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aE _—« ss) one BD O9OBOGGODOG.99 9.99.99 .0 0% oveRvIEW euleK srupy “There ae two wating tasks in both the Academic and General Tialning Waiting modules, “Task 2is worth twice as much as Tak 1, Consider the importnce of Task 2as you plan and ‘Weiing modules, write, 1 20 10 QUESTION TYPES ‘You should be familiar with the types of tasks in both the Acadennic and Generel Tening ‘Describe or summarize facts and Sgures presented in one oF owe chats, raphe © tables. Expiin a disgram ofa machine, 2 device of 2 process ‘Express an opinion ad give exams to support your ides H]Wete a eter in response toa situation 1 reavesting information ng information ‘Sepliing a prblem problem. ‘ive your opinion abouts pont af view argument or Academic Task 1 You should spend sbout 20 minutes on this task [ Fe chart below chow how average middle-income families spent ‘heir houschold budget in two diferent years, ‘Suunmarize the information by selecting and reporting the man fea- ures, and make comparisons where relevant. Wate atleset 150 words Household Budget Alocatlon—Middle Income Bs Breeton 2010 23% Bsns Trcotcnee PRACTICE 2 ‘Rad these questions. Ther oad the following tsk and ans the questions. 1 How long can spend wring the answert 2 How many words wil Lite! 8 Will givean opinion or desribe a processt 4. whatis the ropier 5 Dot have to justyanepinlon? ifs, how? 9.9. 22.9228, & - 09,89, GOOG GO89.9:09:9 999999990. "Mak ure you organize! your writing baforyou begin. Use te Battom of page 2 of your test booklet to create concept map. “The warner coe Jour writing ont lary. Make ure you have supported your as wth specte deta: "You can wits mere than 80 words for Tak 1oF more than 250 words for Tas, but” Yea ites: hs It hve ethan te aed feb “ot words in yout aay “Lear to ook at your wei od st cr is ine counting word, You can thes ermou ree “1 ‘rt your essays in the cect plac. Task neds bo weet oh abe of yout wing tet bode Te 2 needs toe wien on pe’ 4, 12. Dott forget ingen. 1, we eat o oi. Soe sea one pei "ume rice RESPONDING TO THE TASK © ‘Target 1~Determining the Task Read the task carey, You must write wat you are tol You must complete the task, Bo nt forget any pars ofthe task Hare ae some posible tasks 1 Daserbe tha main features of 9 chart or araph. 1 Describe the advantages and desdvantages ofan sue. ' Deserbe problem an solution. 1 Explain your opinion. Acaciemic Training Exam Practice PRACTICE 1 ead these questions. Than read he following ask and answer the questions 1 Howrlong can I spend wring the answer? 2 Mow many words wil watet 8 Will summarize a chart or explain a proces 44 Whatie the topict 5 What do Thaveto compare? 22e § 9 9 9 ¢ 9 8: 9 e 9. 9 ge 9 9 ® Academic Task 1 ‘Yu shoul spend about 20 minutes on this task [ the charts below show how average midle-tncome farnlies spent ‘her howsshold budget in two diferent years ‘Summarize dhe information by selecting and reporting the matin foa- ‘ures, and make comparisons where eleant. Wit test 150 wore Household Budget Allocatlon—MMiddle Income PRacrice2 ‘oad these questions. Then rad the following task and answer the questions. 1 Hwlong ean {spend wring the answer? 2 How many words will wits? 5 Wil give an opinion or describe a process? 4 Whatis the toplet 5 Do Ihave to justifyan opinion? I, how! Academic Task 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task ‘ire abont the falowing topic: {Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge orexperence. ite atleast 250 words, General Training Exam Practice PRACTICE Read these questions. Then rad he folowing task and answer the questions. 1 Howlong ean spend veking heamswert 2 Howmany word wl write? 8 Whatisthe opie! “4 Whatthre things do Thave to inctudet {5 Dehave to presen solusin or provide facts? General Writing Task 1 ‘You should pend about 20minutes om this task . You fel dha dhe evening programs on local television station are sunineresting. Write leter othe manager ofthe television station. In your eter + expla oy you de ke the current programs + describe what kinds of programs you would ket see instead + explain why these programs ae better @ @ & & Lb OO ®, eee OB: 22: SL IGB8G08 420 ‘Wate at eae 180 word You do NOT need to wte any addresses Begin your lta as flows: ear Sit or Madam PRACTICE? Road these questions. Then read the following ask and ansver the questions 4 Howlong can spend wating the answer? 