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Life Insurance MCQ Guide for IC 38

Life Insurance
MCQ Guide
for IC 38
(For Insurance Agents, Corporate Agents,
Web Aggregators, Insurance Marketing Firm)

Authored by:
Dr. Rakesh Agarwal
M.Com(BIM),L.L.B, PGJMC, M.B.A, F.C.A.,DISA, F.I.I.I, Ph.D
The Insurance Times

Published By :
The Insurance Times
The First monthly Journal on Insurance in India in service
since 1981, PH: 033 40078428/429 1

Sashi Publications

Dr Rakesh Agarwal, Kolkata
1st Edition November 2016
2nd Edition September 2017
3rd Edition December 2017
4th Edition November 2018

ISBN : 978-93-81489-36-9
Price : ` 175
All Rights reserved by the publishers. No part of this publication can be
published or reproduced in any form, by shuffling of questions,
remodelling of questions or by any means i.e., electronic, mechanical,
including photocopying without the prior permission of the publishers.
Some excerpts has been taken from IC38 published by Insurance
Institute of India in Highlight section of the book. The copyright of those
material rests with Insurance Institute of India.
Every effort has been made to avoid errors or omissions in this
publication. This is a guide book prepared on the basis of syllabus of
Insurance Institute of India for Associate Exam to assist candidates to
pass in exam successfully.
The publishers will not be responsible for loss or damage due to errors
in this publication. Any error, mistake may be brought to our notice, which
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Life Insurance MCQ Guide for IC 38

We are happy to launch the 4th Edition of Life Insurance MCQ Guide for
IC 38.

Recently IRDAI has redesigned the syllabus for agency training for
Agents, Corporate Agents, Insurance Marketing Firm and W eb
Aggregators. IRDAI has notified IC38 book as the common book for all
above modes of insurance solicitation.

We have covered thoroughly the whole syllabus prescribed by I.I.I and

the questions and answers are given based on each chapter. The book
has been prepared carefully to cover almost all types of questions that
can be asked in exam.

We hope the candidates will find this book very useful in preparing for
the examination. Please do go through the tips given in this book for
clearing the exam successfully.

We are thankful to Shyam Agarwal, Associate Editor,The Insurance Times

for valuable inputs in the book and for his untiring effort in preparation
of the guide. We also thank Dr Abhijeet Chattoraj for reviewing the book
and making valuable additions.

Though we have tried to make this publication error free, if you come
across any error please email us so that we can correct the same in
next edition.

We wish you best of luck for the examination.

- Editor in Chief,
R. G. Agarwala
The Insurance Times, PH: 033 40078428/429 3

Sashi Publications

Tips for passing the exam successfully

1. Plan out your study programme answering any question as the

in advance so that you do not question might have been
leave any important topic. twisted.

2. We have covered questions in 8. Before deciding the answer give

various pattern and options so stress on the logic and you will
that the concept of subject is get the correct answer.
clear to the candidates. Since the
9. Always keep some time to review
questions may be twisted in the
the paper.
exam it is not advisable to mug
up the questions. 10. Once you complete reading a
chapter in book, attempt for
3. Before appearing in the
online mock test. If you do not
examination try to solve questions
score well again go to the
in exam conditions by setting up
chapter and study again and
time and solving the questions as
reattempt the questions until you
if appearing in exam.
get good marks.
4. Do not consult too many things
11. In the new pattern of questions
at a time otherwise you will
the questions are large so
confuse everything. Go step by
before answering read questions
very carefully. A single not or
5. W hen you view the question negative or positive construction
paper in the exam do not try to may change the answer, so
read all questions instantly as it check whether question is asking
will waste your time and if you in affirmative or negative.
don't know answers of some
12. When you receive the question
question you will get tensed.
paper first answer the questions
6. Go through the first page and in which you are confident. Say
answer only the questions which you know 40 out of 100 question
you are sure. Likewise go then answer them so that you are
through all the pages and mark confident of securing this mark.
answers only which you are After this you again start from
confident of being correct. beginning and read question
twice/thrice if you have confusion.
7. Read and read carefully before

