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Group Project
Statistical Analysis of survey on the Kashmir Files

Submitted to:
Prof. Ashutosh Pandey
Submitted by:
Bhagya Shree Naulakha (IC211218)
Dhruv Bothra (IC211224)
Khushi Tilwani (IC211239)
Khushi Mehta (IC211240)
Sarbajit Nanda (IC211268)
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We would like to express deep and sincere gratitude to our

Dean Sir, Professor Udai Paliwal

For providing us this platform with all the facilities that were required to complete this
project. We have been enriched by

Working under the supervision of report guide

PROF. Ashutoh Pandey,

The Subject Professor, for his invaluable guidance and cooperation. We are immensely
grateful to him for sharing his knowledge and providing us the opportunity to do this project.
He directed us on how to complete this project on time by constantly helping and motivating

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The objective of this study is to get an insight into people’s perception of the movie ‘Kashmir
Files’ and to analyze and get a better understanding of their take on the movie using some
statistical tools. We made a questionnaire through google form and sent it to people belonging
to different segments of the society. We ensured that our data included people belonging to
different age groups in order to ensure that the sample collected by us was equally distributed.
After we got adequate responses, we carefully analyzed and interpreted our data. We used
various statistical techniques to get a better understanding of people’s perception regarding
the movie. Based on our knowledge of the subject we had two kinds of data with us -
quantitative and categorical data. We used different statistical tools as per the type of data we
had. With the help of descriptive statistics, we tried to interpret the responses received.
Various questions were included to get a brief and accurate result of the study conducted. We
interpreted the categorical variables through graphs, pie charts etc., whereas for the
quantitative variables we used tools like correlation, standard deviation, z-scores,etc. After
analyzing the responses, we came to the conclusion that most of the people liked the movie
“Kashmir Files” and what happened to the Kashmiri Pandits was wrong. A lot of people
haven't watched the movie yet due to personal reasons but a major part of them is planning to
watch the movie in near future as this topic has attracted everyone’s attention.

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SI Topic Pg No

1 Acknowledgement 2

2 Abstract 3

3 Introduction 5

4 Appendix 19-25

5 The Study - The Kashmir Files 6

6 Analysis and Interpretation of- 7-9


7 Genre of movies people really like 9-10

8 Important Element in the film 11-12

9 Insurgency of Jammu and Kashmir 13-15

10 Exodus of kashmiri Pandits 15-18

11 Why is it liberal squirm so much? 18-20

12 21
Decoding the Real-life character of  “The Kashmir Files.”

13 Why did you not watch Kashmir files 21-22


We have chosen “Statistical Analysis on Survey of Kashmir Files” as the case study for our
Business Statistics Project. For the purpose of conducting the study, we created a google form
and mailed it to people belonging to different age groups and different segments of society. 
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The objective of this study was to get a better insight into people’s perception of the
controversial movie “Kashmir Files”. People have divided into various groups who either
sympathize with Kashmiri Pandits or think that the muslims have been portrayed wrong. So
in order to get a better understanding, we took a survey of around 100 people and used
various statistical tools to analyze and interpret the data. Moreover, we will discuss every
question and its responses in the project using descriptive statistics.


Descriptive statistics is of four major types :

 Measures of frequency - We use this when we want to know how often a response is
being given. We can know how many times something has occurred. These include
count, percent and frequency.
 Measures of central tendency/ location - These indicate the average, commonly
occurring response and 50 percentile of the data.We use this when we want to know
the distribution by various points. These include mean, mode and median.
 Measures of variability - This is used usually to show how the data is spread out.
These include range, variance and standard deviation.
 Measures of position - This is used when we want to compare scores to a normalized
score. These include percentiles, quartiles, and standardized scores (z-scores)

In this project, we’ll be using these statistical tools to interpret the data in an efficient manner.
We also have different sets of data in our responses - quantitative as well as categorical. So
we’ll be applying these techniques based on the data set. 

