-uvfjiat, (fr. same,
c.-ftv, inquire : to propose a ques- aiid
to leap) to
/eaj/ w;;

Eo^aTO, Ion. forapy/;f- tion ; to disruss, o??.. 1 a. ind. mid. <r^Xa'/i?v.

vot ac/, per. u>;d for to beg. 1 a. i;:
EffdX::<^oj', impf. EeraXTriaa, -as,
.cipyjiivot request,
ijaav, pper. !:
p!. ird. pass, per. ind. pass. -c, 1 o. ind. act. of o-aXr/^w.
ci'c/'p- 7?pwT77fftt' /pwr?7-
yw or
elpyvvf.it. jttaf. E<TXTO, Dor. for EffSjXro. 3 sin.
'EpXaTos, -ov, 6, (fr. ti'pyw to con- Epa)T?i', Io;;, 'inr fpwraEJV -*', pper. pass. Or, by Sync, for
fine) a hedge, fence, maurid, pres. inf. net. of last. o-/X'.ro, 3 sin. impf. pass. Or,
bank, rampart ; an enclosure. "EftwriiOus, -?<r, -', par. 1 a. pass. for ff//Xaro, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid.
inf. act.
Ep^ardw -w, (fr. same) /o hedge, Epum;<7a(, 1 .'i.
fence, enclose; to hinder, re- -nan, -av, par. 1 a. iffov, by Poet. Sys. for TJVCLV, 3
strain, stop ; to fortify. Epctm/crw, -as, -t, 2 pi. pi. impf. of iut, to be.

Ep^rtrdwvro, Ion. and Poet, for -<7tTc, i f. ind. act. Eowr^cra), rnv, 3 pi. of f, v , 2 a. ind. act. of
no-^ar&ovro -OVVTO,
3 pi. impf. *.'/?i -,v, 3 pi. -O-WF<, 1 o. s

pass, of last. Epwrw, 1 sin. -rStuev, 1 pi. "E.cavov, -ts, -, 2 a. ind. act. of
"RpXfai, Ion. for ip^jj, % sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of same.

'Ep%Tat, 3 sin. pres. incl. mid. "Ecavro, Ion. for iiaavro, 3 pi. 1 a.
'EpX", Ion. 'Ep;D, Dor. -foj, Atf. -fo)$-, (fr. same)
an ind. mid. of wvvui or EW.
for'E//^;ou, du. -cr0ov, -laQuv, 2. ,, question. \aairov, and "Evr/irov , -ES, 2 a.
pi. -ff0, pres. impr. th. ind. act. of ofiirii).
"Ep%c- w-nuiTiKbs, -i), -o,', (fr. last,
6ai, pres. inf. mid. TZp^ptQa,- tpwra'u) to ask) questioning, in- Zaapdaau, (fr. j upon,
and aodcaut
1 and 3 to dash against) to foot" or tfosA
-^ovrwt, pi. pres. incl. (fitiring, in quit
mid. -77, -ov, par.
Epj/xi'0, 5u;r</;.'(TiVa5, (fr. inquisitive-
HP uinst, force into ; to impress.
pres. mid. 'Ep^a>^t<n,-?7,-i7rcu, ly ; in the form of a question. pres. inf. act. ffapo-<riv.
pres. sub. mid. of ip%oiiat. Epwrft^s, -tos -oCs> o, ft, (fr. jpws Etrawfov, Besot. Sync, for caauBrj-
'%PXP, for
Iqve)#0tt7ig love, infant Cupid ; (rav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of traw-
f. love's offspring. u>. -, 1 a. ind.
'Eovo/uu, .tevaopai, p. #X80a, Eo-a'axra, -as,
Alt. ^f]\vGa, and aX^XovSa, fr. iwrtKog, -), -bv, (fr. same) amo- act. of same.
Au0w, obs. to come or #0 ; to rous, enamoured, fond, loving ; E<T/?atVw, same as ciaftaivu).
issue, come forth, arise from ; to eanaiory. Eir/3o'XXu, f.
-aXcS, p. effptffrnKa,
come to pass, happen, occur ; to jwrmSs, (fr. last) lovingly. (fr. Esinto, and |3dXXw to throw)
come back, return ; to come to, re- '{cos, >h (*>' ws l ve ) a put or piece in ; <o
to cas/, throve,
cover, revive. 2 a. act. ind. /;Xy- mistress ; a courtezan. rush, force or break in ; to

fiov, more usnallv by Sync. jjX- po;rococ, -ov, b, rj, (fr. same, and enter, strike into a road ; to in-
bov impr. i\6e, -tru>, and -araT TfV-Tw to produce) causing or vade, make an inroad, pres. inf.
sub. A0winf. eX0e?v
par. eAOwr. producing love. act. Ecr/faXAav.
per. mid. inf. eX^XtSdevat* par. oojTuXos, -on, 6, 17, (dim. of same) Eff|8a'vvs, for a<r/3dvTs, par. 2 a.
fiX^Xuflws, and iX>;Xou0w. pper. a little lover ; amorous, loving, act. of EIO-J&H'VW.
mid. \ri\v9en>. dear. 'Eo-/?7a, -ns, -, act. Ea0fff8r,v,
Ep^opavauv, ^Eol. for-rur, g. pi. Epwrtov, -uh'ros, in pi. EpwrwvrES, -77s, -77, pass. 1 a. ind. ofcrpfvvv-
par. pres. mid. of last. -uv, cont. fr. EpwrdW -Sv, -<oj>- ut.

'Epi/.ot)/is, Dor. for

pi. ros -&VTOS, &c. par. pres. act. .(Tprjv, -77S, -77, 2 a. ind. act. of
1 f. ind. act. of cpiru. ffpripi, same as cfiivvvui.
Epw, -?s, -?, pi. -ON//EV, -em:, -oC- Epwrwo, 2 sin. cont. of Epioraoj- 7/?t/3a'(Ju>,
-affw, (fr. es in, and
2 f. ind. act. of
Epao, or 1
<rt, f. /.'.77V w/7V, -aojo -wo, pres. opt. (8<|3a^w to mount, th. /3atVa) to
of Eipw. pass, of same. go) to let or 6rtn^ in, introduce ;

Epw<5as, -a<5os, and Epwfoos, -ou, 6, Is, ro),2 a. impr. act. of IIJ/H. to set upon, make mount.
a heron. Es, Poet, and Att. for as. T/jfoX)), -7S, 77, (fr. same,
and /3aX-
Epcia, pres. impr. act. cont. of Eo-ayj/fXais, -fosi Att. -HOS, (fr. ts Xw to throw) ingress, entrance,
Epwfw -<2, -^aa), p. -77*0, <o ,/?ou), to,and ayyAXw to send word) admission ; an invasion, in-
run ; to go, move, proceed ; to a messenger between two par- road.
retreat, retire, cease, desist; to f. f.
ties, envoy. rSt^ofjiai, -j-ofiat, EGoiotypai,
dash and
-pw, (fr. ES to, and
rush, precipitate, ; to pre- E(m('pw, f. (fr. ES into, to
vent, check, resist ; to repel.
same as th. ai'pw to raise) receive) admit, receive into.

Epur), -T,s, (fr. last) effort, ex- to raise

up, elevate, exalt, par. Tdtfovv, Ion. and Poet, for taoio6-
ertion vai. It is cont. fr.
; power, strength ; force ; pres. pass. Eo-aapfyn'oj. 1 a. tabic6t.iv,
cessation, intermission ; retiring. inf. act. of same
ind. act.
-?;jpa* mid. -rjipd/j.Tiv' pres. a$ic6w,
-s, -a, 1 f. ind. act. of par. -riupdnMos.
f. -<rw, ES into, and
7a6ptb) -5, f. -?;<r(o, p. wijdpriKa, , (fr.
, d. pi. Ion. and Poet. (fr. Esinto, and a0p/w
to look) to to give) to give ; put or
Epw//avfwv -wv, g. pi. of look at, view, consider ; to gaze
-f'os -oSs, 6, >% (fr. upon ; to look
observe ; to see. ,
Dor. for ^op.ai.
love,and paivouat to rave) amo- -, -^Eol. for Etra- Dor.
os, -77, -ov,
Effa0pj5<Tta, -as, "
rous, warm; fond, enamoured; Opt/aatij.1, -ats, -at,
1 a. opt. act. vos, par. pres. mid.
lovely, enchanting, maddening. of last. -77, -Tjrat,
pi. 'Eff<5aifi0a,
&c. 1 a. sub. mid. of
EpSv, -&VTOS, in n. pi. Epwi/res, iu, f. -"(rw, p. -IKCC, (fr. ES
for 'i&jiai,
cont. of pawv, and aKovrifa to dart, th.
Epaoiros, g. sin. to,
and epdovTEs, n. pi. mas. paj. aKwv a dart) to dart at; to throw, 2 sin. 1 f. of
EffEat, Ion. for 077,
pres. act. of paw. fling, shoot against. to be.

EpwvrJ, -rjf, f,,

same as
pw^. aa.Kovu>, f.
-ovffd), p. sfftJKovKa, (fr.

(7/3a'(T077v, -77s, -77,

in 3 pi. E-
of at-
'Epuj, -wrof, 5, toue, passion, de- same, and aKovu to hear) to ^dcr0r?(rav, 1 a. ind. pass,
sire j affection, kindness. Eros, hearken attend to
to, listen, ;
the Greek being similar to Cu- Att. for toj,, 2 sin. 1 f. of
obey; to humour, indulge. ,

pido of the Latins. Cupid. ply with. [<' et. eon- 'i,
to be.
3 sin. ind.
Epu>rv, inf. Eor/<$a>,
E20 E2K E2O
"Katifii, (fr. tj into,
and i'tf.--i
to go)
jEeQiiS, ->ircs, i^, (fr.
w to pat on) tiv, -175, -rj, pass. 'E?
to go in, enter. clo/h s, wardrobe, dress, attire, Ka$w, -tj, -, act. 2 a. ind.
'Eer/unfa, -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act. of
raiment. ;
Eff(ff>?v, -co, -arc, mid. Effflo- coat, rbe, garment.
8r,v, -ns, -n, 3 pi. -Bnaar, pass.
1 d. sin. laBijri, a. icQifr*.

a. ind. of <rf/w. Att. -t*K, )/, (fr. Effw'i'uff', for COKIOOC&) 3 sin. 1 a.
|*'Ec0>;*<s, -"-S,
a ind. act. of (nca'aw.
Eo-?r<u, Dor. and Eo-crarut, Poet. last) clo'hing, dress; garment. !

for fatTat, 3 sin. of rop<, f. of Ec0/<, 3 sin. pi. -r,-oi'c<, ind. 'EcK(yyui, -i|ui, -:rraj, per. ind.
to be. inf. Eff0uVw, 3 sin. 1
EotiQeiv, 2 a. inf. act. ofe<r/f>%opa(.

im l
)r -
rcs - act -
EcOiii, 3 sin.
EffKCpfiiwSi (fr. toKtuptvos, par.
tfiaotrau -w -TO, 1 a. ind. p!. -Irjrt, -iwai, pres. sub. act. per. pass, of cKirTopai to con-
I^ ! 1-1 /!' 1

mid. of tffpdffffu Ecr0('(i>v, -oven, -ov, a. sider) considerately, circumspect-

'.atVtlKU, i. E07;V/w j). <Ti;i'EIX, n. -OVTES, il- -ovTwi', a. -orras, ly, wanly, cautiouxly.
(fr. ES into, and vaVo> Ion. for par. pres. uct. of EffKtl:i((~lTai, Id!, for OTTUaff//fVOt
?'y*w, obs.
to carry) see r0f- naj, S pi. per.
ind. pass. EC
iow, or rather cto<j>ipw. per. pass, to eat) to eat, feed, graze , to Ktvnfaro, Ion. for taKtvatrnivoi
jnd. Att. c ;
<rny, ror- r/<7fjr, 3 pi. pper. pass. ILaKtv-
/tiaf inf. tfftvrivtixOai. rode, rust. pres. act. inipr. faOic. avptvos, -i], -<:v, par. per. pass.
-tiffa, -tr, par. 1 a. . >'o8u,v. T of CKI\ <J'GU.
tenses attributed to rwi;wp;/^tu(j -a<M,
-rot, per. ind.
pass. EffEv^va^tn, per. inf.
pass, of last. E<T0Xo?(rt, d. pi. Ion. ni pilSS. Oi <7KL'Wp/U).

v, -w, -aro, fr. re to, and <T0X' /i, Bor. EcXc),, Kjji'wa/t, -us, -, 1 a. ind. act. of

i'. whifi.
i-akant; skiljut,
t, (fr. ES and tpyvv^i, trful, able, strong : o impf. pass, of
into, dittingwmed^ /ijVi'uiTo, pi.
same as f'pyw or.ft'pyw
to confine) jffi>;ous, renovnc'. /!':>, !e ; excel- '1^1.
to enclose, shut in. pres. inf. act. lent, good ; usfl r -wi, -aj -aj, <u -a, 3
pi. cont. tffxjprwi , impf. Eff-
or -v, 1 a. ind.
\&sl) bra- Hiprrjca, -aj, -t
, -Po-w, p. -u(ca, (fr. ? '/T'OSJ '^i (fr
into, and f'prriw
to creep) to rery, courage ; skill,
;/ UCt. Oi (TKlOTtiw.

creep into. strength; dignity; worth, value, oK^iji', -j/s, -7, 2 a. ind. act. ot
, (TXV(TO^aJ, p. fffjjXB- excellence, goodness. <r>cX>}f/t.

ES into, and fpxopai to 'Ea0opE, Ion. for of'0op, 3 sin. 2 a.

0a," (fr. 7/cX?pyvovTo,
3 pi. impf. pass, of
come) to coroe or go in, enter ; ind. act. of tncX>;nu).
to come into the mind, occur, EoGoplui -cD, f. -//(/w, p. -'?f (fr. ? , (fr. into, and Kopifo 5

2 a. act. to to carry) same as cicKopi^uj. 1

strike. ind. caTj^Boi" upon, and-Sopf'w to leap) lea}',
inf. <TX0?v. rush or sprine upon. a. inf. act.
7ff^(iro, Ion. for toiaauro^ 3 'EcOore., for EOTI OTE, it is when ,
'EffKor, -cs, -, Ion. for rjv, impf. of
sin. pper. pass, of cdrrw. whenever, whensoever, when, at i//?,
to 6e. Or for fov, tj, ,
-?, -, pper. mid. of what time. impf. of to), obs. same as nut,
'E<r0w, same as zaBiw, which see, tone.
, pres. inf.
Ee-ff0, 2 pi. and also f'<5u>.
EffKop<5<$r, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
of f<ro//ai, f. of tipl,
to be.
*Eo-0w, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. mid. of
and - or -EV,
EC-ET-OS, -o?-ou, rd, (fr. EJ to, , -GJ, 1 a. ir.d.

troy a year) next year, another sin. 1 act. of

year, ta irons, until the following a. ind. pass.
Eciyrjira, -as, -E, EcxdriKa, -u?, -, per. ind. act.
year. 3 pi. -yriaav, 1 a. ind. act. of "EcKoriaftai, -rt, -Tat, per. ind.
'EffEua, -as, -, for tffcvva, I a. ind. pass.* EffKoriffOrjv, -TJS, -rj,
I a.

act. of ffaico. cwn'^u. ind. pass, of

and Dor. for -T], sub. Eaifciv, ipf. Eai- ECTKV-TU, (fr. j into, and KtirTu to
ioopat, f. of j/<(,
to be.
fiav, par.
2 a. act. of tci6u>, bend) to bend or stretch over ; to
fftyQrrv, -ris, -rj,
1 a. ind.
pass, of same as ao-t<5. stretch to look
into, survey.
rf8w. , pres. inf. act. of "EffKwiTTov, -j, -, impf. act. of
Ion. for
3 pi. E<r?>7/i(, into, and tr^ii
to ffKWTTTU).

pper. pass, of send) to send, >&/ or thrust in, EffXj, Heb. Esli, a man's name,
EtriVw, (fr. to hold)
5 in, and
insert ; to send forth ; to enter, EcXoj, -^, -ov, Dor. for ic\6s.
to fto/d <m, reacA or extend to; to
go in. E<rXws, Dor. for fffXoi'f, a. pi. of
flow or pass from (we into ano- Ernvf/;7v, -w, -aro, 3 pi. Effivavro, last.
ther ; to rush forth, go out ; to en- 1 B. ind. mid. of aivw.
papdyriffa, -aj, -e, 1 a. ind. act.
ter, go in. pres. inf. act. fftc, -ios, Att. -fb)S, /;, (fr. (//( of anaayiu.
'Efftf, and Att. tati, 2 sin. of ioo- to desire) elesire, longing, wish, or -rrw, f. -^, and -<rw,
Hai, f. of tifi, to be. inclination ; appetite, sensuality, p. (fr. j upon, and paVffcu -^a,
Ecr^jtaffufv, Bosot. uv, ra, (fr. to press) to
impress, stamp,
3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. mark
to enter upon) an Athe- ; to touch, strike ; to touch
EnrjKE, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act nian festival when inwardly, affect, afflict, 1 hurt.
Hi. were elected ; sacrifices on that a. ind. mid. cfftnaaadfiTiv, -u,

JLcri^dfiriv, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. occasion. -aro.

,_jtw7ra, 3 sin. Etnwirwi', 1 sin. ptv, 1
pi. pres. ind. of tipi, to
"Eofjpava, and E<n;jn/va, -as, -, 1
or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of ffto>- be.
a. ind. act. of (r7^a/vu. |
raw. . ind. pass, of eft*
'Eorjffov, -?, -, see /CUTTOV. i'E<rcflf/^a(, -i^oi, -rrat, per. ind.
E<r6', before an aspirate, for W or inpi to
\ pass, of cKdirru. ffpos, -oD, b, (fr.
3 sin. pres. of
send) a swarm.
EffK-nc'aX^oi-ro, 3
to be.
ttpl, pi. impf. pass.
*Eo6ai, 2 a. inf. mid. of ?^j, ffo, lam, pres. impr.
of /ij, tobe.
-of aK(ivca\'i^.
s, Dor. for fV0>/s- E<7K(;r0ro, Ion. for EffKaridtro, 3 "Eao, eodw, 2 a. impr. mid. of "^j.
'E<r9/o//at, f. -r/aopai, (fr. fr0^s a; sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of ta aotosorEicocos, -ou, ^, (fr. j or
dress) to t/ress, r/o/^e, put on. e,;^,,
tiffKaTariBrjfti, which <5 into, and bSog a road) an en-

'Eff0^fvoy, for 'Hfffl^fVos, par.! see. trance, approach, arrival i eat

per. pass, of last. ,
; .
(lf ,
, per. ind. act. income, revenue.
Ii ^249)
E2II E22 E2T
a act. Ion.
(fr. same, and o?*fa$ tttfr/Xw/ca, -us, -i, per. ind. ,

house) see eiaoiiciQw. E<nrtXo;/uvos, -TI, -ov, par. pres fiocdopai.
-0(0, -otro, 2 and 3 pi. pass. cont. of Eaaovv, Ion. for fjaaovv, pres. inf.
as of but
'Eo-oto-0, 'Effoivro, pres. opt. of Eair\dyxvic[jiai, -aai, -crat, per
act. if ^ffa6ta' f/tro^Vj
- cont. fr.
ind. pass. Eair^ay^viffdriv, fjffffdi.iv, pres. inf. of
1 pi.
E<r<tyi0a -rj, 1 a. ind. pass, of r/ffo-aw, the active form of the
-f], -erat,
\ for 'Eo-ovrat, 3 pi. f. -TrXfw -w, (fr. rj to, and irXt'w to more usual ^aadofiai.
ind. Effduevos, ->?, -ov, par. of sail) same as aa- EavvOtv, Poet, and Boeot. for eor<;-
same. /Totfu -w, same as 6>]ffav, 3 pi. of .avdr]v, -rjf, -rj, I
p. Eo-w/^juat, fftrojjiai,
Poet, for iVo/xaj, which a. ind. pass, of orvw.
Effdirro^at, -i//o/*at,
s into, and dirroftai
to look) see under e-w. pres. opt. mid. Effffvpai, -aai, -Tai Effavptvos,
to /oo/c into, examine, inspect ; to fa~oifjLrjv par. f<rn"(5pvos.
This -r), -oi', by
Poet. Metath. for
view, observe ; to look at, behold, verboften drops the,aso--oy, and ffeav/iat, ind. and atav^ivo^, par.

-ou, rd, (fr. last)

a look- Ion. c-7T?o, for go-am-, pres. impr. per. pass, of o-yw.
for h^6iicda, 1 pi. pres. Effcvpevus, (fr. saavfitvof, par. in
ing-glass, mirror. crTro'^i;^',
inf. act. of ind. oflast. last) hastily, quickly; eagerly,
~Effopds.iv -$v, pres.
E<ropa'w, (fr. ? into, and bpdw to -s, -f) act.
ffTroi', Eordiuj/v, ardently, zealously.
see) same as etaopdw, -oi, -ETO, mid. 2 a. ind. of o-jraw. 'Eaavo, Poet, for <n5ou, 2 Bin.

Eo"op7/s, Eo"opi/, Effop/Jrf,

Dor. for -as, -c, per. ind. mid.
ffTToi'Oa, impf. pass. 'Eiro-ur' for .iffav-

eaopdeis -ay,
2 sin. saopdzi -a, 3 EurrovSaaa, -as, -, 1 pi- "<ra//v, rat, which by Metath. for oiav-
sin. and o-opar -OTE, 2 pi. pres. 1 a. ind. act. of <T7rou<5aw. rai, 3 sin. per. ind. pass.
ind. act. of last. ffTw, Poet, for irw pres. impr. 'Eo-ffuro for aiavro, 3 sin. pper.
Dor. for 1 2 pi. (OTTtTt. pass, of crtici).
Effopw//Es, Effopaci/xEv -to/nEi ,

1 pi. Ecropc3(T
or -air, 3 pi. "Ecrmo, t, Poet, Poet, for &rw, 1 f. ind. act.
cont. pres. ind. act. which see. oflfw or ^w.
EffopwvrEs, Eo-opw<n, cont. cases Eap/w -w, (fr. ES in,
and /JH-J to ,
Ion. for 7<ro-a>uai, cont.
par. pres. act. of ropaa). now) same as
<T9t)//a(, -?/, -?rat,
Dor. for fao/mi. "Ecrovi,-as,-,"'E<T(7a',"Eo-<ras,Poet. ,
Ion. for jjo-ffwv.

EffO(piffd^rjv, -co, -aro, 1 a. ind. for daa, ind. ; <rt, inf. and 'iaag, 'Eo-r' for ES re, until.
mid. ofacxpifa. of 0> or ei'i/u/u. Bui Eo-r' for o-rt, 3 sin.
1 a. act.
par. pres. ind. oi
1 f. ind. mid. of tcrdir- E<T<rai, may be Poet, for fT<7a(,2 (//(,
to Ae.
sin. of etfiai, per. ind. pass, o "Eo-raa, Ion. Sync, for 'iarriKa, per.
Eo-iraflaov -cov, same. Or for rjaaui, 2 sin. as i
impf. ind. act. ind. act. of torrip/ii.

Eo-Trafl^at, ind.
E(mi0>7/i- the per. pass, had been rja^iai. 'E(rra^oi',-s,-,impf. act. oftrra^o).
vos, par. per. pass, of o-ffaflow. 'Effffdpevos, -?, -ov, Poet, for tad- 'Eora0v, Bceot. Sync, for o-rd0^-
'Eo-Tra/ca, -aj, -, per. ind. act. of Utros, par. 1 a. mid. "E<raav- cav, 3 pi. of
ffTraw. TO, Poet, for Eo-avro, which Ion. Eo-raQ^v, -ns, -n, 1 a. ind. pass, of

E<r7raprza, -as, -,
3 pi. -%av,
\ a. for t'iaavro, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid.
ind. act. of airaodcau). "E<r<rao-0at, Poet, for 'iaaaQa 'Effrut, by Sync, for iatrai, 3 sin.

'Effirapfjiai, -cat, rat,

ind. Ecr- 1 a. inf. mid. "Ec-o-Eat, Poet. f. of tt/ii, to 6e.

xdpOai, Jnf.
Eo-Trapjun-'os, -77,
and Ion. for eiira. 'Eorra(??v, opt. "Etrrn0t, impr.
-oi>, par. per. pass, of airdpw. ind. pass, of tu or 'EoraVat, inf. E<rras, par.
-o>, -aro,
Earru(rd[i.riv, and -ar', 1 "ECTOYIS, "EcrtrE, see "Eaaa. pres. act. of 'etrrnfii for lori^t.
a. ind. mid 'EGKOV, -ES, -, 2 "Efffftai, Poet, and Ion. for fay, 2 ItrraAca for tffrtjKa, per. ind. act.
ind. act. of erjra'co. sin. f. of ci/j.1, to be. of t'ffr >;//.
E<nraraX>/<rar, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. act. EaadovTO, Ion. for
ccrdovro, 3 pi. 'Eo-ra*cro, 3 sin. of Eoray^v, pper.
of o-TmruXaw. irnpf. mid. of adu. pass, of ffrdtja.
'Eo-TTEtpa, -as, -c,
1 a. ind. act. of and 'E<7<7rat, Poet, and
'Effffcirai, ffraicus, by Sync. 'Eo-rwy, and
'Eaarat, Dor. for iatrai, 3 sin. that Ion. f<rraois and foTEws,
-as, -, act. EO-TOO-- ind. 'Ecro-Eo-0' Poet, and by per. act. of i'or^j.
0>?i' ->js, -77, pass. 1 a. ind. Apos. for ffffffdat, inf. f. of t//j, E<rraXa'(5aro,by Ion. Pleon. for Eo-ra-
'Eo-TTEiff/iat, -o-ai, -orai, per. ind. to be. Xaro, which for EoraX/zf'voj ^aav,
pass, of avtvSii). 3 pi. pper. ind. pass, of orfXXo).
'Eairipa, -as, ft, (fr. "Eo-iTEpos Hes- avro, Poet, for icrevaa, -as, -, in Eora'Xar' for Eo-ra'Xarat, which Ion.

perus) the evening ; the west. 3 pi. iotvaav, 1 a. ind. act. and for Eo-raX/zf' vot r?,
3 pi. per. ind.
'Effirfpas, (g-
of last) in the even- tffsvaavro, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. pass, of same.
ing, late. 'Eaatv^ai, Poet, for (aevfjiai, wh. EoraXaro, see in EffraXrf^aro.
*E<rT(tfi5s, -it>v, al, (fr. same) the Ion. for fjiatvfiai, per. ind. pass. So-raX>7v, -TJS, -It pass. 'Eo-ra-
Hesperides, the daughters of Etro-EUDi/ro, Poet.jfor WCVOVTO, Xov, -E?, -E, act. 2 a. ind.
Hf.sperus ; the western islex. 3 pi. impf. ind. of <ri5w. EoTaX0i/v, -;s, -?, 1 a. ind. pass.
'E<nrf/Hos, -ov, 6, fi, and'Eo-irfptvos, Effariv, -rjvos, b, a king, prince, 'EffTa\Ka, act. 'EcraX//ai
->/, -ov, (fr. same) in the even- chiefly applied to what is now pass, per. ind. of orrXXw.
ing, of or about evening, late; called the queen among bees. EffTa/iev, "Eararc, 1 and 2 pi. pres.
west, western. Effiri, Poet, for ?s or u, 2 sin. ind. "Eoravai, pres. inf. act.
Eff7roos, -ov, 'ivKopai to ad-
b, (fr. pres. ind. 'Eoaro, Poet, for of 'larrifjii for "ffrmn. Or thay
join, namely, the sun) the even- fo-o, 2 sin. pres. impr. of ttpi, may be by Sync, for /arfiKa^tv ,
ing star, Hesperus, said to be to be. E, I and
2 pi. per. anrl
the son of Jupiter. Or, (per- "Eacro, Poet, for 'iao, which Ion. at, per. inf. act. of Iff-nifin.
haps fr. 0)? the day, and Trfpas for Euro, 2 sin. of pper. is alj?o Ion. for sordva t,
the end) evening, the west. ind. pass, of <o or E VV/JII. pres. inf. of eo'Trj^i.
*Effir<r6ai, pres. inf. mid. "E<nr- E<Tff(5/itvos, -?, -ov, Poet for EoTo^/Ei/at, n. fem. pi. of tfffa/. it-

TO, Poet, for (<7irro, 3 sin. impf. v&s, (par. f. of upi to be) fu- vo s , which is either the par. p' .jr.
ind. mid. of fWojuat-. ture, about to be, in time to come. pass, of IffTijjjLi, or pres, pur .

''EffTTErf, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. of Eo-<r<5//i/o,-(i)v, of, posterity. E<r- pass. ofetTTrjut
o . Or fi t

f<77TO>. <r<5/iva,-wv, ra, futurity. is put Dor. for karavai.

impf. act. of fftrov,Poet, for tVov, 1 a. impr. for

ffrav, Boet.;Sync. i<rrt}aav,$
act. of Sfw or 2 a. ind, act. of 7<rr7/u.
?VVD//(. pi.
'Effra'vai, see above in tard^tv.
-a$, -, 3 pi. 'Snr<pa$9v,
ro, 3 sin. impf. mid. of ra^tt, -as, -, pl.'-(ar, -av, acU
a. ind. act. of or^a^o). .
ETa^ajw;v, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind.

-ES, -, 'impf. act. of irKMW, act. per.

mid. of rdafftt).
i', rj^ier/tai,
ind. pass. taOriVy -rjs, -/, raTrdvuacv, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act.
1 a. 3 pi.
1 a. ind. pass. of Tairciv6<a.
and to carry) of - or -tv, 3
(fr. into, </>f'pw

o-^w. Erdpat-a, -aj, pi. -^iav,

see mid. ind. act.
Erapa<fyr?v, -w
'E<r- 1 a.
ifpw. jEo^d/^i/, -ou, -TO,
Dor. and ^Eol. for'
o, <%ov, -ES, -t,
act. 2 a. ind. of
fyw. -aro, 1 a. ind. mid.
(r<p>]KoT>i>ro, 3 pi. cont. impf.
same as fo-^fw. <roi/, -j, -e, impf. act. Era-
pass, of ffQnicoa. "E<ru>, 1 f. act. of gu>. pd%6rtv, -rjs, -n,
in 3 pi.
'Eo-e/o/Au, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of i'Eo-w, (fr. ES or a? in- Orjcav, 1 a. ind. pass, of rapdcfcrw.
in) within,
a<pd\\ii). side, inward. Erp((cu, Poet, forfV<z<ptw.
E<r<j)iyyov, -ES, -E, impf. i'Effufcv, (fr. last) inwardly, with- ETapiacraro, Poet, for iraoiaaro, 1
1 a. ind. act. within. a. ind. mid. oflast.
'E<r0tyfa, -ay, -, i

in, inside, from

o-c50)7v, -??s, ->?, 1 pi. -0;;/jv, pass. 'Erapog, and its derivatives Poet,
, -as, -c, per. irid. act. j 'E<TW<T,
-$, or -v, act. 1 for
tVaTpoj, &c.
- or 1 a. a. ind. of <7ww. Att. and
-ag, -EI/, i
Eracrjf, -ios, -WS, ;,
ind. act. Ea-wra- to
Eff<pp^yi<rdnv, -r/S, jEcrwrpos,-a, -ov, comp. Eraoyjd?, -oi;, 6, (fr. trd^ti)
-7> 2p!. E<t>payic9>jT, I a. ind. roj, sup. (fr. j
lav within) intc- examine) examination, inquiry,
pass. Eo-ippayiani vos, -;, -ov, nor, inmost; j inner, most in- trial; torture; a whip, scourge.
par. per. pass, of o-</>payi'o>. i ward. Eraaov, -aria, 1 a. impr. act. of
r^up;i, -a?, //,
a Aeart/t, Jire,Jire-\Eau)(j>povta9nv, -ns, -1, 1 a. ind.
place; an altar, house, the fa- \
pass, of (rwc4povi'a>. ,Ta(j>t]v, -n$, -rj, pass 'Era0 )v,
mily ; a scar, scab. Er', for m. -ES, -, act. 2 a. ind. of -SaTrro).

Eo-yapEwi', -wi/os, >/, same as

last, 'Erayov,-s,-, 2 a. ind. act.Poet. Or, of ^'77ra>.
Poet. TtTayov, whence the par. rtra- t-, -ES, -E, impf. act. of ra-
Effy^zpiSi -Was, fa (fr. scryapa a ytav' ETuyrjv, -rjs, -77,
2 a. ind.
hearth) a fireplace ; a gridiron. pass, of Ta'w, or of rdaaw. 'Er tt , n. a. v. pi. of troj.

Ea%aplTr]$, -ov, b, (fr. cavapis a Era'^w, f. -o-o), and Dor. -o>, (fr. Er0>'/Aav, -if, -t, pper. mid.
gridiron) roasted or broiled meat, iVos true) to examine, try ; to ^XXw.
meat dressed on a gridiron. search, inquire; to number; to ETfdrjv, -?/?, ->/, 3 pi. -Gqffav, 2 a.
;po0', Poet. d. sin. of <r%d- rebuke, reprove, chastiss. ind. pass, of ri'0;/u.

p;t. Erddrjv, ~n$, -rj, 1 a. ind. pass, of Erf0r77j-, Ion. for triQriirtt, 3 sin.
-w, (f last) pper. mid. of San-ru) or 5/yTrw.
to be last or
hindmost, linger, de- 'Era, n. pi. of r>7s. Er0v>J)cv, -<?, -t, pper. act. of
to be on the
lay ; extremity or 'Eratpa, -as, >/, (fern. off'raTpos a Svt)ffK(j}.

verge, to bound, limit, par. pres. companion) a female friend; 'Era, d. sin. cont. 'Er<n, pi.
ca^arawv-wv, -dovcra -S><ja, a mistress; a harlot, concu- offTOff.
-dov -Sjv. bine. 'EriXa, -a?, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
(T^ana, -ft?, und Ion. Eoyariij, 'E-ratpcia,
and -pfa, //, (fr. rAAu.
-?7S, 17, (fr. same) the extremity, same) friendship, intimacy ; 'ErEtva, -as, -c, 1 a. ind. act. of

end, edge ; border, limit, boun- company, society, conversation ; rdvw.

dary, marches, outskirts, waste; cohabitation. 'Erao?, -a, -ov, (fr. ITOS a year)
a lonfhf spot; a farm. Eraip?os, -ou, 6, (fr. same) pro- yearly, annual.
tector offriendship, guardian of
-ftno, (fr. same) to be.
'Ersipa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act.
lust. I a. ind. act. r;<ry/mcra:. intimacy ; an epithet of Jupi 'Erapov, -ES, -t, impf. act.
i(ryrtToy>;owS) -w, 6, >^, (fr. iava-
Erip6[jtriv, -ov, -ITO, impf. pass.
rog extreme, and yijpas old age) 'Eraipiu -w, f. -f/cu), (fr. same) to of ra'pw.
very old, decrepit, worn out with prostitute, expose. 'ErtK, for 3 sin. of 'ETSKOV, m,
age. E-atprj'irj, -rjg,
Ion. for fTaipda.
j/, -S, - or-v, 2 a. ind. act. of TIKTU .
J(ry^ar<5(S, -0"0"a, -v, (fr. f<r^aros Eraipijios, Ion. for tTatpuos. ErsKvorroir]adfiTjv,-(a,-aTO, 1 a. ind.
extreme) on the borders or Eratprjais, -to$, At.t. -ztas, fj, (fr. mid. of TKVOTTOll<j).
edges, bordering, extreme ; ex- ETEKvoTpdQrjoev, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act.
ternal, outward. chasleness, lewdness. Of TKVOTpO<pf(a.
of next) f.
same) to ETfKvwQfv, Boeot.
Sync. forErfi/ci/w-
ff% trov, -ov, TO, (neut. Eraipifa, -?<rw, (fr.
' '

ic extremity, edge, border.

the associate, converse or coh Orjaav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of
-ov, (fr. i%u or rather
s, -77,
with ; to play the harlot ; to be-

'f(j>, obs. to confine) extreme, friend, favour. ErEAa'Ero, Ion. and Poet, for ere-
utmost ; last ; bordering. 'EraipiKos, -ou, o, fj, (fr. same) in- Aro, 3 sin. impf.
pass. Eri-
\G%ar6)ffa, for tay^aruxja, cont. fr. cTtXeov, 3 pi.
tirn ate,
familiar, friendly ; like a \eiov, same for
EffYarddxra, n. sin. fern, of o ya- harlot, lewd.
impf. act. of rAfw.

rdijiv -wv, par. pres. act. of

Eo-y/i- 'Eraip?s, -?<5os, fa (ft. next)
a fe- ET\tiii)aa, -as, -, 3 pi. -aav, 1 a.
raw. Or, for ta'^ardt.aaa, fern. male companion, mistress; a ind. act. of T\ci6<a.
harlot. ErAfo-a, and Poet. EriXwaa, -as,
at last, 'Erai'pos, -on, o, o companion, as- -, act. Er\eaOrjv, -ns, -n, I
Jtr^^irws, (fr. tff^aros last)
finally, at the extremity ; on the sociate, friend, comrade; a sharer, a. ind. pass, of rfAfw.

outside, outwardly,
on the edge. partaker, accomplice; an as- ErfAEixra, -as, - or -v, 1 a. ind.
Eo-ys, 3 sin. 2 a. md. act. of sistant.
f^w. act. ETC\vraov -uv, -oS -as ,
Z<r%f9>]i>, -T?S, -r),
1 a. ind. pass, of ErfiKov, - Dor.
-a, irnpf. act. of rfAEuraw. for (.TI'/KOV,
2 sin.
same. 2 'ETAAov,-s, -?,impf. act. ofreAAw.
impf. mid. ETK>;V, -j?s> ->?,
a. ind. pass, of TJ/KW.
'Er/.<o)>, for frSfior, 2 a.
-EUffw, p. -zvica, (fr. ES ind. act.
into, and ytw to pour) to pour EraAavt^ov, -ss, -, impf. act. of of Tf/.lV(J)>
in, fill* Erc6K\ios, -ov, 6, #, (fr. next) q/,
-as, -E or -EV, 1 pi. -y| 'ErSfiov, -5, -s, 2 a. ind. act. of belonging or relating to Eteocles,
'E<r^r//iia, pass. per.
ind. TEfJLVIj). Eleodean.
attributed to
wb. ETavvrrOrjv, -rjf, -rj, I a. ind.
pass. ErcoKXj)?,' -los -oBfi Eteoclet, a '<>,

of rat'i'b). man's name.


of next) fruly, >, (fr. s;.
, inipi. act.
of same.
, indeed. -,, impf. act. ofr/KTw.
-a, d-v, Poet, fortrdj) true, -f,-s,iinpf. arl.olVtVrrw.iEn'/.'r/ira:. -as, -E, 3 pi. -aav, act.

real. Srfpc-a. -a>, -. la. ind. act. --aw, -w, -arc, mid. 1
'Ertpq, (fr. crtpof otlier) otherwise,
of rffpw. Or, same of rip rifidv.

in another sin. of
way, i ise. 'Ertpw, (d. erepos] -ov, -tro, impf. pass.
ErpaA<o/s, -tof -oDj, 6, f;, (fr. rn>
el cwhere, in another plaice,
pos other, and aX\-j) strength) r 'Erter, -j, -t, 1 pi. Eriopev, impf.

doubtful, changeable ; an epithet dev, ( 'Er<rc, -aj, -, 1 a. ind.

ofvicl from the other side, act. ot'rlu.

lTtpii<pl, Poet, for mpa. different EriTaivdfjtn:', -ou, -cro, impf

of nruivu>.
".rfpdyXwffffOf, -ou, 6, 17, (fr.
. and a tongue)' of 'Er^rjv, -T)$, -TJ, 2 a. ind. act. of
tongue, o:
ign; un. 'Ertpu?, (fr. same) oihiru 'ETn'aycv, Besot. Sync. for Erpdyii-
'. barbarian. 9 pi. of Er/tayjji', -^j, -j,
,.uA?, 3 sin. cont. ind. 'Erfpuor, (fr. game) pass. 'Er^iayoj', -ES, -, act.
, inf.
pres. cont. of aid. of rutjyw or Tfificffia,
toocioavKoXfu -w, f. -?;erw, (fr. on one side ; on tit? other same as re^vw.
ne, and cicdcrKu to teach) to "E-fpwc-is, -os, Att. -tws, //, (fr. Er/j>;0j?v, -?7s, -?, 1 a. ind. pass, of
ch other or dffirait doctrine ; S other) a&m I

mislead, misinform. Lingree-inent. -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of

Soft'w -fi, f. -r;c-o>, (fr. same, Ercrdynw, -KTO, pper. pass.

o6%a of -to; -ovs, rb, (perhaps fr.
ise or of icl) to eat) pudding, pottage, or
Differently, differ in ErtraX^jjv, -G-O, -ro, pper. pass,
nnion, dissent, disagree v:ifh such like food made of pulse.
ceived notions or doctrines, , in 3 pi, "Eroifta, neut. pi. of erotfios-

cpooofya, -as, ij, (fr. same) dis- :" rant

Ero/<c^, pres. impr. act. of
ement in opinion, hetetodoxy, Ercrd^aro, Ion. for rtraypivot Ero</*ao), f. -aw, p. firolfiaKa, (fr.
rjoav, 3 pi. pper. pass, of ra<rtroK Toin<jf get or make
ready) to
for a. act. ind. 1
. 6, { (fr. same) of rcrrf^aro, Ion. Ttrtvyfiivoi prepare.

in 2 pi.
ffav, 3 pi. pper. pass, of rei^oj.
lot/nr opmion, of different sen- firoifiaaa- impr. froi/iatrov,
Is, faith or doctrine, hetero- frf/fv, 3 sin. v added, impf. act. troifivaart' inf. iroipaaai. per.
sectarian, schismatic. ind. pass, troi/iaffuat.

9o?Xtos, (fr. mpos other, and v, of 'Eroiuaoia, -as,?i, (^r. eroi/ios rea-
-tj, -H, pper. act.
jjyXof zeal) with mistaken zeal, rpifru. dy) preparation, making ready ;
leously, wrongly. , -fc, -/cro, pper. pass,
of foundation, basis; firm footing.
Ivyiw -u, (fr. same, and 5- ,
Poet, for rn5;w. "Erotuds, -ov, b,t'i, ready, prepurea,
a collar) to draw the other
11 , t i
Ertrixbta, -as, -c. Ion. for
provided, ^at hand ; about to be,

/ to be harnessed or joined in pper. act. of ri'-rw. approaching, drawing near;

same team ; to be unequally Ersrij^ovro, Ion. for erw^ovro, 3 p clear, plain, evident, doubtless.
1; to draw unevenly or to 2 a. ind. mid. of Ero>us, (fr. last) readily, quickly.
one side. 'Err^', for ITEKE, before an asp: Er6\fia, 3 sin. Erdfyuv, sin. I

Ertpd^vyos, -ov, b, //, (fr. same) rate, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act.

Erfy or 3 pi. cont. impf. ErdA/^ffa,
1 a. ind. act. of
unequally yoked or harnessed; 0?7r, -ns, -f/, 1 a. ind. pass, o -as, -E or -tv,
it tew cattle of different rforw. T0\/idti).
kinds ; on the oilier side
of the 'Er;;, n. a. v. pi. cont. of e'ros. Er6\naca, Dor. for Erdbuqaa, in
<T, in the other scale ; E-nKo/inv, -ov, -cro, impf. mid. o last.

different, unlike, of another 'Eror, "Err,v, du. 2 a. ind. act. of

Er/p?ro, 3 sir. cont. impf. pass. ~
- to
Erepo^vyovvTfSi n. pi. cont. par. Er^OOJ'-OV1', -CSS -tj, -t, Eros, -i). -5v, (fr. 7^/zt send)
pres. act. of/reWpy/w. pi. -jov -om impf.

act. Er^ sent, dismissed, discharged.
a year.
Erc-poTos, -a, -ov, (fr. trrpoj ano- pr]ffa,-as,-i,
1 a, ind. act. of
rrjpfw 'Eros, -cos -ovs, TO,
ther) of another kind or nature : 'Eri/c, -on, o, (perhaps fr. fOos cus- Eros, -ti, -bv, (fr. Etftl to be) true,
other, unlike. tom. Or iVoff a year. Or trtb real, rig Jit, just, good, fit, proper.
-aJo-w,p. fjrtpoiuKa, (fr. true) a friend, companion Sro?, in vain, to no purpose ; hasti-

'" r associate, v.
y. 1 rate, ly, rashly.

pass. (Tcpoiudrjvat. which rrai> and w 'rav.

for Erpayov, -?, -, 2
a. ind. act. of
><!>iu, rather tOt\oKu6tw, Er;>9?, -ov, u, ft, (fr. froc; a year] rpwyw.
'i see.
3 sin. of "Erpa
f -
\ ff
-\oos-ovs, -6ov -ov, b..fi, (fr. ^ov, -ff, -c, act Erparrj;v, -TJ$,
same, and irXf'o) to sail) at the for 'rot^aKfi, per. ind. act of -V, pass. Erpa-nonnv, -ov,
^0). -cro, 3 pi. EroaTTovro, mid. 2 a.
'he voyage, o/. ind.
or/. or Epenth. for fTv^os and fYv/'ov -oi'v, impf. act. of rpa-
. fht 'Er, (perhaps fr. f< to be)
'E~;p ''.tr, ^? riitt,

.fco, 7/fi, for tTOa.-Kf.ro' Erpa-riv'

J- 1

Ert)a-6^v, see in rrpar'.
left,; more, long- Taudujv, -I/;, -v, 3 pi. Erpa'^

'.;(.), vi7..
r6-(p. in '(sot. 'Erpa^cv, pass.

'Erpa0or, -if, -t, act. 2 a. ind
V17.. ,
to do with the EriOrt, 5 s':n. Ert'(r-,iri, 3 pi. of Tpitpta.
cont. impf. ?<?. ,-fj , -, impr. act. of rpi^w.
from 7< E ,-pEffi, -as, -? * ind. act.otrpta.
ErepArvs, -r>ro$, t/, (fi". last) Ifnv. v.-hichlon. Tpi<t;6ni}v,-ov,-t.TO, pass. ; 'Erpt
sity, difference, tnt-.a^r-.
$or, -tc, -:, act. impf. of rptyw.
.. la. ind. act. of
or rfri;/u, as if fr.
-to pai, to deiigld 01 iviat^^'t
Eicoxiiais, -tos, Alt. <)?, $, (fr.

in, be well pleased or gratified nately, happily or successfully. last) approbation, approval, iik,
with. 1 a. act. ind. tvrjpiartW caijiovicTfoo^, comp. i'ig ; estimation, credit.
tooptcTTjo-ai. vfxrraroj, sup. of same. EvcoKia, -as, %, (fr. same)/avour,
t rij} -i, f. -;;acj, p. -rjKa, (fr.
EoapcffToJ, -of, 6, i,, (fr. last) v--ill, benevolence, affection,
same) to be fortunate, prosperous inclination towards
pleasing, pleasant, acceptable, ; kindness,
gratify- or successful, to succeed, prosper ; grace, courtesy, civility ; delight,
agreeable, delightful, \

well. pleasure, satisfaction ; a deter-
Evaptarw, (fr. last) pleasantly,
la, -us,
>/, same) j>ns-
(fr. mination, resolution, decree, act.
acceptably; at will, .
success, fortune; happi- EvtoKiftd^v, f. -acii), (ff. tv well,
at pleasure. nes*, ease, enjoyment. and toKtud%<a to examine, th.
Ev&utoyiu), f. -Xo-w. (fr. same) to COKIW to seem) to sound, try
Evdpuaros, -ov, b, i), (fr. -

and apua a chariot) famed for judge, consider or esteem happy, dteply, scrutinize, explore ; to

chariots ; having z good cha- f elicit

3tt, cons rati*. prove, put to a test. 1 a. par. act.
riot, clever in driving. ame)
Evdppo<rroi,-ov,b,fi, (fr. same, and :
\EvcoKiufta -w, f.
-ijtru), p. -rjKa, (fr.

apu6$u to fit)
well .fitting, adapt- same, and coKipos approved) to
ed, proper ; well tuned, harmo- be in good repute, have a great
prosperously. name, be approved, be celebrated.
i >
> ( fr -
sauie > and EvSatnoncuai -aroj, TO, (fr. n&u-| 1 a. inf. act. tv6oKiuTi<rat. par.
a beginning) be sinning or uovifa to bless) happiness con-j per. act ,
n. pi. tvlo-

setting nut well ; prosperous, for- ferred, a blessing :

success, pros-, KIUIJKOTCS
tunate, successful, victorious ; perity .-i/of, -or, 6, ;, (fr. same) op-

obedient, submissive, compliant, \Ev6aiuoftffuos, -ov, b, (fr. same) re-, proved, well liked ; praised, cele-

HvApytaia, -oj, fj, (fr. eti well, and and a**/ ed :;>-) /t/ .'

t-.in'.rp, keen,
fulness ; alacrity, activity,
brisk- , -a?, fi, (fr.same) .*.?, affability ; fa f ,

ness ; promptitude, courage. tuniiy, occasion ; leisure,

same) time- wx-oXoj, -ou, 6,^, (fr. v well, and

%vdvpos,-ov,b,fj, (fr. same) lively, faatpos, -ov, 6, i/, (fr.

animated, cheerful, gay ; active, ly, sfasonuh'e,

coma KdXov food) indiff'crent aboutfood,
cvdv- sin. or 3 cont. impf. easy, of good digestion ; simple,
spirited, courageous, comp. pi.
act. of tvKaipiai. pluin, honest, sincere ; affable,
coarttbus : easy, ready.
Evdepus,' (fr. last) cheerfully, ac- uKoipws, (fr. tvKatpos timely) op-
with spirit, comp. ev$v- conveni- uA-oXuj, (fr. \zsl) plainly, simply :
tively ; portunely, seasonably,
ently. actively, reatlity, quickly.

Ev0ihar, 2 1 a. impr. act. vKapxiK, -tog -ovs, b, >/, (fr. tv EVKOUI&, -?crw, (fr. tv well, and
to care for) to take good
EvQvvovros, g.
sin. par. pres. well, and KUUJTTW to bend) fine- /co/it^w
act. of u0uvu>. nil turned; elastic, care of, save, preserve, lay by,
store up. 1 a. inf. mid. EVKOUI'
EvevvT,,-ns,fl, (fr. euBvs straight) a
straightening, correction, amend- ., and Poet. EvKpdoios,
exami- and HvKopos, -ov, b, //,
ment; search, inquiry, -ov, b,fi, (fr. tv well, and'icapaa VKOUOS,
nation, inquest; impeachment, the heart) magnanimous, of (fr. same, and KO^T, the hair)

good for ov with Ions: hair, having fine hair,
charge ; punishment, penalty,
fine; account, explanu with the .', handsome; with fine wool,fine-
Evdvrouos, -ov, b, /, (fr. same, and
i), 6, fi, (fr. same, and ficeced.

vd//oj distribution) straig/it, right Kap-bs fruit) fruitful, productive EvKo-ia, *a$,fi, (fr. next) easiness,
along, direct. abundant. facility, rcarliness.
and tv EVKO-OS, -ov, b, tv well, and
EvOvvos, -oi', Evdvvrrlp, -r,pos, VKaray&vtaros, -ov, b, >;, (fr. {),

to over KOTTOS toil, th. Kd^Tw to cut) easy,

EvOvvrris, -ov, b, (fr. next) a easv and /caraywvt'^w
not without
guide, conductor ; a director, su- throw, th. aywv a contest) easy difficult, feasible,
to be stormed, taken or vanquish- trouble, ready, comp. VKorwr-
f. EU- ed ; weak, defenceless. pos, sup.
Evdvi'O), -vvia, p. tvQvyKa, (fr. . f if
Oiisstraight) to straighten,
make VKCLTCLd)pOVJ]rQ$, -OV, 0, i/ ; V -5, (fr. tvKoafios orderly)
to beh/iw, conduct one's self with
straight; to smooth, muke level same, and KaraQpovtw to de-
or even ; to erect, set uprigJit ; spise, th. typriv
the mind) despica- propriety, be orderly, act discreet-
to direct, guide ; to steer ; to
ble, contemptible. ly ; to discharge a duty fully ,
execute an office or business ho-
level, aim
order, administer,
; to
vKfa-o$, -ov, b, ft, Poet, for tvKtac-
adorn orna-
dispense; also, to be straight, TOS, (fr. same, and Kcd^w tc nestly ; to richly,
be split or cleft ment.
even, smooth or level. 1 a.
act. may
split) that
ind. u0uva' impr. tvQvvov, -arw. EvKoan'ta, -as, f], (fr. next)
1 a. ind. rivQvvQrtv. Att,
pass. ,vKT)\)]Tupos, -a, -ov, (fr. same cy, propriety, modesty, decorum ;
foru0uv0^f. and KTjXiu to soothe) soothing good manners ; regularity, or-

EvQvirvoos -ovs, -6ov -ov, b, >/, (fr, balmy, pacify ing, calming. der, method.
same, and tviu \VKTI\OS, -ov, b, /, ^Eol.
to for ?K;Xoc -ov, (fr. tT, well,
blow) blowing , b, f,,

fair ^favour able. g. Ion. u0tiirvo/o (perhaps fr. same as las.) sooth- order) orderly, regulat,
Evdv-op-os, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same ing, pacifying ; calm, gentle sober, discreet ; modest, decorous ;
and irtyiffw to conduct ) conducive quiet, mild. civil, polite ; neat, fine, elegant.
directly tending or leading to
tivKivrjffia, -a?, >'/, (fr. tv easy, anc
unerring. Ktvrjffts motion, th. Kiviia tc EvKocudrara, (neut. pi. sup. ot
and EvOvxoptu - motion, a slide last) very orderly ; with great
EvBviroptvbfjLai, move) easy
(fr. next, and -6pos a passage) swiftness, velocity. propriety, most elegantly.
guide, lead, conduct ; same) regularly,
to proceed same) UK<5ff//u>j, (fr.
iicivTiTos, -ov, b, fi, (fr.

advance, go straightforward ; t ly moved, moveable; active, lively soberly, discreetly ; modestly ;

journey, travel. uKivljrus, (fr. last) of easy mo civilly, politely, elegantly.

EvBvs, -tia, -v, (fr. EU well, ani lion, gently, smoothly. EvKpacios, Poet, for evKopfios.
Suu to rush) straight, not crook EvK\ia, Poet, for tvt&tr,, cont. fr EvKpalos, g. of
direct right, correct, just v<cXfa,a. sin. Evie\fi, Poet, fo Evicpafis, and EvKparfts, -fos -o8ft
ed, ;

VK\tt, cont. fr. tvK\tf~t, d. sin. ol 6, fj, (fr. tv well, and Kepdvvvp.
Ev0us, for v6v. SvirXcfc, -to? -ouj, 6, fj, (fr.
tomix) temperate, moderate.
Evdvrtpos, -a, -ov, comp good, and K\tos glory) glorious EvKoacria, -as, ft, (fr. same) a good
EvQvTTis,-TiTos,{i, (fr. v0us straight celebrated, renowned. mixture, temperature, happy me-
straightness, evenness ; rectitude
Ei*:Xaa, -aj, i;, (fr. same) ft
righteousness, equity. character, a great name or repu- EvKparn, -w, f), Eucratl,
a wo-
EvQvrovos, -ov, b, i% (fr. same, an tation ; renown, glory, celebrity. man's name.
rtivw to stretch) stretched out EvK\dr,, ijs, fh Ion. for last. EvKptvhs, n. pi. of
cv well,
straight; tight, strained. EvK\di;ai, Dor. for eujcXaVai, 1 a EvKoivriSi -tos -ovs, b, f), (fr.
iTtvu), f. -t<7co, p. -cvKa, (fi inf. act. of and Kpivu to distinguish) well
ell, and iXdw to conciliate ]K\dd), (fr. EU intens. and <rX'& arranged, orderly, methodical;

t ;
propitiate, reconcile, conciliate to celebrate) to celebrate, glorify regular, uniform; pure, clear ,
compassionate, pity, commisi praise, extol. fair, fine ; soft, serene, gentle,
rate. vK\r)uarfw -w, (fr. EU well, an balmy.
Evi\aros, -ov, b, % (fr. same) pro K\f ua a shoot) to be wsll bra
t EvKpdrrrros, -ov, 6,17, (fr. same,
pitious, favourable, kind, gentle ed, well furnished ; to flourish KpoTfu to beat) ivell
hammered ;
tender, appeased. prosper.
much applauded.
Kvlxfas, (fr- much, and t^0uj EvK\t/prjua, -arog, TO, (fr. cv gooc Evxratos, -a, -ov, (fr. tfyo/uu to
fish) fishy. and K\ijpos lot)
a happy lot, goo pray) desirable ; prayed for, m-
fortune, prosperity.
good, and naipos oppo
(fr.' EU tKvnuts, -ico$, b, { (fr. same, an Evnri<a, f. -fau, p. -iica, (fr. rt

tunity) to have a convenient oj Ki'f^is greaves, th. icvf/pri

th well, and jmo> to create)

portunity, find
a fit time
shin) well booted, well armed create, make, cause ; to build ;

place ; to have or be at leisur warlike. to found, establish, par. per.

employ leisure time. 1 a. in(
DKoAi'a, -as, fi, (fr. next) ease o pass. tvKTioptvos, and Poet cv-
act. ?-i Kaiorjaa. ^i*extion; easiness of 'nun
Kk (157)
EUKTYKOJ, -ov, (i'r. eu^o^at
to .
impr. act. EuAoyoC/uv, I
pi vfievns, -ios-ovs, o, ft, (fr. 5kinu,
that which wishes ; cont. pres. ind. act.
Ev\oya- and pivot mind) benevolent,
pray) optative^ kind,
desiring, longing. rat, 3 -yovvrai, 3
sin. pi. cont well
disposed, gracious, favma-
EtiKrtKws, (fr. last) eagerly,
vehe- pres. ind. pass, of able, courteous, good-natured.
mently, ardently. EvAoyfw -oi, f. ->;ff(J, U//VfCTpO{, SUp. -fffTO-
JEu*~<//>o? , -77, -ov, and Poet. EVK- (fr. cv well, and A<5yo? a word) tc

rifiivos, Ion. for

evKTiffp.tvo$, par bless, wish v:ell to ; to speak wel vpcviSes, -wv, al, (by Antiphrasis,
per. pass, or by Sync, for CVK- of, commend ; to praise, magni- fr.
last) the furies, hags.
ri<fyivo, par. pres. pass, of CVK- fy, celebrate ; to pray a blessing, UUEVWJ, and Evpcvfus, (fr. same)
Ttw. Or EVKTipivos may be give thanks, pray over. 1 a. ind. kindly, gently, benevolently, good-
JEol. for tKTicpfvos, par. per act. Att.
t]v\6yrjaa. per.
ind naturedly.
pass, of Krifya. well built, well pass. tv\6yrmai' par. vfitrd^rjros, -ov, b, ft, and
founded, established. voj. 1 f. ind. mid. a v/UTa'/SoAef, -ov, b, ft, (fr. c.v
EVKT'ITOS, -ov, to 3 pi. EuAoy7/croi/Tfl HCTO.change, and th. jga'AAw to
-YI, (fr. tvKTifo
found) toeW iuifr. -ov, (fr. last) bless-
EuAoy777-os, -;), Ihrow) changeable, fickle, incon-
-oi/, (ft. evyonat to ed, holy, dii'lnr. stant.
to 6e desired, eligible, pre- Ev\oyta, -as, ft, (fr. EV well, anc v^crdcoros, for
pray) Vjj.ra5oTiKOS, -ov,
ferable ; prayed ; vowed, devoted, Adyoj a word, th.
Afyw to speak' b, ft, (fr. same, pcru among, and
consecrated. a blessing ; t
grace th.
Mowm to give) ready to im-
EVKVK\OS, -ov, 6, ft, (fr. a) quite, thanksgiving, acknowledgment .
part or share, willing to distri-
and KikAoj a circle) round, cir- a favour, kindness ; beneficence bute.
cular ; bent, curved. bounty. vfjo'/Kti;, n. or a. pi. mas. cont.
EvAa/Jtto, -as, ft,
and Ion. EuAa/fo?, Ev\oyos, -ov, o, ft, (fr. same) rea- of
-/?, ft, (fr. st; well, and Aa/z/?dvw sonable, sensible, rational. Also v^fjKTjs, -cos -ovs, b, ft, (fr. cv well,
to take) /ear, dread, awe, re- subs, kind language, fair speech, and urjKos length) very long,
spect, reverence; care, concern, flattery. stretched out ; toll.

anxiety for ; circumspection, EuAoywv, a. sin. -yovvra, n. pi vfjtri'Xos, -ov, o,ft, (fr. same, and
watchfulness, caution, wariness, -yovvrts, par. pres. act. cont. o /;!JjAov
a sheep) abundant in
prudence. sheep, Jit for sheep, plentiful in
EvAa/3fo/zat -ovuat, -r\^o\iat, p. r us, (fr. t5Aoyoj reasonable) cattle, fertile.

f.v\d^tjfiai^ (ir. same) to fear, fairly, speciously. iiu/^A(w, Poet, for tvji.t\ioio, wh.
dread, stand in awe, respect, re- uAijrwj, (fr. EV easy, and Avw t cvficXiov. g.
Ion. for of
vere ; to guard against, beware, loosen) easily, readily, of easy or evp.t)(ir}s.

suspect ; to shmi, avoid, impf. solution. EvfjivrmdvcvTOs, -ov, b, ft, (fr. y

Att. nv\a^t6^rjv -ov[im>, -iov -ov, Ev^aOfis , -(os -ovs, b, ft, (fr. same, well, and ^V^OVEVW, same as th.
-if.ro -tiro. 1 a. ind. pass. uAa- and navOdvj} to learn) docile, [ivdofiai to
remember) easy to be
v, and Att. rjv\a(3>iOrjv par. tractable ; intelligent, sensible. remembered, memorable, not to be
quick, ingenious ; easily learned, forgotten.
EuAa/3i?s, -tos -oS?, o, ft, (fr. same) intelligible, plain. Evfioipia, -as, >/, (fr. same, and ^ot-
easy to be caught, taken or laid EvpaBuJs, (fr. last) with docility, pa a share, th.
/idpu to divide) a
hold of j circumspect, cautious, tractably ; learnedly, skilfully. happy lot, happiness, prosperity ;
careful, wary ; timid, timorous, jftdKijs, -os -ous, b, -ft, Dor. for
a good share, large portion;
fearful, diffident, respectful ; re- harmony.
ligious, pious, devout, pi. cont. Ei;//aAos, Dor. for cvuij'Xos. Evpo\iros, -oy, b, (fr. same, and
to sing) musical, fond
t)Aa/??J. jfjidpEia, -as, ft, (fr. next) easi- fjLf\iru> of
EuAa(3/;rfos, -a, -ov, (fr. uAa/?o//a< ness, facility, readiness. song ; also a man's name.
to revere) caution must be used, )u.apfjs, -tos -ovs, b, ft, (fr. EV well, popQla, -as, ft, (fr. same, and
respect must be shown, &c. ac- and pdpij the hand) handy ; shape) beauty of person^
ft op<f>r)
cording to the verb. tractable, tame,, gentle, elegance of figure, symmetry
EvAa|3j>ys, g. of EvAa/?//;, see mAa- i/tapiri, -ns, ft, (fr. last) a con- beauty, comeliness.
veniency, commode, necessary EvuopQos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same)
EuAa)Sou,pres. impr. house. beautiful, handsome, elegant,
Et)Aa/3wj, (fr. tv\aj3ris circumspect) and -p/wj, (fr. same)
well proportioned.

cautiously, carefully ; with awe, ily, gently, patiently. Evva^,pres. impr. act. Euva'ft/,
respectfully, religiously. 'os -otis, b, ft, (fr. tv 2 sin. pres. ind. or sub. pass.
EvAdVa, -j?s, ft, (perhaps ywell, fr.
much, and ptyeQos size) very of
and a^ to dig or fr. av- ; large, great, huge. E,vvdo>, and Evvdw -5, f. -acrw, p.
Aa^ a furrow) a ploughshare ; a \)fid6cij)s,
and Ev/jLtdoo'iKSis, (fr. evvaxa, (fr. cvvfi a bed) to put to
fork ; a hoe ; a spade. same, and fiidooos method, wh. sleep, lull, set to rest ';
EvAaAoj, -ou, o. ft, (fr. cv well, and fr.
fjLtra with, and 6<5df the road) go to sleep, go to bed.
n. pi. of evvq.
AaAt'w to speak) well spoken, elo- briefly, shortly, summarily, com- Euva,
quent, fluent ; softly-speaking, pendiously. waidpevos, -rj, -ov, (fr. ev well,
EDA/?, -jj ? , ft,
a worm, maggot. Everts, -fos -ovs, b, ft, (fr. same, and vai6fie.vo$, par. pres. pass, of
EuA??7m>s, -ov, fSeasy, and
6, ft, (fr. and ^ifAo? melody) melodious, vaita to
inhabit) well
to take) easy to be taken harmonious, tuneful, musical, populous.
or held, handy, ready, convenient. ip&ias, and Ion. EvfiE\(rjs, -ov,b, vvalos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. tvvr) a bed)
EuAr?TT(5raTa, (neut. pL sup. of ft, same, and // At'a an ash
(fr. in bed.

last) most readily, most easily, tree) handling the ash, skilled in Zwdrupa, -as, a, Dor. for evvfi
most handily, most conveniently. the spear, warlike. rtipa.
Ev\rjpa, -uv, ra, reins, straps, Evuivsia, -as, ft, (fr. EvfiEvf/s bene- EIKT;, -t]s, ft, Eunic6, a woman's
thongs; a bridle. volent) benevolence, good-will,
EuA^/vr/, -vs, fi, (fem. of next) kindness, charity. Evvf), -?is, ft,
a bed; a den, nest,
Euliment, a woman's name. wedlock ; a
vpEveaTipus, (fr. same) more lair ; cohabitation,
EuAt/uvof, -77, -ov, (fr. t.v good, and kindly, more benevolently. a tent ;
residence, abode, shelter ;
Afy?V a port) with a fair haven. vuEVfu -w, (fr. next) to be kind or a tomb, sepulchre ; an anchor.
EvAoyav, pres. inf. cont. EuA- benevolent, to compassionate, show vrjflfff, -tiaa, -tv, par.
1 a. pass.

yiirs, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind (

mercy. of t)vdw, see
"Evvrj-TTis, -ov, o, (fr. evvii a bed; c
and Trfrrrw to fall)
easy; ready, u.l poicci; capability a foal) breeding

hand, prompt, convenient, conip. |

income, substance, livelihood; famed for horses.

VffTf<rrpos. plenty, abundance. Evpal, -uv, at, (fr. vpiis broad)
v7rrws and -raos, (fr. last) easi-
Europcs, -ov, 6, )/, (fr. same) ca- plates on the under side of a
ly, readily, at hand. comp.
VTTL-\ pable, able, sufficient for, having wooden axle-tree, to prevent its

wore readily. ;
the means; provided, supplied, being worn by the wheel.
VTHJKTOS, -OD, 6, $, (fr. u well, and! ready, prepared, easily got.
vpdjjirjv, by Sync, vp/o-a/^v,

well, and
to join) well joined 1 a. ind. mid. of
or[Evirorya, -as, //, (fr.
irfjyw/u Evpt'c-Kw, par.
framed,' well built, firm, strong. rdr^os fate) good fortune ; a
vV^vs, -os, 6, #, (fr. u well, and happy lot. Evp, (perhaps fr. vpos breadth ;
an arm) /zawng beautiful t'Evrrpayla and
Triftvy Ev7rpaj'a, -a?, //, (fr. or, by Aphser. for 7rAvpo, fr.
arms, evvrjy^sis %ps
well, and 7rpa<r<rw to do)_pros- TrAojpa
the side) obliquely, onone
joined to beautiful arms. i/, success, good fortune ; an side.
v-AEKfwv, g. p!. of exploit, enterprise, feat. j

Evpf, 2 a. impr. or 3 sin. 2 a. ind.

v7rAK%i -f'os -ovs, and EriTrAocroj, EuTrpfima, -as, ;?, (fr. tit well, and
act. of
and TrAfKw
vp?a, see vpvj.
-ov, b, fj, (fr. same, frprrw to become) beauty, grace- Evpf'a, Ion. for
to plait) loett plaited, twined or fulness, comeliness, grace ; dress, par.-
twisted ; knit, tied or knotted to- attire ; ornament., embellishment,
-7S, -n, pi. -OTjptv, -driT.,-di](rav.
gether ; flexible, pliant, supple. Ev-pttrfc, -ios -ovs, b, #, (fr. same) ind. inf.
Evp07vai, EvpfSw,
-a), f. -vo-w, and EvirAoat) becoming, proper for ; comely, -rjs, -rj, pi. -QS>fiV, -QrjT, -6&ot,
-5, f. ->?(7W, (fr. same, and handsome grand, splendid
; ; sub. 1 a.
or irAoew to sail) Zo saii teeZi, 2
pi. 1 f. ind. pass.
specious, showy, plausible. EvpsTi',
a g-ood voyage, arrive safely. Ev7rpirws, (fr. last) properly ; a. inf. act. 3 sin. 2 a.
gracefully; grandly. ind. mid. of tvpioKu.
and Ion. EvTrAot?;, -i]$, Ion. for V7rpa7a.
EuTrAota, -as, ,
Evpaa, fem. sin. of fvpvs.
f], (fr, same) a prosperous voy- ov, 6, $, (fr. EV well, Evpto'is, -tos, Att. -ws, V, (fr-
age, safe sailing ; a calm, fair irpos to,
and th. ^i^ojiai to take) picKu to find) an invention, dis-
weather. well rect,.iied, acceptable, agree- covery.
Ev7rAoKaVus,-Vo'o, ?% Poet. Eii?rAo- able.
Evprj)sj -ov, 6, (fr. same) a dis-
and EvTrpoVoipos, /, (fr. same,
-ov, 6, coverer, inventor.
, -ov, 6, ?% and Poet. and Trpoc$pbs diligent,
a Evprris, -o~os, f>i (fr.same) samem
xos, (fr. v well, and seat) seated at a business, con- the feminine.
or TrAfka/^os a ringlet, stantly attending, diligent, assi- Evpf'rp<a, -as, ft, (fr. same) same
th. to twist) with long
TrAfKw duous. Also subs, a commis- aS
hair, having curled hair, with sioner, assessor. Evpfw, obs. Evpto-jcw borrows its
handsome hair or beautiful ring- vnpoorjyopia, -as, ^, (fr.same, and tenses.
adorned with flowing locks ; 7rpoa?yopfw to address, th.
ayopa ~Evp>jKa, 1 pi. -Ka/uv, ind. Evp??-
comely, fair. the public place) affability, Ktvai, inf. per. act. TLvpr/crw,
EvTrAvyjjs, -cog -ovs, b, fj, (fr. same, courtesy, politeness, condescen- <S, -a, pi. -aofntv, -ffT, -aovot,
and TrAvvw to wash) well washed, sion, easiness of address. 1 f. ind. act.
-CT/SJ Evp>/<rw,
clean, neat. VTrpoovJyopos, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. same) -o"??, 1 a. sub. act.
EtiTTvoos -ovsj 6ov -ov, b, ?'/, (fr. same, affable, courteous, condescending. sub. act. of vp/orw. p'-. 2 a.
and irvfta to breathe) breathing iVTrpdffiros, -ov, 5, ;;, (fr. same,
and Evp77//, -arcs, TO, (fr. same) an
with ease, easy to breathe, breath- TrpocrsifjLi
to approach, th. ?^u to invention, discovery ; a desire,
ing ; blown upon, swept by the go) accessible, easily approached. object, aim; a thing found, prey,
gale, exposed to the breeze. \virp6aooos, -ov, 6, ?], (fr. same, booty.
Ev7ro((, 3 sin. pres. ind. of vrpos to,
and th. 6^os a way) ac- Dor. for vp?v, 2 a. inf. act.
EviroifGJ -w, f. -?;<ru), p. -rjKa, (fr. cessible. of same.
t\j well, and roifw to do) to do
.VTrpoVoioros, -ov, 6, f), (fr. same, Evp^(TtSi 2 sin. "Evp^ffETe,
2 p?.
good to, serve, benefit, assist ; to and 0fpu) to bear) easy to be 1 f. ind. act. of
act well, do rightly. borne accessible, passable. o, i;, (Poet, for
; Evp?7r7rr/s, -fos
Evrofyrof, -ov, o, rj, (fr. same) !v7rpoo"dpjU(crTos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, vp<n~77s, fr- same, and /rros a
served, benefited, favoured, as- and irpoaopn'i^c^ai
to arrive in
word, th. fVo) to speak) an in-
sisted, relieved ;
well done, made port, th. opuos a harbour) easy ventor or coiner q/" words, who
or wrought ; finished, complete ; or safe to be approached, open, uses new phrases ; fluent.
neat, elegant. secure. Evp?os, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. v well, and
pi$a a root) well or deep-rooted;
EvTroita, -as, (fr. same) well- -ov, b, //, (fr. same,
r/, ivTrpoo-^opos,
doing, doing good; beneficence, and Trpoo^fou) to utter, th. d>/p<i> firm, fixed, established.
kindness, charity, mercy. to bring) eloquent, expressive.
ILvpiv, -ivos, b, >% (fr. same, and
Ev-oA(j, -tos, Att. -ws o, Eupo- IvTrpo
-w, f. -)'?CTW, (fr. same, plv
the nose) sagacious, sage,
lis, a man's name. and Ttpdawirov
the face. th. drrro- shrewd, subtile, acute, ingeni-
BUTTON, -ijs, fl, Eupompt, a wo- pai to see) to look well,
appear ous.
man's name. handsome ; make a fair show or
EvplTTos, -ov, 6,
the strait between
Evwo^tffos, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. v well, and appearance. 1 a. inf. act.
v*poo-- fcubcea and Boeotia ; any strait,
to send) escorting safely,
TTf/iro) wnrjcat. gulf, bay or inlet.

favourable, prosperous. IvTrpdo-uiros, -ov, 6, rj, (fr. same) EvptTros, -ov, b, ft, (the last used
f. well to look at,
EuTTOpfQ) -W, -)/(TO), p. EVTTJjJTJ/ca, appearing well, proverbially) inconstant, fickle,
(fr. same, and rrdpos a passage, th. showy, plausible ; fair, hand- changeable.
to pass ihrough) <o 6e weW some, comely. 3 sin. ind. act.
irsfpj 'ioiaxti, Evpt'c--
provided or furnished, abound iv, 6, //, (fr. EU well, i

Krro, 3 sin.
1 pi.

with, be able to afford, be in easy and the POOD } with a.finel impf.
impf. pass. Evpf<rx:ov,
circumstances ; have the means ; poop, with the quarter or stern] act n. pi. par.
to be have the ornamented.
able, capable, pres. act. of
power ; to atlain to, reach, find, ,v7rvpyos, -ov, I, ^, (fr. same, and j jpio-Arw,
zvpriaia, p. vp??Ka,
obtain, impf. pass. .ntt. ?7V7rop0' a tower) well-towered,
get, discover, obtain
Trvpyos | ; perceive,
I*T]V -OV^TJV, -tov 'Ov, -ic.ro -tro. fair-turretcd, fortified. learn ; to find, meet with, light
\vrrnpia, -as, ?% (fr. same) s,lEu?rwAos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and I

upon ; to find out, invent, knout

. be able ; to sr/i't, _,-
rut in plains
< \

Evpwmj, -tjs, fi, Europa^a woman's

to be to extensile, icide, spacious. name also Europe, so called
E.vpiffKopat, found be, ;

turn out, become. 1 a. ind. act. s, -ov, b, fa (fr. same,

from her.
2 a. act. ind. tvpov and jilru-ov he forehead) wide- Eupwy, -Grey, 5, mould, mouldiness
sub. frouted, broad broiced. muslintss ; rust, canker ; rot
impr. Evpr opt. evpoi/tf
inf. -as, -, in 3 pi.
Et'ptvai', <s, putridity ; fillhiness,
fDpw EvpEjV- par. tvp&v. per.
ind. 1 a. ind. I a. ind. act.
Dor. dirt, nastiness, filth ; a moth f
pass, eopn^ai.
ind. p for Evflvrovffi, 3 pi. pres. ind. canker worm.
nipfdnv. 1 f. -
1 a. ind. mid. trowed act. of ftpih'u. Eupoo-roy, b, f,, (fr. 5 well,
Eurynomt, a wo- and fa be strong)

>;, 1

, -iis,
-as, fa (fr. rf

weUi a d '^ man s name. strong, able, robust hale,

a;i c f. to healthy.
'.ddity, vovi'ia, -ih'to, (fr. svpvs broad)
gentle flow ; prosperity, inte, expand, Evpwcrwy, (fr. last) stoutly, ably,
iness out. robustly.
; O/LV.-
abundance. vpvocdrjc, g.
fern. Ion. of Erpwray, -ov, b, Eurotas, the name
;oc, -,
-o'' and -or, 6, of a river.
-oio, 'Oiro, raid.

pi, -oty,-oi, act.

2 a. opt. Eu- (fr. t-p6i broad, and bobs a road) rtw -dew, (fr. evp&s
-w, f.

Dor. for EvpoDc-a, fern. par. or broad roads,

mouldiness) to 6e mouldy, co-
:. roomy, spacious. vered with mouldiness or musti-
a. sin. of vpuw^. Or, ness ; to rust, canker, decay,
uowv, -wvoy, i>, (fr. tpi :
or an easterly wind v. sin. of soil, fade, rot, be rotten or
1, t!poy
xXvcuv a billow, th.
jcAt'^a Evpi'6-rjs, -ov, b, fa (fr. zvpi>s wide, putrid.
to wash) Euroclydon, an cast/rn voice) far-sounding, EDs, dog and Huy, Tj/oy, 6, f,, good,
virtuous ; brave, courageous, va-
cst, stormy wind, well loud, heard afar. Or, (fr.
known in tho eastern part of the the eye, th. oVTo/^a: to see) a liant ; fair, handsome, beautiful,
Mediterranean. seeing. fine.
-, 1 a. ind. act. of tvu
Evpofies, Dor. for 1
of Erpu:r8Aoy, -ov, b, Eurypylus, ED<ra, -as,
mi'n's name. or t)w.
Evpov, -fy, -f, ind..Ei)poV, 3 pi.
liroad ; ample, Euo-a, Dor. or jEol. for oCo-a or
opt. Eupwv, -oDffa, -ov, par. Eupuy, -?<!, -u, wide,
act. of
Eupumj. spacious, extensive, comp o5o-a, fern, of wv, par. pres. oi

EEpoy, -ou, 6, (perhaps fr. o>y the TEpoy, sup. -raroy, and evpiwv, EI/H,
to be.

east, and piw to flow) the east Evcffiti, 2 sin. pres. impr. cont.
wind, any easterly wind. vijy, -f off -ouy, 5, fa (fr. last, Euo-/?jr, 2 pi. cont. pres.
Euooy, -Off-ouy,To, broad) and 9vdy widely rul-
strength) ind. or impr.
Evatfuv, pres.
(fr. ft-puy
breadth, latitude, extent, width, "*> f extensive svjay, potent, inf. act. cont. ofsvae(3(w.
largeness. mighty. Euo-f/?ia, -ay, fa (fr. B much, and
Eupoo-av, LXX. for
3 pi. 2 a. ipvaOtvs, -tos, Att. -fwy, 6, Eu- ffffoto revere) piety, devotion,
ind. act. of up/c7co>. rystheus a man's name. a. Eu- godliness, religion; natural af-
Et'poCcra, see
upo/iy. pvcdta, Poet. -6T]a. fection, love, duty.
sin. of
Evppsios for e!)ppoy, g. ?5p- ipvortpvos, -ov, b, f], (fr. Euo-/?ty, -/oy, TO, (the neut. of u-
wide, and aripvov the breast) ff/?j)y pious) same as last.

Eip'pdrao, JEol for

evppdrov, g. broad-breasted, wide-bosomed. Euc-/?f'w -w, f. -rjaw, p. cvaifyica,
of -uvos, b, Eurytian, a (fr. ev much, and <rf/3w to revere)
man's name.
Eippdrns, -ov, b, fa (fr. tv well, and to fee
pious, exercise piety, prac-
to flow) fair-fiowing, softly , -ou, 6, fa (fr. well, and tise religion, i'
worship, adore, re-
pd ; to make pious, educate re-
to flow) fair-flowing. vere
flowing, gliding ; fertilizing.
-ovs, and 'jpvXairr,-:, -ou,
Dor. -^aiYay, -a, ligiously, teach, instruct in reli-
Etppoos Etip/$uf, -eta,
same as last. 6, (fr. Eupty broad, and gion. 1 a. ind. act. vtrf fiijaa.

Eupudyvioy, -a, -ov, (fr. i

hair) with flowing, or thick or vatpris, -tos -ovs, b, fa (fr. same)
broad, and ayuia a street) with pious, devout, religion, godly;
broad streets, spacious. Ei'pu%opoy, -or, b, fa (fr. same, and affectionate, dutiful, a. cvat^ij,
Evpva\T], -TJS, fa EuryaU,
one of ^opoy a choir) where there are pi. uc/?ry,-cont.
the Gorgons, a woman's name. Large assemblies or numerous Eu<7/3wy and -/?/wy, (fr. last) pi-
EupuaXwy, -woy, 6, fa (fr. a-p meetings, populous roomy, spa- ously, religiously, devoutly. ',

broad, and aXwy a floor) broad, cious, g. Ion. cvpv^.^io.

Et'<rX//oy, -of, b,fa Poet. Etct\tos
, spacious, extenaiie, Eupu^upoy, -ou, 6, fa (fr. same, and and Etiaa&pos, (fr. u veil, and
irrjs, -ov, bj Eurybates, a %poy place) broad, wide, roomy, rA/za a transom, th. o-X/> the
man's name. ample, spacious, extensive. space between decks/ will many
Ion. for and -OTroy,
.?;y, Evpvfiias, -ov, b, Evpvdiip, -u;roy, fa ,
benches, of many ocrs, rawing or
(fr. crpuff broad, and j3/a force) (fr.same, and u>^ the eye) large sailing f^t, swift ; w:ll decked,
V reigningifar-ruling, pon:- eyed ; seeing far, far-sighted, large.
quick-sighted; seen from afar, b, fa (fr. same, and
vcrrifios, -ov,
Evpvlanas, -ov, b, Eurydamas, a ,'ous, distinct. ail pa asign) we!-' marked, dis-
man's name. E'vpw, in 1
pi. Eupco/uv, sub. tinct ; remarkaole, significant,
Euflvfy/o?, -ou, o, fa (fr. EU well, Eupwr, par. and 2 a. act. of intelligible ; easily understood,
in numbers, ryth- Evpwi'vs, -oy, Att. -Ewy, b,
rhyme) vff&vua, -as, fa same, and
pvOp-bs fa (fr. (fr.

mical, poetical ; harmonical, har- Ei'pwy mouldiness) mouldy, musty, (tdtvos strength) soundness
monious, tuneful, musical; re- -,'.
rotten, pa-
healh ; strength, validity.
gular, u-dl-proportioned. .
dirty, nasty. o-rw -&, f. -;yrw, p.
Eupvfyojy, (fr. last) harmoniously, Etpw<y, -tffffa, -cv, same at (f'r. same) to be strong or
poetically ; neatly, regularty. also dark, gloomy, shady, ob- able.
scure. And (perhaps fr.
a-pi-y ,va6f.vfis, -fos -ovs, b, fa (fr. sane)

wide, and Kpduv a king, th. \/ide) ample, broat 1, spacious, strong, robust, able, capable,
Kpaii'W to rule) uiddy ruling, roomy, exit*.
vfficapdfi.os, -ou, 6, fa (fr. ev much,
povierful, potent, mighty. s; -f'oy, and and ffKap6pds a bound, th. ox
next) Eurnjiran, of Eu-
to skip)
-ovoy, o, //, (fr.
bounding, skipping;
andXt(('o;v a i.'it-"; i;
nu 1
!.' '-?;, nimble.
EUCKIOS, -ou, 6, f), (fr. EU much, and may
produce, th. r//crw to breed) an be conjectured or supposed
ovHa shade) shady, dusky, dark easy birth ; Jruitfulness. discoverable by gusss.
overshadowing, darkening ; in Euo-uvaXXa/cTwj, (fr. same, anc EVTOKOS, -ou, 6, /, (fr. same) with
the shade, shaded. o-ufaXXarro) to bargain, th. aX a fair offspring or fine children.
EuGKoiros, -ou, 6, }/, by Dial, for Xaffffw to exchange) of a peace EvroXp.ia, -as, >/, (fr. u well, and
tvaKotros, (fr. same, and cKoitbs able disposition, peaceably, conci roX^aw to dare, th. r<5X^ bold-
an aim,th. ovc7T7o//<u to con- liatory. ness) boldness, courage, intrepi-
sider) WJeM aimed, sure, that at- Euo^upof, -ou, o, t'i, (fr. same,
and dity, resolution.
tains its object ; pertinent, apt the ankle) with a hand- Et'roX/ioj, -ou, 6, r;, (fr. same)
fit, opportune provident, saga- some leg or ankle, well limbed,
', bold, resolute, intrepid.
cious, foreseeing, circumspect, well shaped. Evrovta, -as, ?/, (fr. next) intense-
cautious. Dor. for ol ness t perseverance ;
u<r0upu>, i.vo([>vpov, g. firmness, re-
Eiiffoos, -ou, 6, ri, (fr. same, and last. solution.
o-doj safe) quite safe, sound, vff^rip.6v(j}s, (fr* iva%r'ip.d)v
becom- Evrovos, -ou, o, ;/, (fr. tii well, and
whole. ing) comely, gracefully, decent- TOVOS stretching, th. rdvu to
same, and (fr. ly, excellently, honourably. strain) well stretched, welt
the bowels) having next) braced ; strong, firm, resolute,
tTTrAdyyvov "vcxri/jLoovvri,-;;?, //, (fr.
bowels of mercy, compassionate, comeliness, propriety, decorum ; persevering,- intense.
merciful, pitiful, tender-hearted ; grace, elegance. Euro" I/us, (fr. last.) intensely, vehe-
spirited, animated, brave. va^ij/jiuv, -ovos, b, i'i, (fr. ?v well, mently ; strenuously ; firmly, re-
Ei/<ro->//oj, see eurc^o?. and ff^fjta behaviour) elegant ; solutely.
Eu0T0aa,.-aj, ;, (fr. v well, and co/ndy, becoming, decorous ; re- urofj'a, -as, >% (fr. y well, ai;<!
nipt to stand) stability, steadi- spectable, reputable, decent ; ho- rot-ov a bow) archery, skill at
ness, firmness ; a prop, sup- nourable, excellent, pi. g. vavr]- the bow.
port. a. tvavnyiovas, neut. u<r-
jjtovuv, paTTEXtuo/jat, (fr. urp7TXos
EvaraOcw -5, f.
->/<rw, (fr. same) humorous, which see) to joke,
consist, be firm, continue, last jest, indulge in wit or humour ;
to or EuVwrpof, -ou, 6, fj,
; i)fffc>rpo
to make firm, establish, settle, (fr, and aCJrpov the fel-
v well, to make fun, talk loosely.

fix. loe of a wheel) with strong fel-

EvTpaiT\ia, -as, %, (fr. next) wit,
Ev<TTu6r,s, -105 -ovs, o, >/, (fr. same) loes, well made, strong. humour, pleasantry, facetious-
firm, steadfast, steady ; fixed, es- SCr' for VT. ness ; merriment ; buffoonery,
tablished, sure ; of good weight. SuraKTf'w -to, (fr. same, and rdaaia scurrility, satirical or obscene
Eucraflw?, (fr. last) durably, firm- to arrange) to keejt order, be or- jesting.
ly, pertinaciously, obstinately. derly, practise regularity, sup- Eurpa;rXos, -ou, 6, j/, (fr. tu well,

EucTrtX>)f, -ios -ovs, b, f], (fr. tv port discipline. and rpfTTOfjiai

to accommodate
well, and <m'XXu> to equip) light, UTUKTOS, -ou, 6, /, (fr. same) or- one's self) witty, facetious, agree-
unin cumber ed ; well-dressed, de- derly, regular, methodical. able, pleasant ; humorous, mer-
cent, neat. Suruvrwj, (fr. last)
in order, me- ry, droll ; scurrilous, satirical,
EuffraXwj, (fr. last) lightly, quick- thodically, regularly. obscene. Subs, a buffoon, para-
ly, free from incumbrance. 5urattt, -as, >/, (fr. u well, and site, flatterer.

(fr. tu well, ruo-o-w to arrange) order, regu- EvTpi;ris,-tos-ovs, o, if, (fr. eu well,
EvffTityavos, -ou, 6, t'i,

and oT0i/os a crown, th. <rrfrf>w larity, method ; rule, discipline ; and rptVw to turn) ready, pre-
to crown) well crowned, highly moderation, temperance. pared, in order ; Jit, adapted ;
ornamented, finished ; well forti- Evre, Ion. and Poet, nvn, when ; compliant, obsequious ; easy,
fied. since, seeing that, whereas ; as mild, temperate, impartial, just,
EUOTO//OS, -ou, o, >/, (fr. same, and just as, as ever ; so, even so. patient.
arfya the mouth) with a fair uri%a -rj, a. sin. of cvrdv^s. urpm^w, (fr. last) to
or handsome mouth ; fluent, ur/^os, -on, and Eur(^r/f, -sof jn'ake ready ; to
conciliate, at-
u well, and tach.
eloquent, fair-spoken ; respect- -ovs, b, /;, (fr. TU%OS
a wall) high ivallcd, well forti- Eurp?/ro?, and Poet. Eu'rp/rofj-ou,
same, fied, secure. tv well, and
rirpdw to
EvaTo%ib) -w, ->/o-a>, (fr. b, ?/, (fr.
and ffTo^d^op.ai to aim) to aim vrKvia, -as, ri, (fr. same, and bore) well bond, pierced with
well ; to conjecture or guess rtKvov a child, th. T/KTW to breed) mnny holes, wrong/it in open
shrewdly. the blessing of
children, happi- vurk orfrehmrk ; open, gaping,
clever- ness of offspring. wide, expanded,
Eucro^ta, -as, %, (fr. same)
ness oc dexterity at shooting, a lvTxvos, -ou, b, >i, (fr. same) hap- vrplatvuv, a. Dor. of
good aim ; shrewdness in con- py in a family, blessed with off- rpian^c, -ou, 5, (fr. y well, and
jectiir^ ; ingenuity in guessing. spring ; prolific, fruitful. rptaiva a trident) famed for the
L :Tro;\-oL,

6, i'/, (fr. same) cle- vriKicrara, sup. neut. pi. of trident, ruling with the trident.
rerat tht dart, dexterous in shoot- ZvT\>]s,-ios -ovs, 5 well, Evrp6x&\os, -ou, 6,
o,)/, (fr. //, (fr. same,
agonl shot ; shrewd, inge- andrAo? income)/ruga/, thrifty, and rp%o) to run) rotind, circu-
nious, invenlive. economical cheap, vile, little
; lar
smooth, level, plain; well

EvffTo^s, (fr. last) with a good worth; slender, contemptible, mean. run, trodden or tramped upon ;
<d/n cautiously, dexterously, in EureXwj,
; (fr. last) slenderly, slight- rolling, fluttering, active.
gmv*2y. ly, insignificantly. rpo^o?, and Poet. Ei57po^os,-ou,
and Poet. Ewroi-jirj iTipirr], -t]s, >;, Euterpe, one of 6, f],(fr. same) running smooth-
- the muses.
well, ant
-{'of s, 6, f), (fr. ly, moving freely, gliding, roll-
turn) to ioeW turned. v well,
arptyu Evtepirtjs, -fos -ovs, 6, )/, (fr. ing ; active, nimble, agile.
Iwislfl, twined or wreathed; pli and T f P to delight) delightfid, Eurikoj, -ou, 6, r], for
ant, landing, winding. pleasant, agreeable, charming. Euru/troy, -ou, 6, >/, (fr. same, and
EvarptHJiia, -us,'l, (fr. same) fiexi EuTr)KTG$, -ou, 6, %, (fr. v well, TU^'J to form) well formed,
liitity, pliancy ; activity, agility. and TI'IKU to melt) soluble, easily finished, complete, perfect.
tLoarpofor, -ou, 6, //, (fr. same) ea melted.
Euru^/w -w, f. ->;<rw, p. uru^ca,
sil>/ moved or turned ; swift. Eur/^ro?, -ou, 6, >}, (fr. same, and (fr. same, and rv^rj chance) to

E-jfftf/i/SAijros, -ou, 6, >}, (fr. ti well r/^rw to cut) well cut or cut be happy', successful,
prosper, be
and crt'/jij&iXXo)
lo conjecture, th out ;
prepared, provided. in easy circumstances ; to succeed,
jJa'XXw to throw) obvious, tha EvroKta, -us, 11, (fr. same, and TOKOS turn nut well.
Ion. and Poet. oti, c, .'.
Xair>i the mane) withe.;
abte, that may be carried; sup- mane ; with fine hair.
i, -nros, re, (fr. tu well, portable, to be endure:!. Ei'^;apio--?, -Tus, &c. see in ruY-
and" 'rvxn fortune) hc^ Ev<f>opo(, -ov, b, ih (fr.
eu well, and
success, prosperity ; a happy lot, to bear) ft-riile,

good fortune. productive; easily borne or en- (fr. cv well, and yrfp^

EvTvgfc, -lo$ -ovs, b,t'i, (fr. same) dured, tolerable ; agreeable,pleas- thanks) to thank, give thanks,
fortunate, lucky , prosperous,
suc- ing ; easy of carriage, light. acknowledge a favour. 1 a. ind.
cessful ; happy. E I'tfcai'i <70a i, inf. Ev(t>paiv6uvos,
i'xapiffrr)ffa. pres. ind. pass.
2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. -;;, -or, par. pres. pass. Er- i'^apt<7Tf'o//at -ovfiai. 1 a. pass,
used -'Eol. for
Eurt'^ijo-as, par. (ppaivovro, 3 pi. impf. pass. ind. '

cvx a P*ffTnOl v 8Ub. i'^aptff-

1 a. act. of >jrt)Y/w. ;U'ot', -v<70, 2 sin. and pi.

Errvy/a, -ii >h (fr-

well, and impr. pass. Ev^patvoiv, par. rj,
3 sin. 1 a. sub.
TI'<XJ fortune) good fortune, hap- pres. act. of EvxapiffTfaas, g. -cavros, par.
Evtppairw, f. -ai'5, p. evQpayKa, 1 a. act.
piness, prosperity, Eir^aptorai', pres.
v well, and 0p>> the mind) inf. act. cont.
Efrvxos, -ov, b, (fr. same) fortu- (fr. EuvapicTtS,
nate. Eutychus, a man's name. In cheer, enliven, exhilarate; to -EIS, -ti, pl> -OVJIEV, pres. ind.
act. cont
Ei'Tir^w?, (fr. cvTvxfc fortunate) delight, amuss, divert, entertain. Ei;^;ap*oTtr, 2 pi.
happily, forlunairly, prosperous- Evtypaivopat, to be delighted, re- pres. ind. or impr. Eu^apttr-
ly, successfully. joice ; to enjoy, indulge one's self. rah', n. pi. -TOVVTES, par. pres.
and 1 a. ind. act. tvfyaava, I ind. act. cont. of last.
EvvSpos, -ov, b, t/, (fr. sv well,

voiap water) watery, moist,

wet ; mid. e.v6pavovnai, -?;, -urat. Evxapiarla, -as, f], (fr. same) oo
marshy. Et'0pavfat,'lon. for v<ppav?i,
2 sin. knoidedgment, gratitude, thank-
EvQaftia, -as, ?;, Eu^a/zwj, Dor. for 1 f. ind. mid. of last. fulness, thanksgiving.
v((>nnia and u0?;/ to)$'.
Ev<j>pavuiv, Ion. for rcfypavtiv,
1 f.
Evxdpicros, -oi ,

b, rj, (fr. same)

-ot, and Dor. -a, o, inf. act. of same. thankful, grateful ; acceptable,
(fr. ? well, and a qui-
tbaoircta. Ev(f>pdv6>ii', -rjs, -v,
and Att. mi- agreeable; beneficent, bounteous.
ver) quivered, equipped with a (ppdvOnv, EvrbparOnri, Evxapiarws, (fr. last) with grati-

quiver, the ardicr, bowman ; an -Qt)TZ. 2 sin. impr.and Eu- tude, thankfully ; gratefully, oo

epithet of Apollo. (joavQdtjv, 3 pi. -QdriGav, opt. ceptably ; agreeably, kindly.

1 sin. and pi.
Ev0>7/u'w -u, f.
->;o-w, (fr. same, and Ev$pat>06, -dw;.iv, Et>X"^ a * P^' ^ V X$'
0>}//7 report, th. <5aw to speak) sub. Ev^pavQfivai,
inf. 1 a.
Eu^eat, by Apos. Et5^', Ion. for
to abstain from
unlucky wcrr?., pass. Ev^pavd^ooftai,
1 f. ind.
Evxy, 2 sin. pres. ind. of ev%o-
use fair words ; to report well, pass uat.
speak vxll of, recommend ; to ce- Eu0p?/i'w,
-ys, -T}, 1 a. sub. act. of b, %, (fr. EV and
Ev^tip, -pos, well,
'e, praise, commend ; tncon-\ same. Xip the hand) handy, dexterous;
gratulate, rejoice with, wish joy ; Evippova, a. sin. of ttypui/.
capable, able, strong, active,
pray blessings on ; show favour Ev(bpovij) -w, f. -)?o-a), p. -TjKa,
(fr. brave.
or either to be wise, have sense, be
honour, by suitable riest) Iv^ccpia, -as, ft, (fr. same) inge-
act prudently ; to
language, or by respectful si- intelligent, nuity, invention, dexterity, arti-
lence. 1 a. act. ind.
in know, understand, perceive, dis fice, stratagem, subtlety.
3 pi. v<pfip.T)(Tav'
tv^^irjaai. ; cam to be kind, serve, oblige.
Ei>xo, Ion. for
tv^ov, 2 sin. impf.
Evtyrifjiia, -as, f/, (fr. same) care to Ev6p6vj], -rjs, fi, (fr. t'v well, an or pres. impr. Eu^f<70w, 3
avoid ominous or unlucky expres- to think, th. 0p?;i/ th sin. pres. impr. of tvxopai.
sions, respectful silence ; good re- niind) night, evening, or rathe Evxtpua, -as, ri, (fr. EV well, and
port, fame, credit, renov;n, cele- an epithet of them ; tiie season Oj ^tp the hand) ease, easiness,
bration, praise, commendation ; conte?nplation. readiness, convenience.
applause, acclamation, shouts; a Ev<ppocruvn,
and Dor. -avva, -ns, t, Evxp?is, -fos -ovs, b, fj, (fr. same)
good omen, favourable presage. (fr. same) mirth, gayety,
cheer easy, ready, convenient; rash,
Ev<prifii^(i), (fr. same)
to hail, re- fulness, joy, gladness. Euphro hasty.
ceive with acclamation. See also syne, one of the Graces. last) easily, reidtty,
j^Epoif, (fr.

