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First Name: __________________

Last Name: __________________

3rd grade
Date: ________________________


 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerintelor se acordă 80 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 20 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

I. Read then answer the questions with YES or NO. 20 points

Hello, my name is Jack! Meet my family! This is my grandpa, George and my grandma, Mary. My dad’s name is Tom and
he’s a fireman! My mum’s name is Sarah. She is a teacher. This is my sister, Kate. She’s
very funny. I love my family very much!

a) George is Jack’s grandpa.

b) Jack’s father is a policeman.
c) Jack’s mother is a teacher.
d) Sarah is Jack’s sister.
e) Kate is Jack’s sister.
II. Match the picture with the word: 10 points

Teacher Policeman Fireman Postman Milkman

III. Circle the odd-one-out: 16 points

a) Erlina sad Alvin Mona c) friend fireman policeman teacher

b) grandma grandpa happy sister d) drive walk run milkman

IV. Read and complete. Use this or that. 16 points

1. __________ is my dog.

2. ___________ is my house.

3. ___________ is my car.

4. ___________ is my pencil case.

V. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be. 18 points

1. I …… a pupil. 4. She ……. a teacher.

2. He ……. my friend. 5. You ……. a policeman.
3. We …….. friends. 6. They …… brothers.
Anul scolar 2018-2019
Limba engleză
Clasa a III- a, L1


 Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor.

 Se acordă punctaje intermediare, în limita prevăzută de barem.
 Se acordă 20 puncte din oficiu.
 Calificativul final se stabileste astfel :
Foarte bine: 85p-100p
Bine - 65p-84p
Suficient – 45p- 64p
Insuficient – mai puțin de 45 puncte.

I. 4 x 4p= 16 points
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False

II. 4 x 3p= 12 points

1. Policeman
2. Milkman
3. Fireman
4. Postman

III. 4 x 3p= 12 points

a) sad
b) happy
c) friend
d) milkman

IV. 6 x 3p= 18 points

1. am
2. is
3. are
4. is
5. are
6. are

V. 2 x 5p= 10 points
1. Policeman
2. Teacher
3. Milkman
4. Fireman
5. Postman

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