Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel

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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines

COLLEGE OF Education


Course Code GECO7
Description Science, Technology and Society



Date 11/21/21
Section BSED E 2-1

Topic Historical Antecedents in which Social Considerations Changed the Course of Science and Technology

Learning 1.Explain how science and technology affected the society and the environment and vice versa;
Outcomes 2. Identify inventions and discoveries that changed the world over the course of history; and
3.discuss the scientific and technological developments in the Philippines.

References Science, Tecnology, and Society; Janice Patria Javier Serafica, et al

Science ,Technology and Society;Kathryn IdrishaK. Aldea, et al
Science, Technology and Society;Daniel Joseph Mc Namarra, et al Science , Technology
and Society;Denzyl Hubert S. Bautista, et al

Science and technology is evident since the beginning of time, New knowledge made it possible to create new things that would
help people improve their everyday living. Development in the field of science has helped humans to have a better life while
advancement in technology made the lives of the people much easier by developing new machines that helped their way of living
In combination, science and technology transforms the lives of humans. It helps provide growth in the field of medicine,
transportation, engineering, and even entertainment that until today people are benefitting from.
The development of science and technology gone so far, tracing how it all began would give us a better idea on how it has
developed since then and what are the significant changes that has happened throughout time. By looking back at the history of
science and technology, we will be able to determine its progression.
Science And Technology In Different Periods
The next discussions will reveal the different evidences on how the development of science and technology has been part of the
early days of humankind.
Ancient Period ( ca. 3,500 B.C.-500A.D.)
Accumulation of knowledge and passing it from generation to generation has begun when the modern humans evolved from their
hominid ancestors. They used stones as tools, and then learned how to shape stones to make more efficient tools. As the tools
improved, so the people were able to use them to fashion weapons and other artifacts from bone, antler, and wood. They also learned
how to capture fire from natural sources such as wild fires, and later to make fire for themselves by using the heat generated by
friction or sparks from stones, or by concentrating the sun’s heat.

Prepared by: Betty O. Velarde Page 1

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines
COLLEGE OF Education

Here are some of the developments in science and technology during the ancient period(Goddard, 2010):


 ca 750,000 Fire is usedHomo

by erectus.
 ca 45,000 tone
S -headed spears are used in Europe.
 ca 20,000 The wooden bow and arrow are used in Spain and Saharan Africa.
People in Southern Europe use sewing needles made from bone.
 ca 2000 The Minoans build palaces in Crete.
 ca 1000 Ironworking is introducedeecein Gr
 ca 1000 Etruscan craftsmen make false teeth from gold.
(ca or circa or around


 ca 8500 North Americans make stone arrowheads.

 ca 8000 The Folsom people living on Eastern side of the Rocky Mountains
sophisticated tools.
 ca 6000 Pottery is made in South America.
 ca 2500 People in the Arctic makes flint tools.
 ca 1750 Peruvians build a long canal to irrigate their crops.
 ca 1200 Fishermen in Peru makes rafts and boats from reeds.
 ca 1200 Olmec sculptors
carve figurines and giant human heads.


 ca 11000 The earliest

-known clay pots are made in Japan.
 ca 5200 People in Iran make wine.
 ca 4000 Bronze is first made in Thailand.
 ca 3500 The plow is invented in both Mesopotamia.
China and
 ca 3000 Boats in China are equipped with anchors.
 ca 2950 A lunar calendar is developed in China.
 ca 2500 Clay pipes are used as drains in Pakistan.
 ca 2500 Chinese doctors begin using acupuncture.
 ca 2296 Chinese astronomers recordngthe of sighti
a comet.
 ca 1361 Chinese astronomers record a solar eclipse.
 ca 1000 The Chinese begin writing on bamboo or paper made from bark

Prepared by: Betty O. Velarde Page 2

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines
COLLEGE OF Education

• ca 1000 The Hindu calendar of 360 days is introduced in India.

• ca 850 The Chinese use natural gas for lighting.


• ca 1,000,000 Homo erectus uses stone tools, begins chipping flakes off stones to sharpen for tools, and
uses antlers to create tools for cutting and drilling.
• ca 15000 In Africa, bone harpoons (barbed spears) are used for fishing.
• ca 10,000 People in Palestine build houses from sun-dried bricks.
• ca 7500 Clay tokens are used for record keeping in Mesopotamia.
• ca 6000 The world’s first known city is built by the people of Catal Huyuk in
Anatolia (modern Turkey).

• ca 4236 Ancient Egyptians devise a 365-day calendar.

