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Dr A.P.J.



Report On
Innovation Idea for Product & Services


Submitted By:- SAKSHII JAIN

MBA 1st Sem.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN



Review of Literature


Summary & Conclusion

Recommendation & Limitations


2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who supported
me throughout the course of this MBA project. I am thankful for their aspiring
guidance, invaluably constructive criticism and friendy advice during the project
work. I am sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful and illuminating
views on a number of issues related to the project.

I express my warm thanks to for their support and guidance.

I would also like to thank my project external guide and all the people who
provided me with the facilities being required and conductive conditions for my
MBA project.

Thank you,

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN


Weddings may seem fairly simple at first, but they are not. Regardless of your religion or even if

you don’t have a particular faith; there are lots of traditions and issues to take into account. For

many couples, it can get very overwhelming, very fast. Using wedding planners is one way to

handle everything with a minimum of fuss while also making sure you meet all the traditional

expectations of a wedding.

A wedding planner is simply a person who is intimately familiar with weddings, the issues that

need to be addressed in a particular type of wedding and the best way to get everything taken

care of. They know which vendors to use and which to avoid. One of the most important

services they provide is time. As your wedding approaches, your time can be at a premium.

Wedding planners can take the burden of handling caterers, the photographer, and musicians

and so on off your hands. While that may sound interesting now, you will find it is a critical bit

of help as the magic day approaches.

Professional wedding planners are based worldwide but the industry is largest in the USA,

Western Europe and China. Various wedding planning courses are

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

available to those who wish to pursue the career. Planners generally charge either a percentage

of the total wedding cost, or a flat fee.

Planners are also popular with couples planning a destination wedding, where the

documentation and paperwork can be complicated. Any country where a wedding is held

requires different procedures depending on the nationality of each the bride and the groom. A

local wedding planner can take care of the different procedures.

Although planning a major event can be exciting and fun, it can also be time consuming and

very stressful. With today’s hectic lifestyle, nuclear families and time constraints it is important

to have someone dedicated and knowledgeable who understands the requirements and

follows through with all the details.

As wedding planners, their aim is to make the special day a perfect reflection of the style and

taste while minimizing the stress in planning. They spend time to find out what customer

envisions the wedding to be; no dream too vast, every detail vital, to make it uniquely. They

strive to exceed the expectations while working within the budget.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

The services of a wedding planner can include:

 Interviewing the couple and the parents to identify their needs.

 Budget preparation

 Event design and styling

 Planning detailed checklist (from about a year in advance to a few days

after the wedding)

 Attendee list preparation

 Identification of event venues (hotels, wedding manor etc.)

 Identifying and hiring of wedding professionals and service providers

(caterers, photographers, videographers, beautician, florists, bakers etc.),

and preparation and execution of contracts.

 Procurement of customized decorations such as a journey map

 Coordination of deliveries/services on the wedding day.

 Have a back-up plan in the event of a disaster.

 Manages the schedule, often with software.

 Assist and prepare legal documentation and translations - especially for

destination weddings

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN


 To find whether customer are inclined towards the wedding planner and

the reason behind it.

 To find the factors that influences the customer towards wedding planners.

 To find out how wedding planners can increase the business.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN


Although it seems a simple question, the answer to “What Does a Wedding

Planner do?” changes with each and every client a wedding planner decides to

work with.

This unpredictability is one of the main reasons the wedding planning field is so attractive for


Market characteristics and trend

Market size

Indian weddings are getting bigger and better. The expanding wedding market in India is

pegged at Rs.50000 crore by industry sources and is growing annually by 25-30%


The grandeur and charisma of Indian weddings has enticed and enraptured many. The portrayal

of the warmth, fun and frolic of Indian wedding owes a lot to Bollywood.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

Market stage

It’s a new market. It is a latest trend to hire wedding party coordinators to take care of the

entire wedding event.

Market needs

The market needs for wedding planning services are strongly shaped by the customers desire to

have a perfectly planned and executed wedding ceremony. Although major customer

segments, brides and grooms and family members, plan and budget for the wedding ceremony

as far as a year or more in advance. They often realize that they cannot make all the necessary

preparations by themselves in a cost effective manner. Strongly affected by the established

social values, such customers seek professional advice to ensure that all the important aspects

of the wedding ceremony meet or exceed perceived expectations.

Market potential

The wedding scenario in India is more than just getting married. The exotic destinations, like

palaces in Rajasthan and the successful usage of these palaces in the form of imaginative theme

weddings by Laxmi Mittal and Raveena Tandon have set up a world stage for Indian weddings.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN


Wedding planners belong to event management industry which is growing at fast and steady

rate. While this industry is still evolving, Indian event managers and wedding planners have

clearly demonstrated their capabilities in successfully managing several big fat weddings and

mega national and international events over the past few years. In fact, event managers and

wedding planners are also developing properties around events. With the rising incomes,

people are also developing properties around events. With rising incomes, people are also

spending more on wedding, parties and other personal functions. However, issues like high

entertainment taxes in certain states, lack of world-class infracture and the unorganized nature

of most event management companies, continue to somewhat check the potential growth in

this segment of the industry.

