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Family Planning

Subjeck : English course

Suporting Lecturer : Siti Novy Romlah, SST, M.Epid

Arranged by:

1. Meldasari (191030300035)
2. Lia Azizah (191030300014)
3. Rika Putriani (191030300011)
4. Siti Arsanah (191030300033)
5. Wilda andani (191030300024)


Stikes Widya Dharma Husada



All praise for Allah SWT who has defated the grace and its so, so the paper about this
family plan can be completed to meet the task given by lecturer of English course as one of
Softskill's course.The case of students can take advantage of this paper with the best. Not
forgetting, I thank the greatest grant to the leather of English language that has given our
chapada opportunity to collect the task of this paper.The task of the pit is entitled "Family
Family".A paper that peeling things related to changing patterns, styles, or goals of life of the
house. This is still far from perfect, either in terms of contents, the composition of, or the way of
presentation.For that all his criticism and suggestions are building we are very expected from the

Table of contents


Table of contents.................................................................................................ii

I. Chapter 1

A. Background..................................................................................4

B. Purpose ..............................................5

C. Target...........................................................................................5

II. Chapter II.................................................................................................9

A. The power of................................................................................9

B. Weakness.....................................................................................9

C. Opportunity................................................................................10

D. Challenge / barriers....................................................................10

III. Chapter III..............................................................................................11




Chapter I


A. Background Family Planning (KB)

Indonesia is one of the developing countries that face problems in the field of population,
that is still high levels of population growth. Such results has made it difficult for the effort to
improve and unit of publicity. Seminhade, the high level of population growth, the greater the
publication must be done to maintain the welfare of the community.Therefore it is a working
stringer to reduce the growth rate of this population with family planning programs. Searching
Fireworks (KB) is a national program aimed at improving degrees, mama's welfare, children and
family in particular, and nation in general.One of them is by limiting and monitoring the
occupation.The KB program was pioneered since 1951 and continued to grow, so in 1970 the
form of the Coordination of the National Family Planning (BKKBN). With Family Planning
Program is expected to increase the health and quality of Indonesian human resources so that it
increases the welfare of the community.

1. Understanding of family planning

Family planning contains the understanding of the planning of life of their husbands in
the birth and educating the child.Can simultaneously set the number of children as you will and
determine your own / pregnant will be pregnant. According to BKKBN (1998)Family planning
means to manage the sufficient on your will and determine itself when you want to pregnore or
end of the Population business as well as an integrated part in the National Development
Program and aims to participate and create economic, spiritual, social cultural prosperity in
Indonesia to get good balance with national production. The family planning program is carried
out by contraceptive method.Contraception is the method to prevent pregnancy. With this

method, the amount and distance of pregnancy can be set.

B. Purpose Family Planning (KB)

The Family Planning Program is a national program aimed at reducing the growth rate of
the population so that it can be achieved with this family planning programThat is:
1.meningkatkanWelfare of mother and child,
2.meningkatkanHope of life,
3.mengurangibaby mortality rate,
4.mengurangithe mortality rate of pregnant
With this family planning program we can increase the human current humanity, so as to
improve the welfare of the community.

C. Goal Family Planning (KB)

Family plans to be initially done by secretary by tenure because the state government is
currently anti to the program.New entering, the KB program began recognized and became a
government program. And your fact, every year about 500,000 women died due to various
problems during pregnancy, labor and dischargingcontent (Abortion) is unsafe.This is where the
plan is planned to play an important role to prevent most of these deaths.Here are some of the
benefits of the coybangYou need to know:

 Pregnancy is too early

Women under the bottomage17 years of vulnerable to death during childbirth. This is
because the development of the body is not perfect and not mature enough and ready to
be passed by the baby. The baby was threatened to rescue the segilI was a year.

 Pregnancy too "late"

Women are too old to contain and give birth to many harmful risk. Especially if have any
other health problems andU often pregnant and childbirth.

 Pregnancy-close pregnancy
Pregnancy and labor require a lot of energy and strength. If you have not recovered from
one bracelet but it is pregnant back, the body is notwill behad recovered his fitness.
Affairs of problems even death will be faced when dealing withNutasuan a near-range

 Too often pregnant and give birth

Women have more than four children at risk of facing the greatness of great sciaries and
other abnormalities. No coercion and no one may force you to follow the family program
or plan. But health workers will encourage you to follow this program in case of
something that you can go through yourself.

