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1) What Is an Exception?

Ans:- An exception is an event, which occurs

during the execution of a program, that
interrupts the normal flow of the program's

2) Why do we need Exceptions?


Advantages of Exceptions

Advantage 1: Separating Error-Handling Code

from "Regular" Code

Exceptions provide the means to separate the

details of what to do when something out of the
ordinary happens from the main logic of a
program. In traditional programming, error
detection, reporting, and handling often lead to
confusing code. For example, consider the
pseudo code method here that reads an entire
file into memory.

readFile {
open the file;
allocate that much memory;
read the file into memory;
close the file;
At first glance, this function seems simple
enough, but it ignores all the following potential

What happens if the file can't be opened?

What happens if enough memory can't be
What happens if the read fails?
What happens if the file can't be closed?

To handle such cases, the readFile function

must have more code to do error detection,
reporting, and handling. Here is an example of
what the function might look like.

errorCodeType readFile {
initialize errorCode = 0;

open the file;

if (theFileIsOpen) {
determine the length of the file;
if (gotEnoughMemory) {
read the file into memory;
if (readFailed) {
errorCode = -1;
} else {
errorCode = -2;
} else {
errorCode = -3;
close the file;
if (theFileDidntClose && errorCode == 0) {
errorCode = -4;
} else {
errorCode = errorCode and -4;
} else {
errorCode = -5;
return errorCode;
There's so much error detection, reporting, and
returning here that the original seven lines of
code are lost in the clutter. Worse yet, the logical
flow of the code has also been lost, thus making
it difficult to tell whether the code is doing the
right thing: Is the file really being closed if the
function fails to allocate enough memory? Many
programmers solve this problem by simply
ignoring it — errors are reported when their
programs crash.
Exceptions enable you to write the main flow of
your code and to deal with the exceptional cases
elsewhere. If the readFile function used
exceptions instead of traditional error-
management techniques, it would look more like
the following.

readFile {
try {
open the file;
determine its size;
allocate that much memory;
read the file into memory;
close the file;
} catch (fileOpenFailed) {
} catch (memoryAllocationFailed) {
} catch (readFailed) {
} catch (fileCloseFailed) {
Note that exceptions don't spare you the effort of
doing the work of detecting, reporting, and
handling errors, but they do help you organize
the work more effectively.
Advantage 2: Propagating Errors Up the Call

A second advantage of exceptions is the ability

to propagate error reporting up the call stack of
methods. Suppose that the readFile method is
the fourth method in a series of nested method
calls made by the main program: method1 calls
method2, which calls method3, which finally
calls readFile.

method1 {
call method2;

method2 {
call method3;

method3 {
call readFile;
Suppose also that method1 is the only method
interested in the errors that might occur within
readFile. Traditional error-notification techniques
force method2 and method3 to propagate the
error codes returned by readFile up the call
stack until the error codes finally reach method1
—the only method that is interested in them.

method1 {
errorCodeType error;
error = call method2;
if (error)

errorCodeType method2 {
errorCodeType error;
error = call method3;
if (error)
return error;

errorCodeType method3 {
errorCodeType error;
error = call readFile;
if (error)
return error;

A method can duck any exceptions thrown

within it, thereby allowing a method farther up
the call stack to catch it. Hence, only the
methods that care about errors have to worry
about detecting errors.

method1 {
try {
call method2;
} catch (exception e) {

method2 throws exception {

call method3;

method3 throws exception {

call readFile;

However, as the pseudo code shows, ducking

an exception requires some effort on the part of
the middleman methods. Any checked
exceptions that can be thrown within a method
must be specified in its throws clause.

Advantage 3: Grouping and Differentiating Error


Because all exceptions thrown within a program

are objects, the grouping or categorizing of
exceptions is a natural outcome of the class
hierarchy. An example of a group of related
exception classes in the Java platform are those
defined in — IOException and its sub
classes. IOException is the most general and
represents any type of error that can occur when
performing I/O. Its sub classes represent more
specific errors. For example,
FileNotFoundException means that a file could
not be located on disk.