4 Website:
Life Insurance MCQ Guide for IC 38
13. As more and more exams are in such type of questions the
being conducted in MCQ pattern answer will be All the above. But
the level of difficulty is again exercise caution become
increasing. A new trend has they may intentionally give this
started where you may find that option to confuse you.
most answers are right. Out of
17. Do not leave any chapter. Focus
this you will have to select the
on all chapters equally. MCQ
best option which best
questions are set from a pool of
resembles the question.
questions. At times it happens
14. Adopt Elimination technique. For that from a particular chapter
example out of 5 option first try many questions are set. You
to figure out the option which is leave any chapter at your sole
absolutely wrong. So go on risk.
eliminating the wrong options to
18. Relax, relax and relax while
arrive at the correct option.
answering. Avoid anxiety. If you
15. Don't leave any question will take strain then chances are
unanswered. Since there is no that you may answer incorrectly
negative marking attempt all the even the questions you know.
questions. Try to arrive at the
19. Well we wish you Best of Luck
most likely answer.
for the exam and hope you clear
16. In many questions you will find the paper in the coming attempt.
the answer All above. Most likely

— l —, PH: 033 40078428/429 5

Sashi Publications


Multiple Choice Question

Section - 1
1. Introduction to Insurance ............................................... 9

2. Customer Service .......................................................... 18

3. Grievance Redressal Mechanism .................................. 30

4. Regulatory Aspects of Insurance Agents,

Corporate Agents, Web Aggregators &
Insurance Marketing Firm ............................................. 38

5. Legal Principle of an Insurance Contract ..................... 48

Answers for all Chapters ......................................................... 58

Section - 2
6. What Life Insurance Involves ....................................... 63

7. Financial Planning ......................................................... 71

8. Life Insurance Products - I ........................................... 82

9. Life Insurance Products - II .......................................... 95

10. Application of Life Insurance ..................................... 105

11. Pricing and Valuation in Life Insurance ..................... 112

6 Website:
Life Insurance MCQ Guide for IC 38

12. Documentation - Proposal Stage ................................ 126

13. Documentation - Policy Condition- I ......................... 136

14. Documentation - Policy Condition- II ........................ 142

15. Underwriting .............................................................. 166

16. Payments Under a Life Insurance Policy ................... 181

Answers for all Chapters ....................................................... 190

Section - 3
17. Introduction to Health Insurance ............................... 201

18. Insurance Documentation .......................................... 210

19. Health Insurance Products ......................................... 219

20. Health Insurance Underwriting ................................. 234

21. Health Insurance Claims ............................................ 250

Answers for all Chapters ....................................................... 261, PH: 033 40078428/429 7

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IC 38 Common

Multiple Choice Question

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Life Insurance MCQ Guide for IC 38

Chapter - 1
Highlights of Introduction to Insurance
Need for insurance : replace it. It is so with any other asset.
From cave age till date, the story of
evolution of mankind is in fact a saga of It is the human ingenuity which has found
continuous search for security. His out a way out of this. As a large number
problems have remained the same through of members of society face this problem -
the centuries though the form has problem which is common to all of them,
changed with the changes in economic problem which is beyond the capacity of
and social circumstances. any individual to bear, it becom es
necessary for similarly placed individuals
When men lived in caves, he searched for to come together and forge a common
security against animals, because they strategy to meet this eventuality of loss of
could kill him while asleep. He was not a valuable asset.
sure, he could hunt every day and get his
food. He lived in a group or tribe so that Insurance as a social security tool :
other members of the tribe could come to Individual's income is dependent upon the
help in times of crisis. The system of family investment of his time. Over a period of
was the product of a similar need and to time, he saves sufficiently to provide for
seek comfort and security against the time, when he is too old to earn. But
sickness. no body can guarantee him this time. This
uncertainty of tim e leads him to the
Protecting ones asset has been a invention of insurance.
continuous search not only of individuals
but also of groups of people. Theft, fire, The story goes of a news paper hawker
flood etc. have been a scourge against boy who used to go on cycle to distribute
mankind. Man earns investing his time, news papers to earn his livelihood. One
strength and intelligence. He also needs day, when he left his cycle outside a
other instruments like vehicles, factories, house and went in to deliver the news
ship for transportation, production and paper, his cycle got stolen. He had
trade. Each of these resources are thereafter no means to run around.
valuable and augment the creation of Walking would be a slow process and his
further wealth. income would dwindle. The boy was a
smart one.
But when such aspects are lost or
destroyed much before the expected date, He called his other brother hawkers and
the calamity is suffered. Human being is narrated his story. Many others in the same
an income generating asset. He expects job had similar stories to tell. They just hit
to earn during his life time sufficiently so upon an idea. A cycle say would cost Rs.
as to provide for his old age. But when 100/- There were almost 100 hawkers.
he dies at an young age, the family remains Almost every year one cycle was getting
unprovided for. A motor vehicle is to last, stolen. Only if they could have a fund of
say 15 years. During this period, the Rs.100/- such a loss suffered by any of
owner makes sufficient saving as to them could be compensated. And the creation
replace it with a new one. But if the vehicle of a fund of Rs.100/- merely means a
is totally damaged due to an accident, the contribution of Rs.1/- per person per year.
entire capital is lost and the owner can not The concept of insurance was born., PH: 033 40078428/429 9