2 How many words wil writ 5 What athe oplet 4 DoT have co justly an opinont 5 Dothaveto describe two side of an aus? General Writing Task 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task “Write about the following topic: {nthe pas, was eomunon for older people olive with their children ‘and grandchildren so that ther relatives could take care of them as ‘thay grew older, Nowadays tl» common in many places for people olive way from thar files, in special homes forte Dieu the advantages and disadvantages of special homes forthe |. elderty. ‘Give zeatons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge foexperience, * ‘Write at east 250 words, ‘Target 2—Task t: Describing Graphs, Tables, and Charts Won you write sbouta graph, table or chert, you wilhaveto give 2 general descrip tion of the information shown, desrbe trends or changes thet you se, and compa General Description ‘The graph shows the average cot of hourlng in rra urban, and suburban areas In Trends “The cost of housing in al ree reus rose slain from 2000 to 2010. Comparisons ‘Te average costo housing i lowest i the rural area and highest Inthe urban area, Jn 2000, the average cost of urban houtlng was tes tht of ral housing. “The average cost of ruburban housing in 2010 was alt thee times as much as the ort in 2000, ns Inereared growth rep cs steady decrease arty rep, Sianeanty [aecine 8006809 009999999009 practice 1 Leokeat the able below Respond to each question with complete sentence. SicDown Fast-Food Restaurant | Cafeteria "| Restaurant ‘erage cost offunch si000| $700 50 ‘Areage ime spenteatinglanch [éSmin | 0min | 20min _Areage cost of dinner 700 soa | $5.00 ‘Average time spenteating dinner [60min | 5min__| 20min. General Description 1 Whats the table about Trends ‘2 What happens co the cost of metl benween Iunchtime and dinnertine at any ofthe restaurant? Comparisons 4 Compare the cost ofhich at sit-down restaurant wit he cost oflunch ata cafeteria. 4 Compare the cost flinch and dinner aa fst food restaurant. ' Compare de ime spent eating lunch withthe time spent eating dane at a cafeteria, aes Tima aes oaetes |e ut he i e 1 ae. Sew: General Deseription 1 Whatis he gaph on hele about. 12 What iste graph onthe right about ‘ends ‘3 Whatchange do you seein spending per pupil between 1985 and 20102 44 What change do you se in the peroetage of students geting passing grades between 1895 and 20101 Comparisons '5 Compare spending per ppl in 2000 with spending per puplin 195, (6 Compare the percentages of tudents getting passing grades in 005 and 2010 Pracricns Look a the ple charts elo Respond to each quston with acamplet sentence. #e 1 Whatiethe charton tele abou? 2 Whatiethe charcon theright about? 2.0,0.9.9808 ©OSSO9SSOHOHOOL ONES pe 29.9.09. ‘Tends 3 What changes do you see inthe engineering medical and management profesions betseen 1985 nd 2010? 4 What changes do you seein the education and ars professions between 1985 and 2010? ‘Comparisons '5 Compare the education and engineering professions in 1985, {© Compare he education and medical professions in 2010 ‘Target 3—Task 2: Developing a Thesis Statement Before you begin wating, you must think about your thesis statement. A thas Sater ‘ment is your maln leat rganizes the rest of your wing. You nood a thesis state- ‘mont to lve a deserption and to support your opinlon Read the exameletople and the thee pone thei statements that follow. Al oul be a thesis statement for the tople rite about the fllowing top: More and more fathers are taking a break from thir caroors so that | work This setter forthe fly than having both parents work fl ‘Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own kneutedge or experience, Possible Thesls Statements 1. Changing customs have made lt posible for men to take on ros inthe fem that once were considered tobe only for women. 