EvQpuv, -ovos, b, fi, (fr. same) sen conveniently.

and sible, wise, prudent; intelligent Evxa0, 2 pi. pres. impr,
mid. of
"Ev^rj/jiog, -ov, b, rj,

(fr.same) fair-spoken, respect- knowing :

cheering, exhilarating
; of good report, reputable, enlivening; cheerful, gay, mer- Evxrdac8at, Poet, fo' tvxiracr-
praised, celebrated, commended; ry, lively ; joyful, glad. Qai, pres. inf. mid. cont. of
praising, congratulating ; fa- Evd>vfis, -fos -ovs, b, T], (fr. di well
vourable, auspicious. and <bvii) to grow) well formed pray) to pour fort'i prayers,

Ev<prip.oavv>), also Dor. and Poet. strong, vigorous, able, robust ter'vows ; to pray, tupplicate,
-avva, active ; dexterous, ingenious entreat ; to boast.
same) good
-rjs, ft, (fr. ,

counsel, advice, warning ; in- well disposed, of good disposition L'yTOOtyl7V, Poet,
for V^T^7V,

struction, command, orders; an ingenuous; fit, suitable, a. sin pres. opt. mid. cont. Eu^-
injunction. V<f>Vta -rj.
du. V<f>Vl. rodivrai, Poet, for UYm5yra<,
EvQrjpws, (fr. t50m/oj reputable) Ev<f>yia, -as, >/, (fr. same) a good pi. cont. ind. mid.
with good report, kindly, favour- disposition, docility, ingenuous- last.

ably ; respectfully. ness ; good abilities, capacity;

Ettyfloyyo?, -ov, 6, #, (fr. /
well, convenience, fitness. a prayer, petition, entreaty, sup-
and tpedyyos a sound, th.
$diy- Ev<pv&s, v$vtis ingenious) in-
(fr. plication ; a curse, Imprecation ;

youat to utter) sounding truly, geniously, cleverly ; fitly, suita- a vow solemn. promise, devotion;
emitting a right tone, vocal, har- bly, properly. a wish.
monious. sweetness 8 "1 '
Ev<pii)via,-as, h, (fr. next)
->;<ru, p. tVtpoOTIKa, of voice ; agreeableness of sound, of
Ev00pC(i> -<2,
to f. -fr/tai, p. to
(fr. t50opoy fertile) abound, harmony, tone, cadence, euphony. Zv%o[jLai, tvyfiai,
produce plentifully, bear abun- Evipuvos, -ov, b, %, (fr. EV well, and glory, boast, vaunt, brag ; to say,
dantly, be fruitful or productive. dv; voice) in tune, tuneful, declare, pronounce ; pray,
1 a. ind. act. -as, - harmonious; clear, distinct. beseech, beg, supplicate, entreat ;
Evvairrjs, -<n>, b, fa (fr. EV well, and to wish, desire, crave, impfl
the face, th. drrro/iat to see) upon, r.auxe to happen, to. E0rfr-
taid. wtfuiiv, and Att. nv^i w^
hand- Topai, to touch upon, treat of;
-ov, -ETO. 1 a. ind. mid. tv^dj fair-faced, bright-eyed,
to set
opt. ev^aliinv. some, beautiful. about, undertake; to em-
EuOJVfW brace to be attached or
pres. ind. mid.
1 oi -0), f. p. V(f)YT]Ka, ;
pi. -)';<7to, belong
. (fr. v well, o^;^ and cheer) to re- to ; to befall ; to
impend, ha*g
EDvoj, -so? TO, same) ceive' hospitably, entertain, make over.
-CD?, (fr.

giory, boast, pride ; honour, cre- merry, feast, keep good cheer, E0ap//du>, or E0ap//<5rra>, f. -aw,
dit, reputation. banquet. p. <f'/pnoKa, (fr. in on, and ap-
to of last) mer- fioQu to fit, th. a'pw to adapt) tc
Ev^pTjCTTfouat -ovp.ai, (fr. next) Erto^'toj/, (par. pres.
be used, 'treated or made use of; ry, jovial, cheerful, jolly. accommodate, adjust, adapt, ap-
serve, be of use,
conduce. Eua>x/a, -a?, fi, (fr. same) a feast, ply ; to suit, answer, Jit, agree 01
E^PJJCT-O!:, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. eC well, entertainment, banquet; revelry, square with.
and th.
^paw to good cheer, jollity. Dor. for last.
xpjjoros- useful, E<j)ap[i6<rd<ji>,

E0', for before an aspirate. E0apai>ro, Metath. for tfypd^avro

lend) useful, serviceable, bene- 7rt,

3 sin. 2 a. of $77ju. 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of

ficial, conducive; good, commo- E0', for f0i/, fypdaau.
dious, advantageous. E0a, Dor. for !>-/?,
same as last. 'Etpaffav, 3 pi. impf. ; or Dor. foi
Z(j)adv9r}v, Poet.' for
1 a. 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act.
Ev^pooj -ov?, -6ov -ou, 6, >/, (fr. c/>dvS??v, <j>T)<rav,

same, and %p6a colour) well ind. pass, of

0ac'vu>. 'E<ar', for tyaro, 3 sin. of 0a-
coloured, high coloured. 5c/>a/?fKo'j,
Dor. for (bri$iK6s. nrjv, 2 a. ind. mid. of (prj^i.
2 of <2>ayo>. 'EAaaKov, -r.$, -, impf. 01 ^atrxw
Et^wXi), -775, f,, Poet, for wrf,
(fr. E,(payov, -?, -E,
to pray) a prayer, sup- Z<pdyo<rav, LXX. for l^ayor, 3 pi. for 07?^f.

plication, entreaty ; a vow, de-

of last. 'E<f>av\i<ra, -a?, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
dication; glory, boast, exulta- ia<5avci), see a&aSdvw.
tion. 2<paoUi or E0aoci>, fr. -t intens, *7, -ov, par. 1 a. mid.
Ei)^;wXt/iaToj, -ov, b, >;, (fr. last)
and ai$co -ai, which see. o, Dor. for <j>fjil/aro, 3
bound by a vow ; seeking to ex- t>aivo, Ion. for ttyaivov, 2 sin. sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of
piate or fulfil a vow ; a devo- impf. pass. 'Ec/xnvov, impf. pffidpnv, -ov, -ro, impf. ofQcfio-
tee. act.^-E0a/voffav, 3 pi. LXX. pai.
Et)^u^fO) -S, f. -jjoxo, p. V(pvxr]Ka, impf. act. of <aivw. E<pf$pa, -a$, 1], (fr. upon, and m
(fr. ri; well, and tX^i) the mind) cf>a'XXo//at,f. -Xotiuat, (fr. EOT upon, <5pa
a seat, th. 'f^ofiat to sit) a
to be in spirits, be of good cou- and aXXo/xai to leap) fo /ep ire, seat; a waiting, delay, stay,
rage ; to feel comfort or satisfac- on or upon; to assault, attack, stop ; a lying in wait, ambush ;
tion. rush upon. par. pres. mid. <pa\- a siege, blockade.
1 a.
Et4X)?, -los-oVs, o, f,, (fr. same) XO^IEVOJ. impf. <prj\\6p.Tjv. E0<5pvcD, f. -EWO-CO, p. -Ka, (fr. last)
in spirits, lively, animated. Or ind. mid. <pn\dp.ijv. to set down, rest
upon ; to sit
E0aXoj, -ou, 6, T% (fr. and down at or before, beset, besiege ;
(fr. ^/v^os cold) braced, vigor- at,
ous, active, refreshed. uXj the sea) on the sea shore, to
waylay, lie in wait or ambush;

Evij/wvla, -a?, ft, (fr. same) joy, maritime, on the coast, by the to plot
against, circumvent.
gladness, exhilaration ; sea.
spirit, 'E0<5po?, -ou, 6, f;, (fr. same) seat-
magnanimity ; presence of mind. E0aXwv, Dor.
E(f>n\5)v, par. for
ed, sitting, enthroned. Subs, an
fi, (fr. same) glad,
"Ei>\pv voj, -ou, 6, pres. act. cont. of <prj\6w. associate, assistant, second ; a
joyful, animated, lively; high- 0a/*av, Dor. for <j>dpiiv. 2 a. ind. successor ; an adversary, oppo-
spirited, noble, great, brave. mid. of <pt]fti. nent, antagonist; an assassin,
pres. sub. act. cont. of pafjiaprdvw,
f. -J/<TCO, (fr. m to, Her in wait, waylayer.
and anaprdix,)
to sin) to seduce E0fw, (fr. EOT upon, and 'l^w
entice to
Eu^Syctff, (fr. fu^u^oj cheerful) to sin, crime, lead seat) to seat, set, lay or place
gladly, joyfully ; with spirit, no- astray, beguile. upon. E0fo/^ai, down or
to sit

bly, bravely. ',

1 pi. impf. or 2 a. ind. upon, be seated; to settle, lie or
E'JCO or E*5w, f.
-o-w, p. tvKa, to act. E(pdur)v, -avo, -aro, 2 a. rest upon, be set, laid or
Jnrch, burn, scorch ; to
ind. mid. (A^rj^i. upon. par. pres. mid. 0|o>vo?.
to<*t, broil ; to blister.
Z(pajjifpios, -a, -ov,
Dor. for
e^^f- E0fVa, Alt. for
t^Ka, 1 a. ind.
"EvwoT) a. sin. cont. of pto?.
act. E00aj, -?o-a, -iv, 1 a.
EVW^.EOJ -ovs, M, (^ v well, Eipa'juXXo?, -ou, 6, !], (fr. EOT in, par. pass, ofs^irjfu.
and and a/nXXa a contest) emulous,
th.d^u to smell) sweet smell- E0f(o(5^?7''j -oUj ~TO, impf. E0i~
ing, fragrant, perfumed. rivalling; an adversary, rival, adfirjv, -co, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. of
Et)u<5ta, -as, ;, (fr. same) a sweet opponent, competitor; a match,
smell, fragrance, odour. equal. iftfi/os, ->7, -oi', par. per. pass.
Eww&rf, (f same) r .
to smell swect- Etpav, Bceot. Sync, for tcpaaav, 3 of<f>ivvvpi. Or for ^f p.evo$, par,
fy, be an odour or pi. impf. ;
or Dor. for ityrjv, 1 2 a. mid. ofeQiijui.
fragrant, yield
perfume. sin. 2 a. ind. of (pn^l. E0ivai, 2 a. inf. act.
Et5wvo f -OD, 5 well or E<pavodvo), fr. tnl intens. and avdd- 3 pi. E0?jro, pper.
, 6, $, (fr. -ffo, -TO,
easily, and to to please, which see. E0a'(r0w, 3 sin. per.
coveojuai buy) of , pass.
high price, valuable, estimable, E0a- impr. EcWw, Poet, for
E0avpw0r7V,-r7S, -?, pass. pass.
^w, 2 a. sub. act. of c^/^i.
- or -tv, act. 1 a.
Or, easily bought, offered vipucra, -as,
for little, chap. ind. of <pavtpou). ,
3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of
Evwrfyos, -ou, 6, $, (fr. same, and Etpavnv, -;?, -77, pass. 'E<pavov,
tvopa a name) ofo g-ood na?ne, f, -E,
act. 2 a. ind. E0av- E0i<m;tcav, by Pleon.
o/ a foc% or fortunate token ; )7v, -r?j, -;,
1 a. ind. pass, of KUV, pper. act. of e^i
lucky, fortunate, propitious ; E$/ffco, 2 sin. of ttytia&iiriv. 1 a.

splendid, renowned, celebrated, i/, -7C, -rj,

in 3 pi.
ind. mid. of 0/<5o//at.
famous ; left, on the left hand. Orjaav, 1 a. ind. pass, of $aW $XKVW, same as
The left was the unlucky side aTrol', (fr. TTJ at, and an-a 'X^u, f.
-o, (fr.
sri intens. and
among the Greeks but, through ;
once) once, at once, once for all. 'X(cu to
draw) to attract, thaw
superstitious fear, they gave good TT( to. o be dragged,
cnrTu>, f.
-;J.'M, p. -JJ^a, (fr. E0AKo/tat,
names to omens coming from upon, and CTTTU) to tie) to trailed along, be drawn away;
that quarter. attach to, connect with; to ap- to drift, par. pfcs. pass.
*;, fi, (fr. same, am proach, reach at ; to inflict, bring
K$f/ur, Ion. for
2 a. inf. Itjui
to send) a common'!, order, day, temporary, bid for c

act. injunction. daily, every day ; lasting or suf-

E<ptvptTt>s, -ov, 6, (fr. next)
an in- ficient for a day ; periodical.
upon, and
. disroverer. for
*a, (fr. iri ov, b, i),

/vruw same as EW to clothe) to >cu>, f.

-t>pr/<ro>, p. -BVpriKa,
' ' '
, "?? 'Wi) fa (fr.

jnrf cover ; to dress, clothe. fr. 'ml intens. and EvptV/tw,

Which! join) a command, orrder, injunc-
on, i

. ind. act. iQivpm

arm, equip.
^efifr, (fr. same, and f^jft
in or- e^etfpoiju,
or ri intr --KJ-E, act.
successively, in order
der) iit^idoftai -w/mc, :

hence- which see. -w, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind.

succession, next in course; andf'Ctao/trti,
forth, henceforward, hereafter. Poet, for E^-^dl
>, ., -, impf.
-ty, -, 1 f. ind. 'act. of; 3 p!.
cent, irnpf. of last. dvu>.
Erfvw. FpjjTmu, 3 sin. of 0?j//^at, per.
v, inf. of E^fjru. : nd. pass, of 0dr
Ion. , -a>, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
, impf. E<f>iit<r<<ov,
for ^>.
and E^orouat, (t'..
j, youth) y&: r, 3 pi. 'E$?<r0a, ^Eol.
a. or impf. act.
on, and ETTCO to follow)
to /;, !

up, pursue;
through with, do, execute : , I f. of
manage, handle,
der, rule, govern ; to trur .
young , by Sync,
wander over, cross, travel thro < i
aav, 3 pi. 1 a. "ind. pass, of t$i,-
to obey, comply with. (fr. next)#-
LXX. for
'Efapoi-, act. \ youthful, gru: .;:a, 1 f. ind. mid. of t^irtfti
E6f pot'To, pass. 3 pi. impf. j
of nze, at maturity. , or :

'E^po-a, -as, -t, 1 a. ind. .

-ov, o, (fr. ETTJ at, and 'Ec60uM, :

-as, -E, per. ind. act.

jEol! of ^fow. ;uth) a youth, stripling, \

'E6'Jaa, Dor. for 'E<p6aca, -as.

S^ef, 2 a. impr. act. of E^I'^J. z/oi/ne 7?ia^.
a. ind. act. of<0dVa).

10ctf, -to?, Att. -EWS, $, '(fr. d>'- E6t'icof.i.cLi, (fr. ri inlens. and jjoo- ,

Efi^ap^v, ->;?, -r;, 2 a. ind. pass.

uai to desire) tfani, craving, to delight, th. sweet) 'E66apKa, per. ind. act. 'E^-
/<a fi&vs
longing, inclination; desire, zht in, take pleas. ,ai, per. ind. pass E'pQap-
petite a challenge,
; summons. >

rejoice, be glad at. \ ufvvs, par. per. pass, of d>0/pw.

appeal; a dismissal. Ecir/^a, -as, -e, 1 a. ind. act. of
j'E00a<ra, -as, -E or -EV,
3 pi. 'E0-
ptoin/si '^i -or, and E^JVioc, -

Qaaav, 1 a. ind. act. of yQdvu.

next) Ephesian ; aniEc/n^dnnr, 1 a. ind. mid. -(.TO, in. 3
-ov, (fr. -u), -aro, -ov, pi. E0-
of 0<
Ephesian. dfyyovro, impf. mid. E00y-
oj, -oi'. $, Ephesus, the me-;'E07;Ats s, and -tos, >/, (fr. same ^d^r/v, EtpOiyfa, and Ic

tropohs of Ionia". :ts

next, or fr. jjAto? thf
Biy^ao, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. of
E^<77ro/x*/i-, -ov, -CTO, irnpf.
mid. of i

freckles, specks on the face caus-'

E^tWw, and Eriro/tai, Poet, for! ed by the sun.
j'E^Oapa, -as, -e or -EV, 1 pi. na-
t<j>txu- I'E^Xif, -j5oj, ('7, (fr. c-l into, and! ^ rj 1 a . i n d. act- o f 00tpu.
<ptc(fdftrjv, t^Effffat, toptcaaut- TJAOS a nail, th.
tn. t^//t
to se
send) oj'E^j/v, -^c, -i;, 2 a. ind. act. of
ros, Poet, for <j>ci<rdurji>, I a. mid. buckle, clasp, button, stud. ^.0i;/u, same as 00aVw.
ind.; tyzaat, impr.; and E^E- 'E077Xosi-ou, 6,jy, (fr. same)
:) nailed,
E$6iad\ before an aspirated vowei
adfivos, par. 1 a. mid -- fastened with nails; set with for which Ion. for t(f>Qiv-
Poet, for rfffftc 1 nails or studs, studded 3
pi. of E0ft>i7v, -ceo, -
ffccOat, ; spotted, .
inf. mid. of ^f^oj. speckled, freckled. of 00/w.
pper. pass,
o-av, 3 pi. impf. act. 0;Adw, f. -wo-w, (fr. same) to nail, a. ind.
E<pQicBrjv, -77, pass.
for c(f>iffTrini. Or, by Sync. fasten with nails; to stud, set with per. ind. pass, of
for tfeardKctaav, 3 pper. act. ttotdt ; to be spotted,
pi. specMed $aiv<a or $dtta.
Of 0lOT7Ul. or freckled. 3 sin.
'E<p6iTo, pper.
E$cra<7i, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Etprjfiai, (fr.
upon, and ^at to pass, of same.
-r;j/zi. Or, by Sync, for E^EO-- sit) to si upon, fce seated, rest 'E<pQopa, -as, -E, per. ind. mid. of
fft, 3j)L perf. of tfyiarriiu. upon, recline. par. pres. mid.; ei0 /p u .
Jjica, and E0<rra/ca, -as, -,
E^r/m-of. E00oV, -oE, 6, ^, (fr. E'^W to cook)
per. ind. act of same. .>'u>,
B-w, (tr. <)///pos! boiled, sodden, baked, cooked.
( 5 same as 0(rr77/n. ,
f .
a day)
spend E6id\\u>, see ETrta'XXw. to

, -ov, o, >;, (fr. rrri at, and t^ day, pass the whole day,
work E6td\Tns,

-ov, 6, Ephiattes,
the hearth) domestic, at by the day ; to abide, rest, stay ; man's name, tfie nightmare.
home ; an inmate, dweller, lodg- to be conversant or engaged in. 3
E<j>iaci, pi. pres. ind. act of
er ; a inhabit-
citizen, native, E<j>r)ntpia,-as, fa (fr. same) a daily
ant coming, returning or arriv-
; course or rotation; a periodical
^tyfttvos, -n, -ov, par. per. pass.
ing home ; presiding over the office, duty or ministration; a 'of tipiicvtouai. \

hearth, an epithet of Jupi- class, rank, order or family act- E 0/, 3 sin.
impf. act. of e^ifo, for

ter. or
ing successively periodically ; t^irnii. \

^E/rpij, -<5os, f), (fr. t^ivvvyn to a succession, turn; a period,

re-ZfuKs. -teas, f,, a little cup, bud,
put on) a cloak, plaid, outer volution ; a charge, vicissitude. rose or some such ornament. \

garment, surtout ; a robe, man- Etyrinipios, -ov, 6,$, same as

<;///- ind. mid.
iE0/^a<, pres. E<j>if-
tie ; dress, vesture. 9>- and Dor. for
fin, E<j>if(jevai,
g. E<f><TT<5roS, a. pTip.tpn, -lios, ri,(fr. -jon, and, inf. act. E<k-
E^u'iat, pres.
&c. by Cras. a day) a day-book,
ftfitaa ffav , 3 pi. impf. act. of
jour-\ ^Infii.
j, -6ra, &c. par. per. act. of nal an almanack, calendar,
E0t(av,, f. -<Jw, (fr. nr upon, and
ephemens; a name now given toj l(dvw same as &> to sit) to sit
Ion. for c^tT^wv, g. some insects which live but aj down
to, be seated at; to settle
, pi.
da-v -
at or to j?r. institute, ft-
upon ;

-^j, TT and th.

/;, (fr. to, , -.w, 6, fa (fr. same) o/ a !
x0fora, Dor. for
fern at, pounce upon, attack. 2 a. ind
oversight, superintendance, tur
par. pres. of TrfxTrjV mid. (.it^rd^rjv.
act. vey ; the magistracy or qffice of
E0/w, (fr. EOT upon, and l'w to sit EQttr&u, Dor. for e 0i|, 3 sin the
Ephori at Sparta.
th. w ) same as dtpicdini}. pres. ind. act. of 0(o>. E0<5pj, 2 sin. cont. impf. act.
E0f'7//< )
p. ttpKlKa, (fr. 7T
0)/(TCi>, EtyiaraTai, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid E0dpvi>, Dor. for E0dpovv, 1 sin.
to, and SV/n to send)
to senc
3 sin. impf. act. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act E<j>6-
upon, to or against ; to
impost Or for 0/ora, which by Apoc paa, -as, -, 1 pi. 1 a.
or fix upon, visit with , for ind. act. of
inflict, eQiffTuBi, pres. impr. act. of 0opf'w.
to set on, instigate, suborn ; to f.
i-icrr^aw, p. t&iaTrjKa Dor. for
EctiiaTijpt, I0op//d0j, -ziaa, -fv,
enjoin, command ; to
permit, (fr. tri upon, and 'tcrr/pi to set Etyop/iiiBtis, par. 1 a.
allow, suffer ; to remit, dispense st/, ^w<, ;>/ace a< or near ; tt EQopfjirjcraaOai, 1 a. inf. mid. of
with, relax, loosen, slack ;
to ap- set over, appoint as master
peal, summon. E<p'i^ai, to set ruler, &c. (or in pass, to be se (fr. 7Tupon, and to rush,
the mind upon, desire, wish for ; over, be ruler, master, governor th.
bppj an attack) to run, rusJi
to aim at, pursue, seek after, or dart at or upon; to charge,
&c.) to
apply the mind, be at'
impf. act. also -ovv tentive ; to attack ;
<pit)v, fyitov stop, check, restrain .

encounter, to impel,
-S -t$,
-, (as if from to
stand, stop, slay ; to stand force, incite, drive against; to
2 a. act. ind. tyr/v. par. over or upon ;
e0i/u)) to
urge, press propose, offer; to purpose, de-
pres. mid. (pi([ivos. impf. mid. hasten , to stand by, at or near sign, intend ; (fr. bpubs an an-
to come in, be present at or near chorage) to arrive port, an- m
E07<n, and Dor. E^^rt, 3 sin. to hang over, impend ; to comt chor, come to anchor, be moored.
pres. ind. act. Etytpai, Ion. for upon unawares, surprise, par 1 a. ind. act. t(hu>ou.rtaa- mid.
E0(>7, 3 sin. pres. sub. of 0j^ per. act. E^EOTT/KW? and by Cras ,

EtyiKfadai, 2 a. inf. mid. of $<rrwj. 2 a. act. ind. cTrearriv

'E0opoj, -ov, 6, (fr. ztpopdd)
to in-
impr. tmurriQi, -j;rw sub. mcr spect, th. oprfo)
to look) an inspect-
fiat, (fr. 7a at, and iKVfo[j.ai to rw* par. 7Ticrraf, -aaa, -dv. or, overseer, supervisor ; a pat-
come) to come to, arrive at, 0<w<T, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. oi ron, president, governor. 'E0opo;,
reach to ; to come upon, sur-
Ephori, Spartan magistrates.
prise, overtake ; to attack, assail. E</)Xa<5oi', -j -, 2 ,
a. ind. act. oi 'E(])oaov, for 0' o<rov,for as much as,
E<piK6/jir)v, -ov,
in 3 sin. E0Kro, in in as much as, so far, so far as.
3 pi. E<PIKOVTO, ind. EtpiKwpai, 0A$a, -as, -, act -, 2 a. ind. act. of
'E<ppa6ov, -ES,
~!)i -i/rai, sub. pass. 1 a. ind. of 0Xf'yw.
Etiuciadai, inf.
E0<K<5jUvo?, par. 2 a. mid. Eddffridw, Bceot. Sync, for cfco,3>;- 10pa#a, indecl. Heb. Ephrata,
E(piKvovnvos, par. pres. pass, 6no~av, 3 pi. of Etpofij'jdnv, -rjs, - the name of a city.
cont. of last. pass E<p6pT}<ra, -as, -, act. E<ppalfjL, indecl. Heb. Ephraim,
E(j)iKTus, -ov, b, f], (fr. <f>iKvfOfjiai
to a. ind.
E0o/?ov//>?v, 1 sin the name of a man and of a
arrive at) accessible, that may E0o/?ovVro, 3 pi. eont. impf town.
be reached or approached ; com- pass, of 0o/?fu>. -, 3 pi. -fav,
1 a. ind.
:0pafa, -as,
prehensible, intelligible. rjs, -ov, b, (fr. next) act. of d>pd(Tff(t).

;aspy. for
3 sin.

E0<Aaa-a, -as, -, in 3

pi. E0tXacrav, t -_),!. -v<ro)) (ir. 777

upon, anc E0pao travro, Poet, for
Dor. for
0t'X/o-a, &c. 1 a. ind. bfios the road) to travel, take the 3 pi. of 1 a. ind.
act. of 0iXfu). road ; to explore, spy, lie in wait mid. 'E0paera, -as, -, 1 a. ind.

E0(Xaro, 3 sin. of E<j>i\dfir/v, by 0o<$aw, f. -aau), (fr.next) to sup- act. of

3 sin. ply with food,
Sync, for tipi^riad^v,
0(- give provisions^ ppoviT, E<pp6vovv, 2 and 3 pi.
X^o-aro, 1 a. ind. mid. of 0(Xfu). victual ; to furnish, provide cont. impf. act. of
E0'A, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of equip. 3 sin. cont. impf. act.
<p6dtov, -ov, TO, (fr. ?r
upon, anc E0poi;pov^0a, 1
pi. cont. impfl
E0<Xro, 3 sin. of E^jXd/^v, impf. bobs the road) provision for pass," of (bpovpeb).
mid. of 0/Xr^a, for 0tXf'u>. journey supplies, necessaries.
; ,
3 pi. -fav, 1 a. ind. act.
E^i'Xfvv, Dor. forE^i'Xoui/, 1 sin. or S0o<5o?, -ov, %, (fr. same) a way, E(ppvaTTdjj.riv, -ov, -fro, impf.
3 pi. cont. impf. act. of 0tXfa>. road, passage; means, manner mid. of (ppvdvo'b).
E0t'X>70Ev, Sync, for E^iX^o-av, 3 mode ; provision, supplies, equi- E0pvfa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of

pi. of E<j)i\r/6riv, pass. E<j6(X/- page,furniture ; access, approach, d}pvy(jt)

or 0pvo"o*(t).
(ra, -a?, -, act. Edn^rjffdfinv, arrival ; an attack, inroad, in- E0v, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of <pijui.
-co, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of same. vasion ; course, progress, pro- 0v/?p/a>, f. -?ffa), p. 0iJj8pca, (fr.
"E<f>i\ovdi(tov -ovv. impf. act. of 0t- cess
inspection, visiting, rounds.
; EOT intens. and vppifa to
XoVKKl>. E0o<5oy, -ov, 6, (fr. same) an in- th.
v/?pf insolence) to insult,
1 a. ind. act. to
E0iXoo-<50J7<ra, -a?, -, spector, surveyor. affront, offend purposely ;
of 0jXoo-o0fu. Qoira, Dor. E0orn7, 3 sin. cont. wrong, injure ; to deride, mock.
E0ii(pw, fr. Em intens. and Siuipw, impf. act. of 0orao>. i!0ij/?po-roj, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. same)
which see. 50<5i'Vffa, -as, -, 2 pi. -craTE, 1 a. reproachful, contumelious, abu-
E07/*po?, -o, 6, #, (fr. same) Zoue- ind. act. of 0ovvu>. sive ; injurious, opprobrious,
ty,amiable, desirable. poir\ifa, f.
-tVo), p. 0w7rX<Ka, (fr. slanderous.
E0t/tw9?v, ->7f, -77, pass. E0t>w- 7T
upon, and oTrXt^w to arm, th. E<f>vyov, -ES, -E or -tv, 2 a. ind. act.

ffa, -a?, -, act. 1 a. ind. of 0j/ido>. %TT\OV arms) to arm, accoutre,

'E0iov, -s?, ,
2 a. ind. act. of equip ; to prepare, provide, make KAvyoaav, by Dor. Epen. 'or

ready. act. ind.

1 a.
)0w:rX(ra' LXX. for 3 pi. of last.

E0<Viro?, 6, ^, (fr.
-ov,' upon, ETTI inf.
S0v7v, -rjs, -TI, of
(j>oir\ierai. 1 f. ind. mid. 0o- 2 a. ind. pass,
and a horse) on horseback,
JTTTTOJ 01)0).
riding ; a rider, horseman. E0opa'u -5, f. -(7W, p. E0t'Xafa, -as, -, 2 pi. -tm, act.
E0i-mroTofdT7s, -ov, 6, (fr. same, (fr. same, and bodw to 'look) to E<pv\a^d/j.t]v, -w, -aro,
and r6%ov abow) a cavalry arch- look upon, behold, contemplate ; 1 a. ind. of
mounted bowman. to observe, remark ; to look after,
er, pvpvtw -w, (fr. EOT intens. and
E0iVrrji<i, and mid. E0nrra/jai, (fr. inspect, oversee ; to go to see, vfjLvita
to praise) to sing often,
to, and 'iTTTrifjii to fly) to fly chant ; to repeat often ; to sing
irl visit.

to, at or into ; to hasten ; to fly Ed>6psia, -as, /, (fr. last) inspection, of, celebrate, praise, extnl.
1 sili. or by Sync, for tyv-

aav, 3 pi. impf. act. of ^t)//(.

Exn EQ2
'E,Yfji;yimpf. ofy^f), impers. or by firrv, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind 'Eu0a, -dEol. and Ion. for u'wt/,.
Apoc. for y^pjjvat, pres. inf. mid. t/,a0aAAw. -a?, -, per. ind. mid. of |0 U .

act. of same, th. obs. to "Ew0v, (fr. i'ws the morning, ana
owe. 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of ^ -0j/ from) in the morning,
act. a. incf. act. at daybreak ;
"E%p>7cra, -as, -, -w, -aro, 1
soon, betimes ;
//77v, -u>, -aro, 1
pi. Ion. for ^77,
2 sin. 1 1 from morn.
mid. E%pr'i<rdrji, -ijs, -77, pass. 7TW. 'Ecu0?j/ds,
-7), -bv, (fr. same) of or
1 a. ind.
Ion. for pres. inf. act. o morning, ecarly. E fw0t
in the

E^paro, 3 sin. cont. impf. mid. -ov, -cro, impf. mid.

i vov,from morn.
-ay, -, act. ,
EuBovv, Att. for w0ovv, impf. ind.
'EyjHv, v added, 3 sin. impf. i
-w, -aro, mid. act. cont. of wOf'w.

'E^ptffa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of , -77, in 3 pi. -?7<7av, pass. a Ew*iv, -tj, -t, pper. ind. mid.
ind. Poet, and Att. of aVw.
E^po'wi/ro, Poet, for E^pwvro, 3 tra, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act *EwAo?, -ov, 6, f], (perhaps fr. twj
pi. cont. impf. mid. of yoaw. the morning, and oAXuw to
E^W77V, -?7J, -77,
2 a. -aros , TO, (fr. ^0; to cook
, of orfrom yesterday, yesterday'' s ;
-TJS, -n, 1 a. ind. pass. dressed victuals, stewed meat tainted; dead, fiat, insipid;
in 3 pi.
dull, frigid, obsolete.
77v, -<ro, -ro, rf
Ion. for eKsxtpyv, and EK "E^r/criy, -to?, Att. -tu>(, f/, (fr. last EwArav, Poet, and Att. for r,6\-
pper. pass, of ^vw. cookery, boiling, dressing of imv, -us, -t, pper. md. mid. of

E^Dpdf, -a, -ov, fortified, fenced meat.

defended ; firm, strong ; safe,. E^r;rfiSi -ov, b, (fr. same) a cooA: 'EGfjLev and EtS/uv, Poet, for Ji^ev
sure, secure. 'Et^ros, -77, -ov, (fr. same) boiled and w/jv, see w and ia>.
Eup<5w -5, (fr. last) to fortify, de- cooked, diessed. Also subs. Ew/^(, cont. for tdoijm -wpi, pres.
fend, fence, guard ; to strength- certain smallfish. opt. act. of a'w.
en, fasten, fix, make firm. Eipia, -as, %, (fr. frrco to speak) Ewv, roucra, ov, Poet, for dy, oE-
E^JjpcDf, (fr. same) strongly, firm- conference, parley ; discours dr, par. pres. of tipi, to be.
ly ; safe, securely. talk, conversation. 'Ron;, cont. for iaov, Ion. for /aov
'E^w, f, o> and ffy^trw, p. Ei^idaaBat, Poet. !o:
c^iiiaOu .-ojj ,
impf. ind. act. of cdu>.
to of
have, hold, possess; to keep pres. inf. act. cont. r, EuvTifiai, Att. for wv>/-
contain, retain, keep or hold to- Ei/'iaw-tS, (fir. fyw, i'. ui'fVw 1
;., ->/, a. ind. pass, and

gether ; to restrai, to say,

speak) spec,-!:. E^idofti .,
-<rat, -rt7i, ppr. ind. pass.
tain, seizf ; 'ear -u>jiai,to scoff, rat!.
"1 wr.'

carry; to obtain, nerry. orovpriv, Ewi'oCvro, Att. for wvov-

plish; to guard, keep, protect; KifsiBvpfaooftev,
Dor. for
I sin. and uvovvro, 3 pi.
to support, maintain, keep uo ; Htv, 1
pi. impf. act. c>f cont. impf. mid. of same.
to esteem, account, consider ; to
Ei^ioiavro, Poet, for i/^iiavro, 3 pi t>vo%6<jvv, Eii)vo%6ti, Att. forwvo-
ad- cont. impf. mid. of
actuate, influence, impel ; to
t^Jidu. Xoovv, 1 sin. or 3 pi. and wvo-
minister, conduct, order, direct, "E^c/jiai, -ji, -(.nil,
1 f. ind. mid.
p<5<, 3 sin. cont. impf mid. of
manage ; to have in one's power, 7TW.
be able, effect, may or can ; to Ewfa, Att. for 1 a.
q>%a, -as, -,
feel, be disposed, inclined, affect- impf. act. o ind. act. of olyu>.
ed ; to be, be in any certain irnpf. act. o Ewoj, -a, -ov, (fr. wf the morn-
state or habit to practise, be
; ing) morning, early; eastern,
employed, engaged or conver- nfal.
aiwpa, which
in. to dres, for
'E%ouai, adhere, bake, took, Eutpa, -as, }],

cling, be holden, joined or con- victuals. see.

nected with ; to belong, pertain Ew, f. (Tco, p. stKa, obs. to dress t Ewpa, Att. for &pa, 3 sin. cont.
to ; to adjoin, be n-:xt ; to follow, clothe, put on. fr. which comes impf. act. 'Ecupdra, Ewpa\-a-
come next after. KaAtDj fy/iv, to VVV/J.t. v, 'EupaKtvai, j, Att.
rejoice. Tov o' arij.iMaas fYi, he Ew, to set, place, lay ; same as for
wpaKa, 1 sin. and a>pa*:a/<tj',
affronts him. Ety^v JJo-D^oj, he 1
pi. per. ind.
wpaKtvai, per.
was silf.nl or quid. EyfyEva o-w- to which comes inf. and
Ew, wpaKwj, par. per. act. of
the things connected with
safety. TIapovaiav f%iv, to make Ew, to be ; fr. which comes eipi. Ewpy(v, pper. mid. formed iopya,
his appearance.
'E^w ETa/uAaav, Ew, to ^o ; fr. which comes ?/x.
epoya, per. mid. of
to take care of. H<ruy/ai> f%(a, to Ew, )?, ?? ,
Poet, for w, ?)j, ^, 2 a. /pyw, p/fc> or tpSti).
rest, be quiet. to sub. of
Suyyvw/^v f%u, "nfjLi. Or, for w, j??, ^, Ewpra^ov, -f, -, impf. act. of
forgive. kyavaKTrjaiv i^u, to be pres. sub. of tipi, to be.
angry or indignant. Kara^tyt- Ew, a. sin. of ojj.
Ecipwv, Att.
wpwv, impf. act.
T/>tv /yo),
to blame. ot o?, to
'E%ii> E(T;, d. sin. of & St -r), -ov, Poet. cont. of bpdo).
fi'co?, same as &g,
fear. 'Eyw <5pd^ov,
to run. impf. for o?, ??,
ov. Ewj, and Poet,
act. ?yov. 2 a. act. ind. ea%ov ZCJ, cont. for aw, f. sdirw. until ; while, whilst, during ; un-
impr. o-y/s, as if fr. cry/j/*!' sub. Ewa,-ag, >/, viz.
%wpa, and 'Ewa, to, even unto, as far as ; up to,
(7^t5, -77?, -p. per.
ind. pass. -wv, ra, (fern. sin. and neut. asmuch as, so much as ; as, like;
pi. of twos eastern, th. ew? the
1 ind. pass. a%s.Q>]ao-
<ry^<u. f.
when; that.
fJLUl. east) the eastern region or parts, Ews, -w, 7/,
used in prose, Hws by
"EX^VTI, Dor. for fyuxri, pi. pres. the east. the poets ; morning, dawn ;
sub. act. of last. Ewya, -as, -E, mid. 'Ewy/xai, forenoon ; the east ; Aurora.
Eywpst, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. -fat, -arai, pass. per. ind. a. sin. CM.

Ewy^fvoj, par. per. pass. Att. w<ra, cont. fr. taovaa, fern. par.
1 a. ind. pass. for
ijs , -77, ipya, wy//at, yy^fvof of o/yw. pres. act. of w.
Ewyu?a, fern, of E^ywj, -uta, -oj, Ew<ra, Ewffdfirjv, Ewaavro,
^w<Ta//7v, -a , -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. par. per. mid. of same.

for wffa, -a?, -, act. wvdpriv, -w,

of yww. rjv, -?is, -rj, Att. for in 3 pi. uxravro, mid. 1 a.
aot//t -w//t, -aro,
E'y,w(r0i?i', -K, -77, 1 a. ind. pass, of -aotf -5f , -aot -tD, pres. opt. act. ind. of w0fd) or w0.
(5w, obs. see yuvvtfw or-u/ji. of tdoi. Att.f
. 1 a. ML t^ T.-..
c.: s.:j lh-? li'-iU;-. Zc.~ JTT:. Z "


Ioi ftan.

1 rrt r

;-;. M r xpat>) to tau

Bwrrat- Alt. ibr Avw, see inewp- _ . .:. : ,

-fiiiM _

enclitic) o ox, >* c- Vs^MB. i gr, tiaZotf,

-wACfr'*-**6 ?- H^name.

''.'' 1'- '.


"'--'r^;.. . ..-.-.-:. .--Z:',';

:'."-:.,.:.;. fr. S^.-r. -1
UB IB ibe -^"es: 'J "
u, :-:'
--';": ;

,'";;.;:._; u foam)
aW*fFi nr7
-:f. rtcrrf. VMVnj

.". .'
" . . .' . "". .
"'". :

/ '. "/" ".


. .

> -w.
1 a.

ZeXftw, Dor. for &i\(m>.

ZaAwrk, Dor. ir$9XH^.
f the C
.rr^rf. ;^ed :e:.a.. As I

ZA ,,:.
meral mark, it signifies >
:r M.^ri'ier r. plict-- ; .

an t subscribed,
seven thousand,
A stacci
i m t:
Doric dialect it ec4 m^toou, iMlBR:
-ri; ;;.ir;rru :::'..: r. . I

ZA, a parude set at die t
xiod. actofl CT


Her.. Zji"....': . . :.'


Z&f,-W, 6, ih ""

... v ,;; ^-:"

Z.-. .-=--. -- *:

I L.T. i-';: ;-'.::. ^ h lr*VC figW


yoke, and I'TTTTOJ a horse) a war\Zr}\r/fiwv, -ovos, fa fa (fr. j/s, Dor. for 2 sin.
?, pres,
ind. act. cont.
chariot. emulate) envious, jealous. Zfjaai, 1 a. in
Zr,\ ~i, cont. fr. r;Aot, 3 sin. pres. act. Ztjuao-a, n. fern. par. 1 a.
drawn or carried in a cart ; har- ind. act. of ^Xdw. act. Z?yo-o/ta,-77,-rai,pl.-<7o/ i- :

nessed, yoked in pairs, paired, Z??Xo?, -ov, 6, (perhaps

fr. E) to be 6a, -treads, -crovrat, 1 f. ind. mid.

coupled. warm) warmth, heat ; a fervent Zi7"<ro//v, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act.

ZcvyXri, -TJS, fa {fr. same) a collar, mind ; emulation, rivalry ; spite, Zrjaw, 1 pi. -crw^j', 1 a. sub.

yoke. envy, jealousy ; anger, indigna- act. Z?;T, 2 pi. cont. pres. sub.
a tion ; ardency act. of aw.
Ztiyjta, -aros, rd, (fr. same) zeal, ; devotion,
joining, uniting, union; a junc- eager service, worship, adora- Dor. for
'fjTas, -a, 6, Zfjrris, Zetes,
ture, joint, seam; a bridge; fet- tion. a son of Boreas.
ters ;
Zeugma, a grammatical r>\oTVTtii) -w, f. -T'/(J(I),
(fr. last,
and ';r-(, pres. iiapr. act. of^rjTtu).
figure. TUTTTW to strike) to be zealous, iireiv, pres. inf. cont ZrjTcls, -?,
Zevyvvaffi, Ion. and Zevyvvrt, Dor. serve ardently, worship devoutly ; 2 and 3 sin. cont. pres. ind.
^evyvvtn, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. jealous, any, grudge, bear ZrjTctTt, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or
for to be

Zvyvvfjivai, for ^evyvvvai,

ill will.
impr. Zj7raYw, 3 sin. cont.
pres. inf. act. of fyvyvvui. Zn\o-vTria, -as, fa (fr. same) jea- pres. impr. act. Z7?rtVa,3sin.
Zfvyvvw, or Zwyvu/u, f. $ev%w, p. Itjusi/ ; emulation, rivalry, com- cont. pres. ind. pass, of tyrta.
t^ev^a, to join, conjoin, unite, petition. '.TITCVJJS,
2 sin. pres. sub. act. of
connect; to yoke, harness toge- r/Xorviros, -ov, 6,17, (fr. same^'ea- ZrjTLixa, Poet, for
ther ; to pair, couple, per. ind. lous, suspicious ; envious. ',r)Tfw -&, f.
-?;<ru>, p. (.tyrriKa, to
pass, efyvyuai. ti\6t>)
-w, f. -w(ra>, p. ^/XwKa, (fr. seek, look for, search, inquire ;
Zsvyos, -EOS, T&, (fr. last) a set, yoke, ^f/Xoj zeal) to imitate, strive to to argue, discuss, debate, ques-
team; a pair, couple; a cha- excel, emulate, rival; to envy, tion, examine; to desire,
riot,carriage, vehicle ; the cross- hate,grudge; to canvass, see.k need, miss ; to pursue, prosecute,
bar of a lyre to ivhich the strings favour or interest; to desire ea- endeavour after, impf. act. >/

were fastened. gerly, covet, long for ; to put to TEOV -ovv. pres. bid. pass, fyrto-
Zevytj), obs. see a test, try, prove; to perish, pai -ovfiai. impf. pass.
ZcvKTrjpia, -as, fa and ZevKTijpiov, die.

-OD, To,(fr. same) a chain, fetters; Z7Xc3,l sin. cont. pres. ind. act. fiT-ripa, -UTOS, TO, (fr. last) a
a band, bond. of last; but Z??Xw, d. sin. of question, doubt, object of inquiry ;
- a debate, dispute, controversy, pi.
, -ov, b, fa (fr. same)_7'ome<i,
united, connected ; harnessed, Z7?Xwo avr?, n. pi. par. 1 a. act.

yoked together ; coupled, pair- Z^Xwaov, 1 a. impr. act. E?Xa5- rjTtjar),

2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. Z??-
3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. oi
Trjffai, 1 '<i. inf. act. ZrjTTjcov,
1 a. inf. act.
'S.ev^ai, Zevt-dficvos, -a'rw, 1 a.
impr. act. Z?7T>/G-r,
-rj, 'ov, par. 1 a. mid. of evy- TjXuais, -ios, Att. -w?, fa (fr. -covert, 2 and 3 pi.
1 f. ind. act.
VVUl. same) emulation, rivalry, com- Zr;T)ja<j)iJ.V,
1 pi. 1 a. sub. act.
Ztv%is, -ios, Att. -sw?, fa (fr. same) petition ; jealousy, suspicion, en- of same.
a joining, connexion, union, con- vy. r/Tijcis, -ios, Att. -to?, fa (fr.
junction. Zr?Xwm?, -a, -ov, (fr. ^Xdw to en- same) a search, inquiry, investi-
ZEV^CO, -a?,-,l f. ind. act. of&vy- vy) we should emulate ; it is to gation ; disputation, discussion,
wm, as if fr.
<?t5yw. be envied, &c. according to the debate, controversy, pi. cont.
ZEUW, -do? -ou?, //, a woman's verb.
name. ZvXwr?)?, -ov, b, (fr. 7X0? emula- ZIJTTJTLKOS, -ou, 6, fa (fr. same) cu-
Ztvojiai, Dor. for ysvopai, see yuw. tion) a zealot, stickler, partisan rious, inquisitive, prying; con-
1 a. inf. mid. fyvaaQai, violent adherent ; an emulator, troversial,

Zevs, Zrjvbs, and Ato?, b, (fr. tw to imitator. grovel, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. or
be hot, or (dw toanimate) Ju- Zr)\(i)Tbs, -ov, b, fa (fr. same) en- d. pi. cont.
par. pres. act
piter, the
supreme divinity o viable, imitable, worthy of imi- neut. sin.
the Greeks and Romans ; the tation. sin. ZTJTOVVTCS, n. and Zrjrovv-
heavens ; the air or upper re- Zrjui, same as aa>. pres. impr. TOV, g. pi. COnt. of (tJTfW.
gion of it, the (Ether.
i, -rw, 2 a. act. ind. '?v, -77?, Zvrptlov, -ov, TO, (fr. a much, and
Ze^vpirj, -??, f] (fern, of
next) same -?7* opt. ^atrjv,
in 3 pi. ^airiaav. TOW to fear) a work-house or jail
as &0VOO?. and cuv. for refractory servants.
Ze4>vpios, -a
and Ion. -77, -ov, (fr -as, fa hurt, injury, damage, Zf/rw, 3 sin. of %rjdi, pres. impr.

next) of the zephyr ; v^estem. loss ; a fine, mulct, punish- act. of/7/u. Or Dor. for drw,
Zttyvpos, -ov and Ion, -oto, 6, (fr. ment. 3sin.cont.pres. impr. act. ofdw.
tpr\ life, and 0f'pw to bring) the Z^rw, pres. ind. act. cont. ZrjTu-
zephyr or west wind. last) to injure, damage, impair tv, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act.
Ztd) -w, to be hot
^o-a), p. f^*ca, ; to amerce, fine, punish by a pe- \r]T&v, par. pres. act. cont. of
to boil, seethe, stew; to work, nalty or loss. 1 a. ind. pass,
ferment, bubble up, burst out,
spring. 1 a. ind. act. ifyaa. 1 a. ^J7^to0ui, -77?, -rj, 2 pi. Zr]p.ib)6riTC spear ; a lance, javelin, dart, all

pass. ind. tfyvQriv par. ^EcrQa's. 1 a. sub. pass.

Z^tw^tro^at of iron.
Zftav, -ovaa,-ov, (par. pres. act. ofj -77, -rat, 1 f. ind. pass, of last.
Ztyy/,(?Ep(?,-o?,Att. -EW?, fa ginger.
last) warm, fervent, zealous, n. | ^77^iu)jua, -aro?, TO, (fr. same) a Ziyyos, -ov, b, the murmur of bees ;
pi. mas. ^ovr?. penalty, mulct, fine; damage a buzz, drone, hum or any such
ZJj, Dor. for ,
cont. fr. d ,
2 loss, injury. sound.
sin. pres. but Dor.
impr. Zf/, Z77/KW(Ti?, -10?, Att. -w?, fa (fr Zi^dviov, -ov, TO, nzane, darnel,
for cont. fr. 3 sin.
Qq, dei, same) injury, the infliction q tares.
pres. ind. act. of dw. Or for loss ; a fining or levying a pe Ziii),
to seek, look for ; to inquire,

^77, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of nalty. ask ; to examine.

Zrjv, Dor. for

fa, pres. inf. act Zofa -TjSt fa Ion. for Qwfi.
ZrjBi, -TW, (pres. impr. act. of c^ cont. of dw.
Zopicas, -doos, fa
Ion. for dopKds.
may you live, long life to you. Znvbs, Jupiter.
Zfjj/, See Z ZopofldpeX, Heb. indecl. Zorobct*
same as Z7J>?. -a, a, a man s
Zrjflo?, v0oj. name. bel, a man's name.
ZQN zan
ZovaQu, 3 sin. cont. pros, o>c? alive,, Zuvvvut, same as^ojvvvw.
irapr Zudypiov, -ov, rb, (f:.
and dypa a catch) ransom.
pass, of <5o>. ZiavwcKonrjv, -ov, -tro, impf. pass.
for 7 of <j)vvvfficw, Ion. for
Zo'Upolo, Ion. o<pcpo 'padifta -t5,f.-/;<rw,p.wypu$;;Aca,i
a. ind. act. Zwna'w, Zuvvvut, and Zuvvvovtu,
;, -a,-ov, (fr.gdfog darkness] %<aypd<f>r,o-a. per. /

ind. pass. f.
CwGb), p. (CWKCL, to bind round,
dark, dusky, gloomy, misty,
obscure. tie about, gird, harness, gird on;
Zo$a;g, -ccca, -tv, (fr. same) ZuyptHpia -a?, i^, (fr. wd? alive, to environ, encircle, impf. tuv-
and ypdipd) to write) a painting, wov. per. ind. pass, i^c^ai. 1 a.
ay, dark, gloomy.
a anc ind. mid.
Z6$og, -ov, b, (fr. much, picture, delineation, portrait. ^ii)ad^iTjv,-u), -a.ro, 1 a.

viQog a cloud) darkness, obscu- Zwyptt0o?,-ov,6,(fr. pass. ind. i^<jQr,v par. ^uoQug.
rity, gloominess,
shade ; dark- er, limner.
and Zwvriov, -ov, rb, (fr.
ness visible, blackness ; hell, the Zuypte -ci, pres. impr. act. of dw to live, or fr.
fa barley) a
infernal regions ; the west. Zwyp/u) -<2, f.-rja<t),p. f^wyp^Ac :,' ir. mill, millstone, quern.

-<3, f.
-uo-u), (fr. last) to be $<abg alive, and dypa prey) to Zwoyove'iffQai, pres. inf. pass, cont
Zwoyovjjcra, 3 sin. i f. ind. act.
dark or shady ; to
take alive, spare life, sive quar-
darken, shade,
overshadow. ter, take prisoner; to animate.

;, -to? -or?, 6, ft,

same as enliven, vivify ; to groi, .

Zojoyoi-fw -w,f. -ijc-w, p. tfooyovriKa,

tote. per. ind. to
"* \~

< ,f *
pass. tQuyprjpat. (fr. next) give life to, gene-
Zuypia, and Zwypeta, -ag, see produce young ;

Zo'^oxnjj-to^Att.-fuj.,-,^, >}, rate, procreate,

darkness) a darkening, obscura- to save or preserve alive; to vivi-

tion; darkness, gloominess, shade Zuypm?, -ov, 6, (fr. fayptw, which fy, animate; to have life, be
obscurity. see) laktn alive, lit alivr .

Z6u, f.
-tic-w, obs. see WVITW. Zwypi//, -rjs, alive,and Zwoydvo?, -ov, 6, %, (fr. fobg alive,
Zvyatrrpov, and -rpiov, -ov, rb, i
dypa a prey) a living- prey, live and yovug offspring) giving life,
coffer, chest, box, 'case, desk. booty ; a captive, prisoner, sur- producing, bringing forth, pro-
viver ; a taking alive, quarter.
Zvyetg, -tlaa, -tv, n. pi. Zvyivrtg. creating ; vital, living, alive.
par. 2 a. pass, of fyvywui. Zwypwj-, par. pres. act. cont. ZuoypaQia, Zuoypd-
ZvynXdrrig, ov, b, same as .u, &c.

rrjg. Zwciaicds, -ov, b, (fr. next) the Zo- Z&oiui, pres. opt. act. of ^ww, for
ZvyiTj, -rjg, fj, (fern. Ion. of next) diac.

wedlock, marriage. Zutdiov, BV, rb, (dim. of wov a liv- Z&oiffi, d. pi. Ion. of <3ov or <w<5?.
Zvyiog, -ov, b, ij, (fr. next) yoked, ing creature) a small animal Z&ov, -ov, rb, (neut. of |wdf alive)
harir ',ke, about har-
or creatu r e ; a constellation or a live thins, living crcatare, ani-
ness ; pertaining to wedlock, ;
sign. mal.
marriagi i'>k. ZWE, Ion. for
3 sin. impf. act. Zuovrt, du. ZwovTt?, n. pi. par.
TO, (fr. .inf. act. of &6w, pres. act. of u3u>.

fyvyvvji to join) a yoke, collar, Poet, for (?a'a>. Zwovn, d. sin. of saree, also Dor.
harness; bondage, slavery, sub- ZWCA:OV, Ion. and Poet, for f'uov for ?uovcri, d. pi. or 3 pi. pres.
jection; a '>is; the impf. of ^ww, for a'w. ind. act. of s*rr;e.
cross bar of a lyre or harp, to >fti ->iSi ^i (fr- aw to live) life, Zworroifw -oi, f. -fffu, p. efaoiroiriKa,
which the slrimgs are fastened ; a existence ; condition, lot ; con- (fr. fabs 3tlve,and roifw to make)
bench, transom ; a line of duct, behaviour; livelihood, sub- to make alive, give life to,
troops. sistence, means, property. en, vii'ify, animate, enliven. 1 a.
toyoke, Zw/, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of u>o).
- ind. cti>oTrou'/Or)v.
'"ru, (fr. last) pass. par. fao-
horn tught ; to en- Z&rjv, -rig, -77, Att. for
^doifii -w//
subdue, conquer ; to join, ooif -(3?, -di. -w, pres. opt. act. Zaorroiriffig, io?, Att. -o?, f,, (fr.
together ; to fix thf of law.' same) w or o
enlivening giving
cross bar to a lyre. Zco^o-t, Ion. for d. pL of] life to,
production, procreation}
Zvytnua, -arog, rb, (fr. last) a band,
cramp, fastening, brace. Zu0dA/no?, -ov, 6, f,, (fr. fa) l^e Zoibg, -q, -bv, (fr. cio> to live) liv-
ZvQog, -ov, b, or -tog -ovg, rb, (per and ^a'A to cherish) ehensh- ing, alive.
haps fr. %iia to boil, and aiddg ing, nurturing, kind, fetid; live- Zudrrjg, -rrrog, fj, (fr. last) that
heat) drink made of barley, beer, ly, animated, brisk. whereby we live and breathe;
ale. Zu'tu, -ag, 11, for^ww- animation, life, spirit.
a crea- ZuoroKfw -w, (fr.
(perhaps fr. fw to ZwiKog, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. C,uov ^o)3 j alive, and
leav- ire) having lif~, living,
sensi- rtKTu to bear) to beget,
ferment) yest, barm, ture) bear,
en. ble ; animal, rjrporeai. produce, bring forth alive.
Zvuo7, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. Z&pa, -arof, r',(fr. ^wvvvw to gird) Zworoitia, -ag, {,", (fr. same) a pro-
of a coat ofvtail ; a belt, sash, gir- ducing or bringing forth alive.
dle ; a waistcoat. ZworoKog, -ov, b, f,, fr. same) pro-
cont. fr. (jdofitv, 1 pi. pres. ducing its
Zvpj barm) to work, ferment ; w^icr, young alive ; vivipa-
to leaven, cause to ferment. ind. act. of du). rous.

Zi'maua, -arog, ^, (fr. last) any log. Att. - W j, {,, fr. iiofyvra, -uj',r,(neut. pi. of next)
thing leavened, as bread, ale, sauce, and apvw to draw) animal plants, zoophytes.
lenvtn, yest, barm. a ladle. Zia6<pvrog, -ov. b, (fr. ^wo? alive, and
ZviiiDffif, -log, Att. -EU?, f,, (fr. -;i', rb, (dim. of next) <pv<a
grow)/ertifc, productive;
same) working, fermentation. next. living, alive ; planted, rooted, m
Zvt^rbg, -f), -bv, (fr. same) leaven- Zupbg, -ov, sauce ; brotii, soup,
b, the ground.

pottage, minced meat. Zwoo) -w, (fr. fabg alive) same as

Zuaypdipu, and Zukypa<f>fw, (fr. Zwv, cont fr. $duv or $dov, n.
dive, and ypdtiw to write) to ZWITOC, g. Zohn,d. Zwvra, u-t'pf'w -5,
f. -f/ffia, (fr. same, and
paint to the life, delineate, por- a. sin. or neut. pi. Zo5vr?,n. pU to light up, kindle ; to
-T-p fire)
tray, express. Zwvrwv, g. Zuhra?, a. all inftame, animate, excite ; to a~
Zu, 1 sin. Ztiutv, 1 pi. cont pres. cont. par. pres. act. of aw. wake ; to restore,
refresh, revive ;
ind. or sub. of dw. Zwvn, -rig, fi, (fr. wwva> to gird) to increase, enlarge.

ZuayoculidfiEvog, -rj, -ov, par. 1 a. a girdle, sash, belt; a pocket, Zwxvpov, -ov,rb,(fr.
same] aspark,
mid. purse ; a zone.' embers ; hot cinders, live coal.
nr HTE
fuel ')
a remainder, remnant, race ;
HycpiQovro, 3 pi. impf. pass, o -OVVTUI, 1 sin. and
3 pi iSofiat, f.
'ficofnai, p. Tjap.at, (fr.
cont. iirsjs. ind. mid. o! /
Itovs sweet) to be delighted, de-
-ov, (par. pres. mid light in, enjoy, be pleased or gra-
Hvp0v,Bceot. and^Eol.forHyf'p f, -I/,

drjffav, 3 of cont. of same) foremost, chief tified; to rejoice, be glad. par.

pi. Hyfp0i7v,->7?,-7,
a. ind. pass. -t choice, select, esteemed ; Subs, a pres. mid. fjod^vos, -n,-ov, d. pi.
'Hytp/ca, -as,
per. ind. act. of ay'pu> or eytipu leader, chief, head, captain, com -ois or -oiai.
3 sin. and mander. Dor. for 'Hoopivr,, fem.
'Hyr0, 2 pi. 'Hyro',

"Hyovro, 3 pi. of rjydftijv, impf 'Hyotu', (fr. fi surely, and y par. pres. mid. of last.
pass, of dyu>, however) or, whether ; yes "Hc'ov, and Dor. "\cov, -cs, -, impf.
same as frytpwv. that is to say or 2 a. ind. act. of do<a.
'HyErrj?, -oC, 6, surely, truly ;
videlicet. "U-'-or, -ts, -, 2 a. ind.' act. of aotia.
HyijytpKuv, Att. for
^ytpwiv, pp
act. of
yjpw. 'Hyptro, Poet. Sync, for tydot 'Hoovrj, -?js, h, (fr- fi&vs sweet)
to 3 sin. impf. pass, offyw'pw. sweetness ; pleasure, delight, en-
HvijXrf$i f. -affw, (fr. ^yf'o/iat
lead, and tXaw, for fXatfvw to HypwQnv, -rjs, -n, 1 a. ind. pass. joyment ; gratification,
ind. act. gence
drive) to fearf, guide, conduct, go 'Hypi'/ca, -as, -, per. T
; lust, sensuality.
lead the way; to herd, -, 1 a. in H<5o?, -tos, -ovs, same)
before, 'Hyon:c, -a?, TO, (fr.
collect or assemble together. of aypt5w. sweetness.

"Hy>7/ta, -oroj, ro", (fr. fyfOftai

to Hypi'wKa, -as, -, per. ind. act. 'Hoos, -eos -or j, TO, vinegar, acidity,
lead) guidance, direction, rulr Hypiwy^cu, -ffat, -THI, per. hid

counsel, advice ; design, plan pas-. HyptWa, -af, -, 1 a "Hopuffa, -as, -e, I a. ind. act.
course; inclination, will. md. act -- Hypi&ffOai, per. inf "Hfyad/uu, -aai,-<rrai, per. ind.
"Hytjfiai, per. ind. pass. 'Hy^o-d pass. cont. of aymdw. pass, oflopdfa.
lir]v, -uj, -arc, 2 pi. -traade, ind. RypoiKyjadfinv, -u, -aro,
1 a. ind HlpriKus, -via, -os, par. per. act.
'Hyrjffdutvos, -TJ, -ov, par. 1 a. laid, of a'yp<m-. of acpfd).
mid. of same. -05, -, per. ind. act. o Hopvvdrjv, -TIS, -V,
1 a. ind. pass.

-TJS, -77, and Att. edynv,2a.

'Hyrjv, of ufpvvta.
md. pass, of dyo> or dyvv/ju. tynv, -ov, -ETC, 3 pi. -^ovro Ho"i>, (neut. of TJOVS sweet) same as

'Hyrjaat, -dtrBw, 1 a. impr. raid. pass. Hywvtff^ai, -am

'Hyfjcrdfjir/v, -u, -aro,
1 a. ind. -uTiu, per. ind. pass. Hyomo- Hovcirdai, fem. pi.
as if fr. rjov-
mid. of fiyiofiai. fiivos, -n, -ov, par. per. pass,
o m>s, -"a, -V, for
s, -ov, b, Hegesias, a man's Hovcirfjs, -fos -ovs, b, f], (fr. ftci's

Ho', for Tjoe. sweet, and *'TO? a word, th.

'Hyrjats, -tos, Att. -w?,^, (fr. fryio- Hoi, -as, -, Att. or Ion. 'o<5a, per fTTia to speak) sweetly speaking,
pai to lead) the lead, head, rule, ind. mid. of a'w. eloquent, persuasive.
government, reign. , -o-at, -rat, per. ind 'Sjfftf-ov , b, >/, (fr. same) sweet;
'Hy^r', for 3 sin. cont. pass. ofi5a0d(<>. >t, agreeable, grateful ;
pres. sub. midi offiytopai. Hot , Poet, and, also, both. deep, sound, balmy.

HyriTfos, -a, -ov, (fr. same)

to be "Ho, (fr. )
fem. and the enclitic HovvatTo,, Ion. for ZvvaiTO, 3 sin.

thought, esteemed, suppu <$E) she,

it ; this, that.
pres. opt. mid. ttcvvdpnv, -u,
'Hyi?r^p, -TIQOS, and 'Hy^rwp, -opoj, "Rba, -as, -,Ion. for f)0iv,-tis,
-aro, 2 pi. -afc, Att. for <5uvd-
6, same as r\yf.puv. 'HSta, (neut. pi. of filvs) same as , impf.
flwd. of ovvapai.

'Hylaffa, -as, -c, act. 'HyidffOrjv, tffor. ,

1 a, ind.
pass. Att. of
-rjs, -n, 2 pi. -OrjTC,, pass. 1 a. H(??a, n. fem. sin. of rjovs-
ind. 'Hyiacyievoj, -TJ, -ov, par. V[0IV, -US, -t, pi. -lflV, -IT, -l- MovviaTo, Ion. and AtL for tcv-

Hy/arai, 3 sin. ind. per. ffav, Att. for tifoiv, which by vavTO, 3 pi. impf. mid. Hik'v*/-
pass, of aytdu). Sync, for acj/mv, pper. ind".

HycuXa)//fvoj, -rj, -ov, par. per. act. of io/o) or dorj/jn. aav, Att. for covv^Qrjv, 1 a. ind.
pass, of ay/cvXdw. Hoi(70a, JEo\. for yens, 2 sin. o pass, of ovva/iat.
"Hy^at, -%ai, -Krai, ind. Hy//f vos , fi$tv, see last. 'Hcrvrat, 3 sin. per. pass, of
-n, -ov, par. per. pass, of dyu. H(5*:a, Att. for Jjxa, per. ind. act. Hovvu, f.
-vvu, (fr. tfvg sweet) to
"HyviKa, -as, -, per. ind. act. of/^u. sweeten ; to sooth, calm, mollify,
Hyv(K<if,-vra, -os, par. per. act. g.
sin. of fjovs. pacify, per. ind. pass, '^ovft^ai.
'UyvifffjLfvos, -TI, -ov, par. per. ,
Att. for ij^ao-av. tiSvodfios, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and
pass, of ayv/u). '> -ns-i -rj, 1 a. ind. pass, ol off
a smell) sweet-smelling,
Hyvdr;*ca, per Hyvdrjo-a, 1 a. ind. fragrant. Subs, mint, cinna-
act. Hyvoinct, Poet, and Dor. t,
3 sin. pres. ind. mid.
3 sin. of ny vdr?<ra. "Hi' era, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of -as, fi, (fr. same, and
Hydouv, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. to endure)
Tra'o-^w voluptuous-
impf. act. of oyvofu. , (fr. tfvs sweet) sweetly, ness, indulgence, pleasure, lux-
'Hyz, -as, -, act. Hy^nv, -w, dearly, agreeably, pleasantly ; ury.
aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of dy vo>. gladly ; willingly, readily, comp. SvTvoos -ovs, -dou, -ou, b, fj, (fr.
"Byov, and Att. rjyayov, -is, -, 1 ^tov, sup. rjonrra. >jovs sweet, and TTV/W to breathe)
pi. -ofiEv. 2 a. ind. act H^, now, already ; presently,
Hyd- sweetly breathing, odoriferous.
-ro, 3 pi. -yovro, impf.
//r/v, -ot', shortly, immediately, directly, Hovs, -eta and Ion. -tin, -i\ siveet,
pass, of dyw. forthwith; since, ago, 'H^ /e luscious ; pleasant,
'Hyopa, -as, -c, and Att. y^yopa, Tro\\ov,long ago,long since. 'Horj grateful, delightful glad, cheer* ;
per. ind. mid. of tydodt. Se Kal, but now also, but more- ful, joyful, comp. ^iwv or
Hydpao-a, -as, -c, in 3 pi. Hydpao-av, over. 'Hot} rrorl, now then, now poj, sup. riotffTOs or f "
1 a. ind. act
Hyopd<70rjv, -TJS, at length. avana, -aros, rd, and
-n, in 2 and 3 pi. -fcyre, -Qnvav, He/?, Att. for ^a, which Ion. for -ov, b, (fr. last) sweetness, lus-
1 a. ind. pass. dousness a sweetmeat,
Hyopac^fvof, ; pre-
-7,-ov,par. per.pass.ofayopd^o;. SiKTiaa, -as, -c, -ffa^tv, -oare, serves ; seasoning, spicery ; atte-

Hyopiv0i7v, -TIS ,-n, in3 pi. Hyopf)0>7- -<rav, 1 a. ind. act. ofadtKtia. viation, relief,amusement, pas-
vav, 1 a. ind. pass, of ayoptvv. Hotov, (neut. sin. of^oiwf) comp. time harmony, melody.
Hyopduvro, Poet, for rtyopuvro, "H<Wra, sup. of ft 5fus- Hlv<f>u)vta, -as, fi, (fr. same, and
cont. fr.
3 pi. impf. H&iuv, -ovoj, 5, fi, comp. "H<5iff- <pa>v?i voice)
sweetness of voice,
pass, of ayopdca.

roc. -77, -nv. sup. of "Mjftw of tone, harmony.

M m
to delight, ibr ?;0aos A.tt. for
*H5w, f.
&ffu, (fr. same) respected) familiar, fv, pper. mid. of
please, gratify, amuse.
1 a. ind. intimate; Subs, a comrade, com- to go.
act. ijaa. panion. Htdeos, and '^0 os, -ov, o, (perhaps
H<5w, Heb. indecl. his light ; the HOdviov, -ov, TO, some kind of drink- fr. at'0w to glow, or aiVtrw to
rainbow. ing vessel, a cup, rush) a young man, youth; a
Hf, Poet, for i), than ; or, cither ; H0s, -dSos, 6, f,, (fr. jjdos habit) bachelor, single, unmarried.
whether. familiar, intimate ; accustomed, 'HIKTO, 3 sin. of T/iy^v, see filvjuai.
"He, 3 sin. of T;a, Poet, for ia, usual ; tame, domesticated, for ///uv, which
'H'tjjLcv, by Sync.
which Ion. for r/r, impf. of njui, 'H0', fon'/Oca, n. ;L. v. pi. of>~;0os. for )']tiuw, 1
pi. of j7tv, pper.
to be. H0?', for H0E?, v. of mid. oii[ti, to go.
H, 3 sin. of jja, Att.' for /a, per. H0?y, pres. inf. act. 'Hi'|a, -as, -, in 3 pi. 'HFfav, 1 a.
mid. of 7/u, to go. H0aos, -a, -or, (by Prosth. ibr & ind. act. of afc-trw.

'Jfca, -as, -, Ion. for fjuv, -us, -> divine, th. Sf'os god) respected, ,
2 sin. of r/'iy^ai, which see.
pper. mid. of tim, to go. rrred, honoured, esteemed ; in- HZ<5j, -Effffa, -EV, by Sync, for

'HEt, 3 sin. of i)tv, see last. timate, familiar, dear.

I Address- rjiovdEis, (fr. rilwv the shore)
Hj<5<i/,-is,-ij by Pleon. fora<5<i/'j ing or speaking to, sir, madam, beachy, confined in banks, with
or by Att. Epen. for fjctiv, which brother, cousin, friend, my dear.
| high banks, with a steep beach.
same eidetv, which H0&i,(ra, -?, - or -EV, pi. -eaptv, 'Hiov, -ov, TO, (fr. ew or c?/t to go)
also Att. for
by Sync, for EICI'/KEIV, pper. ind. -(rare, -<j>iv, 1 a. 'HfleXov,-!*, provisions, victuals, food, meat ;
- or
act. of -v, impf. ind. act. of 0Au>. chaff.
HE%S, by Pleon. or by Att. Epen. YLdfTrjvav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of 'H("oi', - f, -, impf. or 2 a. of E/W,
for 2 sin. Att. of or rfco.
which by Sync, for EIOIJKEI v, pper. H0w,sameas?;0w. Htdv', for rflova, a. sin. of rj'iwv.
act. of EiSfo) or 'H0^, cont.
tifirijii. fr. ^0a, pi. Ili6vff<n, d. pi. Ion. of same.
'Hav, -ts,-i, pper. mid. oft?/u, H0J7*:a, -as -s, per. ind. act. Htovrj, -tj;, ,
a woman's name.
par. per. pass, of >/0o).
to go. , Hiovfjcat, Ion. or Poet, foratovjjo-ai,
"Hctpa, by Pleon. for eipa
1 a. ind. 1 a. inf. act. of aiovdw.
, -), -ov, (fr. ^0os manner)
act. of pw. Or it is 1 a. ind. ethic, relating toprecepts of mo- 'HFos, -a, -ov, (fr. ir/pi to shoot)
act. of instructive; ho-
moral, skilled in the
octpu. rality, bow, unerring,
HAios, -ov, b, Poet, for JJXtos, g. nest, orderly, well conducted ; piercing, an epithet of Apollo,
Ion. r)t\loio. usual, habitual, popular. and Bacchus, the archer.
"HEV, rj with v added, which see. H0JKOS, -/;, -dv, (fr. ^0o> to strain) Hi's, for fa, which for ais, d. pi.
~HEV, fjE with v added, which see. strained, purified, cleared. fern, of
8s,5/, 3.
Hlfrv, Dor. for rji&v, 2 sin. impf. H0<Kws, moral) morally, 'Wiaav, for Icav, 3 pi. of tlv, impf.
(fr. ri8iKb$
mid. of aifa. honestly, soberly, discreetly. of tipi, to go ; or for dear, 3
Hfos, g. of TJVS, Poet, for EI) s. HOfibs, -oil, b, (fr. ^0w to strain) a ofErcra, 1 a. ind. of aw, to go.
Poet, for jjjrep. sieve, strainer. It
may be for law, 1 sin. or
Hfpa, Poet, for fpa, a. of a^p. H0o7ro(f'u) -w, (fr. r/0os manner, and taav. by Sync, for iaaaav, 3 pi.
HEpiQouai, forapt'0o/at,3pl. Hfpf- ~oiid) to make) to form the man- impf. of tar] pi.
OovTai. ners, educate, discipline, in- , -ES, -, impf. act. of EiWw.

HcpfdovTO, 3 pi. impf. pass. Htp- struct ; to accustom, habituate, a, -as, -c, 1 a. ind. act. of
QIV, -TJS, -?, in 3 pi. Hfp0?o-av, 1 give a bias ; to imitate or repre-
a. ind. pass, of acpf9o[tat. sent a character. H?%07V, 1 a. ind. pass, of
" of af/p. H007TOua,
-/s, -r],

Poet, for af'pt,
d. sin.
(fr. same) the
Epipota, -as, ij, a woman's name, forming of manners, education Hi'^f, for^i, which for rj, where.
tptos, -a, and Ion. -?7 ? -ov, (fr. rjrip instruction, discipline ; expres- liwv, -ovos, /, (fr. aiovau to dash)
Poet, for the air) same as sion of the passions, habit or fchore, strand, beach, bank.
af>o. character ; imitation, confor- H(c', for tJKa, 1, or JJKE, 3 sin. 1 a.
-as, -, per. ind. act. mity. ind. act. of "ripi.
Hfpica, r
that ~HKa, or
'Hp/*at, -cat, -rat, per. ind. H0o7ro6s, -of!, o, f/, (fr. same) Hca, quietly, calmly,
pass. Htppjv, -co, -TO, pper. forms the manners or gives a gently, softly ; gradually, by
ind. pass, of aa'pu. habit ; moral, instructive, im- degrees; humbly, submissively;
lEpOEicriSi -tos -ovSi o, 11, (fr. rip,proving, imitative, conformable. little, but little.
Poet, for aftp the air, and a^os -i rb, (fr. td<>) to ac-
'H0os, [KU, -as, -, per. act. of fS<a' of
shape) dusky, misty, dark, ob- custom) a haunt, place much fre-
scure ; also airy, clear, bright. quented ; abode, residence, dwell- ~H*c, -as, -, per. act. of qcw.
Itp6cis, -Eiffa, -EV, (fr. tjfip
Poet, ing, lodging, habitation, home, H/ca, -as,-, 1 a. ind. act. of i'^/d.
for afip the air) same as ap<5is. native place ; custom, habit, Or, per. act. of j/^w or per.
usage ; familiarity, intimacy, ac- mid. of r/Kiii.
I, (fr. same,
and ^otrdw to quaintance ; disposition, genius, [icaov, impf. Att. of EIKO^W.
frequent) wandering
in dark- turn of mind ; manners, morals, H/caip?ff0, 2 pi. cont. impf. mid.
ness ; towering or passing through conduct. of aKaipfOfiat.
the air, skimming the air,fiying; 'H05/i<w, impf. act. cont. of a0u- H/caXds, -ov, f>, f/, (fr. TJKU
aerial, lofty. ju'u). Or, Att. for sdvpovv, same

quiet, still, calm, tranquil ; gen~

'HcpTo,3sin. seeinfcpKa.
of0 tie, humble, submissive.
for ytioav, 3 pi. of fieiv. 'H0u> or H0o>, f. -j
, Att. p. -T]Ka, to Hicaxv, -S -, 2 a. ind. act. of

Hcr/wv, -covos, 6, Eetion, a nian's strain, sift, purge, refine.

name. Hi'', for ?7(, and rjhv with v added, ,
3 sin. of fca, I a. ind. act.

Hav0??v, -7?, -7i 1 a- ind. pass, of 3 sin. of of IV j. Or of fiKov, impf. or

aaiVo>.. HFa, -as, -, Ion. for ^a, which >7/ca,per.
mid. of
'Hrjv, Att and Poet, irjv, for fjv, Att. for aa, per. mid. of eipi, H(, 3 sin. "H ,
3 pi. pres.
impf. of tipi, to be. toga. ind. act. of J^w.
Hr)p, rjipos, b, r,,
and Poet, for a^p. TAiyiiat, -%ai,-Krai, per. and Hfy- H/cv, -is, -<> for j'rav,
'H0a, Att. for e?0a or which is pper. ind. act.
('co0a, per. finv, -fo, -KTO, pper. pass, of
ind. mid. of f'0w.
dy^ai, per. and
dtffffd). or for or of to go.
H0t<$a, a. sin. of r/Bds. tiypriv, pper. pass, of dica. KMV, (fr. 9 or?
and K ^ an en-
s, -ov, l>, ,% (perhaps Poet. litiv, wieis, n'iei, Ion. for fitiv, which clitic termination) or, /", pr^er,
ready for the loom a ing, raving
certainly, tru- yarn ,
; ; foolish,
whether; surely,
warp. silly ; stupid, dull, sense-
ly. simple,
1 a. ind. mid. HAaKarr/v, -f;vos, 6, (fr. last) a kind less ;
insipid, tasteless.
HKccdiLrrVi -w, -aro,
of aKfOfiai* offish. Acva, HAjud^ijv, Poet, and JEoi.
- for fiXniaa,
'H(C<rros, -?, -t', (fr. rj for a neg. HAdAafa, -as, ^in 3 pi. HAa'Aa^av, -j, -e, I a. ind. act.

and Ktvrcu to goad) not submis- 1 a. ind. act. of aAaAdcw. and i]\tvadjjLi]v, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind.
per. ind. pa^s.
mid same asuAf'w.
sive to the goad ; wild, ungovern- [Aapai, -(rat, -ra, u'w,
of fAdo) or fAauvu). Att, -as, -c, 1 a. ind. act.
able ; untamed, unbroken. A//Aa^ia>

H*>7K<}ai,-is, -> for aKijKdtiv,

Att. HAa>o-0a, Dor. for ?/Adit0u, 1 pi.

for vKdEiv, pper. ind. mid. of ofHA//Aaro, Poet, for A;/Aaro, 3 sin.
in 3 pi. HAavro, of t\ri\dpriv, see Aj}Aa/*at. Or
HAd//??v, -w, -aro,
Att. for yKriKosiaiiv, 3 1 a. ind. mid. of aAAo/*a. by Att. redupl. for j/Acro, which
HAao-'/for 'HAaaa, 1, or 'HAao-, see.
pi. of last.
ind. act. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of fAavvw. HAr/At^//r?v, for aA^A//M//yi',
'KKtKa, -as, -, per.
HK((7aitjv, -u>, -aro, 1 a. ind. lAdovcw,
and HAacxdu>, (perhaps pass. Att. of aAfitrfxii.
mid. Hicio-ufvos, -?,
fr. dA?? a wandering,
-ov, par.
or fAdw to ~HA0', for f;A0, 3 sin. of ~HA0ov,
drive) to
go Pandering about, for i}Au0ov, 2 a. ind. act.
per. pass, ofam'ijw. Sync,
"H*c(crra, next) least of all, rove, roam ; to stray ; to
little, by
no means, not at all. avoid, elude, evade, decline. 'HA0oVav, LXX. for rjA0ov, 3 pi. of

HKIOTOS, -rji -ov, (sup. irreg. fr. lAdo-rov -ouv, -s -as, -

-, last.

smallest. impf. act. of aAaorfw. HAt, Heb. indecl. Eli, my God.

/j/ca gently) least,
'HKpaffav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of lAdfrrpOV -ovv, -S -S, -
-*, 'H\idopai, (fr. i?A<os the sun) to
impf. act. of fAaffrpfw. expose to the sun, bask; to. sit
'H/coa, -asi -, per. ind. mid. of HAaro, 3 sin. "HAavro, 3 pi. 1 a. judicially in the open air, hold

aKovij}' Att. aKTJKoa. ind. mid. of the court H\tata' to plead or sue
H/coAou'0,3sin. HAroAoij0oi)v,3pl. HAaro, cont. fr.
n\dtro, 3 sin. in that court.
cont. impf. act. impf. mid. of aAao//at.
H*coAoii0>7)ca, "RXiaia, -as, 7% (& same) Helicsa,
-as, -, ilAarrovd//jv -ov^rjv, -tou -ou, -itro
HoAou0/?(ra, -as, a court held at Athens in the
- or
-EV, pi. -aafjitv, -(rare, -aav, -?ro,in 3 pi. HAarrovfovro -ouvro, open air.
1 a. ind. act. of aoAo0fw. impf. pass. HAarrdvr;o-a, -as, R\ia$, -ov, o, Elias or Elijah tho
H/coi<:v, 1 pi. pres. or impf. or 2 a. -, 1 a. ind. act. of e\arroveu). prophet.
ind. act. of Jy^u). HAdrrco/ra, -as, -, per. HAdrrw- "HAtdw -w, (fr. SyAtos the sun) to be
H/coi<, -s, -, impf. act. of same. o-a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. HAar- like or resemble the sun ; to

H*cdvr;Lja,-<ra,-ra(,per. ind. pass. rw^f'vos, -rj, -ov, par. per. pass shine, beam, radiate, be bright.
of Aarrdw. HAtdwv -wv, -dovffa -wva, -dov -wr,
"RKOV, Ion. for tj-nov. HAai>vro, 3 sin. impf. pass, of in n. pi. fem. cont. TJXi&cai, par.

'RicovKa, -as, -, per. ind. act. pres. act. of last, bright, shining,
'Hf.-ouo-' for'H<ouo-a,-as,-or-v, HAyqjca, -as, -, per. ind. act. radiant ; golden, yellow.
pi. -ffaficv, -crare, -aav, 1 a. ind. HAy77K<bs, par. per. ind. act. HA/^aros, -ou, and Ion. -oto, 6, #,
act. -,
H/coiJ<r6r;i', -r;s, -/> 1 a. 'H\yrjaa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. the sun, or aAirt'w to
(fr. JjAjos
ind. pass, of sani. .

, impf. act. cont. of aA wander, and /3uj'vw to go) to be

reached only by the sun's beams,
-as,-, 1 a. ind. act. of ,ya, -as', -, 1 a. ind. act. ol inaccessible; rugged, craggy,
xhos, -n, -o' (P^. per. fAfy^w. precipitous; straying away, wan-

pass, of same) exact., particular ; HA>/0J?V, ->JS, -7, pi' -9riflEV,-dt)T, 1

dering past discovery.
finished, completed.
a. ind. pass. HAf^f'vos,-/;, -ov 'HAj'ruov, -ES, -, impf. ofaAii'oj.
HKp0to/*AWf,(fr. last) exactly, par- par. per. pass. HAf'jjo-a, -as, 'HAtfla, (fr. r;A'0<os silly) in vain.
;rly, nicety ; completely, per-
- or
-cv, 1 a. ind. act.
of t\tt to no purpose ; foolishly,
/%. [Afijufiat, -i^at, -rrat, per.
ind. Or, (fr. aA<s enough) abundant-
HAfpoaffdur/v, -(j),-aro, 1 a. ind. mid. pass 'HA0a, -as, -, per. ly, plentifully, largely ; nume~
of aKpodo/xai.
ind. act. 'HAfi^ov, -ES, -, rously, in crowds.
Hra, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. impf. act. 'HAa^j -as> -> 1
HAt0<a'|u>, (fr. next) to behave silli

"RKTO, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass, of a. ind. act. HAatf d^r?v, -w ly, be foolish, dote, drivel, rave.
-aro, 1 a. hid. mid. of a\ei<p<a.
>i, foolish, silly,
sim- HAf'0tos, -ou, 6,
Hkupuxra, -as, -, 2 pi. -cart, 1 a. \EKarr], -r;s, if, same as nXaKdrrj
ple ; senseless, stupid,
in'd. act. of HAf'/crpr;, -r;s, >]> Electra, a woman's drivelling ; raving, mad, fran-
HKU, f. Jtfw, p. mid. f;*a, to oome, name. tic, distracted.

approach, reach, arrive at ; to ad- 'HAf/crpos, -ou, o, and 'HAfKTj HAt0(drj/s,-?ros, $, (fr. fast) folly ;
proceed, make
a proficien- -on, ro, (fr. //AfVrwpthe sun) OT/I-
stupidity, dotage ; madness, fren-
cy, improve ; to belong, pertain 6er ; composition of gold and zy.
to ; to come to pass, happen, impf. silver, burnished gold. HAt0iws, (fr- same) foolishly ; stu-
TJKOV. I a. act. ind. T^a" sub. HAKrpo0ar)s, -fos -ous, o, /', (fr. pidly; madly.
in 3 pi. ^wo-t. last,
<du> to shine) shining 'H\iKta, -as, /j, (fr. ^At/cos how
v, -rjs, -q, 1 a. ind. pass, o like amber, brilliant.
great) size, stature, person,
H\tKT(tv(>)v, -wvos, 6, Electryon, the figure; age; youth; bloom, fresh-
HAa/vouat, (fr. >?AOS stupid) to oe- son of Perseus, and king o ness, vigour; a particular time
come foolish, dote ; to rave. Argos. or period.
'HAa/ca, -<.,-, -, per. ind. act. o HAfKrpuwvr;, -r/s, f], Electryone, a 'HAt/eiwr77s, -ov, b, and Dor. ^AtKiw-
woman's name. ras, (fr. last) a companion,
,-^s,^ (perhaps fr. fAaw HAfKTwp, -opos, 6, (fr. a neg. anc comrade, friend; of the same
to drive, or >/Aa'o-w to wander AfKtpov a bed) the sun.
time or age.
a distaff, spindle ; a dart*fishing HAf^aros, -n, -ov, (fr. 77 A os foolish, 'HAocjwrt?, -<5os, >/ same as last in
rod ; reed ; a rod used in ship and fidraios vain) vain, fruit- the feminine.
to which a riband was hung HA//cosi -7 -ov, how great, hovt
less ; silly, stupid ; false.
now called the dog-vane staff HAtos, -a, -dv, (fr. dAi; error) wan- much, how large.
In pi. HAdxara, -wv, ra, yarn dering, roving; by cliance, al "HAt*os ? g. of r)\i
upon the bobbin or spool random :
fickle, changeable ; dot-
'HAt, -IKOS, b, 17, (fr. j/At/aa size] act. 'HAu^a, -aj, -, 1 pi. H//fA?<a, -j, -E, per. ind. act.
of the same age, time or stature HAv0a//v, Att. \t'/\vOa, and H//A7/if'vos, -77, -ov, par. per.
a companion, comrade, fellow Poet. u\fiXov6a, per. ind. mid. pass H//fAot)i/,impf. act. cont.
friend. of,
HAkauoTos, -ov, b, ^, (fr. })Aiosth< 1 a. ind. act. of I'H/uAA', for 3 sin.
, impf.
sun, and
atw to burn) sun- Att.
burnt, scorched or dried in tin , -ov, TO, Elysium, the re- fifv, (fr. surely, and
ph in
treat of the virtuous dead deed) surely indeed, verily
, -ov, b, (fr. f'A?? brightness among the heathens. truly; and, both.
or uXs the sea) the sun ; sun- 'HA$ov, -s, -, 2 a. ind. act. of Huv, 1 pi. of fiv, impf. of to
shine, light. be. Or, Dor. for eivai, pres.
'HAtouTToAts, -tos, anc "llAwxa, Att. fa'Aw/ca, -as, inf. of same.
//, (fr. last, -, per
irdXts a city) Heliopolis, the city ind. act. of aX'taw. ~H/*v, by Sync, for ^t//v, 1 pi.
of the sun. HXdjfirjv, impf. pass. cont. ofaAao- pper. mid. to go.
'HXiovvdai, cont. fr. ^Aifoerflat, /I0t. -77, -ov, par. pres.
mid. of
pres. inf. mid. of "HAwv, and Att. fVAwv, -ws, -w, in
'HAtdw -w, (fr. >;Aios the sun) to lit 3 pi. riXucav, 2 a. ind. act. of and Ion. /jiipa, -as, H/^fp??, -?7S,
exposed to the sun, to bask; to ^, (fr. Ju('po> to desire, or ri/jiepos
enlighten; to bake, parch or dry "H//a, -arcs, ro, (fr. 'iriyn to send) tractable, or fr.
apa together,
in the sun. a missive weapon, dart, shot ; a ews the east, and j>tti>
to now) a
'HAtOX(fy/?7V, -OV, -TO, 111 3 pi. f/Xli cast, throw. day ; the day, daylight. In pi.
KOVTO, impf. pass, of aXiaKta. ,
3 sin. v
added, 1 a. ind. days, a time or period. EKdvrj
and AAiro/,t>7vo, -ov, act. ofauaSaivw.
U.XiT6[jtr}vos, iy flUtpa, that day, the day of
b, >'i, (fr. aXiTfo) to mistake, and H//a0t'a, -as,
f], Emathia, a name judgment. 'H^fpa Kvpiaicri, the
a month) born before the of Macedonia. Lord's day, sunday. flap" fy/f-
time, untimely, premature. H/ia0twv, -ovos, o, a king of same pav, day about, every other day.
'HAtrov, -g, -, 2 a. ind. act. of Emathion. Mtfl' fip.ipav, by day.
Hfj.ad6ig, -taaa, -v, Ion. for apa- 'llftpV(i}, f. -o-w, (fr. last) to pass
'HAt^/, -tiros, j),
a shoe. the day.
HAtw0ts, -to-a, -Iv, par. of 'HAtci- Hfjiai, -ffai, -Tat, (fr. EW to set) to , g. pi, Ion. off/ftfpa.
6rjv, -))$, -rj, 1 a. ind.
pass, of sit, be seated. , -,
-a, -,
-ov, and -,
-OD, 6,, j],

I//ap, -aros, r3,^fitpa (fr. the (fr.same) of a day, lasting but

'HAttDc-at, n. pi. fern. ofj^Atawv.
r same) a day. pi. J;^ara. a day; like day, bright, splen-
HA/cov, Dor. for aA/cov. 'Hju<fpr?/ca, -as, -, 1
pi. -tfajufv
r e
HA/cw/wos, -rj,-ov, par. per. pass. per. ind. act.
H^pr>7*cws, it Hp.Qivb$, -fj, -bv, and 'Hftfpios,
of fAvow.
H//apr^K(5ra, par. per. act
a. -ov, b, f], (fr. same) daily, every
HAAayov, in 3 HAAay??-
- or -v before day, during day.
-TJS, -rj, pi. "H^prov,-s,
ffav, 2 a. ind. pass.
'HAAay- a vowel, 2 a. ind. act. of
a/ap- 'H/xp?s, -t'(5os, fj, (fr. rjufpos tame)
pai, -fat, -x-rat, per. ind. pass. raVto. tame, domestic, cultivated ; mild,
llAAay^fvos, -f}, -ov, par. per. H/^aproo-ar,
3 pi. LXX. for % gentle. kind of oak ; and, a A
pass. 'HAAayov, -g, -, 2 a. TOV, see in last. kind of vine.
ind. act. 'HAAafa, -as, -, 3 H//as, a. pi. of yw. tfyp67?ios, -OD, 6, ^, (fr. ^fpa a
pi. -fav, 1 a. ind. act HAAa^- Ify/artes, -a, -ov, (fr. ;//^ap the day) day, and /St'os life) living by the
6ai, per. infpass. of aAAoo-o-w. daily, diurnal, every day, all day or from day to day ; a beg-
HAAoto)//at, -<rat, -rat, per. ind. day long. gar ; living but a day, whose life
pass, of aAAotdo). JfyoYw//a(, -o-ai, -rat, per. ind. is but a
HAAorpi'w^at, -aai, -rat, in 3 pi. pass, of afyiaro'w. H/*poi5avao-rr/s> -ov, b, (fr. same,
HAAorptwvrat, per. ind. pass, of HfifiXaicov, -eg, -, 2 a. ind. act. of and <5dviov usury) interest paid
aAAorpidw. by the day.
HAoj;0>;v, -rjs, -77, 1 a. ind. pass, of rav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, H/ifpoSpofjif^ -S>, (fr. next) to act
aAoa'w. of anffXvb} or ajjL0Xvvw. as footman, run on messages.
1 a. ind. act. of
HAofyo-a, -as, , llpftpoTov, -eg, -E, 2 a. ind. act. of
aAotaco. mid.'
and<5f<5pc/*a, per.
HAos, by Sync, for n\6g. H/*, for i) fit,
that I, so as I, for run) a daily courier, messenger.
'HAos, -ov, b, (fr. ECU or i'jj/u
to me. HlitpoKoiTog, -ov, b, 17, (fr. same,
drive) a nail, spike; a stud, fycfas, Ion. for f}liag, a. pi. ofsyw. and >cot'r; a bed ) who sleeps or
boss; a callosity, swelling, tu- H^^atros, -fi, -ov, (fr. fy/t's we, lies in bed all day ; a sluggard.
mour. and ^a7T^ov soil) of our country, H//poAoyfw -o5, (fr. same, and Xe-
HAi5c<> -ai, (fr.
last) to nail, fasten party or side ; a countryman. yu> to reckon) to count the days.
with nails. Hjt<fs, Ion. for j;/i?s, n. pi. of see t
J3.[ip6ofjiai, ]jj.tp6(.o.

'H/\7rt, 3 sin. HAm'o/*v, 1 pi. tyw. 'H^/pos, -ov, b, %, tame, domestic,

impf. act. 'HA?n>ca, -as, -, H)/0a, 1 pi. of impf. of not wild; reclaimed, cultivated ;
IJHTJV, t/^t,
or -v, pi. -/ca/xV, -ar, per. to be. meek, mild, gentle.
H//po<rK07ros, -ou, 6, (fr. fipfpa a
ind. act. HATTiKfvat, per. inf.
-era, impf. mid. of
act. HAiriKoYfs, n. pi. of HA- day, and o-KOTrew to observe) a
TrtKoJs, -via, -os, par. per.
act. , -as, -e, per. act. of a/m- daily observer, spy or watchman
HATrtffa, -as, -, 1 pi. -era//v, 1
during day.
a. ind. act. ofATrt^u. u?a, -os, par. per. act. -wo-tf, p. -u/ca (fr.
H//p<5a> -G,
'HAro, by Sync, for J^Aaro, 3 sin. 1 of last, grave, serious; dull, j7//pos tame) to tom^, reclaim,
a. mid. of aAAo^at. spiritless. make gentle. 'H/^po'o/wi -oD^at,
HAuytfa> or -t<^w, (fr. next) to fy?S, n. pi. of yo. to become tame, grow docile, be
darken, shade, overshadow. I^ttov, Ion. for j^uwv, g. pi. of tractable.

HAuyr), -Tig, (fr. Xvyij darkness)

same. Dor. for Etvat pres. inf. and
darkness, obscurity ; a shade, H/*/crf*u> -5, (perhaps fr. /ua> to for
1 impf. ind. of sipi,
shadow- vomit, and f'^w to have) to take to be.
'HAuQ', iOr??A0, 3 sin. of'HAuQov, ill, scorn,
disdain ; to loathe, ab- ^is we)
HfjtiTpog, -a, -ov, (fr.
'._,/ Sync. rjXOov, -s, -s,
2 a. ind. hor.
our, ours ; on our side.
same, and breathe) urfw to -rai, per. ind.
'H/ifW, Ion. -o-ot,

-T?, -ov, par. per. pass. hardly alive, scarcely breathing, pass. HfjL^iecjjifi'os, -n,
half dead. par. per. pass, ot same.hae It

or ~H /IT>, surely, indeed, H/uf'o-aa,

and Ion. 'H/iiVta, -of, ij,
also mthe perfect, rinfyUiu.ai, and
'H/177V f
and H/j('<rv/ia, -aVos, TO, (fr.
truly, certainly, verily.
'Hu nv wo, or tfie half, moiety. v, impf. act. cont. of
, TITO, pper. pass, fyuffvs half)
of i/i, to be. f. same) to
impf. or 2 a. i:iid. H//TEVW, -fvo-u, (fr.
mid. of halve, divide equally, cut
in two. H//WV, -ovos, (fr. ?^ t to
b, fi,
"HUTIV, 7)0-0, TJTO, impf.
cont. fr.
lUlOT?,, CUIll. II. ^//C'jtU,
ii. a. v. send) a darter, shooter, archer.
d - **. of 'HutVovs, cont. fr. ?//j of
H^a, -as, -t, 1 pi. H//WV, g. pi. eyu>.
sin. of 77/11
c-v ;. Hv, (cont. fr. cav if) if, though,
Att. Aphaer. for 6^11. HwiffT/^iov, -ov, T&, (fr. >///t half, whether. ^Hv (tr), if not, unless, *
H/ii, by
for and a line, th. O-TE/^W to
H/u, used in composition 77/11- <7T(^os except.
line in poe- Hv, or f/vi, which see.
<7vs fe /io//~. go) a hemistich, half
'Hpiavcpos, -ov, b, (fr- fyit hall, try. "Hv, a.fem. of8c,^,g.
and a'vfip
a man) a half man; a H/uo-v, -cos -ovs, rb, (neut. of Hv,
1 or 3 sin.
impf. of //<, to be.
tti n itch. :hf half, a half. pi. ij^iar). Also for jjcrav, 3 pi. impf. of
b, 77, (fr. same, same. Or for ^v, impf. of
Hptdvdptairos, -ov,
and a man) half a man; HuiTaXaiTov, -ov, TO, (fr. TJ/H half, E^ECTt.
half man, half
human. and rdXavTov a talent) a half ta- Hv, i)s, T;,
Att. for I3v,
pis, 0^,
lent, half a talent.
which for fyriv, 2 a. ind. act. of
H/iidpp77v, -EVOS, o, ij, (fr. same,
and a'pp77v male) half male, cas- H/HTfXaa, -as, 77, (fr. same, and tlpt,
trated'. rf'Xos the end) the half. Hi-, g s , ^ or 77v, impf. of tft
same, H/imXTJs, -f'os-ovs, 6, 77, (fr. same)
2 a. ind. act. of ?r?^i.
Hpi@pu>Tos, -ov, 6, 77, (fr. H^?s, ri,
and jSpwffxw
to feed) half eaten, half finished, half done, imper- j^p^bv, -s, -, impf. act.
gnawed. fect, unfinished. Hvay/caffa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act.
and of next) HvayKdadr/v, -n^ -rj, 1. a.
H/i(yfvtos, -ov, 6, /), (fr. same, H/H'TO/IOV, -ov, TO, (neut.
the beard) fto// bearded, a half, half share. ind. pass.
HvayAcacymt, -vat,
with little beard, young. H/i(Vo/ios, -ov, 6, 7^, (fr. iim hah, -rat, per. ind. pass. Hvaynaff-
and to cut) halved, dividea ?, -ov, par. per. pass, of
H/uyv/u'Os, -ov, o, 77, (fr. same^ Tifivd)
and naked. equally, cut in
yv/ivos naked) half
H/ic>0os, -ov, 6, ft (fr. same,
and H/II^XEKTOS, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, , -via, -os, in n. pi. Hvai-
to cook) /fa// froikd or and to ar. per. act. o fa
fyu <j,\iy(a burn) half burned,
dressed. scorched, singed. impudent, shameless; importu-

H/t(0av77s, -tos -ovs, b, 77, (fr. same, (fr. same, anc nate, troublesome.
Hfiiupiov, -ov, Tb,
and 0avov, 2 a. ind. act. of woa an hour) half an hour. HvaXuKa, for avffkwKa, per. ind.
dead. T acU
3r7?<7<c<i) to die) half H/i/iai, per.
ind. pass. '] HvaXwca, for av/yXuxra, 1

H/i('0os, -ov, 6, (fr. same,

and vos, par. per. pass, of a-Tw. a. ind. act. of avaXiWd.

$Eds a god) a demigod. H/tot/3a, -as, -, per.

ind. mid. o vavnuriv, -r?s, -rj, a n. pass.
f f

H/n0VT/s, -T)TO$,
and H/i/0v7?ros, Hvavriwpai, -vat, -rai, per.
-ov, 6, $, (fr. same, and $ H/iof>r;/t(l>s, -via, -os, par. per. act. ind. pass.
Hvufnai/ifvos, par.
to die) half mortal, half human; of afjioiplu. per. pass, of evovnow.
at such a time, at 'Hvafc, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
half dead. a. sin. cont. /jp ~H/ios, when,
and such time as. "H/ios, as, is
H/aV-ooos, -ov, 6, (fr. same,

a homer) half a homer or answered by TT//IOS, as, so. 'Hvapa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
cor. -ov, -ETO, 2 a. ind.
and mid. of o/irl^w with two argu- 'Hi/ao-<rov, -ES, -, impf. act. of
H/Koa'viov,-ov, Tb, (fr. same,
spaviov the skull) half the head; ments ; Et belonging to (^a ava'crcrw.

a half skull or half head. and the a of a/i^t changed int "llvcm ov, -ES, -f, impf. of av^avw.
H/vit/idv77s, -EOS -ovs, o, T% (fr. same, the temporal 77. HvcoayadriKfvat, per. inf. act. of
and /tatvo/iat
to rave) half mad, /i7T(rvo'u77v, and H/iTrtcTyd/iT/i avcpaya6f<i).
doting. -ov, -ETO, 2 a. ind. mid. ofa//rri Hvcpiadrjv, -r/s, -TJ, 1 a. ind.
XOK See the last.
of yw. of avp6d>.
"Hfriv, d. pi.
H/itva, -?s, ij, (fr- same, and u.va
H/jrdX770-a, -as, -,
1 a. ind. act. of
"HvtyKa, -as, -, in 3 pi. 'Hvyxav,
a pound) a Roman measure 1 a. ind. act.
HvtyKapjv, -u,
of capacity, for dry things I/ivv',
for )'HJLVVC,
3 sin. impf. or -aro, 1 a. ind. mid.
and liquids, of about half a 2 a. ind. act. of a/ivvw. -S, -, 2 a. ind. act. UveyKo-
pint. H/ivva//7/v, -w. -UTO,
1 a. ind. mid. fir/v, -ov, -era, 2 a. ind. mid.
H/itoX/a, -as, fi, (fern,
of next) of same. 'Hvtypai, -%ai, -Krai, per. ind.
usury when half the principal 'H/ivo-a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of pass. Hvy//fvos, -n, -ov, par.
was paid for interest, fifty per u.vu), f. -v<7w, p. tjfuvKa, to press per. pass. HvixOrjv, -77$, -17,
cent. upon, make incline, bend ; to in- 1 a. ind.
pass, of 0f'pw.
'H/udXios, -ov, b, f,, (fr. f,ni half, cline, lean, totter; to fall, tumble Hv'077v, -77s, -77, 1 a. ind. pass.
and 6'Xos the whole) the entire and down. 'HvTifiai, -aai, -rat, per. ind.
half, o.ie and a half. H/i^ayvdovv, impf. act.
of a/i^ay pass, ofarvf'w.
Uulovos, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and 'Hv(:a, -as, -, 3 pi. -av, Ion. for
c an ass) a mule. H/i0t/ifVos, -77, -ov, par. per. pass. ?;vy*ca. UVUKUVTO, Ion. for
and Poet. 'H/tt-AfK- of au(biivvvpi. rjvfyicavTo, 3. pi. of rrvtyKdnrrv. 1
and '- -, impf. ind. act. a. ind. mid. of
KOV, -ov, TO, (fr. rim half, H/i(/i<pa>.Xov, -ES, 0pw.
\CKVS an axe) a hatchet, small of a/i0i/?dXXu>. Hm-, for av?7T, 3 sin. 1 or 2 a.
axe. H/i0('yvovv, impf. act. cont. H/i- act. of avjVco.