Sashi Publications
Role of Insurance in the development u Distribute risks and losses
of economy :
u Enhance creditworthiness
From very rudimentary beginnings, the
concept of insurance has travelled a long u Increase earning power
distance as to become an effective engine u Help in savings
for the development of economy. The
present day economy, it is said, would be u Helps in investment
unthinkable without the business of u Promotes thrift
insurance. Factories and industries in the
modern days involve investment of u Reduces destitute
thousand of crores. Aero planes costing u Helps in better health care
hundreds of crores of rupees fly in the sky.
Brief history of insurance
The ships of today cost a fortune. Each u Insurance has been known to exist
one of them face the risk of damage to since 3000 BC
total destruction for reasons beyond ones u Chinese and Babylonian traders
control. If the owner is always to be practiced concept of insurance since
worried of their possible loss due to some long
such reason, would he be able to sleep in
peace? W ould he turn into a maniac u The Greeks started benevolent
worrying as to what is going to happen to societies in the late seventh century
him if this asset is lost. Insurance provides A.D. to take care of funeral and
that peace of mind, freedom from worries, families of members who died early
confidence to take risk which alone drives u A formal insurance company was
the economy forward. first formed after the great Fire of
London in the year 1666 named as
Today's economy, it is said, is a credit
fire office (1680)
economy. The businessmen, the factory
owner, even the ordinary service holder u The origin of modern day insurance
takes loan to provide for himself capital, can be traced back to the Lloyd's
to purchase goods, to start a factory, to coffeehouse in London where the
purchase a house, conveyance or even traders met regularly to share their
a holiday. Such credits are available losses of goods carried on them by
because of the mechanism of insurance. sea.

Pooling risks and resources : u In India insurance first started in the

Such huge funds could not be made year 1800 in form of Marine insurance
available but for the pooled resources of business
the entire society. As we have said in the u The first life insurance company to be
above example of the newspaper hawker, set up in India was an English
one rupee contribution made it possible to company, the Oriental life insurance
have a fund of rupees one hundred. The company Ltd.
risks of the loss of the cycle for each
u The first non-life insurer to be
hawker boy was too great to bear. But
established in India was Triton
when the hundred hawkers pooled their
insurance company
resources, they distributed their risks in
bearable proportion. u The first full-fledged Indian insurance
company was Bombay mutual
Insurance helps to bring assurance Society formed in the year
u Security 1870 in Mumbai
u Increase business efficiency u Indian insurance companies were

10 Website:
Life Insurance MCQ Guide for IC 38
established as a result of swadeshi Role of insurance in society
movement in India Insurance companies play an important
role in a country's econom ic
u The life insurance business in India
development. They are contributing in a
was nationalised in the year 1956
significant sense to ensuring that the
u Life insurance Corporation of India wealth of the country is protected and
was formed by the merger of 170 preserved. Some of their contributions are
companies and 75 Provident fund given below.
societies transacting life insurance a) Their investments benefit the society
business in India at large.
u The nonlife insurance was b) These funds are collected and held
nationalised in the year 1973 with the for the benefit of the policyholders.
form ation of General Insurance
c) The system of insurance provides
Corporation and its four subsidiaries.
numerous direct and indirect benefits
u GIC and its subsidiary were formed to the individual, his family, to
with merger of 106 companies industry and commerce and to the
transacting nonlife insurance community and the nation as a whole
business in India
d) Insurance removes the fear, worry
and anxiety associated with one's
The Insurance Act 1938 was the first
legislation enacted to regulate the conduct
of insurance companies in India. This Act, e) A bank or financial institution may not
as amended from time to time continues to advance loans on property unless
be in force.
it is insured against loss or damage
by insurable perils
In 1993, the Malhotra Committee was setup
to explore and recommend changes for f) Insurers also suggest and
development of the industry including the recommend to the insured, various
reintroduction of an element of competition. improvements in the risk, which will
The Committee submitted its report in attract lower rates of premium.
1994.In 1997 the Insurance Regulatory g) Insurance operations earn foreign
Authority (IRA)was established. exchange and represent invisible
The passing of the Insurance Regulatory&
Development Act, 1999 (IRDAI) led to the Insurers play an important role in
formation of Insurance Regulatory and social security schemes sponsored by
Development Authority of India (IRDAI) in the Government such as
April 2000 as a statutory regulatory body 1. RKBY - Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana
both for life, non-life and health
insurance industry. IRDA has been 2. RSBY - Rashtriya Swasthya Bima
subsequently renamed as IRDAI in 2014. Yojana
3. PMJBY - Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti
Amending the Insurance Act in 2015, Bima Yojana
certain tipulations have been added
governing the definition and formation of 4. PMSBY - Pradhan Mantri Suraksha
insurance companies in India. Bima Yojana All these benefit the
community in general.

