English Plus DVD 2 Worksheets Unit 1

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culture Pocket money and part-time jobs

I can understand a programme about part-time jobs. 1

Start thinking 4 Watch again. Read the sentences about Jack and
Emma. Write true or false.
Answer the questions.
1 Jack likes tea.
1 Where do teenagers usually get their money
2 Emma usually walks to work.
3 She hates working.
2 What do you spend most money on?
4 She works every Sunday.
3 What do you like buying with your money?
5 She wears a uniform at work.
6 Her job is easy.
Comprehension check 7 She spends a lot of time texting her friends.
1 Watch the DVD. Choose the correct answers.
1 Where do Jack and Emma live? 8 Jack never helps with meals.
a  in a city  b in a town  c  in a village 9 He repairs bikes every weekend.
2 How many bedrooms are there in the bed and 10 He saves some of his money.
a five  b six  c seven 5 Watch again. Complete the summary with the
words in the box.
3 What does Jack want to buy next year?
a  a bike  b  a mobile phone  c  a computer computer games  bikes  pocket money 
bed and breakfast  shopping 
2 Watch again. Write Jack or Emma. making the fire  clothes  part-time job

1 has got a part-time job.

2 helps at home. Emma and Jack live with their parents in

3 sometimes repairs bicycles. Oxfordshire. Emma is sixteen, and she’s got a

1 . She works in a 2 .
4 works in a bed and breakfast.
She spends her money on 3 and
5 hasn’t got a mobile phone.
shoes. She loves 4 .
6 spends money on computer games
Jack is thirteen. He gets £4 5 every
and bike magazines.
week and he helps at home.
7 spends money on clothes and shoes.
His favourite job is
6 . Jack loves
3 Watch again. Complete the sentences with
numbers. 7 . He spends
his money on 8
1 Jack Morgan is years old.
and magazines about bikes.
2 His sister, Emma, is years old.
3 Emma starts work at a.m.
4 She gets £ an hour.
5 She finishes work at p.m.
6 She spends about £ a week on her
7 Jack gets £ pocket money every week.
8 He gets about £ when he repairs a bike.

4 ENGLISH PLUS 2  Unit 1  DVD Activities photocopiable © Oxford University Press

English Plus DVD 2 worksheets SP.indb 4 19/11/2010 12:38

Language check Extension
Adverbs of frequency Look at the photos and answer the questions.
• She usually walks to work.
Present simple: affirmative and negative
• The family live in a small village.
• Emma works every Saturday.
• Emma doesn’t wear a uniform at work.

Verb + -ing
• Emma hates getting up early on Saturdays.
• She doesn’t mind working.
• She loves having extra money!

6 Complete the sentences using the verbs in the

present simple and the adverb in brackets. B

help work buy spend do have

1 Jack   cereal for breakfast.

2 Emma   on Sundays.
3 She   her money on clothes
and shoes. (usually)
4 Jack   the washing-up.
(sometimes) Photo A
5 He   with meals. (never) • Where is Emma?
6 He   magazines about bikes. • How often do you make the bed?
(often) • What’s your favourite job at home?
• Have you got a part-time job?
7 Write sentences using the verb + -ing.
1 we / like / play tennis Photo B
2 Ben / love / listen to music • Where is Jack?
• How often do you do the washing-up?
3 I / not like / walk to work
• What other jobs do you do at home?
4 they / hate / do the washing-up
• What’s your least favourite job at home?
5 Anna / not mind / tidy her room
6 you / love / eat chocolate

photocopiable © Oxford University Press DVD Activities  Unit 1  ENGLISH PLUS 2 5

English Plus DVD 2 worksheets SP.indb 5 19/11/2010 12:39

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