Industry size

The size of the organized live entertainment business estimated in 2013 was around INR 9.4

billion having grown by around 17% from the previous year that is 2012. It was estimated that

the industry will grow at a CAGR of around 19% over

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

the next five years to approximately INR 22 billion by 2016. This growth is mainly on account of

increased marketing budgets, and an increased focus on the importance of live entertainment,

as part of the promotional spends of corporate.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

Research Methodology is the specification of method of acquiring the information needed to

structure or solve the problem in hand. It is not only concerned to find out the decision of the

fact, but also building upto date knowledge and to discover the new facts involved through the

process of dynamic change in the society.

Research Design

The research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted, it

constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. The present

research being conducted followed “Descriptive Research” as it describes the Trends of

Wedding Planners. A descriptive research is one in which state of affair is described as it exists

at present. The researcher has no control over the variables.

Scope of the Study

The study was conducted in New Delhi. So, scope of the study is limited to New Delhi only.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

Data collection method:

Information will be collected from both Primary and Secondary Sources.

Primary Source: The data has been collected from primary source by way of questionnaire

which included Open-ended, Dichotomous and Multiple choice questions.

Secondary Source: Secondary Data has been collected through Magazines and

Web sites.

Sampling Plan

Sampling is an effective step in the collection of Primary data and has a great influence on the

quality of results. It is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. The

sampling plan includes universe, population, sampling unit, sampling technique and sample


Universe: All the people of the age of 18 years and above and are Unmarried.

Population: All the people of the age of 18 years and above and living in New Delhi.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

Table 6.2 Number of respondents aware about wedding planners (N=100)

Options No. of Respondents

Yes 88

No 12

Total 100





Interpretation :- As the purpose of the study is to find out inclination of respondents for

wedding planners, therefore, this query helps to know about the respondents (out of the

sample) who are aware about wedding planners.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

Table 6.3 If yes, from where you heard (N=100)

Options No. of Respondents

advertisements 20

friends 32

relatives 26

others 22

Total 100

Fig. 6.3 Respondents source of awareness







AdvertisementsFriends Relatives others

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

Table 6.4 Respondents interested in knowing about wedding planners (N=100)

Options No. of Respondents

Yes 95

No 5

Total 100








Interpretation: 95% of respondents are interested in knowing about Wedding Planner

where 5% are not.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

6.5 Factors that influence the respondents while choosing the Wedding Planner:

Factors Mean score Result

1.Budget 1.48 Strongly Agree

2.Venue 1.26 Strongly Agree

3.Food Quality 1.18 Strongly Agree

4.Interior Decoration 1.07 Strongly Agree

5.Wedding Dress 1.06 Strongly Agree

6.Gifts for Relatives 2.04 Agree

7.Music and 2.26 Agree


8.Photography 1.08 Agree

9.Catering 1.96 Agree

10.Logistics 2.56 Neutral

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

Graph 6.5 Showing the mean score for the factors which influence the

respondents most about Wedding Planning

2.56 2.Venue
1.26 3.Food Quality
4.Interior Decoration
1.96 1.18 5.Wedding Dress

1.07 6.Gifts for Relatives

1.08 7. Music and Entertainment
1.06 8. Photography

2.26 9.Catering

Analysis and Interpretation: The factors which influence the respondents with strongly agree

statement while choosing Wedding Planner are budget, venue, food quality, weeding dress.

Whereas the factors like interior decoration, gifts for relatives, music and entertainment,

photography are categorized under agree statement and the factor logistic is least considered.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN


There comes a time in our lives when we meet the right person, fall in love, get engaged and

begin to plan a wedding. Most of the couples hire a wedding planner, in order to avoid stress

so that they can enjoy the most memorable day of their life. The wedding planner designs the

wedding according to the taste and sensibilities of the bride and groom. As soon as a couple

decides to get married, they’re faced with heavy questions like the budget of the wedding,

venue, themes, and people invited to the wedding. This is the time of your life when you should

be reveling in your love and not dodging and handling meetings and answering emails.

Reasons why people today are interested in hiring a wedding planner-

Stress- When you’re away relaxing and awaiting for the biggest moment of your life, your

planner is the one who will respond to every emails, invites, handle the vendors, worry about

food and beverages. They will coordinate all the meetings, and makes sure everything runs

smoothly on your wedding day so that you can be among your loved ones.

Prioritization- Wedding planners are always the ones who will ask you the right question at the

right time. They don’t waste your money or time on trivialities. He’s the one who will

remember all the details and will offer guidance just in case

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

you get overwhelmed and forget about your budget. It is easy to make an uninformed decision,

in between the wedding chaos, but a planner will serve as a great resource as they know the

acceptable range of what a service is worth.

Relationship with vendors- Usually a planner is in a position to work on multiple events and

they have a established relationship with vendors- Photographers, florists, caterers etc. As a

result of this relationship, a vendor is most likely to negotiate well with a planner than a normal

couple, as they believe they can get repeated business from the former.

Experience- A planner is a person who knows what things should cost you in every range.