— l —, PH: 033 40078428/429 11

Sashi Publications

Multiple Choice Question/Answers

Introduction to Insurance
Model Questions Bank
1. Which of the following events a. Nuclear family system
make us anxious and afraid? b. Life Insurance penetration
a. Fire b. Flood c. Joint family system
c. Earthquake d. Lightning d. Moderate literacy rate
e. All of the above e. None of the above

2. Why do events make us anxious 6. The origins of modern commer-

and afraid? cial insurance business as prac-
a. Events are unpredictable ticed today can be traced to
b. Cause of economic loss and ________ in London.
grief. a. Amicable Society for a Perpetual
c. It causes adrenaline rush in our Assurance
body. b. Lloyd's Coffee House
d. Physical and mental stress c. Swiss Re
e. Only a and b d. Munich Re
e. Berkshire Hathaway
3. Which of these gave the idea of
proper formation of insurance? 7. Amicable Society for a Per-
a. Babylonian and Chinese Traders petual Assurance founded in
b. Traders from Bharuch and surat _____ in London is considered
c. Greeks to be the first life insurance
d. Inhabitants of Rhodes company in the world.
e. All of the above a. 1700 b. 1702
c. 1704 d. 1706
4. The _________ had agreements e. 1708
where they would pay additional
sums to lender, as a price for 8. Which is the first English Life In-
writing off loans, in case a ship- surance company to be set up
ment was lost or stolen. in India?
a. Traders from Bharuch and surat a. The Oriental Life Insurance Co.
b. Greeks Ltd.
c. Babylonian Traders b. Triton Insurance Co. Ltd.
d. Inhabitants of Rhodes c. Bombay Mutual Assurance Soci-
e. Chinese Traders ety Ltd.
d. National Insurance Company Ltd.
5. Which of the follow ing has e. None of the above.
helped India down the ages as
best form of Life Insurance? 9. ___________ is the first non-life

12 Website:
Life Insurance MCQ Guide for IC 38
insurer to be established in In- c. Premium-rate tables are certified
dia. by an underwriter.
a. The Oriental Life Insurance Co. d. Periodical valuations of compa-
Ltd. nies are certified by an under-
b. Triton Insurance Co. Ltd. writer.
c. Bombay Mutual Assurance Soci- e. Only a and b.
ety Ltd.
d. National Insurance Company Ltd. 14. The _____ was the first legisla-
e. None of the above. tion enacted to regulate the con-
duct of insurance companies in
10. Bombay Mutual Assurance Soci- India.
ety Ltd. was the first Indian In- a. Insurance Act, 1938
surance company formed in the b. Provident Fund Act, 1912
Mumbai in the year _____. c. Life Insurance companies Act,
a. 1800 b. 1900 1912
c. 1810 d. 1870 d. The IRDAI Act, 1999
e. 1871 e. None of the above.

11. Which is the oldest Insurance 15. Insurance has been known to
Company in India? exist in some form or other
a. The Oriental Life Insurance Co. since______.
Ltd. a. 2000 BC b. 1000 BC
b. Triton Insurance Co. Ltd. c. 3000 BC d. 4000 BC
c. Bombay Mutual Assurance Soci- e. 1500 BC
ety Ltd.
d. National Insurance Company Ltd. 16. Life Insurance business was na-
e. Only a and d tionalized on ___________ and
the Life Insurance Corporation
12. The Life Insurance Companies of India (LIC) was formed.
Act and the Provident Fund Act a. 1st September 1956 b.
were passed to regulate the in- 10th September 1956
surance business in which c. 1st October 1956 d. 20th Octo-
year? ber 1958
a. 1920 b. 1912 e. 30th December 1958
c. 1913 d. 1906
e. 1910 17. The non-life insurance business
was nationalised and the Gen-
13. The Life Insurance Companies eral Insurance Corporation of
Act made it compulsory that: India with its 4 subsidiaries was
a. Premium-rate tables are certified formed in the year________.
by an actuary. a. 1970 b. 1971
b. Periodical valuations of compa- c. 1972 d. 1973
nies are certified by an actuary. e. 1974, PH: 033 40078428/429 13