'H/tbrXcdpov, -ov, TO, (fr. same, i(yvd77ra, -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act. Hv^e7?v, Ion. for T/vrj^v, 1 a.
and TT\cdpov an acre)hulfan acre. ind. pass, of
'H/i<7rX(V0tov, -ov, TO, (fr. same, /

H/ic(i i'v/i77v, -vac, -VTO, impf. Hvi^o>77v, -ov, -ETC, pi. -xrfo,
and 7rXt'v0os a brick) a half brick pass. ofa/i0tfvvv/i. -^ovro, for av^<5^7;v, impf. mid.
a brick of half the usual size. H/i^/Eo-a, -as, -e,
1 a.
H/U'TTVOOS -ovs, -dov -ov, 6, TI, (fr. ind. act. of same. HvK?)s, -/os -oyj, h, TI, lying along%
'ended; close, 1 a. ind. mid. Hv(o-ffdu77v, -ou, inci. a.i;l.
"H^wc-/., 3 pi. i
f i S > 1 . p tr

adjoining, connected, continued; -f.ro, impf. mid sub. act. of r;Ku> .

continual, constant, lasting, un- -aro, 1 a. ind. Hoi', 770?,

d. sin. of ?;o3j.
interrupted-. mid. ofi/(o-<Tco. mid.oi'aa'iw.
Hv/uo(f, -taaa,-w, Poet, for av- i/t^0a),
3 sin. per. impr. pass, of Ho7of, -a, -ov, j (fr. TJOIJ
the dawn)
amfffrouat. eastern, oriental ; inthemorning^
'Hv7ruv, -?, -, impf. or 2 a. of 'Hvo0a, for T^vfla, -aj, -, per. ijrid. early, at dawn.
rnid. of av0w. "Hov, -es, -E, 1 pi. V, Att. for

'Hv<ra, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of Hvoty'jv, -fiSi -*!, 2 a. ind. pass. tf, t, 2 a. ind. of a/it, to 5
'Hvotfa, -aj,
- or -v before a Hdva, a. shl. of rjuv.
for vowel, 1 a. ind. act. Hvot^- par. per. pass. Hov7/-
H.veff%fd-rjv, ave<r%ldr/v, -77?, -77, ,

1 a. ind.
pass. HVECTY 0^771', 077V, -77?, -77, 1 a. ind. pass, of <ra?, par. 1 a. act. of atova'w.
avE0Y6p.T)v, -ou, -ro, 2 a. ind.
cvotyw. HoC?, g. sin. cont. of 770;?.
mid. of avrj^to. Hvotffrat, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of 'HffaXijj'ffyv, -77?, -77,
1 a. ind. pass.
-???, -77,
1 a. ind. pass, of avaiploij), fr. o('w, obs. of aTra\vvio.
~Hvov, impf. act. of dvw, Poet, for Hiravia, -as, 77, (perhaps fr. ar3
Hi/fwya, for
aviuya, which Att. avuur or by Sync, for rjvvov, from, and avfyp to remit) want,
for aVwya, -as, -, per. ind. impf. act. of avjw. indigences-poverty.
in like manner
Ilvliay- Hvopfa,-a?, and Ion. r]voptrj,-r/s,>i, HTravf'w -w, (perhaps
mid. fr. same) to

lat, per. pass. Att. Hvoi^- (fr. avJjp

a man) manliness, man- want, need. 3 sin. pres. ind. act.
0?7V, -77?, -77, 3 pi. Hvu>x9rjaav, hood; bravery, courage, valour,
r fr. eVw
1 a. ind. pass.
Hvwy//f voj, -?;, fortitude, spirit. H?rap, -aro?, ro, (perhaps
-ov, par. per. pass, of avoiyta. to work, and the blood) the
'Hvo^a, and Att. V)';vo^a, -a?, -, eap
Hv7}Xw//au for ai^Xw/mi, per. kid. per. ind. mid. of $fpw. liver, pi. TO. rfira-a.

pass. Hj^X-iijurvo?, for av7;Xw- 'Hvo^, -OTTO?, 6, 77, (fr. bi^ the H.xaT>'idr)v, -77?, -77, 1 a. ind. pass, of
pfvos, par. per. pass. Hvr/Xw- voice) loud, resounding,
#77V, for avr]\(aQnv, 1 a. ind. pass. rous, clear ; bright, shining, re-
HvT^XwCTa, for ai^jXwcra, 1 a. the liver, and CKOKEU to inspect)
ind. act. of avaXoncw. ind. of T^ai.
"Hi-raij to examine
3 liver, the consult the,
pi. pres.
Hv?/va//77v, -w, -aro, in 3 pi. Hv?7-
'TSOV, -ovv, impf.
act. of avraw. entrails, seek omens. 1 a. inf.

vai.ro, la. ind. mid. ofavatVo/xat. iTrjcra, -as, -,

1 a. of avraw.

'Hv0i<7/<at, -aat, -orai, ind. HJ>~ Hvrt(3dXoi/ -ovv, impf. act. of av- 'HrraroffAroTrta, -a?, -77, (fr. same)
Oiff/jiivos, par. per. pas!,ofav0(to, rt/3oXfw. inspection of the liver or entrails,
'Hv0ov, -?, -E, in 1 pi. 'Hv0o/^?, VTI&IKEOV -ovv, impf. act. of avrt- divination.
Dor. for 57X001', -?, -E, rjXdopcv, SlKfd). 'HTTaroo-KOTro?, -ov, b, (fr. same) a
2 a. ind. act. ofep^ouai. ivTtv\ for "Hvrtva, a. fem. sin. diviner, soothsayer, augur.
Hvt and Hi/iik, to, see, behold, there, of 6'ort?.
'HiraTovpyos, -ov, b, (fr. i^Trap the
liver, and fpyov work) a cutting,
but see there. vnwQijv, -rjs, -77, 1 a. ind. pass,
'Hvia, -as, f], (perhaps fr. woo) to of avTioop.ai. dissection or opening of the liver ;

shake) a bridle, reins ; a thong, HvrX77K<5r?, n. pi. par. per. act. of what gnaws or tears the liver.
strap. E 0' ijviav, to the left hand. "KTra<pov, -?, -, 2 a. ind. act. of
Hvtau), f. -aVw, (fr.
to bridle.
last) Hvro, 3 pi. impf. pass, of ^o
'Hviy//at, ind. Hviy^oj, par. -ou, -ro, impf. mid. of HTra'w -ai, (perhaps fr. airr/ an ori-

per. pass. Hvta/*??v, 1 a. ind. fice) to bore, pierce, penetrate ; to

mid. of aiviTTOjj.at. rjs, -77,
1 a. ind. pass. patch, mend.
'Hvifa, (fr. 7?vi lo, and 6e but) but -a?, -, 1 a. ind. act. irtSavbs, ->), -ov, for air(.cav6s.
there now. 3
lo, see, behold, 'Hvuov, -?, -, impf. act. of c -ndytTo; sin. impf. pass.

Hviripai, -(rat, -rat, per. ind. pass, the second sto-

'HTTEty^at, -%ai, -KTOI, ind.

, -ou, TO,

ofavtaw. mach of animals that chew the par. per. pass, of

'HvtV, by Apoc. for 'Hviica, (per- cud 5 the crop, stomach ; entrails.
haps fr. T)V for tdv when, and Hvwya, -a?, -, per. ind. mid. ffsWi/ffa, -as, -, 2 and 3 pi. -0$.
tKto to come) when. 'Hvwyav, pper. ind. mid. (rar, -Bijcrav, 1 a. ind. act.
"Hvtov, -ou, rS, same as j^vta. 'Hvwyov, -?, -, impf. act. HTraflow, irnpf. act. cont. of
Hvtorrot0) -to, (fr. ijvta,
a bridle, 'Hvwa, -a?, -f, 1 a. ind. act. of a-fiQlu).
and iroifw to make) to
direct, Hiru\c7, 3 sin. cont. impf. act.
guide, regulate, rule, govern ; to HvwyoSv, impf. ind. act. cont. of Hr('Xr;o-a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act.

moderate, check. of

'Hvt'J%Ei(i, -as, f/, (fr. fyvioyof a Ivafjtai, -aai, -rat, ind. Hj>w- H-TTEtpoig, g. Ion. of
driver) a driving, guiding ; go- pf vos, par. per. pass, of /da>. iTrnpo?, -ou, ft, (perhaps fr. a nog.

vernment, direction. Hvt5p0ov -ovv, impf. act. Hvwp- and an end) a continent,
'Hvto^i.'j, -eos, Att. -{las? o, same 0wcra, -a?, -, 1 a. ind. act. of country undivided by sea; JEpi-
avopOo'w. rus, a part of Greece.
same as ftvio^iui. vw^Xfov -ouv, impf. act. Hvw- irapwrT??, -ou, 6, fj, (fr. last) a
'Hvto^EU -w, (fr. r^vta reins, and %X?7/fa, -as, -, per. ind. act. native of the continent, inhabit-
Yw to hold) to AoW /ze
reins, Hva5vA77<ra, -a?, -c, 1 a. ind. ac*. ant of Epirus. g. pi.
drive a carriage. offi'ovXfw. Ir.-tra, Dor. for iirtiTa.
a woman's name.
-77;, r% as, -E, 1 a. ind. act. of ?//coj. and 7Tp though)
Irrfp, (fr. 77 or,
Hv!OYJ/?, n. pi. Ion. of ^vtcr/u?. as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of a'yw. whether, or ; than ; as.
(fr. r/via, reins,
and ind. Att. -, 1 a. 1 a. act. ofrj-rn:-
'Hi/iV^o?, -ov,b, faa, -a?, , par.
tyw to hold) a driver f charioteer. ind. act. of
ayu> or dyvv/jii. \
p ;~'Jw.
HvtTraro, by Poet. Pleon. for "TLfrt, for t'fi^a, -as, -, 1 a. ind.
IIrrpoTurj?, -ov, b, (fr. next) a
'HVITTS, with v added 'HvtTro/, 3 act. of afc-ffw.
deceiver, impostor,
sin. per. ind. mid. of evfrrrw. !ftoov -ouv, impf. act. (perhaps fr
f. -U<TW,_
Hvt?, -to?, /, (fr. ivos a year) a/e-
->75) ->7> pass. H^iwo-a, -as, iijj-cpos gentle,
or dxupos bound-
male of this year, this year's, one act. 1 a. ind.
H^'w/i/at, -cat, less, and dt//
a voice) to deceive,
year old. a. pi. ?7Vta? -t?. -ii,
-rat, per. iu. pass,
p^i. ind. of u^i[/u/.
pa.aa. ui a i

impose on, beguile, delud'

^[vto-ffay/^v, -w, -aro, for 7)Vil-d}trrv, "H|a>, -??, -j?, 3 pi. "ll%ovffi t I f.J cheat ;-.
to flatter, cajole.

of a-rct- 'Hpa,
3 sin. cont. ;;;ipf. act. of
f. gently, quietly, calr.ili;

, impf.
t, 1 a. inf. mid.
of ryrdw. tpd stilly; gradually, by little, L>j
to before an aspirated vowel 'ces.
?7r>;j, -oy, 6, (fr. patch) Hpa0',
a cobbler, for Hparo, 3 sin. cont. impf. Hp/*da), (fr. same) to indulge in
mender, repairer,
mid. ofapdopat. be lonely,
patcher. i solitude, solitary ; to
and Hpa/cAFjj, -tog, Ion.
be idle, inactive or still; to
(perhaps fr. a in-
iri'SAos, -ov, b, [pa/cAfV, [
tens. and rdXAw to shake) a -Tfos, (fr. Jypws
a hero, or "Hpa fret, mourn. j

Juno, and K\tos glory-) 1/er- Hp/m?os, -a, -ov, (fr. t'/ptpos
fever, ague quiet)

"<'', loic, still; gentle, placid.

last) same as Tiptpa.
fiog quiet) to
stay quiet.

Hpa<cAia, -wv, ra, (fr. same) Hptpia, -as, f), (fr. same) rest,
a gift) gifted uith gentle- festival of Hercules. quietness, tranquillity,

ness, mud, meek, gentle; miti- Hpa/cA>/<os, -a and Ion. -ij, -ov, [pcpos, -i), -ov, (by Metath. fr.

assuaging, (fr. same) of or like Hercules, fpnpos desert, or

, allaying ; r/pcpos tame)

affable, courieous. Herculian. quiet, undisturbed, at rest, tran-

'H-Yo,. ,mild, gentle, paK\rjs, (fr. same) % Hercules, quil, composed ; calm, still,
kind; courteous, affable; com- O Herndcs ! smooth; placid, gentle, meek,
-aai, -rat, per. ind. pass.
passionate, pitiful, indulgent ;
benign, propitious, favourable. with v added, of
"Hocv, 3 sin.
1 a. ind. mid. of 1 a. ind. act. of
Hiridrris, -nros, f), (fr. last) mild- , -w, -n>, a'pu>.
ness, gentleness ; lenity, easiness, "Hp<?V -OVV, -CIS, - ,i impf. -J
indulgence. ]
pi. of Jjpa,
1 a. ind. act. of ~t. of a<p f'u>.
HTt'oraro, Ion. and Att. for t-iara- 'same. 3 sin. of per.
TO, 3 sin. impf. mid. of t-iara- 'Hpavoj, -ov, b, (fr. fpa'w to love) pass. ind. of p/0o>.
pai, mid. of frriaijpL. a fa'n;r, ruler; protector, guar- 'Hp<ra, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act
Hirurriaro, Ion. for t-iaravro, 3 pi. dian; shepherd, keeper. 'HptcKov, -t.$, -t, impf. act. of
of same. 'Hpflpa, -ay, -, for dprjpa, Att. for
Hr/crfoi' -ovv, impf. act __ HTT/C-- ;pa per. ind. mid. of dpw. 'Hpf'rto-a, -as, -t,
Trjffav, 3 pi.
1 a. ind. act. of 'llpaoov, -?, -e, Att. for >Jpoi', 2 a. -w, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of
ind. act. of
1 a. ind. pass. 'Hoa?, 2 sin. cont. impf. act. of Ion. ( 3 sin. 2 a.
H.n'cTjjKa, -j, -, ind or impf. mid.
act. Hn'<77/7<7a, -a?, -t,
in 3 pi. !"Hp,-is, g. sin.
"Hpa. 9ro, 3 sin. impf. pass.
HTncTT/c-ai', 1 a. ind. act. of Hoaffd[njv, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid.
of aipa).
Dor. for
ofapdopai, orofEpdw. j'HpEvv, .
j/povv, impf. act.
may also be Att. for 1 a. iud. cont.
H-^iffri'Orji', i
HpaV^r, -r, s, -77, pass, ofj
'Ivv, 1 a. ind. pass, of t^i- -as, -t, 1 a. ind. act.

pdw. Hpwvrjaa, of
crapai, mid. of c-iariui. [poVcrao, Poet, and Dor. for >7pd-; tpevvdu.
H-('w,-, (fr. f,~iog mild) mildly, o-u). 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of "Hc7, -TJJ, )/, Ion. for "]
gently, calmly ; patiently, kindly, same. "Hpnpai, per. ind. pass 'Hp7-
3 sin. cont. impf. pass, or
affably. Hpd.ro, pevos, par. per. pass. *Hp^v,
'K~6firiv, and 'E'nrdfjujv, -ov, -ETO, 'by Sync, for rjpdaaro, 3 sin. 1 by Sync, for jipr'^aptv, 1 pi. per.
impf. mid. of E-U. a. ind. mid. of act. of alptu.
apdopai, or of
Avoptopriv -ovfirjv, -eov -of, -tcro pdu>. Hp7//a)0//r, -TIS, -ij,
1 a. ind.
-tiro, impf. mid. HropEov-ovi', 'Hparo, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of Hprnjuapivos, par. per. pass.
-4 -tis,
- -ti, impf. act. of ai'ptt).
of tnripdij).

arop/w. Hpya?6ur>v, Dor. for Hp?p<v, pper. fr.

davpa, Att. for
Hs-oi!, (fr. i?, or, and TTOV
where) impf. mid. of Epydb//ai J/pa, per. ind. mid. of dpw.
or, i/", ei/Aer, whether ; certainly, -'/? pass. Hc>?pac-ro, for Epj/pao-ro, Att. for
1 a. ind.

surely, truly, indeed. of

apyaivw fpttctro,
3 sin. pper. pass, of
Hrrii, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. , -|aj, -Krai, per.
ind. pass.
"HTTTOTTO, 3 pi. impf. pass, of Hpy/if'voj, par. per. pass. 'Hpo-avro, 3 pi. of fiprjcdpriv, I a.
a'rrw. ind. mid. of
"Hp^a, -as, -, per. ind. act. of aJp/w.
Hrt'or, impf. act. of aT dPX w. Hp^o-avro, for rjpderavro, 3 pi. 1 a.
H~wra, n. BoBot. or v. sii). of Hp(zit, Ion. for >?/,
2 sin. pres.
ind. mid. of
HTTVTTJS, -ov, b, (fr. ?;jri'w to shout) mid. of {aai.
'KpOrjv, -77?, -TJ, 1 a. ind. pas?
one tiiat shouts a crier. 1 a. ind. pass, of -, per. ind.' act. of
Adj. , -jj, "HpAca, -as,
vociferous, loud, noisy ; a'totui. ni'pu).
distinct, vocal, sonorous. Hptdiffa, -as,-c,
I a. ind. act. of
'Hp#pw<ra5, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of
Hrru>, same as OJITU. JO).

~Hp', for "Hpa, (fr. ?) or, and the IlpcOov, -?, -, impf. act. of
eptOu. ~Hp<, (d.
of ?p, cont. fr. iao the
enclitic pa) whether ?
or, if. Hpa, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of spring) ear'y, in the morning;
"Hp, rjpos, cont. fr. the
in spring.
spring; morning. HOEJKO, -as, -t, per. HptiKtiv, Hpiyn'Eta, -as, ;/, (fr. last, andyi'vo-
Hpa, -o?, and Ion.
"Hp//, -^ s , ,;, -ets, -u, pper. ind. act. pai to be born) daughter of the
(perhaps by Metath. 'fr.' afy the adurjv, -w, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. dawn-, Aurora, the morning.
air) the divinity whom the Ro- of fpdSi Hpiywris, -tos -ovs, 6, >/, (fr. same)
mans called Juno ; the heathen HptlKOV, -S, -t, impf. act. of born of the dawn, early in spring
queen of heaven. * or in the morning.
Hp?ro, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of Hpitavos, -o?, and Ion. ?o, o, En-
- or -tv before a -
~^Ipa, -a? , vowel,
2 and 3 pi. 'Hpo-, ~Hpav, 1 a. atplit). danus, a river now called the
ind. act. of a/pw.
Hprrla, -as, -E, act. Po.
Hpa, -a?, -, per. ind. mid. of priv, -o>, -aro, mid. 1 a, ind. of loigov, -ts, -t, impf. act. of epf-
but dprj pa,
Att. is more
common. (neut. pi. o quiet) 11, -ov, par. per. pass.
HPH H2 H20
3 pi. per. ind. v, -rjs, ->? 1 a. ind. Hs, 2 sin. impf. also Dor. for fj,

ass. 01 ai8Hf(j). pass, of ap-a'u. 3 sin. impf. ~H, 2 sin. pres.

a 1 a. ind. act. JEol. sub. of to be.
Hptrai', -is, -,pper. "Hpaa, -as, -, i/*t,

'HptKov, -S, -, 2
a. ind. act." of of
apw. ~Hs, 2 sin. impf. of ipl for f,^-
in 3 pi. Or, by Aphatr. for <pjjsi which
~Hpaav, 1
Hpo-a, -as, -,
for of ap<5w. a. ind. act. for i<prjs, 2 sin. impf. of 6rjpl.
Hptvfos, -a, -ov, apt'
HptVds, -), -oi', (fr. rjp
cont. for
~Hprai, 3 sin. of ?~/p/*a, per. 'Hp- H<ra, -as, -e, 3 pi. How, 1 a. ind.
the spring) in spring, HW, -(TO, -TO, pper. ind. pass, of act. of i?5w.
nal ; early, in the morning. atpw. Ho-a, -as, -> 3. pi. ~H<rav, 1 a. m
fr. the ind. pass. 'ind. act. ofa^co for atoco.
Hp/ov, -ou, rb, (perhaps {pa Hpr///i , -o-at, -rat, per. t

of 2 of
earth) a monument, tomb, se- apraw. 'Ho'ai, sin. rj^ai.
pulchre, grave. Hpru//Voc, -'/, -ov, par. per. pass. HoYitas, -ou, 6, Esaias or Isaiah,
inrov, -s, -, act.
of the great prophet.
Hpt7rdju77v, upriiw.
-ou, -ro, mid. 2 a. ind. of pnrw. -ov, TO, eryngium,
sea "Ro-av, 3 pi. impf. of /H, to 6e.
Hpiirudnv, -rjs, -77, 1 a. ind. pass, ly, an herb. "Htrav, Att. for ?ffav,
3 pi. of Cica, '

pi7rdw. -ov, o, the beard of a ,
1 a. ind. of
iipi or tw,
to go ; or

'Hptaa, -as, -,
1 a. ind. act. of goat. by Synaer. for foiaav or fiwav, 3
-s, -, 2 a. ind. act. of pi. pper.
of same.
Hp/oTJ/o-a, -as, -,
3 pi. -o-av, 1 a. Hc-av for fioucav, 3 pi. of fiouv, '

ind. act. of aptoTaw. ?, -, impf. act. of pt> -cis, -a, Att. and Sync,
for ton-

'Hp*, -as, -, per. ind. act. of Kiv, pper. act. of etfiitt) or i5rjfi.i.
atod). 'HpvKov t -S,-e, impf. act. , -a), -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. of .

'HpKt, act. Hp^?ro, pass. 3 sin. Hpyro, 3sin. of jfpup/i^pper. pass.

cont. impf. 'Hpwo-a, -as, -, 1 or by Sync, for
3 sin. ipriv, -u>, -aro,
1 a. ind. mid. of
a. ind. act. of apxfw. 1 a. ind. mid. of !<$u> for atiSd).
3 sin. of rjpy^at, per. ind. for
"Hp^, 3 sin. of "Hp^ov, Hoviy, Heb. indecl. Esau, the bro-
pass, of a'p^u. impf. act. 'Hp^ffyv, -rjs, -rj, 1 ther of Jacob.
pass, of a'p^w. H<7f/?77<ra, -as, -, 3 pi. -aav,
act. a. ind. 1 a.
IfyKws, -via, -bs, par. per.
-o-at,-rot, per. ind. pass. Ion. for 3 ind. act. of a<T/?fw.
'Hp/mt, Hp^aro, ripy^tvot rjvav,
of atpu>. pi. pper. pass, of Vpya>,fortpyw "Hc-t, 3 sin. of J/ao),
which see.
'tlpno^ov, -ES, -, impf. act. "Hp- orofap^a). 7(\ynKa, act. Ho-fAyjj/wt, pass,
Hocra, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act.
p^d^wv, -on, -ro,
3 pi. -vovro, per. ind. of ao-Ayao.

Hp|Uocra//77i', -w, -aro, 1 a. ind. impf. mid. ofap^w, or of ep^o- Ho-f Ayj/ra, -as,
- 1 a d. act. of - m
mid. of dp//dw. H<ii.
Hp//o<r^fvo)Sj (fr. fip/jtoaufvos par. Hpa), 2 sin.of 77pa//?7v, -w, -aro, 1
Ho-v, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of w or
per. pass, of ap/td^w to fit)
a. ind. mid. of atpw. u>. Or, of ?;<$<)

aptly, fitly, conveniently, agree- Hpt;), "Hpw, cont. for

d. and 'Ho-v, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of qou
ably. ?7pwa, a. sin. of J^pws. for at'<$a>.

Hpvfid^tTjv-ovpnv, -iov -ov, -itro Hpw, and 'Hpw, -<5os -oCs, Ero, "Ho-0a, by .iEol. Parag. for rjs, 2 '/,

-tr' , impf. pass.

Hpv770"a^7?v, and Hero, women's names. sin. impf. of //t, to ie.
-w, -aro, 3 1 a. ind. a. and n. pi. of ~Ho-0a, by JEol Parag. for ,T)S,
pi. -aavro, Hpwas, "Hpws,
mid. 'Hpvrjuai, -crai, -rat, per. sin. pres. sub. of same. Or,
ind. pass.
iipvrjfjttvos, -77, -ov, Hpw^jys, -ou, 6, Herod,
a man's by Sync, for yoELaQa, which by
par. per. pass, of aovfofjiai. name. JE.o\. Parag. for 7/<5as, 2 sin. of

'Hpvuvro, 3 pi. impf. mid. of apvu- Hpco<5iavot, -Qv, ol, (fr. last) Hero- )7<$ii>, -ts, -i,
Att. and Sync,
pat. dians, followers or supporters of for t^Ktv, pper. act. of fifo'u or

'Hp^a, -as, -, 3 sin. with v added Herod the great ;

a branch of
'Hpv, 1 a. ind. act.
Hp^a/^v, the Sadducees. Hadai, pres. inf. pass, ofrjpat.
-aro, 3 pi. 'Hp|avro,
1 a. ind.
Hpo><5msi -a^os, fi, Herodias, a wo- Ha0tr7v, -rjs, -n, 1 a. opt. pass, of
mid. ofa'p^w. man's name. Jj^w or }?<5ojuai.

'Hod<5oros, -ov,b, the oldest Grecian Hpa)5iwv, -uvos, 6, Herodion, a Hr0ts, -t<ra, -Iv, par. 1 a. pass.
nistorian. man's name. of same ; joyful, glad.
ind. ind. act. of act.
rdlv^Ka, -as, -s, per. ind.
pass. Hpw?7o-a, -as, -, 1 a.
'Hpo/tat, -o"at, -rat, per.
of apdw. Ho-0f'vt, 3 sin. cont. impf. act.
and Ion. Etpdjttrjv, -ou, -ro, os, -77, -bv,
and 'Hpwtos, -a, Ho-dfvrjffa, -as, -, act.
impf. mid. of rpojuot. -ov, (fr. ?;pws a hero) heroic, of or U.ffdcvrjffd^rjv, -w, -aro,
mid. 1 a.
v, -ov, -t.ro, impf. pass, of about heroes ; heroical, like a ind. of aer0Vfw.
hero, bfave, gallant. 3 sin. ofrjaddfiriv. 2
a. ind.

'Hpo?, -a, -ov, (fr. paw to love)

Hpwivrj, -jjs, )'h (fr. same) a he- mid. of aurddfOf^ai.
lovely ; beloved, dear; pleasant, roine, female hero. "Hcr0?7V, -r;s, -77,
ind. 'KaOrjvai,
agreeable, delightful. Hpwv, impf. act. cont. of epacu.
nf. 1 a.
pass, of '^w.
'Hpoc-a, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
'Hpuov, -on, ro, (fr. Sypcos a hero) a T0;v, -TJSJ -r], 1 a. ind. pass, of
apdw. statue.

LXX for jjpov, 3 pi. 2 a "Hpws, -oos -ousi 6, Eros, a man's , -aat, -rat, ind.
ind. act.
ofatpu. name. Oai, inf. per. pass. H<r0i//u>7V,

2 sin. impf. mid. of t'po- "Hpws, -wos, 6, a hero, demigod ; a -(TO, -ro, pper. pass. "H<r6nv,
fiai. brave man, leader, chief; an -77S, -n, 1 a. ind. pass. HaQrj-
'Hpou, 2 sin. impf. pass, of aipw. eminent person, a. sin.
JJpwa, ffdprjv, -co, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid.
2 sin. cont.
'Hpowro, 3 cont. J7pw. Ho-^o-o/^at, -T?, -rat, 1 f. ind.
pi. cont. impf. pass, of aSptw. pyra, 3 sin. cont -- Hpwrwi', 1 mid.
Ho^d/tr/i', -ou, -ro,
2 a.
'Hpous, g. sin. cont. of "Hpus, sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf.
act. mid. of aicQdvoiiai.
man's name or of 'Hpw, a wo- - or
-v, pi. -o^a "Ho-drjro, 3 sin. pper. pass. 'H>-
; Hpuir>7ffa, -a?,
man's name. -o-av, 1 a. ind. act. of spwrrfu. Srinivos, par. per. pass,

Hpouro, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, o Hs, g- sin. fern, of 8s, 5), 8,
or 8s, fnai.
/apdu. r),
ov. HffQriro, 3 sin. pper. pass, of am-
WpTrdyriv, -rjs, -77, 2 a. ind. pass. Hs and
H<rtv, for als, d. pi. fern. Qdvopai.
Hpiratra, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of same! "HffQiov, -E(, -t, impf. act. ofsfffw.
*Hff0u7jvo, -as? )
1 a. ind. act. of
HXfi 0AA
yvoaov -o>v, impf. act. Hu-
ber) to chamber; be retired, stay\ ful; young, tender; joyful, fes-
Qavdroio, g. Ion. of p^t'o -w, (fr. -Sap^oj,
for Qdrriav, see S-dtrauv.
Qdvaros, -ov, b, (fr. SvrjffKu to die confidence) f.
-?/o-w, p. Tt 0aD, Heb. indecl. a chamber,
death; imminent danger; i 1 a. ind. act. 0a'p/era.
pp/e See room.
plague, pestilence. Qavdru ir6
Oavpa, -arcs, rb, (f(. Saupd^co to
to give up to death.
1 a. inf. act. of last. wonder) wonder, astonishment,
avdrovp.Eda, pi. cont. pres. ind. Qapp}]TiKOs, -rj, -bv, (fr. last) con-
amazement; admiration; a won-
pass. Qavarovpwos, -t), -ov fident, bold, daring, spirited. der, prodigy.
par. pres. pass. cont. Qava- Qdppos, -EOS -ovs, rb, see -S-dpo-of. ivudfynw, 1 pi. pres. ind. act.
rouv, pres. cont.
inf. act. Qa- Qap'povp.Ev, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. Qavp.aff6nt.da, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. mid.
vaToure, 2. pi. cont. pres. ind. act. n.
QappovvrES, -povvras,
act. of a. 0av-
pi. par. pres. act. of^apptu. avp.deiv, pres. inf. act.
Qavarow -w, f.
-wcrw, \ OaQpvvu, (fr. Sdppos,
^dperoy p.d^eTE, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr.
(fr. Sdvaro? death, th. SV/JCTKU to
confidence) to inspire with confi- act.
Qavp.da>irE, 2 pi. 1 a. sub.
die) to kill, slay, put to
death, dence, encourage, animate.
inflict death ; to mortify, quench, 6apcaXfo$, -a, -ov, (fr.
^dpo-oj cou- g. -dvTwv, par. pres. act. of
subdue, humble. Qava.r6op.ai -ov- rage) bold, confident, resolute, Qavp.d$ta, f. -crw, p. rsdavp-aKa, to
fiai, to be dead or as it were dead. sturdy, hardy ; daring,
courage- wonder, marvel, admire; to re-
1 a. act. ind. eQavdruca' sub. ous, valiant, comp vere, respect, honour, look to ;
Savaruiffu} S'avarwo'ai. 1
inf. a. poj, sup. -toraroj . to
court, regard, favour ; to won-
pass. ind. 0avarw0?/v par. -S-a-
0apcraAea)f, (fr. last) boldly, coura- der at, be surprised ; to be struck
geously, intrepidly. with amazement, with admira-
0avarw<5?/?, -EOS, b, fa (fr. same) Odpcrei, 2 sin.
0ap<rtr, 2 pi tion, with awe or with indigna-
deadly, mortal. pres. impr. act. cont. of
Sap- tion, per. ind. pass. Tc6avp.affp.ai.
Qavarudecs, -uea, -tv, par. 1 a. 1 a.
pass. ind. eQavudffBnv inf.
pass, of same. apaevs, -to$, Att. -EUJ, 6, a man $-avp.a<rdr)vai. 1 f. ind. mid. $av-
Qavaruiffai, 1 a. inf. act. 0ava- of Tharsos.
rtiffovfft, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. Qapvevaa, Dor. for n. Qavp.atvu>, same as last.
0ava<7u<n, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. fern. par. pres. act. cont. of Qav/.iav(ovTES, Ion.
of same. f. n. pi. par. 2f. act. of last.
0apo-w -ai, -^<7W, p. -rjKa, (fr.
Qavdraxris, -10$, Att. -EWJ, fa (fr. S-dpo-of courage) to trust,
confide, Qavp.as, -av-ros, b, Thomas, a man's
sa.me)akilling, slaughter, murder. rely or depend on ; to expect, name.
Qavtuv, Ion. and Qavfp.sv, Dor. for hope, have assurance; to dare, Qavp.afftos, -a, -ov, (fr. &aujuda> to
Qavstv, 2 a. inf. act. of ^ovcw. venture, be bold, act spiritedly; wonder) ivonderful, marvellous,
0avv</*,Heb. indecl. largeserpcnts, to take courage, cheer up, feel se- admirable, surprising, astonish-
dragons, crocodiles. cure, be at ease, use freedom or ing, strange.
Qdvoip.i, -otf, -01, 2 a. opt. act. authority, par. pres. act.
-Sap- Qavp.affp.bs, -ov, b, (fr. same)
n '
Qavoiffas, Dor. for Savovffrjs, g. Gfdiv -(ov. 1 a. act. ind. der, admiration, surprise.
sin. fern.
par. 2 a. act. 0d- par. &ap<r>7o a. same) an

Qavp.aff~tis, -ov, b, (fr.

vovr\ by Apos. for Sdvovra, a. 0dpo-os, and by Metath. admirer, praiser, commender; a
sin. mas.
par. 2 a. act. 0a- -o? -ovs, TO, (fr. Sf'pw to be flatterer, sycophant.
vovp.at, -fj, -tlrai, 2 f. ind. mid. warm) self consciousness, confi- Qavp-acrbs, -n, -bv, (fr. same) to be
dence ; boldness, courage, forti- admired, wonderful, marvellous,
Qdvu, formed by Metath. fr. vdw, tude ; impudence, assurance. ivpaarou) -w, f. -WCTW, (fr. same)
the origin of an obsolete a of to cause
i/crKw, Qdpaos, -ov, fa Tarsus, city wonder, excite admira-
verb, whence 2 a. ind. act. f'0d- Cilicia. The ocean, sea. tion, make surprising, appear
vov, 2 f. ind. act. 3-avui, and 2 f.
tpa-uviGKii), impf strange.
ind. mid. $avovp.at, attributed Poet, for Qavp.affr&s, (fr. 3-avp.affrbs won-
to SvrjCKU.
Qapavvb), f. -vvG>, (fr. -Sdpcx)? bold- derful) wonderfully, surprising-
Odo^ttt, for -dop.ai. 0dovra, a. ness) to give confidence, encou- ly ; wisely, sensibly, prudent-
sin. par. pres. act. of dw or rage, embolden. ly.
Qapavs, -ua, -v, (fr. same) confi-
C. ; Trv, Ion. for f da-rev, 3 sin. dent, assured, collected; bold, iw to wonder) to be struck with
impf. of daring, venturesome ; courage- admiration, be confounded with
Qdirrit), f.
p. Tirana,
-il/b), bury, to ous, valiant. surprise ; to wonder, marvel, ad-
inter, perform obsequies, Qdaa.1, Dor. for S-iaaat, 1 a. impr.
burn, mire.
celebrate a funeral. QaTrrop.ai,
mid. of 3-dO|imj, Poet, -^ds^at.
to be buried in
grief, &c. sunk in Gao*u,
Dor. for 07/o*(5f. a wonder, and itoiiut to make)
amazement, overwhelmed with Dor. for &;c-o/*at, 1 f. ind. , wonder-working, marvellous; a
admiration. 1. a. ind. act. mid. of riOrtp-i. juggler, dealer in miracles,
2 a. ind. act, ha<po\>. 2 f. ind. Qaaontvos, avparoupyiw -(5, f. -?/<7w, (fr. 3-av-
2 a. pass. ind. ETdipr/v par. 1 f. mid. of -S-do//at, Poeti p.dfa to wonder, and ipyov
mi. r&tyrjvcti* ^ i. pass. TCKbfjGo- work) to do wonderful things,
/iai. per.
ind. mid. redrnra. 0d<roj, -ov, o, Thasos, an island in work miracles; to practise im-
Gapa, Heb. indecl. Thara, a man's
the .'Egean sea. postures, effect delusions, use ma-
name. ,
Qdaaov, (neut. of gic.
Gapyj/Atrz, -wv, ra, (perhaps fr. quickly, sooner. avfiarovpybs, -ov, b, same) a (fr.
to warm, and
S-f'pw yr\
the earth) 0d<7o-u>, cont. for ^ado-cro), same as worker of miracles a pretender ;
a festival of Apollo and Diana, to miracles, impostor; a sor-
when first fruits were offered to Qdircrtjiv or Qdrrwv, (fr. Sdctno to cerer, magician, wizzard ; a
them. move quickly) a comparative juggler.
soy/Aiwv, -wvoj, 6, (fr. last)
attributed to
ra%vs, which see. ao-a, -v, par. I a. pass,
eleventh month of the Athenians, 0<frpoj, -a, -ov, (fr. rug, for 6, and of SdTrru.
when the Sapy?A('a were held : Tpof other) cither, one or other, tyat, 1 a. inf. act. QatyavTwv,
it answered
nearly to April. one or either of .two, the other. of 5-d^rw.
g. pi. par. 1 a. act.
Qapj)a\tos, -a, -ov, an QaTfpov, -&drpa(, for TOV crzpov, a/ a, a?,
-a?, >'i.
an herb so called
see -JapcraAfoj and $<zpcr al 'irzoai. Er? ^a'rtipc,
to or on from
av, pres. inf. act. oif the other side.
, -ov, h, Tliapsus,
an island ;

a town and Qcdwv, ^Eol. for SEWV, g. pL of -tos -ovs, 3io
a town in Africa : b.fi, (fr.
3 sin. co and Ukeness) sul-
river in
o kind of c0,Ion. for tfce suiphur, elcos
impf. act. phureous, like sulphur or brim-
wood, herb 'used for dyeing,
brouoht from some of those mdecl. a chamber, room,
0, Heb.
ground, 0;Wa, Ion. for fSaWa,
the 1 a. ind.
hall, court, vestibule;

cont fr same as Sfao- 0f<ov, neut. of Poet, for; act.

and : 0A',, for 0A > pres. impr.. act.. of

-a, to suckle, give milk to;

'u. to Qttidu -3, (fr. St'eiov, Ion. forWw SeAw.
tart d- -ov StAyw to
nourik cherish, feed, maintain. sulphur) to /tmn>afe ; eAyijrpor, TO, (fr.

Qdouaitofeed receive
'' nourish- phur, smoke with
brimstone. sooth) a soatfitf-, ba/nt, re/resft-
\JU.UpUi, ^CTCl*, ;


ment, .<ruck ; to dine, sup, feast,

game or contest for a wager; iiffTovr/, -rjs, !], Themistonc, a by god, set
apart by divine com*
treasure laid up; the coffer or voman's name. mand; chosen as a judge by the
chest in kept ; a habit, 0/K(ords, -fi, -dv, and 0prt>s, -ov,
which it is divinities, alluding to Paris. Al-
b, fj, (fr. Septs law) according
or so a man's name.
manner, fashion; circumstance,
situation, place. agreeable to law, legal; allow- 0dKTto-ros, -ov, 6. )/, (fr. same, and
last) set, able, fawful; enacted, ratified, KTt'o> to create) created or made
^fiariKos, -fi, (fr. -fa,
placed, laid down, decided ; posi- established, ordained; holy, re- by god.
tive, absolute, decisive; provin- verend, solemn, Qco\oyia, -as, fi, (fr. same, and
cial, external, foreign ;primitive fi, /uto-rw, -dos -ovs, Themisto, a Adyoj a word) an account of the
original; done for a wager, bet woman's name. divine nature, essay on god, di-
or stake, as -S^ariKot aywvfs, Ot^os, -ov, b, (fr. Tt'077/.u to place) vinity, theology.
sweepstake games. arrangement, regulation, dispo- 0oAdyo, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. same) an
j -ov, TO,
same as Sept\iov. sal, order, method, distribution ; expounder of the divine word,
iv, -ov, TO,
Poet, for admonition, warning, sugges- commentator on the word oj
v, -ov, TO, and 0jufAtos, -ov, tion, command, law. God, divine, theologian ; an epi-
judu) -a), f.
-wo-to, (fr. last)
to thet of St. John the Evangel-
vov, and r/0^1 to
Si'ipcXov, (fr. bring near, make approach, put ist.

place) a foundation, ground- together; to settle, enforce, en- 0o/^a v?)s. -tos -ovs, b, f), (fr. same,
work, basis; any thingJirm,an al- act. and national to be mad) infatu-
tar, temple, palace, fortress ; bal- Gtv, same as Si. ated, afflicted with madness,
last; a depositc, treasure laid up. i'p, -apos, TO,
the hollow of the rageous.
0E//Afdo) -w, f.
-we'd), p. TtQt.ji.ihiu>- hand or foot ; the palm of the Qcofta^fu -w, f. -?7<70), p. -t]Ka. (fr.
Ka, (fr. last) to lay a foundation; hand ; the sole of the foot. Seus god, and //.a^o/uat to nght)
to found,
settle, establish, confirm.
w, f. -EVW, same as m'w, 2 a. to fight against
god, oppose his
per. ind. pass. T0//Afw//aj. ind. act. iQavov. will, resist his inspiration.
pper. ind. pass. Ertflt/uAiw^v, 3 :o/3Aa|3ia, -a?, fi, (fr. Sfbs god, Qto^a^ia, -as, ?/, (fr. same) the
sin. Ion. TEOefjitXiwTo. and |3Ad,5?7 hurt, th. j3AawTw to war of the gods.
0^Aiwo-at, 1 a. inf. act. of last. injure) impiety, ungodliness; 0o/^a^os, -ov, o, 7, (fr. same) who
0/<Auoo-(s, -ios, Att. -ws, >/, (fr. insensibility, stupidity, folly. Ji glits against or resists god.
same) the laying a foundation; 0o/?Aa/:%, -EOS ovs, b, 17, (fr. same) Eo/ua^wuEv,
1 pi. cont. pres. sub.
a groundwork, basis. act. Oi v"Ot(ftVfCO.
impious, irreligious, ungodly ;
0//v, Ion. and Qiptvai, Dor. for senseless, stupid, devoid of rea- 0f'o/m', Poet, for w/.<v,
1 pi. 2 a.

Sctvai, 2 a. inf. act Qf^vos, son. sub. act. cfrtQijfu.

par. 2 a. mid. ofrtdijui, 3foj/v/s, -t<5os, by Theognis,
a man's Oco/.tfor]s, -EOC, -ovs, and 0fd/apos,
0/i/jos, -a, -ov, (fr. Sepis law) name. -ov, b, f], (fr. $cb$ god, and //Ejpw
grave, serious, important, weigh- -ov, 6, $, (fr. Scbs god, to allot) see ^-EO/IO
, ipos.
ty, solemn; revered, reverend, and Si&dffKw to teach) taught by Qcon'iaris, -fos -ous, 6, i/, (fr. same,
venerable. god, inspired. and i^o-os hatred) hated by god,
0f7U<70Aov, -ov, TO, Poet, same as c6$naTos, -ov, b, f), Dor. for cast off" by heaven ; hating god,
vf/uf^Aov, or EdSfirjTos, -ov, b, ^,- (fr. Szds god, impious.
6tp.r)\ov, -ov, rb, see $UE\IOV. and (5^(0) to build) built by the QtofJLOipog and Qe6fjtopos, -ov, b, 77,
0/ut7rAKros, -ov, b,fi, (fr. Qffiislhe gods, divinely established, con- (fr. same,
and poJpa a share)
patroness of right, and TrAf/cw firmed by heaven. given by god, granted by heaven,
to bind) woven by Themis; Qt6$oTos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and allotted by providence ; who has
legal, lawful; just, right, right- 5 low p. i to
give) given by god, a share in god, chosen by heaven,
ful. imparted by heaven; richly en- blessed, divine ; excellent, superi-
Qipus, -ICTOS and -Y<5os, fj, Themis, dowed. or, eminent, virtuous.
the patroness of law ; a of Saov, par. pres.
law, *qui- 0<5<5wpos, -ov, 6, Theodorus, Qi6vrij.iv, g. pi.
ty, right, justice ; morality, reli- man's name. act. of Sid), to run.
gion; law.
positive QUOTES, 00t<5;?s, -tog -ovs, b, f), (fr. same, QsdxvsvffTos, -ov, b, , (fr. Scbs god,
taxes, tributes due of right ; and clSos shape) like a god, god- and Trrfoj to breathe) inspired by

oracles, responses. like, divine. god.

0i'7Kpu>v, -ovros, b, f/, (fr. S(JJLIS 0JKA' for
$-0lKC\, V. of 0fd-ojurof, -ov, b, fa (fr. same, and
lu'v, and Kfpw, cont. of icepdto) or EOEiK-eAos, -ov, 6, (7, (fr. same, and rf'/iTTU)
to send)
Tiieopompus, a
Ktpdvvvp.1 to mix) zealous for the ctVeAos like, th. a'/cw to resemble) man's name.
law; regarding or keeping Hie resembling a god, like a divinity, QcoTtpcTrfs, -fos, Tb, (neut. of next)
law ; who practises justice, does divine; superior, noble, digni- the divinity or majesty of god ;
right ; ruling with equity. fied. divine honour.
OE/uic-KOTros, -or/ ft, ft, (fr. same, and 0<50v, (fr. same, and Qw a par- ;, -fos -ovs, b, i), (fr. Sws
cr<ff-ro//at to observe) a guardian ticle
implying from) from god, god, and TrpfVw to become) be-
oj the law, supporter of right; a from heaven, divinely. coming or suitable to the divine
president, ruler, governor. nature, divine, holy, sacred; god-
f. mid.
Qepoffd), -t'oro/uat, (fr. same) $O?TO, &c. Poet, for $ //7i;, S^o, like, majestic, dignified.
S-sTro, 2 a. opt. mid. .ofridrjiu.
to dispense law, judge, decide, 007rpo-t'w -5, f. ->7<rw, p. -nKa, (fr.
do justice ; to rule,
govern, pre- 0co?o, Ion. for Stov, of $eos. Sftis god, and s-ptTru to become,
" g.
1 a. ind. mid. Poet,
Qeotaa, Dor. for ^fovc-a, n. fern.
side. j
or TrpoEiVo) to foretell) to pro-
par. pres. act. of Sao, to run.
phesy, foretell, forebode, pre-
6eoK\vTtu -&,
(fr. 5 sage.
god, and <cAvw to hear) to OcoTrpoiria, -as, >i, (fr. same)
a pro-
0/ucT7os, -a, -ov, (fr. S-fpis law] cull upon
him, invoke, phesying, prophetic inspiration;
lawful, legal; just, right, equila- implore ; to obey god, resvect, re- divination, soothsaying.
ble. gard. a
Qwrrpfjiriov, -ov, rb, (fr. same)
0/ncTu)v, Ion. for S-ej/corSvj g. pi 0dA:,\vros, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same) prophecy, prediction, denuncia-
heard by the gods ; invoking the tion ; the will of heaven; an
oeuicTOKAt?;?, -t'coj, ami QE^IOTOK- reliant. oracle.
AJfrj -~io$, b, TkeMUtoclci, a ; -ov, b, {,, (is-, same, and 0orpd7ros, -ov, o, ?7, (fr. same) a
man's name. .-elected or chosen prophet, foreteller, soothsays,
rttviner ; an enchanter, 111-1^1-
cian; one who consults an
0E2 En
ind. act. QioQai, 1 a. inf. mid.
VQS, par. pres. pass. cout.
man ; to soften,melt into weak- vpariicbs, -rj, -bv, (fr.same) wile',
IEVVTO, Dor. for edttavTo, 3 pi. ness, pres. inf. mid. SnXvvw- of chase; hunting.
cont. impf. pass, of StaD^ai. '
Bat. 0?7pda) -fi, f.
-Sffu, (fr. a beast)
fiaavTO, Ion. for cOntjaavro, 3 p). Gti\v-ov$, -ocos, b, rj, (fr. same, and to hunt,
chase, pursue ; to court,
la. ind. mid. QnfiaaaQai, 1 a. inf. TTOVS a foot) delicate, effeminate. follow, imitate; to ensnare, tre-
raid, of
^rjfofiat. Qr;\v~p-fis, -fos -flu?, 6, f], (fr. pan, deceive ; to grope.
same, and -pern) to become) wo-
nrbs, -fi, -dv, (fr. SijfOftai, Ion. &jp a beast. Or
Qijpcov, -ov, TO, (fr.
for Stdopat to behold) same as manish, becoming women, femi- fr.
the island) a cloth or
Scards. nine, Jit or proper for
women. cloak spotted like a beast or ma-

6jtov,-ov, -d, Ion. forStfoi/. JjXv?, -eta, -v, or -0f -ovs, 6, ?/, nufactured in Thera.
(tr. Sr/X?) a nipple,
or fr. aXXo>
QrjKa'tos, -a, -ov, (fr. SrjKr) case) Qtptve, pres. impr. act. Qr,pvtiv,
intended for a case, encased, co- to bloom) female, feminine ; de- pres. inf. act. Ion. 07pUf^v.
vered, enshrined ; used as a case, licate, soft, effeminate ; vegeta- 1 a. inf. act. of
chest or repository. tive, productive; cherishing, fos-
QtlKdfiEVO$, -rj, -ov, par. oftQrjKdpnv, tering, rearing. Comp. 3rj\vn- -OTOS, TO, (fr. $;p<5u to
1 a. ind. mid. of-iOrjut. hunt, th. $?ip a beast) same as
QrjKav, Ion. for i&r)K.av, 3 pi. 1 a. r]\vTtpat,
n. pi. fern. 0??XvT-
ind. act. Qf/Karo, Ion. for cOt'/- pdwv, Golfer ^XuTtpwi'jg. pi. o" is, -ov, b, and
KCITO, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. Q7)\VTpo$, -a, -ov, comp. of last. , 6, (fr. same) see
QrjKCj Ion. for fQriKZ,
3 sin. 1 a. rj\vT6Kos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. -Jr/Xus fe- QtjpfvTiKti, ~tjs, h,
ind. act. of riBripi. male, and TUCTU to breed) pro- of next) the -hose, hunting, sport ;
to place) the art of taking or destroying
ejKT,, -jw, h, (fr. T/%< ducing females.
a scabbard 0/7X0), -oos -ovs, i), (fr. same) a
chest, case ; sheath, ; savage beasts.

receptacle, repository; a grave, nurse, fosterer, mother, dam. QvpEVTiicbs, -fi, -ov, (fr.next)
tomb. Qrjfis\ov, -ov, TO, same as Sep&ioy. ing, sporting, belonging to the
-or, ro, (dim. of last) a -oh'o?, b, (fr. TtOnut to chase.
receptacle, repository, store; a place) a heap, accumulation ; a Qrjpzvw, f. -rvcru), p. Ti^ijptvKa, (fr.
sepulchre, tomb, grave. hoard, store ; a pile, mass, collec- a wild beast) to hunt, chase,
QrjKTbs, -fi, -bv, (fr. Stfya to whet) tion. pursue wild animals; to follow
whetted, sharpened. rifiuvia, -as, f], (fr.' last) a heap, after, aim at, desire; to lie in
mass, collection ; a wait, ensnare, entrap ; to deceive,
Qi)\a%6vTwv. g. Qtf\a^ovcais, d. pile, hUl,
fern. pi. par. pres. act. of hillock ; a lump, knob. seduce.

O^Xrf^w, f. -ao-w, p. T0>/Xa/ca, (fr. fiv, -voj, 6, same as ci'v.

the nipple) to milk, give or 6i)v, indeed, surely, truly. evpirriip, -rjpos,
and eripijT&p, -opo? ,
yield milk ; to suckle, nurse on the Q)'/vwv, (fr. S-aw to nourish) milk, 6, (fr. -&^p a wild beast) see 17-
breast ; to suck, draw milk. or rather an epithet of it, nour-
On^aivb), f.
-avfi, p. TtQfi\ayK.a, ishing, rearing, that strengthens. Qrjp'taKa, -wv, TO, viz. (pdpn&Ka, (fr.
(fr. same) to give the breast, v&GQu, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. mid. of same) medicines to cure the mte
suckle, give milk to. of wild or poisonous creatures.
Qi)\aftuv, -6vos, 6, ;/, (fr. same)
a 0f?fi$, -10$, Att. -W?, f), (fr. QijpiaKri, -rjs, fj,
viz. avricoros, (fr.
nurse ; a fosterer, breeder, sup- to whet) a point, dot ; a moment, same) treacle, a medicine to
porter, guardian ; an attendant. instant ; speed, swiftness, cele- counteract poisons, antidote.
0i?Xa'o-avra, a. sin. 1 a. par. act.
of rity, activity ; the cure of a QqpidXwros, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and
or Dor. for Sv^ffavTa, wound by stitching. aXttr/cuto catch) taken, caught
same of ^Xew. QtjoHo, 2 sin. pres. opt. pass, of !
or destroyed by wild beasts.
, -as, -, 1 a. opt. vEol. of 77/0/101. , -ov, b, fi, (fr. same,
to wonder, be struck with and to eat) devoured by
Qrj\la, and ,
Ion. 'for &?X amazement, wrapped in asto- wild s.

fern. nishment ; to admire, gaze upon. -5 (fr. same, and fid-

0?Xd, Ion. 0j)p,
^ol. $^p, (perhaps!
-po?, o, %opatto fight) to figltf, with
j, Att. for soj, g. sin. of fr.
00/pw destroy. Or fr.
to | beasts, be a gladiator ; to have
S-tu to run, pqov with ease) a to contend with violent or cruel
j, //,
a nt'ppZe, teat; the beast, wild animal, a beast of men. 1 a. ind. act.
breast; an excrescence, eocube- game; a venomous
crea- Qr/pidfjiaxos, -ov, b, fi, (fr.
chase, same)
rance ; small rising or eminence. ture; a lion; a centaur, monster. one who fights with wila beasts, a I

e^X^rijp, -rjpo? , 6, (fr. last) a fereed- Adj. fierce, wild, savage, g. pi.
er, rearer, feeder, keeper. Qypiov, -ov, TO, dim. of 3?p a Nvild

eryXu,->s -ous, ro, (neut. ofSjjXuy) Qfipci, -as, % (fr. last) the chase, beast, which see.
woman, the female sex ; woman- hunting, a snare, trap,
sport ; Qiipios, -ov, b, rj, (fr. same) wild,
ish disposition, female nature, pitfall; game, quarry. savage, of the chase; untamed,
habits of a woman ; the female Qt'pa, -us, ft,
the island Thera.
part of the creation. lpdyovvTs, -u>v, ol, (fr. Stjpa
a Qrjpidw -<2, (fr. last) to turn into a
6ri\vyovta, -aj, ft, (fr. &jXv? fe- beast, and dyu to lead) conduct- wild state, brutalize, become
male, and yovij a generation) ors or keepers of beasts. vage ; to enrage, provoke, irritate.
the maternal side, a female TOS, sup. of
Qjpaiov, -ov, TO, viz. ero?, (neut.
branch. of Thera) an
0^patoj of the isle 05 -ovs, b, fi, (fr. Svptav
OijXuo'pi'a?, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same, and oracle or prophecy uttered there. a wild beast) wild, savage, fierce;
to act, or perhaps
desert, frequented by wild
cpdta '{Spa a 'wd/Jia, -aTOs, Tb, (fr. ^^pau) to
seat) effeminate, delicate, femi- hunt th.
-S^pagame) a hunting, tures ; not tame, for the chast.
nine, womanish; tedentary. the chase; a catching, taking; iptuc&s, (fr. last) wildly, savage-
Qr,\v K b?, -f,, -bv, (fr. same)/emi- game ; prey, booty ; a captive. ly, fiercely, like a beast.
nine, female. inf. act. cont. -rjs, ?%
a beast,
Qypav, pres. 77- Qf!po<f>6vtj, (fr. Sr)p
e^Xu/javrk, -tos -ouj, 6, $, (fr. sai pass. or mid. of &7- and <f>lv<j>
to kill) a slaughter of
and naivopai to rave) mod with. beasts, hunting match, chase.
lave for woman. f, same) a hunt-
-ov, 6, (fr. 7pw/uvof,-?7, -ov, pass. 6>7f>wf>
6>?X<5j;a), (fr. same) to grow effemi- er, huntsman; a followtr, imi- act. par. pres. of
nate, be delicate, play tha u-t- tatnr. for r
Oo (280)
e 5 s, o,
a hired servant, la 01/3?;, -;;s, (/,
/ittfc (Vas&rf or '>o,f 0ir, neut. pi. of dvotris, Dor.
bourer , hireling, domestic. of twigs. for S-J-Jyrdj.

1 a. inf. act. Qtfipbs, a, -bv,
roasted in the ashes ; 0vaw, obs. whence Tfdvrjfu, and
.on. for 0>7<7aro, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. soft, tender, delicate ; venerable, some tenses of SvfjoKu.
mid. of Saw. Or by Sync, awful, revered. for vffonai, -rj, -ETUI, 1 f. ind. mid.
$n\d<rat and $w\daa-o, same of Qiyui; pres. inf. act.
Ion. for same Oiyr/s, -yrj,
~ vritjijialov, -ov, 70", (neut. of next)
Ion. for ^tuo-airro, 3 pi. and 3 sin. nres. ivnb. HCL. Qf- G dead thing, corpse, carcass,
1 a. opt. mid. of Scdopai- yot<ra, Dor. S/yoi'tra,
for fern. carrion.

ifav, pres. inf. act. 0>;- sin. par. pres. ;>ct. efyov,Dor. Qvrjatjjia'ios, -a, -ov, (fr. STJ/CKW to
2 sin. pres. ind. act.
c/ye, pres. for impr. die) dead;
2 pres. ind. Qj'yw or 0iyy. ridim, 0v/7<r,-ioj, Att. -ws,/;, same)

Br/aavpi^eTe, pi. (fr.

or irapr. act. to hniu'.k, ; to <!:
Qr/aavpi^ur, par. touch, '{,

pres. act. of
come, to, arrive at ; to stril.
QvfoKov, -ES, -, in 1 pi. Sv/jeicopw,
f. -taw, 1 a. ind. act. ;'
J;iV il ?*. : Poet, for IQvriGKoV) impf. act.
to lew up 0v?}ffKoiTcs, n. pi. par. pres. act.
(fr. S>/o-avpdj treasure) ffftyov.
treasures, amass health ; -IDS, Att. -cti>;, f), (fr. las!) of
lay by ; a touch the p. Tt6v);Ka, to die,
sure, store ; to reserve, ; t f.
QvrjGKti), -^I'jJ^oj,
to collect, accumulate, per. pass. '"
a pile or fall, perish, expire, pper. act.
iap.ai. ; any ; a fo7- i.TtQv)'iKtiv. 2 a. ind. act. iQavov,

, -UTOS, TO, fr. and same lock, hill; lunik:-, shore, (as if fr. EI<VW to strike) 1 f.

as next. strand. mid. .,'D/cr

. 2 f. mid. -3-avoo-

077<ravp6j, -ov, b, (perhaps

fr. ri- OiV, Apos. for
Siva, a. sin. of last. /^oit.per. mid. ind. riQvaa' inf.

to lay by, eis avpiov for Qlos, -ov, 6, Cretan for S-EO?. TcOvtlvat, cont. for Tcdvafvat.
to-morrow) a repository, store- -ov, 6, }, QiiroPpcoTos, (asifforS-pt- '/jToyapia, -as, ?;, (f". S'vjyroj
house, treasury; a chest, box, 7ro,tfpa)ro;,-,
Spty a worm, and tal, and y^oj a wedding) the
cabinet ; treasure, store, riches
ftpwvKd) to eat) Wo. '.:, mortal with a di-
laid up. caycd, bad, worthless, vile. vinity, n human wedding
Qrjffavoo(j)v'\a^ -OKO$, o, ?/, (fr. last, tc-froo) -w, (perhaps fr. $-i<rr:is a deity.
and to keep)
a trea- diviner) to conj; rL>nr,

divine, !6!;;ro?o, g. Ion. Qr/To7ci, d. pi

surer, storekeeper. Poet. Qvr,T(av, g. pi. of Si
a. sin. of , -io$, o, a Q\adias and Xao-iaj, -oc, 6, (fr. -ov, TO, (neut. of next)
man's name. SXaw to bruise) a eunuch; pro- mortality.
3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. 0>;- perly one whose testicles have QvriTOSt-fi, -bv, (fr. SvJjaKb) to die)
and Dor. Quaint*, 1 f. inf. been compressed or bruised, not dying, perishable; mortal, hu-
act. enawneffQa, Dor. and castrated. man, subject to death.
Mo\. for j7<r(5//0a,
pi. 1
f. ind. Q\da/ia, -aTc;, TO, (fr. $,\a'a> to Qodfy), f.
-GO-W, (fr. Sod? quick) to
mid. ofrldrjui. bruise) a crack, breaking; a move, quickly or with activity , to
Ion. for SaaOai, pres. inf.
rjffOai, breach, fracture, rent ; a bruise, spring into a seat, mount ; to sit,
mid. cont. oi'3-aw. Or by Sync. dash, collision, striking together. bs seated.
for SnXd&ffdat, pres. mid. of Q\do~i, -ios, TO, an herb, rdld Qorjai, Ion. for SoeTf, d. pi. fern, of

senna. $065.
, -rj, -CTat, 1 f. ind. mid. 0Xao-o-, Poet, and Ion. for f'0Xa<7, Qoipdnov, Att. for TO ipdnov, wh.
Qftaovn, Dor. for Sfjaovai, 3 pi. 3 sin. 1 a. incl. act. of see.
1 f. ind. act. of n'0??/u. ,
-ao-w, p. -ana, to break, Qoijjiriv, -o'to, -oiro, Poet. forSa'^v,
and jjrra, -T)$, f,, (fern, of crack, rend, tear ; to dash, strike -ao, -aro, 2 a. opt. mid of ri-
a hireling) a hired woman together ; to bruise, pound.
servant. XijSi'aj, -ov, b, (fr. next) same as Qoivdta -w, f.
-jjffta, p. -r,Ka, (fr.
, -as, -t, 1 f. ind. act. of n'- next) to feast, revel, banquet; to

0Xi|3d^0a, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. feed, eat up, devour.

a. sin. of $>is. Q\tp6uvos, -rj, -ov, par. pres. Qolvrj, -rjs, ^, (perhaps fr. Srw to
-aj, ^, (fr.
a labourer pass. 6\ifiovoi, d. pi. par. sacrifice, and o?vo? wine) o sa-
service, servitude; labour, work pres. act. of crifice, solemn feast ; a meal ;
for hire. 0X//3w, f.
-i|'u>, p. Ttd\i(j)a,
JEol. food, victuals.
0jrva>, f.
(fr. same) to
'I'Xj'yw, sink,weighdown, QvtvrjriKbs and
to press,
a, -a*,
serve, work for hire. crush ; to oppress, weaken, bring (fr. last) feasting, revelling, re-
-Ov, (fr. same) mer-
down ; to grieve, afflict, trouble ; galing ; attendant or belonging
cenary, done for hire ; working to bruise, pound, stamp ; to strike, to entertainments.

for wages^ laborious. hit, dash, knock; to squeeze, 0ow'w, (fr. same) to entertain,
iaywv, -ovoj, 6, a kind of bread throng, crowd ; to straiten, con- treat,
receive hospitably.

prepared as an offering. fine, per. pass. ind. r0Xi/j/xat 0oiYo, 3 sin.

iau, f. -aerw,
(fr. next) to lead par. TtQ\innivos. 0oXaw -w, f. and->;o-w, same
the dance, dance. 0X('/3w<nv, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of as SoXo'w.
, -on, o, (fr. Saos divine, and last.
Qo\tpb$, -a, -bv, (fr. SoXof dirt)
4<5w to^sing^. Or fr. Stas Cret. 0Xtp^o?, -ov, !

6, (fr. same) same as miry : foul, impure,

dirty, filthy,
, for -S-Of a
god) a com- sordid; turbid, riuddy.
pany or troop of dancers, as- d.
0Xfya, 0Xn//t? , pi. eo\tpG>s, (&. last) foully, dirtily,
sembly for idolatrous purposes ; a at or -ffiv, d. pi. Q\uT*fiav, g. muddily ; irregularly^ awkward-
choir of bacchanals, frantic crew ; pi. 0Xn//a>j, g. sin. of
a revel rout, riotous celebration ; os, Att. -MS, ft, (fr. $\i- 0oXj'a, -as, ft, (fr. SdXof a dome)
a group, party, company, assem- j^a) to press) oppression, persecu- a pointed cap, high-crowned hat ;
blage, dub. tion, cruelty, severity ; trouble, a bonnet, shade.
tfaffwrai, -a>v, ol, (fr. last) dancers sorrow, grief, adversity, affliction ; Qo\bs, -ov, b, dirt, filth, foulness,
and bacchanals; per-
singers, tribulation ; anguish, distress, nastiness; ordure; lees, dregs,
sons assembled for idolatrous anxiety, a. sin. sediment ; the juice of the cuttle
celebration ; boon companions, QvaaKOfitv, Dor. for &v r}a- fish, ink ; an out-house, scullery.
0oX5?, -fi, -dv, (the last adjective*
eon PA @PH
ly) dirty, foul, soiled; muddy
a dirge) to wail, bewail on a cable, when waiting
&ua$ fur a 6uua), a
bacchanal) t<t (fr.
lament audibly, sing dirges, ut- wind or sudden orders.
celebrate orgies, revel, riot.
ter cries the dead, act. to gna Qva}, -wv, vk>u> to
for impf. 0pty, -.(Tids, fa (fr. rpi/?co o't, (fr. sacrifice)
eov -ovv. 1 a. act. ind. edpfj- a worm which breeds in, and diviners, who conjectured from
impr. ^pr/j/Tjow, -arw. per.
consumes timber. victims.

pass. ind. i. 1 f.
pass. 0po?a0, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or Qvdna%,
-ayof ? 6, (as tf$vdp-aJ-,

mid^ uu> to dedicate, and

1 a. ind. 'impr. of to
0poj'w -u>, f.
-rjOd), p. TzdpdrjKa, (fr. plunder) a robber of holy things.
pT/vos, -ou, 6, (fr. $p/&)
to shriek.
$p6os clamour) to cry tumuUu- Adj. sacrilegious.
Or perhaps fr. ously, shout, clamour ;
to break, put Qvapos, -ov, b, darnel, to tares.
and vdo? the mind
into confusion, disturb, agitate, Qvdg, 0vmj, and Qvias, -aoog, fi,
or heart)
mourning, wailing, lamentation ; terrify ; to exclaim, utter.
(perhaps fr. $vu to sacrifice) a
clapping of hands, beating the Qporjdrjvai, inf. QporjOds, -?<ra baccfianal, mad devotee. Also
breast; a dirge, cry for the -ev, par. 1 a. pass, of last. adj. solemn, awful.
dead. Qpojiiftdo^ai -ovuai, (fr. next) t
Qvacos, for $-iaao$.
owi, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of clot, co- Qvarcipa, -a, fj, Thyatira, name
swell, rise in bumps ;
to of
. agulate, pres. inf. mid. Spopfid' a city.
ptvvs, -vos, b, (fr. $paw
a tvBat -ovadai, par. 1 a. pass Qvdia -w, (fr. -3-iJa) to rush) to come
footstool, stool ; the. steersman or or go into, enter.
pilot's station. b, (fr. rp0o> to feed) Qvyarep,
0po7/poj, -ov, V. sin.
privuoris, -0f -ouff, 6, (fr.
a bump, swelling; a clot of blood other cases of
{], Spf/vo? -rf'pj, -Tf'pwi',
lamentation, and w<5) a song) u
coagulation, gathering. Poet. but -arpdj
QvyaTTjp, -epos, ;

inclined to
QpoviQw, f. -fcrco, (fr.
grieve, plaintive, ^pdvoj a always in prose, f/, a daugh-
querulous ; mournful, lamenia-
throne) to enthrone. Qpovi^op.0 ter.

ble, sad. to sit on a

throne, be enthroned. Qvyarpl, d. QvyaTpds, g. by
rjcKria, -a?, f/, (fr. SprioKsvu to Qp6vov, -ov, rb, a flower, blossom, Sync, of last.
worship) religion, worship, di- bloom; paint, rouge, artificial QvyaTptccog -ous, -iov -ov, b, (fr.
vine service; superstition, false complexion ; a rose. same) a maternal grandson,
religion. Qp6vog, -ov, b, a throne, chair of grandson by the mother's side,
-Evcria, (perhaps fr. state, seat ofjudgment ; dignity, daughter's son.
$eo? god, and apiWu) to g lease. majesty, royalty. QvyaTpiov, -ov, TO, (dim.
of same)
Or fr. eo) the Thracian
Thracia Or- 0po"o? -S-poyj, -6ov -ov, b, (fr. &( a dear little daughter.
to shriek) clamour, din, tumult ; Qvc, Ion. for
eOvc, 3 sin. impf.
pheus) to worshipsuperstitiously, act.

adore, revere, venerate. rumour, report, fame ; an excla- 0rin,3 sin. pres. ind. act.

QpijffKos, -ov, b, last) super-

)'i, mation, voice, sound.
(fr. Oveiv, act. Qveadai, pass.
stitious, scrupulous in divine ser- na\\i5tov, -ov, TO, (dim. of next) pres. inf. of -Jhjw.
vice ; religious, pious, devout ; a a little wick, snuff of a candle.
efeorri, Poet, for Mart, d. pi. of
worshipper. Qpva\\ig, -?6os,fi, a wick; an herb
QpyjTTavov^-ov, TO, thebodyofacart, of which wicks were made. 0u/a, -as, f), a mortar, pestle.
&c. where the load is packed. Qpwy avdti) -w, to nib, chafe ; to Qvt\\a, -rjs, fi, (fr. Svu to rage, and
Qpial, -Qv, ai, pebbles, counters or scrape, scrub, scratch; to
rap, cJAIw to gather. Or fr. same,
dice, used to throw into a pitch- knock. and acXXa a storm) a whirl-
er to tell fortunes. >uAj'w, and 0puAAfw -Si, same as wind, storm, tempest, hurricane,
QpianfitvovTi, d. sin. par. pres. act. tornado.
0pia//|3Vffas, par.
1 a. act. of
0priAA?7/*a, -aro?, TO, (fr. 0uAXoipopd -5, (fr, last, tyopiu
-CTITW, (fr. Sptefyt/Joy
to murmur) a murmur, soft noise, to carry) to carry with violence,
a triumph) to triumph, rejoice, whisper.
~ sweep all away, drive all before
exult ; to lead in triumph ; make >,
and 0pt>AAt<7(rw, (fr. it.
to triumph. 3-pwAAo? a murmur) murmur, to
violently, pass tike a whilwind.
-YI, -ov, (fr. same) tri- buzz, mutter, whisper ; to bruise, Gvwai, Poet, for Meai, d. pi. of
umphal, triumphant. break, crush; to disturb, make
9pi<f/*j3o?, -ov, b, (fr. Spiov .
a fig- confusion. !<rr'Apos. for 0ucrra, which
branch,and E/t/falvci) to walk. iv\\os, -ov, b, murmur, hum of Poet, for 0t>f<m7?, -oti, o, Thy-
But more probably from the voices, confused sound ; a whis- cstes, a man's name.
Latin, triumphus, a triumph) per tumultuous noise, clamour,
; 0urw, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. of
a triumph, celebration of vic- din, mutinous cry, vociferation ;
tory. a rumour, report. <7<ra, -EV, (fr. Svos incense)
Qpiyxos or Qptyvof,-ov,b, (perhaps -aTOS, TO, (fr. SpVTTTU) tO , aromatic, odorous, fragrant, per-
fr. the hair) a battlement, break) a piece, fragment, scrap. fumed; holy, consecrated.
pinnacle ; the eaves ; a coping, 3pvov. -ov, TO, a rush, bulrush, vr]K6os, -ov, b, %, (fr. same, and
cornice ; a rampart, bulwark, flag, reed ; the herb white mul-
Kfia to burn) burning incense,

mound; a fence, enclosure; a lein. sacrificing ; religious, devout.

building, edifice, temple. pvxTdfievos, -r), -ov, par. pres. Qvt]\a or QvriXri, -?j?, fa (fr. Svu to
Qpton^, -KOf, fj,
lettuce. pass, of sacrifice) soothsaying, a divina-
the sound) PVTTTU, f.-^/w, p. TtOpv<j>a, to break, tion, omen ; the first offering, a
QpiUfib?, -ov, b, (from
a murmur, buzz, sound, noise, snap ; to bruise, crush ; to crum- libation.

roaring of the sea, whistling of ble, grind, pound, powder; to Qvr}Tro\eu

-w, f.
-tfo-co, $vo$ an
^he wind, &c. weaken, enfeeble, relax, enervate, and TroAro) be em-
Opfvaf or Tpmi, -aicos, o,
the hop- effeminate, indulge. 2 f. act. ployed) to make an offering, sa-
per of a mill ; a fan to winnow Tpv(f><j). per. pass. TfOpvpnai. crifice.

grain ; a three pronged fork. 0pw<ncw, to leap, bound, leap upon ; evpir6\os, -ov, b, //, (fr. same) offer-
Qpl%, Tp(%bs, >;>
a hair, the hair ; the to spring, rise up. ing, sacrificing, employed about
beard ; a bristle ; wool, nap, tacfjids, -ov, b, (fr. last) a rising the altar ; Subs, a priest, sooth-
down. d. pi. ptt or -n>. ground, hill, eminence. sayer, diviner.
a Jig-leaf, branch of Qva, -a?, fa (fr. f5a> to perfume) and
tfplov, -ov, rb, thuyas, -ov, b, fa (fr. same,
'a fig-tree. an odoriferous tree ; the wild n/- the sacri~
eat) devouring
-ov, b, a cable, liajjicr, spring presit. fice,, consuming
the vi
0TM <

niu4, -o5os, jj, Thyias, aprie* )//^//a, -aroj, TO, (fr. ^Ujui'w to spirit, deter minatioJi, resolutimi;
th. ^v//o? anger) eTno- poison, philtre, love-dose.
of Bacchus. provoke,
Sria the wild /ion, passion, rage, anger; a 6t///oj, 6, and BV/JLOV, -ov, rb, (fr.
ev'tvof, -ti, -ov, (fr.
^t'w to perfume)
cypress) of cypress. thought, fancy, fiction. thyme ; a wild
in- Qvpfjvas, -aca, *av, par. 1 a. act. onion.
Qviaiaj, -tjs, %, (fr. ,k'w to burn
cense) a censer, pan to
burn in- Bvftovutvos, par. pres. pass. cont.
cense ; a mortar. ,
-eos -ouj, 6, /, same as of 3vu6tt).

QVKOS, -ov, b, (fr. same) a vessel, nofOtpos, -ov, b,;,,(b. ^v^jthe

pan, dish. ,
f. -affw, p- Tc.6vp.laxa, mind, and Qdeipw to spoil) dis-
BvXdKtov, -ov, Tb) 6v\aKlcKOSj Gv-
same as S^tou. per. ind. pass. heartening, dispiriting ; ener-

Aawj, -ov, b, and Qv\a%, -aws, b, vating, weakening; destructive,

a bag, sack, scrip ; a husk, pod, Qvptapa, and Qvftiac[ta } -arcs, rb, deadly. (

dress for the (fr. $vf.udw to burn incense, th. Qvuoo) -5, f. -aio-w, p. rtdvfuaKa, (fr.
shell, hull, peel ;
legs, trousers. Sfya incense) incense, odorous same) to provoke to anger, en-
matters burned, perfume, aroma-
GuAa*vr0<i, -wyos, 6, (fr. last, and rage, irritate; to rouse, move,
a tics ; fumigation, scent raised by excite. Qv^6o(iai -ovpat, to be
rpcoyw to gnaw) sack-eater;
mouse, locust, or other creature fire. pi. S angry, rage, burn with fury.
that gnaws things. par. pres. pass. Svfiodfievos -ov-
GuAo^, -aKos, b, see $v\dKiov. r.'ipior, -ov, rb, (fr. last, and uvo$. per. ind. pass. Ttfvuupai.
ev\7]fia, -aros, rb, (ft.
Svw to sa- HO to keep) a censer, pan to I a. ind.
pass. Qvp<a6rrv. 1 f.

crifice) the first offering offlour burn aromatics, perfume, fumi- ind. pass.
sprinkled with wine and oil. gation ; an altar, altar for in- puo-ijs, -oj -ot'f, 6, fj, (fr. same)
Svua, -aros, rb, (fr. $vw to sacri- irritable, irascible, inclined to an-

fice) incense, perfume; an offer- Qvfiidaat,

1 a. inf. act. of ger, passionate, impetuous ; spi-
ing, sacrifice, victim. 'jfttdu -5, (fr. -v-H'ffa incense)
to rited, courageous.
burn incense, cause a perfume Ion. for tdvp&Qri, 3 sin. 1
Qvnatvw, f. -arco, (fr. $vubs anger)
a. ind. pass.
to be angry, resent ; to rage, be i?/ burning aromatics, fumi- Gi'//w0^vat, 1 a.
act. ind. inf. pass.
violent. 1 a.
tdvfiijva' gate. 6t>//w0tj, -tiea, -iv,
par. SvpfivaS' par. 1 a. pass. ofSvfieu.
)iufjrai, Ion. for &vpia-nxt, t
3 sin.
0v//aAya, a. sin. or neut. pi.
pres. of Qvvc, Ion. for {Owe, 3 sin. impf.
ind. mid. coal, of last.

6t'/M/3op/w -w, (fr. Svfjids

the mind, act. Or, it may be 2 sin. impr.
the mind, and
aAyrw to grieve)
and '/3opa food) to consume or act. of CTW, same as vw.
heart rending, afflicting, corrod- prey upon tJie mind; io
grieve, -ov, b, also Qvvvds, -aoos,
, fret, gnaw; to mourn. etvra, Qvvvri, and Qvvr), -tjs, q,
to the tunny fish.
Bvfid\ta^, -uroj, b, (# ry>cj Qvpopdpos, -ov, b, 11, (fr.same) heart-
a u-ounding, prnins; on the mind, -, -cos, l>, r), (fr. last) like
bum) torch, firebrand.
evuaota, a. sin- or neut. pi. of distressing, vexatious. a tunny, stupid, foolish, silly.

lO/js- -ios -o?i, o, fj,(fc. same, Apos. for Si'vovra, a. sin.


f. (fr. St/jo? the

and 6dKvw to gnaw) gnawing par. pres. act. of
(jvpaaiu) -co, -jy<7&3,

mind, and dow to fit)

to please, the mind, corroding, Qvru, same as S-vw.
gratify, indulge, conciliate. Qvutis, -oTffa, -v,(fr.^i'oj perfume)
QvjjtapriSi ~tS -ovs, b,f/, (fr. same) -ovs, <>, ft, (fr. same, odormis, fragrant, sweet smelling.
agreeable, grateful, pleasing,
con- and cTSos likeness) angry, irrita- Qvotffa, Dor. for S-vovaa, fem.
ing. ble, passionate, violent, furious. Gov, neut. par. pres. act.
Qvuflpa, -as, f], (perhaps
fr. Svu to Qvpotic&$,(fi-. last) violently, fierce- evov-i, Dor. for Svovci, 3 pi.

perfume) the herb savory. ly,furiously. pres. ind. act. of t'o>.

OvuPpas,-oii, b, i',, (fr. next) of the k'/'oA/wr, -orras, o, i'y, (fr. -S-i'^toj Qvos, -tog -ovg, TO, (fr. Stw to sa-

Tiber, Tiberine, Roman. spirit, and AtW a h'on) lion- crifice) incense, perfumes or aro-
5os, f], Lat. Tirw, Eng. hearted, magnanimous, generous, matics burned; an offering, vic-
a river in Italy. ~vpo\iovra* tim, sacrifice; odour, perfume,
)vu.ofiia%lu) -w, f. -ijc'j), p. rdvp.o-
^S"/os, ~ov, b,
>], (fr.

savory, a.nd tpdyw to eat) living fidyrjKa, (fr. same, and fid%Qpai Qvo<TK6o$, -ov, b, (fr. $vo$ an offer-
-(tables; to "fight) to fight with all the ing, and /cof'w, Ion. for void) to
, sparing, frugal. mind, oppose with all the heart ; understand; or Ka'ua to burn)
Qvuft AJ to sacrifice) :hly displcafed, violently in- and
an altar ; the altar of Bacchus ; to be
obstinately bent on euoc-Kdro?, -ov, b, (fr. same, and
in the front of the Grecian par. pres. act. cKfrrojiai to consider) an augur

the -meal or cake offered ; -wv. who divines from the inspec-
a pulpit, stand, scene, stage ; a 3t'//o<iA//77,-?7s, thyme,
>i, (fr. ^L'/ICJ? tion of burnt sooth-
ire. and oaA//v pickle) a mixture of sayer.
, -bv,
(fr. last) bebng- tJiyme bruised in vinegar with 6v6ii), f. -wffw, p. rtQvuiKa, (fr. $i'oj
'-) the stage, pertaining to the salt, aromatic pickle. incense) to
perfume, sprinkle
tiieatre ; playing, represf 3vp.o~\Ti6riSi ~OS -ovs, b, ij, (fr. -Ji'-
v:ith odours; to
compound aro-
Gu/zw -w, f. ->5erw, (fr. Svubs anger) f.(bs
the mind, and rA;0w to fill)
; to smell, be fragrant,
to make angry, the mind, vehe- yield an odour, par. per. pass,
provoke, enrage, filling violent,
0u^fo//ai -ou//at, to be ment. cont. rf.OvwjjLiros.
angry, rage, fret. impf. act. Jvuopaiyrrts, Lnd Poet, -oaicrris, Qi'pa, -as, ft, (perhaps fr. S-vu to
tSvptov -ovv. 1 f.
6vpopf>at<rrfiSi -ov, b, f], (fr. rush) a door, gate; entrance, 9
6v|/7ypfa) -o5, (fr. same, and ayti- same, and pai'co
destroy) de- mouth, passage. At 3-vpat, a
to collect) to recollect, recover, stroying, destructive, heart break-
pw court, hall, palace.
gain spirit, take resolution. ing, overwhelming. without doors, out,
Qtpagc, (fr. last)
Qufirjcfij) -w,
-?5<rw, (fr. same, and Qufibs, -oP, y, (perhaps fr. SUM to abroad. Oi ^;pa^, those abroad,
a to delight) f? be cheerful, move violently) breath, sou!, foreigners, strangers. .

be gUid, rejoice. mind, heart, life; movement, im- Qvpa'ios, -a, -ov, (fr. same) strange,
-tos -off, f>, ih (fr. same) pulse, inclination, appetite: af- foreign, another's.
agreeable to /'t '>'; emotion, pa-s- Gvpar, Dor. for -roGi, g. pi. of
.r/T. ti5ra (', : rmrasr. same.

(fr. same) to turn out of 6ucrtaw, f. -acrw, (fr. last) to sacri-


eupauAf'w -w, f.
->;<ra, (fr. same,
and avAr) a fold)
to lie out,
lodge without the
doors, pass
night at the door; to sere-
Gvpav'Ma, -ay, >?, (fr. same) lying
or passing the night out of doors ;
. a serenade.
0vpao>v, JKo\. for Svp&v, g. pi. of

Qvpyavdw, to try
causes, judge, de-

Qvptbs, -ov, (fr. $vpa

6, a door) a
shield, oblong like a door ; a
great stone serving as a cover or
stopper for a cave.
0up00dpoy, -ov, 6, (fr. same, and
to carry) a s/iicldlbearer,
armed with a long shi<>l>/. ,

Qvperpov, -ov, TO, Poet. (fr. same)

a door, gate, wicket;
mouth, passage.
Qvptuv, Ion. for SvpGv, %. pi. of
Qvpfiaffw, (fr. Svpibs a shield) to
provide with a shield; to arm,
equip, appoint.
0w>;$t, d. Ion. of with -d>i
Poet, or adv. out of doors,
abroad, from home.
0upi<5oy, g. of S-iJp/y in next.
0uptov, -ov, TO, and Qvpis, -<5oy, {,,
(dim. of Svpa. a door) a little
door or gate, wicket ; a window,
aperture, opening.
Qvp6u) -u, f.
-wow, (fr. same) to
furnish with doors, shut up
with a gate ; to close, lock up,
fivpaos, -ov, v, in pi. Svpffa, -wv, T,
Poet, (perhaps fr. ${>& to dart)
a thyrsus, wand or spear en-
twined with leaves, Bacchus' a
staff; a branch, bough ; a gar-
land or wreath worn at wed-
0upo~oa) -to, (fr. last) to make a

thyrsus, entwine or cncir

a door)
Qvpufjia, -roy, TO, (fr. ${>pa
a gate, one half or side of a gate:
or large door ; a plank, board :

a doorcase or frame.
(fr. same,
upwpoy, -ou, 6, >'/,

ami oupoy a guard, th. won care)

a doorkeeper, guard, watch.
Qvam, 1 a. inf. act. of i'w.

Guovzro'ciy. and 0uo*crczi'0c(, -ccffa,

-ev, (fr. next) fringed, flounced, ;

Qvaiivoi, -<j)v, ol, (fr. v-ytrarjj to
bhake, th. $vu to rush) a fringe,
flounce, border ; a heir.,

Qvaarc, 2 pi.
1 a. impr. act. of
Qvfftiv, 1 f. inf. act. Qvcrj, 3 gin.
1 a. sub. act. of same.
0t)<r0Atf, -o>i>, ra, (fr. to sacri- $vu
fice) the rites of Bacchus ; cakes,
offerings ; brunches, boughs ;

wands entwined with leaves,

Qvaia, -ay, rj, (fr. same) a sacrifice
victim, offering.
'!/%<;, -loos, ,
uaMrc8.. loidfav, -outre, -ov, (par. prr.-. of
'!/?<?, -t<5os, v,
a storfc, the ibis.

-ot>, 6, mallows, marsh-

'I/fo, an Ion. adv. wry, -much,
Iftiu, (fr. last) to lash, whip,
scourge; to cry out, exclaim .

'lycn, -ns, b (perhaps fr. dyu>
break) a mortar; u pestle.
'lyfitvos, -T], -ov, par. per. pass,

(fr. tj strength,
lyvva, -as, ,

yow the knee) the groin; the

ham, hough, hip.
I<T for t<5f or rjSf, and, also, even.
'loa, -as, -e, per. ind. mid. of ddo).
'Ida, -as, f,, a wooded hill; Ida,

mountain near Troy, and in

iSalosi -a, -ov, of Ida, Idean ; Idcs-
us, a man's name.
iSaXtfios, -ov, b, 17, (fr. icos sweat)
hot, heating; causing sweat,
same as ao"aAAo//ai or
nai, which see.
loavbs, -ov, b, f;, pleasant, delight-
ful, agreeable, grateful ; joyful,
jocund, gay.
'loe, (2 sin. 2 a. impr. of tiu to

see, used adverbially) see, look,

behold; there.
'Ids, 3 sin. 2 a: ind. act. 'iSe,
-ro>, in 2 pi. 'I<5fiT,
2 a. impr.
act. of i<5co.

Ion. or noe, Att. and, afeo ; so,
Ufa, -a?, $, (fr. a'<5co
to see) same
as eloea.
I&ltiv, Ion. iStpev, Ion. and
./Eol. iSf^tvat, Att. and Dor.
loh, Dor. for IfoTv, 2 a. inf.
act. of slow.

loipws, (fr. dow to see, and {pus

love) in iove at first sight.
IctaQai, 2 a. inf. mid. 'IceaKov,
-?, -, Ion. for iSov, 2 a. ind. act.
idea ap-
Icsx^fis, -ios -ovs, b, f), (fr.

pearance, and t'xQos hatred)

hateful in appearance or to the
sight, unsightly, ugly, deformed;
loathsome, disgusting disagreea-
ble. ,

lota for dSu>. Or, Ion. for'I&w, g.

I57, -??, ^, Ion. for 'Ida.
3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of dew.
'lor/ai,Ion. for iSjj, 2 sin. 2 a.
sub. mid. Icrjv, Dor. and
JEol. for iSeiv, 2 a. inf. act.
lorjs, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of

sin. iSrjffi,
d. pi. Ion
_., -ou, o, a man's name.
lorjffS, Dor. for (5r/o-w,
1 f. act. of
tow for dow, to see. 'Ibnrt, 2
pi. 2 a. sub. act. of '<5w.

lota, (viz. xtopa, d. sin. fem. of

lotos peculiar) privately, pecu-
liarly; separately, severally;
apart, by itself.
l&(fa>,f. -aerw, (fr. same) to
withdraw, keep, live or be sepa-
'I=i, Bceot. Sync, for 'leaav, 3 pi.
tend, discharge; to throui, fling, rig Jit judge or arbitrator ; Adj. 'I/cEXof, -r), -ov, (fr. eui> to resem-
shoot ; to send forth, emit, utter ; upright, correct. ble) like, resembling.
to give over, desist, pres. inf.
iQvtioiZ, -ivo?, I), >), (fr. same, and iKtXdd) -co, (fr. last) to liken, com-
act. it-vat, impf. 'inv, 'ins,
$pf the hair) with the hair on pare.
from i'a), obs. uov -ovv, tf -tf, end, bristly. 'IKCV, 3 sin. v added, impf. act. of
i -.'! a. ind. act. /*. and l&vfta^lr), ->;f, //, (fr. same, and i'/CCO.

Att. enica. 2 a. act. ind. rjr, fa, /a) a fight) fairjigliting, open 'IKEO, Ion. for 7/cou, 2 sin. pres.
% sub. w, j/yz p,
and I
war, a pitched battle. ind. or impr. mid. of four or 2

JIS> JI' inf. .ft vd i. "Ispc 'Iduppot, -wv, ol, (perhaps fr. tQvta sin. 2 a. ind. or impf. mid. of
one's self, move, hasten. tfi burst
out, and par] shouting)
to be set upon, desire, cm sdly verses or noisy dam iKfadai, inf. 'Intffdnv, 3 du. 2 a.
both together, in honour of Sac- ind. rnid. of \Kvioiiai.
for. impf. pass, if fit) v, -aro,-tro.
per. pass, ci^at.
1 a. piss. ind. clius; ribaldry, riot. iKsaia, -of, //, (fern, of next, viz.
Wr,v and tWriv. 1 f. ind. mid. I0iira,3 sin. pres. ind. act. 'I9v- aad) supplication, prayer, en-
->;, -T<zi.
2 a. mid. iud. vtv, 3 sin. iwpf. act. of !

and fi'/z/jv, -<ro, -ro' par. ^E- lOvvin, f.
-Bvw, (IV. ;0uf straight) to IV;of, -a, -ov, (by Sync, for IKC-
direct, guide, order, rule, go- r;;c-(0f, fr. IKITTJS a suppliant)
'!>?/, (same as ciui fr. A* obs.) to vern; to steer,drive; to strain, suppliant, entreating, praying;
go, move, proceed, man-'i.
rack. who receives or grants prayers,
Ion. for idcacQai,
Ijjffatrdat, lOv-rluv, -to^of, 6, '/, (fr. same, and
\ a. that may be entreated, merciful ;
inf. mid. bycraro, Ion. for ztTouai to fly) flying straight an epithet of Jupiter.
idea, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of forward; moving in a direct 'IKET', for "IKETO, 3 sin. 2 a. ind.
idouat. line ; swift asjli^lil, rapid. mid. of iKviouai.
sin. pres. ind. act. of Zjj/tt, I0i)f, -Eta, -v, straight, not crooked,
3 IKITUS, -a, b, Dor. for (/r?7f.
to send. direct; right, upright, true, cor- iKfTEVpili -UTOS, TO, (fr. IKtTCVW tO
3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Irifii, ,
rect, just. comp. lOvreoos, sup. at, th. IKITIIS a suppliant)
to go. -rarof. a prayer, entreaty, supplication,
ITJCI, by Ion. Parag. for iris, 2 sin. I0i)f, -i;of, >/, (fr. last) straightness, petition.
or Ion. and Poet, for (;;, direct motion; violence, impetu- iKiTtvov, -f, -, impf. act. 'Iici-

3 sin. sub. of iov, 2 a. ind. of osity ; disposition, propensity. rtvaa, -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
to go, from ifco, obs. -ov,comp. of lKTV(j), f. -VCTW, (fr. IKtTflS & SUp-

?/*t urcpof, -a, t0i)f.

Irjaovi, d. of I//<rcov, Ion. for Io*<ru>v, v(t>,

-vau, (fr. i0Df straight) pliant) to come as a suppliant,
a man's name. to go, come or move straightfor- beg the rights of hospitality ; to
lriffov$, -oi), Jesus, the Saviour.
6, ward ; to rush,
dart, make a pray, entreat, beseech, supplicate.
Also, Joshue or Joshua, d. lr- charge. 'iKtTijoia, -as, 'i, (fr. same) a
o>, (fr. (of rust)
to be rusty or linutch of olive carried by suppli-

-uv, ol, natives of the island cankered. ants ; a supplication, humble and

log, now JVi'o. Kth'E, -tv,

3 sin. 'IKUVCTOV, 2 du. earnest prayer.
Irjrrio, Ion. for tar/'/p. impf. act. of bedim). 'lK(Tr/pis, -Woj, f/, (fr. same)
a fe-
, -fOf-ot)f,'o, fi, (fr. i0D di- \Kav6op.ai -ovfjiai, see tKavoti). male suppliant or petitioner.
rectly, and yfi/of birth, th. yn-o- Iitavbv, -ov, TO, (neut. of next) a \KfTrjs, -ov, b, (fr. iKvfop.ai to come
to be) directly descended sufficiency, satisfaction, equiva- to. Or fr. SVco to come, and
from ; lawfully born, legitimate ; lent ; bail, security. the hearth) a comer, stran-

original, native. KUVOS, ->), -bv, (fr. i/cavco to

reach) ger who begs hospitality; one
I0a/o?, ->7ff, >h fthact, a Greek Jit, apt,adapted, proper for; who comes to pray v a suppliant,

island, now Thiaki. adequate, equal to, capable of; supplicant, petitioner.
10<zp, (fr. t0D directly) quickly, sufficient, enough, many, great 'I/cT//o-(os,-a, -ov, (fr. last) see
swiftly, soon. or ter,g-e enough ; worth, worthy, iKiffiof. An epithet of Jupiter.
I9{a,lon. for i0?a, fern, of i9vg. considerable, of consequence, '\Kriai, Ion. for 'LKIJ, 2 sin. *Ix^-
I0aa, -as, and^Ion. I0<>7, -tyf, >/, valuable, comp. tKawrfpof and rai, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of
(fein. of lOtif'st-aight,
viz. OIKIJ
-corEpof, sup. \Kav6raros, and
justice) rectitude, right, proprie- -corarof. 'IK/ZW, f.
-<TW, (fr. J>c^af moisture)
Kav6Y?7f, -7?ro? , (fr.last) aptness, to wet,
moisten, water, bedew,
ty justice, equity.
; 17,

Ion. to
soften ; to drop
I0?at, n. fern.
pi. iQeijjffi, fltness, propriety ; ability, capa- sprinkle ;
for {0E(atf, d. pi.
fern, of Tfl-'-
bility, sufficiency. out, drain, par. 1 a. pass, k-

I0itof, (Ion.
for 0f wf
i KavovaOo), 3 sin. cont. pres. impr.
or fr. t00f straight) straightway, pass, of 'iKualvw, (fr. same) same as IK-

directly, quick y, swiftly, soon. icavou -w, f.

"toerto, p. iKavwKa, (fr.
'I0i, mo, 2 and 3 sin. pres. impr. tKavdf fit)
Jit, qualify, make 'iK/jLalos, -a, -or, (fr. next) wet,
of t/n, to go, capacitate. '\Kavuouai -ottfjiai, to moist, damp, dewy.
'Wfia, -ttVof, TO.
to go) a (fr. ttpi be proper for or adapted to ; to 'iK/m? and IK^US , -aSos, rj, humour,
step, pace; gait, motion,
move- answer, suit, correspond, Jit. moisture, exudation ; vapour, ex-
ment, d. sin.
before an pres. impr. pass, iicavoov -ov, halation.

aspirate ifyta0'. -0&T0W -our0w. 1 C ind. mid. iica- 'IK/ZEVOS, ->/, -or, (fr. last) Tnois^,
'I0opof, (pernaps (0aj) quickly vu)(ro/*ai.per. pass. fcavt>//at. damp, exuding, sweating.
or fr. idi go, and opouw to rush [avu, Poet. (fr. I'/cco
to come) to 'iKptvos, -r/,-ov,
(perhaps by Sync,
or to cheer) a term of en- come or go to, meet, approach;
for (/c<fytvos, P ar>
pres. mid. of
"KW, or par. 2 a. mid. of IKVIO-
to arrive at, reach, attain to; to
couragement or cheering, for-
! on ! cheerly ! get, seize, invade, fall upon ; to pai to come) blowing coming,
*lBots, -tog, o, a eunuch. supplicate, entreat, beseech. fair, favourable.
I0D, (neut. of i00y straight) straight [Kcvcof, (fr. Uovof enough) suffi- \Kviouai, f. t'fo^at, p. lyuai, bor-
forthwith, immediately, di-
way, ciently, abundantly, plentifully, rows tenses fr. ticta,
to come,

rectly forward, towards; op-

; very, very much. approach ; to come to pray, sup-
posite, facing. iKdvuxrtv, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act plicate, entreat;
to come to, get

IQvt/iicaiffi, d. pi.
with i added of iKaviaffavTi, d. sin. 1 a. par. act. at, arrive at, reach,
attain to ;
iQvoYKrjs, -ov, 8, (fr. upright
i0i)f of 'iKavdb). to come upon, assail, assault^
and O'IKTI justice) a just or up , -rj, -ov, SUD. of same. attack, invade; to. belong or re
t/bthes, a coat, garment, robe,
mn inn IJU1
a Jew ; to become a Jew. pres. a horse) a horseman, rider ; a -ov, 6, fi, (fr. same,

inf. horse-soldier. and Kdfirj hair) horse-haired,

adorned or fiouing with horse
lovcaiKls, -ri, -ov, (fr. same) Jew- rrtvrfis, -ov, b, (fr. same) eques-
Jews. in the hair.
ish, like the trian, horsemanlike, skilful
lovSatK&s, (fr. last) Jewishly, like
use of a horsed 7r-o*:opt;oT)s -ov, b, (fr. same, and
the Jews. f.
-VCCO, p. IJTTTEVKa, (fr. Koptvao) to arm, th. Kdpvs a,
on horse-
lovSatos, -ov, o, (fr. lovSas Judas go met) helmeted, plumed', wearing
same) ride,
or Judah) a Jew; Jewish, of, a headpiece crested with horse
in the manner liair ; a soldier on horseback or
or like the Jews. -rtjcbi', (fr. same)
a Ju- horses. 27i a chariot, warrior; arm-
lovSalcpds, -ov, b, (fr. same) of
d. pi. of mili-
daism or Hebraism ; a Jewish r-fjtaoi, Ion. for Iirreuffi, 'juipped; warlike,
phrase or custom; the Jewish tary.

religion. l-rn\aff(a, -as, ;/, (/em. of next) I

6\-porosi-ou, 6, fi, (fr. same, and
Jewish viz. bods, a road, highway, horse- th.
Kooria) to clap)
lovtaio-rl, (fr. same) in the Kp6ros noise,
a driving or a snorting, neighing, clattering
manner or language. road, bridle-road ;
-ov. Judas, Judah or riding ; a plunder or body of
steed ; bcatm or travelled by
lovoas, b,
Jude. horses. horses, level, plain. Subs, a
-a and Ion. -n, -ov, race course.
lovX/aj or lovXtoj, -ov, 6, Julius, rirriXacnos,
a man's name. a horse, and tXavvu Poet, for 'Iriro-
(fr. 'I-TTOS ;, -77s, fi,

'lovXos, -ov, 6, (fr. ovXos soft) down, to drive) driving, riding; that Xvreia, the daughter of Hippoly-
young hair or feathers. may be ridden or travelled on tus.
-los -ovs, TO, (neut. of
'low, impf. ind. cont. from itw for horseback, fit for horses. ,

an herb poisonous to
IrrwXara, v. of j;s)
horses a discharge from mares
, n. fern. sin. lovcas, a. --learns, -ov, I, (fr. same) a ;

a driver, cha- at certain seasons; their natural

fern. pi. of iwv, par. 2 a. of tipi, rider, horseman ;
to rioteer. desire.
lovffros, -ou, 6, (fr. the Lat. Jus- Irr:;/Xa>os, -ov, b, ih (fr. same) Iirxofiavfti) -w, (fr. next) to desire
tus, honest) Justus, a man's easy for riding, that may be tra- violently, be lascivious.
name. velled by horses ; smooth, level ; I-ZTronavfjs, -fu)s -ovs, b, >% (fr. 7^-
an arrow, TTOSa mare, and naivo^ai rage)
lo%faipa, -as, //, (fr. ids open, spacious.
and %a/pu to rejoice) delighting iTirtKbi', -ov, TO, (neut. of next) very fond of horses ; violently
in archery. An epithet of viz. rdyna a troop, cavalry, the affected by desire, lascivious,
Diana. horse, a cavalcade. lewd; mad, distracted, outrage-
an oven, -ov, (fr. "TTTTOS a horse) ous.
'l-vbs, -ov, 6, hearth, fire- l-TT-f KOS, -rj,

place, kitchen ; a lanthorn ; a equestrian, riding, horsem.anU.ke ; iTTTro/jia^ia, -as, fi, (fr. limos a
dunghill, dung ; a closestool. fit for or belonging to horses. horse, and //a'^o/iai to fight) a
'!TOS, -ov, 5, (perhaps fr. trrw or same, and fight on horseback, battle of ca-
ImoyafnTf, -ov, 6, (fr.
/rw to squeeze) pressure, a %atT>7
horse hair) horsf- valry, cavalry engagement.
squeeze, crushing ; a mousetrap. adorned with horse hair. iTr-Kd/jiTiris, -cos, 6, /, (fr. same, and
clever in horseman-
Irrdw -u, (fr. last, th. JTTTW to hurt) IT-O^OTOIO, g. Ion. of fiijns skill)
to press, squeeze, crush; to op- I777rdj3o-os, -ov, o, //, (fr. same, and ship, skilled in horses, a jockey,
to feed) breeding or rear- horseman.
press, overpower, afflict, par. fltorjco)

pres. cont. {7rov//vo$. ing horses, famous for its breed \-x-6vlKos, -ou, 6, (fr. same, and
of horses. jtAc/7 victory) Hipponicus, a
'IwTraywyo's, -ov, b, >'], (fr.
horse, and ayw to conduct) car- Ion. of man's name.
Imro&fftoto, g.
rying cavalry or horses. iTT-ficafiosi -ov, b, (fr. same, and
'), same, and voi>
lTr-oi'&'j7,-77j, %, (fr.

understand) Hipponoe, a wo-


tame) a breaker or
to to
lT^a(a), or rather 'iTrird^ofiai, (fr. Saudii)

same) to ride, go on horse- 7<r of horses, JiorsemaJi, man's name.

back. rider ; charioteer, driver. [rroi'wjiiaf, -a, (fr. same, and vu-
"IiTTraj^osj -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same, and 7!.'s, -aa, -v, (fr. same,
and fidd}
move) driving his horses ;

ai%pia spear) that fights with cacvs thick set) set, mounted or epith. of the sun.
a spear on horseback ; a Ian adorned with horse hair, close- I--o-sipos, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. same, and
cer. covered with horse hair, rough, r.doa experience) intelligent in
'iTnraXfo'as, -a, 6, Dor. for 'IirraXt- hairy. horses, experienced in horseman-

trjs, -ov, b, same as l-z-tvs. I~Ttooidi>KTas, -a, Dor. for ITTT jci ship ; a horseman.

l---tp%f<a -ui, (fr. iVrros a horse, wKrrjS, -ov. b, (fr. same, and ^tci- "Iirrros, -ov, o and #, (perhaps fr.
and to command ;:w to drive) a driver, charioteer; to fly, and rovs the foot)
ap%fi command)
cavalry. a horseman, rider. a horse or mare, one of the horse

and "IrrTrap^oj, -ov, 6, IrTocoo/ua, -asi ^, (fr. same, and kind.
(fr. same) the ruler of a horse, a
a race, th. ctcpopa fr. TTTOC, -ou, i^, cavalry, horse sol-
horseman, rider ; o commander to run) a horse race, cha- diery.
of cavalry. Hipparchus, a man's riot race. -ov, f], substance, goods,
name an epithet of Nep-
; I-^o$p6nios, -ov, b, (fr. same) the hattels.
tune. patron of horse-racing. An epi- ros, Dor. for ?rrovs, a. pi. of
'l--a$, -doos, ri, (fr. same) for thet of Neptune. rrroc.
iTTriKJ;, fem. of JrrtKdf, eques- 'IrTro^po^o? -ov, 6, (fr. same) a race l-~oaia, -as, fi, (fr. 'i-mros
a horse,
trian. course for horse cr chariot races ; and <7vu> to drive) a horse-wo-
'ln-affia, -as, >/, (fr. same) horse- a high road. man^ woman riding or driving.
manship, riding ; cavalry, the 'Iir-oBvn, -ns, f],
a woman's name. ^otroas -a, Poet, and Dor. for
horse ; an equipage, '\--oiiv, Poet, for "zrotv, g. or d.
suite. 'l-nroffdris, -ov, b, (fr. same) a
\TTxdcifLos, -ov, 6, fi, (fr. same) pass- du. "l-TToiffi, Ion. for '1-- rider, horseman ; a driver, cha-
able on horseback^ fit for horses, d. pi. of r7770?. rioteer.
r f
a lrrrro(ruvaw', g. pi. ^Eol. of
open, level, plain. IinroiclvTatipQ() -ov, b, (fr. rrros
"Iirraoj, -a, -ov, (fr. same) equeS' horse, and mraupos a centaur' -zoffvvri, -rjs, a horse)
fj, (fr. fcrTros

trian, riding. same as Ktvravpos. a hippocen- horsemanship, the art of riding

IffirtTs, n. or a. pi. cont. of
taur, centaur, an imaginary and driving ; management of
7nrnis, -toy, Art. -fios, b, (fr. forcx monster of Thessaly. horses.

v. or n. Bceot. of Ipicfft,
Poet, for t'ptffi, d. pi.
of stand; to
perceive, comprehend
-ou, 6, (fr. same) a
horse- last. pri;s. ind. act. iV/^t, t<7)f, <nj<n,

man, horse soldier, a knight; a Ipog , -fa -bv, Ion.

