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W5: Congruences Feb 22

1. a) Compute ϕ(10), ϕ(100), ϕ(7!).

b) Compute S = d|n ϕ(d).
c) Assume (m, n) = d, show that ϕ(mn) = ϕ(m) ϕ(n) .
d) Show that if q is prime and divides m, then ϕ(qm) = qϕ(m).
e) Show that if ϕ(mn) = ϕ(m) and n > 1, then n = 2 and m is odd.
f) Find n such that ϕ(n) = 14.
2. a) Compute µ(5), µ(10), µ(12), µ(2310), µ(2022!).
b) Compute S = d|n µ(d) for n > 1.
3. Let f be a multiplicative function and n = pk11 · · · pks s a standard factorization.
P Q Pi P Qs
a) Prove that d|n f (d) = si=1 ( kj=0 f (pji )), and d|n µ(d)f (d) = i=1 (1 − f (pi )).
P µ(d) Qs 1 φ(n) P
b) Prove that d|n = i=1 (1 − ) = , and d|n µ(d)σ( nd ) = n.
d pi n
4. Let f be a multiplicative function, we define an arithmetic function g by g(n) =
P P n
d|n f (d) . Show that f (n) = d|n µ(d)g( d ).

5. An arithmetic function is a complex-valued function whose domain is the set of posi-

tive integers. Show that the set of all arithmetic functions, A = {function f : N+ → C},
with pointwise sum f + g and convolution f ∗ g defined by
X n
(f + g)(n) = f (n) + g(n), and (f ∗ g)(n) = f (d) g( ).

is a commutative ring with unity. Compute 1 ∗ µ, 1 ∗ 1, 1 ∗ Id, µ ∗ Id.

6. Show that every primitive Pythagorean triple (a, b, c) where a is odd are described
by the parametric formula a = m2 − n2 , b = 2mn, c = m2 + n2 , where m > n > 0,
(m, n) = 1, and m − n is not divisible by 2.
7. Show that the integral solutions to a2 + b2 = c3 with (a, b) = 1 are described by the
parametric formula a = m3 − 3mn2 , b = 3m2 n − n3 , c = m2 + n2 , where (m, n) = 1,
and m − n is not divisible by 2.

8. Show that (Z/n, +, ×) is a ring, and (Z/n)∗ is a group under multiplication.

10. Let n be a positive integer, a, b ∈ Z where (a, n) = 1. Show that the function
F : Z/nZ → Z/nZ defined by F (x) = ax + b is a bijection.
11. If p is a prime number, then for any integer a not divisible by p, ap−1 ≡ 1 (mod p).
12. If n and a are coprime positive integers, then aϕ(n) ≡ 1 (mod n).
13. Compute 130 + 230 + · · · + 1130 (mod 11), 24n+1 − 22n − 1 (mod 9), 32n+1 + 2n+2 (mod 7),
20032005 + 20172015 (mod 12), ab19 − ba19 (mod 19), C = 462k+1 + 296.132k+1 (mod 1947).
13. Find the last two digits of A = 3123 , B = 7777 .
14. (Canada 2003) Find the last three digits of M = 79999 , N = 20032002 .
15. (AIME 1985) Let an = 6n + 8n . Find the remainder when a85 is divided by 49.
Homework: Chapter 3 Problems 3.2.1-3.2.18 (p64) (DQV) [Group 5]

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