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Subject : English Class: Time: Duration: 60 mins Lesson

Theme : World Of Self, 9

Focus skill: Writing CCE: Language Date:
Family and Friends
Language/Grammar Focus: Adverbs of frequency to describe
Topic : Where Are You From?
routine: e.g. I always + verb
21st Century Learning:
Teaching aids: Audios, worksheet, power point slides.
Communication, Collaboration, language games, pair work.
Differentiation strategy: Support, task. Assessment: Task
4.2- Communicate basic information intelligibly 4.1- Form letters and words in neat legible
for a range of purposes in print and digital media print using cursive writing
M 4.2.3 Describe basic everyday routines C 4.1.2 Use cursive writing in written work
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to write at least two sentences using suitable adverbs of frequency to
describe their routines correctly.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to write at least two sentences using cursive writing.
1. Play ‘stand up, sit down’: ask a yes/no question about daily routine.
Pre-lesson e.g. ‘Do you get up at 7 o’clock?’. If pupils answer ‘yes’, they stand up, if ‘no’, they sit down.
2. Repeat several times and begin to include the adverbs of frequency.
3. Activity 1:
a. Grammar box: Read the sentences and have pupils repeat.
b. Elicit that we use adverbs of frequency to talk about how often we do something.
c. Encourage pupil to say true sentences about themselves using always, usually, sometimes, never.
d. Spelling game: Ask pupils to work in pairs, standing up. Ask a question, e.g. ‘Do you read a book before
bed?’. One pupil traces their answer using an adverb of frequency, letter-by-letter, on their partner’s
back. The partner has to guess what the answer is, e.g. ‘Usually. Do you usually read a book before
bed?’ Repeat several times, with pupils taking turns to write/guess.
4. Activity 3:
a. Distribute worksheet and introduce the task. Play the CD. (track 12)
Lesson delivery
b. Pupils listen to the dialogues and write always, usually, sometimes or never in cursive writing.
c. Pupils check their answers in pairs before the class check.
5. Activity 4:
a. Pupils talk about the picture. (SB pg 9 Act 4)
b. Play the CD and have pupils repeat. (track 13)
c. Direct pupils attention to the table and explain that they will fit it in according to how often they do each
d. Then, pupils write at least two sentences about their day using cursive writing in their exercise books.
e. Ask pupils to compare their sentences with some others in the class (as a mingling activity)
7. Say Play a memory game in pairs, where pupils mime a routine action and their partner should try to
Post lesson remember how often they do this. E.g. pupil A mimes ‘get up’, pupil B guesses and asks ‘Do you always
get up at 7 o’clock?’
a. ___ /___ pupils are able to achieve the stipulated learning objective. Lesson postpone:
b. ___ /___ pupils are not able to achieve the stipulated learning objectives and a. Course c. CRK
they are given remedial activities / enrichment activities.
b. Sick leave d. Meeting
Other :

Listen and write always, usually, sometimes or never.

1. Ryan and Harry ___________________ play chess on

2. Jane __________________ plays computer games after


3. Fay __________________ ice-skates at half past four.

4. Rob __________________ goes skateboarding
in the park.

Read and tick ( √ ) . Then write about your day.

I sometimes play

I always do homework
after school.

Activities always usually sometimes never

get up at seven o’clock
play football
play chess
do homework after
watch TV after dinner
go to bed at half past




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