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Role of MIS

Introduction of Management
Information System (MIS)
A manager’s effectiveness is largely dependent on the
existence of an equally effective management information
system MIS. MIS provides information on a variety of
different organizational functions, allowing a manager to
plan, monitor, and evaluate operations and performance.
Management information system define as a system which
provides information for decision making in the
Monitoring and Evaluation: What’s the
Monitoring is a routine checking of the day-to-day program activities
of an organization to determine whether or not activities are being
performed on schedule, resources are being utilised efficiently, and
short-term targets for outputs are being achieved in accordance with
project work plans.
Evaluation, on the other hand, is the process of gathering and
analysing information which assists management in comparing
project accomplishments with pre- determined objectives and to
know whether or not these objectives were achieved.
Why MIS is an Important
• Planning systematically and coordinating activities.
• Establishing databases on budgets, person and equipment.
Providing guidance in choosing entry points for program
interventions and establishing active partnerships with other
• Providing information on the status of the population served,
such as its health status.
• Guiding prioritizing by identifying major problems.
• Providing indicators for monitoring and evaluation of
• Assessing the impact or effectiveness of services.
• Guiding the forecasting of
▫ Commodity or service needs.
▫ Methods for improvement.
Role of the Management information
system in an organization
• The role of the MIS in an organization can be
compared to the role of heart in body, the
information is the blood and MIS is heart.
• In body heart plays the role of supplying pure
blood to all the elements of the body including
brain. It regulates and controls the incoming
impure blood, MIS plays exactly the same role in
an organization.
Management Information System are typically
computer systems used for managing.
• Enhance communication among employees.
• Handling of voluminous data.
• Provide an objective system for recording and
aggregating information
• Policies or practices.
• Mass storage
• Quick search and retrieval
MIS Component
MIS have four primary component
4.Decision and monitor
Internet Configuration:
In internet Configuration Company take permission from Internet Service
Provider (ISP). SEBIZ buy more than one leased line.
Leased line:
Leased line use for provides fix bandwidth, it is used to link two
location together.
Businesses use leased line to.
• Connect to the internet
• Link PCs and servers in different corporate offices
• Carry phone calls
• Enable staff to connect to their works PCs from home.
SEBIZ has three leased line Aircel speed 6 Mbps, and two Airtel 4,4 Mbps
because company need high speed of internet .If one line not provide
sufficient speed then connect two leased line together do to this thing
company maintain the internet speed.
• Firewall is use for prevent unauthorized access on is
implemented in both side hardware and software.
• By the help of firewall we can use remote access to a private network
through secure authentication certificates and login. We can block
useless websites.
• Software firewall are allow you some control over its function and
protection features.
• Manage bandwight
• Distribution
• Monitoring
• Load balancer
Company use Blade Servers
Blade server features:
• Lower operational costs for deployment and troubleshooting
and repair
• Lower power, cooling, and space requirements
• Dramatically reduced cabling requirements
• More efficient out-of-band management
Using MIS Outputs for Management Decision- Making
Managers rely on both informal information and formal information to make
decisions. Lack of complete, accurate, and timely information adversely
affects the organization and its programs because the manager will not be
equipped to make appropriate decisions.
MIS Step by Step
Step1 Assessment
Systematically meet with Staff colleagues, community leaders, clients to
solicit their inputs systematically. Analyse the results of your needs
Step2 Data Collection
Develop formats for information required frequently .Monitor data
collection. Support the use of other methods to collect
supplementary information periodically
Step3 Data Collation
Compile data from registers, records and forms into summary of collation
Step4 Analysis and interpretation:
Tabulate the data Obtain totals, percentages, averages on the data.
Step5 Reporting
Determine the content and format of reports. State the dates and purpose
of reports

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