2. Many modem couples are besinnng recogni tht iti bettr to havea parent at home to take eate ofthe cite, rather than relying on a ful-tne babysitter or preschoo, | Changing wows of women In the professlons have made It possible for many ‘women to eam a Slay thats high enough to support a farm. "mane eognie wrerme NoouLE 101 PRACTICE [st read the quetion and anti the tak. Then, choose she thesis statement o statements ha are appropriate othe rope. There cin be more than one hel statement. There should be lacs to control the amount and ype of violence showin om television programs . ‘Towhat extent do you agree oF dlsagres with this stasement? Give reasons for your enawer and include any relevant examples from your own knowedge and experience ‘Mlensity the Task (8) Give a description, 1B) Support your opinion. (©) Explain problem and askfor asoltion, choose the Thesis Statement (4) There ae many spesof programs on tlevision, and each person sre to choose which programs he or he wants to wate (@) Venjoy watching poie and detective programs on television, [G) Wecanlexrnalotfrom television, but snot a good idea to spend more thanan hour a day wating it PRACTICE? Fit read the question and deny the task, The, choose the thesis statement o statements that are appropriate tothe topic. Tere can be more than one thes statement “More and more files have computers in har hommes children send a great dato ther ee ime using thelr home computers iscuse the adantages and disadvantages ofthis situation and give your own opinions. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant eaaanples from your own knowledge sand experience. dentify the Task i Givea description (@) Suppor your opinion. (© Explain aproblem and ask fora solution, ‘choose the Thesis Statement (4) Computers have become very inexpensive in cent years. {@) Computers ean contebute alot to 4 ci education, but they ean be overused. (©) Coasputers today can do much more chan the computers of ust few years ago. ours | | 0 RAE RESOURCE | ‘Ina well-written essay, the writer makes good usé of vocabulary. Certaln vocabulary words ‘an be uted (o make the ideas eleaet and easter to follow. Vocabulary canbe vied to make ‘he wting more nesting to ead and to express ideas more presse. Target 8—Stating Your Opinion For iting Task2on oti the Acer and General Traning tees, you witprobably be asked for your opinion. Tha inteduction to Your assay shoud tel the reader what ‘You opinions There isnot or wrongopinion. Whatever your opinions trereader || EB Tomy mind 2 *3 ‘Bxamples Ik geome tome tat fathers can take care of children just a well as mothers can, ‘am contain that overraiance on casas led to many problems in our society. Parents should defintely putts on thelr hdres elovsion viewin. People ae probably less pote now than they used to be, 2999 292929999 Pec eee ‘lllookto show you exoress it Youcan use cetainpvases, verbs, adectves 2nd || prepeconal adverbs to exprets your opieion. press an ‘nm opinion practice 1 ‘Give your opinion about hee topic, Use the words and phrase sugested. 1 Violence on television (ss nod very harmful for children. "is my opinion that. 2 Parents (hould/ehould no) monitor sei childrens compute se, In my view. ‘3 Home-cooted fod isis ot better forthe health ofthe family. ‘understand that. 4 Dependence om pave automobiles (uses doesnt cause) many problems in ou daily ives, 1 eine 5 Learning about artist not a good way to spend part ofthe schol day Tem sure that {6 Chen deamdon learn) better when they have fiend relationships with their teachers azn convinced that 17 People spena/donot spend) to much money un sls caies Perhaps: Taking etrsin (sti nod as convenient a diving a car certainly, aa Certain pases canbe sed tomakea genera statéinent ebouthowyou fel sboutsomething. (Others can be used to qualify you opinion, showing that what yu state isnot completly inaway more oss soto speak forallintentsand purposes up toa point Brome teacher. Generally, people pay too mach attention to fstion, ‘Up tos point parents should lt their laren choos thelr own television proms ForaltIntens and purpose, the Internet a valid educational tol, PRACTICE 2 Give your opinion aus thee topics. Ue the phraes suggested ro makea general stateren or ‘quallfy your opinion. 1 Children Gearn/doot always leaa) better when they spend part ofeach day geting Physical exercise Aserie, 2 Job scart (lis nota thing ofthe past. ws ‘nthe whole, {8 Famly ses arefaze not) weaker now than they were in the pat. or the most part, 4 Artand music clases (equal/do not equal) actdemi classes in importance, ‘Tovome extent, ‘5 Ataun eis nod as convenient form of transportation aba private ea Inavay, m9 non words sites your ‘Target 9—Transition: Connecting and Linking You can use vanstion’ words and pivates In your wing to connect your ideas. "hey help your reader fellow your ideas fom one sentence to the next o rom one paraorepn to the next. Traston Words ean thow