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Dear commanding officer

I had received orders assigning me to the marine battalion commander. And I am writing to
formally introduce myself. The daughter and great granddaughter of the great Nick Berberian
and Great Grandpa Jackopedi. The world's greatest saviors and the main source of my
determination both served in the military. Throughout the many many years of school and the
long days of coming home to an empty house. Setting my books down on the kitchen table with
so much as the chandler light hanging above my head, and the emptiness I felt in me with the
packets of homework staring back at me, completely forgetting everything that was learned that
day. School was never the easiest for me, still to this day it's not. Juggling school, work, after
school activities ,and if I'm lucky hanging out with my friends. Soon learned how quickly I
started losing those things I cared about.

Without the grades I couldn't go out with friends, work and any of the things that made me feel
important or wanted. I wanted a greater purpose, something I knew could get me to where I want
to be. My father serving in the marines has taught me a lot, even my grandma telling me stories
of her father serving in World War11. His story alone was enough to make me certain of
becoming a part of serving our country . He was and still is a hero, someone our family will
never forget. He was invincible, the true meaning of a heroine. That's who I want to be. A hero.

My competitiveness and strong ability to motivate others. Knowing that I'm helping others to
build a positive and determined mindset, I will strive to do the best I can to help others along
with me. My dad always taught me it’s never a race to be the best, but to help others to be just as
good. There are many people and reasons I shouldn't be joining the marines. But many more
reasons to do just that. Knowing your fighting for a purpose, a change, a legacy whatever it may
be that keeps me going on pursuing this opportunity. The years before were never the easiest but
that only gives me motivation to make the rest of my years count. Make the most out of every
minute and have a strong drive of doing the right thing.

A few years ago, specifically on the 4th of July my father and I went on a camping trip. On our
way there, we saw this older man sitting on a park bench next to a tall oak tree with the big flag
pole waving in the wind beside him. He had a single notebook and pen in hand while wearing his
military uniform. I noticed him and asked him how he was doing and I thanked him for his
service . The man looked up and smiled. He told us a story of his past in the military. My dad
looked like he wanted to leave but I stayed and talked with him. When he was done he had told
us that no one had asked how he was doing before and was very grateful he had lost all his close
relatives and had no one to care for him. Just that alone made me feel as if I just helped a hero
himself. Made me think I could do that for anyone but millions of people protecting our country
leaving a legacy just as he did. That day made me realize what a difference he had not only made
in my life but in the world helping it to be something bigger and better. Thank you for taking the
time out of your day. If u were to win 10 million dollars i would most definitely still be working,
especially if i love my job the money that’s coming in from my job i would put directly in an
account for savings. “Is it better to be good and on time or perfect and late with your work?” It’s
better to be good and on time than perfect and late because it shows responsibility and shows
your worth ethics no one wants someone who’s always going to be late in assignments and
Alexis Rose Berberian

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