There’re less chances of getting duped or cheated when you hire a planner. They know which

vendors are to be trusted, what questions they should be asked, how to schedule or reschedule

an event, get your guests fed and other responsibilities which you otherwise who have fret

over. They’ve already done it several times and knows the pros and cons of the wedding


Wedding planners are in rage not only in Delhi, but India as well. The availability and increase in

vendors have called out for the need of a wedding planner to pick the best and make you

wedding day memorable. They not only manage food, flowers, and cakes but also make sure

every guest goes home with a smile, even if

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN


Limitations of the study:

No study is complete in itself however good it may be, and every study has some limitations.

The limitations of this study can be summarized as follows:

I. Owing to the time constraint the study was restricted to New Delhi city. A

wider geographical coverage would have made it a more representative


II. Although every effort has been made to include the respondents belonging

to various age - group, even then the sample may not be truly representative

of the universe.

III. The size of sample taken was very small and hence the results of this study

might not be fully reliable for generalization.

IV. Every effort was made to extract the correct information from the

respondents, but the ignorance on their part could have played its role.

V. Best efforts have been made to incorporate all the important variables in the

study yet chances of some of the variables not appearing in the study cannot

be ruled out.

VI. Open-ended questions were added to provide flexibility to the respondents

but many of them were left unanswered.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN
VII. The consumer behavior being dynamic in nature, there is every possibility

that over the time findings of today may become invalid tomorrow.


Wedding Planning is a new and growing business in India and so in Delhi. The companies

need to majorly focus on the following aspects:

 Marketing and promotion of the business as very few people know about

wedding planners.

 Quality work as most of the business comes through word of mouth.

 Create a marketing strategy that's low on cost, high on returns.

 Develop a company image that reflects the style you want to convey.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

From close-knit and contemporary destination to big-fat Indian weddings,
there are at least 2,000 ceremonies taking place every single day in India.
In the last year alone, more than a million weddings took place in India,
according to Mazhar Nadiadwala, managing director at Dome India, an
event management firm.

The ceremonies could last anywhere around a day to as long as five days.
Hosts have budgets ranging from INR 1 to 5 lakh going up to INR 72 crore.
That’s approximately the cost of Isha Ambani’s wedding. Isha Ambani,
India’s richest man Mukesh Ambani’s only daughter, tied the knot with
Anand Piramal, executive director of Piramal Group, a global business

“Prospective bride and grooms are only increasing in this industry making
wedding planning a recession-proof market,” said Nadiadwala.


Actress Anushka Sharma and Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli’s destination
wedding in Italy, Priyanka Chopra and musician Nick Jonas’ dreamy
Catholic and Hindu rituals, and Bollywood’s highest-paid actress Deepika
Padukone and superstar Ranveer Singh’s Konkani and Sindhi ceremonies
not only became a benchmark locally but have also stirred attraction
globally. Foreign nationals, from all over the world, and non-resident
Indians are flying in to have traditional ceremonies.

“Wedding planning or any event management business completely

depends on your clientele, experience, and how well you can serve your
customers,” said Nadiadwala.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

A full-stack wedding planner needs to organize everything from the first
ceremony till the bride and groom depart for their honeymoon.
Sometimes, beyond that as well.

As a wedding planner, if you are organizing a full-stack wedding then you

are responsible for almost everything from start till the very last ceremony.

Decoration, catering, clothes, travel bookings, pickups and drops, venue

selection, dance choreographer, music and beautician are a few important
things on the list of arrangements a wedding planner has to make.

To plan a wedding, you can either choose to have a full-time team or hire
freelancers according to your assignments. If you plan to be a regular
planner who arranges 7-10 weddings in a month, then having a full-time
team would be a good idea. But for people just starting out who only have
handful of projects, working with freelancers would be a better idea.

You may also have to work on certain projects, like being hired to organize
only the sangeet ceremony, out of the other six rituals, before you go on to
plan an entire wedding.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

How to Start a Wedding Planning Business in 7 Steps
1. Step 1: Choose the Type of Wedding Business You Want
to Start and a Name. ...
2. Step 2: Choose a Business Entity. ...
3. Step 3: Write a Detailed Business Plan. ...
4. Step 4: Get an EIN. ...
5. Step 5: Get a Business Bank Account and Business Credit Card. ...
6. Step 6: Get Any Funding You Need.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN


Sources Referred

1. Internet : Elegance Events

Website Floris Events

Website Y2k Events


2. Company Literature : Elegance Events

Floris Events

Y2k Events

3. Floris Events’ Wedding Plan

4. Elegance Events’ Wedding Plan

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

Wedding planning business is the emerging field, due to the time constraints. In today's era people
are too busy in their vocations and business and thus could not get time to plan and execute
the wedding event. ... Wedding planners are very helpful in making the event successful and
A wedding planner is someone who helps couples with the planning, organization, and management
of their wedding. Hiring a wedding planner is like buying peace of mind, and well worth the
monetary outlay to ensure that all the details are taken care of.

\Setup of wedding accessories such as guest book, place cards, favors, etc. Coordinating pinning of
boutonnières and ensuring VIP's receive flowers. Acting as the point of contact for all vendors.
Assisting the family, wedding party and guests as needed.

2006170700090 SAKSHI JAIN

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