'tepbg, -d,
-ov. Dor. /o-ao-i, pi. icrap.cv, by Sync.
soldier Jighting in a chariot. poj, -oD, 6, Irus,
a man's name. <T/xV, Dor. fo/itv, icart, by Sync,
, -ov, 6, (fr. same, and Ipoupymi, -wv, at, (fr. tpd? for'apug /arf, iffacrt) Dor. iaavri, impf.
a bow) a mounted arcJier, holy, and tpyov work) sacred act. ;'(T7;j', iV/??, /f/;,
pi. Icauav,
horse bowman. .it's, riles, sacrifices. by Synr.. tVav.
pres. impr. act.
iffffOi, and taff jaarw,
f. -?70-w, (fr. same, Ion. for Jrpo- arid tVnu'
l7rjroTpo0f'a> -w, lpo<pdvrris, 'Ip6<pv\a%,
and Tp/0w to rear) to rear, breed iffarov, and iarov' to'arwv, and tu-
or keep horses, .
pi.of ipbg, Ion. for icpdg. TWV iaart, and tcrrs* ttrarwo'av, (V-

rwo-ai', and iaruv. pres. inf. act.
the Ion. for icpiaavvT).
l7T7rorpo0/a, -us, fa (fr. same) ,

rearing, breeding or keeping of l'g, Ivbgi fa afiirc,

filament^ nerve, (o^avat. par. pres, act. (Vaj, -atra,
. horses. ,
sir.evj ; strength, Jin,i- -av. pres. ind. mid. icra^a .

l7r;rorpo^os, -OD, 6, (fr. same) a '.ditv, power. /ora/iai, -o-at or -o-/?- impf. mid.

keeper or breeder of horses, lo-', for^Ioa, (ir. ?rroj equal) equal- icrdpnv, and lardprjv. pres. inf.
jockey, groom. ,s well, xo. mid. iffaaSai. par. pres. mid.

'iTtnoKpr/vti, ->jy, same, and

fa (fr- aaiiK, Heb. indecl. Isaac, a .man's
r ' f f C '
a spring) Hippocrenc, a

KpT/vrj (GrjQTjc, -tog -ovg, o, ?/, (*^ tcoj

fountain in Bosotia. <7yyAo, -ov, o, }/, (fi~. Taoj equal, equal, and dpu to fit) equal, alike,

-ttW, fa (fr- same, and and a'yysAo? an angel) equal to even, a match or fellow, jitting,
oupii a tail) horse-tailed^
adorned or /ife i/ie ungcit, angelic, adapted.
with horse hair, with a crest of o-'(w, f.
-aaw, (fr. same) to equal- IcQi, Sync, for iaaQi, pres. impr.
horse hair. ize, make equal to or tuc/i vw7/t, act. ol tGTjui.

'Irr7rc06'p/3toj/,-ou, TO, (fr. same, and put on a level ; to compare, as- IffOi, {(70: or fco, tffTtj), pres. impr.
to graze) a horse pasture ; similate, esteem equally. of ciul, to be.
a herd of horses. same as
'aa'tag, Ho-ataj, a man's [<rO\fa -/;?, /;, corruptly for i^d\rj.
'ItfTro^op/foj, -ou, 6, (fr. same) one name. 'Io-0//ta, -wi', T, (neut. pi. of'Io-0-
who breeds, feeds or grazes o-a7o;, -ov, b, Isaus, a man's Hiog Isthmian) viz. koa sacrifi-
horses. name. ces, the Isthmian sacrifices and
Dor. few. in honour of
'lir~ovdop.ag, -a, for
'Irffo^up- lo-aif, d. pi. ofttrof. g (tines, Neptune, at
-ou, 6, (fr. same, and ^atou
///??, cruA/7, -rjg, fa(perhaps ir. j.faAoy the Isthmus of Corinth,
to delight) delighting in horses. wanton) a goatskin jacket. [c-0/KuKcif, -ov, 6, fa and laOfiias.
'Iniiwvtu) -w, (fr. same, and wvto- lo-tt/m',
pi. pres. ind. act. of .
17, icO^bg a m

pat to buy) to but/, sell or deal in iciiju. Sync, By it is made Isthmian, at the Is!.!
horses. iff^zv,
and Dor. loficv. 'IcOitfuv, -ov, TO, (fr. same) any
same) a pur- leay.i, Dor. :ht JTXS or neck
f.;r to-^^t.
'Iirituvta, -as, fa (fr. ; o.

chase or sale of horses, dc, lo-af, 3 pi. impf. of ?p.;, '!ar.

horses. Jo-av, by Sync, for 'Ic-acraj-, 3. pi. 'Ic-O^Voj, -, -oi', (fr. same) living
"lirrauai, pres. mid. of of tfft/v, impf. act. 'lauvri, a,' the. Isthmus, Isthmian, a native
or 7rr?j/n,f. TTT//CW, p. rt'rr- Dor. i'or ura.n', 3 bl. pr of it.

r/7*ca, (fr. -niw obs. to

fly) io act. of itrrijjii. IcO/iot, (fr. same) at or on ill?.

fly, go through the air. 2 a. ind. advepog, -ov, b, fa (fr. taog cqrfal, Isthmus.
act. tirrrjv'iuf. irrrjvai- par. rra;. and dvEfiog
the wind) fleet as the [cOnbg, -ou, fa a neck of land, a:i.
pres. ind. mid. tvr/,<r inf. wind. i;:tJi niiiK
; the neck, jaws, throat;
tirraadai' par. irrTUficvog. 2 a. adpiOtjLog, -ov, 6, fa (fr. icro? equal,
the neck or narrow part of
mid. ind. mrdnnv, a and number) equal in
apiO^og ,-isofan hour-glass.
inf. TtrdaQai' par. number, of the f,-i.mc number. 'lev, and Ion. iaai, for aat, 3 pi.

iTTTtjaofjai', -/j -TU, 1 f. hid. mid. leas' ,

for iVao-i, 3 pi. pres. ind. pres. of?/K to go.
of last. act. 'laag, -aaa, -av, par. 'lciKog,-ov, b, and IO'IKIOV, -ov, TO,
ITTTO), cont. for nrrao-o, 2 sin. impf. pres. act. 'ladtrai, or iyrj, 2 sausage, black pudding.
mid. of same. sin. pres. ind. mid. '\oaai, 'Io-(f, -dog, fa Isis, an Egyptian
'ITTTW, or 'I, *o 7mrf, ?-/" n: > ruid 'Icaciv, 3 pi. or Dor. for divinity.
harm, damage, wrong, iarjtri,
3 sin. pres. ind. act. of IffKapiwTT}^ -ov, b, Iscariot, the na-
to wound, draw blood. tii:e
of Charioth or Kerioth.
Ion. and the herb rrond. of
'Ipd, -j,f
lp>), -17?, //, '.ad-rig, -i.'^oc, fa 'IGKOV, -?, -t, impf.
-oi<, ro, (fr. Ion. for '.cuvotig, ~cog -oT'H, 6, fa (fr. Tcro? 'lo-^-w, (fr. aJu) to know, or tiKu to
lpov, Ipo~j,

Jtpds Or, without the as-

holy. same, and <m!;) voice) o/" resemble) <9 /;ow>, think, consi-
per, perhaps fr. n'pw to speak) <z same name. pprchcnd, suppose ; to de-
p;.r:e, cowrf, market ;
a temple. To-//,
3 sin. impf. act. of larjui. vise, invent, contrive, feign, coun-

Ion. ibr tcpnoum. 'lo-;/, Att. for ttrao-tn, 2 in. of iau- terfeit, make like ; to assimilate,
3 sin. pres. ind. mid. fiai, pres. ind. mid. of same. compare.

lpao-0'u, pres.
inf. mid. d. sin. fern, of icog. 'Io-uv, by Sync, for la-autv, I
'Ipd- 'la-rj, pi.
Tcj,pres. impr. act. of last. pres. ind. act. of larjui.
Ion. for
kpn'j. lint, (fr. Tcro; equal, and yop: Irrpfivtog, -a, -ov, (fr. next) Isme-
Ion. for ctotfi). to speak) in speak'jreely <

nian, Theban.
'ipn, -ng, fa
the name of a town. equal, tall: familiarly. 'lfffj.tjrog, -ov, 6, a river of B&otia,
Ion. for
l'p/), kpu, fern. ofZcp5s. la-rjyopia, -tig, fa (fr. 8ame) v/aj7Vi2r near Thebes.
Ion. for 'Itpctat, n.*pl. of conversation; frankness, can- lacdvvaufw -w, (fr. "cog equal, and
dour; be to be as
pet a. equality, level. fivvauai to. able)
Ion. for Izptiw* Iarr>.'.cpia, -tig, fa (fr. taog equal, and powerful, have the same force, be
"Ip^s, Ion.
for icpaf. : a day) equality of days, equivalent.
'Ip^yyt?, -an', i, arteries, blood- the equinox. In60co$, -ov, b, fa (fr. same, and
vessels. I<7J7//rp"vdj, -fa -or, (fr. same) c^wi- $tb$ a deity) equal to God, god"
'Ipig, -Wof, ,% (fr. i'pw
to tell) <7ic
noctial, when the days and wights like, divine.
rainbow. Iris, the heathen are equal. IcoKparrig, -tog -ovg, o, fa (fr. same,
messenger of their gods ;
a? 'Icrripi, (perhaps fr. ffcrw, 1 f. of and K-p.-irof strength) of equal
aromatic herb, cassia. slita to know} to know, under- strength, power or efficacy,
a man'g , a mantle, or 0*pw to bear) gain, agree ; to weigh ; to let out
equivalent; Isocrates,
name. to equalize, make even ; to as- on interest; to impute, charge;
f r - r' a > ' a to be in to
I n> dc, compare ; equal restrain, curb, confine, check,
IffOKpaTiT], -nsih, >

situ'ition <>r ircn stop, keep, detain ; to stand-, be

',, (fr. same) equality of power circumstances, ,

bf alike, on a icvel. upright, be set erect; to stop,

strength or ejficacy ; sameness of
IffoipapiaScv, Dor.
for iao'
import or signification. stay, tarry, wait, halt, moor,
and pres. inf. of last. come to an anchor; to remain,
ItroAoyt'a, -as, iy, (fr. same,
esti- lays equal, be situated ;
Adyoj account ) cqmdiVj nf Ic-dtiopof, -ou, b, >], (fr. abide, continue, lie,

mation, and o/* V and <j>fpti>

to bear) bearing alike, to hang by or depend upon. pres.
to; able or Jit ; drawing or impr. act. 1<rradi.
impf. act.
o/ t '!y
worki' . a match or
same, and pirrip a mo- joraw) 2 a.
fdlot: f'equalweight. as, -ae-a, (as if fr.
o, >y, (fr.

ther) equal
I :*;, same, and
-'ju, L, ft, (fr. act. ind. fo-n/v, -j]s, -rj,, impr.

l<roni\r)cios, -ou, i>, fi, (fr. same, t/^oj a pebble) whose vole is OTrjOi. per. act. inil iffrriKtvai,
and MtA^o-ioj Milesian )
equal to anothers, of like right, and {ffTUKfvai, by Sync. fVravni,
Mi. ..
ft, delicate. power or influence , equal or on a p:ir. errtiKtbS) ai:d lorraKu;, by
Sync. tcTaus, andbyCras.fo-Tci?.
and'uotpa lot, th. /<n'pu>
to divide) of verses so called. pres. kid. mid. laTapai, -aaai or
to share alike, 'divide equally, Ie6\j>vx,os, -cv, b, (fr. same, and -//, -arat. per.
ind. pass. 'iaTapai,

take or get as much. t^ij^>; mind) like minded, of the

-cat, -T-II. 1 a. pass. ind. taTd-

IffOfjLotpos, -ov, b, //, (tr. same)

shar- disposition, with one con- Orjv inf. ffTadfjvaf par. aTaQds.
ing alike, of equal lot or portion. sent, unanimous. 1 f. ind. pass. aTadi:aou.ai.

"Iffov, (fr. To-os equal) equally, alike, I(7;)u), -to, w<7w, same as mdCij). 1
"larnaiv, 3 sin. withv added pres.
f. ind.
pass. i(j(aQfico^ai. 1 a. inf. ind. act. of last.
'low, -ou, TO, (neut. of same) mid. iff&aaaOai. 'IcTirj, -ris, /, Ion. for SCT'IO,.

equality, a like share. 'lo-rrw,

to say, speak, tell; to de- 'IffTtaTdpicv, -ov, TO,
Ion. for forta-
ladvccov, -ov, TO, (neut. of next) clare, pronounce ;
to upbraid, re-
level ground, a plain. proach. 'IcTiov,-ov, TO, (fr. Jo-rosamast, th.
Iff6~t6os, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. loos equal, lapa>i\,
Heb. indecl. Israel, thej "ic-mit to stand) a sail ; a veil ; a
and TTIOOV a plain) level, smooth, name given by God to Jacob. | ..', hangings; a standard,
champaign. Icrpr;A(T7S, -ou, o,
and Itrp-zvAZrif, ensign.
lc6xtTpos,-a Ion. -rj, -ov, (fr. -:oi, >/, (fr. last)
an Israelite, iGTofiosvs, -tos, Att. -lots, b, (fr.
and n-fYpa a rock) hard as a dcscc nda n f.
of Jacob. jo-TOf a beam, and (3ovs an ox)
rock, flinty, stony. iaad%ap, Heb. indecl. IssacJiar, pole, draught-tree, yoke; the
Iff6tr\vpos, -ov, b,f], (fr. same, and man's name. 'i-tail or handle ; a plough.

v\cvpd the side) equal-sided, "laTa, by Apoc. for 'iaTaOi, or cont. 'IcToporil, Ion. for Jo-ro/SosF, d. sin.
t'cral. for IffTae, which see.
of last.
Iffo-rrXndiis, -fos -ovs, b, >/, (fr. same, 'Icrii, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of Ic- 'loTotV/o;,
-ris, fj, (fr. IffTos the mast, '

and 7rAi/0<* to fill) equally full, as -^opai to receive) tht place

full as. "\<jT-i -a, ~ sin. inipr. act. or 3 provided for the mast, ;n the

ItroroMrtjs, -ou, b, (fr. same, and sin. impf. act. of to-raw, for 5'c-- Grecian ships, to lie or est in
7roAjY?7s a.
citizen, th. 6\ts a TT}flt. when let down, the mast-bi th.
city) equal in citizenship, on a "laTa&i, 2 sin. pres. impr. act. of "IcrTopa, a. sin. of torwp.
level in civil rights, as much a "oT??//f. 'loroofw -w, f. -;;c-w, p. -rjKa, (fr.
citizen as another. "lo-ra/^at, pres. ir.d. pass, of same. iGTwp knowing, th. to. IO-TJ/JLI

IOTTOEC/SUS, -EOS, Att. -ewj, o, 17, (fr. 'Icrujucu, for (Vajuat, pres. ind. mid. know) to
inquire, search, ex-
same, and Tpceffvs aged) as oW of iffrjm, particularly in compo- amine; to survey, view, visit,
as, equally old or feeble ; like old sition. observe; to know, learn, gain
age, weak. 'lor '.nt-.cs, -T], -ov, g. -ov, and Ion. information; to transmit, write
looppoxia, -as, rj, (fr. same, and -oio, (par. pres. mid. of iffTtjpi history, record. 1 a. inf. act. Jo--

to incline) an
equilibrium, to stand) beginning, commenc-
"rise, equality oj weight, ba- ing particularly for the
; first
'laropia, -as, (fr. same) inquiry,

lance. tea days, or decade of the At- research, an ob-

-ov, b, ft, (fr- same) ba- month. survey, vieu>; a rela-
WppoTTos, .

lancing, of the same weight, tion of events, narration, ac-

equal, ind. act. ofl'o-r^//i. count ; a narrative, history.

'laos and ~Io-os, -rj, -ov, equal, on a 'IcTavia, for 'IffTiijjii. 'Ic-ro/riVo;-, -;), -())', (fr. same) norro-

level, alike, like, equal to, "IGTCLO, Ion. for 'icTaao, 2 sin. impf.
even ; tive, historical ; an historian.
sufficient, equivalent ; impartial, mid. ; or 2 sin. pres. impr. mid. 'iffTopovpfvos, par. pres. pass. cont.
just. "loraro, 3 sin. impf. mid. of To-ropoucrt,
3 pi. cont. pres.
laoffTaaios, -ov, b, f], (fr. last, and same. ind. acl. of iorocfw.
"<m?/H to weigh) of equal weight, lore, by Sync, for tVarc, 2 pi. lords, -ou, b, (fr. {'CTJ^I to set) a
as heavy as. pres. ind. or impr. act. of ian- mast a pole, beam ; a weaver's

IffOTris, -TITOS, fit ,(& bos eqqal) //<. beam, loom ; a web or piece of
equality, likeness, parity ; a like ItfTfos, -a, -ov, for ciari oj, ( fr. '<5w cloth in the loom ; a shaft, dartj
condiiim, equal portion ; equity, to know) must be known, is to arrow.
impartiality, justice, a. sin. t<ro- be understood, Sac. ; according Ic-TOOf, -ou, o, Ister now the Da-
to the verb. nube.
-as, ^, (fr. same, and "Iff-rj,
Att. for iVm, which see. MTU, Sync. for<ffarw,3 sin. pres.
honour) equality of rank, 'laTrj, for J(rra, 3 sin. pres. sub. impr. act. ofiarjyu.
honour or esteem. act. ;
or for torao-at, 2 sin. pres. lo-rw, Cras. for <fcrao, which by
oYtyos, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. same) alike ind. mid. of Ion. Sync, for IVrao-o, 2 gin.
esteemed, equally honoured ; BT77/H, f.
aTt'iffii), per. cornea, and impf. pass, or 2 sin. pres. impr.
equally precious, of equal value. JfcrdKa, to set, place, pitch, plant, mid. oftffTripi.
ovffQai, cont. for tadeaOai, pres. station; to set IffT&psv, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act.
inf. pass, of icdia. raise; to appoint, ordain, insti- "larwv, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont.
(fr. laos equal, and tute, confirm ; to covenant, bar- impf. act. of iora'w, for same.
Icrwv, by Sync, for to-arwv, which iffxvpbs strong) Jrvy, -vos, the ring, rim or outer
ff^vpws, (fr. fi,

again by Sync, for ladrwaav, 3 strongly ; powerfully ; violently ; part of a wheel, thefettwt; the
of taripi. edge or circumference of any
pi. pres. impr. act. earnestly ; exceedingly.
"Iffrwp, -opos, 6, ft, (perhaps fr. <TX^S, -vos, hi strength, might, thing round, a. sin. t'ruv.
to know) knowing, intelli- power, ability, d. sin. t<rji5i', a. ITO>, 3 sin. pres. impr. of to
gent, sensible ; dexterous, skilful ; go.
a witness, evidence, judge, arbi- lo-^vo-a, -ay,
- or -tv, pi. -aaficv, vyfi, -iis-i fi, and
Ivy^oy, -ov,b, (fr.
trator. -aare, -crav, 1 a. ind. act. Ic- iiifa to howl) a hiss or hissing,
'lax', by A P<>s. for
'lo^e, pres. ^vffw, -(y, -t,
3 pi. -aovot, 1 f. whistling, piping ; the music or
impr. or 3 sin. impf. act. of ind. act. of sound of a pipe or reed ; a
tcr^w. o-^rito,
f. -JJo-w, p. fo-^uKa, (fr. th. outcry, scream, shout, lamenta-
lo^afyjwv, -ovof, b, fj, (fr. V)(;a>
i<r^t>ystrength) to be strong, tion.

stop, and afya blood) styptic, sound or whole ; to grow power- liiyf, -yyoy, i/, a wagtail, a bird
stanching, stopping the blood. ful, become great or mighty ; to
used in witchcraft ; a philtre,
Jo^avaa, Poet, for tcr^avtf, 3 sin. avail, serve, be of use, be useful love-charm ; allurement.
cont. pres. ind. act.- of or good for ; to be able, can. fv^to, (fr. LOVoh !) to hiss; to play
Iff%avaw -to, (fr. (ffX for ^ai to
on the
pipe or reed ; to cry out,
hold) to desire, covet, long for; hold in, keep back, restrain, go- shout, shriek, scream, lament, be-
to keep, hold, detain; to check, vern, control, check ; to stop, wail ; to howl.
restrain. hinder, stay, delay ; to seize, lay IvKra, for
3 sin. pres. ind. act. of hold on, possess, occupy. [VKTTIS, -ov, b, (fr. jtfu> to hiss) a
Iff^wer', Apos. for ('ff^wfft, 3 pi.
hisser ; a piper.
z, Poet, for iffxav&tra, n. pres. sub. act. of last. 'I<f>a, -as,-, per. ind. act. of frrrcj.
fern. cont. par. pres. act. auvvuos, -ov, b, f], (fr. nroy same, 'I00t/;toy, -ov, 6, >y,
and -17, -ov, (fr.
lo^avdwov, Poet, for
to^avwfft, 3 and dvoua name) of the same or t<i strongly, and Hvfibs
pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of ia- like name. mind) strong, firm ; stout, har-
Iffwy, (fr. ?o-oyequal) equally, even- dy ; brave, spirited, courage-
laxavd), to confine, curb, restrain, ly ; equitably, impartially ; alike,
check, repress ; to hold, keep, de- all alike, perhaps. p'i, (fr. ?y
a nerve) strongly, firm-
tain, stop. Icrtocrt,
3 pi. pres. sub. act. of icr}- ly ; resolutely, bravely, courage-
/H. or 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of
Iffj^ay, -a<5oy, ft,
dried fig. ously.
3 sin. pres. ind. act. 'la- t'5to. I<l>idvaaaa, -ijs, f), Iphianassa, s.

^etv, pres. inf. act. for which raXta, -ay, ff, Italy. woman's name.
laxt^fv, Ion. and Isr^f/zEvai, Dor. raXfroy, -r>, -bv, (fr. last) Italian, Ifyii&eic'ijSj -ov, b. and
'lax* , I n - an d 'I^XEV; Dor. Italic. l6iK\ir}s, cont. I<ocA?)y, (fr. 70t
J-T^OV, pres. impr.
mid. of raXtcir^y, -ov, 6, IraAtwrty, -?<5oy, strongly, and /cAt'oy fame) names
tWk, for f^w. fl,
an Italian man or woman. of men.
Iff^iov, -ov, ro, (fr. next) the hip, raXoy, -ov,b,Ilalus, a man's name. 'I0toy, -ov, 5, fi, (fr. same) strong,
haunch ; buttock, rump* raAdy, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. t'rjjy firm, stout; hardy, brave, va-

lo-^ty, -toy,
Att. -wy, /, (perhaps rash) a bull, ox, steer, bullock..
liant ; fat,
plump, sleek ; exten-
Jo-^vy strength,
or to-^w
to rapta, -as, fi, (fr. rash) rash- sive, spacious; large, great.

support) the loin, flank; the ness, hastiness, temerity, fool-har- 'I0ty, -t^oy, f/, Iphis, a woman's
loins, reins. diness ; imprudence, indiscretion, name.
Icxvbs, -fi,-bv, lean, meager, poor ; inadvertency. I^;0vaovry, n. pi. mas. par. pres.
lank, thin, small ; slim, slender, un- act. of
raubsj -i), -ov, (fr. same) rash, t^Ovato.
taper ; delicate, tender, fine. advised, inconsiderate; ventur- I^flvay, -0vy, -Qv<av, -OiJv, cases
-tyroy, (fr. last) lean- ous, daring ; bold, spirited, cou- of tyflvy.
lervvdrtyy, /;,

ness, thinness, poverty ; slender- rageous. -w, (fr. tx evs a fish) to fish,
ness, sligJitness; delicacy, fine- Ir, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. of angle.
ness. ?/xt, go. 6v(l6\os, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and
-ov, same, [rfa, -as, and Irirj, -rjs, fi,
a willow, /3aAAw to throw)
I<r^vd^iajvoy, 6, fj, (fr. fish-stnking,
and ^wvi) voice) shrill, squeak- sallow. an epithet of Neptune's tri-
ing, tremulous, weak-voiced. IT ios, Poet. irrjTCOs, -a, -ov, and dent.

lo-^ovrat) 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of ITOS, -rj, -ov, (verbal from ?^t to Ovciov, -ov, rb, (dim. of same) a
go) must go, to be approached, little
fish, fry.
3sin. pres. ind. act. la- &c. according to the verb. {dvripbs, -a, -ov, (fr. same) about
iv, pres. inf. act. 'lo-^vov, 'Irrjv, 2 du. impf. of ?//(,
to go. fish, fishy ; fit for catching fish,
- or
-y, -v, impf. act.
l<rxv- -ov, b, fj, (fr. trfoy must go,
'Irris, fishing.
6vTSi n. pi. -dvroy, g. sin. par. th. tfti
to go) straightforward, {dv'iKbs, -TI, -bv, (fr. same) fishy,
pres. act. of to-^vw. right on ; rash, inconsiderate ; fishing, plentiful in fish.
^vp^iuat, venturous, daring ; bold, spirited,
-iaofiai, (fr. next) /Qv6tis, -ecffa, -ev, (fr. same)
to strive, exert or display strength ; courageous. fishy, full offish.
to overpower, browbeat ; to feet 'Irov, 2 and 3 du.
pres. and 2 du. -vos, b, (fr. SVto to go, and
strong, trust, confide ; to strength- impf. of ?JH, to go. ^Ou> to rush) a fish, sea-monster;
en, support; to assert, main- Irovpala, -as, fi, Iturasa, a district a fishmarket.
tain. of Palestine. , (fr. last) to dart like a fish.
d. pi. with v added of
-a, -bv, (fr. to-^vy strength) 'Irpta, -wv, TO, pi. of tv,

strong, firm; secure, fortified; 'Irptov, -ov, TO", (fr. ^rptov the bel-
vigorous, robust, hale ; forcible, ly) the lower part of the belly ; vv//wv, -ovos, b, (fr. ixvtvu to
fyvo? a track) the
violent, vehement, impetuous ; the belly ; paunch, belly or udder trace, th.

grievous, severe, hard ; powerful, of a sow; a delicacy, dainty; a Egyptian rat or weasel; also a
mighty, valiant. kind of cake. kind offish and of wasp. ;

^vpdw -to, f. -too-w, p. iff^vpa 'Irptov, (fr. Lat. iterum again) VWTTIS, -ov, same) a tracer,
b, (fr.
(fr. same) to strengthen, fortify, again, a second time, over again. hunter, pursuer; an inquirer,
tecure, fix ; to corroborate, con- TO), a vulgarism for forw, by searcher, examiner.
firm, impf. act. tayiJpoov -ovv, Sync, for
lafdria, 3 sin. impr. act. Vva>, f.-uo-w, and I^vad -5, (fr.
-OK -ovc, -o -ov.
a track) to trace, track,
par. 2 a. of apt, to burst laughing to
follow ly the marks or j"

Iwv, -oyc-a, -ov, ;

to investigate, search, examine. g- laugh ridicule, scoff ; to re-


Iii; n. pi. cont. of same. Iwv, Bceot. for fycS. joice, delight, exult.
ui, -2, 6, Heb. Jonah. Kay^oAd'wffi, Poet, for Kay^aAwfft,
-u>, f. -ifaw, (fr. same,
and fAauvw to drive) ia follow on luiia, -as, 77, (tV. fov a violet) a bed 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of

the steps, the track, trace ; of violets. hafe

to investigate, examine, via, -aj, h (fr. 'Iwv Ion) Ionia. [ay^aJfio?, -ov, b, (fr. (cay^d^w to

'L%viov, -ov, rd, (dim.

of next) a VIKOS, -TJ, bv, (fr* last) Ionic, laugh violently) a Jit of laugh-
Ionian. ter, loud laughter ; laughter in
footstep, mark, track, trace.
1Kb) tO go) VIKWS, last) Ionic, like an scorn or derision ; ridicule.
'I%VO$, -COS -OUJ, rb, (fr. (fr.
Ionian f. -daw, to be sad or
the sole of the foot ; a footstep, ; softly, delicately. [ay^Ad^w,
track, step ; a trace, vestige ; , KDKbs, b, same as iuc>;. melancholy, suffer, be distressed,
ift, b,
Heb. indecl. Joram, a low or wretched.
man's name.
corrupt blood, gore ; Kayw, for Kat syu.
I^wp, -wpoj, 6,
Heb. indecl. a man's r VLdctc, Poet, for K ard 6e,
-, pus; moisture, humour,
oelfi, b,

watery name.
discharge ; the blood of accordingly, therefore.
the heathen gods. Heb. indecl. Josaphat, for Kara Ct dpa.
<aa<pdr, b, ,ji,

t'rruj to injure) a a man's name. -e,

Poet, for Karivtat t>f,
i/, (fr. ,-,

worm which eats timber and (rij, 6, Heb. indecl. a man's 3 sin. 2 a. ind. of jcoTartrrw.
horn. name. Ka&cpaQirrrv, Dor. and JEol. for
' '

1 a. ind. mid. of I IGTJO, o, Heb. indecl. Joseph. -77v, 3 du. 2 a. ind. act.

d/.7v, -w, -aro,
trnt. cr/aj, -ou, o, Heb. Josias, a man's
Ion. for fyu>, 2 sin. of last. name. 5/itv,
for Kara ovvaptv.
l&ra, rb, indecl. the smallest Greek Ka&tvaai, for Karaovaai,
cork. 1 a. inf.
act. of Karaovw.
1-^bs, ivy. letter ; any thing very small or
Li, adv. of grief or exclamation, an iota, jot. Kacrjff^fi, catamites, male prosti-
oh ! alas ! ah! same as tutes devoted to idols.
ha, hollo. X/*d?, -ov, b, ia>y//oV.
d. sin. of ib$, an arrow, or of o-dj, -oros, a kind offish. Kariov, -ou, rb, a bag, satchel, wal-
let ; a canteen, small cask,
los, only.
-a, -ov, (fr. KaSpos a
lw, -ft, ->J,pres. sub. acL of ti;//t. ilfiito^,
Iw, for yw.
man's name) of Cadmus, Cad-
Iud0a//, Heb. indecl. Joatham. mean, Theban.
Ib>ax(/j, Heb. indecl. Joakim. iSfidiav, -wro?, 6, (fr. same)
Irtdv or luvdv, indecl. a man's Cadmean, Theban.
ifuritav, Dor. for Kafy/i70v, g.
ludf va, -TIS, >/, Johanna, a woman's pi. of.

name. ios, -ov, b, fi,

same as Ka<5-

luavva, indecl. or Iwawdj, -a, 6, a

name. K, c,
the tenth letter of the more -icos, fi, (fr-

Iiadvv7>;, -ov, b, John, a man's modern Greek alphabet, but name) a female Cadmean, wo-
name. the eleventh of the ancient, man of Thebes.
I<V, Heb. indecl. Job, a man's
whence in numerals it denotes , -ov, 6, Cadmus, a man's
name. the second decade or name.
twenty ;
with a dot KaJoj, -oj -ou?, TO, Poet, for
luyo, Poet, for yti. underneath, /c, KTJ-

lojyjj, ->/s, f),

a covering, shelter ; an twenty thousand. fe.
inn, harbour, lodging ; the shore, KaffdXrjs, -ov, b, a pack-horse, hack, Kd^oj and KdoSos, -ou, 6, a cask,
strand, beach ; a clamour, shout, horse, nag. vine vessel ; a bucket ; a jar,
outcry, noise. ,
Dor. urn or box to hold lots or ballots
or Poet, for /carf/JaXt, 3 sin. at elections.
Iuy/i5j,-ou, 6, (for i
to pursue) pursuit ; the din of 2 a. ind. act. of Kara<3aAAu. Ka(5ura?, -ou, 6, a Syrian herb.
war, tumult, uproar ; rout, dis- Ka?, -(oca, -fv, par. 2 a. pass, of
comfiture, defeat. Dor. or Poet, for /ratal.

<>&ns, -MS -ouj, 6, >/, (fr. iov a vio- 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. ; KarafiaXeiv, Kd^a), a Poet, verb, to adorn, be-
let) violet colour, like a violet. 2 a. inf. act. and ;
deck ; to furnish, provide, equip.
lyri, -i)j, ft, (fr. iijpi to send) cla- 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of Kara- per. ind. pass. KiKaopai, pper.
mour, shout, outcry ; uproar /JdAAw. -CTO.
CKCKdff[tr]V, -ffO,
din, tumult ; a voice, sound, Ka,3/3d<r, Poet. Sync. Ka^, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass. KaJj-
cry ; glitter, lustre, brightness ; par. 2 a. act. of Kara3aiid). vai, inf. 2 a. pass. Ka>?<ro//(M,
smoke, fume; a breath, blast, Kd.jfy, -r/?, ^, (perhaps fr. Ka-ru to 2 f. ind. pass, of Ka'ua.
breeze, wind. devour) food, victuals, meat. Kad\ for Kara before an aspirate.
dJjA, Heb. indecl. /oZ, a man's Kdprji-, -TJKOS, 5, see Kava%. Ka0d, (fr. Kara according to, and
name. Kd/3oj, -ou, o, a cab or kab ; a mea- 8? which) as, just as, accord-
u/cd,-, a. pi. of sure of grain containing nearly ingly, according as.
aw, -rjs, fj, (for iiuic^ fr. <5iu>(d to two quarts. Ka0ayfu, (fr. Kara intens. and
pursue) pur*uif, chase, rout ; Kdyyovu, for Kara yoVu, at, on or in ay/^w to consecrate, th. ayoj
din of war, clamour, the knee.
uproar, worship) to devote, dedicate,
outcry, shout. Kdyica/iov, -ou, rb,
an Arabian gum consecrate, hallow ; to celebrate
^X/coj, -ou, r], lolkos, a city of resembling myrrh. a funeral, perform funeral rites;
Kdy/ca voj
Kdy^avo? , -ou, 6, /, (fr. make burned offerings, burn in-
pi. 2 a. sub. of EJ/U, to
KayKaivd) to warm) dry, parch- cense.
ed ; withered. con-
Ka0ayr/ids, -ov, b, (fr. same)

par. pres. pass. cont. of Kayvd^w or Kay/ed^d), f. -a aw, p. secration, dedication, appoint-
-aA-a, to /au^n immoderately ; to ment to holy purposes ; funeral
Ion, the patriarch of laugh at, ridicule, deride. ceremonies, obsequies, a funeroL
the I to warm, heat; to dry 3 act
sin. pres. ind. o.

Kay^ai'vw, Kaflaipa,
i, ofc alas !
up, parch, scorch.
KayyaAdw -5, to laugh rmmode- pres. inf. pass. cont.
a. pi. cont. par. 1
clean, clear, free, from filth
or Ka0?Aov, -f, -, 2 a. ind. act of
act', of Kadaiptu. impurity ; to purify from sin, f'Aw obs.)
feu, (fr.
!Ca0u/p0-($, -(Of,
Att. -w?, #, (fr. atone, make innocent. 1 a. act.
ia0/uaprat, Att. for Karaufp.apTai,

ind. 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of /cara/ief-

next) demolition,
destruction, Ka0p(o-a, impr. Ka0a'ptow,
ruin, subversion, overthrow, a. ara, sub. KaOapiffw, -rj j, -17, inf. pw, (fr. Kara intens. and pdpu t
sin. KaOaiptciv. KaQaaivai, par. KuQapicras. per. which see) see also ?/*ap//ut.
ind. pass. KCKaddpiapm. 1 a. Kadctfilvos, -rj, -ov, par. per. pass.

Kara intens. and aipao to pass. ind. tKaBapiffdnv, impr. Ka- Ka0dVi, 2 a. inf. act. Ka-
take) to take away or remove to-
QaplffQtjri. -aro, 3 pi. -tTvro,
Qd/jiTiv, -?o~o,

tally ; to throw or pull

down ; idaplorrjs, -TJTOS, f/, (fr. KaOapbf pper. pass, of KaO'irini.
to overthrow, subdue, conquer ; pure) cleanness. tBdpyvvfii, same as
to subvert, demolish, ruin, raze ; 'idapLdojjiat -ov'iai)
( fr.
same) to be KaGdpyu, f.
-fa, (fr. icata intens.
to dethrone, put out of office ; to pure or clean; to cleanse one's and pj/o)
confine) to shut up,
bring to an end, finish, complete. self. enclose, confine, imprison ; to

2 a. act. ind. Kads.1\ov, par. ;ca0- iQapYv^bg, -ov, o, (fr. KaOaotQw

to restrain, curb, check, control.
Awv. 2 f. ind. act. /cafoAw. clean, th. KaQapbs pure) a cleans- iBdpynai*, -|<H, -/crai, per. and
ing, cleaning, washing, scouring; ind.
Ka0ufpu, f. *apw, p. KcudOapKa, (fr. KaOapyjuffv, -^o, -KTO, pper.
same, and at'pw to remove) to a purification, atonement, pass, of last.
purge, cleanse, clean, clear, idappa, -aro?, TO, (fr. same) off- aO(f, -?<ra, -Iv, par. of KaQriv, 2 a.
dirt cleared ind. act. of
prune ; to purify, expiate, atone, scouring, away, icadlqpi.
make purifications ; to flog, lash, sweepings, cleansings ; impurity, iQels, (fr- fard according to,
scourge, per. ind. pass. idolatrous worship, an idol ; a and ti$ one) one by one, each.
scoundrel, vile wretch ; KaOeiaa, -a?, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
fiai, par. /c0ap/ifvof. tiliain,
. dedicated to the service of

<rw, p. Kad>'i\<j>Ka, (fr. same, and idols or offered as expiatory sa- Ka0iffr>/Kiv,-aj, -a,3pl./fa0((rrr;-
aXtffKu) to catch) to take by sur- crifices, pi. KaOdpfJiara. KEto-av, pper. act. ofKadiarmn.
unawares ; to dis- 3 sin. Ka0?vro, 3 pi.
prise, catch i0apds, -a, KaQaipw to pu- KaOu-o,
-ei>, (fr.

cover, find out, come to the rify) pure, simple, unmixed, pper. pass, of *:a0t7/n.
knowledge of; to convict of. unc'iiitaminated ; purifying, thai i0Kao-rov, (neut. of next) seve-
Ka0a"AAojua(, (fr. Kara downwards, makes pure ; single, plain ; clear, ra'li/, separately, singly.
and aA Ao//at to leap) to leap clean, neat, flnc, fair, free from lOfKaaros, -77, -ov, (fr. Kara ac-
down, off or from ; to alight. dirt ; innocent, guiltless ; good, cording to, and tKaaros each)
Ka0mju/ja, -arof, rd, (fr. Kara to, excellent, perfect ; free from en- each, one by one, every one.
and aifTd) to fasten) a tie, chain, cumbrances, ready, prepared. YLaQzKoiiGios, -ov, o, /, fr. xrarrz in-
tens. and IKOVCIOS willing, which
knot. comp. Ka0apwrpof , sup. -urarof .

KaSaVaf, (fr. Kara intens. and va0apon??,-r/roj,^, (ft. last)

clean- see.

ara% once) all at once, alto- liness, neatness, cleanness ; .puri- j0Kroj, -?), -ov, (fr. Karf^w to

gether, entirely. ty, innocence, integrity, a. *a0a-

catch hold of) to be caught ;

Ka07Tp, (fr. same, and vc-xtp potnra. catching, taking, apt to lay hold
which) as, as truly, as indeed, i6dp(Ttov,-ov, TO, (neut. of next) of; that may be borne, tolerable,
just as, according as.
a cleansing, cleaning ; purga- siifferable; to be checked or re-
KaOaTrTfadf,-//, -ov, (fr. next) chid- tion, purificatirm ; expiation, pressed.
ing, upbraiding, scolding ; re- atonement. Ka0A/cvw, f. -iJo-w, (fr. Kara down-
proachful, carping ; detractive, Ca0a'eo-(o?, -ov, b, ^,wards, and f\Kvw same as th.
(fr. /catfapdf
cutting, virulent. pure, th. KaOalpu)
purify) E\KU to draw) to drag away,
Ka0a7rru>, f. -x^w, p. Ka0?j<j!>a, (fr. purifying, that makes pure, lus- prill down, draw from, attract;
Kara against, and aTrrw to tie) tral, expiatory, atoning. to launch.
to touch, lay upon gently or Ca'0po-i?, -to?,
Att. -Wf, j,, (fr.
-o>, (fr. same, and
roughly pat, sooth ;
; to caress, same) a purgation, purification, draw) same as last.
to join, tie, fasten ;
to bind, expiation, atonement Ka0Aw, -af, -?, ind Ka0tAav,
wind about, entwine. KaOdnro- inf. 2 f. act. KafleAu, -,w -77, ,

pai, to provoke, irritate, tease, ing, scouring, cleansing ; puri- 2 a. sub. act. Ka0Awv,'-oStra,
vex ; to gall,
reprehend, chide, fying, atoning. -dv, n. pi. -Advrff, par. 2 a. act.
to lay hands
blame, reproach; Ca0apw, Dor. for KaQapou, g. of of KaOatpfu).
upon, seize, lay hold of. 1 a. It is also 1 f. ind. act. Sa0/.ia, -aroj, rd, (fr. KaQlrjui to
ind. act. let down) a necklace, collar or
/ca0^a. par. pres.
pass. Ka0tt7rr(fytvof.
1 f. ind. f
a0pwj, (fr. Ka0apo"? pure) purely,
such ornament, hanging down
mid. Ka0av|/ouat. cleanly ; innocently ; clearly,
on the breast.
Ka0apaof and Ka0apiOf, , -ov, b, ft, evidently, plainly. iOtp.vos, -TI, -ov, par. of KaBl^riv,
KaQaipw to purify) purify- comp. of Ka- -co, -ro, 2 a. ind. mid. of
(fr. Ca0apci!irpof, -a, -ov, Ka9l>ifii.
ing, cleansing ; clean, neat, de- iQivvvpi or Ka0fw, f.-f'o-w, p. -i'/ca,
cent ; flne, delicate. !a0<5ofyjai, -^,-?rai,2f. ind. mid. (fr. Kara intens. and 'ivvvjit or

Ka0apvw, (fr. same) to cleanse, EW to put on) to dress, clothe, put

to be clean or on
next) a conceal
clean, purify ; to cover, to en-
KaBtopa, -af, fj, (fr. seat, ; ;

purified. chair, stool ; a raised seat, close, surround, shelter, per.

Ka0p0ai, Ion. for KKa0ap0ac, per throne ; a pulpit, desk ; a sitting, pass. ind. KaBtipai' par. a0-
inf. pass. Ka0ap0>Jva, 1 a. inf.
session, assembly, meeting; an ftfvog,
and Poet. Karaa/twos.
pass, of KfiBaipu. abode, residence, habitation. a0^f, (fr. Kara according to, and
Att. for KoBaffoti, 3 sin to hold) in
-ov, par. pres. mid. ffy order, th.
Ka0op(i, a0o'ui'of, -t), f^w
1 f. ind. act. of KaBapifo. of order, orderly, in succession, dis-
Ka0api'a, 3 sin. pres. ind. act.
Ka0f'w, (fr. Kara down, and 'w tinctly, particularly, b, ft or TO,
ind. o
Ka0a('^r, 2 pi. pres. to seat) to make sit, seat, place, KaQei-?i$,thefollou;ing,succeedmg,
KaOapi^rrai, 3 sin
^ down.
impr. act. set
Ka0f'(o/mi, to seat successive.

-ovrat, 3 ind. pass. of

pi. pres. one's self, be seated, sit. 1 a. ind. w, -af, -t, 1 f. ind. act.

Ka0apfc flat, pres. inf. pass, of act. KaQdca. impf. mid. .

Ka0apfa>, f. -Yffu), p. KKa0apiKa,(fr pnv. 2 f. mid. Ka0<5< Ka0w, Ion. for KaQtao or *a0ot), 2
to purify) to cleanse K.a0tKfVa(,per. inf. ac a. impr. mid. Ka0t, -frw, 2 a.
2 act. of next) Kaditffav, 3 impf. act. of tea-
impr. act. Kd0<rav, 3 ; pi.
a. 6rjKwv, par. pres. pi.

ind. act. of Kadin^i' decency, propriety, decorum; fit-

1 suitableness, convenience; (fr. Kara downwards,
Ka0d(><<tyv, for Ka0<5pa>//v, pi. ness, a0(^ai'u>,
duty, engagement, business. and idvu> to seat) same as a-
com. pres. ind. act. of KaOoodw.
Ktz0<r<ravro, Ion. and Poet, for KU- laQfiKu, (fr. Kara according to,

o, 3 pi.
1 a. ind. mid. of and rjKta to come) to become, be- aQi^en, 2 pi. pres. impr. act.
fit, beseem, be proper for ; to suit, Ka6i'cV) Dor. for Ka0/^ou, pres.

caraufvos, ->?, -ov, par. per. fit, answer, be convenient ; to be- impr. mid. Ka0i'wv, -oco-a,
-ov, in a. fern. Ka
KadeaTijKa, 3 pi. Kadta- long, pertai:
md. act. . Ksfleo- Kod)7Jcwv, -ovca, -ov, (par. pres. pres. act. of
and by Sync. act. of last) becoming, fit, proper, !a0^w, fr -c<7W, p. KfKddiKu, (fr.
-u?a, -d$,
seemly. Kara downwards, and i'u> to
Ka0ffnof, -uxra, -d>j, par. per.
act. of Kadcarnfii. K.a6ri\6w -cD, (fr. Kara by means set) to set down upon, seat,
and ^Ao? a nail) to L' in judgment^
Ka'0TO?, -ov, b,f,, (fr. ra0ii;/ to
let of, place, lay ; to set
down) hanging, hung, suspend-
en with naiis, drive a nail ; to
fix, appoint or choose a judge, put OT^
-ubs. a plumb- trial ; to settle, remain, dwell,
ed, I .
fasten together.
K.adt'i\(jiffic, -to?, Att. -etas, f], (fr. abide ; to cause or force to do,
a nailing, fastening with *pose ; as KAatovra, KaOi-
KddwSf, Ion. for wddsvde, 3 sin. last)
a joining, putting toge- a weeping. 1 a. act.
Ka0Et5<5a?, -OEI, 2 and
3 nails to set
. ; fav,
3 pi. pres. ind. act. ther, fr ind. Kd0tffa, impr. KdQtaov,
Ka0t'(5r, 2 pi. pres. ind. or KdQr]p.ai, (fr. Kara downwards, -ra), in 2 pi. KaQivarf sub. KO-
impr. act. KaQsvtttv, pres. and rjuai to sit) to sit
down, sit 0<7W, -j)S, -Jj" int. Kadiffai' par.
KaBicras. pres. ind. mid. Ka0/b-
inf. act. KaOfvon, 3 sin. -w/m', o?i the
ground ; to sit idle ; to

pat. 1 a. mid.
inha- to settle, ind.
pres. sub. act. Ka0v<?uv, encamp, besiege; !
n. a. bit, dwell, pres. impr. mid. KU- impr. xaBiaai' sub.
pi. -OOVTSS, -<5ovra?, par.
pres. act. of &TIOO or icddav. impf. mid.
Ka0uou>, v:ir intens. and EU- UTJV, -oo, -TO. ,
f.-//<TW, p. -EtKc, (fr. same,
<5o> to to 6e fast Ka0>?//vo?, -r), -ov, par. pres. mid. and I'^t to send) <o senri
or let
sleep) steep,
: to sleep the sleep of death, of last. Ka6yjfivov rtciov, a level down, let fall or drop ; to have
be dead ; to loiter, slumber, waste plain. hanging down, suffer to remain
(fr. Kara according to. i.-ig
down ; tofathom, sound,
KaQri'pcua, -aro?, rb, (fr. Kara in- and iifjifoa
a day) day try the depth ; to explore, try to

an '' to find out;

tent and to find out) day, constantly. discfji.
tbptma* an ambush, lie in wait. 1
contrivance ; JZadnfttpivos, -bv, to set
i, -f), (fr. same)
daiii. every day. a. ind. act. Ka&fjica. 2 a. ind.
fu> -w, (fr. same, and Jtyu to! Kd6nr, '->;?, -//,
2 a. ind. act. of idijv. pres. ind. pass, /ca-

cook) to boil thoroughly, stew ; dupai.

ike tender ; to break, s,
Ion. for cKaOrtoc, C Ka8iKo, Ion. for KaOiKov, 2 sin. 2
ind. act. of KaOaipw. . ind. mid.

KaOtytais, -to?, Att. -w?, >/, (fr. rjv, by Syst.'

KaQrjpiQrjv, for KC KaOtKfTtvov, -$, -i, impf. act. of
'>.g, stewing, 1 a. ind. pass. Ka-> KaQiKTi<w, fr. Kara intens. and
COG!; -o-o, O, pper. incl. pas .
tKtrci'ia, which see.

Ka0i/mfo//ai -S}f.iai, (fr. Kara in- KaBiKpairia, (fr. same, and jAr/zntivw
tens. and wliich see. pres. inf. mid. Ka'- to sprinkle, th. tKfitis
a drop) to

KaOfiopaov -on ,
1 sin. or 3 pres. impr. mid. besprinkle, bnirw, moisten; to

pi. impf. Oriffo, Ka-j

ind. Att. of KaOoodij). 6*(Topai, 1 f. ind. mid. steep, soak ; to so

Ka'Sfl, Att. Ka0;at,

Ion. for KaSij- fLoStKvfofLti, i.
-t^ouai, p. -ivfiai,
aai, 2 sin. KdBnrat, 3 sin. To, Poet, for Ka0f)ro, which (fr. same, and 'inviouai to come)
mid. inf. 'or tKaQrjro, 3 sin. to come to, arrive at, reach ; to
pres. in'!, Ka7?<r$iu, impf,
Ka$':uvo$, -r,, -ov, par. pres. mid. of Kadnpa Or, it is 3 touch ; to strike, hit ; to Lear hard
mid. of Kd8rifjiai. sin. of , pper. pass, of upon, bear dawn.
~K.aOrjj3d<a -w, (fr.
/cara intens. and Dor. for Ka6"<ra$, par. 1
youth) to be young, bloom. -as, -, 1 a. ind. act. of a. act. Kaflt'fw, -yc, -?/, Dor.

K.aOriyu<l>v, -dvoj, 6, t], (fr. next)

for Kadiffw, 1 a. sub. act. Ka-
a guide, leader, conductor; a KaOiaat, 3 pi. Att. pres. ind. act. 6t'(w, -tig, -ei, Dor. for
j.:L of
'meter; a counsellor, of KaQir]jj.i. KaQifa.
adviser. Kddicoo$, -ov, f>, f;, (fr. Kara ac- KuQtvvuat, Att. for Kadttroftai, 1 f.

Ka9nyionai -oyftat, (fr. Kara along. cording to, and i^oj? sweat) ind. mid. of same.
to lead) to /, fatigued, tired; sv:eat- >'w and K' , (fr. Ka-
'd, lead the u-u ,/, con- ing. ra intens. and (T-ET'W to ride, th.
; to
precede, go befote ; to a6icovvvtf, -?<ra, -fv, n. pi. -tv- "m-os a horse) to ride about ; to
preside, direct. 'ir. 1 a. pass, of ride up to ; to ride over, overrun,

KadnyrjT?i<;, -ov, 6, (fr. same KaOicovvti) or Ka0(cpvo>, f. -tiro), p. trample upon.

leader, conductor -uKa, (fr. Kara downwards, and aOiTrrn^i,f. mid. -Trjaofiai, (fr.

teacher, preceptor, inslrurter icovui to seat) to set dov:r. downwards, and iirTrjm to
Ka0>?OUTra0fu) -io, (fr. Kara to sit, seat ; to set, place, settle, fiy) lofiy down, fit/ away off; or
sweet, and iraV^u to en-
fjbiis fix ; to set together, construct, to collect or gather into afiight or

dure) to indulge in luxury, give build.

up to gratificatifjn, be delicate ; Ra -n, -ov, par. pres. pass. afl/o-aj, 1 a. inf act. Ka0/ora ? ,
to waste in voluptuousness, lose of, -affu,-av, g. -ffav-os, n. pi. -cav-
by gratification. Kadlzov -ovv, -j?, -it -n, -j T$, par, 1 a. act. Ka0/o-ar, 2
TiadnKa, -aj, -, 3 pi. -TJKOV, 1 a. impf. act. of KaOiiw for KaQir^i. pi. 1 a. impr. act. Ka0<'ff<r0,
ind. act. of Kadirjfif. Ka0i<)ou> -w, f.
-W<TU>, (fr. /earn m- 2 pi.
1 f. ind. mid. Ku0<V>7C-0,
Kufl'iKn, (impers. fr. KaOijKia to tens. and kpooj, to consecrate, 2 pi.
2 a. sub. mid. Ka0/ffw,
become) it >s
proper, right, fit,is th. teobc holy) to d -j b-, -n, 1 f. ind. act. Ka0<Vw
becomes, .tuits, answers. cratel appoint to religious use; -?/f, -rj, pi. -crwuw,
v, -5>Tos, rd, (netrt. of KO- to devote* occurse, damn. 1 a. sub. act.
s, -tos, Att. -tof, tea
Ka0op<*, act. to send) to send
fj, (fr. Ka0oparaj, pass. tnpi privily,
Q[fa to seat) the posture or stat sin. cont. pres. ind. of
suborn, corrupt privately; to
of sitting, rest ; a seat. Ka0opaco -co, f. -eVco, p. jca0copaKa, submit, yield, give way ; to be-
Kadifffia, -aros, rb, (fr. same) a Att.
KadtwpaKu, (fr. Kara down- tray a suit, prevaricate, shuffle ;
sitting, rest ; a seat. wards, and 6pa'co to see) to look to take
from, withdraw, subtract
Kadiara, by Apoc. for see observe diminish.
down, from above,
pres. impr. act. of KaQ beneath. Or, (Kara intens.) to Ka0co7rXter//fvoy, -r/, -ov, par. per.
Or, it is contracted from see
clearly, behold, descry, per- pass, of Kat9oirXjw.
TG, pres. impr. act. of ceive ; to understand, compre- Ka0coj, (fr. Kara according to.
hend, know clearly. and cos as) according us, just
-raffai, -rarai, pres. iQoppi^ii), f. -icrto, (fr. Kara in- as, as.
ind. mid. or pass. tens. and
op/nco to anchor,
th. Kal, and, also, both ;
vai, pres. inf. act. bp/jios
a harbour) to arrive at port, moreover, farther, beside ; al-
-rig, -T), impf. act. K anchor, moor. though, though, but, yet ; than;
3 sin. pres. ind. act. of KaQia-
iBdpfiiov, -ov, rb, (fr. same, and yea, yes, yet, even; and espe-
rrj/jii. bpfios
a necklace) a necklace, cially, namely ; as, so as, so also,
Kadtffrdu -co, for next, par. pres. chain, collar, or any such orna- so, hence, therefore ; or, nor ;
act. Kadiffrduv -coi>, n. pi. cont. ment. then; when; that, to the end
Ka0rrtovr. Ka0o(75ct> -co, f.
-wo-a), (fr. same, that, in order that. Kai yt, at
f. and baiow to sanctify, th. oaiog
Karac'T^crco, p. Ka- least however. Kat c$f , moreover,
a, (fr. Kara intens. and holy) to appoint to a holy pur- yea also, yes even.
to set) to place, settle,
pose, sanctify, consecrate ; to Kaidcus and Kaiaras, -eti, 6, a
to a place, convey, con-
bring dedicate, devote, offer ; to atone, dungeon, vault, prison under
duct ; to moor, cast anchor; to expiate; to pledge, promise, en- ground; a pit, into which at
constitute, appoint, ordain, esta- gage solemnly. Sparta criminals were put as a
blish, render, cause to be ; to set Kaddaov and Ka0' ocov, (fr. Kara punishment, or their bodies were
a going, set up, begin, com- according to, and oaog how thrown after execution.
mence ; followed by eiri, to set much) in as much as, as far as, Kaiac/iaj, -ov, b, Caiaphas a man's
over, give authority to, put into according as, as. name.
office or command.
Ka0<<rro>ai, Ka0drt, (fr. same, and on that) Kaiye, see in Kat.
to come to and that, because.
pass, happen, be, ex- Ka?, Ion. for Kai, 3 sin. impf.
ist, consist, become ; to set or
KdQov, by Cras. for icdBeo, which act. Ka'urai, 3 sin. pres. ind.
place one's self, take a station. by Sync, for KdQtvo, 2 sin. 2 a. mid. of Kcuw.
Kaftiorwo-a, cont. fr. Kadiardovaa, impr. mid. of KaOlrjfjii. KaiKtaj, -ov, b, an east or north-
n. sin. fern. par. pres. act. of Ca0or, by Cras. for Kd0o, which east wind, so called by the
Kadiffrdu) for KaOiffrrj/jii. by Syst. for Ka'0>?o, which by Greeks ; by the Latins, Cte-
Ka0o", (fr.Kara according to, and Sync, for icadr/ao,
2 sin. pres. cias.

b, Heb. indecl. Cain,

S? which) according to that impr. of Kddtjfjiai. KaiV, a man's
which, according to what, in as aOvppii^tj},
-tad), (fr. Kara in- name.
much as, as to this, in this 7e- tens. and {>|8pjco to insult, th. Ka'ivav, b,
Heb. indecl. a man's
spect. vffpis
an affront) to
affront, of- name.
KaQocrjyfw -co, f. -jytrw, p. KaOwcrj- fend designedly, insult, treat Kaivta, a. of

yr)Ka, (fr. same, bob$ a road, and with insolence; to provoke, irri- Katvivs, -tos, b, Ceeneus, a man's
a'yco to lead) to bring into the tate ; to dishonour, disgrace, name.
way, show the road, guide, lead treat with indignity or scorn. Kama, -a?, f>, (fr. Kaivvftt to con-
down, conduct back. ddvypos, -ov, b, f], (fr. same, and quer) conquest, victory, tri-

Ka0o<5o$-, -ov, T), (fr. same) a re- dypos wet, th. 8<5cop water) wa- umph.
turn, coining back; a return tery, wet, moist, humid, damp. atv/u>, f. -ta-co, Att. -iw, (fr. KCJ-
into a lost path ; a descent. f.
(fr. same, vbs new) to renew, restore, revive,
aOvfivid) -)/crco,
KafloXiVS?, -ft, -bv, (fr. same, and and VOLVOS a hymn, th. vow to repeat.
o'Xoj the whole) universal, gene- sing of) to sing hymns, praise, Kaiv?f, -Voos, fi, (fr. icalvw to kill)
ral. celebrate, extol. death.
KadoXov, (fr. same) altogether, en- a0VTTp0 or-0v, (fr. Kara down- uvoTrr/yiis, -los -ovs, b, {], (fr.

tirely,wholly, totally, throughout; ward, and v-ip over) from Kaivos new, and -nfiyvupi to fast-
at all; on the whole, in gene- above ; above, overhead, on the en) lately made, new.
ral. -ovos, b, (fr. next,
top. iivoTrfj/jHav, >/,

Ka0cY<aX<co, f. -tew, (fr. same, aGvirvdw -co, (fr. Kara intens. and and rr^jua a loss) lately afflicted,
and fyrtXSj smooth) to smooth, virvow to sleep, th. VTTVOS sleep) unaccustomed to sorrow.
plane, level; to polish, civilize, to fall asleep, sleep, sleep sound- Kaivbs, -r/, -bv, (perhaps fr. Kat

refine, reclaim. ly, oversleep. and, and vvv now) new, fresh,
Ka0<tyioAoyf(0 -co, f. -jytrw, (fr. Kara aOviroKpivonai,
same, and {-TTO- modern ; young ; strange, un-
intens. and to confess, which see. usual ; repaired, refreshed, re-
6//oXoyfo) Kpivopat,
speak) to acknow- &0UGT0CO -CO, f. -tf(/b), p. KCtQvff- newed;
~~ repeated, done again;
ledge, grant, confess, own; to reprjKa, (fr. same, and vcrepiw to ', different from the former.
declare, profess ; to covenant, be deficient, th. {><rrpos latter) to '
KaivoTtpos, sup. -oYaro?.
bargain, agree.; to promise, en- be late, be behind, arrive late, nvorris -rjros, (j, (fr. last) new-
gage, betroth. Ka0o^oAoyfo/mt delay ; to fail, fall short, be de- ness, freshness ;novelty, strange-
-ov^ai, to pledge one's self, un-
ficient. ness ; a new thing or matter, d.
dertake, betroth or engage one's Ka0v0ah'co, f.
-avco, p. Ka0uc/ayKa,
self. (fr. same, and {ic/iatvco, to weave) -co, f. -jfffw, (fr. same,

KafloirA^w, f. -Ycrco, (fr. same, and to weave along with, weave toge- and r'f>vu> to cut) to make ncu<,
to arm, th. oTrXof arms) gether. renew; to change, alter, inno-
to arm completely, vate, introduce new
equip tho- Ka0v0?, -?tra, -fv, par. 2 a. act. customs.
roughly. pres. pass. ind. KU Ka0u<p<r0ai, 2 a. inf. mid. Kaivoropia, -as, fj, (fr- same) no-
inf. of alteration, change ; inno-
QoTT\i(ofjiai' KaOoir^i^ccdai: velty ;

per. pass. ind. KaOcoTrXi 07.101 'par idv<pirjijn, -o-w, p. -tKa,

(fr. vation, revolution,
Kcra inters, v-b under, and Kaivovpyiu -co, (fr. same, and tpyov
work) to make neic, effect a tims ; to kindle, light up, set oniKaKKsUiv, pres. inf. act. Kaetu-
; to desire alteration fire; to infiame with desire, burn^ OVTLS, n. pi. mas. par. pres. act.
tlutwn. with emotion, lotr, be in love. of

Kaivoupjoj, -jv, 5, //, (fr. same) a per. ind. pass. KlKavfiai. 1 a. .KaKKtiu, by JEo\. Sync, for Kara
con( .
dis- ind. pass. cKavdnv. 1 f. pass. , whjch see. par. pres. act.
ind. sub. KavO/jaia- -r.
-ot'cra, -ov.
Kououpyfii', rb, newness, Acai'0>;<rouai

pai, 77, -77rat, not common 2 ;

a. KaK/rt0.X>")s,for /cat ft K<ba\ri$, see
L$, //, (fr. same,
and xdyv. 1 a. ind. act. K0(j>a\?',.
i newness of words or . and iKija. KaKKfjai, by Sync,
for KaraKrjai, I
of /cara*cutw.
of new KOK', for KaKu, neut. pi. ;
cr Dor. a. inf. act.
for KO.KII, fern. sin. of /ca/coj. K.aKKopvda,
for Kara KopvQa, see
Kaivvfii, (fr. va/vw to destroy) to
Ka/:a'yyAoj, -ov, b, (fr. KUKOS bad,
<*ced, surpass. and a'yyfAos a messenger) a bad v,
for Kara K0pu07)v, see
i<X. ind. IKUVOV inf. *av?v, nil. KOOVd'}.
Adj. ill-boding. laKKovTrruv, for Kara(cpu-ruT, par.
r^, ruin ; Zo fo'#.
KaKayopia, Kuicayopo?, Dor. for KU- pres. act. ofiraraKpurrw.
Ion. for KMOpivats, d. Krryopia, KaKnyopof. [.aKooa'mwv, -ovos, 6, f), (fr. ca*cds
pi. fcm. of Kai<fyti'oj, -77, -ov,
-w, Laconic for UKOVOM, bad, and oaijuav a genius) ill-

p;ir. pres. act. Haiovro, Ion. to sharpen, whet ; to excite,

rouse, fated, ill-starred, unlucky ; un-
lor pi. impf. pass.
/ta/ovro, 3 gate, fortunate, wretched, miserable;
pres. ind. act. of KaKas, a. pi. fern, also Dor. for KO-
T(, 3 pi. 'iiifntuated, foolish.
Kaiit). Krjt, g. sin. fem. of Kan6g. Kaco<5o|fw -w, (fr. KOKOS bad, and
(fr. Kal and, and -tp KaKsl, (by Cras. for Kal and, and $6%a opinion) to think erroneous-
though) although, yet, albeit, Kti there) and there, there also, ly, form a wrong opinion, be
hou 'here. mistaken ; to lie under an ill re-

Kaiptw, -a, -ov, oppor- Ka/t?0/, (by Cras. for /cat and,
(fr. jratipd? port, bear a bad character ; suf-
tunity) timely, seasonable, op- and tKtiBtv from thence) and fer under calumny.
portune, well-timed ; commodi- thence, from thence. . , -ov, 6, f,, (fr. same) of
ous, Jit, convenient, proper ; fa- KaKiWi, (fr. same, and sneWi no estimation, of bad repute;
tdly, mortal. thence) from thence. low, mean, base.
KoupoEij, -<7<7a, -EV, (fr. Kafoos a for Kal and EKUVO$. Kaicoepyos, -ov, b, fa (fr. same,
warp) icoi-cn, wrl,'- KqKCiffi, (by Cras. for Kal and, and ipyov work) wicked, mischievous,
KaipSi, -ofi, b, (perhaps fr. KUOW to ? thither) and thither, and malicious; a mischief-maker; an
happen) occasion, opportunity, there. evil-doer, malefactor.
occurrence, juncture ; conveni- KaKtyaros, -ov, b, -fa (fr. KaK&s ill, aKo&Xia, -as, fa (fr. same,
ence of lime or place, seasonable- and dirjfil to speak) ill-spoken of ; /)Aos zeal) zeal in a bad cause,
mistaken zeal, evi! imitation.
ness, Jitiu* utility; low, mean, obscure, vile, worth-

proper time, present circum- a

a/cd^Acs, -ov, b, fa (fr. same)
stances or convenience : -w, and rii: d in error, depraved imitator;
K.aKrjyopfu (fr. same, ayo-
or season; a festival, to discourse, th. ayopa the imitating fellies.
sary ;
circumstance, situation, market) to speak ill of, slander, .aKo&ta, -as, fa (fr. same, and
state,condition: emergency, sea- aniatc; to abuse, r, w?) life) an unhappy life, wretch-
son of distress, extremity, calami- -a?, (fr. same) edness, misery.
KaKjjyopia, fa
ty ; liability, exposed state ; food, , bad language ; slander, (fr. same, and
.aKorjOeia, -a?, fa
modera- .
a bad habit, evil man-
rjfos habit)

tion, forbearance. EtjKajpdv, ev KaKi'; yopo$, -ov, b, fa (fr- same) ners or morals ; a depraved dis-
in time, seasonably, oppor- -louthcd, abusice ; slander- position, malignity, malice.

"dumnious; a slanderer. KaKOT)8tis, -foj -ouf, 6, fa (fr. same)

KaTpo?, -ov, (perhaps fr.
b, KUDU Kazr;-s\fu -5, (fr. same, and ill-disposed, evil-inclined, mali-
to clip) a
warp, that is the to be) to be ailing, be indisposed, cious, mischievous.
yarn or threads wound on the bz in bad health. ->7?i ^i (f^ same,
beam in a loom, a web in the rjs, Ion. for Kaica7s, d. pi.
fem. and a heap, th.
loom. of i to arrange) neglect, negligence ;

Katpo<rtu)v,by Metath. for Kaipota- KaKta, -as, %, (fr. KUKO-; bad) bad- indolence, laziness, slovenli-
(7(2v, g. pi. fern, of Kaipoets. ness ;faultiness, pranty ; afault, ness.

Katporrjpiu -o>,
-T^CTW, (fr. Kaipbs ;
eril, v.icMness, vice ; aKodrjuwv, -ovog, b, fa (fr. same)
\\ and TTjpfia to watch) malice, mischief: laziness, sloth ; negligent, indolent, slothful, slo-
;nt, watch op-
to at cowardice, timidity ; trouble, af- venly.
portunity, take time by the fore- n, calamity i disgrace,
scan- KaKoi\iov, -ov, rb, (fr. same, and
dal, ignominy. 'lAiov Troy) ill-fated Ilium,

K.ijpdu) (fr. Kaipos a warp) to KaKigw, f. -?o-u, (fr. KUKOS bad)

-w, to wretched Troy.
varp, a warp, fix the yarn or
injure, wrong, impair, hurt; to KaKolo, Ion. for KUKOV, g. sin.
threarls in a loom ; to w,-
disparage, defame, maUgn, slan- ~K.aKo1ci, Ion. for /taxoT?, d. pi. of

Kaicrap, -apoj, 6, Corsar, a man's '>>

mile, upbr Ad, reproach. KaKdg.
name. '.ouat, to fail, be deficient; iKOKfpteia, -aj, fa (fr. Karts bad,
Kaurdptia, -as, >/, Coesarea, the to be idle or lazy ; to be worthless and 'p^ojgain) ill-gotten gain.
name of a city. or good for nothing ; to behave KaKOKtpodrjct, Ion.
for <c<

Ka/rot, (fr. (cat and, and TO] al- 'dly. 1 a. inf. act. KaKiaai. :?, d. pi. of

though) and truly, indeed; but, par. pres. pass. KaKtfyutvo?. KaKOKvap.os, -ov, b, fa
Dor. for
truly, KdKiov, neut. of xajctuv, comp. of

yet, iou?h iKOKvrjuos, -ov, b, fa (fr.

jh indeed, although'; there- bad, and xvf]urj the leg) weak
KaKtaai, 1 a. inf. act. of KaKt'Cw. lessed, with small legs.
VE, (fr. same, and ye truly) KdKiffTOS, -77, -ov, sup. of KiiKog.
i'gh, though indeed ; how- Ka/ftwv, -ovo?, 5, /, comp. of same. \6yrjKa, (fr. same, and A/yw to
ei:er. -77?, f), a partridge.
speak) to speak evil of, slander,
Kat'w, f. Kavffu, n. KfKavKa, to burn, KaKKajrj, -77?, '),
n pnt , kettle ; an calumniate, backbite; to revile,
consume ; to sacrifice, burn vic- earthen not or crock. abuse, reproach, upbraidt taunt.
1 a. act. twKo\6yr]<ra.' inf. KG KaKoirpdyiMv, -oroj, 6, ^, (fr. [ of a bad heart, ill-disposed, ma-
same) an evil- doer, bad liter; licious mischievous; unmanner-
b, fi, (fr. same, mischievous, idckc.d, rude.
MKop'ixavos, -ov, injurious, ly,
and y.iT%avn
a machine) mis- perfidious. THaKotypofftivn, -qs, //, (fr. same) evil
, mischief- tn KaKoppad>ia, -a?, >/, (fr. same, and
wicked im agination , n

contriver of evils, plotter ofmii- j)d--w to tack together) the con- insanity, madness.
chief. f,
invention of KaK6<ppu)v, -ovos, b, f), (fr. same)
.aKOfitXia, -a?, >;, (fr. same,
and hurt ; a wicked device, scheme, evil-minded, ill-disposed, mali-
bptXia conversation) bad compa- plot; a stratagem, snare, am- cious ; insane, mad.
ny, evil communication. laish. KaKovupros, -ov, S ? f/, (fr. same,
, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, KGKOS, -fi, -bv, (perhaps fr. and^aipw to rejoice) rejoicing in y/w
DJ toil) labouring wick- to give way in battle) bad in other's inisery, malicious, malevo-

edly, tolling to a bad purpose ; every sense, cowardly, timid, lent.

toiling, wretched. dastardly, pusillanimous ; weak, Kaxa'X^dfffKv,-ovof1 o, >/, (fr. same,

Ka/cov, -ov, rb, (neut. of Kaxd; bad) feeble, infirm ; bad, ill, naught, and jfpdofjiai to use) pr<
a bad or evil thing; mischief, worthless, vile ; evil, sinful, wick- ill, doing evil, bad, wick'

detriment, damage, loss, hurt ; 'i

amoral, depraved ; mis- immoral.
affliction, misfortune, evil, ad- chievous, hurtful, injurious^ per- lLaKo%vf*la, -?, >/, (fr. same, and
versity. nicious, afflir.:lve, sore; hostile, uice, th. to pour) Ww
'tince of bad
s, -ov, o, 17, (fr. same, and -.-if; malicious, spiteful;
trou- humours, un- '

law) having bad laws, Hi

sj blesome, vexatious, grievous ; ill <j
regulated, badly governed. boding, dire, dismal, ominous, ~K.aK6\Loyo?,-ov,o,-'i, (fr. same, and
unlucky, unfortunate ; ugly, de- to blame) abusive, ^yw
and vdOos feeling, th. Tra'o^w to formed ; base, mean, ignoble; ous, reproachful, calumnious.
suffer) endurance of evil, suffer- lazy, slothful, comp. KUKO^/I/YO?, -ov, b, i], (fr. same,
ing under misfortune, vexation, KctK&Tepos, and KUKMV, sup. i;d- and ^D^i) soul) pusillanimous,
grief, trouble, affliction, wo; cowardly.
endurance of evil, ill treatment, KaK6aTr\ay%t>o?,-ov, o,fi, (fr. last,
KKOU> -w, f. -wo-co, (fr. Kaicbs bad)
abuse. and crir\dyxvov the bowels)
to corrupt, deprave; to
timid, fearful. hurt, damage, spoil ; to waste,
irddrjKa, (fr. same) to suffer evil , destroy
; to
cKdaro^iog, -ov, b, {/, (fr. same, afflict, vex,
or affliction, be afflicted, undergo and a mouth) evil :.
harass, oppress ; to evil-entreat,
misfortune, fall under calamity ; malevolent, abusive. ill, disquiet, molest ; to dis-
to endure or sustain
affliction, K.aK6ra$, ~aros, >;,
Dor. for <
afiect, make ill-offected or dis-
bear adversity, support misery. 1 -u>, (fr. same, and tcd. 1 a. ind. act. tKn-
a. act. ind. auutitvdQifoa' impr. to cohtr',
rtyn artifice)
KaKOTtdQrjaov, vt'rw. 'tie ; to
corrupt, by Sync, for KaraKTu-

KaKoiraQrls, -foj -o*$, 6, )/, (fr. same) to evil. [itvai,

which Dor. for KaraKrd-
suffering under en- 1 a. inf. act.
affliction, vtOTe%vta, -afif), (fr. same) any vat, 'KdKruve,
during misfortune, unfortunate, or evil practice; mis- by Dor. Sync, for Kardicrav,
miserable, wretched. chief, injury, wrong, harm ; 2 a. imj>r. act. or for Karfi;rai'f.,

KaK($7rarpt?, -iSog, b, ft, (fr. same,

5 sin. 2 a. ind. act. Kax-
and 7r<m/p father, or irarpis coun- iKdrfftvos, -ov, b, }/, (fr. same) Tfirt by Sync, for KarfKrtirf,
try) base-born, ill-descended, of mischievous, injurious ; mali- 3 sin. irnpf: or 1 a. ind. act. of
no family, mean, low ; unfor- cious, spiteful, fir i ring to hurt ;
tunate in his country, whme treachcro: IvflKrcs, a certain thorny -ov, fi,

country is a disgrace, a. KaK6- iKdrrjc;, -?;roff, YJ, (fr. KO.KOS bad) plant an artichoke ; a thistle. ;

timidity, pusillani- TfLqKTovrov, Dor. for KOI FK TO'drov,
Ka/coTTot'a, -a?, rj, (fr. same, and mity ; idleness, sloth, viz. %pui'ov, and from thence, and
roifb) to do) wickedness, mischief; :-orthlcssne.Sf, vilencss ; from, that time.
viee, sin ; harm, hurt, injury. baseness, meanness ; vice, wick- K.aKvvia, (fr. Kaubs bad) to adul-
Ka/coTrofu) -C, f. -7<ru), p. KtKaKOjrofrf- ednesn, sin ; mischief, injury, terate, corrupt ; to debase, disho-
Ka, (fr. same) to do ill, act wick-
'.VOTHTi, d. KfiKO*T(7- nour.
edly ; to do harm, injure, annoy, .
riix TLuK^tvcat., by Sync, for Karavev-
hurt ; to spoil, lay waste. I a. anovpytu -&, (fr. same, and toyov aai, 1 a. inf. act. of Kara )

act. ind. tKUKO-oirjcra' inf. KUKO- \vork) to work evil ;* to hurt, in- KG*CW?, (fr. Kaxbs bad)
noLfjaai. cozen, dtcat, de- wickedly ; injuriously, wrong-

fraud; to
beguile, carr:;, fully, hurtfully ; rudely, con-
same) an evil deed, wickedness ; "?i % (fr. same) mis- temptuously, uncivilly ; amiss,
mischief, harm, hurt, injury, ill
nprobily, ::, to no purpose ; with diffi-
treatment. *
; dishonesty, knavery, culty, hardly, scarcely ; unhap-
KafcoTotdj, -ov, b, %, (fr. same) fraud.
jra vily, unfortunately, wretchedly,
mischievous, wicked; ill-dispos'.;a, Kdxo
iKovpyo?, -ov, 'a, )/, (fr. same) miserably. Kacowf -oiiw, to in-
malicious, malignant; a male- wicked, miactatvous, malicious ; jure, treat ill. KK-o5j aY^i,
factor, evil-doer. an evil-doer, malefactor, not to know, he not aware.
KaKoVoufr, -o5oj, 6, ^, (fr. sarne.^ IKOVJ<0 -W, f. -WffW, p. KZKaKoti- 3va/cw(7rtt, 1 a. inf. act. Kavwffou-
and 7r<% the foot) weak in the
'X^Ka, (ir. KQ.K>IS bad, and fvw to ci, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. Ka/cw-
feet,gouty ; having bad or mis- hold) to treat ill, evil-entreat, cwv, par. 1 f. act. of KC.KOU.
shapen feel, club-footed. maltreat, harass, oppress, afflict. KaKuxn?, -to?, Att. -ru'C, >% ^fr. Ka-
same, to ill
"KaKoirpayiu -w, f. ->;<ru>, (fr. iK-)v)(ia, -as, f/, (fr. same) unjust Koti)
injure, th. KCIKOS bad)
and -rodccu) to do) to b', dohig treatment, injury^ mischief; ill
treatment, oppression, vexation,
badly, straggle with misjc-rtune, nrallh, bad Habit. affliction, a. KUKUHTIV.
be unfortunate. z<o:uYori:m'Of, ->/, -ov, par. pres. Ka/cwrrpo?, -a, -ov, comp. of/c*f(5?.

same) evil cent, of KaKwriicbs, -ri, -bv, (fr. KOJC&S evil,

ViaKOTtattyla, -#?, ^, (fr. pas.-,! KnKov^fui.
dealing, misconduct, ill hi /
iKotf-riaGris, -fo? -o? ?, 1

o, ;, (fr.
th. KHKOS bad) ill-deposed, spite-
nnhappinesSj misfortune, c/hcr- to think, ful, malicious; injurious,

gity. <;>
mirul) evil-minded, fid., noxious.
Ka\a, pi.
of /caAor. fem. -Aoutra, n. K /air women, abundant in beauty.
vaAos fair) g. cont. par. pres. ac KaAAjyui/atKo, a. sin.
KB.\, (fr.
KaAA(c'Aaia,-asi^, and KaAA(Art(Of,

eoo<i fwje, seasonably, oppor- /^cvof, -T], -oi', par. pre

pass. cont. of >oaAfw. -ov, b, (fr. same, and Aata an
j'dj, KaAa/Jarjys, KaAa^aJ Ka\itfiiai, Poet, for KaA '
olive-tree) a good *br fruitful
-ou, 6, same as ao>.-a'Aa^os an Dor. for KaAcV. ?
i -tree.

cii < or lizard y a fish like a

inf. act. cont. KaAf^ KaAAtETfo) -a), f. -fic(a, (fr. same,
; a spider. opt. pass. KaAfo:<7(, Dor. fc and f'-w to
speak) to speak elo-

K.d\ovai, 3 pi. cont. pres. in quently, talk fluently, discourse

Cafa6rtan. act. Ka'Ator, Ion. for tKa\eo slfgardly, harangue.
Ka'Aatfos, -ou, 6, a iasA't/, hamper, impf. act. of x-aAfu). KaAAupy/w -w, f. -^aw, (fr. same,
work-basket. AtoiTEj, -ojr. oi, s? and jpyov work) to work well,
execute neatly, perform complete-
,b, a Aind of stone. ; a sail.
KaAa/m/a, -as, ^, and KaAa^alov, loom. ly ; to act fairly.
-ou, TO, (fr. KuX<i/.i>)
stra T.v) the KaXiovri, Dor. for KaAt'ovcri, 3 p KAA(pf'w, (fr. same, and hobs
ii' the insects called pres. ind. act. of *raA/cd. holy) to sacrifice, make offerings,
<.</-, froghoppe-r aAj's-at, 1 ;i. inf. act. KaXetra pray for success.
or .flea-locust ; a brooch or ,,'iAf'o-ao-a,
fern, of KaA KaAAt0fu0Aos, -on, 6, #, (fr. same,
like this insect. (raj, -Ktra, -av, g. -ffaVrej, a ~-ilj.(.Q\ov foundation) wett

KaAa^aios, -a, -ov, and KaAa/uvo; -ffdvra, n. pi. -ffavTfj, par. 1 a founded, securely established,
-?/, -of, (ir. same) of straw, o KaAso-ov, 2 pi. -au-, 1 a firm.
impr. act. KaAfV>/r, ~ pi. KaAA$p< -rpt^os, 6, 17, (fr. same,
KaXafidofiai -cDfuzt, (fr. same) a. sub. act. KaAtVaj, -js, - and Spl!; hair) fair-haired, with
gather the straw or stubble; 3 pi. -aovai, 1 f. ind. act beautiful or long or fine hair.
glean either corn or grapes ; KaAjc-ffd//j/os, Poet, for KaAetr KaAAf/capTTos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same,
S//OZ/, plunder, cam/ a// off clean //EVOJ, par. 1 a. rnid. KAf ruit) fruitful, fertile,
-a, b, Dor. for aaro, KaAf caavro, Ion. and Poe .roductive.

-,D, 6, (fr.
forKa\(aaro, 3 sin. and *cuA KaAAiKoAwi'??, -??, h, (fr. same, and
a ?-.
cavro, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. KoAwvo;,- a hill) the fair hill, some
KuA^ao), f. -uc-u>, (fr. same) * KoXfo. .uiiful place.

Aft^at, in 3 pi. KaAEH^^i, Dor \a\\iKonos, -ov, b, /, (fr. same,

and Dor. /caAn ua for - and Ko/jii] the hair) fair-haired,
K.aXd/Jirj. -}]$, ( AraAcfyttj, prc
a reed nne or long hair.
)';, (fr. K.a'Aajio?
^f grain of same K.a\tvvro, Dor. fb (aAAty/ds, -oii, 6, ft, (fr. th. /caAdy
any thing dry and shri i*aAoDvro, 3 pi. impf. pass, cont fair) a Poetic word, same as
person decayed by age ; a corpse
dea.fl w, f. -fVto and -?}<7w, p. K/ KaAAiVaos, -ov~, b, //, (fr. same, and
K\i]Ka, to call, surrn>iOii,i to flow) fair-flowing.
KaAa/i(Vd>7, -7S, '),

TO, (neut. of next)


a kind o>"small au-;i ; I the greai victory, ths splendid

-ov, b, ,

call upon, invoke,

implore, 6e ; a kind of verse sung

(^- KdXafiog a seech ; to proclaim, declare. 1 a on occasion of a victory ; a song

if, -o',
reeu /"eta. act. ind. tKv\tira' impr. Ka\taov of triumph.

Ir -
KaAa/^jf, -loos, .}.^ same) a./?s- f. KaAfcras .
<$, -ov, b, ;, (fr. xaAds fair,
f&e for pen* or reeds, per. ind. pass. %.->; and viKau to conquer)
ind. pass. eK\'>dnv. 1 f.
pass, victorious, splendidly triumphant.
(dim. of next) and KAs0;'cro^aj. Subs, a great conqueror.
KaAa/u<~b, -o, ' 1
6, K\TjB>>aonai
reea . h.aA;''fura(, Dor. and Poet, for *:a- KaAAov, (neut. of vaAAt'wv, comp,
iryA<fyos, -ou, b,
a reed, cane; stalk ,
pres. inf. act. KaAr; /caAds fair) better; well enough ;
or steffi of vegetables ; straw, PEVOS, ^Eol. for. >ca/\o^(vos, par very well.
stubble ; a pen ; a pipe, flageo-
pres. pass,
cont of Ka\e<a. Or aXXidrrj, -ng, and Dor. KaAAjd"-
let ; a twig, rod, wand, mea- it is
par. pres. pass, of -a, -as, ii, (fr. *raAds fine, and
suring rod or pole ; a fishing- AH, same as /caAlw. o^' voice) Calliope, one of the
rod ; a shaft, arrow'. , -opos, c, (fr. Ac/zA/w to Muses.
call) cz caller, crier. Adj. c/ear, .aA/uoo) -w, i.
KaAaj<o<jT</;f, -tog -ou$, b, >/, (fr. loud, sonorous. v
fair) to adorn, embel-
KtiAujuos a reed, and or^u to aAi'i, -?, and KaA(?;, -^s, lish, ornament, set off to advan-
crown) crowned, begirt or sur- roos/ ; a house, abode, cabin, Ka\\ioouai
ne.?<, tage. -oD//at, to be
rounded with reeds. cot. KaAtai, -uv, u2, a barn, handsome, appear beautiful.
K<iAapwr7$, -ov, 6, an eft or newt. granary. aAAtffa'pflOs, -^Eol. for KaAA(7ra'-
K'.'Aafftpt;, -(os,
Att. -u>s, fa a Ions aAaij, -atos, 17, (fr. last) a cot- paoj, -on, 6, ?/, (fr. same, and
dress of linen worn tage, cabin, hut, shed, lodge; a -ap(a the cheek) rosy-cheeked,
by the Per-
sians and Egyptians. chapel, cell. blooming, beautiful.
KaAvprr(s, -(6os, /j, litharge, vitri- aAtfjs, g- of KaXtri, Ion. for /caA aAA/VryAos, -ov, b, //, (fr. same,
fied so called from Calau-
leaf I, a\ivoiw -u, same as /cuAiw, which and KfzXos a robe) finely dressed,
ria or Calabria. see. with flowing robes, with sweep-
KoAafpo^S -o?, ^, (fr. KU\OV a a'AAatov, -ou, rd, the wattles of a ing trains, in rich attire.
stick, ay backward, and pi jru> to '
cock. aAA(7rAoA:a/<os, ~ov, b, ^, (fr. same,
bend) a shepherd's crook. a'AAfa, n. a. v. pi. and TrAd>ca//os
a lock of hair)
KaA/ffcov, -s, -, Poet, for aAAaVw, f.
Poet, for Kara- with curling locks, with flowing
KOV, impf. of Ko.\<TKta, Ion. for An. ringlets, fair-haired.
f aAA('a, -as, 17,
a woman's name. aAA/ffAouros, -ov, b, f;,
(fr. same,

KoAeT, 3 sin. KaAtTrt, 2 pi. cont. IaAA(/3das, -ow, b, (fr. KaAds fair, andrAoi/ros wealth) rich,Wallhy,
pres. ind. act. KaAelV, act. and /?o>) voice) sweet-voiced, me- adorned with riches, abundant in
KaAtTcrdaj, pass. pres. inf. cont. lodious, harmonious, soft, mellow. wealth.
Ka\iTat, 3 sin. KaAouvrat, KaAA(yuvaj, -a(os, b, f), (fr. same, d\Mnov, JEol Sync, for
3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. and yt'yjj a woman) famed for /,
2 a. iad. act.
KaAAnrpwpo?, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. /caASj fair, and ticdcKU to teach) a pres. inf. pass, of
beautiful, and ?rpujpu
a prow) teacher of irhat is good, upright
having a beautiful prow, gallant; instructer, virtuous preceptor. ,
-;jpof, 6,
beautiful, fair, handsome. KaXoKqyaOia, -?, f/, (fr. same, and piov, -oV) T&, (fr. same) a cover-
KaAA<~wAos, -ou, b, fj, (fr. /:aXdj honour and honcxty, ing, cover, lid, stopper.
ayaOos good)
fine, and TrwAo? a young horse) virtue, rectitude, probity, integri- K.a\virr()a, -as,and Ion. ~TOTJ, *]$
with fine hor* s. ty, uprightness. fj, (fr. same) o covering for the

KaAA(pf0po?, -on, 6, >/, (fr. same, la^oKqyaObs, -ov, 6, //, (fr. same) head, vail.
and' jjfu to flow) fair-flowing, honest, honourable, upright, just, AurrTp^v, a. ot
see in
softly gliding, purling ; pure, virtuous, good, worthy. last.

'.a\ov, -ov, TO, wood, timber ; a aAurTW, -^w, p. KtKa\\)(f>a, to

clear, liquid, limpid.

KaAAtpo ?/, -TJS, >h O'r -

same) Catti- stick, twig, rod; a shaft, handle; hide, conceal, cover up, envelop ;
rhoe, a woman's name. a javelin, dart. to
cloak, wrap, vail, muffle; to
KAA(pdr;0po?, -ou, -6, >;, (fr. same) '.a\ov,(neut. of *caA3? fair) beauty, shut up, close ; to abscond, hide
fair-flowing, liquid, clear, lim- grace, elegance ; propriety, de- one's self. 1 a. act. ind. tKa\v\pa'
'pid. corum, decency ; probity, honour, impr. Kd\v^'ov, -drta, in 2 pi.
and KaAAippooy-ou?, -dou goodness ; convenience,
Ka\vdaTE. 2 a. ind. act. ticdXv-

-ou, 6, fii (fr- s&me) fair-flowing, fitness. |3ov. per. pass. ind. Kt*
gently gliding, purling ; pure, !aXorrf(5(Xoi', -ov, TO, (fr. KaXov par.
cfcar, liquid, limpid. wood, and rf^Xov a shoe) the KaXu^/aT, 2 pi. impr. 4

KaXAun-rt, Dor. for /caAAtor^, fern, stocks, confinement for the legs. 1 a. inf. act. KaXu ^ -aera,
ol KttXXioTo?. laAoTTOifw -w, f.
Ka\b$ 1 a. act. Ki
-f/ffu>, (fr. -av, par.
KaXAtV-a, (neut. pi. of Ka'AAioro? fair,and TTOUU to do) to do good, vo?, 1 a. mid. Ka-
-rj, -ov, par.
fairest) feesJ, excellently, very do a good turn, serve, benefit, be Xu^-to, -77?, -77,
1 a. sub. act.
well, extremely well, most elegant- serviceable to ; to act well, do KriXu^w, -a?, -a, 1 f. ind. act.
ly, most handsomely, bm rightly, par. pres. act. *aAo- of last.
KaAAiaTu/*a, -aroj TO", (fr. next) irotiiiiv -wv, n. pi. cont. KaAo- iXuif'oT, d.
the prize of beauty; superior iAu^, -do? -ou?, fi, Calypso, a
beauty, surpassing charms. KaAdTrou?, -ooo?, 6, /;, (fr. same, woman's name.
KaAAjcrTuu>, f. -u"<7w, (fr. /caAd? and 77ou? a foot) with handsome -avTo?, (perhaps fr.
fair) to be eminently fair, excel in feet, fair, handsome, well made. next) Calchas, the name of a
beauty, be very handsome ; to Or, (fr. j^uAov wood) with a in the Iliad.
shine, surpass, succeed, triumph. wooden leg ; t}ic wooden leg it- (fr. next) to dye
KftXAtGTo?, -I), -ov, sup. of KaA<5?, self.
purple or scarlet ; to think deep-
comp. K.a\\id>v, KdAo?, -ou, and KdAu>?, -co, 6, a ly, revolve, ponder, consider; to
KaXXifffyvpos, -ov, b, I;, (fr. AraAoj rope, came, sheet. forge, form.

handsome, and<r0upoi> the ankle) aAo ?, -17, -eh', fair, handsome,

Kd\%ri, -77?, fi, a purple or scarlet
wi</i nea< ankles, well limbed. beautiful, goodly, comely; orna- dye. cochineal.
a. pi. of Ka\Xldai%. mented, embellished, adorned ; KaXaj, 2 f. act. or Att. for AcaXfo-w
before an aspirate for honourable, generous, noble ; 1 f- ind. act. of /faA/a>.
KaAXr, ^Eol. for car&iirc, 3 good, proper, right ; decent, be- KaAw<5to,, -ou, TO", (dim. of next) a
sin. 2 a. ind. act. of KaraXei-rru). coming, decorous ; useful, fit- rope, coil tf rope.
KaAAi'^opo?, -ou, o ; 9, (fr. vaAdj ting, convenient ; honest, virtu- KdXw?, -w or , wos , b, a cable, rope.
fair, and
%oobs an assembly) ous, upright ; pleasant, agreeable, KaXw?, (fr. caA&: fair) fairly, ho-
holding fine assemblies or meet- g rateful ; sweet, meljdious ; ac- nourably, bravely, handsomely;
ings of rich persons, festive, gay ; tive, strenuous, vigorous; brave, well, rightly, prope^j ; success-
graceful in the dance. valiant. Comp. KoXXtW, sup. fully, happily, be it So ; well !
KaAAi'^wpoj, -ov, 6, ^, (fr. same, Krt'XXtc-TO?, properly from K very well ! bravo !
and ;^wpa a place) teW situated; KaXofyiai, pres. ind. pass. cont. Kd/jLa!-, -a/co?, %,
a stake, prop or
with a fine country, wide, exten- KaAou//evof, par. pres. pass, cont pole to support vines; a post,
sive. KaAofye*, 1 pi. KaXowrt, 3 pi. pale ; a shaft, pike-staff".
KaAAovi], -/??, rj, (fr. next) beauty. cont. pres. ind. act. of icd.
Kafidpa, -a?, arch, vault, fi,
KttAAoj, -0? -ou?, TO", (fr. AcaAo? ttX7rd(u>, (fr. /cdA?!-!? a palfrey) to arched roof, dome ; a tortoise or
fair)beauty, fairness, comeliness; amble, pace ; walk softly on tip- covered military engine ; a cart,
elegance, grace. toe.
wagon, covered carnage ; a kind
KaAAuvrpov, -ou, rb, (fr. next) a d\xrj, -??, f],
a pitcher, urn; a of ship ; a part of the ear.
palm branch carried on festivi- bucket, water-pot ; a ballot-box. Ka>apo?, -ou, 6, a kind offish.
ties an ornament ; neatness,
; ft'ATrt?, -5o?, and -to?, >/, same as Ka///o7i'? or Kaua<n/v?, -wv, ol, a
cleanliness; a brush, broom, be- last ; also an ambling nag : a kind of sea fisn.
som, palfrey ; ambling, pacing ; a Ka/jidcrffu, to move, stir, shake.
XaAAi'vu, -uvw, (fr. K<zX6? fair) to
runner, racer, courier ; a kind of KauaT/7po?, -, -bv, (fr. next) la-
adorn, beautify, embellish; to race. borious, toilsome, wearisome, fa-
dress, bedeck, trim. KaAAuvo/mt, KaAu/3r/, -??, f,, (fr. KaAu-TW to tiguing ; weary, tired, worn out,
to be fine, make a display, be a
per- cover) covering, shelter ; a infirm ; wretched, miserable, af-
sonally vain, look becomingly. cabin, cottage, hut ; a cover, lid, flicted.
KaAAwTi^o), (fr. same, and u>i^ the hatches. -ov, b, (fr. Kdfivu
to ,

eye) to adorn meretriciously, -wvo?, fi, Calydon, the weary) labour, toil, pains; work
paint the face, colour the eyes. name of a done weariness
city. hard- ; fatigue, ;
KaAA<<mo/nai,<o be vain, set one' ship, suffering, distress.
self off", display beauty. KdAu///<a, -aro?. TO, (fr. KaXurrTW to -of (fr. last)
zjuaTw<57?i -ouj, 6, fi,

KaAAum<r//a, -aro?, rb, (fr. last) an hide) a covering, vail, curtain. heavy, oppressive, weighty, severe;
ornament, embellishment, mere- KdXu, -UKO?, f], (fr. same) a tnip, laborious, toilsome, distressing.
tricious dress. pot, bowl, goblet; the cup of a for a. of
ijudTids Kajidrovs, pi.
KaAAu>7T7Tr/?, -ow, 6', //, (fr. same) flower, bud of a rose ; a flower,
addicted to dress, fond of appear- knot or such ornament worn by JRo\. for KaTafiatvu.
ance, vain, showy. women ; a husk, hull, shell, pod. z///3a Aov,
jEol. for Kart[jifia\ov, Z
;, -ow, 6, (fr. 3 sin. pres. ind. act.
, a. ind. act. of rft|3dXXw.
-"EoL for Kara/3piw. t, -77, -trat, 2 f. ind. sound, echo; a clatter, rattlef
mid. of Kd^cvw. creaking, rustling,
Ka///3o<njj, -ov, 6, Cambyses*
Ka/if, by Cras. for xal mi, a(t~n, -rjs,
>/, (fr. /cd//TTw to
bend) avaxrfa and -lov, (fr. last) with
Kou or Kdnev, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. a bend or bending, curve, crook, a crack, noisily, with a report,
a ^joint, angle, cor- making a din.
Ion. Ko/ulrat, 3 sin. KapelaBc, winding ;

cavd^t^, 3
2 pi. of Ka//oty/at, 2 f. ind. mid. ner ; a caterpillar, palmer- -avd-^i^e,
Ion. for sin.

of /cd/j 'd). worm. impf. act. of

f. -icdt, same as xava-
Kann\avKiov or Ka//XauKtov, -on, auK-ros, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same) flexi-
rd, (fr. (caC/io heat,
and e\avvia to ble, easily bent, pliant, pliable.
a bas- a queen of Ethio-
repel) a Turf, cap, bonnet. Ka>-rpa, -as, >/, (fr. same) , -?j, r,,

Kafin\lrrjs, -ov, b, (fr. /ca>7?Xoj

a ket, hamper; a case, coffer, box, pia.
camel) a camel-driver or deep- chest. Kavcav\s, -ov, b, a man's name.
er. Kd/tTTTw, f. -i^iii), p. KfKa/jiOa, to Kav<5<5<07, -7/s, TI,
a blanket or rug.
Ka^Xo;ra'pc$aXif, -iog, ^, (& same, bend, curve ; to bow, stoop, wor- zv^vXoj, -ov, o, a pudding.
and a panther) a ca- ship ; to rest, repose ; to suffer, ivSvs, -vos, 6, a Persian dress.
bear, endure; to turn, wind, robe, caftan.
ivclv, 2 a. inf.
o camel. wheel round, double; to act. of /cat'i-w.
Kd^/f/Xof, -ov, 8, prevail
2 a. sub. act. of to de- Kavfoto, Ion. for icaviov, g. of
Ka>i7T, 2 pi. on, incline, persuade ;

cline, shun, avoid. 1 a. ind. Kav/ov -ovv, -iov -ov, and Kavaov,
Ka>tXoj, -ou, 6, a tfitci rope, cable. act. [Kap\l/a.
1 a. ind. pass. -ov, TO, (fr. Kdvvs a basket) a
Kafttvalos, -a, -ov, (fr. KO//IVOJ a canister, basket, hamper.
fireplace) o/" a furnace,
about a j, -ov, b, /, (fr. last) bent, 'K.avrjv, Dor.
and JEol. for Kaveiv,
fireplace, belonging to a hearth. curved, crooked; perverse, stub- 2 a. inf. act. of Kaivu.
Ka/avErrJjj, -ov, and Kap.ivvrf)p, born, obstinately wrong; bend- ', (perhaps fr. Kdvvij
-TJTOS, b,
b, (fr. same) working at ing, winding ; pliant, flexible; a rush) a basket, hamper, ves-
a furnace, labouring at the fire ; rolling, swift.
selmade of twigs; a canister,
a refiner ; a smith. tzu^tG-rftXdfura, by Sync, and case.
KoutvEt'o), f. -T5(7w, (fr. same) to Dor. for KOI a//0to-rXX<fytvos, , -ov, 6, ft, (fr. last,
labour at a furnace, work at the par. pres. pass, of a//0i<m'XX /to to carry) carrying a basket
fire; to refine, KdiiTTO) to or canister.
forge. -aj, f), (fr.
Ka>tvo?, -ov, 6, (perhaps fr. Kalia bend) a case, cover; box, chest, KdvOapos, -ov, 6, a beetle, cockchaf-
toburn) a fireplace, hearth, coffer. fer; a cup, mug, jar, pitcher,
chimney ; a furnace ; fire, heat, -ov, b, (fr.
'i.api^dKTis, same) on tankard; a knot in timber; a
warmth. oil-cask, jar or vessel ; a cruse. boat canoe.