Kashmir Files is a very controversial topic, and we would like to state that we don’t support
any group and the results of this project are completely unbiased and are not favoring any
particular group.



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 'The Kashmir Files' a work of fiction, Jammu and Kashmir People's..The events of 19
January 1990 were particularly vicious. On that day, mosques issued declarations that the
Kashmiri Pandits were Kafirs and that the males had to leave Kashmir, convert to Islam or be
killed. Those who chose the first of these were told to leave their women behind. 

The Kashmir Files’ is a truth of Genocide of Hindus happened in Kashmir. It has exposed
Anti India Nexus operating in India. It has shown how people of a particular community are
radicalized in the name of Religion. It has shown that how Muslim youth are brainwashed
against people of other Religions in the name of Islam. It has exposed the true face of how
politics was played & how Hindus were persecuted in Kashmir.

The movie brings awareness amongst Hindus that if they won't unite today they can vanish in
future. Hindus need to organize themselves if they don't want it to happen again like what
happened in Kashmir. Ironically Hindus are not still as united as needed we have enough
lived in the bubble of Hindu Muslim bhai bhai now what we want is Hindu Hindu bhai. We
need to identify the real perpetrators only then we will be able to save our Religion from
persecution. Killers of Kashmiri Hindus were nobody else they were their own Muslim
neighbours. Now it is need to understand that no other Religion can co-exist with Islam. Islam
cannot tolerate people of other Religions to live peacefully.

The amicability developed between Hindus and Muslims over generations went up in smoke
as did friendships between individuals and families.


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Gender  Count of Relative Percentage

identity  Frequency  Frequency

Female  45 0.391 39.130

Male  69 0.600 60.000

Prefer not to 1 0.009 0.870


Grand Total  115 1.000 100.000

Profession  Counting of Relative Percentage

Profession  Frequency  Frequency

Homemaker  6 0.05 5.22

Student 87 0.76 75.65

Working 22 0.19 19.13


Grand Total 115 1 100

Age  Mid- Counting of Relative Percentage Z-
point Age  Frequency  Frequency scores

18- 21.5 91 0.79 79.13

25 -1.102

26- 33 9 0.08 7.83

40 -0.464

41- 48 12 0.10 10.43

55 0.367

56- 63 3 0.03 2.61

70 1.199

Total 115 1 100

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Mean - 41.375
Standard Deviation - 18.043
By applying the technique of assigning z-scores to the collected data set, we see that the age-
group 18-25 is 1.102 standard deviations less than the mean whereas the age group 26-40 is
0.463 standard deviations less than the mean. The same way we can interpret for other age
groups as well.

As you can see from the above chart, we can say that our sample size consists of a major
number of people from the age group 18-25 which occupies 79.13% of our sample size. As

nowadays youth are more inclined towards such political and social issues, they’re more
likely to answer such questionnaires. That’s why our sample size mostly consists of a young

Type/Genre of Movies People really likes 

Tens of millions of people flock to the movies every year all over the world. So what types of
movies do people really like? Well first, you have to look at the composition of the films
being made for added context, with a focus on the primary genres.
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As you can see from the above Bar Diagram, Comedy makes up over the first of all movies
which occupies half of all the movies which is at 50.9%, followed by Thriller at 45.5% and
drama at 38.2%. On the flip side, Horror films receive the lowest approval scores at just
25.5%. Not far behind is Other flicks at 29.1%. Action & Science fiction (many times
receiving overlapping genre tags) come in around 33.5% on an average. Horror has been the
least liked movie genre, primarily due to the  HSPs or Highly sensitive people which can be
easily over stimulated by their environment and also tend to be more empathetic than the
average person whereas Comedy Genre movies  help to Relieve Stress and Conflict

Important Elements in a Film.

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Now our data is starting to come to life. Here, Storyline is at 85% which draws to a close as
the Importance in a film, followed by Characterisation at 48.3%  and cinematic at 26.7%. On
the other hand special effects and others are least rated in the importance of a film.