It takes consciousness in yourself, regarding the importance of following the Family

Planning program, both for the decision of the diserside, the child, the well-being of
family welfare. Nothing may force follow the family planning program, and no coercion
to provide a certain KB tool.However, if the KB tool you choose can be self-themed,
then consult first it is a padadokter content.

A. KB method

Family plans to use contraceptive methods to prevent occupational.There are several

types of contraceptive methods,That is:

1. Hormonal Contraception
Hormonal contraception is a pregnancy prevention method by ordering the
reproductive hormone in the body. Initary type contraceptionSede in 3 forms, namely:

a. Oral (eaten): Pillprogesterone and combination pills

b. Injection

c. Mechanical (Kusus)
PB KIL (Oral Drugs) There are 2 types, namely ordinary PB and PB KIL for
Ibumenyuusi. In addition it is also available the type of packet taken every day.Pil
KB has some advantages of having:

1.dapatpreventing the dollar cancer of the egg and endometrium

2.mengurangiMenstrual disorders
3.pengembalianFast fertility (only 3 months) KB injections is the intracuscular
prostabin preparation. This KB injection is given 3 months. Work fast and
effective in a long time. Snack KN is a kind of plain and flexible plastic capsule,
incorporatedinto the sleeve of women who will release progestinsalera
slowly.This contraception can be effective for 5 to 7 years.

2. Contraceptive of the contrasting method

There are several types:
3. Cast of cervix

3. Contraceptive Tool in the womb

The contraceptive in the uterus (AKDR / UID) is a tool that is plastic from the plastic
inserted into the uterus and prevent the pregnancy with the pregnancy withhow
toblocking in the waya fertilization or implementation.

4. permanent (operative)
Is an action undertaken in men and women who want to prevent pregnancy
permanently. In men of operations actions are to cut the deviation called the
vasectomy. While in women candone in two ways, yait

a.ligasiTuba (Tuba Tube Binding)

b.hiSterectomy (Rafting Appointment

C.Oforectomi (Ovarian / Optional Lamps) In addition toBy using the four ways
above, preventionkeeping can also be done by natural method, namely the fertile
calculation by using the calendar system.

 Reduce 18 days from the cycle lengthshortest (eg 25 days = 7).

 Reduce 11 days from the cycle length tErpeng (eg 30 days = 19).

 Abstain(unrelated) from the 7th day cycle to the day to the 19th because it is
WanIta is in the fertile period.

The weakness of this calendar system is only used by the regular gym cycle.

Chapter II
The problem

1. SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis is a form of descriptive and state-of-date conditions. By doing this we
can safely reaver where the progress or decline level of a family planning, as well as the
impact or goodandMaybe it can be the best out of the way.

a. Power (strength)
This family planning program has many benefits especially for pregnant people. With
this program we can arrange the sum of the distance and occurrence of pregnancy that
will affect the health of the mother. With Family Planning programs can prevent the
emergence of dangers due to:

1.Pregnancy too early,

2.Pregnancy hich is late,
3. Pregnancy who is too negotiated.
Such pregnancy can cause harm of good death for the humbium.However, with family
planning programs this can be prevented sExtbness of health matured guaranteed.By
limiting the number of children, thenwill beCan improve family's behavior. Because with
the number of children a little load of people to support his familywill bereduced
compared to theoutdoors have many children

b. Weakness (Weakness)
Without family planning, has not maximized the function of creating the
stanceEconomics, spiritual, socio-cultural Indonesian people in order to accomplish good
balance with national production.

c. Opportunity (Opportunity)

With this family planning program we can increase the human current human
mutusumber, so it can cramEncovered the welfare of the community.

d. Challenges / Obstacles (Threats)

The higher the population growth rate, the greater the other and the entity must be
undertaken to maintain the welfare of the community.Therefore, the government is trying
to reduce the growth rate of this population with family planning programs.

Chapter III


A. Conclusion

Pregnancy can cause harm of death for both mothers and babies.However, with family
planning programs this can be prevented so that the mother's health is assured. With
limiting the number of children, then will be Can improve family's behavior. Because
with the number of children a little load of people to support his family will beReduced
compared to the family of having many children.

B. Recommendation

With this family planning program we can increase the human current humanity, so as to
improve the welfare of the community.


1. Scott James R. et al. 2002. Danforth Obstetric and Gynecological Pocket BooksJakarta:
Widya Media.

2. Prawihardjo, Sarwono. 2003. Practical Handbook Guidecontraception.jakarta:Bina

Pustaka Foundation.


4. family-planning-kb-according to.html


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