Sashi Publications

Answers - Introduc- 25. a. A process by 44. a. Changes made in

which the losses dangerous or
tion to Insurance
of a few, who are hazardous
1. e. All of the above unfortunate to operations.
2. e. Only a and b suffer such 45. c. Separation
3. e. All of the above losses, are shared 46. b. Risk retention
4. c. Babylonian amongst those through self-
Traders exposes to similar financing
5. c. Joint family system uncertain events/ 47. a. Transferring the
6. b. Lloyd's Coffee situations. responsibility for
House 26. e. All of the above losses to another
7. d. 1706 27. b. The asset never party.
8. a. The Oriental Life loses it value; it 48. b. Might
Insurance Co. Ltd. may be replaced 49. a. Will
9. b. Triton Insurance with the insurance 50. b. Insurance
Co. Ltd. contract.
10. d. 1870
Answers - Customer
28. d. All of the above
11. d. National Insurance 29. a. Primary burden of Service
Company Ltd. risk 1. a. Customers
12. b. 1912 30. b. Secondary burden 2. e. Only 1 and 3
13. e. Only a and b. of risk 3. d. All of the above.
14. a. Insurance Act, 31. d. All of the above. 4. e. Only a and b.
1938 32. c. Setting aside 5. e. All of the above
15. c. 3000 BC reserves as a 6. a. The ability to
16. a. 1st September provision for perform the
1956 meeting potential promised service
17. c. 1972 losses in the dependably and
18. d. Only a and b. future. accurately.
19. b. April 2000 33. e. All of the above 7. b. It refers to the
20. e. Only b and c 34. a. Risk avoidance willingness and
21. a. Insurance of part 35. d. Risk avoidance ability of service
of one insurer's 36. c. Risk retention personnel to help
risk by another 37. a. Risk retention customers and
insurer who 38. d. Risk reduction and provide prompt
accepts the risk control response to the
for a mutually 39. e. All of the above. customer's needs.
acceptable 40. a. Loss Prevention 8. c. It refers to the
premium. 41. d. Degree of loss knowledge,
22. c. 24 42. b. Adequate competence and
23. d. All of the above. knowledge for the courtesy of
24. b. Insurance engineers service providers
Regulatory and 43. e. Making and their ability to
Development environmental convey trust and
Authority of India. changes confidence.

58 Website:
Life Insurance MCQ Guide for IC 38

Multiple Choice Question/Answers

What Life Insurance Involves
Model Questions Bank

1. Full form of HLV is c. Discounting the future income

a. Human Love Value less the expenses, using an ap-
b. Human Life Value propriate interest rate.
c. Human Long Value d. All of the above
d. Human Light Value
5. Which of the following state-
2. HLV is calculated to ment about HLV is/are correct
a. Ascertain the value of human life a. HLV concepts considers human
in monetary terms life as property or an asset
b. Ascertain the amount of life insur- b. HLV is the only way to determine
ance which can be given to a the amount of insurance which
prospect can be given to a human being
c. Ascertain the monetary loss to c. While calculating HLV, only future
the family in case of death of the earning capacity is considered.
prospect d. All of the above
d. All of the above
6. The insurance is effected to
3. Which of the following statement cover the ___________ an as-
about the HLV is in-correct? set is exposed to
a. HLV is the definite amount of in- a. Peril b. Risk
come which an individual will earn c. Loss d. Event
during his lifetime.
b. HLV considers the future income, 7. Which of the following is not a
which a prospect may earn over category of risk, considered for
his lifetime. life insurance
c. HLV was developed by Prof. a. Dying too early
Hubner. b. Living too long
d. All of the above. c. Accident
d. Living with disability
4. To ascertain HLV, Net earnings is
calculated by 8. "Living too Long" means
a. Adding all the income of the future a. Life post retirement
years. b. Living beyond the age of 60 years
b. All future income less the amount c. Living beyond the age of 80 years
required to be spent on self. d. Living beyond the age of 90 years, PH: 033 40078428/429 65

