English Plus DVD 2 Worksheets Unit 4

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curriculum extra Natural science: New Zealand

I can understand a programme about geographical features. 4

Start thinking 4 Watch again. Match words 1–8 with definitions
Answer the questions.
1 island
1 Where is New Zealand?
2 glacier
2 What is the capital of New Zealand?
3 rock
3 What is New Zealand famous for?
4 erosion
5 source
Comprehension check 6 mouth
1 Watch the DVD. Choose the correct answers. 7 tributary
1 How far is New Zealand from Australia? 8 valley
a  about 200 kilometres  b  about 1,000 a a
 small river that flows into a larger river
kilometres  c  about 2,000 kilometres b the place where a river enters a sea or a lake
2 Which town in New Zealand is famous for c the destruction caused to the land by the sea or
extreme sports? the weather
a Wellington  b Queenstown  c Auckland d the low land between two mountains
3 Which sport started in the Kawarau River valley? e a mass of ice that moves slowly down a valley
a  bungee jumping  b parasailing  c skydiving f a piece of land surrounded by water
g a very large stone
2 Watch again. Complete the geographical features h the place where a river starts
with the words in the box.

Sea Glacier Ocean Lake  5 Watch again. Complete the summary with the

Alps Island Mount River words in the box.

geological formations  mouth 

1 Pacific 5 Cook
valleys source Lake Wakatipu
2 Tasman 6 Wakatipu tributaries erosion glaciers
3 North 7 Dart
4 Southern 8 Kawarau The South Island of New Zealand has got a lot of
interesting 1 . In the past, the area
3 Watch again. Choose the correct words. was full of 2 , which were carrying
1 The Pacific Ocean / Tasman Sea separates New huge rocks. These rocks caused 3
Zealand from Australia. while the ice was moving. When the ice melted,
2 Wellington is on the North / South Island. it formed 4 . The wide 5
3 Mount Cook is over 370 / 3,700 metres high. of the Dart River is at the north of the lake. The
lake is also the 6 of the Kawarau
4 In the past, there were a lot of lakes / glaciers in
River, which starts where the water leaves the
this area.
lake. The Kawarau River has got many smaller
5 Lake Wakatipu is over 80 / 350 metres deep.
7 , like the Arrow River and the
6 The mouth / source of the Dart River is in
Shotover River. The river 8 are very
Lake Wakatipu.
steep and deep, and today people visit them to do
7 The Arrow River and the Shotover River are
extreme sports.
tributaries of the Kawarau / Dart River.
8 Bungee jumping started in the Kawarau River
valley in 1888 / 1988.

16 ENGLISH PLUS 2  Unit 4  DVD Activities photocopiable © Oxford University Press

English Plus DVD 2 worksheets SP.indb 16 19/11/2010 12:39

Language check Extension
Past continuous Look at the photos and answer the questions.
• The glaciers were carrying huge rocks.

New geological formations were constantly

Past simple and past continuous

• They started to form millions of years ago while
major geological changes were taking place.
• While the glaciers were moving, the rocks inside
them caused erosion.

6 Write sentences in the past continuous.

1 Jack / sail / on the lake
2 Mum / not make / the dinner B
3 the sun / shine
4 you / have / a shower
5 we / not swim / in the river
6 the children / travel / by bus
7 it / not snow / in the mountains
8 I / not wait / for them

7 Complete the sentences using the past simple or

past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Ben anything while he
the washing-up. (not break / do) Photo A
2 While Kate to school, she • Describe the photo. What is the person doing?
off her bike. (cycle / fall) • What famous lakes are there in your country?
3 We an accident while we • Why are they famous?
home. (see / walk) • What can you do there?
4 I Japanese while I
in Tokyo. (learn / live) Photo B
5 When they the house this • Describe the photo. What are the people doing?
morning, it . (leave / not rain) • What famous rivers are there in your country?
• Why are they famous?
6 My girlfriend for me when I
• What can you do there?
. (not wait / arrive)
7 I when you me.
(drive / phone)
8 Oliver a mountain while he
Peru. (not climb / visit)

photocopiable © Oxford University Press DVD Activities  Unit 4  ENGLISH PLUS 2 17

English Plus DVD 2 worksheets SP.indb 17 19/11/2010 12:39

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