A method can write specific handlers that can

handle a very specific exception. The
FileNotFoundException class has no sub class,
so the following handler can handle only one
type of exception.

catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
A method can catch an exception based on its
group or general type by specifying any of the
exception's superclasses in the catch statement.
For example, to catch all I/O exceptions,
regardless of their specific type, an exception
handler specifies an IOException argument.

catch (IOException e) {

This handler will be able to catch all I/O

exceptions, including FileNotFoundException,
EOFException, and so on. You can find details
about what occurred by querying the argument
passed to the exception handler. For example,
use the following to print the stack trace.

catch (IOException e) {
// Output goes to System.err.
// Send trace to stdout.

You could even set up an exception handler that

handles any Exception with the handler here.
// A (too) general exception handler
catch (Exception e) {

3) Describe the exception hierarchy in java.


4) What is the difference between “Exception”

and “Error”?
Both Error and Exception are derived
from java.lang.Throwable. 
Examples of Error are:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError or Java.lang.NoClassD
java.lang.UnSupportedClassVersionError etc.
examples of Exception are:
java.lang.RuntimeException (unchecked) , (checked) etc.
The first difference is Error is unchecked by nature
whereas Exceptions can be checked or unchecked.
The second difference is that Error is not meant
to catch as even if you catch it you cannot recover
from it. For example during OutOfMemoryError, if
you catch it you will get it again because GC may
not be able to free memory in first place. On the
other hand Exception can be caught and handled
i.e. Errors are fatal in nature and recovery may not
be possible, on the other hand by carefully handling
Exception you can make your code more robust and
guard against different scenarios.

An exception is an event that represents a condition

from which is possible to recover, whereas error rep-
resents an external situation usually impossible to
recover from.
All errors thrown by the JVM are instances of Er-
ror or one of its subclasses, the more common ones
include but are not limited to:
 OutOfMemoryError – thrown when the JVM can-
not allocate more objects because it is out mem-
ory, and the garbage collector was unable to
make more available.
 (unable to create object inside heap i.e heap is
 StackOverflowError – occurs when the stack
space for a thread has run out, typically because
an application recurses too deeply
 NoClassDefFoundError – is thrown when the
classloader tries to load the definition of a class
and couldn’t find it, usually because the re-
quired classfiles were not found in the classpath
 UnsupportedClassVersionError – occurs when
the JVM attempts to read a classfile and deter-
mines that the version in the file is not sup-
ported, normally because the file was generated
with a newer version of Java
 ExceptionInInitializerError – signals that an un-
expected exception occurred during the evalua-
tion of a static initializer. E.g.
public class MyClass
static MyClass m=null;
public void disp()
System.out.println("in disp");
public static void main(String[] args)
Output: Exception in thread "main"
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
Although an error can be handled with a try state-
ment, this is not a recommended practice since
there is no guarantee that the program will be able
to do anything reliably after the error was thrown.

5) What happens when an exception is raised in

a program?
Ans:- When an exception occurs within a method,
the method creates an object and hands it off to the
runtime system. The object, called an exception
object, contains information about the error,
including its type and the state of the program when
the error occurred. Creating an exception object and
handing it to the runtime system is called throwing
an exception.
After a method throws an exception, the runtime
system attempts to find something to handle it.
The set of possible "somethings" to handle the
exception is the ordered list of methods that had
been called to get to the method where the
exception occurred. The list of methods is
known as the call stack .

The call stack

The runtime system searches the call stack for a

method that contains a block of code that can
handle the exception. This block of code is called
an exception handler. The search begins with the
method in which the error occurred and proceeds
through the call stack in the reverse order in which
the methods were called. When an appropriate
handler is found, the runtime system passes the
exception to the handler. An exception handler is
considered appropriate if the type of the exception
object thrown matches the type that can be handled
by the handler.
The exception handler chosen is said to catch the
exception. If the runtime system exhaustively
searches all the methods on the call stack without
finding an appropriate exception handler, the
program execution aborts.
Defination Of Exception Handling:

6) Why do u handle the exception ?

