Final Detailed Lesson Plan Gatuz

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

Guinhawa Malolos, Bulacan


Student Teacher: Marismae Lyka S. Gatuz
Learning Area: Science
Teaching date and time: January 20, 2022 (Thursday) 7:30-9:05 am

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
1. identify the nature, types, and characteristics of waves;
2. differentiate transverse from longitudinal waves and mechanical from electromagnetic waves;
3. solve the wavelength and the wave speed.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Types and Characteristics of Wave
References: ysics/chapter/waves-on-strings/ ysics/vibration-and-waves/wave-characteristics/
Practical Science 7 Textbooks
Materials: Canva
Zoom App
Internet Connection
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
A. Preliminaries
1. Opening Prayer

We will start our day with a prayer. Kindly lead

the prayer. (Student lead the prayer)

2. Checking of attendance

Do we have any absentees for today, class? No one is absent today, ma’am.

3. Checking of assignment

Did I give you an assignment last meeting? No, ma’am.

4. Review

Alright! Last meeting, we discussed the levels of

biological organization.
Recite the levels of biological organization from The arrangement from lowest to highest level
lowest to highest. starts with the atom, molecule, macromolecule,
organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, and
the organism. However, in complex hierarchy
organization, it starts in the organelle, cell,
tissue, organ, organ system, organism,
population, community, ecosystem, and the
highest level is the biosphere.
B. Discussion
1. Motive Question

When was the last time you visited the beach? (Students’ answers may vary)

What do you call the movement of the water on

the beach? The movement of water on the beach is waves.

2. Motivation Question
The source of all waves is vibration.
What do you think is the source of all waves?

3. Presentation

At the end of the discussion, the students should

be able to:
1. identify the nature, types, and
characteristics of the wave;
2. differentiate transverse from longitudinal
waves and mechanical from
electromagnetic waves; and
3. solve the wavelength and the wave

4. Pre-Learning activity

Let’s have an icebreaker. Arrange the jumbled

letters to form a word that fits the given

It is a disturbance from place to place in a

regular or organized way.


Very Good!

It is a periodic back and forth motion of the

particles of an elastic body or medium.

That’s nice!

It is a substance or material that carries the

Good job!

New words are unlocked! Now, we are going to

discuss those different terms. It has something to do with the waves.
Based on the words that we have in our game,
what do you think is our topic today?

Alright! That’s great. Let’s see if your answer is


5. Lesson proper and Guided practice

There’s a girl, waving her hand.

She is moving her hand side to side, repeatedly.

Before that, what can
you see on the screen?

Very good!

What do you think is she doing to make her hand Vibration is repeated motion produced by an
wave? object's back and forth or up and down

And that’s what we call vibration.

Now, In Science, what is a vibration?

Wave is a traveling disturbance that carries
energy from one place to another, with or
Alright! Thank you for your great answer. without a medium.

In addition to that, vibration is the source of all


Any idea, what is a wave?

Medium is a substance or material that carries a
Nice! Thank you! wave.
As we go through our discussion, we will find
out what type of wave can transmit energy with
a medium and what type of wave can transmit
energy without a medium. Yes, ma’am.
Now, kindly read the definition of a medium.

Thank you.
It is where the waves travel. A medium can be a Longitudinal wave, Transverse wave, and
solid, liquid, or gas. Surface wave.
Is it clear?

We have three types of waves according to the

direction of movement of the vibrating particles.
And what are those?

Very good!

Longitudinal wave- a wave in which particles

of the medium move in a direction parallel to
the direction where the wave moves.

What is a longitudinal wave?

It is also a wave consisting of a periodic

disturbance or vibration that takes place in the
same direction as the advance of the wave.
Yes, ma’am.
For example, when a slinky is stretched, the
individual coils assume an equilibrium or rest
When the first coil of the slinky is repeatedly
vibrated back and forth, a disturbance is created
which travels through the slinky from one end
to the other.

Do you understand?

As you can see, the Longitudinal wave has its

compression, rarefaction, and wavelength. Compression is the compressed part of a
wave while Rarefaction is the spread-out part.

What is the difference between compression None, ma’am.

and rarefaction?