Kc/avu, -do? -ovs, fi, (fr. last) one 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act.
Idu-^-ti, Kdfi- KavdrjAia, -wv, rd, (fr. next) pan-
covered with ashes or soot, sit- \}/j],
3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of niers, pannel, pack-saddle, pad.
by the hearth ; a sooty Kav8rj\ios, -ov, b, (fr. KavOwv an
hag. [a^^tTTODS, -o&os, b, ft, (fr. ass) ass. an
Kapudpipai, fr. Karapdpipai, 1 a. to bend, and roCj the foot) swift, Kav6h,-ov, b, the corner of'the eye ;
inf. act. of active, able to overtake, a he-goat ; the tire or iron on a
KO/////V, forKara pfv, accordingly, 2 a. act. wheel.
lajjiwv, -ova-a, -ov, (par.
indeed, just so; t'ten, therefore; of /cd^ivw) weary, fatigued, worn Kdv0uv, -wvof, 6, an ass.
verily, surely, certainly. out, spent, dead. Kdvva or Kdt v??, -jj? , jj, a reed, rush,
for Karafiivtiv, pres. inf.
'KaftfjitvEiv Kqr, (fr. /cat and, and tav or dv if) cane, sedge ; a mat, pallet, made
act. of Karafitvui. and if, although, though, even of those.
Kdppes, .5Sol. for KCU fifitis,
or /cat though ; yet, at least, if only, if] Kawdptvos, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of
but, even if. hemp, hempen.
ijf, >/, by Sync, and Kqv for /cat v. Kdvva/?tf, -to?, Att. -us, j^, hemp.
Karanovia, "(fr. Kara Kava, fj, Heb. indecl. Cana, a town Kavvv<ras for KaTavevaas, par. 1 a.
intens. and filvia
to stay) perse- of Galilee. act. of /caravvw.

verance, persistance, firmness, Kavd, cont. for Kdvca, pi. of *cd- Kdw?7, see /cdvva.
constancy, resolution
; victory, V0l. Kdvvo//o?, -ov, 6, /, by Cras. for KO!
success, the reward of persever- Kava/?tvoj, -n, -ov, (fr. next) thin
ance. as a rod, lathy, slender, meager Kavovticbs, -17, -ov, (fr. /cavwv a rule)
Kd////opo?, -ov, b, ;, (Poet, for Ka- as a skeleton, puny. regular, according to rule; ca-
K6fjLopo$, fr. KaKbs bad, and p6pos Kdva/?oj, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. icdwa
fate) ill-fated, ill-starred, unfor- a rush) a reed ; a painter's jKavoSv, cont. from taviov, which
tunate, luckless. wand or rod : a mould, model, see. j

Kapiivd), f. -v<ru>, p. KtKdpVKa. 1 a. skeleton. Adj. slender, puny, KavravBa for *at ivTavda, andhere,
ind. act. for lean. Kdva/ here also.
txanvca, by Sync, thin, meager,
Karafivu). springs or eddies in a winding KavTi^r] for 2 sin.

Kdpv, Ion. for tKa/ivc, 3 sin. impf. stream. pres. ind. mid. of avrf^w.
ind. act. of
Kdva&pov, -ov, TO, (fr. /cdvva a rush) Kavv:7o"caTo?, -ov, 6, ft, by Cras.
Kduvw, f. KO/IW, p. KtKpijKa, to la- a rushen or wicker chair. and Dor. for /cat avvn6crjTOf.
bour, toil ; to earn, get by work ; KavaviTTjs, -ov, b, (fr. Kava the Kdvuv, -ovoj, 6, a rod, wand, mea-
to grow weary, be
tired, famt,\ city of Cana) a Cananite ; a suring rod ; a ruler ; the tongue
fail, falter ; to be at a loss or in ]
zealot, enthusiast. or needle of a pair of scales ; a
a difficulty ; to ail, be sick, suf-i weaver's reed ; a standard of
Kdvacrpov and Kdvtorpov, -ov, ro,|
fer illness ; to
out, be worn ex- (fr. Kdvw a basket) a basket,\
\ weight or measure ; a distaff; a
hausted, undergo the last
ex-\ fiasket or osier vessel, canister. \
handle ; a measure ; a rule, law,
tremity, die. 2 a. act. ind. txa- Kava6fpof, Dor. for Kavri<f>6pog. regulation ; a boundary. '

ftov' sub. icd[iu). 1 f. ind. mid. -w, f. -f,au, (fr. next) <o KO'VCOTTOV, -ov, TO,
the flower of the
rin<r, resound; to jingle, crack, elder.

afiol for /cat epoi. rattle ; to creak, jar. by Dor. Cras. for *rat ff. Ka
Ka/iov. Ion. for fKapov, 2 a. -ind.
ivaxri, -n?. V, (fr. wbs empty, Kqt-fyeipe, by
Dor. and Att. Cras.
act. and 2%os, Dor. KOI t^yeipc, 3 sin. 1 a. ind.
Kapovres, n. r/^os a sound)
pi. for for .

, n. fern. sin. par. 2 a. rlrtns, Hank, din, noise, dnr> a<*t. of

ft-cytipw. ',

R r
Kajrav, some part of a chariot. Sag, ^, a thorny shrub, cresses, and (fy ginger)
KflTravtOc, -tog, 6, a man's name. which bears the buds called ca- damum.
Kcuravt], -ys, ^, (fr. xdirri a manger) pers. dpftia, -as, (perhaps fr. utap

a stable, stall, fold ; a crib, man' aTnratet, by Sync, for KaTairavei, the heart, or fr.
Kpacaivu to paU
ger, rack ; a carriage, chariot
o 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of *ar-
pitate) the heart, affection, spirit,
same part of it; a headpiece o TTflVO). courage ; the mind, understand*
cap made of hair. Kara irz&iov, along or
aTHte&iov for ing, will, memory, conscience ;
s, -ov, 6, the son of Koc ilwough the plain. the inwardparts, stomach, bmoels ;
-^, -s, in 3 du. Ka
uTrirecov, His middle, core or inside of any
Kairavrjlos and Katravrjos, Ion. foi ffiTvv, by Sync, for thing.
Ka-xavtios, which for Kairaveos and KaT~Griiv, 2 a, ind. act. ol apoiaxbt, -ih -ov, (fr. last) relat-
g. of same. ing to the heart or stomach; car-
KatruTa for ical txura, and then. Z7r;ro0opof, -ov, b, >/, (fr. tb.3 let- "rdial.

indecl. Heb. Caper-
ter K and to bear) branded
(f>op(u> apotoyvuvrris, -ov, b, (fr. same,
naum, a city. with K, which w;.is the and yvSj/jii
to know) a knower of
KarrETOf, -ov, 6, by Aphfer. for mark of a well-bred horse; c- the heart, readerof the thoughts;
OTcaTrtroy. /, high-bred. discerning, judging, intelligent.
Kdirr;, -r;?, 17, (fr. KrtTrrw to devour^ Kairirvoiffaffx, by Sync, for Kara- V.
a rack, manger, food, fodder . 1 a.,
par. act. Kapcuou/Wu> -w, f.
-jyffu), (fr. same,
forage ; food, victuals. and t'A/cco to draw) to take out
KaTr^Xt/a, -aj, KUTrrjXn^
>/, (fr. Ka7rp<o?, -ov, -, next) of a
6,, >% the heart; to look for omens.

huckster) innkeeping, victual- boar, hoggish, like a pig, Kapoidu -w, (fr. same) to feel deep-
ling ; occupation, trade, busi- with a pig's snout ; ly, lake to heart ;
to move or

ness; dealing in small wures, a beak or projecting s'cn the heart ; to wound. 1 a.

huckstery, retailing ; knavery, zrrpo?, -ov, 6,

a boar-pig, wild ind. act.
fraud. boar. K<?VV.>-of,-ot>, 6, a kneading-trough.
Ka7r??XdVoj>, -ov, rb, (fr. same) a Kan-rw, f.
-i^w, p. KfKa<pa, to eat, -a, -ov, Carduchian.
tavern, inn. t
feed; to eat
greedily, feed with Kapc!ovYot, -u)v, ol, the Karduchi or
KaTiv/Xsruw, f.
-tvaw, (fr. same) t< a noise, mmmch, rraunch ; to

keep a tavern or inn ; to deal, breathe strong, snuff] LLow, snort :

Kdprj, ro, indecl.
see Kdpa.
make profit or gain, retail; to to pant, gasp Kaprj,
3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. or pass.
adulterate, mix fraudulently ; to Ca-::.oirf, (fr. next) to roast, scorch, of K('pw .

corrupt, vitiate, foist, interpolate; crackle in the fire ; to burst ou

Kdprjap, -f/aTo$, and by Sync. -TJTOS,
to seduce artfully, treat deceit- laughing, laugh out ; to indulg,
rb, same as Kdprjvov.
fully ; to detain, make excuse. the appetite, revel, live luxuri-
d. sin. of last.
for delay. ..'w -w, f. ->/tro), (fr. Kdprj
KaV^Xof, -ov, b, (fr. Kairri victuals ; Kcnrvpbg, -a, -bv, next, or fr. (fr. the head, and Kfyj? hair) to

or, fr. Katcvvu) to adulterate, and Kalu to burn, and -vpdw to scorch ) wear the hair long, have long
irri\bswine) a keeper of a tavern Moiling, puffing, panting; hot, hair.
or inn, host, landlord ; a retailer, dry, parched. ,
Poet, for
dealer in small wares, huckster, at:v(j),
-o-w, (fr. Kan to breathe liwvrts, n. pi. mas. cont. par.
pedler. out) to
blow, puff] breathe, pant. pres. act. of last.
Ka-rrl for /cat tin, and upon, and at,
1 a. ind. act. ticdirvcra.
ap^vat, 2 a. pass, of Ktfpw.

'&c. K770aXap', by ^Eol. and Poet. Kdprjvov, -ov, ro, the head, skull; a
Kdrri'n, ->??, >'/, (fr. Ka-zvbg smoke) a Sync, for Kara <pd\apa. top, summit, height.
chimney, funnel, flue / a stove,
a?rw for Kditru, to
breathe, puff, prjTOs, by Sync, for Kaptfaro?, g.
smoking-house. blow ; to
pant, gash. of
Krtiri/ri, -a?, fi, (fr. same) soot, d-d)v, -wi/oj, 6, a capon. piKbs, -ov, b, (fr. Kap a Carian)
clotted smoke, reek. up, -aobs, b,
a man of Caria, Ca- Carian, like the Carians.
rian a slave, vile, roorthless. Kapivat,
KrzTri'K^u'oj, par. pres. mid. of ; -utv, al, (fr. Kapia as de-
Kam'bs smoke) For Carian slaves bore a bad rived from thence) women who
Ka7ri't'|cj,f. -Y<7u>, (fr.
to smoke ; to scent, dry or blacken character. made lamentations at funerals.
with smoke ; to raise a smoke ; to Cop, indecl. by. Apoc. for Kdpr/ Kap7f, -~i$os, f/, (fr. Kdpa the head)
light or kindle afire. the head. Also for Kr/p death. a kind of fish with a large
and -odKrj, -tjg, fi, (fr. dpa,
and Ion. Kap^, rb, indecl. head ; a lobster ; the sea onion ;
same, and <5f^ojwat to receive) a by Apoc. for
a shrimp.
chimney, flue, funnel; a smok- apa/?of, -ov, b,
a crab, lobster, pKatod), to
sound, resound; to

ing-house. cray-fish. tremble, vibrate, quiver.

KaTrvd?, -ov, b, (fr. Kalu) to burn, apafioKfb) -w, f. -r/cui, p. -riKa, (fr. prfvos, -ov, b,
a crab-fish; the
and xvori breath, th. rviu to Kapa the head, and ooKt<a to sign cancer; a cancer, eating
breathe) smoke, vapour, exhala- think) to expect, look out or wail sore; a snap-trap, snare; nip-
tion ; a fire ; vanity, falsehood, for. pers,
deception. apaSoicia, -as, (fr. same)
ex- pKivdd) -5, (fr. last) to be like a

Ka7rvoT>Yo, -ov, o, (fr. last, andf^w pectation, longing, desire. crab, resemble a crab, move back'
to receive) a chimney^ funnel, apnKa\\iov, -ov, TO, a hood, co- ward or sideways like a crab ; to
flue. vering for the head. shoot roots spreading round like

Kapa the the claws of a crab.

Kairv6o> -5, f. -w<ra>, (fr. same) to aparof/fw -w,f. -^ITW, (fr.

smoke, blacken with smoke. head, and rfyvw to cut) to cut off
KapKivw^a, -arog, rb, (fr. same) a
Katrvutoas, -cos-ov;, o, >/ v (fr. same) the head, behead. cancer, eating sore.
smoky, reeking; smok.ed, black. -TIS, /,
a coarse shoe, Kpu>?Xo?, -ov, 6, Carmel, a fruit"
Ka7ro0v7o-cw for /caf airo0v>'/o-KW. sabot, fulfield.
in honour
Kdiros, -ov, b, (fr. Ka-rrra to breathe) idpoafjo -ov, rb, nasturtium, apvtla, -wv, rd, festivals
a puff", blast; a gale, breeze; of Apollo.
breath. -t)S, f), a woman's Ka'poj, -ov,b,
a sound or dead sleep ;
KOTTOJ, -ov, Dor. for KJ/TTO?. heaviness, drowsiness;
a trance.

TLair-rraSoKta, -a$5 ^, Cappadocia, a ,

ffKapSajjivfftTd). Kapbs, Dor.
for Kyabg, g. of teflp

country. i -ov, Tb, (fr. death ; or for crjork

Kapou^iov, -ou, rd, a carriage, cha-
, andKatraX)3f, -dSos of idols. It is redundant, as Karaj3auKaAaa>-w, (fr. Kara intens
a courtesan, harlot. Karadvi'/ffKu to die. It gives an and |3auKaAaw, which see.
KaVa?, -ov, tapestry, cloth or
6, ill
sense, as Kara&vvaartvw to Kara|3($Au<7(r<tycat, (fr. same, and
carpet nappy on each side ; a rid- tyrannize; Kara//A?w to neglect. fictXvcvonaL to pollute) to con-
ing coat ; housings. Kara, for Kat ?ra, and then, then, taminate, put to abominable ser
Kaffuupa, -a?, and Kaffwpi?, -lods, f], afterwards. vice ; to hate, abhor.

(fr. KaV<ra a harlot, and wpa Kara/3a, by Apoc. for KardfiriQt or Kara/?/3at(5o//at -ovp.ai, (fr. same
beauty) a hat lot. KardfiaQi, 2 a. impr. act. of KU- and piftaios firm) to affirm, as-
KatTfA^vov, for *at afff\rjvov. Taflaivw. Or it is pres. impr. sert, maintnin avow.
KatrflAounvffor KOJ (T0Aot(nv, Ion. act. cont. of Kara/?dw, obs. from Ta$i&riKji., per. ind. act. Kara-
for ff6Xo7s, d. pi. of ec6\6s- which come Kara (3^ t, which 0Jjr)Kdr$, n. pi. par. per. act.
Kac-fa, -as, #, cassia, cinna- gives the 2 a. attributed to K- of Karafiaivw,
mon. ra/?atvw. Kara|3/3A>7jUfVoj, -n, -ov, par. per.
Kaviyvtir', Apos. for Kaalyvrjre, v. Kara/Jatva, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. pass, of /cara/3aAAw.
of Karaftaivfru), 3 sin. pres. Karaj3f'/3pi0a, -as, -, per. ind. mid.
Ka<nyv/ro,-ou, and Ion, -oio, (fr. impr. act. Karafiaivwv, -ovaa,
next, and yivopai to be) a/cin, -ov, a. -vovra, -vovaav, pi. n. Kara/???, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act.
related; mas. a brother; fern, -VOVTES, g. -vovTdiv, a.
-vovras, ~K.ard(3T)dt, impr. Kara/3f;vai,
a sister, cousin ; a relation. par. pres. act. of inf. 2 a. act. of
KaVif, -to?, Att. -EWJ, #, kindred, araflatvw, mid. -/?j/o"oua<, p. Kara'/?^t, (fr. Kara downwards,

relations; a brother or sister, -j8fj3?Ka, (fr. Kara downwards, and prjjj.1 to go) obs. but lends
cousin a companion, friend.
; and Palvio to go) to come or go its tenses to
Kara/3aiVa>, which
KaVc-a, -as, ft, (perhaps fr. /cdo> to down, descend ; to dismount ; to see.
adorn) a harlot. .
disembark, land ; to come back, Kara(3^ffo, Ion. for /cara/^c-ou, 1

Kaaffdvoprj, -jjs, % Cassandra,

a return, impf. act. Kariftaivov. 2 f. mid. impr. (which is not
woman's name. a. act. ind. Kar/3?v impr. *a-
usual) of same.
same as Kaata.
Kao-o-i'a, -aj, >% : or KardfiaOi, and by Apoc. KaTafifjaonai, -p, -trai, 1 f. ind.

Kaffclrepos, and Att. Karrfrtpo?, i, which see 5 sub. /cara- mid. of same.
-ou, 6, (perhaps fr. Kaava mere- \S- inf. Karaflrj vai par. /ca- Karaj3(aw, fr. /cara intens. and
as aas. ^w, which see.
tricious) *in, looking
silver. Kara/?aAA<fy<j'oj, -?, -i
v, par. pres. Kara|3(j3d^w, f.
-ao-u, (fr. Kara
Kafftruw, and Att. Karroo), f. -ucrw, pass, of downward, and /3(j3aw to force
to sew underneath, fasten
up to, Kara/?dAAw, f. -Aw, p, down) to force, drive or thrust
fix under ; to sew or stitch to- KO, (fr. Kara down, and /?a'AAw to down ; to throw, cast, knock o.
gether, patch, mend ; to contrive, throw) to throw, cast, knock or fling down ; to fell, tumble, de-
scheme, plot. put down; to level,fell; tomibvert, molish, destroy ; to oppress, hum-
JLaffrdva, -as, f], Castana, name of overturn, overthrow, destroy, beat ble, bring down. ~K.ara(3i[3d$o[iai,
a city. down; to prostrate, humble; to to
sink, yield, give away, submit,
KaoravaY/coj, -r/, -ov, (fr. last) of lower, sink, let
down, drop; to be overcome. 1 a. ind. act. /car-
Castana. KaoTavatKo'v KO.QVOV,
lay down pay down ;
or aside ; to .
per. ind. pass. KarapE-
a chestnut. to lay a foundation ; to make a 1 a. ind. pass. Kr-
Kdaravov, -ov, rb, (fr. same) a beginning, begin, commence ; to
chestnut tree. throw into,
involve, implicate, KaTa(li(3affdrioonai, -rj, -zrai, pass.
Ka<rr<5pioj, -a, -ov, (fr. Kaorwp, bring into. pres. ind. pass. Kara- Ka-a/3(/3acrouat, mid. 1 f. ind.
the brother of Pollux) as Kao-rd- /3dAAouat. per. ind. pass. Karo- of last.
ptiov ^Ao?, or ~K.aar6pt.ios vpvos, /?j3A?7//ai
. 1 a. ind.
pass. Kart- Kara/?j/3pwcmi>,
same as /cara/3pw<r-
the song of Castor, the war song fiXfiOnv. per. ind. mid. Karaflf-
of the Spartans. /JoAa. KarajStou, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr.
-opos, 6,
a beaver. p. Kara- act. KarajStwcvz?, par. 1 a.
Katrrcop, a.i,f.-icro[jLai,
JEol. Sync, for Ka- same, and act. of
Kdcr^tOt, by , (fr. {lair-
3 sin. impf. act. of Ka- n'w to
plunge, th. /3d~ru> to KarajStdw -w, f. -w<rw, (fr.
dip) to plunge, fall or sink into ; tens, and jStdw or /?j'w/u to live,
Sync, to disembogue, flow into. th. fflos to live, lead a life,
ro, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of
araj3apo> -w, f.
-?;<7w, p. Karats- pass through life, approach the
j3dpriKa, (fr. same, and /?apw to end of life.
Kara, with a g. ; down, down- sink, th. /3dpof weight) weigh, KarajStwtris, -*oj, Att.
^, (fr, -$,
wards ; against; of, about, con- press or sink down ; to heap on, same) life, a course of life; the
cerning upon, down upon ; by,
; overload, burden. 1 a. ind. act. end or conclusion of life.
in the name of; in, among ; in, Kartftdprjffa. Kara/SAfTrw, f. -'>I/w, p. Kara/^f/SAfr
upon. Rareiy with d. and only ara/Japw7'w, (fr. same) same as 0a, (fr. Kara downwards, and
among the Poets, from, among. last. jSAt'Trw to look) to look down upon,
With a. according to, like as; Kara/?aj, -a<ra, -iiv, d. -;?a'vrj, pi.
foo& Jacfe.
n. -j8dvrf, par. 2 a. act. of
in, among, during, whilst; to, Kara/3A?;^dojuj, fr. Kara intens.
unto ; towards ; at, near, by, ra/3au'w. and jSA^a'o^at, which see.
hard by; opposite, against, be- Kara/'Jaffios, -ou, 6, j, (fr. Kara- Kara/3odw -w, f. -//aw, (fr. Kara
fore with, at, among, along
; /3an'w to go down) descending, against, and ^oa'w to cry) to cry \

with; through, for, by reason falling, moving downwards. out against, exclaim upon, hoot \

of, on account of;

even to, unto, Karaj3So7?,
-to?, Att. -EOJ?, ft, (fr. at, inveigh, against vehemently-
up to ; separately, severally, each same) a descent, motion down-\ to shout louder, out-bawl, pres.
by each ; along, all along ; over, wards : aslope, declivity ; a low-] inf. mid. KarapodevQai -avBai.

beyond; as to, as concerning; er place or situation, d, Kara- KarajSd^fft?, -tos, Att. -EU)?, ^, (fr. 1

by, by means of. It forms a j3do-(. same) a crying, clamour, out- I

Periphrase like a^i, as Kara/3dru, 3 sin. ofKardftaOi, same] cri/, exclamation, invective, re*
Kara Tro\tv, (hose of the city, the asKard/');0t, 2 a. impr. of Kara-; proach.
inhabitants. In composition fiaivw. Or, it is 3 sin. cont. pres. Kara/?oAa, -as, a, Dor. for |


down, downwards, against. It is impr. of Kara/Saw, obs. whence Kara/ioAf), -???, ^, (fr. Kara^dAAw
Intensive as ;:arf< wAoj, fuL ?;ju. to throw down, th. /?AAw to i

throw) a casting or throwing KarayyAAuv, par. pres. act. of impose upon, deceive with false
down ; a sowing ; a raising off- /tarayyfAAu. pretences.
spring ; a laying down, founda- arayyfAAa;?, -tof, Att. -?wj, o, Karayopairuds, -ov, 5, (fr. /card in-
a proclaimer, publisher, tens.
tion, structure, conformation, (fr. next) andayopd a market) a
building ; a deposite. messenger, preacher. buying up, forestalling,
Kara/joffjc/w -w, same as [arayyfAAw, f. -fAw, p. Karf/y- zrayopivcis, -toy, Att. -wy, >/, (fr.
and Kara/3d<rro;<a<, (fr.
Kara^d(7/co>, , (fr. Trard intens. and ay- next) an accusation, znforma
Kara along, and /3dcr/cw to feed) to publish) to announce, tion ; a discovery, disclosure,
to graze, feed, pasture, browse ; declare plainly, set forth, openly, lication.

to tend or follow cattle, let cat- preach aloud, proclaim, publish. KaTayopEt'w, f.
-evaw, (fr. Kara
tle graze upon. KarapoffKope- 1 a. ind. act.
*an/yyaAa. 2 a. against, and oyoprfu to ha-
vduav, ^Eol. for -opfvuv, g. pi.
ind. act. KarriyytKov pass. Ka- rangue, th.
ayopd' the market)
par. pres. mid. rriyy&rjv. per. ind. mid. Karrjy- to speak against, accuse, im-
Kara/3pa/Jirw, 3 sin. pres. to di-
impr. ye\a. peach; expose, disclose,
act. of pres. inf. act. of KO.- vulge.
-ffw, (fr.
f. Kara rdyu. Karaypddos, -ov, b, tj, (fr. next)
and fipapevw to award, araytXaaQriaouai, -ij, -irai, 1 f. marked all over, written upon,
th. an umpire) to de- ind. pass, of /cara/tAdo). painted.
fraud of a prize, decide unfairly ; CarayfAacrrof, -ov, i>, t], (fr. next) iaTaypd^u, f.
-^w, (fr. Kara in-
to wrong ; to judge against or ridiculous, laughable, contempti- tens. and ypd<ia>
to write) to
condemn unjustly; to circum- ble. write down ; to write out, describe

vent by collusion; to behave KarayeAaw -5, f. -a<rw, p. Karayt- fully, particularize; to enlist,
(fr. Kara against, and
1 a. to
haughtily, act tyrannically. yfAa/ca, levy, enrol; nominate, ap-
ind. act. KarePpdfievtra. to laugh) to laugh at, point ; to prescribe, order ; to
Karaffpaxy, (fr. Kara according to, scoff", ridicule, deride, impf. act. paint ; to take or tear down.
and fipaxy; short) by degrees, Ka~cyf\aov -wv, -ae$ -as, -ac -a. Kdrayvuvdfa, fr. same, and yv/i-
leisurely, sently ; by and by, 1 a. ind. act. Ka-rtyi\aaa. vdw, which see.
after a while, shortly. Tayftus, -coro?, 6, (fr. last) Kardyw, Kardywui or Karayvtfw,
f. -tiiu>, and Att. -dfw, p. Karta-
Kara/Jpfvw, (fr. /card intens. and laughter, ridicule, scoff",
derision ;

to sprinkle) to pour all a laughing-stock, butt.

%a, (fr. same,
and dyu &c. to
over, wash, bathe;
to plunge, \.aTayff.iu,
fr. /card intens. and break) to break or dash to pieces ;
sink. ft,
to bury which see.
, to break in any manner, bruise,
in silence. KarayrjpdaKOVcfi, 3 pi. pres. ind. crush. 1 a. ind. act. Karial-a.

Kara/3p/u>, (fr. same, and act. of 2 a pass. ind. Karcdyrjv, -?s,

to to loiter, linger, idle, taTayi]pd(jKu>, f. -uVu, (fr. Kara sub. /coTayw, in 3
nap) -77- -jfr, -77,
intens. and to grow old, and xt
lay. yj/pdo-Kw pi. /carayiSfftj
Kara/?pi0u, (f. -fcra>, (fr. same, and th.
old age) to grow old, per. ind. mid. KarTjya,
to be heavy) weigh, be
to be stricken in years, become aged.
heavy; to load, heap, lay on, ,
Ion. for ,' f. -ao, p. -rixa, and Att.
up; to be loaded, aboundiecraytwenty Ion. for Kar'ytv,pres. KardyTj^a, (fr. Kara along, and
have in plenty of Acardyw. '.
dyw to lead) to bring, lead or
Karappoxt), -, k (fr a/ 'KaraytvucKji, 3* sin. pres. sub. act. take down; to humble, subdue,
to 'wet) irrigation, watering, of break; to lead along, guide,
sprinkling, moistening. irayiiucKb), t.
Karayvuiffu), p. ATO- conduct ; to entertain, receive,
Kara- /card against, and treat hospital ly ; to bring a vessel
Kara'.Jpw^a, -aros, TO, (fr. Ttyrcj/ca (fr.
to devour, th. /3ptS<TKu to to know) to form an to land, arrive in port; to recall,
/3pwor/ca> yiv6(TK<i)
eat) any thing etten,food, meat, opinion against, give judgment, bring back, restore, reinstate. 2
victuals. determine or decide against, con- *
a. act. Att. ind. jcaT^yayav sub.
Att. -o>s, demn, blame; to
"KaTdppwffis, -tog, ft, (fr. understand, /caraydyw inf. jcaTayayav par.
same) food ; a feeding upon, kiiriw,comprehend, per. ind. icarayayuv.
consumption; a gnawing, ero- pass. KaTtyvaffnaf par. Karaywyi), -ij$, >/, (fr. last) con-

sion, rust, canker. veyance, carriage, conduct ; a

KarajSpwoTCU, f.
-au>, (fr. Kara in- f.
-i//w, (fr. /card in- bringing back, return, restora-
tens. and to eat) to eat tens. and yvd7rrw to card) to an
PpucKii) tion, restitution ; inn, lodg-
up, devour, up.'su-allow card or comb wool; to set
ing ; a port, harbour, dock.
KaTa$v0t'o>, f. -("era), p. *ra wjjcfLn/- aside, lay it by or in order when Karay<i)vi^0[iai, f, -iVo/iat, p. KaTrj-

Oixa, (fr. *rrd downward, and carded; to lay up in mind, pon- yuvtffuai, (fr.
Kara against, ind
/3t)0tu to sink, th. I3v0o$a. gulf) der, revolve, 1 a. ind. act/ xra- ayoi'iw to fight, th. aywv a bat-
immerge, plunge, sink down, TiyvaiLa. to conquer in war, subdue,
Karayvofyi', -TJS, -tj, opt. Karay- vanquish. 1 a. ind. mid. KU-IJ-
Ion. for vw, -ijif, -w, sub. Xardyvuflj, yu>viffdii.riv, -u,
1 f. ind. mid. of -c5rw, impr. 2 a. act. of Karayi- KaraodQofiai, (fr. Kara
[tat, among,
VUHJKU). ~'douai to divide) to di-
:?v, inf. KaraydyTjj, ~yn, Kardyvvui
or Karayvvw, same a; vide, allot, share, distribute; to
2 and 3 sin. sub.
Karayaywv, tear in pieces, rend; to feast,
n. KarayaydvTf?, par. 2 a.
pi. Kara'/i'WC-Cf, -tos, Att. -cw?, '/,
entertain, give a treat;
to be en-
act. by Att. Epenth. for KarayivwaKw to condemn) con- tertained, &c. 1 a. inf. pass.
y?v, &c. of Kardyti}. ation, sentence ; blame, cen-
KaTayotoj, -ov, 6, f], (fr. sure ; a mistake, error. Karacaiu), (fr. /card intens. and
beneath, and yalat the earth' Karayoyyi'Cw, f. -Strw, p. Karayt- faiw to divide) to divide among,
toward the ground, nearer the ydyyvKa, (fr. Kara against, anc share; to feast upon, eat up,
earth, inferior, lower; under- yoyyuo) to murmur) to murmu devour ; to learn, know.
ground, subterraneous. :st, grumble, complain se- KaraSaKvu, fr. same, and Sdicvw,
iarayy/AAnv, pres.
inf. act Ka- er ('Jy. which see.
rayyAAra(, 3 sin. pres. ind. KarayoTirsvo}, (fr. same, and ypr,- KaTa^aKpt'w, fr. same, and ca/cotw
pas- Karayj-AAo;<n',-yfAAT Tt u to deceive th. ydys an im- to weep, which see.

nd. a~t postor) to delude, cheat, te,^i f^w,
and fafdu -w, f.
p. Ktwsis&dfiaKa, (fr. f, -,;<rw, (fr. irw, fr. Kara intens. and
the people, and fio- which
game, and to subdue) same, , see.
<5apa'u> ijjjios
to tiring into subjec- food) devour the people, to see
vanquish, p<i

tion^ conquer wholly, subdue to- prey upon ike nuti^n ; to embez- fi, -tjs, r], (fr.
to tame, reclaim, make

zle or waste vublic propc: obs. to run down, th. 5pfyu>,

tally ;
gentle, per. ind. pass. KaradeSd- feed or maintain the people, obs. for which is used rpf^w to
fiiaififw -u> ? f. -/'icrco, p. -Kara- nm) sAoc/c, charge, encounter ;
Karabairavdu -w, (fr. same, and (fr.
/;ar intens. Sifi nrsion, invasion; a run-
^on-avaw to expend, th. oawai/zj uiui to to down, descent, course.
through', ,'ipiu take) tii.'i.g

cost) to consume, waste, lay .tong, share, apportion, --to, fr. Kara intens. and
out or spend profusely. allot. 2 a. ind. act. Kara<5t?Aov, COVTTTU, which see.
-' mid. -ov. see KuTaSvvta. pres.
Kara<5a'rmu, f.
-^w, (fr. same, arid -c$, Ka.Ta5ni\6nnv, !,

(SaTrrto to devour) to tc.'. f:';Tacvvat.

mangle. -raw -v, (fr.

Kara :

f^rda, -as, ?/, (fr. Kara

and ouitrtt ,/<>' to iea.i life,
th. and ovvaareia power)
KaraiJapflavworKaraop^flw, it,

same, and captidvu manner of to :

tiapdrjaw, (fr.

living) .', slave.ry.

to sleep) to sleep soundly, fall judgi j
KarafivvaaTv6ii.vos, -r,, -ov, par.
fast asleep. For tenses see (Jap- ce upon, de- ;
:ss. K!irar
ed. 3 j)l. pros. ind. act. of
KaTa&affdrivai, 1 a. inf. pas?, of {.araoioavv, pres. inf. cont. of ^;a- .
-CTffw, p. -StSv-
raOivifa?, for (fr. Kara against,
of f.
p. -t to govern, th.
Kara<5f<rrpo?, -a, -ov, conip. Cffra5:^tti/x, -c^cocra), ;

Ivva^at 'jo)

Karatkfc, -eos -ovc, o, f], (fr. Kara Kara according and to be

able) <o reduce to subjec-
(fr. to,, <5i-

intens. and Sfo^ai to want- want) 6u>jut

to give) to give tion, bring into submission, ty-
ing, deficient, imperfect, defec- distribute, divide, shire, allot. ; to , oppress, enslave.
tive ;
worse. flow or run into, disembogue. .

-iv, pres. inf. act. of K<J-

KaraoBi, fr. same, and Set, which iarac!tKd^r, 2 pi. pres. ind. or TaSvixt).
see. impr. of Karncvvra, a. sin. of Karats, par.
TS.aTa.odKw pi or -vuu>, (fr. same, Carc.cUKa^to, f. -aero, (fr. Karri 2 a. act. ofKarac'i'/tt, or
and foiKvufu to show) to shoiv against, and tWc>
to judge) ffara^j'u, -t;a) or -vpi, f. -?5crw, p.
forth, invent, discover; to dis- to determine a^uinst, ;, (fr. /cara downwards,
play, make apparent, exhibit. HCK sentence upon, con- t
i'iv(a, &c. to enter) to go
Kara^Aidw -co, f. -acrco, (fr. same, demn. 1 a. ind. pass. ,

descend into ; to sink, im-
and dctXidu to fear, th. djiAds :
<o fear
grc.ctb], dread, sink deeply to
cowardly) t>.f, ; hide,
be frightened, shrink from, avoid. ind. pass. Kar<wt*er0(5, v;!i> ,'
to shur ,

TS-aTaSet-at, Ion. for KaTaocii-at, 1 a. -;;, 2 pi. -QtJTt, 1 be ashamed, mistrust, not venture ;
inf. mid. of of
KaTaSelKVVpt* last. to sink, set ; to
dress, put. on, 2
Kara<5fo//at, f.
-6e$<rouai, p. -?:s.0fv,- "1,-ns, ?/, (fr. /cara against, a, act. ind. Karf&vv, -us , -u.

pai, (fr. Kara intens. and Slouut and Itixri justice) 'vcrdi- KuraovOi' inf. Karaovvai' par.
or 5e.fop.at to entreat) /o Ap^- or tenet, in ; a Jine, KaraSvS'
pray earnestly, pray against, de- penalty, punishment. Karadvaeo, Ion. for Karaovyov, 1 f.

precate, beg off. 1 a. ind. pass. .aTaSi&Kta, f.

-&, (fr. same, an< .
(not usual) mid. of KC-
OJWKW pursue) to to follow close ';'0).

>7? >h (fr K'*'

upon. pursue, hang upon the rear. 1 a ; Att. Wf, (fr.
and 'oippa
the skin) i/ze skin oj ind. act. KUT; same) a descent, letting, sending
the head, scalp. \.aratioK((D -oi, f. -?/<ro), (fr. Kar :ig down ; a cave, den / an
Kara<5<Tfiuto, f. -evc<>), (fr. Kara in- accordingly, and cioKtui to seem)
tens. and occrpos fetters) to bind to think, '"tnjecture. KardSvTov, -nv, TO, (fr. KaraStivoi
to to set) the setting of the sun, the
down, confine ; him!, oblige,
engage. teem; to to W^'St.
apprehend, suspect;
Karaotaun, -r/?, >/, (fr. expect, hope for.
bundle, packet, parcel. ::o-^o -ui,f. -)'j tria, (fr. K o or Kara<3co, (fr. Kara in-
Kar.ii?tff/idi, -oo, 6, (fr. same) . and aoohz%t(a to con- tens. and aetoii) to sing) to sing
binder, bat .dage, fillet ; which see) to trifle, talk as birds, chirp, chatter, make a
incantation. :,'a'c; to chat noise; tj enchant, charm. Ka-
KaraiSsui?, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. ol to
meditate, i
tofeel theea.-s ring with
Karaktiu), f.
-<TM, (fr. Kara intens. in, see Karaa'<$u).

7, have the sound still in

and <$uco to wet) to rain upon,
3 sin. con?, prer. ind irs.
wet, moisten, spri-- . of
}\a.Tatiuvos, ->i,-ov, Poet, for Kadu-
a. ind. act. KaTfc-ewa, -as, -t
*'A(5ct>-co, f.-ojTOj,p. -oc .'Jt'Aoj-
ph/o-;, par. per. pass, of KaOfvvv-
Ka, (fr. Kara intens. and <5ouAdc.
Karaof^opai, -O/KU, (fr, pi or KaOfu.
and Afxpuai, to take) to to enslave, th. oaSAoj a slave
back, take again, readmit ; t-> re- 1

bondage Ka-rasivvov, -EC, -, impf. act. of

ceive or feel an en-
effect, suffer, tar. pres, Kararu'rw, KarVi/i/u> orKaTauvv/jit,
dure, undergo. (fr. Kara irttens. and tti/riw, &c.
1. did. to put on) to
Kara^ovAcoffa^^v dress, clothe, put
and -a, same, and Siia to uh.
Kara5oBAt5<rw^at, in 3 pi on shroud, hide, con-
(fr. ; to
to tie upon, fu*i en to,.secure. ceal,
to bind up, bondage to confine
-Spdffd), and Kara&-! K.araei<rdfjiijv, -co, -aro, 1 a. ind.

1 a,
restrain, hinder, prevent. cWoxw, f.
-5(5p<rw, (fr. Kara! mid. of Karachi,
ind. act. Karihriaa. *
along, and opaw or fiitipdffKia to KaraCsuyi'u^j, f. -fto, (fr. Kara in-
Kard&;Aac, -ov, b, rj, (fr. same, anc run) to r?;?o/i or nm
a/ora^ ; to tens, and fyvyvvpt to yoke) to
5jjAo? clear) very plain, clear Ta'/ or from, shun, avoid. to encamp. unite, conjoin;
evident, apparent. 2 a. ind. act. from
-w, fr.
same, an obs. fr. same, and! (fr. Kara intens. and
which see. obs. io 7'wn.
^a/z,8fw to admire) to ivonder al t
ECO, .

astonishment, express sur-\ furo. 1 a. inf. act. Karciy?c-a. Karain)pcop.ai | tip* ,
, (fr-
prise, admire greatly. per. ind. pass. ,,, . through, and atwpf'u
to raise

-rrw, fr. same, and Sarrw, ,

Kara redund.
-?<?oj, fi, (fr. aloft) to Aan., fie
suspended ; to
which see. and' atyij a storm) a tempest, in suspense, be unset-
and f. hum tled ; to
waver, fluctuate ; to
Karu0dp<r/u> Karaffappfw -w, '

ana f. or float through the air.

fr. same, ^apff/u),
-d), -JCi), (ff. .

which see. tens, and aiclojiai to rev iTiiKatls, -tiea, -lv, par. 2 a. pass.
:;ini', -EIO, -iro, 2 a. Opt. 5u5 respect) to shame, put to '.iKarjaouat, 2 f.
-r/, -trat,
- a. inf. act. use to W;;s/i. Kara5fo- pass. KaraKaferai, 3 sin.
of Kara~i$r,ni. /UK -OUUM, to reverence, revere, ind. pass, of tcaraKaiu.
Kara intens. and
TLaTdOipa, Kura0//ar/u, see Kura-

vddta and Karavade^ari^o). -ia,

fr. same, and aida- KaiVu, which see.
2 a. inf. ::nd. Ka- Xjw. KaraKoloios, -ov, b, tj, (fr. Kara ac-
Poet, for Karddico or K- Karaj0i-<nrw, (fr. same, and aiQvcaia cording to, and Kaipoj occasion)
Tat/ Kara- to glow) Poet, to s/ime, deadly, fatal, mortal.
ion. for /cara0j?, 2 sin. 2 a. i/w, f.
-Kavata, p. -KtKauKO,
same, and aiBta^O intens. and Kai'w to

:!, 1 f. Kara;0w, (fr. (fr. Ka.nl

inf. ,,
mm burn) burn up, parch ; to
inj. '.
; ne entirely. dowti consume entirely.
Karu0Ario> -w, f. -a<ru, (fr. Kara iraiKt^u),
fr. same, andaK(c<>. 1 a. act. ind. KareKavara and
intc.!:- to break) to zraivaj -u>, f. -<rw, p. KartKJia- inf. KaraKaDtrat and *a-
break down, demolish; to break (fr. same, and aivf'u to praise, t. 2 a. ind. act. KariKaov.
open ; to break pass. KarKav07J'. 1 C

>r o; to 1 a^ ind.
,; praise) ,

beat. , ind. pass. KaruKavOi'icouai. 2 a.

KaraOXtu) -w, f. ->;o-u, (fr. same, incl. pass. KartKanv. 2 f. ind.
JJXfu to contend, th. a0Aoj ,t'w -w, f. -,v<rco, (fr.
same pass. KC. .

contest) to p and atovdw to sprinkle) to fuj -w, f. -.v(rw and -/o-w, p.

ewes, wrestle, combat, con.<md ;


-K/KA>7Ka, (fr. same, and KaA/w

xaryovaov -wv.
1 a. to call) to call upvn, send /or,

and 3-vfjaKu, '9>?v. for ; to
invoke, implcre^
. see. -'i, par. 1 a. besesch; to imprecate ; to odto-
redond. U'OJ -OlijUVOJ, cate, assist,
and $vr)rds, which see. >.
pass, of' \vu[j.a, -aroy, TO, (fr. Kara-
:raw -<2, f. same,-i/c-u), (fr. araipfu -w, Ion.
for KaQcuniu- K/iXu-ru to cover up) a veil, co-
to revel, th. Soivtj
f. -au>, p.
KurypKti, (fr.
intens. and a/pw to take KaTaKaXv-reaOai, inf. KaraKa-
feast) to feast upon, devour ; to
away) to arrive, come to land,
u, 3 sin. impr. Karaxa-
to to dis- 3 ind.
sin. pres. pass, of
, f. -'-', port ; finish ; ,

or Sopfw to embark, go ashore ; to hght upon, j--u, f.

or rush descend, spring down, .

(fr. >cara intens. and KCL-

; 6w7-* /brt ; ara'iaffu, (fr. Kara downwards, Xu:rrto to cover) to cover up, cover
and a'iuodt to rush) to descend rrap up in ; to veil, hide^
KaTciGo quickly, dart or fly down, glide '. 2 a. ind. act. Kariicd-

encourage, th. ^apo-oj

to impetuously ; to be carried down,
confidence) to embolden, encou- j, f.
-ifu, (fr. Karat
Karadaafftvonai, :'h>ai, 1 a. inf. act. Ka- against, and xa^Trru to bend)
to take courage. Taio%vvE, pres. impr.
act. Ka- to fcend or bow down; to turn
KaTadotifcag, -atra, -av, par. 1 a. 2 pi.
3 sin.
.aside, warp, change, alter.
act. of pres. ind. act. Karatxyvn, 3 Karandpdios, -ov, 6, >;, (fr. same,
(fr. xr.iTa intens. and sin. pres. sub. act. Karaty- and *}p the heart) through the
,. to break) to break through, XwOrjatrat, 3 sin. 1 f. pass. heart.

open or down ; to break in pieces. KaraiGXuv6&, -jjj, -jf, P^ ~^tv, KaraKap-bs, -ov, it, ^, (fr. Kara ac-
Kara0p7?w -<3j fr. same, and Spj?- -d&ffi, 1 a. sub. pass, of cording to, and xapirdg fruit)
vaj, which see. fruitful, fertile ; rich, wealthy,
KarcQfyiov, -ou, ro, (neat, of next) (fr. /c:irdreduncl. andatc-^t'vw to opulent, abundant.
inclina- disgrace, th. a?<r^;of a scandal) Karaxap-wo-js, -toj, Att. -u?, ^, (fr.
fon to shame, make ashamed, con- Arara intens. and en-
tion, affection, /cap-wo-j?
Kara0$fi(oj, -a, -ov, (fr. Kara ac- found, ab'isJi ; to dishonour, dis- joyment) collection of fruits,

cording to, and ST//O? the mind) grace. KataiffYvvouai, to be\ the of perquisites ; the
agreeable to the mind, pleasant ; ashamed, blush, be confounded residue of a sacrifice, the con-
in the mind, mentaL a. ind. act. sumed remains and ashes.
1 f. ind.
Kara0u/io/3opf<Tw ana'-jjcru, -77?, -77, KaTT]G%vva. impf. p KaraKavO'iaofiat, -n, -erai,
1 a. sub. act. of 1 :
pass, of KaraKalia.
vdfirjv. -.rj]ffj(yvQriv' \


Kara0u/ioj3opfw -fl, fr. Kara redund. impr. K.a.Ta.w)(i:vQr}~i opt. K.trai^- KaruKJtifia, -aroj, rd, (fr. KaraKo/w
and Sv^o.jopao, which see. ^vv0'^i/'
sub. Karajo-^yi'Sw, -?/-.-,
to consume) a burning, scorch'

KaraSuw, (fr. Kara redund. and -yj, 1 f. ind. pass.

Karaic-^uv0?;o-o- i

ing, parching, roasting; drought,

Stfw to sacrifice) to dearth from heat.
sacrifice, pat. |

make burned offerings ; to KaraiTilf, 3 pres. Kar^KaDo-af, 1 a. inf. act.

sin. cont. Kara- ind.
Kavffw, -us, -', 3 pi. -covci,
to act, of 1 f.
slajnhter, kill; devote, use j

magic. 1 a. inf. act. Karadu- KaTdiridb) -Q, f. -dffn), (fr. Kara in- ind. act. of KaruKofto. 1

cai. tens, and atrtaw to blame, th.airta'Kar.:Kau^;a'o/((/j -&uat, f.

-?, -rjrai' I pi. Kara- blame)to accuse, impeach, charge,-, (fr.
Kara against, and Kav%doucn
2 a. sub. mid. of Karari- criminate ; to blame, find, fault, i to boast) to boast o\ s lory against,

Kara7rvf, -vyog, >j, (fr. Kara* flat v setup against, dare, defy.
-ifffw, p. Kar/Jy and ry^o) to make) o headpiece iCc^r .;;(v^5fffj(, (as if fr. Kraa<5-
(fr. next) to rage, storm, blow without crest or ornament, hcl- xa r
tal lilce 'e verbs in-^if) for
furiously ; to overwhelm^ over- Trie/,
m r>rion. - sin. Kara-
3 sin. cont. pres. ind. devise, bequeoih, make an heir, KaraKOfjios, -ov, b, fj, (fr. Kar<J
mid. KaraKativw, 2 sin. Ka- divide a property. downwards, and d/ij hair)
TaKav%Sff(), 2 pi. cont. pres. KaraK\rip6cD -w, (fr.
Kara according haired, hairy, with long hair.
impr. mid. of last. to, and KA?7pyu>
to allot, th. KaraKovov)d$<j), f. -tffw, (fr. same,
f. Kara an inheritance) to allot, assign and Kov<5i)X<u to box) to strike
KaraKtipai, -doopai, (fr.
with the fist, beat, bruise ; to
along, and Ktijiai to lie) appropriate. KaraxXj/pdojitai -ou-
to lie

down, be laid down or stretched liat, to take

a share, take by right, trample on.
out, lie sick ;
to recline at meals possess an estate or inheritance ; KaraKovti, -/)?, f), (fr. same, and
as the ancients, or sit as the to become entitled or heir to. KuiYu to ruin.
killj destruction,
moderns ; to be placed or situ- araKAiOjjj'tti, pass. KaraK\1vai, iraKovr/a>, f. -frru>, (fr. same, and
ated ; to lie dead, be slain, impf. act. 1 a. inf. KaroKAti/arj, 2 pi. KOVTOS a spear) to pierce or run
mid. KareKdtrjv, -ao, -TO 1 a.
impr. act. through with a spear, dart, &c.
Kara intens. Kara/cA<Vu>,f. -Yvio, p. ifj,raKiK\iKa, shoot at.
b), f. -s,oS>, (fr.
and to crop) to cat (fr. Kara downwards, and icXivw KaraK07r<ff, -t<ra, -tv, par.
2 a.
Kpw down,
feed upon ; to shear, fleece, clip ; to lean) to lay down, make re- pass, of <caraK<$7rrw.
to lop, cut away, carry clean off ; cline, stretch, lay
out. Kara- KaraKoiros, ~ov,b, ry, (fr. next) mad,
waste, consume. KXivofiat, to lay one's self down, furious, frantic, insane; struck,
Karamo-', by Apos. for KaraKaao, recline at meat, as the ancients, possessed ; weary, tired, worn
pres. impr. mid. of KaraKttpai. sit as the moderns. 1 a. act. out, spent.
KaraKj<70ai, inf. incl. KariicXivcf impr. Kara/cXtvov.
-tj, -ov, par. pres. mid. of same. 1 a. pass. ind. /care/cAWijv sub. (fr. Kara intens. and Kdirrw to
KaraKi'w, fr. Kara redund. and KaraK\iQGi>, -jjs, -fj. cut) to cut up, cut in pieces,
Keiia,which see. pres. act. inf. maim, mangle ; to beat, lash,

KaraKeUiv, and JEol. KaKicdciv' (fr.Kara intens. and K\VO) to smite, wound ; to slay, murder,

par. KaraKEiwv, and JRo\. KOK- wash) to wash away ; to inun- slaughter, massacre. 2 a. ind.
KWV. date, deluge, overflow ; to sub- pass.
KaraKKXt/ivos, -ov, par. per.
-tj, merge, drown, sink., per. ind. Kara'Kopo?, -ou, 6, f>, (fr. same, and
pass., of KaraK\iv(i). pass. KaraKiK^vapai. 1 a. pass, Kopoj satiety) loathsome, disgust-
KaTaKEKOijuai, -cai, -rat, pep. ind. ind. KarK\vffd)jv, ing, nauseous; loathing; satis-
pass, of KaraKolvdi. iraicXvcrdeis, -?cra, -tv, par. 1 a. fied, full, sated, glutted, cloyed ;
KaraKvi5w -fa, f. -wtrw, (fr. Kara pass, of last. abundant, plentiful ; greedy, in-
intens. and Kvdo> to
empty, th.
KaraKXutr/xoj, -ov, b, (fr. same) a satiable.
Kevbs empty) to empty, spill, pour deluge, inundation, flood. in abundance,
KaraK<5po>s, (fr. last)
out. iraKAwflw, (fr. Kara redund. and plentifully ; often, frequently.
KaraKEvrto) -5, f. -rjffdi, (fr. same, K\(t)8o) to spin) to spin, draw out KaraKoo-^fw -w, f. -JJCTW, (fr. Kara
and KVTfw to goad) to prick, a thread ; to spin the thread of intens. and Kocyuu) to adorn, th.
stab, wound, pierce. fate. order) to ornament, adorn,
KaraKvrp<5w -5, (fr. same, and KaraKi^o), (fr. Kara intens. and decorate ; to
ov pro-
Ksvroov a spur) to spur, goad ; to scrape) to cut, vide with ; to order, regulate, ar-
Kvi^o) hack,
to bore mangle to lash, beat ; to
through, pierce. ; carp range, array.
KaraKprO|Ua -u>, fr. same, and at, dispraise, disparage, slander ; KaraKouco, f. -<7U, (fr. same, and
Kpro//u>, which see. to tickle, cause itching ; to itch aitovia to hear) to hear distinctly,

KaraK^;Jarat, Ion. for KaraKf%w- for, desire. understand ; to listen, hearken,

rat, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of Ka- -a), and KaraKot/^ao//a attend to, mind, observe ; to obey,

ra^uw. fr. same, and Koi/mcu submit to, comply with.

KaraKjjf/iSv, Ion. for KaraKr/ai, which see. KaraKparfw -w, f.
-^ffu, (fr. same,
same as KaraKavaai, 1 a. inf.
JCaraKoi/z?70?;rw, 3 sin. 1 a. impr and Kparrw to command, th.
act. KaraK!70jui>, by Syst. for pass, of last. Kparoj strength)
hold fast, to

pi. 1 a. sub. act. KaraKo</i/u>, (fr. Kara intens. and adhere to, keep the possession ot

KOI/^W, which see) same as KO- mastery ; to prevail, conquer,

K.araKr,p6d} w, (fr. Kara intens. and overcome.
which see) 1 a. par. act. KaraKO(LU<rr/7,
Kt)p6ia, -ov, b, (fr. last) KaraKparoj, (for Kara Kparo?) with
KaraK?pu<ra?, -atra, -av. chamberlain. strength or power, mightily
KaraKAao-0?;?, Dor. for KaraK\tCa- KafaKoipavfw -S>, (fr. Kara intens. strongly, powerfully.
2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of K and Koipai/fw to rule, th. f.
-7<rw, (fr. Karci
Ko/pavoj KaraKptoupj/fw -u>,
a chief ) to rule, bear sway, go- according to, Kptaj flesh, and
-a>, f. atrw, (fr. Kara vern ; to administer, manage,
ipyov work) to cut up
as a butch-
and KA to break) to guide, direct. er ; to butcher, hack, mangle.
break in pieces,
smash, crush. 1 KaraKoiroj, -ov, b, rj, (fr. Kara ac- K.araKOjdtv, (fr. Kar upon, and
a. ind. act. KariK\aaa.
cording to, arid Kolrrj a bed) a Kpoj the head) headlong,
K.araK\eiorbs, -ov, b, fi, (fr. next) lently ; utterly, totally, entirely.
shut up,
confined, imprisoned, KaraKo\ov6t<j)-ijJ,f. -j/trw, p ('a), f. -Yffw, p. KaraKt-
locked up. and
\ovQriKa, (fr. same, and , (fr. Kara along,
KaraKAi'o>, f. -('o-a>, (fr. np,ra in- flf'w to follow, th. aK<5Aou0o an at- a precipice) to precipi-
tens. and KAa'w to
shut) to shut tendant) to follow
after, pursue ; tate, throw or drive headlong ; to
up, enclose, imprison, confine ; to obey ; to
imitate, copy. 1 a. tumble orfling downwards. 1 a.
to shut against. act. ind. Karr)Ko\ovdr/aa. act. ind. inf. Kara-
K*roKX)?p0ofiu -5, (fr. Kara ac-iKaraKoXou0^<7affa, sin. -0>/<ra<r KpriiJLVtaai. per.
ind. pass. cara-
cording to, KXiJpoj a lot, and >m. par. 1 a

to give) to divide or dis- KaraKoAov
jb), fr. Kara redund. and ~K.araKorip.vog, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same)

tribute according to lot, allot ac-

KoAotfw, which see. steep, precipitous ; headlong,
cording to right; to divide an araKo/^u>, f. -.frra), (fr. Kara in- head foremost.
estate or inheritance, distribute a tens. and to
K0jtao> carry) to aTaKpiCMU, f. -col, p. -Ka, (fr.
property. bring together, carry into one Kara according to, and oKpjj a
araKAvpovou/w -&, f. -?/<rw, (fr. place, collect, convey. KaraKo- stun with talk ; to
locust) t
same, and vo/ww to share) to fii^Ofiai, to go away, re babble.
betake, prate, chatter,
inherit, become heir to ; to will, turn home. t 3 sin. 1 f. ind.

-0i";r, 1 a. sub. act. Kar cay. 1 f. rnid.
KaraAj/^/o/xat. pef
pass. KaraKpt0w^V,
and 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of Ka- mid. KaraXa/Jwv, -ovca, -bv, ind. pass. KoraAAep/uu.
ra KptVw. act. par. 2 a. of KaraXa/n/Ja'vw. KardX4////a, -arcs, TO, (ft. KaraXff-
Kara a- LaraXajSf'w -w, Iqr same. TTW to leave) a remnant, residue^
Kara*pt//a, -aro{, rb, (fr.
to judge) con- zraXat/vJJO/*at, f. -tvao^iai, (fr. remainder, leavings.
gainst, and Kpfvw
demnation, judgment, sentence. Kara intens. and aXaovt5o//ai KaruXa'7Tt, 3 sin. pres. ind. act.
3 sin. -Kpivovai, 3 pi. 1 to boast, th. aXa'wv a boaster) Ka.Ta\i<t>6rjvai, 1 a. inf. pass.
to boast, glory, vaunt ; to talk or KaraXi'^/ai'Toy, g. sin. par. 1
KaraKpi'ms, 2
ind. act. sin.

pres. ind. act. of

act arrogantly or self-sufficiently. a. act.
KaroXM//, 3 sin. 1 f.

iTa\a\~i, 3 sin. cont. KaraXa- Sid. act. of

KaraKpiVw, f. -1vS>, p. -KfVptKa, (fr.
AoCcrt, 3 pi.
Kara against, and Kpo/u> to judge) cont. KaraXaX?r,
2 cont. KaraXaXwv, cont. Kara intens. and Xfnrw to
to adjudge ; to determine, decide pi. (fr.

leave) to leave
orjudge against ; to sentence, par. pre-3, act. KaraXaXwc'i,3 off", cease, desist ;
a ind. cont. pres. sub. act. of to
relinquish, quit, forsake, depart
condemn; to punish. I pi.
act. per. ind. pass.
zraXaXlw -oi,
-J/rw, p. Kara\- from ; to leave behind or over, re-
1 a.
pass. ind. Ka- XaXi/Ka, (fr. Kara intens. and Xa- serve ; to will, bequeath. 1 a. ind.
rKoidT)v, -tjs, ->?'sub. K Xf'w to talk) to speak against, ca- act.
KarAa^a. 2 a. act. ind. KO-
1 f. ind. pass. lumniate, slander, derogate, speak rAi'ov. par. KaraAonfo. per.
-rjs, -rj.
ill of; to
interrupt, stun or over- pass. ind. KaraXAa////af par.
s, -to;, Att.
-wj, f], (fr. whelm with loquacity ; to dis- KaTa\\inp.evos. per. ind. mid.
judgment, sentence, con- pute with, oppose, rail at. KaraXAotTra.
demnation. {araXaX/a, -as, j$, ("" same) evil- LaraXai^/tj, -105, Att. -a>?, f], (fr.
KaraKportw -w, f.
-?/<ru, p. -KKp<5- speaking, obloquy, calumny, last) remains, remnant, residue,
rtjKa, (fr. Kara intens. and Kpo- slander, reproach. leavings.
rfo) to clap, th.
Kpdro? clapping) CaraXaXoj, -ov, 6, /, (fr. same) ill- [araXXi////voj, -rj, -ov, par. per.
to applaud by action or gesture, tongucd, reproachful, slanderous, pass. KaraXAotra, per. ind,
abusive; a gainsay er, delracter. mid. of KaraXf/Trw.
praise much, commend, laud;
to extol,
celebrate, set forth, cry araXauj3dVu>, f. mid. -X)/^/o//at, p. KaraXffo//at, -rj, -trai, 1 f. ind.
intens. and mid.
up ; to sound, cry, utter noises. Karti\Ti<j>a, (fr. Kara KaraXffw, -ij, -a, 1
to catch, take ind. act. of KaraXfyu.
KaraKovitrn), f.
-i^/w, (fr. same, and Xa/i/3avw to take)
KpuTrrw to hide) to conceal, hide,
unawares or in the fact ; to over- KaraXrfw, f. -CTW, (fr. Kara intens.
cover, keep out of sight ; to bury, take, come upon, surprise; to and \V(t) to stone, th. Xaaj a
inter ; to overwhelm ; to disguise, seize, take, lay hold on; to re- stone) to stone, overwhelm or kill
2 a. ind. act. strain, check ;to invade, attack, with stones.
dissemble, feign.
assail, possess forcibly, invest, KaraXfW -w, f. -^o-u and -iaw, (fr.
2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. garrison, secure; to anticipate, same, and aXew to grind) to
oflast, used ^Eol. for Kara- get beforehand, prevent; to ap- grind down.
Kprf^a? , -aaa, ~-av, 1 a. par. act. prehend, comprehend or per- KaraX///3a>, (fr. same, and X/7/3w
of same, -in n. pi. mas. Kara- ceive ; to discover, find out, come obs.) an obsolete verb, from
to know; to hit upon, befall, which KaraXaupdvw borrows
KaraKra/uvat, Dor. for KaraKra- happen, meet with ; to get, reach tenses.
vai, 1 a. inf. act. KaraKTavitv- or arrive at, attain, obtain. Ka- KaraX>/yo), f. -w, (fr. same, and
. 0at, Ion. for KaraieravEiaOai, inf. raXa^/?aVo//ai, to be inspired, in- X^yw to cease) to end, finish,
of KaraKravo5//ai, 2 fatuated or possessed,
ind. to
f. per. inf. terminate, conclude; define,
mid. of KaraKr/va>. act. KaTL\rj6fvai. 2 a. act. ind. bound, limit.

KaraKra?, -a<ra, -av, par. 2 a. KaraX>;0w, (fr same, and X^0w to

act. of KaraKr??/*i. -ovaa, -6v. per. pass. ind. Karn- hide) to escape notice, remain
concealed. KaraX/;0o//at, to for-
RaraKrE/vw, f.
-EVW, fr. Kara in- Xjtyj/^at* par. KartX?;^//vos. 1 a.

tens. and Krdvw, which see. ind. pass. Ka-t\//<j>0r)v. 2 a. mid. get.
K.ardKrrnjit, (fr. same, and Kr^j, ind. KaT\a^6uT)V inf. KaraXa iraX>70ovr' for KaraXr/0ovrat, 3 pL
obs. to kill) same as last. 2 a. pres. ind. mid. oflast.
ind. act. KartKrrjv. [araXa/zimo?, Ion. for KaraX?77r< KaraAij'4/tf, -tos, Att. -EOJ?, fy (fr.
KaraKUKXdw -5, f. -wo-u, p. -KCKV- reoj, -a, -ov, (fr. last) to be KaraXaftjSrfva) to seize) a seizure,
KXuKa, (fr. same, and KiiKXow to seized, &c. according to the taking, laying hold of; a hold,
encircle, th. KVK\OS a circle) to verb. catch, gripe ; occupation, pos-
surround, compass about, envi- CaraXa//?rw, f. -t^w, (fr. Kara in- session; perception, comprehen-
ron, encircle; to enclose, hem in, tens. and Xo>7rw to shine) to il- sion.
straiten, confine. luminate, enlighten, throw light karaAt0aa>, f. -afftd, p. KaraAeM-
KaraKuXtw, -Y<rui, (fr. Kara down- upon to brighten,
burnish, make aKa, fr. Kara intens. and Xt0a-

wards, and (cuX/w to roll) to roll

shine ; to illustrate, make clear. w, which see.
down. par. I a. act, KraAy/<r0w, 3 sin. pres. impr. KaraXt0a7t, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act.
; /caraKuXt(raf,
-aaa, -av, pass, of oflast.
yLaraicvirrovaav, a. sin. fern. par. KaraXfyu, f.
-w, p. KaraXi'X^a, 7rtAt0pj3oX&> -5, f. ->;ffw, fr.

pres. act. of (fr. Kara according to, and X/yw same, and Xt0o/?oXf'w, which see.
KaraKun-rw, -T//U, (fr. Ka ra down-
f. to speak) to choose, cutt, pick, zraXf uiirdvb), Ion. for KaraXftTrw*
wards, and KUTrrw to bend) to select ; to write down, enrol, enlist,
iTa\urapfd) -5,
-jfaw, (fr. naraL
bend down, incline, stoop ; to re- register, record; to deem, con- intens. and Xcrap/w to persist,
cline, lean, lie down. sider, esteem, look upon, account ; th.
XtTrap^?constant) to beg ear-
'K.aTaKvoitvovTts, n. pi. par. pres, to enumerate, recount, reckon nestly, crave, entreat, conjure,

KaraKvpievovcri, 3 pi,
act. to seech; to tease, importune; to
up ; allege, charge, accuse,
pres. ind. act -- KaraKupuutras impeach. KaraXryo//aj, to lie obtest, pray
in the name of.
par. 1 a. act. of down, lie in bed^ recline or sit at K.araX'ivciv, inf. KaraXfrrof/n
KaraKvpurio), f, -tvaw, p. -KCKV table. opt. KaraX/TTu, -p?, -?, sub.
p'uvKa, fr. Kara intens. and KV KaraXa'^w, f. -i// w , (fr. Kara in- KaraXjTrwv, -oBtra, -bv, n. pi.
which see. tens. and Xi/?w to pour) to pour
KaraXaj3fV0<zt. 2 a. inf. mid. out, spill, shed ; to distil, drop ; -rj, -ov, mid. par. 2 a. of KO-
KaraXa'.3w, '-yg, -7?, 2 pi.
- tn run, non: : to waste away, de-
KaraXXaytif, -?<7a, -tv, n. pi. Ktt- Kara'Aitejs, -to?, Att. -u>?, !/, (fr.lKara/uAouai,
3 pi. cont. prs. ind,

raAAayfvrf, par. KaraAAd- KaraAuw to loose) a breaking up, . act. of last. \

impr. 2 a. subversion, ruin, destruction; a Kara/i//0o//at, f.

2 -
yr)9t, -//TIM, pi. -yjjrs, p.
pass, of KaraAXuVaw. loosening, relaxation, ease, rest j (fr. KUTO. against,
KaraAAay)}, ->")?, (fr. KaraAXdcrirw
an inn, khan, caravansera. and nfufyonai to complain) to
change ) a change, alteration ; KaraAur???, -ov, o, (fr. same) a chide, reprimand, scold, reprove^
reconciliation, reconcilement, a- guest, traveller, u: 'it/
faring man. rebuke; to expostulate, remon-
gi cement. d(>), f. -u<7u>, (fr. Karii intens. strate; to blame, censure, ac-

KaraXXdavroy, g. par.
1 a. act. and Xt5w to loose) to mistrust, despair of. 1 case; to
K.araAAa'<nrwi>, par. pros. act. loosen, break up, dissolve ; to de- a. ind. mid.
of molish, dfKlroy. overthrow, over- Kara/j^0c!/*0, 1 pi. pres. ind.
KaraXXdo-ffu or -rra>, f. -|w, p. /r- turn ; to caned, annul, u'vo^ale; mid. of last. <

r//XXa^a, (fr. vara intcns. and /';

nfresh,-bait, hall, lodge. 1 a. Kara/uVo), f. -vw, p. -ptpivriKa, [

aAAdffc-w to change) to change, act. ind. K,i-t\vaa' sub.

Kura-j (fr. Kara intens. and pivu to
alter ; to exchange, commute, Aoffw inf. KarijAuffat. 1 a. pass. stay) to abide with, sojourn, |

substitute, barter ; to reconcile, incf. KaT\vO-.jv sub. KraXu-| lodge ; to stop, stay, wait ; to per-
agree, make up. 1 a. ind. act. 5. 1 f. ind. pass. KaTa\v ist, persevere, insist. 1 a. act. ind.

Karc/AAafa' par. KaraAAd^aj. 2 a.

ind. pass. KUT>'i\\ay>jv. -u, f.
-j/ffa, (fr. Aia Kr//()iw, f -tow,
(fr. same, and
KaraXoa'w -w, (fr. same, and aAodu against, and \6<po$ a yoke) fjitoi^ai
to divide, .th. piiau to
to thrash) to grind, beat, rub
out, /qy /om o /oaf/; <o s/iafee off allot) /o divide among, distri-

pound ; to bruise, break ; to hurt, the yoke ; to get rid of, rest or bute, deal out, allot, share, ap-
wound. set cease
portion. from;
Kara//f to
liberate, o/tat,

KaTaXoyaSrjv, KaraAfyw to
(fr. re- or get a share.
free. \


peat, th.
Afyw to speak) same, Kara/urpco> -a>, f. -)'/(7U), (fr. same,
by Kara/zayt'a>, f. -u<ra>, (fr.
choice, in preference ; in succes- and ftdyos a wise man) to be-\ and /^rp/w to measure) <o mea-
sion, in order, regularly ; in witch, enchant. sure out or among, allot, distri- I

itrose or plain language. 2 sin. 2 to survey, mea-

Kara/m0, Kara//a'0r, fiute, apportion ; j

KaraAoyta, -oj, >/, (fr. same) an pl. 2 a. impr. of. sure exactly.
enumeration, reckoning up; a K.aTapav9dvu>, f. -^o-w, p. -jw/id0>7- KaTapicopai, f. -rjaopai, fr. same, j

muster, review, levy ; a genea- z, (fr. Kara intens. and -

logy. BdiHi) to learn) to learn quite, ac-lK.aTap.rjydfj.lv, I n f r KarnMod-

1 a. ind. mid. of
KaraAoyj^oyuaf, f. -iffafiai, (fr. Kara (juire thoroughly ; to know, un-\ p.tjv, -w, -a.ro,
intens. and to con- der stand, be informed of or ac- xara/tdu.
Xoy^o/^at \

sider, th. Xf'yu to speak) to quainted with ; to observe, con- Kara^iat'va>, fr. same, and fiiaivu), \

reckon, compute, count; to sider, contemplate. 2 a. act. ind. which see.

number, enumerate; to enrol, KaTi/jiaOov' inf. Karauatitlv' par. Kara/^tdvai?, .^Eol. for
" |

register, record; to impute, par. a. act. of last.

charge. KaTapapatvu, fr. same, and /ja-
K.ara\oyi(Tfi.bs, -ov, o, (fr. same) a (fr. Kara intens. and j

computation, account, calcula- Kara//ap7rrf'w -w, or Kara/^dprrw, mix) to mix up jumble to-
,ttwn ; an enumeration, reckoning f.
-j/'w, (fr. same, and /ndpn-ro) gether, mingle with, intermingle,
up ; a genealogy. to catch) /o to/ce, overtake, seize, join with, associate together.
KardXoyoj, -ov, KaraXf'yw to
b, (fr. lay hold on ; to catch, surprise ;
recount, th. Xtyw to speak) a ca- to
swallow, gulp down ; to carp vrjua, (fr. same, and nipvrjoKu)

talogue, list, roll, muster-roll; a or rail at ; to handle, touch. remind) to call or bring to mindt
survey, enumeration. to re-
iTafiapTvpso) -<3, -fioui, remind, suggest ;
p. Ka-
KardXoirro?, -ov, b, >/, (fr. KaraAa- Tap.tp.apTvpr)Ka, '(fr. Kara against,
TTU) to remain, th. \etiria to leave) and paprvpfu to testify, th. |udp- Kara/iovaj, (fr. Kara at or in, and
remain- rvp a witness) povas lonely, with %wpa? places,
the to testify, witness
rest, remainder,
ing. or give evidence against; to understood) apart, alone, in pri-
Kara\o(f>dSla, (fr. Kara about, and convict. vate, privately, solitarily.
Ao^of the poll) upon the neck or iTanapTvpovfft,
3 pi. cont. pres. Karajuovojuavfu) -w, f. -77(70), (fr.
shoulders. ind. act.' of last. Kara against, p.6vo$ alone ? and
K.ara\o%i<a, f. -tffu, (fr. Kara, in- iTapdpi^aioa, Dor. for Kara- H'd^onai to fight)
to beat single-
tens. and \o%i%ii)
to enrol, th. ,
n. fern, of Kara- handed, overcome in single com-
\6%os a company) to tell off" or par. 1 a. act Kara- bat.
divide soldiers into .
companies, and by Sync. Ka/^dp- KaTafjLv^dfjinv, -o>, -aro, 1 a. ind.

subdivisions, &c. ;
to arrange in- '^/at,
1 a. inf. act. Kara mid. of Kara/iUffffU).
to ranks, wards, or classes, allot, -77?, -??, 1 a. sub. act. o Kara/jtfo-at, 1 a. inf. act. of
order, regulate.
KardAuE, pres. impr. act. Ka- ara/jdw -w, (fr. Kara intens. and or -rrw, f. -fa), (fr. Ka-
ra\vQrj, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. afiidd)
to mow) heap up, accu-
to ra intens. and a//uo-<7o> to tear) to
KaraXufl/frErai, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mulate, to
heap on, throw up- rend, lacerate, mangle, tear in
pass, of KoraXriw. on. / a. ind. mid. pieces; to irritate, fret, exaspe-
KardXu/ia, -aroj, TO, (fr. KaraAi)a> rate.
to loose) a loosing
baiting K.aTa/j.Edvd) and Kara//0t5<rKO), fr.
or .aTanv<i), -Sera), p. Karap.ffivKa, by

place, inn, lodging, khan, cara- same, and ut.Qvw or fitdvcrKM, Sync. KKdfiuKa, (fr. Kara intens.
vansera; a guest-chamber, re- which see. and fjivd) to move) to wink, close
ception-room, dining-room, d. 'K.arap.tivai,
1 a. inf. act. of K.ara- the eyes ; to twinkle.
KaraXw/zarj. ftlVd).

KaraAtfoucrt, 3 pi. pres. ind. act KciTafjisipw, fr. <cara

intens. -- and (fr. same, and //wKdu to mock)
KaraAwo-ai, 1 a. inf. act. Ka- futipw, which see. to mock at, deride,

-us, -i, Kara/^EXfw -5, f. -(7(70), (fr. Kara

1 f. ind. act. :ara^co/ivos, par. pres. pass.
ill, and /uX
KaraA<5ffo)(rt,3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. it
regards) to ne: cont. ofKaraudw.
KaraAtiwv, par. pres. act. of gleet, omit, overlook ; to slight, -affa, f. fr. Kara re-
disregard, despise, disdain. dund. and avayitdfa, which see.
la, -uros, TO, (lr. Kara consider, think of, r<.
do, perform; to effect, bring
and avddcpa a curse) a rive, know, com- about, accomplish; to get, ac-
2f CUT.*' . maledic- prehend ; to dis'-- quire, procure.
: a cursed person or 1 a. act. ind. Kartvorjca- impr. jKarafa/vw, f.
-avw, p. icarffayira,
t". (
Karavdncov inft Karavoijcaf par. (fr. same, and |atvwto card) to
or comb;
against, and ava0uar/u) tode- Karavoijcras. to tear,
. which fr.
avdQcfua a curse) arfli-o'r<7(c, -oj, Att. -EWC, ?*, (fr. mangle, lacerate ; to pluck, cut,
execrate, anathematize ; same) consideration, o! strike, smite; to wear out, im-
to bind by a curse, sulr 2 a. ind. act.
to t, Ion. for Kardfav, 1 f.
up perdi-
tion, pres. inf. act. ". of jcarayw.
cernment. -St. f.
-few, (fr. Kara, in-
ava Kdravra, Poet, for tens. and f'w to scrape) to
K.arava\dx.u, (fr- Kara inter.s.
up, and Xfi^o) to lick) to lick up, pi. cf Kardvrrj;.
A .
scrape off, plane ; to po-
.r, consume. \y, doumcards, up '.ovih, level.

\icKu, f.
wtruvaXwffw, p. jolts or shocks. is, -ov, b, 11, (fr. same, and
3 sin. cont. pres. u dry) very dry, arid, parch-
sain. . . rid aMcr-a to of -rid.

to toJre away totally,

de- Karui'rauJ -<i5, f. -jjwa, p. >:
-w, f. -o<7W,p. KynfywKa,
consume, K, Kara towards, and avrdca
(fr. (fr. Kara redund. and eow to
stroy utterly,
ind. pass. and to meet, th. avri against) to ar- :n, fh. a'to? worthy) to
per. cara;'i;Xcj;tat
rive at, come to; to meet with, judge worthy, deem Jit, esteem,
Kara obtain; to sink, value, rate highly; to honour,
Karavapica'w -w, f. -7/ffW, (fr. to,
intens. and vap/co'w
to be numb- into ; to befall, happen. respect,revere; to beg, entreat,
ed, th. numbness) t be- ua, -arc? , ro, (fr. last) a crave, implore, beseech ; to de-
numb, stupify, overburden, op- meeting, coming together, return, mand, claim, require. 1 a. pass,
to be benumbed or revolution: thf roof, peak or ind. Karn%i&Qnv' sub. Kara^iu-
press ;
fail, faint, languish ; to idle, idge of a house; the end, bor- 0t3' inf. Kara%ib>6ijvat par. Ka-
be worthless or unprofitable. ders, extremity.
f, 6, '/, (fr. rara Karai(a6fvr[s,
n. pi. par. Kara-
Karavau/ia^fw -ai, f. -t'/ait), (fr. KardiTns,
Kara against, va?j a ship, and downwards, and air? against) iw0!JrE, sub. 2 pi. 1 a. pass, of
to overcome at last.
//a^ouat to fight) downward, steep, sloping
sea, beat in a sea-Jighi. Karai rrjeai, 1 a. inf. act. Kara^t'w, f. -&ru, (fr. Kara intens.
Karavaco -ai, f. -aao), fr. Ararci in- r>/acvrj, n. pi. par. 1 a. act. and uo) to scrape) to scrapt
tens. and j/o'w, which see. 1 a. Knravrr;c-uu; ,1 pi. 1 a. sub. away, rasp, grate, shave; to cui
ind. act. Karivaca, and Poet.
act.- .'l a. sub. act. into, engrave ; to cut open, lance,
of Karavrdw. scarify.
aravifiti), f.
-/*w, p. -vsftitrjKa, (fr.
-; intens. and Kara-aify, f. -a>, p.--fxai%a, (fr.
same, and vf^w to distribute) to avriKob against) opposite, ovtr same, and ra/^w to play, th.
distribute among, divide between, TraTf a child) to play upon^mock,
share, allot; to divide soldiers] K.aravriov, Ion. and Kara. ridiailf.
into companies, tell nff into di- and -rrtpav, (fr. Kara towards, Kararavro?, ->;, -bv, (fr. same, and
; to muster, arrat. i ai'Ti against, and r.ipas the end) :u to fasten) joined, fast-
to have a share ; to opposite, on the farV. ened, united; compact, 'close,

occupy, possess.
- a. sub. pass. firm.
. a inf. act. Kara'- Kartw/jjcofiat, 2 f. ind. mid. KarairaAaru), f.
-a/<ra>, (fr. Kara
vtvaov, 1 a. impr. act.
of K -
;!. 2 a. impr. dowTi, and Trd)(r] wrestling) to
or sub. pass, of Karnvvccu). throw in wrestling, trip ; to de-
Karam'w, f. -tru, p. KaravfvtvKa,
(fr. Kara downwards, and vrfw -twf, f,, (fr. feat, overthrow.

to nod) to incline the

head, nod, next) a stitch or pricking pain, ~K.ara-dci'.ai, (fr. Kara intens. and
n; grant, allow.
to assent, ache : compunction, remorse, coft- ra'w to taste) to sprinkle upon.
1 a. ina. act. Kirivevaa. trition ; sorrow, vexation, grief; a Kara-aVo-w or -TTW, f. -^a>,
:'o), f. -fcw, (fr. *rara in- deep sleep, lethargy, insensibili- .
(fr. same, and ra'o-<7u> to
tens. and avdi^j) to flower,
th. ty; stupor, amazement, astonish- sprinkle) to strew, spread about,
dv8o$ a flower) to deck with, ment. bedew, scatter ; to sprinkle, dash.
<trew withfih Karavi'ffffia or -rrw, f. -w, p. -vi- Karai7ar?v, act. Karairar?<r0at,
-u, (fr. Kara intens. :nst, andvt'<7- pass. pres. inf. cont. KaraTra-
and oV0pa a coal) to reduce to rw to prick) to pierce, stab, prick, r?;ffa?, par. Kara-arj/er&xri, 3
1 a. act. of
burn. . stins ; to vex, torment, fret, pi. sub.
grieve, afflict, terrify; to cause Kararar/w -ai, f. -^o-w, p.
-rripi, f. -ffrrJGb), p. Karavia-
niKai, (fr. Kara against, ava up, compunction or contrition, ex- jta, (fr. same, and jrar/w to
and IOT/M to stand) to rise up cite remorse ; to strike, astonish, tread) to tread down, trample

stand against, with- amaze, stupify ; to lull, over- upon ; treat
-', oppose.
2 a. ind. act. Ka- come with sleep, cast into a temptuously. I a. act. ind. *rar-
T7JV. trance. 1 a. ind. act.
tartw^a. -drrjaa' par. Karairartiiraf. 1 a.
-'-s. inf. act. cont. 2 a. ind. act.
Karhvyov. per. ind. pass. KartarfjdTjv.
- sin. cont.
pres. ind. ind. pass. Karavivvynaf par. Aca-j Kara-xdrripa, -aro?, rb, and Karo-
act. Karavorjffat, inf. Ka- ravtvvyiiivos.
1 a. pass. ind. Ka- Att. -ewf, f,, (fr.

rarorr^c, par. rtvv^Qrjv par.

2 a. last) a treading underfoot, tread-
Kararo>;<rar, Hman^Ods.
impr. act. 2 pi. la Kara- pass. ind. Karsvfyrjv, in 3 pi. >ca- ing upon ; contempt, scorn.
par. pres. rtvi'yrjffav'
Karavvyrjvai. 2 f.
KardTravfta, -aros, rb, and Kard-
act. -v,
1 pi. cont. ind. pass-Karawy/;(7ouat,-77, -rat .
xavoig, -tos, Att. -wj, >;, (fr.
sub. acf. of g. sin. par. 1 a. next) rest, ease, quiet, leisure;
-rivtvdrj- pass, of last. cessation, respite; dwelling,
rd intens. and votw to
Karavvw, f. -o-w, p. KarrjvvKa, (fr. abode, residence, a. sin. ara-
cthe mind) to mind, Kara intens. and avvo) to finish) iravffiv.
!> ; to o despatch, execute, complete, Kararat'w, f. -G w, p. -rt-avKa, (fr.
Hart intens. and 7rat5u> to cease) vfa to despise) contemptuously, awful, terrible, dreadful, astoms/i*
to quiet, calm, still, give rest, scornfully, disdainfully. ing, wonderful, amazing.
make cease ; to stop, restrain, Kara ittyri, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of .ararrXjjf, -rjyoj, 6, ^, (fr.same)
check ; to rest from, cease, desist ; struck, surprised, amazed, asto-
1 a. ind. or -yvi/u>, -|w or nished ; alarmed, fearful, timo-
sink, settle, subside.
act. Kartnavaa. 2 a. ind. act. -yvvaa), p. KaraiTETDjyvvKa, (fr.
rous ; appalled, affrighted, dit-
Kariitaov. per. ind. pass. Ka.ro.- Kara intens. and it fly vv pi to mayed.
fasten) to fix or fasten down ; act. of
laraTrX^at, 1 a. inf.
-<ra>, (fr.
/cara in- KorarrX/(ro-w, f. -o>, (fr. Kara in-
tens. and neipdfa to attempt, iio -o>, f. tens. and 7rX>/<7c-w to to
7T?pa an attempt)
try, Ka, (fr. /cara downwards, and 707- strike down, fell, overthrow, over-
prove, explore ; to sound ; to at- oa'w to
leap) to leap down ; to turn, destroy ; to hit
tempt, endeavour, venture.
alight. smite; afflict, disquiet, trou-
K.arairipTjTi]p'ia, -aj, >/,. (fr. last)
an , fr. Kara intens. and ble, grieve ; to astonish, amaze,
instrument to try the depth of the ,
which see. daunt, dismay, confound. Ka-
sound, plummet. 'aa, -ay, -e, 1 a. opt. to be struck with
sea, rarrX^fftro/iai,
act. ^Eol. of last. astonishment, admire, wonder.
KaraTTEAjuaro'w -w, f. -waw, p. -TTE-
ireA/iaYw/fa, (fr. Kara beneath, KaraTTJ)^, -jjyoj, fj, (fr. Kara down-
For tenses see 7rA>;<r<ru.
and itfyna a sole) to clout or sole wards, and irfiyvvui to fasten) iaraTrXoof -ovy, -6ov -ov, b, (fr.
a shoe ; to patch, piece, mend, a pile, stake or post fixed in the same, and TrXtw to sail) a voyage,
cobble, per. ind. pass. KaTa-rre- ground. downwards ; a trip, passage ; a
TrfX/iarw/itai. iarairialvta, fr. same, andsafe return, arrival.

KarairtXrr/f, -ov, b, (fr. Kara a- .ardrrtKpoj, -a, -ov, (fr.

Kara in-
Kara7rXourojua%co -w, f. -?/(reo, (fr.
gainst, and iri ATT; a target. Or, tens. and
TTtKpdj bitter) very bit- Kara against, irXoDroj wealth,
xaro intens. and rraXXw to shake) ter; grievous, severe; embittered, aijd ud^o//at to fight) to over-
a catapulta, a military engine. exasperated, aggravated. come by force of money, pre-
'KaTatriuirw, f. Kara in- f. vail by wealth ; to try or tie i.i
-t|/a), (fr. ara7rfy/7rp77^t, KaraTrpf/Vw, (fr.
tens. and 7rf//7ru>
to send) to send same, and to burn) to wealth.
down ; to send to, send a mes- set fire to, up, KaraTrXww, Ion. for KarairXew.
set on fire, light

sage or letter, write to. kindle ; to burn away, consume, KaraTrvoa, -aj, Dor. for Kararvoj),
Kara7Ti>0fu -ai, f.
-yaut, (fr. same, ardirive, Ion. for Kareirivf, 3 sin *5J> fl> ("" Kara intens. and
and 7Tv0fw to grieve, th. ttlvdos impf. act. Kara-nip, 3 sin. 2 a. Trvt'w to
breathe) a blast, breeze,
grief) to deplore,
bewail, lament, sub. act. KaraTTivovrfj, n. pi. gale.
weep for, mourn. par. pres. act. of Karate?, (fr. same, and iroi/j tlie

KaraTTEimyws, -via, -bs, by Sync. foot) immediately, directly, out

for KararrETrrr/KO)?, -via, -b$, par. (fr. Kara downwards, and -nlvw of hand.
per. act. of Kara7rr>7<r<rw.
drink) to drink down, swallow Kara:ro0fi, -jfc, -fj,
1 a. sub. pass.
Kara7Trrw, f.
-t/'w, (fr. Kara in- up, absorb, mgulph. 2 a. act.
tens. and Ti-fTrrw to boil) to cher- ind. KartTiioV sub. KoraTrtw. 1 a. KararrovfO) -w, f.
-?y<rw, p. -Kn6vn-
ish,indulge in, enjoy ; to hug, pass. ind. Karc-o&riv' sub. Kara- Ka, (fr. Kara intens. and TTOV/W to

holdfast ; to brood over, smother. TroQw' inf. KarairoOrjvai. 2 f. ind. toil, th. itfvouat to work at) to
1 a. act. ind.
KaTfitefya' sub. KO- mid. fatigue, weary, tire, wear out,
-n. Kara7riOjai, -?/, -ETUI, 1 f. ind. mid. oppress. KaraTTovlonat -ovu.ai,
raTTf'^w, -??s,
of to be overcome,
KaraVsp,' Ion. for KaQdtrea.
last. fail, faint.
Kararrwwv, -ovcra, -bv, g. pi. -TTE- iTairlirTti) or KaroTrrow, f. -wffu, p. Karajrovofysvoj, -n, -ov, par. pre;-.
par. 2 a. act. of Kara- -TT/rrrwKa, (fr. KaVa downwards, pass. cont. of last.
and TT/Trrca to fall) to fall or drop Kara7rovn&>, f. -tau, p. -TTcirdi/riKa,
Kara7Trdw, KaraTTErdw, KararrE- down, tumble, be demolished ; t (fr. Kara down, and rovrl^u) to

Tavvvb) or Kara7Trdvvt)]t/t, f. be cast down, be grieved or dis- sink, th. rdvrof the sea) to throw
Kara intens. and irtrd- pirited, faint, fail. pres. inf. into the sea, plunge, drown; to
-affu>, (fr.
overwhelm, pres. inf. mid. Kara
act. Karair'ntTtiv. 2 a. act. ind.
fa, &c.
to spread) to spread out,
KarfTTEo-ov' par. KaraTTfo-wv. 2 f. KovrityoQai. 1 a. ind. pass. KUTC
expand, display ; to open wide,
to stretch ind. mid. KaTaireo-ovuai. TrovTiff6rjv sub. KaTairovriadCj,
unfold, unfurl ; extend,
to cover KaraTTicTEUto, f. -EWO-U, (fr. Kara
out, lengthen, enlarge ;
up, hide, conceal, veil ; to fly towards, and iriarcvw to trust KaraTrovric-pj, -ov, 6, (fr. same)
down or away. th. TTiorts faith) to trust, believe drowning, immersion; destruc-
Kara~rra<rua, -aroj, ri, (fr. last) or have faith in ; to commit, in- tion.

trust, hand or
a curtain, veil. deliver to. iKarajropEuo/zat,
-tvaoiiai, p. -Ttt-
and Kara7rXayj, -?<ra, -iv, 2 Kara intens. and
Kararrf'ro^at, (fr. Kara intens.
a. par. iropsvjjLai, (fr.
to go) to go or come
TTcrouat to fly) to fly about ; to pass, of Kara7rX>yffo-w. noptvouai
fly down away.
; to fly ,
and -rrw, f. -do-to, p. down or back, return. \ a. ind.
-u>, (fr. Kara a- (fr.Kara intens. and pass. Kareiropevdnv.
gainst, TTfYpov
a rock, and KoVrw Tr\dff(T(i}shape) to form, shapeAKaTatropvzvb), f. -EUO-W, (fr. same,
to cut) to dash or sirifce against mould, make ; to spread or ap- and iropvtvw to go after harlots)
to prostitute.
a rock ; to break with stones, fling ply a plaster, poultice ; to pound,
stones at. bruise. Tdxoais, -to?, Att. -o;j, ^, (fr.

KaraTrjYa), obs. (fr. Kara intens. KaTa-nivb) to swallow) a devour-

and TTiTb) obs. same as TrtTrrw to same, and irXfKw to fold)
to ing, swallowing up ; a gulph,
see KaraTr/rrw, which bor-
fall) wrap up, fold together ; to unite, whirlpool, abyss,
rows certain tenses from it. join, link, tie; to finish, end, Karairdrior, -ov, rb, (fr. same)
ind. mid. medicine to be swallowed a pill.
Kara7r0vya<r(, 3 pi. per. complete, conclude. \

of KaracMyu. arairXiw, f. -u<rw, (fr. Kara to- Karawdw, obs. {fr. KarJ intens,
and n6w, obs. to drink) from

same as Karafytv wards, and TrAfo) to sail) to saif

fr. /cara intens. and down, sail to, finish a voyage, I which KaraTn'vw borrows certain
). which see. arrive in port. tenses.
KaTcir rairX^KriKoc. -;, -ov, (fr. Kara- Kararrpativw, (fr. same,
and irpavvui
Ka.TaKt<ppovT)K6-d>g, (tr.
to frighten) to mitigate, th, rrpaos mild) to
i'/)cwr,.par. per. act. ofKarad>po- .-/\/;c-.7co striking,
tame ; to civilize, polish ; to miti- th.
Tnp fire) to
light up, kindle, KarapQus, Ion. for
Karapdus, -affo,
set on'flre, inflame. 1 a. par. act. 1 a.
gate, assuage, allay , ease; to -lv,par. pass. olKaBaipu.
y, calm, reconcile, appease KaTaxvpicas, and by Sync. Poet. Karap(0/ifd> -5, f. -?/<rw, p. Karypid-
sooth, coax ; to restrain, check,
or Dor. Ka-irvpioas. firjKa, (fr. Kara among, and api6-

bridle, hold. >/, (fr. same, K.ara~u>yu)v, -ovos\ b,

utu) toreckon, th. apiQpls num-
Karas-p^w, fr. same, and
and -uywv a beard) bearded ber) to number with, 'count along
which see. with a long beard. with, errol among, per. ind. pass.
Kara against Kormftyufyuf par.
K.ara-pt]vi]i, -ios -ovs, o, ^, (fr. Kardpa, -as, fi, (fr.
and apu a prayer) a curse, exe vos. 1 a. mid. ind.
same, and irprivrK steep) prone,
with the face ftrjv opt. in 1
headlong ; .flat, KUTapiO/jLTiffaiiiTjv,
down '
Karaou pi. Ka-api6fina,aifi9a.
KarapdKTt]$, -ov, 6, (fr.

-ijy, -jj,
1 a. sub. to break through) a cataract, tor KarapKiw -w, fr. Kara intens. and
pass, of Karajrp>/0w. rent, u-atcrfall, cascade; a bolt apKiu, which see.
Kara7rptw,f. -(faw, (fr. Kara intens bar; a portcullis or falii. K.aTap[>ayTjvat, 2 a. inf. pass, of .

and jrp/u>
to saw) to saw through, a kind of sea fowl, a gull.
cut through. Karapdofiai -fount, f. -dffopai,
p IKTTIS, -ov, b,
same as KO-

Kararpocidtiipi, (fr. intens. Kara j'ifiai, (fr.

Kara against, an
xpb before,
and ^'cwfu to give) apdopai
to pray, th. a
apd prayer Karap/yaVc-o^ same as Korapaffau.
to betray, surrender, deliver up. to c 'te' evil upon Karappju/3rt;a), f. -cvaw, (fr. Kard
inf. act. Karairpo&<5j'ai. execrate, damn, devote to perdi intens. and pepPcvv or p/^/3u) to
Karairpo^<7ff0at, 1 f. inf. mid. ol pres. inf. pass. KarapdccQa whirl) to stagger, reel; to lead
rii) pi, -aadai. par. per. pass. Kanjoa astray, cause to err, set wander-
a. ind. mid.
KaraTrpo?^o//ai, f. -i^opai, (fr. Kara fttvos.
Karnpaad ing.
iniens. and irpoi^opai to get gra- finv, -w, -aro. Karappw -5, f.
-i'<7o>, (fr. same,
tis, th. rrpoif pass "un- Karapaff0, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr
a gift) to
and to flow) to flow or sink

punished, let escape, pass by, Karapw//0a, 1 pi. cont. pres down, descend ; to drip ; to run
forgive. 1 a. ind. mid. KaraTrpot- ind. mid. Karapu/tcvo?
out, spill, empty ; to pass or fall
par. pres. mid. cont. of last. away, fail, fade, decay, come to
an end.
Kara-po?;?//!, (fr. same, trpb before, Karapa<nj, -to?, Att. -wj, >/, (fr
and 7>7/u to send) to throw away ; same) a curse, execration; Karapplfav, -ovaa, -ov, par. pres.
to reject, slight, : to let cur- act. KaroppdJc-av, neut. par.
slip, miss, fail of. or -rr&i, and Karappdc
crffta 1 a. act. of Korappe'w.
Kararpofao/*at, (fr. same, and IKO- o-u, f. -fw, (fr. Kara intens. an rmm . ,
or Karap^<rcrw, f.

pai to come) to go on before, pdoati)

to dash) to break, snap ;t>, (fr. same, and prjyvi-fii

proceed forward. rend, tear; to bruise, crush; t break) to rend, tear ; to break up
KaroTrpovo^rfw, (fr. same, and rpo- tumble, throw down violently or down, burst
open, dash in
vopti plunder) to go to f. precipitate, dash, confound, de pieces; to throw down, overthrow,
to drive or carry molish, destroy, raze; to drive to
plunder ; away destroy; dawn, go to fall
off booty ; seize as prey, carry force along, compel; to burs go to ruin ; to break
pieces, decay,
away forth, break or gush out. forth, rush, run headlong; to

Karar- 'ar. Karair- -as, -ov, d, drive violently.

f), (fr. Karapdo
. inf. 2 a. act. of xu pai to curse) cursed, accursed arappiir-rti),
-i//u, p. KartppiQa,
same, and pi-ru to throw)

KaTdirrtcQai, Ion. brtoBdmafou, perdition ; execrable

throw down, prostrate, over-
pres. inf. mid. of K vile, abominable. to
j, p. Kariirrr]- 7, act.
Karapy?ra,pass throw, foil ; to throw or fling
Ka, fr. Kara intens. and rri>, or d. of away. . 1 a. ind. act. Karfooiilfa.
h last see. f'j)
-u>, (fr. Kara int< D per. ind. pass. r/pt/t/ujj.
Kara~7/^'af, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. useless) to malce useless
Kardppoos -ovs, -6ov -ov, o, (fr. Ka-
act. of Kararmfao-w. render worthless ; to abolish, an- ra downwards, and ptu to flow)
Kararrr;/(ro/jat, -p, -rat,
1 f. ind. nul, abrogate; to waste, idle a running down, dropping, dis-
f KaBtirnjat. losetime or work. a rheum, catarrh, flux,
tillation ;
-?w, p. Karfirrrjya, *.
-ovpai, to be rid or quit of, freed discharge ; a torrent.
(fr. Kara intens. and rrijo-ffu to from, released ; to wear out, iarappvldi -5, f.
-pur/<ru, p. /carsp-
fear) to affright, frighten, alarm, perish, be hsi, vanish, disappear, pvrjKa, (fr. same, and pvtia to
tern 2%. 1 a. ind. act.
Kan/pyj/c-a. per, flow) to flow down, run off, pass
Ion. for KUT ind. pass. Kar/;py?///a. 1 a. ind, away.
,!id. act.
of/codtmqu. -'tpyi/jOnv.
1 f. ind. pass, KardppvTov, -ov, TO, (neut. of next)
Kararru^f/5, -/o? -ovc, o, rj, (fr. KO.- Ka TapynQf'.aopa i . a receptacle, drain, sink ; a flow,
.rens. and -rvcc:-) to fold) 9^, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass accumulation ; abundance, plen-
sinuous, with many bends or yriBfiaofiai, -T), -srai,
3 pi. ty, affluence.
. folded. 1 f. ind. pass.
. Ka- iTdppvTO$, -ov, o, rj, (fr. Kara.
fr. same, and rapyJjG-<n, inf.
KaTapyfa downwards, and pad to flow)
to spit) to spit upon; to -aira,-av, g. -OYivroc, par. Ka- overflowedJlooded, watered, moist,
spit out, spue ; to reject, cast
1 sin. sub. 1 a. act. wet ; staunch against rain.
Knraoyrjctt, 3 sin. 1 ind. act.
Tappwcfd) -&, (fr. Kara,


Kara- .
r5, (fr. Karri of last. and apputfu) Ion. for op^wcf'u to
downwards, and ir/Tru to fall)
iTaoyovpev, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. shrink for fear) to fear greatly,
a fall ; ruin, decay, destruction. -n, dread ; to shrink, cower.
';.'.voj, -ov,
Kararroio-o-w, Kara intens. and
(fr. par. pres. pass, of same. fr. Kara downwards,
i.araprdu> -oi,
--j to tremble) to fall with o, f. -tiiru, (fr. Kara and aprdii), which see.
fear. 'remble,
I. and aoyforfw to silver, th.
arapri^tadai, pres.
inf. pa
toll ''"ir
greatly. oj silver) to silver over, -l^ovras, a. pi. par. pres.
Kar?;- with silver; to cor- act. of
about. an ^ryh the rump) ob- n:ith (fr. Kara intens.
money, bribe. arapr/u,f. -(Vu,
*ce.n< .
ilnmite. '>, f.
-fw, (fr. same, and and aorigu to fit, th. dor to; per-

to act) to sooth, coax, ca- fect ) to set a bone, reduce afrac
turt; to mend, repair, patch,
to cement, join together ; io ad- Kara<rK<5du> or -avvuw, f.
-a<ru>, (fr. covering over ; to
hide, cover up
just, adapt, Kara intens. and oKtSdfa to dis-
dispose, regulate, inter, neut. pi. par. pres. act.
arrange; to perfect, finish, com- perse) to scatter upon, sprinkle.
1 a.
Karao-KEAmiJw, KaraaKtAno -<5, or -oi 1
to ardffKYof, same)
plete; instruct, inform. , b, ?y, (fr.
act. ind. per. pass,
KaTtjpnaa. KaraffKfAAw, (fr. same, and OKI- shady, shaded, dark, umbrage'
KarfipTianac KaTrjoTia- inf. Aruw, &c. to dry) dry up, ous, bushy. to
1 a. ind. to at- fr. Kara intens.
6ai par. KaTrjoria^ivo^. parch, wither; reduce, Karacvctprdw -j,
mid. KaTripTivdjiriv, -aw, -<raro. tenuate. 'K.aTaaKeXcTtvop.ai, &c. and ffKiprdu).
inf. or 3 sin. opt. 1 a. to
decay, waste away, pine. iTacK\idi -w, or KaraffKA<5w -5,
act. of last. KaTaaKiirTOfiai, f.
-t^o/<at, (fr.
Ka- and Karo-KA?7jut, same as Kara-
Att. -a>f, (fr. ra downwards, and trKf7rro//at
Kardprj<7<s, -105, /,

same) repair, amendment, res- to consider) to look down upon, Kara<rK07ri!to, and KaracrKOTTfw -w,
correction; perfection, observe, consider, contemplate ; f.
-j/ffO), p. KarffK<57T?7Ka, (fr.
completion, a. sin.
inspect, examine ; to look out, intens. and o-KOTrfw, which see)

Karapr<(7/jo?, -oil, b, (fr. same)

the spy, watch ; to search, explore. 1 a. inf. act. KaraaKO-nriaai.
sitting or reduction of
a bone or Karaoxudcra(; 3 sin. ind. Ka- Kardo-KOTTOj, -ou, b, %, (fr. same)
a joining or fitting of exploring, searching; a spy,
joint; TaffKsvatojjitvos, -T],-OV, par. pres.
; reconciliation ; repair,
a- pass, of scout.
mendment ; a finishing, comple- Kar(7Kua'to, f.
-do-o), p. KaTtVKwa- KaraiTKop-t^to,
-fVu), same, fr.

tion, perfection. KU, (fr. Karcj intens. and oKtvdfa and GKOQiTtcti).
Karapriar/)p, -rjpos, b, (fr. same)
a to prepare, th. CKZVOS a utensil) iraCTKWTrrWjfr. same, and OKU>-TU>.
composer, maker, framer ; an in- to
prepare, provide, made ready ; KaracyaKp<o>, and Karacy^Kpi'vo),
tercessor, to furnish, equip ; to make, f.
-uvw, p. Kar<r/HKpuyKrt, (fr. Ka-
Karap^w, f. -w, (fr. Kara intens. frame, adjust; to raise, erect, ra intens. and oyuKpoj Att. for /n-
and to begin) to do or act
dp^co construct, build; to work out, Kpoj small) to diminish, lessen,
take the lead; to reduce, impair ; to depress, abase,
first, guide, finish, complete; to corroborate,
rule, regulate ; to
govern, com- strengthen, prove, confirm ; to humble, bring down.
mand. Kardp^ojuat,
to initiate,
plot, machinate, devise ; to set on, Kardoyojfat,
3 sin. 1 a. opt. act.
send out. 1 a. act. ind. KarcrKri- 1 a. inf. act. of
introduce, teach, par. pres. act. Karao-juri fat,
Kardp^wv, -ovaa, -ov. aera' inf. KaracrKeuaaat. Kara(7uiJvw, f. -w, (fr- Kara in-
per. pass,
Karapfo/uvo?, par. pres.
mid. cont. ind.
KaTeaKsvaajjiai' par.
Kar<r- tens. and cy^xw to smoulder)
Karupwvrai,3 pi. cont. pres. Kuaer^fvof. 1 a. ind. pass. K<Z- to burn away, consume, reduce
ind. mid. of Karapdo/xat. rcdKrjdaBrjv. to ashes ; to stifie, suffocate.