Sashi Publications
9. "Liability insurance" covers d. All of the above statements are
a. Insurance against frauds by the correct
b. Insurance against loss of name 14. Which of the follow ing
and goodwill statement's is/are true ?
c. Insurance against "Bankruptcy". a. The General Insurance contracts
d. All of the above protects against uncertainty.
b. Life insurance policies protects
10. General Insurance covers against certain event.
a. Risks that can affect a person c. Both are correct.
b. Personal risks d. Both are wrong.
c. Risks that effect property
d. All of the above 15. Which of the follow ing
statement(s) is/are correct ?
11. Life insurance is not a. In Life insurance policies, the risk
a. A contract of assurance is constant.
b. A contract of indemnity b. In Life insurance policies, the
c. Applicable to assets other than coverage is against the time of
human life death
d. A financial asset. c. In Life insurance policies, the
actual loss is compensated for.
12. Which is the most appropriate d. All are correct.
statement(s) vis-a-vis HLV
16. Mortality charges would be least
a. Mr. A's annual earning is Rs.1.5
in which of the following
lacs and has proposed for a life
a. A person in the age group of 35-
cover of Rs.5 crore on his life.
40 years
b. Mr. B is a student and has pro-
b. A person in the age group of 30-
posed for a life cover of 25 lacs
35 years
on his life.
c. A person in the age group of 21-
c. Both are appropriate
25 years
d. Both are not appropriate
d. A person in the age group of 40-
45 years
13. Which of the follow ing
statement(s) is correct, vis-a-vis 17. Mortality charges
Life insurance contracts a. Increase with increase in age
a. Principle of indemnity doesn't b. Are not affected by the health of
apply. the prospect.
b. The amount payable at death is c. Are constant throughout the
fixed at the beginning of the policy policy term
c. The ultimate beneficiary may not d. Will be same for all males of 25
be the policyholder. years of age.

66 Website:
Sashi Publications
Answers - What life 20. d. A and C. 42. b. A general
21. a. Level premium insurance policy
Insurance Involves
22. b. Term policy 43. d. Guarantees the
1. b. Human Life Value 23. b. Premiums collected amount payable at
2. d. All of the above in the early years maturity
3. a. HLV is the definite of the policy. 44. d. Pension policy
amount of income 24. a. Excess of the 45. a. Accidental death
which an premiums collected 46. d. All of the above
individual will earn under the policies 47. c. Same premium at
during his lifetime. 25. d. Accident any age
4. c. Discounting the 26. a. Which has more 48. b. Cash Value
future income less of saving element element
the expenses, in the policy 49. b. Diversification
using an 27. b. Its a contract to 50. d. All of the above
appropriate pay the sum
interest rate. assured on
Answers - Financial
5. a. HLV concepts happening of the Planning
considers human event.
life as property or
Set - I
28. a. Provide sense of
an asset financial security 1. e. Only a and d
6. b. Risk to the 2. e. All of the above
7. c. Accident policyholders. 3. e. a, b and c above
8. a. Life post 29. b. Combination of the 4. d. Empty Nester
retirement funds of the 5. e. Empty Nester
9. a. Insurance against various individuals 6. c. Wealth
frauds by the 30. a. A sense of accumulation
debtors financial security 7. b. Bank FD
10. d. All of the above 31. d. All of the above. 8. c. Insurance
11. b. A contract of 32. d. All of the above 9. a. Life insurance
indemnity 33. b. Life insurance 10. c. Spending
12. d. Both are not provides 11. a. Put money to work
appropriate guaranteed 12. c. It's the process to
13. d. All of the above returns identify one's
statements are 34. b. Statutory insurance needs
correct reserves. 13. d. All of the above
14. c. Both are correct. 35. d. All of the above 14. a. Planning the
15. b. In Life insurance 36. d. All of the above. priorities in life
policies, the 37. b. Provides easy 15. b. Very short term
coverage is liquidity of the goal
against the time of funds invested 16. d. To plan for buying
death 38. d. All of the above a washing
16. c. A person in the 39. c. Mutuality machine
age group of 21- 40. c. Even if the policy 17. b. Planning to go for
25 years holder stops holidays in the
17. a. Increase with paying premium, long weekend
increase in age has some residual 18. d. All of the above
18. d. All are correct value in the policy. 19. a. Learner
19. c. Both a and b are 41. d. All of the above 20. b. Earner

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