Excellent! Transverse wave- a wave in which particles of

The compression has higher pressure because the medium move in a direction perpendicular
of the closeness of particles, while the to the direction where the wave moves.
rarefaction has lower pressure because of the
Crests/ peaks- the highest point of a wave.
particles that move apart.
Troughs- the lowest point of a wave.
Do you have any questions?
Now, we will proceed to the transverse wave. Wavelength- in a transverse wave the
What is a transverse wave? distance between two adjacent crests and
trough while in a longitudinal wave, the
distance between two successive
Very good! Transverse wave has their crests, compressions or rarefactions.
wavelength, and troughs.

Surface wave- is a wave in which particles of

the medium undergo a circular motion, which is
neither perpendicular nor parallel.

And the third type of wave according to the

direction of movement is the surface wave.
What is a surface wave?

Alright! Very good, Thank you!

An example of a surface wave is the gravity
waves along the surface of liquids such as
the ocean waves.

Surface waves are created by the friction

between wind and surface water. As the
wind blows across the surface of the ocean
or a lake, the continual disturbance creates a
wave crest. These types of waves are found Parallel to the direction of the wave.
globally across the open ocean and along the
Perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

In a circular motion, neither perpendicular nor

Again, what is the movement of the vibrating
particles of a longitudinal wave?

Very good!
What is the movement of the vibrating
particles of a transverse wave?

What about the surface wave? What is the
direction of its vibrating particles? The mechanical wave travels through a
physical, and cannot travel in space or a
Excellent! vacuum.

We’re done in the basic types of waves

according to the direction of their movement.

Now, we will proceed to the basic types of

waves according to their capability to transmit
energy. Those two types are Mechanical waves
and Electromagnetic waves.

What is the meaning of Mechanical wave? Examples: Air, waves form from a rope, droplets
of water in the pond, etc.
Meaning, it needs a medium to transmit energy. None, ma’am.
An example of a mechanical wave is a sound
wave because it is incapable of traveling through
a vacuum. Electromagnetic wave can travel through
Another example is when you are plucking a space and does not require a medium.
guitar string, the vibration produced by the string
is a mechanical wave.

Any other example?

Any clarifications?

We will move on to Electromagnetic waves.

Do you have any idea about an electromagnetic
Examples: Radio waves, ultraviolet rays,
Very good!
microwaves, x-rays, etc.
It depends on the electric field to travel instead
of vibrating particles. None, ma’am.
An example of an electromagnetic wave is light.
If you notice, there is a shadow created at the
back of the object when there’s a light. It’s
because the light cannot pass through a barrier,
the electromagnetic wave is capable of
transmitting its energy through a vacuum or
space. Amplitude- (A) is the maximum
displacement of the vibrating particles of
Give me another example of an electromagnetic
wave. the medium from their equilibrium position.
Very nice!
Do you have any questions?

Now, we will move on to the quantities of the

Those quantities are Amplitude, period,
frequency, wavelength, and wave velocity.

Now, do you have an idea about the amplitude

of a wave?

Alright! Very good!

Amplitude is the height of the wave from its
resting position up to the crest or from its resting
position down to the trough.
Period- (T) is the number of seconds required
for a complete cycle of a wave to pass a given
point. It is also the reciprocal of the

The amplitude is a measure of the strength or

intensity of the wave. For example, at a sound
wave, the amplitude will measure the loudness
of the sound.
Next, is the period, what is the period in a

Any one full pattern in the graph is called a

cycle, and the length of an interval over which a Yes, ma’am.
cycle occurs is called the period.

Frequency- (f) is the number of waves that

pass by a given point.
Yes, ma’am.

Wavelength- (λ) is the distance between two

adjacent crests or troughs in a transverse wave
Do you understand the period of a wave? or between two successive compressions or
rarefactions in a longitudinal wave.
We will move on to the frequency. Do you
have any idea about the frequency?

Good job!
Also, Frequency is the reciprocal of the period.
Do not be confused, again the period is
measured in seconds per cycle while frequency
is measured in cycles per second.
None ma’am.
Is it clear?

What is a wavelength?
Wave velocity- (v) is the distance traveled by a
wave divided by the elapsed time.

Very good!
It is measured in the direction of the wave.
Meaning, the longer the wavelength the lower
the frequency. Similarly, the shorter the
wavelength, the higher the frequency will be.
Wavelength is usually denoted by the Greek
letter lambda (λ).