tine, degree, comparison and contrast, snd couse and efect. Thay can also be used to ade more information or to refer wo previously mentioned subjects, ‘Read the example fo see how the transition words fm he boxes ae sed to ink eas inthe paragraphs. ‘mest important 0 primary fortis Princpaiy asarosutt Inthe tistptace | since atthe same tine | toes important ‘veto wie second therefore Inthe second piece | consequonty Souttaneously | toatesser degree | so that exam! Arter he now highway wat bil, te vilage of Palm Grove began to grow. Peonle stl worked inthe fihing Industry. At the came tine, «few new hota wore Bilt. Then, more and more tourist started apiving to spand thelr vacation time a the beach, Soon the village was crowed with vistors rom other places Bxample2 Family fe s better when one ofthe parents stays home with the eilren. “Abo all the chron fea recur when they know ona af thal parents aWaye ‘volbte to them, Toa fesser degre, a parent at homes hols the household run ‘ore smosthly, Sut primarily, having one parent whose jb sto take care ofthe ‘home and family Reps everyone fee safer and hap. Example 3 was honored whan you offered to land me your watch Because! KroW how ‘much you vale i. Consequently {wa very careful with i hile I ee i on. Unfortiatey, the buckle azams to have bean beaken. As 2 es, the watch fll ‘off my writ whe we the Paty. sia to ‘ltforen from lust as thougheven though he ‘le thowise we Inthosame way | but ‘tine same tine 3 | in contrast to example Many people believe that art ond muri clsses are just as importantas academic classes. Although thee Ie walt t this point of vew, feng with Art ‘music ere important, but scadamics are even more important. Academie lassae ‘ive children knowledge that they wil ned in thei futute professions, Likewise, ‘cadens teach chien important cognitive sls. Art and music classes, on the other hand, do not help chien develop professional skis unless thay are pling to become art or musica Inothor worde In eadtion seh a8 moreover fo clonty besides foringtance ato for example ssvellas that i ‘whats more roitustate sekstonsly namely hewise example 5 “The fest tep inthe process ie tapping the tees, thot, making holes in thom othe sap can come out. Tare are diferent waysto collect the sp, fr example, using eldtashioned buckets or using modern paste tubing. Using buckets s ‘more time consuming, <0 most people nowadays use plastic tubing, In other words, eopte prefer using the more efficent method. example 6 ome-cooked macls ore generally more nutous than store-bought or restaurant meals They ago tanto be ate. Furthermore preparing meas at ‘home contributes to the improvement of family relationships. practice, Read the following paragraphs. Choose the appropriate transition word or expression to complete each sentanca Ad capital ltrs where necessary Uevise furthermore sta result Smother words _Bythe year 2000, the population dstrbuson had shifted a great deal Many more people had moved to urban and suburban areas and the rural population was much smaller. 2 the euburban population hed grow since 1350. ‘The urban population had 3 increased. 4 there ‘were now femer people ving inthe countryside and morelivingin the cies and suburbs then unlike suchas What's mare ‘no you will havea good ime athe party. 5 most parties we go to, a this one pan wohave lve musle 6. the bana ave lee plays your favorite Kind of msc. My sister-in-law i planning to prepare some really good dishes 7 seafood soup and roast bef, Come early so that you can enjoy the food, and yourcan dance all night! Insdition but abowesll_inotherwords Physical eduction clase Alp children develop in numerous ways, Academics strongthen children’s minds, 9 physical education stengthens their bodes 0s. s¢ontebuteso tel ood eal. A... physical educon classes help chliren sam about winning ad losing. This is en ‘amportant esi. 12 +n physical education classes, eildren have the opportunity toleam about teamwork. This might be one of life's most important sil. OOx OOO OGO9G.90.9:9 9.909.000 9 ‘Target 17—Sentence Types Using varity in your sesitences keeps your writing ively and ntreting, it also shows the range of your writing sity. One way you can vary your sentences by wing varity of sentence types, Ther are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex and compound-complex. ‘Simple Sentence A sine sentence has one subect and one ver. “sleison otters