Ans:- exception handling ensures normal program
execution even after exception gets raised.
7) How to handle the exception ?
Ans:- using try….catch block
8) When u write one try and multiple catch, what care
u should take?
Ans:- The most specific catch block should precede
the most generic catch block.
9) What is “handle or declare” rule?
Ans:- a) whenever any method raises checked
exception/s , method has to either handle
[try….catch] or declare [throws] that checked
b) whenever u invoke a method which has declared
[using throws] checked exception/s , caller method
has to either handle [try….catch] or declare
[throws] that checked exception/s.

10) Can we write catch block in a following

catch(Object ref)
Ans:- No, we cannot write catch block that way.
Only “Throwable” class or one of its child classes
can be the argument type in a catch clause. It is
because, if the catch block is allowed to write in this
way, we can use “throw new String()” or “throw new
Thread()” etc.
All the above mentioned combinations are illegal
because Objects that are instances of “Throwable”
class (or one of its child classes) only are thrown by
the JVM or can be thrown by the Java throw
11) What is finally block? Why do we need it?
Ans:- finally block is the one which gets executed
irrespective of whether exception is raised or not.
Since it is guaranteed to be invoked unlike finalized()
method, we can release the resources such as file,
database connection, sockets etc. inside it.
5) in which scenarios finally block will not get
Ans:- System.exit(0) in try or catch and any
unhandled exception is raised inside finally block.

6)Define checked and unchecked exception.

Ans :
 Checked exceptions:  Checked
exceptions are those exceptions which can
be raised in a correct program. Client code
has to either handle the checked
exceptions or declare them with
the throws clause.
 Unchecked exceptions: Unchecked
exceptions are those exceptions which can
be raised due to programming mistakes.
Unchecked exceptions derived from
RuntimeException. Exceptions that
inherit from RuntimeException get
special treatment. There is no
requirement for the client code to deal
with them.
7)In java, adjectives ending in -able are interfaces
Serializable, Comparable , Cloneable etc... So why
is Throwable a class and not an interface?
Ans:- it is because they wanted to have some state
associated with every exception that gets thrown
such as message, cause, and stack trace etc. and
you can't do that with interfaces.
8)When will you create a checked exception?
Ans:- when you realize that client code
will take some useful recovery action
based on information in exception
You can go for checked exception.

9)How do u create checked and unchecked

Ans:- we create checked exceptions by deriving from
“Exception” class whereas we create unchecked
exceptions by deriving from “RuntimeException”

10) Compiler enforces u to deal with checked

exception. What do u mean by this?
Ans:- u must either handle ( using try… catch) or
declare (using throws)

11) Difference bet’n throw and throws.

Ans:- throw is used to raise the exception whereas
throws is used to declare the exception.

12) What is ARM block?

Ans:- ARM (Automatic Resource Management)
block is also known as “try with resource” block.
e..g try(FileInputStream fis=new
Some statements….
catch(FileNotFoundException fe)

The try-with-resources statement is a try statement

that declares one or more resources. A resource is
an object that must be closed after the program is
finished with it. The try-with-resources statement
ensures that each resource is closed at the end of
the statement. Any object that implements, can be used as a resource.