Any questions so far?

Okay, now that we’re done in amplitude, period, Yes, ma’am.
frequency, and wavelength. We will go on to the
speed of the wave or the wave velocity.
What is wave velocity?

Very good!

Wave speed is related to both frequency and

wavelength. Earlier, we said that wavelength is
the distance between two adjacent crests or
troughs and the frequency is the number of
waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount
of time. Later we will discuss how the speed is
Do you understand?
Alright, we will proceed to the formula in
getting the following quantities:

Period of a wave:
1 Period or T is 0.8s. Constant is 1.

Wavelength: The frequency or f.

The formula for frequency, ma’am.
Wave speed: v=λ x f

I have here sample problems. Let’s try to

analyze and calculate. f= 1.25 Hz

Sample problem #1:

Find the frequency of a wave where one cycle is
completed in 0.8s.
What are the givens in the problem?

Very good! Now, what is the unknown in the

problem? The frequency, 50 Hz and 10cm which is the
That’s great. What do you think is the formula
that we are going to use to solve the problem?
The formula for the wave velocity since the
Excellent! velocity or the speed is missing or the unknown
Let’s substitute the given in the problem. in the problem.
What is the final answer?
Job well done, class!
Let’s try to solve another problem solving.
A wave has a frequency of 50 Hz and a
wavelength of 10cm. What is the speed of the
wave? Yes, ma’am.
What are the given in the problem?

Very good!
What is the formula that we are going to use to
solve the problem?
Nice answer!
We can substitute now the given value. What
would be the final answer?

Job well done!

Do you understand how to solve those f= 550 Hz
quantities? λ= 90m
That’s great! Formula: v=f x λ
Solution: v= 550 Hz x 90m
Let us solve the given problems, independently.
Answer: v= 49,500m/s
The first 3 students who can give me the correct
answer will receive double points while the
students who will not be included in that first 3
students but still get the correct answer will Given:
receive 1 point. f= 680 Hz
v= 280m/s
Problem Exercise #1: A wave has a frequency of λ= ?
550 Hz and a wavelength of 90m. At what speed Formula: λ = v
is this wave traveling? f
280 m/s
Solution: v=
680 Hz
Answer: v= 0.4117m

Problem Exercise #2: A wave has a frequency of

680 Hz and is traveling at 280m/s. What is its None, ma’am.

Wave is a traveling disturbance from place to

place in a regular or organized way.

Job well done, class! The types of wave are:

(1) According to the direction of the
It seems that you really understand how to movement of the particles are Transverse
compute those given problems. wave, longitudinal wave, surface wave
Do you have any questions about the (2) According to their capability to transmit
discussion? energy are mechanical wave and the
electromagnetic wave.
Alright! That’s good to hear.
6. Generalization
Longitudinal waves is a wave in which the
Let’s have a short recap. particles of the medium move in a direction
What is a wave? parallel to the direction of the wave while the
transverse wave move perpendicular to the
Very good! direction of the wave.
What are the types of the wave?

Crest, trough, amplitude, wavelength

Compression, rarefaction, amplitude,

Excellent! wavelength
What is a longitudinal wave and transverse
A mechanical wave is the wave that travels
through a physical, and cannot travel in space or
a vacuum.
Very well said! An electromagnetic wave can travel through
What are the characteristics or parts of a space and does not require a medium.
transverse wave?

What are the characteristics or parts of
longitudinal wave?
(Students’ answers may vary)

What is the mechanical wave?

Very good!
What is an electromagnetic wave?

7. Application

Explain in your own words how waves play a

role in our daily lives or even in practical
applications in our lives.

Very well said!

IV. Evaluation
Access the link provided. Match the words to their definitions.
Solve the following problems. Show your solution.
1. A wave has a wavelength of 0.7 meters and a frequency of 147 Hz. What is the wave
2. A wave has a frequency of 350 Hz and is travelling at 120 m/s. Calculate its wavelength.

V. Assignment
For your assignment, answer the following questions:
1. What are sound waves?
2. How is echo created?

Cooperating Teacher:
Ms. Carla A. Lucindo

Prepared by:
Marismae Lyka S. Gatuz

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