subject vor ety of prone. Compound Sentence |A compound sentence has two oF mor simple sentences linked by the conjunttons ‘Some people are not bothered by vole TY ptoarams, but others avold than, simple zntence 1 ‘imple sentonca 2 ‘Complex Sontonce ‘Acomplek sentences made up of simple sentence (en independent clause) end one ‘or more subordinate laure. Hoon don't ike a natclar TY neatam we can easly chanae the channs subordinate ease ‘imple sentonce ‘Compound-Complex Sentence 2 compound-complexsantnca hae two or more sinple sentences and one of more subordinate causes, ‘While many esonle avid watching volt TY oroarams, ‘ilordinat caues ‘imple rentnce 1 ond they watch them feauenst. PRACTICE L [Combine the sentences ring the conjuction provided Dot change the onde of he sentences ‘Compound sentence 1 1ikehome-cooked foo. also enjoy eating at restaurants. (ana) 2 ihink art appreciation simporant 1 doit believe valuable sehoo time should be spent on art asses, oun) Complex Sentence {Children should lesen to use computers ‘They will eed computer kl laterin fe. : (cecause) 4 Ldost thnk her shoul be laws aginst violence on TV 1 dost enjoy watching ilont programs. (eventhough) 5 Some people are wiling to spend alot of money on stylish thes. ‘Others preferso des es expensively. (toy 6 Children dont have opportunites to visit art museums. ‘They will never lear wo appreciete at. o ‘Compound-Complex Sentence 7 tow aTV, rarely wate 1 doa have time (a; because) PVeeeeoe GO OSOG8G9059 9999999959 GH9GGS pe PRacrice 2 Choose a conjunction fom thet foreach number and use i combine the sentences Dont change te orderof the sentences. 1 Bveryone ave. ‘We wil serve dinner (a8 soon as, whl, becatse) 2 Ldostthave aot of money. 1 generaly buy expensive clothes. ‘ecause, although, and) 2 Venow lot bout mosie ook music lssons asa child, (ur if cause) 4 Toma car My busband has amotoryee. (hile, before, ad) 5 enjoy watching television, 1 ot watch it very day, ‘ut, and 000 09) (6 Some ofthe restaurants in my neighborhood serve delicious healthful meals Others serve only asters junk. (beceuse, while if) . 7. Ring the buss convenient. 2 ‘ou ive clove to «bus stop. (although if bus) ‘Target 18—Using a Revision Checklist ‘when you respond tothe writing as, you need to fave afew minutes at the end of ‘ach tek to revs your wing. You need to check that you responded to all parts of ‘the tak. You ned to make sure tat your leas are well organized andthe you used correct language and punctuation. Hore ia checklist that you can use to guide your revision, "REVISION CHECKLIST Coherence and Cohesion 1D bid writes those statment? 1D Ola rte top sentence fr each parepranht? ‘D0 write upporeng detsis tn each parasrapn? 1D bla write conetusion? ‘ookatthe following model wring task and response from Target, Notiehow the response ‘canbe chocked against the revision checklist. Acaciemic Task 2 ‘You should spend about 40 minutes on his ask. ‘There should be laws to control the amount and type of violence show a television programs. ‘To what extent do you agree or dlsagro with hi statement? ‘Give eatons for your answer and Inchude any relevant examples from your own knoweige ‘oreaperence. ‘Write a ast 250 words ‘Writing Task 1 ‘Youshould spend no more than 20 minutes on tis task “Te dlagram below shows the steps nthe proces of ‘manufacturing yogurt. ‘Summarize the information by selecting and eporting the rman features, and make comparisons where relevent, ‘Write atleast 1 words. Manufacturing Yogurt Oo SK DO SGGGGGGG GGG GIFOSOSOS Writing Task 1 You should spend about 20 nutes on his task “The table below shows tho sales at a smal restaurant a downtown business tc. ‘summarize the information by eeleting and reporting the msn estes, ‘and make comparizons where elvan ‘Write atleast 150 words ‘alos: Week of October 7-18 x Ais jemeas] eS 's2aoo | 12.450 | s2s0s | s2s75 | $2500 | sisso | $1580 [tines | se60s | suaso | sieas | sx000 | sasso | $2000 | s24s0 Writing Task 2 You shoul spend about 40 mrinutson ths fk inte about te following rope 7 the word becomes technalogial vanced, computers ae repecing more and more jobs ‘Deseribe some jb positions that may be lost because of computers, and ‘decuse a east one prob thet may result. ‘Give reasons for your answer tnd include any relevant examples from your own knowledge orexperlence it a ene 250 words

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