13) Is it recommended to handle

on” etc. using java code?
Ans:- No not at all. Exceptions are costly, and
can slow down your code. Don’t just throw and
catch exceptions, if you can use if..else
expression to indicate result of operation, e.g.
NullPointerException, ClassCastException etc.
which may result in cleaner code and
performance solution.
14) What is Re-throwing an exception in
Ans:- Exceptions raised in the try block are
handled in the catch block. If it is unable to
handle that exception, it can re-throw that
exception using throw keyword. It is called re-
throwing an exception.
String s = null;
System.out.println(s.length()); //This
statement throws NullPointerException
catch(NullPointerException ex)
System.out.println("NullPointerException is
caught here");

throw ex; //Re-throwing

15) What are the legal combinations of try,
catch and finally blocks?
//try block
catch(Exception ex)
//catch block


//try block
//finally block


//try block
catch(Exception ex)
//catch block
//finally block

16) What are some of the best practices of

Exception Handling?
a. When deciding on checked exceptions
vs. unchecked exceptions, ask yourself,
"What action can the client code take
when the exception occurs?"
If the client can take some alternate
action to recover from the exception,
make it a checked exception. If the client
cannot do anything useful, then make
the exception unchecked. By useful, it
means, taking steps to recover from the
exception and not just logging the
exception. To summarize:

Client's reaction when Exception

exception happens type
Make it an
Client code cannot do anything unchecked
Client code will take some Make it a
useful recovery action based checked
on information in exception exception

Moreover, prefer unchecked exceptions for all

programming errors(logical errors):
unchecked exceptions have the benefit of not
forcing the client API to explicitly deal with
them. They propagate to where you want to
catch them, or they go all the way out and
get reported. The Java API has many
unchecked exceptions, such
as NullPointerException, IllegalArgument
Exception, andIllegalStateException.
b. Preserve encapsulation.
Never let implementation-specific checked
exceptions rise to the higher layers. For
example, do not propagate
SQLException from data access code to the
business objects layer. Business objects layer
do not need to know about SQLException.
You have two options:
 Convert SQLException into another
checked exception, if the client code is
expected to recover from the exception.
 Convert SQLException into an unchecked
exception, if the client code cannot do
anything about it.
Most of the time, client code cannot do
anything about SQLExceptions. Do not
hesitate to convert them into unchecked
exceptions. Consider the following piece of
public void dataAccessCode(){
..some code that throws
}catch(SQLException ex){
This catch block just suppresses the
exception and does nothing. The justification
is that there is nothing my client could do
about an SQLException. How about dealing
with it in the following manner?
public void dataAccessCode(){
..some code that throws
}catch(SQLException ex){
throw new
converts SQLException to RuntimeException
. If SQLException occurs, the catch clause
throws a new RuntimeException. The
execution thread is suspended and the
exception gets reported. Here we are not
corrupting our business object layer with
unnecessary exception handling, especially
since it cannot do anything about
an SQLException. If our catch needs the
root exception cause, we can make use of
the getCause() method available in all
exception classes as of JDK1.4.

c) Close or release resource in finally block

This is a well-known best practice in Java and quite
a standard, while dealing with networking and IO
classes. Closing resources in finally block
guarantees that precious and scarce resource
released properly in case of normal and aborted
execution, guaranteed by finally block. From Java 7,
language has a more interesting automatic resource
management or ARM blocks, which can do this for
you. Nevertheless, always remember to close
resources in finally block, which is important to
release limited resources like FileDescriptors,
used in case of both socket and files.

d) Including cause of Exception in stack-trace

Many times Java library and open source code
wraps one Exception into another, when one
exception is thrown due to result of another
exception. Its become extremely important to log or
print cause of root exception. Java Exception class
provides getCause() method to retrieve cause
which can be used to provide more information
about root cause of Exception. This Java best
practice helps a lot while debugging or
troubleshooting an issue.

e) Always provide meaningful message on

message of Exception is the most important place,
where you can point out cause of problem because
this is the first place every programmer looks upon.
Always try to provide precise and factual information
here. For example, compare these two Exception
messages for IllegalArgumentException :

message 1: "Incorrect argument for

message 2: "Illegal value for $
{argument}: ${value}

first one just says that argument is illegal or

incorrect, but second one include both name of
argument and its illegal value which is important to
point out cause of error. Always follow this Java best
practice, when writing code for handling exceptions
and errors in Java.

