Reproductive Health

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English For Midwife

Name :

1. Irvatusholihah
2. Nurhayati
3. Siska Amelia
4. Vety Faradila Sandi





Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-

being and is not simply disease free Or disabilities in all things relating to systems,
functions and reproductive processes. Reproductive health also means that one can have
a safe, satisfying sexual life as well as the ability to reproduce at will.

The reproductive system itself is necessary for living things to produce, protect,
and transport egg or sperm. Men and women have different reproductive systems, both
in the form, in function, and in the structure that support them.

The organ of the female reproductive system covers vagina, rahim (uterus),
ovarium, tuba falopi,And vulva. While the male reproductive system consists of penis,
testicles, and scrotum (testicles). Especially in women, the reproductive system is also
responsible for maintaining pregnancy and becoming and timing where the fetus
develops until it's born.

Most people are unaware that their reproductive system is the most fragile part
of the body. If you are not good at guarding reproductive health, you are at risk of
numerous reproductive disorders in the future.


A. Definition

Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-

being and is not simply disease free Or disabilities in all things relating to systems,
functions and reproductive processes. Reproductive health also means that one can
have a safe, satisfying sexual life as well as the ability to reproduce at will.

B. A variety of reproductive health

1. Fertility problems

Poorly guarded reproductive health risks the infertility of a barren alias,

whether in a man or a woman. Infertility is a condition in which the reproductive
system cannot produce offspring. It is rated serious and is quite common to be
found. According to WHO, it is estimated to be as much as 48

Experiencing infertility problems.

2. Sexually transmitted diseases

Besides infertility, sexually transmitted diseases also pose a threat if you

neglect reproductive health. Unsafe sexual activities, such as not using a condom or
exchanging sexual partners, increase one's risk of contracting a sexually transmitted
disease. Some examples of diseases that result from lack of awareness in guarding
the health of the reproductive system are:

a. Gonore
b. Trikomoniasis
c. Klamidia
d. Sifilis
e. HPV
f. HIV
C. Tips to care for the reproductive health of men and women

After understanding how important it is to guard your reproductive system,

the next step is to apply a new habit to care for your health. Here are a few simple
ways you can maintain reproductive health:

1. Good hygiene of the intimate organs

Maintaining cleanliness of the genital organs is one form of commitment to

maintain reproductive health. The filthy and unkempt genitals certainly make a
couple hesitant to have sex with you. Also, a dirty, intimate organ can increase the
risk of a disease that interferes with the functioning of the reproductive system.

Keeping the reproductive organs clean doesn't need troublesome methods, you
need to:

a. Always wash your genitals after urinating, and before and after having
sexual intercourse.
b. Make sure the intimate organs are always inside It was dry and humid
c. Avoid using perfumed soap, betel soap, deodorant, powder, and vaginal
douche because it can cause skin to be susceptible to irritation.
d. Change underwear every day and make sure the ingredients used in the
pants absorb sweat well.

For men, consider circumcision in order to avoid the risk of bacterial

infection in the penis. If a man is uncircumcised, the unplucked foreskin can
become a place to collect dirt. As a result, such filthiness may accumulate and
cause infection when left unchecked.

2. Eat healthy food

Another way to preserve the health of the reproductive organs is to watch

what passes through your body. If you make it a habit to eat wholesome, nutritious
foods at a high level, your body will feel better and fit. You will also avoid
diseases, including those that attack the reproductive system. In addition, proper
nutrition intake can also help the body produce good, healthy sperm and eggs.
Healthy food also prepares a woman's body to get pregnant without complications.

