Assignment 8A Research-My Research Is Based On The Comparison Between Netflix Value & Value of My Current Organization

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Assignment 8A

Research- My research is based on the comparison between Netflix value & Value of my current Organization
(ABC). I have found couple of values which are similar with ABC,

Core Philosophy for both Org is people over process. Both encourage independent decision-making by employees,
with this employees share information, openly , broadly & deliberately With this approach, both are more flexible,
fun, stimulating, creative, collaborative and successful organization. Both collaborate effectively with people of
diverse backgrounds and cultures, nurture and embrace differing perspectives to make better decisions

During my comparison I have found Judgement, Communication, Passion, Innovation, Integrity are more closely
followed by both the organization. Below are our values, the specific behaviors and skills which both Org Care

Netflix and ABC make wise decisions despite ambiguity; both identify the root cause and provide strategic solution.
Both prefer long term objective and strategize their action according to that. As both org believes the judgement
of their employees and both welcome failures of their employees.


Netflix and ABC focus on their employee communication very seriously. Both prefer their employees to be good in
articulating of speech and writing. The trained their employees to become good listener so that they want their
employee should understand before reaction this helps to come out from Stressful situation. This help to adapt
themselves to work globally and all the situations.


Both org value their employees passion and their thirst for excellence. Both believes employee with high passion
will contribute more towards organization growth. Org believes employee with right passion comes up with great
ideas which helps to grow the Organization. To understand the passion of employees, both the org conduct various
program by which employees passions are identified.


Any org cannot grow without innovative team. Both the org value the innovation of their employees. Always new
innovative ideas are appreciated and rewarded by the org. With innovation many complex tasks becomes simpler.
Both are known for candor, authenticity, transparency, and being non-political. Both treat people with respect
regardless of their status. With right integrity healthy environment is created where people admit their mistakes
freely and openly. Always relevant information are shared to stakeholders.

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