• ca 3500 The wheel is invented in Mesopotamia.

• ca 3100 Egyptians begin using hieroglyphics.

• ca 3000 The Sumerians introduce a 360-day calendar.

• ca 3000 Egyptians dam the Garawi River.

ca 2630 Egyptians begin building pyramids.

ca 2600 Mesopotamians make glass.

• ca 2300 Babylonian astronomers study comets.
• ca 2300 The earliest-known maps are produced in Mesopotamia.
• ca 2000 Babylonian mathematicians introduce a positional number system.
• ca 2000 Medicine becomes an important science in Syria and Babylon  ca 1800 Mesopotamians
mathematicians discover the “Pythagorean theory”  ca 1750 Babylonian astronomers compile
lists of planets and stars.
• ca 1550 Egyptians are using about 700 drugs and medications.
• ca 1350 The symptoms of leprosy are described in Egyptian text.
• ca 1200 The Egyptians dig a canal to join the Nile River to the Red Sea.
• ca 1000 The Phoenicians develop an alphabet.
• ca 900 Farmers in Mesopotamia use an irrigation system to water crops.

Prepared by: Betty O. Velarde Page 3

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines
COLLEGE OF Education

Middle Ages
The Medieval Period (476 A.D.-1492) also called the DarkAges or Middle Ages because it is the time between the fall of Imperial
Rome and the Beginning of the Early Modern Europe. this is the time of castles and peasants, guilds and monasteries, cathedral and
crusade the period is also called” The Age of Faith ”
The end of the middle came about because of the Black Plague( Black Death) , development of the printing press and the decline of
the catholic Church.
Renaissance: means “Rebirth or Awakening. A period from 14th century, considered the bridge between the Middle Ages and
Modern History . The humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature learning that originated in Italy in the 14 th century and
later spread throughout Europe.
Scientific Revolution : refer to the rapid advances in European scientific, mathematical, and political thought base on a new
philosophy, empiricism and a faith in progress that defined Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.
 Causes: Renaissance encouraged curiosity, investigation, discovery. Modern day knowledge caused people to question old
beliefs. During the Era of the Scientific Revolution, people began using experiments and mathematics to understand mysteries.
New discoveries were made, old beliefs began tobe proven wrong.
The Age of ENLIGHTENMENT : This grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation and the Scientific Revolution.
European politics , philosophy, science to perform works that human labours have been performing beforeand communications, were
radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” ( 1685-1813 ) as part of the move ment referred to by its participants
as the Age of Reason or simply Enlightenment- an Intellectual Movement emphasizing reason, individualism, and skepticism.
The Age of Invention : began in the middle 1800s. A lot of notable inventions were made during this period, especially
industrial machines, which made it possible for machines to perform works that human labor have been performing before.
The Age of Extremes: the short 20th century , 1914- 1991. The Age is further divided into The Age of
Catastrophe”(1914-1950) “ The Golden Age”(1950-1975) The Landslide” (1975-1991) and beyond The Technological
The Information Age: ( Also Known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) is ahistoric period in the 21st century
characterized by the rapid shift from mechanical and analogue electronic technology to digital electronics which began anywhere
from the late1970s with the adoption and proliferation of digital computers and digital record.
21st Century; is the current century of the Anno Domini (AD) or the Common Era in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It
began on Jan1,2001 and will end on December31, 2100 . It is the 1st century of the 3rd millineum.

Questions for Reflection:

1. Give three other major scientific and technological developments in the world that created a large impact on your daily
2. What historical antecedents gave rise to the inventions you mentioned in the first question?
 Old computer as big as a house
 Letter, telephon
 Newspaper
3. How did the developments in science and technology shape human history?
 It has a profound impact on everyone's way of life. It simplifies and expedites difficult tasks. Even when communicating
across long distances, it is incredibly convenient. In a nutshell, it improves and changes people's lives.
Standing On The Shoulder Of The Giants

Prepared by: Betty O. Velarde Page 4

Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines
COLLEGE OF Education

Divide the class into 3 groups and assigned each of the three time periods( Ancient, Middle, Modern). Each one member of
the group should search for one great achievement during their assigned timeperiod aside from those discussed in the chapter.
Afterwards accomplished the following:
1. Draw or print a picture of your chosen achievement
2. Explain i your own words how each invention work. Alsxo identify their use and purpose.
3. Present your project in class.
4. Conclude your report by discussing how these inventions impacted the people and the society during the time period
when they were made.

Prepared by: Betty O. Velarde Page 5

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