Kara<r0wua>, or -vfjn, fr. Kara in- KaraffKcvalsy d. pi. of KaraffKtv

tens. and o-jScvvriw, or -vpi, which Kara<TKD<Ta, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. (fr.Kara against, and o-o$d? wise)
see. act. to
Kar<r/cuf(ffw, -a<r, -EJ, 1 delude, beguile, impose upon,
Karacraw, f.
-ad, p. -viatiKa, f. ind. act. of overreach, ensnare, use subtilty,
(fr. KaraaKom^a).
same, and em'w to shake) to
KaraffKiia<T//a, -ro?, ro, (fr. employ craft, cheat, trick, par.
shake off", disturb, drive or move rao-KEud^co
to prepare) an arti- pres. pass. Kraao</>i.-5//voj. 1 a.
away, remove ; to shatter, shake fice, device, plot ; a building, mid. ind. KaTtao^LGd^rjv' par.
or break in pieces; to alarm,
frame, edifice ; preparation.
to make signs KaTacKcvaffTiKos, -ft, -bv, (fr. same) Karao-TraraAdw -to, fr. Kara intens.
startle ;
with the hand, beckon. 1 a. act. strengthening.
ind. Karlcuffa- par. Karacdaas. KararKt5a<rro5, -ou, 6, 17, (fr. same) Kara<77rda> -w, f. -a<70>, p. Karicira-
Karaff^afvw, f. -avw, (fr. same, made, wrought, finished. Ka, (fr. same, and o-Trdu to
and to sign, th. enj/ja a Karao-KEurj, -rjs, );, (fr. same) pre- draw) to pull, tear or rend
mark) to note, mark, observe, paration ; a model, plan, asunder; to break, separate by
remark ; to sign, seal. draught, instrument, utensil, force; to draw down, swallow
Koracn/mo, (fr. same, and OV/TTOJ to furniture ; provision, equipage, up ; to drag into the water
rot) to let rot, leave to decay or equipment, arms ; entertain- launch.
to rot a- ment, treatment, reception ; con- Karac-7T('pw,
-tout, (fr. same, and
struction, arrangement, institu-
to sow) to sow ; to
way, perish. o-TTf/pw breed,
K<rra<r0/o/vw, (fr.
Kara upon, and tion. engender, produce; to scatter,

to pant) to pant on; to KaraaKiii) -w, fr. Kara intens. and overspread.
snort. ao-KHt>,
which see. KaraairevSw, f.
-trw, fr. same, and
f. -f/aw, p.-awtyj/Ka, Kara<7K>7voa> -w, f.
-wato, (fr. same, cncvcu), which see.
same, and
which see. and (TKr/v<5w to dwell, th. <jKr,vr, a Kara(77rucr(j, -tog, Att. -Wf, f], (fr.

KaraffuSnpow -w, fr. same,

and aioij- tent) to dwell in a tent, live, same) haste, speed, despatch, ex-
which see. abide, sojourn ; to lodge, har- pedition ; hurry, bustle.
Karao-tuhrarE, 2 pi.
cont. ind. or bour, roost, pres. inf. act. *a- Karaairofiftj) -w, (fr. Kara down,
impr. act. of raffKiji'ffeiv ,-vovv. 1 a. ind. act. and OTTO($O? ashes) to throw down
K.aru<nco7rda> -Si, (fr. Karct intens. in the dust, kill.
and (Tiwirdw, which see. arao-K^vioo-ty, -105, Att. -EW?, Kara<7irou<5da;, fr. same, and ffjro-
Kafa<TKa/ifiva, -wv, ra, (fr. next) (fr. same) a nest, roost, shelter, da'o>, which see.
ruins, remains. harbour; a lodging, residence; Karao-ra'^w, f. -u>, (fr. same, and
entertainment, reception, pi. cont. errand) to drop) to drop down,
KaraffKairrw, -i/'W, p. KartOKa<ba,
(fr. Kara intens. and aKdirrw to trickle, distil, exude; to dis-

dig) to dig or pwW down, break, .araffKf/Trrco, f.

-i^/w, (fr. Kara charge, run.
batter, overthrow, destroy, de- against, and cK^-rw to hurl) Kara<rra0t?, -j<ra, -tv, 1 a, par.
molish. 2 a. ind. act. Kare to rush down, upon, assail, at-
par. per. pass. Karsa tack ; to invade ; to
strike, hit, -rat, 3 pi, -radt'/ffovrat, 1 f ind.
dash upon ; to urge, press, in- pass. Karatrraj, -ara, -dv, g.
KaravKcupri, -ij$ , %, (fr. same) ruin sist.
-dvTos, par. 2 a. act.ofKafl/0T^j.
demolition, destruction. LaraorKtdo>, f.
-a<ra),p. Kar<TK/aKa, rrao-rao-id^w, f. -dffw, (fr. Kara
(fr. Kara intens. and <nado> to
to muti-
Karacvrrt^fo, -EOS -o5/j, 6, >/, against, and" araaidfy
same) (fey down, undermined shade, th. CKKI a shadow) to ny, which fr. ardvig sedition,
overthrown. overshadow, spread a shade or th. ('oT)7/u
to set up) to rebel

mgainst, mutiny, excite sedition, arao-^-; -i&S, if, (fr.

confuse, confound.
/card intens. and t%w to have)
Kara'cTao-jf, -iosi Art. -u>Si 77, (fr. occupation, detention, restraint ;
KaBiffTtini to constitute) a cotisti- Korac- possession, property, d.
downward, and

tutwn, establishment, order of (fr. <rroi<jxa cti,

things ; a state, situation, condi-

to turn) to
overthrow, s~ '^vtrt, Karaff^w, (fr. same, and tr^u
tion ; authority, government ; a overturn; to conquer, si:'jdue;\ to split) to divide, rend or tear
council, senate. to pervert, abuse ; to revolve, asunder, cleave, break open; to

Karac- -.1 intens. and come to the same point, end, con- interrupt.
which see. 1 a. ind. act. Kar(arot\ ardffXia, -77?, -77, 1 pi. -a%wpv, 2
. 1 a. inf. act. Ka- per. ind. mid. KaricToo&a.' a. sub. act. Karatr^oTcra, Dor.
Karaff^ovca, n. fern, of wr-
.\as, -ava, -av, 1 a. par. :, -ov, par. 1 a. for

act. of mid. K-aracrotyaeQat, 1 a. 'iav, par. 2 a. act Ko-

inf. mid. Karacrpt^'ovri. Dor. 2 a. mid.
KaraarfXXw, C -tXw, p. Karf'craX- par.
Ka, (fr. (card downward, and for K-.ir-ic-oi, --^ci, 3 pL 1 f. ind. 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act.
o send ) to check, restrain,
act. of last. of/car^o,.
to compost. 'u>, f. -<uru>, CEIS, Dor. for icaranjfas,
repress ;
/(fr. <ard fattens. and; 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Kara-
pacify, quiet; to order, arrange,
settle, adjust;
to adorn, orna- cro^nd^ to wanton, th. TTOTJ- T/JKW.
vos luxury) to play the wanton, Karara'rrw, /card in-
ment, dress, clothe; to equip,
-fw, (fr.

furntsh, provide. I a. act. ind. bf-nme impatient of restraint or

;Xa* par. /caraorr/Xac. 2 licentious through indulgence or
ind. aci. earaoraXw. per. ind. a. sub. act. 3 pi. co-
f. plenty. 1
pass, ita-rifrraXpai par. /cart-' raffrpnvidmtai.
ind. mid. /car/- KaracTo^viaffMai, 3 pi. la. sub.
f. ind. pass. Karar^v9f]aoi.iai,
sa- decree, ind pass.
Kara downward, <iOA- sufficient or enough, supply, per.
~fa(a, (fr. to use
Xov a leaf, and of'uj to How) to tisfy.Karaypdo/iat -ityai,
de- immoderately or wrongly, abuse, (fr. Kara down, and
drop the leaves, wither, fade,
pervert ; to
make, away with, des- \^d> to rub) to rub down, smooth^
cay. to use, make
patch, kill, destroy ; plane ; to pat, sooth.
Kara0vrv'cd, -a'ffu, p. -ir^vrv-

and <vrvu> use of. ara^o^u, -r/j, -r/, 1 a. sub. act

ra, (fr. Kara intens. 2
to plant, th. Qvrbv a vegetable) for, -drw, pi. -art, 1 a.

to plant, set in the -w, 6, til (fr.

Kara according to, impr. act. of
and ypfoj a debt) indebted, due,
Kara>roj,-ov, 6, % (fr. last) plant-
Kara intens. and to
ed, set. owing ; liable, subject. (fr. ^v^u
and cool) to refresh, revive ; to air,
Karaxaivv, (fr. Kara intens.
to gape) to gape wide ; to presi inf. pass. cont. :
fan ; to moisten, cool ; to sooth,
yalyu 1 a. inf. mid. Kara- calm. 1 a. act ind. nartyvfa'
aeride, mock, scoff. aaadai,
f. Kara ,
1 a. inf. pass, of KO- sub. Karai/'ii^w.
Karayaipu, -apw, (fr.

:ist, and Ya/pto

to rejoice) arfayas, -?tra, -tv, par. 2 a. pass.
to rejo : ~e again I. mock, deride, , -0, Att -U)J, /, (fr. KarEay^va/, inf.of KarEay^v,
taunt. w to abuse) wrong use, -7Si -/, 2 a. ind. pass. Kara-
misuxage, abuse, perversion, ca- yfia-t,
3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. Ka-

-aVu>, (fr. Kara downwards, tachresis. reayws, -v?a, -bg, par. per. mid.
Kart'aav, Att. for Kartjt-av, 3
and xoAdw to loosen) to lei
ira^p^o-rcKos, -n, -bv, (fr. same)
pi. 1 a. ind. act.
doum, lower by a ropj, &c. (or mised, perverted. Kard*u>, -ty,

fr. YdAaa hail) to

sfon-er doum 2ra^p);o-r(Kuf, (fr. last) by abuse, -, Att. for Kardw, 1 f. ind. act.
in misuse, erroneously. of Kardyw or -dyvu/n.
hail,pour down.
Kara ira'xptffis, -io?,
Att. -fuf, ijt (fr. iariarat, Ion. for Kddnvrai, 3 pi.
Kard^aAKOf, -ov, 6, f], (fr.
intens. and yaAKds brass) fro- Kara intens. and x/n'w to anoint^ pres. ind. mid. of KdQrjfiat.
an anointing, besr/iearing, greas- Karffia, Dor. for Karifiri, 3 sin. 2
zen, made of or
covered with
brass bronze a. ind. act. of Karafiaivu).
; shining, bright ; ing.
or brass colour. ardxpiai*a, -aros, rb, (fr. same Kartfiatvov, -?, -e, impf. act. of
to ouer- an ointment ; grease.
Kara^aAK<5o) -d, (fr. same)
same Dor. for Kar/3dAAov,
tay or coi-er ttifA frosa ; to p"*' ardvpioro?, -ov, 6, >% (fr. u,

or ftp with brass ; to braze ; anointed ; greased besmeared. ,'

2 sin. impf. mid. of Kara/3dA-
to anoint Au>.
arm, equip, pres. inf. act. vara- ara^piu, (fr. same)
to rub upon, besmear, grease. i, 1 a. ind. act. of Kara-
Xa\K6av -ovv.
Kan arayoiJffoj, -ov, 6, >;, (fr. Kara in
Kardy^ppa, -aroj, rb, (fr.
against, and ydp//a joy)
a sport tens, and ypvffdj gold) coveref K.arf0rjv, -??, -77, 3 pi. -(Snffav, a.
with gold, gut ; golden, made ind. act. of Kara/3a/vw.
laughingstock, butt; mockery, de oj

rision. or embroidered with gold. rj3mffd/iJ7V, -w, -aro,

1 a. ind.

6u -5, same, anc mid. of /cara/3fd|a).

Karay/vrr', Ion. for Kar%Vro, I
(fr. ' "

sin. impf. mid. of to gild, th. yjivffdj g Kar/3Ai/07v, -if, -'?,

1 a. ind. pass.
to cover with gold, gild ; to adorr of KarajSdAAco.
Karay/va>, same as
KarayfO), f. -v<7(i), (fr. Kara down
with or make of gold ; to embl Karyyi)da), f.
-i/ffw, (fr. /taTa" in-

ward, and Woj to pour) to pou zon, celebrate. tens. and tyyvdu to engage, th.

out or down ; to cast, shed iraxpuntvos, -rj, -ov, par. pres yyi3^ bail) to i't;e 60 i/, g-o secu-
cont. mid. of Karaypda).
drop ; to shower down, scatter rity for, promise, engage ; to

to melt down, found, cast. Att. -WJ, pledge, deposite, pawn to be-
zrdyj;ff<?, -105, ^, (fr ;
7c, -n, 1 a. sub. act. next) a pouring out, flow, troth, promise in marriage.
rent ; the expanse, air / a cos KarEyf'Auv, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont.
-log -ovs, o cade, waterfall ; a ewer, jug impf. act. of Karayt\du.
intens. and rjxs a sound) loud Kara^iiw, f.
-vo-w, (fr. Kara down Kart-yvuv, -wj, -w, in. 3 pi. -oxrav,
sounding, resounding, reechoing ward, and ^vto to pour) to 2 a. ind. act.
KartyvwcBirv, -17?,
reverberating. out or upon ; to scatter, spread -77, 1 a. ind. pass.
n. pi. dissipate. ind.
Karyv5ff0at, inf. Ka-
*:ara intens. an
par. 1 a. pass, of Kardyu. zra^tjp^a), (fr. Tyva)er//fvoj, par. per. pass, of
.ardxQofiat, (fr. Kara intens. an ^wp(^w to separate, th. x
to be burdened) to b apart) to divide, separate ; t
Kar^ar;v, -rjs, -rj, 2 a. ind. pass.
overloaded, oppressed or fatigued distribute, arrange, set in order KareSaiffaftnv, -w, -OTO, 1 a. ind.
to loathe, be disgusted with; Karayu>pt'(tyia,
to separate one mid. of Karaoalv.
resent, take ill, be angry at ; self, retire, KariSapdov, -f -t, 2 a. ind. act.

grieve, lament. arayaiffai, 1 a. inf. act. of Kara of Karaoapddw.

[aray^dvios, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. Kar yauvvu). see y^vvvw. KartSu^a, -as, -c, 1 a. ind. act of
downward, and y_0<iv the grounc arai|'dw -5, f.
->/<rw, (fr. Kar KaralflKWfi.1*
under ground, subterraneous ; in intens. and to pat) to ru Kartoevca, -of, -, 1 a. ind. act. of
fernal, down below. down, dry up ; sooth, pat to

taraxop^Evw, Kara intens. an (fr. stroke, coax by rubbing. Kar0//^OKa, Kart^oKWf ,

Xpt^ me string of a lyre) arat/'Evo'o/iai,
-<ropai, p. Kar rctrioopfvos, Att. for Kar^oKa,
unstring, cut the strings ; t//t'oy/ai,
Kara against, an
(fr. per. ind. act. ; KarritioK&s, par.
rend, tear, cut up, mangle ivw to he) to belie, lie against per. act. and Karqiopivos, par.
wound the inte, charge falsely, calumniate ; per. pass, of Kartfia.
act. cont.
Karttrjaa, -as, 1 a. ind. act. of *ca-
v, pres. inf. lie.

1 a. inf. act of ara\pvafibsi -ov, b, (fr. same) racfu.
Karay uwv'a) /
or Kc hood ; a calumny, fah KarttiKdffars, 2 pi.
1 a. ind. act.
-wo-u, fr. Kara in
and y^wi'w, &c.
ara\['r,d)i%ii),{. -taw, (fr. same,
an Kar<?to)K<5ur;v, -ov, -ere, impf. pass.
aTayo^v, pres. inf. act con ^g0/^&i to vole, th. -^Tjtios a peb Karw/wfa, -as, -e, 1 a. ind.
of ble) to vote against, negative act. of Karaoi&Kui .
-&, (fr. Kara toward reject ; to condemn, sentence ; -ovv, impf. act. of /cora-
u to lend) to sniffire. rirf an opinion, judge, determin
KarevrjvoBa, bv Epenth. for Kart-
VLartanyov, -t$, -e, 2 a. ind. act.

-rj, -ov, par.

per. pass, of Karaatyoayify).
act. of
K.arfc%t6ov, -s, -, impf.
, -S, -, 2 a. ind. act.

for /carfV^ov, 3 pi.



KartTa/tero, Dor. for Kartr{]Ktro,

sin. impf. mid. of /carar^Kw.

KareTdt-cvffa, -as, -, in 3 pi. Kar-

ind. act. of Kara-
rdfruo-ai/, 1 a.
KaTtrpiflov, -, -> 2 a. ind. act. of

-es, -, 2 a. ind. act.

1 a. ind. act.
Karlrpi^a, -as, -,
of Kararp<jjy(j).
Karrpwrjw^i', -w, -aro, 1 a. ind.
mid. of /caranrpwoTcw.
KdrEvyfia, -arcs, rd, (fr. Kara
against, and ev^o^ai to pray) a
curse, prayer.
XaTevSoKtufu) -ffl, (fr. Kara intens.
and evooKipito to gain credit,
which fr. ddid/tos approved, th.
coKfta to esteem) to have a high

reputation, be celebrated, be ap-

proved for conduct, manage af-
fairs well.
Karu0((cro) -w, (fr. same, and ev-
OIKTOS easily hit, th.
Siyw to
touch) to have a good aim, hit

surely, strike directly.

Karevdv, (fr. same, and D0ii direct-

ly) straightway, immediately ;

opposite; straight towards, right

against. Tb KarevQv, in sight,
directly before.
T&.arev6vvat, inf. KaTEtf0uvai, opt.
3 sin. 1 a. act. of
K.arD0Cvco, f. -vw, p. -t50uy*yi, (fr.
Kara intens. and tv6vvw to

straighten, th. evdvs straight) to

set in order, put to rights, regu-
late ; to direct, arrange, dispose ;
to rule, govern, manage, con-
duct ; to establish, appoint, de-
cree, constitute ; punish, fine,
inflict. 1 a. act. ind, KanvOvva.
KoTvAoyf'w -5, f. ->/7W, p. -rjKa,
same, and o;Aoyao.
K.aTvvdfa, (fr. same, and
to put to bed, th. tvvn a bed) "to
to rest, calm, sooth.
.put to sleep, set
to bed, reti
Karon-a'Cojuat, to go
to rest, fall asleep.

Karvvrt'<70v, ^Eol. for Karevvdi

Qrjaav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last.
KarEuocW, 3 sin. cont. pres. opt
act. of
KaTDO(5du -5, fr. Kara intens. anc

Kari)ropew -w, f. -^trw, (fr. same

and cvKoptb) be provided) t(
be\.well provided, abound,
KarevrpEirifa, (fr. same, and urpi
to adjust, which fr. evrpeiri
ready) toprepare, make ready
to dress, adorn, trim ; to adjust


-w, fr. same, and ev

of Kara-
pivot, par. per. pass,
oiKog a house} an inhabitant,
inmate ;
dweller, occupier, lodger,
sure, lioa. . . lurita
oil of inf. mid. Kcic6- last; it is also put
K%ov, -ot>, TO, (fr. same) ;tV0at, pres.
cedar. fjiEffQa,
Dor. for /cao-d|W0a, 1 pi. fjf'vos, par. per. pass.
the cedar tree, cedar ind. 1 f. mid. Kacrofytat, and rVAaoTO, for KK\aaro, 3 sin.
Kf'opos, -ov, fi,

wood. KEifftv/jai, Dor. for Kf.iaou.ui, 1 f.

pper. pass, of same.
Heb. the name of a ri- ind. mid. KaY', ana K?TO, E/cAaoy/fvos, and
Kf'fyuv, b,
ver in Judea. Ion. for fKsiro, 3 sin. impf. mid. -ov, par. of KfKAaff/xai or Kf-
Att. -o>s, r'i, the of KEiu.a.1. K^Ei/jiai, -<rat, -arat, per. ind.
Kf<5pu<ms, -tos,
ivild or white vine ; briony. Etw, same as KEtpui, also, to de- pass, of K-Ao'w.

~K.itTai, 3 sin. pres. ind.

mid. sire to lie down, wish to go to bed. !/cA///^fvof, -rj, -ov, par. per.

Kf'wrat, sin. pres. sub. mid. of

3 par. 2 a. act. Ktu>v, -ouca, -ov. pass, of K\iirru>.
Ion. for
Ktouat, obs. for which is used waorjaonai, -rj, -ma,
pi. ~K.Ka- '.K\o, KtK\7o,
Poet, for pres. impr. pass,
and /c/cATo,
o7jff6uLQa, /cototydo^iat,

Ktavrs, for Kal5(ravTs, n. pi. par. which Ion. for ^ao/iao^ai. 2 f. 3 sin. impf. pass, of KiVAouat.
1 a. act.
Kta//vos, for Kavad- ind. pass, of %a'w. Or, it is C/cA/arat, KA^aTO, Ion. for K-
3 and
/IEVOS, par.
1 a. mid. of xat'w. from KeKriotio-opai, ppfut. of xrj- KATjvTat, pi. per. KiK\rjvTo,

Ka'arat, Ion. for KaVrai, 3 pi.pres. copai. Or, it is 1 f. ind. mid. 3 pi. pper. pass, of /caA/w.
ind. mid. Kdaro, Ion. for reduplicated, of Kaolw a verb Kf>cXi7ya, -as, -, >nd. K*A7yu>s,
mid. of
fKuvro, 3 pi. impf. mid. of formed from a<W, Ion. for -u?a, -6s, par. per.
Kdrj, Dor. for KI drj. iv^aSov,
2 a.
f. to lie, be stretch- of KU^ n. of 'last; or, par. pres.
Kfifiai, Kr.ifTo^at, -ov, par. per. pass,
-i], pi.
ed out,laid, placed, buried ; to he Ion. for act. of
EKadov, Kacrtciwi', i%aocv,
situated, he in view ; to remain, hid. and %a<5o>v, par. 2 a. act. j, same as
stay, continue, exist, be; to lie ind. par.
KfKa^ovTo, Ion. for ~\.IK\>IKU,
2 a. ind. mid. ind.
idle, be unemployed; to rest, be pi. per. act. , per.
quiet; tc be appointed, decreed, -V, -ov, par. per. pa.-~s. par. per.
enacted; to lie by, be treasured, pass, of K pass. KacAiJo-Oat, per.
stored ; to be dedicated or conse- ind.
77, -ov, par. per. pass. "K.K\rjaonai, ppfut.
crated ; to be liable or subject to ;
pass, of *

- or -EV, per.
to doubt, be in suspense, impf. -as, -, per. ind. act.
o K.K\riQov6iJir)Ka, -as,
mid. Klfl.riV, -(TO, -TO. ind. act. of /cAjjpovo/xfw.
1 -ov, ind, K>cA(aTat KKAiaro, Ion. for KS-
~K.tip.zda, pi. Kripevos, -r], t, ~i|/at, -Trrat, per.
ind. pass, and
par. Karat, 3 sin. pres. mid'. pass. ~K.KaXvfifJivos, -*7,
~ov, /cXivTat, pi. per. 3
of last.
par. per. pass. K/caAv0a,-as fKfVAtvro, 3 pi. pper. ind. pass,
Kt/x?Atap^;iov, -ov, TO, (fr. -, per. ind. act. of KaAuTrrw. of *:At'vu>. Or, they are by Syst.
Atov treasure, and ap^f) the chief)
Kajuii>, ->?s, -??, for Kaj<w,2 a. sub
for KKAa'aYttt, and KK\daro y
a treasury, magazine, storehouse. act. of Kdjjtvut. which are Ion. for KEK^EIVTUI, 3
Kftju^Xiov, -ov, TO, (fr. KEiuai to lie] Keicdp0<zt, per. inf. pass. Kap> pi. per. and CKA?VTO, 3 pi.
goods, chattels; household stuff, K<I, -as, -, per. ind. act. K pper. pass, of (cAdw.
furniture, moveables ; treasure <fdpici,
Ion. for
KKaoKi, 3 sin ^KAt^ifvos, -ov, par. per. pass,
valuables ; a memorial, token. ppec. act. of ica'po). of K \tvu. Or, by Syst. for KI-
Kdvr/, Poet, for EKUVTJ, in tliat way of /cAaw.
Kf/capcjf/fvos, ->?, -ov, par. per *cAt/^vos,par. per. pass,
by that means, so, thus. pass, of /cft P <5w. fK\onai, same as Kf'Ao/tat, se KC-
K?VOS, -r,, -ov, and in all its cases Kdo-0at, inf. of 'ACO.
Kfxao^at, per
Poet, or Ion. for /ctvos. ind. pass. K/cAo0a>s, Att. for Kt-
Kf/cao'juifvos, par KfK'Ao^a
Revo's, -r), -bv,
Poet, for xv<5f , per. pass, of /cdcu. K\(f>a, -as, -, ind. and K*A-
Ka'vcos, Ion. for fravois- K<cat;0at, per. pass. inf.
Kt'/cai; .

^ws, -vta, -6s, par. per. act. o.

Ktpai5as, a. pi.
of Kapas- Aca, per.
ind. act. KKat>//zvo<
K.Eipd[ivos, -v, -ov, par. par. per. pass, of Katia. J/cAu&t, Dor. or Poet, for *A80t,
flat, inf. Ktpa<r0w, 3 sin. impr K/cai)T>7ptaff^vos, -w,-ov, par. per pres. impr. act. of *Afyit.
1 a. mid. of Ktioui. pass, of Kavrrjidtji). [*cAucr/j/vos, -77, -ov,par. per. pass.

Ktps, -a5os, o, ( fr. KEt'pw to shave ~K.EKavYrjfj.ai, per. ind. pass, i

a person cropped or shaven i [VAT, 2 pi. of /cf'/cA0i above.

derision ; a captive shorn. of
K.EKa(f)rj6Ta, a. sin. Kca0^w [fAcAwoy/at, -ffat, -arat, per. ind.
K'P, pres. impr. act. Kft'pa Ion. for KEKa^riKias, par. per. ac pass, of K\(j)Bo).
Dor. for inf. acl of Ka0fo>. [*c/ia<cws, Dor. and d.
Ktipuv, pres. K/cft7d)f,
Kt'prat, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass
K.Kevu>fjiai, -(rat, -Tat, per. inc sin. -7?dTt, Ion. for
Kt'pw. pass, of Kvdw. per. act. of Ka'f/vw.
Kftpt'a, -as,-jj, (fr. same) a wreath
K*cf'pa<a, per.
ind. act. Km liK^Ka, -as, -, per. ind. act. of
riband,fringe ; a girt, girt
paffjifvos, -rj, -ov, par. per. pass
web ; a swathe, band, roller, parti of Kovvvp.i ind. of
[f'/cvatnymt, per. pass,
cularly those used on the dead -as, -, per. ind. mid. o
scarf,winding-sheet,grave-clothe, ,
act. KSKofpyutt, -traij
Kw'pw, KiKapKa, to shea:
Kpw, p. Kftcya, per. ind. mid. of Kaiw. -rat, pass. per. ind. KsKoi/jtri-
clip, cut crop ; to shave ;
off", i
ind. //vos, par. per. pass,
of Kot/iaw.
K.K>'jpwyiJLai, -fat, -Krat, per.
pass, of Kijpvffcrtj). fiKoivwra, -as, -, per. ind. act.
curtail, bereave, deprive ; ,
waste, despoil, ravage, pillage, .KtvtivvVfj.fvo$, ->], -ov, (par. per. KKotvw/uvos, -77, -ov, par. per.
strip, rob ; to devour, eat greedi- pass, of KIVOVVEVW) risked, ven- pass, of
swallow ravenously. 1 a. act.
ly, tured ; hazardous, dangerous, -as, , -, per. ind. act.
ind. fKuoa- inf. 1 a. mid. Of KOiVMVfd).
Kapat. perilous.
ind. -aro' impr. 3 of KO-
Kif>d/j.riv, -co, .EKtvEarai, Ion. for KEKlvrjvTai, t, per. inf. pass,
-a<T0ar inf. Kapaaflat. per.
Kdfpai, pi. per. ind. pass, of KIVCIO.
pass. xeKdoQai. fco, Poet, for xAdyfw, 1 f.
-iai, -Trrat,,pass.-Kf-
pas. f-

Ktt'pwv. -oi/ros, 8, (par. pres. act. ind. act. of *Aaw. -as, ind. act. per. of
of last) one shearing, a shearer ;
Aa///<at, for wVXf/t/iai, per. ind. .

a barber. Poet. for. im-ova, per. ind.

pass, of KAf'wTco.
Poet, for fKtiat. mid. of KTCIVW.
may be the par. of
, -?, -<w, par. per. net, turban, fillet to hold the hair ; KfAapuffOw, Dor. for
a net, seine ; the throat-band of a pres. inf. of KjXapi'^u.
pass, of vidu).
Att. for bridle. K.l\tai, Ion. for KtAi?, 2 sin. pres.
Ion. for
KiKpv^ivo ind. of KfX(fuai.
n, -ov, par. per. KtKpvtyarat,
3 p .
per. ind. pass. ,
and Dor. Kf A /3a, -T/S, h,
KsKOTttiKa, -as, -e, per. ind.
act of KpvTTTot. CUp, bowl.
w. KY>U)^/, -OTTOS, o, by Metath. for KXds, -oB, 6, a kind of swift bird.
iicrufvos, -77, -ov, par. per. KfpKwip, which see. KfXo-0, 2 pl. pres. ind. or impr.
-rai, ind. mid. of Kf\opai.
pass, of K0travtw. VLtKTrjfiai, -<rai,

;<a, -as, -, pl' -a*aT, rriaQ ai, inf. per. pass, of trrdo- KfAfv' or KfXt', 2 sin. pres. impr.
or Ion. for cic&tve, 3 sin. impf.
-oKaffi, ind. KcKtmaKws, par.
per. act. of Koiridw. KKT77//f'vos, -77, -ov, (par. per. pass, act. KtXfufJs, 2 sin. pres. ind.
per. raid. of KTaopat to own) having got, act. KfXfvo-as, g. -ffavros, pl. n.
KWOTTWS, -Ta, -ds, par.
of /coTrrcj. owning, possessing; mas. a lord,
-aavTs, par. KfAfvuov, impr.
r. per. pass. ofo- master ; fem. a mistress. 1 a. act. of KXvw.
KucvOtiMTi, Ion. and Poet, ibr KV- Kf'XfvOa, -wv, ra, same as 'Av0oi,
Kc- 0w(7i, 3 pl. 2 a. sub. act. of pl.of
KtKopnnivo<;, par. per. pass.
Ion. for KtKopvKSts, par. KfAv0os, -ov, fi, (perhaps fr. cArf-
per. act. of xopfw. &Kvp<a[t{vos, -rj, -ov, par. per. 0u), obs. to come) a way, road,
for K/cop??KdT, n. pass, of Kvp6w. a course, direction ; voy-
path ;
KKop>/o'r, Sync,
du. par. per. act. of Kopivvvpi. KeAocsirij, -/>, -eiv, (fr. KiXalc age, journey ; a style, manner.
KtKopvGrjpt- ter) loud, shrill, noisy ; sound- KfAvo-, Ion. for tni\EVC., 3 sin. 1
of *ropv0fu. ing ; clattering, shouting, cla- a. ind. act. of Ki\t\>ti).
vog, par. per. pass,
Or, for KKopu<r/*iVos, par. per. morous, tumultuous ; warbling,
and K AEVO-IS,
-<o$, Att. -EWS, rj,
pass, of /copuVo-a). melodious, tuneful, whispering. b,

per. Kt\a$vvbs, Poet, for last KfXa- (fr.Kz\tvdi to cheer) the song or
K<co<r/i77fitvos, -77, -ov, par.
otvvav, g. pl. Dor. tone which sailors make in haul-
pass, of Koa^ifu).
K/cor77Wf, in a. sin. KfKorryoYa, Ion. KeXa&iovTt, d. sin. par. pres. also ing or rowing, a boatswain's call ;
for KCKOTTJKUS, par. per. act. oi Dor. for KtXactovci, 3 pl. pres a command, order / exhortation,
(COTfd). ind. act. of encouragement / a shout.
K*ro00a(, per. inf. pass, of Kdrrru). KXvo7<oo-7jv77, -^s, 7/, (fr. same) a
Ion. and Poet, for clatter) to ring, resound, re-echo command, charge, order, injunc-
3 pi. pper. pass, of to clatter, rattle, creak ; to sound tion, mandate.
Kpaivu). roar / to warble, murmur, whis- KAVOTT)S, -oB, b, (fr. same) an
KfVpdyo, -as, -, per. ind. mid. of per, buzz ; to play on ; to sing encourager, adviser, cheerer ; a
celebrate, praise. boatswain, pilot.
pdyw, f. -o>, same as KX3or,ris, -t&os, fu (fr. same) i
KfXfurtdo), Poef. for E.\cv<rrtdu,
a! ind. act. Vaa. songstress, warbler. same as
KfVcpa/ca KcXdSoio, g. Ion. of , f. -VffU7, p. KtKihevica, (fr.
Kpa0<s> &c. Sync,
for KAa<5os, -ov, 6, (perhaps fr. /cAu Aw to order) to bid, order,
ita, per. act. KiKipafffiai, per. or KtXopai to cheer, and dSrjv command, enjoin, charge ; to
pass. KEKepafffifvof, par. per. much) a clatter, rattling noise advise, counsel ',
to exhort, en-
pass. Kpo-0is, par. 1 a. pass. bustle,tumult, din, clamour courage, cheer, embolden ; to
of Ksdvwt. murmur, buzz, whisper ; sound prompt, impel. 1 a. act. ind.
music, tune, melody, song , impr. K(\voov par.

per. inf. act. of praise, applause.

KXa<5wv, par. pres. act. cont. o KA77S, -77Tos, 6, (fr. AAo> to agi-

KfKpd^arai, Ion. for K tate) a managed horse, racer,

tori, 3 pl. per. pass. KsXaa'Ey^r)?, -f'os-oBs, 6, //, (fr. KE- led horse ; a light ship, yacht ; a
Kffpa%e, 2 Xatvos black, and y^ 0? a s P ear
for sin. per. impr. pinnace, wherry, swift boat.

K/Kpayo, per. ind. bearing a black or deadly spear , KtXjcaTO, Ion. for KA 770-07-0, 3 sin.
mid', of/cpd^u. murderous. 1 a. ind. mid. KeX 770-01/01, -77,
Kfcftyro, Ion. for tKlteparo, by KXam07)s, -f'os -oBsi 6, 77, (fr -rrat, 1 f. ind. mid. of Xfo),
Sync, for tKtKtparo, 3
same, and vtyog a cloud) cloudy,
sin. pper. obs. see <cAo>.
pass, of Kipavvvpi. black-clouded, gathering clouds Ke\rjTifa, (fr. K&TJS a racehorse) ',

-ds, in n. pl. to ride ; manage a

KtKpiy&s, -via, KEKCI- black, dark, dusky. horse, ride a
yo>$, -vlai, -6ra, par. per. mid. KfXajVTT", d. sin. fem. of race.

KfXatvds, -77, -ov, (same as ptXaivb. Kf'XXo), f.

-X5, and ^Eol. -<TW, to .

- or -EV, 2 pi. -*car, from whence the fem. of th. move, stir ; to shake, vibrate,
per. ind. act. of icpivia. piXas black) black, dark ; dusky, brandish ; to urge, drive, propel ;
Kucpifiivof, -77, -ov, (par. per. pass. gloomy. to run, race, go swiftly, hasten ;
of Kpivw to distinguish) distinct, KXaiv(Jr77s, -77TOS, >}, to arrive, come to
(fr. last) port, land. 1 a.
separate, divided ; judged. blackness, darkness. act. ind. exetXa, JEol. Ki\aa'
Kp"ra, 3 sin.
per. ind. pass, of KfXafvui^, -UTTOS, o, fi, (fr. same, inf. Kti\ai.
same. and uty the face, th. drro^ot to KfAo/^v, -o(o,-oiro, pres. opT. mid.
KfArpora/jfVos, Dor. for icKpor7/*f'- see) black-visaged, swarthy ; Ion. for iKt\6p.rjv,
vos, par. per. pass, of Kportw. black-looking, gloomy, fearful, impf. mid. K/Aov0', for -

TS.iicpo\L, -OTTOS, 6, same as Kpui|, terrifying. AOVTO, 3 pl. impf. mid. of Ao-
by Metath. for 'p)cut//, which KfXapt'^w, f. -aw, p. -Ka, (perhaps
see. Also a king of Athens. fr. KiXacof a act. ^EoL of
murmur, and pita KfXaai, 1 a. inf.

Kpu/?a, -as, -, per. ind. mid. to flow) to flow

murmuring, <c/XXo).

Kpt)//M<", "'/""j -Trai, per. ind.

purl, ripple clatter, ; ofto rattle ; KfXv^T?, n. a. v. pl. cont.
pass. KeKpvpptvog, -j, -ov,par. to creak,
croak, warble. K/Xv^os, -EOS -ovf, rb, (fr. KaMirru
per. pass --
Kf/cpu^o, -a;, -, KfXapv^s, -tos, Att. -a>s, 77, (fr. to cover) a shell, husk,
per. ind. act. of Kpvtrraj. last) a murmuring, buzz, whis- bark, covering, peel, coat.

v, 6, (fr. <cpf5rrw to per ; warbling ; a noise, clatter, KAw or KAo^at, (fr. K&iu> obs. to
p- and tfSXoc a cret) a rnUlf. order) to bid, order, command.
Un (357)
enjoin, charge; to advise,
Kvr?rj7piov, -ou, rb, (fr. same) an ters earth) of a
pottery, of u
sel; to call or shout to ; to cheer, awl. potter, made of clay, earthen.
encourage. pi. a. of Alt. -faf, 5,
K.EvrprivKtas, (os, (fr.
K.pds, -aoos, b, a fawn. KVTp>7VK>if, -IOS -OVS, 0, fa (fr. KfV- same) a potter.
KtvcvXa, -ns, fa an adze. rpov a goad, and d/cw to yield, .panEvw, f.
-tuo-d), (fr.same) to
KEVEU, (fr. KEvtis empty) idly, in or rjvfyicw to bear) yielding to the make pottery, work in make
goad, driven by the whip, car- earthen ware;
Vutn, to no purpose. to mould, form,
ried furiously ; spurred, goaded. shape.
empty, and av%t w to boast ) vain Kfvrpov, -ov, rb, (fr. KEvrtw
to goad) ,
Ion. for KEpdfiEios.
boasting, bragging, vaunting. a goad, spike ; a spur ; a sting ; . . i 'fa -bv, and Kpd>of, -a,
KfVEbs, Poet, and Dor. for Kv6s. a puncture, wound ; a centre, -ov, (fr.
Kfpafios potter's earth)
vos, b, fa Poet, for KE- dot, point ; a motive, incentive ; made of clay, earthen. Also
a sharp expression. Subs, a place of
Athens, the
KEVEWV, -Svos, b, (fr. Kevbs empty) KfVrpwv, -wvo?, 6, (fr. same) a coat potter's field.
the belly, groin ; any empty space. of various colours, embroidered -ov, rb, (neut. of last)
dress a jacket of patches ; c an earthen vessel;
KvewrEpoj,comp. ofKEveds. ; pitcher, jar,
KEVodofta, -as, fa (fr. empty, KEVOS quilted mail or armour ; a rogue crock.
and o6%a opinion, th. SoKtw to vagabond. Kpa>t ?i -?<5oj, fa (fr. Kipapos pot-
think) self-conceit, vain-glory. KEvrupj'wv, -wvos, b, (fr. Lat. cen- ter's clay) a tile*

K.v66ofa, -ov, b,fa (fr. same) con- turio, a captain, th. centum, a Kfp//oj, -ou, 6, (perhaps fr. KNU
ceited, self-sufficient, vain-glori- hundred) a centurion, a. KEVTV for jca/o) to
burn, and f'pa earth)
ous, vain, empty, silly. piwva. potter's clay ; earthen ware ; a
KEVoAoy/U) -<3, f. -jJffW, p. KKVO\6- KEVTWV, par. pres. act. cont.
of KEV- tile; a jar, pitcher, earthen ves-

yriKa, (fr. KEVOS empty,

and Af'yw TfW. sel ; a stone bowl ; a pottery ; a
to talk) to talk idly, babble, prate, Kf'vrwp, "opo?, b, (fr. same) a driver, potter's kiln; a jail, prison.
say silly things. one who uses a goad or spur. K.tpdvvvfj.1, KEpavvuw, and KEpacu,
Kfvbv, -ov, rb, (neut. of next) emp- Ktv<o0)/, pass. KEVWO-J/, act. 1 a. f. -ao-w,
p. KEKfpnKa, (fr. Kfpas a
tiness ; a void, vacuum, open SUb. Of KEVdlO. horn) to mix, mingle or pour
space. \v<j)fjia, -aros, rb, (fr. KEJ/OW to into cups of horn ; to dilute,
K.vbs, -fa -bv, empty, void ; vain, empty) emptiness ; room, space ; compound, blend, season, relish.

foolish, silly, insignificant, fri- a draining, exhaustion. par. pres. act. KEpavvvsi -vsa^
volous ; fruitless, unprofltoJde, ;vuf, (fr. Kevbs empty) in wain, to uv. I a. act. ind.
tKipaaa' imp
unsubstantial ; false, untrue. E i s no purpose.
Kfpaffov. per. pass.
ind. KEKipair-
KEVOV, in vain. Kfo/*at, pass, or mid. of KM, for
pai, by Sync. KtKpafiai.
1 a.

K.vord<ptov, -ou, rb, (fr. last, and ind. pass.

tKEpdoQrjv, by Sync.
rdtpos a tomb, th. Sdirrw to bury) lovrat, 3
1 f. pi. pres. ind.
pass. KEpaffOtjaofiai,
an empty tomb, honorary sepul- Krovro, Ion. for EKtovro, 3 pi. and KpaQfiao^iai.
chre ; a cenotaph ; a memorial, impf. mid Kfoiro, 3 sin. pres. KEpaofdoj, -ou, 6, (fr. Ktpas a horn,
monument ; an image, statue. opt. mid. of last. and f'w to polish) a worker in
KEvdrr/s, -nros, fa (fr. KEvbs empty) Kf7r0o?, -ou, o, a small marine bird, horn, horn-polisher ; a maker of
emptiness, voidness ; vanity, sil- seamew ; a simpleton, trifler, bows.
worthless person.
liness, folly. Kfpabs, -ov, b, fa (fr. next) horned.
K.v<50p<)v, -ovoj, b, fa (fr. same, and K.K<f>6opai -ovpat, (fr. last) to be- KtpSs, -aros -aos -tas, rb, a horn ;
have lightly, act foolishly, be ea- a bow ; the wing or flank of an
$povi>to think, th.
0p)v the un-
derstanding) thinking vainly, sil- sily imposed on ; to waver, fluc- army ; a turn, meander, wind-
ly, foolish ; empty-headed, brain- tuate, float, flutter ; to fly swift ing course, pi. tclpara.
mid. cont.
less, dull, stupid. ly. pres. inf. KETT-
KspdoarE, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of
KEvoQwvla, -aj, fa (fr. same, and KEpaVVVfll.
voice) noise about trifles,
(fxavfi ; -Etna, -tv, (par. 1 a. KEpdffrrjs, -ov, b, (fr. last) horned ;
vain talk, idle babbling, prate. pass, of last) vain, conceited, a horned serpent ; a worm in-
Kfj/du -u>, f. -wffu, (fr. same) to proud ; silly, volatile, fickle, wa- festing figs.
empty, exhaust, drain ; to waste, vering ; driven about, led away, b, fa (fr. same, and
K.paa<J>6pos, -ov,
spoil, make desolate ; to oppress, deceived. to wear) having hornSj
humble, crush
; to make void, K.paia, -as, fa (fr. Kfpas a horn) a horned.
annul, nullify, invalidate ; to horn,point,tip, extremity ; ayard- Kpoo-w, -us, -ti, 1 f. ind. act. of
spend, consume, squander. 1 a. arm, sailyard; a dot, point or KEpdvWfll.
ind. act. tKtvutaa. per. ind. pass. flourish over letters ; a jot, parti- Kpar('u>, f. -?<ro), p. KEKEpdrtKa,
KtKcvwpai. 1 a, pass. ind. EKEVW- cle, insignificant quantity ; apro- (fr. Kipas a horn) to horn, push
Or/V Sub. KEVudG), -fjS, -??. jection, pinnacle, battlement. or butt with the horns ; to
Kfvffai, Sync, for Kfvrriaai, 1 a. ,
2 du. impf. act. Ion. waste.
impr. mid. or for mrfjo-aj, 1 a.
of" (fern, of next) a YLtparivr,, -rjs, fa
inf. act. of KEVTEGJ. Or for KEV- horn to sound, cornet, bugle.
(u, f.
-KTO), (fr. Kfpas a horn)
riaai, same of to horn, goad or drive with the
KEpdnvos, -r,, -ov, (fr. Ktpas a horn)
ffE, Ion. and Dor. for horns / to spoil, ravage, waste* made of horn.
Tnat, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of KEV- KfpatpE, pres. impr. act. of KEpdnov, -ov, TO, (dim. of same)
same as Ktpdvvvui. a small horn ; an ornament worn
Ktvraupoj, -ou, b, fa (fr. Kivriut
to -Voos, fa (fr. KEpa'iQti) to on the helmet a horn cup ; a ;

goad, and ravpos a bull) a cen- waste, th. Kfpas a horn) a worm husk, pod, shell.
taur ; a sign of the zodiac. or maggot infesting the horns ; a
K.partov[iEv, 1 pi. of Att.
K.EVTIII) -o5, f. -r/(T(a, p. REKtvrr/Ka, ravagcr, destroyer. for
Kpariff(u, 1 f. ind. act. of Kt-
also Kfvrda) -w, (perhaps fr. xao E~I,
d. sin. of
to cut, Evrbs inwardly) to prick, i
-as, fa viz. rl^vr], (fr. -ou", 6, (fr. Kfpas a
sting, goad, spur ; to urge, sti- potter's earth) pottery, norn) a horner, that strikes or
mulate, instigate. the trade of a potter. pushes with the horn.
Kttrij^a, -aToj, rb, (fr.last) a -ov, rb, (neut. of next) K.Eparwo>is, -EOS -ou?, 6, fa (fr. Kipa$
goad, spike, point ; a puncture, a pottery ; a potter's workhouse. a horn, and Etfos likeness) horn'
wound. a,--ov, (fr. tccpapos pot- ed.
Kcp&ruv, g. pi. of K/puy. fit, convenience; art, cunning,] (fr. same) heart-rending, pierc-

KfpiU'vnoy, and KEpavvioy, -ov, 8, craftiness ; fraud, knavery, pi. ing, cutting, sharp; reproach'
^, (fr. Ktpavvbs lightning) of cont. Kipori. cornp. xcpoiuv. sup. i
ful, taunting, reviling, contume-
thunder cr lightning, thunder- lious, abusive ; captious, wrang-
ing ; destroyed by thunder, struck -ns, f,, (fr. last) art, ling ; jesting, jocular, merry,
cunning, subtilty deceit, guile, droll.
by lightning. ;

:'.:?, -oc. 8, (fr. same)

a per- treachery, artifice ; fraud, knar- K/p^voj, -ov, b, hoarseness, rough'
son strurk by lightning. en/ ; prudence, Ka^aaty, iniclli- ness of the throat. Also a cor-

Kfpavi'd/SA^roy, -ov, b, >/, (tr. same, gcnce. ruption of Kiyypog, millet.


and (3\j]rbs hit, th. jJa'AAw to ->os -ov$, >i, (fr. same) a Kfpp'dy, -?), -ov, '(fr. next) hard
throw) thunderstruck, struck by 'fox, reynard, vixen. stiff; harsh, rough, rugged.
Us!:! Kepdtav, -uivof, 6, (fr. same)
a low to be rough, hoarse or harsh ;
slave, menial. fr. tec/flu to makt rough, to creak,
-, -oB, 8, ( perhaps
ruffle. ;

to cut, and ovw to parch) /!>/;<-' f, -ov, o, (fr. same) presid- grate.
a thunderbolt, a thunder-]
. ng over lucre or gain ; an epi- Ktpw, and JEol. 'po-w, 1 f. ind.
thet of Mercury. act. of /capo). !

Ktoavvoawxia, -ay,
and Kioto, and Kfptoy, Ion. for Kf'oaa, KfpcDvrrtt, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind.
>/, (fr. last,

-a^at to consider)
the ob- and Kf'oaoy, by Sync, for Kloara, pass, of Kipdu or Kcpdwvfju.
ition of lightning and thun- n. a. p!. and K/proy, g. sin. ofi KlffKc.ro, 3 sin. impf. mid. of nia-
der. nipas. KOjiat, Ion. for K(o/j.ai, same as
-<3, f. -wffw, (fr. Kcpavvo? Kepfuv,
Poet, or Ion. for KCOUI; 1
thunder) to thunder, send light- f. inf. act. of tcdou. Kfcrroy, -?), -dv, (fr. Kcvriu to punc-
ning, strike with a thunderbolt ; s, -iiaa, -iv, par. 1 a. pass. ture) embroidered, worked, va-
to overthrow, destroy, blast. K- j
of riesated. Subs, the girdle or
a woman's name.
1 a. zone of Venus.
pavvo)0jy, -eiaa, -iv, par. fj, KEp/c^ty, -?<5oy,
to rattle ) Kiarpa, -ay, f), a kind of weapon,
pass. Ktpidy, -i$os,fj, (fr. HOIKM
Xtpdb), see tcpdwupi.
a shuttle. dart, javelin hardened at the
K/p.&poy, -ov, 8, (fr. Kolas flesh, K.pK07?i6rjKos, -ov, b, (fr. next, and point in the fire ; a stake, pile ;
and /3opoy devouring) Cerberus, TridrjKos an ape) a monkey. a mallet, hammer, mall ; a kiml
the infernal dog. KfpAcoy, -ov, 8, a tail; the man's ofjish.
T(.pcaiv<j), f. -avH>, also Kep^av/o) member. foy, 8,
a mullet.
-w, and Kcp&u; -u, f. -jyo-w, p. KtpKtipa, -ay, fi, Corcyra, the name Kiffrpov, -ov, rb, the herb betony.
KtKipSriKa, (fr. Ktpoos gain)
to of an island, now Corfu. K.G-rpu>rdy, -ft, -dv, (fr. Kfaraa a

jg-ain, u'in, "trn, g-e<,

make profit ; , -a, -ov, (fr. o/l dart) hardened in the Jire like last)
escape a toss or /mrt. par. pres. Corcyra, Corcyrean. the

act. Kepoaivuv.
1 a. act. ind. pKvpoy, -ov, b, a kind of ship- Kmflavu, same as Kevdu, impf. act.
fKtpSrjffa' inf. /ccpc/jcw. 1 a. ind. used at Corcyra. >
pass. tKEoc/idriv. 1 f. Kw, same as KtVu.
ind. pass.
\Ktv6t, pres. impr.
act. K.cv6ei, 3
1 mid. KtpKd)^/, -wn-oy, 8, (fr. /c/pvoy a tail)
f. ind. sin. pres. ind. act. of
a fox; an ape, baboon ; a knave, Ki'0<z -?, n. a. pi. Kti'fco-i, d.
K.ep$a\cr} -?J, -irjs ->/y, jj, (fr. ATp<5uj double-dealer, sharper. Adj. pi. ot Kv0oy. See crv^wi'.
a fox) </ie sfcm of a fox. cunning, deceitful, malicious. KtvOpaat, d. pi. of
KtpSaXios, -a, -ov, (fr. /t*p<5oy gain) Kfppa, -aroy, ro. (fr. <cjpa> to cut) KtvOpa, -aroy, ro, and KsvOj/oy, -ov,
a paring or dipping of 8, (fr. Kf.v6w to hide) a cover:,
profitable, gainful, lucrative ; ex- money ;
pedient, useful, convenient, ad-
a small coin. shelter, haunt ; a den, cave, lair ;
vantageous ; artful, cunning, KtOfiariffTris, -ov, b, (fr. last) a\ a retreat, recess, hiding place.
crafty, wily; covetous, avari- banker, money-changer, discount- !

K.evd/ji<l>v, -wi/oy, 8, andKD0oy, -coy

cious, rapacious. er, broker. -ovy, ro, (fr. same) a depth,
TfEp^oAfd^pwv, -ovoy, 8, fj, (fr. last, Kfpvoy, -ov, 8, an earthen vessel abyss ; a cavern, cave, den,
and 0pr/v the mind) set on gain, used in offerings, a censer. lair; a retreat, lurking or hid-
covetous, greedy, avaricious. Or Kcpoiat-, -OKOS, b, (fr. ictpas a tip ing place; an inner room; a
(fr. Ktpcw a fox, Af'wv a lion, and and ota% the tiller) the end or shrine.

^p)v the mind) of a cunning point of the sailyard ; the yard- Kfvfla), f. -trw, p. KiKtvKa, and Kn~
and ferocious disposition ; artful arm. Baivw, to
hide, cover, conceal ; to
and rapacious. KpovA*oy, -ov, 8, fi, (fr. same, and retire, withdraw, abscond, keep
Kp<5uAfuy, (fr. KtpoaMo; gainful) e\Kia to draw) drawing by the close. 2 a. ind. act. tKivOavov*
tfirwigh love of gain, avaricious- horns ; hornbcnding, pliant. per. ind. mid. KfiavQa, -ay, - .
ly ; cunningly, craftily. Ktpov^ly, -Ifooy, ^, Kfpov^oy, and Kntfw, -;?y, -rj, pres. sub. act. of
a, -ov, comp. of Kfpavo^o?, -ov, 8, /, (fr. same, last.
and f^o) to have) having horns, Kt(pd\aioi>, -ov, TO, (fr. va0aX^the
Ion. for horned.
Kp(5avf'o//i', KepSavovptv, head) the head, chief point,
ictpSaivu. Kp<Juvro, Ion. and Poet, for tKtp-
1 pi. I f. ind. act. of the heads of a
principal part ;
Or it is 1
pi. pres. ind. act. of Cjvro, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of subject, summary, recapitulation ;
Or KtpdvVVfJil. a turn, total; a principal sum
3 pi. 1 f. sub. pass. 1 a. inf. act. ^Eol
of money, slock*
poat, Kip-
, inf.
Kepbfaas, ff, Ion. for
tKtpot, 3 sin. 1 a. K.<ba\ai6u> -w, f. -werw, p. KtKtQa-
par. KtpSijow, -175, ->/, 1
pi. ind. .dEol. of (cnpoj. Aa/uKa, (fr. last) to add up, tot;
vuficv, sub. 1 a. act. of to sum up, recapitulate, enume-
Ktpoatvw. K/pro^a, -<av, rd, (neut. pi. of 'p-
K/pciov, neut. of rofios taunting) a taunt, re- rate shortly, repeat summarily ;
Ktyoiwv, -wvoy, b, fi, comp -- K/p- proach. to strike or wound on the head,

sup. from Kipoos Kpro///w, f. -rjffw, (fr. Ktap the

^lo-Toy, -;, -ov, behead. 1 a. ind. act. tictfya-
gain, more
or mosf gainful, pro-
heart, and r^vw to cut) to \aiwaa.
Jitable, lucrative; more or mo,^ taunt, reproach, rait at ; inveigh K0aAaiwc5>7y, -oy -ouy, 8, ^, (fr.
artful, cunning, crafty ; better against, use heart-cutting lan- same) capital, chief, pri ,

best. summary, short, co,

guage. brief,
Kw<5oy, -a>? -ovy, ro, om, profit, Kcprofiioifft, d. pi. Ion. of comp.
lucre; utility, arlvantage, bme- Kepr<5/.'ioy, and K//)ro/ioy, -ov, 8, ft, same) summ
ty, concisely, briefly, compen- i
-ffat, -rat, per. ind. K/Jckro, Ion. for ewjiero, 3 *in.
diously. pass. K^oAwo-0af, per. inf.
impf. mid. of Ktjou).

K.s<j>a\al<j)/jia, -UTOS, TO, (fr. same] pass. Kf^oAwjufvo?, -77, -ov, s,

KfjocvTris, -ov, 6, (fr.
sum, total, amount, aggregate. par. per. pass, of ^oAdw. or /cjy^ua) to
regard, th.
the head ; a top
Kf^iaAr), -rjSj '/, , -11, -ov, (see
in last) Krjoos,care) a guardian, protec-
summit or ridge ; life,
a man. angry, irritated. tor ; afriend, relation, kinsman
person ; a
chief, ruler, minister, ^oAwcro//at, -r) and Ion. K^oi by marriage, son-in-law, father
one dear or beloved ; the head^ ffai, -rat, ppfut. ind. of in-law, a wife's father,

chief point, atress; the conclu- Add).

iiofvw, f. -daw, (fr. same) to take
the sum total care of, ma-
sion, upshot; -as, -, per. ind. act. mind, attend to,
amount, aggregate; an engine -cat, -raj, per. ind. nage, conduct ; to perform exe-
of war with an iron head. g. pi. pass. KtxpWfvos, -n, -ov quies, bury, mourn over; to con-
*0aAfu)i>, and d. Kc<pd\ri<rt, Ion par. per. pass. 01 %paw, or ^pao tract
affinity, marry among, be~
Kf^oAiKwj, (fr. last) chiefly, prin- pai. Also, come connected with,
cipally ; summarily, briefly. -cat, -rat, in 2 pi. Kf- ijoiu -w, f. -jjo-w, and -ecru, (fr.
K(pa\is, -ioos, h, (fr- same) the
per. ind. pass. K- same) to take care of} manage,
chapiter, head or top of a pillar ; , -ov, par. per. pass.
conduct ; to take trouble, do busi-
a pillar, column; a roll oj ff0 tat i ness, be anxious fcr, pity, re-
l ~]h -Tai, ppfut.
book, volume, d. K<f>a\ioi. gard. 1 a. inf. act. KrjSiaai. 2 f.

Kf^aAoj, -ov, 6, (fr. same) a fish , -aai, -rai, ind. ind. act. Kacti. 2 f. ind. mid.
with a large head. Also Ce-
-ov, par. , by Anadipl. KtKaot'iao-
phalus, a man's name. per. pass in 1 pi. KKaorjoonda.
K0ovpf, Heb. indecl. a covered Xatc -aai, -Tai, per. ind. TI, -ov, (sup. fr. Krjdos

vessel, basin or dish with a cover. pass care) most intimate, dear or
KtX<*da, -as, -, per. ind. mid v, par. per. friendly.
KfXdoovTO, Ion. for xdoovTO, 2 , pass, ormid. ofw/5w.
pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of x<*&. ,
1 sin.
KfyvTai, 3 sin. -os, TO, care, concern,
Kr^avcSwj, -v7a, -bs, (Poet. forK- ,
3 pi. per. ind. pass. anxiety, solicitude; regard, at-
Xaous, par. per. mid. of ^ai ',
and Kf^uvro, Ion. tention, love, attachment ; charge,
gaping, wide ; holding, contdin- for K o, 3 pi. pper. pass, of management, conduct trouble, ;

ng. distress, labour, toil; grief, sor-

-as, -, per. ind. mid. of V, Att. for row, affliction, wo, mourning;
3 pi. pper. act. of hurt, harm, loss, damage ; death,
-rj, -ov, par. per. j, Ion. for ruin, desolation, slaughter ; exe-
pass, of^ vot fiat, 3 pi. of K quies, funeral, burial ; a tomb,
-as, -e r. ind. act. per. ind. pass. K monument; marriage, wedlock,
Kr^ap/7/cwj, by Cras. r.
per a wedding; affinity, connexion,
in a.
K.xapr)4Ta, par. per. act , -n, -ov, par. per alliance.

K^ap?^fvoj, par. per. pass. X^vvvp.1. K>/(!w, (fr. last) to afflict, fret, an-
obs. from whence come /caw, noy ; to trouble, tease, vex, of-
1 act. to split, cleave ; to desire to go to
<rv, f. in'.,
K%a'pr?ro, fend, harass; to hurt, injure,
Ion. for
tKfxdpriTo, pper. 3 sin. rest; Ketpai, to lie down; and wrong. Kr/<5o//ai, to carefor, re-
pass, of ^np/o) for^at'pw. *<'w, for icat'w, to burn. gard, esteem, respect; to take

-v?a, -of, (see

a)f, -va, in last) *iri,
Ion. for TTTJ. trouble, act for, be busy or
rejoiced, glad. Kj/rti, inf.
of fKrja, 1 a. ind. act. anxious about ; to take care
t, -ora(, per. ind. Kfjas, par. l'a. act. K?/avro, attend to, administer, manage ; to

pass, of x pai. for txfiavTo, 3 pi. 1 a. ind! mid. grieve, be sorry, lament, mourn ;
to conduct a funeral or burial.
, (par. per.
-77, -ov, Kiiduvos, -r], -ov, par. 1 a.
pass, of yap<'o/zat) dearest, very mid. of Kaid). par. pres. act. Kfitnov, -ovca, -ov.
dear, beloved. -ov, 6, some sort of monkey. 77|3of,
2 a. ind. act. inaoov. 1 f. mid.

e^upicr/ui'wf, (fr. last) dearly, C??ya>, and Knyiav, Dor.forxai yw.

agreeably, acceptably, kindly, K??^p, Heb. indecl. the name of a for KOI IOWK, 3 sin. 1 a.

pleasantly, favourably. son of Ishmael, and of the place ind. act. ofoicwp.1.

-n, -ov, par. per. where he lived. K?tiu/Aos, ->j, -bv, (fr. K^dos care)
pass, of T]0, for Kticii, cont. from KfiSea, n. anxious, careful, busy altout.
Kr^apotaro, Ion. for %dpoivro, 2 a a. pi. of (c?/<5oj. K?;oon', -ovcra, -ov, par. pres. act. of
opt. mid. ,
Ion. for ir?^, for f/cr7<?,
3 sin. impf. act. K>lCb>.

TO, 2 a. ind. Kt'iSei,

3 sin. pres. ind. act. Kr'tOtov, and K^^a'ptov, -ov, TO, a
mid. K>'iOiv, pres. inf. act. of *c^w. ballotting box.
Ktt, -as, -, per. ind. act. {r?($(a, -as,rj, (fr. >c7?i5vw to regard, vrV, Dor. for Kat K.

K^('^n^a(, -vvai, -vrat, th. Kjj(3oj care) care for, regard, KflKa, Dor. for KOI dies.
per. ind. pass, of ^afia/i/w. esteem ; burial, funeral exe- K/?KI, Poet, for Ktitu, which Ana-
-as, -, per. ind. mid. of quies ; affinity, connexion, rela- dipl. for (Kt, 3 sin. impf. or 2
tion by marriage, a. ind. act. of /a'a>. It
may be
X?/i'w;, -via, -bs, (par. per. mid. K>/&to ?, -a, -ov, (fr. last) dear, be- the impf. Ion. of KrjKiw.
of same) gaping, ivondering loved, regarded, esteemed; faith- odour,
;j K.TIKIS, -icos, ?/, (fr. next)
silly, vacant. u l, affectionate, careful, domes- j
f flavour, scent, smell; vapour,
a, -as, -, per. ind. mid. tic; related, connected ; Subs, a smoke ; sweat, juice, matter,

Kf^Arz^wj/, par. of Kfx^acov, by| friend, guardian. blood ; a nutgall, oak-apple.

Anadipl. for fVAa^ov, 2 a. ind. lO/^dva?, a. pi. of VKtu, f. -iaw, (fr. KIW to go) to
T s, and ooze out, exude ; to spout, gush,
, -as, -, per. ind. act. -cos, Att. -f'oiff, o, (fr. KJJ spring up, burst or break out;
a care-taker, manager, guardic start or leap up.
,-bs, (par. per. mid. protector ; a patron, benefactor. K?)Aa, pi. of /cr/Aov.
to indulge) luxurious, :

r, Xas, a wintry day ; a cloud, mist,

voluptuous; delicate, tender. -.Krjfaoai,
1 a. impr. mid. of/ofo/w. fog ; a she-goat ; afox.
, -a?, -, per. ind. act. !K>;< > pi. pres. ind. rnid. t\aorpos, -ov, f/, (fr. last) any tree
iate in leaves or fruit ; a rustic volvc, ponder, think anxiously. wax) waxen, waxed, varnished
noggin, &c. Or, (fr. v^p fate) to kill, hurt; with wax.
vessel, pail,
K>?Xao?, and KaXeoj, -ou,
to die. a?, ri, (fern, of next) a

6, I,, (perhaps fr. vatu

to burn] Knplia, -as, >/, (fr.>% deatli) same of whales, place where
warm, hot, burning; bright, as
Kupia. they are caught.
shining. K.r/ptaa'ilfidpnTOS, -ov, b, fj, (fr. v>/p K;/Tto?, -a'a, -aov, (fr. next) of
fate, and (bopta for <f>{ pco to bring)
whale ; great, huge.
K/Xf'w, d. sin. of last.
Kl?XfO) -U, f. -/<TW tO brought, 'sent or inflicted hy the -ovs, rb, a whale, gram-
sooth, calm; to charm, delight; f.(tcs ; malevolent, destructive, pus, sea-monster, great fish.
to flatter, wheedle, deceive. IOUS. -6os -ovs, fit a woman's

Kt'i\r], -r/Si
a tumour, swelling ; KrjQivbs, -r,, -bv, (fr.
Knpbg wax) name.
an inflammation; a rupture. waxen. Kr/Twor/s, -tos -ovs, '<>, fi, (fr. vJjroj
KjjXt<5dw -w, f. to same) a honey- a whale) like a whale, of the na-
-i6<rci), (fr. next) K.r/piov,-ov, TO, (fr.
spot, soil, stain, dirty ;
to pollute, comb. tureof a whale, cetaceous ; huge,
dishonour. Of monstrous.
defile, disgrace, Kr/plTp(j>li)V, g. pi.
K/Xi s, -loos, f],
a spot, stain ; a mole, K.rjp'.TO(}>i]s, -to; -ovs, o, K?;rwjf, -aca, -tv, (fr. same) like
fi, (fr.

freckle ; a blotch, ulcer, sore ; a iltte, and rpfi/>w to rear) reared

a whale, large, great, monstrous,
by fate, subject to destiny, mor- huge; abounding in large
brand, blemish; disgrace,
dishonour, shame. tal.
Dor. for Kal tv.
KrjXov, -ov, TO, (neut. of next) dry Krjp65Tos, -ov, b, ft, (fr. Krjpbs wax, Kflu,
wood ; a handle, shaft ; a slake and of a; to tie) joined or cement- K>/ii/ca, a. of
hardened in the fire ; a dart, ed with wax. Kijij, -VKOS, a marine bird ;
a coot,
arrow; the mule mem- and seamew. Also Ceyx, a man's
javelin, ypoSopita -S, (fr. same, <5e,

ber. to build) to form waxen cei name.

KnXds, ->), -ov, (fr. veoj for vatw to .vfit/ce a comb. Kfj<p' 6'r(,Dor. for Kal a0' ort.
burn) dry, withered, arid, par^li- , (fr. same) from the heart,
for ?;:, before an aspirate, S
heartily, in the heart, at heart. sin. 1 a. ind. act. of iirw.
ed, scorched, burned.
KtfXrfw -w, f. -o;<7uj
(fr. last)
to dry , -ov, b, bees'
wax. K.fj(f)a,
Dor. for KOI t<pr].

up, scorch, parch ; to burn, con- ,

-uffto, (fr. last) to wax, as, -d, b, the Hellenistic Syri-
sume ; flatter, deceive; to en-
to cover or smear with wax. a'c of the name which Christ
treat, pray, beg, beseech. ipvfiia, -fj)v, TCI, oeancods. gave Simon, Cephas, Peter, a
Ki)\wviov, -ov, TO, a rope, pulley Kt'lpvyua, -aroj, TO, (fr. v^puffcrw to rock.
and bucket, to draw water from a proclaim, th. v^puf a crier) the , -rivos, b, a drone, wasp. d.
wdl. office or duty of a crier or he- pi. KT]<j>fivaffi Poet, for Kivprjei.

, Dor. Ion. and JEo\. for Kal

yifmavTov, Dor. for KOI euavTtiv. rald ; publication, promulgation;
KT/^E, Dor. for Kal ^i. a proclamation, decree, edict, i]<pdri,
3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of

K-rifids, -ov, b, a breaking-bridle, ca- act; doctrine, preaching, in- oV-to.

ir>n; a rein, bit, curb, snaffle; struction, edification, d. Krjfyicaioi, d. sin. of
<xe, basket. UCITI. Kn<f>iffcls, -icos, f],
the lake Cephis-
H.>, Dor. for Kal v. ipvKa, a. sin. KrjpvKc, n. du.

1C r,v, Dor. for vat f/v.

K.t}pvKfaffi, Poet, for KTJDV^I, d. Hrjutir/s, -sos -ovs, b, fj,
and K?tottf,
ILTjvaos, -ov, b, (fr. Lat. census a pi. of Krjpvl-. -craa, -sv, (fr. vat'co to burn) ex-
valuation) a registry of property, jpVKta, -as, and K-npvKnir], ->?s, haling, burning ; odorous, fra-
'.ion; a taxation, assess- j/, (fern,
of next) the office or du- grant.
ment, tax. ty of a crier or herald. K.iffc'tiXos, -ov, 6, f), (fr. next) foul,
Kr), -r]Kos, or K>/0^, -VKOS, a marine K.npvKcios, (fr. impure,filthy ; mixed with dross,
bird,seamew, coot. crier) of a crier, belonging to adulterated, alloyed ; counter-
Ki/^tTTf'vT/j, Dor. for vat f^artvjjf, a herald. feited, disguised, forged ; false,
which Ion. for %a'i<pvris. rjpvKtvua, -aros, TO, (fr. same) deceitful, treacherous; of mixed
Kfiirt, Dor.
for vat ?TT. proclamation. materials.
Dor for vat ira'.
rjovs,same as ; a vile fellow,Kipcris, dross, refuse
K^TTEirrt, Dor. for vat iVara. -VKOS, b, (perhaps fr. yr,avs scoundrel.
K>',*vua t -OTOS, TO, (fr. next) a gar- voice, or vpa'^u to cry out) a he- Kijfiffis, and Kl^vcis, -toj, Att.
den, shrubbery, retreat; garden- rald, king at arms ; bearer of a -o>f, rt, a bag,pouoh, sack, wallet.
truce, envoy, messenger; a trum- KtjSomov, -ov, TO, (dim. of next)
K?T-uw, f. -Vff(a, (fr. vJ/ffo? a gar- peter, crier, beadle; a Egyptian bean ; a cup, small ves-
den ) to garden, keep as a gar- sel ; a
teacher. casket, case, trunk ; a b<*it.
den, dress, improve ground; to inf.
Kj/pufaf, par. Kt/3wroj, -ov, b, a vessel; ark, chest;
rear, nurse, preserve. k)/puov, 2 pi. -ur, impr. KJ?- wardrobe, cabinet.
K.i)irvs, -tos, Att.-fojf, 6, (fr. same) ptffw, -ns, -rj,
sub. 1 a. act. K^- KiyK\i^v, Dor. for
o gardener.
ptf|w, -t, 1 f. ind. act. of
-?, pres. impr. pass, of
K^jrof, -ou, b, a garden, orchard, typvcro'u)
or -rrw, f. -|w, p.
v//pv- KiyXt'^w, (fr. vi'yvAoy a wagtail) to
plantation, shrubbery ; a comb, %(-:, (fr. K,':pv^
n herald) to pro- agitate, shake, vibrate, quiver;
rake, wool-card; female parts; claim, publishjdedare, announce; to flutter about, hanker after;
an ape, monkey. to celebrate, praise, applaud, set to to
fluctuate, waver; twinkle,
KrjiTovpiu -w,
-i/ffui, (fr. last, and forth ; to preach, teach, instruct. glimmer.
a keeper) to
oDpoj keep, dress or impf. act.
1 a. ind. iSog, ft, (fr. last) alattice,
cultivate a garden. act.
v;7pua. per. ind. pass. v- casement; a palisade, railing;
K77rotp?vos, -fi, -bv, (fr. same) of a Kripvyuat, -!-ai,-KTai. 1 a.
pass, trellis; a keyhole, small aper-
garden. ind. 1 ture ; a porch, enclosure.
Kriov^6rjv' par. K>jpvvdus.
tirjirovpbs, -ov, 6, (fr. same) o gar- f. ind. pass. KTjpv^9>'iaofj.ai. Kt'yvAo?, and Kt'yvaXoj, -ou, 6, a
dener. 3 sin. 1 a. sub.
rjpvyOrf, pass. wagtail.
Kfy>, -po?, >/, lot, situation, circum- K.rtpv%0rivai, 1 a. inf. pass. 'Sapis, -os,
Att. -ws, fj,
a tiara,
stance ; fate, destiny ; death.
K.r!pv%9fjaouai, -r/, -Tai, 1' f- turban, diadem.
K?p, cont. fr.
v/ap. ind. pass, of last. :<5a'0>7, -rjs, f), (fern, of next) a
a. sin.
K/jpa?, a. pi. of v^p. Dor. for of she fox.
K//7pw, v, g..
v??poy, v>?p<5j.
Kfap the heart) to re- K?oujr6s, .
-dv, (fr. K.ioa<f>os, and Kt'j/fo^cj, -ou, 6, afoa.
Adj. cunning, artful, crafty; Kiva/Jpdw -, (fr. last)
/o stink,

knavish, fraudulent. yield a rank or heavy smell.

or K(<5vau>,same asffKuSv^'-
and Kiev, Ion. for (Kit, 3 sin.
jmpf. act. ofKi'w.
TCitfapa, -aj, fa
a /tarp, Zyr, lute.
sin. impf. act. Ion.
KiOdpt&v, 3
f. -(Vw, a lyre)
K<0ap[w, (fr. j0apa
play on the lyre, sing
<o to the

lyre. 1 a. impr.
act. Kiddptsov.

par. pres. pass. Kidapifypevos,

->l, -ov. par. pres. act. KiQapiwv t
-ovo-a, -ov, pi. g. -^vrwv.
Att. -j, ,},
same as

y, -ov, 6, (fr. KiOdpa

on the
lyre) a player lyre, harper,
K(0p(cm>s,-i;oy,^ (fr. same)
art of playing the lyre, skill in
KiBapos, -ov, b, (fr. same) a kind
of fish.
Ktflapw^y, -ov, b, (fr. same,
a song) one who sings and
plays on the lyre; a harper,
Ki0ao) -w, (a comic word, fr.
same) to make a harper.
Ktd&v, -5voy, 6, (Ion. for ^(TWV)
a coat, garment, shirt, dress ; a
coating or covering for walls; a
wall so coated.
KiKiowv, -wvoy, b,

K/irt, -icy, -wy, TO, tick, the

seed of the palma christi.
KiVivvos, -ov, 6, a curl, lock, braid
or buckle of the hair.
KiKKafiav, the nite of
an owl.
KiKKapa, ,and -j^^, -^y, fa an owl,
K(KKoy, -ov, 6, a cock.
KtK\rjaKovo~\ Poet, for /c(KX>/o"Kovo-a,
fem. n. par. pres. act. of
KiK\rjffK(a, Poet, for KaXf'w.
KF/cvy, -voy, fa strength, power;
force, violence.
KtXfVTtaw -5, Poet, for K&tvndw
Or /fXV(7T1.7a).
KiXiK/a, -ay, fa Cilicia, now Cara-
mania, a country of Asia
KI\IKIOV, -ov, rb, (fr. next) cloth
made of the hair of the Cilician
goat; haircloth.
K(X, -r/coy, o, fa Cilician, a Cili-

Kj^Xa, -rjs, fa a name of several

towns, one in ^Eolia.
KiXXi|3a'i>Ty, -wv, ol, (fr. next, and
/3aiVo)to mount) a triangular
rest orstand for the shields ; a
tripod, horse or frame; the
sticks which formed the stand.
KXX5y, Dor. an ass.
-oo, 6,

and K( u- j

and Kfy/3<, -IKOJ, 8,
Ke///?7?, ->?Koy,
a kind of bee or wasp ; penuri-
ous, stingy, sordid.
Kipptpioi, -wv, ol, the Cimmerians
Kt^oXia, -a?, fi (fr.
the island Kt-
/*oXfj) fuller's earth.
Kivdfipa, -ay, fa dogs' meat,
rion ; the smell of goats ; stink
ttench, rank smell.
the citron-tree.
KtTp/a, -<7?, f),
brate, record, mention.
1 a. act. bode, prognosticate, prophesy, di- KA?povo/J, -as, 4, (fr.
ind. fK\tca' sub. KXtiffw , -ys, -y vine ; to consult, inquire, ask a estate, and to an
inf. K\siaai. per. pass. ind. Ki- divination. inheritance, patrimony, estate,

and KtK\ipai' par. KS-
K\r)56viffiJia, -uroj, Tb,
and KA>/<5o- property.
K\iaftfvos, -*!, -ov. 1 a. pass viapbs, -ov, b, (fr. same) augu- Aj/poj/djuos, -ov, b, (fr. same) an
ind. eicXtiffdnv, -ijs, -n* sub. K\- ry, divination ; consultation. heir, inheritor; possessor, own-
-o? -ovj, TO, (ir. /cAf/w to er.
iffdSi, -rjs, -J7- KAiy^os,
KAtw, -6os -ovs, f), Clio, one of the shut) a hedge, fence, enclosure, ,
-ou. 6, a lot, ballot, pebble,
muses. mound, ditch. bean ; a vote ;
chance, fortune,
KAttW, -ovca, -ov, (par. pres. act. K.Xj]oou%os,
same as K\tcov%os. accident, uncertainty ; an inhe-
of/cAtt'u) celebrated, famous ; il- K\rjouv, and Poet. KA^wf, -6vos, ritance, estate, patrimony ; a por-
lustrious. b, (fr. K\ia to celebrate) a good tion, share, allotment ; ground
KAf/i/ia, -aroff, T^, (fr. KXfVrw to name or report, praise ; repu- divided or given to settlers ; land,

steal) theft, robbery, stealth ; tation, celebrity, credit, renown ; property, possessions ; a charge,

deceit, fraud, artifice, stratagem ;

a good omen, lucky sign. trust, office, employment ; a
secret benevolence, g. pi. K\ KA?7<5wv, same as ^Aio'wv.
worm infesting honeycombs.
JUOTWV. KA;;(v, Ion. for K\iiv, pres. inf. \npovxia, -as, ;, and KA//po5yos,
KAfju^vf, -v"oj, 6, (fr. same) a tor- act. of /fAfi'w. -ov, 6, ^, (fr. K\rjpo$ an estate,
toise. \Jtfu for X/;fu. and to get) same as
f^-oi K^rjpo-
KA/OjSts, -tos, Att. -wf, //,
a man's t>opla 'dtiAK\Tjpov6fjios.
name. par. 1 a. pass. K.\nQ>'ioop.ai, wpdw -C, f.
-taffd), p. KK\rjp(j)Ka,
KAf'o/zat, Poet, for K\dopai, pass. -TI, -Tai, 3 pi. -QfjGOVTai, 1 f. ind. (fr. K\rjpos
a lot) to take or get
Of K\l(t). pass. KA/?0u>, -f/s, -'n, pi. -0w- by lot ; or in
obtain of right
KAfoTrasj -on, b, a man's name. //r, -0?;T, 1 a. sub. pass, of Ka- course of law, inherit ; to choose,

a. Ion. of A/w. appoint, elect, vote ; to

KAfoirarpa, -as, f],

a woman's KA^0pa, -a?, and KAijflpos, -ou, j),
distribute, pres. ind.
pass. K\n-
name. an alder-tree. p6ofiai -ovfiai' 1 a. ind. pass.
KAf'oj and KAa'oj, -tos -ovs, rb, (fr. KA//0pov, -ou, TO, (fr. K\'M to shut) K\ripu>6t)v.
1 f. irtd. mid.
K\iw to celebrate) glory, re- a fcoft, lock; a bar, rail, gate,
nown, fame, reputation, cele- barrier ; a restraint, hindrance. i and KA^pwrai, (fr. same)
brity ; greatness, splendour ; ru- ,
f. -taw, same as K\du>. by lot.

mour, report. -"oos, f),

i's, (same as (cAaj, fr. KAj?pwrds, -h -bv, (fr. same) chosen,
KAfTTTas, -ou, b, Dor. for /cA/wTj/f. K\dw to shut) a key, lock ; a elected.

KAf-r, -TtTia, pres. impr. act. bar, bolt, latcha door, shutter ; ; KA*)o-is, -tos, Att. -ws, fi, (fr. KoAf'w
KAttrmv, pres. inf. act. KAfjr- a transom or beam in a ship or to
call) a calling, invitation,
3 pi. pres. ind. act. boat ; a bench or bank for row- summons; an employment, vo-
/, par. pres. act.ofx:Af7rTa). ers. cation, office, duty. d. m\fiati, a.
-ov, 6, (fr. same) a thief, \niaai, 1 a. inf. act. of /tA^w.
robber'. KAjyiwfor K\tu. KX;;o-ov, 1 a. impr. act. of KA?/o>
K\tirTtKri, (fem. of next)
-TJS, fi, \>'t/j.a, -OLTOS, TO, (fr. *cAao to for K\rjiu.

thievery, pilfering, robbery. break) a vine-shoot, tendril, KAi5(7ov, by Sync, for <caAo-ov, 1 a.

KA7TTKO?, -T], -bv, (fr. /cAfTTTO) tO twig. pi. K\ri}ia.Ta. impr. act. of /caAt'w.

steal) thievish, pilfering ; deceit- A^aTjj, -iSos, ''i,

K\rjp.dTiov, K\T]Tios, -a, -ov, (fr. KaA!a> to call)
to be called,
ful, fraudulent ; clandestine, se- -ov, Tb, (dim. of last) a vine- named, &c. accord-
cret. bud or young shoot, tendril, ing to the verb.
KAf-n-Totffa, Dor.
for KAarrouira, n.
spray ; a twig, sprig, cutting. KA7Tuw, (fr. same) to summon
fem. par. pres. act. KA7rr<5- KAj7/*rtT<5o> -w, (fr. K\r)na a vine- for evidence, call upon, cite.
-ov, par. pres. pass, of branch) to shade with vines, K.Xi]Trip, -rjpos, and KA^Twp, -<5po?,
overshadow with young trees. 6, (fr. same) a summoner, ap-

KXeirrpfa, -a?, f], (fr. same)

a thief. , -VTos, 6, Clemens, Eng. paritor, serjeant, beadle, crier;
KAorrw, f.
-1//W, p. KfK\(f>a,
steal, Clement. a suppliant, petitioner.
K\r/pooocria, -as, >/, (fr. xAiypoj an KAr?T?/c6j, -fj, -oi', (fr. same)
pilfer ; to conceal, secrete, call-
put out of the way ; to act clan- estate, and Mow pi to give) (he ing, naming, giving a name, qp-
destinely, speak deceitfully, dis- distribution of a property ; divi- pellative, that is called.
semble ; to
deceive, mislead, im- sion by lot, allotment, apportion- KA??TOf, -^, -bv, (fr. same) called,
pose on; to overreach, defraud, ment. named.
cozen, cheat. f. -170-0),
same) -opos, b,
K\r,po5oTf(a -5, (fr. .

KAf'ras, TO, and K\[TVS, b, (fr. Xfva to distribute by lot, share, appor- the name of iov, -ov, Tb,
to lean) a tion y divide ; to make or name some herb.
rock, cliff", ridge, pro-
montory. an heir, \~ifiuvos and Kp'tfavos, -ov, b, (fr.
give or bequeath a pro- KAr/?ai
K.A<5vI*o?, Dor. for ~K.\c6viKos, -ov, perty. KpWr] barley,
and ffavvos a fur-
a man's name.
\TjpoS6rrjs, -ov, b, (fr. same) a nace) a stove, kiln, oven.
KXex^/as^ -a<ra, -av, par. 1 a. act. testator, devisour, who names an KA^a,-aYos, TO", (fr.
/cA('vw to
KAf^Uj -jj, -t }
1 f. ind. act. heir or bequeaths a property. a clime, climate, border, region,
KXttte, -ys, -J7,
in 3 pi. KAf- \?povo/m, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. tract, space ; declivity, slope, in-
1 a. sub. act. of KAfrrrw. a measure of
^w<n, KA>?povo/*tV, pres. inf. act. clination, descent ;
TS.\nptopa, -as, ^, (fr. ^Attireo to cont. d.
KA^povo/KouvTWv, g. pi. sixty feel square, pi. /cA^ara,
steal, and Map water) o cfocfc cont. par. pres. act. of
or time-piece moved by water ; next) the
V7povo/ifa> -fi, f.
-(70"to, p. KC.K\i]po- KAt//a:T>)p , (fr.
an hour-glass. a
xX^pos an estate, and
:, (fr. of a ladder ; step, stair,
KXccov, -uvoj, 6, a man's name. vf//w to share) to inherit, come flight of stairs ; the climacteric
KXecovla, -ay, % elecampane. to a
property, get right or by or critical year.
KXt'iSrjv, KaAfw to course of law *X^ lean) to
possess, own, KA<>a, -a/cos, *i, ("*
(fr. call) fry ; to
name ; expressly, particularly. 1 a. act. ind. tK\rjpov6fjLrt- o /adder, staircase, flight of
KAfl3ov/o//ai, f.
-[ffofiai, (fr. /cA^on* aa' impr. -arw, in steps, ascent ; a climax.
report, th. itAfo> to celebrate) 2 pi. -piiaaTt- sub ij, -loos, i, same as wAi^a-
to foretell
by bird, augur, fore- inf.
par. 1 a. act. ',

it'rJc under ; to crouch, yield, of a mountain next the fool, the , -ov, d, (fr. same) o dinm ;

sub/nit. lower part of a mountain. hunter, smell-feast.

Dor. for a. pi. o -vrjctpa, -a$, fa (perhaps fr. K -tTrof, 6, (fr. Kvi<a to
KVTJUOVS, tt//, gnaw)
scrape ) a strainer. a gnat ; a worm or grub that
-rjs, -r,, 1 a. opt. pass, of eats timber.
Kvdjmo, -^w, p. -d>a, to card,

comb, dress, nap or full cloth ; to udoj -o5j, -6ov -ov. fa (fr. Kvdo) to
smooth, polish, finish. KvrjffTtip, -rjpos, b, (fr. /cvdw to oppress) the creaking of a wheel,
Kvaffat, Dor. for Kvrjaai, 1 a. inf. scrape) a rake, scraper ; a slay- the groaning of an axle-tree.
act. of Kvdw. er, killer, murderer. \>6<f>o$,
same as yvd<t>o$
and vi<f>a(.
Kvafaiov, -ov, rb, (fr. next} a ful- K.vT)GT>jptov,
and Kv/;orpov, -ov, TO K.VV, a jot, iota, something very
shop ; a fulling-mill. (fr. same) a rake, scraper. small.
Kva0Uf, -f'oj, Att. -f'wj, ;/, (fr. same)
a small Kvva, -r/s, fa (fr. Kvv^ta to scratch)
o, (fr. Kvytrrls, -ioo$,
Kvdirro) to card) o fuller, dresser javelin or dart ; a pipe, reed ; i scabbiness, itchiness ; scab, itch,
of cloth, bleacher. needle, bodkin. mange ; a plant also called K(,-
Kvd0oj, -ov, b, (fr. same) the herb KV?70TI?, -LOS, Att. -Wf, )/, (fr
fuller's thistle or fullers teazle ; same) o knife, razor ; a scraper, K.viidu, and Ei/v^u> or.Kv^cw -fi,
an instrument used in dressing rasp, particularly for cheese. f. -ficw, (fr. Kvda to scrape) to
cloth. Kvriarbs, -bv, (fr. same) shaved bleat as a goat ; to whine as a
K.va<fi'iov, -ov, rb, Ion. Kvdfat rasped, scraped chopped, ; cut, dog, cryfawningly ; to whimper ,
Kvaa), Kvaiw, Kvf'w, and Kvrjfti, to shred ; torn, rent, mangled. moan lowly ; to yelp, yell.
cut, hack, slash ; to break
off, Kv,/07?, -rjs, fi, (perhaps fr.
same) Kw^evvrai, Dor. for KvvfyvvTai,
tear, rend, pull in pieces ; to the itch ; a nettle. 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of
shave, scrape, scratch, grate, rub -a, -ov, of the wild olive.
, KVV^tb).
against ; to cause itching ; to TJS, ff, (fr. Kvi<i> to sting) Kvu^w, and Kww, (fr. Kvdu to
irritate, excite, provoke, per. ind. nettle. scrape) to shave; to scrape, rasp,

pass. KiKvaiCfjiai. Kvldiov, -ov, rb, the fruit of the grate, scratch.
Kj>0a?oj, -a, -ov, (fr. next) dark, wild olive. KvtaSa\ov, -ov, rb, a beast, brute,
dusky, gloomy, Kvioos, -ov, //, the name of a town
in the dark ; animal, creature.
shady, close. and of a river. Kva><5a, -QKO?, b, a linchpin.
H>0doj, ro, same as Kvi$op.fva, Dor. for Kvi^ofifvij, n. Kvw^wv or Kvw<5ouff, -ovros, 6, (fr.
K.vt(f>as, -aros, and Kvtaoj, -oj, rb, fern. par.
pres. pass, of Kvdti) to wound, and o^oiif a
(fr. v/^off a cloud) darkness, ob- Kvda> to scrape) to cut, tooth) the point of any vjeapon,
l^u, (fr.
scurity, gloom ; night; twilight; divide, rend, tear ; to
scrape edge of a sword ; a prong or
dawn, daybreak. scratch, rasp, rake ; to pluck. projecting barb, on each side of a
Kvfoipov, -ou, rb, (perhaps fr. icvtw nibble ; to puncture, prick ; ti hunting-spear.
to scrape) an herb which bites sting, excite itching ; to Kvwffffw, (fr. Ktvbs vacant, and 6a-
the tongue. torture, afflict ; to de- co$ the eye) to sleep soundly ; to
Kvrj, Ion. for IKVT], 3 sin. impf. of stroy, kill, slay. snore.
Or for EKva, 3 sin. impf. Kvnro\6yos, and Kvnro\6%os, -ov K.vti>\p, -oiros, b, fa (fr. Kevbs vacant,
cont. of Kvdbi. o, (fr. a grub, and Xtyw to
mty and w^ the eye) blind.
Kv/j9b), f. Kvi'/iru. p. KfKvr/Ka, .
(fr. gather) a bird which lives upon KodXepos, -ov, b, fa dull, heavy,
Kvdw to scratch) to scrape, rake, gnats or their grubs ;
a gnat stupid, foolish, siUy, simple, half'
pinch, bruise ; to tickle ; to rub, eater. witted.
chafe, fret ; to tease, vex, irritate, , -ri, -bv, (fr.
Kvav to scrape] K<5af, the croak or noise of a frog ;
provoke. to feel an frog.
K.vr)9op.ai, parsimonious, sparing, miserly,
itching, be curious, par. pres. niggardly. Koda), to hear, listen, attend; to
pass. Kvriddfievos, -TJ, -ov. Kvnro'r7j, -tiros, ft, (fr. ^same) understand, perceive, know, ap-
KvyKias, -ov, b, (fr. KvrjKbs tawny) itching. prehend. It is also used for
a wolf. is, Kvicbs, (fr. Kvto> to sting)
Kvr,Kis, -ISos, fa (fr. same) a speck, nettle. Ko/?dXos, -ov, 6, fa (perhaps fr.
mole. iaavTi, by Cras. for Kviadw KHKOS evil, and ot>A>7counsel)
KVTJKOS, -ov, fa a kind of yellow Dor. for KviafcvTi, d. sin. of KVI- artful, cunning, subtle, insidi-
seed ;
an herb resembling saf- ous abusive, reproachful, co

fron, bastard saffron. KviffSeiv, Dor.

for icvifyiv, pres. inf. lumnious, ill-tongued ; talkative^
Kvijxbs, -fa -ov, (fr. last) yeUowish, act. of flippant, babbling ; fawning^
pale yellow, tawny. HtTfjibs, -ov, b, (fr. Kvi<i> to tickle) cringing, servile.
"Kvfjp.0^ -aros, rb, (fr. Kvdw to an itching, tickling, irritation. Ko/?/pof, -ou, 6, fa ridiculous,
scrape) a fragment, piece, bit, KviViraor Kviva, -ns, fa (fr- same) laughable.
chip, shavings, raspings, filings ; the smoke or fume of fat burn- KofivXig, -toff, Att. -o>s, fa a rasp
itching, itch.
ing ; the savour, scent, or smell for cheese.
Kvifytapyoj, -ou, 6, fa (fr. Kv-fifirj the arising from it ; fat ; an odour, ->IS, fa a shell.

leg, and apybs white) white leg- perfume. is, -ov, b, (fr. last) a whits

ged. Kvifftrai, Poet, for Kvlaai, 1 a. inf. stone or marble containing shells.
Kvjfyo;, -rjs, fa the leg, shank, shin- act. of Kvifa. iyXos, -ov, b, (fr. same) a shell^
bone ; a spoke of a wheel. f.
-rjcb), (fr. Kviaira properly spiral or turbinated ; a
viaffdd), odour,
Kvm/nffi, Ion. nvfinais, d. pi. of th.
to tickle) to perfume, boss, stud, knob ; the hollow of the
last. fillor impregnate with a scent eye ; the navel.
Kvfjpia, -as, fa (fr. same) a spoke or smell ; to send up vapours, lyXyXr/, -rjs, fa (fr. same) an
of a wheel. emit smells, exhale odours ; to oyster ; the shell-fish yielding the
Kv7?//Z<5af, a. pi. of wr^tis. smoke, spoil or infect with smoke, purple dye ; purple, scarlet.
-ov, r. same
same) any
K.vrjiJiioo(f>6pos, 6, fa (fr. KVTIJI.IS -spaa, -tv, xviov, -ov, TO, (fr.
leg-armour, and <p{pw to carry) (fr. same) steaming, smoking ; shell-fish ; that which yields the
equipped with greaves. odorous, odoriferous, strong- purple, the juice of that fish ;
KVTJUIS, -loos, fa (fr. KvrifjiTi
the shin) smelling ; fragrant, perfumed. wool or cloth dyed with it ; pur'
covering or armour for the leg ; '.viffffodi&icrris, (fr. Kviaa a smell, pie,
f ,
-, let.
a boot, greaves, cuish. and SIWKW to pursue) a smett-\K6ca\ov, - a kind of fish,
s, -o3, 6, (fr. same) that part feast, parasite. mullet.
.-fad ; boarded, confer, commune, dis-*
fry, parch, toast
to 'icr,
'iUd. course ; to communicate, im-
r. Lat. qua- fr.
part. same, and
the mouth) a hollmv voice, Koivo\oyia, -a?, /;, (fr. same
nirth part of the Ro- :
sh>iess of voice. conversation ; a conference, par-

,c, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same) ley, consultation, deliberation,


Kot'u) -oi, Ion. for vofw.

with a hollow or rough voice. discusnion ; a communication,
iiwfcm wirt a
-oi', 6,
heel used by tragic actors ; a KoiAoT?;?, -TJTOS, ft, (fr. KoiAoj
hoi-; interchange ; a conspiracy, con-
half-boot; a turncoat, trim- low) hollowness, porousness,
ca- federacy, combination,
,K.otv6pvta, -a?, f}, (fr. icoivbs cor>-
vity, depression.

K, (Jr. next) a name JOT a -w, f. -uwrw, (fr. same) to' mon, and pvia a fly) a swarm of
hollow, excavate ;
to pierce, per- Jlies, all sorts offlies.
sin. of K
KtvBa to forate; to sink, depress, deepen. Koivov, -ov, TO, (neut. oivb,
KofloCpj, -ov, 6, ft, ((r.
hide, and oupo
the tail) hiding or Ko<Aw//a, -aro?, rd, (fr. same) a common) a. community or con-
' tatZ or sting ; dull, hollow, cavity, pit; a channel, federacy of several states of Asia
ive ; a bed of a river, the ocean, depth of minor ; the public, community,
idle ; a thief, sly,
the sea. state, commonwealth.
"JI.U. K//50', Ion. before an aspirate Koivds, -/), -ov, common, general,
vise of a pig, grunt. for tKoijia-ro, 3 sin. cont. impf. universal, ordinary, usual ; pub-
[on. for TOI-T, (d. sin. of ico?oj pass. of lic, vulgar, trite, promiscuous,
v;Az'cA u>oy ? whither ? oipdu -&, f. -tjffia, p indiscriminate ; homely, low,
to put to bed, cast asleep, set to mean; base, vile; profane, un-
v:hy 1
*'j,,to look round about, roll rest ; to lull, compose; to allay, holy, unhallowed; impure, un-
the eyes. mitigate.
mitigate. K.oipao',iai -w^ai,
Koipdo',iai -ui/jiai,
w> clean ; foul, filthy, dirty ; fami-

Ko(Art<50?, g. sin. of KOI X ?. compose one's self; to sleep, fall liar, gentle, courteous, friendly,
social ; impartial, even^
KoiAafvw, f. -5i5, (fr. *o?Ao? hol- asleep ; to die, decease, par. pres. sociable, !

fair, just, equitable. Comp. KOI-


low) to hollow, scoop, bore; to pass. Koiuadptvo; -w/itros. per.

embowel, draw, paunch ; to ind. pass. KCKoiftnpai. par. KSKOI- vdrtpos' sup. -draroj. |

1 a. pass. ind. -rjrog, fj, (fr. last) com-

out, empty. 1 a. ind. act. jjtrjutvos. SKOI^I//- K.oiv6TT]s,
tKoiXava, Att. tKoiA^va. 077V impr. Kotp'jdijTi, -i7rw mf. munity, participation, fellowship,
KoiAa?, -a'fojr, $, (fr.'same) a hol- KotfinOfivai' par. *ro(fJ70JS, -tica, partnership ; society, company,

low, valley ; cave, cavern ; a -iv. 1 a. mid. ind. intercourse, conversation ; good-
the depth of the -a-?' impr. nature, gentleness, graciousne8S }
abyss, -(j),

sea. in 2 pi. KOLfffjcat affability, courtesy.

Koi'Ai;, -175, ft, (fern, of same) the ^, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. KOJ'VOD, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr.
hollow part or hold of a ship. 1
pi. 1 f. ind. mid. KoivoDv, neut. sin.*
a. act. n. Kot- RotvovvTa, neut. cont. par.
7,-, -ao-a, -av, par. 1 , pi.
of KOI a. pi. par. 1 a. pass. pres. act. of

. and KolXas, Ion. for KOI- Ko//i}ravro, Ion. for EKotp'/aavro, Koiv6w -w, f. -wc-ti), p. KtKoivuKa,
of *<uAo?. 3 1 a. ind. mid. of last. (fr. KOIVOS common)
to communi-
pi. fern, pi.
r, (fr. *o?Ao? hollow) jlltnatfi -tog,
Att. -tuy, r/, (fr. cate, impart, share, make ac-
lunch the womb; a sleep, death, to confer, dis-
; same) quainted with;
^; a canal, aqueduct, wa- niijjrfioiov,
and Koifirirpiov,
or course, consult together ; to pol-
-TJJOV, -ov, -d, (fr. same) a sleep- lute, defile, corrupt, contaminate;
the ing place, bedchamber, dormi- to foul, soil, blemish ; to hold im-
-bv, (fr. last) of
din the bowels, grip- tory ; a cemetery, sepulchre, ca- pure, call unclean, make com-
tacomb, vault. mon. 1 a. act. ind. oivw<ra.