According to Harvard Health Publishing,Here's a tip about choosing healthy food

for your reproductive health:

a. Avoid trans fats

b. Eat more saturated vegetable oil
c. Meet the protein needs of vegetables, such as
d. Meet the needs of proteins from vegetables, such as beans, tofu, and grains
e. Select carbohydrates rich in fiber, such as whole wheat, vegetables, fruits,
and nuts
f. Drink pure milk
g. Multivitamin, like folic acid
h. Meet iron needs, such as spinach, beans, squash, tomatoes, and beets.
3. Having safe sex
Having safe sex is defined as any preventive measure to protect yourself and
your partner from the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Safe sex can also be
defined as an attempt to avoid unintended pregnancies. However, the principle of
having safe sex goes beyond wearing only a condom.
Some of which are safe forms of sexual behavior to maintain reproductive
health, among other things:
a. Use contraceptives, such as condoms, birth control pills, or iud
b. No promiscuous sexual partners.
c. Maintaining the cleanliness of the intimate organs before and after sex.
d. Self-and partner sexual history.
e. Perform periodic STD tests.

4. Diligent check on reproductive health to the doctor

Of some people may just have had their reproductive health checked when
planning for a pregnancy. Even if you are not planning to become pregnant, a
reproductive system must be checked regularly to prevent future diseases that may
appear without symptoms. An example is disease Endometriosis which attacks
women. If Left without proper treatment, the disease can make it difficult for
women to conceive. In addition, infectious diseases that attack testicles or penises
also pose a risk of making it difficult for a man to impregnate his mate. On this
basis, both men and women are strongly encouraged to check their health regularly
at medical clinics, hospitals, or laboratories.Usually, reproductive organs check on
the risk of infection, sexually transmitted diseases, Sexual contagion, and
congenital diseases that may have been passed down from parents.
Here's some kind of examination The most common reproductive health:
a. Complete blood count.
b. Urine check
c. ultrasound
d. HSG
e. STD test, like syphilis With the VDRL test
f. Pap smear

5. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

A healthy life-style is a key to maintaining a healthy body health that will
contribute to the health of your reproductive system. Therefore, if you are a smoker
and an alcohol drinker, it is good to make an effort to break both bad habits.
Admittedly, it is not easy, but it is not impossible when accompanied by strong
intentions and determination. Try slowly with one more glass of liquor or a
cigarette a day to quit smoking. If you are used to it, cut down a few more
cigarettes and a few glasses until you are able to stop at all. If necessary, you can
enlist the support of the people closest to the family, A partner, or a friend.
Also, do not forget to exercise regularly in an effort to keep your body fit each
day. Sports can help you inside Achieving ideal weight and Increase your chances
of getting pregnant. Sleep is no different. Sleep is the natural way of the body to
take care of its own health. If you lack sufficient sleep, the effect will be directly on
your health, including in reproductive health Long-term.


Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social health, not
merely free from disease or disability related to the reproductive system, function and
process. Reproductive health services consist of health services before pregnancy,
during pregnancy, during childbirth and after childbirth (partum). Reproductive health
services are health service activities that are improvement, prevention, treatment and
recovery. Reproductive health services are carried out in individual health facilities and
public health facilities at the first, second and third levels. The standard of reproductive
health services is guided by the laws and regulations.

Everyone has the right to:

a. Live a reproductive and sexual life that is healthy, safe, and free from
coercion and/or violence from anyone in accordance with applicable
moral norms;
b. Determines reproductive life and is free from discrimination, coercion
and/or violence, in accordance with noble values that do not degrade
human dignity;
c. Determine yourself when and how often you want to reproduce in a
healthy and responsible manner by taking into account the justice and
equality of husband and wife; and
d. Obtain information, education, counseling and reproductive health
services from competent officers.

Reproductive health is implemented through an approach to maternal health,

child health, family planning, adolescent reproductive health, prevention and control of
sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS and reproductive health for the
elderly. The Government, Regional Government, and Regency/City Government are
obliged to ensure the availability of information facilities and reproductive health and
sexual health service facilities. Every health service facility that provides reproductive
health services, whether promotive, preventive, curative and/or rehabilitative, including
assisted reproduction, must be carried out safely and healthily by taking into account the
specific aspects of the reproductive function of women and men.

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