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Subject : Capita Selecta on Linguistics Name :
Lecturer : Student No. :
Worth : 20% Competency : Phonetics

I. Write the phonetic symbol for the first sound (no. 1 – 5) and the and final sound (no. 6 – 10) in
each of the following words according to the way you pronounce it. Then categorize the place
and manner of articulation and its voicing. (@4)

No. 1 – 5: first sound No. 6 – 10: final sound

Example: psycho [s] Example: rough /f/

1. Pharmacy [……] 6. Persistent [……]

……………………………………… ………………………………………
2. Judge [……] 7. Building [……]
……………………………………… ………………………………………
3. Chunk [……] 8. Dress [……]
……………………………………… ………………………………………
4. Though [……] 9. Toothbrush [……]
……………………………………… ………………………………………
5. Confident [……] 10. Damp [……]
……………………………………… ………………………………………

II. Segment the sound. Please look at the example below. (@4)

Example: knit [n] [ɪ] [t]

1. Down : ..………………………. 6. English : ..……….………………
2. Board : ………………………... 7. Pepper : ..……….………………
3. Bridge : ..………………………. 8. Match : ..……..….…………….
4. Gorgeous : ..………………………. 9. Curtain : ..…….…….…………...
5. Pleasure : ..………………………. 10. Sure : ..….…...…….…………

III. Read these words according to your understanding of IPA and write the phonetic
transcription. (@2)

1. Beard : […………….…………] 6. House : […………………..…..…]

2. Voice : [………….……………] 7. Kite : [……………....…..…..…]
3. Opportunity : […………….…………] 8. Vein : […………….….…..……]
4. Toast : [………….……………] 9. Stare : [……………………....…]
5. Furthermore : [………….……………] 10. Fear : […………………………]
IV. Change the phonetic transcription using normal English orthography. Be careful with the
punctuations (@word 1).

| proˌnənsiˈeɪʃn̩ rəˈfɝːz tə ðə prəˈdəkʃn̩ əv ˈsaʊndz ðæt wi ˈjuːz tə ˈmeɪk ˈmiːnɪŋ || ˈɪt

ˌɪnˈkluːdz əˈtenʃn̩ tə ðə pərˈtɪkjələr ˈsaʊndz əv ə ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ | ˈæspekts əv ˈspi:tʃ

bɪˈɑːnd ðə levl əv ði ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒəwəl ˈsaʊnd | ˈsətʃ əz ˌɪntəˈneɪʃn̩ | ˈfreɪzɪŋ | ˈstres |

ˈtaɪmɪŋ | ˈrɪðəm | ˌhaʊ ðə ˌvɔɪs ɪz prəˈdʒektɪd ənd ɪn ɪts ˈbrɒdəst ˌdefəˈnɪʃn̩ | əˈtenʃn̩ tə

ðə ˈdʒestʃərz ənd ɪkˈspreʃn̩z ðæt ər ˈkloʊsli rəˈleɪtəd tə ðə ˈweɪ wi ˈspiːk ə ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ||

wi ˈɔːfn̩ ˈdʒədʒ ˈpiːpl̩ ˈbaɪ ðə ˈweɪ ˈðeɪ ˈspiːk | ənd soʊ ˈlɝːnərz wɪθ pʊə proˌnənsiˈeɪʃn̩

meɪ bi ˈdʒədʒd əz ˌɪnˈkɑːmpətənt | ʌˈnedʒʊˌketəd ɔːr ˈlækɪŋ ɪn ˈnɑːlɪdʒ | ivn ˈðoʊ

ˈlɪsənərz ər ˈoʊnli riˈæktɪŋ tə ðer̩ proˌnənsiˈeɪʃn̩ ||

Notes: | = comma, || = pull stop

Good Luck☺

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