f) Converting Checked Exception into

This is one of the technique used to limit use of
checked Exception in many of frameworks like
Spring ,where most of checked Exception, which are
raised from JDBC is wrapped into
DataAccessException, an unchecked
Exception. This Java best practice provides benefits,
in terms of restricting specific exception into specific
modules, like SQLException into DAO layer and
throwing meaningful RuntimeException to client

g) Remember Exceptions are costly in terms of

One thing which is worth remembering is that
Exceptions are costly, and can slow down your
code. Don’t just throw and catch exceptions, if you
can use boolean expression to indicate result of
operation, e.g. NullPointerException,
ClassCastException etc. which may result in cleaner
and performance solution.

h) Avoid empty catch blocks

Nothing is worse than empty catch block, because
it not just hides the Errors and Exception, but also
may leave your object in unusable or corrupt state.
Empty catch block only make sense, if you
absolutely sure that Exception is not going to affect
object state on any ways, but still it’s better to log
any error comes during program execution. This is
not a Java best practice, but a most common
practice, while writing Exception handling code in

i) Use Standard Exceptions

Our ninth Java best practice
advice on using standard and inbuilt Java
Exceptions. Using standard Exception instead of
creating own Exception every now and then is much
better in terms of maintenance and consistency.
Reusing standard exception makes code more
readable, because most of Java developers are
familiar with standard RuntimeException from
JDK like, IllegalStateException,
IllegalArgumentException etc. and they will
immediately be able to know purpose of Exception,
instead of looking out another place on code or docs
to find out purpose of user defined Exceptions.

j) Document Exception thrown by any method

Java provides throw and throws keyword to throw
exception and in javadoc you have @throw to
document possible Exception thrown by any
method. This becomes increasingly important if you
are writing API or public interface. With proper
documentation of Exception thrown by any method
you can potentially alert anyone who is using it.

Q. 14) what is the difference between

NoClassDefFoundError and
15) What are the performance implications about
exception handling?

Ans:- Exceptions come with a price, and in order to

understand some of the issues involved, let's look at the
mechanism for handling exceptions. The Java Virtual
Machine maintains a method-invocation stack (or call
stack) that features a list of the methods that have been
invoked by a thread, starting with the first method the
thread invoked and ending with the current method. A
method-invocation stack illustrates the path of method
invocations a thread made to arrive at the current method.

Figure 1. The Java method-invocation stack shows

frames for the methods invoked.

Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of the method-

invocation stack for our code. Inside the Java Virtual
Machine, methods keep their state within the Java stack.
Each method obtains a stack frame, which pushes onto the
stack when the method invokes and pops from the stack
when the method completes. (The stack frame stores the
method's local variables, parameters, return value, and
other key information needed by the Java VM). As
methods continue to complete normally, their frames pop
and the stack frame below turns into the currently
executed method.
So, for the purposes of our comparison, what needs to
happen in Case 1? If a
NoPassengerFoundException throws while
executing the searchPassengerFlightRecord()
method (the top stack frame), further execution of
code halts and the Java VM receives control to
implement Java's exception-handling mechanism. The
Java VM then searches in the current method for a
catch clause having
NoPassengerFoundException. If it doesn't find
such a clause, then the Java VM pops the stack frame
for the current method, and the calling method
becomes the current method. The Java VM again
searches in the current method -- for a suitable catch
clause. If the Java VM still doesn't find a suitable
catch clause, it pops the current stack frame and then
searches the next stack frame for a suitable catch
clause, and so on, until it finally finds an appropriate
one. Or, if it doesn’t find, then the application
terminates with the stack trace printing on the
console. Abrupt method completion is significantly
more expensive (performance-wise) than a normal
method completion.

18) How do you convert checked

exception to unchecked exception?
Your code:

Some statements
catch(CheckedException ce)
throw new UncheckedException();

Now your caller need not handle or declare

exception because you have converted
checked exception to unchecked exception.

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