The movie focuses on the victims of the Kashmiri Pandits exodus of 1990 which was not a
very vividly discussed topic until recently, this could be one of the reasons 83.3% did not
watch it as it may remind them of their past and they may not have the courage to sit through
it. Other 6.7% have not watched the film as it is opposing to certain community here some
people may be referring to Muslim community. As everyone is different and so according to
our survey this movie did not match the taste of 8.3% and so they did not watch it.

Insurgency in Jammu & Kashmir 

Tracing the changing phases of violence in Kashmir, we have noticed how there is violence
even in the silence and how it continues to resonate in Kashmiri lives. It aims to read outside
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the "received frames" and ask the right questions about perceptions, impressions and
understandings of a violent act in the state. Even though Kashmir has always lived with
violence, the two bomb blasts in Srinagar in July 1988 changed everything. Violence from
thereon became an assertion, its forms changing but continuing to hold power. 

Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus/Pandits

Here, 34.5% people responded that they were killed, women were raped abysmally,
properties being looted, houses be on fire without any provocation and all this happened in
the name of Islam. Therefore, due to this inhuman torture they were forced to leave the
North-western Region.

While, 30.9% people Exclaimed that the reason behind was the unsettled nature of Kashmir's
accession to India which means Kashmiri Pandits were forced to leave their Inherent land. To
be more precise, they were thrown egregiously out of the valley by the Kashmiri Muslims.
Their only mistake was that they were considered Indians and they didn't want to merge with
Pakistan which led to the exile of Kashmiri Pandits. 

Whereas about 29.3% people thought that Poor infrastructure, periodical power cuts and
curfews left Kashmir in addition to high unemployment, lower salaries and a lack of private
sector investment, kept the valley decades behind the rest of India’s faster growing state.

“The Kashmir Files” marks India’s Descent into Darkness.

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In the survey, we have noticed that the majority 90.9% people think that Pandits were right
and this thinking of people is actually valid, India is morally right regarding Kashmir.
Pakistan cannot digest the fact that the majority of its population chose to be with India
during partition like other states, even some muslims were willing to shift India by being
threatened from the cruelty on Kashmiri Pandits. All Kashmiri Pandits wanted  to live
peacefully in Kashmir irrespective of being ruled by India or Pakistan. For Kashmiri Pandits,
survival has meant assimilation into north India; surviving at the cost of living inside their
language and culture.

Why is it Making Liberal Squirm so much?

The movie delves into the history of Kashmir, and the restive region along India's border with
Pakistan has long been a sensitive subject.

In the above Pie chart, 65.5% of people say the Government was responsible for such a
downcast situation as India's federal government deployed the army and gave it sweeping
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powers to arrest and interrogate - and over the years, security forces have been accused of
excesses against locals. It is not surprising that 0% of people say the Government wasn’t
responsible in the Past History. 

Although 5.5% people think that the Government was not responsible for such a downcast
situation as during that time there were several attacks and bomb blasts by terrorists that even
after taking accurate measures for keeping safe there were uncountable deaths due to
dominance of terrorism. 

Decoding the Real-life character of “The Kashmir Files.”

As we can see in the pie chart 87.3% people believe that they would have done what krishna
pandit did which was exposing the truth. Krishna was first misguided and was told that his
family was killed in an accident but as soon as he knew the truth he decided to reveal it
without being afraid of losing his post of President in elections of college which 10.9%
selected. However very few people selected that even after knowing the truth they would
ignore it as nowadays people are very concerned about keeping their fame.
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A dip in “The Kashmir Files” rating on IMDB stirs up controversy

Rating No. of People rated Relative Frequency Percentage Frequency


1 1 0.018 1.82

2 0 0.000 0.00

3 2 0.036 3.64

4 11 0.200 20.00

5 41 0.745 74.55

Total 55 1.000 100.00

Descriptive Statistical Analysis on Ratings:

Mean 4.65

Standard Error 0.10

Median 5.00

Mode 5.00

Standard Deviation 0.73

Sample Variance 0.53

Skewness -2.98

Range 4.00

Minimum 1.00

Maximum 5.00

Sum 256.00

Count 55.00
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'The Kashmir Files' touches upon a very dark chapter in India's history—the exodus of
Kashmiri Hindu Pandits during the Kashmir Insurgency—that deserves to be revisited and
examined with absolute fearlessness. Ever since it hit the theatres, ‘The Kashmir Files’ has
not just been making its presence at the box-office but it has also been creating all kinds of
records on the internet. At one point the film even held a rating of 9.9 on IMDB, a popular
website hosting film and television audience reviews, owned by Amazon. But, shockingly,
the rating system for ‘The Kashmir Files’ was abruptly changed and the film now stands at a
rating of 8.3/10 

However, if we talk about the ratings in survey we conducted it show that about 74.5% people
rated  this movie 5/5 the reason could be that,  Kashmir has always been a touchy subject in
Indian subcontinent or the fact that more than 90 percent of viewers, consider the movie to be
based on true stories about the hapless Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus),while 20% people rated it
4/5 and only 1.8% rated it 1/5, this shows the dismissing 'The Kashmir Files' is like shooting
messenger which is attracting public attention for totally different reasons..  

Who do you think was in the right in "The Kashmir Rating


  1 2 3 4 5 Grand
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Government 0 0 1 0 0 1
Muslims 0 0 0 0 1 1
Other 1 0 0 1 1 3
Pandits 0 0 1 1 39 50
Grand Total 1 0 2 1 41 55

Here, as you can see we have summarized the data of who people think is right and the
ratings of the movie by people to see if there’s any relation between the two. And as you can
see from the above graph, Most of the people who think Pandits are right have given a higher
rating so we can say that The  Kashmir Files movie was successful in describing the plight of
the Kashmiri Pandits.

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After carefully analyzing and interpreting the questions and responses received, we can say
that a major chunk of our sample liked the movie and are in favor of the Kashmiri Pandits.
More than 50 per cent of the respondents hadn’t watched the movie but are planning to watch
it in the near future. More than 90 per cent of the respondents have said that the Kashmiri
Pandits were innocent and were in the right. This brings us to the conclusion of the project
report, where we can easily understand the reason for the controversies going on regarding
the film. The movie portrays a very disheartening event in Indian history and not many people
knew about this event before the film. But now almost every person in India as well as
outside India knows about the atrocities that were being done on Kashmiri Pandits. The
movie has brought everyone closer to the truth and that’s the reason most people have given it
a 5 star rating.

We conclude the project by saying that this project helped us to apply the concepts of
business statistics with real data collected by us and helped us understand the concepts better.
Practical application of business statistics show that the important part is to understand the
concept and applicability and not the manual calculation. In today’s technology driven world,
the calculations can be easily done with the help of computers but the crucial part is the
interpretation of the data.

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 The Tragedy of ‘The Kashmir Files. (2022). Retrieved 12 April 2022, from 
 Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus. (2022). Retrieved 12 April 2022, from
 Kashmir: The Roads Ahead. (2022). Retrieved 13 April 2022, from 

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Project Contribution Chart

S.No. Member Roll Expected Actual Page Why do you consider

Name Number Contribution to Contribution to Number your contribution as
the Group Group Project important for the
Project project?

Age, Important 7-9 I consider my

1  Bhagya  Age, Important
Element of contribution in
Shree IC211218 Element of
Film, Genre of project important as I
Naulakha Film, Genre of
Movie suggested the topic
and helped in making
the questionnaire and
did analysis and
interpretation on
some of the
questions.I also did
the  formatting and
gave ideas about
basis of the project

Insurgence of 9-11 I consider my part

2 Dhruv  Insurgence of
Jammu and important for the
Bothra IC211223 Jammu and
kashmir, project as It helped in
Exodus of developing the data
Exodus of
Kashmiri and analytics. My
Pandit contributions helped
in developing the
project and getting to
know the vast
opinions of people
about the movie
'Kashmir Files' and
we got different
P a g e | 20

perspectives of
different people.