/, (fr. same,
-ovos, b,
:ifii^ia, -tffw, f. same us roiudw. Koivti, d. sin.of Kotvdf.
and caijjKav a deity)
a parasite, 1 a. ind. act. c,Ko([ii(ra.
Koivtav, -wvoj, Poet, same as KOI-
.'.utton, epicure, whose Koifiiavrai, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind.
in his belly. Kotvtov?, 3 sin. KotvwvoVs, 2 pi.
pass. Kotftw/JEvoj, -n, -ov, par.
:fffio?, -ou, o, (fr. pres. pass, cont same, and
cont. pres. ind. act. Koivuvd-
tie) an apron. Koivdopai -ai/ia, ^fr. KOIVOS com- rw, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act..
KoiAoyiorwp. -opoj, b, f/, (fr. same, mon) see Kotv6(ji. Kou'wvoJ/vra?, a. pi. cont. par.
a &elly) hollow-bel- KOJVO, -5v, ra, (neut. pi. of same)

pres. act. of
; empty 6e/- common games or public meet- Kotvwvfw -w, f. ->/ru>, p. KtKotvunrrf-
/, rmenous. ings supported by a number of KO, (fr. Koivds common) to im-
rb, 'neut. of ico?Aoj cities in Asia minor ; the public
part, distribute, confer, bestow,
hollow) a cavity, hollow, pit ; the affairs, public edifices, contribute; to share, partake of,
of the hand, hollow of the
oivdcavrts, Dor. for <oivw<7ayrj, get part ; to unite with, confede-
fool. KotAa, -wv, -TO, the loins, or Kotvi'iaavres, n. pi. par. 1 a. rate, ally ; be connected with. 1 a.
act. of K0tv6ti> or Koivfu. ind. act. tKotvutvTiaa*
-ov, 8, fi, (fr. Koivrj, (d. sin. fern, of KOIVOS com- K.oiv<j)vrjffafft,
d. pi. par. 1 a. act. of
\v, and rf<5ov
ground) tot-, mon) in common, all together, last.

/:, encompassed by hills; alike, jointly, without exception, Kotvwvia, -as, >/, (fr. same) commu-
...flat. collectively ; publicly, commonly, nity, participation, share; society,
r, empty, void; generally, indifferently. intercourse, company; alliance,
'ted, porous ; KotvoT, cont. for Koiv6ti, 3 sin. connexion ; communication, dis-
prf.*?ed, sunk, low, pres. ind. act. ; and for KOIVOOI, tribution, liberality, bounty.
i 3 sin. pres. opt. act. ;
and for KOIVWV"KOS, -v, -ds (fr- same) so-
nany valleys. Comp. Koivdr}, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. or, cial, sociable, amrteous, friendly,
Adra>os, sup. -rarof. 2 sin. pres. ind. or sub. pass, of affable, familiar ; liberal, bounti-
KotAcxrraflufw -w, (fr. last, KOIV6<J). ful, disposed to share or im-
,o? a standing, th.
'rnipi to '.opai, or part ; plain in food, easily satis-
stand) to crc/z, vault; to board ,
and KoivoAoy^o/mc, (fr. fied.
cot ; to ceil. ihar-
common, and Af'yw to Kotvwvdj , -ov, b, f,, (fr. same)
:fyo?, -av, b, ff, (fr. speak) to tpeak, talk or conversel ing, partaking, dividing ; Subs.
8 partner, sharer, partaker ; a a certain herb; the lower ex. -acovrat, 1 a. sub. mid. of KO*
companion, associate ; abettor tremity of the backbone, callec Aa'^w.
accomplice. os coccygvt. inf. act. KoAa-
KoAa0('^tv, pres.
Koivtavovtri, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind KoKKvafiu, Dor. for KOKKV^(D. <plgrti
3 sin. pres. sub. act. Ko-
act. of Koivtavtti). K6KV, quickly, speedily, hastily. 1
pres. ind. pass.
XaQiQd/jicOaj pi.
KotvSs, (fr. KOIVOS common) in com KtJAa, -as, ft,
the belly. KoAa0(^o'//vis, -97, -ov, par.
mon, together, unanimously KoAa.tto?, -ut), b, (fr. KO\OV food) pres. pass, of
equally, impartially. piece, cut, chop, morsel, mouth KoAa0fu>, f.
-t<ru>, p. KtKoXdfyiKa,
a. inf. act. of Koiv6a). ful ; bread or a cake baked in th (fr. next) to box, buffet, thump.
ashes. K.dA0oj, -ov, b, (fr. KoAanrco to
Koivti)<pl\ia, -as , ft, (fr. KOIVOS com- KoAaj3plcd, to il'inc-:
wantonly or in pound) a box, buffet, thump.
mon, and w<j>e\((i)
to lielp) tht solently, exult ; to
insult, mock KoAfoTtv, Poet, for /coAo7i>, g. du.
public good, common weal. to
despise, scorn, slight ; to ty KoAeo?o, Ion. for oAoi), g. sin. of
Kot', -i'KoS) b, a species of the palm rannize, oppress, humble. KoAfo?, and Ion. KouAro?, -ov, b,
tree, a vessel
made of its bark. K6\a(3pos, -ov, o, a little hog, young (perhaps fr. Kot\os hoilow) a
Koio\rjs, and Kolrjs, -ov, b, a pries pig ; em indecent song, obscenity scabbard, sheath ; a sack, bag ; a
Ko?of, jEol. and Ion. for rrojo?. KoA<iw, f.
-am, \). KEKdXaKa, to pu- leathern bottle; a bucket, water-
Kotos, -ou, b, Cceus, one of the Ti- nish, chastise ; to reprimand, re- pot.
tans. prove to check, restrain, curb
; KoAfpo'?, -a,-dv, smooth, even, level;
Koto^dpoj, -ou,>/, (perhaps fr. K$O par. pres. pass. KoXafyptvos, -rj bare, bald ; with little or short
an embryo, and Qipw to carry) -ov. 1 a. mid. ind. tKoiXaadpriv hair or wool.
pregnant, breeding. -10, -aro' per. ind. pass. KtK6\aa- KoAfrpau -w, to tread down, tram-
a. sin. par. pres. act.
KoipavlovTa, (tat, -<rai, -rat. ple upon.
Kuipaviovri, Dor. for Kopave- K.6\uKas, a. pi. of K<5Aaf. KoA/a, -as, f), a kind of dance.
ovfft, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ko\aKsla, and KoAa/c/a, ->, >/, (fr KoA/aj, -ou, 6, a fish of those kind?
Koipavtu) -5, f. -r/ffd), p. KSKoipd icrfAaf a flatterer) flattery, adula usually pickled or salted.
KU, (fr. next) to rule, govern, tion, servility, fawning, compli- KoAtaw -w, (fr. KoAta a dance) to

command, order, direct ; to mar ance, submission. dance.

shal, array. K.o\aKEV(rio, -ijs, ->i, 1 a. sub. act. o KdAAa, and KdAA;, -775, fi, glue, ce-
R.olpavos, -ov, b, (fr. Kupos power) ment.
a princs, chief, king, ruler, lord, Aax-cuTfoj, -a, -ov, (fr. KdAAa/?of, -ou, and KdAAo^/, -oiroff,
governor, commander, general. to flatter) to be
.flattered, to b b, a peg or pin of a lyre, by

Also, a man's name. submitted to. which the strings are strained.
Koiavpa, -as, >% Ccesura, an Athe- K.o\aKtvTtK<>s, -t), -j)y, (fr. ^
K(5AAa/?oj, -ou, 6, a kind of bread.
nian lady, the pattern of luxury flatter ing, fawning, adulatory see K<5Aa/?os.
;m elegance in her day.
! servile.
KoAAa/3p?a), same as KoAa/?pi'w.
Ko<T'j, and Kotra'w -5, (fr. KOITTJ Ko\aKtvd), f. -i5o-o), p. KCK KoAA<7a-0a<, pres. inf. pass. cont. of
a bed) to put to bed, set at rest. (fr.K6\u^ a flatterer) to flatter KoAAaw -w, f.
-rjata, p. K/cdAA^(ca,
Koirdfy/iat, to go to rest, sleep, humour, comply ir.iik, assent to .
(fr. K6\Xa glue) to glue, cement,

repose ; to nestle, roost. to fawn, mnge. j'asten together ; to weld iron.

KojraToj, -a, -ov, (fr. same) in bed, KoAc(?, -V8os, v, (fr. same) a fe- KoAAa'o/zat -&uai, to adhere,
abed ; reposing, resting ; lurk- male flatterer, &c. cleave to, associate with. 1 a. pass,

<io\aKpirai, KoXnKperai, and KwAa-

ing, crouching. ind. EKo^Xf/dnv par. KoA>??0/?.

KoiTa^iiTo, Dor. for r.Koirdaaro, 3 Kpirai, -ui/, ol, collectors offlnes K.o\\fiprjs, -ov, b, (fr. same, and
sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of Koird?u>. and mulcts ; also, of money for eipta to boil) o maker of glue,
KojTao-fa, -as, fi, (fr. same) a lying sacred expenses. glueboiler.
with, cohabitation. Aaf, -UKOS, b, (perhaps fr. K6\ KdAA>7, -n$, f/,
same as KdAAa.
HoiTn, -ijs, ft,
a- bed ; the marriage- food) a flatterer, parasite. KoAA>;ts, -fitaaa, -rjiv, (fr. last)
bzd, wedlock ; cohabitation, for- CoAoirrat, -wv, al, /coAaTrrw to
glued, cemented, gluey, sticky,
nication ; lust, wantonness. pound) buds, knaps or gourds, viscous.

Kom'ov, -ou, TO, (fr. last) a bed- carved or wrought for orna- Ko\\nd(vra, a. sin. KoAA>/0/j/rj, n.
chamber, sleeping-place. ment. pi. par. 1 a. pass. KoAA?/0^rt,
(dim. of Kotrrj a a. impr. pass, of K^AAaw.
next) a
Koiri;, -ifios, '], AuTTr^p, -1}po$, h, (fr.

bed) a small bed, cot; a chest, mallei, axe, adz. K.6\\r)vis, -tos,
Att. -ECO?, ^, (fr.
wardrobe, press. CoAairrw, f.
-t//u, (perhaps fr. *o?Aoj K6\\r) glue) a gluing, cementing,
Kotros, -ou, 6, (fr. same) a bed; hollow) to pound, bruise, knock; soldering, fastening together; the
repose, rest, sleep.
to peck ; to cut out, hollow, ex- welding or joining of iron; a
KoT<ii>, -wvoj, (fr. same) a bed- cavate ; to carve, engrave. joint, juncture, union.
chamber. dAaoij, -10$, Att. -sue, 6, a crea- K6"AA77<rro?, -ou, f>, Egyptian bread.
KoiTtavlrns, -ou, b, (fr. same) a ture hostile to owls, hawks, &c. , -ov, i, (fr.
n6\\a glue) a
chamberlain. and is eaten by them. gluer, cementer, joiner, framcr.
K6KKtvos, -n, -ov, (fr. next) scarlet, Aao-i?, -jof, Att. -etas, ;%(fr. KO\U AA^ro?,-)), -bi', (fr. same) glued,
crimson, -purple. u to punish) punishment, chas- cemented ; compact, flrm, wett
K6KKOS, -iv, b, a grain, berry or ex- tisement ; torture, the rack ; a made.
crescence growing on the oak, punishing or infliction of pu- AAif, and K6X& -5fo?, 6,
a round.
kermes ; cochineal ; scarlet. nishment ; a. check, restraint, loaf; a pill, bcdl.
KoKKvai, and Kouat, -a>v, nl, al, hindrance ; pruning, lopping, a. Ko\\ovpiov, -ou, TO, same as KoAAu-
ancestors, forefathers. K6\aatv, ptov.
KOKKV$<J), (fr. KOKKvt;
& CUCkoo) t.O
oAaffjid'f, -ov, o, and Kd^acfia, <5AAo^, -OTTO;, o, the hard jBfe
cry like a cuckoo ; to croak, -arcs, -b, (fr. same ) punishment, skin on the neck and back of cattle.
crow. chastisement, torture ; the rack ; Or, Ki5AAa/?oj, a pin or peg of <t
-ou, TO, (fr. same, and
a penalty, mulct, fine ; animad- lyre,
on which the strings are
an apple) a kind of early version, reproof, censure. strained ; the key used to turn

plum. oXaaTf/ptov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a them, and tune the lyre.
'.6KKv%, -vyos, b,
a cuckoo ; a kind place of punishment ; a gaol, XXr/JwTw, -ov, b, (fr. next) a
a green fig ; a helmet, dig-
of fish; prison, workhouse ; torture, rack. money-changer, banker,
tuft, crest ; a hiU, cliff', ridge ; ln\dffii)tiat, -;;, -?/ra:, ill 3 pi, counter.
KoAAii^os, -'i,6, n
K j/uu, pres. in act. cont. 3

stamped with an ox; exciiange, deprive of, curtail; to

impair, Ion. for
Mco/it/nTV, 8 dtt.

discount. impf. act. of

KoAAupo, -as, 11,
a small cake, pas- urn- Kofita) -w, f. -I/GW, to take or have
re of; to
dress, comb, cur-
KoAAvpf^u, f. -loa, (fr. last) to >sh ; ry to nurture, nurse ; to rear,

bake, make pastry, make small Also, the

'. name !
educate, bring up.
of. i r.d Dor.
bread, cakes, &c. city, Colophon. Kd//a, f), the
KoAAvptor, and KoAAovptov, -ov, TO, ATTO?, -ov, y, (fr. AroTAoj 1 of the head, tressqi, locks;
(perhaps fr. KwAt'u. to hinder,
i, breast, fry
and f>iw to flow) an ointment or an expansion ov -3,
an attend-

:,'fs ; a small hollaw or fuld of thel ant) a count: a vireroy, lieu-

dough, he bed or cmirst .-//Veer.
money, coin; a member of a] with the fist, box, thump: a lies in
hisbeard, stupid,nUy,fool-
sentence, now marked with a \
stroke with the knuckles, rap ; an ish ; vain, conceited,
comma. \
qffrcnt, insult. Kovrbg, -ou, 6, a pole, boat-hook ; u
Kfy/K, rb, mdecl. gum. \K.6vcv\og, -ov, b, a knuckle; the spear, pike, dart, arrow.
ir. icoV/xos fist; a blow, box, thump; the K6vv$a and Ki<ua, -*jg, f,, an herb
K.o^bg,-ov, b, (perhaps
ornament) dress, meretricious elbow, an excrescence on the used for garlands ; fieabane ; o
false complexion, knuckle or elbow. thorn, brier.
paint, rouge; brokery, artifice Kov<5vXw, (fr. last)
(o beat, thump, Kdvtuv, -uvog,
b, Conor?, a man's
in trade, deception
in dealing. box, bruise. name.
Or, (fr. Kdirro) to cut) wailing, Kovtw -5, to hasten, hurry, make Ko-a^w, f.
-ao-w, p. KtufaaKa, (fr.
lamentation, sorrow, mourning ; haste, run, go quickly ; to work, K6-og weariness) to be weary,
a blow, thump ; a grinder,
back- exert ; to attend, serve, wait cease through fatigue, be spent
tooth. on. v:ith labour ; to desist, take

Ko/^<5w, f. -wo-o), (ft". Koufjibg dress) jKovi'a, -ag, >/, (fr. n6vig dust) dust, rest; to be calm, subside.
to dress, decorate, bedeck ; to co- >

powder, sand ; ashes, cinders

Koiravt^u, f.
-iau>, (fr. next) lo
varnish ; to counter- 1

lime. thump, pound, bruise, per. pass.

lour, paint,
feit, disguise. !

Koi/ia^o/iat, (fr. last) to ind. KKo-dvic~fuu' par. KSKO-H-

Ko^o>7%, -ov, b, (fr. same) I

sprinkle or cot-er with dust.

dresser, tire-man; a jKonaAcoj, -/), -oi', (fr. same) sandy, K.6iravov, -ov, rb, (fr. KdTrru to
broker who sets off bad goods dusty. ;

beat) a pestle, pounder, beetle ; a

a dealer in boys and slaves who Koviapa, -arog, rb, (fr. th. K6vig \
spear, pole-axe.
makes them look to advantage dust) whitewash, plaster. ; KoTmV, 2 a. inf. act. KO^EIS*
a tragic actor. Kovtaw -fi, and Koviafa, f. -acw -cTo-a, -fv, par. 2 a. pass, of

Ko//<5wvri, Dor. for KOfiSffi, 3 pi. p. KtxoviaKa, (fr. same) to cover

cont. pres. ind. act. of KO- or sprinkle with dust ; to whiten ~K.6-Kt.ov or KoVaiov, -ov,rb, (fr. KOTT-
vthitewash. per. pass. ind. /CE- ru> to cut) apiece, fragment.
(fr. K6[iirog a crack) to Koviau.ac par. KSKovia^cvog and Ko-rrerbg, -ou, b, (fr. same) a beat-
cracfc, crash, creak ; to
brag, ing of the breast, lamentation,
boast, vaunt. o> or
Koi'/w, f. -tffta, (fr. Kt wailing, mourning.
dust) to sprinkle, cover or soil KoTTevg, -tog, b, (fr, same) a chisel,
-arog, rb, (fr. same) boasting, with dust, drag in the dirt; to graver, carver.
bragging, vaunting ; vanity, raise the dust ; to hasten, hurry, Korrj), -jjj, fi, (fr. same) a cui,
haughtiness, insolence. run, gallop ; to struggle, fight. gash, bruise; a cutting qff\
Kous-aorrjj, -oft, 6, (fr. same) a Koviyat, Ion. for Koviaiyh d. pi. of slaughter, overthrow ; havoc,
braggart, boaster. Kovla. massacre, carnage.
fr. next) to
crack, rattle, Kov?X?7, -r/g, fi, the herb savory., Kontivai, 2 a. inf. pass, of K&-XTU.
resound, sound hollow ; to brag, marjoram, pennyroyal. Ko-(, ind. KoTriarw, impr. act.
boast, vaunt. Koriovreg, n. pi. par. pres. act. of pres. 3 sin. cont. Kotridauvrcg,
Kopirog, -ov, b, a clap, crash, crack, KOV(U. n. pi. par. 1 a. act. of

creaking, grating, properly of a KovtoVouj, -oSog, b,~ r,, (fr. Kovig Korrtaw -w, f. -atrw, p. KEKOiriaKa,
boar whetting his tusks ; a sound, dust, and rovg the foot) with dusty (fr. KdTTog weariness) to labour,

echo, din, clamour ; the

noise of feet. Also subs, a sandal, work at, toil; to fail, faint, IP.
dancing or of applause ; a boast- -ou, .% (fr. Kdvis dust, and oppressed or iceary ; to take ill,
ing, bragging, vaunting, high- 6fM to raise) raised dust, a be disgusted, loath, dislike, par.
sounding words. cloud of dust ; one covered tvith per. act. KtKOKiaKwg, -via, -6g.
Ky/jii'Ufia, -arog, ro, (fr. next) dust. Komg, -toog, fi, (fr. Kdrrw to cut) a
plausibility, speciou^ talk ; incite- ovioprworjg, -cog -ovg, b, %, (fr. sword, sabre ; a large knife, carv-
ment, exhortation. last) dusty, covered with dust, er ; an axe ; a coulter ; a Spai -
or rather)
Ko//x|/uo/^cu, dirty, soiled. tan festival.
(fr. next)
to descant, discourse
K.ovhovg, -ofiog, 6, ^,
same as Kovt6- KOTTIU, 1 sin. KoTri&ntv, 1 pi. cont.

plausibly, talk boastingly; to Trovg. pres. ind. act. Komwvrj, d.

display, parade, ; to rally, banter. ~K.6vig, -log, f/,
Alt. -u>s, /, sand, KoTawvra, a. KoTTifivrfj, pi.
Kofjt^bg, -i), -bv, ntat, fine, hand- dust, ashes, chalk. n. KoTTiwi/ray, a. mas. Ko-
some, becoming ; polite, elegant ; >vig, -icog, $), a nit. irtwaag, a. fern. pi. par. pres.
well, healthy, sound ; clever, in- Koviaca\og, -ov, b, (fr. K6vig dust, act. cont. of Koiridv.
genious ; facetious, humorous, and- aXXopat to spring) a whirl KoTriSJvrcg, n. KoTrioh'rwv, g. pi.
witty; talkative; vain, plausi- or cloud of dust, raised dust. cont. par. pres. act. of Kovidu.
ble, ostentatious. iovicrrripiov, -ov,rb, (fr. same, and K.6-og, -ov, b, (fr. K<5-rw to cut) la-
ICo^'oYjj? , -?roj, 17, (fr. last) neat- to keep) a place for keep-
rrjptd) bour, toil, work; business, em-
ness, elegance, grace, politeness ; ing the sand to sprinkle the prize- ployment ; difficulty, trouble, dis-
order, regularity. fighters. tress,uneasiness ; weariness, fa-
Kovaj3/w -w, f. -7/o-w, Korafr'^w, KmVrpa, -ag, f), (fr. same) the tigue ; a cut, blow.
f. -(<rw, (fr. Kovapog a clatter) to ttrcna or stage where they ivrest- KomJw -w, f. -wo-w, (fr. last) to
rattle, ring, sound, resound. led > exercise or practice there. weary, fatigue, tire, jade. ~Ko-

Kova/37i7, Icn. for tKovafatre, 3 sin. ir6of.i.ai -ovjjiai,

to be fatigued, fail,
1 a. ind. act. of last. faint.
K.6vaflog,-ov, b, a sound, noise, peal dust) sandy, 'dusty, dusted, KoTrpEi'w, f.
-i'<ro), and Koirptu) -u>,
crash ; sprinkled with ;and. to
clap ; a, din, rattle, clang, -f]<jd), (fr. nd-rrpog dung) f.

a bvn'.k, hurry, tumv.lt, dung, manure.

Kovvapog, -ov, b, sumach.
TO, a cup. KJvi't g, b, a man's nair^.
Koirpia, -&$, fj, and Koxpiov,
K.6vov, ~i-og, -ov.
-}t KcvcvXog the
g, fj, {ir. KovcvMg
ine Ktvvog, -ov, 6, the beard, an ear-
rb, (fr. same) dung, manure.
stripe ; a ring, drop. to ma-
Korp<'w, f. -few, (fr. last)
-. '',
fist) '

:immp. Kovvo0poii>, -6vrog, f>, (fr. last, and nure, lay on compost or

same) tostriln wiih\ to

carry) bearded, with a and
KovcvXi^w, (fr. (it'jow Ko-n-p^Koj, -r/, -ov, Koirpetog,
large beard. Kdrpjoj, -a, -ov, (fr. irfiWOs-duiig)
irily. ;''Wf, -ovog, o, ', (fr. same,

of -manure or dung :
ha mind) whose senst .
i^htman, sca-
Kapvaatysv, Ion. and Dor.
for KO-' oaptiv, inf. pi. thod, plan, constitution; disci-
of cont. ind. pres. act. subordination, education f
ovffoeiv, pres. inf. pline,
Kopuo-o-u), (fr. a casque) to 3 pi. corit. pres. sub. act. of decorum, propriety, decency ;
arm with a helmet ; to arm, equip, dress, ornament, embellishment;
to a
furnish, accoutre; to raise (t'r. K6c-tws regularity) to deck, grace, elegance, neatness; cre-
to dit, commendation., praise, pride,
'head, heighten, lift up, swell; adorn, beautify, dress, grace,
increase, augment. honour to
furnish, accoutre,
; glory; a chief magistrate among
KopticTJ)?, -ov, 6, (fr. last)
a man at provide, prepare, equip, rig ; to the Cretans ; the world, universe ;
this world, mankind; the wick-
arms, warrior; an armour bearer. adjust, arrange, settle, regulate ;
arm- to me- ed ; the worldly, children of this
KopvoTds, -tj, -bv, (fr. same) distribute, order, dispose,
increas- thodize to marshal, o.i-faij ; to world ; the inhabited part of the
ed, equipped, accoutred, ;

ed, enlarged, heightened ;

en- discharge an office, execute a world; the Roman empire; the

duty, govern. 1 a. act. ind. tK6a- Jewish territory or people.

couraged, inspirited,
PICTK, and, Ion. Koa^naa' par
of last) in order, or-
Kopu^aTos, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of K<5oy/co, (d.
the head; high, chief, supreme, as, per. ind. pass. /cK<5<r derly, with propriety.
principal. Subs, a leader. 1 a. ind. pass. tKoapi Kdtroj, Ion. for TTOGOS.
-;/?, i],
the head, Mght, K6vo'v(f>o$,
and Att. KorrS^of, -ov,
top, summit, peak, ridge; the Boeot. Sync, a merle, ouzel, blackbird.
for b,

mm, substance, purport. ,

3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of KOCTIJ, same as cucdcr-i),
'iLopvtpou -w,
f. -wo-w, (fr. last) to ~~OGTOS, -ov, b, zedoary, an aroma-
set up; to raise, elevate; -UTOS, TO, (fr. same) an
tic plant an ointment or per- ;

to rise, swell ; to complete, Jinish,

ornament, decoration, mark oj fume made from it.
accomplish, make a close, come to distinction, badge ; dress ; equi- Kd(rt)^/3oj,-oi',6, Ko<TVj/Si;, andKcff-
a point or head. page, furniture, accoutrement, avpfir), -ris, i), a
knot in a reed or
and KdoKooos, -ov, b, oanrjv, Dor. for Koa^slv, pres.Jnf. timber ; a chain, clasp, buckle.
chickweed, pimpernel. act, cont. Ko<n)|K/3tor6?, -ov, b, fi, (ir. last)
a crow or jackdaw ; for n. knotted, fringed, flounced, bor-
Kopwvri, -T)S, fj, Kotrp'icrasj pi.
a bar, sledge lo break open; a Tj, par. 1 a. act. Kd oyz 770-0, ; adorned with chains, dered
ring, handle, knob to hold by ; a -as, -, Ion. for Koap.riGa, 1 a. clasps or buckles.
tip, point, extremity ; a head, ind. act. of
KOffpfto. Koran/to, same as Korew.
peak, summit, ridge ; a lintel ; a offfirJTeipa, -a?, >/,
fern, for Korl,JK<5rpa, Ion.
for irore,
crown, coping, cornice; an end, , 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act.
.oar^rjT^, -ov, b, (fr. KOCTJWCO to
conclusion. adorn) a dresser, adorner, em- KoTtffccTai, Poet, for KOTtce-
Kopwviaw -5, (fr. last) o be tipped bellisher; a director, regulator. TOI, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of
or horned ; to bend, curve, crook ; gufde, ruler, gove^jftr, master or Kort'w -w, f. -rjffd) and -firw, p. KtK6~
lo lift the head, put forth the mistress. TrjKa, and -tua, (fr. KOTOS grudge)
horns ; act haughtily, behave in- crpr/TiKbs, -rj, -ov, (fr. same to be^
angry, entertain malice or
solently. adorning, embellishing, orna- revenge ; to
envy, grudge, hate.
Kopum'^o), (fr. a jackdaw)
Kop&vr) mental, cosmetic. KOT^US, -ritaaa, -ntv, (fr. last) an-
to beg toith a jackdaw, like show- o-jujyrof, ->), -dv, (fr. same) adorn- gry, provoked, irritated ; jealous,
men who taught that bird tricks ed, embellished, ornamented; ar- envious, spiteful, malicious.
to get money. ranged regulated, adjusted, set- KoTivrj<p6pos, -ov, b, %, (fr. next,

Kopomj, -teas, fj, (fr. Kopwvrj a tled; neat, decent, orderly, be-
and 0/poj to carry) bearing or co-
point) c ship with a raised head coming. verea with the wild olive.
or prow, and certain high orna- K.ovp/rope, n. du.
of KoYiVo?, -ov, b or j}, the wild olive ;
mental works on the stern; and cr/Li^Twp, -opoj, 6, (fr. (co f'w to a garland or crown of it.
thence hollow or sunk in the mid- array) a prince, ruler, chief, KOTIS, -*i6o$, fi,
the top, and back of
dle ; beaked, armed ; commander. the head.
curved, leader,
hollow ; with curling horns ; a o^y/co ?, -iy, -ov, (fr. Koff/ the KOTIJ, anger, rancour, grudge.
**tight, top,peak; an end, con- "world) worldly, temporal, sen- KOTOS, -ov, b, and K<5rov, -ov, TO, ha-
clusion. sual. bit, manner, disposition; grudge,
Kopuvotrouf and KopaKdVouj, -0005, Kdoynov, -ov, TO, (neut. of next) rancour, malice, spite ; anger,
b or (fr. Kop&vrj a crow, or See hatred ; envy, jealousy.
, decency, propriety, order.
a raven, and TTOUS a KoTTd(3icns, -ioj, Att. -EWJ, ft, play-
K<5pa foot)
the herb crowfoot. -a, or b, ing at.
KoV/noj, -ov, -ov, f/, (fr.
Kopwwj, -ov, I, f> (fr. Kop&vt] a Koaniw to regulate) well regu- KdTTallos, and K<5o-o-a/3oj, -ov, 6,
height) high, lofty, elevated, lated ; orderly, decent, sober, mo- a sportive convivial game; the
raised ; raising or smack or dash of wine flung
tossing the dest, becoming; fine, neat, ele-
head ; haughty, proud. out of the glass ; sound of the
-Kdffioi, -at, -a, the centesimal ter- empty cup turned down on the
KoffjjLidTTjs, -TITOS, rj, (fr. last) mo-
mination of the ordinal nume- table.
deration, equanimity, calmness,
rals from one hundred to a thou-
temperance ; sobriety, modesty, KoTTfd) or KOTTW, (fr. AcdTrrw) to
sand, as StcKdcioi, -ai, -a, two bashfulness; regularity, order; beat violently, lash, scourge, flog ;
hundred, &c. neatness, elegance, grace, come- to throw, fling, dash.
"KoaKivriSov, (fr. K.6anivov a sieve) back of
liness, beauty ; decency, pro- K6TTri, -ris, fi, the head;
like a tie we.
the head.
Koo-Kiv6>avri, -toj, Alt. -jwj, ;
,, Kofffuws, (fr. KoV/uof decent) or- KoTT^o), (fr. KdTTOs a die) to play
(fr. same, and /mvi-jj a diviner)
derly, decently, becomingly, pro- at dice.
one who divines with a sieve, who perly, fitly ; KoTTi<TTris,-ov, b, (fr. same) aplny-
modestly, soberly.
uses a sieve to tell fortunes. er at dice ; a gambler, gamester.
Koo-^o/cparojp, -opoj, 6, (fr. Kdfffios
K6ffKivov, -ov, TO, a sieve. the
world, and Kparew to bear KdTTos, -ov, b, ( perhaps /c<Jrrw &
KoffKivomibs, -ov, fj, (fr. last, and to fling) a die, dicc/pt cock.
b, sway) the ruler or prince of this
noifd) to make) a sieve-maker.
world, Satan; a king, prince, Also a man's name.
K.oaKv\fj.dTia, -cov, TO., cuttings or governor, a. pi. KoanoicpdTopas. KoriJX?/, -J7s, % a measure of half a
parings of leather, useless scraps ; KoVuov, -ov,TO, a beast of burden. small vessel ;
pint or pound; any
worthless information, insignifi-
KotTf/of, -ov, b, order, distribution, a cup, saucer, pan, glass ; a ca-
cant discourse. hand, hollow
arrangement, regularity ; me- vity ; palm of
the foot ; the hollow in the watch, guard, custody ; a guard, shout) a bawler, shouter. Adj,
claws or feelers of the polypus; sentry, keeper. clamorous, noisy, chattering.
and KOI same as
a cup or hollow in one bone K.OVTI, Kourt?, for KOI ov-i, ayrjiu, Kpa^w. pres.
which receives another as in a OlTtf. impr. act. KodynQij by redupl.
socket. Kou<a, KovQuf, (fr. Kov<po 5 h'ght) KtKpdynQi, by Sync. Kfxpaj(Qi.
nimbly ; gen- SJaii/ci) or Kpa5a> ->, (fr.
Poet, for KOTv\rjo6- slightly ; lightly, tcpdorj
a fig-branch) to shake, brandish,
vwv, g. pi. of tly, easily.
u-ave, flourish. to
Korv\t]6uv, -oVof, b, same
as KOTV- v^ovffai', a. sin. fern. par. pres. Kpaau>o/iai,
or pen- act. of vibrate, quive{, tremble, throb,
X>,, also, the herb cotyledon
vQifa, f.
-to-oj, p. KKov(f>iKa, (fr. palpitate.
nywort. a shoot or branch of
KoTV\rjpvros, -ov, 6, f,, (fr. KOTV\r, next) to lighten, ease, alleviate, , -???, )/,

the fig-tree ; any leaf, bough ;

cup, andptu to flow) running
a. assuage, mitigate ; to succour,
the wild fig ; a theatrical ma-
in cupfulls or handfulls, pouring help, relieve ; to comfort, con-
sole ; to raise ; to expedite, chine.
as from a cup.
hasten ; to be light, active or Kpaon<popta, -as, fi, (fr. last, and
KoYuAoj, -ov, b, a cup or small vessel
see. 1 a. ind. act. to carry) the carrying of
containing a KorvXn- wlych swift. tKov^iaa. <plpu)
fig-branches ; a festival at
Kdruj, -vos, or Korurw, -oos -ovs, q, K.ov(po$,-n,-ov,light,not heavy, airy
the demon of debauchery. buoyant ; eaxy, tolerable ; slight,
and Ion.
KpaSirj, -us
Korurria, -av, ra, (fr. last) the small, puny ; trifling, insignifi- KpaSia, -as,
festival or orgies of
that demon ; cant, trivial ; swift, nimble,
ac- by Metath. for *ap<5/a. ,

lewdness. tive ; fickle, inconstant, capri- pa(5oj, -ou, fi,

same as Kodon.
profligacy, debauchery,
cious; gentle, mild, kind, favour K.pdit,
3 sin. -fyyuv, 1 pi. pres.
Kov, Ion. for trou.
a man's name. able. ind. act. Kpd^eiv, pres. inf.
Kouaprof, -ov, b, comp. Kov^drepos, sup.
act. a. -ov-
an insect living under -oraroj. Kpa^wv,-ouo-a,-ov,
water vessels ; a wood-louse. ouipo'w -w, same as TO, pi. n. -ovTj, g. -%6vTtav, a.
see act. of
KOVK, KovKtd", for /cat OVK, and nal ou0wj, Kov<j>a. -oi>raf, par. pres.
KocfiZi/oj, -ou, 6, a basket, pannier, Kpaw,
OVKfTt. -^cu, p. KfKpa%a, cry,

KOVKI, TO, the name of a tree, also hamper ; a case, chest, coffin ; a shout, bawl, clamour, vociferate ;
measure of liquids and to exclaim, call upon, invoke ; to
its fruit. dry
call for, demand ; to croak, caw,
KouAwj, Ion. for Ko\6$. things among the Boeotians.
Kovfii, Heb. arise. af, -aKog, b, a pebble, flint, chatter, roar. impf. act. f*pa-
small stone ; a heap of pebbles ; ov. 1 a. ind. act. m>aa, and
Koupa, -a?, $, (fr. Ktlpu to clip) a
a rock. 1 f. mid.
clipping, shearing, shaving, par- sharp tKficpat-a. Kpa|o^a. per.
; a razor.
ind. mid. Kfxpaya. ppfut. Kt-
ing, polling , Tb, -ou, (fr.

-tos, Att. -fuj, 8, (fr. a spoon, spoonful.

Koupzij, )

same) a barber. a;, -ou, 6, a spiral or turbi- ls, -twa, -ev, par. 1 a. pass.

Kovoevrpia, -af, jj, (fr. same) a sfce nated shell ; a snail or perri-
barber. winkle ; a screw ; a machine for K.pa6rjvai, by Sync,
a bar- raising water. 1 a. inf. pass, of
Koupsua), f. -u<r(i>, (fr. icovpevs /cparfw.
ber) to shave ; to clip, shear. ^Atj, -ttos, fi t the shell-fish from KpaiVu, and Poet. Kpata/vu, f.

Ion. for <6pn. which the purple or scarlet was -aVw, p.

KtKpaKa, perfect, to
Koup>7, -n$, tj,
HovprjTcs, -wv, ol, Lat. Curetes, got; a perriwinkle. finish, complete ; to effect, ac-
priests of Rhea, or Cybele, call- , -ou, 6,
a shell ; a shell-fish complish, fulfil ; to create,
ed also Corybantes. muscle, cockle, snail. frame, form ; to command, rule,
for icd- to vfhirl, turn, wind, roll govern to satisfy, content, gra-
fLovpfiTns, -ov, b, (fr. Kovpo$, ^Aw, ;

a youth) a grown young man. twist, writhe or wreathe. tify. 1 a. ind. act.
THovpias, -ou, 6, (fr. Kovpevs
a bar- ^oy, -ou, 6, abundant moisture Att.
tKprjva' impr. icpfivov, and
ber, th. to shave) shaved, copious dew, violent perspiration Poet. per. ind. pass.
Kdpu Kpfjnvov.
smooth. KfKpa/j.ai.
1 f. mid. Kpavovpai'
for and Ko^ut oxw, Ion. for inf.
KpavaaBai' and Poet,
Koupfflio?, -a,-ov, (fr. Koupojlon, b), irpa-
x6po s young)marriageable; youth- ^U^OJ -w, and Ko^uw, (fr. K6% vitaQai.

ful, manly ; young, blooming ; moisture) to run, trickle, drop KpajjraAaa), and KpairraAfu -5, f.
a abundantly ; to run with ->}o-a>, (fr. next) to be drunk or
Subs, a bridegroom ; bride. to flow

(fr. same) to be youthful, a noise, murmur, purl. intoxicated ; to be sick after

bloom ; to behave
youthfully, xwr;;, -w, f/, and K^wvov, -ou, drinking, have a headach.
sport, play ; fondle, caress ;
to TO, the hip joint, the hip ; tht Kpanrd\n, -rjs, //, (perhaps fr. upas
to rear from childhood. thigh. the head, and irdAAu to shake)
KovpiKds, -v, -ov,(fr. Kovpd shaving, ipas, -aaa, -av, par. 1 a. act
a surfeit, debauch ; headach,
th. Kipo> to clip) barber-like,of a K<5i//ev,
Ion. for f*oi//c, 3 sin, dizziness after drink; revelling,
barber, shaving. 1 a. ind. act.
KoipovTat, 3 pi feasting, rioting, drunkenness.
1 f. ind. mid. of /cdnrw.
Koupi, (fr. same) by the beard, by KpatTraA^w, f. -?<TW, (fr. last) to
the hair. Or, (fr. Kovpos a youth) Ko'^t/jo?, -ou, fi, a tree resembling feast, revel, be riotous ; to indulge
youthfully, eagerly, ardently. the medlar. or exceed in eating or drinking,
and Kovpdov, -ou, TO, (fr. Ko^u^os or K<%KO?, -ou, o, same be drunk or intoxicated.

oupu? a barber) a barber's shop. as Koo-o-u0of. Kpaiirvd, and Koat*v<2<;, (fr. next)
Kovp^t, ale, beer, porter. Kpaavov, for icpavov, Att. for Kpr/vov swiftly, rapidly ; quickly, soon,
Ion. for a youth, 'l a. impr. act. of
Koupos, jcfyo?, Kpaivta. speedily.
young person. Kpoaj, -aroj, TO, the head. Kpaiirvds, -f), -o>, swift, quick,
child- for of nimble, active.
Kovpoavvrj, -tjs, //, (fr. last) Kpaar', Apoc. xpaara t pi. pid ; speedy,
hood, infancy ; youth. last. fr.
KpaTpa, -as, f,, (perhaps icdpa
of xoupoj. or the head) the head ; the top, end,
JLovportpos, -a, -ov,comp. Kpa',3aros Kpd00& T o S, -ov, b,
KovpoTp6<J>os, -ou, 6, f], (fr. icovpos
a mattress, palias, pallet. extremity; a yardarm.
youth, and rp/^w to rear) rear -175, 17, Kpdytav or nXrjs, -ov, b, a king. KpaAaiva,
Kpdyyrj, Kpay-
ing young persons ; breeding a ywv, -ovoj,6, a kind of lobster. -as, fa a queen.
warlike race, feeding men. to
Kpayth, -u<ra, -fv, par. Kpay Kpa/ia, -5ros, TO,
(fr. KCpdvwui
HtniffTtaoia, -as, %, (fr.
Lat. cus- 'va:, inf. 2 a. pass, of K$d$a. mix) o mixture particularly of
todia, afeguard) care, charge, K/)rtv/r77c, -ou, 6. (fr. Knd?v to ii'ine find water ; liquor.
-175, fj, coleworts, cabbage, bravery, fortitude, firmness, re- pi. cont. pres. sub. act.
cauliflower. Ttjeas, n- pi. -aavres, par. 1 a.
2 cont. pres. impr.
KapT^o-i, 3 sin. 1 f. ind.
Kpa>/?o?, -?;, -ov, dry, clean, neat, KpaTatovo-dt, pi. act.

delicate. Subs, a disease mid. of act

KpdTricov, -UTW, 2 pi. r ^-
vines from
drought, blight. Kparai6u> -&, f. -wffw, p. KeKoaTaiui- o-T, 1 a. impr. act. KpTi}-
ffweri, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of Kp-
Ka, (fr. same) to
Kpa/i/?o0ayo?, -ov, 6, (ft. Kodf strengthen,
cabbage, and 0dywto eat) cab- make invigorate ; to cor- strong, Tf'o).

bage-eater, the name of a frog. roborate, enforce, confirm ; to

mrriy'mu'yos, -ov, b, ;, (fr. KpaTfw
Koa^a, -af , Kpariat^?, -wv, Dor. for prevail over, be powerful or to prevail, and
/xa^ai to fight)
and Kprjvtdoes- brave, pres. impr. mid. victorious.
the Taiuov -ov. impf. mid.
Kpavabs, -d, -or, (fr. Kap>ivov /cpuTato<5- ya-rjo-t-ovs, -ooos, b, >;, (fr. same,
top) steep, rog7j, rugged, moun- \irjv -ov/irjv. 1 a.
pass. ind. tKpa- and TTot/s the foot) swift of
tainous, barren, wild. Tatwdrjv. conquering at the foot-race.
Kpavio-6ai, by Poet. Dial, for K KpaTaiTrovs, -o5os, b, f], (fr. Koaraibg
~os, -ov, b, fh (fr. same,
VEiaQai, 1 f. inf. mid. of Kpatvi strong, and TTOVS a foot) strong- and iV^oj a horse) victorious
Kpavda, -as, i),
the corneil tree or footed, horny-footed, lusty. with horses, owning horses that
wild cherry. KpaTauaBfjvai, 1 a. inf. pass, of won.
Kpdveiov, -ov, rb. (fr. Kodvov the Kpdrrjcrts, -ios, Att. -tu$, fa (&
skull) a headpiece, casque, hel- -aTOSy TO, (fr. /.-paraioj
, same) power, rule, authority,
met. strong) strength, stability, firm- sway, reign, government, empire,
KpavidSav, Dor. for KpavidSwv, g. ness ; a fortress,
dominion ; retention, restraint.
pi. of strong hold; the firmament. Kpcm, d. sin. of xrpaj.
K-pavidSes, -wv, ai, see icpdva. paTat&s, (fr. same) strongly, KpdTiara, (fr. next) most ally,
KpavtSes, Dor. for Koyviczs, pi. of firmly, resolutely, bravely ; vehe- excellently, best.
mently, earnestly. KpdTiffros, -i], -ov, (sup. fr. KpaToj
Kpaviov, -ou, TO, (fr. Kapvvov the paTUMcrts, -ios, Att. -&, i/j (fr. strength) most powerful, strong-
head) <&e sfcutf, Ttead ; a kind of same) strength; a strengthening, .cst, bravest, best, most excellent.
cup. confirmation, conoboration. KpaTOf, -oj -ouj, TO, strength, firm-
Kpaviwv, -ovos, 6, (fr. last) skutt, a paTi -a, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. ness, stability ; courage, resolu-
fictitious name. KpaTfE -ti, 2 sin. pres. impr. tion, fortitude ; endurance, per-
Kpdvov, -ov, rb, (fr. Kdprjvov the KpaTfTf , 2 sin.
KpamT, -TOVCI, severance ; power, ability, effi-
head) ^e skull. 2 and 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. cacy, might ; superiority, sway,
Kpavos, -so?, TO, (fr. same) a head- KpaTdv, act. KpaTtlo-Qat, authority, dominion, rule, em-
piece, helmet. pass. pres. inf. cont. of KpaTiu. pire, reign, command ; glory,
KpavTrjp, -rjpos,
and Kpdvri^p, -opo j, pdTt -ti, d. sin. of fame, renown ; victory, conquest,
6, (fr. Kpaivw to finish) a maker, paTcpawv, Jfiol. for
KpaTcpwv, g. subjugation ; force, violence ;
effecter, worker, finisher, au- pi. of the wrist, d.
Kpdru -et.
thor ; a of
ruler, prince, chief, paTcpbs, -d, -ov, (fr. Kpdros KpaTbs, g. >cpas.
governor. strength) same as KapTspos. KpaToj, -i], -ov, (fr. Kfdvvvp.i to

Kpdfrs, -atra, -av, n.

-|avT?, a. sin. of mix) mixed, mingled, blended,
pi. oa.Tep6(j>pov , for-0pova,
1 a. act -- Kpafw, -as, -u, KpaTp6<j>pti)v, -ovos, b, {/, same as tempered.
f. ind. act. of
fcpau>. K.paTovvTs, -wv, ol, (n. pi. cont.
Kpd$, -aToj, cont. for Kpdas- , -vYo$, b, f), (fr. KpctTE- par. pres. act. of *rpaTo> to
Kpaj, -a>oj, cont. for /cpfaf. pbs strong, and ovv^s. hoof) hav- rule) masters, owners, possessors,
Kpaatj -tos, Att. -w?, ^, (fr. Kepdv- ing hard, firm or strong claws
vvfii to mix) a mixture, ming- or hoofs, sound-footed. KpaTiivw, (fr. next) to fortify,
ling, blending, tempering; the KpaT(5u>f, (fr. same) same as KUO- strengthen, make strong ; to en-
figure Crasis. force, corroborate, confirm ; to
Kpdcrtrtoov, -ov, TO, (fr. Kptfidd) to aTDT<H, -wv, a, (fr. Kodros rule, govern, command.
hang, and neoov the ground) J/ie strength) spit-racks. Kpa-rvs-tia, -ii,|(fr. KpaTos strength)
border or Tiem o/" a dress ; a JEol. of last. strong, potent, able ; ingenious,
fpaTVTawv, g. pi.
fringe, flounce ; a lace, tassel, Kparfu -w, f. -rjffw, p. KtKoaTT)Ka, crafty, clever.
tuft ; an extremity, edge, mar- (fr. same)
to toaue <Ae mastery, KpaTw^Ev, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub.

gin, verge ; a brink, bank, bor- bear sway, command, rule, go- act.
KpaT5v, g. -TOVVTOS, par.
der, shore ; the foot of a moun- vern; to conquer, subdue, over- pres. act. cont. of /cpaT/w.
tain ; a priesfs robe, surplice. come; to prevail, surmount; to K.pawya$6vTb)v, g. pi. par. pres. act.
Kpaorif, -ios, Att. -ECUS, fj,
same as excel, surpass, exceed ; to
ypdffTis. hold on, become master of, take, Kpauya^w, f. -aaa), p. KSKpavyaita,
and a shout) to cry out,
Kp^Taiyof, -on, KpaTaiywv, seize, retain, keep ; to own, pos- (fr. Kpavyfi
-iavos, b, the wild service-tree, sess., enjoy ;
to take hold of, em- vociferate, exclaim ; to squall,
hawthorn. brace ; to confine, restrain, con- whine.
KparaiycaAo?, -on, b, ;, (fr. Kpa- strain, repress
; to .
Kpavydvto, same as last.
Taii*;, strong, and yva\ov the recollect ; to endure, persevere, Kpavydo-ei, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of

palm) strong-handed, firm, lusty, persist in. 1 a. act. ind.

able, hardy ; bold, valiant, brave ; cra'
impr. KpaTriaov, -aTu>' sub. Kpavyaci$iis,-ov, b, (fr. next)
strengthening. inf. er ; the name of a
(cpan/o-o), -ijs, -y' KpaTrjcrai" frog.
KpaTauj, -ioos, '/, (fr. same, and par. KpaTrjaag. per. inf. act. KE- Kpauy?, -T]$, fj, (fr. Kpa'a> to shout)
strength) might, strength, impf. pass. zicpaTtd-
a cry, shriek, shout ; clamour,
greatness, power. 3 pi. -foiro -OWTO.
y.rjv -OV/JLTJV, in din, vociferation ; complaint, out-
KpaTaids, -d, -bv, (fr. KpaTOs per. ind. pass. KCKpaTrmai, in 3 cry.
strength) powerful, mighty, pi. KZKpdTrjvTai. 1 a. ind. pass. Kpaupof, -a, -ov, dry, harsh, parch-
vehement, forcible ; brave, va- ed, crusty, hardened.
Subs, a
cKpaTi'iBw par. KpaTr)9eis-
liant, bold, hardy ; able, strong, and Ion. wen ; a sore ; a diseaSf~in cat-
aTrip, Kp??T^p, -ripos, b,
robust. to mix) a bowl, tle.
(fr. Kcpavvvpi
KjWZTacon;?, -J7TOJ, f,, (fr. last) basin, goblet ; a crater, mouth of Kp/a, cont. from Kp&Ta, pi-
might, power, force ; strength, a volcano, of a well or pit. Kplas.
-Tr,, 2 and 3 sin. -rijrt, 2 Kocaypa, -as, f>> (fr. *pfas
hardihood, ttoutness ; courage, flesh.

and dypa a catch) a KU to creak) a
flesh- hook ;
bird 0771 i- 3 sin. impf. act. of
nows /cr wedding i^e /zair. last.'
flesh-fork ; a harpoon, grapple.
f'w -w, f. ->/<ru, (fr. same, Kptotaa, Dor. for xpfovaa, (n. fem.
' next)
(fr. to cast down
par. pres. act. of K-pao
to headlong, fling over a predpice,
and to divide) to cut up reign)
carve ; to cook, a royal lady, queen. Also C're- throw down,
meat, divide hurl, precipi-
dress victuals to on. wso, a woman's name. tate.
; eat, feed
Alt. Kpcouoy/w -w, (fr. vptoupyas a
Kp/as, g. A-p/aTos, Ion. KOfaos, ~Kpt)ltvd$,-ov, b, (fr. jcp^awtohang)
n. a. pi. 'butcher) to be a butcher,
cut up an overhanging
rock, precipice,
Konos, rb, meat, flesh,
Kptdrw, flesh, cook or dress
meat. steep ridge, bank, shore.
!, Knt(i<i, KOCI. i.'.

Koedwv and Kptwv. (fr. same) like a Kpitytv6*T77s, -7Tos, fi, (fr.
K.pcovpyT]3bv, last) steep-
Poet, and Dor. for upt- butcher, butcherly, in small pieces, ness, abrupt declivity.
'ovffa, n, fem. par. pres.
act. of piecemeal. Kp>?fn'3T77s, -ov, o, (fr. same) a

Subs, a 7' Kpeovpyia, -as, v, (fr. same) butch- fountain, spring ; a waterfall.
Kperov, -ou, TO, (fr. Kpari meat)
a ery, cutting up of meat / a dis- Kp7//vw<*7s, -cos -ous, b, {h (fr.
tribution of meat same) precipitous, abrupt, rug- .

flesh-pot, pan, boiler. ;

a sin. of Kpduv.
tbmghter. ged, steep, craggy.
K/)?os, -ou, o, a man's name. ptovpyhs, -ov, b, (fr. Kpias flesh, KpTjvai, 1 a. inf. act. Kpjjvov, 1
-;, neut. pi. r
'and jpyov work) a butcher ; an 'a. impr. act.
Kp(rffoi cf, oficpaivia.
n. pi. mas. Koet'o-iroo-t and Kot- inferior priest or servant who Kprjvalof, -a, -ov, (fr. Kptfvii
trrofft, d. pi.
killed the victim. a
spring) of fountain, springing,
Kpttffc-orrv.'os, -ov, o, ;, (fr. next, Kp/ovc-a, -aj, $, see in rpfoiua. bubbling, gushing.
and TIKVOV an offspring) 6eer KpfVcrov^s, n. pi. of YLpnvatav, 2EtCi\. for
icprivwv, g. pi.
than children. KptVo-wv, Dor.
for ; same.
Kpf'w, and a spring, fountain,
or -TTWV, -ovos, 6, Poet. to rufc, ^o- Kot/vrr, -7s,
Kp/w, ';,

'(comp. fr.
A-paVos strength,
vern, command, reign, well, source .

a cistern, reservoir*
attributed to aya^ds good) Tnore Icing. pond.
'', superior ; stronger, Katufiportu -w,
-;'o-w, (fr. Kolas -wv, a?, Nymphs of the

braver, more valiant ; more ex- flesh, and /3pwcKCi> to eat) wells.

cellent, better. Ol the or /ire on flesh. (dim. of -/co?,

KpnTTovcs, //,

great ones, gods. Cp/wv, -OTTOS, 6, (par. pres. act.

of fountain) a little well; a pool.
Poet, for par \-pfw to reign) a king, prince, Kpr>ir idow -u>, f. -w<rw, (fr. Kpn-ris a
Kpt'u>, x-p/w. \

pres. act. Kpduv, -ovaa, -ov, g ruler, chief. A man's name. j

shoe) to shoe, put on shoes ; to

-OVTOS. Kpwirw>i?s, -of, b, (fr. Koias flesh, found, lay a foundation.

Kpn'wv, -OVTOS, o, (par. pres. act.
and rwXfu to sell) a butcher,
'of last) a ruler, king, prince.
a man's name.
Kpet&v, Poet. for/tpswv, g. pi.
of Kptag.
KpiKia, f. -w, p. -%a, (ft.
a shuttle) to strike with the shut-
tle or reed in weaving ; to
rap, knock ; to creak, grate.
Kp/Jaw, f- -<rw,same as Kpsudia.
2 a. ind. act.

Kpf\iapat, -aai, -rai, 3 pi. -;rrti,

'pass, or mid. according to the
form of verbs in -j.it, same
par. pres. pass, /cos

rOai, 1 a. inf. mid Kpt-

n. pi. -travrc
ftdo'as, -asa, -av,
par. 1 a. act. KocfiaffBus, -tin,
tv, g. pi. -cdfvrtov, par. 1 a. pass
.-jOrj. 3 sin. 1 a. sub
pass. KpcpdcOfivai, I a. inf.

-ryfOS, 6, (fr. *:p/mCi) tO

hang) that by which ?;

a feeft, g-/r
&c. a muscle, nerve.

patac-TjJptoj, -ou, 6, fi, (fr. same'

hanging, suspend
-n, -OV, (fr. Sa"
p, suspended.
., and
-ac-w, p. -a/ca, to rtan.e
,>en^ to ; to zw-

pentf, /zcm- over ; to keep or holr

to he hanging, hang to
1 a. ind. act.
pass. ind. EKatudaQnv sub.

-ou, TO, a ra'

'nrt, timbrel, cymbal,

pifivs, -vo~, 6, some kind of fish.

Kplf, , and *p//c<zc, (fr.

Bosot. Sync, for
KpWsv, eKptdrjoav, cation, award, determination, de- KpoVio?, -a, -ov, (fr. same) iam &e
3 pi. 1 a. ind.
pass, of /cpi'vw.
cision ; an opinion, judgment, last.

Kp?0>/, -m, hi by Apoc. Kpt, barley. sentence; a decree, act, statute ; Kpovlwv, -twos, b, (fr. same) same
K.pi6>iT, -0w<n,
2 condemnation, punishment ; as Kpovtotjs.
and 3 pi.
1 a. sub. pass. Kpt- accusation, charge; a trial, suit, Kp6vos, -ov, b, Chronus, or Eng.
0j7ff<70, -aovraj, 2 and 3 pi. 1 f. controversy ; an estimation, va- Saturn; time, antiquity ; a harsh,
ind. pass, ef
/ep<vw. luation, rate ; a crisis, event, peevish old person.
Kjji'0ft/oj, -77, -ov, and KpiQii>dr)s,-Eos incident, turn, periodical change, Kpoo-aal, -wv, at, (fr. next) any
-ov?, 6, #, (fr. /cptO^ barley) o/ alteration, d. a. jagged edge resembling lace or
Kpiact, Kpicriv, pi.
fringe ; the battlements, pinna-
of same. - cles or merlons of a fort a lad-
g. pi. JtffKoava, -wv, cose, desk, ;
Kp'/tv, Ion. for KfKpiKe, 3 sin. per prtss, cabinet. der, staircase.
ind. act. of
Kpifo or of ji<ritos,-ov, b, (fr. the Lat.)Cris- Kpooabs, and Kpuo'ffo'j, -ov, 6,
Or, Ion. and Poet, pus, a man's name.
edge of any garment ; a border,
y, 3 sin. 2 of KpiTfjpiov, -ov, TO, (fr.
a. ind. act.
to hem, selvedge ; a facing or lapel ;
judge) the right, power or autho- lace, fringe, flounce.
y, -ou, 6, same rity of judgment, jurisdiction ; a Kpoo-ffwrdj, and Kpwc-o-coro'j, -ou, 6,
Kplpa, -ros, (fr. trial, suit, controversy ; a judg- fj, bordered, laced, fringed,
}udge)jiidg ment, decision, 'sen- ment-seat, tribunal, court or bench ed, wreathed. Subs. mas. a
tence, condemnation ; punish- ofjudges ; a ticket or note of th laced coat, bordered robe, fringed
ment, penalty, flne ; . a decree, opinion or vote ; a criterion, trial, or flounced dress. Subs. neut. a
act, statute ; a lawsuit, trial, li- proof. chain.
tigation, d. KpijjiaTi. .pi-ri$, -ov, b, (fr. same) a judge, K.p6a<pos, -ov, b,
the head of a wea-
Kpipvov, -ov, TO, meal, coarse flour ; umpire, arbi pon the iron point at the foot of
barley. same) critical, a spear ; a dart, javelin, &c.
->7, -ov, (fr.
KpFvat, 1 a. inf.
Kpj'va?, -aaa, -av, exact, particular, accurate ; ju- KporaX^w, f.
next) to
-raw, (fr.
1 a. act. to beat, strike in
paft Kptva/*Evo?, -n, dicious, ingenious, shrewd, in- rattle, clatter ;
-ov, par. 1 a. mid. order to make a noise ; to set out
Kptvavro, telligent, judging, judicial, con-
Ion. for EKoivavTo, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. troversial, litigious ; periodical,
with noise, go off" rattling or clat-
mid. causing or attended by a regu-
Kp/v, Ion. for IKOIVC, 3, tering.

Kplvere, 2 pi. Subs, a critic, cen KpoYaAov, -ov, TO,

sin. lar change. KOOTEW to
impf. act. (fr.
pres. ind. or impr. act sor, censurer. beat) a Castanet; a rattle,
Poet, for 3 pi. -ov, (fr. same) chosen, brel, cymbal.
, Kptvwcri, KpiTos, -fi,

pres. sub. act. of /cpjvu. culled, select, choice, excellent, KpoYaAoj, -ov, 6, (fr. same) a talk-
ative person, babbler, rattler.
"KpivdfVTes, for KpiO(VTcs,n. pi. par. eminent, notable, remarkable.
1 a.
pass, of same. Kptw, ?^,
a woman's name. Kpdra^oj, -ov, 6, (perhaps fr. *po-
a gourd ; a KpMfjta, -UTOS, TO, (fr.
Ttplvov, -ov, TO, a lily ; a ram) fw to strike, and a<>; the touch)
poor person ; a kind of dance. an ornament on. the chapiter of
Kolvov, -?, -, impf. or 2 a. ind. a column ; a frontispiece. ?/<rw, p. -rjKa, (fr. KpoYof
act. Ion. a stroke) to beat, strike, thump,
Kpwov, -drw, 1 a. Kpoa/vw, f. -avw, p. -ay*ca, (perhaps
impr. act. of KO'IVW. knock ; to lash with noise, clat-
Kpovw to beat) to prance, ca-
Kpfvo?, -o? -ovj, rb, a lily. per, toss the head ; to stamp ; to
ter ;to clap, applaud.

Kp/vw, f. -Yvw, p. KtKpiKa, to win- dance wantonly. -ou, b, (fr. Kpovu to beat)

now, sift, scarce ; to scrutinize, o63v\os, see a beating, striking; noise, cla-
examine ; to separate, distin- KpoZo-o?, -ov, 6, Croesus, a man's mour, din.
guish, discern ; to
choose, pick -ov, b, (perhaps fr. same)

out, cult, select, prefer ; to think, by Sync, for a. a stroke, thump ; a beating,
pd*a, KpoKiSa,
esteem ; to debate, argue, dis- sin. of
; clapping, applause. knocking
pute, contend, combat; to judge, KpoKa\t], -rjs, fi, (fr. next) the }drwv, -wj/o?, 6, a tick, doglouse ;
a disease of the lungs.
award, adjudge, regulate, lule, beach, strand, gravel or sand on
divide, distribute ; to resolve, de- the shore. )orwv?7, ->;?, /, (fr. last) a disease
termine, decide, decree, enact ; -is, fi, (fr- KO(K(a to strike) in the olive.

to sentence, condemn,
punish ; the woof or weft, mat is, the cross Kpovav, pres. inf. act. Kpoven, 2
accuse, charge, blame, cen- thread in weaving ; a thread ; pi. impr. act Kpovwv, d. -OVTI,
sure ; to interpret ; to interro- the shore, strand, beach. par. pres. act. of Kpovw.
gate, inquire, ask. 1 a. act. ind. K.poKts,-i8os, fj, (fr. same) the woof Kpovjtta,-aros,rd, (fr. *pova> to beat)
pr. Kplvov, -arw inf. or weft. See last. a concert, sound of musical in-
icptvaf par. 2 a. ind. act. a crocodile. struments ; a rattle, noise, din.
Kpivas. KpoK6oi\os, -ov, b,
SKptvov. per v ind. pass. K//cpfyai, poKous, -G<ra, -EV, (fr. A'poVo? saf- wwfioov, (fr. next) like a foun-
1 a . pass. ind. and tKaiv- tain or spring.
tKpidrjv, fron) of saffron ; saffron-colour-
6nv su.
sub. Koi,
-fj$, -fj- par. KOI- ed, yellow. Kpovvo ?, -ov, b, a spring, source,

6sis, and KoivQds. 1 f. ind.

pass. ?,-ov, b, it, (fr. last, and fountain ; a torrent, stream.
TTfrrXoi/ a robe) in a yellow dress, poviraXa, -wv, ra, "Kpov-nt^ai, -wv,
-ov, b, f), (fr. next, in a robe the colour of the dawn ; at, and Kpov<r<?ia, -wv, TO., wood-
and irp6ff<j)irov
the face) ram- saffron-coloured. en shoes, clogs.
faced, with the head of a ram. Kpd/co?, -ov, 6, Kp6Kov, -ov, TO, saf- povaas, -aaa, -av, g. -jravrof, par.
Kpidj, -ov, 6, a ram ; a battering- fron. 1 a. act. of Kpovw.
ram ; one of the signs of the zo- vov, and Poet. Kpfyvov, an Kpovo-<?, -to?, Att. -EM?,;/, (fr. Kpovu
diac ; a chief, leader. to
strike) a striking, beating,
K-piair], -T)$, ft,
a woman's name. povlSas, -ov, b, Dor. for knocking, clashing ;
a ringing
note or
Kp/otyo?, -ov, next) judi-
f>, >/, (fr. Saturn)
povioris, -ov,b, (fr. Kp<5vo? sound, noise ; a musical
cious, exact, scrupulous, critical, the son of Saturn, the Greek tone ; an overwhelming or drown-
particular ; on which a change Zeus, the Latin Jupiter. ing of another sound.
or event is expected ; or an to beat,
opi- povftco?, same) of Sa- Kpovw, f. -<7W, p. KiKpovKa,
-i), -ov, (fr.
nion may be formed ; hit ;
judicial, turn, Saturnian, ancient; aged, strike, thump, knock, rap,
with (lie right of judging. very nld, doting, impaired by to dash together, dang, dap ; to
play on
K<)f<n?, -<oj, Att. -swf , strike or th6 lyrt ;
'/, age.
row backwards or stern foremost. s,
and Kpd/3uAo?, -ov, b, the a. inf. act.

1 a. ind. act. fKpovca. *hair thrown back or braided up ; -uffa, -av, a. sin. KTffvavra, par,
and Dor. a lock, curl, braid. 1 a. act, 2 sin. pres.
KpvpSa, Kpi'/3<V, Kp<5,3-
a croak-
lav, (fr. to hide) secretly, pwypd?, -ov, b, (fr. next) impr. act. KT^VET' for Krrf-
privately, privily, unknown to, ing, cawing. VETE, pi. pres. ind. or impr. act.
without the knowledge of. pww, f.
to croak, caw; to Kr(Vfui-at,Dor. for Krivv,
2 a. pass. to prate idly. inf. act.
Kpu/tos, -uaa, -tv, par. speak hoarsely ; pres. Kra'vorflai,
'nvai, 2 a. inf. pass. Kpu- -aKOf, b, same as /cAw/*a.
ptitfia^, pres. inf.
pass -- Kra6>vos,
2 ind. pass. a bilhook, prun- -ov, par. pres. pass. Kr-
firiffonai, -//, -er<n,
pu-iov, -ov, TO, -11,

of Kpvir-na. >fe. , vS>, f. ind. act. of

a water-vessel, pit-
(fr. same) same as KptpSa. puiaads, -ov, b, TEWD, /CTEVW, p. tKruKa, to kiUt

cher, bucket, pail. See also /cpoa-


slay, put to death. 1 a. ind. act.

Kpufpo ?, and Ion. Kpvcoolos, -a,
-ov, K pvos cold) co/d, cfo'Hy, iKTUva. 2 a. ind. act. ravov,

frigid ; shivering, benumbing. fldMro-orov, -oC, TO, same as Kpoo-- also Krtjfit, fKTtjv,-ns, -r), in 3

OOTOV, in xpoaaoTds. pi. [Krrjaav, and Dor. rav, -as,

KpS<$t$, -o-o-a, -j>, (fr. next) coW,
cA%; chilling, frightful. piuTr/pidfa,
to cut off" the ensigns
-a, in 3 pi. tttraaav, by Sync.
or ornaments of captured ships. fxrav and KTUV, both in 1 sin.
Kpvos, -cos -ot>?, rb, and Kpfyo"?,
-oD, 6, coW, frost, ice,
chilliness. Kra, Ion. for iK~a, Apoc. for //cra- and 3 pi. * per. ind. pass, iicra-
Kpi'Trd<5<j$, -a, -ov, Poet,
*pi?r- ve, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of xravw. pai. 1 a. ind. pass, eicrdvd^v. 1

r<Jj. Kro>v, Ion. and Kro>vai, Dor. f. ind. pass. KTavQftaopai. per.
f. -aa-w, to cover up, for *T7vat, 1 a. inf. act. of KTU- ind. mid. rova, Poet. <cova and
hide, conceal. vw. Or they are so for /cravat, KfKOVa.
KpvirrdffKu, Ion. for KOVITT<I). pres. inf. act. of Krrj^i, same as rds, -voj, 5, a comb.
KpunTE, Ion. for .p7rr, 3 sin. KTtivta. (fr. last) to comb.
f. -Yaw,
impf. act of same. Kraufvoto, Ion. for Krapfvov, g. sin. and
KpuTr-frcdj, -;), -o"v, (fr. Kpv-Tw to of
hide) secret, clandestine; close, Kra/*voj, -rj, -ov, par. of Krdfir]v, Krvw, -??, -?, 1 f. ind., act. of
artful. 2 a. ind. mid. of /crFJ^t, same as same.
Kpi/Tirdff, -j), -dv, (fr. same) hidden, KTtivu. Or, by Sync, for KTCI- rf'paj, -aroj, TO, (r. Krao//at to
concealed, private, secret. va//voj, par. of cKTivd[i.T]f, 1 a. possess) a possesson, properly ;
XpUTrrw, -i|w, p. KfKpvQa, to hide,
f. ind. mid. of Kravu. a gift, present.
cover, conceal; to disguise, dis- Krdv, Ion. for inrav, which by KTtpta, -uv, Tti, (pjrhaps fr. KTdot
semble, counterfeit, pretend ; to Sync, for t KTrjaav, 3 pi. of IKTTIV. to kill) a funeal, burial, exe-
protect; to bury. 1 a. act. ind. 2 a. ind. act. of KTTJUI. ; a sacriiee for the dead quies
iKpvipa" sub. /cpu^w, -???, -n' par. rdvc. Ion. for jVruvc, 3 sin. 2 a or to the shaizs ; funeral ho-
Kpv-^ag. 2 a. ind. act. (KpiS$ov. ind. act. of Krmu>. nours.
Dial, for KTavtlcdat
per. ind. pass. KiKpvfiftat. KTtpd^d) and KTplfa, -feu, Att.
1 a. f.
rr-vtcadai, by
ind. pass. 2 a.
Kpv<f>6r}v. pass. 2 f. inf. mid. Krav/ovr?, by -5 and-tfw, (r. lastj to perform
ind. Dial, for KT<ZVOI/VTJ, n. a funeral, ceebrate burial rites,
tKpv.Srjv inf. Kpv(3tjvai' par. pi. par,
2 f. act. KravfWt, by Dial inter, bury.
, (fr. last) privately, in se- for K-ravovfft, 3 pi. 2 f. ind. act Att. for KTtplaovat, 3 pi.
cret, secretly, clandestinely. KTdvdcv, by Bceot. Sync, foi If. ind. act. of /crtpj^u.
Kpu<rrAAtovr<, d. sin. par. pres. EKrdvOr/crav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, Krcpfoaav, 3 pi.
1 a. opt. 22ol. of
act. of -clrai, 2 f. ind,
KravoiJ/jiai, -rj,
Kpu<rraAAtw, crys- mid. of KTUI w.
(fr. <rptf<7raAAoj same) the
KTfpiffua, -tTos, TO", (fr.
tal) to sAinc, glitter or sparkle Kravra?, Dor. for Kram??, -ov, b performance of a funeral or
like crystal ; to crystallize. KTtivd) to kill) a murderer other rites for the dead; exe-

juies, burial, interment ; funeral

'K.pvcTd\\'ivo$,-T],-ov, (fr. same) q/~ manslaycr, killer.
or like honours.
crystal, crystalline. Krao^at -tS/zat, f. -KTf/aopai, p. KIK-
K.pvara\\6ofiai -ovjiai, (fr. same) to TTjfjtat,
and also {KTIJ/JLUI, to ac- Kr/w//v, Ion. for Kr5fiv 1 pl
freeze or be frozen, congeal. quire, get, procure, obtain; to pres. sub. act. of KTrj^t.
Kpvor-aXXoj, -ou, 6, (fr. jtpvorcold, beget; to purchase, buy ; to pos- K-r,cuv, -6vos, b, (fr. *cr(? a comb)
and o-rf'AAw to contract) ice ; have, to conciliate a comb, any thing like a comb ;
sess, enjoy;
crystal. gain, reconcile, par. per. pass. veins or sap-vessels in trees ; fila-
Kpitya, Dor. for KpvQtj. KEKrrjjjLtvoi, -rj, -ov. 1 a. ind, ments in leaves; membranes or
To?, -a, -ov, same as KpvQios. pass. KT?,9r/v, -???, -17. 1 a. ind. fibres in the human body.
and mid. CKTrjrrdfjir/v, -w, -aro.
Kpv<t>y, Kpo^jgfo, (fr. next) K.-r/[ia, -aro?, TO, (fr. KTaoftai to
privately, in secret, secretly. Krrt<r0a(, pres. inf. mid. Krar, own) a possession, property,
Ji -a, -ov, and -ov, o, ?/, (fr. Ion. for /craro, 3 sin. cont. impf.
estate, farm ; goods, chattels,
~-u> to mid. of last.
hide) hidden, conceal- substance, wealth; cattle, slaves,
-ecret, private, d. pi. mas. KrdcQai, inf.
Kra'ro, Ion. for &C. pi. KTfiftara.
Ion. Kpv&otoi. 3 2 a. of
*:ra'ro, sin.
ficTdfjir/v, i"ifit,
KTi'iau), p. tKTr/Ka, same as
Kpt50iov, and KpvQtus, (fr- last) in ind. mid. of KTTJUI for KTUVW. Krdd) for KTtivu, to kill; or,
'secret, privately. Krc'w, same as KT^J and KTOVW, KTaojiai, to
possess, which see.
Kpu^oj, -ov, 6, (fr. same) a secret which see. Also, for <ra'o- 2 a. ind. act. tKnjv, Dor. raV
place. pai. par. /era?.
Kpupo?, -o? -oos, rd, (fr. same) KTIOVOV, -ov, TO, and Krazp, -aroj, Cr>/vr/, Kr^vwv, n. and g. pi.
concealment, privacy. ru, (fr. Arrao/iat to own) same as of KTrjvos.
1 a. inf. act.
KpiJ^ai, Kpvif a?, rqvTjfdv, (fr. KTTJVOS cattle) like
-ao-a, -av, par. 1 a. act. Kpu- Kra'rcw, Ion. and Poet, for KTia- that perish,
cattle, like the beasts
T//ar, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. ct, d. pi. of KTtap. promiscuously.
Kpv\l/c, Ion. for iicpv^e, 3 sin. 1 Krar/o>, f.
-ro-w/Poet. (fr. KTtap rrjvrjTpddios, -ov, b, f/, (fr. next,
a.' ind. act. 1 a possession)
Kpt^w, -JK, -??, to
acquire, get, ob- and rp0w to rear) keeping or
a. sub. act. of tam:
possess, own.
Kpurroi. rearing cattle. Subs, a herd, keep-
Kp5\|/<f, -<of, Att. -to)?, >'. (fr. same) KrcaTtaffi, Ion. and Poet, for er of beast*.
a hiding, concealment,' 3 sin. 1 a. ind. net. of
privacy, iKTtaTiaf^ Krijvo?, -toq -oty, r3, (fr. Krlfpt fat
Tttirsmtnt la*. to omi, or KT$IV<* to
slay) a beast of
burden ; a tame Krt<rp, -UTOS, TO, (fr. same) the Kvav6$pvs, "" 3 > "
"rr 3 ' -vos, b, f/h (fr. last
\" >a=i,
beast, cattle, herds, flocks. thing created; a creation, pro- and o0pvj the eyebrow) dark
-oj (" * as
t> duction, creature ; a work, struc- browed, with heavy or dark
Krrjvi'oSrjs, -ov$, b, ?/, eye
and a<5oj likeness) of or about ture, g. pi. KTiap.dTWV. brows.
beasts or cattle ; like a beast, Kriaov, 1 a.
impr act. of Kvavo^airr/s, -Ji, b, 17, (fr. same,
irra- same. and ^am? the mane) with a black
brutish, beastly; senseless,
tional; stupid, dull. KTtcrr/j, -ov, b, (fr. same) a crea- mane, with dark locks, azure-
1 a. opt. tor, maker ; a settler, inhabitant, haired.
RrrjcainTiv, -aio, -euro,
mid. Kn'icatrQai, 1 a. inf. dweller. Kuavwmj, -tSos, /% (fr. same, and
Kn'/aaaBe, 2 pi. w^/ the eye) blue eyed, cerulean^
mid. 1 a. Ktoro'j, ->), -bv, (fr. same) created,

impr. mid. Kn'/ojads, 2 pi. 1 made, built, founded, establish- azure.

Kvap, KVUTOS, TO, the eye of a
a. sub. mid. of Krdouat. ed.

Knifes, -ov, b, Ctesias, a man's Kriarvs, -vos, ?/, (fr. same) a build- needle; the inner part of the
name. ing, erection; a settling, plant- ear.

K-r;<n?, "MS, Att. -tos, fi, (fr. KT^I ing a colony. Kv ft (3a, a cup, small vessel.
for Krdopai to own) acquisition, rvTrfw -a), f.
-i'ia<j), (fr. TUTTTW to KvftSa, (fr. /ctj-rw to bend) with
; possession, right, strike) to sound, crush, thunder, the head inclined.
interest; an estate, farm, pro- resound, re-echo, rattle, make a Ku/?(a, -a?, jj, (fr. Kvfios a die)
perty ; house, home ; goods, chat- noise, murmur, ring ; to inflict, playing at dice ; gambling ;
tels, substance, wealth ; state, thump, beat. fraud, sleight, cheating, knav-
circumstance. 'virrjfjia, -tiros, TO, and KTVTTOS, ery.
Kn/croftat, -rj, -crai, sin. 1 f. ind. -ov, b, (fr. same) sound of a Kvf3t\n and Ktf/fyXif, -775, y, Cybele
mid. of KrdojJLai. blow ; a stroke, clap, peal, roar, or Rhea, the mother of the

KTT/TU, neut. pi. of KTJJTO"?. crash, rattle ; reverberation, echo ; gods.

KT??T//, -rjs, i/, (fem.
of same) a fe- noise. 'jfitpvaais, Kvpepvaras,
male slave, Krw/zat, 1 sin. cont. fr. Krdopai. -rip,
Dor. for

%, (fem. of next) Kvados, -ov, 6, (fr. %vu~ to pour) a

K.rririKfi, -n^
profit, gan; a trade, calling, a pint ; a Kvptpvdu) -w, f. -/70-w, to steer, pilot;
guide, direct, govern, rule.
K.r/)TiKbs, -fi, \5v, (fr. Krao^iai to )anvrr)s, -ov, b, (fr. KVUJHOS 3-
vfifpvricis, -to?,
Att. -EGJS, f], (fr.

get) gainful,]>rqfitable ; possess- bean) a balloter, voter ; afortune- last.) steering, pilotage ', guid-
ing, owning. \ teller. ance, rule, government, pi. cont.
to be
K.Ttirbs, -ti, -di^ (fr. same) Kva/icvrbs, -fj, -bv, (fr. same) elect-
got, that may ye acquired, ac- ed, ballotted, chosen. Ku/?pi7Tipa, -as, fi, (fr. same) a
cessible, procurable; had, pos- Kvancvw, (fr. same) to ballot, elect, governess, mistress, queen.
sessed, owned, \ought, purchas- choose, vote. KvftcpvriTrip, -r/pos,
Poet, and Kv-
ed. b, (fr. same, and PepviiTt}s, -ov, b, (fr. same) a
Kva[io^6\os, -ov,
to throw) an elector, voter;
a pilot, steersman ; a master, ruler,
KT^Twp, -opoj, o, fr. same) pos- /?a'XXci>

sessor, owner, n. ol. KT>/Top. a judge, umpire. governor.

KrWfOf, -a Ion. -rj, ov, by Aphser. Kvafios, -ov, b, a bean; a ballot, KvpepvriTiKri, -%$> >/, (fem. of next)
pebble, counter ; a vote ; lot, des- viz. rfyvT). The art of conduct-
Kr/a>, f. -i'cra>, p. fVi/ca, to build, tiny, fortune. ing a ship, navigation.
found : to create, yiake, frame, Kva^orpwf, -uyos, b, (fr. last, and KvpepvriTiKOs, -ij, -bv, (fr. KvfiepvdM
form, fashion, compose; to insti- rpwyw to eat) a liver on beans ; to steer) about steering, ofapilot;

tute, appoint, establish. \ a. act.

a corrupt judge who lives by on government, about ruling.
ind. fKTiaa' impr. Krisov' inf. bribes; an elector who sells liis
Kvj3tpvtaiJ.bs, -ov, b, (fr. same) di-
KTiaai' KTtaas. ind. vote. rection, guidance, rule, govern-
par. per.
pass. (KTiafiai. pass. 1 a. irxl. Kvavaiyls, -ido$, rj, (fr. Kvavbs 3 ment.
enriffBtjv' par. KTivQds. dark colour, and aiylg a breast- Kt)/?urfc, -ov, b, (fr. Kvflos a die) a
a the terrible and black
KrYXoj, -ov, b, ram; a chief, plate) with gambler, gamester.
shield. same) of
leader, ruler, prince, priest. Adj. Ku/'Ja.'T-y.'coc, -i), -oi', (fr.

mild, gentle, tame. Kvavsav, Dor. for Kvavc&v, g. pi. gaming, about dice; expert at
KrXdco -w, (fr. last)
to tame, ds- Kvavtri, fem. s'.n. K.vavh/- plov, clever at the. dice.
mesticate ; to sooth, coax, pei, ci, d. pi. Ion. Kv(3evu, f. -u<7w, (fr. same) to
caress. j>l. ^Eol. of play at dice, gamble ; to risk,
KTipfvos, Poet, for sKTiaptvos, par. O;ai'o?, -a and Ion. -?/, -rr, anc venture, hazard.
per. pass, of /mw. KuHi'a'of, -a, -ov, Ki'/j?, -t]s , >i, the
head ; a head, top,
KTJ?, -loo$, >/, same as IKT'IS. azure) blue, azure, gray : ceru-
'Kriffdadav, Ion. and Dor. for m- lean, sea-green; dark, gloomy Kvpfiftr), ->is, '/,
same as Kw/?A?y.
3 du. 1 a. ind. mid. of dusky, black. KvfaXifo, (fr. next) to strike with
'j}in>66f>i!-, -rp'tp^o?, b, ?;, (fr. xvm-u'-
an axe, cut 'with a hatch;', chop.
3 sin. 1 n. sub. act. dark^ and '^p^ hair)

Mi'/^Xif, -iSos, }'],

an axe, hatchet,
~K.Ticdus, a. -c'JivTa, pass or dusky locks. double axe.
KTicraf, d. -UCLVTI, act. par. 1 a. KvavoTre^a, -???, //,
Kvf?iK<>s, -.v, -or, (fr. rtfa a cube)
of same. f^a a foot) with darkj'; /. cubical, iU;e u die.
Att. -EWJ, );,
.tffftS, -LOS, (fr. KTlfa KvavurtTrXos, -ov, b, ;/, (tr. same, V^i'r.crdi.') f.
-;;<7(j. (fr. KV^IJ
to create) a making, forming, and TreVXov a robe) in a dark head) tumble head over ; to

composition ; formation, struc- dress, sable-mbe-L plunge, dive; to stand or dance

ture, fashion, frame, form ; Koavd/rpoipag and --owpuos, -ov. b, on the head.
workmanship; a renewal, rege- f], (fr. same, and irpupa the Kvj3icrri[j.a., -arc?, TO, and Kt>j3/cr>7- .

fftj, -iof, Att -w f , >% (fr. last)

neration, renovation; the crea- prow) with a dark head, blue u
tion, universe, world; a crea- stem or sca-greeu-fjrow. standing or dancing on the head,
ture ; mankind, the rational Kvuvos, -ov, and Kwavo?, -ov, b, tumbling, diving.
creation; an institution, esta- azure, colou: Kv0 t
<rTT,p, -rjpos, b, (fr. same) a
blishment, appointment ; autho- cerulean r>\
tumblet,one who shows Jcats of
a diver.
'i'iiy, Magistracy, office, d. sin. activity or antic trick? ',

Jnt' Wacfc to bend)

Kt>/3<rw,-o, T5, (fr.Ki'rrco
the arm fromjhe wist to the el- Ki'tj, 3
sin. pres. ind. act.
Kuas, .
KVK\OS a circle) to surround,
bow ; tJie elbow ; a cubit. par. 2.a. pass, of Kvia. environ, draw a circle round,
-ov, b, a cube, die ; a solia Kuto> -tD,
same as KVU. compass about, enclose ; to be-
nof six square sides ; any -aros, rb, (fr. KUW to breed) siege, invest ; to tie
.vrifia, about, gird ;
a a creature in to move or drive
thing of that shape. foetus, embryo, in. a circle. 1 a.
a large bowl, ba- the womb.
ind. pass.
is, -ioos, ri, KVK\u>dtjv, -ns, -rj.
sin. vrjcis, -ios, Att. -h)s, h, (fr. same) K.VK\W, (d. sin. of same) in a cir-
leader of the cle or ring, round
;IKOS, -ou, b,
the pregnancy, conception, breeding. about, on all
attends the KvOjptia, -as, ?;, (fr. next) Cythe-
quails; a bird which
in Greece an of Venus. neut.
quails on their
arrival rea, epithet Ku*cAo)0s, pi. -Qlvra, pass.
and Italy. Ku0>/pa, -as, r>, Cythera, a city of KuxAwo-as, g. pi. -<
f. -affw, (fr. KVCOS a taunt) Cyprus. par. 1 a. of KVK\OU.
to reproach, taunt, revile, abuse, \LvQp6yav\os, -ov, b, see ^urpdyuu- KvicXupa, -uros, rb, and
inveigh against. Aos- -tos, Att. -ci>s, >/, (fr. same)
KtxJoW f. -dvd>, (fr. KVCOS fame) Kut, -t*cos, >/,
a certain bulbous surrounding, encompassing ; a
to celebrate, praise, commend, ho- plant. ctrcfij.il, round, visitation, survey ;

nour, extol ; to exult, rejoice, tri- Ku/eas, a species of palm. a turn or revolution of a wheel ;
umph. KuArdw -w, f. -;;au), to mix, mingle ; a drum.
to confuse, trouble,
/a os, -ov, b, >',, (fr. same) confound, dis- Ku/cAwros, -i], -bv, (fr. KvK\6u to
cele- turb ; make turbid. surround) round, round-
famed, renowned, glorious, circular,
brated. Ku*cta, -as, fi, (fr. last) amingUng, ed, made round.
mixture ; confusion, disturbance. Ku/cAw^, -WTTOS, 6, (fr. *u\-Aos a
KvSapis, a turban, filet, diadem,
head-dress. Ku/cw, and Poet. Ku/caw, by Apoc. circle, and w^ the eye) Cyclops,
K >(5du> -S), (fr. KtiSos fame) to glory, for KVKt&va, a. sin. of a certain fabulous character ; o
take pride in, exult ; to Jwnour, KuK<ii>, -Qvos, b, (fr. /cuArdw to mix) giant with one eye.
respect, venerate ; to
celebrate, a mixed drink. K.VKVOS, -ov, b, a swan.
adorn. Ion. for /, 3 Ku/cduvTt, Poet, for KVK&VTI, d. sin.

KuJ>/s, -(7<7a, -v, (fr. same)/a- du. 1 a. ind. pass, of same. cont. par. pres. act. of /cuKdu.
mous, renowned, celebrated ; -aros, rb, and KuA:;?c-ts, KuAa, -<av, -a, the hollow of the eye.
great, excellent. -tos, Att. -ws, #, (fr. same) con- Kv\tcfta -w, same as KV\IU.
K.v6n6Tjvai, 1 a. inf. pass, of Kvtidw. fusion, tumult, disturbance. Kv\ivorai, 3 sin. pres. pass.
KvSidvzipis, -ov, b, >/, (fr. KVG-OS -b>v, rd, same as KVK\OI, pi. Kv\ivorro, Ion. for sKvXivoero, 3
fame, and avty a man) of noble sin. impf. pass. Kv\iv$6usvos t
chiefs, famed for heroes ;
honour- KuxAa&s, -wv, of next) Cy-
al, (pi. ->j, -ov, par. pres. pass. 01

able, distinguished, eminent. clades, islands in the .<Egean sea. KuAtvWo) -w,same as/cuAtw.
-<L, (fr. same) to glory, ex- vK\ds, -dSos, jj, (fr. KVK\OS a cir- K.v\ivSpus, -ov, b, (fr. next) a cy-
ult, take pride in ; to rejoice, tri- cle) a woman's dress ; a round linder, roller, rolUngstone.
umph. .zuwn uith a long train, Adj. KuAn/ow, same as KV\IU>.
.-, -oi', 6, f/, (fr. same) famed, rounded, round, circular. KvXiKiov, -ov, rb, (dim. of next) a
illustrious, renowned, noble, great, Ku/cAfuw, same as Ku/cAo'u. small cup.
excellent. KVK\OS a circle) to KuAtf, >/,
a cup, drinking
Kvoi6<j)v, Poet, for KVIWV, par. turn, roll, whirl, circulate, re- vessel, large or small j a goblet,
volve ; to carry or convey on
pres. act. cont, of Kvoidui. bowl, tankard.
Kv&iuv, -ovos, and Kvcdrcpos,
6, fi, wlieels, wheel off, drive away ; to KuAttrts, -tos, Att. -ws, >/, Kv\ifffia,
-a, -ov comp. and KuOtoros sup. wind, roll up, coil. -aros, TO, and KuAto-//os, -ov, b,
of KVCOS fame ; more or most glo- KuK\T]dbv, (fr. same) like a circle ; (fr. KuAiw
roll) o rolling,
rious, renowned or illustrious, in a circle, around, on all sides.
tumbling, wallowing ; a dusting
nobler, noblest, greater, greatest. K.VK\IKOS, -TI, -bv, KVK\IOS, -a, -ov, or sprinkling with sand by the
K.vovbs, -TI, -bv, (fr. KVOOS fame)
ce- and KvK\6tts, -taca, -ev, (fr. wrestlers; the place for rolling or
lebrated, noble, illustrious, great, same) circular, round, rounded, sprinkling ; a place where beasts
grand. in a circle. lie and tumble.

KvooiSoirdu -w, (fr. Kvooip.bs a tu- u/cAfs, see KiyAcAt's. KuAtoros, -fj t -ov, (fr. same) rolled,
mult, and covKtu to resound) to KvKXoOev, (fr. A:u*:Aos a in a tumbled, wallowed.
bustle, disturb ; make noisy circle, round about. KuAtYvij, -175, fj, and KuAt^vos, -ov,
boasts, brag. 3 sin. cont. impf. KtkAos, -ou, 6, a drcle,round, hoop, b, (fr. KV\IJ- a cup) a small cup
circumference ; the ring of a with a narrow mouth ; <z cup-
-,, -oif, b, (perhaps fr. KVU> wheel, a wheel ; a disk, or any ping-glass;; a pot, gallipot.
reed, and <?i>a terror, or thing round ; on orb, orbit, com- KuAr^vtov, -ou, rd, (dim.
v, rb, (<
of last) a
uttita for oi&r]v.o. a rising) bustk, pass ; a circuit, revolution ; an small jar, pot, &ic.
tumult, disturbance, confusion ; argument in a circle ; a period, KuAZu, f. -few, also Ki-AJfo),KuAtv-
uproar, din, mutiny, sedition, in- full sentence ; a society, assem- <5fw, KvXtvota, ano KaXivcfO), to
surrection. a cluster or wal-
bly, assemblage ; roll, trundle ; to tumble, toss,
KvSos, -tos -otis, rb, fame, glory, ring of persons or of slaves to be low ; to fall djwn. KuAti/(Sd>a<,
renown ; an honour, ornament ; sold ; the place where they were
-oiojiai, &P.
to be tumbling, to

rank, dignity, elevation, pre-emi- sold ; the walls or fortifications totter, havg over, impend ;
nence ; victory, triumph ;
exul- of a city. Ku/cAot, the cheeks. hurry aay, make off, scamper.
tation, boasting, pride. KvK\6aE, (fr. last) like a circle, KuAAosW'k'i', -wvos, b, fi, (fr. /cuAAdj
Ktf<5os, -ou, 8, a reproach, taunt; round about, in a ring. lame, and KOVS the foot) bandy,
disgrace, shame. vK^oripriS) -los-ovs, b, %, (fr. same, boulegged, clubfooted, lame.
Kvcpbs, -d, -bv, (fr. KUOOS fame) fa- and rtpfd) to turn in a lathe) turn- Ku>Aos, -fi, -bv, (perhaps fr. KO\OS
mous, renowned, glorious, great, ed, made round, rounded; cir- maimed) lame, halt, cri^

grand, noble. cular, bent into a circle. contracted ; crooked, bent, 'bow-
HLVOWV, -was, fit Cydon, the name u/cAou/uvos, -n, -ov, par. pres. ed, ; maimed, deficient,distorted
of a city.
pass, cont KuKAoSo-', for KVK-. defective.
Kvtuvios, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Cy- \ovci, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. |KuAoi<5tau> -w, (fr.
KfiAa the hollow
don, Cydonian. KuJwvtov pj of KVKAIU, or of of the eyes, and ot<5uu to swell)

Aov, a Cydonian apple, quince. KrvAow -w, f. -wffw, KKVK\aica,\ '

be afflicted in the
eyes, have
Dor. for Kvvtjyi-
eyes swollen with illness, grief, Kvvayfras, *ov,
tftt 6, s, -OM* b, f,, (fr.
or desire ; to weerj for, long for.
and TrpoVwTrov the face) with the
KvXoioi&vTes, n. pi. cont. par. pres. W> -w, f], (fr-
KVUJV a dog, face or head of a dog ; dog-vi-
act. of last. and dy%os choking) a disease of
KOAwv, -wvos, b, Cylo, a man's the throat, the quinsy, inflamma- ivdaovpa, -as, ft, (fr. same, and
name. tion. ovpd the tail) a dog's tail; the
Kvua, -dTOs, Tb, a wave, surge,
K-vvaytfiKos, -r), -ov, (fr. last) af- cynosure or polar star, in the
low ; a flood, torrent ; adversity, flicted with the quinsy, tail of the little
dog or lesser
us, Dor.
pestilence, ruin. pi. Kv^ara, g. Kvvrjyds.
KVftdT(i)V. Kvvdfivia, see Kwopvia, 'ivTtpos, -a,
-ov comp. KVVTCLTQS,
act. KVWV a sup. of Kvtav.
K-vpatvovTos, g. sin. par. pres. Kvvdvdpwrros-! -ov, b, f), (fr.

of next. dog, and dvOpunos a man) wily, ivfaira, v. of

crafty, double dealing ;
shame- -ov, b, (fr. KVU>V a dog, and

a wave) to swell, boil, rage, less,impudent, barefaced, un|/

the face) with the face or
storm ; to wave, roll, toss on the of KVUJV a head of a dog.
vvdpiov, -ov, TO, (dim. Adj. impudent,
waves ; to foam, fret, be vexed, dog) a little dog ; a whelp, pup-
insolent, shameless, barefaced,im-
with any
transported py- modest ; ravenous, greedy.
passion expand, open out.
; to Kvvas, a. pi. Vivves, n. pi. of same. Kvi'WTri?, -toos, h, fem for last in .

Kvvas, -ados, f], (" same) bread the Adj.

b, (fr. same) swelling with used to wash the hands and then Kvof, -EOS -ovs, Tb, (fr. KV<O to con-
waves, boisterous, foaming, tem- thrown to the dogs, a washball ; ceive) a foetus, embryo, creature
pestuous. the dog-brier.Adj. of or about in the wom/>, conception.

same) the roll- a dog, as dog-days, dog-hairs, )ovyLtvos, par. pres. pass. cont. of
KvfiaTir}, -ris,fi, (fr. '

inS of the sea ; a storm, tem- &c. KVfii).

pest. jvtrj -r/, -irjs -rjs, fi, (fr- same)

a !Cvo0opfa),
-jycro), (fr. KVOS a con-
Kvjuar('w, f.
-Vina, (fr. same) to dogskin ; a cap, helmet,, head- ception, and <f>ipw to carry) to be
raise in waves, disturb, agitate. piece, casque, made of or covered pregnant, conceive, breed.
TO, (dim. of same) with it. or -TTIVOS, -ov, (fr.
KvpaTtov, -ov, jTrapia-aivos -rj,
a littlewave ; a waved border or Kvveios, -a, -ov, or -ov, 6, 17, and next) of cypress ; lasting, dura
moulding ; a ringlet, curl. Kvvo?, -a, -ov, (fr. same) canine, blc.

Ku//aro7rA??f, -rjyos, b, fi, (fr. KVfia of a dog, like a dog ; currish, >j-dpi<raos
or -rroj, -ov, f], the cy-
a wave, and TrA^o-o-w to strike) brutal, brutish; impudent, shame- press tree.
washed by the waves. less. a large capacious
sea-beaten, Kv-apos, -ov, b,
Kv/xaro'to -w, same as Ku/mri'^w. KVVEOW, Ion. and by Poet. Epenth vessel ; a tub, pail,

Kv//arwy?7, -rjs, and Kv^arwyj), -rjs,

for tKvvovv, impf. act. cont. of iirds, -dSos, and ~KvTraff<ris, -ios,

f], (fr. Kvna

a wave, and dyvvpt KVVfU). Att. -wf, I], a coverlet, quilt ; a
beach, Kvvtaai, Poet, or Ion. a robe,
to the for Kvai, bedclothes ;
break) shore, blanket,
strand ; a rock, reef, crag. pi. of KVUV. gown, long outer garment,
Ku/xarw<57/, -EOJ -ovj, 6, ;, (fr. wiu -ui, (fr. Kvti) to kiss) to fawn; cloak.
same) wavy, billowy, covered to kiss, salute ; to flatter, com> and Kvirtipov, -ov,
KvTrupos, -ov, f],
with surge, foaming, boisterous. pliment, soothe ; to honour, wor- TO, cyperis, an Indian water-
Kv^artoflaj, -ilaa, -v, par. 1 a. ship, adore. plant, the root of which resem-
pass, of KVjuaTdw. 'K.vvrjyiaiov, -ov, Tb, (fr.
KVU>V a bles ginger, and is fragrant

Ku/*/?aA?w, (fr. next) to beat or dog, and ayw to lead) a pack of wild galingall.
play on cymbals. hounds a hunting -pole, spear, K.vTT\\ov, -ov, Tb, a cup, goblet,

K5//|8aAov, -ov, Tb, (fr. KV^OS hol- toils ; ground for hunt-
cover, tumbler.
low) a cymbal, tambourine, ing ; game, sport, prey ; hunt- nrpidp%t)s, -ov, b, (fr. KuTrpoj Cy-
drum. ing, coursing. prus, and dp%(0 to govern) the
Kv//t/?u^o?j -ou, 6, fi, (fr. next) ivriyfrrjs, -ov, b, (fr. same) a dog governor of Cyprus.
headlong, head foremost, upon leader keeper, or huntsman, Kvirpica, and Kvirpiv, a. sin. of Ktf
the head. sportsman, hunter. pis.
KfyjS/;, -n?, h, (fern,
of KV^OS hol-
Kvvriytu -w, f. -tjau, (fr. same) Kv-rrpifa, (fr. Kvvpts Venus) to

low) a boat, skiff" ; a cup, ves- hunt, chase, pursue, course. bloom, look beautiful ; to sprout,
sel, shell, saltcellar ; the head. Kvvnybs, -ov, b, (fr. same)
a hunt- flourish, shoot, bud.
Kvfx/Jtov, and VLv^ov, -ov, rb, (fr. er, sportsman. Kvirpivov, -ov, TO, (neut. of next)
same) a small vessel, cruet, ewer, Kvvntibv, (fr. same) like a dog, ra- Cyprian ointment, a perfume
drinking cup, venously ; shamelessly. from Cyprus.
Kvvifiiov, -ov, rb, (dim. of Kviav a
Kv/ij3os, -ou, 6, (perhaps fr. * virptvos, -rj, -.ov, (fr. KvVpoj Cy-
bent) a hollow, depression; the dog) a little dog, whelp, puppy. prus) of Cyprus, Cyprian.
inside ; the bottom. V^KOS, -r), -ov, (fr. same) canine, Kvirptos, -ov, b, f], (fr. same) a Cy-
KV//T/, -77$, ri,_Cuma,
~ and Cum&, like a dog ; cynical, currish, prian.
a city o" snappish ; sour, morose ; impu- same) Venus,
dirpis, -t5os, fi, (fr.
"Kvfjuvis, -ios, Att. -wj, and -1005, ^, dent, shameless. a. sin. KvTrpioa, and Kvirpiv.
some night-bird the horned K.vv6&ovs, -ovrog, b, (fr. same, anc jj, -ov, 6, (fr. Kvirpigto
owl, oSovs a tooth) the dog-tooth, ca- a
bloom) budding, shooting,
Kvulvov, -ov, Tb, the he.-b
cummin, nine tooth or eye-tooth. sprouting ; bloom, luxuriance.
ai.ti its seed.
Kvvodaparis* -ios -ov$, b, %,
and Kv- Kvirpoylveia, -as, f], (fr. Kvirpos
Kvpooiyntav, -ovos, b, f), (fr. Kvp.a a vodapaiis, -a, -v, (fr. same, and Cyprus, and yivopai to be born)
wave, and Cyprus, Cyprian, an
to born in
oi^ofiai reeeive) Sdpaos boldness) impudent,
wave-receiving, wave-beaten. shameless, barefaced. epithet of Venus.
-T}$, fj, Cymodoct, a sea KuvoKt(}>a\os, -ov, b, >i, (fr. same
Kvirpoywrjs, -ios -ovs, b, %, (fr.
nymph. and the head) with th, same) born in Cyprus. /

ftoBdrt, -t]$, fi, Cymotho6,

a sea of the name
Kvirpos, -ov, f,, Cyprus,
nymph. '.vvdfivia, -as, f,, (fr. same, and of an island ; also the cyprest
/joTrdirXcia, -as, %, a woman's fivla a
a dogfly ; a swam,
fly) tree.
name. of flies a forward person ; an Kvirrdfr, f. -a<ro), (fr. Jerfjrrw to

, -tot -pBf, fit * * nymph. intruder. bend) to Itnn or stoop down, btnd

look down at ; to stay, proper, especial, peculiar firm, ; t-, o, the cyti&us, trec-tre-
to delay, loiter, idle. fixed, ratified, confirmed, au-
wait ;
thorized, sanctioned. Subs, a -ouj, tt, a cavity, hol-
liv-KTOs, ->';, -oi', (fr- same) bent,
prince, ru!tr t lord, master,
sir. sel ; -vShold of a ship ;
-'toping ; suppliant,
kneeling, prostrate. t'pi<h->;j, -Tjroc, rj, (fr. same) do-
crooken minion, rule, power, authority,
Kutrrw, f. -fyti), to curve, ',

to down to look. lordship ; a power, rank (;:

bend, lean, stoop
bd. tw^ef a. Kvoiorrira, n. pi.
1 a. act. par.
-flO'd* -QV
Dor. for 'id
-iD, (fr. KVKata to mix)
Kupava, -as, f], Kuf/v?-
to di make
tvpfa a
Kv plates, tab- c'
. i
-a, -ov, (fr. ;

let) high, lofty,

up, posted;' mischief, pres. inf. act.
uprisht, erect ; engraven,

\JL V*.
V/IC, U/ J 1

,nf, ground.
-wv, ra,*(fr. wJy^os a lage, and <jp%u) to rule) a govern- -ov, TO", (dim. of same) a
shell) creatures covertd with town, mayor,
or of a
little oar,
paddle. magistrate.
shells; shellfish. Kwp.daotiv, Dor. for Kuiu.dffiv, pres. Kwpa, -as, a, Kwpo?, -ov, 6, Dor.
w/caXo-j, -oy, Cocalus, a ^man's inf. act. of
and /cdpoj or
name. Kwjuacrta, -as, //, (fr. KU>/KU> to Kovpos.
w/tfif/a, -aros, rd,, (fr.
KWKUW to revel) revelry, feasting, jollity, aooavva, -as, a, Dor. for KOU-
w dil ) weeping, waiting, howling, riotous mirth, carousing.
lamentation. Kw^aorj)?, -ov, b, (fr. same) a re- KwpvKiov, -ov, Tb, (dim. of next)
wKfiTbs, 6, (same
as last) veller, easier, carouser. f
a purse, bug, pocket, scrip ; a
Also Cocytus, one of the feigned K6fjLii, -TIS,
a town, village; a pod, husk, hull, peel.
rivers of hell. hamlet, canton, district. Kwpv/co?, -ov, 6., a sack, pouch, sat-
f. <o weep, wail, de- Kittftrjibv, last) in villages, chel, walht, leathern bag.
wKtiw, -iicrw, (fr.
town by town. which
plore, lament ; to cry out, howl, Kw?, -wo?, rb, cont. fr. K &os,
shriek. Kw;/>/Ti7, -ov, b, (fr. same) a vil- see.

t, -IDV, 01, (fr. /cwAov a lager, countryman, peasant, rus- 2?, Kow?, and Kew?, -w, %, an
piece, and aydpta to collect) re- tic ; a neighbour. island in the JEgean sea, now
ceivers of the priests' dues, offi- s, -ios, Alt. -<as, /, (fr. Stancora.
cers who collected those parts of same, and mfXtj a city) Kw?, Ion. for -w?.
the sacrifices due to the priest ; ', country town. pi. cont. tfo-a/i, 6, indecl. Heb. a man's
public treasurers. name.
KwXaf, -uSi KoX>), -rjs, KwXa/a,find wf<o?, -ov, b, festivity, feasting, re- OraAi?, -jo?, Att. -EM?, jj, a pot-
-as, f], (fr. K&Xov a limb) a fore- velry, riotous mirth ; dance and stick ; ladle, large
leg or gammon of bacon, hand of song :
wantonness, dissoluteness, KcoTt'AAw, f. -?A<3, p. -(Afca, to talk,
pork ; a bundle or truss of hay. debauchery ; luxury, indulgence, converse, chat ; to cajole, deceive.
KwX>7i//, -rjiros, ij, (fr. same) the voluptuousness ; a company of par. pres. act. /cuTi'AAwv, -ovtra,
ankle ; the pastern ; the calf; revelkrs, troop of bacchanals ; -ov a. sin. mas. Kum'XXovTa.
the ham, hamstring. any company, society, party ; amXo?, -r/, -or, (fr. last) talkative,
KwXfcco'?, -TJ, -dv, (fr. same) of the Corn-is, the genius of revelry. flippant, babbling, garrulous ;
colon or great gut ; colic, affect- KW//CV oto-noTris, the lord of the flattering, soothing, deceitful,
ing the bowels. feast, to whom it was given. false ; artful, evasive, subtle,
KuXov, -ov, TO, a limb, member, leg, \
, d. sin. of last. cunning, crafty.
arm, but particularly the foot ; u>m$oia, -as, fi, (fr, w0vw, f.
-Vffw, (fr. next) to be
the body, carcass ; a division of player) raillery, invective, satire, deaf and dumb ; be silent, stu-
a sentence ; the colon or large scurrility ; a comedy, play, inter- pid or senseless. Or for Kov-
gvt. lude, farce. tjjEvu, (fr. KovQos light) to lighten,

Ko>Xv<, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. tauwSwypafyos, -ov, b, (fr. last, relieve, ease, assuage, mitigate;

KwXvav, pres. inf. act. KwXvf- and ypa0w to write) a writer of to take ease, repose, rest.
T, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. plays, comic autiior. Ko>0d?, -), -oi', (perhaps fr. K^TW
to cut, and the voice) deaf;
KwXfco-flai, pres. inf. pass. wpqcbs, -ov, b, (fr. KWfir] a village, oi//

KoXSffat, inf. KwXvo-?/?, 2 sin. and qcw to sing) an improvisa- heavy, dull, stupid; blunt ; faint,
1 a. sub. act. KwXvfo'vT*?, n- tore, buffoon, singer at enter- languid, feeble ; soft, quiet, si-
pi. par. 1 a.pass, of Ko>Xvw. tainments ; a comedian, actor, lent, still; mute, dumb, senseless,

KwAO/^a, -aro?, TO", and KojAv//?;, player. lifeless ; obscure, doubtful, enig-
to hinder) a Kwraov, rb, hemlock,
matical ; deafening, stunning,
hindrance, impediment, obstacle; K.WVG$,- a cone, or any thing stupifying.
a restraint, prohibition ; stocks, of that form ; a top, cock of K<a<p6<i), Koj^aw, and Ku><j)iu> -&, to
pillory. hay, stack of corn ; the nut or deafen, stun ; to make dumb. 1
same as mast of pine-trees ; the case or a. ind. pass.
KwACerij, -105, Att. -ECOJ,


last. shell of certain fruits ; the crest ''" ', for Kal WYE,
^ 3 sin. 2 ,a.
i-i r- ,'
ind. mid. of t
KwXvT)p, -rjpos,
and KwXtiT?)?, -ov, of a helmet.
KwXvw to hinder) a hin- to lift, raise
b, (fr. KWVWTO, a. sin. KOWWITE?, n. pi. , up, sujrport.
derer, obstructer, stopper.
Of K(iiV(tfdl.