“The Kashmir 11-13 I consider my

3 Khushi “The Kashmir
Files” marks contribution in the
Tilwani  IC211239 Files” marks
India’s Descent project as crucial as I
India’s Descent
into Darkness, suggested that the
into Darkness,
so Why is it survey should be
so Why is it
Making Liberal conducted on
Making Liberal
Squirm much Kashmir Files. I also
Squirm much
laid out the basis for
the project by writing
the abstract and
introduction. I also
actively participated
in the discussion
while making the
outline of the

 Decoding the Decoding the 14-15 I consider my

4   Khushi
Real-life contribution in the
Mehta IC211240 Real-life
character character project important as I
of “The of “The helped in making the
Kashmir Files, Kashmir Files, questionnaire and
A dip in “The A dip in “The analyzed and
Kashmir Files” Kashmir Files” interpreted some of
rating on IMDB rating on IMDB the data and I also did
stirs up stirs up the correlation
controversy controversy analysis
P a g e | 21

 A dip in “The A dip in “The 15-18 I consider my

5 Mahek
Dalal  IC211247 Kashmir Files” Kashmir Files” contribution in
rating on IMDB rating on IMDB project important as i
stirs up stirs up helped in forming the
controversy, controversy, questions and did
Reference, Reference, descriptive statistics
Conclusion Conclusion part of ratings and
interpreted and
analyzed some of the

Sarbajit Apendix, Apendix, 19-25 My contribution to

6 Nanda  IC211268 Relative Relative
the project is
frequency, Bar frequency, Bar
chart, Pie chart chart, Pie chart important as it helped
the audience to know
the type of people
who have filled our
google sheets.  My
contribution helped
in the gradual flow of
the project as a

 Some Questions for You!

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Name *

You identify as *

 Male
 Female
 Prefer not to say

Age *

 18-25
 26-40
 41-55
 56-70
 70+

Profession *

 Student
 Working Professional
 Homemaker

Have you watched "The Kashmir Files" movie? *

 Yes
 No


What is your favourite Genre of Movie? *

 Science Fiction
 Comedy
 Horror
 Drama
 Action
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 Thriller
 Other

What is Important to you in a Film? *

 Cinematic
 Storyline
 Character
 Special Effects
 Other

Did you like the “The Kashmir Files” movie? *

 Yes
 No

If yes then, Why did you like "The Kashmir Files"?

 Ideology
 Actors
 Story Line
 Relevant
 Other

Who do you think was in the right in "The Kashmir Files"? *

 Pandits
 Muslims
 Government
 Other

What would you have done, had you been in the shoes of "Krishna Pandits"? *

 Expose the truth which he did.

 Even after knowing the truth Ignore the will of their Forefathers and keep the fame.
 Focus on the post of President in University
 Other

Why Kashmiri Pandits left Kashmir? *

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 In the fact of land reforms planned by upcoming Administration

 The threat of Socio-Economic Decline
 The unsettled nature of Kashmir's accession to India.
 Other

Do you think the Government was responsible for such Downcast Situation? *

 Yes
 No
 May be
 May be not

Thinking about the Violence over the last 10 years, do you think Kashmir is *

 Closer to long lasting political solution.

 Further from a long lasting political solution
 No real Change
 Don't know

Rate the movie based on your experience *

Poor  1        2       3       4       5       Excellent


What is your favourite Genre of Movie? *

 Science Fiction
 Comedy
 Horror
 Drama
 Action
 Thriller
 Other

What is Important to you in a Film? *

 Cinematic
 Storyline
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 Character
 Special Effects
 Other

Why did you not watch "The Kashmir files"? *

 Many false things shown in ''The Kashmir Files''

 Did not match the Taste and Preference
 Opposing against Community
 Other

Have you had any idea about the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits? *

 Yes
 No
 Little bit

Are you planning to watch the movie? *

 Yes
 No
 May Be

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