KwXtJw, f. -VffO), p. KK(JL>\VKa, tO K.<i)V(i)ireiov, -ov, Tb, (fr.K&vto^i

check, hinder, stop, stcy, delay ; gnat or KUVOS a cone) a curtain
to impede, obstruct; to prohibit, tokeep off" flies ; a canopy, um-
forbid. 1 a. ind. pass. /cwXv07v. brella, pavilion, tent.
KtoXvcov, -ovtra, -ov, a. -ovra, par. Kwi/w^, -wfl-of, 6 or ^,
a gnat,
pres. act. of last. midge, moso^uito.
KuXomjj, -ov, 6, an eft or newt. Kuo?, and cont. Kw?, -EOJ -ov?, TO,
KtDua, -OTO?, TO, (fr. /cotfia'w to lull) a sheepskin, soft skin to lie on or
aeep sleep; a lethargy, insensi- to use as a cover. A, X, lambda, the eleventh of the
bility. Ku)ir?, n. pi. of more modern Greek letters,
K.u>pa$ov, Ion.
for CK^^OV, impf. Ko)7ri)?, -ios, Att. -tu?, 6, (fr. but the twelfth of the ancient ;
act Kw//aovra, a sin. par. to cut) a rower, boatman, sailor. whence, in
numbering, X is
pres. act. of Kw7roj>, Ion. for KWTT&V, g. pi. of used for the third decad, or
K<j>//aw, (fr. KWUO? reveb*y) to in- KWTTJ;,
-TIS, i/, (fr. Ko-n-TO) to cut) an thirty, with a dot under it, X, for
stitute a feast, keep a festival, oar ; hilt, handle. thirty thousand.
celebrate with songs; to. feast, KwTT^AaT?/?, -ov, 6, (fr. last, and Aa, an intens. particle.'
revel, riot ; to dance and sing, fAavvw to a rower. Aaaj, Xaao; and Aa?, Xoof5 6, (fr.
carouse. Kw<f?/f7?, -o? -ov?, 6, fj, (fr. same, Xa intens. and du to dry) o
Ku)/*a/co>, -ov, TO,
an aromatic fruit; and apw to fit) having oars, row- stone, rock.
the clovt or clove-tree. ing ; handling the oar. ArfjSo, Dor, fo: Ac'fov, p.
H(S//af, -UKOS, b, (fr. KW/IOJ revelry) KwTr^Tr/p, -?ipos, b, (fr. same, and for Adfris, a man's, r.ame.
a silly trifler, fop, dandy. rrjptu
to keep) a rowlock or nil-
Ao'/Je, Ion. for
2 sis. 2 a. A/?,
Ku>fiar, Dor. for tuav-dcart., 2 pi. lock, to which the oar was ind. act. A/3if,2sin. Ao/Sftf,
1 a.
impr. act. ci K(i>p.du. fastened, and on which it 2 pi. 2 a. impr. Aa/Jfv, Dor.
-ov, 6, (fr. <c(fy>? a vil- moved. for Aa/?7v,2a. inf. act. A.aBi<r-

Aaiovj -ov, (fr.%auw to enjoy) A/oov, a Laconian, Spartan
TO" or loquacious, talkative, babbling,
the crop, fruits, harvest. Lacedaemonian. chattering, chirping, humming,
Autos, -a, -ov, Ze/2, left-handed. LaKuvfa>, f.
-/aw, (fr. last)
to imz- buzzing, murmuring,
Aaiov the crop, or favour the Lacedaemoni-
Aatoroniio -G>, (fr. tate
\afia or Aa/^a, Heb. why? for
and rfyvw to cut) to
reap, mow, ans ; to
speak like Lacedaemoni- what ?
wherefore ?
gather fruits, bnng home har- ans, be brief or laconic. \.aju/?afw, f. mid. A?;^/o//a, p. At-
MKuviKi), -fa (viz- %wpa
a re-
^ A77^a, Att. d\rj<pa, to take, re-
AaTiros, lecherous, wanton, libidi-
gion) the country of Lacedcs- ceive, accept; to seize, grasp,
mon, Sparta. catch, lay hold of; to take by
Aaim'/tov, -ov, rb, (fr. Aacnos hairy) MKtaviKbs, ->i, -t>v, (fr.
AKWV a La- force, capture, carry away; to take
a light shield, small buckler, Lacedaemonian. in hand, go about, undertake ; to
made of a hide. Spartan ; hardy, brave ; brief, get, obtain, acquire, procure,
Aalcdt), -T]$, f/, dishonesty, baseness, laconic. buy, purchase; to come upon,
meanness. .Kuvjr<3j, overtake; to
(fr. last) laconically, surprise, compre-
Aatcrbs, -i), -cv, (fr. Aa intens. and briefly, pithily. hend, apprehend ; to engage, oc-
to be borne, th. o/w to
o(aTfos .aKwviffpbsi -cv, b, imitation of or cupy, pervade ; to suppose, take
cany) heavy, burthensome ; favour for the Lacedosmonians ; up, assume ; to conceive, breed ;
grievous, troublesome. a laconic or brief style of to condemn ; to inflict ;
speak- convict,
Aa7r/;a, -arc?, r3, (fr. Aa intens. ing. to take well or ill.
and eiy to go) the wide expanse,
aha, a lullaby, nurse s song. to arrive at, come reach, per.
broad bosom of the ocean.
Or, a\ayvvrs, Dor. for AaAayowrfj, act. inf. Att. tiXrifyivai, par. per.
(fr. AaTjua the throat) the abyss n. pi. pres. par. AaXaynvrt,
of the sea, all-devouring sea. Dor. for
XaAayoBcn, 3 pi. pres. <4u>s. 2 a. act. ind. eXajSov- impr.

Aatyos, -tog -ouj, TO, and Aaitbr], ind. act. of \d$t, Att. Aa0, 2 pi. Aa/?Tr
-Tis, /, a garment, coarse cloth, a\ayfu) -w, (fr. AdAa a
clatter, opt. AojSoip, -otf, -of sub. Ad/?w,
canvass, sail. th. AaAew to talk) to talk much,
-ys, -7J-
inf. Aaj3av'
par. \aj3fav,
Aaii};r)p'jK&vdos,-ov, b, fj, (fr. next, chatter, prate ; to bawl, cry -ovaa', -6V, per. ind. pass. Att.
and Kc\v6os a way) vociferate; to tA;-
quick, out, chirp, sing, ti\Tiiinai,-\l/ai,-KTai' par.
speedy, rapid, swift. chant; to smmd, ring, re- Hfvos, Poet. iA>y/^fvos. 1 a.
Aaiipypbs, -a, -ov, (fr. Aa intens. pass. A>7007V, ->?f, -rj' inf. X>?0-
and ai^7?p3j swift, th. a7\pa im- a\ayri, -?/?, >/, (fr. last) -a cla- 0)jvat, par. \n<p6ds.

mediately) rapid, swift, speedy, mour, noise, buzz, hum, rattle ; a indecl. Heb. a man's
fleeting. babbling, prating ; chattering, name.
AaKdfy, (fr. AaKfw to resound) to
chirping, singing. Aafua, -a?, and Aapia, -as, %, a
crack, resound, re-echo ; to shout, aAa'|, same as AaAfw. large kind of lamprey ; a kind
squall, shriek. aAaf, -ayoj, 6, (fr. AaAfw to of monster ; a hag, witch, hob-
AaKdOrj, -ris, r/,
the name of a speak) a clamour, noise, din, goblin, supposed to devour chil-
tree. buzz, hum; a clatter, rattle; dren.
Adicaiva, Laccena, she of Lacedce- babbling, prating ; chattering, Aa//va, (fr. Lat. lamina) opiate of
mon. chirping, singing. metal, sheet, thin piece.
A(ka00ov, -ov, rb, a certain kind of aXfoim, Dor. for 3 pi. T/moj, -a<5o$, Dor. for A?7/ma?,
aromatic. for //, Lemnian AauvdBw, Dor.
AdK, Ion. AKE, for of 3 sin. 1 pi. pres. ind. act. Aa\evv for AT)^v6dv,fro7n Lcmnos.
f\aKov, -j, -, 2 a. ind. act. of Dor. for AaAouo-j, 3 pi. pres. i^naSrilpofJiia, -af, f], (fr. Xa/jiirds
A'/KfW. ind. act. of a lamp, and fyfyw to run) a
race, in which the
AaKttiai^vioi, -ov, ol, (fr. next) ttAao -w, f. -r/cro), p. AcAaAr/Ka, to runners car-
the people of
Lacedcemonia, La- make a sound, utter words ; to ried lamps.
cedaBmonians. speak, talk, address, converse; Aa/*-a<$770opi'a, -as,
and Ion. -07,
ActKcSa' "j>v, -ovoj, 6, Lacedcemon, to prate, babble, divulge, blab, -??, ^. (fr- XajuTras
a lamp, and
a city u Peloponnesus. talk idly or inconsiderately ; to to carry) the carrying of
Aa/ctpu^rt, -rjj , ^, talkative, babbling, chatter, chirp. AaA??, 3 sin. cont. torches.

chattering, brawling, scolding, pres. sub. act. 1 a. ind. Aa-

apTrdStov, -ov, rb, (fr. next) o
clamorous. \t](ra' sub. \a\f,aa). per. pass. little torch or lamp ; a bandage
AaKov^o[iai, (fr. last) to ta#c idly, 1 a. ind. pass. t\a- for a wound; a flllet, riband,
babble, prate, chatter ; to scold. hem, fringe.
AaKto) and Ar/Kt'w -w, f. -j/ou , io
iXtjuttg, -tica* -iv, g. -ovro$, par .ap-nag, -aoog, f), (fr. AO'^TTW to
crack, break or fewrsf toii/i a AaXrtQrjvai, inf. 1 a. pass. shine) a lamp, torch, pi. n.

noise; to sound, resound, re- AaA/0>/c-rat, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. \afiTrdSfS'

Ion. for Aa^irv, 3 sin.

echo; to
speak about) talk of, A(i\?]Qr]G6uvo$, -TJ, -ov. par. I t.
utter. pass, of last. impf. act. AdfiTtTo, Ion. for
Aa/aw, (fr. next) to
rend, cleave, :iA?7jt/a, -aVof , rb, (fr. same) con- 3 sin. impf. pass, of
tear asunder ; to burst with a versation, speech^ talk; babbling,
noise, crack, resound; to shout prating, chattering. da'^Trrraa) -w,
same as AajUTrw.
cry out. iaA^o-ct, inf. AaA?<Ta?, pi. n. \.au~r6(i)vra, Poet, for Aa//7rTo3v-
Aa*ij, -Woj, )/, (fr. AaKfw to re- -Xi'jctavTKs, par. AaA^crw, -rjg, Ta, a. sin. Aa^TTETowvTt, Poet.
sound) a crack, rent, cleft, slit -jy, pi. -\tjarir, -Arjffweri, sub. 1 a.
Xa/x7rTwvn, d. sb. pres. par.
rift ; a shred, splinter. act. AaXf/aw, -is, -i, 1 f. ind. of last.
AdKKos, -ov, o, a ditch, pit, cistern act. of AaA/u. Lapirijvn, -rjs, //, (fr- Xa>7rw
well; lake. YaAiyTd?, -17, -bv, (fr. same) having shine) a royal couch, litter, sedan,
Dor. for AaKr<owa the faculty of speech. palanquin.
fern, of AOKT/&DV, pres. par. act (VaAtV?, -aj, f], (fr. same) speech, AaV/vY.ds, "%
- v> (
fr - last ) S ihe .

of conversation, talk, discourse ; royal carriage ; or of a covered

AaKTi^w, f. -<rto, p. AsAoAcrtK'a, (fr prattle, prate, garrulity ; report. wagon.

Aa with the heel) to kick, kic rumour. Aapx6nvoiai,d. pi. pres. par. pass.
up. pres. inf. act.
\aKTifyiv. AaAtuTfpOf, comp. AaAicraroc Of Aa'jUTTW.
fis, -ov. o, (fr. last) akirktn sup. of AanTTfiidoa,
Dor. g. of AafcirptaOi?;,
trampler. " f' or ' "" fl '* wt08 P-

-ou, 6, a man's

( ^-
Aa/nrpdy, -a, -bv, (fr. Aa/zaw to
shine) shining, bright, dazzling,
AarOjKfw -(7j, f. -;;ira), p. ->7s, 17, same as to rend j to tell, desire, order ^
, (f". Aaaj
a stone, and rf^vu) j/a?, 1 a. par. act. of Aa^atvw. wean, infer; to cause to lit
'i to cut) to cw* or ^ew stones, cut Ad%i>.os, -ov, b, thickness of hair or down, put to bed. Aeyo/iai, to
lie down, go to bed, retire to
out of stone, per. pass. ind. fleece. rest,

AfAaro'/i^af par. AeAaro/^f- -ov, b, (fr. Xay%dv(o to al- Aa^bs, go to skep. 1 a. ind. act. At^a.
a lot, chance, hazard ; guess- 2 a. ind. act. fAtyov. per. pass.
J/0^ -5>?, -OV. lot)
Aard//77|ua, -arof, ro, (fr. same) a ing or divination by means of XlXcyiJi.cn- per.
mid. AAoyo.
cut or /teiun sione. the fingers. Atv'Xaaia., -as, ft, (fr. Aa'a booty,
same) cw< Aa%vdeis, Dor. for and eXavvw to drive) a plunder-
Aaropirbs, -n, -ov, (fr. Xa^vtjcis-
in stone, cut out of stone ; hewn, Ad%vr), -ns, f], (fr. Aa intens. and ing, ravaging, destroying.
polished. %vovs down) down, tender hair. trjXdTfw -w, f. ->;<rw, (fr. same)
Aard^oj, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same) a A.a'xyfitis, -tava, -zv, (fr. last) to carry or dn'ue atta?/ fcooty,

hewer of stone, slone-cutter, ma- hairy, rough, shaggy. plunder, ravage, depopulate, lay
son. Aa%oinv, -rjs, -rj,
Att. for waste.
Adros, -ov, b, a kind of delicate fish.
-ois, *oi, 2 a. opt. act; of Aay- AcdiK, Heb. indecl. a measure
Aaroda, -a?, t'/, (fr. Xarpcvw to containing half an orr.er or cor.
serve, th. Aarpij a servant) ser- Aa^oj, -o? -on?, TO, (fr. Aa'a, -as, f>, booty, plunder, spoil,
vice, ministry, attendance ; re- to allot) a lot, chance, hazard; pillage.
ligious service, worship, respect, proportion, division, allotment, Aciayopr], -r/s, h, a woman's name.
adoration ; a servant, female at- share. Aciaivw, f. -oVw, (fr. 'Xcfcs smooth)
tendant. Aavovaa, n. fern. d. to level, smooth, plane, polish ; to
AaToevrtis, -ov, b, (fr. same) a ser- pi. of Aer^wv, par. Aa^ca/uv, soften, reconcile, recommend ; to

vant, worshipper. sub. 2 a. act. of Aay^a'vw. 1

pi. mow, reap ; to carry off clean,
Aarpvrdj,*r)i -bv, (fr. same) servile. Aa\pdvrj, -rjs, fi, (fr. Xd-n to lick ravage, waste; to rub, bruise,
Aarpcvw, -crw, p. XcXdrocvKa, (fr. up) Lapsana, a kind of wild grind. 1 a. ind. act. cXdjiva.
Xdrpis a servant) to serve, wait cabbage. Adficrai, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of
upon, attend ; to worship, sacri- Aa\pv/jiai or Aa\povnai, -rj, -clrai, Aa'jftw, f. -i/'u, p. \t\ct<)>a, to run
fice. 1 a. ind. act. Dor. for Xri^/Ofjiat, -r,, -trai, 1 f. down, drop, flow, trickle; to
Adrpiv, a. sin. Aarpt<n, d. pi. of mid. of AajujSoVto. pour out, shed, make a libation;
for Xrjijji], 2 sin. of
Ad^JT>, Dor.
to water.
Adrpios, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of or Acic.viJ.ai, Dor.
for Xciovfiai, pres.
A^oiuat, in last.
about a servant ; servile. Aaw Aw, to see, look at, behold; to ind. pass, contr. of Xci6u>.

Aarpi?, -toj, 6 or^, aservant, slave, wish for, covet, desire; to enjoy ; Adrivav, Ion. for cAcfyvav, 3 pi. 1 a.
attendant. make use of, reap the fruits of; ind. act. of Xuaivu.
-ov, rb, (fr. last) wages, to speak, say, utter. to fan, winnow.
Adrpov, AtiKvi^d), (fr. next)
hire, salary, reward. Aawcrjs, -cos -ovs, b, %, (fr. Aaoj ACIKVUV or AIKVOV, -ov, rb, a fun,
AdTVfjtvov, -ov, rb, name of a moun- the people) popular, patriotic. winnowing machine.
tain. Afa, -as, f], (fr. Aa? a stone) a stone Aa'jua,-aKoj, i], same as Aa^uwv, a
AavKavia or AcvKavia, -as, fi, (fr. or weight used in weaving. meadow.
Aavco to enjoy) the throat, gullet, Afatva, -??, ft, (fr. Af'wv a lion) a A?/L//<a, -dros, rb, (fr. Aa'ffto to
palate. lioness. leave) a remnant, residue, re-
Aavpa, -as, ?i, viz. 65df,(fr. next) a Acatvw, f. -avw, same as AaaiVw, mainder.
broad street, road, path or way ; also to rub, crush, crumble, grind. Aauwv, -Gvoj, b, a meadow, mead.
a cell. 1 a. ind. act. \tuva, and Att. Aajuwvio?, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of or
Aavpos, -a, -ov, large, wide, capa- eXtyva. chout a meadow, verdant, green,
cious, broad,much, copious. Aai'a,and Att. Acf/vai, 1 a. inf. grassy.
Aaupuj, widely, largely,
(fr. last) act. of last. Aaj/wvdfo, (fr. same, and & from
copiously, abundantly. Afav&pos, -ov, b, Leander, a man's a place) from the meadow.
Aavta, (fr. Ao'w to desire) to enjoy; name. Acioyfvuos, -ov, b, ^, (fr. Aao?
to devour. See aroXauw. Aerates, -ov, b, Heb. name of a smooth, and yivtiov a chin) hav-
Aa^'vpfw -w,
f- -j/ff-a
(ft. next) ic man. ; ing smooth cherts, smooth-chin-
spoz7, plunder, rcb, Acf^ripis, -Wo?, /', (fr.
Afroj to skin) ned; beardless.
c; slough, cast qffskir.
Adtyvpov, -ov, rb, (Tr. ne::t) spoz/, C'o?, -ov, b, f;, (fr. same,

plunder. Af'/?.',>0'
for At'/???, a. sin. of <$ and y>.u><7<7a a tongue) smooth
AafyvziTUi or-rrw, f. -^.', (perhaps ->/ro?, >;, (perhaps fr. Aet'/?w ton ucd, of flattering speech, de-
fr. AaTTTU to lick
rr-) /& devour] ?ur out) a. caldron, kettle, ni'tfid.'
greedily, gutth., gormandize; it
mt; a fool-basin. Auos, -a, -ov, ei.Tn, smooth, level,
consume, /or of a town. fiat, plain; slippery, polished;
Aayjiivd), f.
-avw, p. to dig A^W'.'j act.
-a-,".:a., Atyc<70aj, psss. finished, complete.
or , '

, i::f.
At'ya'c, -ya, 2 and Acidnis, -J.i-os, ??, (fr. last) evenness,
Aaj^avda, -as, rj, (f:
last) pot 3 sir:, r:es. ind. act. of Xiyto. smoothness.
herb;.. L;;t. legio) a. to polish,
(fr. Atfffw, f. -G'HTW, (fr. same)
i .. Xi*.'i- make, smooth, even or /eve/; to
produce or
gather herbs o:: rr-, . . Poet, for AfWi, d. pi. of
^o Oj; eaLc?i
gracs ; to feed or-
Ar.y6v.tftv, /Eoi. for Asydjaffiajl pi- AciTTRj pres. impv. act.
or Ion. for
pres. ind. pass; Atvoyzs, ^"- fXiiTt-s,? sin. irripf. act. Aefra,
for ,\ I. act. act. AaVivt;;, pass. 3 sin.

Ashen, Ion. for

pres. -ind.
tAaTTcTO, 3 sin, impf. pass.
, ,gT.7.s,^'. Lii'xtia, Anrdpevos, -:;, -or, par. pres.
nae of an island.
,pass. ArfiroiTft,
a. sin. orneut.
\c, 2 ^a. impr. aci. ./, assemble; in ru pi. par. pres.
act. of AS:TTW.
inf. of anmricraie to AfiVw. to
^ayx_dvu . '.
recount, ; AaTr.oGiJjuta, -ft?, 17, (fr-

d%<ns, -los, Atl, .*pn;l;, soy ; spf.c'k of,

men- fail, and 5u/-o? the min
SM, one of the Fates ; /o.^,
Astro"- Attyav', for hudava, u. pi. of
i, -17, -T<u, ind. ,
>s, (fr. >c\t]9ws, par. pe*.
to mid. of XavOdvu to elude)
pcvo;, par. pres. pass, of XEOTW.J AEM/avov, -o->, TO, (fr. XEfrrw secretly,
j, -w, 6, (fr. XnVw to leave,
j ', residue, re- hiddsnly, privately.
.ivs a ship) a deserter from\ mainder.

~ ov
1 f. ind. art, of X. Al\T]Ka, Sync. for^XdA^/ca, per
incl. act. AeAijKL'c, Syi
~ Poet, for Xf jv. per. par. act. of a-
.(.i-oaTpaTta, -as, hi or lov * ) ,\

TO, (fr. same, and en-pard;

the ,
Att. -Uf, r% (fr. Auto
army) desertion. to smooth, th. X?of smooth) a p .
smoothing, polishing. ,Yof, j
par. pc js. of Aap-
.tnroarparios, -ov, b,f,, (fr.same) j-'.r.

r];, r,,
a b&sin, plate, dish.
(fr. Azfcru
tofail,|Ac/c;<cv.-ou,'rd. (airr." of last) a |
AjMtQai, per. ind. pass,
and i^)/ the soul) to /at/if, , dish, plate. or A^cuui.
swoon. i A(;c -'

me a foicJ
same) bowl, \ A
A/^ojuat, (fr. Xf'yw to lie down)
a dress, I oblivion, forgetfulness ;
th> a wine press of vai }
AJII.OS, -ou, o,
white, and
Letht. n swamp, pond, marsh.
to put on) dressed in white.
Dor. AdOw, f- X^c-w, per. Ar/ro5, -05 Xetofi
Aria, L -5<7w, (fr. Xaj a stone) / Aj70u>, -ov;, rb, (fr.

aim ; to strike or kill with stonf* mid. A*'A?0a,same as Xav0dvw. smooth) wool.
stone to death. Mid. Ai-Qopdl, same as \av6dvo- Afjj-dv, Ion. for fXjj^av, 3 pi. 1 a.
ind. act. Afjfa, 1 a. inf. act.
Ion. d.pl. ofXr^os, /"
Ani6\ for X^jca, a. sin. Afji;affOai, 1 a. inf. mid. Aiy-
AY-o/jj5, -ov, o,
for Ion. for tX>?t- &ia, -as, -, ^Eol. for X>/fa<//i,
bed, and irdo^on. -oia grass IJ^ET', X^ro,
bed* ^ro, 3 sin. impf. mid. of -ais,-ai, 1 a.
opt act. of X>/yu.
producing herb* Jit for
1,?^, f. -tc-w, (fr. Xa'a booty) to &f, -105, Att. -o,s, f,, (fr. My*
grassy, fertile.
to cease) a cessation,
AE^IV, neut. of/ plunder, ravage, rob, spoil ; to, delay, stop,
1 a. carry away, seize, capture ; to pause; abode, residence.
par. pass. of'Xfyw
obtain, get, procure, per. ind. \r/ft5, -105, Att. -0)5, , (fr. Xiyvu,
a marriage for which Xay^dvu to a
down) a bed, couch ; pass. \t\ffiGnai allot)
bed} marriage. portion, share; inheritance,

-a, -ov, oblique, across, Afilov, -ou, TO, condition, state.

Afyci, -do5-o5s, $, (fr. ^05 a l crop, harvest, field Ar/piw -w, (fr. Xa intens. and pfo
to speak) to blab, talk nonsense ;
th. Xf'yo> to lie down) a woman
in childbed.
. X'a booty) plun- to trifle.

Afvu> or A/XO//CU, (fr. same) der, booty ; a seizure, capture ; -ov, b, (fr. same) an idle

have children, produce young

abundance of cattle or flocks. , fiction; trifles, silliness, fol-
breed. Ariiavaro, Ion. and Poet, for t\rit- ,

Ac5^aM5, -airo5, o, name of a man ffaro, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. Ai?pw<5>75, ttos -CDS, 8, f,, (fr. last)

A<J>/II, contiNof Xfdot/iJ, pres. op

Ariiactrai, Poet, for X^t<rrot, 3 trifling, silly, wiak.

act of Xfdo), for Xdw. sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of X?^u. \S}5, Dor. for 0Ar ?, ;
see Xp.

(perhaps fr. Xdo> t I770T05, -n, -bv, (fr. \da plunder) A.)70-(5, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act Arr
Af'wv, -ovm, 8,
Awvri. g. pi. Xfdv <7cr0, 2 1 f. ind. mid. of
see) a lion. d. seized, captured, plundered, pi.
a \avQdvw.
TWV. -opo5, o, (fr. same)

Atwvirpa ofAtioftrpa,
ar plunderer, robber, spoiler, high- Ar/ffi-aiynuv, -ovos, 8, ft, (fr. X>/0i7

rpia, -05, ^, (fr- ^< wayman, pirate. forgetfulness,and ira?y/m a play-

and jrtrpa
a rock) a smooth rock Ar/irts, -i&>5, y,plundering ; an thing) forgetful of play ; ceasing
the people epithet of Minerva, also a cap- or stopping play ; an epithet oi
Atupvbs, -ov,b, (fr.XoJ5
and fpyov a work) a maker o tive. Bacchus.

men ; 6oW, audacious ; cunnin,, At'iiros, Ion. for XtTo5- Ariffftocvvri, -775, i/, (fr. \avddvofiai
subtle. AyJI-ov, -ov, rb, (fr. last) a court, to forget) forgetfulness, oblivion.
Att for Xod5. court house ; the commons. 1 f. ind. mid.
A<i5, -oi, 8, , Aficofitv,
8, (fr. last,
an ArjKfu, Dor. AaKiw, f.
to 1
pi. of Arjffd), 1 f. ind. act of
Aw<r0mpos,-ot>, f>,

one's own) admitted make a noise, sound, resound ;

a citizen, presented with the fre crack, crackle, crash, break with , f. -i'crw, (fr.
dom of the state, a citizen, fre a noise ; to rend, cleave, tear ; t( robber) to ro&, plunder.
man, one of their own. speak, say, tell, talk of. Arjffn'ipiov, -ou, ro, (fr. same) a
same, an ArjKvQos, -ov, b, a cruet, phial, jar gang or fcond of robbers, bandit-
Aeu<j>6pos, -ov, b, ft, (fr.
to bear) a high road, beate for oil. ti; robbery.
A/XovT05, -ov, b,
a proper name. Ar/crris, -ov, b, for XjyFffT^f , (fr. Xtt'a
Aj?, 3 sin. of XS, Xrjs, A?J,
Dor. f ATiiia, -arof, rb, purpose, design 'booty) a rofefeer, thief, plunderer,
'0Aw, -jjs, -??, pres. sub. bravery, courage, intrepidity , pirate.
$fXu or 0A(j>, or pres. sub. presence of mind. Ar/ffrticbs, and
Ap(rrptKb<;,-ri,-bv, (fr
cont X Aj7//aXf05, -a, -ov, (fr. Xiy^i; the last) plundering, robbing, living
Xdcd, Xdu>, Xd;?5, Adi/,
X55, Xa, and Dor. XtD, Xfo
X. rheum of the eyes) sore-eyed on plunder, predatory, piratical.
A<7/3u>, obs.
for which Xo/<j3dvo>. blear-eyed. Ajjffrpis, -icos, fi, (fr. same) a fe-
act. Artudw -u, same) to have son male robber, pirate vessel.
Aij/, for X?jy, pres. im'pr. (fr.

Ar;yf>vat,Dor. forX//ym', pre eyes. Arjcrpwv, -ovos, b, (fr. same) a den

inf. act Ariyoifitv,
1 pi.
pre >js, fi, the rheum of the eyes or hiding-place of robbers.

opt act of running from the eyes, soreness

ATJG&, Dor. for XJo-o>, 1 ind. act
Anyu, -<5 -, to cease, stop, desis qf the eyes. ofXdu, orof Aav0dva>.
leave off, cause to cease ; to rest -aT05, TO, (fr. >a///?di'W to AriToitris, -ov,
A5J//f<a, b, (fr. next) the son
be quiet ; to fail, decay take) any thing received or as- of Latona.
Ajcov, -ov, rb, a kind of shrt sumed ; an office, a Aval, -005 -OD?, Latona. a. AJJ-
dignity^ fi,

called cistus ; a net. bribe, gift ; profit, gain, emolu- roa -&.
Aijcos, -05 -av$, rb, a garment mac
ment ; an argument, proposition Ar/ipQeir/v, 1 a. opt.
pass. Ati<f>0tis r
ofjine cloth ; a threadbare coat assumption ; an axiom, lemma , par. 1 a. pass. Arj^Otjvai, 1

Ar/^ofiat, same as \rftfyfiat. boldness, confidence. inf.

pass. Afi^Brirt, -TO>, 1 a.

ArjQaios, -aia, -o?ov, and A^0ato ,, -a, -ov, (fr. Arjfjivos an impr. pass, of Ivifldvw.
-a, -ov, (fr. Xi/flij forgetfulnes islarin) of or belonging to Lem- obs. for w.uch Xay^dvw.
Lethaan, oblivious, forgetfu nos, Lemnian. -105, Att. -W5, f/, (fr. Xa/i-
causing forgetfulness. ArjuviffKos, -ov, 8, coloured ribands dvu> to take)
0o'v o receiving, re-
Af/Bapyos, -ov, b, (fr. same, an hanging from a crown or gar- ception^ taking, acceptance, re"
aayte lazy, or rpyov work) land, a knot, cockade. ; lint. ceipt.
thargy, drowsiness, sleepiness. AJjfivos, -ov, ^, name of an island. -TJ, -trai, pi. -i^<tyi0a,
Also adj. for XdSapyos, see X<u- Ar/val, -wv, al,
Of Ar/vai, (fr. Xjjvoj
-\|<70, -\j,ovrat, 1 f. ind. mid. of
a wine tub) Bacchanalians.
jQiai, Ion. for Xi;07, 2 sin. pres. Arjvafog, -ov, b, (fr. same) an epi- A/a, forX^a.
ind. mid. AffQu, 3 sin. pres. thet of Bacchus.
Aidu>, f. -o-w, p. -KO, to agitatt,
md. act A^0T', and A^flrro, Arjvatwv, -wvos, b, (fr. next) the disturb, move, disorder ; to has-
Ion. for 3 sin. impf. month when Bacchanalian rites ten, make speed. Aidfrpai, to
mid. ofXi?0u>. were performed, January, a. separate, withdraw, secede, turn

lie hid)
*-* aside ; In go frorn^
depart, uo-
mah ; to come or go to, approach, .QdContv, -<jT, 1 and 2 pi. pres. -tos -ovs, b, th (fr.
ind. act. of like stone, stony.
bend, stoop ; to close upon.
Aiav, and Aiav, very, very much, Ai0rt'u>, f.
-aerw, p. \s\tOaKa, (fr. :0w//drijff, -ov, same, and
6, (fr.
exceedingly, too much, surely. At'0os a stone) to stone, pelt or 6fiWfjn to swear) who swears on
kill with stones, throw stones. or by a stone.
Aiapbs, -d, -bv, for %\iaf>6s-
Aifiavos, -ov, b, Lat. Libanus, a per. ind. A/e<ri S , -(Off, Att. -cws, fa (fr. AtOdw
1 a. act. ind. A(0ao-a.
mountain of Syria ; the frankin- 1 a. ind.
pass. to
petrify) changing into stone,
cense-shrub, frankincense. petrifaction.
and AtfiavbiTov,
A(/?ai'Ci>rdj, -ov, b, '0, -UKOS, b, fa (fr. same) stony,, t/cpH<t), (fr. Afav much, and <Tp-
-ov, TO, (fr. last) frankincense, rugged, craggy. Subs, a small ra'w to dance) to dance immo-
an incense-vessel, censer. rough stone.
stone, pebble, destly.
Atfds, -ados, fa (fr. A //3w to trickle) '9as, -a<5oj, fa (fr. same) a stone, a chirp, the least noise
a drop ; dripping, trickling ; a small stone, pebble ; a shower of made by birds.
rivulet. stones. f.
rill, AtKfidti -w, -f/<r(i), p. AsA/K/ijjKa,
AiflspTlvos, -ov, b,a Libertine, a \iGdvai, ini'. AtOdaas, -a<ra, (ir. \iKp.bs a fan) to winnow
sect among the Jews. n. pi. -edvuvres, par. 1 a. act. corn to dissipate, scatter,
; grind
AifidvoTos, "ov, b, (fr. Ait^ the AiQaaQCJci, pass. A<0acru)cr<, powder. 1 f. ind. act. AiKp/cru,
south-west wind, and v6ros the act. 3 pi. 1 a. sub. ofAt0a'w. -tis, -a.
south wind). a south-west wind. 0a, and Aidia, -as, fa (fr. \idos a \KfjiijTTjp, -tjpos,
and AiKp.r}Tris, -ov,
At(3vadv, Dor. for Ai/3w/0v, .;(fr. stone) a quarry, heap or collec- b, (fr. next) a winnower.
next, and Qtv from a place ~)from tion of stones ; n mass, pile. a fan, winnowing
', -ov, b,
Libya. Cu&da, -as, (perhaps fr. Aiav
fa machine.
Aifivrt, -rjs, fa Libya,Tthe name of much, and a heap) luxury, ex- AiKnuvTuv,
Ols g. pi. cqnt. of X(/c/iawv
a country. travagance; abundance, plenty. -wv, pres. par. act. of XtK/ia'u.
Aifivpvis, -iSos, fa and Aiftvpvov, Oidiov, -ov, rb, (fr. Af'0os ;i stone) AIKVOV, 'ov, Tb, same as \iKu6s.
-ov, Tb, a kind of boat, skiff", gal-
a small stone, pebble, gravel.
AiKpifa, (fr. Af^ptoj oblique)

ley, used by the Liburnians. \('0ivoj, -rj, -ov, (fr. same) made 'iquehi, sideways.
Atfivs, -vos, b, a man of Libya, an of stone, stony. AiKpol, -u>v, ol, (perhaps fr. AJ
African, Aidopo\lc9at,prcs. inf. pass. cont. oblique, and Ktaas a horn) the
Aifivaaa, -rjs, fa a woman of Libya. AtOo{3o\riQrjffTai, 3 sin. 1 f. branches of a stag's horns, antlers.
for ind. pass. AiQofio\rioai' inf. AIKTTJS, -ov, b, (fr. Xi^w to lick)
Atya, Atyt.
Aiyalvia, (fr. \iyv$ shrill)
to make Ai00/?oA?;<7aiT?, n. pi. par. 1 who licks, a ticker ; a glutton.
a shrill, clear or tuneful sound ;
a. act, At0o/3oXoCffa, n, fem. AtXaioinai, (fr. ,Aa'u> to desire) to
to cont. par. pres. act. of desire, long for, be eager, covet.
speak clear or distinct, pro-
claim. XtXafyaj, Ion. for XtXau;, 2 sin.
Atyyw, f. -fw, (fr. same) to make Ka, (fr. same, to pres. ind.
jSa'AXw par. pres. mid. Xt-
a shrill noise ; to twang, ring. to throv> stones ; to
throw) stone,
Atyoa, (fr. AeToj smooth) a whet pelt with stones. 1 a. act. ind. AtXfw -w, f. -rjcu, p. -rjxa, (fr.
stone; dust. same) to wish, desire, long for,
Atyoriv, by the Aj0o/?oAi'a, -as,fa (fr.same) athrow- covet.
slightly, briefly,
by. ing of stones, stoning. Ai^ay^ld) -Si,
and Ai/iay^ovaw -5,
AiySos, -ov, a mortar ; a furnace, At&o06\os,-ov,b,fa(fr.sa,me)throw-
b, (fr. \ipos hunger, and ay^w to
foundry, crucible. ing stones ; pelted with stones ; strangle) to afflict with famine,
dashed against the stones or kill with hunger, starve.
Aiyea, neut. pi. Aiytav, Dor.
for Aiyawv, g. pi. rocks. Subs, a sling, catapulta. -avw,
Aiyelfa d.
Atpa'tvo), (fr. Xi//ds hunger)
sin. fem. of [00KoXX?Tej, -on, 8, fa (fr. same, to be hungry, die with hunger,
and KoXXa glue) set with stones. starve.
Aiyaof, (fr. Aij% shrill) loudly,
clearly, distinctly, sweetly. Ai66\cvaTos, -ov, b, fa (fr. next) Aintvdpxns, -ov, b, (fr. next, and
smoke. overwhelmed with stones, stoned ap^fo) to command) master of
Atyvvs, -vos, fa soot,
to death. the harbour, harbour-master, pi-
AiyvtDTbs, "ov, b, fa raised, like fat,
protuberant, prominent. \t0oXrfw, (fr. Ai'0oj a stone) to lot.

Afyr/v, -tvos, 6, a port, harbour, ha-

Ion. for IXiyfr, 3 sin. 1 a. stone to death.
md. act. of Atyyw. \i66l-oos, -ov, b, (fr. \iOos a stone, ven. a. sin. \iptva, pi. Aj/uva?.

Atytp', for \tyvpfj,

d. sin. fern. and # to polish)
Ai/irjpbs, -a, -bv, (fr. X//os
Aiyvprjai, d. pi.
fem. Ion. of At- statuary, carver. hungry, famished, starved.
AlQos, -ov, b or fa a stone, rock, Aifivas, -aSos, >/, and AipvrjTis,
marble ; a gem ; an anchor ; a
fa (fr. \i[ivrj a lake) inha-
Aiyvptov, and Aiyvpov, -ov, TO, -iSos,
ligure, precious stone. quoit. biting a lake ; a water nymph.
Aiyvpbs, -a, -ov, same as \iyv$. \.id6ffTpwTos, -ov, b, fa (fr. last, and Aip.vaTis, Dor. for \ipvrjTts.
to strew) paved with a lake, pool, sheet of
Atyupw?, (fr. last) sweetly, melo- trrpoivvu/u , -rjs, fa

stones. water, surface of the sea.

and At/zvj7cnos,-or, 6, (fr. last) name of
Atyvs, -vos, b, fa a man or womar b.i9oTopia, -as, fa (fr. same,
of Liguria, Ligurian. Ttp'u to cut) a raising or cutting a frog.
Aiyvs, -?a, -v, loud, sonorous, stones; a quarry. Aip.voou>pteis, (fr' At/zvdf hunger,
clear-sounding, shrill, wh istiihg , AiOovpyew,
Ai0oi>pyi'w, f. and Acopti)ff a Dorian) driven
sweet, harmonious, melodious. -HTu>, (fr. \iOovpybs a stone-cut- like the Dorians by hunger to

ter) to cut stones. seek a new settlement ; settlers,

AtyvartKbs, -fa -ov, (fr. Ajyu?
Ligurian) of or belongin g to Li- AidovpyiKbs, -fa -bv, (fr. same)
Ainv6%apis, (fr. A/w/ a lake,
longing to or employed in stone-
guria, Ligurian.
d. Ion. of cutting. to the name of a
Aiyv<l>66yyoiai, pi. %aipw rejoice)
Aiyu</>0oyyos, -ov, b, fa ( fr. Xtyii AiOovpybs, -ov, b, (fr. \tdos a stone, frog.
a voice, th and Ipyov a work) a stone-cutter, AiuoKTovfb) -w, and <CTJ/-
sweet, and (f>Q6yy>) (fr. nextj
to kill) to kill with famine,
d>0fyyo/tat to speak) sw eet-voiced lapidary. vw
harmonious; loud-voi ced, shrill Ai0o'o> -w, f.
-ucrw, (fr. A(0oj a famish, starve.
Aiyttyuvos, -ov, b, f}, (fr. same, an stone) to turn into stone, petrify. Ai/ioj, -ov, b, hunger, famine,
a voice) same 9 .s last. AiOvptov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a heap starvation ; a poor starved man ;
A Vi Ion. for \tav.
AtpTTuvii}, same as \ti-iji. Aiirmv, Poet, for \urttv, 2 a. inf. impf. ind. act. Airovn<rf, Ion,
to de- act. of A-w. for \iTdvvv, 3 sin. 1 a. ind.
AeiHpivu, f. -i'(7u>, (fr. next)
ceive ; to discover. -j'os -oCs, o, act. of
Aurpn)j, 11, (fr.
to leave, and IQVOS a plant) ACT&WUW, f. same as
Alphas, -ov, b, an in I -cue-to, A/ff-

AiftwTTta, f. -iiw, p. -u%<i, (fr.

Xc country to live in
left the ffOj.Ull.

to 6e At impoverished, reduced. JAiTuwv,

-rfEol. for XtTwv, g. of
//os hunger) hungry. pi.
XEI'-J to A1n\ to pray)
pres. par. act.
-r;s, (fr.
/'.UJTTWV, [Anrtcrj/fup, -ooos, /, (fr. ?/, Afo-o-o//ai

AI'VEOS -ovs, \ivfrj -q, Xivtov leave, and a man)

ui/j/p descrl-i prayer, supplication, entreaty.
uig tlieir husband. \vtttyarv, pres. opt.
-t^, 2 a. inf. mid. .

ro^a<, same as Xto-o-o/iat.

same, 3 sin. of AJ-OJ'/U -sis,
- ;j>; -" l'? >
same as A/S.
', -?KOS, 6, i/, (fr. >

a breastplate) /
opt. act. Ai-ntinn 1
2 ,
o;>!.iAjroc, ->}, -dv, simple, bare, slen-

Opiate. mid. Auroto-a, Dor. for At- rfcr,

1 mean, vile, cheap; rude,
Airo/raX>7, -'/?, fo (fr- same, and; TToucra, 2 a. par. act. fern. A/-J uncultivated.

KaX>>7 a straw) the stalk offlax. TTOICV, 3 pi. 2 a, opt. act AJ- AITUS,

-i), -or, (fr. \ic<jo^iai to pray)

any 3 made Ion. for suppliant, beseeching, humble,

-jv,, TO,!.,
flax,?J thing ffov,
of it, /men, thread, a string, line,
thn*l, reasonable; of or belong- live, story, fable, pi. \6yoi, AoKpol, -wv, o?, Locri, the name of

ing to the word or #ospe/, spi- study, literature. E/crtvos Aoyou, a people.
ritual; eloquent, learned, wise; for which reason. Tlvi Adyct), why >fo (fr. yo&s oblique) obliquely,
or for what reason ? Kara. Adyov, ambiguously.
estimable, worthy.
rea- justly, according to reason. Ao^iag, Ion. Ao^irjg, -ov, b, (fr.
AoyiKov, -oy, ro, (neut. oflast)
Ion. of Aod? oblique)
son AoyiKri, -m, fi t (fem. of 6-yyaiai, d. pi.
the Loxian, epi-

A<5yy_77, -r/g, (fr. Aay^avto to al- thet of Apollo.

last) logic. 77,

AtJyfyoj, -77, -ov, or -ov, b, fi,

same lot) a lot, portion, share; a lance, ^ojlarai, n. pi. of
as Aoyi/cdf. spear, point of a spear, blade. Ao^arrjg, -ov, b, fi, (fr. next, and

A.6yioi, -(av, ol, (nom. pi.

of \6yiog) Aoyy//p7;j, -EOS -ovg, b, ft, (fr. last, /Satvw to go) falling or passing
wise men, orators, historians. and ai'pw to raise) a spearman, obliquely.
a word) lancer. Ao&g, -i), -ov, oblique, crooked,
A6yiov, -ov, -u, (fr. Adyoj
an oracle, revelation ; a divine Aoyydw, (fr. last) to point, sharpen bent ; dubious, ambiguous, doubt-
at the point.
oracle, sacred writing, scripture. ful.
Adytoj, -a,-ov, (fr. same) rational; VXwng, -H, -or, (fr. same) point- AOJ-OTTJS, -nrog, 77, (fr. last) obliqui-
wise, learned, eloquent, distin- ed, sharpened, sharp-pointed. ty, inclination.
guished. Subs, a prose writer ; a Aoyu>,Dor.for Adyou,g. sin. of Adyoj. Aoiritg, -aoog, ft, opiate, dish, pan,
prophet. A.offcdfnvog, -n, -ov, Adtaaav saucer.

A.6yiaai, impr. AoyiffacQai, inf. Aof<7<rat,Poet.forAoc-<fyivoj,par. Adfifyo?, -77, -ov, (fr. Af-u to peel)
1 a. mid. t\6wuv, 3 that can be peeled, skinned or
Aoyto'djufvog, -77, -ov, par. pi. 1 a. ind.

Aoytarjriit, sub. 3 sin. 1 a. mid. Ion. Xotaat, 1 a. inf. act. of Aoo. barked.
AoytaOcin, 3 sin. opt. Ao- Adtrpov, -ov, -b, for Aoyrpov. Aom)?, -ov, b, (fr. same) bark, rind,
yiff6r/vai, inf.
1 a. pass. Ao- Aorpo^;dos -ovg, -dou -ov, b, ft, (fr. skin, peel.
3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass,
last, and ^/w to pour out) fit far Aopobg, -ov, b, ft, bent, inclined,
of \oyi^o/jiai. a bath. hanging down, face downwards ;
AoyT/u5?,-ot!, 6, (fr. Adyojaword) Aoao Poet, for Aovw. bending inwards or downwards.
reasoning, argument, thought, /Si), d. sin. of Aopo6<a -o>, (fr. last)
to bend,
stoop ;
reflection, reason ; sense, the Aoi/3i),
-ijg, fi, (fr. AajSw to drop) a to be doubled.
mind ; computation, reckoning, libation, drink-offering. Adpotaaig, -log,
Att. -twg, ft, (fr.
accdunt ; a syllogism. Aoiyrjeig, -twa, -ev,
same as Aoi- same) a bend, stoop, leaning,
Aoyiorr}?, -ov, b, (fr. same) a rea- inclination.
soner ; ingenious person, arti-
Aoiyta, n. pi. neut. of Aovoorp6<pog, -ov, b, (fr. AoD<5os,
ficer, artist ; an accountant, Aotyiog, -a, -ov, (fr. next) destruc- from the Lat. ludus, play, and
comptroller. tive, ruinous, pernicious, deadly. encourage) a master of

Aoyoypa^fw, f. -r'/ffo),
(fr. same, and Aoiybg, -ov, b, (fr. AEJ^W to devour) of gladiators ; a
sports, keeper
to write) to write or com- pestilence, disease, death, ruin, swordsman, fencing-master.
pose history or speeches; to ex- destruction. AovKag, -a, b, Lucas, Eng. Luke,
pound. i\.oicoptig,
2 sin. cont. pres. ind. a man's name.
Aoyoypa^o?, -ou, 6, (fr. same) a act. of Aoikto?, -ov, b, Lucius, a man's
writer of speeches or history ; a
AoiSoptia -w,
-fjcij), p. \\oi66pr)- name.
reasoner, expounder ; a wrangler, KO, (fr. XoiSopog a reviler) to rail, ,
Att. Sync, for \ovouai
pettifogger. revile, reproach, abuse ; to chide,
for E\ov6/jiijv, impf. ind.

A.6yotfft, d. pi. Ion. of Adyoj. reprehend, censure,

pres. pass. Aoiiadai, for \oveaBai,

Aoyopdyupos -ov, b, (fr. Adyoj a pass. cont. Aoj<5op?c-0a(. pres. pres. inf. pass, of Aotfw.
word, and /ua'yapoj a cook) or- par. pass. cont. Aot<5opoi5^voj. Aouvo?, -7), -ov, splendid, bright.
namenting language, flowery. a. par. pass. Aoioopriddg. Aovffdfievog, -rj, -ov, mid Aovaag,
fto -w.f.
-yam, p. AfAoyo- -drag, TO, AoiS6prjaig, d. -GO.VTI, n. pi. -o-av-n:?, act.
a, (fr.Adyoj a word, and , Att. -wj, 17,
and Aoioopia, par. la. Aovctv, Ion. for
ai to fight) to contend
-?, ft, (fr. next) reproach, ca- fAouo-E, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of
about words, dispute for trifles. lumny, invective; reviling, rail- Aouw.
pres. inf. act. cont. Aoyo/xX?v. ing, abuse. Aovccov, an excrescence growing on
Aoyo/xa^j'a, -aj, (7, (fr. same) con- -ov, b, a reviler, railer, beech trees.
tention about words ; subtile or reproacher, calumniator. Aouffw, Dor. for AOTJO-W, 1 f. ind.
idle disputation. -77, -ov, par pres. act. of AOTJW.
Aoyd/yu^oj, -ou, 6, 17,. (fr. same) pass. cont. of XoiSopfo). Aovrnp, -npog, b, (fr. Aoi5w to wash)
disputing about words. Aoiutvonai, (fr. next) to hurt de- a basin, vessel for washing ; a
AoyoTTOtf'w -w, f. ->;o-o), (fr.
Adyoj a stroy, corrupt ; to be infected. Zajer.
word, and irotfw to make) to AotftoTo, g. sin. Ion. of Aourpov, -ov, TO, (fr. same) a bath,
make, compose or write fables ; to Aoijjibg, -ov, b, a plague, pestilence, laver, bathing-place.
talk, rumour, report; to
affirm, contagion, infection ; a nuisance, Aourpov, -ov, rb, (fr. same) water
assert ; to discourse, reason.
pest, scourge, which has been used, dirty water,
AoyoTroicSj, -ov, b, f;, (fr. same) a AoiM^rrw, (fr. last) to Jiave the d. sin. of Aourpdv.
writer or composer Aouu to
of fables; plague, be infected. JAourpwv, -wvoj, b, (fr.
historian. Aonrbg, -ft, -bv, (fr. AEUTO) to leave) wash) a bath; a sink, drain,

Adyoj, -ou, 6, (fr. A/yw to speak) left, remaining, the rest, remain- draught house.
a word, speech, language, elo- der ; future. Aovo), f. -aw, p. AfAju/ra, to wash,
quence ; the Word, divine Word, AoKjd)'iia,-o)v,Ta, (Ion. for \oiff6cia, bathe. 1 a. ind. act. /Aotxra* par.
Christ ; an oration, discourse ; a neut. pi. of Aoio-0to?, same as Aouo-aj. per. par. pass. \\ov[ii-
saying, proverb; fame, report, next) premium or reward given vo ^ - n) , ov 1 a. ind. mid. eXov- ,

rumour, talk ; thought, opinion, to the last or hindmost.

ad/iT]v, -j), -aro.
conception, reflexion ; reason, un- AotaOiog, or -Quog, -a, -ov, and ft, (fr. Adf)?
the neck)
Ao<j)ia, -ag,
derstanding, sense ; proportion, AolaBog, -77, -ov, (perhaps fr. the neck, back; mane; bristle;
analogy ; account, cause, reason ; to leave) the last, latest ; crest ; summit, top; coast, border.
a computation, reckoning ; a mat- hindmost. Td \oiaBia, finally, AnAvia, -as, f/,
and AoQvts, -
ter, affui', point, purpose; an te%, [<
length. I

(fr. Ad^o?
a hill) a torc/i, irant/.
of crest-
appearance, show, pretence AoT0drarof, -rj, -ov, sup. Aot'c-
AoQdtis, -Etrcra-, -tv, (fr. next)

vo!um<>. booh, treatise; a narra- 0of, a. ain. fern. ^o*a9ordr?n'. ;

w/, tufted, hilly.
-B, the neck, iocfc; tfie a -tos -ovs, 6, Lyewmcd*,
6, Avyf, Avyycd?, 6, $, fyrur. .

mane ; a crest ; a hill, eminence, Avy!-, Avyyos, 17,

same as AvypoY a man s name.
Jii#ocfc ; a cottar, yoke ; bm- Aoyo?, -ov, f/,
a willow, osier, twig AVKO?, -ov, b, a wolf. a. pi. \VKOS,

dage. rod, stick. Dor. for Av/covj.

and ovpo Avydj, -oD, 6, a kind of wine VKOS, -ov, b, (fr. \VKTJ light) the
A6<povpa, -<av, rd, (fr. last,
a tail) a// animals having bns- press. sun, sunbeams.
ties on their backs. Avyp), Ion. for
Avypa, fern, of AvKovpyos, -ov, b, Lycurgus, a
-a,-ov , (fr. Ad^osacrest) Auypd?, -a, -ov, oppressive, trouble
- man's name.

crested; distinguished, proud, some, severe, hard; miserable Avicdtfipuv, -ovoj, 6, (fr. \VKOS a
wrttched ; gloomy, sad, mourn wolf, and 0p> the mind) daring,
Aoxayirris, -ov, next) a cap- ful; feeble, weak ;
b, (fr.
worthless bold, intrepid.
tain, officer of a company. vile.
ud0u)?, rd, (fr. AVKT; dawn, and
to command Auyp<3j, (fr. last) severely, sadly <Aws light) morning, dawn, twi-
Ao^aytw-u, (fr. next)
a troop, lead a division. grievously. light.

ayog and Ao^oy wydj, -ov, b, AvSca, -TJ j, //,

name of a town. AVKTOS, -ov, fa the name of a town.
fr. Adyos a division, and dyu Avcia,-ag, 17, Lydia, the name of Avpa, -aroj, rd, (perhaps fr.
to lead") leader of a troop or 'di- country, or of a woman. Aovw to wash) dirty water, dirt,
vision, lochagus, captain. 'S, -cog-ovf, b, rj, (fr. next qffscouring, filth ; cleansing, pu-
-ijcu, (fr. Ad^oj an
-5, f. and rrdQos an affection) livin_ rification, purgation.
ambuscade) to lie in ambush, like the Lydians, voluptuous, ef ,
-aiu>, (fr. last) to wash,
lie in wait for ; to lay an am- feminate, delicate, cleanse, purify ; make expiation,
bush ; to make a feint, deceive. Avcds, -ov, b, a man of Lydia. n. p atonement. Or, (fr. \ij[iT}
Ao^eoTo, g. sin. Ion. of Avlot, Lydians. struction) to ravage, waste, make
Avtt, (3 sin. of Avw, used im havoc ; to ruin, destroy ; to in-
Ao%ds, -ov, 5, same as Ad^oj.
A6ycvua, -aros, rb, (fr. next) a pers. )
conduces, it is qfadvan jure, violate, hurt. 1 a. ind.

enrth, offspring. tage act. t\vpr)va. pres. ind. pass.

Ao^rfw, Ao^dj pregnant) to Avsiv, pres.
(fr. inf. Avert, 2 p' Ai'uau'Ojuen. 1 f. ind. mid. Avjua-

bring forth, have young. Ao- pres. ind. or impr. act. o vovpai. I a. ind. mid. eXvpyvd-
Xtvou.a.1, to be born ; to lie in am- Xfo. firiv, -u, -aro.

bush, be concealed. ^w, f. -fw, to haie the hiccough v/iswi/, -wvoj, 6, (fr. next) a de-
-w,forA to sob, cry, weep. stroyer, ravager.
1 f. of Ao- Avn, -ns, >/, see Ava.
ind. mid. vfin, -n$, fa a plague, pestilence,
Avdcv, Bceot. Sync, and Ion. fo calamity, destruction, ruin; hurt,
a, f. -"<rw,
(fr. Ady/>? a troop) t\v6naav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. damage ; decay, decline.
to arrange in
companies ; to At!07, Ion. forXu0>7, 3 sin. 1 a Avurjv, \vo, Avro, Poet, and Ion.
make an ambuscade, lie in wait hid. pass. Avdrf, 3 sin. 1 a "
AeAi^/vo? d^v, pper. opt.
for. sub. pass. AvBJjvai, inf. pass, of Avw, or 2 a. opt. mid. of
Ao^trrjs, -ov, b, (fr. same) a com- pass -- AvdjcETat, 3 sin. Au0// AV//J, same as Avu.
mon soldier. <rovrai, pi.
1 f. ind. pass, o a. par. mid. of Av-
A6%p1i -tjs, (fr. next) a place
covered shrubs or under- Avdpov, -ov,rd, blood, gore.
with ADvro, Ion. and Poet, for eAfAvv-
wood ; a covert, brake, thicket ; vBoota -5, (fr. last) to be pollut ro, 3 pi. pper. ind. pass, of
a place fit for ambuscade. ed with, gore, sprinkled wit
Adyoj, -ou, 6, (perhaps fr. to blood. Avop.at, pres. ind. pass.
Afyu Avovrc?,
ue down) a troop, band, divi- vOpucris, -oj -o'jf, 6, i;, (fr. same n. Avovriov, g. par. pres. act.
sion, company ; snares, ambus- full of blood and matter, clottec Avovct, d. of same, or 3 pi.
cade. with blood, gory. pi. pres. ind. act. of Atiw.
Ao%d?, -ov, fa pregnant, breeding ; A.VKa3<i;, -avros, b, (fr. Au/co? the oxEiadai, pres. inf. pass. cont.
in labour. and /3a/ixi> to go) the sun

At-ara<, 3 sin. cont. pres.

Ava, Dor. for AST/, -ns, fa (fr. Avu path ; a year. ind. pass. AvTttirs, 2 pi. cont.
to dissolve) sedition, revolution, Avicaios, -a, -ov, an epithet of Jupi pres. ind. or impr. act. Au-
rebellion, battle, fight ; pesti- ter. -w, cont. for
lence, plague, contagion. kvicaovia, -a?, fj, L,ycaonia,nd.nu A-/u>, f. -rjffw, p. \t\VTrr)Ka, (fr.
Auyoloj, -a, -ov, (fr. Xvyj; dark- of a country. next) to grieve, fret, distress,
ness) dark, obscure, gloomy; t'Kauyo'f, -roj -o?f, rd, (fr. Au/o; make sorrowful ; to hurt, offend,
mournful. light, th* AUKOJ the sun, anc make angry. 1 a. ind. act. cAv-
Avyyavia, (fr. Avw to sob) to sob, avyij brightness) the morning. T?7cra. pres. ind. pass, \vitfonat.
cry, weep. dawn, daybreak, twilight. 1 a.
pass. c\v-TJdriv, ->??, -77- sub.
Avyyo>j, -w?, Ion. -rjo;, b, name VKOWV, -ovos, b, Lycaon, a man's \vrrr;OG), -rj$, -jj. inf. \vmjdrjvai'
of a nation. name. par. ^.vi/deis, -fvroj.
AvyoYvoy, -77, -ov, (fr. next) smooth, i'Kttos, -a, -ov, or -ov, b, f], (fr. fa grief, pain, distress,
uvir?7, -77$-,

polished, bright, white like mar- AVKOJ a wolf) of a wolf, wolf's. uneasiness, trouble, sorrow.
Also, an epithet of Apollo or" the .v-rj9fvTt.s, n. pi. par. Av~tj6?j-
Avytos, -ov, b, white marble, Pari- sun. vai. inf. Av-Tjbrirt, 2 pi. sub.
an marble, alabaster. I'AT?, -f]<;, tj, (fr. AI'ATOJ the sun) 1 a',
pass Av-ndijffCffOt, 2 pi.
Avyij, -w, fa darkness, obscurity, l.ght. 1 f. ind. pass. Avrr>, Dor. for
*r^?c, -wv, o't, (fr. \VKO$ a wolf) Ar-roY, pres. inf. act. cont.
'via, Dor. -oj, (fr. wolfs whelps or cubs. 2 pres. sub.
sin. cont.
a twig) to
bend, twist, turn, AvKia, -as, Ion. -rj, -17?, hi Lycia, act. Av-rtcQe. 2 pi. pres. sub.
twine round, bind with twigs ; to a country. pass, of At>-fcj.
overpower, disable. Avyifypai, -fs -o??, 6, fj, (fr. last, -a, -ov, (fr. \vvrj grief)
to endeavour to escape, elude, and foyov a work) made in Ly- grievous, sad, distressing, severe ;
shun. cia, Lycian. troublesome, annoying ; indiffer-
vj, -tos, Att. -tuj, 6, Lynce- AvKtrjdtv, (fr. same, and $tv fr. a ent, sorry, poor. Comp. \vmjp6-
us, a mans name. place) from Lycia. rpo>, sup. Avri/pdraroj.
vy/ioi, -ot?, 6, (fr. Au^w to sob) a AVKIOI, -UV, ol, inhabitants of Ly- u^pw?, (fr. last) grievously, sad.
hiccough, sobbing, crying. ca, ly, sererdy, troublesomefy.
AtfffoS,pres. impr. pass.
cont. ,-a?,/,,(fr. nQ\l) utility, Arrpwrr/s, -ov, b, (fr. same) a re-
Aviroe>vos, -*], -ov, pres. par. profit, benefit, advantage. deemer, deliverer, saviour.
pass.cont. of Xu;rfw. uo-tTXf'co -w, f. -jyerw, (fr. next) to Aurraw, same as Xvcrcraw.
Avirpbs, -a, -bv,
same as \vTtnpbs '>
be advantageous, profit, serve, ^v7ov and Avyviov, -ov, TO, and
also, thin, slight, scanty, bare, avail, benefit. Av%vta, -as, (fr. M%vo$ a r],

poor. AvffiT\r)s, -eo$ -ovs, b, TI, (fr. Xww lamp) a candlestick, lamp-stand.
a to pay, and r/Xo? tribute) useful, Av%vidiov,-ov,Tb, (fr. dim. of next)
AVpa, -as, Ion. -vs, f,, lyre, gui-
tar. advantageous, profitable, benefi- a small candle, taper, lamp.
and dow cial.
Comp. XucnnXtempo?. sup. '?, (fr.Xv^vojalamp)
>Xyls, -iSos,
Avpaoicbs, -ov, b, (fr. last,
to sing) singing to the lyre. a plant of which wicks were
to sound Avo-iT\G>s, last) usefully, pro- made, blue-bottle ; a wick, lamp,
Avpifo, f. -foco, (fr. same) (fr.
or piny upon a lyre. Jitably, beneficially, candle.

Avptebs, -ri, -bv, (fr. same) adapt- vaov, -arw, -cart, 1 a. impr. Avj(voKaia, -as, f), (fr. next, and
2 pi.
ed to the lyre, lyric. act Aucrovrat, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. /cat'w to
burn) the feast of lamps
who mid. Xuer<5uvo?, 1 f. par. mid. of or lanterns.
Avptem/?, -ov, b, (fr. same)
fr. Xvw to
clayed on or sung to the lyre,
)%vos, -ov, b, (perhaps
accompanying his voice with the Auo-cra or AvYra, -r/s, fi, madness, dissipate, and i/u night) a lamp,
phrensy, rage of lantern, candle.
lyre. ; properly
, -ov, 6, and AupoKru- dogs. Auw, f. Xu<7w, p. \e\vica, to loose,
, -ou, 6, ft, (fr. same,
and ruTr- Avcreraco or -rrtfw, Poet. Avaffdia, unloose, untie, slacken ; to relax,
rw to strike) a performer on the (fr. last) to go mad, become furi- mitigate, assuage ; to weigh an-
ous ; to rage, rave. chor, set sail ; to release, set free,
Aucrat, 1 a. inf. act. Avtraer' for AuVen;|ua> -aro?, TO", same as Xucrera. liberate ; to discharge, acquit ; to

Xuowa, fern, of Xvcraj, -acra, Avaaf/v, Dor. for Xuenrav, pres. inf. pardon, forgive ; to pay ; to

-oav, 1 a. par. act. Avaav, act. cont. of Xuererefw. open; to break down,
Ion. for Auerav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. Avaar/Trip, -rjpos, b, (fr. XuVcra ca- overturn, overthrow ; to dissolve,
act. Au<ratr, 2 pi.
of XuVatju, nine madness) mad, furious, ra- dilute, melt ; to expiate, atone
1 a. opt. act. Autraro, Ion. bid. for ; to dismiss, break up, dis-
for fXtferaro, 3 of fXvo-a^v, Avaadiav, Poet, or Ion.
forXuc-ffwv, perse, disband ; to annul, re-
-w, -aro, 1 a. ind. mid. of Xtiw. pres. par. act. cont. of Xuo-eraw. scind, abrogate, cancel ; to solve,
Avaais, -iEol. for Avo-a?, 1 a. par. Au<7ox5<57j, -EG? -ovj, 6, >y, (fr. \vaffa explain, unravel ; to violate,
act. of same. canine madness) mad, furious, transgress, put an end to,

Avo-avias, -ov, b, (fr. Auto to relax, raging, raving, rabid. tle.

Avopai, to
redeem, ransom.
and aviasadness) relieving, eas- aaati)6drjs, 2 sin. 1 a.
opt. pass, impf. ind. act. i Xuov, -j, -E, 1 a.

ing pain or sorrow, mitigating,

of XVO-CTOW, same as Xvo-eraw. act. ind. Au<ra sub. Xverw, -r/s, n'

assuaging ; Lysanias, a man's uo-erwo-t, 3 pi. pres. ind. or sub. impf. pass. EXvd/wjv, inf. Xucrat.
act. cont. of Auerer^w.
name. -ou, -ro. per. ind. pass. XAu-
AUO-E, Ion. for Auer, 3 sin. 6o-Tpa, -as, f}, and -wv, r, Lystra,
1 a. ind.
^ai. 1 a. ind. pass. sMOriv, -r/s,
act. Aucraa, -as, -t, JE>o\. for name of a town. -r,. 1 f. ind. pass. Xv0^cro//at.

Auo-at//t, -at?, -at,

1 a. opt. act. va-Tpos, -a, -ov, of or belonging to Aw, see A?y.
of Atiw. Lystra. Aw/?aw, and Aw/3aw, same as
A*"ert, d. sin. of Avert?. -ELS, -a, 1 f. ind. act. Awfldofiai, f. mid. XwjS^crojwai, (fr.
Auc-iaVfffo-a, -q?, f/,
a woman's Avo-w, -7)$, TI, pi. -ctjrt, 2 Xw/3>7 injury) to affront, offend,
name. sub. act. of Xuw. insult ; to injure, wrong ; to

Arenas, -ov, Lysias, a man's AvTr'/piov, -ov, Tb, (neut. of next) a

o, spoil, break, mutilate, deform.
name. remedy, release, ransom, atone- Awj8acr?;o-0, Dor. for Xw/3)?o-?70-0,
Aufftwvo?, -ov, b, fi, (fr. Xuw to ment. 2 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. la. ind.
untie, and wvr/ a girdle) one AvT)jptos, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. Xuw to re- pass. tXwfifjQriv.
who unties the girdle, a bride- lease) expiatory, atoning, ran- Aw/?euw, same as last.
groom. soming ; preserving, saving, de- Aw/3?7, -??, >/, affront, insult ; in-
Avo-tKaKos, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and livering ; that frees or exone- jury, wrong, hurt ; mutilation,
KaKos evil) dispelling evilfs, sooth- rates.
ing, assuaging, balmy. AUTO, Ion. and Poet. forAAuro, 3 Atifirjdeis, 1 a. par. pass. Aw/iJjJ-
Avaifi\f)?, -fos-ovs,b, ft , (fr. same, sin. pper. ind. pass, of Xuto. o-(o, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. mid.
and p&os a limb) relaxing the AUTOV, -o, Tb, (neut. of next) re- Autffrioor,
1 a.
impr. act. of Xu-
limbs, refreshing, balmy. tribution, justice.
Avffiv, a. sin. of Xucr;?. AVTOS, -ri, -bv, (fr. Xuw to
pay) T-IJS, -ov, Au)fii]rrip, -T\QOS, Aw-
Avaios, ~a,-ov, or -ou, 6, ';, (fr. AVIS) soluble ; to be paid ; retributive. lirjT&p, -opos, b, (fr. Aw/?/? affront)
to relax) relaxing, soothing, cars- AiiTpov, -ov, Tb, (fr.
same) a ran- a scoffer, railer, defamer ; a vile
assuaging, mitigating. som, redemption, atonement, price person, pest, disgrace.
Avffnraiyf.'.(nv, -ovog, b, >'/, (fr. sam-s, of deliverance. Awj3r]Tbs, -fj, -bv, (fr. :;:;!iie) af-
nd to sport) jocose, mer- Avrpouvdai, pres. inf. mid. cont. fronted, insulted, abused, injured,
ry, jolly ; relaxing in sport ; nd- of wronged; maimed, mutilated;
ing the play. Awrp/Joj, f. -oVw, p. \\VTp<i>Ka, (fr. despicable, vile, worthless.
Avaiirovos, -ov, 6, ?/, (fr. same, and! stimo) toransom, redeem, dc- Awi'?, -ioos, ?/, a woman's name.
ndvog labour, th. irivopm to la- cc per. ind. pass. \E\vrpionai, Atoi'trrof, cont. Acpcrroc, sup. (fr.
bour) relieving from labour ; -cat -Tat. 1 a. ind.
pass. fXu- AW to wish) excellent, best.
sorrow-ending. r/3w0;;v, --,)$, mid. Awtrcpo;, -a, -ov, same as
-r,. 1 a. ind.

Avert?, -to?, At*. -scoff, j% (fr.

Auw to
\VTpwsdpjr, -u, -aro* sub. Xu- Awi'a)i' > cont. Xcuwi/, -ovos, b, >/,

loose) a loosening, untying,

dis- to wish) better, su-
' comp. (fr. X(3
engaging, delivery, release ; dix- suine as more preferable.

breaking up, end. a. AitT-pwo^Tczij 3 sin. 1 a. sub. n>id. AwXSs
solution, stupid, silly ; rude, uncivil"
Atfffiv. of Xurptfo). ized.

A.v(riT\i:'[, (3 sin, coat, impers. of AvTpuffts, -IDS, Att. -

W5) {,, (fr. Atopa, -UTOS, ro, a fringe, border,
AucirtXtto to avail) if is
projlta- )'.vrp6Mto redeem, th. Xvw to hem.
hle, ii avails, it is belter, is wvrth .

pay) redemption, rarsw. a. Xu- Ar'nTf, Dor. for XcDcrt, 3 pi. pres.
while. in 1. act. cont. Aduv Xwv, Xa-
ovra Xwo-a, Xaov Xwv, pres. par.
Maivopai, f.
pavovpat, p. mid. pl-
to be mad or furious, rage,
rave, become frantic, pres. par.
MaXds, -*'/, -ov, (same as ufi^Xbg, orj

soft) to soften ;
to make effemi- put for .tuAXwrds) soft, lender,
nate and weak. MaXasuyo/iai,
to be lansruid.
MaXa/cw, Dor. for paXciKov, g.
of jMAftrfc.
jj, (fr. //aA#<cds soft) softly,
tenderly, effeminately.
ever so
-;p, (fr. /idXa very)

-/i, y<tf, rery.

rw -TTW, f. -a'u>, p. -X a i '
relieve ;
50/ien, mitigate, assuage,
to make delicate, effeminate,
weaken, enervate. MaXa'trou/tat
to relent, per. pass,

fr - to
. .

* ( P***""
soften) mallows.
MaXa^opfu, (fr. /i^Xo* apple,
com/ or 6ear
'to carry) to
MaXaX^X, 6, Heb. indecl. a man's
MoXepds, -d, -ov, (fr. /laXds tender)
hot, burning, destructive,
ing, consuming ; bright, clear.
MdXn, -n$, h^ the arm P il '

MdX0a, -r/s, b (& ftaXaVoxo to soft-

en) soft wax ; a wax tablet.
Ma>9a/cds, -rj, -ov, (fr. fiaXddffffu to
soften) soft, effeminate ; weak,
tender ; languid, faint ; liquid,
melting, sweet.
MaX0aKo>wvos, -ov, 6, i;, (fr. /iaX-
QUKOS soft, and ifxavfi voice) hav-
ing a sweet voice, sweet, melodi-
ous, tender, melting.
MaX0d<ro-w, f. -u, same as

yidXipvov, -ou, TO, a name

of a
long hair.
yiaXiov, -ov, TO,
MdXis, -itos, and MaXifi, -?js, ?
disease in cattle.
MoXts, -ios, Dor. for //;X<s, -'<5os,

and MaX/a, -as, b, an apple

MaXls, -ico s, J,
the name ot

MdXtcra, (sup. of paXa) most,
most of all ; exceedingly, chiefly,
in particular, most
certainly. "On pdXicrra, ever so
MaXfcfui -u, and MaX/c^w, Ion. and
Poet. (fr. next) to be shrivelled
with cold, grow torpid, be be-
Ma'A/o?, -js,i),
a contraction of the
hands or feet caused by cold
numbedness, torpidness.
MoXXoTs, d. pi. of ^aXXd"s.
MaXXov, (corap. of fidXa) more
rather, preferably.
MaXXds, -oC, o, a fleece, wool, long
wool, down, a lock of hair.
MaXXurds, -tl,-*v, (fr. last) woolly,
fleecy, downy, hairy, soft.
MaXov, -o), Dor. for ^?jXov, -ou, TO
a sheep ; an apple ; also the
cheeks, and the breasts.
MaXoirdpryos, -ov, 6, fj, (fr. paXd
tender, and napeta a cheek) ten
der cheeked ; soft, delicate. Or
(fr. paXov, Dor.
for prjXov an

apple, and same) rosy cheeked

freth, blooming.
decay) a decay, consumption, MapotTroy and Mdpauriros, -ov, b, a Ma<rrr)p, -rjpos, and
Mdfftwp, -opo;
disease, sickness. bag, wallet.
scrip, purse, b, same as pao-rcvrfc.
Mapdcreru, (fr. ua/pw
to shine) to
Mdprvp, -vpos, b, ft, a witness, evi- aanyuv, Ion. for //atrnyoSv,
shine, glitter, brighten, give light. dence ; a martyr. inf. of p.a<TTiy6<a.
Mapyali/o), f. -av5>, (fr. y/apyoymad) Mapruofo) -u>, f. -f/o-(i),p. np.aprvpTi- Mao-riyevs, -toy, Att. -oy, 6, (fr.
to be mad or furious ; to rave, Ka, (fr. last) to witness, bear wit- p-do-nt- a whip) aflogger, scourg-
rage > to burn with desire. ness, testify ; to prove by evi- er, whipper, executioner.

Mapyapirris, -ov, b, (fr. next) a dence ; to praise, approve of. Maoriylas, -cv, b, (fr. same) one
to be well re- that was whipped ; a
pearl. MapTvpfopai -ovpai, thief, vaga-

"Mdpyapov, -ov, TO, same as last. ported, have a good character ; bond, rogue, convict.
Mapyaw, same as p.apyaivia.
implore, beseech, charge, impf. Mao-Tiyot, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind.
act. -ovv. per. ind. act. of
Mpyf'AA7, coral, pimpernel. efjiaprvpcov naaTiydti).
Mapyirris, -ov, b, an idiot, fool, dri- pass. nfnapTvprjuai. Ma<myotJ<70w, 3 sin. pres.
veller. MapTvprjdtvTes,
n. pi. par. 1 a. cont. pass, of

Mapyoy, -n, -ov, and -ov, b, /, mad, pass, .of last. Matmydw -Si, f. -wau, p. ^tyiaart-
raging, furious ; lecherous, wan- Mapniptyia, -aroy, TO, (fr. pdpTup ywKa, (fr. ^aorrt| a whip) to
ton*; greedy, gluttonous; doting, a witness) testimony, proof, evi- whip, scourge, lash ; to correct,
foolish, silly, stupid. dence ; a document, voucher. punish, chastise. 1 a. f^aortywo-a.
Mapyoo-vvr), -ris, rj, (fr. last) mad- IVfaprupj/ffai,
Maprup^aay, g.
1 a.
pass."'enao-TtywOnv. I f. pass.
ness, fury, rage ; wantonness, -ffavroy, par. Maprup^oroi', tfjLai. per. pass. ind.
lechery. impr. Maprvp?/o'u, -ays, -077,
Map<5oV toy, -ov, b, a man's name. sub. 1 a. act. of naprvpfu. t,

TAdpr), -ris, fj, (fr. adou to divide)

MapTvpla, -as, %, Ion. Tj, n. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last.
an obs. word hand.
the -ns,fj, (fr. pdprvp a witness) Mao-TitTr/v, Ion. for uacmf'r7v,

MdpOa, -ris,
a woman's name. timony, witness, evidence, attesta- du. impf. or 2 a. ina.
Mapfa, -ay, %,a woman's name. tion, proof. napTvplflci, Ion. for rtw, Poet, for paffTiy
Mapia//, fi, Heb. indecl. bitter.
pi. MaoTt^w, f. -^(i), p.
Mapiavdvvol, -S>v, o't, a people of Maprvptov, -ov, rd, same as last. same as to croc
nao-Tiydu, aso,
Asia slaves taken in war were
; ai, (fr. (idprvp a witness) a w/iip. pres. inf. act. //aor^av.
sometimes so called from them. to bear witness, declare ; to call
Ma<m'ovrj, n. pi. par. pres.
Map/Aa or MapA^, -ris, f/, the dirt to
witness, invoke, appeal to. act.
and dust of coals, cinders, sparks Maprupoy -ov, b, }/, same as pdpTvp. Maortf, -jyoj, ^, a whip, lash,
of iron which fly off when it is
Map- scourge ; a divine scourge, judg-
heated or hammered. rup5v,act. pres. par. of^aprupfw. ment, visitation ; a grievous dis-
Mopty, -toy,Att. -(.us, >/, a measure apr^f, -vos, b, ft, same as pap-nip. temper, plague, sickness, disease.
containing six pounds or pints. a.
d. pi.
jKu'pTVfft. MdffTtl-ev, Ion. for t^dari^tv, 3 sm.
MapKoy, -ov, 6, a man's name. Mapvsrai, Dor. for
nrjpvtTai, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of
-apw, (fr. //a/pw to pres. ind. pass, of nrjpvta. Mao-Ttdwv, Sync, for /ia<myc5wi>,
shine) to shine, glitter, sparkle ; apvKaTai, Dor. for prjpvKUTai, 3 pres. par. of /m<rriyo'u.
to brighten, clear. sin. cont. pres. of pripvicdonai. Maerr/o-^tv, Dor. for paori&iv,
Map//rfpioy, -a, -ov, and M dptyais,
^Eol. for pdp^as, I a. pres. inf. MatrrtWotEv, Dor.
-a, Ion. -77, -ov, (fr. par. act. Mapi/^s, 2 sin. 1 a. for
nao-Ttfytw, 3 pi. pres. opt.
white) made of marble; shining, sub. act. of //apTrrw. act. of nao-Ttfa.
white like marble. Maaaojuat or Mairffao^tat -Spat, to to c/iew;,
champ, eat.
Mappdpivos, -rj, -ov, and Map/ia- chew, champ, gnaw, eat, swal- /^j;, ->?s, //, ^J/m mastich.
pdus, -taaa, -ev, same as last. low, devour, impf. niaaad^v Maori vdwvr/, Poet, for jiaaTivStv-
Map/japoy, -ov, b, {/, (fr. //ap/m/po) -6p.T)V,
3 pi. -aOVTO -UVTO. Ti,a. sin. cont. pres. par. of^a-
to shine) while, bright, shining. dffSa, -as, f], and Mao-fibs, -w, 6, o-Ti^a'w.
Subs. viz. \idos a stone, a white Dor. for /m|o and pao"j. Maor/oj, Poet, for /nao-rtydw.
stone, marble, ar0X7, -77?, ^. and Ma<r0A7j, Macro?, -oS, 6, <Ae fcrcas^, pap, nip-
laapfaapvyfi, -rjs, ft, (fr. uap/^atpu
to -;roj, 6, a so/i strap, skin, lea- ple ; the brow of a hill ; a hill,
shine) brightness, brilliancy, lus- ther ; a weak effeminate person ;
rising ground.
tre, splendour a glance, flash.
; dissolute, profligate. MacrpwTraa, -as, %, (fr. next) a
and to -wit, rd, the first leaves of trimming or timeserving ; vile
Mrfpva//ai, (fr. ftr? not, dpvttv dffTTBTa,
make a league, th. dps a lamb) the Styrax or benzoin tree. service, mean compliance, pan-
to fight, engage in battle ; to box ; <* woman dering, prostitution ; seduction,
Maffaay>;rij, -ioos, ^> of
to quarrel, wrangle, dispute. Massagetia. allurement, attraction.
iV, Ion. for fiaova^ivoiv, Mao-<rw -TTW, f. -^w,
or -OTTEUW, f. -etftrw,
du. of fiapvdfitvas, pres. par. knead ; to express, wring or (fr. next) to pimp, pander, pros-
mid. Ion. for tilute to
MdpvavO\ /zop- squeeze out; to wipe off, clean, ; gratify, please, indulge,
vavro, 3 pf. impf. ind. mid. rub. But comply with.
and Maorpwjrdy,
UdpvavQai, pres. inf. Mapvw- Mao-trw -TTW, f. -era, to touch, feel, Mao-rpajTrfo, -ov, b,
^0-0' or papvu/jieo-Oa, Ion. for grope for ; to search, examine. -ov, b, fi, a pimp, pander, bawd,
1 pi. pres. sub. mid. Mdaro-wv, -cdi/oy,
6, 17, irregular comp. strumpet. Also, a provider, as-
of //opva/xai. of fjta sistant, helper.
Mapov, an herb like marjoram, ma- ', for /laoraKa, a.
sin. of Mao-%d\T), -rjs, >/,
rum. Matrral, -a/coy, ^, (fr. -ioos, ft, the armpit.

Ion. for
2 a. inf. to chew) </ie mouth, jaws, lip ; Marauz, fern. n. sin.
to act
act. of udpifTd). meat, food. MdoraKSji pi. lo- Marai^w, (fr. v.arr\v in vain)
Mapir/oroT?, -r\s, ft,
a woman's name. custs. sillily, play
the fool ; to boast,

Mrfpirrw, f. -\\j(*>, p. -0a,

to catch, MaoTEvrfc, -oy, 6,
(fr. next)
an in- brag.
seize,lay hold on, grasp ; to get, quirer, searcher. MaraiojSouAta, -as, {,, (fr. udraias
obtain, procure, reach or arrive Ma0Ti5ci>, f. -evaoi, (fr. /jacrrdj the vain, and jSouA^ counsel)
at ; to hit the mark. 2 a. breast) <o look for the breast as a counsel, useless advice.
TOV. per. mid. child ; to search, seek, explore ; MaratjAoyw, -as, (fr. same,
and h
to examine : to de- Afyw to speak) vein talk, bab-
Map<yijTtov, Mapff inquire, ask,
v, -#v, rd, and sire, long fvr. bling-
same as paced).
MaraioXdyos, -aw, 6, !,, (tr. same) Mdrrw,
ar. pres. mid.
a^o//vos, -?, -ov, par.
a vain talker, idle babbler. av\ia$, -ou, 6, a sword. Ma^d/x(i0u, Poet, for uayd-
Maraionron'a, -as, >/, (fr. next, and av\i^, (fr. next) to prostitute, /u0a, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid.
x6i o$ toil, th. irivopai to toil) vain expose to infamy, undertake any Ma^fyjp, Ion. for
labour. thing for hire. impf'. mid. of last.
Ma'raioj, -a,-ov, and Ma'roioj, -ov, , jj,
a knife ; one who j
a X.$i ~
Sj ~^, Dor. for ^fjyos.
6, >?, (fr. in vain) fain undertakes any thing for hire, 2 f. ind. of
//oriyv aJMayrirfiat,
:,V.*s, unprofitable ; light, fri slave, hireling, mercenary, prosti- Mail , in \

/o no purpose, amiss,
./, foolish; idly cu /wte. (
without cause, inconsiderately,
rious, perverse ; false, deceitful. Maupdw -iD, f. -ciffw, by Apha^r. for rashly ; wrongfully, unjustly.
p. jiaratdrpos, sup. -draros u/javpdw Mavpov<7, 3 pi. pres. Ma-v//atpos, -a, -or, (fr. udt//

vain, and aCpa a breeze) gently

Maratdrijs, -171-05, ij, (fr. last) e;np- ind. act.
Movpoucrdat, pres.
<, folly, vanity ; perverse-
pass. cont. breathing, softly blowing, mur-
xid. d. Mdy_a<, n. pi. of fidxi- muring, hollow-sounding.
Moratdw -w, f. -uwrw, p. //Euar in vain)
Mdya;pa, -as, '/, (fr //d^c uat to Ma^,'i(5(os, -a, -ov, (fr. uax//

Aca, (fr. same)

io ;;jaA-e useless fight) n sicord, dagger ; n knift vain ; foolish, silly ; use-
or unprofitable ; to foil, defeat, razor, hatchet; the sword oj Matiia'wc,
less, unprofitable.
ate. yiarai6ojiai -ou/iai, to justice, authority, power. same as ud^.
of next) Ma'J/tAdvas or
i, act foolishly or per. Ma^aipi'moi-j-ou, ro, (dim. Ma^uXa/cas, Dor.
6e infatuated. 1 a. pass. a small sword, dagger. for ua^uXd<?;s, -ou, 6, (fr. /*a^/

qumutfiftrv, Mayacpfc, -iSos, ft, (fr. ^a'y^atto in vain, and Xaw, Dor. for

Mdrav, Dor. for ftdrnv. right) any sharp instrument; a X/JKJW to m?ike a noise) a use-
Mardu) -<3, f. -i/crw, (fr. ^.drrjv in sword, dagger, knife, razor less talker, babbler, idle prattler.

vain) to ac< m ram, miss, miscar- hatchet. Mdu -u>, f. -affco

or -^au, p. -j<ca,
ry ; to mistake,
fail, err ; to mis- Ma^avd, Dor. for ^i/yavv.
-aSi a, to desire, seek, be anxious, eager ;
to burn, aim at, long for;
time, delay, loiter, trifle; to May'ards, -a, 6, Dor. for uay^?r>/s to

run astray or wrong, become rest- Heb. indeci. a fine cloth. rush on, hurry, hasten, par. per.
;vos, pres. par. mid. of act. ptfjiaKtjiSj -Kvla, ->cds, by
Marfi't}, f. -EUffco, same as fiairrctta day^/ouaj, Epen. for Sync. ^au>s, -uTa, -ds-
and Manures, -08, 6, same as same as udvouaL. Mawi', indecl. Heb. a dwelling.
ilay_fojro, 3 sin. Mawo-i, indecl. Heb. strengths or
Mar??, -?s, fa (fr. /*aruw to search) pi. pres. opt. mid. of forces, protectors, guardians.
a search, inquiry, pursuit. rtay^owat, Poet, for pa^o
in vain, idly, fruitlessly,
"la^faat/xT/v, 1 a. opt. y. either the neut. of ///ya$ cr
without cause or object; falsely. Bat, 1 a. inf. taken adv. for
Ma'xEc-flat'," pres. /uya'Xus.
Mdri/p, -Epos, fli Dor. for ^Tijp. inf.
May_f'o-0r/j ,Ion.
J5ol. and Dor. for uams.
Qnv, 3 du. impf. May/afc, 2 great, and /fyfpw to roar)
pres. ind. of uarf'w same pi. pres. impr. mid. sounding, roaring.
as partid). /[axftroftai or -^aouat, 1 f. of same. Mya0apffjjs> -fos -oiiSj 6, >/, {fr.
Mar^ortrov, 3 du. of ^ardaj. 1 f.
*fa^f ffffaffOai, Poet, for //ay_f<7a<7 same, and -^dpaos courage) ccu-
Mar0acos, -or, 6, Matthew, a man's 1 a. inf.
Ma^crc'a//Vu) for rageous, bold, enterprising, dur-
name. ^<ra//fvu, n. du. par. ofsame.
1 a.
ing, spirited, magnanimous.
Marflai', 6,
Heb. indecl. a man's ld^?, ->7S) ^1 (fr. n. pi. of ptyadfis, -<os?
//d^ofiai to fight) Mtya0fS,
name. a battle, fight, confiict, engage- 6, >/,
Ion. for u/yas-
Morfljrtf, -OD, 6, a
man's name. ment ; strife, contention, dispute,
MfyaQos, Ion. for w/y0os.
-as, Ion. Mart?;, -/s, 17, (fr. quarrel. Mya'0u//05, -ou, 6, f), (fr. //ryas
fidrijv in vain) vanity, folly, fri- la^//o)v, -ovos, 6, %, (fr. same) great, and Svpbs the mind)
pursuit. warlike,courageous,brai:e,valiant. magnanimous, high-spirited ;
Mdros, //du to seek) inquiry,
(fr. 1 f. ind.
lax>'/GOfjiat, :
indignant, fierce.
'Ration, search. vos, 1 f.
par. of ;
M/yajpa, -as, ^, (fr. next) the
MarpaeA$fc, -oC, 6, Poet, and laxyrris, -ov, b, (fr. same) a war- name of one of the Furies.
Dor. for .
combatant; brave, valiant, <o also to
uJjTpaOfX^ds rior, yatpo), envy, grudge ;

Ma-po<5d;os, -ov, 6, ^, Dor. for ^77- courageous. care for; regard, respect.
TfoSoXOi- lay^rtKO's, -r), -tiv, (fr. same)_ ya*c/7T77s, -EOS> o, ^, (fr. itfyaj
j'rup, -opos, /,
Dor. for ^>?- offighting, quarrelsome, valiant, and a whale) large,
great, ACTJTOS
rpouJ/rup. brave, warlike, courageous. huge, immense, big.
-oXj, -<os, Alt. Dor.
-ws, >J, la^ros, ->?, -ov, (fr. same) to be
EydXa, n. pi. neut. of //fyas>
urrp<J-oXis. fought, resisted or overcome^ not much, greatly, mightily, abun-
-rdXos, -on, a, Dor. for irresistible ; may be taken by as-
^ijrpo- dantly
TTdXoS. sault ; weak, unfortified, exposed.
MfydXav, Dor. foruEydXwv, g. pi.
MarpuXXttov, -ow, TO, (fr. next) a Idxwos, -r), -ov, and -ou, 6, f/, (fr. of pfy
brothel, bavidy-house, stew. same) fighting, warlike. Dor. for //-
ia, -as, )J

MeirpvXX//,-?;s, ify, bawd, procuress,

a and Ma^Aas,
Id^Xos, -ou, 6, {], a.
strumpet, prostitute. -d^os or Ma^Xfs, -j(5os, rji lascivi- 6, Dor. for //-
, -opos,
Mdrpufs -uv, Dor. for
, oJ,
^rpwEf , ous, wanton, lecherous, immodest.
n.'pl. of|i?7rpwf. Sup. /^a^Xdraros. t,
3 sin. cont. pres. ind.
Mdrra/3oj, -ov, 6, >/, (fr. ^arT?^ in layXoffjw/, -175, i], (fr. last) wan- act
vain, and /3odu to shout)/oofo/i, tonness, -w,

lasciviousness, lechery, MyaXau%f'w (fr. /u'yas gi at,

silly, simple, giddy. lewdness. and au^/o) to boast) io
Marra'Oa, Heb. indecl. a man's
Id^oiro, 3 sin. pres. opt. of
vaunt, brag ; to exult, be lofty,
la^ouat, f. wa^o'o/zaj, and -fo"o- high, proud.
yiarradias, -ou, 6, same as last. to fight, war, and Mfyd-
fiat, p. ud^;r7/ia, ;^^s, -foj -ous,
Marrva, -a?, and Marrtiy,
-j;^, f,, contend, engage in battle ; strive, s, -ou, 6, f), (fr. same) brag-
to bake) dainties, de-
dispute, quarrel, wrangle. 2 f.
(fr. //aVo-b)
ging, boasting ; proud, haughty^
licacies, sweetmeats ; rich viands. ind. rnid. imyoi'uat." ua-
A/ impf.
i' arrogant ; wctolled, celebrated.
(fr. last) to enjoy deli'
Marryd^w, ^d^7i', -ou, -ro. 1 a. mid. tpa- tyaXavxla, -as, ^, (fr. same)
tacies, indulge in luxury. r
-w, -a.ro.
Xn 'dpnv
', boasting, exultation, pride.
iSi-at,-ov, (fr. jwryus great) |MyaXdrrpos, -ov, b, fa (fr.
same pai. pass. ind.
1 a.

magnificent, glorious, il-\ and irtrpa a rock) rocky, stony. impr. p.cya\vvdr]Ti, inf.
lustnous. T fieyaXcia, glorious MtyaXdirXovros, -ou, 6, fa (fr. same yaXt)i'0jji/at.
1 f.
things, mighty works. and irXouros wealth) ^?-j/ rj'c/t.

MfyaXadrr/s, -lyros, 17, (fr- ^ ast )


wealthy. MfiyaXu/^a, -aros, TO, (fr. filyas

greatness, majesty, maffnj/fcence,]McyXoo<|to -ui, f. -jyVu, great) magnificence, grandeur.
might, power. \QiroirtKa, (fr. same,
and icoifw to MfyaXws, (fr. same) greatly,
MeyaXfif'u/xa, -arcs, 7<>, (fr. same) make) to magnify, 'extol, esteem much, mightily, very, exceedingly,
same as last. highly. rl, Ion. for last.

M.cya\sTrt(jo\os, -ou, 6, >^, (fr. fiiyas MfyaXdTToXfs, -os, Att. -EWJ, fa (fr. w>h -IS, fa (fr. pfyas
great, and tiri^oM) a design) same, and rdX/s a. city) a #rea2 great) greatness, majesty, subli-
aspiring to greatness. cj/7/,
metropolis, pi. ^yaXo?rdX mity, magnificence,
>?, (fr. next) cydvwp, -opos, b, fa (fr. same, and
MeyaXoTrpfTTtta, -as,
great, and ayoptto to discourse, magnificence, grandeur, splen- avf/p
a man) ennobling, making

ayopd the forum)

th. to use
lofty] dour, excellence, glory. great, adding lustre, magnificent.
language, boast, vaunt, exult. the
MyaXpffpsir>)si -fos -ovs, o, >y, (fr. Mfyapa, -wv, ra, Megara,
MtyaAjfyopta, -as, and Ion. Mfya same, and n-pfTT'o to be conspicu- name of a city ; and Mfyapa,
X>;yopt';/, ->}s, fa (fr. same) lofli ous) magnificent, glorious, very -as, fa or a woman.
language, sublimity; boasting excellent. Comp. -irtyrtpos. MLr.ydpeaai, Ion. for MaydpOo-iv,
bombast. McyaXoTrpfTrws, (fr. same) magni- pi. of last.
MeyaA;;y<5ps, -ov, b, fa (fr. same) ficently, gloriously, excellently. Myapri)s, -os, b,
a man of Mega-
high sounding, lofty speaking, ra. pi.
pom..;ous, boasting, bragging. yas great, and irrtpv!- a wing) yapofc-v, d. pi. Ion. of
MyaA);i't>n;a, '-as, fa (fr. fj.ty< having large wings. Mf yapov, -ou, TO, (fr. next) a great
great, and avryp a man) pride, MfyaXop^ttovfw -w, f. -J/CTW, p. house, mansion, palace, house;
itiness; magnificence, gran- -nKa, (fr. same, and pt'w to speak) a spacious apartment, dining
deur. to use talk hall, chamber.
lofty language, of
MsyaX^j'up, -opos, 6, 17, (fr. same) great things, boast, vaunt, brag. Vleyas, neyaXrj, fifya, great, large ,
endued with great courage, cou- M.eya\opfii}noavvr),-T]s, fa (fr. big, tall; grand, magnificent;
rageous, manly ; arrogant, proud, boasting, vaunting, bragging. supreme, mighty, powerful ;
haughty. Mcya\opprin<j)v, -ovos, b, fa (fr. loud, awful; splendid, hand-
McyaXr/ropa, a. sin. of same) using lofty language, some, g. ftcydXov, ntyd\>]S, peyd-
Mt'yaX;;ro)|j, -opos,b, fa (fr. ptyas high-flown, boastful, arrogant. Xov. a. niyav,
fJLeydXrjv, p.iya.
great, and a heart) mag- Comp. utigwv or fjidffcrwv, sup.
nanimous, high-minded, spirited, MfyaXdffap/cos, -ov, 6, fa (fr. p.fyas
manly. great, and <rapf flesh) fleshy, , -fos -ovs, o, fa (fr.
Mr/aXi'^Eo, Ion. foryLuyaXi'^ou, pres. corpulent, lusty. last, and aQtvos strength) endued
inpr. of cya\ovpyia, -as, fa (fr. same, and
with great strength,
Mc;/ttX<(*w,f. -jVu>, (fr. ptyas great) Ipyov work) difficulty, hardness > mighty, strong.
raise, exalt, aggrandize. M- magnificence, grandeur. eyatppovtd)
yicya\o<ppovto) -u,
VTcyaXovs, a. pi. of pfyas. (fr. same, and <j>priv
the mind) to
-ou, o, fa same, VlyaXo<po'vws,(fr. pfyas great, and

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